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1872 Minutes
M. MCCAUSLA,c~D; CHART,ES OHl:TE, JOHN CLUNAS, W.-H.BROWN, vV, Y.E:i\IRRY, HENRY STRATTON, J Al\IES'r URN:llULL, GEORGE'SU};'}.'ET..; ~LLISON)~WA:RDEN. Aldboroua:h, ' do ~ Uunwich. do Southwold. do do Yarmouth:. do d"o Aylmer. ]H.'llahide. do SoutIl; Dorchester. , ' do Bayham. do do- Vieilli:i; " Reeve, J;>eputyReeve " -., Reeve, " .DerriltyR,seve;; Reeve, Deputy Ree"i.'e Reeve, " Deputy Reeve " ....' ',,,' Reeve, " }JUJUCIPAL 9FFICEI1S. G',L-CLARrs, -' ,;';' "'0 ',,' "" r ' ",ILLIAMMcI\{y - 'ju'ilntyrren,SUl'E!i" JEH'mLl\lA~K - J ?ounty_Clel'k. 13~KIE<-iD~l~, SountyS.olic~tor~, County," Engmt:cl;S; ~ SU.F.FEL, ST A~DL"VG, ,CO:M:MITfEES.. FINANCE. O.'lHA LLF.Y, : Me KILLOP,,'McCA,UBLAND& ]\f~I,RtAT';. - lERR, PCBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. STHA'l"fON" ' ',' ]3ItOV...N," .MCOoLL; CUl!T.E,E.r.IERY, - EDUCATION. CLUNAS, ',' <wIeLE A.N ','...' ,"',...' -,',-' ~ AND TVRNRULL. JAIL AND PRINTING SMiTH, DAYANDN:AIR;~' :PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL o~ :rII~ . OOUNTY ELGIN, OF D.URING THE SESSIONS HELD IN" TEE: COURT HOUSE, ;W THE, - ':fOWN OF ST... TROMAS. I.N TRi} MONTHS Q~ ~a:mUlrlJ, ~a:rdl, ~uut &~Dlttmbtr~ 1872. .,. . . lOHI'ifl'lLLJ;SON, WAIrnEN. WM. MeRAI", OtERI!'. T '.... AYLMER. J... ~. FRtGJiI'):'SPN:4, ;PIt.INT.~R,. "ENTERFRISlll;~ OFFICE... .~ ~ "" ...' . . ~ . . I Elgin County Oounoil :Proceealngs~ 'FIRST SESSION. FIRST DAY: J -_TU~SI?AY;-: t4~, 2~t{tdaYcpr~~,nu~~y" J~,7~. . 'Tnehfellibecl elect df the Comity ConI\cil Uletalitt;e Co_urtHouse;ih,acitlo'rdarlee.with the Statute,:and.:'haviug filed certific.ateB of office with the Clerk,toolt-theid,eiJ.s as follows: ;.',0 .,,'~_. ::;~AMEI:>> ',_ OFFI€E. r 1\fUNICIPALITY. QlIARlilj;S4-.. Q'M:ALIJ1y-" Reeve, ALI)l'lOR01!GH. DUGALD McLEAN, lJeputy _do., ...do. 'l'HOMAS McCOLL,-lIe""., DU:'W:IClI. JeriIN McKILLOP; 1!epu!y:Jo.,.dq.: JQHN ELLISON, . "R,eve, SOUTli,yqiii. JOHN S}jlI'rH, . D"f!utyd~.; do. . ARCHiBALD KERR, do.' d~:, . do. :P1\;N~ELL:UTO:N': R,e.vo,. .. YAR>IOuii: . JOSEPH MARLATT, . DeputYd;o.,;do. . l?AMVELDAY. do..do_,.' ao. . . T. M.NAIRN, Re~_ve, AY-LDR: JOH:NMcCAUSLAND, .d do:, :i;1.A,r.~iiil>E. '()l;IARI:ESqHltT~, . p~il1:,d~;~,'do. JOHN CLUNAS, Reeve, S.D"",cHEsTEa. F.H, ~:ae:r\V:N,pelfUty, do., cd~' _, W. T.EMERY, . dRe(JO)e; .BA-yHA>I. ;rAMESTURNBULL, D'lJutllJi.;;- . do. , ..' '~h~ ~e~bers were ~lIe~to,,!<1~l;;'L~ihe ..bl;',1< in ~he 'eh.~r._, ,,": ':", : ,- '_., '_._.:-_,) . ;>#~r ,~otin.g:seyeraltime,8wit~out'~J?Poin~fug"a War1 1lel\$ the lUeetingadjonrned tillthe ~pi.lo)limg'aai: . , . / '..... ~-}, '~--if ';,ti'-":'" ,- ''''''.:''i, . 4: FIRST SESSION. SEOONDDAY, c . . : ", WEDNESDAy,tl1e24tl1 da.r.ol J";'uary,187~l ',_, The membel1:l of Oouncil met accor,ding toadjournment~ Tl1e Olerk in tbe chair, ~. .' " ':Men;tb'ers.- preseIit',:~M~ssrs.:~,McaalI;; :,Jrerr, Chute, ~urnbul1;:~ Luto:g.j: ,Jv,r9:~qp",()'J\f~l1ey,_"",!Me,Qau~land, . :~:Br,oW;l1,;MarIatt;iS:J:l1it,h, M9~ea1f,}~~e~'Y:"QI~p~;};',:~g~gni "Nairn;-:8Uffel;:Day>, "', ":_ Jt;) :':.1 . Tl1e Olerk called the Il\entb.rs to order. ., "c'_ ':~en', it:~&-:'~oved::by ~~,II~u Bl"own~~:s~cdnded ,by 1). Lnton,c 'l'hatJolin, Olnn.s' :be.eie;'b~d Wat(fu';;'of:ihe ~ aO,unbYfdrthe:,pres'e~_~ ':yearl:'~ t/"::~'."'" ',MovedbyJ, Madatt, secoudedby'S.Day, T:h.tJ:i..ill~l tuto~he'War!ien'fo\~th:e;(;ur~nt y~J:t>.:.! ;../; ,,'1: ',' - , :Mo"~a.bY'(J. A:O;MalIey,. se~ondedbY A:Ker~i'~111t Major. EJ/ison,., Re?ye 'of-So~thwo1~-",,_ he '"\i\farden'T6Y'tlie cur!:'.en~y-.e~._ ," ' ::: \,~., ;,c, '. Mo;'e~ by J. M"Oansland,secon~~d: by.. C.Dl1tite;'l'li"-t Mr. Nairn: be appou,tedWarden 'of tl1e b~nnty: :' '. M?v-e~ by'" O. Oli~t~, secondeq by A" ':kerr;ThatGeorgfi SnffelbeWli,TdenOft:he Oounty,., .,.J, .......', Th~;f~~~going' nD~1na~io~ :htivfug::~,~~~' i6t~ct-!~tibn':~. };W~on ,,:as elected,.M"'dfid""ed 'by tl1~ Gle;k-,: W;"de1 OftlieCo~hty;>," ,,', ",' '/" ;}(<, Mro, ,E}~,?p: ,made'_, ,tl1~' declaration \ ~f:' .oifice}L' ~o'dk 't~e cbair andadafesseatli~.Con"cil. '" ,,:,' ',...' J -, ',~ T~e, pr~c_e,edi~g-?'.bfd1;r~' I~~'t" d~y otthe ~ p~vihri;: :se~'ion: '~"tere -read'-,and ~lithoHged:-t6:hesigned.'\' i~-:('tffl-":,.'. . 'irA." ..l)ioved?y.J:?seph ']\far]att, sec,ondeqQY~, Day, That th~_ W~~;~~n,~~ppoiti~,f,;,sp~qfl ,eon1l1~itt~~,-'bl~;tli~ee,'to:$t~iJr~- the ,l;ltah\d,ingccbiiimitteif;:o:U',Fin~nce; -Ejd~Ca,bioit andP1l.ir. 1 !- ..... \.~ 1; . the' 6pPo:r;I.CU.=::. ;~ii:Iniprovei:nents>and'l"eportJhe,:~alne ,t~ Darried_, . 's 'f ' d D . The W-artlen~n,omina:t!3d1\1:essrs..Nall'll1 illl nan,ay, to be saidcommittee~~,"l;;8, ",' - '..' '.- of, the' . "The Warden:thennominatedJ.:r.)\Iartyn_ Dne. ., .' ; .' -, .- .,. 'County Audlt'Ors. "'_''''', ' _ ',h- -01 '. Mo,ved:by;'W~jH'~, 'Bro"Vf1,:sectinJ.ep.::by .J,O'n.:,l1I1,~S; Tl,1at W. J. White be':app'ointed.bneQf~t~e. audl~or;:; :J.pr ,.th'eccurren-t year{:.; _" i; 'j,-. ;"._ ~') In 'amendment,. '___1 ..:::, Moved by S: Day, seconded.by Joseph Marlatt, Tl1at oGeorgets.cat.:ili::be:P"p.e o~:the: 'c.ouIity~udi~q~~.:~,~ljrc:. th~': cnr~ :1"elltyear~~ ' ,',,' '';:'),;. _ ~.: '';;:_,,~: -Amen:dmentJostancl' main. moti~ G'arne~. '.,' _; ':- ,.j -;~:-:The--following:c(jfum'uhiCations were}ead,. " ~,~:, _<'::_.. ::'>FroIhith€{;:-Board..~!oL'~r;ustees, ~S.L ,Thomas~;Gra_rem_ar u, ,',,' , : ScbooL r " ""'1 -' -Oi'avel F1cck th" biieat~r~ofSt; Tl10lUas ,,;,d~y mer ,Road: Ocmpany.. - ,:.'0"" ,'. ,. . - -,,: From the Truslo'esbltheVienn", Rigl1 Scl1ooL. ". " ~ Fl1oril~~J. Keefer,: M:i4dlesex,',091Inty,:Olerk,:;'re'spectmg ",,{iolIs;owibridcre:;aero'sfvB:iver ,Thames~: ;:- :.' ;'; ;:,; 1 '_,' i, '." ;~-~.;,.:P~titi~n or011h~iaas ~,Gre~n' ~~iid:.,:ror,ty~s~"Ve~.' Qt~lers.: .:~ . 1> ' ' t tC alteration of ,a schd'bl section _.m: X~:r- relerence, 0 11e ,,_ '.' ,.mbutl1"r",::. "ie:., _'.- , ' .' ,Repprk6f'L;'J;ldoiiiand;P~rt StanleyitaU,v.ayOompany. - F . -. &l0i1nty- Clerk' Nen\; with- cop)!: of, by,l~w,resp~et' .in~~~:~:~B~::~~lI~:~;;~~LLamhtQi1:.;i;h,~:;it~~n~d ., Leo-mlature'CoRcerning{ d;taius::aIid'~ wAter_"cQUr~~s,,_,jJ::\, '" ; Fconi~D~Via: Mcfiv~"spi'f.l':referenee,:to:,.'disPtisal;ofj~,tQ~k i;n,:tlieiLondoll'::in:d, ~drt'StaJ.iley ,Ra#:wayAJqrpi(nY.,., -d , From J. H. Willson,M.P.P., acknowlildgmg re""'pt 0, 6 Petition respecting Railway Stock. .. FrODi the.-same;resignillgo:ffi~6 ,ofTl-uStee:Qf'St.~ -~h._Q41if~ Grammar School. . . . . F~oni':Wil1iain- .Bowman; Engin.~er; :Bothwell Briage, respecting pile"driving at said ,Bridge~ Fr6m kP..il'Iartyn and GeorgeScarft; making. applica_ tionfor'Officeof auditors.' "; . " ..' Frdm .L--W., Langmuir, :Inspycool'cifPjiSons, .&c') .'_iVith plans,' ofpropos~d iilterations ill:"- aiL : On motion of lir.. Clunas, secondedby_-W~. H~j 'Bxo.wn, the Go.uncil adjourned for an hour. I , .'~ Mt!l'Elih -Diuu:t;l)f M.uahide,appearedhefore the Council and made' appli~tion for her destitute and idiotic. child. " Moved by 11ft; Sttffel; Sec6lId.d by Mr. Stratt_on, ':Chat Hllgh.SeHs be appointed aTruste"of'tb&Vi~nna High Schoo1.-0arried. MO'redbyl\fr: Cbnte,-sec6,:,deacb-y 1'f:.Strhttdn,Tbat G. Sutre! be 'appointed -a Trustee' of the Vipllna- High'_: Sch~l ~: for the, term::of three y~arS~-Cahied. --: . .1IIr..Stratton;Conn.tY.Attorney, appeared .Ilefore'_tbe Council and made statement respecting .elairil;c:madeby -Henry Wilooxfo<arres,ing a person charged :w-itlvlibrsa $tealing. ' , Moved. h.r J olm Smitb,secoIjded by J osepb MarJatt,Tbat . the .sumoftbii-ty dollars be' paiiFtoHeriry:Wilc6x;.fortbe apprehensiolId!' Ji',ao.k COUritry::mari,acborsoJtliief;on .., tbe eertificate of the Connty J ndg.:thatMr.WHcoxis entitled totbe-rejVird:'-7Carmd; . 'C~ Moved b.rJobn.MWans1and;',secimdedby JJ. ...JJ1.>ote, <That the :Wa",lenissneachequ~toMrs. Eliza "Dnmdor lift! -dollars"Gn.. sUpport ..:ofan"indigentduiotieeliild, 'anti ~S~<i,i'Z:(~.::,j . '" .' 1 -that .I~]lUQlnnas be apP?inted to, receive apd expend the amount.-Carried. '. . >Woved byC; A. O'Malley: seconded br J.MCJ>:lI!O~, That Mr. Cald:w-ell beappomted a Trus;ee fo,. the S : >rhomasHigh Scll091,in tilapeof ~r: Willson, ,eS'gnea.. .~iamdeI1hdl11,es~t :,'e..1Day.' seccmdedby. J~sepj, Marlatj, luove_ Y" aml" ,'" . - , :<. "," Th" " That John King be appointed a Trustee~f t~e. St. omas High School, in place of Dr. Willson., resigned. - .:AmenHmBut,Iost and-mot~oneai'rie(L,,-, d b Ax I 'd Ke". Moved by Thomas McColl, second., J' c ,. ..u , ~rhat' COli#iMcDollgallbe.-apPointed:.one ,of the; '~rustees oftheSt.Thomas High SchooI..-.Carried. .. F' · '" - 'd bOA. O'Mal.ley. seconded by.;r. McK. lHop, "e'.JXlove ,Y,. " , ,',' ,", , ' '. " "i ted -That -Fihlay.,~fcDiarmid"',of ,Ald~orot~gh.' be.,.a,~p.o .U;:/, auditor for auditing th~ accounts of Ornmnal-JustlCe,,',\ID . ,.the -County;iGr-tlie::cilrreD.ty~ar.. ,:,:'-,In'Utmen4rrien~plst: ~':. " , '_ ' , , "....' i::,J\foved'by:.s:Day,-seconded ,hy.Ji .Marla:t~Th~t yr. l\f:cKay':p~; -~ppoipted:: audit~~ ,for. ,:the admlIllstratlOn;" of Jrtstice'_'a.c'cQunts fQr thec~rrent. y:ear. In amendment" 2nd:. '_ , ," Moved by:T:M,Nairri, seconded ,by '!'. Mcpoll, ?'bat ..JohliSmithbe appointed 6neofthe ~udlto~s tOiandlt tlte '- .. 't ',,-of....the administration 01 JustlCe.~CarrJ.ed. acconn,s. . , ' , _. :-<i.:; liiaD.iendmen.t~3rd: ':Mo.""Chb.y,llfr. Sttffel, secondedbY.Mir.0hute,,!,~at S"~~el. :rrice,Esq.,b~ appc1inted anandi~r foraudltmg the acconnts of .the adlfiinistrationofJuSl1cefor .the.. cnr- *eiit,year~:"'." ';, ,,;-,',::: ,~., '.' d'> _' ':TM.sec6ridand.thirdamendUlen.ts:w-ere carES., . ' Firat "mendmentand.JllainmotioI1.notl'~t,. .... , . ~~"ed .br';rob",,()lnnas!,~ .e,9ndea.bl:W'J:J:..~row-l!'_ ',_____,-1 - -"'---~---'--'-'- 8 ~~~' ,t~e pe~i~io,n?f '.Phom~s G!een~na~thers, relative ~ Schoof-"Sectio1i: -~:Nuin~er :Nine,~:jri Yarmoutb,be '~ow rea.~~.:~9~~ed~_ "_,_ __- '.. ,_ , _', _,__' Th~ OIerkrJadth~ petition ofThos.Gr~en, ~wloth~rs, l\fr;~' :rp:os.'~reen, ._Mr. I~aac: B:~ig~t~l\1_~<BenjEtrriin Gr~;;;' and ;r am~s Arm;itong heing preserit,address~ithe 9?u,ncp.?Il,:S~h()oI Sef:t~Qn Numher :N~e.:and the'ad~ J?tpjH~ -~e~~~ons,~ . '1'~ " '.AJ'~f;l'. wp;ich it.,w.~s MO.'f~d by 0. A.O'MalI~y', 's~cbnd~d byJ,'-TnrnbulI, Thattb.e' 9.PPIica,tio;n 'by petition_' of -Thomas-Green, ~-and 9tf.er-;~atepity,.e:rs, ot."-'~p.hoolSectionNumber_: Nane" Towri~ $hip of Yarmou,~h;_prayipg_.[or'a Cominittee, "Jo.~,ex:ainine. :~to ~n~~reiilOTe. certa~_~r~e~~ces, compJain~d 'p~in~::/said .p.tftionrb~ ]~itj."ver ""tjI tIle .;rime sittings of this 9011lic ;"'cil.~arried,;",;'~) " Moyed by C. A. O'MalIeY,s~condetjopy ])",,~el :Ln~on, That .the appointment of John McBeau}- :;B1fJq.,: . B.arrister,_ by th~'Towri Oouncilor!:,t. Thomas'!).~:,,9lil!>:wed byt~ ;Council;,tc)':remove.all do'uJ;lt concer,p}ng:".l1i~_':appointmenti as a Trustee of ,the ':S~~:"Tholflas ,C<?!lii~y."Hig,~.~~!',~,O.9.l.;' ,Carr~ed. '-~rii'r'ay ::An_a~rsdn,' $~q;, "Of the :lJLtY~;,:QfIi9jl,tj9li; -pi,ad,e <stat~ment'toth,e,Cloun'cilrespeC.ting, t.ge,,: ~.6ard-_of:;Plr~c_ tors, o.f. tn~ Londoito& Port 'StanleYiRailw,~y ,pompany.,.; lI'foved by Char1es Ohute, seconded by.Ge.o.,ge. Stifl'~], T!iatth~'repo:r' -Of the'committe~ . to.appoint.statiding 'qdnimittees 'be' ieceivedl~~dread~ 'J '~. " -Th~}c~erk:rea_d:report~: ~,' ,~~.~'; _',_', ?" j\fovedhyW..R. Brown, seconded by;r. Clunas,T4t t,he specii1l committee, appointed ~to'.strik;e: ithoista1id~9g ~9IUmitt~es:b~ adopt~dasofoUows ;0-' '. l - 9 .< ., -, ,. . ::oJ II.:::.: ,,~_ ",', "~'.-~,'~ '-M" _., ':'~'FiNA:N-CE';-: ," " ._,~; < _ ,c", Sufl'el, O'Malley, McOau~lall(l, j\i~Kil!ap:aiJ.dh't~~,!,~~I; .'; 'EDif6iTroN~:p'j~'~(,' ,_.~:;~ ~'.., -",",--,- "':Emerfi-cHut\,:'CIGtliis''Nfct~~ifiil<tTUrt(b@;: " 71')'"I{ ,e.-:':;- 'i~;t~'Fu'ILf6'lM~itdvikwtf-: '>.:::~'j:.':;_iJ(;<" Kerr Stratton Brown, McOoll and L]ifij~;'.-'~' ,::~; ';;';~";;~n~~5'~::;~IN;~1f!;9J." d'h91~ ,see; Oi~~;t!jyJJi'ili.tj~il'D~,"~~~oria:~lfbY ';T:_. +\tc9~li~!a'i.~,: ThJt~Iig~Ward~k!!fii~Ji~'x~ r <!cl1kirttg ~f6i;5~~f~1l~~r?~~~t:f~~of. .c~.J-JH' ..t1'.br:1[".j:rV1:i,Hl. V().JJq~;.r0.':'t'.'I' ,.b11.rc<~.' fUtH.."~ .)e.otllitv OUt:l a.utlan .J.f.J. ITeu;.anlnUl5e~_,~at.<Q L' ; ".':;':"C'-r_ ",..fl'. ~1id 4nttPj;ds~ph ~t\~ia~~' te'd~l~~}lt.Ii~.~~i?~~~'"~~~~~~~)I~~i d''7'::T_:r:~)-'--.U.0;:U,2.,; Cl11t ~~:U",-,~'Dl>Hk..;:J .''-'tJ.."".. "_,'~ '_,-" CarrIe . , "'_, '1' {" v): _" r) "~r 1"""0;~ JB0h ntdrffibh uf::'M't! ,~ife1;::~eCgfia~a~4j~ltr,2qIiu~~,-~~" @tf Ii6iI(1ia";rill1.\l~rn,j-idnWo~blo~i?~~t-iI~y. ~~:'L:,' _''', "c:,~._ .QnlfJH9:UJ; J~J'2('.c'~j-':"Y'cG'-:;S: 0:1 ~<<:: l~J; S2f\ti OJ\,'':)le''.3::>~'l:'';S~:;:'.; o WILLIA...'\1:McKA.Y,,,,,.c.;;O_. JOHNr,,;JSLLIBHNa,-sc .l~' J)w.-'adr'aeCi~"n-,-'.0TE h '-""<m(I "e--lef .e,~,{J.(;'ODSc; , , ~,j.,",::;," ''', . f'k',' '.. . c, :",:},)-};riJ. ;; i["0.r~' ,,;)"'J33i:;c'Jj,HJf: '-"d r:i)';;'I:_.~: 7lwJOD r'i' ,8~;~U.:;~((t~:('~[:;:;o ,:::::';,; j ,;;(',~;:::~;;;;. OC;O;')' :OLe '('J:;Ftli~mo..~J)fSJ?19l!i,,; ,\'l!;tRI1DAY; .. .:.j ,- f!lHjt>\!!)>A>O;Ltll<>:rll5filiklay.(o.fr;ranua.y,FlS:1illi . .c ,-.<{}, ,-", , ,~ . ,~~-:-_ " ,'~ ,,',.. F" ~rWlie..0dhncitJihet,~aif:ninel~a16cIP,Lf6i~~Itoen:t 'ITh1P,:'-War.. ~ r " ....\ ~i~:f"'r.'''OL~)<' cnJ defuil1rthe,-:ohair.;71::;U~':Q OdJ~L' ~d" . ,"" ,';, Members p.esmi"tli, "'1}f-essl'll?!O'Ma:lIijy;IOJI'E'atr..W,''Tiim'' bull- ,McLean, Luton, Str~,-McColl~Day~~uffel! ,Mc~ KiliopiM:c0."sHndi'Efiiel'Y', Smith? @!Jlilt:6j''Br6'Wn! ;Ki~, N~;'j]lUn~rJ:;ur,ILiH oJ:-:ii:;riT 5:)i,joa:0{';'~~D':~O.;~,/:-'~L. S)'"illlmcp;G~'eed~tit! ~lit9'preViou#-aay,J~1:~ 'feaa~~far~~u~ h ..e,_--Yli t.-k ,:9: f <.1,;,;'".;c.~!il' J'''''.-/'-:.'.':d .':ii;k;.., '.,,,.'ffJrC,....,OHJHO t (h:ilo;~u-JIIorUt:lJs1gnreU,., ~'""\'__" ",.',,"': :',' _'" : "'. "!IJJr"~JJ.\:ll"nl@fl5'~l'I>;;e th~"~bWlcii ~'l:Qmmunic~ti6iir fr~m th~ Council of the.7qodhty,,~t'~K~nt;' ':'e8pecttng 'ap'> 10 i"ro'p~iatiolls for _toll house, and "making approach ,tot'he Both'l'oll hridgo. . ........... . .. _., . >. The Clerk laid h;f~r.:th~ Cou!'cil arin;"b;r - of parUa- mentary p~p,er~.,al1d rep,~~_'oi.~pectgr,PfJ?t~ns~::_1.\eJJt to the Coun~tiby W.,Hodgb,., M:,P,P:.~ for the West' . Riding of Elgin._, _'0' ., __,,_, ,_,_,'''. ___". Moved by -J.'da~a~,~ocondodby"'V. :li.'i3iowtl, :rhat tho Clerk be rogno.toa'to fo~wa;dthoA.s~o~~'I"'nt:Rplls ands.lips ...to tile ',' se"~;~]"M:!,ni6ipaJiti"s,thr~Hgh~~~1ho ~~~i. ,Qf ~lgm,., ,a.t' .t1?"e '~~rlte~p:oPP:oi~,~~ti.._,. .,C~ri~_4:"r~ . .M;?!~,d ey:(J.~'i:~e!,..ec?!'<i~dh!:fosepUr';';;i..ft:';_Ti,~~ t!io_lJW'Jitl~~io!'"9f.J:. J>._Jlfa"tyn, as CQiInty Auditor,.py: tilreW~~d.n, be'~dnllr;"edbyth;' don~.;ii.~6;,~;;(,,/, . ,-rr9r"~~yg6o~ge:f>n1fol,~ec?n1od ~y,.11i ,qp,nt;,','PlIat ,this Con,!cilp!ititio',l-, t},roc:i1i~!~t'i\-1'o ?fqJI~'J;rio.~~d,tIJ prosont.ession, to pass an .ct to ~ay witne.sos attending erinlinll':':pr0seciiti6nS:_Carried.~-~:'.L~.:. ,- ".~j~.T..T,II)7 MoYod l>o!;.0. A. O'MaIIey, secondo. by' Dugald . Me. Lean; That' the Warden be anthorised to sign. a cheque on ' the County Treasurer for.:theca.l:e of Hannah Guthtie,au indigent idiotic lunatiQ,at present lYU;g helpless in the Township cifAldbo'rongh, - and~tlia~';ArchibaId:iThomson be atitMI;i",edtoexpend tIie'lunouU".":"''Ill!otion lost. -,iMove.d'byWS. EmerY'~onded by.)"ailiesTtirnbulI, Tha.t theConncila.djoitrn till t'l'o ~'clock,-.to_i"na.ble; ilia, i1t~R89.tiy~,pgJ!l'~iP~~!3.s,t.Q' 'rn~~t.,~Qarrie.(l.-,. <::::., "-'-"-~--,. ^ ";A~_ ,p~? .,o'9J()Q#:'jihl1l; Oqp:~ciI -;r~s:gnied,;,after,Jw]tich_~,:; ~:i:;'" . Mr. Brown g;.ve notice That 'he "ill make. ",pplil"'tioi at;th%;~,os~iorh_lo,r. a. gra.nt ofth~rtydoI1a"'t() .hoexpellded on the COwlty Line, between iN orth ",nd . Sou.th ,Dorchea'. ter, n;>J:ep~irWg aj QrOSsway '!JJ.dbridge on the Certirty Line het",eelj\Elgin<grd Jlfiddl.~e"" ..; . "_ J I '1'[ M ," db 'A'ro~'d Kel:r;secondedbf' T1lc;';;a~1\1cdci~ That:ere;ortWthe jfina:nceCorrmlitteebo I'eceiv-iJlI- and read;"-Carned.'" . '. ..' ....., '., -.,.. '. ' :,',::The-Fmai1be:R,eportwas"read; whe~,it-~as,~t:,~~" _ .. 'Moved ': by :W. H~, -,Brown~~ --se,c?ndeab!J"9~,'~I~~.~~~ Thtit, t;llE~re!?ort orthe_ Cominilite.Ei\' on Educa~~o~.:~~ec t'e-- <:elved:andread.