1879 Minutes ~-,-.,_,;o= ./, .,"/ ""',,:~-,.-+.-,-"' .~~~~.~~~. ~~ r 0" " \ f' '. ' ..~ ~~ ~"~' '''', ~(: '81\ 0 ~ lID :m DIN rfi, ~-7b , -,' . "lO' ,.: ,~ .' ~~.'J!i:::..... .k) , ' . ~\ ~ ~ 11/ -~"'" OF THE '*~~ ~ ~ '~~0 .~ ~ .i onneil, ~ ~ ~ r)J During.,lhe Sessions held in the "" Xl ~QJ1trI~T ~QJ1W~~. ~T. TIal(Q)M~~. /1 ~. .~'"~"~ ~ ~ January. JUne, and November, il;'Jl ~~' ~;~1 8"79. J~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~,',', W...&Ml..."" Jf!C!E;F. ~.. w. !EERlJU~"''l!'REca. \f ~ Clerk. Warden. ) ~ "" ~ ~ ~ f ~ - "'':''~'~:''r;t:;&l,' J~ .~~Ie'~~~,.~~~~. '0_' . -:."'_:,' _~:"t~~~)~~:~t3';{;:::?)':,.;. ~.:> - j-' "'~r""" __, ,-n:~; :~i1f~<:-:: ..C~: ~, .,--,'....:,'+.:.:..:--:, .,:--, _""";f "',''':,<)/'A'::~:, ";;' --'. "f'" , ,c:.;:.__'_~..- .___0_" '-. . .:.:. :,:;,y, .... I ----- -- -- ~!J, 0 ~ 1m)l :llE . f B.::}Jt ~OFTRE~ :e'~ 8:m3 During the Sessions held in the ~@t!Jlit.1 ml@t!J~~. ~T. Tml@!lI!UA~. IN THE MONTHS OF January, June, and November, ~ ::~: '. =&=!lll 1879. ~ .....;J~ :~x:t : :~ " 'IlI'c....co@HHcmO@F'. Oterk. To w. mCBlitP~'lI'BCClJ1. Warden. AYLMER: Pnnted at the l. Aylmer Express" Steam printing Works. 1879. ii_..... , I~--- I I I , I - = -_.'-"~"'- ;~. .c .~,.;. Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1879. lfI'JiB9:tt 9li99Ji@H~lfI'lfB9:tt flIUJJ!'. TUESDA.Y,JANUARY 28TH, 1879. The Members elect of the County Oouncil of the County of Elgin, met at the Court House, St. Thomas, at two o'clock, aftemoon, and having filed their Certificates with the Clerk, took their seats at the Council Table as follows: NAMES. OFFICE. MUNICIPALITY. T. W. KIRKPATRICK, Reeve, ALnBOROUGH. o AROHIBALD McLEAN, Deputy Reeve, DO. DANIEL McLAREN, do. DO. JOHN LYONS, Reeve, DUNWIcH. A. J. LEITOH, Deputy Reeve. DO. DUNOAN McPHAIL, do. DO. DONALD TURNER, Reeve, SOUTHWOLD. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, JJeputy Re'eve, DO. JOHN KING, do. DO. JAJYlES MARTIN, Reeve; YARMOUTH. JAMES HEPBURN, Deputy Reeve, DO. MATTHEW DOYLE, do' DO. DANIEL LUTON, JUNR" do. DO. JNO. McCAUSLAND, Reeve, MALAHIDE. WILLIAM E. SMITH, Deputy Reeve, DO'. ALBERT OAHOON, do, DO. EDWARD HEGLER, Reeve, S. DORCHESTER LEWIS SIMPSON, Deputy Reeve, DO. ALEXANDER McBRIDE, Reeve, BAYH:AM:. HENRY STRATTON, Deputy Reeve, DO. MANUEL PAYNE, Reeve, PORT STANLEY. T. M. NAIRN, dQ. AYLMER. DR. MILLS, do. SPRINGFIELD. GEORGE SUFFEL, do. VIENNA. i I 7- I i I I I I I I I I 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 7 Moved by A. McBI-ide, seconded by M. Payne,~ That G. Suffel be Warden for the present year. Messrs. Suffel and McBride declined being nominees for the office of Warden, and the motions respecting them were withdrawn. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Dr, Mills,- That Edward Hegler be elected Warden for the present year. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Matthew Doyle,~ That T. W. Kirkpal1-ick be Warden for the present yem:. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by J. Hepburn,- That James Martin be Warden for the present year. The vote haying been taken by ballot, Mr. Kirkpatrick b ",d the greatest number of v?tes. The Clerk declared Mr. Kirkpatl-ick elected Warden of the County. The Warden elect made the declaration of Office before th~ Olerk, amI took the chair, and 'addressed the COUllci!. The Clerk read the proceedings of the previous session~ wbich.W<:lre.oauthorised to be signed. The foll~:wing. commrmications 'were then read :- Fi~lll Charl(3s Roe making application for the office of Audit~~. . . From George Scarff, Geqrge W. Morgan, and J. P. Martyn making application for the office of Auditor, From the Sheriff with copy of Report of ~spector of Prisons, respecting the Co:unty Gaol. From A. F. Butler, Inspector of Schools, respecting al- terations - in School Sections. From M. Hunsberger, Keeper of House of Industry, re- specting Insane inmates. From His Honor Judge Hughes, respecting Lock,up Houses. From D. K. McKenzie, Ohairmau of St, Thomas Board of School Trustees. From Dr. Wilson, M.P.P., respecting Petitions pmsented to House of Assembly. From Attorney' G-eneral's office, acknowledging receipt of communication respecting Shorthand Reporter; From H. F. Ellis, with Report of Directors of St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company, - From Alfred Ware, with Report on OOUllty Bridges and other works. Moved by J. Martin, seconded by M. Doyle,..,:- That the Reeves of Dunwich, Yannou~p-,) .and Bayham be a Committee to select the Standing. Committee for the present year. . . In Amendment- ..... :~7'~~' '.' ,"',-. .~;~~;'<.. ~ ~F >~+~.t:,' ",: 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNT:Y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 9 _._......n._.....___.__"".,--....._..,-_._._.__"".nn...."".......__ Moved by M. Payne, seconded by G. Suffel,- That the Warden appoint a Oo=ittee of three to strike Standing Oommittee. Tha.t. _ the consideration 01 the communications be laid over till to~mon"ow. Carried. Standing Co=ittees appointed. Amendment canied. FINANCE: The Warden nominated Messrs. Martin, Lyons, and McBride to be said Oo=ittee. Payne, Smith, Leitch, and King. The Oommittee submitted Report, when it was EDUCATION: Moved by John King, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Council go into Co=ittee of the whole on the RepOl't of the Oommittee appointed to strike Standing Committees. CaTlied. McLellll, Mills, Suffel, Nairn, and Lyons. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: Turner! Stratton, Doyle, McLaren, and McPhail. The Council went into Oommittee of the whole. JAIL AND PRINTING: :iYIr. Suffel in the chair. Hepburn, Payne, and Campbell. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY: The Co=ittee rose and reported the, adoption of the Report with amendments. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Report of the Co=ittee to strike Standing Committees be now received and ,read. Carried. Martin, King, and McBIide; Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,- Moved by J. Martin, seconded by D. Turner,- That the Warden send a commrmication to the Mayor of the Town of St. Thomas, to ascertain if the Town Hall to-morrow and following' days during the sittings of this meeting of Oouncil, be vacant. Oarried. Moved by J. King, seconde.d by D. Turner,- That D. McNish be one of the Auditors of the County for the present year,' Lost. In Amendment-, Moved by J. King, seconded by D. Turner,- That the Report of the Committee appointed. to strike Standing Oommittees as amended in Oommittee of the whole be adopted. Oarried. " c. - -----"---====~=""==='~~,. I I I I I I I I 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 11 Movea by John Lyons, seconaea by D. McPhail,~ That J, P. Martyn be appointea one of the Auilitors of for the current year. Carried. Assessors in the several municipalities for the current yem:. Canied. The Waraeu nominatea Charles Roe to be one of the Auilitors. Movea by J. Martin, seconaea by D. Turner,- That this Oouncil ao now aajourn to meet in the Town Hall, at nine o'clock to~mOlTOW morning. Canied. Movea by G. Suffel, seconaea by 1\1. Payne,- That the nomination by the Warden of Charles Roe as one of the County Auilitors be confinnea by this Oouncil. Cal1.ied. WILLIAM McKAY, T, W. KIRKPATRICK, Olerk, W arden~ Movea by D. Campbell, seconaea by John Kiug,- That the Olerk procure the usual supply of Assessors and Collectors Rolls for the use of the several Municipali~ ties for the current year. CaJ:riea. D Movea by E. Hegler, seoonaea by A. J. Leitch,~ , That George Suffel be appointed one of the Auilitors for the purpose of Auiliting the Accounts in connction with the ad.miuistration of Justice in this County. Carriea. . Flf/AS'It SliiSSlff!lH...SlIUt@Hl;) fj/tli1l'. ". WED~ESDAY, JANUARY 29T;a, 1879. \ Moved by D. Turner, seconaea by D. Campbell,- That the County Treasurer and County Judge beap' pointed members of the Bo""d of Auilit for the Aaminislra- tion of Justice Accounts-. Carried. The County Council met this day, in the Town Hall, in the Town of St._Thomas, at 9 o'clock, forenoon. Thomas W. Kirkpatrick, Warden, in the chair. Movea by John Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- That the Clerk be instruoted to procure the necessary snpplyof Assessors' Gniaes for the use of the several 11E.i\ffiERSPRESENT: lIfessrs. JJtlcLean, 1I1cLcaen, Lyons, Leitch, McPlta'il, Turner, Campbell, King, };lartin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Cahoon, Hegler, Simpson, McBride, Stratton, Payne, Nairn, Milki, and Buffel. The l)rOceeilings were read, and authOlised to be signed, after which it was I 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by Jolm Lyons, seconded by D, McPhail,- That the communications be noW taken up .andrus- posed of. Carried. Moved by Jolm King, seconded by D. Campbell,- That the Report of the Keeper of House of Industry be referred to the Committee on House of Industry. Ca:rried. . Moved by M. Payne, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Engineer's Report be refelTed'to the Committee on Public Improvements. Oauled. Mayea by M. Payne, seconded by E. Heg~er,- That the communication from Mr. Butler be referi'ed to the Education Oommittee. Canied. