93-11 COUNTY OF ELGIN 93-11 By-Law No. AND~ MAINTENANCE OF FRONT STEPS "BEING A B)~-LAW TO PERMIT THE WHICH ENCROACH_ONTO THE KENT-ELGIN_TOWNLIN~ AT EAVES TROUGH 'l'PWNSHIl'OF CONCESSI_ON 2 1 PREMISES LOCA'l'ED AT PART OF_LOT COUNTY_OF ELGIN" WHEREAS, the owner of that portion of Lot 1, Concession 2, Township of Aldborough, County of Elgin, which is more partic- ularly described in Schedule "A" hereto, has applied to the Council, County of Elgin, to permit encroachment of the owner's existing front steps and existing eaves trough onto the said Kent-Elgin Townline; and ALDBO:¡¡'OUGH WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it expedient to grant such a request upon the condi- tions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. Pursuant to Subsection 3 of section 308 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, and amendments thereto, to Gladys Madeleine Cross, her heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, being the owner from time to time of the lands described in Schedule "A" hereto, to permit the existing front steps and eaves trough on the residence of the said owner to encroach onto the part of the Kent-Elgin Townline described as Part of Lot 1, Concession 2, Township of Aldborough, County of Elgin, being more particularly described as Part 2, Reference 11R 5086, said encroachment being shown on plan of survey of R. G. Hackett, ontario Land Surveyor dated February 8, 1993, a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule "C", providing that: (a) the said Gladys Madeleine Cross delivers to the Corpora- tion of the County of Elgin a properly executed indemnity in the form attached hereto as Schedule "B" 2. The permission granted in Clause 1 remains in effect until the happening of one or more of the following events, at which time the right to maintain the said front steps and eaves trough on the said road allowance of the Corporation of the County of Elgin shall forthwith cease; (a) until such time as The Corporation of the County of Elgin may desire to use the portion of the Kent-Elgin Townline being described as Part 2, Reference Plan 11R 5086; is demolished by said residence of the owner or (b) until the fire or otherwise; (c) until such time as The Corporation of the County of Elgin does not have an indemnity from the owner from time to time of the lands described in the said Schedule "A" in 3. Upon the happening of one or more of the events listed Clause 2, the owner of the said lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, shall be required to restore the lands of the County of Elgin being described as Part 2, Reference Plan 11R 5086, to its original condition prior to the construction to the said encroachments thereon. 2 4. This by-law shall come into force and take effect as of the final passing thereof. READ a first time this 26th day of February, 1993. READ a second time this 26th day of February, 1993. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of February, 1993 7 k{¿~~ M. Q. McDon Vandierendonck, County Clerk. Warden. SCHEDULE "A" OF BY-LAW NUMBER 93-11 Part of Lot 1 Concession 2, Township of Aldborough, County of Elgin being more particularly described as Part 2, Reference Plan llR 4947 save and except Part 2 Reference Plan llR 5086 SCHEDULE "B' 93-11 OF BY-LAW NUMBER that inconsideration of The KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS 93-11 County of Elgin having enacted By-Law Number the Corporation of The in consideration of Elgin and County of the Corporation of The of to Cross Madeleine Gladys the County .of Elgin permitting Corporation of 93-11 By-Law Number said the granted, by and privileges rights the enjoy now paid by 00) ($1 Dollar One of sum the in further consideration of and the Madeleine ,Cross to Gladys Elgin County of the Corporation of The heirs her the undersigned hereby acknowledged is whereof of receipt indemnify and do hereby assigns and successors administrators executors and successors its County of Elgin the The Corporation of save harmless duties debts suits of actions causes of actions manner all from assigns any of proceedings other or demands contracts covenants accounts dues Corporation The against may be brought which whatsoever kind nature or the maintain to the undersigned permitting County of Elgin for the of more ne Townli Kent-Elgin portion of that structure encroaching onto By-Law Number 93-11 in particularly described until force and effect full is repealed in remain continue and 93-11 By-Law Number shall indemnity time as this and such hand and her set hereunto the undersigned has 1993 WHEREOF day of IN WITNESS seal this Cross Madeleine Gladys ) ) ) ) Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of TQ vV!' /SH,'? LOT :JF SKETCH SHOWING PART OF LOT I CONCESSION 2 TOWNSHIP OF ALDBOROUGH COUNTY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE "Cn SCALE J:J25 o METRES , '0 I, CONCESSION ALDBC'ROU6H 2 PART 2, PLAN IIR 4987 (CROSS PROPERTY) 2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE f / " oo ~ o WOODEN f VERAND/\ ": 6.15 35.41 $IB 1447 7,,65 0.15 WIDE EAVE 0.09 0 OVER ". oo '" IIR 50S6 "1 '" 0 0 N 35.41 $IB 1335 IB N42°0S'W 1447 ". en PART 2, N IB N42°0S'W 1335 FACE OF EAVE ON LINE PLAN KENr ROAD 21 MErRIC SURVEYOR'S CERTI F 1 CATE I CERTI FY THAT: THE FIELD SURVEY REPRESENTED ON THIS PLAN WAS COMPLETED ON THE 7th DAYDF JANUARY 1993 /P& FEBRUARY 8 .1993 DATE TH IS IS NOT A VALID COFY UNLESS EMBOSSED WITH SEAL R.G. HACKETT SURVEYING LIMITED chatham ,ontario NOTES · I.B. DENOTES ~/8" SQUARE IRON BAR, FOUND. · S.LB. DENOTES I- SQUARE IRON BAR, FOUND. · C.M" DEMOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT, FOUND. o 1.8.DENCTES S/S"SQUARE IRON BAR,2'LONG. PLANTED. o 5.I.B. DENOTES I· SQUARE IRON BAR, 4'LONG,PLANTED. WIT. DENOTES WITNESS" NOTES R.G_ HACKETT ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Scale: 1:125 Job no., 920lS -5A