1860 Minutes - 398 - r , (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FIRST SESSION 1860 The Municipal Council of the County of Elgin met accord- ing to Law on Tuesday the 24th day of January 1860. ( The Clerk having received certificates from the respect- ive Municipal Clerks in favour of the following Gentlemen who answered to their names and took their seats as Reeves and Deputy Reeves elected by the several Municipal Councils in the County. NAMES Colin McDougald David Decow Peter Gow James Begg Archibald Kerr George Southwick Daniel Luton James Aqnstrong Hugh maginnis Isaac Chambers John H. Jones George Yeoull John Wismer George Suff~l OFFICE Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Deputy Reeve Reeve Reeve muNICIPALITY Aldborough Dunwich Dunwich Southwold Southwold St. Thomas Yarmouth Yarmouth malahide malahide Bayham Bayham Dorchester Vienna c ADDRESS mILES Aldborough 31 Iona 14 Tyrconnell 18 St. Thomas Iona 16 St. Thomas N. Sarum 9 Union 8 Salem 20 Aylmer 17 Straffordville 23 Pt. Burwell 30 mapleton 10 Vienna 28 ( c The members being all present were called to order. The Clerk in the Chair, after which it was moved by Mr. ,Begg, seconded by Mr. Decow that George Southwick Esquire, be appointed Warden of ~he County of Elgin for the current year. In amendment first, moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that Mr. Suffel'be Warden of this County for the pres- ent year. (Cont'd) c l L - 399 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 24th January 1860 (--- , Moved by Mr. Maginnis, seconded by Mr. Chambers that Mr. Armstrong be Warden of the County for the ~resent year. The amendments and original motion were then put and lost.' , Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that Mr. Youell be elected Warden for the current year. In amendment first, moved by Mr. Maginnis, seconded by Mr. Chambers that Mr. Armstrong be Warden of the County for the present year. In amendment second, moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Decow that George Southwick be W~rden of the County for the present year. The amendments and original motion were then put and lost, after which C Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow morning! Motion carried by casting vote of Chairman. c c c ( ( (Cont'd) l - 400 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FIRST SESSION 1860 : Second Day Wednesd~ the 25th day of January 1860 c The Council met at nine o'clock forenoon. The Clerk in the Chair. r ~ messrs. McDougald Gow Decow Begg Kerr Southwick Luton Members present Armstrong Maginnis Chambers Wismer Jones Youell Suffel The proceeding of previous day were read, after which it was Moved by Mr. Decow, seconded by Mr. Wismer that Dr. Southwick be Warden of the County for the present, year. In amendment, moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Chambers that James Armstrong Esquire be appointed Warden for the pres- ent, year. ' The question being put on the amendment the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: ' c Yeas: Messrs. Kerr, Gow, Armstrong, Luton, Chamber and Maginnis,- 6 Nays: Messrs. Jones, Yeouell, Suffel, Southwick, Wismer, Decow,'McDougald and Begg - 8 Amendment lost by majority of 2. The original motion being then put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Yeoull, Southwick, Wismer, Decow, McDougald and Begg, 'Jones - 7 Nays: Messrs. Suffel, Maginnis, Chambers, Luton, Armstrong, Gow and Kerr - 7 c Motion lost be casting vote of Mr. Luton. , ~ (Cont'd) l - 401 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 25th January 1860 'C Reeve of Yarmouth being the Municipality having the greatest number of names on the Assessment Roll. Moved by Mr. Decow, seconde& by Mr. Wismer that Dr. Southwick be appointed Warden of the County for the pres- ent year. ' In amendment, moved by Mr. Chambers seconded by Mr. Luton that James ArmstrOng Esquire be appointed Warden for .the present year. ' , On the amendment being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: (' c Yeas: Messrs. Kerr, Gow, ArmstrOng, Luton, Chambers, and Maginnis and Suffel - 7 Nays: Messrs. Begg, McDougald, Decow, Wi~mer, Southwick, Jones and Youell - 7 The votes being equal, Mr. Luton gave casting vote for the amendment, which was carried accordingly. Mr. Armstrong, the Warden elect, made the declaration of office before His Honour Judge Hughes and then addressed the Council. c The Clerk then read the proceedings of the last day of the previous Session, which were authorized to be signed as also the proceeding of the previous day. The following communications were then read by the Clerk. From the Secretary Board of Inspectors of Prisons re- specting appointing a committee to confer with them. From the Norfolk County Council relating to an appropriation for the County line between Bayham and Houghton. ' From the County Council of Huron and Bruce in reference to alterations, in the Assessment Laws. From the County Council of Oxford relating to resolution of the Council in reference to incendiarism. c c c (Cont'd) c ( - 402 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 25th January 1860 From the Middlesex County Council relating to appro- priation made to the Wardsville Bridge by that Council. Petition of James K. Hill of Yarmouth, in reference to Edgeware Road allowance and survey of side road between Nos. 4 and 5 on said roa~. . From the Crown Lands Department in reference to petition of this Council relating to obstructions to the passage of.fish up the creeks and rivers. From the Provincial Secretary in reference to the distribution of the Consolidated Statutes. c c c From John McLean, relating to his appointment of Grammar School, Trustee. From the Education Office relating to County Con- ventions. c Report of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company. From Henry Disher, Returing Officer 2nd Rural Ward, Malahide. ( From County Treasurer, relating to County Finances. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that the several Committees of Public Improvement, Finance and Education be appointed in accordance with the rules of Council and to consist of five members each. The following members were accordingly voted said Committees. Finance Messrs. McDougald, Decow, Southwick, Youell, Suffel Education Messrs. McDougald, Southwick, Suffel, Youell, Jones Public Improvements Messrs. Jones, Begg, McDougald, Decow, Wismer Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that this Council adjourn to meet at two o'clock afternoon. c I " (Cont'd) c - 403 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 1860) 25th January 1860 .. Council resumed. c The Warden nominated W. J. White one of the Auditors of the County for the current year, after which it was Moved by mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that D. J. Hughes Esquire be appointed County Auditor for the present year. In amendment it was, moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Wismer that A. J. Allworth be appointed a County Auditor for the present year. On the amendment being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: c Yeas: Messrs. Wismer, Luton and McD9ugald - 3 Nays: Messrs. Jones, Youell, Suffell, Maginnis, Chambers, Kerr and Gow - 7 Amendment lost by majority of 4. On. the original motion being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: c ( Yeas: messrs. Youell, Suffel, Maginnis, Chamb~rs, Kerr, Gow and McDougald, Jones - 8 Nays: Messrs. Wismer and Luton - 2 Original motion carried by a majority of 6. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Revd. E. Sheppard, Local Superintendent of Schools, be called upon to address this Council on the subject of Education. Mr. Sheppard being present made statements before the C ounc il. His Honour Judge Hughes also addressed the Council relative to the office of Local Superintendept. _ Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Revd. mr. Sheppard and D. J. Hughes Esquire be appointed Local Superintenderits of Schools for the East Riding of the County for the ensuing year with a salary of three hundred dollars for the year to be paid to Mr. Sheppard. \ ( ( C ont ' d) c - 'l-O'l- - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 25th January 1860 r In amendment first, moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Wismer that the Revd. Mr. Sheppard be appointed Local Super- intendent of Schools for the East Riding of the County of Elgin with a salary of three hundred dollars for the year. r " In amendment second, it was moved by Mr. Youell, sec- onded, by Mr. Decow that the Revd. E. Sheppard and D. J. Hughes be Local Superintendents of Schools in for the County of Elgin during the current year at a salary of five hundred dollars to be paid to Mr. Sheppard. On the second amendment being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: ( Yeas: Messrs. Decow, Luton, Wismer, Chambers, Youell and Jones - 6 Nays: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Maginnis, Southwick and Suffel - 7 Second motion lost. On the first amendment being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Maginnis and Southwick - 6 N~s: Messrs. Jones, Youell, Suffel, Chambers, Wismer, Luton and Decow - 7 First amendment lost. c The main motion was then put when the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Decow, Chambers, Maginnis, Suffel, Youell and Jones -10 Nays: Messrs. Southwick, Wismer and Luton - 3 Main ,motion carried by a-majority of 7. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Kerr that John L. McColl be appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for the West Riding of the County with a 'salary of two hundred and twenty dollars. l (Cont'd) l - 405 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 25th January 1860 c In amendment it was moved by Mr. Decow, seconded by Mr. Luton that John S. McColl be Superintendent of Schools for the West Riding with a salary of two hundred dollars for the year. On the amendment being put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Decow, Luton, Wismer, Chambers, Youell, and Jones - 6 N~s: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Maginnis, Southwick and Suffel - 7 ' Amendment lost by majority of 1. The main motion being then put the yeas and nays were taken down as follows: c Yeas: Messrs. Suffel, Southwick, Maginnis, McDougald, Gow, Kerr and Begg - 7 ( Nays: Messrs. Decow, Luton, Wismer, Chambers, Youell and Jones - 6 ' Motion carried and amendment lost. Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Suffel'that Judge Hughes and John McK~ Esquire be reappointed Grammar School Trustees of the St. Thomas County Grammar School. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Yoell and resolved that George Suffel and Sameul Guernsey be appointed Trustees of the Vienna County Grammar School. In amendment moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Dr. Southwick C that Thomas Edison and Samuel Garnsey be appointed Trustees of the Vienna County Grammar School. On the amendme~t being put the yea~ and nays were taken as follows: C Yeas: Messrs. Luton, Wismer, Chambers, Southwick and Suffel - 6 Nays: Messrs. Jones, Youell, Decow, McDougald, Gow, Kerr and Begg - 7 ( Amendment lost. (Cont'd) c - 406 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 1860) .Or 25th January 1860 The main motion being put the yeas and nays were taken as follows: \ Yeas: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Decow, Luton, Wismer, Chambers, Youell and Jones - 10 N~s: Messrs. Suffel and Southwick - 2 Motion carried by a majority of 8. c Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Begg that the resolution of this Council requiring the yeas and nays to be taken on all questions be rescinded as the law provides for recording of the same. ' Carried. c Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Warden, Dr. Southwick and Mr. Begg be a Special Committee to meet the Inspectors of Prisons whe~ they visit this County. Carried. ( Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the reports of the Boards of Trustees of the St. Thomas and Vienna County Grammar Schools be referred to the Committee on Education. c Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that the Treasurers Statement and other matters connected with the finances of the County now before this Council be referred to the Committee on Finance. Carried. (, Moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. do now adjourn till ten o'clock tomorrow the several Commtttees to meet. Decow that the Council morning to allow c William McKay County Clerk James Armstrong Warden c r ~ (Cont'd) l - 407 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) Thursday, 26th January 1860 r : The Council met accoring to adjour~ent at ten o'clock forenoon. c The Warden in the Chair. Messrs. McDougald Suffel Wismer Youell Jones Southwick Chambers Members present Gow Decow Begg Kerr Luton Maginnis c The proceedings of the previous d~ were read and autho - . rized to be signed. (signed - James Armstrong) The Clerk read a communication from the Trustees of the G V-ienna Grammar School relating to the appointment of Trustees. The Chairman of Finance Committee submitted report, after which it was MOved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr.J,ones that the report of Finance Committee be received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the report of the Committee on Finance be adopted. G Carried. The Chairman of Committee on Education submitted report, after which it was Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the report of Committee on Education be received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that the Council do go into Committee of the whole on the report of the Education Committee. c: The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Begg in the Chair. ( (Cont'd) ( - 408 - c (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860 26th January 1860 .. The Council resumed. c The Chairman reported the adoption of the report of the Education Committee, amended by the Committee of the whole as follows: That the second clause appropriating one hundred dollars to the Vienna County Grammar School be struck out. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that the report of the Committee of the whole on Education Report be received and adopted as amended by said Committee of the whole. Carried. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by mr. Youell that the report of the Committee on Education be not C received as amended but that it be referred back to a Committee of the whole. On ,the amendment being put the yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows: c Yeas: Messrs. Jones, Suffel, Southwick and Wismer - 5 N~s: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, McDougald, Decow, Luton, maginnis, and Chambers - 8 The amendment was lost and the main motion being then put was carried and the report was adopted. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that one hundred and fifty copies of the By-Laws of this Council be printed in pamphlet form and that the Clerk is hereby in- structed to receive tenders to be submitted at next meeting of Council from the Editors of the Despatch and Home Journal and ., , from A. Price, Aylmer, for the printing thereof and it is further understood by those tendering that should any of the Municipalities of this County de~ire any printing done that the successful tenders shall do it at the same rate as that paid by the County. C c Carried, after which it was c (Cont'd) c - Lj.09 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - '1860) 26th January 1860 ( Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Decow.and resolved, that the opinion of this Council, the Union of the St. Thomas Grammar School, with the Common School, would add efficiency and usefulness to the said schools and also that the schools could thereby be carried on with greater economy without prejudice to the present or future appropriations to said school. ( Carried. c Moved by Suffel, seconded by mr. Youell that the Council adjourn till two o'clock. Carried. c The Council resumed. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that the Clerk be directed to draft a By-Law to confirm By- Law No. 158 of the Council of the Township of Bayham to con- vey a certain road allowance therein mentioned. Carried. The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law No. 79 to confirm By-Law of the Township of Bayham conveying a certain road allowance therein mentioned. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 79 be received and read a first time. Carried. c Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel that By-Law No. 79 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Decow, seconded by Mr. McDougald that By- Law No. 79 be read a third time and finally pass. Carried, after which it was Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Youell that in the opinion of this Council the present law regarding the unlimited rate of interest on money effects injuriousiy the best interests of this Countryand'that a petition be for- warded by this Council to the various branches of the Legislature, pr~ing that the Law be so amended that interest c c (Cont'd) c - ""t"..LV - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 26th January 1860 r , : beyond eight percent be prohibited and that the system of making notes of discount payable at other'Bariks than that where discounted and thereby Charging more than the. law directly allows should be prohibited by immediate legis- lation. