1873 Minutes PROOEEDINGS OF THE" abnnntM QGnundt DURING THE SESSIONS HELD URT HODS .'. --'.-~"'~~~ .--"','0 -- ,_:~,l,;;,t-< couNCIL;.l c ~GJrinth:rt~ast _.' '<:\, ckhii1:ty~Gre~k,_ '. t9d~ty::S,?~,cit OOMMITTEES- FINANOE._ _ Nim~~ \:.' ~-<I~Li:it~AT~;- PUBLIC IMPROVEMJTINTS- '. . WQ'ODw.oRTli; ]'IrtL~. ,'AND'," 1<DUOATION, _. .-. 'McKILLOP,' '_ _,__' _:;_:~.A.W~~~~:: JAIL-AND PRINTING.- MCC.4:USLn"D; . , .~ . -- ------w;;,: MEMBERS' OF THE COUN;ry iB73_, - \V~RDEN-J6HN JY[~OAUSLAND, Reeve, -Deputy Reeve. ,-Reeve, '. ,,;, < ; :-D'e'putY-',~e~ve, ~:~ ~i;::~f:' Rd~~~'.' :-, :oeputYi~:Reeve~,-, .- ,-__'-'' do,:'-, :'do "";Rei;iV:€i, ~. ,Depu_t:V Reeve, ao"', - :do'.' Reev:e,_-::,,' . . D~puty-~.eev~, "Reeve, Reeve, '~ :\D~t)1;t~i~~e~y_ei .<:1;R:e,eY:~; ~ ",- -'" '." -'D.- lVJoKiLLOP, --D'. ',McLEAN, . _ '_,_.,_G',"~GALBRAIT~,-,. -.111.. 00 tl;~i ~-;f.,\:J\1i:R:'r..ATT, S> B/ M::rLL_Sj' A.,'MdBIq:nE.,._.".-- i\j:'_<RUNSBERGER: 'E:_:,GREY,,_,>__ .. " :j:,::-MQCA.U81jA:!'m,.-,---" ',' e.- CHUT:fl: -. ""T. ]1'. ,NAIRN: H. _ BRO:WN~ ,:,'_~ "G""'WOOJ;)WbR~H?; ~u:f:" W:;,0;:,: ,';' ~ 0',;-, ':"'::"'-";"c AUDITQRS.- '.wi; - "',~- <-,,,,,",,., "":.':',..'z,,-':, :~ >':-"~'" ""':-~~,~~"u..::.:.:'..o"__~:;:,:-""':.~~"::",:~___~,,,,--_":~_,,_,,;,,~ i C--,,," ,,;}, '-:, .- ESQ. .:~- - . '*.- .. .A.ldb6rough'./~~~::', _ Di;,"iCh:,l~' S~iitli\vold~''l';,_',:'/~ "'\-" ':;'";~d~~~;(:;,,-:::F:+--- .. .0 de) ,_' '. :Yanuoi.l~1i. "':?:-'>''.';'' ""-do' do Ba.yha1U:~ do d<t': PROCEEDINGS OF THE 'o":', ":~:'- ',: '- ,', ' ~Iginmrrnnt~ arrrnndt '. \ DURING THE SESSIONS HELD f' IN THE COURT HOUSE, - r;, T:B:O:M:AS, IN-THE MONTHS Ol!' "/',, "."," :' tJ-NUlJR}';.JUNE/..AND NOVEMBER, -"'i'::;~~;~"::'L:,,::~~~'~tL'_:~',-:_-"',","~":, 'f ~.,- -;." ~87S_, 'YAltDEN. WM. McKAY, CLERK. 4"'_ _ . ST, . THO:fY.1:AS : iT TIql: "WEEKLY DISPA.TOH" OFFICE. "" ",' ,'-".:,r;, Prooeedlngs. . . 1873. .._,;, 'J (II: .~ ''; ~_ t l 0"""~' ,!" (I j1-'Z! ,;/,{i )1 y <I.~i~~r:r~" '" do~ i,,:d~.,__ ,'" ";8'-:. DORCHESTER. do. . :Y.~.R~OU:r~, ,. 40. ! ., do. VIEN:N.+.., ,u: -">' ~." .' '. ,'/ The menibers'~erec~iJ:ed t:bt>tder. The ,Cl~rk ~n th~,:C~?-~' ::tvtbved' by-:M~~'}ferr;:_s'e~onded-bY Mr. Galbraith, "That .Jo~n,~,_.)'<[cCau~la_nd' be elected;W~den for the current:year,' Lost_ , ., '- -- .-.,-.,\. Moited by Mi.. Day;'seconded: by W..H. .Brown, "That Mr.- Marlatt-be. a fit arid prnper.-pc]'on to,J>eWordenfor the present year. Lost. ,(",;,,'-o;:-::\~: '-,,;,,\'-,j" <:?,:L_:,;.,':;:;., , ',<;-:-:"'-',' -:Mov~d, bY' Mr:.-Freeroan, seconded by Mr. Gray,. "That George snlrel be a~pointed Wara:~n for the ensning ye,;,r. 'Dost~; i!':\~;"'-"_i>i' ,',' ' ",. _,,:"'-' .Moved by.T._ M.., :Nairn, . seconded by D. McLean, ,~iTh.t John McCauslanCJ, be 'Varden' of the County for the present year. Lost. ' ' ,',''-,to; \:,,:,<;;;,{';': ,:'<:A,;o;;';1:_::_"-:-"'>': - ,;;:-.:<~::::;;Y; :':; Moved..by D. _ Freeman{ seconded,hy K.(hay, "That Mr. -S~ffelb.:W orden fori,he' ensning' rear. - 'tost. ' ;:'"",.",,::,,".1.:':' " '::-;':' ...'.-":",.":,,,',', "':;::;"<.'-\:;"->"~ ';,\":''i..:-:j''';'<.'-'' ":"': :',.',. Moved-by Samuel-Day; seconded by S. B.,Mills, ~'Th~t'Mr. Marlatt he Warden for the pres~ri.t yea.r.'__:Po:~t;: ,','~; )"-, '-' '...1' ;i::,~ . Moved by D. Freem.i"seoo,;de'd l1yG.Shffel; "Jb'ati'J<jJiil 'UcCausland be Warden for the' current year. Ca~Tled. .'.S,',;''',. ." " .. The Clerk dedared Mr. McCansland Warden'.;t'\;he'C()Wlty, The Warden ~lect made the.aeblarati9'1;.oi~ffi'de'b~fbW,IDi lIonor J'Udge 'Hughes, took the chair, and 'aaare'ss'~A the o~4n:'" cil_ - ,- . The ]!,oceedings of the, last day ()f the previ9u.s,~essioIl,w.re read'b'y tlie Cle~k, and anthorized to be~~e~byth,e,W""den:,_ '" -./_c,:': "":.-,..:,'.'- Moved by A.Kerr, seconded by S. Shepard, "T~attb~;"'ar den appoint a special committee.of thr"" to strike' the standiJl Committees. on, Fillauce, Pnblic Imprcvement, and'Edu~ation and reIort the same to this Council. Oarried; 5 Snffeli :r:r an-Ii, and Day to commIttees. . seconded by.j\fr. McLean, "That tho appomted to strike the stand.. and read. Carded. by, D;' l\fC:L'eail, :~That the to ,strike the stl;tnd'- bC'tLdoptea-as Oorin~ and: :Bro~h', Mr. J. P. ':':rl1at.A. J. for the '~ur" i~st-'~ri(i the ol.'igillal 6 I\-iOYE'Jby Mr. 811ffel, seconded by Mr. Chute, "That T-. ::M. Nairn, a member of this Council, be appointed as Qne of the Auditors for :wditing tb;e account in connection' with the ad- ministration of justice. In amendment first: Mo'Ved'by,S. Day; secon-d-ed u:r~ -Kerr~;~"That Mr. Marlatt be one of the:Auditors for auditing. the accouutsof the admin.- istrati~)li of justice for tile current year. Lost. Amendment second: l\-ioyed by Mr. McKillop, seconded by :fv:r. 'G. W o0dworlb., "'That Mr. Shepard, Reeve of Southwold, be appointed one 'of the Auditors of .the .a-OOounts of Criminal Justice for the pre- .:sent yenr. The second ~mendment :was carned; first amenclmen$ .and ..original motion lost. ]'-foved by: T. M. Nainl, second.ea ky 8amuelDay, "That a special committee, consisting.of <the Reeyes of the'variolls mu- nicipalities be appointed to .consider the propriety of subdivid- j ing the County: 'into High School Districts, said "<COmmittee to 'l'eport at the present sess~on oI tue Council. Carried. The following communications were read: 'i' iJ~. Ruttan, Cobourg, in reference to heatlllg jails Kasson, with prop 't- , OS1 lOll for hot S.t,ric:kl~l.lld, r~sp~cti'ng jail locks d , an gates. Regi~tiy.: offi'ces in' ref~r"nce '" to pran fat' G. llfcGeorge,' in: .' tt;l1d'Kell't., refere::.ee to s,urvey of boundary County oiL- ] , mco n respel':/-" t _' ,,,,.lDg l1e ~:re~erva,tion of finances of the by Mr fl. o'clock f - . unsberger, the ~.. ,?re,p.o!~n, ~C;:x:t ~!ty. J.' 'McOAUSLAND :>:l,",,! ;Iili'" c. " " ' . T<Va'/'aell: Frome _E. J. Parke, COl:in~y __ Solicitor :ofl\iiddlesex" .nJ:'ging tolls to be iinpos!'ld qn bridges across the river T];ram-e8. From James Kiefer, Middlesex County Clerk, with petitlon .of Midd1es~x OOuncil for )?arliament to amend Registry Acts :as 1"egards :Registr'a-e~ fees. ~ ~~ty:9f,~J'a~u~ty 1873 J". ',.c:. ".:' .", , , ,. accordirto-. t.o adJ- . , 0 , ourn...... From Thomas Hodgins, M. P., West Elgin, res_pecting grant from Government in aid of repairing jails, etc. From Dr. J. H. Willson, with parliamentary pa.pers. MoKillop' sli If ,~, '. "" ,epard, l\farlatt .",u~~be~ger,_ Galbraith;. :r ~lVObam)l'th"'C1 t" ,_ Law-' . ", III CJ ~a,il'nJ" ~ 8 The proceedings of previous meeting ~ere' read and, 5igUl~d. ,Mr. ,Sh~pard made a stateinent to the Council, resigning the office 'Of Auditor of Administration of J ustke aCC01mt; when it was Moved by'Mr.' Day,: 8~eonded. hi :Mr. MaTlatt, "Thato-the Te';ign~tion,of .MT._ ShepaTd _ a. AuditoT, of the, AdIDini8t~~tibn ~ o~ :jusiiee'be..~cceptea'-~~ : Car'r}~~;.;:t',':;,i:",:.,-:.:<;') ""'--:"'~L}li:,:': ,:;'" ";:.,<><,-c ':':' ': ", ,',' ,C>, ',':,'.,",'_.. Mov~d by ~. Day, 8~~onded ?y A. Kerr,. "That :M:r: M'aTlatt 'be one: of,-th~Auditors. {or ;{uditlijg'th~:acO?~lnr~f the:4d11li~- istrationof 'J l1stice for the current year." . In amendment: .1\1:<?v,ed.:~yMr.Suffel"seco~deli.byMr. Cl1ute, "T:hat T. M. Nairn" ,Reeve,;of Aylmer, ,be appointed ,Auditor for ~u~it~1.'g the acconnt. of the AdIDini.tr~on o! Justice for the Connliy, in place of S. Shepard,1"~-esigIled~n':"+:;~; ~.-;,\ Am~l1dment:lost;iil:lltib.'jnbti()ri,_c~:tTie& Movedbi:M:k.iM;'Killop,'~~bl1d~a'b;' M:i.iII'~L~;;';,' "That the' Clerk',be'iIisthicted to procure &ndrforwai.'d~\a~sei'ilWleli.t rolls and notices forthwith to the several municipalities in the County. Carried. !\ioved by, 1tfr. Suffel, ._seconded py~. Chute, "That the Rev., J;);;Alll~i~, ,:D.,P.,,:~d, Ch~le~Dr~~s~Jre;>be 'app6inted Trust~e8 of the Vienna :High 'Bohoo!; with term 'Of office for tlife~years: 1:Cariiied. .' .. j.- Moved byW". H. Brown, second@d_bY-f1r' L~W~OI1 .':',I:ha~ the comnlllnicntions be noW taken u--p (~hd disposed. at' i I Carried:: . '. ", ",,',..','_' ','_ , :0"": ",',":".',.':_....-,,', h""""",,':;",:;T:,' ,r' comlIl~~ic~tlon" f:rom \v.G':iMc(}e_~iw~",l)rQvriic14 ~a,~d Surveyor, ;'~s;ec\i?~sur;'.y. of,bonndary line b~tweell' Ei!;( and Kent, wben it was . o seconded 'by D. l\IcLearl "T i to proceed with tl -, hat ThIr-.. EI '. , 1e survey of the gm, "and plant stone IDO , 1111- to said line, provided the expenses and Aldhor~ b~ _ JYIl~., lH:u.latt, "That JYIr: by tIns Council to make the and Kent ill accord- -Township Council of 6ne-~alf of s'om;ito'r of the'br:idges '-" ---~,~,----' ~..