1853 Minutes
- 46 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
EIGHTH SESSION 1852 & 1853
St. Thomas Thursday 6th January 1853
The Provisional Council met this forenoon at ten
o'clock according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
McColl of Southwold
W. Willey
10 members
The proceedings of the previous meeting were read
and the Provisional Warden ordered to sign them.
Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the
shewing the settlement between the two Counties be
to this Council.
The Clerk read the document referred to.
The Council adjourned until two o'clock in the after-
At two of the clock this afternoon the Council met
again pursuant to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
McColl of Southwold
of Aldboro Skinner
9 members
On motion the Council adjourned for one half-hour
to examine the Public Buildings.
According to adjournment the Council met again.
- 47 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday 6th January 1853
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
All the members present.
Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. McColl of Aldboro moves
that the Council do resolve itself into a Committee of
the whole, upon the progress of the County Buildings.
The Council accordingly went into Committee of the
Mr. Willey in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported progress.
Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the Clerk
~otify Mr. Elwood to have ready and lay before this Council
at its next sitting a detailed statement of all expendi-
tures and disbursements attending the erection of the County
Buildings so far as they will have been proceeded with at
that time and that he will also be prepared with the
vouchers for said expenditure.
Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Willey moves that the
account of Mr. McKay be referred to a committee of the
following gentlemen, namely Mr. Munro, Mr. Parish and Mr.
Cline and that the Treasurer's remuneration be also con-
sidered and that they report tomorrow at ten o'clock in
the forenoon. On motion the Council authorized the Warden
to sign a draft to pay Mr. Cheeseman twenty-four pounds
for services to this date 6th Instant.
On motion the Council adjourned until tomorrow fore-
noon at ten o'clock.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
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(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
EIGHTH SESSION 1852 & 1853
Second day Friday 7th of January 1853
The Provisional Council according to adjournment met
this forenoon at ten o'clock.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
McColl of Aldboro
McColl of Southwold
The proceedings of the Council of the previous day
were read and the Provisional Warden ordered to sign them.
The Report of the Committee appointed to consider re-
muneration of the Clerk and Treasurer was handed in and
Mr. Ganson seconded by Mr. Pearce moves that the
Report of the Committee be received.
Mr. D. McColl seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that Mr.
McKay be allowed the sum of thirty five pounds for his
services in place of twenty-five pounds as in the Report
of the Committee out of which is to be deducted the amounts
already received for services while attending the sittings
of the Council.
In amendment Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Willey moves
that Mr. McKay be allowed thirty pounds for his services
as Clerk of this Council in lieu of twenty-five pounds as
in the report.
Mr. Skinner's amendment was lost and Mr. McColl's
motion was carried.
- 49 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Friday 7th of January 1853
The yeas and nays of Mr. McColl's motion being called
for were taken down as follows.
Messrs. Skinner, Willey, Clark, McColl of
Aldboro, McColl of Southwold, Elliot and
Munro = 7
Messrs. Pearce, Parish, Ganson and Cline
= 4
Mr. Skinner seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the
Treasurer Mr. Coyne be allowed ten pounds for his ser-
vices to the Council according to the Report of the
Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Skinner moves that the Pro-
visional Warden be authorized to purchase two stoves of such
description, as in his opinion will be applicable for the
Gaol and Court-house and to allow Mr. Elwood the use of
the same during the Winter, if the Contractor is not ob-
liged to furnish the same by his contract.
Mr. Munro seconded by Mr. Cline moves that the services
of Mr. Cheeseman as Superintendent of County Buildings be
dispensed with, so soon as the Buildings are covered with
tin, and that he be requested by the Warden to deposit with
the Clerk all the working and other plans and other papers
and documents in his possession in any way relating to the
County buildings -- and that the Clerk notify Mr. Turner
to meet the Council at its next meeting.
On motion the Council ordered the account of the
Clerk for postages to be paid amount eleven shillings
and eight pence half penny.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Skinner moves that the
thanks of the Council are due to the Provisional Warden
for the manner in which he has superintended the erection
of the Public Buildings and the general managements of the
affairs of the County, and for his just and impartial con-
duct while presiding in this Council.
On motion the Clerk was ordered to notify the Reeves
and Deputy Reeves of each municipality of the time of the
next meeting of this Council.
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(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Friday 7th of January 1853
On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to
sign drafts for the following members wages and mileage
Messrs. Clark 2 days and 15 miles :E l. 2.6
Cline .. 1] .. 1. 1.6
Elliot .. 27 " 1. 8.6
Ganson .. 9 .. .19.6
Munro " 7 " .18.6
N. McColl " 12 .. 1. 1.0
D. McColl " 43 .. 1.16.6
Parish .. 0 " .15.0
Pearce .. 1 .. .15.6
Skinner .. 16 " l. 3.0
Willey .. 15 .. l. 2.6
Messenger Willis .. 0 .. .10.0
. Total 1; 12.14.0
On motion the Council adjourned until the first day
of February being the first Tuesday in that month to meet
at the hour of eleven of the clock in the forenoon.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 51 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Saint Thomas Tuesday 1st day of February
The Provisional Council met this forenoon at eleven
of the clock according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
4 members
The Provisional Warden adjourned the Council until
one of the clock in the afternoon for want of a quorum.
The Council met again at one of the clock in the
~fternoon according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
11 members
The Proceedings of the Council of the previous
sitting on Friday the seventh day of last month were read
and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them.
After which the Provisional Warden Mr. Locker retired
from the Chair.
Mr. Parish moved, seconded by Mr. McColl that Thomas
Locker Esquire be re-appointed Provisional Warden.
In amendment Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. Weaver moves
that the Council do not elect a Provisional Warden at this
session, as the Law does not require it.
- 52 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Saint Thomas Tuesday 1st day of February
The amendment was put by the Provisional Clerk and
lost after which the original motion was in like manner
put to the Council and Carried.
