1869 Minutes
Qflnin~llunfll ~ountil,
IN ,
ST. TEl:O:M:A.S.
. II
TtrlSD.lY, the T.,ent"~3i1th day ot:JanoBf1, U169.
'l'bemembers of tbe Municipal Council of 'the County ot.ElJin
me_t' thiiday in the Oourt House, in _St_ Thomas, at noon, in, accord~
.nee_ l'I'itbthe provisions. of lbe Act 29,30. Victoria, Chfipter Fifty
The following )rpntlp.men, mf.'mbers ete"t"pres(!Dtea.C~ttifielltea
of',ftPr1ointmeol to office as Reeves snd Deputy RlwTes of their fea.
pecT.iye municipalilieil, and of. il;tlVing made thereqlIisitedelJlarMioa
.bcnibAld TbQmp8011.
Robert G Fleming,
John PbiIP!>tt.'
DaVid '~[cL!lws,
John :-lmilb
R{lderick Coebrlloe,
Cbartes King
Stephen Wade
W; H Mati:df:'Tille
1T.M; ~8irn
Charles Chute
John Mr:Cllllsland
W". YR!lI~"'l
Henry-, StrnttoD
:Sd.wiud Ht-gler
J-r.obCline .
George Suffel
Deputy' ReeY'8
. ReeTe
De~wy Rene.
OeplllJ Rt'eTe
. Reno
Deputy Reeye
Dernt,l' Reeve
Depllty Re,-.:lp~
Deputy_ ReaTo
Depot,l' Reeve
B Dorcbpsler
Tbe merabPts'of tbe. Council wer~ntJlUed; to ~der. TblPClerk:
in tbe_e"~h:,,, . ...... ....,', _' '.' .. .
. MaTed by.Arcbib!\h\ Tl,1,ow_ps,Qn, s,econded by J. McCaulland.
tba\- T;- M. Nnirn be re.80pppio~ed Warden of l.hia COUD1J't'Jr; ;~..
currentyel\r. _ .'
. IU.AmE:ndmf'ntfira~
MOTe~ by W Y. E.m{'.~y:;secon,dw1 ~y H.Stratton~ that Gegzp
~'ul'el}", ',arden o(thls C-Qunt.y for- tbe eJ;lluIDlle.,~
iDameDdmqj1t second
~roved by c~ King sE'conded by J. Cline. that Stephen Wa.cie
be appointed a"oen of tt>e Couoly for Ih~ current year. .
Th{" srcond am. ndm..nt. _waspnt and lost, _", -
The Yt'llS !lod-Nays being called for by Mr. Tbomson were ta.kea
dow.D ~sfollo;o/,;..:__ ,_ ^" __ '--',','--,_ ,'-" '''-','rj:.T,.{.__". -;.-r :.-'".
Y:~~s;~EniE'i...;:Sfril;t!fO:n,.King~Wadej aun.. Jl1De.,~,.__ _ _ _ ': ,j ," --.-
Nas:""''1'bompsoD, Nairn, Bmilb.__ H{'gleI'~ Ph.llpott, ~~cLaws,
PI .J. CoehrRoe _ ,.Ej'IilOu-,' ~'~eO~usl~nd;, '~l~!)'~e;V1lle Rnd Chute.
, em,~~. first l1nJelJ~1ieilt wa~-t~~' _f~ii_~_ 'anti lbsr ~~. ~
'T~eYeas_ and NI!'ys._l?r,in~~,al!~_d,to,~ ?'y:M~.." IboIY:son thereon,
were t~'ken Ii'own ltS':ulfows: ," ,-- .' . _ '. ., _ _
. ;Y:eas_Emer\",Strnt,IO[]J_R:~'lg .2.pd"Qhne. :'. "j" ~"--'i.<~ :;"F I"';<';~
:_:~)itl}(:Th~;.m~op.; N:dJrri;, -~.roiJ li,:~E'g)_e'r, ,PhUP~ti ~?~'~~l:j' ;,emJ~~~,
6ij'~'bi,i'n~ :~~Efl'i~oh;,A1~Oa.lishi[],i:r, 9PfIte; ~a'qd~~l:: ,e J~H,_: ,il"JIl~< 't '-~' ~F
"Tt e''fuliiti'inotihii'th'at'-Mr'.'' 'NaH'U be Warden was-- en-pu ~n;,',
carripQ... ~',' , , 'r.', '--11:;"d'l"-- t""'--'eo'n'''''w.',.r,:t...ke'n'd.ow''-'na.
<-'Toe'fe,Rs"an:~:n~y.s.~~lD,g C,a,~ Jor_~~r~:, ",,_, ",
f?,1_~~;:~s~:T[.idrrlr-~~nl ;:'S~l'ii h, ,,'Beglpr, ,philpot;_', ~f'criaWs;:. 9~:Ii,t~~_:
FlemiIllitl ~_~chralle" EllisOD,' M~?_~uSlll<~d, ,Maun, ~ande-vtlle a~il'
:Su-lfe1..':-i",,:-_'~:..j.-_,_, . "'W" , "d" d C1. "
Nays~,F.:r;n,t',r~,..Strattoo, KHlg"" ,~, e an , _ Irn,~,_, ,i:--';' :_'-'::','"",_A,
'l'h .ICte'fk"'dechired Mr. NaI,r~ d,uly ,~le_c:ted_ Wa~~ell}?rt:her?o~W1!:..
Tb:..:W~'~dE"n, mllde thE' decl;;.r.~tio:n' or' office;- heforf:Hj!1, Ho,l),o~
Judg(>F.I;igh;e-, thE'o tOtlklhe <:;,l~a.ir:}lnd,lld4~essE'd Ihe,p.9.u,~!Cl,l: ;'u;'~_
'\, 'I'b~_j;llr!l.~e.e,di!lgs'of Ibe pl'eVlO,Il5:-!sess~on we~e tbeJ;l_r~a~ ~_:~~,,:"
autbnriz(.d r,();pesij!lIt-C. ,.,:-", .- :;'\''; . "",0,..,,', . "'<'
The Ole~1s rf'ad the followl,~~g.:~~;mIll.U~l,~.l\tlon ;~[HAl:i~.~.e~; ,;ld9,lf,S!t;
Count)'.€?!len~,r~S.IleClillg lhe ,wOlk,.on,l;.~e Wardsvll e Br,~.?g~l_ a.1):~Jb~
collet'Iing of,:;I'ol13 Iherpflo..,,' ".;,;" . '-'~::;' ..:". ,'_;"
F (lm Merritt Woodworth ,re,specllOg the Bncg~:~,t~eJI:!1~~~ ~~.
:tbeGOl:ol_y.:Li.o,e-. . ':" ;;:, . " ;..~ ' . :r. .',
Fr;lm~~':.,J. \Vhi1(>._Geerg~_,~c,?-,rlf,a.~d':~John .P. M<u:tY~,~8;lfl_~~'
sppliclIlionJo,r the offit'e of AUqll~~. ",,_:,~: .. ;:-,,:_:_.:,;./;.,,_ ',,,.:\
Fro'O:tbe, llidclesex COlln~)' C~1,l.nc:~l'rE's~ect1Dg Reg~str;t~~ l~'e~~i
Fro,m,I~;',iFinance Cummiw.e,l?f -th.e:,J1~llted BO_ll.rd o(q.r~m.tp~~
and Commoo"Scbools of St. 1'P9rnl:':B ',",'-':l " ,,',
After,w,hichrh "":"13 , ,,',r: ' ";';:<:'.:; ,;".',..~,.,
Mo-=ier ,oj' Mr'. Slrffell secog4El,d:,bYNr~,phl!te,lhat;th;(>dl~pq~i;\~oJ
the com1Duoicationsjust I"eac by th.e_,ch~:rk be laId over u~11.1to.l!I''9~~l?,~
-Carri~d. . - , A d"
~,:..,lrl'~'~Wl\rdp.D_ nom:iTJ~te4- ,MJ',,'~!=oIl:~ff:,~~.~ne.of tbe,9q~;ot_y. ...9: \tors
.' -';'::~v:~ t)V,~~J~Jl' ~.~i: b, . ~e~~~!1_rll!~_llY;', R~ Ypcl~.r?~~" ~hat~{R~~'P ~
~CDon:il'd :o'f)_u,e VU,lage, ofF~ngaj,~e:appoi~it~,d: A,ilClt?~fO~ill.l~- ~(:~~
":';;MoiiQn-LoSt.'-' '-',' , "" ... :. .:~__ ~"'_'_.;"
Moved by W. H. MlIndeville sNlo:i'ed b!::G,~,;S!1.!I~~F:_t,?,~'~'.}V;'J'.
Wbit~ be .111'poinled,.. o!l.(> _ of. t4e ,A nCltor,s.. ~f ):,h:_,..co~~n,'y,_ ~qf tbe
current,yeitr !ir'lbe's~_I'le,S!\ta_ry ^s~.~s~ :ye~r ,:,-:-_M:~I~l?~ ,_~o_st,.~,~: ',::'l,-F
Moved hy J':'Clioe,: s:';corided-'oy E:: Jfrg-I~,r~:,J~~t<!.:..~::~~r.!'iIi'oo
arpoiuted A'uditor to Audit the ~lccounts for 18l;iS.;;...;O'arned.. ' '..
... yells....;..-'FreA'ler.C~iite, ,Wa,'lf-:' I,tins:. Phi1potti, ~rcL1\wg, Flemrng,.
McC"'-_l_sI>1.ndJ }!llnd(>vllle,CbI1T,t'.,:-$l!ff';>I, ;\-Llon, ~',;Mat Oil llod Emery.
- 'NRys-;-Thomson..Sm1th, Coclmme and EllisOIl., ',: "':'
Moved by A Thompson, se'~o~~ed by E. H,.~ler, th~FjfessrS:-
SuflHKing:a.ncSmith _be 'cam1Ditt{'-€ to strike 1.-pe,s.';:a:fidhg_c1>mmit.
teesfor, the eurrent sear'70a:nied.-_', .,!
Moved 'by Mr,. Suff.>1 secQnit'_d'tiy- \ir.Chlltej':t'ulltSimonNewo;
co'mbe he appoio1ec'Trustee 'of tbe Vienna GraIrlDllr-'Scbool 'fer 'the';
term of three years ,- Ccl.rr-i(>c,' .., . .
:Moved l>y"J'" P11nplltse(~onderl by-C Ringo. tbat the appoin-tment
of 8 GNmmar School Trustee fOr tb{' St. l'uomas:Schoolfitl'}aid:'
ave:- tlil to m 'rrow~-Clirri-(>d~ .,.
11ov-erihy J': l\lc,cansnnrl sP":lluni>c ny W, H. ~r:{n<!.eville,libat
A._.F. Butler be. apl'\>i[]"f>d Loc~l:-)u-perintf',,'denl of Elll' lltion:;for'-~
t,beEast'j<idihg of: ElgiD,al a sfi.1llryof Three H"uncled:DbHars'8S
lafltyear besidt's_an Hllo\Van('e' for di. bursE'menls-:-CR,ITied;
Movi,'c by A.. Thet1Jsotl. st'condf"db.v '0 ~lcLllWS, tbat Samuel
~reCon be appointed ~upt'rin',eIlMn' of C"muu)Jl Scbools for\Vpst
El,gin, at It s:ilar,y of Two-Hliodl'ed'llna Fitty D;~lla.rs' p'eran;num,,'be.;'
sides tbensllal.allowall('e for St!ttioneryuod Post8l!e.
In aml'nnment itWtlS
: ,Movedh,J._ A. Philpotl, see.1ndedhy O. King; -thflf,'Silmuel:
McCnU,bp' appninlt'c Loc"lSu!,er'in,telloen' for tIll' WEill. Hji]~Ill! o(
Elgin, >It. IheS'lme sa a.y as hSt.yt'1l.1',sa.\' $~3n and $IS.f<Jr,:Hati..,nery
!Jaiumollou!ost lIno amennrllPl:tc rrh.d
Movec' b)" 8; Wade se('onded :by Jaeob Glint',that- 'he applicfl.tion
of the Trn:;t-ee;; 01 thE' St. Thoma-s GmmtJltlr ;School be rt'terr;:d.to, the
Cornmit1p.er,n .Educa1iou -Carril-'d ' . _'
Moved "J: ,{J.GI_lUte seconced '~r John - _M~Cilusland,' that" the
Ohil'k prOC'lre t.hp' necess:uj'_Rolls and Assessmelw---lips fur the_
~,.everalm'll,Jici!lah~ies",:,,;,ClItrit'd. ..' - ......,
~Iov~d byE,. .Hegier,sf>cuo;:ec hy;J~ Clir.(>, tha~'By La'w~O-176:
ror the ap!)"intmt-nl or" COllnty..!udilor;; be rea J a tirslliflle~ c'arried:
. By Law No, 1-76 was l'ead
'M'Jved.bj;A..Th"msou,. sE'conded by.:E'. He'gler"tbat-B,y'L'aw' N'o.
