04-01 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No, 04-01 "A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH THE RETENTION PERIODS FOR RECORDS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHEREAS Section 255 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, provides that a municipality may, subject to the approval of the municipal auditor, establish retention periods during which the records of the municipality and local boards of the municipality must be retained and preserved in accordance with Section 254 of the Act; and WHEREAS County of Elgin By-Law No. 01-21 authorizes the Elgin County Archives to establish policies for the management of active and semi-active records within all County departments, including authority for the destruction of all corporate records as we as maintenance of the County's records retention by-law; and this by-law to the schedules attached WHEREAS the Municipal Auditor has approved n accordance with Section 255 (3) of the Act. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: For the purpose of this by-law a) Records are defined as information, however recorded, on paper, on film, by electronic means or otherwise, in connection with the transaction of Corporation of the County of Elgin business, including the organization, functions, procedures policies or activities of the Corporation. 1 Records are the property of the Corporation of the County of Elgin c) Retention periods as set out in Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law, are hereby adopted and established. b) n d) Authority for implementing this schedule shall be carried out accordance with By-Law No. 01-21. e) The Archivist, upon approval of Department Heads, is hereby granted authority to approve, from time to time, amendments to Schedule "A" as it applies to departmental records. f) Upon the Archivist being satisfied that the relevant retention period established by the by-law has expired for corporate records and that no reason exists for further retention, the Archivist upon the approval of the Department Head may then order any record to be destroyed, or to be set aside for permanent retention. The Archivist shall keep a list of the records destroyed on permanent file g) this by-law comes Into force on the date of final passage hereof. THAT By-Law No. 89-7 be and is hereby repealed THAT 2 3 time this 20th day of January 2004 this 20th day of January 2004 and second READ a first third Chief READ a ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 1 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE ADMINISTRATION A PalE 2 1 1 Originating Administration - General Includes general correspondence which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinq available. Associations and Organizations AOO E I Pa 1 1 Originating Includes correspondence, min agenda, notices and reports regarding organizations to which staff belong or with which they communicate. utes, A01 Excludes Membership Fees - See F01 Staff Committees & Meetings Management Team minutes to be retained permanently on paper. E I Pa 4" 2 2 Originating Includes records regarding the activities of staff committees and meetings: e.g. agenda and minutes of Manaqement Team. Computer I Information Systems A02 E Pal S+6 6 s Information Technology Includes records regarding al of information systems in use: hardware, software, data transmission, system design and implementation, quality control, office automation and electronic document management. types A03 Excludes: Acquisitions - See F1B Conferences and Seminars Only those sponsored by the County are subject to archival review, E Pal 1" 1 Originating I ncludes programs and notes regarding conferences, conventions and seminars attended by staff or sponsored by the County. A04 Excludes: Travel Arrangements See A13 Speeches & Presentations See MOB Employee & Council Expenses - See F01 & F09 Ceremonies & Events - See M02 Invoices - See 01 Rental aQreements - See L 14 Consultants E Pal 3" 1 2 Originating Includes correspondence, proposals and other documents regarding the selection and monitoring of consultants. A05 Excludes: Reports - file by sUbject Quotations & Tenders - see F1B Invoices - see F01 Inventory Control Electronic preferred. E I Pa 6 5 1 Originating Includes inventory statements reports, and all other records regarding the control of supplies and equipment. and A06 Electronic preferred. PalE S s Originating Excludes: . Assets - See FOB Office Equipment & Furniture Includes records regarding the design and maintenance of owned and leased office equipment and furniture such as chairs, desks, copiers, microfiche readers etc. AO? Excludes: Computer hardware & software - see A03 Facsimile machines - see A12 Assets - see FOB Service 8Qreements - see L 14 Office Services Electronic preferred. s s Originating Includes records regarding rates and services provided by courier, mail and postage firms as well as internal printing and word processing services. A08 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 2 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE ADMINISTRATION A Archival copy to be paper. PalE P" P s Originating Policies & Procedures A09 Includes policy and procedure manuals, Quidelines and directives Records Management Electronic preferred. E I Pa s s Archives Includes information regarding the management of corporate records in all media. Includes file listings and information on records centre operations. A10 Excludes: Retention By-law - see C01 Policies & Procedures - see A09 Records Disposition - see A 11 Records Disposition Pal E P P Archives Includes records regarding the disposition of corporate records, including the disposal method used and forms authorizing and describing the destruction of records. Telecommunications Systems A11 E I Pa s s Originating Includes records regarding all telecommunications systems. Includes telephones, facsimile machines, base and mobile stations, towers, antennae, police and fire communication systems and 911 emergency systems. A12 Excludes: Licences - see PD9 Assets - see F06 Long Distance Call Records - see F01 Agreements - see LD4 or L 14 PalE PalE Electronic preferred. PalE Electronic preferred. 1 1 Originating Travel and Accommodation Includes records regarding travel and accommodation arrangements such as itineraries, authorizations, rented vehicles, and brochures concerning hotels and convention sites~ A13 Excludes Employee & Council Expenses - see F09 Uniforms and Clothing s s Originating Includes records regarding uniforms and special clothing used by municipal staff members and protective services. Vendors & Suppliers A14 s s Originating Includes records regarding vendors and suppliers of goods and services as we11 as information about these goods and services, such as catalogues, price lists, correspondence, and bidders information sheets. Includes Purchasing COØop price lists. A15 Excludes: Purchase Orders & Requisitions - see F1? Office Equipment - owned & leased - see AD? Fleet ManaQement - see VD1 Intergovernmental Relations E I Pa 6" 5 1 Originating Includes correspondence and other records of a general nature regarding the relationship between the municipality and all other levels of government (such as telephone numbers, contact names, etc.). May include correspondence to and from government-funded agencies (such as St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital Board), Boards and Commissions. A16 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent "- Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 3 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTE - Secondarv Subjects CODE PalE 6'· 5 E I Pa 5 3 T= Completion of Project. PalE T+6"'* 6 PalE PalE Electronic preferred. PalE 6 4 1 Administrative 1 Services Originating / 2 Engineering Services Engineering T SelVices Engineering 2 Services Engineering 1 Services ADMINISTRATION A Access Requèsts (MFIPPA) Includes documents regarding the municipality's responsibilities under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). and records regarding the handling of requests under the Act. A17 Excludes: Copies of the Act - see L 1 Complaints & Inauiries - see M04. Security Includes reports, requests, logs, and other records regarding the security of facilities and properties such as security passes, and control