1870 Minutes Elgin County CounCil Pmceedi!lgs. / , /; ;',Il )1 h' SPECIAL SESSION, SATURDA'i-, Jamia~y i, 1870. The Couticil met at tert o'clock in the forenoon. The Warden in the chait. J\lenibel's p'resent : Messrs. Thomson, Elli<:son, Chute, Fle'inirtg, Cochrane, Emery, Philpott, King, HegIAl';':M:cLaws, \Vadej'Cline, Smith, }fcCausland, Suffel, Stratton and }'[a.nn. Thepr'bce:edili,gsof the last day of the previous session were read and signed, after which the Wal'den addressed the Council. Tl~e following cOln'mutiications were then r~ad : Frolll W. G. Vlonham, Pl'ovincialLand Surveyor. Fr)m the Clerk of the Middlesex County. Council, 1'8- Rpectingthe Currie Road Bridge. The Olerk submitted the County Treasurer's Bond, which was read. It was then moved by G. Buffel, sec~nded by C. Ohute : that the comnumications just read by the Olerk be laid over for future considerac;ion-until the first meeting vf Council Oll the fourth Tuesday of this month. Carried. ) Mf"-< ...^' I ~ ! , " II ,I " \ l I r: , II i, I, il; h 'it! ,It I i i Ii Ii II I.f: 'it I" i: f, l li\1 'II ,'I 'I' II I'; :r III 1'1 III j ~ !,II 1. ,f 11,1]' , i l j l ~ y.,.; --~-.~'^_. ---=--- 'I' :-__C~:'$; '-'s; - u -r --~----...- ~ I, II I' ,I Ii I, ;'~ ';0 , I ~ I'" , :~ " It 'I! 't Ilr Ii It 11! !I!' l!l lit: "i" " ,I' , Ili '!: Ii ,!I I' 4 "i- !Ion'd by D. n-fcLa;;s, seconded by E. Hegler: that be- fore reading the By-Law, granting fifty thousand dollars in .aid of the Erie and Niagara Extension ,Railway Company, the report of the Ccmmittee appointed to go to Toronto to .assist in getting the Chartsr amended, be heard. Carried. Tbe Warden made a ~tatement to the Council respecting the RaiJway BilL . Moved by R. Coehrane, seconded by S. 'Vade, that 1\-1:1'. 'V. A, Thomson be now, heard, on behalf of theOanada Southern Line. Carried. lVII'.. Thomson being present, addressed the Council in ref- erence to the Railway Charter. The vV;Arden then read opinion of 1\--1:1'. Mann, the Ceunty SoliCItor, regarding-the Railway By-law. Sheriff J\funro, Mr. McKellar, and l\-Ir. l\feDougall also .addressed ,the, Council respecting the Railway BilL u.foved byR~ Oochrane, seconded by J. ,Ellison: :that as a dOllbt bas been expressed as to the legality of the By-law, granting fifty thousand dollars t,) the El'ie and Niagara Ex- tension ,Railway Oompany, on account of the change of name in the amended Oharter, - therefore this Oouncil deems it expedient to take 110 . action in the matter until. a new By-law has been submitted to the people. Oarried. lVloved by S. Wade, seecinded by,R. Cochrane: that the,: Counciladjourns'ine die, and th<.l.t the vVarden signa draft for members' wages. Elgin County Council Proceedings. FIRST SESSION. FIRST DAY. 1: { ,j,! TVESDAY, J anua-ry 25, 1870. The members of the Municipal Council of the County cf Elgin met this da.y, in the Oourt House, St. Thomas, at noon, in accordance with the provisions of the Act 29-30 Victoria Ohapter Fifty-one. . , The following memhers presenteu certificates of appoint~ ment to office, as Reeves, and Deputy Reeves of the s€'veral :lVlunicipalities; and of having made the requisite declaratio~s of office: ~-i'. NAMES. OFFICE. MUNICIPALITY.\~ .JOHN McKILLOP, Reeve, ALDBOROUGH; Dl' NIEL McKILLOP, Deputy Reeve, do. JOHN A. PHILPOTT, Reeve, DUNWICH. DAVID McLAWS, Deputy Reeve, do. JOHN ELLISON, Ileeve, SOUTHWOLD. RODERICK COOHRANE,Deputy Rewe, do. JOHN SMITH, do. do. STEPHEN WADE, Reeve, YARMOUTH. JEHIEL YORK, Deputy Reeve, . ao. JOSEPH MARLATT, do. do. T. JYI NAIRN: Reeve, l\fALAHIDE. CHARLES OHUTE, Deputy Rewe, do. JOHN McOAUSLAND, do. do. W. Y. E_MERY, Reeve, BAYHAJI.f. HENRY STRATTON, Deputy Reeve, ao. P. ;VI. MANN, do. ao. GEORGE SUFFEL, Reeve, VIENNA. ED\V ARDHEGLE.R, Reeve, S. DORCHESTER. JOHN BALLAH, Dep-uty Reeve, do. WILLIAM MoKA Y, Clerk T. M. NAIRN, Warden. ( 6 , The meobers present were caEed to ol.de,' TI . 18 Clerk in the chair. . \Vben it was moved. - by J. A. Philpott e 'd] b"- C Y. E h. -.., ,T' -.. .. T' ,s con e( y Vi. . mery t ~t . T.l-"I. N anll.be Wanlen of th C" ' the ensuing year, .. . e . o""'y for .;:,In_~mend~'en:t,_I_nove~'by R. Cocbrane,~econdedbyP .af. Mann: that John l\IcCausla.nd be ,v. 'do f'" "," .... . . at en or t.ne ensu- Ing year. Aitieridrrterl.t lo~t~ a:rici- lllairi -motion .. car~'ied. rhe qlerk declared J\fr.Nairn dtlly elected 'Varden. .The .'~larden:macl~ the declaratio f ffi b' E J d E- .. ",' .. n 001 ce e~ore His :01";_ u g~ .. u~hes, anda:ddressed the OounciL (J ~~:f0110WlUg cOIll~uni_0ations were then read: ~r~.~~..,. D. .~. ~ughes, respecting new Act dt f b.. voncernin2' the a.u 1 mg 0 pu lie accounts:. '-' Fl'O~t.li(~nddie-s~x County Clerk-' -: -'.. . and Cliriie'Road Bridges. ' I espectmg vvardRville From R. G. Flefuiu0" ,'e'. --, -to ., ^_ . 1:)' spec: mg toll O'ate at "iT ..; .11 Erwg€l. ~ mQSVl e iJ- From J. E., ~feGann; Deaf ai1d Dumb Institute E ton. '. , am- Fro';' J p' J\Iart .1 ' ,.. ditor. .:... ,yo., ma i:mg application' fer oince of Au- BI,!rdomT, W._~LMeDonaid, Secret.aI'Y of Instruction for tl,e 111, Ol'onto. From tl~ County' '.. oJ' L h Ii d .-::.' . ..am ton, relSpectinO' excise duty on Ie ue petrolenm.::> From'the d.:;u.ntv of O~f;'- if . bread-stuff~: ~. X:01: ' regar,dlng import duty, on From the Co t f So. .- . :tm y 0 Imcoe, rehtive to b From D J R'n'. .~' '. ss~ssmentAct. _ '.'_ ._ .:.. ug .e8, l'espectmO" Enos H -b stahle, lri~u"red \\'hileon d\dv. b uns ~rger, a eoT".- Fl.om Co'unty 0' K "" . ~ . ent reSYJectm "b't , .L' g a~ 1 rators ,or brid"e , I::> . , 7 1'1 \-~~ 'From jIid<ll\GS0X Trea!'lur~r, with stat.ement of~t?U~ col: lected at \Yardsviile-Bridge: From Finance COIIiLUlttee, St.Thoru~s COUl~ty G:ra,Il:lIDar School. . - .' ,'- Petition-: John _Liddell_al"l:d 27 others, in fa:vor.of J. "fri. Clark, for office of Local Superintendent.' .. .- Petition: Ale~Rndel' MeN eil and 236 others, respecting sit~ forbridg0 at Currie Road. .' ~" Proceedings, joint Committee, Elgin and 1IrIid_~le~e~, ?~ site for bridge near (hllT~e Road. . ,.- Moved hy _George Sufi'el, seco~dedby Charles Oh~l~: th<it the sey:eral' co_m:munications b~fore the Council ',be laid over J.or f1,lrth~rcollsiderp"tjon juntil t.bcmorro~. C,irried. M~v~d by Jphn -Ellispp,seconded by D: McLn.ws: that the Warden appoint a special Oommittee of three, to ~trike ~h!'l ~t~~dipg qlJp:1.~i.t,~e~_~oJ?, '~a.I?:q~'; ~dllCi~tion; ,a~d,,~:rJlbw l~~~.j;ypr8y~-p:.-~~.i~, '~ll_~ E~PP,~-t ,tP~~RI;P_fJ J;ptpis Cpu_n9i~ Jotth- _1f-ith. ,C~ni~:~. - ^ The Vl arden p-9.me.fl :~i_~,~~crs. $_t;p~th,-~T!t.9fl-.:a,l;l~ ,J?:lt:ilp.9tt, to be said Committee to strike Stanc"(iI?g Cpmmi_t~:~!3:~' - On motion, tl:1e C~:JUnpil adj0uFn~~."ti,1_i"-;ui~- .?:?1.oP~ .to- m()F~o~;~ ni~~P.iR{. I j .~, r ! T, M. NAIRN, .Ward-l,1.t. WILLIAM Mc:r,;:f\.Y, Clwk. FIRST SESSION. SECOND DAY, 't: WEDN~_SDAY, Jan~N'Y ~_9, rS70. ~h.(:}CQ~J,lq.ilIU~.~at 1l.~1l~9: cl()c}i:, -f9r~.nP():n; r4~W~r~l?p. in the chair. . ~i~mp~~'sp,'~_~~nt: ~I[essrs. J. nl~~il1~PI "Vade, ij:egler, D. j)IcKillop, Y ork,Bo.l1O.h, Philpott, :Mal:1att-,Sllffel,' }f.~- "'..... 8 Laws, 'Ohute,']'lIann, Ellison, l\fcCausland, Smith, Errery, Cochrane, Stratton. The proceedings of th~ previous day were read and ali~ thol'ized to be signed. "TheWarden read report of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company. - After which it was moved hyGeorge Suffel, seconded by Ch8,rIes Chute: that. the Re:v. J. Schultie, D.D.., be ap- pointed a IT'rustee for the Vienna Grammar School, for the .term of three years. Carried. JYIoved by John 1\IcKillop, seconded by J. York: that Dr. l\fcLartybeappointed- Grammar School Trustee, for the St." ThomaS Grammar School, for the term 'of. three years~ Carried. JYIoved by John Ellison, ,econded by J ohri Ballah : that the report of the Committee appointed t& strike the Stand- ing Con:;mdttees on Finance;-Educati0U, and Public"Improve- ments, - be received and read. Carried. The report. 'vas read. After which'it was moved by John. McKillop, secondeg. byJ. Ellison: that the ;eport'of the Oommittee appointed bytlie'Warden tg','strike the Stal1ding.Committees,be adop;ed. Carried. Movod by John McCausland, second.d by G. Suffel: tbt for the present year this Council' ad-opt the principle of ap~ pointing qneLocal Superintendent of Schools fqr the whole-' COllnty. In am.endment, moved by J. McKillop, seoonded hy R. Cochrane: that' a Superintendent be appointed for the East and West Ridings, as formerly. The amendment was put and lost, and the main motion wa,s carried. 9 The. yeas and nays being called for on the main motion, were taken down as follows > Yea~...:-Sliratton; Suffeli Chute" ~:rcCausland, Marlatt, York, Smith, Ellison, Ballah, Hegler-ln. Nays-Emery,..l\Iann,_Wade-,D. McKillop, J. !IcKillop, Cochrane,. McLaws and Philp.0tt_8. Moved.bYGeorg~ &dfel,,-secondecl ty E. Hegl€r: that 11-. -F.. Bu'tler be appointed Local Superintend_ent of Schools fo,r the whole County, at a salary of five hundred and fifty dollars, without allowance for stationery- and' postages. In amendment" moved by Johul\fcKillop, s'e:conded by D.. McLaws.': that Samuel McColl be appointecl Local Su- perintendent of Schools for the, whole County,. at a salary of :five, hundred dollars, without extra allowance for- sta,.... tionery. Amendment lost, and main m..rtion carried. Moved byJobn Ellison,,-seconded by John Ba!lah.: that Willi.m J. White. be appointecl one of tl1" Anditors for the present;year:. In amendment first: Mo.ved byD1tvid McEaws,. seconded byJ. A. Philp.ott: that R. S. K. B1trclay be one. of the Auditors,. afr a salary of twenty. dollars., In amendment s'=liJond : Moved. byW. Y'. Emory,. seeoudecl by H. Stratton.:. that J. 