1881 Minutes (\! ,\( 'i , ,."~+,. !~- _m_,",." I 'i l LOiLe . , . " ,},'I: p ROC EE D rN:G:S:.'"~'::~~J; _. -OF ----- ~h~ 'Jtl:ght 4~1imdg ~O!lnt~n COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS, DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE I, IX 'J'HI'; ::IIONTJI8 OF '@~NUARY, JUNE, JULY AND NOVElVIBER, --=18 81=~-- VV!i!LLIAM McKAY, M. PAYNE, W AHDION. I , I i. II CLEHK. ST. THOMAS, ONT. : I: J.e. PANKH.URST(PRINTER. MOORE'S BLOCK, TALBOT STREET. 1881. ,; ':j 'I L ALDBOROUGH. DO. DO. DUNWICH. DO. DO. SOU1'lIWOLD. DO. DO. Y ARMQU'rH. DO. DO. DO. MAI,AHIDE. DO. DO. SOUTH DOROHEs'rER. DO. SPRrNGl~IELD. PORT STANLEY, AYLMER. VIENNA. BAYHAM. DO. DO. Elgin County Council Proceedings, lSSl. FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, JANUARY 25TH. 1881. The members elect of the Elgin ConntyCouncil, of the Oounty of Elgin. met at the Court House, in St. Thomas, on Tuesday, the 25th day of January 1881, at two o'clo~k, afternoon. The following Reeves and Deputy-Reeyes filed their Certificates and took their seats at the Council Board as follows:- 'f. W. KIRKPATRICK, DANIEL MoLAREN, JOHN G. STALKER, ARCAIBALD J. LEITCH, DUNCAN MeN ABB, JOHN R. GO'V, JOHN KING, GEORGE LAWTON, ROBERT MILLER, .JAMES HEPBURN, JOHK ALFRED MILLER, WILLIAM B. COLE, ANSEL BRAY, JOHN McCAUSLAND, JARED A. TEMPLE, BENJ'AMIN E. DANCEY. ANDREW N. CI~INE JAMES O. BEN'l'I,EY, J. B. MIL LS, MANUEL PAYNE, PETER W. McLAY, GEORGE SUFFEL, GEORGE 'V. BEST. WILLIAM S. WAGONER, HENRY T. GODWIN, Reeve, 1st Deputy" 2nd Do. Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd Do. Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd Do. Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd Do. 3r-d Do. Ree1le, Ish Deputy, 2ndD,o. Reeve, 1st Deputy, Reeve, Reeve. Reeve, Reeve, Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd Do. G I~LGIN COUN'l'YCOUNCIL PROCE.lmINGS. The Members were called to order. The Clerk in the Chair. it was then Moved by George Su-ltel,seconded by Mr. Godwinm That Mr Payne be elected .Warden of the Connty for the current year. Moved hy G. W. Best, ;;econded by W. S. Walloner- T'hat George Suflle be Warden of the County for the eurnmt year. ' Moved by James He~bnrn, seconded by George Lawton-- That Mr. Kiug be \Varden for the present year Moved by J. o Bentley, seconded by Andrew N. Cline- TIIl,t Dr. J. B. Mills, be Warden of the Oounty. Moved by John McCausland, seconded by M. Payne- That Dr. McLay be Warden for tbe present year. Moved by John King, seconded by J. Stalker- That MI'. Kirkpatrick be Warden for the present YP.itl'. Moved by D. McLaren, Reconded by D, Mc\fabb.".... That A. J. Leitch be Warden for the CUITe.nt year. Moved by Mr Teeple, seconded by Mr.' Dancey- That Mr. A. Cline be Warden for the present year. Moved by 'r. W. Ki,kpatrick, secondd by W. B. Oole. That John McOausland be ,Varden for the pre- sent year. ELOIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 7 Messrs Suffel, Kirkpatrick, Cline, McCausland and Mills declined the nominations. Mes"I's Suffel ana Kirkpatrick were appointed Scrutineers. The vote having beon taken by ballot, the Clerk declared Mr. 'Payne duly elected Warden of the County. MI'. Payne, made the declaration of Office before His Honor Judge Hughes, then took the Chair. and addreRsed the Council. The Clerk read the proceedings of the last day of previous S,'ssion, which were anthorized to be signed by theW arden. The following.communications were ,hen read:- From the Secretal-Y of the St. Thomas and Aylmer Gravel Road Company with annual st,.temf'nt. From the Coun,ty Treasurer, with statement of receipts and expenditnre for 1880. Report of Vienna High School for the year 18,,0. . Report of Aylmer High School for the year 1880. From the Clerk of the Peace, with account of William Ross, Constable From T. W. Walsh, Warden. of the County of Norfolk, respecting damages sustained by one Oam. eron on County Line. Presentment Of Grand J nry, December Sessions. From Judge Hughes, respecting administratiop of justice, accounts and auditing. HromColonel Otter, Ontario Rifle Association. From Secretary, BOaJ'd of School Trustees St. Thomas. 8 ET.GIN COuN'ry COUNOH.. PIWCEEDINGS. From Robe.rt Miller, making application for the office of Auditor. From the President of the Ingersoll and Port Burwell Plank Road Company, with copy of By- law, abandoning part of said road. Fr"m G. K. Morton, M:1nager, Molson, Bauk. respecting Interest, &c. Move.d by .J, King. seconded by MI'. Kirkpatrick- That the communications be laid ovel' tIll to- morrow morning -Carried. Moved by Geo. Nuffel, s>:conded by Geo. Best- That tbe Warden appoint three mt'mbers of this Oouncil a Special Oonlnlittee to strike the iitanding CommIttee; for the current year. In amendment, Moved by Andrew Cline, seconded by J. A. Teeple,- That the Council go into Committee of the whole to appoirit Standing Committees. A mendment lost main motion carried The Warden nominated Messrs. Suffel, Henbul'l1 and Kirkpatrick a Committee to strike the ::;tanding . CommitteeR. 'L'heWarden nominated D. K McKenzie one of the County Au'litors. .. Moved by A. J. Leitcb, seconded by D. McNabb,~ That Samuel McOoll, of Dunwich, be appointed one of the County Auditors.~Lost. Moveel by J. O. Bentley, seconded by B. E. Dancey,- , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. 9 That George SCal'if be Auditor of the Accounts of lSSO.-Lost. Moved by Dr. McLay, secouded by J. Hepburn,- 1.'bat J. P. Martyn be appointed an Auditor for the current year,-' ~a1'l'ied. Moved by Mr. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Robert Miller,-- That the nomination of D. K. McKenzie by thg Wardeu as on" of the AuditorlJ be confirmed by this Council,-Cal'l'ied Moved by MI'. Kirkpatrick, seconded by John G. l'talker,- . That this Council adjourn ti:l. nine o'clock to-mor- row morning,-Carried. WM. McKAY, Clerk, M. PAYN1<J, Warden. '.,,'., 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PIWCEEDINGS FIRST SESSION-SECOND DA Y. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26TH. 1881. The COllntyCouncil of the Oounty of Elgin met this day at nine o'clock, forenoon. L i\r: Payne, Esq., Warden, in the ehair. Members present :- Kirkpatrick, Dancey, MeLaren, Cline, 8talker, Bentley, King, Mills, Lawton, l\bL"y, Miller,8upple. HepbuJ'll, Best, Miller, Wagoner, Cole, ,Go(lwin, Bray, Leitch, JVlcUausland, ..Gow, Teeple, McNabb, 'The pr{,ceedings of the pl'evicHls day were read and authorized to be signed, after which it was then moved by John King, secol1(led by Geo. Lawton,- That the report of the :'peciill Committee appoint- ed to strike Standing Committees be read,-Cunied. The report was read by tre Clerk. Moved by John King, secouded by George Law- ton,- That this Council go into Committee of the '.'Thole on the repOl.t of the Committee just I'ead,-Lost. " KLGlN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 1) . . Mov"d by G, W.Best, seconded. by William. S. Wagonel',- '. Thatthe report of the Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be adopted as fol, lows,~Carl'ied; FINANCE. Mills, Leitch, Cline, Sllffel, Teeple, Godwiu; Kirkpatrick;. EDUCATION. Snffel, McLay, McNabb, Wagoner, ~talker, Lawton. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT. McLaren, Best, Bentley, Bray, Gow. and Dancey. GAOL AND PRINTING. HepbUl'n, Miller, (Southwold,) Miller, (Yarmouth.) HOU8E OF INDUSTRY, King, McCausland and Co]e. Moved by John McCausland, seconded byJ. A. Teeple,.~ That George Suffel be one of the Auditors Qf the Aceounts of the Administration of Justice for the County,-Lost. Moved by Dttncan McNabb, seconded byJ, R. Gow,- That A. J. Leitch be appointed one of the Auditors for the purpose of Auditing the AccQunts in connec' with the AdministratiQn of Justice in this " '12 E'I..GlN coy NTYCOUN'CILPROCEED fNQS. Ml)vedbyl\ W.Kirkpatl'ick, seconded by John 8talker,---'- 'l'hlit John King be ,tppoi~tod oneDf the AuditoJS fol' the purpose of auditing the account.s in connection with t.he Auministration of Justice in this CouIity,~ Cal'l'ied, Movedhy J. B. Mills, seconded by J'ames O. Beril.ley;- That the usual sU'pply of As,e,sOl:s' antl Collectors' Rolls and Assessor~' gllides be procui'e<l hy theCh'l'k f?r the us:' of the Municipa\iti~s fo,' the curr,lIlt ye~", :....;.:Ca'.liied. . Moved by JolIn King, sec()lll\..d by T. W. ,Kirk- .pati'ick,- That .he County Judge and County Treasure,' he members of the Board of Audit for the Admiriist.l'a- tion'of'.J ustice IICJOUlltS for the pl'eSmll. ypl1l',~Cal'liied. Moved by J,tIlleS O. Beutley, 8econtlml hy An<lrew N. Cline,- 'l'hat the communications be now taken up and disposed of,~CII1'l'ied. Moved by Duucan J\Ic'labb, secondeJ hy A. ,J, Leitch,- That theOlel'k he i'equested to communicate with the Ohairman of the Ht. 'l'homas High Sch601 Board, to iliform them that t.hey will be heard bdol'e this, Coundl at two o'cloc\{ t.o.mGH'l'OW afternoon,-Oal'l'ied. Movetl by Dr. Mills, seconded hy John McCaus. land,- That ,his Council having been infol'meJ that an application has been made to the Domini'lll Govel'll' III ',I Iii " I:: ELGIliCOU:i'!'Y COt:NCIL I'RfHJEEDlNGS. JR . ment for an act to incol'pol'llt". a .CUmpl1uy tOI build an independent line of Hailway from TOl'onto,:tn: Ot.- t'~'1'11 ulldel'the name of till; Ontar:lo ,an,l Quebec Railway Compauy there to c"nned'yith the Qn,'bpc system of railways; . Be it therefore resoh-ed, that in the opinion of this Coup.cil it wtll begl:eat)y~<},th,'a:lv:1<lt",\e ()f.,~hi, County, find of IN estern Ontario pmticul1tri 'y. tlwtfuyh Ill! in,j"pendcmt Jin" oJ: n,ilWayshouldbe huilt,\,s it will give the udvl\Dtageof C'OlDpeiitionfl'(;m'l'OIontp to the:sea bO;ll'c1, and, 'yill ~olrlpl,ete the d,-,~ign hl'OIl which the Cre,l't Valley H:iilway ",as proje('ted >\Iid built . . ' ':'" ',.. :....,':::', ,,", .-:..,:.... ..:-'<.., :::.'.' And it is furthern,s'-')I'ed tlwt thi" C<:ninci: -r:e'llJest the co-operlltiou.of our mGlIlber"inthe pronlOti<illof the.aid Bill in Pltl'liament,-CiIl'l'iod.' 'j'heWal'den read It t.eh'gram from T. M. NHh';;, M.P.P., respecting the he;,pl opinion to beot,tl1i!le<l with r<,ference to EIlYin's claim againstTVliddlc;sex on u U .." .. .. '. HCCOlll1t of the London and Port :Stanley Gravel H,md settletil,:,nt. Moved. by JQhn McCauslnnd, seconded by J:. A. Teeple,- 'l'hHt the advJce of 'l'l](lIll<S Ii <clgins ",i,lJhe SIlti,; factory to this Council with refel'ewe to the ~laim ()f tHs County against the C~)lJnty of Middlesex,-:-Car-' I'ied. " Moved hy AnJrewN.Cline, secoDd(;dby J,. B. Mills.- Thatthe conltnunication from Judge H1Jgh!Js be laid over, till .to.ntoJ'J'uw,~CaJ'l'ied.. I'i, .1 , Ii "I Iii I!'I ~i II :1 i ~ :i~ !,~ ~ i: ii i~ ~ ~ o 'i ~ Ii ~ "I , Ii ii' , I i"11 ii; I, I.L, i:l'i i. l,ii 14 ELUlN CQUN'rY coVNCIL PROCEEDIKGS. Moved byW. 8. Wagoner, seconded by Daniel J\lIcLaren,~ 'J.'bat tbe mattel' of claim for damages on the ~:ast- ern County Line be hid over till the J.une session, and further information be obtained ,from Bayham,- Carried. ' Moved by John King, Heconded by T. W. Kirk.