of keys. Also includes records regarding telephone and copier passwords. A18 Excludes: Vandalism Reports - see P05. Computer Security - see A03. Facilities Construction and Renovations A19 Includes records for the planning and construction of municipal facilities such as office space, libraries and Homes. Includes site meetings, consultant's reports, and cost reports. Also includes architectural and enQineerinQ drawinQs. Building and Property Maintenance Includes records regarding the maintenance of the municipality's buildings and properties, such as garages, libraries, and office buildings. Includes exterior maintenance to buildings, landscaping, grounds keeping and grass cutting, Also includes interior design of buildings, including floor layouts and office cleaning. A20 Excludes: Parks Management ~ see R04. Recreational Facilities - see R05. Facilities Bookings Includes copies of permits and bookings issued for the rental of recreational and administrative facilities. Forms, Applications A21 s s Originating Includes all County blank forms and applications used in daily business functions, such as employment applications, facilities forms etc. A22 Current version to be saved electronically before any updates! edits are made, E Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) P P 1 Archives I Information Tech. Excludes: Completed forms - file by subject. Corporate Website Electronic copy of the County website posted live on the Internet with all links maintained. Also includes records pertaining to the development of the site. A23 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 4 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT PalE TOTAL RET'N 1 INACTIVE ACTIVE 1 RESPONSIBLE Originating CODE I SCOPE NOTES _ - Secondary Subiects C COUNCIL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES - coo Council and By-Laws - General Includes records regarding Council, By-laws, By-law Consolidations and Draft By-laws which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other heading is available. Permanent copy to be maintained on paper, reference copies electronically PalE P" P Administrative Services By-Laws Includes final versions of the municipality's by-laws and amendments and attachments that are legally part of the by-laws. C01 Excludes: Background information subject. By-Laws - file by PalE s S Administrative Services Municipalities Includes final and draft by-laws of other municipalities that are of interest. Council Agenda Other C02 E I Pa 5+5** 5 s Administrative Services Includes notice of meetings and agenda of Council meetings as wel as working notes used in agenda preparation. Council Minutes C03 Permanent copy to be maintained on paper, reference copies electronically E Pal P" P Administrative Services Includes minutes of the proceedings of Council meetings. Includes all attachments to the minutes, such as Reports to Council. C04 Excludes: Council Committees - see C05 & coe. Council Committee Agenda E Pal s s Administrative Services Includes notices of meetings and agenda for the committees of Counci as well as working notes used in agenda preparation. Council Committee Minutes C05 Permanent copy to be maintained on paper, reference copies electronically and for 2 years. Voters lists subject to archival selection. PalE P" P Administrative Services Includes minutes of the committees of Council. coe E Pal T+90 days T+90 days Administrative Services Elections Includes returned notices, lists of officials, voters' lists, nominations, election results, preliminary voters lists, oaths taken by council members and information on ward boundaries forwarded by local municiDalities. Goals and Objectives C07 PalE s s Administrative Services Includes records concerning strategic planning, goals and mission statements. Motions and Resolutions C08 Permanent copy to be maintained on paper, reference copies electronicallv E I Pa p.' P Administrative Services Includes final signed versions of motions and resolutions of Council, including correspondence regarding the motion or resolution. COg E Pal s s Administrative Services Motions and Resolutions - Other Municipalities Includes final signed versions of motions and resolutions of other municipalities, which are of interest Reports to Council C10 PalE p" P 1 Administrative Services Includes all reports to Council. Filed In chronological order by department or service. C11 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE An: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 5 of 29 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Secondam SUb;.c!s RET'N C COUNCIL AND LEGISLATIVE SERVICES C12 Appointments to Boards and Administrative 1 P P" PalE Committees Services Includes all records in regards to Community or Council appointments to agencies, boards and commissions. C13 Legislation I Acts I Statutes Administrative T 5 T+5** PalE T ;: assent Services Includes copies of provincial and federal legislation as well as renulations, C14 Certificates, Oaths and Affidavits Administrative T 2 T+2 PalE T = until Services successor Includes clerk's certificates and takes office. certificates of oath taken by the Warden and Councillors. Also includes affidavits as thev arise. C15 Appointment of Officers Administrative 1 2 p.' PalE Services Includes records pertaining to the appointment of officers by Council, including the CAO and other senior officials. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent "- Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated *" - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper IE - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 6 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary SUbjects DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING CODE D E Pal 1 1 Originating Development and Planning - General Includes records regarding development and planning which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headina is available. Demographic Studies 000 10** PalE 10** PalE 10** PalE 10** PalE 10** Pa I E 10** PalE 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding trends in population growth, census reports, and density studies. Also includes records regarding the type, level and rate of growth of employment, unemployment statistics, composition of the workforce, etc. Economic Development 001 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding the growth of the economy. Includes studies, statistics, projections, etc. May also include projections, strategic plans, studies and proposals from other municipalities, towns, or counties. 002 Excludes: Demographic Studies - see 001. Residential Development - see 004. Tourism Development - see 006. Commercial Development - see 019. Industrial Development - see 022. Environment Planning 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding general types of environmental studies with a long range planning emphasis, such as storm drainage and flood control planning, parks and open spaces planning, and waste management planning. May include conservation of unique areas such as well head protection, ground water conservation, St. Williams Community Forest Initiative, etc. 003 Excludes: Environmental Monitoring - see E05. Waste ManaQement - see E07. Residential Development 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding the availability of housing. Includes general assessments of the need for affordable housing, occupancy rates, housinç¡ cost statistics, etc. Natural Resources 004 5 5 Administrative Services I Engineering Services Includes records regarding the management and preservation of forests, records regarding the characteristics of various minerals as well as mineral deposits, and other natural resources information. Tourism Development 005 5 5 Originating Includes records regarding the tourism industry and efforts made to promote and encourage tourism such as the use of the municipality as a convention site or special event. Official Plans 006 E Pal s s Administrative Services Includes copies of official plans and amendments to official plans provided by local municipalities. Annexation I 008 PalE p" P 1 Administrative Services Amalgamation Includes all records pertaining to the annexing and amalgamating of land adjacent to municipal lands to accommodate growth. May include studies on municipal restructuring, Qreen belt and buffer zone areas. 