1871 Minutes
-,<<"j '~i;;n':Jl
- ..':._-. " : :.C
:Elgin County Cfouncil Proc6edings~cl
;::i: _:. '<-TU_ESD~~Y, J"anuary-2"4tll, 1871"-t
The members of the nlunicipal Council.ofthe .J~9U!1~Y
ofElg11'l, met this day, in the Opp~t IIouse, ill ,t:~e. ;~o\Yn
ofSt.~+h~p)a~, a~ n0011,;:in accord<H1Ge_:~'ith the .pl'ovisions
: of t1ie;-..~ct~,29~3_0';:Yic'toi'~a, chapt~~_ Fiftto~~: - . _ '. _:) .
The (allowing gentlemen, me~bers ele~t,p~~sente47 car
tl~yates of ~ppointmellt to _ofiice,' as ~eev,~s. an~_ ,D~~fmty_
i -R:ee"\'ei o(t~~ ~eve_(~l. Municipalities' in,_the -.C()U,~ty.:'~~~~\,:>or
having made:the 'requisite declal'ution of'office:
:r-rAMES. 'oFFIOE;'Mu5IoIPii1>r:ri
JOHN McKILLOP, Reave, :- ALD:BcTR:oUGR.:.i
.'riANIEL' JlfcKlLLOP, 'lJepitty .. do, ,fO/,' "
TH02rIAS McCOLL, Reeve; UmnvIclL C:j;J
,,l?AVlj) JI~cr..A'Y;l,do.' do." dg.?I
.A:RQ~~J3~D KEI\J3, do" do.,uo'"T
DONAL1)TURNER, ' do. do., '.. do.
cSTE:rHE'N",viDE, - ';'." 'Reeve, YA~~<;Urit~':q
JOSEPH MARLATT, to, do. db. . ."
ej'EHIEVYORK;,'do"'do, do)':"
;'-T.:I\.i.',;NAIRN, . ~ReeVt\ ;-~IAL:AH'rb:Ef. _~y7
.JOHN McOAUSLAND, do, do. . ,doc, iC',
,QHiiB!r..E(l.QHQ.TE, {to: . do. ".:dc, :2';;;
'DANIEL FREEMA.N,.~.J1'ete,BA.,.,.~. ,,0
.;ftENI\Y,8:.J;lUFQ]X" " do.., dO, '(1,6..;,:.:
:;S4lJ~"m!:IUl'!W?IrFJN; .do,do.? c.~~.,g: ,,'#
JACOB" CLINE, _ :,~ " Re~ve, _a. ,.:POR<mEST~:~.
W.-H.BROwN;"'" - "do. e,' - a~. ";~:,"-',~.~, ri.W: ":.-...!:,~}
Thf members were called to order. The Clerk in 'he
.When it was moved byJ. l\fcCausIand, seconded hy . J.
.J)hne: th.t T. M. N aim, Esq., be W.rdell of the Oounty
for~~~e~_l1S~ip.8rn~ar.. ','__
In '~mendm.ent :
~~o:ed' bY'-Re-ury' :,13tratton,_ second'ed- - biD. Freeman.
that GeorgeSuffel be Warden of the Oounty of Elcin fo;
'-.th~.Current.yeat~ ' 0 .
~I~l amen~mentsecond:
- '~roved 'hj,7'hq~~~.,}Ilmter, -s~conde~Lby D.:
_t_~atI?~ y~d_ ~(p::,a ,vs'7b~_ 'Y a~delllo~ t4e:_ c.~~r_~l1t, ye~r.-
. - In~a~en?m'~mt thir~: "_ '''' '
. ,l\l;~y,d l,y1).. M?Laws,seco.nded by.]. M:c~ilIop: that
StepheJ1 Wa4~b~,)\f~rg._e~J():r_ ~~~ .curren~'Y-ea.l'"
-._-."~h~~m_endmeJ.lts._were_nut and lost and .the main mo.
ti.~~-~y~~-:_~ill~ied;, '_,j~-',,-j" - - , ., ,.
The.Qlerk then .declaired. Mr.
den ofjtb'e~06uRty. . ;_
Mr.~':1!lairn made ,the de-cJaratiGn of 6.m~e' and 'took:the
chiri'i-: ,-
The::~'F"aTden ad~ressea:.. the cdti~~il;~f~e*-'-,:W-h~ch~,the
procg~~,itIgt?r th}i)ast dai' of the i>~eyioiliLs~~~ion,-~,er.e
read'~a~~slgned."-.~~";- ,-,:'-",:"_,,.,--- _ "
MoY~fl by S. W:a~A; secoJl.ded by'D. l\<1cLa",~ :thatl!!e
W'a11ie)l':-~ndlre;~~~~r b~ ,authc~_ed Li.,-,th~"'~09uti,~i\--,,to
hand over the two::hundred tho\lsarid -:dolla.rs:_of Deben;.
tU1"estd.~'the Tl'1lste:-es of ' the Canada,:Soutlie'~n.-11aihvay
Comp~iiiI6rthwilh. Los~. '.,' . ....... . .. . . ..
The'Warden sub'~itted~i comnnrri.iGa:HQn,; ,~~F'6ir~~tJr()Dl
~~;,~,r;~ijppiaJ Se,c'~~1f1ry,'~ith tlie'- approv~t~,Qf.;i4e:.;;q~~..
"lilor~li~OOUllCil~? t4el!~ilwayBy-Law<:-:, ,.'~..
In amendment: ThIoved bv J. Cline, secon~ed by ,W..
H, BfOw:h:^ that the-'V arde;~dTl;easnrer be inst~'iicted
to hold 'the Debentures in. their hands- until further -~_
stl'uctions from 'this CounciL .
,T-he yeas and nays being called for, on the amend~eiit,
byJY~r.__Cline,.\Vere recorded as follows:
. Y.eas-:::--Griffin, :Freeman, Strattan,Snffel,Chute, Bi'own,
1\Ic-OfLll,SJaIll( ,Tur~el\HnnteriOline~1 o. __
Nays:~M~rlatt, vVade, Kerr, _Y ark, J. -l\fcKillop,:_Me-
Laws,D. McKillop. T. McCcll-8.
..Amt?ndmep.t c~rried ; main motion lost..
':rvI.e~s'~s.:, Thf_?K-~l.lar and,_,Thol!lPs~Il,. heing preseny, ~ ad-
dressed tIle C~uncil i'espeding the D'3lJentures.
Moved by l\Jr. W;'tde, secondtd byJ:.York:}hat, the
"\Varden app.oint. a_special commit_tee..q( tht'e~,_to.st~~ike:th,e
StapaingC6min.it~e-e~ on Fin~flce,Edncation~ ~nd,_P~blic
. lii;1Pi'?v(":IIl,ents,and repOl.f the same to this Council fCl:t4-
Witli~;-~6a'lTied. . ".", .."
ThevVarden nominated l\i['ssrs.'Y~de"Ke~r;"~l)d 'S~.f.
felto be said comI!?-ittee~ '_ .'. ","
;: M.oVed by J,~fcKillop; sec()ridedby S; Wado: l)lalPr.
WiI-soh 'be: appointed- Trustee for the St. Tholll~S q-:r~in-
IDarSc~9o]; fo; the ter,ID. of ~hree :y~ai's.'~C~tr~'ie{t
:1tI~:rredbj '!th.. Chute, seccnaedby Mr:::8tratto~::.:':~~~t
the report of the Special Comlllittee,~ppolli:ted ~? 's~rike
:the-Standing 'Cb'mmittees: be received-and read'7Ca~~ri~?
The report of the Committee appointed to strike'-the
S~a:irding'Cotrimittees,' 'was' rea~; _.""'.' .'.... ._' '..':"
:Moved-by'J;'McKilJop, seconded'_by..VV~ H. .Bl'?Wl:l~':
that tbe report of,the Comm'ittee:app@intea'to ~trike)h'e
,'Stjln4ing{Jomni:i't;tef~S; be atlopte&__: ' Carried. _ '.'_ _' ":__
. 'Moved byG.Suffel,seco.noled byC.Chute:that Satri;
'. uet':Pl'ic~i'J.I:8q. ;be'r3'(1ppoi~te.d, .one. .':of.,-the, ,.A ilditors 'for
atl.ditine: 'the accounts, of' Griminal:J us~ice of: tho-County,
fOl~..thc,~rirrent,yell.r.,......,..Carried. I
Moy(~d by S.Vlace, seconded by A. Kerr: tlult John
Smith be oue-of the Government Al.i.ditors to 'audit- the
ace'oimts of Criminal J nstice for the current year:-Lost-;
:l\Ioved by J. McKillop, seconded by J. York : that
Stephen \Vade be appointed Auditor, to audit the acco~nts
. of the A.dministratiou 'of J nstice, fOI' the C'urrent 'year.-
Moved by S. Wade, ~econd~dbyA.Kerr:; t,hat .W. J.
1Vh'itebe appointed' one of the Auditors' for the present
In :1l11~nclment:, '_', ",','
. ltloved by T. Hunter, sec_ondedby D. Turner..< ~hat
'~o~n~',Ma('d()iaJd, of Fingal, be appointedoneo(the
-~>\uditors for'_the present_year, at the same salar.r__as;la~t
ye~r. ,
lriam,endrrientsecorid :
Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded byJ, Cline: .that.,T. P.
-~la,rtyn be one orthe'County: .Auditors f~r ,the,:,curr~nt
T4e;alllenEh'lle!1ts _ were put an,dJost. The main motion_
_was _then carJ;"ied.
_' fI':b,~ "~3.l'de:n nominated Geo;, Scarff as o,ne 9f the Gourity
A udi,tors,
Moved by G. Suffo!, second.dby C. Chute :. that John
Ora wfqr~,-- pfVienna, :beappointedone'of-th~ -Trustees of
;,th~:Yienila:Gramnia,r Sch091"770arried. .
, Moved bY.Geo. Sufl'd,seconded bY:'H, Stratton::. that
J>:l3.'T:weedale,:', <M,D., he_ appointed -as --Tl'ustee:of:tW3
~Ylenna:GrammarSchool,inplace-of,S, -Newcombe, Esq~,
On motion of 1r.. 'Wade, seconded by J.1hrlatt" the
Council adjourned till nine o'c:ock to-morrow mo: ning.
T. 11. NAIRN,
. IV at-den;
"'''-EDNESJ?AY, JanQ.ary 25, lS7~..
The Council met at nine o'clock, forenoon. The Warden
in the "hair.
J>fembei'~ present: J. l\fcKiUop, D. McKillop, lVlcLoll,
'McLaws, Huntel'. KelT, Tumer. \Vade,Brown, !I-:1arlatt;
'yo ork, l\icOu.uSlandj. Chute; Fl:eeman,'StraotoiJ., Giitfln;
Cline, Suffet
The:proceedings o,f the 'previous day were read., and ail..
thoriied to he signed.
Moved by D. McLaws, seconded by D. McKillop : that
the resolution' passed-yesterdayrespe6ting the .Railway
-Debentures-be rescinded, and that_ the Wardenalid
';Tl~astirer: deliv'er, the two 'hundred' thousand dollars.of
,Dehenturesof_the Oounty to theTrusteesappoil'lted:t.o
Iilamendme:nt :
Moved byG...Sufl'el, seconded byH:S~l'atton; that tho
resolution'now before .the .eGunciJ-:. 'wi~h' refel'enee_ to.:th~
-Debentures issued in Javor '" oftheCauada Southem' Rail...
way Company, be laid overun~il 'W~morrow; ':~
Tke amendment was put and carried.
8 .
The ,reasaud nays being call~d for on the amendment
'-'were taken' down a~- follo\\'s : '-'~ - ~ - J
Yeas~~Griffil1, Fl'eem.til, -Stratt.on', SuffeJ,Chut~;:Mi.
Causland, Cline,Br~wll, J._ lrfcKillop:-9< .
,:_Nay~~D. :M>Kil1op, ld:cL~ws~-'York-, 'Vade, Ke;r
nfarlattJ Turner,_ Hunter, n-IcColl-9.'
