1880 Minutes r ;1 :i ;: y. ';, l n d I , ;! 11' I \1 I " I :1 ,J! '~ ) t\ I i i I i " i.~ :\ i'\ (,' i :i \' \1 H t\ ~ \!~ " t! t',1 DJ rJ f. !L' il i: U I ! . ';'; -" }';",- ~~~ .,' , '~~~ fc!t~QZEiDCi1\r~~1 L/X( , ,~' )'Z ,Ill \1 ~@ [i i I \ !g~,j~~;t1mi;~;;ii~)\ I .~ II II II .1 1\ tt f.t I I I I i During the Sessions held in the ~, Moouri,. HOUSe, St. tli~Ii"s, R tl~~H~~H~~~~~=~H~n ill THE - :MONTHS OF January, June, and November, ,WrlUU/';'JI/ Jf!ri;li!~l'. OLERE'.. .p~Jl/EiI M~B1'C'rH. WARDEN n. 'AYLMER U ~. pmNTED BY T Wi MWHm, "Am'::8~,xeRE% mw PEm", wom~~ ~~~ ' ~~~ I ':~~oc E E 1)1};;;, ~~%< 'j;;~t:,.mj;;~~ii:) """ During the Sessions held iri the ~- , \\ \'\ COURT HOUiEi ST. THOIWAI, \\ ~~~~=~~~~~~~=~=~~~n IX THE MONTHS OF January, June, and November, WiC"&'C$Jf MI!1N~l'. ~~ ~"" 1880. "'" /~~ JIIMJlS MIIJllI'.{N. CLERK. WARDEN ...-'r...--m._'_m..._...._m...._ AYLMER: I'RI:'-I'l'ED BY T.W. MICHAE.L, "AYLMER EXPRESS" STEAM l'RL"lTL''1o- WOR.KB 1&.'lO. ~.., 'IV ill , Elgin County Council l'roceedings. 1880. PABST Ol!lSSPil.Y...PUI8l: Day. t ) TUESD.W,JA.c~UARY 27TH. 1880. The xlembers elect of the County Council of the County of Elgin, met at the Court House, St; ThOlllas, at two o'clock, afternoon, and having :!iled Certificates with the Clerk, took their seats at the .council Board as follows :- T. W.KIR~P~TRICK, Reeve, ALDBOROUGH. DANIEL McLAREN, 1st Deputy, DO. JOHN G, 8TALKER, 2nd Do, DO, JOHN LYONS, Reeve, DUNWIOH. LAZURUS McINTYRE, Is Deputy, DO. DUNCAN McNABB, 2nd Do. DO. DONALD l'D""RNER, Reeve, SOUTHWOLD. DUNCAN CAMPBELL, 1st Deputy, DO. JOHN RING, 2nd Do. DO. JAMES MA.RTIN, Reeve, YARMOUTH. ,Ji}11ES HEPBURN, l,st Deputy DO, DANIEL F. LUTON, 2ud Do, DO, .JOHN A, MILLER, 31'd Do, La, JOHN McCAUSLAND, Reeve, MALAHIDE. WILLIAill K SMITH, 1st Deputy DO. JOEL W, DAVIS, 2nd Do. DO, PETER McLAYi ~ve, AtYMER. ED"\V ARD HEGLER,. Reeve, S. DORCHESTER JAMES O.BE~TLEY, Deputy, no': GEORG~ SUFFEL, -Reeve, VIENNA; JOHNB. MILLS, Reeve, SPFINGFIELD' MANUEL,PAYNE, Heeve, PT. STA.NLEY. W11. BACKHOUSE, Reeve, BAYHAM. GEORGE BEST, . 1st Deputy, DO. GEORGE LAING, 2nd Do. DO, r ! 6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILPROCEEDL.'{(';-S. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCn: PROCEEDHrGS. 7 The Members were called to order. The Clerk in the Chair. It was then The proceedings of the last day of the previous Session were read, and authorized to be signed. The following communications ~!3re read :~ Moved by George Laing, seconded by J, W, Davis- That John McCausland be nominaled, Warden for the current year; Moved by D, TlU'ner, seconded by W, Smith- That James Martin be Warden for the p~esent year. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by William Back- 110118e- Fl"Orll John Campbell, making application for the office of Auditor, From JohnP. Martin, making application -for office of Auditor, From Charles Roe, making application for lhe office of Auditor, Fl"O~ His Honor Judge Hughes, respecting Lock-up Houses. That lIfr, Payne be elected Warden of the County fOl' the current year. lVIovedby E, Hegler, seconded by J. 0, Bentley- That John Lyons be Warc1en for the eunent y~ar. Mov8cl by James Martin, seconded by Manuel Payne-' That 1Ifr. Kirkpatrick be Warden for the presenl year. ~~es~ml. ~kpatrick, McCausland, and Lyons having c1eclmed nOillmatio'n, From the Middlesex County Clerk, with copy of Report of Committee appointed to investigate the Elgin Claim respecing the money paid for the Londo"ij. . ana Port Stanley Gravel Road. From the Township Clerk of Oxford, III refQrenceto Ciaim for Drain on County Line. From the Clerk of the Kent Council, Iespecting said Drain c Fro,ill the County Clerk of Welland, respecting Sheriffs' Fees. The vote was taken between Messrs. Martiri ,and PaynC', 1&. ~:I:a.rtin ha,'ing received the greatest number of votes, the Clelk declared 1YIr, Martin duly elected Warden, The W.rden elect made the declaration of Office before his Honor Jud~e Hug~es, took the 'Ohail< aud addressed the Council. From the County Clerk, County of Carletop., III reference to Bridging the navigable cha.nnel of the River St. Lawrence, near Cateau Landing. From the County of Nor,humberland and Di1rhaill, relating to the appointment of Auditors. 8 ELGL"\ COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlNGS. ELGIN. COD-:NTY COlJNCIL PROCEEDll\GS; 9 From O~tario Ri:flQ Association soliciting SubscrIptions to a.id the Association. ., That W, R, Travors be Auditor for the present year.- Lost. From D. K. Th-IcKenzie, l'espeGtiuO' a meeting of the St. School Board. l:> Moved by William Backhouse, seconded by G, W, Best---- That Charles Roe be appointed Auditor!or the present teaL-Lost, Moved by John !ilcCausland, seconder] by William E, Smith- From the Vieuna High School Trustees, wi~h statement of School Attene.a.nce, &c. From County TreaSlll'eZ, with Annual Statemen+- 0' C t' T7l ' u ~ Dun y l'..ixpeucuture; . That George Scarff be Auditor for the Accounts of the year 1879,-Lost, Moved by Donald Turner, seconded by John Lyons- Moved by E, Hegler, seconded by G. Suffel- Th~t the Warden appoint a special cOl;nmittee of. three to stl'lke t~e Standing Committees.:-Oarried. . That Donald McNish be appointed Auditor for the present year.~Lost. The\Varden named f.fes.!5l's. Hepburn, Kirkpatl'ick, and ..1.ud McOausland to be said. Committee; The \Yarlen nominatedJ.P. Marytn olle;of the County Auditors, Moved by J. McCauslanll, seconded by W, Slllith- That George Scal{f be appointed to Audit the AccoUnt, for the ilear 1879.~Uan-ied. ... Moved by,W. Backhouse, seconded G. W, Best~ "'loyed by E. Hegler, secondell by G, Suffe1-' That W. J, White be app'ointecl an Aud:tor to audit last year's accounts.-,-----Lost. That the communications and reports just re~d by the CJe:rk be laid over, and. taken up and disposeclof to-morrow Carried. ilfoved by D, Luton, secoaded by J, H.pblJ1'n~ That John Campbell be one of the Auditors for the present year.-Lpst. Moved by George Suffel, 'Seconded by Edward Hegler- That the nomination of J, P. Martyn by the Warden: as one of the Auditors be confirmed by this Council.-Carried Moved by J, B. Mills, seconded by E, H€gler~ , ill loved by T, W, Kirkpatrick, seconded by L, W, ~ylc ntyre-----;; That the usual supply of Assessors anclCDllectol's' Rolls, 10 ELGIN aOIDITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN CO~NTY CO~TNCIL PROCEEDINGS. _ 11 and Assessors' Guic1e, be procnrQd by the Clerk for the use of the Mun~cipalities for the Cl,lrrent year.-Oarried. Moved by John Lyons, seconded by L, w" MeIntyre- That, Mr. Hegler be appointed one of the Anditors for the purpose of auditing the accounts in connection with lhe administration of Ju~tice in this COlrnty.-Carried. ti<li~~OO(iJ~:: _ " k t' kSmith Backhouse, Mills, Hegler, Laing, and Kupanc, , ... , Payne, Moved by D. Turner, seconded by J. King- Tluit the County Treasurer a~d County Judge be appointed Iliembers of the Board of Audit for the adrnini.- tration ofJ ustice Accounts.-Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by E, Hegler- That the01erk be requested to comm'mieate with the Chairman of the St; Thomas School Board, and to inform them that they will be heard before this Council to'm01TO\V aftel'lloon, at 2 o'clock.-Carried. Moved by D, Campbell, secomied by D, Luton~ That the Report of the Oommittee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be received 'and read.-Carried. Clerk read the Report, Moved by George Suffol, seconded by E. lIegler- That the name of Mr, Payne be added to tbe Finance Committee.-.:Carl'ied. WILLIAM McRAY, Ol,rk. ,JAMES MARTIN,' Wa'i'den. Moved by John Lyons, seconded by L. W, Mclntyro- That the RepOl't .f the, Committee appointed to strike he Standing COllllUitteesbe ad opt,a as Eimended.-CarriecL 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCE~DINGS. ELGL'.' CO"U'NTY COuNCIL PROCEEDING-S. 13 Ff!ilS'!t_ SB$Sf@J('''SB(JfiJ.lV~ ~iRF. Moved by D, Campbell, seconded by III. Pay")e. WEDNESDA.Y; JA.:.,UARY 28TH. 1880. That the communicationa be now taken np and disposed oL--Canied, . The County Council met at the Court Home, in St. Thomas, this day, at n~eo'clock} forenoon. The Warden in the chair, Moved by W, BacKhouse, seeonited by G. W, Best-'- M~MBERS PRESENT: Mer::srs. Kir1q>atric::k, McLaren,. Stalker, Lyons, McIntyre, McNabb, McLay, Turner; King' Campbell. Hepburn, ~utOll, l\{illel', McCausland, Smith, Davis, Hegler, B~ntleYJ Mills, Backhouse, Best, Lai:p.g, Suffel, and Payne. The proceedings of the pr6vions day were read, and authOIised to be signed. The Clerk read the. following communi~ations : Fr~m T. JYL Nairn, M.P.P., respecting the Elgin. Claim , on Middlesex, relating to,the Gravel Road. From J. Cascadden, M.P.P., 'in relation to:the same matter. That this COUll3il gtan~. a n'ee Hawkers and Pedlars' Lice:o.se, for the present year, to T. Roach 'and Noah C. Leach, of the Township of Bayham, they bei-ng in indigent circ1.l.ffistances,-::-Cal'ried. Moved by T. W, Kll'kpatlick, seconded by John G, Stalkor- That the Engineer's Heport respecting the Port Stanley Bridge. be referred - to the Oommittee on Public Improve- ments.-Can-ied. From ..T. & H., Oaughell, in reference to culvert on Gravel Road at Port Stanley. , ' From County EngiIieel', ~6specting. P~rt ,stanley bridge. , From the Clerk of the Peace, with report on state of the Lock~up Honses'; From the ,'\Varden of Bruce" r~speoting tramps. From H, F, ElliS; with Report 01 Direotors of tbe St. Thomas and Aylmer G~avel Hoad Company. Moved by D. T,,,:~er, seconded by John Lyons-- That (Jolin McDougall, of the Town of St. Thomas, be appointed jointly with His Honor the Oounty Judge, and 8he11.:ff Munro, to heM appeals respecting the equalization of assessments. See Vie., ca:P' '31, section 33.-Car- ried. Moved by John King, ~econded by D, McLaren, That a. copy of the, communications received from the County of Middlesex OOuncil be sent to Messns. Nairn' and Cascaddeu, the representatives of Eigin in the Ontario -Legislature.-Cau-ied. ' Moved by John King, seconded by T, W, Kirkpatrick- 14 ELGlli COuNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEI?L.'\GS. 15 Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by J, 0, Bentley- , ,'" fr" the County of 'Kent be That-the commUlll~atlOn.om .: _ - _ .''''. __ ., - . refened to theCoD1~ittee 'on - Pubhc ImrrOI'81Lents-Car- ried, Moved by 'iV. Backhouse, seconded by George Lajrig- That 11:; G,_ Burwell be_appointed Trustee of .the Vienna High School for the term or three years,-Camed, Moved by John Lyons, seconded by L, W. McIntyre~' Thatthe Oouncil Janow aajo~1I'litil1 twoo'clock int~e afternoon, to ,allow the several committees to meet.-Car- ried, Attwo'o'clock; afternoon, the Counci1 met. A Deuutation from the St, Thomas School. Board appea.red before the Council, when Mr. Mc]{enzle; the chairm~ri., submitted a report and made statement 01 the progress of the St. Thomas High Sr,ho~l. Moved by Mr. Suffel, seconded by Mr, Regler- That the Members of the St. Thomas Hig~ School Board being n~w presep.t, be allow an op~ortmllty of ad.- dressing this Oouncil relative to educatl?ual matters.- Carried, Moved by W, Backhouse, seconded by W, Best- That the report just read by the deputation of the, St. Thomas High School Board be referred to the CommIttee on Eaucation.