1877 Minutes
Elgin Coun.ty Council Proceedings.
TUESDAY, JAN. 23, 1877.
The ReeY8s a.nd Deputy Reeves of the several JliIuni,
cipalit.ies in the County, met, at thE' Court HOUf',e as
reqnir(-;n by Statuti", fer the purpose of (~lpctillg n,
\Va,}"cl.E'n of the County: ani{ ha,villg preRented tl1(~ir
Certifin~lt,t's of appointment tool, their seat.s a.t the
Couneil as follovvo.
PEn;R STALK]j:R, Reeve.
T. W. KIRh..PAT.lUOK, 1st Vepnty Reeve,
BARNUM HOUSE, 2nd Depllty "
MERHlD[TH CI)~N, Ree,,-e
ANGUS McI~TYRE, Deputy Reeve1
DUNCAN CAMBELL, 1st Deputy Reeve
WILLIAM RISDON, 2nd .Deputy "
1st Depnt.y Reeve,
2nd Deputy Reeve,
3rd ,. 'I
\'ill>!. R. 8UMlIfERS,
1st Deputy Reeve,
2nd.' "
T. W. DOBBIE, Rea\'e,
HENRX STRA~TON, l~t Deputy 1 ~eYe
WM. BACKHOOS~ 2i1d" do.
ANDRE\Y N. CLINE. Deputy Reeve,
T. M. NAIRN, Reeve,
The members b~ing present were called to order,
the Clerk in the Ch,ii', when It 'vas,
Moved by D. Brown, seconded by M. Payne,-
"Th~t M~. Conn be Warden of the Conn!y for
pT€Sent year."
Moved by M. Conn, Reconde.d by P. Staiker,-
"That Dngald Brown be Walden for the present
Moved by G. Snffsl, seconded by M, Conn,-
"That Ed ward Hegler ~: elected IVai'den of the
Contity for the cUl'rent year.
Moyed by W. B~ckhoUle, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That Samnel Day be Warden of the County fo~
the present year."
The vote having been taken by ballot, Samuel Day
~eceived the greatest number.
The Clerk declared Mr. Samuel Day duly eleeted
The IV arden elect made the declaration of Office
before his Honor Judge Hughes, took the Chair, and
addressed the Council.
The proceedings of the last day of the previous
session were lead, and authorized to be signed.
The following Communications were then read.
From James Bethune, M. p, P. legal opinion on the
Canada Southern Rail way claim.
From the County Treasurer, with Financial State-
Frvm the Connty Treasurer, with Copy of State-
meut of fees collected at Registry Office.
From William Morris of Ingersoll, respecting claim
of damages on account of state of County line, Elgin
and Norfolk.
From a number of Counties respecting the appoint-
ment of Valuators.
>/ ,
From the Crown Lands Department, III reference
to the Delaware line sUl'vey.
From Dr. Willson M. P. P. acknowledging receipt
of petition respecting the Ontario Medical Act.
From, ;rames 4, Be]); in reference to the Delaware
From J. P. l\~artyn, making ap\,lication for the
office of Acuditor.
From W. J. White, making application for office of
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Heglor,-
"That Vv. J. White be appointed one. ofthe Audit?rs
lor the current year." Lost, '
Moved by J, Haggan, seconded by T. W. Dobbie,-
"That Chal'les Roe be one oPhe Auditors for the
current year." Lost.'
Moved by T. W. Kirkpat,rick, .cconded by Peter
"That J. P. Martyn be appoigted one of the
Auditors for the ~urrellt year." Carried:
The Warden nominated Charles Hoe one of the
C6\intyAudi\orsforthe present year. . '.' ,
Moved bj E. Hegler, seconded by A. N. Cline,-
j' ,:; . .
That the Wl1rden appoint a Committee of three to
strike the Standing Committees.
j: '..'
In ammendmant moved by G. Suffel, seconded by
W. Backhouse,-
"That Messrs }iair)l, Brown and the Mover be ,s,
Comm,itte to ~trike the S:l1nding Committees for the
A.mendment lost and main motion Carried,
~hc Warden nominated Messrs Davis, Brown aDd
NaIrn to be a Committee to strike the St,mdina Com-
mrltees. b
The sp,ecialCommitteereported the following names
of CommIttees.
;3uffel,Dobbie, Hegler, ponu and the ,Warden.
E Due A T ION.
Nairn, Lock," Stalker, Haggan, and IGi:kpatrkk.
Iobbie, Cline, Stratton, Cambell "nd Risdon.
G A 0 LAN D P R 1 N TIN G.
Dav!s, Nairn and tbe,Warden.
H 0 USE 0 ~ I N D U S TRY.
Brown, Davis and the Warden.
Moved hy T. W. Dobbie, seconded by H. Strattou,-
~~That the,. Rep?rt of th~ Spe.cial.Committee, apc
P9"~~~d to ~tllke the ,;3tal1dmgpomimttees'be adopt,ed.
Carned.. . . , , , " "',,,'
- . otice that he will apply ta-
Mr. Backhonee gave n H nared Dollars on behal!
morrow for a Grant ohf One. ~t of two Idiotic children,
f James Ribble for t e SUPPOl
~ liks amount having been grantf'd last year.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by AN. Conn,~
. the nsnal snpply of Assess-
"That the Clerk procme h f the seve.ral
enl, and Collectors' Rolls for t e ~~e 0 ..' d
:n:uicip~~litieg: for tb~ current year. Carne.
. f T W Kiroatrick, seconded by B.
On motIon 0 . . !
a dJ'OUl'ned till 10 o'c!'ock to.morrow
The Oonncil
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24, 1877.
met at the Court
The Oounty Oouncil of Elgin
Bouse at 10 o'clock forenoon.
Tl1e Warden in the Chair.
M . Stalke ", Locke, Dobbie,
Membe?*s p1"ese~~;;; S~-:'~t~on, __House, Doyle, Back-:
Kirkpatnck,. Hep. p' McIntyre Haggan, Suffel,
Conn Dams ('-yne, - ' Cl'
house, , 'R' d FIegler Cambell, ~ne.
Brown, Summers, '/,8 -on, ,
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
authorized to be signed.
Mr. Summers presented petition of William, IMc,
Intosh and fifty-four others,Freeholders of the Village
of Springfield. with the Census thereof tal;:en by Robert
Scott respecting the incorporating of said Village.
A deputa,ion consisting of Messrs McKenzie a'1d
.J'vlcL6an of the St. Thomas High School Board, ap-
peared before the Council and made statements re,
specting ~he attendance of County pupils at said
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by A. MaIntyre,-
"That the Connty T"easurer beap).lointed one of
the Members of the Board of Audit for the Adminis.
tration of Justice Acccunts." Carried.
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by G. Suffel,-
"That the Reverend j, J.. Shultie be appointed
Trustee of the Vienna High School for the term of
three yeaI"s." \ Carried.
Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D. Brown,-
"That the Clerk procure a supply of the Assessors'
Guide for the use of the several Mnnicipalities, for the
current year." Carried.
Mr. Payne gave notice that he will apply to-morrow
for a Grant of Fifty Dollars, for the maintenance of
Magnus Sanderson, a poor indigent cripple of South.
:Moved by E. Hegler, secone1ec] by A, N. Cline,::::'
"Tbat George Suffel be appointed one of the
Auditors for tbe Administration of Cl'iminal JnBtice
A'c'r'Olliits for the cUl'ioent year:" CalTi~d.
l\ll:oved b.y W. Backhouse, seconded by T. Vir, Donhie,
"That the Wal'den be authorized to issne his
1-, . ,', .' ,. k_'_" "
'eh~qh" ro~ the, sum of, One Hhndred Dqllars i" favor
Of HtiTIi:y Sti'atton,to be ,eXIJenc\ed for th~ relief of two
Iviotle clmdten of ilie, family of James Ribble iu indi'
'~'l?ht drchm-ttJDce~,' In the T(HVnship of Bayham;"
Mo'ved by T. W Dobbie, seconded by B. St~atton,-
"That' the il"p'ltation frqin the TowIl of St. :thoma.
SdWdl Boatt1 be heatt1 bi,fore the Counci1." Carriet1,
Mov0(] by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton,-
"That, the application of theSt.. J'Lom"s High
-ScriooI Hoard _for 3.Il. i!'_m"eased grari~ ,be refe;rred ~o th.e
€}om.ti1'iitee' 011 'Et1ucatioti~ and that the Warc1e-n sit
with the Committ.ee." Carried.
Muved by F. Buffsl,. B'o'centled by i. Hagga:ir,-
, "That this Coull'Cil, appoint a Committee t6 inquire
i\';totheright of the Township of Yarrrroyth, to' ~a"e a.
third Deputv Reeve, as a meulber of thls Council; as
there 3,1'8 reports that they have not on the Assess-
ment Rolls for 11\76, th~ legany f[ualified numbel' of
b~m'eEf-'6'll' said' Ro~Y ~s' m~ny of th~ na,nlc;s. ~t~ cpunt~~
mce;--'anu"solnl3 of th'em LUreS' aucT four times." Oar-
l'ieit '
Movec] by M. Conn, seconded by A, Mclntyre,-
"Th,tt t~e Resol'!tion in ~'eference to exemptions
from TaxatIOn be latd over hll afternoon." Carried.
Moved by H. Stratton, sec1nded by W. Backhonse,
"Th"t this Council adjourn till half past one
0' clock." Ga~ried.
At half past one o'clock the Conncil resumed'-
The Wai.!Je:h in the Cli~,r.