On motion the Council adjourned until half past two
o'clock in the afternoon to examine the Public Buildings.
At half past two o'clock this afternoon the Council
met again according to adjournment.
All the members being present and
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that John
McKay be re-appointed Provisional Clerk of the County of
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that William
Coyne be continued in the office of Treasurer for this
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish moves that George
T. Claris be appointed one of the Auditors of this County
for the present year and
The Provisional Warden appointed Mathew Child to be
one of the Auditors for this County.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Clark moves that Petitions
be drafted by the Clerk and signed by the Provisional Warden
to both houses of the Legislature praying them to pass an
Act, to divide the Agricultural lands in the Town of London
between the Agricultural Societies of Middlesex and Elgin
according to population and that the Honorable Francis
Hincks be requested to present the same and give it his
In amendment Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves
that this Council considers it advisable to petition the
Legislature in reference to the Agricultural Bill and to
claim on behalf of the inhabitants of the County of Elgin
a fair share of the ten acre block of land referred to in
said Bill.
The amendment was lost and the original motion
- 53 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Saint Thomas Tuesday 1st day of February
Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that the
petition in reference to the Agricultural Bill be now
The Clerk read the petition.
Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that the
petition in reference to the Agricultural Bill now read
do pass this Council and that the Provisional Warden do
sign the same on behalf of this Council.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McCredy moves that a
Standing Committee of Finance comp~ised of five members
be now appointed.
The following members were voted for the Finance
Committee namely
Messrs. Clark, Elliot, Fowler, Parish and Wilson.
Moved by Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Fowler that a
petition be drafted to the Legislative Assembly, and
signed by the Provisional Warden on behalf of this Council,
praying them to pass an Act, declaring the County of Elgin
a seperate County for all purposes but representation in
the Provincial Parliament, that the plans of the Public
Buildings, and statements of the progress of the work be
submitted to them for inspection and that the petition
be sent to Crowel Wilson Esquire M.P.P. requesting him to
present and support the same in his place in Parliament
at as early a day as possible.
On motion the Council adjourned until tomorrow fore-
noon at ten of the clock.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 54 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second"dayWednesdaYc2nd day of February
The Provisional Council met this forenoon at ten of
the clock according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl moves that the
Council do adjourn until one of the clock this after-
noon to enable the Finance Committee to make up their
Report of the expenditure of County Buildings up till
this date.
At one o'clock this afternoon the Council met again
according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
On motion the Report of the Committee on Finance was
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that this
Council do now resolve itself into a Committee of the
whole on the Report of the Committee on Finance.
The Council resolved itself into a Committee of the
Mr. Fowler in the Chair.
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(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Wednesday 2nd day of February
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported the Report of the Committee
on Finance with amendments.
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that the
Report of the Committee on Finance be now read clause by
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down as
follows namely
Yeas: Messrs. Harvey, Willey, Clark, McColl, Fowler,
McBride and Parish = 7
Nays: Messrs. McIntyre, McCredy, Elliot, Wilson
and Weaver = 5
The Clerk read the Report clause by clause.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that the
third clause in the Report of the Finance Committee be
adopted without any amendment.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Fowler moves in amend-
ment that the Report of Committee on Finance in reference
to salary of Clerk be adopted namely twenty-five pounds
per annum.
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down
as follows namely
Yeas: Messrs. Clark, Fowler and Parish = 3
Nays: Messrs. Harvey, McIntyre, Willey, McColl,
McCredy, Elliot, Wilson, Weayer and McBride = 9
On motion the Report of the Finance Committee was
adopted as now amended in Council.
Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Clerk be authorized to draft a petition to the Legislature
of this Province signed by the Warden that said Legislature
do amend the Municipal Act with respect to Township Corpor-
ations voting themselves pay that the Legislature do pass
an Act to authorize Township Municipalities to pay them-
selves not to exceed the sum of six shillings and three
- 56 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Wednesday 2nd day of February
pen6e currency per day and that the petition be forwarded
to C. Wilson M.P.P.
Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the words
"and Crowel Wilson Esquire M.P.P." entered in the Journal
of proceedings yesterday in the motion to petition the
Legislature regarding the Agricultural Bill be rescinded.
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down
as follows namely
Yeas: Messrs. Harvey, McIntyre, Willey, Clark,
McBride, Elliot, Wilson and Weaver = 8
Nays: Messrs. McColl, Fowler and Parish = 3
On motion Mr. McCredy was excused from voting.
The Clerk read a petition to the Legislative Council
in reference to the Agricultural Bill.
On motion the petition was adopted and the Provisional
~varden authorized to sign the same to be forwarded to the
Honorable Adam Ferguson for submission to the Legislative
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Wilson moves that whereas
the Jury Laws of this Province are very expensive and cum-
berous in their working -- a petition be signed by the
Provisional Warden to the Provincial Parliament praying
them so to amend the said Act that the Country may not
be put to such enormous expense in that part of the
Administration of Justice, and that the member for the
United Counties be requested to present the same.
Mr. McBride seconded by Mr. McColl moves that this
Council express to the Legislature their desire to have the
Assessment Law amended so that the monie~ arising from all
property in Townships will invariably be paid to the Town-
ship Treasurer, and that Township Councils be authorized to
sell lands in arrear for taxes -- and that the Clerk of this
Council be instructed to forward the same to the Representa-
tive of Middlesex and Elgin in his place in Parliament.
Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Parish moves that the
Provincial Warden communicate with the Government to ob-
tain money from the Municipal Loan fund under By-Law
Number two in respect to the County Buildings.
