98-1 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 98-1 BEING A BY-LAW TO APPOINT A COUNTY ROAD SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE WHEREAS under Section 46, of the Public Transportation and Highway mprovement Act, being Chapter P.50, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a County may by by-law appoint a County Road Superintendent and set out his or her duties; and CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN' the perSO?/Ç;"hO held this position retired on December 31 and 1997 WHEREAS advisable to appoint a replacement. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin it the Count~ deems \ NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows: WHEREAS 1. THAT Mr. Clayton D. Watters shall be appointed County Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin, said position to be known as Manager, Engineering Services THAT a complete job description shall be attached to this by-law as Schedule "A" 1998 1 January this by-law shall come Into force and take effect THAT 2 3 J this 27th day of January 1998 time and finally passed this 27th day of January 1998 time . . McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. and second third READ a first READ a SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 98-1 COUNTY OF ELGIN POSITION DESCRIPTION Reports To: County Administrator/Clerk (4) full-time (2) part-time Positions Supervised: Title: Manager of Engineering Engineering Services Department: 1998 POSITION SUMMARY: Directs the budgeting, planning, design and construction of the County road system, ensures all work is carried out efficiently, within budget, on schedule to recognized professional and municipal standards, Municipal By-Laws and according to Provincial and Federal Statutes. 1 Effective Date: January PRINCIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Develops specifications for construction tenders using County guidelines, Ministry of Transportation guidelines, Ontario Provincial Specification Standards, Ontario Provincial Standard Drawings and latest technology. 1 2. Produces cost estimates for design and construction of roads, bridges and culverts. 3. Carries out bridge, culvert, road and railroad crossing needs' studies as required by the County. Inspects all bridges and culverts. Assures that the County Bridge Weight By-Law is updated. 4. Prepares and submits 5 year capital budgets to Treasurer and Administrator/Clerk for approval and operates the department within budget, develops work schedules for staff based on these priorities. infrastructure and Carries out corridor control including comments/approvals for utilities location, entrance permits, moving permits, Adopt-A-Highway, parades, temporary permanent road closures, land titles' applications and environmental assessments. 5. municipalities' of assurance quality on Reports periodically to County Counci maintenance on County of Elgin Roads. 6. Provides technical assistance to other municipalities or government agencies in such fields as engineering design, construction techniques, traffic studies, drainage problems or others as requested. 7 Directs all road and bridge design including both contract and engineering technologist by reviewing designs and calculations, suggesting revisions as needed to ensure that all designs meet required standards. Completes complex designs including urban, rural and alignment designs Signs engineering drawings where a Professional Engineers stamp is required under the Statutes of Ontario. 8. 9. Tenders contracts for bridge construction, road construction, bridge rehabilitation, gravel resurfacing, high float, hot mix paving, cold in-place, sub-drain tiles and others as required. Recommends a contractor to County Council, acts as a project manager including supervision, administration and inspections of the project. Advises and guides Contractor or Consultants in problem solving. Solves problems, makes field design changes and inspects projects or plants during construction. Directs contractor and County staff and changes work procedures if needed to meet schedule or budget. Prepares deficiency lists for contractor. Approves payment summaries, payment certificates, reconciles invoices, quantities, etc. for payment. -2- Petitions for municipal drains, as directed by council, consults with assigned drainage engineer as to requirements, appears before the Provincial Drainage Tribunals and courts as required. 10. Maintains liaison with various provincial ministries, engineers of other municipalities, members of Council, lawyers, real estate brokers, consultants, insurance adjusters, contractors and other parties concerned with the operation of the road system and other County matters as required. 11 Supervises Engineering Technologist in project management activities, provides advice and guidance as needed and deals with particularly complex technical problems as required. 12. legal engages Purchases land for road widening, negotiates all non-price items, directs or does title searches, deals with County Solicitor and authorizes payments to vendors, qualified appraisers as required. 13. 14. Ensures that all staff, contractors and sub-contractors and their employees through administration and communication meet or exceed the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the County's Health and Safety Program. Develops, submits and updates (assists updating in Civic Addressing and Emergency Planning) to County Council and implements policies on all aspects of the Department's operations, including providing technical input for road related by-laws (i.e. Road Service Standards, Road Rationalization), procedures and manuals, agreements with developers, other municipalities. 15. of request information upon technical to provide Attends County Council meetings County Administrator/Clerk. 16. Petitions and meets with Cabinet Members of the Provincial Parliament and Federal Government as required on County matters. Requires thorough knowledge of Provincial Legislation and Federal and Provincial subsidy programs 17. Acts as County representative on various Provincial Committees, concerned with policy matters involving municipal and/or technical work. Teaches technical courses for the Ontario Good Roads Association as approved by County Administrator/Clerk. 18. Supervises staff within County policy guidelines. Directs the training of all staff. Reviews the performance of directly-reporting staff. Deals with serious disciplinary matters in the department. 19. Appears on behalf of municipalities before the Ontario Municipal Board, the Ontario Energy Board, various courts, etc., takes part in hearings involving land expropriation, land compensation, court of discovery, personnel dismissals, etc. 20. Reviews proposed zoning by-laws, sub-divisions, planning issues, minor variances and amendments, comments on land severance applications, appears before the Land Severance Committee as necessary, negotiates agreements on behalf of the County with developing owners and other municipalities, Provincial and Federal governments. 21 maintenance, supervision computers, MINIMUM QUAL/FICA TIONS: 1. Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University. 2. Membership in Association of Professional Engineers' of Ontario. 3. A current class 'G' driver's license. 4. Experience in such areas as road, bridge and culvert design, construction, purchasing, construction surveys, financial and planning matters, etc. Through knowledge of the Occupational Health Safety Act. 5. Excellent interpersonal skills. Date Incumbent