Tde vote being a tLe, the Warden O'ave the castinO' 'v 0<
f b 0 "e
,)1' the, amendment. -
1<Ioved by D. Freeman, seconded by S; Gliffin: that
l\f ~'- :lVIann he instrdcted to proceed at once to Toronto to>
obtain the Ieg:lI:opitlionof ;T.' H.Camel~on>and- R. A.
H~rrison_pn,the _ questio~s r~i:;_ed on the 7Ist Section
Consdida.ted Municipt-\.l Loan Fund Act, as 're<tra.rds _th~
.-is.suing'of--pebentnres~ 0
IIi amendment-:
~foved: by s: Wade, seconded' by p.:M:qJfaws : Jhatthe
00UHty SoIicitbI,~e. ,Maml,he inRtrllcted ~cr proceed,_to
_'ro.rQn,t@ to'obt_~in'~~e opinion oflrh. ,R~rrison on,the
legality of the Debelitmes ma'de -by thisCo1.';lnty infa'V~r
-9f ~~e Cana9.a,Southern_~ilwaYJJdmpany; _
The ,amendment was put and Iost,~d theorioin31mo-_
tion carden: -. , " ,0
.- '";',J\:1ov€cl bi J. :McQauslapd,sec(rnded by' C.-~Chtite~:- thiit
,'Messr:... Freeman; McLa\vs;; '-and - theW arden'~ _he ,:a::com
mitte:e to prepare, the qiJ.estions.- to ,be su brriitted.:_foL,-tH~
':opinicrn:'of, 'R.c: A.:'HarriSon- apd~,',J.-' II;'CamerQu.ou'tn'3
Moved by D. McKillop, seconded 15ycJ;York: thatth.
Cletk,::be: instructed --_ to _'-have: ,', ,the_-_Assessment' RaUs" and
;:.Assessment "Slips", prepared" -for~hwith: _~nd, forwarded' as
. ,'sooIi_aS'conve'riienttotheClerks of-the sevel~ll\furi.icipal~
ties.----.:Carried.- -
ill;.' Fl'eeman, ch:1h,'ma:nofth~'~cbniiniW:h'~' ap:poidted- to
prepare. que~tions to' be_ submitted _to Jeg~ c9ullsel, 'pre:"
'Seutecl report'.
After which it' waS
:M~oved by D; Fl'eemanj's~condedhy_;H; 8trat~pn: .~h~~
the Warden issue his cheque on. the Txeas~rerin'favoJ;~ of
:.r;~j\ianR; for. the sum of oue hundred dollars, t6 -hE{a-pp1i~~
in obtaining legal opinions on the questio11S- given- ~-.1:D1,
and to defray his. ~exp~nses.,-Can:i-ed. .:
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by O.Ohut.' tbat the
'report ,....of~th~. special.committeeap~omte4 to .uraw_,l!p
questions' to, be submitted hyJ\h~ 1'Iflln.n, C?unty Solicitor,
'to the-H6n. J. H. Cameron andR._ A.:' IIarrison', ~s9-.~:
with reference totbe legality of the By-L~'yt", .and Deten_-
tures -issued-' in'favor of the 'Canada. . Southel'Il R~nw~y
Company, .be r€ceive~ and,.read.-:-Carried.-, ,.....
1l1oveu'by'G. Snffel;seconded by H. Stratton: tha.tthe
questions dl'afted by the Special ComroittE~e; to'hesubnlitted
~oeQuns,e~ i~,'l;orontQ, byJ,:-:M~r.)J,.Escr" ):Ie ad()p~.e4 by
:this COl1ndl.----=Ca.rriea . '
:Moved' by W. H. Brown, _s~~~m~edby J:_CliYle':~,;~~a.t
for the present year t}1is Qouncil- ~dopci"the;.:pri~cipl~, of
ippoint1ng~bile, lo~al'~_t1periu~,ehderit~ o('9dmm:o.ll" S-clrools
"fot the whole Co:u,n~y~:-c.arried.
:Ioiovedby J.Marlatt, second.dby~ S Wade: that .A..
F;.Bu,tler _he appointe~: _Lo~al St~perintel1de~t_ ,o~, S~h~Ols
"fo'r the, ~ou~ty or-~.Igin~ it, a sali.\ry ,!fsix)iundred dollars,
'without.:'ext.ra' an~wance for' sta'tionery. '
In amendme~t,:__, ,,_ ,',' _, :",- '_ ~'
Moved by D.lIfcLaws, seconded byD.McKillop,ihat
~t?ainuel _!'~lcCoU' :be'.appoirited'~ocal.,f?llp~l~tehd~~'~; '~f
'S~hools fer-: the:" Coun ty'of J Elgin,' ~t' a-.s~l~l'y_'.~.r'n ~.~' hu~,~
dred dollar:!!, ,yithout extra a.Uowance for''Sta:tioiiery: -
I; ~
The a~endment was put and los~, and the maiD. motion
'The y~ag -and-nays being called for by-l),:M:cKillop,on
the amendment,wlH'e tal~en down as follo~s:
.,:.~ e?s~i\t:cQoll,): Ti1rI;i61;, . KeI'l', _ :B1'0\yn,' Cline. ~Icta-'!>!s
D. 11cli:iIl.op, J. j\j:eKilJol'-8. ..' . . '
:_.,:_lf~Js-;-Griffin,.; Freeman,_Stl~l1ttoR,:f?l~ffelJ_ Chute; ]110-
Cl:\llsland,Yark, W a~~, ~J:~rl<ft~,:Hunter~10.
Majority-2. _ _ _ _ . "
;:M:?ved, b>',J;,:McO~ms]al1d, secoll,de'd bv. D. :-i\I~_Kmop:
~~at<th~ "'yVal:tfen,JYIl'. f?uffel,_ ,Mr. )~'reeman,:_ JYIr. V\Tade,
Mr.: Hl1nter, ~ir. lcl:cLaw,sand,J.:1vlqKillop-be a cqIDIl1it.
tee ~o ill€et a,committee from, London to discuss-,~atters
.i-e~ative to a H01!1se of Iudnstryand Refuge, s~id:_commit,~
~:,ees. to meet thisevening,-atthe Bostwick .House,at seven
o'clock..:..:.......Carried. r-
an motion cf J. McKillop, seconded by T.il'IcColJ,tte
,Qo~ncil ,adjournecdforone hour.
After an intermission of one hollr, the' CounCil met
Ail' the,~e~befspr~sent.., ,_', ,.- ~;
,_:",~4?-:Wal;de~,I'ead._tl1e a~ard of_t1}e,Ar~t~ato~~ in ,the
matter of the Bridge ac~o_~~ the River,Than;ies ,€Ill ,the
h~url~a.r-.y._,;-betwe~n,the 'cQu~ties~f ,~@gin)_;Ke~t -',and
Mi(1dI,ese:x.;. . .
,:",:I;'he;;!y;a~de~;a}~o re~d _ ~n ~ppl tca~ion" for~_Jl;' ~ppropri~
ation towards the Belmout,pri,dge",_which "wa~" referred ;'to
Committee on Pnbiic Improve'mcnLs.,...,_-"" , .,.
.~~tj:'~,;whicb'~it-was, mOy,ecL?y .J.. ~tlo,~ill?_p'isecop:,ded by
J:- ,M:cCQll ::t43:t"this OotUl,cil ~djotlfn, for-half-q,n'hQ1.1r, to
~~n~?l~;;t~e:_s,ev~~'al_poul~l,ttees to ni~~,t':.a~nd, rep.ol't"t'()~t4is
Coun~iJ.~Oarried.; .
__ .TLe, Council resumed. The ,ChIDl'man of.Committee'QI1
'P~lblic Improvements submitted report.
Moved by:W. H. Brown, seconded by S. "\Vade,:that
.the report of the Committee on Public Improvement~ba
received and rcad.--Carried. -
The report o}l Pllblic.lmprovements was read.
~loved bY,S.,Wade,secQnded by. \V. H. _Brown: ~hat
'the ,repod',of theCo!Uniittee on Public Improvements b~
TheWardea_reac1 communicatioli from ColcmelSkiliner,
captain of~heWim~leG.ou Team,' making application fOl' a
grant of' one htllldred -dollars iIi aid thereof.
The Warden also read communication from the: Coufi-
;.ties of Leeds, ahd Gl~e,nville, with petition' to Legisbture
respecting the furnishing of the Ontario Statutes to :Thfuni~
cipal Councils arid I\lagistrates free.
Comm~mications,froU1the Vienna and St. Thomas
Grammar School Boat'ds, were read.
. " The Warden read repo-?~ of the. Dircctors of the London
'and Port Stanley Railway Company; ,
Moved by G. BuffeJ, seG~nded by J. McCausland: that
,the communication received_from'Colonel Skinner,. asking
for a grant of onehun'dreddoJlars towards defraying the
expenses of the _deputation to ,attend, theN atioual,,Rifle
Aswc-il'ottiGl)"to be held at' \Vimbledon next summer, pe
, not'entertai~ed.
Notices of motions;
By:~r;}ylc:_Coll, of-anapplicaticmto be made to-lllOITOW,
for a_ grantof' nine hundred dollars towards the building
,ofthe:'a-ppl,'otlchesto the Coyne Road Bridge.
By J.:McKillop, :of an application to be made to~morrow,
.fo,t' a,,-grant.,of fifty:' dollars to- repair a bridge on the
County Line between Elgin and Kent.
By nfl". Freeman,_ of an applicutionto be made to-morrow.,
for a g~an,t of two hundred dollars,; to-:wards defr~ying one~
naIf of the -expenses 'of a ,_ bridge ?~ thee -County Line
bet'ween the Counties of Elgin arrdN ol'folk, across_ Big
Otter Creek.
By J\Ir. Hunter, of an application to be made te-morrow
for _ the sum of fiftr dollars, to_ repair the County Line
'between the Townships of Southwald ::nd De~awarea
:aroved by8. VVade, seconded by W. H.Brown: that
..the_ report's fro~m the Vienna _ anG/.- St. Thomas Grammar
Schools be ref~rrEd to. the Committee
. Carried.
Moved, by,David McLa.ws, seconded by-J:;,-Clii::te:
- the ~_um .of_one Jnmdxed and fifty dollars be
this Council towards the erection ofa
Greek,' at Be~m0nt,pnthe :~ounty line~etween Elgin ,and
Middlesex, provided :Middles@x appropriate a Iikeamou:nt
, Jor: satne, -W9rk; that" :ThferrittWood '.Vorth ' b~ _ _~; CQmrnis-
sioner to expend said amount, and that lVIiddlesexb,e,
notifiedfdrtl~ with~~aarried.
"l\1r.'J; Ellison presented account,. alid made- statement
of WOl;k, done at the_MacIntosh Bridge.
'Moved by- George Suft'eI,secondedbyD.McLaws: that
thoaccouritof J ohnEllison, of Port Stanley,:am?llnting
to $21.25, for acti~g as Commissioner ill repairing the
MacIntosh Bridge, bepaid.-Carried~ .
'lI'Ioved by J, McCausIan,f,secondedbyC. Cliute: t~at
:-th~' petition -of.' ;th'e, i'e~i,dent freeholde~s 9.n~' ratepayers, _ of
the Village of_Ayimer'be,entedained by t~_~s.~ou~GiJ,and
that:a:-By-Law, ei'e'cting said Village into R- separate- eor.,.
poration; -Le 'passed hi accordance to 'their reqtiest.~
Carried. ()
3Ioved' by G. Sufful, seconded by D. FI'~eman :t~a,t
this_, Oouncil ~o_~operatewith the Counties _of Leeds and
Grenville in petitioning the Legislature of Ontario , prayiNg
that the Sta~utes of Ontario bG distributed tn:Munidpal
-Councils, _ Municipal Officer- land ::M:agistrates free' of
By-Law No. 197, to appoint a Board of Audit for the
current year, wa,s submitted.
Moved by D.lI'IcLaws, second"d by D. McKillop: that
J?J~aw No. 197-he.reada fi.rsttim~.~Cari'ied~
lI'Iqved by J,. Cline, seconded by W. H. Brown : that
By-Law No. 197 be read a second ti.me.-Carried.
lI'Ioved by D.McKijlop, seconded by D, MoLal's: that
BY;-~8:wNo. 197 be read atbird time, andfillalIy passed.
qn,mot~o:n_ o~, ,l\-Ir.. Snffel, seconded -by_Mr. Stratton; the
Council adjourned 'till nine; o'clock to~mbl'row morning.