-C~rried. That a retum be made by the keepers of the severa! Lock-up House!> in th& County, of the numbm.' of prisoners and other persons committed to the Lock-up Houses for the years 1878 and" 1879.; also shewing the number of days each prisoner was confined im. said lock.up houses; said returlls to be made not later t,han the first day of June next.~Carried. Moved by George Laing, seconded by Willia:m Back- honse- That the Reports of the several High Schools be referred to the Education Oommittee.-Oarrle.d. Moved by Donald Tumer, seconded I,y P,W, McLay,~, That the Treasurer's bond be read to this CounciL- I Oarried. The Olerk read the Treasurer'sboIld. Moved by John King, seconded by D. McLaren- That the Treasurer's bond jU$.t read be considered satis- factory by this CounciL~Carried, ," J\foved by DOllald Turner,. seconded by John Lyons---:- That the petition adopted by this Council. in J uile last, pmying the Ontario Government' to devise some ecoIl.omi. cal method of conv~ying convicts to the reformatory and penitentil11'y, be renewed, and a copy of this resolution and pe'titlOn be forwarded to o1].r L0cal members, requesting them to submit the same to the Government.-Oarried. / ,'I l! I 16 - ELGL.'\l" OOUNTY COU:NC~ PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEl?INGS. 17 Moyed by P. W, lVIcLay, seconded by W, E. Smith-, That John McCansiand be appointed a Trustee of the Aylmer High School Board for the term. of three years. ---:-Ca.rl'ied. /l'iIlS1l' Sl!lSS$@,lf...1l'l!lIRJJ r;);;l" THURSDA.Y, JAN. 29rH, 1880. Uolonel O'Malley of the 25th Battalion, appeared bef?re the Council, ana~ made statement respecting a gr~tOaid the procming of Helmets for the Volunteers of the County, after .which it. was ! The Oounty Council of Elgin met at the Court House~ in St. Thomas, ,on Thmsday, the 29th day of January,' at 9 o'Glock, forenoon. : The Warden in the chair. Moved by John McCausland, seconded by M, Payne~ That having heard the statements of Colon~l O'Malley, asking aid to 'ipe amolmt of two hundred dollars, to pro- cme Helmets for the Volunteer Companies of this ConIity, the Uouncii think these expenses should be born by the Goveinmellt.-Carried~ MEMBER,S PRESENT: Messrs, KirkpatrlCk, McIJaren, Hep. burn., Backhouse, Stalker, Luton, Laing, LyoJ;lS, Miller, Best, McIntYre, McCausland, Suffel,.McNabb, Smith, Mills;Tul'ner, Davis, Payne, Oampbell, Hegler, McLay, King, Bentley. Olerk, Warden. The proceedings of the previous day were read and auth- orised to be signed, . after .whieh it .was Moved by Ge~rge Suffel, seconded by W Backhouse- That the Rev. G, W. Wye, be appointed Truslee of the Vienna High Bchool, to fill ,the vacancy which has taken place hythe remov~l of Mr. Youell, from the . Coun- ty_ Carried, Moved by John King, seconded by D. McLal'el1~,d That the repmt of the Committee on Education be re- ceived aud read. C~rried:- ~ , . On motion the Council went into _committee of the whole on the education B;.eport, Mr. McOausland in thfl chair, when the Committee reported the 'adoption of the repo!'t, f with' amendJn8uts. J\loved byiJ. Lyaus, seconded by T, W. Ki!'kpatl'ick- That the Counil ~o now ,djourn' till nine o'clock to- morrow morningi to enable the Committee.s to meet. WILLIAM j}[cKAY. JAMES MARTIN, Moved by ,T. W ,Kirkpatrick, seconded by G.Laing- 18 ELGIN COUNTYCOUNGIL PROCEEDlliGS. ELGIN CODXTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS~ 19 That the Council adopt the Report of the Educational Oommittee,' as amended, makID.g- Grants,to'St:. Thomas, fifteen hundred; Aylmer, eight hlmdred and seventy- five dolla~s; ViEuna, six hUllaTed a,nd fifty dollars. YEAs.-Lamg, Best,-]3ackho~se, Suffel, Dayis, Mills, McCausland, Smith, Payne, Campbell, ,lJuton, Miller, Hepburn, McIntyre, lYIcLay, King~16. NAys.-Hegler, Bentley, TlU'ller, McNabh,Lyons, Kirkpatrick, 'Stalker, McLaren.~8. Mov.d hy 'r, W, Kirkpatrick, seconded by D. ~rcLaren, in amendmerit.- Moved by John King, seconded by T. W, Kirkpatrick~ That tbs Report or the Public Improvement Committee be _ adopted, byamendinKit,. that the building gx repairing of the Port Stanley Bridge be' in the hands of the Public Improvement Oommittee, and that th~ Warden ~ign draft to pay for Fleming - Creek Drain.-Carried. That the Report of the Committeeb,e amended ,to. read as follows: $1600 f"r Bt,,' Thomas, $650 for Vienna" $875 for Aylmer, amendment lost. Main motion Oa:rried.- Moved by D. Campbell, seconded by M, Payne- That a petition be presented to the Local Le~islature, praying for an amendment to the Municipal Act, providing in Townships not divided into Wards, that in making Nominations for Councillors, they should be designated by Numbers, same as Deputy R'eeves....,-Carried. Moved by M, Payne, seconded byD. Canipbell~ That we adjoum till one o'clock.-Carried. The Council resumed, Moved by John Lyon, seconded by L, McIntyre-,- That the Report of the Committee on Publio Improve ments be received and raHJd.-Carl'ied. Move~ by J. P. !lfills, seconded by E, Hegler- That, this Conncil fOl~hwith petition the Ontario Legis- laLure, that the London Junction Railway Bill now before that Honorable body, m~y become Law.-Carried, ' , The opinion of Messrs.~aeaougall ana Coyne was read reipeotllig~the appointment of Mr; Scarff as an Auditor. Move~ by John Lyon, seconded by L, W, McIntyre- That the Clerk be instructed to' draft a By-Law to con- firm By,laws Numbers 272 and 273, of the Township of Dunwich, disposing of certain' Road Allowances in said'. Township of Dunwich,-Carried, Moved by George Buffol, seconded by John King,~ That W. S, Law, Esq., be allowed the privilege of ad- dressing the Council, relative to the BrantforJ and Norfolk and Port Burwell Railway,-Carried~ Mr. Law being present addressed the Council. Moved by W, Backhouse, seconded by G. Laing~ That the application of W. S. Law, Esq" for the ex- tension of a By-Law passed by this Council, granting the sum_of '$1600, in favOr of the Brantford, Norfolk, ."d Pt. I , , I I i I I I I I I , I I I I - ~-I ELGrn COUNT'Y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Burw~ll Railway, be laid over until the June Session,- Carn.d. Moved by George Suffel, Seeotiaed by Mr. Lyon- ' That Whereas by Chapter 54, Section 1, of the Ontario Statntes for 1879, the time for the completion oflhe Brant' ford, Norfolk, and Porl Burwell Railway to Port Burwell, and the payment oft~e~Bonusef5 thereto, was extended to the eleventh doy March, 1881. It is hereby resolved ,that the time for the completion of said' Railway to Port Burwell in By-Law No, 290 of this County, passed on the twenty"seventh day of December, 1876, granting a bonus of Sixteen Thousand Dollars, be, and "the saine is.hereby extEin~gd to the eleventh day of March, A. D, 1881, as provided in said Chapter 54, Section 1, of the Ontario Statutes of 1879, aud that the Seal of the Corporation' of this Oounty be attached hereto~ giving .this Resolution-the san:-f:leffectas.a By~La:v of this CounciL Motion-laid ave.! till June Session. Moved by D, Campbell, secouded by D, Luton- That the ,'eport of the Goal Committee be received and read;-Canied. The re,port of tbe Gaol Committee -was read by the Clerk, Moved by L, W. Mclntrye, seconded by John Lyons- That the Report of the Goal Committee be adopted.- Carried. Moved by J, B.Mills, seconded by T, W, Kirkpatrick- 1 __~~''-.____w _.__~ 21 ~-c . '\ ! I 22 ELGL'q COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by L. W, McIntrye, seconded by John Lyons- That By-Law 329 be read a second time.-Carried, M,oved by John Lyons, seconded L, W, M:clrrtyre-'-- That By-Law No, 329 be read a third time and-finally paEsed.-Oamed'. ELGIK CCH.I-NTY COUNCIL PEOCEEDINGS; 23 Moved by D, Campbell, seconded by Danie! I,uton- Moved by John Lyons, seconded by L. W, Mclutyre- That By,Law No, 3~1 to appoint County Auditor~, be read athird time,andfmallypassed,as amended.'-Carned Moved byD. McLaren,seconded T. W, Kirkpatric~-'-- That By-Law No, 332, to appoin\ a Board ,of Audit be read a first time.-Carried. Moved by D_ MeN abb, seconded by John Stalker- That By-Law No, 332 be read a second time,-Carried. Moved byJ, B, Mills, seconded by J. W, Davis- Tbat By-LawN o. 332 be read a third time/and finally passed.:-G.arried. Moved 9Y William Baiikhouse, seconded. by Geo, Suffel- That the Council, after having heard th:e remarks of ~.he' Warden iU'reference to the abd.uction 61' loss of the gIrl, Maggie_ MeV ey, do grant the sum of Two :f!undred and Fifty Dollars, as a reward for her recovery, t:lther dead or alive.-Carried. O t'f rnw "Kirir\)at~i:ck' seconded bv1fr Lyons, n mo IOU 0..... .' ,1. " " it was l'esolVed"- That the Couneildo Iiow adjourn till 9 o'clock to'lllorrow mormng~ Moved by William Backhouse, seconded by Geo. Best- That By-Law No, 330, to appoint High S3hoo! Trustee., ~ria. provide for said Sc~ools be read a first time.-Oarried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D, Campbell-_ That By-Law 330 be read a second time,-Carried. Moved by J, B, Mills, seconded by J, W, Davis- Th$t By-Law No, 330 be read a third time and finally passed,~Carried, Moved by D. McLaren, seconded by T,W, :Kirkpatrick_ That By-Law No, 3.31, to appoint Couuty Auditors be read a first time.-Oa1'l'ied. That By-Law No. 331 be read. a se,cond time. In. amendment Moved by John Lyons, seconded by L, W; McIntrye_ That By-Law 381 be amended, to make the remuneration, T,yenty Dollars for each Auditor, n place of Thirty Dollars, -Amendment Carried. WILLIAM McKAY, JAMES MARTiN, Clerle, Waiden, , : "":....._,=~......._.._.=---,----_._--.,.=-~. 24 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 25 FRIDAX, J"''lUARY 30th. 1880. prosecute all Auctioneers' in this County sellin,g by Auction wiihout a C()unty License in his own na,me, including also Hawkers a.'1d Pedlers selling without !Jicens,e, _ and __ that other Couuties he asked to oo-operate with, thi. County.- Canied. . Moved by M, Payne, seoonded by J. MoCausl~nd- That the Counoil petition the Qntario Legislalure, to so amend the Asses,sment Aot, that no Appeals shall be entertained by t,he County Judge, unless the AHeal has first ,been submitted to the L,ooal Court of Revision, and a Copy of this resolution be forwarded to the various Uounty Councils for ~heir co~operation, and to the Loca.l Membe~s in the House of Assembly.-Carried. Moved by George Laing, soconded by Will, Baokhous.- That the Clerk make a retm'll to this Counoil In June of the Number of Pedlars and Auctioneers Licenses granted during the year, 1879, and to whom,-Carried. Moved by.Wm. Baokhouse, seoonded by G. W, Best- That this Counoil grant the sum of Onohundred Dollara to aid in building a Look-up House in the Village of Straffordville, Township of Bayham.~Motion laid over. Moved by Geo. Suffel, .eoond.d by Edward Hegler- Thal'this Council concur in the opinion set forth in " Resolution passsed by the County Coun"il of the County of BI'uce, that some more effective Legislation should take place, in order tQ do away with what is too ,well knO,wuas the Tramp 'luisanoe, and that the Looal Members be furnished with a oopy of this motion,...:.Canied. 