1875 Minutes
.. --eo. y'
4 .. I,a ..
El~in County Council Proceedings.
TUESDA~, J-~1Il,26; 1875.
The Reeves and Deputy Reeves elected for the several
I\1unicipalities in the County of Elgin, met at the Co~,rt
House in St. Thomas, on TuesdaY' the 26th - day ?f J anuai"Yi
1875, at two a'~lock, afternoon, and having presented Ce.:,ti-
ftc~tes or qualification, took 'theil' seats at the Courtcil BOard
~s follows ;"
]?'rinted byJ. C. Pankhurst, " ~~per" -Ofiicej Ayjmm;,O_~t-"
lfn'c eeL x x y,
.p8J!Uty Reeve.,
.Q~futy Be,eve,
Deputy Rewe,
.q~ty Reeve,
-Peputy Reeve,
DBfJU-ty Reeve;
lJeputy Bewe,
Deputy Reeve,
D~eP"1~Y Reeve,
. . . . ., . . . -.
s. 'DORCHE8iB~~
DO. .
TIw membels were called to Ql'del".
From J.-S. Willsori:.:I\:LP.P~. 'ackno 'vledgingl'eceiptofpeti-
,t.ions of this council t,obe presented: to the' House of
The _CI~tk Ul th8chai1"'- \VhEln.it was
lYloved by ~fl', King:, !;econded b-y MI'. Galbraith,_
From the Council of. Oxford, rebpecting payment of
Aclministration of ;Justice account and Registry fees.
'~'l'l\at George-Suffel be ,WardBll of the County, for the
cqrl."ent ,year.
Moved -b-ylVIr. Day.:seconded b,Yl\fr. Conn.-
Fl'om the ?rown Land Department in. r~ference. t? suryey
of Land in Aldborough.
; "ThatlVIr. O'Malle:r,Qe ~<trdeH of the County, -fOl~' the
current yeb'l'.
Fl'Omthe Clerk of the Peace with pl'esen~ment of Grand
J'lll'Y December Session.
'Nloved by MI'. Bt'Own, seconded bv Mr. Suffel ---------'-
". '
From the County Registrar. respecting the furnishing of
the New R,egistry Office with. fuel.
'-lThatJohn Chlbraith'J)e Wardlm for the pl'csentyear.
The first motion'was then
and third motiohs, not pilt'
From Dr. VanBuskil'k on the state of the
new Registry
pilt ~ndcairied;,;the ,secolld,
TheOlerk declal'ed lVIl'.'Sitffel duly af>pomteJ'Warden,
. .
From the Oounty Treasurer with statement of the County
nnan...:es aild liahilities.
TheyVarden madethe-,,:.declarf'~tion of office before 'the
Clerk" and havinr t>1ken the chair, he addl'essed' the council.
From His Honor Judge Rughes_ respeJ1ting- BO&Fd, of
The Olerk read pY'oce~dings-oflast day ofpre\"iolls g"'ssion
which were anthorised 'tG'be"s~gned"' '
On motion, the Warden was l:equested to nominate 1\
committee to stl;ike the Standing Committees.
Tpef~llowingcommlmicatjons were thenl"eacl :
:From.thelVliddlesex' Oounty Olel'1) respecting, Registry
" fees and Repor~ on Expenses of admnistration :.ofjustice.
T!1e Warden nomina.ted Messrs N air~, O'Malley l Mc-
Bride, King and Day, to be a 'committee to strike the
Standing Comrri~ttees.
From ~homa~ Hodgins, l(.~ :P. in l'efel"ence to .petitions _
pl'es'~ntedto the Ontal'io Legislature.
The Warden nominated MI'. White itS one of the County
Auditors, when it WitS
!lov:~d, by ~Mr.Nairn, seconded by:-i~ir. McOa__usland~'--
"T4,~t, q~orge Scarff, be appointed one of thf" County
Auditors for the cmrent year.
N aiI'n, Ca.meron, Suffe1, Hegler and Martin._
l\'Ioyed'by Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. King,-
Day, Galbraith; Davis, Brown and ElIis:m.
"ThafCharles'Roe be an Auditor for the CRrrent year.
Amendment lost, main motion Ca~ried..
King, ~airn and Day.
Moved by Mr. O'Malley, seconded hfMI'. Oonn,~
Moved by ~Ir. Huri8b~rger, seconded by Mr. Gl'iffin,~
\ -;'^:
. '.'T)lat the' Clerk produce the Bond; of the. County Tl"eaS-
urel', for the I,nspection of the- Council iIi aCcordance with'
the ~unicipal Institutions act of 187.~. Carried.
"That the Report, of the Speuial Uommittee, ,appoint.ec:li~-o
strike the Standing Committees, bE. adopted. Carried.
Moved by IVIr. Hunsberger, secollp.ed by Mr. Griffin,-
The Treasurer's Bond was rea(: by the Clerk, andap-'2
"That .John. Crawford .he a,ppoint!3d, a,''Frustee,'of .the
Vienna High School"for the"term of."threeyears. ,',Carrif:ld.
lVloved by Mr. McCausland, seconded by Mr. Haggari,----'
"That the council adjourn for half an houl~,toallow the
i'..:...':' '. .:" :....:............ ..... '. ..... '.', .: c.;"
Sliech\l Committ~e appointed, to 3ti'ike the Sta.nding Cp~-
I?ittees for the year to meet. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Nairn, seconed by Mr. Hegler,---..:.
,iThat'J<.hn Ballah, of South. Dorc~estel',be. arpoi~t.fd:a
tl'-q.stee of-the Aylmer High School for the term of three
years.' Carried.
. Aftei~ a~ intermis:>.ioo of,~al{an hour, the co~ncil rej3nmeO.
T~.e Ch~ir.~~.n of t~~ S~ec~a,l COIll~ittee ~ppointed to
strike th~.. St'anding, COIllIIlittees~ s~bmi~~ed Report" .w~ic:~.
w~s' ~ead~ app~i~ting t,h~ f~lJowing Oommittees:-
Moved by.Mr.1\[cBride, seconded by ,Mr.,Hegler.,~
Stlfrel,~fcB~ide~.0"M~il~;',M~bau8Iand 8fid 'Oomi;
"Thatl\.iessrs. Day, Nairn, McCausland, Brown and: the
Warden,beaco'rilmitteeto'arrange with ;the ',Town of<~'S-t.
ThoIl}as as to -the a'mount t~eTown ~f St.'TJ;1GrfJaK_..~I.l9:.~1d
p~Y. towardsth'e erection. arid furnishing, of' the N e'w RegiG~ty
office. Carried.
M:oved9y:)~lr. .8t~1 kgr:, ,se,<.:su,dfd.by __:M:r.9}4al!~y,-:-
,,---' -.-' .....-. -' ..." --,..---,.......
On motion of Mr. . Ellison,-seconded by Mr.. King, th(-
Council adjourned till nine o'clock to-morrOw morning.
"That thErderk:pro'Cure:"dI'e\lsiaf s\1pply- orck~sessht'eiit"
an_d co.ne?yo~/s _~'~Jl~;ancl ;no~i,pes_ ,~l,~?, ,a~$~f~?rg~?i~r c_fo~ _~he
use-of th~ several '1iunicipalities in the County" to be for~
warded- to,~the pl'opet-bfficia1s::with :as.little: ~eJay~'a~{ possible.
Moved by Mr. OiM~ney, seconded by 1\11'. Galbl'alth,-,--
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 27; 1875
"That the .communic8.tionS' be taken up and dispcsed of.
'The'-'(jl'erk read. the:: comm'uIiic-atldu froni :-.the'c:(ji:ninty
Registrai:respeclirigthe fiil'hi~ii:iiiig'-bf ~b6d' to'the--6flicei
The Oonuml met at nine o'clock,'"~fcrenoont according to
The Warden in the chair.
.Mo.vedbyMr. McOauslalld, seconded- by Mr. Hegler,.-
lVrembers present, -Messrs. O'Malley, Day, CharJto~, StaJ-'
k:el'. Mart~n, McBride,' Galbraith, -McIntyre, HUll'3berger,
Conn,: McCausland, Griffin, KinO' HaO'O"all :Davis.' C.lmerO'l'
.- h' l::Jl::J' ,< ,',
N ait'll, Suffel, Br.own, ~egler, ~nd Ellii'>OIl. '
, HTh~~ _ th_~.- ~~g~s,trJl.r;, b~ < h,~~t~ ._by:~his~ounc~,l..-;i;n,:~e.sp~q~, _tg
. .
the- fl1l'nishings.- required ,by: ,him JOJ'his:; 'Q:flice~ ,- (h~-~,ietl:.~): ,j
. "'-,-'''-.''''. . ','.-..' .",,'.' -,'-,..."'-.."."
The Registrar appea;eJ.- before' the >council'and '~ade'stite-
illEmt: 1;'esp~cling-; the:sut:tply; o~ ;w.o.od,. and.._:?theli:_ fUrIl,ishi_ngs
required for:.-the!'l,~w::o:mc~:
The proceedings of the pr~7i(Jus- day were read and author~
i~ed'io:be'signe(l, after which it \v~s' .
Moved by 'M~_J)ay, second~~_bj"Mr,-El1isPfil;-
Moved by Mr. McOatlsl.and, secoll~ed by1-fr. Heglel';~
"That the Warden be one of-the Board of andit,fol.-~the
p1'esent year. . Carried.
"That 'w4ereas:t.h~-' !:l~:g~~tpll"jri~,,:.l;"cqui~~~~;:by :;'~;t,t:l;t~~_~,,_ ,to
make a return under oR_th to the Government at tbe end -of
evel'y:'year;"shev:il}.gt~,e '-amollrits:: recei yed-; by:. ,him : Jor-' the
,R:egj~st~at:i 9~ o~-.ipstru rognts; ftnd; ,:searcp~~;; '&:c"_llud, ,to,~~J,l.pply
,t4~;Oo:v~ty;' Treasnrer :~i:t]},~~.d~pJi_c_ate. cppy .of;~h~:~a!l!:ej~_;:..p.d
as,.:sai.d It€:g-istrar.h,a.~,failed ,to suppl1'..a: dUJ'li{la~~.~,oPy:tR:,~l;1e,
Treasl\rer;, h!{;,:h6::WJW:J'~,queB,ted:to.do ~s{);~\-Q~t'p~(t. .)~' ,
.:Mo:ved, by-Mr,.Hegler, seconded b.v MI'. lVIcBrid@,-:
',',!ha~:the ~O\lllty_:tI'~asllr.er b~appointed one of the Board
of ~~I~dit'fOt, the ,t(i~iili;t[:~Lior.' or'j'u-stice ~ccount~ Oan-led.
The sheriff'submitted an applicatiori for a siIpply q(hknd-
c~ffs:for th~ constables of th~ County"wh,en .i~,':wa~
'Moved bY Mr. . McOausland,' sec6nded' byl\Ir.' .H3ggalf,~
m~~eany further pro~isioIl f~~ SUPB:ying, fu~l for the ~useof
'~he-9onu~y Register Ojfice,believil1g,th,at b~"the aboyepr()-
Yisio):l~~' tl~e r,~q~~reDlen~~, of ~the' la';' have, bee~ com'pli~~_;,vith
:Moved. by Mr. GalJ:>raith, seconded by 1\111'. Oonn,-
"Th~t, twenty pairs 'oLhand-cuffslJe pll1'chased foto, the- llse
of the Ccnstables in this County and that the Wal'denhe
authorised to procure them. Lost.
"That' By-iaw Ifurnber 246'be' arrlelided, ~() that the Town-
, ships,,_of SC?uthwold,D'-lllW;ichftnd.AJdborough;be set:- apart
into aHigh,S~hool c1i,i~k:m, for H~gh Sch.op~p'-lrpos~s,
Moved by Air, Ellison, seconded by JYlr. D'lY,-
'~That.SheriffMunro be ~tlthori.<:;ed by this councilto; pl~O~
cur~thirty pai_rsqf hand-ci.l,ff~, _ for, the use of the_ .Qonst,ables
in the~o:unty,said han,dccuffs to be given t~ihesev_eral
Raeves- for safe keeping until required for usei Carried.
III airi'~hiinient, 1st.
Moved ?y M~. 'Cameron, seconded byl\ilr" Brown,-
Mr. Ellison gave notice that he intends to make applica-
ti~rit()~m_oCi;o~-for'a grant, suffidient in-amburtt ~-o'put~-:new
cover{ngon ~hePol't-'Stanley;_ b,ridge, of----new,:I,htnk;:; a:'ld
make some ot~er small imprOy_eD;lents.
HThat By.;.Law nnmber:'240: be:'amen(led so that-, Dnnwich
:anllAldboro-ugh be set;apart'as,--a::High Schooldistiict:"
In amenc1ment.-2nd.
Moved'by Mr. O'Malley, kecbnded,b~-Mr. Stalker,-'-
On- motion oEMI'. 'Hunl'J.berger,seconded-- by ~l\tIr. ,McBride,
the COllUCil adjourned until 3 o'clocrr-jafternoon;
"That -the ques~iori' of-establishing a' Hi~~$~,h?21 }n:::;~~l~
lacetown,' and forming the Townships of Dunwich ~nd Ald-
bcirouo-h into a: ,HiO'h:School district;::: fei'- thesupport-:d! said
0_',. .' . ....0< ........ . ....._ '. ..... . '.' '._':
Hig~ School in Walhcetown', be'1aid-over'until,_:the-J,une
The councilresllmed,-'whcn
<J Ml\:' ~airn m()'ved~ second e~" by,M'r'~' . MarHn,~
"=rhatin::as-mtich. as the; New Regist.~~y Offic~ 'hasbeen
erected inaccoi'da,ncewith the, Govel"nmelit :P"lhs~ -h:h'&a
woOdshed Ili'ovided f6i'st0ringfi~t"ewood, at.acollveIlieiit (lls-tantie
'from .'the:blli]di~lg,'which ',vill he providedfl;om.:-tini'~, rb':time
with the necessary sllpplyof wood';-thiscOlt'h;cil: d'edines .' to
Second amendm~nt c!1rrie9.