-~Carried~ , ,', '<~'!:':~'h .The.,repoi:t'of: 0oImni~tJ'3e'oncEd!lc~tioh ;w:is readpw:he~ it~ , " '.. Movedby...)" .mes,Tnrnbull; seco!1dec!!by.w. Y. .El!'ery, That the rep9rt of Committe<:oJI '!E:d'i\-~tioJI feadV!.~d. : Irra.';'e!1drho-;'t: ".... ..; ..c.o .....,.... :'" . ' Moved}y Mr. Nairn,s"Sorrd~d.bY;Arql>'dKer,.?"TJ>..~ ~therepO,.\oql1~(Jo"""itt..e-O~ Edncation b~Jarq,B"!;~r iill '<t~~ortow', modling. c..Aniendmen,~carx1t;d. ,':' :, ", : '>..,.,;' :;__;::;,::':-: -.;':,' '.MovedhyAi-ch'dKm,secondedby }'hol)'as .~c!7!o'~ .Th~tth~, ,~e~Ort ,?f,~he,qo~mit_t~~op:.P~pM~, ~ffi~~?Y~~.~~ts te;te'~?i~ed and't::l3a~4:77S_~r,riedc',"~~"." ' -Repo;tr.;adby)he()l~rk. ,. .......... L 'i", : "j; . .],Ic:iv~d\bi'J-;,hnCllrn~,.econdodby.RJ)ay, P'~~jtli", 'C;,\1ii~ilgoinf.?'qo~rnitt;;e. ofth.._:Y,,!rO'~ qn.t~~ "'~f?;~i~ '. -jp,ribli6iml'~ovein~irts,-C':rrieF.-.,- ':,,' ,i"i,';,. . 'The 6~~116i1-;;;~~t in(oconiirlii?eeoftlro.JY!i?lep'\~~,~. ' '~ePort'~}GOoriimitteVon"PUbIlc;~~IRy:?~ellts,. l\1:~. rJfnr? in the chair. . ,'. _ "_.'~> " ~c::' ,:::i:;'::( After being SOtne time in CoinIUitte~ ?~~;~J,~?lerthe ,_Com~i~~~e,ro,se" w~eIl the :qhairp:l~p.:~ep~r~:d\~!~~:,~~p:ptlon ~~:th'~~'~~P?i!?(~~~ ,::P?PT~:~tr~e; ,~~f;j~~.e J911?~~,~N~l}~:-_ #'ent-:-="'".Xo~r- CQrq~ltte~.;w:o~ld r~wp,~~~_~ :~~~Lo~~;~', ~t'~e~essai'y'~t~]imiilary '~teps'.be' bikeD. "{o~proceed~?~t~ . f'the, alteratious ill,-.~R.~__9oa~"!fl:rff,~J?17 ~H?,:~~:Wr~;_W1th,: ~he 1~,'demand8 or.the."Governn:ieut, and the _pIausand sp-ecifi- u 13( The y ea;<_llU~ Na,YJ! t>eiP-E cal.l~!H<!rQp,;,tl!'~;>'W'lhdqtent weIe:E~!r~:',g.H~(.(:'.~~-,f-9n:9W,~::'~~" ". ,. ..'; r.Yeas;;:$mith-,::,'Kerr,;~dWa:da:tti';D~i,~'DIUn.a:si}:evo'v .aJI LutoD' McLean;'and 'O'~Ialley.--c-9. r;J!(oL , ", "., - ":,,;,,.., -" '" ' ',.',,' _' " _" _ , ' ~,:,' '_, .',r- <tfNa.ys~~i"Ooll?;Mc~fli?p~:'M~?~~~~~~i'~~~ir"~I~~.~~:~1 swre~::Stratt~.fi/:~urltb~ll"., ~rii"ery.. ;" '9_;".~_.",:,:,,!~~-~'_u;'::.:~(:o_~:g::;t~ ,,' ~!Ni:h~JIdili~nt/carriga~by 'cagtillg:vot~:,ot~h~ '"\yiird~h"../-~3: c 'Ina~endment ,; ,_.,,: :"'; ,:,. ",:.,,'_:"': _.:~ :-t~~~~~::.,L~.:~~::~.~::\'~~;~~ "-Cf;M6f~kbj~ ~r.:~~. . N ~irii; -siconded p,~'~:fI~" J~t:r~~~1ft~::!:~_?:t ~~', f~~.~~eriF9!}~t~~raY~9?:-~~~,~h~, ~~PRr,~i~f !~~!\: PRmm~~.tee Qn tli~ "Sa!Mft~y,:X~'0<:o:~:~f?!:,\,~t~W'Y. iI1-,~l!YtJ>I.f:l~oF}< fz~~~~rf~~: ;~AhN~)~:9rfB'r.~Pt~2rp~,t'\,~~ ,-~g~;~~t,,~~~[q~Fp,ty SO-liClt~. ,) - '<"'r0 ;:(J ;0<' "!:C~~.j"J'i'i -:~Li~l1g~.~~i~f{f,+:,r,";';:".'i' EO' ....\..\':!0-ii..Ji: 'f;:~~~~rp~~ig,~!e~;,!l9~j,J~!1jq~t,~~;~lC~l(Pbr: :(Q,~(a"7i"'g_t~t '~fOne Hundred Donars t.9:,_g-!3.~!:'$},lI~~,9i;.Jtpe:r~p.tJ\l.-,;~:B.aft~~ lion Band-of ~he.4PBN:!}tYRf.~lgi:~i~~g,q.,.(1~lt ;:~:rl!llfJr~4:~oJ_ :<,IJl~J;8,tOt\~e;,~;!giJ;lr~W:e ~~~9.9i<tt,i9gitQ-iJP~WPW::: i f:.~,':' (.,:'C "':M:~-;~d.;iiy,.,<;(-i. Q'iMl'!:!~,y;j~.~~op.!l~(h l>.)'f :Q.;M!tI;.~a);l;1'IJ.at . ~~ g,~~.!Im'!!\1~~~ tl!r!'.~r~"~pj~~ "'fjM~;'AtJl:!~t!'ll~~.!"_~ite:- j;Q:rfs2f,~i~e"~RR!!t]")g"f,, ~lg!nJ{q_~_:e~~4': :t\illlwclpJthiiy, lln<:tAe C91luty,_:'at a price not exceeding$I,A9 for _each,co;p,Y":T;~___;: . "';,-i~,l<jil',Ji'lil'lJ~ _-!@"'t,M~~~~&h~t .4ffr,,,ould: appl'jt :o'74or. ,ffiqlY f9rI~gF~l!;t i,9tj XlV", ~<m46>dD:o!lJ'l's-fo_r:the.\West""h OountyLmebetween'Elgin,and Kent. , .b",'::''.'_:;D~-,.,,)f:1ij On mptipn of Mr.Suffel, _..conded Joy::J\;Er;;Qhu%ej'iJ'he ,.gI1MRi,1oojm]>!)p,~d. .il~JWla!o'Q1J)C!<t,n:exf day. old _ " -:' ",:,. '. '\" ': -,,' :.~: "<".~''''':'''~'' ,.' h..'::"" ...;,' I'; >:', ," ;;; ,V:'_B!--'-lr! WILLIAM''j'ifK;:A:Y;,' h'A"O-II:N,.,1<)):,L~~O~, . :;;dT t~.;J:fmI'?J.., 1~j LS;;f;:C~~~" .(~j"o;.,--,~ .,L .J. .1~{L._.),.70hL .:,,,Cmmty,{dZ,n"k._ ,'-. -G.-c.:WM&ek. .'~~~i~~ S,HP'EY.~'hy;:.t~_~i~~5:~~~qh_4'fr(~rickl~~<'".,:,:. ,JXf!tv,@"!t~ ,J\f~,s~ff~!'~S!>l\9.~;!j,~~i:;:;Str[1:tJ~n.;j' iiAA<t .the rep_ort of the Comnutteeon Public ImRglV~JI.!.-ent~_os:~ ;,dopted as a~~g.c!;~D91!!.'Jli~t~e QH@F}Ij;Jj9!~,ii(:J';;!';ried. ,.-,j)[QyeltibYM;,;';GJi1ite;secpnded;,d Tif M"'i.1IfcCansfifud, -T~""'the"ep'''f,ofthe SpeciaLfldmmilitee apppinteit tOde: .celve Tend~r.s for, the purchaseof(the.;Coutity)Sfo.ek ~'lilie iLofulo,o,n&, BoEl B.tanJejio:RaiLway,.-iJ:>e;'reci!.iyec!o;amh.f..d. ~Carried. ' " ;':':';r <Ie ,-:::;~li~repbrti~r,th~:ipe6iaii, coniDiittfe :was;react . .'M8~ed 'b~ M~:S';i;J iieboad'~dbYMi::_ Clifi~e,TJ\aihbi; ~~~~;xei!_g?~. ~~o 09m~t~e~"of _~heW~2!ef{~rftlfe.'),t~PQ~ of t~e.1sp~W.IJ,cd~~1t'tei~~appoiIiHed8to'~ite'ceive:teIlae~gIbf[the iCoiiriW'fstocl{'UitligcLol\.'i!o'l'&ii'of(Stiihlef' .tf!iu%j.f: ~arried. ' .~:;m;:LC[{{ Yl"0T!QrfH.>} IE;- .- 'Kh~J)onncil,JYe\lt, in.to Commit~g~)~i't1.~"'wh~j;'rtMr. '~~.~~~{'iri_~~hM~~?n~V.;.:~~8,~~: tTIC~~t j~__~~~,~"T~> -,::{ j;:)~l6~il'f" <-'.'Mer 'b{gfig~s6m~tilii'e" ilf~?fu~wttke," tH~'(06)nWttJW ii, the/iWhole,rose, when the OCb:~Wil(~iL"iri6ri1fd~: rh~f?i}{d~ ~~o~ w~ ar~e4,at~Y~the cc1JPJi{tt'te;llJl-~gt'wYlgllitJd. 2tn~g~~f bi;W:tY:($ill~gx:~~d3ifdga=t~COfj:I~~'~Jc,j-,'I ". 'O',r,-o., ,-,.,', I'" I:\I"~;',;I ~'!:-?_'" "'_'_.\:~., ~ Y", ..'~. ,..rnliu,U, 'TEat' the repoit ofthecoDi,,#~~~f;api/,9fu1~aif.jrOfb.~'Ni~&f .rtJje 8toyk.-J" . t,q~, LO!Jdon:~I'or#'ili'!{~f;5,oRif!1-if',cr'fk ~ f~i"",)Ii. ,I ('M !']ISJ.~1.f.;'G'.'.J.. OJJ,u ili~[5.tr Lj[iil~ '1~. .r';, ;~l!J:\ .7P-r;': ca,~!3 r" ~ ~;,,,,"' ,~~~. ~~Alatt-u~ 1i ~ :agreC1:m.ent.oeIllp -c-a'-r-r.'l'.a'AJ.J:. 1!.~J.itli,[''i'iO~" [~ "I,r.J.rJ '. ro n,j;).<rc'-r::o,l,o ,-(.'or'".;, ~, ,'",U1i'l!Y'.e<vouncll; """-'.' .". -, "\'l" r ;Mqti9~lllO~ :v.~teci;~n. .d _':,',.-" "'0" "'/' fir.... ')~ 0"-'.'''' ,,- "<:'In'ameha'men.'t:: >JJ-.i":,j-; ,:,.>~'; ~iT :~.".':;,i:M8~acf:&yI~t.cX;titg~;r~~~6ri:a~'d "hr;:)C:<A::'d;jfmira fr;, ,'J, "U"'~UI""'.'T"-(:l!"fJ':\" 'c '1.- ,q. y.", "',"", ' ey".1:hat }t~~' rap,brlt' 'or ,tne vd6nIk11te~Ja" '!~ill~edofbt fhg'IOtip-rCrJ 11' ',,_.. '.0-1' ",-o_~:[_ C^ 'f ,- Pp,.- ". ;s, e 0 t e -;9tO~k'Yg,'tHe~10otia(jri '&)!1Port~}JSfliill~'-) :R~m;~.'"'----.,!.aCJm [~~n~f~i~~~(t~~~Ji~~^:c~"~~~Eir"[:~ vl:"~~j,:fRt .J ',,<.ie;' '--'1;-;; ';' . ." 1'4- . FI:RstSESSI0N,FOlJRTR: DAY:, .. FRIDAY,the 26th day of'.Ta:uttirjA87b'." 'The_CQnncilmeka;;.-ninc o'cbiJk,;iorenoon:. .TheAVar" deum the chair. . . ,:M:"P!~~;spresent:--:'M.ssr.. O~Mal1"y,MqJ,,,,,,!>.r,Mc~ :I~OI>'_Ill'IcCOI1;SUlith, .Kerr, 'M~tl!'~t,J;laY-,LntolI;0q-"tg, t:_..:~~s;.~~, :~airn, ~merY;,Stratton; '" ,Turn:b.ull;"._Olunas Brown ~lId-Sllffel.. '-.. _ _ "" _ '_'___'''''' , ,.7'he,I>ro,et<lingsofthe previous. day iv~i~.~d';;~(f~n' 'tf~;~:~nsi~&~i~ted.r~:1~griri1.-rrqei;ed";~~~;jj6 1V:'~~en~f 'Middlesex respecting Railw,(yStock: .. ,',":e, '.. llIr; Bro":,, submi~ted petition of"G.org~Legg~,-,d',9b other rateparers of Sonth Dorchester!.respeotingDH"Tax. Moved by 'Mr, Glnnas, secondetliiYMr: B;6Wrl~That ,by'lawN6. 215, to appoint a-!Boaid ofA.llditbe'f.c~it.d ~4"r~atl.,.ajirst 'time.--.;Carlied~" . ;LI ':)ilOl\,' .<Bj-Ia"'No.2l.5W..re~dhythe C1erk.- . 'Moved by 'Mt:Suffel,secbnded hFM~;St-~ifijon;~. ,by,I!')VN".215berea<i. a second lime.....,Carrie'd:- ."",!.. '2.140".d .bYM"r.! Chute;~ec~,:d<id by G. Slijfel/That by: Iii... :,"0. 21() be read A thIrd time and JinallYPaSiled:4 -Garrre$'L"'--"_""'-'_"."L'_ , ':"', ,', '..~~..': . ..'MOVe'(lbYlIfr.Sutrel,secondedbYMr.Ch1it';'Pilatb _ .~!V''''No._216,to,apPdiI1Lqonhty A.ndito... 'oe re~';'-;;' llrk '. Wued:'amed. . -;,... '.!,,-' . ! V;,,) e'--:~'laW'No.216 w-as:rea<i.,! ".) 'Moved by :AIr; N-'irn;,""eol1ded;bJ!J.!McOai{sl';jla;'fii~t bY-I~.'1lrq.21,6.~;!?~d a second time':--o-Oarrie<LT.,.._! 'M'o'i'ed by W. R. Brown, seconded hY J:Oluna~,That . -.l)y,1aw! No. 216 be'read a,hird_tinii,';an'dfuiall d. -Camed/ ' . . _ Y passe .___ -,:Jlioved qy T.M,Nairn;-.e.;oilded by J..Clnnas,Thatthe 15 'applicationror-, (i: gran~ p:t;l th~ ~o\V:o,Linein-Ald~ough be refe~red ,to ~the.-Qomm.ittee' pn: l?)lbli,cT{~proye~e~~t.s._ ' , 'j ',,"_ . ',l ~,- ; _ " ," '.' _', _' , , , , Carried_".., .' .... . ..... ." '-'" " . Mov~d hy C; A..O'M';lIey,secon<ledby D.McLean;~ha~ this "Council granttj>osnm ,of On,oHuudrednollarson. tJi:~:;'';~t~;e;ConntYJ:.i!,''}ea~i1rlg.tqtheFJ30Phwe!l~ri~; and lying between. this COnnty~ndO<>]Inty .,,!,,;t\"!tt;!>fi condition that the COnnty of Kent,or T0JVI1~J1ip,9H?rf9rd graJ1t ": Jike _ ":Illonnt for said CpuntYLine, . . 'lnamend~oIIt; '. .', .'1. .-H",C''' "':Moved' by T.M. :N'';irn;second~<};by;r.()I~!!!''',7'~ttJ1~ application flIr a~"'tq'l1;],~.T9'f&~ine 'in,:A,Id~oF"n!>h ~referr.~dJ9 COIllm.~ttee.o"!':P'l~Eclm.prov~m~p'!:!!2a~~ ned..',,.,~ ",:.,,;c_._~::, ~;r."'::'<:~l:,',"-;'-.:" ':'".~<,:_";:;[:_",, ;)[ ;~M,:9~~~;J1Y: C.'.A.:.9;1{,Ji;Y(~<:C911.d.~<Apy'D.. Lut~l',!~":t 1;],~1po~~Y7',~Mnrer fnrnisJ1to thl-8 ,yo!'nci!" tJ1IB,af\e,:; n9.()1l,~~~,-,~!?~~t~9t i~~~~,~~~~t ,8.+ tfL~' q?lffit.y;:~~c9~Pts ~,,~d:' 6.;e. the names ofh~,snr,~t!es~ththjC~m?"n.t. Ofs~~~9: @.!~,~~ f";~~~~.:; , .-'1 G_ i!::;i~'J_fO'.,~,;,c;;:'_~'_"'_'.,: ,: __~ .0::.",;, ,T(;M;?;'~1j1jY:T.":M.~~ll"~! s,~~'lded.J1y.. 'I, ~g9~u$lan~,. That the Glerk..be .reqn~~t~il-T\?PI"lldn"".,the .~eas't~.- h~;;~f~rthe~~tiSf~ctloIlOf tIW.Gouncil:"'7q~ed. '!C"..,; ".T.h.....~....Cl.erkP~od~ce~.t~ei~e.asn...... rer.' Sbon. ,awmc. J1. Jr..'...... ~ad"'I '..'.',.::' :", "",,' '...',..' ""~"'" ""'.' "'..' "".. , . Mo;edby 'w:. y.E~ery,s~AoIld.dbySamnel !?"y, Th~~' this9~un?;i~~nttJ1<:s!,m wf On.elInndr""Dol1,,!"~,.~ tj,.~+r~,!"]I;'er;?!: t"e.;J~!!> Bat~on Band, for ~"eI>)llr.( ci!."..,gf'rIl,~!':Y m$tr.llmen~',J:..~$t.>. ..' . "."., .... "._.'" . .yeas,____M~r1att,.Em.ry,iIlay, 014alleY,.:N:'!'r.II~....J' '1fa;;s,;S!,ifei,L~;;"n,J!'u,r.nbuUi S\nl.tt~n,C""\<:'i~;b C~\1!;iaJl~';',:'Mc~n, -~f.1{}!~oPJ_' ,i,;Bro~, ClUIla~'J',:~-err, S.ri.th~(ll\fcCo!I-13, ............... . . eM" . ~qy~dbi fi. Day,s,eqonded by J. Marlat\, That the- ,. .'i- H . " , d~~,~'~t.;~~lic~,~6~>"_U~:t~q,~_eit~~---t?'~;e:~~' dRlhio~'witfr .-',f~; ference'-to- the-JegalitY'of the .a:reof Stobk'lidlie5-'J';ondo"i & _;t;?l't Stanl~y, Rail)'"ay by the Speoial Commih~e::<'. ?~rTIe~:;:';~;--; '-,-'",1:';: ;'):::';:;: :;,i;,o,:_C) ;_.i:~C(J. .~',.:'.: "".f ; ..'Tol{ <~~~i<j;~~'t-ilrc0~nkland;'se~ond.rd ByC;; IiliUtii?That ~e~sr:s~)~iaS' ~fid ]3iikie~be'appoi:iit~d-'E'n~ker5':f6r-c' tlibt Cd"u~Gy--~()f~lgm.~&Carrled">) ?~~Lt "b_. <"T~ - / ;'_ _'" "'?fu;;;~end~:eiif('-'~ .', :;:.:..:. '. Moved by J;! 'M~:KiJi(jp; ~~6i\rrd~cl'iliY''W.,':Ef;'J3rbifii? ~at ~. H. ,l\'["..George, be appointed'EBlB'n\\ef'f'or'th. ~~~titY~r~~';'~liii?;: _., '.:J;.:o~f:;~-'~~:~'YX~::; (r:'J:;i;':[ ',?:L .'lb.<:(;, i;';i" ,:',L':~ ~',:c~~:mna~_Iitc J6St.t.tililiHnotibti~_~ffHtm J,' 'H)': . 'MQv..d;llye:Chitt~,.'k'~i!ffiae'dOHf'W?'ip :E",~Py;8''l'M# ~he"Wal'~e~',a~poin~"a:,_ ccnnmitteeto inquire:into, kitF ~~m~1~~e~~~titt~:er?ii~e'ctro~,:~thQbi~R:~iistJiP~Office -~$0t6'itH'mtretii~~]i~~~e~t;_h(fiTe;: anll [jr~6h~?tn~Q~Mtfi# il6\ih, 2*rd'Qti&rrl!d1ll(e~ :t'ol b'i> J&i\'nipdiiJa b,(l\,tgg~eSIfffiilt" ~cf~iIioP?~Wrtlig~-~L:d~if.~edrti'ed::;i ~'() ~Orjrl:!r 0sf::-;;,tj~ .M9ved . hl,; r: M cCol}, secon.ded bv' J. Mdir!l1o-wdt: tI1Wtii'sfhe?ndfor'.' ']i.(1 "I.'.;:J'-"~W".c;:. ."-';f-':'~ k.rf'. v-r ..sf!..nT/r . " 1", ,"-' ,t sc 00 I<> rel'Ol}1 tCVt'lliS .vuuilcU' tne,.1ntin:. }jIeP6f~S'6~~I :Uegtf6H~ili(~a8K~'J~Hsbip dd~'t"gtffirfi~hitlli~ (Jo,unc~;.~~,1.t~~~.~;.~~~~.~~tli ~~~npf1:if'l1i~:'f~~~Fl()bthaf Rd{{m1holll1l-Pepar(hiet{t;"'1_->CarH~d.. J-J01Ji';'Y;'I ,::l"!51J:C'in1 . ;.,~,oved_ !>y- O..A. OJlq:alley, second.if byJ_ McKiM"!!"'" ~~,~~f?o1ili~!t,,\,",;r.ef~~2~ijlfif'Jo/fu 'l6tirf !'l1f,*fi~' ~.!~~,y:~~tit1,'~~fd'~~~~~fii~~t~e-lili&lWJ1Pp€i'icrri~;j. ~Qse~a!ddi-e~es'^"kn'Owh~ja1ia_:Yih8sflia~aj iWib?arfa~~,lfai::i taxes, .stating ~he amo,;,n.t-!ig.inst'Jli:cll"ibt'&' c~~ft}8fO%i~ sUf.poSea.-t~i ~libng)tk,~4dB p'7diQon.~~itt!l~btjBii'e'ffiontH'\'fe:' '7oti~l}t~~~?~~tJtr~;'s~~ Jf'~:i~~~r~.~~~e~. '_~~~6tioif'I~~ ,. 'Mov.d"llyT. <1\!;GNairn;c"sifc-ittld.d'J5:iP;i?1fc0klisimiiP. T~~t.~~~. Otrrk ~~inst,."cted to-pro~~re~0bWfJf--FiiNJf'"i; eqrn~?ri Law 'D~kest~ for i1f;)C6tffitf:tJi-In:afy, ,,.,; C~ti:w7f :.): U::2 :n> :'.-"'0 +i'.,,""\cc,.-inF'12,tio:c. t:. ~~]e: ;'8Z"OCrls::"'iJ.l'F the .oo;;:nty.,t.o ~~~cle-for ~h~e'supportofth; St. Tho~asHlgh SchooL-'" Carried. .Onmo4jionof-1\fr.Marlatt,secon_ded, by,: A. Kerr,__The Conncil adjonrned till-two.o'clock. ,. The C9unciI roetattwo.o'clooka..f'ternoon. , . Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded by S. Day, That the _opinion of t4e COlln~y Solicitor,_inref~rence:tothe Sa.:e<?f -St.ock in the London ,& Port Stanley,Railway, _be rec,61ve~" alid 'read.-Carried., ."'., ,The ,County Solicitor'g,report. was, read~ wh~n. it was . . Moved by- W. )T. Emery, secon.dedby_J:Turnbull;That_ the reponof. the Oommit_tee appointed f~r the Sale of the, Stock inth. London. & Port Stanley Rallwayb. adopted irf-clt:s-e ;Mr. ,Harris, demandstheagreementbeing.,carried ont by the Conncil.-Lost. .. . . . ~Yeas/:~Emery, TurnbUll, Str!ttton,-Suffel)Chute,Nalrn, McGansllln.d, McKillop and McCoU.-9. .. . . ;:Nays f~Smith,-Kerr, 'Marlatt,.Day, Clunas, ~rown;L~;. tOll. b',Mallev,1vIcLean.-9.. . ) ". , Moti6nlost'hycastU1g,vote_ofWarde"?'~, ,"'c' .~fOV6d by T.lIf:Nairll, s.conded ~yr ~fcCa~lan.d. That in the opiliion of thisOonncil it is -hlgh~y d..~able to.l...e th.- LOlldon & Port Stanley Railway if asmtable '- off.,' can.be.obtainedproTidedphatthetrailic tariff. shall , 'besQ1ariangedas-to protectth~- interestsr,:of this' .~~t~ctr ^ a:!6~-."seGutfiBgthe ,Road. :from,sale,' at ,~the' m~A;urity ,.-of its: IS Bond~J said lease to be for llOt longer than twentY_,years and that the Warden is 11ereb.r empo-wered to' sanctio: such lease, seeing that the interesis of this district are fully secured._Lost. In amendment : Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by llfr. Emery, That no actionbe.:tak~n. bythisCoQhcilctowards, leasing their._i~_.. terest in t,he London & Port Stanley Ra.iiway. ~A;01endment w~ carried_ and, the_maiu_--i:uotiollj:WRS' put and lost. - _' . The :feas ahd nays being calle,d .for on the main motion were taken -down 'as.follows'_:_ .Ye:as:_.,~'NairD., -and ~IcQa-usland.--:,-:,-.z ;Najrs~McColl, ':Kel'r, :Snrith,MarIat.t, Day, 'Clunas'1 Browil,McKilloPi Lntoni O'Malley, McLean, Chnte,. Snf- . fel, Stratton, Turnbnlland EmerY._16. _ . Movedhy T. M. Nairn, seconded by Geor~eSntrel, That.Charle.s A. O'Malley,theReeve of Aldboro.ugh;jbe a~soclated With Mr::: B::>wma:n,' the'E.ngiq.~er,'_~PPQint~d_. :b~i' thi.s:-Qouncil"to_ ins'pec:~" and :if,satis.taQtqry;" ;tQT aqpept, ;t_4~ > ~ridgen9w, undal!: cont(~c_t _aqro~s, t:lle,rh~l'" ThaJ;U~,'ilel;lt: Bothwell.-Carried. _ -, Moved by C,A",Q'Malley, .ecoIlilec! by :Pugald .M:c- Lean, That the Ole.l'k bdl!stmeted to applYUo:,the Govi' ernoJ;' :of_-_O~tario .:for:,;t,: spry~y; -J9~e?t~_l.llj;sJr ;th.e"~W:t3stetn . Connty Line .etween AI<\J:lOr9ngh~Ilc!9rfo~d,:""cl ,~u; ere~t propermol\nmonta; OIl ,the saiIlCountyeL\ne;"nd t)latWilli_~m q;M;eGeurgerJ-'_, L_.R,of:Ro,nd;J!ia~, pere_ opIrlmended, fOl),:$~d W01;k;~,nd ,that~the;JJJlg41,~ha.re ;ofJih~..' expense be. Pai~by-the ?-,o.wnahip oC<\,lhurungh._Carrjed" 'M;oved by S"Ill]lel :Pay,,~eeonded bJL,l. )\farlatt, Tbat the :Ward~n:, be :reqqest~dtl?.-send.a ,telegrdmtp, t1:i~,W~r~,:, dej)of lIJiddlesox,JhaHhis Counoil have decided neither_ ! ' ~'" . \ r 19 to.le3.~e or bllStoJk itl. ,th~'"L:mdon. & 'Port'Sc:J.nlej RJ.il- ' W,'l.y.~Garried. " " " ',_' The'"" Report of" the Committ,ee,~PP,)inted;to",-e~~miue ;a:rid'report'onthesilfety of the Regis~~l.Offic~?, )su'bini~~ed 'crepOl't;-wich.wasread, when it was'_, ,',', ',:' JYloved bYW.Y~'EmerY",seco,nded b! ,Mr. "Turnbull, Tluitthe :report'of the'Committee' appointed" to examip.e 'a.~' '_to ,the- ~afety or-- the Registry O.fficehe ,!-dopted.~ b'lrtied~ .MoYe,d:'by'J:~hn1\1:cKlllop, 'seco~ded'br_Da~iel Luton, ,That <thiS cOdrineil -peti~ioh tn_e :Legi~~a.~ure of O~i:a~io. to so acrfend-{jhaptel' 12T,-~rthe 'Oons61~:la~ed 'St~t~te~_ of lIpper-Canada._ thatt~e' po\';er of fixing-the ',s.al~:y "of, the Goaler'" be"-'-transferrea to the' 'Collntyt<ouncil~ a~~: that the Warden sign a petitiont~ th<:lt, eEIeo.t.-~otion'.'lost. ,')'Md\'edur-:J o~D"'McKillop; seoo'nded_~y W.