93-35 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 93-35 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 85-27. AS AMENDED TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may by by-law adopt a plan of county road construction and maintenance and establish a county road system; and WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 85-27, as amended, thereby setting out a County Road System; and, WHEREAS pursuant to section 44, Subsection 5, of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may amend said by-law. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. THAT the Schedule to By-Laws 85-27, 89-40 and 90-57 be further amended by: 1) Extending County Road #34 in Belmont westerly to the new corporate limits of the City of London. 2 . THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of June, 1993. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of June, 1993 ~~ ~,.~ Vandierendonck, County Clerk. Warden. @ P J. G"' ~þ lY~ ,,', '. :ffi.' ...,..1'\. ,~"t.,,~~...·, ,,~ C!.,. <,".' i~ ~~r!'t'c{'''~ "I. '(j " (, .\,,<\,<r , <" , ,q . ¡ ~ ~. .. ~Œ@;ŒUWŒ® Min des Transports istère Ministry of Transportation ® Ontario 1993 1 OCT 659 Exeter Road, P.O. Box 5338 LONDON, Ontario - N6A 5H2 Telephone: (519) 681-1441 1993 Mr. F. Groch, P.Eng. County Engineer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 22, September Groch: County of Elgin Amending Bylaw No. 93-35 County Road System Consolidating Bylaw ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. Dear Please be advised that pursuant to subsection 44(7) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.50 as amended on June 22, 1993, His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council approved Bylaw No. 93-35 for the County of Elgin to amend the county road system consolidating bylaw for the said County. the above Bylaw with schedules and plans are A copy of Order-in-Council No. 2353/93 and hereby attached for your records. truly, Yours .w. Beecroft Regional Municipal Office SoOthJl{§!er/Region, London KWB184:sm Encls. ~ir$++UJo PG\9<'S af k*~'('1"!J ~ Copy To - lð70 Vf'.J ø' Fait de matériaux récupérés recovered materials Made from Order in Co.unci Décret It] ~ Ontario Executive Council Conseil des ministres Sur la recommandation du sou$signé, Ie lieutenant-gouverneur, sur I'avis et avec Ie con- sentement du Conseil des ministres, décrète ce qui suit On the recommendation of the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice and concurrence of the Executive Council, C1rdersthat: the pUblic Transportation and of 5 ( 44 subsection to pursuant law No By chapter P.50 1990 s.o R rovement Act Hi System the County Road amend to Elgin County of the of 35 93 and approved hereby is said County the law of consolidating by is it the day and after on and have effect force in be approved shall A Recommended Concurred Minister of Transportation 1993 SEP 1 5 Date Approved and Ordered true copy. Executive Co unci Certified to be a O.C.lDécret 2353/93 ELGIN COUNTY OF 93-35 By-Law No. OJ' TJ)ADOPT A PLAN MENDED AS 8~..27 JU(END BY-LAW NO. "A BY-LAW TO AND ESTABLISHINILA COUNTXu ROAD SYSTEM IN COUNTY R01\DIMPROVEMENT THE COUNTY OF ..ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44 of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, Chapter P.50, R.S.O 1990, as amended, a County may by by-law adopt a plan of county road construction and maintenance and establish a county road system; and the Corporation of the as amended, thereby WHEREAS the Municipal Council of County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 85-27, setting out a County Road System; and, WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44, Subsection 5, of the Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, Chapter P.50 1990, as amended, a County may amend said by-law. Public R.S.O. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: be 90-57 89-40 and 85-27 Schedule to By-Laws 1. THAT the further amended by: Extending County Road #34 in Belmont westerly to the new corporate limits of the city of London. 1) 2. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council 1993 , Vandierendonck, Warden 1993 22nd day of June READ a first and second time this 22nd day of I. S.J. HEFFREN. DEPlITY CLERK OF THE CORPORATION OF THE mJNI'Y OF ELGIN. DO HEREBY CERI'IFY 1HAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRlÆ COPY OF BY-LAW 00. Cf3-::!>5; PASSED BY THE CXJUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATICN ON 'IHE Ç/-:l.I\).1) DAY OF - June READ a third time and finally passed this ,"";.-.. s w YARMOlJ rH and IS L GIN .....D D-_IÞ COlINrY OF MIDDLESEX I 7... .~.. MEASI,I!I'ØÐIß 4111!" TO 1"Mt CLOSEST MIETIW: N , '. $ 08'H-tM r QO.""CS~ ~ E Ie EY PLAN PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD EVILLAGE of BELMONT IN 1Jot roWNSHIP of YARMOl/rH AND BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY ROAD BY BY- LAW Nl/MBER 93- 35 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN COUNTY ROAD No. 34 KNOWN LOCALLY AS BOROEN AVENUE LENGTH OF ASSUMED ROAD APPROX. 2.65 KU....tres LEGENO TIM 1(1""$ HigÞwoy ® AU-", C4wuJ Rood No. 01 Offter County Roolå To,,",,!" and VUloQ. Aoocts. To.MIII, 8fMt"dorÎ.~ I Coal"" !JoUftdorin . . :r tl.... .. ...-. J HERE BY CERTI FY THAT THIS PLAN FORMS PA",T OF THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW N~ 93- 35 OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. .. . I .- ,. tr~.'OONALD . ....... .. .-- COUNTY ROAD PLAN No. 34-I-R-:93 , ELGIN COUNTY CONSOLIDATING BY-LAW SHEET I of 2 JIt.A/II....·!o,. AM£HOING BY-LAW ,.. 86-60 AMEHOING BY-LAW Nt 86-61 AM=~ M a1'-..~w .~87 - 2~ AMEMOlttG SY-LAW ·Na "MOlDING 8"- LAW ... ."-40 COfISDUDATUIG ~~ D"'~ -Ht:N. 19 1988 DATt·NO'ol; 19. IS'. ~" DATI!:- JULT J.,19.. 8,,-1.A_ ,. .,......noa.....".. ......-..u.._ ...-.-. ...