J761.~I'f'adast-ocl)ndri,he-:'aITif'd. . ..,...'. '....' ._'
. a~lFe'f by,.J McCausltlod" secondpdIlY ,W H. Mand~vil;le._'tha.t
By La,wN?, ,1.76 hei[J!! a B.y. Law tOllppoint~llrlitors f(lr' theQOIl'rltj
4)fElgl:n, be rUld 6_ tblrdtl_meandfin"liy"p~ssed._Cllrri~d:- . .... __'~
"M.,;ved by W.y'. Emeq.:seconct'd b~ H Str>tltOrlj tb~t ByLAW'
~(),"L7'1. tot" lbe,appointment .of :"ocaltiupe:i[Jteo'den:s orHe!J,')Qls'-tor
the-'EIl.st .aDd West Hirlings of Eigin, ,he,readii. first linie...;.;;-carried;
B}Law:-ln. L'n'.-was read. ... .-.,
:; ':"'~oved'bv P. iii' M;'nn, sec,;tt~drd,bY,R.,Stratton,lbatB}'L_a~Xo'~
l77 for the R]ipoinlalt'nt of LOCillSupE'dntendenls'ot ~c;.Jdols--b~ 'r'eada
seco[J'j lime-{'Ill'ried. '.;;:,:
'-- ,N<ovt--d by' A.. T~om.sim, secorided&,'by._iJ: Sm'ith 'that..By-~;a_w."NiJ~:
17.7 bt',reild ,I\thu:d I'm"" Il.udjinallj pa.ssed._--cRrriec .. _""'". '" .>
~"Movf'a by l::)t~:belJ W!1~e, seCb~de? .b)'J"flJilP'O.ttj"t~at tll~/ ~R.~._
pprt. ot- thEl. Cummlttee app9Intedto.stnke tLtl standing' Committe'e be
receiv'Cd il,nd relid.
€"en~ty Trensure:r be required to a th' 'R . . ' -'. .
Q(Three, DoUbts each for tbeir~r~ice:' e~l1krt;lmg'Oflicers, tb~,.GIlJi
R'ailw>LJ S:\' Lll.w. In: a 109, the, vvtesoo the-
1m 1iIDP:Hlmf'nt;
Muved by \y.,y, Eml''!V Seconded-bITS' , -' ","
meta/i'ln of Returriing Offil:p'r;sfor hllV' 'Y',' ;: ,trabtton, tli,.lt tb_e recu.
'..'NO" . E " , ' " _Int! ">lI'PQ' pvotenn',b. E'
yo' m)!arll xtEBsio~1 Rii.ilv-a"'l' B\. '1';." ,. bOO c'T "D'. .,." -' _ e tie
. ,',. ' ", ,_' , -. ,J:J , . e WO' oUars .
Motlnn lost and alll~odm';nt carried. .
, ,Moved by lr Cochr>ln~ secol;d~d'b' J Ph'} ;.
bUlb sheen hefore theL';gi~I';!u"~ .\. I yo,t, th>l.t -.wb"rM8-a
prison~, Ibis Cour.cil -deems 1:;" lr/e ~;o~ Ibe p. rJ'o:;t' ofer~_clin/;(:" atlll
.;,tbebuildingtheJail Yal'r! &c \Ism ",l.rt" ,I~lbke anj'actlOO rrl!ltrUing
,after: tbe tilla.ra.,:tion t!lkeri b;' th SL,-g~,~~(' j' the ~laod 'Jury, until
M db' '. ". ,. e ~gl::; .ttllre~cR.rrIed_
. aye.. \' R: G. FIl'mincr i:ec 11 de' b 0 '\I .
'N-o,_l'll-lmVosingl'olF- on th~' 'W~r:is~(-I t. i ,cLaws, that By' Law
the. County COUIH~jJ, of ~Jiddlf'$ex c(.o,' II~ Bwl_ge b.. rep_e8.1~dprovidea
Yt'a::l~Thomson, Pailpot. FI,m:.u.r 1\;IJ! ;Ul.me~rnotJon !ost.
Na.J.'s-~milh.:Uancil:'vilIp "-i ; rm~..; C p'ws' .' ,
~11i80nt ChUh',' Huffel,' M~lln'~~!a~~ GI~,ne. Cochr8ne,~ad(>,!Utlr,
Muved bvG Sulfel se~b~ce-l b . 't Cffit'ry ilW.l M.cUallsland.
D?W adjouru' IInlil tw~ O'clock" i; -otde~I:i::; thai ~eCo.llDcil'do
Flollnce and Edllcalioll m>t\" m/t d . t the \Jomm!Uee OU
~loved by SW d - e an ,rep(Jrt-c~uried: .
F. ' .. . . a e, secor;ded b.J.' JCline that tn
lDSUce Uornmittee hp l'ee..iv d' - d . d' _.e report ot 'be
Finance Rep"rt :WaS l-ead~ ao" rea -c"l'rled.
Movpd by A Thomsoo' seconded h W H' , '. .
report-of tbl-" Finuuce Com~ittee.b d Y I' 'l\~,. ndev,rlle, that thi
, M do' E H ' Pit ople(-c<1.rrled. .'
, ove:i. . egler 5ecl'lIded bl J PI" . . .
-,be' nppoinl.ed'i'rllstee oi the St Tb~ / Gll e, t,hat,C~lhl.j\:[cDou!t311
.term (If lhrel:' }f'al's._' .--' m S rammar ::;cbool, tor 'be
III aUlpridmentJ
Mov;t>db,r ~ Wlldf', secondedb .J,APh-!' .....',
be aJllIOlOled-a Tl'Ustee ot'the St ;'J,h I pott, thatG,T'Claris
term otthree YE'8rS, .' omas GrammarSchuol' for tho
Thell.nwudmpnt WIlS put Ilnd lost. ,
The yea:salld Nays being ca!" d f,
"tsken'down ItS f"liows:' III ' or on the amendment, were
. 'Yf'as~Bmitb"M1.lndevilIe W J - P .
t~n, Empry~ . ._' a e, ,btlpott,Ellison,1'tfa.,'n, Stf~
:-. N1.l.\s Thomsonj 0ocbrfl.oe Kin F -
land, Ht.gler, Chute \J_line aud~u:lfel.g. !pmlOg,McCiaW8, ~cOSaSa
it~~~I~a~lv l~ot~I?: WitS tht<ll PUI Ill'll;) cflrried,', '
'h ,..' ,_.' omson sPconded hJ' J h ..: . h
ck i' e U,'mmiue,f'Oil Educatio "b' ,0 n ",mil 1 thattherenort,
"llbp Repu!:1 aJ Edueal,ion o~:ni.e~pl,vt'd 'H),d_ re~\d., .
Moved by A 'j'b' -.lL ,I'e WilS rend
.:. ....:,...' .,._omp;,;on,spconrledh"W'Ji-'. ",
th,e.ReporLof the OOll'miltet' 0 -EI'" '. ,S, ".,Mliu<ievIl1e, that
.- .... MO,\'e,j b.y ~,W;ldl',st'con~ed IhU,C!lll:'P he. >Id()pled;-:-Ctlrril'd._,
COIJUllllt.'e ofPuolklm,r(lvement~b r,~ O! 1l1'J- .that th~, R~port.ot,:,'tb'e
, - _Reporl \,D Public fin,'rov(>m::n-~ ereC;'lVt d.a~d. react-:-Oariied'
M Jb" '..'- c: -..'I:1,W>lS rell .'
.ove '1 ij Wade,seconded by W HMllndcville-tha' tb'::;~
;," 6''''~UD<i
'~e_ C1er!t fl'ud-, the report of the Committe~ appo~oted to llttik(l
'Ile-s1linrliug Committe_es.' , -'
- M..ved hy A. Thumson, 's('conde'! b.y -E.H€'g-h~r, 1bstthe Report
'(Jt the' Committee 8}'11O;tited to. -stdke the Stinding'Coinmittee adopted
....ca.rried. '
M'oved hy $, . CHn€', sel'otld<!d by E, m~!!le', thatComn::issioneu
lI1pDointed 'by tbis COllo{'il to pxpend mone)' on R,mds and Bridge'8
lIbaU, 'hefel'etbemOl~l'y'i$'rll-id;-dul'y qualify under ollt,h, luat1he work.
111ts bt'en done accordlP'g'to (.':.',,;trnctand tbe m,ney duly expended,'
the aftidavirl to be filed. in the offiep- of the Countv Clerk -carried.
. M~vl'~ hy G StllWl,s€'('ond-edby O.Chtlte, that t11<' consioeration
''OfJht> 'By ,'Lnwgrl-lnting:::5Q,{lOOtolh:e Erie and Nhlga.ra. Extension
Railway be now tnken up and f!:'fld a first time~carl'i-ed
TheCl rk rl'-ad statement orthe votps takp.n in the se.eralmuni"
:P.!pft1iti~!loQ thf' proposed By La,v.to raise' ~50,OGO for -t'be'purposeof
.payirl1! ~for'l-bf'; right of wa:v for the Ehf> anoi Nia!Zl'tm Extension RlIi!.
-waYlbr(;~t. h_Th.. Connn.t,C EIQ'in. nd suhn itted his cer:Hic1tt' ~r,n.
fyir.g lothe'Coullci!lhll.t II Dlllj"ril_'_ h:lIi llpproved of th By Law
:._:,,!,hf' pro~;ospd By Lllwto 1!!'>'IllI :f5n,nOOlnr lh.. rightOf w1\y,of
'-the ~Erj~ and N;:ljvr>l EX'p!Jsion R",jJw" " . W.'IS l'ell,1 H fil,;;tlilIlP'
~lov{'(i bv G Sliff'l"l, se<'nlio{'d hy Dl.~lann, thaI Ibe second read.
~n~'of Ihe B)~"LclW g-1'Ullrin!! $50 O?O'tolbr Edp >lnd ~iagHra Extl'osion
Railwlt\' C"a be lnid ov.ertlll t(J~m<lrrow-(,Htrkd,
, ~overi hy G tuff'e:l,-st'couaed h~' C. .Chutp that thi::lOo~ncii-do
now adjourn ti:l to.mur:'ow DIIlI ning at nill~o'clock
WEbNE:'DAY, th~ 27tb January.
TbeCJounci1 met flt nine o'clock,fort'ocioD,
'l'heW-ardl"n in tr<, Chair.
Melllhers I,resent :-~IE'ssi';;, 'rhomsonj Fh.min!l,_Philpolt" !I-.rcT~awll,
F~il~; EOis n, Coc rntl", HpJ!ler, Q1ine,jlni:J.(h,villf'.. Wildt" l{lOg,
McCausland, ChuI€'. ~Jalln, .t:trtltl"Tl, l<;n;ery, nnd t"-nfti-ol..
. Tlwprocep.-Jngsofthl" prt"vibus iuy wf're relid aud$igned.,
_ When it WIlg
Movt'd b:, G Bulfel,secon-len by C Chute, tha.t the commnnica.
tions be noW htl\t'n lip find dis!Josl'd of-carried,
,Mov-ed byG. ~uff,:I, second!:'d by Dr . ~-l.tnn, !hftl thp. Prilthlg
Crtnmittee bClI.uthor;zed 10 pr:Cllrl' tile ner-pS's"ry A~st:',S!l~eo.t
;:lHps, olanks for .avt'rn and ;;hOfIIi,pnses in nccord:tol'{',wilh t~~
_amt"ndeJ aCIs)ust paBsedby tbe Lpj!isl:tlure of Ontario., and road list!
wltb'otber b11wks that mas be neces;:al..;~cal'ried, . '. '.
, . lIIu\'ed by S. Wade, secoticedh)" 'C_ Kin!!, th;\1. !lIe8srs Suft'l.l,Mllntl
and nochran€' he>tppointt-d rr special cOlllmilll'" 10 drafuecommenda.
\ioDs,oalllen,j the School Act and l'eportal llle JIl[Jt' wssion. "",:,"(,Ilrrie~:
. . ,Moved h,y W; H. ~lflDrleviil('. spcondedby G S\lff~l, I, at lhe ,J~l"l
Ccmmittee bt' nuthorized to procnre two. doz€'nclll1hs for. the Vo~~t
RIJ(JlJl,Hndthf' I\ecessnr.v-'$upplies r1qllired fOl' th~ Jail, aod t-he:rejllllrS
fOr the Court House- carrled_. " _ ..' . -; -', ,"
_..' Mr Fl('ming. l:rpsp.ntedp'etition ofMr_ O'Malley and otbers, 're;'
specting(olls'OIl Wardsville Bridg-e. . .'." .'.
Moved by W. H. Mandeville, seconded by John Smith, _that the
_ en!!'o inti')> eommittee oftb," .whol&on theR~portor tbecomDlittl!e:con
,l'lJbli(o.lmpnlvdlk'nt,;;-9llfrled.. . . _ _ _ -: _ .
TbelJonncH went into cO'IOlDitt.ee of the whole. . Mr. M!!o!1~~~lJte
in tbt' (Ohair. -
r-he.comminee- of1he whole-rose._ _ - . _ '" _:"
-Th(>:Couucil: resumed, ,_whel) :liIp c:-ha'rman__r~porlpd; t\llt.t_tbe
. r~porl of I_b.. commi~-Ie; _ OfIP'.I.b;ic Imvrov~m~n_!s be,:~l'e,r~:ed~J)acJ>.;to
the t~lllOlllittpe on P"lIhllC foourov"'ment ;for allH'lld-":!lent. _ _ C,'
~ove,l by R G}'lf':nl}t\g sec~Hid.ed hyJAPjiiJpOH_" ~hHl the com...
~minpeon -Puhflc-ll..'l!,rovemeots ,be .'rf_'q1lt'_:1t<>d _ ,IU _ rnt'~l 1orl,hw:ith,:a5
bo"lnp:,s of Hn.i!IIl}lorll\lltollltlre i.'l,10 e~'llJe':ii-fQrp 1IIe_m,,-:""JJllrried
. M'\"ij,l"bvJ ,jh~8au~land, st:conded b,)', E:H~gl.er, :thli_l J!.ftpr',~earing
.:the,pt',i:i,;not"':-'k O':"falle.\- ~llrlolber::, resid....nts -of l:he_To~nsbiJl of
Al b'J -nugh, to-ila,vl-'- the- B)'-hw imnosin:r-'l'ollson the W~rr1i<ville
"Bri.dl!e,tl'pea,II'dr this cr)llTlcilare ullwilling 10 accedlr-t~,the;l'eq!_le~t
',of-,lh, ,petiti"u"'r<Jtnt,illhe-TolIs ha.p h,..,t.o .coUt'ctl-'rl fnr~t.leasi-Lw~tve
'm{lD:,'hs.!Jn ,bt'r,lrey mig[',t. be ena.bled,tci>j,lld:ge'of the receWlsouta.,ued
by the'']ol].:.~l'_lj.rri.ed: .