<R;_,_~~~~~, ..Tlwtth,,;qleik of this Oouncil notifytne C?Ul1ty CounCil 'of.'Middlesex' tliat'.their iillmedlat~ 'attention'-b'e 'ah~~:cted to tu'e drivinO'ofpiles or otherwise securing the western. _ap- pi'o';"hest~ tlieCoyne ~O~dBridge,:~itWill I;e jn dan- ger6f'be.irig-carried away m,the.,sprlUg-,~nle~~, the' works l\re -protec~ed;~Carried;:' ",', ,,: "i:,"'y " ' "_,'" l\Iovedby W. Y. ,Emery,secon~e~, ,b~-JamesTurnbulJ", ~ha:_t ,the, ,'Go~~- Committe'e' are-.h~teby~ all th9ris,e'd_~o"p-ro. Clire plan~ alld'specifioation3'~hewin?, the'pro.~a01e,cost .jof u.~epa;[ring :the '_Registry Difice, so ,~g to, ,make. ,It :fir€-~r~of, ; Or if it is found, "impossible' to 'do ISO, for 'the bu~ldlng. of a I;I;oiw:Qne,' :3.1:u:1 repor~' to this -Ooundlat its:'Jluie ses: sion.~_QarrieiL M6ved -'by .J._ ,'McGa'l1sland,'seconded,' by , Dugald-J\lc_ Leap., ,That the;COmIl1UIiication~be -now disposed-of.::-c- .Carried~ ,\ ,Moved by_J, McKillop, second.) by Dngald McL.a.u, 21'1 'fhat t1i. Coun"'l d ' . p~intinO--}'f~ c!I"J..~_eI~~,lt~eA:pe4ient tbat.-the.,b'y~ltHiij.p,~' Ji<iD:)o~i -a ,fI,nn ,9ounty Solicitor, be r~pealed._~ICh ,'.Movedby C A O'M 11 ' , T1J~tth '0' . - . . , a ey, seconded by lIfr. Chnte ~ol1s on ~e;:~~ defe~' acti?ll on' the _bY-law)mposin~i -theClerkrtotif1' th e~~~etil1 t~e June session, and that the - Co"' y ~. er of Mlddlese~ and Kent t,bat . .,.", unty C ouneil .of EIO'in ,is not m-l" t' tighe- "',' .Q" '_" ...mg, OlITlpose a theot~era~e.;f Toll on tlleBothwell Bridgeth~n thai of :",_.rJI ~~s.across~he Ri1:'er'Tb.a1Y>es~c/' . d -_ Movedb T M,' .. '."'~ - arue. l\1:J h Y '-_" Narrn, seconded by:P. McLe," Th t ,.r.,: 0 n MClril1op's claitt ' . . ,~ ' '_--.,' ,,' , a .thedrivlllO' ofp' 'i1es:,' .t,th mB"" or serVIces_ :In- _superintending ", a e othwell B -d ' . :ejghte~n.:,dollars, and certified ,b M ,n ge,amol1ntlIlg to , .()arrie4~, ( ,y" r.. Bow.Ql_an, be paid.- MovedhYA Kerrs' d db ."tf1i~ C~u~ciI'- t~ke~~':~~ e." y: T1io~na.sMcCol1, ,,!hat _Macinto.hBrid~e or th 'C n -m establrshmg Tolls on,'the - '" " , e oyn. R d B'J ' Moved by Samnel Dav ~d oa n ge.~Carr,ied,' " . h ' -, sacon ad bv J " ]' " j~n t eeveut:ofan acti 'b- ~ ,,'. _. J.._ .If.Lar att,That . . " ,"'-' ,on,emglnS.trtuted b '1\-[' :~ 1U r~f~rence-tq:"the'LOridori.&, p'" y, ,r~E,','II'ar_\ Stock,tbe Warden be em " Ort Stanley, Railwav ", powered,toe.rn 1 ' . .', ',"., ,~o defend the same.-----;Lcst; poy special cOUnsel . :.,', ,Yeas-J\fessrs.K_err,. -DaO' " ',,",' ,~ , ~qLealI' Marlatt 13ro w dY'C Malley, Smltli, Ltiton ., " , " ,', -, -', _, -.11 an luDas.~9, "c-.' N:ays--,Eme\',Y, TUrnbull, Stratton " " - -_.' _M,' cCauslandMcCo11 ' d'M ". , Snffel, Chute; Nairn ' l\.:f .'''' '",' .'an" c.o..il1op.29. " " ;~,.. ot19n lQst.by the casting'vote,oftheWa d '~ ..Luovedby Mr. Georrre S ill l' " ,', ,r en,' .I- ' , , ,to U e, seconded b lI.!I': ,;"oa, That Messrs_ Ellison th:w: ,_Y "'-r;Strat; .~e,appointed a Spee;;l-00' ~t-, .a~den,.Nalrn aD, d LU,t,on ' . '", ' _.a. ,',' ' mUn test. .,,'," let contracts for- r.he alte"~,"; ,-:-" ~lecelve t:enders~'and ".....' '1 ' ," -~o"'-ons.Lntl.i.eGoaJ "'d':"""~", :''fY' ,wal-~2;'qund tlle'.Qoal V- "):,, ' an'VU11dmg . -: a.. (.....!} ..acC'-o.rqallce, with the 21 plans andspecillcati()lls .submitted tc!' fhisf)ouncil by Ml'" .~h'ickland,_the Governrpent Architec~,:provicl~d, theGoY~- ernment insist thatthe ..hole,of the work be pro~de<J with this year, otherwise the walls-only to ,J,.pr()ceeded with or ~he ~lterations-i~,the, ,qoa], as t~e .Government +nspectorof~i'isoIls'wa.Y,re'l!tles~.~C~rriE~d.., ,". lIfoved by W.y,.E.Il1~r,Y,sec~';'ded,~.rJ. TgrnJ,nll, That the ConntY8.<iiicitol"sreportast() the liability of this CqnncIlto theSt, '1.'h?maa ]:lJg4, School he r.ceiyed ;tnd re~4';::-(Jarried~.;..,,:',';, "; '_ " ",,_'.__' " . Tlw Clerkreadtlie Solicitq]"~r~pQ!'t Q1; ~4e Sq11Oo1 "que~ti()~}~;' ,. ,,' "_'H .. ',',':" - ,MovedJ,y W,X;.l!1me,y;:secqnd,ed".by _J."Turnbull, That the report of the Edncational Com;';itte'\:~'\ ;<I~pt,\d. ~C~rried.__.;; :,':i '. ,',_ "o~,:,,:__,_ :::~.,_:_ lifoved by W. Y.Emery, seConded"by James Tnr"bl,U, ,~~at by.la.w,_nu~~er217,to"m~k~,a~pr~pri&Ji?ns fo~ the ";,?lWP,ortO'~,ffr3;mmar'Sch9o,ls, be J.e6eiv&t:'aJ:~ t~:~d:~tn.rst tlme.~Carried" ".' .,' ',' .': ; :,',',.' Movedhy Samnel Day, secori'deo.-byJo,epTi iM~fj;j;tt, 'i'Thatby~~aw.N O~I ~17. be'r~ad_as~co?d ti~'e._,_:' C,a~ied. >Mov,ed by GeorgeSwrel, second~dcby' 0, Ohute, That ''hy-lawN 0,: 2l7'be re.id :,;: third tim"e and llnallY'!,assed,-, :Qarried. , . . _' ,{', " _', Moved by W. 'YiEmery,-secondad.byJames-T<i~nb"il, -That by"lawNo. 218:to.nlake grauts-for'Connty-Linekbe :received a~ci read.a]irst,time~~Car.ded'- .' "".c~'> :Mov"d,byGeorge',.Snff~l,secondecl.by' ~r.:St,.;ttgp:;That :b~~laW"_':N" o.2~8be: ;read,a secolld: ;time.,"<":':"""Garried.., ]1ov~~_by:Ja~es Turnbul~,-:,sec~il,ded byW~:~.,E;Illery, . That by-law, No. ,218 bere~\l a third tiIJ1,\al)clfinant,p~SB" ed~~Ca1ried. ,M~~ed' oy'W,H. Brown:~ecord?d PhlUM. ~4,at ~ > t' ~2 tbe' snru-ofThiI{v'<Dolli\ri;_ b~granted~for _~1ie l'epair. of a, bridge oil .the '. CojiitijcLinebetlveen . No;th ai1dSouth Dofchester~ prOvided ]iid~udse?t; 'gilv,~'-a'1ike a~ount;~_ .-'l\fotioi{lost." "'~, _ .Movedhy C,. A:. (YYial1ey,Se';~ndedb:r)),~I"L"an,T4at Ii ,special. cb.m\llittee consisting oftheWarden",:Nlessrs. Ih-b;v",~iriei-y,S,ijfel":Nllirli,Mc;K;iIl9j> bd.. t4e <mover be . appoiIit~d to deVise spP;epractiba)p-idequitable plan for ')Oth4-rbolitionoItalI't611"on pnblie roads and bridges throug40nt the County. . Said Committee t~report On the ti~i da;> bf ne:ii8ession o{Council. Ahd' the. .Clerk is Jl"rebyreqniredto correspo,\d with the Clerks of the-/ ri.;igliboring CbnntiY'Collllcils; and request their attentio": t6:t"h'e- saIire--::'" ,r:re, . . Ye"-'l-Mess",.Emery, McLean, O'Malley and McKillop. "'~.;" :~'..,... ... ......... ( . . :........ ..,......... .................... Nays .:'l\fessrs' lIfegoIl; iI(~l:latt, Stratt94; MCCan.Jand, Suft'ei, Smith; Lnton, Day, Nairn, TurnbuIl,K~rr, Olllnas, J3;rown an<1{Jtu.t~.c:-:,14.,'., '. ~ >i.J;,' ,/;..:,,1_ ,;, ";,' ":' ,,' " ','" .,'.,.',',.',."..._". . rllfo)(e~.bYJ\frf PMt_e, secbu~edby w:.'-Y, Emery, Tbat tqe.reP9rtqf' thecpmll1ittee'OI\ tJJe''lnestion oqbe ...10 of ' tb~.:London a1'41(o,t StanleY .!laiJoWay Stock, be entered on the records and be pn blished with tb.e proceedings of 'theCotinciI, and._that 500.copiesbeprinted for distribution .throughont the -0oulitY'j'ith,the. opiIiiou'of, .th~ Conuty Solicitor appended,th""eto__,Carried,. . 'MovedllYT.: M.. Narrn,s~i>ni1edby W.' If. Br?WIl' That. the Olerk De reqnestedto notify. the Insp,<,tor' of weights and measures that ifhe expects to retain his posi- tion :JJe must execute the duties appertaining- to the' o1l!c. in accordance withth_e$tatutes and by-laws of this Cotia. <CU.~b8,rried. ^ , 23 . Moved hyMi.Snffe1, seconded by Mr. Ohute,tha~this 'd .t'Il the :first 1'uesdayin June next,. unle~"S Council a Journ- 1_ ":" ,,".:, " . specially called together b] theW-"rden and that he SIgn drafts for members wages.-Carrled. , -Q WILLIAM McKAY. JOHN ELLISON. Cl.,-T,. Warden, ": ,,"_0,;) ';';:- 'f 26 2" , , .~""_.,,:<,:,, .<:: ,-,,' ,"'. pl.~~tL9f ~~.1JlJlg t!1_e-_~igl;~;~'liousi-t~.d q;Doii'a~:s~'~or:th;;>- ~ Stock' hdd bythi~;Qbltn_')1cigLtheJ';Plldou'_<\:i EeL"" 8,tanfuyI ~a.:i17~.Y: :QQ!ll'p-ap.Jj:J9rc~t:he;:'::&um.::Q:ffet~dc::~b;Y:.,,::Mr.:;illa.ttis, "\'17;; F.Lve,T.@~~n~ J-;'Ql1~~;,J?hg;~qoJ,W~il(~o~side~J.tiight tq,J~k~_'#_~4ir~c~ v.o,t~; or:th.e-J1tE~.p:;t.y,e~ .)JC ~he;"(Oo'unty.. .~a.~ to..:/\),;9~Y2trt]Wff:J I:ihl;m!cL '1iq;) ii12[rP.W,i:fil:win~!6.r"~r~j.€.ct~iig:.t.h.e_' sale. U - ~ . ~Mft!;!pnI~Q~~;Q~"_.~h~yfQHQJYipg;::XQJ~:=:\= .51. .r:;' '_::~ . '-'.' '" :,;Y ~a'.;~~!:cq~Jr~~4y}jib-"i~;t!L"t9-'>;'Ca!ld:i MoKillop_ "4:i! ::;J[]~'y.~ .-:J?trat~,PPro !D.m~.:r}ti:m,q-rnb~;ur&ifel, ;:Mc~eau;t, Nairn'"O'Malley.~&~J?&Vi?) ~+~~!:~.~pr.ltXgqQU:,,;J)[!:r~~ S:w.it:h;:. Kelr,and Cluna~.-14. ' .. .~",,"Ct:';"<",r'. ,nT 2~~v~~~'?.Y:~~<:~~erJ.',:~~c.opq.e1I9Y:-;-Ja.~!;:Qfn4u:li,)fh~~t', a~.1~.Jm~lrT~qr,;~~lde4,t~:rs.t!BS}i1?PASjlJ.o,,~efep.~.~t~~._ ,.-su,~~' ~~q~>IDdln~~~11~,:~,a1TfPf:}h'~i~~BSk~e!~!l~~ J?Y;lth.2'~,Qpy.ntYA iI!<: t~~l:m~-o&, ~L~?3~- :~PP'llie~~aib'K~y .~.Qp~paJlY"_ :~e, ~4(Ke.;-C ~oJlIj-C?Efl}~8r ~~fL~:,fg,?(~~t~ht,.<io~}l qwj~c ,;~~l~>:questi:on", to j .,the; ratepayers:--aarried~ ,,' c"'_-",-::_-,:';'cH.,_,.,,:m=,- ItMSbrtkbl~j9'.;~, ,g~~aj!rl '~~~~~4~~J ~~:~~:lbit;~;~~;'&ii~:~-"" t 18 County ..sohmtol' be instructed t,o employ snch ,:senio1.': c~PBf;h~~j; Y?" ~~~}:;~~~c~~i;~~!Yi~r~m~.!3}~~J~_se~~s~BtJi;i~~~'~,t~,~" proper Y; defend the ACho~",::~,,'/}Y}c.If}H3'.%:Ii'V~-8~_~h(;'}"" ~?ltB?:~t~9B-!H~~~9p;~H:tJiLofL~lgil?-~-;bJ~L.~", :'.:';L-:; :J--:~:~\::'~';::: . y ea.s~Eme.{Yl_Q~Ht:~l~ ~?p~.~sl~~g,; N:c~etr}h,f):~~U~( 1{\1t8n!)!6l~:r~ 3)21.;t}p;l}~~:P~Y?i .~~_~~1~~~ ,a1].4,.(K~lI~ ",}l,): FI' ' Nays-SmIth, MoOoll, JlfcKilloI:' Nairn, S~jf@1cd.:ltJ<!.to:c t~~:~'~~::~j~i;~7~~ff~\~s~~~ ;;;;7:' . ',' " .,.. _Ol- '-.00" v --'"', '_, __iI,. ...l:>y .Jlk -.Stratton t~,J_~,P:._,9~_n:,~_i.!;,a.. d_,,'_Jou,I,:/lCf"n_.rg, .,_c__o."J;:._'~'_r~:"'8 "d .." - -- :LA'....~",,_". ~ '.~--- }-'... ,'~'" ~,- . A .. ~J_, c--,~,_. ,-<<;:).c;_ic'.'---_;;".'.:~?L WILLIAM McKAY, .:,,~'.';.:2} .:; ;;;.,:Ql~i:lfj.;: ~ "^l':,r . ,:Bigili County :0oriiicil':Proctle~iRg~:. C"~0 ',':- {-C'. .. '. THIRDSjj;~i3.I(l;'f'i ,EIRS"Til)A1" 'TI!ESD~;;t4~. F011rth.:?~f(~rJ-i~e;} 8,71. '~ .'-::;---..... ",..' ..."," '-' '. .... . ." The Cou~cil met' ;ccording .t.QadJ9l!~:P}~~~';,,:,~ . -:,,;3S.:1t1;:~w.b_~rfJ:pr~s~i.!t, ::','., i)fes~r~_;,,:,?~11;~ll:J,':~en;;.,c ~,_Bl~~Wll, ]HcLeal!:.~::,J;,\l:t(P,3.~: Ohwa;~; ,}f.~C()U,-; pay {)-'1.a}fl1,~.A'I~~l:~~<?P, ;,.: J\:tc,c~Q$1a-IgI" ~~~ry,~mi,t~;i'Bp~Y~:{~~~<lt.tg~:i ~p.9-;' J'urn- bnU- 2C". ,.)',0 ,;:'~he.';W_~rd~ll::p.~ipg _apl?~)!~...O,~',~9~D~g.t\o,f-15.~~~~~.SJ>,~E was ::~ . i1\'f~x.ed<rby:.J:OhllT,Cl~~~~":.Jj~qo~9-!?%nP.Y ,\Y:i:~:j.~J;?~own, That,Thos;M.Nairn be ;'::!PPQ~J?~~~h'ic~;~8:irJ?il~ap. ll~~jh~;~b- cs~ence Of:the-'Y'a-rd.en-,oLth,~ qO"~;GE~~,;2 :,;~~_ '.' [r:-:"i".~ 2:,- In amendment Is.t. ;<,y:? Drln <'i:::;~i(r ,"." q ~ h J' '~K'II eco'ndod by · ,.Kem' That:,Capt_ b'1ov,ed .by." J.1'.l.C 1 op.,s: _ , ," '\,,,::, _ fti" 4-< ;.) "..V - 1 'II h -o-nted ~ha,,'r~~an:,'..lU..th:e,abs.enc{'-<'IDt,1;!le O'.Th-pt ey ,e app 1 ^ .-,:",-- '''-~--';'C-'!. .,",.~,.., ..... ..';-::.._ '\Yarden~ ,-,., ~":.Dr ..'" '::i<'.::,'.::h.;:.::;};c;-, :-!1G','l. .:.:~dh).:)amerrdmellt.,;21i{L:) _ ",\j;,:~," n:(/~';:r. - )x'" :1vIDyecj')lJi iE1:_A.d:n!aU"YI ~e.cqIlded ,py. .D :;:~~qLean, . That ~fr; ,Luton be appointed chairman Of,L'1iP~.' Q9,:q:~~1. '~,' ;'-;'i:.'In''':amell:dinenk3,rd. l :_:; ;~.:::i~_l'i<:;:~~.':"c ~ :L::;U :-, - '. .~" " , , 0 OJ, t Th t J JYIoYedby:,Ml',,:.ButP-Il,'n~~Q9P-d.~(l J,)Y,_' . .~",.:.9-o_!':,,:._,,~,,-.. " .' ,; ,:5ILcK"iF?J?;y,nep~t:y.-J~~,eY:e~;~hPJ!!1.~i~_4, \rWc~:1:!1]~~L4~rlllg ;.I.,,:_the!'ab.~e1i.ce.i)~;'the}~~~f~e)J-" ';:_~C_;, ~i, '\~t'S::'SfJ. -?~ ':;l C:-;;:]':;0.,!/ .;<: cf:lre ::a;melldmentsj-w:er:e~.utJll,l~:l J9Rl ~~m:~ ~;:?l,~~:q;im-QyioI~ ,j~irie:d.i_~:'J'?:)(F::-"~ '.'::;t. J' ,_",:>-_i!,T)c%I.:NA~N, .: :LL~I.,;, f~rl01~ .PlfaMWUt?l-. ~',; YJ18'J' -"--- t!~ j:;-,~r'~ '.CC\': O;J_cl;;[;-:. 30 The 'tV aden being absent1 Mr. Nairn, moved'seco~ded by-hfr: .Bll'iitJ1; That_:D~Jliel ,Luton,Re~~~, or':Ya,rn:iQ1ttb,'act_;f!s 9"h.air~:~!! .in_ _the ab- s~nce of-the,}Varden. In aUlendme~t: , _ ',_,;". ~" . .., .' . Jld"ove~, hy ,D.~1r-cL,I?:lp;~eCHndRd"py; J,9~n)plll~a~~.That .1\'[.1:, McCauslalld 'be' ~~hair~~n:,~d,~.d~g~th~ '. ,al.-)~eneg~ofo ,the W:irde1l,-_ ....... ............ .._ '. ........ .J ~Amen1:~e~t~~9st~,ll1a0' ~.oti.op !?a.i;\'i~~~', . Mr.Liito';to~tihe,c~4r.".::'-.. ..... . . . ....... ;r~eproc~edi11gs of 'h.~p,evioh~ ,rfy~i~~er",f~ ~~dsign- ~,d_.,. ......,)::_':,:._.~..;:~.::.:.. ..... . .' >.~9~~q by' .r olin: ~ Ciuna,s',". seeoiide~f"by;: C.~vA::' O~1;ialley, --~-;"\,, '!"_::"'~(i;::J.,I ?-';-';''::---;;;'" ':_':" ir"'fi":;1' (_"_'/' 'rhat theOIerk procure a ccp)'oOhe,Pnt'ano .~t~tllte~ for each WeiJ>b",r9f this ooui'~il;an'ci aIs({~:;;;fJ'fofeaC}l:Mu_ - nicj,p.~i QounclI, in ,tne,~~yef;rr,l\1: irni.9jpaJi~i~ .oftii}(b,oun~)>. ';9~1;i;iEid:' ..' '0',":.::__(" (,__ ':'i. _:;,., "_' co- __ . jlfo\'ed by D. :M:G+eii:n; s"econdeg hr9, -Ch'1,te;oThat- the cOmpl~i;'t 'of.the Ti\lst~~sisf 8chpoI ~cti61"N 0: _EigHt, of 'tile Toi,;n:sliipof A:Idb~r01igh,~gahi~(;';bJ'1~~ 'ofsaid Jlfu- };llcipality, ,alteri1Jg the-'b6iinaari~~);f.?}4$~:~kl~::kect'~~~;~ :be Sr~CfiVfi~.~ria..ih~:'9~td~a/i~'C.'i"':.. .~. .< .'.;'.'" '. . '"TI.i.' orerk r.Aqpetitioh - tif 1'rll~t"~s ofS61k.dI'Sec\ion . . N o.JiJiglit,'or'il,e' T~\$i\iliil' ..6f:AIdh9j;9~g&,&M~6;liotition. of c,W'.I;ake1: and others,andAng~ii;Jl'tcNrepi'naot)I1ers, 'i:.,pecti;ii:by_law a.iteri5gSchoojSectii>';s h; Afdbofoll~h_ o1'\,o):'e<\ byJ)';\f9Lean, seconded,by l. 9~Ila., TIl~t.lIfr. l.fcD,\,~g;iII;' cOatiseI for the Tr~?,teesofflellooI SectionN 0_ "EliKi;-'of the Township of Aldb:of.6ugh;be heard before this 09an9ilin.t49)il'atjero(~'!~!'11~aIJ>yt.l!~_. said Tru8- t'~agains(~ e-ertallJ:bY-1aw~f.th'e~~id'MnnicipaIity, ~~a:kihg~~ait'et{{t{J~ i J~: "tIlt): ':b~~,5d;:f;l&:'of said ,Section.___ ~~~~~:.-r;;' ....':,:.J'.~)_<~.:"':' ...."~;,. ',.,_,_C,.1'.t . . w: M:eD.Ug'8Jt.~d~ei!~!>d.th~C99ncil inH;i;efereii~ tq :"', i,,';--:_::i,'::"-,_ 2~".~.:';".;":":,,:,,,;; ,->' ":,-:, ',,',' '" :;aidby<Iaw .of t1u~_ Township of Aldbol'O\1gh.._ ~_ , ,_ , " . . Movedhy T_ ~LNairni seconded by C,. A.:-O'Mall~y, That'llr. George:MunJ,'6;:frqm the': TO'wnship,of _' AJ~'bor-' ough, be heai'J respecting, the petitions pres~nted~abont School Sectionshi.-that:;'To-wnship~~Oarne(l. ,,', ' ,'>'~ '}fL~'l\fu'nro:bein8: presentaddr€:ssed the-Council regard:- irig:ScliooLSecti~lin:'East Aldborough., ", ' " , , ' Moved. by'~J:ohti elnnils,seco~de.~",by. ,1V~,' H-:,_:~ro.l.:t1.'-: Th.a.t-...l'\ir~'J~aJrerj'be'-}lOW: heard.:be-fore"thls' CoultClI.relauly,e to the-al1dboroWl'hSchooIqnestion: . .. _ . " ".,:Uoved-, ,by;,:}Mr."" N~irn,: -seconded -::'.hy~ oseph, l\~ar~att,i That this Conucll does not deemit'\i"pedient't.oihterfere. at '~Iie~prcseilt .-tim'e~:with .the" by-hi.:V Qf;t~re: ;,"T~W~:ship .~, of Aldbo~6ugh,PfiSs~~ con-,-thedBth,' :~e~em b~r: 1~~,::':a1;~er1l1g certairu,School.:SectiollB,<lll ~tl1-e Jrownship.~Oarn~(L ,,"', ::._' ,. -The:_',Yeas:and o,::Naysi:heing 'cftIled ~brJjY.~r. JMc.~Ba;l~~-' ,v-eretaken:..a~followsr',1):,:; " "~;"'_... ' J.7':eas:~~:[Eti1:~ry; 0.Strattonj i ;SuArel;"-;<afcCauslaIid,- ,:~~ute~ NairiL;: 'elrinnS;;'Brown;?d\~al~I~tt;(i:Day{ Kel'~~a21d- Smith. 12_ -.' ""'";--,0,"" :"N"~y,Sc-.--r~l'Ilb_~lJ,-;;McJ;.~~n".D'lIf~)!~y,: -ALcKilIQP :;"'nd lIfcOoIL-!k,'.v': :E:.1C'__ ~_, _ ~ ~" On motion of l\Il".~r'own,s@condedtb---J'-::~Fr;>]fIarlJittJ tl1e:JJRl1,l!c~t~qj5il].r~d .wt)_1P)_;;4o~1!:~G ,~::':i,", \:: 82 the sat~factory manner thane has explained the .an;e.~ Carried. . Y"eas----Emery, Tnrnbnll, Stratton,811ffel, McCausland. Nairi1~,.OIunas, Bro~j'}iarIa,tt,--Day,:Smith and 'McKil; _ 1.cp.--,,-1.2. Nays-O'_M:all~y"Kerr ""dMcOoll.~$, Moved' by T.M: Nairn,seconded c by John McKillop, . That the Tender of Edward_W. Harris.for the Stock lleld : hythe County in the London &, Port. StllJileY(Railw~y Company, and which Tender Was accepted by the ,Com- mitteeofthis Oonncil; bonow approved,cpy. this COmicil, and that the Wardona:l1dClerk comPlete .the saIoof said Stock,for the rum of Fi va, Thousalid Dollars ,artd. .transfer said Stock tp.thesaidEdward W..Harris,or..his IjSsigns ~~der:~ ,by-Ia; W,' _to' ;be ,prepaa-ed:.for, that :purpose,under_ the Seal of .the Oounty, and thatthe Olerk:of.tke OO11llcil be. a.nthol"ised .toprepare a by-law fortltwith, for the purpose of oompleting the sale of the said Stock in, pnrswilloeof said:T!'llder, said transfer. not tpb.:made iinle..Mr.Har_ iis:withdrawsthe suitnow.pelldihgin,tha qonrtOf Chan- cery,andpays all costsincurre-d'up to thhtirne. '<Mr-McLachfin,beinir !i>-e.entiaildre$$eil. tbe Council \.respectn:g t~e London & Port Stanley Railway. "" In.amendment ~ f! : Moved by Samnel D.y;sec<>nded iby, Joseph Marlatt That this Conncil pnt np .heil'Stock in the :London and Port StallleYRailw~'y,attl1e"Rset,2",~e,gf TWAAty ~u. ,,;>,ld Doq,.ro, . . . . ;,:rnaJUend~nt : " . }{oy~d. by c' C" A. O'A!;>,]!ey, , ~~~.q~d!'