1!'l/1l8'!t SJi188lf@N...F@7!?1l'!tm 'iJ)!lilr. The County CounoIl met this day at9 o'clock foorenoon. The Warden in the Chair. MEMBERS PRESENT : Messrs. Kirkpatrick, McLaren, Hep- burn,Suffel, Stalker, Doyle, Payne, Lyons, Miller, McLay, McIntyre, McCausland, Ba@khouse, MeN abb, Smith, Best, Turner, Davis, Laing, King, RegIer, Camp~ell,Bentley. The. pro_ceec1ing of previous day were read,and authorised to be signed. 'Moved by M, Payne,,seoo;>ded by D. " Campbell- , That By,Law No, 333, being a By-Law to erect aBridge at Port Stonley, be reoeived and read a firsttime.-Carried Mo:ved by William Backhouse, se.onded by George La.ing- . That By,Law No, 333 be read a seoond time,-Carried. Moved by John Lyom, seconded by L, W. MoIntyxe~ That By-Law No. 333 for the building of a Bridge at Port 'Stanley, be read a third time and- finally passed.- Varned. Moved by Dunoan Campbell, seconded by John Lyons- That it shall be the duty of the County Constables to i ~~-,.--------------~ ~26 ELGL.~ COUNTY COUNCIL PRO'CEEDtNGS. Moved by Geo. Suffel, seconded by 111. Payne- 'That theap~licati6n_-bf: D.'J"'_IIugbe~,' 'Esq.; ,County J uage, fa1" blailk Division OourtBooks; be entertained, aud 'that he be allowed to procure the number require'.d, asthose now in use are about exhausted.-Cal'l'ied. .Moved. by George SuffeI, seconded, by 'Edward Hegler-'- Elgin County Council Proceedings, 1880. 8B(J@H'lJ} SJ!f8SE@.Ji{'.'l!'Lfl8:f' JiI,U', That this Council do now~djourn tin the first Tuesday in June next.~Oarried. TUESD.A.Y,; JUNE 1ST. 1880~ ~ILUAM McKAY, The Connty Council of the Connty of Elgin met at the C?Ul"t House, this daYi at 10 o'clock~ forenoon. James MartiI;l, Esq, W a~aen" in the chair. MEMBERS PRESENT : Mes~rs. Kirh~atriok,:JYIcLaren, Stalker, Lyons, McIntyre, McNabb, Turner, Campbell, Ring, Hepburn, Luton,- Miller, McCausland, Smith, Davis, McLay, Hegler, 'Bent1i9y,Suffel, Mills, Payne, BaGkhouse B(jjit and L:a,i'Bg. The Warden addressed the Conncil, after which The Clerk read the proceedings of the last day of the prvious session. 'JAJ1!J:S'MARTIN. Cl"k Wwrd,,,. ~ Mr, Hathaway appeared before the Council, and mad. applicatiou for the use of the Court' House to hold the Elgin Grangers' QuarteIly meetings in, when it was Moved by John King, seconded by John Lyons That the request of the Elgin Division Grangers' be granted by aHawing them the use of the Court House to hola lheir Quarterly meetings,-Camed. The Clerk read the following communications:~ / j I I I 28 ELGIN COUNTY COUNcrr:. PROCEED!NGS. ELGm COUNTY.COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 2'9 From Dr. Cascadden, M.P.P., respec~ing the claim of Elgin against Middlesex, fat l'urchase of the London and ~ Port Stanley (travel Road. That T, M. Nairn, M,P.P., be a~ked to address the Council in referencito th~ Elgin .claim agains~ Middlesex. -Carried. Mi. Nairn, Member for the East Riding of the County, being present, add.1'essed the Council respectipg the claim of this, County against Middlesex, regarding ihe Gravel Road purchase. From T. M. N airh, M. P. P., resp,ecting petitions presented to t,he Legislature; and also in reference to the London and P0l1 Stanley Gravel Road purchase. From County Constables, reporting on the number of pl:!rsons confined ip -the Lock-up houseE' at Bismarck, Springfield, Wallacetown and Vienna, Statement of ll'1meS of persons having licenses to sell goods by auctton and peddling. The Olerk read Auditors' report of County Treasurer's account,s for the year 1879. Petition of the Southern Counties Agricultural Associa tion was read, requesting a grant of money in aid of the Association; Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Mr, Hegler- That the thanks of this Council be tendered to T. M. Nairn, Esq., M.P.P., and Dr. Oascadden. M.P.P., for the part taken by them in reference to the claim of this Oounty against the County of Middlesex on account of the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, and that they be requested to further investigate the matter on behalf of this County in order to place this Council in possession of all the facts with reference to thi~ long and vexed question betweeI}. the two counties.~Oarried. . II Estimate of amounts -.required to be raised for Oounty Rates, Moved by J. B, Mills, seconded by J. 0, Bentley- l\Ioved by M, Payne, seconded by J,'l\IcCausland- That the estimates submitted by the County Treasurer be referred to. the Oommittee on Finance;-Carried. That the Auditors' Report for 1879, be referred back to the Auditors for correction, to report not late't than Thnl's~ day afternoon to this Oouncil.-Carried~ ' Mnved by'D. Oampbell, seconded by M. Payne.c.. Moved by John King, seconded by D., F, Luton- Tbat J~mes Hepburn and Daniel Turner be added to the Finan:38 Committee.-Carried. That this Councill'eceiv~ the Committee of the County Agl'icllltural Society; and heal' a.ny explanations they have to -offer relative to the prop.osed Southern Fair, and that the deputation attend to.morrow morning.-Canied. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconMd by Gc L.ing- Moved by John Lyons, seconded by T.W, Kil'kpatrick- 30 RLGU< .OOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS~ BLGL~ COUNTY COu~CILPROCEEDINGS. 3~ That Mr; Turner be heard in reference tu the PUltanley Bridge, to explain why said bridge has not been built.- Carried. ' lYIEl-IBE:&S PRESENT: nlessrs. Kirkpatrick, King; Hegler, McLaren, Smith, ~entley, Stalker, H~pburn, Suffel, Ly.:ms, Payne, McNabb, Miller, Best, 'turner, McCausland, Laing, CampLell, Davis.. Luton and '~cLay. . The proceedings of the previous "day were read,"- .and authorized to be signed. Mr. Tumor made statement respecting the Port, Stanley Bridge. Moved by T, W. Kirkpatrick, se.onded by D, McL~ren- That this Conncil adjourn till, eight o'clock to-morrow IDOl'ning.-Carried. Cle,-k, Wa1'den. Tbe Clerk read the Report of tho County Engineer on County Bridges, ' A deputation from the Southern Counties Agricultural Association, and town of St. Thomas, appeared before :the Council, making application for grantR towards the recap:.. tion of the Governor~General and Princess Louise; . and for the Agricultural Association. Moved by M. Payne, .econded by J. A. Miller- WILULlf McRAY, JAMES MARTIN, That the Committee {rom the Agricultu~arA.sociation be now heard.-Carried. .. ... Messrs, Day, Disher, and Cha. Roe addressed the Coun- cil on behalf of the Association, Moved by T, W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by D. McLarl.'ln- 8l1JfJIlANlIJ SlIJ88R@Nm,vlJ(fl@NlIJ 1iI;87'. That the deputation from the Tow:>> Council of St. Thomas be now heard.-mCarried, ' WEDNESDAY, Jmm 2nd., 1880. Messrs, Mayor Smith, Still, Coyne and Martyn addressed the Council oubehaM of the Town of St Thomas. 'Moved by John King, seconded by Joh" Stalker- That the petition of the Southern younties Agricultural The County Council met' at the Court House, at eight o'clock, forenoon. The W""den in the Chair. "If. 32 "ELGIN COUNTY COUNCll. PROCEEDINGS. Association be ref.erred tothe Finance CommitJt~e to report to'this Uouncil to-moiTow~-Motion lost. Moved by T. W, Kirkpatrick, seconded by John Lyons- That the application of the Southern Counties Agricul- -tUl'al Association for a gl'snt from this County be laid over until to-morrow .~Carriea. Moved by J. Lyons, s"conded by T, W. Kirkpatrick~, That the reqnest from the Town Council of St, Thomas, a~king this Council to take part in the reception of the GGvernor-General and Her' Royal Highness the Pimces's Louise, :~nd to'defray part of the expenses incurred by such I l'eception, be laid:over until to:-mOlTow.-'-Conied~ Moved by J. McCausland, secouded by )}II. Payne- That the Reeves 'of the several Mnnicipalities in' the County be a committee to consider and report ,the amount they would recommend to be granted to the Sonthern CountIes Association; and also, the amount to he given fOI the reception of the G~vernol'~GeneraL ~nd. Princ-ess Louise, and to report sa soon as possible on ..' Thursday morning.~Carried. Moved by Geo. Suffel, seconded by E Hegler That the Clerk be authorized by .this Council, to inforIU the High Constable of this County, that lhey will not, after theexpira,ti6no(thecurreIit ~Year for which he is en. gageJ,pay the salary he h~a been receiving, as they are of th e opinion, Jromarecentd!'JClsiongivenby the County Judge of the County of Ont""io, that they are not liable to pay th~ same, -Carded. ' , ELGIN COUNTY COIDWIL PROCEEDINGS. 88 Moved by Dr. McLay, seconded by J'. Davis- Thot this Council, adjourn till 9 o'dock to-morrow mOl~~g, to all~w the Cornmi~tees to meet.-'-Camed.. WILLIAM ,J{cKAY. . Clerk. JAMES MARTIN, Warde-Ii. .1 I1l!HJ@ND SNI18l!IIlN...1tIBlffJf!) ~;$1f'. c THURSDAY, JUNE 8rd, 1880. Tbe County Council of the County of Elgin met this . day,at9 o'clock, forenoon. The Warden in the chair, :ThbMBERSPRESENT :'. Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Campbell, Smith, McLaren, King, Davis, Stalker,. Hepburn, McLay, Lvons, Luton, Begler, McIntyre, Miller,Be~tley, McNabb, McCa.us- land, :Mills, Turner, Best,' Payne, and Laing. The proceedings of the' previous day :were ,read, and authorized to be signed. ' Moved by John King, seconded by D, Tnrner- 34 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEE])ING3, ELGL'\ COuNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDTh'GS. 35 TlIat the Report of the Finance Committee_ be nowre- ceived a.nd read.-C ani.ed. The - Clerk read tl,1e Financial Report. appoiuted a TrustQe 'for the Aylmer High~cho~r for the tert:a., of one ,year, in the place of _Mr. EaDah, deceased. -Oarried. Mr, Hegler in the chair. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by J. 0, Bentleyc- Tbat the Township of South,Dorchester bed~tached from the Aylmer High Sohool District, aud that the by-law creating said High School Disttict he amended to. that eJIect.- Lost. Moved by G, Laing, seconded by G, W. Best- That High. School Di!ltncts, as now constituted, be abolished, and that ,the whole County h,e consti~ute4 one High Sohool District, YEAs.--'-Best;-Lai~g, Hegler; Bentley, Mills, and Smith. -6. Moved by John King, s~conaed by John Stalker_ That this On-unci! go. into Committee of the whole all the Report of the Finance -Oommittee.,...-Canied. 'The Council went into a Committee of the whole. The Committee rose, when t.he Chairman repol'tedthe adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee without . amendment. Moved by J', 0, Bentley, seconded by .J. W, Davis- That the Report of the Finance Committee be adopted. -,-Canii:'d. Moved by lIfr, Davis, seconded by 111', Smith- Tbat a Pedlar's License b€ granted to Andrew-Laur,of t,he To"\ynship of Malahide, for one year, without charge, -on account of his 'being- a cripple.~ NAYs.-King,~kwke!', Kirkpatrick,_ McIntYre, McNabb, Luton, Hepburn, Miller, Payne, Campbell, TUJ"ner, McLaren" McLaY'i.and McCausl:.:md;-14. , Moved by D, Turner, seconded byD. McLaren- That a're,turn be .made.to thi5'.Council,..in..detail,.of the amount paid for .serving subpoenas to' grand 'and petit jurors/or tbe last,assizes, and, by sel'ved whom.