93-62 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 93~62 "TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 91-59. AS AMENDED. TO REGULATE THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND COMMITTEES THEREOF" WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 91-59 in order to make and establish rules and regulations for governing the proceedings of Council, the conduct of its members, the calling of meetings, the regulations and directions of County Council, now pursuant to section 102, Chapter M. 45, of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. , 1990; and WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to further amend By-Law No. 91-59, as amended, particularly as it relates to the clarification and definition of certain and specific functions performed by County Council and its committees. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the following editorial amendments be incorporated in the procedural by-law where appropriate - SECTION I - MEETINGS AND ADJOURNMENT OF COUNCIL Add - a) "Quorum - a quorum shall be defined as a majority of the whole number of members required to constitute Council. b) All meetings shall be open to the public. Persons may only be excluded when Council is in 'Committee Of The Whole' and pro- ceeding In-Camera. c) Special Meeting - (i) The Warden, may at any time, summon a special meeting. (ii) The Warden shall, on requisition, in writing, signed by a majority of the members of Council, call a special meeting of the Council and, in the case of the absence or the neglect, or refusal of the Warden to convene such a meeting, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk shall call a special meeting for the purpose and at a time mentioned in the written petition. SECTION II - ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL Delete - a) Item No. 4 regarding the requirement to approach the dais before being seated in the Council Chambers. b) In Item No. 7 the reference to the requirement to bow before leaving the Chambers. c) Item No. 17 and substitute the following - All members of County Council, except the Warden, shall be referred to as County Councillor SECTION III - ORDERS OF THE DAY Inaugural Session Delete 2 Requirement to present a resolution on the procedure to elect a Warden. a ORDER OF_PRQCEE~~NGS IN COMMITTEE_QF THE~HOLE IV SECTION Add Purpose: When Council wishes to consider a subject(s) which it does not wish to refer to a committee and would like to consider that subject(s) with all the freedom of an ordinary committee, it may refer the matter to 'Committee Of The Whole', meaning members may speak more than once to the same question and the limitations on the length of speaking, if any, are relaxed. In Camera. sessions Pursuant to section 55, of the Municipal Act, when a Motion to go into 'In-Camera' is Carried, the Warden or committee chairman may, with the approval of Councilor committee, exclude such persons as is deemed appropriate from the meeting room. Exclusions of Persons from Committee and Council a) no one shall leave and re-enter the meeting approval of the Warden or committee chairman. 'In-Camera', without the When room b) 'In-Camera Sessions' shall be held when committee or Council is discussing finance, personnel, litigation and property matters, or any other matter where premature disclosure may prejudice the municipality's position, or the lack of parliamentary immunity may leave Council, or any of its members or officers open to suit. c All recommendations approved during 'In-Camera Sessions' shall be reported and voted on publicly, immediately after the 'In- Camera Session' has been concluded. d ORGANIZATION OF COMMITTEES SECTION VII All members shall be appointed to at least one position on committee/board/agency in addition to one Standing Committee appointment. Add a) All members of Council are equally eligible to serve on any of the committees/boards/agencies, including Standing Committees. b Each Standing Committee shall consist of seven members includ- ing the Warden. c Warden, the and one rural The Executive Committee shall be composed of the chairman of each Standing Committee and one urban appointee, as elected by Council. d Add issue must be or is not Committees Special Committees may be appointed by Council, if an addressed and it does not fall within the mandate of, assigned to, a Standing Committee Special sUb-committee(s) for such The Standing Committee Sub-Committees Standing committees may establish a purposes as may be deemed expedient. shall name the sub-committee chairman. a) Sub-committees shall be responsible to and report through the committee by which they were established. b ointments Committee/boa~d/agency vacancies which occur during the year shall be filled at County Council VacancieslA 3 SECTION IX - DUTIES OF COMMITTEES Add - Reportinq a) Unless otherwise provided for, committee decisions shall be in the form of recommendations reported to Council. b) The adoption of any report by the Council shall give all neces- sary force and effect to its recommendations. No action shall be taken on a recommendation until such time as it has been adopted. c) Appointees to boards/commissions/agencies shall report at least once a year to County Council. SECTION XIII - GENERAL GOVERNMENT AND PROPERTY COMMITTEE Add - a) Secretary-Treasurer of Land Division Committee to Item No. 4. " 2. That all Council Policies be incorporated, with appli- cable amendments, into the County's Procedural By-Law. 3. That Council's Room Reservation Policy, Policy of Renova- tions in the County Administration Building, and Policy on the Use of the County Flag be incorporated into this by-law. 4. That By-Law No. 88-64, regarding the election of the County Warden, as amended, be repealed and incorporated into this by-law. 5. That By-Law No. 91-16, as amended, regarding rules and procedures for convention attendance and hospitalit~ suites be repealed and incorporated into this by-law. 6. That By-Law No. 87-42, as amended, regarding the remun- eration to be paid to members of Elgin County Council and others appointed to various local boards be repealed and incorporated into this by-law. 7. That By-Law No. 89-28, as amended, regarding the rate to be paid for personal vehicles used for County business be repealed and incorporated into this by-law. 8. That By-Law No. 90-70 regarding remuneration for attend- ance at meetings of Elgin County Council and committees thereof be repealed and incorporated into this by-law. READ a first and second time this 23rd day of November, 1993. READ a third time and finally passed this 23rd day of November, 1993 ~ - ~--'''''M';-'-- .-r1ciDonald, County Clerk. %~~rr, 90-'7