96-5 COUNTY OF ELGIN 96-5 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY·LAW 90-48, RELATING TO THE REGIILA TION OF TRAFFIC" BY-LAW NO. of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacted By-Law 90-48 for of traffic on highways under the jurisdiction of the said Elgin; WHEREAS Counci purposes of regulation Corporation of the County of the regulation of parking relates to AND WHEREAS Part "c" of the said By-Law 90-48 on the said highways; Elgin wishes to amend By- AND WHEREAS Council of the Corporation of the County of Law 90-48 to create additional parking infractions; Offences Act (Ontario) relating to infractions necessitate amendment to Part Provincial AND WHEREAS amendments to the commencement of proceedings for parking "E" of By-law 90-48; the Municipal Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows; the following By-Law 90-48 shall be amended as follows: Section 1 of By-Law 90-48 shall be amended by adding defining paragraphs: (1) 1 "DESIGNATED PARKING SPACE" or "DESIGNATED DISABLED PERSON PARKING SPACE" means a parking space located on any public highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin or on any property owned or occupied by the Corporation of the County of Elgin or any local board thereof and designated for parking of vehicles and marked by an official sign indicating such space to be for the sole use of vehicles displaying a disabled person parking permit. a person a permit, numbered another jurisdiction and disabled DISABLED PERSON PARKING PERMIT" means parking permit issued under the Highway Traffic Act or plate or other marker or device issued by recognized under the Highway Traffic Act. "GBOSS WEIGHT" means a combined weight of vehicle and load. issued a Ontario and who has who has been "HANDICAPPED PERSON" means an individua disabled person parking permit by the Province of met the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. motor vehicle which has a rated 4,535.92 kilograms (10,000 pounds) HEAVY TRUCK" means any commercial gross vehicle weight exceeding which has been for such does not a school retarded to issued under vehicle, regardless of include a vehicle operated by or bus which is in the course of adults to and from school 2 the current or vehicle the Highway Traffic Act, or its foreign equivalent the actual weight of such vehicles, but registration permit according of the Corporation or or mentally on behalf transferring children currently providing as By-Law 90-48 to Section 22 of The preamble follows (2) to stop or to no vehicle shall be permitted to Section 23 below, "Subject be repealed and following preamble substituted park; sha therefor, Sections 23 and 23a a vehicle to be the provisions of with park a vehicle or in conjunction "Subject to or permit no persons shall stop or below, stopped or parked' the following 90-48 shall be amended by adding Section 23 of By-Law thereto: (3) Trucks_and Buses PaL kin paragraphs "(1) (i) a school or allow or or a school bus to stand on any highway in any residentia zone within the territorial limits of or a bus a bus or truck truck, No person shall park a heavy a heavy bus, (i) the Corporation of the County of Elgin and as so identified or designated under any by-law of either the said Corporation of the a local located therein County of Elgin or municipality of this section do not apply to prohibit the parking or standing of any heavy truck upon a highway in any residential zone while the (i) The provisions of subsection (Ii) the delivery of in goods or services to any premises within such zone or is actually engaged operator thereof to prohibit the parking or standing of any bus or school the operator or .he embarking that zone. a highway in such zone while :1 in I within engaged bus upon thereof is disembarking of passengers actually Pªrkin (g) Space subsection to this park a vehicle to that set no person or in a designated disabled person parking space unless (ii) nªted Disabled Person Parkin forth in organization sha Subject (i) section, has to a a currently valid disabled person parking permit been issued to that person or organization 3 passenger being picked up or transported in the vehicle and such permit is displayed on or in the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. (ii) Vehicles displaying currently valid permits, numbered plates, or