- -,- 10 11 . : '.The Clerk' read - a com:ru.unication from 1\1:essrs.' Horsman, Kasson, & Rnttan, respecting' propositions to heat the' jaiH'with '] . . lOt a,l,l'. : be granted t . f T lb' 0 erect a brIdge on-the o a ot road" .,..,.,. ."d d and ' L," OVt e , the county , <',,":' .i,io','F'hi,j,:. dollars be appropriated to the and that Mr Kerr D t t "" epuy ,0 expend the amount; p)'o- that e:e:; j and that the Oouncil of \':'lV1Q\rec1h! S.D~Yj'secoJ;lde~, by s. B.Millfl, HTh;1t jhecom- }~,~1~~c~~iOnfr()~,-}~~SSl'S,""II01':S14a1h_~SSOn -:& R~tta1~j'_ff,J~P~(}t~ .i,~g-:~ot'arr,~p~~~a~~ls :'foi"~nf~~~il;'~7-~eferred t,o,the:'J aifCo~~'_: Jllittee;j~,o-)~epoTt<at-~pr;esent'@~'~t~ng":()~:,-t1i~:'-P?uuciL . Gamed.:' Mov,ed by G'. Swel; seconded by l\1r: Ohute, "That_a special iJd~:if~t_t~e:'~.e:,;~ppciiht~~',';,~~~Jid~:5t,'o~,;.-~e,~ al'de,~,~":MessT~~ iN ah"1i"'and>~'$hepai;d;',~~\viit--C)ll,~h7-'?~6wR Council :oL-St;:Tho~ mas;, ~sking them to pay thei~ propo;i:tion. towai:dsth:e erection of'~he newR-egistiy ()ffice,,~aid ~ommittee to_ascertain_as near a's'possible what would be a"fa.ir proporti01i "for:tlie town 'pfISt. iJ:'4cmias'to pay. Catried. S. B. Mills, "That be " -.., , :', ':' ,,~, : ",," ,,:,' ,,' ' ' _ Moved 1;>y.1~. McKillqp, seconded by D. McLean, "That tjlis Oonncins of opllliou :that' ii, ,101ild b<i"advJsabHdo dispe;',e with the tax fuWbS~d :onqb~5i~~lf1:lXt.che'~ ~o~..the p~'e5eht yea? Lost, . ..', ",' '..,"..,'...~..",: .'t.. ,..,,":'--', """'''',,:>~'''' ,-",-'':'' ',," "'Cd : "", OJr'ill9~io+1~':'~~~'_~Ql~riG~t" adl~.yf~i~d'f"~~}'iQ'hOl11'~' ',': [:- ,':---, ;,-'- ,,': '-- "'-,",' 'The Council iiiE)t againf\yh~Jt'he dhall:maii of, d{numitte~'~~," Public Improvements su1:l1Jitted. a. report, which was -read r w1lt~n,;,;, i j I -,-' 1\fr; SUffel moved, secoh.de'd 'by1\rr.-'Gray;" lT1.it :ihe"C'Ounml ,~o:in~oC01n~ittee:of th.~'1V;hole on the r~poTt ()f..t4~CoJnll1it'- -t~e.'()n.Pub;li~ }:Inprovemeiits~ . " amendment ."'..,. ..:'rhyq()u"f!.g~oJventw.to Qommitte~ o~ tl1e: 'Yhole,)\lr. latt in:the cihair. Keh'. The Oouncil resumed, when the c,hairmarn 0"r-th~COIllrp.itt J;?po~-t,;ld the'a(~optio~l'~of-;th~," I'e:-p~l't ,of- ;the ,CQDlIpittee,_,Ou, P-- lie Imprevements, witl~-the 'following ~lUelldmen~s: -" 12 . ~Y~A.s-,M6Lean and McKillop~ ,. NAys-Galbraith, Conn, Hunsberger, Gray, Suffel, Chute; Kerr, Lawton, Nairn, Brown, Woodworth, Marlatt, Day, Mills and Shepard. T~e 1~~~,::rootio~t9"f1dbpt,t~~J;~~Ort as ame~ci.ed in Com., lllittee ,qf" t~e,:)yK?~\'l', wa~,~h~~'l?u~'a,~dcarrie~. On n:c;tioil of Mr. "\v ood~0~h;s~6'6-rid~d"::bt:-Mt, -,13ro~~Jli~ ' C.9u~cil_<L~jo~~dJiU 9 o:c:ock next;,lay. . ~ '\>- WILLIA~I McKAY, Clerk. J. McCAUSLAND, Wctrd.en. -- THURSDAY, the 30th January, 1873. ',The: COlUlcil: D:i.~t'a;t'91o'Cloclt;':forehObIi;.'i 'fhe vVardenin: the'chair. Members Present-Messrs. JYlcKillop, Kerr, Mills, Grey, McLea.n; Lawt6n, Brown' Hnffel, Galbraith, Day, W oodwcirth, Chu~e, Conn, Marlatt, Hunsbergei', Nairn. The proceedings of previous day were read and signed. Th~ i,Varden read the following coirim:uni~ations: Froin Mi'. Rai~e, resigning the office of Examiner of te'ach- ~rs. '.:Stat.eme}ltyt DireCtors :port Bruce a~d Aytraer -QravelRO?>d-- Camp'any:' '-, ,.'c. ,-:,- ..' ,. , - (;\1",. Afte~' which? it was :<['fr6'Ved~by-'(t Siiirel,secdrided'by Edwin Grey; ':That th~' resignation of John Raine, one of the Board of Exaroinersto-,', ,....',.."..,'....,..,,-" 13. for the Public Schools in this Carried. by T. IvL N.airn, "That so January, .1873, appointing High Tgomas school, be repealed." the asfol~ 14 ;Mo~;,edby \Y. Il; Browll, seconded by M. C...,,\VoodWi)rth, "rrhat 'By-La'w No. 231 be reaq. a second time." Carried. ,]fraved by D~McKillop,- seconded bY-D. McLean, "That Ey",Law<N"o. 23lbe. rea.d' 'a third time and finally pas~ed)? Carried~ _ }\[oVElcl- by, :'It.:R~ Brow-n'" seco~d,ed, by M. G. Woodworth, "That_:BY7Law;:N-():;:~32i.'-tO ~ppoiilt Coul1ty_Auditors; be re- cei vedand read- a first time; Carried. ' 'Mo,'eclby,Jds~phJ\!:arJatt;seconded by S:B.:MiJls; "That . By;..Law. NO'~: 232- be read; a;'secondtime;" " Carried. Moved byMr; Si.dral, seco:hdedby J\fr. Grey, "That. By-Law No:- 232,be,read a-third,,tim'e:and passed. Oa.rried. :M:(rv~d 'byT. :M:,.N~irn_' seco~dedby C. Ch\ite, "That By- L'a\v:Nq.:'233i~o'~:i?P?int'a J3"o'~d9~:Audihbere~d a_::fi.r~t time. Citl;ried~' I' 15 and main motion lost. seconded by M G . ' ' ~, . Woodworth a- By-Law to appo:hrt a .Jail IUl~ be read a first tim..e" 0 . 'ar- _ by S. B. Mill', "That B . tlme" C. -d Y . arne . C! Chute, "That By- ,~aIlles of the Shepard." . -/, ' ~t~~~d by "\v.-'It. Brown, secOIid.ed',by :M.' G. Woodworth, "That By"Law' '233',be' read a second t~rrie." Carried.: Moved by Joseph Marlatt, seconded by Mr. Conn, "That By;.taw'233 be.l;eada thh'd time' and fin'ally passed,;". . Carried. :Moved by G. Suffel,. seconde~__by .C. Chute, HTl1a.t tlieW~r- den, Messrs. Nairn 'liriii' J)ay~ 1:)I:?~ppoint'ea'- a':sp'S"ciaI \;'oriirruptee fOJ:,~he: l?~:r~}';se:~[ f?okinga~ter the~ner(l.tio~s noW ~~in~)pafle iri'the Cfql:iuty Ja1;i, and; f()r th~ erect~on of the 'l;l~IT' :R,egi'stry, .office, should the same be proceeded' with dm-ing the- present year)" Tn amendment: , 149ve:4PY ,1YIer~ditp..-C~my;" seconded by J. Galbrai~h~, HT,R~t J.:, ~a't1a~h',S. ~lH:lparp.l'",.l:!-g(l *.~; :M:.l'Tairn be, 1Lppowt~4~~9k and Registry Offi~eBuilding Committee for th~ ensuipg yeaD"~.':- 16 "That the report of the Finance Comn1ittee be adopted,: and tfw,t th.5 W~rdell be fl.uthonzecl to sign cheques for the accounts embra'ced therein." Cn.med. . l\love{l,byi:D; J\.'lcLean; secomled-by"Mr. Chute, "That,th,e County Treasurer of this County apply to the C;;unty of ]'fid~ dl~s~~ "f~r,o,Il_~,-~~~fo~" ,~~~,_tolls;; collected at the,', vrardsville 'bridge,siilc6'last'sJttlement witK~1iis Council. 'tJar'tied~" ~f?V~;~::1;JY ,W ~\:ff"B~9\Vn~"S~C:6_~de~1:";by;--~~~-_,q~,~'~?()tl'r?~thl "~h~t the ,Oler~,be .inst~i6tedt? }~~lt apet;ti(lIl to b'- 'for- :wi~de~ 'to _:the~e~isl~hlre;:'t?"aniend_::tlie~:_70th'.s~ction' of chap- ter 20/S1st'Vi'ctoria;' also,; chapter '27 of '35th Victoria, as far as relates to the fees of Registrars, so as to cause the fees.to lie fllll(ie,g, ~nd: that the-said :Registrars be paid by saThry;canc.l that:_~h~)Jterkfor'N:ay(la copy of said petition to, the se~eral ml,ln,ic~palities:of ~Ontario, requesting their-eo-operation. -' M?ve~ny':Mereditlt Conn, sedorided by. John Galhraith, .' 't~~t:>a, :F~~~ttp~:_,1?e :_~e~1t t?_,}h~. ~_~gislat~~~':i:J?:t1ty"ipg _,f()r a change' in-the' present systern'of paying :Itegi~tpl1rs,.:s()-_t1ill~'_each Registrar should have" two thO\lSand d~Uars ~a1a~y .y~'afly,and_-( inaddition-:to said salary-the : Registrars to have 'fi~ty per cent. of the .- feesanc1 "emohnrients, over and above -the said 'two ' thot.lsanc1 dollars; And also; that' the '_Legislature;[b~!askeMto reduce:theRegister fees and charges at, leas't;,;one::thiid. ". Amendment ca:rried, main motion lo;;.t; , }vIr; :Butler, Inspector of schools for the County, appearetl befor~:tp'~:Qcn,lIlcila.nd made.a statement :r'espe~tj.ng: the schooh ~ in the County. JYlove(l by Mr; SuffeLj se,comled by Mr. TY!a.rlatt, "That thi~ . Council tender a vote o'f thanks to Mr. :Butler, County lnspec-: tor o!schools for' the very satisfa~tory and able report deli-c. vered'before this 'Conricilv,'ith l'Qference tQ the public schools r 11 al1d: M~s~rs~, }1,oe _ and ;as .a:deputation .from" the respecting the liability of of-the_,cost of ei'ec- "That the !one i i M~r- ';;:,'> ' the C~)Un,;, lYm"<<en.. 18 . th~ distribution of the SU1- the bonus 'of $200,000. RailwaJ, FRIDAY, the 31st da.y of January~1873:' _.1J;he C~nulci~roet at 9 o'clock forenoon. '-'TheW~rleri:iIY:~he'~}hair: ~eD1per~_:p~~,~en~-;Me~Br~:.,_.. M:~~{i~lop, La~ton, :N a~rn{::M:~~~a~';:>~~Y;':,Wo_od~brt~)~:Ch~te;Shep,atdf ~~ns.lf,~i~~~/_:~~1l)r~~~1~~.I{_erf;-:-M:i1~~,:.Gr~y~,'Co'nll; c-. , :_> r~,c ,~__':_.. '_.: ,,' ~ _ ',.i:"'~_'/. ,,:,;S,:t"~)"._~1-J,',ii:\';:?Wr-" 'The'.proceedings of the previous dao:_wereread l'nd signed.." The Warden read a statenlent"f~orii thEl(%~nty Tr~a~urer~- ~. th~'-?