- .,~",- ~. ~. """"""'0'_ IlII.OIlflMS ~.. ~.. ~. ~.. ~. ~. ~. .-. "" 15-27 - .- - . MYIIß -.. .- - . ..v'_ -- .- - . -- .-- -. - . 'l:~:'Ø ..-.. .- - . ......... ~,~ ,~~ =~ 2 - I 10.94 2 - 2 7.16 3 - 1 11.18 3 - 2 IO.4~ 4- I 6.76 5- 1 6.28 .- 2 ...0 4.80 6- I 6.60 7 I 4.85 8- I 10.06 8- 2 9.09 9- 1 11.60 9- 2 16.35 " - I 2.00 13- I 9.00 14- I 13.75 15 - I 1.18 16- I 17.30 16- 2 II. 60 17- I 1.45 18- I 3.80 18-2 9.80 9.80 18-3 5.30 18.90 19-1 5.90 20-1 14.24 20-1 20- 1...89 14- 13.10 13.70 20-2 10.41 21-1 0.40 22-' 9.07 23-1 2.40 24-1 10.78 24-2 6.28 25-1 2.61 25-2 4.54 26-1 5.70 2&- I 5.10 NIL 26-2 1.40 1.40 27-1 9.33 27- 2 3.80 ...0 """-- TOT.....CM.....n TOT-'C~ =~- TOT,""Ç~ "- m...... '0- """-- '0- =~- '0- =~- '0- TOT..·... ~ PLAI'I..a·sol' COlOSOlo,OAT,OIG '1'-1..0.. .." 85-27 28 - I 29 - I 30 - I 31 - I 32 - I 33 - 34 - I 35 - I 36 - I 37 - 38 - I 38 - 2: 39- I 40-1 41 -I 42 - I 42 - 2 43- I 44- I 4' - I 4' - 2: 4' - 3 46 - I 47- I 48 - I 49- 50 - I ~I -I 52 -I 52 -2 53 - I . 54 - I 55-1 56-1 > I"I!:NGT.. ,. >tlLO.aIlE! 5. '5 3.30 7.30 I.~O 5.79 1.15 I. '70 4.80 13.00 16.00 7.40 5.60 1.20 17.40 0.67 10.33 13.50 11.20 7.18 16.50 '4.57 13.47 4.83 5.60 8.42 2.75 0.58 1.4' 9.00 15.85 1.39 0.77 8.30 1.00 EL GIN COUNTY AMENDING BV-I.AW N!I 86 - 60 o.rE-NOV, 19.'986 -AMENDING BY-LAW H8 86-6 tlAT!: ·NOV '9 '98S CONSOLIDA TING AMENDING BY-LAW ~ 90-:57 DATE OC:T'.211,1 IIO ~..... .. ..."".. .~.... ... uoco .,...._....0..0.... - ... ·1ó:.:t" - ............u..._ ... "'YIU" tOT£!. ....&11.. -.. ...... .- I i I I 33-1 1.15 .'C 35· 2: 4.50 4.50 BY-LAW. ~.. - ..._vn ....-nou 00..... _ ... ·:ov~~o .~- .......0 , 3Q-I-R-a91 3C>"R-90is.oo 3.66 301-l-R-891 0.81 z,œ.1-R-89I 0.42 ¡ 3+1-R-89134-1-R-90 1.70 ,1.~3 45-4 4.30 4.30 ...·2 4.0014.00 . 48-2 21.70 21.70 I I I I I í 52- 3 4.4014.40 56- 2 4.30 4.30 56-1 5&-H~90 1.00 iO.63 I 57-1 2.10 2.10 TOT."CIt&N6E$ TOT."C""'OI($ &4.90 64.90 6.85 19-_ TOT...... ,,_ T01...._. TOT...C"....COIE:3. 8.93 5.82 19.!2. TOT..... ~63D AMENOING BY-lJ,W N& 89 ·40 OATIE:- JUl.Y 11iI,11i1.9 ~U. .. ""_... I ~~ø" uou .,...,...TIIft o~.o... .. ¡.~\.g~. , 30-1 !~Ht·U 130·2-*-89 ,'3OI·I·R--891 !30Z·I·;to89 I I I 7.30 !$.OO; 2.30 7.30 a.sl ¡a.sl 0.4210.42 SHEET 2 of 2 AMENDING BT-L.A. _ 87-27 a..rt" toIAoTzo,l!it.7 ......... ! ~~... ... .'..-10" o~_. ""..wl. 1 ...on I - ... .r.''::~ 29-1 I 29 - 2 13.301 2.80 2.80 AMENDING BY- LAW No. a8 - 39 DATE· JUL.Y ,7 19S'l Rf..gV~g· I ¡.,:o".,nu .,. .~~~ 2&-2-R881 12.801 10.00 I I I 1- AMENDING av·LAW N.. 93- 35 I DATE - JUNE 22.1993 1 I :~~v'::·o 'P~I!:~~ 1C~t..Q"'ETRE$ 01' ROAO I 34--1-tt-e9l1.1O 1.70 i 1.70 34-1-R!-9O 34-+-R-93 1.53 2.65 2.65 34-1 I ! L AMENDING BY-LAW No. 86- as DOT. - No... 19 19B6 PL.AN No. !ell-OMETER OF ;;0...0 .AOOItO - of' .. 55-2 5.80 ' 15.JO TOf"I-CIt.o\lIIfJU ,,89 TOTAI... ¡S6.I: 584.IS 1993 TOTAL Kill I I I AMENDING EtY-I.AW No. DA.TE- P1.4.A~...~o. r·'~C.ETU... C , POU TOULc_on . 19_ ToYAIo._