Moved by J. Hepbuhi; secoriaed by :T. Lock,,-
. ,'-' - ,'- - _:
" ":rfattliis ConnciJ, Grant the s';ri" of Twenty-nye
Donars as. a t6l'nporary support for Joseph Mont-
gomery, an Indigenlt>erson who haihad !:tis hand cut
off by a circular saw."
In Amendment 1st.
, .
,- ., '.
Moved,,;~y Peter Stalker, seconded by B. H~use,-
,.__(:T'ha.t ~he a~pl.ica:tioIi for aid to_ Mr. ,Montgomery,
",1;10. recelVed mJunes, he not entertained by this
In Amendment 2ud
M.oved liy George Suffel, seconded by David F.
"That the appliacti6n for aid:for one Joseph Mont-
.gbmel'S be not entertained,- a.s },bis council is of opinion
that if only temporary aid is needed that it should be
furnished by the local muuicipality in which he
resides. "
Main motion lost, and first ammendment Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by T. W. Dobbie,~
: "f!>at the nomination made by the Warden of ap'
pomtmg Charlgs Roe, one of County Auditors be con-
firmed by this Council-Carried.
Moved by M. Conn, seconded by A. McIntyre,-
"That By-Law Number 240, as amended in the
January Session 1875 in Reference to Dunwich and
Aldborongh being made a High School District and
also in reference to said High School being supported
by the Cuunty as a whole, be repealed, and that said
By-Law 240 read as before amended.
In Amendment.
Moved by T. M:. Nairn, seconded by D. F. Davis,-
"That the resolution of Mr. Conn in r~rerence to
High Schools District, aud the support of H gh
Schools be not now passed, bu~ that the questions in-
volved therein be leferred to the Committee on Edu-
cation, with instructions to report thereon to-morrow.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by D. }<'. Davis,-
"That this Council Petition the Legislature of On-
tario, that in case any change be made in the Assess-
ment Law at the present Session with respect to
property now exempt from 'faxation, that the follow-
ing property he allowed to remain as at present
exem.pt froIl?- Taxation, viz. '
All Public School Property and the neee!3!3ary Land
con,:,ected: therewith, County Jails, Cour,t Houses,
Reglstry Offices, and other Connty Buildings or
Offices and the' Lands cOlmected therciwith, all
Churches and. the necessary quantity of Land con-
nected therewIth, aba aU Cemeteries." Carried.
~essrs Armstrong, Ayerst aud Robinson, a depu-
tatIOn from the O?uty Agl'lcultural Society, appeared
b~fore the Oo,:,nml, and made, str.tements respecting
aid to; the Agncultural Societies of the Oounty.
, Mr. Dobbie give,notice that he will apply to-morrow
for a Gra,;t of Fifty Dollars, as part payment to
George Wlseman, for the loss of a valu..ble young
Horse, on the Road used in lieu of the Ooun~y Line
between Elgiu and Norfolk. '
Moved by T. M. Nairn, s,conded ].;" D. Brown,-
"That, tke Clerk be instructe.t to forward to the
Commissioner of Or.own Lands, a Oopy of Mr. Be!!'s
letter of the 8th January la.st in reference to the Sur-
vey of the Town Line between Delaware and South-
wold." Oarried.
Moved by W. Risdo,", seconded by D. Cambell,-
"That t.hiB County gra~t to. each Riding Agricul-
tura! SocLety the sum of Two Huudre.t. Dollars.'.'
MOtlO," Lost.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by B. House,-
"That the Treasurer be authorized to l?ay to NIl'
Waterworth forty, three Dollars, heing one half of his
account for Superintending the erection of the Bridge
across the River Thames, at the terminus of the
Graham Road between Elgin and Middlesex, the
Oounty of Middlesex having paid the other half, Mr.
Wattcrworth having beenappoil1ted by a joint Oom,
mittee of Elgin and J\1iddlesex." Carried
Moved by W. Risdon, seconded by D. Oambell,-
"That this C0uncil Petition the Attorney General
for On:l;ario, to discharge from jail, David Hender-
shott ~,na Samuel Little. who are confined for giving
Liquor to Indians, the one under a fine of One
Hundred Dollars, and (,he other uuder a fine of Fifty
Dollars, and who ha"\'e no means of paying said fines,
and who have served their term of inprisoninent re~
spectivelJ two momhs and six months." Oarried.
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by M. PayuA,-
"That' this Oouncil forward the opinion of Mr.
Bethune, to Mr. Kingsmill, Secretary of the Oanada
Southern Railway Oompo,ny, asking him to reply
definitely before the next meeting of tbis Oouncil, as
to what the Oompany will do in the premises." Lost.
In Amendment.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,-
HThat this Council after having heard the opinion
of M1'; Bethune with reference to the matter peDding
between this Oouncil, and the Oanada Southern Rail.
way Oompany, regnest the Clerk to forward to N.
Kingsmill Esg" Secretary of the said Railway Compo
any, a fCoPY ~f said opinion and1'eqnest a deft 't
answer rom hIm as to to their inten . ill e
~ f~i~e 3essio.I,l ofbthis qon?cil and if not:~~~is~:~~~:/~~
. onnCll t ey wIll Lhen pracet'cl t .
Arbitrator on bebalf f th' 0 ,,0 a~rJOmt an
, (0 IS annty. Un.rned.
fo ~~. Nairn gives notice that be will to. morrow move
repayment of the following accounts '
G. W. Rife, ... '$10 40
Johu White
, ' ... ... ... .., ... 41 00
bemg expenses incurred in following tl^ ane] .
the c . t" f' I-' ( secnnna
robbe~~:~ci1~o~l~ -;;~~.t~.m PfaArtiles engaged in extensiv;'
J at:>8o Y mer, last Summer.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by T n, D 1 b'
. .vv. 0) 18,-
,"That t?8 COl11?cil adjourn_ till to. morrow mOl'niner
at te~ o. cloe1" m oraar to allow the Members t:"I
~:;mc~l time ~o visit the Hiluse of Indus(,ry and t::
era. Oommittees to mbet and rell01.t" c ..' d .
. . arne .
THURSDAY, JAN. 25, 1877.
" The Oounty Comlci1 met on tbis doy at 10 0'c1001,'
The Wardeu iu tbe Chair.
Membe1:s present.-MessJ's Stalke.., Oambell, Hegler,
Ki~'kpat:rick, Hepbu1on" Cline, House, Lock~" Doq'bie,
Conn', Doyle, St7;a,tton? McIntyre,_ Davis, Backho'llJse,:
B1"OWn, SU711Jn~el's, BujIe,l, Risdon, Hag[JCfJn, Payn,e~
(Lnd N (l,ilon.
The proceedings 9f th,e previous day w.ere read and:;
anthor.iz~,<J: to be 8igned.
Mr. Butler, Insp~ctor of, Schooh, and Mr. Miller
:Prieinpa,1 of th~ High School St. Tlioma,s, appeared,
before the Council, anQ. made, applica,tionfor a gr,a,nt
in aid ofthe Library for the Teachers' Association. '
Moved by D, F. Davis, seconded by T. M. Nairn,-,
"That this Council grant the sum of Seveuty
Dollale for the purchase of a Teachers' Library in,
this Couuty on condition that thc'i'own of St.Thomas
arant the sum of Thirty Dollars, and the Teachers
~ontribute tb.e SUll;l of One Hundrend Dollars for the
same pui'pose." Oarried. .
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That David F. Davis of Malahide bc appointed
Trustee for the Aylmer High School for the term cf
three yea~s." Oa,rried.
Moved by D. Brown, seconded by W. Risdon,-
"That this Council grant the sum of "Fifty Dollars
to Magnus Sanderson, an indigent cripple ofSoiith~
wold, the money to be placed in the hands ofMr~
Payne, to be expende~ for his rslief from time to time
as required." Motion Lo~t.
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Pete~
"That the Report or the Finance Oommittee be
received and read."
The Clerk read Report or Edncation Committee.
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by J. Ha,ggltD,-
"Thltt the Report of Committee "ll Education he
adopted." .
In amendment 1st.
Moved by T. W. Kirkpi1trick,seconded by P. Stalker,
"Timt the Report of the Edncation Committee be
amended, so as to read Eight Hundred Dollars to .St-
Thoma" High School, Eight Hundred to A:rlmer H~gh
School and Six Hundred Dollars to the V,enna H,gh
School:" Lost on the following ili",sion.
Yms-Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House, Brown, Cltm-
bell, Risdon, McIntyre and Conn-8.
N',mi~Hepb'i1rn, Doyle, Lock,
Haggan, Davis, Summers, Cline,
Dobbie', Stratton, Backhouse-14.
Payne, 'Na;ir~,
Hegler, Sid'fe1,
In Amendment 2nd.-
Moved by M. Conn, seconded by A. McIntYl'e,-
"'That the Repo~t of the EduCl,t,on' Cominittee be
ameIiil"d so as to read that the High School Grant for
Aylmer be $600, Vienna $500, and St. Thomas $700."
The Ariiehan3enrswere piit and Iost.
Th'einain mciti6ili>'i.stlleb. ditrtied ahd th'e Eepo<t
Moved EYT. 'Mr, Naii'n, seconded llyJ. Haggan,-
"'1'1<.,,_,': . \ '.. ''-''', 'i :.~ _.' _';' :.: _ :,', _ -,'" i
"TIlat the o'pinionof James Bethune Esq., Q, C.
,Toronto, be obtained in. the matter at issue between
',- >. ........ .... .,oo.. ,,',... ,', ,"
the County and the Repreientative" 'of the laoe
Registrar." .
In Amendment it was.