>rod:alltpa.i.d~btthis ~C(l'nnty -on' account 'of>the:M'unic~pal :Loan:-:Fllud'. Moyed \>y, G_ Snfl'el, se.onded. by C_ Chnt~, "That the Rev. .J,rSJmltie"D, D., be ,appointed one of the Board. ~f E"aminer~ to~e<,-,~:;~e.,te~cJ1er' of public ,chools in thi, County,;in,pla of,'John Raine: resigned." ,Cariied..;,,.,_:' . ... ".,,-' \ , ':l\~()ve~i~y;::C:}\'I,;Ji~;,..~,~eco~~~by D'.'~oL'1"p,..~fl1I,a~ .:w; .~ Jlu,n~{i?~rg~j;'s,n!l'1ll~;- ,b~ ~f311}5~~i,~u~e.~_fo~}1~ec:~~,e,y~-: ~t~l1yh~.: 'as,roember gf,' t~e;~o~itt~~, ~pp~~nted tp ~u1?d~'Iia,~ ~~>q?!1~~t into -;E[ig4;School Distrids}'," Ca:cried~ ,," .- Mqve~ byG. Sntfel, seconded by l'iI. Conn, "Tllat trh",. the Canada Southern Railway traversesthe9~~;;tf~B~'!~ land,- Haldiroand, N(;l1~folk, Oxford, Elgin,' K€nit; "arid' Ess andwhe1'cas, at ar cqnventiOl>lOf de~ega:.~f:;s}l:91A',tho,s;~_,pl-~ palities, held in the town of St"Thomasin May,1870, it agr'eed.thfl,tfit bonus of one million 00 ,gyantedTtp" said rail said amountto be levied on the'severalmul:1iCiproities"accor . to ~ g~rt~ins:~~lej,_~1w,owh~TeClS' the;c~lUTlty of"Elgin ~eptf wltli t1fe}agre:~~nt' then,.ente~'ed into; 'a1td_w~retts;:tl'H~,3 rol1nicipalities~,.~~fu5e-a ,to: ~y out :th'e' agreement''; 'altho' they a~~eqlUt_n~ b,e~efited with Elgin in theeons.t'Ftl~i;icin p~- railwaYl Tlwrf,Jore, this Uou'Rcil deems it important-to 'peti the Ohtfl.'iio Government that in t.he settlement of tiTHl:MU ~ tho the , 2~ ~",M<""""" In ai:ii~l1dlUent: " . Moved by J,': Galbraith,. seconded by M. Oo~, "That report ~f ~he special coromittee,oll subdiViding't~eOo'~ntyii1t6 High School, Districts he laid over till the- June sessioIj" 6f~t~s Council." Cariie& ' ,Ye'~:#~:tiatl'rii{i~~itdti1~nt: Y~ls~daibriiitli,: '-Corii1} ,:Ma~latt; Wlls,:~::Kefr ,v.Shepard;: Lawton~'McKiUopt Woodwortli;iBroWn:;::McLeauc; ahd; NAys'--":'Grey, Hunsberger, Suffel, Nairn, and Day. "M6ved)5y'T.. M."Na.irri, seconded by G.,Sliffelj ~5That.a<By~ L'aw be passed adding' the Township of Bayh,ain'tothe;Vi!'ln~a tFfigh- School :District", and the ,T6wriships:'of:"Malahide:and. Sduthmorb~es~erjtothe' .Aylmer. High SchoOlDisttict~; ~, Lost. ( M.:'Hunsberger, "That :,;rustee~", and other 'Carrled. and Galbraith, HThat a apprehensic.ll of the and that the sum case on conviction of ,." L;. ,..;l',; . M~~e'd,'by/r-)i.N aiJ:u,--secondyd,by_ G. SUffel, "That"'aJ :Byti' ~aw ."be,' passeq. ,a,d"~~ }he ,,,t.?\vp.~ipBf ,Bay?am:_:t~ _t~e Yi~nn~: ;Jiig?:,'~ch()6r.'Dist~c.t,:.)t~4 t~e:,t6wnship: Of :Maf~ide Jo: '-tli~' A:Y:1lllerJ:I~ih'Schod(J?ffi~7~~h:: ,',,' "-,,,,'- "":,.;,,-,,- J;;;:;:i ".' "That '" ,:> ,~' -"", ", " '..'... ,:," . YE:A$--Gtey, HunsQ'et'g~r, :Sriffel, Chute': RaIn).', Shepard, and Kerr. -"That By:'Law p~~er ~:llrposes, Day, MiJls, N~!s~Gal1?~aith, COD?,_Marlatt, Wood'wprtli; ~~own, and McLean. MOved'by Mr.' Shepard, seconded by~G,'Law:to:n} '~Tha~ -t- p'et~t_ion of ,0., Rich and others, to the Legislafl1re,''iIi-'relatio tothe:port_Stanley harbour, be allowed to bei.~El~4,~}}~;~di cussed.' Carried.. :. - '" - "That ;the out the Trustees of -';, The' petition to the Legislature was- re'ad. :',:';,' :Moved byO. Suffel, seconded by T. :M~ Naii:n,""~haf~" Council pay the smri of Jen dollars to the perso:q Wl;?_~,~~ at the request of His Honor Judge .Hughes;.'the CO:ffi.l{ for t ahd McKillop. McLean, L~~ton , 22 bv^ , ~.){"n, Wo.O~W6:rth, G:l.lbraith, Conn, Kerr, anu Nairn_. The amendment was lost and .111ain motion .carried. On motion of Mr. ~l1ffel, seconded by Mr. Nairn, the Colin;: Cil 'n;djOupled 'tilL t~e~Jir.st 'ruesday: in June; all.dthe- Warde!l was3.\lthoriZed to.s,ign;'dra~t'for'roeinberS' wages. ' Lilio' WILLLiliI McKAY, Clerk. JOHN ~IcCAUSLAND, , 1Varde;1>. "That th& to equali?e~ SECOND sEsinON>C--'FIRsT PAY: TtfESDA.Y, the.Srd,day,o-f June, 1873,: By- of The Council met at 10 o'clock,; forenoon. Th~ Wt\rden in the :chair. . ".:,:, .-: ,_\ ',..' : MeDlbers::;rr€sell,t::.1vles~r~: ..~cKillop",,~'I~rlatt, Gal})raitJI, 1\fills, C~~n',;e~own, Shep~r&~ -W:oO(hvo~th,,- Lawton, l>iy/~],)ic~#4e;;;II~p.s?e,rg~!, :Gr~y~: Mr. McB~lde"preseritria"ckitificit~:afia. took ~.qouncil Board as:Reev~-.of ,Bayham. The proceedings of the'last day of the previous .sessibn :read and authorized to be sigtled. The Warden addressed the 90nncil. "That' b6' the claim. ~T~i~'i~Ji~nyiri~ c(jtn~unic~tio~s ~er~ th~ri re~~f: FrdilJ.>:I!isB.6:hOr J tldge ~,Hughes,' ,enClosing ',. -a.pplication/ Mr.-Stanton, County Crown Attorney, for rent of otfice.. From t1!e County Treasurer, with estimate of amountlf quired to be raised for ~ounty rates. ana, , . . From the Hon. theComtriissionerof Public Works and -'v~l'1p~~lfS?cr?t.ari, in-:sefei.enca'to pJans for-:Re(Sistr7 OftW~::~ "That a.. 24 25 Mr. Sbnton for' office rent, and iCnecessary, -to tak?the_pnip. ion of the County Solicitor in the premisesj and report tp J,pi session of the Council." for a grant of eicrhty on County line b 10 , e ween provided the Count . y Amendment ~ost -and ~ain motion carried. for a grant of sixty western Oounty line." . Moved: by: U~,; Stmelj iseconded.' by.. A~ McJ3ridet ',',Thatth~:;. accounl of J.D. Baikie, and eommnnication.lhereY<ith, M. surveyhlg ~ndeng~neer~ on the-town li~~ between Yarmonth {biter 1\falaiiid~;:1?e orer'({rie4 to.'t.he';'Finance':Coni-iUittee?!' "Car'" tIed:' iU',,- dollars to im.. If:; < , "i;',':, Thai the By_L~wappo~tinganlnspeclor of Weight,and', Measure.h for the Oounty; be'te~ealed,aridthat the Olerkpre'. pare'a new By.:.Law 'apP,?int~g an' Inspectoif6r the:EastRlding; and.. one for the We::.t:Riding of the'Conrity; Carried0:i;"'" ' A_ A. ".>:.-,'._,_:<", _" _,; _', '! - ,_,'.. ..,,:.." - - ,': ," :,...c:. -Moved.by ,G. Sufl'el, seconded by T._ 'M: 'Nairn,.. "That 'the report_"ot. the Oounty .:A.uaitorh' 'be' adopted; -'arid. \tha~th a,c~9unts.,oC}he'", COtlP~Yr,T:r~asUter "b13",:finally., auditerl_-aJ:l al1o';'ed~:i-'.thi;:6q;;;;eili~' ciiri.-d. ,': . .', ,'''': d, i, f,1econded by W H 9'" .,,-,.-'-' '" ',';, . Brown, o clock ".to-morrow ' ..- ,. ,." ""'/' ~~Orn~?g.~~_ . - . ' - "" ''c.'''.'' " ~-,_ :,":', ' , .....' -" i ',' ,>:' :':,:, "" -;: ':",,:.. Moved' by.G::>Suffel~ 'sei;6nded by T..:M.~ NifrD.,f}'Tli~t LawN9._2~9, p~ssed:by _~bis,-,CP1:1~cil.at-its-{\'!ession in ,N9V,eni b~r1~~t, setti.~g- apart; the 'villag~s of yien~a. ~nd,-A.yi,mer'"a High School districts, be repealed." Carried. '. ;J.Mc0.ADSLAND ,"' " , WaTden. I ,. M6vea:'by;Mr~:N8irn;seconae<<;l:;qY)'r:I;r..;S.nffelj '-frhat q.~P ciali:committee: :comp:rising:;.the, -Warden, "Me.sl:?rs;' :M9Kil1-9 Shepar!lr:; Marl,att" ,Stillel, .."McBride,,-;:;and; ~,tb.,e ~Il;Lo:v:er ,,:;be:;!} pQillted'to consi4-er; th.:e:,adrisability;-_of' subc:li vid,ing; t>>eO~mn into RigliISchoollDistmcts/andfrepor:t at:the,preSe44 S13SS~qi.t the County~~' Carried. Notices ,of root ions of applications: By>W. ,H.' BtO'\vll;'anaj;lplicatlOn for: fifte.en .d'9lla'Fs'tq,prCl-" plahkifor;tp.eiBelri:ioht:.'bridge'btl Hie, County line, betwe~~)lt arid.':Middlel::!ex; 1878. 26 - The proceedings of the previous day were read h.Ild signed..: Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Conn. , Moved by Samuel Day) seconded by S. Shepard, "Tha.t committee composed of the Warden, Messrs. Day and Sheparci, be,apI?ointea:toe:x.ami~~,:i~to' }he~:st~te" of the ;J~l)rti ,Sta~ley Grav~l,Itoad,and "U:"ll,ecessary.apPoint an Engineer to report o~.,~~e_sta~e<!f the,!Qali,~'4;;jf,_de_~med expedient, to tak~ such ot,herstepsM_ ,s_a,iCl.':,?P:llPJ;lit~e~,.,;rrl~JC~~~,~":p~~per, to~:~a~~, the road put in a good: state of repair, or takeactio:nagainat t4elesseesollthe Govena,nts -of tll€Y leas.c.e,ifneceasary,'Jto coin': p~l them'to: do, s'o." . Carried. " :I.1:9ied by W. It. Brown, s~condeaby .:M:.G,Woodworjh, "That the' report of,theeommittee, ,appoi~te~, ~9;r~:q~~~b')Ilt, the l)roprietybf forming ,the County into High., S0noo1 . Dis' tricts, be received and read." Carried. :The,iep"i\,,{ the OoIhfuitteeoll''8:ighSdh661'TIlSfuct.:; rea(riin-a.~~laid':on:the.table:'^ ~ . the "beamended by,' in -future by offering Shepard, of Mr. Stan- "That this lligh oti the Soi.lth~ and Aldborough~ for of the Movt'idby ~'_:.17rin~?eI'ger,'secon~ed bY_,M:'_.?"\_"'Yo~dwor.t "That,By-Law:.No.' 20be:aroended Botha;t-'ji.uors,~nfa.y.,r~oe;f 'one dollar and fifty cents per day, in place of one dollar-'as present." Carried. . . by'/. ,#~rlatt;. :"Tb~tj'this morning, in order h~ve time' to meet M0ved by D. :McKillop, seconded by John Gall;:lraith, HT AE. S. K. :Barclay, b,,::appoi~tect,):;tlspectorof Weights 3_ Measures for the West Riding or the' COl1nty of Elgin. U "C ried~ ":JOHN MoCAUSLAND , WWfden. On motion of S. B. Mills, seconded '.by Geo.