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded bv Lewis Simpson,- That the Report of the Oounty Engiueer on Gaol Kitchen be refeneCl to the Gaol COillroittee, with instructions to re- port thereon at the present session of Council. C:1I"cied. Moved by Geo. Suffel, seconded by W. E. Smith,- That the Council adjourn till three o'clock this aJternOOll in order that the s.everal c?mmittees. may meet. Cauled. Moved by John King, seconded by D. Turner,- That ~the Report of the Gaol Inspector be referred to the Gaol Committee. Carried. . ' Moved by Geo. Suffel, seconded by A. McBride,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 13 That J. Kingston, M,D" be appointed a Trustee for the Vienna High School for the teem of three years. Oanied, Moved by Geo. Su:ffel, seconiled by D. McPhail,- That tbis Oouncil is of opinion that the local municipali- ties in which Lock-up Houses. are situated, should furnish,.. stoves, fuel, bedding, arid other requisites necessary for the same. Carried. " Moved by M. Doyle, seconded by D. McPhail,- That the Report of Public Improvements be received and read. Carried. The Clerk read Report. Moved by Jolm Lyons, seconded by A. J. Leitch,- That the Report of the Co=ittee on Public ImpTOve- ments be adopted. Can~ed, Moved by A. McBride, seconded by HemJ' Stratton,- That a Free Pedlars' License for the pedilling~ of mer- chandise, such as dry goods and small ware, be granted to Thomas Roach, he bei.'1g unable to support bimself by manual labor. Can'ied. A Petition to the Governo:r General, respecting the Credit Valley Railway, was introduced and read by Mr, Nairn. Moved by T. M. NaiJ:n, seconded by G. Sll:ffel,- That this Council adopt the Petition to His Excellency the Governor General, having for its object the securing the I-~~~~~-~- I I 14 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 15 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. right of way for the Oremt Valley Railway into the City of Toronto indepena,ent of the other Railway Companies, anil that the Warileu sign the Petition on behalf of the Council, and attach~the Corporation Seal thereto. Can-ied. Moveil by George Suffel, seconileil by W, E. Smith,- JVIoveil by A. McBride, seconileil by G, Suffel,- That1fessrs. King, Payne, and HepblU'll compose a Special Committee referred to in the resolution just passed, and they be requested to report to this Oouncil at its present session. Carried. That Samuel Day give explanations touching allac- cou.i1t rendered this Oouncil at the November Session for Ten Dollms for straw for the'use 'of the gaol. Oanied. Mr. Day being present made explanations before the Council respecting the straw. Moveil by Gem'ge Suffel, seconileil by E. Hegler,- That whereas a By-Law was passeil by the Council of this County, granting a bonus of $16,000 to the Brantforil, Norfolk, and Port Burwell Railway Company by a group of a portion of this Oounty composeil of the South paxt of the Township of Bayham; the Village of Vienna, and a small portion of the South-eastel'n part of the Township of Mala- hide, and the period when the said bonus ought to have been earned by the said Railway Company having expired on the 31st ilay of Decembel'. 1878, ~ Moveil by John King, seconileil by D. TUl'ller,- That the' resolution on page 59 of the printeil jylinutes of the Proceeilings of the Oouncil of 1878, be, now rescinded, and that the account of Samuel Day for straw be allowed. Carried. And whereas the Great Western Raihyay Company of Canada having now acqnired the Charter of the said Brant- ford, Norfolk, and Port Burwell Railway Company, and have expressed a desire to comply with the wishes of the people and complete the said line' of railway through to Port BUrwell, but state that they cannot do so unless an extension of time be given, and w hei'eas the construction of _the said Railway to Port Em'well is of great importance to that seetion of country lying between Tilsonburg and Port BIDwell, and the sav~ng of this small honus would be 110 compensation for the loss of a railway. JVIoveil by M. Doyle, seconded by A. J. Leitch,- . That a By-Law be drawn up to expend the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy Dollars on GOlmty Bridges; in- c.hiUing the Por!; Stanley Bridge, as per Engineer's Report, and that the MiddlGsex COlillCil be notified to raise the sum of Three Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars, being half the amount required for the -county bridges, exclusive of the Port Stanley bridge. Carriec1. Moved by T. ]\f. NaiJ:n, seconiled by J, King,- That a Special Committee be appointeil by the Council to ,enquil'e illto:'anilreport nponthe p1'acticabilityof utilismg the labOr offtisoners confineil in the County Gaol, and report at this session. Carried. It is he1'e1y resolved-That this Ooullcil.g.iye their COll- sent to the Great V{estexll, Railway, qompanj::tq- apply to the Parliament, of ,Ontal-io for an~~ct to ex(~~d -the said bonus 01 $16,000 for one year from'Ihe date iJ its expira- /C",'- 16 ELGIN dOu"""NTY COu"""NCIL PR?CEEDING-S. tion which will be the Tbil'ty-first day of December, 1879, on the condition that the said line of l'ailway is completed to Port BUl'Well by the Tbirty-fust day of December, 1879. Carried, Moved by M. Payne, secondeil by E. Regler,- That this Council adjom'll till nine o'clock to--mOl"IOW morning. Carned. WILLIAM McRAY, T. W. KIRRPATRICK, Oferk. Warden,. -~-~ FIRST &E!$SE!ilJJ'f...'l!liFIEl/J JJ;/J!I1/'. THURSDAY, JA..""lUARY 30TH, 187!f. The Oouncil met at the Town Rall, at nine o''clock, fore- noon. The Warden in thc charr. JYlE]'IBERS PR.E.SEN'r: J.lfessrs. ltfcLean, 1l1cLwrenr Lyonsr .Mcfhail: Leitch, Turner, Campbell, King, ft,fwrtin, Hepburnp Doyle, Luton, 'Smith, Oalwon, Heglr;r, Simpson, M cBride~ 8t?yttton, Payne, flairn, and J.lfill,s. ELGL."t COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 17 The pl'oceedings of previous day were read,-and anthoi'ised to be signed. The County Treasm.er,submitted a statement which was ~ead, after which it was Moved by M, Doyle, seconded by T. M. Nairn,- That the Report of the Finance Committee be received and read. ~ The Clerk read the Finance RepOlt. Moved ~y Lewis Simpson, seconded by J.' Martin,- That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopteil. Carried. Moveil by Geo. Suffel, sccondeil by T, M, Nairn,- That all accounts paiil by the order of the Chairmau of House of Industry Committee be laid before the Finance Committee at each meeting of the Council for their inspec- t~on and approvaL Carried. Moveil by T, M. Nairn, seconileil by A. McBriile,- That~the Warden, Suffel, and the mover be a Special Committee topl'ess the claims' of this County on account of monies paid to the County of Middlesex in 1854, 1855:, and 1856, for Elgin 8ha,re of the purchase money of the Lonilon anil Port Stanley Gravel Roail, anil retaineil by that County instea.i of being paid over ~o. the Government, sail Oommittee to correspond and act ill conjunction with the - members of the Local Legislature fOl' the Oounty. Can-ied. _,""._.c-- -=?~" 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by L. SUnpson,- That By-Law No. 314, to appoint Alfred Ware County Engineer; be received and read a first time. CaTlied. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by E. Hegler,- That By-Law No. 314 be read a second tUne. Oarried, Moved by W, Smith, seconded by H. Stratton,~ That By-Law No. 314 be read a third time and finally passed. Cal1:ied. Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by W. E. Smith,- That By-Law No, 315 be read a first tUne, Carried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by A. McLean,- That By-Law No. 315, to raise cerlain amolmts for COlmty Bridges, be read a second time. Canied. Moved by J. Mal-tin, seconded by J. Hepburn,- Th&t By-L&w No. 315 be reacl '" thircl tUne and finally passed. Oarried. , Moved by M. Payne, second€d by D. McPhail,- That By-Law No. 316, being & By-Law authorizing the expellditw'e of money on the -Pori St.anley Bl'idge, be read a first time. Carried. Moved by J. Ring, seconded by D, Oampbell,- , Th.:'1,t By..:Law No. 316 be read a. second time. Carriea~ Moved by J. Lyons, secoueled by D. McPhail,- '--'" ELGIN COU!\""'1'Y COUNCIL PROGEEDn;GS. 19 ~ That By-Law No. 316 be read a thiJ.a tim8 and passed. Ca1'1'iecl. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by A. McBride,- That the members of the Council, at the request of the Chairman of the High School Board of St. Thomas, and the Head 1faster of said school, visit tbe new high school build~ mg, immediately after dinnex. Oarried. ~ The statements of the Oounty Treasul'er and Oounty Re- gistrar were submitted and read by the Olerk. Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- That By-Law No. 317, to apIJoint County Auditors to audit the Tl'easul'el"s accounts, be read a first time. Carried Moved by D. Turner, sec?nded by J. King,- That By-Law No. 317 be~read a second time. Caniec1. Moved by D, Oampbell, seconded by J. King,- That By-Law No. 317, be read a third time and finally passed. Canied. Moved by A. McLean, seconded by D. McLaren,- That By-Law No. 318, fixing the Salaries of Lock-up House Keepel's in the county, be. read a first time. Carried. Moved byD. Campbell, seconded by J. Ring,_ That By-Law No. 318 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- i I ~ <o'~, 20 ELGIN C01JNTY COlJ""NCIL PROCEEDINGS. That By-Law, No. 318, to regulate the salaries of Lock- up Hou se Keepers be read a tlllrd time :md finally passed. Oarried. Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by E. Hegler,- That a petition be presented to the Local Legislature praying for an amendment to the ltl u:b.ici~al Act~. proviclin.g in townships not divided into WM'ds, that III making nomI- nations for Councillors they should be designated by num~ bel's, the same as Deputy Reeves. Carried. Moved by J. Martin, seconded by D, Luton,- That the Oouncil do nowadjoillntill half-past two o'clock to allow the members an opportunity of visiting the St. TholIUts High School. Oarried. The Oouncil resumed. The Warden in the chair. Moved by A. McLean, seconded by D. McLaren,- That the report of the Special Committee on Pl1.s0n La~ bor be received and read. The report was read by the Clerk. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by L. Simpson,- That the report of the Uommittee "'ppointed to corner -withthe Sheriff regarding Pli.son Labor be adopted. 0ar~ ried. Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlliGS. 21 That the Tepart of Committee on Education be received and I'ead. Cal'lied. The Clerk read Education RepOl't. l\J oved by A. McLean, seconded by D. McLaren,- That Mr. Butler, Inspector of Schools for the Oounty of Elgin, be heal'd in refill'erice to the dillereneein the amounts received by several MUnicipalities from the Government Grant respecting which then.' seems to be injustice done to some Municipalities. Carlied. Mr. Butler being present aadTessed the Uouncil. Aftel' which it was ' Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by M. Payne,- That the repOl't of the Committee on Education be adop- ted. In amendment 1st. Moved hy A, J. Leitch, seconded by J. King,- That the repOl't of the Committee be amended so as to I'ead,-That the High School gTant for St. Thomas be Fourteen Hundred Dollars; Aylmer High School, Seven Hundred ",nd Fifby Dollars; ",ud Vieuna High School, Five Hundred and Fifty Dollms, In Amendment 2nd it was Moved by A. McBride, secouded by W.;E. Smith,- That the deficiency required to support the High Schools of Vienna and AylITier~ apal.t from the GoVel'IlIrient Graht~ '" $ / , u I ] I I I 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. -ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PR"OCEEDINGS. be defrayed by the County, and that the annual donation to the S~. ~hon:as Higll School be continued same as last year, $1,500,lt berng distinctly understood that the COlrntyshall not be called ~p~n to contribute towaTds any deficiency all account of building or furnislring for the above mentioned High School, but merE11y on aCcOlmt of Teacher's salary. In amendment Bra it was .l.\loved by H. Stratton, seconded by W. E. Smith,-- That By-Law, No. 319, be read a second time. Canied. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by J. Martin,- That By-Law, No. 319,"beamended so as to read-Four- teen Hundred Dollars to the St. Thomas High School. Moved by D. Oampbell, seconded by J, Hepblll'n,- That the report of the Education C::ommittee be amended so that the High School grant for St. Thomas be $1,300; Ayhner, $800; ITienna, $600. Yeas and nays called for and taken as follows; YEAS. - Cahoon, McLaren, McLean, Hepburn, Luton, Stratton, Smith, McBride, Suffel, Nairn, Mills, Payne,Heg- leI', Simpson and Martin..~15. , The yeas and nays being called for on the third amend- ment were taken down as follows: NAYs.~Campben, King, Tmner, Lyons, MoPhail,Leitch, and Doyle.-7. Amendment carried by a majority of 8, YEAs.~Oampbell, Tlllner, Lyons, Cahoon, Hepburn, Lu- ton, StrattoJ;l, Smith, Suffel, McBride, Nan~l.Hegler, Payne, Mills, and Simpson.-15, Moved by W. Smith, seconded by H, Stratton,--. That By-Law 319 be read a thll.a time and finally passed, Carried. NAys.-Doyle, Leitch, McPhail, King, McLaren, McLean and Martin.~7. . Moved by D. Campbell, seoonded by D. Tmner,~ That By-law No. 320, to appoint a Board of Audit be read a first time. Carried. J\f oyed by E. Hegler, seconded by L. Simpson,- That By-Law No. 320 be read a second time, Oarried, The amendment was canied. nfoved byA. Cahoon, seconded by H. Stra~ton,- That the Vilarden be authorised to sign ord81's for the ac- counts embraced in the Finance report, ,Canied. Moved by W. E. Smith, seconded by H. Stratton,- That ~y-~aw, No. 319, making grants to High Sohools, and a.ppomtmg Trustees be read a first time. Carried. :i\iovedby A., McLean, seconded by D. McLaren,- That By-Law, No. 320, be read a third time and finally C"passed. Carried. 4; , 23 , ~4 .~..~~ r I I I I 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS..' Moved by J. B, Mills, seconded by T. JH, Nairn,~ Tha.t th9 I"epOTt of the Jail Committee be received and I'ead. Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1879. The report of Jail Committee was read. I\loved by John King, seconded by D. King,- That the report of Jail Oommittee be adopted. OalTied, Moved by T. 1\11. Nairn, seconded by W. E. Smith,- That the thanks of this Oouncil be tendered to the Mayor and Town Council of St. Thomas, for their generosity in granting ' the use of the Towp. Hall, for the present'session of Oouncil.-Oarried, Moved by McLaren, seconded by A. Oahoon,- That the signature to certificate of Insn8ctor of House or maustTY'Or Keeper thel~eof be sufficient f~r the Treasm'er as to the inileage travelled by the parties who convey inmates to the House of Industry. OalTied. Moved by Dr. Jl!:ills, seconded by T. M, Nairu,- That this Oouncil adjourn till the first Tuesday in June next, and that the Wal'den sign a cheque for members' wa~ ges. Sl!lf!JfiMflD SlllSSG@lrimll'GlliS'lt '>>tJF. TUESDAY, JUNE SRD, 1879. The County Council met at the Com1; House, this day, at 1 o'clock, afternoon. The Vtr arden in the chair. MEMBERS PRESENT: jJ;fess?,s. jlfclcan, McLar~n, Lyons1 Leitcl~, McPhail, l'unwr, Campbell, King, Martin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Cahoon, Hegler, Simpson, YOUfjU, Strcdton, Payite, Milts, McCrl'l!'sland, Moore, and Buffel. The proceeclillgs of the last day of previous session were read and oxdered to be signed, . Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,- That this Oouncil do now adjourn until Tuesday next, the 10th inst., at two o'clock afternoon. WILLIAM .1fcKAY, 7', IV, KIlfKPAl'IUGK, The yeas and nays being called for by J. King, on this motion, were taken do'Wll as follows :- Clerk. Warden YEAs.-McLaren, McLean, Moore, Suffel, Payne, Leitch, Hegler, Stratton, Lyons, Sillth, Hepbmn, McPhail, Youell, ancl1fills, 26 ELGIN COUNTY COTJ""NCIL PROCEEDING-S. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 27 NAys.-Luton, Martin, King, TllrneT, Campbell, Si?1pson The following communications weT0 rea,d :- and Doyle. The Oouncil then adjourned till the 10th day of June. From the CoUnty TreaslITm. respecting a Committee to he appointed to meet a Committee from St, Thomas to arrange the amount to be paid hy the Town on account of the administration of Justice, &c. ,.. WILLIAJJl McKA Y, l' W. KIRRPAtRICK, Clerk_ WardeH. From the COlIDty Treasu.T~l" with:financial statement and estimate of sums requixed to be raised. From Alfred Ware, OOlIDty Engineer, ,vith statement of cost of improvements on County Line. !' -_._,----,-~--~--- From W. H. HindmaJ'sh respecting the use of Comt House Grounds for the Cavalry Band. From County Trea,sm-er with auditOTs statement and re- port. OJli(J@Jif~ SJliOO.lIJ;JIJ'...OJli({J(j)i!lJ'~ 12;fJj1!'. TUESDAY, JUNE 10'l;H, 1879. From Messl's. ,Ellis & Ellis with accOlmt of law fees and costs in Wiseman 'Vs. Elgin and Norfolk. The Council met at the Town Hall, in the town of St. Thomas. From :Wh. Horton with account of costs in Stanton im- peachment. The Warden in the chair. , Moved hy M. Payne, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Amlitors Report be adopted and that the ac- counts of the County Treasmer be fillally audited and allow- ed. Carried.. lv.rnMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. McLean, McLa1'en, Lyons, il1.cPhail, Leitch, Turner, Ga,mpbell, King, llfa1.tin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Oahoon, Hegler, Simpson', Youell, 8trat~on, Payne, Nairn, 1.11cGausland, Moore, Sn.tTel: and Mills. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by M. Payne,- The proceedings of the previous day were read and auth- orized to be signed. That the report of Alii'ed Ware, Oounty Engineer, be referred to the Committee on public- improvements_ em'. l'ied. 28 ELGIN COUNTY aOlTh"crr. PROCEEDINGS. Moved by T. M. Nail'll, seconded by W. Y. Youell,- That a special committee be appointe d toamer with a- committee from the TO'\Vll Council of the Town of St. Thomas, with a view of adjusting the amount to be paid. by St. Thomas to the COllity of Elgin on account of the ex- penses of Administration of Justice and use of Court House and gaol for the ne~t .five years. Carried. Movea by E. Hegler, seconded by M. Payne,- That the Oommittee to meet the Committee from the St. Thomas Council be composeel of the Warden, Messrs. Suffe!, McCausland, King, Leitch and Nairn. Carried. Moved M. Payne, seconded by I. B. JYIills,- That the a.ccormt of Alfred Ware, Oounty EngineeI~. be referred to the Finance Committee. ~Canied. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by J. McOausland,- That a. By-Law be passedauthorising the Warden ana Treasurer to borrow the sum of ten thousand dolla,rs on the credit of the OOlmty, for the pl1rpose of meeting payments falling due before the Oouuty rates be paid by the several Municipalities. Carried. Moved by J. J{i.ng~ se~onaed byD. Cam:pben,~ That the cOllJilllUllcations be.now taken up and disposed of. Can-ied. JYIoved by L R Mills, seconded by L. Simpson,- That the accouut of Messrs, Ellis & Ellis for costs in ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 29 Wiseman V8 Elgin and Norfolk be disposed of by the Oouu. cil. Carried. . Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by W, Moore,- That M. Payne, Ohairman of the Finance Oommittee, be requested to wait on Messrs. Ellis & Ellis for the purpose of getting all the informatfon he can with reference to their account against this Oouncil in the Wiseman suit and repOTt to this Council to-morrow. Oar~ ried.. . Moved by T. 1L Nairn, seconded by W. Moore,- That a peddIal's liceense be granted to Andrew Laur,of the Township of Malahide, for one year without charge <?ll account of his being a cripple. CaTl'ied. ,\-fovea by J, Martin, seconded by 1\1. Doyle,_ That an auctioneers license be grantecl to Mathew Young of the village of Union for the term of one year, free of charge. Can-ied. M.oved by W. J. Youell, seconded by Vl. Moore,- That the County Treasurer's estimates be referred to the FInance Oommittee. Can1.ed. Moved by J. King, seconded by D. Campbell,- _ That the application of the Cavalry Band for the use of the COlU't House grounds be granted. Can-ied. Moved by T, 1\1, Nairn, seconded by ~r. Payne,- Tlmt the name of John JYIcOauslanc1 be added to the ~~--I 30 ELGlli COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. House of Industry Committee in place of Alexander. Mc- Bride, who has ceased to be a member o:rthis Council. Car- ried. Moved by 1. B. Mills, seconded by M. Payne,- That this Council adjomTI to-IDCl'TOW at two o'clock, p.m., to allow the members an opportunity to visit the House of Industry, Moved by M. Payne, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Council adjoumed till 9 o'clock to-morrow morning. WILLIAM MeRA Y, 1'. W, ]{[RRPAl'RIGK, Clerk. , Warde1h BJjJtl@Nfff} BJlfSS.l@J!f...'l!'JjJlf/Afff} ~i!lJf. WEDN'ESDAY,JUNE 11TH, 1879'.. The Council met at the Town Hall, in the town of St. Thomas, at 1 o'clock, fOl'enoon. The Warden in i:.he chai.r~ -(or ';;- ....... ---- --, v ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 31 1fuMBERS PRESENT: 1116881'8. McLean, .McLaren, Lyons, McPhail, Leitch, Turner, Campbell, King, ltJmrtin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Oahoon, Hegler, Simpson, Yo;'ell, Stra~ton, Payne, .Nairn, 1l1cGausland, Moore, Suffet, and Mills. The proceedings of the previous session were Tead and authorized to be signed. Moved by J, Lyons, seconded by A, J, Leitch,- That a FTee Pedla.rs License be granted to George Hilll he being in Teduced circumstances. Carried. Moved by J, Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- That the Committee previously appointed by this Ooun- cil to investigate the claim of this Co,mty against the County of Middlesex, respecting the Port Stanley Gravel Road, be re~appointed to ,act in conjunction with a Com- mittee appointed by the County of Midcllesex, and that Mr. McCausland be added to said Committee. Carried. Moved by J. King, seco:c..:led bv D. TlU"ller,~ That the old weights and measures belonging to this Oouncil be put up at public auction aud sold by the Clerk of this Oouneil. Oarried, Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D, McPhail,- That the Report of the Committee of the House of Indus. try be read. Carried, . The Clerk read Repeli;, Moved by J. Hepburn, seconded by M. Doyle,- 32 ELGIN COUNTY COtmCIL PROCEEDINGS. That the Report of the Committee ?n House of Industry be adopted. Oarned. . Moved by J. King, seconded by lY1. Payne,~ That this COUllcil petition the Attorney-General of On- tario to make provision, by statutQ or otherwise, for the con- ~ veying of convicts to the. Reformatory and the Provjncial Penetentiary from the several County Gaols of the PI'ovince on some economical plan similar to the existing practice of conveying prisonel's to the Central Pl-l.SOn at Toronto, and that the Val-l.OUS CountyOouncils of the Province be requestf?d to co-operate with this Council in the matter of said peti- tion, CaITied~ Moved by J. Lyous, seconded by D. lYIcPhail,- That a Committ8e, composed of the mover, :M:essrs; Youell, Stratton, Leitch, and. Martin, be appointed to wait upon the County TreaSUrel" and report to-illonow respect- ing certain Lands ~old for Taxes in Bayham and. Dunwich. Carned. Moved by D. Campbell, seconded by J. King,- That "'1. Doyle be authOTised)o sell the timber purchased by this Oouncil for a culvert in the Gravel Road at the pm- perty of Oonrad Long, in the Village of Port Stanley, pTO- vided said timber be not used for the culvert by the first of September next. Can-l.ed. Moved by D. Tm'Uer, seconded by J, King,- That the account of Messrs. Ellis & Ellis, for costs ill the suit of Wiseman vs, Elgin and Norfolk, amounting to $212.65, be paid. Carried. "C' -. !~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNC]L PROCEEDlli9-S. 33 Moved by J., M ",,-tin, secoueled by lVI, Doyle,- That the OOUllcil adjourn till 9 o'.clock to-morrow morn- ing to allow the Om.U1cil time to visit the House of Indus- try and Committees to meet at fom' o'clockin the afternoon. ~ WJLLIAil1 ,VcKAY, T. W. KIRKPATRICK, Olerk, Warden,. tf1BCI!MI'l/J &B&&Il@;NoooJ}J@ll?BTlifI f!I)~Jf. THURSDAY, JUNE 12TH, 1879, The COUllty Oouncil met this day, at the Town Hall, St. Thomas, at'9 o'clock, forenoon. The Warden in the chail'. MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. McLean, Jl1cJ;a1'en, Lyons, Leitch, McPhail, Turnel', Campbell, King, Martin, Hepburn} Doyle, Luton, SmitA, Cahoon, Hegler, Simpson, Youell, Stratton, Payne,)l1.ills, McOausland, 111oo're, Nairn and Suffel. The proceedings of previous. day were read and autho- rized to be signed. . 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Warden read a communication fwm His Honor Judge Hughes, respecting places for holding the Division Oourt. Moved by A. McLean, seconded by A. J. Leitch,- That this Council petition the Legislature of Onta,rio at its next -session to amend the Division Court Act by re- pealing that part of Section Number Eight of said Act, which giyes County Judges the power of appointing and altering the places in which such OOUl't is holden at the ex- pense of the municipalities ill which such OOUl't is held as this Council are of opinion that such power should not be vested with County' Judges except in cases where ,proper and suitable accommodation is not provided by the Local Municipality, for which causes sub-Section No.2 makes ample provision and that the Oounty Oouncils throughout the Province be asked to co~operate in the matter of said petition. The yeas and nays being called for on this motion werg taken down as follows: YEAS-':\icLaren, McLean, TUlner, ]"-Iartin, Leitch, Mc- Phail, Doyle, Hepburn, Cahoon.-9. NAys-Lyons, King, Campbell, IVlcCauslap.d, Simpson, Hegler, Payne, 1ioore, Suffel, Stratton, Smith, Youell, Luton.-13. Motion lost. Moved by D. Oampbell, seconded by J. King,-=- That the. Report of Oommittee of Public Improvements be received and read. Can-ied. ....f': , ELGIN COUN.TY COUNCIL PROCEEDIl"ms. 35 I 'J The Clerk read the Report, when it was moved by Eo Hegler, seconded by L. Simpson,- That the Report of the Oommittee on Public Improve- ments be adopted. Carried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by W. Moore,- That By-Law No. 321, being a By-Law to amend By- Law No. 253, being a By-Law iucorporating the Village of Port Stanley, be read a first time. Carried. " Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by M. Payne,- That By-Law No. 321 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by W. E. Smith, seconded by H. Stratton,- That By-Law No. 321 be read a third time and finally passed. CalTied. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by Eo Heglel',- That By-Law No. 322, being a By-Law to raise amount for Common Schools equal to Legislative Grant, he I'ead a fhst time. Carried. Moved by W. Eo Smith, seconded by H. Stratton,-:- 'l'hat By-Law No, 322 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by A. Oahoon, seconded by D. Luton,- That By-Law No. 322 be read a third time and finally _ passed; Car}.1ed. Mov~d by M, Payne, seconded by W. Moore,- .: 36 ELGIN CQUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDL~GS. That we adjourn till 2 p. m. Carried. The OOUncil met at 2 p. m. The Clerk read the Report of the Finance Connnittee, When it was moved by A. Cahoon, seconded by H. Stratton,~ That the Report of the Finance Oornmittee be adopted and that the Warden be instructed to sign for the payment of the accounts embraced therein. Carried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by W. Moore,- That the Report of the Special Committee, appointed to confer with the St. Thomas Council to fix the amOlmt to be paid to this County by the Town of St. Thomas, be re- ceivecl and reacl. Ganied. Moved by James Marlin, seconded byA. J. Leitch,- That this Oouncil petition the Ontario Legislature at its llext session to so amend the Assessment Act to have mortgages on real estate assessed at theu- full value, in. stead of the income accruing therefrom, and that the amolmt of mortgage be deducted from the 'assessment against the estate, and that the Clerk fumish other Ooun- ties with a c'opy of this resolution asking their co-operation. The yeas and nays on this motion being called for were talren dO'lvll as. follows: YEAS-11ills, Martin, Turner, and Leitch.-4. NA.Ys.-McLean, King, Lyons, McPhail, McOausland, ELGL."l' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 37 Cahoon, Stratton, Smith, Buffal, Moore, Hegler, and Payne.-12. Motion lost. Moved by J. Martiu, seconded by J. Lyons,- That the Report of the Special Oommittee, appointed to comer. with a Committee fr'om the town of St. Thomas with r(jference to fixing the town proportion of expenses 011 Court House and Jail be adoptecl.----,-Carriecl. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by Dr. Mills,- That the Report of Jail Committee be received and read. Carried. The Clerk read the Report, when it was Moved by L. Simpson, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the Report of the Jail Oomrnittee be adopted.- Carried. . Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by J, Lyons,-'- That the Oounty Treasurer be requested to make a state- ment to this Couucil, showing the amount of the Oounty Fuuds deposited in the Bank with the interest accruing from time to time on said deposits for the year 1878.