Moved by Mr. Conn, seconded by: Mr. Galbraith,--
"That the. Warden sign a. petition to the Legislature, on
behalf 'of this' ~buti6ii'td am,end th'~ presen~ 1'~~" i:espe6tlhg
.~he ~'s_t~blishin~"of ~lH6USe'Offri~'ti~'tl'Y:._:,S~'_that-':it" llla(',~e
compulsory on each County to have a House' of Iridustry in
>-"' ..
place of the matter being optional 3S tbe law now:s:ta:nds.
Moved hylV~r, O'I\iaH~Y'__i"ec9~decl by,}\ih. ,King,-:-
"That t?isOouncil petition the Legislature 'of Ontario -to
so amendtl1e Assessment ~4..ct:as-t'o-p.xem:pt"fi;6Ill lOcal taxa-
tion the live stoct,' of farmers,which is the~ _pr?clu~e of or
used by them on their farms. Lost.
TI;IuRSPAy,J an.,28;1875,
The council. met at.'ni~e o'dQck,::f(i)'t,i;moot1.;:
YEAs-Galbraith, O'Malley, Sr.a.lker,King, Brown, Cam-
eron, McIntyre, Martin:and Haggan~9.
The'Ward~h'in the"cliiti~:~ '
NAYS......,-Cha.r!ton, ,,):Iunf;berger,Griffin, ,Mc:Bride, I)l}YJ
Regier;, McC~usland,' Nairn, Da:vis,Ellison andConn~ll.
1vlembers", 'pi'(lSent; 'Messrs.< .-Q!Mitlley 'i~; 'EJlison;:Ilaggan
. ,
;Stalker;,:Camercm/;Nairn,: :-Galbraith-"Dar.;",;.Da vif5,-' OQl,l,n,
lVlft.din;,Ohafltori,:,Ki~gl',:1I'IcIhtyre, 'McBri.d;J:J Br<JWlll::-Mc-
iOauslaild, Gri.:ffiI)." Hunsb_el'ger:and,Hegler.'.,
J\{oved by Mr. Hungsberger, seconded b~. Mr. Ga.lbraith,
"That the sheriff be instructed to di8trlbll~e the hand~
:c~l'tfs; .~s follo\\rs;::--
Theproceedings of the pre'i'ious day were read and author.
isedto' he-slgned:;'when it.w'a:s
Yi0nna two, pairs;'iJ?o.rt S_tanleyJo.u,r-; pairs andth,e ""othelr
'Municipalities ,th:vee: each. Carried;
On motion of Mr. Hegler. seconded by M:~. lVIcB~i(i~,~
'-;:f'That; the Comity ,'Treasurel':' ,credit -the_;Municipality;~,of
. _Ald~oroug.h .with, ten' dollars .ana.for:~yo.Iie:cents,t-hE;:~mognt
dlar-ged: by~hiri1::fol' iritertist; d._~riI:lg,.th13 month,_,of J ap.uar.y,on
_-c_the:halance\.du.eby AldbofOllghtQ thi8~_,Connty,in"aceo'C<l~n.ce
with:~the_Tesolution:bf,this' council onthe~J7th:d.a'y' ot.June,
'Moved--by N.h. O'MalleY, s~condea-byMr.Stalket,,--
"'f''',:, ":,"',
The council adjourned till nine oiclock 'td~mOrTOWm6rnin.g~
18U>N ot"""rio.d,
Moved by l\ir. Hegler. seconded by :Mr. Charlton,~
building and:maintaiTiirtg'of trre s1inie shall- be- optIonal, ' 'and
that the-live._stock -be :made responsible-fot: all dama'ge caused:
by~ therowhile-ruiihrng !if-large.-
"rrhat the Report of t,he Finance 00111mittee be receivf'd
and read; Carried.
The report of Flna~ce Comm.ittee~yas rea.d,~
Moved by Mr. Hunsberger, seconded ~y :M:r.Galbraith,-
C-"_'_, . _'. - - _~, " '__ -,,:..
Moved'by Mr. Nairn,"secon-ded'byMr: Haggan,-
"iTha~ -M:r~-O'lVlalley's-moti6'h: be no't' now 'di~cll~~ed b~lt be
takerinp for consider<'t:tiontwelve month~'hence.
"That the'"report of , the , Committee_on finance be'-adopted,
aridthat.:theWarderi. sig-ridl'afts. for the accounts thelein
mentioned. Carried.
-Arrt~ndfuentt:al'ried, 'main::niotion~not :'put'.
j\iloved by Mr. DaYi seconded hy'Mr. Ellison:i~'
. M()'ved.:byMt., Hunsbetget,'s~eon'deil-by Mr. -Griffin~~
"rhat the Wal'dcn,Messrg~~~9~usland:3:.11d_:N:3:irD: .ha.v~
ing been appointed, by thie council for the previJus year as a
~pe~iii, Coi:nmittee', to-',cohfer': ,with, the: Middlesox'_'_County
Council, -- respectiil gthe-, J?ondon: and :Port" '.Stcl'llleyc Gravel
. Road"be':re-app6inted by this ,'Cou-llcil, and take Stlchfurtlier
action as may be deemednecessa:rj,totbe' settlement- of:-the'
claim. Carried.
"That the Warderi issue a cheque ,in: favor of James Rib~
b:e;,'f()l'sevel1t.Y ,fi VB dolIar!'i,_ in~su ppbrt'-of'tw:o_idiotlcchildreIl
a.nd that A~drew Beati~ be appointed 'to receive and .expend
said: am()til1t. .CarrietL
:MOV~<l ~y,l\1:~\ M,~rtin,se_oo~de~,;~y-,Mr. Davis,~
"That this council adjoUTIl till two o'clock, p.rn; Car~-i~d.
Mov~d by Mr. O'Malley, seconded by Mr., Qha.rlton,~
Thecoi.iii'cilmetat-two 'O'clock
'~Thatin view of the"r!!lpid consllffiptioll' ofthe_,,~~~ber,
suitable -for fencing purposes, and the great likelihood that
. at',no distant day it will be impossible to:- m:i1f..e_new:;;",much
less renewthe-ordmary. fences of-the" Province, ",,~nd' ,,",{u-rther
that an amount of. wi:anglirig"" and litigation'" 'is 'unhappily
. " " "" \
-hlCreasihg year by year o~ account_of 'tnsufficient:fences1
:'thereforeit is" resolved that this Council 'petitionthe:_Ontllrio
Legislature to so amend the laws rel~ting.to'fences thar~ the
;,' ---::,',.:'" ':':' "-',,<, ,"", -:::" ,'.";:,:;,,:::,)",- .':,:':.-""._-":"
T.r.l:lyvarde~_rea,d, ,~repo~-~,,~f the "birecto~s~:-'S,~.,,~T~,o_mas .and
AY!me~Grav~LRoad Company., - . -- .1
. , ,," "
Th~':Wal:den reai"~; t:~Ie?l'aIl~~e?eiv~~.-'fi.o~.-t~~:',iiij~ge. ~~r
Wallacetown, respecting"the' ~re6ti~n '')f D~~wl~kahd" Ald-
borough into a High SC)lOol Dis~rict.
Moyed'by_~ir. "Hu~sbet'g.err'se<!01i~~d~by: ;Mr~",McBride,~
"That. .By-Iaw numbel_:- 25~to' :confirm-,:By~]aY?':;_ill~mber
318 of the -Cdrporation o,f;;Bay.l:J.am _~o -e:stablish -'I;'oa.d, and
c0uvey-part of original 'allow<l:l:lce: to ,Al,exander : Morrison,;
~ in lieu thereof to be read a first time. Oarried.
"That a nommittee of five, cOllJposed of Messrs Davii!,
Galbraith. Day and King, and the Warden, be appoint~d to
}o"koutfor a suitable place 01' piece of land for an Industrial
Farm in this County, and report to the Council at the .Tune
lWSSion~ - - ,
Moved~ by _~~" M;c~ri~e}:s_ec.oI?:4ed _!?y:Mr..~l'i~_~::- -,,~
"That 13Y_c~aw numbel~:' 25~,be_reac1;a, second, time.
A lllPndment. C~rl'ied.
Mo-\.-ed b:r ::VIr. McBride, lleconded by A-h; Griffin,-
M:.?ved by M,l\ :Htulsbe~'ger,- secQnd~d; bY:Dt1r._---.Oha~:ltyr~',-
"That an ad\ertisemenp be inserted in the H01ne Journa~
Rnd Times, for one month~that this council is d€~irons to
purchase from twenty~fivet,o .fifty a.cres of good hmd near a
line of Railway, with 01' widlOut buildings, suitable for an
~ndustl'ial Fa.rm, and the offers for sale he sent to the
Cminty . Clerk. Carried.
'.'That- ~By-Iaw~umper,,~p8b_e l'gad:I,l.,third.'"titne",all(1, .fin.ally
pa~sed. Carried.
,,','Mov'ed: :by: ,Mi.';-McBridej :seconded. hy - Mr.' - -.HH:nsherger.j~
"That this Council is of Opil~ion thatw-e;,ollghtt\J-,:h~ye ~n
Industrial ~arm lor~,his CO:lntY',;and~~at th~;ne,c~~sary s,~eps
should be taken at'an'eady'aay'foi' establishing the ':samfl,
Moved by Mr. Nairn, seconded by:M.r. McCausland,-
"That th{ consideration of the question of pmchasing la.nd
and erecting a HousE of Ind.ustry for the County of Elgin
be laid over until the next meeting of theconncil, and :in-th~
me-antime that the represp-ntatives of the sp-venll' Municipali-
ties be requested to pro\-ide sta",istics of - pauperism in their
respective Municipalites, and statements of present cost of
maintain Indigents Motion lost.
Moved by_Mr. Ellison, ~_e9_on~edby .l\ir.,}y-~g!~~._,,:
,_ :". "~,h~,t'~.:~~.~,m.l,tteeb~iapP?inted br. ~his... ~~l1~~il'- ;~:o, be
co~pos~d, of the 'Rer.ves- of th~ se~er~l ~unicipalii}_:~, for~ t~e
,..... '..:; ;,-:",-,:"" ""-'.0:'--., -:-""'.',.; ...'-,
purpose. of selecting aBuitabl~plot of ground foi- tllei;ll.rpose
,pf)'W~?:~i?g,.'-~:h~1~~9P:_,a,II.9,~,~e_of. I~ldnstg, an,~,:..a ,Ho~~,e of
'~ef~1'g~'~1l,'~~~9~,d,:an~f w~~,~he' :M:1.11~i?ip~f 4ct' ?f}8?3~.
Move<). hy Ml\ Conn, seconded .by, Mr. HnIlsberg~r,-
In amelldment.-
uThat the Warden, Mr. McBl'ide and the, mover b.
" . 1;,
committee,with authoritJ to visit and ,jexamineth.:-Bedin
and Simcoe Holtses of Industry, both in reference to maaage~-
'MO'ved:,:by: Mr.': Haggan; seconded: by' Mt: 'McBride," :_-~-
d d ' tIle ""'0'6 at th.e.J. nu€:.' s.'e..s.~.i<?n;
men~ an cost, ~n repar... "'''''''. .
MOVf>d by Mr:; l\fcOansland. sec;nded hj' Mr. Hugg:lrl;,
"Tha:c the Oiet'k b~ requested to write to the C9tmties
h~vin.s esta.blished a Honse of Indnstry,and reCjuesting them
to iurnish a copy of their. aanu_at _I"epar,t, alld any othei'in-
formation llea.ring npo:} tbe expense of the Inst,itlltiou.
1i~~'ed by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. DaYj'-'-
"rrhut the Council forward ~t pE>tiiion toth~ Dominion;
G':l\,erllmenl, Pl'uying for the establis'hment 6(thf:l Tow,l1 ?,f;
St. Thomascas a Cm:;toms Port of Enh'y. Can:ied.
l\l[o"vhC:(byl\1t. Galbraith,secconded by Th-.fr. Ollln~-
I ..
';."'_Thatthe' '-e80Intion passed~ yesterday, in referenc~ :~o
HiglfiSchools;'be rescinded, and that tlw'qne'st,ion be ~:('>-
considei'ect 'Ccirt'ied.
M d I u 0 seconded ,bj;'" MI'. Galbraith;-
~,9Vy, }Yi-i-f.Ll'. ,onn,
:'Tb~'t~~-h\~ mimbel. 240.?~ ~o <tp\ended tha~,Ald:hoi'o'Jgb;::
Dnnwich, ~ort Stanley, and Sonthwo:ld ,be a High Sch~ol
District, ;ap.d thatY c\l'll.'iouth bp annexedt~,the Aylmel' ''High.
School District.
.;~I~Wlle!1dment: 1st.
M~~~d b~v Mi." :C~~er'on, se~,mded ;)y fiih. McLnty,:e,-
"'rh?t Bv.bw Duml:Jer 240 be so amended ,tb.at Al.d.
b(1l'ough:and'Dnll\~'i6h'he one HighScho~l District, and
that Port Stanley, Y,,-l'illomh ;;n~d St)nthwold be anoth~l"
Inamendmew;: '2nd.
Moved by 1\1:::-. O'Malley, sec~mded by Mr. Elli~on,_
,aTl1at t~f:, whole,ql~e::;tioJ? of e-stablishinga' High School
a~:,:Wallacetown, helaid~,.p'\7er ~mtil the June session, and
tha-t in the meantime thl: Clel'k commllnicate with the Cbief
Supel'intendf>ot ,.especting the state of the High School Fund,
1tud ascerlain if the ChiefSLlperi~te~ldent il'l wIl)ing to recom_
lUend the Lieutenant Governor to approve. of a, third High
School in tbe 0ouiit:v of' ElgIn.
.In amendment ': 3rd.
Moved b~v .Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Haggan,-
"Thae 'thfl By-law subdividing the Count}' into J;Iigh
Bcl},onJ DiRt6cts,;Le so, "imendelt as, to ewaolish the 'rown-
sh~ps o.rDun~vi?\ a,t}f.lAldhor:ough into a.High ~chool
Di~tl"ict, ,and,that thc.deficiel~cy requ~l'ed tosupr)oi.t the High
School in t,hat.,District, al.d the 'Aylmer and Vienna'High
Schools, apar~ fl"Om the Government Grants,~e defrayed
by th~ Oonnty; and Lnat'the annual donation' to the 'St.