~;Lawton, ConTIciladjonrned for an hour. . T.he- Council resumed:. clay, of Jun.e, 187.3. '1VLoved,by'V; H.. Brown, ,seconded by _S:.:B., Mills,-'!. ' th61'eport qr Tommittees:appointed~ to .investigate the',Clai 28- Members Present-McKillop, Lawton; Nairn, Galbraith, D&y, Chute, Gray, Shepard, Marlatt, Brown, Hun berger, Kerr, Mills, Woodworth, Suffe!. 0 . . ' t' received from the Provincial Secret 're~e~::~':~:~tr1Dffibepiari.,waB i..d.. Th~'Wa~4'~_IlsuPI11:i~ted)~' :sta;~~~e~tfrom Mr: Wila ~refe.) I ,:~J;;~~;t9,the::4--gr,i9~~t~aJ.)~~lllP9rmll1~ _ ", ",.C;-'_": ",-~",,;;;;.;i ,;~ ~.;";';Ii~ ,'~~g\:~'~~~l,';_i.,-gq~;l1i~iti~h",_;~?~--~h~c'Y~;~'~'~T~?~~8~l;\, f)chpoI-J3oara:"~ceptinglhepropos~tion made by the ~mm~ of-theCOlmcq. on, the _sc;:hl?()l question. \ MillS . "Th Moved by .Josbeph M~r~a~, ;:;:~:~ ~{~ei:lits imd Meas Henry Martm e appo~n e n C . d ~ures for.the East Riding of the Oounty. arrle . ." :- ~ 'M" L t "That t " h M K~rr aeconded by r. aw on, Mayed y. :r;.,~. '. C" 'tt e be received .and rea.d. report of the Equali.ZatlOll ommr e .:barri.~4. , 'n: 'i~~~~~.g~.--~&~~~tib~_)d~Fk~tt~e';~iis:~~~d'I; ,'" . ' , ,. ... S D' "That t Moved by J~ <Galbraith, s~c~~d,ed. _bYd, ""'t"'daf.'~ :diliied. -: '", '"',,," . -',,,:,,,""'!'-' .-- ':EqualiZation be a op e." ",':,,' 're:porl-pf Comnnt ee on c."":':..::': ;!:::,~__:'":"<> " '-":'~Th' t. ", N'irn. s~con'dea by Mr.- Chute,-._ ,',,'~ .:Moved by Mr._ ,a ,', _',,' 'tf' -_c n_,,:.,the~Subdivision:ofi :-re"orl of;the' speClal.comml:, e~,",o", _ ,',' ' '" C ied. ,.C:u:nty'"-into High Schoo~'Districts, be. ad;pte~.: ,.~: ~, '; l WHEREAS the Count; did, in the, y~ar:L870, grant a. bo .of'''$20g,090'tothe Canada Southern Ra~way; and c,' 'REAS--< the:To~s~P ()f13aY~<1IIl and the vi?a.ge .W~~ "':;'?"''''-'''t'' '!t:;f'the::Countyto the extreme east, Vlenna form apor lOll .' hi ,and ,vilhl.ge,Ferejnd the:ratepayers of the,sald~o:W,I!S,)~ - ',-"," "tK'."'lt'il . 'vbtiu':for--the sald Canada Sou ern, a '; .to. }leheve, before_ . g ~d b 1 :ated, 80 as to 'run thro - bonns, that the railway wo e oc 29 :';)~:r:}F:i':'<:.>':,'.'.'-' ;'~~~"~aidJ#riada Sbu~hern Ra~way does; not touch '?t;:13~:r~aD:l' ll?r does it corae withiIl about three -:'-~#h~est'corrier'of the same'; therefore, a'mani- :i,S::ci()~~:;,~o_the said~ownship and village by the ."tl1e"said bonus taxj and ;~E:A.s,thestid Township of Bayham, and the said vil- 6~"~i:enn~, have not been benefitted as otlier portions of -,qtll!ty,f~ver through which said railwaYp'asse_s,i during its - ~'~~?'D.,;andwin not be accommodated :by, said railway ismoperation, but by the Canada Air Line Railw~Yj '"i~~,ha.s,-not cost this County anyt~ing in the way of taxation; :cl.,s}-:th~ said Township, of Bayham an,d the said vil- iElnn'3i:-having so far paid .the sUm- of $5,107 toward ~~~nt; 'of the Canada Southern bonus,tax; and "..-:t.":::,;;, ',..:": ~,e~tS;,~e sai~town~hi~_ qf Bayhamand the said village ',',fen:_~a~i.tit~g passedaby~law ~~ll~ a .b~lllls, o~ $34.,000 ~lli(~the"con:structioii '-of .t:rre BrantfordandPort Burwell -:?~:>~~.;-,~~~ Norfolk Railway,_which,. wb,eif'c()nst:tricted, will " _,,~-gph,,-~~ sll.i~J llluni~ipa1i~ie3from Tilsonburgh to Port , ;,it;iS therefore '(':/0:;::;";: '!Q:vet.;by..Mr. Suffel, .seconded by Alex&nder McBride, P~y?o~sid~rfJot~on of th_e sai~: ~justice done ~o:th~ ,said '_:')f,,6i':B~y~arana~he :s~ia Villa~e of Vie~nahythe .:~~g'~I.theCa:iiada: Southern b6n:us-~aX, and'iil-con'Sidera:- ,(i~,;::te~r~?,~Qr _a.lr~a4ypaid ,towards said bonus, and., the - J;~,:9Q?::t~_b~ _gi_v;entQaJ:lOther :railway, by; saicl}own:- ,~~e; by which they will be accommodated as other -~:Q~Y?f-;:@~;J](lullty~e:'.by--h~ving railway'facilities3,that > "cjJj,R~sw,l;:lY7~aw'r.~li€lyipg ,the. said,_townshjp and.vil- ,_;{:l1~t~_~_r,~ta;:.?>~io!l; tqwardspaying ,the bomis to :the '~~1!.~~_~l11_,:g~ilway, .'fiaid .relief 'to be given 01;1" condition 30 McBride" Suffel, Chute, ai1d ,,'-~~ 31 of Bayham to Purl Burwell." that the railway- named in this re~solution :b@ constructed;": Yeas and nays called. for by Mr. Suffelo YEAs-:S~.fr'el,Gray, Hu~berger, McBride and Mips. Day, Galbraith, Kerr Shej)hrd L t MK-ll M' , , awon, ClOp, cLean and Nairn. Suffel,:seconded by Mr. McBride "TI t M b ' ,la ~~ mover e appointed by this Council to get the ~ounty ~~licitor as to the validity of correcting m equ~hzmg the assessment rolls of the Tawn- for 1872;" Carned. nicKillop, ,seconded by :T.M. N ail'n. "That Depnt~ Ree~e .of _~ldb?l'ou$h,beappointed to act In conJunct1.o'nwith 'the E' '... 'f , ngmeer 0 the Wardsville b~~dge." Oarried. Suffer, seconded by C. Chute, "By-Law No- two Insp,ec~ors of 'Veights and Measures f~~ be read a.-first: tIme." Carried. W. ,H..Bro~h"..secorided'byM~ G. Woodworth' "~ 0: 23? be ?ea~.-a second 'time."? Carried; ) McKillop, ~e€o~dedhy D. McLea~- "Tht B be read a third time and finally pas~ed."; Oa;~ ,11iiys~\ Gklbr~ithj "Baf;_'}~liLt~,.:It~~r,. Shepatcl, 'ta\Yt.~li, BroWR, Woodw~rt~,McKfiioi{:Mbte~~,Nairn and Ch!lte~ ' ~16ti'diii6~t~<" ,*' ' " "-~:Mo\red.:;b:j(G.~:Sl1ffel,' s~cb~d~~ hy"'C/ Chuts_;"'Th~t By~Law -No;<237;':to 'r~pealBy:.'Law No. 229, be read a'first 'time~" , Carried. ' Moved by Joseph Marlatt, seconded by S. B. Mills, ~y~~~w No. 237 be r~a:d a ~ecor:d time." Carrie,d. , ' '. Move'd,'by ,Sa1p.uel>,Da.y,:seqoncled.rby J: Galbraith, By..,Law :;:N.o;~ 237:,be::re'ad!a:thitd,:time and- Carried: :-':_M;rv'ed"'~i;M:~"Hu~_~berger,:se60~d~:a,:'bY':,A.:Mc~ri4~,,~ ~~That By:-Law :&o;".2~8, ,: in;"" re~~rence~j;&: payment of jt1~9~~_s,;be' ,r'e~4'::1 firsttillle." Carrj.e~L < 1vIo'v~d b~'E. Gray, secoriaedby M. Hunsberger, :'~ i~h~t,#Y~ La\v ,No~ 238, respecting jurors' wages, be read a 'seco:ridl'tim:e;'~_-'.' Ca.i.'r~ed..' '::-M~!e~rbyJi. Gray, seconded by M. :8:u~sperger, .'"tR-~t By": 't~~y"'~0.,,2~~ pe read a third tiIJie and'p~s~d." :Ca~iea. ,^ Ort:':D?-?~io~o#,,:]\II~~:rtfcKilloP;, seconded 'bt ivr.: G. Woodworth;': the Councila:djourned for all. honr, an4 met again. . , ,C" J osep!i' Ma'tlatt, seconded by A. Kerr, '~That the on~ hour to allow the committees to meet." of tme' hour,-the Council resumed; Chute, seconded by Mr. McLean "Th t tl n -jd. C ' a 18 Ul lIUg omlllittce be re'cei,ied and read. r "Mo~ed' 'hy_'(}:\:StiiTel,..'s~conded' by 'A. . :McBride, ,:' ?~hat,: t~ Council pass aBy~Law granting a bonus of fifteen' thousarr dolla'rs..tbwards':tlie \::onstruction of :the Bfantford' and Port,- Burwell-Bran'ch of the Norfolk Railway,ttmning' from TiLsoll';{ . """,:':""'''",'",,"''''~ 32 33 / Th.e Clerk r~ad reporlof Building Committee. _ Moved by M. Woodworth, seconded by W. H. Brown, rlThatthe report of :the,Jail Building Com.mi~tee be adopted." Carried. '" c;.:, ,Movedb_:rP,' ':M:_cLe~~,~ seqondedby Q.Ohute, "That Ale;- auder ]J~hor~::l:>l:<apl?_oi.r~~d _:,P1?~~i:~~i?ft,~r to e:x:pen4 the al?pr:~~ ': priation granted. last".-year 'oD:' thiwest"ern Comity line, 'ill place' of:..;PUfcatl:M()D-91J~i,~:~Nom-P~~#~ !~11~::~?rk,:,;;~~(1:i~4Jft*~ ?-ppqir!t- me.nt..,q~~p~~911~_~~~O:qll.b.(fr~s.ci);rde;d/';;;Ql),-~~~q.\_,' ':_ ,-'::: ,.. "":':"/'-"')_"":".'...' "," >'_',:,,-', "'"'' :,:" '_ ',' ",:.-,::.. L"..", :-",', ....:.. ....,_:, <': - ..:_->:, :',',:'.,,::,:: ~ '"':~9vea)~f)~1l.:Ch~t~,::~econ:d~~",h!:l1r. ,'~~cL~ii, " 'Tb~~)3y-: Law No:"240, for'sui:;dividing theCountY)ll~o High'SchoqI', Districts, be received and read a fust time:" Carried. ~1J~e~_1?Y4-,_ ,McJ3r~4e;, ~ec:qn(ied byM. Hllnsberg~r, I}:Y~l?~~:~ ?~:: ~+O, br:, _~e~da ~e.coIl~ti,~~." Cltrri7q~_ Moved b:iTo M.: Nairl1, .. seconded byG;Sulfel, "That ByC: L.a~~?;T:f2~'lf~:r!\-~y:~t;l~:y;i~iP~,Jh'f~" 9?,P~RY'(:ffito,; :S;igll'~ ,~F?1wol', I?_i~t:~_9~NJ)~'refl~~P?4~~.,~~}lle~,aD,;~,~Thi1JJ'\P~~,l}~d.,,~ :,91lfr}?,d.~ '" '__'i:' ~ ',,' , ',- ~.:, :'::.:: :..\ ",": "": :,.--: - . -. '-' .'-' " \:,'"" -,Move.d1?Y-JM:r. Suffel,'seconded'byT;M; Naii11,":'+hat, h~y; in~"F~qeive~la, favolIT~l?le,\:~..ol?~llioll f1:o~,,~he Cpnnty _S_?l~c~,t~~"J~n tii~w~i~~~iJ;efetj,e~. _t.t~" Jript , ~~~~hing "th~ 'errq~ ,~~4~' ;-'~'~ih equafuatiorl. of the assessment roll of the 'Township' of .Ala b?r?~~li.fhr71872,:it: is' omy Idoing justice<tq,-the ':0;4el{pl1,1riiCi pal.itiea;-and;n:o injusticet(), Aldborotigli,jcbY;;a4ding~$100,OOO:t 'thee-equalized assessment of said' township, foi' 1872, whl 8~pp:t;~~~r,Ye p_eep. $88~,~1,2, iJ?