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton,-
, f:Th\\t itais Coi1nbilappoint aCom,:,ittee 'composed
,POlie Warden, MiissrsS}lffel and NaIrn to 'takelegal
, lidViee,a1'ld if Ilecessaiy to,unc1'eftaketocolfect :the
aroc>unt due th'isConnty from 'theIateRegistrar.
The,'iA.in\'ndmc'tit'j.ms put 'and lost. kri.d tlieinain
motion carl'ied~
Moved byM.Conn, seconded by A. McIntyre,-
"That whereas one Jerl'Y Doyle ofVvallacetown, an
indigent, took suddenly sicl, aud died, anel con8e-
,qu8Iitlycould not be removeel to the House .of In-
dustry,-Therefore ,it ,is desirable that ,the County
should pay the accounts of George Everest R.:rohnson,
and William Love,amounting to $35.75 for attendance
and funeral expenses or said J .lfry Doyle;" Motion
Motion by W. 'Backhouse,seconeleel by J.1Iaggan,-
"That Charles Rich be appointed caretaker ,of .'t]J.e
Court House, at a Salary of Forty Dollars." Carried.
Moved by T. W. Dobbie,seconded byH. Stratton,-
"That the Warden be'authorised to issue hi8cheq)le
in favor of George Wiseman, for the sum of Fifty
Dollars in full payment f1omthisCounty for the, ,loss
of a valuable young horEe oy beini< 'drowned while
,t~a:ve]]ing ..on a road ,"sed in lieu of the County line
lietween Elgin arid NorfOlk."
In Amendment.
Moved by D. Brown, seconded by P. .Btalker,-
"That G. Wiseman's account be not eIitertitinM by
this Council +orth9 loss of his Horse on the County
line between Efgin and Norfolk, as the Claims 'if just
"should be paid by the Township of Bayham."
The Amendment was put and lost, and the main
.-motion was carriM on the following, elivision.
YEAS.-Baekhouse, Stratton, Dobbie, Suffel, Hegler,
Cline, Davis, Summers, Haggau, Nairn, Payne, Locke,
Doyle, Conn, "nd Risdcn-15. '
Nns.-Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House. Hepburn,
Brown, C"mbell and McIntyre-7.
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That the' gum of $10.40 be paid to G. W. Rife "nd
$30 to John White; being elIpenses paid uut by them
in pursuing ",nil securing the conviction of parties who
perpetrated extensive bmglaries in Aylmer, in Janu-
ary,1876." Carried. '
Moved by T. W. Dobbie, seconded by G. Suffel,-
"Th"t this Council do noW adjourn, to meet again
"t seven o'clock this evening." Motion Lost.
Moved by J. Locke, seconded by M. Dovle,-
"'I'h". this Cmm.cil adjonrn till to-morrow morning
at ten o'clock." Motion Lost.
Moved by T. W. Dobbie, seconded by H. Stratton,-
"That By-Law nmnber 291, to apl'omt Auditors, be
received and read a first time." Carried.
Moved by D. Bmwn, SMonded by D. C"mbell,-
"That By-L>1w numbey 291 be "",,.I >1 second time."
Moved by T. W. Dobbie. seconded by H. stra.tton,-
"That By"Law No. 291 he d . ,
finally passed." Carried. rea a thn'd tIme and
Moved by J. Haggan seconrleel by W R S
, . . ummel's,-
tI'm"e~~atoBy-~adw No. 292 be received and read" fiI'st
arfle .
Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D. Brown _
Ca~;;~~.t By -Law No. 292, be rc"d a second time."
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by P. Stalker
"That By-Law No 292 b 1 .
pass,"d." OarI'ied.' ,e reae " thIrd time and
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by B H
. Duse,
"That B L
fi . v- aw No. 293 be received 1
rst trme." Carried. ' , au( read a
Moyed by D, Brown seconded by M P
, . ayne,-
Ca::;;~~: By-Law nnmber 293 be read a second time."
MovedJby T. W. Dobbie,seconded by W B kh
.' ac Duse,
"Th"t By-Law number 293 be read a
and finally passed. Carried. ' third time
St~~:r~'!... by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter
"That the Council adjourn till the thir~ ~ue~d~y
. June next and that the Warden be aut onze "
;:;'gn draft for'Members wages, an~ the aCCcount~tt em,;
braced in the Report of the Fmance omml ee.
Elgin County Council Proceedings.
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1877.
The County Council met on this day at 10 o'clock,
The Warden in the Ohair.
Membe'1"s present.-Mess'1"s Stalke r, Risdon, Cline,
Ki'rkpatrick, Cambell, Davis, COT?n, Locke, Summers,
McInty,.., Hepbwrn, Doyle, House, Buffel, Dobbie,
Brown, Hegler, Haggan, Nailf'J~, Payne, and Stnfttton.
The proceedings of previous Session were read and
The Warden addl essed the Council.
The Clerk read tne following Communications.
From Adam Crooks, on Southern Railway Claim.
From F. Davis, respecting Clerk of the Peace.
From Mr. Bethune, on Registry fees.
From Nicol Kingsmill, on Railway claim.
From County Treasnrer with Estimates.
Report of County Auditors.
From Duncan McTavish, Sub-Treasurer, Iunwicb.
From William Johnson, School of Agricultnre,
From Thomas Hay, Brearl Contractor.
From Colin Macdougall, respecting Gravel Road
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by A. N. Cline,-
"That the Auditors Report of the County accounts
for J876, ,be ,received and finally audited by this
Council." qal'l'ied.
M\'. House gives notice th~t he will apply to'mor-
row for a Grant of Fifty Dollars towards building a
Lock-up House, in Bismark, Township of Aldbor-
Mr. Stalker gives notice that he will apply to-mor-
row for a Gant of Fifteen Dollars for boarding up to
railiug on the 'McKillop Bridge across the River
Thames on the boundary berween Elgin and Middle-
Mr. Pl1yne gives notice that he will apply to this
Council at its present Sitting for the sum of Forty
Dollars, for the purpose of replanking the West end,
and repairing the East end approaches to the Port
Stanley Bridge.
Moyed by G. Suffel, se~onded by E. Hegler,-
"That the Communications be now taken up and
-disposed of." Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That after hearing the opinion of J. Bethune
Esq" with reference to the claim of this County
against the Estate of .the late Registrar, this Council
-does not deem it expedient to prosecute the claim any
further in the meantime." Carried.
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconderl by D,: F. Davis,-
"That By-Law number 294 being a By-Law to in-
<JOrporate the Village of Springfield be read a first
time." Carried.
A Deputation from the Village of Springfield wo,s
present with the documents and petition of the in-
habitants for Incorporation.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by W. R. Suinmers,-
"That By-Law nnmber 294, to Incorpomte the
Village of Springfield, be read a second time." Carried.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by T. M. Nairn,-
"That By-Law number 294 to Incorporate the
Village of Springgeld, be read a third time and
finally passed." Carrierl.
The Clerk read By-Law number 294.
Mr. Lyman Lewis, Rev. Mr. McLaur and other.,
,appeared before th" Council, and presented petitions
of the several Mnnicipalities in the County for the
passing of a By-Law to enforce the Dunkin Act in this
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by W. Risdon,-
"That the petition from the different Municipal-
ities in this County, asking this Council to submit the
Duukin By-Law to the Vote of the Ratepayers of
this County, be received ann read." Carried.
The Clerk read Petitions from the Municipalities of
Aylmer, Bayham, Vienna, South Dorchestm', Mah-
hide, Yarmouth, Port Stanley, Southwold, Dunwich,
and Aldborough, fOl the passing of a Dunkin Act
Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk-
"That the consider&tion of the Petitions praying
this Council to submit the Dnnkin Act By-Law to
the Vote of the Electors, in the County, be laid over
till rrhursday morning for further considoration.lt
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by A N. Cline,-
"Tha,t the Council adjourn till nine o'clock to-
morrow morning. Carried.
The Couuty Council met accOl ding to adjournment
at 9 o'clock foreIlOon.
The Warden in the Ohair.
Membe1'S present.-Messrs Stalker, Cambell, Hegle1',
I(irkpat1"ick, Locke, Cline, House, Hepburn, Dav~s,
Conn, Doyle, Haggr:m, McIntyre, Nai1'n, Backhouse,
B1'own, Payne, Stratton. Risdon, SuffeZ, Dobbie, and
The proceedings of the previous day were read and
anthorised to be signed.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by D. F. Davis,-
"That Andrew Laur receive a free Pedlar's License
for the County for one year, on account of being a
cripple, and in indigent circumstances and that the
Council grant the sum of Twelve Dollars t~ enable
him to procme an Elastic Stocking, as Physicians say
that it is absQlntely necessary."
In Amendment,
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded bJ P. Stalker,-
"That this Council grant a free License to Andrew
Lam for Peddling in the County for one year,"
AmendmelJt carried, main motion lost.
Mr. Dayid McLaiVs submitted a Com~unication re-
specting the Inspector of School~ whICh was read,
and made Statement to the CouncIl.
Mr. Butler being present alsu addressed. the Oouncil
respecting Mr. McLaw's Statement.
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by W. Risdon,-
"That this Council appoint T. M. Nairn, T, W.
Dobbie M. Payne, P. Stalker and the vvarden as a
CGmmittee to inquire into the charges preferred
against Mr, Butler t:'e Public School Ipspector ?f
this Oounty and report at the next meetlllg of thIS
Council." Canied.
In Amendment.,
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by D. F. Davis,-
"That a Oommittee composed of Mr. Nairn, Mr.
Payne, and the Warden be appointed. a Oommit\ee to
investigate certain charges made agalllst the Pubbc
School Inspector."
Amendment lost, main motion carried.
