1868 Minutes ? ~~~ n PROCEEDINGS OF THE- - <"". \. ./ ~ Qtllundtl , ., , ,. , , , , TN THE COURT HODS'B, I ; ; ( , , , , , ! I , ~- ( ~" WM. McKAY, CLERK. , 1f1tillin<!tuunt~ DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN ST. T:a:O:M:.A.S. IN THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, JUNE, NOVEMBEH , AND DECEMBER SPECIAL SESSION 1868. .. -+-'. lVI. NAIRN, WARDEN. -~---~ ST. THOMAS. PRnlTED AT THE HO)iE ;rOuitNAL STE.A.Jl[ PRESS. ,rnlNTING OFFICE. 1868. .' .~~~~-:~M~~~ , \ Elgil:l'County CouncilProceeml1gs. FIRST SESSION, ISM. TUESDAY, the twenty~eighth-day'of'Janll-al'Y' The members of the Council of t~e()oimty of Elgin met tl1isd::y,in aC00l'dap-ce with~tIH~:prov~sion~()~:the Act 29,30 ;Ylc:, 'Chapter 51,in1Jhe CQurt ilpu~~:,St. Tho:n1~s, at noon. _ __ " ,: The following g;entlemen,._ mernJ;ei's, 'el,eet" p!.~s~Ilted c,ertIficat_es of;el~ction to office3,sReeves and-:Deputy Reeves of their respective 1funicipalit~13s, ana of having m~aetheJ;wcessary deGlarations of9ffice: NAl\IES. John McKillop, Archibald 'rhO:rp.pSOIl, John Galbraith, ThoruasMcColl, J ohnSwith, Thomas 'Hunter, Ch~rles _ Ki~g, J ehiel York, St~ph~l1 Wade, T.:-M.' Niirn. J ohriMcCausland, Charles Chute, William Y. Eillel~Y, Daniel Row, "JIep.l'y._StrattO,n, John CIunas, ,Jaco b:Ol:ine, Geo~ge Suftel, OFFICE. Reeve, Deputy, Reeve, - Deputy, Reeve, Deputy, R€!eve, Deputy, do Reeve; Deputy, do Reeve, , .pepnty, Deputy. Reeve, '. ;D.eputy, }teeve, . CORPORATION. .Aldborop,gh. 'do Dunwich. do . Southwold. ',''do Y arllioutb.. do 'do ~falahidc. , do ,do Bayham. do .do .s.Dorchester. ',do VieD,n,9.. "'-1 4 The members of the Council were_called to order. The Clerkin the. Chair: When it was Moved by 1\Ir. Henry Stratton, seconded by W. Y. EilJ.ery: That George Snlfel be elected Warden of the County for the ensning. In amendment, it was ' _ Moved by' J. McCaiisland,secohded by' C. King: That T. 1\1. N arin be elect,,.d Warden of the County for the ensuing iear~. . .' . ~n_api~n~~~~, ~~C()ria,,_,__: ___'' _ _ ,"" _ _ _ ___ _ _ " '.' ,Moved oy J, Galbraith, seconded by Thomas McColl: - . That John McKillop be Waiden for the present yeltr. T~he second amendment was put aDd lost. Th~ first amen~ehiwa.S:caii'ied ahdol'igin,al. motIon not put. The Clerk then deClal'ed Mr. Nairn duly elected War- den onhe County. .' Thg 'V: arden made the _ declaration of office before his Honor _J :udge Hughes, took the chair and _ adclressed the Council. - 1;'he:,proceedings of the last day of thepreviol1s 'session were i;cad. .Mer which thefoI)o'Ving communicadons wer~reaa, From the Rev" E. Sheppard,. resigning' office of Gram'mar School Trustee. From J ehiel M~nll, ()ounty Solicitor, respecting the Benjamin Suit. :F.r()~ J. B. McGann, annual report of the_Hamilton Instit.ution for the ip.8;t:ruction of the :peafan~lI)u~b. F~om James Keefer, Middlesex County -Clerk, iure. fer~Ilce to. the Currie, R-oad Bridge. . From A. F. Butlei',Local Superintendent, From C. A. O'Malley, ;md others petitioning. for aid. to complete Drill Sheil'. From James Fai-Iey-,ivith pr,esentment of Grand Juty, Deceriiber Sessions. 5 From G. Scarff, TI?-aking application for office of au- ditor. From County' Clerk, Bl'ockville, relating to silver coin. -From- D. J._ Hughes, respecting Grammar School Trustees. From Coun.ty Treasurer, respecting finances. The. W ardenllominated 1\Ir. Scarff one of the County Aiiditors. When it was Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr: Wade: That . 'VV. J. White be appoillted one of the County Auditor. for thecuri:ent year. Motion lost. Mr. John 01unas moved, si?conaed,byMr; Cline': That - - J. P.-l\Ia:rtyn be reappo~nted'an Auditor^of theCoullty, to audit accounts for the -:past'y,ear; Carried;.. 1\loved by Geo. S"ffel, seconded by W. Y. -Emery: That the Warden appoint a special committee of three; to strike the , standing cominittees'on Finance, Educatwn and Public Improvements, and report' the same to the Council forthwith. Carried. -" J\loved by A. Thomson, seconded by J. Galbraith: That Samuel McColl be re-appointed Local Superinten- d~nt of Common Schools,in West Elgin, at a salary of two hundred and thirty Dollars per annum. Cap.ied. Moved by Mr. :J\fcKillop, seconded by Mr. Clunas: That the Reeves of-the_ several':Municipalitiesbe a_com. mitteetopropose amendments to. the Assessment and Mu- nicipal Acts, and report the same to this Conncil at their earliest' convenience this session. Carried. Mr. Arkell, J\layor of the Town of St. Thomas, Dr. Southwick, -aud Sherifflfunro, addresse,d the Council re. garding . the extension of the,Erieanct. Ontal~o Railway :t'o Detroit River, and the application-now being ma<iein the Parliament of Ontario to procure a Charter. . . J\loved by Mr. Emery, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That A. ]'. Butler be re,appointed Local Superintendent of Co:rtu:i:1,onSchooJs for East E(gin, ~t the same salary as last year. Carried_ , 6 ',}Iov-ecl by" 1\11', 3IoCansland, seconded by S. waac: 'J;'lmt after hearing the report of the delegate~ who.:have been sent to Toronto by- th~Town of St. Thomas, -to ad- vocate thee:X:terisionofthe:Ei-ie and Niagara- Railway Bill now before the ~ouse-of _Assembly. ThisC_ouneilappro: priate the ,'sumof'-one h.un,cIrea Dollars to defray the ex- penses of delegates whom this councilthink-it necessm.-y to have:iriToronto, on' Thursday,next; b.efore~he Railroad' Committee; and that the Committee, :be the'_-Wardeuaf the Oounty, Dr. Southwick, Thornas,"-rkeIl, Sheriff M~nro, arid Mr. SnJfeJ. Carried. . The yeas and n'ays ' heing. called for on the above nio- tion, were taken down as follows: YEA.s.-:---,-Emery,.,Stratton,Suffel, Row, Chut~; York, Smith, 3fcCausland,King,Wade and Tho))1son,-lL N Ays.-Galbraith, lI1cColl,:McKillop,. Olunas . Cline~ Huntcr;-'-6; - .' - , Moved hy A. Thomson, seconded byJ. McKillop: That the Report of the Oommittee app ointed by the War- den to' strike the standing eoilimitt0,es for thecUTrent veal' 03 rec'eived~nd react Carried. "' JlIoj'cd by JohriOlunas, seconded by Jacob OluJe: Thatthe Clei"k, be,iequ'ested to'procure and'forward the Assessment Rolls and S~ips,for the ;several 1Iunicipalitie~ in the County, . at his earliest 'convenience; Carried. TheReport ?f coinmitteeto" strike standing commit~ tees was read.. -.After which'itwas Moved b,yJ.McOauslarlcl, seconded by J. Yorke: Tbatth~ report of the- ,Comlllitte€;to strike'standing-eom- mittee8_be adopted. Ca}"ried.; Moved by.J. McKillop, seconded by Mr. Olunas : That_ tl1ecomJ!1~llic,ations be taken up . and disposed of in due'form: Carrled~'~ Thlovedby G. Suffel, seconded by D. Row: ThaW J. Gundry be appointed a Trustee of th'eVienua Grammar School for the term of three years.; Carned. 