1867 Minutes ... .' 'a- " . . itll~.M~~~~~M~M~'MM~M~~-~;B '~'~\fnDINGS OF THE COUNCIL 01 .jl OFT~ ~r .- ~ I COUNTY OF ELCIN, ~ DURING THE SESSION .HELD m THE COURT--HOUSE. i \ ~' i ; , , i IN ST. T:EI: C>:M:A. S IN 'l'HEMON'l'H QF , J' A N U A.:R Y, 1867: -~~-.... 1'. ~I. N:\-IRN, WARDEN. W:M. MoKA)?:", CLERK. .~~ ..U , U~ ~~."",.~. . J~.'ji ~" d 'N"WW~~~"~~~~~_M""C'~' ~l~ ea, . r, -' _ _ ~;'0 --..---......---ccc ST. THOMAS, P~I:STED AT THE" ROME JO~RNA.L" OFFICE, ST. THOMAS, C;. w. .. ! . ~ I I PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL mll!Ullm~m; @)1 ~~Ul'lt\f~'!' ~@Ul'li:I~l!K" OF THE WARDEN.-T. M. NAIRN, ESQ. REEVES, T. j\L NAIRN, T. W. DOBBIE, GEOUGE SUFFELj JOHN CLUNAS, ARCH. KERR, .JOHN GALBREATH, W. H. l\LVSDEVILI,E, P. C. CAMI'BELL, DEPUTY REEVES. A. R. MCDoUGALD, ~ .JOSEPH SCOTT, DUGALD FERGUSON, DANIEL BLACK, JciHN THOMSON, WrLLIA.l-...i: HARVEY, JOHN MCCAUSLAND, HENRY -STRATTON, "Enw AltD HEGLER, MUNICIPALITIES. MALAHIDE. BAYHAM. VIENNA. SOUTH DORCHESTER. SOUTmVOLD. DUNWICH. YARMOUTH. ALDBOROUQH. MUNICIPALITIES. ALDBOROUGH. DUNWICR. . SOUTHWOLD. YARMOUTH. Do. MALAHIDE. Do. BAmAJ.l:. SOUTH DORCHESTER. . COUNTY Of ElCU'\J, .- I j DUnrNG THE SESSION HELD IN THE COURT-- H au S E . IN ST. orE: <0 J.\OC.a IS MUNICIPAL OFFICERS. G. 1'. CLA,lUS, COltTl-ty Treasu'l'e?', I J Jl;IiIEL MANN, (Jaunty F0lidtor. W" McKAY, ()ou'{tf!y Olerk, WILLIAM MARTIN, lyessen,qfYl'. IN THE MONTII OF STANDING COMMITTEES. J AN U A R Y, :t 8 67. . . CAOL ANDPRINTINC. Chainnan-T.lVI.NAIRN, Warden. W. H. MANDEVILLE, J. THm[s()N. FINANCE. Chairman-GEo. SUFl<'EL: "vV. HARVEY,. E. HEGLER, P. C. CA\IPBELL, J. GAT,nREA'l'H. 1'. M. 'NAIRN, WARDEN' WM. ;MoKAY, CLERK. PUBLIC IMPROV'EI'iIENT. Chm~I'man-,-T. W. DOBBIE. J. SOOTT, J. CLUNAS, D. BLACK, . A. It l\IcDOUGAI,D EDUCA TION. Chain/tan-GEo. SUFFEL. D. FERGUSON, J.MCC:'LUSLAN~, H.STRATTON, A. KErtH. SPECIAL COMMITTEE.-To select a site, ancl.~ake enquiries regarding the establislnnent of an IndustralFarm:-T.:M. Nairn, Ohltirman; P. C. Campbell, John Clumis, T. W. Dobbie, W. H. 1ylancleville,J. Galbre3th; A.Keri', Geo. Suffel. STo THOMAS. PRINTED AT THE U HOME JOUIU.'\A.L" OFFICE, ST. THO!lI:AE; C. w. ElGI~COUNTY. COUNon, PROCEEDINGS. TUESDA Y, ',January 22, 1867~ The. Rec\:c,s.Jtncl Deputy-Reeves of .,the.several :arunicipll,lities ion thl3 COllntyofElgin,mc,t at the Court.House,inJhe:~own ofSt.. Tho!llas. in accordance with the II'Iunicipat Inst~tutions Act, amI having filed certificat~s.witll theelerkof.theirJL..Qpointmen.h -took their seats at the Council board as follows:- !T.essrs, p;c,ter,q. Campb@,-geeve..~ld~()ro~gll~'_~^.,R:; ~Ic;pol1gald, Deputy_~eeve.. 4~~borollg~;_" ,J O~l~__ ;9a1bl'eath,; ,Reeve, :::qunwi~b, Joseph - SelJU,,' _ Deputy ,Reeve,___:qw~!y~ch;Ai'~~ibfl11l ;,Ker!,_Re~ve, S(>Uthwolcl~ Pugjtlcl,F,e~'g\lson", pep':1tyReev:e,SOllthwold!,';W"~ H. nfanc1eville':,:Reeve,.,,_ Yannolltbj ;John _.,Thompson" "Deputy' ~eeve, Yal'ffiollth;Daniel Black, DCplltyJ;teeve1Y ltrmonth;.:T. J\I,}:rairl~, Ree;e, lIIalahit'ie;, Wi1lia,~,:IIarv:ey,. I)epj)ty. Reeve, Malahide; ,J.ohn McCausland, Deputy'R~eve, ~ial~hide; ~olm: bluuas1 }~eeveJ-8~W!1 DorChestel';Edw~~'cl Hegle~, Deputy Reeve, South. DorQ~ester;. T. W; DObbh:;,,-Reeye:~ BaJ'~,am; HebXY,~tratto?, "DeplltJ(-Re.sve, B,ay. haHl;G~'S~ffer,~eeve,Yienna,,::_: ''''':,':'':' '. ,,",. , The ffielllbers present'W~l'e caned to;i;mler'. Tl~e-Clerk:i,-niIie CIHtir. , ' " , WhIm _ itWa'~_::mo~ed' ,?i)rIr.~err,~,eco.nded.1Jfj)h<'~'egle~,':t};a,t Mr. Nai~l1' be ap'po~nt~d ,"VardGr:fo'~thepreS~l).~,.'ye,~r.. . , '., fn arnendinentr,it w~s ,~.n6v~(lby,.~it'., Thomvson:.:S~corded, by l\fr. Black, tlUl.t, W:, H.Jvhndeville 'be,',W arcleu, for ,the c:l1r~~ent .year. Amendment lost, and original 111otioil carticet', ' ", ,:::'." The'~lerktheii' declared l\-fr":,'l'[uirn,duly ele~ted,\Yal'den.ofthe County. ' 4 The tv'ardell made- the declaration of office bef(lre His Honor Judge Hughes, the]J. took the Chair, and addressed the Councn as lo11ows ;- G:RNTLE~r.E:N OF TIrE. COUNCIL :-1 beg to tender yon my gratefnl acknowledgment for the confidence yon have again reposed in me iu re-electing me to the important office of 1Varden of this County. It is an honor which I hardly expected, an4 one FhiCh was quite unsolic.ited~onD1ypart; and if there is one feature connected with thema'tter more pleasing than,another, it is the cordial, I might al. 1110st say, unanimous support, received from the gentlemen with whom I have been associated-at the Council Board for years, and it shaU'be my 'constant aim at aU times to discharge the variom'l duties appertainin~ to 'the office,' so as to"medt that -confidence, andwith an eye to the best interests~not of any se?tion ol'locality~bnt of the wuoleCollnty,and Ttrnstat the end C?f the yel1r no gentleman who has this day supported me, 'will have.cause.toregl'etthe course -he has taken. New and irnpoitant'changesinconnectioIl with~Onr !Iunicipal Ii1stitutionsl1ave recently 'become 'law; -'A.dditional-favors and pri- vileges ,'are conferred';btit 1 have 'no' doubt, y()~ 'will 'bring to the consideration of all tl1eseIl.1~tters,_that_ealm and candid d~Fberation which has always characterise~the-proceedings_6f _-this COU?Cil.- A.nd from -wbat I know'ofthe old, and learn of the new' members, I am sure 1 can on, alloc<::88ioos' 'of difficulty and doubt, appeal to you for' cOunsel and advice. "", ,', - A~~ording't~the ne~Municipal act, it'Vfillpe.neces~ar.r,to!erect ,a House of'Industl'Y in this County,' I~ould~herefore recoD;lplend that some:actionbe t~ken in t4~:,~attl3f during tIiil?_!'e~~ion, byap- pointing a committee to select a site, and receive offers fOl: the,pur- chase t~lelrof,_~n~lllake al!_,ne~~ssary preliminaryarrapgeIj1ents, so that 'the institution mar, be establis~e_a -within the' time' required by law. ,,' _~h~,pfO'viding of rewards for'the dis_covel'Y of horse thieves, iS"also ,a matt'erreq~ii_~~ by the ne", l\f~nicipal, Act, and one ,which demands your attention a.t this ses8}on,9f tbe,Gouncil. "' ,:" . ,": " TheIntmector,sofPrisons have ag~ll reported Ollt.h~stateofthe Jail, aIid Itmigl!!;be advisable to take some' notice of their report. 5 I The proceedings of.t11eb.-stday oftl;j\e previous session were read and8igried. The following communications were tlienread-by the Clerk:~ From the Clerk of ~be Peace,witll Prese~tIrlentofGrand'Jl1ry. From the Clc'l'k of the County of JHidt;llesex,relatfngtocoffilllU_ . nicationsfrom, this, COll_Uty concel'uiu_gtheWardsville bridg:e.- FI'om H. B. McGann, Deaf ~I?-d punlb~nstitute,__Hamilion. From the ,County of Norfolk, in reference toapPl'oi:niationmade on County line. . From the County of Rent, relative-to suits brought" for lands sold for taxes, From the Secretary's Oftlce,'relative to 8tatut~s. From J1Ies8rs. ~Ic:nIillan_~nu. Clegg,r~lative.to taxes-paid :on wiIu. lands III .Aldborough.' . Petition of John Gill and thirtt~two.:O_tl;~s,prayingforaid to the Deaf and Dumb Institute; - From -the, Militia Department, relatlve'to"B -I Ii -. Drill Sheds." y aw or grants to From Mr,: Scarffmaking'-a.pplicationfOl'the offlc .- f A. - d: -- . From J,P. Martyn, aJ?~),I!ingfor o~,CeOfAriditor~(]' u Itor. The.W arden nOlllinate'd.':~. .J"~ _'White,oneoftbe:dountYAudi,tor~ :Moved by 1\Ir. Thompson, seconded bjrl\fi'. D, Bhi.ck':'that J P: l\Iartyn, be appointed on,t:l of ,tb13 ~uditorspf-the County T~easul'~r's accounts_ for the present year, and that.the:remuneration be thirty dollars. . W Illamendill~nt, it was, mov~d:by ::Mr,SUffel,~econdedbYl\rr:"Har_ vey: ~hat George Scarff be, appoiut~dCou,lltY"A_l1ditor;'and thatthe appoIlltment made by the 'Varden, appointing W.J, 'White, be con- fiI'med by this Council. ., . .' . Amendment lost, origiulll motion carried. .1tloved by Mr. Suffel; seconded by, -!rr.:McDougald' ,th t" . m~ttee of tl1r~e be named by the Warden to str'ike the ~tan~j~~~~~ mltltpee~ o~ Fmance,.PUblie:Improvement,s, Education-'JailSuppIies p.nc . l'll]tlllg, .'. earl'led.' ,.. ' Thc.Wal'dennalllecl the following: members-to compose the said co~mlttee :~Messrs. Sulfel,)Handevilleand, Scott ~ l\foved by .Mr.1\IcCauslalld,seco.nd~d:by Mr; BI~clt;that the Rev E. Shepperd ~e a.ppoiqteC!,~,T~nsteeot:the 8t.Thoma'lrsei1iorC6uu~ ty Grammar,SChool for the termof-threeyears. Carried, . - I i I I 6 iloveCl by Mr. Dobbie, sf?condecl- uy Tnr.Stratton: t~Hlt, the HeY. nIl'. .Jessup be appointed Trustee of the Yiellllft County Gmmmar School for tbe term'of three years., -Carried.' J\Iovedby l\Ir.":McQausland,secondecl. by Mr. <;ialbreath:_that-By~ law No" 150, l:t()re~ul)eratemembersror theiratt.endance in Conn- eU" bereceived ~ndread_~:first timq~_ Carded. ~Ioved bY,itlr. Chinas, }~conded, by _Mr~ Kerr,that By~bw,_No. 15_0 be-read, a second tih1~. 'Carried:: _ _ '__' _ _ .', _ _' ' lVloved by:ITlr.Harvey; secondecl-by 1\lr., Campbell: tlllttBy~law No. 150, bemg a By-law to remunerate the members of tbis Couu. cU-fortlJeir,atteI:l.dance,',be. read a third time; and finallypassed.- Carried. Moved by "Mr._Dobbie, E,leconded,by1tIr. Stl'atton;thatBy~law,No. 151, "to conprm By-law}~fo~, 154"oftheTownsllip of Aldborough," be received 'and' read a first time, Canied, Moved 1)Y nrr, Hegle,r, seconded: by ,Mr.ClnnrLs:' that~y:law No. 151 be read a- second time. 'Ca'rded. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded byMr~ Harvey, that By~law No. 151, to,cqnfirrri'~y~law:'No..154; of the.Corporation of'Aldbo- rough, be read a third time, and finally passed. Carried. :ll'Ioved byMr~.I>obbie,;seconded:byJHl'.Stratton, thattherepoit of th~ committee.._:1ppointed, by the -Warden to_ strike. thp Standing COlllln,itt~es,be!e~eive9 :~n~ re~.- .,C,arried. TlieClerk read then;PQrt pi the comlnitteeappoill:ting ,Standing Committees;' ",' __ -' '" ','", ' . After-which, it was moved by']I'i:r; -Dobbie, seconded ,by Mr.Strat~ - ton: that the report_of:theocommittee ,appointed to strike the Stand~ iug Committees for the current year, be adopted. Carried., ,. ~roved,by.Mr: j\fcCauslandj secondedbyMr, Black: thata By-law be passed-.,~nth?r~si.ng ,theStlnl oKthirty dollar~to, ~e paid to any person appf{:be~cUng_per~onsguilty of horse ste~liDgi~ the ,County of Elgin, 'Carried': '.... " :Thioved tyM.1". Hegler, . seconded by :Mr. . Clanas,' in nm~ndnient: that a By-law he pass6ct appropdatingthe sum of. t,,;,'enty-five dol. -htrs to 'any 'person apprehencling' persons guilty of horse stealing in the:-Conllty; . ., Original,motion carried, amendmeilt;.tO" motion, loet. :Moved by ~Ir. Harvey/seconded by Mr. Mf~ndeyine:thatBy~law No; 152; being-a~' By~lawto provide~orrewc~rcUng..any person 'who may apprehend personS guilty ,othorsestealing.in the C~:>unty," be received and reacl,,'a.first time;.' Carried, " ~Iovedby~Ir.- Dobbie, seconded 'biY ,Mr;StraUoi1:LhatBy,.la:w No. 152 be l'ead.asecond time,' Carried. 