Tb?U1aS Hig~ Schoo~ '?~ con~i'~ned as heretofore, it being
<lis'tinct!)' l.Hlderstoo({"th"at the County shall not be called, upon
to contl'ib'-1te towards any deficiency onacconut of buildings
(ll. fnl'nishings fo!' the i~bove l!Jentioned Rigl] Schools, 'out
met.ely onac("onnt of Teachers salaries.
'go d.~-f;::v
~ HI /(j;V't=J::=. .
I t-1 {I-,,~
1/ P i!~
11!;-9 !J
The third amendment wasc<l.rried. main. motion and firnt
:lud second amendments not put.
;'That d:w Rpp0l't (}fth~ Educat.inn Cemmit.tee 03 adopted.
The Yeas and Nays being c~dled tor on the l-hil'd amend-
ment, were taken down as f111o'ws.
Moved >',~' Mt'. 00110, 'seconded by Mr. Haggan,-.,-..-.-
NAYs-O'Malley, l-tnd Hegler--2.
'.Whed'\>t8, {,bis Council is con\'inced of the Evil of Inreffi-
pffr2nce} 8:~~cl being fully persuaded that there is urg~nt
n.ecessitv fe,,- inj;mediate action on the part of the Dominion
Governm.0.til, towar~s the .-.1ipplession of the same, and
believing thi-tt t,he people are prepared aud desirous for such
action, then:'Jffl'!-B, this Conneil does hereby authori~e th€
Clerk of this Council to petition the'Dominion Gover'nmeut
to pass a Pj-~0hibitcry Liquor Law, said petition to be for,.
warded at ~Hl 0arly Jay. Carried unanimously.
YEAS-Himsberger, Griffin, McBride, .~I~C,Hlsbmd, Hag-
gan, Nairn, Davis, l\fal,tin, McIntyre, c.nueron, Brown,
King, Ellison, Day} Stalkel', Conn, CharltoiJ and Gal-
~Ioved by MI'. Day, seconded by _MI.Ellison,-
"That the report_of the Committee OIl: Pu bhe Improv_e,.
ments be received and read. C,wried.
Moved 'by ,~f)". OIMaDey, seconded" hy Mr Brown,-:-~
Moved h.'l Mr, St'llkel', seconded by Mr O':\fa.lley,-
"Tha.t .;he Council adjourn till nine o'clock to-morrow-
morning C~.'"f'ied.
.'Th!1t the Report .t the Committee on Puhlic Imp 'ove
Illents justl'ead, be referred .back for amendm~nt, with
instruct.ion to inset't a gi'ant toward the Bridge in Por~
Stanley. Carried
M~ved by MI' Stalk:~r, seconded, ,by MI'. Bro.vn,-
FRIDAY, Jan. 29, 1875,
uThatthe RppOl t of the ~Juucatioll Committee he received.
and lead. Carried.
the ConedJ met at 9 o'clock, forenoon, according to
-Education Tepol'!", read;
The W:il:'o{'ln in thp chaix-.
Moyed by Mr. StilJke\., seconded by 1\fr. D<lY,-
.Memb<~l~ p~'e8ent, Messrs. O'Malley}, Day, Hegler. Hun.
bergel', Stalker, l\hrtin; Chad ton, Ellison, G1.1 braitb1 M.c-
lut.s,re, 1I0Br:id~,,: ,F,fagg..lry, Oonn, Nairn, G,'iffiri, Dav-h':';.
Ca:neron} Brown, King, McCausland.
The pmq~edings' o( tbe I)I'~\rions day We'"e 1'e3<1 andanthoJ"-
ised to be signed
C. O'l\hlle;v and D. McLaws for the term of two yea,)'?!,. ~nd
Ntere~ith Uonn and Dl'. Ruthven for the tf!rr~ of,three._y .;ar~..
Cil.l,ded. .
. Th(~; WJll'~e9.read acommtinication from P.:is -Honol'
J;n~g(~ J:-rtlghesrespE';ct~ng:tlJe, duties ()fAs~p~son;, when-.it.
. ,.N{ov-eJ by l\ir; Hegler, secouded by J.fl'.Ohi<rltou;....::......
: 1\:lovedby 1\11'. Stalker, seconrl,ed b,Y Mr. DilY,~
"That By-Law numl-)el' 259 he t'ead a. second time. Car-
. "Tbat the: report ofn~e Oommittee on Public improvew.ents
be recei ved fU~dl'ead. Oal'l'ied_
Moved bv ,NIl". D~y, seconded t?y:M:r. Ellison,--'--
..:LThut'B)'-Law numher 259" be am,mded by striking' OU~
the words (for the pj'esent year) respecting the St. Thom~~
High' School grant. Oarried_
Report r02dbY-the Clerk.
Moverl:,bj'],ir.Stidker, seconded by Mr. Day,--
"'TIJue the 1:tb'po,.'t orCornmitt'ee on Public Improv~ment1-J
be adopted. Carried.
,.L\Ioved,hy Mr. OtM~lley,"'s€conded-by'Mr. Stalker,~
.Moved by Mr. Day, secoock.d Mr. Browu;--
'''That By-Law 259 to amend By-La.w numbel' 250 be not
now rf'ad)1 third. time, hut th;tt the Ole:: kbeinstrnctedto :so
amend said By-La y as to inelude the Township of Son th wold
ana Vilbg'. Of Porti Stanley hi the W'allacetown High
Scbool Di~tl'ict, and that one third of the Town~hiD of Mala_
hid", be rrttached to the Vienna Higb School Districtandtbe
Township of,Yarmoulih be attached to the Aylmer High
S~ho~l I?istr~ct, and furth.et" to il~ser~ a. ,clause, providing th.\t
nd'(refi~i~ncy 'no\~ existing in connection with ,th~ .',Aylmer,
and Vienna High Schools shaH be made good by the: County
but from SUcl.l:~01;lrCes as,if By"Law 259, had_not been passed,
and furt!lel' tha.t no charge shall be made on the Coun~y or
B;jgh; BchO(;IL District fo:1' .the buildings 'lecessary for the
propel' accommodat.ion of the High School in _W allaceto~n,}
l\'Iotion lost.
"1'hat By-Law number 259, to fonh the Townships of Dun-
ivich ana A~d.boJ;'qllgh'intot'i'High School Dist6ctj'be r:ad:l
first time. Canied.
By:jj;l<v 'li:~'mbel' 2'59wa~ l'ea.d hy th/:: Clej.k..
'-Mov€((byM{Day, 'seconded by MZ King,---
"That John Galbra.ith and Pet.er Stall\:~l' bp. ']\-ust~es of
theWallacetown High Schqol fo\' t.}1E' I.erm of
OllB .yell!"
Move,CL by l\1r.MeBride, seconded by Ml'. Griffin,,-
Mored hy Mr. McBride, secouded by Mt ('h')ffin.--
"That' B.}T.Law;ll1rrib~r 261, to' app~int County
be read a thil'oi time and finally passed~ Carried.
. ,
14l'hat. By.;law number 259, fOI' the ii'-1~.t'illg apart the
'fownships of A.ldborough and' Ounwich lilto;; fligh SchoOl
District, thE appoint~ent of High Sc.h{}O~ lj,t!]ste€~, and
making appropriation~ to several High Sc~oo,;<~ -in the County.
be refl.d a third "time and finally Pllssed, Clf,),,'i:~d
l'vloved by Mr. Hegler, seconded byThth. .Oharlton,-
"That By-Law number' 262, to appoint a: Boal"d .of Audit,
be read a first time. Carried.
Moved by .Mr. D>>.y, seconded hy M7.. K'j't,g,.'H
Mpved by Mr. Haggan, seconded by MI'. Davis,-
""That. By-Law number 260-to :1.ppOiilt ;;:. Committee to
repa.ir the Port Stanley Bridge be a. l'l3al\ th'Bt. time. Car-
"Th.-\t By-L:lw number 262 be 'read a second time.
Moved hy Mr. ~iu~, seconded by Mi\"" Rr.'(lwr,~-
"Tha.t By~Law number 260 b.e ;'e-:-Jd ;;;, ~.eoond time.
Moyed by lifr. Day, seconded by 1\1"1'. Galb~'aith,-
-"ThatBy-Lawnulllber 262 be read a third time and finally
passed. Can;ied.
Mo\'edl byM.r. Stalker, second~Ki by :.w:r.Ki1f1lg1--'
Moved by 1\-'11'. l\fcOc\Usland, I:'econdcd by Mr. Haggan,-
uThar. By~Law ouwber260 be rf:'""d ;;;, tir:l{i <.tm0 and fin.;.
all,:.' pi~@:sed. Oarried.
Moved hy Mr. Stalkel', ::;ecouded hyMI. 8:lh:sou,-
(~1'hatt.he Clerk be requested to pnrchase four dozen copies
of Instr:lCtions to Mnnicipal Officers by the .J uniol' J ndgeer
t11e County of Simcoe, and distl'ibn:te them to the Township
~nd Vil1ageClel'ks in the c.Jlluty. Ca.rried
"That. Ry-L;-Jw GUmbel' 261 to appohn C\)lW.J,y Auditors
00 t'cad a first lime. . Carried.
Moye,dbyMr. McBl'ide, seconded byMJ:'. HUIlsberger,-
Moved by Mr. Day, seciinded by M.... S~.dk~lf;J-
'~Tbac; the Clerk be authorised topul'chase a Letter Press
fOT tbe use of tbe Register Office. Carded.
HThiJLt ?y.L'iw ~ number 261 W,. "f'::xd J<, l>~'cond timllll..
Moved by Mr. GaJbl'aitb, seconded by Ml'. King,-
. ,
';That the sum of one hunch'ed and five dollars and twenty.
:five cents be paid to the TOIYllShip of So.uthwold, and the same
t b "l'a- to the Township of Duuwich fo!' bo<t~'d, sur-
amQun e pa. ' .
- -. . d Edward RUlain an
O":'~al and l\feclwal aiJten ~mce on one ,
Indigent st~ang2r. ;Not Carried.
J\foved by Mr. O'J\ialley, seconded by :111'. Conn,-
"That the thanks of this Council are 'due and are hereby
""end€'red t.o the Peess of St. Thomas foJ' the very fnn report
~ L< . of
which has been given of the present and past ;SeSSIOns
this Conneil. Carried.
Moved by :i\ir. Conn, seconded b}T 1\1:r G"Jbraitb,-
. . 1 C tS licital' beobtHined
"That. the opmlOll of t 18 " ,aun yo, ,
d d L. f 1874 in l'efel'ence to line fences,
on the amen e, a W 0 -, ,
especially the second clause l'eJering to tho wo~'ds, Occupied
Lotnds, and. that said advice be enteeel in the Mmutes for the
benb:fit of the County. Lost.
"That the Clerk be requested to forward to each of the
Assessors of the County a copy of Judge Hughes' Oircular_.
, Letter in l'eference to the manner of assessing rCltl and pel'~
sonal property. Oarried. '\
j)I9ved by ]rh. Cameron, second€d by Mr. King)-
"That 'the Clerk be instructed to prepare a By-law to.
repeal By-Law number 158, Caeried.
Movedby ilil:, McBride, seconded by Mr. Hunsberger,-
"'+hat Judge Hughes, Johiel Mann and Colin Macdougall
be appointed a Committee to ai'i'ange the matter about pay-
ing the reward offered by ~his qouncil to the per30n properly
entitled to receive tbes:1.me for the appeehension and convic-
tion of the murderers of l\ir. Jackson and Dr. Ninham.
Moved by Mi'. _Nairn, seqoncled by Mr. Haggan,;
'Moved by nir. M...:Bride, seconded by 1\'11'. Hunsberger,--
"That the Shel'iff be authorised to purchase four sets of
hatid-cuft's in addition to those already ordered for the use
of the Sheriff's Office. Carried.
"That the Olerk is hereby instrncted to notify thE" several
Municipal CJel'ks in the C;l1nty to infDrm the AssessOl'S that
thu, Council will insist on the assessments . bein~ made
strictly in accordance with the Asses~ment Act, and that
every ~Assessor be fnt'lli.s~edwith a cop)' of the Rep0rt of
i untor Judge of the Comty of Simcoe on the Assessment
Act. Carried.
On motion of-Ml'. Martin, seconded by Mr. Ca.meion,-
The Oouncil adjourned. till the third Tuesday in June, and
the Wal'den was :authorised to sign draft for members.wages.
:I\:Ioved by Ml'.Nairn, seconded by Mr. Haggan,;
From the. County Trellsllrer with .annual estimates.
From W. Y BOlLaD!;!, respecting Insurance on Court Raust::.
Elgin County 'Council Proceeaings.
From J. P. Pnllock, lUl'ef('reI1C0'to road (tllowance, near
Port StanTey.
Fl'om Judge Hughes, respectingVotel"s Lists.
From .T ohn -era wfQrd, resigning Office l)f Trustee .Vienna
High School.
TUESDAY, June 15th, 1875.
From J. P. Martyn,reli:itlve to: flll'therlnSlll'anCe on:Conr&
TheCdullcil met-at 10' o'clo~k forenoon; The V\Tarden i.n:
Fl'omQlerk of COUlltx Coul't~with presentment "of Grand
Members pref;ent, O'Malley, Brown, Nairn, StaH\:er,
Cameron, ,Chad tan, Galbraith, ,Dayl.ThtfcCaosbn-d,Conn,
Mal,tin, "Haggan, Ellison, McIntyre, Davis, McBride, Huns-
berglilr, Gl'iffin, King, Hegler.
From Connty' A,uditors, >>ritll Report,
The Chairman of Committee on House of Indu::;try sub-
mitted Report,' wheil it W;lS
The pl'oceedingsof last d:lY previous sessiunweie read
and autirorised to be signed.
