1852 Minutes c ( c PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ( April 15, 1852 to December 21, 1854 ( ( ( fH 35).07133</ Ef-(j /85,). -51 l ELGIN COON\'{ UBRAI\'( - 1 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Minutes of the Provisional Municipal Council of the County of Elgin FIRST RffiETING St. Thomas, 15th April 1852 The Provisional Council met at twelve of the clock noon. Mr. Parish presiding under the authority of a Pro- clamation bearing the signature and seal of James Hamilton - Sheriff U. C. M. O. E. Members Present Messrs. Clark Elliott Lockyer McColl of Southwold Pearce Skinner Cline Garson Munro McColl of Aldborough Parish Willey Mr. Lockyer seconded by Mr. Cline moves that Elisha Garson Esquire be elected Provisional Warden of the County of Elgin In amendment Mr. N. McColl seconded by Mr. Willey moves that Colin Munro Esquire be elected Provisional Warden of the County of Elgin. The amendment was lost and the original motion carried. The Provisional Warden took the oath of office. Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. Munro moves that Mr. John McKay be appointed the Provisional Clerk of the Provisional Council of the County of Elgin. In amendment Mr. D. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish moves that Mr. James Stanton be the Clerk of this Council. Which amendment was lost after which In amendment Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that Mr. William I. White be the Clerk of the Council (Cont'd) ( - 2 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas, 15th April 1852 . Which amendment was also lost and the original motion carried. . Mr. McKay then subscribed the oath and was sworn into the office by the Provisional Warden. Ordered that the standing rules and regulations of the Municipal Council of the County of Middlesex be read by the Clerk. . Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the rules and regulations now read be adopted as the standing Rules and Regulations of the Provisional Municipal Council of the County of Elgin. . Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. N. McColl moves that in adopting the Rules and Regulations of the Council of Middlesex, the thirty-eighth clause be struck out. The motion of Mr. Elliot as amended by motion of Mr. Munro was carried. . On motion, the Council adjourned until three of the clock P.M. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Clark Elliot Munro McColl of Aldboro Parish Willey Cline Lockyer McColl of Southwold Pearce Skinner . Mr. Pearce seconded by Mr. D. McColl moves that Mr. McKenzie be the Treasurer of this Council. . In amendment first Mr. Willey seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that Mr. William Coyne be the Treasurer of the Pro- visional Council of the County of Elgin. . (Cont'd) . - 3 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas, 15th April 1852 . In amendment second Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Skinner moves that Mr. Laing be appointed Treasurer for the Coun- cil of the County of Elgin . The second amendment and original motion were lost And the first amendment was carried. .cil for The following documents were submitted to the Council namely plans and specifications of the Court House and Gaol at Cayuga Ordered that the Clerk read the specifications Mr. Lockyer seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the Coun- do now make provision to commence the public buildings the County of Elgin . . In amendment Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that this Council do resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to take into consideration the expediency of erecting County Buildings for this County . ~1hich amendment was carried and the original motion lost. The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the whole on the expediency of erecting County Buildings. Mr. Lockyer in the Chair. The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the erecting o~ County Buildings. On motion of Mr. Munro, seconded by Mr. Willey Resolved that in the opinion of this Council it is desireable that such measures be adopted as will secure the speedy erection of County Buildings for the County of Elgin. . . On motion of Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Elliot . (Cont'd) . . - 4 - (Elgin County Cbuncil Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas, 15th April 1852 . Resolved that the inhabitants of the County, Town be invited to tender to this Council any lands in this County, Town they may feel disposed to give for the purpose of a site for County Buildings, Tenders to be handed in between now and tomorrow morning at nine of the clock. . On motion of Mr. Clark seconded by ~~. Lockyer Resolved that a Committee of five be appointed to ex- amine a site to erect said buildings on and to report to the Council tomorrow at ten of the clock in the forenoon The following members were voted as the said Committee namely Messrs. Lockyer, Munro, Elliot, Clark and Cline. . On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce . Resolved that a Committee of five be now formed to take into consideration the plans and cost of Public Build- ings and report thereon tomorrow forenoon at ten of the clock. The following members were voted as the said Commit- tee namely Messrs. Munro, Clark, Skinner, Elliot and Pearce. . On motion of Mr. N. McColl seconded by Mr. Willey Resolved that a special Committee of three members be appointed to draft a By-Law to authorize the ralslng of a loan by the issuing of County Debentures leaving the amount blank for the present so that the same may be the proposed By-Law to be published as the law directs And that the said Committee consist of the Provisional Warden, also Messrs. Elliot and Munro. . On motion the Council adjourned until nine of the clock tomorrow morning. . . (Cont'd) . - 5 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FIRST SESSION 1852 SECOND DAY . Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 The Council met at nine of the clock this morning pursuant to adjournment. . The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present Messrs Clark Elliot Munro McColl of Aldboro Parish Willey Cline Lockyer McColl of Southwold Pearce Skinner . . Mr. Munro, the Chairman of the Committee appointed to draft a By-Law for the issuing of Debentures for public buildings, brought up the report of the Committee and pro- posed By-Law. Which were read by the Clerk. Ordered that the said report and By-Law layover. Mr. Elliot, the Chairman of the Committee, appointed to examine the plans and estimates of the Court House and Gaol brought up a report that the Committee had risen and directed him to ask leave to sit again this day. Ordered that the Committee have leave to sit again this day. . . The following documents were received and read . 1st. Tender from W. Curtis of choice of two .situa- tions of land for Court House and Gaol. 2nd. Tender from Mr. Lawrence of-two acres of land with a front on Curtis Street of twenty rods. . (Cont'd) . . . - 6 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 . On motion the Council adjourned until eleven of the clock in the forenoon for the purpose of examining the lands already granted, and the lands now tendered for public buildings. The Council met again pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present . Messrs. Elliot McColl of Southwold Skinner Lockyer McColl of Aldboro Willey . On motion the Council adjourned until half past one of the clock in the afternoon. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Clark Lockyer McColl of Southwold Pearce Willey Elliot Munro McColl of Aldboro Parish . On motion the Council resolved itself into a Com- mittee of the whole on selecting a site for County Build- ings and proceeded in Committee to examine W. Drakes land. Mr. Clark in the Chair. The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the acceptance of land from W. Drake. The following documents were received and read. . (Cont'd) . . - 7 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 . 