'Po Martyn be County Auditor-for -the-CUlT;ent. yeal"'.- Th:e" first. and second' amendments_. were, lost;, a;lid:' the, ori- ginal motion, carried. Th.e Warden nominated M.r: Soarff as one. of frhe, Cbynty .A,uditors. ,_ ." Moved by George. Suffi>l, seconded by! Dr: 1\1:."",: tho .the_,nbminatiQn _of A-aditbr-_made by .tlie Warden;: be; Con- :firmed, by this Gouncil. Carried. M"".d. by John 1\IcKilIop, ,econded by. R. Oocho",.: i Ij -/ -"~I l r Ii! II~ II II! I! Ii, :~ \ i t. i 11 I I: " " Ii 10 that the Clerk be instructed to nave tlle 'Assessment RtJlIs and Assessment Notices prepared forthwith, and JOl"w-,arded. as: So.on as con Yelllel'-t to the: Clerks of the several Munici~ palities. Carried. l\foved by, J. A~ Philpott, seco~ded hy E. Hegler: that Samuel Price be appointed bne of the Auditors t~ audit: the public acoQunts of Administration of Crimimtl J ustic~- ,for the present: year, in a:ccordance with a late ,Act. , Cati'ied.: The .Warden read report of Dirt\\ctors of the Port-- BtuGe and Aylmer Gravel RO'an Oompany, Mo~ed by D, McKillop, .econded by J ohrr Ellison: that .Tohn A. Philpott be appointed Auditor of the-acc6unts,of Criminal-Ju:sticeforthis year. Lost " , _ ^ Moved by J. A. Philpott, ,eccnded by R Regie", tkt John Smith be one of the Auditors of Cri.minal Aooount's. Carried. On motion of Mi'. Phi1pott, seconded by Mi'. RegIer, the Council adjourned . till half.pas!; 'one o'cIo'c:k. The Council met at half-past one o'clock. All the'melD. bers present. ~ Mqved by Mr;Erilery, -seconded' by C~.Chtlte :t~a:t:- the application. of Eo:os. Hllllsbe:rger, for' '-relief f~rllijm'ieS-sris. tained whi1~ in the discharge of hLS duties, as -Con:s~bIe;,be no w considered. Carried. ~ l\fr.~-Hunsberger beit{g' present; madestate.metft~. to' t~e Oouncil:respe-cting his: inju:ries. The; petitIon-of -So MOl~den and 1 06:others,respectfug: th.e site of Currie Road Bridg~, was pres~n:ted' and, tead. _ M<lve<i by G. Su,ne]; secon.dedby R 8lratton. : that E,;os Hunsberger, Constable of this County, be granted- -the:' sum of t.W8n-tji:iive". d61h\rs~, ascompensatibnfcir injuries' .recei.ved while; .coI1-VeyiIfg'John;~ W"e~eYHa,ze!1,_ a; _pl~SOIief,:,: :.to.,t~~ Gaol at St. Thomas ~ometime in th!'l' rtlOntli of Od~flber last, arrdthat the Treasurer- pay the above am_omit. Cai'i-ied. 11 .The W~rd~ slll):mitted c01)1l.t1unicatibn fiom l',h: Mc- k-ehlin eo~cerning books which belonged- to the Teachers' A~ociatio:i1. Wh~n it '\'as moved by C. Chute, seconded hv. G. Suffer: that the books ic Mr. McLachlin'scare belonging to th.e late TeacherS' Association, be handed over to the Young Men'~ Chri~tian Asso~iation, in trUf~t on the terms and conditions stated in the application of lVIr. I\IcLachlin read this day. Carried. Moved hj John Mcl}::illop, seconded by S, Wade: that this Council adjourn f~rone honr, to em:ble" the Oommittee on Finance, Public Improvements itnd Education to me~t and report to this -CounciL Carried. The Council resumed. rh~ Chairman of Committee on Public Improvements sq.Pll1itted report.. _ Moyedby .John Ballab" seconded by J. Smith: that the report of the Committee on 'Public Improvements be re- ceivedaIld r~ad. Carrie~. The ~port of Committee on Public Improverne1?:ts _was read; ../ l\1ov~d by John McCausland, seconded by J, Marlatt: th~t the "report of the_. Committee on . Public Improvements bel1dopted. Carried. - . Mr. l\icCausland,'Ohairman ofEducatioll Oommittee, sl1.b- mitt~d report, which. was read. , Moved by O. Chute, seconded by" Joseph Marla--;t: that the t'eport of Education Committee be received.; Carried. l\!ov~cl by 'v. Y._Emery~secondect byff. Stratton : that the report of the EducationComniitteebe adopted. Car- ried. "i:Ioved' by John Ellison, seconded by _J:)hn .Rallah-:_ that the \~'::arden, -Reeye of DUll'Wich, and :Mr. Elli:o:;on be a Co~~:qnitt€!e to IDJt:t the Committee of the OOUlity ofl\1id- 11 ! I! Ii p ~ i: t Ii I I I I I' I , II 'I I' , , [ Jr..' _ L -.'-""'~ 12 13 dlesex, this evening, in refer~nC& to the site of the Curlie Road, Bridge. Carrif!d. . On motion of J~ Philpott, seconded by E. Hegler, the Council adjourned till nine o'clock to-mon-ow morning. the "report of the 80mmittee on Public Improvements be reconsidered. Carried. Moved- by J. J\IcCausland,' seconded by D. :McKillop: that-therepottof the Conllnittee, appointed by the Councils of Elgin and :Middlesex, to seleCt the site fOi' the erection of a bridge across'the River Thames, ileal' the Currie "Road he ado~tecl. by this Council, ami that the resolution adopting'the report of the Committee on Public Improvements bo 1'e"- scihded. Qarl'ied. Yeas-Emery, MaIm, St_ratton, Sll1feI, Chute, IvfcCans- landJ~Iai'latt,' Y ol-k, J: McKillop} D. I\fcKillop, Cochrane, Ellison and Philpott. Nays--Hegler, ,Ballah, Smith and Wade. ::;Moved by S. Wade, seconded by J. -Marlatt: that 1\tIr. lIcLaws be excused :from votmg on the motion just sub- lll,itted. Carried, Yeas-Stratton, Suffel, Chute" McCausland, Marlatt Wade, "york, J.McKillop, D. l\IcKillop, Cochrane, Smith; Ellison, BaIlah,Heglerand- Philpott. N ays-.:.Emery and Mann. Moved by J. 'BaUah, seconded by D. l\IcLawfIl : that the bill of expenses of the various members of the deputation sent down to - Toronto to 'assist in procur~g an amended charter for the Soutl1ern Ra.ilway Company be laid upon the table, and that the "\-Varden be requested to give full explanations thereto. Can'ied; ~.foved hy'D.l\icLaws, seconded by R. Cochrane: that the Treasurer bereque.sted. to lay before this Oouncil at present session, alis& of a.nla~dssoldfot taxes in 1869 setting forth the amount sold; what pa.rt,and to' \vhom sold:' Carried. l\-Ioved by George Suffe1, seconded by W. y" Emej'Y: that this Council is of opinion tha-t the "\-Varden atid 1 Ii WILLB.M McKAY, . Clerk. T. M. NAIRN, Ward<n. .0 , FIRST SESSION. THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, January 27, 1870. TheCollncil met at nine o'clock, forenoon. The Warden in the chair. Present: ~essrs.-J. McKillop, Cochrane, Emery, 'D. Mc- Killop, Wade, St,'atton,Philpott, York, Suflel, lVlcLaw,'l, Marlatt, Hegler, Ellison,.Ohute, BalIah, SmitbjlVlcC&usland and Mann. Tie proceedings of the previous day were read and au- thorized. to be signed. After Wllich it Nas moved by W. Y.Em'ery, seconded by C. Chute: that Samuel Plice, Esq., be appointed Arbitra- tor foc the County of Elgin) to actiTJ. conjunction with the Arbitrator appointed by the COlmty Oouncil of Kent, to-_ decide on the amount to be paid by the differeni; Counties of. Kent, Elgin and TI:fiddlesex, in relation to the Bridge across the River Thames. In amendment: Moved by John EHman, seconded by R. Cochrane: thfl.t Daniel Decow, Esq., be appointed an Arbitrator to arbitrate on the ei'ection of .abridge between the Oounties of Rent, Elgin and :Middlesex. Amendment lost, aud original motion carried; 1I:[oved by J. McKillop, seconded by J. A. Philpott: tha< I I' Ii Ii , I ! ~ rr 1\ II II I" ! I I, 'I, Ii I , 14 15 ~ea.slH'er 811o~ld ma}te ?Orn~ ~F~ng~m~_~t wi~h th,e ,M:er,. eh~ts' Bank of -Canada,in the T.)w~ ofSt, ThDmas, w4er:~ tb,a County depo~i.ts are rn~9-e, ~o that interest m~r p~ ~eiv~~ on. phl:l - montl1J.y lJ~Ja~ces th~t p:l.liY ~'eJllaJIl1;p the credit - of t4e - CC:1l.gity. Qarried. - }fovf,l11 py W~ Y. Eme~7, ~econded l?y ;p.J\!:Na.ng: t4~t the Qql;rnty TrElasnrer be aut4ori~ed ~q p~y t_~~ ReEw~ of B~yJlalT). thrfJ~ dollar!; and fifty cents, bE1illg /1,p. aUlQui!tpaiq by th~ 11unicipality of Bayham, to vVilliaIl?- J::Iup.tpr~- fqr thp~~ alld a h~lf liays la,?or cl~a.riIlg f100cl wDocl JrQp:l \l!'t~g(3 o;e~ :J?ig-QtterQreek, on-th~_0ounty l~e i)etween I?~yp-aw. and Middleton, the County of Nodolk having p?-id ;li\te a.mount. Carded. Moved 9Y J. A,. Philpott, seQ9uged by E. Hegler: thllj!; the Warden be authorieeYlbythi\3 Oouncil to f)ig[~ C911trl!-ct, in conjunction withtbe Warden of the O...nmt;vof ~1i~d]~SEp;;, fOl' th~ erectiqn of the bridge on theli:iver T~~t]:p.es,'betw~en Lot[:i nUplbel's f)ix ,and seven ill punwiqh, a,ud, opp:o~it;e ,~o: twenty, Side-road, in Township ()fE.~fric1,aI1.Cl th~t th~County Treasurer ~s requested to pay amount forsai4 lJridg~ OJ:!- ~rtHicat€i of 'N.Bowman, CCluIlty;Engi~e~r, - as t4e wOl'k ~ proj:p'esses. Carried. cQn ,~ot,~on,th~ qo.l1nqil adjol,1rned for an ho~r. .A fter all _h01,lr'6 int~r~issiQn the CQuncill'esumed. All the meI1lbers pr'3s'?l1t; When it was moved by :&fl'. Chutel seconded by 'Mr. StJ;at~on: t~'a,t the Report -of th~ J3'ill~nce COIDwittee be regel'i'iZu aJ;ld read. Carried. Tbe Repor~ of the ]\n~nce c:cl1;nlIlitte was read. ,After which it was.move;<;l 9Y 1)1'. Mann, seeondedbyH. Stratton: that the report of the Fin8:.nce Committeeba, adppte~', and 'that ~Jle \fI.7 arclen_ sign drafts ~oJ; paymen,t 'of th~ A.ccounts embn~G_ed thel'ein. Carried. ".\fmi'ed by R,. Cochl'a.ne,_ seconded by D. 11cLaws.: tbat J1tfr., Cla~s be requested to furnish thi3G6~ncil, a:t_ presfnit Session, with a. ,statement showing th~..mo~_thl! ba.l~nces ~f ~on,~i d_~posi~e~ .to,.the_cre~it .of this: dounty during the years 1868 and 1869. C.lTi€d. lV~~ve_d~y X*~.Suffef" ~_ec'6nde~ _ byE. ~egler: that ~t is the _cipini,~rr _of _this CoUric~that-,ail pers6ns,residents,of ~o~ns" T6wnships,_an.d ~rieorp6rate-a .,v-illages,.who .