017 Legend:C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 7 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTtVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - SecondarY Subjects DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING CODE D T+6** PalE T= completion of project. 8+10'''' PalE 5 T+1 Originating Community Improvement Projects Includes records, studies, statistics and any required background information on community development programs. Examples include Ontario Neighbourhood Improvement Programs, Community Area Improvement Programs, SIA, etc. Mayalso include records on housing rehabilitation programs, as well as proposals for Volunteer Programs such as day programs and craft programs. D18 10 E I Pa P P 10*" Pa I E p.' PalE p" Pa I E T+2 PalE T ::; rejection of application. 10** PalE 20** PalE 5 Administrative S Services Administrative S Services / Engineering Services Administrative 5 Services Administrative P Services Excludes: Economic Development - see 002. Municipal Addressing Includes background information and registered plans pertaining to the numbering and naming of public streets, lanes, roads, etc. Also includes 9-1-1 addressing. May include correspondence, reports, drawings and copies of related by~ laws, Reference Plans 019 Includes Registered Deposit Plans (RO Plans). site plans. and original property survey plans as received from Registry Office. Includes records relating to approved severance, stamped deeds and reference plans, May include correspondence. ndustriall Commercial Development D20 ncludes records regarding the promotion and development of commercial and industrial establishments, Records include studies, statistics, projections, drawings, technical reports, correspondence, comments, notes, etc. Land Division Committee - Minutes D21 Minutes of the Land Division Committee. Land Division Committee - Decisions D22 P Administrative Services I ncludes final decisions of the Land Committee, including all documents and instruments generated from the decision. Land Division Committee - Applications 023 2 T Administrative Services Applications and fee information made to the Land Division, including all relevant documents. Agricultural Development D24 5 5 Administrative Services Includes all records regarding development of aQricultural Qrowth. Watershed and Wetlands Planning D25 15 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) 5 Administrative Services Includes studies and environmental assessments of local watersheds and wetlands, Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper D26 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 8 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING CODE D Building Plans - Completion of Project + 10 years. E Pal P P Engineering Services Property Files Includes records relating to a specific property. This includes original documents such as: Building Permit Applications; Issued Building Permit I Site Certificate; Plumbing Permit; Occupancy Permit; Ontario New Home Warranty Declaration form; Site Inspection notes and tags I Stage I nspection sheet; Gas Shutoff letter; Save Harmless Agreement; and, Ventilation Design sheet. D27 May also include copies of other property related documents such 85: Engineer / Architect Site Inspection Report; Zoning and Work Order letter (lawyer's . letter); Water & Sewer Connection Permits; Zoning By-law Amendments; Committee of Adjustment & OMS decisions; Deeds; MDS calculation sheets; Entrance Permit; property survey; correspondence to the property owner; Fire Marshall report I decision~ etc. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 9 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CODE E PalE 1 1 Originating Environmental Services - General Includes records regarding environmental services which canna be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinQ is available. Treatment Plants EOO Specifica- tions are kept permanently E I Pa 5 3 2 Engineering Services Includes information and records regarding the operation of treatment and pumping stations and lagoons. Also includes·Certificate of Approval (Water) and related documentation. Trees I Forestry Management E03 PalE 5'· 3 2 Administrative Services Includes records of the Tree Commissioner as well as studies on forestry management within the County. Environmental Monitoring E04 E I Pa 10** 5 5 Administrative Services Includes records regarding the routine monitoring of water quality, water quantity and air quality as well as responses to interference with quality or quantity. Also includes monitoring and control of creeks and floods, weeds, noise, erosion, top soil and storm water. Also includes reports and records of on-site lab for testing, Le. Lab reports, monitoring sheets, clock readings, chart recorder sheets, etc. E05 Excludes: Complaints & Inquiries Waste Management PalE 6 5 1 Originating see M04. Includes records regarding the collection and disposal of waste. Includes landfill site records, recycling, energy from waste, source separation, collection services, and composting. May also include Certificate of Approval (Landfill) and related documentation. EO? Excludes: Environment Planninq - see 003. Nutrient Management E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa 7 5 2 Originating Includes records regarding the management of livestock and I or crop planning and regulations pertaining to the operations. Control of storing I spreading I using liquid manure on land, near waterways, runoff.t etc. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E1 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 10 of 29 PalE Do not file accounting records required for tax Dumoses. PalE Electronic preferred. PalE Electronic preferred. PalE PalE REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N 1 INACTIVE ACTIVE 1 RESPONSIBLE F FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING FOO Finance & Accounting - General Originating Includes records regarding finance and accounting which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other head in is available. F01 Accounts Payable Financial Services SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE 6 5 1 Includes records documenting funds payable by the municipality, such 85 paid invoices, receipts, copies of cheques issued to pay account, rebates, levies payable, payable reports, membership fees, telephone bills, employee and council expenses, and receipts issued to the municipality for donations. Also includes repayment of loans. Excludes: Cancelled Cheques - see F07. Social Services client related - see 804 (for retention). Accounts Receivable 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records documenting funds owing to the municipality, such as invoices, billing listings and recoveries reports. Includes both tax and water receivables, and local improvements, etc. May include correspondence related to collection of tax and supporting documentation. F02 Excludes: Write-offs - see F23 Tax Assessments, Rolls & Tax Arrears - see F22 Audits 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding internal and external financial audits of accounts. F03 see relevant Excludes: Operation subject Audited Financial Statements ~ Banking audits - see 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding banking transactions and relationships with banks. Includes bank statements, bank reconciliations and deposit records, Budgets and Estimates F04 6" Pal E T+6** Pal E I T=disposal of asset. 