- 57 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Wednesday 2nd day of February
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McBride moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to notify Mr. Leather,
Architect of the action of the Council requesting him to
report as soon as possible on the state of the Buildings.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl moves that after
the Architect makes his report of the value of the Buildings
and material on hand without any reference to the amount
of contract the Provisional Warden be authorized to call
on Mr. Elwood and the securities for the contractor for
Building the County Buildings -- and ascertain if they
can come to some settlement with Mr. Elwood and his
~ecurities to release Mr. Elwood from the contrac~ as
Mr. Elwood wishes to give the Buildings up and i~ such
settlement can be made the Provisional Warden then to call
the Council together.
Mr. McCready moves seconded by Mr. Wilson that the
Treasurer be authorized to pay Mr. Elwood's workmen the
amount of their wages every two weeks also for drawing
stones until further orders and to be paid on their
presenting their claims for such on Mr. Elwood with Mr.
Elwood's order for payment.
In amendment Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler moves
that whereas this Council has from time to time advanced
different sums of money in order to expedite the erection
of the Public Buildings, do not deem it expedient to make
any further advances until an estimate is taken.
The amendment was carried.
Mr. Cusack presented an account claiming ~. 4.18.9
Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. McCredy moves that Mr.
Cusack be paid two pounds in full of his account now
On motion the Council ordered the-following accounts
to be paid namely
Mr. Arkle
Mr. Cole
Mr. Mountfard
~ O. 0.10
0.12. 6
1. 5. 0
- 58 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second day Wednesday 2nd day of February
(The following paragraph rescinded by order of Council
on 3rd of February, 1853)
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McCready moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to sign orders on the
Treasurer on a certificate from Mr. Elwood for all sums
due at this time for work done on the Public Buildings.
On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to
sign draft for members wages as follows
Messrs. Clark 2 days and 15 miles E 1. 2.6
Elliot .. 28 .. 1. 9.0
Fowler .. 7 " 0.18.6
Harvey " 9 .. 0.19.6
Locker " 15 .. 1. 2.6
McColl " 12 .. 1. 1.0
McCready .. 17 .. 1. 3.6
McBride .. 42 " 1.16.0
McIntyre .. 5 .. 0.17.6
Parish " 0 .. 0.15.0
Weaver .. 23 " 1. 6.6
Willey .. 15 .. l. 2.6
Wilson " 20 .. 1. 5.0
Messenger Wills .. 0.10.0
15. 9.0
Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Council adjourn till called together by the Provisional
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 59 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Special Meeting
Saint Thomas Thursday the third of February
The Provisional Council met at nine of the clock
this forenoon pursuant to personal notice given by the
Provisional Warden for a Special Meeting in reference to
the order passed at the last meeting of the Council to
pay work done on the Public Buildings.
The Provisional ~varden in the Chair.
Wembers present
Messrs. Clark
The proceedings of the previous meeting were read
and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl moves that the
resolution passed on the second Instant authorizing the
Provisional Warden to sign drafts on the Treasurer for
payment of accounts on the County Buildings be rescinded.
(See page 58)
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to sign drafts on the
Treasurer for the payment of the Laborers employed on
the County Buildings from Saturday the twenty-first
ultimo to this date.
In amendment Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Harvey moves
that no parties be paid by the Treasurer in favour of Mr.
Elwood with respect to the County Buildings until the
Architect reports on the same.
The amendment was carried.
Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that that
part in their clause of the finance report passed yester-
,day where "seven shillings and sixpence" is mentioned for
members wages be rescinded, and "ten shillings" be
inserted in its place.
- 60 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Saint Thomas Thursday the third day of February
Mr. Parish seconded Mr. McCredy moves that Richard
Willis be reappointed messenger to this Council.
On motion the Council ordered the sum of two pounds
ten shillings to be paid to the Provisional Warden for
his trip to Brantford last December.
On motion the members agreed to take no pay for this
forenoon sitting.
On motion the messenger was to be allowed his days
wages for attendance and also for attending to the fire
for the public meeting this day.
Mr. McCredy seconded by ~~. Elliott moves that the
Council do adjourn until called together again by the
Provisional Warden.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 61 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Special Meeting
St. Thomas Thursday twenty-fourth day of March
The Provisional Council met at eleven of the clock
this forenoon pursuant to notice given (by order of the
Provisional Warden) for a special meeting on business
connected with the Public Buildings.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
The proceedings of the previous meeting were read
and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them --
after which
The Provisional Warden submitted a Report from W. B.
Leather Esq. in reference to the County Buildings.
The Clerk read the Report.
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that a select
committee of five members of this Council be appointed to
meet Mr. Elwood this afternoon in respect of his keeping
the contract of the Public Buildings and to report the
result to this Council.
The following members were voted on the Committee
namely Messrs. Clark, Fowler, Harvey, McColl and Parish.
On motion the Council adjourned for one hour namely
until three of the clock in the afternoon.
Pursuant to adjournment the Council met again at
three of the clock in the afternoon. -
The Provisional Warden in the Chair and
The same members present, also Mr. McBride.
- 62 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday twenty fourth day of March
The Chairman of the Committee appointed to meet Mr.
Elwood submitted a report which was read by the Clerk.
On motion the Council went into the Committee of
the whole -- Mr. McBride in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend
the adoption of the Report without any amendment.
Mr. McColl moved, seconded by Mr. Fowler that the
Report of the Committee now read be received and adopted.
Moved by Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl that the
Clerk be ordered to draw of the necessary writing to release
Mr. Elwood from his contract to erect the County Buildings
~nd' that the Warden do sign said writings on behalf of
this Committee.
On motion the Council adjourned until the hour of half
past seven of the clock in the evening.
Pursuant to adjournment the Council met again at
half past seven of the clock in the evening.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Messrs. Clark
The Clerk read a release from Garner Elwood to the
Provisional Council also a release from the Provisional
Council to Mr. Elwood, also an agreement between Mr.