~l'a ~sS'essed f6r_an:a~ilual inco~e-_Qf t~-6 hundred ,dollars ltud l~pwal'dsl abo~efou~ ~,tindred ~oI1,ar~, _or f61; liersonal R!"o. pertt ~'6 an, e~ual. am6ufit:~:nd upwards, a~d,~bo have paid the taxes o~~~e_~arile, Olig~t ~-6,luivE' the ri~ht ~f voti~sfor J.U~~_bers of tne~ Le_glslativ'eAssem151y-of. Oritario,__ members ~r. Dominion :pat~lia!rierit,_arici for-, lVIernbels_ofMui:d?i~al ~6rinciis, und ~hat_ this _{j~uii~~l do ~et.itiml,theL~giSlativ6 ~.SS~~ bl yM, ?ntario and the D,6~inion. Parlia:inen t, P~aiY irig for s1:~h acharige in t~e'q,ualification of ~he' Parliamentary a~d_1{uni.ci~a1 Ele6t~rs,_ a~d,~ha~ thedle'rk be~ ,l'eqi1e~f~-d to f()J'-~-ard~. _co.py of this ,,: resoiuti~n~.o__ t~_e 8~ve~a( ?oXmty ~oUri~il8_ln, 6ntario,~ as'kirig: t~e~:" ,,6o-ore,tarto_~- arid- ~,lip_port fo~'s_o',itiip6rta,~~:a~d' much needed change iIi the elective franchise; Carded. Moved ny J. Jl1cKiUop, seconded bY John Ellison: that ,-w~ Bowman, Esq:, be appolnt'ed 15i'thi~ COUilClltoAct in cpnjllncti~n ~t~- _ _the , Cou~tyEngineers ,of :Kent' ~I{d ~ici~lesex; fordra~irig plan, an'd., spe~Hication o~ the, G~n- tiemplat6d'_ hridge'__tCY be'" el~~dtea,a'cros~' ih~ Riv'er ,Thames -between" Elgin'tind-K.ent as socjii. is the'- -Bl:oitrat6fsdecide the' amo~iit, to-be Ilfiict by ea~b' 'Co\inty. da~'ried~ . ~?ved. b~'J::M:edau;latia, sEic61'icled' byS;Wad~,:^ that the ~~ev,e,_o{;t\klborOrig~be' appointed aCoJ:itniis:iioriet;; toa~t i~,,6onjuri~t^ioR wi_~h the ~riginee-r ,fr~m~1:i4dle8ex~ t~. ~~d~r such- r6plt1rS as raay' be fouria nece-ssary to' be done ~t the '\Vardsville Bridge to put it in a safe condition:. Cari.-ied. I, " ~ , r t 1 , I r " I' [ I ! ii: [1, :! [, i (i K' I , , r I (J ," ---- 1 "Ii 1, '" ~ 16 J7 - - . -' ---'-h C- . - ty-'j\'e~tS:iiret1 -_: . " -,- 'tt 'dl'etnl'li 'from t e 0l1ll_ _ "''l'hoWardensubul1 e ," ",' "'''1869. - '- -' '; - -,' l' for arrears of taxes III of Iandssold at sa e , 't (mon,hlj bal. The ,\V:arqen als?; submittt:~ '_. s,tatslllen _ _ 0 iJ{~es:dli:-hand?f Co~nty mo~ey. ,. K- >11'-- pcondeclbvJohn .' - dbyJohn1\{c,l.oP,S__ __'U', _ ,__\:Vl1en1t was:tnov8_ - - Ii'C nty1\'easurei', re1atlV8 to S~ith,: t,hat the l'et1lrnof t, e_T\ 'd:- 't"othe,Finance _Com~ ,','" ._-, -,' 'I d be 1'8181'1'e _ ,', __ ~o~thly balances.-on- mn,_' _ rcittee.., Carried,_ , d d by Joseph lVIa,:, ',- J h - :McCausland, set:oll e _ _ _ _ '.L., ~.{oved by. 0 n _ - 187 beind a By-law ty appolllJ latt. that By-law number: --- .'-- be' d . . be read a first time. arne. County AudltOrs, d'db J Ballah: that By-law bEHeglet'secon e - y . d. Moved. y -' -- - ,"'~ -- ~ '" fCOUllty Auditors, be rea 'numbel' 187, for th~_ a~poIDtmg 0 a 8~colldtiine." C;'~~~i seeoilded by Jehiel, York: that ,Moved by D,lI c ~ op, 'd tOme' and finally passed, By-law No. 187 be read a th,r 1 Carded'E :H del' seeon.dod}y,f,B>illah.: that By-~aw . I\foved'hy _< .,~o _'. __~ _,__ S'hoo1 Tl~u'stees;be rea' a -NjilS8/to'app6~t ?rammar c first time> Carried,':" , '-d"'a:-by"'john Efiison (that :l\fove~ ~yJohn ~~~la~,;_~econa e. "'f! Cal'rietl. By-l~wNo.188 be read a se~on. /~\y John Smith: that MOved' by D. :McL~ws, see.~h e . ,": d' :finally pilssed. l"N' 188 be rer.d a thll'd tlllle au , . By~ aw' o. " ' . Cal?ied~::r'l:" J' McCa:uslalid seconded by" C.'Chute,:,:thsa~ 'l'ifov~ f:)Y. ,_'_" " , ._ t a C01.11J'tV u... - ,,:,' '" b' . 'ti'a~Bv-law to appoln , ;~. B'--y-~law, No. 1,8,9,; elno W" 'd fi 'st "'me C,a1T,l e,d; , ,,":,' , -t.-be-l'eaa r '~ . , , , . perintendent of Eduea 1011'" 'd d by' J B.llah : ,hat By-law ' lIIoyed byE, Hegler, sec~~ ~Can.ied. , " , N' 189 be read a secoud tl e J I S itl1: tMt o. " M L ws seconded by , om , m M:~~e~ by D:. c;__~ '" thil.;d;'t1m'e 'and'fin:illypassed.. B:y;~hiw-Nr~~ 189 be lead a Oarried~ I , I I II i,l ;11 iil ~! II II I :1 [II I ~! ,I ~ I' ~: ji Ii I' ',; . Mov.d by J. A. Philpott, seconded by E. Hegler: tha~ the Warden andJ. nlcKillop beappointed a Committee to act in conjunction with, the Cou:nti,es of Kent_ and Middlese:x, for receiving tenders for: the erection of the bridge thatis to be built across,the River Thames, on the County 1i.'1e Q' between Elgin, Kent and ]fi~dlesex. Cal'lied. Moved by R. Cochrane"seconded by J. JYIcCausland: that, in the opinion of this Council, the COllstructionof the Southern Railway will be of great advantage to this CQun.t.,y, and that in the event of the Two Hundred Thousand DoUars being paid to tIle Treas~lrar of O-?t~rio" as provided by the amended charter, that this Council will submit a :By~law to the ratepayers :Qf the COimty for the, purpose. ofgrantiug a Bonus to aid the construction Qf said Railway, On the under- standing that the roadba com_plated through the whole length of the County of Elgin before the amount that may be voted be paid Over to said Railway Company. CaITied. lIIoved by J\fr. Snffe], Seconded oy lVIr. Chute: that the communications be nQw taken up and dispo.sed of. CRrried. l\1:oved by J,McOausland,seconded by W. Y. Emery: that this' Council authorise the Olerkof this. Oouncil t_o_ no- tify W. G. W onham, Engineer, tllat his sarvic_es will not he l'equiredinsurveyingthe_ Town Line between Bayham and l\1alahide, between the -fourth and seventh conc_es.sions. Oarried. Moyed by D, J\IcLaws, seconded by J., Smith: that a Committee composed of Messrs. Chute, Suffel and Emery be appointed, to consider the communication from, the 06:Ull_ty Oouncil of Oxford, and 'report thereon. Carried._ Moved by J.J\'[cCauslan.d, . seconded oy C,. Chute:, that this,Oouncil request the \Varden, to sign the petition to . the . Leg-islature, originated by the Oouncil of Lam.bton, praying to have the excise duty on refined petroleum re,moved. Oarried. t " \ III 19' "The' w alldph"~uhr;;ltted sta€elllent'ofexpeiisesincurrect-by Rai~ ",!ay deleScl.tion. _ " ~M:ovea ~Y>R.. 0oehTai16,;'i~e?D~d_eu'biD,~'McKillop :---that ~hl~,_ Co~nell",~? mto COnlniittee-o~ the Whole',t6' Don~idet-the s~~~ral ~'aLc~ou~ts ~s -sub~i:tted"by .'the- W arderi,' relative: to tl?,8' cost~ ',of, the deiegation to TOl'o1ito~: on belialf of the- Great Sout1iecn>RuIIW--ay- :BilL j ,~Catl'i€d. . 'T:he"Oouncil :went"'into':"Coffimitte'e-of the-"'V-hole. Dr~ Mann .in''t4ech-air: After being SOlUe time in session, the Committee of tHe Whgle-:rose; The Council resumed. The W al'denm ,the chair. ' , ?~~'~;'&h~ih~~~ ,_of: ;the--eomrriittee 'ofthe':'!Y~:o]e' r~ported the:a~optlOn' of-, a~ resolution. to', pay :theacc(Amt:oftheifx'- 'pen"se$-'ofthe aelegatiorron. Railwajr Bill. 'W1:e)i:ii,'wa:il ')moved,'by..S~ W ade;-'secoiided) bye-Joseph M~rlatt.: that the report of theComrhitteE;l:of'the'vYh6Ie. be 'a;dop-ted'. ";Cat'ried. :':"l!'6"'ed~:by;R:Cochrane,":Secouded:bjD. ,l\i6Laws':> that .it; is; the: opiiilon,' of' this Council :fha,~' ;theco:;;ts of: the Corn- mittee appointed by the delegates, incurred while in TOl~ontb IObbyiu?, au -behalf of the Great vVestern Railway Bill, amonntrng to onehundl'ed a.ud fody-five dollars ouaht not to 4e paid by this Council, inasmuch as the' COll~mittee exceeded their powers in so doing. Motion lo~t. Yeas-:-Philpott, Hegler, .BaIlah}..Elluon, J'l-fcLaws, Coch- rane, John :A~cKillop and D. McKillop. _ Nays-Emery, Mann, Stratton, Suftel; Chut~, McCauslund, Marlatt,. Wadc, Yark and Smith. M()vedby W. Y. Emery, seconded by P. M. l\fann: that the thanks 'of this Council aTe due to the Committee appointed by the delegates sent down to Parliament' at Toronto to fllrther the rail way interests of this Countv for their indefatigable eXertions in that behalf. Carrif!d. ~, . l\loy~d_by,E;-:a:egl_el'"secqit{I~cl-by~, J;I?,1tH~h ~: t,4~t, -~:x~~aw No. 190, ~einK~)3y~law to_app~int,a ~()al}~~:orAll~p,-, ~~ read _~': fii'st tim~. '. qa,rrie~:: , .'. ' "". '_ : :l\1oved 'by J. l\fcCausialll;l, ,secQn,d_f)Ii~,b:y J~~ ~I~!l~i~,: ~_h~~ By-hnV'.~ Oc 190 be.l'~~g~_~_,s,eco~cJ' tiql~: ': ~a~I:ied.':. "_ _': :M oved by' J. . Ba,llah, . _ s~_con~e~bj_ 'J olm_'"Elli?on '_:: . t~~t By~laW".:N o.190.be~ead a third :tip1,e_. ~lldpass~~: ".~. (JaI7--i~~~ On motion of :1\11'. Ellison, seconded by,,_ ~~i." ~mith;_- ~he Council adjourned till nine o'cl~ck to-I?OlTb,w'inornin:g;' FIRST SESSrON.FOURTR DAY. FRI~AY,' .JaJ].uag_. 2.S;, 1&,70. ThecT,.CduriciL.-;met,,:at -nine-o'dock',.'.fofeliQon,-; , AU 'the .memb_erf!preserit. The :Vifarden.m-the chait; - Proceedings of previous day were read and -signed;;: ,:W4en, i~' Yfrll;B; :Il19:r~q:9Y .l",JY.~CO~,l~S~~~, . ~~cq~14!3rt: RY. S. wl;l4~.: :.~ha,t,tp.~:,'I)'e~~~ir~r.laY::?~f()r~'~H.~, CpP:P9iJ ~ ,ste~~- mentofthe amount of County rates:~~e.'~y t~,~,':s:,e~~r~l M9D:i~ipali~~es: ()f, th~D<;H~nty~. .... qf1Fri~q: Moved ,by: JyJr; CJ1~~,8;,_f:)~.col1_d~d ?Y: Afr;,.~~e~-:-~h!l't:i.~ 'acgo~'d~c~.:w#R- t4e,~el?oFt of,!1:.Sp'eci~};C():tp.J?1~tt;e~,"~,pno~~t€d by;tp.e C9~11~Y: 9()~~~i~<;{;t,~e,:0~?1~:9-fX gf:,/!:.xf9l."?"ftPS1,.?t Co-op~l'ation therewith, this Council is of opinion that ~he ~ti~n of sl;1,i4C0111lC!L:s!:lo.uId -l:>eS,\lS;~~!l~~.l:>Y. ()~h,er 'o'9':1nty . ,qou.r7(;i~~ in Qn;t8:Xi,o; ". t4is ,Ogu,n~i~, qq ,~~~r.~f9~e:Pf1~it,~q:!l" ~,~e J?olpi~i~n ~~rfci!1I?e.I?-t iI?- :t,he .:f<;>r,tRs()~n~l1g :se_s~i()~,: ~9~JP.p,p,~e .a..~~ty:O,~ ,al}.):iIl.d,s_ 9f. grfl.~J::l' ,~:~-,€4_s,~opr;ho'p~;'.q9~,_,fl};I4,~an, imported fronitfl6 :.1r~i_~ted,S"~~t~~, '~llto" ~lt,~;,:qqn;t_iJ40It, ::?f Canada~ Lost. . "' . . ~he W<1;r,~~)ll'f:)^l}bl:!l,~~ted:~t~~en::enJ. r.l:O~l1: Qo.U1i~y.~ll.l;)~~_\l-r~r of balances due by :JIunicipalities. ' ( / 2.0 _ _ y eaf,;.~ ~m~ry}~,_:~rll.l!n,: ~ ,~~.r8,t,~on,,, ~9;fIel~j: C?-':ltlt, . McOaus~ land, J\iadatt, Wade, Yark and Smith. _ Nays~Heg]er,)3all(;).h" En~~()l1,[J?:4ilpott, Mc1a~s,,.poch- r.no, J.. :iXlcJGllop an4;J). J\'~c.!GI19P' .' . Moved, by-~1r;',Chnte,<s,ecolJ-ded,_ by .Mr, _S~~tton;:jhat the J;t~p.QJ't_of;the _]fi.p.ap,ceQoWI'l;li_t_~e'e.,qn;> the:'1)'ell.1?tlrer~s :Report, with reference to ~h~ mQIlthly b~an,ces:_a~.t,he'~Tedit of :the"Cpu:o..ty_m theJ~_ank,:be .reCeiv:eC!