5 1 Financial Services Includes departmental and corporate budgets, both capital and operating. Includes all working notes, calculations and background documentation. Also includes Budget Variances and Cash Flow estimates and reports. Assets F05 5 T+1 Financial Services Includes records regarding current and fixed assets. Includes inventories as well as records of initial expenditure, depreciation, amortization, and disposal. F06 see L07 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E. __ Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Excludes: Land Acauisition & Sale ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 110129 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING CODE F Electronic preferred. T+7for ambulance service cheques. E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Services Cheques Includes all cancelled cheques issued. . Also includes cheque requisitions, cheque listings, supporting documents used to authorize issuance of cheques, and N5F cheques. F07 - see Excludes: Banking & Bank Statements F04 Social Services cheques (for retention) Debentures and Bonds see 504 T= debentures surrendered lor exchange! cancellation. PalE T+6 5 T+1 Financial Services Includes records regarding debentures and bonds issued. Includes information regarding the initial issuance of the debenture or bond as well as all records of payments made to investors. FOB Excludes - Debenture Registers - see F14. Employee and Council Expenses PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes travel and meeting expense statements and all receipts submitted by employees or Council and Committee members to substantiate expense claims. May also include Credit Card information, I.e. account numbers and statements, etc. F09 Excludes: Attendance ~ see H01 Financial Statements E Pal P" P 2 Financial Services Includes the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Statement of Source and Application of Funds as well as all working notes, calculations and backqround documentation. Grants and Loans F10 PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding revenue generated in the form of grants-in- lieu, provincial and federal grants, loans and subsidies. Also includes submissions, acknowledgements, reports and applications such as road and transit subsidies, Road and Farm Tax Rebate, Waste Management Improvement Programs, Student Employment Programs, Special Circumstances Fund, etc. Includes financial statements for subsidies. Investments F11 T+6 PalE T=closure of account. 6 PalE T+710r vouchers related to ambulance service. 6" PalE 5 T+1 Financial Services Includes records regarding the municipality's investments, term deposits, and promissory notes. Also includes common share certificates. Journal Vouchers F12 5 1 Financial Services Includes completed journal voucher forms, input forms, and all background documentation used to substantiate journal entries. Subsidiary Ledgers, Registers and Journals F13 5 1 Financial Services Includes all subsidiary ledgers, registers, and journals such as Payment and Receipt Journals, Payroll Registers, and Debenture Registers. Also includes Accounts Payable Journal Entries and entry traces, cash register reports, payrol balance sheets and detail reports. F14 Excludes ~ Documents and vouchers used to support entries ~ see relevant subject. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 12 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT E PalE I Pa TOTAL RET'N P 6 INACTIVE P 5 ACTtVE 1 1 RESPONSIBLE F FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING F15 General Ledgers and Journals Financial Services Includes all records in the books of original entry and trial balances. Excludes: Documents and vouchers used to support entries - see relevant sub'ect. F16 Payroll Human Resources Includes all records of payments of salary, wages and deductions to employees. Includes pay lists, Garnishees, OHIP and Blue Cross reconciliations, T4 Slips, OMERS yearly reports and Statistics Canada reports. Also includes honoraria and fees to Council. SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE Excludes: Payroll Registers - see F14 Time Sheets - see H01 Purchase Orders and Requisitions PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes purchase orders and requisitions, blanket orders, and al background documentation authorizing the procurement (purchasing) of goods and services. F17 Excludes - Quotations & Tenders - see F18. Quotations and Tenders E Pal 6" 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding quotations and tenders obtained from suppliers of goods and services. Includes Requests for Proposal, Invitations to Tender, Proposals, Tender Submissions, Pre- qualifications, and all documentation regarding the selection process, F18 Quotations Excludes Successful and Tenders - see L04, Receipts PalE 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes receipts issued for payment of items such as parking tickets, licences, rentals and taxes. Also includes records regarding tax receipts for Residents of Homes for the Aged for rent or medical expenses. Reserve Funds F19 E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records documenting obligatory and I or discretionary reserve funds such as reserves for working funds, contingencies, future capital projects, and information systems, etc, To include all natural disaster funds and applications, for payment for damages suffered (tornado, wind, flood, etc.). Revenues F20 E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes records regarding the generation of revenues other than assessment taxes, such as fees from tax certificates as requested by mortgage companies, applications for severance, parking tickets, lot levies, development charges, police escort fees, auction sales, etc. Also included are fines and lost book revenues as well as funds received from charity events and donations. F21 see F02 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified,) Excludes: Accounts Receivable Tax Rolls - see F22 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 13 al29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING CODE F PalE P P S Financial Services Tax Rolls and Records Includes taxation records of long term importance, such as assessment rolls, tax sale records, tax sale deeds, property tax registrations, tax arrears register cards, tax collector's rolls and levies and apportionment. F22 Excludes: Accounts Receivable - see F02 Mortgage Companies - see F02 Correspondence related to tax issues that are not of long-term importance - see F02 Write,Offs E I Pa 6 5 1 Financial Services Includes accounts receivables that have been written off as uncollectible. Also includes of bankruptcies. F23 records T+6 PalE T = closure of account. T+6 Pa I E T ::;: closure of account. T+1 PalE T-after completion of audit. T+6 Pal E T=endal taxation year T+6 Pa I E T+6 PalE T= termination aldebt 6 T Financial Services Accounts Receivable Includes records regarding funds established by the municipality for money held in trust, such as bequests and Ontario Home Renewal ProQram. Security Deposits Excludes see F02. Trust Funds F24 6 T Financial Services Includes development deposits, letters of credit, proof of insurance and records of monies held as security (Le. bonds), Working Papers F25 T+1 Financial Services Includes all working notes, calculations and background documentation used to calculate financial statements such as the Monthly Trial Balance. Also includes Daily Logs used in job costing calculations. F26 see F10 Excludes: Financial Statements Taxation 6 T Financial Services Includes records regarding any taxes paid by the municipality and the exceptions and rebates related to these taxes. Includes the original assessment notices, plus federal and provincial sales tax exemption, GST Registration Number, Retail Sales Tax and GST. Capital Projects F27 6 T Financial Services Includes records pertaining to the ongoing maintenance of capital projects and budgetary projections for these projects. Debts F28 6 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othelWise specified.) T Financial Services Includes records and information reQardinQ lonQ4erm borrowinQ, F29 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 14 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE PalE Pal E Electronic preferred. PalE 1 2 S 1 2 S T+1 Is T= termination of employment E I Pa T+6** Originating Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources HUMAN RESOURCES H Human Resources - General neludes records regarding human resources and accounting which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinQ is available. Attendance and Scheduling HOO Includes records regarding employee attendance, shift scheduling, vacation schedules, hours of work, etc. Also includes time sheets. H01 Excludes: Payroll- see F16 Benefits Includes brochures, rates, quotes, correspondence and explanatory documents regarding benefits offered to employees, such as group insurance, dental plans, Canada Savings Bonds, and general information on OMERS. H02 Excludes: payroll- see F16 Pension Records- see H10. Employee