98-41 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 98-41 "A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN GOVERNING THE PROVISION OF NECESSARY SERVICES DURING AN EMERGENCY AND THE PROCEDURES UNDER AND THE MANNER IN WHICH EMPLOYEES OF THE MUNICIPALITY AND OTHER PERSONS WILL RESPOND TO AN EMERGENCY' WHEREAS by Section 102 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter MA5 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1990, a council may pass such by-laws and make such regulations for the health, safety, morality and welfare of its inhabitants as may be deemed expedient; and WHEREAS the Council has deemed it expedient to formulate an emergency response plan governing the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures under and the manner in which employees of the municipality and other persons will respond to an emergency; and WHEREAS the Appendices of the Emergency Response Plan may require amendments from time to time as persons named therein change. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows 1. THAT the Warden and the County Administrator/Clerk be authorized to sign the Emergency Response Plan governing the provision of necessary services during an emergency and the procedures under and the manner in which employees of the municipality and other persons will respond to an emergency, attached hereto as Schedule "A". 2. THAT the Emergency Measures Co-Ordinator, or such other designated staff as directed by Council, is hereby authorized to make such amendments to the Appendices, from time to time, as is necessary to give effect to and properly implement the said plan this by-law become effective upon passing THAT 3 ~ Riëil VanBrenk; Warden December 1998 this 10th day of December 1998 10th day of time and finallY passed time this and second third READ a first READ a ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. By-law 98-41 Schedule "A" fff»~~ì ïf~~,~rill k ,.::;..::::,:~ ~'=;t.o;:~><:~..::-J .. ·:;:-':::::'«X::§'fu'W%.::;:t~:::m$;':'i"W% .. . 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Social Services Representative Fire Representative Police Representative 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 Support & Advisory Staff The County Treasurer Building Maintenance ....... Human Resources Representative Conservation Authority Representative The County Solicitor ................... School Board Representative ........ Provincial Ministry Representative Red Cross Representative ................... Hospital Representative ................... Salvation Army Representative ........ A.R.E.S. Representative ....................... Bell Telephone I Amtelecom Representative Other Officials, Experts, or Representatives 1998 December 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan Control Group Operations· The Business Cycle Emergency Site Manager.................................... Communications ............................................... Evacuation ......................................................... Media and Public Relations ......................... The County Media Coordinator ..............' On-Site Media Spokesperson ..............' The County Citizen Inquiry Representative Public Information & Inquiry .......... Request for Provincial I Federal As.sistance Plan Review, Testing, and Maintenance December. 1998 1 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Ambulance Communications Centre and/or DEFINITIONS Ambulance Services Representative A designated representative of the Centra Ambulance Service. County Citizen Inquiry Representative During an emergency the Social Services Representative will be responsible for appointing a County Citizen Inquiry Representative who will establish a Citizen Inquiry Service to respond to and redirect inquires and reports from the public. County Emergency Control Group The group of individuals directing the services necessary for mitigating the effects of the emergency. The Operations Manager is responsible for coordinating the operations within the County Emergency Operations Centre. County Media Coordinator The County Media Coordinator will be appointed by the County Emergency Control Group and is responsible for coordinating the dissemination of information to the media from the County Media Information Centre. The coordinator will report directly to the Operations Manager. Centre from which the media may gather for This location will be determined by the County Media Information Centre The location near but not in the Operations updated media releases and press conferences. County Media Coordinator. County Treasurer The County Treasurer or designated alternate for the County of Elgin. Emergency Area The area in which the emergency exists Emergency Coordinator The County Emergency Planning Coordinator or designated alternate is responsible for the maintenance, revision and distribution of this plan, as well as coordinating emergency exercises. Evacuation Centre An evacuation centre is a facility that provides temporary care and shelter to persons displaced by the emergency. Persons may be sent to an evacuation centre after registering at a reception centre, and/or they may register at the evacuation centre directly. December 1998 2 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin directly affected Fire Chief of Affected Municipality The Chief of the Fire Department or alternate of the Area Municipality(s) by the emergency. Fire Representative The Mutual Aid Fire Coordinator or designated alternate of the County of Elgin Head of Council from Affected Municipality The Mayor or Acting Mayor of an Area Municipality of the County of Elgin directly affected by the emergency. Head of the County Emergency Control Group The Warden or designated alternate (see Appendix A) of the County of Elgin. Health Representative The Medical Officer of Health or designated alternate of the County of Elgin. Human Resources Representative The Personnel Administrator or designated alternate for the County of Elgin. Inner Perimeter A restricted area in the immediate vicinity of the emergency scene as established by the Site Manager. Access to the inner perimeter is restricted to those essential emergency personnel actively involved in the occurrence On-Site Media Centre The location at or near the scene from which the media may gather for updated media releases and press conferences. This location will be determined by the designated On- Site Media Coordinator, with the approval of the Site Manager. On-Site Media Spokesperson The On-Site Media Spokesperson is appointed by the Site Manager at the time of the emergency. This person is responsible for coordinating the fast accurate dissemination of information to the media from the On-Site Media Centre. The Spokesperson will also work closely with the County Media Coordinator to ensure that information released to the media from the scene is consistent with information being released from the County Media Information Centre. the County of Operations Manager During an emergency the Clerk/Administrator or designated alternate for Elgin will perform the duties of the Operations Manager. serve as a to the outer area wi Access Outer Perimeter The geographic area surrounding the inner perimeter. This coordination and assembly point for essential emergency personnel December 1998 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 3 the Site to essential emergency personnel as determined by restricted is perimeter Manager. the Area alternate of or a.p.p the Police Representative The Chief of Police and/or Staff Sergeant of Municipality(s) directly affected by the emergency. Public Works Representative The Manager of Engineering Services or designated alternate of the County of Elgin. Reception Centre A reception centre is a facility that is used as a short term redistribution point that receives and registers persons displaced by the emergency, reuniting them with families or dispatching them to evacuation centres or other accommodation. Red Cross Representative The Chairperson of the Emergency Services Committee of the local Red Cross Branch is responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities of the Red Cross Branch during an emergency. It should be noted that the Chairperson takes direction from the Social Services Representative. Site Manager The person in charge of a operations at the scene of the emergency. This person may also be in charge of an essential emergency service such as Police or Fire. The Site Manager will ensure that updated information with respect to the scene is conveyed to, or obtained from, the County Emergency Control Group. Social Services Representative The Director of Social Services or designated alternate of the County of Elgin. to a system of Triage The sorting and allocation of treatment to patients or victims according priorities designed to maximize the number of survivors. December 1998 4 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin INTRODUCTION The purpose of th is to provide elected officials, personnel, and emergency response agencies an overview of the guidelines to their expected response and responsibilities to an emergency situation within the County of Elgin. For this plan to be effective it is imperative that all officials, departments and agencies be aware of their respective roles and be prepared to carry out their assigned responsibilities. s plan with For the purposes .of this plan, an emergency is defined as an abnormal situation which threatens the health, safety, welfare and property of a community, and requires a coordinated and controlled response from elected officials, personnel, and emergency response agencies. While many emergencies could occur within the County of Elgin, the most likely to occur are floods, water and land pollution, blizzards, cold waves, fire, fog, frost and freezeups, high winds, ice storms, .severe thunderstorms, snow storms, tornadoes, hazardous chemical spills, power failures, transportation accidents involving hazardous materials, strikes and disorder. THE AIM The focus of this plan is to provide a guideline for the most effective response to an emergency situation in the local municipalities, and in so doing safeguard the health, safety, welfare and property of their populace. This plan will govern the provision for requested services during an emergency. COUNTYEMERGENCYASS5TANCE The initial response to an emergency situation shall be the responsibility of the directly affected Municipality. Upon receipt of a warning of a real or potential emergency at the local level, the initial responding agency will contact the appropriate Municipal Official to request that the Municipal Emergency Notification System be activated. The Municipality will notify members of the affected Municipal Control Group. Upon notification, it is the responsibility of control group members to assemble and manage the situation using the procedures in their Municipal Emergency