other markers and devices bearing the international symbol of access for the disabled and issued by other jurisdictions are entitled to the same privileges as vehicles displaying disabled person parking permits issued by the Province of Ontario." (4) Section 23 of the By-Law 90-48 shall be amended by deleting Section 23 (c)(ii) therefrom. (5) By-Law 90-48 shall be amended by adding the following section: "23a Parkina in Space Controlled bv Parkin a Meter (i) Parkina Times No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking meter zone between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and except when such days are legally and lawfully proclaimed holidays, unless the driver of such vehicle deposits in the parking meter provided for the parking space the sums as indicated in Columns 1 and 2 of Schedule "0" hereto and thereafter activates the meter. (ii) Maximum Parkina Limit on Meter (a) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain parked for a longer period than that for which payment has been made in the form of coins deposited in the parking meter or meters, provided, however, that this shall not prevent the driver of the vehicle from using the unexpired time remaining in the meter from its previous use without depositing a coin therein. (b) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain in a parking space for a longer period than the maximum time permitted on the parking meter. 4 (b) No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in such a manner that it is not wholly within the area designated as a parking space, and if the vehicle is of such length as to prevent it from being parked within one parking space, then the person parking same shall make the necessary deposit of coins in the parking meter or meters for adjoining parking spaces or parking spaces. (iv) Parkina Procedures at Meter No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking space unless the front and rear of such vehicle is alongside or as close as is practical to the parking meter provided for such space. (v) Parking Meter Locations The highways or parts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "D" of this by-law are designated as parking meter zones between the limits set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule.. (vi) Parking Meter Rates The parking meter rates, as set out in Column 2 of Schedule "D" of this by-law for the type of parking meter set out in Column 1 shall be the parking rates for on-street parking as approved by Council." (6) Part "E" of By-Law 90-48, paragraphs 25 through 31 inclusive, as currently amended, is hereby repealed and the following provisions substituted therefor: PART "E" PAYMENT OF PENALTIES OUT OF COURT 25 PROVISIONS FOR PENALTIES (a) n this paragraph (i) "any provision of this By-Law" means any provision of this By-Law for the contravention of which the Municipal Act permits a procedure for the voluntary payment of penalties out of court, (íí) "parking infraction" means any unlawful parking, standing or stopping of a vehicle that constitutes an offence. 5 (b) A specified penalty payable out of court within seven days time may be imposed for the contravention of any provision of this By-Law that constitutes a parking infraction, by the inclusion in a parking infraction notice under Part" of the Provincial Offences Act of the words and penalties set out in Schedule "F" to this By-Law. 26 METHOD OF PAYING VOLUNTARY PENALTY An early penalty payment out of court may be made on or before the date specified on the parking infraction notice by a cheque or money order payable to the Corporation of the County of Elgin sent by prepaid mail to an address or post office indicated on the parking infraction notice and on such payment being made, no further proceedings will be taken. 27. DEFAULT IN PAYING VOLUNTARY PAYMENT If default is made in paying a penalty out of court in accordance with this part. any fine imposed under this By-Law for the contravention thereof shall be recoverable under the provision of the Provincial Offences Act, all the provisions of which shall apply. PART "F" GENERAL PROVISIONS 28 GENERAL PENALTY Except where otherwise expressly provided by this By-Law or the Hiqhwav Traffic Act, every person who (a) contravenes any provision of this By-Law; (b) is the owner of a vehicle that is parked or stopped in contravention of any provision ofthis By-Law; or (c) is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), exclusive of costs. 