!l ,by; ~r'Olunas, That the ,offer made . hl'.M;-,,~'Olj~;l!g.\lit!ltPre the, Gra,a! . V\[e~tel'll,J~aiH!,!y,<>f Flre;:rI1.q~~:;Q9~;."Rd \Jl. ,p:ay. ~6'!t9f;a1!ei"l'f'>;!S,e~ii>!1u~, :$\li,~gp: ~9Rte<,l~_.bJlt_ ,t~at. 33 wego~iri.t6GommittecLof the_'Wh61e~,iO consider ~-the:p~o~ priety of either Ptltti~g.tip-.-our. StO?k;i!l:~~e. London: ~ Porf1:Stanley; RaiIway,-to public_'.competition;.or,1ease.--said Rail way on the most favorable terms for ,,~ter~, Ofrfr~~;l. - '-1fhe":Second~ani(;ndfri:ent'was-- lost on'.the ,fclIowing~a1vi_ sion: "_',' '__', ',', __-'-; ,-,-.-_.- ..': Yeas~ jrcLeatij''b~Malley;blrinas,!3r?wn:a~4' -:r~en~ ; :--5. . ,- '~' : ,:,' " ',', , '., ,- c, -- < -.: ; ';~; ,- c ~_. Nayd---Emery, TnriibnlJ, Stratton, SUfl"~1;9cht;~e,~~th; McCau.sI_and,"-~~irn, . cM:cE31fo~',-_Day, Marl~tt;'ahd :Mc- COll_'l':2:"""'_''''" _ "., ' i.,.. ." _i.>C. .... The''jffit'aineiidniellt Was then put an_d.!ost on .t)J..e.fpl- ., . ,'.' :',." ,co., ""'_' ,,'~_ 1~'Yi~?!TQte~;; """.""_""'- ",_ , :3",'_., '.,.- 'Yea~M~riatt, Brown, ql~a?~O:~~l.Iey. an:dnMJ}Le~p:-, ..; '. ...':' , ',,'-: ~ ".: " ": .- i, -, -; , - ". '" ',. .', ,', .- " , . ' - i .. .- ,-. --:3-. " ;;. ',': ", .::.. ;_ ,___ .,; ,_ ;l, _,;;C.-", Niya "Einer'y, TnrnbliIl, .l;Jtra.tton, Snfl"el, gI!~t,e'"Jl1~ .6.i~Erdnd,' :N1ii~n, Mcltillop~W~S?.li;K~r: ,.~~~..S~!~lt;:,) AJ;":c Themahf.mcition:was.pu"t and: caJ.:rle4~.'~" ; ,;.':,";.'J,:";,.."",,,-,_',., ,'",', ,"" ",_ "'.. -.' ",. . ,:T.h~"y~as~an_d_:n.~;ys ,0p.m~4?-a:Q.o.t~op.being, as, folfows ')Ye~~EDlerj"TurnbulI,'Stratton" 'Buffel; Chfite,....Mc:.' Ca}lslo"1d, M;cK,ilI9P",N ~i~!lj ,SI.fiithani!1.{cQgR,'-lO., ': "Nays-Day, Marlatt,Bro~, Ch~~,O'galIey;'kc~. Lean-and',Kerr.~7~ :)J;::-~ :,:,:,;j' ~;:,:o' ~',~,;.2 .:J:;'_'. t.7f;i.+,\~ Moved by T.M. Nairn, seconded by ,J. McKillop~-Thae pYcla"'iNo:'219; belugiaby -law, tolcoll:6rmthesaiMof,tho ~tock-heldbY'~heConntyinthe L.oudon. &; "Po;'t .Staiil~y- RailwayyCompa-D:y;to ;Edward :W~., Rala'is: rbe~{reee:~~ed' ~~: r~ad'a...first-.time;-'--7-earried. , " , , ;,BY"hiW',No. 219was'~ea-dbytheCrerk/-'-'., ,.' _ _. ::' MoY"d:tiy We Y.'Emery;seconded'By,;rlime.-1\jht1Jn1I; 'i?hatbyclawNo;i.-219.be.:reada-second:;tinie2', ,- -;~o;:t~~j.n~i\r1"tb, rSeQOllded 'b;'~;' :~~;;"T:~~":'t~ii 3.4 "econdxe~l:"fthb I - . -. .. the next ' tin _' e. y.awi_.No..219;_be_ laid bveruiltll -. .' mee g:of,this 00nnci1. .. _, '. ~ I1YeaSahdJYayscaUedfor.bh. amendme1ita~~' taic> . Q;:,:.:':Jr.err . .~:': ~:-:~ ;,~:(:;J,':'~~-:-,'.-:~.,; ::1:'~. en- as and'-';VL' "'-'-.' Day, -W~rla.t,...;BrO!Yl1'fJ,)m. nas.O'Ma'lj' . , J.UC ean -7 ".-' ',,~.., .,.,.,,~.~ _.. ,ey . NaYS=En"tery' T ' bnII' -St : Ii"" C..'s1... .. . - - . '. . nrn_,> ratton':Snffel '.Ckte M' . ~~and+iairn 'M X' ,., ~'-'--~h_ ;....,--'__lJ.U -f:'; c- -~.'-';;';"_.' . "-illop,ilmlthand:McCoU=lO :.', ~,7P;d~~~~:1_~~t, a~~d. m~:m~iio;" .~~ : ""~t ~~~-'''-::-''::.~'>~' Moved by G. Suffel,:;e~~~de~f.-~--';' ,"11!~ \D:~.;,;;;;.,;,', 1a:w; :r?:23 9,be .~~~~a, third. timb: a~ :~~;Itton~,--J{h~t by, In amendment:'. - ~,'~." ~'. -. '"~;:';~'::"':::8,!L})Jc:~~j~.d.'_' MQv~~ ~~,:Joh~_Clunas;l3~conded b _ S . :';/)'/ ':';::;"".:i law NiJ;'219; benotno~';:e<d" _,-,<y .'P~!L.T~~tby' ~<?~n~~,,~~}l1~o_,p)JUll1itt~e ~.t~:;~o~~m:, tut.that, .~?is, .'1:he"me.iIidment.waslo'."t -a'n d.th' 'C-''':. n..~~l<l.bY,law.. 'd'" ,"" ,'. ,',' ''':>:'', "emam" 't'""""'. ~',"" ne :On..:t1ie:~ol1' o,.WJ11: ~. ^' "d'~':-;'-' ;: -; " mo. lOll waS'. car..; -.0_ IVlSIOii.:,; -:":' .,.,','. Yeas-Emery Tur'nh' 11'S -. ,c " " _ _ ' n. '" tr. atton' Sum.. "jOCI{-"" _ ~~l~~;:~':'~~~~~'1f~~~?~McKillop;: siriit~~;~d~~~ .J" ..ys; D~~, cl\![a~]a~t;'Olnnas,BrowIl alJd O'Malley; 'By,J...:; No. 219 'w- .",c. ,- Olexk.:.' ....: ' ' as. then read a,thirdtimebyth~ :1\[0;' di,i'-,~ . . .ri.:. -. .... . _.. " L, Y ""'",,N=,.seconded"b ';r' . . That.J;lanIel\Cnton. Esg . b . - '.' y ,'.J\fcCanslandi 219,. as, ch""';r'm' .,,;. '. :.:)h' ,--:,e,.requ~sted .to~.-sign,':bY.-Jaiv::.No".' .,..,....,;",....... _tW.1,:_H ,; avmgacted-'intha ',' '_',"::- ,. Ward~ns,absenc.e, when theb '1 " ,...",,~.cap~clt.Y,~ln.','t~e M d by. aw: "'as passed " . d OVa y T cM~D.11 '" ..' .--varne ( the 0 'inio-',~:.', ',-- 0_" ~ecDnded'."by:A:~ Herl'.'Tlrat::{ ,',fl___ -,DcoHhi.,Q6unciHt:i" nnIawful f,'. .~. n _torof School. to:beipaiHor:eack'a '.', o~ ~h.'Inspec- the, -same .amount,as' aSeparateSh pa:tmen,t'lI1".a -"~Cbboli ofiFiveJ) 11 ",.. c oo,and:thatthesum ',---.,~_,;",-,-E.,~~"o~eacJj Sdio..ol,cis a'll"~h..t' 'tl1 A..... ,...------"-,' ...''"---. ,. ,"'" a.: 0',' ~ct'-oon.. ..35 .,e.mph't~d. to .be pai!-H?:fu~pectors,l>-ytheCoW1tYJall(1 .j;hatt4eConn,y_ .TreasUrer. he.,notiJiedof the same,,---Loat. . -'-Ye~s2.M~.qOl!~:;f~}';_~" ~,~:~-~;_-.~",.'~.;~;'_. ,.:~ -.,~::~.~. ';',.~~,:-:'-:, . ~ays-.-En;t~,y;T",nhnII, Strattol1, C)1ute,M"Qaus1:u>d; ,~~rn, .~hnias;' '~Er6wn;, MC~Tl,lpp; Day,' 'Marititt., and, . Sniitih.~12. ',:" Moved by C. A. O'MaJley, seconded by D. M"Lean, ,+hatthe re'3Qlti1iQtcpass~d tJii,s::foreJ),oOu;;:tiot: entertaini~g ~h.e ~a,pp~a~~-,J~'?~, ".Sc49q+;1~.~~~~n~ }:{ umbers Eight, Nine ~~: ,~~~l:ve~; p(-A14~0~9Jf.gh,., ~fLx:escind~.~, a!1.dth~t,p:~., ,,'J~ Hughes, Esq., County-a udge, A.. J1. Butler, :_pounti In~ ,/ ~p~c..t~r. ,:pf "Elll#c,':~c~,?'{ls1?;:a~4 'T~ ,M. - N 4~,,~,~sq., 'b~ 'Iifo_ . !J2~~~~~~'L~Q}n:V~~~fg~te .-~t(~~t~e~,or -~ppe~ls:.a~d~ ~~,qDl. l'J~iI1ti'J11~de .}iy}If. ..~n..te~s, of School. Section, ~ Ul-n.~er ~igb,t, of-Mdborough; against a certainby~law of, ~ 's~d -WnJ1tqip",li,y, passed,~Il ~h~ili8th Decemherlast,!,ndthat ~lre~penses incurre~hy_ said Committee'~han be -pai4 hy ilcI,ool" ~ection N"nlI!-b~r_]}ight,Ndborongh, as agre~.d hy ..M~.JI~cto~>P~~~?;rSO~,- ~~()ret~y~Tr,easu~er,. ofsa.id.'_:.~g~l?O~ Section.~]4:?(~J~fl. .1o~t.< ':~~~~0~9.qo~l;:~mith, '~err,' .o.JM;all~y,-,_ C4ute,.,,~n~ h1:!Il-all!,b Mcr,ean,,---7. ',c_ . . . ,'C N;~ys~~tl'~~~.<?~,.Em~'~:r J: McCauslB;~d" "Oluna~:~"'c~r9~, ' ~c:KilloI', ~ar1att"lldp.y,,---~. ..' .... i. . .." Moved.byMr.Mc9~nsland, _seconde4by ,C...0l1nte, +~t by-IawNo,j~O,~oc?njir~~-law .N"p.. 216,.ofi:th~ '+o~.s~p.,qf,~~~a~de"he':r;:eceiyed and~Wt\da; :fi,rs~ _;~~~ ,---Carded.. " !ly-Iaw.No. 22Q waneadhy the ()lerk, _ .. ' ~ovedhY::lVJ:r,;,chnt., . .se"ollp-ed.' by .:lVJ:r;':M:cCan,~I1"ld That hy,la;vNo, 220 be. read.. secondtime.=Ca,ried. . "Wov~dby 4,Ii:....,:, ~e~onp-~p- by J. S~ith,Th..t:Bi,~p. ~Q., 2~0, be re~d~thir~ time ~lld ~nalIy p'..ed>:::0l'!r~'i~\!, 1 I I 1 j I ., il I 'I ii.' I I II Ii .. i: 1'.'..1 ! I; 36 "t:~V~~YY'J\f...-M"r1att,'seconde4,bJ' :Thfr.Brown_Th 't he \.Jor1Ucll'ad, ',' "'11'''''-' (,-...'.. '-, '..',,' _",'," ' ", - , a .' " ,,\]OUrntlto:.morrow nrornincr'atl1i1i&:o; "'c)'oc' l-';' In orde"' th . th", ',- " ,'" t)." '.. " ' J:i,;, ~f.:.,:,t~':'i;:J0:;c,:~t .:~~}~vel~~I CQ~lI!~ttt)es~If1:aY~ll!'eet~-"~ - .1Flt!:IAf1: :t\tpKA. Y, .. ....~J:jANIEL1:io-io:& . '.-'. '- Ot;.k. . -". '" .- " .' '.'" "'. 9.!tai;1;U;n. "--'...-..,,~. .' ~.;' ':', ~ ~ --, THIRDSESSION_.I~HI1ID~AY; ,-,'\,;. '."THuRSDAY{'thii'6thdayofJimo 18"2 . rhe 'Oouncil tot"''"' ';;i." '-':'.",' ,,. ." _ ,', ' _ ,I . "'in '. tJl~-'c~air."- ':~J~'_ a.", .~.~~ 0 clo~~ - fo~~~go(~,.~- ;~fr,'Lut~,~ Memheritpre sent' 1t,r.,~i,. - ",', '-, '. - - ,:, "- ,..... :~messrs"''McCoIF'F-' . .. '0. . ;K'-tilopr.::l'1]Iln' ' , -:',lI.T\', C' ",' '." , .. '., ~rr,. Ch.ute,::Mc~ ,,, as ","1m O'Mdl . 08-'- -. ~-'L'~an' >M"arlat(:Ein - '. ,_...R_;_!3~,.,. r?~,-McCauslana;Mc~ IiUU/y ." ' ory, Smltb, DaY:8t"atton; :ad'T~>:n' :rHeproceedinosofthe piO~i/' U-;,...... .- ,,' '",. ',," _ .. ;.'" :,>_~h':'~_.: -:'" ";'" :.OJ ~:,::..u~,::::; ar:_~~_~,~~!r~~~:,~~;.:~ir~:~ Tlie 'Clerk readauonUIl"f '., __ .,.0 tee~':~f L- the' St~ :Th -., '" o~~ICal?n'_:~roir1,o>B~llTa:;'Of "'TPti~~ . omas ochoo1 "Tespecti:ti " ,.:,_-.."-',,.... ,.'.' .,1~o~,to~,ards the alter~llg'of-theSchDOrh "c'~j,_~~ ~~~~~f~a.. ""~'Movedb 'D."M L ,'.: ,-..~,.' ,'.-c-:: ~~l~~. ",_' .-~_' , J",.' c ean,seconded"bY'Ch"h;;":L'Ch""- , :~~~~,~Hso1i t~~ Wardsville-:Brid :;__ :,~r '. ~'i' .~~~_e;~~t ,tlie:if.ighes't,'bidde~'-ori'sad.s' 'i'a~t."~e,.~~ le~s~:~.b:t Tender to , ,',', '" ' - ,1.: '.... 01'7 secarIty'bei' -.---f ,'-,:. h ed. by. tbe l,sssee. and that --t'b-' '''I' 'k> i- _ n. g nr.D18 .- ., '" " e "er notIfy M-ddJ' , '<?_onp.cil;'n?winsession '~f:th. '~'>',~' ..',', _",', "r,e.sex s::'/M8ve'd.'b'.ih' ., ":,: l~ prop9s1tlon.-Carried;o ' "fr'li,ii' Y o,n M-cCausland,secondedhyC Cll-r . ,at the-:report~of.;tlie !ComDlittee '-a ,; ~:",;: '~',;c"_ l1:.:,~l 'tract' for.Alterations in J ail and E' p~?l"nte: to'I.~_~i .,c.o~- Jail.Yard ,be . ".," 'd':-' ':'-'d"''': '_, l~~ l?~.o}yall '!tr()und };'.r,; ~1'_"-,<,'.-" :~~el~e: ~n ~ ..,read;'"""'-'0anled: ._' .:' L';/ ::';, C.:: ( . _'Pne Clerk: read reporfiWBu'ld" ''''>.... . _' ,_ '<'1i)rC-" "..'".. '- ',. 1 lJ}!:[:-t,,:.on-.mltlce'<'...'..,.~{. t~~:.rP:;~it!~h.e7J"a~IrnBer~t;d~ecohdedb~,J'..Ttii'Hbulj;T~.it ~',.,.__..'., '_' ,1 UI 1ll0"'Comtilitte.,-oe~ dl".."',...:": .p~rneit~^ '. c,,~.:~: :_. _ '. e a - opt~ed-.-.:.;. t.."." ,0... ." . ,~' ~,_ . 37 .'. Mllved byJolm:0In!l3.S,seconded bY' W.N. Brown,That Capt_O'Malley heappoillted by this COIl~cil,tO'act'W-ith the engineer or -~ther- pattjT-a~poirireti::, by".the Co:uhcil.~f ]fiddlesex;to lease)tlle'ton~'-on~ arasville Bridger for:-the - term-of eighteeri.fuonths..frofuJnlynext,~Cai:ried. " . MovedcoyJdlm'Clunas,o seconded by W' If. . Bto\rn .That .the-coiIiilitihlcatlons'?8,:'no\V "ta.ken:- uP, '-and -' *sp6s~ 9fin..,regular:rcltati?ii; :::CaiN:ed.l'~ ~'._,._. . JVfoved by:.T<lIliNairn,se<>oil4edby';T; mllnas.That '-~fes-sr:s.:Etiieb!,: Day .and, ~cCau$l~nd" 'b~a::'--sfi~cia~,~ c~iti~ ~ilu~t~~;::tO">>i~p~re"ans\Vers:~to.-ti~e questions'sb.bmi~t~d'::.-~r -a~:Ooirimiteee,of--th.e Honse- of.-GonimOn~~lL;fJaITi'ooi::iJ.'- (,;.'. ' Moved by W. Y. Emery, .seconded by H,CStratJ.on, ,T,hat the_8~~ .of IFift~Y~I)oliars~be:givent6~ar~~ :t:h&','f~Ct)- t:ion:-~fM:iBs-'~~&PJiers6n!sEmigrant,,1::fulne in: th~;:C6urity :C;t:Ha.Stings:.~Cariied. . ;:.1" ':<^(;S'J.~ Moved by 'James Turnbl.tlIrsecontlert:; by' Wr1Y>.EOlety ',. ",":',,',: -.--, .',- ,..',' -.., .'.., -,," ..,..",' ,-'-, ,:.-," _Tliat the:commumeations:frotii-the:Daputy ;Reev-e.of'Nap-' ane.e be laid on the table.--,-CalTied. ,:,,:, ':i.di:m2 ':'Moved. by'SaifinetDliy,secoildeilbyJoseph"M:arlatt/i''hat this Conncil gr:ant to the Gaol Comrnittee the.:pow@',:of allowing the -"\7 olu~te~r Band the ,use.~ft;he_':,Cour~_ :~House 'Ya~d once' a :,veek, for' the, p~rpose of' 'Band:; pr.actic~' on coIiditioh::thit- tb:ej'pi"ote6t :the,trees :andgrounds:iCifotn ";injU:ty~~Carri€d; ~ ..."" ~'" ~";!.'<):~' e.r;c Moved byT_M.Nairn seconded by C. A.O'Malley, That thereportof the An<jitors,onConnty llfiU'Cominon .-Seho~r-acc'O~,titSj! be)adoI)t6abY:'thi$,'CoUn~iLj0a~ried,-:>.;. 'Movedby2JolID Meqansl.nd;second~d.by -Mt,'SI:r.at: :ton,' That ~he - report' .of the.-G'onrmittee, appointed.. to ex ~ amine as to the safety of tbe.Regi!ltJ;yojli,ce;he re~ved. /.~Carried. -::f,_.. .. . 'The Cle,r1!- xe.drep",'tof9ol'lll1litt~~ 9n~egjst&I:01Ii"e: --as . ,.TheConnt'-.-R' . , ',' " ,><. -.J', . ,eglstrar ar'pe 'db:...!L' _ i Jna. de'exnlan"~' ,,' . . ..,,/::8,le -;..q1Yr.~;#l;e...Connci.I-'- an" , . .-r>la,l;lonsrespe t" ",hE' .~': " ", lot 'Wi!~cl~pity oithe:' r' - ,;c,_lIlg.t__f_"~gisPl'Y-,.'Act;.,'and',,Phe. ,~",l\i' -v" -"<J ~1.P3!~~~..~~~gIS.try_OmJe.:,.' .., '_oyed:bY'W;'YE ". '-"".:'''' That th~,J--ail'c :'.lll,~\'.Y"seconded;9,E,;.rame.,.TID-nbnU ~afet_v'- ..~'f'.'~.. 't.h-~e:~oRe' D;L~J.tP~~.'.~PRgtJ:!t~gl~ctQ:'L~:X;t.l-'mine:.irito_-. t""h. ....-e. "...~':.t,. ." ,21str .O.:ffi "'-.C",- -~ , ;iJ,2-W~~tee'-,t~ ~ec~i;e,ipJ ~d > ",ce,;; '-i~r;3::::h~x~~PY~~PP(;)ipt.et:l a. ~rectlon ~i~'s;p~~t~ Jfi:~r;:f;-q:'~-~L. OOI?,~rM.ts:" ;f~l' <:the ,~q~!)ph~,~PJ.~M {lJ;ld"sp~c.m~~ti~~;~;:~~~r,~,,--~~~ce,? :~fo~Jrdi);lg .J!1\Jl!t'Inspector: -th ,~., ,ll;!S,.~ .QY',-theGovern. \1:Y;Eg~~;J;~;~e'q"':;r'eodT.,., t'" ,~~PiJ,:rp,ay:: p~Ju:nish~4J.'J~.))'cl.t~~t;th'~ , ,,' -"'--' ", '.~_"c:').Q, execute 'h " ',' " , : '..' , , ' , Committ.,eao.may.'a.do,nt _o..-: 'd.'- ',-,"". ~u..r;._,::Q.O~~rag~A~:'tJ5ep'said , --',. -'. - -.."an ,att. h tk ' " ,.'. ..~.Qo.,g'#ed:!, ~",- " ' -,. j ~, !L:l!~.QqpntJ5l~eaJD~e~eto. Jl![Q-v~d ~;cJ.i~l1l\!"caan.-I";~< ,'Tii!' "", That.<the-" COUll. ".iI' .'.' . '.' '.-" ~e,.coJ!<kQ ,by:![., S. tratton \.,."v-, '. ._-:".');g9 mtoOo ".,..'~" "."'" , report as to thes.- 'e h<h-" 14ll1J!>t!;ecgL!>heW'h?le. and :', ' ' "'~ OllW Ie th ',', --, ,- ",," ,-.,. try OJliceto'b- 1 - d . eyr~gOlll,!!lend the"Regis, ~"'~t1.he.Co~n~tle;=~b~~~~t~e~t~~' ~~J~';l;~' n11 In the Chair .",' "N_"o.."~L,<:..._,.c. ,>:~l.(;r~ -".2~-i~:9:~J00lflfhi_tte~o.,t3~a,Illined,_thC, 8:Uc;::;, ,,:~Jf";:;-":'";" o., th€tl!'Xose.s,d> ,~y::, :0' .:~,.., -e,;..o;gr.t:::.lIQg,s~z:'~~I;4>~nd . <;;TA':eaQuticiL;~sJl~~d"~:"':';"__c'T ,,:' ..)J; ".v' ~he.-,Cha.'r.man- o'f. C ':-" -::", .cc,., .... ' " --'"::"1 - " " o.OIDllllttee f h.,' :Thl!:t theDo!l1l1fitt~e.had seie;tecl 0: te,:WlwIe,~epoft~d ~heConrt Honse Yard for R . ,the:8?1!th-East,co/p:er of; ,'.Y:a:s;~:': ':.) r~ ".,_ egIstry O.:ffiGo<. ,aft_er_~hi9~dP 'c:Mo.vedfbYW.:y, Emer " ,.', ." ,.,' Tha.t,Jhe; ..Coiinr-i{"ad' , :y, :~e~onded~l'iJames" Tllrl1bnl1, ~olllmitt~e onEqualizJ~nrJ't t'n,t~o'oclockjtoel1~91e;the .,::Y co:' ,'o. - a pu, Q)neet..-C:a:rr;i.ed.-t 5)~Y:0:' --TlieC9uilCih.iet at two 6'C1"dr. ' ", "lh;t'[Ro~~~pr!' McCausland, seconded by s. 'IJa'-.Tbt ~,~ .~,eiforhJ,f the'a')lrimitte~'()f:th'e .W'h 'I -b -"' . a. . ' . " . . o~. eadopted" '3_~ , ~:~TQ':_;tl:e:c~th&~Regis.tl~y.Dffi.ceo~.the 86utn- East:;part bf;th~ .CQ1:u:t:.:H.i:mse(h-omid. :.-.-(i<'il:riecL, ~ MQie_djby)W..; :tC'1Bto.wn,; s.econded' _by J; _:M a~latt','.Tha:t the.'.xepp,rt~Q~~"th~_8pe~fuL:~ommittee;'appointe4Jto~mitlll'e intc:th_erre.s:ponsThility:qf'tlle _e?unty.jnJI:efel;f>.nce~):'Jor tHe St,Thom~High Sch~ol,be_received alfd:,i:eaa;~Carried~.; nfoved hy Josephdll:aHatti, secomJed -1.)', S"mueI'DaYi That_' tA.e :DoimciLgo ilIto :C6mmittoe>of. _the W4.61e,o to.bon.,. side:il the Tepo1:ti 'DT 8Corrn:ilittee:onth:e'--SLD'+homas'~Hig1t School.~Carried. . _"., -'_'-'"-; .:..The .'cql.iliClL Jwem '~nto:;:Con1in:ii!tee~(jf;';'.thEr Whole}l'Mr:- McC'tuslalldin the chair. ."11;:":;) volLd=''-< j :,'3I'11Jb9~mlA1:iott~,~ ,roseci,*lteJi :theu:!hallffilJ1Jv,repQ~:-t~dlAh~ ad?ptiqn of the report on ,the:High,School:q_ueS:.tion:-::~~; On motion, the Council adjcurD,e4~,pi).l J), 9JQ1()9lc,~to~mor.;. ~ow pl~r,l,1ing,~; ~ ;); WI~~fAMr Mg;K:AX,',o cs: Olerk. ,D. LUTQ;!i;, ~ CluJ.~?"t; :;,::L::: '~ ; ;;;, ~;"~ THiRD SESSI-6N,': tF0UR'I'H"D'AY"c:.' '. . FRIDAY, the 7thdli! ofcJ"ui{ei'18t2~ :The :Coun:6il"nlet.at ,ilhie :o~Tddk.foieriooiY.-.'~ ,.'::Mk'-,Lti~n . ,; .c"r . " . .- in:.the"'chair;,o:~ii,~,~:j:,-;) ,_,,_'<:' _'" _' ", _::',o.: 'J;;Mempers; presenid~:Messrs~)} O;MalleYi;~1reIT/', ehatej McLean, Marlatt, Emery; ,McCollN DayiGBtr:ittoti)':M~ Killop, ,Nairn, 'Turnbull, Smith" M~0austanclfGitihas~-,Jnd :Brown:~ ','_ ,.,7l'c,~,~ ,__:,_,:_:.L!~)S':;::',,' _',' li::O-S.';.0D_:~";,'c~r~_ ::i:Tlia::pr:oceedirig~ Qf.!tliE9pre~ioilS day3v-:ereiead-'arid;,sl~i ed,when-W~as " ", -;"d:C;.':')~ .n:~<:",~Ib ')!j~j;'r"!>}~,J::~~: Jliloiedby 0:ciAP.'O'-Malley;~eConditt 'by'D/'I\I[cLe~;Th.t thisJ00anciJ'gr-ant'the'sniri: ',jt'Tw6'HilliiIi'e'd''B&Ua>s"ti;}'be'. Uppropriatedto meet 'n'e'ij'iiargraiiFffJiiP-ili~ 'COil-.;1;j'of 40 ',. Re~t_)~fdf,t1~:_el'ectiol1 of. ~ Brillge" a1rQS~t t~.ePaterson Creek", ()n ,~he 'V estern Tow~ .Line.of '41dbofoug~~'behig th~,Oonnty Line between Elgin'ind'Kent.~Oarried..., Movedb~:Mr, Kerr, seconded by Thos. lI-IcOoniThat the r:eportof the:CoinIp~tte~, of.Equ~iZation"be '~recei;~d an(L:read~-Carried;.; "..,'..,";:~" .', .-e::_:. ;.;;; The:DlerJ<: r~d EqnaJizationReport. . _ . Moved by J.1.lar1atti seconded by., SamneLJDaY; Tlrit this Council go into Committee of-the Wholeyn the Equa.,. lization of the, .!ssessmeIlts.~Carried. ' i" :"iT]le;OoUiici1w~ntjnt~)Oominitteeof the Who1e_ :Mr. O'lI-laIley in the chair. -,' hle,,-;. . ._, '-'Mer-;beUrg"lfome tlmeih Oominittee Or1-JieWiiole;.th~ Committee;i'ose."' . . .".'_ _.~ ',The'~'C6tuleil resuined. Th~c~airman, reported theadopti~n of t~e:'i~epoi.t~in.