1863 Minutes
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
27th January, 1863.
Tuesday the 27th day of January.
The Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the several Munici-
palities in the County met this day in accordance with
the provisions of the Municipal Institution Act and
having filed certificate~ of qualifications with the Clerk
took their seats at the Council Board as follows.
John McKillop
Archibald Thompson
John Galbraith
Daniel Decow
John Smith
David King
Daniel Luton
Howard Welding
John Clunas
Tell Nairn
Isaac Chambers
George Suffel
J. W. Dobbie
W. A. Glover
Aldborough Wardsville
.. Aldborough
Dunwich Iona
It It
Southwold Talbotville
.. st. Thomas
Yarmouth Oswell
" Sparta
S. Dorchester Clunis
Malahide Aylmer
II Aylmer
Vienna Vienna
Bayham Dereham
" Pt. Burwell
42 miles
The members present were called to order.
The Clerk in the Chair.
After which it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr.
Dobbie that George Suffel be elected Warden of this County
for the present year. motion lost.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1862-1867)
27th January, 186J.
In amendment first,
Mr. Chambers moved seconded by Mr. Smith and resolved
that Thomas M. Nairn be Warden of this County for the present
year. Lost.
In amendment,
It was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith
that Daniel Decow be Warden of the County for the present
year. - lost.
The amendments and main motion were put and lost.
Moved by Mr.
John Galbraith be
Thompson seconded by Mr. Decow that
Warden of the County for the present
motion not put.
In amendment first it was moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded
by Mr. Clunas that Daniel Luton be elected Warden of this
County for the present year. amendment carried.
In amendment second it was,
Moved by Mr. Chamber seconded by Mr. Smith that
Thomas M. Nairn be Warden of the County for the present
The second amendment was then put and lost.
The first amendment was carried by casting vote of
Mr. Luton the Reeve of Yarmouth the Municipality having the
largest number of names on the last Revised Assessment Roll.
The Clerk declared Mr. Luton duly elected Warden.
The Warden elect having made and subscribed the dec-
laration of office before the Clerk then took the Chair and
addressed the Council.
The proceeding of the last day of the previous ses-
sion were read and authorised to be signed after which
the following communications were read.
From J. W. Dobbie resigning office of County Engineer.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
27th January, l8~
From the Warden of the United Churches of Northumber-
land and Durham with copy of petition to the Legislature
in reference to mile~ to members of County Council.
From the Council of the County of Lambton, with copy
of petition to the Legislature in reference to summoning
From the ..Education office in reference to prison
From the Governor's Secretary acknowledging receipt
of address of this Council to His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales.
From E. A. Meredith Assistant Secretary, in reference
to the number of Municipalities in the County.
From E. A Meredith Assistant Secretary, in reference
to blank returns to be' furnished to the Reeve of each
Municipality in the County.
From Revd. Anthony Scott Fingal in reference to the
office of Local Superintendent of Schools for the West
Riding of the County.
From the County Treasurer with Financial Statement of
Assets and Liablities.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Nairn that the
Revd. Edmund Sheppard be re-appointed Local Superintendent
of Schools for the East Riding of the County of Elgin with
salary same as previous year, carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
Colin McDugald be appointed auditor of this County for the
current year. carried.
The Warden nominated Mr. Kirkland Aylmer an Auditor
for the present year.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council confirm the appointment of Mr. Kirkland the nominee
of the Warden as Auditor of the County for the current
year. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
27th January, l86J.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council now proceed to the election of the Standing Com-
mittees on Finance Education and Public Improvements and
that said Committee consist of five members each. carried.
The following members were accordingly voted Com-
mittees onpinance.
Messrs Nairn, Smith, Decow, Glover, and Clunas.
Messrs Dobbie, Nairn, Suffel, Glover and McKillop.
Public Improvements.
Messrs Galbraith, Smith, McKillop, Clunas and Dobbie.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that the
Warden Mr. Smith and Mr. Nairn be special Committee to
furnish supplies to Gaol and printing and also' to meet
the Inspectors of Prisons when they visit this County.
In amendment it was,
,_Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
the Committee on Gaol Supplies printings et~,consist of
Messrs Decow, Smith and Clunas. lost.
Which amendment was lost and original motion carried.