1st. A promise from B. Drake to execute to the Crovrn on Council of Elgin a Deed for a block of land for Public Buildings. 2nd. A promise from P. Cole to execute a Bond not to erect buildings on twenty-four rods of frontage on Port Stanley Road opposite Court House block. On motion of Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Parish. . . Resolved that this Council adopt the report of the Committee of the whole on site for Public Buildings. On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Cline. Resolved that this Council receive and act on the offers made by Messrs. B. Drake and L. Cole. On motion - the unanimous thanks of the Council were tendered to Mr. Drake for his very liberal donation of land to the County of Elgin for the purpose of erecting the County Buildings thereon. On motion the unanimous thanks of the Council were tendered to Messrs. Lawrence and Curtis for there liber- ality in tendering to the Council, land for the erec- tion of the County Buildings thereon. . . . On motion the unanimous thanks of the Council were tendered to Mr. Samuel Cole for his liberal conveyance to the Council of certain rights to property for County purposes. . On motion 9f Mr. N. McColl seconded by Mr. Munro Resolved that the Provisional Warden and Clerk be authorized to correspond with the proper offices of the Crown, representing the altered position of the land con- veyed by Mr. Drake for the Public Buildings for the pur- pose of procuring from the Crown a reconveyance of the land formerly granted by him to the Crown . And also to procure and receive the necessary title and documents to carry out the intention of the donations of lands and rights made to the County of Elgin by Messrs. Drake and Cole. . (Cont'd) . . - 8 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 . On motion the Council adjourned until seven of the clock this evening. The Council met pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . . Messrs. Clark Elliot Munro McColl of Aldboro Parish Willey Cline Lockyer McColl of Southwold Pearce Skinner Mr. Elliot, the Chairman of the Committee appointed to examine the plans and estimates of the Court House and Gaol brought up the report of the Committee which was read by the Clerk. . Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the re- port be altered as follows, and received, namely . 1st. To read after the lands "said buildings" "and would recommend that the plans and specifications submit- ted to the Committee be adopted with the following altera- tions" . 2nd. That the words "five members" be altered so as to read "seven" members and that they be empowered to cor- rect the plan according to this report, to advertise for tenders and generally to do all things necessary to facili- tate the completion of the buildings on or before the first day of September next. Jrd. That the third last and last clauses in the re- port be left out In amendment first Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Cline moves that the Clerk of the Council be authorized to pro- cure other plans and specifications of Public Buildings, and when procured to notify the Provisional Warden to call a meeting of this Council to select what in their esti- mation is the best plan. . . (Cont'd) . - 9 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 . In amendment second Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the words "four thousand pounds" be expunged from the Report and the words "five thousand pounds" sub- stituted therefore. . The amendments were severally lost and the original motion to receive the Report as amended by the motion of Mr. Munro was carried. The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken down as follows: . Yeas: Messrs. Munro, McColl of Southwold, McColl of Aldboro, Pearce, Parish, Skinner & Willey = 7. Nays: Messrs. Clark, Cline, Elliot & Lockyer = 4. Ordered that a Building Committee of seven be forth- with voted. . The Messrs. Skinner. following Members were voted as the said Committee - Clark, Cline, Garson, Lockyer, Munro, Parish & . On motion the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the whole on the proposed By-Law to raise money by Debentures. . Mr. Elliot in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported the proposed By-Law. The said By-Law was read, approved and ordered to be advertised as the Law directs. . Ordered that Messrs. McColl of Aldboro and Willey be added to the Building Committee. On motion of Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Parish Resolved that the Provisional Warden be authorized to call a meeting of the Building Committee when in his opin- ion the business of the County requires the Committee to meet. . . (Cont'd) . . - 10 - (Elgin County C9uncil Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Friday 16th April 1852 . . On motion of Mr. Lockyer seconded by Mr. Clark. Resolved that the Building Committee of seven as in the Report adopted, be reduced to five, and that the Com- mittee of seven already voted with the addition of Messrs. McColl of Aldboro and Willey be withdrawn And that the said Committee of five be forthwith struck in the usual form. . The following members were voted as the said Committee Messrs. Clark, Garson, Munro, Parish & Skinner. . On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Munro Resolved that the Clerk be instructed to purchase a Seal about the size of a dollar with the device of a beaver and a maple leaf in the centre and the words "Corporation of the County of Elgin A. D. 1852" on the margin for the use of the Council. . On motion of Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Cline Resolved that the Clerk be authorized to purchase sta- tionery and suitable books for the uses of the Council and the officers of the Council. . . On motion of Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Pearce. Resolved that the Building Committee be authorized to make such alterations as to them may seem adviseable in the plan of the buildings in addition to those recom- mended in the Report as adopted. On motion of Mr. Munro seconded by. Mr. Parish. Resolved that the Provisional Warden be duly authorized to borrow from the Bank of Montreal or otherwise any reason- able amount which may be required for the contingent expenses attending the carrying into immediate operation the orders, motions, reports and resolutions of this Council and that the Council discharge such debt so incurred whenever there is money in the Treasury. . . On motion the Council on the morning of Thursday John PilcKay Provisional Clerk adjourned until nine of the clock the 22nd day of July next. E. S. Ganson Provisional Warden . - 11 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SECOND SESSION 1852 . St. Thomas 20th May 1852 Special Meeting - The Provisional Council met at eight of the clock this evening pursuant to notice given by the Provisional Warden for a special meeting on Build- ing Committee business. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Clark Parish Pearce and Elliot McColl of Southwold ~'Jilley . The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce. Ordered that the Building Committee's proceedings be read. . The Clerk read the proceedings of the Building Com- mittee from the 1st meeting 17th April until the 18th of May inclusive. . On motion of Mr. Pearce seconded by Mr. Willey. Resolved that this Council accept the tender of Gardner Elwood for erecting and completing the County Buildings for the County of Elgin in accordance with the plans and specifications of John Tully for the sum of five thousand two hundred and thirty pounds currency, And that the Building Committee on behalf of this Council proceed" immediately to enter into writing with the said Gardner Elwood and his securities and to do all things appertaining to a speedy compl~tion of the said buildings at as early a period as possible, and in case the said Gardner Elwood should withdraw him tender or refuse to furnish such security as is approved of, then the said Committee are further authorized and required to advertise, or otherwise procure and receive tenders for the erection of the said buildings. . . . . (Cont'd) . - 13 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) THIRD SESSION 1852 . Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) Special Meeting - The Provisional Council met at nine of the clock this forenoon pursuant to notice given by the Provisional Warden for a special meeting on Building Commit- tee business. . The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Clark Lockyer McColl of Southwold Willey = Cline McColl of Aldboro Pearce 7 members The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. The P. Warden read proceedings of Building Committee also letter addressed by P. Warden to Mr. Tully also letter from M~ Tully to Mr~-Ganson . . Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce. Moves that writtings be now entered into with Gardner Elwood for the erection of Public Buildings provided he gives bonds for the erection of the walls and enclosure of the buildings, finishing the Court Room, two cells and the Sheriffs Offices, on or before the 15th September next - that all the work be completed on or before the 1st of April 1853 and that the security he now offers be accepted viz John O'Neil, Isaac Campbell and Abram R In amendment first,Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Skinner Moves that Mr. Elwoods tender for erecting the Court House and Gaol at St. Thomas be received and the writtings be entered into, if he agrees to have-the buildings far enough advanced to answer the requirements of Government on the 15th of September so as to accomplish the intended object of completing the division of the County of ; Middlesex, and the said building with all its different apartments and outside walls be completed by the first of April one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, on his giving satisfactory security to the Committee. . . . . (Cont'd) . . - 12 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas 20th May 1852 On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Willey. . Resolved that an additional sum of two thousand pounds be raised for the erection and defraying the ex- penses of the buildings in the County of Elgin, the former amount not being sufficient for that purpose. The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken . down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Pearce, Parish, ~'Jilley. & Clark = 4 Nays: Messrs. McColl of Southwold,& Elliot = 2 . On motion of Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey. Ordered that a By-Law be now drafted to raise the amount named in the last resolution. On motion of Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce . Ordered that the proposed By-Law No. 2 be read The Clerk read a draft of By-Law No. 2 On motion of Mr. Pearce seconded by Mr. Parish . Ordered that By-Law No. 2 now read be approved and ordered to be advertised as the law directs. . On motion of Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Clark Ordered that the Warden be authorized to communi- cate with Mr. Tully and enter into agreements with him or any other competent party to superintend the erection of the County Buildings, and procure the working plans for the same. . On motion the Council adjourned until nine of the clock on the morning of Thursday the 22nd day of July next. John McKay Provisional Clerk E. S. Ganson Provisional Warden . . . - 14 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) . In amendment second l~. McColl of Southwold seconded by Mr. Cline Moves that all former resolutions of this Council in reference to the erection of the Elgin County Buildings be rescinded. . The motion and first and second amendments were read and the second amendment was put and carried. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows namely . Yeas: Messrs. Clark, Cline, Lockyer, McColl of Aldboro, McColl of Southwold, Skinner & ~Hlley = 7 Nays: Messrs. Parish and Pearce = 2 Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Skinner Moves that this Council examine all the different plans of the different buildings now in possession of the Council - . Carried . On motion the Council adjourned until half past one o'clock this afternoon. . Thursday afternoon half past one o'clock The Council met again pursuant to adjournment The Provisional Warden in the Chair Members Present . Messrs. Clark Lockyer McColl of Southwold Skinner Cline McColl of Aldboro Parish Pearce Willey 9 members . (Cont'd) . - 15 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) . On motion, the Council resolved itself into a Com- mittee of the whole on the Public Buildings Mr. Lockyer in the Chair. . The Council resumed. The Chairman reported that the Committee recommended that the plan for the Brantford Buildings be adopted. Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that this Coun- cil erect County Buildings for the County of Elgin, and that the said buildings shall be upon the same plan, and built in the same manner as the buildings now erecting at Brantford for the County of Brant. . . In amendment Mr. Parish seconded by N~. Pearce moves that the Tully plan be still adhered to. The amendment was lost and the motion carried. Mr. Cline seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that a Committee of five persons be appointed on behalf of this Council with full power, to contract for the completion of the said building at as early a period as possible. The following members were voted for the Building Com- mittee namely . . Messrs. Clark, Lockyer, Ganson, Skinner & Parish. Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the resolu- tion passed by this Council this forenoon rescinding certain actions of the Council do not affect the resolutions re- specting the proposed By-Laws for raising the amount of ~ 6000. to defray the expenses of erecting the Public Buildings. Carried. . Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the ~varden be authorized in behalf of the Council to sign the contract Bond and also be invested with the same authority as form- erly for Mr. Tully's Plan and to transact all the business for the i~~ediate progress of the work for the erecting of the building on Mr. Turner's plan. Carried. . . (Cent'd) . - 16 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) . Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the motion adopted by this Council to erect County Buildings for the County of Elgin upon the plan of the public build- ing in the County of Brant be amended by adding the words "or according to any other plan that the Committee for Public Buildings may think proper to adopt. . In amenQ~ent Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that all the words after "amended" be expunged and the fol- lowing substituted therefor "on Tully's plan" . The yeas and nays being called for were taken do;~n as follows for the amendment motion Yeas: Messrs. Willey, McColl of Southwold, McColl of Aldboro = 3 . Nays: Messrs. Cline and Pearce ~ 2 And the following members of the Building Cor~~ittee did not vote namely . Messrs. Skinner, Clark, Parish, Lockyer & Ganson The amendment was lost and the original motion to amend was carried. The following petitions were read and presented by Mr. Parish namely - . The petition of Benjamin Drake and Samuel Cole, the Reeve and Councillor of the Village of St. Thomas, Alex Lowe and 74 others, all praying that the public building may front the Port Stanley Road on Mr. McColl of Southwold seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that the petitions of Benjamin Dr~~e & Samuel Cole, also the petition of the Reeve and Councillors of St. Thomas and the petition of Alex Lowe and 76 others be received . . Lost. (Cont'd) . . - 17 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 ~ 1860) Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) . Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey moves that a standing Committee on Finances of five be appointed and report to this Council at its session on the 22 July next in respect of the remuneration of its different officers. The following Members were voted for the Finance Com- mittee . Messrs. Clark, Cline, Lockyer, Parish and Pearce Mr. Willey seconded by Mr. Skinner moves that the Court House in St. Thomas do front the north so as to stand paral- lel with the Talbot Road to stand in front of Queen Street. . In amendment Mr. McColl of Southwold seconded by Mr. Parish moves that the Court House front Port Stanley Street. The amendment was lost and the original motion carried. . The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Skinner, Clark, Willey, Lockyer, Pearce, & Cline = 6 . Nays: Messrs. McColl of Aldboro, McColl of Southwold & Parish = 3 Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that Mr. C. Munro and Moses Willey be added to the Building Committee. Carried. . Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that the Building Committee do examine the ground offered this Coun- cil by Mr. Drake and see if they can obtain water at the depth of 15 feet for the accommodation of the Elgin Court House and Gaol, and if there is no water to be found, the said Committee are required by this Council to procure a new site for said buildings from Mr. Lawrence east of his dwelling house on Talbot Street provided water can be ob- tained for said buildings at the depth of 15 feet and if Mr. Lawrence is willing to give the round. . . (Cont'd) . . - 18 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Saint Thomas Third June (Thursday) . In amendment first, Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that the words "fifteen feet" be expunged and "twenty-five feet" inserted. which amendment was put and lost. In amendment second, Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro moves that the words "fifteen feet" be expunged and "twenty feet" inserted. . . Which amendment was put and lost. In amendment third, Mr. PariSh, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that the words "fifteen feet" be expunged and "eighteen feet" substituted therefore Which amendment was put and lost. . In amendment fourth, Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that the words "fifteen feet" be expunged and "sixteen feet" inserted . Which amendment was put and lost. The yeas and nays being called for on the 4th amend- ment were taken down as follows Yeas: Messrs. Parish, McColl of Aldboro and Cline = 3 . Nays: Messrs. Skinner, Clark, Willey, McColl of Southwold, Lockyer, Pearce = 6 The original motion was then put and carried and the yeas and nays being called for were taken down and entered as follows . Yeas: Messrs. Skinner, Clark, Willey, McColl of Southwold, Lockyer, Pearce, Cline = 7 Nays: Messrs. Parish & McColl of Aldboro = 2 . On motion the Council adjourned until nine of the clock on the forenoon of Thursday the twenty-second day of July next. John McKay Provisional Clerk E. S. Ganson Provisional Warden . (Cont'd) . - 19 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . FOURTH SESSION St. Thomas Thursday 22nd July . The Provisional Council of the County of Elgin met this forenoon at nine of the clock according to adjourn- ment. The Provisional ~varden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Clark Elliot Lockyer LVilley Cline McColl of Southwold Skinner . 7 members The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. Mr. Lockyer, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that the By-Law to raise the sum of ~ 4000 for the erection of the Court House and Gaol, approved by this Council last April, and advertised for 3 months be brought up and read the first time, to be numbered one . By-Law No. One read the first time. Mr. McColl of Southwold, seconded by Mr. Elliot, moves that the Council go into Committee of the whole on the second reading of By-Law No. One. . Carried. . Mr. Lockyer in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported that the Committee recommended the passing of By-Law No.1, without any amendment. . On motion, By-Law No. One passed the. second reading Mr. McColl of Southwold, seconded by Mr. Parish moves that this Council go into Committee of the whole on the third reading of By-Law No. One. . Carried. Mr. Elliot in the Chair. . (Cont'd) . - 20 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Thursday 22nd July The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend that By-Law No.1 be passed the 3rd reading without amend- ment. . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Elliot, moves that By-Law number one be read the third time and passed. Mr. N. McColl, seconded by Mr. Elliot, moves that the proceedings of the Building Committee be read for the information of the Council. . The Clerk read proceedings of Building Committee Book from 3rd of June until the 28th June inclusive. . Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the Council go into the Committee of the whole to investigate the proceedings of the Building Co~~ittee. Mr. Willey in the Chair. The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported progress and aSked leave to sit again. On motion the Council adjourned until half past two o'clock p. m. . Thursday afternoon half past two o'clock. The Council met again according to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Cline Elliot McColl of Southwold 6 members Clark Lockyer Willey . On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole again to continue the investigation of the pro- ceedings of the Building Committee. . (Cont'd) -21 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Thursday 22nd July . The Council resumed and the Chairman reported that the proceedings of the Building Committee be accepted, and that the Provisional Warden sign and attach the Seal of the Corporation to the contract made with Gardner Ellwood, and the Building Committee. . Mr. D. McColl, seconded by D. Parish, moves that the report of the Committee be adopted. The yeas and P~ys being called for were taken down as follows namely . Yeas: Messrs. Willey, Clark, Lockyer, McColl of Aldboro, Parish & Skinner = 6 Nays: Messrs. Cline, Elliot, McColl of Southwold = 3 The P. Warden tendered his resignation. . Mr. SkiTh~er, seconded by Mr. Parish, moves that the resignation of the P. Warden be accepted. Lost. . The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows namely Yeas: Messrs. Parish & Skinner = 2 Nays: messrs. Willey, Clark, Lockyer, Elliot, McColl of Southwold & McColl of Aldboro = 6 . The Provisional Warden again tendered his resignation Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Clark, moves that the resig- nation of the Provisional Warden be accepted. . Carried. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Parish,_ moves that Mr. LockYer be appointed the Provisional Warden in place of Mr. Ganson, resigned. . Carried. On motion the Council adjourned until tomorrow fore- noon at ten of the clock. . John McKay Provisional Clerk Thomas Locker Provisional Warden (Cont'd) . - 22 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852. . The Council met this forenoon at ten o'clock pur- surant to adjournment The Provisional Warden in the Chair . Members Present Messrs. Clark Elliott Pearce McColl of Aldboro Cline Parish Skinner Willey . The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. . Moved by John Elliott and seconded by Mr. Cline that whereas doubts have arisen as to the legality of the contracts and bonds entered into by Mr. Ellwood and the Building Committee or the Provisional Council, and as Mr. Ellwood has expressed to the Chairman of the Building Committee that he is willing and ready to enter into and sign legal documents and give the required securi- ty to complete his engagements. That the Clerk do make out the contract and security bond, and that the Provis- ional Warden be authorized to execute the contract on be- half of this Council and proceed to London to do so if necessary with Mr. Ellwood. Mr. Ellwood asked leave to make a verbal statement in reference to building matters. Leave granted by the Council. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that Mr. Ganson be ordered forthwith to deliver to Mr. Lockyer, the present Provisional Warden, all the papers in his posses- sion and the correspondence with the Trust and Loan Company and all other papers that belong to the Council of the Coun- ty of Elgin. . . . . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Cline moves that this Coun- cil do pass a By-Law to be numbered three prescribing the necessary bonds to be given by the Provisional Treasurer. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that By-Law No.3 be read the first time. . (Cont'd) . - 23 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . Friday 23rd July 1852. Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that By-Law No. 3 be read the second time. On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole on the third reading of By-Law No.3. Mr. Parish in the Chair. . . The Council resumed. The Chairman reported By-Law No.3 with the blanks filled up. . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that By-Law No.3 be read the third time. On motion, By-Law No. 3 passed. The Chairman of the Finance Committee presented the Report. The Report was read by the Clerk. Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Pearce, moves that the Report of the Finance Committee be received without amend- ment. . . Mr. Elwood handed in a paper signed by T. Cheeseman certifying that the materail on the ground and work done at County Buildings amounted in full to ~ 200 The above paper was read by the Clerk. . On motion the Council adjourned until two o'clock in the afternoon. Friday afternoon two o'clock. The Council met again pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . . Members Present Messrs. Clark Eiliott McColl of Aldboro Pearce and Cline Ganson Parish Skinner Willey . (Cont'd) . - 24 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Skinner, moves that the motion passed this forenoon requiring new Contract and Bond to be executed by the Provisional Warden and Mr. Ellwood and his securities and expressing doubts as to the legality of certain Contracts and Bonds be rescinded, and that the Provisional Warden do now in accordance with the Report of the Committee of the whole as made yesterday, sign the Con- tract made with Gardner Ellwood and the Building Committee and that he do execute the same in open Council, by this, the order of the Council, and on behalf of the Council. . . The Provisional Warden executed the Contract in open Council. On motion it was ordered that all contracts and bonds be deposited with the Provisional Clerk in his office. . Mr. Parish, seconded by L. Pearce, moves that Richard Willis be appointed messenger to this Council at 5/. five shillings per day while in attendance on the Council. . Mr. Ganson, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that the remaining members of the Provisional Council be added to the Building Committee and that Mr. Lockyer shall be Chair- man thereof and that the Clerk of the Council shall by his consent be Clerk of the Committee. Carried. . The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows namely Yeas: Messrs. Willey, Clark, Ganson, Cline, Elliott, McColl of Aldboro & Pears = 7 . Nays: Messrs. Parish & Skinner = 2 The following members tendered their resignations as members of the Building Committee namely . Messrs. Parish, Skinner and Clark. On motion the Council declined to receive their resig- nation. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows namely . , (Cont'd) . - 25 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . Yeas: Messrs. Parish, Skinner & Clark - 3 Messrs. Willey, Ganson, Cline, Elliott, McColl of Aldboro, & Pearce - 6 Nays: Mr. Ganson, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that Mr. Cheeseman be accepted as Superintendent of the Elgin County Buildings for and on behalf of John Turner of Brantford, Architect. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Pearce, moves that the Provisional Treasurer of the County of Elgin be hereby authorized to pay from monies to be furnished to him by this Council, a note dated this 23rd of July 1852, made in favor of Mr. Parish for the sum of E 400 and signed by Messrs. Lockyer, Clark, Willey, Skinner, D. McColl and Pearce being for monies advanced fo~ County and building purposes namely E 300 for the contractor and the remainder for the uses of the Council. . . . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that five members of the Building Committee shall form a Quorum, when met as a Building Committee and that the Provision- al Warden shall be authorized to sign debentures and also to order the Treasurer to pay to the contractor the amounts due to him according to the estimates given in by the architect at any time when required. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows . . Yeas: Messrs. Willey, Clark, Cline, Ganson, Elliott, McColl of Aldboro & Pearce - 7 Nays: Messrs. Parish & Skinner - 2 Mr. Elliot, seconded by Mr. Clark, moves that Mr. Ellwood, the contractor, be paid the sum of three hundred pounds being seventy-five per cent of the amount of work performed and material furnished as certified by Mr. Cheeseman, for County buildings, to be paid from the first monies procured by this Council. . . ~ (Cont'd) . . - 26 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that the Provisional Clerk or Secretary of the Building Committee be authorized on receiving a notice from the Contractor for estimates to notify Mr. Turner or his Superintendent also the Provisional Warden as the case may require. On motion the Council adjourned until half past six o'clock in the evening to give the Clerk of the Council an opportunity to fill in certain By-Laws. . Friday Evening The Council met again this evening at half past six of the clock. . The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Aldboro Cline Ganson Willey - 6 The following distances were taken 'down as the travelling distance of each member from his residence to the Council Room namely _ . Messrs. Clark 15 miles Cline 13 miles Elliott 27 .. Lockyer 15 .. Ganson 4~ .. Munro 7 " McColl of Aldboro .. Parish- 0 .. Pearce 1 .. Skinner 24 .. McColl of Southwold 12 .. Willey 15 .. . . The Provisional Treasurers Bond was submitted and read. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that the Provisional Treasurers Bond be accepted. _ On motion, leave was granted to introduce four several By-Laws namely By-Law No.4 . 5 6 To remunerate Councillors attending Council etc. To establish the salaries of the Pro- visional Officers To define the duties of the Provisional Officer To raise for general purposes ~ 200 7 . (Cont'd) - 27 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . Mr. Cline, seconded by Mr. Elliott moves that By-Laws number four, five, six and seven be read the first time. By-Laws No.4, 5, 6, & 7 were read the first time. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Willey moves that By-Laws No.4, 5, 6, & 7 be read the second time. By-Laws No.4, 5, 6 & 7 were read the second time. On motion the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the whole on By-Laws No.4, 5, 6, 7. Mr. Elliott in the Chair. . . The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported progress and asked for leave to sit again. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that Mr. Parish be paid six dollars to be paid to Mr. Caughell for digging well at public building also four dollars for horse hire and expenses to notify Mr. Ellwood in reference to signing the building contract also Mr. Casey to receive proceeds of the note discounted by him for E 400 for build- ing purposes of the Council. On motion the Council resolved itself into a Committee of the whole again on By-Laws No.4, 5, 6, & 7. Mr. Elliott in the Chair. . . The Council resumed. . The Chairman ~eported that the Committee recommend that By-Laws No.4, 5, 6 & 7 be read the third time. Mr. McColl of Aldboro, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that By-Laws No.4, 5, 6 & 7 be read the third time. By-Laws No.4, 5, 6 & 7 were read the third time. On motion By-Laws No.4, 5, 6 & 7 were passed and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign the same. . . (Cont'd) . . - 28 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Elliot, moves that the amount of five pounds be paid by the Provisional Trea- surer to the Provisional Clerk to pay Mr. Thomas, Architect, for plans of building submitted to the Council, the same to be forwarded to Mr. Thomas. . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that Mr. Skinner be remunerated for his expenses to Brantford when sent by the Building Committee and that the amount of two pounds be paid to him. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows namely Yeas: Messrs. Willey, Clark, Elliott, McColl of Aldboro, Pearce & Parish - 6 . Nays: Messrs. Ganson & Cline 2 Mr. Ganson presented an account against the Provisional Council for his journey to Brantford B 2.10 & cash paid for Mr. Turner. Bond 10/1 in all B 2.10/ _ . Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro, moves that Mr. Ganson's account for B 2.10 be paid. Motion lost. . On motion the Council ordered the Provisional Warden to sign drafts on the Provisional Treasurer in favor of the fOllowing gentlemen for their services in the Council and Building Committee namely. . . (Cont'd) . . . . . . . . . . . . . For services in the Provisional Council Messrs. Cline 5 days attendance & 49 miles travel :r. 2.17.0 Clark 6 .. 5 .. 3. 7.6 Elliott 5 .. 54 " 3. 4.6 Ganson 6 .. 27 .. 2.18.6 ,.., "d Lockyer 5 .. 45 .. 3. 0.6 . Munro 2 .. 7 " 0.18.6 ~ N N. McColl 5 " 36 " 2.15.6 0 V'\ () co D. McColl 5 129 .. 5. 2.0 ~ r-l ,.., Parish 6 0 " 2. 5.0 0 >> Pearce 5 3 .. 1.19.0 \0 r-l co ::l Skinner 5 72 .. ,3.13.6 r-l I-J Willey 6 45 " 3. 7..6 "d McKay 6 0 .. '3. 0.0 H N <"I V'\ N 19 38. 8.6 co r-l >> tIl ~ "d And for services in the Building Committee I III .rl Q{) H 0\ l=l ~ N .rl "d Messrs. Clark 9 .. 105 .. 6. 0.0 CIl Ganson 8 " 63 .. 4.11.6 CIl 0 Lockyer 1 .. 15 .. 15.0 0 H Forward B 11. 6.6 Ii 38. 8.6 p., r-l .rl 8 Messrs. Munro 2 .. 7 .. 18.6 ::l Parish 9 " 0 " 3. 7.6 0 () Skinner 7 .. 120 .. 5.12.6 >> Willey 4 .. 45 .. 2.12.6 +' McKay 3 .. 0 " 1.10.0 @ 0 :r. 25. 7.6 :r. 25. 7.6 () l=l 1h 63.16.0 .rl Q{) r-l I'iI ~ . - 30 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Friday 23rd July 1852 . . On motion the Pro. Warden was ordered to sign a draft in favor the St. Thomas Post Office for 3/11d. for postages. Also in favor of Thos. Wheeler for the Seal of the Council one pound fifteen shillings. On motion the Council adjourned until nine of the clock on the forenoon of Saturday the twenty-eight day of August next. . Thomas Locker Provisional Warden John McKay Provisional Clerk . . . . (Cont'd) . . . - 31 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FIFTH SESSION 1852 St. Thomas, Saturday 28th August 1852 . . The Provisional Council of the County of Elgin met this forenoon at nine of the clock according to adjourn- ment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members present Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Southwold Cline Ganson Willey - 6 . The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sigh them. The Clerk read letters that were received since last meeting of Council. Mr. Turner from Brantford, the Architect, handed in a report on the Public Buildings. . The Clerk read the Report. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Skinner, moves that the Report of Mr. John Turner, Architect of the County Build- ings, erecting for the County of Elgin be received. Mr. Ganson, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that Mr. Turner be heard in reference to the amount of work done on the Elgin County Buildings and the materials delivered. . . Mr. Turner made remarks. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Clark moves, that the By-Law to raise E 2,000 for the erection of the Court House and Gaol, approved by the Council last May and advertised three months, be brought up and read the first time and numbered two. . Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Skinner, moves that By-Law No. 2 be read the second time. . Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Elliott moves , that the Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole on By-Law No.2. . (Cont'd) . . - 32 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Saturday 28th August 1852 . Mr. D. McColl in the Chair. The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend that By-Law No.2 be adopted without any amendment. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. D. McColl, moves that By-Law No.3 be read the third time. The Clerk read the By-Law No. 2 and . . On motion By-Law No. 2 was passed the Council On motion the Council adjourned until half past one of the clock P.M. to examine the public buildings. At half past one of the clock P.M., the Council met again pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Cline Ganson Skinner Elliott McColl of Southwold Willey . Mr. Cheeseman presented his alc for eighteen pounds Mr. Turner presented his ale for eighteen pounds Mr. Ganson, seconded by N. McColl, moves that Messrs. Turner and Cheeseman be paid the amount of their respec- tive accounts less the amount of five pounds paid heretofore to Mr. Cheeseman and that the Warden be authorized to sign the draft upon the amounts on the Treasu~er. Mr. N. McColl, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that this Council petition the Legislature to pa~s an Act to enable . Union Counties to obtain a disposition from the Union Counties so soon as their County buildings will admit without waiting three months as now required by law. . . (Cont'd) . . - 33 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Saturday 28th August 1852 . The Clerk read a petition to the Legislature on the subject of the proclamation. On motion theCouncil adopted the petition and authorized the P. Warden to sign the same on behalf of the Council. . Mr. N. McColl, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that this Council recommend Mr. Ellwood to employ as many men as pos- sible to work at the County buildings so as to save the expense of the Architect and forward the building and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to Mr. Ellwood. . Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Clark, moves that the Provisional Warden be authorized to loan to Mr. Gardner Ellwood, a reasonable sum not to exceed four hundred pounds including the seventy-five pounds already advanced to enable him to forward the public works, if Mr. Ellwood does . give two good securities besides himself for the safety of the money until it is repaid within two months or until an estimate is made sufficient to repay the amount so loaned, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Elwood. Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that as soon . as the brick barrel,drain is completed to the end of the plank trunk in the drain leading from the public building, the said drain be filled in, it being dangerous in its present state, and that the Provisional Warden see that it is done. . Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that the sum of ten shillings be paid to E. S. Ganson Esquire for money paid by him to Mr. Cameron for drawing a bond between John Turner, Architect, and this Council and three shillings for postages paid at different times, and that the Warden sign an order for that amount. . In amendment, Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that two pounds be paid-to Mr. Ganson in full for his demands on this Council for services rendered, .and money paid for the benefit of this Council. . The amendment was carried. And the yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows - on the amendment. . (Cont'd) . . - 34 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Saturday 28th August 1852 . Yeas: Messrs. Skinner, Cline, Elliott, D. McColl & N. McColl - 5 . Nays: Messrs. Clark, Parish & Willey - 3 On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole on accounts and claims made against the Council Mr. N. McColl in the Chair. The Council resumed. . The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend the payment of Mr. Bate's account for printing - amount ~ 17 and that the Clerk be authorized to visit Messrs. Tully and Thomas at Toronto to endeavour to arrange their claims. . Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Cline, moves that the report of the Committee of the whole be adopted. Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Elliott, moves that the Clerk of the Council, Mr. John McKay, proceed to Toronto to settle with certain parties namely Mr. John Tully and Mr. Thomas for the partial use of certain plans and specifications intended for the erection of Public Build- ings, namely Court House and Gaol. . . On motion the Provisional Warden was ordered to sign a draft on the Provisional Treasurer for the following sums to the following gentlemen namely . Messrs. Clark 1 day & mileage 15/. Cline .. .. 14/. Elliott .. .. 21/. Ganson " " 12/. McColl of S. .. 13/6 McColl of A. " 29/. Parish .. .. 7/6 Skinner .. .. 19/6 Willey .. " 15/. Lockyer .. .. 15/. Willis .. .. 5/. McKay .. .. 10/. (Cont'd) . . . - 35 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Saturday 28th August 1852 . On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to draw funds from the Provisional Treasurer to meet inciden- tal expenses and to account for the same to the Council . On motion the Council adjourned to meet again when notified by the Provisional Warden. . John McKay Provisional Clerk Thomas Locker Provisional Warden . . . . (Cont'd) . . . . - 36 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SIXTH SESSION 1852 . St. Thomas Saturday 13th November 1852 . Special Meeting - The Provincial Council met at half past 6 o'clock this afternoon pursuant to notice given by the Provisional Warden for a special meeting in reference to the state of the Public Buildings. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Clark McColl of Southwold Pearce Willey 7 members Munro McColl of Aldboro Parish . The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. The Clerk stated what payments were made by him to Messrs. Tull & Thomas on the two visits he made to Toronto. . Mr. Munro, seconded by Mr. McColl of Southwold, moves that the Council approves of the course taken by the Pro- visional Warden since the last meeting of this Council. Carried unanimously . Mr. Munro moved that Mr. Ross Mason be heard in reference to the completion of the building, also Mr. Jackson. Mr. Ross and Mr. Jackson made statements. . Mr. Munro, seconded by Mr. Nicholas McColl, moved that the Provisional Warden be authorized to issue his drafts upon the Treasurer in favor of Mr. Ellwood from time to time for such sums of money as may appear to him (according to the opinion of the Architect) as may be sufficient to pay for work performed and material fur- nished until the next meeting of the Council, with a view of facilitating the erection of the County Buildings. . Carried unanimously. . (Cont'd) . ELGIN CQUNI'l UBAAR'l - 37 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Saturday 13th November 1852 Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McColl of Southwold, moves that a committee of five be now appointed to meet the Com- mittee of the County of Middlesex for the final settlement of all matters pending between the said County of Middlesex and Elgin. . On motion the Provisional Warden was named as a member of the Committee and the following additional four members were voted on the said Committee namely Messrs. Clark, Munro, Parish and Skinner. . On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to sign drafts for the fOllowing amounts namely . Mr, Lockyer one day .. 7.6 Parish do .. 7.6 Clark do .. 7.6 Munro do " 7.6 McColl of Southwold do " 7.6 McColl of Aldboro do " 7.6 Pearce do .. 7.6 Willey do .. 7.6 . McKay the Clerk do ".10.6 Willis the Messenger do .. 5.0 Mr. Sutherland Mr. Reid Post Office Mr. McKay for printing debentures for books and stationery for Postages for expenses to Cayuga & Toronto last April for use of plans for use plans for expenses to Toronto to settle with Messrs. Thomas & Tully and for members wages as follows Mr. Thomas Mr. Tully Mr. McKay :a 1. 5.0 13. 5.6 12.1 . 8 "n . . 10. "," 12.10.0 4. 5.0 . . 1.15.0 ];, 53.12.0 . On motion the Council adjourned to meet again when called by the Provisional Warden. John McKay Provisional Clerk Thomas Locker Provisional Warden . (Cont'd) . . - 38 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SEVENTH SESSION 1852 . St. Thomas Thursday the 9th of December Special Meeting - The Provisional Council met at ten of the clock this forenoon, pursuant to notice given (by order of the Provisional t'Jarden) for a special meeting on business connected with the Court House and Gaol buildings and finances of the Provisional Council. . . The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Southwold Parish Willey Cline Ganson Pearce Skinner The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. On motion the Council adjourned until half past one of the clock in the afternoon for the purpose of examining the state of the Public Buildings. . . At half past one of the clock in the afternoon, Council met again pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. Members Present . Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Southwold Parish Willey On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole, . Mr. Cline in the Chair. . The Council resumes. . Cline Ganson Pearce Skinner (Cont'd) - 39 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Thursday the 9th of December Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Clark moves that this Council, by this resolution authorizes the Provisional Warden to take such steps as he may find necessary and expedient for the purpose of submitting the plans of the Gaol, Gaoler's Department & Court House to the Statutory Commissioners in Toronto or other Public Provincial Officers for their inspection, and also a plan of the Town Hall, proposed to be used as a temporary Court House until the County Court House is completed. Mr. Skinner, seconded by Mr. Clark, moves that the Clerk of this Council be authorized to notify the Clerk and Warden of the County of Middlesex to meet the Com- mittee of the County of Elgin to adjust the debt and other affairs between senior and junior Counties of Middlesex and Elgin & to meet at the Council Clerks office in London on Thursday next the sixteenth distant at twelve o'clock noon. . . . . On motion the Council resolved that Mr. Turner, the Architect of the public buildings of the County of Elgin, be requested to furnish that evening, a written report of the progress of the buildings for the information of the Council. . On motion the Finance Committee was ordered to re- port to the Council tomorrow morning at nine o'clock Accounts from Mr. Bates and statements were handed to the Chairman of the Finance Committee. . On motion the Council adjourned until seven of the clock in the evening. At seven of the clock this evening the Council met again pursurant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members Present Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Southwold Parish Willey Cline Ganson Pearc e Skinner . (Cont'd) . . - 40 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Thursday the 9th of December . Mr. Turner handed in his Report. On motion Mr. Turner made a verbal statement in reference to the buildings and materials. On motion the following gentlemen made statements in reference to the public buildings and materials namely, Messrs. Ellwood, Wegg, the foreman, Jackson, a builder, Cheeseman the Superintendant & Wilson. Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Willey, moves that the Clerk be instructed immediately to send a communication to the Telegraph Office at London to communicate with Mr. Munro, the time of meeting of the Committee for the settlement of all matters pending between the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin, requesting his attendance and also to notify him by letter. . . . Mr. Turner presented his account, amt. four pounds and the Provisional Warden was ordered to pass an order for payment. . On motion, the Council adjourned until tomorrow forenoon at ten of the clock. John McKay Provisional Clerk Thomas Locker Provisional Warden . . . (Cont'd) . . - 41 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . 1852 SEVENTH SESSION Second Day St. Thomas Friday the lOth of December . The Provisional Council met this forenoon at ten of the clock pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members present Messrs. Clark Elliott McColl of Southwold Parish Willey Cline Ganson Pearce Skinner . 9 members The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them. Mr Turner's second report was handed in by Mr. Parish. . Mr. M. McColl seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the reports of Mr. Turner, the Architect of the County Buildings,be read and laid upon the table. . The Reports of Mr. Turner were read and laid on the table. The Clerk ordered to read the specifications of the Public Buildings. Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. McColl moves that Mr. Turner's Report be adopted in first amendment. . Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the error in addition in Mr. Turner's Report of ~~OO be corrected in the Reports, in amendment second. . Mr. Parish seconded by if~. Willey-moves that this Council go into Committee of the whole on Mr. Turner's Reports. . Which amendment was carried and the original motion and first amendment were not put. On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole. . Mr. N. McColl in the Chair. (Cont'd) . - 42 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Friday the lOth of December . The Council resumed. The Chairman reported progress and asked for leave to sit again. . On motion the Council adjourned until two o'clock this afternoon. At two of the clock this afternoon the Council met again pursuant to adjournment. The Provisional Warden in the Chair. . Members present . Messrs. Clark Elliot McColl of Southwold Parish Willey Cline Ganson Pearce Skinner 9 members On motion the Council again went into Committee of the whole. . Mr. N. McColl in the Chair. The Council resumed. . Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Clark moves that whereas Mr. Elwood has now received two thousand and forty-one pounds towards the public buildings and whereas Mr. Elwood requires the sum of four hundred and sixty-two pounds in addition thereto to liquidate his present liabilities for work and material furnished for the buildings and may re- quire the further sum of two hundred pounds to pay addi- tional labour and materials for the Gaol and Gaolers Department, that the Provisional Warden be hereby authorized to issue drafts in favour of Mr. Elwood-from time to time for the two latter sums to enable him to go on with his contract, to be paid by the Treasurer when he has funds. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows . . Yeas: Messrs. Lockyer, Skinner, Clark, Pearce, Willey, N. McColl, Parish . Nays: Messrs. Cline, Elliot, Ganson (Cont'd) . - 43 - .f - v (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Friday the lOth of December The Chairman of the Finance Committee handed in a Report. The Clerk read the Report. Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the Report of the Finance Committee be received and adopted. . Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the resignation of Mr. Skinner as a Committee man for settling all matters pending between the Counties of Middlesex and Elgin be accepted. Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that Mr. McColl of Southwold be appointed on the Committee for the adjustment of the Debt and other matters between the County of Middlesex and Elgin. Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the Report of the 9th Instant be printed for the information of this County, each municipality to have five copies for the use of their Township. . . . Lost. The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows . Yeas: Messrs. Cline, Elliot, Ganson = 3 Nays: Messrs. Skinner, Clark, Pearce, Willey, McColl of Southwold, Parish = 6 Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Parish moves that Mr. Locker the Provisional Warden be authorized to draw from the Provisional Treasurer the sum of twenty pounds for ser- vices on the Gaol and Gaoler's house deducting from the above the amount he has received. . . Mr. Skinner_seconded by Mr. Ganson moves that Messrs. Brown and Wilson be allowed seven pounds and ten shillings for their services on the Court House and Gaol, and that the Warden do pay the same by draft on~he Provisional Treasurer. . (Cont'd) . . . - 44 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) St. Thomas Friday the lOth of December In amendment, Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Willey moves that no parties tendering for the erection of the County Buildings shall be paid for any trouble or expense they may have incurred in so doing except the successful party. The amendment was carried. . . Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the Reports of John Turner of the 9th and lOth Instant be printed, and each municipality to have five copies. Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Cline moves that the mis- take in the Report of the Finance Committee relative to an over allowance of/It shillings per yard amounting to (~ 2.9.4t) two pounds nine shillings and four pence half penny to Mr. Cusack for digging the drains from the County Buildings be rectified. Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the Committee appointed to make a final settlement with the Committee appointed by the Council of the County of Mid- dlesex shall have full power, in the event of their not being able to agree, to appoint an arbitrator on behalf of the County of Elgin, and that the Warden be authorized to attach the Seal of this Corporation to the appointment of the person named by them. Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Cline moves that the Pro- visional Warden do give the Clerk of this Council a check on the Provisional Treasurer for fifteen pounds to apply, on account, for services. On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to sign drafts for the following amounts namely Lost. . . . . . N. W. Bate Claris Alworth Jas. Stanton . Mr. Cusack Mr. Love Mr. Parish Mr. Hanvey . . for printing ~ canals, etc. drafting the copy contracts, etc drain in Coles land boards for plans - Superintending Public Buildings survey of Court House Block 0.11.3 o. 6.4 7. 0.0 3.19.5 0.10.0 2. 0.0 1. 0.0 (Cont'd) - 45 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) . St. Thomas Friday the lOth of December and for members wages as follows Messrs. Clark Cline Elliot Ganson S.wold McColl Pearce Parish Skinner Willey Clerk McKay Messenger Willey 2 days @ 7/6 15/. & 15 miles 7/6 & 13 .. 6/6 & 27 .. 13/6 & 9 " 1+/6 & 12 " 6/. & 1 " /6 : i~ :: ~~6 " .. .. .. 20/. 10/. .. . ~ 1. 2.6 1. 1.6 1. 8.6 0.19.6 1. 1.0 .15.6 .15.0 1. 3.0 1. 2.6 1. .10.0 . . Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Ganson moves that the Clerk of this Council do attend at the office of the County Clerk, in London to cooperate with that office in facilitating the adjustment of the Debt and other matters. On motion the Council adjourned until Thursday the sixth day of January next at ten of the clock in the forenoon. John McKay Provisional Clerk Thomas Locker Provisional Warden (Cont'd) . . . . . . .