1866 Minutes ; -192- (Elgin County Council Proceedings. 1861-1867) FIRST SESSION 1866 23rd January, 1866. Tuesday the 23rd day of January. The Reeves and Deputy Reeves of the several Munici- palities met at the Court House in st. Thomas in accordance with the Municipal Institution Act and having filed certi- ficates with the Clerk of appointment took their seats at the Council Board as follows: George Suffel Reeve Vienna . John Smith Reeve Southwold John McKillop Reeve Aldborough John Clunas Reeve South Dorchester Thomas M. Nairn Reeve Malahide John Galbraith Reeve Dunwich T. W. Dobbie Reeve Bayham Archibald Thomson Deputy Reeve Aldborough Eagle P. O. Edward Hagler Deputy Reeve South Dorchester Joseph Scott Deputy Reeve Dunwich William A. Glover Deputy Reeve Bayham William H. Mandeville Deputy Reeve Yarmouth Daniel Luton Reeve Yarmouth William Harvey Deputy Reeve Malahide Dugald Ferguson Deputy Reeve Southwold The members present were called to order. The Clerk in the Chair it was, moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. William Harvey that T. M. Nairn be appointed Warden of this County. (cont'd) ..- -193- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 23rd January, 1866. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Archibald Thomson seconded by John Galbraith that John McKillop be appointed Warden of the County for the current year. Amendment lost and original motion carried. The Clerk declared Mr. Nairn duly elected Warden of the County of Elgin. The Warden made and subscribed the declaration cof.\;iffice before the Clerk and having taken the Chair he addressed the Council. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Galbraith that a Committee of five members viz.,Messrs. Dobbie, Suffel, Luton Smith and McKillop be. appointed to strike the Standing Com- mittees ~ for the current year. Namely on Education, Finance,. Public Improvements and Gaol Supplies. carried The Clerk read the proceedings of the last day of the previous session which were authorised to be signed. The Clerk then read the following communications. From J. B. McGann of the Deaf and DUmb Institute. From M. Camerson in reference to swamplands in Aldboro. From the Council of Aldborough relating to the sale of Swamp Lands in Township of Aldborough. From H. F. Ellis with report of st. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company. From C. D. Paul notice of insolvency in the matter of Archibald McIntyre. From the County Council of William with memorial to the Legislature in reference to the Usury Law. From the County Clerk Carleton relating to charge for dieting prisoners. (cont'd) -194- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 23rd January, 1866. From the County of Simcoe with memorial to the Governor General relating to free grants of Crown Lands. From the County Council of Norfolk with extract from Bylaw appropriating twenty five dollars on the County line between,Bayl}a,m and;Houghtoll From the County Clerk of Middlesex with copy of By- law appropriating one thousand five hundred dollars towards the erection of the Mackintosh Bridge. From J. P. Martyn making application for office of Auditor. From H. Ellis wtth names of Trustees of the st. Thomas County Grammar School appointed by the Council of the Town of St. Thomas. From D. J. Hughes Chairman of Board of Trustees of St; Thomas County Grammar, School From George Suffel Esqr. report of Vienna County Grammar School. After which it was moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Smith that Dr. Southwick be appointed one of the Trustees of the St. Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for one year. carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Luton that the Revd. W. W. Clark be appointed Trustee of the st. Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for two years. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. McKillop that C. D. Paul be appointed Trustee of the st. Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for three years. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr Glover that Mr. A. Young be appointed Trustee of the st. Thomas County Grammar School with term of office for three years . Main motion lost and amendment carried. (cont'd) =- -195- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 23rd ~anuary, 1866. Moved by George Suffel seconded by T. W. Dobbie that the Revd. H. B. Jessopp, ".L. -J. Gundry and Simon Newcomb be appointed Trustees of the Vienna County Grammar School viz. The Revd. H. B. Jessopp for one year L. J. Gundry for two years and Simon Newcomb for three years. carried Moved by George Suffel seconded',by Mr.. .Glover that :toe salary of the Auditors to be.appoint~<f to fixed a1;l;ne sum of thirty dollars each for the current year. carried. The Warden nominated W. J. White as one of the County Auditors. Moved by Mr. John McKillop seconded by Mr. Archibald Thomson that Colin McDougald" to be appointed by.this C<il'Wlcil an Auditor of the County. for the current year. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Dobbie that J. P. Martyn be appointed one of the Auditors of the County for the present year. In amendment, Moved by Mr. John Clunas seconded by Mr. W. H. Mandeville that the appointment of l}.udi tor be laid over till tomorrow.. The amendments were put and lost and the original motion was carried. Moved by Mr. John Clunas seconded by Edward Hagler that Mr. Murdie be heard by this Council relative to a bri~ on the Town line between Malahide and Yarmouth near Jamestown. carried. Mr. Murdie being present addressed the Council in reference to James Town Bridge. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. W. Harvey that Mr. W. Murdie's application for this Council to build a - bridge across the Catfish Creek on this Town line between Malahide and Yarmouth be submitted to the Committee on Public Improvements. Carried. (cont'd) -196- (Elgin County Counail Proceedings, 1861-1867) 23rd January, 1866. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thomson that C. D. Paul be appointed County Solicitor for the current year. carried. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Revd. E. Sheppard be appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for the East Riding of the County for the pTesent year with same salary and allo~nce for postages as pre- vious year. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. McKillop that John S. McColl be appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools for the West Riding for the current year with same salary and allowance for postages as previous year. carried. Mr. Suffel Chairman of the Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees submitted report with names of the several Committees as follows: FINANCE Suffel, Smith, Dobbie, Harvey and Mandeville. EDUCATION Glover, Ferguson, Clunas, Thomson and Suffel PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Dobbie, McKillop, Luton, Galbraith and Mandeville. JAIL SUPPLIES AND PRINTING Smith, Luton and Nairn (Warden) Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the report of the Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be received and adopted. carried. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Revd. E. Sheppard be heard on behalf of the Board of Public Instruction, he having been requested by the Chairman of the Board who is absent, to submit the matter of Scholarships for the consideration of this Council. carried. (cont'd) -197- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 23rd January, 1866. Mr. Sheppard being present made statement to the :- Council in reference to an appropriation for Scholarships. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the proposition of the Board of Education made by Mr. Sheppard be submitted to the Committee on Education. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Council adjourn to meet at nine o'clock tpmorrow morning. William McKay County Clerk T. M. Nairn Warden -196- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) FIRST SESSION 1866 24th January, 1866. Wednesday the 24th day of JamJ.ary. The Council met at nine o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: Messrs. Galbraith Luton Smi tli \ McKillop Clunas Harvey Dobbie & Thompson Hegler Joseph Scott Ferguson Mandeville Suffel Glover The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden submitted communication of the County Registrar after which it.was moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that the Registrar be allowed the room. over the Registry Office for his use when not used by the Court and that the key be placed in his hands. carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. M~Killop that the Clerk be requested to furnish the necessary slips..... Asse.ssments Rolls and other blanks for the several Municipalities in the County. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Ferguson that the ~ommunications read by the Clerk be now disposed of. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded'byNr. Harvey that..tl1e communications from the County Council of .the County of Norfolk be referred to the Committee on Public Improvements. (cont'd) -199- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 24th January, 1866. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that this Council concur with the memorial of the Council of the County of Simcoe in reference to free grants of lands to actual settlers and that this Council memorialize the Government to the same effect. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that this Council do not concur in the memorial of the County Council of the County of Well~dwith reference to the action taken by them in asking for change to be made in the .Usllr;y Law by fixing the rate of interest at six per cent and that this Council do petition the Legislature at next session agaimt making any change. The 'Yeas and Nays being demanded were' taken o.own as follows: Yeas Scott, Ferguson, Clunas, Hegler, Smith, Mandeville, Harvey, Suffel, Dobbie, Glover and Luton - 11 Nays Galbraith,. Thompson and McKillop - 3 Carried by majority of - 8 The Warden submitted communication from the County Treasurer in reference to finances. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Treasurer ~eport be received and read and also that the same be published along with the regular proceeds of the Council. carried. The Clerk read Treasurers statement. Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Mandeville that in the case of Mr. A. McIntyre an insolvent the Warden is here- by authorised to attend a meeting on the 22nd day of March next and also to sign a discharge on behalf of this County (cont'd) -200- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 24th January, 1866. should Mr. McIntyre get an order to that effect at said meeting or any subsequent meeting to be held for that purpose. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Ferguson that this Council adjourn for an hour. Moved by George Suffel seconded by Mr. Harvey that this Council memorialize the Legislature at its next session of Parliament to make- such an amendment to the Municipal Act as to make it compulsory upon Courity Councils to make some provision for the support of the indigent poor of their res- pective Counties. carried. Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Mandeville that Mr. Joseph R. Bostwick be heard by this Council in reference to the London and .Port Stanley Railway Company. carried. Mr. Bostwick being present made statement to this Council in relation to the management of the London and Port Stanley Railway. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Clunas that the thanks of this Council be tendered to Mr. Bostwick for his explanations to this Council in relation to the London and Port Stanley Railway Compahy. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the. Council adjourn until nine o'clock tomorrow morning in order that the Committees on Education and Public Improve- ments may meet. In amendment, Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thompson that the Council adjourn for one hour to enable the Committees on Education and Public Improvement to meet and report to the Council. Amendment lost and original. motion carried. William McKay County Clerk T. M. Nairn Warden. -201- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) FIRST SESSION 1866 25th January, 1866. Thursday the 25th day of January, The Counci~ met at nine o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: Messrs. McKillop Thompson Galbraith Scott Smith Eerguson Cl unas and Luton Mandeville Harvey Dobbie Glover Suf'f'el Hegler The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. The Chairman of the Education Committee submitted report. After which it was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Hegler that the report of the Committee on Education be received and read. carried. The Education report was read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Hegler that the Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of the Committee on Education. carried. The Council were put into Committee of the whole. Mr. Harvey in the Chair-., After being some time in Committee of the. whole the Council resumed. (cont'd) -202- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 25th January, 1866. The Chairman of the Committee of the whole reported that the Committee of the whole had adopted the report of the Committee on Education with an amendment. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Committee on Education be adopted as amended by Committee of the whole. carried. Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Luton that the re- port of the Committee on Finance be received and read. The report of the Finance Committee was read by the Clerk. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Mandeville that the report of the Finance Committee.be adopted. carried Mr. Dobbie Chairman of the Committee on Public Im- provements submitted report after which it was moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Clunas that the report of Com- mittee on Public Improvements be received and read. carried. The Clerk read report of Finance Committee on Public Improvements when it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of Committee on Public Im- provements be adopted. carried. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Warden inform himself as to the facts relative to the management of the London and Port Stanley Railway and report the same to this 'Council at its next meeting. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Clunas that the use of the Court House of this County be tendered to the Revd. E. Ryerson for the purpose of holding a County School Conyention on Saturday the third day of February next and that as many members of this CoUncil as can make it convenient to attend said convention will do so. carried. (cont'd) -203- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 25th January, 1866. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Hegler that the use of the Court House be not allowed for any meetings or '~concerts' without the consent- of. thisCbunty. Council. In amendment it was moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Glover that it be left discretionary with the' Warden whether he will allow the use of the Court House for any other purpose than for holding Courts and County purposes. Amendment lost original motion carried. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by'Mr, S~ith that the risk of Insurance effected in the Phoeni:iCotllpahy-on the Court House be not renewed and that the amount be transferred to the C?mmercial Insurance Company. carried The Clerk submitted draft of Bylaw No. 133 appointing Local Superintendents of Common Schools. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Clunas that By- law number 133 be received and read a first time. The Clerk read draft of Bylaw number 133. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Thomson that By- law number 133 be read a secoridtime. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Clunas that By- law number 133 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Clunas that By- law number 134 appointing County Auditors be received and read a first time. carried. The Clerk read draft of Bylaw number 134. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Thomson that By- law number 134 be read a second time. carried. (cont'd) - -204- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 25th January, 1866. Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that By- law number 134 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. ,Suffel that By- law number 135 confirming Bylaw of the corporation of Yarmouth be received and read a first time. carried. The Clerk read draft of Bylaw number 135. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Thomson that By- law number 135 be read a second time. carried. Moved by Mr. law number 135 be carried. Suffel seconded by Mr. Luton that By- read a third time and finally passed. '{ Moved by Mr. Ferguson seconded by Mr. Smith that By- law number 136 to confirm Bylaw of the Corporation of Southwold be received and read a first time. Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Ferguson that By- law number 136 be read a second time. carried. Moyed by Mr. Hegler seconded by Mr. McKillop that Bylaw number 136 be read a third time and finalTy passed. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded law number 137 to appoint Grammar received and read a first time. by Mr. Glover that By- School Trustees, be carried. The Clerk read draft of Bylaw number 137. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. r4andeville that Bylaw number 137 be read a second time. carried. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Harvey that By- law number 137 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. The Clerk submitted Bylaw number 138 in reference to County Roads. (cont'd) -205- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 25th January, 1866. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that Bylaw number 138 be received and read a first time. carried. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Harvey that Bylaw number 138 be read a second time. carried. Moved by Mr. Hegler seconded by Mr. Clunas that Bylaw number 138 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. The Clerk submitted draft of Bylaw number 139 to make appropriations on Township lines. Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded il:y Mr. Dobbie that Bylaw number 139 be read a'first time. Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Mandeville that By- law number 139 be read a second time. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that Bylaw number 139 be read a third time and finally passed. carried Moved by Mr. Galbreath seconded by Mr. Scott that the sum of forty dollars be refunded by this County to the Muni- cipality of Southwold and the same amount to the Township of Dunwich paid by them for securing the timber and '~rons of the Mackintosh Bridge said sums to be paid by the County Treasurer as soon as the accounts are presented. carried. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that the Warden be directed to meet the Warden and County Engineer of Middlesex with the Engineer of Elgin for the purpose of opening tenders and letting the contract for building a ~ bridge in lieu of the Mackintosh Bridge. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that the Council adjourn till the third Tuesday in June and that the Warden sign draft for members wages. William McKay County Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden -206- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) SECOND SESSION 1866 Special Meeting. 20th April, 1866. Friday the twentieth day of April. ~he Council met at ten o'clock forenoon pursuant to notice given by order.._ the Warden for a special meeting to consider the propriety of adopting a petition to Par- liament to grant a charter for ,the construction of a Rail- way from Fort Erie to the Detroit River and to take such steps as may be deemed advisable, to procure said charter. The Warden in the Chair. Members present:' Messrs. Dobbie Smith Scott Galbraith Hegler Clunas McKillop Luton Glover Suffel Harvey Mandeville Ferguson and The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden addressed the Council. The following communications were then read. From the Bureau of Agriculture in relation to the public health. From the. Sheriff of the County of Elgin with copy of report of Inspectors of Prisons. (cont'd) -207- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th April, 1866. From the County Auditor with report and Treasurers Accounts. Proceedings of meeting of Bridge Committee respecting the Mackintosh Bridge. From James Keeffer Middlesex County Clerk in relation to County Grants. From County Clerk Chatham, in relation to County line. From Sheriff with copy of statement from Gaol Surgeon relative to state of Gaol. From the County Treasurer in reference to Mr. Streets claim. '<: The Council took up the subject of the. Southern Rail- way. The Warden made statement regarding the Railway. Mr. Burwell member for the East Riding of the County being present addressed the Council in relation to obtaining a Charter for a Railway from Fort Erie to Windsor. Mr. ScobIe member for the West Riding being also present made statement in reference to the Southern Rail- way. After which it was moved by George Suffel seconded by Mr. Dobbie that this Council deems it expedient that a charter should be obtained for the construction 6f,a rail~y from Fort' Erie. 'to Wlndsor"it.