-_ and ~eacl. ,- ,CarTied. The second report of Finance Commit.te€t was .re:J.cl. _ ,When:'itwas_IDovecl by,vy.:Y.,Emery,-,sec6uded--by_P. M. Mann: that the second report of the Finance; Oomroittee ." be adopted. Carneq.. Moved by John J\'lcKillop; seconde<1 by,J."EhiJpQtt : that; J ohri .:Ellison, _, E?eve. ~f,' Sonthwold;"be. :apPQint~d Commissioner to .~act in conjunction with the, County 'Engineer. of -Middlesex, to .atte:nd..to . the' _:repajj:in.gofth~ 'Macintosh _Bridg!3. Canied. On motiod of Ml'. Stlf!'el, '~Gonde4 by Mr, Sttatt.on : that this CounciL1i,ilthorize tha-'Yardentg sig\ld1;'*ft ~9r:meU1.ber51 -w;ages, ._and adjom'l+till_lb~, .thirq. Ttlespay ,~n: ,Jmw. next, _C9'l'ried. - .G > Elgin. County. CouncU.Proceedings. SECOND SESSION. FIRST DAY. ,TUESDAY; June ',21, 1870. Th~'po~u.cilIDet_at -ten o'ckck, forenoon,_ a~cord:ing t~ -adjournll1eIl~~ .~. T~~,',W~rdel;1 in:t~El_'chai~; " Melll"bers present; Messrs. J.,I\lcl{.inop,S...w-ad~,;-E. ;Hegler, ,J. :4.pP-P1?Q~t!J-. I?~'k,:J: Bjtllah, -D. McLa~s, J. ~arl3t~t, ~o,~, ;S~_~?l,_ ~~_Smith,W. Y~Emery~ :J~',}icOaus. land, .J. Ellison;'.}!, Str~tton~ O. Chute,_ R..: Cochrane and '.Dr.~fallI\,.... .... " Tbtproc~e<1ing~of :tbe'previol1s day:, of the last session ~v:&l:e read and ~utbol~sed to 'be ~igned. After ,which. the Wa,.rden adcwessed the Council: The: fonowing_cQmmunioations were- th.el'l :J;'ead-: 'The,report of. th~ (Jaunty Auditors>; on County expeudi- ture. Auditors' T',eport of schQQI.acc0unts, J. B. ]tia}an:p., HfiPliCiting~ aid towards Deaf and Dumb A~yhlID. . ,~r~~e~i.truentof,p-ran~~l1~:y,JlUle.f?essiOI~_S, 1870,_ From John'Ca.rli.r:g, l~esp~cting €nlligt'ant~. '.' F~'om _ J.: )\T.Langmuir, '~nsP.ectOl~ ~f:r~'~cms,. ,~c. . Ii III ,!I L lii !I !I\ ! 1: 22 r '.... !, .. ! . . . - C t Treasurer with estimate required to be From the _Dllll Y _ '_ , . provided fOF. k b' From Thomas Wills: respecting Municipalwor, emg Published hy him. C d. A - -I Report of the House of Industr.y, aunty Secan ~nua '" of Waterloo. Moved by J. T>1cI~illop, secon~ed by S. .": ade ,:. that the ,'- ,.... 't;. - '-.b. e''llo'Vtaken.up and,re-ad. ',. C~~'l-rE~l eomm~~lll.Q!L-',PP!3-,-,_~_ ~-,-._._."",-. __'.,,'._'~_" . ,_, I~~:d bv J. York,second6;d by J. SmIth: that the Re~ves of tile several muni-C'1:palities be ap~ointed a C~m- wittee .to equalize.-th.~A~se~~}?~J?:~,:~911~J~~':l&!g; - Carned. 1vloved 'by J: l\icC<lusland, seconded by C. Chute: that th1?~a:ep.o,~ 9f.:.t}Je. qqt;t.l;':~Y5$-uditors, as re~d by the. Clerk, be adopt~?3,nd finally all.~lif'~?,~rth~,<?Otl~~l.l;__ S:,el~~~~~.;" "~:' M' 'd"b'" J' 'T>"c'Killop" j;econded' by' S.' ,cW.de:. t. bat the ove J . _J. , . '.' .': "_'."'_:'_;'::"''';'.'' disposal of the communications .?t~~~i~~?v~f r~~~:.~!?;!1~_~~:;~:l\V . so as to,enable Mr. Th<:HriS?U'and others t~ ad9~~es3 ~i~:~:~kc~1~l?~'-t~~:r~II~~d~Htle,~#9n~,:~,,'~~~~i~~~;. ;~"-~:' ,;.~:.,,:,:,:: ' ~t:_:.y.l>~ ~ '_':r~i)~SbP~awr~~'~',S~n}~'Y-~~~J:t ~)~~g.~~~S;,~t, ',tbe'y:s~~~f~l!Y'.~~dre~s:(1,\tl;e, CO~~~l~~ ~.~ 1frg~~,~"~(;; t4e ,sn~- jeCtof;the::'Canatla'.'Southetn Railway", ,(,-~~::':';, ';' i: Afterwhich it wasIl1o;._e~_b1 J., ,1\' !hil~~t~,,:~~_~~~~~~, by iE:::Hggh~i~'; that ~the:,:C(ntn:(lil 'adJ6:uIT~ ,~ti:lt"iii~~.,"6'&1ock' to- ,;i" morrow mprning: 23 ~;b~.lpo~~~. ~far18;tt,'Emery,,:l\X9~W~J:1?:(:n:k; St;[.ttton.. Sl1lith p~ut~.' ,S;ri~I,:,':Bt.11iso~,::'l\ir~C.~1;sl~'4d~';l\1~~,.: 'CocJl'~:~p.~; u;ld :gy,gler._-.,'-.~ -- -. -, -,'~, '-' , ~-' '<'_<c'~. ",', -- < - ,-:The ;proce~diEg$,9f ,th~_:,pr~tiOJiS _?;1,y ,~~~_e:,r~,ad ~a:tlit~ignea.: ," TBe V\r~ ard'~n:-shbhiitteth::ominlinic~tibn:'r'kc-e~v~d;fri)m-~tIie C6unty::or_K~nt,' .l:especttng: gt'an:t-.'6roiie ll:l1ndi:ed:':'dollah rem: 'OQltb'ty1in:e=be'tw~en:To\fushlpsrOf:Oi1'otd. and. 'A-,Idb6r6Ugk: . 'Thfoyeil bj'@'SuiJI, ~eebnd~dbY6. ehiii,;'iliatth.i clerk be'reqllEist'ec1 :t3- pl~c~re~tIiiiiY'~~pi~:'of ,J1h_~~_~;Will,~;',~o~~- 1?liitti'oii-of'th-k ,_Municip'~i Asse8s'n16nt'aud c:r;ice~'il~:A~t;';fbr ':~?; _p{{tpo~e'::h~bdi~~bHti6~?-'~iTIOtlg~~c'_thg .,~~:e~fe~.,-~De;utt -Reeves a9-icf l\1funicioaI :CIei1is' brtli~-'C~unty~~t6ne:'by )the~l ]{~na~d ;?)tli~ii:~<l~dec~.or,cil;'.~~~~~-O~)ITi~~:'.' :.. "....., .,..' ",' Mo~eaJ)i', ..~~'~ade;./,_ec6Jaed' hv: J"ohri:Stb,itl:i-'i' ih'at,~,t~,~ 'ci~~l~liiib~'tibrt k~1lfi~tfiE? ,~~n:~::^J\mi{, ?a:ti~~;':-.-~'ef1iji~ti~g' e~.ig~ation"h~ _~abm up"aIta:"Jd,'Glj(isediQ(-'::~ai'6~CJ:-" ",'_';:'.,'~ ; ~';_:-,-,,~- : W','.'-.;-~_'-:-i: .L,',"r, j:8;-J:,L'~"::<1 .r;';i,,'-'-'-;c'~;, >:, '0'(:., '" :.-N:Qv,l1fl_,by;: oI:,McE:UJop,,,~~c9n,aed 'by S~,'\V.ade,: _that_ w- ," "."j'_'.,_,',__.:.':L,_. ,,:..;,<.._,-,,~ ,,-, '_':.",..v"J:,;_vv' ':"'~"-".,>.'u,; ';:,' ,_;., '.;_':":".,;:, Gp,nm~l~~,~~ erf g v~.))y_~_appoll,t,tl::,9)8,',,~~,ke Ut:~q:'consiq~r~~~O~ ~ ~4ec:R~RvQi1_~t~h~'~~foIi:~:~9_Pil!Q~7:lJng/'v,iz_,_~. M~~l:~~:~':?:~~I~r'J :f":tViC'd~~SI~~_d~-Y9rk'ldgc~~~i{e"~11'ti<M~~L~~~~--'~.'~'i-:,'~,'_'. ,).: ~ '., :;> ,.[J Tii~ :W~~~~~n '~;b'rrii't't~4~,~~4f~~~~~r.i,i{:;)!,~:{iql~9~ ..~n:4JQ _9,~lwr~,:- pr:ay~g)tlu.tt,~li~ )t~li~g~ ~~tAyl~i-el~' ~~~~cQlrl?9i~aJe(( c.."'" oJ'>""., . J_."~,, "'__' _C1..-..,.,..,.......-'."(, (,'\"('_"'C~'".~ c:;."u )',:'j,- Ui:..:lV!sn:?; ~J';. i!~--,&,-,.;rhJf~~~.t;l~!~P~~B~~tJ?1)E':,E&?i~y).)~a,t the communication from the~q~:mntl Hf J},~P',t"'):'~,~1Pec#ng ",:,,-~,-,-, c-) --'~.} _.,:,'''"0.''.." ""...1 ,...,J'" approp~~nN-?H_:8f m~n~]pf},:9?H~~r~F::~!?~;G~teJT0~J'jt8 ?pal~d rP.f;g9-ibli9}l[lJWP:1~~n~::: ;:S~}T[,~~:." C:_. :.__ .;:r,-:.,,_,.,.-~'_L- ':;; :,M;r',fMp!}i6~?P c~al~ -~B~1P~:hlta;t?;~ iHS~:t~~iti~!bl~: ~;PJ?J~:- .RItHF'~ tqE~:;_grlH~tH~ ~~W'-o~~~f.ld~~4 J .4oIl,~!:s,,;1~\~~pr9r~.~,J;h-~ County line between 'the Townships of Orford a44, ~AJd- ))9'~~:n~:gh:::, ,..,;', ". . .-::,; ""(>. -'~ , 4:P~3I~o}o,app)y', fop an appropriation oJ pne h\lEd,red ~~:ol~~r~,Jp.:,ai~' '-fl~:~;:,:~. :~I{q~~n;:?E ,the De~f < ~nd, Dlt~b \I~stit~~. ' - ( , J ,~ I ,,-' ' , . 1(' ,-' )~ \ . ,. r .~J~ 'Iii if I ti ::[ , liil ;1 '.'1 f , , if , Ii il 'I 'I II II i , j .l;g;,-:' l., ,'.;;1\.[ .~" .. N:.A.IRN,;' ;Wa:j-den. WILLIA)\'IMcIl:;" y",.,. Clerk",' .T<M. ",' SECOND SEsst6N:"~E6oNlj:bA'y: '~:_'" ~ ,.",-, WEDNESDAY, June..22;:1870~' Theq5glincifri1'et";'~-i11~e ~':dh6Ji;;f~1:~il(,~?n. - Tl){i\i~j.-aen in the chair. Memh~rs: i)l~eSent': M0sih;s~" J' iicj:hH6p,"'Va(te;:~B;JIaJ', 24 Moved by J.McCausl.n.d, s~conded' byC,Ch~te'th;t the' petiti9u- -ofc'seventy: of the :resident : ratepaye~s of' t~~ Village of Aylmer, to have the census taken tQ enable'tnem to -'become 'a, ~epatate-CorpbraiiiJn;-_e:inbi;a)cing 'the'licn:i:h ~11alr of'th~north.,-balf'of,Lpt;:humbel\nine, 'the north half-of: Lot ten,<:the_no~th h.alf of Lct-eleven,:aIl,d ; with:,. q-uarj;er,pf th~ 1;lorth.half.of LQ~P:1iEi:}ber::tw~lv:ej inthe:~~ixtb,C9J.1:cession,>qf th~:said,To:vns4ip o~ ~Ial~hi4~" ~(;l:t~eso?th, q~art~~. of the._ south - ~a1f o(Lot __,~n~,__,~he south_, t4;e~~.q~~_~~r,~~ ~f _' tl1e south: haif,or~~t nu~b'e~'te.n,_' p_ll_ ~~e':._~o~t_h-t~ree-qli,ltr:t13~'s ' of tbe-southJlal! 9f: Lot }plIIlber_, eleY-~n.'::~l1cLthe __~:l~t~'~~lr 9i,tl}~~__s;!l~111,~al,f~qf-):~P,~i l}l~~~~~,,~t~~li~~<:\i~= ~h~:: ~~~~~t~ C0ncessiori ofth(3' sai.d Tq:wP,~~il?: q.f ~~_~r?:hi9-E:,:,~,~/,p(jlci:fi~4_-_~ t~e P~an- p'ut_i)1:"bY'~fe lW,titi~lt,~~S,)\:a.~~\t~s - 90gn,c~c,~I'P~int '~V~}l~~lft, C~w~?:ell,~?c:~~k~)~e q~n,sm<or_ th~iXWig~~'~n,~ reportto,.tl?-i~-p,;mncD..""pal'l~~d~.-, ,< __':<,' :,-' ':c': ,',;,-.: Jl'Ioyedby D,Mc+-':;';s, secon.ded,pyJ"M9Kq,J.op:tli~t ~ "CQril,niitte~_be ,:l~pp~te'?':~P1P~-~s:~-d,_b~lvIes~~s:~ :tt~l~t; ~uff~~, C~6hran~, :,~~ery,_: _McC~il~l~'~d;_,:MtKi11Pft' ;~d' - th~, :_~Wv~f, for the" purpose ~r~~Cid_ing-'?n:,the,b~_~'~ 'ril~h.qtff~~':~~;ni41g :ai~t_ to t~: _.o~uiad~ :'So~th~~' _~iihv~Y"~ab}l': pro'dllriIl~':',tiie ne?es_~~ry B_y~}a,wp-rep~red.:Car:ried.,-_ ': _','-:-'_' .Jlioved by J;, Jl'IcK~lop;seCOridedliyS. Wade :th.:tt~s CQUllclI :~o-; llQyY '.:~djoUi'?:,__~ill' _thre~',dClo~'k;~()' eh~ble':t~_e R~w~r:?()~nlltt~eto::Dieet._:'. ._,:.,,<_..,',__, ',:';,'" -' At three o'clock~ 'af~er~oqii, 'W1e Council Ies~med_~: .< 1vlr. :rhi1~.ott p~.es: 'no.tice ~tha~ .he' :Will: - rri~k~~ap'pl:ica~ihh 101' -a8~~s~'ftibient, tq ~~kc_approach~8, t~-~~~~-b.ri~'~e~~_der ~recti:On"3;cr~ss"tbe R~~er'T~,ames, known'ras-! ~1ie Dui,;i'e Bridge: '" - r" ': J :. ,}'he~Varden subm~t~e~_~ommu~ic~ti?~ fr~mthl:Cb~btj 'Itegi~trar~ 'r~~p,ecting Of~mi~iIlg~ for .th~;Reg:0try. ?ffib~.: 'Aftei."which it was m'oved-by..J. ':McKil1op~'sec~Iid~d,:-~Y D. McL.ws : that tho application of the C"llnty Regi~trh 25 lor fufilishirig's ret:(ti'iie'd for his ofllce;.be -refeTl-ea to the Gaol Oommittee, JUld that the required a.l,ticles' be proYidedby said Ooinniittee. Carried. ~loYe-d by lVlr. Ballah, seconded by J. A. Pl1il--pott: th~t the report of the CODul;l.ittee un . the Railrpa.4-By-:-law be . r~c~ived. -' . The report of the Committeaon the :Ra--il:w-ay By;]awwas -r.ead by the Clerk ; after which it was ( Moved by J oe~ph Th'I1:trlatt, seconded by _J ehiel York: th$,t 'the, report of the Special Comm'l.ttee on Railw;iy By-l~'Y -be adopted, lli'amendmarit ni'st: Movedhy(leorge-8uffel,seconded 'by '\V. ~~'iFmle'ry: tha.t a bonus .of $290,000 be given by thL'5 County to thiiCanada < Southern: RaiN/ay Company;.forth'e pnrpos~;o{ m.ding'them in constructing their line'of ~ilway through. this COlinty; ~aid bonus t~ be given on condition that the said railway-be so located and c'onstructed as-,tcfrun the full fenlfth of the o Cou'nty, -from east to west ;..antt that a By-law besubinitted in aecord~nce wit_h this resolution. - In 'am'eridment second: Moved:hy J. Balla~, seconded::by $, ~e~ler :.tb*'tthe-re- pm.1i of the Committee on' Railroad By~la:w -bl:(:not:tio\v adopted;- but- that- it 00' referred; bi'ckto the (Jotnmitte~ for , amendmgnt,. h): ~ubstituting'~{)O',OD'O in p1a.ce of$.26o~ooo: Thesecoild amendment was'pdt all,d lost; The' first am'endmerit' was then put and -] 9st. Y_e~s andna:;rs'bken: on flrst'atnendment' as foI1o\is': '!:efu!