The Warden read a message from Oolonel O'Malley
for a grant of Seventy-five Dollars to the Twenty-
fifth Battalion.
Moved by M. Oonn, seconded by D. McIntYI'e,-
"That the ap plication of Oolonel O'Malley re~pec~;
ing a Grant for thb 25th Battalion be not entertamed.,
Moved M. Conn, seconcled by P. Stalker,-
"That the Council adjourn till two o'clock" Carried.
The Council met at two o'clock.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconde~ by E. Hegler,-
"That a Committee consisting of T. M. Nairn,
George Suffel, ,md the Warden be appointed
for the purpose of pressing upon the attention
of the Government, the importance of the Claim of
this Connty against the Oounty of Middlese1' in
reference to the London and Port Stauley Gravel
Road." Carried.
,Moved by E. Hegler, secon~ed by A. N. Cline,-
"That a Special Committee be appointed to inquire
into the position the local Treasurers. now occupy in
reference to School Monies, and report on the subject
to the Council to-morrow, said Committee to be com-
posed of Messrs Nairn, Dobbie, and CO,nn." Carried.
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter
"That the Cowmunication from Messrs Hay, Bread
Contractors, be referred to the House of Industry and
Jail Committees," Carried.
Moved by w. Backhouse, seconded bYiH. Stratton,-
"That the Clerk be authorized to deliver to D.
McTavish, Sub- T,'easurer of School Monies for run-
wich, his Bond, he having paid over the balance on
hand and produced vouchers paid by hIm since last
statement, and, that. tl:w,,"cGunt b~, certified by. the
Auditors before the Bond is delivered up." Carried.
Moved by D, Cambell, seconded b,j' M. Payne,-
"That tljis Council adjourn to me.et at nine o'clock
to. morrow 'morning. in order ,that. the Membrs' of the
Council may have an opportunity of visiting the
House. of-Industry,"- Oarried.
1Jl"lI/E1JAM MoRA T',
THp1\sP...1, J:UN_E_lll, 1877:..
The COUI\cil,Qf, tAi> Conn.t,j' otElgin., me.t, I1t- nipe
o'clock forenoon.
The,.Wal'.ileI\; iUithjli.Qh"ir.,
Membe1's present.-Mes."s, Stalker, Oambell, Hegler!
Ki,'kpatrick, Hepburn, Cline, House, Locke, Dobbie,
Oon,n,. Doyle Stratton,_ MaInlYleL Dp,visi. 13!Lckh01We,
Brown, Haggan, Suffel, Risdon, SummeT8, Nai1'n,
an,l paY'f'e, .
:Tha_proceedings-ofthe Plevious, day were re..d and
authorized to ,be signed"
The,Trustees of; SchoolBection number 2, in Dun-
wich, presented petition respecting an alteration of
Moved,by-W:.Backhouse, seconded'by E'. Hegler,-
"That the Warden be instructed to' draw ru cheque
in fl1yor of E. Rockey for Fifty Dolll1rs, on account of
the conviction of Milhlon Buckley in March last for
stealing clover seed." Oarried.
Moved bY,E. Eegler"s,ec.oude.d-by..k. N, Oline;,
"T-hat,theEeport.ofthe Finapce Gommi~lee be re-
ceived and read," Carried.
]'iI\a!lc.a Eepor.t ,WI1S rel1d.
Moved by W. Risdon, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That a- Oommittee composed of Messrs Hegler,
Nairnl1nd Brown together with the Coupty Judge ,and
Inspector"be o;ppointed'ill '1ccordance with the 9th.
Sub:sectibn of;Bection 61- of. the Consolidated' Scliool'
AC.t of'1874 tb hlVestigate the ,matter of Cbmplaiht.~
made by the Trustees of School' Section num.ber 2; of:
the Township of Dunwich, said Inyesigation to take
place as s(,on as practicable, and the Clerk is hereby
insfr-ucted to- prepo;re, a,By.Law iu accotdrunce - with
this resolution." Carried.
Moved,by Ai No Cline; sec0llded:byJ6hn-Haggan;'--
"That the Report of the Finance Committee be
adopted; and-tho.t, the_ Warden,sign, drafts fodhe' ac-
count" embraced therein." Oarried.
Moved by T. W. Dobbie,seconded by W. Backhouse,
"That the Walden and ULunty Treasurer be author-
ized to borrow the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars on
the credit of the County if, required. until the Taxes
are paid in, and that the Clerk draw up a By-Law to
that effect." Oarried.
Moved, by Pe.ter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk-
patrick,- .
"That the Report of the Public Improvements
Oommittee be received and read." Oarried.
MoVed bv T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter
Stalker,- . .
"That the Report of the Public Improvements Com-
mittee be adopted." Carried.
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That the Warden ,be authorized to employ E,dward
HOl.ton Esq., to prosecute the Investigation insti_
g~tec1 by theGovernm~nt, in regard to the c~mplaint
made by this CounClI last December agamst the
Cie"k of the peace." Oarried.
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by A. N. Oline,-c-
"That the Repol't of Committee respecting Sub-
Treaslll'ers oLSchool Monies be rectived and read."
Moved by William ,Backhouse, seconded :by T. W.
Dobbie,~ .
,"Tha:kthe Report of Special Committee, all Sub-
Treasurers of School Monies be adopted." Carried.
Moved by T. W. Il:irkpatrick, seconded by Angus
"That Mr. Peter Stalker, Reeve of Aldborough, be
appointed Commissioner to expend the Grant of
]'ifteen ,Dollars. made to the McKillop Bridge at the
end of the Graham Road in Aldborough." Carried.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by A. N. Oline,-
"That By-Law nnl1lber 295, be Read a first time.
Moved by H. Stratton, s.eeonded by T. W. Dobbie,-
"ThatBy-Law number 295 to authorize the Warden
and TrElasurer to borl'ow, 1\m ~rhousand r ollars be
read a second time.'.' Carried.
Moved by T. W. Dobbie, Seconded by Henry
"That By-Law number 295 be read a third time,
and .finally passed." Oall'ied,
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded byW. R. Summers,
"That By-Law number 296, to confirm By-Law
number 242 of the Township of South wold be read a
'first. time;" Carried.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by T. W Kirk-
"That By-LaW' numbe, 296 be read~a second time."
"That By-Law number 298, be read 'a third time
and finally passed." Carried;
Moved by W. Ri.don, seconded by D. Cambell,-
"That By,.Law number 296 be read a third time
and finally passed." Oarried.
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded Meredith
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by James
"That By-Law number 299 to raise amounts for
Common Schools equivalent to the Legislative Grant
be read a first time." Oarried. '
"That By-Law number 297 to establish a Lock-up
House in Port Stanley, be read a first time." Oarried.
Moved by H. Stratton,seeonded bv W Backhouse-
. ,
"That By-Law number 299, be read a second
time." Carried.
Moved by W. Backhouse,seconded byH. Stratton,-
Move<l by D. Brown, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That By-Law nnmber 299 be read a third time
and finally passed." C\\rried.
Moved by E. Hegler, sec,>nded by G. Suffel,-
"That By-Law number 300 be read a first time."
Oarried. '.
"That By-Law number 297 be read a second time."
Moved by J. Loc1{e, seconded by J. Hepburn,-
"That By. Law number 297 be read 11 third time
and finally passed." Carried.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by A. N. Cline,-
"That By-La", number 298 to appoint Sub-Treas-
urers of School Monies be read a first time." Carried.
Moved by M. PaYlle, sec.onded by D. Brown,-
"That By.Law number, 300 to raise County Eates
be read a second time.'" Oarrie,d.
Moved by J. Locke, seconded by M. Doyle,-
MoveJ by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk-
patrick,- ,
"That By-Law number 298 be read a second time."
Carried. .
"That By.Law number 300, to raise County E"tes
be read a third time, and finally passed." Oarried.
Moved byE. Hegler, seconded by G. Suffel,-
The Petition of Gilbe~t Vincent and others agf1inst
the nassing of~ By-Law to enforce the Dunkin. Act
was "8l~h~it~,ea, when it w8:s
Moved by W. Backhouse, secondocl by H, Stra\ton,,",,",
"That the Petition~ofi GilbertVincsnt and others
against thecpassing of the Dunkin Act be received."
Mr. John Fay of Springfield and others, ,?,,:de
statements refors the Council urging t\1e submItt:ng
of a Dunkin A.ct By-Law, aDd assented ~o . the laym,~
the matter over tIll the Nove)Uber SesslO~, ~when Io
Moved by MeredHh Conn, seconded by T, W. Kirk-
"That the application of the people in refereuce to
the Dunkin A.ct be laid over until the November
Sossion." Carried.
Moved by Peter Stalker, secondecl by T. W. Kirk-
"That a Grant of Fifteen Dollars be made, towards
'planking ahd r~iling on the McKillop Bridge acrosS
the River Thames, on the Graham Road, Aldboroug;h,
andnumbet eigbt side road in;. Mosa a.nd bet,,:,een tlle
Counties of Midelesex and Elgm, provld.ed M;ddlesex
grant an equal amount,the gler~ to furmsh M,ddlesex
with a Copy of th!s Re30lutlOn.
Referred to Oommittee on Public Improvemeuts.
Moved by G. Suffel, se,conde~ by E.iHegler;
"That this Council regrets to know that the Great
Western Railway Company has commenced running
Sunclay Excursion Trains on the London and 'Port
Stanley Railway, and trust that the authorities of St.
Tho,?as and Port Stanley will undertake to assist in
puttmg down this desecration of the Sabb,.,th, and
that a OoPy of this resolution be forwared to the
General Manager of the Railway Company."