Moved by Mr. Decow seconded by Mr. Smith that this
Council adjourn till ten o'clock tomorrow morning. lost.
Moved by'Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council do now adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow morning
to allow the Standing Committee to meet.
William McKay
County Clerk
Daniel Luton
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
28th January, 1863.
Wednesday the 28th January. The Council met at nine
o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Mesrs. McKillop
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorised to be signed.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
the County Treasurer be hereby auth6rised to pay on the
order of the County Engineer countersigned by the Warden
the sum of Sixty :iwo dollars and ,eighty ;six cents for
making approaches to the Wardsville Bridge as recommended
by the Committee on Public Improvements and adopted at
last session of this Council. carried.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that
the resignation of T. W. Dobbie Esqr. County Engineer be
accepted. carried.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that H. A.
Gustin and the Revd. H. B.Jessop be appointed Trustee's
of the Vienna Grammar School. carried.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that Robert
Nicholl be appointed Trustee of the Vienna Grammar School
in place of George Raymond who has left the School limits.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
27th January, 186J.
Moved by Mr. King seconded by Mr. Smith that the Revd.
D. Caulfield and Dr. Southwick be reappointed Trustees of
the St. Thomas County Grammar School. carried.
In amendment it was.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that the
Revd. Dr. Caulfield and C. D. Paul Esqr. be appointed
Grammar School Trustees for the St. Thomas County Grammar
School in place of the Trusxees whose term of office now
Which amendment was lost and the original motion
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that this
Council do now adjourn till two o'clock afternnon in order
to give time for the Committees to make out their reports.
The Council resumed.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Glover that the
parties interested in the complaint against Mr. J. S. McColl
Superintendent of Schools for the West riding be now heard.
Mr. James McQueen being present made statement in re-
ference to the Local Superintendent of Schools for the West
riding of the County.
Moved by Mr. John Clunas, seconded by Mr. Archibald
Thomson that J. S. McColl Local Superintendent of Schools
for the West riding of Elgin be heard by this Council.
Mr. McColl made statement before the Council in re-
ference to School Section No. 13 in Southwold and submitted
petition of Amasa Wood and others in reference to the Local
Superintendent of the West Riding.
After which Mr. Nairn moved seconded by Mr. Clunas
that this council having heard the matter of complaint
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
28th January, l86J.
brought by Mr. James McQueen on behalf of the Trustees of
School Section number thirteen Southwold against Mr. J. S.
McColl Local Superintendent of schools for the West Riding
of the County together with the explanations of Mr. McColl
fullyexorerate him from the charges embodied in the com-
plaint and consider that his course in the premises was
justifiable and strictly in accordance with the School Act.
. carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
John S. McColl be reappointed Local Superintendent of Schools
for the West riding of Elgin for the current year at the
same salary as previous year. carried
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Dobbie that a
petition be presented by this Council to the Legislative
assembly praying for the passage of a private act to continue
in the Corporation of the County the management and control
of that part of the London and Port Stanley Gravelled Road
lying within the limits of the ~own of st. Thomas and to
declare the same to be held under the present Lease of
said road to Robert Hepburn subject to all the right and
liabilities existing by virtue of said Lease before the
Incorporation of said Town. carried.
Messrs Hepburn and Johnson being present, made statement
to the Council in reference to previous resolution.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that Messrs
Nairn, Decow and Smith be a Special Committee to Cooperate
with a Solicitor for preparing a special act in conformity
with the resolution last passed and to take such steps in
conjunction with the Council of the Town of St. Thomas as
they may think advisable for the passing of the same.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Thomson that the
petition of Amasa Wood and others in reference to the
Local Superintendent for the West riding be received and
__ oN l\B\'\J\\\'1
al>l\~ rooUN"
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
28th January, 186J.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that in
consequence of the defalcation of the collection of the
Township of Malahide this Council do grant the Cor-
poration of the Townships of Malahide one year to pay the
sum of four ~housand four hundred dollars being arrears of
Taxes due to the County. carried.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow morning.
William McKay
County Clerk
Daniel Luton
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
Third Day
29th January, 186J.
Thursday the 29th day of January. The Council met
at nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. Suffel
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorised to be signed.
The Clerk read report of the Directors of the St.
Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company for the year ending
December 1862.