THURSDAY; Jan:uary26; lS'Z1.
The Couhc'ilmet athine O'c~i:lck, inthci for<:no6n, the
Wayden in the, chai_r.
~I~mbe;'s__~res~nt--~.<M:ess! s. J.1vlcKi1~op,. D.'- ~rIc~~llop,
Thos. :i\-IeCon,.. J\fcLaws, ,HuIlt_er".. K~rr" TllrIler~,W ~~~,
-:i\Iarlatt, York'-I\:fcOaus]~md, Freeman, Chute, _s,tra~to~,
Odilia, Buffel, Cline;. Bl'own. .
The ,proceedings, of tbe prl?vious day wehLreadand
authJrized to :be signed~
The Warden submitted Report:_ ou, Currie Road Bridge:
MovedbvS~ Wade, ~econdedby T. Hunter:tbat t~~
C;)\1llcil adjburn foronehollrtoallow the,Committees_ op. ,
FinauCt', Education, and Public In~proYeme~_ts to meet....,..--
Th'ee'auneil resumed;wben itvtas
:Th'lo""ed by.V{:H. BrcwnJs~conded by S. :Wade:-that-
-the report of the Oommittee.on Finance be received and
The Clerk read report ofF.inance Committee~
1\ioyed byD. Freeman, seconded: by S. Griffin: that
the report of Finance Committee be ad~pted.
On motion of D.lIfcKil1op, -seconded by C. Chute;
Council adj()urnedfor an hour.
A.fter one hour'l:; intermission, the Council met agahi.
All tbe members present.
The-Warden react pre15entmetlvofGrandJnry,
l\Ir. J.~Ic:K~]lop, Ohail'm,an of:, Oomn~ittee on
Improvem"ents, submitted report., _
"Mo..~ed'"by'V.H. Bro\vn,'seconded by S. Wade: that
th~ r~p@l'~ of the, Committee on .P.ublic Improvement~ he
~received and read.--Carried, . " ".,'."
, , " ' ," ,
lIioved by. G. Stlffe], seooneed by C,. Cb"t,,: Ih."'1 the
"report' of the, qonunitt,ee ",on. ~nbli'J_Jm~n)Vem_eLt~~;,~6
'adopl.ed - without <<rantinO" anvthiucr towardsb1.1ildin-g the
" " '_ ,1:)" ',' 0 '~',' ;P, , ' "
"approaches to the'CJyne Ro~ilBl'idge:~Lo~t.
" In,amendment :>>to~ed by J)" 1tfcLfl,w<\".secondeq bv To'
nl1nter,:th~t 'the rEport_ of the Committee of P~?JiC'
.Ill1pl'ov~IJ?,e~~s,b~ adoi)te~, and that this COll;ncil do-
apw'opl~~te, .t]~e sUIll of_five hundred dollars' t.o _ aid in
extending, the Coyne Road Bridge on the Elgin'sieie,
The /l.~endr:nen:t was pnt and -c,a~rie_d,
'J:he yeilS and -nays being ca,lled for on th3 :amendm,en(;,.
'Were ta.ken down l'l.S follows:
Yea8~,''::McKillop";McColJ,, Kerr, 'Vade,' Hauter,..
-York,:JifcLaws,:J).I\fcKillop, Freeruan~9.
Nays-Griffin, Buffel, :J\IcCaudlaM.d, Cline, 'Bi"o')Vrir
:Chute; l\farlatt, Tnrnt!r '----'-8.'" -
nil;,' Chute,Chuirnlan of "EducationCOU1mittee pre~'
s'ente'a report. " ,
"Aft8r'iw hich it',vas
:MoV~d'_ bt -'~. Buffel, ssconde.d :byD; F,reeillan : that the-
report of the Education CommittfJe be'received :iIid read~
,_,.'TheCier~: read.Edllcation r~port~
!"':iYIoved by S.'Wade,seconded.by-'T. Hunter-.; that-lhe
te~or~o' at the o,ommittee on. Education. pe' :ad'6pted;~
Mov:ed.. bf'J~ i~f60a usland,. sEcondkd by;' ... O. Cil"il'tfl.: tk~t
the ~ril1til1gC~JIIl~ittee beinstructed_to,,-have ... }Jhtced:qn
~~,e.b~Bk 0f the Pathmasters'List_~:the clanses of the Act
'defining the duties of Pathmastel's in relation to the dEL
struction of Canada thistles.-Oarl'ied.
By-Law_yo,_ 1,~8,.-tq,~o.~lfirm',By,~L~W.:N:o. 184, of'the
TO\Yl'lsIJip:of Dunwicll,'for the sale of a" road a]lowance in
Dl,l11:,>vich:,tpR~:J,ohi1stO}lj;)ras submitted.
jyIove~ _by,p. McLa~s,:secoIlded'hy? IIllI1~~r: that,_
By-La'~ No.~ 198 be receiyed and'l~ead a flrs:,"time. '
Moved hyS.Wade~ seconded b:r; W. . H~Bl~own :,}?~t
'J)'-La\v No. '193 be read a seclima ,tim~.~C~rrled._ ,_ __ "
Y},1oved by, A. Kerr, seconded' bY.I., :i\Ic?oll:, tbat ~y.
Law 'No.' 198 be read a third ,time, a~d_finaHy pas~ed.;-
Carried. .,'"., _', ,,',:_ "
, L'. "'-."f 199- 'to dispose of a roall a.llowance mtbe
By- aw 1"; O. , , 2
T h'fD wich and confirm By-Law No. 18 of
owns lp 0' un . '
that Township, submitted.
:Moved _ byD~ .l\{cLa )VB, secqn:ded 'by'T..Hl1UtEr:
Bj,.Liw N~. 199 be. received-and read-a first
, 'Movod by D. McKillop, seco~ded by J.
that By-Law:Np. 1~9,be read ~ secondtiDle.--:-:-Q.an:ied.
}rloved byW. H. Brown, seconded by ;r. C}me
i~i-Law No., i~9 be read a third ti.me,.and
Th,eWa.r~eilin~i~ated -to, the Council that a
f,'o,,! the, CO!Jncil of theCityof Londo~ had
confer' with the Committee of this CouuCIl on
of a House of Refng~al1d. In,dn~trial-Farm
tie~_.of:.Elgin_:and )~1:iddlesex, ,and Gitj o.f
Town:of St. rh()m_a~. .
- ',On ~otio~ of :1\11'. Marlatt,
the: Coulll}il.' aajOl~rned~tinnine
T. M.
; ~h~: C?uncil ulet' af~il1~ "'0' d1oc~in-t~e . f~re~o~rt.
'The Wro;den ~n"~he :?bair.. -,
Members present-lIfessrs.J.McKillcrp, D. McKi11op~
~IcColl, lvIcLaws, Hunter, Kerr, Turner, Wade, Marh.tt"
York, J\IcCat:-slancl, Chute,Freeman, Stratton, Griffin....
Brown, Cline, Suffel. ~
The proceeding~<; of the previous day w..ere read and
-au~horized to -be signed~
The Warden read Bill of Complaint ,i~l -Chaneery,serveti
on him, viz: "The C~nada Southern RaH;way,CompanYJ
'VB. TheCol'porati-on.@f the-County of Elsin," .also affidavip
of "V. A. Thompson in eonnection -therewith.
Moved by G. Snffe], seconded by ilk Chute : that
l3y,.La-w1!io.. 26D, f,Qr the.appoiutment.of OountyAuditors
be read.;.;..firs:ttime.~Carl'ied.
Moved by J. nfarlatt,secondedby D. Turner: that By-
Law No. "'2WJ be' read a.second time.-Carried:
itIevedby T. ]\fcColl, seconded by .A. Eel'r: that By_
Law No. 200 be read a third time, and finally passed.
Moved by D. JVlcLaws"secotl.G1ed by G.: 'Saffel: that By-
Law No..20l,to contil''''' By..Law No,18S, of the Town.hip
of Dunwicb, be receh,ed :a;ndre:ada :6.rst time.-Carried.
By-Law No, 201 was !'ead..
MovedbyD..lVrc:KUlop, seoonded by D.. McLaws: tllat
By,Law No. 201, to continn By-Law No. 183, of the
Township @fDunwich, be read a second ,time.~Carried.
Mov~d byD.McLaws~' seaonded by J._York _: thatBy~
Law No; 2()l, to confirm By-Law No. )83, of the Town,~
ship of Dunwic1, be reac1l;!. .thh:.dtiroe a~d fjnally pasRed..
By-L~w No. 201 ",as read. . ....
Moved by J.JlfcKillop, secondEd by D.. ]\fc~ilJop:
-that-By-Law No..181,grantingsev~n'~"uhdn~~.>and: _fifty
G.ollar!3. towards building a: bri~ge ac!~ss the Riv~r~~~me~
Pl1 the b!Jl.mdar)~'betwp,ell Elgin, Ka-nt, and '1\Iiddle.se~,-bo
l'epc~led,,-ana-that a_:i3y~1iaw bepass~Jiu
t~e 'award ,or' t~e_, arbitrtltors, ,for
e~~~nse of _ erecting 'said ,bridge, _ not- exceeding
't\velve hunch-eel - dollars.-Carried.
By,,~\VNo.: 20~;_ being ,a :By..Law to gl;'ant aid-
T~wIlship of Dunwich for the exte~ion:of theC,oyne
]~~idge", waS submitted.
When it was
1Io~ed by _J? l\fcLaws, secondecl:,byJ;
By-LawN@. )W2~e ~ea4 a-first time.~Oarried.
By-Lav{ No. 202 'Was reac1.
1\:foved.By-., J; l\iarlatt, seconced byD. Turner_:
By.cLaw No. 202 be read a. second time.--..:...Carried.
By-Law' No. 20 2~ was-read~
l\ioved by T. ,Hunte,I', seconded by T. :MciOoJl:
.Bt:'Lav(:No., 20,2 he r~llcLa third ,time, aud finally
,By-:Law_~o.-202w:as read a thihl time.
;'1Ioved by is.- "Yade,seccn~led
by the Grand_Jury of, this Oounty, is
,increase; and -whereas, . this'Council-' deems it
'on the sa'.id-'Conncilto prevent any :ru~ther increase
amount'for snch pntpose ::,
Be.-it: t!M~d'o1'eresolv~d, 'L~at this C'Otl~9il
:I'espeC'tful1y suggest "GO ~is: Honor the' County
t~h3Irm~n of the Quaite'r'Sessiorui;- to. endeavot
any increase, and that in
:> . , ,,- "",,,,"'_ ',- ':' " ,'::''',' ", ,',- ,,' '''-'''_':,,_-.i-{;,
n'a.'tic :A.sy111lli;and ~bat theClcrkfonyard: ,,~ 'c-?p-y-Or :~~n,i~
resolution to 'His H9no~' J udge Hl~g~~s.~d~iri~d. '.'-
", ,l\fo_ved?y,'W~, II- :J?ro\vl1, ')e~.o114e(\~by-:D~<~rcr.Jfl_'WS:
that this, (jo~l1l:ciI petition _the; Legi~,~~t~l_n~,_Gf.. O~~_ar~_~~p-,,~Et
u;mehd" Chapter ,,127 ,of the Consolidated Stathtes~f,V-pper
Canada that t.h-e p<?\ver",,of aJ'~~ngi_ng_:th,~ ~~J.a~j ~k( _~h~-
Jailor be tr~nsferred tO,the CO~t~-tY_C?lln~il;'and",tli~i,the
Warden 'signa"petition ,t6, that. effect,~:M:oiioii~l~if :;:.
"',' - . ce, ','- __ : ,:' - ' ",,-. ,- , -.: -- ~ '.',' i' "" '- , ;:
'Yeas and 11_iJs.l:)~ing,_eall~cl.)~r, (nl ~)e.Ui9-ti?n':i~e~e:
taken d<?w:Q._a-s.iQ]I~ws-:- ,.,,', _- ;,., '-:_-" '
:! ", ",:. : :".' ,,', " , ,',- --,-:'_, ' ' ": ,: ' , " ' " ~, : ;,,", ~: ','," _"" "'", i,' :',,-,-- ;:' ','
. . y easi~f~~a'1V,sJ-,-qrine,1fl;ow~J J~~_1!'l}_~!,,:,~~c9()F~,~"~:."/ ;~~
"~ ar&~:~l;i.tfin~, ~!,eeJ?~n, 8,~Ta,bt~~,: ,~~_ff~~). -9Prt~._::~+\f~-
q~,usljuidJ :D~',~IcJfi11??; !Ol:k" H:upter, ).:Vadev~~_~rl~tt,-
Kerr, .and J. McKillup-13. . '. .' .. ..
