94-47 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 94-47 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN AND THE CLERK TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH CATFISH CREEK CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TO APPOINT THEIR PROVINCIAL OFFENCES OFFICER AS COUNTY BY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" WHEREAS pursuant to section 207 (45) , Chapter M.45, of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a municipal council has authority to pass by-laws for appointing such officers and servants as may be necessary for the purposes of the corporation; and WHEREAS pursuant to section 15 (1) , Chapter P.15, of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a municipal council may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality; and WHEREAS interest has been expressed from Catfish Creek Conservation Authority to enforce County Parking By-Laws along areas adjacent to Conservation properties; and WHEREAS the County of Elgin has the authority to appoint pursuant to by-laws, Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purposes of enforcing the by-laws of the County, upon County Roads, within the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the Warden and the Clerk are hereby authorized to sign an agreement with Catfish Creek Conservation Authority to authorize their provincial Offences Officer to enforce the County's Parking Regulations adjacent to Conservation properties, at no cost to the County of Elgin, and subject to other terms of said agreement. 2. That this by-law take effect upon passing. READ a first and second time this 22nd day of November, 1994. READ a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of November, 1994 ~ .fl ~ - Mark G. D Vane Chute, County Warden.