29 ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES Where a vehicle has been parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this By-Law, the owner of the vehicle, notwithstanding that he was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of the contravention of the By-Law, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the fine prescribed for the offence unless, at the time of the offence. the vehicle was in the possession of some person other than the owner without the owner's consent. 6 OV8L_QE VEHICLE~ Any officer duly appointed or otherwise holding jurisdiction for enforcement of the provisions of this By-Law and/or the Hi Traffic Act, upon BE 30. n contravention ofthis By-Law, may cause lM~ .. stored in a suitable place and all nd storage thereof, in any, are a .-M' in the matter .uccessor discovery of any vehicle parked it to be moved or taken to and plåwY 0, provided by legislation. costs and charges for removing may be enfo.wo Uen8ct or lien upon the vehicle, which Section 52 of the Mechaniciõ' AUTHORITY TOENEORCETtUs BY-LAW Any by-law enforcement officer duly appointed by the Corporation and any police officer holding jurisdiction within the territory limits of the County of Elgin is authorized to enforce the provisions of this By-Law. n addition any other officer 31 appointed by Council for the Corporation of the County of of the non-moving violations of this such non-moving violations. For the Provincia Elgin for purposes of enforcement By-Law is authorized to enforce purposes as so set forth, the said officers shall be considered Offences officers for purposes of enforcement of this By-law. 32 herein shall be '~'-':-'. and any the ~rovincial ~n ~ment of ~ )rovincial E'ROVINCI8L OFEENQESACT (ONTARIO Et-IEORCEMEfIIT forth above, enforcement Offences Act (0, ,.~. 'VI and Subject to any provisions set pursuant to the provisions ofthe Provincia By-Law that relati,." favour of of th is save and except shall be resolved in conflict between the provisions Offences Act (Ontario), penalties out of court, Offences Act (Ontario) EXCESS _COINS AND PARKlhlG ~ETERS Where a person deposits one or more coins in a parking meter in excess of that required for the parking time allowed by the meter, no change shal be remitted and no increase time shall be allowed 33. in parking EXECUTIVE8CTS AUTHORIZED 34. The Warden and and the Warden and the Clerk-Administrator are hereby authorized to execute on behalf and under seal of the Corporation any document necessary things the Administration are hereby authorized to do a this by-law to give effect to are no part of the by-law but I::tEADlt-I~S NOT PART OF BY-LAW form reference only. The headings in the body of this by-law inserted for convenience of 35 7 DEVIATION FROM FORMS Where a form of words or expressions are prescribed in any schedule to this by-law, deviations therefrom not affecting the substance or calculated to mislead do not vitiate them. 36 CONFLICT WITH fllGHW A Y TRAFFIC ACT In the event of conflict between the provisions of this by-law and the Hi Traffic Act, the provisions of the Act prevail. 37 FORMER BYeLAWS REPEALED By-Law 90-26, and all other by-laws pertaining to the regulation of traffic and parking on highways in the County of Elgin that are inconsistent with the terms of this by-law be and the same are hereby 38 repealed THAT By-Law 90-48 shall be amended by adding, as Schedules "D' "E", and "F", relating to parking meter rates, parking meter locations, and penalties, respectively, the Schedules so lettered and attached to this amending by-law. 5 THAT this By-Law shall not become effective until approval of Schedule "F" is received from the Ministry of the Attorney General, and then forwarded to the Regional Judge for signature of an Implementing Order. 