-,;pl~ce,q~ J~T~,~,~~~~"~ ?f11J~.~~-I. >',",,-.':, t ,_ ,"-:" -, ,,' , ,:,',,' - " ' , -~ , ,,",' ,,: . o :M:o~?a.;biT)>,1dcKillop, seconded by 'D. McLean; "t~at larg6 a.mount,was added to. Aldborough last year, it is therefo in_exP\Ol_die~~-~9"ij,n!l-rease -,_thee: :awo.:tmt Qf ,e9.'J,1:~14at~9n ~ J~y:$~Q 'OOO,,~o,~l:?,a~~ed:~_()it1~elast ye~:'svalm1ti~1l' bec,ause ~321," l1as been 3;lrea".d.y:adaed'for-this'year." Lost. 1I1'amendment~ foronthem- - _ am motIOn were ,:Suffel, \Voodworth B' ,,: . ' rown, MIlls, and Galbraith. t1ie'Jown as of t~e:a,dl}lifc1istrati~m of justice >Jail" 'after.theei:pirationof :nex:t meeting of -the " by,~. _~~tcL~[m~_",Th~tBy~iaw common schoi?ls,: he':-read:-a"-first "That By-Law "-'. "That / / I "''''~~-;! ;~!\' ~ ~""'-~ ~, ., "/' C. ~, 34 35 '--Moved -by- M. Hlln;;berger, second.d by A. McBride, "That-_ ~~e repo~t of the Finance Com~ttee be adopted. n . Carried~' . Mo~ed_: by W._ H."Brown, sedoncled ~by M.- ,:Hunsb~rger,:' 'That the _report .of the:..committee on Publie Jmprovements 'be received arid read.'" Carried. ~-,9P:_'~.P1otion Q~ IVIr:~_, S~tffeI; se.conde4 by Mr. ~fc~~i&e, t~e :"9llnci!-"adj.ollrned till_ the: second, Tuesday. in November, and the Warden _w.. autho.rized to .ign drafts for members' wages. \ j: MoCAUSLAND, .Wd4'den. . Iteport w~:i'l'~d: _ . ':. " _' . , '-M~ved by J, Galbiaith, seconde4"by s: Day, -"Thai repo ~f; q~nkii~ee, o~-i!~bJi~ .~~P:r9T~,~,e~_~~;:be':~d~p:te~~~"";,:9:.amed~ :-Moir'ed. ;bj '-M:' G.-~~Woo'dwbrth; ~,ifeconded by D>~cKinb ."Tl1a~-By-Law No." 242; to raise-County.-ratea, be receiv,ed \'e~ad'a; :first 'time." - Carried.. ' . " THIRD SESSION.~FIRST DAY, TUESDAY, the 11th day of N oveinber, 1873. . Move'~, by J osep,h :Marlatt, iseconded by S. ~ It Milli) ;~~~~~~~,'_~o'_.',2~2 be ,'read< a ~~_cond,time~" C_.'alTl.,.ed.. .___. ., , ' ' , , <,""'0.'" r',1\1~ye~_, 'bf';':}Y;;'~~:;)3~'~'~;f,~9o.ri~,E14 ~ bY'i,M~. Po'___ W oo~hvQrt ; '~:Th~t;~y;Jt,~~__~~.;~21?~ blt,~~e~~f_~~t~4..l~_~~ ~p..q..~ally_::_a~sed (Jartied~, @_ "d . '. '. ",C ': ',. ':;~'_,,,, . .~.. .. .< .. - , :'- ' -', ..,,;, . '.-' -' :'" -' -',-' -<.,',-- ,,,.," .'M?~ve~:"by,Jj. _J\f~~ea21".-a~?~~~~: '~y:,.:q;,:iM~~~op~ ".t:,11i~~; t _Cl'erk,,:be .1n,striwted to noJ~fy ,Iv.(i~,;La~l'?re_t1i~t .JW.Aa~,bee:q,a. 'pointed ~onnnissioner to -expend last year~s approp,iati~J;l 0 the County-.line between EIgiIt _ancl Kent,. and "req,!-est hun , hate ;yhe'--1v:91'k _ d.on.~-:a,~. f?0Qn a~ l'();;;.sible.iZ "",~9atrj.~d~:.~;_~o,,w; .:" . Members Preseut---'--Me~srs_ -McKillop,- llfitrliitt,- Galbraith, ~,-,~ Bi-own, ,SheparQ:, Woodworth,. L"awtol}, Suff~l, " rIP!1~l?erg~r;Gray, McLea~, B:-err, phute. ' ',' "";.'- ~ ; . ,'~;, ' . - 'of the .last day of --previous' 'session> 'were -,_".C , ....: Jg,p.9,wing;~ci::!.ni,Ip:~i~ati,Q:n~:'w~re tp.ell'-r~~d::, ',::;'" :<;~:'q9~A~.r;:,qi6rk of'-K~nt, rer:;pec_tizW' .-~ppiopri~~iori,::~_~d~' 'fliji~. '. . . -, ' I " _ _ ,_ ' ,Hon. A.. McKellar, respecting plans of Registry- Office~ i O~Yle.Y/t;6~enpn6nt:)tuaipdr~ '~n;" r~f~r~~;~{:"to \:~~a.n!-Fiiii~rcstiI1!l~i. ~, . :'~!'-:';. '-"';' .' ,,' , -)',. "',- ~,..". '. ' -Moved by C. Chnt~, -~~~nded by ci.- Snffel, "That, th., Bli ,ing-, Cmiuilittee ts<hereqy~_a,uthtl+q;e4, to-:haye ere'cted ill,-the' -'such heating'apparat~s as ,the.y :may de.e.m:most snit.blB for t ,'_:btiu~~::'~ubiect to appro~al or .'th~~l~s.Iie~to:r, o:L)?:*on~, 'Oan;iec[ , "_' ".' ,'_. _..' . ~'Mo~~d .,:uj ~'~':-,:s.ilfter':~~C9~de(f'bJ~::~,_;Qh~t~~ i ;~~~f;~~,~l be not taken"by the :Building Committee'in -the matt~r: 9f" ing_,~ .c?ntract for the-~re9tibn of, a Registry_ OffiOO" until 'meeting o~ this CounelL" 'Carne(L . :riI~:',D.l3aikie;._P., :L'.~ S.,;-il,'-espectingfthe~'4ate::&_,;-tlt.e ~y{gravel'road:,: '. - , , .. {':::":::ii-:c.< se.cl;m,ded: h$,:~amue1 DaYJ a~ 36 " "'=~=~,_..- - "m.~'-,.____,._ ':-37 this CounCil ad've;ti.e for' 'ler:ders. for the -imilding of a""" Re~i_stri:()ffic~:/.~1.~~~~_:('?F,~:r;,~:1cc?rding ,toplans~ ,'f~shed:' by;the'Govei'l1Dlen~'jjf,:'9n,tari9.\f,/Tei1der~ to be received..oup ~to t~~f()%t~::~:()E_~:triIll~.~l1!l'~~ext,'and buildi~g,~obe_~~~cted durin'g'~b:e:;~~~pi'~J:'~cifj_:t~74;-if;_~~n4ersareaccePted; -~na"that:-: ~~~~;~cl.Y:~~~~~;/90'-'~'~:L1,~~r:~:f~J~~t,~th,the ',present Buildi,ng' 'p6inIni~t~El,;: Carried;" ,--- " .' ' . :{;_~i.t~:~'::Raihvay. , -, tdoh 'D'lIf '.' ::;'-"i';t:;,-'-'"-'- ".ol:iean, ~econdcd< by ,D.~1McKiIr ' " ,- . 3,7h~:~~?ted;.,;to forward t6' Mr., Conhor, ,op,' That,tlie _1?oITP~.t~e st~t~ of the Ward' vilI b" a. te,l.e~am,. for :"!;:_.-,,,;.,\.,./;.'::~:__ s e 11dge. Carried 'on of M:r. W db' . ;',:: ;_:";:: ,., 00 wort , seconded b : W : ncil.-..cadJ9'urnedtill9o'l kt" , ,y- ..H.,J3rown; ':2;;,;.,\:::.,: ' c oc . o,.m~rrOWniorning..' i~MrMcKAY,; , , Clerk. ~~:c()~4~X::"~!::.~..,.G.,:,,yv oodworth, ':be;:.:'ta,kEni-f};np{o:~pcI:~_d;iS:pbsea, of." \ ;1 N(()f~(i<~y:_tw;.:':Et..:'~f?~' '{''r~~V1f~e::'.cbf4D)tlnicatio,r#:' Carne{l-.,:~.':' ' '.:.-.:k),-:i:<:.,:."'''':}::::,,,.' ,'" '. " "'~ ~~v~tl:'~:y:q ::_~:llffel,~e~o~~ed ',' by _ G. Ch\lt~, "That ,the~~Il1.-' .C?TJl:W:~i~a~ipf1'J~?D'l:~tJ{e:'Ppti~ty:'Ireut, 'inl'eference:to "apprp Priatio~~liia.de,by:'~aid.. Qounty for bridges_ ~m ,Hle,gg:~~~y -li~, p~t:'Y~~~:\~l~,:~1,ldJ.\:~n,"\;,?,e referred to the Connnittce' onPub~_ 1\9. f~provements.''-' C~rried. , . ' 'M;;-i~d1;Y G:_suf!"el;,ie~d~~~cl by 'M::Hu~sbe~!!.er, "T4.i fu :Ol~rl{;?~::.~11:iS9o~pc~t,'~,~')~~(nL~ste~::~::t?:_~oITes?ond:'With' w: 9:Ql111o~{:~,n~;:?~ri,~~_~.~f:"e_~,<tF~,-;SJ:R~~:t::~f:,.(14~cI~~~:~~~-,v~~b,r,e~~r~' , .en'~e:'tg:'th~:';Pf~s'ei1t',s~~te "of_.t~ec'Wro:ds~il,le,:'})ridge;' 'an~_i~~ him 'for4isT.epo~t;'\\;itli,refer~nce '" thereto.":parrie~~ , J.M9CAUS;LAN:O, . W ard~n~ ";;, SECON:O :OAY_ ,- ';'" ,';:.-,, .W~D~E,S~~~" ~F~ ~t~~ .4a!i?f ,;N"ovp ,1~73, _,;-'f.~~cil-Dlet.at9 '6'clockfd~enoon' ' ".,>::.s..,: ,/':> " ,'.' , ; : ' . ,h~('Y ardimiIithe,Chair~ >.,." ,""h.'<" /,.,_,~~~ersPresent-Messrs MeKillo ' '. pea,n,:Pay Brown Galb' .th' 11.1" p, Lawton, lIuru;barger \:>Sh'-' ,','. "rm " l.uarlatt,Woodworth C ' , >;::/:,:__epard, Suffe1/Kel:T;"GraY'1'Chtit~.":': . ,onn, .,"."c.",.'.., "..,' ....~, ' :9ceeding$':6f;the'Pte:Vidus.cf8:v.,wcre'.re-'a:d'",,.,a' 'nd": :::' ~ -' d 'A<i~-:_, _ ' ,'_ f,"'i' .J:__, _: ,__: slgn'e. ",.\M;unxo;'Warden of:M:iddl' ',b' '~.:' " -- '.:,:i _,_g~i~"i1tj.tl~esp'ecliDg 'the eState 'b~set-~. we~gd- pr.esent,addr~s!md ";',::\(,"'<'_~~c' ' ' ' e' ar sVllle ,bridge. .t- ~,tEl~:::Yfhich: it was ."-,,., tiii': t/,~,,/,'L ~?~ed_l?y~~muel Day, sec?ilded"hY ,Sampel S~epa.rd,__H~h 'ille ac~ount~ of -:Rick;& ',Mitc4ell, 'HaighVarid"'Will~onf,I:i' ~~~ar~.. '~?}lding':,for; ,gp?ds:flY~:~_~l1ed.}o;~~cp:e~,{~ifil,la;d;_'i ':s~pp~rt :pf o~e 'Frea~rick"'E,rnest,.'a:+$~ti~':~~i~~'i:,ii,~}~ County, be paid by the Council, amounting, in'aJl'tot\vcn thr!3~, dOl1~yrs,'.' ".Lo~t~, . edb ."G ' >~ y;,.T.: Su:trel.seconded' b _.,1I.r, ,,' , ,',,- .:': lliicili::-.n ,~, ":, :_ ._,i-' Y:;.in.:.:;Hul1sblilrge~'-J~That- ".,.".,,'W1, '-Q()nc~r;lll:any'tactiQn",'tha:.t'.'ma ,b .,' " l,1nty'of".Middlese c. .t.h"" f'" ". y.,..~\,taken..by ,;",.,>__._.,_ ",X;,W1:.;re erence,:to.th ',' "..._' ~1Jl~?the W ardsvil1e~brid' e~cr~ -; '_. ,'" , ,.c.' ::;,epalrlJ),g~;:pr! ttld::th<;d "'d'" , '~' , .g.,>)?s;,th:e'~l.yerp,Thames t>/i~.;~Y' ecte On making repairs thatMr' , '-':" /f?'~eve"o:r';'::A.l(l-h6rou-'h\>b ,,;.,.,' ",', ;' ,.' . McLean, /6r:-th"-:"'C .' '.,' -' g,- e apPOl1.1ted,a Commissibner-on :;,:,t,}~>, OlUlty." Carried; - -/ <;:~r.":~~l~~bgaye I}otic~"th~t_\~~.aPJ?~ca.tiq~,'wn;-b,e/Dlade ,- .th-' JanUaTY session of the Council: lOT _a grkli by '?fay:o! hOIl tQthe_:Bran~for4:~_&PortBurwell 'Rai1wayr3aia.~ail~ay; whO CO~s~~l.Ctt:!il}:t.o.~~:.thr?ugh;_,:the ~ to~P~Q~ .BaYha.Jp"j(F,',P, ,Burwell; or" inlie~::oLa" b~nus, that.th~:t~y,:~s1Hppf:!~a;:r4. alld.t~e' ,~'ill~~e,',of-Jie~f1a;,sha1l, :b? ,J~~~~ved ,h'o~-:any~u~ taiation.to~ards,p-aying:ltlie ,lionus given by:this'~CountY:to~:t_ .', . ""'" 38 Conn, seconded by Mr, Ll1-w,to~,. that. , , Canada S~)11~h":' and 39 hath declared a ,;Moved,hy oJ;_ Ivlarlatt, ,aeqond~d:l~Y'>S.,B,:UjI1~,: UThat the i:repol."t, of the - 001mnittee:appointe,cl, ,tq" ~{rf!.