98-10 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 98-10 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE MANAGER, ENGINEERING SERVICES, TO DESIGNATE REDUCED LOAD LIMITS ON COUNTY ROADS WHEREAS Section 122, Subsections (1 through 7), of the Highway Traffic Act, being Chapter H.8, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, provides that a municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a highway may by by-law designate the date on which a reduced load period shall start or end and the highway or portion thereof under its jurisdiction to which the designation applies, subject to certain exceptions; and WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to designate certain County Roads as Reduced Load during the Spring thaw; and WHEREAS the designation of Reduced Load on County Roads would be at the discretion of the Manager, Engineering Services. the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as NOW THEREFORE follows: Engineering Services may designate certain County roads as 1. THAT the Manager, Reduced Load roads. be for the period of February THAT the posting of such roads as Reduced Load wi to April 30th inclusive, each and every year. 2. 15th its passing this By-Law come Into force and take effect upon THAT 3. 1998. 1998. this 26th day of February this 26th day of February time and finally passed B. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. time and second third READ a first READ a