In Amendment,
Moved by D. F. Davis, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That this Conncil regrets the action of the Great
Wes~ern ~ailw~y Company in running Sunday' ex-
curSlOn trams from London to Port Stanley aud re-
quest the Company to discontinue the same, and that
a COPJ of this Resolution be forwarded to Mr.
Amendment cal1'ied, maIn motion lost.
Moved by B. Honse, seconded by D. Brown,-
':T~at a Grant of Fifty Dollars be made towards
)3mlding a Lock-up House, in the Village of Bismark
m the Township oi Aldborough, thc money to be Pf1i~
to the Treasurer of Aldborough on certifica.te from the
Re~ve of ~he Township that the Lock-up House is
sahsfactol'lly completed." Carried.
Moyed by George Suffel, seconded by J. Haggan,-
"That the Jail and Printing Committe be author-
ized to procure a new Flag for the use of the Court
House." Carrle(1.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded. by T. w. Kirk-
"That the Report of the Jail and House of In-
dustry:Cbmmittee be received and read," Carried.
Moved by T. W. Dobbie, seconded by G. Suffel,-
"That the Report of the Jail and House of Industry
Committee be adopted." Carried.
Moved by T~ M. Na.irn, seconded by D. Brown,-
"T,hat an application be made ?y the Counc!l to the
Lieuhmant Goverr.or recommendmgtheappomtment
of a. Short. Hand Writer for the Local Courts of the
County, in accorda~cewith the 12th Section .of Chapte!
EIght of the OntarlO statutes of'1877, thIs CouncIl
believing that such an appointment would be in the
Public Interest and would have atendeucy to lessen
expenses of the Administration of' Justice." Motion
Moved by W. Risdon, seconded by D. Brown,-
"That the Petition of William P. Smith and others,
for a Survey in Southwold. be receiyed and read."
"Mo;ed by M. Doyle, seconded byD. Cambell,-
"That the sum of Forty Dollars be granted for the
repair of the Port Stanley Bridge, to be paid by the
County Treasurer on Certificate. of M. Payne, the
Commissioner, that the work has been completed to
his satisfaction," Oarried.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded byW. R. Summers,
"That;this'\')o.uncil grant' perm.ission,to the Mtmi-
cipality of Aylmer, to extend MyrtiA Street "cross
Catfish Creek to Talbot Street, two rods wide, in ac-
cordance to the resolution of the Village Council."
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by H. Stratton,-
"That the Jail and Pri'lting Oommittee be author-
ze~ to get the Fence around the Oourt House yaId
pamted and repaired should they think it necessary."
Moved by P. Stallter, seconded by A. Mclntyre,-
"That this Council adjourn to meet again on the
Second Tuesday in November next, and that. the
Warden sign Drafts fOJ Members Wages." Carried.
::1 ,~
Elgin County Council Progeedings.
The Countv Council met at the Court House this
day at 10 o,'clock forenoon.
The Warden in the Ohair.
Nle'mbe'J's present.-Messrs Stalker, Cambell, Cline,
Kirkpatrick, Risdon, SUJm'1ne1'S, Honse, -Locke, Hegler,
Conn, Hepb'l~rn, Dobbie, McIntY1'e, Doyle, Stratton.
Brown, Davis;'\,S'l~tfel, Pa,yne, Nairn a/rul Brickhouse.
The proceedings of last day of previous Session
were read ftnd signecl.
The Warden addressed the Council.
The following Communications we~e read.
From the Council of the City of Toronto, respecting
the exemption clauses in the Assessment Act.
From the County Treasurer with statement of
lands to he sold for arrears of Taxes.
From the Inspectior of Plisons, in reference to the
state of the Jail am! the erection of a Prison Kitchen.
Preflentment of tbe Grand Jury, Fall Assizes.
Report of Ronse of Industry Committee.
Report of Inspector and Surgeon of House of In-
Mr. D. K. McKenzie, Ohairman of Board of School
Trustees, St. Thomas School, appeared before the
Council and made application for a grant in aid of
the Model School.
Moved by H. Strl1tton, seconded by W. Backhouse,-
"That the Report ofthe Oommittee on House of In-
'ilustl'Y be rect;lived." Carried.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by B. H"use,-
"That the Warden issue his cheque in favor of T.
W. Kirkprtrick for Six Dollars for conveying Johu
Hone an IndIgent to the House of Industry, a distance
"f thirty miles." Oarried.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by B House,-
"That the Olerk draft a By-Law to establish aLock-
up House in the Village of Bismark, in the Township
of Aldborough, ani! that the Keeper thereof be paid a
salal'Y of Forty Dollars per annum." Oa1'l'ied.
Moved by 'vv. Backhouse, seconded by M. Oonn,-
"That the Report of the House of Industry Com-
mittee be adopted." Carried.
Moved 'by T. M. Nairn, seconded by G.,Suffel,-
"That this Council grant the sum of One Hundred
Dollars in aid of the St. Thomas Model School."
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by T. W. Dobbie,-
"That the Communicatio"l from Mr. Langmuir, In-
spector of Prisons for Ontario, recommending certain
, additions to the J ail, be laid over for the eonsideration
of the Council of next year." Carried.
'MovedbyW.'Backhouse, seconded byiH.Stratton,-
"That'the'Reeves 6fthe several Mu"icipalities be a
Committee for tho Equalizing of the Assessment
Rolls." Oarried.
Move~ by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,-
'~That ,the ,Printing ,Comwittee be 'authorized to
have 'the minutes land'proceedings of the Council for
the current year printed in ,pamphlet ,form' as l in
former years, and that the Clerk be authorized to dis-
tribute the, same not later than the 15th of De-
cember." Carried.
Moved by T. ~I. Nairn, seconded by W. R. Summers,
"That the Gounciladjourn till ,ID 'o'cloek to-morrow
morning to allow the Equalization Committee to meet.
The County Council met this day, at the Court House
at 10 o'clock forenoo'n.
The Warden in the Chair.
Membe>'s pl'esent.~Messrs Risdon, Btalker; Cambell,
Ki,'kpatrick, Hepburn, ,House, Doyle, Conn, Locke,
McIntyre, Backhouse, Brown, Davis, Cline, Haggan,
Dobbie, Naim, lIegler, Buffel, Payne, and Bummers
The proceedings of previous day were read and
signed. '
Mr, Summers gave notice that he would apply to-
morrow for a grant of One Hundred Dollarsi,to aid in
building a Loclz-up HOllse in. the Village of Spring-
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seeonded by Peter
"That the report of the Committee appointed to' in-
vestigate the charges preferred against Mr. Butler,
School Inspector, be received and read." Oarried.
The Butler Report was read.
Moved by W. Backhollse, seconded byM. Oonn.-
"Tnat the Report of the Oommittee appointed to in-
vesti~ate the charges preferred against Mr. Butler,
Pubhc School Inspector, be adopted, and the Report,
of said Oommittee be published in connection with
the proceedings of the Oouncil for the present year, "
.Moved by M. Conn, seconded by W. Backhouse,-
"That the Warden and Mr. Nairn, be a Committee
to act in conjunction' with a Committee of the To;'n
of St. Thomas, to investigate the present position of
of the Toll Gates on the Port Stanley Gravel Roa~ in
this County, and in the County of Middlesex. and
report to this Council to-man ow.
In Amendment.
Mo.ed by E. Hegler. seconded by A. N, Oline,-
"That the matter complained of by the Committee
from the Town of St. Thomas with reference to the
Toll Gates on the London and Port Stanley Gravel
Roa<\ be referred to the Committe now appointed by
this Oouncil to act in connection with the Committee
from the Town of St. Thomas and report to-morrow."
The Amendment was put and carried..-
Main Motion not put.
Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by J. Hepblli'n,~
"That By-Law No. 301 to establish a Lock-up
House in the Village of Bismark be read a first time."
Moyed by P. Stalker, seconded by M. Conn,-
,::~~h,:t By-Law number 301 be read a second time."
C~,_ eo"
j'[oved~by J. Hepburn, seeonded by P. Stalker,-
"That By-Law No. 301 be read a third time and
fin"lly passed." Carried.
Aic'ed by D. Brown, seconded by D. Cambell,-
"That By-Law number 302 to confirm By-Law
number 248 of the Township of Southwold to close a
certain Road allowance be read a first time." Carried.
.,loved by D. Cambell, seconded by D. Brown,~
"1'hat By-Law No. 302 to confirm By-Law of Town"
shi" of Soutlnvolcl be read a second time," Motion
1!ioved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by E. Hegler,-
"That this' Council petition the Ontario Legislature
at the forthcoming Session for an amendment in the
Voters' List Act of 1876 directing the Judges in case
of appeals to the JudgeS' Court to award the payment
of costs against the appellants where appeals are not
sustained, and that the Clerk foward a copy of this
resolution to the different Counties in Ontario solicit-
ing their co-opeioation." Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Heglel',-
"That the Cotlllcil adjourn until two o'clock." Car-
'fhe Council met again at two o'clock afternoon.
Moved by M. Doyle., secondfd by D. Brown,-
"That the Report of the Committee on Equaliza-
tion of the Assessment Rolls be adoptea."
In Amendment.
M wed by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That the Report of the Committee on Equaliza-
tion be adopted by changing the same so as to make
the Equalizo,tion of Vienna Seventy Thousand, and
Port Stanley Eigty-five Thousand, and for Aylmer
Two Hundred and Sixty Thousand."
Amendment lost. Main motion carried.
The yeas and nays being called for on the amend-
ment were taken down as follows.
'lEAs.-Conn, Payne, Stratton, Dobbie, Suffel,
Hegler, and Backhouse-7.