,-- Ifllt:m(:odme:r1t- , , H { '" , .~,
)r'lved~by D_"Jc!;.aws, Bf'condPd by,R:, G:Fh'ming;r~h.st'~~e.P.et{..
.til)!l_of~C,AiO'.\I:l.lleYMnd otberS be'lefr'an,opeD.q'J'estion -:'
, A~e_ndDlent iost. a-mLol'ig-inalmotiou carried
Moved_ty:Genrge'_tinffel :.seconded, bJ ~D ~1cLalVs;tbatHis-tbe
:;'l?pj;J;liQn-:of th S conueillbat all :pe.rsons:residenls -of.,'roWflS;'. To!.n-
'llbips, a/lrllnlJpr'porat.,'d,:,yi!\Il~f'_s wnollre asse~sedtoran a~n-OOl-1n.
ceme of $500!l.od upwards,- (Jr for.'p('r~owIl 'prop'olrl,yto ::an eglilll
,camount l'illduf'w:al'ds. 8n<t.who hllvepaid,tlre.T..x':H)f1.thl':sllme ought
t.l li~ve the .right of'volin-g:tor: tr.embe:-s of' thl-':Le~is~>ltrve- 'As~embly
_of :Ontario,Jnr mfl;mb.el's-,',oL the:Hotlst'l. Of-'O'Hu:m '0",' -'~fld for
.,:mf!lr!be;'s;,o~.l he.\lunlci(lld Coun:;'~it'.._flud, that ;Jllis C9uncil:'d,~ peddon
-'the'Li-gisll\tive Assembly (if Outnl'io and the Domroion :Rirl~;jlilent,
fl'skio!! for s!lt-h l\ i hllog-e in the qualification of-the' Par!i~meutar'y and
i.~,uniciplll ~:Ie,JlotS Uai;riFd.'
: Moved'OJ.S .Wadl:' second...d,byJ::Smith, that' By-law,No;. ;l'i,s:to,
confirm sl'IJoiutmf'ots (If G.r~.tnmllr tlcboul Trus~ees;_l)e 'recei~e(hind,
retltd II first timp-.Canien; . ,
MOV~11" by'W:H .\1aur!evi:lle. secqudedby. A. '.ThompSc.D,ithlli.By_
law Mn 178 be I'Plld >l Sl-'conrt t- mt'-C&.I"l"led . . ..! .;,
" Ntl\"~d t'yf:nV:u:le_!.wcolldl:"db.y J::;mi-th"tllst--By.;lBw'No; l'1~be'
read II ,bird tim!! alld fin'IIIV p,_~;:sed - Oti!'rwd _'. ....'... .. <,:..,.
,,:M "'l'elclb',:,W, 11M Hld~vjlle,: secon'led,~";>_J. Smith, 'tb~,t .the ,COl,lO-
eil adJourn till 9 o'cluck to morruw mornt,'g,. ... '
;:Mr Phi1pol~>move,iiseconded byC. Xing.. that_the Repbtt of
Committee on Public, Improvement be receive-a andread--.carried.
. Mov-edby G Suffel,-se60nded'byDr Manri,.-that the .couricn:go
into committee of the' whole on the report of the Committee,of Public
Improvement-carried. . _ - ,
.- TbeCouncilw-erit into committe-eoC-the whole.
Mr~-~and~vilIe in_ the: ,Obair. .' :
After b;eio[( some.time'!!:! lOession'_ihe'Committee tos'e,-;v"l.te_n the
Coun_cn r€llUme,d',an~ the Cbllirman reported. the. ad'optionof tile
Report' of the (Jomi:nittee on_publicimprovElm~I1ts with an amendm6nt~
afterwhi~hitwas '_ ,_, _' . '. _ . ' ". ,_ .....'.
Movea:_ byATbom3on,_:se~ofide-d by- JA J?hiIpott,' tb~.t_,.th~.:re:
port of tbeConimittee on poGUe ;improve':ro.eIlts. beadopte4 ,a:s:~ain:entf~
ed in Comm,ittee ofth~nvhole,--.ca:rrlea. " ; . ...' " .' - __'.', , "-:.
Ye!,s-""Smitb, gftilpott, C~cimHle. ',Ellison, JJ'~emirig, 'Thom-son;
Hegler; Mc_C~iiEllana,~:Ghnte,'McL'S;ws,;and_f?tratton~: '. ..:: ,_," _ _',
Nays~EmefY.. 'Manni Su~eI, King, Wade, Oline,:and Mandeville;'
~oved 'by 'p ~:Mann,', 8,econ,~ed: bY- H_Sttatton,tbat, t~,e,By. L.a~.
gr'8.h~m_~ ~5.0~Q~'O:tot\1e ~~i~.and Niagara,Extension. Railw~y Corn.
pa'ny'to aid in the purchase of the right of way through the C'o).lot:.r:
be read 8, s~cond:,time-,-:-:,carried.. _ . ',_' : _'." . ..._','
1fov:ed ty G ,Suffel~ .seconded.. by'Dr~1trann,:that...the; ''l.tse'-:Qf the
Court House be,g:re.nted to, the._Rev. E Ryerson, Stiger~nteDli~n1;ofEd_
ucati9nfol', Ontario, .onFriday,.the I_9th February next,.Jort,qe pur.;.>
poalfofh6Iding'a,Cpunty ScbooIG6uve.ntiou_-carri6d.: ':,--',, -.",..... ,
:Mov~~_by J 'McCsusland,.secol'lded,bS.'O Shp'te, ,1iatt9_~,g.ti~e~d,-'
01' _salary of,ministersand.a.lsothe _ Parsonage ,and land's'8,ttac.l1ed,lo:
theextent'offive, acres be exempt from taxai;iou-Lost:.. '-_ ,:"., , ':'-"
. Moved by George .Suffel, . ~econded by Mr McL8JV'S, ,~hl:tt.t~i8;
Co;uncil p~titio:nthe . Legislature of Ontario at 'its next ',s'~~s,~ion 'to" ,
repp.alsoID.uehof s'.lb.section ,22"of'Seetion 9, of _the Cons?lidated
Assessment Actof..1869 'as exempts from taxation tbe~par~on.age'or'
dweUingbouse occU:piedby MiIiistersof Religt'Ou_ with'the'lap:dS'
thereto attached' Carried _ ...... '- . . '. .-
. _ Yeas~MandeviIle, Pbilpot.sDiith,'Cline1(Jochrane,:Fleming,
Hegler',McLav,s,and Suffel .' . . . ," ... ..' ' .' .......
1'iays~_EmerYJ Stratton, Mann, Chute, McGauslan~IE1IiSOI!l,KiJ;(g-i
Wade,._T~omson., '. ,.', '. _ .' .
.11ptioncarried by _casting vote of Warcen.
Moved by John Smith, seconded_by_ ,SWede, thattboCouncil
t"'n~er a yote of tbanksto theRon_John. Car1irigfor the efficient s'er:'
vices rendered this Province in causing B. thorongh investigation roto'
the affairso~ the,B.oa~d:; of Agriculture~
In_8.m~ndritent'. . ,'_.-:
Moved by J McCaus1arid" seconded bYGSuft'~l, tba.fthj:~Oo.un.cil
~erer givingaDyexpr~ssion..in ,the matter. of..tbe invstigadoninstitu.
ted'by the',Ho:nJolinGarHng, ~especting ,tbe.. Trea,s'urer of the Boarg.
of Agril:mlttue u*tilJhematteds finally seuled. ' . . '
, The amendment wa.~ ~h~nptit and Ios~. '
Yeas-BuffeIi :McL,aws1 Chute/' McOatisli\nd';Hegler, Flem'hil5';
Cochrano, Thomson. -' .
'l'IlIJ~~~~y" -}be)Stb,jA,O,ut1.ri~'J869.
The Conrici) 1li~~~;(9o.\~I:qck,:;rOl.~'n9qn. .' '", ,. --^. ...-
rbe..Wll_r.defl.in,tn~"'Jn,..,ir.: .';. ,",'.'.,.,::. i_' ; ..';;
';liJ,ell,?pr:i _. prf'$_~-nl .:7~'1 ?$si'$. ...,1'ho~P$:Ol")",fleri:t~ng'}: P.l)JIB9Jt,,[Me..
.L~*s; :.8;) :,iih,": E.J IiSlll1:;, GOl.:h~I'U{". 'Klllg,.:.W1l..9A.. M.a t!'N';V,~.t.itf._,-- Chute.
,', ;~,C~"II~'alirl,_,I~.Dlt'l'Y 'J:?l~"~_r4n_:J;1:it,ni\~}'l:'f.!fF( -GHf!e,i, 9J U,n~B";,. r:,';);:)
) "Tee' l;roteedill~Bo(,lh~_ ,'pre:Vipus.,4a.,}. ,;"I'!~~;r,~a;,d;~cl:,_~g,~tdafter
]'.b!eb . . '.. . ..... .... ..
Na.ys':"""'Einery, Stratton; Ma.p-Dr Ellison;.KingJWade. Olin~~
Smith"Philpot,:,,:Mandeville. .' -~, _ ~,' .'..-
TheID.ain motion was then put and 'carrted on the folloWIng diVISIon:
Yeas-=-:Emery,_,J3trattoD, M!tnn,EllisO,D; ",King, Wade,Olinei
Smith, Philpot, Mall:deviIle. , _,' _,- ',.
Nays-l::luffel, McLaws, Chute, McCausla.nd" HeglerJFleming~
Cochrane, Thomson; , '_ ,,' -.'. " , _ .
Moved by _John Ellison" -seea,oded by J ,A Ph_ilp9t~, tliat William
Bowm:m, Esq.; be appointed Engineer of the Gaunt,yot. EIgiu,_to
superintend the erection of thEt buildi~g of the C1l:rri~_Road Bridge,
with the En,gineerof the Connty of Middlesex. Car:l'Ied.
Moved by Archibal,d TbomsonJ,_se(lpn.d~d l:IyJ A:phiIpQtt, that
B"y~l&w No 1"ll'imposfngTallson _.the~ardiViUe Bridg~be amended
asfollows:.....Thattherateof Tollbe _ '''' C ", " '.
F_orone horse or animal andwa.ggon pa~Bing and returning
same dayu. .....~...~,..,uu... ...,.-~..". ,'cents
For two l10rsesJ ori:leasts and waggoD_pasBiBg and:_re~.urnlng
same day.. .,..........,. .,. ',._ .'. ....: .".,4",4,~.. 'a--cents
For one horse and-riderpsssing snd, ret.urning sam_e)1!iy.,,-.3' cel1Js
a.ndthattheDlerk notify the clerk of the Coun.tyo!?did~lesex ~o tb~t
elfect. Lost, ',,'" :,_u~" ,.'.....
Yel\s7"':Flemingj Gochr~ne"Philpot,-Thomson,_Elhs~n. , ,.
'N6ys-Eme~y,' Str6ttonIMann,. Suffel,.}deLa.ws, 9buteJM,cC~us-
1RJid,H~gler,KIul?,Wa,de,Ma.ndeytlle,_ Chne and~mltb,._ ' " ',' __,
Moved by W.Y>Eniery, seconded byH. f!tratton",tha1; ~he ,Clerk
be,autaorised to.ha.ve'By,.law No,1'14 (to E!sta~lish-s:rQ~d: in, lieu of
pai'tof)he t()w~linebetw~ert the 'l'owns~ipof Bat~aI;l, a~_d_ ~id41~,:
t6n-on the boutidarybetween tbe CountIes, of JiJIgIn an~Notfo1k)
reg1stere:d andtliat_the Couut,.TrellB.urer:is herebyinst.."'Ucte:d to pay
theexEEinse of recording thereof.7"':Oarried. ,.' .- " . '., ',-' ...--, .',
. MOrea by ,George SulfelJ sE!cqnded by . Dr. '1lf~D:p.,~b.at.th,e~a~deti
be aut~cirise,d- by this Connc~l to, lD~uri_theCounty B~Ildlllgs~n sllch
Ins,ruaJice Company as he ,may t,hInk best tor the Interests of the
Oount,.. Carried. . - ""'. .".".' ,.-
Moved by George ,Sulfel, seconded 1JY D,McLaw_s,tha.tth(PrInt-
ing Committee be requested_ to-have 100 copiesp~inted ~f the reso!ll-
tioDspassed b.YthisOouncil :withrefere~ce toth~ El,ectlve_ FranchISe
and Amendment.to the Al!!sessmentAct, a.nd forwarded by the O1erk
to th-e severalConnty Gler~s in .the Province of Ontario. .' .Car_ried.