Records Includes records regarding the employment history of municipal employees. Includes initial resumes and applications, performance evaluations, correspondence with the employee, employee assistance, and individual lay-off notices. Includes part-time staff, student employees and volunteers. H03 Excludes: Grievances - see H 14 Pensions (OMERS\ - see H10 Health and Safety Records related to exposure to airborne arsenic, ethylene oxide or asbestos must be kept the longer of (a) 40 years from the time such records were first made with respect to the worker; or, (b) 20 years from the time the last of such records were made with respect to the worker. PalE 7 6 1 Human Resources Includes records regarding the occupational health and safety of staff. Includes non lost-time accident and incident reports, WSIB reports for non lost-time, and information on health and safety programs for staff such as fire drills and CPR courses. H04 Excludes: Health & Safety Education - see SOB Accidents of the Public - see POS Claims for STD, L TD or WSIB - see H13 E I Pa S" S Human Resources Human Resource Planning Includes records of succession planning, executive placement. retirement programs, staff turnover rates, annual hire / promotion targets, recruitment freezes, employment equity, performance management, student. employment program plans, Modified Work Program, Human Resources research information, lay- off planning and related records. HOS Excludes: Employee Records - see H03 Individual Lay-off Notices - see H03 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent 1< - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper. E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 15 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects CODE S" PalE T+ 10** Pal E T =expiry of contract period. S" PalE s 10 T S E I Pa 5 5 Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources HUMAN RESOURCES Includes job descriptions and specifications as well as background information used in their preparation or amendment, such as Job Comparison Schedules from other municipalities. Job Descriptions H H06 Excludes: Job Comparison Schedules used in the planninQ of salaries - see HOg Labour Relations Includes records regarding the relationship between labour and management. Includes collective bargaining, correspondence with unions, and negotiations. H07 Excludes: Grievances - see H14 Collective Aqreement - see L04 Organization Includes records regarding reporting relationships, reorganization, downsizing, organizational analysis, etc. Includes organization charts. H06 Excludes: Job Descriptions - see H06 Salary Planning Includes records regarding the planning and scheduling of salaries, such as job evaluations, job classification systems, salary surveys, Job Comparison Schedules and seniority lists. Also includes any reference material retained regarding issues related to pay equity or Social Contract. H09 Excludes: Employee Records Pension Records T = Death of employeel beneficiary. Pension plans, annual information returns are kept permanently PalE T+6 6 T Human Resources see H03 Includes records detailing pension obligations due to individuals under OMERS.lncludes pension information of retired personnel, including registration and records. H10 Excludes: Payments made to OMERS - see F01 Deductions for Pensions - see F16 General Information on Pension Plans -see H02 Recruitment s·· PalE Only courses developed by the County are subject to archival selection. T+6 Pa I E T= settlement of claim Electronic preferred. E I Pa 1 1 Human Resources Includes records regarding the recruitment of staff. Includes job postings, copies of advertisements, records regarding competitions and unsuccessful applications. Training and Development H1 S Human Resources Includes records regarding courses offered to employees, and information on career and professional development programs. Also includes· orientation materials. H12 Excludes: Em ployee Records Claims 6 T Human Resources see H03 Includes records regarding claims to WSIB or insurance carriers for lost- time incidents, accidents, STD or LTD. H13 Excludes: Non lost-time incidents or accidents see H04 Self-insured STD - see H01 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE AU: COUNTY OF ELGIN"; RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 160129 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE HUMAN RESOURCES H T· settlement of grievance E Pal T+7 7 T Human Resources Grievances Includes records dealing with grievance complaints filed against the municipality, such as the initial complaint, investigation, reports and final resolution. Seniority Lists H14 E I Pa S" s Human Resources H15 Summary records of years of service of non-union and unionized employees. Employment Applications & Resumes - Solicited Electronic preferred PalE 3 mos. 3 mos. Human Resources H16 Includes applications and resumes for positions posted by the County. Excludes: Applications and resumes of. successful applicants - See H03 Employment Resumes - Unsolicited Electronic preferred E * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T- Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to rears unless otherwise specified.) I Pa 3 mos. 3 mos. Human Resources Includes resumes sent to the County with cover letter enquiring about available positions. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanen ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper H17 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 17 of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE C+ 1 Pal E C+2 PalE C+7 PalE C+7 PalE C+1 Pa I E C+3 PalE C+7 Pal E C+6 PalE C+7 PalE C+6 Pal E C+6 Pa I E 1 C POAI Administrative Services JUSTICE Justice - General J JOO 2 C POAI Administrative Services records 1 I neludes Court and POA records including Part 1 Certificates of Offence. Includes Court and P.O.A. which cannot be classified elsewhere. Certificates of Offence (Part J01 Excludes: Part 1 accident and careless driving matters - see J02 Informations (Part 3) 7 C POAI Administrative Services Includes Court and POA records including all Part 3 Informations and Part 1 Certificates of Offence relating to accident and careless driving matters only. Appeals - Provincial Offences J02 7 C POAI Administrative Services Includes correspondence and records of appeals related only to Provincial Offences. J03 see Excludes: Appeals & Hearings (Municipal L01 Control Lists 1 C POA Administrative Services Includes reports from municipal and provincial agencies such as OPP, MTO. MNR etc. Court Dockets J04 3 C POAI Administrative Services Includes Register of Court activity including court staff, statistics on accused and disposition of fines. Enforcement and Suspension J05 7 C POA Administrative Services Includes records regarding the suspension of licences issued by Provincial Government bodies e.g. Driver's Licence. Transcripts J06 POA Administrative Services Includes.records of transcribed proceedinç¡s, tapes and IOQ books. Statistics J07 6 C POAI Administrative Services Reports and other related statistical data including RICO reports, ISCUS reports and writeøoffs and all other related financial reports. JOB 7 C POAI Administrative Services see Register of summary convictions and related records. Cash Book Excludes: Accounts Receivable WriteøOffs F23 Summary Convictions JOg 6 C Financial Services Records of cash receipts recorded on a daily or monthly basis. Also includes cash receipts for general account and bail accounts as well as breakdown of funds and bank balance. J10 Excludes: All nonwPOA transactions - See F14 Fee and Cash Book 6 C Financial Services All records that account for daily receipts and reimbursements which report the amount of revenue to be forwarded to the province on a monthly basis. J1 Note: To be maintained separate from aeneralledç¡er - See F15 - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 18 0129 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE LEGAL AFFAIRS L PalE 1 1 Originating General Includes records regarding legal affairs which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinQ is available. Appeals and Hearings Legal Affairs LOO T= resolution of appeal. E I Pa P P T Administrative Services Includes all transcripts and· related documentation regarding appeals, hearings, and legal proceedings. Includes final judgements and Court Orders. Includes zoning appeals, official plan appeals, and Committee of Adjustment appeals. Also includes orders issued by regulatory bodies and boards. L01 T+1 PalE T= resolution of claims and all appeals. T+1 PalE T= resolution of claims and all appeals. T + 20*· PalE T= termination 01 agreement Excludes: LitiQation - see Claims - L02 & L03 Claims Against the County 1 T Administrative Services Includes all liability claims (litigation) made by other parties against the municipality. L02 see Appeals & Hearings Excludes L01. 