1874 Minutes
January, June, August, Oct., & Nov.,
.'~ i.
Elgin County Council J?rcceedin&s.
TUESDAY, Jan. 27, 1874.
The l\fembers elect met at the Court House, in St. Thom_
as, on Tuesday the 27th day of January.. 1874, in accord_
ance with therequirementa of tJleStatut~, imd having :filed
Certlllca':es ofappoi;ntment, took their seats as follows:
Pri~lted, by J.
" Office, Aylm.er, Ont.,
J. PH.nkhurst, ('Paper
Deputy Reeve,
Deputy Reeve,
.Deputy Reeve,
.Deputy Reeve,
Deput1/ Reeve,
Deputy Reeve,
Deputy Bee've,
Deputy Reeve,
Deputy Reeve,
Depu,ty . Ree't'e,
"That John J\-IcOanslalld be Warden for the present year.
The :Members were called to order.
b '. Wken it was
The Clerk in the c au.
d db)' Samuel Shep-
by C_ A.. O'Malley, secon e
l\-ioved by l\-1r. _McBl'ide, seconded by 1\ir. Hunsberger,_
"That Mr. Buffel be Warden for the present year.-Lost.
1\ioved by David King; seconded by 1\'1. D. Mclntyre,_
J , ... E R eve of Dllnwich, be War-
"ThatJohn GalbraIth sq., e 'eRr Motion lost.
den of'the County for the present), .
S. Shepard, seconde~ by J. Marlatt,-
j).fovecl by "
HTht~t Mr. Oonn be appointed 'Varden for the present
year. Motion lost..
. d b Alex McBride, seconded by 1\LHunsb~rger,-
Move y .
. t dvVarden fer the present
"That George Sntiel beappom e
Motion lost.
"That MI'. Shepanl be Warden for the pre~ent yelill'.--C-
l\iotion lost.
l\foved by S Shepard; seconded by David King,_
"That Mr.lVlcBride bevV arden for the present year.:--
Moved by Jacob Cline, seconded by T. MO. N a-irn,.-----,
"That Mr. McOa~lsland he Warden fortbe present year.-,-
db T WI Nairn seconded by J aoob Cline,~
:Thfon~ ,y ,).. ,
W d n for the present year.
"That J olm ].-1.:cO.tnsland be ar , e
Motion lost.
. db S B. Mills-
JYFwed by Mr. King; seconde y .. ,
Sh d be Waeden of the Oonntyfor tbe
"That Samuel epar .
present year. Lost.. , .
d d bv J W Flemmg,-
:M:.)ved by J. Galbl'iLith, S\lcon e - . . ,. ,
. ted Warden for the
be appolll
The Clerk deelared Me. McOa.usland, Warden.
Mr.j)fcOausland made the declaration of office, took the
chair, and addressed the Council.
The proceedings of t!lf> last day of previous Session were
read and signed,' when
Mr. Galbraith Moved, seconded by Mr. OOlln,-::-
"That the Clerk notify the Middlesex Connell that the
Macintosh Bridge is in ~dangerous state, ane; if not ~ttend~
ed to immediately, will be destroyed, and that Mr. Galbraith
be appointed Commissionerto attend to the bridg~,and act
with the Middlesex authorities for its preservation. Carried.
HTh~t Ca.ptain O'Malley
, Lost.
lwesent y( at".
ded by M r Conn,-
1\1 ove-d hy :r-.L D. J\'IcIntyre, secan .
She\)ar'd be 'Varden for t.he present yea1'.-
"That 1\:11'.
- - d db)' Jacob Clinej-
'i d b l' l\/f :N au'n, Reccn e
lV ove ,y' ..lU.
Moved b,y Mr. Suffel, ~econded by A. McBride,_
":That the Oouncil adjourn for one week, that is to say,
until Tuesday, the Third d,ay of February next;
Mes'sl'S. Nairn, Marlatt., and the mover to st '-k th
. 0' "._ : - ,n e e stand_
lllo commIttees on Frnance Edllcat;on.<I, d P bi-
t 0 . d ' ~: n u 10 impl'ove_
illen s. arrIE. -
TUESDAY, Feb_ 3, 1874.
Moved by Mr_ Sl11fel, seconded by Samnel D
"That the claim of James Stanton Esq 'fli
C ' ',~, "' .toro ce rent ~s
ounty Attorn~y. and .Master in Chancery, -be referred' t~
the County Sf)hcltor for his opinion as to the Ii.b,'I't f th-
O -I t ' ,. I,. 1 Y 0 IS
OUllm 0 pay saId clmm for office rent 0 - d
. . arrIe.
Move~ by .Samnel Day, s~conded by .r acob Cline
"That the report of the Special ('(omm-tt _
, . ~ ' . \J 1 ee appomted to
strlk.e the Standll1g Committees, be received and read.
The council met accOlding to' adjournment at two o'clock,
The Warden in the chair.
Members present, Messrs. O'Malley, Fleming, Galbraith,
Conn, McIntyre, King, Shepard, Stratton, Day, Cline, Mar-
latt, Mills, N3irn;- Haggan, McBride, and Hunsberger.
- The proceedings of the previous day were, read and
a~lthorised to' be signed.
The Clerk read statement of the St. Thomas and Aylmer
Gravel Road Company.
The Clerk read communication from the MiddlesE'x Coun-
ty Treasurer, respecting the London and Port Stanley Grav-
el Road.
The Clerk read report on Committees as follows :_
F I ~ A NeE.
SuffeJ, Marlatt, Shepa.rd, Conn, and McBride~
Nairn, O'Malley, King, HuusberO'er and l\iT'"l]
I:> ~Rl S.
The Clerk readcommllnication from the l\iiddlesex cQunty
Olerk, respecting the repairing of the Wardsville Bridge, al-
so from Dr._.Willson, 1\1. P. P.,referring to amount expected
to be reC\:'ived from the Government on account of Jail Im-
From Messrs. Hepburn and Haight, in reference to the
sale of Gi-avel Road.
Oline, Stratton Day and 'F. I -
, ermng.
Warden, Day, and Nairn.
Moved by Mr. Suffe], Seconded by Mr. McBride,-
"That a Special Committee be appointed, consisting of
Moved bYMr.SuffeI, seconded by~r. l\tlcBride,_
.~'That the re~ort of the Special Committee appointed to
stake the Standmg Committees, be adopted. Carried.
Moved by T. M. Nairn,'seconded by S~ Day,_
"Tha~ Samuel S.,_ Clutton and "George m lk
H' a: e1' be re-
Frem Trustees of Aylmer and Vif'l)l1aHigh Schc.o]s.
appointed Trll:::;te6s of theAylm@1" High School for the terlll
of two yeaTs. Canied.
MovedLy .1\11'. Haggan, seconded by :Mr. McBl"ide,
(< That Oharles Draeseke and George Buffel teappointetl
Trustees of YiennaHigh School with tee~ of office for two
years. Canieli.
Accounts of the.Admillistration of .T ti.stice for the current
year. Lost.
In amendment:
Moved by T. M~ N aiI'll, seconded byJ. Haggan,_
"That Mr. Marlatt te one of tbe Auditors for auditing the
AccouJ;lts' of the A.dministration. of Jrlstice. The second
amendment was carried.
Moved by Joseph l\iarla'...t, seconded by S. B. ~iills,-
"That J. P. :Martyu be appointed Auditor for th~ cm.tent
year. Lost.
Moved bv S. B. Mills, seconded by J.Marlatt,-
"That William McKay be one of the Auditors of Admin-
istration of .Tustrce Accounts for the current year. Qarried;,
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by Tohn HaO"&an_
. cb ,
, "That a special committee, composed of Messrs. McBride.
Nair.n, O'Malley,Sbepard and Day, 'be appointed to take into
consideration the ad visabilityof appointing two or more Val-
uators for the purpose of valueingthe Real property within
the County,and report to the Council at the pr~sent Ses-
sion. Carried.
:fiIoved 'by Mr. Saffel, seconded by :Thh.:l\:IcBride,-
"That W. J.White be appointed County Auditor. Car-
'The \-Varden llolU~n,Lted }\Ill'. Scarff as one of the Oounty
Auditors. Carried.
:Moved byl\~r. Suffel,seconded by 11:r. Haggan,-
"That a special committee, comlJosed of:Thtlessl's. Marlatt;
Shepard, O'.ThfalJey, Nairn, and the :Mover, be appointed
to receive and ,open the Tenders l'eceivedfcr the erecting of
the Rclgistry Office, and repol.t on the f:lame to the OounciL
l\1:ovedby Mr. McBride, seconded by Mr. Hunsberger,_
HThat a Special Committee, composed of the Warden,
Messrs; Day, Suffel, Nairn, and Shepard, be appointed to
wait on the Town Council of' St. Thomas with the view. of
adjusting the amo9-uttobe paid by the town as itspropor-
tion of theexJ!enses o~, the Administration of_J u~tice. "and
the use of the Court House and Jail, the annual- experis~s of
the Registry Office, a.nd-the proportion tlll;): town shall pay
towards the recent jail' improvements, and report to this
Council to-morrow. Carried.
l\ioved by Mr. King, seconded by lVIr. Shepitt d,
"That Mr. Day be appointed oneaf the Auditors for Aud-
iting the Accounts of t.he A.dministl't1.tion of .Justice fot. the
current year. Lost.
In amendment:
Moved by J. Galbraith, seconded by J., w. Fle~ing;-
"That i\ir. .suffel be one of the Auditors for auditing. the
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by G. .Su:ffef,-
"That this COLtncil hereby ncal'd its disapproval of the
. .' tern-nOW practised thr<?~ghout the County,ot
permcloUS sys, " ' ' " .' 1 dUCfld
. R 1 and Personal Propertv at a grca:ty re " , ' .
assdeSSllltg I e'ftctitious value instead ~f its real ca~h value, as
an en Ire y
provided by Statute. . .
.A.nd inasmuch as the" Assessment Rolls are th~ basIS, of
I.ft t. of our J moors and MUllicipal and Parham~ntary
qua 1 ca lon, :,--', '12- '. d' . 11y the
Electors, thd systemllow, prevailing_a.l~ec:ts preJu lc'].a' , ,
riO'hts and liberties of the people,
b ]. 'a chaD.. ~ e is imperativ_ely called for, the
And,eleYm~ ' .. "~ ""." ,
Clerk is . hereby ,i~structed to notify th;e se.vel'~~ ,ASS~SS~l s
t'h'1561'whout t.he-County, 'that this ,OomlCl~ WIll; hereaft:, m-
.t'" ~, t. he assessments ',being ma.de strlCtly In aCCOl ance
.SIson, .
with the 4-ss~ss;~ent A~t.
And wh~rever this i~ ll:lt co~p]ied. ~ithr that tl1e del~
in,qnent_~ will beproseclltei~s the la,w du'ects. Lost.
YEAs-Hun&berg~r, Stratton, McBdde, Buffel, ~agga'n,
Nai~ri, She'pard and'l)ay~8,
NAys-Galb-raith, Mills, Marlatt, ClIne, Ring,M'dlltyre,
1!"leming: ?'Malley, and Conn-9.
Mo~ed by Th~r. Nairn, seconded by Mr. Haggan,c-
'\Th~'.'i,the.'us~ of the Co~rt House be granted on Thursday
- f" Dr. -Saucrst:er's le;c-ture on Education. Carried.
eVen111g or . 0" J .
On:M:()t~on of l\~.l'~, S.?ffel, s~cciUde~ byMr, McBrid~,,--
- "
,(rrhe Council adJourn till 9 o'clockto~morrow mormng.
WEDNESDAY,: February ,4, ]874.
The Coun~il met. according}?~djournment at 9' o'clock,
fotenoon. The Wal:uen'in' the chair.
Members present,~O'Malley, Fleming, Galbraith, Conn,
f?hepard, Iring,_ ,M?Intyr~,. ~~irn, H::Wga.n,,' Day-, Ma!~~tt,
Mills,QJine, ThlcBride, Stratton, Hunsberger, Davis~ Suffel.