- Moved by A Thpmpson, sec?ndcdby J A P,biIpo.tt, that_.~he third
rea_ding of the proposed By-If),wgrantin,g-the Bum of,_$50,000 to the
Erie and Niagara Extension Railwa.y Company,) belaid over till next.
meeting of the council; .. Carried
Moved by R. Cochrane, seconde~ by CKing,.that~he-,W8rd.en,
Messrs. Smith & Philpott,... be Il. cO~ID.l,ttee: t€), superIntend the ,erection
of the Gurrie-Road Bridge. Carried. : '. _'_ _.-,., ,',
. MOYrdby W HMandevilIel.,second.adQY.W Y E.lllery" that.t~e
council grant the sum of ,TwoHundred" and EIghty-mne, Dol1~rs and
fifty cents to the Voluntee:spf thelConnty: to aid . in. refnndin~theit
board while enga.ged at drIlllu 1868. MotIon losti ;_. ."_ _.,,'
Yeas-Emery, Stratton, ElliSOD~ Cochrane, Mancte~~~le, and
, No.ys Thomson, -rhilpot,_CIine, Wade,:KingJ Hegler, McCaUl.
land, Chate, McLaws, Suffel, M!lDn and :Fleming,
Mov~d by R Cochrane, seGolldeCl - byJJjJlliliouj ,that. where,as on
the 22nd da.y of. J~nuary, 1~67, a' specia.l commi_~tee -qI .five members
of the council ,1'I"asapPointed to select ~ piece of gr~und,snd,to erect
t~~reona Hou!1'eof-Refuge,an~ that whereas th~ apove 'c"Il\m~ttea
was unable to agree' 'upon - a site f-or that "pnrpose,- therefore be, it
resolve,d that the reP!lr~ or said cotpmittee b(l ~ad and laid on the
table~,thatthis conncil,ma,! take action thereon --Carried '
1l.epcirt'Qfe:ommittee-or .House of refnge was ~ad aad laid on the
table'.... ,"--' . , ." . - ;,-..:.1
.The'Report of the Directors of the 8t Thoma.s andAylmer,G'ra":
'V:eI:Road Company,~ending,a1st December, 1868, was read
The A.nnnaLRepartof lhePort-!Jruceand Aylmer GravelRoad
Company was read inOouncil . . .... '_ "
. 'Moved: by SWade, aecoDaed by,RCoehrane,tbattbis-Council
grant 'One--HundredDollars to~w.ar9.s the ,Relief of the"Red"River
SeUIt1rsl and_ that the amount. be forwarded through George Kains,
Esq. <Carried :: ,- ',,", '_:'
Arter which. it was '
Moved by _J A Philpot seconded by A Thomson, that tbernlesof
councU_be, amended That-'!1lembers of-the council intending tabring
forward . motions 'involving money- grants;. shall -be. required .to give
cne day's previous notice of their intention to introdu-eesuch motions
Carried~;:';-. '...,
Moved by-J MeCa.usland seeonded byE Hegler, that tbe'Report
p.fthe,comniittee on tbe House of Refuge and Indull:try, be not' taken
np now) but laid ever till tb~ meeting in Jnne next Carried
',. c, Moved by'George-Suffel, aecondedby; Dr Marin, that the 0o.ncil
~oadjonrn till the. third Tuesday JnJune nextJand"thattbeWarden
Gign-drafdor members wages Carried.
. ' '.' T~~DA~, ~h~ .Fifte.enth day of June, 1869
Thec_o~ncnfu.at ,~tTen o'clock, forenoon
':l'h~ Warrlenjn th,e ,chair
Members'-prese'nt: :Mes_sra Thomsqn, ]'~eming,'PbiJpot,McLaws
~a_Jld~ville,;.' .'Wade,., McOausland! '. Cbute,Em,eryj Stratton, Gline,
Mann, Suffel, Hegler, 'Ellison,Smitb, Oochrane, Kin,g.
-:: . . The pr_oceedingsof the last day of the previous session wasrea,d
andanthorised to be. signed; , '. ;'.:'
The Wardei1addressed theconncil
The following communications were read by the_Clerk
. From ,the:Connty Clerk' of Ken:t relati:veto Bridge on .;lom,lty
LIDe, ..... _ .... '. ',_ ' .
From the Connties of Glengarry,_ Stormant"and Dundas.-relati:re
to eost,of ,repairs 'to jaila, &e. '.' ~ ........ '
From the Gonnty: of Peel r~lative to. payment -of -Volunteers.'
From, the_County "of ,Middlese:x.relative to ..reductioD ofTolQs on
Wardsville Bridge ", - --
F...rom_J B McGann;,Deaf:flud,Dumb Asylum
FrotnG:randJ ary Spring Assizes
Jrrom COllotyTreasurer relative to Finances, Estimate, &0. -
FrotnPrisonJnspector inr.eference to stat~_.of J,ail _ '_' c. _;.
'From JO,bn ~eKillop rela.t1ve t() expli\DsesIncurred at WardsvI11e
Bridge ,:,: ", _,' ,.',' --'' _ _','" - _, .
;' -. Fro'm OO~Iity_Audit9rsrelative to..SchoolAccounts and General
Expe_uditure.. _ " _ _ - ',','.' _ _:'
"The Petition of Solomon Moore and six others relating to Town~
Bh~_p .1W_6 bet.w~en Baybatn an.d Malahide -was-1aid before:thecouncil.
Mess'~s;Cbeverton, -Kinsey' and Ca'l'Sonaddressed -t:he Muncil res';'
pecting-, road referred to in' the petition of Sclom~D. Moore'andothers
After which it wag " ,
'McivedbyJ McG8usland,~secciDded by_J Smith, tb~t tbepetit!on
of George: Kinsey- and others'ratepayera of-t~e, TownsblpofMa.la~l<1e
bereeeived.-Oa.rrie.d , '
Moved by S Wade seconded by J Smith, that thepelitiou. of
SoIonion MO::lre and others be referred to thecorilmittee on,Publio
Improvements. Oarried. .
Moved by George Sulfel, secouded byrMcOausland,tbat the
Report of the, County auditors as read by theclerk, be adopted and,
fiulllJyaudited-bythe,council." Carried.,' ., '._',;
Moved by G. Silffel, seconded by H. Stratton, that tbe~e~es of
the sev~ral municipalities b_e a'ppointed -A':committ'ee'for .tbe purp?se
of re fisingand _equalizing the ~ses6ment' ,Rolls forthe'curre~t year.
Oarried., , . _ ,,_,""
Moved by R, GFleminlr,; seconded 'by ,David McLawsitbat the
Toll,now ,existing',on;"the Ward.svil~e Brid~ein, accordance"''Yit~ a.
resolution passed at the late sesslOnof the'}hd"dlesex:Oonnty CounCIl,.
berednced to one balf of the 1J:'.oll now exaeted, and that th6rroper
authorities be notified of.thesame Carried.. ,
Moved byS Wade, seeouded,by EBegler, that the matterres~
pectin,g the 'J.'olls ontbe Wardsville Bridge be deterred until to.morro:w
'. Moved by R.Cochrane,se_cond~d, by JOhIl;Ellison,tbat, th~mo.
lion respectiuD'tbe erection ofa House of R~flige be taken_ up tQ.mor~
row, an~ tbat "all~be paper;s a~d reports_ of' the-_9om.~~ttees a~p()lnted
in 'l'fl66'bf.H.i.t the same time laId ontbe table; Oa-rr-Ied:, . -'-.'
'Moved by G., Suffei,' seconded by a.Ohute, tlll\tthe~coin~np:i~~~,
tiODS be taken ,np and dis-posed of. Carried. ' . _ . '.~ '
..Mov.ed by G.-Suffelseconded byU. Stratton,-that. Me_ssrs.C-o,c'h-
rane McLaws anu Ohut~bea Committe to investigate certain matters
sugg~sted.bYtbe County Trel'Ls~rer'sRep~rtJ with ref&ren?e:.t~,L,a.nds
in arrears for,taxeil.Carl'ied. '. '
MQved.by G. :::luffel, seconded byD.McLawsj~,tha.ttheRe-port of
J. W. Langmeu~, Esq'J Inspe~tor of Pris,ons be referr~d to the,oom-
mitt-a' on ,public impro.vements.: ,Oarrie,d.:-" _"",,' -,
Moved byG.Su1fel seconded by J: Smilh,{hatthecommunic'~tioD.
from tb,e Oounty :CcuEcilof the c.onnty of Kentl asking fo.r an~'appro~
<pria.lio.n--,of One_ ;Tbous3.nd :Dollars, tobllild a Road across the Rive_r
Tham_e9, :be referred to th,fl_ Co~~itteo~ Public,ImprovetIlentsj-also
the :com'municia.tion'z fr?~- the Gourity- of Middlesex~'witb reference .t()
tbe:WardsvilleBridge, and,tbe-Ietter'frCiDl Mr. McKillop, claiming re..
1lllmeration. for sel"vic.l.'s- a~' commis.sioner a.t'the' Wil,rdsvil1e -Br:idge.
Carried. .. ,-- .' ,
Mr. Philpott 'gave notice that hewili:to~'q:orr(,w, that he will
m~ve, seeo.qd,ed byMr<r!lO~pson, tbatthia 'C_onn~i1 appropriate.Two
Hundred,'1)i:llll.lxs.t?imp~ove tbe TownlI~e between .Dunwicbap.dAJd..
borough,- and' also Tw6:Hundred Dollars' on the Townline - betReen
Dunwicli and Southwold; '_ '
'Mr~';TbompsoB' gave:nOtice' tb8~' -be: ",ill niove;-secoridedby Mk
Fleming', tbat tbbCouncilappropriate.the'sutU ot'-:One Hu-ndied and
.F,ifty:.Dollars Jor .the-improveIlient; of the -Coulity: line_: tetween:Elgin
~nd;,}(ant;;_ .' ,.... .,,', " " -
~ On motion of Mr. McLawsj"seconded,by'.Mr.SiJ.1fe:I. t~e_Conncil
aqjQ.ltrQed:, .tiU,nine.;o:'clock .to":mo,rr-~wmorni~g~
, " j,:).Il: -'W)mNll:SDA:Y,.the Sixteenth 'day of June, 1869.
'; ';1fl1e"Cotiricilme:1i ~t Ten :o'clock forenObh.
Ti:l~'-Wai'de:i1:,itFthechS:ir~ ,. . .'. ""'" ""- ;i'.
AlltheMemberspre8~nt.,:__... ._,' ~_~_.,> _ "_""
. ,Pr.Qceedings of pr,~vions d'sy were read anti ai~ned, after whi(~h
:'-'!'>Mr:_Suff~ljnov~djs,'econd'ed by"Mr:)icLaws, that the, mi,uie~,of Mr.
Clin~'agd ,M,r.',Flemi~g:'be added to theCODlt:rtittee ,on,Pu,blic Improve4
iiie'~,t8 j~JplSCEl,',of.Me,~~r9.'Hegl~rand Thomson, who:.are members ,or
th.e "qp~~~~~~})f'E(pl'Il1!~atIdn... ca.rrie~. .' . ",' __.... ,,';
: .... Qn',mo,tIon:of-.Su,tfel,- tb,.e Ooutlcd adJourne.d tllltwo o'clo_ckin ~r~
?~: '~~ift.~,e;c.o~,~i_~~ees ,'on 'E:,<,1itali~~tionl Finance and ~ublic luipro.ve,~
m~nts,ma.Ytl1eet;-., _,:"..,-' .,,'.....' _ .... .' ., ....:
',"j(t1WO-b'CIcick 'the Conncil restimed.'aU 'the m_emberspres~ilt,
when it.was '_, ':__ _ \ _:.... . .... .... '. / ..'
",~oved' by,'K' :HEfglerj. t~at the Rep()1~tof, the. Committee 9f Eq1fah
,za.tiot1'~,l'eceiv_edap.d,read '-', '" .- , .. . .', . ,
-';"_The~nerk'rea'4'Rep:qrtcifEqua1izationCommitt~e_; _.' ,.'
~~rov~d by, J'-,Mq(Jau8Ia~d,s~cQn.de,dbY'H.St!ati~111 Jhatth" Re~
P?~~:<?f~~~ q,~~~itte~,pntheeqqalI?,a.tion, oft-he ,Assesssments.-foi:':t~,e
v'~'l;\-r,:':'b'ead?pte~r ,,::.. '- ,-. '... . -", . ". ,
~"Jn~~mElIidtrieiit,:,_ '.;" '..: ' .. .. .-
",,~ ,Mo.veclby,D. ~cL,aws, se.c_cnded bYR:G;,,:Fleming;tbf\t the repor,t
of'th_e, Com~it,tee' ;o,n, Equalization be .n.o,t 'nowa:~9P~ed, but ~h~t 'tbe
CouDcil.gointb''COwmit,tee'of the wl:1~le"on_the:Repqrt;' .
.: 'A mea~me,~Host: 8nd_ol'i_gi~alDlo.tion . ~arried:.. '_ , __'.:.:_ ...... ...,"
'The,'jeas aOrid 'nays: o~ing _ called for, ,by ,_Mr.: McLaws; ~on:)h--e '~ri.
gii{ii-rinoti.on"~~~e.takeil'~a'g'J6110ws :",~, ' . ..' - .'>_': ,,":--
"--; ~ 1;~as~'~,nierY,~t.f.ii,t.t.~'~'i' '~u,~elj C'llUtei.'!lcOausl,andj E:eg,l_e~,. :w: ad,eJ'
Ma~,qe;me','ql,~~'e)_Coc~n:aD~,~,rp.!th,llnd Ellisou,~12_.:-'., ':',:_..;,:: "'" '
,:-'~ays-:-M~u~\~f'cA'aW's,_Fle~IDg, King; Pliilpot~aud Thom.son,-S.
'].~tri.in' mo.tion,ciuded'by a majority ofS. _" .:- '_',_ _ . "
Moved byW...Y.EmerYI seconded by Dr. MannI that .tbe' Repo~~
u1t1te yqmm~tte_~.onPqbliclmpl'oY~llle.ntB -bereceived_a.nd read. Car..
tied.,_ '<'0'_": ,_ _,:,::::'-, __:"_:-""-_,,J:
. -Mo;ed by s.,,~ ~deJ iec()~d,edbyW~,lI.:Man.de~iIIg,ihB.t'th!s Conn",
~ngo: _luto _ CODlm!tte~pfthewb_Qle - on :the,Report- (if-Committee,on
put,.Uc)mpr:o!,~,?!entSo< ,Ul:!orrl~q..-_:-. _ _ _ :,,:-.<:
',- 'Tbe -Oouncil went into committee of the whole.