~E~ery".stT?-tt9n, lItanp; S~freI; Chute aU,dr-Ie. Causlaud--.:c6. ., - Nays~'Mlii1att, '-eoch'rane~ :MCLa;w3, ~fcKillQI>_; .'Wa~4eT ,Y ork, 8IIlit~l ~lli~o~,. Eallabl~Heglel' ,and Philp?tt~-l;l; T~e niainmntionwas.then ptlt' and_carried.- Yeas' and: nays a:s--fol:1oiY.8-; ~ I I I I h I Ii li n n Ii Ii Ii ~I \! !:i I. i' I II Ii I'; 1:1 "I ~j t!1 (I !I Ii Ii ,I I! I! \ Ii i! 26 y e~-$~l\Jc-Ca_"(ls1ancl, 2.'brla.tt,- Cocl1ra:trff, _~I\fcLaws,. Mc- KiJlop, Wade, York, Sm,ith, Ellison, Philpot~-ref}d Ohut'1--'-l1. Nays-Emery, Stratton, Ma~lI1, Suffel, Ballah llnd Hegler~6. J\!-ain niotion carried by a majO'l'1.ty of 5-. N oticeF'l of motigns for applications~o be I'rlad8' to~morrmv : B'y l~Ii. f\fcKillop, _ ,for ~ gJ:'ant of - On~ I?:lu~d~.eti - ])oll'~~'~, too -ass,ist 1fr. 1\lcG~XiIl' of the D_e(tf ,a;,i.c1. DuIl1b _ !Th::~~_i~J?te1 in ~i8fina,nciale~~arrasst11e.n~:s, incurred in th~ m:1n~e~~n_t-:~f said Iustitu:tion at Hamilton: Ey Mr. Em€ry, for an approp~iatioIl9L On,~. l:l)m_~red Dollars, to repairBridge,s_(mCounty -].ill~-~~~we~~,~~g,ip',~nd ~ N Qt'folk. . .l?y i'rfr. _ BalI~h; f()r a~n tof -_Que -B;1ll.1~r~? _ I)~l.fl::r;~,,:~o .~e expeIlded on J3ridges on t~,eJ~_e:~~~w~?,~ ~p,~,~~fI:- North DorchE}st_er. By 1\11'. Cochrane" for a ,gr3:nt ,_of o.ne~lln?T~~ PplJ~.1Z~, to h~~tP~llged fJU the:rowIl-li~e_b~t",e~n- "S~t.}~wol,ci _,a.~d Delaware. . ' . Moyed by R~ Cochrane, secon~e4 .P.Y' p., ,M:C~~fS : ,that. th,e -Qojlnty, S,o~cit9r be au~I19r:iz~~ t9~~a;~t~ By~i~~ .gant- i,tlg,~Bo,nusof~200,OOO .i_n a~d of the .Qa~ada-S~~{ili~pl ~ail.roa4, ,ip. ac?orJance,vitll'tl1~ ~ep~~~i.th~ ~Q~~itt~.e' on J:tailr~ad]3y:l~~.Oa.~Ti~d.:, ,,' "', '-~"--'-."-"'~ The County :~0Iicit9r /;p.,l~ll1_1t.t~ddr.a~t_9f;~~()p~~;~ril;;R;~n,way By-~law, to r3;~s8:tb.eS~In ,or~.~OO,O.o9"to:pe$h;:ep,:.~.-,~2??Uus to tb}~'9,a~~1:.\./?0p.t,her.n ,~,ai1'Y:aY,.Q~)]l1Ha.ny. _ ~ ;jyIo7-"e4, py ,':Mr.-Q()chrane" secon4e:d - ~yJ. _lVJ:a,rla~_~::,tAat the -By:1a,~ granting 'a . Bom1s" of $200,OOO-j~::__~i_~,:~i.i~ge "Qan~da_~o11~he,rn Company', be.:r~ceiyedand re.ad:a first-,ti~:re~ d~~r~e9-.'-.. . ., . .,'. ... ,.".' - ,'~ . ",,;,- ,.-- ,-,.,--.' '-'';' '.--, On motion of ,~Ir. ~TadeJ~e~n-l!:~e~py'r ;,~J;I1~th, th& Council adjourned till ,nine o'clockto.-~orrow mo;'n~~,i. 27 '. '1..1 ;1 I" ili !! ~ Hi II,! i) U ii Id !ii iii iii 1'1 Itl I'i U Ii, "1 I:! ,oj I-! .. Ii' I" Ii! Ii' Ii ii II I, II I]. ,. p: I:! III I i: I'!, III I!i Ii I! ,i II " 'I ]/, 'SECOND SESSION. THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, June 23, 1870. The-:9ooueiliiiet.et riine o'clock, forenoon. The Warden in the chair~ ,.__:i\~e~ber~p~esEnt =_ }Iessrs_~ J. l\IcKillop,Vlade"Ballah, Phi~pott, ~()r~,..,~uffe], McLa)vs,.l\farlatt,. Emery,_EliisrHl, J\'IcC<u~slar0., Str,atton, Smith, Chute, :Manh;. CoclH'ane and Hegler. The p~'ocee4i~gs'of the previous day wer,e read and signed. :Movecl by J Ballah, seconded by J. Smith: thatth€ Re~ port_of Commiltee Oll. Public Improvements be received and l-ead. Cs.rrjed, The Report of Committee on Public Improvements was read. After whieh ']y1,. Ballah moved, seconded by S. . Wade: that' the Report of the COIilmittee on Public Imp-.:ovemellts be adopted. Carried. Moved by 1V. y, Emery, se'conded by P. 11. J\fanil: that Thomas Sims is hereby appointed by this Oouncil a Com.. missione~' to expend 011e Hundred: and Thirty'Dollars of the money granted by 'this Oounty, on the COl1~ty line bet\veen t!he Counties of Elgin and Norfolk, the Township of Hough- .ton having gUal'anteed'alike amoUlit'. Carried. The .\Val'den read C-OlU m nnication received by him from theSecreta'ry of't'he" Gl"\'!a't vVestern Raihvay'Company, respectiIig the 'gl'antiJig of a: boullsto the Great So'uthern R."l.ilway Company. lVloved by , 8. Wade, secorid~d by J. Y oi'k: that this ~ou~lclllit'titionthe Legisl~ture ofOnta.rio, 'at its next session, toamen:aSe'Ction 82 of -the Asses8inerit Act of 1869; by s~lhstitiltllig -one fOl.' two days' Statute Labo~,as required by said Section; Carried. 28 29 1Ioved byJ.:MeKillop, seeonded by R.. CochFa.ne: th~t ,thif,> OO'.lllcil grant the sum of One Hundred Dollars t.). J.. B. ~lcGlS\.nh; Teacher of the Deaf and Du~b Institute, ~amilton, to assist him in hislfi~ancial emharrass1.'!1ents. Carri.ed. 1\:foved by ~r. Sunel, secoJ}ded by Mr. Chute: that the Council do ROW adjourll. for t'iVO hotus, ill order t~t th~_ C,omhi.lttee 011 Eqt}_~lization W~V meet.. Car-tied. After an interrhission Of two houi.g the Council ~et-?gain,. Mter >y1ich 1\h. Bullah moved, secoIlded by Mr. Ellison: that the Report.ofthe COll1r4ittee on Equalizatioll b~ receiveq. a~ld rea.cl. ,The Ileport OIl Eq aali;zation WM3 read. Virhen it was moved byE. Hegler, seconrled byJ. :Ballah , G.lat the Repol'p of the .Committee on Equali?;atioR be ,~dOpt0d.. ' In g,->>lendmentf Moye.cJ.- qy J. :McKilIQP, seconde61"by D. McLaws: that tbe Council go into Committee of the vVhole on the Report of theCpmrnitt.e~ on _Eqaali,zatioJ:?. The, tJ,mend'ment was lost. , Yeas u)ld l1a y~ taken as follows; y eas-:lvIcLao/liJ; ~lcI\:illop and Philpott."..,-3, Na,ys--1Iann, _Sh'attOI)., SuffeJ, Ohute, J\f?-datt., Cochran~, 'V~de, York, Smith, Ellis.on, Ball~ha.~d. _Regler~~12. The main m'otiOll was then putana.carried~ lVIoved, byC. Chute, sf,conde,a hy,H.J~tratton: that th~ J{ep.ort 'PI phe FiIl~nc.e Qo.m!lli~tee- be received and.-read, Ca.rried. TheClel'k read :f{epprt pf Finalice Cammittf'e-. Mter which it !,7~_S mpv,ed by E. :Hegler}. &econded .hy Jr Philpott: that the ftepol"t,of Finance Committee be adopted~ ~TI(1thj1t t~~ \Vard~l} &igpdrafts for tJe ]\CcQuIltsembraceq. there~p.: Carried. Moved by J. Marlat.t, seGonded by C. Chute; that tb<l R.ef.'Jrt _Qf the Committee On. Emigration" be received and ~ead. The B._sport 9:f t4~ Ogmmittee on Emigration was ~opted. y eas~Emery, Mann,. -~ratton, Buffelt Chute, :W:cCaus;. laud, MarJ1!-tt, c.och!'al}e,~c~aws, )Y p'>de, Y 9rlc, Smith, Ellison, Ballah, Hegler and Philpott. Nays-MoKillop. }fajot ~H-ison gave notice that he intended to ~make p,pplication to the CCI1.:mcilto-lnon'ow for the sum of One Hundred Hql1ats, to be giv,ep. to the E~gin Rifle Association fQ-r prizes, to be shot for by t4e Elgi~ Y olun~e~rs. :Moved by J. A. Philpott, seconded 1>)' J. Ellison: that a grant of Two Hundn~d DollarR be made by this Council, to }1e expel1.de,4 on the .approach,es to the Coyne. E,oad Bridge. 1Iotion. lost.. . Moved by J. Ellison, seconded by j, Y orJi: th.lt)>e Jail Commit.tee 'pro0ure three dozen' d:airs for the Grl:l>ndJury rDom and q-ther ofiic.es in t4e ponrt HOjJse, ~nd that the old Ghai~~ btil sold at the Town ffallby, a11-ption. Carried,' Moved by C. Ch1)te, seconded by J. Marlatt: that By.law .~o; 1~1, to raise t~e :sum 'of Nineteen Thousand One HUll- d'!:~-a R'Q-d Fifteen Dollars, beingt.he amount required to ',meet tn-e cn17€H).~ 'e::tpenses and liabilities of 'the County, l3xclusive Glf:Scihoo1s, ope .re&<1 g,.first-time. Carried, ,:Moved hy E. Hegler, seponeled 1>y J. Ballah ; that By-law :tro. 191 be J;ead a second tiD:le. Carried~ Moved by D. McLaws, seconded oy j't, Coc)lrane; that By-law No. 19.1 he read a third time and finally p~..ed. c;#l'ried~ r II Ii " [I il \1 I II I, I' I II II ,I Ii !i ii " Ii II II 'I /1, , i i I 30 ~'!/jr~ ~ j ;"1 -;;1 "\il ,I j I }'fo~ed by yv.'Y.Emel'y,secowledbyP.- :1L-1Ianl1: t1nit Bv-law" No. 193, to Eqriali2e: the Assessments, be -r~cei yed aI~d read J'l.. tin;t time, Can'ied.. Iiiov~d b,yJ: A. Philpott, seconded' - by'-E.Hegler : :t;h~t By-law No. 193 be read' a second time Carried. :M6ved by Ge~; SuIrel, seconded'hy],.fr, Chutci: that By- law: We." 193 he l'e:1doi thii'u time and finally passed; Carried. l\Ioved by R. Cocbrane, seconded LyD. JicLa'\vs: that the 'By-law 'to gl'?,nt $200;000 in 'aidof,the.Cana<)a,SO)lthel'n Raiiw~y Oompany b~ read a 36cond time. Ca,rried. l'heBy-Iaw to,aid,the Canad," SOhth~rnR~dlwajComi)any wai> ret,ld, order'ed to b0 publi::>hBd and_ submitted to the yotes .oftheel:ectors 'on. Tuesday, the second day,6fAugustnext, 1'Lo~e(tbYGeo. :Sufiel, secoi'ldlJdby Dt,. :M~U1n: that'the Returning Officen; appointe'j to +,ak@ the vote: on the, pro- posed Ra.ilway Bj-luv....., bo allowed the snm of Three>Dollars" ~ eAch fe~' the1r services in holding a poll; pesting :ad vertise. merits, alidmakillg returns. Carried. . ]jtoY~d hyJ. Srnith,-sec9nded by J: A.PlJilpott: that tJ.le lessees ,of tiLe London and Port S'buley Gravel Road be; llotifie'd, fotthwith,toreJiair;or renew"on the _said lcadl,tho _ctllv.er~a'nd their 5vater-'couI'se~",the felllJl;Os on embank- ments" landsl~idetill1bers, on~ deep c.ut~" ditches op- th~ road sid:~ 'j, also" ~o keep tha road- ig, good Ol'der,~"nd' gra_vell~d in "the centre the properw~d~h j to cli~d?wn,ail~lpreventfronl going to:se~d" \~eedson t]le,~oad-side,; .as ~eq~l{l,'e'd 'by, 'th~ t~l'~S of their 'lease,_~nq 'the lu\v/and 'that,l\Il',.J: D. ~aikie, P. I.. S., he instructed toex2..mine the ~;dad, withiil" .t'\Vo~l:on'ths, ,and H~poi.tori, the same to the War'den. ,carried. Yeas~Emery, :ThIann, Stratton} Sdfel) Chute} ~lcCi\:,~s.; s~ ~ 3: "j> '0; '~~ . "t' ,f 'f' ':j ,} 31 Innd, ~Lrlatt., Coclu"ane, ilicLu.w<:::, '\V<.Lde" Y Ol'k, Smitll, Ba.lhih, RegIs!', Philpott and J. McKillop:........16. ~1l.ys.~Ellison___l. Carried hy a lli?Jorjty of 13. ~Moved by,' Geo. Suffel, seconded hv H. Strfltton: that By-law No. 192, to r?