By-Law No. 90-28
WHEREAS County Council has over a number of years
developed and/or adopted various policies with respect to the
operations of the County and of Council; and
WHEREAS the said policies have now been reviewed and
established in written form; and
WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to formally adopt them
by by-law.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation
of the County of Elgin enacts as follows:
1. That the "Elgin County Council policies" marked Appendix
IIAII be formally adopted.
2. That this By-Law become effective upon passing.
READ a first time this 16th day of May, 1990.
READ a second. time this 16t h day of May, 1990.
READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of May 1990
~;C; ~~
C. Leverton L. Millman
Clerk Warden.
The Warden may, when requested, sign and issue proclamations on behalf
of the County, provided that the wording of such proclamation is sub-
mitted to the Clerk for the Warden's approva'l, prior to publication and
that there be no cost to the County.
The Warden is authorized to use his own discretion as to whether he
wears the traditional gown and/or Chain of Office for meetings of
Council, other than at the time of election to Office, or other events
or occasions as warranted.
All statements concerning official policies of County Council shall be
released only by the Warden or by a person named by the Warden to
provide statements or information to the media.
(a) Fifty (50 ) complimentary banquet and dance tickets will be made
available for the Warden's guests. Additional tickets over this
amount are to be purchased.
(b) Complimentary invitations to the Warden's Banquet will be extended
to all Ex-Councillors holding office during the previous term.
(c) A suitable gift for the Warden and Spouse up to a maximum of $500
shall be chosen by the County Government and Reception Committee.
(d) The program will list from the oldest living Ex-Warden to the
current one.
(e) The County will provide a Guest Book.
The County will provide and pay for the cost of a reception after the
Warden's election each year. The Clerk will make the necessary
arrangements in consultation with the County Government and Reception
Committee. The County will provide a Guest Book.
A review is to be made in the remuneration of the Warden and Members of
Council each year, in time to have any revisions presented to the
November Session of County Council.
Councillors and appointed Officials shall be provided with a meal, when
the Committee meeting is in both the forenoon and afternoon. The
Chairman or the Warden must sign the bill to authorize payment.
Every retiring County Councillor shall receive a desk pen set with the
County Crest and a suitable plaque indicating the term held on Council.
(a) Where a resolution is endorsed, a reply be sent to the originating
body only, regardless of the request for copies to be sent to
(b) Where a resolution is filed or not endorsed, no reply be sent, it
being felt that no response will indicate non-support.
(c) In the event Council wishes copies of resolutions etc. sent to
other than the originating body, directions to this effect be
incorporated into the recommendation.
That where a Township gives notice to the County of a proposed road
closing and the County Roads Committee does not object, a letter to
this effect be forwarded to the Township in lieu of passing a by-law,
upon adoption by County Council.
The convention procedures are to be printed and handed out to all
County Councillors at the December Session and reimbursement will be
made within ten days after receipt of accounts.
(a) All Reports mailed prior to Council need not be read and the
Chairman move its adoption as circulated.
(b) In order to streamline the keeping of minutes of the various
Committees and Reports, it is recommended that a summary of the
correspondence be listed by number in the minutes and action taken
on each item merely refer to the correspondence number, rather
than repeating a brief description of its contents.
Meetings for the Library Committee and Homes for Senior Citizens
Committee are to be open to the public.
The cutoff for correspondence is the Thursday before Council unless it
is urgent and must be acted upon prior to the next Council Session and
that it be at the discretion of the Warden and the Clerk.
That all notices of proposed zoning by-law changes and public hearings,
received from the local municipalities, be IIFiled". It is understood
that any that affect County Roads or property will be forwarded to the
appropriate Committee.
In order to keep time spent in Committee Of The Whole to a minimum,
only topics forwarded to the Clerk by the Thursday before Council for
insertion on an agenda will be discussed. The name of the person who
will speak to the topic will also be relayed.
That where members of Council attend out-of-County seminars and are
paid per diem, only the persons driving be paid mileage allowance.
Flowers are to be sent, in the event of bereavement, for current
Councillors, Department Heads and their Spouses, Ex-Councillors who
served during the previous term, all Past Wardens and Past Department
All scholarships given to the various Universities will be provided for
persons attaining the highest academic standing.
