1856 Minutes
- 216 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second Day
TUesday the 29th January, 1856
The Council met at nine o'clock morning.
The Warden in the Chair.
Messrs. McDougald
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
a~thorized to be signed.
Members present
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
report of Committee on Education be received and read.
Report read.
On motion of Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Gustin,
it was resolved that the Revd. Mr. Caulfield the Chairman
of the Board of Education be heard in reference to the
appointments of Local Superintendents of CommcnSChools,
after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that the
report of Committee on Education be adopted.
In amendment Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr. McNaughton,
moves that the report be amended appointing one General
School Superintendent instead of one for each Riding.
The amendment was lost and the original motion
The report of Committee on Education was adopted with-
out amendment, after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Jones, moves that Edmund
Sheppard be appointed Superintendent of Common Schools in
the East Riding of Elgin for the present year.
- 217 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 29th January, 1856
Mr. Leitch, seconded by Mr. Meek, moves that Hiram
Lumley be appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools
for the West Riding of this County for the present year.
In amendment, Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Gustin,
moves that A. McLaughlan, President of the County of Elgin
Teachers Association be appointed Local Superintendent of
Common Schools for the West Riding of this County.
The amendment was carried and the original motion
not put.
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Harvey, moves that
George T. Claris be appointed an Auditor of this County
for the present year.
The Warden named Mr. J. H. L. Begg as an Auditor of this
County for the present year.
Mr. J. Harvey, seconded by Mr. Jones moves that two
hundred copies of the rules and regulations of this County
be printed for the use of members of this Council and that
a Committee of three be appointed to revise the same before
printing and that Mr. Ermatinger, the Warden and Mr. Gustin
be said Committee and to report tomorrow morning.
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
Clerk of this Council be authorized to procure the neces-
sary supply of Assessors and Collectors Rolls and notices
for the County as soon as practicable.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Jones, moves that the
Clerk be instructed to draft a petition to the Legislature
of this Province for its next sitting, praying that they
will amend the Common School Act with regard to the powers
and duties of Trustees in making out School Reports, that
they may be of a less complex form, as the amendments of
alterations which take place in the annual and semi-annual
reports, annually imposes unnecessary labor on School
In amendment first, Mr. Ermatinger; seconded by Mr.
McNaughton, moves that all after the words, ("with regard
to the powers and duties of Trustees") be expunged.
In amendment second Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr.
McDougald moves that Mr. McCrady's motion be referred to
Committee on Education, also the amendments which
- 218 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 29th January, 1856
Amendment was carried and the original motion and
first amendment were not put, after which
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Harvey, moves that
this Council take into consideration the improvement of
the Town Lines between the Townships in this County in
order that the members of this Council may know whether
it will be the duty of the County or To\~ships to attend
to the improvements of these Town Lines.
In amendment, Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Jones,
moves that Mr. McIntyre's motion respecting Town Lines
be referred to the Committee on Public Improvements,
which amendment was carried and the original motion not
On motion Mr. McFarlane was added to Committee on
Public Improvements pro. tem. in place of Mr. Weaver.
On motion the Council adjourned till two o'clock P.M.
Council resumed.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Ermatinger moves, that
the Warden be now called upon to give this Council infor-
mation relative to the apportionment of the Clergy reserve
funds to the respective Municipalities if he has obtained
such information.
The Warden intimated to the Council that no official
information had been received on the subject.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Meek, moves that By-Law
No. 27 be laid over until tomorrow and that shall be the
first order of the day.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Meek, moves that the
second report of Committee on Education be received by
this Council. '
Report read and adopted.
Mr McCrady, seconded by Mr. McNaughton moves that
the second report of Committee on Education be adopted.
R. Johnson
- 219 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Third Day
Wednesday the Joth January 1856
The Council met according to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Messrs. Leitch
Erma tinger
'Members present
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorized to be signed, after which
The Warden submitted a communication from Mr.
Lawrason in reference to aid for the London and Port
Stanley Railway Company Which was read and referred to
Committee on Public Improvements, after which
Mr. McIntyre seconded by Mr. Meek moves that By-Law
No. 27 be now read a second time.
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Gustin moves that
By-Law No. 27 be read a third time and finally passed.
Mr. Ermatinger submitted Petition of Thomas Futcher
and others, inhabitants of the Township of Southwold for
a grant to improve the hill west of Kettle Creek on Talbot
Road near St. Thomas.
