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COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 97-3 1838. AS AMENDED. TO AUTHORIZE "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. PARTICIPATION BY THE COUNTY OF ELGIN (THE EMPLOYER) IN THE ONTARIO " WHEREAS By-Law No. 1838, as amended by By-Law No. 96-46, approved employees employed on other than a continuous full-time basis, becoming members of OMERS in accordance with Subsection 8(4) of the Regulation issued under the OMERS Act; and WHEREAS it is now desirable that such employees become members of OMERS only in accordance with Subsection 8(4.1) of the Regulation the County of of the Corporation of the Municipal Counci NOW THEREFORE Elgin enacts as follows 1 from January By-Law No. 96-46 be deleted with effect That Section 2 of 1. 1997 1997 1997 March March this 6th day of ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. this 6th day of time and finally passed time and second READ a third READ a first UNDERHILL Administrator HARLEY J. Personnel COUNTY OF ELGIN 450 Sunset Drive ST. THOMAS, Ontario N5R 5V1 Phone (519) 631-1460 Fax (519) 633-7785 Board 1997 Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement One University Avenue, Suite 1000 TORONTO, Ontario M5J 2P1 March 21, Communications Office_[ Lou Vertol ATTENTION Amalgamation of Participating Employers. Further to your letter of January 25, 1997, enclosed is a certified copy of County of Elgin By-Law No. 97-3 concerning the amalgamation of the County of Elgin Group #178500 and the Bobier Convalescent Home Group #056582. RE Dear Lou requirements Thank you very much (our second attempt) complies with Omers (519) 631-1460 ext. 132 I you have any questions, please cal for all your help. trust the above by-law Yours truly, ~~1{ Louise M. Ray PayrolllBenefits Supervisor Ilr encl ~ wd-omers-amablaw2.ltr Mark G. McDonald Harley J. Underhill cc BOARD 6) 360-0217 (4 REMENT Fax: 369-2400 RET (416 Te CIPAL EMPLOYEES Suile1000, foronto, Ontario M5J 2P MUN University Avenue, o ONTAR One ~ RS ..................., ~~©l!n~fif![fJ) 1997 January 25, 1997 JAN 2 8 PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL Louise M. Ray Payroll/Benefits Supervisor County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive S1. Thomas ON N5R 6V1 Dear Louise 178500 Group # Re: Home by-law Bobier 1997 discussion regarding the recent This is further to our January 22, passed by the County As I mentioned I had a couple of concerns. When Bobier joined OMERS, it had a Board of Directors. This Board passed the original participation resolution. If such a Board was still in existence, we would have required an amending resolution from this Board confirming that Bobier would allow the County to assume its OMERS administration responsibilities under the County's group number. As I understand, Bobier no longer has a Board of Directors. The Home now reports directly to County Council. Obviously then we only need a by-law from Council. My other concern was with section # 2 of this by-law. By applying this section, the County technically agrees to enrol any other-than-continuous full-time (OTCFT) employees hired after December 31, 1996 on their date of hire and to offer membership to any OTCFT employees on staff as of December 31, 1996. As I understand, this was not your intention. You believed that section # 2 dealt with the Pension Benefits Act's requirement to offer membership to OTCFT employees if they met certain requirements. As a result, we require an amendment to this by-law deleting section # 2. A sample is attached. 2 2 Part of this concern also related to information we have on file regarding Bobier's administration of this clause. This information suggested that Bobier had a contract with the London and District Service Workers Union that required mandatory enrolment of all OTCFT employees who belonged to that union on their date of hire. You confirmed that the current contract does not include this requirement. If you have any questions please call is sufficient. I trust this information me. Sincerely ( / r/ V\(' Lou Vertoll Communications Officer encl Iv/