::~!oved by G,S~ffeJ, se?ondedby-g,jCb"te: tl1at,'J,ly-
Law.,N Q._203?.~r,a~ting_.fqur,:hu~dted :dolla.r$' to_,M~t:} rf3~.'
Th?m,as.. GraI?mal'. Scho<?l! _and:, _,two, ,. hUJ;l.d!e~:: ,~1?_d. : Ai~~y,
~olI.al~s:t? th,e Yienna~ral~lllar _S,q!J.9~1,~_n4"" ~4e:,:apppi!l,to;;
meilt of Gl'ainmar Schoal Tl'uStees, to said schools: 00', .reali"
~:fik~t,t~ine:;;63;rried. ..... ;, ..... --.....,. .. ._J,_ .-,....,1..-..
J\'IoyedbyMr..Stra.tton, 'secande,!- bY' Be: ;G'r,ffin;dh~tr
13--y~La.w:No; :203 be-read a secoll(ltimtl.~Ca;rr-letl'.: _:.-<-/15
ThIovedby G~ ~uffel, seco~'dedh:f :~."'~tiffi~-:~:t~~t~:J?3~)
Law No. ,203 -be readn.:third' tim'e':and ~fi'~_~!lY:,'paslJe~>'~,~
Carried. >, .,. ~...}:
.<~j;oveahyD; l'iIcKlil"p,.econd~d bY"s-.:Mccl,i~Y~h~:.
that By-Law' N0;:204~_gran:ting'the su'm o(t~~i;bJ~uiid~e({
-,,'-;..', "'-;,--, """"'.',, -, :_:".'-:;-"'-""
dol1ars~oway~s, tI~,e ~ree~i(nl' of ,a.- ,~ridge _ ~CrQ,S~, ,.t~'e,' ..;~i \;~~.
Th~me~,', o-etwe~,n- ,the,_Qo~llties, o:f,~:lgi~i, ::K~nt, ':au(f' ]iid~-
~l~ex, ;b,~:!~~~-a}i~'st_t~?~.,~pa_~,i~i~~~,_:-:' -. '\' ~
-':'-:B'y~Law No.:- 204 waa 're-'acl'a thst tIme.
Y1Ted l-y J. .l,cKillo!l. b~conded by T. McColl :th~t
By~La:~_N(). 204 be read a second time.~Carried..
By-Law~o; 204 was read a_second tim,e.
Mo~e~:i-byW. IT. Blown) seconded'by T.'Hunt~r: that
By-Law No_ 20,1 be reed .a third time and finally passed.
By-Law No. g04 was read a third time.
M~v.d bv :r. Hunter, secop.de<jby W. H. Brown: tha.t
:By-La~N~.' 205, t~appropri~te eeri;ain aDlonnt~_ for
'County Lines, be rBad'a first time.~Carrie4.
Moved by D. lIfcKilJop, "ecandedby J... York.: . that
By-UwNo.- 205'be read'a secondtime.~Ca~ried. _-
. 'Moved by .J. McKillol" seconded by. T.. McColl : that
By-Law No. 205 be read' a third time and finally passed_
:--Carrieg,_ ,__ _
Moved by D. McKillop, seconded by J. McKillop: that
this Doimeil malre application toethe Lieut.-Goveb:H')r, 1'e-
quescinghini"to cause a survey to be made,of road allow-,
a;nceJn front~f, the, Ninth' Concessian, frcm the west sid:e'
ofi'LOt;~o.Ten, to-the east side of Lot . ,No. Eightee~'.,in.
said Co~eession. of the Township of Aldborough, and
mul,te.d with"permanent stone - boundaries.~Carried:
By-Law-No. 2067,-toappoint a Local Superintendent'-of
Qo,~mQJl.S~hools;w~s sllbmitte(L
_ Moved by P, McKillop, secpndedby J. York: that
;ey~L~~ No. ~6 be read a .first time.-Carried,.
Moved by K W ~de, secoRded' by .J. Cline: that By-
~w ,}io. _,~p6 J.~e_<fe~d ~ ~econd _ tirqe~~qa~ried~
Movedbj lot Wade, secop.dad by J. Cline: th~t By-Law
No. 20600 read a thirdti,,;e and finally passed.-Carried.
Movedby'J. 'McCausland, seconded by C. Chnte: that
~I!j. (joul1cil "~!~b!ish ,a Lock,urHousei1lth.Villa~e:of
A.y~mfr.i :8lldproyide for the salary or "fees -to be"':pilJd. to
:the CO?sta..b1e t:a~t may he _placed in'- cbalge7 in the' event
of the Tewnship of Malahide paying the-expense ofiitting
,p.p and fUlnishing said LQck-npH ollse>-Canied7
. ]<loved by J. McE:iJlop, seeonded by A. Ke.-r: that tbe
County Treasurer be authori;?ied t~ pay the ElginsQ~r~ of
the bill of costs incurred in the: Arbitr3.tion between
Middlesex, Elgin and }rent relative _to, the Both:WelJ
Bridge, am~uIlting to thesumpf$60. G3,-c-Cal'ried._ ._ ".'_'
Moved by J. MoKilIop, seconded by A, Ke~r: that th~
County Treasurer ofE;lgin apply to the County Tl:eas'~rer
of :Middlesex: for orie:half of the - tolls coll~c:ted' ~t' -- the
WardsviIle BridgesiIwe lp-.stfilettlemant with this'Co'un:.ty.
On motion ofJ. :iYlarlatt,seconded.byvV. H. -Brown,
resQlved; thl:J.& thi,s COllllCH adjourn for one hOJlr~
After an hour's.intermission the Council:ni'e-ra.gairi.'
Moyed by.S. Wade, seconded hy W. R Brown:tliat
the report Qf~he _ Special Committeeappo'irited:;to nr~~t
thedeputati6n from the City of Lorid()u.; res~E:l~ting_"i'Hi,
erection of. a ,House ef Industry for tbe City ofL?n~o~,
the CO'Q,nty of Middlesex, t1.eT-owD of -St. ThQmas; -and
the Coun~y of ,Elgin, be "received by this OounciL~Car~1ed.
The Warden made & verhaLreport totheOouudt-. ..'
Wllen-itwas ,. - ~
Moved by J_ McCausland, secoudedby G Sufl'el:tliit
the WardenbeappointElda Oommit:ee to con.fer-witicthfl
Mayors of St. Thomas and Loridon, andih~\V~rd'en""~f
,Middlesex, to ascertain what arrangement- -theytnay\pro_
lI~e for bnilding a. HO.\lse qf Refuge al1<jIrid.ist,.yfpi'th~
' --
Use:ofaho,'ecmenticriecl n:itmlcipalities; ~ri(rth~#lhd;'Wat~-
(Jen. report-to the next ;iu-eehng of'Cotmcil-';itt:';~iiiie.,:>;
Carried. - ,- , . :')
The \Ya.Tden' read 'tbede?ision or: 'the: :o):u~( o{, q'~~~ri;~
Bench to:qnasb By-Law No. .195 of tllisCo~n~~l~respec:_t,~
ing-the incorpo::>ation of the Village 'of:Ayhn'ef.~ _' , :~__'_',
~: ' ,-, ':"--; "-, ., _: "',,,<,
Thereport -of the St. Thomas_an~ Ay~wer.Gr~y;~l~~_R~-:~
Compan.ywas read. - . U:.
.,.l\'foyed byJ~ ~r~Cansland, s~cond~d',bT C.. C,hnte, :-:jtpat
13y_~_~_a~_No. 207, peing a .J3y:Law t;inc()rpor~t€l' tA~,;Y;iJ;.
1~g8 qf Aylmer,b~ received al1dreacIa,~rst;ti!ll-~.~;ql1l,Tie_d.
,By:La:w N o.20Z, was read ~,firs_t .time.
Moved by G. StiffeI. seconded by R Stmtton.:'that.Jly'
Law No. 207 ,be-read a 8econdtime.~Carried.':
I\Iovedby; C. ,'Chute, 'seconde:ll' by:J.~IcCarisland:' ;;that
By~LawNo. 207 be read a third time and fil1ally IJassed.
By-Law No" 207 wasl'ead a third time.
b:J,:r, ~Ian~l,_ Ooun~jSolicitor, - appeared:'be:fore: the:::C6un-
~ij ,an.dxead tlteopiriion ,of- Messrs~:Harrfson;aiid AIio~;'son
on, ",the, questions. 'submitted',. -te,the.rn, ',by ':(n'deF" of_this
Council,l'especting the.Railway- BY"'Law-arid"Debentute~;
and stated that he expe~ted a further- opiIiIonc" fr0m~'th't~se
gentlemento-mo'n~(rw_mo-rning. ~,
MQved-byD;, Freeman" seconded by'G';'S\lffeF:-tli~t t"b:<J
W ard~n, ,Treasurer, _: and,', Cle;:k, b@," :auth?rike:d'-i:by, ::t4h;'\~
Council to retain the services of the County' Solicitor'and
nIl;.: -Thfc_ss,:andj if ad"ised, hy ,them','-'to 'cleTendthe:'suit-<in
Ohan?ery.agail1st.,'the Cana.da' Southern Railway' Co-rJip'aii'y;'
'.,.,..,-1\fotioli -lost.'
.Yeas.---;-Freerrian, . G-riffin,.::8trattori~: ;'Sdfef:
~.r:cCaus!and,_Cline_aucl-Brow.n..~8.>:::-: "; :_' ";:.:',;
\- -
~~y~:,~p~ AIo~ilIop;- Yor)~,,14~La'iV:-s,,:Y;~<:df:,:"J.~e0oH,
.~farlatt,.:Tp,rn~r, .Jr.Brr; :a:untEl:t-\a.I}~l.J~')liQAil1op,.::-_lO. ,;"-
, :&1:ovedbjS., W ade;,"seconded.:,by.'J.J:\farlaft: that-this
Council adjourn till nine o'clock to-morro:w, morning...,.)....
JvIatio_ll .lost:_,: ., . ,
_M:oved by.:D..:ThIy:&.:il1op; seconde{}:..by,J-. 'l\I9Pa:nslanih:
_t~at,t)1e ,}t a.rdep,.',Tr~~,?l}rer,-a:rld QJe,rk ,fle,~e,qge~t,~~ te
hand over the Debentures to the Trustees' whpafEl,tC?,hq~,d
them", pr~vided ,~Ile "op~pioll, ,.o.r ,I\lfssr s', :H~r~!s?~ -_and
Ande!so.n ,is to tb~, :efi~c:t:~~at.a..~ajor,i~y...of ..aF:",{il~~li~~\l
electors in thp. County_ ~as _ :rlotr:-~c~ssary' :to V~t6:)_~)
favoroftbe By~La\~.~~o~t._ ,_': :":_"_- ",_.,'::-'"
1\Ibved by D.J\fcLaws, seconded by'S'.'Vade:' that'th~s
Councii -i'ecommend' that:th~'Ti'eas~rrer' and"'Va:~deIr'a~
hand over the Railway H6rids--totheT~uste:s."', . ...,' "."
Yeas.__D. _McI{ill?p<l?'ork, 'Yade,~6Law~';'. ':~I~qoll,
'Marlatt, 'Turl1~-r"'Kerr a~a 'Hunter.-'-----9; " . -,. ,
.:N ays.~Freeman, Griffin'; -Stratto~"McCausl~Iicl:,:J3uff~f,
ChutA,Clirte, Brown:arjd-J-;'1\'I:cKillop.~9; ."
The-vote-being a tie/the Warden' :reservedhis';decision
-Qy' 'casting-votetill'-:to-:a:ioIT:1'w. .,;
On::mot.ion the:Ooluicil- adj6ur.ri~d fill<uirie: d'clOck:"tEiL
morrow morning. ,,/ ",
.T'cM. N:.A'IIl.N,
:--.:...- .