Petition read, after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the
Petition of Thomas Futcher and others be referred to the
Committee on Public Improvements.
The Chairman of Committee on Education submitted
Reports Numbers J and 4, after which
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by McDougald moves that the
reports Nos. J and 4 of the Committee on Education be
received and read.
- 220 ~
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 _ 1860)
Wednesday the JOth January, 1856
On motion the Council went into Committee of the
whole on Reports Nos. J and 4 of Education Committee.
Mr. Gustin in the Chair.
Council resumed.
The Chairman of Committee of the whole reported adop-
tion of the Reports Numbers J and 4 of Education Committee,
after which '
Mr. Ermatinger moves, seconded by Mr. McIntyre that
the Reports Numbers J and 4 o! the Standing Committee on
Education be adopted
Moved by Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. McCrady that
this Council do now hand over the County Library and
apparatus lately purchased at the Education Depository
and now in the hands of the County Treasurer to A.
McLachlin Esquire on behalf of the County of Elgin
Teachers Association to be here after entirely subject
to the Control of the Association provided always that
in case the Association shall ever become defunct or shall
cease to exist, the Library and apparatus now handed over
to them in terms of this resolution shall revert to this
Councilor their successors in office to be held by them
in trust for similar purposes.
Motion carried.
Council adjourned till two o'clock.
Council met according to adjournment at two o'clock.
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Nicoll moves that the
report of the Committee on the expenses of the Public
Buildings be received and read.
Report read, after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the
letter of Messrs. Turner and Simon referred to in the
Report of Committee on the expense of County Buildings and
the amount of cost of said buildings be printed.
- 221 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the JOth January, 1856
Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
Donald Shaw, Township Councillor for'the Township of
Aldborough be refunded the fine and costs imposed upon
him for non attendance as Juryman at the October Assizes,
he being at the time a Township Councillor.
Mr. Meek, seconded by Mr. Leitch moves that Mr.
McIntyre be appointed to the Committee of Public Improve-
ments in place of Mr. McNaughton not present.
Council adjourned till nine o'clock tomorrow
\11. McKay
R. Johnson
- 222-
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 _ 1860)
Fourth Day
Thursday, 31st January, 1856
The Council met at nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Nicolls
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorized to be signed, after which
The Council took up the subject of Thaddeus Smith
under confinement in the County Jail for debt, after which
Mr. Ermatinger moveS, seconded by Mr. Jones that
the Warden and the mover be authorized to confer with the
Judge of the County Court and take such steps as may be
necessary to liberate Thaddeus Smith from his present
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
report of the road Directors be received and read.
Report read, after, which
The fOllowing communications were read:
From Mr. Greer, Road Superintendent, resigning
From John C. Morgan making application for the
office of Road Superintendent, after which
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
Report of the Road Committee be adopted without amendment
after which
Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Gustin, moves that John C.
Morgan be appointed Superintendent of Roads in this
- 223 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday, 31st January, 1856
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
Report of the Standing Committee on Public Improvements
be received and read.
Report read.
On motion the Council went into Committee of the whole
on the Report of the Standing Committee on Public Improve-
Mr. McDougald in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
Mr. McDougald reported that the Committee had made
some progress and directed him to move for leave to sit
On motion, leave was granted for the Committee of the
whole to sit again at three o'clock, after which
Mr. N~colls, seconded by Mr. Leitch moves that one of
the unoccupied rooms in the rooms in the west end of the
Court House above the County Council office be placed at
the disposal of the Local Superintendent of Common Schools
for the West Riding of the County to be occupied by him
as an office and Depositary for the Library and apparatus
of the Associated Teachers' of the County on payment of
any additional Insurance that may be incurred and to be
occupied as such during pleasure of this, Council and with
consent of the Sheriff.
On motion the Council adjourned till two o'clock.
The Council resumed.
. Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Jones moves that the
Clerk be instructed to draft a Petition to the Honourable
R. Spence, Postmaster General, praying that he will
establish a daily Mail on the Elgin Road from the Dor-
chester Station on the Great Western Railroad to Port
Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
the members of this CQuncil be allowed six pence per mile
as travelling fees in coming to attend and returning from
meetings of this Council. '
- 224 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday, 31st January, 1856
The yeas and nays being demanded were taken as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Ermatinger, McDougald, McFarlane,
Leitch, McIntyre, Gustin, Jones - 7
Nays: Messrs. McCrady, Harvey, Meek, Nicolls _ 4
Carried by a majority of 3.
