91-43 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 91-43 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A DEED TO CONVEY LAND IN THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA TO THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA" WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin owns property in the Village of Vienna described on Schedule "A" attached; and WHEREAS the property is surplus to County needs. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: l. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign a deed to the Corporation of the Village of Vienna for the property described on Schedule "A" attached. READ a first time this 23rd day of July, 1991. READ a second time this 23rd day of July, 1991 READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of July, 1991 _.-:::.r:;..-~ .>4....--/ "'- G. C. Leverton, M. Clerk. ~ Province Transfer/Deed of land of A "~.,,. Ontario Fonn 1 - land ReglltraUon Refonn AcL 1984 Land Titles 0 ÌÍ2. - (f) Registry IKJ Page 1 of 5 pages - - NUMBER 328170 (3) Property Block Property Identlfler(s) Additional: CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION See 0 91 AUG 29 P3:03 Schedule . (4) Consideration ELGIN TWO------------------------OO / 1 00 Dollars $ 2.00 >- No. 11 "WWBurke" ..J z ST. THOMAS LAND REGISTRAR (5) Description This is a: Property Property 0 Division D Consolidation 0 w (I) In the Village of Vienna, in the County of Elgin, and ::> w more particularly described on attached Schedule. ü ¡¡: Subject to a right of way reserved to the Transferor u. 0 New Property Identifiers over the lands and premises described on the attached a: Additional: Schedule for maintenance and reconstruction purposes fr s.. 0 Schedule of the bridge over the Big Otter Creek known as the Executtons Vienna Bridge. Additional: See 0 Schedule (6) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: (7) IntereaVE...t. Transferred Document New Easement Additional Fee Simple Contains Plan/Skelch 0 Description ua Parties 0 Other 0 (8) Trensferor(s) The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old Bnd that Dale of Signalure y M 0 . ~. r ~'. ': .1.9.nO.~ ':-.':' Signature(s) _ t1~~ . .44-t~w. - Y7''- ....... . Name(s) .~~~ .~~RP9~r~9µ.Q~.~~~ ~PPNr¥.9~.ELG¡~ .,.........,........................ . ., .............. ........,............. (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) I hereby consent to this transaction Name(s) Signature M 0 Date of y Signature(s) o Date of Birth Y M (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service 450 Sunset Drive. St. 'I'hnm;:lQ, ()nr~,..i () 'rI.lr::.l') t;.Ul 11) Transferee(s) THE 99RPOR4TIOr. 9¥.r~~.V~~44q~ P1. Y~ßN~Þ. 12) Transferee(s) Address for Service P.O Box 133, Vienna, Ontario NOJ 1Z0 (13) Transferor(s) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M 0 Y M 0 t :: j ! : ~ SIgnature. . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . .t. . . 1. . .! Signature.....,.....................1,.... .t, , . J, . . Solicitor for Transteror(s) I have explained the ellect of section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor ..J to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor. to the best of my knowledge « ånd belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor In good standing. Date of Signature Z 0 Name and 1 Y i MiD ¡:: Address of S· ! i ¡ Q. 0 Solicitor Ignature. . . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . .. . . ,. . . .' . . I ~ " (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records .ß"!~ reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (218) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knOWled3e and belief this 0> ~~~ transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) an I am an Ontario c ë solicitor in good standing. c E~~ .. ~'::c: Date of Signature iï: Name and iñ£~ Address of Y M 0 .~Ö~ Solicitor , ~:§.c: , , õ Signature. . . , </) . . . . . . , . , . . . . . ~ .. . ... Cty. Mun. Map ¡ Sub. , Par. , - (1~) Assessment Roll Number , , Fees and Tax , , >- of Property , Multiple ..J - , , , , Z Registration Fee ~ . 