The Warden intimated to the Council that he had re-
ceived a Telegraph Message from the Mayor of Toronto in
reference to petition to Parliament for removal of Govern-
ment to Upper Canada. After which it was moved by Mr.
Suffel seconded by Mr. McKillop that this Council petition
Parliament at its next session to have the seat of Govern-
ment removed from Quebec to Toronto during the summer of
the present year and there to remain until the Parliament
Buildings are completed and ready for occupation at Ottawa
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
29th January, 1863.
Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Suffel that the re-
port of the Committee on Education be received and read.
The Clerk read the Report also statement from the St.
Thomas and Vienna Grammar Schools.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Daniel Decow that this
Council go into Committee of the Whole on the report of
the Committee on Education. carried.
The Council were put into Committee of the whole on
the Education Report.
Mr. Decow in the C'hair.
The Council res~ed.
The Chairman of Committee of the whole reported to the
Council that the Committee adopted the Education Report with
amendment bY. striking out the last clause.
After which it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr.
Smith that the report of the Education Committee be adopted
as amended in Committee of the whole. Yeas and Nays were
taken down as follows. carried.
Clunas, Welding, Smith, Kihg, Thompson, Nairn,
Chambers, McKillop, Suffel and Dobbie.
Galbraith, Decow.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that the
Clerk be requested to furnish the Clerks of the several
Municipalitites with Assessment and Collectors Rolls and
also Assessment Slips for the Assessors at the earliest
convenience. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
29th January, 186J.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Suffel that tnis'
Council extend the time for the different Municipal Col-
lectors in the County to collect the balance of the rates
still due :.until the twentieth day of February next.
Moved by Mr. Galbraith seconded by Mr. Decow that
this Council do now adjourn till two o'clock forenoon.
motion lost.
The Clerk read draft of Bylaw number 107 to raise the
sum of Six Thousand Dollars for the purpose of making
improvements in the Gaol and Gaol Yards of the County.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. McKillop that
Bylaw number 107 be received and read a first time.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie, that By-
law No. 107 be read a second time.
In amendment,
It was moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Smith that
Bylaw number 107 be laid over for the future consideration.
Which amendment was carried and the original motion
Moved by Mr. Galbraith seconded by Mr. Decow that
this Council do now adjourn till two o'clock afternoon.
The Council resumed.
After which it was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by
Mr. King that the report of the Finance Committee be re-
ceived and read. carried.
The Clerk read Finance Report after which it was
moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. King that the
Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of
Finance Committee. motion lost.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
29th January, 186J.
Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Suffel that the
report of the Finance Committee be adopted. carried.
The Clerk submitted draft of Bylaw number 108 to
confirm the appointment of Local Superintendents Grammar
School Trustees and determine the amount of appropriations
to County Grammar Schools when it was moved by Mr. McKillop
seconded by Mr. Clunas that Bylaw number 108 be read a
first time. carried.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that Bylaw
number 108 be read a second time. carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Clunas that By-
law number 108 be read a third time and finally passed.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that
this Council confirm the appointment of Mr. John Kirkland
of. the Village of Aylmer to collect the balance of the rates
of 1862 left uncollected in the Township of Malahide and
that he is hereby authorised to continue the levy and col-
lection of said unpaid rates in the manner and with the
powers provided by Law for the general levy and collection
of Taxes until the first day of March next in confirmity
with the 104th Section of Chapter 55 of the consilidated -
statutes of Upper Canada it being understood that Mr. Kirk-
land give necessary security and be accountable to the
Township of Malahide. carried.
, Moved by Mr. Decow seconded by Mr. Smith that this
Council airect the attention of the Council of the County
of Middlesex to the necessity of proceeding with the repairs
and completion of the Mackintosh Bridge as soon as possible.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Decow that the
County Treasurer, 'be authorised to pay on the certificate
of T. W. Dobbie countersigned by the Warden one half of
the expenses of the repairs now being made at the Mackintosh
Bridge. motion lost.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
29th January, l86J.
Moved by Mr. Archibald Thompson seconded by Mr. Galbraith
that C. D. Paul Esqr. be appointed County Council Selector
for the current year. carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr.
Warden be authorised to dispose of the
recovered from the Black Estate in the
for the best advantages he can.
Suffel that the
County property
Town of St. Thomas
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
the Warden be authorised to sign drafts for payment of the
accounts embraced in the report of Finance Committee and
that this Council adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow
morning to allow the Committee on public Improvements to
make out report.