The'proceedings ot previous day were read and :authorlsed
to bEf signeGI~
Moved by J. Cline, seconded by S_ Day,-
"That this C0u~cif petition the 6~tario'Legislature, pray~
iug' that any' Township"having four, hun-dred Municipal V 0-
tei~s>' be entitled. to: a Deputy Reeve." CaTried~
The Warden made statement to the Oouncil in reference
to Gravel Road 'Arhitration, and read report of 'Mr. Baikie1
Provincial Land Surveyor, on tho state of sajd Road.
Moved by A::M:cB:ride, secondedbyM: Rinisberger,-
';That ",a' ,CCimmittee,_ 'composed ,of. theWardE;!n, 'Messrs.
I?:~y, a~d :~hep~rd,,?e .appointed to. see ~h~t: the Port ~~~n,Iey
Ro~'d is kept~nrepaii. iI1'accol'~a~c~,. wi~h the: covenan~s:of
t~e~ease, 'a.nd if necessary, -to ?ompeI the less~es to do .so~"
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, ,s'econded by T. M. N a1rn,__
HThat the Ol~rkprepare a'B;-Law, to be submitt~d to, the
'Council to~-morrow, for ,the sum of $9'00, to pay forone:..half
,~lle cost of rebuilding the'Wardsv:ille Bride;" Carried.
" ,~ -:,.. '" ,-', . - , :.',' - ' '.,:
Moved by C. A.. O'Malley, seconded by J_ W_Fleming,-
, .
"That the Clerk be instructed to apply to !ihe Ontario.
G ernment for a Surveyor to establish and plant stone
~ h' f
m~numents on the western side-road of the Towns IP 0
Aldborough, commencing at the River Thames, between Lots
N 4 Bnd 5 and extending south~east to the Gore Oonces_
1: o. . , "
sion and that W. G. McGeorge, P. L. S., of Chatham, be-
reco~mended for said wMk, the entire expense to be paid
by the, Township of Aldborough." Carried.
Mr. Stanton's claim of office rent was taken up by the
Council, and the opinion of the County Solicitor was read as
to the liability of the Council to provide an 0:ffice for 't~e
qounty-Crown Attorney and Master inChancelY,- when It
portion of the Lo~don and Port Stanley Gravel Road in El-
gin, bere-appointed, viz: Messrs. Nairn, Suffel, and the
Warden. ", Ca.rried.
:A1i O'Malley gave lloti?e tuat hewoula make application
at this Session" for a grant @f $25,to repair the Toll House
at the Wards....ille Bridge" and $100 for the Bothwell Bridge.
Moved-by S. Shepa.rd, secolldedby S, Day,---,-...
"That in consequence of the rapid mcreeBe in the popula.
tion of the unincorporated village of Port Stanley, there is
no doubt a sufficient number of inhabitants to enable sl1id
village to be erected in~o an incol'porated village, with the
following limits, that is to say :
~foved by S.Day, seconded by J. Mar1att,-
. HThat Mr. Stanton's account of $40~for fuel and office rent
. as County-Crown Attorney, be paid by this Co~mciL1>-:-
Moved by S. Day; seconded by J.Marlatt,-
~'That J')hn Wyatt be appointed Messenger of this Coun-
cil in place of W. Martyn, resigned" Carried.
Moved by T.M. Nail'n, seconded by D. F. Davis,-
"That the petition of this Council for establishing St.
Thomas a.s a Customs"Port ofEntry,b~forwftrded to Will.
Harvey, Esq.,M. P., for pres'entation to the Dominion Gov-
ernment." Carried.
All that palt of Lot No. 14, south of pres~
enttraye1led Lake Road... ........;..."". 30
All of Lot No. 15, south of Lake Road..._.. 100
All of Lot No. 16,knowll as the "Gore,"or
south part of Lot 16, north of Lake
Road. -. - -. __. _ _ _._ _.. _ _ _ _" _ _...._ 45
All of that pa>'t of .Lot 16, sonth of Kettle.
Oreek .. - .. _ _. _ _... _ _. __ _.. _ _. . _'.. 15
All of Lot letterD, lying-east of the West
;Line of Lot)6, south of Lake Road... 75
AU of Lot Number ,One, in theFirst....
Ooncession, yarmouth............ ... 160
Total.. . . . ... . . . . ... .. . . ,.. . . . . ... . . . .. 495 acres.
Be it therefore resolved that a person be apP9inted to
take the census.of said village, 'and neighborhood, and that
J osephR..Bostwick bea,ppointedfo:1' that pUl'pose,and that
he report at next Session of this Oouuell, and that a By-law
be drawu'up for that , purpose." Carried;
Moved by Mr. Conn, sEconded by Mr.Galbraith,_
Moved by S. Day, seconded by J.Cline,---:-
"That the Committee appointed last year by this Council
to' investigate the amount paid by this County to t~e County
of Middlesex',on settlement at separaticll on account of that
1I That whereas the County having granted to the Canada
Southern Railway a honus or' '$200,000 j a:ild whel;eas tIle
(ji1t::n~lo Leo-islature hath declared a' sUlphis' .-in" favor
of this Co~mty, payable to tIle sevehl municipalities.
Therefore this OoallciLis ofopin~on that it is :expt'dient_ and
desirable that tU0 surp1lls should be placed in the hands of
the County Council, and that it ~bould be applied tv :t~~e
reduction of the bonus debt, and that the Clerk of thIS
Co~mcil is hereFyauthorisedto draft a petition to the On-
tario Legisla.ture now in, session to that effect."
YEAS....:....-Conn, Galbraith, Marlatt, Shepard, King and
NAYS-Oline, Day, Fleming, ,_Mills,Oj~aney> ,Nairn,
Davis, HagfSan, Suftel, McBl~ide. Hunsb8rger and Stratton.
~lo~ed by Ml'., Day:, .seco~dedby Mr. Cline.
"That this' C01.lllcil petition the Legislature now in
Session, to amelid theAcL respecting the distribution o~
the :M unicipal'~oa~:_Flln~,'to. allo"Y.ea3hm~lnicipal~ty, in ,this
county tOe apply their" p'ropo"rtion of, said surplus on the
Canada SO~lth~~n" Raii~~i BOUtts.'" , Carried.
YEAs-Clin~, :D~y, .shepard,Ki~g, McIntyre, Fleming,
Galbraith; O'Malley, Haggan, l\fcBride, Hunsberger,
Stratton "ahd Conn.
C'Th.at .th_~Cpu:n:cil go:iutocommittee ofth,e whole-on the
Report, of the Special Qo.m~ittee appointed to - coa.
f~r with the St. Thomas Oouncil. Carried.
The' Council w~J?:t into Committee of the Whole, ~r. GaL
braith in the chair.
Afterbeing ~ome time in committee of the whole, the
committee loose, when -tbe Chairman reported the adoption
of the report without amendment.
After, which;it was
Moved by lir. Galbraith, Seconded by J\-fr. Oonn_
"That the r:eport of tl~e committee appointed, to confer
with the towI;l of St. T.ho_mas. be litdqpt~d, Carried;
YEAS--c-G~lbrajth, Conn, 'Cline, Marlatt, Shepard, 'King,
M(Hntyre, FIemingl Mills, O'Malley, Nairn, Davis, Haggan,
SuffeI; McBride, Hunsbel;ger alid Stratton.
NAYS-Nairn, Mills,Davis an i S1JffeL
On-motion,- the Council adjOll.rn'ed till,S' o'clock. At 3tb13
Council ,met- .agaiil; when Mr." Si.l'ffel;Chairnian, ofCom~
mitte~ aplmiilted-toarral1ge with theOounciIoftbe town"of
St. Tnomas as to the'atn'ount to be-paid'to the County hy
said town,on,~ccou,nt ?ftbe Administration of J,lstice,&c.
submitted Iepol't: 'When
'Mr. Haggan'Mo~~d,-'seconded"-bi D."'F. Davis~
Moved by Mr. Na.irn, ' seconded by D. F. Davis._
"ThfLt this, Council in view otthe pI'esent dimensions and
rapidly inC,l'easing, 'commercial business of the'" town of St.
Thomas and the county of Elgin, forward a petitIon to the
Dominion GovernUl~nt, praying for the establishing of the
town of8t. Thomas asacustoms port of entJ;Y. Carried.
M~v.dby T. M, Nairn, seconded by C_ A. O'Malley_
"That tbe Clerk for~ard a copy_ of the last resolution
(and a copy of the report adopted) to the St_ Thomas
Council, and ask for the final decision of the Town Council
in re.lation to ,th}~ matter by to~morrowmbrning." Carried.
~p'led by Mr. Snffel, seconded by T. M. Nairn___
:lThat :Th-ir. O'Malley be appointed a Commissioner, to fict
on behalf of this c,)unty in the erection 'of the Wardsville
Bridge, and to see that the interests of this County are pro.
tected and that the bridge is built in accordance witht,he plan~
and specifications of the engin~er of Middlesex. Canied.
The Chairman of Conmlittee appointed to open tenders
received for the erection of the- Registry Office, submitted
When it was moved by Mr. Haggan, second by Mr.
THURSDAY, Feb. 5, J874.
. The Conncilmet a,t nine o'c!oekforelloon. The Warden
III the chair.
Membees pl'esent;' Messrs. O'Mallf'Y FI 'G I -
C ' , , emmg, a bralth
onn, Shepard, King, McIntyre, McBride Nairn D '
Marlatt MOIl or "'S' ' ',' ,', - ,_ ay,
", 1 5, ,me, tratt.m, Hunsberger, Snffel D -.
Haggan~ '----' " ,aVB,
I'That the report 01 the special committee appointed to
receive the tenders received for'the erectiQn of the new
R~gistry 'Office be received and read." Carried.
The Clerk read report on tenders for Regir;try Office;
The procFJedihgs pf Iwevious day- were "ead
h M and signed
W en r. McBride, mov~:I, seconded by Mr. Hunsberger_'
R.~~hatt~e W~rde~ ,issue a cheque in favor of Jame5
1, e, fOl $6(}, In SUppOl.t of two indigent idiotic children
and that And'-e B tt' b . ' " ,
, ' - w, ea Ie, eappomted to receive and ex.
pend the amount." Oarried.
Mo~ed,bY,A.,McBride"secouded'by M. Hunsberger.,...,.-
"That the Wa~den issue' a, cheque in favor of Mark
Butcher, for $30,_Ll1 snppol'tof an indigent idiotic dau~hter.
and that George SufIel be appointed to receive and 'expend
the amount.1I Carried. ' '
JYlovt'dby Jose}?h Marlatt, seconded by Samuel Shepard-
"That the report of the Special Committee ,appointed to
open the tenders r>eceived~for the erection of the Registry
Office be adopted, and that thE' Warden he anthorisedto ex-
ecp.tt) contract,vithMessrs. Ellison for the work to' be com-
pleted by the first day ()f October next, for the sum of six
~honsandseven hundred and seventy dollar>s. Carried.
1\foved 'by MI', Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Conn- .
"That the Clerk prucnre the usual supply of assessment
rolL:.,slipsllnd collectors' ,rolls, &c.; ,also copies of assesscrs
"guide for the several municipalitif'ls in the county." Carried.
Moved by 0, A. O'Malley, seconded by J_ W
" ' ,. Flemi:ng'-'--
"~nat the Bond oftJ-ieOouut;y Treasurel' be pl'odwed f .,
the tnspectio f th 0 " " , 01
'- , _"~ 0 ,e ouncil in accordance with section 195
of the OonsolIdated MllilicipalAct of 1873." Carried.