All applications for hearings must be sanctioned by County Council
County Crests and Ties, supplied to Councillors and Officials, should
be expected to last at least three years, without having to be
replaced. Anyone requiring a replacement prior to the end of the three
years will be required to purchase it at actual cost. Officials shall
not be provided with a tie or crest until their probationary period has
been fulfilled.
A pocket type and pin type greeter with the County Crest and name on it
and the person's\name will be supplied at the beginning of each term
of Council to the following:
(a) County Councillors (Warden each year).
(b) Department Heads and Deputies.
(c) Women Councillors will be provided with two pin type greeters.
These greeters are supplied at no charge; any replacements will be at
the expense of the person requiring it.
The County will purchase coffee or tea for Committee meetings and to be
used by the staff in the Municipal Building.
Following the election of Councillors, an Orientation Session will be
held to explain the procedures and policies of Council to these new
members, prior to their taking their Seat at the first Session in
All budgets (Committees of Council and Outside Boards) are to be sub-
mitted to the Clerk-Treasurer by March 1st of each year and they are to
be provided in sufficient copies (30) to be distributed to Council,
prior to the actual Budget Session.
County Grants to Organizations, Corporations, Institutions, etc. will
be paid December 15th each year, except for:
a) Memberships
Payment to the Local Agricultural Office on behalf of 4-H Clubs
etc. and these would be paid upon request
Grants indicating a specific date in the original motion
Hospital Capital Grants -
Assistance should not exceed 15% of approved capital project
This amount should be further reduced by the percentage of
patients from outside Elgin County using the hospital as it
bears to the total hospital patient load.
Total capital assistance to all hospitals should not exceed
$5.00 per capita of Elgin's population in any year or
$200,000.00 whichever is the lesser
Funds should only be paid over to the hospital as the project
If requests exceed the maximum amount in any year Council will
reduce the amounts payable on a pro rata or percentage basis.
Council will determine the term of years over which a grant may
be payable.
The guidelines should be reviewed periodically.
b February 1st of each year will be the cutoff for receiving grant
c Council will set aside a separate day, in February, to hear all
the delegations
d Financial Statements will be required from each organization and
sufficient copies (30) of the brief and Financial Statements are
to be provided for distribution to Members of Council or the
request will not be considered
e In January of each year Council will decide which delegations to
invite to the special February meeting.
(a) All new vehicles licensed under the Highway Traffic Act be North
American manufactured and have a County Crest decal affixed on the
front doors.
(b) Personal use of vehicles by persons not presently having this
privilege be determined by County Council upon recommendations
from the Roads Committee and the Personnel Committee.
( c) Personal use of vehicles be restricted to the Province of Ontario
unless approved by County Council upon the recommendation of the
Roads Committee.
(a) All new licensed vehicles purchased are to be North American
manufactured and have a County Crest decal affixed on the front
(a) All new licensed vehicles purchased are to be North American
manufactured and have a County Crest decal affixed on the front
The Members of the St. Thomas Suburban Road Commission are to be
invited to the May Session luncheon each year.
The policy for re-appointment to local boards and Committees is that
they not necessarily be renewed if a person has served for six consecu-
tive years and that all appointments be made through the County
Government and Reception Committee.
Any local board or Committee to which County Council makes appointments
must receive Council's approval prior to anyone being appointed to a
further board, in order to receive payment for his/ her attendance on
the second board
(a) Five (5 ) metal County Lapel Pins will be supplied to the current
Councillors, Department Héads and Deputies annually. Additional
ones may be purchased in minimum lots of five (5 ) pins.
(b) Metal County stick pins will be available on the same basis as
item (a) .
(c) Lapel pins will be supplied to each new employee along with his/
her first paycheque.
(d) The Warden has authority to give out pins.
The Warden may, without direction from County Council, use discretion
in the distribution of County bookends, plates, glasses, etc. , as gifts
to visiting dignitaries.
All County departments have been authorized to use the Crest for any
County purposes.
Pens may be given out at the discretion of the Warden.
Members of Council and current staff may purchase any County articles
such as boOkends, glasses, plates etc., at cost and other persons will
be charged cost plus 10%. A list of the items available and cost is
shown on the sheet following.
County Flags may be loaned out to various organizations at the discre-
tion of the Warden.
All requests for grants in connection with work incentive or other
programs made available to the County, are to be channelled through the
County Government and Reception Committee only if a specific amount has
been allocated to the County. All others shall be made with reference
only to their own Committee.