7 3i:oved b~J~:l\fcKillop,secondea byA. Thomson;: ~rhat the resignation of l~ev~ .: j)rIr.Sfn~pArai as Gram;. mar Scho,<?l Trustee, be accepted. Carried; , Moved by JohnSmith,secondedbyJ. York: That the ttppointtrient of Gramm'a-rSchool Trustees foi' the St. Thomas 8cho.ol be defeii;ecl till' tomorrow. Carried. Moved by Mr. McKillop, seconded by A; Thomson: That the sum of$100 ?e_granted,towards.',defrayhig_the expenses:oftlie erect~ol1of a Pi"il~- Shed in the ~Village 'of Wardsville. Ina~~n~m_ent., '.' ,::, .....: ' Moved by Mr. Suffel, se~.ondedby H. Stra.tton: That no-action be ta~en 1Vith ,refer_ence, t9, the application of.. C. A.-O'3ialley;' for aid toivardspaying' the debt on the prill Shed ,at Wardsville. Carried. Original motioulost. , Moved by G. SuffeJ, seeondeclhy D. Row: That a sp,ecial co~mittee?e,apP:Q~n~ed:to _Illem?rali~etheR8ilwar Committ~~ of the_ Ho,use' .of ,~f?se~blY,-fOr.. ~n,:xtension 'of the Erie and Niagara Railway . fi'om the Niagara 'to ,the Detr?it Ri~T:~'S.,.... Said: ..committe~. to. he _?omposecl- of the Waide'n, JYIessrs' l\'IcCallsland, Emery, and themoYer~ Carri~d~ .'.'. ..' "'; _',_,,',,_' '_ Jl-Ioved h,Y ]\11.. Suff~l, secondeq. by Mr, Stratt?n; That By~Law _N <;>,164,- to appoint ,Count'y, Auditors for the cur~ rent Year,b,e:recefv~4:a~-d,r~~(},a. first t~~.:. ...,?aiTi~d. '., . Moved.hY1\.. ?,h()m~on, .s~condedb'y Tho., JlIo()611, That By-La-\v No. 1~4 be read a second tini~.,> Parri,ed. lVIOye,~,bX 1vIr~" E_~el'JT.,_s:ec.ondecl-by_" ~r.: S~.r~tton: That ;BY:~,1WN(), 164],".l'ead a tliirJ. time, and finally p~ss.,d. O,1,ri.,q.. . .......... . ... ... '. .... .... .' . .N:()vedby A. 'l'hon1soniseco!,de~by Thor"as}Vlo()oll: That By-Law No.. 165 to appoin.t LoealSJ].perin~endents of CoIIDll()I,l, '$ch.o<;>ls:- be~ :l"lC::td. afirs~ t,i:q;t.~~,_,(~a,rr~~d.";-,,. :tI~.oy"d pyAfr;Afc:frillop,secop.dedby Afr,Tho,,"~on: That. By- La", No. 165 1>e .read a secQil4 .tiJll.e.. . . C!'lTie~. Moved by A. Thomson, seconded by Thomas..MeOoll.: 8 That By-Law No. 165 be read a -third time andfinallv .- . - -" '-',. ., passed. Carried. The Council then-adjourned till 9 ~'clock tomorrow morning. Wednesday, 29th day of ;ran., 1868. The Council met at nine o'clock fOTenoon. The Warden in the Chair. :L\fembers present:- )}Iessrs McKillop, Smith, Thomson, Hunter, Galbraith, Qline, McColl, Stratton, and Suffel. r:r'he' proceedings of the previous day were re~d and 8ign~d, after which it was j)foved by George Suffel, seconded by p. Ro;v : That the - Report of the COillD;1ittee appoj,nted to d,i'aft, a Memo- rial to the Chairman of the Railway Committee of the House of Assclllbly of ' Ontario be receh;eCl.,and.read; Carried. ' The Draft of J\1emorial was read by the Warden ,vhen it was ' , Mo:ved by G. Suffel,seconded by C. Chute: That the Reporto(t~e.specialcOlnmittee appointed to draft ~ We..- morialto the Chail'lllan-0f the R:ailwayOomini~tee-oft~e Honsegf Assembly of Ont,<riobe ail9pted,and that the W ard~n lJeauthorised to sign' the same 01), behalf of this Council. Cal'ried~ !ll:ovedby D. Row, secon.a:~d]>y Mr. Stratton;. That. the Clerk of the Council be authorised topr:ocul'e t:p.e,n~..i ces~aryblanksin cOllpeotion with ,Shop ,au<I ~av~rn ~~gen~ ~es forJ~e ",J:lole Sount:r., t~at-is -to s~y' b~ank -Licenses, Certificates, fetitions, B?nds,&c; Carried; . Moved by J.McKiIlop, secondedbykThtlll1son: That Dr.WilsonofSt.Tliomas,beitpllOinteda Trustee of th,e'St. Thomas Senior.County Gfiuntnltr SchooHor the tenn' of :threeyears;' 'C~rrledJ" " ~1cCansland, Chute, King,~ Wade, Yqrk, Qhm~s, Eniery, ~- Row:, .9 . :\Iovecl by J. Yorke, secondecl by J. Smith: That G~ Kains be appointed Trustee-' of' the St.; Thomas County G-rammarSchool, in place of the Rev. 1\11'. Sheppard, re- signed. Carried. _ -~. rrhe Warden askec11eGtve of a,bsence to attend,,'before the Railwa.y Committee.iI:i: TOt'onto, which was granted, ",Vhen- i~ was nloved by 'lHr. Emery, seconded by l\1r. Stratton: That ?tIt, Smith be appoint,ed' Chairman' of this Council during th~ absence of the vVarden at t.hil'l session. Carried~ ~;loved by J. ~[cKillop, seconded by' A. Thomson: That the sum'of$90,5.07 be applied to' the C01~ntyrates of the'Township of Aldborough, said ~{mount having been paid by'the Township of Aldborongh, as County rates on unpatented lands in said Township, which hayebeen struck off by the- County Treasurer in accoi'da:nce wifh an 'Act.' of Parliament., passedb.1863. In amendment, j\foved by J.~1cCausland, seconded b'y Jehiel York: That the claim of the Towuship of Aldborough for the 8um of $905.07, as_having been paid on unpatented lands, previous tot-he-year 1863, be: deferred until the next meet~ ing of the .OounciL Amendment carried; orIginal motion not put. Moved by Mr. Emery, seconded by :;>11'. Strattou: That the Rep.ort of the Finance Committee be received anclread. Carried~ The Clerk read report of :.F'inance Committee, after which it was lrfoved by Mr. Thomson, secop.ded by 1\11'. rfIcKillop~ That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted,. and th~t_the:Waraen sign draftsfor-theoaccounts therein. Carried. Moved by J. Clunas, seconded by J. Cline: That By- I.law~o. 144passedin June 1866, be nowrepeaIedas t~e CounciLof.Thiiddles_ex hasn0t complied with 8:li~ By~Law_ Uotiou lost. - 10 3{oved by J. Galbreath, seconded by~hos. :Dlc<<;:::oll: 'That the resolution rcfel'mg to the Currie Hoaa Bri,dgebe reconsidered. Ca.rried. . :lVloved by J. ~}1cKillop, seconcted by A.Thomson : That the,Council adjourn till one o'clock, to enab1e the Com~ Vlittee on education to meet and report to' this Coun't:dl Carried. The Qouncill'csu{TIeq.at one o'clock. Mr. Smith in the Chair. TheClerk I?ubmitted-Teport of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company. After which it\y~as Moved by John punas, seeonded by J. Cline: That the report of the Directors of the St, Thomas and .Aylmer Gravel Roa.d Company be received and read. Carried. The Clerk.read report of the Directors of the- St. Thomas a.ndAylinerGravel Haa,a Oompany, ai):.erwhich the Olm'k' sub_mittecl' Report or Education Committee. When it was ~Ioved by ll'Ir. Emery, seconded by Mr.Stratton : That the xeport of the Education Oommittee be received and read. The Clerk :read EdllCation-report, after which it was Move:! by ~h . Emery, seconded by Mr. Stratton: 'That the report of Committee on Education be ~ adopted. Carried. --- Moved 'by J. McCausland, seconded by Thomas JHc- ColI: .. That this CouncilauthoriseMr. Bakie ots6:O:1~com- petent, erLgineer toexamip:e the-sit~e for the propose~Currie Road Brid,ge-across the_ Ri,rerThames,,: and prepare plan s, estinia,tes, and specifications for the proposed Bridg:e,to be submitted to a committee of th~ Council: A:g4 thrit the Council ofthe.Connty of Middlesex be notified.of the intentiou to proceed in the _erection, of satdBridge"andthat this80uncil proceed with the 'work whether or not tll(>; )-Iidcllcse:x: Council take part therein; Provided:tliat II the Township. of Dunwich shall file with the QlerT:::, a _ copy of the By-Law of Dunwi~h, guaranteeing the payment of one. thousand Dollars to be' applied -for-the benefit of the County in the erection of said Bridge, and that the previous resolution in reference thereto be