97-9 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 97·9 AS AMENDED. DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS 87·1 "TO AMEND BY-LAW NO WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 87·1, and amendments thereto, providing for highways under the jurisdiction of the County of Elgin to be designated as through highways; and the said By-Law. to further amend is deemed necessary it WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of NOW THEREFORE Elgm enacts as follows: as amended. be further amended as follows King's Highway #3 By-Law No. 87-1 Deleting County Road #19 from the north side of to the north side of County Road #17. That (a) 1 Adding County Road #19 from the north limit of the Village of Port Burwell to the Boundary Line between the County of Elgin and the Region of Haldimand-Norfolk. (b) Adding County Road #73 from the south limit of the Town of Aylmer to the west limit of Main Street in the Hamlet of Port Bruce and 273 metres north of the north limit of Walnut Street in the Hamlet of Port Bruce to the north limit of Walnut Street and from the east limit of Walnut Street to the south limit of Hale Street in the Hamlet of Port Bruce. (c) Adding County Road #74 from the north limit of Provincial Highway #3 to the south limit of the Village of Belmont. (d) Adding County Road #76 from the north limit of Provincial Highway #3 to the south limit of the Village of West Lome and the north limit of the Village of West Lome to the Boundary Line between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex. (e) the Highway #3 to of mit I the north Adding County Road #119 from north side of County Road #17. (f) 1997 1 That this By-Law shall come mto force and take effect on Apri 2 1997 1997 March March time and finally passed this 25th day of this 25th day of and second time READ a first ~ third . . IcDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. READ a 2>3 ~l¿) %--4NY 1ft. ~'1