7 )Ho~e~ ~.r,~11'" M_c?oll?all, seconded:by_ilr.Suffel:, that Ey-law :No.,.1i.l2, qe re;;td, a thud tIme" and finally passed.. Carried. I\-1o"red,by}\~',:-Su:ffel,secondedby: Mr. Hal7ey:thata- speC,il-J.l comm.Ittee, to b~ composed of not le~,tp.an five.::nembersQf ttc Ci?UllCll;:pe ,tLppq!l1t~(l Jgrthe,purpose of selecting apiece o~ 'plot.of groUll(l for th,e-p_urP()se, of erecting. thereon a House of Industry >and HouseotI~ett~ge"and,_. for: other purp(}ses cO~llected _therewitl1and and that .the s~icl ?ommittee do make tl1~ir~epm't at thene:Kt ~elle- rill me?tmg ?f:YIls_counciI;,and,thatthe ,said comrnittee domeet from tl~~ t~ .,tllll,e as ther may}hink,proper_ ,said Uleetin!rs tob.e c~lledl.iy the chaiqnan_{>f,said, ,cplnmittee.. ..': C~rrred, '.' :0 3Io~ed ~y ~fr,. CIullas, seconded,~i~ir. Hegler:'thatthatthi~ councIl.a?Jou~ll..t~llllineo'c~ock_to'~orrow Illorning.:....Carl'ied:.. _ ", WEDNESDAY, ,'Janu~ry 23. The council met at nine o'Clocktbls forenoon. ~ i\Iembcr~.prescnt:.. ltressrs., Ca.mpbell, :McDougald,Galb~eaih,: Scott, Ken, Ferguson;Clunas,: Hegler:-MandevilleBla'c"k':Thomson . Harvey;.1t!cCausland,'Dobbie; Strattdn; SuffeL:'!;',. _:: /: I Atter s?l1le 'delay, - and, the:"\V atliennot' being'present; Mr~$uffel was apPolllted chairman. _,. '~_;.'.' ':r~e pioc~ediniSbfth~'previous day Were' re'ad andauthdris~_ to . bl;::'slgned. ",..- , _: ' :',' The vy arden ~ntere~,the ball and resumed the chai~. llIr..Suffcl; chairman- of.the 'Finance-Committee: -subinitted;a-l'e~ ~ port. . "'" :~rov~~ by Mr.Dob~ie,seconded .~Y:Mr,.'Stratton;' t~at ,the re;ort of. the Fmance CommIttee be received and read. Carried.' ,,]':Ioved br.1\fr. Dobbie, seconded by Mr. Stratton:_ thafthe l'eport~ 0, the collltlllttee on Fina-ncebeadopted. .Carried ~Iovedby Mr. SU:ffel;~seconded by}!r, McDongald:tIiatthe ap_, pomtmcnt mad,e by thc Warden, appointing W,--J."\Vhiteaso-neof- the county audItors, be confirmed. by t4is council. Carried. ,-The clerk read tlic'l'eport of the,St.Thomas... and Aylmer Gra'vel Road Company forthe',year ending 31::t December, 1866. Moved by ThIr: McDougald, seconded by Mr. Kerr: that Edward Horton beapPolllted county Solicitor. Lost. , Il:t:oved by nfr..Mandeville,secoiu:'led <by Mr:Hegler, that James- Stanton be apPollltecl county Solicitor. Lost. ' :Mov-e~l by Mr. Suilel;: seconded by Mr. Stratton: that Jeliia1Mann be apPollltedcounty Solici~or, Carried. . i i I .1 .,1 !.I ,( !; I; I I. 8 , . . - _ " aId !'lcconded- by1'lIr. Campbell!: thatSu,. 1\Iovcd by J't~r., lIIcDo~g t d'Local'--Supedttendent ,oL-Comrool1 muel McColl _be aflP~m:~ th WestR.idingofElgiu, for-th~ cnr~ Schools for the townshIps In " ~ - . , - laT"'V of $220, Carned. - - , k ,. 1;entyear,ata8a~J ,,' . d dby1'1frHegler:thattheclerue Moved by~Il'. Cl~nasd~~:-ar~th~:Ass.essnientRollS andSlip5 to requested to pro~u~le al.~es in the county 'at as early-a date as con- the several rouUlclpa 1 _:_ venieii~~Garried~ _ _..'.. . "',":', - ',,_ - - rve ~that,A.F. Moved . bY~I~t:a~~:~i~:sri~~~i~:~d~;t~;'c~;mo;~ Schools ~or Bntler be ~p~ _, - - ,-:- _ - ,,- (Elgt"u - at a salary offp300,excluslVe theEastRldmguftheeounty? ;.'..' c, - -. _ at stationery_all()'\Vance< Car~~~: 'd -d'b M:I\IcDciu<Tald-' that T. Moved by'Mr. Campbell, seCOll eb rYof thris councilb to ~xamine b,." E procecdas a mem.e '. d W. Do uIe, sq., -n B.d e and that he be authonse to or insp~ct th.e W~rdsVI '~h t~~ gc~unty engineer of _ the County of make_Ill COJ,lJllllctlOn . WI . rovementsas may be deemed ne. :Middlesex, such repalr~ ~nd~ Imp d: to make it safe for public travel. cessary to preserve the un be, an Carried;'" ' ",,' , ndedb ',~1r8tratton: that the county Movedby:Mr.,Suffel" seco -. ,,' d~' sh~ets Min tormeryears, and accounts, when audited,be.prlllte In" 51, ' the respdetive ; Reeves distributed througho!lt'.,the.c,Ountyamong and Deputy Reeves_ carnedd d' b Mr. Galbreath: that th~War- , Moved by ,'~,Black'dSKec.()~ '~e _':committee to confer .wIth the den 1tlessrs. Suffel an eJr, , ',' ,L t town .of St. Thomas. ,- - .os - d d b ~rr' 1tIcDbngald:_ that the War. .. _Moved- ,by, Mr. Sp~el,secon :' 'b[ a c~mmittee to arrange matters den, Messrs. DobbIe and Harv Y'( the amonntthey shall give to . t of, 8t Thomas.as 0: ,,'" ,,' ,', _ ,-, : & wIth:tbe, own ".";' I L' , ,- Fund AdministratlOnof JU3tlCe, co, the county for MUDlCIpa - oan, " for the nextfiY13 years. _~ost. dd 'b Mr -Harvey: ,that Messrs. ~loved by Mr. Ma~devllle, seco~ e b y pp~inted ,a committee to 8nffel, MyDougald' ,an~ the, ,Wf Sa; ~'or:a~' relative to ,a settlement Confer with, the- c.omlmttee 0, . , . " " between the town and county_ "Cda~I~d.Mr ,Suffel- tbat this council ]'loved by_Mr.Campbell,sec;on e y ;-1 kihis ,afternoon.- do noW adjourn, to meet agarn at three 0 c oc Carried~ - . 'd d b Mr, Ferguson: that the re- Moved by ~Ir. Harvey, secon. e b!received and read~ CalTicd- port of tbecolllmittee.on edUcadtl~nb ']11' Clunas' that the report .of :i\{oved by Mr. Hegler, seeon e ,y ." ' " . d' . d' COll be adopted. Carne; " . the eOlll11nttee on e uea I d d b ~Ir Black: that - the petl., ' Moved by Mr. Thompson, seCOll e ,y: .., ,- , 9 tion of the Directors ,of the jOhnstown,Oil Company, bereceiyed,a~ll, read. Carried. _ Thepeti-tion: oftlie Dir.ectbrs-,of,the _Johnstow:n,. qil: Companyw_lls read. ,J\:Ioved by .711:!\ Suffel,se,conde,d" bYl\l:r. !K~t:r:;, that the_petiti9110,f. (j-eorge_Kains, -Esq:; and; others, ot_tl:1eTo:wnshms of)South:w_o.ld ,~Ild~ y arlllautb:, be~ read. , The pe~tiollof_G~orge(K;a!D,s ~md. C"?tl1e.r~,;jn:: reference ,to. tIle, -im~ pl'ovement or'tlle hill. p,~r,the: towD; Jip.~;between",YarmoJlt_h,::and Southwolq,:~~,:r.:~~q" _ '_, .:'_,', .:,"" :iYIove,d by l\'Ir~;Hegler, -,seQ911qed; byhIr.,Scbtt: t.llat thepetit,ion -:of George ,Kai1~~,-an4 oLpers,' oqh~,To\Vnships,of~ armou~b:an(LS,otith"'_ wold, be not ,e!lt~rtaine_d hy,thei"cou:IlGiI.,.caI;ri~~; 3Ioved, by' :Mr:Black" seconded._uy ,Mi". Thomson: that the:'suln of $2,000, be.. grante,d by the' county i Coun.cil Xor~_the: "purpose 'set' forth,' in ,thepetitiou: from the ,Directors of ,the_Johnsto'wh:01LCOlnpany~~, Lost. Th€l";reas a,nd,:nays:being,call~d<ror Py Mr..Qampbell, were taken d6wnas:fullows':,..,- Yeas-Messrs. Thomson and Black~2. N l:1.Y's~]{es~s, J,)ob,bie;Sti'fi.ttou, :'t)_uffel, Ke.rr:;F~muson, :Harvey, McDorigal~, MqCa.uslan4,_ Carnpbeli,Cl.unas,' H(;gler,- G~bl'eat~,llnd Sco,tt~13." '".'> , " ,_' - _ ,,' . -' :Move(j, by :Mr.,Gampbel~"seconr.e~ by Ur. _!l~cl!ougald:Ulat ,the; petition ,of, rren~.y ,Benjalllin"of tbe:eity ,of',London, inre:1ercnl:;e:,to taxes upon, certain lands in Aldbo~9qgh(paid by- bim,-as,heayel:s Hlegally,~nda~kil;lg,t~at the taxes :s,O,;paid by him ~~refunqed,l'be- not granted by tllis counci1,:,~nd that the eounlj s()licitor,b~in$tl'uc_- tcd to defend any suit that may b~entered t'or therecovel'yot said taxes. Carried. Moved by Mr. Clunas~.secondedby~Mr)Campbell:that the derk bereqlieste,j,to draft and prepare blank forms for road lists with the Cana4~_ TlJistle Act, tLIso the certi.fi~ate re<ruiredunder the f)~eep protectioll'Act,-for, thebenefit'ofthe' several municipaliti~s' In: the count.y, said draft t~~eappr~ved lJY thecounty s,oIicitof, t111~ -sub-. mitted tel: ~thesp,cci~lmeeting ,'of H13ev~son '-~Jie'12tho( 'F~bruary uext.'Carriecl.' ,," , ,'", :,' ,', ,'; ',,'. Captain Day, of tlleSt.Thomas 'Y,?ll1nteer 'Rifi~s',appear~~ 'bef()re the council abd made a 'statement in:referenc~ .to an 'additional, ap- prop_riationfordrillshed.at,th~ t01YriofSt_'Tho~las; , , ,;' Aftei-which, it was mo:ved by":]l,!r;,'M?Do.uga~d" seconcted,by,Ml\ :P()rguson:th~t, theapp1ication' 'of,'Captaili--Day 'tor further'uid to:. wards tlrc_crectionof a battalion drill-shcd,llc referred tothe rouo'\"'; ( ,I i I': f I' i. :1 ill ir: , II :i 10 ing-co1nmitte~Mes8rs;Do:bbie,-Galbreath and-Kerf; said commit:" tee to report to t11is council to-morrow moming. , In amendment,- moved by ]-fr.-Calilpbell,seconded-hy- Mr. Har~ vey: that this counc'il appropriate 3:ll addition.all11ILO~mto~ .$500 to~ wards the building 'of a battalIon drill shed in the towDof ~t., Tho- mas, if, upon the completion of said drill shed, 'satisfactory-evidence be'submitted tothi8 council that said building coul(l'not b:ebuilt in accordance with the government plan -for-less th8:n -$2,300.. Amendment lost, and original motion carded; :Moved by Mr. Harvey,- seconded by Mr. Buffe1: thafon:aCcountOf the heavy e~peIise_ _llecessafi1yji1~t1rred'bythi~ c~unty .in _building- and. keeping in repair the bridge over the Rive~ Thames, known as .ihe Wardsville Bridge, this council -deein~t expedienttopas8 a By- law'in ,conformity witl1" s'ection 333 of chapter 51 of ,the'_St.atutesof Canada for the year_1866, for levying a taU or tollsj to beexpen~ed inkeeping'said bridge'in repair. or rebuildingsuch-bridge'whenne~ cessary: Arid that the clerk of this council be instructed to 'com'; mnnie-ate with' ,'theconncil, of' the ',adjoiiiingCounty"ot', Middlesex, 1l0W in session, requesting them to take similar,'and-'jointactiou' in relationtosaid bridge~ ,Carried. ''''' ," ',,', ',' ,'_ _, Moved byMr~ -Suffel, seconded by Thlr; 'Harvey:', that a:coDlDlittee be appointed by this council to be"composedof the'Reeves of:the several" municipalities, for, the, pu~~ose of, selectlllg a<su~ta1Jle' plot ,of ground for the purpose_of erecting thereon a '!louse of'ln- dustryand a House of Refuge, in accordance with seCtion 413 of the MunicipalA.ct of 1866.Cahied. . }loved by Mr, Galbreath, seconded by Mr; Scott: thattllis Council adjourn till nine o'clock ~o.mori'o,w morning, .THURSDAY, January 24. 'rh~ councillli~t a:t nine ~'ciock,',k theJoreno~m. ,The"\'V al',c1'en iQ.the,chuir..' . ._"..,.' '_, :Membcrs;presen,t ~ ~~essrs.:Call1pbell!~lc:pougald,:Gal~r~~th, Scott. Kerr, Ferguson, Clunas, Heglel','1\Iandeville, Black, 'rhomson, HarYey,McCausland,Dol:lbieiS~ratto,n,:Suffe1. -, .... .... The proceedings Of, the previousdaywcrer;end, and .authorised to be signed. '._ :" . ,: '.. _,-.. After whicb,.it 'ra~DloYed bj,1\fr.Dobbie,seconded -by ,Mr. Strat- tou:t1~at the report of; the _committ.ee_appoillted,to confer ,with the mayor of the towno~St. rrholllas,a~s to theamol!llt,.they.shouldpay 11 yearly to\the county forihe, ll_ext five years, be received and l'ead.--- CarriEd;' ' The report was_ read ~rtheelerk, Moved, by Mr.J)fandeville. s~conded by' ~Ir., Harvey: that this councilgf) i,?-to. committee of the :vh'ole on the reportofthe-com~ mittee appointed to confe!' with the committee'ofthetowll of St 'l'homas. --Carried. The CblJubif weiiitnto committee of the whole-Mr. ~iandevi1le in th~chiir~ The committee oq~e wh9le rose,. . ..' The .Warden took' the chair. . The chairman of the committee of the whole r,epo~ted the adop- tiOn of.the report.of_the.committee. wi~hthe..following amendineet. by addmg $100 to the.Administrat.ion of ,Justi~e- malringthe total amount to be paid RY the ~own_to thC:COUD:tJ:',$700 per ~nn:um. , Moved by Mr, Hegler) seconded. by- Mr. Ferguson: that the report of the committee appointectto ~onfer with tbe town ofSt, Thomag. be adopted as amended in committee of the whole by addin,j $100 thereto. Carried.