rescind- ed. Cri..rried. ' MoVed by J. iYlcCausland, seconded by Mr. Galbreath: That the Warden of the County; and the Reeve of South- wold and Dur;nvich, be appointed a committee to. superin- tend the erection of the Currie Road Bddge; and that the '\Vardenbe authorised to sign cheques on the County Treasurer, for the payment of said :vork. Car~i~d. ~Ioved by :lVh. Row, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That the Clerk make applic~tions to the 'engineers for the plans of the Wardsville and McIntosh Bridge to be used hy the Committee in Building the "Currie Road Bridge,: if found practicable. Carried. Moved hy J. Clunas, seconded by J. Cline: That whereas there are now several Bridges erected accross the River Thames, and said bridges bejpg very expensive, it is resolved that this Council take action towards the erection of Toll' Gates on a;ll the Bridges crossirig streams of im- portance between the County of Elgin and the County of Middlesex, provided the appr'oval oNhe County of Middle- sex be~btained thereto. _\)~r~i~d. . The )reas' and n~ys heing c~lled for by ~Ir. Cline, were taken Clown as-fo1low:s. " .' Ye~s.-Emery,Stratton, Row,' Yorke, McCausland, King, ,Wa~e, tHine & Cluna~. Nais:~~cKillop, Hunter, Chute, Thomson, :tyIcColl, and Galbreath. 6. ~1otioncarried by a m'ajority of 3. The Petition of Mcssrs; Hep bum and Mande~ille was submitted. ~. ~ . Moved 'by ehas. Chute, seconded by Thonias Hunter: 12 ~Ioved by nIl'. Galbreath, seconc1e~l 'by' .Thos.l\lcColl: That Mr. Baikie be appointed to (h'a,'w 'plan~ &0.,. for 'the Currie Road Bridgo;aIld in the event of his declining t~ . aCt: :Tha't'the Bridge Committee be authorised to appoint some other competefit Engineers, and that 'the' Bridge Committee be authorised to contract for th~ erection there- of, and that the Warden sign COI!-tracts on beh3Jfof this COun9il, for said work. Carried. Moved by J. McCal;sland, seconded by C. Chnte : Tbat the Bill now before the Hbuse of Assembly of On- tario, -to amend the l\-funicipal lnstitutions Act of U pp~r Canada, provides that.it ,_shalljnot:be~perativeOIi any Municipality to establish a 'House of Industry & Refl;ge. Therefore this Council defer any action-in the matter for the pr~sent. Carried. The Qhairma~ s~bmitte'd ~communicati?nsoliciting aid towards the y"'" olunteer Monumentfund, Torbnto: when it was . Moved by Charles Chute, seconded by JehielY orke: 1'hat this Council grant the sum of Fifty Dollars m aid of the- monument now being erected in: Toronto" in mem'ory_ of our bravedefenders,- who fell at Ridgway: YEAs,~Emery,Row,Chute, Yorke, Wade. 6; NAys.-Galbreath McColl, 'Thomson, Clunas, Cline King, McCausland, Hunter. 8. Motion lost by ,a majority of 2. Moved by Mr.i\fcCausland, seconded byj)Ir. King: That the application for a grant to the Volunteer Monu- . ment FUJld be defen-ed until the next meeting of the Coun- cil. Carried. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Clunas: That the Council go i into a committee of the whole on the proposed amendments to the Municipal & A5sessment Acts. The Council went into Committee of the Whole. Mr. Smith in the Chair. . 13 rrhat t.he petition of j',fessrs. Hepbn:;.'n and 1Ianclcyille be r~~eITed. . The Clerk read the. Petition of3.Iessrs. l\-Ianc1m~ille:an(l . . Hepburn Gr:ave.1 Road Lesees. , Mr. j)tlandevi1le being present, addTessec1 theQounc~l respecting the payment on t~e Gravel R9ac1, ,after which it-was 1Ioyed.by J. Cline, seconded by J. Clunas :"That the matter of the Petition of 1\1essr8. Hepburn &l\Iancleville, be laid over until the next meeting of this Council., C~r- ried. :J:Ioved by A. Thomson, f';econclec1by .t. Chmas:. That By:-Law No. 166, to appoint Gr~mmar School Trustees, he received and read a first time. Canied. Moved by S. Wade, secoHdeel by C. King: That By- Law No. 166 be read a second time. Carried. " . . ?floved by.J. Galbreath, seconded by Thos, McCOll : That By-I,aw No. 166 be. read a third time, anel finally passed. Carried. On motion of .Mr.' Chute, seconded by }tIr. Y orl,\:e: The Council adjourned till nine o'clock tomorro1v morhing. THIRD DAY. Thursday, 31st J anuary,1868. The Council met at nine o'clock forenoon. Mr. Smith, Reeve of. Southwold, ill the Chair. Members present:- Messrs.McKillop, McColl, Thomson, Cline, Galbreath, Stratton, York, Clunas, Wade, Row, Tne proceedings of the previous days were reaq. and signed. nicCallsland, Chute, KIng;' ]fmery, .j 14 At the January Session, 1868,. 15 After being some tin~lC in Committee of the Whole,tl1E~ Councill'ose: When the C~a:il'man)'eported tha,t the Com., mittee of the Whole had adopted.a -Report of amendments to the proposed Bills to amend the l\funicipal and Assess_ mentActs,-- which was adopted by the Council; when it was Moved by J. Clunas, seconded by J. 1\lcCausland: That this Council do petiti?ll the, Parliament o,f Ontal'io~ to amend the :Municipaland Assessiu,ent' A.cts - of lIP per Canada, in accqrdance wit~, the report of the COID...1l1ittee of the Whole now adopted by this Council,and that the W:a~den or C~airman of tl1iS9?UllCil sign s-aiq petit~~Il~ a~4attach'th(3_8eal of th~ Corporation thereto, ,counter-. signed?y:;the,Co~nty-Cl~rkl_<:Ltas early a date 'as ?o]n~eni,:, ent. Mav.ed by 1\11'. Clunas, seconded byMr. Cline : That ' a.yote 9f~hanksjs_:her~by- tend~r.edto, ,.ro!tn Smith,~sq.; , for the v.ery able & efficient manner in which he filled the' Chall"; in theabs~nce of the, Warden. Mov.ed By Mr. Hunter, seconded by Mr. Chute: That the ""Varden pro tem,'-sign- drafts for ,members "W age.s,an~ that the Council adjourn till the third Tuesday in June. Carried. SYNOPSIS OF BY-LAWS PASSED BY THE COLTKTY COLTKCIL, By-LAW No. 1.64, PA.SSEIi 28THJANt:"ARY, 1863; Appointing George Scarff, 'and J. P.:Martyn, County Au- ditors. R.emuneration$30each. By-LAW No. 165, PASSEp '28TH JANUARY, 1868. /cppointing SamuelM~CollLocal Superintendent of Com- mon SchoolsJor the West RidIng. S~lary $230, and $15 allowance Kor Stati<;nie.ry 'arid Postages. AppOInting A. F. Butler, Loc'al Superintendent for the. :East Riding. Salary $300, ~; $25 allowance 'for Stationery & Postages. By~LAW No. 166, P~~SSED 28 JAKlIARY, 1868 Appointing Dr., J. Wnson and George Kains mem- ber~of the St. Thomas County GramDl2.,rSc11001, - and ap- pointing L. J; Guna~.y, Treasurer of the Vienna Grammar School for three years ;, a.lso appropriatin~ ~400 towards the salary of the TeacheT of the St..Thomas Grammar School, and $200 for the Vienna Grammar School, on con- dition that County Pupils be admitted to saicl Grammar S.chools f~ee. - ~ 16 SECOND SESSION, 1868. TlJESDAY, the 16th day of June, 1868. The Council met at 10 o'clock' forenoon. The Wardcn in the Chair. Members present :~ ~Iessrs. Galbreath, Hmiter, 1\1cColl, Cline, ,Clunas, rrhomson, Chute, Su:fel lV1cKillop,W ade, :McCausland, Smith, King, Yorke, Rowand Stratton. The pl'ocee'clings 'of the last day of the previoous ses~ sion wel'erea(l~nclapproYec1. The-vVarden then addressed tp.e Council, after which