1878 Minutes Wa1dm. r' '.'.""--=="",0,-- " - r:'--r;;'~'l ' , ; FBDCEE-:dn:-6-S II OF THE 'ELCUN COUNTY COUNCIL, DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, IN TUg NWNTHR OF JA1HIARY, JUNE AND NOVEMBER, lB'7B_ -~--~------ WILI;JAM ,tlc]{AY, Clerk. IWflTARD HEGLAR, ! AYLMER.. I printe,cl by J. C. Pankhnrst, "Aylmer Paper" Office, Talbot-st. ! 1.878. U ,l. ~ t ~J Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1878. FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, JANUARY 22ND, 1878. TheJ\iIembers elect of the -Elgin County Council, met this day at two o'clock, afternoon, and having filed their Certificates with the Clerk, took their seats at the Council Table as follows: NAMES. OFFICE. MUNICIPAUTY. PETER STALKER, Reeve, ALDBOROUGH. T, W. KIRKPATRIOK, Dez,uty Reev" DO. BARNUM HOUSE, do. DO. DAVID McLA WS,~ Reeve, DUNWICH, YJOHN ILYONS, Deputy Reeve, DO." JUDSON MnLIGAN, do. DO. vDONALD TURNER, Reeve! SOUTHWOLD " o/DUNOAN OAMBELL, Deputy Reeve, DO: MARK WALLiS, do. DO, ,/JAMES MARTIN, Reeve, YARMOUTH, 'Y'JAMES HEPBURN, Drputy Reeve, DO. JEHIEL MARLATT, do. DO, .MATTHEW DOYLE, do. DO. DAVID F. DAVIS. Reeve, MALAHIDE. WESLEY McCAUSLAND,Dep"ty Reeve, "DO. .;w' E. SMITH, do, DO. vEDW ARD HEGLER, lIe""e, S.DoRcHESTER. ANDREW N. OLINE, Deputy lIeeve, DO. VALEXANDERMcBRIDE, lIeeve, BAYHAM. ".-HENRY STRATTON, Deyuty Re""e. DO. W. .1 YOUELL, do. DO. GEORGE SUFFEL, Re""e, VIENNA, v:MANUEL PAYNE, Reeve;, r2 PORT STANLEY. DANIEL STEW ART, lIe""e, A YL,rER: v:rOHN B. MlLLS, Reeve, SPRINGFIED. ~5:"i-_'':''''~''~ } \, -;... \~ I) ~./\r ,.-t_.}--tJ.-'~--L. 6 ELGIK COUNTY COUNCIL PIWCEEDINGS. ~:l,1f mO'e>j,ers. -.y"re ~~ll?dto order, the Clerk in the ,Chair. It was then ' Moved by David McLaws, seconded by Barnum House,,-:- "That Edward Hegler be Warden for the present year." , Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by James Hepburn,- "That Peter Stalker be Warden for the current year." Moved by James Martin, second,d by Manuel Payne,- "That, David F. Davis' be -;Varden for the preseut year." Moved,: by A. McBride, seconded by Henry Sfrat- ton,- "That George Suffel be Warden for the current 'year." , Mo"vedby George Suffel, seconded by Edward Reg- 1e1',- "That Alexander McBride be electe<l Warded for the current year. Tho vote on the foregoing motions were taken by Ballot, Edwald Hegler having the greatest number of wtes. . - OJ -(.< ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 7 The Clerk declared Mr. Regier ~uly appointed War- den of the Oounty. The Warden made the declaration of office before His Honor Judge Hughes, then took the Chai;', and addl1essed the Council. The Clerk read the proceedings of the last day of the previous Session which were authorised to be signed. The following Communications were then read by the Clerk. From T. W. Langmuir Inspector, of Prison, re- specting a kitchen required for the Gaol, and also in reference to clothing for prisoners. From the Middlesex County Clerk l'espectiug an Iron Bridgc to be erected in place of the McIntosh Bridge. From the Clerk of the County of Huron respecting petition to House af Assembly in reference to an Asy- lum for incurables. From the Wrought Iron Bridge Company, Toronto, respecting the erection of Bridges. From the Educational Department In reference to Model Schools, &c. From D. J. Hughes, Connty Judge, in reference to the employment of it short hand Reporter for the County Courts, 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. From the County Council, ofthe County of Waterloo, with memorial to the Lieutenant Governor in Oouncil respecting an amendment to the Municipal Act as to Bridges ill incorporated villages. From Hugh Watson, Municipal Olerk of the Ooun- ty of Oxford, with copy of a By-Jaw respecting the Fleming's Greek Drain. From J. P. Martyn and Oharles Roe, making appli- cation for the office of County Auditor. }i'rom D. K. McKenzie, Ohairman of the Board of School Trustees, St. Thomas, respecting an interview Niththe Oouncil in reference to school matters. . Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexandcr McBride,- "That the Oommunications now read by the Olerk be taken up and disposed of to-morrow." Oarried. Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by Duncan Oambell,- "That J. P. Martyn be appointed one of the Audi- tors for the current year." Carried. The Warden nominated Oharles Roe one of the Oounty Auditors, when it waS Moved by Duncan Oambell, seconded by Mark Wallis,- "That the nomination made by the Warden appoint- io;.. , ; 1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.. 9 ing Oharles Roe one of the Oounty Auditors, be. con- firmed by this Oounoil." Oarried. Moved by Donald rumer, seconded by Duncan Oambell,~ "That the Warden appoint a Uommittee of three to strike the Standing Oommittees." Oarried. The Warden I).ominate,d Messrs. McLaws, Davis and Suffel, a Oommittee to strike the S,anding Oom- mittee. p Moved by D. Oambell, ~econded by M. Wallis,- "That'the Olerk pr.ocure the usual snpply of Assess- inent and Oollectors' Roll, for the use of the several municip~lities for the current year." Oarried. Moved by P. Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kil'kpat- rick,-" . ." "That tbe County Treasurer be appointed one of the members of the Board of Audit for the Administration of Justice A,ccounts." Ca'rried Moved by M. Wallis, seconded by M. Payne,- "That the Clerk procure a supply of the Assessors' Guide for .the use of the several Municipalities for the current yea-t:" 'Carried; Moved by John Lyons, seconded by J. MiIlip;an,- "That George Suffel be appointed one of the Audit. ors for the Administration of Justice Accounts forthe eurr.ant year." Carried. 6 ELGn; COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 1'h~ momb~rs were 9~Il~d to order, the Clerk in the Chair. It was then Moved by Dayid McLaws, seconded by Barnum House,,-::- '''rhat Edward Hegler be Warden for the present year." . Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Jame$ Hepburn,- "That Peter Stalker be Warden for the current year,'" Moved by James Martin, seconded by ]l4anuel Payne,':" "That David F. Davis be -;Varden for the pre~e;nt year." Moved';' by Pi. McBride, secouded by Henry Slrat- ton,- "That George Suffel be Warden for the current 'year." Movedby George Suffel, seconded by Edward Heg- ler,- "That Alexander McBride be electe<l Warde<l for the current year. Tho vote on the foregoing motions were taken by Ballot, Edwald Hegler having the greatest number of votesl OJ ELGiN COUNTY COUNCIL I'ROCEEDINGS. 7 The O]Bl'k declared Mr. Hegler i1uly appointed War- den of the Oounty. The Warden made the declaration of office befDre His Honor Judge Hughes, then took the Chair, and addressed the Council. The Clerk read the proceedings of the last day of the previous Session which were authorised to be signed. The following Communications were then read by the Clerk. , From T. W. Langumir Iuspector, of prison, re- specting a kitchen required for the Gaol, and also in reference to clothing for prisoners. From the Middlesex County Clerk respecting an Iron ~ridgc to be erected in place of the McIntosh B.ridge. Fro.m the Clerk of the County of Huron respecting petition to House af Assembly iu reference to an Asy- lum for incurables. From the Wrought Iron Bridge Company, Toronto, respecting the erection of Bridges. From the Educational Department in reference to Model Schools, &c. . From D. J. Hughes, County Judge, in .reference to the employment of a short hand Reporter for the Couuty Courts. ' 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. From the County Council, of the County of Waterloo, with memorial to the Lieutenant Governor in Oouncil respecting an amendment to the Municipal Act as to Bridges in incorporated villages. From Hugh Watson, Municipal Olerk of the Ooun- ty of Oxford, with copy of a By-law respecting the Fleming's Creek Drain. From J. P. Martyn and charles Roe, making appli- cation for the office of Oounty Auditor. From D. K. McKenzie, Ohairman of the Board of School Trustees, St. Thomas, respecting an int-erview Nitb the Oouncil in reference to school matters. ' Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexandcr McBride,- -'That the Oommunications now read by the Olerk be taken up and disposed of to-morrow." Oarried. Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by Duncan Oambell,- "That J. P. Martyn be appointed one of the Audi- tors for the current year." Oarried. The Warden nominated OharIes Roe one of the Oounty Auditors, when it waS Moved by Duncan Oambell, seconded by Mark Wallis,- "That the nomination made by the Warden appoint- , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '. 9 ing Oharles Roe one of the Oounty Auditors, be con- firmed by this Oouncil." Oarried. Moved by Donald :rumer, seconded by Duncan Oambell,- "That the Warden appoint a Uommittee of three to shike the Standing Committees." Oarried. . .The Warden nominate.d Messrs. McLaws, Davis and Suffel, a Oommittee to strike the Standing Oom- mittee. ,. Moved by D. Oambell, seconded by M. Wallis,- "Thanhe Olerk procure the usual supply of Assess- ment and OoIlectors' Roll, for the use of the several ml\nicip.lities for the current year." Oarried. Waved by P. Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kil'kpat- rick,-". '" "That the County Treasurer be appointed one of the members of tbe Board of Audit for the Administration of Justice Accounts." Oai-ried . Moved by M. Wallis, seconded by M. Payne,- "That the Clerk procure a supply of the Assessors' Gnide for ,the use of the several Municipalities for the current yea.r:" Carried. Moved by John Lyons, seconded by J. Milligan,- "That George Suffel be appointed one of the Audit. ors for the Administration of Justice Accounts for the current year." Carried. 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter Stalker,- "That the Report of the ,Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be now received ,and read. H Carried. The :Be port was read by the Clerk appointing Com. mittees as follows: " FINANCE. Suffol, Payne, Stewart, St,alker and McBride. EDUCATION. Stewart, Suffel, Kirkpatrick, McCausland and Lyons. PUBLIO IMPROVEMENTS. Turner, Cline, Marlatt, Stratton and McLaws. JAIL AND PRINTING. Warden, Payne and McLaws. H 0 USE 0 FIN DUB TRY. Wallis, Davis and Martin. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by M. Doyle,- "That the Report of the Special Committee appoint: ed to strike the Standing Committees be adopted."