- patri"k,- That the commuuications relative to High Schools be referr...d to the Committee on Education,-Oarried. Moved by J. O. Bentley, seconded by Andrew 1'1. Cline,~ 'fhat this Council visit the House of Industry at two o'clock to-morrow afternoon. and that the Warden fUl'llish conveyance for the members,-Oarried. Moved by Duncan McNabb, seconded by A. J. Leitch,~ 'I'hat tlw Oouncil adjourn till half-paHt one o'clock p. m The Council resumed at half. past one o'clock. When, it was Moved by George Suffel, seconded by J ohn King,~ That whenever the Grand Jurors of this County, when attending Court, t.hink it advisable to visit the House of Industry the County Clerk be requested to .furnish them conve'yances at the expense of the County, not to exceed twenty-fivll cents each going and retul'lling,~Carried. Messrs. D. K. McKenzie, Minar, Medgley and McLaws, a deputation from the High i'chool Board ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS '15 of St. Thomas, appeared before the Council to make statements r:'specting the Collegiate Institute. After which it was Moved by John B Mills, seconded by James O. Bentley,- That the Deputation from the Board of Trustees, ()f the ::->t. fhomas High BcllOOl be nowheard,-Car- ried. The Deputation addressed the Oouncil, and D.' K. Mc;~enzie, chairman ofthe St. l'honus School Boat'd, ;'ead statement of High 8chool attendance in the St. 'fhomas Collegiate Institute. Moved by Duucan McNabb, seconded by J ohnR. Gow,- That the report jmt l'ead, by the Deputi1tion of the ~t. 'fhomtls High Hchoo Board, be referred to the Committee on .Education,-OarriQd. Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by J. B. Mills,- That th" Clerk read the agreement between the Counties of El."in and Middles<,x at the time of the separation of the Connty,-Carried. . 'fhe Cle,'k read the deetlof sepal'ation between the Counties of <U:lg!tl and Middlesex. . The Clerk read communictition from the ~fanagel' of the Molson, Bank. respecting lotins and interest thereon. ~ Mo\'e,l by John King, seconded by James Hep. That the communication recei ved from the Mtinnger 10 EJ~lHN COUN'fY COUNCILl'ROGEEDHWS. ot the MU'SOIlS Barlk he referred to the Finance ()om- mitt"e,~Ca!'ri"d. Moved by John King, seconded by JamesO: Bent- h,y,- That this Council amenel the By.law grantingthilty dollars as a reward for the captUl'e of horse thieves, by making the amount twenty dollars.-Carried. Moved by John ll. Mills, seconded by George 8rlf. fel,- That this Conncil petition the Legisl!lturc of On- tario at its present session that th', London Junction .Railway Bill, now heforethat Honorahle Ilouse, mllY hecome law, .and that said petition he forwarded by the Cl,,['k to 1'. M. Nairn, iVI P.P., lor presentation to the' Legi"lat.ure,-Carried. Moved hy John King, seconded by John Alfred Miller,-- That. the Resolution just re:1(l be laid over till to. 'lU01;lnOI'OW mOl'lllng,--.Lost. A Deputation, comp'osed of the WMden of the County of lVliddh'sex. NI',ssrs. Peters atHl McLary, appeared hefore. the Coullcil an (1 made statement re- specting I'llilway matt,'rs. Aftel' which it was . Moved by G~orge Su:ftd, seconde(f hy Geo\'ge W. Best,- That this Conncil petition thll Ontario Legislature, now in session, to gmnt a cha.rter to the Port Royal and Lake Shore Raihvay, now being 01' to be pro- mot(,d before said Legislaturll by Colonel Collier, of Port Dovel', and otherH,-~Cal'l'ied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI,L PROCEEDINGS. 17 Move(l by George Suffel, seconded by George W. Best,- That the Rev. Geo. W. Wye be appointed a trus- tee of tbe Vienna High School for the terlll of three year',-( 'al'l'ied. ~ Moved hy I'IeI1l'Y T. Godwin, seconded by William S. Wagoner,- . .rhat this G:mncil grant a free hawkers' and ped- lar,,' license, foJ' the !)l'e8~nt yenr, to T. oach, of th~ 'l'o,vnship of Bayham, Ill' being ill indigent circum- ,st.ances,-Carried_ Movcd by Benjamin E. Dancey, seeondtKl by J. A. Teeple,- 'rhat this Conneil grant a free hawkijrs' and peel. lars' license to Andrcw Laur, for the present year, 1881,-Canied, Moved by John King, seconded by William B. Cole,- ' 'l'hat His Honol', Judge HughES; on~ of the Awli- to\', of the Administration of J llstice accounts, be hearc1relative to theC<>lllmUnication reeeiv8cland read homthe County Attorney, and that the Jndge be :Isked to appeal; before this Conncil t,).mOl'J'OW morn- ing,~Cal'ried. MOVI"d by George Suffel, seeolHh'd hy George W. Best,-.:.....: "- That tllC COUJJ~il adjolll'n until nint' o'clock to- morrow lllorning. in order to allow the Commit.tee on Lctuca~ion to lueet,-Cm'I'ied. W M. MoK A Y, Clerk, M. PAYNI~, Warden. 18 Ef"GIN OOUNTY CoUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FIRST SESSION-THIRD DA Y. 'l'H1lHSDAY, JANUARY :l'ITH, 1881. l'he County Couucilmet at the Court House this clay. at nine o'clock forenoon. The Watdl'u in the chair. Members present :-Messl's. C,')le, McCausland, Mc. LaI'un, Te..ple, Stalker, Dancey, Leitch, Oline, Gow, .Qentley, McNabb, Mill", King, Kirkpatrick, Lawton, McLa)', Miner, Sufi',,!' BI'av, Best, Hepbul'tl, Wagon- ('I', Miller, liodwil.l. l'lw proJeedings of the Pl'evious day were read and authorized to be signed. After which it was Mm'ed by John King, seconded by William B. Oole,- 'l'hat the Report of the Committee on Education b" received and read,-Carried. The ClcJ'k read E,lucation Heport. Moved by J,.hu King. seconded by James A. Mil- lel',- That the Council .go into Committee of the whole on the Report of the Committee on 11;dncati"n j UHt reaLI,-C'U'I'ied. .,' The Council went into Committ"e or the whole. Dr. Mills in the chair. After beinO' some time in Committee of the whole, the O<mncilr~sumed, when the chairman reported to the Council the adoption 0 f the ItepOl't of the ~~du. ELGlW COUNTY C]OUNf1IL PROCJi.:F.DINGS. 19 c~tion Committee by t'u Oommitteeof the whole wit.hout amendment. Moved by GJorge W. B."t, 8eco:1d.1 by I-Iel\l'Y T. Godwin,-- Th~t the C,mncil adopt the Report of the Ednca. tion Committ9o making gf'ants to tlt. Thomas, six. teen-hundrtd dollal's, Ar liller, nine hundred dollars and Vienna e'ght llllllch'eil dOllars,....:..Carried. The Yeas and Nays being called for on the Ill.)tion to adopt the Report, were taken as followd :- . YEAS:- Wagow'r, Best, Sufi'el, Cline, Bentley, Mills, DIl.ncey, Teeple, McOlllldlanJ, ,'dcLay, McLaren, Cole, R. Miller, Lawton and King.-15 "AYd:- \i[c~ ab':>. GJW, Leitch, Hepblu'n, Bray, J. A. Miner, St.alkeJ',-7'. :VIovdd by J ohn1{J'J~1l3Ianl, secol1.le.l b7 Dllnc~n MeNabh,- That the C,Jltllcil a.ljol1ra till foal' o'clock to allow the llldmberd to vidit the Ib113e of I1111l<try,-'Jar- I'ied. ' The Oonncil met at foul' o'clock. The Wal,den in the chair; M"veJ by DJ'. McLay, seconded by John McCaus. land.- , That Awlrew Oline, of 80uth Dorchester, be ap. pointed a Tl'lBtee of the Aylm"r High Sehobl for the terlll of three Y€ars,-Oarried. Moved by John King, seconded by R Miller,- That the communications received from James Stanton be now taken up and di~posed of ,- Carried. 20' ELGIN COUNTY CoUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I1is l\Ionor, J ndge Hughes aud Mr. Stanton aLl- dress'Jd the Oouncil respecting the accounts referred to in Mr. Stanton's communication. When it was Moved by John King, seconded by A. J. Leitch,- That this Council do not pay the accounts of Wil- liam Ross, Geo.. Sissous and J G. Clayton, and sus. tain the action taken by the Board of Audit,-Car- ried. Moved brJohnKing,seconded by RobeJ.t Millcr,- That chapter nine, section two, of the Tile Drain- age Act, he amended by striking out the word jive and inserting four, also sectionseT,mteen, by stl'iking out the wwrd eight and insertin;; the word seven, and that a petition to that effect he forwar,j"d to the members representing this Count.y in the Onta,'io Parliament,-Cal'l'isd. Moved by MI'. Suffel, seconded by Mr. Gow,- That T. M. Nairn, MP.P., for the East Riding of the Oounty, and Dr. Cas cadden, M.P.P., for'the W~st Riding of the county, be reqneste,d to give the pro- moters of the Port I{oyal and Lake ~hore Railway all the legitimate :lid they can, in assist;ne; them to ,secure the charter for said Railway, an,l thil,t they bt' furnished by the C:el;k with a' copy of this resolution, -Oarried. Moved byD.McLar,en, seconded by J. A MiJ:eI,--,-- That the Council adjourn till nine o'clock to-nlOrrow . morning,-Carried. WM. McKAY, Clerk, M. PAYNI~, Warden. ETJGINCOUNTY COUI'WIJ.. PROCEEDINGS 21 FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, JANUAJW 28TH, 1881. The County Conncil met at the Court House at nine o'clockforeuoon, pursuaut to adjouJ'l)ment. The Warden in the chair. Members present :-Messrs. Cole, McCausland, Mc. Laren, Teeple, Stalker, Dancey, Leitch, Cline, Gow, Bentley, McNabb, Mills, King, Kirkpatriek, Lawton, Miller, Hepbul'll, Bray, Miller, Gouwin, McLay, Suf- feL Best. Wagoner. The proeeedings of the previous day were read and anthorized to be signed by the Warden. The following~.onimunications were read: From 11. 'f. Nail'U. and Ilr.Oa.eadden, loeal mem- bel's, for the Connty In Parliament, respecting the claim of this Oounty against Middlesex 0n account ot the Gravel Road. lhom Thomas Hodgins, Q. C., in mference to the claim of this COllnty against Middlesex. . FJ'om tlw County of DlII'ham, respecting the audit. , ing of account, of the Administration of J llstice. Moved by John McOlllBlall'l. seconded by Dunean McNabb,- 'rhat the repoJ't of Committee on Public ,Impr,we. ments be J'cceived an<l l'ead.-Carl'ied. Report, read. Moved by John King, seconded hy George Law- tOll,- 22 Kf,W N cnUN"l'Y CIlUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 'rhat (,he R"pol't of t!w Committee on Public 1m. pl'ovements he adopted,-C,t1'l'i~d. Mov~ll by Geol'ge :'utl'el, seeonc1,.d hyJc.hn .Mc. C,mslanc1,- Th"t the g"pr>,.t, of the Standing Committ""s, and also a'l impol'tant Repol'ts of Speei,d Committe"s be printe,t with the minntl's and !H'oec",lings of the Council <<aeh Yl'ar,-Oall'ied. Moved by John King, scc"!l(led by J. Heplllll'l1,-. 'l'hat whel'eas this Council having been awal'e that undertheexisting Wunicipal Act,the Umnty CllUncil- lors are continually incl'el1sing in nn,ub ,.s. tlwrefol'Q thisOouncil would l'ecomm<<nd that tll<" lntario Legi<. htture, now in session. would sOllmend the Municipn,l Act as to reduce the numbel' of memhe,'s, and that a copy of thi" resolution he fOl'wal'd,~d to the G0VerJI- ment,-Cm-ried. Moved by J. B. Mills, secondel by B. Dnncey,- That the dl'aft of the p"titioll in l'e'pect to the London JunctioG : (ailwl1Y, read hy the Clerk be adopted hy this C'lUneil,-Oal'l'ied Moved by Jame, O. Bentley, seconded by John McOausland,- That the Repol.t of the Finance Committee be re- ceived and read,-CaI'l'ied. .rhe Clerk read the report of th" l<'inance Commit;. , te~. Move,] by John King, seconded by George Lawton- That the Report of the Finance Committee be 'adopte'l. and that the Warden be allthorized to sign cheques for the accounts embraced therein,-Carri(H'l. '!