^ Equ'AI.ization, .by the, Oommittee- of the " w boie-with -:amend: meIits:" ,',J Moved hy S. Day, seconded by A. Kerr, that the re, port of the-Committee OU" Equalization be adopted as amended in, :,Qommitt.eeof the'Whole-~ ;~, J:P-;~~11_l:I~~~t1~_t-: " . . ," '_:_'..I~~'" ncMHY~4'1>Y M:l\ .:N",%"11, se,cond~d 'hY~'l\~,O~J!sIal1d,That ~he . report of the Oommittee. of the WhoI?on .Eq~aI' ~at;~gl}, ~~,.;a~1l;ded' so'-as t9.: l)la.~_~~_~a;lahide: atthe'l'ate of-N~eteenDoiiar~per Acre. ".;l;nAmendment.2nd: . -;.- ,Mov~dbYJOhnOlnnas;;~~;;~d~d b;"W. H. Brown; t}~.~t,: ~'!e,4'!lgP!0p:::Pt:' ()ne,l?9I~i"per3:l~&l J~E;:ii)Jlade: ,on:: the equalized value of la~d in Dorchesber. '.... [.' ~, :i::, f;r~~-6; _p:;-~~ ~!l4' ~e~o.D;4'j~~~~h~eg1f(JVgr~'P\ipand.":"i~~i;:~ I" i'!:lJ.~:;j'J1'l~,,,,,-g;!1'1YSl>eiPg;Cll!le4Jol" on,th~ii~s~ame.n<l-o ~e)J;~wcre i;.kendpwn.as fojIo,11'~' . , {J Y.a&'=Em~ry;_ Turnbhll,;S;rn.ttoll/C!futSj ~0c0a1lllfun.J.; -MeLeaman.dNairn:-'--<-7: :' ". .- _..: Nays-Smith,:McColI, :Kerr, Day~. .~~rlattJ, ~e~~}.op; i!B.ia\v'!j.-0Inn". and. '9?:iYIoThleY'*~"::ll"C" ,:n iYe':.ee,.- " ;~'.lia:h~tnain.\iIrotioreMa:srffirl)PWi\a!1~~~1:elt~01~~0 _ __' _ 'ddl\l'bved.s;by;J(T;Mar1att-,osecbnded.>':by' J..:Mc-:KiHiIp,(l'Jfat ~i~~Gou'n.ci:ka1lio'lttmtill1;(aIf-past.~'l>'cI\l-ck ;'''O$fiiied, j . .f::~;:i':rLO ;::;~~~9ie~~7i~~C;i~i~~~~i~~~~J~~~~ th~. r~porl; of the t2g!"\W~te,e,.of~)le,2!Yh,oI,e,<!n."t!!e,., 2I118.tler fn~h~~f~i~:~~'~:;2~~:;.:2'~:(;;O;:e,:ds:P!'i~~;:' ........!-\I<!t~~.Vi4:~~fi:i,~I'e,q1l,4fi.-~..:~.r;"S,,;pa.li) TJi!tt-,p~ ere' ii~.,2~;~~~~W?in~' gi~~~~tp~~$:iRft~~.~ei~~~i!:~~"~~~~'~' ~",;' b~~:~4~~;~~~~;~!t~;J?l~~ii~;;,~~~~~ ~lte,(Cql!-~I'y.{~dSl'iztjlei~~~Pe,ctpr,pfcS,lJ.O!l~~"O~' ~:, llf. ~~i!~.~~~.q:~~!b ~R?!9t~J!: a(Jyr:~.ffi!~~;~tqfptY~~~~{l~~ap.f decido the m.t~l', ,!If",l'jl~'i!r~!!4,.C9mpl'W'to.m.~q?j)~,llJ..e TrnsJ;ees of.Sclro1JI,l!l'l!#2.\l~n_!.!il1<!!C) !iligljt;o'li~Aj.lE of Aiiib~;~~~h:;;i1ista.~eBtl!gkltYfl~jV;.Pf"~~Ji~l1'!!xip, ;;;;~ed..o'~":~he.;i-iitJ;'Dece;nJ;~iiI~~ii Wl&~ ;9!sj;",c\!y nttd;~;~d'~;d'pr-;;vid~d;' thiittid eX:I!m;.S!'(~l~JcFQ!llloty .lia:llb.,ca:nRAd by ,the,-)i.l!li~gl!J;i<J!!::C: ));ltoffon}@l;', :,:~i~d;~;;~h,q~;,&3 ~~~g1!ioME9A!l.e,,~bi~~S't~;i ThaHiy,I~""iNg"~flJ,,,t~Z'ioll!i-!1J!kJ>Yr;~,,: ..:ulIlef-' .' i ~p~, &9.:tJ:'qfr,t]x~. <:JPlJlwjl;~1f'f': 'r~'f:1l~J?i1lido.f, I)~'!1~l).,p. ~"S<jiv~-!"\<;I'F!'~d"",.,~qt!P1~,-:f-Gl\l1rll'd.,,.. ':".e.:; 'i-,i.,.'.,. . ".l\-!"'5e<;\; J>i, W., II.;;Il!J'jW11''''6I'91ld~lii!>yifoh,n"q!11l1J>$i Th.t'by.law No. 221 b. read a second tilIle'.....0.rri~Ii,.... \ ..<12 -"Moved by ,T.MlU"latt;secon~edbyS. D"J', Thaliby4aw No. ,221 be ie~d a third time -aIld finiJlyp....ed,s. I&trj'l\ij. _ ,-,,_, .,; , . . 1\1ovedby D. 1\1cLeaIii-~eoo;;dedby :w" YcEiiie,y,That 0, A. O'1\1ajj.tb,,,.ppoin~' OOlull!is,.iOIierto. ~o,operate m~!t "tl1~OOJ:nl\l~Qn1i';'i,of,li"!1t, in BUpi\rinteitding,:the b'!il<!i!>gi of the 'Bri~e .ac~tb:eL:Palite...on t.'ri.k,~ Oarried', _~ _ 1\1o"ed by T. 1\1. Nairn, seconded by 0,..4.. O'1d:aI,ley, 'Th~tthe Re~t of theSPilcial.Oolnmlt~'~pPi>i~ii!Ji' to p",p.u.ilanswe"';'o~;;estionssiihmitted by rl 06miQiith\\ .af th.lIouseofOO,;;ni.m..bereceivea . ana .' read,__Cairfed'. . 'MovW by J ohzi M6Ca;;~'and;seoo;'dedbY.Dug.i'il;11ii- Lean, That the Olerk heaIlthori.ed to. PlZ.epare,iriiihidverc tlSe a:byilaw tor the pUi-pOiie'of",aisinibYLoan,tb"~Ill of TWenty ThoriiiariaDol!ars, paiibl~ iii'T~nY..r.i ifSii Per OentInterest, payable lI~f Yearly, to p~Y.f3rthe erection oH::Fire'lFr60fRegl.trj-01lice,-' aiia'making.. the a1ter~ti3n~ 'lnth.!;J .H,aiiiI'btiHdiiik.iiril'w' ~ll'aSri'-~;;h-ed JJythe I'I1li~()fofPri86n";8iiatMt's&ia byCIJiifhepaai!- (.,aat'SpeCial ;,M"e.iilig;th~J\e'().IU;a:oi\ 'l'rie~il"-r"tbe , Twelftbday ofNoyeIijher,next.2c"tTiedi ......,.. ',"C,. "Moved by OhlU"l~ Oliu:te,se06ridtid bylI."".' S-tMtt'~ri' Tif~'tlfe'Ri;Portortlieis'pec;'iIComniitte.<' Orith"~iz:,i tio$'stiinittreabj "'COiWmtteeo{th~Hi)1).e;bf'Coriiiil61f8' b.".dopWa.c..cCaffi~di:c ,.,,:,..., . '~'." ._." Moved'hy'T,M. Nailil, sikonded'by 'J": jl\I'arl8t.j'TH~t aftei' '" ."'M,U'tie't-alniiiitionofthe S..t1it.~; . .lid "ilpfuk.ns reC0ived fioni the Edncatiorili!oDapa.riiiient; iitlilii :'dol1iicil doesriiiO fiel all't}fo'ti.eHo ipprap~ij(~ :the'%.JaW6U.iiiia Dollars asked for '!Sjith.' :Thiio;i]joardofCffig/i",,,id'pulJ:; lie- SohoolTroste.s in St, Thorn.~, o"t- of'tM0ottnt.r Fu.na3~~::.:earried;"; "-,(;h,_, .", c, j. "'-'r , 4" -, ,Yored'byW.. Y. EtUel;y,-seconded- -bY:'Jam~s Tur:~bul1~ That by-law, No._ 222, to~aise _~on~.rfor_e~~gn'.~~~,o,oJB.'i ~tia.l:;iO -the' Gove~mimrGrant, }je-'r~~~ . ~:'_ ~~.~~,. ~p~:~ Owet!;, , , .' ,,' '. ,-', .: ' .';: ':MOyed. byeW'H,. BroWiY,S"eiiondaa:i,y..r, ohn(jli;~as; That b);4aWNo;'2-22.." read "-s&:oniftiine?~{Jarifed. .'.: Movetlbv W. H. B~6wn, seconded b;!' J ohjJ'(jltiii..; ThatJ)i'I~*No:i222 -be-read..& ,third tillle &nM1la11r P.:~~1;r;~;'~Oiei'Y~~;6ti~.~byJ~1#~T;{hi~%~ Thi.t'livilit.,' ""N,',o:',2'23'"iil"cb,hti.rm.', tb, e. ,;,p,poili,t.nlen" "t ,,(~j,.,,6 ,", , , .:: - ",'" ,., - '",-'..,' ',.-,'-'",,', ',':..":, "',:":, '-,:", Clinim-iitOOt6SnpeHIite~dOtbce. alte=atio~ ili;r a~,~%~. erecuonLof"WaII,'Iiilreadafimtilne.' Garrie4. .' .. .'. ''Ma~eab.Y'ir;.Mil.i'Iitt,B.cOrici''.d b~. i;.'~y;'T;;atb'Y.I~,.. Nb'- 223;:~~ W,ad 'ase:;6Iid time_20arrie<l:, , , , lIip.y~4 by Mr. K,er;, se~o~d~~ ;bl'J p~\':~",ith, That I)t;f~1'"~?: 2t?))~fea4&~hi~}iUle ~Jl~ ~~~I~YPass~4, ." OarrIed. ....'., ..... . c. ',':'..". ,_;.,....-. .}to-...fbyjv, y',E~e"!'~~<;o8~~d.b~ -g'-Str~tton,'J;h,at by-liw', N'o: .2?4, tppoI1jirm.\h~appoiJ1.meIlt, ortbe Cominit~.~ to S.\,peri'loo!l4 i~e er",o~on oia :N eit ~egjstry om,,". i)e'rilad ...first, *illl.':C-081'ried.' , ' '. " ",: '-'., ~ ' ...,-.." :' 'c,:," ,"-, ',: r, "; "',.. _ " :. M~v.;dbyW.H::Bro;",.econd.d by Jo.epb l\!arlatt.', That by,I''l'',:!,o"2~4;,b~Fead,,,~~oIidtUne,....,.Oil.~rie4. ':M~"~4 bi .J. :Mada,tt,second~4 )Jy N.H.,B~o>>;ni-rluit by;.1.;'1',,:NO'f,24, n" rea4.atbird:.:till!o an4 fin.allypas,ed" ~p~Fied~; e'~-:,:" '_ _:':';,;:-':.- H ". 'Mov~.d,byW, . H. :Bro,yn, SMon4(>dbyJ,',Olnnas,TIiat therepcrt~fthe FiuanceOpmmitteebea;jppted, and,tbat , th.eWarden I?",anthoris"d to,;rign draft, for tJ;teacconnts e~bl:~red therein;7Cal'lied.~ ",.~\._::,~ .' . )1~v~d by J. T\lrnbnll,secon4edby W. Y. Emo"'!,That ; ? .i1: pr:;l~~,,1.,'~. 0.. ,~,~A,to l'&iI3~; po~ty rp.~~{ h~ ~e.ad_ ~:iir~~.;~e -_~'~~~d'rb.i~_ 'g,13ro~,,-.s~!!ded .by. ,iT ohllQlll_;, 'rhat hy-law, lYo. 225, be r.ead a second tin:le,-,Ca>:riJi<l",;.) .... Mp,"S.d,b~~ (St'O;tto'!,~O%>i>d~!! bY_:W:;Y'Ern,~ry>That py-la1"iilj"o"ilil'1,c~ te~q.~, tlijrd, ,tjlll~l'ndllnaUyf_p'-'s~d.f -.2,~i~~~ip,;1Ii.9~~.~:sec~;cie~ h;,hha,rles;Ch:;:;Ti,~tc, . thebii~iici! -riia~~';pplic.ti~;; to' th~ tie~t~~wl~~;;!'~;!i;;- :~\W~~~'~t~~t~~~~~~;;;~~~':i;o~~~~::z .sli'.JsO)d""~ ,9. rt1f:?!l'e~?, tJr.,e'\S!L~,de"p't:'19Pjeil>!!YM"'dro t. e SIll._ nu;tl',,90.nces~ion ,0f,.,Aldp.orouorh, ';w;;th-"tbo vie ; of, est~hl~liiPi, :tIlesaid roafaiio:';'a~.c~~,'>r.h~ ;~~~;J arising fronj'said ''l':y~i,to ~Pai41>yiheM~~ipaiJi"Of- 4Idh?rou~h.-()~rr~e(r- ~ ,'-,;_:,:u' ","'-','" ,,",. '_!""',\'.-:_~_.(J".;. ,',' 'M);-:el1cpy!,J a~~s1'~ih1>~~~.~trQnpecfb'~: W.., Y. :E~Jtk Th.tihy.law'.No' 226 '"t6-cO@iinth'.'E"" 'l~"t.0/c, -'f'''>-,'cr I' . ".", -.' ,_ equ~ l~a, lon_O,,4-~~ ~I~s,~e_~~. ~?~'l~J1e_,:re~~_ t~r~;.~~ore~~~, ,,&r~~_ti~e,.:;;. p~#{.fd;' ':Mo;ve!'lb:rif,1vIa,.].tt,,,e\;on~edh'y W~If.' Bti?w';; >ri.t h!~~aWl, ~~ -,;~g6" ~~~~~~4;_fl ~;~dQ~dr~t~~'TU4~i~d:-- _~;(t__,,_;"!~4 'M'<i-\'ed By J:SIliith;.se~dl\.de!'l !if j,~ii~l~ti.R.:jtb () jaw, No,. ~~G, be read''a:thIr<iblii1EiJiJii:l''ilriaijj~l.eJ;{.:Yi) .Qarrj.e4l.'.:.\c","'--' -'"'_.:' ,}{ "\'7 '.- '. 7"., ~',_:'.' . ]1:'ov~')}rs.~ik.JO?~~leYis"coWed-:bi..TGl{nJ.Cluttiti,' ~att11!ls' ~:>~~~'exc~,~i.ti~t !egt~t~t~'elj~bci4~rit byW1ti6h o.n",..tee~edLW~jfd"u.']1:aiorE!liSon has'b'. ,'" "".t'd' . :".~ ,. , ',' ~ - ,,, 'een'prevtln_e,' fr~~ atte'Cd:;gand pr,esiding atjhe pr.s,~t sibtmgsor th'SCo)1ncrl,andcwe hereby direct-the CIerk'toi)iform'the . Wt", artld~1f 'hio.f~~e; de~p'.sY?1pathi,v~fe~land :~.si(:t'()~'ijJ_reB~ OwaVRi" ,m,' and sincerely ;'tr-ust;1ie'1Ila,y}spe~dny:,' re6bver ~nd he able to enjoy his tlllnal'bodilv health and',' ,-,eu, e. ". . -. '. " v gOT. ,~~rn~~./:':,-"i " , ,'. ',' ;-',,<f,'" , '4:0 I\-1oved by W.' Y. -.Emery; 'seconded by. J~ ,Marlatt, That t4is CounC?il having heard with deep regret .ofthelat~de~- mise of the l!on, Ji>lm, Sandfiel<iMcDon.ld; beg to ex- presstheif.cleepJ?e~et for th.at,eIi141ent gentleman ~n4 state'sm.~',70arrie4~~_r~__. .; :.r< ''''___~"../~ _''''';'f- F_Y" M9V8d'hyi;J',,1lli'OImiaS;~M'9!.de<tbY;O! '-,AYIJ.:Mftjley,. That~'-vote of thanks he tend~redhy this 00unoil tQ Daniel L1.J.tpn; ~~.q., for t~~',~b.le-and, "e~cie~L ~~~;~~ \-in whiCh ,].Q:h.:gg!WM<DM.~.n.-4f'~:eallli~Jldnng the abse~ceof ,~~~-~ a:d~~.~q~rf,ie~4.. _.' \ ~~. .""-'T,;i' ,. On:ih~tri>~'dr'1I1'f Elhe~f; .&''o'nd-,,-'ii by"'Mi':'-Tnrnbnll, The;; cciuncih adJGnr~rtID o tffiY>ilMdJiilfliWetliieSllttjl:in lY.ovem/>eq ~Iid,tJiat.-;th6ibWirdeilosiift d1-"3i"M fQi>"Me>n1JlJi'1~f . Wageslo;: .n';~!~,.~::;~ '('(f-.;~,-:~r:~:,;)_tmr';' ': _F:T~ibG ~iI~~;:J~~~ WItLfXit-M'cil{'A;'y;'" - "MDA..>tXE;&WY!;~~sJI . ; . " .. Clerk, ,--do d' c,' ,'osIllw'r;!!j;(Ij" .>" ',' -.,',' ,)'5.";'..: .i:!~ ',,''-;./.'- ,-, /.i,;JD9Ci ,':';</!iY;~;: "'~.;,',--; :'- ,'.';~Y' '.'7.C ;;.'bY) 0:"',- ""C>' I I, Ii I l' Ii [ il " Ii II i I' I' .':j ,J!,I jj' 4_8 c ,-.;J~lg-in. OOlJlltY,Qoun~il,ProceedingB.<~ 11~'.'.;. _c.' 2.;.: '., ') cJ,,'!i'l~ 0: ;FOU.R1'1l;iSESSION., SPEOIA.:IJ MEETING. \_ '> . , '-' ,; ~,~ - - , " -/ '<.~; :,.'" ':. ')-! . ,,!rU>]SDAr. t~.~ i2q. day ,pf ~o.Yeqi~er, ~81~, . '-. ~., '-' . '.."" .".....';,~"'.' ',', -.: ",' ",', -- ).'..' ..- ~<. .'-.- ,',0".""'(".'" ,,<.J , ',!l'hJ!. :QO""9i1?lnetat~~lveo'~!dOk,lloon;. ..ccordiiig.f():, no,tj9\l:"l{ivell.\ f9"r&) -~!"loiah-_Meetitigi 'for-.the purpose .<if p...nng abr'!aw to raise, by Loa.nAhe sum of ~ent.f Tho~~o)ipo~~,,~,iInproYe .Tail:J"rell1~,es. all<!~ Regutty.omlJll.- . ., '. _ The :"'Warden in the ohair. Member" present :-Messrs. O'Malley, Kerr, MoIW. lop, SlI1ith, Day, Lnton, O!unas, B,rown, Sutrel, Nairn, Strattoll" MoCausland and Chnte. ' ,.-Theprooeedings of the last day of the previous session weie.l;~and signed. The O!erk aubDlitted drafl; of by:law to 1"ll.ise the SUIl1 of ' Twellty Thousand Dollars, whel).it Was . Moyed by Mr. Chnte, seconded by Mr. Sutrel, That by- lawNo. 227, to.raise the 8UII1 of Twenty Thonsand Dol, lars for making improvements in the Jail and building .Tail Wallai1dRegistry Omoe be reoeiYed and read a .first 'time..:;,...-Carried. . ' Th~Clerk read by-law No. 227. Moyed byW.H. Brow.., seoonded by D. Luton,' That by~lawN()., 227 Le read a second time.-Cauied. The Clerk read by-law No. 227. ""-~', ~ 47 }!oved by .Tobn SDlith, seconded by J. MoKillop, That by law No. 227 be read a third time ,and finally passed. -Carried. By-law No. 227 was read. " , Mo-.odby T. M,.-,N~"1"~~"9qde~J,y-,Q';_~';9i1'f~lle:r, Th.t';;iIiisLapebia1:~M~"&f th~.L-CoUll.01I-.a:dJonrn._ Carried. . WILLIAM-McK-AY. ", ,'..'...,/,'_.l.~.. . cUrle. . , . ~.TOH:tiE~LISOl'j. ",. ': '>:'i' '...;:1. ~., -- .. 1Y ard.... .J.cr:_:::;:.;.::::;: ''':) .:,,~;-, "'.,;..",. ,Jffe~::I }) ~. J. (;;~' ',~.~. , :'~.' .:" -> ,::,: l.i~ ',_, r.., "'-"',"'~, T~' 1;: ~. ~g ,'."" ~,<, E37r :-:~;,tI~,dJ~t1:0~oil;~~()ii~e&i~gs'~7 :CL 'YWrii--'S:EsSION. -Fms'r'ib'AY; 'ciJ.W ..v', '~'f,-,v<'-"~ii ';"":t;.,','-.J ."W;;;'NESDXY, the 13th day of November; 1872. The Council met - atTe" 0' cloek a, m. : tbe "'.den in, the: chair. Members present-~ .:Messrs.. b"Ma1.iey{~e~atii!ferr, McKillop" Marlatt" ClanaS'; Day, ,',Brown; ) Li:itdn; Chute; Smith, MgCausland, Nairn, Strifel and Stratton. Th~-prdc~edings 'of the previous day we.re read and signed. The Clerk relidthe following Oommunications ~ ".From w. 1; Emery, stating his inability to' attend this Session. From Middlessx Conllty Clerk, relating to Tolls on WardsvilIe and: other Bridg€'s on River 'Thames. From County Treasurer with list of lands liable to be . sold fo't Taxes. . ' . From :Provincial S,ecretal'j- respecting Boundar; S:urvay: From Oaunty of Kent respecting ""pens.. of BoUndary Survey., . . From' :Mr. Hodgins, referring to the expenses oc'r'epaif.:. in:g ,Tails and CourtHoUses. From the ProvinciaJ,Secietary,.iri. refefenc'etoplans of :Megistry, Office. ' Repo~t ofSpecial'Oommittee on newRagi~try Office'; -",' 49 Repol'l>:~6f -S~eciai 'do-mmittee,'on~J llH Improvements: l'iftitioii> of Union School Section, Aylmer and Mcil.., - Jride, resl'ecting High SC,b.ooIDistricts.< Mr:M"ilatt, ga.,,-:fioticethabbe i~tellds to appiy. 'for an, apPl'opriationi <it Fii"tj'flveJ)ollarsiheing . half tbe ~II1ount; e~pe~defl:;in-ere~irig:-ai bd~~~~iwtoss'Ket~le';O~eek -near::;Silmolit, ion' tlie.~C6untY:'fLiD.e{'lJet~e"eri:;EJgin ,and ;~:Middlesex;.neai.the'Martin_Fi~~::"~_:, :.>1 .", :', : "". Moved by T; M. N~r;;;sse"oIidJd;bi .J.'McCaU;;lllud, That', the W"~rden andTrea~~rer b:'~fec6inme'ri(i'e~--1l1. issu~ ing Po:'uenture,,-iiIidet- 1'y-IaW:}N". 227;to'iS.u~ tbem . in . _s~II1~-:amBuntiiig -t(i:~of'o~er.$~,~ooo"~:'year ;-payabl~.In'-~~)J '~;-i4q,~, 6i,:7,}8~ ,-9i~1irl(iHO~ye~TS; Rud ;:that"tli~f;:~~',recdm~ C'nieiuledct6'Iiegbj,i!'ie'tJiei(i"_to tbO:b.stadvalltage:-'-'C~~" ried';:'ru~_:) OJ ;)<<f,f;i~ 2"p,,'_-7.r;(~o<, - Moved by Mr. Suffel,seconded by ,T ohu McCiiu8lalld;That the County, Treas_urer' be" atlthorised ~ -advertiSe for' s~e, -Twenty'1!Ii&usim:dDoii':iiof County 'DeherithieS issned ''insums'frbll1'.$lOO to $l,OOO;pa-yable'a1itbe rat"of$2;001) 'pe~y.eiu:, .an'll to'.;exten~:ov:era peri~'of;ten years.":-'-C:iu7- ried. .:,;", . Moved by Mr. DaY>' seconded by ,T, 'Mailatt,.That tbe .Wcar;l!lli:be'xeqnestedto t61egrapbto -M".EdwardHarns, demanding. from -him'. a \definiteanswer; 'whether": he 'ili- ' i~endstopay ,the Five ,Thonlia.nd;Dollars fo" iStockin tb.e London & I'ort Stanley Company, according to !.g"eelllent. ,--Oarried.. ,- .' '._ O"l!>Qtionof Mr. Cbute,_ secOlldsd byllIr. :M:cLe~n, The ,Qo_unc:il adjou~l1ed:-until,two_,o'clock~ . '. .:, '; " '~ ::phe .COllllcil ~'mp.ed, JTh~it )V~~ '<1/". ~ .;5.0 )llov~:_l>Y:~, f\~r1,tt,;~","9J:l_d<m :!>Yi:;.:Da.-y, ~t: tb,e ,,~,\,:~{)j'iI~X;Jjf!'PRJlalJl!iejjil:'W\e<lDhythi~ 09111>:<<;1; for .o~e _half the e;p'e.n~!-H& ;ere,c.til,l~ ,~~ J~Rll~,~Jk:th:~:<r.q;ru.J;\!~ .;-!.~ln(~~1!?~t\v,,~e~~~ dW.q, ~.A~ig~~.e3i~~"l~&~r;;~J~Jm;op,p;:_and _+~at: p~S ,.mQl1n~;~$W~~~4:!1Y q-iJb,~!'.t,;r1!YJQI;;'ali. COIn- :;l1tii~YRAAtf9ftl!~;po'l'1h Pf,:F;jw",Q"mie.<J,,,;, :';fi''':: : :;;Tk~ War!1~'!c ,,,,v.b_ip.~t~d;~;,t~l\'gr~m ~~gei~~.:f~@<;l\fr. +iarri~, sta~in~ pis_ in::k4~tr .&Q ._~~F,:~ ~:yr~!:~i:~#BMlliig t~"I&,ryllf!;t%eY;,-(lwjl;W!j.y:ljtock<.;;:.lF _',,' !Jo;-oE "5r;:..".:~tJer'),v;ffi~!!:~i,<~'f:b,I ,.;~Y'-.i~:;':~~'l'l' fI,~,:; .:i:/YI;~ ~,~/ Ci:j',:!,;;liT - :,f.1qr,e<l,!'>Yis"PaYi: se~Rn.<!e"l;JIY ,r<is,J\f~~J~tt"mll~ .tq;" "f)8UEpglrJR-8!?rf;.~~sCjJ:l(kt~~:l>;Y')~)V)<N.:'-t,!,~j~)g'ffJQ~;;t!le .,~!t~)9f!:lt~%l,jlel<!:!>Y!tk-~ ~1,"~Aoo/J9f!lJ!gjll ~,'t~ ..x,?P~@ , -,ansJ,l'ost@J;a,q!-<>;y ;g'Ji;l",~y q~IlJIIll!!Y t!!tiJ<he;rpY!llC9f;,J!!xe ')'honsand Dollars, iW"r, +farr;.. ~~vjng f~;;dto canJ'h:G!lP ~;;:r~=~~~{;";'!;':Oi :1" e(i''''~,c''~~ ,~~,~~;o:~. "3d\!?"-e_4:hy,~.Nei!;jJ,,s,ec!>!'<1.~jll\>Y(iM'r"(~IlIf.~]j' 'fhat'.-,the i1A.~t~~1Jgf"9~~ El~J~i9HjJ,e(:j:.-9.w@:!,< ,-J;>er:t ~t;;pJe:l' '~IIil:Wtfy ~~tgck.tPJM:~,,':Matris;co.€t.~eft'.a;.m) dpen;:qne_stioIl :..tiijif next ~eeting o~ ~he Council; a~ requested by hipl. ~~)'~;~. :-;;rJ"Yj~,@L"ap.tl,)lt{~s .Qn\~inen{lID;enb. :;y:;([ .'.2.= ,.,',,)l~",",=SP!itly'Jrert,;l\fO~ilI6P9Nai:rll;J'ft'~llio/Pq.rc_ -gjl.~~lal?l!;jghltte;cS.nffelatld.iStrarton":" 9;:00'-' p-,,;f'D""'O!' inrj~~~'M,Ili:r;J~tPir:;:I)ay i;,d:n:up:as~ !.)~r.oFn:; '~~JJe:ani\-a1id ' ~Jf,JHgp;,,':;~>~p5- ' '}::!':I ), llC~.ilt()~}' , 'A.lHeij,4m.~p.t.carped ;;r:nain motion not put. o :;.,-1If2YeitJI$ J<1h:n:MOll:i!lo:pj' seeorldedhyQ\.(.cR:eIT, Jl tt'hat P,is Connci! pass ",bjo,law.-res't,,-hlisPingq'!ie' !'llobB:OUp . 'Eronse now Jittednp for t.hat p.lll"jloseintl1e -village of lIT alIacetown.