Elwood and the Provisional Council. -
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler_moves that the several
documents now read in reference to release and agreement
- 63 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday twenty fourth day of March
to and from Mr. Elwood be now acted upon and that the
Warden be authorized to sign the same on behalf of this
Council and that the seal of this Council be attached to
the same.
Mr. Elwood signed and sealed the release to the Pro-
visional Council. The Provisional Council ordered the
Provisional Warden to sign and seal the release to Mr.
After which the Provisional Warden on behalf of this
Council and Mr. Elwood signed and sealed an agreement __
in reference to stone from Cleveland and lumber and timber
Moved by Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. Fowler that the
Provisional Warden be authorized on behalf of this Council
to go on and oversee the completing of the County Buildings
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey moves that Mr.
Fraser, builder London be employed at ten shillings cur-
rency per day to superintend the erection of the County
Buildings, on his furnishing approved security, subject
to be discharged at any time by the Provisional Warden,
if necessary.
In amendment, Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McCredy
moves that Robert Wegg be appointed to superintend the
erection of the County Buildings and that he receive ten
shillings per day.
The amendment was lost and the yeas and nays being
called for were taken down as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Parish and McCredy
Nays: Messrs. McColl, Fowler, Clark, Willey, Harvey,
McBride, Weaver, Elliot, and McIntyre.
After which the original motion was put and carried.
Mr. McBride seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that if Rtr.
Fraser does not undertake the superintendency of the County
Buildings that discretionary power be voted in the Pro-
visional to employ whom he pleaseth.
- 64 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday twenty fourth day of March
In amendment Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Willey moves
that if Mr. Fraser does not serve, the Provisional
Warden be authorized to employ at his discretion the most
suitable person he can, at such remuneration as he can,
till next sitting of this Council, such person to give
satisfactory security.
The amendment was carried and the original motion lost.
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the
Report of the Auditors received this day be now adopted.
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. McColl moves that the
report of W. B. Leather Esq., Architect showing the value
of the County Buildings and forming the basis for releasing
Mr. Elwood from his contract be published in some public
Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized on behalf of this Council
to sign a petition to the Legislature and attach the Seal
of this Council to the same. Praying that the agricultural
land in London may be so disposed of that the County of
Elgin shall receive a fair proportion of the same -- and
that the Petition be forwarded to the Honorable Dr. Rolph
with a request that he present the same and take further
action by introducing a Bill, provided if on enquiry he
is informed that Mr. Dixon's Agricultural Bill is not to
be further legislated on this session.
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that this
Council do grant the Provisional Warden leave of absence
to go as a representative of this County to Quebec to
negotiate with the Government in favor of obtaining a
charter for the now contemplated Great Southern Railroad.
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down
as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Clark, Willey, Harv.ey, McBride,
McIntyre and McCredy
Nays: Messrs. Parish, Fowler, McColl, Weaver and
. (Cont'd)
- 65 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday twenty fourth day of March
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to sign a petition on
behalf of this Council praying the Legislature to grant
a charter for the Great Southern Rail Road and to attach
the seal of the Council to the same.
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down
as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Clark, Willey, Parish, Harvey, McBride,
McIntyre, McCredy and Weaver
Nays: Messrs. Fowler, McColl and Elliot
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Elliot moves that the
members be paid the sum of fifteen shillings for this
session, exclusive of mileage.
On motion the following claims were ordered to be
paid namely
Members Wages & Mileage
Willis 1
Matthew Childs
G. T. Claris
Wm. Hutchison
Horse & buggy
:a 3. 0.0
3. 0.0
Il 6.10.0
4/6 &
7/6 &
7/6 &
3/6 &
6/ &
8/6 &
21/ &
ll/6 &
2/6 &
7/6 &
7/6 &
9 miles
15 "
28 ..
7 ..
12 ..
17 ..
42 ..
23 "
5 "
o ..
15 ..
15 ..
day and
to P. Woran 1 ac.
to Elwood ~ ac
2~ days 5/
1. 1.6
1. 8.6
o. 7.6
:a 9.16.6
:a 16. 6.6
- 66 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday twenty fourth day of March
On motion the Council adjourned until again called
together by the Provisional Warden's order.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 67 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Special Meeting
St. Thomas Friday the thirteenth day of May
The Provisional Council met at eleven o'clock this
forenoon pursuant to personal notice given by the Pro-
visional Warden for a special meeting in reference to
the finances of the County and the Public Buildings.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
The Council was adjourned until one of the clock
in the afternoon for want of a quorum.
The Council met at one of the clock this afternoon
pursuant to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark
The proceedings of the meeting of the Council of the
twenty fourth of March last were read and the Provisional
Warden authorized to sign them.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that as
By-Law No. 2 does not raise a sufficient sum to finish
the Public Buildings the same be repealed and that a
By-Law be framed to raise ~ 5000 payable within ten
In amendment, Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Weaver moves
that a By-Law be drafted to raise ~ 3000 for the erection
of the Public Buildings said amount to be paid within ten
The amendment was lost and the original motion
- 68 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Friday the thirteenth day of May
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that the
Clerk do read a draft of a By-Law to repeal By-Law No. 2
and of a By-Law to raise ~ 5000.
The Clerk read drafts of By-Laws No. 8 & 9.
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McColl moves that By-Law
No. 8 do pass the first reading.
Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-Law
No. 8 do pass the second reading.
On motion the Council went into committee of the
whole on By-Laws No. 8 & 9
Mr. Fowler in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend
the passing of By-Law No.8 without any amendment and the
publishing of By-Law No. 9 as drafted.
Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that By-Law
No. 8 read the third time and passed.
Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Fowler moves that the
draft of By-Law No.9 be published as the statute directs.
The Provisional Warden submitted Mr. Leather's account
(amounting to ~) also a memoranda of valuation of St. Thomas
Court House and Gaol.