William McKay.
County Clerk.
Daniel Luton
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, l861-1867)
JOth January, 1863.
Friday the 30th day of January. The Council met at
nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. McKillop
'. Galbraith
The proceedings of the last day of the previous
session were read and authorised to be signed.
The Warden submitted communication from the Council
of the County of Carleton in reference to the Inspectors
of Prisons.
The Chairman of Committee on Public Improvements sub-
mitted report when it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by
Mr. Welding that the report of Committee on Public Improve-
ments be received and read. carried.
Clerk read the report.
Moved by Mr. Galbraith seconded by D. Decow that the
report of Committee on Public Improvements be adopted.
Moved by Mr. Decow seconded by Mr. Galbraith that the
Treasurer be authorised to pay on the certificate of the
Chairman of Committee of Public Improvements countersigned
by the Warden one half plus expense of the repairs now being
made at the Mackintosh Bridge. Said certificates to state
that the work has been duly executed. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
Joth January, 1863.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Welding that
petitions be presented on behalf of this Council to both
branches of the legislature praying for the abolition of
t~e Board of Prison Inspectors established under the Act JO
~1C. Chap. 28 it being the opinion of this Council that
the duties now performed by said board may with property
be i'ntpusted to the Sheriff and Magestrates of the several
Counties thereby ~aving a great expense to the County at
large. carried.
Moved by Mr. Welding seconded by Mr. Nairn that the
sum of $50 be appropriated to assist in paying the owners
of land taken for the new line of Road established by By-
law No. 99 in lieu of a portion of the line between the
Townships ?f Yarmouth and Malahide. motion lost.
~oved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Galbreath that
this Council petition both branches of the Legislature to
take into consideration the necessity of establishing in a
central place in Canada West an Institution for Educating
the Deaf and Dumb there being a large number of such un-
fortunate person and no public place formed for there
receptions. carried.
Moved by Mr. Decow seconded by Mr. Galbraith that the
resolution passed in January 1862 relating to the board
and washing for prisoners be rescinded and that Bylaw No.
92 heretofore passed in reference thereto be in full force.
Moved py Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
owing to the great in convenience in many,persons:expe-
rience in getting access to the County Library owing to
the office in which it is now held not being regularly open.
This Council authorise William McKay Clerk of the County
to take charge of said Library and that such Library shall
be open for the Public from the hours of ten A.M. till
three P.M. on such days not being Holidays or Sundays and
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
Joth January, 186J.
and that he shall not allow any person to carry away any
Books from said Library and that the vacant room adjoinirig
the Court Room be used for said Library. carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Clunas that this
Council do now adjourn to meet again on the third Tues-
day in June next and that the Warden'sign drafts for
members wages. carried.
William McKay.
Daniel Luton
......__.. __~._._.. ___.~. .., . .-..____, ___J ..,,__~__ _
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
16th June 186J.
Tuesday the 16th day,:of June. The Council met at
10 o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. Decow
The proceedings of the last day of the previous
session were read and authorised to be signed.
The Warden addressed the Council.
The following communications were then read by the
From the Provincial Secretary in reference &tatutes
of last session of Provincial Legislature.
Presentments of Grand Juries relating to support of
Report of County Auditors on Treasurers Books and
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure.
From James Farley Clerk of_the Peace in reference to
County Library.
Report of Auditors of School Accounts.
From Joseph Calvert making application for the office
of Local Superintendent.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
16th June, 186J.
Petition of Hugh McIntyre relating to state of Bridge
on County line viz. between Yarmouth and Westminster.
From the County of Kent in reference to amount appro-
priated towards repair of Township line between Aldborough
and Oxford.
Communication epntinued.
From the Provincial Secretary in reference to Statutes.
Bills passed the Legislature relating Port Stanley
Gravel Road.
From Hon. E. Leonard relating to petitions forwarded
to his care.
From L. Burwell M. P. P. in reference to petitions of
this Council presented to the Legislature.
From John Scoble M.P.P. three several communications
relating to Gravel Road Bill.
From George Macbeth in reference to petitions presented
by him to Legislature Assembley.
From Middlesex County Clerk in reference to Mackintosh
From Education Office with annual apportionment.