The Council according to order again resolved itself
in a Committee of the whole on the Report of the Standing
Committee on Public Improvements.
Mr. McDougald in the Chair.
After some time spent therein the Warden resumed the
Chair and Mr. McDougald reported that the Committee had
gone through the report and made amendments thereunto.
On motion the Report was read with the amendments and
~dopted, after which
Mr. Ermatinger moves, seconded by Mr. Nicoll that
the application of the London and Port Stanley Railway
Company for a loan of :13 15,000 be laid over until after
the meeting of the Directors of the said Railway Company
on the 6th 'of February for the purpose of affording the
Warden an opportunity of acquiring further information
and that he be requested to call a Special Meeting of this
Council as soon after as may be practicable to consider the
expediency of affording the said loan.
Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that George
McIntosh be notified that (in the event of his conveying
the,Locomotive and Tender belonging to the London and Port
Stanley Railway Company from London to Port Stanl~y) the
bridges on the Gravel Road in this County will be unable
to sustain the great weight that will be thereby brought
upon them and to recommend him to convey said Locomotive
and Tender by some route whereby he may avoid crossing
said bridge. -
On motion the Council,adjourned ti~l tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
W. McKay
R. Johnson
- 225 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Fifth Day
Friday 1st day of February, 1856
According to adjournment the Council met at 9 o'clock
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. McIntyre
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorized to be signed.
Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. McCrady moves that the
Report of Finance Committee be received and read.
Report read and
On motion the Report of Finance Committee was adopted
without amendment.
Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. McDougald moves that M.
G. McIntosh be heard before this Council.
Mr. McIntosh addressed the Council.
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Nicoll moves that a
vote of thanks be tendered' to Mr. Greer, late Superinten-,
dent of County Roads for his services to this County.
Adjourned till called by the Warden.
VJilliam McKay
R. Johnson
- 225a -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
18th day of February 1856
This indenture made the eighteenth day of February in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-
six. between Patrick Burke of the Town of St. Thomas in the
County of Elgin and Province of Canada Printer_of the one
part and Edward Travers of the Town of St. Thomas in the
County and Province aforesaid of the other part Printer
witnesseth that the said Patrick Burke and Edward Travers
have mutually agreed and by these presents do agree to
become co-partners together in the art 'or trade of printing
and pUblishing for their mutual benefit and 'at their com-
mon risk which said co-partnership shall be carried on
under the firm of Patrick Burke and Edward Travers and
shall continue from the date of these presents for and
during the term of three years subject to the sooner
deter.mination thereof as hereinafter mentioned and to
that end and purpose, he the said Patrick Burke hath on
the day of the date of these presents delivered in as
stock all his present stock used in his printing estab-
lishment in St. Thomas aforesaid amounting to two hundred
and eighty three pounds two shillings and six pence and
the said Edward Travers to pay to the said ~atrick Burke
half the value of the above mentioned stock.
N.B. The above agreement was inserted on a separate
piece of paper in the Minute Book.
- 226 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday 26th day of February, 1856 ('
Special Meeting
The Council met at two o'clock afternoon pursuant to
notice given by order of the Warden for a Special Meeting
to consider the'expediency of loaning a certain sum to the
London and Port S~anley Railway Company.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Ermatinger
The proceedings of the last day of the previous Session
were read and authorized to be signed, after which
The Warden addressed the Council.
The Council then proceeded to take up the subject of
a Loan to the London and Port Stanley Railway Company when
It was moved and seconded that Samuel Price, Esquire
be heard before this Council.
Mr. Price addressed the Council, after which
Mr. Jones seconded by Mr. Meek moves that this Council
do loan their debentures to the London and Port Stanley
Railway Company to the amount of fifteen thousand pounds
by taking the first Mortgage Bonds in security on said Road
and that a By-Law for that purpose be submitted to the Elec-
tors for their approval thereof.