;',:',". ,:,.":,:. ......:
EtA.~UR,D~y,:,_;ran;uaty'?'~,}8'7~.. _
.. .';I'he:-Coup.ciLrof:tat ~line :o'cl~ck{,iii-the f(}:re-npon,~ the
:W:a!;~leI! i_l?-;th~:_c,h~aj-r/ ;',~ .,'"
Members present-':"'MeSS1S.:;t McKilidp, D. McKploP1
"ThQs.McColl, l\-IcLaws~ .Hlintel', Kerr, -Turner; Wade,
.:Marlatt, York, McCausland, Freeman, Chute, 'Suffel,
Cline, Brown.
l\fr. McLaws, with consent of the Council) ~t4drew
~his motion of previous day on Railway Bonds.
The proceedings of 'the pJ!~vious darwere read, and au..
thorized to be signed.
Messrs. Suffel, a~d_: }?reem.an submitted prQtest._against
.tl,1e signing of the pr.oQeedings of the previous day~n~ th~
withdrawal of Mr~ McLaws' resolution.
~r. Mann, County: Solicitor, r.ead a. telegram received
;from Messrs~ Hal'ril3.on andAl1derson, respecting th~
Railway By..Law,andthe voting thereon.
After wh~ch it was
Moved' hy S. Wade, seeon<led by J. Marl.tt: that, afte,
" '. -..
,il;heJegaladY~ce rec~ived, respeeting the DebentJues for
the, Canada Southern ltailway Company~ thi~ Council
-~ouldmost respectftdly reCOI}.l men.d _ theW 2,r-denand
Treasurer tQ hand over the. said Debentures to th'e Trus;.,
tees.appoU1~_e,d:tQ Te~iYe, t1;Le same~' when ,delXanded~-
Canied. .
'Yeas-J. l\fcKillop, Mcuoll, Kerr, Tnrner, J\fcLaws,
;:Marlatt, W~€re,-York, H'unter, D. McKillop, Chute.'---ll.
Nays---'-Freeman, Sum>I, Cline, McOausland, Brown-5.
Move<l by J. McCan.;land, secon<led by C. Chute: tbat,
\\Y!Iereas, tIi~ Council ,has daemed it necessary, to get the
'ega.l opinion, of -the besteonnsel"that'could,,'tle procured,
fO,r the infor;;[patj.on-pftheCQun~y Treasurer aBd Warden,
in ,'whose,hallGsthe Canada Southern RaiIw~y De~entuTes
Pore held, astptlle leg~lity of said debentures,' and their
Il~t, as to h,~ding or witholding said Debentures frolUtb.~
.lfllustees -when they shaH be demande~, ,,~tUd_. tl,ti:f);,~dr919
,having been recei~ecl, this 9ou?cil thinkthey.8hould letl.v~
the matter in the hands of the Warden and Tl'easnyer, tQ-~
~ct iri the ma ttel' a~ .tl).ey deem best~ .in view ,of ,the ,~dYlri~
received.-1tfotion lost.
Ye'as-Freeman, SuffeI, l\IcCallsland-3.
Nays-I:>.l\Iclr.i1Jop,~~~~a'y_s,,~Eh:Ow.~, _'C~.~ll~; IrR~tel',
York Wade Marlatt Turner, Kerr, J. McKil.lop, :fifc,.
, , - , - " .
. Mo'ved by J. nfcE"illop, seconded by D.l\fc;!Gllop : that
the petition ,of Hugh Archer and 6thers.be~onging to: the
W ardsvilIe Union School, and reBidents it). :E;:lg.i1;l,prayiIl~
to haye the privilege of driving their ,-child~ell,o'Ver '-the
Ward~.vllle . Bridge. in stormy weather free, 'of~on~be-'
ent~i:-tailJ,ed, pr<widcd the Cg:untyof:&JiddJesef granttlie
,same privilege.-,.-Carried.
The petiti<)ll of T. T. ~ann and other_H, praying t9~!;
the ,census of the Village of Aylm~r be taken w~th a view
of m.Go'r:pQr~tj.on of said Viliage, "vas submitted and read.
After wh~ch ~t F:;t_s
Mqve<l bY~. McGausland, secondeq. py D.. McKillOp .:
~hat ,the petitiOl:J. of resident ratepayers ()f the Village, of
A vlmer, tQ have the census taken, to en~1?le :them to
~;cQn;1e.f). ~epamte corporation, embracing the south twenty,.
five' acr,es.of Lot Nine, the south seventy:-flve, acres of
Lot Ten, the $outh sev€uty>live acres of Lot EI~ven;
t.hesouth fifty acre$ of !tob Twelve, in the Seventh Con':'
;cession of Malahide, and the north :Q.ft1'~Tes of LotNir;f'~
the north ninety acres of Lot Ten, t4e,north ninety acres
~f Lot Eleven, the north twenty-aye acres of Lot- Twel.y.e,
I " .,
in the Sixth Conces~ion of the said T3wnship of Mal::hid,e,
AQ.d'this C09ncil 4~r,eby ~ppoint vVilliaw_ Can~pb,ell" ()f..t;~m,
.' '. , '"
Vilfag.O'a- ofAsIm01~, to take t.h~ ceus1Js.of the Vill-'O'e:.a d'-'
_ _ _ _ ',' _" ,'_ _ _ _ _ _', .'' ,', ~_:_ ""~ 111
:teportat the next meeting of this Council i~June._
By-La\v No; 208, to appoint '{ pel>son-:to t2.keth~epnslls'
of tbe Village C!f Aylmer was submitted. - .
Moved bj' J. McCausland, s€c~ndec1 by D. McKillop:
tllat By-~aw No.- 20') be received and read a first time'
Jlfoved by J. York, seconded by S. Wade: that By La'"
No. 208 be read a ~econd time.-CalTied -.., .
Moved by8;-Wade~' ~e~ondedbyJ. Y~lk: th~tBY-Li:l;w
No. 208 be read a third time and finally passed:~Car:ded~
On In?tion of }1r. Sunel, -seconded by C.
Council _a€ljournedtill the t'hirdTuesday in: J unenext,
the "\-Varden was authorized to sign draft for
WILLIA.lIf l\fcKA Y,
T. .J\f. NAIRN,
, ",'~
Elgin OountyOouncilProceedings.
TUESDAY"J une :20,:-18}_~..;
The Council met attei1:dclock,:forenoon;
~h~_.War.den: in-tb~ chair.
Jlfemb"rs present: Messrs. J. McKillop,' D..J\fcKillQP"
'~lcCoU,~c:l:Jaws,Huilter; K~rr; Marlatt, Wad.e,:,Yo~kJ
J\icCausland~ Turner;,Freeman,_ Griffin, Str~tt~n;::B_~<.\w:n;.:
Oline, Ohute, Suffe!. .. . ..'
The proceedings of last 'dlly'of p~eY~OU3" se,sslon ~t)re
read and signed.
The.'~ arden ad.dre~~e~ tlle qounciI,: _ '_ _" ,_ _ _ ',',' _ :
The followitig_communica.ti.onswere'th{3~_re~d:_-: ,~
Frb~:the 'CoUIlbiFof the Coullty 'of Slm~cde;:;regp~~ttri'g
the support of the Deaf alld Dumb Institute, Bell...,-'iUe" '.
From the Council of - Pu blie - i~trUction:"- 1:oronto,: 1n
reference to the New School Act.
:Fr:om'the"Deaf 'and Dumb _-Instithte;'.Be1i~ville;:soliCit"'
ing support.
Petition -of Tho1l1as-K'el"ner. and: nine -othersj t'espectiilg
survey' of a rbad-,:al1ow:mce in Aldboroligh1' ,0.,
From D. 1If. Malloch, making application fot'tbeoffiCfl
of In"&pector of S~ho0ls in this County.
From ,Ja~es . Fullerton;applying<for- th\3o;ffice!9f}~w
spedtor of Schools in the County-of :Elgin.; .
. -From 'V. 'V. NeJli~J making a~plic:itiori.iol',the0flice of'
~i:lspectCl' of Schools.
~ From the County Clerk of the Co~nty of ~ent, reg(trd-
,jug an appropria.tion on the Connty Line.
From th~..Stati8ti~ltl I?epa!tment, Otta\Va.
From the Provincial Secretary, respecting ,l;tpuJ;veyof
;a COllcersion Line in Al4borough.
From the Educational Department, with Schedule of
Legislativo S~h.ooI' ,appoint~ent to this C01111ty for_ the
current yeaI'.
From. D. J. Hughes,Oha:irman of tht:; ,Q~tart.<7v Sessions,
respecting grants-for indigent lunatics. .- .
From John Raine, Vienna, makltLg,'applieatiotrfor 'the
office of Examin~r ofWeacners;
FromJ(}hn -1\fillar, '~eacher, St.' Thoma8~ ~oJicit.~g Jhe
a.-ppointmentot-Examiner of -Teachers.
!F~onl the P~~1ft! ,Tr~asu~er, ,respe,cting ,Fin,a_i1ge~:and
Estimate of Expenditure to be provid@dJor duriuCl' ,the
eUl"l'ent year., _: ,,_ _'__ -,.c.,:'_~ .',,' ,:.).:e~,_
.PetitiQn: o~F. ,~fcDIa.r.mid: aIl4' 221. pth~~s,:prayil1g}hat
~_amu,el, MeColl "he a.ppointe:d Inspectl=ll:;_orS~h.~<?ls:jll~this
C6unty. .
, '.A,?-~~~.q~,'_, ~eI?er~, of, -Colmty'Expe~(liture, all.d .EJchool
AecQunt~ for the pt'eceding,ye~r.
-;M.~r.!!(l RY i1' M.eIGllop,secouded by,S..;Wade:thatthe
following ;r:qem-}~ers be apflointeda Committee;to'equaliz'e'
~he: :A.s~e_~s~eIlt.f}olll? for ,:the- pl'll:-rentyea-r, Yiz;:_ Messrs.
Bt~tton, Snffel.i'J\!cQauHI~;nd;J:ko.wn; York; J{err,.::~Ic;
~WB, audI). ],tckillql'.~-Lbst. . .
In amendment:
~of.dhyJ. Ybrk"seG9H-de<! htW, H. lBiolvn:that
,the R~eve~ of ea:ch IDlluicipaliity ~_e ~ Cpmrl,1ittee,9.lf
Eqimiizlltion for the year .187I.
~\mendme'nt carried, and n1otion Iflst.
lifr, J. McKillop gives notice that_:q~ ,will ma,keapplic;l-'
tion to-morro;' for two hundred and,fi(t;yd.ollars for th~
improvement_of ;thl? Cpunty ~jnebetween EIgill and,K~l~t,
to meet the~P'Brop=ia~io1f made by t~e Com~tyof K(;!~lt
The -W--:-arden submitted communication from ~,I'~. Bu~-_,
Butler, ,mak~g appli.catiol;t J?r the o~ce prI!l~p..t;l_c_tor-'~:f
Schocls in tbis County._
J. Cline gives notiCQ that he will np~~{;l ,~pplicap~qn tp:-,
mm.'row for tbe ~mm ,of twenty-three doUar!'>, to" fill IIp the
chaunel of Kettle Oreek, whefe-:the old qridge stood, ~P-.
~he County Line at B81mont. , , ~_
l\Iovedpyyy_ :r:r ~r9~n, ~e(mnde~ l:y T: H~l:~t,~,: ':_tllat
the communications be now't.aken up and dispoSed oL--.