0 (16) Municipal Addre.. of Property (17) Documenl Prep.red by: - w Land Transfer Tax (I) Vienna, Ontario BROWN & BROWN ::> - - w NOJ lZO ÐARRISTERS a. SOLICITORS Ü SO BROCK ST. EAST ¡¡: - - u. TILlSONBURG, ONTARIO 0 N404H3 a: - - ~I Tot.1 Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April,1985 Form LFI:I27 (JIBS) S 2 Schedule Province 01 Onlario ~ ~"'"'' 1984 land Reglstrallon Retonn Act 5 Form Page and/or Other In'ormallon Addlllonal Property Identltler(B Des cri pt ion (5) lands on a plan of said : those shown follows Bearings are astronomic and are referred to to Instrument No. 2835. County of Elgin described as , Vienna Village of , 20 , Lots 19, Main of 18, on follows: all 17, West 25 and Lots 24, as and of Lot described 24 all of Lots 16 and and Lots ~-St reet and Part reet, Plan 54 Part of 15 and East on St ree t Northerly from Que_u and Part of Oak John Street and Part of and 33, on Oak Street, Queen Street Lots 31,32 and 28, West Eas t on Oak North on FIRSTLY: attached ~art 26, and of 27 21, St reet, those shown on a plan of said lands BEARINGS are astronomic and are referred to to Instrument No. 2835 , attached of Lot 24 thereon angle of limit Eas terly south west Street and in the South FEET (952.5'), measured Union Street (being the the Northerly limit of Queen FIFTY TWO AND FIVE TENTHS intersection with the Easterly limit of East of Union Street); a point in HUNDRED AND COMMENCING at NINE distant from its Lot 31, SIX is Northerly THREE d wire fence, point which of the Street) and Street (measure line and along a FEET (676.17') to a FEET (343.5') North limit of Union t of Union a straight HUNDREDTHS FIVE TENTHS Easterly limi 56 degrees SEVENTY SIX THREE HUNDRED AND Street (measured parallel to SIX FEET (386') East of Easterly erly limit of Queen Street); the the 27 minutes West in AND SEVENTEEN ONE FORTY THREE AND THENCE North HUNDRED AND distant Hmit of Queen AND EIGHTY to the Nort HUNDRED parallel HUNDRED AND TIllRTEEN ONE Easterly limit of Union Street, Southerly edge of Otter Creek; the the THENCE North, parallel with FEm.' (113') more or less to downstream, Easterly limit , along tIle Southerly edge of Otter Creek westerly limit of Main Street (being the , THENCE Easterly and South easterly to its intersection with the South of Lot 24); limit Main Street (being the Easterly of Queen Street (being the south THENCE South easterly along the South ,·¡esterly limit of of Lot 24) to its intersection with the Northerly limit east limit of Lot 24); (being along the Street of Queen THENCE Westerly along the Northerly .limit of Lot 21,) to the place of commencement. .limit Southerly 2835 No Instrument lastly described in thereto. of the lands a plan at tached Being a redescription outlined in red on and shown Mill Street and easterly Grist Mill Property"; , Lot 26, East of Main Street, including Lot 51, South of all of which was formerly known as "Suffle and' Finch's SECONDLY: 'òT Lot 26 , Lot 49 was shown as of Main Street, including what East of Main Street; ; Lot 44, South of Mill Street and East Registered Plan 4, in rear of Lot 43, Street Main of East Lot 43 on ich ; formerly in the Township of Bayham, and w! of Mill Street, East of Main Street, Mill Street St re et from Main Easterly ly ing 16, South of being on Plan 54 and being udes all those land" South Creek and West of Lot , of Mill Street South , and 48 47 above inel , All of the said parcel North of Otter 46 , Lots 45 . 2772 . No Instrument Being a redescription of the lands lastly described in on Main West Lot Part of the 'Mill Race described as follows: : THIRDLY Plan 54 Plan 4 and , St reet on a plan of said lands South on Queen Street, those shown , BEARINGS are astronomic and are referred to Instrument No. 2832; 1985 to attached Hundred and S ixty- the Northerly limit of Lot 17, West of Aprl Street distant Four intersection with South eas tangle its the of Main from is at a point in the Wes terly .limit (467') measured Northerly thereon Street (which said point of intersection ed Limi COMMENCING seven feet of Ann Gilber /85 UJ)- U-' t£z 00 cd:! f2'=> III ï,:wsome and )rm 335 s Schedule Plovincu " Onlario ijJ'I.'