The yeas and nays being demanded were taken as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. Ermatinger, McDougald, McIntyre,
Nicolls, Jones and Meek - 6
Nays: Messrs. Gustin, McNaughton, Leach, McCrady
and Harvey - 5
- 227 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday 26th day of February, 1856
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Gustin moves that the
By-Law for loaning b 15,000 by way of debentures to the
London and Port Stanley Railway Company be submitted to
the different Municipalities for their approval or disap-
proval in the following manner, that is to say a vote shall
be taken by the different Municipalities, a majority ap-
proving or disapproving the same, giving to each Municipality
a vote for Reeve and Deputy Reeve.
In amendment, Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. .Lei tch
moves that the vote on the Railway By-Law be taken in the
usual manner by the electors voting yea or nay and that a
majority of the total number of votes in the whole County
decide the By-Law.
The amendment was carried and the original motion
Yeas: Messrs. Ermatinger, McIntyre, Nicolls, Meek,
Harvey, Jones, Leitch - 7
Nays: Messrs. Gustin, McCrady, McDougald and
McNaughton - 4
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the
Warden be requested to communicate when necessary with
the Government in order to ascertain the amount due to
this Municipality from out of the Clergy reserve fund.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McDougald moves that
the Warden and Mr. Ermatinger give information regarding
their efforts to release Thaddeus Smith from confinement
in this Jail.
Mr. Ermatinger made statement in reference to Mr.
Smith's confinement, after which
The following communications were read:
A Petition from the Municipality of Yarmouth in
reference to the disposal of the appropriation
reported at last Session of this Council, after
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Leitch moves that the
prayer of the Petition from the Municipal ,Council of the
Township of Yarmouth be entertained so as to allow the
- 22~ -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday 26th day of February, 1856
said Council to dispose of the proposed appropriation of
~ 200 as they might 4irect in said Township Council.
Motion lost.
From the Post Office Department in reply to the Peti-
tion from this Council for the establishment of a
daily mail on the Elgin Road in Dorchester to Port
From C. Munro, Sheriff in reference to the occupation
of a vacant room in the Court House.
From E. Sheppard accepting the appointment of Local
Superintendent of Common Schools in the East Riding
of this County.
From the Crown Lands Department in reference to
maps for the, County.
From Thomas Daniel, Local Superintendent with account
for postage and stationary.
Moved by Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Jones, moves
that the Warden be authorized to subscribe for one copy
of the proposed County map about to be published by Mr.
The Warden accordingly subscribed for one copy of
said map.
William McKay
R. Johnson
- 229 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 _ 1860)-
Second Day
Wednesday the 27th February, 1856
According to adjournment the Council met at 10 o'clock
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. McNaughton
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorized to be signed.
Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr. McCrady moves that the
Clerk of this Council be requested to forward a Petition
to the Legislature praying for the repeal of all parts of
the Common School Act that encourages the establishment
of sectarian schools, 'after which
Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr. McIntyre mov~s that the
Clerk be 'authorized to draft a Petition to both branches
of the Legislature praying that a Prohibitory Liquor Law
may be passed for the Province of Canada and that the
Warden do sign the same.
Motion carried by casting vote of the Warden.
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that
Thomas Pritchard of the Township Norwich be allowed to
peddle books and maps of an intellectual and moral nature
in this County, free of License for the current year.
Motion lost;
Mr. McNaughton submitted draft of aPeti tion to the
Legislature in reference to the amendment of the Charter
of Amherstburg and St. Thomas Railway Company.
The petition was read, after which
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Itr. Nicolls moves that
the Warden do and is hereby authorized to sign the
- 2]0 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the 27th February, 1856
Petition now submitted to this Council praying for an
extension of the Amherstburg and St. Thomas Railway direct
to Simcoe and thence to some point on the Niagara River.
In amendment first, Mr. Gustin seconded by Mr. Meek
moves that the last clause in the petition read thus:
Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that a
Charter may be granted to some Company that may
be formed or is already in existence to construct
a Railway from Amherstburg or some point on the
Detroit River to some point on the Niagara River
to any particular locality and to be known as the
Great Southern Railroad Line.
In amendment second, moved by Mr. Gustin, seconded by
Mr. McCrady moves that the last clause in the Petition read
Your Petitioners therefore humbly pray that a
Charter may be granted to some Company that
may be formed or is already in existence to con-
struct a Railway from Amherstburg or some
suitable point on the Detroit River to some
point on the Niagara River touching the Town of
St. Thomas in the County of Elgin irrespective
of any other locality on the Line and to be
known as the Great Southern Railway Line.