~' .' J.. l:> Jl,lovedby'Mr, Dobbie~ 'secondedbV MrHeo-Ier,.that the 'sum of, <)' " , ' " , , , ", 0 " ,,' $""90 be_placed. at the disposal of the_Warden for the ,'purpose-of l.lemg expended by him for the benefit of the deaf and dumb ot this county. insending_:tl1em tothe Deaf and:Dl1:oob_InstituteofHamil- ton, conducted- by; J. B. . lilcGann. .'and, Jhat :tbe: W ardenlJe_ ,em~ 1l0were~Jo,sign,an,oider for the ~1Jove ,amount.; . CalTied. Moved by Mr. Harvey. seconded: by. Mr~ 'MeCailslaild: :that the ac~ count of. Cha.rles Chapman. for-bindingJawreports,::amounting. to _$~430,be,paldjsuch account being presented to' the comity,c()Uucil ~.lth the a~companyiDg- communication of the County Judge. 'Car- ned.';' .... - Moved by'Mr. Scott, seconded'by':urr. Galbreath that this coun- cil adjourn till half~past one o'clock. ' -- The council- resumed. - Moved by. Mi',. Harvey, seconded bi ,1frr,~IcDoli[,ald: tl1at- the report of the. Jn~pector of Prisons, addressed to this.'council, dated Srd December,~86~,bereceived a.nd referred to thejaiIconnuittee, to ta~w such actwn IJ?-t?epreillises as they may thinkexpedient._ Carl'1ed~. ." , Move? by Mr~ :fifandeville, secondedby]:rr,l\1cCaUSllt~d:thaithe ~l'OCe~dlDgs ,of each sitting :<?f th~sc~lUncil be printecl-in, ;pamphiet form,lUcludmg By-laws.affec~ing,pubJ,ic 111 orals, and that the ~at- ter oe al'ral1ged by the committee on lll'inting. Carried, 12 }IGVeu by ::'iIr;- Kerr, "econtled'bjC1\Ir,4HegleT:t~\f~t, the relF)rtof the committee on Public Improvements,be received andread.- C,-\rried. :<:. ,:aroved: bvl\Ir.Harvcy, seconded: by ,:Mr;3I~qaus1anli:' thaLthe ;'~Bolution t~ad()pt the reportofth,e,commi.~te~9f tlwwhole,wit.4 an &tnendment passed ,: by_ t~is. cOJ~ncH_~at, its ,pr~vio~s ~{lssip,n, be Te~ considered; and that the Warden: beauthorised toexf.91~ean~gree~ nlent ,,,,itll: the to-Wll of ~ S:t.,'tbOlJ18:~ f?r fIve ::years,_co~uD1~n~i~g ,011 the first day 'oci anuary inst.ant" on 'condition', that' 'sai'c~~-~~~n~:~ay~ to the county the amaun.t,or ,sum of$650,viz.::--$320,for~IuIllclpal L6'ari ,Fnnd,and$330-for Administration of' Justice' and, the 'use of the' Jail. ' CSTrieo. The yeas anff' if~fs: on' the :foregoing-. mbti~n belrigcalled" for "?i M~;}I~l)ougald,_\\,eret_akell,d?Wh,as,tollows':" '.' " Yeas"'-'-Messrs.' Scott, Thomson,'Black, Hegler, Harvey,' Chinas, ].~cCausJand, Sllffel, .Stratton 'and :Dobbie-l0. Nays~l\IeSsrs.;:n1cDougald; 'Campbell, ',Mand~viUe,'Xerr,Fergu~ sbna;q,d:Galbreath';""'6.-" .. , 110ved by Mr. Buffel, seconderlby lIfr. McDougald:' t.hat this couIicH appropriate th~stini of'$28 for the purpose of procliringthe, new-series -of English. Law -Reports for' thecoilnty: library.- Carried. "Movedl!Y,'l\I,r. Stlffel, ,seconded' by Mr. 9ampbel1:_that-as it'js couterriph~tedtopublish' :'1he'mi."1\lt:siri' patnphlet f<Jrln;.it -igexpe~ dient whenevenhere:is' a division- on,a-n-y 'motionbefore' thiscoun. cil, that the yea" and,'naYE? shall: be l:~,co.rdecl. In rtmendlllent, movedbyJl..lr.~IcCa,usland;seci)Iide(t,by' :Nlr.iliar- vey: th,at the-'yeasand., 'nay-s 'be recordedonlywhendemnnded, by any'meD:~ber,of-thiScouncH._,"'" , ~ . Original motion not PUI, and the amendment was carnet1. The y,e~s;u~tl ~1~ysbeing,(fallec1:for. ,qu,. ~lle ~ll1e_ndm~ntj:\Vere,taken down as follows: ,_ ,'.'~:,'~,..__ , Yeas-McDougald, Harvey, :i':IcCausland",}lapdeyillei,Kerr,Clu~ nas,'lIegler,)3Iack, Ferguson" T,llO01S011 and.Dobbie~ll. 1\ ays~'8tr~tton, .Sllffel, Scott" Galbreathand__Sampbell.....,..i3.. I\Ioved ,by Mr~':nopbie,.sec~:mded by n".,'Galbreath:_.tl1at.thigcoun~ dl~'i}jntoepmU1itteeo~ th~whole 0u th~ .que1?tiono~an:apPNP~ia~ tion towards building a battalion drill shea in St.Thomas.C~rned. The council went intoco-romi~t_eeof the:.wh,o,le~1rIl" Black.mthe chair: . . ,.. . The committee rbse:.,~ Tb~:C()m1:9itre'su~led, (t'n(1'.. tIi~.CII~lrriIa110f ihe-committee of thewhclc reported t.h~, adoption ,of ~grant fqi' -the ;13 erection or-a Imttalicn-'l1rillshed .in .st. ThO-IDa!) 9f the sLlm of_ h-ro hundrerla_~(l)ift'yd(}na~s._,,_,. _' ..._, .."'_ .._: : . After which, it was movedbyl\!r. 'Suff~l,:f>~condedhy~~.1..'lIt.e. DQugald:. t}Jat, the r:eport,of th~. qOlllmitte~~of. :~ll{~ wl;1ple! _app'iapria- ting the S.U:U19f,'$250'toyyar~lg;__p::ieRuildi~go(abatta1iondnl1"s~ed in t:lle<~own_ of ~t_.:Thoina\tie'adopted. 'Carlied. , The yeasai;1~. Day's ..being c~lledJor by _Messr~. 1>IandeYille, rl;m} Galbreath, TI"~re_taken di?~Nri as'~ol1ows:, '_. ...,' , Y~as-;:Mandevple;:Stratton, P.obbie, Suffe1,..McDougald, Carilp~ bell, Harvey, McCausland; Hpgler; Black, Tb(lffison:-ll. ,:If:l}'s,--Galbreath,. tlcott'lrerguson,'Clunas and Kerr-5. :\loved by Mr. Cluttas, second:dbY Mr.; Irerr:_ that th~:'derk_b~ requested to draft llndpteparea' By-Ia\v and s~bmittlie' same 'tl} this council for the regulating of -hawkers, pedlers and auctioneer Licenses, and the issning of the: same' by the several clerks in the sever;:tlmunicipaIities throughout the county., eanied. lItIovedby M:r~C~lllp~ell,8e~onded - by}~r; McDougald:tlut t~is council go into committee of thewhole upon the report ofthecom~ mittee onPublic)mproYeme~ts., Carried.,' ".'>' ....'. '._.." . The~uIl,cil,w~re 'put illtocO~:l11;niW~e ofthewhole~]fr. ]~i:90ans~ land iu th'e ~hair. ..,. , The, com~ittee',of.tl~~' w hol~ r:o~e. ::.' Th~ copncilre~ullle(l;a_t1ci't!J c cQajl'~nall repo_r~~d: theac1op,tion oftllerepbl't ,of. the committee on' Pllblj~, iIl1Pl'o.v~mel1t,s" :ivitll ~naIJJ.en(lmcnt... , '.',' . ;'.' ,.,,:' After which, ,it,:~,a.s,:ni(!~ed' by;Mr..s,u!1:~l,.sec{)nd~d ,byl\-~l'.~Ic- pougald:, ,tl}~t t~~ .l:~por;;of,the COln!l~ittee au .... pu<blic,}tnprov~men.1s, b.~ a~li?pted ,as,am.~nded. .:Carri~d;,. ,_ . '.' __ '__' ' }~oy.~ctby,,~,. ,Scqtt~ ~~cqIlded PY1.Ir~. GalbJ:l?atJl,: t.hat D,anielDc~, cow,,~flona, _he ~PP(lhlted- 4f;b,ltra,tqr, ,on b_ehal.f (~f, this, cOHrtty,: :hi co?-fof,1D,i,ty .'Yit!J.tl:1e;~q3r~,cl\l,u,se;pf: the Muni(.lip~l,InstituHons :A.ct~f' 18_6G~. b\: :th,e: Il1f}!terat"i~s!J.ei_betwe:en, the,.. COll,l1.tyof.: Elginrill~l-the 9~)~nty ofl\ii4dJ~se~, rela}ive,tothe,erect!on 9f~\;n~w bri(j,ge.over the,river_ 'l'ha~~s, }l!3~r.tl1e,QlJrrie: road, it] ~he:townsh.i[),or D,un1;Vich aIldth,at tb~:Cle,rkgrvp the requisite_ _ no_tice ,tp, theWarde,n"bf ~1id~ dlesex. Carried. .."_, ':,,;.::>-_' ';."'_' - l\Iove,d,qy M~:~p.ob:b.Ie,secondc~}:_hy :afrd-jl~na~: That (~~r,ge-1Ic- Beth.Esq.,beJ~~ard:_:before the Couucilin ,l'efer'ence ,to the '-indebt-. edness of this 'Co,unty to: t,ll,e ~IU:picil?al ~,oa~ ,Ftl'ucL _ ,- Carri{3d..,,' ]l,lr.. Macneth' beingpresel:l'~'_ ~ddres~d. tl,1e Q0l111i::il, ill:- refere~ce to the Munjcjpal.Loa~J[~n.cl and:tlJe S9uth,ern Ra~lW'ay~." '" . .": ,1riovedby Mr. Kerr,_,seconde{iby lfIr. G~Wj'~Ith:' 't11'n,t~bis -C()un~ cil anthorise the TretlSnrel' afthisCounciltopaypnthe'(}rcler'of',r. "tV. Dobbie,_ eountersign(;c1bythc'Wmden,:1. fll1'I~~r sum~ of T~v{) . ~ 14 raD . ortion thereof tllat ".~ may.' be Hundred aud Fifty.Dolla~~,o . I :ayin 0' -rai' the app:~6aC:l~es to the deemed necessary tor m~ lUg an 0 "ct .' CarrIed .' . . 1\lclnt9shb.n .ge,_ ._: '1.- :.:'. 'de.dby'ifr -Ela. ck. '; .that - thisCquncil :M ved bvMr BelIer.secon ',' '_', ,,' --.'' - - - ',' "I't ,,",. - .P,. ~_.' '1 1 t-moi.t6wmorning" :Motion 98. - - acljourll tIll mne aCDe}::o. "'-'db" :rrC'Dobbie: thatthls :Moved by Mr. Ca_mpbell, _ seeonde... y. ; r:,_ _ ','. . ,'.' _ _ _ '" Council adjourn till seveDolCIOCctk.1h~Sy_- ~i~nii~.le~O:~~atti.lereSOlll~ :rFlved by}!r Ferguson,secan e, l..__ __ .",- ',"'___ tiori~aSSedyest~rd~Y ~or~-the ,i:!1eeting ofth~~evesand Asses~or:, be. rescinded. _ MotlOulald o~er~_ ',' _ -.(1 It '. thattliis _Council Moved by Th-'lr. Clunas, seconded, by,IJ L; . err. ',' . adjoiJrl1 till sev.~n o'cl?qk t6~monow_nlorlllng. FRIDAY, January 25. The'Wai.deuinthe The Comicil metat nine o'clock,forenodn. chair. , '11 :M: Dougald 'Galbraith, Members present-Messrs.' qampbe ". c ..' Ii Mc~ Scott; Kerr, Fergllson, Mandeville, Black, Thomson, arvey, Causland, Dobbie, Stratton, Clunas, Hegler.. . . .'. bell' that the Moved bY. Mr.' McDougaU,seconded by ,Mr. CatliP d'. f T W' Treasurer- oftbisCounty be'authorised tOliay-t~le. or . ~rI' ~ ,. b" I W ct for i'epam~ WblC l.mny .... e D bbie countersignedbytle .' _ ar f-l1,., ,. ._ ~ _:_'~ ne~essa~y to secure the 'Wal'dsville bridge. '?arrled:, ib~j.t' hi view of Moved by,Mr.?,hompson, seco~d~d ~l~riy~~~:~reqUired:,fort.he ~~:~i;:~t~x:~~d~~~t~:;rci:~::::'r~:: TI:a~e~ 'in: the~::,~te;~b~~:~' tion of this C.o' unt~, it;is._expedient'_lInl' R. ,n9a.~~slw.~e::s:.alld;iha. t'thiS. . .-tswillwarrailtlttolevyTo sonsll1... m 1; '. ',.. .' ~~:~~.il-co~-operate'"\Vith 'the Coun ty Cou~cil'_~f- bl.iddles?x, in,Pd~~ 'E- L'a\vsfor'the'collectionof Tollsonthe ,br~dge.~ })r?I?ose mg y... '. ,,,' -.... Ii .' .... h.pof DunwlCh near be uiiilt over theriver'Thamcslfi t}e owns 1 .,~., .'. "'-f ;.~ -dO. to 10" . 'eroad' find t:hiltacopy ofthe ResolutIOn be ,UIntS e . t leUll'l , . . _ '. ., the county .council of Mi~dle~ex:, . Car1'led~ ,',.' .., down as fol~ The eas fmdllaysbein~ demanded, w~re take)l . ,Y 'Db\'. ..-.....Stratlori' Thompson. ~. iandevIl1e,-Clunas., lows;...;.:..Yeas:'. 0 11e, . .' . . . ."" .... ,..,', . '11 ' Har~ey .1tIcCansland, 'J?lack, Kel'l:,Fergl"!s{)~, Hegler.. . Na'ys: CampheU-, Galbreatl\,ap(l' Scott._ 3. '. . .' .':;1 '1 Moved by Mr. Tl~oii1pson; secotlded'by~lr. ~an~e~~;~e~i~i~\;~I~ resolutiortgranting,$250 t~ m,ake t~e applpac es 0,., ' 'bridge be rescinded~. MotIon lost. ',' .... ' .'. .;. ... .... . . _ Moy'ed by:Mr. l\lcCatlsland, g;cconded by D--lT. 'MandevIlle, tnat ~ 'f. 15 the proposal ,lUade by the mayor of St. Thomas' be acceded ,to ,by thIS CDuncil,narllelYctopay'to, the Couu_tY_;Qi' Elgin--the8:unl of $600yeadyf()1'the,uext _five years, vIz :--.$320 ofs~idsumfor_the ])lnnicipal Loan Fund; and '. ~280tbrtlle Adnliriistratio~of-Justipe" and.that,the resol11tion'Jnre!:"aJ;d.totbe.ma.tJe~, p~s.sed yesterday,:be resdll(;led.-MotiQulos'.' .. ' In . amendment; m~ved . by Mr; }fcpougald, secorided ,by.];1r. Ca~pbell~:. tbat this:cOUlicildo not .entertain the. appliGation'..m~de hy th~cOlllmitteeof the. town of f3t.. ,Thomas, , b1.l;t ,1 hat this council do apP9int an,3:rqitr,atortCl.'IUeet with.. all: arbitratOr,appoint~d by tile town ofBt.. Thomas~:AmendIDent carried, \ ]:Ioved by Mr. Harvey;' seconded by]Hr.MandeviB~: that \be Warden be appointed on. behalf oftne.countyta confer. ..withthe mayor of the towll_ofSt. Thomas; 0.1' tl.l:!y othetauthol'ised party; for the ,erection of the proposed drill shed, and the_site and :iocation thereof.,', Carded. . . . Moved by'Mr.1tIandeville, seconded by '1\Ir~ Black:~hat this council adjfJurn tilllialf-past one o'clock. Carried, Mnved bY'MI:.:Campb~H, seConded by MrO:Harvey,:that tbecom. mittee" appointed by this counciI-to! t~keactiori in,-regard'-to:tb€:" J;louse of Industry and:House of Refuge, be Instructed to . ascertain'for what price a.suitable:plot ofgronnd, say-25'acres, sittlated-iIia'he'al- thylocatiQri,can be purchased for the erection of those, buildings; and fof an Industrial Fal'ill"and: to report to"thiscoiiIicil at 'itS 'next llle~ting.-,-Carried; Moved by Mr. McDougald,secon-ded by Mr. Callipbell: that<Jho: H.,-Munr(),'of WardsYille;;be s.ppoIilted by,this.c6uncil an arbitnitor inthe~atter 'Of ditferencebe:tween the'.town of St.