1 T Administrative Services Claims By the County Includes all liability claims (litigation) made against other parties by the municipality. L03 Excludes: Appeals & HearinQs - see L01 Contracts and Agreements - Under Seal 20 T Originating Includes all corporate agreements entered into by the municipality that require execution by the corporate signing officers such as the Warden and CAO. Includes construction contracts, collective agreements, and road contracts. May also include background documentation used in the development of the contract or agreement. L04 Excludes: Office Equipment Service Agreements - see L 14 Contracts reQardinq Land Insurance Appraisals E Pal S S Administrative Services see L07 L05 T + 20 PalE T = expiry 01 policy. T + 20** PalE T = property disposition. 19 1 T+ Originating Includes appraisals of municipal property for insurance purposes. Excludes: Insurance Policies - see L06 Insurance Policies Includes municipal insurance policy documents, such as vehicle, liability, theft, and fire insurance. Excludes: Employee Group Insurance - see H02 Third Party Contracts - see L04 Land Acquisition and Sale L08 20 T Originating Includes records regarding real estate transactions and conveyance of land such as lot sales, lane closings and allowances whether through voluntary transactions or expropriation. Includes deeds and expropriation plans, purchase letters and appraisals. L07 Excludes: Leases for rental of property by other parties - see L 15 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S -'- Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless othefWise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 190129 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects CODE LEGAL AFFAIRS L S"" PalE Sir'" PalE s Administrative Services Opinions and Briefs Includes opinions and briefs prepared by the County's legal counsel on specific issues and byø laws. Precedents LOS s Administrative Services Includes records regarding judgements and decisions that may affect the County's position in actual or potentialleQal matters. Federal Legislation L09 PalE s s PalE s s T+7 Pal E T ~delivery 01 judgement. T + 6'''' PalE T expiry 01 contract. T+6 PalE T = expiry of lease. 7 T T+1 5 T+1 5 P Originating Originating Originating Originating Originating Originating Includes records regarding bills,.acts and regulations enacted by the Parliament of Canada, which·affect or are of interest to the County. Provincial Legislation L10 Includes records regarding bills, acts and regulations enacted by the Ontario Legislature, which affect or are of interest to the County. Includes applications to amend the Retail Business Holiday Act, Liquor Licence Act, etc. Prosecutions L1 Includes records regarding prosecutions to enforce bYølaws and federal and provincial legislation. L13 Excludes: By-JawEnforcement - see P01 Appeals & Hearings - see L01 Warrants ø see P12 Contracts and Agreements - Simple Includes contracts and agreements not under corporate seal, such as administrative agreements relating to equipment rental and service contracts and vehicle lease and purchase agreements. May include agreements to hire for a position. May also include background documentation used in the development of the contract or aQreement. Leases L14 Includes records relating to leases and rentals 01 County property by other parties as well as all leases of buildinQs for municiDal use. Copyright L15 PalE P Includes the request for permission to use the County crest, to copy material (written or photographic) published or owned by the County. Also includes denials of permission to COpy or use municipal material. Deeds L16 E Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated '/tit _ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa P P Administrative Services Includes all deeds to County property and supportinQ documentation. L17 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE An; COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 20 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS CODE M PalE 1 1 Originating General Includes records regarding media and public relations which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinç¡ is available. Advertising Media and Public Relations MOO E Pal 3" 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding public advertising in magazines, newspapers, radio, television, and transit. M01 Excludes: News Releases - see MOB Recruitment - see H11 Elections - see CO? Ceremonies· and Events PalE 3" 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding participation in special events, openings, and anniversaries. Also includes records regarding the set-up and running of special events, BSQs, retirement. parties, tournaments, etc. May include special commemorative plaques. Charitable Campaigns I Fundraising M02 PalE 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding the raising of funds and donations for the County, Homes for the Aged and for other charitable organizations such as United Way. M03 Excludes: Receipts - see F19 Accounts Receivable - see F02 Complaints, Commendations and Inquiries E I Pa 1" 1 Originating Includes records regarding commendations, requests for information, and very general types of inquiries and complaints. Also includes concerns about services offered by the municipality, inquiries about council proceedings and congratulatory letters. M04 Excludes: Accessibility of Records A17 Specific Complaints - see appropriate subiect News.Clippings see I (F.O. E Pal 3" 2 1 Originating Includes clippings from newspapers, information from journals and other media. M05 Excludes: Clippings used as reference material - see relevant subiect. News Releases and Proclamations E Pal P 1 Originating Includes notes and final versions of news releases and proclamations issued by staff and Council. Includes messages for inclusion in special event programs and articles contributed to newspapers. Publications M06 PalE 3·' 2 1 Originating Includes typed manuscripts, artwork, printed copies and related records regarding the publication of tourism information, trade shows, current events, industrial directories, business directories, and maps. May include annual reports of a non- financial nature and newsletters published for distribution to the public and in~house. May also include film documentaries and video nroductions. M07 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 21 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects MEDIA AND PUBLIC RELATIONS CODE M E I Pa 3" 2 1 Originating Speeches and Presentations Includes background notes, draft and final versions of speeches, presentations and news conferences given by elected and nonøelected officials. MOB Excludes: Media coverage of speeches/presentations - see M05 News Releases - see M06 Visual Identity and Insignia PalE 3·' 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding the standards that apply to graphic designs in the interest of establishing a Visual Identity Program. Includes logo and letterhead design, signage, flags, vehicle identification, etc. Also includes records regarding corporation insignia and seals of office. Newsletters M09 E Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent * ~ Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** ~ Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa P 1 Originating Includes all newsletters produced by the County, M10 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 22 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES CODE P E I Pa 1 1 Originating Protection and Enforcement Services - General Includes records regarding protection and enforcement services which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use on Iv if no other headinç¡ is