The first and second amendments were put and lost .
and the original motion carried, after which
Mr. Ermatinge~ seconded by Mr. Jones moves that the
resolution to adopt a Petition to the Legislature to pass
a Prohibitory Liquor Law be rescinded.
The yeas and nays being demanded were taken as fol-
Yeas: Messrs. Ermatinger, McCrady, Jones, Leitch,
Nicolls, McNaughton - 6
Nays: Messrs. Gustin, Meek, McIntyre, Harvey,
McDougald - 5
after which
- 231 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings. 1852 - 1860),.
Wednesday the 27th February, 1856
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Gustin moves that the
sum of one hundred pounds be granted to the Agricultural
Society of the County of Elgin for the enco~ragement of
Agriculture in said County, the portion of said grant to
be paid by said Society to the Township Societies as the
Provincial Grant is now proportioned and payable to said
Motion lost.
By-Law Numoer 38 for granting certain sums to the
several Municipalities was submitted and read a first
time. after which
On motion By-Law Number 38 was read a second and
third time and finally passed, after which
Proposed By-Law No. 36 to loan ~ 15,000 in deben-
tures to London and Port Stanley Railway Company was read
a first time and ordered to be inserted in the newspapers
and submitted to the vote of the Municipal Electors in the
County Municipalities, after which
Mr. Er.matinger, seconded by Mr. McNaughton moves that
the Warden do dispose of the debentures issued under By-
Law Number 27 to the best advantage.
On motion the Council adjourned till three o'clock.
Council resumed, after which
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Gustin moves that
the sum of fifty pounds be granted to the Township of
Bayham for the improvement of Roads and Bridges.
Motion lost, after which
By-Law No. 37 to regulate the Tolls on the Gravel
Road was read
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-
Law No. 37 be read a first time.
On motion By-Law No. 37 was read a second and third
time and finally passed, after which
By-Law No. 39 in reference to Grammar Schools was
On motion of Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey
By-Law No. 39 was read a first time.
- 232-
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the 27th February, 1856
On motion, By-Law No. 39 was read a second time, after
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-Law
No. 39 be read a third time and finally passed.'
By-Law Number 40 to provide for payment of Town
Reeves and Deputy'Town Reeves attending County Council
was submitted and read, after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-Law
Number 40 be read a first time.
On motion By-Law Number 40 was read a second time.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that By-Law
Number 40 be read a third time and finally passed.
On motion the Warden was authorized to sign draft for
members wages.
Adjourned till called by the Warden.
Wm. McKay
R. Johnson
- 2)) -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 _ 1860)
In accordance with notice given by order of the Warden
tffiCouncil met at the Court House on Tuesday the third day
of June.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Leach
The proceedings of the last day of the previous ses~
sion were read and authorized to be signed.
Mr. Charles Chute having presented the required cer-
tificate took his seat as Deputy Reeve of Malahide in place
of Mr. Jones who has removed from the Municipality.
The Warden addressed the Council, after which
A statement of the votes on the proposed By-Law to
loan ~ 15,000 to the London and Port Stanley Railway
Company was read by the Clerk.
Communications read:
The Auditors statement and reports were submitted
and read.
A communication from the Post Master General in
reference to an application for a daily line of mail
from the Dorchester Station on the Great Western
Railway to Port Bruce.
From the County Clerk of Norfolk in reference to
the allowance for road between the Townships of
Houghton and Bayham.
From the Education Office exhibiting the apportion-
ments of Legfslative Grant for Common Schools for
the current year.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
a committee of five be appointed to equalize the Assess-
ment Rolls for 1856.
, :rt LIBAAR't!
- 234-
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday, 3rd day of June, 1856
The following members were accordingly voted said
Committee: Messrs. McNaughton, Meek, Ermatinger, Nicolls,
Gustin, after which
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Harvey moves that the
clause in By-Law Number 38 appropriating the sum of ~ 100
on the Town Line between Yarmouth and Malahide South of
the fourth Concession of Yarmouth be repealed and also
that a By-Law be submitted to amend said By-Law Number
38 authorizing the Reeves and Deputy Reeves of Yarmouth
and Malahide to appropriate in each of said Townships the
sum of fifty pounds of said sum, after which
Mr. Ermatinger, seconded by Mr. Nicoll moves that
the sum of two hundred pounds be granted to the Munici-
pality of St. Thomas to be expended in the improvement
of the Public Highway within the said Corporation and
that this application be referred to the Committee on
Public Improvements.