~ .."" ~¡, n,,,,,, 3 Page 1984 land Reglslrallon Reform Acl Form 5 Main along A THENCE North-westerly on a feet (160.2' Hundred and Plan 54) calculation (from angle thereof; by east Addlllonol Property ldantlller(s) ond/or Othar Inlonnollon of commencement is Lot from the South Street) ànd which point the East limit of said Northerly Sixty , a feet Hundred and Street , 5 Main .07') is One s ide of 125 of which Westerly feet left, the radius is tangent to the Twenty-five and Seven One-hundredths curve to the ) and which and Two-tenths distance of One ( West, Two hundred and Twenty-'four or less to a point in the Southerly THENCE North Fifty-six degrees Twenty-seven minutes and One-hundredths feet (224.75') more of Seventy-Five Queen Street; limit ) , (64 feet Sixty-four Main Street South limit of Queen Street the South-westerly limit of THENCE East along the its intersection with to more or less THENCE South-easterly and thence Southerly along the South-westerly and Westerly Main Street to the place of commencement. ; , limit of the same more or less acres be (1/5) One-fifth redescr1.ption of the lands a Plan attached thereto CONTAINING by admeasurement Being .in red on shown outlined 54 North on Creek Road (sometimes called Mill Street), Plan No Concession 3, Township of Bayham), described as follows: 2832 and . No Instrument lastly described in C, 14 a FOURTHLY: Part of Block (formerly a part of Lot , , ; THENCE in a South westerly direction along the Southerly limit of said Block and along the Northerly limit of Creek Road, 369.60 feet more or less to the South westerly angle of said Block C; C angle of said Block east South COMMENCING at the ; 66 feet along the Westerly limit of said Block C THENCE North the place of commencement in a straight line to THENCE Sou th eas ter ly . more or less 208 acres Containing by admeasurement North on Creek Road (sometimes called Mill Street), Plan Concession 3 Township of Bayham) described as follows 2739 No Instrument Be1.ng a redescription of the lands lastly descr1.bed in Block D, of Lot 14 FIFTHLY: Part of (formerly a part , 54 : , , ; said Block and along the West angle of said Block Road of Creek limit the North limit of South D and in Southerly less to the angle of said Block direction along the 537.24 feet more or East THENCE in a South westerly North limit of Creek Road COMMENCING at the South ; D of said Block, limit ; THENCE in a North easterly direction and parallel with the South feet more or less to a point in the East limit of said Block D feet 66 D of said Block limit West the THENCE North along 537.24 THENCE South along the said East limit to the place of commencement 66 feet of Block D Road, sometimes called Mill Street, Plan 54 Township of Bayham) des cribed as follows: 2709 No Instrument lastly described in SIXTHLY: Part of Block E, North On Creek (formerly a part of Lot 13, Concession 3, the lands Being a redescription of , ; THENCE in a South westerly direction along the southerly limit of said Block and along t North limit of Creek Road, 1,551 feet more or less to the South Wes tangle 0 f s aid Block of Creek Road the North limit the South East limit of said Block E and in COMMENCING at ; e E limit of said Block, ; THENCE in a North easterly direction and parallel with the Soutl feet more or less to a point in the East limit of said Block E; 66 feet , of Block E the West limit Northerly along THENCE 985 551 Apr , 1 Limited Gilber /85 w). u..J fEZ 00 w a:(J 0:::1 t,lIll I:wsome and fI 1335 THENCE Southerly along the East limit of Block E, 66 feet to the place of commencement. Being a redescription of the lands lastly described in Instr~~ent No. 2718. SUBJECT however to a right-of-way reserved to the County of Elgin over the lands described to maintain or reconstruct the bridge known as the Vienna Bridge over the Big Otter Creek ( ,