-:Th'Omas !1nd the County:oCElgin,as to the amount ,tobe',paid>annually-bY'said tQwn to the county during the next nve:years fdi'theexpenses( of the Admiuistratiqn of Justice;use: oCtIle jail; and: alL other l1latters for which the townislegally^liable. . Lost. ~Ioved. by: Ml\:Black, se,condedbyMl'; Ferguson: . that Samuel Price, Esq., Qf Port Stanley, be appointed arbitrator for the countY' in the mattj3r. of;difference as. t9: the llIDount_. tCl b_0 ]1aid,by;t~le town of St. T~omas to the counlyyeal:ly:, during the_uextthe]earsj for theAdmi;nis~ration otJustice. use of Jail,_allq.. allotherrnatters for which the town is legallY liable.' C<'l.lTied: li'Ioved by.Mr~.Hllr,veYi'secondedby:&rr.Can?pbell: that. By~law No. 154, to appoint local!3uperintemlentsfor ,Cqromon Scho,ols for the East and West Ridings of the.. County of .EIgintol' the currcnt year} be read a, first time. Carried. -';'.;::-;' 17 16 )loycd br)Ir~ Cam[)bdl, seconclerlby_Mr. ~lcDougnfd, thatB,}'. Law 'No~ 154 be read a second time. -' Canied; - Moiedby)1r. CamPlJcll; seeo,neled by?th-~~ i\IcCa,uslaild:'that~t la.wNo: 154be now read a third time, a.nd finallypass~d: Ganied. Moved'by'Mr. :i\leCausland,seconded'by :Mr. Ma~deville-:'~hatiu vi~w of tl1e advantages likely to be derived not only by.tliEi;local municipalities" throughwl1ich tbe proposed -line of the :Solithern Hanway is expected to pass, 'b~tby (he'c~uiltrygenerany"~-it:'is e~~ pedient that. another r:ffort be' nl~de to obtain from thelegisl?-ture & t:hartei', unincumbered, for the construction of'3. raiIwayfrom:Fort' Erie to Detroit river,-and tbat the :wal;deubeinstiucted to give-the necessary pl'eliminary notice Of_ the intention to apply'for sucna charter at the next session of Parliament, and Tvrward a copyofthe r~50111tion to the several ,county and" township municipalities-more imnlediately interested in the_ construction of theroad,soIiciting their co-operation,.. and requesting them to use theirendeavorS'by petition.to Parlialllent,and through their l'epresent~tives,to-pr(}Cnr0 said cl.J.rter. . Carried. :Moved by~'J)Ii'.'CampbeU. seconded by. Mr.+'1cDougald:that 'the \Varden and. Mr. Hegler be ,appointed-a,specia;l committee to at..;. tend-the, arbitration between the tmv.n oiSt. Thoma? andthe county. as to ,the amount. to be ,paid, by th_e;said tOW1i:of'St..'Thomasf9rthe Adm,inistration- ,of _Justice; 'ust!of,Jail,,&c., ,tow~tch the interests of; the 'county,; and. that tLWY be a~tllOrise.d.to(.employ,.the:0o.n.i1ty,Soli~ citor to' assist them should tl1eyconsider l1is adyicenf~cessai'y.;...;.o- D,arried..,:. . Movedby_}lr~: Dobbie,f3econdedby Mr., Stratton: 'that By~la \~ No. 155, to appoiut:Grammar"Sehool,Trustees, and to :inake:appro~ priJ\.tions towards_:the:support~oCGl'ammar Scbools'in::theconnty,' be. read a first .ti:ne;Cal'l'ied, !dove,d by ~,1r.'. Stratton, ;secOnded'by;Mi'.: Dob'3ie :-' that'By~Ia\v: NG. 155 lJe read n. second.tiple. .Carried:' :- J\lovcd by 111'. Ferguson, -seconded l>Y'ld.r. ,Kerr: that By.lltwNo~ 1~5:11~Tead a.tl1ird-time,a~d fi'uallrpas~,e~;. Carried..,,_..,... ,'_ ....._ .' ':Mov~d -by-:&fr.Thompion~secbnded'by All': Stl'fttton:th~t~By.lavi NO:156, "to grant'anaddItio_naLsu~, ()f$_250to:wa!(1~:the,erection of a battalion drill shed'at,-tbe town -ofSt;Th?mas," bi(reeeived and readafirst~illle',Carried:,_.,. ".' ....". .... ',' ~foved' by-Mr. 'Stratton;. seconded byMr~' Tholllbsoii-: . that-By. law 'No'. 156 be reada..sec,olld'tifue. "(Jurrie,d:: : "" ." ..,.: :i\ro\'ed/bYML'Do1Jbic,.'seconded:bY'Afr:",St.ratt~I1 :,. that.. By"law Yo, 156 be read a tbinl time, anc}noallylplts\5(!d: "Carded;' . The council took up the subject of assessments, on a motion for a committee of t!-le whole. It was moved by Mr. Harvey, seconded by JiIr..Campbell: that this council do_not go into committee of the whole, as ,to tbe pro- posed equaliz'1tion of the assessments of the. several municipalities but that the committee appointed' to take action in regard to th~ House of Industryand House of Refuge. be requested to meet at the Court House, in the town of St. Thomas, on Tuesday, the 12th day ofF,ebruary next,at noon,forthepurpose of t,aking such mea- sures for the more correct and legal method of taking ~he . assess. ment i~ the ~everal t~wnships, as well as for the legitimate purpose for WhICh saId commIttee were appointed; and that said Reeves re~ quest the attendance at said committee meeting of every assessor in the county, so that a full deliberation may be had, and a - system agr~ed upon whereby the evils of the preseut method of assessment may.be remedied, and that the former resolution of the council ap- poi~tiDg such m~eting upon Thursday, the'7th February nex~, be Tesclllded. CarrIed. Moved by:fi-Ir._ Clunas, seconde~ by Mr. Hegler : that By-law No. 157, to make regulations for the preservation of public morals, and to prevent the profanation of the Lord's day, be received and read a first time. Carded. Moved by Mr, Hegler, seconded by Mr.Clunas: that By~law No. 157 be read a second time. Carried. M0ved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hegler: that By.lawNo. 157 be read a third time, and finally. passed. Carried. Moved by Mr. }!cCausland, seconded by Mr. Black: that the al- terations required to be made in the Registry Office 'by the late Act of 1865, be referred to the j ail committee, to be reported on at next session of council. Carried. Moved byMI'. CIonas, seconded by Mr. Hegler: thattbis council adjourn till the 3rd Tuesday in June next. and' that theW'arden be authorised_to sign drafts for members wages. Carried. [I 1;1 I, I"~ i'i 1,.1 :i 1:1 [I ;'. ., I, " iii' H: " , I' I', i i:i j" , "" ~ , ~ 19 SYNOPSIS OF BY-LAWS :,j PASSED ,UY,THE ELGIN COUNTY pOUNCIL, i n AT THE JA~UARY SESSION OF 1867. ;, ;; I' . [BY-LAW NO. 150, PASSED JANUARY 22, 1867,] Provides tbat the sum (j[$2.00 per day be paid to the members of council for their attendance in council, and five cents per mile necessarily travelled to arid from. such attendance. BY.LAW NO: 151, PASSED JANUARY 22, 1867. To confirm By-law ,No. 154 oithe corporation oOhe Township ofAldb0l'ough, Rllthorisiugthe conveyance to Robert Walker of an original road allowance .between 10ts NO..10, in the first concession and broken front, .Township Of Aldborollgh, \n lieu of a travelled road taken from hIS laud. BY-LAW NO. 152, PASSED JA.."{UARV22, 1867, Provides that tlle Sum of $30 shall be paid as a reward to My person or persons who shall pursue and apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, any person or persous guilty of stealing any horse or mare within the said County of Elgin: and that such reward shall be paid outof the funds of the municipality, on cOllvictionofthe thief, and on an order of the Judge before whom the conviction is obtained. ,j i" i:! II ii' :1' IiI ,11 !Ii : ~ ili 'II II! II: II il! II i, II -iil 20 BY-LAW 1\0. 153, PASSED JAlirUARY 25, 1867, Appointing W. J. White and J. P. Martyn auditors of count.y accotints for the year 1867-remuneration, $30 each. BY-LAW NO. 154, PASSED JANUARY ~5, 1867, To appoint Samuel McColl, Loca~ Superintendent!of Common Schools for the Townships of Aldborough'n puIlwich apd South. wold; at a salarY_oaf ~?20. _and_$~5 all()w~uce:.f~rpost_age and:~ta- tionery j and A. F. Butler Local Superintendent for ,the Town~lllps of Yarmouth, Malahide, S{)uthDorchester and Bayham" wIth a salary of $300, and $25 allowance forp6stage and stationery. :BY~L,AW NO. 155, PASSED _JANUARY, 25, 1,86.7" To appoint'Trustees for the -G~ammar- Schools of St. Thomaj5 and Vieuna, and to appropriate the sum of $200'fo1' the Vienna Grammar School. BY-LAW ~o. 15G~.PASS.EP_J.f.NU.t.\RY2;5,l8()~, To appr6pri~te a further sum M-$250 towal:ds-the-erectionofa battalion drill shed in the town of St. ThoJ?J:as, ( > ~ 21 B"Y"LAW. .NO.1.57 . .... .... .>, ',. " .- '-'-"'-'. . ".- --,.',- - ,..,'" ~ Tp. make Regukuions /0/ pie Pr~8e1'Vat{on ,of fU?;lic _}!ora18,. aruj, to pr~vent t'w.profanatwn oj the 'LJr.di8' D.afl ,in;t/w COUn.tll 01 :;gltfl"n'" 1J W' . .' HEREAS under-the provisions"of -tI~e Act 29tb.;anc,SOth Vie:: . ., . toria~, Chapter 5~,Sectio~,284of the Municipal,A:ct., of1866:, for Upper Canada, power is given to tl~e council of.,ev;eryc6unty, city and, town ~o pass, By:,ltt,!Vs,; fOJ.; cel't~in,pUl'poses~ a,nd; IFore_ pal'ticu. larly for those set forth.in-t,h,e284,th__S:e~tio~?fthe,:_said_:'W;t_fcir the pre~erY[tti?nofPL1bli61tiprals~. ""'" .._.' ." ......:. :: . .- ' 'BE it therefoie ~nncted by the. Corpor~tiou:9f theC()~nty:of Elgin: That in pursuance and inaccol'dance with.the pr'ovisions of the Act 22nd Vi~lo!ia, ',Cbapter:l04.of the0f)nso~ida~~d -Statutes of Upper Canada, entitled "an act' to preven't the profanation of the Lord's Day; comnionly,callecl Suri:day~ iu"Upper' Canada. rt shall.. not-:,belawfuI for any; person' ,or::persons,::nierchant., tradesmani,artificer,: ill'echaoic~, 'wQl'kman; Jauomeroi':.-any person wbatsoever, on the Lord~s Day to sell, or publicly show forth" 0.1" expose 0.1' offer for sale~ol' tq.purchase' (l;uygoods,cbat~el~: or,other personal property~Ol; auy real estate whatS!l8vel'j, 0.1' to'do'or exer..-- cise any: worldly labor, ,business or, work :0(' hi;5: 01:4inarY: c~l~ing~ (conveying travellel's~ 0.1' Her M_aje~ty's,_p:lail~by,lan9::or by,water,'_'; seIling,drugs and _medicines,. and ot~er works' of ,necessity~_. and works 'of charity~ only excepted.) It is not lawful forany'person outheLor9,~s 'Day to 'hbill,cbIl_" vehe or attend any public politic~lme'~ti~g_;'dpl?l~,' or,alld'~,()~,: permit such in any In'U'~ Tavern 0.1' Grocery; or house 'of. pubHc en- . tertainment j -or: revel; orpublicly'exliibithimself in a state of' in" toxication; or brawl; - or.' . use, profane: language'in-a 'public street; or in the -open 'air,so as, to,create anyriot,oridisturbance:,orannoyance to: Her Majesty's peaceable subjects in. any-street of .public ,place in. the County of Elgin.. . 22 It is not lawful for any person on the Lord'~ Da.y. to play at skittles, ball, or foot ball, racket or any other noisy game, or to gamble with dice, or otherwise, or ,to ruri races on foot, or on borse4 jJack, or in carriages, or in vehicles of any-sort in said county. It is not lawful for any person to go out hunting orsbooting, or in quest 'If, or to take, kill, or destroy any deer or - other game, or a,ny wild ariimal,or any wild fowlorbird, or to use any dog, gun, rifle 'or other engine, Iiet-ortrap, for - the above mentioned pur- pose, on Sunday in this county, except in defence of his 'property from any wolf,or other ravenous beast, or abird of prey. !tiS_Dot: la~fni for-~ny---persoRon the Lord's Hay -to go out Dshing, or to take, kill; 01' destroy auyfish, Otto use any. gUll, fish- itlg rod, net, or other engille for tha_t,p~TPose. It is Dot lawful for any person on the Lord's Day to bathe in any e_~i>??edsit~fLtioi1_iD:,any wate~within the-,limitsDfany_"incor'; po!?oted city'of-towllj'or,within view of any place of public worship or privitte"i;esiG~'rice. ". ~hff' ,r6;regoiog:_cl,au~e(t~r)ecting;_ ?rOf~nation'. of tbe:L9rd's Day, don'ot extend to the people called In~ians. , ~l),dit,is"fllrt~eren~cted by tIle <l,uttodty of the 284th SectIon ott~~, Act ,29 ,~~~ yWCh~pter, 5~., RESPEOTING . PUBLIC l\lORALS. That it- shalLnot-,be)awful,fo:c.any: person to give ,or sell intoxi- cating drink of any,sort, to anychild_japp~entice,ol'servant, within thiscoQutYj"without ,thecoDsent of the :present master or leg~\lpro~ tector'. .' ThalitshaU:notbe ;]awfutfOl':~ny:pers'on-to post any' ind~cent Placard,s; Writin!;s or Pictures; or'towrite"iridecent words,--or'to malwanY,inde/?ent_ picture~ or drawings on-walls 01' fences" in any streets ' or' public places in' this county. Tllat;it--~hall not be lawf~l for ~ny',person to utter ,or-make- pse ofapy W',ofan,e OJ!,t~, or ?bsce,l1e,.bl~spherUous,.