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish moves that the
Clerk be ordered to copy Mr. Leather's memoranda of the
material and work of the County Buildings and return the
same to the said. Mr. Leather with a requ~st that he fur-
nish this Council with the different valuations and prices
of the several items contained in said memoranda.
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to sign a draft on the
Treasurer in favour of Mr. Leather to the amount of twenty
pounds for work in estimating the valuation of the Public
Buildings and that the Warden sign said draft on condition
that Mr. Leather complies with the requirements of this
Council for.a detailed statement of valuation and prices
of each item and that he gives a receipt in full of all
- 69 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Friday the thirteenth day of May
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Warden be authorized by this Council to raise funds to
carryon the Public Buildings ~rom any source the most
advantageous to the County and at a rate of interest not
to exceed eight per cent until By-Law No. 9 is finally
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McColl moves that the Pro-
visional Warden be authorized to sign and attach the Seal
of this Corporation to any document on contract in refer-
ence to the Public Buildings.
Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Provisional Warden be authorized to continue the
Insurance on the Public Buildings until the end of December
next to an amount not to exceed fifteen hundred pounds.
Moved by Mr. Clark seconded by Moses Willey that the
Warden of this Council be authorized to advertise for
labourers and mechanics if necessary so as to ensure the
progress of the erecting of the Public Buildings.
On motion the following payments were ordered to be
made .
Postage account ~ 0.14.0
Members wages and mileage as follows
Messrs. Clark 1 day 7/6 & 15 miles 7/6 total :E 0.15.0 .
Fowler , 7/6 & 7 " 3/6 O.ll.O
Harvey 7/6 & 9 n 4/6 0.12.0
McColl 7/6 & 12 " g~6 0.13.6
McCready 7/6 & 17 n 0.16.0
McIntyre 7/6 & 5 n 2/6 0.10.0
Parish 7/6 & 0 " 7.6 .
Weaver 7/6 & 23 " ll/6 0.19.0
Willey n 7/6 & 15 n_ 7/6 0.15.0
Locker " 7/6 & 15 n 7/6 0.15.0
~ 6.14.0
Messenger Willis O. 5.0
:E 6.15.0 .
On motion the Council adjourned until Thursday the
eighteenth day of August next to meet at one of the clock
in the afternoon.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional W~rden
- 70 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday the eighteenth day of August
The Provisional Council met this afternoon at one
of the clock according to adjournment.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Malahide
Clark of Dunwich
The proceedings of the previous meeting were read
and the Provisional Warden authorized to sign them after
which it was
Moved by Mr. Fowler and seconded by Mr. Parish that
the resolution passed at the last sitting of this Council
to pay Mr. Leather the sum of twenty pounds be now re-
scinded and that the Provisional Warden be authorized to
settle with Mr. Leather.
Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. W. Harvey
that By-Law No. 9 be read the first time.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl moves that By-Law
No. 9 to raise the sum of ~ 5000 be now read the second
On motion the Council went into Committee of the
whole on By-Law No.9.
Mr. Elliot in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend
the passing of By-Law No. 9 without any amendment.
Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-Law
No. 9 be read the third
Mr. Clark of Malahide seconded by Mr. McBride moves
that By-Law No. 9 do pass.
- 71 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday the eighteenth day of August
Mr. Burke of the Dispatch Office handed in an ac-
count for printing and
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Clark of Malahide moves
that the sum of two pounds five shillings be paid to Mr.
Burke for printing as per account.
On motion the Council adjourned for one hour to visit
the County Buildings.
According to adjournment the Council met again.
The Provisional Warden in the Chair.
The same members being present also W. McBride and
Mr. McCredy.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl moves that the
Frovisional Warden do ~otify the Warden of the County
of Middlesex to call the Committee of Middlesex, to meet
the Committee of Elgin in London on Wednesday the 14th
of September to settle the debts etc. betwixt the two
Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish moves that Mr.
Fowler be added to the Committee already appointed to
settle the affairs between the Counties of Middlesex
and Elgin in the room of Mr. Munro.
In amendment Mr. Elliot seconded by Mr. McIntyre
moves that the Committee appointed last year to make a
settlement between the County of Middlesex and Elgin
do stand by expunging the name of Mr. Munro and inser-
ting the name of Mr. Fowler.
The amendment was lost and the original motion
On motion the Provisional Warden was requested to
sign a memorial to the Post Office Department drawing
attention to the propriety of extending a mail accomo-
dation daily West of St. Thomas.
Mr. McCredy seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the
Provisional Warden sign a Petition to the Post Master
General praying that he will establish a mail route from
- 72 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
St. Thomas Thursday the eighteenth day of August
the village of Aylmer through the Township of South
Dorchester on the Elgin Road and that a Post Office be
established in a central place in said Township.
On motion the Provisional Warden was authorized to
sign a draft for members' wages and mileage as follows
Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
Willis Messenger
7/6 & 13 miles 7/6
7/6 & 15 .. 7/6
7/6 & 28 .. 14/
7/6 & 7 " 3/6
7/6 & 9 .. 4/6
7/6 & 15 .. 7/6
7/6 & 12 " 6/
7/6 & 17 .. 8/6
7/6 & 5 .. 2/6
7/6 & 23 .. ll/6
7/6 & 20 .. 10/
7/6 & 42 .. 21/
1 day
l3 0.13.0
1. 1.6
o. 7.6
1. 8.6
o. 5.0
l3 10. 4.6
On motion the Council adjourned until called again
to meet at the pleasure of this Provisional Warden.
John McKay
Provisional Clerk
Thomas Locker
Provisional Warden
- 73 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 8th November
The Municipal Council of the County of Elgin, sub-
stituted and continued from and after the thirtieth day
of last September for the Provisional Council of the said
County in accordance with the Proclamation dissolving the
union of the United Counties of Middlesex and Elgin pub-
lished in the Canada Gazette bearing teste the 30th day
of last September, also in accordance with the Statute
13th & 14th Victoria Chapter 64th Section 12th met this
day Tuesday the eighth day of November 1853 at noon in
accordance with notice given by authority of the Warden.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
The Warden addressed the Council.
