90-17 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 90-17 ~J;ING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE A GRANT OF $5.000.00 TOWARDS COST OF A LOW LEVEL WATER CROSSING AND ACCESSES AT THE PHILLMORE BRIDGE." WHEREAS The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 Section 113 (1), provides that the Council of every municipality may make grants for any purpose that in the opinion of the Council, is in the interests of the municipality; and WHEREAS there exists under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin, a bridge crossing the Otter Creek where that creek flows through Lot 111, in Concession One, South Talbot Road in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and which bridge forms part of County Road 43 and is commonly referred to as the Phillmore Bridge; and WHEREAS the bridge, due to its width alone, is inade- quate to serve the needs of the local inhabitants carrying on the business of farming; and WHEREAS the construction of a new bridge would entail a larger expenditure than would be reasonable having regard to the use that would be made of the bridge if it were rebuilt; and WHEREAS certain inhabitants in the area of the bridge engaged in farming have proposed an alternative to the construc- tion of a new bridge and which alternative would meet their needs; and WHEREAS to assist in the construction of the alternative proposal the inhabitants most directly affected have petitioned the Council for a grant; and WHEREAS Council is of the opinion that the request for, and the payment of a grant is in the interest of the municipality. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED: 1. That Council make a grant in cash or service the value of which shall not exceed $5,000.00 2. That the said grant shall be paid to the registered owners of the land lying immediately north and south of the Otter Creek and abutting on County Road 43. 3. That the said grant shall be paid only upon satisfactory evidence being provided to the Clerk-Treasurer and the Road Superintendent that the following condition has been satisfied 3.1. That the low level water crossing and accesses thereto have been completed and that such construction has been approved by - 3.1.1. County Road Committee 3.1. 2. Ministry of Natural Resources 3.1. 3. Ministry of Environment 3.1.4. Long Point Conservation Authority. 3.2. That the grantees of the grant have filed with the Clerk evidence that they are in fact the registered owners of the lands over which the access to the low level water crossing is located. Such evidence may be in the form of a letter of opinion of a solicitor quali- fied to practice law in the Province of Ontario 2 3.3. That the grantees of the grant have filed with the Clerk a copy of an agreement between the registered owners of the land wherein the access is located and the petitioners, permitting the petitioners the free use and right-of-way over the said lands for the transporting of farm equipment only. The said agreement shall also confirm that any person may use the said access for the transportation of farm equipment only, free of any charges. 3.4. That there is produced to the Clerk-Treasurer prior to the 31st day of October, 1990, a statement from the County Road Superintendent that the construction of the said low level water crossing and accesses have been completed. 3 . 5 . That the Agreement referred to in Section 3.3. has been registered on the title of the lands. 4 . That the said low level water crossing and the accesses thereto shall not become and are not now part of the County Road System. 5. That no part of the said works shall encroach on County Road 43; and any alteration necessary on the said County Road to accommodate the accesses shall only be done with the consent of the County Road Superintendent. READ a first time this 27th day of March, 1990. READ a second time this 27th day of March, 1990. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of March 1990 , ~~ )4."'>-../ -7""11../0~ G. C. Leverton L. Millman Clerk. Warden.