-Carried. Moved by p, McLay, seconded by J. McCausland_ That Riihard Fullarton,Esq" South' Dorchester, be Lost. , Moved by T, W, Kirkpatrick, seconded by L, W, Mcrn tyre- That no cbange be mad~ in the High School Districts in thi~ County, but that they remain as at pr~sent alTanged -Carried. :Moved by-T.W. Kirkpatrick, seconded: by cJ;Lyons--..;.. That the Re!,o!t of the County Engineer be referre,d,to Public Improvements Committee.-Carried. 36 :ELGIN COUNTY COUNCp:. PROCEED~GS. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded by J, 0, Bentley- That the Report of the Committee on Public Improve- ments be received and read.-Carried. " I 'j The Clerk read the Report of the CoIDIDittee on Public Improvements. Moved by D, McNabb, seconded by L, W, McInt,yre- 'l;hat the Report of the' Puplic Improvements Committee be adopted,-Carried, Moved by D. Turn~r, seconded by P. McLay-,- That a By-Law be passed, authorising the Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of Ten - thousand dollars on. the credit of the County, for the purpose of meeting pay- ments fallinll: dlle,-Carried, Moved by J. McOausland, seconded by W. E, Smith_ That the equalization Report of 1879 be amended by adding one hundred thousand dollars to Southwold, to correct an error in extending'total amounts, and that the Finance Report be amended ,accordingly .-Carried. Moved by T. W. rfukpa,rick, seconded by L, W, McIntyre- That the Report of Special Oommittee appointed to re' port on amount of grant to the Sonthern Oounties Agri, cl1J:tural Societ'y;, :and for expense of reception of, the GoveruOl-General be now receive'd and reaa;-Carried. Moved by J, Lyons, seconded by L,W. McIntyre;-, .ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 37 That the size of the Bridge at Port Stanley, when built, shall be as in Public Improvements Committee Report, which is a Nineteen feet wide Bridge, with foatwalk offonr feet, made of main_ Structure, leaving a fourteen- feet road~ way for teams.---:C&rried. Moved by G. Laing, seconded by E, Hegler,- i I i , I I That the AuditoI's Report as amended be adopted and the Mcounts of the County Treasurer be finally audited, and allowed.-OaTI'ied. The Heport of the Committee on application of the SouthernCourities~gricultural Society was read, . 'When it was " Moved by D. Lnton, seconded by J. Hephurn,- That the RepoIt of the Committee on Southern Counties Agricultural Society be refmed toa Committee of the whole.-CaTI'ied. The" Oouncil went into Committe~ of the whole on Re~c port of Committee on AgricnltUI'al Association application. Mr, Kirkpatrick in the Ohair. The Oommittee of the whole rose. The CeHmcil resum- ed,%en the Ohairman repol'ted the adoption of the Re- port without amendment. ' Moved by M, Payne, seconded by J. McCausland.- That the Report of the special Committee appointed t. consider the application of the Southern Oonnties Agri- 38 ELGIN COUNTY- COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN: OOUNTYCOUNCrr. PROCEEDINGS. 39 cultural Society bea-mended, bymaIting it read; :that we grant the snIDof'TwD hundred dollars to the SO-ciety, to be expended in prizes.; YEAs.-King, Turner, Luton. Hepburn, Mille? Pajne, Campbell, McCausland and Laiug,-9 Causland, 'be a Committee to'preTJare ~n Address from the County of Elgin, to be p~esente(l to His Excellency the GovernOl".Gelleral, and the Princess Louise, 011 their vil>it to this County,~Carried. . NAys.-Best, Hegler; Bentley, Davis, Smith, MDLay, !icLar:ll, McNabb, McIntyre, Lyons, Kirkpat:cick, Stalker, and Mills-13. Moved,by M. Payne, seconded by }If, Mills,- That the Council adjourn till eight o'c,lock to.morrow mOluing.--:,,:Carl'ied-. Motion lost. WILULlf McRAY, JAMSS MARTIN, Moved' by E. f[~gler,seconded by Geo. Lamg~~ ,'That the' Report ofthe Committee of the whole, refusing to grant anythmg to the Southern Oounties Exhibition be adopted.-Carl'ied. . ' Cle>'k, Warden. Moved by E. Hegler, seconded byJ. 0., Bentley- That the Report of the Committee of the whole,'recom- mendillg a grant of Tbreehundred dollars 'to bee~p'eilaed at the reception of the GoverJlor-General be; not adopted. .YE:A.s;~Lyons,McNab,'McL.aren, McLay. Smith, Dav.ig MIlls, Bentley, Hegler, and Laing.-:-l0 NAYSo-:-King, Best, St,alker, ~irkpati'ick,MeIntyre, Turner,-Luton" Hepburn, Payne, Campbell, and McCaus~ jand.-U, '_ Lost, " .0= Sli1(JONt)) &<<S&,fIZ/i "'F@f!fZ'!:~ ]}I1ifJr. FRIDAY, JUNE 4tb, 1880. The Elgin , County Council met at the COUl't House, at eight o'Clock, forenoon. The Warden in the chair, Moved by D. McLaren, seconded by D, Turuer,- .That the \Vardenwith ~Iessrs. ~ayne,;King,and Mc- MEMBERS PRESENT: Messr:;;. Kitkpatrick, King, Hegler, :M,:cLaren,Smith, Bentley, Stalker, Hepburn,Snffel, Ly,)ns, Payne, McNabb,Mlll81',13est, Turner" McCaui>land, iJaing, Campuell, Davis, Luton ::\icLay; ]\liil5,=and- McIntyre. 40 ELGL~ COUNTY COUNCILPROCEEDmGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 41 Theproceedings of the previous day were read, and authorised to be signed. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by J, Stalker- That By-Law No. 335, to borrow Ten thousand dollars, be received and read ~ first time.-Carried. # , Moved by John Lyons, seconeled by D_ Turner_ That ~he Clerk be aut~orisea to procure the necessary snpply of Ontario Statutes for the year 1880 for the mem"- bers of this Council.-Carried. Moved by D. Oampbell, seconded by M, Payne- That By,Law No, 335 be read a ,second time.-Oamed, Moved by D.McNabb, seconded by L, W. McIntyre- That By,Law No, 335 be read a third time, and finally passed,-Oamed Moved by D, }'fcLaren, seconded by T. W, Kirkpatrick- That By,Law N n. 336, to appoint a Trustee for the Aylmer High School, be read a first time,-Oamed. Moved by W. E, Smith, seconded by J, Davis- That By-Law No, 336 be read a second time,-Oarried. Moved by W, E, Smith, seconded by J. Davis_ That By-Law No, 336 be read a third time,' and ftnally passed,-Oarried. Moved by J. King, seco~ded by D. Turner_ That By-Law No. 337, to. confirm certain By-Laws of the Municipality 6f Yarmonth, be read a first time.- Carried, Moved by lIL Payne, seconded by D. Oampbell_ That By-Law No, 337, be read a second time,-Camed. Moved by D, Luton, seconded by J, A, Miller- Moved by J, Hepburn, seconded by D, Luton- ?hat a free License be granted to Mathew Young, ofthe V~liage o~ UlVon, to peddle in the county for oua year, he bemg a cnpple,-Oarried, Moved by J, B. Mills, seconded by E, Hegler,- That the Board or' Edueation fOr the Oountv be recon- strU<l;ted, so as to be composed of the Public School rnspec.tor, with. two members to. be. appointed by this CounCIl, one from the East and one from theW est Ridin of the Ooun\y, neither of whom shall be a High 8clioo~ Teacher;-Lost. -, Moved by D. Turner, seconded by John King- That By-Law No, 384, to raise Oounty Rates within tho several municipalities, be received and read a first time --Carried, . Moved by M. Payne seconded by D. Campbell--. That By-Law No. 334 be read a second time,--Carried. Moved by J. Lyons, seconded by L, W, Mclntyre- That By-;Law No. 334 be read a third time, and finally passed,":'Oamed, 42 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDL."iGS; Tb.t By-Law No, 337, be read a third time, and finally I-assed~-Carried. ' Mo.ed by J_ Lyons, seoonded by T, W_ Iilikpatrick- That By~Law, No. 329, to connrm By Laws, No. 272 aUld 273 of the-Township of Dunwicb, be :read :afil'st time. ---.,.Caniea. Mo.ed by L, W, Melntyre, seoonded by D, McNabb- That By.Law No. 329 be read a second time.-Ca1T~ed. Moved by D_ McNabb, seconded by M, Payne- That By-Law No, 329, be read a third tin,", al1dfivally _passed.-Carried. Mo.ed by J, King, seoonded by J, Hephnrn- That this Connoil resolve to hold a Harvest Home Pio- Nic some time in August next, and that' the Beeves of this County be a Committee, to make. thene~essarya.rrange_ ment, to hold the Pic-Nio at Port Stanle'y, on the 24th day of August,~Carried, , MuTed by D. Turner, seoonded by Dr, McLay- -, That iu future, it shall be lhe duty of .the Auditors to give the dates on whICh the Rates are paid to the County Treasurer, from ,the several1\funicipalities.~Oarried. Moved by Dr. lYlcLay, second.d by D. TUl"ller~ , '" EL GIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDIKGS. 43 That this CoullGil adjourn until Tuesday, the 23rd day :of N ovembel' next--:--Carri~a. . Cieri,. JAMES MARTIN, Warden. WILLIAN J{cK.1 y, .' cD ELGIN C01;")iTY COu~CIL PRo'CEEDrnG'S. 45 Elgin County Council Proceedings,lSSO From Keeper of Lock.;'p House, PI. Stonley. From Inspector of Common Schools, . From County Engineer. From Clerk of the Peace, respecting the sala~'Y of High Coustable. r - !!'EUftD 8g8ffE@N...Fl'lG,~1t' <fjJi!!J1I'. .. .. _ _ .... ',.' .' l ',' The Report ofInspector and Surgeon of House ofIndustry. Reply to addresses presented by ihis Council to the Governor~Geiaeral. TU1<:SDAY N OVE1\fBER 23im, 1880. From T. M. Nairn respecting claims against the County of Middlesex, The County Couucil of the Couuty of Elgin, met at the C~.lU~ ~(juse at two o'clock in the a.fternoon. The W ~rden in the chair. ,It was then MEMBERS PRESENT.---'Messrs. McLaren, Campbell, McLay, Stalker, King, Hegler, Lvolls,Hepburn, Bentley-, McIntyre, Luton, Milb, McNabb, Mille:t;, Payne, Turner,' McCau~land, Suffel, La.ing, Best, Davis, Kirkpatrick, Davis. The proceedings of the last day of previous session. were read a.nd authorise~ to be signed. T,he following communicatiolls and Reports were' then read by the Clerk : Moved by G. Suffsl, seconded by G. Lai"'g~ That the resolution passed at the last ~essiollc of this' Council, granting Three Hundred Dollars towards .enter- taining the GoV'er~or~General when hQvisitedtliis County at the Southern Counties Fair having been refused by the Council of this Town of St. Thomas, the said "res'61utj.ol1 be now rescinded....:........Carried. FroIIl the Drummondville Nurseries, respecting ma.rket fe~s. Moved by D. McNabb, seconded by J, Lyons- That the communications and Reporjos just read be laid over till to-morrow, and then taken up allit disposed of.- Carried, . " From lhe County of Frontenac, respecting the Taxing of Mortgages. ' From Keepel' of Lock-up House, Ayl~er. Moved by J, B. Mills, seconded by J. W. Davis- That, the Reeves of the sev>r.I Municipalities constitut~ F~r -.& ,~ ';":'3', !~:;, ,,~j r 'jl' .':i " f: '\'- 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDTI\GS. 47 a committee to equalize the_ Assessment Rolls, to meet at two o'cleck to-mon;owaftel'lloon.-Oal',ried. lVloved by D, Campbell, seconded by lVI. Paylle~ That the Clerk commmiicate with the Lessees of the London andPol't Stanley Gl'a,,:el Road, and request them to put the road in pnper repair, complaint_ having been made that it was in an unsafe c::mdiliion for public tl'_a~eL~ Can-ied. The Gravel Road Lease was then read by the Clerk, MaTed by G. Suffel, seconded by Mr, Hegler-m That; the :Uinutes --and Proceedings of this Oouncil fo!' the Current year as well as 'the Report ofth{l Inspector of the Pnblic Schools be printed in Pamphlet form arid distributed by the Twentieth of December,; as well as the. reports of any other special orstandin'g committee that may be of importance t; the Public.-OalTied MOTed by John Lyons, seconded by D, McNabb- . That this Councilnow.aJjourn to meet to-morrow morn- ing9,30,-Carried, i'NfflfifJ SFl8&lQJ!"u.SlNJ@JII'D i!