-'7' Oarried. ' Dr. Mills gave notice that he will apply ELGIN COUNTY COVNCIL P&0CEEDING,S. 11 for"an appropriation, of ,one hqodred dollars towa;rds erecting a Look-up House in the Village of Sprin/(field, Mr. Suffel gave notice that he will, to-marlOw, ,wove to have the By,law passed at, the' November Session amended, so far as relates to the Equ'\lization of, the Incorporated Villages in the County. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatri~k, seconded by B. ;House,- "That the Council adjourn to nine o'clookto.morrow morning." Carried. FIRST SESSION,-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, hNUARY 23RD; 1878. The County Council of thc County of Elgin met ao- cardin/( to adjournmeut. The Warden in the Chair. -MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalker, House, McLJ,W8,:Lyon~, Kirkpat"ick, Turn.", Wallis, Cambell,'MarUn, Marlatt, Doyle, Davis, McCausland, Bmith, Btratton, Youell, Cline, Buffel, Btewa;.t, Mills Payne; <$' 12 ELGIl-. COUNTY COUNCIL PRODEEDINGS. 'The proceedingsoNhe previou~ day were read and authorisedto be signed. The Connty Treasurer submitted statement of Coun- tyFinancea and Registrar's F'ees for the past year.; aftel which it was Moyed by D. McLaws,seconded by M. Wallis.- "TIiat the Report of the Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be amended by plac. ing;Mr. Pityne's name.on the Jail Committee, in place of David F. Davis." Oarried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,- "That the matter of Equalization of the Incorporat- ed Villages, of which the mover gave notice yesterday, be now considered by this Oouncil." O%rried. Moved by John Lyons seconded by J. Milligen,~ '., "That Messrs McLaws, Cline, Martin, McBride and Stratton be Oommittee, to investigata the greivance respecting the Equalization of the Village of Vienna." Ol1rried. . Moved by M. Payne, seconded l)y M. Wallis,- "That the Oouncil adjourn till half, past one o'clock, in order to allow the Standing Oommittees to meet." Carrie~. . ~;fhalf'past one o'clock the Council resumed. Moved by D. Cambell, seconded byM. Payne,~-. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 13 "That the report of the Public Improvements Com- mittee be received and read. Oarried Moved by A. McBride, seconded by H, Sfratton,- "That the report of Committee on Public Improve- ments, as far as the Fleming Drain is concerned, be laid over until to-morrow, and that Messrs Payne and McLaws procure the legal opinion of Colin Macd<>.ugall as to our liability to pay part of the same." Oarried. Moved by William J. Youell, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That the report of the Committee on the Equaliza- tion of the Villages be received and read. Oarried. Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by Duncan Cambell,_ "That the report of the Committee on Equalization of the Assessment of Vienna, Pt. Stanley and Aylmer be adopted." In Amendment,- Moved by David F. Davis, secouded by John B. Mills,- "That the report of the Committee to reconsider the Equalizations of the Assessment of Aylmer be amend- ed by raising the Assessment of Aylmer to Three Hun- dred and Twenty-four Thousand dollars." Amendment lost, main motion carried. 14 ELGII-i COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by W. J. Youell,- "That the consir1eIation of employing a Short-hand Reporter be now taken up." Carried. Moved by Manuel Payne, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,- "That a Committee composed of the Warden and Messrs D.avis, Martin, McLaws, Stalker, and Cambell be appointed to meet a oom'mittee of the St. Thomas Council, o.ppointed to wait upon the Railway Compan- ies, to ascertain if some R('tion could be taken whereby employment would be provided for the prisoners sen- tenCed to hard labor in the County jail:' Carried. : Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by W. J. Youell,- "That an application be made by the Council to the Lieutenant Governor, recommending tbe "ppo;ntmAllt of a Short-hand Reporter fer the Local Court. .of the County, in accordance with the 15th Section of Chap- ter, 8 of the Ontario Statutes of 1877; this. Council believing tha.t such an appointment would be to the public interest, and would have a tendency to lessen the expenses of the administration of justice; the ap- pointment to be for one year only." Oarried, Moved by David McLaws, seconded by J Lyons.~' "That this Oouncil endorse tbe views held by the County Treasurer in withholding the amount from Local Treasurers, for services in paying out school ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 15 monies, until the year expires after the p~ssing of th" By-law." oarried. Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk- patrick,- "That this Council take no action in reference to the communication received from tbe County Council of Hurcn, respecting an Asylum for incurable Indigents in the Province of Ontario," Carried. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That W. J. Youell act on the Finance Committee, in place of George Suffel, for this session." C%rried. Moved by David E'. Davis, seconded by Daniel 8tewart,- "Tbat John Ballah, of the Township of South Dorcbester, be re-appointed Trustee. of the Aylmer High School for the telm of three years." Oarried. Moved by Manuel Payne, seconded by Duncan Campbell,- "That no action be taken by this Couucil iu regard to the communication received from the County of "'Natterloo, re8p8ct~ng County Bridges." . III Amendment,- Moved bv T.. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter Stalker,- "That this OounciI concur with the Memorial pre-, " 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. sented by the County Oouncil, of the Oounty of Water- 100, regarding the Jurisdiction of Oounty Oouncils over Bridges crossing streams in incorporated Vil- ll1ges." . . A.mmendmellt lost, main motion canied. . MO:ved by Alexander McBride, seconded by W. J. YoneH,- "That this Oouncil do now adjourn till nine o'clock to~mo:rrow morning, in order to give time to the Finance Oommittee to meet." Carried. FIRST SRSSION,-1'HIRD DAY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24TH, 1878. , The County Council of tho County of Elgin met ac- cording to adjournment. The Wa.rden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalke.1', House, McLaws, Lyons, Milligen, ](irklJat1-ick, TM1'ne'r, Wallis, Cambell, Ma'1'tin, Hepburn, MarZatt, Doyle, Davis, McCa'ltslanilf Smith, McB1'ide, St1'atton, Y01ull, Cline, ~tewa1.t, ll[ills and payne. ''\ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PRO.CEEDINGS. 17 The p,'ocecdings of thB previous day were read,and anthOJ ized to be signed. The Olerk read a communication from Messrs. Ware & Bell, maT,ing application for the office of County Engin88l"s. Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk. patrick,- "That the report of the Finance Oommittee be re- ceived and read." Carried. . Flllance Report was read. Moveq by T, 'W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Bal'llum House,- "That the Report of tbe Finance Committee be ad- opted, and that the Warden be authorised to sign a cheque for the several accounts therein." Carried. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That William J. Youell. of Port Burwell, be ap- pointed Trustee of the Vienna High School fa, the term of three years." Carried. . Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk- patrick,- "That the Report of the Prison Inspector he re, ferred to the June Session of the Council." Oarried. c-o" 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Manuel Payne, seconded by M. Doyle,- "That Mr. Langmuir's communication, respecting clothing for, the prisoners confined in the County Jail, be referred to the Jail Committee, with power to act~ thereon." Oarried. Moved by Manuel Payne, second.d by Matthew Doyle,- "That. Bylaw No. 305. being By-lay to confirm By- law No. 249 of the Township of South wold, be read a first." Carried. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by Henry Stratton,- That By-law No. 305 be read a second time." Cti.~rried.. Moved by John Lyon, seconded by Judson Milligan,- "Tbat By-law No. 305 be read a third time, and finally passed." Carried. Moved bv James Hepburn, seoonded by Matthew Doyle,- "That By-law No. 306, to appoint County Auditors, be read a first time." Oarried. . Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Barnum House,- "That By.law No. 306, be read a second time." Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, 19 Moved by Mal'k 'N allis, seconded by Manuel Payne,- "That By-law No. 306 be read a third time, and finally passed." Oarried. Moved by Petm' Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk- patrick,- "That By-law No. 307, to appoint a Board of Audit fur the County of Elgin for 1878, be read a first time." Carrieil. Moved by W. E Smith, seconded by Donald Turner,- "That By-law No. 307 be read a seoond time." Oarried. Moved by James Martin, seconded by Jehiel Mar, Jatt,-"- "That By-lay No. 307 be read a third time, and finally passed_" Oarried. Moved by Willlian J. Youell, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That By-law No. 308, to amend By-law No. 303 on Equalization, be read a first time." Oarried. Moved by Duncan Cambell, seconded by Donald Turner,----, "That By-law No. 308 be read Ii second time." Oarried. ) . 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by John B. Mills, seconded by John LYODR,- That By-law No. 308 be re'td a third time, and finally passed." Carried. A Depntation from the St. Thomas Town Council appeared before the CQunoil, con8isting of Messrs. Still and Ermati,nger, and made statement respecting the removal.of the Railway Offices from St. Tbomas, Sheriff Mnnrn also addressed the Council respecting the Offices of the Canada Southern Campany. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, ,ecouded by A. McBride,- "That there be no committee appointed to meet th~ Delegation 'frot:n St. Thomas, on the Canada Southern Railway matters, hut tha,t the matter be disposed of by the whole Counoil. In Amendment,- Moved by David McLaws, seoonded by John Lyons, "That McBride, Stewart, Stalker, Turner, Hep' burn and the mover, be' a committee to act in con, junction with the committee of St. Thomas, in refer: ence to the Legislation aaked for by tbe Canada Southern Railway Company. Amendment lost, main motion carried. . O. .' . . Moved by D. Campbell, seconded by D. Turner,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 21 "Tbat the Council do adjourn until half-past one {...'clock." Carried. 