The Library Branch Construction Policy and Agreement, attached as
Schedule 11111 , will be the one used for all Library Branch construction.
A charge of $1.00 per sheet will be made for persons requesting copies
of documents
PLUS 10%
BOOKENDS Plus 2 Co loured Medallions) $32.71 set
GLASSES 19.44 set
PLATES 7.01 ea
FLAGS (3' x 6') 44.36 ea
DESK SETS 29.70 ea
SPOONS 4.40 ea
STEINS 12.96 ea
STICK PINS 1. 33 ea
Made in Triplicate this day of , 19 .
In Pursuance of the Short Forms of Leases Act
hereinafter called the "Municipality"
(for their Library Purposes)
hereinafter called the "County"
WHEREAS the Municipality owns or leases certain lands and premises in the
of ; in the County of Elgin.
AND WHEREAS the Municipality deems it expedient to lease area in said
building to the County of Elgin (for Library purposes); subject to the
terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.
NOW THEREFORE THIS LEASE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the coven-
ants and agreements hereinafter reserved and contained herein on the part
of the County, the Municipality doth demise and lease to the County (for
Library purposes); its successors and assigns, all those certain premises
hereinafter called the "Leased Premises II which consist of a mutually
agreed square feet for calculation purposes of this Lease;
and which are more particularly shown on Schedule II A" attached hereto and
forming part of this Lease and which leased premises form the Library
portion of a building on the lands which are more particularly described
in Schedule liB II attached hereto and forming part of this Lease.
Together with:
(a) The right to use in common with the municipality and its staff a
portion of the building shown outlined in red on Schedule nAil ;
(b) The right to pass and repass through that part of the Municipality's
portion of the building shown outlined in green on Schedule flAil:
(c) A right-of-way for persons and vehicles at all times over the lands
more particularly described in Schedule lie"
To have and to hold the leased premises together with the right described
herein above for the term of five years to be computed from the date of
effectiveness of this Lease; mutually agreed as the of ,
19 .
The County reserves the right and the Municipality agrees to allow; the
County the option of renewal for a further five year term with all
conditions contained herein in force.
Termination of this Lease is mutally agreed to require two years notice
in writing delivered by "Registered Letter" to the other Party by either
signing authority.
Yielding and paying therefore; $7.00 per square foot for square feet (as
previously agreed); annually; in quarterly installments, during the term
of this Lease.
The first payment for the annual Lease shall become due and payable on
the 1st of March annually with quarterly installments following on the
1st of June; September and December immediately following the commence-
ment date of the Lease term.
Said sum of $7.00 per square foot shall not decrease during the term of
this Lease and may be upwardly adjusted if recommended by the County
Library Committee and adopted by a vote of County Council following an
annual review in May of each year.
The Municipality mutually agrees to be bound by any such review by the
County and acknowledges their representation on County Council as their
required consent to any such changes.
It is mutually agreed and understood that the agreed sum of $7.00 per
square foot to be paid to the Municipality annually by the County shall
include allowances for all custodial, janitorial, heating and utilities
and maintenance costs for the leased premises, and that the Municipality
is solely responsible for same.
The Municipality reserves the right to implement any cost savings measure
it deems advisable providing said are compatible to Library functioning
and without limiting the generality of the foregoing the Municipality
shall cover
a The cost of all fuel oil gas electricity and water supplied to
the leased premises for heating lighting and all other purposes;
(b) The total salaries, wages and other payments made by the
Municipality to its janitors and custodians or to any other persons or
corporations with whom the Municipality contracts for the operation,
maintenance and repair of the building and leased premises;
(c) The cost of premiums paid by the Municipality for insurance on the
building; leased premises and its municipal operation;
(d) The cost of all cleaning and maintenance supplies and of all materi-
als and things required to operate, maintain and repair the building, but
excluding the following: (which are County Library responsibilities)
1. The cost of any furniture and interior fittings required
for Library purposes.
2. The cost for Library purposes; as requested in writing by
County Council, of any salaries, wages and other payments
required by the Municipality; other than those persons or
corporations in (b) above; and
3. The cost of repairing any damage to the building and leased
premises caused by the negligence of the County or its agents,
servants or invitees.
Nothing in (1 ) above shall relieve the County from the payment of any
amount hereinafter agreed to be paid by the County to the Municipality.