NAYs.-Cline, Davis, Haggan, Summers, Risdon,
Cambell, Brown, Doyle, Hepburn, Locke, House,
Stalker and N airn-13.,
Mr. Lyman Lewis and others appeared before the
Council and stated that they did not intend to proceed
at present with the Dunkin Act, after which it was
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by lY1. Payne,-
"That the petition received from the promoters of
the Dunkin Act in June last, by this Council be re-
turned to t,hem at their own ,'equest, and that no
further actlOn be taken by this Council on said pe-
tition." Carried.
Moved by W. Risdon. seconded by D. Brown,-
"Tha.t a By-Law be passed to establish a Lock,up
House III the Village of Fingal, in Township of Soutu-
wold, and that the keeper thereof be paid the sum of
Forty Dollars per annum." Oalried.
Moved by M. Conn, seconded by p, Stalker,~
"That .the accounts of G. Henry and Dr. Ling for
attendance on Mrs. Pretty an Indigent person be
paid by this Oouncil." Lost, -
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by M. Conn,-
"That.this Council adjourn until ben o'clock tomor-
row morning." Carried.
The Elgin County Council met at the Court House
at ten o'clock forenoon, '
.. ;The Ward~n -in the Chair.
Me'lnbe'ts present...,...-Mess1's Stalker; Ca'1nbell,S'lLmm~rS,
Ki1"kpat'rick, HepbtL1"n, Hegler, H~use, Locke, _ <?l~ne,
Gonn,1Joyle, 'Do.bbie, B1'own, D(tVM, St1"atton, R~sdon,
Haggan, Backho'llJse, Suffel, Payne, mnd Nairn.
The' proceedings of previous day were read and
Moved by p, Stalhr, seconded by D. Brown,-
"That a grant of Seventy-five Dollars be made by
-tbisCbuncilin aid of the 25th Battallion Band, the
money to be paid to Lieutenant James McLachlin of.
number one Company." Motion lost.
',Moved by G. Suffel, seconde~ byE. Hegler,-
-,"That the report of the Committee appointeil to
inquire into the charges against Mr. Butler, Inspector
of Public Schools, for the County, be forwarded to the
Minister ,of Education." Carried.
, Moyed by D. Cambell, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That the. Report of the Finance Committee, be re-
ceived and re1itd." Oarried.
Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by James,
"That the Report of the Finance Committee be
adopted." Oarried.
"ji"o7€:(1 by1Vf. P';J.,Y:_:8, eBco:1.derl by T. W. Dobbie,-
_, ;r~h~t~J3y~ IIfl',i.v.uumber 30i: he: r'eli.d IlS"ecohdtimc."
i. '9..r:~'_:.e:...~,
--.,-,:,,(n'f. _'
]\![oved~by J. Hepburn, seeonded by P. Stalker,-
>J ''', ',q ;'i; ;';',
"That By,Lail,\,'No. 301lb8' read"" third'tiineilarid
:fl..Danf passed." Carried.
7ed by D. Brown, seconcled by D. Call1bell,-
.,';\ ,;'1 F >!;, ,: ;11
"That By-Law number 302 to confirm By-Law
. n1ilJ1h~i',,248,of thee, To,'Yllshrp of Soutbwold:to ,~lose a
~. cel'tain ~ Hoad allowance, he ,read la- first, ,time'.':: Carried.
if;'j"} ,
; ';-N1dved by D.: a/nube!!,' isecoudedby' Dc Brown,"+- '
"That By-Law No, 302 to confirm By-Law of Town-
ship of 8mlth\voltl"oel'eatla secon(l tim'e/1: Motion
,',ifer.;:; 'di
1,,(j);[[:;:; ::ij;
" -, ,::,
lIoved by T. ]\1:. N&irii~!isAco~Elecl b'y:EJH'egle1V-'-;--":~J
'n 'fi'Tbat:(H1is;CG1'inci1:pe'ti~ion the' Or:.tario Legislt:.tu_re
at t.he forthcoming S88sionfor ~lt ttfu'el1ctm:ent: in: the
.Y?~fFS' ,~~_!3r-:?:?,t of .~~7q;(ljl'e?Nng the ~n~lg(38:: ~H .'~ca,se
qtal'pea,I~,j,9: the,;judges' Oo,urtto a,ww;d; the"pf1yment
of costs agaiust the appellants ,where appeals,are :not
sustained, and that the Clerk fowarcl a copy of this
'_"_ "_'_'.' I.... ,_; _.,._..,.-:.-. ':." . __. ...._
:-':i'l;;soh\tiih:"tb .the' "different' Counties in Orith.rio solicit-
., i'q~)h~ii'iT~'P-T~;1)B{(~~iJ#!/"i',9al;ried. ""I~ i<,'
~vLo.:v.e~t ~iY';q.: 'J3~~ffr:;tiFie,cp-nc1~~ ,by..}ij.: }I,~glp.r.~
,<' (ff!lil~iI,thfl Gdunoil:adjorirn, until :fwo;o~clocI~~~~: Ca,r-
1'ied-l )i:)[i1.::< ""'"'~ ;!.i:,~{[.
Carswell, Law Bookseller and Publisher, Toronto,
not to forward any more Law Books or Reports to th e
Trcasurer of this County unless first ordered by the
County Council."
In Amendment.
Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by D. Brown,-
"That the question of discontinuing Law Reports
and Dijests for the Oonnty Li?~ary be laid ov~r till
the next meeting of the Oounml, ~nd that the .ooun~y
Judge be asked to atte.nd and gIve ex~}anatlOns III
reference to the neceSSIty of such works.
Amendment Oarried.
Moved by M. Payne, seconded by W. Backhouse,-
"That the Oouncil adjourn till two o'clock p.m."
The Council met at two o'clock p.m.
Moved by J. Haggan, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That this Council offer a reward of One Hundred
Dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the
party or parties who were supposed to have murder~d
the man whose body came ashore at Port Bruce m
the month of October last, name unknown." Carried.
Moved by J. Haggan, secondcd by B. House,-
"That this Council pay to, all witne~ses sn~mone~
, and examined by the CommIttee appomted to lllVestl-
gate the charges preferred against Mr. Butler, the
sum of ten cents pcr mile one' way, and one dollar per
day for attendance." Carried.
Moved by M. Payne, seconded by W. Backhouse,-
"That whereas the want of a Culvert throngh the
Gravel Road near the property of Conrad Long in the
Village of Port Stanley, causes the water to overflow
Mr. Long's land, the Clerk of this Council is hereby
requested to communicate with the Lessees of the
Gravel Road, immediately, and request them to place
Culvert at the place mentioned and thus abate the
nuisance cOIDplained of." C~.!;rie~.
Move(l by D. Brown, seconded by W. Risdon;-
"That Bj-Law number 302 to establish a Lock-up
House in Fingal be read a first time." Oarried.
Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by A. N. Cline,-
"That By-Law number 302 he read a second time."
Moved by W. Risdon, seconded by D. Oambell,-
"That, By-Law number 302 to establish a Locit-up
House in the Village of Fingal, be read a third time
and finally passed." Carried.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,-
"That this Council petition the Legislature of On-
tario that in case any change be made in the Asses,,-
ment Law at the forthcoming Session with respect to
property now exempt from Taxation, that the follow-
ing property be allowed to remain exempt from Tax-
ation as at present:
All Public School property, County Jails, Oouri
Houses, Registry Offices, and other County Buildings,
all Ohurches and the necessary qual\tity of Land con-
nected with the Bnildings heretofore mentioned, also>
all Cemeteries." Oarried,
Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton,
"That By-L,aw number 303 to confirm the Equali-
zation of the Assessment be read a first time." Oar-
Moyed by D. Brown, seeouded by M. Doyle,-
"That By-Law number 303 be read a seconil time."
Carried. '.
Moved by M. Pa,YDe, seconiled by G. Suffel,-
"That By-Law number 303 be read a third time ant]
passed.'" Carried.
Moved by J\L Payne, seconded by H. Stratton,-
"That By-Law numbel' 304 to appoint a Committee
to investigate the complaints of the Trustees of
School Section number two in Dunwich, be I'ead a
first time." Ctll'l'ied.
Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,-
"That By-La", number 304 be read a second time."
Moved by William Backhouse, seconded by H.
"That By-Law number 304 be read a third time
and finally passpJ." Carried.
Moved by T, M. Nairn, seconded by D. F. Davis,-
"That the Legislature of Ontario be petitioned for
a further amendmel>t of the Voters' List Act of 1876,
to reduce the fees allowed to Officers in carrying out
the provisions of that Act in connection with appeals
to the County Judge, particularly as regards the
service of Snmmonses 80 that in future the fees for
serving Summonses shall not exceed ten cents per
mile, for miles actually travelled iu going to serve
Summonses, and that this resolution be incorporated
with the one p"ssed yesterday, and be forwarded to
the different County Oouncils in Ontario." Oarried.
Moved by (j-eOl'ge Suffel, seconded by Thomas. W.
"That this .Council appoint the Wardeu to wait on
the Council of the County of Middlesex, in connection
with a Committee from the Town of St. Thomas, to
assist them in getting a Toll-gate on ,the London and
Port Stanley Gravel Road removed, the Town of St.
Thomas to pay the Warden's expenses in attending on
Raiil Council. t> Carried.
Moved by Merideth Conn, second ed by T. W.
"That the sum of Sixty Dollars be paid to the
Warden for extra services performed by him through-
out the year." Carried.