'The Council resumed. when it was Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by B. House,- "That the opinion of Colin Macdougall, Esquire, in reference to the Assessment of the County of Elgin for the, Fleming drain, be now read." Oarried. The Clerk read the Repurt. Moved by Peter Sta./ker, seconded byT. W. Kirk. patrick,- "That the Report of Ghe Publio Improvements' Com- mittee be adopted." Oarried. M0ved by Donald Turner, seconded by Duncan Cat:nbell,- "Thl1t the Heport of the Education Committee be received and J'ead," Carried. The Clerk read the Report. Moved bv Ba.rnum House, seconded by James Hep- purn,~ "That the Report of the Education Committee be amended so as to read that the High Sohool.Grant for St. Thomas be $1,300, Aylmer $700, Vienna $500." In .amendment first, Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by W. J. Youeil,- 22 ,EL(ln, COUNTY ,COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. "That the Education ,Oommittee'sReport be adopt- ed." In ameudment seconn, J\ioved by Da"id F. Davis, ,seconded by Manuel Pay_n~, :-. "',That the Grant to the High Schools of Vienna, Aylmer and St. Thomas be twenty dollarsior,the aver- age attendance 'Of ellch pupil belonging to the County, and tbat the Grant be made in accordance with tbe ~vexage!attendab.co,of pr.evious ,year." In amendment third, Moved by Daniel Stewart, seconded by John B. Mills,- "That the Educational Report be amended so as t'O read as follows; St. Thomas $1,300, Aylmer $900 and Voenna$600." In amenement fourth, Moved by William E. Smith, seconded by Wesley McOausland,- "That we pay to the St. Thomas school $26.00 per scholar, and tv Aylmer and 'Vienna $25,.00, ,on, the average attendance of pupils fr,om this Oounty in the year 187.7." The Yeas and Nays being cltlled for were taken 'as follows; For the fourth amendment; ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL pROCEEDINGS. YEA.s-Youell, StrattOn, 'McBride, Cline, Davis, Mc- Causland, Smith, Mills and Stewart-9. NAYs-Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House, McLaws, Lyon, Milligan, Martin, 'Hepburn, Marlatt, Doyle, Payne, -.vallis, Campbell and Turner-l4. For the the third amendmentl; YEA.S-Youell,'Stratton, McBride, Cline, Davis, Mc- Camland, Smith, Mills, Stewart, Payne and Lyon-ll NAYS-Stratton Kirkpatrick, House, McLaws, Mil. ligan, Martin, Hepburn, Marlatt, Doyle, Wallis, Cam- bell and Turner-12. For tbe se"oud amendment; YEAs-Youell, Stratton, McBride, Cline, Davis, Mc- Causland, Smith, Mills, Stewart and Payne-lO. NAYs~Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House, ~yons, McLaws Milligan, Martin, Hepburn, Marlatt, Doyle, Wallid, Cambell and Turner-IS. ' The main motion was then put and carried on the following division; YEAs-Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House, McLaws, Lyon, Milligan, Martin, Hepburn, Marlatt, Doyle, Vva:Jlis, Oambell and Turner-IS. NAYs-Youell,"Stratton, McBride, Cline, Davis, Mc- Causland, 'Smith, Mills, Stewart and Payne-lO. The Report of the Committee on 'Educaton wa'B ad- opted. 23 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by David F. Davis,- "That the Council reconsider the action taken on High Schools, and tbat one hundred dollars each be Rdded to tbe Aylmer and Vienna High Schools, making the Grant a. follows; St. Thomas $1,300, Aylmer $800, Vienna $600." Oarried. Moved by John B. Mills, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,"':'" . "That this Council apropdate the sum of one hnnd. red dollars towards erecting a Lock-up House in the Villa!';e of Springfield." In amendment, Moved by J ehiel Marlatt, seconded by M. Doyle,- "That. the Counoil grant seventy-five dollars. to the Village of Springfield for the purpose of building a Lock-up House.," Amendment lost, main motion carried. Moved by David F. Davis, .econded by E. Smith,- "That the Council pay the account of Dr. for medical attendance on Mahlon Buckley, a prisoner, amounting to the sum of nine dollars." Oarried. Moved by D. McLaws, seconded by J. Milligan,- , "That the Warden name a Committee to proceed with the eJ ection of the McIntosh Bridge." "j<i,:'6Fdl!.. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 25 The Warden nominated Messrs. McLaws, McBride, Wallis, Stalker and the Wardeu to be said committee. Moved by Alexander McBride, secouded by W. J. Youell,- "That By-law No, 309, to appoint Trustees and make appropriations to High Schools, be read a first time." Carried. Moved by Mark Wallis, seconded by Donald rurner,- . "That By-law No. 309 be read a second time," Oarried. Moved by William J. Youell, seconded by Henry Stratton,- d "That By-law No. 309 be read a third time, and finRlly passed." Carried. . Moved by David McLaws, secon,ded by Judson Milligan,- "That By,law No. 310, to appoint a Committee to proceed witb the erection of the McIntosh Bridge in CJnnection with the Corinty of Middlesex Council, be rpad 4- first time." Carried. Moved by Donald Turner, sec.onded by Mark 'Wallis,_ "That By-law No. 310 be read a second time." C'C,wried. <:> Moved by W. J. Youell, seconded by A. McBride,- 26 ELGE, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. \ "Tbat By,law No. 310 he read a third time, and finally passed." Oarried. Mo.vell by Manuel Payne. seconded by Mark -NaJlis,-- "That whereas, the Lessees of the Gravel Road, have taken no action in the matter of placing a CuI. vort throogh the Gravel Road, to abate tbe nuisanoe oaused by the over-flow of water on the property of Conrad Long, iu the Village of Pt. Stanley, and that, unless the Lessees of the Gravel Road take immediate action. in the matter, Mr, Payne is hereby authorized to take the proper steps to have the culvert put at the place designated as directed by the Water Course Acf, and in case fence-viewers order the work done by the owners of tho Gravel Road, Mr. Payne to be commis- sioner for the work, and the Treasurer is hereby authorized fa pay for the same on the certificate of Mr. Payne." Oarried. , Moved by W. E. Smith, seconded hy Wesiey Mc. Cansland,- "That this Council do now adjourn till the first Tuesday in June next, and that the Warden sign draft for member's wages. WILLI All! McKiJ. Y, GlM-k. EDWARD HEGLER, Wcwden. Elgin County Council Proceedings. SPEOIAL 8ESSION. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH, 1878. The County Council of tho County of Elgin met this day at one o'clock, "fternoon, for a Special Session, to consider tfie contemplated removal from St, Thomas of the Canada Sonthern Railway Head Offices, and the proposed Legislation to be asked for from . the Parliament of the Dominion, The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalker, Ho.use, McLuws, Lyons, Milligen, Kh'kpatrick, T<t,rnM', Wallis, Cambell, Martin, Hepburn, Marlatt, Doyle, Davis, McCausland, Smith, McB,ide, St,'atton, Youell, Cline, Btewal't, Buffel, illills a.nd Payne. The proceedings of last day of previous session were read and authorized to be signed. The Warden addressed the Council and read com- munication calling the special session, when it was Moved by David McLaws, seconded by George Suffel,- 28 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. "Tha' whereas fhe Canada. Southern Railway Com- pany have given notice of their intention to apply to the Dominion Parliament to re'arrange the bonded debt of the saicl company, and whereas it has been st..ted by the President of the Canada Southern Rail- way, that it is their intention to rem0ve their offices, to get bel' with the books of the said company, out of Canada. - And \vhsl'ea,s, stich removal of said offices from the Town of St. Thomas, where they are at present IOCltted, to a )Joint outside of the jurisdiction of our Govern, ment and Courts of Justice, would be a direct viola- (,ion of tile pler1ges made by s,aid company to the County Council of this County, at the tiwll of g;rant- ing the bonuses to the said Railway Company, and would at the same time be subversive of the Inter- ests of the Canadian Creditors of the said Company. And whereas, great inco'nvenience aDd loss is caused to parties furnishing supplies to said Railway, such as mens wages and other supplies used in rnnning said Railway, not being made a first lien on their. property. Be it, therefore, resolved th~t this Council consider it their duty to call npon the members repreoenting tbis Couny in the Dominion Parliament, as well as other members of the same House, to withhold their support from the Bill sougbt to be carried through PaIliament by th.e Canada Southern Rttilway Com- pany, unless a Clause is inserted for the non-removal for the offices, books ancl work shops from the Town of St, Thomas, and making the furnishing of ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '.0 . 29 and men's wages, and other expenses of r11nning s.aid Railway a first lien against the property of the said Railway Company. And be it further resolvecl that the War!len and Clerk be instructed to sign a petition to the Dominion Parliament in the terms of the I'esolution before men- tioned." In amfmdment,- Moved bv John B. Mills, seconded be D. Stewart,- "Tbat all after the word resolved be etruck out aud the following substituted; "That this Council authorize th" Warden and Clerk to sign a petition to the Parliament of Canada, urgiug that the representative of this County, and the' other members of the House of Commons, use. their utmost exertions to secure the insertion of a clause in the proposed Act, now before Parliameut, regarding the re-arranging of the financial affairs of the Canad~ Southern Railway, requiring the said Railway Company to retain its business Offi38S, (except the Treasurer's office). ancl work shops iu the Town of St. Thomas; and also, tbe insertion of " clause makiug suppli..s furnished for the said Railway, ani'! the wages of tho employees, a first lien on the earnings aud property of the said Railway," His Honor Judge Hughes,. Sheriff Munro aud Mayor McLarty being present, addressed the Couucil respecting the I ern oval of the Railway Offices. Moved by G- Suffel, "econded by A. McBride,- -C:::::' 1 ;"1r~,".'_-,,,,,,,,",~",,,-,", ','.,C. ..', 3D ELGlli, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. "That. the Council go into oommittee of the whole on the resolution now before the House." Oarried. The Council went into committee of the whole, Mr. Payne in the chair After being some time in committee of the whole. t\1e committee rose, and the Cou'lcil resumed. The Chairmen reported the resolution carried with- out amendment. Tbe r~esolution was thAn read and carried. The Yeas and Nays being called for on the resolution were taken down 'as follows: YEAs.