Plan. As part of the Municipal Emergency Notification System, the Head of the County Emergency Control Group, or the Operations Manager, or the Emergency Coordinator of the County of Elgin, shall be notified. All members of the County Emergency Control Group will be notified and placed on stand-by or asked to assemble. Notification will take place in accordance with procedures detailed in the County Emergency Notification section. Decem ber 1998 5 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin The emergency situation will dictate the County's response. When an emergency requires only limited County support, a representative of the County Emergency Control Group may join a Municipal Control Group or several members of the County Emergenèy Control Group may meet to monitor the situation. When an emergency requires greater County support or when it involves more than one Municipality, the County Emergency Plan will be activated and the County Emergency Control Group will assemble at the County Emergency Operations Centre. The County of Elgin is neither empowered to declare an emergency nor to direct the activities of local municipalities in responding to an emergency, unless the municipality(s) involved request such assistance. Should a locally-based emergency escalate beyond the general scope and capabilities of the affected municipality(s), the decision to invoke the County Emergency Plan will be made as a result of discussion among the Head of the Municipal Control Group(s), emergency response agencies involved, and the Head of the County Emergency Control Group, Operations Manager, and Emergency Coordinator. If the County Emergency Plan is activated, members of the County Emergency Control Group, including key personnel from the affected Municipal Control Group(s) will assemble to manage the emergency response in accordance with the County Emergency Response Plan. The request shall control of the A local Municipality may request County assistance at any time. not be deemed to be a request that the County assume authority or emergency. ALERTING OR ACTIVATING THE EMERGENCY PLAN The members of the County Emergency Control Group will be alerted and placed on standby, or this plan may be activated under the following conditions When the Head of a Municipal Emergency Control Group requests assistance and indicates whether or not the County is being asked to provide assistance or to assume control of the emergency; be defined as a e . be shal the plan local When an emergency cannot activated; emergency, When County facilities are threatened or an extraordinary County resources, the plan shall be activated; When a widespread, far-reaching accident is encountered such as an epidemic, or an environmental disaster, the plan shall be activated. December 1998 is placed on demand e e 6 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin COUNTY EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION The County Emergency Control Group (CECG) may be alerted to an emergency situation by the Head of a Municipal Emergency Control Group, member of the CECG, or emergency response agency. To notify the County Emergency Control Group the following procedure will be used to alert or activate its members: the CECG, Operations the Head of to A request for assistance shall be made Manager, or Emergency Coordinator e Emergency Co- or Manager, When notified, the Head of the CECG, Operations ordinator who is notified shall contact the other two; e and Emergency Coordinator shal The Head of the CECG. Operations Manager, monitor the situation . After monitoring the situation if it is deemed that the CECG should be alerted and placed on stand-by, or the County Emergency Plan should be activated, the members of the CECG shall be notified as follows: . December 1998 County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan 7 - ~89D~~~8~î\~~ } - ....., ... - :::::B~!~ç~ª~ÞÞ~Qª!~li¡;!¡;¡!r¡~gYQ~¡;mgrg~Qçyß!9~jf!Ç~tlgø - ~t: - ill THE COUNTY EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTRE Depending upon the location of the emergency, the County Emergency Control Group will assemble at the Emergency Operations Centre closest to the emergency site (refer to Appendix C). In the event that this location is inappropriate, the location of the Emergency Operations Centre will be determined by the Head of the County Emergency Control Group, the Operations Manager, and the Emergency Coordinator after consultation with the emergency response agencies involved. The County Emergency Control Group will assemble at the centre they are advised to go to when notified, and determine if the site is appropriate. If this site is not appropriate, the County Emergency Control Group wi choose an alternate location from Appendix C where future meetings will be held December 1998 8 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin COUNTY EMERGENCY CONTROL GROUP (CECG) "joint' by a The County emergency response wil be directed and controlled County/Municipal Control Group consisting of the following officials: Staff Head of the County Emergency Control Group Head of the Municipal Emergency Contro Representatives from affected Municipality(s) Chief(s) of Police/O.P.P. Staff Sergeant Representative, as the situation dictates Fire Representative Ambulance Representative Operations Manager Emergency Coordinator Public Works Representative Social Services Representative Medical Officer of Health County Media Coordinator (appointed by the CECG) Additional personnel deemed necessary by the County Emergency Control Group (i.e. Provincial/Federal Ministry representatives, industrial representatives, school boards, legal, financial representatives). Designated & Group e e e e e e e e e e · · Names An alternate contact person shall be designated for each member of the CECG and telephone numbers of CECG members and alternates appear in Appendix A. The CECG may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the emergency. While the CECG may not require the presence of all persons listed as members of the control group, all members of the CECG must be notified. with by COUNTY EMERGENCY CONTROL GROUP (CECG) RESPONSIBILITIES Some or all of the following actions/decisions will have to be considered and dealt the CECG: the emergency situation by acquiring and assessing the status of Determining information; · personnel and equipment; Coordinating and directing these services and ensuring that any actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are taken, provided they are not contrary to law Mobilizing County emergency services, · e Coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in danger, and working with the Red Cross in establishing a Registration and Inquiry Centre to handle requests regarding evacuees; December 1998 · 9 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Arranging for services and equipment from local agencies not under County or municipal control, i.e. private contractors, volunteer agencies, services clubs; · Notifying and requesting assistance from various levels of government and any public or private agencies not under County or Municipal control, as considered necessary (refer to Request for Provincial/Federal Assistance); if additional volunteers are if appeals for e e Determining warranted; volunteers are transport of evacuation or required and required for transportation is Determining if additional persons and/or supplies the emergency is promptly forwarded Ensuring that pertinent information regarding for dissemination to the media and public; e · the sub-committees; the emergency for Determining the need to establish advisory group(s) and/or required to deal with Authorizing expenditure of funds preservation of life and health; e e Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a summary of the log to the County Emergency Coordinator within one week of the termination of the emergency, as required; e Arranging for emergency accommodation and/or welfare services for residents temporarily evacuated from their homes when so requested by the affected municipalities e handle Establishing a reporting and inquiry concerning any aspect of the emergency; requests ndividual to centre e Ensuring that all County emergency personnel are advised of the termination of the declared emergency in the constituent local municipality · Appointing an Emergency Site Manager; e revision of the Emergency Plan Stress Reviewing and · e e n is available to responders; is required if plan, Management recovery ncident Ensuring that the emergency is reviewed and a place before the local emergency is terminated; Ensuring that the Critical Participating In the debriefing following the emergency; trauma to the Community. Addressing the emotional December 1998 · e 10 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin COMPOSITION OF THE COUNTY EMERGENCY CONTROL GROUP be responsible for HEAD OF THE COUNTY EMERGENCY CONTROL GROUP The Head of the County Emergency Control Group, or alternate, wi the following duties: in response to a request for assistance from a local member of the CECG. or emergency response agency; the CECG Implementing the Plan Municipal Control Group, the Heads of to and issuing direction Chairing meetings of Making decisions, determining priorities, County departments e e e from constituent of the affected of government and emergency, on behalf Requesting assistance from senior levels municipalities not involved with the municipality, when required; expenditures and · e and personne equipment the acquisition of Authorizing necessary; when the County has releases and public announcements; notified that are Approving and making news Ensuring that the heads of local Councils implemented its Plan and is available to assist; members of e e · the CECG are kept apprised of developments as soon Ensuring that al as possible. HEAD(S) OF COUNCIL FROM AFFECTED MUNICIPAL/TY(S) The County Emergency Control Group is a joint County/Municipal body. The Head(s) of Council and key staff from local Municipality( s) affected by an emergency form an integral part of the County Emergency Control Group. The responsibilities of the Head of a Local Council and key municipal staff will include: to date information about the emergency situation In Providing up municipality; in their respective mobilization and employment the making and decision Assisting resources; Assisting in the overal · local of management of the County-wide emergency response. · December 1998 e 11 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin OPERA TIONS MANAGER The Operations Manager, or alternate, wi be responsible for the following duties is assembled; Centre (CEOC) relief of Centre when the CECG Organizing and supervising the County Emergency Operations during the emergency, including arrangements for feeding and personnel; required members are present Ensuring that al e e the scheduling of regular ncluding the CEOC Coordinating all operations within meetings; e