--'- Carriea. Moved by D. Tmner, seconded by D. Oampbell,- That By-Law Number 323, to raise County Rates in the different municipalities, be received and read a first time.- Carried. 38 39 ELGIN COlJ.N"TY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. EL'3IN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by D, Campbell, secouded by D. TUl'nel',- That By.Law Nlllnber 323 be read a second time.- Oarned, That the consideration ot the question of appointing two Inspectors of Schoolsfor the Ociunty instead or one as at present be laid over till the ,next .session 01 ~he .eomell.- Carried, Moved by A. McLean, seconded by D. McLaren,- Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by J. Ma>-tin,- That the Treasurer be authorised to refund to Mr. Farley the sum of $25,00, said amount having been paid by him for Village lot in the Village of Wallacetowll, said lot hav, ing been sold for taxes, when the Collector's Roll did not show any taxes against said lot, Mr. Farley having agreed to take said Village Lot for amount herein~mentioned.- Carried. Moved by D. McLaren; seconded by J. Martin,- That this OOllllCil ask the Ontario Govel'llment to amend the Act enabling Municipalities to assess income as low as One Hundred Dollars in place of $400.00, as it now is, and that the Olerk be ins~ructed to ask otlier Counties to act in accordance. Lost. That By-Law No. 323, to raise $35,559.00, (thirty-ftve thousaud five hundred and ftfty nine dollars), for Oounty Rates, be read a third time aud firuilly passed,-Can-ied. Moved by Dr. Mills, seconded by E. Regler,- That By-Law No. 324 be read a first time.-Oarried. Moved by W. J. Youell, seconded by T. M. Nairn,~ Tha,t By-Law No. 324 be read a second time,-Oan-ied. Moved by J. Lyons, seconcled by J, Martin,- That By-L~w No. 324, to authorize the Treasurer to borrow Ten Thousan(l Dolhrs, be read a thll:d time and finally passed.-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitoh, seconded by A McLean,- That the Oounty of Elgin appoint two Inspectors one for . the West. and one. for the East. There being a sufficient number. of schools in the -County to require two Inspectors, providing 'the cost of. said. inspection d ')es not exceed the present cost~ and that one Inspector have his. office i~the Vilb,ge of Aylmer and the other in some central place in- West Riding of Elgin, Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by J. Martin,...,.-- That the Sh~riff'saccount, as now rendered to tbis Oouncil, be laid over till next meeting, and referred to Finance Committee. Lost. Moved by W. Moore, seconded by W. E. Smith,~ That Oolin Mumo be paid the sum of two dollars for maKlng.Pl1.S0n retuxn, as requested by a Committee of this Council. Carried. Motion laid over. Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded hy W, J, Youell,--' Moved by G, Suffel, scconded by W. E. Smith,- ----'1 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That the Oounty Treasurer be refunded the sum of Five Dollars, being the sum paid by him to S. Day for straw in the year 1878, in excess of the amount .first ordered to be paid by this Council, but which adilitional sum was at last meeting ordered to be paid. Oanied. Moved by J. McCausland, seconded by M. Payne,- That the Oouncil adjourn till 9 o'clock to-morrow. Carried. WILLIAM McRAY, 1'. W. KIRRPATRIOK, Clerk. Warden. RNf!J@NtJ) RNRSlflAW".l!'Ilf!!!fliE /!hi1/'. FRIDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1879. The Oouncil met at the Court Rouse, in the town of St. Thomas, at 9 o'clock, forenoon. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn.. PROCJ!;EDINGS. 41 The Wardell not being p~esent Mr. McOausland was appointed Chairman, MEMBERS PRESENT: Messrs. McLean, McLaren, Lyon$, McPhail, Leitel!', 'l'urner, Campbell, King, Martin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Oakoon, Hegler, Swnpson, Fayne, ,}?airn, Sullet, and Mills. The proceedings of the previous d~y were read a.nd authorized to be signed. Moved by J, King, seconded by J. Lyons,- That as the Oomruitte appointed by this Oouncil to con- fer with the Oomruittee appointed by' the Town of St. Thomas having failed to agree on any basis of settlement this Council appoint an arbitrator. Can'ied. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by G. Suffel,- That James Armstrong, of the Township of Westminis- ter, be appointed an arbitrator by this County to determine the amount to be paid to this County by ,the Town of St. Thomas for Administration of Justice, use of Gaol, and ex ~ penses of Registry Office, and that the Clerk draft a By-Law to that effect. Oarried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,- That the Executors of the estate of the late :NIr. Claris, County Treasurer, be called upon ,to repay to this COlmty the sum of Twenty~Five Dollars on account of ..a.n eno~ made .' " ~..~ 42 ELGIN COUNTY _CO'LTNCIL PROCEEDINGS. by him in his books as Treasurer, whereby the COUIlty has had to pay the sum named therein. Oarried. Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by G. Suffel,- 'fhat By-Law No. 325, to appoint James Armstrong, of Westminister, as Arbitrator, be read a :first time. Carried. Moved by ]\'1. Payne, seconded by E. Hegler,- That By-Law No. 325 be read a second time. Oarried. Moved by Johu King, seconded by D, Campbell,- That, By-Law No. 325 be read a third time and finally passed. Oanied. Moved by J. Martin, seconded by M. Doyle,- That the expenses incillTed burying the body of a person named Henderson, who-had escaped from the House of In- dustry, and on which an inquest was held, be paid, amoUIlt~ ing toTeh Doll",:s. Oarried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by M. Payne,- That this Oouncll tender a vote of thanks to the Mayor and OOUllcil of the TOWil of St. ThoIll11s for the use of the Town Hall dUlWg this session. Carried. Moved by J. Lyons, secollded by A. J. Leitch,- That this COlillCil accept the bond as offered by Mr. Kains,-the 'County Tteasurer. Carried. ~,' ,'" ~/ 'Yi;., , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PR-OCEEDL'itGS, On motion of lVIr. Suffel, seconded liy :Mr. Payne,- The Council adjoill'Iwd till the second Tuesday in N ov- ember next. WILLIA111 McKAY, Cl&rk. J. MeOAUSJ;,AND, Ohairman. ~~ , ~.' .'". . ~h' >~;:!' -; ".I 43 <., .:.. .:. . . ~" ~~..> n I Elgin County Councill'roceedings, tS79. 'it/jURi} 8N891@J!f...FlflS'It >><67. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 1879~ The Council met 3.t the Court House, in the town of St_ Thomas. The W.men in the chair, 1YlEMBERS. PRESENT: Messrs. McLean, McLu1"w, Lyons, McPha~l~ LeitcllJ, Turndff, Oampbell, King, Martin, Hepburn, Doyle, Luton, Smith, Oahoon, Hegler, . SiJJnpsCYn, pa,yne., Nui'rn; Suffil,_ Youell, Mc(Ja'tl:.~land, and Mills. The W 3.rden 3.ddreooed the Connell. The proceedings. of the last day 01 t.he previous. session were read and authorised to he signed. The followmg comm:nnicaticms weJ..c read: From the County Engineer, :respecting Bridges across: River Thames 3.lld 3.t Port St~nley. From the Inspector of Prisons, res.Eecting the COllllty Jail. .D~ ELGL.'\' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 45 From the Counties of N orthumherland and Durham, 1'e. specting accounts chargeable against counties under the head of Administration of Justice. From the Toronto Iron Bridge Oompany. From the Vill3.ge of Springfield, in refereuce to amend- m~mt to corporation limits. From the County of Simcoe, respecting a proposed meet- ing of the Wardens of Counties. Report of Inspector and Managing Committee of House of Industry was also read and The agreement made with St. Thomas respecting amounts to b~ paid to the County for use of Gaol, &c., for the next five years. Moved by J, Kiug, seconded by G. Suffel,~ That th~ communications and reports of Committees just read be laid over till to-m01TOw~ and then taken up and disposed of. Carried, Moved by M. Doyle, seconded by T. iYI. N3.irn,~ That the Reeves of the several Municipalities be a Com'- :mittee to equalize the Assessment.Rolls. Carried~ Moved by J. B. Mills, secouded by M. Payue,- That the petition from the Oorporation of the Vill3.ge of Spriugfleldbe adopted, and th3.t the Clerk draft a By-L3.w to amend By-Law No. 294 in accordance with-requirements contained in said petition. Camed. \ /~ , 46 47 ELGIN COUNTY COUKCU.PROCEEDINGS. ELGlliCOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. NOTICES OF 1.IOTIONS. The Warden in the chair. J. McCausland gives notice that he will make applica- tion tORIDorrow for the snm of Sixty Dollars to be expena~ ed on the Oounty Line between the Oounties of Oxford and Elgin. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mes81's. lrfcLean, .IlicLaren, L?/ons, Leitcll" McPha.il., 'turner, CWIn})bell, King111iartin, Hepbur1l~ Doyle, Luton, Smith, Cahoon, Hegler, Simpson, YOUfJf1, St7aU(YR" Payne, Jlills;McCausland, Nairn and Su.ffeL The proceedings of previo1ls day were read and autho~ rized to be signed, when it -was Mr. McLean gives notice that he will make a resolution instructing the Olerk to draft a By'Law fixing the time for retUlTIing the Assessment Rolls wi~h the several municipal- ities, as follows :~ The Assessors to begin their duties on the first day of Apl'il, and to return the Rolls to the Olerk of the Municipality on the 15th day of June in each year, On motion of G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler, the Council adjourned till nine o'clockto-moITOW morning. Moved by D. Campbell, seconded by J. )1artin,- That the Report of the Jail Oommittee be adopted. 00,1'- ned, Moved by G. Suffer, seconded by J, W. Youell,- That the Council go into a Committee of the whole on the Report of the House of Industry. Oarried. WILLIAM J1feKAY, T. W. KIRRPA7'RICK, The Council went into Committee of the Wh0b accorcl~ ingly- o/..