95-31 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 95-31 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 85-27. AS AMENDED TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to section 44 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may by by-law adopt a plan of county road construction and maintenance and establish a county road system; and WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 85-27, as amended, thereby setting out a County Road System; and, WHEREAS pursuant to section 44, Subsection 5, of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may amend said by-law. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. THAT the Schedule to By-Law No. 85-27, as amended, be further amended by: 1) Removing excess road widening at the intersection of County Road #42 and County Road #39 in the Village of Port Burwell. 2. THAT this By-Law shall not become effective until the Village of Port Burwell has agreed to pay for the required surveying work. 3. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first and second time this 27th day of June, 1995. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 1995 ,t ~ ; ~ - - Mark G. Me D Vane Chute, County Adminis c Warden. {) tid C',¡ IVI 1 ,jj'- ',f' .t' ~ . ~.t~-". '\ j\ "d",,,,,(,, ,/)4<:1" ¡'flY· \ ® Ministry Mtnlstère of des Transportation Transports Ontario 659 Exeter Road LONDON, Ontario - N6E 1 L3 Telephone: (519) 681-1441 1995 Mr. F. Groch County Engineer County of Elgin 450 Sunset Dr. St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 7, December Groch County of Elgin Amending Bylaw No. 95-31 County Road System Consolidating Bylaw Mr. Dear Please be advised that pursuant to subsection 44(7) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.50 as amended on June 27. 1995, the Minister of Transportation has approved Bylaw No. 95-31 for the County of Elgin to amend the county road system consolidating bylaw for the said County. A copy of the approved Schedule along with the original Bylaw submission are hereby returned for your records. Please ensure that your municipal clerk and County Council are duly notified. ~ ,~ ~. Beecro, \ egional MUr\i~ al Office outhwestern R~gion. London " KWB09. Encls. ._~ truly, Yours Fait de matériaux récupérés recovered materials Made from .:sm COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 95-31 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 85-27. AS AMENDED TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" WHEREAS pursuant to section 44 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may by by-làw adopt a plan of county ~oad construction and maintenance and establish a county road system; and WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County Qf Elgin did pass By-Law No. 85-27, as amended, thereby setting out a County Road System; and, WHEREAS pursuant to section 44, Subsection 5, of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may amend said by-law. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin: 1. THAT the Schedule to By-Law No. 85-27, as amended, be further amended by: 1) Removing excess road widening at the intersection of County Road #42 and County Road #39 in the Village of Port Burwell. 