After which the Clerk tendered his resignation and
it was moved and seconded that the Council do receive
the resignation of the Clerk and that an appointment be
made in his place.
After which it was moved and seconded that William
McKay be appointed Clerk of this Council and on motion
Mr. John McKay was requested to continue Clerk pro-tem.
during this session.
Mr. Elliot4 seconded by Mr. Wilson moved that Mr.
John McKay be allowed the sum of fifteen pounds for his
expense in proceeding to Quebec last September on busi-
ness connected with the separation of ~he County of
Elgin from Middlesex.
On motion the Treasurer was required to submit a
detailed statement of all monies expended on the County
Building since Mr. Elwood was released from his contract
of the same up to this date and that the Clerk be re-
quired to submit a statement of work now under contract.
- 74 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 8th November
On motion the Council adjourned until four of the
clock this afternoon.
According to adjournment the Council met again after
which Mr. Elliot introduced D. Chase to the Council.
On motion Dr. Chase was asked to address the meeting.
Dr. Chase addressed the meeting -- after which it was
Moved by Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McCready that
the.Clerk be instructed to give notice of application to
Parliament at its next session for a charter for a rail-
road from St. Thomas to Simcoe to be called the St. Thomas
and Simcoe Rail Road.
In amendment Mr. Clarke of Malahide seconded by Mr.
McColl moves that the question of application for charter
be postponed till tomorrow morning that this Council may
be informed how the stock is to be taken in said Road.
The amendment was lost and original motion carried.
At half past 5 o'clock P.M. the Council adjourned
till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
W. McKay
County Clerk
Thomas Locker
- 75 -
llilgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second Day
Wednesday the Ninth of November
The Council met this morning at nine o'clock pursuant
to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted after
which it was
Moved by Thtr. McCready seconded by Mr. McBride that
J. McKay do meet this Council this afternoon at three
o'colck with all papers in his possession to lay the same
before this Council.
Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Clark moves that the
Clerk of this Council be instructed to notify the Treasurer
and the Collectors of the different Municipalities of this
County to pay in all County rates to the Treasurer of the
County of Elgin and that the Treasurer of the said County
be instructed to retain there from sufficient funds to de-
fray the expenses of the current year for the Admini-
stration of Justice for this County.
Motion lost.
Moved by Mr, Fowler
Jurors of this County be
the late United Counties
seconded by McCpll that the
paid the same as the Jurors of
of Middlesex and Elgin.
Moved by Mr. Elliot and seconded by Fowler that the
Warden and Treasurer be authorized to provide means to pay
the Jury men and other real necessary expenses for the
- 76 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the Ninth of November
Administration of Justice in this County till the first
of January 1854.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Fowler that the
accounts of the Treasurer now laid before this Council be
laid before the Finance Committee to be examined and re-
ported upon.
After which Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Clark moves
that the Council now adjourn until 3 o'clock P.M.
Motion carried.
The Council met this afternoon at 3 o'clock according
to adjournment.
After which it was moved and seconded that the Council
.adjourn till 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
W. McKay
County Clerk
Thomas Locker
- 77 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Third Day
Thursday the tenth day of
November 1853
The Council met at nine o'clock this morning pur-
su ant to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
The minutes of yesterday were read and adopted after
which on motion the Chairman of the Finance Committee sub-
mitted the report which was read after which it was
Moved by Mr. Clark of Malahide seconded by Mr.
McIntyre that the Report of the Finance Committee be
On motion Mr. McKay was requested to give explana-
tion in reference to existing contracts after which it was
moved by Mr. Fowler and seconded by Mr. Elliot that this
Council do now form itself into Committee of the whole
on the Financial Committee's Report which was carried.
Mr. McColl in the Chair.
The Council resumed and the Chairman reported to
adopt the report without amendments after which it was
Moved by Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. Clark that the
messenger be sent to notify Mr. Frazer to attend this
Council at 3 o'clock.
In amendment moved by Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr.
Wilson that the report of the Financial Committee be
adopted without amendment.
Original motion lost. Amendment carried.
Chairman of Road Committee submitted Report of Road
Committee without amendment after which it was moved and
seconded that this Council do now resolve itself into a
- 78 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Third Day
Thursday the tenth day of November 1853
Committee of the whole on Road Committee Report.
Mr. McBride in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported the Report of the Road Direc-
tors without amendment.
Moved by Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl that the
Chairman of the Road Directors sign an order on the
Treasurer of the County of Middlesex to pay George
McIntosh for twenty seven cords of gravel laid on the
road over the contract and at the contract price.
Carried, after which it was
Moved by Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. Wilson that the
Clerk do advertise for sealed tenders at his office to be
received until the 24th day of November at noon for the
taking the several gates on the Port Stanley Road for one
year from 1st December 1853.
Carried after which it was
Moved by Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Clark of
Malahide that as the people of Elgin have been kept in
a state of suspence for some time with respect to public
improvement owing to the want of a division of the County
that this Council do assume the construction of a plank
or gravel road through the following Townships North and
South from the Lake to the County line where required and
where not required an equivalent given instead and that
the following roads be assumed, that is to say the Elgin
"Road from the Port Bruce", the Furnival Road, Hagarty
Road and Talbot Street from Straffordville to the Village
of Aylmer.
In amendment first moved by John McBride Esq. seconded
by Mr. Clark, Dunwich that in as much as there is no
convenient communication from the Lake shore to the interior
at rear of this County through the respective Townships
that this Council assume one leading road through each
Township in order to facilitate the mode of conveying
exports and imports.