the Clerk read the following commumcations. From the Ontario Rifle Association. From the council of lIfalahide respecting a lock~up house. Fron;. the llliddlesex County Oouncil relating to the Currie Hoad Bridge. Fr()r:1 Henry'Vic1owfielc1 concerning a Culvert on the Port Stanley Gravel Road. From J. B.McGann, of tire Deaf & Dumb instute. From the Education Office with memorandum' of School Apportionments for 1868.' FromW., G. V( onham, P.L.S., l'egarding the- County line between Oxford and Elglu; Petitions were read from Wallace Michael and others, concerning Bridge. William Hanrey and others, concerning an Idiotic Child~ William Logg and 18 others, relating to Bridge on County line. Rachel J\HUard" respecting board provided for an in. 8ane person. ,From the Oounty Auditors, with copy of detailed Statement of County and School' Accourits~ 17 From R.. A. Harrison, with' legal Ol)illion, regarding the Currie Roael Bridge. . . . Moved by G.Suire], seconded by H. Stratton: That the Petitions and Communicadons received llrEference to Roads and Bridges be referred to the ,'Committee on -public ImpTovements. Carried~, "foved by C. King, seconded by J. Smith.: That the deputy Reeves of the _ Countyancl thr~eof the Reeves, namely: Galbreath,Cl1}.nas, andSuffel, be a' committee to equalize the Assessments of t,!:te seyeral rvlunicipalities. for 1868. Motion Lost. J\Ioved by ~1r. Suirel, seeOndeij.by J\fr. Row: That the Reeyes of the several~J:unicipalities of the, COl..l~1ty be appointed as a. committee to revise and equalize the As~ sessment Rolls:f6t the current year. Carried. Moved by J. Olunas, se"ondeel byJ. Cline: That tbe Clerk be Tequesteel to notify, the Olerk of the Middlesex County Council, that this C.ouncil ,do' not intend to take furtherproceedip.gsin relat~on.to the Ourrie Road Bridge. In amenclment : :r>Ioved by S. W ~de, seconded by D. Row: That the matter i'especting the Curri~Road Bridge bec1eferred llIi~ til. the. day. after to~morro,w.Amendment car,ried, . and origj,nal ~9tio_n los.t. Moved. by G. Suire], Sec.onded 1)y D. Row:. That the report of the Oounty Auditor~'andDetaile.d Statement of Couuty Accounts, as read by the Olerk, be adopted and finally au.clited by this Oouncil. Oarried. Moved byG. Snirel,. seconded by H. Stratton: That -any appropriations that may now be n1ade towards repair i~g the Wardsville Bridge,. crossing 'the River .Thames, shall be no' portion .ofthe:amomit that :may be expended for_repairing or making the approaches: to the same-, and that a copy of this resolution 'be sent to the Oounty En- 18 g;ineerof IIIiddIe,cx, who may have charge oftheworlc said Bridge. Carried. '!' Moved b.y J. lYIcKiUop, seconded by A. Tho1l1sd That the County Engineer of the Connty_of l\Iiddle'e~ instructed to have theW ardsville Bridge properly repa~ and that the County of Elgin will pay one half of the' penses On ceItificates of ,the Engineer of Middlese.\: that effect. Carried. Moved by G. SUffel, seconded by IIII'. Stratton; 'rh no money be expended by' this Council' in making or' pairing the approaches to the Bridges crossing the Rh Thames, or other County Iiue Bridges. Carried. Ou motion of J. Smith, seconded by D. Row: Th~ Council adjourned till uine o'clock to-molTOW morning;; --- 19 . 'IcCausland, seconcle.a bYChal'lesCl1ut;~: lIfoved by J.1I d t \mbrose Hill, to pay for the sup- be grante 0 -'- Cl ild belollO'ingto'this CmIDty, d" . Orphan 1 , . ~" '. ~," h' I lOtIC .' 'd' ," ';'some institutIOn'ill t ,18 .. can be ma e 111 _ . .' od I' PrOVISIOn _ - to of suell malVI ua ~. . - for -the recep IOn _ :', - - -.,.-- C6mmit.t"'e Bub- o of the EqualIzatIOn __~ '-' , TheCharrman . Report, when 'd a 1J H Stratton: That the nIl'. Row move~,seconth - E~uaiizatio1iofthe Assess~' fthe Commlttee-?ll _ ~__ ;,' _ _ o b ' ived and read., , , . ; 1 'd Rolls e r€ce., -,' ~' 'ead" h r'tne' Clerk,. and. .aI,. I. tic)ll Report was 1 '.' ,_ J. .,' . Eqlla Iza '" . the table,. . f tl C"mmittee on. PubI!e Improve- The Chanma~ 0 . . .Ie ;'nts submitted repor~'d db-,1: T T.Hullter:;That me A Thomson. secon e " b Uoved by " .. . P bIie Impro'Vemeuts, e . . t of the CommIttee au: U _ . c. ' _ the repor . d'aua read. . " . i'eeelve . . . d I id au the t.able., R.eport ,'eaa an .a , . a d by J\Ir Row: That a b lHr Suffel secon e . , . lHove Y . , ? , 1 ck tomorrow mornmg.: '1 adJ" ourn .tIll ume 0 0 0 'tbe Couum . _ ---'-----'-, THURSDAY, the 18th June, 18&8. C il- met at 9 o'clock f~reuol!n. Theonue '.... _. . . W 'a 'n the Charr. , G I' The . a, re~ 1.. . '. .... 1I.""K' illop Th-oIDRon" a,- . t'-Messrs. lhc,. '. 1 :Me,mbers preseu. '_' --:-H' "t "',Vade .CIunas" Suffe" 'M C II SmIth un er," '. R breath, co, , , d Cliute Emery Stratton, ow, IT' .. -Yorke McCanslau , , , ~lUg,., , and Cline. , previo,u,~. (Jay were read .. m~a Th~proceedi~gs o~_ t~e . signed; after which .it was ] d^ bv D Row: That. ' d b H Stratton secone e ". d l\fove y . ....' C ittee . be received an the Report of the Fmanoe .' omm , read; .' . '. t . f I'~huulce Cornmitt(,E!-. The Clerk rea,a re}1Ol 0 WEDNESDAY, the 17th .June, 1868.. The Oouncilmetat 9 o'clock forenoOlL The ,Varden iu the Chair. All the m,embersprJsent~ The proceedings. of the previous day were signed. _ The Warden submitted a communicatiou :fi'om A.l\Ic~ Cowan and others, respecting the state of the Wardsvil1e. Bridge.. Wlten it was " " Moved by G. SuffeI, seconded by C. c:hute: Tl1at this. CoUuciIadjollrn till two o'clock afternoon, in order that the several 'collil1littees may meet. Carried. At 2- O'clock the Council resumed. All the members present. Jloloved by eKing, secollded by S, Wade: That the aCCOullt of Rachel J\iillard, amounting to the SUm of $25, 62c., for the suppor"t' of Frederick Emest, an,Iudigent Lu" natic,be paid by thisC'Quncil. Lost. . 'Ambrose HilI appeared before the Conncil; and Diade statement r~specting the ~upport of all Idiotic' Orphan .Child,"natj-ve.ofthis~_County., 'When.it:'was , , 20 Moved 1yMI'. Emery, second~a by~. Row; !~at the Report of Finance Committee be adoiJtedi:'i.1t Carnoa. " . """,,' :_::?~ Moveel by Mr. Emery, seconeleel by ~1r. Row; Th~t'i notice be given that .an application will be ll1.ac1ep.ttli~~~, next meeting of this Council, to pass a By-Law:to -esta~~;:~ lish a Road to be_ used irI.lieu of part of the County ,_line(:-.l' " ' ",'",'," ,'>"- between Bayham a,nd Middleton, across Lots 2sinthe 9:t~)3:' Concession, 21,22 &23, in the 9th Concession of BayhaDl?t,~1< as sllrveyeel by T. IV. Dobbie Esq., P.. L.. S" anel ~hat th~);;' Clerk be instructed to give ~p.e ne:cessarynotiyes~, :Carri~d.--:;? 1\11'. ,Suffel, ,Chairman pfEqualization Oommittee"sub~:'_d. mitted report, 'after- which, ' ,'" ,-__'--':0; il'Ir. IV acle moveel, seeoneleel by NIr. Thomson :.. ThatV;' this' Council go into' Committee of . the. Whole on~h,f;~;- equalization of t4e .Asse~sll1ellt. l\1otion lost. ", ..', Moveel by D. Row, seconeleelby J. Smith: That the/, n,epOl't for theeunelltyearbe adopted. . (ja;rried. ,. ........:.;'\ , YEAs:-Galbraith,l\fcColl, Smith, E:unter, nfcQalls,;':S: land, Chute, Row, Snffel, 'Stratton,aJ;1d Emery. 