From Warden of Norfolk in reference to plans of Court
From Isaac Hannahe in relation to County property.
From J. B. Askin Clerk of the Peace Middlesex with
copies of reports and orders in sessions in reference to
old Roads established in Elgin prior to establishment of
Municipal Councils.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
16th June, 1863.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that the
communications just read by the Clerk be laid over for
further consideration and that when taken up they shall be
disposed of in their regular order at the pleasure of the
Council. carried.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that
the Revd. Edmond Sheppard be heard by this Council re-
lative to his resignation of the office of Local Superin-
tendent for the East Riding of Elgin. carried
Mr. Sheppard being present made statement to the
Council relative to the office of Local Superintendent
for the East Riding, of the County.
Moved by Mr. T. J'II. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that
Mr. Sheppard's resignation as Local Superintendent of
Schools for the East Riding of Elgin be accepted. carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that Mr. Luton
and Mr. Calvert the applicants for the office of Superin-.
tendent of Schools for the East Riding be requested to
address the Council. carried.
Mr. Luton and Mr. Calvert being present addressed the
Council in relation to the office of Local Superintendent
of Common Schools in the East Riding of the County.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Glover that the
appointment of Local Superintendent of Schools for the East
Riding be laid over till tomorrow morning. carried.
Moved by Mr. George Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover
that the Reeves of the several Municipalities be a Com-
mittee for revising and equalizing the Assessment Rolls
of the present year.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr.
Council do adjourn till tomorrow morning
Committee may meet.
Nairn that this
so that the Finance
William McKay
Daniel Luton
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
17th June, 1863.
Wednesday the 17th day of June. The Council met at
nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. Glover
The proceedings of previous day were read and autho-
rised to be signed.
The Warden submitted communication from Sheriff Munro
with extract from report of Prison Inspector in reference to
state of Gaol and alterations previously reported upon.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that
this Council confirm the appointment made by the Warden of
Mr. Leonard Luton to the office of Local Superintendent of
Common Schools for the East Riding of Elgin. carried.
The Clerk submitted Bylaw No. 109 to confirm Bylaw
No. 161 of the Municipality of Yarmouth to convey a certain
road allowance between Lots number sixteen and seventeen in
the Ranges North and South of the Edgeware Road.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Nairn that Bylaw
No. 109 be read a first time. carried.
Moved by Mr. T. W. Dobbie seconded by Mr. J. Clunas
that Bylaw No. 109 to confirm Bylaw No. 161 of the Town-
ship of Yarmouth be read a second time. carried;
Moved by W.,A. Glover seconded by Mr. T. W. Dobbie
that Bylaw number 109 be read a third time and finally
passed. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
17th June, 1863.
Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Clunas that the
Revd. E. Sheppard on his retirement from office receive
the thanks of this Council for the very efficient manner
in which he has discharged the duties of Local Superintendent
for the East Riding of the County. carried.
Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Suffel that the
Auditors report be received and adopted. carried.
Moved by Mr. Welding seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council grant fifty Dollars toward~ building a Bridge
across Kettle Creek dividing this County from the County of
Middlesex on condition that the County of Middlesex grant a
similar amount and that Hugh McIntyre Esqr. be appointed
a Commissioner for expending the same. motion lost.
Moved by Mr. John Clunas seconded by David King that this
Council do now adjourn till two o'clock afternoon. carried
The Council resumed.
Mr. Donald Munro and Mr. McGugan presented petition of
rate payers in School Section No. 18 in Southwold after
which it was moved by Mr. J. Smith seconded by Mr. David
King that the sum of thirty dollars be granted to School
Section number 18 in Southwold to assist the section in
keeping up the School the section being unable to keep a
School owing to the small number of rate payers within its
limits. lost.
The Yeas and Nays being demanded by Mr. Smith were
taken down as follows.
Galbraith, King, Smith and Glover - 4
Welding, Clunas, McKillop, Chambers, Nairn, Suffel
and Dobbie. - 7
Motion lost by majority of - J
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
17th June, l86J.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that the
Treasurer be requested to notify the Treasurers of the
several Municipalities that are in arrear for County Rates
to make payment to the County Treasurer immediately.
Moved by Mr. George Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover
that the communication from Sheriff Munro with reference
to repairs to Gaol and'Board of Prisoners ~tc. etc., be
submitted to the Jail Committee. carried.