The Clerk prod need and read the Countv Treasurer's
Bend. " '
Moved by Mr. Oonn, seconded by Mr~ OIine-
The Oouncil then adjourned till nine o'clock to-morrOw
" That l\fessrs. Marlatt, Shepard and Nairn be appointed
the Registry Office Building Committee for the ensuing
year." ]'fotion lost.
l\fo'ved by G. Saffel, seconded by A. McBride-
"That the Wal'den, ME>ssrs. Nairn ar.d Day be appointed
a Building C')mmittl3<3 to look after the erection of the New
Registry Office." Carried.
l\foved by G. Suffel, seconded by A. McBride-
-"That the acCOUllt of .J ohn ]\{cKay, Registrar of the
County, amounting to $24.50, fora sta~p for Registry
Office be paid, the same being oonsidered as a necessary
piece of furniturcl." Motion lost.
Moved by G. Suirel, seconded by A. McBcide-
"That tnis Council pass a B.v-1awgl'anting a bonlls of
$15,000 to ~he Brantford and Port: Burwell Branch of the
Norfolk R'ailway, running from OTiIsonburg through the
township of Bayham to Port Burwell.~' Lost.
YEAs-Stratton, Hunsberger, McBride and Suffel.
NAys---,-'Galbraith, Cou'n,Cline, Day, Marlatt, 8hepai.d,
King, Ha:ggan, Mills, 1IcIntyre; Fleming, O'Malley, Nairn,
and Davis.
Moved by 1\[ Conn, seconded by J. Galbraith-,-
"That the OIel k is hereby instructed to forward without
delay to thE' IJocal Men:iber, Mr. Hodgins" the petition fi'om
this Council respecting the surplus fund, being applied
towards the reductjonof the honus debt so that said. p"etition
may be laid before Legislature now in session." Oarried.
Moved hy S. Day, seconded by J. Galbra.ith_
"That this Council petition the Legislature- of Onta'rio
now in session, to increase theaccommodatic)n of the Ii1di_
ge,nt Asylum in London,sQ that each Municipal Council by
taking the proper steps required by law, will be able t.o
accommodate any idiotio person in said county, and the
Clerk forward copy _of this resolution_ to tht: Local Members
of the county." Carried.
Moved by J_ lVlarlatt, seconded by S. Day~
"That the Council adjourn till .3 O'clock in order to allow
the committees to meet." Carried.
At 3 o'clock the Oouncil resumed, when M.Hunsberger
moved, Reconded, by II. Strattcn------.:..
"That the, repo.rt of the Finanoe Committee'be received
and read." C!t.rried.
The Clerk read Finance Repo.rt.
Moved by' M. HUllsberger, seconded by H. Stratton-
"That the report of the Finance Committee be adopted."
Moved by 1\4. HUDsberger,secondedby A. McBride-
"That the report of the ComIIrittee on Jail Improvements
be received and read." Carried.
Report read by the Clerk.
Moved by J_Ga1braith, seconded by M_ Oonn~
'.That the report of tbi.'l' .tail Improvements 'Committee be
adopted." Carried.
Moved by S_ Day, seconded by J_ Mar ]att~
"That the Coundilgrantthe ,sum of $300, as a donation
towards_, the maint~nanceof the St; Thomas High Schoo
-pi'ovided the Trustees of said High S6hool admit all proper-
Jyqoali:fied pnpils to said school free 6f",h~.l'ge." Carried.
In amendment:
bridge." Carried.
Moved by A. l\icBride, seconded byM. H unsberger-c-
"'That the report of the Committee on Public Improve--
ments, be adopted 1:1$ amended," Oa,rried.
Mf)ved, by C. A. O'Malley f seconded by J. W. Fleming-
"That this CounciLgeant the SUl)] of $2;90 in aid.... of the
Hi~h School in St. Thomas, in consideration the said High
School be free to pl:Ipils from anypal-t of~he county."
Moved by C_ A. O'Malley, seconded by J_ W_ Fleming_
"That it is advisable to do away with all tolls on public
roads and bridges inthf! county, <":Lud tbat a Special Com
mitiee be appointed to meet the committee of the town or
St. Thoma8 to devise SOllie equitable means for effecting
the removal of _the tolls in this ccunty,said Committee to
:report to this Oouncil at next sessicn." Motion lost.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by G.. Suffel-
"That the Military Band of thf'25thBatt.have the privilege
of the ,CourtHouse grounds on Friday, eveninglil during the
summer of1874, as formerly, subject to approval of Gaol
Committee." Carried.
Yeas and nays on the amendment:
YEAs-O'Malley, Fleming, Cline, Galbraith~4.
NAYS-COnn, ,Day, Marlatt, Shepard, King, Mills, Mc-
Intyre, Haggan, Suffel, McBride, Hunsberger, Stratton,
Nairn and Davis-14.
Movedby,T. _Marlatt" seconded by S. Shepard-
"Tha~ .the report of the Committee on education be rear-."
~Io.ed by J. Galbra,:th,seconded by M. C,')nn-,--
"That the report of the Oommittee on the aFpointment of
valuators for the connty be received and and read." Car
The Olerk. read Education report, when A. McBride
moyed, seconded by H. Stratton-
"Thatthei'eport of CoriHt1ittee on Ed~c&tion be adopted."
Moved by J. W. Fleming, seconded by J. Galbraith-
"That the report of the Oommittee on Public Improve-
ments be receiveq and read." Carried.
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by T. M.NaiIn_
" That the rf'port of the Special Committee on the app6int~
ment of two valuators for the real estate of thit: county be
adopted.'" Oarded.
Moved b.y T. M. Nairn, seconded by D. F. Davis-c-
"That the l'epor~ of the Committee just read be entered
and published in the mimites of this Council." Carried.
Moved by G_ Suffe], seconded by A_ McBride~
Report read.
Moved by G_ Snffel, secnnded by H. Stratton-
'"'That the report of Committee on Public ImprovementE
be amended bystrikingont the grant of $100 to the Bothwell
UTbat a Special Oommitte8 composed, of the Warden, Mr..
N aiI'D, and the mover he appoiuted for th-'3 purpose of urging
the claim of the collnty on t he members of the Ontario
Government, to refund aporHon o~ the bOll!lS givenby this
County to tbe Oanada" SOlltherll Railway in 1870, basing
said claim 03 the resolutions submitted by the Legi~Iature
()f Ontario in tbe settlement of the Municipal _Loan Fund
i~debtedness, and that the Committee" be authorised to mem-
morialize the Government on behalf of the count), should
they deem i~ necessary to claBO." Oarried.
Moved by T_ 1\'1. Nairn, seconded by S. Day_
H That' tbeoffer oEMI'.' Drake, Mayor,on behalf of thf'
town of St. Thomas, to pay to the County of Elgin $720
annually for tbe next fiye years, ,be. a~cepted oll,the under-
standing that the amount due by the town 01 St. Thomas- to
the County on account of the recent improvements in the
gaol is $1,553, and that $530 of the above 'annual payment
beoonsidered as the proportion payable by the town
to the county on account of the' ex.penses oithe
.Administration of justice, and tbe use of Gaol' and
Court House, and that the remaining $190 per annum
b.capplied towards the liquidation of thp. above. mentioned
debt of $1,553, and interestat,six per cent. per a.nnum
front the first day of January, 1874, and that the balance
unpaid at th~ end of :five years be then paid to the county
or otherwise sl.tisfactori1y settled." Carried.
MovedbyS: Day, seconded by IVLConn-.;_
"That Samuel Price, Esq., be appointed by this Council
arbitrator on behl?If of this county in -respect to the settle-
ment as tothe amount which St. Thomas should pay annually
for the nextnve years on aa,countof the AdminIstration
:>f Justice, and alterations injaiI.'l
In amendment:
Mo~ed ,by T., M., N ail-ul secoudeJ, by S. Shepal:d~
"That A~drew:M urray,of ,tbe village of Aylmer,mer~
chant, be ,appointed arbitrator 6n behalf of t.Ms county in
themattp.rof diffelence-_ between the county of Elgin and
town of St. Thomas" as to the' amount the town s:hallpay
to the countion- acco~~nt ofthele.cent improvements in the
Coanty Jail, and thp.ir share of the (upenses of the Admini_
stration of Justice and use of Court' House ,and jail- for a
period notexgeeding,five years." Amendment carried"or~
iginal motion ios't.
, , , , , .
On motion of J~ Marlatt, seconde~ by D. King_
"That the Council adJo,lU'D ,till. nine o'clock next ~ay.'1
Moved by S. Shepard, seconded by"_ lIfarlatt-_
"That By-law No. 246 to appoint a person
census at Port Stanley, be read a. first tiJ:9.e."
to take the
Moved hy S. Shepard, seconded by D. King_
"That By-Law N"o. 246 be read a second time." Carried.
Moved by S. Shepard; seconded by D. King_
"That By-la w No. 246 be read a third time and finally
passed." Carried.
Moved byT. M.,Nairn,seconded.by D. F. Davis,-
"That By-law No. 247 be received and read a first time.'l
Moved by s-. Shepard, seconded by D. King,_
"-That ,By-law, No. 24,7'beread a ~econ(l time. Carried.
Moved by J~ Haggan, seconded by D. F. Davis,_
"That By-law Number 24-7 to appoint High School
Trustees be l'eada third time and finally passed."-aarried~
_ Moved by G_ Sltffel, seconded by A_ McBride-
"That By-law No. 24-8 to grant amo;luts for county lil1:es
be received and rea-d a :first time." Carried~
MovedbyT M N-
, . . aIrn, seconded by S D
HTh~tBy_law No 2"0' . ay~
, , . D to ap -
arbitrator in the matt . 'fd" pomt Andrew Murray. an
S T ' 81' 0 itferenceb t ' , .
,to llamas and the ' , ,e Ween th~ town of
, county of EIO" b
Carried. .olU, e' read a' first time.';
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by G. Suffel-
"That By-law No. 24& be read a second ,time" Carried.
Moved by T.M. Nairn, s;conded by D. F. Davis-
"That By-lawN Q. 248 be read a third time a~d finally
passed." Carried.
Mr. O'Malley gay€: notice that he would introduce a
motion. at the Jlllle Session, for this Council either to
<l.ssume all county ~ or township lines, or assist the Local
Municipalities in improving and maintaining said town
Moved by G S ffi J
. ' . . ,u 6., secol~ded by A. McBeide_
"Tbat By-L.w 250 -
_be read_a .second time" 0 .
., arned
Movod hv S D .'
., . ay, seconded byoT. Marlatt_
"That By-Jaw 250 be read - _ .
Carried. a thIrd tIme and finally passed."
"That a Special Oommittee be a .
Warden, Messrs N . PPoIntedcomposed of the
, . aIrn and Suffe! t t
On beh..l! of this county d th ' , 0 a tend the arbitration
<V t f an e town of St Th
en 0 _.the arbitration b.' , ' . ., omas, in the
emg proceeded with" 0 - d
M d',' , . arne
OVe by S. Day, seconded by T n' N . .
. :t. alrn_
"That Mr. Suffel be a..lthorised
USe of the Court Rouse th " . "to pu:chase a flag for the
$40." Carried. ' , e prl?e of scud Hag not to e:x:,:;eed
On motion of G S ft
. " .' n, el, secondpd byJ. Haggan_
"The Warden. .
. - was authonsed to . d ' .
wages, and the Oouncil d. slgn raft for member's
June next." , a Journed till the third ,:ruesday in.
Moved hy D. King, seconded-by S. Shepard.:-
"That By~Law No.249 be read a first time." Carried.
Moved by S. Shepard, seconded by D. King..-;
aThat By-law No. 24,9 to appoint County Auditors be
reada'second time." Carried;
Moved '.Jy S. Shepard, seconded by D. ~ing..-;
"That By.law No. 249 be ~ead a third time and passed."
Moved by S_ Day, seconded by T. M. Nairn-
Elgin County Council.Proceedings.
"That the Warden be autho~sedto sign the agreement
between the county and the town of St. Thomas, provided the
town:accept the terms ,mentioned' in the resolution passed
by thisConnciL" Carried.
, Thnrsday Feb "6th 187
The Oouncil met at 2 'I k "", 4.
, ~ c oc afternoon, according to
notice given bv order of the Warden for a special meeting
to, appoint a, person t9 act as County Treasurer in place or
G. 1. Claris, deceased:
The Warcten in the chair.