()l' gl'ossiy insulting langua~e,(~l; oth~'r ill1or~lity ,o:r,in?ecen,cy,).n~ny of ihe ',streets ,OJ; puNi~: places,.or hi-g4ways' w;ithin.sa~4county~ .,,,'c,' ." ,', ",' , ',',."" ''', . . That it -shall 'n6t, be'la wful: for"any-person or -persons to,_keep a tippling House, or HouseofIll:.Fallle within the said county: That it shall not be lawful for any person to be guilty or any drunken. ness or disorJiedy conduct iu any of the ,pub~icstl'eets, high ways, or public places in this County. w I r 23 That it shall not be lawful for any person indecently to expOl!;e his orher persoD,;orto be guilty'ofanyindeeentexhib!tions in: any street, highway, or public place withim~aid COU1ity~: --. That it: shall not be lawful for anypersouQr persons to behorse~racing on any of the public streets or 1:~ighways in this COllnty~ ; __ ',; That iCshall not belawful for any persOIl to ,keep .a . Gambling Housein said County, and that all Faro _Banks, Rou~e et -- Nair, Roulette Tables, and other devices for gambling,fouudforgambling therein, shall be seized and destroyed. That it shall not be' lawful for any person to bathe, orindecent~ ly expose bis or her person, by washing in any waters within this County, lyi.ng or running near any public highway, between the hours of six o'clock in the morning and eight at night, unless pro- vided with, and clothed in a proper bathing-dress, sufficient to pre- vent any indecent exposUre of their persons. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid: That any per- son or persons guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this- By-Law, shall upon conviction before any Justice or Justices of the Peace, havingju~sdiction in the said Count,y ofElgio, be liable to a fiue of not moretban twenty dollars,nor less than one dollar,to be collected by distress and sale of goods and chattels of said offender or offenders, and in case no ~oods or chattels are found belonging to the ~aid offender or offenders, as aforesaid, on which to levy. any fines or fees, as aforesaid, it shall be lawful for any such Justice or Justices of the Peace, in their discretion, to commit the offender or offenders tothe common Jail, or Lock-up, ill the said County of Elgin, for a period not exceeding eight days, nor less than one day, with or without hard labor, as the said- Justice or Justices may determine. And be it flirther enacted: that a,11'fines and penalties imposed and collected under and by virtue of this By-Law, shall belong to, and be appropriated to the use of the Municipality in which. the ofl'encewas committed, except when the offence is the. profanation of the Lord's Day, in which case one moiety thereof shall be paid to the party charging the ofience, in writing, before the Justice, and the other moiety to the Treasurer of the County wherein the offence was committed. And it shallbe the duty of the County Clerk to furnish Municipal Clerks, Councillors, and Magistrates in the QOlluty,with printed copiesof'thisBy-Law,forthe purpose ofbeillg put up in, conspicuous places in the several It:Iunicipalities. And it is also enacted that By-Law Number Eighty-eight of this Corporation bej and the same is hereby 'repealed. i I II I , I i --- 24 And:it is enact€d' that this By~La w, shalLbe in force, and take effect fr@ill,arid after:the,T\ventycfifth-dayof,January; 'Onethou'sc and EightH~ndre(l and,' Sixty-seven.: ~Passed 'oil, 1heTwenty-fifth day of -January, A. D.; -1867; VllLL~~J\r McKAI;, Cou1ttujjlel'1p:' 'i')t:NAI:a:&,--_1Vw'den. T. rro~rAs-, C<nitity _of EIgiIi~,~, 25th' J atllJltJ"y-,,186'7 .,:. f ~~.%~~~ ~~ ~~~~,~ ~~~~~\~,~ FOR THE YEAR 1867. _0- WARDEN,-T. M. NAIRN, ESQ. MUNICIPALITIES. Malahide, Baylw''ff/,. Vienna. 13. ])(ffclwster. &u.thwold. Dunwich. Yarmouth; .dldhorlYUgh, MUNICIPALITIES. Aldhorough; D~lnwich. &uthwold. Yarmouth. do MalaMde. do Ba.yham. S.lJorc7u:8ter. REEVES. T. :M.Nairn~ T. W.Dobb18, George Buffel, John CIunas-, . Arch. Kerr, . John Galbreat.h, W. H. MandevIlle, P. O. Oampbell, . DEPUTY REEVES. A. R. McDougald, Joseph Scott, . Dugald Ferguson, Daniel Black, . John "Thomson, William. Harvey, John. McCausland, Henry Stratton; Edward Hegler, MUNICIPAL OFF,ICERS. Jehial Mann, Oounty Solidlor. William ~.fartin,' MG8S611{j67'. G T Claris County Treasurer. W. McKay' County Clerle, , . 1 . '2 . l STANDING COMMITTEES. GAOL AND PRINTING. Ciu.reMAN-T. M. Nairn, Warden. W. H. M.audeville, J. Thomson" FINANCE. CIIAlRMAN-Geo. Buffe1, W. Harvey,~. H~gler, P. C. Campbell, l'UllLIC IMPROVEMENT. OlIAm>lAN~T. W. Dobbie. J.Olnnas, D. Black, A. R. ~rcDougald. J. .Galul'cath. J.Scot!, P. FerguiOD, EDUCATION. OIU!ll>lAN,~Geo. Suffel, . J. MqQ~Djl,"d, l!,.Str~tton, AI Kerr, Elgin Connty Coun9il Proceedings; 1857. SPECIAL :MEETING. The Council met at the Court House, on' Thursday, the fourth day of April, according to notice given by or- der of the Wardon; fOl: the purpose of selecting a site for an Industrial Farm and House of Refuge. The Warden in the Chair. Memberspl'esent :- Messrs. Galbraith, MyCausland, McDougald, Black, Harvey, SuJfel, . Hegler, Camp bell, Stratton, Clunas, Dobbie, Kerr. Mandeville, ]ferguson, Thomson, The proceedings the last day of the previous session ,verc read, and allthorised to be signed. The Warden addressed the Cmmci!. The Warden read the award of the Arbitrators, in matter of the Currie Road Bridge, and.a communication from'the Council of Middlesex, relating to appropriation on County Lines. The Wardon also read presentment of Grand Jury, Spring Assizes. After which it was Moved by Mr. McDougald, seconded by Mr. Sufl'el; that the costs of the .arbitration between this County and the County of Middlesex, amounting to $214, respecting the bridge to be built across thf River Thames, at the Currie Road, he referred to the proper officer, to be taxed. Lost. I. I' . ~ I.' 1" ..:1 Ii i,i ii i'l iI ,'j :! ., '! l.'t i.1 : ~ i , ....i,.........'.'I.,...I' ",1. ~ i: , , i.1 1.1 I! ,I; Ii I" II .],' Ii "'1 n 1:1 . 4 15 Yeas:-Suffel, McDougald and Harvey. .. 3. Nays:-Strattou, Dobbi~, C~mpbell, McCaUS-} l~nd, Thomson, F~rguson, MandevIlle, Clunas, Heg- ler, Black, Galbraith. _ - - - . - - - - - - II. Moved by lYlr. Suffel, seconded by lYIr. Stratton: that the report of the Committee appointed to make the neces- sary arrangements for thepur~hase of L.ands, for an Indus- trial Farm be received and read. earned. The report of the special Committee, on House of In. dustry, and the report of the Deputation appointed to visit the House of Industry, in the County of Wayne, Michigan, were severally read by the Warden. After which it was Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Harvey: that this Council tender a vote of thanks to lYlessrs. Dobbie & Campbell, members of the Committee, who were appoint- ed a special committee to visit Wayne C~untyPoor House, in Michigan; for the very able and satIsfactory re- port submitted to the Council.. Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Dobbie: that the Council go into committee of the whole, on the Report of the committee on the Honse of. Refuge and House ofIndustry. Carried. The C01,lllcil went into. committee of the whole. Mr. Cluuas in the Chair. The committee of the, whole rose, rCl)orted progress, and asked leave to sit again. The Warden took the Chair, when on motio~ of J\ir. Black, seconded by Mr. Hegler: the Council adjoumed till nine o'clock the following morning. The Warden iu the Chair. :i\fembers present: J\fessrs. Campbell, TrlcDougald, Ferguson, nfandeville, Hm"vey,' .~rcCausland; Clnnas, Hegler. The proceedings of the previous day were read and signed, after which it was Moved by Mr. Clunas, seeouded by Mr. Hegler: that Andrew N. Cline, be paid the sum of foul' doll:irs, ac1vanc- cd ,by him, to WarrenCartwTight, a Constable, of the County of Norfolk, for travelling fees from Port Rowan to Vienna, in surrendering one Benjamin Smith to the l~agistrates of this County, on a charge of Larceny.lVlo- tlOn lost. Moved by Mr. Suirel, secondee] by Mr. Stratton: that the Auditors. Report be received and reael. The Clerk read the AuditOTS' Statement and Report. When lIfr. Suffel moved" seconded by 1\1r. Strattou : tl}at the Auditors Report be adopted and :finally allowed by the Couucjl. Carried: Moved by '~fr. SuJfel, seconded by Mr. McCausland, that the resolutIOn passed at the J anual-Y . session of the Counci~,appointing Samuel Price, Esq., of Port Stanley, asAl'bltl'at~r, between this County and the Town of St. Thor~as,as to the amount that the said Town shall pay to thIS County y~arly, :(01' the use of the Gaol and admin- istering of Justice be rescinded, and that thi~ 'Coul1cil do 'now accept the offer made by th~Town of St. Thomas, to pay tha sum of six hundr~dDollal:s per annum; for the next five years, say $320 for the MuniCipal Loan' Fund, and $280 for the Administration of Justice and that the Warden be ~uthorized to carry t.he same int~ 'effect on the part of the County. Canied. Moved by P. C. Campbell, seconded by Mr.JYIeDou. Kerr, Suffel, Dobbie, Galbraith, Thomson, , Stratton, SPECIAL lYIEETING.-SEcoND.DAY. Friday, the 5th of April, 1867. The Council met at nine o'clock, forenoon. . 7 Ii gald: that the Warden be authorized to make on behalf of the Council an application to the Governol', in confor~ mity with the provisions of the Act 22nd VictOl1.a, Chap ~ 93, to authorise and appoint WilliaVl G. McGeorge, of Rondeau, in the County afRent, to survey and .ascertam the the true boundaries and courses of the side lines, in the Township of Alc1borough" and to authorise him to place permanent stone or other durable J\Ionuments, at the several corners,..governing points, and that a s_peciaLrate be levied au the Township of Aldborough, to defray the expenses thereof. Carried. After which it was Moved by Mr. Campbell, secondcd by Mr. McDou- gald: that in consideration \if the fact that the Commit- tee appointed to take, action, in regard to the selection of a site for the location of a House of Industry, and IJ?dus- trial Faxm, have not yet been. able to agxee' upon any suitable plot of ground for the said farm, that this Council do not noW go into committee of the whole, upon the se- lection of said site, fOT an industrial Fal'm; but that the W uxden, ~iessl's. Dobbie, and Clunas, be appointed a special' Committee, with power to examine and secure until the next meeting of the Council, a suitabl~ site for the excction C?f said buildings, and for theIlldustrial Farm, and, that they be guided in that selection, by the adapti- bility, c,onvenience and economy of saidsele?tion. Carried. Moved by JI'lr. Sulfel, Mconded by Mr. Mandeville: that the Y Dung Men's Christian AssoCiation, of the Town of St. Thomas, be allowed the use of the Court House for Lectures, on conditions that the consent of the several In~ surance Companies be had, in which the Court House is insured. Carried. On motion the Council adjourned till the 3rd' Tues- dayin June next. ELGIN COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 1867 -0-- THIRD SESSION The C i] Tuesday, 18th June 1867 ounc . met at ten o'clock for ,. The Warden mthe Chair enoon. Members present: . Messrs. Galbraith " Mandeville Campbell, Harvey,' McDougald Th , , omson ~tratton, Black' McCausland Cl' T .'