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that
the sum of one hundred pounds be granted to the Munici-
pality of Bayham for the purpose of improving roads and
bridges in said Municipality and that this application
be referred to the Standing Committee on Public Improve-
ments, after which
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. McDougald moves that
the Clerk be authorized to draft a reply to the Communi-
cations from the County Council of the County of Norfolk
in reference to that part of the County line between the
Townships, of Houghton and Bayham. '
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
with all due respect to the Proclamation of His Excel-
lency, the Governor General setting apart the fourth day
of June as a day of general thanksgiving, this Council
adjourn till two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
111. McKay
R. Johnson
- 235 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second Day
Wednesday the fourth day of June, 1856
According to adjournment the Council met at two o'clock
Memners present
Messrs. Ermatinger
The previous days proceedings were read and author-
ized to be signed.
On motion the Council adjourned till four o'clock in
order that the Standing Committee and Special Committee to
equalize Assessment Rolls may meet.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman of the Special Committee to equalize the
Assessment Rolls submitted report, which was read, after
Mr. Weaver, seconded by Mr. McNaughton moves that the
Report of the Committee appointed to equalize the Assess-
ment Rolls be adopted.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Chute moves that the
Local Superintendents of Common Schools for the East and
West Riding of the County receive the following sums as
remunerations for their services, for the East Riding the
sum of one hundred pounds and the West Riding the sum of
ninety pounds.
In amendment first, Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. Meek
moves that the salaries of the Local Superintendents be
eighty pounds for the East Riding and seventy pounds for
the West Riding.
In amendment second, Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr.
Weaver moves that the salaries of the Local Superinten-
dents for this year be as follows:
For the East Riding be E 100 and for the West Riding
the sum of E 80.
- 236 -
(Elgin Cbunty Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the fourth day of June, 1856
The original motion and second amendment were lost
and first amendment carried. .
Mr. McNaughton submitted Petition from the inhabi-
tants of Port Burwell which was read, after which
It was moved by Mr. McNaughton that the Petition of
the inhabitants of Port Burwell praying that this Council
Petition the Legislature to draw their attention to an
extention of the Reciprocity Treaty be received and that
the Warden acquire information in reference to this
The Council adjourned till nine O'clock tomorrow
Wm. mcKay
R. Johnson
- 237 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 _ 1860)
Third Day
Thursday the fifth day of June, 1856
The Council met according to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. Ermatinger
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
The Chairman of the Finance Committee submitted
report and estimate which was read.
On motion the Council went into Committee of the
whole on the Finance Report and estimate.
Mr. McNaughton is the Chairman.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported the adoption of the Report
without amendment, after which
Mr. Leach, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the report
of the Committee on Finance be adopted.
By-Law No. 41 in reference to Local Superintendents
of Common Schools was submitted and on motion read a first
On motion By-Law No. 41 was read a second time,after
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McNaughton moves that
the amounts as salaries to Local Superintendents in By-Law
No. 41 be altered to ~ 100 for the East Riding and ~ 80
for the West Riding.
motion lost.
- 238 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday the fifth day of June, 1856
The yeas and nays being demanded were taken as follows:
Yeas: Messrs. McCrady, McNaughton, Weaver and
Chute - 4
Nays: Messrs. McIntyre, Nicolls, McDougald,
Ermatinger, Harvey, McFarlane, Leach and
Gustin - 9
After which, By-Law No. 41 was read a third time and
finally passed.
By-Law No. 42 to repeal part of By-Law No. 38 in
reference to the appropriation of a certain sum on the
To\qnline between Yarmouth and Malahide was submitted and
read a first time.
On motion, By-Law No. 42 was read a second and third
time and finally passed, after which
Mr. Harvey, seconded by Mr Chute moves that the
Warden be requested to issue an address to the Ratepayers
of this County shewing the cause of the expected increase
in the present years taxes and also what future prospects
there are for liquidating the debts of the County.
Motion lost.
The Chairman of the Board of Road Directors submitted
report which was read when
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that the
report of Road Committee be adopted.
Mr. Ermatinger, seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that
the salary of the County Treasurer be raised from ~ 75
t~ ~ 100 from January 1856.