~JI lill ,il' ~l" Ill, 23 l~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS -6, Mr; Samnel Day, President of the South,mi"'Coun- ties Fair, appeared before the Coul1cil and made statt>mentsoliciting a grant to .the Society. After whi~h it was Moved by Duncan McNabb, seconded by A, J. Leitch,- That the grant asked for by the President of the SQuthern Counties Fair, be laid over for consid~I'ation this aftel'lloon,-Oarried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Duncan Mc- Nabb,~ . That the advice received fronl Thomas Hodgins, Esq., in reference to the claim of Elgin agaimt :;\'l:id- dlesex. he laid over until the June session,-Carried. Moved by John Stalker, seconded by Robert Mil. )el',- That this Council adjourn to meet again at half-past one o'clock aftel'lloon,-Carried. The Couucil resumed at half-past one o'clock. 'rhe Warden in the chair. Moved by ,J. B. Mills, sHconded by B. Dancey,~ That the account of the late Dr. Cross, as. Medical Witnes~, and for making post mortem examination;on the body of the lat,e Isaac Welter, be allowed, and the Treasurer be anthorized to pay the same,-Oar- ried. Moved by J olm King, seconded by R. Miller.- That By-lawNo. 340, to appoint a hoard of audit, be read a first time,-Carried. Moved by James O. Bentley, ~econded by George llest,-- . 24 ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCII... PROCEEDING3. That"By-law No 340 be read 9. second time.-Car- ried. Moved by John McCan-land, seconded by J. A. Teeple,~ That By-law No. 340 be read a third time and pailsed,-Carried. . Moved bY' John King, seconded by George Law. ton,- That By-law No. 341, to appoint County Auditl!>rs, be Iead a first time,-Carried. Moved by George W. Best, seconded hv W. S. Wagoner,- . That By-law No. 341 be read a second time.-Car- ried. Moved by J. R. Gow, seconded by P. W. McLay,_ 'rhat By-law No. 341 he read a third time and passed,-Carried. Moved by John King, second"d by R. Miller,- That By-law No. 342, to make grants tv high schools, he read a first time,-C'.Lrried. Moved by James O. Bentl~y, seconded hy A. N. Cline,-' That By-'aw No. 342 he. read a second tinw,-Uar- ried. Moved by John King, St'collded by G. Lawtou,- That By-law No. ')42 be read a third time "nd finally passed-Carried Moved by P. W. McLay, seconded by.J R. Gow,- That By-law No. 3411, (to'amend By-law No. 152,) to make the reward for horse thieves tw"nt,1' d"llars in plac~ ofthirty dollars, be rpceived and read ,a first time,-Carried. Moven by James O. Bentley, seconded by B. Dan- cey,- That By.law No. 343 be Hiacl a seconcl time,-Car. ri.d. Moved by Duncan McNabb, seconded by W.B, Cole,- That By-law No.M', be read a third time and finally passed,-Carried. 'Moved by P. . W. McLay, seconded by '1'; W. Kirk~atrick.- That after heal.ing the communication from His Honor, Judg"Hughes, relative to his indemnity for outlay on po<t"ge stamps, stationery, etc., believing that it wonld largely facilitate the comfort of his ex- tensive communicants, and in a measUI'c recompense him for m'Lny past acts of abnegat;on, that this Council gl'iLlIt the telephone intimated byhim,- Lost. Moved by John R. Gow, secondedhy DuncanMc- Nabb.- 'fhat a committee of three be appointed to conf'r with the town authorities. with a view to utilizing' labor, and that theW arden, Nfessrs. King and comprise the committee,-Cal'l'ied. Moved hy George 8uffel, seconded by William S. Wagollel',-- That the sum of three hundred dollars be granted to the Southern Counties Fail' for the year 1881,- Cal'1'ied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.', 25 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGB~ WM. MoKAY, Clerk, M. PAYNE, Warden. /~ Elgin County Council Proceedings, lSSl. -- SECOND SESSION-FIRSTDA Y. TUlDSDAY, JUNl', 7TH, 1881. Tbe County Council met this cate at two o'clock afternoon. Tbe Ward,.n in the chail', . Members present :-Messrs. Cole, McCausland, Mc. Laren, Te('ple,Stalker, Dancey. Leitch, Oline, Gow, McNabb, Mills, King, Kirkpatrick, Lawton, Bray, MilJeJ', Godwin, ~McLay, Snf- , Best. The Warden' addressed the Council, after which Clerk read the proceedings of the hst day of session which were authorized to be signed. Th9 followinp' c<llllmunielltions were tben read:_ '" From tlw Insjwctor of ]>]']sons respectin!!' state of From James A. Cl'aiZ, turnkey, for au increase of FI'OIll tbe ('ounty Clerk. County of Kent, respect_ tlw Ilotlnvcll bridge. of County Auditors with statement of He. and Disburselllo"nts. COllllty TreasUl'el' with semi-annual statement estimates of slims required for 1881. 28 EI.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. From Sheriff Munro respecting a chair for the Judge's seat, Moved by John McCausland, seconded byJ. A. Teeple,~ That the communications be taken up and disposed of,~Carried. Moved by J. B. Mills, secvnded by James O. Bentley,- That the communication from the Sheriff iJlreg"ard toprocming a suitable Judge's chair be referreJ to the Gaol Committee. In amendment Moved by] )1'. Mc1,ay, seconded hv D. McLaren,- That after hearing the statement of Sheriff i\1.unro, relative to the uncomfortabll' coudition of the Judge's chair, that he, the Shel iff. be appoilited to procure a suit'lble one. Amendment Lost, Main motion C"rried. Moved by John King, seconded by George Law. tou,- That the communication I'Hceived from J. A. Craig, turnkey, be refe!'red to the GaoIOommittee,-Cal'l'ied. M'oved hy James O. Bentley, seconded by J. B, Mills,- Tluit the communication from the Inspect",!, of Prisons he refel'l'ed to Gao: Committee,-Carried. Moved by .J0hn King, seconded by T. W. Kirk- patrick'4 That the commuuication from the Treasurer be re. f6ned to the Finance Oummittee,-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PItOCElmINOS 29 ~1'oved by John King, seconded by 'r. W. Kirk. patrick,- That the consideration of the Auditors' Report be laid over uutil to-morrow rnorning,-Carried. Moved by James O. Bentley, seconded by J. A; Teeple.- That this council do now adjourn till to mOrrow, to . meet at the hour of two o'clock, p. m, and allow the Oommittees to meet,-Oarried. WM. MoKAY, Clerk. M. PAYNE ,.'.'" Warden. ~~ 30 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCILPROCEEDUfGS. SECOND SESSION-SECOND DA Y. WEDNESDAY, JUNE, 8th, 1881. The Council met. this day at the hour of two 0' clock, afternoon. M. Payne, Esq., Warden, in the chair. MEMBERS PRE'~ENT :-Messrs. Mills, McLay, Stalk- er, Hepburn, Leitch, Cole,Mcl~abb, Bray. Gow, Mc" Causland, King, Teeple, Lawton, Dancey, Miller, Cline, Miller, Bentley, Godwin, Best, ~uffel, Wagon- eI', Kirkpatrick, 'The proceedings of the previous day were reacl and authorized to be signed. It was then Moved by '1'. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by J. G. Stu;1ker,- That the Finance Committee Heport be received , and read,-Carried ' Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Duncan Mc- Nabb,- That the liinance Committee Report be ,ulopted, and that the Warden sign the accounts.-OaJ'l'iecl. Moved by T. W. KirkpatriJk, secomled by John King,- That the Heport of the Oaol Oommittee be ,'('ccive,l and rBafl,-Cal'l'ied. Moved by J olm King, sec(wled by T. W. Kirk- patrick,--- '1'I1>\t thie OOlllwil go into Com mittel' of the whole em repprt of Gaol Committee just r"acl,-Carl'ied. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 31 The C"uncil went into Committee of the whole on report o~ the Gaol Committee. D,'. ,\1:ills in the chail'. After considering and amending the report, the Committee of the whole rose , Mm"ed by Jamcs O. Bentley, seconded by .J. A. 'feeple, That the Gaol Committee report he a'.1opted as amended. In amendment. Mov,'d by John R. Gow, seconded by w,B, Cole,- That the repclI.t of the Gaol Committee be amend- by inserting B'iy.e Hundred Dollars as tlaoler's salary. Amendment lost, Mailt motion calTied. Moved by George ~uffel, seconded by P W. Mc. That we, the membel's of th CountyCo1.lUcil, of the Connty of Elgin, in County Council assembled, take this our firstopportunity of exprcs,ing with feelings of deepest sorrow and regret at the sad and frightful ca. lamity which visited Hie citizens of London and vicinity on the queen's Birthday, whereby over two hundred , lives were lost by drowning and otherw:se, by the foundering of the pleasure steamer "VICtoria," on the River Thames, thereby leaving hundreds of near and dear relatives and friends to moul'tl their sudden and nnlooked for loss. By the passing of this resolntion we feel that we ar~ Olily expressing the deep sympathy aud Sf)r ow '0"., 32 ELGINCOUN;I'YOOUNCIL PROCEEDING~. felt by the inhabitants of this County for those that will long have cause to mourn and remember this sad calamity, and that a co~y of this resolution be trans. mitted to the Mayor of LOIldon,-Carried. Moved by James O. Bentley, seconded by J. B. Mills,- That the Engineel's report on Public Improvements be now read,-:-Carried. : Moved by JohnRing, seconded by G. Lawton,- ~That the Engineer's report b~ referr~d to the Com mittee on Public Im(>rovements torepol't to. morrow, -Cal1'ied. . Moved by George Suffel, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,- That the account of His Honor, Judge Hugh s, f'll' postage for the year 1 80, and for the first five ll10nths of the current year, amounting to $20.b3, be paid,~ Lost. Moved by George Suffel, s<,conded by Audrew N. Cline,- T~at this Council adjourn till to.morrow ll10ming at.nme o'clock.--Carried. WM. MoRAY, Clerk M. PAYNE, .Wardell. . I I,:'i' I ",:- ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 33 SECONDSE.sSION~THIRD DA Y. THURSDAY, JUNE, 9th, 188l. The C<Dunty Council of the Connty of .Elgin met this day according to atljournment 'fhe Warden iil the c.hail' All the members present. The proceedings of the pt'eviom day.weJeread and authorized to l,e signed. When it was Moved by G. I:luffel, seconded by DI'. McLay,- . 'l'hat the 'vVarden and Tre.asurer be empow<,redto b6rrow on the credit 0' the Count v, on the best terms possible, the sum of, Fiftfen Th::'usand dollar$, as may be required frqm time to. time for County pur- poses,-Carried. Moved by W. B. Cnle, secoutled by J. Hepburn,- That this council appnint a Committee to confer with tre Council at ,I:lt. Thomas, tn arrange a settle- ment for the territory taken fl'Om this Connty by the extension of the corpol'>1tion of said Town, . and the amount obtaiued be deducted from the Yarmouth sbal'e of the County rates for thid year,-Cah'ied, Moved hy Duncan Mc'iabb, seconded by A, J. Leitch,~ 'rhat Mess!'s. HephUl'n.. McCauslalldalld Miller. (Yarmonth,) he appointed to confer with a Commit. tee of theCitv of I-lt. Thomas with rofeJ ence ,0 the tel'l'itol'ytak~ll from the County by the extension of the Incorporation,":"-Carried. 