Moved by Mr. D~y, seconded uy.Thh.. Martin,---,-
The Warden addressed the Council.
"That the Repod of Special :Cominitteeon.site for House
of Industry, be recei\'ed anu read. Carried.
The follo\ving cOClll1unicn.tions were read':
Moved by Mr. O'Malley, seco11ded by l\!ll'. Stalker,---:-
From ,the Educatioll,Office, respect,ing High Sc~ools;
"That:the Report' of the Special' Committee on' th'e" 'pro-
posed House of Industl7' and" IndpstrialFtll;m, be' referred
back to said Committee, with fnrthel; instructions and
powers, an i that they bo requested to lay befol'e this Council
From Middlesex County Olerk, lespectingTolis on the
W ul'dsville Bddgel and <'\. Briugaol1 the Graham Road; Ald~
borough, across the River Tha.mes.
to-!rlOlTo\v-rough plam~ of necessary buildings, and probable
cost of grounu;buildingandapproximate annual expenditure
over income.
In amendment:
Elgin County Council Proqeec1ings.
]'ioved by 111'" Day, seconded by lVII'. Martin,-
HTh;:tt the House of Industry Committee be instructed to
pI'ocure plans fOl~ a House of IndusGry, the amount of cost
forbtiilding and furnishings not to exceed:five thousand
dollarR, to be submitte~ to this Council to-morrow.
Amendment carried, main motion lost.
WEDNESDAY, June 16th, 1875.
Moved by Mr.O'Malley, s~conded by Mr. ElIison,-
The Connell met at nine o'clopk fOl"encan.
"That the Report of A. - F.Butler, County Inspector of
Schools, be now received and read. Cal'l'ied.
The Warden in the Chair.
Mr.Butler being present, tead report of Common '.Schools
in, the County,
Present, NIessrs. O'1\lalley, Day, Gamet'on, Ellison, Stalker,
Martin, Griffin, Hunsberger, Oorin, lVlclntyre, Hegler, Gal-
braith, 'Nairn, Ohadton,>King,McQausland, McBride, Brow n
Haggan, Buffel.
Moved by J.\iIl'. Oameron, seconded by Mr. Brown;.-
"That the,t~anksof ~his Council be presented to Mr.
Butler for his very able report, and c0ngratnlate him on the
'success of the schools under' his charge. Carried.
The proceedings of previous day were read and signed.
The Clerk read a communication from the Middlesex'
Oouncil,witli JOpy of By-!aw to erect .Bridge across the
Rivet: Thames, at the Gra.ham Road in Aldborong1.1.
On motion of Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. Martin,-
"TheOouncil adjourned till nine o'clOCK to-morrow morn-
ing, for the pp.rposy: of giving, the ;Oouncil, timp. to "visit the
,ground rclcommen~~dby tJle Committee, for House of. Indus-
tr~ for their approvai.
The Olerk also read a communication fr~m J. P. Martyn
" ", , ,
Insurance Agent, respecting'increase of Insurance on the
County Buildings.
Moved by Mi', Hagg:-m~ second€'Li by .ThIr. Day,-
M6vedby Mr CO'rin-.'~e~oll(led by Ml'. McBride;...;;...;
HThat t~e Council sinc€l:ely regl>ets the death of ~ures-
teemed friend and county offi..~iRl, James Farley, Esq., Clerk
of the pzace, who so ably filleclthe positio?-anddiscbarged
the duties of his office as \yeII as the lllany amiable and es.
timable qualities that chamctelize him, a.nd this Council
deeply sympa.thize with his fan:iily and fliend:i in their sad
bereavement, and that a copy of this resolntion be forwarded
to Mrs. ~arley, 110\Y abo:\lt leavingi'm :EnglancL Signed by
the Warden and Clerk on behalf of this OotlUeii. Carried.
"That this CouDcil dee-ide to pnrc1w1":E'!' a ",ir,p' tor 3n Indtls-
In' amendment..
Moved hy ~Ir. Nairn, !ieconde0-;~yl\;1t'. McQtl:usla:nd,~
;'Th:ttin,a':)senct::-offui~,imforma~,ion',~_~ t.o--t118_COSt" to__ be
inc~lrr~d in, the, purchase ~f, Lrtnd all~ the _ en~cti~n oflmild-
-inas for- an'Tr..dustrial Farm and Poot' .P:ouse, -and' fuller in-
f~;mation as'\6t,h-e working-of suililar'r;istitntiol1s;: it is no't,
~xpedient t,o_ proceed \yi-th ,the, pnrcbalie of ~and ..a~ the ,_ .;prH~
I sent :tiIl1e, but tha,t th~ mat,Gei'he left. ov.er till the- tn,peting pi
tht.:.C-m1l1cil ill Jan109rynext, thus giving the-~'at~payerRof
the County an opportnnity of discussing and pronouncing
upon the flclremG befol:e oormnitting tlieOouncil to 'the ex-
Mevedby-Mr. O'Malley, 'sedonded by Mr. Stalker--
. -' , ,
"That the communication jllst read from the Clerk of the
County of Middlesex, in' reference to the erection of abridge
RCi'OSS the River Thames, be referred to. the Oommittee on
Public Improvements, to repor~ thel'eon. Oa.rded.
Moved hy Mr~ Conn, seconded by Mr~ Hag,gan,-
"That ,the question of making choice of a F:\l'mfor the pUr~
pose of ert'-cting a Honse of-Industry thereon, be now ta.ken
up and disposed of. Carried.
The amendment was pntand 'Ij)st on thp. following division
YEAS c:....-,J\ial'tin. McIntyre) Ch,tdton; 1:fegler-,Nairn,
O'Malley, Stalker, McCausland-t\.
Ml\' O'~Ialley gave no.tice that, he inteI1ds to make applica-
tio,u to-~Ol'l'?\'V for a grant of one hundred dollars to aid in
procuripg.a ;suitable set of colours for the COllut.yBattalion.
NAys-Day, Galbraith, Ellison, :King; Brown, Canieron,
I~avis, ITullsbpl'ger, M?Blid,e, Haggan, qonn, Griffiil-12.
The main motion was then put. and c,al'ried o~ t}le fo~low_
_ irig division:;
Mr. Day'ga-\~e noticethat-'heiu~:hicls to make application
to the Oonncit" to.morro~ fora grant of eighty dol1arstowa~'cl5
r~pairirig abridge known as the FI.axMiIl Bridge, on -the
linebetween St. Thomns a~d the County.
YEAS-,--------Dily,Galbt'ltith; Elli:';im, IGng:, Bro\vb. nimeiim.
Davil'l, HUllSbi-'_rg<-'f, McHrid\~; Haggail. t~orin';Griffin~l2~
NAYS,--": l\Iartin~ McIntyre, Chadton, Hegler, Nairn,
O'Malley, &talker, .McOausland-S.
Amell(l~ent {ast, main: motion carded.
Moved by Mr.M~Bride, seconded by lVIr. Htmsberger,-:-:-
Mov~d by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. ElJison,-
'~hi{this:CJ~ncir adj6urn -:tilifoul'~:.(?dld~k.-.~ftertiothi~"~>
"That the Council accept of Mr_ John Oole's offer _ to take
the Council to inspect a piece of land he offers to sell for an
Industria.l Farm; Carried'.
The Conncil met at.four. o'~~o?k, and adjourned till nine
0' cloek next. day~
Movedbj'Mr; E~lison, seconded by Mr. King,:-
"Thatthi~.Council also visit the place offered by ~r. l\f~
CaJlfor an,Industrial farm at Union. Carried.
'fhe - petitibn of -~ ohn Davidson,. Thomas - - Backhofise, and
others, ma.king complaint respecting' t'he alteration'6f,Schi:ml
Section No. 21 in Malahide,"waslaid'before' the Conncil.
Moyedhy}}'1r~'Day,:s~comled, byMr. Nairn,----::
HThat Thiessrs Came-ron, Hegler and Martin, be it Oom-
mittee to in..,estigate the grievances compl;ined, ~,f boY ~r
Davidson and others in School Section, No. 21, Malahide,
OR: the petitioners' giving a guanntee to this Council to' pay
costs of said Committee.
In,,A,mendme:qt ~:-:--
'l\:foved'byMr.l\i6Bride, seco~d'ed by Mrl HjlllSbergl:lr':,----
",1""'- ',-"":__,' ,
'':'That th'3 Council do not take any action in the matter
of School Section number 21 of Malahide, as tbu petitione'rs
4av~l:IW~ proceedeg.w_ith their complaint to the Tow!1ship
C9!lUciL9fl\ialahide as the IaYIUil'e,;ts.
.A.~9_~ipll1)ic~tiQn ~as ,also.. read from F> .p~:1ValIL~n) ..
Clerk of County COtlrt, rrspecting the want of vault room
, .. .. .. '-.... , .. ~ " ~
Mov~_d_})'y JY~r. I?~1) seco~:df,'qbyl\il", Ohal'lton,-
"That Ml'. W 3rre~'s pctitrbh''il.sking [61' m,ore n<:co~mod~~
tion for parers in 11is cffice'be-i;~f~rred-toth-e' Gad 'Corii~it.-
tee. Cal'l'ied."
Moved J:>yMr. Ga]braitll"se~ond{'d by. Mr._.KJng,....,....
,.' ,', .. ,',", 'j' ,.-."--,- - "'.' -- ".-" '- .. ',.
Thursday, June 17, 1375.
.'That the ac~oulltof the County "Registrar "fer splitiirig
a~d_:;)PQ'irgjwcod int() l,lis ~~~e,_ be nqt entertained by-_ thlil
CounCil. Carl'il\d.
The'Council IDf't at 9 o'clock, forenoon. The Warden in
the chair.
M~nd by _Me. Kin.g, secon.cled hyMr.B~.OWD,~
. ..,c,:, .. .... '.." ".
M~mbel'fl present: O'Malley, C2.meron, Martin, Haggan,
Stalker, Ch:1rlton, Nairn, Davis, -Galbraith, Brown, Me-
nlusht~d, Gliffin, Conn, Day, Ellison, :McBride, King,
McIntyre, H('glel' and H\lHSberger.
.. f th !,revions day were read and
The pl'oceeumgs 0 e
anthm;ised to 'be signed.
"That this ('cunei) adjm:lIl for one honl;- to a11o"," the
\'~ricu,~. Ccp1'mit~€es ,to l~.e~t~I:~,l'~p~rt.. Carried.
Tl1~ C<ltiDcil ieSCD1€d: . TIlt? Warden in -thech:Hr;'
The "''''ul'den read a ccmmtlIlicuticn receiyed from the:
County Rf'gistrar rel:ipecting ~heful'nislliDg of the Registry
'office ,....itb wood.
MOl"cd by Mr_ Dtlj', s€coll(led by Mr. Martin,-
"TIH.t the report ot tIle Speciul Committee appointed to
meet!with th~,:Committ~eflnll-,theTowri_of St. ' Thonias h
,decide wllat ',J,rPVoIJion Jl/e,,-'-_Tov,;n:-:shpuld pny' to' "the
CDllllty lJs1IH.,ir ~IHne tcw3Hls tLe €H,ction of the new
Rf gist J.y.Cffl'cf';: be'I~cdf-r(F8J~,:liead~ ". < Car~~ied~
~ .
A ccmmunication was also l'f'lU! frem J. P.MartynJ liD
:D.'eference to an increase of insurunce 011 tile County bui1d~
.,'The C]i.'lk read-'l-cportof: fepeciar C~mnl'iUfe; ~herein the
Town hgl'e~s to pay-tIle Ct:H.lilty :seveidHlnclj:.edand '-twenty
fh-edoI1ars on acconnt'of'thc,new Registry: 'Office.
Mov~d by Mr. McCausliind;'seconded b,vML -Hag,gai1,_--=-
The _ Council _ went intO (J9mmittee of the", whole. Mr.
~_aggan in the chair.
"That tbe report .of the Committee appointe.dttL.'con:feri
with the To wn of St. Thomas as to-the share they should
pa y for the erection of ; thi Registl'i-Offi~e b~ adopt~d';' and
t~atthe _ W ard~n b~ authqris~d to sign ; t,h~ <l;gree1ll8l}t on
'~?~~rpf t~e; Coun~y.,.-. Carried.
~~ter h~ingsome .ti~e ~n Committee "of t~e ;hole}he
Committee ~~se,:whenthe Ohairmanrepol'ted:the: _ado~tion
of: a motion to purchase fifty acres of Mr._ Coles' fa~~; "west
of St. Thomas.
Moved by M l'. Ellison, seconded by Mr. Kii1g,~
The Council resumed, .the : Warden in the chair/, when it
"That: the'petitioii?f 'Johri-Pallock be how ~taken 1ipand
~~p.o.~ed l of. OarJ;'ied.
Moved 'by Mr: McOausland; seconded byM;: - Haggari,~
"Thatth~ petitionof.~oh~,Palloc~'::~rkin~ for: r~~~ner- I
ation for road crossing his l';:{{a: be ziot ente'rtaineJ 'by' this
,Ooupcil. Carried.
"" . ..... ~" ",. . ,.. ,,',. .
YEAS-Messrs. Galbraith, Conn,' 0'1\-1a11ey, Stalker, Day,
Marti11:',M:F~npyre,:1<f~ir~;:Heg~er, J;?a:,?"is,Haggan,'-, i\r cCaus~
land, McBride, Hunsberger,Ch.a,rltop. and Griffin-16.
Moved by Mr. Cameron, ,seconded-by Mr. King,-
,~ ;; 1 : _ '
H+~at~his CouqCil p~;rc;ha~_~ Mr,:CI?Ies':-f~rm,:ofJif,ty.,a~r~8
for thr~~ thousand', dq!~ar.s'~Il,:~~c,ord~nl?~' wiLh_ther.eport: qf
the Oon;mittee Or}p:~ whqle, prQyided~he__title)s satisf~c-
tory, . Carried. "
:&foyed by' Mri:EIi.lll'~b-erger, ;~~CO~:d~dby 'Thfr.H~~g~n,_
"That'the repo'l;t ~fih~: tjomll1ift:~e on - 'P-ublic' t~pro\'e~
~ents bereceive,d3,n4:~'e~d. Carried,
NAYS~Cameron, Brown, Ellison and King-4.
