98-8 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 98-8 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A RATE TO BE PAID FOR PERSONAL VEHICLES USED FOR COUNTY BUSINESS AND TO REPEAL BY-LAW NO. 89-28' WHEREAS Section 243(1) of the Municipal Act, being Chapter MA5 of the Revised Statues of Ontario, 1990, as amended, authorizes a council to pass by-laws for paying in part or whole such expenses of members of council and of the officers and employees of the municipality as are actually incurred as a result of their acting either within or outside the municipality in their capacity as members of councilor officers or employees of the municipal corporation; and WHEREAS Section 243(3) of the said Act authorizes a council to pass by-laws providing for the payment of specified amounts calculated according to a specified rate in lieu of the amount of actual expenses incurred in respect of items of expenditure specified in the by-law where the specified amounts or rates reasonably reflect the actual expenses that would be incurred; and WHEREAS By-Law No. 89-28 established the rate to be paid for personal vehicles used for County business which was reduced for the duration of the Social Contract. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE enacts as follows: 1. That members of Council, officers, employees, appointees to the Land Division Committee, appointees to other boards and any other persons, who use their personal vehicle for County business, shall be reimbursed at the following rate $.30 per kilometre. By-Law No. 89-28 be and the same IS hereby repealed 1 st, 1998 That this by-law become effective January That 2. 3. 1998. Perry Clutterbuck, Warden 1998. this 26th day of February this 26th day of February ark G. McDonald, County Administrator/Clerk. time and finally passed time and second READ a third READ a first