-Carried. ,_., . .' Moved by .Tohn 'M~CanSlandi"S~601l(j~d"bY'd.Ch~te, ~~.~j; tile Ke'pers o~ the Lock-np Honses ilj!'i~is'";dd~.~t.l ';$ .c5-1 tie reiitiir~dto furnish a, .ta~m~~~ftrj;h~_;n,{l~.().~:"pI;r: ioriirconfined';tJie.l"e~n l1\jting~l\.;,limll~*M",l)icl1' tl1ei;Ui<'" iJ.o.tints;;e.~teni:l~ .:.sQal;:rie,d~ ,"':: 3':<:;:~f!.:I....::::' ,,_'-,::=- ,~,~: _.;: ':~; ,;';~1Qvedb-Y'A~4ibaI;kIll(el'.!"L.~I\(j"g.'(l>r oJ9l.l11f, Flniitlll Tha~ t.he Report. ot the Financ.',Q.~In@i~:P!kr~ig~ ":~~;it~~t1\~,"c~~~~it~~~ri::rr~;d"';;;'8{;""; Moved by .8._ Kerr, seconded by .T.;ri;\r~I.\:l~LT.-w\"~,}#~;' Repo~t, .~~_:_t~&.Jr~~~~~,_. COA1mit~ebe',9.~o~t~~, ~_?~J~at the Ward~n,si~n'd~ar.~Tq:r; ~~e.:a!cg?~#~~ ,t~,el'e~!t'><; ,1 9~_~ri~4~~ ':M:aMbf_'l'..M,~ .ir,,;~s\\qgnMfby-; J;;.\Ji[&?a~.\~,,,?i T6~t"@.lsimfc~~~ u!,d~~tii~'C~ll;~i~a~tY~t.t_~t~~ ~~ .sa.r;~ ad~;b~p'i~i'io, 'the GoverriQtu1-0ouncil-'was.~ aut~o~~~~~,~, P'~Y ~O: :t~_~,-~~_e~~~r'.~!_'..?~~~~~~,',;~~~~~~ ,,~l:t~~.~~!~~~}n'. iidditioiiS"t\1 t.1reir';rliil~ta:_sumlidt.exceedmg.one. half of tIlti' :ex~~i1~~'.;'6(' "thl~ ~i~ni~U~iid"j{dt'e:ce_eafii~}~" ~t~-~!~ ca.se,$6,OOO; "'and inasmuch'__~s the ,.~~~d. ..St_~tutce~'.W'a~:_~;. peil.ie-d irl qimWaftel::s;''';'tk'l~€.-qntle1P Jllid b *e>:;d"'hap~ ,,;.-,~, liiti(}b~Aliiderit;'aftcl)the:G(j"unti;of Er:gilt~,it.u ot 'er.' ~~::tiesCtliidU17lldut;Ofltaii"lfif(~te ,li6#lieiIi~TcMnpene~>td ili'ak:e~ a~fdt;;tti6ris: alfd>_aadl~tin~ft(j:thE}i~H.JaflSina:I,it,~hti~ ,iini~ stance of :61I~~~EirruD:elitl;~hls 'Golln~lld~~it.,aipedje:.ntJ \. to ii1ipple"riieiit the efforts made . by t:he'Jlq<;j\Jrn~.!'l!r~~~li:,a' ti)l"es,:arid: jpetitlol}itIiaI:1"Icieut~iran.t-:<tto::v.t:fVp;o~ '{ftl: :GQlJll~lI,._ T. ,-","". '_c,_--. ~ ~'"-"'~n~~''^In''''oure.of'.rehef~. a.n&';Ll-eg-l:SWllurer,~l:ng!.iL~.L'-.""j.,O'v Y-!>'1".,', ].!'t"-"'"'~. ~. ::,.:_':__:"~\' ~~": and:,that<:ith€Gininlies:u\)w_ (ih2,urrip:~ ie:~-p~ellq~~llt:?s:}?f f&P~ nature above;efen'ed, "~P; ,::,p~,[(p-~il.Q.ecJ:A)}l:6{V,JP~~;;'Wi~~.-j@.~; Counties whichniadethese :altera~iqnj3:m'iAt:)~,qI;~~;;.#!fld ~hap,,j;!iJi ql<ll"k.:J)ei]iJ:ls~F"ct<lg. :t"):lI9~!Jf.t!nj~~t<l,-,;!Vi~lJ./,,,j;l!ei q\i~nti~i8Qli#J>ing,th~~q-Qp,e,t1iOW",,,.QaJ1rieg-02 ,. ,,,,woD ,:M:<lx:e<i p-b5:i.tQh1i,,01U4&~,s'tGf}!!<l!lda,\fy :::}Nm~'-i(.B~m'!!\1 That the Report,o('~l!!>,.;j<;JlJ11ll!&io!!oQQIji1l!itli!ecJ1~i'!<l!pJ;Yinr~ ceivedandr~,:....0~me.g...; _,";- Jim ~ur.atiOb.Reportwasreaa_;, . . .' .M"l"e<i b)'.Ge"tgeSWl'eli-'ecoUded.brR. ,'Stratton,Tkt.' tile Report of tbe Oommittee on E<iucationJ)e soanrehded wifo ci~'tbe p-ayineitt of the cliUh' of'the.VI_enru"<lfigh SChoololllf':rll'''''''Gameol.-.,,,.ci',_,,,,: 00 ." , . ~.-. , ", .... ~. Moved b)' W,H. BroW]], secgnd~bfS;DaY;TliattJie' Report of . the't1bffimi!iJe "nEdu2atioh'be'~d1pt'ea'as amb';ded;.Carn~d..' ' ...... ..... .... ,.,..-~;.,-~ i.-,... MOV~dby .TOhl1l\feRmgp,.~..iQri"~,~1~l!"smitll,.;i~at the suniof.Forty D"U..f. n;.'~iI"~o't1ieJ;ie~o~tO'~fW PGint&l . by' the :9uart-e('s..,.iohB;~aS ayea.lfs~li1tffor tl1!iingcharge'of ther.ocf"it~ci,~~e)n '.1\"anJi)eio',,;i{' , Carn.~. ,'. ". ". . ";';:: .." . . .. TlIe Petitiol1g~t!>eqorp<>ra,tion ~f;;iiflll\~r! p,aiw.g}o be fO~llJ.eq ;into a . High School :bist,;qt,.: wa~re",<i,aft.,.. '!ltic~i~t;WaS ',Moved_by J, MeKiUoPiSeoo!ldedby Archibalf/. :Keg,- That the, matter" of . <iividing th,e Donnty 9f Elw,jn.to High Se!>oDIDistrietsbe snbmitte<i' to, the. ~tepayers;. of the Conntyand,a::.vote taken th.ereon. on .the :Jfust _]fon. dayinJanJia17i o!1the<4yofMnl}icIPat E.1.",etions, 'In'ameridmentc 1 at: 'Movsdby J,McGansland, :secOnded'bYJC';.Ohutei. That the petition ~fthe'cofporation' of.theVillageof Aylmer,oe gtitnted by tlieDonneil; viz" to form a RigID SchooL Xiu!" triet, embramngthatMnnieipality. D. ',. "'In :aJnellament: .:In<i ; '. , " :MOl"M bY'M":'DaY/seeohded:b.l'<Mr. Ltrton; :That Ii' Oommittee' Of:-seVenOO)iapjlQiilfedi toLie.l<aiiime'illt'O::the l}tilit.Ybffornillig this001fut.l'" into lLgIH8ChOJlIDistnets andreporftOtbiIiOdUl10ilon.TJi1i'i-sday.>,: ., , T~~ ~ec(In~ '''nel1~men~was put'an<i ioa-.i '53 -', ,'J. ','" '" , -'i and lostob. th.; folIo",ing 'The fl",tanielldliIentwas pu , .. J) " UiviSion" "d('S'Il)I:Ohllte; J\'[cOa;~lsliliid,~a~:n, ~'.' Y~s-Stratton,.. ne, '" "c-", Malll>.l' al1dIiuton'-i-7.. K Marlatt, OI%asiDa)'; .. "- ',8 'thMcKlllop" err, . "." '0:_ -;vV"_.' nr::,.a~sand:Cie"ti~8'_\ ..t 'n'd~~~~t.:Ye~:"nd'., D ,', .. ~. __ "~""as then pu -a , , _:_.'_ "df -:'.The~iriain(nio~lQn...\'Y, ' ',' ~ .,.:' .;'~_)~ ,..,_, 'y'lnrs'f.ollo-ws4 . "s' ".t,L_3." n " , K"I Xerrand, mhll " _. r-,.,,1I.;'- , Yeas-Me .ll op., ..- 0 '1 ' d 'NaIrn .Day. ,">'Le. = ." Stratton C.lil1t.e.,:M"~ns.a.n"Ul ?t.'.t..n'd."Su.f' .l."ays~", " ,', ',>" -:"CluIfas.'lliar a <:t , ': 'O'll'Talley.' Luton..,:~B. r.o. w. n" ", ': ,. ' Lean".1u _ '.. ,"; ",.,. __', ;.. fel-'-12:.-." '. e , <\.ftenvliieli itsw;~ secOlided :by 0.0hute;That !bif Moved oy G, 0 , '., '--'d':::' ',' ; '. urn for:oi:1eho,ur~__Carr:le ,:.' . ' C_;":' Conneil adJo:, ,', ':.,.,:,' " ': 'I ',-" ~ Th~-' dqq~c~tD,let. r . . Wh~ri it wa~ ,... dedbyA. :Kerr; ~at;th~ Uoved hy J~Iil!ll1I!lth;,llee(m. .1'. t' . tothe..J). eaf ,,--"'- ':-"-'-. . d t make.~pp le~ IOn __ _ Warden b~"ft_ut~Orl:?~., -.~' 0;11"""" 'il-'j.'-" c. or ". tho e ._.adm. is!31.o.. n.,:; .:.ofa .' -t ~ Ile ev !>'."..' _. _ ., '. . , alldIl,.\'.-~i>i;ru~tl u. e,: i Southwold, the~xpen~eof keep. ?hildof,Jamh, eil,sdM::s~h~ Institlltento bed~fr,'Y~d,bfYt'~~ 'in.g,sneh '. c.'' .. -'d- '.' t .tedby the Reeve.o. a . ","--,',' ','" , thwol "as,s a". _;..." .. " ",. :Tow.nsJ,lip:~~ :,!3.~u,.. ;-'.,.~I", ' T;'~~~hiP':-:9N..;ried'm:' <lea hyJohnMe~_illoPiT.hat d bD MeLean;secon,.. .' ,. _ . . 0 nne.ij, ,.:1\'IorL} '..' ';; -the-Govern.or.1l1. 0_ :' ihiSCollne!1 p]a)<e apphp.~1911to,. 'Road"ntl1~. J'O:l1'l)1;Qlp "". '<e., - ftheweatern Oros.s" -., -.. , . th f9r~;~\'.-r~9Y.o" ," ",. otsNos.T",oa",4-*h,e:e",n ,e ~.~!4bgrgngJt,. bet-;:ei~~~ri:"e~~l1aw"",,,,it!>.,dllr~ql,",Jllon. F;onrt!>PO~ges~\0'1:' ,-. reo;; . andth.t w. (}:M~eorge, ,u;,,~nts to be placed the aJie-snohsllrv".Y,the~"'~sesor. P L.S, be:emploY~,:t9 l'L .-_e'i'. fAldborongh,,,"-O.T' "hi"h'~ tObepaid,pyt.he00J1jl8D .' .'. d . ~,,<.IJ,...v~ ,....;,i/~..>,,_ ~'., ".~. tied.' ' M ,~,l!t9ve(l by iJ;J.icQaWl4Ud,ii';c9ride-'UYH:'S;z:..t~oil; ~hau the, Report of the Coriimitteeappointed to.Iehhe CQJ1tragtJj:for'~~C9ting:W "n'l-.~Qn~{Uh"l:.w Ya:td<illd/"I. . tera!iOris,:" be made in the interior rif.ihe,;&'il ; be; ad:6ptE ~~.___~Ca:t;rled;,\, }-:;'_"', , (" _"~' ,_'", ";>;::/,~_ T '. M~v~dbyi.smith:sec6;'Jedliii~"y,iiiillieii'ePdlit of.~~e~.gistr.YP.ffi~?;C91ri'llittee. he Mopted. aM .tha.t ,1he mad:n~~lie erectio~,. ~hereOf be laid Over $illJlex.t:$es&i~ri~: ,:Mov.e<l.p~.q. ~l\il',,1, secotiMaby!n StrattO~;Thatthc "'~'1~Si!l!dP"'Pe~dings(i~,tliis ;Qollncil. he l.pilbliShedr...iri. pamphlet form as last yea"i lind, distributed "mon!1st,.the: :Members, fifty, td eMl1 TOWJ:isliip, and, 'twelity~ftve ;O.i,:Vil_ l~ge l\["".icip_a1ities,---'-dirHei/;'",;." , , Moved, by ArchiJjald)Kerr;HiecOridea"by',f.&farlatt-i That ~Y.I"W,No. 228, to establish a Lock.np Hdns~,ill t~~:~ag~".of;WaI1acet,?wn be receive{f:an.iFread~ 1t,::th.st ttrli6~___Cartied~ ';/i';: ',' . ~Iovetl bYJohri S~itii,.eCoila"di;Y;J-. 'NI~'Killd#;Tbat by-~aw.N ?.,.:228'be, ~eaa ,a' s:c?n:~ time!:.' ~_C~rr_fed~"- ;:-: "" Mo~edi]jY'Sam uliF Da.y, secmjd~~ 'by'.L~f;;ed;'sI.n'dTirafi bY;~I~\V:~?~: 22~_.l)e;read :a'tlii~~ t~e~3:nd~,'-p~~sed';'.'" ';Ci;Hed: .'Mo~edbY':W:J{; Biowii;sooondedby cf'i(' O;MliUe" :,h.t ,the ~,,;r e6riiniitteeoe:~u!horii"dt-oi~~ i i';p~ry::~t ~O~d..fo~,v~~,,~?~r.t,~~~Sce,~lld .Tai1.~9~~ii'ea.' , ,.,^ < , 'Mnv:e4'bjR KNairri;s"corid,,~CbY: iT;"Mcdan'~l1.;'d, !~~tjthe,~ru;tiri~' ~o~mitfe~"b~';&quested:to, i>~ciJttt~'oi6 ~hi:msa;~~-~r~~,t~d'C6pi~~ ~f'~~~_ :'[~f'for. fli&: "~r-eveiitioii'ibf ?~rl'Ul),~:r;a~ti?~s';a~ "~ll~~?!~a~()Blections) 'ftWJ clr~Ul~iirin amoIigst':(jlle.sev:eral:,'JRe~hr.rliti;C;"i emceti:-oits-sreq:~'. ~'.!d; ;'i'~: La;w~~C~fried.. .'-' ,.<t ;:,;;-: .';- ~<"-:,':-:~., U1 ;:~,<'U~; ~W;dvedby(i,'-A.O'M"IiiiYf,soodndedbi i9.1;' 'M; Naira, 'If"t,!he 'Petiti<itiilHheRa!e!m#ersof Aylfue?, 'fiir;;i#i~ <~i! ~i~,bipg..$ig~Scj,poI1:)i1M!tl il)"thatYiIIage be gr:a;rt~1 ap.d t.h~t,a by,l,,)!:. il1e,pal!';e!J' fOl1!ling:that'l\t",JiiiJip>;Iitl an.:! th~, 'ViI)"g~pf 'Vie!1p", intp gigMlch9!>l Distri,ot.;cfq" .t!I.~~- r~~p'e~pj, v:~, :.ffig9J~AAPo~a: _' .\'.'; L: :/2J In' amendment: . .lIf,ove~9JiMri.lil;>Yj$eo.9Il,!J!i4 9Y.To~e1ihJ\farl%~I,That th.Petitionfco!1i the ViImge of Ayl",er P~yin~_tpd,.. for'H$., iitq:~..:Iygh, Sc~q91,.p~t).;i9P:geJ~i<!i1,v;~ff(wfl#tl1e" .c~~~i4-3:c~t;iq~:_<,;",:. <:,.;::' ,(,<::, _ t:i ,j,<~:T' [' !.rh~ ,!riWn.W~l)~iV!~~ PI1~:~;<hlg$k: Ii: " "; .-Th~ ,n;i~1]., }~;tQtiQ~ 'Y~' tR-el}.~~rfi~_(l.i9~;~-fqll.Q::iilg ,4ivis!!ln':,;_:,.:,:,'~:), T, \": :-/'I:':::)~'D,?' .}.:3:'li;_Li,.~,>< _,:,,-:;:_,ci: ,:,;j,e~~fl~~t!~,"!?nff.el,. ,Qh\lt~jl ~oQl!1'isl.and;cN a\!-'P, ~~:i~~:J:e;~:~~~~~~~~fM.:t~;t~';I~;~~"~~4 . ~M~; 'SntieI gav~ ;;~ti~e t4~.!AAapRUo,%i1{"'.W41,haj'l!~<l~ _a~" the:Jan~~ry_~e~siqn, for, ~,~O~ll~, ~f 't~~~~y.:. ~~~~~n(l Dolill's,to.ti{e ;r'9r!i)~1fFy;,og ,\'l)d Ing~r~o~ ~aihvaj' Co"" pany., "" ' . Moved bv G. Sulfel ~econded by e.Chnte, That by,law "", ,,',. """, - , , ,', ' "", , No. 229 In for", the Incorporated Vilhiges ofVien~a ~d . 4-yltner intolJig48clfot;)1 ~iJ?trict~be reci}iyed and read_:~: nrsttime.- "Ca.rried. -lIfo~edbyiJ.l\[cea1jBland,li6Conded by? Cbute,Tb~~ by,IawN o. 229, Jjeing ab)',Iaw to f01'Dl Vienna an~Ayl, JI)er into High SchpoI I>iljI:ri9~! lie read a li6Cond "time.- Carried. . Movedb'y lIlr.Chute,eecondeyby H.S~W";/I'b.at by, Jaw No. 229 he re.ad a thir~ t~ !,,!d IlnaJly passed;= Carried. .Moved. by iJohnMoOa:Uslap?, ~e.Qondea b1 J. lIlarlatt, That theWa,NOlj, of this,.{f01.11itJ; be''''tI!.orise~to "Otify ~". ,., "', .. ",:",,--,--' ; '-'- ~'':::' '.':''''..~_..:.... .', -":0 -,---,-,-,__".. ...- --.... ''-,' ~ 56 .Mi. ",.::.:~.~}jei"t'iiI..e.,.'>;"iUtl.i'Le;..<<;<>:4';:;~'f!';t''-.-'"...,:..... .. .,c,.,~ '.' .',. '. ..:~ "\'~r~ ' t',7' .~:_IO:,",,: €I.. 'lle'o..:r9.ve1-~o~, :1e.a-diin~ fr.om. _.poJ;t.Statiley, to {he- Line"n! cMiitaf' ". "., .." d. deS not'd;Jm~lY'.Wit.b.th--~"eq'.' ,;_.,.., ~x.,t]j..t.lf.he . ,'- '.' ulrements..:,fcthe 1 .. .. Ii tb.LSCouncl.l.wil.j t^.ke t' ...:'.,.,-'"..-: '". .".~ .,' .~e,.~. at a ac '61l'l1IlmeiliaWj-; '.,. ,_ _. to do SO.-Carned.' : . y, enforcIng '.h~ ",The'leaSe'<>f.th,fGraVel,J;iolidto-Rilbe_'C; .',..., ;:;:~:::::~~~;;.;~~~~;~::~;';'~y;~~:p;l:rn. .;V~S That the thanks of th' C ." . c ans1and, . '~', ~nncll be tenderedtO'the.-'1Vt. 1h~~'-~~~~~~ .~~~ _ ~lerJt;;lfor-:tb~r.. eHreient-S6rY.ices ati': ~ ar~ '. e.year.~Q,;rneibT'.. '.' .. . ..... .!."Utg .Jlfol'edby J, Marlatt, seco;'~~'b .ri." ,," , SUm of SixtjDojl~begr;;titedtO~e ~:k:hs;;n.t,;ha !;l,ervices~~ring the yeti}.,--:Oarne'cV ;:~,' , 'r ~~~'. ~~/Aa . :Mi;-VOd,by >Mr3Suifel,.s.ootiaOilO;Jiy lli:r::01~t~Ti,~t this Conneil do now a<ljonrn' a' . ,.' ',. :,s;""."",..,~.,- -- ". . --h '., ,,,,,.. ~,and tha~ the Warden ::'~::;r;"~~'1i J.o::,m~~~ers.,~'Wages.., ": ;;';m~J,%~fM";~r, "~"i'[OHNE~kr;sg*:,:~ (Jl",*, ~ - Warden,," :;,'-:['.1. "'1;[("' :<:-57 _..J'-, .......'00r1;Y<:cREPORTiJ :I:}:j:.!:i G:ii ;i:fjL~?,^'Ej't';)~l.,:'II1,,;r:'~;-':;~:,;;_;J;., -~';C:}';;:'J.f[,fiI5.'lo '(,-l:meJ ,-P1f,>&1S~tJo"El'jpJt1z'lRrl,ffeJ!!9%;tg AA.""f!{J:5"fllifl'iW'ciA.fJf ;;r;t#,,{f9YJ1.tJlP41j,lfIlinowf4 <!'kf1e?:~fI.,IO.;,be)11ukl;'''/!,~-'-,gfjP,tft: e;'with,tneopinzon o/the Oounty Solicitor.; ,. ..t:fbbL'tS2' t';4tj(,';CdO~>1e~~iritffif/})'fnO'(<Z:j''';'1l't$jfi<r16if:J*,f.i;{.;} ,1i/j c ' l1f9,-#JJI!W~il'JM~I"~0g'?J1!C$!taO'lct:J"!~; <3?i\'l\~(!'ilRf ,,~gj~ , 'Th~~~P~1efb1nt?it~~~:ijp01htJd:':iD.'~~~ik~~fi>.t6~1t~fL~~ ''':d6hG&.'P6~r #1'.lhI~~)iRkaifil'f.S~d}'f11i~ja~fi;l'1';;'f!6httf~ \t!lfe~~~,fgJ~8~r~~'brt'Oa~~fdi1oWs~'t~J:;'3t;~Yl;1i j{ J}&iU~D"'). t uf,nJ -~~!~hZS)Ie~Mee~ift~ltI1iY;~t 1i~v~iftb~ftl~~tliFfoiIdWl~i~~ S9TRtJid~~\W11,r~s~_~%yfJirg~ee~B~r:J€~H~tt!Fsrj~~ki1~i(JOili: -""@i~tt~" 'eaf~6n1pb~Ucli;'Jf~:1it,:W-Kf~:~Sg~ 't:W!1lR2ff&fF., ", '3rifIlEfrrJ~tlr, Sli1tmtct8'~f~~geivJ Ti3ihi~i:s '~rJPtIlJ1>W c~~f~~'l"Iti\-e$g€861t1l'rr1\ig EfiI~6tf;{ah\1"'~1i ":S:i~hley&~a'i~Y~~it1f~03~e~H~aA<~~~jp'~ ~tr{?'?~f:~ifet ":~Th1Lt .1f:1Pif'ift 'l1~:nifi;d~rjBJ!.>i;67Wm>ilih1enai :ifHe\f(;'af.tihglBf"$i ;i~pe~j~!!~~~i!iif'tRf:q~!~~~; "::.c'r,:f":,;d2.:':~~~>< ""Ii\\lll~tl"iatel" r,m~Pf(anv~aV€l'tisement""&f' "w1'hCHlll#,\l."iM, Id;vtiIil'il~.fthcb~Y[~~i~~trcri~~~~Tj;;0~~?/4ttt:~f(;~'Wt 1'Jbfi.dolF'1i'I1eJ'PN!1~ a\1',[181;:' TIi6!n1iYlIom"b'.rliu%'i"f:" ""'''''l' LliM1001)" "R1I:L "".i~.1ST0'0R'1'.F(}R:";SAf'B:j)fi'll- "" $1;" ~'j{~lt.'!lit Bit;t;Js'$nr0.-r..:oi'!r;';"rfl....~,? '{;,;:i;} ~[}qr;I!!'t:t:J:"~;ri.ft~"tt$:f-1 ..i,''>t8Ilfll(l0i.1Ji-~Db;Ne.HEoR~lSJvi,/l''EY;iR4ILWAy.:00,("i-t hw:: ,tIi5fjiti},,'ifrr5'l1;iabjtAvgi.\..,ua,~ k',!4o'J! bar; ,'7.crMJ:fl0!J .'r.C~$ T,' ,"R"iI?;'}rp~.~fJ.? ~!t.~,J,,,ft9.d~~?~~r(L,.y~\t~lj~ t~~~tlras~.Q',1?:;,.,.t'" w.~<Zea~rthW56[[rWY'9!eiK" ;"offl:ce~ '):jL~~u}I'nAs;-fhd"-\~" mar-ked" ", Tenders" forR'ai1'~y!St'd1~'1tC'r~'1i~'O@]Wt;~ 'iJ CEii:v&cl.tiWt!ilheniJo'elt.,~J"iiIifi.~ on;:M6'iraa.'y.;th~f4;tll ~W1Jt, " ofDsce"niber'next,for'the "purchase of the f$~Q~~'~&Qqe;t{ '.- %"':es,at""'lQOo~ao'llNh~]d. "~Y"'~vhl}a, ,Ql"'tY9f"~H",,, ,. ~the L~~d~~ '[r:r~or'fStanle:~ ,S,lrwa'"'L(JomW ~~' ',_ ,c, .."" ._'''''-', """", ''Ow ,._,.,YJ!", '''''Y','w P~!lY .'.' ;''''';~', ,'"'y...'" ..'.,'{1' ....."~'bv~or, cret':' bf"'tni:!"---e6'hh\JU;-';; h"'-,.' .:,~r-!::, '~f,,",,"-! , or' ""'0#, .'.. "" ,,' ,..,..." '. ,...., ,., 1"" n;.'1I2.'t(l';17 xHf,LOr,; $.t~"J' ('sn-:~I44N .&ERrNVi.;:;' _ '~~"l'{r~;~i:t~ -A-yllX\Of;!N-o.V{ .2'l-li'J8r,11jf'd'~ei'~Y'<i1\ElII!J;;i,,,j ",.)r" ---.0c: jJ -".'~j " .j":~ 53 A4-Jltt.tlle,: ~~{c..e'ti'14e:',-it:~,i'mi-l&r-il;dl'~ft~eIn" entfrom,-.'the _. ,c, ,;.. '" > ~ l : ,.', .. _" ,co.. ",,' , Co~nty ~f lI-liljdl~~appe.';';d;o~;i-ing.(or_..l.,theSt<lok lielif"Qy ihat'~tiritYahd'thif1Wterrlc;;ri<>r'ct1e'li.ffi'6 d~~ ' 7~~_.."" --,':,:, :'_ ,;'-," _":~_'_! ~_ ,', ,_ ' ' ': '..' 'c; ", _ ..'_ " ..: . J,_, ~tiri:~l)eceIlioor; 'iit'>~'4~~m~,':*as '~ppoilifu~lf61"~receiving"the TE".nderS~ -, ','" ~,.,C_\, ~X',',y: '~\', ::,'i '2, ':::., :>, '., .\;: :'{':;~':;\;\:,0_ .~,\":i; ,\';:;t;J' .<;,~ , .?'!the 4th of. Deoemllei';y15ur Committee~~t at t~e \('Jle.rlWsblli~;'a'nd' fuund'%tiiP1f"lide't;'h!ilW~r, E!fw:iHi ,~1~~~t!:;~o~1'O"~fi~g~:f~~i~ff~~t~~ "'''':'"""'"''.' ::>,'-~ ''-' ~>~Jrn,,,"_,,-,,~ ~'" "~C..d-'--: 1'':j~'~,':;Jd ~.(j...L ,# J",'j,,' tiQnJ_deemed. it cadvisl\p,le>J.o" vi~_w: :9(.~::t,h!t~ct;.ql1c 't~k,eJ;liby , ..' ,....:""'""OC,,). >C"'- '.,~'i;),.!k Q,~, ~.',j;?,!, ,~_~'-, W~~~e#~~,,~'!,g: '~q~,f~t9t .~M.qo('8l'i\- Rf5"W~t, ,g~itlJ.ty I!!,\"Itingt.he_next:d.y, ,to'ootoT'oudoualld-"'c;;~'gU; if-riO..i. :-..~:;' "::;:.--;:: :<"""""'i:"'~ 'J.~~~'i;',-,;y",_..-u \,'~j';::;d\r~'h'/ !h)l1-~nl',c k\\eMl!'P.~'IV~,yfil'P.~ ~@.I~~E99up.~W16%ft.-'t~o }J:,~~ale gM~t (J9E~il'~;J3~~ "'YP.i1!',ffi}"9Il~~I1IJ~!\.~9R\\l'l',it~ r~~~a.~f}Pt~r0'jj~~: 1r!~~:~Ftyffi~e_~P'jm.r*~.~lliA!f}ij1tPJ?;'1n; %IH'!~'JW,-,\1"J' l~,t.<l, ,~li~~~",~h~Pif,li?v,-Mtl!&ieii~tl~\-2!'l< jfqH!~n~~~9~~j!f~R,,"qgg,89,~1%.pe\~~tt2rr;i~1j ,,',~~qm ipJ9~. ,,,atJonobtaUJe<j' ~he Com.w.it\'!I!) 'l)\'Et>1l';I~H~~t~H"liJ~~~if ~iiW~~~q!d,:~",:]I?F~ ~qw'Lnq\~,v?:3':'l~i\lii1ls;ifO,. ~\t:f~..stI,1; ,.~t8t~c:', "lt~:: ~~, -,~~~~p!eJ~~i~~~~lfd~~y~aRl~h(tR . ,;b:lV(LJ~;c9W:,W~~tjR~ ~yi~~~" .~rn~~~~~~cf\.~~'~~~t9ie.i ;>ble to act, JH~H1I'.~~b'.UJZt~~'lP!"2'.l!!~f '!'ll~ ,~o ""ce!'tain th. intrinsic value of the$tock,prior to iiieeting Mr. Hal" ris,YOur'Oominm""""l"'i'Iiedi1t&:tfie'oIliO$Iofrth.e}'fIliil~ay Comp!'!lY, and from Mr. 1l<lwina-n"the SUllf!rintendellt and .{'-~I~'''J___::' -'.f .-,,:f-o ".~' r,'3,,,,,"'o,!. "c',>: ,--, ':~ iT",:' rf';;:, ,~, ::.,- ..,. ),'.._ ,~~,_ th~;~l!,~,'~(,F!le'g6IJlE~ny,;~~e~rt\l#t,e'd";lili"'f,iJlIciW.ilig'1l~r. ticiilai:' ,j]f~':~" ~tio~,~~.tli~Y "~a(t~v;\<l;:~?U. ,'C' [1:" 1." ~!;::-', _ \~. -""..lj~. ".mlp." '14....G','...,',';~.'L-";~..