the emergency site; Arranging for effective communications to and from Coordinating media releases; e · taken by the CECG in dealing with the emergency; record of actions Maintaining a e of emergency action; matters; records of costs Incurred as a result Compiling e e legal and financial Acting as principle staff officer to the Head of the CECG reports for co unci Providing advice to the CECG on · e Compiling Organizing any required debriefing sessions. · EMERGENCYCOORDmATOR or alternate, wi be responsible for the following duties: Providing advice and expertise to members of the CECG on emergency measures operations The Emergency Coordinator, e Setting up the Emergency Operations Centre; e Gathering information for the Operations Manager; Debriefing following the emergency; fina e e · · that terminated; to ensure report to counci Regularly reviewing the contents of the Emergency Response Plan they are up to date and in conformity with Provincial procedures; the emergency has been after Writing a training and participation In drills and exercises. Organizing and coordinating 998 December · 12 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin PUBLIC WORKS REPRESENT A TIVE The Public Works Representative, or alternate. wi be responsible for the fOllowing duties: the n containing Providing the CECG with advice on engineering matters; to assist and equipment Arranging for the dispatch of staff emergency situation if required; · · Maintaining liaison with flood control, conservation and environmental authorities and preparing for relief or preventative measures; e Arranging for the clearing of emergency routes and the marking of obstacles if required, in consultation with Municipal Road Superintendents and with the O.P.P. e Arranging for engineering materials and equipment from the County and Provincial resources, from neighboring municipalities, and from private contractors when e necessary; Maintaining liaison with public and private utility companies (hydro, gas, telephone, etc.) and making recommendations for discontinuation of any utilities, public or private, when necessary in the interest of public safety e Assisting fire fighting authorities in dealing with special hazards such as chemical spills, explosions or noxious fumes; · Establishing radio communications between local municipalities and the CECG, if required, and calling if necessary, on the services of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service e Re-establishing essential County road services at the end of the emergency period; · County roads are maintained and accessible during an emergency; Providing an Emergency Site Manager if required. Ensuring that · e AMBULANCE SERVICES The Representative from Ambulance Services wi be responsible for the following duties: the disaster site Advising the Emergency Control Group on requirements for additional casualty transportation means, beyond ambulance resources, that the Emergency Control Group may be able to obtain; of casualties from Providing Information on the movement · e Determining if additional medical resources are needed for casualty management at the emergency site, in consultation with the Medical On-Site Coordinators, and initiating requests for such with medical authorities Decem ber 1998 · 13 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Authorizing additional Ministry of Health resources required by any facility which operates under the direction of the Ministry of Health in accordance with Ministry procedures. e HEALTH REPRESENT A TIVE The Health Representative, or alternate, wi be responsible for the following duties: Providing advise to the CECG on health matters; staff informed; · e Receptionl to assist the Manager of each and in assisting evacuees; Keeping the Health Unit Providing Staff at each Evacuee Centre Evacuee Centre in public health matters, immunization where needed e e mass Arranging for related supplies when warranted; of health about government Arranging for precautions In regard to water levels Notifying other agencies and senior matters in the emergency; · · Ensuring the safety of food supplies and the safe disposal of sewage and waste; emergency hygiene at sanitation and personal Ensuring adequate general reception centres · e services and facilities. response of health unit Ensuring proper burial of the dead Coordinating the e · the following responsible for be wi alternate, SOCIAL SERVICES REPRESENT A TIVE Services Representative, or The Social duties for reception services for Providing advise to the CECG on Social Services matters Cross, to arrange emergency welfare Assisting local municipalities, along with the Red centres to provide accommodation and other people being evacuated or in need of assistance · e concern mutua Liaising with the Health Services Representative on areas of required during operations in evacuee centres; e Reception Liaising with public and private nursing care homes In the County as required the number Emergency the of locations and of a.p.p the Notifying Centres; Decem ber 1998 · · 14 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin in welfare to assist Contacting and providing direction to volunteer agencies able functions, such as Red Cross, Women's Institutes, etc. e Notifying senior levels of government on Social Services matters in the emergency; Contacting the Red Cross to establish a registration and inquiry system at reception centre(s) to deal with inquiries from concerned relatives and friends from within and outside the community; e e that Arranging, with the Red Cross, emergency purchase of food and supplies cannot be obtained in any other way. e FIRE REPRESENT A TIVE The Fire Representative, or alternate, wi be responsible for the following duties for rescue matters to the CECG Confirming that local fire fighting rescue and life saving resources are sufficient the operational situation, and arranging for further assistance as required; Providing advice on fire fighting and · · and equipment to bring Into play other Providing advice to County departments skills needed to cope with the emergency; the Mutual e e the Fire Marshal of Aid Fire System and from Coordinating assistance Ontario as required; can be the County, available In Determining if special equipment or supplies, not located elsewhere and advising the CECG; e Coordinating assistance of fire equipment and personnel with other County departments and agencies in large scale non-firefighting operations (rescue, first aid, casualty collection); e nvolving potentially fires on Environment the of Liaising with the Ministry dangerous materials; · Liaising with the Ministry of Natural Resources on forest fires Providing an Emergency Site Manager if required. December 1998 e · Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 15 POLICE REPRESENT A TlVE The Police Representative, or alternate, wi be responsible for the following duties: to permit to the CECG traffic control matters implementing (law enforcement) Arranging for assistance to local authorities In rapid movement of emergency equipment; Liaison with Public Works Representative; Providing advice on police · e · Coordinating police operations and responses with County Service Departments and with neighboring police authorities; · to control access and protect the emergency area Establishing security around property; e dispersing crowds necessary, if Sealing off the area of concern. controlling and within the emergency area; · the emergency and coordinating evacuation Alerting persons endangered by procedures; e and the establishment Liaising with the Social Services Administrator regarding operation of evacuation and reception centres e police services in evacuee centres Providing for required; morgues, and other facilities, as e required; provincial or federal police agencies as municipal nforming CECG on the actions Liaising with other · · · take by the Police if required Providing an Emergency Site Manager December 1998 16 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin SUPPORT & ADVISORY STAFF The following staff may be required to provide support, logistics and advice to the CECG: THE COUNTY TREASURER The County Treasurer will be responsible for: Manager, information and advice on financial required; as Assisting the Operations The providing emergency; e e the to they relate matters as if necessary, with the Treasurers of local and neighboring municipalities; Liaising, e Ensuring that records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes; invoices and claims egitimate a of and settlement Ensuring the prompt payment incurred during an emergency; · e Providing for and securing of equipment and supplies as requested. · BUILDING MAINTENANCE The Building Maintenance Representative wi responsible for: be Providing security for the County Emergency Operations Centre, as required; sleeping, and meeting to CECG members and support staff; feeding Providing identification cards Coordinating the maintenance and operation of areas of the CECG, as required: e · e as required to assist Procuring staff · HUMAN RESOURCES REPRESENTATIVE be responsible for: requests for human resources; Under the direction of the CECG, coordinating offers of and appeals for volunteers; Selecting the most The Human Resources Representative wi Coordinating and processing registration of human resources; appropriate sites for the records of human · e · · resources and administrative details are completed; When volunteers are involved, ensuring that a Volunteers Registration Form is completed and a copy of the form is retained for County records (Refer to Appendix G); December 1998 Ensuring · 17 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin to volunteers and cards are issued Ensuring identification where practical temporary employees · to and from sites; Obtaining assistance, if necessary, from Human Resources Development Canada, as well as other government departments public and private agencies, and volunteer groups. resources Arranging for transportation of human · e CONSERVA TION AUTHORITY REPRESENT A TIVE The Conservation Authority Representative will be responsible for: of flood emergencies; Providing advice on the abatement · in flood emergencies. refer to Appendix E) to assist Assisting In acquiring resources Conservation Authority jurisdiction · (for THE COUNTY SOLICITOR The Solicitor for the County wi be responsible for: The provision of advice to any member of the CECG on matters of a legal nature as they may apply to the actions of the County of Elgin in its response to the emergency, as required. e SCHOOL BOARD REPRESENT A TIVE The School Board Representative will be responsible for: Providing any school as designated in the County of Elgin's Social and Family Services Community Welfare Plan for use as an evacuation or reception centre; e Upon being contacted by the Social Services Representative, providing school board representatives to coordinate activities with respect to