34 t<;LGIN COUNTY CdUNCIL PitOCEEDJKGS. Moved by John G. Stalker, seco\1(led by A. J. L<Jitch,- 'fhat this Council heal' an explanat.ion from the Treasurer before tlJe Audito1's' Report be adoptf'd,- Cnni<Jd. Movell by John King, seconded by George Law. ton,-- . That the RepOlt of the Public Impl:ovl'mcuts Committee be rec"ived and read,-Cal'ried. The Report was then read by the Clerk. When it was Moved by J Stalker, s.-conded by A. J. Leiteh,- 'fhat this council go into Committe]~of the whole on the Pllblic lmprovenwnts .Co1l1mittee Report,- Oanied. ' The Warden called Dr. McLay to take the chair. After discussing part of tlw Report the C~lOl1nittee rOSe to report progress. and Council resumed. When it was Moved by Amlrew N. Cline, secondell by Henry T. GodwiiJ,-- 'fhat a ('ommittee composed of Messrs. Suffel, Mc- Causland; King, Leitch, Kirkpatrick, and the Warden, . be appointed to eon fer with the Qommittee appointed by Middlesex, in the matter of El"in's claim against Middlesex, in conneetiOll with the London and Port Stanley Gravel road, and should the Committee fail to effect a settlement, the. Committee are hereby authorized to instl'Uet MI'. Be;llUne to place the case in Chancery forthwith for settlement,-Carried. EJ..GIN COUNTY COUNOIL PROCEEDINGS 35 Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by J. G. Stalker,- That By.law No. 344, to raise C,mnty rates be read Ii first time,-Oarried. Moved by George Lawton, seconded by 1'.. W. Kirkpatriek,- That By-lil\v No. [;44 be read a second time.~Car- ried, Moved by P. W. McLay, seconded by John H.. Gow,-- That By-lay No. 344 be read a third time and fin: a'ly passcd,-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Duncan Mc. Nabb,- That By.law' No. 345, (to confirm By.law No. 282 of the Town,hip of Dunwich,) be read a first time,- Carried. Moved hy James O. Bentley, seconded by. Andrew N. Cline,- That By-la,y No. 345 be relld a second time,-Car. ried Mov,.d by Duncan McNabb, seconded by John R. Gow,- That By-law No. 345 heread a. third time and fin- ally passed,-c a1'l'ied. Mov~d by George Lawton, secl'nded bv 'r:- W. Kirkpatric',,-- That By-law No. '-46, to borrow the sum of $15,- 000, be ,'ead a first time.-Carried. \ 36 In.JGIN OOUN'l'Y COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. . Moved by John King, seconded by George Law. ton,- That 'By-law No. 346, to authol'ize the borrowing of $15,000, be: read a second time.--Carried. Moved by George Lawton, seconded hy T. W. Kirkpatrick,-- That By-law :"io. 346 be read a third time and fin- ally!)aHsed,-Carried. The Clel k read a communication fr()Jll A. Mc Lach. lin, County Regi,tl'>tr. When it was Moved hy T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by John Stalker,- That the communicll.tion from the Hegistrar be 1'1" ferr~d to the Gaol Committee and that th..y make the necessaryaeec))mnodntion that is required by the Hegistrar for filing of Deeds, &e. In amendment it was Moved by Dunean Mc~abb, seconded hy John R. Gow,---, That Messrs. ~l1ffel, McCauslaml and Lei'ch, be appointed a Committee to examiue the RegistrY Office, and report to the Oouncil. Am(mdment lost, main motion caITied. Moved by John R. Gow, stlCOlHled by Robert Mil. leI', ..-- 'rhat when this Council adjolll'l1s it stands adjoul'l1' ed until 4 p. m to allow the Couneil to Yisit the POI-t Stanley Bridge. III amendment it WaS ELGINCQUN'l'Y COUNcn, PROCEEDINGS. 87 Moved by George Suffel, 'seeonded by George W. Best,- That the Council a<ljonl'n until ono o'elock. Main motion lost, amendment carried. T11e Committee of It he whole resumed on, the re. port of the Puhlie ImprovementR Committee,' at one o'eloek. After diRenssing the report' the Committee ro~e and the Warden res lImed the chait-. Wheu it was Moved by John R. Gow, seconded by Q-oorge W. Best,- That this Conncil do not authorize the payment fo" repairs on Bothwell Bridge. In ameudment it was Moved by Daniel McLaren, seconded 'by .John Stalker,-' That the r~port of the Publie Improven18nts Com: mittee be adopted. Main motion lo.,t, amendment cal'l'ied, Moved by John King, seconded by T. W. Kirk. patJ-iek,- That in future the Clerk and Tre>1Slll'el' check proof sheets of AnditorR' Reports h~fore Ha:id R"ports are printed for distribution, in ordcr to prevent. any €r ors or oIllisHions th:Lt may O~cUl' hy car(,lesHueRH of the.printel',-CHl'I'ied. Moveclhy T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by P. W. McLay,- The the reHolutiqn snhmit.ted to this Conncil, to pay His Hono)', D. J. I-Iug-hcn, $90.83 fOl' Po,tage, . , 38 ELGIN POUN'l'Y COUNCIL PROCEEDI,NGS. &c., be reconsidered, and that His Honor be paid said amount. b8ing postage.. account .for 1860 and five months in 18::\1, ending 31st of May. The Yeas and Nays on this motion b8ing called for by Mr. Leitch, were takw down as follows - Y eas,-W agoneI', Best, Snffel, Cline, Bentley, Mills, Teeple, McCausland, McLay, Cole, Miller, (South- wold,) Stalker, Kirkpatrick, Llv..,.ton, McLaren,-15. Nays,-King, Bray, HepbUl'n, Miller, (Yar.) Leitch, McNabb, Gow.-7. Motion ca1'l'ied. Moved by James O. Bentley, seconded by J. A. 'T I ' , eop e,- That Mr. Finney be now heard in the matter of damages snstained by the flood in taking away th,\ old bridge at Port St!Lnley,-Cal'l'ied. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, sleconded by G,'orge Lawton,- That the claim of .J Hmes Fimwy, for loss sustained by Port Stanley Bridge Contract, be referred to Pub- lic. Improvements Committee,-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Dnncan Mc. Nabb,- That, a Oommittee he appointwl to examine the 'Treasurer's bonks, and if possible, ascertain a correct statement of the intere"t accoullt., and report at the November session,-Clll'i'ied. Moved by Duncan McNabb, sec(,nded by John A. Miller,- That Dr Mills, A. J. Leitch and J. King, be ap- pointed a Committee to examine the Treasurer's books . ELGIN .COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 39 and report at the next session of this Oouncil,-Car. ried. Moved by.T. W. Kil'i,patl'iek, seconded by P. W. McLay,- That the Auditors' Rep~l't be adopted,-Cal'l'ied. Movea by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by George Lawtoti;- That By-law No. 34'(, to make appl'opIiations for County lines and bridges, be read a first time,-Car. ried. Moyed by John King; seconded by George Law. ton,- That By-law No. 347 be j'eau a second time.-Oar- ried. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by James 0 Bent. loy,_ That By-lay No. 347 be read a third time alld fin- ally passed,-Carried. . Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by James O. Bent- ley,- That the TreasUI'er be authorized to pay for. the constl'llction of the approaches of the Port Stanley so soon as their completion is cel'tiHed to by \ Moved by .JohnA. Miller, seconded by Duncan McNabb,-- 'That By-law No. 348, for fixing the Gaoler's salary, read a first time,-Carried. Moved hy JohnKing, seconded by George Law. That BY'law No. 348 be read a second time,~Car. ried. Moved byJ ohn King, seconded by Robt. Tllat By-law No. 348 beeacl a third time and ally passed,-Carried. Moved by James 0 Bentley, seconded by J. Mills,~ That this Conncil do now adjoUl'n to meet again the third Tuesday of November next, and that the Ward,'n sign cheques for members' wages,-Carried: 40 EJ.GIN COUNTY COUNOIT. PROCEEDINGS. WM. McKA Y, , Clerk M. PAYNE, Warden. c::::-~,~~ ,,' '~._-.._--_-,:,.--..-;-.---~- ... . Elgin County Council Proceedings, l88l.. SPECIAL SESSION-~FIRST DA Y. TUESDAY, JUI,Y, 5TH, 1881. The County Council met this date in Special Ses. sian, having been called by the Warden, to consider . the resignation of John A. Kaius, County TreasUl'er. The Warden in the chair. Members present :-Messrs. Cole, McCausland, Mc- Laren, Teeple, Stalker, Dancey. ~itch, Cline, Gow, Bentley, McNabb, Mills, King, Kirkpatrick, Lawton, Miller, Hepbmn, Bray, Miller, Godwin, McLay, Suf. fel. Best. Wagoner. The proceedings ortlie last day of previous Session . were read and authorized to be signed. . The Warden addressed the Council and stated the 'object of callin!! the special meeting. The Clerk then r"ad a communication from the County Treasurer, tendering his I esignat,ion. It was then Moved by James O. Bentley, seconded by J. B. ~{ills,- That the resignation of MI'. J. A. Kains be accept- ed,-Carried. Moved by Duncan McNabb, seconded by John R. Gow,- 42 ELGIN UOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That the report of the Special Committee, appoint. ed to examine the Treasurer's boc.ks, be received "nd read,~Carried. The Clerk read report of Special Committee. A communication .fr<nll the Molsons Bank was then read, and MI'. Morton, Manager of the Nrolwns Bank, being present, addressed the CounciL When it was Moved by John King, seconded by W. B. Oole,-- That the communication from the Manager of the Molson" Bank be 'aid over until to.morrow' mOl'lling, -Carried. Moved by A. N. Cline, seconcled byJ. O. Bentley,- That the sah1'J of the County Treasul'er be reduc- ed from $1 ,(WO to $800 pel' annum. The Yeas and Nays nn t.his motion, being called for by Mr. Cline, were taken down as' follows:- Yeas,-Messl's. King, Cole, Kirkpatrick, Stalker, Miller, (Yar.) Hepburn, Bent.ley aud Oline,-8. Nays,--'Messrs. Bray. Hodwin, Wagoner, Best, Suffel, Mills, Dancey, 'Teeple, McLay, McCausland, Gow, McNabb, L\Jitch, McLaren, Miller,(Sonthwold,) 'Lawton,-16. . The applicl1tions for the office of Oounty TreasUl'er were then read by the Gl"l'k. F,'om Henry Kirkland, St. Thomas. a Ij:lmol'B Uli-ne, do. " ,J. A. McKillop, Aldborongh. " P~ter Stal. el', do. " P. C. Campbell, do. " Geo. Suffel, Vienna. " John McCausland, Aylmer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl.. PROCEEDINGS 43 MI'. A. J. Leitch then IIominate.d Samuel McOo]], Mills nominated J ohu Coo,k. Moved by John King, secoIlded by George Law- That the vote for appointing a County Treasurer by ballot,~CaI'ried. Moved by W. B. Cole" Soc(;IHled by A. Bmy,- That the election of TI'"asurer be conducted in the manner as the electiouofWfll'denlast January, ---Cal'1'ied. The vote for the appointment of Connty Treasurer '. haviug been taUm by bl1llot, and; Mr. 'John McCaus. Uland, having leceived the greatest number of votes, "waq d,:elared duly. eleeted by t.he Wardeu.. Moved by James O~ Bentley, seconded by J. B. Mills,- That this Conncil do now adjoUI'u till ten o'cloek to-morrow IlJol'hing,~Carried. WM. MoKA Y, Clerk, M. PAYNI~, Warden. . ~~ ---... -- <.