Reportof. Committee on Public Improvements r~ad.
Moved by Mr. ()'M~il~y, seco~d~d'by M~. S:talk~r,-
That' the'i'epo;& of' C~m~iit~e~-~n" p~bii~tm~r~veme~t8 be
adopte,~.. CarIied.' .
"The, Oouncil:took,up-'the'q.l1€'s'Hon -: of~!p:irchase ofa piece
:of land for an Industrial Farm, when.'itwa:s ,
Moved ~:r,MF' -D:ty,,~e~p;d,e~ by Mr.,.M!lrtip-,'-
,nT;hatl~his<Cpuncil_:go; ;into,Oom!llittee ,of: the whole on
th~, mat~8:r ;;OC.sele~ting) a ".piece:- of-Ia~d for- a 'House'>' of
Refuge _and~ln4p.s.t~!al_ Farm; - Carried;-
Moved bjMi\-C~'mer6n, secoIid~{Lby' Mr.;'Bfo~ _
,-".,-:',:' . ,',c, ,,' ,
"That,...inasmuch 38 -l'epairs::~l'e now>called faron'the
LakeR~ad lying between the inco_J'porated' -v:il1age'of- POl't
Stanlef:arid' the't;\vnsh1p;of:'S6~lth'.~'old',;'and 6hk'C6rindl of
Port St,a.nley having refused to 0ontl.ibttte tbw;l'ds the' e'X.:..
panses ther~of,,~ndi~ be,il1g ach-isaule tha~ the liab\lity
,~~()llld ,be cle<iriY"defif1e,d,,_:~t:, ,tl~e o'pinio~ of this Council
~th~t it is~mp~rative.that, th~)'o,;~l;abov,e refe"redto,~ndthe
'o.therroads ljing between'said ill~orpol'ated vHlage ;~n.d, the
adjoining lllun.icipalities, sho~lld be maintain€d jointly by
-the Raid mttnicipalities and sai~ incorporated:village. 'Garded.
MovedhyJ\tr. ::S:egll:~r, :s~_conl:1ed, 9J M:r.; Nairn,~t
~'That the X.epOf_t -o("tl;te;Finance,' . Qomroitte_~ be adqpt('d
as amended. Carried.
1\ioved QY MI'. Mc.Bride: seconded by 1\1.1'. Hut.\sberger,-
:<rhatther13signit~ion 'of J ol)n ,Qrawford,- ~sq~, ,_a~;r.I:'ruste~
of the Vienna Htg1:l.S{jhool, ~eaccepted, :J:p.d-,J~llles._R. Dea,-.
-con, Esq.,_ be appointed in his place. Carried.
Mo?ed by Mr. OlM<llley, seccmded by, Mr. Stalker,-
Moved by Mr. Hunsbe~'ge~, secl?nded by M.t,. Griffin,-
"That t,he Clerk be instructed to cle.lfb a By-Lj.w in accot-
"dance '",iththe rep_O'rt'of tt~e, Conilntt'tee-(Y:.);P;lbli~ Inlprove~
"'meritl" to providefcfl;"'the',l"<lisir.g ,of"fifLeen htind~ed'" doIlals
for the 'ra'y~nen't "or{)rie~haif-the estillli'lted 'C?'st' ~fa new
bridge acroSs the river 'rhames, a~, the northern' t'e'l'lIiiii.ti~ of
the Gm.~~m ~oad, inth~ t0WllS'.1.ip,o~ Aldb~rongh. C<1~r.ieu.
"C, ,,""" <"',,, ".'. ',. ','"
':l'hat By-Law No. 263, to confirm By-Law No. 320 of
tbe corporation of Bayham, altering a road c"fossing Lots 121.
122 and 123, inthe 7th con. ,of said municipality, be read a
first time. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Griffin: seconded by Mr. Hunsber~el',-
Moy(:d lJy Mr. O'MalI~y, seqonded,.by .Th'Il-. Stalkqr,-.
~ ' - " ".
HTha.t By-Law No. 263 be read a second time. Oarried,
"That'the report of-the :Finance Go-mmit,tee-' be 'l'i'cei'v~d
and read. Carried.
~rovedby Mr. Hunsberger, seconded by Mt'. Griffin,~
;'Thl1t By-Law No. 263 be read a third time and finally
passf'd. Carried.,
The Cler,k readrepol'l:; of FmanceCommittee.
Moved by Mr. Ki'1g, ,s.econded.by, :\II~ ~St~lker,,--
" " . ',,'. ",. ,~
~foved by Mr. O'Malley, seconded by Mr. Stalker,~
('That the rf!port' of the Finance Cominitt'e~ be ame.nded
by addi~g l;l.moun~ of;a~c~)llnt_,~~.,the,_qom~i~te~! fOl~, ,attend-
ing to the repairs on the I'ort Statiley Bt'idge,amounting, to
fO\~r,te_en r101hus,,and aisoth-H"sum-ofc'$242:03: paid:' t6 the
aO!ltractol's, Carried.
"That By. Law 264, to plovide for raising fifteen hundl'ed
dollars to mee~ rt similar sum granted by tbe Council of the
Col1t;lty of Middlesex for thebuildin~ of the Waterworth
Bridge at. the uorthf>rn end of the Graham Road, be read it
first time. Carried.
Moved' byMt. Stalker, :secoiided. bY"~r. D()tui;"::"":"
c'-Th8:t By- Law- N'o~-2'64' be-' read 'a second 'tiiile.-- Ca~rieJ.
Moved by ~1r. Stalker, seconded by Mr-.O'Malley,-
Elgin County,COllncil.. Proc~edings,
"That By..:Law No. 264 be read a third.. time and :fina.lly
pas'aeaTa:Iid that, the:Cle'rk:notify the<Middiesex .C()u-[i~il of
the actl:oIi,takeri oJ thiS ..counCiL -Carried!
On motion of Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Brown,:-
,'.i-he Co'uncil adjourned till 9 o'clock'to-~orr()w morning.
, S]J:()qNI)'iSJJ;S~!9N,:-.rOlJRtH I)A'y.
FRIDAY, June 18th, 1215.
The Council,met at nine olclock forenoon.
ThwWarden; i.h'the cha:ii'. .
:Pr~sent;iM:eS$rs, ;O'MaHey ", Day, Camet'on, EU{sbn,Sta:lkel",
",Martin,~ Griffin,HQ.nsberger, Conn,. MclntYI;e','Hegler,-'Gal'-
braith, N a~l'n, Oh'arlton, King, McOausland, McBride, Brown
'i'. . .' ",. ...... _ ,1- ,
Haggan'a:nci Davis~ . - "
. .j......:........ .: -..... '. ";" , .-.,:
. The,'proce~dings of.previotlS day wer~ read~nd. aiithoriPJed
to be signed. . .
Moved by M;':' :~J:~Int.he, se.c&nrledbY~fr: St.alker;____
"That By~L<t ",,<N(); '265 be recei~e({-'and 1'8ltda-'first tillIe,
heir.g.a:i)3y.~~_w, to ,raise,-,an amount.;eq_uaf,tO:_',tl?-e Gov:er'n..
inent Grant for CoronIon Schools, Oarried.
:'; !~;
Moved bY Mi'. Hunsbel'g;r; secQ~ded by "Mr,,!G.ri-ffin~~
"'l'hatBy-Law N.(l.- 265 be rea~ a'second time. Ca.rlied.
~fov~d by Mr.: McCausland-, seco-nded: llyMr~ ~aggari,-
"That the Gaol Committee be instructed to effect a furthe'l'
insurallc"e often thol1sanddollars on the Court Honse and
Gaol. Lost;.
Moved by ~Ir. Stalker, seconded by Mr. O'Maney,~
"Th.~t:"B~~L~;/N~ 26;-,Ge'I;'.~~iPa thirJ-::time a;na~fibally
passed. Carried.
Movedby~fr:: O'~lalley, secorided by'MT;Stal,ker,~.'
Moved by Mr. Htl~sbej'g€w, seconded by Mr. Griffin,- .
"Tha~ ,tl~~,_ap-pJ:ica~ions -of the severaJ ',insurance: COID1?anies
for-furt~er:immrallce on OO~ll.t:a:ous~:a_tld Ga,~l 'ue,.:not en~
terta'irwd,,;as ,th~preseIlt,;illsUr'a~~~; of ~40,(iOO i~: ,qu.ite suf-
ficienp,. V,arried.
"That By-Law No; :366 to repeal By-Law No.
poi~ting aOo'J-nt'y' ~cilibit~i", b'e ~~~{d:<~~'fuJt'~tim~:
168, ".-
, Moved by._ Mr. Hegler, se?onded bv Mr. Charlton,.........:
MO,ved by Mr. OlM.al1f~Y, seconded:by Mr.,-Stalker,~
'lThat the communications be now taken upand'.disposed
of. Carried.
UThat By-Law No. 266 to repeal By-Law 158, be read a
second time. C!llTied.
Moved by .Mr. Oharlton, secondedby.Mr._ Hegler;,;.:-
Moved t!y Mr. Stal_ker, sec.ondf;Jd by Mr. O'Malley,-,
.-".T!Jat B-J.~,:La:w .~o.
p~,~s~d. " parri~d.
266" be read. a.-~bird time andfinaHy
"That the-Clerk,'be instructed to draft a By-Law to_ r~peal
By~La'v, heretofol.'e' passedimppsing tolls on :th~ WardsviHe
bridge. Carried.
, -- ", :"" ',' .
Moved by Mr. M:cCausland~ seconded by ~~r.~ag~8:n'7
l~T:~a{13y-~a~ '~?_" 267~,t8 rais~_a~()~ntfpr q?t1:~ty Rates,
be receiv~d and read a first tim~: Carri~d+ -' .
Moved by Mr. McGal.l.sland, seconded b.y Mr."Hk.gg'ari.l~
!'That By-L<tw No. 2~.S,,_to repeal By-.Law No.lr<l~. re-
specting tolls on the :Warclsville bl'idge~, be read a first time.
:IvIoved ,by_~r: Da~1seco.nd,~4"b~Mr;.<Ej~liso~-,~.
,:,::~hatI?'y-L~W'~.O. 267 b,~ .~~ad ,a;_~~~ond, time: Carried.
Moved by: Mr.>Hunsberger, seconded by Mt;':Oliiffin,-
:",::,>",",,' .....' ':. . .:
:_Moved'by'Mr: Hegler~ seconded by Mr. Charlton}~
HThay By:Law"No. .268 be read a sec?nd time:: C<trl'ied.
That By-Law No.-267 be read a third time and firially
passed.. 'Carl1.ed'.:
Moved by MI'. O'Malley, seconded_by 14r. :stalker,- .
:"-That'By-LawNo~ 268 -he read a thir{lt:ia!"eand nnil,lly'
passed. Carried.
j).{oved Ly .Mr. Heglel'; secondnd bYl\lr.,H!lnsbflrg{'rr~-:-
- - f _..:::_'.: ,
"That t.he Warden, and l\iIr. Davis, and 1\11'. King, be ap...
pointf"d~: asaOolli.mitt~e to: examine .th.eJnd 1~8tl'!al-_"Farm-Jol'
the purpose of tesbing for and proeilJ<ing water, and with.
power to advertise for a~d accept 'plans 'an'(l specifications
for buildings, and, als~, to adver~ise fo! teiid:r8.for theer"c."
tioD of said buildings.: " Said tenders to beop~merl at the
next meeting of this Cou~cil, Whfm the contract: will be"Jet'
and the.wOlkpr.oceede.d ,witT!.
Moved by Mr. McBride, seconded by Mr. Griffin..~
"That "David King, John GalbraitJi," Dugald Bmwn,
Da;vidDolVis alid th(~ W~H'den, he<aCommittee'with:ftdl
powel'S- to tiet 'plans' anu I':peeificationsj:_and let;.: the ,contra~t
fot, buiLding a House of Industry_ as th.ey.;may. cons_ideI~
suitabJ~, apd as. SOon as,the said ComO)jttlC'e think it for< the
intel'estofthf' Oounty to do so. Oanied.
:J1he Y€~S;.llliJ Nays bpi:l1g.?a!lt:cl, fOl',.pn the n,QJelldri).ent,
Were taken- down as follows:
y E~$:-7-Griffin; Hqnsbej'gerJ.,_MgBridej :M~q~u~_l~ll~, .ff~g~
gfl.n, Cameron, King, Martin, Conn, Galbl'aith'_IO.
NAYS~Stalker, O'Malley, McEntyre, Day, Ellison, Br~wn1
Davis, Hegl'el'j Gharnon~9.
A coimmanic.ation-fi'orn L.D.Rucker, GeneraJ Supei-iE-
ten.deIit -o{Canada;Soutb9rn;Railway, w-as then read,.
}Ioved by Mr. - Camel'o:}, seconded byMr, Davis,-----...:
.'That the thanks of this Council be pl'~sented to Mr.
Rucker, General Manager of the c: S. R,; and that the Clerk
be anth61.isedto infornr' himtha.t this Oouncii accept'_.hi~
invitation on Mondav,_ 5th July Carried.
, -~;
Moved by }h..Hegler"seconded by Mr. Chadton,~
aThat By-Jaw No~ 269, forthe-purchas€?f farm for
House oflndl1strybe"ead a first time. Carried.
:A[oved Mr. H~ns'berger, secon:ded by Griffin,--c-
"That By-Jaw number 269 b~ read a second tim,e. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Cameron, seco~dedbf Mr. Brown,-:_
"That By:.lawIl:tl'mher 269, he so 'amended as to limit
! amount to-be expended by the Special Committee in
erection of the 'lIolis'e Of Industrytd $8,000. Lost;
~oved brMT".McCan~land, seconded by. Ml'._ Haggan, ~
4'That B);)awllulllhe: .2'69 be a~ended so that tha-l,::- t}w
aggregate sum.to be expended shali not exceed ten thou~and
do1Jar~ for the -farm and buildings, to be erected thereon.