Ca~,~'ie,~.' _
Mr. Freeman give9 nqtic~th~~ ~~: win make~_pplic,ation
to-morrow for a' gl'ant' of two hl~u1Ie~':;,d~llars, ,to,- he_ ,1~i'd '
o~t?_Q..a ~ric.I~e on ~~e 9oup.t.v Linebetween No~'f9P~'in4"
ElgiIl"_ ':,',' ,', , ','; <
J\fr;.- Tutne~' gi~es notice ~ha~ ,~e-:;vin n1ake, ~pplicrltion
for th~ smu' of tweuty-sixdolla1'si, f~~H:bp.il(ling:'~. :}3ridge- on
the County'Lillebetw:~en SOll~hwol~,a~1d D_eia,;al'e~
-. l\/[oved-' by C. Chute; seconded 1?.Y.T.qH~e,:' th~f:',tht\
se~er:al ~pplic~,~ions for ~on~y :$r~~~~'l?e,iai4_.0:Y\~l:,/0.r :cQu- -
\ ,~iderati~~of the' Oommittee'on P,llulic Improye~en,.ts~7:
eatried~' . ' " ,,_:: ;,_,;'",
~Ioyed. pyJ_: McCauslan(l,s~coonded_b~; G._ fS:_liff~i.:..that,
~:~e-,~ ard~n .sigI?-. ..~,~~ti~i~_n': _to theIAe:ut~~lant~Governcl:
in,Conncil, to EO~keth~exp'e11SE1?fm~intai~i~g 'an~,~(l~;
e.ati~~- theA~~fa~d <hl:u?,in' the Pr'?vincia~T~.~tit:~_ti?q' ~~.
BelleviIIe, acbarge uponthePl'ovince fOI' th~ entire ex~.
Mr. Hunter gives "notice that he will make applicaW:m
for fifty dollars, for repairs onthe'Couhty' Liri.e--h~tweel:l
Southwold and- DeJaware. <"
On motton ofnfr. SuffeI, seconded byJ.J\fcCausland;
the Oouncil adjourned till ten o'clock to-morrow.
'YEDNESDAY, June 21, 1871:
The Council met at 10 o',clock, foreno011.
The Ward'e~ in the chair. , "
:Th1:embers present : Messrs.-J. McIGllop, D.
1vlcColl, McLaws,_Hunter, Kerr, Turner,
Ch~te, McCal,lsland, Sutfel,Freeman,
Cline, - Br()w~, a:nd Wade.
The:pl'oceedings of tle prlClviolis day were read" an4-:au~
thoriz~d to be signed. _' " _' _ :,0,:"
TheWa.rden read communication from' COUTh'tyalerlt:,~
~. ': " . '. '. -' -'.. . '. -, . ...". . - .. . . '. ..:
County of Kent, respecting survey of County Line betw~e~
Elgin and Kent.
The Warden also submittedn ci~cular fr.om~fr.Weld,..
cif ~he .!!imyn,er'$ Advoc~te, Lond()n,res~~c~il1g 'the fotato
Bug, and utility of the: Advocate ,as aJ:l agricultllr~l Pllper!
Moved by D.McLaw., seccnded by D. McKillop' that
th~ Cou~ty be dhideu ink) two divisions,: for tbe purpose
of Schoel Inspection.-Lost.
:Moved by G. Suffd, seconded. by S.. Wade: that A. F.
Butler be appointed Inspector of Public Schools for tile
County, in accordance with the provision_sof the.,lmendeJ
School Act of 1871, and that the salary to be ,paid by this
County be a'; the rate of fiye"dollars for each school;Jler
In amendment:
, l:1oved _by D. .~IcLa'Ws, seconde~ by D.l\IcKiJiop': .tha.t
Samuel ~fc0011 be app0inted Inspector of Schoc.Is in this
Cou~ty, at a salary of five dollars per schocl.
Amendment lost, main motion carried.
Moved by G.. SuffeI, seccnded by Ii. 'Sti:a,tton: tJlat..
J oh'n- Raine, of Vien~-la, he appointed- one of tb~ Examiners
for the Examination of Teachen, in accordance w-it.h the
amended School'Act of 1871.....:..-..:Carried.
Moved by D. :1fcLaws, ..seconded by'T. Hunter:' that
J ~tIPes :R. vYilllam.s be appointed 011e of theE-xamine;'g pf
Teachei's forthis C(lunty.-Carried. . ". .... _: _ .'.,':__ '
Moved by J. McKillop, seconded by J.1fcCausland :
that Samuel ~fcCoIl be appointed am€nuberofthe Board of
Examiners.of Teachers -in the C?Ul-lty .of :EIgin.:-Carl'ied.
Moved by 'D. McKillop, seconded by J. McKillop: that
application be :made to the .~ieutenant-Uovernor; l:equest_
ing him to cause 11 survey to be made betwe~n(Lots Nos.
Twelve and'rhirteen in the Eleventh ~nd'Twelfth Con-
cessions of the Township of Aldboi'()ligh,\1jith the view 'to
establish the road allowance across said ConC':lSSiOllS;
. Moved by G. Suffe], seconded by II. Str.ittori: that the
CounciL adjourn until three o'clock, in order that. the Com..:'
mittees on Fin.ance ~,nd Assessment :rriay meet.
,The C011f'Jci~ :>>e,t at three o'clock, afternoo~, "!WP8U it w~
Moved by S. Wade, seconded by D. McKillop:_ that the
.use of 1;he Conrt Honse be granted to the Holman Tr01~pe,
for the: "holdlng' of 'a concert. .-Lost.
, Yeas--Freeman, D.J}!fcKillop, McLaws, Brown, Wade,
YOl~kHnl'l.ter, l~far1att, Turner- 9.
" .:N ~ys-Griffin, Stratton, Suffel,. Chu~7 :JIcCam;land;J.
nfcKi,lJop, Olip.e( ~er-iJ lVIcColl~9.
The v~te beiIlg a tie, the motion was lost, hy casti,ng
vote of the Warden.
JYloved bv G. Suffel, seconded by D. Feeeman: that the
W a~den b; appointed to confer. with. the l\fayor of St.
T-ho[(lllsand the Reeve of Yarmo:uth, to arr~ng~for the
,a~~~mnt h'l be pai9.- by J}1~llersbnrg, now ap::lrtion. of the
:To'!Vn of St. Tl~o~las, to the COlinty, and Township of
1\loved. brD. ~IcK.inop, secQl").<Jeclby D. )IcL9.ws: th'a~_
the comn:-nniq.atiSlIi from tile Conneil of Kent,in reference
to erectincr stone monuments outhe County LiJ.1e between
_". _ .:' 1:> '. ." _'.
Elgin and Kerit, be- lai4 Qver till the November meetmg..
9(C(:mncil,---,-Ca;rrie,d, _
. . Moved by(l. - Suffel, .seconded by C. Chute: that A. F,
Butler, by virtt;l,e pf his (lffiee as County Inspector 0: Pu~~.
lie". Schools, be appoin:tedan Examiner or T.each.ers ~ ~hlS '
ponnty~~ <;ai'ried:
"~1:ovedpY,D~ Mc~avm? sp.:con.ded by p. :ThlcKilJ.op: _that
thisConncilpetition t4e ~1ilitia, DepartI?eat to grant the
~~eof-theDrill Shed ~t Wallacetown, for ,the agl:icn1tural
.~hows,. fJ.~~_~f .c~rge.-9arri~d.
Th{r." S~ff~l,Chairma1;l. 'of the Equalization CopHa,ittiet
-\,ubmitted Teport~
" . i#ei' 'i1iich it w ~~
Moved by D. McKillop, seconded by W. H. Brown:
that the report of the Committee:'. on Equalization be _re--
'The Clerk readTeport of.- Equalizati@n 'Committee.
Moved hy S. Wade, secondedbyT. .Hunter : that .the
report of the Committ~e on Equalization:- be :aaopted.~
1\fr. J.'McKillop, Chairman of-CcDlmfitee"-:onPp.blic'
Improvements, submitted report:
Moved byW. H. Brown, seconded 'bjJJ. _Cline: ,that
the tepcrt .of. the Committee cn~ Public'~Iinproverl1ents:be
receiViid aF,d--read.-,.,-Carried.
Moved by J. McKillol',seconded--byD:M.cKillop:that
the Council go into comniitteeof. the,whoh~ oJ;l;"the report
of the Committee on Public Improvem'ents;:_....;..Los'k>
lIfaved by W. H. Brown, s<canded by J..Cline: that
the r~port of the Committee on.Public':Jlniprovei:nents!-~'be
adopted:"---,-Carried. -
Moyed by~; ~IcCa~sland, second~~hy 9. q~ut~_tth.~~
By-:LawNo. 209, being a By-Law.to-,-appoint-an Inspector
of Common Schools, be received 'tnd read a first time.
Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded by T. Hnnter: that
By-Law 209 be read a second -time.
- Moved by J. Cline, seconded by W. H. B,.own: that
By-Law ND. 209 be read a third time and finaUy,passed"
Moved hy S. Wade, seconded by D. lI1cLaws: that tho
County Tieasurer be instructed to pay the Treasurer of
Yarmouth the sum of ten dollars, that sum having been
paid by mistake to the Oounty, Treasurer by Th<)mas
Green, Esq., as .a :fine received from one Montgomery,
under a By-Law of the said Township of Yarmotlth.-
. . Carried.
Movedhy T. McColl, seconded by D. McLa.....: that tho
Clerk notify the Connty COl1l)cil of Middlesex that
piles are driven fro~ the western -abu.tment of the Coyne
R.oad'Biidge' ,fo' t!Ie.-tiverbank,'it.. wilL be". 41-.Janger_- ol
heing: cartied__R,!ay _,next_,spring;: and also r~questsaid
County Council to' ta:ke the necessary steps to -_properly'
prote~t said:woJ:k;::.' ;: Qatrie,d.-_
c;;_Moye.d: by::_D~'=Ttib),~r,_ secouded, by-A. _Kerr: that
W~rden ~bri'authot.izea:_-to sign. cheq,ue_.in:,fav_Qr: of..Dan~el
MoGugan for the Slnn of ^twenty-six dollars, for bUilding,aJ
_bridge_on-::the_-Gount:r-.:Line ,between Si)1~tli\\:oldand .Dela;.'
ware, he having prdduc_etl a certificate of thecompletiori
<if the work."'::'C.rried...
" ..Moved byAl:.,S:uffel,.secoJided by-D. Freen:an:that the'
report of the Auditors be receiyed and read.:.-~Carried;
.~.The'Warden~ J.:ead,,-:foptlrt:,of Co~ntjA.uditors. ,
"MoveJLby G__ Snffel; seconded hyS. Griffin: that' the'
report of, ,the Anditol'lVbe,collfirmed and adopted by<-thi&
-',:Onmotioll';o(:J\:r-l~.:SuffeI,.seconded by Mr.
Council adjour~ed till nine o'clock to-morrow inorning~
. Ol';'k;
THURSDAY, Jun~22, 1&71,
The Oo'uncil met at 9o'clock,-forenoon.
The Warden in the chair.
Mt3mber8present : Messrs. J. Th-feKi!lop, D. McKillop;
McColl, McLaws, Hunter, Kerr, Turner'~ Marlatt, Wii~e;
y ork~dhtite'; l\I~Causl<tnd, Cline; Browni Freeman, Griffin;.
Stratton and' Buffet
The pro'ce"edings of tle pre"io~s da.y were read, and'
The W ffiden laid before the Council the censnS of the'
Village of4yhrier, and petition &f J. H. Arkell; and one'
h.uIidred arid three o.~ the inhabitants, praying f01' the in-
corporation 6f ~raid i-";'illage.
l\:1r. Fl'Oeiirfu, cHairman of the commitGee appoir.ted to'
examine and report on the ctLimofNeil Stewartfor a
return cf motiey Freid fo'r- Ia~ds 1?ought' by him at- tax: sale,
submitted report;-
, lIoved by D. Fiieeirian, secoridecl. by H. Stratton : that
t1Jereport of the committee onN eil Stewart's claim. for ,a
rflturn of money paid for l~nds hought at tax sale, be'.
receiveu and read.~Ca:l'ried.
The report was read.
:lIfoved \Jy D. F;'eeman, seconded by S. Griflln: th.~
therepbrton Neil Stewart's claim be adopted.-Oarried.
1\:fr. Suffel, chairman of Finance Committee, submitted
After which it was
Moved by H. Stratton,.soconded by S. Gritlin: thaI;
the.repor,t of t~e.Finance C6mmittee be: l~ecei ~ ad and raad:
,The Clerk read repor~ of Finance Co.-mmittec.
Moved by J.. York, scciomled -by J: Cline, thattl)",_
-"reppl"6 ~f-Finaoee Committee he :'tmeiHled, 80 that h:i.lf tllGl
surplus (utlds of the County on deposit., and ~lso half the
loans, be equally divided betwe~n the 1\:101so:o.- and Mer-
chants' Banks.~Lost.