'fJ<.~~eryin,tlle_<?~air.. .;.
.TheJJpuncil re,s)lrned._: ,'_ _, " ,,' -,'--',;
_,;~_h,e.c,bah'lla~ r~~.orted the,adoption o(:t~J;)r,ep?~t.6f:',t1i_e'co~tnlt;
t_ea_ qn,pubU?irupr_ov:e~en~s:Pli~na:n am7n~DleRt.wl!~n1tias:-~ -:,::'_::.:: ...
". 'Mo~ed by' -G. 'Suft'el; seconded- by H. St~~iton;~-the.t the:'R('po~t~~ /
tp,e .9_oID,m~ttee..o!1"P\lb1ic:~mprov~~~nts-be4dopted,as amended in
c::o~mittee ofthe:,,~hol~_., C.~ried., ,::>,;'"
,Moved ,by, G.:,SujfeLseconded by 'C.Chute,.that-the app1ica.~~6n:Of
the Josnstown,Oil Well Company for aid to_assis~ them in':siriking
their w.."elI,:be-la.id, over unt:iFto;; morrow~' i Ca.r~ied;- ' _ _- ;,,)
Moved by S. Wade, :seconded-by,:].. Cline; that:tbeGcivernmeilt
Auditors be paid the sum of Te~ :DoUnrs per annum.
In amt"ndment" ~'_ . --
:Moved_ :by R- Qochrane,_~secoridediby:J-. :E:llison,tbat the acting'
Government Auditors ~_.c~ r~cei"l!'E! ,~_~~Jary;"()fE:igbt,Dolla.t:s.J~er an'"
Dum fer auditing the,a.ecoi.1nts of the AC1minst-ratioi::l. _of Justice fQt
1869.,' _,' . ' ,._'-";';'-" u_" -"~
A_1Il~ndment C&'rried,." Main,IDotionlost.:"._-,':" ,_: C '
, :: :Mov~4_ ~y J. EI!isl)n~Second,elibyA.. Thoi11s~n,;'tha.t'th~e:Wirden
!r. ~~~~~ses~a~Yr p!oc~'rEi the,t1e"y~~e~ orlVilli'arq'~CljV~~JJi' ~sq'.;~ ~!1~.
.w.~e,er,__to, s,u1?~r:lntend ,the erectl(~n,ofthe B,;:jdge'ftCl~oss,the,Ri",eJ:'
ThamesJb'etwee. the Counties' ()f Kent, J~ngir: flJldMi~dle.se~;, 'O~r:iiEl"4.
?trl:" Co~~rf!negives notiee tb8,t' be wlIrm,o,ye;:,se'~opd'e,a :bv':"V. 'It
1t~~n_devi1l~J t~at application will be maqetothis 'C,ouIlciJ to~Diorro:w"
for an appropriation to' be' expended on the- 'Cotuit~L,ine',,~6tlVeen
SouthW'91d, Delaware-and Westminster"lln~ also be~weep."Yal'moutn
and Westminster. '.. -", ",,', ''"I,
:'M?vf-!i. by D:, !U~~~w:s.;B,econd~d by - :J~. .~~~hnpqt~',~"th:~t,:_' this
Conncll make applicatIOn .to t!J,eCourt of Q,ne~ns' . Ballt::h',.Ol- .c:;.oir!:m9'_1l
Pleas, for a. Wr,lt Qf M~1;1q8,?US, .to,comp~t,:the,'Oounty ,or:~idd-le'sei
to,show,cause ,~by !hey, do' no~ pro,vide ,fol',}hebis'hare Qf'ib,e~pstOf
building ~the, llriilge' ~cross 'the River-Th~mes ,i:l,f or '~,e~r t~e, (Jnrd~
Road, -as"sooil as tlfe Township 'Council'ofDtinW:ic~_g~aralltee_ihe
necessary costs of application and subsequent 'procee-d,i~gifand;'tJ:iat
th~ \,V a~den b!lll.:nt,horis~d -to . ta~e. ~Illm,ediate acti,on _after_haT~ng re-
~elye~ the guarantee from, the. Township of Dunwich: ~,' pa:r#ed.':'
Moved by, R. ()l)~brane" se,condedby. J., M~9il.u_slan~ _that' w:~,ereaB;
an act paseed on the 23rd' Jan~~ry, lS6~'-bv-,lti,e 3:~th.~~a~s'ec,proiides
tbat re!tl J}r personal p...oper~y ,s1i~l~,be.e~:tima.telfa_t~heir, ~ctJlal-cash
valuejas tbey would be' a.pprais~d_in p~ynientof'&..just ,d,ebt.. .~r9D1:~
sol'Vent ~ebtqr.j and.,that ~:~er~a:sgreat ipj~stic~:ifBoiuati.m~e:~p'erpet-
ra~ed by the d1ifer.en~.asseSSQrs,lU un~qq.at'a_ssesaI1lent..:Resolve!J:tb~t
t~l~ <J.9up.~~lpetition tbe Leg,isl,atnreto',pa~s'iiD':~c't::wli~r'e.pi.-assess':
9:~r\~~:proper1Y in Unio.lt f3chool Sect:i~n~ ~~Y ;li~:e~~~t~~~"y: eR.~'~1ized.
---<Mo.te,d DY :A. Thomson; sec&tidedbYJEm8o~,tha_t the ap_plication
for_ the sllm-af One Hundred.._an~-Fify Dollars-to improve the Oplln~y
Line between Elgin a~_d ~ent,b:e-referredto the Committee' on-Public
Improvements. Carried.' _ '_, .._'. ',:
Moved by G Suffel,. sec_onded ~y:J YcOausland;that tbis Oonncil
petition the_Legislatnr~ofOnhtrio to p_ass a:n actwher.eby witIiesses
attendingC:ourtat-crimillal'trials__'m,tLy 'be paid ,at the .saUle :ratefor
mileage and,'per,day_aswitnesses attending civil eases. Carried
MovedbyE"H~gler,:se:condedby JMcCansland; tbat thisCoimty
expe~dnp mQney~nO"9?:ntyor- Township LineBs ,with the exception
of BrIdges ,Oll; County J"lues, and that applicants be:.referred,to their
respectiv~\TownshipCouncils. ... Carded. _
. ,On-motion o{Mr Mandeville; seconded by S, -W&.de~,the Council
adJourn tilL9 o'clocl(,to~morrl?w~morning. "
"T~URSDA"y1 the Se,venteenth June, ]869.
The-CouDcilm;elat~ Q'clockl forenoon.
TheWard~i1,inthechair._ ' .'_ -. , .,_>
_ Members pr"esent :-Messrs. Thomson, FlemiDg,_PhilpoitJMct~W's .
Smith. _Co~hrane,__ EHison".M~Calls]a~~, Chute, ,Mann, 'Emery, Str~t~
ton, Hegler, Oline,.S.uff~I, King:,,~aru~eville'andWade. ... ... ..-
The. proceedingsof:tbe. prev:io,u!J. day WEltli read.. and, sigtied
after which it was .,,: .....,.:-'. ,., ...................,'
,M_o:ve_~ by A, T.i?-_onJ,SQU,_ s~conde~py:.i p'hilpott,: thatthe l'eport of
the' ()em~lltte_ ~ppointed. to report and e~.amine respecting tbe. arrears
of Taxes on'Don resident'Land-::! be received and read. Ca.nied. _ . '
R~port.o~ClDmitteeoIl ~ands in arrears for_ taxes wasreadbithe
Clerk.when:it,was, .,. ,',.. .': -.-
,'. Moved ~y ,J Philp:'o~t~ secoIlded by, _ JEllison,.. tha'( tbe'repo~tof
the. Committee. appointe~ t()tnvestiga,te the pr,op,riety_of e:tt~ndingthe
time t!J,r paY:ne:t;lt()f'a~rears-'o~ taxes be adop~edaild,that a,By, Law:
be drawn up 'm accordance. therewith. Garried. ,.. , '. ::'_',,: .. _:' '-: ~
M~ Ellisop,o.hairman()f Committee onPublic'lmprovei:nent
su1,)mitteq.,.second'report, when ...__ .. . .'., _- ,~,:','-:, '
Mr Thompsonmov,edjseconded ~y J l'hilpott"that tb'e -sec,ond 're~'
port of the ,~ol';Dmittee OIl public improvements. be received aud read.
"fhe,Clerkrea~"Report,'when_ _' ..- ..' .. .,'.. _'
OnmotiontheOoimcU'wentioto comDlittee of the wJ3,61eou'the
sec9p.d I'eport(}f\b~J~~mllliJtee on PU?PC _ID1proveroerits. .
. UrI:'bilp,?tt:in .tp'~'chair: ~be 90uncil reswned., :'._'
, Th~chairma,D;' ~~p,o.rte~the,adoption o.~tbe Repor~ oCCo_m,initte~'-
o.~ p[lbhcrmprovemrrits~Wlth- ~nameildment~ . . .. .." ': ... ,
iN~ve~by"Rp,~c,h,r3:ne,~s~conded.by J :3mit~I' tMt ,the 'Rep'ort,'()f'
the 0?mmlttee'on_ ?Ub~lc:lmprovements.. be not n'oW'" adoPtedJJmtbe
referr:edba~k to the,<Jommlttee, Qf thewbole; Lost; _ ' .- ~ n_ <
Moved by'J McCausland;se_conded by_D.:McLaws', 'tb~t:t~eRe~
por.t of thenom~ittee 9nP:ubli~ ImproveIlleuts be, adopted ag,s:inerid':' ,
ed lD Oommitteeof;tbe:whole;. 'Oarried. . .... -, .... .. ..-":, - ,",-~.,
" .:' reas~;Emery, ~Ia,nEl..:?tratton, Suffel,Chu'te~rJ~Law~I)IciJaus-
If.\lld,: IIe'gler,~leIl11ng', '!{tng, Wadej Qlin:e andP-hilp:ott:'
Nays""7ThorosoD, EllisoDj Smithl 'Mandeville and Cochr8.~e.
. Mqved by - Charles Ring, .sectlDded- by Jobn:Smitb,".tbat: Ihis-
. County grant.llboDas..ofOneThonsand:Dollars to_ any company tbat
sbal!be._the)irst to,_produce and,rnanufacture One Hundred, Barrel-sof
Salt, within the Coun.ty of Elgin. - :Motion Lost.
Yea~__andNaj'8 caIledfor!ly_])r Mann.- _ ,:. _ :
Y eas-:-EIlisoD,Smitb} _ Mandeville;; -W ade;,8nd - Kfog"; ~_.: ;.c,.: ''-:
. Nays",:"",:" The:msoJ!, ,Phllpott"Cochranej'_ (Hille,: ,FJeming;,. Hegler,
lIrcCauslslJd, 1tfcLawsjChute, Suffel,StrattoDf ~<<_nn-.aJid Emery.
Moved by G Snffel, seconded byJ A Philpott-.ibat- tbi~ Council
regretHhatthe ~ffo~t heretofore_ p~t,torth'?y"~r.Av'A::;Tb:oriIsoI;l' to':'
wards tbe org8:nIzatlOuof th~.El'le aDd}~laga~a;.E.xte:o.8ioJi.Railway
~ompan:(has Dot been crowned with ~ucces3anilm:viewofthegreat
~n.terest81U:VQlved a.nd tbe fac.ttha~ t~eti:rne!i~ited ~y Lawfor'drgan,.
lZ1D~ and commenclOg operat.I{l.ns'lS :ta'~t e:x:pmng, :would;respectfiilly-
urge upon the Board of Provlslonal-Dl-t'ectors the necessl_tyfor imme-
~iateapd~m~r;eenergeticefforts beingpu:tJorth, wilbtbe view afplae_
"l~g the merIts of tb~ scheme before caPi.~alists ~nd of~s.iqgeverylegI.;
tlInate effort to getlt taken up and 1h~ w()rk:pro~e~eti,\Vi'th',and that
. tbe c17r~ forward'a. cop,rof thi.s resolution to:the-prOVisibnal'S~~etarl
olthecomp-any., Carried. ",__" -_"'. ",,_'~O:--;',,_'_':
.~ , ~foved' by'Mr E~ery, st>co~,d,!Q by,' P M-J'ifa~t1'tbat,-:the'th~id
readl,ng of tbe;BYI~aW,Rranthi~,F-irn:: TJloi.is~nd' DQllars'to the Erie
and ~iagara Extension Railway"Compimy 'bedafd over. tiltthe' rieit.
~ee~mgof. ~he qo~nci.l~,: Oiu;ried.,:" '~'~ ,_ .,,_,,'': .-:,;':',," ."