Moved by Mr. John McKillop seconded by W. A. Glover
that the County Council of the County of Elgin in accordance
with the resolution passed by the County Council of Kent
do appropriated the sum of One Hunedre~ and Fifty dollars
for the repair and improvements of the County line between
Elgin and Kent -lost.
Moved by Mr. N~irn seconded by Mr. Chambers that the
resolution of this Council passed at last session or-
dering the removal of the County Library be rescinded
and that the Clerk be instructed to take an Inventory of
the Books now in the library belong to this County",
The Clerk submitted Bylaw number 110 confirming
Bylaw number 104 of Southwold to convey a road allowance
on the North Branch of Talbot Road between DQts number
thirty-five and thirty-six - North sides.
Moved by george Suffel seconded by Mr. Smith that
Bylaw number 110 to confirm Bylaw number 104 of Southwold
be read a first time. carried.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that By-
law number 110 be read a second time. carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by D. King that By-
law number 110 be read a third time and finally passed
Moved by T..W. Dobbie seconded by iJ..Clunas that the
Warden Hugh McIntyre Esqr. and Matthew Gilbert Esqr. be
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867
17th June, l86J.
appointed a Committee to examine the Books of the St.
Thoma~ and Aylmer Gravel Road Company and report to
this Council at its next sitting. carried.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
this Council do now adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow
morning in order that the Oommittees may have time to
finish their reports.
William McKay
Daniel Luton
, -116-
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
18th June, l86J.
Thursday the 18th day of June 1863. The Council met
at nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. McKillop
, Welding
The proceedings of previous 'day were read and autho-
rised to be signed.
Mr. Nairn Chairman of Finance Committee presented
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
the report of the Finance Committee be received and read.
The Clerk read Finance Report.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the
report of the Finance Committee be adopted and that xhe
Warden be authorised to sign cheques for the several ac-
counts embraced t~erein. carried.
The Clerk read a communication from the Middlesex
Councii relating to an appropriation for the replace of
the McIntosh Bridge after which it was moved by Mr.
Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that the Treasurer be instructed
to charge to the several Municipalities interested the
amounts charged in Mr. McKay., account for searches in
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
18th June, l86J.
Register Office on account of unpatented Wild Lands
assessed for Taxes.
Yeas and Nays being demanded on this motion they
were taken down as follows:
Dobbie, Glover, Suffel, Nairn, Chambers, Clunas,
Smith, King, Welding. - 9
Decow, Galbraith and McKillop. - J
Motion carried by majority of 6
On motion of Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Decow
that the Council do now adjourn till two o'clock afternoon.
The Council resumed.
The Warden submitted communication from the Revd. W.
McCullough resigning the office of Grammar School Trustee:
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Clunas that the
resignation of the Revd. W. McGullough as Trustee of the
St. Thomas Grammar School be accepted. carried.
Moved by Mr. Suffel secomded by Mr. Smith that the
Revd E. Sheppard be appointed Trustee of the St. Thomas
Grammar School in place of the Revd. W. McCullough re-
signed. carried.
Moved by W.,A. Glover seconded by Mr. Chambers that
the report of the Committee on the Equalization of the
Assessment Rolls for the present year be received and read.
The Clerk read report of Equalization Committee.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
18th June, l86J.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Nairn that this
Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of
Committee on Equalization.
In amendment it was,
Moved by T. ,W. Dobbie seconded by W. A. Glover that
the report of the Committee on the Equalitazion of the
Assessment Rolls for 186J be adopted. ":.
The Yeas and Nays being called for on the amendment
they were taken down as follows.
Dobbie, Glover, Suffel, Clunas, Chambers, King,
Smith, Welding, Galb~aith - 9
McKillop, Nairn and Decow - J
Amendment carried by a majority of 6
Mr.T.M. Nairn moved seconded by Mr. Smith that the
local Superintendents of Schools be notified that in
future no allowance will be made by the County for printing
and stationary. carried.
The Clerk submitted Bylaw No. 111 to raise the sum
of Three Thousand and Four Hundred Dollars for Common schools
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Clunas that Bylaw
number 111 be read a first time.