- 79 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday the tenth day of November 1853
In amendment second moved by Mr. McColl seconded by
Mr. Harvey that the resolutions now before this Council
to assume certain roads be laid over until the meeting
of this Council on the fourth Monday in January.
Which amendment was carried, first amendment and
original motion were not put.
On motion the Council adjourned till one o'clock P.M.
The Council met at one o'clock according to adjourn-
ment after which it was
Moved by Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Clark of
Malahide that in the event of the Townships of Malahide
and South Dorchester building the Elgin Road through said
Townships that the Council pass a By-Law to receive said
Townships from any County tax for public improvements such
~s roads until the debt contracted by said Township for
building said road is liquidated provided the County assumes
other roads then they shall assume the debt of the Elgin
Which was lost.
Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. Parish that this Council
do now take ten thousand pounds of stock in the London
and Port Stanley Rail Road and that a By-Law be published
to that effect.
In amendment moved by Mr. McCready seconded by Mr.
Wilson that the question be laid over until the fourth
Monday in January with respect to the London and Port
Stanley Rail Road.
Amendment carried and original motion lost.
The yeas and nays being called for were as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Harvey, Wilson, McCready, Elliot,
McColl, McBride, Clark of Uunwich and
Clark of Malahide = 8
Nays: Messrs. Parish, McIntyre and Fowler = 3
Amendment carried by majority of 5.
- 80 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday the tenth day of November 1853
Moved by Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. McIntyre that
James Finn of the Township of South Dorchester be noti-
fied by the Clerk to remove his fence so that the road or
Town Line may be opened between lots 24, twelfth conces~
sion, South Dorchester and 19 in the lOth concession
Yarmouth, as soon as possible.
The yeas and nays being called for were taken down
as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Harvey, Wilson, McIntyre, Clarke of
Dunwich, Clarke of Malahide, McColl, McBride,
McCready, Fowler = 9
Nays: Mr. Elliot = 1
after which it was
Moved by Mr. Fowler seconded by Mr. McColl that the
Warden be authorized to sign the drafts for the members
wages of the sitting of this Council.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mr. McBride, seconded by Mr. Elliot that
the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Warden and
Mr. John McKay, the late Clerk for the energy with which,
they have conducted the erection of the County Buildings
and the zeal and fidelity with which the duties entrusted
to them by this Council have been discharged.
Motion carried.
On motion the Warden was authorized to sign a draft
for members wages and mileage as follows
Messrs. Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
Willis Messenger
- 81 -
(Elgin County Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) .
Thursday the tenth day of November 1853
Clark of Dunwich 3 days & 13 miles 6/6 E 1. 9.0
Clark of Malahide 3 days & 13 miles 7/6 1.10.0
Elliot 3 days & 13 miles 14/ 1.16.6 .
Fowler 3 days & 13 miles 3/6 1. 6.0
Harvey 3 days & 13 miles 4/6 1. 7.0
McBride 3 days & 13 miles 21/ 2. 3.6
Locker 3 days & 13 miles 7/6 1.10. .
McColl 3 days & 13 miles 6/ 1. 8.6
McCready 3 days & 13 miles 8/6 1.ll.0
McIntyre 3 days & 13 miles 2/6 1. 5.0
Parish 3 days 1. 2.6 .
Wilson 3 days & 13 miles 10/ 1.12. 6
Willis Messenger 3 days 0.1'5.0
E 18.16.6
Moved by Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish that
this Council do now adjourn until Tuesday the 20th day
of December.
W. McKay
Thomas Locker
- 82 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the twentieth day of December
The Municipal Council of the County of Elgin met this
day at pursuant to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Dunwich
Clark of Malahide
The minutes of the last meeting were read and the
Warden authorized to sign them after which it was
. Moved by Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Harvey that the
Petition of George McKay be received and read in reference
to the opening a road between the 7 & 8 concessions,
Carried, after which it was
Moved by Mr. McCready seconded by Mr. Elliot that the
last petition read before this Council be now considered.
Mr. McCready moved seconded by Mr. Elliot that Mr.
Hutton be heard and give some explanation on the question
now before this Council, which was carried.
Mr. Hutton addressed the Council
After which it was moved by Mr. McIntyre that Mr.
McKay be heard by this Council.
Mr. McKay addressed "the Council
After which on motion
The Clerk was ordered to read the 12th clause of
Moved by Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. McIntyre that
this Council do now order the road allowance in front of
Lots No. 20 and 21 between the 7th & 8th concession
Yarmouth to be opened immediately provided the parties
- 83 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the twentieth day of December
interested do not come to some amicable arrangement with-
in 30 days.
Moved in amendment by L. J. Clark seconded by Mr.
Parish that the question of opening a road mentioned in
Petition of Robert MacKay be postponed till the month of
May 1854.
Moved by Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Harvey that the
Clerk be requested to notify Mr. Hutton of the proceedings
of this Council in reference to the opening of road in
front of Lots No. 20 & 21 between the seventh and eighth
concessions of Yarmouth.
After which it was moved by Mr. McCready seconded by
Mr. McIntyre that an order be issued by the Council requiring
Mr. James Finn of South Dorchester to open the road in the
12th concession between Lots No. 24 in the Township of South
Dorchester and Lot No. 19 in the tenth concession in Yar-
mouth to be opened by the first day February next.
Moved by Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McCready that the
Clerk be instructed to draw up a By-Law to raise a suf-
icient sum to liquidate the debt due to the County of
Mr. Parish seconded by Mr. McColl moved that the Clerk
be instructed to prepare a By-Law to regulate the fees to
be paid by Hawkers, Pedlars etc., to come into force on the
first of January next and submit the same tomorrow morning
as the first order of the day.
On motion the Council adjourned till nine o'clock
tomorrow morning.