~ise the amount of Three Thouflund Tln'ee' Hundred ,Dollars, ~Qr Common Schools, equiv:-tlent to tIH:J Leg~s~~ti".f}grant;,l:Je\e~eiv;.e<l ~rtd rea9,~:9-r,st:_til?e~ . -C,arried. Moved by E. H8g1ei, seconded byJ. BalJah.: that By.law No. 192he read a second time: Carried. Moved by J. B~Il3;hrsecondect-?tJ:,Emsori: thatBy~law No. 192 be read a'tb-ird tinH~"~l1d'finany passed~ Carried. .-Mov~d" bj' 'Jeh~er ;lotk;seconded by J. I\:1cCausland:- ~h~~ ~Ir. _~aikie ,,~?6,r:~qu~_~~~hy,t~i80o~,nctl ta~\lrYy~the l'?~d:_~l1(nr~:~?,e '~~t,a~l{<;h,~~,~e~~e~~,,~_o~_~'N os: '21.. a~d)~, in ,~h.e}t~_ Conc~ssio~..,of-Ya~rrto~~h, ~hic-h~a~"be'~~_ 'l~id'-64l~ pl.are>,~fJ~a,~t o(~}3~ ..To~n~hipline .petween' 'Yra:rmbtit~: '~d Malahide~ Carried. ". " .... , Moved by R. Cochrane, seco~~e:~ byO._ SUFel :,tha;t,this S<??~?~l c.req~estY~at.~l! _t.he C~~nty ~dv~rt~~mgbe "db~,~ in ,.t~e-,~e~~Raper' ,pn biisl1ed .:in the .?ol;nijr'liafi~? the"-l~~gest fl,rc~lati~n,.._until ,~,th'er::i~e ins~rtict~d.-,~Y'-:t _:r~sofutl~n"'~f t~iS,COurIOil" provided the charge of the l~ublis~'e~ ~,f~r'soch work shull not exceed ,the standard published r~te8' Jor:' ad- vEn~tisa]]jerit5. Cah'ied. l\1~oved by S.V\7'ade, s~conded bv J. ,York ;-:,that .th~,War- ',~~n;pe <aH~h~tized"to call-.:_a)(p~Giai-u:ieeti~g ,of .this> ;9(n~ncil ,.QIlJ:u~aq.a,y, _~heYw:enty-:se:V~hth ,(b,Y' ,of~8e.pt,ellll:g~r'l!~x~,}o . ,~a~e,intl) ,c_d~sid_era,tion,the:finl?-l'pa$$iJlg of the..By)a; Wg!'a~tA h;1,g ,Two );Iunslred ~ 'XholU~~n.<:i. Dollars ,toj;h~ Canlld.a,$o~tl1er.ti RailwayCompany,provicied the said B;)a~)~",.a~s~-~t~,d-:'~() ):iy:the :e*~c~or~,'OaFied. . The Coun~il thc~ ~4J~urned. l" Iii il! I' , " ii! . ';',! I Iii ii! " :ii Iii iil ;,1 " Ii! "1 i:l Iii 'I iiJ 'J< Iii p: ':1 iii i" "I I'! i:! ;i I H i !:' II ji Ii ,!:' I' ill \1. ii' II Ii: [I Ii, I,' I'i 1:\ il I /ill Blgin Ootmty OouMil Praoeed:ings. SPECIAL SESSION. TUESDAY, September 27, 1870. The Council ioet a't ten o'clock, forenoon,acco.t:ding tl)' notice given f~r a 'Special J.\feeting iofthe' purpose ~f cOh. sider~g the l3'y';law to" grant a' Bonus ,Of Two _Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Canada Soitthetnl'lallway Com- ,pauy. The' Warden: ii1 the' chait. Members, present.: Th{essrs. ,J. :McKillop;. D'. :McKiiIQP, Marlatt.,-8tratton, ,Wade,j\lam~, .Mc:Lawl1;, Y.oxk, ,Snffel; McColl, >McOausland, Hegle",ElllioIl, Ohute, BaHah,. Smith, Emery,a.nd,Coclll.::ane'; The proceedings of the' last day .of-the" previous':ses:sion were'r:ea:d:a:h.;lslgried., A:ffet'whlchthe 'Waicde'ri'a:ddtessed the'00un:cH,:a.nd :read' the 'certificate'6f"the'~C6unty ,,'Olerk,'c~rtdfymigthat'a' 'm~jor- 1ty;of-'the'v()test~ken: 'hu'<i 'approv~d 'of,the'<ay.~law,to 'gtli'tlt Two Hundred ThouSand Doll':fs to ,the 'C~'utda<13outh,etn Railway Company. The Warden also read opinion'fromJehiel 'lIIann,C<>un'ty Solicitor, rea:pecting Railway Bylaw. 33 The Warden submitted and reall petition of Joh.n Ram- ~ond and 109 others, in r~ference to the Southern 1:laifway~ From John Griffin and eleve-n others. /- From Po.-Mer Bartlett and 540 others. And fi om Andrew OS,trander and 58 others, ag~irlst t4e Southern Rail way Bonus. ' \ l\fr. F~l1lley, Chief Engineer Oanada Southern Railway,. being present, addressed the Council respecting the survey of t~l~ Ra~w~y. nil'; Thomson being present, also addressed the Council rega~diI1g tl1e lo~ai;~on of the Oanada Sout~ern Raihyay. The agreement to be made with the Canada Southern Railway Company, respecting route, &c~, was submit:ed and ~~d. W"hen it was moved by D. nicLaws, seco:r.ded byJ; Mc- Killop :t.hat the agl;eement just J;ead, respecting the terms of the Bonus to be gran'ted to the Canada Southern Railwa.y Comp~~y, bEl'_ approved of by this Oouncil. Carried. M:oved by J osep]} Madatt, seconded by D, McKillop: that-the By-law to grant a Bonus of T'yoHundred Thousand Dollars to the Canad:.t Southern Railway Comrany, having been approved by the votes of the electors, .be Ie-ad a :first time an~1?-UIflb.er~'d 194. Carr~ed; The Clerk read Railway By-I,!-w. In amendment: Moved by W. Y. Eme"y, seconded by George Suffel : Whereas" a~' t~e tim~ of th~voting u.po;L th~ ~y-lavr grant- ing a~d ~o th.e Cana,da,S()uth~lin~,l;lilw~y, tpe J;~tepaiers of t~e,Cou:ntY" ",ere. not fV~~Y ,apd f~ir~J iIl;f()r_me,4 as to the location of s:;tid line of Rail way and its branches. An~l 'Yl1ere.as, tlte, railw~y' sch~meaJ1d the apP!:l?pri:~:tion Qf the ~oIley have,. as's~.me~. new ~eattlr~~ ~9~. n~,4el'c()nsidera.tio1;l' at the time or' 'v~tfug. "And whereas, it is of t,hl3, u.tmp.st 11 ~ Ii I;', Ii i I" Ii ii, !J Ii, Iii iii I" Iii ,I Ii Iii Iii Ilil II! ',I Ii Iii 'I II ill 1'1 JJJ 34 import<tnC'e that the ratepayers should La-ve ample time and find opportunity to. be rightly and fuUyinformed upon a matter-of such great pecll.lial>Y import3.nce to them. 13e it therefore resolved, that. the By.clawbe not.6na.lly pass8d, but that a llew By-law be submitted to the rate- payers, in which may be embodied matter tending to. make fixed and certain the route of the railw-ay line thro~lgh the County. The yeas a,nd nays being caned for by Mr.SuffellJn the ame"dm~nt, weret.aken as follows: Yeas----..e:.Emery, SI;rattvn, Chute, StiffeI, ltfcCau:;:land and :Mann. Nays---,-.Co.chrane, Ellison, Smith, ~:faplatt,Wade, York, Hegler, BalIah, 1YIcLaws, McColl, .T. McKillop and D. M~ Killop. Amendment lost, main motion carried, and J3y-lawi.tl'ad a first time. Mcved'by .Ed.wardHegler, secendec1byJobn'Ellioon: . th;:tt the By-law, to gTant a BOl\uSof Two Jlundred Thous- and Dollars to the Canada. Southern Railway Company, having beeD approved by t.he votes of the electors, be read a secpnd time. Carried. Railway By.law No. 1,94 was read by -the: Ole:k. After which it was moved by S. Wade,' seconded by Jolin Ellison: that By-law No. 194, to gral1ca. Bon~s of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Oani'tda S6rlthern'Railw~y Company; he now read a third time and' finally passed, aril;! t;hat the Warden do sign the By-law on behalf of this Council, and :that ,the'Seal of the 99rporation be' attached th.ereto. Yeas-Ballah, Hegler, Ellison, Marlatt, "V\7k'de, J.Mc. Killop,York,D. McKillop, MeLaws, l\fcCoU,Oochrane and Smith. I I r 35 Nays-Emery;!' :NIaIln, Stratton, Sr:.ffel, Chute -ana. Mc- Causland. :ThIotioll carried, and By-law read a third tiitle. i\foved by:D.1t'IcLaws, seconded by.'T. Mc~iIIop: t~at the ,"'iT arden :be authorized to execute the agreement WIth the C:tn<i,cl~ Southern Railway Oompany, and to affix the Seal of the Municipality thereto. Carried. ':I'he -Warden then submitted petit.ion and census of the inhabitants of the Village of Aylmer, praying to be Incor- porated. vVhen it was moved by.T. Bal1ab, seconded by E. :f.[egler: that the petition of the inhabitants of the Village o~ Ayl~er be t!ntertained by this Oouncil, and that a By-law, erectlllg said Village into a separate Oorporatio,n, be passed in accord- ance with their request. Carried. Moved by J.l\1cCausland, seconded by C. Ohute : . that .By-law No. 195, being a By-Ia~ t.c Incol'pol'ate the Village of Aylmer, be read.a first time. By-law No. 195 was read by the Clerk Moved hy E. Heglar, seco:1ded by J. Ba!lah: tbat By- law No. 195 be read a second time. Canied. By-lawN o. 195 was read asecolld time. l\1oved lilyJ. Baliah, seconded by John Smith: that By- law No. 195 he read <:10 third time and finally passed; Carried. By-1a.w No. 195 was read a third time. l\-foved. by J oll11"Ellison, seconded by R. Cochrane: that thisOounciJ grant the sum. of One Hundreu Dollars to ,the Elgin Rifle Association,_ for prizes to be competed for. Car.l.'if'd. Ye&s-Emery,Ma.nll, Cochrane, YOl'k,vVade, Marlatt, Ellisoh, Stnitb, J. McKillop and D. McKillop. 36 NityS-'-Suffel, Sti-atton, Chute, :McCausland, McCon, Mc- Laws, Hegler and .Banah. _ _ ,." On motiOlJ. of J. nicKillop, seconded by J. Yark: the \Vardenwas authorized to sign draft for _ members' v.:agef.', ~md the Oouncil adjourned till the' eighth day of November next. WILLIAM McKAY, Clerk. T. M. NAIRN, WCM'den. Elgin County Counoil Prooeedings. THIRD SESSION. FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, NovemberS, 1870. / The' Council met at ten o'clock, forenoon. The \Varden in the cha.ir. i\iemne~ prese:r;i.t : Messrs.. J. McKillop, D. l\iIcKillop" Ellison, Mann, Y ark, Stratton, McLaws, Wade, Chute, McOoll, HegleI, McCausland, _ Smith and :Ballah. ,The' _proceedings of the last _ day of previous session were read and signed. The Warden then addressed, the Council. ~he following com~unications - were read: From J. W. Langmuir, Inspector of Prisons, respE'cting the Deaf and Dumh .A.ylum at :Belleyille. Fl'oinJ: S. Hallowell, acknowl@dging receipt of By-law to':inc?rp~l;:~t~'th:Villag~; of.Aylmer. From Beecher, Barker &Str~et, concerning Appeal Case onEqtlaI~_atioll_ From D.McCraneY, re3pecting award of Arbitrators in the' matte'r of Bridge ac~'oss the .River Thames, between Elgilf, Jre!1t and JYIiddlesex. FromJ. 'n. Ba:ikie, Provincial Land Surveyor, with Re- port on state of the London and'Port-Stanley Gravel Hoad. , 38 From Ira 1\forgan., Warden of Carleton, soliciting aid for the sufferers by fire in that County. Mr. Suft'elgave notice that he will aubmit a motion for a grant of One Hnndred Dollars, in aid. of the sufferers by fire in the County of Carleton. Mr. :McColl ga.ve notice that- he will make application to- InOl:ro'V for a grant of Three Hundred aud Fifty -Dollars, towards the construction of the approaches t,o the Coyne Road Bridge. -- Mr. 8affel moved, second~d by ]rh. Stratton: that the communications be now taken up and disposed of. Carried. Moved by S; 'Vade, seconded by Joseph Ifa.i:iatt: that the report ofJ~ D. Baikie, Provincial La,nd Survevor 1'6- specti~g the Port Stanley GI'avelRoad, be received 'by'thi~ Counc~,_ and that a-copy of saia report be forwarded to the leRsees of' said' road. Carried. Moved byrrlr.. Wade, seconded ,by .J. '1V.