96-8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 96-8 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 1996 BUDGET OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO APPORTION THE COUNTY LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1996 AMONGST THE COUNTY CONSTITUENT MUNICIPALITIES" WHEREAS the Council of the County of Elgin has reviewed the estimates for the year 1996; and WHEREAS section 162 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended, provides that the Council of every municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality; and WHEREAS sections 371 and 374 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. , 1990, Chapter M.45, as amended, provide for the establishment of the rate to be levied in each year; and WHEREAS it is necessary to apportion the levy required for County purposes amongst the County constituent municipalities. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. That the 1996 budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 2. That the required levy for County purposes be raised in each local municipality in accordance with the details set out on Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. READ a first and second time this 19th day of March, 1996. READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of March, 1996 1996 BUDGET COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 96-8 1996 TAX LEVY 1996 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS SCHEDULE A 1996 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE (330,838) (53,972) (25,000) 35,000 (40,000) 234,315 441,506 166,275 192,450 258,285 285,615 77,530 261,352 2,385,483 933,249 26,200 71,916 1,419,037 (2,170) 862,350 70,000 11,000 337,284 - 125,000 630,000 60,000 56,667 98,020 5,000 157,517 (44,151) 330,838 53,972 25,000 50,000 142,970 59,200 3,656,650 125,000 142,000 4,877,000 7,341,045 35,000 10,000 234,315 441,506 166,275 192,450 258,285 285,615 219,530 261,352 7,262,483 8,274,294 26,200 71,916 1,562,007 57,030 4,519,000 70,000 11,000 337,284 250,000 630,000 60,000 56,667 98,020 5,000 157,517 SURPLUS FROM PRIOR YEAR CITY OF ST. THOMAS BOUND. ADJ SUPPLEMENTARY TAXES TAXES WRITTEN OFF INTEREST CHARGES AND INCOME FAMILY & CHILDREN'S SERVICES HEALTH UNIT COUNCIL MEMBERS & LOCAL BOARDS ADMINISTRATOR/CLERK'S OFFICE TREASURY DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING CORPORATE EXPENDITURES ROAD DEPARTMENT ELGIN COUNTY HOMES AGRICULTURE PIONEER MUSEUM COUNTY LIBRARY LAND DIVISION SOCIAL SERVICES GRANTS ' ELGIN TOURIST ASSOCIATION CAPITAL RESERVES -SPECIFIC CAPITAL RESERVE - HOMES PROJECT ARCHITECT FEES FINANCING - SHORT TERM WASTE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC PLANNING CIVIC ADDRESSING EMPLOYEE INCENTIVE PLAN MILL RATE STABILIZATION RESERVE OTHER REVENUE 8,704,920 (8,704,920) 44,151 16,847,826 8,704,920 25,552,746 TOTAL 1996 REQUISITION ON MUNICIPALITIES -0- 25,552,746 25,552,746 1996 BUDGET TOTALS BY-LAW 96-8 SCHEDULE B 1996 LEVY CALCULATION COUNTY OF ELGIN ************************************** MUNICIPALITY RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL TOTAL GENERAL LEVY RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 53.664 63.134 ROAD LEVY RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 20.994 24.699 TOTAL LEVY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AYLMER T 9,701,364 4,131,907 13,833,271 520,610 260,863 203,672 102,054 1,087,199 BELMONT V 2,799,629 337,565 3,137,194 150,238 21,312 58,776 8,338 238,664 DUTTON V 1,689,259 522,687 2,211,946 90,652 32,999 35,464 12,910 172,025 PORT BURWELL V 1,075,465 130,352 1,205,817 57,713 8,230 22,578 3,220 91,741 PORT STANLEY V 5,088,199 1,025,175 6,113,374 273,051 64,723 106,822 25,321 469,917 SPRINGFIELD V 825,212 109,165 934,377 44,284 6,892 17,325 2,696 71,197 VIENNA V 478,507 48,111 526,618 25,678 3,037 10,046 1,188 39,949 WEST LORNE V 1,817,418 854,816 2,672,234 97,529 53,968 38,155 21,113 210,765 ALDBOROUGH TP 7,520,492 1,635,776 9,156,268 403,577 103,273 157,886 40,402 705,138 BAYHAM TP 6,927,528 831,995 7,759,523 371,756 52,527 145,437 20,549 590,269 SOUTH DORCHESTER TP 3,935,084 220,036 4,155,120 211,171 13,892 82,614 5,435 313,112 DUNWICH TP 5,329,610 428,433 5,758,043 286,006 27,049 111,890 10,582 435,527 MALAHIDE TP 9,389,621 2,057,368 11,446,989 503,881 129,889 197,127 50,815 881,712 SOUTHWOLD TP 9,251,511 12,854,890 22,106,401 496,470 811,577 194,227 317,502 1,819,776 YARMOUTH TP 16,235,786 1,639,095 17,874,881 871,271 103,482 340,856 40,484 1,356,093 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82,064,685 26,827,371 108,892,056 4,403,887 1,693,713 1,722,875 662,609 8,483,084 ESTIMATED PAYMENTS IN LIEU 221,837 ----------- 8,704,921 ---------- ---------- COUNTY OF ELGIN CALCULATION OF 1996 COUNTY MILL RATE 1996 Requirements from Local Municipalities General 6,097,600 Roads 2,385.483 Levy required by Mill Rate 8,483,083 County Share - Payments in lieu 221. 