-k. Warden,. Mr. Youell ill the chair. After being sometime ,in Oommittee of the whole the Committe rose. The Chairman reported the adoption of the Report of Committee of House of Iudustry without amendment. TMlIfiI>> /$l1J/$/$II@H..'/$BCfiJJNR fI);lY. Moved by J. King, seconded by M:. Doyle,- That the Report of the Oo~mittee of House of Industry be adopted as reported :from the Committee of the whole, and that the motion, made last year to increase the salary of the keeper be rescinded. Oarried. \VEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 12TH, 1879'w The Ooun\y Oouncil met this day, at the ToWil Hall, St. Thomas" at 9 o'clock;, forenoon., ~ I I j- .18 ELG-INCQUNTY COUNciL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 49 " ~roved by E. Hegler, seconded by L.Simpson,- That the report of the Oonnty Engineer be refelTed to the Committee on Public Improvements. Canied. The Olerj<: rea'} Equalization Report, after which it was , ii I 'i I: " II " ,I I' Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,-' Moved by J. Martin, seconded by J, Hepburn,- That the Report of the Equalization OoInIlliltee be adopl- ed. Carried. That the Committee ou- Equalization of the Assessment Rolls meet immediately after ilinner~ Canied. His Honor Judge Hughes addressed the COlIDcil :r.espect. ing lock-up houses and places for holding Divisioll_Ccnu-ts. Moved by T, M, Nairn, seconded by M. Payne,~ Moved by J. McCausland, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the application for a grant of Sixty Dollars for the connty line between Elgin and Oxford be refelTed to Public Improvements Committee. Carried. That the explanations of His Honor Judge Hughes, in reference to the arrangements at present in force for hold- ing the Division Oourls are satisfactory to this 06nncil. Oamed. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by J. W. Youell,- Moved by J, McOausland, seconded by J. Martin,- That no action be ,taken by the Conncil toward raising the salary of Jas. Tngger,keeper of lock-up house at' Bis- mark, in consequence of his having to furnish the fuel for said lock-up house, as it is customary for the local munici~ pality in which the lock-up is situate to furnish the fuel. Camed. Moved by J. Marlin, seconded by A. Cahoon,- That this Oonncil adjoul'll till three o'clock. Oarried. Conncil met at three o'clock. That in conseqnence of the 3,ficlcUcsex OOlU.lt.Y Council and its Committee having refused or at least failed to make any movement towards effecting a setttement of theques~ tion in dispute about the purchase money of the London and Port Stailley Gravel Road, notwithstanding the repeat- ed efforts on behalf of this Oonncil to have the matter ad- justed, that the Represeniatives of this Oounty be re- quested to bring the whole matter before the Local House at the ensuing session, and to insist on a definite settle- ment either in the interest of the County. or the Province, and that the membeTS of the present committee be request- ed to fm-nish alYdocuments and other information in then: possession, and to render such co. operation and aid as may be otherwise required. , Carried. . The Warden in the chair. Moved by G. Suffe!, seconded by E. Hegler,- That thc report of the Equalization Committee bo "C' ceived and read. Carried.; Moved by M. PaJ'lle, seconded by D. Campbell,- U I 50 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEBDI~GS. That a copy of the resolution just passecl be forwarclecl to the Clerk ofthe Oounty of JYIiclcllesex.~ Carriecl. Mo'vecl by.P.. }Jampbell, seconclecl by J. Hepburn,- That the report of the School Inspector be received and read. Uaxried. Movecl by M. Payne, seconcled by T. M. Nairn,- , . That the report of the Public School Inspector be filed ancl printed with the proceedings of Oounty 00unC11: Oar- ned. Moved by G, Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the minutes and proceedings of the Council, for the current year, be printed and published in pamphlet form,.s in former yeftrs, including the re~ort of the House of In. dusky Oommittee and Inspector, and the report of Inspec- tor of Public Schools for the County. Oarried. ~Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D. Campbell,- That we do now adjourn till nine o'clock t~-moITow morning. Oarried. WILLIA1\f McKAY, T. TV. KIRKPATRICK, Clerk. Warden. rJElf{l/iJ $:l!JJ$SlfIiJH...rt/JlflfEfJ fJoIi]i". THURSDAY, NO"\'EMBER 13TH, 1879. The County Council met this day, at the Oourt House, St. Thomas, according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. MEilIBERS PRESENT: Messrs. McLean, McLaren, Lyons, Leitel!', MePAail, Turner, Campbell, King, Martin, Hepburn, lJoyle, Luton, SmitA, qahoon, Hegler, Simpson, Youell, Stratton, Payne, M.ills, MeCausl(J;nd, Nairn and Suifel. The proceedings of previous day were read and autho~ 11.zed to be signed, whe~ it was Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,_ That the report of the Oommittee on Public Improve~ ments be received and read. Carried. Report of Public Impxovements Oommittee was l'ead by the Clerk, Moved by J. Martin, seconded by J. Hepburn,- That the report of the Oommittee ou Public Improve. ments be adopted. In amendment, Moved by T. M, Nairn, seconded by M, Payne,- / -~. / if II i I i I I I I I I , , , /- 52 BLGL~ COUXTY COUKCrr~ PROCEEDINGS. ELum COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEED~GS. 53 The Oouncil went into Committee of the whole. That this COlillCil appoint a committee of three, with the. Engineer, for the pll.l"pose of atteniling to the building of the Pmt Stanley Bridge, "'\vith power to adveiiise for tena_~ ers, let the contract and have the work l)roceedec1 'with. Can-ied. That the Council go into Oommittee of the whole Oil the report of the Committee on Public Improvements. Car- ried. Mr. MaTtin in the chair. Moved by T. M. Nairn, seconded by D. TUTIler,- -,-Vter being sometime in Committee of the whole the Oommittee rose. Tha.t Messrs. Payne, Campbell and 1Ylartin constitute the special committee to advertise for and let contract of Port St~nley Bridge, OalTied. When the Chairman reported the adoption of the report of the Oommittee of the whole. Moved by J. King, seconded by J, Hepburn,- Moved by A. Leith, seconded by J ohu Lyons,- That the motion adopting the Report of the Gaol Com- mittee be reconsidered. Oanied. I, I: :j I: il I, I' ii II I' " Ii That the report of the Committee on public improve~ ments as ,-eported by the Committee of the whole be adopt- eel, and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the ac~ counts therein mentioned. Oarried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by J. Lyons,~ Moved by G, Suffel, seconded by Dr. Mills,- That the. Coullcil take no action building of a Gaol kitchen this year. in reference O,!rried. to the That the Oouncil adjourn till half-past one o'clock after- noon. Moved by A. J. L'3itch, seconded by J. Lyons,- The Ootmcil resumed, when That the painting of the Oourt House be laid over until next meeting of the Oounty Couucil, Oanied, J. Lyons moved, seconded by D. McPhail,- Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,.,.. The Clerk read Finance Report. That the New Bond as now offered by J, A. Kaius. County Treasurer, be accepted, wherein the name of Mr. G8Drge S;ott is substituted in place of Mr. Horton. CaT~ riea. That the Tepart of Finance Committee be received and read. Om'ried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by J. Hepburn,- jYloved by G: Suffel, seconded by J. Lyons,- ''''-: 54 ELGINCOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That this Council are of the opinion, fL"Om repl'esenta. tions made to them as to theincapacity ofthe pI"eSent Jailor, from what they know of then' own pel'sonal knowledge;and that a change should be made, and would i"ecommend in case a change should not be made be1'01'e the next meeting of the Ontario Legislatme, that the Local Members of the county be requested to bring the whole matter before the Government, as well as what relates to the escape of the prisonel's from t~e Gaol dUl'ing the past summer, and that the Clerk furnish a copy of this resolution to the Sheriff of the County and the Prison Inspector. Oarried. Moved by M, Payne, seconded by D. Campbell,- That the Oounty Engineer proceed at once to put the culvert through the London and Port Stauley gravel road at the 'property of O()urad Long, in the village of Port Stauley, and the Clerk draw up a bond binding Oonrad Long to keep the same in repair, that the consent in writ- ing be first obtained from the lessees of the road to put iIi the culvert. Oarrled. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by W. Youell,- That a SupplementMy Grant of One Huudred Dollars be made to the Vienna High School for the C1llTent year. Motion lost. The yeas and nays being called. for by Mr. Sn:ffel were taken down as follows:~ YEAs~Youell, Stratton, Mills; Suffel, McCauslan'd" Smith, and Payne.-7. ./ ELGm COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 55 NAYS--'-Hegler, Simpson, Turner, Nairn, Campbell,King, McLean, Luton, Hepburn, Doyle, McPhail, Lyons, Me- Laren, and Leitch.-15. Moved by J, Martin, seconded by T. M. Nab;n,- That the Treasurer is he1'eby authOl'ised to pay for sup- l)lies contracted for the Gaol, on the ce1'tificate of the Chail'lnan of the Gaol Oommittee. Oanied. Moved J. B. Mills, seeconded by G. Sn:ffell,- That By-Law N(). 