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Aldborough i 76.214i$14 75!$ 67.521! $1.128,092: $1,195,613:$23 OO!$ 67.521:$1,752,922 :$1,820,443
Dnnwich r69,060i 25 75i 117,6051 1,774,080i 1,891,6851 29 OOi 117,6051 2,002,740 1- ~,120,345
Southwold :72,587: 34 50i 168,5801 2,506,276i 2,674,856i 42 OOi 168,5801 8,048,654 i 3,217,234
Yarmouth :69,871: 36 50! 176,553: 2,543,838: 2,720,391! 46 OO! 176,553: 3,214,066 i 3,390,619
Malahide 162,400: 30 001 111,1751 1,865,3741 1,976,549: 37 00: 111,175: 2,308,800: 2,419,975
S. Dorchester i30,600! 3() 301. 14,050i 1,113,452! 1,127,502! 43 OOi 14,050i 1,::115,800 i 1,329,850
BayhalI' !55,964i 22 50! 125,P30! 1,265,095! 1,391,020; 20 OOi 125,930l 1,119,280! 1,245,210
Vienna ! ! . 9,150! 76,115! 8!),265l 1 14,498! 61,702 i 76,200
Aylmer. 1 [77, 771i '356,903i 434,674[ i 52,425i 194,775 [ 247,200
Po,.t Stanley i ! ',7,0901 105,0451 112,1351 '5,975: 82,2751 88,250
-------:-:-,-: : : '- ! :--
14366961 [ 875,425112,734,2651 13,609,690[ 854,R12115,101,014115,952,326
.To the 001/Awil of the Ootmty of Elgin:
The committee appointed to equalize the Assessment Rolls of the Municipalities for the year 1877
beg leave to sudmit the foregoing Report, which they recommend to be adopted by the Oouncil. '
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Committee Room, N~vember 14*, 1877. T. M. NAIRN, Ohairman.
PI) the Elgin County Council;
THAT the Institution has hacl one year of operation
whieh has been found satisfactory.
YOUR Committee would state that there has been
considerable anc1 unavoidable outlay rm.: fencing and
draining thc land, planting an orchard, ~nd making
all; avenue which does not require to be dOlle in future
YOUR Committee would also remark that a con-
siderable portion of the ground has been sown with
falrwheat, which looks well, and will no dDubt reduce
the expense~ next year.
YOUR C,mmittee consider that it is cheaper to hire
a team by the clay when required, than to ha;ve 10r8.88
belonging to the farm, the expense o! keepIng them
wonld be greacer than the benefit denvee..
YOUR Committee would state that the paid attend-
ants have been reduced as much as practicable, there
beino only the Keeper, Matron and one female at
half pay, the principal part of the work being done by
the Inmates themselves.
YOUR Committee would also state that the House
has been found sufficient for the requiremeIlts ,of the
CO~TIty, and the expenses much less than the amQunt
paId by the several Municipalities for the support of.
the poor. . "
All of which is respectfully submitted.
SAMUEL DAY, Chairman.
St. Thomas, Nov. 13, 1877.
Po the Elgin County Council.
THE Inspector of the House of Industry begs leave
to. report as follows :-
~um~er o~ I~mates i~ the House at last report 36.
N umber af ~'tted dnnng thc year, 40.
N nmb er ~' agr"nts, 1.
~ nm b er ~rg. in the House, 2.
Number 0 n eaths, 8.
"Ill er ofcvhildren sent out all trial 6
N umber of Children bound out, " , 1:
~umber of Inmates absconded, 4.
N um~er discharged during the the Year, 17.
Numb er out at service, 1.
um er now in the House, .~9.
The number of Inmates admitted from the several
},I[unicipalities in the County during the year is as
folio ws :
Township of Aldborough, 1
Township of Dunwich, 3
Township of South wold, 11
Township of Yarmouth, 8
Township of Malahide, 8
Township of Bayham, 3
Township of South Dorchester, 3
Village of Port Stanley, 1
Infants still born. 2
of Expenditure a:ld Rw.ipts of House of Industry dur-
ing the yea,', ending 1st NovembCl', 1877.
Cost of L..nd, Buildings, and
other permanent Im-
provewents. $11329 00
Furnishings. 2114 00
, To one years Interest on
. $13443 at 6 per cent,
Paid for provisions during the
, year. .
Conveyance of Inmates,
'Salary of Keeper and Matron,
. Salary of Surgeon,
$13443 00
806 00
1375 00
104 00
400 00
110 00
Salary of Inspector;
Female Servants, .
Male Servant,
Exp(mses of Committee,
Incidentals, Insurancb &c.;
121 70
172 50
119 80
107 00
By Provisions and Wood on hand,211 35
Garden and Farm Produce, 329 00
Farm Stock and Implements, 267 09
Dry Goods and Clothing on hand, 294 69
Received for Pensions &c., 183 87
No. of weeks board for
Inmates during the
year, 2066
Hired help and family
of Keeper, 279
$1286 00
Total weeks,
2345 weeks board at
90c. per week,
3396 00
$2110 00
$3396 00
Thc ayerage expense ,pel' weel, for each person" in-
cluding lUterest on cost of Farm and Buildings and
Improvements, is only ninety cents per week.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
WILLIAM McKAY, Inspector.
;8t. Thomas, Nov. 1, 1877.
To th. Wf\rd61' wnd Me'l'be~8 0/ ,the Elgin 9"1'nty
GENTLEMEl\ :..,.--
I hltve the ,honor to Pres~!'t ~jle :following ,Medical
Report in regar\l;to,th~;ElginHouse of Industry, for
the year ending 3,lst day of ,Oqtober, 1877.
Duriug the ':yea" I have made sixty-five official
visits to this Institution.
In births, I have only one case to report, twins,
Eight deaths have lake!, place: the followin~ are
the names, ages, causes and time .of death.
Feb. 1~.~ Mary 'Van .vinkliu,-80 yr.,-Old .AI!":
Feb~ :19.~R. C. Bl'ockway,-44 yri.-Ohromc Dlar:hrea.
Feb. 22 ~Catharme Mclntyrp,-58 yrs.~Pneumollla.
if nly 19.~Pet.r K..lly,-3~ y,".~TyphoId Fe.er.
Sept, ;6.,~W. M. Littl.e,.,.,9;mos.=Cholera Infantnlj1.
Elep. 19...~Dora. Y-~unQr,~.3 :~9s.-,-J;Iy~roGephfiln~.
Sep. 22.-Le~a Ca.t:ter,-4 weeks-Stomatitis.
Oct. 28.-K~l)c;yMc,~eII1)1,-,-l,07 yr,..=OId Age.
':t;l:l~,J:gi'r '1'\ts,\>ee':.lllar~e.dby ,a good deal of sick-
ness, nearly all the Juvell1le. port;on of_the household
were attacked with Scarlat\.lla,m, Janu"ry. ~!l, t,1;1,e
latter part of Fel:>ruarl and first of March we hiLa
quite a severe epIdemlC of Influenza, Bowel com-
plaints have been so freqnent and general as to cause
Borne of the Inmate, to helieve that the food or water
mnst be at fault, upon close investigation I came to
the conclusion that no suspicion couln be attached
either to the food, water or surroundings; but that
the whole difficulty was attributable to enfeebled con-
stitutions and in some instances to the immoderate
use of food.
Vile haye only had two cas.es of Typjloid Fever
during the vear, alld some few cases of Intermittent
Chill' Fever. "
The small House recently erected for the reception
of some very ,unpleasant patients will be heartily
welcomed by all immediately concerned.
This year, as last, I have to say that but few haye
been able to perform much manual labor; and ex-
clusi ve of the children, the Institution partakes
largely of the character of an Hospital for Incurables,
and those ,that age, and other unfortunate infirmities,
has rendered more or less helpless. '
My efforts to relieve the sick and make those that
are helpless as comfortable as possible, hl1ve been
heartily seconded by both Keeper and Matron.
r have the the honor to be, Gentlemen,
Your most obedient servant,
::i8L 11-<;; P <0 !HL 'r
The Special Committee appointed at the June Ses-
sion to invest~gate curtain charges prefeyred hy Mr.
David McLaws against/ Mr. A. .F. Butler, Public
School Irispedor, beg leave to submit the following
The charges against l\1r.Bntler, as origi,nally pre-
sented to the Council by Mr. McLaws were three in
1st That .his inspection of schools had been in-
2nd. Tbathis duties as Inspector had been un-
faithfully 'discharged. '
3rd. That h~ (Mr. McLaw~j had gl\od reason to
believe,.that.he (Mr. Butler) had a pecuniary interest
in introducing a certain school desk in the schools in
this connty.
These charges being of a very general character,
the Committee, in justice to Mr. BaUer, and in order
that he might be afforded a fail' opportllllity of defence,
decided that they should be set foi,h in more definite
terms, and accordingly allotterl Mr, McLaws an ad-
Clitional month wherein to formulate them more
specifically. At the expiration of that time the par-
ticulars were amended aud the bill of indictment .en-
larged. The charges then preferred to the Committee
against MI'. Butler were as follows;-
1st. Inefficient inspection of schools.
2nd. Not making the requisite number of visits to
the schools under his charge,
Not lecturing in said schools as required bf
Dilatoriness in issuing checks.
5th. Duplicity with trustees, teachers and other
interested parties in dealing with scbool affairs.
6th. Granting permits to school teachers illegally.
7th. Having an interest in the manufacture and
furnishing of school desks to schools.
8th. Using his influence in obtaining orders for
said school desks, and in putting them in school
houses uufit to' be occupied for such purposes.
9th. Receiving pay for writini( the historical part
of the Elgin Atlas to the neglect of schools.
