91-46 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 91-46 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX RESPECTING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF BOUNDARY ROADS" WHEREAS section 268 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 302 and amendments thereto, provides that adjoining municipalities may enter into an agreement for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming the boundary between such municipal- ities, including the bridges thereon that it is their duty to maintain and repair; and WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it expedient to execute an agreement for this purpose between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin be and they are hereby authorized to execute - (i) An agreement between the Corporation of the County of Elgin and the Corporation of the County of Middlesex, as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, providing for the maintenance and repair of any highway forming the boundary between such municipalities, including the bridges thereon that it is their duty to maintain and repair. (ii) A Letter of Agreement with regard to Maintenance Items, as set out in Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 2. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect upon final passing thereof. READ a first time this 11th day of September, 1991- READ a second time this 11th day of September, 1991- READ a third time and finally passed this 11th day of September, 1991 ~-<--<-~ ,}/ '1> ÞtJ.MI.A G. C. Leverton, L. i1lman, Clerk. Warden. )] {{n~ T A..Jl...REEME SCHEDULE'ZI." 199L THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNIY OF MIDDLESEX Hereinafter called "Middlesex" of the FIRST PART Sept. of day 18th this in duplicate THIS AGREEMENT made BEl'WEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNIY OF ELGIN Hereinafter called "Elgin" of the SECOND PART AND: WHEREAS the parties are adjoining municipalities and are desirous of entering into an agreement under the provisions of Section 268 of the the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302 and amendments thereto dealing with the maintenance and repair of boundary roads between such municipalities AND WHEREAS by Section 149 (2) (i) of the Municipal Act and Section 64 (3) of the Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 547, agreements respecting maintenance and repair of boundary roads under Section 268 of the Municipal Act do not require approval of the Ontario Municipal Board; the premises and covenants and promises parties hereto agree each with the other as in consideration of the Naw THEREFORE hereinafter expressed follows Elgin hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair for the whole widtJ:¡ thereof, Road Number 35 of the County of Middlesex and Road Number 34 of the County of Elgin, being the boundary road lying between the Town of Westminster in the County of Middlesex and the Township of Yarmouth in the County of Elgin, extending from the line between Lots 14 and IS, Concession XV in the Township of Yarmouth, easterly to the west limits of the Village of Belmont at the line between Lots 1 and 2, Town of Westminster, a distance of approximately 1.0 kilometres as shown on Schedule "C" attached 1 Elgin hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair for the whole width thereof, Road Number 35 of the County of Middlesex and Road Number 37 of the County of Elgin, being the boundary road lying between the TownshIp of North Dorchester in the County of Middlesex and the TownshIp of South Dorchester in the County of Elgin, extending from the east limit of Provincial Highway Number 73, easterly to the Oxford County boundary, a distance of approximately 8.4 kilometres as shown on Schedule "C" attached. 