Moved by W. H. Brown, ~econded by T. Hm:iter : that
tbe report -of the committee on Finance 98 adopted, and
th3-t the \Varden be authorized to sign drafts for the
a9Counts embracetl th~rein.-Carried.
Moved by J. McKillop, seconded by J. McOanslalld ;
that the resolution passed yesterday, in reference to~he
erection of permanent stone. bound:u'ies on the Coun~y.
line bet'~-ree:n Elgin and Kent, be reseinded, . owing to in..
formatio~ t~eei\'ed since the passing of said resolntion._
l\foved by 9-. S~lffel, .seconded by D. Freeman: that the
T,reasnre.l' be at~th,)J'ized to pa, to Thomas McColl, ~f the
'Township of Dmnvich, the gmut made "in Jan!-lary last
towards the e;te~f:liol1 of the Coyne Road BriJge, amQ111t,."
ing to t1:Ie SUJI? of five h:undred ,dollars.-'-Carxied,
Mov:ed by~. l\:IcCaus~and, ::;ec,Ond~d by C. Chute:
the motion of last session, to re~d By-Law N c. 20$)a thirq
time, be rescinded.--,--Ca:ried.
){r~ :r.~cCalls]~pd subOJ-~tted J.3y-~aw to i1worporat13the
Village of Aylmer.
Moved by ,T. McOausla!ld, secor.ded by O. Ohnte: that
:By~Law No. 210, being a By-,L1W to incorporate' the Vil-
l.lge of Aylmer, be received and read ap.rst time,-Cq.rried.
:Ey-La)v No. 210 was r~ad:
},j:ov~d by J. McKillop, seconded by O. Obnte: that
By-T..aw' No. 2io be leuct' a. second tip:H:i.
l\loved by C. Chute, s~.9Qnc1ed by;J, ~1::cCausland :thllt
J3y,llaw N~. 210 be ret\d u tnird ti~lC and finally passedl
Moved by G. Surrel,_'seconded byC. Chute: that J.olin
lEBar, of St.. ,Thomas, be appointed one of the Exa'tniners
of Teachers for -the County,-..:...Carried.
J\-Ioved by O. Ohnte, seconded by J. McKillop : that
By-Law No. 211, to appo:nt Examin(<rs of Teachet.s of
Commc.n Schools, be reaeived and tead a' first' thne~_":::"
Moved by S. Wade, seconded by J. Yock: that By-Law
No. 211 be read a ~ec6nd time,
1vIoved by J;.; n,1:ar!att, se~onded by A. Kerr: th_atBy..
T.aw No. 211 be_read a third .time and finailypas3ed~~
Carried. '
}foved byJ. :IYIcKi11op, seGono.ed by C. Chute: thafthe
Board of Examiners be requested ~o make application to
the Board of ;Public Instrllction for permiSSIon to- 'hold
their Examinations of"Teachersin vienna,: St. Th6mas.an:d
'Yallacetown, a.s formerly.
Moved by J.McKillop, seconded by 0. Ohnte: that
By. Law No. 212, to equalize {he 'assessments, he received
and read a first time.-Carried.
Moved by W. ~. Br(')wn; seconded by J. Cline:: that
By-Law No. 212 be read a sl?cond time,--c-Carried-~
Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded by A.Kerr:that 'By_
Ln.,-,,: No. 212 be read a third tillle and fj,nally :passed.~
Moved by D, McKillop, seconded by D. McLaws : that
By-La.wNo. 213, to make appropriations for bridges._on
C(,)Uuty lines, be received 2nd ~ead afirsttime.-Cal'ried.
Moved by W. H. Brown, seconded by J;Cline': .that
~y-Law No. 213 be read a second tim:e.-Carried~
. Moved by D.Fl'eeman, seconded by G, Surrel: that By;
'I jaw No. 213 be r'eaq a. t4ird time and' ilnaUy passed...s...
Moved by D. McKillop, seconOlcd by D. McLaw's: that
By-Law No. ~14,to raise amoUl~t for County, rates,.bo
i"ecei ,.edand read a first. time. -Ct'l.l"l'ied.
Mov~d by H. Stratton, seconded, by S. griffin; that
By-Law No. 2.14 be i'ead a second timc--Car,ried.
Moved by J. McKillop, seconded by C. Cliute: that.
By-Law No, 214 be r..ad a third tim.,-and finally passed._
Thioved by D. McKillop, seconded by J, McKillop" that
this Council make application to the Governor in Cnuncil
to cause a survey to be made between Lots, Twelve ahd
Thirt.een iti the Eleventh and T,velvth C(}ncessionsQ~
Aldl)orbugh, and- that tbe expenses attending the survey
ivill be paid by the Oouncil of' Aldbol'ough;---,-"Carried.
Moyed :byG-. Suffel; secon.ded by H. Frs.eman : that the
Council adjoui'u until the second Tuesday in Novemberj
~ndthat- the Warde? sign draft for members' wage~.
:tJlglil" County dotmcilProceedings.
T-UESDAY, November 14,1871.
The Council met at two o'clock, afternoon. The War'"
den in the chair.
Members~pr€sent: Messrs. McColl, }fcLaws, Hunterf
Ke~r;:Turner'-~Vade, I\1arla.tt, Yorke, McCausland, Brown~~,"
Clina,- Buffel, Strattol:1, (jriffin, J. McKillop.
The proceedings ,hf the' last day of the previous session
were read and, sigried; ,
TheWardElD. thenadd'resl3ed. the Council:
The follQ\ving c"ommnnications were read :
FiomJ. w. Larigm~it,'ii:ispector of 1?risons, with re-'
port on Stitte of Oounty Jail. .
From W, Powell, Deputy AdjRtatit-General, respecting-
the Drill Shed at Wall.cetown,
Froin J...~S. Hallowell,- in r~fe:Ienc~: to his'" appointmeni}
or Reborning Officer for first election in Aylmer.
From She~iff:Munro r~speciing padlocks forJ aiL
" *r,?ni~~-:i3~~ma~, with . statement . or _Poru _Stanley
Eailway d.ebt. .
. FroIllthe nnited C.nutie. Or Stormont, Glengarry; andi
Dundas, ~ferring to isolated risk~ o( iJ>surance.
Fmm the Crown Lands Office, respe..:tmg Survey of
.concession ami side line in ..Aldborough~
Moved hy G. Snffel, seconded by ;r.. McCausland: that
the Jail Committee be appointed a SpeCial Committee to
wait.on the Inspector of Prisons, when he next visits the
-l;ounty Jail) for th.,epUrpJ3e of reporting to this Council
as to the proposed alterati.ms to be made in the Jail and
the building of a wall around the yard.-0arried.
;rifl'. Cline gave notice t.hat he would m~ke app~icatioll
at this' Session for a grant of ten dollars to i~proye' the
County line. between Elgin and Middlesex. '
Moved by W. H. Brawl'l, seconded by J. Cline: that
the commumcationsbe now taken up and disposed of._
~<ov.d by D. :M:cLaws, seconded by ;r. Cline: that
Messrs. Suffel, Kerr, and McOausland be a comrnittijeto
meet with a committee of the Corporatio.n of St. Thomai.l~
to arr_ange respecting the amount to be paid by the Town
of St. Thomas to the County fOr the adniinistration of
ju_stice and t?e use of the J: l:l.il.
In amendment:
Moved by. G; SuffeI, seconded byJ. McCansland: that
the Warde.n, Messrs. McLaw,8.ana Wa.de,b13 appointecI.-':a"
committee t9 meet the ~ommittee . of the Town . of . St.
Thomas,'to arrange as to theamount_to.b~ ,-paid by - the
Town of St. Thomas to the County for the nexttwoyearf;l
for the use of t.he 90unty ,J~il a~d the .admfuistration ot
justice~ '
Amendment carried,'main motion lost.
~rr. Strickland, architect, appearEd. before the Conncil
t~ap.d sb1ted that l.~-:pad been-sent by ]\11'. Langmuir,~tlw
PriSC)ll Inspector, to examine the Jail, andtakemeas:un~.'"
mf?ut, forthepurpo_s~ of rp.aking,a report on the ~lteratioq~
,required to bemad~ip:tl1e JatI, and t4e__cost th€;l:eof.
, On motion. of J\i~..'j}~o~n~ secoDq~?- hy Mr. --Cline,'th~
,Council a11jouX'lledtilln~.:xt ,~aJ:'
" Cled:, ,Warden.
WE~~;ESDAY, N overnber 15,.1871-.
,f;P4~Council ,ffie_t ~~. tellp'clock, forenoon. The Warden
jn the chair. '
"lVIeIilbers pr~sent: ~es!'3rs. J. l\IcKillop, ~IcColl, ;}}fc-
Laws, 'Yade, I\:fat latt, York, Str&tton, 1I-IcC?-,usland, Cline"
Bro~, ,Hunter, TnrIler,.. S1:lff~J, Griffin.
The' ri:~eeediugs of }he previous day.:w~re ,l~ea::l anu
Mo'~ed .by - Mr.. Suff~1,8eco'nde~by ....Ml;. S [;l'<1UOn,: " th.~t
~~ayor4-rkel1, of'8t~ Thom~s; be_ al1ow~d to ad~lr8ss, tho
'Council :wltll referen~e to_ the London &-. Port Stanley
Rai]way._~C~{Tied. ," .' ',_',:"
]fr.A,rke~1 "?eing present"addre,s:sed tJleQouncil_r~spect~
ingthe:London & Port S:~1.::l1eyRailway.._ ,";-'
Moved by ,T~ Th'IcOoll, seconded by l}.'Tnrller: _thatth~
..J aU. Cor~llnitt~ebe authorized to' procure,thJ3 'YoodreqQ,ii'e~~
for the Jail and Court 'H~useduringthe ensuing year.;-:-
, ....' , "", c' "-'. - .,'. .,......,~
p.n.rie~. . .
Moyed by Ii. McLaws, seconded by T. MoOoll : thai
theW<l:rdezi'be instructed- ta adv@i.tisefor tenders for the
'sa:le of thf'l stock helel by this d~unty .in the London anti
'-P~rt-Stailley llail wayCompaiiy.-Oarried.
::r,-rovell lw 1. J.lcIGLlol'< seconded by"\V.IL Brown:
tlHl.t teh"lo1~hrs:- be. 'gl'antecl for the i'eplrir of :i Bridg-e oil.
tl~2 Comtty Line between North and South Dorchester.-
_Mov~dh-y TLos.- Hunter, seconcled by D. Tt'l.li1'Cl' f tlu~fr
the sum -of seven dollarsimd ninety cents be granted to~.
"\vards.-the repair of a bri:d'ge on County Line bi2tween:
-:Sonth~old and \Yestminster, rhe amouut haying been ex-
'verided-:oni'ep'lac"i'ng the" bridgo ,vl~ic11 IHicl ~'e'el1 carrie~lby
..~Ioved by G. Sufrel, ae,onded by H. Stratton:. that the- .
\il{ilutesand ,'proceedings of the Contlcil rOt. the current
JClar be published_ i~ pamphlet form and 'di8tributed; as i'II
, t(n'JUerJe:.us~~C~~l:ried"
MOv~ed byllfr. Stratton, secon,led' by :-&tr. Griffin: tha'f
the report.nf the_Finallce.C'omn1ittoe be reeei\;.ed,J:l,nd I'cad..
_JH6yed by J_ McCa.usbnd, s,,"onded by 8. Wade : tha~
the rep:ort,.of_Flnan~e COlllmHt~'ehe adopt~d,'
}ioved'by. G. -Sk~ffe( ,se~~~ded- by ,E. Stratto~:thatthi~
Council petition the Legi'siature of O~ltario~atita next
session,.not to pass an~ct for ,the relief- of the firstmo.rt.
'gage:bond~hofdersof the London & .'Port Stanley, Raihvo.y
eompany,_'assaid B'onds do. notn~ature until 1874.~
Cai"ried. . " .'