~~ "./~ -- 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SPECIAL SESSION~SECOND DA Y. WEDNESDAY, JUI,Y, 6TH, 1881. The County Council met accontingto adjournment. The WArden in the chai;'. Members present :~Messrs. C(,le, Wagoner, Mc. Laren, Teeple, Stalker, Dancey, Leitch, Gow, Best, Bentley, McNabb, Mills, King, Kirkpatrick, Lawton, Miller, Hepbmn, Bray, Miller, Gouwin, McLay, :Suf. fel. . The proceeflings of the previous d,ry IVere l'eau anu authorized to be signed by the Wanleu. When it was Moved by George Suffel, seconded by T. W Kirk- patrick,- , , That the Council go into Oommittee of the whole on the report of the Special Oommittee apppointed to examine into the T,'easurel"s books, as to the mat. tel' of interest, and the ex-Treasurer be requested to appeal' bef"re the Council awl give necessaryexp!a. nation,-Carried. The Council went into Committee of the whole. Mr. Best in the chair. Mr. Kaitis appeared before the Council. After discussing the report. the Committee rose, and the Council adjourned till two o'clock. When it was Movedby John King, secomted by T. W. Kirk. patrick,- . / ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PR(}OEEDfNGS~, 45 That the repor~ of the Special Committee be not now adopted, but be laid over until the Treasurer's . books be audited iu such a way as the Council di. rects,-Carried. The Clerk then read a commnnicationfrom Town. ship Clerk, MaJahide, certifyi1tg to the resignation .of John }[cCausland as Reeve. A communication from John McCausland, Treaslll', er, stating surdies. It was then Moved by John King, seconded by George Law. ton.- Thai a Special COlllmittee. consisting of A. J. Leitch, James Hephul'II, GetH'ge Snffe! and Dr. Mills, be appointed to examine iuto the responsibiJit.y of the sureties offered hy .Mr. McCausland,-Carl'ied. '. Move<l by W. S. Wagoner, seconded by George W. Btst,- That the slll'eties o:ffered by John McCausland be received by this Council.-Lost. Moved by.J. B. Mills, seconded by J!!mes O. Bent. ley,~ That the Treasurer and his sureties be required to give secmity by Jiell on real estate, to an amount which shall be satisfactory to this Council,--Lost. Moved \,y John King, seconded by T. W.Kirk. patrick,- That this Council adjolU'n twenty minutes to give Special Committee time to l'eportOll Treasurer's sure. ties,-Oarried. . 46. EJ..GIN COUNTY COUNC!L PROCE:mDINGS. After twenty. minutee the, Council resumed. The~'eport was, eaq, When.it was Moved by Dr. .Mc Lay, seconded by .l.A. Teeple,- That the surety offered by John McCauslaIld, Treasurer, be accepted by this Council,---,-Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by George W. Best,~ That Colin Macdougall, Esq., Barrister, of St. Thomas, be authorized by this Council' to draw up the Treasllrer's bond,~Cal'l'ied. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by James O. Bent- ley,- 'fhat By-law No. 34fl, to appoint a County Tl'ea. imer be. re.ad a .first time,-,-Carl'ied. . Moved by Dr. McLay, seconded by J. A. Teeplp,- -rhat By.law No. 349 be read.a se.cond time,-Cal" ded. Moved by T. W, Kirkpatrick, seconded by Daniel McLaren, '- 'rI>at the claIlse in By-law No. 349 be amended" and that tbe chpques be signetl by the Treasurer without. the additional signat.UI'e of the W m:den. In amendment. Moved by James O. Bentley sec, nded by J. B. Mills,- That the Clerk be authorized to sign cheques 1Il conneetion with the Trea"urer, and that the By.law be amended to that effect. Ameudment lost, main motion carried. l~LmN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOl~lmINGS. 47 Moved by Daniel i\fcLaren,. seconded hy T. W. K il'kpatrick,- That the clause in By-law No. 349, appointing monthly audits, be stmck out of said By-Iaw-Car- I.i"d. . Moved by George Suffel, seconded by George W. Best,---,- That By.law No. il49, to anpoin~ .John McCaus- land, ERq.. TreasUI'er of the County, he I'eltd It third time Itnd finally passed,-CarI'ied. Moved by Duncan Mc.\ ahb, seconded by Hobert lIfiJler,- Thltt MI'. A; J. Leitch be placed on the Committee fOI'.the House of Industry, in lieu of Mr. McCausland who hitS resigned "'-Cal'ried. Moved by J. B. ~1ills, seconded by .J. A. Teeple,- That the SUIU of eighteen dollars and sixty cents be adcJ"d to the Pilblic Improvements Committee re- to ""nect el'l'or in deduetion,-CaI'ried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by George W. Best,- 'fhat 'l'flomas M. N ail'n "and Samuel McColl, be ap- pointed auditors to mll\:e a special allllit of the ac. counts of the County 'freasur"r, from t.he first of Jannary last until the newly appoint~d TreasUl'er euters upon his duties,-Carl'ied. Moved hy T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Daniel McLal'en, - That the 'Varden send ~ messenger to see th" of tIlt-) Molson" Bank, and find out whether or Bothe has any business to br'ng before this Oouncil, 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. .as it will probably adjourn tHs evening, not to meet until November,-Lost. Moved by John King, seconded by Georee Law- ton, .- That A. J. Leitch, T. W. Kirkpatrick, James Hep. blll'n, G. Best and the Reeve of Malahide, be a Com- mittee to inquire into, and report at the next meeting of this Council, the best mode of abo'ishing tolls in this County,-Ca1'l'ied. Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by J. A. Miller,- That this Council do now adjourn t.o meet at eight o'clock this evcning, for the pmpose of giving G. K. Morton an opportunity of submitting any proposition he may wish to make to this Council, that if M'r Morton is not then present this Council may then, if they see neces;ary, adjoul'llfrom time to. time until Mr. Morton will be lwesent,--Lost. Moved by Dr. McLay, secondedhyJ. A. Teeple,- That this Council do now adjourn till to.morr,'w Illoriling .at 10 o'clock to give the Bank Manager an opportunity of making some proposition of settlement, -Carried. WM. MoKA Y, Clerk, M. PAYNE, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 49 SPECIAL SESSION--:'THIRDDAY. THURSDAY, JUJ,y, 7TH, 1881. County Council met this day at ten o'clock The Warden in the chair. , Members present :-Messrs. Cole, Wagoner, Mc. ,Laren, Teeple, Leitch, Bentley, McNabb, Mills, King, . Kirkpatrick, Lawton, Miller, Hepburn, Godwin, Mc- Lay, Miller, S\lffel. The pIOceedi~gs of the previous day were read and .authorized to.be signed. It was then Moved by T.W. Kirkpatric\ seconded by Daniel McLllreu,- That the constables in the village of Port Stanley prosecute all parties found driving over. the P(jrt Stanley bridge ata faster rate than is regulated by law,~OaiTied Moved my Duncan McNabb, seconded byW. B. Cole,- That Messrs. Suffel. Mills, Leitch. Hepburn and Kirkpatrick, b" appointed a Special Committee with a view of effecting a settlement of Mr. Kains' defal- cation, and that the Committee have full power to act in the matter,-Cal'ried. MI'. C. Macdougall, by permission, addressed the Council on behalf of the sureties, without prejudice. After which it was ." 50 Er~UIN CQUN1'\;" COUNOH" PROCEEDINGS. ~ Moved by John King, seconded by T. W. Kirk- patrick,-- That the proposition made by 111'. Macdougall, on behalf of the sureties of our late COllnty Treasurer, be refel'l'ed to the Special Committee appointed to Jnake a settlement in the matter, c-Oarried. Moved by George Suffel, seconde,] by P. W.Mc- Lay -- , , That the nelvly "pp<.Iinted TreasuI'er"John Mc- Causland, Esq., be authOl',ize.l in connnection witht,he \V arden of the County, to negotiate the loan of Fif. teen thousand dollars at tl-e Molsons Bank, in St. 1'hon1as, as pel' resolution of this C0lll1cil passed in June last, and to P1l,y out of the proceeds of the same the several sums drawn on the credit of the Council since the meeting in June. "uyall chequps which have been signcd by the Warden.anll late l'j'ea8mer, John A. Kains, Bsq., the balance of the loan to I", at the disp08al of. the Treasurer, to use for legi.timate County pUl'poses,-Carried. Moved by Dr. McLay, secondeel by J. B. MilJs,- ThlLt this Council adjourn until two p. m.,-Oar. J:ied l\1oved by J. A. Te,epl,., seconded hy J. B. N[ills,- That Dr. McLay and George Lawton he added to theOommittee appointed to settle the' difference be- tween the Bank and this County,-Lost. . Ml'.G. K. Morton, of the Mdsons BanI<, being present, then addressed the Cuuncil. . . Moved hy T, W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Daniel 1\i[eLaren,- . J~LGIN COUN"fY COUN"UIT~ PIWCEfolDINGS 51 That the proposition of G. K., Morton, to sflttle ac. counts existing betw"en thiR OOunty alHl the Molsons Bank, be nude to t:,i" Council in IVl'iting anc!l'efer- red to the Special Comniittee appointed to settle the defalcations made by the late Treasurer,-Carried. MOI'flel by John King, seeonded by DanielMc_ Laren,- That By.law No 3;)0 be re:t'l a first time,-Car. ried. Mov'd by' Dnncan l\ic~ahb, seeonued by .James Hepburn,-, That By-law No. 350, to appoint Auditors to make special audit be read a. seeond time,-Carried. Moved b,l'J. A. Miller, seeonded b'y James Hep- hlu'n,- That By.IHIV No. 35,) be read a third time and fin. ally pas8ed,-Oarried: . Moved by John King, seeonded by Daniel Mc. Lul'enJ----'- That By'IAw 351, to authorize the Treasurer to bOITow $15,000, be read a first time,-Carried. MOI'ed by Peter W. . MeLay, seconded. by J. A. 'feeple,,-- That By.law No. 351, to authorize the Treasurer to borrow $15,000, be read a second time,-Carried Moved by John King, seconded by Daniel Mc- Laren,"':" That By.law No. 351 be read a third time and fin. ally passed;-Carried. Moved by J. B. Mills, seended by James q). Bent'ev,- . 52 EI.LHN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 'fhat the Oounty ,Clerk be appointed to act as TreastIl'er (pro tern), until Mr. John McCausland itS. sumes the duties of the office,-Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by James O. Bentley,--- , Tha.t thisCouuciUake no action with reference to the communication of"Messrs. Farley and Doherty, in the interest of Thomas Backhd'llse, claiming pa,\' for the board ofa child got fl'om the House of Industry, -Carried. Moved by W, B.Cole, seconded by T. W. Kirk. patrick,~ 'rhat this Cou ncil adjourn to meet the third Tues- day of November next,-Carried. WM. McKAY, Clerk M. PAYNE, Warden. ....,..,'-...~ '--../..-: "(--. .--""-- --1 .'''---..,,-.<--' .- ---..;..-~ Elgin County Council Proceedings, l8Sl.. FOURTH SESSION-RIRST DA Y. , TUESDAY, NOVEMmJR 15TH, 1881. The County Council met this date according to ad. jOUl'lllllent. The WaMen in the chair. Members present :-Messrs. Cole, Wagoner, Mc, Laren, Teeple, Leitch, Bentley, McNabb, Mills, King, Kirkpatrick, Lawtoll;'Miller, Hepblu'n, Godwin, Mc. Lay, Millej., Suffel, Stalker, Gow, Best, Dancey, Bray, Cline, Hagan. . The proceedings of the last day of previous Session were read and authorized to be signed; The Warden addressed the Council. 