The County covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows:
(a) To pay the rent referred to above;
(b) To use the leased premises in a tenant-like manner and to leave the
leased premises in a clean and tidy condition;
(c) To use the building; excluding the leased premises; and the grounds
surrounding the building and to cause its agents, servants and invitees
to use same in accordance with the rules and regulations from time to
time established by the Municipality for the use of such areas by all
(d) Not to permit anything to be done on the leased premises which may
be deemed to be a nuisance or by which the insurance on the building will
be increased;
(e) Not to use the leased premises except as part of the County Library
f To pay for any loss or damage to the Municipality's contents within
the building or for any loss or damage to the building including the
leased premises when any such loss or damage is caused by its negligence
or that of its agents, servants or invitees;
( g) Not to allow any refuse, garbage or other loose or objectionable
material to accumulate in or about the building including the leased
premises and on the grounds surrounding same;
(h) Not to injure or remove any shade trees, shrubbery, hedges or any
other trees or plants which may be in or on the lands surrounding the
building and leased premises;
( i) To give the Municipality immediate verbal then written notice of any
accident or defect in the water pipes, gas pipes or heating apparatus,
electrical lights or other wires within the leased premises;
(j) That if the County shall be in default in respect to any of its
covenants and such default shall continue for ninety (90 ) days after
written notice by "Registered Letter" of such default to the County; the
Municipality may, at its option, repossess the leased premises and the
said Lease shall thereupon terminate; and
(k) Not to assign or sublet except with consent of the Municipality
which shall not be unreasonably withheld if the sub-tenant or assignee is
a Public Library Authority established under a General or Special Act.
The Municipality covenants and agrees with the County as follows:
(a) As soon as the leased premises are reasonably fit for occupancy to
cause the Clerk of the Municipality to send notice in writing to such
effect to the County;
(b) To provide sufficient heating and airconditioning of the leased
premises to maintain a reasonable temperature therein at all times during
normal business hours, except during the making of repairs to the heating
and airconditioning equipment;
(c) To give free use to the County and all persons designated by the
County and all persons in common with the Municipality and all persons
designated by it, of all stairways, hallways, entrances and common areas
used by the public within the building for all Library purposes and for
providing ingress to and egress from the leased premises;
(d) To supply hot and cold water to the washrooms and sinks in the
leased premises
e To provide adequate toilet facilities for male and female employees
to comply with the requirements of The Industrial Safety Act, 1980 and
any other provincial requirements or regulations or municipal by-laws and
to permit the County, its servants and agents, to use the said toilet
facilities and to keep them in good working order;
(f) To supply the leased premises with electric power;
( g) To remove snow and ice from the sidewalks and driveways adjacent to
and leading to the building and to reasonably maintain the grounds around
the building;
(h) To promptly repair and keep the building, including the leased
premises and every part thereof, in good repair, order and condition.
Whenever any structural repair is required to any part of the building,
to consult with the County as to the nature and need for such repair
before making the same.
If upon ninety (90 ) days after written notice by the County such repairs
are not commenced the County may authorize same and deduct such costs
from future rent;
( i) To supply janitor service to the leased premises; where applicable
per Schedule IIDII Guideline attached;
j To obtain and maintain, at all times, insurance as follows:
( i) Insurance against loss or damage to the building by
fire, lightning or tempest with the usual additional perils as
covered by extended coverage and to the full insurable value of
the building on a replacement cost basis with loss payable to
the Municipality and the County as their interests may appear
and the Clerk of the Municipality shall cause a statement of
endorsement to be sent to the County Clerk and Librarian yearly;
(ii) General public liability insurance in an amount satisfac-
tory to the Municipality and the County against claims for
personal injury, death or damage to property occurring upon or
in or about the building including the leased premises with the
Municipality and the County named as the insureds; and
( iii) Pressure vessels and other apparatus which may be in,
about or upon the building in such amount or amounts as the
Municipality and the County may agree upon a replacement cost
basis with loss payable to them as their interests may appear.
I To pay for any loss or damage to the County's contents wi thin the
building or for any loss or damage to the leased premises when any such
loss or damage is caused by its negligence or that of its agents, ser-
vants or invitees.
If the leased premises are totally destroyed by fire or other cause for
which the Municipality is insured, the Municipality may at its option
replace the building according to plans approved by the Municipality and
the County. If the Municipality elects to replace such building, the
proceeds payable under the insurance policy or policies shall be used for
such purposes. If the building is not replaced thereupon this Lease
shall terminate.