-m.m!3_"into"j;.h~, .stat,e .,~:of the London & Port ,Stanley,.gravel'xoad, :b-enow read." . Oarrie,d. '-,' ': , . Moved byW. H. B;Qwn, sec6nded by DaIDell\1:~ihll6p, ,:':,,-f_'}'1;~tt.l1El,~ep9~t,o:t the, .com~it~e,~pp'oiJ?ted ,.to inqqire,jnto -"-:;J~iEl:; st~t(lo~_t4~ fo:r;t i3ta:rDeygra V;~l r()~..a;,:be ~clopted." ,Car- 'r!~~. . Illation of' Mr. ,Chut~: the Council adjourned for .one 'ill>. . by G. Suffel, "That the , ~The Council met again. , lVI~v~lbyT. ;:i\{- Nafrrij'~~cr~h4;~'- 'bi:G: 'S'i1irei/:that' '-;:" JrHEREAS, at the settlement made at 'the'iiTrie: of : the sep'ar~ ;',#:()~,qf; the iqo:g;ntypfElginJro~ the, Cou~ty <,>f t~,dq.lesex:, in :~ej)temlJer~~85.3, ~he purchase :Ihoiiey,tj.ul?, tg.epo,Y~l"p.W~~t, :()ll. jip,~ount .of.the:L9~d9n..4oi Po~t$tanley; ,Gr;tveJ,Jt.9~9. 'Wa~j;a.J~en . ,-,~t)"aecount.i\~:qd.~,th~~,e:()~t'J9f ,.':t1!.~;)pr9Pqttiqn"dp~J1e.of_r:wmnipg ,f th~,g8~Il.ty;qf .,EJ~41_':wa13J?;:44-I;}Yl?~,t~:t~,~,Qqllllty':ofJ\1:~4dI~_ ,;X:9Ii'!~4~:fu;~t-~d~:r pf-:J !lli~afY,;J,85't:,> on:-"t,he',f~ith: i9.f. _it.sjpay- T-~Fgthe .Governme_>>:trfor itlie;roa("lj ,~nd:asjt i,s,)uud~_r~to:?p.Jl1e ::I~:~:11!:c~a,s.eIrl~~~Y w~s~n~.t ~13o:paidbYiMiddi~~~~;'..~~1J _'r~~~Ja~,~t4e ':j~~~?~.ut,adjustD;Leut ,oLits )D.unicipal indeQt:eAIl~13~,tlu~ i~wount ':,t?,rreof was either in whole or in-'!)ltrt'relinqp,~fl4l:)d_. 1?Y kP-!'1,ie:OV- 'ernment~ . ,,';~~?is cthe;ol1inion'of,tl1is Jd~llucR >tl1at.the jLUI011ut. ,so-paid v~~:r;::bY:Elgin- to"M:iddl~sex:,,:to~e_ther,iVith',intelest thereon from . :fi~st, day of .January, 185.4;.'should:.be renmde4i01;,at'least .e-~uita~le _proJ?~rtion, of ,the. amoujJt ,relil':qU'ish~d' by the %?":~ff1tn_ent; <a:~ci::;:that" a'_ spe~ial"c?mmittee; of' :~hr-e~ >be:, ap~ ' 8iI1t~_~,~fo_;investigate\tliis~matter.iand Tcpqrt: at theinex:t D1eet~ \ofthis Council." C.wI:ied. "." . J . \ '<-. , 4\J 41 M.oved_ by S,: Day, seconded by S. B',_Mills" _ HTha~),the accourtt of Alexander' Lahore,:, amounting" to five dollars; -for -:#tiUga:s."Co'mDiissioner; appointed :by'this COltncil, to expend .. riA'appropriation', onthe-weste:tnCounty line, be paid;: and :also ])1,J.g~ld ,':M:cL~~~_'s., a:~co~Ilt8~:five.dollars for services .as 'Com- niission~r'at, the:W ardsVillebridge, be paid." Carrj.ed. "', '\ih:~'ji:' L", ''-;:''1..' "c~:gti~e4.:':'~y-'NJf.-lI,.::"Bfo~~t:~eco~cl~d:LbY/'~,,::G.;;:",V{o~d\\,b~h, (~.i'hat.;:tlie"~imite~;:~~d-iPrOqeecli~g~r_i'8f:,this,-SQl!l1'~il"'J)e:J?gb- li~he'din':pamJ?h1et:,f?rm: a~':inJorIner::ye~rs; ': aD:a ^ disfri~uted ~~oIlgs~:._~~h?_~~~bers,,::Jif~Y, :t~_e~9h,::';fp:wnship , and,twent:v-five :~.~"_vl!Iage'llni~5.Walities."'-' Carrie;.d." '.. ,...- .. '; 1\11"; Shepard presented petition from theqounci1,,~~.,.the to~~llip,9fSout~wold, respecting cufverts on road near"town lHie'between,Yarmouth and 8?uthwold. l,;,;~~~,:t~ti~~22"C~,'~e~d: . ,.;:;><,;iY;<<-{>,-)t:'\;;"i:':;,:,'-':?<'::_>\,--, ':,"_/""_,_"'<:",'",: ", "",:,,'_"',, _ ,', ',,_ ",; ,_.)" ~~Ye~:l;:r<i"l:i;_~Y;D~i:",:,~~(x)~~;e~:~3~;[?~:~~f::~a~la_~t~, ;"Th~t-,~hi_ :-'Q~~i1dil:~VP<?,i~t}~:~p:~pi~itte~'\'~(}',;",,'~i~_:.tWC\~"':,Wr,;,p;?pri:toi's,>",~f! "t'lr~;?-rav_~1.;:~oads'-:':0,::t~i$':9o~ntrtt()'isd~rta0_:~P?i1':':l1a~:~t~Fs ::tlieY:;\#lls~rien~er:,their-~htson'said:_~~~d;';~pd 'al~o)td; conf~r 'ivitli'th~- 'Cotincil'of: the, to~ 'of: 8t/Th~in~s,:as~i~g-sald' C~n~: "'?i~_:~,~':a~pli8b:-~:1ll ,market fees insai~toWn pr~vi~e4 this Cound~ '_"&hJ,~_l~;'d'~'elll;it,oP~d'~rit, t.O~bolish 'all toll "g~t~S\ in "~~~ :Co~ntr~ '"-iia~aTconi~jt~,~~:_c~l):-rep9ft",:t(}thi8~,?Q:u~cil';':at' tJi~l'~e~t'~~~1ia~, "~sessioii '~;:'a:iid'-th~t;'a'cdpy- of>.thfs\'l'esohltf6n -be forw~rded'- to-the ;'Mlddle~e~ Co~nciI:'C Carried.' -',' -"" -:-~,;~ov,ed_byC. Chute, , seconded by D. McLe~, "That By-Law 'No~ '243 be read a second time~'" 'Carried. ;):ji{oved by W. H.Bto'wn, seconded by.G. Lawton, "That ;~~-;r.a~ No. 243 be rea~ a,'-.thirdtime and/pass.ed.~'; ,Carried. it:-::~f9v~d })y_,:,T'ij1YL ~!l~,.,seco~ded by", G. Suffel, ','That By- ,~'-'r)":""'~~. ~#,.~el~g:a._:By-Law to establish a lock-up house in ;~ylme:r, be read a :first time. "__Carned. ...' j?i~O:V~d b:v~r.ilujfel, '~C?nde~ bY~ Nairn; "TbaIBy":I,aw ,6;" 244 De read a second. time.." Carrfe:d. '. ~:!Yo\i~'4~:b~_-"1~1ii'~:iiX~;"-s'ecdnded by_'.W. 'R. Browri,,,That tiI.Jaw: 'No. 244',be read. a. 'third time 'and'/'finally passed." arried. - \)M3~~~t,by:"_~i.,'~~epard,;'s~e_o~4e(1;~bt._S../[.)ah. <'That"the'- fol~ ':,g-,-nl"e~b~~s,"of t~sfCobncil::-be'appomte'd:a'crmmittee to ~y~s;ti~a.te ,thematter'of the: LbIidbn"&,,:Port, StaDle:y~ Gravel ,_-ill accorqance with~. Nairn's resohitibn, viz:the'War- n41\,1;essrs. S~~el-andNairn~" .Carned'. ~_ ,',L>,"::','" ::-IDs.y ;givek Ii'otice'of;applicatiou'to :lie:m:ade to-morrow .w:~~t 9f.$200 ,tow~ds,"the -,erectioD:of a1ock':'up house m ~illage of Port Stanley. '.. _ . , ':~~t~~:~t':<J.:.,C~~~i:i"~~~cibri4~4,~~:,'i\t:IiiIri~~befger;:, ",~~a_t 't~~ "t '~l'l ~~?i.~~V- :~HH~t~e:}J,o,il1mi,t~eeb'e.receiv.e,d"~~' read.' ~9Ierk re~d report of Jail BuiI~}ng yommittee. ,~~J~!f;:~r~~' J:?~)r",s~cpr_4~~-;:_kY ;S.".B.~fill~f "Tha~/the >~9:~;,;tl1~lajJ:Bu~~li.ng:"Opmlnittee:be adopted.." ,Carried. :,;,,:,;'t!"" Y"'-"~~""" ,,;, "_ :~,--," ,',",' ,,' - "_', t,:! .:: __ ,,"" ,-,:_','..:,.,;'_:' _,,;>.,:.~ _>~_' ~ofibn; 'the,~CQunci1': adJo~ned tilLliine::,kcloi:it ili~:f61~ id~y:;> .i;",".,.,'>] ,.....',- ",-' ':>,...... " .' .. " -,.' ii::t,~()ye<l)Y:'l\Jf. ~~irn, se~ondee:,hJ:',J." j}farl,aft, "That ~.:.M€l~sr-~S:;:I)~r"p~p:te,_,::~:n~ ,.~4ep~r~1 c,?p.sti~Jl~:e)~~_~o~ttee_o :~the:~~~?l~~i(lr~.p;~~S~d:-~this: fQieno?n,~y~th:;~'tlf~r~~c~,':ttl tli~, :p~i "",:~I{a,;~;~,~:-~:\Y:~:,j~:,:_j,:t~,e,::~~U~~Y'~",;,~':;~~:~.:J"" "/~,,;, ,", 'j. 1)*()Y-~4,hy;S:'".I!:~Y~;i_~~g,Qncl~4:,py( $~~-;;f~:~m~, ,:t~m~:;tt)3y.-~"; ,<N()<2~i,-t9,i(J()pfi:pu<, ]3Y~I.,a\v;,. ,:N Q:;,:2!59;:,of7"~~a,J8.4i~1e,,)jei fir~t" time." Oarried. - :j1-' ., .: JOaN. !ll:cqAUSLAND, . . '-, "'Wii1'dffl.,~. / -4-;t'jB~""#"''5n~~;%;~:;r;; . . ~~ .- . 42 addressEld th~ Council in reference to hii 43 '~II:UltSD.iy,: the,13tIlday of .,.rt'lie Conncil.met at,lO o'clock forenoon. ~ '.'-',,' ,-,';" ",3, "".' ,', " ,",'-', ',..",., ,(---'" ,',' ' ;6:~~d,' by~,fr;' Suirel, seconded" by'. JJ G.ub~atth,'_'~fThat ~ the 8;iIJ{~?~,Mr; '~tanto~)' as, CouJ1_ty~, Atto~ey' arid "Master: in v",: :" cery, fori,$40,-for .office: rent. and> ~fllel,>he: laid::over..until '~January session of this COlIDCil." Carried. . ;-Th~;,wardi3dim.the;Ohait. ; .~ :;\'~f;~11i~~~~._{~t~~:~:Jt,.,:';,%e~ss;~}~':MCl{rr!~P~ .. S~~~ar~:, ~ l\fa~i~t: ''W o.~(i'YorW;;~6:pe~n~,,;:~~~tb*f--<~~~l1s~. '.:S~~~l,_~?al?r~th;,'~_~~' ~~~::~:;:in:~:-;:;,~::~:-:~A\~::~~~d.~i~e~.:_ '.;::"!jj~~:W-aJ.~d~n.:~rib~iti~ii ~,q8ri:L1;o,un;,d~~i9ri - f~om".g .,'~ga~tf-i;< ~"..<> .',.".',_':_,..,"."....: ":" :-'- >.<",;' '....", ': 't,'" J, _,,' ""J""c:.'. ''",''''''.' ., _ ',> >,,'., _," ;r~!er<3p:_~e"t:otlJ,.ec~qup.t.:p_ayal~le, by' tA~ .tow:n;pf:; St.yT4p~~s~? tii~"C~~~nty:'." . ... ,,!.. .. ,., _J . . ..~. .".', _;)~:;; '" :~):,~~~.jWarqen~t~qlr~l"l.d:,a;l~t~~,l!Jr{l]:a, C;'~.oe~~sq.,,: re&PI3~tjn it4~T~~t,~l~}A~~t: ()("tl}e!,a~()!1,1;ltl;~9;!?e; peJl,\ 9Y ,tIN? ,tp.wp.:'~Rf.'.S. ,[l:~9l?-"a.sJp,~:!i~;P()~~Yj9n;i~gH~H!:t?:t;,g~ 4rl~i.~~,!!t;r~Mo:q.Q%Jll_S~~9, ',~,~~~:~jT:~~~~jS'".R-G1,~ta~f~1;::f~~.;.~,::t;-~_i,.~,:;,'-~;~.j;;>j)<:: X8,j-;:'~:::3 j -;'.C- -i;:f'~" ;'?' ~,.f; ,>,A1fEl~~~a1Il"..,.~a~i":~~~e".~r;:~liEl';tr~It:1e~.~J;r6Ill"Mr. ..'(J<?nnor""E~~,_ ;g.~.~~.:~~:!Q~~\~!;V~~_~:J(!s9QR~~1l~~'k ~~-.,~:~~~~j,;()JA~y-~~~r~~wle. .:!,p,ric1~~;i~:irl,j~', ': >,'; :_'; rS,f-i!?."~ ~_ ,.', .fe, ,~,~,:.tK-<{,":{(:')k'~:j;J),"1;~~':'_.__: " ,,' lv.[o~ecl. ~y _ J. llirlatt, seconded :by"'S(R'-:MUlff, :'~~Th~i/tii r,eP9l",t:9f - th:e,-~?:llf~~ttee,.~~pp~~~~~ _t?me~t.,a_.co~~tt:~e o~_;the, ~.s~:_'",~h9~~S; (J~#~ciI" (in ~~~f~~~~c~:tri1f~', ~thiBlit:t~:;bk:p'ajW,PYi <t?~~b:fJSt{)Th'oilia~'_; f6r' tht~':Aailiitii~tht~ibh ~of~::f{isti~e/:)j'~~;r~< ceived:a:ndread;" Ca~ed.' ' "h~J:.-,> ". R~pot~--'ie';l(il;rth~'Ci~fk..; (:> JX,;!<;'.: ~:fJ~oY~4~:fJ~lJb~_ "phu~~J .:s~c?_nd~~j~lly",'~n~Iti~li~:tg~t~"'t'c"Th~t ~t1llSteo~ri_?Itiadop~cther~phrt;?f~Ii~"cb~1~te:E/~st8''t1if{_~ilid?nt ':"~grEt_~fl,:':~P1?-1l~"by~the:;j9in,~, '?:(;)]P:wi~""e,El~,9,;j~i,s,CoW9:it_lp1,d;-,th ,<'..." ",-""J':, ';",-.' '!''':' ,,', ,;,':..<:':...'....,,0, ,'_"J ".(__ "L. "'''1,',., . "-"...','-,',<"".... ...'....", ".."'.