maintenance, use and operation of the facilities being used as evacuation or reception centres. e PROVINCIAL MINISTRY REPRESENT A TIVES Provincial Ministry Representatives will be responsible for: the CECG Providing advice on matters of Provincial concern to members of e response agencies. Assisting In the garner of resources Provincial Coordination of December 1998 · · 18 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin RED CROSS REPRESENT A TlVE The Red Cross Representative will be responsible for: the Social of the request Activating the Red Cross Emergency Alert System Setting up and maintaining an evacuation centre, upon Services Representative; e e upon the request of reception center, Setting up and maintaining the operation of a the Social Services Representative · Providing registration and inquiry to collect accurate and reliable information and answer inquiries as to the condition and whereabouts of disaster victims in co- operation with local hospitals and reception centres e to Providing an inquiry centre to assist in reuniting separated family members and deal with national and international requests; e Safety Workplace aid established at reception centres if required; that so Assisting with first Ensuring that volunteers are properly registered Insurance coverage is provided during an emergency; · · Maintaining a log of all actions taken. e HOSPITAL REPRESENTATIVE Representative wi be responsible for: The Hospital to hospital respect with Plan; Liaising with the Health and Ambulance Representatives and medical matters, as required; Disaster mplementing their respective Hospita e e triage teams; Evaluating requests for the provision of medical site teams/medica e Liaising with the Ministry of Health, as appropriate; taken. actions Maintaining a log of a e · SALVATION ARMY REPRESENTATIVE be responsible for: the upon to personnel The Salvation Army Representative wi Coordinating and providing food, bedding and clothing request of the Social Services Representative Providing and coordinating clergy assistance; December 1998 · · 19 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Operating reception Representative; Services Ensuring that volunteers are properly registered so that Workers' Compensation coverage is provided during an emergency (Refer to Appendix G); Social the of request the upon centres e e REPRESENT A TIVE AMA TEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE (A.R.E.S.) AR.E.S. Representatives will be responsible for to supplement the County and Providing additional communication requirements emergency communications systems, as needed; as required e e (See Appendix F) Contacting other communications experts, BELL TELEPHONE / AMTELECOM REPRESENT A TIVES Bell Telephone I Amtelecom Representatives will be responsible for: When possible, establishing and ensuring that telephone communication needs are provided to the EOC, emergency site, and anywhere else required. e (for Amtelecom jurisdiction refer to Appendix E) OTHER OFFICIALS, EXPERTS, OR REPRESENTATIVES Other Officials. Experts, or Representatives will be responsible for: the emergency situation as to abate Any special advice or expertise necessary required by the CECG. December 1998 e Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 20 Group Operations Contro The Business Cycle It is important that the County Emergency Control Group meets regularly to share information and make decisions. It is also important that members of the group have time to deal with their individual responsibilities. When the County Emergency Plan is activated, frequency of meetings and agenda items will be established by the Operations Manager. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible to allow members to carry out their individual responsibilities. At each meeting the members will bring each other up to date on what has happened since the last meeting, make recommendations on issues presented, and arrive at decisions. Maps and status boards wi be prominently displayed and kept up to date by the Operations Manager. When the meeting ends, each member will do what is individually required of them, and can gather information to share at the next meeting an individual agency, it is establish the most effective the individual members of the Although each member of the Control Group represents important that individual members function as a team to response to the emergency situation. It is equally important CECG are relieved of their duties at regular intervals. Emergency Site Manager: The Emergency Site Manager's task is to take control of the scene, and coordinate the response. A Municipal Emergency Control group may have initially appointed an Emergency Site Manager. Once appointed, the Emergency Site Manager should be relieved of all other duties, and will remain in control of the scene unless the County Emergency Control Group deems it necessary to appoint a replacement. the with communications include: regular Some of the duties of an Emergency Site Manager Setting up a command post, and establishing other agencies on the site, and with the EOC; e perimeters of the outer operations within Establishing authority and supervising a the site; e Organizing a management team and arranging a management cycle; . Determining the Inner and outer perimeters, and ensuring they are set up; e is to ascertain what the site, agencies at Organizing the layout of the site; Conferring with the heads of the other happening and what is needed; Decem ber 1998 e . 21 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Passing information on what is happening, and requests for resources to the EOC and passing direction and information from the EOC to others at the site; the response agencies at the site; and asking the EOC for Directing and coordinating the activities of to provide them; resources are necessary, areas. food, etc. Determining what e e · e site workers; rest Arranging a system of relief, Ensuring worker and volunteer safety; · to the site; Arranging media visits e them; to support Planning ahead for site activities and the resources Maintaining a log of all actions. · e Communications All communications will be received and sent from a communications room set up adjacent to the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). A representative from each emergency response agency will work from this room. Telephones, radios or other communications equipment shall not be permitted in the EOC. At the emergency site, each response agency will appoint a communications officer to regularly update their respective representative in the EOC communications room. From the EOC communications room, radio and phone messages will be relayed (verbally or on paper) to the relevant member of the CECG. An important function of every agency is to provide timely information to the CECG for the benefit of the decision-making process. This will necessitate reliable systems of communications between the emergency site and the EOC and for every department involved. The telephone system will be used, if it is operational In addition, police and fire representatives will have links with their respective radio communications. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service is also available to assist, as described in Appendix F. This service shall be activated by the CECG only. 998 December 22 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Evacuation In an emergency, It may be necessary for the residents to be temporarily evacuated. When such an evacuation is deemed necessary, one or more emergency reception centres may need to be opened in a safe area. The County has an agreement with the public and separate schools boards within the County which guarantees that their institutions may be used as temporary reception centres in the event of an emergency. respective policing their Municipality and the be conducted by wi AI evacuations authority. Media and Public Relations It is important to coordinate the release of accurate information or instructions to the news media, the public, and individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the emergency. may be the following positions these functions during an emergency, In order to fulfi established: County Media Coordinator On-Site Media Spokesperson County Citizen Inquiry Representative e . e A Municipal Emergency Control Group may have initially appointed these positions. Once appointed, they will remain in control unless the County Emergency Control Group deems it necessary to appoint a replacement. Depending on the scope of the emergency, there may be a need for an On-Site Media Centre near the emergency site, and a County Media Information Centre near, but not in, the EOC. In some cases a joint media information centre may be more desirable. Decem ber 1998 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 23 THE COUNTY MEDIA COORDINA TOR The County Media Coordinator will be responsible for: Establishing a communications link with the Municipal Media Coordinator(s), the On-Site Media Spokesperson, the County Citizen Inquiry Representative, and any other media coordinator(s) (Le. Provincial, Federal, private industry, etc.) involved in the incident; e appointed news releases at nformation, and planning for The dissemination of times; e nformation that a Ensuring accurate; and Appointing an assistant to attend the On-Site Media Information Centre. and appointing any other personnel required; the media and public is consistent to released · e Designating and coordinating a County Media Information Centre for members of the media to assemble for the issuance of accurate media releases and authoritative instructions to the public e up; media be set Liaising regularly with the CECG to obtain the appropriate information for releases. coordinate individual interviews. and organize press conferences; the County Media Information Centre wi Briefing the CECG on how e · media inquiries and ensuring that the following Establishing telephone numbers for are advised accordingly: · Media CECG Switchboard for County Emergency Services On-Site Media Spokesperson Municipal Media Coordinators County and Municipal Citizen Inquiry Representatives Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; · · · · · · · regular updates to the County· Citizen Inquiry that the most accurate and up-to-date information is Providing direction and Representative to ensure disseminated to the public; · approved by first the media and public is released to Ensuring that all information the Head of the CECG; e Monitoring news coverage and correcting any erroneous information. 