If the leased premises are partially destroyed by fire or other cause for
which the Municipality is insured, the Municipality may at its option
repair the damaged portion of the building according to plans approved by
the Municipality and the County.
The Municipality covenants with the County for quiet enjoyment.
PROVIDED that the County may remove its fixtures brought by it to the
leased premises provided that it makes good any damage in so doing.
PROVIDED that the County shall have the privilege of affixing such signs
as do not permanently disfigure the building and as may be approved by
the Municipality in writing and such approval shall not be unreasonably
If the County should hold over after the original term, or after any
renewal thereof, such holding over shall be construed to be a tenancy
from year to year only, and shall have no greater affect, any custom,
statute, law or ordinancEi' to the contrary, notwithstanding. Such year to
year tenancy shall be governed by the terms and conditions of this Lease,
notwithstanding any statutory provisions or rules of law with respect to
the incidents of the year to year tenancy, and shall be subject to
termination upon six ( 6) months' notice in writing.
Any notice required by this Lease shall be sent or any notice requesting
a renewal of covenant or any notice as to changing the address to which
notices, statements or estimates are to be sent, shall be sent by prepaid
registered mail and when the notice is to the Municipality, it shall be
addressed as follows
The Corporation of the
And where such notice or statement is to the County it shall be addressed
as follows:
The Corporation of the County of Elgin
450 Sunset Drive
ST. THOMAS, Ontario
NSR 5Vl.
The Parties agree that the Lease shall be registered against the lands
described in Schedule "B" attached hereto.
This Lease shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the succes-
sors and assigns of the Parties he·reto.
(a) Where existing IIBII Leases are in place they may be replaced by this
Lease upon the mutual consent of Elgin County Council and the Municipal
Council by means of the passing of by-laws authorizing the necessary
signing officers.
It is acknowledged that upon implementation of this leasing agreement
that all prior existing leases, covenants and conditions are null and
(b) Where existing !I All Leases are in place they may be replaced by this
Lease upon thè mutual consent of Elgin County Council and the Municipal
Council by means of the passing of by-laws authorizing the necessary
signing officers.
As a condition of implementation the signing Municipality agrees and
acknowledges that a County of Elgin grant previously awarded in the
amount of $ shall upon signing of this document become repayable in
full to the County of Elgin.
Said sum shall then constitute an interest free loan owed to the County
of Elgin.
The total amount of $ shall be repaid in ten ( 10) equal annual
installments of $ and said installments shall be deducted at source
as quarterly payments from the Lease funds payable to the Municipality
under the conditions of this leasing agreement
It is acknowledged that upon implementation of this leasing agreement
that all prior existing leases, covenants and conditions are null and
(c) Where expansion of Library services are desired by the County of
Elgin and are mutually agreed upon by a member Municipality by means of
new construction, re-Iocation or major renovation of existing premises
prior to implementation of this Lease the County of Elgin and the
Municipality may enter into an agreement by means of a "Letter of Intent"
to accommodate such expansion.
The "Letter of Intent" shall be accompanied by such plans, drawings and
construction timetables as are deemed necessary by the County of Elgin
Library Committee to accommodate a proper recommendation to County
When the "Letter of Intent" is mutually accepted by motion of Councils a
by-law will be prepared authorizing signing officers for both the "Letter
of Intent" and this leasing agreement (upon occupancy).
Upon completion of all conditions of the "Letter of Intent" and implemen-
tation of this leasing agreement the Municipality shall receive an
interest free loan of $10.00 per square foot of leased premises as speci-
fied for calculation purposes in this leasing agreement.
This loan in the amount of $ shall be repayable under the same
conditions as apply to subsection (b) above affecting nAil Type Lease
grant repayments.
It is acknowledged that upon implementation of this leasing agreement
that all prior existing leases covenants and conditions are null and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their
corporate seals attested to by the hands of their proper signing
in the presence of )
) Reeve
) Clerk
) Warden
) Clerk
SCHEDULES It is the responsibility of the Municipality to supply these
documents and sufficient copies of same to allow the County to properly
register this Lease)
II A" A floor plan and measurements; (reasonably to scale) of building
and leased premises (showing mutually agreed interior useable
square footage used to establish leasing calculations).
nBu The legal description and registered survey copy of entire site
and location.