10. NAYs:~!vIcKillop,Clunas,Cline, 'Thomson, 'York' Wacle,and King; 7. ~Iotion carriecl by majbrity of 3. ",# lHovecl by Mr. McColl, sec.Gneleel by J. Galbraith :.:;i 'rhat this Council make . appliqation to: the Qop.rt o~,.;;, Queen's Bench;, or Common Pleas, fora ..writ of~1.and~~/'~; mus, to compel th~County,oflVIiddlesex to show, '~ause,,:::~ why they elo. .not proviele for their share to builel .the BrIdge Across ,the River Thames at or near CUl1'~eR,9i1(1.: Lost. . . . Yeas:-Galbreath, McColl, McKillop, an.el ThomsoIl.. 4: NAYs:~Clunas,CJine, Wade, J{mg, Hunter, Me;- Causland, Chute, Row,.Suffel, Stratton, Emery, Srriith,aIld . York. . 13. ' il'Iotion lost by a majority of 9. ' Moveel by G. Suffel,' seconeleel by il'Il'. Emery: That the resolution passed at the January se~sion;for' p1'oceed~ 21 w'o- with the bnilding of theCnrrie Road ~riclgcbe 1'e- ~ s~inaea, with the uuder?tanding that t,?-is Council is ready to: p~.op~ecl_ with; t.he, 'bn~din$of the said Currie Roall Bridge" onth~ col1ditions agreec1uponwith the Township ofDunwich, as soon as the County of J}fiddlcsex is 'willing co-operate. Carried. Moveel by J:McCauslanel, seconeleel by C. Chute: That a By-Law be passeel to establish a Lock-up House in the Village of Aylmer, anel that tlie sum of Sixty Dol- larS' he Gtanted tQi-vards the making of the same; Lost. Moveel by J. SIIlith,seconclecl by G. Suirel: ., hat t,his .Councilpassa ,By-La'lY at the ,present session, for the p'urposc of making the Bric1ge crosbing the R~verThames, at Wardsville; a TolL B.lidge, on condition that the County of Mi.cldlesex 'co~operatehypassing a similal'By-La'\v. YEAs:--'-Em~~'y, "Stratt6:ii~ SUffel,Ro1Y, .Chute, 31c- Causiancl, TInnter, Sp1~th, "W ado, '. King', ,y ork,Clinc, and Chinas. 13; NAys:-,Galbreath, McKillop, Thomson, anel McColl. 4. nfbtioh cal~ried bymajol1tyof 9. , The'Chairm'an' of Committee onln~blic" inlpl'ovement:o; submitted Report, ,which', was read" and Movec\by . il'Ir.. Emery, seconeleel by. Mr. . Stratton: that the rep'ort of'the Committee on Public Improvements b~.aelopteel:Lost... .... '.' .. ...... ...... Moveel by S.Waele, seconelecl by J. Yorke: That the Coull.cilgo int? Commi~tee ofthc. 'Thole on the report of Committee on PU}lliQ, ImproveJ?1e~ts., Carried. The" C01mcil went into Committe,eof. the \Vl~ole. j}Ir. Emery in. the Chair. After being some illne'in Committee 9f.. the ~Thole the QOl:nmittee.rosejwhe~ t.he.C~ail;man reported the adDption qfthe Report of Comniittee' on Public, Improve- men~s, with: an amendmyp-t.- ' , A~ter which Ml'.Thomson movea, seconded bY,J. York: That the 11 2-i report of CCHmnittee OIl- Ptlblic Impl'oveme.nts, be adopted as -amended in Committee or the vY.b.ole. . Carrit;~d. Y EA.s-Emcry, Stratton, Suffel, _ ~Ow, Chnte,H1int~r_, J\reC~tnsland, Smith, King, \Y ade,York, Thomson, Olille, and Clunas. _ N ,,-ys-Galbreath and McColl. On motion of ~fr; Clunas, seconded by :Mr.l\icKillop, the Council adjourned tin two o'clock . The Conllcil resum.ed. Moved by J, Clunas, seconded by J. Cline: That By. , Law No. 167, to appropriate F01U Thousand Donars for Common S6hools, 'eq nivalent" to - the ~overnment -Grant, be received and read a first time. Carried. The Clerk read By":Law No. 167, after which. it was NIoved by J. ,McKillop, secemlcd by T. ::HcColl.: That By-Law No. 167 be read a second time. Carried. ]\Ioved by J. McKillop, seconded by T. McColl: That Ry.LawNo. 167, be read a third time, and n:qally passed. Carried. :Moved oy J. McKillop, Seconded by A. Thomson: That this OOUllOlI phtce to the credit of Aldborough, the: sum of $934.3'0, as COlUlty Rates paid by said Corporation of Alclborough on unpatented Lands. ~otion los,t. Moved by J. McOausland, seconded by T. Hunter.: That Mr. Suifel, the Warden and JHr. Smith be. appointed a committee to examine into the claims' presented 9)'1 the Reeves of Aldborongh and Dunwich' for: mOIleyJpaid by these Townships, on unpa.tented la.n4s, and to report a:t the next meeting of Council. earned. NIoved by S. Wade, seconded by C. King: That the resolution adopting the report of the Committee ~nEquali- z~tlon 'be rescinded. . . The yeas an:d nays b~ing called for, ,,,-ere taken down as follows :- Y EAs-Chmas, Cline, ""Vade, King, l\IcCau5~and. tJ~nt,e ana Yark I. <}<) .....J .NAys:-Eniery, Stratton"Snffel,Row,IInnter, Sm~th, Galbreath, Thomson, McColl. &; McKillop. 10, Motion lost. Moved by JHr. SUifel, seconded by JUr, S,tratton : That By-Law: 'No.' 168 to equalize the Assessment, be received and read a first time. Carried. ~foved by Mr. Row,seeondecl by Mr,Emery: That By~LawN 0.168 be read asecbnd time~ Carried. Moved by :Mr. Stratton, seconded by Mr. Suifel: That By-Law No. 168 be read a third time, and finally passed. Carried. ~foved by :Th'Ir. McKillop, seconded by Thos. ,McColl : That By-Law No. 169, to !aise amount for County rates, -be received ' and reada.first time. Carried. NIovedby J. McKillop, seconded by D. Row:. That By..Law:No.169,to raise the sum of $24961, .for general Oountypurposes, be read ~" third time, and finally passed. Carried. ~fovedby G. Suifel, seconded by H. ..Stratton: lhat By-Law. No. _170;. to:app:ropriate ..certain aplOunts for, County Jin~s 'be-receive;d and read a first time. . Carried. ~foved by A. Thomson, seconded by S. Wade: That -By-Law No. 17Q be,reada second time. Carried. Moved by J. McKillop, seconded by Thos. McOoll: That By-Law N6., 170 be read a thu.d time, and finally padsed. Carried. . ~I.oved .by ]\fr. Emery, seconded by,]\fr. Stratton: That By-Law No. 171, to impose tolls" on the Wardsville Br~dge be_ received ann reacLa first time~ Ca.rried. Moved by :Mr. Suifel, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That By-Law ,No. 171, to impose tolls on theWardsvjlle Bridge across-the-River-Thames, .be considered- in Committee of the whole. Carried. '];'he Cou:q(3il wentintoC()mniittee- of the whole, l\.fr~ ~fcOauslandjn the Chair. After .being sometime in session the:Comm:ittcetose 24 and the Oouncil resumed., _ when the ChaiJ'man reported the adoption of the - B'y-Law, to' impose .TollsOlt~the Wardsville Bridge, without amendment. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr. I{ow: That By-:Law No. 171 be read a second time. Oan1.ed. }yIoved by S. Wade, seconded by J. York: That By- Law -No. 171-be read :;L thh'dtime, and -:finally passed. 'rheyeas and nays 'being demanded by Mr. McKillof>, on 'the' motion were: taken down as follows:- YEAs:--..:.Emel'Y, Stratton, Suffel, Row, Ohute,'King, ]'icCausland, Wade, York, Cline, Clunas, & Smith. 12. N .ns-"-'McKillop, Thomson, ]yIcColl, & Galbreath. 4. JHotion cari'ied by majority- of 8; }Y1oved by Jehiel Yorke, seConded by J. McCausland: That the Clerk be instructed by order of this Oouncil to notify Mrs. J ellett to 'open a piece of new toad-allowance estahlished'biBy-Law Oli the 30th January, 18B'2,com- mencing in front of the fourth" Cpncession, between' -Lot's 27 ~2S,in the T_owllship of Yarmout-h. Carried. }Y1oved by G. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That should the County Council of the Oounty of }Y1idcUesex pass a By-Law simil~r in itsprqvisions to the ,Qne passe~l 9Y this'Oomicil, making'the Bridge crossing ,the River :Thames, at Wardsville "a _Toll_Bridge, this: Council wliI consider :themselves bound to -pay their share. of'making 01' repairing the approaches of said bridge;. Carried. }Y1oved by G. Suffel, seconded by .D. :Row: That this' COilncil ai'e of: opinion that .some,action ,should:~e taken by the :Provisional Directors of the . Southern RailWay;ill this County,' -towards- getting togethe!' the, 'whole-'of the Provisional-Directol'sat sbme' central - point for the pur- pose ofascertai~hlg what progress; if any,h~s< been made:. Carried. : . Moved by J ehiel York, secouded byC: Chute: That the Cler~ of this Council b~ .instructed to gIVe:' the neces- sary notice" that application ,vili be 'mad~byThomas 1 , 25 Pineo, ,at the next :session OfCOUlICil, to have the use.,until required for public purposes of the Town' Line Road Al- lowance, between lot No. 28in "Yarmouth, and lot one in lIalahide, from Jamestown, north to the-second Con- cession ofY armouth. Carried. - On motion of Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr.. Stratton: The Warden was authorised to sign drafts for members wages, and the Council adjourned till the second Tuesd~y in Novemb~r.. W.J\'IcKAY, CLEEK. T.M. NAIRN, ;WARD,,"". I / / i: 26' . . Finance Report tor the Year i:%S. '-: 'To Tim :W~rnDEN 'ARD" CouNcIL :OF -THE COUNTY OF ELGIN :~ The -St~nding-ConimittE~e. on Finance beg 1eav8' to Report ': That your Committee havlltg' careflllly'examined:into. the fimincial affairs- of the001,111ty, and, _ 1,4e estiID;ates. submitted: by ~.he (~Qunty Trea,surer,'herewith 8ubI1;lit an~8timate'ofthe expeo'dit.ure requir. :ed to be provided-for the lawfulpurposes::of -tbe ,County, during .~~e_ C\ll:r_e~~ T e_art. '~ho~iDg _ ,~mounts: to he rai~e0, for _ t;tLe uneler. mentioned purposes, namely:--=- . .' --. . , Deoentures, Coupons and Iuteresfon Loans, .$2,740. MupicJpal ,LoaIl' Fund, . 6,400. Grammar 8cho01s, - 600.' Local Supelintendents, . 560. Board of Public Instruction, . 500. Administration of Justice and Jurors, 4;500. General Purposes. Members' Wages, &c., 5,500. County Appropriations, Roads, Bridges, &c., 4,161. Commcm Schools, $24,96l. 3,400, $28,36l. Your Committee have, in compiling the above estimate, reduce-d- the amount as low as practicable, withoutefi'ecting. the 'credit of the County. Your Committee therefore, recommend that the sum of Twenty Eight Th0usand, Three Hundred and Sixty-One Dollars be raised and levied on the rateable property in the several l\lunicipalities in the County, as per Scheduie herewith; and that the requisite By- I..J&wS be drawn I.-p and passed in accol'danc~ therewith, to levy-a rate or rates of 4t MIlls in tbe Dollar, on the rateable property,in the C.ounty, to raisesaid amount,as follows:- ~CHEDULE. MUNICIP ALITLES. t COMNON I GENERAL I TOTALS. SOBOOT., PURPOSES. Aldbnrough, I $315 I $2,334 I $2.649 Dunwich, . . 395 3,158 3,553 Southw-bld, . 558 I 4,722 I 5,280 Yarmouth, I 660 5,445 6.105 Malahide, 1 629 I 4,226 I 4,855 South Dorchester, 260 2,126 2,386 ,Bayham, . .. I 583 I 2,648 1 3,231 Vienna, . . ' 302 302 Totals. ['-$3,400 HI "$"2{9i3i i "$:Ss:si3i AU of which is most respectfully submitted. Committee Rooms, 18th,June, 1868. GEORGE SUFFEL, CHAIRMAN. .;> ~ ... c:o ~ "' ~ '" ~ 'Z 00 '" c..< .~ oS ~ ~ ,s ~ 2' ~ ~ .s " ~ ~ -" g,nJ ,.::l";":" 00'0 <0" "'~ ~o ,I-iO . 5 ~ ",s ~>, :_,0 "'" 08~ ~;g ~: ~. ,'.;,.,.Q g:o" !j';; ~o 00 ~ ~S 8 (;...-'0 00 l=:l1:: ~:~ ~- .!;::!::: -";..;:::: '00 o-<;E' .~ ~ o .. o~ ltl,8 2:':d -N "S~ S::l 8$. ~,"'" ,.a 0: b .. :: ., i'i', '" .. '" '" " , .... c:o = c:o ... '" ~ ~ .'" .. ~. ::! ~ "1 I r 27 ~ =: I tt5oc:n..~-.:jI- ~-,.$OOCO J 0...... '1 CCPoOeQ OGO~......""" 1 ''--00 - .OCDO<:O....-I--OOcnO:>L"J .. '~'~~~6';--':;~cOC)~-c;.-odl (;):::'.-1 1 ;OC')<xJ<:CCO ]:l............L~.,..-! I ;:: S <t::~C'!-CQ. 'g~_ri --:';~-~-'~-~1~"'i~_:.:-,.;...:.__8-':"':'::'':'':':'''_-''''-J-'-''''-_: '"2$;.~1 co~ro'~ 00."'.01 >--<d' ,*-":-'-'-<CQ: -rl.Hrl.'_~.; ]~, I g-&~~I ;;~~ c,.-hClI' "313:;; _'0.(1) I . ~ ON . ~ .....- ",P-< , ! j~ .' i- .:i" (600C;'I"O- ~-g!:i58; .:::5 ~-O-l..";ui 1 00- : .;:e~f2OO _~, 1 "' I~! ! ocbo~ >::-,,*,,<:00;, o-~."<t!<:C ""';c;ro~~ '<:0>::-00_ <:eroro<:c "@.9..,:"';r-l-' C;-i5 I I' e::.:> . : 000"'1 o<:C~CQ:.ooo=.I_ '1~~' ~g~~ ~@~~ ~g ,,'~2-c $gf~~~ g,ggg:I;;:"' ~~-1 ~~O~ ~~ro.-!,<:C 11~ ~~8? I_ ~., ~,-1~ .,."r:, 'I~' : , -- ' ,:::,:- I ~1~ I !l~!l~ g~gg I{ 3'~~ I.~fig:g- :ii-;';..'i;';....1 ~-.' ~~... .. '" ,:':"1:' <l) . I 0 J ~;.;, ~ I' l'-O';)~,,(Q O~L.':> -~'~~ ~',~.~ ..~~~ [ t;~ ;g'd I I ']:,' ~~o L ~~'~?5' ~g~ ',2; --~" ~~ ~m'= 'I ~CO_<,:(,l_J.O C>~,,..,. 1=::"::, m ~~ t:g~E2~ 6o-~- ,,' ~ ow ~ ~~o ~, ~ z< "I ~ :.J:: >-. r 'I" '8 i'~ro I te~gl~ ~'~'~'~ -~,:',:,; ~ ~ ~~'I 'itf~-~- gfg-~;rl ~ ',:@ ~ ~ ~ ~- ~~ ""'~ :s r2< (1!F.Io; 1. .:S '-r'-~ri~~~~--~r~-__m,_-! ! .- I E;':- ~ 0> :g o-8:~- I 0 .~, ,Q~~S^ ~'_E;~,@ \'~ =: .;g 5::l@ c;o.-g;..~ I ~' <Q~~ ~~~~. !,. ~ < -~ "'~ ~-< ""~ ",,0 p 00 ~ '" '" o ~ '" as ~ 00 "" ~- = ~ ,s 00 ~ 00- 8 o o '" ~ ~' '8 B o o I /J -' 28 THIRD SESSION, 1868. """,,", ELGIN COUNTY COUN-c:rL-PROCEEDINGS.~ Tuesday, the loth day of November, 1868. 'rhe.CounciLrnet at 10 o'clock, forenoon~ The Warden in the Chair. Members present::-Messrs. McKillop, - Smith, Plin~, Snffel, York, Chute, Galbraith, McCausland, Hunter, Clunas,Wade, ThomsQn, King, Row, & Stratton. The proceedings ofthelast day of the previous ses- sion were ,read and authorisedto be signed:. The Warden~,' submitted a communication from the Directors of the Erie and ',' Niagara Extension _Railway Company, making application for the right of way for said Railway. Mr. ThoIDs6nbeingpre'serit, addressed the Counc:il' respecting the prospects of the Railway. Messrs. ,Martin, Graham, WTight, and Mu:t;iro, also addressed theCouncil respecting tne Railway: after which it was moved by Mr. Suffel,.Seconded by Mr. Row, That any action thl1t may beta~n by this Oouncil in reference -to,the-appIic~tioIl_ofMr. Thomson, on behalf of th~Souther1).Railway, be laid over till tomorrow. Carried. The Clerk then- read-the- following communications: From the'Cnunty_ _Clerk' of,l~eIit, relating .to a grant of. one thousand Dollal;'8, for-Bridge across tile River Thames between the Oountiesof Elgin and:Middlesex,alJd anap- propriation of $300 on OonlJty Lille. .. , From the County Clerk of Oxford:; relative to the appropriation on ~h~-,Cou-nty, Line; betw:eenthe'Counties of Oxford und Elgip:. ' ,.... . From James Ki3efer, Jlfid:,Uesx O\)UlJty, Clerk, in relation to the Wardsville Bridge: 29 }l'rom the Telegraph Office,- r~Ol'onto. From the Connty Clerk, Norfolk. , From Alex;' Young, resigning'office of Grammar 8cnool Trustee. Petition of William 'Legg and others', respecting state of- Bridge ne'aI': Belmont. Petition o{1tiichael Wallace and others, in refer~nce to Bridge'rie;:u l\fapleton. On Motion of Mr. SlJf!'el, seconded by Mr. Row: The Counciladjoumed tillg- o'clock tomorrow morning. ~EDN~,SDA~, the I1th- :N"ovember,I~68. The -Council Il1e~ at 9 o'clock forenoon. The Warden in the Chair. Members- -present :-Messrs. McKillop, Thomson, :Gal- breath, McOoll, Smith, Hunter, King, Y ork,W ade, Chute, nfcCausland, Stratton, Row, Clunas,Cline, Suffel. The pl'oceedings,ofpreviolis.d'ay were read al~d'sig.ned,; Moyed by S. Wade, seconded by O. King: That the petition:ofL.LeaTIl,and others:-be referred ,-to the' com- mittee' on Public' ImproYements.