available. Bylaw Enforcement POO PalE 6 4 2 Administrative Services Includes records of County efforts to enforce by-laws such as road weight infractions, Order to Comply, inspection reports, stop work orders, working notes, correspondence, exhibits, photographs, Notice of Intent to Cut etc. where no legal proceedings were initiated. May also include records relating to Provincial Offences. P01 Excludes Inspections - see PO? & P08 Environmental Monitoring - see E05 Prosecutions - see L 13 Daily Occurrence Logs 5** Pa I E S** PalE 4 1 Administrative Services I POA I ncludes records associated with daily reporting and tracking number of occurrences involving police dispatching, and fire and ambulance assistance calls. May include call reports and runninQ field sheets. Emergency Planning P02 S Administrative Services Includes records associated with the planning and rehearsal of emergency measures and services provided by the municipality. May include evacuee centres in the event of a disaster, provision of service and emergency resources and contingency planning. May also include 9-1-1 Emergency Service and MTO Alternate Route Plan in the event of a road closure. Hazardous Materials P03 T + 5 years for PCB storage records afte PCB removed from site. E I Pa S S Originating Includes information, reports and records associated with hazardous materials such as chemicals and substances that pose fire, health or safety hazards. Also includes records dealing with toxic substances control, transportation, effects, handling,· storage, use and disposal of agents, records of exposure of workers, inventory of hazardous materials, storage locations, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) etc. P04 Excludes: Staff Safety TraininQ - see H04 Incident I Accident Reports T = closure of investigation into incident. PalE T+2 2 T Originating Includes vandalism and security incident reports and reports of accidents that occur at County properties, including occurrence reports for Homes for the Aged, bomb threats, old aged runaways, etc. P05 - see Staff Excludes: Security - see A 18. Accidents of Municipal H04 Vehicle Accidents - see V01 Health Inspections PalE S S Originating Includes health inspection reports of County facilities, including Homes for the AQed. PO? * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend:C - Current Year P - Permanen ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 23 of 29 CODE SCOPE NOTES RESPONSIBLE ACTIVE INACTIVE TOTAL FORMAT REMARKS - Secondary Subiects RET'N P PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT SERVICES P09 Licences Originating T 2 T+2 PalE T = Expiry of licence. Includes records regarding licences administered by or required by the County, or required by the province, such as licensing for lotteries, businesses, hunting of small game, etc. Also includes licences / permits required for transporting oversized loads on County roads and permits for temporary road closings for soscial events, P15 Community Protection Programs Originating S 2 5+2*" PalE Includes records on community protection and crime prevention such as Community Policing, Victim Services, Neighbourhood Watch and Block Parents. Records include correspondence and brochures. P16 Elgin Group Police Services Board Administrative 10 p" Pa I E Master copy Minutes Services to be kept on paper. Includes minutes of the Elgin Group Police Services Board and all attached documents. P17 Elgin Group Police Services Board Administrative 1 5 6 PalE Agenda Services Includes notices of meetings and agenda as well as working notes used in aaenda preparation. P16 Elgin Group Police Services Board Administrative S S" PalE Appointments Services Includes all records relating to community, provincial and County appointments to the board. P19 Disaster Plan Recovery Administrative S S" PalE Services Includes all records associated with creation and maintenance of County disaster under Emergency Measures Ontario. P20 Dispatch Complaint Records Administrative 1 2 3 Services Includes records such as letters from the public and government agencies regarding ambulance dispatch times. * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanen; ** - Subject to Archival SelectionPa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 24 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondarv Subjects RECREATION AND CULTURE CODE R PalE 1 1 Originating Recreation and Culture - General Includes records regarding recreation and cultural services which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinQ is available. Library Services ROO E I Pa 5 3 2 Library Services Includes circulation lists, recommendations for additions to library collections, information searches, interwlibrary loan requests and more general records that are specific to the operation of libraries. Tertiary heading to be filed by branch. Museum Services R02 PalE 5" 3 2 Museum General Includes records on museum programming, activity reports and preservation information. Museum Services - Register R03 E I Pa P P Museum Accession accession of gift of annual all deeds ownership Includes the register and documenting collections. Archival Services R07 PalE 5" 3 2 Archives General Includes records on archival programming, activity reports and preservation information. ROB Excludes: Records ManaQement - See A10. Archival Services - Accession Register E - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa P P Archives Includes the annual accession register and all deeds of gift documenting ownership of collections. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanent ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper R09 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 25 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES CODE S E E I I Pa Pa 1 5 3 1 2 Originating Originating S - General Includes records regarding social and health care services which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinç¡ is available. Includes general program information regarding childcare programs such as municipal and private day care and day nursery services. Also includes general resource information used in counselling children and parents involved in these programs. SOO S01 Excludes: Medical Records - see 806. Individual Day Care Client Records - see S10. PalE 5 3 2 Homes & Seniors Services Elderly Assistance Includes general program information regarding programs intended to improve the quality of life for senior citizens such as home care, housing and transit subsidies. Includes any Homes for the Aged as well as general resource infonnation used in counselling seniors considering moving to homes for the aged. May include Indigent Elderly Patient reports. Also includes Meals on Wheels program. S02 Excludes: Homes for the Aged Residents S03. Homes for the Aged - Residents see T = date of last entry. Discharged resident files to be retained 20 PalE 20 or 5 180r3 T+2 Homes & Seniors Services Includes records regarding individual residents of Elgin Manor, Bobier Villa and Terrance Lodge. S03 years; deceased resident files to be retained 5 vears. PalE 5 3 2 Originating Social Assistance Programs Includes general program information regarding social assistance programs available to residents. Also includes general resource information used in counselling recipients of social assistance and information pertaining to Employment Support Programs and Community Support Services. Also includes records regarding subsidized housing and group homes. S04 T+7 PalE T=file closed. T+6 PalE T= discharge of patient see Excludes: Ontario Works Case Records S05. Ontario Works Case Records 5 T+2 CityofSt. Thomas (by agreement) Includes records regarding individual social assistance recipients. May include Income Reporting Cards. S05 Excludes: General Program Information S04. see 5 Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanem - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) 1 T+ Homes & Seniors Services Medical Case Records Includes case records regarding communicable diseases, venereal diseases, dental care, maternal care, and other medical case records. S06 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 ~ "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 26 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects SOCIAL AND HEALTH CARE SERVICES CODE S PalE 5 3 2 Originating Children's Services Includes general program information regarding programs benefiting developmentally handicapped children, abused children and other children's programs. Also includes general resource information used in counselling children and parents involved in these programs. 