.,: ,:M;ove~d,by R Cocb~a?e"'s,~eondeti'-bY;J'A;R~itpoH,, t~~til1e. m<\o.-
tion :elatlV'e to the ereytlOn, of ll. HOlls,e' ot Industry be,now takenu-p' -.,
Carrled.___...< _ ..' . -, ._'.__,",";"'_..-""-'<',_,,:_,:'-,-,"
After s~me discussion oIi tbeHo,!se_of I~d~~tr; q.~e~.tiqnL'_':;";
,On motlOn:()LMr, Wade, by Afl".~Kjp.g,:tbe__C~unci! Ildjourned tilf
t",;o. ,o'clock,. tj), ,~~lowtbe Coml)}it~eon: Fipan:ca'to _l1leeL,~it~()
~'7I~ck.:the GounC;ll resumed,.all the rnelil:berspresen't.__ -'. . ' "
Mr Saffel, OhalrmanofFlOance ,Commiltee subiriitted' Report
4_ftel." which it,1V~S, ,_H, -. :'. ...._ ;"'--":"___:-"_~",""
" Mbved:by A :rh6mson. ~econded ~f t ~PbIr:Potti' ,b~lt.th~r.e-
~rt;o.t~he,9ommIttee o.n:Flaance b~ recelv,eda.nd' .read~,':-:.--
. The dle.rkread'r~port of:Finance: COrn\lli~te_e.--. . ..,'
MO'V(id b~,.A. Thoro-son, seconded by,.JA.Pbilpott, ,~th.at the 'F.i'~
nance CommIttee be adopted, and that- the Warden, sign: _ dra'(ts for
the accounts ther_ein. _ Carried. . .... ..,:,' ,_'> . ,.:,',.' '.-'
. , Maved. by'DavidM~Laws,...seconde:d bY:.Jo:JjD.Ellis'on.tl1~t\;.spe~
Clal_c~mmIttee t;o be: composed: at not}e'sstban,fiveme':rF'oersof-tbe
CounCil be apPolOted for.~~epurp~ses,af$electing,a site fora House
. of In4ustry,prQjcu~e plan'S, SP'~cifica.tton~' ar:daU,otber_'infarmation-',
c:onnected with ~be sa,rne. tbe c()st not to _excee:d. Seven 'Thi)usa~'d' Dol-
lars and.to reparta_~ th~ next.geDer~.1~~etiog'oftha,(]ouncil;:,Lost..'
, , Ye~s---:-Mande,vllle, ,SmIth,:Cocnrane,:.EllisoiI, McLaws '.._King
and Phllpott.:.'-,- ." ." :__:_',,:,:"'_,_'" _'" .'
NarS"":"ThoD:l;son', Cline Fle:ming, 'H~'gler,.. Wade,:.;\r'cG'ansland
Chu~ejJ~uff~l,:StL:a.tt~n, _Mann and EInery.:-':,' . ,.--";" .' },
Moved ?!~?~n: '.McOsusland,seco,uded .bi .E :Hegler" that the:
Clerk 9f tbls OO,uneIl be requested to write to --the Clerk's 'of the'
differentOountitis:in,Ont'aria' where l-Iauses.o-f l~duitri ana Refllie
have bp~Il,~rected _t,eqnesting--them .ta, state ._wha~,.amaunt pf L,and
they ha.vepurchase-d,' the . amount- expended' upon~the. -Building, tbe
averageexpe~l"~pfeac:h5nmate ant'! thel;ldvantages,that hsv-e re-
sulted from:their 'o1:H~rationB: Such .carrespondence la-be laid blifore
the nextmeetiDg-'of the. COtiDcil'sa'a:rtci.enable.',us:to,profit"by their
exnerience',Garried., " . _ -...--_ ,,_;-; ...:....... _,
:. ':Mr :Thom,son.snbm'it_ted By Law,j:19H9:._to'-ext,endthe :ii~e_~or
si:lHng. Lan.ds in arrears fa,r taxes,pr.rv.iaus:tQ ;IS11, wbich.rea9.& .first,
second and third lime-and dassed~
.Aftrrwhich : _ :' c,-, , - . >_ : . ,:-,.< . :_;~
, . O~ metiOn o(C_'Chute, seconde(.by,D lI,c.La:\V;s,__BY::Law~o.
180 to,c~9Il~rni By Law- No: 162'l)f,the 1Jll~icipaIi~y, pfD_unwicb, wa3
read II. ilist time-; arid afterwards re~d'.asecand and third time and
passed. _' ,- -- ^ . - -,' ,>' -, ..: ;,'_,,' ,,-,-:":_-',:
Mov(!d by U: SiIlfeJ;secoiIae'd by J Mcqa~sIa.nd, :that thi$ COUD-
cil will reimbu'rse 'lhe WSl"'de>n oI:tlle CO~Dty for.a~y,expen?es t~at
he may h:J;ve hl,c,ilrredj'orri.ay:incu'~)n':,Sl!tendinglh1'l mee'tings of the
Prov'sioHal Dfrec~als af't~e:,Er~ :auo, Niagar.a,Extension Bailway Com-
pany or in conducting nny riegociat~ons in:.or,d~r tofonyrrd the_,scheme,
this resolution. anly to 'ha. va effe'ct until the next ,meeting of to_6 Coun-
cil.Carried.... .' --" --.< ' . --. . ." c,
Eqied,by R G Fleming, seconded by EHegler, -that By Law
No 1711I?posil?:~, 'l'Oll~ ont;xe.War_ds.ville ~ri~g~ he amended so as1a
make the ra~es _charg~a~l~,onIY:OIle way,__as iu:eY l.'.aw,returning
same'dsy, free,_:a~d t~~t, t4,e ~esalutio,n ,passe,d;1e~terday- be: r_escinded.
Iname~~ment,', "_ : :_.' " ,'__. ..~":_', ,_ ....
'Ma-vcd byJ. Ciioe,'secondedby'Joh_u,_Sm:ithj'-that'By. LllW' No. 171
,~_i'th- re.rereqc,e,t~ .tha.r()n~,Ol1.the. W ardsv.ill,~' ~iidgeJ', remain as ad,,:
gltiallYiatended:,'-:'_"'_:,'_',"",:.::,,: .,,'-,"',"- ...:':. ... '...
':,AD1e_ll_~tp,eD,tJ9str_o!iginR.I:r;10nbri_p,aI'rie,dLwJi~n; '_ .. c"'_ ....'
.On;'inoiion atMf:-~1~~j~g;,.B~c9rlae~1' by..E,'Heglet,'-.Bi, :r.'aw NQ
181, granting an opproJir~atib,ri f?r ,\h:ee.-re'ction of a. Btidge'acrosg-the
RIver Thames, on the CoantyLina:between the Counties of Elcrin
Kep.t-and"Wddlesex,' wfl.!;!re&d'a.:firsttime a.ndfillallypasscd., ,~, '
J,IpY!f,dby J .A ,Philpott, 'seconded by D McLa.ws." that A E S' K
Barkley be appointed Inspectol"_',Weights and Measures for--tbe We"t
lUding.ofElg-In,..andtb-at..the By- Law :be- soamended',L-oa-t;, . -:,
,"ye-as-'-Tho~scnf Philpatt,-. Ellisan,_ ,Flemil1g, .cbute1,;:McL:aws)
Suffetand Emery.:- - , _" ,.".. ;,.
. 'NaY~-~Iann, Str(lttonj Wade, 'Heg,ler,' King,_ MSlldevillei. Cline,
Smlthar!dCochrane; .,_, . ' ',_ ... .:
On, 'motion of,G'Stiffel,seconded,bY, H: Stratton. BY'baw-Co
~82- f6':conform the. EqllalzatioD: of t.be.Assessmen;t.Ro{ls:for th~..cur-
r~nt'y_ehr was~eada -firs't ~ime,an~ afterwarda a second. :l:ud.thil'd
tIme' and finally pa9sed. , " , _ .. . .,.
On .~otion-of_ ,G ~u~eIseconded-by D McLaws, 'By Law No
183 :to' ral~e the__~um'of$19493 .for general County purpaseswas
read a first. ~ime and ~ a.fterwards fin&l1y passed.
On motton, Bv Le.wNa'184Jto -i'aise.'-$3400for ,Common: Scbooi
wos,~eada firs~ secand ~nd tljitd; timet, a,nd finally._< pasSed; ',~:, b
The OOllUClI ther;! aOJournedhIl tbe second Tues.day in Novema:
To the County Council of the Coun/yof Elgin.
To theW&l'den and-Council ot the ~ounty ot Elgin:
The Committee on Finance beglea.ve'tG.Report.:_
That having carefully examined Jnto the _financial matters ot tbe'
Coutity, and ~eestiiilatessub~itted-by the. County Treasurer, they
herewith submit aD estimate -of the _6xpenditnreroquired to provide
for the lawful purposes of the County during the current _ year;
showing a.mounts - to be raised _ for the u.nder~enti.oned purposes, viz :-
Debentures and Ooupons.. ..-.......... ...... ..... $a,O~2
Municipal Loan Fund.. u. ....-_.-......,;.~'....... '6,400'
Administration of Justice,............n...... 4,000
Board of Public Instructi.osJ-....... ....... .....; 500
Grammar SChooIs.....,~......~.............~_ 600
County Lines and Bridges,..,..... ...... ... ... 1,000
General Purpos~s, ,Officers" Salaries, Members
Wages, 'Indigent Lnnatics,&'c....~.....~
Superintendents of Schools;...~. U ... U.. u:,.
Common School~..... ..'..... .... ~_ ."..~.....
In, compiling tce above Estimate yo~r Uommitteebave 'reduced
the amounts as low _aBpracticable, withou'a~ectingthe_ credit o,f
"the County. Your Committee thereforeiecommend tbat, the sum of
Twenty-two Tho~sand Eight,Hundred and-Ninety-threeDolIars be
l'a.ist'd and levied on tlie_rateable' property of the 'several municipalD-.
ties in theOounty, as per Se-hedGle he1"ewith j and ,that the requisite--
By-laws be drawn up and _pas,sed in a.coordance. therewith, to levy a
rate, or rates, of 31 :mills_on the DoJlat,on the ratea.bl~ property in.
the Oounty" wraise saidsD,1ounts,aiJ fo1l<>ws :,_
~ldbO;O:::?~~~~~:......J~::::~' ::~: I ::~: -
DUDWicb..,.................., 393 I 2,393 I 2,191
Southwold .....~........... 556 3J804-, 4j360.
yar_mouth.................. 655 4,449: 'I' 5,104
ltlalabide.... ...... ... ...,..' 626 3,20a ~828
South Dorchester.......-... 2.65 .../ 1,652;; 1,91'1
Bayh!l-Dl...................... 582. _ 1,941 fi 2J523
vi..n......._...........'/ $3,4;-1 $I~.::: I .$22;::-
A::~l of which is. r~B.Pectfl1l1.Y 8ubmiUed..
Committee Rooml 16th Junel 1869; : Chairman
1'0.$.2 .
Q')'O(l)'~'~O~ln ,
e<I~'d1<<1.<:o. ."'1'...00001
10000000 ,
I'o~o..o~~q"o_..'t I
e.l.Qo<:<!C:>Oe<l, .
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Tr:-RBDAXlthe"C9th d~y ofXovember; 1869.,
TbeCouncil me~at9 ~o'<:loc~ forenoon.
Tbe__Warden in the chair.
. MeIIlbe:s pres~n-t~Messrs~ :Tbomsori, Smitpl -HegleI::Flemingl
~lllson,.Chne,-PhtlpO!t. Cochrane,. Chute, 11cLaws,_-S~rattoD, Wade,
Huffel s.Dd Mann., \:',_"&_ . _ .
The proceedmgs,of the last -day of the _prevIous Session ,were
read and. authorised to be aiO'Ded.
The Warden addressed the Council relative to Ra,ilw8.Y and'o~her
matters. .. - ,
After wbicb,it: was_mcved,by D.~cL~ws~_ ~econded hy G. Snffel,
That the G~ntleman reprGsenting-the ;.Michigan AirLine Railway
be beard before this Council-Carri@d;; ",', ':.~ I
ColoD.al Kitton:. of tbe M.ichigan A~r Lin-ebein~present addressed
iha CouuCII respectmg an amendment ta '!;he charter of the Erie and
Niagara Extension Railway Company, Jor}be c"OIl.&tlluctiau'ofa
Branch fram St. ThQInas t.o ~be St. ,Clair Rh"er.near MoaretOWD
Af~er wbicl::! it.vf"aS_~aVed,l:ly.G~Snffeli'secoDded'hy H, StraitoD,
That t,hls CaunCll~ te~,d!l,r'a. ~at~~<!f.'1.h~nks.~o'_CoL J{iIitOD, tbe repre.
B,entatlye of. the 1.hchlgan~Alr ;LmeRall,wah forctb~~:ve-ry -valual;>le, in.
tal'!ll!l.tleD grren. to, this Council-in' . relatian_ ta ..the' p:roposed Ible .of
~allway fram St. Thomas ta Meol'etawn an the St. Clair River"':""Car-
r~. " -'.-
. Sheriff Munro ~lso addressed the Cann~i(con~er;ing -the B;:~nch
naIlwaytoSt,:Clah'.: _ .._ _'. .'.' '.' . ,-_, ".
Alter wh!ch~,. i~ w~;;~~i:~r.1: ~~~:S;:~a~cj_ '~~lcon9:-e~ by_::r..A.-Phil-
patt, That thIS CouIl;ml:adJQurn1111:to.m.or~ow'motning~t9 o'.c!pck~
out o~ re~rect-.t_a tbe :late.:~H;Manqeville,;:Esq'l~fohner)j member-
of thIS' Ca,unell',and that the. Wardeit be nutharised t9;,add1'ess a.
1elte:.' .of condolenc~ to his widow on b~half~f,;tlIis:G(iuncfl::""G~r.ried:..