2 MIddlesex hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair for the whole width thereof, Road Number 35 in the County of Middlesex and Road Number 37 in the County of Elgin, being the boundary road lying between the Township of North Dorchester in the County of Middlesex and the Township of South Dorchester in the County of Elgin, extending from the west limit of Provincial Highway Number 73, westerly to the east limit of the Village of Belmont at the line between Lots 23 and 24, Concession VII, in the Township of South Dorchester, a distance of approximately 6.9 kilometres as shown on Schedule "C" attached. 3 Middlesex hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair for the whole width thereof, Road Number 15 of the County of Middlesex and Road Number 17 of the County of Elgin, being the boundary road lying between the Township of Delaware in the County of Middlesex and the Township of Southwold in the County of Elgin extending from the west limit of the road between Lots 1 and IB, Concession II, Township of Southwold, easterly to the east limit of the road between Concessions I and II, Township of Delaware, a distance of approximately 1.5 kilometres as shown on Schedule "D" attached 4 ,. 2 Elgin hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair the bridge structure railings and embankments of Bridges as follows:- 5 1 and Elgin No. 5-37 - Wardsville Bridge on Middlesex Road No Road No 3 at the Thames River. 45 and Elgin Walkers Bridge on Middlesex Road No at the Thames River - 5 No. 5-39 Road No No. 5-21 - Harkness Bridge on Westminster-Yarmouth Townline at Lot 4, Concession VIII, Town of Westminster and Lot .13 Concession XIV, Township of Yarmouth. and 15 West Bridge on Middlesex Road No. 35 Lot 3, Town of Westminster and Lot No. 5-23 Belmont Elgin Road No.34 at Township of Yarmouth No 5-33 - Harrietsville Drain Bridge on Middlesex Road No 35 and Elgin Road No. 37 at Lot 11, Township of North Dorchester and Lot 11 Township of South Dorchester "E" attached Middlesex hereby covenants and agrees to maintain and keep in repair the bridge structure railings and embankments of bridges as follows: No 5-42 - Talts.Bridge at the Thames River at Lot 21, Range IV, S.L.R. Township of Ekfrid and Lot 7, B.F Concession Township of Dunwich. 8 No. 5-44 Willeys Bridge on Middlesex and Elgin Road No at the Thames River 9 and Elgin - Middlemiss Bridge on Middlesex Road No 14 at the Thames River No. 5-45 Road No No 5-5 Lings Bridge on the Westminster-Southwold Townline at Lot 49, E.T.R., Town of Westminster and Lot 49, E.T.R Township of Southwold. Concession XIII and XIV - McGinnis Bridge at Lot 9 of Yarmouth. No 5-20 Township No. 5-24 - Belmont East Bridge on Middlesex Road No. 35 and Elgin Road No. 37 at Lot 22, Township of North Dorchester and Lot 22, Township of South Dorchester. No. 19-379 Spring Creek Bridge on Middlesex Road No 35 and Elgin Road No. 37 at Lot 18, Township of North Dorchester and Lot 18 Township of South Dorchester. "E" attached Each County shall be responsible to carry out and pay for all routine road and bridge maintenance as defined on Schedule "B" on those roads and bridges for which it is responsible as described in Paragraphs 1 to 6 inclusive No new construction or major maintenance work (as distinguished from routine repair and maintenance) of any kind on roads and bridges shall be commenced or charged by one municipality against the other unless such construction or major maintenance work has first been approved by the Councils of both municipalities. Major maintenance and routine maintenance shall be as set out on Schedule "B" 8 "G" &- as shown on Schedules A.ll 6 "D" & C" & " as shown on Schedules All 7 3 The party doing the work in paragraph 1 to 6 inclusive of this Agreement shall indemnify and save harmless the other party from all claims for loss or damage arising from the want of repair of the road segments and bridges 9 This agreement shall come into force on the day of its signing by both Parties hereto authorized by by-law, and shall continue in force for a period of ten (10) years therefrom