91-23 COUN'I'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 91-23 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE PERCENTAGE SHARE OF EACH MUNICIPALITY WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND AMOUNT REOUIRED FOR COUNTY PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1991" WHEREAS under section 365(6) of The Municipal Act, the Council of a County shall, in each year, on or before the 1st day of April, by by-law, determine the percentage share that each municipality shall contribute for County purposes and also the amount each shall provide for County purposes in that year; and WHEREAS in accordance with the above section the following percentages have been established: DISCOUNTED MUNICIPALITY EOUALIZED ASSESSMENT PERCENTAGE Aylmer $ 153,605,269. 13.066 Belmont 28,402,750. 2.416 Dutton 23,112,503. 1. 966 Port Burwell 12,602,545. 1. 072 Port Stanley 68,867,263. 5.858 Rodney 14,448,253. 1. 229 Springfield 9,052,200. .770 Vienna 5,302,003. .451 West Lorne 20,549,672. 1. 748 A1dborough 61,331,600. 5.217 Bayham 65,211,115. 5.547 South Dorchester 40,370,465. 3.434 Dunwich 56,781,987. 4.830 Malahide 161,858,054. 13.768 Southwold 258,457,970. 21. 985 Yarmouth 195,656.856. 16.643 $1,175,610,505. 100.000% AND WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing the sum of - Five Million, Eight Hundred and Four Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-One Dollars ($5,804,451. 00) is required to be raised in the several municipalities, for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1991, on the basis of the above percentages. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: 1. That the amounts, as set forth on the attached Schedule "A" be levied on all rateable property, by the several municipali- ties in the County of Elgin, for the year 1991. READ a first time this 27th day of March, 1991. READ a second time this 27th day of March, 1991. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of March, 1991 .~~..y:..,>---./ 7 vna-,~ - G. C. Leverton, L. Millman, Clerk. Warden. ~ I' 'Ci [) ft1 "',f H . t\ y' "" . ;¡, -.: ,J :,', ~ l' .' \.,.' ,-"..' ."~ I.· . (tÆAIi;J!JAP,~ø (f .. rj~~'Ar ~. W' ¡, \~. .' ,,' - .., .'" ,. . \ AYLMER 13.066 $ 758,409.57 $ 379,204.78 $ 159,227.24 $ 219,977.54 $ 189,602.39 $ 189,602.40 BELMONT 2.416 140,235.54 70,117.77 30,148.09 39,969.68 35,058.89 35,058.88 DUTTON 1. 966 114,115.51 57,057.75 23,386.98 33,670.77 28,528.88 28,528.88 PORT BURWELL 1.072 62,223.72 31,111.86 11,732.13 19,379.73 15,555.93 15,555.93 PORT STANLEY 5.858 340,024.74 170,012.37 68,139.06 101,873.31 85,006.19 85,006.18 RODNEY 1. 229 71,336.70 35,668.35 23,760.45 11,907.90 17,834.18 17,834.17 SPRINGFIELD .770 44,694.27 22,347.13 9,156.47 13,190.66 11,173.56 11,173.58 VIENNA .451 26,178.07 13,089.03 5,331.62 7,757.41 6,544.51 6,544.53 WEST LORNE 1. 748 101,461.80 50,730.90 29,362.51 21,368.39 25,365.45 25,365.45 ALDBOROUGH 5.217 302,818.21 151,409.11 71,010.91 80,398.20 75,704.54 75,704.56 BAYHAM 5.547 321,972.90 160,986.45 71,809.38 89,177.07 80,493.23 80,493.22 SOUTH DORCHESTER 3.434 199,324.85 99,662.43 44,185.43 55,477.00 49,831. 21 49,831.21 DUNWICH 4.830 280,354.98 140,177.49 62,150.65 78,026.84 70,088.75 70,088.74 MALAHIDE 13.768 799,156.81 399,578.41 178,390.15 221,188.26 199,789.20 199,789.20 SOUTHWOLD 21. 985 1,276,108.55 638,054.28 287,598.08 350,456.20 319,027.14 319,027.13 YARMOUTH 16.643 966,034.78 483,017.39 212,440.35 270,577.04 241,508.70 241,508.69 TOTALS 100.000 $5,804,451. 00 $2,902,225.50 $1,287,829.50 $1,614,396.00 $1,451,112.75 $1,451,112.75 % 1991 NET 50% +/- LESS DUE DUE DUE MUNICIPALITY SHARE BUDGET LEVY COLUMN 3 MARCH 30TH JUNE 29TH SEPT. 28TH DEC. 14TH PAYMENT COLUMN 4-5 25% COL. 3 25% COL. 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bv-Law No. 91-23 SCHEDULE "A"