-Stalker, KiTkpatrick, Honse; McLaws. Lyous, Milligan, Martin, Hepburn, M~rlatt. Doyle, Payne, Wallis, Cambell', Turuer, Suffel, Stratton, Youell--17. NAYs.,- Stewart, Mills, MoBride, Cline, Davis. Mc- Callslancl and Smith-7. Moved by George Suffel, seconde-d by Henry Strattpll,- "That a, special Committee be appointed to act in conneotion with the Committee of the Town of St. Thomas, with reference to the Canada Sonthern Legis- lation, to be composed of the Warden, McLaws and the mover, and t,hat the said committee be no expense to the County." Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,- J ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 31 "That this Council petition the Legislature of Ol'tario to amend tbe general Railway Act, a,s to give Municipalities authority to open streets across said Railways ivbere required, the same as if ouch roads had been laid out before the construction of the Rail- way, and that other Counties be furnished with a ~opy of this resolutivn." Carried. On motion of George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride the Council adjourned. WILLIAM McKAY, Ole?'k. EDWARD HEGLER, Warden. Elgin County Council Proceedings. SECOND SESSION,-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, JUNE 4TH, 1878. THE County Conncil met at the Conrt House, St. Thomas, this day at ten O'CloGk, forenoon, according to aajournment. TLe Warden in the Cbair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Swlke'J', House, McLalUJ8, Lyons, ]Iilligen, Ki"/cpat,'ick, Tu,me,', Wallis, Oambell, Ma"./in, fIepbum, Marlatt, Doyle, Davis, McOmfSland, Youell, Bt,'atton, Stewart rm.rl Su,tfel. The proceedings of last day of Previous session were rea,d and authorized to be signed. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Henry Strat- ton,-;- "Tbat the Council adjourn until to-moi'l'ow morning at nine o'clock. Carried. WILLIAM McKAY, Clerk. EDWARD HEGLER, W(wden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 33 SECOND SESSION,-SECOND DAY. 'NEDNESDAY, JUNE 5TH, 1878. THE County Council met at the Court Honse, St. Thomas, this day at ten o'clocl<, forenQou, according to aajournment. The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalker, Ho~se, McLu.'Ws, Lyons, Milligen, Ki,'kpat,-ick, Tume1', Wallis, Oambell, Martin, FIepbum, Marlatt, Doyle, Davis, McOaU$land, Youell, Payne. McB,-ide, Oline, Mills, Smith, Bt1'atton, Buffel and Btewa,.t. The proceedings of the previous day were read ana autnorized to be ,signed. The Clerk read the following COlPmunications : From Robert Davi,1son, School Trustee,. Malahide, From the Crown Lands Office respecting Surveys. From J. Shnltie, resigning Offices of Inspector of Schools and Grammar School Trustee. v From Trustees &f school section No.9, in Yarmouth. From Inspector of Prisons, respecting Prison Labor and Diet of Prisoners, From Middlesex County Clerk, with draft of con- tracts for McIn.tosh Bridge. 3'4 ELGU, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. From Thomas Hodgins, M. P. P., West Riding of Elgin, respecting claim against County of Middlesex, in reference to payment for Gravel Road. Moved by John Lyons, seconded by Judson Milligan,- "That the Communications read be taken up and disposed of." Oarried. Moved by W. J. Youell, seconded by George Suffel,- "That the Rev. George W. Wye be appointed Trus- the of the Vienna High Scbool, in place of the Rev.Dr. Shulti.e, resigned." Carried~ Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by Thomas W. Kirkpatrick,- "That Jacob Frick recieve a free Peddlars' License for one year in the County of Elgin, on account of his being in indigent circumstances. Carried. Notices of Motions;- Mr. Stalker gives notice that he will to-morrow apply for a grant of fifty dollars for building aBridge on the Town line between the Counites of Elgin and Kent. Mr. Turner gives notice that "pplication will be made to ,n:lOrrow for vue hundred and twenty-six dol- lars, being one-half fhe expense incutred in surveying the town line between Southwold and Delaware. ELGIN COUNTY" COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; Moved by V\i. J. Youell, seconded by George Suffel,- "That Mr. C. R. Gunn, M. A., be appointed one of tbe Board of Examiners of Teachers, in place of the Rev. Mr. Shultie, resigned." Oarried. Moved by Mark Wallis, seconded by Duncan Campbell,-, "That a Committee composed of Messrs McLaws, Suffel and the.W arden, together wi.th the CountyJ udge and Inspector of Schools, be a committee to investi- gate tbe grievance complained of by ;I'rustees of School section 9, of Yarmouth." Oarried. Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by Duncan Campbell,- "That a committee composed of Messrs Snffel, Mc- Laws and the Warden, be appointed to memorialize, and if necessary, wait upon the Governme'lt and co-operate with Mr. Hodgins and Dr. Wilson, iu refer' to the claims of this County, on .account of the London and Port Stanley Gmvel Road." Oarried. Mo"ed by Wesley McCausland, seconded be David F. pavis,,..-- "Th!tt the Clerk be authorised to telegraph to the "authorities of the Lunatic Asylnm, in London,' to ascertain whether one Thomas Oldfield is an eSC!tped L1luatrc." C~\rr.ied. The Clerk received a reply from Dr: Bucke, stating tbat Thomas Oldfield was discharged in April in charge of his friends. 35 ~~ 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Clerk read notice recieved from the Provincial Secretary, that His Honor the Lieutenant Governor lias appointed for the June Sitting only, Mr. Alexander Campbell, as short hand writer for the County Courts of Elgin. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by Mark Wallis,- "That Messrs. Wai'e & Bell. Engineers of this town. be employed as County Engineers for the County of Elgin, at a salary of'Two Hundr~d Dollars a year, and that the year commence on First of January, 1878." Motion lost. Moved by David McLaws, seconded by Barnum House,..:....- "That the Council adjourn till half'past one o'clock, p. m." Carried. At half-past one o'clock the Council ,e3umed. The Warden in the chair. Moved by George Suffe!, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,- "That the Treasurer be authorized to pay Dr, Mills, Reeve of Springfield, the snm of One, Hundred Dollars towards building the Lock-up in said Village, when he certifies to the Treasurer that the Lock-up House has been completed." Oarried. , Moved by Wesley McCausland, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 37 "That the account of Messrs. Ware & Bell, Engin- eers, of the McIntosh Bridge, be referred to the. Financt1 Committee." Carried. Moved by David F. Davis, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That a free Peddlars'License be granted to Andrew )Janr to peddle goods in the County for one year" Oarried. Moved 'by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That the Council adjourn to allow the Members an opportunity to visit the House of Industry, ann to meet again at nine o'clock to.morrow morning." Oarried. . WILLIAM McKA Y, Clerk. EDWARD HEGLER, Warden. ,'~ -.-, , 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SECOND SJ!JSSION,-THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH, 1878. THE County Conncil met at ,the Court House, Bt Thom~s, tl:ds day at nine o'clocl" forenoon, according to ailjourllment. The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESJilNT j Stalker, House, McL","s, Lyons, Milligen, Turn,,', Wallis, Cambell, Martin, Hepburn; Youell, Marlatt, McCa,!Sland, Davis, Cline, Mc]3ride, Smith, Stratton, Suffel, Mills, Payne, Doyle & Bte7va,'!,' The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorized to be signed. Moved' by David F. Davis, .econded by We,ley McCausland,- "Tbat the petition of John R. Davidson and others,; asking for a refund of Thirty Dollars paid by them in 1876, being the cost of committee in the settlement of the boundaries of School Section No. 21, in the Town. ship of Malahide, be granted." The Yeas and Nays being called for were taken down as follows: YEAS.--Youell, McBride, McCausland, Davis, Stewart, Payne, Marlatt, McLaws, House-l0. NAys.-Martin, Hepburn, Milligen, Lyvns, Turner, Campbell, Suffel-8. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. 39 The motion was declared carried. A Communication from Mr. Morton, of Molsons' Bank was read. Moved by Manuel Payne, seconded by James Martin- "That tbe Communication from Mr. Morton, of the Molson's Bank be referred to the Finance Committee." Carried. Mov'ed by James Martin. seconded by Matfhew Doyle, "That the application of Mr. Payne, regarding the FOut Bridge at Port Stltnley, be referred to the 'Com- mittee on Public Improvements." Oarried. Moved bv George Suffel, seconded by Alexander I\I:nBride,- "That the thanks of this Council are due to Thomas HOdgins, Esq., M.P.P., for the Wellt Ridiug of this County, for the active part he has taken with the Government of Ontario in urging for a final settle- ment of the claim which has existed for some years between this County and the County of Middlesex, for money paid by this County to the Coullty of Middlesex, ^:'. .. . . .' on account of the London and Port' Stanley Gravel, Road, and trust that he will continue~ to urge the matter on the Government, assisted by a committee of this Council, until the matter is finally settled by the Government." Oarried. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by D. Cambell,~ . . 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. "That By-law No. 305, being a By-law to confirm By-law No. 249, passed by the Council of SouthwoJd on the fifth day of November last, to sell an aright"J allowance for road near the River Thames, be read a third time and finally passed. ., Oarried. Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by Duncan Cambell;- "That one-half the oxpense incurred in surveying the town line between Southwold an~ Delaware be paid by the County." Lost. Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by George Suffel,- . "That the Keeper of the Lock,up Honse in Spring- field, when appointed, be paid the sum of Forty Dollars per annum, same as the Keepers of th,e other Lock-up Houses in the County." Oarried. Moved by Wesley McCausland, seconded by George Suffel,- "That in as much as doubts appear to have existed as to the duty of th~ County Council in enforcing pay- ment of costs in matter of appeal from Local School Questions, it is the opinion of this Council that it is clearly their right and duty to exac.t security for costs from the applicants;" Motion Lost. ' Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by DUlIcan Cam- bell,- "That the sum to paid be by South wold, for survey of '\ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS_ 41 road allowance, be extended over two years in place of one year." Oarried. Moved by Peter SI.alker, seconded by Barnnm House,- "That this Council grant Fifty Dollars for building Bridge on the County line between the Counties of Elgin and Kent, providing an equal amount be granted by the County of Kent, and that Dugald McLean be appointed commissioner on behalf of this County, and tha.t the Treasurer p"y for the work on certificate of commissioner couIitersigned by the Reeve of Ald- borough." . Lost. Moved by Geoq(e Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,- "That the application for Fifty Dollars to be ex- pended on Bridge between Elgin and Kent, on the County line be refBlred to the Committee on Public Improvements." Carried. Moved by Duncan Cambell, seconded by Mark Wallis,- "That the A'lditcrs' Report of the County accounts for 1877 be received. aud finally audited by this Council." CarriecJ.. Moved bv Donald Turner, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That the Council adjourn till two o'clock, in order to allow the several Committees to meAt." Oarried. 42 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. At two o'clook the Council resumed. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,~ "That the matter of putting a Culvert through the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, for the pur- pose of draining the land of oue Conrad Long, in the Village of Port Stanley, be laid over until the appeal against the award of the Fence Viewers in said matter is decided by the County Judges, and should the award of the Fence Viewers be decided to be legal, by the County Judges, the Commissioner appointed by this Council is hereby authorised to prosecute the work within ten days after the decision of the Judge, and in accordance with said decision." Carried. Moved by Barnum House, seconded by Judson Milligan,- "That the Repor't of FinanC'e Committee be recieved and read." The Clerk read report of Finance Committee. Moved by David McLaws, seconded by Peter Btalker,- "That the Council go into Committee of the whole on the Finance Report." Oarried. The Council went into committee of the whole. David F. Davis in the Chair. After being same time in committee of the whole, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 43 the committee rose, when the chairman reported the adoption of the Fiuance Report without amendment. Moved bv Judson Milligan, seconded hy Barnum House,- "That the Report of the FinanCe Committee be adopted "s reported from the committee of the whole." Oarried. ~ Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by Dunc%n Campbell,- "That the Petition 0f the Trnstees of School Section No. 12, in South wold, be received and read." Oarried_ The Clerk read petition of the Trustees of School Section No. 12, Southwold. Moved by Matthew Doylc, seconded by John Lyons,- "That a Committee composed of the County Judge, the Inspector of Schools, the Warden and Me.sr.. McLaws and Stalker, be appointed to examine into the action tl1ken by the Council of Southwold in re- fusing to alter the Fingal School Section as required by the petitioners." Oarried. Moved by David McLaws, geconded by James Ma;rtin,---'- "That the Council wave the point as to the owner- 'ship ofthe, London & Port Stanley Gravel Road, if it should be tried before the County Judge." Oarried. 44 ELGIl, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by -;Villiam J. Youell, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That the Council adjourned till nine o'clock to- morrow morning. WILLIAM McKAY, Olerk. EDWARD HEGLER, Warden. SECOND SESSION,-FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1878. THE County Council met at the Court House, St. Thomas, this day at nine o'clock, fOl'enoon, according to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalker, House, McLaws, Lyons, Milligen, TU1'ner, Wallis, Cambell, Martin, lIepbu1'n, Youell, Marlatt, McCausland, Davis, Cline, McBride, Bmith, Stratton, Suffel, Mills, Payne, Doyle, Btewai-t and Kirkpat,-ick. " The proceedings of the previous day were read and ~uthorized to be signed. 46 ELGU" COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Report a,I Jail Committee was read. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by Daniel Stewart,"':" "Tbat 'the Report of the Jail Committee be adopted." . Oarried. Moved by George Snffel, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That the Clerk be requested to correspond with the Hon. Adam Crooks, Minister of Education, for the purpose of getting his opinion as to who are responsi- ble for costs in School Appeals under section 88, of chapter 204, of the Revised Statntes of Ontario." Oarried. Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by Barnum House,- "That By-law No. 311, to raise County rates in the different Municipalities be received and read a first time. H Carried. Moved by Manuel Payne, seconded by Matthew Doyle,- "That By-law No. 311 be read a second time." Carried. Moved by Judson Milligan, seconded Lyons,- "That By-law No. 311 be read to third time and finally passed." darried. I I I i r I, I i , I r: t; I i r [ ; , \ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 47 Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded Barn/rm Hou8e~_ "That By,law No. 312, be recieved and read a first time, being a By-law to raise amonnts in the Town- ship Municipalities for Common School purposes equal to the Legislative Grant." Oarried. Moved by Matthew Doyle, secondell by Manuel Payne,- ' "That By.)aw No. 312, be read a seconded time." Oan'ied. "Moved by John Lyons, seconded by Judson Milligan,- "That By-law No. 312 be read a third time and fiually passed." Oarried. Moved by Matthew Doyle, seconded James Mar.tin,- "That the Couuty Treasurer be authorized to bor- row the sum of Ten Thousancl Dollars on the' credit of the County if required until the Taxes are paid in, and that the Clerk prepare a By-la,w to that effect." Uarried. Moved by John Lyons, seconded by George Suffel,- "That the ~ccount nc.wbefore the Council for re- pairs on the Foot Bridge submitted by the Engineer of Middlesex, be laid oyer for further investigation, 48 ELGIN OOUNTY OOUNOIL PROOEEDINGS. and that the Clerk be instructed to correspond with the Engineer of Middlesex, askiug him to render a detailed account." Oarried. Moved by Peter St.alker, seconded by T. W. Kirkpatriek,- "That the Clerk be instructed to procu(e a copy of the Ontario Statutes of 1878 for each member of this Council." Canied "Moved by Manuel Payne, secouded by Matthew Doyle,- "Thq,t By-law No. 303, to authorize the -;Varden arid Treasurer to borrow Ten Thousand Dollars for im- mediate liabilities of the (Jaunty, be recieved and read a 'first time." Oarrien. Moved by Willi"m J. Youell, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That By-law No. 313 be read' a second time," Oarried. Moved by John B. Mills, seconded by D. Stewart,- "That By. Law No. 313, be read a third time and finally passed." Carried. Moved by D. McLaws, seconded by J. Lyons,- "That the Treasurer be authorized to pay to Geo. rge Everts, keeper of the Wallacetown Lock.up House, Twenty Dollars for six months salary." Carried. ELGINOOUNTY,OOUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. -49 "Moved by James' Martin, seconded by James Hepburn,- "That Mr. Ware be hear,d in reference to his being engaged by the County as Engineer." Oarried. Mr Ware being present made st,atement before the Council respecting duties 01 Engineer. Moved by James Martin, secon~ell by James Hepburn,- "That the Council petition the Ontario Legislation at next session, to so amend the act referring to Court of Revisions that the appellants will have to pay costs for all complaints th"t are not entertained by the said Courts, and that the Clerk forward a copy of this res01ution to the different Counties in Ontario' asking their co-operation, and also that parties appeal- ing deposit costs with the Clerk of the Municipality in order to have them acted upon, and that it shall be imperative upon the County Judge to exact costs when appeals are not entertained." Carried. Moved by Mark Wallis, seconded by Manuel Payne,- "That the Treasurer pay the Keepe, of the Fingal Lock-up House _ the sum of Twenty Dollars, for six months' salary." Carried. Moved by Peter Stalker, secouded by Barnum House,- "That James Frigger, Keeper of the Bismark Lock- 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. up House, be paid Twenty Dollars for six months, salary." Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Donald Turner,---'- "That the Council adjourn till the second Tuesday in November, and that the VVarden sign draft formem. bers wages." Oarried. WILLIAM McKAY, Clerk. EDWARD HEGLER, tp arden. -, Elgin County Council Proceedings. t~tt~ THIRD SESSION,-FTllST DAY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH, 1878. THE County Council met at the Conrt House, St. Thomas, this day at ten o'clock, forenoon, according to adjournment. The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Btalker, House, McLaws, Lyons, Youell, Mwrlatt, McCausland, Davis, Cline, McBride, Kirkpatrick, Twrnei', Wallis, Cambell, Martin, Doyle, Smith, Strattm, Buffel, ~Iills, Payne and ffepbwrn The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were read and a.uthorized to be signed. Thlj,V!. arder, addressed the Conncil. +-~ The foll03illg Uommunications were read by the Clerk. From the Inspector of Prisons, respecting the Gaol and proposed Kitchen. From the Chief Superintendent of Educa.tion, re- specting payment of Committees on School Section matters. From the Governor General's Secretary, in reference f 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ,;. to "n address of 1874 being Illuminated, as done by other Connties. From the St. Thomas Council, making application for payment of one-half the expenge of Committees sent to' Ottawa on Southern Railway 'Legislation. The Clerk also read report of Inspector of House of Ind ust.IY. Report of the Surgeon of House of Indnstry. Statement of Land to be sold for arrears of Taxes., Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Ki~kpfttrick,-c;; "That the Reeves of the se'veralMunicipalities De a Committee for the Equalizing of the.. Assessment Rolls, said committee to' meet to-morrow at' 'olie o'clock." Carried. -' Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by Andrew ,Nt Cline,-' "Th'1t the Clerk draft a By-law to establish a Lqck. up House in the Village of Springfield, and that the Keeper thereof be paid a Salary of Forty Dollars annum." Carried. Moved by George Snffel, seconded by McBride,- . "That the salary of the Keepers of the several up Houses in the County be reduced to Tbirty Dollars. Lost. El,GIN; eOUNTY eOUNClL PROCEEDINGS, 53 Moved by Andrew N. Cline; seeonded!:>y Donald Turner,- ~'That the ,8ala~y' of the severrul Lock-up' House Keepers in the County after the first' d~y of 'January be reduced from Forty Dollars to Twenty Dolla,s per annuu:t;,L" bost. ' Moved bv George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,- '''l'hat this Council are of opinion that the'law rela- tive to the sale of IImd for arreas of Taxes, should be amended so that the land annually advertised for sale should be sold in their respective Municipalities by the Municipa,IQlerk,o.r.t!:t~LocaI .Treasur,er, ',I1l, "pll1ce of the c,;unly Town, as at present, and that this Council ~etition tbe ,Loca<L.Legislature at, its' next session to amendtheLawaccordi'1gly, and that the. Clerk .sen.d a Clipy of Illi. resol1Jtion to 'bther" bounty CiEi,'kB in Otitarid "- Mr. Hunsberger, Keeper of House of Industry, b~fbre the Couhcit andiPli.destatement reo an increase of Salary. Moved by A. McBride, seconded by G. Stiffel',- "T.hat this 06UlIcil having. hea~d Mr.. Hunsberger's reqnestJol"an advanc,eof Wagewfor.himself and. ,Mrs'. - l:J;unsberger, viz: for an Increase. of Wages, so that the amount be Five Hundred Dollars for himself' as Keeper and his wif" as Matron of Bouse of' ind1:istry, do grant hie I'equest at the expiration of this , yea~;" Oarried. j;. 54 ELGI" ,COD:NTY COD:NCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Mannel Payne, seconded by Matthew Doyle,- 'fThat the Council adjourn till' ten o'clock to- morrow'morning." Carried. WILLJAlJ McKAY, Olerk. A, McI3RIDE, Chairman. ",i ! . ' THIRD SESSION,-SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 13~H, 1878. : --,,"', ". : THE, County Co,uncil met at theCourtHouse,St. Thomas, tbis day at ten o'clocl"forenoon, according ~ to a<ljournment. Th~ W~rden Ijeh:i{absent l\f~. McBride was ,,:ppo,i~t; ed Chairman. .. ; '. " ME1\:IBERS PRESEN:T; Stalke'J', House, McLaws,:Lyrylts, Youell, Ma,'latt, McCauslo/nd, Davis, Cline, McBride, Ki,'kpatrick, 'Turn.", Wallis, Gambell, Martin, Doyle, Smith, Bt,'atton/ Buffel, M.ills,' Payne and ITepb"rn The proceedings of ,the previous day, were reaqani! authorized to be signed by the Ch~i1'1llan, . Moved by' Peter Stalker, seconded bY" David' McI.JawB,- " , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 55 "That M,., Stalker's account for attending to the prot.ection of the McKillop, Wardsville and Bothwell Bridge, in com:ieetion wid.) the Middlesex Authorities, amounting to EIght Doll,,:rs for three days' atten-dance ani! ~xpences be paid." O"i'l'ied. Moved by Duuc~n Campbell, seconded hy Manuel 'Payne,~ "That the Report of the Inspector of the House of In<lustry'be adopted." Oarried. Moved by 'Georf(e Suffel, seconded by 'Henry Stratton,- '~That the Commun~"atioIls be taken llP and diSposed Of." Carried. I , , ' -.. Moved' by George Suffel, seconded by W, E. Smith,- "Th.t Mayhew Newcomhe be remitted the sum of Twelve Dollars, paid hY him for an Auctioneers' License, and that he be granted a free License to sell by Aucti.on iu this County for one year." Carried, Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Peter. Stalker,- "That the application from the Town of St. Thomas, asking this County to pay half the Expenses of Dele- gation to Ottawa pe not entertained." Oarded. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by M. Doyle,- "'!'hat the COllifuunicati6n frolli the;Inspector of Pl'isons be referrodto the GaolCoillmittee;" Carried. ,E\;;'"~::;:;:';;i'~,'":.,,7;;:::k">_'.p,...,.._/'1,~,_:._.,,,_...,'-.-;'2S:::!:5.;;Z:Z':2c.'k3."~"0^ :='<"~"""".~-;="7"~'_'~'C" .-___~~,,~_________ 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by P. Staker, seconded by Manuel Payne,- "That' the Ins pector of Public Schools be requested to present his annual Report, giving details onhe work done by him in the Public S~hools under his charge for the past year, as recommended by the cominittee appointed to: investigate the charges against him. Said Report having been adopted by this Council." Carried. ' Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by W. E. Smith,~ "That the Council petition the Legislaturec:of Ontario in respect to the vacation of the schools in rnral sections, praying that the annual summer term or Common School Vacation in Rural'Seations be re- duced from the present term, and be made two weeks, a,nd tl1at the Clerk send a CliPY of this resolution :to the, several County Councils in the Province, and, urge' their co-operation." Lost. 'Moved by Matthew Doyle. .seconde,l by Mark Wallis,- "That the Council adjourn till'three O'clock:; Oarried. The Council met at three o'clock. 'The Warden in the Chair. Moved: by Vv J. Yonell, seconded by Henrr Stratton,:- "That the, ):teport pf the Oommittee on Equalization be: now receivedand,read/' Oarried ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 51 The Clerk read the Equalization Report. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by W. J. Youell,- "That the Report of the Committee on Equalization of tbe Assessment Roll. for the current year be adapted." Oarried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,- "That A. F. Butler, Esq., Inspector of Schools for this County, be now allowed to submit his annual report to this Council, and to address this Council with refer;ence to the same," Car-ried. Mr. Butler read Report and addrcssed the Conncil. Moved by Dayid' McLaws, seconded by John Lyona,- "Th~t the Report of the Inspector of Schools be adopted." Oarried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Peter Stalker,- "That this Oouncil adjourn till ten o'cock to-morrow morning." Carried. WILLJAill fifcKAY, Ole1'k. ...:; EDWARD HEGLAR, Wa1de~t. 58 ELGIN: COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. THIRD SE8SION,-THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, 1878. THE County Cpunci[ met at the Court House, St. Thomas, this day at ten o'clock, forenoon, according to adjournment. The Warden iu the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT; Stalker, HoY-se_, .Ll1.cLwws, Lyons, Youell, Ma,'latt, McCaitsZand, Davis, Cline, McBride, Ki1'kpatrick, 7?w'ne1" Wallis, Cambell, Martin} Doyle, Brnith, Stmtton, BuffeZ, Mills, Payne and Hepburn. The proceedings of the previous day were read and anthorized to be signed, After' which the Clerk re..d a Communication from His Honor Judge Hughes respecting Voters' Lists, and the appointment of a Short-hand Reporter. The ClH'k also read an application from Mr. Ware, for the office of County Engineer, and a, Report of the constrnction of the Maointosh Bridge. Moved by J. Martin, seconded by J. Hepburn,- "That the Report of the Oommittee on the House of Industry be received and read. Carried. The Olerk read the Report. Moved by J, Hepburn, seconded by J. Marlatt,- "That the Report of the Committee on House of Industry be adopted.." Oarried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 59 Moved by M. Payne, seconded by J..Hepburn,- "That the report of Jail Committee be recieved and read. Jl Oarried. The Clerk read Jail Report. Moved bv T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by P.Stalker, "Tbat the Report of the Jail Committee he adopted." Carried. Moved by T.' W. Kirkpatrick, second by Peter Stalker,- "That the Report of tbe Finance Committee he re- cieved aI1d read. Jl Carried. ~ The Clerk read the Finance Report. Moved by ~ esley McCausland, seconded by DOnald Turner,- "That the Report of the Finance Committee be amended by reducing the account of S. Day,for straw, froID $10 to $5, and that the Warden sign cheques for the account em~H'aced in sfl.id Report._" Oarried. Moved by Alexander McBride, seconded by W. J. Youell,- "Tbat this Council having heard the Report of the Committee of the House of Industry read, are satisfied with the Report, and after having had three years trial of tbe institution feel well pleased with, its efficiency both financially and otherwise" and that we think such institutiors should become more general, "='_,"c'_""_77"='-"".C::',~"..,c.,.._~e__._,.'''~',,,,,=._.,_~:_,,.. 60 ELGHi COUNTY COUNCIL PIWCEEDINGS. both in the interest of the Poor of our Country. as .vell as for the iuterest of the County." Carried. Moved by p. Campbell, seconded by A. McBride,- \ "That the Commissioners ptoceed at once to pu t tQe Culvert through the Gravel Road at the property of Conrad Long, ,in the Village of Port Stanley, at a cost not to exceed Fifteen Dollars, if the Proprietors of the road give their consent." Uarried. J\foved by Mauuel Payne, seconded by James Martin,- "That OOlll'ad Long be refunded the sum of Seven Dollars fwd Eighty Cents, being the sum of costs in the appeal of Feuce Viewers ordered by this Council." Oarried. . Moved by John Lyons, seconded by David McLaws,- "That the Printing Committee be authorized to have the minutes and proceedings of the Council for; the curient year printed in pamphlet form, as former years, and that the Clerk be authorized to distribn te the same not later than the 15~h of December." Oarried. Movecl by Gaol'ge Suffel, seconded by Alex&nd~r McBride,- "That the Sheriff be authorizecl to purchase, for the use of the Constables of the County, 24 pairs of Hand- , cuffs to be d.istributed by him as necessity may re- quire." Carde(i. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, 61 Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride.- . "That the Council having recieved a Communica- tion from His Honor Judge Hughes, with reference to the appoint~ent of a Short-hand Writer for the County Courts, and as the Council have recommended the appointment of such a Reporter for the term of one year as an experiment, would urge upon the Attorney General for Ontario, the necessity of making the ap- pointment and fix the remuneration that he shall receive, and that the Clerk send a copy of this resolu- tion to the Hon. O. Mowat, Attorney General for Ontario." Carried. Moved by David F. Davis, seconded by Wesley MeCausland,-- "That Alexander Steel, B. A., of Aylmer, be appoint- ed a member of the Board of Examiners for the County." Oarried, Moved by David McLaws, seconded by John Lyons,- "That the Warden and Treasurer be authorized to borrow Five Thousand Dollars for immediate liabil- ities of the Oounty." Oarried. ~ Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Alexander McBride,- "That By-law No. ?14, to establish a Lock-up House at Springfield, be received and read a first time.." Car.ried.. 6Zl E1.t\tIFCO'UNTcY (fOUNCILJ P1WOE'l!:DJCNGS... Moved' bv' Ji B; Mills,' seconded; by' George Suffel,- "That, By'law No,. '314 be' read' a, second time,' Oarried. Moved by Wi J: Youell, seconded' by Henry Strattbll,- "That, By,law, No. 314 be, read a third, time, and finally pltssed." Oarr.ied. Moved' by Manuel Payne, seconded by Matthe~ Ddyle,- "That By-law No. 315 to confirm the Equalization. of; the Assessment Rolls be received and read." Carried. Moved by W. .r. Youell, seconded by Uenry' Stratton,- "Tha~' Bv-laiw. No. 315 be, reaid a second time." Carried. . ,Moved by. G.eorge Suffel" seoonded by Henry Stratton,- "That Bill-law No. 315 be read. a third tlme and finally'passed." Uarried. Moved by DUD can Campbell, seconded by Manuel' Pa.yne,-:- "Tbat By-law No. 316, to authorise the borrowing of Fiv.e Thousl1nd Dollars, be received an(t 'read 11 firs,~~,time." Carried. Moved by Vv. McCausland, secouded by'G, Suffel;_i EI:.GU'JCOUNT.Yl C.OUNCII.J P'R'OC.EEDINGS" 63;, "That By;law No, 316 be r,ead a, second time." Oarried. Moved by Henry' Stra.tton; seconded by W. J. Yonell,- "Th..t' By"law No; 316 be read' a third time, arid finally passe,!." OairrieJ. Moved by Wesley McCausland, secopded by D. F,. ,Davis,- " "That the sum of Twenty Dollars be paid to f[epry. Martin, for six months' attendance as Keeper of Aylmer Lock.up House," Car;ried. Moved by Dl1yid F. Davis, seconded by 1.1:. PaYlle.- "That Henry Martin's account for taking charge, and board of Mahlon Buckley, a pri~one~, for two days and two nights while sick, and as' oriere.a l)y, Dr. Sinclair aud two Magistrates, amounting to Seven Dollars, b" paid.... Oarried. Moved,by James Martip, seconded by M. Payne;- "That Alfred Ware b.eap!,ointed County Engin.eer, at a salary of Two Hundred Dollars, and Travelling Expenses not to exceed Fifty D01IRrs per annum." Ollrried., \,~i ~ The Yeas; and NaY~being, caned far Olil tAe' ",bo'l'e motion, were takep,down aR follows: YEAR-Stalker, Kirkpatrick, House, lVIoLawR, Mar- latt, Payne, Hepburn, Wallis, Martin, Mills, Doyle, Cline-12. 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. NAYs.-Youell, Campbell, Tnrner, Smith, Davis, McCausland,. Suffel, Lyons, and Stratton-9. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by George Suffel,- "That O. Allen be paid the sum of Twenty Dollars, being .a half years salary as Keeper of the Springfield Lock-up House, for the Half Year ending December 31, 1878." Oarried. Moved by Peter Stalker, seconded by T. W. Kirk. patrick,- "That the Clerk be required to draw, the attention of the Middlesex Council to the dangerous state of the approach to the McKillop Bridge, on the Middlesex side." Carried. v Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That the Salaries of the several Keepers of the Lock-up Houses be reduced to Twenty Dollard after the current year, except the Villages of Aylmer and Port Stanley which shall be Thirty Dollars each." In Amendment,- Moved by George Suffel, secouded by J. Martin,- "That the salaries of the several Keepers of the Lock- up Houses in this County b. reduced to Twenty-five Dollars after the expiration of the present year, except- ing Aylmer and Port Stanley, which shall be Dollars each." ELGIN COUNTY COUNOIL PROOEEDINGS. 65 Amendment lost, main motion Carried. Moved bv John Lyons, seconded by James Marlatt,- "That it is the opinion of this Council that the Communication from His Honor Judge Hughes, with reference to having only a supplementary list of Voters in place of the whole being published every yoar, should be entertained, and th~t the Council petition the Local Legislature to so amend the Act in aceord, allee" witb the said Communication." Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seeonded by Alexander McBride,- "That the sum of Sixty Dollars be granted to the Warden, being the usual Annual Grant fat extra services for the current year." Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Wesley McCausland,- "That this Council tender a vote of thanks to the Warden, Clerk ani Treasurer for their efficient services for the current year.11 Carrieil. . Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Henry Stratton,- "That this Council adjourn Sine Die." Oarried. <~ WILLIAM McKAY, Ole1-k. EDWARD HEGLAR, Wa1den. ) ~ EQU ALIZATION REPORT. 1878. i ! i ! I ' : AU'SaID: P~RSCNAL : REALPROPlf!TY :REAI.. & PlRSOtlAL:EQUAUZED: !'ellSI)NAl.. : RU,L PROI'ERTY :nEAL & PERSONAL , ACRU ' :: ..:,. .: : MUNIC1PALll'IES ! AI'SJ;SSEO j PE:A~~~'i! i 1:::lAE ASS::SEO ^~R::::S~O 1 p~:~Uc!Fi" i P~~~~r:.;;l~S ! EQU:~IZE.[) i A;:oQ~::[D , . . , , , ." _.___1_1_:__\__:__:_:__:__1__ Aldborough .. :76,214]$17 00'$ 51.210 !$l ,225,755 i$I,282,965 ]$23 00'$ 67,521 !$1,753,92":$1,82U,443 Dunwicb.. ..,69,060; 25 50,116,730: 1,774,795' 1,891,525' 29 OOi 117,605, 2.002.740, 2,120,345 Sonthwold.. :72,587: 34501152,00012,495,815' 2,647,8]5 i 42 00' 168,580: 3,048,654: 3,217,234 Yar",onth.. ..,. .. \69,871 \ 37 50\ 156,495; 2,615,863 i 2,772,358; 46 001 176,553 \ 3,214,0&6 \ 3,390,619 Malahide, ,62,030,30 Oui 127,500, 1,860,150, 1,987,650,3700: 111,175, 2,308,800, 2.41.9,975 South Dorche,ter ..\30,4132! 36 00\ 9,350\ 1,095.237 \ 1,105,587 \ 43 00\ 40,000\ 1,310.726 \ 1,350,726 Bayham. .. .. '55,964: 22 00' 136,676: 1,239,132: 1,:;75,808: 20 00' 125,930: 1,11~,280: 1,245,210 Vienna, .: 9,200' 74,950 84,1501 9.2001 66,800: 76,000 Aylmer.. .. .: 48,483: 360,543, 409,026: 48,4831 301,5]7: 350.000 Pori Stanley .... , ! 8,300, 108,890: 117,190:' 8,300: 79,7001 88,000 Springfield .,... : i 4,800: 95,880 i 100,680 i 4,800: 80,200: 85,000 ~ ------ ~36208!-i 826,744\12,948.010 [13,774.754\-: 878,147\11,,285,405 !W,163,552I To the Co<<ncil of the Co<<ntyof Elgin: trEE Committee appointed t) equalize th(' .-\sseSSlllellt Rolls or the preSellt year, beg leave to submit the foregomg Hepol't of Eq ualization, which chey l'rlcornruenq to be adopted by the CounciL AT,L of which is respectfullj" 'submitted, Committee RooIU," Novembel' 14th, 1878. ALEXAlYDER JlcBRIDE, C1<ai"IIUlII.. ..~ Report of Finance Committee. 1878. To the County Cm,nci.l of the Co'unty of Elgin. Tbe Committee on Finance beg leave to report, that having examined into the state of tb,e Finances of the County, and the estimates prepf.\red by the Oonnty Treasurer, they he,rewith submit a statement of expell- dit.ure required to be provided for the lawful purposes of the County for the present year, showing amopnts to be raised for the undermentioned purposes, viz:- $ 10,OQO 7,5QO 2,540 ~,OOO 2,200 4,250 2,700 1.150 1,400 3,530 MSO SLlnthetn Railway Debentures ... ,. Coupons Gaol "rmprovemenli, ])(>Qentura.!! a-ndQoup.(ms Adminstt'ation of Justice P(iyment of J urOl'S (joqnty Li:r;lPS and Bridges .. High Schools EXl:lminersand Inspectors of S.chools... Payment of Criminal Witnesse~.!. Honse of Indus~l'Y Officers' 8\\laries, Member,,' Wageo:l,4:;o. $42,150 Co~mon Schools equal to Govemmen"1t Gra'Gt t,196 $46,346 Ycur Committee would recommend that the sum qf Forty-two Tbousand, ove Hundred and Fifty Dollars be raised and levied on the rateable property in the several Municipalities in the County of Elgiu dluing the year 1878, for County purposes as per Schedule herewith annexed, and that the requisite by-law,s be passed to levy a rate of Two Mills and five-eight4s of a Mill in the Dollar on th.e rateable property in the .everal Municipalities as equalized for lh,e prece,ding year, to raise said amounts exclusive of School (J:rant. And the sum of Four Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-six Dollars' be raised in the several Tov,IIlship 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '" " '" ,.., Municipalities only, for Common Scbools equivalent to the Government Grant as required by the Educa- tional Department. And that the amount of rateable property embraced in the Village of, Springfield be deducted from the Municipalities of Malahide and South Dorchester. 10000000000010 00000000000 0 ~ lC:>lOtO_O'J~OO.CI:)Oa) ~ ..:: m_Ot_t-_cr.>O.....I:':lC'l I ~ ..... ~1_C'l~t:-t-0,;>:-10)C'1C'1 [ ~ ~ I :tO~cr.>~~~~- I ::g; [fJ JJ---- .----------25-o-6-o-6.o.o~6.o-o-o--...--o-.. c " 100000000000 10 ~ ~ ~ _O('oC1':l"'di~C'lO<x>r:--1C'l lO U ,,<< I ~::J)C'lOO~l..C';l,t-C'lc-1C<':lC'r.l I '" (I Z -< t-_OOO-.:!lU':lCO......lO....._ 0 <rJ "~IC'l~CO...t'~L..;~-r-l-....: ~.. o ~ <Ii> :'Y ...mm "roO 0"6"0"(5.ono"0-"0"0"0- ""10000". ~ z::-: I ClOOOOOlOOOOO 0 -:II;: t->.Ccr.>t-":"'~COOOCQ(O 10 <<"'I..,f<oo-_mr-moooO':!cr.>I'" r: ~::::: O~I:O~H.o..,J-lc;<':l ~ 0 ~ 0< ~ci~~~~rl W O 00 ~ ~ ... . -"--". u:"oo,---O-O--O'.O-o--o--O--- n -- ----1---0.. ,:s oco :=:>0,00 0 ~ o~oo t:-O__~C'I~ ~ j......100t-cr.>CDC'l I'" ~ o~ lOlOt-t:-lOC'lt:- ~ 00 ... '" P 100000000000 10 A 00000000000 0 ~ ~~ ~lO~O':>lOlOOOOOlO co H " I...t< ....t'Ci';l_lZ'lo:>_COlOO I ~ ~ ~5 ~~q~~~~~q~~ ~ pol- -< -< C>Ct--OlOt:-ICltOOOOt- co ~ ~>IC'lC'l_cr.>IDO~t-lOWCf:)I'" 0' W_C'1e<?e<?e<?c-q ~ 0 ~ J""'; C'l~f;?-c-i',....t~,....t-' ~ o ________m___~___:----;"m;m:----;-m:---;- -;c--:m;- -"Im"'m r" I' I;";' ~ ... , ; : ,j~' ~ ..c:::: JJ : : : l>, . '" ,; I OJ) "::::! ~ :r5'" Q) '"0 o ~ ~..do -:D,J:l : 'O-;:::~ ....E:: 8.8::g:SES~;v;;;q::I ~..... O~,J:l8..cO~~2ri1'?J)1 ~ I ~ e ~ ...2!A>.t- .E --o';l\~ ~....>'~o.. <dPro><;!Soocot><dll<ro l"iI Ql . '"l:j .o:i g:. " 0 co :::; ~ r-'I '13 Ql ",- .so '" '" .!:;> - " ~ " " "" '" " '" ,:!i .so " :E '" 'H o - :;;j " " a '" .