. .Ullas. . he proceedings _ of the last da SlOn, were, read and signed. y of the previous ses- After which it was Moved by Mr. Suil'el d . the Rev. Dr. Shultee be ~ secon ed by Jlfl'. Dobbie: that na Grammar School' . iPomted a. Trustee. of the Vien- h ' III P ace'of the Rev: J B J W 0 has removed from th C ' . , essnp, Th W " e ounty. Carried e araen read a eommu'. . of Ontario, regardinO' th.. . .mcntIOn from the Council and Industry, and a~o aO c:rectlO~ o~ Houses of Refuge ofWel1and;relati~e to th ;.mu,lllcatlOll from the County terest. e sury Laws, ancl rate of In- Moved by Mr. Sulfel seconded b M " no action be taken w'th ' , ,y" r. Stratton: that t" .1!.... I relerence toa ce t . IOn) Horn the County of 0 t' ... r am communica- . ... . nal'loreq f h tlOn of other County C 'l '. ues mg t e co-opera- f ounCI s to pro th o the Jlfunicipal act of 1866' cure e 413th clause optional with' County C ,ami] ended so as to make it H f oune s whethe t - . ouses 0 Indnstrv and I dt" 'j'F l' 0 est"bhsh , , !l us r& arms, Oarried, Sulfel Dobbie, Hegler, Scott. i: :1 ,I 'I i: I !: 9 8 n J. " vy.. ::1W ~,O. 1.11:}. be rea. 1 '-, - " C<lITlecL ' ( ~l. thlLd tl.me 'md Ii. It, .. ., ,If{, y pasi!.('d, }foved bv )'1,' I" . .' ~ . _ Cl'gUSOll' 1 1 that. Bv~I.aw X 0 1 r- 9 t ,- , ::,(JCOU{ Ct by ?'h. Blaek . . ~ " . . ~ . u , 0 confirm B --L TN ~ - . lownslup ofSonthwolc1 t. y u-w""- o. loU, of the r " - ,,0 convey an aldR 1'\ to , ames Ii oot, -he roc . T t v ""- :oJ.c ;L' llowance 'I ' Cli ce ancl read a. :fi. t . . ..:.1' oyed,bv VV II ,,_~ d . -' _18, t.nue. -Canwd 1. . B - -~- ~. . ....h.an cnUe. second 1 b~T -,..... . t-lat. y-Law ]So. 1"{) b-'-' ' _cc. ." ),Jll. Harvey: D<J e- reaa a seeo 1 t' ., i\fovecl b-v P C C' -.' ,1lC ,1illO. CUlTied. . . . .lmpbell seconded b :}I gald :t.hat By-La...,' No 15('\ <,-'" y : - l'. lVIcDou- f. ..... ". .0 eonnl'm B L ' o thc Township of Soutl : 11 1 . y. aw 1'< o. 136 finally passed C . d H\ 0 (" , )e read ;1. third time a.lld' ,~ ' . _ al'rtc . " ~ ,'Iovec1 bv '11' Q = 1 ., ~ . ulll1C, seeonded bv I\{ .. th.t t.he Reeves oft'h .'. " ^ r. ~lcDouo'ald' , ,e sevel'all\Iunic' r'. Co,' he a committee 1':01' t1 ' Ipa Itws,m the Count", .L. Ie pm'nose of . r,' .." scssmentR.olls for th J.- equa. lzatlO1' of the As': I d' - ,e present year . - ~ n amen. ment : .' ?>foved by )'Ir. ~Iaut1eville , that the Deputy'. Ree' . 'I ,.cecondecl hy ?>Ir. Campbell :. 7>1 '\ es, ':.1. esstf' Black H I ..L 'cDougald, FerO'uso'jj 'S. ti- ~ ., eg er, I-Ian~ey . 1::>' , eo.~ Dtratto . dO' ' committee to equalize the >i". . nan, ""ufl'el, be a ment lost and orio'inal ']I.1f t. ~ ,-,~eS~lllent llolls. Amend- ;;1 ..0' m.O .1011 can-led loved llY A R.lIIeDouo'al' . bell: that J aIm McKillol' t ~,seco~ded by P. C. Camp- .t . )e Ic.apI)omtec1 <:> .. .. . elO expend the bal. f .. .~, COmml SSlOn. ance 0 appr .. '. . .. couucillast year, for the Couut . l~pl'latlOn made by this Rent. Carried. _ 3 me, bet,veen Elgin and P. G. Campbell presented .. . . J. P., aud 73 other ratepayers ~;~;tlOc of Dunean ;;IcOoll, the erection of a B 'a' Ie onnty of Elgin for .' n ge aerOBE the riv . Th ' pmnt betwecn the Cou~ties ofEI .' K er. ames, at 0 The Petition "ras read aft ~1l~. en.t, and l\Iicldlesex. }Ioved by P C C . ' ,er w ,1Oh It was Dougald: that th~ P~ti~:;~;~ seconded by A. R. Me. in reference to '"' B '.d ' uncan McColl, and otherioi r. " - II ge across the ri - . 'l'h c, erredtothecommitteeon.'P b1" I ~el ames, be re. U Ie mprovezp.ents,: Carried; The Clerk read a. communication from the Educational Department, with statement of School apportionment for the current year. . The Watden read a communication from the Crown Lands Department, xelative to the application fOT the sul'- vey of boundary lines in Aldborough. The Clerk submitted a communication received froID, the Provincial Secret~ry, iu reference to the Ownership of the Statutes furnished yearly to. the Reeves ,of the J\luni. cipali:~ies. The vVardon laid before the Council, a communica- tion from -the County Solicitor, concerning the Benjamin Suit. The Olerk read report of the Cou~ty Treasui'cr, 011 County Finances and estimates. The Wardon laid before theCounil, Agreement be- tween the TOW11 of St. Thomas, and-the County of Elgin, respecting the amount to be ,paid by the Town of St. Thomas, to the County, for the administration of Justice and use of Gaol. After which it was Moved by ~Ir. McDougald, see6uc1ed by Mr. Campbell: that the communication of the Treasurer be refened to the Finance Committee. Carried. . J\loved by Mr. Sufl'el, seconded by Mr. Stratton;: that no action be takenregaI;ding a commnnicution received from the Council of Well and,. respecting ,a Petition to Parliameut of Canada, to JLx the legal rate of Interest at six per cent p~r annum., Carried. Moved by 111'; Campbell, seconded by Mr. Harvey: thafBy.Law number 158 to appoint J. ~Ianu,CountySoli- eitol', be~eceiYed and read a first time. Carried. ~Iovec1 by Mr. i\leDougald, seconded by Mr.Campbell: that By,Law No. 158, beread a second time. Carried. ~Ioved by Mr. CIunas, seeonded by Mr. Hegler: that iO On motion, the Oouncil adjourned till 'nine o'clock to" m01TOW morning;' WEDNESDAY, 19th Ju:ne, 1861., . TheCOUllCil met at 9 o'clockforenooll. . ~iembers present: "Messrs; Stratton, Dobbie, . ~leDougalc1, Galbraith, Scott, Kerr, Ferguson, Sutfel, ~laudeville, Hegler, Black, Thon1$Ol1, Harvey, ~leCauslaud, Clunas, . The "\Vardefl: being absent, the Conncil after a s110rt ~ delay, wq..s -called to order: Wheu it was. moved by J. ~leCauslaud, seconded by E. Hedler: that Mr. Sutfel be appointed Chail"lnan, in the e.', . . "boenee ofthe Warden. Carned. 1\Ir. Suffel took the Chair, and the proceedingsWe1'O read, after which it was ' Moved by J. O1unas, seeOl\decl J. ~lcCausland: that the Council adjourn till one o'clock, to give ti.me for the several. committees to meet and prepare reports. _ At Que o'clockafte~noon, the Council resumed. The W &rden in the Chair. Moved by W. Harvey, 'seconded by J. ~lcCausland : that the J a01 committee be instructed to _make the neces~ sary-alterations in the doors of the Court Honse, ,;hi con- formity with the Ac.t 20 & 30 Vie., Chap. 22, Sec. 1st, be, fore the expiration ofthe year, from the date of the pass- ing of this Act, as required thereby. Carried. ~loved by T. W. Dobbie, seconded by J. G"lbraith: thai, the rcport of the committcc of Financc, be received and read. The lfinance Report ",vas read, after which it was ~roved by W. H. ~iandevillc, seemided by W. Harvey: that the R,eport of Yinance Committee be adopted, and . 11 th~'t ~he W urden 61gn orders for ," therem. Ca,rricd. payment 'of accounts ~loved by J. klcC ] that iii vicw of the inc::~s:~d~;eeon~ed by W. Harvey: for the present veal' co . pendltnre of the County 'd "', nsequellton,th t .' provl eel to pay Count ~ R' ' -- e ex ra amount to b~ trv ,'~. t' ,~ J eglstrar's fees' d 0/ ,'" C " and appropriatio PD'" un er newR.cgiB~ pc,] t ns ,or rillSh d .. ~ ' mn to proceed at resent .' e .8;, It IS,not ex- tor an Industrial Far! a d'HwIth the, purchase of Land matt b 1" ," n onse ofRefu d , ,er e (efcrrccll1ntil th .' " ge, an that the Carried. e next meetrng of this Council kir RuJl:',] Ch" . . "L, e, aIrman of. . submItted Report 1vhen ,'t comnlltteeon equalization 1'1 " .., . . 'was ' ] , oved hy A. R. ~feDon~a]d s d i . t >at the ""]lort of th o~, ec?n e, .by H. Stl'atto . , C COillnutt] . ,n. Assessment Rolls be I' ." d ee." on t 1e equalization of the T ' ocen: c and read . he equalization 1'0 or. . it was p twas l'ead by the Clerk, ","hen kloved bv J "] . 'J ' C . - ~ '" v un as, ~ocondoa bE' lo.lO ouncil....o into co .'t . Y -,' Hegler: that f ] ;::) mmI tee of t' I o t 10 Assessment l?qual' 't' 110 'IV 10Ie on the' report Th C -"--", Iza ,IOn Committ C . _ e ouneil went into . - ee. arricd ~l Cl commIttee of th ] 1 . _ r. unas,in the eh'.' ew 10 e. if' b' all. .:. vel' emg some time" the whole reported III session, the committee- of , .' progress. ,. . The Council res d - ' Chau', when it wa.s ume, and t.he Wardon took tl ~foved b G S . Ie this" . y : u-ffel, seconeled b T tV . . Counerl adjourn n' y. . Dobble: that morning. Carried, ' un ,1 11111e o'clock the following ',I I:' Iii !! " il!( 1:1 The Council met "t . Thursday, 20th June, 1867. The "\-Vardon in tld ~~e. o'clock forenoon. M b Ie ",,,an' .... em erB present: ' M?ssrs..FerguSOl1 .' . pampbeU; ~ I\fandevilIe )Iar.vev ' ., Suffel Dobbie, IS 12 way to land taken in lieu of the,Town Line, between Dunwich and South,\-old, {or an appr&ac.h to the :Macill':" tosh Bridge. Ca.rried. ~Ioved by J. McCausland, seconded by '\Y. H. illan. deville: t.hat the Warden be authol'ised to pay to tbe a1',. bit-ratal's, in the matte-l' of the Currie ,Road l~ridgc, the amount or share of the expenses of said :xrbitrators,_pay. able by this County, as soon a.s the evidence is furnished 015' required by ]aw~ Ca.rried. ilfoved by Mr. Suffe], seconded by Mr. McCausland: that the Rev. Dr. Caulfield, be apliointed a Trustee of the St. Thomas Grammar School, in place (If the Hev. ,Yo Clark,-who is about to remove from St.;' Thomas. Carrieo. Moved by iIII'. Harvey, seconded by Mr. ilIanrlevillc : that the Conncil do IlO\V go into committee of tIle wlto1c> . on the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the sevoral }funicipalities, The council 'I'.rent into Cornmittee of the 'Vholc. l\Il', Clunas in the Chair. ,After being some time in session, t,be comm.ittee rose, and the council resumed, when The chairman of the committee ~of the :whole, reported to the Council, the adoption of the report of the cOillmit- [,CO on Equa.~ization,with a~endments, after ~\'hich it, wn.~ :Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by.I. Clunas: that the' lteport of the committee on equalization, be . amended by reducing the assessment of Lands in Dorchester, from t\rcnty-onc Dollars, to twenty Dollars per acre. Lost; ''{f..l:},s:'--..,--Clunas~ Heglm": <J.n'd KelT \':";3.y~:-nohbie, ~i-r;li..t(ln, Sl]"l{<.,L;\:[,."l)mt.2',;ld. C:11)]1'-. h,.