-...,_'~,,',~ ., .I , town of St. Thg,ma.s:to be 'paiu' tOo 'the- Oounty,'on:;~pcgq~t-,o th~,:A.dministra~~()J?:,otJ"u'stice." Carried.. _"':.. ''-5,"~:''_-.'>~: Mt~::'~.{i~%'~ri~"8~~~-~fi6~~~n Attorne:y,~~iib~iile~~~[l~~~;~~'~" for:offi~e. hut and fuel. ,. >. ", "-":'-': ,"" :'."'-"-::';;.'<';'-;'->: ',:,,',:_<-' '.H:mREAS",this' 'b~'tihcil,,-beini 'Joii-rin;Q~d of: the e~iF 6fln.i ,l?~ra~c,~,4?th, ,1)elie~~ t~~t.Jh~_ ,;Ill~~}lf~cturiIlg :<?~aI_coh~Iic uh'is in' this 'Domiuion' h~tli .been '~nd is still ~ .gi:eaX cui-Si to public; J,,::, ;;.f~{e~ejoPe;Tliis:,cghrieif, tikes' ~:this o:bpportU~H~)_',~~,"Sh~Wil1g J:i~irdisapprovatof tl;J.e same" by:hel'eby: authori2ifug.,'the' Clerk +~N,s_; ;Qo:unA~l,to; !draft,:,_.a.peti~tpll.-:tq,tp.e':lIo~~e; f)~: Oomrn,ons' ,~!~&'~~' a'prohlbftorY, liquor -1~~,<m.d"'ihatthe W~rc1eri;sign :tl~e,petition on behalf- of tb,is Council." Carried. ,~~y~4'_.bf.~,~'~~C~llop;"'~~o~~'~a,~~: P(: ~~L~_~~j>;,f'rHat', in p.z~114e#!c!i'bf.the_ 'dang-erou's ~st'ate- of tli~ Wa1cl_8VilI~' bf~~~~~ ~P,!_e_d-by W.l!."I}rgwn,: secQnded l3y ,.G-.iLawtqn,;,"ihat~h_e- .?Ft ofdhe 'Qomllli_tt.e~QnPl.1.blic 'rm1?~.oyerq.ents PEl receiv~ci ~ 'read. ~~:: ,Caa;ried.,; i:,i! ,-",'. ,,' c' " ~i~;r~r J:. '~~~brai.th,. ~ec9~,d~ci 'by ;Mer;~~i~KP~ilh~ _ ':~hat >;,~;,;l,'~~W~ <8'f .tl1e;;ppnppit,~ee ;0:0,: j.~l1pli? ;!~pi6~eIl1,an.ts.:' "he" a$1()'p~~d.~' ,Parried;, .. . , ~ , ~ov~d.hY:-,~,'~~lrillop,_:se6o~ded"bY;D~_Mol:Ie~n}'~'Tl1M'the: ()~oLtheFinance~Oonnnittee-:bereceived and read;" Cat- :d;,::~'! 0,.""'. I')' ,"'< "-':',';',i ..' ,uved ,_by,::W. ;H~. Brown;secQnded;;by M.,G..;-W06dw.Q~.t1{,: h~t:t4e .,report ,of:t~eJFinan~e', .cg'niniittee~be,aaopted,'a.nd ~tthe:c~punt"ecl,br.ced,t~erein be;p.id.'~ ,O.;ried. , _ ,_:,Y~4)>r M.,:,po.~,,' ~~~cp~4~~ ::~i.i<11?~~i;'~~~p. ,. "/i''''''~~'O#~'-~'~~ 44 45. U:1\:tb_ved: ~y G._ .-Silirel~'-;,seconde,ct b~_: S~_ Shepard, "Tha,t \ViJ,- li:iIi:1\icKar, t~e, Co~nty_: Olerk, :be,'appointed _ by, this _ Council t(i'r~ceite nom W. CS~ .Hough hi~-for~l~a'for,the-?de~~ruction of Canada thistles, to be by him .used - as Mr/Hough . ma:y-,sugg'est; 4 given _to the: dll!e~_ent pathm~t,ers -ill, the County,' to,~ b~ ~ed by 'them ,fqr ~e_sttoying Canada thistles on the highways ,thiS~oun:~y~ Ca;rri~d:, " YEAs-Hunsberger, Buffel, McKillop, Brown, Lawton, Shep~, ~d; Conn and 9hute. NAys---:-Galbraith, ,M1lls, Marlatt, Day, K~rr; WooCiwottli, :rid. ]y'rcLe'an~ "'Mb~eci:'by 8. 'Day/-se'conded'by G. La;wt'on, "'That-Archibald Kerr be paid the. sum. of seventy:-:five dollars, being the am'ount exp'ended by him as commissioner for the''pu,rc,~se of;,Pla~k:to repair the McIntosh bridge" the Countt _"of . MiddI'esex 'having :9:;pEmded- a l!>imilar amount for_:s_$me _purp9.se.~,' . :Ca!,;-iE!d. : ';':' it~ i~, d~e~~d '~fpedi~lit to dis~'oritiiiue:_th~"~oiiectfug 'ot t?lli:-~,-_ ~a,id bridge;_ and if neceasa.ry, that .th~: bridge be blocked 'up tcf prev~i:rftean1s or personiffroml entering thereon until-rep~ir~9.;:-" and th.at"a"notice bligiven-or posted up 1?y the-,co~mis3io;nEJ:t;~ii1,_' ~h._:~a.rge,~warnii:ig': parties ;traveIUng ill that_ locality.". Carrieq-;:f J ",. M~ved',hy 8,<:B.: Mills, ~eco~ded:bY,:S. D~y, "That~J.'_D:~', ....' :aailtie ;be- authoriz,ea~to,,~~k~\a;' ~u,fy_ey;ol;the::ro~d_ travelled-in pIace~of. part ,'of - the-' town: lin~: betwee~:;-:~anno~tIt.,_:~a:, _ Mal{li-~ ,4i~~",a~4-to ,alte,r_ the _?~rver:-~~adY',made<b-y:_him,sb' that-,:th .line:be continued: across' the centre of lot 28,)n the f~u~h 'con ~c~ssI?n or.rarm_o,uth~: too_the "towi1'-l~e~"in'::place 'of runn,mg t~ ;i' ,-the:concession-road' at'the/:north'end':uf- said. lot, anet to' report: '_:< at 'next meeting of this Council, and that th'e 'expenses be pll.idi by,:the, adjo~g .townships." -, Ca.rried. " .- .':' ',. "-.-,, , " . . ..' ,-, ' ,":'- -', " , " - - ,', -'-."-' ; ~Mov~d_ by ,S~ Day, sec~nded by oJ': Marlatt, "~hat tl~iS bql:l~::~ ~e~l petiti()n_the-,L~~sl~tur~ ;to'amend the Can~d_a ThistIe'Aet ,~s_d)hafT_ownS]llj;I:~'~~~IliliIs':-in_ay;~ha:e!"power:to make' by~laws~to' a~thQriZe= ove~_~e~~s: ;:_of~:;Wgfw~:rs':':; to:~',<,e~~er:;dields', of '. grain;'tor ~tll.~r,'propsi:\_or',t~ .:iuthpr~ze})t4e~,:!p~~o~}to,;::doyapj::tq,,: ,des~lioy: 9ana~a:thistI,es; , anq, th~t_ :~~e 9?1}!lty ~_einbers- 0,8_, reque~ted__to ,:~upport the prayer\'of:tl1e.~petitioil/arid '_that.o'ther :coulftie~l.be '~o~~~it~,~ to ?odopt'-similar pe~i~ions;-" : .o.a:tried. . ,u -,,,' , _._,', ,; "~,' -::.' M~~~4, by 0., ~)hute,,_se~~~d~d.' l~Y.j'-!,--pal}j~~~th-,',~~_That,_'-~:lil"s -CouIwi.f procure .another set of weig?ta ^an4 ineasur~s,' iki "'that ~~~;h)n~p~_~tox ,~ay be/~?i.sh,e9.: ~~~_ ,a:; ~e~:','" , ~os~~ ': " , Moi~d :by. W. it Brdwn, ~ebb:ridea .by~ M:< G{Woodwort'Ii, ,~,That :the _~ ~il' C~~~ittee_ be ,au~~?r~ed 'to _i:n~ocw;e, ,~ _~uffiqiEmt 'ui?:Ply"cot\i~~d:J9r<.t~e ~se'-(if~th~ ':Courf 'H:oiIse":arid' :JaiL" -,Carried. ' -'i ;'M6ved. by'~J.~'Marla~t,' seconded'_'by<A. Kerr;' "ThaLthii:l ;,'Courieir: repeal- the:;.By-Law-, appointing ;two.-,..Inspectors,_ ,of ':Weights alid ;MeasUres'; and':tha't:3o rBy~La.w:"be'-,~i>assed::'_by:::ihis Council appointing one ~nspector for the wholeiOourity.~':, ':CarM "~';rled/ "~_~*+~~, '.Jflns, Day, 'worth;!a.1id 8Uffel. ~~Iatt, ,Kerr~ ~ s,:~~par,~;, .,I}r~wn~ ;-- ~"}_'JS'"4:ys~Galbra~th, ,_Conn,- -;Lawi;o:p., Mc~qp~:_~cLean;, 9,41l:~e, :'a.ndJ!~bergef.:" " ',,'.' < ,- - - -, " "'-'-- -' -"- -,: '.' ',:' --'- -'- -, "',;' ,.'--, ,.--- - " )-,Th~ Pre~eiitI;JienL:of, the Grand ';Jury: 'at.'th~ fil.n-Assizes~ was ,.'read:,r,;.: ,'-, " "' ".' ,,-,-, ' " '.c,':', - ,,' _ . <-"" Y~MillsJ Da.y"Marlatt, "~err, 8hepar4, ;Lawton, Bro.wnf ., , 'Chute and Woodworth. . '::,--NAYs~albraitJl,_ C9nn_~ ~9~1~?~, "Mc}ea.~?'..~u~~l, and ':R~~sbej-ger.' c___, :. '_" ,1d;I\iH~ugh,. 0;,,,, 'Y ?ols~nghaDl; ~,~d.e; & _ .!!~~~ement b~fore ':the " C~~?cil5e.!!pe~t.ing llis diSqijverj Jo,r ,_the-_, dea#Jlcti9~ 'oJ_ 'Oaliad~ thisUes.: ' -.P , ,,' \ . , . 46 :J\i~ov,ecl:' by. S; ,Day, seconfle4 by, S,.,Shep_ard, _' ~,Tha.t tb;~ SU~ of. $:2QO~b~'granted ,in ~i4_ of the "erec"tiori 9f a lock-ril?:.1i_Olis~ ~ t~~~~Yiij~g~: of. ;P9r~' ~t~nley? _ _t1e ~IP<?u~i _to. ~e', pai~. b~~ t4e' 'cci~: pl~.~op"o~>"t~~ b~lild~g:.," O~pted.~-, . -", '. ~. :~,9~~d 1b~,"'9:... Qh~t~l. se~~h~~;4' .by ;t M:4~i~~t,-, a Th~* 'Heriry: Biow;;:n;'~rdwa;~ m~rchant ',~f' -the <to_~~ 9( St;' Tl1:QW_as;'-'1)e,: ~p;) pom~~d- by, this'- Council Irispectcii_ .of Weights and -Me2:s~es: for_~ the''C6tirity.''!>/, ,:;., __}~_:_::;_ :"1 ,:~_';:-":':'i/:~'f!'::<",>:~~-".:,.,!;,..;" "_- f; _;_: .: ;I~~!l;1t,~ndmen::t; ',' 47 #~,C611llciI do how.adjourn sine die, and that the Warden sign dtaft'i6r,'members' wages." Carried. I". : ILLIA~ IlfcKAY, , Cli+k_~ ^'.,;, "" " MOVi3d by S. Shepard,' seconded by S. Day, H-That'Jdhnf ~iEg-!i.ey~pI>l?~teq,:~_sp~~~tor-,of Weigl1ts &Il9. _:M~&s~l7e,s for,~he O:9p:npy:;of)3~lgi?:~~", \ ~ "',__, .,-',:' :::' ";' ;:iriieh:ameri(: c~t.tl~d:"":' ,'--M,ov~\d\:-by<r. Marlatt;''sec'onded'~b!{;S;~lk.Mms; f,'That.J~y.._" :paw ::Nd-.:'.?1:5"__,t,0~:repe!11:)3Y_Law;"No;_, 239,;' rel'lP\3cting Weights: ai?;Q', M{ik~1.~,~sf~"l:l~<C~~~~ii~~ ~ri~l~(:j~:fl'k,'fir~t;tiine~.,j '~Cafnea~ ,,~ . ~ove~ ~];;;.'';;i~~''~~:\;&~d;ed~~~~: ;W6oa~6~~~ ~~;That~:ay;Law, NO.;:'245:-be-:re_ad -a'-seco~d.-tim'e.!'.,: Cahied~'-" :"'-"c:"C'...,_." ,',,' "', ':.<~ !"J~-'~".':'-:;'l:""i~_j,' ,..:-l,,'.', 'h; ;;:~"~:',~' .M;~:~d by 1Ij: Od~;;::s~C';;;~~dbyEi::i~fiIs;;:'That ~Y~L~w No.-245 be read a third time and:passe'd:;' Carned. _ ";' . ,~" <' .\~'M6velI"_'bY~:J..\L(G. ,; Wt;)(i~wo:rth, ~aecqi:i4edj,by ,_W.;,-n;__)~r(r~vn, f~That:\this:.l1)ouncil teIidev_'.flo:;vote:,:,Qf ~t4a~J~~-"'to :Jh.ei_ "W!}r:t;leli) '(J!erk..,a,nU<lreasurel: fo!,;their ,efficient- se:rv:ic~.il_ .4W;lng ,~:p,~/c:lU~- 'r~;D:l,yeaJ;~,:L;_:,Oarrieit , r .-... . '. ie_' . , ::!f .' :hh; .'. ._" }c:i':{ " --' ,- - - '_: - - -- -' -----' :- -, -: ' -Move,d'-bY':G.:-Sb1reI,-S?cOllded by C._ ~hute; 'UThat the w:~r~-' den' eM paid':the_ ,same ';anlount~~for.i1rls-; s."er;vices (aa;-iWarden) as ::Was_ pai~}n 1872~ "'. Carried. Ln_.; c'-MQ;'~dOjjy, G~ 'S~iel,<~~i_6riii~~ by ~: ':ffK~~b~tg~~t{,. ,,~, "-""" _, l<;; f:" 1', ~ V 4 ;r, McOAUSLAND, ''5.Waraen. ':'-'.'- " :L !: -'", I: iI'-' , " ';'"" .c_"'; ",; ..;Tc" '.. "- ,:-.,' "", \r~',".. ; i l: ~ ~ 'U',~.(! ;0' ,',",. .:i~, _~ ,,1:,(' .',\ ;";"."