-Carried~- Moyed by J. Clullas, seconded byJ, ciine: That the application in 'reference to the Wardsville',-Belmont and' Yarmouth. Brid&es be referred to'the- committee on Public , b Imprcrrements. Carried. Moyedby A. Thomson, seconded by T, Ihnter: That the application from the Oounty of Ki3nt for fill Appro- pl:i~yion towards~he ere:ction, of a :Bridge across~he Itiver rhames,. on the TO-wll,Line,' bet\veen' . Elgi;n. ~nc1.Ke.nt, l?e i'eferred' to the' committee on Public -improvtmelits; Carried.. Moyed: Oy G.Suf!'el,socondedbyH:Stratton:That the reportof th,e speci~l c()mm~ttee-app6inted't(}' cinvesti- gate theAldboroug~ . and Dun*ich '.Tax' claims~_beieceiy- cd and read. Carried. " 30 The report was 1'~~d:- bytp.e 91erk, _:and. Jaiq. ()n~ the: table.....,."", l\Iev~d:bY J.,MeCa)lsland" seconded. :by J.,Smith: That ':&11'; i\fcDongall be' appointed Granulla~S_cl1oo1, Trust.ee j:u. place of _ _~rl~. ,Young, res~gned, - Ca~I:ied._ _, }loved by S. Wade, seconded:by.J. Clunas: . That. the report of the speciaL Committee appointed ,to ,exa.mine into the absentee Taxes of AldboroughandDunwichibe; adopted.Canied. The'yeas 'and-nays being'. caned: 'for-were;'- taken ai' follows. ~EAs:~Slrffel,:Row,: C~lltef]HcC::tusl:;tl)a, Smith, King, Wade" Clunas,Cline, Hup.ter, ~tratton,_ap-d Yo.rk: . N.Hs:-G~lbreaih, McColl,}IcKillop, and Thomson. Moved by .Ged(geSuft'el,' seconded by Mr. Swith: That. a By-Law be passed appropriating the sum. of $50.000 to purchase- the right: of-way. thrQugh thi8. CountY' foi~ th!3:proposed:Erieand Niagara Extension Raihvay~'on thec.onditipns tha,said Railway~halLbe built. wholly throngh-:the ,Coun:tyof ,Elgin, from :e~sttow:est,."a~d .fur~ ther that the Directors of the said Railway. ,Company,; aft~r t4e~RQ~d:if?.l()cated, a~d its, construc~ion .colll~enced, se,t apartt.o_1;h~ County~of Elgin, stock in:-tl;L~ _saidJlap-:, wily;to represept" ~h~ apoye'amo~nt of $,50,0,00, and, that ihe Byelaw be dnly submitted to. the Elec,?rs of the sev,eral :NI~micipalities thr9ug~~~ltth_e,.Cbunty:on the-first J\~onda'y in Januar.y; 1869. ' Ina,me.nclm~nt,jt~was , _>, ',: , Moved by J.Galbraith, seconded byThoma~ }Ic(Joll: That ,this Collncil take no ,actionin :reference to, the ,Sou,tl1-: ern Railway u:p.til tpe next meeting inJ anuary. , ,Tl;1ey~asand.nays,being.,caUed.f~r:- 011 the, amend- ment, .weretaken down as ,follo:ws:~ YEAS :=Galbreath,McColl,. Thomson,)Iunter, Jli?; KiuC:p,Clinc, Clunas, Rowand Stra,tt911;; 9. 31 N~:;s:~~Suffel; ,Chnte,,':--~IcCalis~_~rtc1-~ S:mith~ )Vade, King, and Y or~: 1.. '.' ~eridm~nt9arrieilbY:irnaj011ty6f 2. The main- motion was then put. ~The yeasan~n~ys _were taken thereor~:as (ollows :~; YEA8::~~{{ffel;"- 9~ute'" ]}1:cCauslari(1,8ihith~ -,Wade, . King,artdYork.}.. . . .... ........ .... . }{AYs:~Galbreath,. MeColl,'.Th'?1lls~n,! If.Illp.ter~ Mc- Killop, Cline, CIuna-s, Row, and' Stratton. 9; . .Jllotionlo$tby a majority .of. 2. The Chairman' of Finance Co:riuilittee- subll1ltted Re- po~,~~ich\ras,reaq~:' ':,:...... .,. _":" _.... _,.'. ." .','" _. , Moved l:>yS.Wide,secondedby C.King:Thli1'the '.coupciI'g().int??Q~~i~tee,ofthe, ~lJ61e:;6~' the 't_epdrt .of Fiiia~ce 'Committee. 'Cariied.' " ' .' ". ..' " rh~Cou!lpJl ",eIlt..into.d?,Illmitt~~'9rth~-w~ol~,.. Mr._Chute'ih the Chair. The Council resume(i, 'Yl?:en the Chairman reported the :ado~tiQn.of_theReport.ofFmance ComIilittee, withQut ameridment: " , . lIIoved bYi.~icItlllop,Seeol1dedbYJ.Qline: That ,th\3 ~epQrt _ of {he ,]fina,nce ,Com.rAitt~ebe J..ec~i,r,ed~nd read. Mo~~d l)yt3.Wad~, se?ondedbyC. :(>:ing: That}he . report of the Finance q~rglJ:!itte~;~,~a49Pt;e~" aI;1.q'tl1.at.: t4e . W.arden sign,dr~f~s'fQF t4e,a~q9uIJ,ts..~h~r~ip...', i Carried. Moved by S. Wade;.secondedby.J. Clunas :J?hatthe Council 'adjourri:'-unt'iL one' o7Clock, to, ,'aIlow,the"committee an Public Improvements to.'meet.- - :Ga-rried.... .The CQnhciL T8sumea, Moved "by. Ji'Cluha's,sec.onded'by 'J,Cline:ThatBy- Law, No. 17-2, to make.an appropriation towards,: the 'Bel- : mdut Biidg~be:receivea ap.d':read,a first t~K, Carried. Moved byS. Wade; sebonded byJ. Smith : That By- La" No. 1 ~2 be read a second time!.... 'Cafned!. 32 j)lovedby J, Cline, seconded by J. Glunas.: That By- Law No. 172 be read a third time arid. passed. - CarrJed. Moved by S. Wade, seconded by C. King: That By- Law No. 173, to repair the Mapleton Bridge, be"received and read a first time. Carnell Moved, by S. Wade, seconded by J. McCanshnd: That By:Law No. 173 be read a secoud time. . Carried, Movedbv H. Stratton, seconded by G.. Sufi'.I,That By-Law No. i 73 be read a thil'd, time and' ffually passed. Carried.' - . Moved],y A, Thomson,second~dby Thos. Hunter: That J ohnMcKillop be appofuted a COmmissioner to 1p.a1re repfL~rs,on:the, Wardsyille ,Bridge 4t ,co:q.~uriction with th,eEngfueer of Middlesex, ,and,' that ~he Cil1lllty Treasurer beauthorised to pay for the sam~, on c~~ti:ficate of said Commissioner. Carried. . ~ On motion of'S. Wade, seconded by C. King: The ,Council adjou~e,d till nine o'Clock'toTIlo#,?wniomng. THURSDAY, the12th dayofN ovember,1868. The COlUlciLmet at nine o'clock forenoon. TheWi1iden in the ,Chair. M~~bers,present:-$uffel,'Tho~_son, 'Rc)'\v, Stratton,' -~Chinas, Ohute, Sl!1ith, 'Ga.lbreath,McGa~sland,Hunter, Cline, York, McKillop, aIldKing. , The proceedings of the .previous day were read and :authonsed'to; be sig~id,.'after ;'which 'The' ChairmanofCo=itte~ on'Public~provemen:ts submitted re~ott:i iwhen: it ~was Moved by J. Clunas, seconded,by J. Clme: that the, report'. of, .committee. on, P.nblic,~Pl'9'V,"fIlents . oboe now read. : Carried. :';Moved:b.yMr. Stratton, ,seconded .by.Mr.Row: ,That therep()rt.of Committee ()Il!inplicIrnprOYCments beadopted;:()ar".;eit ' ' :J3 :NIoved by G., Sufi'el,. seconded by H. Stratton: That, John l\lcKillop, :Reeve of .Aldborough, be, ,a.pp_ointe'd to a.ct in_connecti<m,with-the Engineer of'}1iddlesex, ou"ihe er~ctiori,of a Toll Hon~e, at th~ 'Wardsville ,~ridge;'and tha~ ~t,b.e erected onthe Elgin or l\lJdd1esexside, as the EJ1giT':yer of l\IiddleRex- ami :&11'. ,~IcKillop Inay 1-~cid~. Carried. , Moyeelby Mr. Row, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That By-Law NO..174 to establish a road nowtl'avelled acrosS t6ts 28, in the -8th Ooncession; 28 in the 9th Concession, and Noos. 21, 22, and 2s',in theteritb, Concession" 'of the '1'~wnship ofBayh~m,in lieu of part of the- ,~ownLine, ~et~'eeIl,the TownshipsofBaYl1am andM;iddleton, on'the boundary' betw'een the Counties of ElginandNQrfolk, as sUJ'veyed by T: W. Dobbie Esq:, P.L. S., be l"eceived and tead ~ :fi~st time.' "Carried. Moved by Mr. Stratton, seconded by Mr. Row: That Bv-LawNo.