326, to amend By'Law No. 294, iu- corporating the Village of Spl-ingfield, bc read a first time. Carned. Moved by J. King, seconded by M. Doyle,- That By-Law No, 326 be read a second time. Oarried. Moved by G. Sn:ffel, seconded by E. Hegler,~ That By,Law No. 326, to amend By-Law No. 294, in- corporating the Village of Sp,'ingfield, be read a third time and finally passed. CBJ.TIed. Moved by J. King, seconded by M. Doyle,- _ That By-Law No. 327,. to equalise the. Assessment of Property in the Oounty, be read a first time. . Oarned. Moved by W. E. Smith, seconded by D. Turner,- That By-Law No. 327 be read a second time. Carried. Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by D. McLaren,- 'C,'-"-_'_~__~_,__,. 56 ELGIN COtj'NTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlliGS. ELGINCOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That By-Law No. 327, to conform Assessment Equaliz- ation, b~ l'ead a third time and finally passed. Cal1.-:ied. On motion of J. Lyons, seconded by D. McPhail,- That the Council adjourn till nille o'clock to-mOlTOW IDOlIDng. The Warden addressed the COlillcil. WILLIAM McRAY, T. W. KIRllPA1'RIGK, The proceedings of the last day of the previous session were_read and authorised to be signed, when it was Moved by 11. Payne, seconded by T. M. Nali'll,- That By-Law No. 328, being a By-Law to authol'ise the building of a Bridge at Port Stanley, be l'ead a fu'st time. Canied, jyIoved by D. Campbell, seconded by M. Payne,- That By-La~ No. 328 be l'eaa a second time. Canied. Olerk. W Gnlen. Moved by D. Turner, seconded by W, E. Smith,- That By-Law 328 be l'ead a tllli'd time and finally l)assed. Carried. 9l'lililJ~JIt 9J1ttftiJ.!IQlH...F@1!!~lili >>~1!'. Moved by G, Suffel, seconded by E. Hegler,- That the sum of Sixty Dollal's be grallted to the Wardon for extra 8el'vices dmwg the' current year, being the same amount as granted to the Warden in fmmer years. Canied. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14rn,187f1. Move,d by J. King, seconded by G, Suffel,- That a committee of three be appointed by this Council to report on the communica,tion r~ceivea from the Cobom'g COlmcil by the next meeting in January, 1880. Carried. The Council met at the Court House, in the town of St_ Thomas, accordiug to adjoUl'l1ment. The ,Varden ill tIle chaIr_ Moved by J, Lyons, seconded by M. Doyle,- That J. King, E. Hegler and J. Martin be -a committee ~o take into consideration the communication received from the Cobourg Oouncill'especting the accounts of the Admin.. istration of Justice.' Can-ied. ME;::.mBRS PRESENT: .2I1essrs. McLean, .McLan3'l1, Lyonsr McPhail~ Leitch, Turner, Campbell, King, Jfa1.tin, Hepburn~. Doyle, Lutvn, Smith, Oahoon, Hegler, Simpson, Payne" Nairn~ ,8uffel, Youell,. McCausland, StrattfJ-1i; (J/i.~d ~Mills.. ."","- (;F= 57 I '-' 58 ELGIN COuNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by L. Simpson, seconded by E. Hegler,- That a vote of thanks be tendered to the Warden and other officers of the Council for the very satisfactory man- ner in which they have discharged their respective duties for the cunent year. Carried. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by H. Stratton,- That this Council adjomn sine die. !ii~"""-"'~',-m"'';' .. _n'_ \ ....... ...'"I<!:'.'l. _.-.. .. -- :>:0:', ~ .. . r-~ ,';T School Insnector's Rer;ort. In accordance with a resolution passed at a previous session, I beg leave to present the following report: The number of schools and departments of schools re. cognized as such by tbe Department of Education are as follows: Aldboroligh, 14; Dnnwich, 16; Southwold, 19 j Yarmouth, 19; Malahide, 18; Bayham, 17; South Dor- chester, 5 j Springfield, 2 j Port Stanley, 2; Vienna, 3: Aylmer, 4; Total, 119." The number of inspectoral visits made SIDce last report is 230. The genel'al characteJ.' 0 f the school accommodation throughout the County is now very good. But one ne,,, schoolhouse has been built dm-ing the year, ancl two old ones removed so as to comply with the requirements of the law. If the school accommodation has to be ranked ''lith re- gard to the value and condition of the buildings in the throe classes of good, medium, and-bad, we have 73 good1 24 medium, and 7 bad. All the schools a.l'e no'\" fmnished with maps, and some .are furnished with tablet and object lessons and apparatus. The certificates held by the teachers may be ranked as follows: First-class provincial, 1 j second-class, 45; thll'a~ class county boanl, 73. , ~".J'::+" -/1 """', ~>~- 60 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. It w:il1 be seen that the number of second -class provincial eertificates has IDCl'eased 50 per cent. dUlIDg the past year, while the number of third-class certificates has cornispon_ clingly diminished, showing the tendency of the present law towards improvement in the Teachers' profession. ELGINCOUKTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 61 The High Schools of the Oounty are also largely instru_ mental in bringing about tIns result, and their excellence is attested by the very large number who are successful at the second-class and COllllty board ex.aminations. others, who have examined its wo.rkings and delivered practical and interesting educational discorn'ses. In conclusion, I beg to bear testimony to the general zeal and lib61'ality of the people of the cOlmty in the cause of education. A. F. BUTLER. The number who seek employment as teachers is also very lal'ge,and as usual .the majority of these are young and inexpel'ienc~d, This, as I pointed out in a former report, is an unavoid- able state of affuirs, and one vrhich on the whole should not he reg'l'etted. 1lbe work of preparation for teaching is ~ vast educational influeDce, and is,vith some a prepara- tion fox plUfessionalliV8s, and_with others forthe impOl~tant. d.uties of citiz.enship. The order-and discipline in the schools is generally ex~ cel!ent, and the methods of teaching are yearly becoming more intelle<;-tllal anclless mechanical. ~~-~~ The Elgin Teachers's Association is now Gfita,bIishec1l1pOll a_solid. '(j<:osis. It has a supelior library, a SU1:rlus in its treasury, and its sessions aTe largely attended. It has been the aim of its promoteT:3 to nlake the exercises practical~ th~ -main object being the L'llprOVement of teache1's in the _art. of teaching, ThE: Association has been -:visitecl by the Hon. the J\iinister of Educa.tion, Rev. George Paxton Yo,mg" R" S, Inspector McLellan, G" W. Ross, M.P., and 63 ELGlliCOFNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS~ several 1funicipa.lities in the COlmty of Elgin, during the year 1879, for County pm"poses, as per Schedule herewith annexed, and that the requisite By-Laws be passed to levy a rate of T,yo and Oue Fifth Mills in the Dollar, on the rateable property in the sevei'al Municipalities, as equalized for the pl'eceecling yeaT, to raise said amOlmt, exclusive of School Grant; and that the sum of Fom' Thousand and Sixty Five Dollars be raised in the several TOWllShip Mun- icipalities only, fOl' Common Schools, equivalent to the Government Gra,nt, as required by the Educational De- partment. Report of Finance Committee, 1879. To tlte Wcwden und Council of tlte Council of Eigin : The Committee on Finance beg leave to repo~t that hav- ing eXR~ed into the state of the Finances of the County ~ and the estimates prepB.-red by the 001mty Treasurer,. they herewith submit a statement of expenditures required- to be pro\ided for the la-i>ful plU}Joses of the County for th? pre- sent year, showing the amOlU1.ts to be raised for the under- mentioned purposes, TIZo : I-.'H 1000L.':lC/JL.':lC1)O_t-O-.e!t- ~_L.':ltOt-'<:flC'l~t-O">,-O :<:D~t-_Cf.)G'l'<ti,....,t-,....,rl ~ J '::L.,.;r-:aSL.':l-CO~cO -g--/ ;::~g:8~e:;S~€;fgg z~ o:..C'l~cs.~_I..~"<t!_cs. co .c8~ ~C'lC<:lCOC"l,....,1"""'l ~~ \ . ~ H.. LCO'o;6'~';.arro'c-'no'0:i'~'~ ~ ., c;,coO~'GOL.':lCOGOooc;, J:i1-~ q"<!,_~c;,~t:-:<q,'t ""1'l_ zPlI~C'lCOCOC"l""""" .-, ~ is I -~'i-'-r"'~-~-~-~'~'~-~-'- _~ iJ:l'.1 ~~<:Dt-L.':lC"<<:O o 0 I" OW . -A- crJl..':l"<!,O';JL.":l~oooo6 I':'l. "'~~COrlt-C'l_Oooo ti ~ ~eq,C"l_~o:..~C'l~O_o_qs. ':;3..< gg;:;g~g~~g~~ ~> ~~:_~~~~~ co '" '" Southern Railway Debentmoes, " "Coupons, G-aolImprovement,Debenturesand Coupons Administration of .JustiCe, County Lines a;ncl Bridges.. High Schools, Ex,,1miners and Inspectors of Schools., . Payment of Criminal Witness House of Industry, Officer,,' Sala.ries, I\Ie~nb3rs' '\Vage3, &c., Payment of Jurors, Inchgent' Lunatic-s, $10,000 00 6,900 00 2,420 00 3,139 00 500 00 2,800 00 1,150 DO 1,000 00 3,000 00 2,500 on 2,000 00 150 00 ~ &i '<i ~ ~ C ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ Q "1 ~ ~ :i < ~ o I ] '" $35,559 00 Gor..llnoD:Schools,equaltoLegislativeGrant 4,065 00 ----..._----.;--~-- . . . :(1) .~ '00 ~ : : : : ~ : ~ ~ :I(j -< ="E - : :~''"d ;:::..d:'O';J Q 0 . : : ~.~ po:;. P::S.o S ';..;2~ ~.~;; g..::r..::r dl a~m ~ ,.0 ::j-;e. >=<~-P--8 ~ ~--p.;:: ~ ,",,"- '" dl;::l r>(1)t-! "';:... ~A~~.~as~~~~.rJi $39,624c 00 Yom' Committee "muld recommend that the sum of 'rhirty Five Thousand Fiv0 f[undred itp.d Fifty Nin_e Dol- lars be rai::;e.t1 and le\-ied Oll tl18 rateahle property, in the IC1i~ '<:0 ~ i af d - I; J nCI ~ nnn iJ I ] ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ::1 h ~. - ~ o o '" m ~ Ig I~ I~- LO I ' Igg I~ I I I I w . S o "" <-; .,.; 02 .~ ~ @~ ,So ..0 "" '" 0 "H Q o ~ ~ ~ . 11 '?'-' '-_7~ EQUALIZATION REPORT, 1879. The Committee on equalization of the Assessments of the County of Elgin, beg leave to submit the fallowing Schedule of Equalization for the adoption of the Council. . As- Peroonal Real aud I Eq u.- Personal I Rpal aud M\1NIOIPALI1'IES. Acres FCSBed 'proj.lcl'ty Real Personal lized Provcrtyl Real PerJ;ollnl ABBes~ed. value aud Property Property as valDe a!! ProllCrt.yall Prop,rtvas per acre Income. fiSRSBCBscd. A~ se~B\:d pCI' acre eqUo.Hllcd . Equalized. -"qualized - -- $ c. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Aldborongh . . . . . . 75.798 16 001 nO,620 1,216,076 1,276,696 23 67,521 1,743,354 1,810,875 Dunwich ......... 69,746 25 00 136,145 ],745,305 1,869,445 29 117,605 2,022i634 2.]40,239 SouthwLild ... ,. 72,567 34 00 149,040 2,505,692 2,659,542 42 16R ,580 2,947,814 3.116,494 yarmouth..... ..' 69,799 36 00 150,250 2,643,485 2.795,745 46 176,553 3,210,754 3,387,307 Malahide ........ 62,468 80 00 118,250 1,876,180 1,994.430 37 111,175 2,311;316 2,422,491 Sou tn Dorchester. 30,482 36 00 9.600 1,092;260 1,101,81)0 ' 43 40,000 1,310,726 1,350,726 Bayha.m ........ 56,599 21 50 123; 064 1,186,699 1,327 J 798 20 125,930 1,131,980 1,257,910 Vienna. . . , ... . . . . .... .... 9,350 75,673 85,023 .... ..... ....,'. 76,000 , Aylmer... ....... .... .... 52,645 359,148 411,793 .... ..... .... 325,000 Port Stanley. . . . . . ..... .... 8,350 108,635 116,985 .... .... '." 88,000 Springfield ...... .... .... 2,275 82,765 85,040 .... .... .,.. 85,000 I -- --- I 'I 16,059,942 All of which is respeqtfully submitted, Committee Room, November 12th, 1879. JOHN McOAUSLAND, OhM,man. Report of the Inspector of House of Industry, 1879. 1'0 the Elgin County Council: .. The Inspector of House of Industry begs leave to sub. mit Annual Report as follows: Number of Inmates within the House at last Re. port ...... "'''' ............. .... ...... 42 Number admitted during the year ............ 40 Number horn in the HQuse .... _,_ ."... . .. . " . none Number of deaths. . . . .. . . . . . . ... . .. ........ 11 Number of childen sent out on trin.l .... _. _ . . . 3 Number of children bound out ............... 1 Number of Inmates absconctea .............. 3 Number discharged during the year.. . . . . .. , . .. 16 Number out at service -............,.. ~....none Number now in tbe House ....,............. '49 The number of Inmates admitted from the several Municipalities during the year is as follows: Townsili.p of Aldbol"Ough ..... . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . DlillVirioll_..... .................. Southwold ...................... Yarmouth _.. _ . . .. . ..:. . . . . . . . .. Malam]e...... ............ ...... Bayham ...... .. . .. . .... ... . .... SouthL,,'chester ................ 2 6 3 9 7 3 1 " ,., " " " - . ':z~; 66 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 67 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Furnitul'e ...... ...."............ BedsandBedding ................ Crockel'Y and Tinwal'e ... ... ... . "," Sewing Machine .................. Leather and Shoemakers. Tools. . . . . Surgical Instl1lments .............. 2386 weeks. board of Inmates, exclu- sive of Keeper.. family, at 60 cts. Village of Vienna ......"... . . Aybnel' . . . _ . . . . _ . Port Stanley .... Springfield o 2 3 5 EXPEXDITlJRE DURING THE YEAR, 1879. Cost of Buildings and Land $14,400, one year's interest thereon at 6 per cent. ........................ $864 00 Paid for PrO\risions during the year .. 1421 13 '1 Conveyance of Inmates" . . . . .79 80 Salary of Keep81' and Matron 475- 90 Salary of Surgeon .... . . . . .. 110 00 Salary of Inspector. . . . .. . . . . 80 00 Female Hel'vice ............ 63 00 Farm !a;bor ...... . . .. . . . . . .. 123 00 Committees"... . .. ... . . ... 73 70 Incidentals~ Insurance, &0.... 135 00 3424 63 -~",- ~ ,~ 227 50 322 50 122 70 15 00 2000 20 00 1431 30 3423 63 -1l The Committee on House of Industry beg leave to re- port- . That the House of Industry has been in operation for another year,' without much increase in' the number of iu~ mates. Your Committee have endeavoured to reduce the expen~ ditureas much as possible, but'there is still a large amount paid for fresh meat supplied to the inmates which your Committee consider might be lessened by raising more pigs and making purchases of pork and beef in winteriwhen it is cheap, and'barreling it up for summer use 'as the far~ mers do at their dwellings. " CREDIT. Stock on hall'cl and Gash received during the year- Provisions and Wood on hand ...... 191 33 Garden and Farm produce . _. . . ; .. ... 352 00 Farm Stock and Implements .... . . . . 258 ~fi Dry Goods and Clothing. . . . . . . . . . . . 248 11 Received for Pensioners ............ '69 15 Farm produce sold ................ 146 84 Your Committee 'consider that with careful management anil snfficient number of cows, that the Institntion might be made nearly self-sustaining, except as to groceries and clothing: .. ~((" ,~ __,:0- . 68 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGL~COUXTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 69 Your Coin~ttee would l'8commend that more Co;ws _be purchased at tbis season when' they,migp.t h~",g9~',~ta low l'ate, so that a sufficient quantity of butt~r ,ID,ay .,~e J?ade on the premises to last the ye~r rOlUld_, At, ,pre,sent about forty pounds of butter has to be bought monthly. to the necessity of attending to the pusbing forward of the out-'do'()r-~work with the inmates, and devoting more atten- tion' aIidenel'gy to- the work on the farm. Yom Committee are still of opinion th.,I the Bread re- quired for the inmates should be made on the premises, but the Keeper and Matron being opposed to that method as be- ing more expensive; consequently the Committee ordered the wheat on hand to be sold, and the bread pmchased from the baker. Yom' Committee have had under then' consideration the matter of Religious illstruction for the inDiates; and" there is at present no daily religious service or prayers, 01'- the Scriptures I'ead. Yom Committee would remark that although this is a public Poor House the ratepayers complain that the in- mates and -keeper are better pl'ovided, 'for than they are themselves. {t Your Committee are of opinion that a daily service of a. religious nature should be performed by the Keeper in reaa~ ing a portion the Holy Scriptmes or prayer, although the Keeper does not consider it his duty to do so. Yom Committee have ordered the fallen wood which has been laying about the fields to be gathered up and used for fi.i:ewood.whereby .a saving of seyeral hundre'ddollal's will thIS yeal: be effected in the item of fuel. Your Committee also consider that it should be the duty of the Keeper to read a bm'ial service at the grave of the inmates who may be buried on the premises and no clergy- man present. . Youx.oommittee'would :recommendthat_?ne of the' boys. sent to the Institution and now out : ~t :work. on _tJ;i~l ~th: _ a neighboring fal'lller, should be kept at the House of Indus- try for the purpose of doing work there and carrying mess- $ges when' necessary, so' thar t the Keeper would. not require to.be absent ITom the premises so 'often as at present. Yom Committee would recommend that there should be some regular Heligious service on the Sabbath day at the Institution, and that if that service cannot be procUred otherwise that the town ministers should be invited to at- tend each Sabbath artel'llOOn, and a conveyance be provided for them at the expense of the county, Your Committee have ca~d the attentiot- of the Keeper Your Committee would also rem~rk that although the In. stitntion has been visited during the year by more than three hundred individuals ouly one minister of the gospel from the tow:Q. and two from. the county appear amongst the list of visitors to the abode of the poor. I-'---------~"-~, \,? ~.~.-"~-~-"---'--'~ -r - i I i I I . 70 ELGIN COUNTY COUNciL PROCEEDINGS. Your Committee are satisfied from the number of appli- cants who applied. for the office of Keeper, that competent persons could be f01md to fill the situation at four hundred dollai'S, and that the resolution of last year increasing the salary of Keeper and Matron to five hundred dollars, be re- ocinded. All of which is respectfully submitted_ JAlYIES :MARTIN, Chairman. , L I ~~ r ,I '[ >\1 , I ,--=-~._,-_",:- ---~-. --~-~-..--'- , Surgeon's Report. FOR THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31ST, 1879. To the Warden and Mern.b~r8 of the Elgin OOHnty Council: G-ENTLEMEN,- In submitting this my fourth Annual Report of the Elgin House of Industry, I have pleasure in stating that I have visited officially the above-named Institution sixty-four times during the year. I I I I I I I I I , I J The year has been marked by unusual freedom from acute diseases, shewing that the sanitary regulations are all that could be deBired. r have no births to record, and the following is the mor- tality list :- r-~'; '", ::...'-' "'~';"""it~,.' . 72 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CAUSE OF NA.'ll:S. AGE. DATE OF DEATH. DEATH. Archibald McCormick, 81 20th Jan. Dropsy. Da,~d Peters 48 26th " Paralysis. Sarah Hepburn 33 11th Feb. Erysipilas. Catha,rine Ross 95 22nd Mar. Influenza. John Pender 73 20th AplU Accident. Arcbibald McCormick 22 3rd June Consumption. Edward Rhodes 31 5th July " J ohll McIntosh 54 15th" Syphilis. Ashley W ellillgton 87 29th Aug. Appoplexy. John Thomas 63 7th Oct. Consumption. lV~.ary Sinclair 100 26th" ,Old' age. :"t this date I find' twenty.five m~les, teD' females; and . " , ' .- " " .., ;",,~,. ",..: .. fourteen children in the Institution,' 'by whicli statement you will see that the number of male inmates is much in . , exces~of tIle ferrutIe.'! In coiisequeiwe;; ofthis"-'seven"beds have been placed'in the day room 6ftheinale department. Notwithstanding the larll".e lIlo~-tality aW~nl3' theal3'ed bed. . ridden and infirm still this class of inmates is gradually in. creasing. . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROc'mEDINGS. Cleanliness, neatness, and systematic order prevail in a.ll the departments of this Institution. I have the honor to be, gentl.men, Your obedient servant, L. LUTON. M.D. ~,,...- 7B . .,