}lZY. VilEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 24TH, 1880. The Elgm County Council met at the Courl House, at half-past nine. l'he -'Varden in the cha.ir. MEMBERS PRESENT;-'-Messrs. Kirkpatrick, Stalker, McLaren. Lyons, McIntyre Mi)Nab~, Turun, La.mg, Oampbell, King, Hepburn, Luton, Miller, McCausland, Be3t, Davis, McLay, Hegler, Bentley, Mills, Payne, Suffel, Smith. The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorised to be signed. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by G. W. Best~ That thQ communications that were laid over yesterday, be now taken and disposed of.:--Carried, . , 1iovea by John King, seconded by John Stalker- That the Report Qflhe County Engineer be referred to Ihe Committee on Public Improvements.-Carried. WILlIAM McRAY, Moved by John Lyons, seconded by D. McNabb- Thai ,the -\t,port of the Inspector of Public SchOols be adopted;~Can-ied, Moved by L, W, McIntyre, seconded by J, Hepburn-m That. the Reporl of the Inspector of the House of Indus- try of the County of Elgin be adopted, and also Ihe Report ofthEi 8arge:m of the Iustitution.-Canied. JAMSS MARTIN. Clerk, Warden:. , . 1 (f"v:- :;-;1 ~ , ~ 'Ii ;~tTI~ ~::; '~~~ \ ! ~,::" , r;,,, 48 ELGm aOUNTY COUSCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDL"(GS; 49 Moved by W. Backhouse, secouded by J, McOansland- e~ception ofT~ues on Mortgages be adop"ted by this Coun ~ ell and the Olerk forward a similiar Petition to the Ontario LegIslature on behalf of lhis Council, +ll Amendment That the communication of the Township. of StandfGrcl, Farmers' Associaliions be not entertained by this Council. In amendment It w.s moved by .J. King, seconded by D. Tnrner- It was moved byP.W, McLay, seconded by J,Hepburn- That the Petition at David James Walker W' d f Oh C _" - - - . - aT en, 0 t e _ ounty of Frontenac be not euliGrtained by this Council Amendment O~rried. That this Council petition the Ontari~ Government to amend the 1\1:unicipat Act, that :18 regards Oities, Towns. and Inc0rporated Villages so ai tl9 prevent said 1flmicipali~ ties from collecting1\Iai'ket Fees onFH.rrm produce o:tTe!'ed for sale, and that the ,Clerk forwari'. a petition to the Government, embodying the above with the 89ftl of the Oounty attached. Moved by John King, seco,nded by D:Turner~ That a commIttee of thre_e be ap;ointed' to confer with " the town allthorities, with a view of-,:ntilizing prison labor and that Messrs. Hegler, Hepburn; and the mover, com- pose saId comm.ittee.-Oan-i~d~ Moved by D. Turner, seconded by p, W. McLay~ That the Members of this Oouncil visit the H f' Industry - _ t. _ - _. . - - ouse 0 _ so:ne - IDle durmg __ thIS session, and that the Warden be .mstructed to make arrangements ior convey- a.nces on thIS Wednesday at ~wo o'clock p.m.-Carried. Moved by D.McN abb, seconded by J, G, Stalker- That th~sCou~cil do now adjourn to meet at nine o'clock to-m?ITow mornmg, to- allow this Council' to visib the Hous~ of Industry, ~na committees to ineet.-Ca!ri~d. , Amendment Carried. Moved by JYI, Payne, seconded by'George Suffel- That Mr, T, M. Nairn, and Dr,Oascadden, Local Members c of this County are hereby authorised to pI:ocure the a.dvic e of a Chancery Lawye~ with reference to the claim of this County, against the County of Mid~esex -in connection with the.London aud Port Stanley Gravel Road, and report at the J annary session (;d this Coun<;-il.-Canied. l\foved by J, McOausl~nd, seconded by Wm. Smith- Th~l the communication from the Clerk of the Peac., in rogard to lh. salary of the High Constable, be laia over lill no"t meeling of Ooullcil,-Oarried; Moved by M. Payne, second.dby E, Hegler~ That lhe Petition of the County oj Fr ontenRO wiil! the JA,MES MARTIN. WILLIAJ]{ 31cKA Y. Olerk. Warden. . ,f~~ ( -:,_k:' :''[ '::~~ ,'" j; )1::; ~, \~ 1}~~, , ELGL."i: COIDiTY COUNCIL PROCEEDIN'GS. 51 50 ELGIN COUNT\{ COUNCIL PROCEED~G-S~ :'" That the R\3port of the Finance, Oommittee, be received andread,-Carried. n ;.:r\\ 'FlIl!R~ ffESS.fIlJi'---THil!fll} DtU". , THURSDAY, NUV"E:MBERl 25th, 1880. Moved by John King, seconded by T. W, Ifukpatrick- , That the Report of ~he Finance Committee be adopted, Carried, "j , , The Council met at the GOUTt House, at nine o'clock. Moved by Geo, Slife!, seconded by E. HegJer- \ I" The Warden in the chair. MEMBERS PRESE'N~; Messrs. Kirkpatrick, King, Hegler, M~La.ren Smith, Bentley, Stalker, ffepburn, Suffel, Ly~n8. P ",' N bbMiller B,est Turner, McCa.,u,slaud, La-mg, ayne, lY C.i- a. l ~ , " , , " I t CampLelll Davis, LutO}l 'McLa.y, Mills, and, Me II yre. The minutes of th~preceaing session were 1'e8.(l ancl authorised to be signed. Moved by J. G, Stalker, .econiled by D. McNabb- That the Report of the E.qua~lzation Committee be re- ceived and reaa.~Oarried. Moved by D, McNabb, .econ<led by J, G, Stalker~ That the Beport of the Equ~li:&ation ,Committee be adopted by this Council.-Carried, In amendment ,j\Ioved by D. A. Luton, .eco~~ed by J, A. Miller- That the Council go into a_ c01llmitt~e of the whole on the Report ofthe E'luhr.ation Committee. Amendment lost.. Main motion carried. :Moved by 11. Payne, ,,,condell by D, Campbell-, 'rhat th~account of Jamel;: Stanton, our County attorney -- for services hefOTe William McKay, Esq. and other Justices of the Peace, amounting to Fifty-Five Dollars be only paid to the amount ~ertifiea to, by said _Magistrates, stat- ing that said services were, neceesary in the eases certified to, and as soon as said certificates be obtain.ed, the County Treasm'er be authorised to pay the amount as certified by said Magisll'ates to the amount of Five Dollars in each ~ case. i:j ,:,:' ',': i'-1; U!: ji.' ,;)':' ,.':,t'-" ir;~i,f::'\ 'I"': ,- ,."",_. r"c'" ms Honor Judge Hughes, and Mr.' James 'Stanton, then addressed the Council witli reference to the above motion. After whichthe'yeas and nays being called for, were f,s,~en down as follows; , i' , YEAs-Laing, Best, Su:ffeJ, Hegler, Benlley, Smith, McCausland, Miller, Payne, Luton, Hepburn,McIntyie-12 NAYs~King, Stalker, Kirkpatrick, McNabb, Turner, Campbell, Mills, McLaren, Lyons, Backhonse-lO Then in,amendtnent,it was Moved by T. W"Kirkpatrick, se,.onded by D, McNabb~ That the account of James Stanton against this County, r.' I' / r :,'J.-; k" ,~~ . '1',' 1; $.::, ]f 't ;>: K \.\ 52 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDDi'GS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 53 1!1;' LI! ~' for $55, 'be referred to the aClministration of J-ustice Audit I such amoy.ut (}f said account to be paid .as th~1 think proper, after Mr. Stanton having' the Magistrate certify to each item of accoup.tthat his services w-ere actually rB'luired by said Magistrate, change may be made; be it also resolved,that all Oouncils in Ontario be inVited to present similar petitions. The yeas and nays on thisfuotion being called forj were taken down as follows: I yEAS.--....:Backhouse, McLaren, Lyons, Turner, Campbell, McNabb, Kirkpatrick, Stalker, King-9. ~ .NAys.-Laing, Best, Suffel, Hegler, Bentley, Smiuh, l\.1ills, McCausland, Miller, Payne, Luton, Hepburh, Mclntyre-13, . YEAs.-King, Kirkpatrick, Hepbufn, Campbell, Turner, Miller, and. Backhous€---,7. NAys,-Btalker, }'fcNabb, Laing, Best, Buffel, Hegler Bentley, McCausland" Smith, lMcLaren, .McLay, Miller, Payne, Luton, Lyons-15. . ri ;' ~ '.: 'U! I" 1\' , . J 1i' ,\i Moved by J . McOausland, seconded by M, Paytie~ Motion lost. Moved by P. W. McLay, seconded by M. Payne- That a grant of One hundred dollars be appropriated to the Municipality of Aylmer to assist in defraying necessary' expenses incUlTed in refitting and repairing. the Aylmer Lock~uJ? house, provided they have;ri.ot received any former giaut.---;"Oarried. Amendment lost. Main motion carrieD.. li;I:'; ',I ,I:: n~, " Moved by, John So.lker, seconded by John. King- That.this Oouncil do now, adjourn"to. meet. again in thi~ House, at two o'cl()ck, afternoon.-Oauied. , ii That in future the accounts of the County Orown Attorney f6r attendance at Magistrates: Courts in Criminal Sluts, b~ only allowed when ordered' by the County Judge, a.s,~eingnecessary in, the interests of the Cr?Vlll, and that the S-q.ID of, Fiye dollars be allowed in f:lach case.-Ual:ried. Moved' byJolm King; seconded: by J, Hepburn- That, whereas, Conaty Officials app?inteil by the Govern- ment are now paid for their services by fees;.and', ',wh@reas,. it would be advisable in the interest of public eco~omy that they should be paid by salary; be it resolved, that a petition be presented by this Oounty. Council to the Legis- lature of Ontario at its next session,. praying that such That the Report of the Jail Oommittee be received and read.~Oarried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D, A, Lnton- . I Moved by D. McNabb, seconded by J 0.1m Lyons,- That the Report .f the Pnblic Improvements Committee be adopted.-Oarried. Moved by John King, sec9nded by D. Tnrner~ That the Oounty Treasurer be inst:ucted to commnnicate with the Treasnrers of the several municipalities of the 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDL~GS. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING-S. 55 county, andinfcrm' thcm that In.t.rest will be charged on all arrears of Taxes not paid to the County Treasurer by the first of January, 1881.~Canied, Moved by J, Pc, Miller, seconded by D, Pc, Luton- That the Report of the Gaol Committee be adopted,c:- Carried, That By,Law N 0,,331 be read a second trrne,-Cal'l'ied. Moved byT. W. lfukpatlick, seconded by D, Mc:N;abb-, That By,Law No, 331, to confirm By-Law No. 277 of the Townshrp -of Dunwioh, be read a third time,. and finally passed:-Cal'l'ied, Moved by John Ring, seconded by E. Hegler- That this Council, petition the Hon, James McI?onald, Minister of-Justice of the I?omipi,)ll, to ,make piovision by iltatutaor otherwise, for the conveying of prisoners t.o the Provincial Penitentiary from the several cqunliygaols of the Domimon ons:)me ,economical plan similiarto the existing practioe adopted by -the' Ontario Gover.tiritentjand that the'various Municipal GOlmeils in the Dominion be asked to 'co-opera~e in the said petitioll~-CalTiea. Moved by J, McCausland, seconded by J, '0. Bentley- That a vote of thanks be tendered tothe Warden, and other officers af ,the Council,'}orthe_ very efficient manner in which they have 4ischarged,the duties of their offices for thepresentyear.-Canied. '" ;;foved by ,J, Lyons, se'conded by D, iVIcNabb~ That this C~uncil do now adjourn sine die.-Carried. I I Moved by John Lyons, seconded by D, iVIcNabb- That the Report of Committee on Honse of Industry be read.-Carried-. l\iloved by ,John Lyons, secpnded hy D, l\iIoNabb- That the Report of Committee on House of Industry be ~dopted,-Carried. Moved by M, Payne, seconded by D, Oampbell- That By'LawNo.330, on equalization, be read a first time.