M:embers present : Messrs. King, Shepard,: "O'MalIeYr
Fleming, Galbraith, Conn, Day" LVlarlatt, Oline,- Haggan,
Davis, JVlcBride, Stratton, Hunsberger, Suffel and Nair~.
The Warden st\l.ted the object of calling thfr meeting,-
after which it was
Moved by T_ M. Nairn, seconded by G. Snffel~
"That this f!quncil deeply regret-the circumstances which
has .occasioned the pTesent meeting, viz.,: the sudden death
of our Ltte County: Treasurer, U, T. Clads, Esquire,. and
embrace the present opport::mity of testifying_to the high
measure of esteem in which the" members of the Council
and the community at large held Mr.Claris ?OS a mari,-and
R faithful and efficient public oflicer, and- of expressing,their
sincere sympathy for the bereaved family in their p=eselit
aftliction, and that the Warden be requested to address a
letter of condolence to his widow, conveying the sorrowful
and heartfelt sentiments of the members of 'the Council. It
Applications were read from the following persons for the
office of County Treas'3.rer :-
George Scarff, John A.Kains, Dunca.n McTavish, W.- A
Glover and Sam uel McColl.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by A. McBride-
"That a special conimiitee composed of Messrs. Nahn,
Shepard, Day, O'Malley, and the- mover, be appointed to
inquire.into the sureties offered ~y the cs.ndidates for the
office of County Tr-easurer and t.oreport_ as soon as practi-
'Cahlf'~'" .Carried.
':l\foved by'lI.l\f,_Nairn, seqonded by D.F.D~vis~
"That this Conacil adjourn till 4 'o'clock
'special com~ittee just appointed, to report"
to enable the
The_ Council_adjgurned Rnd met again !!It:;~ o'clo.ck
The Chairman of the -Oommittee 'appointed to r-e'port on
the sureties of the applicant;:; for t]~e office of Oouuty Tr'ea~
-sur~r submit.ted,report.
MQved by:J. Haggan, seconded by D. F. Davis~
HThat the report of the special committee be received
;and read."
The Clerk read report, when
J. Cline mOT"ed, seconded by J. Ga11raith~
"That the salary of the County Treasul'erbe $900." Lost.
Moved by A. MoBride, seconde~ by G_ Snffel-
"That the salary of the Oounty Treasurer be fixed at
$1,000 per ~:qnum." Carried.
Moved by 1;I- Oonn, seconded hy J_ Galbraith~
HTilat, the votes for the' office of Treasurer be taken in
the same order t~at the applications were received:" Lost.
Move_d by 0_ A. O'Malley, seconded by S_ Day-
"That the - rules be suspended, and that we consider each
nomination for County Treasurer as an originaf motion."
The foIlow.ing nominations were macie :-
Moved by J..Galbraith, seconded by M. ]'Jnu--'-
"That D. MeTa vish be Treasurer of the County
Moved by J_ Marlatt, seconded by S_ Shepard-
"That John A. Kains be appointed Treasurei" in plac~ . of
G. T. Clads, deceased, Pl'ovided he give the reqUl~lte
Moved by J. W. Fleming, 36conded byC. A. O'Malley_
"That Samuel McColl he appointed Treasurer in place of
G. T. Claris, deceased.ll
Moved by T. M. Nairn, second~d by D. F. Dayjs.......:
"That George Scarff be appointed' Treasurer of the
The motion to appoint Mr. McTavish treasurer was put
and lost.
The motion to appoint Mr. Kains was then put alld
Moved by S. Shepard, seconded by M. Conn-
'~That Charles Roe be appointed on of t~e auditors to
audit the late treasurer's books since the first day of Janu-
arylal'lt." Lost.
Moved by' A~ McBride, seconded by M. Hunsbp.rger~
"That W. J.White be appointed auditor to audit th,e
books of t.he late Treasurer, since the first day (jfJanuary,.
1874." Carried.
The Warden nominated Mr. Scarff one of the auditors.
. 29
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by T_ M_ Nairn_
"That the special audit just ordered be printed with tbe-
audit of last year as a supplementary audit." Carried.
lI{oved by M. linnsberger, seconded by A. McBridE>--
"ThatBy~law No. 251, to appoint a COUllty Trf'-asurer be
received and read a first time." Can-ied.
Moved by M. Hunsberger, liIeconded by .A. i\IcBride_
"That By~law No. 251 be rea.d a second time." Carried.
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by J. Haggan_
"That By-law No. 251 be read a third time and finally
passed." Oarried.
Moved by .A. McBride, seconded by M. 'Hunsborger_
."That By~law No. 252, to appoint a special committee to
erect the new Registry Office be read a first time." Oarried.
Moved by S. Shepard, seconded by J. Marlatt_
"That By-law No. 252 be read a second time." Carried.
Moved by J. Cline, seconded by M. Conn_
"That By-law No. 252 be read a third time and finally
passed." Carried. .
Moved by G. Snftel, seconded by J. Eaggan_
"That the Warden be authorised to see that a proper
and efficient bond be executed by John A. Kains, the newly
appointed treasurer, .and his proposed sureties before he enters
upon his duties as treasurer of this county." Carried~
Moved by A. McBride, seconded by M_ H nnsberg.r~
"That this Oounciladjourn." Motion lost.
r.iov~d by S. Day, seconded by J. Haggan~
'~That' the Warden be instructed to petiti.on'the 'Doininion
Parliament on, behalf of this'Council, at its next session to
impose_animport duty con all grain an9-1ive stock import~d
into this country (now nominally free of duty) except
thorough bred"animals."
In amendment:
Moved by G. Snjfel, second~d by A. McBride-
"That this Council petition the Dominion Board of Trade
now in se,~~on ~li Ottawa, b take into consideration the
advisability of l'~coD1mending the DOllli.uion- Pa;1iament to
impose a 'duty onallJive stockimported':intothe country,
with the exception of ,thoroughbred : ~~oe~,:.i~porte.d for the
purpose of improving the breed of stock In the Dominion';
also <Train and other cereals,ll '';:.
,T4e aDl,endm~n,t was put aI?-.4 10l:?t pn
d~v~si()n :,:-
Y EAs---:'Gal)maith,'-B.hepa.rd, Mcintyre, Fleming, ,O'Malley,
SutfeJ, M:cBri~e and Hunsberger-S.
Marlatt, Mills;
NAYS-Haggan,8tra.tton, _Davis, Naii'n,
Cline, Conn~and Daj-9~
The original motion was then put and c~l'ried on the fol-
lowing division ;-
YEAs-Day, Cline, Conn, Mills, Marlatt, Nairn,
Ha:ctdan: Suffel HrinsbergerandStral;ton-ll.
'.::10' , '-'
'NAY3~l\rcBride, O'Malley, Fleming, J\iclntyre, ,Shepard
and Galbraith-',c-6_
MovEd by C. A. O'Malley, seconded hy J.. W. Fleming~
..~,.,- ~,:..~--:~'...
"That this Council fully,approves of the exemption from.
local municipal t~,xatioD of all the live steck of a farmer,.
and by_ himllseclon, -his'- farm,and that the ...Cl~rk be in-
strncted to forward immediately a copy ~fthis ~esolution to
the members of the county in the LocaJ Legisla.ture." Mo-
tiOn laid ou the table.
Moved by T.M. Nairn, seconded by'J. Haggan-
"That this Council adjourn till the third Tuesdav in June,
and that the-Warden sign draft for member'swages;"
Elgin County CouncilI'roceeaings.
Tne.d.y, Jnne 16th, 1874.
o'clock aftl;lrnoon. The Warden' in
-The:Council met at 2
the chair.
t. O'Malley Fleming, Galoraith, Conn,
Members presen . " " . S ffi 1
. S~epard, McIntyre, Da~, Nairn, Haggan, DavIs, u e,
Cline, Hunsberger, :McBrIde, Stratton.
d. of ~he la.st day of the previous session
The procee lUgS ,~ ,
}Vere read and signed.
The following c6mmunic.itions were read by the Ol~rk
from the Middlesex Oounty Olerk respecting the Wardsville
th~ Inspector of Prisons celating to the Count}
From Provincial' Secretary in reference t? gaol improve
ments and railway bonus.
From Mr. Kingsmill respecting railway grant.
From Dr. Shultie rel:lpecting payment of school exam,iners.
From Middlesex Oounty Clerk relating to payment to
Government 'for the Port Stanley Gravel Road.
of amounts re.
From the,Count,y Treasurer with estimate
quired for 1874.
From the Crown I.lands Department 'respecting boundary
~nd other surveys in A-ldborough.
FI'am Oounty Auditcrs with detailed statement of receipts
Moved by T. M. N-airn, seconded by G. Suffel_
"That the members of this C~uncil having lea!ned with
feelings of profound sorrow of- the unexpected death 'of
Wi1Iia~ Harvey, Esq., M.l?, for the East Ridi~g of the
Connty, e,mbrace '(jhe earliest opportunity of te.stify-i~g their
high appreciation of the many estimable qualities of Mr.
Harvey as a md.il and a publicl'epresentative, and .of'f:!x-
pressing their sincere sympathy and condolence with his famify
and friends in theil- sad bel'evement, and that a coPy of this
resolution be forwarded to Ml's. -Harv~y:,.and .signed by the
vVarden and Clerk on bebalf of this ConnCil." Carried.
;Moved by S. Day, seconded by J. Oline-
"That tIle report of the Gaol and Building Committee
be received; and read." Oarried.
~f{)ved byC.A.. O'Malley, s~econded~by J. W; Fleming-_
"That the report of the spacial committee appointed to in-
quire into tile disposal of the Lopdonand Port Stanley' Road,
and 'the nqn~pa'yll1ent ,of the proceeds to the Government by
the county of Middlesex, be received and read." Oarried.
M.oved by G. Suffel, seconded by A. McBride_
" That the report of the special committee appointed by
this CounciL toc_onfefwith the Middlesex, County Council
reSp13~til~g_ the TJondon arid }>Ol"t Stanley Gravel Road be
adoptpcl, and that this COllilCiI empower the said commit, Ae
too prosecute tl;teir illqniry intotpe matter by theC.hairUlan
of said committee corresponding ,\\-:ith the GoverI1D1e,nt;:of
'-, ---....J
Ontalio and the Dominion Government if necessary."
On motion of 8. Day, seconded by J. Cline-,-
"That the Treasure! be requested to report-to tbisCouncil
t O~D1orrow morning the amount due by t~e severa] Munici-
F6lities in the County fOl~ County Rates." Carried.
Moved by M. Conn, seconded by J. Galbraith-
"That the oonnp:nnications be noW takeu up and disposed
of.ll Carried.
The Clerk read the communications r~ceived from the>
county of Middlesex relating to the, erection - of the Wards-
ville bridge,
N otiqe of motions :
Mr. Shepard gave notice that he willrnake ,application'
at this Session for a grant of $100 to repair the county line
between Delaware and Southwold.
1\[1'. Hunsberg-er gave notice that he will make applica-
tion at this Session for a granfi of $150 t.o be expended 'on
the eastern county line.
On motion of M. Hunsberger, seconded byR. Stratton-
"The. Council adjourned till 9 o'clock next day."
Wednesday, Jnne 17th, 1814_
The CountyCcilIDcil met this day at 10 o'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the -chair.
~.. -': --- '----'-'
"I Members present: Messl's. O'Malle ',' ..
Conn, Stratton, Shepal"d 'M I t Y1-Flernlng, ,Galbraith
Nairn, Davis, Oline H~:/Y~cS~ rr]e, 1\:rin~, :Day, Marlatt:
, ' 00 -, uu(';; J.JLcBL'It1e H b
Th . ' , uns ero.et.
e proceedings of thE' re,'. 0 ,
After which it was P lOUR day were read ane! signed
Moved by 'A. Mc~ride; seconded b '
YIff. Hunsherger--:..
"That this CouIicilpet.ition the D ..