'l'he following aOllllllUl1ications were read by the Clel'k:- From the Oounty of Kent)'especting a new method (If taxing dogs. From T. M. Nairn,M.P.P., Iespecting an amend. ment to be made in the J U1'ors' Act to dispense with second selection. . From James Bethune, Q. C., respecting Gravel Roadclailll. From County Treasurer with warrant to sell laudJJ arrears for taxes. / " , 54 }I~f.G[N COUNTY VoJUNCU. !'IWUlCEDlNGS. Report of Auditors app,)inted to andit Treasurer's accounts fl'om January till J ulyl.881. Petition of John :-icott an,114 others, of Bayham and ~liddleton respecting road allowance.' Repol.t of House of Indus'ry Committee. From ConntyEnginee,' witl' RepOl t of condition 0:1' County Bridges. Moved by John King, seeonded by George Law. t'on,-- That, the {\ulllmnnications be now taken up and ,1isposed of,-Carried. Moved by John King, secondeJ by. George Law: tOIl,- .' . That the ,'eport '"f the Oounty, Engineer be I'eferred to Committee on Pnblic Improvelllmlts,-Cal'1'ied. Moved by George Snffel, second,'cl by George W. Best,- 'l'hat the lleev>'s of the seveml Mnnicipalities be appointnd a COlYltnitted to eq Lutlize the Assessment holls fOl' the. current year,-Ual'l'i"d lVlovljd by J@hn King, secordeJ by George Law. ton,-~-Nai1;ri'.s That the matter referl'"d toin M:l'.*~ communi, cation be laid \lver till t".mol'l'owlJlol'ning,-Cal'ried. Movc,l hlY A. J. I~eitdl, seconded. by ,lames Hep. hUl'll,-.-- 'That this Conncil take nO action in the dogqu~stioll referred to in the communication from the Oounty of Kent,owin.g to the aifficulty there would be in carry- iug into effect the proposed amendments, . ELGIN COUNTY COUN9IL PROCEEDINGS 56 In ame.ndment. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by William S. Wagoner, ..- That this Council having befoIethem a . communi cation andpe;ition from the County of Kent, with reference to the mol''' efficient taxation of d,?gs int he several Municipalities iu the province or Ontario, be concurred in by this Council and therefore petition the Ontal'io Legislature to amend tIle Assessment Ad in the way indicated by the Conncil of Kent.' Amendment lost, main motion carried. Mov~dby J. B. Mills, seconded by James O. Bent. ley,- . That the report of the Surgeon of. the House of Industry, just read, be printed with the proceedings of the Council for the Cllrrent year,-Carried. Moved by GWlrge 8uffel, seconded by Andrew N. Clne,- That. the repol.t of the Committee of the House of Indnstry, as well as that of the Inspector, be adopted by thiR Council, and that the same be printed with the minut.es and proceedings of the Council for the CUl'rent year,-Carried. . Moved hy George Suffel, seconded by William ". W ao-ow'r - " , That':vI I'. Scott be now heard with regard to the petition which has been presented to this Council,- Canied. Mr. Johu Scott addressed the Council respecting a road allowance in Bayham Moved by JamesO.Bcntley, seconded by James Hepbul'n,~- 56 EJ,QIN COUNTY' COUNoiL PROCE~DINGS. That the Warden's supper be discontinued, -Car- ried. Moved by Audrew N. Cline, secouded by . J miles O. Bentley,- That this Council adjourn till ten o'clock to.mor- row mOl'lling,-Carrie<).. WM. MoKAY;' Clerk, M. PAYNE, Warden. 'E"~~.?f ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; 57 FOURTH SESSION-SECOND DA Y. WEDDESDAY, NOVE].lBER.16TII,.1$81. The Connty Council met at ten 0 clock aceording to adjoUl'nmem. M. Payne, Esq., Warden, in the chair. Members present :-Messrs. Cole, 'Wagoner,Mc. Larim,TeHple, Leitch, Bentley, MeN abb, Mills, King, Kirkpatrick, Lawton, Miller, Hepburn, Godwin, Mc. . ~ay, Mille!" Suffel, Stalker, Gow, Best. Daneey, Bray, Cline, Hagan. The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorized to be signed by the Warden. . Moved by George Suffa,l, seconded by Heorge W. . Best,- That the minutes and proceedings of the Council be printed pamphlet form theilame as informer years, anu that they be got Jeady for distribution .not later than the 15th of December, also repOl.ts of Com. ;Illittees,-C~rried. . . Moved by Andrew N. Cline. seconded hy George Suffel,- That any member not in his place at this Oouncil Iloard before eleven o'clock forfeits his day's pay, "~Carried. Moved by John King, seconded by John Stalker,- That the report of the Inspector of Schools be print- ;ed,with the minutes of this Council,-Carried; , Moved by John King, seconded by Geo. Lawton,- That the communication from the County Treasur. . \ 58 ELGIN COUN~rY COUNOIL PROCEEDINGS. er be referred to the FinancA Committee,-Carried Moved by John R. Gow, seconded by Duncan Mc. Nabb,- That this Council petition the Legislature to amend the Assessment Act so as to exempt farm personal property from assessment,-Motion lest Moved by John StalkPr, seconded by T. W. Kirk. patrick,- That this Conncil petitiOln' the Legislature to amend the Assessment Act so >1S to give Assessors power to act as Magistrate~, taking o..ths and affidaviis touch. ing all matt,el:S relating to the assessments, while in the performance of their duties, and that other Coun- tie" be asked to concur with this resolution, such power to cease when the assessment is completed,- Lost. The Yeas and Nays on thc ab,we motion wel'e call. ed for and taken down as follows :- Yeas,--Stalker, Haggan, Kirkp>ttric'{, Cline, Mc. N>tbb ltnd Miller, (Sout.l1wold.) N ays,- Wagoner, Best, Suffel, Bentley, Dancey, Gow, Leitch, Hepburn, Cole, Miller, (Y>tr.) Br>ty, L>twton and King. Moved by Andrew N. Cline, seconded by John Gow,- That Mr. Finney's acco\lut for extm work >tt . Port, Stanley Bridge be not eutert>tined by ths cil, -..;- Carried. Moved by George Suffel, seconded by George Best,- Th>tt Hill Honor, Judge Hllghes, be >tllowed to ad ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL .PROCEEDINGS. 59 dress the C011ncil on mattel's counected ",ith the Ad. ministrati()l1 of Justice in this Connty,-Oarried. His Honor, J ridge Hughes, being present, address. ed the Council respecting the Administrrtion of Jus. tice >tCcounts refuseel to be pai,l by the Government. Moved by George Buffel, seconded by Andrew N. Oline. - .' . ., , That, this Connci: >tdjourn till nine o'clock to-mor- mor morniug, in order that the several committees may meet and report,-C>lrried. W:M. MoKAY, Clerk, .M. PAYNE, Warden. .~, .,.~ , 60 ELGlN COUNTY coUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FOURTH SESSlDN-7HIRD DAY. 'l'nUI\_DAV, NOVEMBER 17TH, 1881. The County Council met at the Oourt House at nine 0 clock forenoon, .according to adjoUl'nment. M. Payne, E_q., 'Varden; in the chair. Members pre3ent':-Messrs. Cole, Wagoner, Mc- Laren, Teeple, Leitch, Bentley, McNabb, Mia_, King, Kirkpatrick, [,awtOli, :\Iiller, Hepburn, Gotlwin, :VIc- Lay, Miller, ::';uffel, Stalker, Gow, Best. Dancey, Bray, Cline, Hagan. 'rhe proceedings of the previous day were l:eadatld authorized to be signed by the Ward"n.' , lt was then Moved by Andrew ~.. Cline, seconded by George Best ~ , . That the report of the Special Committee appoint. ed to settl~ with the late' 'l'reasmer, his snreties anll the Molsons B,wk, be received aud read.-Carried. The Clerk read repol't of the special Committee on settlement with the late Treasurer's smeties. Moved by. John Hagan, seconded by B. Dancey,- 'l'hat the report of Committee on the settlement of the late Treasurer, be received and approved by this Council,-Cal'ried. Moved by John King, secouded by George Law- ton- , .. That the account of James Bethune. for advice on the London and Port Stanley Gravel Road, amount- ijJ..G1N COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 61 ing.to.twenty dollars, .be paid; and th.at the. Trea,ureI' issue his clwque for the same,-Carried. . Mc>ved by Heorge Suffel, seconded by Andrew N. Cline,- .. . That tht) Council do 1l0,W adjourn nutil1 one o'clock in order that the Committee on Equalization lIlay mcet,-Carried. At one o'clock the Council met. The Warden in the chair. Mov.ed by John Ci, Stalker, seconded by T.W. . Kirkpatrick,- That the report of the Equalization Committee be received and read,-Carried. The report on Equalization was read. Moved by Andre,v .'01. Cline, seconded by James O. Bentley,--'-- , That the report of the Equltlization Committee be by \ldding fOllr thousand dollars to Aylmer, to Port Stanley, two thousand dollars to Spl'ingfield and five thousand dollars to the ass. essment of Vienna,-Motion lost. Moved by John Stalker, seconderl by Daniel Mc. Lal'en,- That the l:eport @f I he Equalizati~)fi Committee be adopted by this Council,-Cal'l'ied The l'~pOl.t of the .special OommittAe appointed to set.tle the dispute Iespectiug the repairs done at the . Bothwell bi-idge, was read by the Clerk. Moved by John King, seconded by W. B. Cole,~ That the report of the Special Committee to settle 02 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIl. PROCEEDINGS _..._--,---~. difficulties relative to the Bothwell Blidg', be adopt- ed,---:Ca\'l'ied. The Clerk readl'epOl'; of Auditors, alJpl'inted to make [( special audit of the late Tl'eaSUrel"s accounts from Jalllull'y till Jnly 1881. M.oved by John King, seconded by George Law. ton,~ That the report Of the Aud to!'s "ppointed to make 'a special report of the late Tl'easurer's accounts, from Jamwl'Y to Jllly 1881, he adopted and printed with the procedings of this Council,-Carried. Moved by GeorgeSilffel,. seconded by A. J. Leitch,~ 'l'hat T. M. Nairn and Samuel McColl be paid the sum of twent,y dollal's each, for making special audit of the hlte Treasurel"s. books,-Carried. Movecl by T. W Kirkpatric)<:, seconded by John St,tlkel', ..- Th..tthe repill't of the Finance Committae be re. cei ved and read, --Cal'l'ied. 'rhe Finance report was read: _ Moved by T. W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Daniel McLaren,- That the Finance Committee report as read be Itdopted, and that the Warden sign orders for plty- ment of the accounts embraced therein,~Carried. Moved by James O. Bentley,' seconded by J. :S. Mills,= That the repbi't of the Public Improvements Com- mittee be now l'ead,-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY OOUNCIL I'ROCEEDINGS. 