998 December · Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 24 ON-SITE MEDIA SPOKESPERSON If necessary an On-Site Media Spokesperson shall be appointed by the Emergency Site Manager and is responsible for: Media Co- the County iaison with regular Establishing a communication link and ordinator at the EOC; · Responding to inquiries from the media pertaining to the scene only, and only after clearance by the County Media Coordinator; e the and Redirecting al inquiries regarding decisions made by the CECG emergency as a whole to the County Citizen Inquiry Representative; e Establishing and coordinating a media information centre in a safe, appropriate location. at or near the site, for the media to assemble e telephone and following persons and agencies of the location as available, of the Site Media Information Center: Advising the number( s) e Media CECG Switchboard for County Emergency Services Municipal Media Coordinators County and Municipal Citizen Inquiry Representatives Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses; e · e · · · media arriving at the site are directed to the site information centre; the Ensuring that · · Where necessary media photograph sessions at scene; Coordinating on-scene Interviews between emergency services personnel and the media. coordinating and appropriate, · the Social Services by THE COUNTY CITIZEN INQUIRY REPRESENT A TIVE The County Citizen Inquiry Representative wi be provided for Representative and shall be responsible for: of personnel and the appointment Establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service, Including designation of telephone lines: · of the Citizen Inquiry Informing the County Media Coordinator of the establishment Service and designated telephone number(s); · Advertising public information phone numbers through the media as quickly as possible, and advising that 9-1-1 is not to be used as an inquiry line · Apprising the affected emergency services and the CECG of the establishment of the County Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number(s); December 1998 · 25 Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin nformation on to obtain current Media Coordinator the County Liaising with emergency; the the public based upon from Responding to, and redirecting inquiries and reports information from the County Media Coordinator; e e Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to the investigation of the emergency, deaths, injuries, or matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to the appropriate emergency service e be located telephone Responding to and redirecting inquiries pertaining to persons who may in evacuation or reception centres to the registration and inquiry number(s); . as required. Procuring staff to assist . PUBLIC INFORMA nON & INQUIRY Depending on availability, information concerning an emergency situation wil be communicated to the public through a number of means. These include: newspaper, radio, television, public addressing system, telephone, newsletter, and individual visitation Where appropriate, public meetings will be held to provide information to members of the public concerning an emergency situation Such meetings will be coordinated and conducted by the CECG. relations personnel can be found in Federal Assistance media to assist model I A communications Appendix H. Request for Provincia If locally available resources, including those which might be available from bordering municipalities and/or county sources, are insufficient to meet emergency requirements, then assistance may be requested from the Province by the County on behalf of the affected local municipality. The Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services, through Emergency Measures Ontario, is the focal point for provincial assistance during an emergency. It should be notified if the threat of an emergency exists, and must be notified when an emergency has been declared. While it will not take over and manage the emergency, it can provide liaison and coordination, and a central point for contact with other provincial ministries, and the federal government if required. December 1998 County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan 26 - All requests for provincial and federal assistance should be directed through Emergency Measures Ontario. During working hours Emergency Measures Ontario can be reached at: On holidays, in the evening, or on weekends Emergency Measures Ontario can be reached through the Duty Officer of the Ontario Provincial Police - General Headquarters at: ª¡e¡R;'~9!y'Qff!qª!ìf@ªñ§¡;ªÎBªªªqgªi1ªr§;øº§fªgªIª~Q::' All assistance should be sought through Emergency Measures Ontario. When this channel is used, the cost is charged to the Province; but if requests for assistance from a community go straight to a Provincial or Federal department, the community will receive a bill for the services. Plan Review, Testing, and Maintenance This plan shall be reviewed annually in January, and where necessary shall be revised by the County Emergency Measures Committee. Each time the plan is revised, it must be forwarded to County Council for approval; however, revisions to an appendix or minor administrative changes can be made without Council approval. An annual exercise will be conducted to test the overall effectiveness of the plan and to provide training to the members of the County Emergency Control Group. December 1998 AP'iß :~ffl,%'ffi ~~ ~~~~ :1 .;~*~, t~::x:"1;:«:~~ {&--t:rt~~~,t*;ìª ~#~~ <J~M~Z.m.:mf0¿{t~S :$.,..;:;::,::?-': ~'" ::;: "~?¿~W';W J.f..t.:~:ø. i - }.}* ~ ffl: ;}.~!Þ%1.¡;¥~ß~ &1'¡ß'}"""1~'%"ifu'Wk49. ~'\4W." kÞ'.¥> tit,l ,0 ~~~ ~~W... "1M 1i!!!.\!~ , .,,;{:j$i.. ;:r::;'~'~::::;':;:;"":::-'~:;:::;';:::::::::'::$;%.;· :~~ ,ø::~j~~:~~:~~~~t~",,!f;~!~~' ~~~;;~~%¡h ..,.p,,;:... ~ .!i~": -ø:::'}'x,.&.~§i.»'':::.-:::::;:::::::'~::::-,,;:: "~ At:'::. .%;.* -~';'.·'h $' ,*V ,-::$:~M;:.·,:", . 4}\··$,::-»......·, ;:~';; «';,~ ,,-. ',~W ,<::,:.:::;>< ,jf' ,41 .~».':.».$:-;.:::::::::'< .,....j.,t::.,.;;;,;:.-<¢., ..-;..;.;;::-,,>:'».,¿£š?....«;:::::.ó.~ ~, ~. ':0.':;$." . \.;..'& ":#':1/ .'«, .".,. 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Rotation List Table of Contents Appendix A Notification County Emergency Notification System ....................... Alternate to the Head of the Emergency Control Group Elgin County Emergency Notification System 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 Appendix B - Directory County of Elgin ....... Municipality of Bayham .. Municipality of Central Elgin Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich Township of Malahide ....... Township of Southwold ....... Municipality of West Elgin ....... Town of Aylmer ................. City of S1. Thomas ................. Police....................................... Fire Mutual Aid ................. A.R.E.S. ............................ Ambulance ............................ Canadian Red Cross ....... Medical Officer of Health ............. S1. Thomas/Elgin General Hospital. Elgin County Coroner ............. Conservation Authorities ............. School Boards ........................ Schools - Thames Valley........................ Schools - District Roman Catholic Schools Adjacent Municipal Offices Member of Parliament ....... Environment Canada ........ Ministry of the Environment Ministry of the Solicitor General Transport Canada ............... Ministry of Transportation ..... Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Municipal Affairs Utilities Appendix C County Emergency Operations Centre 1 1 Appendix D Quick Guide to Outside Assistance Appendix Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 1 2 Appendix E Amtelecom Jurisdiction .......... Conservation Authority Jurisdiction Appendix F - A.R.E.S. Emergency Communications 1 Appendix G Volunteer Registration Form 1 Appendix H Communications Model 1 1 Appendix I Distribution List Appendix A Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin County Emergency Notification System To alert or assemble County Emergency Control Group members. notification shall be as outlined in the diagram on the following page. The CECG consists of the following officials: Head of the County Emergency Control Group Head(s) of Council & Designated staff representatives from affected municipality(s) Chief(s) of Police I O.P.P. Staff Sergeant Representative, as situation dictates Fire Representative Ambulance Representative Operations Manager Emergency Co-ordinator Public Works Representative Social Services Representative Medical Officer of Health County Media Coordinator (to be appointed by CECG) e e e e e e e e e e . sted as members of the control While the CECG may not require the presence of all persons group, all members of the CECG must be notified. Rotation List In the absence of the Head of the County Emergency Control Group, the Head of the County Emergency Control Group shall be chosen from the Deputy Warden Rotation Schedule as follows: Alternate to the Head of the County Emergency Control Group that the This schedule is for the term of the current Council, it is understood outgoing Warden will take the incoming Warden's rotation Please note: December 1998 Rien VanBrenk 519·762-2204 (Office) (alternate:) From Rotation List - Refer to A-1 COUNTY COUNCIL (as req'd) BAYHAM: Max Stewart,. Mayor 519-866-5521 (Office) CENTRAL ELGIN Bill Walters, Mayor 519·631~4860 (Office) David Rock, D. Mayor 519-631·0210 (Office) DUTTONIDUNWICH Rien VanBrenk, Mayor 519-762-2204 (Office) MALAHIDE Andy van Kasteren, Mayor 519·773·5344 (Office) John' Wilson, D. Mayor 519-269-3995 (Office) SOUTHWOlD Perry Clutterbuck, Mayor 519·769-2010 (Office) WEST ELGIN Duncan McPhail, Mayor 519-785·0560 (Office) AYlMER Bob Habkirk, Mayor 519-773-3164(Office) ADJACENT MUNICIPAL OFFICES (as req'd) Refer to Appendix B~11 Elgin County Emergency Notification System Appendix A-2 Initial Notification from a Municipality or Emergency Service Group Contact One of the Followmg to Activate the Not!flcatlon Process . 66. (EMERGENCY:) 416-314-3723 or 7Q5..329-6950 (after hours) (ADMINISTRATION:) 519-679-7055 (London) John Stephens' 888-310-1122 (Police Emerg,) (alternate:) ! Dennis Har1vood 888-310-1122 (Police Emerg,) BiI Segui 519-773-3144 (Police Station) (alternate:) Wayne Lamoure 519-773-3144 (Police Station) . . 