507 Excludes: Medical Records - see S06 Dav Care Proç¡rams - see 801 Public Health E * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified,) Pal PalE 5 5·' 3 3 2 2 Originating Originatin Includes records regarding public health programs such as health and safety education, school health programs, disease control including immunization and family planninQ. Children's Dav Care Client Records Legend: C - Current YearP - Permanen; ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper S08 S11 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE A": COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 2? of29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CODE T E E I I Pa Pa 1 T+6 1 Originating Includes records regarding transportation which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only other headinq is available. Illumination TOO T01 f no T= completion of project 6 T Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding the installation and repair of equipment used to illuminate roads such as streetlights, pedestrian crossover lights, etc. Also includes records on power consumotion. Parking E Pal 6 5 1 Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding municipal parking issues, such as handicapped parking, lot and garage operations, fire routes, and employee parkinQ. Public Transit T02 E I Pa 6 5 1 Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding public transit systems. Includes schedules, routes, maps and similar information. Also includes project records regarding the construction of bus shelters and similar facilities, route administration and planning, fare policies, intergovernmental transit co- ordination, and access for the disabled. Road Construction T03 T= com pletion of project. Specifica- tions are permanent. E I Pa T+6** 6 T Engineering Services Includes records and studies regarding construction projects on roads. Includes the construction of new roads and major jmprovements to existing roads, such as resurfacing, widening, bridges, etc. Specifications and change orders to be kept on a permanent basis. T04 Excludes: Design & Planning ~ see T05 Routine maintenance & minor improvements to road systems T06 Road Design and Planning T= completion of project. Specifica- tions are permanent. T= completion of project. Specifica- tions are permanent T ;:;; removal of sign I signal T+6 T+6 T+6 I PalE see 6 T Engineering Services Includes estimates, studies and other records regarding the design and planning of specific road construction projects, including setting of speed limits by design and criteria. Also includes design of curbs and sidewalks. cycie paths, footpaths. walkways, etc. Road Maintenance T05 6 Engineering T Services Engineering T Services Includes records and studies regarding the inspection and maintenance of roads. Includes the installation of culverts, minor repairs to the road surfaces, curbs and sidewalks. cycle paths. footpaths. walkways, etc. Also includes grading, ploughing and sanding of roads, and snow removal and cleaninq. Signs and Signals T06 6 Includes records and studies regarding the manufacture and installation of signs and signals. TO? Excludes: Visual Identity Proqram - See M09 * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified,) Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanen; ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE An: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 28 of 29 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONSIBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects TRANSPORTATION SERVICES CODE T E Pal 10"'* 8 2 Engineering Services Traffic Includes records and studies regarding the flow of traffic on roads. Includes intersection drawings, pedestrian crossovers, crossing guards, traffic counts, traffic accident statistics and related records. Also includes temporary road closures other than for special events requiring a permit for temporary closing. T08 Excludes: Alternate MTO Route Plan in event of road closures w see P03 Permits for special events temporary road closinQ - see P 11 Roads and Lane Closures E I Pa 6 5 1 Engineering Services Includes records on roads and lanes closed on a permanent or regular basis, Includes appraisals, reports, correspondence and District Court applications as well as records related to requests to open road and street allowances. TOg see T08 Excludes: Temporary Road Closures Land Sales - see L07 Road ClosinQ By~laws Road Sections see C01 T= completion of project. Specifica~ tions are permanent E I Pa T+6 6 T Engineering Services Includes records, surveys, construction plans, and utility requests for street name sections, road name sections and municipal road systems. Field Survey I Road Survey Books T10 PalE P" P Engineering Services Includes engineering field survey notes as well as books. Railroads T11 T= completion of project. Specifica- tions are nermanent. E * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified,) Pal T+6 6 T Engineering Services Includes records regarding maintenance of railway crossing on County roads. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanen ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper T12 ELGIN COUNTY BY-LAW NO. 04-01 - "SCHEDULE An: COUNTY OF ELGIN - RECORD CLASSIFICATION AND RETENTION SCHEDULE (January 2004) Page 29 0129 REMARKS FORMAT TOTAL RET'N INACTIVE ACTIVE RESPONStBLE SCOPE NOTES - Secondary Subjects VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT CODE V E Pal 1 1 Originating Vehicles and Equipment - General Includes records regarding vehicles and equipment which cannot be classified elsewhere. Use only if no other headinç¡ is available. Fleet Management VOO T ;::; disposal of vehicle. E Pal T+6 s 1 T+ Originating Includes records of all vehicles currently leased or owned, operated and maintained by the County such as the library van and ambulances. This includes vehicle history files, accident reports, and vehicle maintenance, registration and disposal. V01 Excludes Insurance Policies,:" see L06 Accident Claims - see L02, L03 Leases & Contracts - see L 14 Mobile Equipment E I Pa 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding mobile equipment used in conjunction with vehicles. Also includes maintenance and history files on equipment such as generators, pumps, snow blowers, sanders,etc. Transportable Equipment V02 PalE 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding transportable equipment used by the County. Also includes maintenance and history files on equipment such as Jawnmowers, hoses, weedeaters, driJJs, and rescue equipment. Protective Equipment V03 PalE 3 2 1 Originating Includes records regarding protective equipment used by the County. Also includes maintenance and history files on equipment such as breathing apparatus, breathing tanks, down alarms, etc. V04 Excludes: Uniforms & Clothina - see A14 Building Equipment E * - Maximum Copy Retention S - Superseded T - Terminated E - Electronic (All numbers refer to years unless otherwise specified.) I Pa 3 2 1 Engineering Services Includes maintenance and history on equipment such as furnaces, water heaters, etc. used within the buildinQs of the municipality. Legend: C - Current Year P - Permanen ** - Subject to Archival Selection Pa - Paper VOS 204-460 Wellington Street St. Thomas, ON N5R 6H9 Telephone: (519) 631-8250 Telephone: (519) 637-3500 Facsimile: (519) 631-8919 RAVEN&SHAWLLP Chartered Accountants October 9, 2003 Mrs. Linda Veger Director of Financial Services County ofElgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5Vl Dear Mrs, Veger: County of Elgin We have reviewed the record classification and retention schedule as proposed by the County of Elgin with guidelines established by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and in accordance in S255(3) of the Ontario Municipal Act. Record Classification and Retention Schedule - We approve of the Tecord classification and retention schedule as proposed by the County of Elgin. ~ Yours Chuck Raven Raven & Shaw