Governments to . b J. h OlUInlOn and Ontario
tor the f'. h' ~ 0 IS pl'Operty qualification as theb..
rane lSe m all c'?.ses e ",' " aSIS
money vote, or to create a d b:c--,pt .wh:~'e the vote is for a
in that case the fr< Dch. t e 0: lIabIlIty;on the freehold
a Ise 0 remaHl as it, i8.11 , ,
Moved by is D
. ay.. seconded' by S. Shepard--:-
"That the previous resoIl! "io .
over till"llext meetino> f thO '0" n o.f ,Mr. McBrIde be h.id
~ h 0 IS ouncd.n Carried.
YEAS-Stratton H b
, , ,nllS ergeI' M.B.d S
Davis, FleminCl'M It', ,.' ,', ':' 1'1 e, u:ffeJ,Haggan
Oonn, Galbrai~h_;4~ yre, Shp.pard, MOl.;-latt, DaY1 Cline:
Mcved by G S IE I
. u e, seconded by A U B --d
.1.UC 11 E'-~
"That the compensation to be a' d' , :
Examiners be fixed at th. P 1 to the Co_nuty Board tlf
_ elateof$4 per d fi h-
wIth the addition of' .J' ., ay, or t elr services,
f ml eage, the sam6.,' . .d
o this CounciL'1 ... as pal . t.o mem bers
In amendment: 1st.
Moved by T. At Nail'll; seconded
by S_ Day_
"That the pay of E -
, xamlllers of Sella I T
same as at present d h ' 0 eachers oe the
9. ' ant at'the mile. cr -b. '
.;,15 cents IWt;mile." "a~e e Increased to
In amendment: 2nd.
Moved by C. A... O'Mallej, seconded by H. Stratton-
"Thg,t the reinuneratinll of Examiners of Public School
Teachers be increased to $3 pGr day, and 15 cents per mile
for the time absolutely and necessarily spent~ and the miles
travelled while coming to the examination." Lost.
The second amendment was put and lost on the following
division :-
YEAs-O'Malley, Stlatton, Hunsberger, McBride, Suffel
and Shepard-6.
NAys-Galbraith, Conn, Cline, Day, Marlatt, King, Mc-
Intyre, Fleming, Nairn, Davis ann Haggan-II.
The first amendmuet was -then put ;tnd carried on the
following division:
YEAs-Galbraith, Conn, Cline, Day, Marlatt, King, Mc-
Intyre, Fleming, Nairn, Davis and Haggau---:-ll.
NAYS-Stratton, Hunsberger, McBride, Suffel and
The original motion was then put and 16st on the fol-
lowing'division :-
Y EAs-Slirattoll,' Hllllsberger;, McBride ~nd Suffel-4~
NAys-Gal'braith, Conn, Cline, Day, Marlatt, Shepard,
King, McIntyre, Fleming, O'Malley, Nairn, Davis and
Moved by 13_ Day, seconded by.T_ Cline-
"That the Treasurer be requested to take steps to collect
the amount due to this 'county for arreai's of county rate
bj the township of Aldborough pl'eViO'lS to- 1874~"
Moved by T. M. ~aim_, seconded by D. 'F. Davis_
"That the -Treasurer be instructed {,.o communicate -with
the, Treasnrer of the township of Aldborongll reqnestino-
raymentof the ~rreal's of county rates for 1813, and tha~
be sil.m~ rate of Interest be charged against that municipaJi~
ty as paId by_the countyfrolU the first day of J auuary
last." Calried.
Moved by G.SuffeJ, seconded by J. Haggan~
"That this Council take into considerat~on at .the N ov-
ember sessions, the serious loss to the yiJ1age of Aylmer by
recent fireR, and make such remission of county rate to eaid
village equal in amount to the remission which the COllncil
of said village may make to the sufferers by the late fires
not to exceed the whole amount 'of the couIitv rate of th~
village of A~lmer for the current year." ,
In amendment, 1st.
Moyed by S. Day, ~econded by Joseph Madatt-
"That ':h conSIderation of the village i)f .:.$..ylmer having"
met with two very severe losses by fire within the last
three mOnths, and in the event of a reduction beincr made
~ " '. ' ',_b
by the VIllage council to the sufferers, tnat- this Council
}Jledges itself to grant relief to the extent of the county
ratf'S on the amount so' deducted." Oarried.
In amendment, 2nd.
Moved by C. A. O'-MaIley, seconded by J. W. Fleming_
"That the resollltion of Mr. Suffelbe amended by making
a qistinctstatell1ent that no.reduetioh of county rate exceed
the pmportion it bears'to the I"eduction of the local muni-
cipaltax OIl each property." Lost.
The second amendment was lost and the first <tmend-
ment carried.
Major TweedaJe,of t.he 25th Batta.lion, appeared before
the Oouncil making application for a gra,nt to the vo~unteers.
When it. was
~10ved by G_ Sutfel, seconded by A_ McBride~
"That this Council gt"ant a bonus of $1 each to the
no~.commissioned Offi0el'S and men now in oamp at St.
Thomas." Carried.
The petition of Lachlin Campbell and thirte,en other c~m,..:
stables of the County was presented, praying for an increase
to their pay.
Moved by S.,Day, s~condedby J.Marbtt.....,--
"That the petition of LachIin Campbell H:nd others be
received and J.'ead." Oarried.
The pet.itionwas read.
Moved byT. M. Nairn, seconded by D. F.,Davis---:-
"That the Council Petition the Lieutenant Gove'rncr in
Oouncil, _to increase the pay to" cons'tables while attending
Courts to $1.50 per day." Carried.
Moved by O. A O'MaHey,seconded by M. D. McIn~yre-:--
"That this Oouncil adjourn till three o'clock, p;m." Car-
The Council met at three o'clock.
His Hon\Jr Judge Hughes appeared before the -Oouilcil
and made statem€l. t respecting deductions made -by the-
Treasury Department of the Province of Oiltario in thE'
aocounts of the Administration of. Justice. When
s. Day moved, seconded bV J. Marlatt_
"That a corr.mittee be appointed, composed of his Rant)}"
Judge Hughes and the Warden, ~o -confer with the Govel'n_
m€mt_ofOntario in reference tn.. the, settleh,;~nt,'of the ac~
counts for the Administutiol1 of Justice and other Dlattf'TS
ill connection ther'ewith." Carried.
Mr. Joseph BORtwick, of Port Stanley, submitted census
of that village, which he was appointed by this Oouncil to
take, cOllta;ining sevelL hundred and sixty-seven _llames.
Mr. S1~pard alsopi'esented p'etitionof one hundred and
eight fr.:>eholdel's and hou~eholdei'S of the said village of
Port Stunley, praying.for incorporation, which pet.-jtion was
read by the Olerk; When
S. Shepardmoved,_secondedby S. Day--:..
"That the petition of the resident freeholders and hous~-
holders of the village of P01.t Stanley, be entertained by this
Council, and that 'a By-h'iv el'ecting said village into a
separate corporation be passed in &ccordance with their re:'
quest. H Oarried.
Mt.U'MaJIe)' gave notice that he will a.pply to-mort()w
for ,a grant of $300 to 'the western county line between
Elgin and Kent, !tnd ;a.lso for $400;iorithe townsbipJine
between AJdborough and Dunwich.
Moved by T. M.Nairn, seconded -by C. A. O'MalIey-c-
"That By-law No. 253. to incorporate the village of Port
Stanley he. l'Gceivedand read a :first time." Oarried.
By~law No. 253 was read by th,e ClerkH
Moved by~, Shepard, seconded by D. King-
"That By-law No. 253 be read a seGond time." Carried.
Bye-law No. 253 was read a second time.
Moved by S. Day, seconded by J. Marlat't;-
"Tha~ By-law No. 253 be read a third time and fin.~lly
passed." Carried.
By-law 253 was read a third time and .finally passed.
Moved by 0. A_ O'Malley, seconded by G. Snfl"el-
"That the report of committee appointed to consider the
matter of refullding a portion of the' Southern Railway
bonus by the Government of Ontario be rec~ivecl and read.'"'
The report of special committee on railway kmus was
read and adopted.
On motion of M. Hunsberger, seconded by G. Suffel-
"~he Council adJOlll'ned ti1l9 o'clock next day."
Thmsday, June 18,1874.
The' County Council met at 9 o'clock forenoon. The
\Varden inthecbair.
Members present: lVlessrs. O'Malley, Fleming, Galbraitll,
Conn, Davis; ,Shepard, McIntyre,King,_Day, Maelatt,
Mills; Nairn, Haggan, Cline, Saffel, Stratton <fnd McBride.
The proceedin~s weresiglled and read. When
J. W. Fleming moved; seconded,~yD.M; Mclntyre-,..
"~hat therep_ort of committee on Public Improvements
he l'{'ceived a11d read." Carried.
Reportr~adhy"the Olerk When it'was
-Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded by S_ Shepard~
"That the repo,rt of committee on Public ImprCiVe1l1ents
be adopted." Oarried.
Mr., C. ,A. O'I\falI€'~, Re~ve of~ldborollgh, submitted
repol:t on the state of the WardElviI1e: bridge. After which
it was
}'Ioved by G.Suffel,-seeohded oy J. Haggan~
"That the report?rc.A._O'Mall~y,Esq." coininis~i()ner
appointf!d by this Uouncil to look after the interes't$of this
County in the Tebnildiag of the Wardsville bridge be re~
ceived and read." Carried.
J.\tlovel byG. Suffel, secondedhyJ.: Ha:gg'an.-'-'..
"That a' cOPY, of the i:epod of the comniisSioner appointed
by this Council for the erection of the Wardsvil1e bridge be
sent tc the COUll_ty, engineer of 1\fiddlesex." Carried;
.Moved bv-J. W.-Fleming,seconded byD. M>Mclntyre_
"Thatn A.O'MaJley, R,~eveof Aldborough, b~ instruct"'
~d, in conjunction with , the engineer of :w.riddlese:x:, to dis-
pose of ,the plank belonging .to the old- bridge at WardsvilIe
to the best advantage for the interestFtofthe county."
Moved by C_ A.. O'Malley, seconded by J_ W. Fleming_
"That the Warden make-application tCithe Lfeutenant
Govei'nor of Ontario for a survey to be made and permanent
stone 1l1011UIDE::ntS erected at'the nOl,tberly'.angles between
lots five and Jifteenin the, thircl, concEssion, lots eight und
the'north east angle of. lot fifteen in ' the' fourth con-
cession, and lots twelve and eighteen in the'ninth concessiQn
of said township; Tbe 'J\iunicipality of "AldbO=rongh.to,be
i esponsible for t he costs : of said snTveyaJ:C~ J:non~lments; ana
that "v. ,G. McGeorge,P.L.S., be recommended- to perform
the work." JYlotion lost;
Mc.ved byJ; W. 'Fl.emi;ug, se:londedby C: .8.:.; O'Maney~
b "TI~nt. the: r-epot't of theFi~ance CO.tnmittee_ he .amended
.v makmg_the amount to be apphed on county r
$4,000 in pla<:eof $2;000." M1ti~~10st.' ~ mes
Iuamendrnent :
nloved by S. B. Mills; seconded~by D. M. :McIntyre-
"That the report of Finance Oom~itteebe adopted."
Movt;d by G. Suffel, seconded by :1\'1. Hunsberger-
"That the re~01ntionp,~8se<;1 ,by thiE Conueil yesterday
fixing the pay of the Boald of Examiners at $2 per day
and milage at 20 cents per 'mile be reconsidered, and that
the pay f01' the services of tn@E2i:aroinel.s'not' beinginthe
to~n~f~t. Tbamas, befixedat_,$3,per Lhy,ancl,mileage at
10 c~nts per J.1)i1e, same,as paidt;o mew bel'S of this Council."
Carried. '
Moved by A. McBride, seconded by],1:. Hnnsberger~
HTh.at the County School In,spe~torbe allo.wed by this
Council the sum of $2 per day, ahd 10 cents mileaO"e when
1..' " b'
e~u.a'.lzlUg the Assessment R:oUs inUnioriSections and
divIsIOns; "
In amendmen't :
YEAs-c-Hunsbergel', Buffe], O'Malley, Strattb:p,; Fle:r'i11lJ'g,
Mills, King, f?hepi:trd,Daj> ,Conn und:Galbraith-ll.