6. Bill Lynch 519-631-1330 (Po!ice Station) (alternate:) Mark Traichevich 519-631-1330 (Police station) (alternate:) Mark McDonald 519-631-1460 Ext. 105 (Office) .6 6' . Mark McDonald 519-631-1460 Ext. 105 (Office) (alternate:) Karen Dunn 519-631-1460 Ext. 113 (Office) PUBLIC WORKS REP - OTHER CNTY DEPT HEADS (as req'd) ---- SOCIAL SERVICES REP Roy Lyons Clayton Watters Treasurer: Linda Veger Robert Bell 519-631-4000 (Fire Station) 519--631·1460 Ext. 117 (Office) 519-631-1570 Ext. 126 (Office) (alternate:) Teresa Babinski 800-265-4362 (Office) (alternate:) (alternate:) Bob Barber Peter Dutchak Personnel: Harley Underhill (alternate:) 519·631-4000 (Fire Station) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 124 (Office) Joe Debruyn (alternate:) Louise Eastbury 519-631-1570 Ext. 140 (Office) 800-265-4362 Ext. 140 . , Peter Bergsma 519-434-2711 (24 Hours) (alternate:) 519-434-2711 (24 Hours) . Ian Murray 519~773-3111 (24 Hours) (alternate) Phone 24 Hour Une (alternate:) Jim McCormick· VE3 ZJM 519-681-7330 (Work) Shawn Muscutt 519-633-2700 ext 117 (Work) (alternate:) Carolyn Ble;wett 519-633-2700 Ext. 107 (Work) Robert (80 ) Mitchell 519-631..a3 (Elgin Office) 519-663-2088 Exl 2502 (London) Fred Satterley 519-633-6309 (Work) Kim Kingsbury . Bill Lee . . " ... BAYHAM: Bob Bartlett 519-866·5521 (Office) . . .. Vanessa Holmes 519-631-6776 (Office) (alternate:) Terry Allin 519-866-5521 (Office) (alternate:) Tina Weber 519-681-7330 (Office) SOUTHWOlO: Roy Orchard 519-769-2010 (Office) CENTRAL ELGIN: Lloyd Perrin 519-631-4860 (Office) (alternate:) Through Office 519-769-2010 (alternate:) Joe Livingstone 519-633-()576 (Office) WEST ELGIN: Rick Jackson 519-785-0560 (Office) DUTTONJDUNWlCH: Bob Patterson 519-762-2748 (Office) (alternate:) Bill Keutch 519-785-0560 (Office) George Dawson 519-631·9900 (Office) (alternate:) Fred Cameron 519-762-2748 (Office) AYLMER: Layne Wilson 519-773-9068 (Office) Terry Kondrat 519-631-2030 ext 2035 (Work) 519-631-2030 Ext 0 (24hours) (alternate:) Manager on Call 519-631-2030 Ext 0 (24 hours) MALAHIDE Dave Hartley 519-773-5344 (Office) 24 hour line (alternate:) Randy Millard 519-773-5344 (Office) (alterntate ) Through Police Depl 519-773-3144 ST. THOMAS: John Dewancker 519-631-1680 Ext. 165 (Office) Note: 1. Alternates will be contacted only if the primary member cannot be contacted 2. The most appro~riate Police Official depending on the location of the emergency shall be contacted. If there is uncertainty over who should be contacted, more than one police t;bpresentative will be contacted 3. Members and alternates are asked to notify 1I1e Emergency Co-ordinator of a change În their telephone numbers. (alternate:) Robert Brown 519-631-1680 Ex!. 164 (Office) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-5521 (Office) Building Inspector Alternate 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-5173 (Fax) 519-866-3884 (Fax) 519-866-5521 (Office) 519-866-5521 (Office) Dwayne Daniel Ed Roloson Bob Bartlett Terry Allin Works/Road Super. Alternate Lynn Buchner Lynda Millard AdrninistratorlTreas. Alternate Max Stewart, Mayor Jack Petrie, D. Mayor Head of Council Alternate ,",W._, 11'lllllllrlllllllllllllll 11I11I11I111111I1 [II 1 ::;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:::::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::;:;:::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~::::~::;:::::::~::::~:::~:~:~:~::::;.:::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~~:.:.:.:.:' .... . ---- ;.;."........ 519-633-7785 (Fax) 519-633-7785 (Fax) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 155 (Office) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 132 (Office) Hurnan Resources Rep Alternate 'G!SWNrn!i!'¡"ØEi"E'ãGUj¡jF"·"n""mm,@"·~'mm@'m%;H""""~'","",,"m.,'''''''''''''' Iliil¡i!llil¡I¡IJl!lilllili¡III¡¡ilil!!!!!¡¡IIIII¡I¡ 11111111111\11111111111111111111111111111111 Head of CECG Rien VanBrenk 519-762-2204 (Office) Alternate See Rotation List Appendix A 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 141 (Office) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 107 (Office) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-631-1570 Ex!. 126 (Office) 519-631-1570 Ex!. 140 (Office) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 117 (Office) 519-631-1460 Ex!. 124 (Office) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-631-1460 Ext. 113 (Office) 519-631-1460 Ext. 105 (Office) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-633-7661 (Fax) 519-631-1460 Ext. 105 (Office) 519-631-1460 Ext.113 (Office) 519-762-0394 (Fax) Hartey Underhill Louise Eastbury Linda Veger Teresa Babinski Treasurer Alternate Robert Bell Joe Debruyn Social SelVices Rep. Alternate Clayton Watters Peter Dutchak Public Works Rep. Alternate Karen Dunn Mark McDonald Ernergency Coord. Alternate Mark McDonald Karen Dunn Operations Manager Alternate Appendix B-1 County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan Directory Head of Council Rien VanBrenk, Mayor 519-762-2204 (Office) 519-762-0394 (Fax) Alternate Bonnie Vowel, D. Mayor 519-762-2204 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) ClerklTreas.lAdmin. Ken Loveland 519-762-2204 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) Alternate Heather Bouw 519-762-2204 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) Works/Road Super Bob Patterson 519-762-2748 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) Alternate Fred Cameron 519-762-2748 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) Building Inspector Lome McLeod 519-762-2204 (Office) 519-762-2278 (Fax) Alternate Through 24 hour line 519-762-2748 Utilities Bob Leitch 519-762-2733 (Office) 519-762-2278 {Fax) .·.w.'.....__..._._.___________.____.____._____......._......_._......................................... 519-762-2748 Emergency 24 hour paging system to reach any of the below listed people. 1111111¡1¡11~IIIIIIIIII!fI¡III¡!il¡IIJIII ¡!1 Head of Council Bill Walters, Mayor 519-631-4860 (Office) 519-631-8319 (Fax) Alternate David Rock, D. Mayor 519-631-0210 (Office) 519-637-2356 (Fax) Administrator/Clerk Ken Sloan 519-631-4860 (Office) 519-631-4036 (Fax) Alternate Allan Hovi 519-631-4860 (Office) Works/Road Super. Lloyd Perrin 519-631-4860 (Office) 519-631-4036 (Fax) Alternate Joe Livingstone 519-633-0576 (Office) 519-631-4036 (Fax) Building Inspector Mike Zimmer 519-631-4860 (Office) 519-631-4036 (Fax) Alternate Through 24 hour line 519-631-4860 Utilities Lloyd Penin 519-633-0576 (Office) 519-631-4036 (Fax) Alternate Through 24 hour line 519-631-4860 519-631-4860 Emergency 24 hour paging system to reach any of the below listed people. ¡¡iïlWål···J$·It)i^:H1·T\i¡~Eij$~i'ííió¡KjWC\iHîjKlij*HfN%¡¡W 'IWJ\; -J~ ~ EnJ¡¡; ~~~:~æ;?·~J::f·~·~I,.:~I~~··_wW· .':'M..·~·....,·w..:.·.·<-·.w 1¡1¡fiÎîl¡i¡¡I¡fjl¡~lfÎf¡I!¡!!¡¡¡lf!¡¡!¡lllf¡11¡¡[¡I¡¡¡\1tlt¡¡I¡¡¡fl;f¡..!~ttfÆt~~i:~IIII'li'lrlllr~j: .... ----- Appendix B-2 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan Head of Council Perry Clutterbuck, Mayor 519-769-2010 (Office) 519-769-2213 (Fax) Alternate James Mcintyre, D. Mayor 519-769-2010 (Office) 519-769-2837 (Fax) CAO/Clerk Alex Pow 519-769-2010 (Office) 519-769-2837 (Fax) Alernate Through Office 519-769-2010 Works/Road Super Roy Orchard 519-769-2010 (Office) 519-769-2837 (Fax) Alternate Through Office 519-769-2010 Building Inspector Dave Major 519-769-2010 (Office) 519-769-2837 (Fax) Alternate Through Office 519-769-2010 '¡it~ïA~ìili¡;¡UII'i;~ï;\¡::¡;¡'5ïïtiïunitï~ïHi'SWÜ;HÜHnH¡¡m:¡¡IH;F¡¡ 1·;;;I;;U;V;!U1!l~EI rnH;",·m··~u..u·;;j;;;I;U ;!I;UL;¡U···"·············,,·····,,··....................... !¡if.itllf!![illi~!~1I!it~¡I~~i!j¡ii~ij!!¡}:lil~j¡ijl!j11:~il¡i~II~I:~It~i:¡IlijI:~IJ¡:i~~~i1tfl~llil~~i!I!I!~i*~*~I~j!l!jIIJ¡!~lil!lil~l!t1!liI!j¡ii!ii~ij¡iiiii!lii!!¡ii~¡~ljijl: Head of Council Andy van Kasteren, Mayor 519-773-5344 (Office) 519-773-5896 (Fax) Alternate John Wilson, D. Mayor 519-269-3995 (Office) 519-269·3617 (Fax) CAO/Clerk Randy Millard 519-773-5344 (Office) 519-773-5334 (Fax) Alternate Susan Wilson 519-773-5344 (Office) 519-733-5334 (Fax) Works/Road Super Dave Hartley 519-773-5344 (Office) 519-773-5334 (Fax) Alternate Randy Millard 519-773-5344 (Office) 519-733-5334 (Fax) Building Inspector John Ungar 519-773-5344 (Office) Alternate Through 24 hour line 519-773-8038 519-773-8038 Emergency 24 hour paging system to reach any of the below listed people. ffi~i¡iiÚ:¡;¡ill¡lbHS·iSii¡¡iX;îWfít¡illï6EHHF;Fl¡n%Møœ¡@HHmF ·:]::;:Iìiiit:,,;.:.~~Q£.: F{t.Ur::::~:lw.I.~~U¡;¡;¡:aotu:AW¡:···'···m....<.....:.;.wM,...MM....'.....hr·..··....:·..·· Ilj~II:~j~I~1i~'¡:t.f.fji~if.jt!i~f.~lfi1~jl_~I¥J~~~ill~~j[ª[~1t~íl~!}f[~If.~iflil.lltllijll'illl!111'11!f:flilfll!11rll~illll¡!! Appendix B-3 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan Head of Council Bob Habkirk. Mayor 519-773-3164(Office) 519-773-5895 (Fax) Alternate Doug Avram. D. Mayor 519-773-3164 (Office) 519-765-1446 (Fax) Administrator Wendell Graves 519-773-3164 (Office) 519-765-1446 (Fax) Alternate Phyllis Ketchabaw 519-773-3164 (Office) 519-765-1446 (Fax) Works/Road Depart Layne Wilson 519-773-9068 (Office) 519-765-1446 (Fax) Alternate Through Police Dept. 519-773-3144 Building Inspector Dan Dale 519-773-3164 (Office) 519-765-1446 (Fax) Alternate Through Police Dept. 519-773-3144 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1Illillllll 519-785-0644 (Fax) 519-785-0560 (Office) 519-785-0560 Lome McLeod Through Office Building Inspector Allternate 519-785-0644 (Fax) 519-785-0644 (Fax) 519-785-0560 (Office) 519-785-0560 (Office) Rick Jackson Bill Keutch Works/Road Super Alternate 519-785-0644 (Fax) 519-785-0644 (Fax) 519-785-0560 (Office) 519-785-0560 (Office) Joanne Groch Rita DeWild Administratorrrreas. Alternate 519-785-1208 (Fax) 519-785-0644 (Fax) 1111~1~llljlliJlillillll¡lìlrli"I;III¡I¡I!illlli Head of Council Alternate 519-785-0560 (Office) 519-785-0560 (Office) Duncan McPhail, Mayor Graham Warwick, D. Mayor Appendix B - 4 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan 519-631-2920 519-644-0084 519-782-3934 519-785-0530 SI. Thomas Belmont Port Stanley Rodney Community Offices Detachments 705-329-6111 (Orillia) General Headquarters 519-633-9028 (Fax) 519-633-9028 (Fax) 519-631-1330 (Office) 519-631-1330 (Office) Wayne Howard Bill Lynch SI. Thomas Police Alternate 519-765-1580 (Fax) 519-765-1580 (Fax) 519-773-3144 (Office) 519-773-3144 (Office) Bil Segui Wayne Lamoure Aylmer Police Alternate 519-631-2923 (Fax) 519-631-2920 (Office) Dennis Harwood Alternate 519-631-2923 (Fax) ømEI~ëiinnnIii?:i,i"Mi,i,mit:M?Iinnnnn,ininnfm1!nømif 1¡11¡¡!