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that the Treasurer of the County be directed to furnish to the Council of B~ham a list of all land returned as non- residents giving the number of lot and number of concession and the years for which the said lands were returned in arrears of tax~s in said Township of Bayham. Carried. (' The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law No. 80 relating to Auctioneers Licenses. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 80 b~ received and read a'first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law Number eighty be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 80 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that the C Clerk be authorized to procure bound Asse?sment and Collectors Rolls, also assessment slips, same as previous year. Carried. Moved by Mr. mcDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that all motions or applications for money for public improvement be referred to the Committee on Public Improvements. Carried. c ( (Cont'd) c - 411 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 26th January 1860 Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Dr. Southwick that this Council petition the Legislatur~ at the nex~ Session thereof, pr~ing that some alteration may be made in the Assessment Law of this Province as regards incoproated villages in as much as the assessment according to rental as the law now stands is unjust both to Landlord and Tenant and that the assessment be made on the real value in the same manner as it is in Townships. c Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that Dr. Southwick, Mr. Begg and Mr. Luton be a committee to receive tenders and accept the lowest for the printing of this County that they have the Auditors Statement published in detail by the party making the lowest t~nder and that 200 copies be printed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Chamber, seconded by ~rr. Maginnis that this Council petition the Legislature to pass a prohibitory liquor law. ' Yeas: Messrs. Jones, Suffel, Chambers, Maginnis, Southwick, Luton, Wismer, Decow, McDougald, Gow and Kerr - 11 Nays: Messrs. Youell and Begg - 2 Motion carried. c Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow moves that this Council adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning'to allow the Committee on Public Improvements to meet. William McK~ County Clerk James Armstrong Warden (Cont'd) c ..-....~- -------.-----~--.,--~---- -- - 412 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FIRST SESSION 1860 " , .. Fourth D~ Friday the 27th day of Jan~ary 1860 c The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. Begg Kerr Gow McDougald Southwick Luton Decow Wismer Maginnis Chambers Suffel Youell Jones The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorized to be signed. At request of the Warden, the County Treasurer appeared before this Council and made statement in reference to the finances. of the County and the rate of interest required to be paid for loans. ' Sheriff Munro made statement to the Council relating to his account for the conveyance of lunatic to the Provincial Asylum. The Warden submitted a communication from the County Auditor; which was read. The Chairman of Committee on Public Improvements submitted report, which was read, after which it was Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the re- port of the Committee on Public Improvements be received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell:, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the report of the Committee on Public Improvements be adopted. c. ~.. (Cont'd) ( - "+1,) - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 ~ 1860) 27th January 1860 r , In amendment it was moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Dr. Southwick that the report of the Committee on Public Improve- ments be referred to Committee of the whole. ( Amendment carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Suffel in the Chair. ~' I The Council resumed. The Chairman reported the adoption of the report of C ommi ttee on Public Improvemen~s without amendment, after which c Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Youell moves that the report of the Committee on Public Improvements be adopted. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Kerr that the report of Committee on Public Improvements be not adopted. The yeas and nays being called for on the amendment were taken down as follows: c Yeas: Messrs. Begg, Kerr, Gow, Luton, Wismer, Maginnis, and Chambers - 7 r ,-,' Nays: Messrs. Jones, Youell, Suffel, Southwick, McDougald and Decow :.. 6 The amendment was carried by a majority of 1 and the main motion was not put. c The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law Number 81 relating to Educational matters, after which it was , Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law No. 81 be read a first time. ' Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Kerr that By-Law Number 81 be read a second-time. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Luton that By- Law No. 81 be read a third time and finally pass. (: (~ (Cont'd) l _. "~--~"-'--'-----.- - 414 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 27th January 1860 r Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Luton that the County Treasurer be furnished with a copy of the 'consolidated statutes C of Upper Canada for the use of his office. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Wismer that the resolution of this Council for,the non adoption of the report of the Committee on Public Improvements be rescinded and that the said report be adopted. Carried. On the motion being put the yeas and nays being called for were taken down as follows: r " Yeas: Messrs. Southwick, Jones, Youell, Suffel, Wismer, Decow,and McDougald -'7 Messrs. Chambers, Maginnis, Luton, Gow, Kerr and Begg' - 6 ' Nays: Motion carried by a majority of 1. moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Wismer that one hundred dollars be granted to the Vienna County Grammar School not withstanding the decision arrived at yesterday. Carried. c: Mr. McDougald submitted draft of By-Law Number 82 appropriating certain amounts for County lines, after which it was Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 82 be received and read a first time. Carried. ' Moved by Mr. Youell seconded by Mr. Suffel that By-Law No. 82 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. McDougald that By- Law No. 82 be read a third time and finally passed. c. Carried. ( (Cont'd) ( - 415 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 27th January 1860 ( The Warden submitted communication from James Wright making application for the office of Clerk of this Council. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel and resolved that this Council do appoint William mcKay Clerk of said Council for the present year at a salary of four hundred dollars per annum. Carried. ( / , Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council adjourn till.the second Tuesday of June next. c William McKay Clerk James Armstrong Warden r , . ( (Cont'd) ,- - "tolO - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SECOND SESSION 1860 c'- Tuesday the 12th day of June 1860 The Council met according to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. r , Members present Messrs. McDougald Gow Decow Begg Kerr Southwick Suffel Luton Maginnis Chambers Youell Jones Wismer c The Warden addressed the Council. The following communications were then read. From the Provincial Board of Prison Inspectors. From the Revd. E. Sheppard resigning the office of Lqcal Superintendent. From the Revd. Mr. Berry in reference to the office of Local Superintendent. From D. J. Hughes resigning the office of Local Superintendent of Common Schools. From the Clerk of the Norfolk County Council in reference C, to an appropriation for the County line between Bayham and Houghton. c From the Middlesex County Council in reference to grants for the erection of the McIntosh Bridge and the erection of a Prison at Strathroy. From MacCar-and Company in reference to Municipal reports. From the Council of Ontario relating to mileage of members of Council. / '-., ( From the Council of the County of Perth relating to By-Law for the observance of the Sabbath. From the Queens Printer relating to reduction in price of Consolidated Statutes. / '-., From Clerk of County Council of Kent relating appropriation for County line between Aldborough and Orford. (Cont'd) ( - lJ.17 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings; 1852 - 1860) 12th June 1860 .. From'Hon. J. Prince, David Chrestie, R. Mattheson, George Macbeth, J. G. McMicken and L. Burwell, ac- knowledging rece'ipt of petitions of, this Council and submitted to the Legislature. CI Presentment of Grand Jury March Sessions. Auditors detailed statement and report also report of School accounts. Statement of receipts, Port Stanley Railway Company. From the Education office with statement of Legislative grant for Common Schools for the present year as follows: Aldborough Bayham Dorchester, South Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth $ 252.00 561 .00 213.00 344.00 663.00 732.00 643.00 $3,408.00 c The Warden submitted report of the County Treasurer with statements of County finances and estimate required to be provided for during the current year. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Youell that all accounts or communications of a financial nature be referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. Moved by Mr.'McDougald, seconded by Mr. Suffel that a committee of nine members be appointed to equalize the assessments of the ~ounty namely Messrs. Jones, Suff~l, Southwick, Wismer, Maginnis, Begg, Decow, Luton and ~he mover. ' Carried. c~ (Cont t d) '- - 418 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 12th June 1860 (~ .. Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by,Mr. Begg that the resignations of Messrs. Hughes, Berry and Sheppard, School Superintendents for East Elgin be accepted. ' Carried. c Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Dr. Southwick that the Auditors Report be received and referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council adjourn till tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, that the Committee on Equalization of Assessments and other Committees may meet. ' Carried. William McKay C. Clerk James Armstrong Warden c c l (Cont'd) c - 419 -. (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SECOND SESSION 1860 Wednesday the 13th June 1860 The Council met at 9 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. Decow McDougald Begg Kerr Southwick Wismer Suffel Luton Maginnis Chambers Jones' Youell Gow Proceedings of previous day read and signed. Mr. McDougald, Chairman of Finance Committee submitted report, after which it was c Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the report of Standing Committee on Finance be read. The Clerk then read Finance Report. , ,-- Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by mr. Suffel that the report of Finance Committee be adopted. Carried. In amendment moved by Mr. Youell, secondea by Mr. Decow that the report of Finance Committee be not now adopted but that it be referred back to the Committee to be amended so far as relates to that part of it in reference to the seventh section of the Auditors Report, that all after the words, "of this County" be struck out. Lost. The yeas and nays being called for on'the amendment were taken as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Begg, Luton, Decow, Youell, Kerr and Jones - 6 , ~ \", (Cont'd) ( - '1-20 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 13th June 1860 , r N~s: Messrs. Southwick, Suffel, Wismer, McDougald, Gow, Chambers and Maginnis - J Amendment lost by majority of 1. The main motion was then put and carried. On the main motion being put the yeas and nays were called for and taken down as follows: (' r Yeas: Messrs. Southwick, Wismer, McDougald, Gow, Maginnis and Chambers - 7 N~s: Messrs. Decow, Youell, Kerr, Luton, Jones and Begg - 6 c Main motion carried by a majority of 1. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that this Council appoint a Special Committee to draft an address to be presented to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and that Dr. Southwick, Messrs. Suffel, McDougald and the mover be said Committee. Carried. c , Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that John D; Hutton be appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools for the East Riding of the County for the remainder of the year ending first of April 1861 at the same salary that Mr. Sheppard was to receive. Carried. c The Warden submitted a communication from J. M. Crawford, Chairman of the Vienna Board of School Trustees in reference to the qualifications of Mr. Hutton. Mr. Hutton being present addressed the Council. The motion to appoint Mr. Hutton, Local Superintendent for East Elgin was then put arid carrie~. ' Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that the Clerk be directed to draft a By-Law to confirm By-Law No. 151 of the Council of the Township of Bayham to dispose of Government road allowance in said Township. c c Carried. c (Cont'd) c - 421 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 13th June 1860 The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law No. 83 to confirm By-Law No. 151 of the Council of the Township of Bayham to dispose of the original allowance for road between 'Lots 20 and 21 in the Gore, north of Talbot, in said Township. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 83 be received and read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law No. 83 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel that By-Law No. 83 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the Warden appoint a committee of three members of this Council to draft a By-Law similar to the one now read for the better preservation of the public morals of the County and that the same be taken into consideration tomorrow. Carried. The Warden nominated Messrs. McDougald, Suffel and Southwick to be said committee. Moved by Mr. Youel~ seconded by Mr. Decow that this Council adjourn till two o'clock. Council resumed. Moved by Mr.Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that the matter of the disposal of the part of the Township line between Yarmouth and Southwold be referred to a committee of three and that the committee be composed of the Warden, Mr. Begg and Mr. Luton, to report at next meeting of this Council. Carried. (Cont'd) '-- - ..""" - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 1860) c \ 13th June 1860 Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Kerr that the Clerk be instructed to draft a By-Law to confirm'By-Law Number 76 of the Corporation of Southwold conveying to John Mason part of the original road allowance in front of lot number fourteen first range north of Lake Road in Southwold in liew of land taken from him for a public road. Carried. c Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 84 to confirm By-Law of the Township of Southwold be received and read a first time. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Begg that By-Law No. 84 be read a second time. c Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law No. 84 be read a third time and finally passed and that the Warden sign the same. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by ~tr. Jones that this Council adjourn till eleven o'clock tomprrow forenoon in order that the Committee on Equalization of Assessments may proceed to business. Mr. Kerr of Southwold obtained leave of absence for remainder of this Session. William McKay Council Clerk James Armstrong Warden c c , \..., (Cont'd) ( .._-~------_.~------.,.-~--~_.~~--.-~~-- - 423 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) SECOND SESSION 1860 Third Day Thursday the 14th day of June 1860 (1 The Council met at eleven o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. McDougald Gow Decow Begg Suffel Luton Maginnis Chambers Youell Jones' Wismer Southwick r, ',' The proceedings were read and authorized to be signed. _ The Chairman of the Committee on Equalization of Assess- ments submitted report, after which it was (i Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that th~ report of the Committee on Equalization of Assess- ments be now received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the report of the Committee on Equalization of Assessments be adopted. In amendment moved by mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Luton that the report on Equalization be not now adopted by this Council but that they go into Committee of the whole for the purpose of making amendments to the report. The question being put on the amendment and the names being called for ~ere taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Suffel, Southwick, Luton, Wismer and Begg - ,5 Nays: Messrs. Youell, Jones, Chambers, Maginnis, Gow, 'mcDougald, Decow - 7 Amendment lost by a majority of 2. ( (Cont'd) - Ll-ZLI- - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 -1860) 14th June 1860 The question being again proposed that the report be adopted, when Dr. Southwick moved in amendment, seconded by Mr. Luton that this Council adjourn till two o'clock. The question being put on this amendment, the Council divided and the names being called for were taken down as follows: c Yeas: Messrs. Southwick, Suffel, Luton, Wismer - 4 Nays: Messrs. Youell, Begg, Jones, Chambers, Maginnis, Decow, MacDougald, Gow - 8 Amendment lost. The question being again proposed that the report be adopted. when Mr. Luton moved in amendment, seconded by Dr. Southwick that this Council adjourn till two o'clock. Amendment lost. The main motion that the report of the Committee on Equalization be adopted was then put and carried. The yeas and nays being called for on the main motion were taken as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Youell, Jones, Chambers, Maginnis, Gow, McDougald, Decow - 7 Nays: Messrs. Southwick, Begg, Suffel, Luton, Wismer - 5 Main motion carried by a majority of 2 and the report was adopted accordingly~ Moved by Mr. 