[ad~tt: ....that ;vliereas, a~arb:itration has ~ken pI,ace respecting the bnild- mgaf a. bndge between the Counties ofi\1id'dlesex, Kent andEIg~_~,; andwhereas"this Oonncil pas'sed a By-law to app~.oprl&te Seven Hrirtdi"ed and Fifty-DoLlars towards! th _ erection of said briclgejbe it theI-efore: resorved, th~tth: Committee of this Oouncil take no action in the erection of said~ridgeu~tilthea~ard of the Arbitrators is known to this Oo.rincil. . Carl'ied. - . l\ioved by D..~cLa:~s;:~ecoild€d'_bY_T~.:M~Ooll ::tliat,_a Committee composed__o(l\1:essrs. . SufleI;: McCatHihtnd,l-Iecr_ lel,'.~' ~I~Kil1op,.~lJis~n, VV a~tland'-the :mover, be appoil~t ed .to m~e enqUlJl€S If tllere is a blli1~ing .~httt ,ca~ .be le~se~ 'Whwh:w6tll<1 ,he suimb,le for a_.House of'R,efuge ; said bl~lldm~:t9 be cD~:.en-~ent to the Town or St. Thomas. 'Com- mItte'e'to repod; tocmon'ov.~. Carried. ' O~.m9t:on of Dr. MaIill" se,c-ond~:~ byR._Stratt,on the C04aeiJacljo.urned till uiae o'docK t6.;norrv\Y momillO'" O' g 39 THIRD SESSION. SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, Nove.fiber 9, 1870. The Oouncil met 2.t nine o'clock, forenoon. The Wa.rden in the chair. Members present :J.1\fcKillop, D~ McKillop, 1\~cL~ws, McColl, Ellison, 'V~de, l\farb,tt, York, ~cCausland, -Chute, Hegler; BalJah, Stratton, Maim, Sbfteland Eme'ry. The proceedings of the 'l)reviQus day w~re rearl a~d "sigmid, The Waeden s".lbmitted a commH:tJ.icatioil fFlm the W 3.1'- den of Lincoln, respecting an amendmeIlt to the' Assess- men:t Act~ The Warden also I'eada commllilication fwm tEe. COliucil of the Tuwn of St. Thomas, intimating their desire to aid in the ereetionofa Hous.e of Industry. When ,Mr._ Suffel moved, seconded by :Th1:r. Stmtton: that the COl.;ne~l adjo~ln for one hour, to_ allow the Fillaride Committee to meet. The Co.nnell me,t again. W,hen it \V::t~moved by C. Chut~, secondp,d by J,l\fe- Canslalld : tha.t the Report. of the Finance Committee be recei vedand reacl. Carried~ , The'Cler-k'read Report of Finance Committee. MoyedJJy- S.' _Wade:,seconded-by,J.J\lari.a.tt: tbatthe Council go into. Committee of t,lle Whole pn Itepprt of 'Fi~~nce Committee. Carried. Th~,COlmcil,went-into Committe? ofthe'Whol~. :Mi-. :.Smitb i,ntbe chair~ .A~terbeing.so'metime.in' ComJ))ittee of the Whole" the Commit~~ rose. When the-Chairman roported the' adoption Qf th~,R~PQrt of Fina!lCe Co;mmittee, witl1 an' aniendment,; bY-1l:dqing account of ,H. F.Eflis. - . , " 1,1 1,,1 I' :: II ,,' I ! ~ I![ Ii: I!I l:: ii' i' !I I, ill I,i I' I ill I' i:1 :!I I Ii \1 II 111 ;1' .! , ,I 'I Iii II ~, I 40 Moved hy G. Suffel, seconded hy O. Ohute: that the Report of the Finance Committee, as amended in Committee 0f, the Whole, by addmg Mr. Ellis' account, be adopted by this Council, and that the accounts embraced therein he paid. The yeas and nays being called for py ~. ~IcLa.w~, were taken down as follows: Yea:s:-Mann, Stratton, Buffal, CU:lute, MC(Jausla,nd, Wac1e, _M~r~att, Ellison, Smith, BalIah and :lfe~Ie!'. Nays-J. McKillop, D. McKillop, McOoll, York and McLaws. Motion caITi~d by majority of six. Moved hy Tbomas McOoll, seconded by D. J\fcLaws : th.t this_Council grant the sum of. Three Hundred and Fifty Dqllars towards -building the approaches to the Coyne Road Bridge, across the Ri~er Thames. Mobion lost. Moved hy D.McLaws, seconded ht S. Wade: that the Council adjourn tillhalf-pas:t one o'clock. Oa'hied. The Oouncil met again. Moved by J. Ballah, second.d hy J. Sn,ith: tbat tbe Report of the Oommittee relative to the House 'of IndlLStry, . be -received and read. Carried; . The Clerk read Report. 'Jf Committee on Rouse of Industi'y. Moved hy J. McOausland, .econded hy T. McOol): tha. the Report of the Committee on HO~8e of Refuge be adopte,d. Carried. . - . . - _ Movedhy G. Suffe!, seconde.1 hy J.McOausland: that this Council petition the' LegiElature of Ontariotopass-' an A-~t whe~eby . witnesses attendmg Courtat--'criminal trials may be paid the same rate as those atte:n.dmg civil c~ses~ Carried. . MJved hy G. Sllffel, second~dhy J. MqOausland: that "' 41 the sum at One Hundred Dollars be grouted to the Warden- of tho e' Cou~t.v for his.. servicesduri.ng the cll.rrent y~r~ . . ... ", . . Carried. ..., Mov~ hy J. Ballah, seconded hy E. Hegler: th2t By-low No. 19'6,fQrthe preserration of public morals,ID the- Coup.ty" be received and read a first time; Carried. By-law No. 196 WlJiS _read a first time. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded hy H.. Stratton, that By- la\v No. .196 be read a second time. Carried. By-law No. 196 was read a second time. Moved hy J. McOausland, seconded by O. Oh>>te : that. By-law No: 196, being a By-hw for the preserv~tl(~n~ o~ public- morals in the .G(i~ntyof EJgin,he- read a thIrd trme' and finally passed. Garried. By,-Iaw No; 196 wasread'~third :tiine'andp~_sed.,. Moved hy S. Wade, seconded by J. Marlatt 0 that the Bill of' Costs of Messrs. Beecher, Barker & Street; amount~ inO' to Forty D.olIars and Thj.r_ty~nin:eCent.s, he paid,n,nd th: Warden iss~e ft'cheql]e fOi( the sarn:e;_as t!txed by the- Olerk.ofthe CountyOQurt. Oarried. , Moved hy J. Ellisori.,secondeclhy J. Marla!;!, thatth", Clerk be authorized to procute; 370' co-pies of the pr~ceednlgs; ()f tl;J;i$ Goull(~il,p~te~' in pamph1e:tfol'lp. .; fifty. ~9pi~' to' ~ac1~'.'r'ownship. .M\micipalitYr.,and. twenty cop~~st~:tpe ~il'laO"eof Vi~nna: and that l3aidpa1l;lphlet. be pl'inte(l ~d J:"..J,....,b ,...'_ '.'_.' .:: ..' .'..:'. distributed hy.the Ilth. Decemher ne"t. Oarried. , Moved by O. Ohute. seconde:! hy G. Buffel: th~t 200' . .f'. B I No. .'19c be printed hy this Oou.ncil, and ~OpllO!~ 0 y~aw . ""~. . '.:_., ..._' distri;but~d .tq the'_severa1:Mumelpalit~es a,s,soon as. convenv.- ent. Carried. Moved hy D..McLam. seconded hy G. Suff",1 , that th~ Warden: he instructed to tende~' the thanks of this Caunch, ~Q-'R. Oochrnne, Es.g;., whois,abou.t ta lea-ve the County" fw 42 Itis'vartl.ble "er"kes as ff membe,- of tIiis Council.. C'arri~ct. Moved by J. ElcCausb;nd, seconded by D. MOL.ws :thali the >\Tarde" procure the advice of t.beC.oullty Solicitor be< fDre S1gll1n~ Debentures to tbe Canada Soulhei'!> Railway Com parry, In order to know ~t, what. date intel'est. should' be Computed from. Carl.i€;"d~ 1.foved by J. York, see-ouileil by J. lI1arlat;,: thotBy.]aw No. 197, to regulate tbe duties of certain subordinate om. eel'S of this County, be receii'ed ahd I'ead 0, ilrst. time. Carried. .,'...., J. , 1\1:, oved by W. Jr, ltmery, s, ed,on-'e-' by D: M b .. u U '1'. """nu:t at J3Y~Iaw,No. J97 be read a second tiU1e~ InameIadItient : , Moved by!]: Suifel;sec6ridet1'by'II. Slr..ttoh: that By. law N".197be laid OVer uutil the Jal1Uarysession;s., A.m~llcJment:cal'l'ied_ and. motion lost.. lI1o~edby JosephllfarJatt, secouded by J. Sllison: that! . the Jail Com,:,ittee h. authorized to prOCUl'ethenecessary . iile-wood reguIredfor theJ a,] and CourtHouse, and to o,,,k. the necessary repairs in tIle' Jailor's he<<se and wood oh".. in. the .Jail yard. Gal'ned, MOVed by G: Sttifel, secondee! hyFI.Strr<tfoh : that It voie cllhank, be tendered totheWaMenaudothom ',," "fthis Council, for theve,;..ti'factory manne~":nw;i:~ they have discharged r.heirr.speotiveatrties foi" thec~rJ'ede yea;r.- C~'l'rie(t . On motiou of 1t,.w""~, Seconded by lift: YOl'Kithe Council ""Jonrned till "nm.,. o'c!ockta.molTOW -l'iJ;,;~i. 1 43 THIRD SESSION. THIRD DAY. THuRSDAY, November 10, 1870. . TbeCouncil met at nine o'clock, forenoon, The Wa.rden in the chair. .Members Pl'eBeut: ]iessr.'l". J. '}IcKillop, ,D. McKillop, McColl, MoLaws, Smith, Ellisoll, Wade, Mar1a(t,McCau~_ 1and? CJlUte, Emery, Stratton, Manll, Hegler, B81lah, SuffeI and- -Yark. The proceedings of previous day Were raw and signed. The Warden suhmittedopinion of the Gaunt.r Solicitor, respecting Debentures aud Interest pn RailwarBY-law. \Vhen it was moved by D. McLaws, secol1c1ed by J. Mc- Killop: that the ,Varden be instructed to issue the DebelJ.- ,tul'es for the Canada Southern Railway COmpaliy, in accordance with tIle opinion just ~ubll1itted, and bearing dllte the first day of October, 1870. Can-ied. ,Moved by VV. Y. Emery, seconded by Dr. Mann; that the accounts of the several Returning OffiIJ8rS appointed to take the votes on thB Southern Railway By~1aw, and the .accounts of parties for use of premises in taking the poll on .said By-law, not exceeding TW9 Dollat's each, be ordered to ,be paid by the County treasurer. Carried. ~Ioved by D. l\tIcLaws, seconded by T. McCoH: that this Council pet~tiQn the Legislature of Ontario to amend Silb~ :.S@ction two of Section-71 of the Municipal Act of 1869, so thatA..ssessments of Incorporated Villages may be- equalized .g~tme ,as Townships. Carried. .Uoved oy D. MoL.w., seconelod by T. McColl: th.tthis .couneil petition the Legislature of OIltario to so amend the law a.<; to ,dispense wi~h tIle second selection of Jnrors. ,Can-ied. L Mov:ed -~y .JolIn :McCausland, seconded by G. Suffel : tJIat 1 I WJLLI4.:M MCItAY, CI,,.1;; 1'. 74:. NAIRN, Wa,Yuw_ !I ';I ... I " H - .' oftl~e recent IectislatioRatf~cting the admin~t~tion l.UVleW 1:>. .. thtItlSno f . . 1 law this Council is {;If OpIp-lOU. a o ~mms J - .-. ". . f ~ . d' irable to incur the expense 0 . pI LOllO'er necessary or es . . G. . I o . d _ f Grand Jural's at the " eUBIa .curinO'the atten-allce Q - '" _ '.'' . h h I ;0 . _ p ,. , '. d wo' uld 'recall.. mend t at t e aw S . - fthe eace,an _ _ eSSlOD:S 0 'ill 0'1 - and that the Warden, . this respect be amended aeear no y, _ _ " _ ,'_ _ .