NAYs~pli.ne,:&1ar1att, ~ail'll, lVlcIntyre, Davis <,]Dd Hag-
gill1-6. ' ,
J\ioved byT.,M.Nairn, sec0nded by C, A. ,O'Malley~
"Tha.t the County Inspector be paid the' same mileacre a-s
Municipal pOllncillors, <is,an addition:ti:allo~ance ;hile
equalizing the ~sse.s$ments ot Union:Sections." Oarried.
,!EAs~Galbra,ith, Oonnl, Cline, Day, J\1:arlatt, King~
MIlls, McIntyr:, Fleming, ,O'.MaUeY,and ~airn-ll.
NAYS~StI'atton, McBl'ide, Sllftel,H"1ggan, Davis and
Shepard-6. . .
M:ovedbyJ\.oI. HUllsberg'er, seconded ,by H.,Strattonc-
."lfhat:tbisCouncil grimt $150,':fortridges.on -the:east~r.n
~OUllty line, providing theCol,neii of'~he~ cou~ty ofNodolk
-grant a 1i~esum, ~,ndtl~at.~enrr,S~nltto~be appointed by
-this,,9oul1riil a cGmmissioaer.'to.,exp:e~d the aillonnt.~'.' ,
)namendnielit :
Am,endn::rent~c~rried, mai.n motion lost.
hOl~'~ motion ofJ. Ma.rlatt., the Council ;adjournedfor Oile
Moved by T; lVI. Nairn, seconded by O.A- O'NIalley-
"'fhll,t all ::..ppIications fOl'~id on county lines "be r~fened
to theComrnittee on Public Improyements;"
Amendment cal'l'ied, main nlotionlost.
The Council. me~ again.
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, secondedbyM; aonn~
"That,' th'3 ,County Solicitor be "insti'uc-ted to give his
legalopil)ion in writing at the Novembel" 8essioIl1 en the
question_l:;iised as, to, the_meaning of the 17th, Section of
the A. mended Municipal- Act, 01 1874, as itl'elates to road
sllowancesbetween townships. being county roads, and the
l;ability,~of thp, 'eonntyto make and keep up, said roads."
Mr. J. King Illade_statement as to the insufficiency of the
salaiy of the Turnkey.
Moved by S. ~hepard, seconded by D. King-
"That the salary of the Turnkey be _ increased $50 per
annum." Carried.
'rh~: ,cW.~rd.eil;",s.ulpnitt~d ~-GPount ,.of ,tpe, GOl1nty;Regi~~
tral'forstamp used in his office. -'-Nhen it waS
Moved by J. Galbraith, seconded by M.,Conn-',--,-
'l~.rhat' the acco.:mtof fheUourity' Registrar for stamp-be
nO,t~I;lt~rtaiIl!3d by this Council~n CalTied.
The Warden 811 Jmittect a communication from'- the Chair-
man of the Water Works for the town of St. Thomas.
Whiqh W"'e, "err),
Moved by G. 'Suftel} seconded by J. 'Haggan--'-
"That the communication from John Fadey, ,~~q",ohairr
man of Water Works Oommittee for tl:a-e town of St.
Thomas, be laid over.,untq- the', Nove-rohet': Session' ofthid
CounciL" Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded",by 1\'1. HUllsberger-
HThatBy law No. 254, to rama 00unty rtltes tJ"01' the
current year, be:-read ,3" first; time." CalTied.,
~Iovedby H-; Sttatton~ secondeclbyG. SuffE:l,--
"~'hat:By-law No. 254 bp.',l"ead aseQond time." Cal:ried.
lYloved by Q, SuffeJ, seconded by J. Haggan-,-----,
"That By-law No. 254 be read athidtimeand finally
passed." Oarried. ...
Moved by S. Day, seconded by J. Cline---'--
"Th~tBy-l~w No. 255, toraise amounts for cO'.1nty line.s
be received and J'ead' a fil;st time. n Carried.
Moved byS,Day,secondEd by J:M~ulatt-
':That By-b.w No. 255 be read a second time." Carried.
Moved by J. Marlatt, seconded i:Jy S. Shepard.......,
"Tha,t By'-.,j';\TT: No. 255 b d h' d
' , <01 .. ' e'rea a t Ie time and finally
passed." Oarried.
Moved by: G. Sufi'el, se~ondedbyD. F. Davis-
. "That the W ardon be, authorised and required to make
application '. nddeniand from the Canada Southern Railway
Company, $1,000 per mile of the St. Clair branch of the
~anada Southern Railwayin this count}, to refund a por-
tlOn of the ,'honus, granted to said rail war, company,and
t~Gtt Thomas Scatcherd, Esq., barrister, be .appointed an ar-
bltrauor on hehaJfof this COli.ncilto arbitrate in the mat-
ter of the amount to be paid by the Government or Railway
C~mpanyto this .collntyon account_ of the bonus given by
tIns county to saId Oanada' Southern Rail way Company!'
In amendment:
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by J.MarIatt-
"That the previous motion be amended bY,the name of
J 1 F ley li:"q 'oan-IsLer bein:<T_subs-titntedfor tlw,t of
Qlll ar "~.,, , , -_' 0 -,' ','
:rh~mas Scatcnerd, :M:.P.P., in the ma.tter b~tw~~n tIns
county, and- the' Canada:, SO~lthel"nRa.ilway. Company.
Amendment lost, original motion cal;ri~d.
On motion:of G.SllffeJ,seconded by A. Mc_Bride-
'~The Council 'adjourned till the second l'nesday in Novem-
bf'r next."
Elgin County Council Proceedings.
ThursdaYi Augast27, l874.
The ,County Conncil !net this day at request 'of the Wanlen
:fcw tt Special :'Thiee,ting, to take in,~o consideration the prOA
pl'ietyof presenting an addre~_s to His Excellen-cy,> the
Go\r~lllorGeneral; on his an-ivaI in St.Thomas this day.
The Wurden5n the chair.
Mellibel;S present: Messrs. O'Malley, Galbraith, Conn,
S-hepard;']}1cIntjl'e, "KingjDay, Marlatt,' M:ills"Da;vis,' Hag~
gan, :lVIcBtide; Strattou,?:unsherger, Suuel and N ailTL
The Wai'dfnexplained. to the Council the object of cal-
ling_ themeetirig'~Hdsubinitted d-raft of an address which
had been prepared. When
G. Suffel moved, seconded, by ,.A. JYlcBride-
"That the' address' prepared ?y the Warden and Clerk to
be pl'esentedto the Governor General on his visit to St.
Thomas this day be read," Carried.
The address was reacl. When
A. McBride move;<::, secouded by G. Suffe!-
"That th~ address now read to be pI€sented to the.Gov-
ernor General on his arrival be signed by the Warden, and
the official seal of the county be attached thereto, and that
the addl'ess be presented by the W arden, accornpanie~ by
lhe members of Council." Carl'ied.
Moveci by M~ Conn, seconded by .T. lvIarlatt-
"That the Rum of $300 b3 granted hJ,this Council to be
phcedil1tlle;h~nds of the Tl'eltSUrer_~fth~UOllnciLof the
town of St. Th:)mas, fOl",the purpose of a:;;siflting said Council
to defr2.y the eX)Jenses eonn~ctg'd with the visit of Lord
In amltDdment :
l\foved by C. A; O'Malley, seconded oy M. D. _M:clntyre
"That, this Oonricil grant the snm of $200, to meet the
expense inCUll'edonaccount of the l'ecepti::ni of the Gov-
ernor General and suite."
,The amer.dment \vaS put and lOot, and the originotl Ulotion
was carl'ied on the following division:
YEAs-Nairn, StrattO!l; _Hnnsberg(~l"1 McBtide, Suffel,
Haggan, Shep<Llll, Ki~g, Day, ,Marlatt"jVI.ilIs~ndConn
NAys:--G;alo1"',\ith, McIntyre, O'MaIley and Davis"~4.
The Council then adjourned;
Elgin County Council Proceed.ings.
Tu~sday, N?vemb~r 10, 1.874.
Tfhe Conncil met at ,10 d,elock; forenp~n, ~c0ording, to
adjournment. TheW ardenin the chaiJ~.
_M:_€mbers, present :I\f~ssrs.>Nairn, Davis,,'O'Mall-ey, Flem-
ing. ,Galbraith, :Suffel, COllll,Shepar'd,' 'King; McIntyre;,
Madatt, Haggan; Da.v, Mills,'-' Cline, Hunsberger and
Theprocefldingswel'e read and sign'ed.
The Warden addressed the Councii, after' which the fol.
lowing comrnunicatidnswere read,.::.........
From Mr ,Kingsmill, relati\'e to, ,amo.u~;tcIfl;irnedhytI:lis
cl)unty on account,of:he Southeru' Railway bonus.
From, the County Treasure,' with "list of lands to be sold
for taxes.
FmmMiddlesex County Clerk. respecting appr.o~()h.to
FromCouhty Solicitor, 'Yith opinionrespeeting the 17th
section 6fthe Amended Municipa}- Act of: 1874, respecting
county road.
Fromth~, Pro'}ncia.lSecretary relat,~gto)3o~rd of Audit
for a..:counts of A.dministration of Jus.tice" cr.i;Uinal.
From A. Bell, Chatham, making application for reward.
for apprehensionofR. Mayo, convicted of horse stealing.
Moved-by ,T.;M., Nairri,~econdedpyC.A:::O'Mallf!~-
"That Mr. Mann, tbeCounty Solicitor, be l"equestedto
give explanations in relation to the costs refunded by Mr.
Harris in connection with the,8uit, hrought by himagains t
the county." Ca.n-ied."
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by J.Haggan~
"That this C()u~'.)il are 'satisfied from some of the returns
made by tbe Clerkoftbe . Peace of this county of the num~
bel' of jurors 'to.sEltve at t,he. s_ev.eraJCouutya&"uts. are:'in
some instanceKen'onMus' in sendiug, ,in too ::many i1am~s;
The}' ",would" t.hp-refore: recommend" ,the ~electoi:s'of jinors
in the several municipalitieR tOlllake theirselectioTlS in
future strictly in accordance with the Act." Carried.
Moved by G. SlJ.ffe1, secnndeq. hy'T,'M., Nairn-
. .
"That the, Reeves oft.hE:,sp-veral.mulliciralities,pe' allP::>int"
ed a committee to equalize the assessment rolls fOl'the
Cu.lTept year." Carried.
Moved by G; Suffel,seJoncled by T. 11. N ,J;irn--'-
",.. ,','
"That A. F. Butlel";Esq., Insp(>.ctor ofPnblieScq,oQls f()r
this county be requested to furnish _~.mnu1illyat the Jun~~
Session, his annual >fepi:wt as to the state-(j(the Plihlic
schools 'in the county, the numbfrof lie\v school:bollseli
erecten in each yea.r".am~ other; schoolilllwor~;me~1J,3,also
suchothf'r information, as may,b-e d\:'emed @fim'portari:ceto
the OounciL" Carried.
~r. ManL, Coun:! Sol.icit~l" ~PI)eared bet~ol'~the~onl)cil
and gave the explau::!,ti01:i rlO'qnired respecting 'the law costs
in suit with-Mr.-Harris."
Messrs. Backhouse and White made staternentberore thE
Council respecting an alteration of'School Section in Mala-
On, m~tiGn(}fG.-S1fffel;,seCtmdetl_b! J.""Haggan-
HThe Coullcil adJ.ollrn till 9 'I k t' ."
, " - 0 c oc o-morrow mornmg.
Elgin.COl1nty Counci1>Proceedings..
Wednesday, Nov.lltli,.1874.
The Council metat.9.o'cJcck, fOl'enoon. The'Warden in
Members preseut : Messrs; O'Malley, Fleming, Galbraith,
Oomi, Shepard,. King, Day , Marlatt,:M."ills, . Nairn, Haggan,
Davis, Buffel, Oline, McEride, Stratton, Hunsberger and
McIntyre. .