-Cal'ried. j i I'; ;', !, ;.; :\'I , i'i , .J:-j Moved by D, M?Nabb, seconded by J, Soalker_ That By-Law No, 330 be read a second time,-Oarried, JYIovedby John King, seconded by D. Turner- That By,Law No, 330 be read a third time, and finaiIy passed:-Cal'ried. Moved by John ,King, seconded by D. Turnero-------' Th.t By,Law No, 331 be read a first time,-Carried, W!LUAM McKAY, J,1;)j!tS JURI'IN, Cle;'k, Warden. Moved by "\V. E. Smith, seconded by Mr. M.ills~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 57 Municipalities in the Cowty of Elgin, during the y.ar 1880, for Oounty purposes' a.s per schedule . herewith sub. mit.ted, and that the ,equisite By-Laws be passed to levy Two Mills and Two Elevenths of a Mill in the Doll.r on the 'rateable property in the several IvIunicipalitied, as equalized for the precedihg year, tt;> raise said a.mount, ex. elusive of Sehool Grant; and also that the sum.of Tlll'ee thousa13.d nine hundred' ~nd seventy~one dollar~' b~ r~ised in Ihe several Township Municipalities (only) lor Common Schools, equal to the Government\ Grant, as requir~d by the Education Department, ' Report of Finance Committee. 1880, ?o?-----------,-- To the' Warden and Council oftne Oounty of Elgin: The Oommittee on FinaJ?ce beg leaye to repqrt .t~at having examined into the state of the Finances of the County, and the estimates prepared by the. County Treas- lITer, they herewith submit a statemen~ ofthe Expenditures required to be provided' for the lawful ,purposes of ,the County. during the current year, shewing th.e amounts to be l'aised for the undel'lllentioncd purposes, viz.. : SO!lthern Railway Detentures... .. ," .... .~... ...' $10,00000 H . " Coupons.................... .6,300 00 GaolfmprovementDebentures. 0.. '.' ............. 2,000 00 Coupons for ditto..............:.................... 30060' Administration of Justice.. ................. .......... 3,000 00 . County Lines and Bridges.... ..~................... 800 00 High Schools "....,...,..""",............... 3,00000 Examinersand Inspectors of Schools............. 1,20000 Payment of CrirniIial Witnesses...;. _....:. ...... L,OOO 00 House of Industry....... .....;......... ............. 3,000.00 Officers' Salar.ies, Members' Wages, &c ......... "2,500 00 Pa.ymedofJurors ........~......................... 2,039 00 IndigentLunatics... .......... ,......:... ....... 15001) 35,289 00 Conimon Schools, equal to Government Grant 3,971 00 $39,260 00 Y OU1' Committee would recommend that the sum ot Thirty-five thousamI two hundred and sixty dollars be raised and levied _ on the rat.eable propel"ty, in the several [0 ,ij;i jgj' I~ l.b I~ o I Cio..t'-Ot'-CQ.C'l~O';lC'll.Q 3 g~~;S;1j~gs~L2~;:: ~ ~~r:-=a5>3~cO -- "0 I 0-0 O';lo..CllOC"l~~ SO OC"ll.O.qtl.O~CQ S.Q ~l.O<lO~lQC'I<:Zl ,8rJ5.1 ~- ~'" l....co~t-C"lOOI:O>.':lClllO 8 "" 1.qtt-CQ....clOlO~t-C'lCllro . CQ !'; ~ c:q, '""i. 1:'1_ .qt_ "'t Q';l^ C'l_ !;Q ~ -.t5 ai=!l ;C'lcoeooh-.,....j ~ ~. 1,00 G'<l' coco ~IOO~ ~ g jigs ~~ 1 :':~~:;;.~:3.:;i."'gj~~ 15- ~,:c; ciC'l eo, eo c<t ....c,....j, ~ o -0 .' "# I >.";l0';l.qt t--.-! <:Zl 00 000 [",- ~~ ~Q';lo..OO';lC'l....coooo ~ ~:::: c:q,C'l_eq,co^.q;_~a>^qqo_o^ O';l_ ;:::loo,o<-~'O<-,I:O'lOOO>''';l '" doi ....c.'o:tlMOOC'llOlCt-C'laJOO l.Q ~::: COMC'lQ';l~CQC'l co ,." ~~~ .-rl'C-lCOCOC'l-,.,,-""'; -.t5 .....,.. *-'; r-:i ui W f-< <G 0:; Ii< o W ,-l ::J Q W :r: o [/) rOl : : : ' : ' 01 , W ........... ~. ~i.~:: ~~. ~ ~.ii~ :::l tl!l ;El...q l:>"'::l- -< ~... 0"'" (l)... .. d (l) ~: OO'~.:::roo S :.!~~ <;) ;j .~..c.l Os.E ~ cl ~ v U1 gf Z>-< ..od-P o,.........e::ls-..=..... rd . ::: ::-'-.""'" "'->Q;l- ::.c M p .....::: 0 d,=::-!o d.... ....0 Co! ;s. ~ A oo~ ""'" r:nP=ll><.o..oo m ~ @ <:) "' z :>< ..; P-< >-< Oil ::> z ., ~ :s 'i3 :tl o Q ~ Q '" ,~ cd Q ~ ;e , s ~ 00 '" o ~ - o '" ..; 0 00 00 ~ " I " " .., "" '" '" ) '" ~ II s 0 -" I E-< Ii -P 00' III III 'I I il; I; il ~. ,': ,il' Ii . ~ . ii' EQUALIZATION REPORT, 1880, The Committee on Equa.lization of the Assessmel~ts of the Oounty' ofEIgill) beg leave to lubmit the following, Schedule, of Equalization fo!' the adoption of the Uouncil : I ' Acres As.' PersoDal RenI and E.qlla- Pel'flOllal R MUNIOIPALITIES. Assessed. sessed 'Prop81:ty RooJ Persoual hlled Propol'ty :Rl'lal. PI value and, Property p,s Prope:t:ty as value as, Property as 1>1'0: 1>01' ao1'O Income. aSllossed. Assessed per acro Equalized Equ"alimd. Eq -~ $ c, $ $ $ I $ $ $ Aldborough........ 75,460 16 50 €i7,550 1,240,285 1,297;835 _,23 67,521 1,735,580 1,8 Dunwich............ 69,5fil 2765 116,875 1,805,805 1,923,180 29 117,605 2,016,979 2,1 South wold ..,'.,... 71,380 34 37 134,268 2,453,410 2,601,531 42 168,580 2,997,960 3,1 Yarmouth 69,904 38 00 166,706 ~,667,983 2,844,599 I - 46 176,553 3,215,584 3,3 lVI!JJlahide ........., 62,614 30 00 114,450 1,879,444 1,993,894 37 111,175 2,316,818 2,4 South Dorchester, 30,482 35 00 9,750 1,093,150 1,102,850 43 40,000 1,310,726 1,3 Ba,yham ..;,......... 55,759 21 16 123,075 1,179.705 1,302,78Q 20 125,930 1,115,180 1,2 Vienna. . ........... ~ ..... 8,020 74,273 83,423 ... ...... 72,000 Aylmer """"..., 412.... 35,125 349,158 395,793 .., """ 315,000 3 Por~' Stanley. '''''. 402.... 5.850 108,225 114,075 " ..... 84,000 l Springfield ...... ... 500 ...... , 3,400 ! 82;380 85,520 .. ..... :81,000 l II~--' --:-~-I~-~-~- 16,11 All of which is respectfully submitted, Committee Room, November 25th, 1880 GEO. SUFFEL, Ohairman. l_ . ---' ~, and oual 'ty ItB illed $ ,101 ,584 ,1540 ,137 ,993 ,726 ,110 ,QOO ,000 ,000 ,000 ,191 " School Inspector's Report. ?o? Totl~e Warde~ and Gdunci!q{ the Cf}'l(.nty oj Elgin: GENTLEMEN- I I , In accordance with a . resolution passed; at. a previous session, I beg leave to pres~nt' the followingReport. The number of schools.and departments of schools is as follows : ' Alilborol;gh,.. ..;/;,....",., ..",..14 Dunwich..... ,._;;.....n..:... ""'n ......17 -Sbuthwold.. "" ,,,,.. '" .....;.." ,,,... ....18 Yarmouth,..",,,,..:..,,,,,,.,.. ,.. ,,:.., ,19 lVlalahide...... ""....... ............ 0.. .:.. .18 .Bayham".,....., ,'..,.. .", ,<",-,17 South Dorchestel'... :...;.... .. _. .'.... 5 13pringfiela"",..,. ".','. "''':'''''' 2 Port Stanley... .. ... ... ... ...... .:...... 2 Vienna,.. .... .... .... .... ;.......'y Aylmer."..,.., "."..,....,,,'..,,.., 5 TotaL...:..,..,.... ',' """.,,120 I The total humber of 80100'1 Houses is 104: Numher of visits made, 220. . No new Sch@01 Honses ware built ,during the year,_but. .'"' ! l I I . , 60 ELG-IS ,COU~TY COUNCIL PROCEEnn;GS. \ two old ones both ip. '_th'9 Township <?f Aldborougl~, were enla.rged and substantially'repaired,inaking them as/gooel as new. Nearly all of t)le School Houses throughout the County are now fauly comfortable, and ~ome are neatly, and tastefully finished _and funllshed. . This has beeu accom- plished, partly through thepl'ogl'essive spirit and liberality of the people, anil partly through the' compulsory a~tion of the School taw of 1871, and succeeding amendments. Since ~y last_ 'report, a circ~iar ha$ by order of the Minister of Education, be'eu 'submitted -in each school sectioll,asking the opinion of ' "the Ratepayers:.Ouporithe question ofTownsh1p s~hool b'oardsinstead of the present pIau. The decision i,u'all the sections, exc~pp.three .in the Oounty of Elgin was largely in favor. of rural section trustee boards. ,The,results of my own observation cause m.e to quite 'agree with ,the majority. The Towllship system woula; while it righted some wrongs, cre~te'" at.- th~ t~p1~ -fa,r great~l' _ones, .. and also largely diUfini~hthat_Iocal interest and zeal which are the out-g:rowth of locall?orib.:ol and local l1lallagemeut. A . change in' the method of e:dmin~tion for third - ,class certiftc~t_es- Wlil"tafr,eeft'Eictuext." y~ar~ and t,he duties and:con?ecillt?~_~eX1?e!1se_s o(t~e C,ou~ty BJal'ds of Exami~: ners be thereby largely iIirninished. I The non :'pl'ofessional exnmination for third class will be upon the se~ond::class papers, whwh will be 'read in Toronto, and' the staridar<l will, be the former. one for sec!,ud-class grade B. The County Boards will stilI be 'required to conduct the professional' examinations ~nd grant thirddass certificates. j" '---. I , I I -I 1 I I i I I , I , i I I I I ,I I '/ " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PR()CEEDnms. , 61 at the close of the sessions of the Moilel School. County' InspeCtors are .also I!ow required to inspect th.e Model Schools twice during e~cb seSSIOn and report upon efficiency of the same. to the -~Hnisters of EducatIOn. . I ... ' The Elgin Teacha"s' Asscciatio,n still holds %-~ssession twi~e during ~ach year, the attendance is very full, and the _ interest uriiIinrinisheil, The books in the Library, pur' chaseil mainly 'through the liherality of the Elgin anil St, Thomas Oouncils,are well -kept and prove very ( useful '-to the Teachers. . On the whole there is much cause for thankfulness, ani perhaps some cause for congratulation. There are but few cases. of lack of discipline on the part 01 Teachers or dis- order. and disobedience" on the ..partof pupils, there.. is, however; and. probably always must 'bemoretobedesirecl of that higher order. of 111tellectuaI .and'm"oral teaching, ,which gives 'available' force in after years, and teac~erfj duty to self and -to othel's-, -this kind of te~ching- -looks be~ yond books and eX3,minatio~sfor the 'tests of its excellency an,dd~mands teachers' w~th adapted . talent and a lung course o"f professional training. The standard'in hcokscholarship is already-' high 'enol1&;h, the time requirf:dfor.'Iearning how to teach is yet far too short." There. is, . however,reasoll for t.he opinion tha,f each year llw,kes '.some. improvement ir!.t~e quality of our school 1Vork,' and whik this. is the case, weshould-gathe,r. d.ourage and labor on". 1: am, gentlemen; Respectfully yours, A, F, BUTLER" -, " t ~, ~ ~,) ill: ]'i j:H ii, ", "i:;I' Ji/ Iii I,' )'1; ,1' / ;:;['1,; "I il: !ii II :11 jijiii ii! 'i,! , L r 1 ./ Beport of Public Improvements Committee. ' Report of Gaol Committee, ,\ ~",,-?o? --?o?---,- : The Committee 011 Public Improvements beg leave to report . 1 - ' The Committee on Repol'~ Gaol and Printing b\3g leave to , That yourCoD11i1iUeeapprove of work that has been ordered to be done on 1iclntosh bridge;, and would; re.com- mE:ud that }VIr; ,Ware pay st,rict-attention to said bridge, and also that'your Committee feel satisfied with ~he im- . provem,ents, that your engineer has se~n fit to anthorise on C()yne Road Bridge,<tud would advise, 'if Mr. ,Ware Call stay,said Bridge from-swaying to the south, that 'it- w'ould ~e advisable toao so. ' . And with refer811ce tQGraham Bridge, youreommittee wpuld/recommend that sa~J:BriagfJ be boarded'up,close as hIgh as the,'huhrail, also'to see that all bolts are tighten- ed on said .Bridge, also that theapproBtch to ,said Bridge on non.h side' be repaired. , Your Committee would recommend that the Wards" ville ancl130tpwell Bridgesb~ loo~redafber, by your eng.ineer. All of whioh is respeotfally submitted, That owing to the introduction of wood burning furnaces into the goal, your committee found it necessary to pur. chase a 'larger' quant~ty of wood than when coal'Yas burn- ed, and t'his caused a new wood shed necessary, which your committee have constructed I110'st of,the labor of building it, being furnished ,by the prisoners in tIle goaL At, the last sessionoftheOourt, the Gra.:ticl Jury visited the gaolin,a body, and theftoor of ,he lower w,aril on the east siele of the gaol,' gave away, ,and sank down about six inches, 'your committee had the :fl~or repairecland strength- eli8clat once, and with a view of avoiding 'it similar acciM dent.We-~oula recommend that~he Connty Engineer, make a'thorough,examination of the sills, of the grotlnd, :floor of the gaol, and if fonnd umsafe, authori~e yourcom~ mittee to have the same put in a proper stfite of repair forthwith, ' All ot which is respectfully submitted. DANIEL TURNER, M."PA.YNE, Committee R;oom, Chairman. Ohairman. November 25,b, 1880. '7~- ~-~- \ ~~ ~\ , , \ ' ,/ '\ Report of Committee on Houpe of Industry, ?o?.:........