On motion the Council adjourned till half past three
The Council resumed.
The Chairman of Finance Committee submitted second
report which was read, after which
Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that the
second report of the Finance Committee be adopted.
- 239 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday the fifth day of June, 1856
By-Law Number 44 to provide for the general expen-
diture of the County including School appropriation was
submitted and read a first time, after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that the
Warden be instructed to correspond with the Directors of
the London and Port Stanley Railway Company requesting
said company to pay the interest on the loan for the stock
held by the Council in accordance with a resolution of
said Directors, passed on the 26th October, 1853.
On motion By-Law Number 44 was read a second and
third time and passed, after which
Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr. McDougald moves that the
Warden be authorized to place himself in communication with
partieE that may be found to negociate for the purchase of
the Port Stanley Gravel Road and to report thereon to this
Council at its next sitting. ' ,
The Council was put into Committee of the whole,
Council on the above motion.
Mr. Harvey in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Chairman reported the adoption of the above reso-
lution which was confir.med by the Council.
The Chairman of Committee on Public Improvements
submitted report which was read and adopted.
On motion the Council adjourned till nine o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Wm. McKay
R. Johnson
- 240 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Fourth Day
Friday the sixth day of June, 1856
The Council met according to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. McCrady
The previous days proceedings were read and author-
ized to be signed.
Mr. Love presented account for work in the office of
the Clerk of the Peace and Jail, amounting to the sum of
ten pounds three shillings and seven pence which was, on
motion of Mr. Nicolls seconded by McFarlane ordered to
be paid.
By-Law Number 45 in reference to Municipal offices
was submitted and read a first time, after which
Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that By-Law
Number 45 for the payment of certain officers of the: :.~
Municipality and for the repealing of By-Law Number 23
be read a first time.
Mf,. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. McDougald moves that
By-Law No. 45 be read a second time.
Mr. McCrady seconded by Mr. Nicolls moves that
By-Law No. 45 be read a third time and passed.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
the Warden be instructed to make an arrangement with the
Bank of Montreal or any other source that may be advisable
for a loan of ~ 1,400 required by the several Municipali-
ties that the same may be available by the first day of
July and that the Warden be authorized to sign a note for
the same, payable on the first day of January 1857 and that
the interest be deducted from the amounts that may be received
by the Munibipalities.
Motion lost.
- 241 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Friday the 6th day of June, 1856
Adjourned till called by the Warden.
William McKay
R. Johnson
- 242 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 18th day of November, 1856
The Council met this day at one o'clock pursuant to
notice given by order of the Warden.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present
Messrs. McFarlane
The proceedings of the last day of the previous ses-
sion were read and authorized to be signed, after which
The Warden addressed the Council.
The following communications were read:
From the Secretary of the London and Port Stanley
Railway Company in reference to the payment of the
interest on the ~ 20,000 loaned out of the Munici-
pal Loan Fund.
From the Legislative Assembly Office intimating
that a case containing eleven copies of the
Journals of the Legislative Assembly has been
forwarded to the Clerk for the several Munici-
From the Secretary's Office, Toronto advising that
20 copies of the Statutes of the last Session has
been ordered to the County Council for the pur-
pose of being furnished at the rate of two copies
to each Municipality, after which
Mr. Gustin, seconded by ~tr. McNaughton, moves that
this Council request the Board of Directors on the
London and Port Stanley Gravel Road to present the
statement as promised by Mr. Nichol at the last
sitting of this Couhcil shewing a full statement
of the receipts disbursements and contracts up to
this date with reference to the said road, after
- 243 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Tuesday the 18th day of November, 1856
The Warden stated that he had received an application
from Mr. Bens for the office of Road Superintendent which
was read and referred to Road Committee.
The Warden also laid before the Council a communi-
cation from David Harvey, Esquire in reference to the
appointment of County Engineer, after which
Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr. McCrady moves that this
Council en masse visit the public works under supervision
of the County Engineer this afternoon and that this Coun-
cil do now adjourn for that purpose to meet again at 9
o'clock tomorrow 'morning.
William McKay
Joseph Harvey
- 244 -
( I
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Second Day
Wednesday the 19th day of November, 1856
The Council met at 9 o'clock forenoon.