W. McKay
Thomas Locker
- 84 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second Day
Wednesday 21st December 1853
The Council met this day at nine o'clock according
to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Clark of Malahide
Clark of Dunwich
The minutes of the previous day being read the Warden
was authorized to sign them, after which it was
Moved by J. Clark, seconded by J. Clarke Dunwich, that
the Clerk be authorized to procure a complete set of the
statutes to date including the revised copies for the use
of this Council and that the Treasurer do pay for the same
when they arrive.
Moved by Mr. McColl and seconded by Mr. Elliot that
this Council do now go into Committee of the whole on
By-Law Number ten to regulate the licenses to be paid by
Hawkers and Pedlars etc. .
Mr. Weaver in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend
the passing of By-Law Number ten with amendment.
On motion the Clerk was ordered to substitute the word
Clerk for Treasurer in By-Law No. 10 as the person to issue
such license and to receive three shillings and nine pence
for each license issued.
Mr. Parish seconded by Clarke moves that By-Law No.
10 be read first time.
Mr. Elliot, seconded by Mr. McCready moves that By-Law
No. 10 be read second time.
- 85 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday 21st December 1853
Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Clark, moves that By-Law
No. 10 be read a third time.
Mr. seconded by Mr.
By-Law No. 10 do pass.
moves that
Carried, after which it was
Moved by Mr. McColl and seconded by Mr. Parish that
the By-Law now passed be published in each of the news-
papers published in this County until the first day of
January next.
Motion lost.
Moved by Mr. McCready, seconded by Mr. Harvey in amend-
ment that the Clerk be instructed to draft a copy of the
resolutions and By-Laws for 1853 and have two hundred copies
published in pamphlet form and distributed in equal numbers
to the Reeves of each of the Municipalities.
Amendment carried, original motion lost.
The yeas and nays being demanded were as follows
Yeas: Messrs. Clark of Dunwich, Weaver, Elliot,
Harvey, McCready, McBride, McIntyre; 7
Nays: Messrs. Parish, McColl, Clark of Malahide = 3
Amendment carried by majority of four.
Moved by Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. McColl that the
printing of this Council be let by tender to the lowest
bidder and that the Clerk be authorized to advertise for
tenders forthwith.
Moved by Mr. Parish and seconded by Mr. Weaver that
all persons having claims against this. Council be notified
to present their accounts for adjustment this afternoon.
Motion lost.
Yeas: Messrs. Weaver, McColl, Parish, McCready = 4
Nays: Messrs. Clark of Malahide, Clark of Dunwich,
Elliot, McBride, McIntyre, Harvey = 6
- 86 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday 21st December 1853
On motion of Mr. McColl seconded by Mr. Parish the
Council adjourned until half past one o'clock P.M
The Council met at half past one o'clock according
to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
The same members being present.
Moved by Mr. Parish, seconded by Mr. Clark that By-Law
No. 11 be read first time.
Moved by Mr. Parish, seconded Mr. Elliot that proposed
By-Law No. 11 to be read second time.
Moved by Mr. Elliot, seconded by Mr. Parish that this
Council resolve itself into a Committee of the whole on
By-Law No. 11.
Mr. McReady in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the Committee recommend
the passing of By-Law No. 11 without amendment.
Moved by Mr. Clark seconded by Mr. Elliot that By-Law
No. 11 do pass without any amendment.
On motion the Clerk was ordered to advertise proposed
By-Law No. 11.
Moved by McCready, seconded by Mr. Elliot that the
Clerk receive tenders for printing for this Council and
submit them to this Council for approval or disapproval
of this Council.
Moved by Mr. McBride and seconded by Mr. McCready
that this Council now take into consideration the pro-
priety of instructing the Committee of Finance to take a
review of the financial affairs of this County and to
report the same to this Council in order to make the
publication of the proceedings of this Council for the
present year as complete as possible and also the above
business to be the first order of the day on the 12th
January next as the Council have to meet at said time.
- 87 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday 21st December 1853
Moved by Mr. McBride, seconded by Mr. Elliot that
individuals having claims against this Council be noti-
fied by hand bills prepared by the Clerk to produce their
claims before the 12th of January so that the same may
be acquitted.
Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Harvey that
the report of the Road Directors be now received and read.
The Clerk read report of Road Directors.
Moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. Clark that
this Council do now go into Committee of the whole on
the Report of the Road Directors.
Mr. McBride in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported that the ~ommittee recommend
the passing or adopting the report without amendment.
On motion the Council adopted the Report of the
Road Directors.
Moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr. McReady that the
Clerk be instructed to notify Mr. Scanlan; that unless he
renders an account of the receipts at Toll Gate Number 2
from the first day of December instant to the Chairman of
the Road Directors and pay over the amount to the Treasurer
forthwith, he shall be dealt with according to Law.
On motion the Warden was authorized to sign a draft
for members wages and mileage as follows
- 88 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday 21st December 1853
Clark of Dunwich 2 days & 13 miles 6/6 @ 7/6 ~1. 1.6
Clark of Malahide 2 days & 15 miles 7/6 @ 7/6 1. 2.0
. Elliot 2 days & 28 miles 14/ @ 7/6 1. 9.
Harvey 2 days & 9 miles 4/6 @ 7/6 0.19.6
McBride 2 days & 42 miles 21/ @ 7/6 1.16.
Locker 2 days & 15 miles 7/6 @ 7/6 l. 2.6
. McColl 2 days & 12 miles 6/ @ 7/6 1. 1.
McCready 2 days & 17 miles 8/6 @ 7/6 1. 3.6
McIntyre 2 days & 5 miles 2/6 @ 7/6 .17.6
Parish 2 days & @ 7/6 .15.
. Weaver 2 days & 23 miles ll/6 @ 7/6 1. 6.6
Willis 2 days @ 5/ .10.
On motion the Council adjourned till 12th January
next 1854.
W. McKay
Thomas Locker