91-53 COUNTY OF ELGIN 91-53 By-Law No. AND THE CLERK TO SIGN A WARDEN "BEING A BY-LAW TO_AUTHOR:iZE THE DEEDc'l'O CONV.EY LAN ) IN THE _ TOWNSH.IP OF ....sOUTHWOLI) HUTCHISON" WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin owns in the Township of Southwold as described in Schedule "A' and AND VELDA E. TO DONALD D. property attached is surplus to , WHEREAS the former Gore pit property County needs. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to a sign a deed to Donald D. and Velda E. Hutchison for the property described on Schedule "A" attached. 1991 READ a first time this 16th day of October, 1991 1991 READ a third time and finally passed this 16th day of October, = '- READ a second time this 16th day of October, ..-~--'--"": ~ - - ~ C. Leverton, Clerk. SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 91-53 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 15 CONCESSION V. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD BEING PART OF LOT 15. CONCESSION V. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING at a point in the North-Easterly limit of said Lot 229.41 feet South-Easterly along the same from the North angle of said Lot; Thence North-West along the said North-Easterly limit, 229.24 feet to the North angle of said Lot; Thence South-West along the North-Westerly limit of said Lot 576.18 feet; Thence South-East, parallel to the North-Easterly limit of said Lot 231. 66 feet; Thence North-Easterly in a straight line 576.18 feet more or less to the place of commencement. Containing by admea- surement Three and Three One-Hundredths acres be the same more or less. BEING a description of the land lastly described in Instrument No 19916