6 THAT once all approvals have been received, local municipalities may enter into an agreement, attached as Schedule "G", and appoint a By- Law Enforcement Officer (s) to carry out the provisions of this By-Law. 7 1996 1996 READ a Third time and finally passed this 22nd day of February, READ a First and Second time this 22nd day of February, Ma: d, County Administrator/Clerk SCHEDULE "D' PARKING METER RATES Column 1 Column 2 Maximum Time Period Parkina Meter Rates SCHEDULE "E" PARKING METER LOCATIONS Column 2 Column 3 Side From To 1 COlUmn Hiqhwav F' Parking Infractions SCHEDULE Penalties Voluntary $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Fine Set Section Offence Park on highway display for sale 1 $20.00 9 Park on sidewalk/crosswalk crossover/backward 2 $20.00 22( 1 ) Park blocking lane/driveway/ 3 $20.00 22(2) alley Park within 1 meter of lane/ driveway/alley 4 $20.00 22(2) 15 meter from 22(3) than 0 Park more curb 5 $20.00 roadway side of Park on vehicle 6 $20.00 22(4) Park on left side of roadway where prohibited 7 $20.00 22(5) $20.00 22(6) traffic Park within 8 metres of fire hal obstructing Parked 8 9 $20.00 22(7) Park within 30 metres of fire hal 10 $20.00 22(7) Park within 9 metres of ntersection 11 $20.00 22(8) $20.00 22(9) Park on bridge/subway to bridge/ Park on approach subway 12 13 $20.00 22(9) Park within 3 metres of fire hydrant 14 $20.00 $20.00 22(10) 22(11 ) Park within 2 metres of entrance to public building 15 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 2 16 Park within 15 metres of intersection with signal lights 22(12) 17. Park within 15 metres of railway crossing 22(13) 18 Park preventing removal of other vehicle 22(14) 19 Park on highway - travelled portion less than 6 metres 22(15) 20 Park within 15 metres of pedestrian crossover 22(16) 21 Park alongside railway tracks 22(17) 22 Park adjacent to railway tracks 22( 17) 23 Park within loading zone 22(18) 24 Park in signed area where prohibited 22(19) 25 Park in signed area - emergency vehicles only 22(20) 26 Park in signed area - contrary to restrictions 23(b) 27 Park in excess of (5/3) hours 23(c) 28 Park between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 23(d) 29 Park in winter - right hand wheels of vehicle not as close as practical 22(3) 30 Park left hand wheels of vehicle more than 0.3 metres from curblane 23(e) 31 Park in winter - left hand wheels of vehicle not as close as practical 23(e) $15.00 $35.00 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 3 32. Park (heavy truck!bus! school bus) on highway in residential zone 23(f) (i) 33. Park in designated disabled person parking space 23(g) 34. Park at meter - fail to deposit monies 23a(i) 35. Park at expired meter - longer than deposit paid 23a(ii)(a) 36. Park at expired meter - longer than maximum time 23a(ii)(b) 37. Park at meter - deposit of invalid coinage 23a(iii)(a) 38. Park at meter - outside meter zone 23a(iii)(b) 39. Park at meter - too far from meter 23a(iv) By-Law No. 96-5 SCHEDULE "G" A G R E E MEN T Agreement made in triplicate this day of A.D., 19 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE COUNTY II OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE - HEREINAFTER CALLED liTHE " - OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 94-42 on September 27, 1994, thereby authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions, with various lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement and; WHEREAS it is appropriate to outline said terms and conditions in an agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the following agreement comes into force and takes effect when all parties have signed the said agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The employee of the who is responsible for enforcement of County by-laws shall be a duly appointed Provincial Offences Officer. 2. The shall be responsible for enforcing the county of Elgin's IINo Parking" regulations on lands adjacent to property only and at no cost to the County. 3. Any litigation costs associated with said enforcement shall be the sole responsibility of the . 4. The will use County of Elgin parking tickets when issuing tickets for parking infractions. 5. The fines collected from said tickets will be collected and retained by the . 6. THIS AGREEMENT shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns and may be altered by agreement of both Parties in writing. 2 IN WITNESS THEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN REEVE WARDEN CLERK ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK WITNESS WITNESS - - DATE DATE L'HONORABLE DONALD EBBS JUGE PRINCIPAL RÉGIONAl REGION DU SUO-OUEST COUR DE JUSTICE DE L'ONTARIO (DIVISION PROVINCIAlE) COURT HOUSE 80 DUNDAS STREET PO. BOX 5600, TERMINAL 'A' LONDON, ONTARIO N6A 2P3 TEL. (519) 660-2292 FAX (519) 660·2294 IM~ ßj- liÁ lA) * qG-<; THE HONOURABLE DONALD EBBS REGIONAL SENIOR JUDGE SOUTHWEST REGION ONTARIO COURT OF JUSTICE (PROVINCIAL DIVISION) Q~[~OO m~i¡~' It).