TbeWarden ih tbe.'cbair;:'_:":' :"I'~_~~~e:dn~:~~d~Y, ~~v. iii. _
; Mem?;~rs pres.~nt~Me~S'~s:~Tbo~sop,'in~ming,'Phnpa~t,l M~'r.~ws~
Su}fel, Smlth'cElhson, Cochrane; Chne;,'Ma-nD ;Wade ',Hegler Caute
Stratton '_~ .. :,-,~-""',' -- . "
'i:i }fro WadeiDfqrmedc-the,Caun~iI, :\h~tMr; Ktni,' Re,~~e 9"fYar-
roputh, wa-s absent on account .of slCknessand Mr.,Suffe! ,'states tbat
M~ssrs._ Ejp-erya1;ld, Mcp~uslili~d."we~~ ;BbE~nt,on u~ge_~t business,
,__ Tb~ p~oceedlngs of tne:,preV"lQllS_' da.rwere read--and'-autharised
ta be sIgned.' __: . . ",:.-:' , ,-;,' :,~ .:,: '-:,
The_f;ollo:wing communications -w!ere~hen re~:d;:,"""Ffom ~heriff'
:~unro, \~,l_thr:portofI!1sp,e~tors, a~ Pr,isons',on ::tn.a Qq_untyJaH ~ I
i'~ R. k ?,arrI~on, ,re,sp,e_ctID$ 'C:~rrle ~oad Bridge ;.Lawsuit j from
~~ COll~Cl1 .of the. C~unty:.of:Sl,mcoe,re~pectiog' 'amelldments 'lQ
th~_ Schaal A~tj fram_t~e::.CountyofWaterloo :concerning House-
.of Industry ; from the:,U~i~e~ :CauIl:ties qf Sta;mon.t Dundas and
G1~ngarr'y, inreferen'c~:_ to .:~1ie.'G()nit?on, :School ~ct;' fr9..l,D ~bomas'
Backh()tJ~~, _concerl).!n.g the opeIl\ng oJ,a roa_~ n~!';:r,tlle Town, Line!
h~twee1;l'Malabide', an"d, Yar;mGutlI'j fromtbe "Wilrden to'CClunty. 'l'rea.-'
snr~r,: Warr,ai1pqsell :l~Qd,s;'"_fr~II{T;p. :\Y~:r~e~~" ,tbt De~uty _<?l~rk
,of.the' -Crown, ,1vith:pre.!ientllIe~t'- 9fqraI:r~t:J" ur)';;',~eJ)t,ember ,ASSI~~S j
- trpfn,J'{ical Kll:igsmill;ackQo"\Vledgine:n~'of-'ie.ceipfof.-~OPY ~f res()l~t,iou
in reference" to . Southern Ral.l:w.~",j,:f~(lri{s:_ .'Y~ ~~~'gjn~lr, ,Inspect,OL"
of Prisons.j framC~,u_J:lty, Tr~asure~r; :nth'st~te~ent,o~;Finances~-
:_:~'Noveif',by"G.; 'Sliff~l,: ~'?,caDde:~, by }j~' O~~te,_Tl1.f\tthe,.rfipnitof the
;Prisan Inspet;lt?r of'~be Prov~ri<:e,:of'pntliria:_~ith r;f!ference:~o-tliepr6~
ppsed,_l}ltepltions' ~~J~e ,q?U.D~Y .J1l'!~~n~'t~;eeI:e:~t.io.~ ,~fa~wa}l fI.:,~un_d
the .Jall,yard,-be -lalCt-ov~J;' U'!l~l~-.t~~~an~a!'r ~:e~_~~ng,~f tbe (}_a~~_cnt
'ltn~ furthe~.that:the COuncil - ~pproV:e o~);Jle $~e:ps- taken ~by'}~e, J ~H
.comriJitte~'_~i~*:r~feI;:e~~,r ~:o-: t?,~ '~,~it~}~~_t;~ti~pg7G:~,t~~~d:.:. .__':' :,,< ~,':'
__ ,Mo-ve~lby;_G. S~~el_~~,~~ea~~e:cJ..:-PY p.}~,~,~\e,:rh,at ~~~s~r~.}}A1i4~s,
:Manb and S'nith, beadp.ed-,t,9:,-t~~ ,Co~mltt,ee"otl; F;lDaD,ce,~n;~1fl.,~e
.of J,IriAJ:and.ev;illel:4e:f1~8:sed, '~H~;~~~.5r~~ ~~~ri-: ia:;ui, ~f5q~1:Island,
absent-Carried." ". '>."-,:""
,,1loved by D.'_Mc~a"-W:~.i~ee~nA~~})Y- Cb,a~.:9:l~~l~i,:Tpat_tP~ cam-
trl.~nieations;:r~ceiv.edr~~'p,llctJllg.al;t~r;~~io!l~yr~~,as,ed ta t,h~ ...l?().m~()}l
Scbool Act; belaid1->6fore the. COl:!1~ltttl:~ appolD~ed ta con~Ider?: th&
's~ia:Sch6Qf.t\~t~C~'t'ri:e:d,::' ",-' ;_':'''_':;''' 'c_,' _ "-'___,'~':_':' .:' ,'," .."_:,
", ,:"M~d~~by,'9-.,.Suffel;',!?e.cofde~ ,,~j)J~J\rarr'll;,.th~t)lIe_; {aif~~-~
. D1itt;~e'p'e ,!,e,~~'ested-tQ-p'rocll~e 1\ b,~~,JIll'ed,)vith.BP.~~t ~1.np_t~_Q~,l?I,aeed
_ara_und the"st~veiri.the.CQurt_:R,oom~Oarrie_!i~,: ," _'0 ~ ....._:' J
!\16,ye~'::by,.G~_'._S.lltrel,)<;,ct:)tt~e'tt;~f, ~;: N-c~,a~s'~:~~'at ~he:,C()~~.~il
ndjoutI;l t~n'half~p~st.:'on_e;' -o'c~ock.~' lI,1'o~~~r,-,tha,t . ph,a, a,o,m?1~t!~~"on
'Financemay meet-Carried. '." .' . -' "' . >" -,
Tbe Council resumed. - ..> '.
'Mr/E.11lery'-enlerEld t~e ;OatincilRboni~and-took his:sel1t..~
'Moved- by,:S'('Wade;\s~eonde'd,.b"Y-'cJ .:E1VS9Dj iTlhltthe reI!.ort, ~rtl)e,
,Commi'ttee"o~-'Fitiallce;)?e}eee}v-ed a,?d-,r_?ad;:-.c-a::ii~(K; -, . ..., ,",," '
The Cle_rk'reaif repor,t'of:F:mance .GoD1~mlt,te'e"aft-er WhICh, It was
'. ,:,..Mov'ed,by,E.:Regler,'seconde.d~,by:R:'F,;Eletnin:g, .Tha,t !he,repurt
_ of ,the Finance Committee be adapted,and- that_the;Warden Blgndrafts
for..;<,the:, accounts' ,therein apecified,.;.,.,Carrind;. J .
; Mayed: by:-R;,Cochrane, ;Becond~dby .Jjo~n]misanf ,Tbat jhe eom.
.:IDunication .re~ative.to the-Ilouse:--9f;1hdtistrYi,be~:now:,taken, _up-
:."Carried;. .', ;- ,-' ; '." ,,,. .;' ,.'-,," ",..- "'.-; ',: . ......',., ,
I","-' Mav:.edby.:A.:Thainson;'sec;o~OOd:.J\'A,:-'Pbilpatt, ,That the;Qlerk
be authorisedta have 3'lOcopies.of;the:proceedirlgsofthia,Gon-n/?ilge
_pr~n,te,d ;iD~..phal!ll~t::fqrJn:{'pQ.-., ~pi~?A()"e~;~.h "t9'~~,shiR Il19l,)i,l?ipality.
aDdi2~ ~~opie_s._ (or;, t4~;V..i,n~~_9JXie~a,',. ~nd ;thflo~- Baid. :p~m'ahl.~:~,c ~o.
\)e _ pr.i:rl,ted"a,ll:9- di.a,t::ib,u,~cd b;;, i t',~~ lq~h,d~y' .~fDec~m ~er :ne,;J-r,\Jfl,r~Ie~.
,': -; i ,:!I;1Qye,~- bi,:.G. :S:'ugel ,~_~;c~y.,9-e4-1?y.-:l? ~I!l;qL(LWs,,:~'ha;t}J;i.is'_9(),u,n~li
petition{lie Legislature of Ontaria 'at' its 'PreselltcSe~,ai9Jl,~a.,t:J:Yl.~;au
ltplen4m!lnt '.ll).the.,AsseasIl!,en,t; Actiar -1869,'s,o,tb~tlll.nds:dsertlsed
- for sale' for arrears' of ta;X:~i~,~J':(h~ .s~I,~,jn_~~e~~l3q~crl,laliti~_3 ~n, ~N9h
they are located, in place oftJ?1E..Q99.,~ty Town as at present-Carned,
~()Ted, by, ,~_. JI~g~r'_ sec,Qp:!i,cll.by J, Cline,ThIl.t the cansideration
of the"'subje?_t 'of ~~,~o'u'se'of Industry for this CauIl;tYI.be.laid,Qvetl
", tQt .~uture:conside)'a-ti,()ll" ':::,),,~.:r ' .:, ,-', '"'' ~ . "_'c..', . ,-
! ~
-Yn_ llm~amen-(ilrst,' mov:e~' _by IL Cochrs.ne,_s_econded _ byJ.
- Smith, That a, comm,ittee. eon~isti,ng _of tho. W ai4euv O1er~, MElSsra.
.EIlisODj ~cLaws andStiffel, be appointed to__JLdvertige for_asriitabl&
.sit'e for _s House~qfIDdu'stry,',re_reive:plat1s, specifieati,ons' alld _esti..
mat~s" Dot _ to _ e'xcee~)ti ,all Te~-_Thousan~D.ollar~Jsaidcommittee
to -r.eport atJanu&ry ~s~~qiLC?f e~.un~il~,i:' ,,',' '
Iu amendment,sepol1d,) moved, byA..Tbomson, -seconded_by R.
G~_ FlelIling,Tbat no_aetion::_b!,)aken,by this.CanJ)cil at 'present
wIth regard _ t()_t~e_.b:u_ildiiig qf'.aHQuse:,ofIndnstryand _ Refuge. and
ta'at,tbis Council_Lotify. ~lie ,GoDnif 9onn~il_ ot Middlesex,. that this
. Council.Isw_illing: to co~.op_e:ra.~e' 'With . ~e: Countyo.~ lfiddlesex il:l
bui1diJig'& Honse :oflndnstry and,:_Refilge ,a(s,ome conv,enieut place in
the Coun~ies,o(Elgin s~ld Middl~seK, as a'committee from eacn County
tila.Tagree-tlpoll,: Il,~d:_'t~,a~:~his .'9~un~il :pay ~owards_bni1dingAJ1d
:maintairii_ug the SaIlle~l\9c'o~dillgt~, p,?p~I:\tion.,
, ;'The firat-andse'cond amendments were lostZandthe'main,motion-
carried.- __" . "". ,,'
Move.dby'~, M6I.iaw~,:se:.c()l!'d~ilbiE',-E:eitie~''l'liat_ this_ Council
'.do '~xamine into ~h,e Se,c,urities_pf the_0011ntY,'rretlsurer-9al'l'ied.
J.foved byA. Thom8on,-seconded:by J. ~:mIleJ_:'TJjat__ s,' committee
'Of, thr~e.. beappoiotedto:examioe ,into .tM, C.ountr_ Treasn~ers bonds
"and, report to ,this Ca~ncil Jo;,nlqrraw_ : m9r,nin,g,- said,committee , to
'be 'composed ofthe Warden,. M~ss'rs.,S~i'el, ,and. .C:O:~hrane~arried. '
:_ ';'.' M.oved ,J.A. Ph.ilpat~,'~ec,onde~, by)); ,McLaws, 'rhatA.E. S. K.
, Barclay ,be., ap,painJed~;b9_pect.or- of weights and_measnres. ',f.of, th~
West Riding' ofthe'Oounty Of Elgin; ,8ndthat'_ tbeBy;Law,beso
amended-Lost. ' ", '
Mave.d-,by'.T., A.:Pqi1pott; ~e~anded \byA..Tbomso,n,. ~hat' thi3
Cauncil. authorise the_:Clerkt,ocolle_cb th~apporti.onmen_t. belonging
'ta this Connty of,t1I6_ToJls: colle~ted8t_the" yvardsv:il,lelnidg.e,And
n.ow' in the hatlds,'ofthe,Middles_exConDcil~Cll.rried~ "':
Maved by W'~ Y~EmerYlseconded: C. Ohute,'That this C()uncil ap~
point W~ G. Wonham, ofIngersoU, ;to' examine therO'ad all.owance .on
the T.own Line between:'Malabide a.nd Bayham betweeu,'the ,fourth
and eighth eaDcessioDs,and<report,theprobable:cost' 6t6periing 1'IIp
said road; grading .bills; .bnildi~g bridges and making it fit'for>6rdin:-
sry _travel, if prac ticable, and rep.ort to this. C.ouncil at the next-meet-
ing,' and that tbe mnnicipalities"af Bayham,and Malaliide pay an equal
pr.oporti.on-ofthe_expenses;.;...,;Carriad.';, .': ' . .
Mirved ,1)y .G.- 'Su~et'seconded'bYI>,.:McLaws, ThafMr.-Flem~
ing,- Deputy, Re~ve' .'.of, A1~borci; fe _appoin~ed ,bY- this Conncil. tDget
the T~l1 H.ou8~at- the ':Wards'ville',_brid_gerep'aired, and -als.oto get a.
T.oll gat~'erec_te~'onaaid:bilige;and t~is_c.ount'y..pal one bal_f!:to
1h,eexpense--Carried~ " ,,_ ,',_ _" .,
'.. .: Moved by E. Hegler. se:eon~ed,by-C.Chute,. That tbi,sCauneil
adjourn ,till' nine .o~elacldo.morrbw'marnihg.:" .:: ~.'