¡I¡J¡'~î¡¡¡illl¡IIIIII¡ IIIIIIIIII¡IIIIIIIIII!JI'IIIIIIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII::I! O.P.P. John Stephens 519-631-2920 (Office) Head of Council Stephen Peters, Mayor 519-631-1680 Ext. 131 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Alternate Through City Office 519-631-1680 Ext. 135 City Administrator Roy Main 519-631-1680 Ext. 130 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Alternate Peter Leack 519-631-1680 Ext. 120 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Public Works/Eng. John Dewancker 519-631-1680 Ex!. 165 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Alternate Robert Brown 519-631-1680 Ex!. 164 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Works/Road Super Burt Long 519-631-0368 (Office) 519-633-9019 (Fax) Alternate Bob Cairns 519-631-0368 {Office)~ 519-633-9019 (Fax) 24 Hour Emergency Calls can be made through the Police Department 519-631-1330 or Fire Department 519-631-4000 Illr¡III¡lllllllll1ljlilllfllllllrttlllll]lfllllllll'lll Appendix B - 5 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan S1. Thomas Roy Lyons 519-631-0210 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJJ-61 Alternate Robert Barber 519-631-0210 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJJ-61 Aylmer Fred Coleman 519-773-9011 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJK-839 Alternate Bill Rochus 519-773-9011 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJK-839 Stratforville Sam Taylor 519-866-3708 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJK-835 Alternate Ken Laerners 519-866-3708 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJK-835 Belmont Phil Hudson 519-644-0164 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJM-880 Alternate Robert Barker 519-644-0164 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJM-880 Dutton/Dunwich Robert McCallum 519-762-$048 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJK-817 Alternate John Yokom 519-762-3048 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XJK-817 Malahide #1 Eldon Walcarious 519-773-2258 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-272 Alternate Joe DeRyk 519-773-2258 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XLQ-272 Malahide #2 Stu Harrett 519-773-3288 (Fire hall) Radio Call: XLQ-272 Alternate Mel VanLingen 519-773-3288 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-272 Port Burwell Sam Taylor 519-874-4722 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-679 Alternate Tom Millard 519-874-4722 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-679 Port Stanley Russ Montieth 519-782-4021 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-278 Alternate Chuck Rickwood 519-782-4021 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-278 Rodney George McDonald 519-785-0771 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJK-815 Alternate Andy Kieraszewicz 519-785-0771 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJK-815 Continued ... 11111111111;1'11111;111,llllllIllllllll1llllllljlllllf,l¡1111 Appendix B - 6 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan I 519-681-7330 (Office) Dan Voth Jim McCormick Contact Alternate 11IJ[;IIIIIIIIIIIIII;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII¡11111111111IIIII~,IIII 519-661-6670 (Office) 519-649-7939 (Office) Radio Call: XJM-476 519-631-1432 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJM-476 519-631-1432 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJO-956 519-633-0670 (Firehall) Radio Call: XJO-956 519-633-0670 (Firehall) Radio Call: XLQ-529 Radio Call: XLQ-529 519-768-1700 (Firehall) 519-768-1700 (Firehall) 519-764-2251 (Shedden Hall) 519-633-1160 (Talbotville Hall) 519-769-2010 (Fingal Office) See Above Radio Call: XJM-476 Radio Call: XJM-476 519-765-4508 (Firehall) 519-765-4508 (Firehall) Southwold John Brown Altemate Jim Marshall Springfield David Mayos West Lome David Cadogan Alternate Allen Beer Yarmouth #1 Mac Ward Alternate Ken Hindley Yarmouth #2 AI Hurst Alternate AI Smith Regional Fire Marshall Fire Service Advisor 11~lillllllllll"I;II!!lf(lIJ.illllll!llll;ilitlllllli' South Dorchester Robert Bar10w Altemate Alex McNeil Appendix B - 7 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan l£bÆifl··IKfl1iií'î¡+lii1i:~'I'~¡;SbiMtîICÎ:V.I.·."·""."i'"·"'·"""""'1'''''''''''''··'''';$'''''''''''''''''''''' ~'¡~-li':\iiv:\¡i.;~:::.i:,::::'~w:.J.Nü:.;,~Ói:"""""""....................z................... 1¡lii¡¡ili¡¡illllll¡illil!lIII!;li'¡¡iil¡i¡¡!ili¡il¡iil1;llil'IIII;1111111111111111111111I111111 Contact Dr. John Hofhuis 519-782-4195 (Office) Alternate Dr. Robert Floyd 519-633-0038 (Office) I 519-631-2030 Ex!. 2035 (Office) 519-631-2030 Ex!. 0 Contact Alternate Terry Kondrat Manager on Call l'þl.·jïj¡!ïjO¡;i¡¡¡¡¡¡;;í$~C:j:¡liþil¡¡ï:Ø¡;i'i$hljït¡¡;ïrHHgg:;Hg::¡;;in,; ·:a:::J:::····:::I:::r::rUtVl~OJ::I;i¡t;¡¡¡;:U: '~:"n\;;l:Ðn {:1:,MC'..·'··v................................. ;~lilll¡lli!I!I!I!lllllllill!llll!illl¡IIIIIII!I'1111I11IIIIIIiliíi!!i I 519-633-6050 (Office) 519-631-9900 (Office) l¡¡iÎcml··~AI¡II'i'Scffl·l~liibi'mC.".¡;ÏÎ=I'j¡ai~ilil'¡"''''''''''''''''''''''''8'''''''''''''''''''''';''·'' 'IY:~-~W- -~A~"~iéri:: -~·~ß··~i.i··Ä~::JÙä···································.,. li!il!ilil!l¡ii!l!il:¡lli ¡li¡iilll!lllliilijjillli!l!iíi¡¡i!I!:IIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIII MOH Dr. Sharon Hertwig Alternate George Dawson I 519-631-6776 (Office) 519-681-7330 (Office) Contact Alternate Vanessa Holmes Tina Weber 11111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111;11111111111I11II 519-633-7641 (Office) S1. John Ambulance Alternate 519-661-1799 (Fax) 519-661-1799 (Fax) 519-661-1780 (Office) 519-661-1780 (Office) Ian Raven Hank Apfelbeck Peter Bergsma Duty Officer CACC Alternate !lllllllli"rÎI~IÎÎilllllllllltllllllllllll'lIlilllllll¡1111111"1 Appendix B - 8 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan 519-785-0811 (School) 519-688-2171 (School) 519-631-3770 (School) 519-631-4930 (School) 519-631-4460 (School) 519-773-9216 (School) 519-762-2419 (School) 519-773-3174 (School) 519-842-4207 (School) 519-631-5010 (School) Larry Anderson Norman Ryder Paul Willoughby Kathy Schaffer Ele Gibling Sue Wiltsie Rick Wood Jack Couckuyt Martin Wylie John Clements Aldborough P.S. Annandale S.S. Arthur Voaden S.S. Balaclava St. P.S. Central Elgin C.!. Davenport P .S. Dunwich-Dutton P.S. East Elgin S.S. Glendale High School Locke's/Edward St. P.S. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!I¡IIIII 1111111111111 111111 III 519-631-8300 (Elgin Office) Robert Mitchell London Dist. R.C. Board 519-633-2700 Ex!. 117 (Office) 519-633-2700 Ex!. 107 (Office) Shawn Muscutt Carolyn Blewett illlllllllllllllll,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'1111IIII;I!!!!!I Thames Valley Board Alternate 519-354-7310 (Office) 519-354-7310 (Office) Lower Thames Valley Alternate 519-428-4623 (Office) 519-428-4623 (Office) 519-631-1270 (Office) 519-631-1270 (Office) 519-644-0438 (Office) 519-644-0438 (Office) Jack Robertson Jerry Campbell Bill Baskerville Jim Oliver Long Point Region Alternate Hugh Geurts Jim McCoomb Kettle Creek Alternate i5A'ÎiîèEá5tiA'iiiir/¡:¡···'Wl'¡mulSó',·1ifj¿c'''·'''''·'···''··''·..."..,..".,...,.......,." ,·~;ü:t,iQ~n:;Y::n~.::.~'r~···'nwàß~k~ :i:J:~.;5¡i~·····································;-··;-··;-·...;-..;-....;-..;-..,;... ¡11¡¡iiill¡I'¡I¡¡ll¡¡II¡tlil~ll¡il:lil.I!líl¡l¡rl¡Jil!1!¡II!j¡i¡~tfli¡!¡¡I;IJIIIIIIIIIII¡¡IIII'111 Catfish Creek Rob Lindsay Altemate Kim Smale Appendix B - 9 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan 519-773-3117 (School) 519-631-1022 (School) 519-633-5701 (School) 519-631-2392 (School) 519-768-1540 (School) 519-631-8711 (School) !·8'¡¡¡¡;íliï&ðî"'8;n';Rt'6'irif;bHðt';diMliiiA'îfdK'r'K'iWKHr"¡''in; '·a~a-\;l~-~~··..·'tiilliQ:~:I:::·"·ffl?·~··'·..:~RVV:Iiiiii:O·'·······......................... i¡i1~~illjii:I}¡~~!I~~i~t~!~~~'~¡ii'!i~!11¡11!11~ti.I[¡:1~i!!!I!~~!~¡"!!!I!I~[jlll¡j:I!I!I!I~i!i!lj!'I~!III~[~[~j~llli¡ì:~!~}ij~~it111111!lllllill!II!IIIIIIII!IIII!1IIIII!I! Assumption School Jeny O'Brien Monsignor Morrison Mary Damphouse SI. Gabriel's Rober Thibert SI. Joseph's Gary Clarke SI. Mary's Dianne Waite SI. Raphael's Anthony D'Arcangelo 519-631-1360 (School) 519-842-3644 (School) 519-631-0942 (School) 519-631-9750 (School) 519-631-7820 (School) 519-773-3362 (School) 519-688-0810 (School) 519-631-4940 (School) 519-773-5185 (School) 519-633-0090 (School) 519-874-4558 (School) 519-782-3983 (School) 519-842-2077 (School) 519-631-5020 (School) 519-765-4090 (School) 519-842-7319 (School) 519-631-5070 (School) 519-775-2541 (School) 519-765-4225 (School) 519-866-3021 (School) 519-773-8110 (School) 519-631-4950 (School) 519-768-1260 (School) 519-768-1350 (School) ,illlllilllllllill¡IIIÎlr¡1Iftllll~i!li Elgin Court (254 First) Fran Wren Elliott Fairbaim P.S. . Barbara Mare Elgin Court (10 Aldborough) Fran Wren Forest Park/Mary Bucke Roberta Smith Homedale P.S. Frank Galizia McGregor P.S. Betty Clements Maple Lane P.S. Barbara Mare Myrtle SI. P.S. Carole Watson New Sarum P.S. Gord Park Parkside C.!. Judy Upsdell Port Burwell P.S. Maria Wiebenga Port Stanley P.S. Cindy Mann Rolph Street P.S. Tom Boaz Scott SI. P .S. Jo-Anne Duffy South Dorchester P .S. Roger Robbins South Ridge P.S. Fred Brown Southwold/Elmdale P.S. Bob Chantler Sparta P.S. Dave Broadhead Springfield P.S. Lynda Pressey Straffordville P.S. Wendy Young Summers' Corners P .S. Mike Sereda Wellington St. P.S. MeN Reid West Elgin Sr. E.S. June Harkness West Elgin S.S. Martha Foster Appendix B -10 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan Continued ... 519-485-0477 (Office) Margaret Caffyn Allen Forrester County of Oxford: South-West Oxford Mayor Cler1<lTreas/Admin 519-436-3219 (Office) 519-436-3241 (Office) 519-661-4920 (Office) 519-661-5493 (Office) 519-268-7334 (Office) 519-693-4403 (Office) 519-666-0190 (Office) 519-289-2016 (Office) 519-264-1001 (Office) County of Chatham/Kent: Mayor William Erickson CEO Hugh Thomas Dianne Haskett Linda Reed City of London: Mayor Administrator Alan Marr Robert LaCroix North Dorchester Reeve Clerk/Administrator Vance Blackmore Betty Ann MacKinnon Mosa Reeve Clerk Bev Shipley Paul Mylemans Middlesex Centre Mayor Clerk/Administrator Tom Jeffery Janneke Newitt Ekfrid Reeve Cler1<lTreasurer Mel Veale Marion Loker Middlesex County: Caradoc Reeve Cler1<lTreasurer Q¡::-nHE"áS'i:"UfiFm··'···'î4'i"ì'<¥îtîiAWé'iiSrióH"EiW'·'·"".'.'."""""""""'.".".;". ·M.ûiJ:M.~i:~ir':¡J.i:"· . -Q:IM-JÜJri;:ð~'~ wJt:ri~iU~Q(';'d."~."'.".'v""'."""'" ¡ilijlfiilll¡¡iillîillilllll!ij:.II'¡¡¡iiit¡II¡I!li,lit¡illll:,¡II¡¡¡i¡íi¡fillilll¡1111111111 Appendix B - 11 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan 519-782-3101 519-785-2313 519-762-2808 519-768-1998 519-874-4761 519-661-2200 800-268-6060 519-661-2254 Water Pollution Control Plants: Rodney Dutton West Lome Port BUlWell Water Treatment Plants: Elgin Area_VVater Sy~em - Port Stanley MOE Region Office Spills Action Reporting Centre Pesticides - Elgin & Middlesex Counties ··M······.lkiil···S···.·j\fi;jPii4i~tïtúiË¡iþï(i",J;lh4iï(il\1l·······iþkittïtii.¡UW¡¡¡iiWU . .. :IN!. a::n:~:I;::;·.·uF:::.·.·a;;:n·c'".·cl-~:;:v::: -r\:UI~· ·¡¡;·I';;:I~:",·<··········<·····························.·.·.w.·, ::¡~:j~:ti~:1i~¡~:~¡:!!i!!!!!I!:j~!~j!~!!!!~!!~!:1~¡:1!!!~!~~!~~~!!1:~f.!~:!~f~!~!~:1~!~~!~:!~i~:!:j~!!!:~::~:~]!~!1~i~~!!!!1j!~!I:¡~:~!~!j!!~!i!!!!!~!~!:!!!!!i~¡:¡I:!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!i!!j!i!li!!!f:1!!i~i~: 416-739-4826 416-346-1971 519-675-2901 CONTACT ARE.S. Ontario Regional Headquarters General Enquiries Environmental Emergencies London Public Weather Recording CANWARN (severe weather forecast) liIIIIIIIBililillllllllillllllllli¡I!111I1111111111I1111111111 I 519-631-3921 (St. Thomas) 519-631-0666 (St. Thomas) Gar Knutson Peter North Federal MP Provincial MPP ' .·M·······.b. ¡¡Ji.ÖSb.···bJ.ii5rij¡h}A'hiil·.;A;·.ïiïiïþï(j!iïint.nWi.i¡.WWi;.WH@nM - :~tv:lDE'IX"U'rn:"r:~1;¡¡¡¡ MIYlEl..:~n····~,·",·,,········,··,·«·<·······~·~·»··,,·.,..~..~- ¡~~~i1~~i1![~i1!:~!:~j1~:ilj~ij~i1)if¡jli~]!i~i~1!tll'~ij!!i~t¡i~:~ili~r~:~:~i~~I~]~I~:1m~~i~~i~i~!!li~!llil!1}!II!II!III!111~'!il!tll!IIIIIII!!1'lil!III!~!