~ll, J:"!'!;:,{11,':":'1I. 'l'h'lI'n."',n:Hl;",I{: ;11),;1 ..;ol1:'r;lith. :\ri("l' Yihieh it ":J;': \ ::\J:O\'t'.,j by T.' v\~, DobJ..dc: ."e(~<'nded, by :\lL~tl':itt(OlJ: that the l:epOl't 011 equalization, 'be adopt,edt as am@nded in committ~e oftl1€' \vlwlc, Carried. Thomson, mack, C11111:18. Hegler, )fcDouga1d, Stratton~ \\lcCalls1a.nd, Galbl'nith, _ '_, l' , ~n~re rea.:.t, ,lllCl " 0''''' of the previOUS ( .\.) The proceedlIl~~ " f - l' whieh it 'I~as , _ , , ~ . d to be signed, ~t t~ ' ,- J. 11)v ,Yo H. )-l>ln- . a.uthOflSe \.]" I\lcDougaJd, sccon C( ~ f three ]loveu by 1 . ,,\), -:-- ',~ '1-60 to 1'a.i8e the sum 0 .'11 . that By-Law" o. .' _', Dollars, for Com- dC'-l e. " 1 :'I c'o'ht\,.mnc. 1 .. d' four hnndrec :1nc~ .~ .~ j' t time Ca,l'rlc." thollS:.Hl . d' d l'ead a- us . l' , - S hools be1'ecelVC nn,_ ,. lbr II St1'~lt.tOl1; t13,l JUon C "-if 1 <:,ccolldec '\ . , ?\ioved. by G. Su e, ~, :1 tU;lC Carried, L- N luO 1)0 1'eac1 asecol1(. :'I'.:l b "T. H. nlitn- Bv- aW ~ O. ~ C'" 1 nd "eeonCteu Y , 1 , '10\'ed by J. ?ric {tu8. a, , k, .) ') t'hir<:l thnc aHo. 11 ' ~ ~ luO be reau .. . 1 t By-Law ~o. . devllle: t 1U ,,~ ,. {iuaUy passed, Carr1ec1. "ecoudclt by 'Y. Hal" c; : J ,1cCansIand, - t. ])\11'- ",:roved bv ,..:.., ' t for coun; .ilL ~,~" 'to raise amoun:; h.t Bv-Law No. 161,. ., t'\"J, ',',C'UTleu. It P. oses, be read :l firs~ tl'b~~~tl1 ~ecolldea by .J. Scott; i lU ' 1 1 ~ J Ga r.l.,. .. 1 . I\Iove( );' , . ,0ar1'1e(, , '~ "b 'l'E'::td. a~cconct tunc. "i "1'- B-y.IJuw_ No~ lol, c, , ' ~'ne scconctcll by )' l:,~-C' 'lovedbv ",Y. n. :Dla,ncle\'1 'b' "ea.:1 '1 third time, and ,1.\ " -', ',"N' 1('1" (', ," u ' uougald <: that By-L~\Y ,~o. ), . . II Carnell. J ~. tt. that {m:tllv -passe. ' ,,1 lbv ' . \,)eO'.. < ~ ' 'j lb 'tll ~e:('ont\el ' , .\ f )loved by J ;G-a 1'<\1, , '. - t1 e C~)Ulltv Oonnel 0 -, ,. '\ " COllllcllto . 1 ~ , 1 ~lTC . .be o'iven by t 11:; , B I ""tW for the s \. " ' notice ~' ~ \ they p'l'-'S <t, y- ...' 'd ll.1n' '[idcllese:x:: tl1at. un ess .~ 'fl<" ~l B1'ido'c a,s deC! e ~ , ~l, 'h 011'1'1e \>oau, ~, , 't'of: in tl1e creetion of t. e 1 :1 ,.ill \w under t}1c neeC.551 ? . ' the Arbitrato1"i3-; t.hIS COl~l~~'~ :' County of 1Hdtllese,x, .l~ / , }ino',," :\.:rau1:<t t, '- . , \ <: if' ('.011nt, t.aking procee\. ~'-. - j.. '-"', \0 t,ornlH'> ,~.l-.. "..,: I ~\' t \"' "11(',,\ \..J".. . - t .',J1(. "".. leI\'\,' )l1:l" elJ'(:c, .'.' ,', "_\ .._, .-,,' 1'h(" ('Tf~d\On \,' " ..." -,' ,< .', ,\' 'f \.'\f. ',:"" , _ .'.;11' for ,.-,IJ'\ lid t I.' \ (. pr'~'\ ,'" . ,,."n:1 Hl'i~l2:~, C:ll"l'i('d.. . "\' l l;a\.l.Yi.',i.nli: ,_I , -'IOP[-' ~, , ,'> "\fo\'ed Vy ;L:,:-"'ljIC :;;:;"\"\" '.ue~ potld to -~'. Ih.UD-liWllf, 4--, ,-ri:t-"r~jive Dv al~ for right 0 the ,sum at ,3e\e_'~_ a. in JalYl.1ft"tV" last, out of the amount grrmte ~ Scott. , Kerr. 14 - . .,...,.... 1 "'Q Oll equalization 'tt a. By Law .;..~o. u.... The clerk Jmbm1 -e .'~." ~ , R II . when It was 'h t f 'esf<Ulent ,0. S , d l' ~ D. 'FCl"O"uson: t a. o ass oc . E Hc.-rler .;:ccon B( Oy . - _~ . c. Moved by . n , ~ . _ 'd :md l"ca(l fl. first .tl1n . . - 'XT l,N be TccelYC ," B r-Law 'J,.'iO. v_, ) . . S t" that Bv-Iaw Carne,d. bv~ D Blaok, seconded by J.. eo.,". ". - Move-d J " _ "nd time. Carned. _ ' _ , N 162 be reatl a seeo .1 b _ D. Ferguson: that ~ o. _ EHeiTler' secondC( : - _ "';: 'd -.M:ovcd by. 0 ~ - I' Cl time :lnd finally pm,._C . ,~ 16') be reaCt ::t t UI' By-Law",' o. -, ". Carried. .. d conded by J. Thomson: }lovei[ by J. MeCauslan a. s~ by the Prison Inspector. that the alterutions reco~meGn el_ be considered at next . the Conntv :-rao, . to be made 1D '1 Q.l1'ried 'llectino' of the eouP.Cl. '. _", pn\)lic Ill1i)l'OVelutmtft, , - The chairman of COn:lIllttce on ~ R 1: when It was - tl' submitt'ed , \.epOl " '~', -, (lecl b ,. D. Blac'k: that 1C -, l\Ioycd by .Y. .Clmlas.'ps~cl~n Imp' 1"~Yements be received C 'ttee 011 U_1 10 l{eport of ,omUll, ~ , _. 1 1 . I 'elU"'nt<< a.fter ant Tea(. .' .' .t em publ1cmpro,- v,~, The clerk rea.{llCPOl I. h'. was 1 '[ "v \ R "lc- ,,~ne lv . ,-r If 1\fanCtcviUe, seCOll( cc IJ,] ~,. ". l' 1+1oyed by '\\i. ,. --'--"l . to cOlnmittce of tl1e '\' ho c Doucrald: that the connC1 .go lU, , P blic ImproYcment~. 1:) ,_.' f ComIUlttee on n ',', , on the Tepol t 0 I . ttee, of the wh01C. '1 were l)ut into, co111n11 . The C01U1Cl " " . . 11r -Thomson'in ~he Ol~l1n. fIe committee rose,: the \.fter some time 111 seSSlOn, 1 I' .. an of the cOlUmit~ ... h '. ;\hen the c 131Im ' , j.' '\Varden to()K the can", '11 doption of the report 01 tee of the whole, rC1)ol-t.edIt de aT mcnts without amell(l~ 't"ce on Public m 1'0,,0 , tbe commt I; ment. It was then , ' _ 'o"ald seconded b)T II. Str::tt. ~IoYe(l hSrA. R. :Th~c])oa~mittee on Public Impl'oye- . that the report of the e tOll. d ted Carried. :Jnents be a op. '1 adjoul'l1d for a-nhonr. , ' On mothm, the counCl . 15 , The council resumed, the W a.rdeiiin th~ Chair, when it was }foved by P. C. Campben, seconded by J_ Galbraith: that Mr: Philpot be allowed to address the council, in: re" lation to the building of a Drill Shed, 'at the Village of lona. Ca.rrie d. ~. Philpot being present, addressed thee-ounei], after whie-h, By-Law No. 183, to appl'opriate certain amounts for County Lines was submitted. "loved by J. Scott, seconded by J. Galbraith: that By-l~a,w, No. 163, be received and read a fil'sttime. Carried. Moved by T. W. Dobbie, seconded by H. Stratton: that By-Law No. 163, be read a second time, Carried. Moved by H. Stratton, seponded by T. \V. Dobbie: that By-IJ&w No. 163, be read ~ third time, and finally passed. Carried. 3foved by W. II. "landeville, seeoneled by J. Gal- braith: that the sum of two hundred aud fifty Dollars, be granted by this 'counciL to assist in the erection of a Drill Shed, in the Village of Ion a, to be paid when'the '\vorki& u,pproved byi~le Goverilffient. Carried. ~ , ~Ir. Hegler called for the ,yeas and nays"vhich ,vcre taken as Iollows:- Yeas :-Dobhic, Stratton, McDougald, :MandeviUe, Black, Galbreath, Ferguson, Scott., ThplllS011, anclIfel'r. Nays:'--Ca.mpbell,IIarvey, Hegler, andClunas. Moved hy E. IIegler, seconded by D. Ferguson: that the )Vardeu be instructed to transfer the: Insurance on the County Buildings, now in-~the 'Royal,' to the 'Com~ mercial Union' IIlsurance Company. Carried. Moyed by P. C. Campbell, seconded by A. ICen': that . -on examination of the evidence submitted by the County .Solicitor, the' \Varden exercise his OWll judgment,. in de~ .cidillg whether to ta~m fm'therprocee.dings; in regard to 16 d Henry ; - - ~ 1'>,: Oounty ltH - - . . . ~~'t. nO'V pending betWeCl.\ ~ ~~~it be QceidNl ag::unst the:,sUI - 1 in case SinH ~ - _ . . of Lone on, B.enlamlll, - . d 1 T sday '0 rluty. Ca.l'l'lC. . . :1. till the secoue ne. the 0. ., 01 tl ell ~ld]ontnec The counCl 1 . in N ove.mbcr. ~ ..-+--...... COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 1867 ~o- FOURTH SESSION. ~ ,1867. ' .:1 _ the 12th ]SO", TnesuaJ" , , I CK forenoon. '1" t ut ten 0. c 0 - - , , The CannOt _ me. . ' . tI,e Chatr. The"r arden m ~'l b 1'S present :- .:J M.cD0\.1gald, .;..' .em cith ~fcCauglanu, 1\Iessrs. Ganwu -' , Harvey, Sltfl'cl; BI k Scott, ac , Campbell, Hegler, rrhomson, "Kerr, 01 as Stnltton. un '. }!""'erO'uson, . ses. i\-Iaudevllle, I:' da'~ of the pl'CYI0nB . d' softhelast 'J The proeee lllg. d na and 81O'ue . '1 81'on were 1'c.... dO d the CounCl . " d d resse \ d ,_ The War en a . tiol1s 'were rea . .... d 'The following commU111Ca. president of the :b:ne an W A Thompson, }"rom .' . '1. ~ ... the costs. on NiaO'ara R~\l way. S I' itor reO'3.l'd1llg .<- ::'J . h County 0 10 '. I:> . From t e . b Conntv. I t the B_cnjamin suit, a~alll;t~u:on, l'etativc to the.1u80 ven - . 'Prom theCoun.ty 0 , Act. ELGIN 17 From the atbitrators in the matter of the Currie HmHl Bridge, with the evidence taken. From the publiRhel' of the 1Yelland" Advel'tiser~" Noved by :lYrr. Surrel, seeoneled by 1\I:r. Campbell: that the County Solicitor be authorisec1 to proceed with the in- terpleader snit against 3-11'. Bejamill, in l',eference to the Piano seized by the Sheriff of theConnty of :Middlescx. Carried. The 1Yarden asked lem,;e of absence) to "attend a meeting of the Port Stanley Ha.ilway Bo.ard, to be held the following day. Granted. On motion of :JYIr. Surre], secondecl by Mr. Nandeville : The Council adjourned till four o'clock the follo1ving after- noon.. I V\T eclllcsc1ay, 13th November. 'fhe Council met accol"(ling to adj0urnment. T. ]L Nairn, the V{ arden, in the Chair. :Members present:- :Messrs.Campbell, )icDougald, Galbraith, Scott, I{crr, Ferguson, Black, lHandeville, Thomson, Harvei, l\IcCausla.nd, CIullaB) Strattoll; Suffel, I-Iegler. The proceedings of the previous day were read and signed. _Mr. Stoliker, ofDnnwich, appeared before the Coun. eil, and made application for pay_ment of work, done at the Macintosh Bl'idge; after which it was moved by Mr. Scott., seconded by Mr. Galbraith: that J. B. Stoliker reo ceive a cheque signed by the Waracu) for th~ sum of one hundred and forty-five dollars, for 'ma~ing approaches to the Macintosh Bridge. Carried. j\Ir.~ Thomson, President of the Erie and Niagl'a Rail. way Company, was introdllcedby the Warden; and ad- dressed the Council regarding the extension of the Erie and Niagara .Railway from the Niagara to the Detroit River; after which it was moved by Mr. Campbell, Se" 18 conded by J\1r. nIcCausland: that the Conncil adjourn till seven o'clock, evening. The Council met at 7 o'c.lock in the evening. Moved by :M:r. :McCausland, seconded by 1)11-. l\icDo~l- gald: that the Teport of the Finance Committee be Teceived nun read. The Clerk read. the report of Finance Committee. J\loved by }IT. :i\Iondeville, seconded' by J\Ir. ))lcDouc gald: that the report of the Finanee Committee be adopted. Carried. ))1ovee1 by P. C. Campbell, se.conded by G. Snffel: that the Conncil recommend t11C ,Sheriff to take proper legal steps to asceTtain the place of the last legal settle- ment ofphcebe 13e1'<1::m, so as to recoyer from the 1'lIuni- cipality in whICh such place of settlement is situated, the costs of convoying her to the Lunatic Asylum, and if su<:h place cannot be ascertained, th:,n t6 ,.eCOVer from the ))lu- nicipality in which she .was apprehended. Carried. Moved by G. SuB'el, seconded by \Y. :i\Iandeville : that the ~um of sixty dollars be l)aid to the Warden, for extra services and expenses during the current year. Cnri'iecl. Moved by John Clunas, seconded by A. Kerr: that G, T. Chris, Esq" County Ti'cas'llrer, be antho~'izca to dc~ posit tI,e County Funds in some chartered bank. Curried. Captain Cole apper.:red beforc the Council, und made statement regarding insm:anee and balance dllc for the er- rection of the Battalion Drill Shed at. St, Thomas, Moved by J. Thomson; secondee1 by W. 1I. Mande- ville : that the Conneil grant an ac1c1itional sum 01 Olle hundred and. scventy-nvedollars to the, liquidation of the debt incurred by t,be inhabitants. of theTO'.v....u of St. Thomas, in bnilding aud nnishing the Drill Shed in St. Thomas: 'Lost. Moved by P. C. Campbeil, secondeel by D. Black: that the 1V nrden communicate with the GOycl'ument of Canad,,; to ascertain whether the County will.be allowe(\. 