63 Moved by '1'; W. Kirkpatrick, seconded by Robort MiIler,- That the report of the Pnhlic Imp,'ovements Com- mit'ee be adopted,=Carriecl. Moved by Robert Miller, seconded by T. W, Kirk. patrick,- ThatJ obn Hagan, Reeve of Malahide, be appointed trnst.ee ofthe Aylmei' High School, in place of Johu MeCansland, l'esigned,-lJarried. Moved by Jobn Stalker, secon(led by 'r. W. Kirk- patrick,- . That the Clerk be instructed. todtmumd from the . Count.y of Kent t.he sum of five dollal's .and thirty cents, being theIr share of the repairs to the ap- proaches made attbe Bothwell bridge, orde!'ed by Alfred Ware, Engineer,-Qa\'l'ied. Moved by George Suffel, seeonded by Andrew N Cline,- 'fhat the acconnt or Colin Macdougall, for drawing Treasurer's bond and I'el~ase. from 1\101sons Bank, amonnting to nine dollars, be p~id,-Carried Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by J. R. Gow,- That the 'Clerk produce the vouches for the years 1874 and] So 0, sbowing expensed of eonveying pris oners to the P,met,<ntiary, ReformatOl'y and As)' lUlllS, -Carried. The Olerk pl'oduced thevollehers. When it was Moved by A. J, Lr'itch, seconded by James Hep bu\'ll --'- . " That the Clerk read voucher'No. 27, showing the. 64 EI,GIN COUNTY COUNCILPROCEED!NGS expense of conveying F. Day to the Reformatory in 18'i4,-Carried. '-~l' , The CleJ,'k read the accoun~s of the Sheriff for ex. , penses in conveying prisoner to the Reformatory at Penetanguishene. Moved by A. J, Leitch, seconded by .Tames Hep- burn,- . 'rhat this Council ask the Government of Ontario i't .0 appoint ,a, o'om.miSSJ,'O,n to investigate ',the ',eXP,e nses incurred in conveying prisoners from the County Gaol to the Penetentiary, Reformatory and'" sylums, from the year 1868 to the !,resent time,-Cal'l'ied. M~ved by J.B. Mills, seconded hyB. Dancey,- ,'rhat this Council petition the Legi,t.iture of On- tario, at its next session, to pass a Bill auth()rizmg a company to construct a line of Hailway from th" City 'of Lonclon to the Village of Port Burwell, in the Count.y of EIgin,-Oal'l'ied. ,'. J\1:~~'e,i by John Stalker, seconded by T.W. Ki,'k- pat,rick,-- Thilt this Coupcil petit.ionthe Ontario LegislatUl'e ,t()alllelld the Assessment A~t, by having lilortg'ages against ,'eal property 'Issessed,-Motion lost. Move,l by Duucan Mc~abb, seconded by A. J. Leitch,- 'rhat this CouW)il pet,itiol1 t.he LoMI Leg:slature t.o am"ndthat Portion of the Municipal Act, rdative to . the cleaning of~f'VI'nship drains, so that in place of anyone interested persO\l applying' that it will re- quire a peti,iOll h'om aw~~ol'ity of those interested 'to compel the Council to tlth;e action in t.henjatter, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 61) Yeas,-Suffel, Gow, McNabb, Leitch, Lawton, King and Cline. Nltys,--Wagouer, Best. Bentley, Mills, G-odwin, Teeple, Hagan. Hepbnrn, Bray, Mille,', Miller, and . Cole. Motion lost. Moved by GerlrglJ W. Best, seminded by W. S. Wagoner,- That the sum of fifteen dollars,b~ing paid by the County of Norfolk as share of damages sllst!tined ou a bridge on Eastern County line, fOl'\vhich this Coun. ty is liable for wit.h the Ccmnty of Norfolk, all,l t.hat 'Said amount be refun,led to the County of N o!'folk. Y eas,"'- Wagoner,B>st, Godwin, tlutl'el, Mills, Teeple, Hagan, Mc'L,ay, Me LftretJ,~Iillet', (~Sollth w()ld,) Kirkpatrick', tltalkel',-12. Nays, '-Cline, Bentley. Gow, McNabb, Leitch, Miller, (Ym'.) Hepbnf'n, BI':IY, Cole, Lawt.on, King, -II. ,"Lotion, ca l'I'ied. MIJvedby John King, seconded by Geo. Suffel,- That thi~ Oouncil petition the Local Legislatilre, its llext'Se~sion, to make such aehange ill the Law that it will not be necessary to make lJ 'second selection of ,Juror~, but have the whole work done by thc Local Mllnieipal Otlicers, thereby S;lV- ing a gt'eat eKpense to the Oounty ; and thMa copy of this Hesolntion be sent toothet' County Councils Untario asking their aid awl assistance in secUl'. this much needed I'eform.~Oal'l'ied. M,oved'L)yP.'W.'McLay,-seconded by T.:W",Kirk. pf\t!'ick,,~ That By-law No. 353 he read a second time,-Car. ried. Moved by J. Stalker, seconded by John King,- .That Bv.law No, 353 be read a third time and Moved by John King, seconded by .George Law- .ton,~ That By.law No. 354, to equalize the Assessment Rolls, be n;ad a first time.-Carried. Moved by J. B: Mills, secol1ded by .James O. Bent. loy,_ By-law No. 354 be read a second time,-Oar- Moved. by J. Hagai1, seconded by.J. A. Teeple,- That Bv-Iaw No. 354 be read II third time and fin- uJly passed,-Carried. Moved by Daniel McLaren, seConded by John Stalker,- That By-law No. 1055, to authorize th"Wnrden aud TreasUl'er .to borrow the sum of 11 OIU' thousnl1d nollars, be read a first time,-Oarried. . . Moven by- J. A. Miller, seconded hy T. W. Kirk. 'fhat By-law No 355 be rean a second time,-Car. ried. Moved by- .John King, seconded by George Law- l1,-'-- That By-law No. 355 be read a third time and ftli. passed,-Carried. Moved by John Hagau, seconded by J. B.Mills,- 66 ET~GIN COUNTY CoUNCIL' PIWOEEDINGS. , ;1" That the petition of W. Hatch, and ot]-.ers, re. specting road, be received and read,-Carried. Petition rend by the Clerk. Moved by G. Suffel, seconded by A.. J. Leitch,~ 'Hat the Oounty Treasurer have the authority of this Council to chnnge an entry in the books of the late Treasurer, whereby, the sum of $645,48 stands to the credit. of the late Treasurer iri the County ledger, said sum being the nmonnt in money of Oounty funds in his hands paid overby the late TreasUl'er to the present Treasurer, suid sum having' beeu wroll!!ly entered il~ the County books to the C1'ellitofthe la,te Treasurer, John A. Kains.-Carried. Moved by John !{, Gow, seconded by Duncan Mc. McNabb, That By-law No. B52, (to confirm By.law l'iIo. 289 of Dunwich,) b~ read n first time,-Carried. Moved by W. ILCole, seconcled by John King,-- Tbat. said By"law No. 352 be read a second -Carried. Moved by J, Stalker, seconded by T. W. Ki, k- patrick, That By.hlwNo. 352 be read a third' time and passed,-Oarried. Movee] by T. W, Kirkpatrick, secouded by John Stalker,- 'fhat By-law No. 353, (t,o c0nfinll By'law No. of the Township of Dunwich,) be read a first time,~ Carried. Moved by Duncan McNabb, seconded by John Gow,- I I I'! l~ \' ~ . ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS. 67 68 ELGIN'COUNTv"c'oUNCILPROCEEDrNGS That whereasa.great deal of dissatisfaction has arisen in .the manner in which the County accounts have been dealt with in the readj]1sting which they have to undergo in the Provincial Treasurer's Office in Toronto, thereby causing a serious loss to the County, likewise going contrary to the Orders in Council, fUl'nished by the Goverrment to the Lopal and Connty Amtitors, This Council feel, that in artier to remedy this matter, .that a representation be made to the Gov- ernment to investigate the matter so that justice to the County may be obtained. And as this is a subject of gener~l complaint, that a copy ofthis resolution he laid before the several Oounty Councils of the Proyince, soliciting their co_operation.-Carl'ied, Mov(.d by John King-, seconded by J. Hepburn,-- That whereas, the annual Provincial Exhibition of the Ontario Arts and AgricultUl'al Association has been supel'seded in its sphere of usefulness by large local exhibitions, at Toronto, Hamilton, Wal- kerton, Guelph, Brantford, London, Chatham, and last but not least, by the Southern Counties Fair at St. Thomas, Be it Resolved,-That this Council, while a(~. knowledging the great service derived by the Provo ince from the Provincial Exhibitio,n in past years, . and fully realizing the fact that its days of useful.. ness have gone by, do petition the Untario Govern- IIlent to withhold the tlnnual grant to the Provincial Exhibition and distribute the amount in an equit. able manner to the County Agricultural Societies. . ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNCIL PROOEEDINGS,' WM. McKAY, Clerk, .l\'l, PAYNE, Warden. FiilaIlCe~ep01(t, 1~~1. .------ 7'0 the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: The-Committee on :Finance beg leave to report, that hu.ving examined into. the state cf the finances of the COllnty, and. the estimates. prepared by the County 'l'reasurer, they herewith suhmit a st..te-. ment ofthe expenditure required for the lawful pur- poses of the County during the year 1881, showing tlw amounts to bo raised for the undermentioned pilI'pClSeS, viz :' S,JutliH11l Itail way DI~helltnl'eR.... . . . . ... . . . . . . *:no,OOO 00 H ,; Uonpol1s. . . . .. ............ 5 700 00 Gaol IIllPI'OVOlllPnt DeIH'llltllles...... '.......... 4,000 DO ,0 .. OOl1fJOJlH................... 30000 'l\..dmlni:.;t.rat,i(~1l of.J IlRt,ictl. .. . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . .. 8,000 00 'UiJnntJv Lild~" and HI'id!!t~~. ." . . . . . . . . .. ,"""; :1,000 00 High Scbools.... . . . . . . .. .,.....,.. ,. . , , . . 3,300 00 Iiu'Jpectol' of Suiloo]s..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 00 t House of Indmitl:Y. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... :),ouo 90 ~)mCfll'H' salal'ies, Members' w<-lges, &0... ... ., . .. 2,500 00 Paym.ent 01 Jm.ols............... ......,.,... 2.000 00 ;, Ct'Own \Vit,IH~H~t~H. ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . -. l.OG2 00 t~38.56.2 00 COllnt.y Schools,t'Cjuivldetlr, to IJPgi:-Jlntive gra:nt.. 4';13f)' '00' $42,697 00 Your Committee would recommend that the BUln of thirty-eight thousallll five hundred and six~ ty-tIVo dollars be mised !tnd levied on the rateable property in the several municipalities in t.he County l~Lq:~ COUNTY COUNCIIj PROCEEDINGS 71 -----'------------'--~-------'----.--. of Elgin during the YOal> 1881, for County purposes, as per schedul(., herewith snbmitted, and that the r8qisite By-laws bo passed to levy a. rate of two mills andf011r-tenths of a mill 'in the dolhtr on the rateable proport.y in the s8veJ'al Mllnjcipa]itie~ of the .C.nmty of j';lgin, as equalized f.n' the preceding year,tofilisesaid amounts,exclusl\feof School (jrants; and that the snm of fonr tll')[lsa.nd one Imndred and thirty-five dollars bJ raiSed in the several township wlllicipalitics only, for Common ~chools, equal to tlw Uovernment. grant, and as P)'obort.ionod and re- quired by: t.he Educat.ional Department [Ind ente)'ed in the !<lllowin:,' schedule, under thc head of Oom- lllOll Schooht SCHEDULE OF RATES. ..- ------'-~-........~. I E'I u,\-liztiJ. V"Hltl I Ge.HH'<,1' '. lli.,jj I,'a,}'.' UUllllllOll Mmi'lCIl'AJ,iTlES: I in lS80~ .", ~1~~1~~~~ ~cbo~~ ~'ot(~1. $2,525 $1,803 $605 $4,9S3 .I 2,9~~ ~,I~5 044 5,~67 4,4,10 ..,167 706 8,006 4,749 '3,392 735 8,870 3,899 2.'4-28562 I a,B8D 1,7:37 1.2'~1 o~t) .'3,06:1 1,891 1,:J50 248 :1.48!J 100 72 172 441 315 150 118 8~t 202,. liB 81 1!J4 '1'ot"lk..1 $16.068.191 1$22'Ml4."'G~(;68 ;;4';;-;;; $42697 All of' ',vhich is respcct.fl111,y suhmirted. Aldbol'Ollgh. . Dl111Wich .. . .. South wohL' .. Y1:tl'lIlOllth ",;. Mulahido. ... Bayham ~... . S. DOl'che:,;tel' Vienna..... . Arlmel'..'.. ~. P~l.t8t~U1Jev ... Sjwillgtield ". ~ <'1,803,101 2,134,584 3,166,540 3,392,137 2,427,993 1,241,110 1,3fJO,720 72,000: 315,000 84,0(1) 81,000 J. B. MILLS, Committee Room, JUlle 8th, 1881. (h,i,rma1/. EQU ALIZA'J:'rO:N" :REJPO. R':I', 1881_ '<- . ,-.,--'" -'-' ,--' ..- ", . . ':fhe Committee on the Eqalization of theAs~esSmE:Dts of the County of J3!lgin heg leave to. snhmit the fo]lo...,mg Schedn.lefQI' the adoption at the ConDeil: llUNI,mLlTIES At;;,':w. A~'y~:' ;;~:F~' R;'Ar;~i:~Y \ p,~~~tn;op. iEq~;';~'d P;o;,:;,;";I~ R'J1:,;~f;:1Y "i~;! ~~P;;.