Moved by W.A. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that By-
law number 111 be read a second time.
that Bylaw
by Mr.T. W. Dobbie seconded by
number 111 be read a third time
W. A. Glover
and finally
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Smith that Bylaw
number 107 be laid over for fur$her consideration till the
next meeting of the Council. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
18th June, 186J.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
Bylaw No. 112 to raise amount for general purposes be sub-
mitted and read a first time. carried.
Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Nairn that Bylaw
number 112 be read a second time. carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that By-
law number 112 be read a third time and ~inally passed.
Moved by Mr. Galbraith seconded by Mr. Decow that this
Council grant the further sum of One Hundred and Fifty
Dollars towards the repair of the Mackintosh Bridge and that
the County Treasurer be authorised to pay said sum on the
certificate of Mr. Dobbie countersigned by the Warden cer-
tifying that the amount has been duly expended and that a
similar amount has been appropriated for said work by the
County of Middlesex and the Clerk be instructed to notify
the Middlesex Council that it is desirable to proceed with
the work as soon as possible. carried.
Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by T. W. Dobbie that
this Council grant the sum of Fifty Dollars towards the
erection of a Bridge on the Town~ine between this County
and that of the County of Norfolk on the conditions that the
County of Norfolk grant a like sum - lost.
Dobbie, Glover, Suffel, Welding, and McKillop - 5
Clunas, Chambers, Nairn, Smith, King, Decow, Galbraith-7
Moved by J...Galbraith seconded by D. King that Daniel
Decow be appointed to Superintend the Mackintosh Bridge
while the contractor is driving piles and other works
connected therewith.
..._~~.__,.,--_.~_.".,--,-~.~.~..,,,,-~.~_._,~_,,.~A~.".~-~,~.o.._".-C_ ,...C.. . .'~~'.... _'__ __.. _.__ .._._,_"_
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
18th June, 186J.
Moved ,by Mr. McKillop seconded by J. Galbraith
that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on the
second Tuesday of November and that the Warden be authorised
to sign drafts for members wages.
William McKay
Daniel Luton
- -~---,--~--"","--,"--._,--,-'".,,~,,,~,~' ,:.-' - ~-~"-~'-'--'..,~
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
lOth November, 186J.
Tuesday the tenth day of November. The Council met
according to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
~Members present:
Messrs. Dobbie
The proceedings of the last day of the previous session
were read and authorised to be signed.
The Warden addressed the Council.
The following communications were read.
From the County of WeIland with memorial to the Legis-
lature relating to Inspectors of Prisons.
From the County Treasurer in reference to County
Finances and Assessments.
Petition of George Currant praying for a County Lisence
to peddle goods.
. Petition of Henry Brown making application for the
office of Inspectors of Weights and Measures for the Western
division of the County.
The Act 27 Victoria Chapter 19 relating to assessments.
Resolution of St. Thomas Council relating to payment
of one half of the expenses incurred in reference to Gravel
Road Bill.
(Elgin County.C9uncil Proceedings, 1861-1867)
loth November, l86J.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Galbraith that
Daniel Eccles of Iona be appointed Inspector of Weights
and Measures for the Western Division of the County in place
of Thomas Brown Deceased.
In amendment it was,
Moved by Mr. King seconded,by Mr. "Smith-,that.Henry
Brown 'of St. Thomas be appointed Inspector of Weights and
Measures for the Western Division of the County.
The amendment was put and lost.
The names being called for were taken down as follows.
Smith, King, Welding and Chambers - 4
Decow, Galbraith, Thompson, Nairn, Dobbie, Clunas,
McKillop - 7
Amendment lost by majority J.
The main motion was then put and carried.
Galbraith, Decow, Thompson, Dobbie, Nairn, Clunas
and McKillop - 7
Smith, Welding, King and Chambers - 4
Main motion carried by majority of J
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Dobbie that a free
License as a Hawker and Pedlar be given to George Currant
for one year from the first day of January 1864 he having
been so unfortunate as to loose an arm. carried.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
loth November, l86J.
Moved by Mr. Nairn secopded by Mr. Chambers that the
consideration of the revision of the Bylaw regulating the
duties of Inspectors of Weights and Measures be laid over
till Thursday morning. . carried.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that
this Council adjourn to meet again at nine o'clock on
Thursday morning by His Excellency the Governer General.
William McKay
County Clerk.
Daniel Luton
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
12th November, 186J.
Thursday the Twelfth day of November. _The Council
met at nine o'clock forenoon according to adjournment.