19 to insnre th 'tmo .~ h' e severa.l drill shed'" .1 . , nnlo t at th. C .'" 11l t 11S CO realize ~h ," ; . e onnty has appropl:i;t' 1 . unty, to the () ca~llountofs'uc'l'. ,e( to each. and be destroyed by fi. . 1 msurancc, should . h" to to eftect s~ h .~ _ Ie; an,a that the "\1" a :d. . sue. sheds lJ ,ue In""l"ln h. I en be autJ . , mativc I\Io~t~. -~ll <,. ee, S QuId the rOl)l~- 1 ~ .1OrIzed- . ~101l ',ost, ~ . IJ )C In the affir- 310'..-ocl bv 'i l{ M 3Iallclevili~: tha~ ~he' ~."eDougald, seconded by - ~ ~ the order ofP. C C, T;casarer be authorised t' IV.II. te)'sigued by q ',Vampocll, Hecye of Aldb. 0 pay to to av f .' . le arden, such sum olOugll, eoun- a ~';'t' ol'~the repair8 to the ,Vardsy' s as may be required PP .' eh to the salUe Oll the Aldh ..ille Br~dge, and fixillO" In amendment 't o~ough S](1o. 0 bv l'tfr Stratt "-' .iwas moved bv AIr S ft. ~ '." .on' that tl ~ - .. U 01 ~e . 'j to the \y. ." lC words" fi .' ' . cone eel anlsvlIle B . c1 "' xUlg the ap , . I moyed bv .-i R 31;' ge' bc struck out of tl PlOUC I to deville. . I~o~t ~. . e ougall, and seconded bv'~esolution ~ . . . H. 31an- The amcnument - , c[t,rriec1. 1\ as lost a.nd the original motion 310ycd b~~ D 1'1 k C .J,')ac~ecl , ; onn:il adjourn till haiJ-~, ~ll(~ed by J. Scott: that tl " lllOl'lllllg. d ~as. e!ght o'clock h n, t e following Thursda"~ the l.ttl N Till C' . , ~ 1.1. 0\'., 1867 e oHncll met 3," ~ . 'f' .' T l" 118..[ -past e:o,l-t ' he l,Yardcn in the C' , . loll 0 clock, forcllOOll ].1. llall' . . j' embers present '- ' Messrs. Galbraith " Black,' :JUcCausland, I Harvev {co'ler . ." C'lo, Campbell Ullas rf'h' 'I, 1 " .L omson 11 a.ile anIle S ' r, , j trattOll. I he proceedings of tli)e . pl'GVTious McDougald, SuireI, , Scott., Kerr', Fer&uSOlI b , c1nll\':~r~ P~ft(t flud 2.0 signed; after which it wa:>. ~loYed by John CIuna€;, sccond-- ed ~y E. Hegler: thn.t this Council after hearing W. A. Thompson, Esq., President of the-Erie and Niagara nail~ way Company, relative to procuring a charter for the ex- tension of that Road to the Det.roit River, do co-operate with him in assisting'to procure said charter~ and that this Council authorize the Wardcn to signauc1 attach the seal of the corporation of the County to a petition to the Par- liament of.Ontario, for the sai(l charter. Canicc1. In anuucndmcllt it _ was moved by P. C. CaD;1pbelI, sccondecl by A. R-. 'McDougald: that this Council do not :mthorise the \Vardel1 and Clerk to sign a petitioll to the Local Legislature in favor of granting a,charter to the Erie & Niagara Hailway Company, fOI' the building of what is called the Southern Railway, as this Council is not satisfied that such a charter would be the most satis- factory mode of obtaining the building of said H.ailroad; but that the "\Yarden be authorised to press the application already advertised by this Council to obtain a free and ul1traniwellec1 ehartcr without being con;nccte~l with the Erie & Niagn.ra, or any' other encumbered Raihva);; and that the Warden communicate with the other Muuic.ipali- ties through whiCh th~ proposed Southern Railway passes, fOi: their co-operation in obtaining an independent charter. ,The amendment was lost;n,nd original motion carr~ed; After which the wal'~en read a draft ofpetitioll to, the Local Legislattue, for an extension of the Erie & Niagaru Rail- way; froI'n the Niagara to the Detroit Rivel's; ,,,hen it was }loved by J. Clunas, secolldeel by E. Hegler: that the pe: titian noW read by the 'Y arden, b0 adoptedan(l signed by the Wardell with the seal of the County attached, anel fonvarded to the ParHainent of Ontario. Carried. Moved by J.. Thomson, seconded by ,V. Harvey: that. the resolution having reference to a.'grant of $175 for the ji'!uidation of the deht on the Drill Shed in St.. Thoroas '21 be reeonsidered. and that the sf. . b .' . umoonehuIrd e appropnated to defray tJ . n( ..~ dollar. . . ' Ie expen..cs 1)1c d. . lUO' saId ~hed "I t' I ~. . urre Ul bUl..ld O' - . jJ. O.lon ost " . . -: y eas~ TIlOmson Me. ] "ilIe. - , .i. cans and, IIarrc)',and 3lan4t'- :Nays-Stratton, Suffel 1\lcDo' . leI", Olunas, Kerr' Scott F '. ~, u!?,all, Campbell, H,eg--- M '. db'."' ., erguson, and Galbraith . ,o,e y P. C. Campbell s . . gall: that the question o(the 'C;~~nded by A I:. lIIeDou. Township of Aldborouo-h' ty Rates palel by the the years 1854 to '62 "'h 't hup?n lun~atented lands, during . h ' .0. me USIye a 1 h. . ' WIt drawn be taken np t th ..' .U( W lOh 18 now Carried. ' a -' e next seSSlQU of the Council. Movei] bv P C C' b- , .. . . '<lmp ell, seconded b . ,. that the Warden sign a 1..1.' '. Y G. Sufi.e\. pe 1 lOll toth L . I. . . bly of Ontario, prayil1O" th t e egIS atlve Assem- }\-Iunicipal Council" I. ::: . a power be conferred upon local _ .., 0 unpose as' l' occupied lands for the . pCCla rate upon all un- that the W ard:u eommun~Plt'OYe~:lJent of roads, &c., and . 0 . ca e Wlt 1 other M .. I" III ntario soliciting th . '. . ....:.. ulllClpa Itles }-loyed by J oh 'I e:"r co-operatlon, : Carried. n "' cl,jausland 8 e d d b Tr vcy: that the matter of I.? e on e y ".. m. IIar~ Refuge and. Industry be ~urtrcllasmg land for a House.. of 'u ler postp 1 '1 meetincr of the County C.I one( nntl the next ;::} . ounCI when f1 rth' . ..l' ' .. . may be obta.ined on the "1" . u. el m.lOl'ID.stlOn . 11,1". ., SU )Ject. Carned ,Mve,1 by P ,., ., b . \.. . 'c'. vamp ell, seconded bv \ gald : that a vote of th k b. . . .L . R. .i>!eDou. . .. an s e O'lven to T M -,.T' " for Jus able and impartial '" d . .~, au'n, Esq., County for tbe current -.;."ear co en U.ctdflS Warden of this 1\1 _' .... .J.'. arne. , 0' ed by G. Suffel, seconded b P that a vote of thanks be tende y .; C. Campbell: COU~lt.y Clerk and . Count Tied by thlsCou'.'eil to the serVICes duriuO' the presen{. easuCrer .1'01' theIr efficient . b.' year. arTled Md' . h' oye by G. Suffel, seeonded b H t IS Council do now ',dJ.our 'd. y . Stratton: that d . . < n 8mc ... a d th en SIgn cheques for illemb . ,,' n .. at theW 81'''' eIS wages. ' . . 2.2 "'"pOl.t tor tile year lS61'. Finance -,. . . ,,~~ THE co~ COU~CH, O~' TIm Cut;:STY OF .TOTHE WXRD....N OF . . . .'. ELGIN:~ . , ' : of Fillttnces, beg leave to Hrport. ~ . 'l'ile stnnHng (,Olnlu,ltce , ,11' examined into tbe ftl1f1llclal 'n:at. your comi~littee.,.h~Vidgtl~~::~~i;l~lt~ ~ubmitted Ill' the Cot:nl)~ nffairs offhe ,CO~1I1.~. 'bll.t ncstimateoftllcexpen(hturer.~qU1~r T urer hcrew1\h su fil fl f t,le Couuty, dunug lC i~.~~S pro.~'ic1ed f{)rYl;~a;;~~t~~~lbo~"(':nrsed for the undcrmcntion- cUl'rentseal'" sIlo" lOt> ;' (!J purposes, namely;- $2,618. Debenture aDd Intcl'cl-it, , ~~.400. Munici pal Loan Fund, <>"~89. Comnion Schools, . ~O.O. Grammar Schools, . ~60. local superintondents, .. . . -iOO. B~ t" of P~lhhc Instructwn,. . _ . 4.000. Oft u . t J tice 'md Juror,., - 28" Admi.nistratlOn 0 us . " \V ges &c v. .'. I Purposes Members 3. , ., 500. \~enel"tl_... . Connty'ROtlc1.s aml Bridgc~, 1200. Grant 101 . ~ & . Regi.strar's Fees, Books c.'. ~. 1.000. Drill Sheds,. . ' 0'0 $26. 0 . , . lined the auove estimt>.te, an.d y,llU' Clllmnittee huve c~~~fi1t\~)~r~I~l~re reducul as loW as practl- fnd that the several aIllOU rt fthe Co_unl\'. ~1l h{:', ~~igJt~~~~~~t~~l~r~}~r~r~~~oril.~l!~n~~ ~l\l~fet~l:y~~~~ lt~~~~~;~i~~ six '1'JlOUSI1CI)d ll.lt1d }l:~tl;e~S~l~~~I'UY~ :;~~:\~i~h; .anJ'ltbnt ~'~I~lr~2nI~~'; . in t.be 'onn v,...-_ . . . 'accol'dl\nce t lcre'. -. . 'BI~Laws be clra,';m upandpa~seathl~lDoliar on the rateable property .,.. . fS.'Tenthsofa. centm ' n; Rate o. IX . .,' saidamollnt,asfolloWf':.- in the County, to 1,Use SCHEDULE. \ cmD101:<i \ G-E:::<;E:RAL \ ToTALS., SCHool,- PUHPOS-ES. ~9;,fi.04 \ ~2,273'1 ~- .~ . \ $2397~ 2,773 3,148 u 4564 \ n,204 '. \ 640 \ '76) ~ 5,485 720 4, () 41"2 . 1 3,554 \ ' I :1 ~g 1 ,640 ki~~ . \ 580\ 2,61~ \ '375 . . . . 370. .,. --:---.;>"-L-~22,561 I' _~~~2??~-_ I. $0,489._ :_:..:_>-__'!:_______________ -{;l{~T~~hi~ll-j~-l~;;p;~tf~ilY-;l~b;~itt~d,. GEORGE SUFFEL, . . . GHAIRMAN. Committee Rooms, St. Thomas, } 19th June,1867. ~ 1\luNICIPALl'rlES, Aldborough, Dunwich. .. ' 8onthwold, . Yarmouth, , ],(alahidc, S. Dt)l'chester,.. Bllyllam,. . ' Vienna, . .' , 23 BY-LA W NO. H12, To equalir,e the valuations of Real and Personal Property in thc Assessmcnt Rolls of the different TOlVl1Ships, and"Yi1Iage-s in the County of Elgin, for tIle year, 1867, P .ASSED 20th June, 186'7. Anel whereas the Council of the County of Elgin, by vir- tue of the 72nd Sec. of the Act 29, 30th Vic.,Chap. 53,'have examined. the Assessmellt Rolls of the different Townships und Villages in the County, for the preceding financIal year, to accl'taiu whether the valuation made by tIle As~ sessors - for the current year bears a just relation to- the valuation so made iil all sUGh Townships and ,Vill.~ges. Be it therefore enacted by the ~I unici-pal Corp.oratiGn of the Connty ofElgill, by virttle of the authority' afore. said, . That t.he' following Sched.ule of valuation be the eqnalizedvduatiou'ofReal and Personal Property, in tpe several Townships and Villages in the County of Elgiil, for the year 1867. ~IU:.ICIP' J ITIE ' 11EQUALJZED jASSE8SED J:N)EQU.\LIZED . ~" ."l.. ~s. :1 IN 1866. I 1867, ) 1:\1867. "I ' --:-:---~---i'--:------)--- Aldborongh, il $454.600 I $ 700,305 I $ 700,300 Dllnwich; Ii 504,590 I . 548,857' 947,506 Southwolc1, II 912.709 II 1,089,961! 1,41(;,540 Yarmouth. f 953,110 1,698,123 ( 1,633,423 Malahide,. I 710,795! 1,267,755) 1,267,755 S. Dorchester, Ii 328,002, 764,330 ~ fi38,OOO Bayham, II 523,375! 865,355) 794,388 Vienna, 'l~~~!~~.915 ~_.:o~650 }, $4,512,336 J $7,038,601 ) $7,488,567 And it is enacted that this By.Law shall be in fOlce and take effect from and after the 20th day of June, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Seven. PASSEDlliCOUNCIL, 21st Jllue,lS67. W. ::\IcKAY, Comy CLERK" T. ~I. NAIRN, lV.!lWIm. 2{ REPORT OF Committee of Public improvements. To the Warden and Conncil of the County of Elgin in Council Assembled. GE~'TiEMEN:-'- The Committee ofPnblic Improvements, beg leave to report: T~at they" would recommel1d that the $ll1U of Thirty Dollars be granted for' t,hc Comity Line, 'between the Township of Yarmouth and "'... estminster, providing the County of lIIiddlesex grant a like amount That the 8ttm of Fifty Dollars be granted for the County Lirie, between the Townships of Southwold and Delev.~aTe, providing the County ofl\Iic1dlesex grant a like amcmnt. ':that the sum of Three Httndred Dollars he gr&nted for the County Line betweeJ;l the 'l'ownship of Bayham and Middlesex, providing. the County ofN orfolk, grant 3: like amount. :rhat the snm of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars be granted for the County Line betwe~n Aldborough and Orford, the Cottnty of .Kent having appropriated the said ntnottnt. All of which i.. respeetfttlly submitted. COMMITl'E.Jt ROOMS; June 20, 1867, } T. W. DOJ3BIE, Chail'malL