-is-:therefore resolved that this Council petition Parliament to that effect and that the County members of Parliament be solicited to support the application for said charter and that the Warden sign said petition on behalf of this Council and attach the seal of the County thereto. carried. The Clerk read petitions ~rom Thomas McColl and 84 others James McIntyre and 23 others and Samuel Balsdon and 34 others relating to the appointment of a Local Superinten- dent of Common Schools in West Elgin in place of the late J. S. McColl deceased. When it was, (cont'd) -208- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th April, 1866. Moved by Mr. William Harvey seconded by John Clunas that the appointment of the Revd. E. Sheppard to the Superintendence of Common Schools for the West Riding of this County made by the Warden since the last meeting of Council be confirmed and that a Bylaw be prepared and passed confirming said appointment at same salary as former Superintendent. carried. In amendment, it was, Moved by Mr. Joseph Scott seconded by Mr. J. Galbreath that Samue.l McColl be appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for the West Riding of Elgin a~ a salary of five hundred and twenty dollars per annum. The amendment was put and lost~the Yeas and Nays being called for by Mr. Galbraith were taken there on as follows: Yeas Galbraith, Scott, Smith and McKillop - 4 Nays Glover, Suffel, Luton, Harvey, Clunas and Hegler - 6 The original motion was then put and carried. After which it was moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Luton that the County Treasurer be authorised to pay to the Widow of the late John,S. McColl Superintendeqt of Common Schools for the West Riding of this County the ' balance of salary due to him at the time of his death. carried. . The Clerk read p'etition of Dr. MiJ.ler and 1.050thars relative to erection of a bridge across Kettle Creek at Port Stanl~y when it was moved by William Harvey seconded by Mr. Luton that the petition of Dr. Miller and other for assistance in rebuilding a bridge across Kettle Creek near Port Stanley be received and laid over for consideration at the next meeting of this Council. carried. (cont'd) -209- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th April, 1866. Moved by W.' H. Mandeville seconded by J.ohn McKillop that the sum of fifty cents per day be granted to the Non Commissioned Officers and men of the Volunteers residents of this County for each day they have already been and may hereafter be on duty away from their homes and that the County Treasurer be authorised on certificate of the Captain of each C,6mpany stating number,of days and names of men to pay said amotm'l;.. It being understood that this shall not embrace the Volunteers residing in st. Thomas lost. In amendment, Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Harvey that the motion now before the Council to remunerate' the Volunteers from this County for services when called out on duty be laid over for further consideration. The amendment was put and carried the Yeas and Nays being called for by Mr. McKillop on the amendment were :. taken down as follows: Yeas Glover, Suffel, Luton, Harvey, Clunas, Hegler, Scott, Galbraith and Ferguson - 9 Nays McKillop, Mandeville and Smith - 3 The original motion was then put and lost. The Clerk then read draft of Bylaw number 140 to appoint a Local Supe:dntendent of Common Schools for the Townships in the West Riding of the CoUnty. When it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that Bylaw number 140 be received and read a first time. carried Bylaw number 140 read by the Clerk. (cont'd) -210- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th April, 1866. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Hegler that By- law number 140 be read a second time. carried Moved oy Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Glover that By- law number 140 being a Bylaw to appoint a Superintendent of Schools for the West Riding of this County be now read a third time and finally passed. The Yeas and Nays being called for by Mr. Galbraith were taken as follows: Yeas Dobbie, Glover,\Luton, Mandeville> Harvey, Clunas Hegler and Ferguson. - 8 Nays Galbraith, Scott and Smith - 3 Motion carried by a majority of - 5 On motion the Warden was authorised to sign draft for members wages and the Council adjourn till the third Tues- day in June. William McKay Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden. -211- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) THIRD SESSION 1866 19th June, 1866. Tuesday the nineteenth day of June. The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: .., , McKillop Thomson Galbreath Scott Smith Clunas Ferguson Luton Mandeville Dobbie Harvey Glover Hegler Messrs. The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden addressed the Council. After which i~ was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Dobbie that -tnis' Council does most sincerely sympathise with the relations and friends of our loyal and brave Volunteers who have fallen whilst nobly engaged in re- pelling invasion of our belove'd Country by a horde of lawless . robbers and murderers and that the Clerk forward a copy of this resolution to the Globe and Leader News- papers for publication. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Mandeville that the resolution laid over at last meeting of Council for further consideration relative to payment of volunteers be now taken up and disposed of. carried. Captain Ellison of the Port Stanley Vulunteers being present and at the, request of the Council addressed the members relative to the necessities of the Volunteers who have been on duty. (cont'd) -212~ (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 19th June, 1866. Sheriff Munro and Mr. Arke~l also addressed the Council in reference to remuneration for the Volunteers. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Hegler that the application relative to the Volunteers of the County be laid over till three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. carried Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that a Committee be appointed to confer with the Committee of the Town of St. Thomas in reference to contribution additional pay to the Volunteers and that the Warden name said Com- mittee and to consist of three members. carried. The Warden nominated Messrs Scott, Hegler, and Dobbie to compose said Committee. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that this Council grant the sum of one thousand dollars for the purpose of building a bridge at Port Stanley across Kettle Creek. lost. Mr. Murray presented a petition from Thomas Lightfoot and others against the incorporation of the Village of Aylmer which was read by the Clerk. After which it was moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Mandeville that the petition of Thomas Lightfoot and others with reference to the incorporation of the Village of Aylmer be received and filed by the Clerk for future reference. carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Hegler that the Reeves of the several Municipalities ~xhroughout the County do compose a Committee to equalize the Assessment Rolls for the current year. In amendment moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Luton that the Deputy Reeves of the several Municipalities be a Committee for Equalization of the Assessment Rolls for the current year and that the Reeve of Vienna be a member of said Committee. Amendment lost and original motion carried. (cont'd) -213- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 19th June, 1866. The following communications were read by the Clerk of the Council. From the Council of the County of Norfolk in reference to appropriation to County line between the Township of Bayham and Houghton. From the Council of the County of Kent relative to appropriation for County line between the Townships of Aldborough and Orford and also in reference to.c a bridge