The proc8edings of previous .daywere read and signed.
M6ve~rbyM. Conn, seconded byJ.Galbl'iith-
"That'the Clerk beinstruct~d to-notify the'ex€'cutorsof
the la-t.eMr..01aris, 1'8specting-thes.um of $50, costs of a
law suit withM't.Harris;-andI'efund.edby Mi'. Mann, as
there doesllotappea to bea credit in the books for that
Bum." Carried.
Moved - by M. _ J:Iunsbprger," seconded by A. McBride-
".That Mr. 'Dais motion respecting Registl'Y(Jffice Fees
be laid overtobe the first order' ofbusl.lleSS for the after-
noon. session,'" Carded.
Moved byM;- Hunsberger, seconded b'yH~ . Stratton........:
.'ThatBy~law No. 256, to confirm By-law No. 316 of the
corporation of the townshipofBayham, conveying part of
original rciadallowance to 'Ja.rvis..Pt'itchai'd,berecf'lved and
i'ead a first time." - Carried.
Moved by M. Hunsberger,'Seqollded.~bY,H.8tra~~~on~
".Tb_atBy-:-law,N"o.2.-56, beread, a secoI1d t~me." Carr,ied.
MovedbY_M:. .J{u1l5~~rgel',..sep~:mded by: A." McBride~
H::phat: :J3y~litw No. 2:56, be ,real:! a ,third~lllie "and finally
passed." Carried.
On motion the report.;oLMle"SpeQiatO(F~Il?-,ittee~~pp()i~ted
iIi connection wit4. tbe erection of th~. new Registry Offic,e
was received;
"'The'}Cle'i'kread report df'Special Committee 'on ':erection
of Registry Office.
Moved by J. Marlatt" seconded by S. B~'Mi1Js'----
!'Thatthe repbrt ofthe"Regist~i Office Building'Commit-
,';,tee'uow.::rea4,i:;beiiadopted; 1l ,Oarried.
Moyed byJ.Marlatt, second,eq by S. Sh!,p~nl-
"That_Mr. McK~y".~h~,:,ReKi~tr?--r, bei\no~ifi~d",thaF the
new Registry Office~illbe ready for~ls~ by the ti;st'day
of December next; and' that he'be-reqllested:to:,re,ruove,.to it
." atkl.1a~t. ,4a,te"iand. _tl;1a~, ,tl;Ly:,JJ:eg~s!try;;9$ce ,qqm~i,tte;e be
apJ hprised ,t().,pr()~.m,r~ .,thy; u,ece8:sary ,J'9rnit,ure" fOt;.the._?ffice."
:-Oarried. ' .. ..
Moved8)~~'J\ M; 'Nairn., sec~n~ed'~by(f Suffel~
"That';,afte'f the;removalof. theCotmty-Registrar ,to:the
new Registry OffiC0, the' present Registry Ofl?c~ 1:>.e oc~~pied
by the County TreaS'lll'eT, and-the one nowocC\lpied by him
be. plai}ed:- .at',the .service'of, .tlre'.County,_:Attorney. ,~. Carried.
Ou motion..of S..Da.y, seciJndBd.by'S. Shepard-:---
"The COlllleil adjourned till 3 o'clock."
The Co:unciJmetat3 o'clock.
An the:m"erobet.s present; The Ward'en in the chair.
"Moved by S. Day, seconded by J~' Marlatt--:-
"Tn;ltth~i'epoL'tof the- COffilhlttee on' Equa.liZation of
Assessment Rolls be l'eceived and read,"
The l'l3port on -Equalization.:wasread.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by A. IvIcBride-
"That the, report of Co~.roitt~e :on Eq ua]iz~tion, be adopt-
ed." Carried.
In atnendmeJ'lt:
Move~byS. Shepard, seconded hypo King.:.....,..
"That the report of the _ Committe_e ,on' :Eqllali:::.ation be
amende~ by dednc:ting ,$1 ,1Jeracre on the ,aluation of land
in theto\Vllship ofSouth;wold.'"
Alliendinent lost, m>tin mo'tion' ca'rried~ .
Moved by S. Day,secQnded l>yJ.Cline~
"'That ,'the Assessment'Rolls of' some ltow'ri"shipsin the
county' having been returned" to'the" OountyQlerk in a very
unsatisfactol'Y' manner, in not having each column added-:up
she'Wingthe,.atnount ;0f"pel~s,onal"p~oper;ty,_aIld nu_rober of
acres, as requir~dbyStatute, and that the Clerk: be request-
ed:to notify th'3 severalrr_ownship;.Clel'ksto thateffeot."
IU_lwiendIiient :
Moved _by A. McBri~e~, seconded,hy - ~.HuIlsberger:---:,
:,"Thatinasm.'uc~ _as the'Clerks of the several municipali~
tIes,are not gUllt} :.>f the neglect that nl1";.Dav charcres .them
with, be it. resolved that they'be not notified:" 0
In am'endmerlt to'amendment ':
lVI~ ~'edby,!.::&L 'N aiI'n,- seco'11d_ed by ,J . Haggan-
"T~at, the motion ofMr., Day, and amendment by 1YIr.
McBrIde, "be _ nO,tnow considered,~ but that the discussion
thereon be'deferred till t.his da.y 6 months;" Ca.rried.
Amendment to amenimenti..:ilnied, ol'ig,i~ml mo~ionlost.
?;'lo-vedby C;A. O':Thfalley, seconded_bv- J. W.FleminCT:':'-
~ , . __ .... .' 0
i'That,By-lawN o. :257,> to Eq\uilize the Assessment- Rolls
ofthe_~everaLinllllicipali~ie~Jor the year 1874, be received
and read a first time." Carried. '
Mr. Nairn: gave notice of an :appl1cation to be' mad~f-or-:_a
grant, of _$60, _to~E!fraY"m~dical E:xpensps and board of a
pat'sol1s,er~01wly,injllred on, the Air.IJineRailway in October
last. . . .
Moved by S. Day, seconded by S. Sh"pard-
H That By~la~' No. 257 be"read a second tillle;"~ Oarried.
~oved-byj; Haggan, s'ec'ondedby D. F;-Dav{li;-
"That;By~law.No. 257 bp, Teact a. t,hir,d t~m,e and finally
passed." Carried.
Moved by:'--T.M.;N aiI'n, seconded byU A; O'Malley:...-
'. ,"rhat al;etitio~l,?e,forwa:ded,tothA' . Legislative .Ass(>m~
hly of. OntariJ,at, its first . ses'don, . praying .that. tbeMuni~
~al Act beame.~d,erl; sotliat t,he: voting"atMuhicipaF<Elec~
tlOHS shan 'be:by' ballot; ....'3.'8 'prcJ\rided.:'fol"Pat-liarneiitai,y
got his leg crushed by the railway train in October last."
Blections, and th~j; a copy of. this resolution be forwarded
to the several County Councils of Ontario, soliciting: thei~'
co~operation iri thE'i. movement," Oarried~
j).foved by G. ~uffel, seconded by A. McBride-
:'That the minutes and pmceejiugs- oftbis Council for the
current year be pubEshed in pamphlet f~rm, and distributed
by the fifteenth day of December next." Cauied.
Moved by T. ~. Nairn, s~0onded by D. F. Davis-
"That the Clerk be instructed to communicate with the
Crown Lands Department for a return of the total nn m bel'
of acres of land in 'each township' in the Count " C . d
. _ y. arri€ .
Moved by G. Buffel, seconded by A. McBride-
"That the Council adjourn till 9Io'clock to-morrow -morn~
ing. Carried.
~Ioved by, A. McBl'ide, seconded by ~. H:unsherger-
"That this Council p_etition, both the Dominion and ,Local
Pa.rli~ment~ ,to ,extend - the ,Fl'a~chise" fO,r ParlianH~~tary
. Elections to' aIr males over th'e age' of 2I year&', who' are
naiural bani. or riat;.u'lilizedsubjeCts of -Her Majesty ~"- Lost:,
YEAS--c-Nairn" Galbraith; Fleming, McBride and Huns-
NAYs'-Cline, Corin, Day, ShepaI.'d:;,'MdntYl'e,: O'Malley,
Davis, Haggan,S'Jffel and:Bbrat~pn"""'C'10.
" : " .
MovedbyC: A. O'Malley,secondetfbyJ. W. Fleming,..c.
"Tl,mtthe Council comply wioh ,t~e,re~J.est_of theCle~'k
ofthe'G~,nnty of1\{iddl~flex,for' this-' C~~nt)'"'to'~'ay forone~ .
halfof the expense of the northern <Lpproach t6th,a WardsviHe
brldge, inasmuch. as said approach ispartofthe:gi.'avel~rda:d
from said-bridge to the Grea.tWestern Railway Station- a;t
Newbury;" Carried.-
Moved by C. A. O'Malley,. seconded by J. w.. Fleming-
"That the. Clerk apply,to the pa,~Emtee 3ftheQanada
Thistle Destroyer,-tocarry out his agreement tofurnish the
Re'ceipt of Fohnula fot; the:.use' of the<Pathm:asters',of'.,the
County." Carried.
Moved by- T..M. N airn;:sec- mded' by',D. :F~ .D<lvis-c-:-
UThat the ,stun of. :$40 he paid' : to' John- :R; Hat'p, of
Aylmer,fol':board..andattendance" a:1ld..$20to Dr..~. Fo~t(3,
and, $5 to Dr, ~cJ.ay, ..for Hurgicaland,medi?alattendapee
o~Edward. T~andregon:. :a. d,rtl.mter and: indigentpel'~vn. .who
aTllat the report of the Committee on Publie Improve.
rnents 1)e received and rend." Cal'1'iecl.
Elgin County Councill?roceed.ings.
.ThIoved by D. King, seconded by D. M. Mclntyre-
"The the report of Oommittpp- on Public Improvements be
adopted." Carried.
1YIoved by A. McRride, seconded fly J. Haggan-
ThursdaYiNoverilber 12, 1874.
HThat the report or the Finance Oommittee be recelved
and read." Oarried.
The Council met at 9 dclock, forenoon. The Warden in
the ohti1'.
Members present:' 1{essrs.O'Malley, Fleming, Galbr~ith,
Conn, Shepard, King, Day, Marlatt, Mills, McBride, Hag'~
crall Nairn Cline, Suffel Stratton, 'McIntyre, Hunebergel
0' ,.
and Davis,
Moved by J. Marla1t,REconded by S. -B Milb-
"That the r'eport of the Finance CommitteEl be adopted."
Moved by A. . McBridp; seconded by H. Stratton-
The proceedings of previous day were read:~aIid!signed.
H Thll.tthif5 U01.' llcil grant a fl'ee license. to Andrew Lanr,
as a hawker and pedlar, with two hOlseR, in this couJ;lty,fot'
one year, he being unable to earn his living owing to ill
health, and that the procuring of this iicense may enable to
support himself and faniily." Carried.
Moved by C. A. O'Malley, sBconded by J. W. FJeming-
"That ill accordance with the report of the Special Com-
mittee of the County Conncil of MiddlBsex, and the decision
of tbe CO'1ncil of thau county on the 12th day of June last,
to abolish the tolls on theWal"Usville bridge, from ~he first
day of January, 1875, the By-law of this County, imposing
the above mentioned tolls be repealled." Lost.
YEAs-Galbraith, Conn, Shepard, King, Fleming, Mc-
Bride and O'Malley-7.
NAYS-Cline, Buffe], Mills, Day, Marlatt, Thiclntyre,
Davis, Haggan, S~ratton and Hunsberger-IO.
Moved by J. 'V. Fleming, seconded hy D. King-
JYloved ':\y Th'L Conn, s8condt'd by S. B. Mills-
" That the Olerk andvV arden be authorised .to forward
a petition on behalf of thisC01111CiJto the Legislature, to so
change the franchise, that women having the same pwperty
qualifications, may be f'nabled to vote as wellas men'-" Lost..