Hegler, S,mi:th, EllisoD,' Cochra.U:e-t, Wade-. Buffel 'MlUln Eme Sill 't-
ton,.GlineJ Chute.. ._ '. .' ,-' - -, ., ry" a
'T~e proceedings'otthe .pre-vionS 'day-'were'readaooauih t'-j;
to besIgned._ . _ _, -, ". ___ ,- '._ _ _'__:,' ..... '. or_Be
The ~arden ,re_ad B:communieation from ~hoJ:OOS: Mafthe'W&
Esq" Warden ofthec.o~ntYof~orfolk, _rclative'to too .operaii f
tbe House ofIndlIstry lD th~twu~t.Y,. -__'_ -, _'__ . . ,.oIl 0
The Warden -als.o Subr.nltte~'a'communic~;.tion_'from-W:J,'Mac~,
daneH, Sec,::ta.ry .of theeomLll:lttee for tbe'reUef.of -the Bliti<(witfl.
draft of pet hI on to t.he Legislatnre'an tbatbehalr- ",," __ '
llll. .ttZth~yrer,orrtEolfl,tbe commd. i2~e()'n 'publia'Improveme.t!)ts- w..as. sub..
m. . 18on,an .re.w;. . . ". ,'. . ,
After- which,
M.r. Fleming mpved, sOe~ed by:C; Chute.' Tbatt~: fa art'9f the
comnuttee on pubbc.Jn1prov~e9:ts. ~ereC_eiyed-:-:-Ga~rieQ:._"p . _'
Moved by A.. Tb~mson. s~,~on-4~!!byJ.' A,:PhHpott;Thattha
report of the commIttee on pc,bhc~Imp]'ovements be adopted~Qarried
. Mond, by D., MeLaws-.,~cond~d by R, G., Flemilli, That il.-ootn:!
mlttee~ ompose~ of. ,Messrs. . Mann, 'Hegler,_EUisont< Snft"el:,and'th&
m.over, ta examIne lnta:tbe e-harges'Dl"ade agawt Mr.01aris "wIth.
power, to, call far persons and-papers-:..L.ost :- , ,t, :
Yeas-McLaws,_Flemi,ngJ O,ocb.raoe. .~. "::
Smit~abi;~~p~~~n~:t~~:~;o~~&IJChute,Hegler, EllisaD{W~~de
~r. . Snffel,' chairman, of the, Special C.ommHtee a oint d
exammemta t~e.Treas.urer'sJ~9:nd,sllbmitted_rep.ort. ,PP, e..' to-
M.oved,by A. T'.h?ms.ou,'seoonded_by'J-. .A:..Phtlpatt~ _That tb
report, of the -c.ommIttee.. ap.p.ointed t.o ; examine" into' the, C6G-Ilty.
Tleasurer's B:onds, berecelYed ~nd 'rea:d~Carried. .
Repo-rt read . .......,
After whicb,_it was.
Meved 'by R.~; FleDl'i?gt seeondl:ld ,by,E.. H-egler, That the--
repo~t..of the CO~DlIt.tee l:!oppoHlted ,to_ in-vestigate the 80lvencl of the-
surette,s of the Connty TreaEl~er, beadopted-:-Carried.
'Moved ,by C. '~hnte, s6Co'n-ded by S. Wade; ~ ,Tbatthe- ci~rk be- _
auth.orised t.o n.otIfy M-l. Oscar Smith -ta opent,he road establ" h _d
bet~een Lots No.s-: 2'[ an.d,2S, jn tJ1e faurth cOD,oossian of Yarm~Sutt.
whIch bas been laId out In plar.:e of part of thetowns:b:ip,liriebet'we ;.
Yarmqutb and' ,Malahide-Carried._, -,~", '.' .... ":',:.,:':" ..en
Moved by C., Chute, secoUded by' G.,Suffer, That'By-LaW' No; IS
t.o confi~mBy.Law: No. ]80ot the municipality of ' Mala hide be:- d"~
a1irst tIme-CarrIed. .' . .. _ _,' . .' _, ,', rea
MovedbyG. SuffeJ;' seganded be-a-Chnte, TbatBY.Law:N() 185-
to,confirm~y~LawNo.180of the- muni~ipa:lity or: Malabida,be'read
0. second tIme. .. ,_ '.
Moved by_ G. . Chute,. _seeo~ded by D.. !Ji~LawgJThat -B;~Law
No. 185 ta. eon,tirmBy~Law: No.. 180 of th& municipality of Malabide
be read a. thIrd trmeandfinalIy passed: "'. "- ......._. t
Maved by ,D. ~cLaw~, sece,oded byG:. ~uft'e1, That By.Law No,.
18?t.o c.onfir~ BY._Law.N.o. 169;oftbe mUDlclpal Cooncilofthatown';'
ship of DUllW,ICb,. be., readQ firt1t ti:ne-Oarrie'd~ .'
. _ ~hur~dti.y ;",thej't.tb -day, cf Nov .
The Council met at nine o'cI.ockforenoon., Tbe Wai'deninthe chair'
Members present-:MellsrsITh.om9on, Fleming, PbilpattJMcLawa-'
i\Ioved by c~ Chute, s~rib'Daed ,hy])~ -Mo:-LaW~lThllf By~L~w
No. 186 _ toconfirm,By~,LalVNo., 16.9pf the: muni ,c_j_p~l OOtiDcilor-the
township of Dnnwicb,he read l\ second time-Ca.rried:,: _,_ ,'''' :,'
-'-.,' ,,]JovE;ld bYP.1UcLa.ws, seconded_byG:.Ch;ute,Tbat BY:cI..Iaw No. 186"
to. co'n~rmBJ'~La.w:_No.,_1@_9_ of-th,e"mu,niciv_aHty,pf. ~ha___t9wnsbip of"
Dlinwfch, be read a. third 'time, I.l.ud: finally p,assed, ,"
On ,1Jlotioo: of,M!" ,S,uffel, _'s~'conae( by _ O. Ch~te. :_~9,e _ Council
adj:Onr'oed"tiU2,()'doc;k., . - ,.. '.
Tbe Council-~s_uIlled. . ":', __",: _,_ _., ,<. ,_,_ _ _ ,.._",
Th~ W ~rden_.r;earia_c~m,ll1u:ni_~(ltion ,rro!U the _GOU:lty _ 'l'reag!lrer~
Moved H. !If. 'Maon,s-ecotided _: ~y_ w. _ r,;.,Emer:y,That " t~l3;
COUD_ty Treasureris hereby requested 'to.' advertise the~sale of'L,ands
inar,rears fpr Taxes-in. ,t/1e, newspaper, that. will do it ,the_ chea pest-
Lb;st~; ......':_,.',;'_,'__ ,-",;:,, ,,,:-' ,'.'....<,:-,..,' ,~' : ',"" '___,
. Ye.'l.s~Eniery, jriiqn;":StJ:attp_r1_J,;.Jj;IVso,e; _Sm._hb, 'C.line an,dPbi1pott.
~,.._Nays....:..S.uffel,_ C~~~~j ~,c~~ws;.~,eglerJ,F,le':.Ilillg; .p_ochrane, Wade,
aIu:i.TIiomson~''''.--''-',''.'''_'''-'',. - '_ " _.'
. '. " - " -,,';,;', ' ,- ,,", -,-" ',', ," "- '-,-: , ",' "'~.' '. '
~Qved_by R'Cochra!le,~ecl)n4,ed)-y ,G. Suffel;. Tha-t this 0o:unci,~
respectfu]ly,r.ecomDl_end, Ml'.;-::<,JlariS,_,beleafter, to advertise" aU,sltles
of Land for arrearspL,~axcs ir,l_tbe -newspaper having ;the largest
circulation in tbe county-.-Last._,: :,"'e,' _:,;." , ~
'X e:as~Suffeli, Ch.ute}: J\IcLaws)_ ,E"egler) Oacbrane; ,Thomson and
FleminD'. _.' :':, :,,_,_:/c,:.. "
- - :Nays-Eme.ry, ,Mat;n. Stratton,:.Elli~on..:W /l.~eJ ;S'mith,. ClineJ-_ll nd
Pbilpott. ,,':,"':::;_ ;;-,0'", '~'.{: ,:-",:''1
lItov:ed by W;, 'i\ E.merY,.'l;!eco.nde,d. by: ,R. .-Strs.,etOri, -Tbl\t~ thi
Coun_9:il ha'Yi~~,he8r~,:~~[iI)'eNrt.'o(,G,T.~ Claris,;Esq., wifhreferp.no
to. certain cbarges,J,lroqg~t.,a-gainst,;bim))y -certaiu,Mwspapers"do
hereby express their most confidence in bimas Caun~y"T-l',easurei:j and
that tbey cansider said charges unwarranted~L9st~
:Yeas--..Emery, .}!aQD." b'tratton, Ellison, Smith'j Giin-e a~d:,phi-ip~tt.
-Nays--..Suffeli Cbute;McLaws, Heglerl Fleniing)-Cbchr~iie,_;Wad"~
and Tbomson.:--'i':;' . ',.," , ..... _. ;'!'
'. .'Movf;ldby G;"Su~I}~.a:eqond:p.d:,.by_ a.Chute,_ That the;-JaiL:com_
roi,ttee,:bea.I,l,~harised ,togeta-sup.pI.y -of woqg.jo.r .the use--ofthe:Cq~z:t
HOP1!eaIld ,J;a.il~,Canie:d~..",~: ',,',;:"_ __', '
.....):roved.:~y "G:. '~l1~el,. se~Qnde,d hy .~;. .St-rattOI1, ,That". tbe,'rurtber
consideration 'of tbejBy-Law gran.~ip.g a~d to:t1e E,rie:;'and,':Niagara
]~x~ens~~n; ,Ita-il'way COgJp~n'y{ be -laid: aver ,till next: meeting oJ this
COllllcil~"Carried~. .,:_,' "::_'_>:__:' ~_, . ; . __ .
'Moved'hy R Cochrane, seconded by.O, Ohate:.-That;,aDele.,.
gatio.~i'cOnsi$tingofT,M~airnJ Esq,:and OoUn -Munro1'be,a.;committee
at .~oronto,:wit~p.o~-er,to,caH tlpan any otJaers ,tbey may deem,
proper when reqUIred, thIS Council to pay the e:xpenses-"7}.jotput~
..-:Inamendment.:firs,t. . '
":\Ia~_ed: hy,8 \Vade,s.e.conded by-JClinej_, That the W~~d~n, AIr _
Suffel and Sheriff Munro) be appointed a delegation to&TorQnto ta_pro.;
cu:reamend:ments' ~o~beOharter of the Erieand. Niajjo~ra :Extension
RaiJwayCompany--:-Not. put. '" ,
In.amEmdmeJlt, second,., '" ,~ : ,"
Moved by 'IN y' Enie!')., seconded by p U .\IannI That CoJi~
iiniiroiEsq~ tbe.Warden and tbeReeves of the several MunicipalitIes
be a co.immttee to. proceed -to Toronto to. forward the interests of'pro-
'curing amendI!:.ems to the Charter ,cf tho Erie and Niagara Exten-
'sian Railwn}' Company~ and that this county agrees to pay all neees~
sary expfi-n.ses-Garried. .,' ,,' _.
Second amendment carried, first amendment and roaiii motion'uot
put. . _, '.' ,
The ,reas and nays bf;'ing cane~ f(Jr by' Mr Cline On the secodd
amendment, WE're taken down 8ilfollows :_
Yeaf~Emer,)', MaUD, Stra~ton .SUifilJl Ghu'te, ~cLawSJH'ijg:ler~
Fleming, Ellison, Cochrane, dmlth, iihilpbtt and Thoriison.
Na.rs~Wade and_Gline.
After wbicq, it Wll.s
Moved by _ S 'Wade, seconded by J ClineJ That the cost of the
a.eleg-alillll appointed to' proceed to Toronto to proeore amendments
to thfi' Charter of the Erie and Niagara Bxtension Railway J do noi
exceed the sum of $200-Lost.
Yf'8s-Wadeand Cline.
NaJ's-Eriiery,JfaDn~ Stratton, SuffeIJ Cacbrane) Chutej McLaw~J
Hegle-r, Fit mif1~,Elli:3on" Smith, Philpatt and Thomson.
,Moved by J Smith, se-col.idfi'd by D Alannj That tbis. Council adopt
a petition as be:-eunto. a:lDe-xed to be prest'oted to the LegiahLtnre of
Ontllrio for the purpnse otJ->roci'iiring an amendment. to the Ohar~
ter of the Erie an(j Niag-ara Ex:tEm~iotl RKiIway Coml'liuy to enllbl'e
-Said Company to construct a Branch from St. Thomas to :St.. Clair
Riyer-near Mooretottn, audfor other perposes. and tbatthe War-
(len sign the same on behalt' af this Cauncil and attach the Seal of
thpCorl'i>r~tjon tbereto"':"Carried.
Moved hy J CHm',. secohded by J A Pbi.lpott,'Tbat a vote of
t.hanks :b~ rendered bytr..is CoUncil tjj the Warden, Treasurer find
_CI~rkj for die flsilbrul discharge oitbeir duties in th-eirrespective
Ofii'cesdlJdng the present YE'a~Carried.._ , ... '" _ .
- ,S!l,ved by G Suffel, se("onded by W Y Emery; That, the SUDi
of $'15 he ~ranted to T M Na.iroj Warden of the Count!, for extra.
services l'erformed by bim in his capa.city of Warden for [be present
,yea-i-Oarried. . . '
'. }'loved,by G SuffeIJspcondpd byD ).rc~.aws, That the Council ad";
;Journ until tht:' First dal0f January nei:1iaiid the Warden sign a. dftlft
tor members wa.ges. i