~....J.o:" ,;:>'.mm'J~,,,,<:.1 "', ')$1j".',:,.[>" · ':!;'.h.~l~Qad'~'l~~pi!tIitio ~a~~'M,~fji;;"'~;;';:"-i!!~ig';~~;of ~91'1'i19M~5(' 3'" ,) 3;gl,-;;-v- 'C', ;., Th'.'!Jod1,'-proli~ $$k:iiat~8(:o~i!itli'td i(j<it'hNo%m_ ,~"f_'..,"" ':';",' .. ,,,,,- ,.'! "',,' (1, -",", I.......",;,',. 'T._ ~,__', ,_. ,_, _, "., Per 1871 "... abciut'''1.ll7''OOO'. '15'.t<t"","O)W',., '.h.. ,'I ' ",. , ",' .f:'.i.::'!i'.~! .~..':~ r", '~P,-v;ol,J~~e _never was any rene_~al f~!-tg;E{t~";.~e...x~~l1ge'j' the' actual~working expenses p!>4!g<,!ill; tba~!h!lli,~,jp):P'>i,:lei! JQufrp.lll 'YJ'!itI~r~,;_ " 59 'tlill fellewing is " ~nenU c<Jijlpa\'li.ti?~ .-';-';~~t; 'of ~;ana_~~~rar'r$1li~~~~:}~~; ..l", . :: .E4nlmn,s. " ,,,I~i'll,,, .",;1~1. p~i;~r'rratll:c........; ;..$.18,439 ~ $23,48~ 88 "rewhtp. ". ','" '_' ._..,.... _2_2,5~~';;3 ,:\5,212 16 "". .~," '-,--- -.-dS' d'. 1169 n ] 595,10 ~a,:~!A~,:m.s:;;,~~,:: :~~-:::~:.: ':~~fict:' '_i:~::r~ltt{; m'tl "'3.002 U :$6ifO:6~og8 ~.I;.o, a,.,,.. .'.. ....0,0.. .,...'~_ '" ....' ", '..' , <,,"~ J,- '. .C. ,i;; l.\'~;:- '::.'._:, ._... ,... ,:<::;~:"::~,,>~<:,;-~~,,,- -'- '0',-' Net in~rea"".'.!18,14...-; :.;,,,,; .. ,i!1,559, 4kL ...>" . .~ ~~~ i. T~j!-:::ia:';';o, "': .~t~~;~::i~'~;$-~~S:0~:~4 Trallic;Expe~:: :::.:.:.':::':;~9;688' 6~ ',1&,318 6~ "DcL - Do_ _ ....... .... c'f~j.;:,:- -. . _ _:c.' . _ :97}-'(jf> Fllel Acconnt;~,'. L_: ..;;-;:. ..;';-. ,;(2/327: 1)3' . .':1,191' .76 OiU,nd T,.u~.Iro,:;;.~.;;;,.;;. . I.H7'(29'. .53641 Compensation Account. . . . . . . . 301 }2 300 -39 PJinliiigandAdvertiaing._.._..., - - -1Z!3 .78 477 19 Directo"s'Salari.s, 'OFP.;'; ,'.-....i.'-" ,229._UO..' ,:,-,,61:2;00 i~g:~:,~~d' c;?'ii:~~;::::~: ;' 4;~Hl. ; ~~:~~~;~ .-'. '.70" - ---- __do, 3200(;-' ,.260,00 Insurance....,..... ......'..~,.... _...",'.:.'-.-> ',.,."_ .,,,"_ '.".".... , ',.. ) ..,,, ",f.,<" ,..,,"J<;.\',- ; ',ToiaL. .. . ., ; .... .. ; $ftOA93 .39$5Q;91( 04, I;',cr~e in'lsi'l' .. ...:$20,62{'r4- , "-"'..'~..L v..; j'^,' ",I" ;,.,~,~ '~".", ,:' .. . '~et:'Profits-1870, 412,709 14;, )871, $9,643 M. ;,::"'-.'1.VO \'.,<::, ,~';'.",...,., q'. ."" .',,'..,.;.- ..'.". ,.'..:\,"'_..:'~,~ _ '" 'D~~~J1i,:~e~}:'rplj~:fo~.l~r,J~MW{; .W; " ,'rho foll~wing shows- -th. caUseS 'of i~cTeased_exp.ii~i- ,ture~: yiz,,:- """,: ,;',::(-En~^"'~'_~'>:i'i:;' ~~:,:;-r'i't ;';"; '.. --:,.',!~;;{E. -, '- -_ " c (,'T1;ack'Rep';;;';' sho;wedan2;;'creased.:;'xpendituie:.oU8,c 4>2.7,-,32 over 1870. Th~ amount was made up of the fo]- lowing-'iee'ms,-~"Vrz.:"~ .. ., ,.,'~', ',.-"-'" :to :~x~~lgp,;:~""""":d~e,s .., ., ". '^ ' '"'- - II c'-'-.tfon1h~~J~f'9i8-7i{~?6<f;~~.g':;:;".:~jnvV~~1~~'iOO H_ 'Increa$~~(rimr~#'~'~t:~i:~~~fiz~rfj1r4,g~_ ;:X_'~1~ceReijJr~.~.~ ~;:.. ::.~: ..... ...t-:-t:~;.~ ".~".':~'.-:-:'.' '21:00 . 2$ f8Ji.&8~lli;'}.o~~'iJi~ ,~? Earth Slide. ......~ _ .~;~:"t~?OO go ~~ ~;~;?i" ~~T~~!~~'~'~:_:,__,_".,,__,'~'~:, -'''~;'~::;~ ".~'~i'" ....l.' 0__., ,~..--_,,' ,.. Jrll, -2'1_ OQ .~'-"', '0\t;l.'1ncre~I1:-itt:Ttaffic' EX'"dJ-.u".G .!-~~"f:r"';;'Y'~-_",iri:..li-.P'!;" r~\, -.,j.'':_-: ""\/";<';;-:" ",pensesamouUliIDO"1;0_',$'l:a72 _was"ac~Ql1nted.:tor.'3.s fo11o 's ".2.:..: . .. ',.. < ;O.:r~~'~;lx ;'!_d;<:i.: ii~{~:..c~i7::es-;-f~~:~;';:C;7;:W' " " r'_'''. ;.. R t "'f -"'. .-P..<i---".",,-...-....'-';j$4;3iJ 00 en.,o nglUeandCars.......; ", ",,',' ---/--97100' Extra Expensl>~<E1tfu{g!;j,p Ooaj i' d:"'i'P-';';' " ' _ .""_~ta~Iey..~:.~;.~> .:'.. ... . . .~:. .~r;_ ~~ ..-'~ .~.../~'~~6'O'~~O l'ew..:I)ernck aMBort Stanley - . :.~,,,-,oaiY@OO JilnJ!Q:h t5 t -w '" -" .... . .._~'''".>",. :;;r ,:::,?~p;f}1\{4~ ;."l1#,Q'~~~Jati()n,aIld.New:,i?la-b:{.;_~ '"71"'''f':~ J ',otm ~tt SJ;:'-Th . . ,~- -,_.,,-~ ~~oi~~ifi~n;' S~aie;~~JWf\ ~... ..., ~ 'c' . ~ ~1~~m:~;?::~3.Jm~f)O Jj'eW!,-offi t: 1? ~ "- ares._.. "'..-. ."c 30-OC1D0 ,-,~' ,,;~,:_"~' ce ll_;.> .~,~~A;9ta111e!,.aud.Expens.es::iJ:l'o;:;.,A ',X;:;:_;".T ;,~:,' '~~~" conn~~?n::,.~~_~th altenng~LondQit ~tWahii' -hfiQO JOO ~~ '~~X;,~~:~-;; ~o\~.y . '. .. - .&;.7'lrt\:t~o:ll. [W_::t1,:~_2~:.::~,-.:::~:.',~, ., r ..n - -_-,ToW!....".. -'_" ,'.''';.''"",:.' ".$Z'5jJ'2:-00 i~r:~~~.?e ,in.,~~_~.[~:. 'and,.Cavc R:;::;.'~;t;i~;;;i:;f; "','~~~..:;r;:O:~~~J~ ~q'~:w~,tor C~'r.s'~~.1'rpded by-sa;lt'Rl1d.'broken-b,v' c.;'i$1::;:i' \,"., V'~V~t ""']i' ,..', "',J. '-', -', .. ,c... ..,,'.l ,', . ".;_,OA ra ,s,. n'.'tmg on- .G: -W'li,!p", .','0 'C;:-'~"O-'O'.'O'-O"- "'T- e."",] t Ca'I.'-.- . .......... ",D " ",-eW '" a :r8::.';--... ..-,- -'.. -"-."'. ,_ ,-u'''6-.0'N'0-''O' -Extra-i!:xrren8e "f:k ,.- .all...... ;.-....:.... 0, U.. - 1::~O exC!/~?'5 f;t:-~:(~~e:!,P'W~ ,cars In.repaIr ,011,'" ace'aun~ -of . ,,-,creasmg -Traffic::.~-., ..3,:.1"70000 EGene~al ; RepaYf~r!l~i.ng Passenger, Cars.i~ &0. '550 00 xtra,Time Engme-an'~M^~ -..t-S, j'. - S'j'"' .-, ,'e,_... .'.- .. . U -'Ucu ee s 1".:.-:- "lo0"-O<i t}~Q'~<,~:_. ",rT~gt!ti ,_~:}'" ':~.nr,:,~i[?;:,,0{i:Gf~:h(?ifi&" :;, "."0,yJ.,.' ' Go The. ind&bt;di&~i6f:ibH;dhiffii~~;~~~~~;li,ii~:~~r ", 1!~_d1l\!',:a~))k.of.qommerce. .. . ~'O "0000 Grear W?ster~."l1:~{fw~y;.'C-om~~~f:~.ig~\'.i~,~~.~\.,l' 'j ,. ~'( Falrb~~t~~,:1~~~6~~fs<:~~,~::;z:0;,;.-;,j:~T6;~gg;gg , 3'-;~t,;t:. ~ :o'c'Y' ~:~.-:~::::.' .$"I'i;~~(}~~ =.Bd f:-D)~~:.~~!:~,'~~~~.1~gJ't.4pyctt)':dit,:p!"J)1~,:;G~13ilny;by-i~h:tsimvtii1g -<1@\_~ii"'iBi:\!ij:t~~~.~ ll"ji~1n%.tecial&oij:;JJ1tmt;i1S~e~s"-"y ,rolt/j\~tJ>.~!v,Cllojl)'l1'!l~~&W)llIi.Q tJ,i"',iJiiJ.e.\~1li!'e!sc." ~,,;~ ~,~.t~e\l{4$WpahyialS8 .(i~nv6rt~lirol~rint'er,i!~t:Biii.~:th...e~f'S'tbc~ of 'the -N otth Shore Transportation ",' Co'mpany~, tI)hC& iiifil'oii~lVaitl- :",tW.cWM~a;b6utH~9;fiO.oj~i\~Ji:icl1j~:~ith ;';il~cifn1u~ Iat'ed_p(dlits,iis .elit;ntated"to .J)e"Vfor,tli; .1\olttt~18iorio:"c':': "~;1jJfiJ?lfel%~1ilfairis~~:fmWeoffi~~!fUi;_ii(Taitf~~rfo}tliei($rJ::' 9'0'{i}r{~oiiifig:d~lSt':ief€i~ed':'thfa;fe':'1\ioi>tgIige'iB'btitTh ;"~~"i"dl~ r~~~:~j@Pf5-~1:i IfJ}ifS~ "',', ,.,t:;r;~_i)l"-';~:_d:'~Jf.t~~;;(~::~~tf:i~:'~.(;ne Gisy; (;f;Lpfifr6~) 1($e';~Ortg~ie, }d;~'~~~e:?tftiai:y~~\tl_-iFor'44 " 187 5,-;.<"f:U.~};.f'~\}>~q:r:!;~;.7/';:t:-'}:;.;:>~, .t::y:;q_,;; .':c_~:ri; ::~~$&7j},41)O-E;OO: Town of St.. %!'iQg)~'$l~nLC':ilij<?,.t:a;:;;"u;:.{Jt.0-".:,..aQA:I~;p2i9,Q,Q,0Q1X ~i)0,'A~~ CWil_S9!1. _ _ . . _ . _ . , _qq.. _ _ , , _ _. .;10. .'vlb,573 00 P~ltl'm!l))2B~Il;~,9j: .G,om~;~(""i~l1.ldJ In: tr,~sjj~";:' ;,. L'C'.';;:; ptU'cJ!M~.ikt9y;<~JtefJ)qmp~}f--y)fI.[0~1;:;fler7:, :::8 ;.,:/; '1/':1f~OJ;;" t<' (;uO~Pn.,',G~.e_4z;, _QQ..._._:._.....<~~;_._....~...,._,...... ..,'l.<),j433 00 .Cit~"-o:(_London, 2ndllortgage. due Decem~ (:'Cb.oJ;:.iJ.876, _...._._,_._.,._..._.., ... 120.00000 .:.o'~~~~"'::'i,;f;':.~~N':'~~i;;;:~~~i\~'i~i::(~~~;;~.~73;'~~;~:~:;~'~;~4~::~;i~Ai:~;j~i;;~~. A1id'illteresCon' above slnce185'6, which", added:f!r~;;.*~~ principlo m~~~s"a ~qt~l,i.ni~bte,<!'.'~,s'.9f.$1,OQ~,W_O~.PQ;;_./ ~ ~;,~~~~~'Si~~~;E~~~~~~~ii~;~~i~9;;~~~;11:&;;it~J:;~~~~Q9;Pi~r~ tee met, was, h,el( as fol~ows :- ':;:"c~i,.,:>tID'7,}m ;':., Q~P!6J~i:;Hop:~tQA!'-'2~'br::,;~;;r;;c;;'6' \'t}'h%t;t;,<,:/~:;- .(t;>\,~?,,::j.f,~Q-j,,9A,O,,~JPO Oounty of.:Mtddj~sei,'" . . 'r '.' .,' ,.. ," " '_C,"' -..,J3-P.PQQ, QO:_ '~11 <3fl:d,OJ :~EI~iF~~?':'l!~_ ~)i~'~:'_<~~;~:J'~"::~"~ ;~_;"::~}'::''80~qOO"''go T.J~'()Et.s{fftllW6r&'itB<j~'~'1I,::i1~'f.ti;;JS: '-'~q ,tL10e~ ,-;~i31t:OUO.]Ot)f '.' "i~;""" ,'. ~,~.~ ,,~,,:'.\'.,:~'~:.;J;.';;:<,>:.-;~::t';'~;~:"::;;~;h~," ",,1 t1:00' i,hO' P;l~va'e6, ,8to.ck,;;,:.., .,'.;-.'"._..'"',.',,~t."'~..~_. '~~...._...".,..."..'.'r_'...;... 'e,,2,1_,., l::_v, "..:";,, .c L)~~!j~~.~;~442;50?,O}): \,-,P\l:~h}g ~~~;':'I!~~,~~f~~:~~, a1:q,~~~~d f~;}1~htte}~,4 'l:~W~iB~':~in t6\e' '~~1l\~:,ggs;j~?~, ~~s&~CE!~BtO-r~!J:~li3)S.~P~~jJ:~~~~~n~~~F~~t4.; thj.,t ,~)1e "fo]]owi!'g items wonld ~ave to be provided for:. " .j \. .~2 i>a.YmentfQrti~w:F;n~~e'liWpairsnf old 0""", f"'ln ~;GQq to J,4iO~Ti~~H!09A9u"'il$i!',;o-,,~~n~;Qf-&.'W.;~~. gin~andO:~iii{.matltli~t.tli:i"~~"I'Y;(o"nidin:@yi~~r ' aJ!dj;re-'r,!h~;.~jl1!<;!1l<'pQljJ!!fQ( '~lli<llI ~"-!Ild:~AliQ!It$2'6.. -O-OQ; , ..." ~ ":-1;, ."I;Il,~li:!lIlY_e.nt QH!Jl';bpiQg.(QIl,i!!i;diM~!@>tt :~alteb:ii>h-.. preSe!!t .,qqaZ\t.. pf... tli:.;iR,oad~ ,!5ft,s(lit!:iit.o ~~;;~4in~>'t1iJi !{,,~~~ ;Qf....\l\.~cll.~!":..:R!!a<l~(fk.!l..9,a,,~~.~9J1.k]}'it"!',~!t4.?l'n- ~~ ~r,BiM1HW1l'Y1Y!~r.~!rl!E\~o,'!.P1J!;!:l.u~~n~~ ..tiil\a~ that to <Co tbis, and.put tb. :Roadiii: gQQil;oi<i.<m tbe follO\"iti~8\!~I!'Y'\V'ml'l.~~~~J!'!~'Y.'.t <l}1.f!P.gJl;!j~ ll~~ f;i~e'7~'lf$i'P,t~l: jlJ1d,:al>ove ordinaI:y,e:xpendit_ut~:: ,~' :.j I Engiii~s;::~ars";yard 'Room;,JSidinga -~lUidjEi.~.-,:,-<\ ,!~-,t:',. -\~'tor.... ". . .. -' -' ,,"~'" ." .... ...,';:~(jl;iO~o;iiO Altermg Traokand.:Stock to'Nai'to\\<Gliag;ii:.-' 22:000'iiO Renewal of Bridges;,.Iroil'/l'ies,,::Cattle.:Gtlaids:"",;-'cr.. , nc~C!...... ..,.;. ... ;:,~:;;:/. ':';';;:!f;~~~"B~ Total-.;. ,. -. ....... '..-. ,:.':;:;$14-4;'000' 00 ~d}lfo~p!'c;iporlion of th!salnount req~~ within next ~~~y~~ts: (ihdu4~~gria~~~!i:fut( guag~):~'ould be about $68,000. .... ....".'" . .............. ......... .... ...... ........ ............ ... Tile l)t.,'~e.nli ~alueMiiO~d hag been ~ri()u~ly ..~iiilaied bl1t1JynQnlih\i. it be.npla"ed;itl"liiiliri~:Rbfli.ig St~k: "~Jlluoh oVer $300,000. < ".. ' . ;;A{i*~~~ ofFre.P...esto Stoekh~lde~Ii'.~'pj,li~':il~iI. ~o.!)J8mJ;'J'!l&rg,and h3i 1i..ntl!l<.n: aclvanl~~~iRf ~ tile GiY' ~.1}Ii9!1':~.~)lt ~90!l,pli~ ~P.llUIl}\ ;r!l.O!!\!'.,i!\!i!"lJ!1ll~t@~l h"ld""..;)i,,;ve been.reaIizing ~t.tbe.rate of25<"n\t: 'Mr.plii!: ~,t;.:p~r"a~I?-um 011 theJr investmentS in the Road ",while ih.:M.tUii6i~a:litiesl!avlf realiz.dnotbing. ' ~ii""ffer *~slriP;de 'I;Y . tReG-rlJat'W e~t.rn:R.nli.iay (Jo~l'iinf'last snmmertd '1oaSiitii~'Ird&d; for ai't,,/-irf iJt-!!il Y<'ln'8,.tan annual r6n191 of $20;90'il;butthli ofler iva, !:ii, .. t3 i..th'e:tim.,rej'ect-eq.';.. "'Had,c4t" -bBen.acwpted" -hQwev~t~'.o.r 'iSli<i.ild thoRoadJl:e;If!aij~a:t..ii:ft.r-'f4~1iniitiin"f":iii>!"pott[dh -of'.the-.""ut:wolild ego ::t{J!tlt<,-1il\o(:kholdedjOa1,..thli whOle; 'Of ihvonldbe chilll.d by the iIlondhoIdek'lli" b$egatdhig thetitnr~'pfol{jYl!<it$ 6fth~cRQad, oli"cC6unt oritlie'''Glf~tt'lctibn':Oftlfli (j)i(iiada.':SoutllevIi "and j'(j)a\rn.d.. Atiif~iJfe _lli\ilW'a:t~;ana' tni>Lpr6lIabletattiotitit:~f;iitoi~3ed ~ve"nue;Lllij3iVbmmittee'~fel~ttli_at._,:t'liat ",;:w~,: ~,:pro~f~1f,\ which they :were not prPlJaMd,tps-ol'Vo;.-N'Odoubli'thert.wili , bci:gralr4ar:incre~'of~06ai5,tmns1>Civt8d?,al'tliou-gl11:fot 'in th'e~in:~';f&tio~as-t1kstI5fe~f:,-'DUi':lSk?hcJmas'~an(fl_~~bef;SU~;~ r()t1~~in~:districtiwfll;:llt)"u1J~.le~~re~i:V,ti:.:~Ii<l,'foi~l\r~?th~it :ffei"ght l'YiditfejfeIi't ~If"l1"'-eIs fO'wh~t.~h~flla:.e"vel-;aon'6 .betortf{wli-en:~ctli~i1e~[RJa.dij1g6~[;~nt6" COper3:tr6nr{{ friI":-iri~ ..l!tfit.~n;andcSto),kiforiEa.-tern:1if..rk.tSwilr go';,ast -<lirect,aiid~1tolJ,gO;;byj,tlfe:drc((itijllS::t()~ter~ia_'~6fid.6fi;iMso~ gQ9<lott'rolnfUu>.e-li.tcwlllGt'alt"o'lh..m"st'direot'.cliimnelJi;al"ld willbe'entit'jll-Y :Io'-t ~tl1';1Port, Slkliley ':Roaa; .. .'I'lle- pl'fu, cip:inn:cr~a8e'Jwil!hne j:n~passerl_g~r_tra~c, " and_ even ~ _this ~il! o-e:i\lbin~-'-h,"tJIUi1it~d,j~'[li:llJpa~.-e;igef';eitli~r'~~or w1\1jt> oi'L{;fidoll,iwtll baapt: to-ke\lp'oli Ihe'th':iju~Miii",,:' -J;;Pos~~ssett< ot.,.th1i'f~()ing ~finfiotfu':i'tlOnj':.wliicIW'in'<ilie ol'iYilo-;i;1)fWh\!..cb",li1Rtel,,:!5t'~eUte\!'fa .fuo'st'disifon;'~~g pro-.p~ot;' 0ll!Jecia'llyJf6-""th(l()\McUni,;ip:i;JSfuokh01tlera, t~na partioularly t.he (JontitY'"i.Elglh, 'anil;'in vio.voithHliCt tlf#K~"Bfilr:wasst'bl:hxtobijmgilntfullffcea; futo:the':Leg,iSliture 'Woffapl",t4e.il!'irst'~otigagi,' 'B~-allOtde~s},;!t- o-ncertc\icill th'ecJ'l,Qlid, l!;id'$helio"l~ impoi'tlftit]raot; tli~t. Jii;'tlil-@i; J~~itt;t:ftriBstvtha;::Fit'St'r;MoitgageSi;aJi1oUntihg"~'-tO'J:ti10f~ Tttmh,:(loubhrtlfe:v.il;)ue'3of tli~~~hole;;c~nce~,woUli:l' Dl~tu~, --w'J"lnyddttbtteliillthef;:Rdl.d'JW'o-llld:baJsold'---'-ln 'eith.~. 6f :wi1ic1i')iJases'llo:;i~tu:ti1,'Whabfver':' Cwotl1)1 corrie ,tothi9Co~ii.. ty''':;;;th''-'Gol1Ul~ttj;e:tlt"ught;i<bbst, nuder all these oi,'c\\ni" ".-. ,~ ~ta~l.ces) ~:tQ, l)l>q~;;"c\-1-tft:;~th!Jil;,,';eq-g.e~Y.Qr~ t.(t,; :RsJ?OS~i:~Qr~J4& .'P<!J'-'!tr .~.t"\\1S'i<.lt49UgJt alk"tj\':",,)1,~mQ~rffi',w~r.e}.an:,ciwi!l ithat'ith~'~C-ouncil~~<-sbOuld^:fi~"~J1$]J.lt~!l1?1;i~rrtQ'i~h~~~.oJI1~ 0',' __c <''"'' ":' "'"., _." ..,'.."~_.^,,. ,_.'. ~ ~~, .. _.. '.',' pletiou ,of any harg~i:rk.~-~JJJ~:;};;J S;'~;N;d0 t;iu~..;t)th!j:;} S[~gtlP(,;!-~hb ,iRt(}~~ip.g~;J~rx~:)Mt~;j.;!7:.~,~~eof &l,1ffi1~amm~tj~~Jd~f.h,:bJlt:c'9~S!ri;' le.~Y!!Jg):J:i.~;g~Y'~l:his,~9P~ht liQ~~f~g~b, .,l)J!.~!!:W;i1!.cJ:!y",,~h,.,,--~j rll~;Q9(':!;!!ljj;M~PJig:p.t 'Ii} .~~JJ{~y;e~:;ifJwo ,jlt12tteJ]t.Q.ffer;;:Jfaf!:,:l,e:~iygd:,;th!:)p.jt4~YiQl~de ,tbY:Mp.:iIfai-liw~4n~the-,fi,ksttpI~QE}~(,t'?~;,:r ;;c::::t 'J'!0W:~to;{t J~-,h:f\'t ,~, i4. 'PQ~~jt't;i.iJ~d;'e;,jOXak!ii-t~",vk11'~'Yi;i~4")I:k'Z:garj }l~?Jail~r~~r:9si~~4>!r~;' ~aJbtfqQ~g~:}14t45tSt;it).~)j!3Jl~~L~l!~cQf~ -:ftl1r~~JlthPQQ,Pt9yiJ1.~):Jd.t~,:Y~~~~:Gpgptl~g"Ll,\tJ'9,A~~.~ ["Tp~rGQIJ1: J!lJt,'~'~'"t~ea_t~d!,~t\ll;l&(j,,,I~, '~~'I'_~~~;i~!il<1llJ.i;r911,h;f'tF'o-4;1l ~4'9nr:~;1 p~~m~~!lg:{$p,,~ILaJ~~i%a:r"@ftt;iDgr~fl1J;}~~~e,9p)J~ .~."th,e:,#re3u~iqt.e; I;Itrui;I,:!tfuJ':@fq~~d.~::~tq+l;101d,":;itJg~OliJo,~gep ~i;~)l ~/R;~,;'~f!,h~!;"~#IJ~ai.Yj'.j;'jS,Q[~t:tjlot, hp,U1$tjl~:,Q?i!i, ~tk~~j~9R~)Jt~di!g~q,~l:W-"J!~el.lJiJ!)uJii.9Ll~,!M:r~r~\ll)i%r!Mg:1t ..-,,!.,~ 49:ql'm~!:1!;;:Jlfl'J)i.<t4,tll~rf\11Ijjl,""'i;,gjS)~'.9-QPjt';o"a.Ehf I,.' 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Rarrison,Esq,',_ Q.q,:,.<?r,mOTt9B-~,;:;..~r.r. i!!~p:~~iag-~t, d,e,~p'g5ng,:tb;l(;(uJfj.'~~~9!t~;g(jJI;i.-4F~~.@~Pll*:}Y~~)~fbe ;S~E3fit_~y.~,~:>~:-' L::-n;;:;:,::,) ,:,,'_.:-;;',: ;_:;;'<,__,",';' '___ i-.-~"{::: .',_: C ..j;r!t.~~~iio.lf-o,'11il'j\..\fg l':-!l~ ~g:'ai)l"W"r!\'!;id,h~t,~ftpr .-:di!t911,~<;i~g:yr-~f;&i~~9,~1, it,:w1WAf1eid~,d tqJ;iilke:gHJ~rP9€f. "oq!!'1!1,};:n!,!l ;~hl\:1)~sm;i; f},,*1ipno.f. i4~;9om,cj1,:; .4,qd, 9\€ '~!l'~tt~i~,~,~..tt~WJP~B~!t'~~~,Jp~,Y;9~:~F9;iWtk~~~ .~,~Y~p~,}._nf,~~e ~,13l'e~~9'Pi~;t<O.i}1o~Gtq_i1y.J~~?"~, PJe~~.. . ,..~;\l gXv)"/l;iq4,i.~...Jsf~q\M!Jr.9"1i;"itted,,. ,. . ;TccAX,.NAIRN,BT0iniw;h, , ;cf.ili>qThqma\;,: :W<h:;if an:, 1872_' yr,.': ',';{X:i' . :"$;1;;'8:"-;:;_ ,"';;--, ,c~,_c'::'~;;':l ~~";::-""__; :;;; ;';:: .'>':i ~.,~~ '. .,L,99;Sl.R:~:Y?iSQJlp:rtor :;;OpW1P1k ,,-,' ;:~:j_:L:{ :",~",~,U _;' . !l'JJ:t~8.Wa'ili~n.,;i~ul;'{aO}fj~ii-:0.f'J!te County;iJ.!Btgiji/;.:,:;-:1 :': ,:,~ < ,';:: :ii,,' -'<',-I ','l "-: :<::: ;";,,, ""'; ':)'.,<:;_:'", ':c;, ,(,:.^<;lX,~ ;SfE:j,~~~!l*;;:; "Ii,,; ~S~f"Jr2Pijlj?nw,h,,\h;JogrilWLf}ll' Cr!t"poration'~can becompeUed tope~foY!ll-i,t4e,9,olfft,~,c:t.J;0).' ::saYUrP.t!J5aqg&~}2f~t29!f ~~ ~~~-~":~})'::~-~'~~~bi~_i~i~!~i.v ;~.R~r~ ,!gbo,:d:~Y: ,~i ~R~~i~,9?1~m~~~e~:?~.yO}P;; 9mf;n~i:l)~, }Rt~ der' th~ ~il~~}1WA~~?tS',l}~~L~l?-')~~::-:H1,aB~~F:_~J:?B~'7t~~L'~~! tI;H~ R.eri:ortQf-such,O!=m:~_mitt~P\--i ", ',.",,_:._~:-;_ 'i,;~( i",'~,"':""__' ~.;'.'''.' -'C>_ -'''-'-''-'''.'',,;~, "'''''', ,"':,.-C,_:_,._,"^"":,,/,,",,, - As appelJ!i!i,! ,.WeB~P9,tT~f~r.ed j~?}'~+u1!g~. :~I{eo'l}/r ~~'i!i!M99 J~~f\Y:~r.c!enJqhairrIj,!n ?UJ;te:)~peFi'l\.gp,l!j, os 'l:11Jt ,teej__:: tImt" I, cOIlsiJ~iea -- ,-,tliae't}i~_~~~fui~::.ei~UtW ';ihcil;'pOW~l';i il~ 'tJte~cOnfracfenteb~(i-t~t;6J~._, . ",' ~-~' is:!. g~;~cr~ E,rirCiple, .a~plicabl~ t.o _~ir~~~poratwns1 ;:t,-iiat' t~ei~pl~~~_cO~~~~~,::uJ1d_e,r ,-S6.'ll,',>an4 :,~li~t,-;~ Ui,h>qr- -~ ti?l(_;;,can, ~e;,th~~~*u:e-_n,~r :,:be:sll_e~'o~,~,' oont~ct' no_t' ,~.~~a.er '~_$al)"...~til~~F::sUc~ '_ ~ftt,raceb.~_, :~f ~:i1dl.,_~':Illi~~re 'tha~: .th'e '~ll{<ik.~hg:.()f.~t" ~~s_:e~~eutiaI'to::_ca~rYi~g::.:iIi~',_eiiSteIl~ .",ibe '~~.eri.:p~~6~~:o~':iJie;Gorp_b,rnt~o~~:: '.,,:~ ;::,"',~,-:".:; ".,',. ..17nder .o"rl\InIlicipal Ad,thepoW-'lrl; ofth~hodl:&jr_ ._'pQra.te,ar~ t.o_ be exercised by the Council there6f:-anu"al_ ,..,-- _: ,,:,::,..,> -,::-, - ",' ',' "," :",- ::'~ .w_aj~::}jY:-;:lfl!:fq,:o ,,~~en, ~io~- ?~itERWfs~ 4UTH6RIZ~b~_R ~~Q.~lI>E~, ;.,:' .Fp'tt,_. so', :tbat ,- ,-~ '. "ji~~df" ;a!3a}iriiY'~\~th;:;'a qorp.6ration, :tliro~gh: it;.<)" Oonnci'l aA~c~eeKlfi* -:to' :nfutce~- :_'iJ. 