~~lj!i 519-875-4464 (Office) 519-875-4485 (Office) !IRlliI11¡ ¡!lllllllitlli!!lllrl'ïíllil[tlitlflli Region of Haldimand-Norfolk: Norfolk Mayor Hector Verhoeve . Clerk/Administrator Merlin Howse Appendix B -12 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan I "·I\II··"···· Kfl···S·····irih·.:···'v/n:c"':.i'ìi'í:1":f,·:"'·I··D'kîH'iA\cc1i'· ··Ó·Œ''''''''''''''''·",.",,,,.,,.,..,,,,.,. . ',.~ ii:~rX:':I:::~·Q,.:i:··:1vl·~n Ú ;fj:oM'~Úè~ "i:\i.~m...m"'~"~"~".M~' i¡[1illl¡¡¡'¡II!IIIf¡¡I¡III¡jr¡!IIIII¡¡il¡!I¡i~¡iiil!¡¡¡11!!ili!l¡illlll¡iil¡II!¡I¡1111111111111111 Regiönäl Ópërätions ~ London (DisäSiërRëliëf AssiSiänëë)· 519·673·1611 (Peter Jackson· Manager, John Maddox· Senior Advisor:) IM··'··nal··'s·······¡.r;OvFa'&. ·"",.;t::ít'!i;· flb,'N,.··,',·····''i:,F'''bC'S·····''A''h·bn'c·¡s;'''''',."",.,.,.,.",.,. '~r!!'I~!!I!!!111111111IillillllilltlIIIIIII11111519.773.9241 I 519·245-3776 Patrol Yard - Lambeth 519·681-2047 888-293-4667 800-268-4686 519·681·1441 Road Information· Local Roads Highway Maintenance Headquarters· Toronto MTO Info Regional Office - General Inquiries Il¡lllilllllilllllllilllllllllllllll!¡!¡I¡illlllllll I 613-996·6666 CANUTEC illllillllll¡IIIIIIIIII!¡!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII:lllllllillll¡I1IIIII 416-314-3723 (Toronto) 519-679-7055 705·329·6950 i!!!tl'''!!!!I!!f!llliillllllrilllllllll EMO South Western Office After Hours - O.P.P. Duty Officer Appendix B - 13 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan 111-llililif.li!'lli'illll¡'llIlillliiij¡lljlllilllliiiliâiflll) Amtelecom 519-773-3111 Bell 800-644-4044 611 Union Gas 519-439-0151 519-631-5669 Hydro 519-649-7092 Appendix B - 14 Directory County of Elgin - Emergency Response Plan Appendix C Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin the following Operation to one of The County Emergency Operation Centre The County Emergency Control Group will report Centres as outlined in the notification message: Ontario Police College R. R. #4 10716 Hacienda Road Aylmer Elgin County Administration Office 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas West Lome Legion 142 John Street West Lome 1998 December County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan Appendix D QUICK GUIDE TO OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE 11~~g~j ¡i:jM: <WønÎa¢(( .. ..,.................,........... .'.... ..-.........'....'................................. ---,-...,.,------..------..- · Aircraft Crash · Fire · Police · Ambulance · Hospital e Coroner · Blizzard · County Engineer · Police e London Weather Office · Bomb Threat e Police · Chemical Spills e Fire · Police · Ministry of the Environment · CANUTEC* · Medical Officer of Health - · Death or Injury · Police · Ambulance · Fire · Coroner - · Explosives · Fire · Police - · Evacuation of People · Police e Social Services Representative e Media e Volunteer Agencies - Fire · Fire · Police · Ambulance - Flood e County Engineer · Conservation Authority e Ministry of Natural Resources e Medical Officer of Health - Gas or Noxious Fumes e Fire · Ministry of the Environment e Medical Officer of Health · Utility Companies - Gas Line Rupture · Utility Companies · Fire L . ..... · Police 1 December 1998 Appendix D Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Officer of Health Ambulance Police Medical Fire Utilit Ministry of the Environment Spills Action Centre Ministry of the Environment Spills Action Centre Fire Petroleum Companies Police Ottawa Ontario Hydro Fire CANUTEC* Atomic Energy Control Board Ministry of the Environment CNR / CPR Fire Police Ambulance Police Ambulance Fire Fire Police Ambulance Utility Companies Ontario Hydro Countv Engineer Medical Officer of Health Ministry of the Environment Countv Engineer - Fire Police 2 London Weather Office County Engineer Ontario Hvdro e · e e e · · e · · · · · · · · · · e · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · e · · · Health Threat to the Public, Inc1udin~ Communicable Disease Industrial Accident Pesticides Petroleum Spills Power Interruption Radioactive Material Rail Accident Road Accident Collapse Structural Water Supply (Potable) Tornado / Windstorm December 1998 Appendix D Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin *CANUTEC is an information and advice centre in Ottawa operated by the Transport of Dangerous Goods Branch of Transport Canada. This centre operates 24 hours a day on a seven day week basis including holidays. Call CANUTEC (1-800-996-6666) if advice is needed in a chemical accident. They have an extensive library on chemical hazards and contacts within the chemical industry including the service known as TEAP. The Transportation Emergency Assistance Plan (TEAP) is a service run by the Canadian Chemical Producers Association and is designed to provide technical advice in the event of a chemical transportation emergency. Upon request from a participating company/agency or rrom CANUTEC they may be able to provide an on-scene response team to assist local fire or police forces with expert technical advice. with CANUTEC shall i.e. proper name and/or who makes contact if known, The authority at the scene of the vehicle, UN number; of the accident, name of the carrier, direction of travel odours, etc. Advise the nature of the chemical Advise the time and place behaviour of the chemical, e . further return calls from CANUTEC manned for it is Name of the chemical producer if known; Give his/her telephone number and ensure (or other specialists) e . Avoid breathing vapours; any source of ignition in the event that the chemical is flammable or explosive; and alert nearby residents who may have to be evacuated from the scene. 3 1998 December e Appendix E Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Amtelecom Jurisdiction 1 .4J. . II I .--~.. ¡ .;-- , , II ::iI ""': '" . ___I 1 - December 1998 Conservation Authority Ji,,'¡sdictiö-Ii ~ Appendix E - , ~ ? ,- Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin .... :::; ~ :.; ': \I , .' \ \ , \ I I ¡ , i , 1 I J j I o ...~ ,- ~- ; ~ .-/ /-' j/ .~ ;:;"0 ~ :k~¡" ,- LAKE ERre liT ~, 2 Fr /¡- -~ 1998 December Appendix F Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin A.R.E.S Emergency Communications Experience has shown that the telephone system may not be operational in a major disaster. Even if the telephone facilities are not damaged as a result of the disaster, the system including cellular telephones, becomes overloaded very quickly. In these circumstances, radio communications must be used. These facilities are available from several sources - police, fire, ambulance and amateur radio. The Elgin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES.) groups are part of a continent-wide organization of federally licensed radio amateurs committed to providing communications in emergencies. This group is available to assist Elgin County with emergency communications on request. ARES. members are equipped with base, mobile, and hand held equipment, and are trained through periodic e)(ercises and practice sessions to handle emergency communications efficiently. The Radio Act specifies that no charge whatsoever may be made for this assistance. The ARES. Emergency Communications Plans set forth a call-up procedure and specify net operations procedures, etc. Messages can be handled within the immediate area, throughout the province, or continent-wide. The Federal Government has established an amateur radio station, VE3 GOC, in Ottawa for the purpose of country wide communications in an emergency. The Provincial Government has established an amateur radio station, VE3 EMO, at EMO headquarters in Toronto for the purpose of province wide communications in an emergency. Members of ARES. will be in contact with both stations in the event of a widespread disaster. In an emergency, ARES. wi activate the stations it has established. Portable stations will be set up on request at appropriate locations such as the disaster site, reception centres, hospitals, morgue, etc. upon n addition, the local radio groups REACT and Golden Acres are available to assist a request from members of ARES. 1 NOTE: The A.R.E.S. shall be activated by the County Emergency Control Group only. December 1998 Appendix G Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin Volunteer Registration Form In accordance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, a volunteer worker may be covered in respect to injury or death while employed in operations arising out of a Municipally declared emergency, under the following two conditions: If the volunteer worker is employed by a person in authority within the County of Elgin, 1 AND If duly enrolled by completing the following registration form. 2. VOLUNTEER INFORMATION Section 1 Name: (Bus) Occupation: (Res) Address: Telephone No Employer: Medical Restrictions: Section 2 Telephone: Next of Kin: Address: EMERGENCY VOLUNTEER POSITION Nature of Work: Location of Assignment: Section 3 Supervisor: Section 4 Time Date Volunteer Enrolled Time Completed Date Assignment Declared Emergency Location Location of Enrollment 1 maintain a record Enrolling Officer Where the Registration Form is not available, the Supervisor must of as many of the details required in this form, as possible. December 1998 Signature of Volunteer Note Appendix H Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin releases, executive COMMUNICATIONS MODEL: The below model is used for public communications, media relations, summaries, etc. The communications model allows you to inform the media and the public in the most condensed and complete way. Once informed of the issue at the beginning the media are open to listen to all the background you want to add. 1 and The issue description, at the beginning of the interview will eliminate all off-base questions that would otherwise be asked. Instead, the questions will be on target, you'll just have to expand on the points you've made. December 1998 Appendix Emergency Response Plan County of Elgin 1 Distribution List Warden Mayor - Municipality of Bayham Mayor - Township of Malahide Mayor - Town of Aylmer Mayor - Municipality of Central Elgin Mayor - Township of Southwold Mayor - Municipality of Dutton I Dunwich Mayor - Municipality of West Elgin Mayor - City of St. Thomas Detachment Commander - Elgin County OPP Chief of Police - Aylmer Chief of Police - St. Thomas Fire Coordinator - Elgin I St. Thomas Manager· London Central Ambulance Communications Centre Red Cross Society St. John Ambulance The Salvation Army AR.E.S. REACT Golden Acres County of Elgin - Administrator I Clerk County of Elgin - Director of Social Services County of Elgin - Manager of Engineering Services County of Elgin - Medical Officer of Health Elgin I St. Thomas Health Unit - Director County of Elgin - Emergency Measures Coordinator Municipality of Bayham Township of Malahide Town of Aylmer Municipality of Central Elgin Township of Southwold Municipality of Dutton I Dunwich Municipality of West Elgin City of St. Thomas St. Thomas I Elgin General Hospital Thames Valley District School Board Emergency Measures Ontario Adjacent Counties and Regions December 1998