:i.roved by S. Wade, seconded by;t. lIIcCausland:
:,~he_Tteasurer be requested t'o lay before tilLs liouncil
:amo.unt,of ,r~ceip~s receiyed ror tolls on the "\V?rdsdllt:1
]lo,e<1.1;:.y J.Ydl'k,secon:ded byj.~ial"latt: tiu\t:,th(;
Chairman of the Finance -Com:n1it~ee m~dI\Ir~Wade"b&
i'equested to' caB dpOli nIl'.' Jiickso'Ii anda_s<.:ertairihow_:t.l;~
.appropriation or -oue hundred dblla:rsis expendod,in. _thu'
cuse of the insane \voman;nIary ATin 'Thomp"son~------"-CarrieJ~
On'i11ution~of ,lll'. 1\Iarlatt, seconded liyll. Kerr, the'
Council adjourned "till.t\vo 'o'clock;
.Pi. t' t\vQ o'Clock the Coimcilrestlttied;
Mu\;.ed by J. l'IcGalls1aild, seconded by Do 1flcLa:.wsci
that the County TreaSurer 1e ins't.tucted to apply" to ,the-
-County Treasurer of lIfiddlesex'for the am'o11ntthatisil1
his hands belonging t6 this- 0orflityfoldoHeolleoted Rt
'. the'Vards\;illel.;ridg'e:~ and .tiY teqtiesttha:tthe: proportion
.0f tolls due to the County of Elgin be in future l;emitte-,t{
'lY1oye(~ .bY-J.. Thfarlatt, seconded"bi: ThoIilas'-Hunt~r,:
.tha~' the:Olel'k be'aulihorized tcitake the-necessary, steps t.o
bive ~fal.Y'~t\.llnThompS01), an:insane woman; -taken-:,t'"J
the Lunatic Asylnm, London..:....:..Cti.rried.
l\1o\~~d,:byGco.. Sufi'el, se6<ffld/:jj:fby- J~. J\feCa.ullilld i
that the report of the specialcortimittee appointed"to "Co"l~'::
rer witli thecommicteefrolllthe'ToWllof,St; 'Thome.s, Le.
'tecelved'aIid reacL-Cn,riied; .-
Moyed by G,SuffeJ; seconded by J. McCa"sland,.th,,"
the' report of..-the. 'specialco'Irimittee'itppoibted ..:to-' cp_~fer
:With the eOITnnittee:ofthe To\vn {If:St/T11'oJmis,:, beaaopt,;;
ed, .alld thattbe~V arden be -au.thorized' to' si&n the.'a'g' t.tie~'
. . , 0
went on behalf of this Council.~Carl:ieJ.' ....:
Moyed by :A~Kert, . seconded : by- D'.._rrurner:-:tha;t-"thQ'
County of Middlesex be notified of the dangerous>lftat(i"6f
01e- ~Iclntosh bridge,. .which, -if not attended toimmedh-
li;t-e1J'; the high water will he m~ely to damage the WOI:k,
!tlie abntmelitand pi1e,wol;k on the Middlesex side being
in a - dilapidated' state.-Cal:ried.
.Tte,Wal'den read statement. from .County Treasurer,
;shewing,that$260;35- h,id been receiyed.' hy thisCoullty
:ror tolls at the Wardsville bridge.
?YIoved by G. Suffel,. seeonded by T. McColl: tbat a
spec~al committee 'be' appoi~te4,' composed of the W ar-de~
. . . - '.' - . , " .' .. ~', . ,.,
Messrs. W ade, ~rcLaws, ;Hunter and the mover, to receive
~endersfor the' purchase of-the county stock in the-;Lon~
. .,' .' -,
'don & Port' ,Sta111py ;.E:lailway,with power to- accept ,the
-best offer that -might be made; or to recommend the callin~
,-. ..' ". .' ....,... . ?
,_ofa,spe;ciarmeetirig o,f the COllnc!l.-Carried.
:r\:ro~e~"by S. Wade,second~crby W. TI. Brown: tpat
the-sum' or" 8~rv'entv-:fivedollar~b_e 'grant~d to-the' Warden
of the,_qo~~ty for"' extraservicerduring the present year,
j~C<\~'ried." " . ... " ". -.' '-,
Moved by:ilir. Snfl'el, second~d by Mr. Stratton: that
.. _:_ : t1 . , 'i, ; . . - ~ . .-' ".
the' 'Varden _b6,au~hprizedto sign th,e agreement nlade
wit~l' the Town of $t~':.I:'homasas to the aDlou:ntto be paid
.bythe Tqwll" :tp the O-()uuty as their proportion of ,the
County debt ?Ui a~count of _ Millersbu~g.-,Carried. '
, j\{overlbj J. fu:cpa,,~r~nd, secOj'dfd by D. McLaws:
- that,kthe So>l~cit~r is 'of~piDiol'ttli~t'~o.'one>el~ecati no~
J'JerfQrmthe duties of Returning Officer, the Clerk notify
:Mr. H::l.lloVi';ell that he yvill bepaidthe amount he requires
fo, attendance at the first El~ctioIl at the "Village or Ayl~
',.mer,:as-:_required PY.13y-Law of this Coun,ciL:--pa.rried.
1'" . "".'''' , ,.... -. . ..'
'Moved by J. -McCansland, seconded by D.
that the thanks of this Conncil be tendered to the
ffor--the' ~fficient_aDdsatisfactory matil'H;:l; in whi~h he,
~di,t)ch~rg~dth~duti~s of his office for the presentyear.--":'
"Q~rie,d. '. . --. .
ti; i.
MovedbyD. :McLR:VS, secon~ed,l)y,J. ql~~e.: that th~
thanks -of' the Council be: tendered: ,to the Clerk and Trea;;
surer for the _~a~i~factorv mcDJler in whieh they have per-
'formed the ~ut~~~ ~ftheir offices during the current yeal:_~ ..
_Carried. - , '
,on motion ofJ._,}feKi110p,_,sec()n~ed hy- W-'- H~ Brown,
_theW arden.signed ~d~aft Jor :m~~~ers' wages, and th~
'Council a"dJourned sine die. .
\. ....: .. .'
;WII,LIAM :i\-fcKA Y,
-h" '.
If" u..den.
f_ '-"0'/':.
FJ::S"ANCE RErol't'l.' F'dn 1871,
To th:e eounc-il of the County of Elainl
- .
The CemIiiitteeon Fm~ncebegleave to. i-e1.jott:~Tha~ ~hei
:have carefully examined into the ~I1aneia~ airairsof theC~)l_~':
ty, and the estimates submitted by ihe', County '-:rrea..urel?j
herewi~h beg to subu_uC fm estimat,e of the expenditure r~;"
quired to bp. provided for the la.wful purposes of the Coanty
fol' tl1ii _, current year, showing amounts if.) be raised for the"
iiridefillentionedpurposes, namcly':'
De1:Jentures ana_09upollS...... .....:; ........$ 1,820 00
l'Ivnicipal Loat1_:fttlld ",""" ..,"..., ..;. ~..,. ,6,.400,00
Southern Railiva! Debentures and Coupons.. 25,00000
Gtamliw,r Sch:do'M.: -..".......... ........ _. 65000
Inspector and E:iamine:rs' of School!!.,.-..,.... 750 I)'fj
Adll1inistratiltii of JustMe......... :.--:...... 4,000 00
County L~neg and Brid~s .... ., ...~'........ 2,,000 00
General Purpbses .............. .; ::...... 3;487 00
tio't'IunonScl1dols.-:..... .... ..,...,.. ........,. 3,40000
$47,507 00
- Your Committee, in coMpiling the above estimates, havo'
reduced the itmount~ as low as Inaeticable without affecting:
the credit of the County. Your Committee therefb::te recom..
mend that thg sum of Forty-seven Thousand Five Hundred
and Seyen Ddllars l1e raised, and leVied oil the ra;ieable p'th..;
perty in the several MunicipalitieS'in the (:ounty for Countji
purposes, as per soHedule hereWith, and tha.t the requisite
l3y..Laws be dra.wn up and passed in accordance therewith" to.
i-evy arate of & Mills In the DoD.ar on the amount of rateable
property, for the prevf-dusyea;r; toraise said amounts, Yb'iu'-
Committee have had an interview with the Agent of the lYIer-
6hants' ,:Bank', and submit letter ffb'tll lilin as to proposition
for rate of- interest to be charged on Loans ancl. received for-
Deposits, and that, your Committee rece~men'cJ: the amount
to' be kept :l~ the :M:erchant5' Bank.. '
<J.e:-,-,B1tAL I
PlTRP'S; !
I Uv.:J:~ilJ-'-'i '-\ ~9U'.r.ri'-,-~ I
Aldborough . . . .. \ ~i~ '\ e~:~~ \-
D.tuH'.,iCh........ . ,,' 630, 4,938 I
Southwold ......- 660 5.179
Yarmouth .... -.. 594. \' 4:000 I
1\'lalahide..... .. 2',0__-21 1
South D0rchester. ~~~ " 7"0
~~yhalll . ....-;.. \ 910 \
Tutals. . . ,. ,. '" $3,400 I $2:.::0 $1IJ,] 07
- All of which is reep'ectful1;y eubl'nitkd.
. '"'1 Chairihan:...
Committee RO'OIl1i22TId: ~tiTI'E'i IS'....
I. $.,618
\ 9,409
I 7,644
\ 5,~~
p'o.,_tlte,' O-oun.cil' of tlu~ Oounty ,qf 1tZqht:",.
The, Oommittee,oD'Equaliz.'.l:tion beg loa-va, to, ,r0pOl~t:-':'Thl\t ,theyJutve examined the Assessmcnt'f:
Rolls of .the several Municipalities in, the COllnt.y, and submit ,the following, Sche-dule of. Equali,zation,
whtch thoy recommend'to be adopted by the Council: '
------I'~ R.,.1o=;:;'~~3;---:-"=---'-;J~=----',:~-R.,~:,' tI'1;3 ~....1- ~~ '"d ~....1,.~
gP~!;- ~~'o ~~~ ~o''-~'' t5~....; .!,:- .~. ~o~!;- :
J1funic?'palities. ,;..." ~iS,. ~ ::t,It--, ,j~J:_ ~ ~~.r: ~ :;S.t- ~ il:-:~" -.> ~~ .IAlte~atwnsmade
Ilj;;:""''t..; ~Jt'.';::; !,~cq l::3;.:~;t; cgooo O::$.. r::....~....:<>l't3 ~n1871.
r:=.;.,~~~..., a<>':>",,""" ~"'-'~ ~ljr-l ~"" [~'" ~:o,;.,~~ "
...., R_ "<i-' ""i lj ",",l3 R.c, ; 'I ~I"'" ~"I' ,~ ,<"
__h__-:---- _~-----:-~~: ~_:::_:_______;;_-I--'_._,-----::-~ ___~, "___._.
AIL~.bOl'Ongh_..! 782.. ,l.u'~ 569,63,) 541(,4,) 62.'1ruIS 1'5,897175010001 8;)0,963227,285 add..ed"
Dm}'vieh. ,... .l,U:?259, 609,993 7.1,565 G84,:5Jj8 60,687 8 5015 00,l,110,87{. L35,312 "
t4oI1thwoid. . .. 'l,596,28Ll,4B6,023145,310 1,631,'333 73,420,19 50 21 Oa,lJ687,~L3C 5Q,797- "
Yarmol1th.. . , . il,6i57,4781,485,70() 161,7111,647,,417 70,000121 0023 00,1;771,,771124,294,_ H
Malahido . . . . . 'J,2Bl,5GO J ,23.?,868 92,150 1)~26,0l8 63,265_20 CO 20QO 1,365,30C _39,28:'{,;-- H.
S. DorChester"1 ,(;4'7,250 6i?4,b75 23,500 67~J!75 30,6001210021. 001 68~J60C 4,425.;"
n;~~]w,:n....... 8!l,40.2 7:~,?J,74210?,~80, 836j!~2 58,155'11 0011"00111-/:14,705121,417 ~~~ucted.
\-wllna;j....... 19,000, $r,290j 19,,)00, 86,1~0 I I 70,OOC 16,790
~;;);~18,Ol9,48816,S40, 930'073, 10i 7,514,091 441,024C-I--IS,262,27D
-....:,......_-' - . '. ~---,--.
All orwhich isrcl3pectfully snbmithJd.
Oe!lI.~I~'l'ETI H.ooMS,21st,J UI!(~, 187~.