2. THAT this By-Law shall not become effective until the Village of Port Burwell has agreed to pay for the required surveying work. 3. That this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council. READ a first and second time this 27th day of June, 1995. READ a third time and finally passed this 27th day of June, 1995. *::k; n , ~ (?ç ~ - Mark G. Me D. Vane Chut.e. County Adminis warden. I, M.G. McDONALD. (:LlRI( OF f~I.~e:IRP~~¡!¡: 110N OF TI18 COUNT't OF.eLGIN. .~ttE¡¡E~~ '---- CERTIFY THßV~£ J¡O~~~~ ~~~ti1R~V COPY OF. ........ êoRI'óAATIONClt-í øÅ“llNQU;IU'1ItlUAIO _ 21-1-/ ..:TuNE, /<1905 .. ,I 6êOð86j.,,/l666 '~'GC(¡tI, / "- fiG t I , SCHEDULE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY - LAW NUMBER 95-31 Approved by the Minister of Transportation pursuant to subsection 44(7), 44(8), 44(9) and 44 (10) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. chapter P.50, as amended. Dated this ~ day of I>G c..e I'v\ ~ f- , 1995 ÛQr~~ , Minister of Transportation · '0 "+ ^. 0...._ 0_ 0.. LOT 3~ LOT I MALA¡'¡!OE CON. II 0.110.42 , BAYHAM "9"'. ~>I. II ". = " I .~ I w, ~ SEE PI. AN o-ell SEe: PLAN 0-82' ( EY P LA N '" " = " - " = " PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD VILLAGE of PORT BURWELL INTHETOWNSHfP of·BAY AM - BAYHAM - . " , BEING ASSUMED AS A COUNTY BY :BY-LAW NUMBER 95-31 OF THE ELGIN .,OF OUNTY .ROAD No. 42 AS THE LAK E ROA"D OR ~OVIA SCOTIA STREET ROAD APPROX. 13.50 kllometres -,-' L EGEN D '·0'< - ~ ~ ~c.UnlY Roòd NÒ~42 " '3} Tfl ÕOW~$h¡J:I o~d Village Rood~ .. !Own$~_i'p ~oun.dO.~Î~S r>. ~ 0 0 . +---t--.-: ~~ount!"6CHI.~~O~"ies, e-e :; C t} ~ .' I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN FORMS OF THE SCHEDULE TO BY· LAW N! 95-31 THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. ~~- I . CLERK· MCDONALD ~. "",LII:IOO._ SEE PLANS 0 - 814, O-SI'. 0 - 818.0-821 LOTS 3 to 10 O-SIOS. 0.919.0-942. O·$SO...... 0-1071. IIR-S029. INST.No./56848 PO RT au R W ELL MEASUREMENTS ARE: 1'0 'THE: ClOSE:5T METRE COUNTY ROAD PLAN N~ 42-2-R95 .~""': .:,.. -.- --- PART OF I I ¡ , ¡ ! , , ! ¡ I ¡ ,I I I ¡ ! I ! ì I .,. .,. -'>/.,. ~ ~ .~ '" '<: SEe: Pl.AN D·606 MEASUREMENTS ARE TO THE CLOSEST METRE MIIID' <. .,.......... 0..._ 0_ .'. KEY P LA N PLAN SHOWING BY A SOLID LINE THAT PORTION OF ROAD IN THE VILLAGE of PORT BURWELL BEING AS?UMED As A COUNTY ROAD BY BY-LAW NUMBER 95--31 OF THE COUNTY OF ELG IN COUNTY ROAD No. 39 .--~" KNowN L9CALLY AS CHATH.AM STREET LENGTH OF ASSUMED ROAD APPROX. 1.20 kllomefres LEGEND Thel(íng'~ Highwo·y ~A$sum~d Counly Rood No...39 Other Ccunry Roods ~ ~ Ð Township ond VillogeRoods Townsllip Boundaries .. t t ..~--t-- Counly BoundorÎes G Q ~ ~ 0 G---O I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN FORMS PART OF THE SCHEDULE TO BY-LAW N~ 9.5-31 OF THE COUNTY OF ELG I N. ~. ~~. CLERK - cOONAl.O _~11:100._ COUNTY ROAD PLAN N~ 39- -R95 EL GIN COUNTY CONSOLIDATING BY-LAW SHEET I of 2 PLAN N~'S OF AMENDING BY-LAW N2 a6-60 AMENDING " LAW N286-61 AMENDING BY-LAW N28? - 25 AMENDING BY LAW NJ! AMENDING BY-LAW Nt 89-4O, CONSOUDATI"G LENGTH DATE-NOV. 19 ¡,H.G DATE-HOV. 19, 1986 DATE -MAY 20 1987 D"TE OATE- .JULY 19,19!!S BY-LAW " ~'LOWUR~ OF ROAD KI...,ltEtRUOFROU ..'LOIIET""SOFROAD ~u.. R' R'LOWETRE'O'ROAD "'LOltETRESOFRORO RILOMU~ES ~UH R' PLU.' PLR"N' FLU'" PLANH" PL.. ~ .LRR"· PLu"" PLU .' N2850-27 R'NOVU ""OED - + UV,"EO REMOVED ROn. + REV,"EO REMOVED ROO'O ;- "Ev,no REMOVED ROO.O + 1t""'"EO REWOVEO ...OEO + REVIS" TonL ToTRL T.r.... TOTRL TOTAL 2 I 10.94 2 2 7.16 3 - I 11.18 3 2 "10.45 4- I 6.76 5- 1 6.28 5- 2 4.80 4.80 6 - I 6.60 7 I 4.85 8 - I 10.06 8- 2 9.09 9 - I 11.60 9 - 2 16.35 II-I 2.00 13 I 9.00 14 - I .13.75 . 15 - I 1.18 . 16- I 17.30 16 - 2 II. 60 17- I I. 45 18 1 3.80 18- 2 9.80 9.80 18-3 5.30 J8.90 . 19 - 1 5.90 . 20-1 14.24 20-1 20- -R,S9 14.24 13."{0 13.70 20 - 2 10.41 21- I 0.40 22 -I 9.07 23-1 2.40 24-1 10.78 24-2 6.28 25-1 2.61 25-2 4.54 , 26-1 5.70 26 - I 5.70 NIL 26-2 1.40 1.40 " ~ 27 1 9.33 27 2 3.60 3.60 , TOTAL. CHANGES TOTAL. CHANGES TOTAL.CliANGES TOTAL. CHANGES TOTAL.CliANGES " - TOTAL.k.. "- TOTAL."" "- TOTAL.".. "- TOTAL.".. "- TOTAL,.. EL GIN COUNTY CONSOLIOA TING BY - LA W SHEET 2 of 2 - , PlA~ Ni'S OF AMENDING BY LAW Ni 86-60 AMENDING BY L" N2 86-61 AMENDING BY- LAW N2 90-57 AMENDING BY LAW Nt 89-40 AMENDING BY-LAW Nt 87-27 CONSOLIDATING LENGTK [lATE-NOV.19,r986 OUE. -NOV. 19 J986 DATE· OCT. 23,1990 DAT[- .JULY 19,1989 DATE- MAY 20. 1987 BY-LAW " nu ..I XI"'''U~'S OF ROAO X'LO"rrRUOFROAO "'I.O".nUOFROn O<'LO...,.....O'"OAO FLu ..t .'LONETRESOFROAO KllOMETRES PLAN..I PLU N' nu· .' PLU "" PLAMH" PLu..1 PLANHI PU.N." N185.,.27 "'''OVEO nOED - + ""VISEO R'''''VEO non + ~v'no R.IoOVEO U'EO - + """"EO AU.OVU ADO" - + ·l:~:~ ""'OVEO ADDEO - + "~~m" TOUL OTAL <onL 28 - I 5.15 . I 29- I 3.30 29-1 29 -2 ~30 2.80 2.80 30- J '3O-I-R-89 7.30 5.00 AMENDING BY- LAW No. 88 - 39 30 - I .-, ". 7.30 3O- -R·89 3o-r-R-9:> 5.00 3.66 30-2-1<:-89 - 2.30 7.30 DATE - JULY 27 195'3 .' . 30H·R-89 '. 0.81 301-1- R·S9 O.SI O.SI REMgvd-¡ K'U>MET"Es OF ROA~ - TOy,.. 31 - I 1.50 302+R-89 0.42 302.-1-R-89 ' 0.42 0.42 29-z·R881 2.80 10.00 I I L__ 32 - I 5.79 AMENDING BY· LAW No. 93- 35 33 - I 1.15 33-,1 1.15 NIL DATE -JUNE 22.1993 ~~~v~¡, I P~~~E'6~ K'LOMETRES OF ROAD , 34 - I I. 70 34+R·89 34+R-90 1.10 1.53 34-1 34-1-R-a9 1.70 1.70 1.70 34-I-R-90 34+R-93 [.53 2.65 2.65 . 35 - I 4.80 35- 2 430 4.50 564.16 . 1993 TOTAL KM 36 - I 13.00 . 95:~ AMENDJNG BY-l WN 37 - 1 16.00 .. DATE - JUNE 27, 1995 " ',I " 38 - I 7.40 , 38 - 2 5.60 39-J 39- -R~ ø Çj NIL 42-2 42-2-R95 ø ø NIL 39 - 1 1.20 . . 1995 TOTAL Kms 56 .16 40-1 17.40 . . . . 41 -I 0.67 . '-', 42-- I 10.33 42 - 2 13.50 . 43- I 11.20 44- I 7.18 45 - I 16.50 . 45 - 2 14.57 45- 4 4.30 4.30 45 - 3 13.47 46 I 4.83 46-2 4.00 4.00 47- I 5.60 48 - 1 8.42 48-2 21.70 21.70 49 - I 2.75 50 - I 0.58 '51 - I 1.45 . S2 -I 9.00 AM~~~~~GNo~.Y~~¥f9~~. 8S- 85 AMENDING 8Y-LAW No. 52 -2 15.85 52- 3 4.40 4.40 . DATE· PLAN No. (!LOMETER OF RO,¡\.O . PLAN '". "'''G''_ETE'' CF "OAO 53 - I 1.39 ADDED - . TOTAL ADDED . "f1*~.. 54 - I 0.77 55 - I 8.30 55-2 S.80 15./0 56 - I 1.00 56- 2 4.3'0 4.30 56-1 56+R-90 1.00 0.63 .. 57-1 2.10 2.1'0 TOTAL CHANGES 6.85 TOTALCHANGE$ 64.90 64.90 TOTAL CHANGES 8.93 5.82 TOTALC"ANGES TOTAL CHANGES . \9_ ,TOTAL~.. "- TOTAL ~.. 1990 TOTAL ~.. 63!> 1989 TOTAL.'" 5<;6.15 " - TOTAL ~.. ..-._~ ~.~--,~.=ë"~'~~"_