The Warden being absent, Mr. Harvey was appointed
Members present
Messrs. Chute
The previous days proceedings were read and signed,
after which
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McNaughton moves that the
Clerk be instructed to lay before this Council the plans
and specifications of the Enginee~ relative to the job at
Blackwood's Mill Pond, also that he lay before this Coun-
cil the Contractors Bonds.
Mr. McFarlane, seconded by Mr. McCrady moves that Mr.
Fraser be sent for and appear before this Council and give
explanations in reference to the Bridge across Mr. Black-
wood's MillPond.
Mr. Nicolls, seconded by Mr. Meek moves that Mr. Love
address the Council regarding the Bridge at Blackwood's
Mr. Love addressed the Council.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
further sum of ~ 20 be added to the salary of Edmund
Sheppard, Local Superintendent of Common Schools in the
East Riding of the County.
On motion the Council adjourned till two o'clock
Council resumed.
- 245 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the 19th day of November, 1856
The Warden in the Chair.
The Warden laid before the Council a communication
from John Ellison making appiication for the office of
Road Superintendent.
Referred to Road Committee, after which
Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that
the Road Superi~tendent be instructed to lower the cul-
vert opposite Mr. Widdowfield's farm on the Port Stanley
Gravel Road at the earliest convenience.
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane moves that
By-Law Number 38 be so amended as to authorize the
Treasurers of the several Municipalities to retain the
several amounts as appropriated in said By-Law and that
the Clerk notify the Municipal Treasurers to that effect,
after which '
Mr. McIntyre, seconded by Mr. Weaver moves that the
Clerk be authorized to purchase at the Education Office
Toronto, such'books and apparatus for the Library and
Museum under the management of the County of Elgin
Teachers' Association as they may select and that the
sum of ten pounds currency of the County funds be set
apart for that purpose.
Mr. McNaughton seconded by Mr. McCrady moves that
the salary of the Superintendent of Common Schools for
the East Riding of this County of Elgin be advanced to
ninety pounds for the present year.
The yeas and nays being demanded were taken as fol-
Yeas: Messrs. McNaughton, Gustin, Weaver, McCrady,
Harvey, Meek, Nicolls, Chute - 8
Nays: Messrs. McDougald, McFarlane, McIntyre,
Leach - 4
Motion carried by a majority of 4
after which
- 246 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Wednesday the 19th day of November, 1856
Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McIntyre moves that a
Gentleman present be allowed to shew a map of North
America which he is offering for sale.
Council adjourned till ten o'clock tomorrow
William McKay
R. Johnson
- 247 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Third Day
Thursday the 20th day of November, 1856
The Council met at 10 o'clock.
The Warden in the Chair.
(R. Johnson, Warden)
Members present
Messrs. Ermatinger
The previous days proceedings were read and signed,
after which
The Chairman of Finance Committee submitted report
which was read and adopted, after which
The Chairman of Road Committee submitted Report and
detailed statement of receipts and disbursements on account
of the Gravel Road which were read and on motion, adopted.
Mr. Neil presented account amounting to ~ 1.10.0
which was ordered to be paid.
Moved by Mr. McNaughton, seconded by Mr. Harvey that
the Warden be authorized to advertise for tenders to be
received till the first day of January next for the pur-
chase of that portion of the London and Port Stanley Road
comprised within the County of Elgin and that said tenders
be submitted to this Council at the next meeting on the
second Thursday in January.
Moved by Mr. McCrady, seconded by Mr. McFarlane that
the application of the Secretary of the Board of the
Western Division of Public Instruction for the sum of ~ 20
to defray the incidental expenses of the Board. for the
current year be entertained and that the sum of five
pounds be granted to the Board of the Eastern Division
- 248 -
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860)
Thursday the 20th day of November, 1856
of Public Instruction for incidental expenses during the
current year.
Moved by Mr. Gustin, seconded by Mr, Ermatinger that
the Warden be authorized to engage a competent person to
measure the public work done on the Mill Pond of Mr.
Blackwood when required.
By-Law No. 45 to amend By-Law No. 38 was submitted
and read a first time.
By-Law No. 46 appropriating the sum of twenty five
pounds on the County line between the Townships of Ald~
borough and Oxford was submitted and read a first time.
On motion, By-Law No. 45 was read a second and third
time and finally passed.
On motion By-Law No. 46 was read a second and third
time and finally passed.
W. McKay
R. Johnson