~ "" o >-::f l"iI "" "" p CQ '" '" a o "" E-' ~ CQ 00' a o o ~ '" '" ~ ~ '13 s o o HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS, C'OMMI'I'TEEt'i'REPORT. To the Elgin County Cowwil. THE Committee on House of Industry beg leave to report :- THAT the Institution has been in operation for three years and that the results appeal' to be satisfactory. YOUR Committee would remark, that altbough there are several female inmates, the matron complains that they are not sufficient for all the work, and that she has to depenn on hired help to do part of the service., THE Garden Vegetables did better this year than " the prcvious year, and will supply tlJe wants of the establi.bment for t.he greater part of the coming winter. THE wheat crop turned out 260 bushels, which is as mu~b a.s the Comrvitte"e expected it would. THE fields are very full of weeds and it will require som~ years to make thcm clean. YOUR Committee are undecided as to whether it is better to couvert the wheat into flour and make bread, or to sell tbe wheat and buy the bread. The Matron states tbat if bread is made on tho premises she will require more help. THE cows are in excellent condition and have sup' plied the inmates with all tbe milk and butter required during the summer. YOUR Committee have under consiJ eration the em- ployment of the male inmates during the winter months ~I w,.=."=~~ 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. at some kind of work which would be useful, and which would engage their attention in place of sittini( all day brooding over their unfortunate condition. Basket making is 'an occupa tion that they conld he learned to do, if they had the materials and a person to instruct them. 'A course kind of willows could be procured from swamps or grown on the premises. l"ish nets might also be made to advantage. YOUR Committee bave much pleasure in stating that the Keeper and Matron appear to devote their atten- tion'to the comfort of the individuals under their fare, and also to the successful worl{ing of the institution. THE Oommittee recommend that the Keeper of House of Indnstry be required to keep a record'of the names of all private visitors to the House, and 'the number of de,ys board of such visitors and their teams. THE Committee recommend that the account due to E. B. Crane, for the support of Thomas Evans, an Indigent from the House of Industry, who was taken vel'y sick at his place in Orwell and attended by him from the 8th of April until the 4th day of May, the time of his death, and was decently buried by him, amouutiug to Seventeen Dollars. be paid by the Council. All of which is l'espectfully ,submitted. DAVID F. DAVIS, Cbairman. St. Thomas, Nov. 14, 1878. ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL PRO.CEEPrNGS. 71 INSPEOTOR'S REPORT. To the Elgin County Gou.ncil. GENTLEME"N :- THE Inspector of the House of Industry begs leave- to report as follows :_ Number ofIumates in the House at last report, Number admitted during the year, Number born in the House, Number of Deaths, Number of Cbildren' sent out on trial. Numher of Children bound out, Number ofInmates absconded, Number di.charged during the year, Number out at' service, Number now in the House, 39. 40. 3. 6. :4. 2. 3. 29. O. 42. 'o~' IV The 'number of Inmates admitted from the several Municipalities in the Connty during the is year ~s fol- lows: . Townsbip of Alrlborough, Township of Dunwich, Township of Southwold... Townsbip of :Malahide Township of Yarmo1lth... ..' Township of South Dorchester Townsbipdf Bayham ... Village of Avlmer '" Village of Vienna '" BOl n in the House .., 1 1 4 12 10 3 4 3 2 3 Total 43 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING~. _ ABSTRACT 8TATEMEN'J', of .jf}xlJenditu/re_ and Rece~pt8 oj House ot industry during the year, ending 1st Novembe1', 1878. PERMANENT OUTL...'-Y. Oost of Land, 50 Acres, ... ... $ 3,000 00 H Buildiug, o.ud other pel'manent improvements." 8.646 04 ., linrnishings for House,..; 2,754 64 Tot.a] Pel'manf'llt Ontlay, ANNUAL .OUTLAY. '1'0. one year's Interest on $14,300 at 6 pet' oent.... .._ ... To.paid for Provisions during the year H Conveyance of Inmates "" If Salary of Keeper and Mat. ran ... .". ,_, Salary' of Slll'geon .., Slllai'y of InRpector.". Female Bel'vants Expenses of Committees... Incidentals, IriSUl'ance. etc. " " " .< " .''''1;\1. ~,.",#:.~ Total A nuual Outlay $ 14,300 68 858 00 1.430 64 . 67 30 400 00 110 00 8000 59 51 67 70 114 18 $ 3,187 33 RECEIPTS" &0. By Provisions and ,Wood on hand ... " Garden, and Farm Produce... " Farm Stock and Implements " Dry Go.ods and Clothing on hand II Received from Pensioners " Fllrnishf~gs .:. ' . " Socks sold to Gaol ., 2466 weeks Board of Inmates dur. iog the' year; at'75c ... 1,849 46 'I'ota] Receipts, ete "~" 93 30 DOO 50 253 55 319 43 il6 09 52 00 3 00 $ 3,187 33 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 78 The average expense per week for each inmate, in- cluding interest on cost of Farm and Buildings and improvements for out buildings, barns, sheds, &c., is only 75 cents per week, without taking into con- sideration the board of hired help and family of Keeper. All of which is respeetfully submitted. WILLIAM MoKAY,Inspector. St. Thomas Nov. 1, 1878. ; !'h HURGEON'S REPORT. ~' ___';l___ _ To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council :- .GENTLEMEN :- I have the honor to present the following Report of the Elgin House of Industry, for the year ending 31st (lay of October, 1878~ I have pai(l sixty-five visits to this Institution during the year. Three births. and six deaths have taken place. 'rhe following are the dates, names, ages and causes of (leath. -~1; ., <::::~ 74 ELGI\, ,CqUNTY COUNCIL PROQEEDINGS. Nov. 10..~Albert McCormiok,-77 yrs.-TlJmor. Mar. 22,-Lucy A. Wedge,-78 yrs.-Cho,hMorbus. Apr. 30.~Peter Jonson,-94 yrs,-Old Age. May 14.-Sylvester Balcolin,-78 yrs.-Paralysis. Aug. 25-L. H. Hakes,-52 yrs.-Typhoid Fever. Oct. 28.-Ann Storey,-62 yrs.-Pneumonia. There has been comp.U'atively but little sickness during the year. We have had one case of Typhoid Fever and that contracted outside of the InstitlJtion, the pati8nt only living three days after admission. In Remitting Fever there is only one case to report, but there have been a large number of InlermittilJg 01' Chill Fever Patients. However of the last class not one originated at the Institution but all had suffered from it prior to their admission. A large per cent of the inmates are suffering from various ohronic diseases such as Ulcers, Syphilis, Rheumatism, Asthma, C.atalepsy, Ruptures, Vertigo, Piles, Dyspepsia, Idiocy, &c. :0 We have had no Comsuption or Epileptic patients during the year, I hl1ve again, as iu former reports, .to acknowledge the ever attentive, courteous and kind assistance; 1'en- dereq. me. in the discharge of my duties by both Keeper and M~tron. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, L. LUTON, wI. D. 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 75 School Inspet~tor's Report. J,1fJ". JYarden and Genlet1n~n of the Co'uncil:- In accordance with a sugge~tion. made by your Special Committee in Novomber 1877, I beg leave to present the following report. The number of schools and departments of schools in the CO'1nty of Elgin is as follows: Municipalities Schools Additi'l Total. DepaTt. Aldborough 12 2 14 Dunwich 14 2 16 South wold 17 2 19 Yarmouth 18 1. 19 Malahide 18 18 Bayham 15 4 19 South Dorchester 5 5 Springfield 1 1 2 Port Stanley 1 I 2 Vieuua 1 2 3 Aylmer 1 4 5 - 103 19 122 ~l , 'fhe uumber of Departments.at. present 19, was but 17 during the first 'part oftha: half year, and varies from time to time, since some schools that require two teachers during the winter season, require- but one during the spring and summer. The number of Inspectoral visits made since the first of October 1877 is 257. ~. n !! I: Ii I.; i' 76 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The number of new school houses built during the year is 4. The nnmber renewed so as to comply with the requirements of the law, 3. The number of Brick School Houses is 31, frame 72, total 103. If the school accommodation he rauked with regard to the value and commodiousness of the bnildings and sites in three. classes of good, medium and bad; we have Good 70, Medium 24, Bad 90, Total 103, A large majority of the school rooms are now fur- nished with Maps and Appartus, and a few arB fn~nish- ed with Libraries. The Statistical Report presented to the Ministers of Education in March 1878, shows that about $60,000 were expended for school purposes during the year, and acomp.arison of the reports of past year shows a constant increase in the moneys voluntarily devoted to school purposes. The Certificates held by the Teachers may be ranked ae follows :- First Class Provincial, 2; Second Class Provincial, 30; Tbird Chss County Board, 88; Monitors, or Assistant Teachera, Cel,tificates, 2. A few of those classed as Third County Board are extentions by the Minister of Education Third Class Certificales, pre- viously obtained of the County Board. Although the salaries of the teachers are higher than in some Counties are yet insufficient for the support of teachers who have families, and so great is the contrast between present salaries and pro' ELGfN OOUN1'Y COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. 77 fessiona] incomes, tbat the majority of the schools are in the charge of young teachers. If this be an evil it i9 fin unavoidable one, and one that has in it .a large mixture of good, the lack of experience is often over balanced by zeal~ good nature and earnestnesq 'of puruose. Two very important forcer are now at work ill each of the Counties of Ontario, to furnish our young teach- ers with the means to acquire useful profcssional knowledge.; they are County Model Schools and Teachers' Associations. The limits of this report will nol allow a full dis- cussion of these. I may say, however, that as a rule, the graduates of Model Schools have taught far better than otber beginners, and that the Teachers' Associa- tion is doing a good work, by exhibiting to all,improved methods of teaching, and in furnishing to beginners the advantages of the ripe experience of others. 'l'hrough the liberality of the Councils of the County of Elgin, and the Town of St. Thomas and their own endeavours, the Elgin Teachers' Association has now a very useful aud valuable library; the books reach the value of over $400, and are generally upon' subjects intimately connected with the profession of teaching. ~ .' It is gratifying also to know that the teachers gener- ally manifest a strong desire to do their worl< well. and to impro\'econstantly iu the art of teaching. In conclusion, I beg leave to thanl< the County Council, Board of Trustees, Teachers. and the public ~ 78 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCILPROCEEDINGS. for. the uniform kindness and courtesy extended to me, and their liberality and earnestness in the cause of Education. A. F. BUTLER,1. P. S., Elgin. November 13, 1878. ~.