¡;' \;:;ì ",,' 996 COUNT'( Of ELGIN ClEI1K'g OFFICE AUG I 5 County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 1996 August 8 I Part " Re Set Fines Provincial Offences Act Bv-law Number 90-48 as amended bv 96-5 Mr. McDonald: Dear for By-Law No and a copy of a schedule of set fines indicated in the schedule Enclosed herewith is a copy of an Order 90-48 as amended by By-law 96-5 short form of wording used to of the the By-law my approval The setting of the fines does not constitute describe the offences I have forwarded the original of the Order and the schedule of the set fines to the Ontario Court, Provincial Division in St. Thomas, together with a certified copy of the By-law, Yours truly Donald Ebbs Regional Senior Judge Southwest Region Enclosures DAE/ha $'.J: LJ ~/,~/3.~~ Senior Justice of the Peace Allan Murphy, Acting Regional c.c PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT IT IS ORDERED pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act and the rules for the Ontario Court (provincial Division), that the amount set opposite each of the offences in the schedule of offences under the Provincial Statues and Regulations thereunder and Municipal By-law No. 90-48 as amended by By-law 96-5 of The Corporation of the County of Elgin, attached hereto is the set fine for those offences. This Order is to take effect August 8. 1996 Dated at London this 8th day of August, 1996 ~ Donald Ebbs Regional Senior Judge Southwest Region Voluntarv $'15.00 $15.00 $'15.00 $'15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 SCHEDULE "F' Penalties - Parking Infractions Offence Section Fine Set 1 Park on highway - display for sale 9 $20.00 2 Park on sidewalk/crosswalk crossover/backward 22( 1) $20.00 3 Parll blocking lane/driveway/ alley 22(2) $20.00 4. Park within 1 meter of lane/ driveway/alley 22(2) $20.00 5. Park more than 0.15 meter from curb 22(3) $20.00 6. Park on roadway side of vehicle 22(4) $20.00 7. Park on left side of roadway where prohibited 22(5) $20.00 B. Parlled - obstructing traffic 22(6) $20.00 9. Park within 8 metres of fire hall 22(7) $20.00 10. Parll within 30 metres of fire hall 22 (7) $20.00 11. Park within 9 metres of intersection 22(8) $20.00 12. Park on bridge/subway 22(9) $20.00 13. Park on approach to bridge/ subway 22(9) $20.00 14. Park within 3 metres of fire hydrant 22(10) $20.00 15. Park within 2 metres of entrance to public building 22(11) $20.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 2 ParI< within 15 metres of intersection with signal lights 16 $20.00 22(12) Park within 15 metres of railway crossing 17 $20.00 22(13) removal of Parl< preventing other vehicle 18 $20.00 22(14) ParI< on highway travelled portion less than 6 metres 19 $20.00 $20.00 5) 22(16) 22( 15 metres of crossover Park wlthlll n peclestria 20. railway ParI< alongside tracks 21 $20.00 22(17) railway Park adjacent to tracks 22 $20.00 22(17) $20.00 $20.00 22(18) 22(19) loading zone ParI< in signed area where prohibited Park within 23 24 ParI< in emergency vehicles only signed area 25 $20.00 22(20) in signed area restrictions ParI< contrary to 26 $20.00 23(b) Park in excess of (5/3) hours 27 $20.00 23(c) and 3:00 a.m Park between 5:00 a.m 28 $20.00 23(d) ParI< in winter - right hand wheels of vehicle not as 29 close as practica $20.00 22(3) ParI< left hand wheels of vehicle more than 0.3 metres from curb lane 30 $20.00 23(e). Park in winter - left hand wheels of vehicle not as 31 $20.00 23(e) close as practical $·15.00 $35.00 $7.50 $7.50 $7.50 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $50.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 $20.00 3 32. Park (heavy truck/bus/ school bus) on highway in residential zone 23(f) (i) 33. Park in designated disabled person parking space 23(g) 34. Park at meter - fail to deposit monies 23a(i) 35. Park at expired meter - longer than deposit paid 23a(ii)(a) 36. Park at expired meter - longer than maximum time 23a(ii)(b) 37. Park at meter - deposit of invalid coinage 23a(iii)(a) 38. Park at meter - outside meter zone 23a(iii)(b) 39. Park at meter - too far from meter 23a(iv)