\. _ . ~~- b half of this Council, petitiontte Legislatnr.eof On~aTIo on l~-t- ffi t and th.atthe' Dlerkof this Councilforwar~- a r.otllLa€,eC, "',_ " .-' C t-CouncIls " --fthis' resohition to the vanQtlS _ oun y 0' .copy o. . ~olicitin{)'" their co-operatIOn. Carned. " S tt: -.th On m:tion of Ml', Suffel, seconded by Mr.' tra _ ~n. ,', a Warden was authorized to sign draft for members,wage~, and the Cou~cil adjourned sine die, ~}f I ~ i WILLIAM McKAY, . Cl,rk. T. M. NAIRN, .Warden. -1'1 y---".---- 45. PL""V.A...NCE :REPORT FOR 1870, Td"tlte Councilof,tke 0Qunty of Elgin: The Committee on/Finance beg leave to report,'--That they have earefullyexanlined into the financial affairs of the County, and the_estimates submitr;ed by the County Treasurer, herewith submit an estimate of the_ expenditure required to b6 pro'irided for-the lawfulp-urposesOf'the-County for the current year; showing amounts to be raisild for the undermentioned purpo.ses, namely:: . Debentures and Coupons;,................. ..$1,904 06 J:\::Iunicipal LoanFund......... .,.,:........~ ..'.. 6,400 00 Oommon Schools., .n_.... n.........,.. .....;. 3,30000 .superintendelit of Schools.. . . . . .. . ; . " . . . . ... 550 00 Board of Public Instruction. .~' . . . . . . : ..~ . . . . . . ~' . 500 DO Administratioii of Justice..... ...... .-.... ..... 4,00:.0 00 CouRtyLines 'and Bridges:.... ~.............. 1,000 00 (j~neral Pur1!..oses....; .-:,'.: '..~_..........,. ',. .~. 4,131 00 $22,415 00 Your ',Committ.ee, in 'compiling the _ a.bove estimates" have reduced thf) amounts as low as practicable without affecting the credit of the 'O(iunty~ YourOonunittae therefOre ree'Ommend, that the sum 'Of T.wenty-twoThousand li'ourHUJidred and Fifteen Dollars be. raised and levied on the rateable property. in the several Municipalities in the County. for County purposes, .as per Scheduleherewith_; _ and ~hat the requisite By-laws be urawn up a.ndpassed in .accordauce t~erewith,to levy a rate of 2 .8,:10 l\fills on the Dollar; on.the amo1l1lt of rateable property for the previous year, to raise. said amounts~ SCHEDULE: I ,.cOMMON I GENERAL I MUNICIPALITIES; seRO,OLS., . RATE., TOTAL. .Aldbol.ough....... .........) $306 I. $2,275 .- $2,581 Dunwich............u,;.. 405.. 2;661 '3,066 Sori"thw-old.~........~..... 610 3,613.- 4,223 yarmouth......... ...~ .-... 640. 3;888 4,528 Malahide.................. I 579 j 2,981 3,560 SOllth.Dorchester.... ~.. .:. '.... 240 ],0.46 I 1,786 Bayhain................... 520. 1,983 2,503 Vienna.. . .. . .... .. ... . .... j ..1 168 168 Total. . "'''. .. . .:' $3;300 . $19,11; I $22,415 All.. 'Of. which is respeetfullysnbmitted. GEORGE SUFFEL, 'Committee Room, .23rdJi.1ne,..1870.. Chairman. I I II ,I '; if il II i. II , I I 1:1 H o p., ;J;J H Z 00 H 8 8' ~I N :1 H H .~ P (J ~ 9f;- ~~ "0..::: ~_o :E .~ ~ 9 'S ::: ;;,0 <r.l....... ~cl . " ~-7J . " -"", .~~ "'~ ~ --~ 0"""$ -~8 .~] .." >W .EM "':::l ;.,.- aJ.::: ,l:;o ::::::;s 5l!'""' ~. ~= " -+-~:& C;v ~:e ...-::...8 ~ -~---i ~ .$Yl Q "0 !7.l g:-~ .. .~. ~-~'8 :; b.O~"" <1l ~ S o ..c ~8 ~'~.~~I' ~ .;:l~,>._ '"2!....,...o ?+-l- :;;!fI.!'"d 0' trr.:e-EI ,......-r Fr;l,-e Pi. .0 g""[~:. ,...... ~ ~ ~;;:; (!) :~ j? g..o ~S :@ $ .<> JIll'r .,.;:::: <1>;;';:; -~ ~;g @ I .0 t'" <Do II ~ :5J~ Ll 45 q I " I~ I i jle II~ II: < Ui1?, 'I-ffi~- '':".>- .1 ~.~ I tg H ~- ~ I',~.-o-o.- -0.-'000 c-~ 0009,?O? "'0 t:<:r~OC\lc.>oC<l SA I ct1""'l'~-C'l-.....""~ ;'3[:; #if- go. . ~-~ -j 0066 '0.0"0 S-"'", 1COOlQ~O.o ~ ffi'/ t-coco,....,OC<lc<l ~': ~ ,....,C'l~~r-I ~? f~g I t:~~s~8~~ I-~ ~_~ !210~ -.,j'l..;cs.eq,J...'":I~~~:::.o",....._ ~;:~_I~~~_f:~S7;;;1; ~ ~~-.g _o~"",,,q~~. 00 - I'.!!:! ~J- _ _H~""'_. _ ,r-- e3 -I Ct?J:-,...,,....;~--.;,;-, I ~ 0:0 _ _Ot-C:>~-<:Oooo ::;.:;' :lli.~.I.~~'.~~~~;'.-~t; I'" zti .t-<:O.t-.t:-~. -00. < "::1" ~~- -llQOO,.j-!~O.t-o I'" :il B'lB - ...,;!...t!"C\l "<f! 1.(';10 co'a _~.. ffi~'g- co"C).:.~q~~"Q"O" I ~ IL.',:;. .t:-Xlu;,O~-.::I<~O I" Oj~O-'1 ~OCC<l~~~~ ,':0 ffi~1 o;,""';lO~. 9'I~<:Q I. '" ~15.;:J ,....;:,....,"'"..r,....,~ t-":' ,"0:' - ',.. ,'. "e ii ;~",'~~'",~""" :'5'"5:?~~'5 ~"',~ . ".," o'~ " ' " I C ~,..q ~,..q ,0 oil, .::: l..o...+> I-< oilQ~ C:' ~5a 23- ~.s ,J~pif2~/'~ui~.i> <<:::: ,~ $ 0 ~ <:) ~,:b' I:) ~ G:::: ~o oO"OOr::i"'C ~-~"ooe'O~"C:Ol) I" q "q ~l..~_O""'".,.",OIOIO OCitijIOOCiO?l::'::>H,~ lQt-,-.,ffO~-.::I<_-.::I<_O ;Xl"'...,~r6~~c<l~;.:..,~~ -.::1<'" .cq_r:t:JmOO~lQH,..., ~~rl 1'C':llO.--<OC<:OOC<:lO I I <:01.QOOt-~lQOO & ~C<:lC:'l-.,ff>p",,-.:t!o ~ .--<"',"~<:O"'t-"',....,~b;."'~-O~ '-cr5- 'l'--,...j~1O.."'. ."'."". ""10 . ,~~_l.O",CO", C"l~,? ~ ' C"l_ .--<,.....r..-l.... ,00 ---""", ! '" ~ ""'l ~ ~ . S ... ~ ~ ,...:j~o '" "" "" ~ w '" " <'1 o l"l " I I" I I J=< ll.'? .t$ O~ :t '.... ~e<.l -~ 8,S:> ~~ 15...;- o ~ :::;;s !~8 " .<;<;$ rt-.~ c;;) 811, ..0", ;;l~ ,." ",I ~'~ oil:::_ ";'";;$ (1)> ~'g p.. ..g ,~~ ~ @~ s ;;, (1), ;.0 r::: 0~ ::: 0';"< :'0 ~'~ ....,' t- N'''' ";j ,:(i .~ Q) ..:;,~ ce ;:l, 13 Q)~ ::::.... I'D..... .o<~ ;';<'5 ~,..q I'D ~ .~~ ...,.-0 ....~ :;,~ ~-g <:) ,-1-t<li :a ~~ .g"~ ~ c> ,<tl_:::::t: 11 Q ~A ~.>"1 I ~ ...., ~ l=: '"%l ~ ~Z BZ$ ~ ~ ~ o 0 9 ~ BY~LAW NO. 196 , J 1:0 m,a~e ~egulat-ion8fQr ,tlw'p'f"eser-vation 0..1 Pl.{bZicMOl"alti- in the County of-Elgin" ~ <) (Passed' in Council,:9,th .NQvem'lier) 1870.) 'VHE~E.<~S,:un~er,th~p~'ovisi(jm5 of the .~c~' ?9'tb and 30th ,Vi:ctbi la~" , ~apter" 51: _~ectio~ '.2_84,~ of.. tile MU'ilicip~l Act' OT I S{)5, am'ende'd by 3'3rtl ViGtdria',_ Chapter. 26, Section 4, of the 8t~ttiteB" ofth'e-Prdviilceof Oi1t'~do;Ifowet: isgiv:en to the"0ol1~leil 'of every Q01Y1'ltJ, City and Town to rtt.ss Br~ la;~'tor-th{(ptes:e'i"vatioD: or pu blic1Yleirals'; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED ,by ,the. C()rp~'i'atWii of the UOti:hty-' oCEIgirr,by Vlttri.8 and: 1.'1fijley the- a:Uth;ori:ty af~re:- s,aid -_:_ Th~t +t srr~lfnot':be' hwfillfor', a1!yp~i'$01i to" gi.veor' sell iDtoxid~ting drink!t.d; any c1.ild,apprehttce, 01" s'e-rvant- i'iiithirftlrls'-Cdtrnty, Withdrrf'tIte' cbrtsen't' ot the"p~rent~ Inistlli'/'~' Ie.gitt prot'ec1or" dtsuclt aMId; apprentlce,~t s'ervarii;~ _Tha: it s~annot be la.vful for anypersonto. po'sf ~'11!, in.~ ~~~em'_pI:ica~d~,\Vrit~trgs;__ 01' .pfciJure"s,_ " or' td'",lite' _inde~ent words~ or to"ma:ke: any.in'debe:t1'"t pictu-res'or ,drawirigs'ol\ witlls:or' fenees' in;. 'any street 'ot- pub1ic place-in: th'@ County- (if Elgiri, ... . . . .... rfhat:it:shaFf- not'pe"la\Yful' for' any'p'e~son to'be'dTunk~ or'tg'.. utter,'or make;'u:se'd ani: prOfane' oath-~; ci:obsceri'6'j' #- 48 blasphemous or grossly insulting- rsngilage, or othel; immor- ality or indecency in the said County' of Elgin.. That it shall not be lawful for a-J..1Y person or persons., to keep a disorderly house, or house o:fill~fame" wi~h~ the--said County of Elgiu. That it shall not be lawful for any person to keepID gambling house ill 'said ,Oounty, amI that all Faro ~anks) Rouge et N oir, R.oulette _ Tables, and other clevices for gamb- linO'found therein shall be seized and destroyed. b _ _ . That it shall not be lawful forvag}"ants ormendic~ts: to be found in the County of Elgin~ . That it shall not be lawful for any person to. be found drunk or disorde:rlyin any street, highway" or public- place- :i,ntheJ!laid County pf Elgin. That. it shall ,ll9t _ b~.ll1':VfuI for - any person to, ,indecently puhlic1yexpose his or; her'person, or to beguHtyef. any in-" decent exhibitio~ - within the, sa~d 'County, of ,Elgin. "That it shall not be lawful for aRypers()ll<or__ persons to' be horse" racinga:u any of the public s.treetsor ,higp.wiys in: the County of, EJgj,n~ '__.'".. ,', ,.' " That it shali not be lawful for ,any person to _bathe, ,Qr . indecentlY-expose his or herperson:by wasfiing,in.3.1lyw:aters withi~"this ,Ooullty,-,lying, or running-,ne~r _ll;nypu~~icJligb7 way, hetween the hours of six Q'dock m the, ~orning_::.an_lt eight at night, unlessproyided:with; and clothed ~a prope~ bathing dress sufficient to prevent afiy indecent ex~s)lre of their persons.. AJldbe it_<enactecl. ,bY_,theauthority afor~l')aid :,:tbat,any persons ,or persons guilty ofaviolationof 8illY of theprc;>,- visiollR of this By-law,shall, :upon convictioll<l>efore..,ap,y .Justice or Justices of the Peace having jurisdictiollin:,;th~ said00pnty of Elgin,; be liable ~p a fine of not more than t\Yenty dollars :nor less than one dollar,_exclusive ?f costs; I , 49 'i! \',' in default of paym"nt to be levied lUId collected bT dilltr... and sale of goods and cha.ttels of ~aid offender or~ffenders ~:nd in case no goods and chattels are found belonging to th~ said offender or offenders_ as aforesaid on which to levy a.ny fines or fees as afor~aid, it shall be lawful for any such Justice or Justices of the Peace in their discretion to commit ~he offende~' or offenders to the cOJDmonjail or lock~up house, m t.he said County of EIgin,for a period not exoeedinr twenty dayanor less than one day, with or without ,-hard labor as the said Justice or J us'tices may determine, unless the fine and' costs b~ sooner paid. ). And it is further enacted: that all fines and penalties Imposed and collected under arid by virtue of this By-law, shall belong to and be appropriated to the use of the Muni- cipality in which the offence was committed. And it is also. enacted: that By-law No.. 157 of this Council is hereby repealed, and that this Bv~law shall be in force ana take effect -from a.nd after the ninth day of N ovelU- her, one thol1sand p.ight hundred and seventy. ." (~/' I. I I ! WILLIAM. McKAY, Oounty Olerk. ST. THOMAS, County of Elgin, } 9th NOTember, 1870. , T. M. NAIRN, Warden. (Seal)