across the River Thames between Elgin, Kent and Middlesex. From the County Treasurer with Estimate and Statement of Finances. Petition from Henry Benjamin relating to arrears o~ taxes on certain lands in Aldborough. Presentment of Grand Jury March Sessions. Petition of John Gregory and others relative to state of bridge at Belmont. Petition of Meredith Conn Senior and others in re~erence to Bridge across the River Thames near the Curr Road in Dunwich. From L. Burwell Esqr. M. P. P. relating to petition of this Council infavour of the Southern Railway ~rom Fort Erie to Windsor. Proceedings of Committee in relative to Mackintosh Bridge. After which it was moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that this Council adjourn till ten o'clock to- morrow morning to allow the Standing Committees to meet. William McKay Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden. -214- (Elgin County Council Proceeding~, 1861-1867) THIRD SESSION 1866 Second Day 20th June, 1866. Wednesday the Twentieth day of June. The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: Messrs. McKillop Thomson '{ Gal breath Scott Smith Ferguson Mandeville Dobbie Glover Harvey Suffel Clunas Hegler Luton The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden submitted communication from the Trustees of the Wesleyan Church ~r the use of the Court Room to hold Devine Service. The Warden also read petition of W. Housinger relative to a portion of the road between the first and second ranges east of the River Road in Southwold. The Chairman of the Committee on Equalization of Assessment Rolls submitted report, after which it was moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that the :,report of the Committee on Equalization of the Assessment Roll~ be received and read. carried. The Clerk read the report on Equalization after which it was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Scott that the Council go into Committee of the whole on the Equalization of the Assessment Rolls. carried. (cont'd) -215- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th June, 1866. In amendment, Moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Committee on Equalization be adopted. The amendment was lost and the original motion carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Luton in the Chair. The Chairman of the Committee of the whole reported progress and asked leave to set again which was granted.c .~fter which it was moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Clunas that the petition of G. W.'Morgan on behalf of the~Methodist Church for. the use of the Court House for the purpose of Devine Service on the Sabbath be granted. . Motion carried by casting, vote. of the Warden. After which it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Committee from, the Town of st. Thomas in reference to paying the Volunteers of the Cpunty be re- ceived and read. carried... The Clerk read the r~port of the Committee after which it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the recommendation of the majority of the Committee appointed to report on the payment of the Volunteers be adopted viz. that the sum of twenty ffve cents per day be paid to each unmarried man and that the 'sum of fifty cents per day to each married man for the time they have been in actual . service during the recent invasion of this province. lost. In amendment first, Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Hegler that the report of the Committee appointed to consider the propriety of giving additional pay to the volunteer force of this County be amended. (cont'd) -216- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th June, 1866. And that the sum of twenty five cents per day be allowed from the ~unds of the County to the Non Commissioned O~ficers and men belonging to the Volunteer Force without re- gard to his connection or circumstances for the time they have been in active service away from their homes. This re- solution to include the cavalry and all Volunteers resident within the County and Town of St. Thomas provided always that no Volunteer belonging to a Company hailing from another company and receiving remuneration from that County shall participate in the foregoing appropriation. It being under- stood that the Town of St. Thomas contribute one twentieth part of said outlay less fifty dollars already advanced. That no Volunteer is to receive pay for more than thirty eight days and that the Treasurer pay ~.said amounts to the Volunteers on certificate from the Captains of the several companies. carried. Amendment second. Moved by W. H. Mandeville seconded by John McKillop that the sum of fifty cents per day be granted to all Volunteers residents of this County while out on actual service. lost. The original motion and second amendment were put and lost and the first amendment carried. Mr. Arkell presented petition signed by J. H. Arkell and one hundred and eleven others Freeholders and House- holders of the Village of Aylmer and immediate neighbour- hood praying this Council to appoint a Census Commissioner to take the census of the territory mentioned in the petition .and to pass a Bylaw erecting the same into an incorporated Village to be named the Village of Aylmer which was read. After which it was moved by William Harvey seconded by John Clunas that the petition of John H. Arkell and others for the Incorporation for the Village of Aylmer in this County be received. carried. (cont'd) -217- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 20th June, 1866. Moved by W. H. Mandeville seconded by D. Luton that the use of the Court House be granted to James Stanton Esqr. and others for the purpose of holding a concert for the benefit of the 'Vblunteers of St. Thomas and the County carried. Moved by George Suffel seconded by Mr. Luton that Ira C. Lee be appointecLa Commissioner for the purpose of taking a census of the Village of Aylmer preparatory to the application to this Council to pass a Bylaw incorpora- ting theYillage of Aylmer as'an incorporated village. Said Commissioner to be paid by the petitioners John H. Arkell and others. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by.Mr. Glover that ,this Council adjourn till nine o'clock tomorrow morning to allow the Finance Committee to meet. William McKay Clerk T. M. Nairn Warden -218- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 186l~1867) THIRD SESSION 1866 21st June; 1866. Thursday the twenty first day of June. The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: Messrs. McKillop Thompson Galbreath Scott Smith Glover Clunas Ferguson Luton Mandeville Harvey- Dobbie Suffel Hegler The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden read a communication from the secretary of the Union School St. Thomas inviting the Council to attend the examination of said School. His Honor Judge Hughes appeared before the Council and made application on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Union School St. Thomas for the use of the Court Room for the. distribution of prizes. After which it was moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Havrey that the Trustees of the st. Thomas Union School be allowed the use of the Court Room in the Court House on Friday the 22nd ~nstant~~for~tp.e purpose of distributing. the prizes to the Scholars attending said School. carried. Moved by Mr. Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that Mr. Hodge be heard before this Council in reference to lighting the Court House and Jail with gas. (cont'd) -219- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 21st June, 1866. Mr. Hodge being present addressed the Council. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Ferguson that the report of the Finance Committee be received and read. , The Finance report was read by the Clerk. After which it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Finance Committee be adopted and that the Warden sign Drafts for the amounts embraced therein. carried. Moved. by Mr. Galbraith seconded by Mr. Scott that the Auditors Statement and Report of the Treasurers Accounts for the preceeding year be finally audited and al~owed as required under 170 Section of Chapter 54 of the Consoli- dated Statutes for upper Canada. . carried. Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Clunas that the Council adjourn for an hour. carried. After an intermission of one hour the Council resumed. All the members present. Mr. McKillop submitted Bylaw No. 141 being a Bylaw to confirm Bylaws number 152 and 153 of the Township of Aldborough conveying certain road allowances in said Town- ship. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thomson that Bylaw No. 141 confirming Bylaws Nos. 152 and 153 of the Corporation .of Aldborough conveying certain Government allowances for road in said Township of Aldborough to Alexander Campbell and others be read a first time. carried. The Clerk read Bylaw number 141. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thomson that Bylaw number 141 be read a second time. carried (cont'd) -229- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) ?lst June, 1866. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Thomson that Bylaw number 141 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. ' Mr. Dobbie Chairman of Committee on Public Improvements submitted report.. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that the report of Committee on Public Improvements be received and read. carried The Clerk read the report of the Committee on Public Improvements. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Council go into Committee of the whole on the report of the Committee on Public Improvements. carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Clunas in the Chair. The Committee of the whole rose and the Chairman re- ported to the Council the adoption of. the report of the Committee on Public Improvements without amendment. After which it was moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Suffel that the report of the Committee on Public . .'Improvem.en:ts be adopted.. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Harvey that the following schedule for the equalization of the Assessment Rolls for the current year be adopted by the Council. Municipalities Assessed in Equalized in 1866 1866 ,454,650 454,650 504,590 554,590 942,709 912,709 Aldborough Dunwich Southwold (cont'd) -221- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 21st June, 1866. Municipalities Assessed in Equalizsd:in 1866 1866 Yarmouth 903,115 953,ll5 Malahide 725,795 710,795 S; Dorchester 318,002 328,002 Bayham 571,375 523,375 Vienna 92,100 75,100 $4512,336 $4.512,336 In amendment Mr. Dobbie moved seconded by Mr. Ferguson that the basis agreed upon last year for equalizing the Assessment Rolls be adopted for 1866 viz. Bayham $ :9 per acre Malahide 11 per .. Dorchester 11 per .. Yarmouth 13 per .. So uthwold 12 per .. Dunwich 8 per .. Aldborough 6 per .. Vienna at the fixed sum of $75000. The personal property to be deducted in making up the amount at the above rate. The amendment was lost and the original motion carried. The Clerk submitted Bylaw number 142 to raise the amount of three thousand five hundred and fifty three dollars for Common School Teachers ,~gili valent ~ti ,the ap- portionment made by the Chief'~ Superintendent f'or'the current year as follows: (cont; d) -222- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 21st Juhe 1866. Aldborough Bayham Dorchester S. Dunwich Malahide Southwold Yarmouth .$ 279 616 279 346 638 656 739 $3553 Moved by Willi~ Harvey Bylaw number 142 be received carried. seconded by Mr. Smith that and read a first time. The Clerk read Bylaw number 142. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Hegler that Bylaw number 142 be read a second time. carried Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. McXillop that Bylaw number 142 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. . The Chairman of the Finance Committee submitted By- law number 143 to raise twenty two thousand dollars for County rates exclusive of Schools. After which it was moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Suffel that Bylaw number 143 be received and read first time. The Clerk read Bylaw number 143. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that By- law number 143 be read a second time. carried Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. Harvey that Bylaw number 143 be read a third time and finally passed carried. (cont'd) -223- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 21st June, 1866 Mr. Galbreath Reeve of Dunwich submitted draft of Bylaw number 144 to appropriate the sum of two thousand dollars towards the erection of a bridge across the River Thames near the Currie Road in Dunwich. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Scott that By- law number 144 be received and read a first time. carried The Clerk read Bylaw number 144. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Harvey that By- law number 144 be read a second time. carried Moved by Mr. law number 144 be carried Dobbie seconded by Mr. Glover that By- read a third time and finally passed , . Mr. McKillop submitted Bylaw number 145 to make certain appropriations on County lines, after which it was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Scott that Bylaw number 145 be received and read a first time. carried The Clerk read Bylaw number 145 after which Mr. Dobbie moved seconded by Mr. Harvey that Bylaw number 145 be read a second time. carried It was then moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Scott that.Bylawnumber 14:5 be read a,third time lind., finally passed.,car:deq. . ~ '" Moved by Mr. Ferguson seconded by Mr. Galbreath that John A. Philpot of the Y-illage of Iona be appointed by this Council Inspector of Weights and Measures ' for the West Riding of Elgin. lost. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that Henry Brown of St. Thomas be appointed Inspector of Weights and MeasureS,": for the County. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Clunas that the communications read by the Clerk be now disposed of. (cont'd) -224- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 21st June, 1866. Moved by Mr. Johnson seconded by Mr. Hegler that the petition of Henry Benjamin making application to be re- funded the sum of two hundred and thirty four dollars and sixty five cents for arrears of taxes paid by him on certain lots in the Township of Aldborough be laid over until next meeting of the County Council in order to obtain the opinion of the County Solicitor towards the legality of refunding him said amount. carried. Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Luton that the application of Mr. Hodge to this Council for a Committee to be appointed to take into consideration the advis- ability of lighting the Court House and premises connected therewith with gas produced from pine be laid over for further consideration. carried. Mr. Thomas Green appeared before the Council and made statement respecting the security held by the County concerning the Gravel Road. After which Mr. Mandeville moved seconded by Mr. Smith that the personal security now held by this County against Robert Hepburn for the performance of a contract with this County concerning the payments on the gravel Road in this County be released from responsibility, namely, William Hindley, Asa. Fordice and William Hepburn. motion lost. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Mandeville that the Warden sign draft for members wages and that the Council adjourn till the second Tuesday in November next. William Mckay Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden. -225- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) FOURTH SESSION 1866 13th November, 1866. Tuesday the thirteenth day of November. The Council met. The Warden in the Chair. Members present: ." . Ferguson Suffel Luton Mandeville Harvey Glover Cl unas Hegler Messrs. McKillop Thomson Galbreath Scott Smith The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. The Warden then addressed the Council. The following communications were read. Report of the Grand Jury f'orcfall.assizes of 1866. From the Revd. E. Sheppard resigning the office of Local Superintendent for the County. From the County Registrar relating to the security of the Registry Office and vault. From A. F. Butler making application for the office of Local Superintendent. From the County Treasurer respecting County rates. From the Middlesex County Clerk acknowledging' re- ceipt of copies of Bylaws. From Clerk of the County of Lambton respecting County grant to County line between Elgin and Lambton. (cont'd) -226-' (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 13th November, 1866. From the Clerk of the County of Oxford relating to grants to County lines. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Ferguson that the r~signation of the Revd. E. Sheppard Local Superintendent of Common Schools for the County be accepted. carried. On motion the Council adjourned till nine o'clock tomorrow morning. William McKay Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden. -227- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) FOURTH SESSION 1866 14th November, 1866. Wednesday the 14th day of November. The Council met at nine o'clock forenoon. , The \Varden in the Chair. Members present: Messrs. McKillop Thomson Galbreath Scott Smith Ferguson Mandeville Harvey Glover Clunas Hegler Suffel Luton The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. . Mr. Suffel moved seconded by Mr. Harvey that the Mayor of St. Thomas be immediately notified that the agreement between the Town of St. Thomas and this County will expire on the first day of January next and that it will be neces- sary to continue said agreement or make a new one as may be agreed upon. carried. Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that this Council adjourn for half an-hour in order that the Finance Committee may meet. carried. After an adjournment of half an hour the Council resumed. Mr. Suffel Chairman of Finance Committee submitted report. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. McKillop that 'the report of the Finance Committee be received and read. (cont'd) -228- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 14th November, 1866. The Clerk read the report of Finance Committee after which it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that this Council go into Committee of the whole on the ~eport of Finance Committee. The Council were put into Committee of the whole. Mr. Thomson in the Chair. The Committee of the whole rose. The Council resumed. Moved by Mr. Hegler seconded by Mr. Smith that Bylaw number 146 be read a second time. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that Bylaw number 146 be read a third time and finally passed. Moved by Mr. Luton seconded by Mr. McKillop that the opinion of the County Solicitor be obtained as regards the validity of a conditional Bylaw passed to grant money to be expended on County lines. carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that the Council do now adjourn for one hour. (cont'd) -229- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 14th November, 1867. After an adjournment of one hour the Council resumed. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Smith that the communications be taken up and disposed of. The Clerk then read the communication received from the County Registrar. Moved by Mr. McKillop, seconded by Mr. Smith that a Committee of three be appointed by the Warden to examine the Registry Office and report on the same to this Council. carried. The Warden named Messrs. McKillop, Harvey and Glover to compose said Committee. The Clerk read Mr. Butlers communication after which it was moved by Mr. Glover seconded by Mr. Mandeville that Mr. Butler be appointed Local Superintendent of Common Schools for this County in place of Mr. Sheppard resigned. lost. Mr. Butler being present addressed the Council res- pecting the office of Local Superintendent. . 1h amendment first. Mr. McKillop moved seconded by Mr. Galbreath that Samuel McColl be appointed Local Superintendent for the West Riding of the County. carried In amendment second. Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Ferguson that Mr. Walker of St. Thomas be appointed Local Superintendent for the County. lost. The second amendment and main motion were put and lost and the first amendment was carried. Mr. Scott submitted draft of Bylaw number 149 to confirm Bylaw number 147 of Dunwich to convey a certain road allowance in said Township of Dunwich, (cont'd) -230- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 14th November,;L966'i, Moved by Mr. Hegler seconded by Mr. Scott that By- law number 147 be received and read a first time. carried Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Ferguson that Bylaw number 147 be read a second time. carried Moved by Mr. Scott seconded by Mr. Galbreath that Bylaw number 147 be read a third time and finally passed carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas secondedLby Mr: Hegler.tthat Mr. Thomas Cezar be paid the sum of nine dollars and fifteen cents for plank furnished by him in repairing the Kettle Creek Bridge on the County line between Elgin and Middle- sex and that the War~en sign his order for the said amount. carried. . Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Smith that the personal securities now held by this Council against Mr. Robert Hepburn for the amount still due upon the pUrchase of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road be released and that the sureties now offered by Mr. Mandeville be accepted in lieu thereof and that the Warden of this Council be authorised to make the proposed change on the part of the Municipality. carried Moved by Mr. Suffel seconded by Mr. Glover that this Council appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars each for the purpose of building a drill shed at the Villages of Aylmer, Port Stanley~ Vienna and Wallacetown.. to meet like sums offered by the frovincial Government. carried. Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded'w Mr. Clunas that the Revd. George Donnaker be allowed to peddle dry goods in connection with his occupation as book pedlar without paying the usual license therefor,' Such privilege being granted to him in consideration of partial blindness..\ Said privilege to continue during the pleasure of Council and that a license be granted by.the Clerk accordingly. carried. (cont'd) -231- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 14th November, 1866. Mr. ScobIe ~. P. P. appeared before the Council and on motion addressed the Council in reference to the procuring of a charter for the Southern Railway. After which it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that the thanks of this Council be tendered to John ScobIe Esqr. M. P. P. for his address to this Council in relation to the Southern Railway. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Glover that this Council adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. William McKay Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden. -23.2- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) FOURTH SESSION 1866 Third Day 15th November, 1866. Thursday:the fifteenth day of November. The Council met at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the ':{}ha'j;r. Members present: Messrs. McKillop Thomson " Gal breath Scott Smith Ferguson Glover Harvey Luton Mandeville Clunas Hegler The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. Captain King on behalf of the St. Thomas Rffle Company appeared before the Council and made statement respecting an appropriation for a drill shed at St. Thomas. After which it was moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Glover that the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars be granted for the purpose of erecting a drill shed in St. Thomas provided the Town Council appropriate a like amount. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by D'..Ferguson that the report of the Committee appointed to examine the ~egistry Office be received and read. The Clerk read the ~eport of Registry Office Committee. Moved by W. .H. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Clunas that the report of the Committee appointed to examine the C Registry Office be laid over until next meeting of Council. carried. (cont'd) -233- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 15th November, 1866. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Harvey that a Committee of three be appointed to confer with the Committee of St. Thomas concerning the agreement about to expire between the Town of st. Thomas and the County of Elgin~said Committee to consist of Mr. McKillop, Mr. Glover and the Warden and to report at two~'clock thIs afternoon. carried Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Mandeville that A. F. Butler be appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for the East Riding of the County of Elgin. carried Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Luton that this Council adjourn till two o'clock afternoon. carried The Council met,.at two o'clock when it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that Bylaw number 148 to appoint Local Superintendent of Common Schools be received and read a first time. carried. The Clerk read Bylaw number 148., Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Clunas that By- law number 148 be read a second time. carried. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Harvey that Bylaw number 148 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. The Clerk submitted Bylaw number 149 to make appro- priations for drill sheds. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that Bylaw number 149 be read a first time. Moved by Mr. Hegler seconded by Mr. Ferguson that By- law number 149 be read a second time. carried. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Smith that the sum of fifty dollars be added to the grant towards building a drill shed in the Town of St. Thomas. Motion lost. (cont'd) \. -234- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1961-1867) ( 15th November, 1866. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Scott that Bylaw number 149 be read a third time and finally passed. carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson seconded by Mr. Scott that the report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Com- mittee of the Town of St. Thomas in reference to the agreement between the County of Elgin and the Town of St. Thomas be received and read. carried. The Clerk read the report. The Mayor of the Town of St. Thomas and Sheriff Munro being present addressed the Council respecting the agree- ment between the Town of St. Thomas and the County concer- ning the annual amount paid by the Town towards the Gaol. "{ After which it was moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Hegler that the report of the Committee appointed to confer with the Mayor of the Town of St. Thomas relative to the previous settlement at separation between this County and the Town of St. Thomas be adopted. carried Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. McKillop that the Warden be authorised to carry out the contemplated arrange- ment as agreed upon by this Council with the Town of St. Thomas between this time and the first day of January next should the Town of St. Thomas comply with the said proposal carried. Moved by Mr. Harvey seconded by Mr. Mandeville that the Reeve of Aldborough be appointed a Commissioner'. to examine the bridge known as the Wardsville Bridge on the County line between Elgin and Middlesex and to expend such sums in repairs as he may deem necessary for the public safety and report the same to this Council at its next meeting. carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas seconded by Mr. Smith that whereas a Bylaw V@.S passed by this Council known as Bylaw No. 139 on twenty.fi'fth" January 1866 for the appropriation of money on the County line between the County of Elgin and Middlesex. (cont'd) -235- (Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1861-1867) 15th November, 1866. And whereas the Clerk of this County having notified the Council of the County of Middlesex of the same. And whereas the County o~ Middlesex having failed to pass a similar Bylaw during the time specified according to Law. Therefore it is resolved that this Council do hereby nominate and appoint John H. Hegler Esqr. of the Township of South Dorchester Arbitrator for and on behalf o~ this County to confer with Arbitrator to be appointed by the County of Middlesex in accordance with Chapter 54 of the Consolidated Statutes of Upper Canada Section 358. carried Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Luton that the sum of sixty dollars be granted to T. M. Nairn Esqr. Warden of this County for extra services performed by him during the year 1866: carried. Moved by Mr. Mandeville seconded by Mr. Clunas that a vote of thanks be tendered by this Council to T. M. Nairn Esqr. for the very and able and impartial manner he has discharged the duties of Warden of this County for the present year. carried. Moved by Mr. Smith seconded by Mr. Mc~illop that the thanks of this Council be tendered to the Clerk and Treasurer of this County ~or their efficient services during the present year. carried. Moved by Mr. McKillop seconded by Mr. Hegler that this Council adjourn sine die. And that the Warden sign draft for members wages. \ I I \ \ \ \ I \ i , \ \ " \ William McKay County Clerk. T. M. Nairn Warden.