Mo~ed' by Mr." Haggan, seconaedhY'Mr.McCausland,_
'IThat By~]aw number269 be read'~ third time and finally
passed as amended;" Carried.
YEAs::--Griffin,: Hmi8bergel\McBride~Mcaausland, Hag-
gan, Charltoll;'.Heg1er, Davis; Oameron,;Br:o.wn, <Ring, Elli-
son, Martin, ~~cIl~.tyre, Day, Stalkel', Conn and Galbraith
"NAYs--;OjM~lle}; ~nd'Nairll- 2.
Moved-by :Mr. -StalKer, seconded: by :Mr.- CaIl)er,On,~
"That Mr. O'Malley, Reeve ~f Aidborongh,l)€' i~st;'ucted
to act With the COmr.:li8sibrierof the:.Collnty of Middlesex
~o.seIlby pu qliG auction the toll house ~t "Vardsville bridge.
l\ioved by fi!r. O'Malley, st'conded by Mr~ Conn,.~
"That theConncil-adjourn for one hour. Lost.
Moyed. bY' ,M r; O'Malley, seconded by, l\:1\'..#albraith'7
"That-it :iS140St desirable to- :haye.:tlw -..p1'.e8l;lnC~ ;of. tlw
County: Inspector of Public_Schools: ..at.: ,e~.9-9 ~/lf,~h~"t.hme
regular sf:>ssions 'of this Cou-!lcil~held~nllpalllr~,.and, fhat,thfl
Clerk heinstru,ctevrto~l.aft & By-Lawi~'poC)~~g on said In~
si)ectol' ~s ~ dllty- ~f hi~ office .to at'tenCl "the fo'1'enoon
of: the,.fhst and thir~.'d~yof the"af~n'~~~id;;se~sion~~ ]jos.t.
'Jtd:o~~d 'by Mr:bo~Hl, sPc6hUed-bj/iM~:(St.~iIke'r;~
"That, Whe1f~HS this Cl)uncil being fully convincE'{Lof"Pw
necessity .for 'a:11 .qollnties tl11ath8,ve~l~~)l:ffl:ci~:n.J. pop9)a,tiol1 'to
h~ve an Indnstl:ia.l Farm and HOllse:of Industry,
Therefore, this COUl:cil deems it9xpcdieIl~;apd desirahhJ'
that the present law should be ~o amended as to make it
rlnmpnlsory fOJ' Counties having a suffiCient popi'llation" to
h~'ve a House of Industry, and that the elerk of this Coun~
eil is hereby instructed to draft 8; petition' to the' Leo.islatnre
praying fOl amendment to the Statute in such case. Motion
lost on the f<?llowing c~ivision:
YEAs.---:.Conn, Stalker. Brown,. McBr:dE', G,dbraith. 5,
NAys.-,..Griffin, HnnsbUl.ger, McCausland) H3("1'!!an
~b ,
~harlton, Heglel', Davis, Nairn, Caineron, King} EWson,
Mal,tin, Da.y, IVlcIntyre and O'Malley. 15.
MO'v'ed by :\1:1'. Day, seconded byMl'. Mal'tin,_
"That Mr, Butler's account' for services rendered in p.x~
amining ~chdars for admission into tho several High schoots
(Oe paid.' Q;, !.Tied.
Moved by MI'. O'Malley, se,conded hy :Mr~ McBrida.
"That th:3 resolution passed yesterday appoint~ng a Com-
mitteeto in vastiga-te, and settle cet'tain school gl'ievallces in
the Township of i\ialahide be re~cinded, and that the question
be laiLl OV~r until the Novernhel' Ses~ion for further consid':'
.cre.tion, and that the petil;ioners be notified tl.ccordingly.Lost.
Moyed by Ml'"; Hnnsbul'~er~ seconded by Mr. Griffin.---
~-Tbat the ~arden sign drafts for members 'wages,
th~t the OOllncil a~journ till the ,;second Tuesday ill
vember ,next. Carried.
Elgin County Council Proceedings.
TUESDAY, .Anguat 10th,1,875.
The County Council met in Special Session, called by
'()rd~r of the Warden, to considet the question of the site
.selected for the Industrial Farm. TheWaiden in the chair.
Me1I}ben pre8ent, O'Malley, Stalker;. Galbraith, COD~.
Day, Davis, ,McBride, Charlt'on, HUDl'i:berget, King, Bro\VD
Cameron, McCausland, Griffin, McIntyre, Martin, Nairn,
Hegler, Hagganand,Eltison.
The proceedinss of the last day of previous session were
read an,d authorised to be signed.
The Warden then addressed the Council, arids'tated ,thl'Sl
object of calling thp. Special Meeting, after which
:Mr. King, chairman of the Cominittee on House, ofJndus-
try, submitre:i Report, when it was
ndoved by ~~Ilunsburger,seconded by AI~ ][cJBride}~
HTbat"the Report of the Special Oommittee'onthe: ,Rous.
f!f, Indn~try be re~ive~ and read. Carried.
The Clerk read Reportqf Specia.l Uornmittee. Oll House Of
Industry, after which
. that this Committee of the 'whole passel a." resoiutbn tv
adopt t.be Rep01.t. of the Special Committee on House of
Mr.-:Day moved;, se.;onded'J)y Mr. .M';l~~iri,~-
.t'! ftel; which
"That aftel' heat'ing the Report- of the Houst: of Industry
Committee, this Council go into Oommittee of tbe whole for
the purpose ot cOll~ided[Jg whether this Oouncil should el'e~r'
aRouse of IncIuiStry on the site eho'sen ~t the last meeting
or- this-Council.."
Mi'. McBride mov~d,sl$co:;:)ded by Mr. Hunsberger,-,--
'"That the Report of the Committee of the whole on th€
Industrial Farm question be adopted."
In amendment,
Motion carried on t.he following division:
Moved by Ml'. Hegler. seconded by Mr Obarlton,-
YEAS-Gl'iffin .fIunsberger, M..::Bt"ide, Dameron, Oonn,
Brown, King, Ellison, Stalker, O'.Malfey, Galbrai~h-ll.
"That this Coun(~il go into Committee of the whole to
consider the Repor"tofthe Special Committee on House of
NA!S- Haggan, McOansland, Hegler, Charlton, Dav!...,
Nairn, Day, Martin and McIntyre-9"
~ i :
The amendment carried-on the "f::!llowing division:
Moved by Mr. Ellison, seconded by Mr. Cameron,-
YEAs':"-Griffin,Hunsoerger, McBride, )IcCauslarid,Chlrl.
ton, Cameron, Brown, King, Ellison, McJntyre~ O'Malley,
, . Conn" Galbrait.h, and Hegler.-14.
"TlIat this Conncil autborise the Warden to sign draft-
for the sum of three thousand dollars to pay Ml". Colef01:
the'InduHtrial Farm. Cal'ried:
NAYS-..Davis, Martin, Stalkel' and Day~4.
The 'Wal'den read communication from the Gas Company
respecting the lighting of the Court House.
The COlmeil went into Committee of the whole. Mr.
O'Malley in thp chair.
When it was
After being some time in COiJlmittee 'of the whole, the
Committee rose.
Moved by Mr. Stalker, secconded by Mr. Galbraith,-
The Chairman ortbe 'Comrdttee of the whole r,:;portM
"That, t.ht;, com~unication from Mr. Farley, President of
the Gas Company, be laId overljill next meeting. Carried..
Moved by Mr. McBride, seconded by .Mr' HQDsberget";--
"That this Council adjourn, and that Warden sign dl'8ft
fot' members wages. Carried.
Elgin County Council Proceedings.
W1\i. McKAY,
Tuesday, Nov. 9, '1875,
1'he;County Council of the County of Elgin met ~{:cord-
iug to ~djourllment, at nine o'clock forenoon.
The Warden i.tt. .the chair.
Present,-Messrs. O'Malley, St~lker, Galbraith, Conn,
King; Cameron, Suffal, Brown, Day, Martin, McIntyre,
McCausland, Haggan, Nairn, Davis,. Hegiet".Ohar1ton, Me--
Bride, Hunsberger, Griffin and Ellison.
The proceedings of previous sessi<:m were read and signed.
The following communications were read:
From the Oouncil of B~'ant, with petition respecting
equalization of towns and villages.
From the Engineer of the Oounty of Middlesex respeet- ,
ing repairs required at the_ McIntosh bridge.
FromJ"ohri'-F,lrIey, President of the St. Thomas Gas Co.
Ganneil lias -not. -assumed ~the -Town Line _ between Ald.
borough and 0, ford 3S a county line, .and therefoi'e cann,Qt
grant t.he amount, ~f;k8d fOi'. Carried.
From the County of Kent, in reference to grant:; on t.he
County Lin~ b~tw!,en_~ EIg.in and. Kent.
From ThomaS!. Rains: making application for ~he office of
keeper of House of Industry.
Mo_ved by Mr. :M.cCansland, seconded by 1\11'. HeglerJ-
From S. H. Hough, respocting Canada. Thistle Destroyer.
"That the petition trom the County of-Brant be referr~d
to a CommitteecOluposed.ofMcssrs Nairn; Day, Cameron
and McBride, to report to-mer 'ow. Carried.
Petiti~n of David GardnH and others, respecting t.he
offi~e of. keeper pf HonsE" of Industry. -
-.JJlbved':hy.Mr. Day, seconded by Mr. M~_rtin,~
Moved by (vIl'o O'l\'laU"y, seconded. by Mr. Conn,-
HTIHlt .the: Repol't of the Buil~ing Committee, HOll~'<l.e ~ of
Industry, be received and read. Carri~'d.
;''fhH.t the communications be now taken up and di8posed
of. _ Carl'ied.
The Clerk read the Report of House of Industry :Bu~Id:p.}g
Moved by MI'. Day, seconded 'l.l.)" Mi'. Martin,-
Moyed by ~:1r. McBride, seconded by :Mr. , Hunsbergel',-
"Th~t .John G:~lbl'aith.be an'thodsed' to a,c!i in conjunction
wi~h the Middle!'3ex'Council for the ,'epait.s of the'J'l,fcIntosh
b~id(Te and make st1Cb"I'ep"alI'SaS he mav deernnecfl';S;,trv on
eJ . " .
behalf of this Count,yo Cill'l'ied,
'(Thnt the Report of the .Building Committee just read
be ladopted. Canied.
Moved by lVIr. Conn, seconded by Mr. St:l.lker,-
MO\'f'd h)' Mr': Stalkel",~ecl)nited by Mr. <:Oilh,'-'-
"Thatth~ Reeves of the several municipalities be 8
Committee EOI" th'3 (qlalization of the assessment for the year'
1875. Canied.,
"That the eommllnication of the Gas Compa\lybe referred
to the Gaol Committee to report at t.he pl'esent lIleet~ng Ot
the Cnt-:.ncil. CarJ:"if'd.
Movedb)' lVir. Nairn; seconded by Mr. Davis,--:-
Moved by M;'. McCitus.1and, seconded b.y MI'. Haggan,-,
"That a Special Commit~ee of five be appointed to drafb
rules and regnlations for the admission of inmates, and
government of the House of Industry, and prepare By-laws
"That. the Clel:k notify the Oouncilof Kent thatthil'f'
to define the duties of the managers of the 8~llle~ said Oom-
mittee to report to the Coun:::ilthis session; Carr:ed.
Moved bv Mr. Hpglf'r, seconded by Mr. Charlton,-
Elgin Coun"y Council Proceedings.
"That the Warden, Nairn, UcCausland, Martin and
Cameron, be a Con:m~ittee to draft By.laws &0., for the
government of the. Industrial F2.rm. Carried.-
Mr. Davidson appeared before the Council, and made
statementrespectiIig school section number ~n, of Mala.hide.
'Moved by- Mr.. O'Malley, secouded by Mr.:i3t\lker~"':";'
W eduesday, Nov. 10th, 1875.
'~That this Oouncil adjourn till ten to-morrow morning.
The Conncil ID9t at ten o'clock forenoon. The Warden
in the chair.
Members pre8ent--n'Malley, Stalker,__Ga~~i'aith, fCqqn,
King,Camero~, Brown, Day, McIntyre, Martin. Mc-
Causland"Haggan, Davis, Hegler, Charlton, Nairn, Ellison,
McBride, -: Griffin and Hunsberger.
~rbe proceedings of previous: day were read andaut3ori3ed
to be, signed~
TheW arden r~ad a communication from the Attorne;
Gentmil of Ontario respecting the establishment 'of a branch
N~t'rnal Schoolin theToWll of~t.. Th()ma~.
Also communication' from George H. Sissions, making')
application fvI' t.he office of ke~pel' of .P:ouse of'Industry.
A communication was also read from tIle County TrE!a.l'r:
n{'errespecting the County -finances.
Moved b,v Mr. Brown, sl"conded bv Th-h. Day,-
Moveaby Mr. Nairn, seconded by .n-Ir. Camel'on,~
HThat the Report. of the Oommittee -on
of Assse~~m~llfRoll"be rec'eived flurll'_ead.
t.he equaljz:};tion
"Tbat the WU1'den he requf'stedto cC~Opfrate with Mayor
Drakejand Conncil of tIle Town of St. Thomas in their
efforts with the-Ontario Goverilrnent to secure" the erection
oftl1e Normal Schael, fo"rWestern Oll:1:ario~in thetowI) of
St. Thomas.
rrheReport of equilization v:a.s rea.d, when it waS
Moyed by Ml'.jMarti.n, s~conded by Mr. Mclutyre,-
"That the Repo:-t of Ovrnmittee on equalizitiotl be re
fereed to Cornmitt~e of tue whol~. "[jost.
In amendment,
Moved by 1\;11'. Day, seconded b.v Mr. M .
_ - 'at tlll,-:-
Moved by Mr. Ellison,seconded by ~rl" King,-
"THat the Warden be a Committee to accompany-a'06m~
mittee from tht' Town of St" Thomas to wait npon the
Optario Government during the n:'ext session Of Parliament,
to urge the erection: of a Normal School at or near - St.