"CD A site plan showing all pedestrian and vehicular access to
"D Branch Libraries Building Cleaning Guideline
1 Vacuum broadloom in halls, entrances and all
public areas. Twice weekly
2. Clean entrances and exits. Daily
3. Quarry tile floors are to be cleaned and
maintained in accordance with manufacturer's
specifications. Twice weekly
4. Floors in garbage room to be cleaned thoroughly. Twice weekly
5. Wash down garbage chutes. Weekly
6. Floors in electrical room, storage room must be
kept clean. As required
7. Vinyl asbestos flooring in stairwells, landings,
stairs to be kept clean. Twice weekly
8. Clean public washrooms, maintenance areas,
including sinks, toilet bowls and mirrors. Daily
9. Dust public washrooms, fire bells and lights,
exit signs and window ledges. Weekly
10. Dust electrical panels, hot water tanks, pumps,
pipes, etc. Monthly
II. Change or clean all corridor make-up air filters
and outlets. Monthly
12. Wash all lights. Twice yearly
13. Replace all burned out light bulbs and tubes in
public areas. As required
14. Steam clean all public broadloom and matting. Annually
15. Vacuum public drapes. Monthly
16. Spot clean door glass frames and doors (hand
marks) . Daily
17. Bag all garbage into standard size garbage bags
spray disinfectant. Daily except Sunday
18. Empty wastepaper baskets. Daily except Sunday
19. Move garbage bags from garbage room on pick-up
days to street curbside prior to truck arrival. Pick-up day
20. Thoroughly clean all windows, screens, inside
and out, and areas between windows. Spring and Fall
2I. Clean walls in corridors, stairwells, and other
public areas. Bi-monthly
22. Clean lounge furniture, card tables, chairs
stove, refrigerator and sink. Weekly
23. Sweep sidewalks (minimum twice monthly As required
24. Keep all sidewalks clear of snow. As required
25 Spread ice removing pellets on sidewalks
parking lot and driveways. As required
NOTE: All equipment shall be supplied by the Municipality including:
ice removing pellets, make-up air filters, light bulbs and
fluorescent tubes, garbage bags, toilet paper, paper towels,
soap, disinfectant deodorant and cleaning supplies
The following shall constitute the policy of the Elgin County Library
Committee and/or the Corporation of the County of Elgin to be followed in
considering any participation it will have with any Municipality repre-
sented on County Council in the establishment of Library facilities
anywhere in the County.
1.0 The Municipality shall first determine from the Committee, if in the
opinion of the Committee, there is a need for Library facilities
and/or new facilities in the Municipality.
2.0 If the answer to 1.0 is in the affirmative, the Committee should
state the square feet area required to provide the Library service
desired and so notify the Municipality, and shall at this time
provide the Municipality with a Draft Lease as hereinafter contem-
3.0 Should the Municipality wish to pursue the matter it shall notify
the Committee, and within a reasonable period of time it shall
submit to the County Council and to the Committee a proposal which
shall set out the following:
3.01 The address and description of the proposed site and building
to be constructed and/or renovated.
3.02 The interior gross area of the building or proposed building.
3.03 The size of the area designated or to 'be designated for
Library use which area shall not be less than that indicated
by Clause 2.0.
3.04.1 Construction Timetables.
3.04.2 Cost of construction or renovation including mechanicals.
3.04.3 Cost of interior fittings for Library fittings.
3.04.4 Architect's fees.
3.04.5 Interim financing cost.
3.04.6 Source of funding for project.
3.1 The Committee upon receiving notification from the Municipality
pursuant to Clause 3.0 shall prepare for submission to County
Council, its estimation of the cost to it, if the Municipality
proposal is proceeded with.
4.0 The Council upon receiving the proposal from the Municipality and
the estimation of cost and recommendation from the Committee shall
consider the proposal If acceptable and Council determines that
it wishes to participate in the establishment of the Library facili-
ties recommended, the County Clerk shall notify the Municipality and
the Committee of the amount of the Capital Grant (as specified in
the lease) which the Council is prepared to make towards the pro-
posed building and the mode and time the grant will be made; which
grant when made, if accepted by the Municipality, shall be an inter-
est free loan to be repaid as per standard Elgin County Library
Municipal Lease.
To expedite matters a Letter of Intent detailing the arrangement may
be signed by the County and the Municipality.