837 Total Required from Municipalities 8.704,920 General Mill Rate Commercia1 Requirement x 1000 6.097.600 x 1000 63.134 Comm Assess + 85% Res Assess 96,582,353 Residentia1 Commercial x 85% = 63.134 x .85 53.664 Proof: Residential 82,064,685 x 53.664 4,403,919 1,000 Commercial 26,827,371 x 63.134 1. 693 , 719 1,000 6,097,638 * Roads Mill Rate Commercia1 2.385.483 x 1.000 24.699 96,582,353 Residential Commercial x 85% 20.994 Proof: Residential 82,064,685 x 20.994 1,722,866 1,000 Commercial 26,827,371 x 24.699 662.609 1,000 2,385,475 * Total Residential Mill Rate 74.658 Total Commercial Mill Rate 87.833 * NOTE Small differences due to rounding Mill Rate to three decimal places COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW 96-8 **********1996 LEVY PAYMENT SCBEDULE********** MUNICIPALITY 1996 NET BUDGET LEVY 50% +/- COLUMN 2 LESS MARCH 31 PAYMENT DUE JUNE 30 COLUMN 3-4 DUE SEPT 30 25% COL 2 DUE DEC 15 BALANCE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AYLMER T 1,087,199 543,600 260,380 283,220 271,800 271,799 BELMONT V 238,664 119,332 56,839 62,493 59,666 59,666 DUTTON V 172,025 86,013 41,166 44,847 43,006 43,006 PORT BURWELL V 91,741 45,871 22,183 23,688 22,935 22,935 PORT STANLEY V 469,917 234,959 112,983 121,976 117,479 117,479 SPRINGFIELD V 71,197 35,599 17,193 18,406 17,799 17,799 VIENNA V 39,949 19,975 9,636 10,339 9,987 9,987 WEST LORNE V 210,765 105,383 50,360 55,023 52,691 52,691 ALDBOROUGH TP 705,138 352,569 168,863 183,706 176,285 176,284 BAYHAM TP 590,269 295,135 141,856 153,279 147,567 147,567 SOUTH DORCHESTER TP 313,112 156,556 75,257 81,299 78,278 78,278 DUNWICH TP 435,527 217,764 105,225 112,539 108,882 108,881 MALAHIDE TP 881,712 440,856 211,318 229,538 220,428 220,428 SOUTHWOLD TP 1,819,776 909,888 446,987 462,901 454,944 454,944 YARMOUTH TP 1,356,093 678,047 327,049 350,998 339,023 339,023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,483,084 4,241,547 2,047,295 2,194,252 2,120,770 2,120,767 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 ESTIMATED MUNICIPALITY COUNTY OF ELGIN PAYMENTS IN LIEU TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------ AYLMER T BELMONT V DUTTON V PORT BURWELL V PORT STANLEY V SPRINGFIELD V VIENNA V WEST LORNE V ALDBOROUGH TP BAYHAM TP SOUTH DORCHESTER TP DUNWICH TP MALAHIDE TP SOUTHWOLD TP YARMOUTH TP 19,836 o 2,000 4,200 o o o 5,600 1,500 o o 500 3,477 1,300 12,400 21,360 7,482 6,100 2,650 11,000 2,400 1,425 7,000 17,500 13,500 7,533 10,000 13,574 23,500 26,000 41,196 7,482 8,100 6,850 11,000 2,400 1,425 12,600 19,000 13,500 7,533 10,500 17,051 24,800 38,400 ------------------------------------------------------------ 50,813 171,024 221,837 ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ COUNTY OF ELGIN SUPPORTING MUNICIPALITIES' PORTION OF ESTIMATED REVENUE OF THE COUNTY AND ITS LOCAL BOARDS ESTIMATED OTHER REVENUES ESTIMATED PROVINCIAL SUBSIDY FOR 1996 REQUISITION %OF TOTAL SUPPORTING MUNICIPALITIES AMOUNT 510,646 1,934,555 12.82% 087,199 1 AYLMER 112,098 424,677 2.81% 238,664 BELMONT 80,798 100 306 2.03% 72,025 DUTTON 43,090 163,243 08% 1 741 91 PORT BURWELL 220,715 836,167 5.54% 469,917 PORT STANLEY 33,440 126,687 0.84% 71.197 SPRINGFIELD 18,764 085 71 0.47% 39,949 VIENNA 98,994 375,034 2.48% 210,765 WEST LORNE 331,196 254,718 1 8.31% 705,138 ALDBOROUGH 277.243 1,050,321 6.96% 590,269 BAYHAM 147.065 557,149 3.69% 313,112 SOUTH DORCHESTER 204,562 774,974 5.13% 435,527 DUNWICH 131 414 568,913 1 10.39% 712 881 MALAHIDE 854,729 3,238,097 21.45% 819,776 1 SOUTHWOLD 636,942 2,413,023 15.99% 356,093 1 YARMOUTH 3,984,413 This statement includes the County portion of provincial subsidy paid to the Elgin-St. Thomas Health Unit. 15,094,744 100.00% 8,483,084 TOTAL