Thomas, in this County, arid that a copy of this resolution
be forwarfled to the local, mem bel'S solicting their influence,
"That the Report of the Committee on the equalization
'of the Assessment Rolls be adopted. Carrieu.
Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Nilirn,_-
"That a 'Committee to -be composed of 'MessrsM~..ll'tin,
He;ler Ca.neron .TudO'e Hu&hes and the Comitv 'Inspector
~, , ~," 0 .
1)f Schools, ?e appointed ~n ~ccordance . wilh the,9th sub.
se~t.ion ofsect{on 61 of th~ Consolidated School Act of 1874,
to in;estigate the mattf'r of complaint made by J dhu_R.
~a~idsou, "W., A. Backhouse, John E. Backhom;e,
T,h(),~~aR ,.McArthurs and Thomas Ba~kh(l{lSe, of schDol
section Dum bel' ;21, of the Township of Malahide, said, mves~
tigation to take place as soon thereaftel' as pmcticahle, and the-
C~er'k is -hereby inst1',uctedto prepare aBy-Iaw in accordance
'with this resolution; said Committel:' to procec"d after the
deposit of fifty dollars by said complainailts;to secare costs
in"case offa-ilu~e to.make"'out theii;' case befortH;aid Conimit--
tee, and that the By-la.w be'ahiwn npto'thllt e'ffec~. ;CtuTied
Amendment Iost,and main' motion' c'al'ried.
Moved by 1\11', McBride, l?econded by Mr, H'unsberger,.,.~
"That a By-Jaw h~ passed anthorising the Warden and
Treasurer to borrow the sum of eight thousand dollars for
County purposes, to defray expenses until funds are receiv-
ed from the 3everal Townsh!~s. Carried,
l\foved by Mr. McBride, 8€condcd by ~r.Hu.nsberger,-
"That the Warde.n bl" authorised to apply to the Gov€m-
ml?nt fDr tlle six't:honsand dollan3 which has been 'pr()mised
to_\this Cmmty on account-of the .gaol alteration~. Carried.
Moved by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. .Brown,--:
"That Bv-law nUmbel" 270 to confirm By.-Iaw number
22Q,.of the" Township of SOllthwold,c~nveying part of a
.certain road to James Foot and stopping_ up the san1el be
received and rea.d a first _tim~. Carried.
oft1)~ TownshipofSoutbwoJd, to convey apart of a certain
road 'aHow:J.ncfltQ Alexander Mclnt.vi'e"be recf'ivedand
-read a first' time. Carried.
Moved by 1\1:1'. King, secpnd~d by Ml'.Ellison,~
M Dved by MI'. Oa.meron, seconded by Mr. Ellison,-
j;Tlu~t By-law No. 270, he i'ead a second time: Carried.
"Thllt By~Ll:l:~ No. 272, to conti:mBy_Law No. 223 of
Southwold. be read a second time. Carried.
N Dved by ::Mr. Cameron, seconded ~J Mr. .Bl'owr,_.
Moved by MI'. King,secouded" by Mt,. Cameron,':""""
"'That By-Law No. 272 be read a third time and passed..
~ed. .
"That By-law. No 270 berf'a:l a third 'time and filially
passed . Carried~
The Warden, with the COIJspnt of the Council, left the
ohair, and _ nomin.ated Mr. Nairn to be chairman, after w hien
l\:Ioved by Mr. King, seconded by l\1r.Oameron,_
"That B'v-lawnumber 271, to confirmBy-la~v 221, of the
Townshi:p ~f S6utIlwold to cOll,,-ey a part of a certain RO;-td .
allowance to Patrick Bl"a~y,- be l"PCeiVEd and read ~ first
time. . Carried:
His Ronor Judge Hughes ac1drf'ssed"the.Coun/cil, and prt-
sented an account for services rendp.l'ed bya detective officer
in the village of' Vienna, when it was
Moved by l\ir. Cameron, seconded by MI'. Brown,-
"That Bv-Law ~o. 271 ~~ read a second time. Carried.
Moved by L\f,'. -Bt'O\\iii, sFco~ded by Mr. Camel'on,~
"That By-law umnber 271 be read a third time and
finally passed. Car6ed.
Moved by Mr. McCausl:md, seconded by Mr, Heg]e~,_
Ul'bat ~he Warden sign a cheque payal:>le to J o?ge
Hugh<!s for forty-eight dollars, being amount ... paid by him
toa detective for servieesat Vienna. Carried.
- The Wal'de~ took the chair.
Moved by ~r, Davis, seconded by;Mr.Charlton,_
Movedhy MI'. King, seconded by Mr. Ellison,-
"'That.By-law,numbec 272, to'confixill By~law n-umher 223y
"'l'hat the Clerk notify tIle Secretary of the C. S; R. Co.t
that it is the intep.ti~p of this Con~cil to insist on the right.
of the-COiinty to the one thousand dol1a~ per mile granted
by the Government on aCCO\lDt of that portion of the
Mool'etown branch passing thro.ugh the County, and
that if the Railway Oompany ohject liD thiE mou~y being
paid to the County, their agents will be heat;d before ~he
Council at the nexts8ssiun. .~. Carried.
Elgin C t C -1
orn y .ounCl Proceedings.
Moved by Mr. O'Malley, secondad by Mr. Conn,-
"That, ~1::~ Clerk draft a By-Llw for tbe offering of it
standing reward oCfifty dollars fm'the- apprehe'nsloll of a.nd
conviction of persons guilty of the crime of arson withtn
the limits of tbe County of Elgin. Motion lost.
Thursday, Nov. 11, 1875.
Movei. by Mr. :McBr~:le, seconded by Mr. Haggan,:-
The_c;our~cil met at ten o'clock forenoon.
The V\T.a.rden in the chait..
"That the Coimcil offer a l'ewal'd of one hundred dollars
for the conviction of the p31'SOn or personq who fired the
bnildingsof Edwin Gl'ay, of. the townshipof,B.tyham, in
October last, by which his barns, sheds and gl'aitl w~re de~
stroyed. Carl'ied.
~embel's present,---':Mt"ss:rs. O'Malley, Stalker, Gal.:.
bralth, Conn, King"Camel'onElJison Brown D.a..r 'M
. ,. ,. , ,:.J, ar-
tm, McInt,yre, DaYis,_ ,McCausland, Nairn, Haggan, Heg.
ler. Charlton, McBl'ide, Griffin and HunsbeI(1er
, . b .
l\fr. Q':Malley gave notice of his intention to make appli-
cation to-nlorrO'V for a grant of one hundred dollal'sin"aid
of:the 25th..Battalion Band.
The pl'oceedil1gs of tbe _ previous day were read and
'll.uthorised to Le signed,
Mo....ed by Mr. Ellison, seconded by Mr. Mlt.l'tin,-
TI~eWardf'n -1'eada _ commullication from G. W. Btggs,
makmg appJicaJion fOl' tl,leoflice-of keepel' of the Rouse of
"That this Conncil "I.djou':n till ten o'clock to-mOIl"oW'
morning. Carried.
:Moved by Ml'. O'~falJe'y, seconded by Mr. Stalker,....:...
"That the Vhrden petition the. Lf'gislative Assembly of
~~.,.~~~!~~,~~extsession, to So amend the_A~.se~sment Law
I ,i ~
~s to remove 'the unfair distinction between the cultivator
of grain and the farming of livestock. That the live stock
of farmers, necessary uSf.'d by them on theil' fanus, be:
exempt,from Il)c,~l anrL~j\lniiicipal:,'taxa.t,ipn. .L-Qit.
';',~ .-,. .J, ',~,: ""oJ ,I":>..,~ --..'. .': " ", -,,_,
land, Beglei\, 'Chadton Davis, "Na?n~ D~y. 'M-a'rt.in and
M()T~dhy-- M r.'-Dav; sEic01{{1ed 'by"Ml'.'Mal-tin __
~ .. , .. ,
YEAs--:-:O'Malley, Galbraith and Stalker-3.
" " C",.;, ..', :_
"That tlre Tred~llre't ray "tIle Ward~n'- ten "dohars towards
def~'a)'ing ~~peDses,,;i?itiDg t~e,:gouse:gf E.efuge at".Berlin
and NoJJQlk, for the benefit of tbis.County. Ca:'ri~d.'
NAYS~Griffin. Hunsbel'gel', lifcBl'ide, Ha.gg<lu,McOaus-
land, Hegler,Charlt~~, D~vis, Nairn, Camel'on, Brown,
King, Ellison, Day, Martin and McIntyre-l 6.
Moved by Mr. O'l\i311eYJ seconded by Mr. Martin,-
Moved ,by Mr. :McBrile,sec;mded by ~h. Hnnsbergel',-
"That tIle Warden petition the 'Ontario Legislature at its
next session, to amend the' Asse:,s~p.nt Law so as to do
away with the assessment of personal propertv; that MUll
nicipal and local taxes should he raised from reai property
of the different :M unicipalities. Lost.
HThat A. F. Bntler and John Miller, members ofttle
County Boal'd of Examiners, be requirel\ to appea!" b~.~ore
this Conneil, and give exphnations tmiching the appeal Of
S. C. Woodw:orth m,the C",ntl'al Committee a.t Tot.onto, to
app~a~~here at five o'clock t.hisevening. O'\'l'ried,
Moved by Mr. Camm'on, seco'ndedbyM:r. Bt'Owl'l,-
YEAs-Galbraith, Stalker, Martin, O'Malley-4.
"That By~IJ:lw No. 259, passed at the .Lmlla,'.v seSl'sioll to
make provision for the'snpportof th3 High Schools be
amended, so ~hat the amO\luts to be paid to s:tid High
Schools be a. definite stated S\l,n, in phtce ofheingamonnts
equat-r6 .the d~fi,~iBriC.v b'f tk~ Govel'nmellt_ G,l;ilnt~, ~o p:'\.y
the s'\.11l1.tes 'Of th;" tPil.C1181';:: i:j "a,(d 80hoo!s as mentione] in
silid By-law. nnmb~r 259. Lost.
,NAys--Gl'iffin, Hunsberger, McBride, McOauslaT;ld, Heg-
ler, Davis, Nairn, Brown, King, Ellison, Day and Haggan
Messrs Butler and...Miller appeared before the Conncil,
and made statement respecting Mr. Woo:.1wor~h's certificate
from the Board of 'Examiners.
K oved by Mr. Nairn, seconded by Mr. Davis,~
~ '
YEAs-CtnirWOl;, Brown', Ki'1g~ Ellison, Stalker and
NAYS~Gl'iffin, Hl1nsb....,lgl1~, i\'!cBt'ide, Hlggl.U, MC:'O:lus-
"T11attl.e Rep3rt of the Special COID!uittee appointed
. .
to draft rules ~nd regulations fOl,'the management of tl.e
House of Industry and Indnsh'ial farm, be received and read_ .
Moved by Mr. O'Malley, seconded by M,'. G"lbi-aitb,~
That the question DE 1\fr.W<)o:lworth's ccmmnnic.l.tion
be laid over till' next session of t.his Couricil. Carried.
Moved by Mr. DJ.Y, seconded by ~t'. King,-:-:-,
Elgin Ccunty Ccunci1 I'roceedings.
Friday, Nov. 12th, 1875"
"That the Council adjourn till nine o'clock to-morrow
m~)1"ning. Carried.
The Council met at nine o'clock.
i ~
TLeWclJ'denin tIle cliair.
Members pl'E'.8€nt,- O'Malley, Stalker, Galbraith, qam-
ero~, King, Brown, Day, McIntyre, Martin, McCausland,
Haggan, Davis, Hegler, McBride, Charlton, Ellison, Griffin,
The proceedi.ngs of previous session\'vere read and signed ,
The Warden read :l. commun'ication -from Dr. Tweedale,
makin.a appIicatioJJ for ,thf' office of Surgeon to the House
of Industry.
The Warden also read a Jetter from Ml' Casey, recom-
mending Dr. Going to the office of surgeon for House of
Industry. 1
, Moved by Mr. O'Malley; se~onded ,by. Mr Stalker,__
"Th<it the report of t.he Finance Oommittee be received and
read. Carried.,
HThat By-law number' 274 be read ~ ~hird time and
passeo. Oarried.
The Clerk read Fin'lnce Report.
Moved by Mr. Cbtn"ltOll, seClHl(led by l\h: Heslel',-
]\.foved by Mr. Hegler, seconded by MI'. Chal-lton,_
"That, By-b.w nnrriber 275, to appoint Speci<ll Committf'.e
in themattter of schooll:lection21, :Malahide, be load a first
~ime. Carried.
"That the Report of the Fi~~~c:a Committee be adopted
Moved l1Y l\fl", Cam won, secolld(d by Mr. :Brown,-
Moved by Mr. RegIer, seconJeCl I~y Mr. Chill" ton,-
"That By_law number 275 be read a second time. Car~
"That By~la\\l; number 273, to equali2~ the Assessment
Rolls, be read a first time. CarriEd.
Mcve 1 by l\iL'. C~l.:.n('rou, seconded by .Mr. Davis,-
Moved by MI', Humberger, seconded by ~l'. Gnffin,-:-
"That B.v-law' number 275 be read a third time and
passed. Carried.
"That By-Ia'w number 273 be read. a secclUd time. Car-
Mov,ednyMi\ Haggan;, secorrdedc'by MI~;" HllllsJ:.etgtir,_'.
The Clerk read Report of Committee 2ppointedto pre-
. '" - ~
pare By,.laws and. t't;gull:l.-Lons respecting House of Industry.
"That By-law number 273 be read a. third time and
finally,.passed., UJ.rl'ied.
Moved by Mr. Davis, second~d by Mr. Brow.1,-
~oved by Mr. Haggan,secouded by Mr. McCJ,uslandi.:,L.-
"That the Report of the Committee appJinted to frame
B.y-Iaws ~nd regulations for the gO\!ell1ruent of the House
of Industry be adopted. Oal'l'ied.
t. ,'. .
"That By'-law nuinher 274, to r~ise$d,OOO for County PUl':- .
poses, be read a first time. Carried.