'c~nti;act:maae:wi~h 'the~;not, ~mdei;-~seai;.fu'usi"Sli~'W' 'ihat such con.traqt is:Srci~Jly.qa_~t~~tiZ~'~bt'tpi.?~~{t~;f~fr~;sy the, Act or Chartel~ ofTnoorpo'ra;tion:,o'r ,thai'it'J-n..a.siI{;ces_ ,~rto'.etr~tu-at(d~hecol;p'o{at_: PUl"]?oses,;and' ashe is :B9und "to notice tl18objects_andliriiits, of;th:eiff.powcrs, ~~d_~he ~anne:r in which these powers-are to be exerciSed ghe deals on th~ su~pnsiti~nthattheCorporation:p06~' ~e~e3I>~~~ers:'T~~C~ l;tc??e.s_ U?,t p9~7,~ ~~,wiIl ,.n?t,~'per- mn,ted:: .to'_.:mamtam"an'actlon ~agaml)t,,,the'Corporat-i~n, based on its unauthprized,'action,a1th?ugh he may,b'&Y8 OOJ"qp1le4. ,:~i~4-Jh~"J1~ndtp..tak}:rlg, -_Olt:4is.pa17t:'; A,~d,:,Of oours.eJc:th:?sa~~,princi'pI~ _would :~pply,~:vit~ ~qu,aJ, if not ~t~r ~or~e,;,t~.a "pers_ondearing 'with 3,n:AgeJi't' of;;Cl{Il1- lrtittee:'d{_aCorporation:.',", ':': ,_;,': :_::':P':_"__,,,.,_, , Ap~l'yi,~K J;~e~e ,principles to' the; -~ntract.'~ij~eStii)h'. I ~~ _"~f",-':'op~on<';':t?[i_~;",the: Dot])o~atiQ;ri"is_~,~,t,',~6,~~~,:~;-'it and;eroinot;be'.com pelIed:,to ftllplor, perrol~Ill-i~; ,c, "',. .:,'" "', ' Bl~t ass~~i~g ,t!latthepinnniitteehtid-'Men:-fuHy.,2nd ,~fo'Pe~lY..empow~re,d :to do 'what\Va'~'p>rQP~s€d,_:;1~"_,i3 ,im~ r}l'~n'i ~!en~l1il'? w}~t the" pc-;y~r';3' -c( t,~~: C~ui~oir,are ,<1 Ii Po wt~h. re"1'eet;t,jJrtcllst<<ll;:F ~".'~" .a'he property ofMttni<:iPflrg.".rporati<>"siro'ing' . in th~ .nature of.trust l'i"Qperty, i.~,fQJI9#s tha~ BUch ,Qolponiti'Ong eailnothave tJ>~_",,\Il~ ,~11'~: .,!(~i;!~iqoJ1...!'1l4 _.co!ltrpl ov~r tbeir prOPertfthat-pnva'-lnct'ivi!ualS'liave:_ -"'",'':' '. "Und.fo1u<~1tllioipal*et t~l>ij<l>tii!l~':Oiiu"ty ma;y' F!iI"hg5"~(<>r";llbtaUri\l"If~~ ~m,1i;",j0l'.l'S9l1al. proJiertys'll>r"~\:~;~quil@;dfOlt'~M;;)j1!<ii()",tllti.:~, atio~, ,:"d:;fo-r"dilll'<>sing'of""Q]j*'Qp~r;t;!w-1i~!i;~Ii9J?lp!ig~ n~~itllte<l.;:;:_Li :;;s,~',:q~-:.;'{; {;;: >'" ',::::'! ~",r:hjJ':g 34 0$ k:;:j ..;:Tl>il/Ci~l\M"0"r1.J?~eiI&-";;!o1irO~i"ll!~~ting~W,~utt4 ing and dispOsal of proP'n:fy"iyt/Ie'Cq;\nl;i~calld'aitl:~ iro' ~rn1>'i4,m'1ndthat itrefers_ol!!J':.t?} sllQhtq>~ty21.. mayl'lffPJqliired'forctHE'USE OF THE! {cOit:pJ!t~I-oi(;::';!~t is,: fo,r ~~~~'PRrEoyg~fo~rWh1~'il:iti1e"-eh~p'6fatio~~ii~i~fM~, 3nd)(;he:~~~:gC~~~~~~Y'~.~~;.:'~~:~I~t9P~;Bf~:~,!RN' "~~ LO~?~R}l}!QUIR;EP:7.T;S:E ~9~.~B9r~. 'rO AAA1!l~:A~Z~;&- POS*:i>~~~fE EXEReI8mliyjiB:.,L~'W~;"::::J '::':;:,0__,'~: :,;'~.~:q~;,~! 4;~~tll.~~l?~rerto :subscribe.fo,r-' S,eq~k~':,Ritll:v~ys:.'i~t\61tt) 8pe~~l1y,.:~p~ferred bi Sta:thte;~;~itiI6ut',:.UiY:;-J?t-b;~i6t61s to'q1ip~~1-"L~{{~ 9'~~r~~ ~?~~~:~~~~19!e,~g;~~rpl~{~ ,,..,ithin-"the,,~-,~t~ict ,limits ,of the, power~ conferred upon thim~0 }j.Y}~t1i:e:~,~tat~tes creating, them, ,a~d _~onstrue such p'ow~rs with r~f~~?nbe to:tli?~,obJecf;:;ot\tne} creation ,~fli:lle corP9l1l:~j?r1.l~; it m:ay;~Il\D~~'~d6ixhted~ *n~Jt}{er~~I~nicipa1- Cor~~t}_~E~_luN'e "the pawer' to' dis}lose > of . Stbbkr,:; &0 'ac.; quiOCd ~t4k9.~~ direct Legislative enactment. . '. ,AlhH!,~h;cJt;.iS.'::'J8~\~,gif1,1~~Jl\\?~~t.h~\b)1o:);",,,.{ "S_"';9c~~.~:~~~~~{;~t i'!T. 'r_\IQ!!J.lJcifa,n: )1.(;,)~,72, .,."," "M 'BJ/i1POBT,OP FIN A'N?tE"(!j~'IlP1!rqs'lJP-E-Jt-i' :' ,"o"s'",,~~~~~t;~~Q;;'l$d~, . ~~TEiE- j6b1.~~ii.""~i>qfifB"t!oir1'4i-1of. ~G~~ ,~-:~~d;L~"i._~:~~< . _::,~.tij.gi;;;;::;,,i.'7:;':..';;:c ~;<;:':::l';~t .i-:;:a,J "i"_'i'1!?:f:;;'tG. '~:Ef';: '~~~j1,~...~a,,-Ce )ijoi1ffi,r.iitil~~~~t::t~Ul!e.i' 1+~~~,~~';tM.tmt?! ~i1,\,ii~jab#f~~~P-W1qll~J1 ~d:' '~~~"~98!W!U~1bfz,tli,~,-G91lll.t~.B\>r""j~c "i,!1i'!l'-1IjJ)o!lilif@*'!])j-;e"q''!\II;e,(j-f)tlle'e''1?''''rliti.!re::r.'}.~t3 ' .,p.. t<> be provided.for the I. wfuI -pnrposes of the -!'I!>1i~Y' ~~!!jir~#t~~,.-s1re,~p.l."~!!1j;&~IX.J!iJo~-f<lti~1.e ~@,"pl'~n~~t?nep}~''EpQs~;~jn~lY:''~:;::;;(l '10l~t:x[::rt, /:;,:28 :~~' B,t1)~Wq,s",jjtt Ool1wU$."",,", :;i.~-,,': ""~'1I,,'tSjhJlq ,< .;,;;~ul\i-.iJi\;!'tJi;<;!n"OF,,'!ll:', .~) c;; ,;- ~"""'OJ:+,.:;!jJJlOe.>PQ(_,: ,..... ;,j,~u.H}'iJR~ei!lf!t"iIgeb~nlg.r~i~!'~G1s?'1': T2"I"; ."uhoJ . -1'011.......................... ;'4~~.w. '~)'ir .T':::~~i. -*ho'fft}'iIRJa- ~I~si:uy~aIITei51fp8ItsE86';OutJrI{jcP:~,:., ''BH;gR:;'S-elR!6Elc.O' ,,",,-,,' :;TriG', 'iD'--!I-'-'.'i'08j)Q!1~O;:.".. Inspector and E~;;"i;,;";;~i,;Scb~~j,;,~;;:; :'a!Hl:d)~,: .",admi.n;.tratiAn,of.J,"stic~i"."._.. .:"."., .-n4,,2McUQ. :'<5o,~~~'~b{e;);,~4)3'Jii'd~";:ii;~::: ;:.'"2,,OOQ;,O"g,;,. :':.:~~e~!~:rlltk~J~:S, ..,:;,:-::: ':\;':,~.:~' ~ -;~t.~:_.:,~,~~;~~;, ~';_~,?~P~l, ,~~j.::, "''OOm\'fi\;lri:lelltiols'.'' ".._'"" '."'" - '-.'3.800'llW ' 1:\;,';,:_: L.:,j'" ". -.-, : . . .. ~ . .. . . . ".~L~,; 'i:.'~ ~1:- .'.;~:"- '~:~_:.:il-. .d~;:; , ':'i:O;; ,''-''..0 '.' :-,:$~Q,.4:4,2J QQ;srl :;:'It@aAGioi",t. t!lf!>e:Jiecejyedf<Omi ~e.-!.!<fn ' . , ;::;:"~~~~:i\\n4- portSJ~n,l~y'!~iI~~~,;,ri~;~~~1fi;~ f4'1114~2 100'''' Y ourOomriifl:1tW;1'ili''C6MpUmg.'We2~llWJ-gs!ilriiie, hav~ .rectuoedi!h-~"'1tbbhnt as ,lowttS practic&ble,without affect.; 'iif'tlll. cifi;\iit1at. eli\i''CWnty. . It", .... " '0~'''-'~ .'_'} _' _,m ,~'\ . Your Committee therefor".'~&bniiQ.n<!SthaE-ttli\li.illn7."f ~orty.five Tho=d,Four Hundred and Fer.y-two Dollars l.J, milled iu.d levied 011 the rateable p!'Qpertyin the $eve- , ".,( " ! ((il .,.~; '"": ra! M~~ici~Ht'ie. inth~ COiill~;~ ;jor Co\i:titiE'\;cp<l'<S ". .per Sc~~~~.~} hti.ew~p, ar{~-;fE:a~ ~~eiJt~Qi~ifiit6 b~1~WIS w:; draw~_~p~~itd~~aS$~~1 in ~q~~~:ri~~ t~;reWit41"'~irevvii; TS.t~ 9fJi~~ ~r!~ '~h~~f miI~8 1.'1' the doHa;r on -thdardou;tdf; m~abie ~i-QPeP.ty::-a~:e:qu9tizacl~,ftlr,;-.the'1l!'&rimrk.:.;e9.~ t~~ rai~ si1i<t'a~tl~~,.," :c~ ![~~L;:'} ~~.~ [~; ~ ~.;: .. ,. .ScMliule.-., ,..,_/ ',_'_'. ~~'UCJ~~~~:i$'~I~::= siliI1jfi~i:;~1s: --~tJ" :: d;'jd;bo'ro"gE.,,, _ ~ill ,j!G"~jJ ".$i;e'6ii".;j-?'$4~801,_' fnnwJcli-: ..-:.-'-'.;- -.- 4,,9.~ -- 3;1.3J},"L-.--"-565' ---.. 6oi.fi9 " >~gut~~om.~ .';;; ,',:'~:;,::'-6,84:r~f.2~>' f,-j~~.s;i1<j:;~n)127S-'~' ifl.~~~:;':~:: ......~~~-~rO;?~~:tp'9-i i ;~~J~~= Siiu~h'D6Mleste" "'n5t!:'" '~'i:iifg;::::: i';~ft,~ ~ :~~ ,;: !t1::,~"'~I;l:~6~3 ~.(~~..~.-:j;;~~~f i!u~W ~~I~er~.::.,....,.:.~, _ . !=,-,v9D_6.::.' '_::":,;1139,,~~_.~,:::, "'41i> .c.: ~ ~..;,. .... ~,MO: . $.2~Q;l?l;. ,~"l;o5 $t~;~42' , -'::'l'''.> ,'..,-"'-., 'r....c-_ _, _, . ::fl Of~~Ch ~~~1fu~~~~t~:.4 :..,~ c.; : .;.. ,W.'CY:; 1;;~ER':Y_ Cha.ihna., ttJinm~i~ Rl>Omi'8k;T.i,-6~~~;J'u.:,~]",i~72"" ,0 . '"' ;:.: ' "--',., '.<; d :..;.:(~ ~;-;,;=;:_:! t:.' ' , .; ..". .'. ',':> cc;'c'","::i C(~~ 'c,"; ~~ --~,--',.::,'c;"-~':';' ':::'.g.~,:< '-- -- . :;;\"~;S~~~nF~> ---,"::-1_~"'-"t2::::?:5;:._,?'~2Q.S~___:-.J:;;:' : ~J~~~~.~~;2; .-,> ,,~, ,:c ~ 70~ "'_~' :::,-....Jf$ti~~~~~~l' F J~~. ....._~_ . .,~,o.., ,'. (~,,-):l"~O ~B P"':;j' 0'- - -..~ '. ',' ::f;; :-/.~ :_;-,~_:,:"g"~"",.~, :;.6'",,,,,.' ~. ~,~,.ti.S, H J",~"T .:-:' _,,;.'_':~ .:'ir~'~ e. D"g ".' ;".' ,:~ g: '"'" ';'''(':>- ~., ":.'I__",._.~.,lT""~1 j~ ~ i'R \? g. .. ".,~--' ,:hf_" '-.J.:; ~'; . ~ ,~ g; E ~~ ...~ >- ~f ~ "-J-1~.;-oo fReat a'mt.S<~'~: ~ ,-... ~ ~ J~ ?J~~~~~;::".g lper~prop: B eg:~o 1-1 s, ~ S:~~~~J-.~~ I as e.qual- g ~ t1l';:: ;....j t:r ~ tb (S~88:;g2}~ if-ed, )71. Q..,:: g ~ l..J.i...l S ~ -k't ~ ~ J-......:J:" - 1- . S"}.:.~ ~ f) $:;l ~ <>> o_tlo.'C)~~.o;,'_<Xl~ Real.""..oo r::-S:...... Q ,-' .." .....'....;:r r./>.....(l)-;j'o"! o;'}oooo!.-t>;:>.1 r'-.....,(tl"'O- C ~ ~ ~. k 1x, ~~..?;,.O:>~ ",<':l.tlS5! tW~w:edMl ~lI' e.. ~ ~ T q E :~~~-, ,e. I:.f~f3~8,*~~~I.~1l~2. .g'&-J~~l~ <> ''g: g I ;i ~ .<i.."" 6f'ii;, ./ J:'efsonal ' &: :: g':~l..:.i ~ ..g:.'.~:'~S;.):'~'~""'~;:a:.~~ ,;"'--' 'J...;. ,:::.'t:I",.,,--l.' ?t.;-,~g"~I'_~.:::~~~~;;-:lE~~,' ;a:~~;J' ~r~-:O{.~.''':'-H ~'o:;r:,'~' c)'9,:~C09f!q;g0l1':"1872t~'(bt21~~'<'N ~._":,.'~..'. ~I..'_" ;i~,,~ '" -g-!;;',~.';,.";.~ "'1..Bia'1 a;!d ~g:t(.",-,~,,;;..,~;:.,.,:,.p;:.,"~ "2ff.:-,?t" ...~:.~_~_CJ~",~,e;!':Q't:-i ,P~r.8Q1ut,l. .::::~.~L";,t.'{l2f ','-' it "t-;it.:l:.~l-'ch6:Oo~ .prop."a88. =,,< ,..;..'(......~~. .___,[,"~! ~oh~~~,~'~~,~d ',1872 I. :~:~'.O"h.'~_4 ;~~c .")'f''':~,;t ''-.,::-''~;'3;~'~;~Ci~: '4fX~~. ~~ '" ~'f- 8 ~ ~~'i~'~~!;r :'~'~I~~:L~,~::,W!~=" ~~. ~ ..", ..,"" , ... c,"'~' .r "~~.,~8~g1~~~JiJtr"Jr~op' $:~~ ~~~"f'" L{~~ ,...,,..., "<>:8'020:~'OT' -':1:~ ~ <;t- ~ St'gog-'ogC3'~ . 1872 '~-- 'l..lo.J IS~II' '~:;~~~,ill:f:~~~ 11':'As ~ !Xl''""l'-l'~~~;''-:.:r.u,~at and We 'eV IJ"" I S-'p",~;..&g..~.9l~~~...~ Personal ,~~ '8 ,~"g2d~;;gco~~lprop.eqzd. Q..S .. '" 10 OOOl.OO-'J"~Z'5~', 1872. E..S' ."" I....;,g'" ..~ . <> It ~ OO~ bJOt'If:-.~l-'ec,1-' .... 0" . )g~~{8~~i~~ ~.f ;g. II, Otp.;;o ,~' Or: ~g: ~:.- I 0 o~2:::;: ~2: ~~ ~~ i,", ~g, (i a. ~ ;,:i~ i ~,..,...." i ~= i Q" 0 0 ;; ] - .?- " t1 "" ... <:f- 71 """". REPOR1':': er ~m~.ut8eo~l"~<li'Rijjiiiiy-ojk._ J 'l\J TllE CoIrnTY -CoUNCIL OP_ THX OoUKTY OF ELGI" , Th~:Coi!!mit~:~PRl>i!!~d.,t9:!l!~1>e_ll,!"ml1~'lt~,,-t;l"(alOtha- _e_rootionof al'T~W ~egisttY QJ!i~., ~}~ve_t~ ~1?!',tt F ,,~.Jf,h~~. Y.l?~~.J~ommit~~" ~"'~~~~~2'l?t'~~F i':.~rt~~j, AdvertiSed for T,en~ers fo;' ~e:e~\~"'<>t"1!c ~!W;;~ll~}'- try.O-tl!"",a,!d ':ooeived t4<; foll~~},!~~,:!y,l...t:_"., ~,~~?;;~y:-.:: ::::: :~-:~::~: ~J~i> '." Wrigl1t & Dnl'llnd.,-: .....:_. jj,,~:!,".4.W"---- YOllt'.::c9fuinittee 'ooDsiderM.-'tHe a.iDo.~,i1ta:t#"';~gre~ than~-"~fId, c ant( ~xooededth~, ~um appn;~~ted. by ll!ty per: ~~t. ';;',_tli.~ afi"i' payment oHh.;rair ;uteri' .' "t~ons" :.~lW, bal~;~Ca ~m!':~l!i~8, oJ.. ,~~~, :_..~,t9o:~!1~:afP~~~ tal ,in ~heBy.Law:; wpnld)e in.ntli!'ienr to '.go 0;' ,';'i<1ith. , ..,'..", '..'.... ..., "','","','-'--',^, ,'" ..." ..<, ..,.,'."..",) (''',,- "...... <",,' i ,.... _', ..,',_" "_" W'Ork~, ,;,~?\~rJ0:~,~~i,t.t~;::~~:~_~~rQ~" ,,~ee:~e4', ,~t::acl~b.le. to lay the matter over till thiB',meeting-bf tlie., Coiil>pil; a i.' ," ',_", ::'; ;..~: :':,~ ,: ',,:, ',::, , ",;""-',":'7 "':,',)1." -"',0,..,/,','0,;",'. :"""..' :?":,-,,..;:- .,..,c ':.....:_,> '.> . majority onh. lIfembe_rii.sa~iiig;~i_~i~l)d'~~-h~\"._aI'Prftv..1 - o(that cOurs.: Yonr o;,inmiti..._,",,;ul<j-sugg.stt.h'~t-'ha 'W1rit;,.r ~'thelri~t f~v~ram6 Um'6::Wiedm~9',i,~ti~~""for ~Dch work. .'v.., :;'''''! {:~;':'.~< ;, ;""',-,,'.", . " , - ..'" ; ,;' ., -;:,';7 ,.,:,,-'.~" ~-_,-:,::, ,c:.' I,,' :: ',- .,,r., ~< ~<",;, "...., "', ..: Alldf wliich.isreSpeetfU):JYcbbmitted. _ \<'_,'" ,,),"':' 'f" '_,._ _, '_',", ''''''-,';'', " ..., _: ;"~, ,'. "",",~ ',_^,~ _,_ _ e", ,".. . / "c'-' (Signe<l:)""' :,'1'. M.NAl'RN ---.---,- .!! ' -- ~ -: -Ciia\'1"'''". 8~.. 'fkik~~~;::2'ri:d:'N(J~.~ilit.&r.~:'187:i n:',~i!:.' . .r;iL ...." ' ~,. C<?,::.;":';'_~!:S_, ;:.i.: :":',U.. '-,,~'"" ',\~' ,'''' ;-" ~ ~~ ~.~ ~Z <y;:~ :' ~,...' ',",1 , ;~J2 OOB:~-;:,r,~-E-BORT ~: .,t;l.\j ...:'i. ,_ ..~/.j . Of t,1i Co~m~~,~f~i~c.!1~ ~{~r7:~f{8{f(,a,!!J pr{!" !W.A witll.:;-~.' -atiiratio';i3'in Jail'and'eriXtion of~, Walt araumd tho. Jail Yard: -.' 7"3 . C'" ,"-;;' .,?"", _"',.,'_',_'_.,'..~..;,< ,v',; "n_ ....-.. 0 ~ " >.,C ,,"' c...>' '~,,-'" with the Co~ireb: as-~io:the"'r~'~Uri'er~tron':;he' ~IiGurd' receiva fOl'su~h extta, service": , ,":___~.' _" ,_:c_:__:-: ,', " _ ,'. 1rom:a~inmitte~ w~tlIdal;6~tatetfu;t the.Q6nlActor '!opreparing theiito~e vro*.{~i' the.int.,~orofthe Jail, a,nq Fi1L1?t:oc~e~__rLthth13 ~o~k"a~'_ ~h~,'_wemher. wi:ll / per.- mit :heexpecls to hay"Hall'the 'Wof1r -complete<> before the nlli(j-fuetitiOn~d ill: tHe:co:titr:ict~ . - ~ ' , Allot which ish!spe'6tfuny .trl\riliitM, "' - . if6ti-W""'':.bsDN- , ..I..Ll.'i .I2.!.LI., _", 'Or.iiihn'm. ST. TnoM"splili"N'<ive1l1ber; lStZ, '::_.To~HE:;COi1WiY'Ieou}iGfL:6'FITHgi09v~~~tti~OErtiiN,1T ''"'' ,,' , " ,"" ,'" ~". - t.;>l("i,: ; ",,': ..;, c~". _,:' _Y"_: ;'_,",: '_', ; " '~~'-eonin'1'ltt:fje;:a~~oil.ife~ hj'l'e~~~ve'-'T:~ha~i:S ~iofCana '}~a''Em :_t~~",~1'~tatl6~~!ll~,;ail\"~~((~re~ti?~:~fa~~aJl ':~'riii:mlfihe JiiFYard}:;b~~1t'ave't6~:R€port~ : ~.\-;.:;. " " '" i,",'''', ".' "__;..,et,,. "":,,.-. ",.., '-. _ _,...,.-';', Th~~"'as,}ilitJtrucBet1'4J.tOY8ftFfJoli~cil~,Y8~r:~mfu'itfea r&ad~~~e~ifor: Tenders:for.th-e work~~i2.iia,l'fe.~ived th"e fOllo~t;;i:i:i;~Aq;~~!~~~{~:~~;.ii:?qQ, " ,,'Joh~ ~Uis()ri; Jt. :,~,,:;":"','_,:'::'T6~OOO -_, t:Th~i-tiili~1"eJ~6f;r6bri;Eni~6ri,-'~i~j"lXiitig ,1fif~~1i~:htih':ii;~d ~~ii;;~~~t~1"i;.~~~i~~~i;'!t8t;~~l~~1~~rff~: . ~Pris"ori Y~rd:W ill to '~>ti(u "'tl{i$' ~easQn;"~a:nac.:tne'hrt€ll'. "..', 'm..",o,","" ;~'f '~^~,",q--,,}< ,-(;"...;,J:?,,~..~,., p."'~"''"'\ ,~^ """xv.'$' ,~:."..--'-!? _L,",....... --:a#On3.--' l';ln th .' Ji.U"to. bif~o- '-~'~e~e~l"bY~yerriOet-llext'.:.-,~ ,,-',...,..)'.- i:,..~l- t:",.,.,r<"'-f,_"~,,,,"~,,;\, .,;e~ """'~'-;\;i;,~'.'~+,,',,',",,, ,;",,;~ .,.,_...- ,'.,_> "":-Your" OOijimiHoo'1v.oula~aiso' star .$h1i't the' s{tm. or'FOiu' ""~'-r::..>;"::,~ """;!",'. ,";'~7' n.', '? ':' ,,',.,,, "".."'.,'!'W-;,.: i,_'f "'J<:,' -'. 'l-_;,~i"_" '.,<"'" r,:: "./riiQi~4,,:~~~-J+H~~~r~,~)1ff,~iKty~,r~_~;f~D~}1~"~ __"~~:,~:~)~e~ . "f-aid:AlJ,;"I"~wi~e,i ~~, tll~,...gl~;.~~~if'!'~?'5:'PT~_,~~il"}b t€!,tneu tlHthe finalOOlllpletlon thereof. _' <:,:;;":,,,:-'"; Yonr. Comffii;~t,~~ J)!,B'l!?' '1:1'9, 9W,e,t,h:~H?~ 'W ~IJ was in- ~~~efl~jr~lttelit and theYfU:~/~~gp larger (by., order of '~~i'~?ect-;'r ot Prisons) than "t"litist contemplated, and tha.t tWQ auditiona,l",dpors, hav6 'been made in the :P,:.il'ioY). , "-\ :,:" ':;:"~'."!~"~',-;":f;.. ,...~'\: ',:"".€,.~.." \" 'f,"~ WaU which ~il1 con5equently increase 'the' 'contract( prici} of tho work. Y our Committeo have also t:o frirorm the Council th&.t ihey nave employed Mr.. McKay to su~rintend the erec- ~ion.cttl)e work~theJ..il Wall, and l""ye ~b. m.~= r! I i 'r t " II I 'j i i I f '14 '7'5 B-Y",LAW NO: ,229. _E0;h School Distri.ct_ shan be determined as , follows ,:-= -That the incorporated Village of Vienna, be a High ::.chool District, and that the limits of ,"such 'High -Schcdl District, shall be embraced and comprised of-theeorpora- ::;ion of said' incorporated Village of Vienna" and that the Corporation .boi.mdary of said incorporated Village of --Vienna shall' he the limits .of the High Sehool District ,::;fVienna for the Grammar School now,existing therein. Audthat--the incorporated Village -of Aylmer be and is Elereby fo~'med into a High :SchooIDistrict, and that the Corporation bonnda:ryof said incorporated Vi1lageof:Ayl~ mel~ shall be the limits of the Aylmer High School Dis: tric~. And His enacted that this ,by;:la,w shalltake Cffect and bG'in,fol'ce on the :fourtel:'uthday ofJN"ovember:, one t~()u"., sand" eight.hundl'ed and seventy-two. JOHN ELLISON. .Wa,'d'n. ~!Io fln:in :tlt8.:,' ir-corpJ)ra:~e"filZ~g~, fl ~~~~!na, - 0~~cl4yl~e/ in the Oou"ilJ qi'!Slgzn;int-p' fligk SchoolIJisirids .and ,to determ.ine)lle}t~~t[J."~ju31~eO}; "".' . .,' . .... ......~A!lS~P, .]3th d~Y:.9f .NovelDber, 1$72_ 'VriEREAs, u.nder the ~c4~1_>~.9~~"~4'Vjctori8,Cha.pt'er ''33 of the S~:,\t~~~:9rcQ~t~1.'io, :,-Se~..40~:reQi.t~s,'" That "-ever.r C~n~nty ;Co~cil shall determine the limits of each f::,High,.sch"ooi "'j)istrict ~for each Gram!llar Scho()lno~ ..a existing within th.e: cou:flt?and,:ma,Yforr[l:t,~e_whqle or "part of ,one or inb~'eTowrislil')~ 'T~WDS' and VillaO"es ' , -' b " within its jurisdiction, into a RieTh School District. ."" ," .'" b," ' . . And the HIgh School Board of snchDistrict sball pos- '_: sess all the powers within the said District for the Sllp- '0,<" port and management of their High School. And in re- uspect to the County Council as. are possessed nnder the "Grammar School Acts, and thisAcb, by lIigh 'Schoof. ",' Boards-in respect to the support and management of the " schools 'under their care. And such County COllncil .H-may appoint and deter-mine the eontinu'mee and succes- ,Il sioIl in 0ffice'of six J1l'ly qualified personsaa members of "such"H-igh:School Board. It PrQvided; 'however, that, existing Grammar School oj, Divisions, already established shall be called High Scbool "Distric:~s and continue as snch llntil oth~rwise altered '" by by-law of such Coun-tyCounciL Be it therefore ,enacted by the Corpomtion of, the :Colin .t.r of EIginiinCounty,COl.mcil assembled, und by vittne ..of the allthority aforesaid,.. That tIle ri:woi'porated Vil1ages ,()f.Vienna and Aylmer, i~the Cbunty of 'Elgin,be-f-GI'rued into High .school Districts, and the limits ~feach said :St. Thomas, Connty:of Elgin? Nov. 13, 1872. WILLIAU McKAY. .o,mnty 01,#1:..- .