10th. Engaging in lumber and other business
transactions, interfering with his official duties as In-
spector of Pnblic Schools.
tlth. 'Having mote schools 1ii1der his cnatge
tloe 1aw aiidws aile Inspector.
12th. :E1a'loritism.
13th. Improper conduct with women.
A desire was expressed at the ontset, by both com-
plainant and ;defencli1nt,th11tthe evi~@ce, should be
taken under oath, and this was als~ ,be ,:,,'sh. of the
members of the Committnee, but 011 InvestigatIOn a~.d
IDllnication with the Ec1ucatioaal Department, It
corn h'
'~wasfcmurl ,tha'tthe requisite legal ~ac '1n~r.ywas
t' g el'ther to compel the attendance, of wltnesse, s,
wanm, . a
or to administer oaths after they did atten,d. Prmte
notices signed by, the Ch"irman, requestmg the, at-
,t dance of witnesses were served, but the CommIttee
. m, h f
regret to:.'state in seyeral instances, t e ,par le~ so
notified failed to appear. Ml'. McLaws complamed
.dnhe 'great disadvaritage<hewas th~splaced a;t,' par-
ticularly in regard to reluctant wItnesses, and de-
mn1'l'ed for a time to ptoceeding, but he ev~ntually
ve way and the investigation werit on. 'The wltnes'ses
ga re eXl1mined tInder the authority of the Act authol'-
:'~ s lemn declaratiomto be taken instead of oaths.
:,lZmg 0 .
An effort was also made to secure the co-opera:ion
'of 'tbe 'JMucationalDepartmentin the investigatlOn,
bnt inasllluchas no direct charges had b~en 'ma~e'to
that Department, the Min~ste:"f Educa.tlOn .declmed
"to interfere, but promisedm t?e eventolaPdn;nafa,~e
""casebeiug made out, and the facts presente ,tota e
action in the pl"emises.
Tbe examination of witnesses extended over two
days, and the evidence taken accompanies this report.
It was at first determined to take coguizance of
nothing except evidence taken before the Committee,
but this..decisioll, in view of the circumscribed :pOWf::"rs
of the Comroittee, and the difficulty of compelliug ~he
attendance of witnesses, was' afterwards modified,
and documentary evidence admitted._
Petitions, affidavits .and memorials, numerously
siguedby the school teaohers of the County, testifyiug
,to Mr. ,Butler's Buperior, abilities as an InBpector,al1d
,to ,the fidelity with which he dischargerlhis duties,
'ij'ere a;lso submitted; and in order that the senSa ,of
the ,ratepayemand public at large, on the questions
,involved in the present investigation, mig4t be more
.-aeauratelyasce.Ttaiued, the Ohairman was:Instruate'd
;to address' Circulars to the Secretary-Treasurers of. the
different sohool sectlOns throughout the County, asking
replies to the following questions :
1st. Has Mr,Butler inspected your schoolregularlY
during the past three years, twice each year, or if not,
how often has he made official inspections dnring that
2nd. Has his inspection of your school 'been
generally considered efficient?
3rd. Has he delivered any lectmes in connection
withyonr s&no"l, and iho, 'how many dlll'ing'that
time? '
4th. Has his o'ffi.&ial coridu&t and general deport-
ment, during his term of office, been such as in your
opinion to advance the ec1ucatioual interests of the
Ninety-eight circulars were forwarded and 73
replies received, and thoee replies are also submitted
for the consideration .of the Council.
rfhe result arrive at by the Committee, after care-
ful deliberation, is as follows:
Charge No. l-Inefficieut inspection of schools.
Five witnesses gave testimony on this charge, the
preponderance of which was in fayol." of Mr. Butler
aud the replies received from the different schyol
boards throughout tbe County, with the exception of a
very fe~~; bore testimony to his efficient inspections.
The opinion of the public school teachers throughout
the County has also been strangly expressed On this
head, aud au the practical character and useful and
progressive tendency of Mr. Butler's inspectorial
visits. Doubts were entertained by some of the mem-
bers of the Committee as to the propriety of enter-
taining the representations of tbe teachers on account
of the peculiar relationship in which they stood to
the Inspector, but it was contended on the other hand
that they, above all others, enjoyed opportunities of
forming a correct judgment on the efficieney of the
Inspector's work.
Charge No.2-Not making the requisite number of
-visits to the schools under his charge.
The evidence adduced and the returns from the
Trustees show that the Iuspector had failed to k
th ' 't b ma e
. e requlSl e nUIll er of school visita in some few
msta~ces durin~ the past three years, although
pos,~,ve mformatlOn on this point seemed difficult to
obtal~. It does not appear to be necessary, neither
does It appear to have been customary to keep a per-
manent recOl:d of these visits, and as the trustees are
not nece.ssal'lly expected to be present, and teachers
are ..on~lllually changing, authentic information is
uot III all cases attainable. Generally speaking, how-
ever, the trustees teSl1fy to the re<Yularity of M
Butler's visits. 1:) r.
Charge No.3-His not lecturing in the schools as
required by law.
Mr. Butler appears to have delivered lectures in
many of the sections, a:though not generally through-
out the County, A mIsapprehension of the law in
regard to the duty of Inspectors to deliver lectures
seems to eXIst. There appealS to be nothino- in th
School Act rendering it compulsory and a ~ ,e
., . ' COmml1nl~
catlOn from the Educational Department says "th t
Inspectors a;e not required to deliver lectures' exce;t
as dlIe~ted III the regulations of this Department"
and fUl'lher that "these regulations have not yet b '
framed." een
Charge No. 4-DilatorinesB III issuing cheques.
Not Sust"ined.
C~a,rge No. 5-Du~lic~ty mth trustees, teachers, and
o,thel mterested partIes III dealing with school affairs.
Not Sustained.
Cha rge No.6-Granting Permits to school teachers
Established in one instance tbat <1 special certificate
was granted to a young lady without the observance
of some of the formalities required by the regulations,
but the CIrcumstances of the case, in the opinion of
the Committee, justified tbe digression.
Charge No. 7~His having an interest in the manu-
facture and fmnishing of school desks to schools.
Not Sustained.
Charge No.8-Using his influence in obtaining
orders for school desks and putting them in school
houses unfit to be be used for such purposes.
. I
N 0 atten:>pt was made to establish this charge except
i" one instance, and it utterly failed, and the com-
plainant so acknowledged. \ But it was brought out in
evidence that Mr, Butler had taken a commendable
interest in fmthering the introduction of improved
fmniture, and apparatus into scbools,generally.
Charge No.9-His receiving payment for writing
tbe historical part of the Elgin Atlas to the neglect of
Mr. Butler admitted' the writing and recBlvmg
pay, . but there was no evidence to show that this in
,wy way:'interfered with the proper performance of
his official duties, and the Committee had the em-
?hatic declaration Of Mr. Butler that it had not so
~harf(e No. 10-His engaging in lumber and other
bUSIness transactions interfering wjth his duties .as
Inspector of Public Schools,
Not Sustained,
Charge No. 11-His having more schools under his
chal'f(e than the hw allows one Inspector,
~n this head no evidence was produced by the com.
plamant, but from official information received from
the Department of Edncation we find Mr. Butler
draws pay for 119 schools, including 16 departments
~~ckoned as sc~ools, a"d from a return prepared by
hIm the CommIttee find these subdivided as follows:
Municipalities, Schools, Departs. Total.
Aldborough 12 2 14
Dunwich 14 1 15
Southwold 17 1 18
Yarmouth 18 1 19
Malahide 18 18
Bayham 15 3 18
South Dorchester 6 1 7
Port Stanley 1 1 2
Vienna 1 2 3
Aylmer 1 4 5
103 16 119
Ths School Act'places the maximum at 120school~
although it is 'contended by Some that the word schooi
used ,there -should b&interpreted.asseparate-11nd dia-
should he requ,ired to make an a'1nna.] report at the
Novembe.l' ses,slOll of the Oouncil, detailing the wurk
~o~e .clunng tne previous year; -the number of schools
an departments. of schools in each Municipalit .
:h; nun:ber ,of hIS official visits; and such ot:O:
m,orm.atlOn m regard to the schools and the
educatIOnal proartss of the C' .
b ~. 0 ouuuY 11S mIght
e though, advIsable, w~ich report conld 10 '
r t d . h' )v mcor-
po a e wu the publIshed proceedings of the council.
All of which is respectfully submited,
T. M. NAIRN, Chairman.
tine!; schools, and not departments of schools. The
Minist.er of Ec1ucation says two or three Inspectors
bave more than 120 Bchools, but receive salary for
only 120; and he likewise adds, no Inspecto, can do
full justice to so many,
Oharge No. 12-Fo1.voritism.
Not Sustained,
Charge No. 13-Improper conduct with women,
Wholly unsustained and finally withdrawn.
In summing up the whole case your Oommittee
cannot refrain from expressing their surprise at the
boldness and seeming malignity exhibited by some of
the promoters of this prosecution, not only in the null),-
bel' of unsust~ined charges, but in, the more serious
cnaracter of some of them. While fully recognizing
the fact that the public acts and the conduct of public
officers are public property, and as snch open to
scrutiny and the strictest investigation, they deeply
rOg,'et in this case the recklessness shown in publish-
ing ths names and calling in question the reputation
of wholly innocent parties. The interests of neither
education not morality demanded it, and justice to
the publ;c as well as indiyiduals, would certainly have
been better served had more candor and discretion
been displayed.
Fa, the satisfaction of the public, and with the view
of guarding against., repetition of proceedings aImilar
to the pl'esent, your Committee, in ,conclusion, wonld
respectfully suggest that the Public School Inspector
Oommittee Rooms
St. Thomas, 14th Nov. 1877.