..., '.;" ~": :" .'t,,~,,' ,'.', , .:,i;, " i, ,\ o!H , .. ". ,. ;") ~ . ~,".,~ j:r.)'J " :,.;,--..,},.;- ,t, '-(: t-;;~; '-"" \) .1.( ,~j '),;' ,ljj;:-_c; ,.., ... , ;0-1 if!" '~li~, .'!iL,!v:} ),;~'" f ,(,}:J,':"J":::" " .'.i,~.; ,_is c,;; '_;- i;, ; :'~~_;Gj:!';: ,:,;,;' .li j "~,~, .~;i!:-; i-l ",..- 0<; \.< ':j' '~~i~;: _,G ~!~j;j ;:! "j,U .;j;:ri".i:!w:U~ L:t':-fci3 ~') ;)~f-:i,I~D:ff> !'-on ,;,1 ;-,t.d :;Jni';'-;jib,~ )_~J; ,~,' '.;,-J;,'::'i<.' ',..,.!: .".:'-. > ..,~ ;J :1 :1 Ii 'f 'I I :J .I 'I :1 , -J 'I 1 I'i -:I J. II :1 :1 :1 J I ~ I II ,i I; , 11 j :, j ~ I ')1 i 1 ~ I J ~ ~ j 4S "-.;'I!VAl\'CE REPORT "~.R IST3. ':;::::-.: ~"..." )-, -'--' :"': :-. :-'," :.".. : ~ fPothe:,lrarde'1t.a~p~lil.cil;~j-the-(Jounty~of Elgin: - '/"'_:":"'>':':':"->"':":::':"<:":"':'::""'::'-:",':::',::...<:::,':,:':.-::.-',::'.-:i.-....:~,'_:..,:...'.._. .~:IT}~<<5Q~~t~~e'on:::Fi~~?~e:::~~g"::,I~aye:t6..,~~PW(fB~t'"they:~av? e;,a~:e4:jntg:~~e}inanc*la1fairs':Of:_~~e COUri,ty,,'.an4-:the::estl~: Dl~t:~_~I~b~i~t:~_b~.t~_eQOll~tYTl"easurer,herewit~: subn:-it ",,' . ,estima~~Of.th~:_e:x:penditures.re~uired. to ,be provided for:tll~ la~f:ul:1?~,)poses':?f:--O<:mnty for the cu.rrent: -year, showing Wliounts'to be raised for theundermentioned .purp()ses, naJrl.eI C()M~ SCHQOLS. <476 ,-'506 753 -.753 632 231 66ii ;I!1 . SOHEl)ULJ{, 'SOUTH'NI" GEN. : R'LW:'Y., :PURPOSES.. :' -': '.' '.':, ;"';.. "':, ,,~:;, ; "'l~$~' ""r;ggg< .4,21.L,2,P51 4,437 3,:1,07 3,330 2 332 J,'833 -;, ,,. 1;283 " 1;799 . 1;259 150 105 .202142 ~,063 . .$jjl,02~ GEORGE - SUFFEL;_ Ohaii-m.",: '. , ,,_'>',:','_~; ,T' > ',','.'.,", - , ' " ;! . Room/:St.. Thom8.~~~ JUhe~5,' 1873.;. , D~h€fnl~esandiCoupons, old.................$ 1,694.00" :-~(}aolpebe!1FUX:~s and (Joupons, new. . . . . '" . ... 3,841.00 "'8out~erniJta~lY"~y_~e~Elp.~~re_s:_;J.nd Coupons'..... 20,500.00 High Sohools._....,,,........... ......_.. 591_00 2:::.I:r:tspeqt9:rs-.:O:t:.,~l?~()Ol.s,;,~.;.:\.~'5:.{:.:_._,~...~.....::.. .... ",' ,910. 00.'0 .'"A4Il1~~s:tratioIl:?(_~?~~'~~i."...:_;. ~'~-'-\.t':,.~:~_ ,~"''-':,~ :" '4,4j)01 00" :G~ner~ ~1?"P.o.~es'..~. -,:. .....'~-:iI..:?,~!_~_...,~Sc.:'<,j :'c':;,'; ",~,80Q. 00 9o.u~~Y}~Atiesalld13ridgQS,~ .:.'. .'.' ~""-~':/:'.:;_"'...~., ":-1:,000.0.0.: / 35,'745_00 Sohools. -- _... .._. ........ __. __. _.. 4,063.00 IllC()Il1Pi!ing the a~ov~ '. estim,at~',Y9:~ Cf)mmittee' Jl<lVe _or. ~,duced.the amounts as low as prac~icable,,)rit4out:_f!JI'ecting_~~- credit of the Cpunty.- " ., Y(H~fO()~m.ittee therefore recommend, that the ,Sllill of, $39 80l?Oo.:{be: r~_~s~4..and leyiecl: pnther~t~~ble::P7"()perpY, }n::~ ~everaI;MU?j_~~ip~Iitie~:.in :pheCou:tlt!~o~'i,98nl1ty::p~2se:~; 'p,er;SCil~<lll~~':.,here"';it_~f,and that the ':r~quisite "BY-L~~~.' p~ssed.to IevYa~~te:o-r.-r~tes of four anda: -qll~rter'miIJ.S~~;p doYar;;;excll~sive_-of:_~hool_rate" ol1:th~:am,911:tltof_,rateab~~<~ -perty as:equalized for the Pl'eviemsyear to raise said amoun~ / . ~14, 723 ~ TOTAL. .4,254 5,332. 7,918. 8,297 6,294 3,397 . 3720' '255';' 344, $39;811 I 50 ; EQUALIZA'PrON REPORT_ 51 REPORT 'OFGRAVEL-,R61J.D OOMMITTEE. the Wardetia~ Oouncil oltli,eOo'u,jjty-:of}jJigi1~":~; ',;:';':'-,'-' "-",C;"'- - r ',:,' ""::',,: '- ,0_,,: _:'."", :;_. he ComUiittee' on the Port Stanley - Gravel -Road heg leave :~eport,that,inaccordancecwith the resolution of Counc~1; 1lr;com~tte:~ :~xaOl~ed;into,the t'tate of..the:Gravel ;Itoad, :/JquIl4,:.#' ,'in.r~'.!~r,y-: ,1.ln13ati.rJf~ctory;:COIl~it~ol1,.:"S?:", _1111}ch :~ t'your,committeee~tered 'an action of ej~ptment.ag:&ins,t.tAe ~~,.;~n}~ec~vena~~S?ft:~e:Jease~ which ]ia~ ,the, efte:ct_of .;..-:)iig..t~eIn:'!~J;1t?;~~P,ai,l'__~~e ~olUl to."agre&ter'ex~ent th~n1ia'8 eridone for, ~ome, Years 'past. . , ". . . ';'-',"-' '" ,,-:~.,:::"-<",'-'-,:. ,','.-.; - -,_._::,1' -g~ur}comnlltte~,tll~ref~lrf~.iP~o~ised ,~o ,:delay:_,:-th:e;~~tlollf~l' :.:.1?r:~~e.n.t, .on:~'~h~';~s~}~~n~?,;r!f"thflessees:~,h~t-:~~:e! -.,wo~'1 '~P:~:J;3~,4::~a. reasonable'-stat"B' of re-p'air~'):i.na' 'pay-~t1i'e CO.its .1gl.'~I1~; ;f}~ <>\( ,','. > ',C'i-. " ' "',, '-':_-'-<',::,:' }of- which is respectflilly'~uBmitted. '-. ", -;,;, '''::''''''''''''<:'--:,' ,",'"., '..; , :'~~OHN McCA-P:SLAND, Ohu'irman. ,,~;:~4Qmas, 'Noveniber-1f~ {U~73:': " 52 REPORT 'OPl1UILIJINGiOOMMITTEJiJ,'" 53 INSPEOTOR'S REPORT. \ ":0 the W(ir~e'!1' _a~~(l O?1lncil ?l t!~e{!o,,:,:~tv of ,IffrU.Vil;~ ,,;;C',; 'i :~~W~p-pdiH~" qOJA~itt.~e ,~b~g:' I~~ve ~Q:sl.1bi?iit;"th~fol16~'-> :l'ep:~ry,~:~_: " '_<. ',.. -',":, :":j_-,'.:~~:'-'" ",' 'h:'_<-',_,:",,, c.'; <L-' :,('~Y . .>,,,y, ";'J",~-; ",;;,,/;,,~. , :"""):,;,,_," r:~at~'_~~e'~~ii~lVol'~.s..-h~f~::,':p~'el1~:6;o~pI~~~4;::~n~1~"apP'r6;e4~~ t:l~~_::~~~p~(jt.~r';:(){:?)-r~sq~~;"t~~}:_~~~;!_p~Yl!i,~R_?~~';;~!i::_:t~~i::-_#n#r r~p~~t ,s)f"We*Ils1?ectqrt'<":_;:":_!:":~'"-"?_';"_/':;:::/:f}i:"\";,))<'i;',_:_:'/T',h;/>/;''}, :'j~iU~~n'~::-@~~t~.6~:,1fJrc:~~if!i~~i,~."\,,::{;,ii5!:!:'~:_i':,:E-'i;~'J-':j<{>',:c>>:,'.< -2()-:feet::~~qi#6ri}~t.9 ~'wait;:_lih'd'.oW~~'\"~4aiti~~'i!-t9t~oP'P?:,:. wor~ ,~t4~~~d.,by_ JnspectQr"ofPriBons.tin~" "__~ cI.lldlD~, addit.lOi1aJ;-depth., dllg to.: getc's()lid ;", fOll1ulahon-:i:'o:vwall:,c;" .' ":':'",-,;_.,,~ '-.-'_': '~8;ig.mY~~o~)?:rok~trllc~io;~t~' ;~~'~.i_~$'~O~~P~~~, .::__::,:,};~~l~~"W~~!~ prW?!le~~, r"'~,~_?:~~~_4L~p1json, '~ 'IWlr $17,500.00.. c',,'ro'lii.-' ()t,:~. ..; , " " ' ,-- ", 1 500 00....' '.:...:.-:'..,-.:'....-...........,,:. , '- P~i~!.f?~,SUp~riniend.;c..:.::: :;~~. 0.:_: ,.:.:.$i9~ggg:gg .':", ':.- ':: :';:'.'.,i~J)__,> ," ;.:r:,,'O,~j;_~__ [';u f$1~,'250.0?';,:: :to}l': (jomn1iit~e'w?ui(1 ,tate thai a new roof-I,;'; ~onrB~ '~f c~,~m~ :put, ?~l}h~, .J ~il and,;:r ailor's house~.'wh.ich "wui- cost' ab~~:'" ~?7g~:j:1p.~.f::~t~nK _~f t~~,: prlij()4~j~,,tl1e: __ol1l;Y-1lJ,atter,:~lrich ~~?~,.::!?:~~_~:~;9~~~.~.e,4:;"ith~_: ,,):oHr..go~#p~~-h~lf~!frr;;~f4iffi~:41 ':' det"\'~-'l'm~ what fu~nMe to. adopt, and' hay;' bean fo~'oni'; ..tlm~, 'rlp.~&?~,~: tr~ Jns.peptgrtp :raqp~lD,end,.what1ie,~j)~sid~t~' ~1}~::~g~t.sRtt~~bl~ :#oroul': ;rail. - '~':"" ",- ,~,~ >'_'>" : ,,"'" '." " ,;;::-~;.,-" " "", i'i'_",i _ , y 0';r:com~6te. Won!cI"Btate that the works -h',ve~ been: coni atruct~4_on,~sub!iltantiaI foundations:':8.iid?'h6:'si:n1riti,,:-.. -__;;;~ :k': ha".~:tak;cll~p~;~~~~inc~are4-er~cti~n' c_ ',,' , $".:orCl"ac. , ' -"-' - -' ";<, , -'_- ': ~C('--"_,:;!~' ,,~,Tr>; L: ~:4:1}~f:W~i~~ ,~ ~~spec~fUlly ~I1biriit~~d; :{SIgned)'.'- 'T.'M_NAIRN Ok'. ":J- ' " ',' , ", aw-man, ~~~,::_?~.r,rh6ttMts, N"oT.: 12-1873 - .">.,.'r:" ,~,;. ';_'''''_;~;.E..;, ",,' !,' ~>,'" ~ , ,;;~f-"::' ",' ST. TnOM.AS GAOL: .Auguat 21,.1873, J~~u_~, inspec,tion ,was this day made of/the,8t.'Thonu~ij ~N'-J~b,e: various works connected wi~h the const~'ucti6nof PF,t8?n were~minutely examined, and found to be weIl ad,. , , ':towar4a: completion.' ./ 'Her in respect to the character of the workmanship, or ality of tIle material used, the whole work has been per.,. fttl';,_mthe best possible manner, and in all respects is thoI'.. ,:.~~~ecure and ,~ubstantbI.'1'he iron-work if:! particularly g;,withevidence that the great~st care has Been taken to ,,~r_jt:thoroughly ~€cure and safe. The masonry, both in yard waI1f?~nd the Gaol building, is all that ,could ])~de,.,. '[~;\;i~f~d; the manner in which ~hework has beencariied .',;~~~ects the greate'st, credit upon \ Mr. McKay, the County "F~i-W~O has supervised it On thapart of the Co~n~y Coun.,. _.~nd upon the contractor, Mr. Ellison. .--" ;Jt~;'~uldhrlng under the consideratio~ of the Oounty Coun.. : tlIen~eessity of putting on a new roof upon~hebuildingg, th~ presep.t. one appears to be~el'yleaky and defective, " And pugh it ll1~Y not be absohitely.necessary to,do,the work at rL still the 'present roof cannot hold good._much longer, _and -:better be replaced with galvanized iron" w:hj1e the other ",'~i~s:and alterp.tions ,~re in' p~ogress. '~he llnder!>igIled will very_ shortly. recommend a. method' of iajipg w:hich:he tru~ts will ~e s:atisfactor,y,b6th in 'respect t~ l3:Gonomyand efficiency. ?)Ife' h?pes_the Ga?l Oommittee:will,push forward with aSllittle ~l~ras-pos.sible~he work stilI Mfinished"so that the entire ~,~;~pation of'the prison m_ay "b(}~ntered upon, _and the prison :~~llJa#on in respect: to, diatary; discipline and geperal adminis" ,fa:tionmay be fullycar~ied ont, and which, owing' to struc= ~~ldefects could not b,e ~done in the past,'. '.I, W. LANGMUIR,I1}BPectoi., . ,