4.1 Upon the Clerk of the County being advised in writing by the
Municipality that the amount of the grant proposed in Clause 4.0 is
satisfactory to the Municipality, the Clerk shall be authorized to
pay such grant upon receipt of an executed standard Elgin County
Library Municipal Lease.
5.0 5.0.1 The Municipality shall cause plans and specifications of the
Library premises to be prepared, which plans must be approved
by the Committee.
5.0.2 The Municipality shall be the owner of the land and building.
5.0.3 The Municipality shall, at its cost, cause the building to be
constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications
referred to in Clause 5.0.1.
5.1 Both Parties to the Lease shall be responsible for their own legal
cost in the negotiation and/or drafting of any Lease Agreement.
1.0 In any plans wherein no Municipality is involved the Committee will
proceed in the normal manner.
The square footage of Branch Libraries shall be 2,500 square feet
except in the case of resource Libraries which shall be 5,000 square
feet. In all cases of new construction the Libraries shall be on
one level.
During the three-year term of each Council the construction of only
one Library will be allowed.
The following shall constitute the policy of the Elgin County Library
Committee and/or the Corporation of the County of Elgin to be followed in
considering any participation it will have with any Municipality repre-
sented on County Council in the establishment of Library facilities
anywhere in the County.
1.0 The Municipality shall first determine from the Committee, if in the
opinion of the Committee, there is a need for Library facilities
and/or new facilities in the Municipality.
2.0 If the answer to 1.0 is in the affirmative, the Committee should
state the square feet area required to provide the Library service
desired and so notify the Municipality, and shall at this time
provide the Municipality with a Draft Lease as hereinafter contem-
3.0 Should the Municipality wish to pursue the matter it shall notify
the Committee, and within a reasonable period of time it shall
submit to the County Council and to the Committee a proposal which
shall set out the following:
3.01 The address and description of the proposed site and building
to be constructed and/or renovated.
3.02 The interior gross area of the building or proposed building.
3.03 The size of the area designated or to be designated for
Library use which area shall not be less than that indicated
by Clause 2.0.
3.04 The estimated total cost of construction or renovation
required to complete the entire facility and in particular the
estimate shall include the following:
3.04.1 Construction Timetables.
3.04.2 Cost of construction or renovation including mechanicals.
3.04.3 Cost of interior fittings for Library fittings.
3.04.4 Architect's fees.
3.04.5 Interim financing cost.
3.04.6 Source of funding for project.
3.1 The Committee upon receiving notification from the Municipality
pursuant to Clause 3.0 shall prepare for submission to County
Council, its estimation of the cost to it. if the Municipality
proposal is proceeded with
4.0 The Council upon receiving the proposal from the Municipality and
the estimation of cost and recommendation from the Committee shall
consider the proposal. If acceptable, and Council determines that
it wishes to participate in the establishment of the Library facili-
ties recommended, the County Clerk shall notify the Municipality and
the Committee of the amount of the Capital Grant (as specified in
the lease) which the Council is prepared to make towards the pro-
posed building and the mode and time the grant will be made; which
grant when made, if accepted by the Municipality, shall be an inter-
est free loan to be repaid as per standard Elgin County Library
Municipal Lease.
To expedite matters a Letter of Intent detailing the arrangement may
be signed by the County and the Municipality.
4.1 Upon the Clerk of the County being advised in writing by the
Municipality that the amount of the grant proposed in Clause 4.0 is
satisfactory to the Municipality, the Clerk shall be authorized to
pay such grant upon receipt of an executed standard Elgin County
Library Municipal Lease.
5.0 5.0.1 The Municipality shall cause plans and specifications of the
Library premises to be prepared, which plans must be approved
by the Committee.
5.0.2 The Municipality shall be the owner of the land and building.
5.0.3 The Municipality shall, at its cost, cause the building to be
constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications
referred to in Clause 5.0.1.
5.1 Both Parties to the Lease shall be responsible for their own legal
cost in the negotiation and/or drafting of any Lease Agreement.
1.0 In any plans wherein no Municipality is involved the Committee will
proceed in the normal manner.
The square footage of Branch Libraries shall be 2,500 square feet
except in the case of resource Libraries which shall be 5,000 square
feet. In all cases of new construction the Libraries shall be on
one level.
During the three~year term of each Council the construction of only
one Library will be allowed.