The Warden in the Chair.
Members present:
Messrs. Suffel
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorised to be signed after which it was moved by Mr.
Nairn seconded by Mr. Suffel that this Council adjourn
for half an hour to allow the Finance Committee to meet
and report. carried.
The Council resumed.
The Cler~ submitted draft of Bylaw No. llJ to re-
gulate the duties' of Inspectors of Weights and Measures
and to repeal Bylaw No. 77 heretofore passed in'that behalf.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that Bylaw
No. IlJ be received and read a first time. carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that By-
law No. llJ be read a sec-ond time. . carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded. by John Clunas tha"t Bylaw
No. llJ be read 'a third time and- finally passed. -. carried;
Mr. Nairn Chairman of Finance Committee submitted report.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
12th November, 186J.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thompson that
the report of the Finance Committee be received and read.
The Clerk read the report of Finance Committee after
which it was moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Suffel
that the report of Finance Committee be adopted and that
the Warden be authorised to sign cheques for payment of the
accounts embraced therein. carried.
Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thomp?on that
whereas the County line between Elgin and Kent is impeded
by streams and marshes which renders it impossible for
public travel and whereas the County Council of the County
of Kent has appropriated $150.00 for said boundary on
condition that the County of Elgin grant a similar amount.
It is hereby moved that the County Council of Elgin will
pass a Bylaw appropriating a similar amount as the County
of Kent has appropriated. motion lost.
The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken down as
McKillop, and Thompson.
Dobbie, Suffel, Chambers, Nairn, Clunas, King, Smith,
Welding and Galbraith.
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that the
consideration of the proposed Bylaw No. 107 for the a1ter~
ration of Gaol and Gaol yard be posponed till the next
session of the Council.
In amendment it was.
Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that
proposed Bylaw number 107 be laid over for twelve months.
The yeas and nays being called for on the amendment
were taken down as follows.
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
12th November, 186J.
McKillop, Clunas, and Galbraith - J
Dobbie, Suffel, Chambers, Nairn, Thompson, King,
Welding and Smith - 8
Amendment lost by a majority of 5.
The main motion was then put and carried.
Smith, Welding,rKing, Thompson, Nairn, Chambers,
Suffel.and Dobbie - 8
Clunas, McKillop, G. Galbraith - J
Main motion carried by majority of 5
Moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that this
Council approve of the steps taken by the County Council of
Welland in memorializing the Government for the repeal of the
Prison Inspectors Act in so far as the same relates to County
Gaols believing that a great saving to the County would there-
by be effected and direct that petitions of similar purport
to those forwarded from WeIland be prepared and forwarded by
this Council to both branches of the Legislature. carried.
Moved by Mr. Thompson seconded by Mr. Welding that this
Council adjourn till two o'clock afternoon. carried.
The Council resumed.
The Warden submitted communications from Sheriff Munro
in reference to firewood required for the County Gaol which
was read and referred to the Gaol Committee. After which
(Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867)
12th November, 1863.
it was moved by Mr. Nairn seconded by Mr. Chambers that the
County Treasurer be requested to withdraw the warrant in the
handS o~the Sheriff for the sale of Wild Lands over five
years in arrears for Taxes in the Township of Dunwich and that
further proceedings before the present postponed.
The Yeas and Nays being called for on the foregoing
motion were taken down as .follows.
Welding, Smith, Clunas, Nairn, Chambers, Suffel,
IDobbie, McKillop - 8
Decow, Galbraith, Thompson, and King - 4
Motion carried by majority of 4
Moved by Mr. King seconded by Mr. Decow that the
County Treasurer be authorised to take proceedings after
the first of December next against the defaulting Municipa-
lities for the collection of the County Rate due for 1862.
Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the
Warden be paid the sum of Sixty Dollars for extra services
rendered the County for the Current Year. carried.
Mr. Decow presented account amounting to twenty dollars
for superintending and attending to the repairs of the Mac-
kintosh Bridge which was ordered to be paid.
Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Suffel that this
Council tender a vote of thanks to the Warden Clerk and
Treasurer for the able manner they have performed their
duties for the present year. carried.
Mr. Suffel moved seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Council
adjourn sine die and that the Warden be authorised to sign
Draft for members wages.
Will aim McKay
George Suffel