-.-~ 1,'ol:he Elgin Coun-tyCouncil: Your Commit"tee/beg lea--ve ,to report That the House oflndustl'j- has been in operation an- other year with a sillalldecrease ,of the number of the inmates. " t' That we have, endeavored.to carry it on with as little ex~ penseaspossinle. / Your committee - recommended that th~ prlncipalyl'opsi"aisecl on 'the fa,i,w. should be 11_ hoe -'crop1 as not. orlli being the most profitable for' the Iu::>ti- t~t,ion,-.htit also' being t~ekind -()f work .the' inmates "can carry'~n and compl!3te without'hiringadditional,help. Th~t we are still of ~he' opinion th.t the hread reqnired 'for the inmates, should be m~dedn, the premises. , We directed that all !.h~jal1en timbers laying;>bont th~ ~eldsbe'convertec1 into fire woo,a,. whereby' a)arge amount was savec1~ and llpthiIlg paid forwoodduring the past yeai\ Your committeewould~remark that the Town 'Ministers " ,~, " ",..,,', have not Ulaa~ many visits, to the Honse of Industry; hu~ YOUI' -committee are plea~ed to be informed that" SOlIJ,e of the locai' preachers inth'3neighborhoo'~ have-, promised to, supply a-semi=-weekly atteridl}llce. /" ! i i I ,1 ! ..1. I", \ I I i I I I I I i i I i \ I ! I I \1 I I I I I I I I j 'I'~ {i 11 "'( ,/ ELGrn COUNTY COD)WIL PROCEEDINGS. 65 Your c;mmittee would also state that the keeper per. f orDlS religious service 4aily, .with the i~mates every~ eve- ninO' bv readinO' thaScriptures and prayers. OM. 0 ,"'~ ,- ' . Your Committee have....mueh plea.sill'e in st.ating that..-the i~mates appear to 'comto~.tably provided for. and well at. tended to by the efficient keeper and matr~n. We would also remark th~t more care should. be -exer;;-' icised by the Reeves and Magistrates, i~' senclillg individo; uals t{), the Institution. as it is not.a proper plae~ for. people ~f unsound mind. Yom' committeeniay-~ls.o state that there are severw houses of Industry ,in the; Provipce of Ontario, and that the_'~xpense of mailittainingthe Institution in the Qounty, is lei~tha.na.ny others of similar extent: All' of which 'are respectfully submitted, JOHN KING, ,Com~itte~ Room-, N overriber, 25ht, 1880, Chairman. ' ,~ ~ I ,( \ '~ ~. "t~~ ',...... , I , /,' '\ , ~'" 1 << 'f\ I: i'i I! j' JI Ii " I', It, it I, ::1 , ELGL"\ COUNTY CO~.NCIL PROCE~DL"iG~. 67 __'._n_______"_ ____----' , ' -~ Report of the Inspector of Holiss of Admitted from Dorchester..",'..:. "H'HC'"'''''' 0 Admitted from Malahlde 10 . .", , , ' , 0" " -. p.. ' 6' Admitted from Bayham,."..,. ,.,.",. ,.......... 4 ,Admitted from Springfield,.. .....""...."..,....... 3 Admitt,ed frolll Aylmer""',.",, ,..", "......, 6 Admitted from Pt, Stanley.., ,,"'10" ..,...., ,""'''' 2, Admittea from Vienna p, T H'" ",' 10..'" ...... 0 ~ Industry 1880. ?o? ,To th~ Elgin County Council: Total::'!H",,,,,,.. ,.."......,., 43 The Inspector of House'of Industry begs leave to sub- mit Annual :f!,epo~t. as follows: Number of Inmates withiu the Rouse at last Re- port.,., .... ... .....~ .:.,..., ,.......... ... .... ..... ... ... ,.; .......49 Numbe~ adrrutted during the year........~..,. ;.. ....43 Number on triai and returned;..... .......,. ............ 1 Number born in the House......, . '. .. .-... . -.. . ..... 4 Number of Cieathsduring,the year:.... .... ':'..' ..~.12 Number .of children sent out an triaL.. ... .....~ ..'...., 5 Number of children bound ouL,.,.....;..;........;.... 3 Number of III mates absconded.. ........ ...... ... ...... ~ Numher.ofInmates dis.charged.., ....... .,.... .:..;26 Number out at set'vice.:....... ....-.::. .'...\.. ..... 1 Number .or Inmates now in House. ~ . . .. . .. . . ; . '..46 ~~ ~ I Ii II III Iii II I 1._ The ll-q.mb~r of Inmates admitted from the several. Mllll~ lcipaliti~~ during the y~ar: \ /, Admitted from AldborouglL, ".. ....,..,.....,..,.., 2 Admitted from DUllwich,.. ,....,.,.. ..10" ,..'..".. ..".., 0 it' '. ' Admitted from Southw0IL..,,,",,.., ""..."... 5 Admitted :trom~armouth................ ...... ;"...15 I: I , i , , i Ii Ii I;, ,i! ) I I I 1 I I I I -How I No, of I I In House at MUDlCipa.lity sent ... long in Da.ys R@o No NAMES ~ l",tROPo"f from _ EnVhom"~ caU'OOfPaup~, N.thity ,co=ty ~I~I i . '/" I 18791 I " I / 1 Years I' ! l,Sorah Disher ....,.... 51 No;,; 1 Yarm,outh,........,[S:Day....,.......... Idiotic.. ...:...../County .,......'/ 51, 3661 P I 21~nnRose..",......"'1 59./ " Isoll,thWOld, ...""",hFOwler,,,,,.,.....,.IUnsoun, d!,,~nd, Engla,nd .......,: 24 / 3661 p , 3/cathanneHlde.".",." 45, rBayham .......,IWm. Backhouse......Unsoundmmd.. Ontano .'......, 26 366 P I 4 M.ryH.Hld.......,:r ,5 j :: IBayh.,m,.....",.'.,Wm,B.ckhonse .....IDest~tute.....,.lcounty........'1 5 I: 3661 P 5,MatthewPeer ,..,.. 81 I Malahlde,..",.,.. D,F',DaVls......,..,., DestItute...... U. S........,., 53 3661 P 61A. y, DO,olittle, ..,../ 45 I ;;f jMalahide...,,,...,lw..McGausland...,../Dest!t'lte...\..I,u,S:".".,.. 23 I 3661 P I 7rS,J.J)Oohttle,.",'..,,'j 6 I j\falahlde.",..".., W.,M,coausland",..'.IDe8tltute.,....,/oounty......,.., 6, I 366 P 8 Wm,Growden........ 82 , " yarmouth....,.... Wm.McKay......... Drmk........... J<ngland.....,:. 29 i 366 P 9/.ThOS,D?herty",......j 80 "IAylm.r.."........,!r.:M,Nairn..,..,...ISuuStroke ....Ireland"...:....1 24,' 366/R 01 10IIsa.cCaswell.....,.. 77 I ", Bayham",..", H.Stratton,.......".!Drir;k........",IU.S....,.......1 64 366 P 11,MaryNewland......,. 25 I ;; ../Yarmouth........I,s, Day..............:'IASthma........loountiY "''''''''/' 25, , 3661 P I 12IAhc.Newl.nd.,..,,'/ 2 I 1............../....................1..,........... BornmHouse.. ...' , 3661 P I 131'JOhn'YicOOrs",...... 72 "IBayham .......... H, Stratton......I... ,Destitute...... IQuehec,,,........ 39, ' 366 R 0 14 FrankRai,in...."".,'j 12 "IMalahide....... DavidF. DaVis......./Destitute......loounty ........[ 12 I, 366 Pol 15IHenr,yKinnon,........ 87 I " IYarmo'uth..,......IJ,Marlatl'............ Destitute......IAtSea........../ 16 . ',366/ P 16IOh.rlesBrown..,...".1 90 "jSo1!thwold....". D, Oamphell...........IDestitute......,England......,.., 19 I 366 P 171Robert Ooghill .... .. .. I 75 ), ;: I South DorchesterlE, Hegler.:. ... . '/' "IDestltute '" "'1 Ireland. .... ..,I 28 366 P , 181R O. Blanchfill """1 3 I Bayham.......... A.McMcBnde.....,' Destitute."." Oounty .."'..[ 3 I 3661 P 19/JuncanOunie........! 42 / " Dunw:ch........ID, McLaw............ Deslitule......,scotland..,,,....1 25 '366 P I 20fLauraBowers"..."./ 15, / " I'Malah~de..,.'.....IJ'McOallsland ,..,.."Epel!ptie......IOounty......... 15 I 3661 P I 21IJ,Vanwicklin........" 77, ", liIalahide........ J,MCCausland.....,,/DeStibute......,u. s........../ 23 I 966 P '22.Fre.dBur,well........./ 3 If :; j'BaYham .......IW,J. ~ouell ......... Desl!tute.....,ICouut;r ........., 3 366/ P I ,2,3/JOSeph Secord"...."...... 7,3 yarmouth....", ,J. Manm......... ... DestItute..,... 'Ontal1o ........ 66 I 366 P 24 Wm,A,Chute,..,..'..1 4 "'Yarmouth......,lliIatthewDoyle,...."IDestitute......loounty ..,....,1 4 , 366/ P , 25fD,McEachron..:,...... 65 I ", ISouthwOld.....!D,Turner....,......ID.stitute.........lscotl'and,.......1 8, I 3,66 P I f Admitted I 1 " f .' I 26 I Charlotte ~g.....,. 53 I Nov, 27 [BaY,ham .... ...., W. J\ ":ouell ....... ..[Desti\ute .........IEngland ......1 4S 3,4,0 I P I 27"IWm.Hemck.,.".".. 9 Dec'5Isprmgfield...,.jJ,B.Mills...........rDestltule......... County .......3, I 332/ P ,28IMaryE.Herrick,...,., 3,' " Springfield..... J,B.M!lls............,Destitute....'.../Oounty ....~.....I 3" 332 P I 29jEllen Peer..,.,...., ',' 32 8 yarmouth,.", .IJ. Martm.,.,..,..... 'pregnancy..::..../count.y ,......", 32 , 32911' , 30/A, E. p,ee~ ......... ..17 mon'lu'i'880"/'" .,.. ',' ..'... .1.... .......:....... ./...-..........'. Born, m Hous..[ '" 1 \219/ P I 31,SarahHOlton... ""', 61 j Jan,24ISouthWOld....",ID,Turner.."..'......ICnI'l?lea......,.j~ngland .,......1 8/ 282 P j 321~aunahHunl..".....1 84 Feh,.2~IBaYham '",...,IWm.Bac~house......... Dest~tute.,...,."Nova" Scoli,a..,..,j 21 'I 2501 P 33100rnelius Walters.". '15 IMarch I9,Bayham.".. .."George Lamg ...,....,: DestItute .........,Bay of Qumle.:, 13 227, P 1__ Oarrieil forward, 11.481 Report of Paupers in the Elgin House of Industry,this First day of November, 1880, ,REMARKS __.1 1 / .J / 'Report of Paupers in the Elgin House of IndustrY-c-Co"tinu'd. I 1 I IrnHous-e at II MUlllCrpalitys-ent j I' I i l~~~n i ~~y~f II Re-I [Oi NAMES : ~<\ge lastR~ from I By whom sent I~pauperism ~tiVlty _\ county! Board IliglOn _ REM~RKS .___ II I I 1880 I I Ii' Brought forwara"" ,14,4~11 I 4IEdwinX.Valker...... 5 l).fan;h23,:JYfalahide........iJ.1IfcCansland ....... Destitute.....~IOl1tario . ....[ 4 i 223 P I "- 5' Mary M, Walker" ". I 3 I March 231' Malahiaen,.., . 110 ,fJ. J\IcCauslana , ",.. 'IDestitute ." ", Oounty' "... ,.. 3 'I 223' P 1 S! ~!arJ:: H~ W9oas.., "" 1 23 ,AprilS Yarmonth........, J, A, ilm!er.....".... Pregnancy..", l~obUl'g, ".....1.'3 209! ,p 17i:elheVlooas """... 1 I Ap,nl6 ,);armouth..,..,..f.T.A,JYrlller:.........IDestlt':'te,.....I~~unty..",..:' 1 I 2091 P,/ [8 Maltha LIttle.,."....1 66 IApnI231::;JuthwoJa.,.. ..,I D. Turner.., ". ....... DestItute""" l1elana ."".., I 5 , 192 P ~ 9.Jpatric!\ p~wel,'s"""'1 50 i'iI,I,arCb.l,O Y, ,ar.mollth ........I.J. Mart~n ....., '''' ",.',Destitute "":,'Ihel~nd...._.;... 10 I 1921R 0, UIRuthLong ............ 1 AUg.14\Sprmgfield..... J.B.MillS.............IDBshtu~e.......county- ........1. 1 80 P 1 i OJ'l1,th~a Drak~ ...' , , , ,i 80 iIlarch 16 Yar,month" ., . ,,]. A. JYIil;er, ,. .. . . ", Destitute",.,. yOonn::cticnt. . . , 35 I 2~0 P 2iMaryMatthews""""1 30 1 Sept,2 BaJham........lwm,B,acKhouSe ,.".Dest1tnte,......lonta,no.......'1 3 601 P I I ' . I I fJ, 0: Schlerghof ,.,.11" I, I ;,~I'Tho,S,HaIL..:,~...... 62 1 Feb,.if ,Alaboroug~ ",.1'1A,ThomSon."""",Destitute '"",lE"nglana ,....,,1123, I 731'~ 1 ~ Ch.rlesE.CaISon ....J13 Oct.6 liIlalahlde....", J.W,Davls.....'....IEpeliptlC,...,.. Oounty ....... 26 ~ raaDnryec.."........ 11 I May28IMalahiae.."..,...:IJ,illcOauslana.,...".IDestitute .,..,.,/oount;Y ......:'.. 11 i 281 P B[liIlarYStewart ..,..,,, ,24 . Oct, 29 AYlmer.........."IP'W,MCLaY".."'.lunsounamma., ontano.,,"'ul :. 3 P I I Mary ilf. Oolby, , ,.. '.. I' 23 I" i:i7g",IAYlmer..... .', rilI.Nai~n .. ", " ".I!CriPP,le"....... '10,' nta17,o," '." '-",' 6 I 276\,P'! Out at Service IDavraOlock ......... 65 1 NOV',I IYarmouth,..""..."IMatthe~DOYle".,.".,"., D!lllk",.....,.,..!U,:,s':"......! 27 23~,IPp IAb.~onaea ' ~1.]amesDarr",,'....'1 24 I NOV.11ISouthwola......"JOhnKlllg........"'ISlCk",.,,',.,"!Irelana """.. 10 . 21 I Absconaea r Thos, Hopkins. ,.. "". 57 Nov, 11 yarmouth.."" ~ I J, iIlartin.. .. .. ...... ...,..,..,.... '"...'........1 <203' P Absconded ~IPatrickPowers""....1 1,.....,..1 ...."'"..",.1",.,,'...,.".."',',.....".."..\. ,.,."" ,," ......IR C Absconaea.nare.committeil ~ OIDLDREN SENT OUT ON TRIAL BEFORE BEING BOUN:D, ,I "BY WHOM TAKEN.' ~1'i:i:;";J;~..1 : I. . . ~. . ...1 l::t:;::;ll . .,. ....1 j t~ill:: .. ...1. .. .; 'j:tr ::1 ~ I P'";.