'McDougald, seconded by Mr. Decow that this Council adjourn to meet again at two o'clock. Carried. Council resumed. The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law No. 85 to raise the sum of $3,408 for Common Schools being equivalent to the Legislative grant. ( (Cont'd) ( - ..~;) - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 -1860) 14th June 1890 Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. McDougald that By-Law No. 85 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Maginnis, seconded by Mr. Suffel that By-Law No. 85 be read a second time. Carried. , Moved by Mr. Wismer, seconded by Mr. Luton that By-Law Number 85 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law Number 86 to raise the sum of $27,107 for County purposes. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Begg that By-Law Number 86 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Maginnis that By-Law No. 86 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Wismer that By-Law Number 86 be read a third time and finally pass. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel that when this Councilor any committee are in session no smoking be allowed in the room. Carried. The Chairmah of Special Conimi ttee appointed to draft an address to the Prince of Wales submitted an address which had been adopted by the Committee. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the address to His Royal Highness_the Prince of Wales a~oRted by the Special Committee be received and read. The Clerk read the address, after which it was (Cont'd) ( - 426 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 14th June 1860 . .( Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Dr. ,Southwick that the address to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales now read be adopted and that the Warden do call a special-meeting of this Council to present the same on the arrival of,the Prince of Wales at London. ( Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones and resolved that whereas there being reports of an opportunity to dispose of the interest of the County in the London and Port Stanley Railway Company, therefore be it further resolved that the Warden be authorized to receive any proposals that 'may be made for the purchase of said Railway and should he deem any offers that may be made worthy of attention that he call a special meeting of this Council to consider the matter. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Dr. Southwick that in consideration of the large and excessive amounts paid by Villages of St. Thomas and Vienna as County rates for the years 1856, 1857,1858, and 1859, this Council 'do n0W cancel the balance -of County rate due by the Village of Vienna amount- ing to the sum of $663; and also $1,500 of the debt due by St. Thomas for County rate. Motion lost. The yeas and nays being called for the names were taken as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Suffel, Southwick - 2 Nays: Messrs. Luton, Begg, Youell, Jones, Chambers, Maginnis, Wismer, Decow, Gow,. McDougald - 10 , Motion lost by a majority of 8. Moved by ~r. Decow, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the sum of two hundred dollars be granted as an aid towards the erection of the McIntosh Bridge. Motion lost. c (Cont'd) " \... ( - Lj.2'1 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - i860) 14th June 1860 Yeas: Messrs. Decow, Jones, Youell, McDougald - 4 N~s: Messrs. Southwick, Luton, Begg, Gow, Suffel, Chambers, Maginnis, Wismer - 8 Motion lost by a majority of 4. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that the Clerk be authorized to tender the thanks of this Council to the Revd. E. Sheppard, late Local Superintendent of Common Schools for the East Riding of Elgin, for the very efficient manner which he discharged the duties of Local Superintendent of Common Schools for the East Riding of the County. Carried. r ( Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Warden be authorized to raise by way of ,loan the sum of $5~800 to meet present liabilities, should it be required; Carried. c Mov~d by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the Warden be authorized to sign orders for payment of the accounts adopted by the Finance Committee and that the Revd. Mr. Berry be paid one quarters salary as Local Superintendent till 1st July next. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell and resolved that the bond from William Vietch as Sub Treasurer of School monies for the Township of Bayham be delivered to him that the same is hereby cancelled and be it further resolved that the present Sub Treasurer of the Township of Bayham be requested to furnish his bond to this Council for said office. c Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Warden sign order for the payment of the_ copy of the Con- solidated Statutes furnished by the Clerk for the use of his office in the early part of the year. Carried. c~ (Cont'd) - 428 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 14th June 1860 .r Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Suffel that the Clerk order one copy of the Municipal Reports for each Reeve in the County for one year and that the Treasurer p~ for the same also one copy for the Clerk of this Council provided they can be procured at four dollars per copy. ( Yeas and nays called for. Yeas: Messrs. Southwick, McDougald, Jones, Suffel, Maginnis, Chambers, Wis~er - 7 - Nays: Messrs. Begg, Youell, Gow, Decow, Luton - 5 Motion carried by majority of 2. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Dr. Southwick that the Warden sign draft for members wages. Carried. moved by Mr. McDo~gald, seconded by Mr. Youell that this Council adjourn to meet again when called by the Warden upon the arrival of the-Prince of Wales in the event of the 'Prince not vis~ting this Country, then this Council to meet on the second Tuesd~ of October next. William McKay Clerk ' James Armstrong Warden c (- ~ (Cont'd) c - 429 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) THIRD SESSION 1860 r Special Meeting Tuesday the 11th 'day of September 1860 The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon pursuant to notice for a Special Meeting to make arrangements for the purpose of presenting an address to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales during his intended visit to the City of London. The Warden in the Chair. Messrs. Decow Gow Maginnis Kerr McDougald Suffel Members present Chambers Luton Begg Southwick Jones Wismer c The proceedings of the last day of the previous Session were read and authorized to be signed. The Warden addressed the Council, after which The Clerk read the following communications: From R. J. Pennefather, Civil Secretary in reference to the address of this Council to be presented to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Telegraph communication relating to the same subject. From Insurance Agents relating to cooking shed erected by the Jailer. From County Clerk, Brantford, in reference to alterations required tO,be made in Brant County Jail as required by Inspectorsof Prisons. From Inspecto~s of Prisons. From County Clerk, Middlesex, relating to repairs for Wardsville Bridge. (Cont'd) - 430 - 1860) " , Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Luton that the Warden be authorized to telegraph John J. McKenzie, C~airman of Reception Committee, to ascertai'nif the 'address of this Council can be presented on the arrival of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at London on Wednesday afternoon or 'what other time would be suitable. (' Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. McDougald and re- solved that Levi Fowler Esquire, late Warden of the'County of Elgin be and is ,hereby required to assign to the present Warden the Bank Stock in the Elgin County 'Bank, which is held by him in trust for said County, which stock the present Warden is to hold as well as Real Es"tate in trust for the use of the County duririg his term of office at the expiration of which he is required to assign the same to his successor in office for the before mentioned purpose and that the Clerk communicate w~th Mr. Fow~er to that effect. Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Jones that the sum of forty dollars be granted for the repairs of the Wards- ville Bridge and that the 'Reeve of Aldborough expend the amount and that the Warden be authorized to sign order for the same. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council adjourn till ten o'clock tomorrow morning. William McKay Clerk Hugh Maginnis Chairman ' (Cont'd) l. - 431 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 -' 1860) THIRD SESSION 1860 Second Day Wednesday the 12th September 1860 The Council met at 10 o'clock forenoon. Members present Messrs. Gow Kerr Jones Begg McDougald Decow Maginnis Chambers Wismer Youell Luton The Warden not being present,.on motion of Mr. McDougald, Mr. Maginnis was appointed Chairman. The proceedings of the previous day were then read, a;ft~r which The following communication were read by the Clerk. Telegraph communicati-on from J. J. mcKenzie, Chairman of Reception Committee relating to the time of present- ing address to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at the City of London. The Warden entered the Council Room and took the Chair, after which Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Jones moves that a Committee be appointed consisting of.Messrs. Decow, Begg and" Southwick to acertain if any reduction can be made in the expenses of the Gaol and the administration of Justice in the County with power to communicate with the authorities in other Counties regarding the expenses of the ,Administration of Justice and to report to this Council at next meeting. Carried. Moved by Mr. Decow, seconded by Mr. Kerr that this Council grant the sum of fifty dollars to fill up the south abutment and improve the hill leading to the McIntosh Bridge across the River Thames. t Carried. (Cont'd) - 432 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 12th September 1860 ( 'Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by J. H. Jones that the Warden be authorized to sign draft for members ,wages. Carried. r Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council do not meet again on the second Tuesd~ in October but that it be adjourned t.ill Tuesday the sixth day of November next to meet at 10 o'clock forenoon. Carried. William McKay Clerk James Armstrong Warden c (Cont'd) L l ".'-'"- ___~_ ..~........c...'; - .,. "_" - 4JJ - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FOURTH SESSION 1860 r Tuesd~ the sixth day ,of November 1860 ( The Council met according to notice at 10 o'ciock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. Begg Kerr McDougald Gow Decow Luton Chambers Maginnis Wismer Suffel Youell Southwick ( The proceedings of the last day of the previous Session were then read. The following communications were then read: From the Duke of Newcastle in answer to the address of this Council presented to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. From the Middlesex County Clerk intimating that the Middlesex Council had granted the sum of two hundred dollars toward the MacKintosh Bridge and forty dollars 10 the Wardsville Bridge. From the officers of the St. Thomas Mechanicis Institute making application for the use of Court Room for the delivery of lectures. From the County Clerk of Norfolk intimating that the Norfolk Council had appropriated one hundred dollars for improvement of the County line between Elgin and Norfolk. From the County Treasurer relating to County finances and also statement of lands five years in arrears for taxes in the Townships in the COUhty also monthly statements of expenditure and receipts. From several Insurance Agents relating to the grant- ing use of Court House for concerts, lectures etc. The Warden addressed the Council and stated that during the recess, the Real Estate of the late Treasurer was sold by the Sheriff and a portion thereof bought by him for the County, after which (Cont'd) - lI-3l1- - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 ~ 1860) 6th November 1860 . (. Moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Decow that Mr. Dexter be allowed to make statement before this Council in reference to the disposal of part of the original allowance for road C between Yarmouth and South Dorchester. Carried. Mr. Dexter addressed the Council, after which it was Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Luton that the parties interested in the road allowance between Yarmouth and South Dorchester at or near Mr. D~ers farm, be notified that the Council are about to reconsider the question of the disposal of said ro~d and the Clerk notify E. Cullver and John Learn to appear before this Council forthwith and a messenger be sent with the notice this afternoon that they appear tomorrow. Carried. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Gow that the report of the Committee appointed to examine that portion of the townline between Yarmouth and Southwold'on the easterly side of lots numbers 5,,' 6, 7, 8, and 9, second range east of the River Road in Southwold be now received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Luton that the Warden be authorized in accordance with By-Law Number 62 to give deeds of the original road allo~ance between Yarmouth and Southwold adjoining lots numbers 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, second range east of the River Road in Southwold to tile owners of said lots in liew of lands taken from them for a public road. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that this Council appoint a committee to examine the By-Laws of ~his Council preparatory to their beipg published and report to this Council tomorrow the 7th instant what By-Laws they con~ sider would be of benefit to the County to have published and that the committee consist of Messrs. Southwick, Suffel, McDougald, Begg and the mover. - Carried. c. (Cont'd) c - 435 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 1860) 6th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Y~uelL seconded by Mr.,Suffel that this Council appoint a committee to acertain the names pf the sureties of the County Treasurer and report to this Council forthwith and that the committee be composed of messrs. Suffel, Decow and the mover. ( Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Clerk be requested to draft a By-Law for the better protection of the public morals of the County and that the same be ' submitted for adoption on Wednesday. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Kerr that the Clerk draft a By-Law to confirm By-Law Number 78 of the Township of Southwold conveying to Ewin Cameron Esquire (the owner of lot number 13 north Lof Lake Road) that part of the original rbad allowance in front of lot number 13, first range north of said Lake Road in liew of land taken for a road. Carried. On motion of Mr. Suffel. seconded by Mr. Youell, the Council adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Carried. William McKay Clerk James Armstrong Warden (Cont'd) \ - 436 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FOURTH'SESSION 1860 r Second D~ Wednesday the 7th November 1860 r , The Council met at 10 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. Decow McDougald Youell Suffel Southwick Gow Jones, Chambers Maginnis, Wismer, Luton Kerr Begg The proceedings of the previous d~ were read and authorized to be signed, after which it was Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. MCDougald that the members of the St. Thomas Mechanics Institute be allowed the use of ~he Court Room in the Court House for public lectures during the ensuing winter. Carried. Mr. Begg, Reeve of Southwold submitted draft of By-Law No. 87 to confirm By-Law No. 78 of the Township of Southwold, it was then, Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Gow that By-Law Number 87 to confirm By-Law Number 78 of the Township of Soutwold be received and read. Carried. Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by James Begg that By-Law Number 87 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Maginnis, seconded by,Mr. Chambers that By- Law Number 87 be read a second time. Carried. (Cont'd) l - 437 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 7th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. ~ow that By-Law Number 87 be read a third time and be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Wismer that By-Law Number 88 for the better protection of the public morals in the County be submitted and read a first time. Carried. The Clerk read draft of By-Law Number 88. Moved by Mr. Wismer, seconded by Mr. Maginnis that By-Law Number 88 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. McDougald that ~y-Law Number 88 for the better protection of the public morals in this County be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Begg, seconded by Mr. Luton that the Council do adjourn till two o'clock. Carried. Council resumed. The Warden submitted petition of Richard A. Brook, E. M. Yarwood, E. Horton, Henry Vanbuskirk and James Bannerman, stock holders in the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company, praying for an -extention of the time for completion of said road. The Clerk read the petition. Moved by Mi. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that the Clerk draft a By-Law to extend the time for the completion of the St. Thomas ,and Aylmer Gravel RQad Company from May 1862 till the first day of November of same year. ( Carried. (Cont'd) \ - 438 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 7th November 1860 r Moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Wismer that this Council do now hear statement of the parties interested in the reconsidering-of a By-Law Numbered 74 passed by this Council in 1859 respecting the disposal of part of the allowance for road between Yarmouth and South Dorchester near Mr. Dexter's farm. Carried. c Messrs. Culver, Learn and Dexter being present made statement to the Council, after which Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Kerr moves that By-Law No. 74 entitled, "a By-Law to authorize the conveyance of a certain portion of the road allowance between Yarmouth and South Dorchester" be amended so far as it relates to the conveyance of seventy-two rods in length, two rods in width, being part of said road allowance mentioned in'-said By-Law to be conveyed to one John Learn and that a By-Law be drawn up and sumbitted accordingly. Carried. Mr. Youell, Chairman of the Committee on pubThication of By-Laws submitted report, which was read, after which it was Moved by mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Committee on the publication of County By- Laws be adopted and that the Clerk be authorized to have two hundred copies of the By-Laws embraced in the report of the Committee'printed in pamphlet form and also that two hundred copies of the public morals By-Law be printed in sheets for general circulation in the County and that five ~opies of County By-Laws in'pamphlet form and fifteen of the pbulic morals By-Law in sheets be furnished to each corporation in the County. Carried. The Chairman of the Committee appointed to report on sureties of County ~reasurer, submitted report, which was read. c Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded report of Committee on sureties of ceived and adopted. by Mr. Jones that the County Treasurer be re- Carried. (- '-.. (Cont'd) ( - - --"- -- ------- ---.- __.'_'_~____' _____~___.___~__. ._._ __~____ _____._.___~_ _.__ ._. - -0 _ ._..____ - 439 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 7th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. ,Jones and resolved that whereas many of the members of this Council are not aware of the standing of the sureties of the Gounty'Treasurer, they therefor request that the Warden have search made at the register office with a view to acertain what amount of property said sureties represent and report the same to the Council in Session tomorrow, the 8th instant. Carried. The Chariman of Standing Committee on Finance, submitted report. Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Begg that the report of Finance Committee be received and read. Carried. Moved by mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Kerr that the report of Finance Committee be adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Luton, seconded by Mr. Wismer that John Learn be paid for land occupied as a public road in lieu of the Township line between Y~rmouth and South Dorchester and that he receive the sum of twenty dollars for the same from the County. Motion lost. Moved by Mr. ~ouell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that the list of lands five~years in arrears for taxes be printed in sheet form, say two hundred copies and that twenty copies be furnished to each Municipality. Carried. Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. B~gg,-moves that the Council adjourn till ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Carried. t_ William McK~ Clerk James Armstrong Warden (Cont' d) :-.-"_._-.,---,-~.....--.,--~---~---- ..~-- --c---~_.._"'__ -~_'-_--._,.~.~._-.~~-.-~,- _ - '+'+0 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FOURTH SESSION 1860 ,- Third Day Thursday the 8th 'd~ of November 1860 C The Council met at 10 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. c Messrs. Decow , McDougald Gow Begg Kerr Southwick Wisiner Members present Luton Maginnis Chambers Jones Youell SuUe+ The proceedings of previous d~ were read and authorized to be signed, after which The Warden stated that he called on the Registrar re- garding the abstracts of title required by order of Council. The Registrar informed him that if a committee or Solicitor would come to the office and make the searches, he would allow them access to the records without charge. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that leave be given to bring in a By-Law Number 89, to provide for the inprovement of Township and County lines and the regulation of statute +abor whereon by the adjoining Municipalities and that said By-Law be received and read a first time. Carried. The Clerk read draft of By-Law No. 89. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law 89 be read a second time. Carried. moved by Mr Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council go into Committee of the whole on By-Law No. 89. Carried. l The Council went into Committee of the whole. , '.. (Cont'd) c (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 8th November 1860 r Mr. Maginnis in the Chair. Council resumed. ( The Chairman reported the adoption of the By-Law with the following amendment: That the Council of the County of Elgin authorize Corporations adjoining County and Township lines in the County to appropriate and regulate the perform- ance of statute labor on said Township and County lines. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law Number 89 relating to boundary lines be read a third time and finally passed as amended. Carried. In amendment Mr. McDougald, seconded by Dr. Southwick that the proposed By-Law Number 89 be not now read a third time but that it be read a third time this day three months. Lost. The amendment was then put and lost and the original motion was carried. On the original motion being put the yeas and nays were called for and taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Youell, Jones, Suffel, Wismer, Gow, Chambers and Maginnis - 7 Nays: Messrs. Luton, Southwick, Kerr, Decow, McDougald and Begg - 6 Main motion carried by majority of 1. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel and resolved that this Council adjourn to meet again_at two o'clock. Carried. \_, (Cont'd) ( - '+'+1 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 8th November 1860 r Mr. maginnis in the Chair. Council resumed. c The Chairman reported the adoption of the By-Law with the following amendment: That the Council of the County of Elgin authorize Corporations adjoining County and Township lines in the County to appropriate and regulate the perform- ance of statute labor on said Township and County lines. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law Number 89 relating to boundary lines be read a third time and finally passed as amended. Carried. In amendment Mr. McDougald, seconded by Dr. Southwick that the proposed By-Law Number 89 be not now read a third time but that it be read a third time this day three months. Lost. The amendment was then put and lost and the original motion was carried. On the original motion being put the yeas and nays were called for and taken down as follows: Yeas: Messrs. Youell, Jones, Suffel, Wismer, Gow, Chambers and Maginnis - 7 N~s: Messrs. Luton, Southwick, Kerr, Decow, McDougald and Begg - 6 Main motion ,carried by majority of L Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Suffel and resolved that this Council adjourn to meet again-at two o'clock. Carried. c (Cont'd) l - Ll-LI-2 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 8th November 1860 The Council resumed. The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law Number 90,. to extend the time for the completion of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road. ( Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 90 be received and read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that By-Law No. 90 to extend the time for completion of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 90 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. The Clerk submitted draft of By-Law Number 91 entitled, "a By-Law to repeal part of By-Law Number 74 of this Council so far as the same relates to the disposal of part of the original allowance for road between Yarmouth and South Dorchester". Carried. Moved by mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 91 relating to the disposal of part of Town Line Road between Yarmouth and South Dorchester be received and read a first time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by U~. Jones that By-Law Number 91 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that By-Law No. 91 be read a third time and finally passed. ,Carried. l. (Cont'd) \. ----------.,.- - 443 - . (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 8th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that the Special Committee appointed to enquire what reduction can be made in the expenses of this County do now submit their report if completed. Carried. Mr. Decow submitted report of Special Committee. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire what reduction can be made in the expenditure of the County be ,received and read. Carried. The Clerk read the report. On motion of Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones it was resolved that the Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of the Special Committee appointed to acertain what reduction ~an be made in the general expenses of the County. Carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Jones in the Chair. Council resumed. "r (- c c r \- The Chairman of Committee of the whole reported progress and asked leave to sit again, which was granted. On motion then adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. William McKay Clerk -James Armstrong Warden (cont'd) c , ~ c - ..,...,....,. - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 ~ 1860) FOURTH SESSION 1860 Fourth Day Friday the 9th day of November The Council met at 10 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Messrs. Wismer Suffel Jones Youell McDougald Luton Southwick Members present Maginnis Chambers Begg Kerr Gow Decow The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorized to be signed. The Committee of the whole resumed th~ consideration of the report of the Special Committee on County expenditure. mr'. Jones in the Chair. The Council resumed. The Chairman reported the report of the Committee of the whole as follows: That the matter be laid over for further consideration, which was adopted by the Council, after which it was , , Moved by mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Jones that Mr. King the Jailer be allowed at the rate of twenty~two cents per day for boarding each prisoner "confined in the gaol and fifty cents per doz. for washing for jail and prisoners.' Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that a committee consisting of the Warden, Dr; Southwick and Mr. Begg be appointed to advertise and receive tenders for the supply of wood required for the gaol and Court House. That an advertisement be inserted in the st. Thomas Despatch and Home Journal,' stating the quantity to be tendered for and time of delivery. Said tenders to be subject to approval of the Committee. Carried. l (Cont' d) - 445 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 9th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. ,McDougald that the committee of arrangements be allowed the use of the,Court Room for the Hon. George Brown to address the electors of this County, should he visit this place as anticipated. Carried. r 'I. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. McDougald that the committee appointed to examine and report on the sureties of the County Treasurer be allowed leave of absence for half an hour to visit the Register Officer in reference thereto. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Suffel and resolved that whereas it is reported the Attorney General, West, will visit this town on the 14th instant, be it further resolved that should the use of the Court Room be rquired for the purpose of holding a meeting, that it be granted. Carried. The Chairman of the committee appointed to report on the sureties of the County Treasurer, submitted report. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the report of the committee appointed to report on the sureties of the County Treasurer be received and read. Carried. The Clerk read the report. c moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that ,the report of the committee on the sureties of the County Treasurer be adopted. Carried. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that leave be given to bring in a By-Law Numbered, 92, to provide for the supply of food and fuel and other supplies required for the Gaol and Court House and that said By-Law be read a first time. c Carried. The Clerk read By-Law Number 92. ( C ont ' d) ( - 446 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) 9th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. ,Youell that By-Law Number 92 be read a second time. Carried. ( : Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that By-Law No. 92 be read a third time and finally passed. Carried. Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Decow that this Council reconsider the report of the Special Committee on general County expenditure. Carried. moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that this Council adjourn till two o'clock in the afternoon. Carried. Council resumed. Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. mcDougald that this Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of the Special Committee relative to the redirection of CQunty ex- penditure. Carried. The Council were put into Committee of the whole. Mr. Luton in the Chair. The Council, resumed and then adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. William McKay Clerk James Armstrong Warden c (Cont'd) \,- - Lj-LJ.'1 - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 - 1860) FOURTH SESSION 1860 Saturday the 10th day of November r The Council met at 10 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present Messrs. Decow McDougald Gow Begg Maginnis Luton Southwick Chambers Wismer Suffel Youell Jones Kerr The previous days proceedings read and authorized to be signed. _ The Committee of the whole resumed the consideration of the report of the Special Committee on County expenditure. Mr. Luton 'in the Chair. The Council rsumed. c The Chairman reported the adoption of the report of Special Committee on redirection of County expenditure with amendment. Moved by Dr. Southwick, seconded by Mr. Gow that the report of the Special Committee on County expenditure as amended in Committee of the whole be now adopted. Carried. c Moved by Mr. Youell, seconded by Mr. Jones that the Warden be allowed the sum of sixty dollars for his expenses and attendance tp County business during the current year and that he sign an order on the Treasurer for that amount. Carried. L /- '-- (Cont'd) c - -r"TV - (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1852 ~ 1860) 10th November 1860 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Clerk of this Council be allowed the sum'of fifty dollars in addition to his salary for the present year in consideration of the extra amount of labor devolving upon him in con- nection with the Special Committees of this Council and that the Warden do issue his order for the same. Carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell that the Warden be authorized to sign draft for members wages for the present Session and also wages of members of Special Committees. On motion of Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Youell, the Council adjourned, Sine Die. William McK~ County Clerk J. H. Jones Warden (Cont'd) \. ---.--;.::::-'-""~-"""~" -~--------~~--"-- ..- - , ' r c / ~ l.