99-36 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 99-36 "A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 99-17, ADOPTING A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44(1) of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, being Chapter P.50, RS,O. 1990, as amended, a county may by by-law adopt a plan of county road construction and maintenance and establish a county road system by designating the roads in any municipality in the county that are to form the system as agreed upon by the municipalities interested; and WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No, 99-17 thereby establishing a County Road System and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 44(5), of the Public Transportation and Highway mprovement Act, being Chapter P.50. RS.O. 1990, as amended, a County may amend said by-law; and WHEREAS the Township of Malahide has, by resolution, requested the County of Elgin and the County of Oxford to assume Pigram Line/Road from the south property line of Springfield Road to the south property line of Brownsville Road, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin NOW THEREFORE hereby enacts as follows to By-Law No, 99-17 be amended by adding THAT "Schedule A" 1 Pigram Line/Road, in the Township of Malahide, from the south property ine of Springfield Road to the south property line of Brownsville Road." " I Oxford 2 THAT this by·law shall not come into force and effect until the County of passes a similar by-law and written confirmation of the same is received 19th day of October 1999 October 1999. day of 19th time this time and finally passed this and second READ a third READ a first Rien VanBrenk, Warden, ari McDonald, Chief Administrative Officer. The Corporation of the COUNTY OF OXFORD ( (519) 539-9800 (519) 537-3024 Bus: Fax: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS P.O. Box 397, Court House, Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7Y3 ,f'" \"'" \,,lh, / \ ,-~~\~" \q<\' 'L,' I'" " --, lM°-\' 1999 Mr. Clayton Watters, P.Eng. Manager, Engineering Services 450 Sunset Road St. Thomas, Ontario N5R5V1 November 17, Dear Sir: Oxford County Council, at its meeting held November 10,1999 adopted the following recommendation of the Thirty-eighth Report of the Public Works Committee: "That the following recommendations pertaining to the assumption of the Township of South Dorchester/South-West Oxford (Pigram) Road be approved: That Pigram Road, ITom Brownsville Road (Oxford Road 20) to Ron McNeil Line (Elgin Road 52), be assumed by the County of Oxford as of May 1, 2000; and i) amended to That the County of Oxford Road Consolidating By-law be reflect the assumption of this boundary road." ii) Yours truly, ,çd?:< ? þÞ£.IL¡ J.E. Roy Brankley, P.Eng. Director of Public Works 1999 9 1 RECEIVED NOV Oxford R. Millard - Township of Malahide Mary Ellen Greb, Township of South-West copy Woodstock, Ontario Court House, 415 Hunter Street r THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD " BY-LAW NO. 4002-2000 BEING a By-law to amend the County of Oxford Road System Consolidating By-law No. 2505-84 by assuming into the System the Pigram Line, as a boundary road extending from Oxford Road 20 southerly to Elgin County Road 52. WHEREAS, subsection 29(2) of the County of Oxford Act, R.S.O. 1990 chapt. C. 42 provides that County Council may by By-law add or remove roads to or from the County Road System. AND WHEREAS, County Council has adopted the Thirty-Eighth Report of the Public WorKs Committee, dated November 4, 1999, the second item of which recommended that, as of May 1, 2000, a section of the Pigram Line be assumed as a County Road with the County of Elgin as a boundary road and that the Consolidating By-law be amended appropriately. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Counj::y of Oxford enacts as fòllows: 1. That the two kilometre section of the boundary road between the County of Oxford and the County of Elgin known as the Pigram Line, extending from the Brownsville Road (Oxford County Road 20) to the Ron McNeil Line (Elgin County Road'52 formerly known, as the Springfield Road), be called Oxford County Road 26. 2. That By-law No. 2505-84 is hereby amended with the addition of County Road Number 26. 3. That this By-law takes effect May 1, 2000. READ a first and second time this 12th day of April, 2000. READ a third time and finally passed in Open Council this 12th day of April, 2000. WARDEN I hereby eettiCy this to be a l11Je4ooQw 2 0 0 0 CountyofOxfonl By. Law No. - - 04/14/00 L. """ CLERK