In amendment,
MOved by Mr. Hunsberger, seconde~ by Mr.. Griffin,:-
Moved by Mr. Hegler, secondod by Mr. Slalkel',--
"That By-law ullmbdl' 274 be read a second ti.me. Carried.;;' ,I
Moved by;' Mr. 'Hegler; ,se'codded', r b.Y""Mr.'6ha;li6.~',' ':'"
llThat the Report of Committee appoin~e 1 to prepare
By-laws, &c.,forHouse of Industry, ue referred back to
C)mmit.tee, with instrnetionsto amend itso as totUak~ it
tile dnty of the OrInt}' to tHY the ex:p.'J:lB ofsealltls P:Hl-
pel's to th~ Honse of Industry i~l phCB of Ch:tt"glOlg: it to the
Jocall\'Iunicip<"litiE"s. Lost.
YEAS-.-GI'iffill, . Htv,<'oe"'g'~l', 11eole,' Oh ,,'l'on Y7,n-
<.." ',-,' ~,,; l> ,1.0...' 01
be authorisedto procure stoves, or ~dopt any other metIlOd
of heating wllich said Committee may deem~ most advjsable,
and ere-ct out-buildings such as may be requiredfor the use
'of the inmates-, anti also fl:l'bish such rooms as said Commit-
tee- may think required for immedIate use. Carried.
O'Malley, Stalker, Galbraith-S.
NAy,,~a"'ggtll, MGO.1l1sh.nJ, DIvis, C-:'ll~J")n, a:"a.Yil/
~lliS!n1, D"lY, M1.J'Lin and l\1cIntYI'e-9.
Moved by l\ir. J\fcCausland, seconded by Mr. Charlton,-
Mlj~ed by MI". lVI-trtin. "ec~ndecl by 1ft" Bro\Vn,--
"Tb\lt the Warden is hereby authorised to call a special
meeting of t11is Council on the recoIilmendatio,n of the Com~
mittee in charge of the, erection of House of Industry.
;'T:I:l~,G'l<:; l:y,~ inki)1llce:.1luto t;l"l, CJ\mty B'liltllng~, pN-'
vid"!d the OJ;n!) ~U\y ph.c:-, a ]i~llt in rl'on~ of thp (hur~
Hon!'>e at the,CJltlp:lny':-; expen,>e. :.\'Iotiotl \....ithdrawll.
Moved by Mr. Hunsberger, seconded by Mr. G-riffin,-
"That the Clerk procnre a supply of municipal election
b]~nks fo'l' the several municipalities, except. ballot papers,
and that tbo pl'Oceedings be printed and distributed as for~
merly. CUlTied.
:Moverl by lVIr. O'1hlle.f, seconded by MI'.G:tlbraith,-
":rhat it is no\,dRsil'l-lhle at pre;.;ent to iuctH, the eXpeiHlEl'
of ga"t fixJllre;:; fOl' tilE' fe\v tiil1e>':l each y'eal' lig1lt is req.ail"p.d
in the Coni t, HOURc :tnd offic<:,s. LClRt.
[\. Mcved by :Mr. O'Malley, seconded by Mr. Stalker,.,--
M ,lver! Ml", ~lCnlll!>hnd, seconded by i\h. fhgg:m, _____
"That the Olerk prepare by next~)S3ioh of this CannciI'
a By.Law for the assuming of an roads f<kroing: town::.hip
boundary lines, which are also bOlmdar'y lines between thi~
County and, the adjoining Oounties ofKent,Middlesex,OxM .
foro and Norfolk, Lost,
'~Th~t th", GO'lJ- C,ynmittf-'e h~ :1-llChOl'iSBd to' mdr" 'lll
:t]"mngem~nt with ~lJe G l-i C )'O;h'1V f~!" t1t~ i It!" )-l:t ~tif)'l or
gas into tt1,~ Q,I'11't [{-)!I'3~. if t,l1~ OJ Ii n;tt'~H tllink
advls'lhle-. c,t! I'led.
YEAs-O',Malley and SLalke'r.
M,)\,d\bi :\1l". DIY,: s':'C")'ld,,1 !IV \il'. ~~lltn 1,--
"Th;-tt t:_heBuiHillg C,),ll.iIlitt,ce (Hth-,' H;lllS'~ of R~hi~~
NAYs.....,...Griflin~ IIunsburger, Haggan, :DiIcCansland, Heg
ler, Ca.:iJ.eron, Cbar1ton~ Davis, Brown, Day; Galbraith, Me--
Intyre,King, Ellison and Mal'tin-15.
Moved, ~y. Mr. Ellison, seconded by Mt".Raggan,--,-,-
Renort of Finance Oommittee, 1875.
"That 't!H~ Treasure!" pay to Lieut. Parish, Sec.-Tt'eas,
of the 25th Battalion Band Committee, the sum of 01lfl hun~
dred dollars for the uSe and benefit of the said B:J.tt :lion
Band. Lost.
To lhe_ Ward.enandCminciloj the' County of Elgin
:M:o'~ed' by lYIr. Hegler, secondecYby Mr. Haggan,_
Tb<~ Oommittee'on FinallCE' bt'g lea~v€_ to j'eport -that they
have: ex:~mineJillto tIle '.:financial: A Ifail~l? 9f. the Connty,
<ihd,:tJle liist,imat€R snbll1itted Ly the_Countv _ Trf'rifml'el';rt~~y
hel:ewi111 sul)mita Statelt;ent r)f the expenditure J'eqtiil'~d,'to
bepl'ovidedfol'_: the J~\vfnl purposes:of the C(~I~n~t}oi--:th6
CUlTer.t yearj,shpwing:-a!llquntR to::,bl.f raised for' the 'under- .
nl~ntioned ptvposes, namely:
~'That t.Ee VVltl'cIen h~ paid tIle snm of sixty dollars for
extnt sel'vices'pel'foruwd throughout the ye,u'. U uTie I
Debentm:es-mid ,Conpons (old)__.. .. .. $_ 1528 00
: Southern Raihva~" Deb.(,'ntul't~S :and.:Oonpons .. ]9,300 00
- Gaol Improv,ementj Debentures and Coupons 2.'90000'
Admillistratinn of Justice .. .. .. .. 3:500 0"
Payment of J nrors 2,OOa, 00
Oounty Lines and Bridges . 2.00000
High Schools.. . . 1;5QO;<')0
Inspectors of Schools 590 00
Examiners of .Ditto.. 350 00
General Purposes .. 3,243 00
Moved by ~h.,C<lmeron, seco,ndsd by l\ft". Da.vis,_
"T-hat a vote of thanks be tendei'ed to the-'Clerk and
Treasnrer far tlleir efficient ~ervices duriflg the present year.
:M.:ovedby Mr. McUanslaud, sfcondedby1f,'. C,tmeron~_
Common Schools equal to Go'\ernment Grant
~36.91l 00
4,'423 00
<<That a vote of thanks be
Esq., for hisa~leand 'impal'tial
Cotmty for the cmrent J ear.
tendored to George Sllffel!"
services ES '\-Varden of this
$41,334 00
Less on iicconut of General Purposes and Ad- ~
ministration of J Gstice, &c., 3,077 00
On ll'Wtion of Ml'. Stalker, secanded by Mr. JHartin,_
$38,257 00
"The ~(jOlmcil adjourned sine die, and the \-Varden was
aut!1orized to sign draft for membel's w-ages.
Y OtH Committee recommhnd t.hat the sum of Thirty-
eight ThOlWtlnd Two Hundred and Fifty-seven Dollars be
raise:] and Je\'ied on the rateable propel'tvv in the several
Municipalities in the COUlltyof Elgin, for Jawful County
purpo~e3, as p:>I' Schedule Ilel"ewith, alid tllat the req\lisita
By.I~aw8 be passecl to levy a rate of Two and three quarter
MilIs ~n: tIle Dollar, excIl1siveofSchools, on the amount of
rateable PI'OpP.l:ty (as equalized for tha preceding year) to
raise said amounts.
Wl\1. IIIcKAY,
I :;o~~~rtl:~~~ti~
~~ ~ rl ~ ~.O ~ ~.'1
"l;ll .'. i::l 0 0..::: . 0 0
I ~. : .::rro .~2..p"..
........ . C. .... :;::l,.'Oq
(ll. ~.,. P'"
J':" :~:
. .
I-' o~~~:...:.~:..:r
o H.
o 00
S ~
~ .~
c "
~ g.
~ -
... ..,'-'::1
'" M
. II> C
~. 0-
'" a
Q1. ..,..
. ,
H q
~ "
~ m
lo- 'Z~
~ to.
~ Z
o ~
w ~
. "
w ~
. I Arrc"
MUlllclpalltlt'l' A~se~~,'d in
" lfl'l5
Al~lQorollgh 76,]26
DU!1wich 6Q.158
Sonthwold 76,702
YarmOllth 69,628
S. DorchesteJ 30,600
1\1alahidJ 62,350
B.yham 56,704
Pt. Stanley
Penomtl PJ{lp'~
und Jl,cme
il'HJ~et'd IJIlb75
$ 83,200
'151 585
H~al P"ope t)'
AS~Pfl"ed in
$ 820,302
. ],703,765
] 07,320
To the @oundl of the @ounty of Eluin :
110 "-'l.l'cl Heal&I~'<l'".I"ll'?Olll& pt.r801Ia1.'\;!I"'.'OU>lIJ'ro.
vtllne lIe Pl'()!)'" ,t~ ."'~e..~ Prrm', 1l!!F,qllUI pert.}' f!l
an,'e, ~M! ed in 18'1'5. '1:,:l'oj.. 1fl7~ ','qIHlP,iill "llS
$23 00 $903.5112 "' ],850,898 $ 100 000
29 00 1,855.665 2.056,167 If)] 585
4200 2.712,320 3.421,232 ]99748
46 00 2,792,517 '3.40" b,8 200 000
4300 ].00().205 1,375.703,,9903
3700 1,992,795 2.461.950 155000
20 00 1,506.866 1,254,080 1~0 000
92,023 76 200 ]4 498
375,347 247.200 52 425
113,295 8,;.,5(; 5 975
-'-- ___I_---'-~-
13.350.n35 I ~,56811 059 ]~1;..
. The' Committ.ee on Equalization Of ASBessment Rolls of the Municipalities In theConnty-of Elgin, fol'
the year 1875, -be'g l"ave t.o snblnit the foregoing Schedule of Equalizatioll, which they l'0corruuend to be adopted
by the:Coi.uwil.
All of \vhich is respectfunysuhm:jtt~d.
Oo,iYlmitt.ee ltu()nl, ~ ~:;vember 10th, 187'5.
Report. of House of Industry OOJ:i1mittee.
To tll,e Warden and COUJwil althe County. ofEr~i1J::'~
Your Committee would stattfthat estimates flf fonr thong..
and f'e\'en Illlndl"ed <.lr.d sixty dolhHB blve been In:-lde t..y }fr.
Kllpatr'kk, the arcllitect., and paid to Mr. E .ison by the
Couuiy Treasurer.
The Speci'll Committee -a'ppointedto '. proc~ed_ with t.l!e
erect.ion ofa Honse of IndustryJor the Coun~Y,__9fEJgm,
beg lea"e to report:
Y unr Committee would stafe tJlat the heating of t.he
building bfl~ not beenfinalJy determined upon by them, an 1
the UlattHl" wiJI have to be decided by tIle Council wnether
hot ail' ft:rnl-lces will be intwuuced or commOn box stoves
placed in the apal.tments~
That., as instru:::ted by yonr Council at the Ja~~ Infleting,
tbe vVal.den p;-tid ,Mr. Oolethl'f'e thollRand?ol1ars }orthe
purchase offifcy acres of land fOI' :in Industnal Fa~~:
y om' ~Oorrimittf'e ad \rertised for tenders for t.h~ _.erection
of a Honse' of Industry to c.'"'lst about six thous.;:m1- dollars,
and re<::eived the following eleven proposals ;_
The Committee on examinlltion of tIll'! buildings, found it
nE.>ceSSlll'Y to DI.del' the u8sement to be pbstel'ed, \vlJich th€l
contractor agl'eed to do for one hundred and twenty-five
CharlesScrase. . . . .. . . -.. . . .. . . .. . . . ;..
HanyLindop.,... .......... ........ ......
Thomas :Mt.tc~lf.........................
Ponsfot'd & S,Jlld'~rs...................
Richard Ching...... .... ........ ",..'...
4-al'on Kilpatrick;;................; ..".
JftlneS Finney... " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '_'"
vV. W. GrAen:........................
Hubbi'l.l;d Ellison.;............ ',. ~ ... ...
Fl~edetick PI"ice..... '....;........ "~'_"
W. C. Reid...........................
$6850 00
6885 00 .
7560 00
C7~5 00
7*37 OU
6989 00
G931 00
G6}5 00
615.0 00
6UJO 00
7470 00
ThE.> nommitJee waultl also state tl1at they bave in<;ul'ed
the bnilding:" for the Sum of five thollsand dollars, wiGh a
Citl'pel:tP-I'S 1.ISk fOl' two mo?ths, at llsual rate for one year.
The nsk llus been etft:cted In the P1Hlmix Company.
Yom' Commi';tee wonld suggest tllaG if. would be very
satisf:,ctot"j' .t") the Committee that tht'\ CO'tlTIcilshou]d \'i8i~
the Honse of Industry and make an eXHmin ltion of the
WOl'K'<<, so tJlat thf'Y may see for tl1€lUSelves tile progre3B
t.hut lw.s been made.
Your Committee have vi~ited thework~ ~J:lPlogres!'t. and
hilVeno'doubt, fl'om the::-'enel.gy,di~plB:ye:~.:. ill_ pushing
forward the works, that they >wiU,:' Qe_; compl!3ted by the
specified -time. -
DAVID KING, Chairman,
~ ,Mr~ Ellis,on's tenders for $6, 15q,wa'3 aCCel)~ed, by your
Committef and a Cont.mct enter'edinto for. the erection of
tbe bU'ilding, to be finished by thefir~t cbYof January next.
A~l of whichis respectfully submitted.
St Thomas, Nov. 9, 1875.