-17~ b~_reacl a second- time. ,CalT~ed. ~ ~love(fby])Ir. Row,secondec1 by Mr. Stratton: That By-Law No. 174 be read a third tin,e and finally passed. Carried. The Olerk submitted By-Law No. 175 to authorize the conveyance . of part" of the original.allowari'ce .forTown- ship Line, betweEm,.the Townships of-Yal-rnnuth 'and South- wold, between Lot Letter A_ in the Gore in Southwold, and Lot No. one in the'iiirith -Conce"ssiori.- ciTY armouth. Moved by J\k Suffe!, se?onded by Mr, Row: That By-Law No. 175 be read a first time. Carried. Moved by :/4r.Ro",:, seconded by Mr. Stratton: That By- . I~aw No. 175 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by Mr. McC~usland, seconded by Mr. Chnte : That By-Law No. 175 be .read a third time, and .finally passed. Carried. Movedby J.McKillop, secondedbyJ. Clunas. That the Clerk be, instructed toprocnre 300. copies of . the Proc'eedings of Council for the. prese?tyear, printe~ '34 in pamphle,t.form, to be distributed in each !Iullieipa.1itY1 on or before the lOtl1 day of December nex,t. C~lT~N1. Moved by J. McCausland, seconded by C. King: That tl1e J ail Committ~e be authorised to, procurethe nece_ssary snpply of wood for the Court. House and Jail. Carried. :Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by D. Bow: That the Clerk be instruc~~d to.proeure twenty c'opies of the -~tatu- tes of the-province ofOnta~'io,. to;.. be distributed. to _t~e members. of this Couucil; and to be: by them handedo:ver to their successors ill offic~. Carried.: . _.. ._' Moved byC. Killg, seconded .by S. Wade: That" vote of thanks be tende. red.toT. Jl1. Nairn., Esq., for his able and impartial conduct _ as Wa~deri of this' Cou~ty i~i the current year. Carried:_ _ _ _,' _ " :<' Moved by Mr. Saffel, seconded byMr, StratFon: Thai the Warden be.. paid the.. sum of si"ty Dollars.. fo~ extr~ servic~s_.rendered thlooughout the:y_ear.: Oarried. ',' _' Moved by G.SuJfel, seconded by C. Chute: That a yote of thanks be tenae~ed to th~Clerkand Treasur~r _ for: their efficient services during the present year~ C~l~rrea. On motion, 9f Mi'. ~fc:Irinbp; se{mnq._ed 9Y Thos; _Hun~ teqthe Warden was authonsed tos!gn draf~s for .:mern" 'bei'KW3.O'es,and the Council adjourned, sine die. o , ~ ~-<:: ;. SPECIAL SESSION, ELGIN COIDITY COUNCiL' PlfoCEEriiNGS; ....... TUESDU, the8thdayofDecember,t868. The Council met according to notice:given by-~rder of the Warde;n, for" a ,spe9ial ;meeting to consider th~propri~ty 'of submitting" By-L"wto the vote ofthe. Electors. .for the purpose ofraising_$50,OOO_ ,to aid, the _--Erie and Niagara E"tensionRailwayCompany. ' The Warden in the Chair. 35 Members pJ'esents :-?lIessrs. 'l'rfcKiliop, Thomsbn;-- Galbreath, ]1cCo11, Stl'atton, Elllery, Smith, 'lill:i:1ter,:-Mc:. Causland, Wade, :Ym.k,Row, King, Cliute,: Olun!lS, Cline; Sunc!. The proceedings of the last 'day_of the previous ses- sion were read and signed. . TheWatden-then addressed the Council, and stated . ,hiS :reasonJorcallipga~special'meeting,aft:~. w~ch j)I:.~urrel moved; se0onde(1 by ~Mr. Onute:, That th~ ~esolutlO~ pa,ssed. at the previous meeting of this Council; on the eleventhclay, of November, namely: "'rl1a,t this Douneil take no action in 'Teference to' the Southern RalI- way'until the_ next.meetIng in _J anuary,'-' b,e 1iow'rescinded~ '_. Y EAS:-'::' York, ,8:mit4"...W ade;_ . :K_i4g, Row,]trhery, Stratton, S,uifel, Chute" J\!IcQausland. '10.. _' " N .AYs:-Uline, (][unas, Galbreath,McKillop, :McColl, and HUllter. . 6., ':'.'- __ ".' ,,- . , - 'Motion carried by majotit! of,4,. ",. . JlJoved byG.SuJfel, seconded )>y Mr. Emery : That ~his CouncD. 40. :nOW, pass. a: By-Law. to appropriate thE- su~of$50,OOO, for the p~ll'pose ofpm;chasing the right_of way for th,e _Erie and Niagara 'Extension Railway. In amendment 1st",' "" _. . __ .. . ..' . '.' . Moved byS. Wade, seconded byC,King: That thi~ ,96nndil K?_:in'tq, q9mmttt'~e oft~e _Whole ()n- the'proposed By-Law to gi'ant $50,000 to theEl;i~_?-nd:N:iag:.tra _~xtel1- siollE,allwayColl1P?:UY,,' ,.. '.-.' .. ..-; Inam~Ilcbnent 2.rid,~' .... '.,' . _' ',:, ,,:: ,.. . Moved byJ. Mc~iliop,secoridedbyFCline: .That ~his ,Council,do -:not gran,t:aid.to . the ]]rie- and ~iag:a:ra ~xten~ion '~~i1vr.ay -Cq:gtP8:11y,_~nl~ss_ :~ll_~h,e ]tluni:cipali~~es through whlCh the Road passes will give the right ofw.ay.. The second -amendment was lost, the first amendment was carrie(j"yhen__theOoullcil were put into a Com~itte,e of the. Whole, Mr. lI'IcKillop iu the Chair... After beirig .s6mB 'time in session, the Oommittee rose, . the Oouncil re- sumed, and the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole reported the adoption of the By-Law with amendments; when Mr. Snirel moved, seconded by Mr. Emery: That the pro~osed By-Law to grant $50,000 for the purchase of the nght of way throu~h this County, for the Erie and Niagara Extension Railw~y/be adopted, published and ._._~J 36 Sllb~itte(l to tlleElectors, fQl'their assent according to Law. Can-led. ' .' .: YE4:s.:-:--B;Uith, York,W ad~,.:~, King, }lcCan~lancl, Chute; Stratton, Row, Eme:q, SufIel. 10. . ' NAys:-Ga!breath, McColl, Huilter, McKillop, Cline, Ciuna's." '6.-' ',' - - ,.,,6 . Moved by D. Row, seconded by Mr. Emery: That 300"cQpies, of the By~L::nv,_to. gr~nt'F.ifty., Thousand. Dollars to, the, Erie and Niagara ExtellsionRailway Com_ :pa~Y,_be p_l'inted fordistribntion among , the ratepayer:') of the several }Iunicipal~ties before the polli+1g; said copies tobe,s'entto the Reeves and Deputy, Reeves for citcula~ tion. :,9arried~ '_"""" " ," , ,- " Moved by S. Wade, seconded by C. King: That this Council forward ,Petitions, to_ th~, Legislature of, Ontario against any Jurther Dertominati0nal G'rants frolll the Pub: Tic Treasury.' Ci;n;l'ieQ. Moved by J. McKillop, seconded by J.Galbreath: 'rhat this Council do. petition the Legislature that the 9th Sectio'n of the Asses&ro.entc ac"t of 1863 berepealed so as: to \ KnableCQunty: :Tr~asurers, to ,collect _Taxe~imposedon unpatented Land!" assessed previous to ,I 863, a_rut that 1.1,e Warden and 'Clerk 'sign the Petition, and' att:wh the seal of the Gounty-thel'et9., ;Carr~ed. ~foved by Mr. Chute, seconded. by Mr. Suffe!: That J;11e'-,w- ar~~n, sign drafts for the members wages for the present session. - Carried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded byH. Stratton:' That this,-,Council ~onow:.adjourn, ,to,meet'again onthe fourth Tuesdny in 'Jalluarynext, f9r thefinaleonslder~tion,ofthe By-Law for the issuing of Debentures ,to the amount "of $50,9~O to the Erie and ,Niagara Extension Railway COn;1- dany. Carried. . . .. W. McKAY, CLERK. T. .M. NAIRN, WARI:>EK. if ,