~,". ";"'} Bo~" 3 Lena Spl'lngsteaa. , . , '1 7 I" ,"'" '''I SpringiielL..,..1 J, B, Mills ...... '" ... I.. .. .. .. ""'"'' I" .. .. ." I........,. 681 P 1001in Munro,Southwola ~IBarbaraR?ss.l....... 1 "....." SouthwoIL....,ID, TnrneL,....,....I, ,..,..,"',...... '".............1101..'......1 13P I Mrs. Goraon,Bislllark~bound p Vlm. E. CUllte.. . . . .. > I 8 I" :~::: :: I ~~~:;;~~h....: :,: :,...1 ~~a~~6ru~~~1e:," , ... ,I....., :".... "....".1.........".. . . ',," , ", ~ I 118..P IGLawton,father,hastaken charge' of boy p :Ida Duryee.. . .. . . ...1 11 '" ,.. ;.....1 SIJI'ingfie,ld . ..~. ,. J:,B. lVIills '.' .. ..>', " ',,' ,', ' .",',' " :". '.',..,',', '.".',,'.'.' I ,'",', ,',.., .."., ,',,', ,'""....1 ::: ':.'::',1 ..: ...1 PHBtoWn,returnea. on account of scrofula. ~18atie Springstead..... I. 4 I -. . .. \. ......... .. - -. I' .- - .. ..- -1..-.... 3351 P !LWo('llley,is readyto'exeeute the bonds 81IUharleS,Duryee...... ..1 9 ,.....:,. lIIalahiae.,,!II.... J.McOausland,:,:",:,["',,,,,,,,,,,",,, """:"','"'''' no.."..f 471 P ,WmcDavis,SouthwoH' - ' Carned forward 14,571 <I . --L-l . / Report of Pauper;sinthe Elgin House of Industry-Continuett. . . - I ---~ NUMBER DIED DURING THE YEAR. I I' I "/ 1 II I ---; ROW'I,NO'O"'I I "'n,en _Municip~lity sent _ _ J -long ill ; Days -. Re~ No NAMES Age !--=:",>ved ,_ ',om ,_ By whaffi,ent c.useo,pauperi~ I~ti,ity -I caunty. BOM'. ligiOlll , I ' , · 1 I I . 1 I, I Brought forward"... .14,571'. 1, 1 RowleyW,lham,..." 80 ':"'... Aldborough ."'1\' Stalker........." D€stItute..."'IIreland..,."""1 17 1 101 P D~ed 2 F,Bonghner,......,., 70 ......."!Aylmer",w"",, 'L M, Narrn "". '" Dest,tute..,.., Ontano "',.,,. 63 ~4 P Dlea 3:Geo.WbIburn..........1 78 1........jDUnWlCh",..",J,Lyons ,.,....,..,!Destltute:".,.I~ngland..,""1 26 I I~I P IDled 41Ehza B. Tln'ower, .. . . 29 . , .. . .., Port Stanley. , "I NI. Payne.... .. , " ' 'I ConsumptIOn.." I I<.ngland........ 3 10 I P I D,ed 5 I Louise Lome ........'1 Ij........!Yarmouth.".." D,Luton..........." Destitllte......IIWaif."......./ ", I 1801 P D,ed 6IM,L,Bustm......"" ... ......... .......,........j.........':.."...."...,"', ':........... BornjnHollse.. ... r 90[ P 'IDied 7,EchthHammond''''''1 ... j....,....,Aylmer......." T.M,Nalrn........\. Bhnd ......." County......., ." I 208 P DIed' 8y.Ha~er;rran". ...~, 79 ....,.....lsouthDomhester,E.Hegler",....",,,.ICripvle....,."Iontario ,.. ..../13 1 236 P Diea 9'Wm,Ura>lalli......., 96 ,..,....,,' SouthWOld.....ID,Brown....".........,Destltute...... England...." 23, 2681 P IDled 101 Simeon Thayer.......,l 50 1"..'...IYarmouth......, s,Day"..""'''"..,'......IAsthma,,...... County ....'.."1 50 I 270 P IDied ,UIIsah,ella,McIntyre"...! 58 ,........, Southwold .."""ID'Brown..".....",,,,Blmd ,.....",IScotland".."", 33 ,! 290[ P IDled 12.J, K- v'oods,..,..... ,..I..,..... ........,..,'", ,,,.....,..,,..,.,...,,..,..1....,......... BommEouse" ,,, I 16, P Dled . , REMARKS 'NUMBER DISCHARGED DURlNG THE YEAR. IIEne,n, A, .ckworth .. ....1 " ... ~"I"" ....I Dunwi~h. .. , '-'-'1' ... ,.". ". ..... . ' , ... , "I, .. ',' , ..",,,.. ,,, [..", ,', ,,::::-:.. '" I'" ,...., I 22 i PI Dischar,ged 210. K Peer,....."".I..'....' .......' yarmouth....... ............' ....1............... .............. ......., 1901 P DIscharged S!'rhom&sFox ......... .......- ........ y~rmouth..."...... ~...~............... .................1.........'...:.,.;....... .234.iR Qlpischm;ged ~1p.:ltl'ick1\Icsherron,.,.",.,..,I........I'Yarmouth...,....I.....".........,....,1.......""",.., ......""..'''...'1..''....,1 1461R CjDischarged , ' v 1~~,'aUcy Ferpuson... .. .1......, ".."" Ba~bam, "''''''''1.... .;. '. ~. ...... .. ..,'1'..."... ........,,,.1,,, """ ....,.., , 'I '.....1 201, P ID~sch&rg, ed or sent to Asylum SNugl; Tolly,., '" ".,: ..'....[.... ,..,IYa',mouth..,....., ...... ...... ........."..,."",....".1 ",. .... .,'....1"."".., 3411,R C DIscharged 71 NI, () B"on .. . ... .. , . I .. , ,,,, ,..".., I Yarmouth.. . .. . I ... , , . .. , .. . , ... . . .. , , , , , . , .. ",.. ..,....... . , . "".. '"1''' ..".\ 2431R C I DISchalgea , SllG,p,Lalmin ..,.....,1...... f.."....jPortStanley,..,I,............"......!"".",..,....w.., .."....,,,,,,...' ........, , 4,1 R CID,i,chmoged 9 W, E. Chute ...... ..l.... ..,I.... :... yarmouth...... "...,.... :.."...... ............ ..I....,.. .,.. .. ..I...... 118 P Di8cl1&rgecl 10 James walter..""""" 1""'''1' ..." ".[Malahide",.."....[.,.,..............., ,I..,...,"." "1' ,.......,...,..!.. ....I 461 P IDisCharge,d 111M, A. German ."..,,, ,..... ,...""IYaImouth..,."I............,....""I....',:......... ...............1......'[ 7~! P, IDlscbarged 12 L"" n. German",..". 'I" ':".1,......', . I Born m HOll,se,,".I..................... ".......... ...,,1..'..' ""''''''', 'Ii... 40. P IDI,eCI,',arged 13Ic.BOUghlle:.........~,....... .... .... A:rhr~.er......... ....................)......-.........- ~:.........._....!...~... . 49!P Dts~~al'gel 14 111. A, Bustm ..... ....,... Ii" I.... .... Aylmer ,,'..,. .. .1...... ... ... .... ... 'I...... .... .. ..I...... , ,.. .... I ... ... : 43; P I DIsnarge 1 ! 15IJohnNorth...",.,',.. ,.. ... ..,.,..,.IAylmer,.,....,. .....'..""..."....j....".....'...I....."........:..'...'/ 1871 P Disc'1arge:l " " 16,Thos,HaIL,... ... ... 'I...." I,,,,,, "IAl<lboro:;gh ... '1' ;. ',' '... ,.,........... , .... ...."...., , ... .., ", ..... .,1...... Z41 P ID~schargea and 1'e.commttsd 17 George Lee....,....~. ....... ........ yarmouJl1...... .-:.~................I...,...........J..............~ ....,... 15 P !Dlscbarg4;d Cauied forward 18,376 , . ~ Report of Paupers in the Elgin House of Industry-Continuia. l NUMBER DISCHARGED DURING THE YEAR.-Conlinued I j. 1 ' "'ben I MUlllCipality sent .!' I \ t l;;:in I ~~y~f I Be- [ "-<:M" 1~I~md from 1 Bywhom"nt 1~~~I~tivi~y _[~ ~Iligion . RE>URKS ,--- Iburry ..:... ...1... ...: I,. ,. , ,. .11 Yarmouth.'-, . , .1[... .., .,.'... ... , .. ..I,.. .,. ,..... ......I... ..~ro.u~,~t'~~'~~I~~~':::,: 1,'18,3~gl P IDisCharg:d ).vIS ......,..,1....,..\,....... yarmouth...,.,. ..,......... ..,. ........,......\..........,... ...,...., 501 P IDlScharged Powers. ...., .1,...... ""..' ..\Yarmouth.... ..... [ ...... .... ...... .. ..\.... ." ..,..,..., ..,......... ...1.........1 ...IR C Discharged nnd re.committed ~hrower.....,.. ..',.. ..'"... Port Stanley".. ."................., . ................!.........'......... .........1 151 P DIscharged- l Dra~e ........,1... ....I.. .., "IYarm~uth........, I. . , . .. , ... .. .... , , .. \ ...."...... ,.....,.. ,:..... ......':. , .. .1'" ..: ...1 P JDischarged and re-committed bglevle......,...., ......' ........ Malahlde......, I:""'"'''''''''''' .."....,....,..,..1...".......... .........\p 21 P ISenttotheAsylnm IILandor"",..,',.....!',.,.,..ISouthwOld......, .................... '.......'......'J.. :...............11..'..'.. 61 P IDischarged tie Tauner,.. ....I.." ,.. .'".... iYarmouth....... ....................1....,.-....,..,....., ...... ...... ..... ,.. ........, If 3[ P DischaIged phe, BmtL ...... i.... ..,I..,..... fMalahide..,..,....'.....,..... ..'...... .1..........,.. .1.............. ...... 215 P ,Taken out by friends aD visit' / Total number of days' board for Inmates, . . . . . '" Hired Help aDd Keeper's family., . . , .., ' " ",. Grand total Dumber of days. , , , , 'H 18,746 ,1,464 20,210 Number of week~..:........ ; . .. . 2,88,7 . 'f -.~,..--:-.~..~._-" . , . 1 L EXPENDITURE AND REOf/nf], 7880. ?t>?~'- Elgin House of Industry, . ?o?-.:.......;.-- Dr, Interest on cost of Buildings and Land ($14,400) at 6 per cent... .. . ., . , .. i,..'. . . .. . .. .. ,,, 864 GO Inter~st on cost of Furnishings ..... ~ ... ". . . . . 45 flO Provisions... ". .........:,.:- . ...... ... . .. .. 1,430 00 Conveyance of Inmates .... ....... ~,...,:..~'.. 69' 60 SalaD' of Keeper and l'iIatron.." ..__...."...,.., 40000' Surgeon.. . . .. ... .... . .. .... . . .. .. . 110 00 Inspecto!' ",..,....,......,."......."" 8000' Fema.le Service ...... ........~.............,. .5230 Farm Teaming, &0. '" ..~ . ..- ... .. " . '. ... ... ..: 177 00 Committees....,..,.",.."""..... ,c.. .", 5230 Incidentals, Plastelwg, &0.;.....:......... . . ~ 70 00 , , Farm Stock, ,. . .. .. . . , , .. , , .... , ' , . "" . , , . 93 00 Olothing vnd Furnishings. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 431' 10 , '$3,880 30 ,'1.!~-- ) l' "" ,: , '\\ v'. .._-..:..-,....'!:--- ! 74 ELGIN COu~TX COU5GIL PROCEED~GS. d Cl.'. Groe~Iies and Wood:.6nhana.......~....~....,. $5945 Farm and Garden Produce ~sed of!:. premises, and now on hand..'.;.. ... .., . ... .... .... ... Farm Stock on hand, , , ' , , , ' . . . . .. . . , , , , . .. . Dry Goqds and Olothing on hand".... . " ".", Receiv~d fr?m Pensioners. . .:..~ . ... . . :-... ....... Farm Produce Bold:,. , , . , , . . , , , ., .. . ... , ' , , ~urnishings on hanel............ ...... .... ... 2887 weeks board of Inmat~fS, inclusive of Keeper's family,a.t 65.ets... . ...... ..'..." ..,... .1,876 51) , ~ 750 00 320 00 224 30 2942 92 58 528 00 $3,880 .30 . " Surgeon's Repor:t; ___?o? '..-.--------- -",-,/' ~~ Te the Warden and Counr;iIOftheC,mnty oj Elgin: - GENTLEMElIf"';'" I beg leave to offer the following Medical Report in regard to the Elgin House of Industry, for the year ending ,the 31st October, 1880: ' . ... ' I have made seventy-t'wo officials visits. FoUr births have taken place, and twelve deatbs. The following ta~ular statement gives f'uJl and accurateinformatiou':ill relation to mortality: . / Names. Rowley William~ Francis: Boughner" George Whitburn Eliza B. Thrower ' Louisa Lorn'e Maggie L. Bustin " Edith Hammond D",'idHagerl11an William Graham Simeon Thayer Isabella, MeIntyro J, ,Kenneth Woods " Age Date of Dell.th Ca,use of Death ~ 80 Nov, 10th 70 Jan, 6th 78' J~:i1. 13th 29' March 28 17mos April 26th 3 mos Moy 20th 18moB June 9th , 79 June 23rd 96 July 25th 50 Aug. ,ls,t 58 Aug. 15th 16days Sept. 16th Gene!'al debility Dropsy General debility Consumption Enteritis MaraB~us In- fantum PBeumonia P~ralysis Senile decay Dropsy Aeute gastritis Oonvulsion. ~,~;\,~. ,:. f?' ~~;-, l{ ~ ',~., , ~:~{' .'; ." h" ':, t't_.;,{ 7, . __{c;;~0~~,r ",t '>. . 75 BLGIN CQUXTY CO_{'~CIL PROCEEDINGg. Two blind inmates bave died durin.g the year, one a small child. Fourteen cases of who9plng "cough have occurred-a man~87 years old nearly succumbed to its in~ flllellCj3-. We have haa- to deal with sixteen cases of measeIs andt~n of scarlet fever, but happily both of a mild type, ' Intermitting and typhoid fevBi's did not put in anappear~_ ance at 'all, arid only a few casesaf! bllious remitting Jever. I have io report two cases of erysipelas anathre~ of insanity; t~o'ofthe latter were removed to a~ Asy-1llm. vie have n.ow in, +.hi8 .Illstitutiontwo epiliptics, both young. 1. have only~r~ll'ther to say that there ,are a number" of.Iierson~suffel'ing fromchroniB mala:d1es, such as ~rsthmfl, ul\3ers, brop.cl;1itis, eczeina~. ana. rheumatism. BY' a carefui com,iderationof the foregoing report you willsee that the sanitaIY condition of tl:L1s Iustitntionis 'all that could be desired, and I would further say that the inmates are well cared fJr; I have the h'mor to be, gently;men, Your most obeiJient servant, L, LUTON,M. 'D. St, Thomas, No';, 24th 1880 \ --1