and may be renewed at the end of such terms by a further by-law of both parties to this agreement 10 This agreement shall be registered in the proper Land Registry Offices for the Registry Division of Middlesex East and West and. the Registry Division of Elgin following execution of this agreement by both parties and at the joint expense of Middlesex and Elgin 11 No amendment or variation to this Agreement or of any of the terms hereof shall be binding upon the parties hereto, unless the same is in writing and authorized by further by-law of both parties to this Agreement and signed by all parties hereto 12 each of the parties hereto respective officers authorized in IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Corporate Seals of have been affixed duly attested by the that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX OF ELGIN THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY :r WARDE. ~ CLERK SCHEDULE "ß" MAINTENANCE AGREEME. 'IN-MIDDLESEX 1991 ROUTINE ROAD MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE (BUT NOT LIMITED TO): 1. Grass and Weed Cutting. 2. Tree cutting (other than that required for construction purposes). 3. Drainage (including normal ditching, repair and replacement of catchbasins, etc.). 4. Roadside Maintenance. 5. Tree Planting (other than that required for replacement of trees removed during a construction project). 6. Drainage Assessment (repair on existing drain done without Engineers report). 7. Weed Spraying. 8. Repairs to Pavement (pot holes, patching normal Spring breakup etc.). 9. Sweeping. 10. Shoulder Maintenance (gravelling and grading). 11. Isolated Hot Mix Patching. 12. Grading and Dust Control of Gravel Roads. 13. Winter Control Operations. 14. Edge and Centreline Pavement Marking. 15. All signing (to regular County standards). 16. Guide Rail repair or replacement. 17. Normal stump removal. 18. Maintenance and replacement of culverts under one metre in span ROUTINE BRIDGE MAINTENANCE TO INCLUDE: 1. Bridge inspections. 2. Normal bridge signing. 3. Cleaning, Washing and Sweeping. 4. Minor deck patching and spalling. MAJOR MAINTENANCE SHALL INCLUDE: ROADS: 1. Surface Treatment 2. Railroad Protection (C.P.R. crossing east of Belmont). 3. Drainage Assessments (where an Engineer has prepared a report) MAINTENANCE: 1. Replacement of culverts presently one metre or over in span BRIDGES: 1. Painting 2 Major deck, curb or rails spalling 3 Replacement of deck drains seals etc DATE' MAY 1991 DRAWN' KD. WESTMINSTER - YARMOUTH TOWN LINE N. DORCHESTER -5. DORCHESTER TOWN LINE INCLUDING: HARRIETSVILLE DRAIN BRIDGE No. 5-33 SPRING CREEK BRIDGE No. /9-379 BELMONT EAST BRIDGE No. 5-24 BELMONT WEST BRIDGE No. 5-23 HARKNESS BRIDGE No. 5- 21 \ \ \ YARMOUTH TWP. ELGIN CO. (ELGIN COUNTY ROAD No. 34 . 37) SOUTH DORCHESTER TWP. ELGIN CO. SKETCH ILLUSTRATING . THE LENGTH OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY ROAD No. 35 SCHEQULE 'c' \ () \ \ \ \ TOWN OF WESTMINSTER MIDDLESEX CO. NORTH DORCHESTER TWP. MIDDLESEX CO. DATE' MAY 1991 DRAWN' KD. COUNTY LINE 8. THAMES RIVER BETWEEN MIDDLESEX COUNTY AND ELGIN COUNTY AT WESTMINSTER-DELAWARE TWP. AND SOUTHWOLD-YARMOUTH TWP. SHOWING' MIDDLESEX ROAD No. 15/ ELGIN ROAD No: 17 MIDDLEMISS BRIDGE No. 5-45 LINGS BRIDGE No. 5-5 MCGINNIS BRIDGE No. 5-20 SKETCH IllUSTRATING THE lENGTH OF THE ~ 0' <¡; " "-. SOUTHWOLD TWP. ELGIN CO. SCHEOU LE 'D· CON C . , YARMOUTH TWP. ELGIN CO. DELAWARE TWP. MIDDLESEX CO. TOWN OF WESTM I NSTER MIDDLESEX CO. 'Of.. ~ s\ f..J>.s {) ----_.-- -...------.-- --- ___ _n ____ THAMES RIVER BETWEEN MIDDLESEX COUNTY AND ELGIN COUNTY AT MOSA - EKFRID TWP AND ALDBOURGH - DUNWICK TWP. SHOWING' WARDSVILLE BRIDGE No. 5 - 37 WALKERS BRIDGE No. 5-39 TAITS BRIDGE No. 5-42 WILLEYS BRIDGE No. 5- 44 DATE' MAY 1991 DRAWN' K.O. SCHEDU LE 'EI ALDBOROUGH TWP. ELGIN CO SKETCH ILLUSTRATING THE LENGTH OF THE MOSA TWP. MIDDLESEX '\.. \.. "\.. o EKFRID TWP. MIDDLESEX CO. ,0 _______ _____..___u_