YEAs-MeEt'ide, O'Malley, Galbraith, McIntyre, King,
Shepai.d; l\fillsantl Conn~8.
NAYB..:.......Hul1sherger, StIatton, Hagganl Stlfr~l, Davls~
Fl~miDg, M~.datt, Day and Cline-g.
On motion of J. Marlatt, seconded by S. Di1Y-
them to urge upon the Government the necessity of intro_
ducing and carrying through the Legislature such a measure
as this Council is now asking fo;., and that the Clerk of this
send a copy of this resolution to the several Oount,y Councils
in Ontario, asking their co-operation and ~r:;fiueuce in this
much needed reform." Amendment lost, main motio
"The Oouncil adjourn till half past one o'clock."
The Cou~cil met again.
The Warden in the chait. vVhen it was
l\1:oved by S. Day, seconded by J. Haggan-
"That in consequence of freq".lent complaints of the ex~
cessi ve and unnecessary expanses paid for. Registration of
Instruments, and making se>trches of titles in the Rei2;ister
Office, it is the. opinion of this Council, that the fees for
registering an ordinary deed be not luorethan $1, and
searches on each lot of land, 25 cents. orat least one.half
what is now charged, and that the County Members be re-
quested to introduce and supporta bill in the Legislature to
that effect, and th&t the Clerk furnish each Oounty Council
in the Province with a copy of thisresollltion soliciting
their c~-opeI'ation..in the, matter."
Moved by 0. A. O'Malley, secondedby.J. W.FleD?ing-
"That the Olerk apply to the Government ofOntal'io
survey to be made, ann pel'manentstone monuments erect-
ed at the north west angle of the followiug lots, Nos. 1
11, 12, 13, 14 11\:d 15, in thlJ 4th concefsion, and lots Nos.
12,13,14,15,16',17 and 18, in the 9th concession of Ald-
borough, the entire costs incurred to be paid by themunici-
pality of Aldborough, and the parties interested as the
Oouncil of Aldborough may arrange." Oarried;
Moved by J. W. Fleming, seconded by O. A._O'Malley_
"That this Council petition the Legislature of Ontario, at
its ensuing session, to amend the law so -as to provide for
the establishment of side lines, said petition to be entrusted
to the care oLlihe lYiember~forthis Riding.'~ Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel,seconded by A. McBride-
"That the report of-the depll1iation appointed to wait on
theA-ttorney General of Ontario, with reference to the ex-
penses in conne<.:tion . with the .A dministration of Justice,
criminal, in this county be receiVed and read." Carried.
In amendment:
Moved by G. 8uffel, seconded by A.McBride-
"That in consequence of the frequent complaints, and what
seems tobe excessive fees paid for the Registration of Deeds
arid other Instruments, aud making searches of titles, and
abstracts of the s1\.me,.it is the opinion of this Council that the
feeR to Registrars sl10uldbe reduced so that the charge for the
registration of an ordinary deed should not bE more than $1,
and other instrnments,searchers' and abstracts of title re-
duced to one~half of the pl'fsent rates,.or that the Regis-
trars througlvlUtOntario be paid uy salary in place ot fees,
<-1Ud that a copy of thisresollltionbe forwarded to the Mem-
bers of the County in the Ontario LegisLtture,requesting
Report read by theOlerk.
Moved by G. Buffe!, seconded by J~ Marlatt-
"That the report of the Special Committee appointed to
Iii I
confer with tbe Attorney General, in reference ~o tbeex_
penses of CriminalJ ustice in th(~ county be adopted, and
that -a, pe'tition be sent to Parliament, pr~ying for an expla'n-
ato1'Y Act, ora new Act, tG embmce the whole subject, and
that the Olerk be' r€quest~d to communicate with other
County CotlDcils on the subject." Carried.
Report of Finance Oommittee, 1874.
To theWoA'df!n arul Council oj the Cou,nty of Elgin;_
The- Committ~e _on Finance beg le~lVe to report tl1at they
baveexamined iIito the Financial Aifait,s of the'Collnty a1.1d
the Estimatessub~itted, by the COUUw Tl'easUl'er, they
herewitl1 submit an estimate of the expenditures required to
be pl'ovided"forthe lawfulpul'poses of the 00unty for the
c.uri'{nl"t- year, shewing aI11:mnts to be raised for the nnaer-
Moved by S. Day, &econded by J. Oline-
"That tbe Clerk be authol'ised not to gra"nt certificatesfol"
licpnse to sell by auction in this couuty for a shorter time
than one year, and thata By-law, be submitted at next
Session to confirm the alteraticn." Oarried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconaed byJ. Haggan_
That th'e vVardeu be allo\yed the S~lm of- $60 for his ser-
ices as Warden for the current ve,lr." Carried.
Debentures and OOllPons (old)
Gaol Debenture&' and Coupons (new) "
Southern Railway Debentures and Coupons ~ .
High Schools
Inspector and, Ex'aminers of Schools
Administration of Justice..
Payment of Jurors
General Purposes
CountY,Lines and Bridges
$ 1610 00
3020 00
19900 00
732 00
925 00
3500 00
2100 00
1977 00
200f 00
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded hy G. Suffel-
"That the thanks of thi~ Council be tendeI'e] to the Olerk
and Tl'easarer, forthe ~at~sfactol'Y manner in which they
have performed the dULies of t11cil' offices' dul"ing the cnl'ren~
year." Carried"
Common Schools
35;764 00
4,423 00
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by _4. McBride-,---
$40,] 87 00
"That the thanks of the Council be tendpred to .the
Warden for his efficiel1t services for the current year."
In compiling the above estimilte, your committee have
reduced the amounts as low as practicable without at1ectinO"
the credit of the aoun~y. b
On motion of G. Suffe!. seconded by J. Haggan_
The W:nden waE authorised to sign draft for members'
wages, and the Council adjourned sine die.
Your Committee therefore recommfllld that the Sum of
Forty Thousand, One 'Hundred and Eighty.seven Dollars
be raised and levied on the rateable property in the several
Municipalities inthe_ County of Elgin, for Oounty purposes
as per Schedule herewith, and that the requisite By-laws be
passed to levy a rate or rates of Four and a. quarter Iv.fills
in 'the Dollar, Exclusive of Schools, on the amount of rate-
able property as equalized {oJ' the preceding year to raise
said amounts.
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To theiSouncil of the iSount!J of Elgin:
'rhe Committee appointed. to EqilaHze the AsseSSluentRolls of the :M:ullicipalities for the year 1874,:
beg }eave to submit the following Iteport, . which they rec0m~end' to, be adopted by the GounoH.
AId borough
S. Dorchester
ASlles~ed in
= ,
,.per"na 1 "'al &P'. '." nail As'se,. 'Od.' Rea] alld p'. '" II Equalized I. PC1'8onuI pl'opel'~y
IProp'y As. Property Asses" value per a] propert.y a~ value per as J' qunllzed in
!se3ed,1814. Bea 1n18'14. ' acre, 1874~ Equalized m ''14. acre, ,1874. 1874.
!____'-_I___--'--,-_____________ -'-____
I 87,808 . 743,894 I $10 00.1,376,856 $17 00
I 98,799 996,775\ 14 00 1,65;;,571 22 00
l27,010 1,835,710! 26 00 . 2,464;000 32 00
;134,200 1,666,669 i 24 00 2,566,000 34 00
I 24,700 984,180 I 32 00 1,044,200 32 00
,100,000 1,610,485 \ 25 00 1,990,500 30 00
193,345 856,206! 15 00 1,021,345 16 00
I i 70,000
1 '125,000
i 665,862 8,693,919 I i;:'304;472
All of which is respectfully submitted,
'f. 'M; NAIRN,Ohairman.
Committee RoomN ovember 10th, 1874.
Report of Registry Office Building
mittee. .
The first, defect in the specifications was the depth of the
foundation, whIch waR stated to be four feet, an additional
eighteen inchesheingnecessal'Y to make H hard bottom,
which the construction of, the walls with heavy arches,
forming the roof of the v8ults required to SUPP()1"t,the least
giving 'vayot' the foundation would,have been fatalt'otheir
To the Warden and Council of the Oounty'oIBigin:~
The . Co~mitte6app_~i1}tecl,. tp,>erect,-1ihe'nElw Regist~y
Office, III thlS county; beg ieaveto reporJ;:,:
Your ?oininitt~e ,h:~v:~,~o(st~t~ th~t t'~:~ R~gistrYOffice js
about belD~,c9mplete<i, and"V:lnb~ tonnda vervsubstantial
structure eq~lal it. not: supet:io:t to)my in, the, Province.
y OUt' Conl'Ill_it~ee eIldeaYQ_r(;:~(tohay~_,the',buildin(T erect;d
as nearly tq the Gov~rIl,lIlel1tpla~~ "as'elr<luinstanc~s ",'ould
admit, and wherever :J~e! fOlmcl an alterati6n' or j.dditioil
to t~e pIau: was an a:dvalltage; tpey l'l.d()pted.sllch as; w~s
considered necessary. -" ,>
You: Cornmittee ,'~l'(f ??frch', ?ppose;ci. to ~~tra \y:or~ an-a
alteratlO,ns, i,,~hich in_v:,!IV:(;l::-a~::a~dition:", to, ,the "'contl'ict
price,af,a bp,ild,ing, hO\vElVe;', y_our 'Oo'~;nlittee~oul~ illJorp..i
the Councilth~t the r.lans and s:[)eci~~~t'~ori:s,furn~she'd ,by
theGov~rnm,e~t wereYcrJ.'~~ef~c~i"t,s?,rti_nclts8' that praqti.
elLI men-w hq"examined)n tothe:det,iils,:' ~tated ,'-}heir 'inabqi-
ty.-,to eO:Ilstruct,thE' W_~!:-~&;:J1.S, i?dicated'i~ the ,l?pecifications.
A.: correspondence was had' with' the cO'lmties where new
B:egistryOffie_eshadl?e~n er~9t~;'] and the same difficulties
were ,'experienced as ~n-this':CO;l~:t;; , '.
,Y Qnr,Cornmittee ~'~gge;sted~ fo<'the" n'~vel;nme~t:- the . r~e~
cessity of ane~ plan being.adopted~ the.rep~YOObtai'ned was
to.the.effect that no new plan . wO~lld, he adopte~. Your
Oomm~~~:ee,: had thel.:efor~,.,no _alteruative but tcput the
1~:~an8 mth~ ha~d~, ot ...~:contl'a:-C1!or, aD(Lm~ke suc:l altera-
t~~:ms where. the pla;n,_\ovas ~oun~ defeetlve as the work pro-
gre.ssed, whlCh y?ur" ,Sonnni.ttee_ 9oDsidered'.- necessary, and
which was made apparent after .the wor kwas comm~nced.
The extra work at foundation, including a layer of con~
crete 200 feet in length, cost one: hundred and eighty-:.ix
~nother item ofextr:a work is. fOt, he'ading the wans,
whICh makes a bE'tter fimsh than the common method. this
item cost twenty danaI'S. '
In the plan: only foul' windows were shewn, this your
Commij;tee considered insufficient for the size of the build-
ing, and ordered three additional windows, which being
mad€' of wrought iron, cm::.t $125e_ach,the Toronto price
being over that. sum.
The' plauuuly gave one chimney, which your Committee
deemed insufficieritand ordered an additional.. one for the
vault" whic,h'With flues in the walls, cost $35. Awelland
pump<not.in<con~ract, cost..$35~ A brick. porch considered
requisite foreqnvenience and appearancE,althougb not in
plan, was ordered by. your CO!llmittee, _and being'. finished
without stone- mountingiS, slate I'oof,&c., cost $225.
YonI'. Comnlitteewonld state that the contract price for.
the building was $6,740, paid forexti"awork per detailed
statement. $988. Making a total amount of$7,728.
All of which isrHspectfully sub,mitted,
JOHN McOltU:SLAND, Ohairman.
O{\mmit~e Room, NoY.IO, 1874;