~o p" =,. Innom'. ,,,,,, A,"ffi''''., p" .",. Eqll'li"d. \ "Eqn.li''''. -A]dLQ;ough ~~5,562 ~6 ~7 -M~701 ~:~7l~~Q 1.32~,331 \- :3~-6:'.5:\~;3~.926 \ ],80L47 :puuwlCh .... 69,551 23 66 120,500 1.798,030 1.918,530 29 117,605: 2.0]6797 I 2 ]34.402 South,,:,oJd ....i 73,071 35 60 120.~33 2,619,301 2.740,294 42 168.580: 3,008,98:3 : 3.237.562 yarmouth.. .,70,414 37 35 165,365 2.634,307 2,799.672 46 176,553,3,179,044, 3.355,597 :~Ia]ah;de ,. .: 626,41 30 50 99.620 1,914,9:8 2,014,5~8 ?7 ] ~1,175, 2.317,717 I 242~~92 :\layham ... ...,53,989 21 30116,815 1,149,108 1,265.9/3 20 125,930: 1.079.780 i 1.200,110 ['3. Dorchester..: 30,482 36 0.0 9,400 1,097,675 ],107075 43 40000: 1,310726 1,350,726 'Vieuna.......'...... 19,6841 77580 97.204 72.000 72.000 .~ylme'., .. ..\...... ...." 54.100\ 354.:J33 ~08,43:l 3]5.000 315,000 .~ort Stanley:. ............ 3,400, 100,5]0 lu3..910 .. .... 84,000 84.000 ~priDgfieJ~:...... \~= 76;.:::\I:J.O:~.':;: m::'.::: I~~'- '8'0';,3~4\ 15 :~':::2k6.~:'~:.::: . The sum of $,,60,000 to be t<lken from the tota.lof Y'lrmonth. COIl!mi~tee Roo!U, County Coun,eU,,17th :N"ovembel',,1881. AHof Nhi'Jh i" JoespActfnlly sub,mitted, GEO. SUFFEL, Clu";:il"lllan of'Equa1ization Committee. ;;-<;s:>~'S<-< ...... o~"'O Wctl = .... _"""""" 0"- S ~... ;-" ~ C'5 ~ ;:::: c' =:Y"~ ~ ::: -:,-< g. '-<: -. ::: Otl, j5: '" - - M- e '" c-~ gr H '" ~~. d =- g-- ~ 00 ,.~ 5 ~. 2 ?1 if) ~(t ~ ~?t c.. ~ ct> PT' Jo:-j':Jq ,-, S..... ... ~ 2~H'='~~_oo~~<~ct>~~;ct>=~, ..... I-+.. ~ r.L . ....... l~ ~ c '"d~, 0 """" ~ .....' ~ J! 0 CD ~ 00 'l)'l{; 0 rt:: ;::: ~ d- do' 0 ~ w CD <.~ ""'""~..,.... 0 --," I-+.. ..... C) -, - 0 ~ """....... ';;..' '"':l C ,'-' t'O '"':l 5- 0 cr" 0:+ :i ~ ~ ..... > ~ 0 ~. '""= ~ e Or ~..g (t < t...:: :::-"'0 W I- d = ~ ;;..~, = ~' rLi rf :- CP 0 ~ ..ct d-~ S' ~ ~ a ~ ~ ;....,' '"d ~ co n"":" ;::;-, M- ~ D ,-' x ~ri5 ~c ,(C S ~o Z;-"":1 E (t ;::-'.... C"1-c~2 ~ rL. 'I:' ,,,":, CD ~, ,-..:: '-' ,...... ~ ;;::r-~;:;:' ~ '" ,...:.. 00 l~ p.. ;:.:J ::l ~ ::: ~ -' 0.. ~...:: ~:-;:: Ci-- J.:I .,... =::::::: :=r.tr__~=-=&o..-..d-(D J.:I~M '" e1-_~,'-'v~~c1'.....-,..CP ....................-<'"< (t:::;CP~wo'-;'-"-<"""~~ (D ~;Cuj""O~ 13- w >-: _. ~ < ~ "" e+ rt ;s ~ >':' ~ ~ e+"V ;.... ~" ~ t1 ~;c (D 0-';5 ::-p..H-.<j E .........c....S.0\ M-"V c1'''''' D "": (tl a: ::: if' '~, ~ eo = ' .. '"V c1'- ~ -- c1'- ~ ~ 00..... .....;;:t<-<; ~ ~ I (t. D ....,.. ..- ~ d 0-""0 ~ 0:.7:::: = (5 -' :1;,:;;;:: ~':::;-,a:.....(D ep"':c...-''''':(I) ~Oo~t:fr '"t E ' ~ [:t 00' ~ c ~ c.:. ~ ~ I-+.. ' - ~- e1- (j..:! SE: (t ct- ~ _. :::D O' .... 8" '" c_..,.....e+oo="":c_.....p..;z:. -="'Cc...,' _..-~. :: o'~ 0 r# ~ :::::~' :::;- ;! 0 ~ ~ ~ ;;-." a;" :;.?oq ~ ~ OC' ..........~, ;3._:'- -0- ii5 ::! ~, ""'- <: wct-~..-- ....... -:::...,' t;;:;o'CD~"""'~ (t; .. ~...... - ~ I""""' 00 daq c R w ~ ~. "" -' s' E ~ v":< ~ ~ p...c1'- ~ ~5.~..... ~ ~. M-=-~~o;:::;:O-::.c1'-=-."- ~-- g.~; ;.::: ~CDrtp:-"'+>S-~.c-a:- oi-'......cc"" ~ ~ ~ g~ @ rF CD ~ 5 S 0 ~.. . ~ ~ r-(t~."'l'J)<po... .,"",,",e+OG _ ._ ::: '" "'..., "- e' ~ c 0 ~ [J) ~ ..... ~. - ,..... ct" ..... ~ IT;"' .:::;-+" ~ ...... ~ c ~ '.=:r::::::: ~ 00 ::::l __ ""'= ~_ c+ CD A (':, a. d..c . ~ e+ CD ~ ct- ~. 8 ~ -04 ~ ---; '-<o;s....... . ~ S'~ GO 0...... r::::-. g:: ~_o-.~ g:.g.~.o...c 5'S3tt.~. -.,':J. I-+.. I M- ~ CD ~"""'J~ cr- Q .....0 ;:t __' ,,(t CD I -fI> ..... -.:r Q w C~~C;~l~t~ O~O~lCL\.;n t:.:J .o~.~~c;w co ,000 \.;< ~o "0 ~ ~ ... ::> tt ;-- :;:;: >:;:0 ?i>-:J i:":I o ;>~ wUl O":lp,. ~.i:":IC1 i:":I~::l ~>~ CIJ~J-::j t;:;~o o-~ o,-<w .,0 ..-.-p,. m>-:J":l o":l 'T10 '- ~.z ~>-:J .?;trJ ~o ~ >-:J o 74 EJ,GIN COUN'l'Y COUNClI, PHOUEEDINGS. Whereas the interest. on the daily bal ances during that period, chargeable on legitimate Couniy transac- tions at bank rates, ought only to have been $32.30 as will be seen by the Interest Statement, als0 at. tach ed. ',In ordpr accurately' to arrive at this tIle Audi- tors went through the books carefully, nuted,each day's transaction and struck dltily balunces. No cash book was kept, and no regular bank ac count appears to have been opened with the County, thH bank book produced showed the acconnt to have been carried on in the name of MI'. John A. Kains, and the County monies only form part of the transac. tions there recorded. Under these CIrcumstances the Auditors did not deem it within their province to attempt a solution of the Molsons Bank account. The system of book-keeping as practiced by the late trcasUl'er was unsatis.iactory and ambiguous; was destitute of those '.vholesome checks which ought to have characterised business transactions of suchmagnituue and importance, and failed intellig- ently to exhibit from time to time th" actual state of affairs as between the Treastuer alld the ClllUlty, and the practice of mixing up pl'i vate transactions with the public transactions of the County was a most teprehenslble one. Your Auditors would respectfully su"gest for the future that in additiou to the other books; A Cash Book sh()lJlld be kept wherein all the Coun- ty trausactions sheuld be written up daily; That a Bani< Account srould he opened for the 'County; I E,LQIN COUNTY COUNCIT..PROCEEDINGS 75 A.nd that cheques on the bank should be issned for all accounts and dishUl'sements separately, stating on ,he face of each chp,qnethe purpose for which it is issued; Aild that when the monthly statements al'e render. to the Warden he shotlld, as soon liS practicable thereafter, either by himself 01' hy conjunction with the Clerk, ,Check the eutries in .the Cash Book with the Bank Book an~l Bank voucher$. If -uch a system as this is adopted the County will be aBsured against the recurJ'ence of irregularities "ueh as have l'ecel;tly been disclosed. AI] of which i, respectively submitted. T. M.. NAIRN,} Auditors. S. MACCOLL, St. Thomas, Aug. 13,1831. , \ -.._-----~--- Statement of Accounts betvveen John A. Kains, late Treasurer, and the County , of Elginfrom 1st January, 1881. SPECIAL COMl\'lIT'fE.E'8 REPORT HESPECT. , JNG 8ET'rLEMENT WITH LATE TREASURl~~t ~,..---- (Jr. ih'. Oash on hand on lst Janlla.ry, 1881. as pel" last ~\Udit . . . . . . . . , . ., .'. . .. . . . . Cash I'eceived by tllfl '!'l'easul'er siuee -1st. JanUu.I'Y as pel' do~a.iled statement... Cash disbmsed by Treasuret' for c.ounty purpoHes since lst JftnUal'Y as pel' de- tailed statemAnt... .......$49,749 87 Less overcharged interest. . . . Lb3 49 $49,606 38 Cash paid ovel' by MI'. Kains to lVII'. l\1c- Uaushnd, new 'Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . 645 .48 B,l,lance against Oounty..... :'.......... 2,693 $50,251 86 $50,251 To theEIg'in Coltnty Coz-t7Zczl :_ The Special Committee appointed at last s,'ssion of the COllllCil, with a view of effeeting a settlement of Kaills, the late C<ll1nty Treasurer's defalcation, and to have full power in the matter. Beg leave to repOl.t; . That yom Committee, in consi(leration of getting a final settlement with the Molsons Hank. and the said Bank having agre~d to rednce their claim against the County from $4.370.24 to $13,bOO. They agreed to pay the Molsons Bank the sum of Three Hundred Dollal's 01\ tho following conditions which have been agreed to by the late Treasurer, J olm A. Kains, and his'sureties and the i\lolsons Bank; MI'. Kains and his wife to transfer to the Molsons Bank tlwir real estate for the sum of $13,: 00 su bj ect to incumbrances on the same; 'l'he sUl'eties agree to pay to the bank the snm of $30Li. MI'. Kltins agreeinl$ tlult the snm of $500, due him for salary, shall be paId to the Molsons Bank by the County Tl'oasuret., which sums along wit I, $2,. 815.60, now claimed by the Molson" Bank, will satis. in fnll all chims the bank may have against this on account of the tl'ansactions of the 'late John A. KahIs, and that ;he chairman b9 to sian an aal.'ecment to cal'ry this settle- " 0 $22,251 Balance against County brought down..".$. 2,693 80 The above is a correct statefnent of accounts al:) found hy us. T. M. NAlllNl Jl~Auditors. S. MACCOLL St. Thomas, Aug. 13, 1881. ~ EI,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 78 ment into effect, and that the bonds of the sureties be given up when the agreement is finally completed. The i)pecial Oommittee ordered that John Mc. Causland, the County'Tr"a~urer, issue his cheques in bvor of the Molsons Bank for the following' sums, "'\, viz:- '^ Three h\.mdred dollars to be paic1 in order to effect \. ja Hnal settlement with the Molsons Bank and the late . Treasurer and Ins sureties, . l And the sum of 'fwo thousand eight hunrlred and fifteendolJarsand Slxty cents now claimec1 by the Molsons Bank Jrom the County, which h..s been drawn from saia bank by the late Treasurer l1nc1 used fOI Oountypurposes, said sums not to bo paid until the bank gives a release to tho County. Your Committee have also to report that a release has been received from tho Molsons Bank, t\,e bonds given up and the whole matter finally settlpcl. All of which is most respeetfnny Sllblllitted. GEORGE' SUFFEL, St. TholUas, :'\ov. 16, 1881. Chairman. . COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. ~ St. Thomas, Nov. 15th, 1881. To the Warden and Council o.fthe Countyo.f Elgin: (}ENTLEMEN: Since the last meeting of your honorable . body I have. visited all the several bridges in the . J urisdictiou of the County. Ou three structures I have ,ordered some minor repairs, which have been certi. . /led for and paid on the I> th, 9th and 10th of this month. [.visited the wlwle.of the bridges in order give your honorable bl>rly a report of their present condit;on,~'1hieh is as follows :_ The McIntosh Bridl!e.-This Bridge I find to be eyeryway in good condition exqept the appt'oach onthe south end, II'hieh requires about forty loads of '.gravel withn the one huudred feet as pel' statute. The Coyne Road Bridge.-This bridge is in a worse state than as last reported and I have no doubt wijl have to he rebuilt next year. I have ordered the inside planking to be removed in.0rdel' that the truss :>migh be seell and telllporarly repaired if necessary. 'fhe Graham Road Bl'idge.-This is !\ Queen Truss Bridge built in a very unsatisfactory manner, both in )vorkman~hip aud pl'incipleof construction. The ap. proach on the uorth side I have, in conjunction with ]~LGlNCOU:N'l'Y COUNCIL PHOCEEDINGS. 80 Mr. Talbot, Commissioner for Middlesex, ordered be repaired at the cost of about twenty dollars. The Wardsville Brir1ge.-This bridge I visited week ago, I have orden:d the south approach to rnised and some gravel to be Pllt in on the south em- bankment, as also some new plnnk on the flooring, except these repairs I see no difference in the strength of the strnct,ure since last reported. The Bothwell Bridge.-l beg to report that bridge is safe for public travel; at pres<ellt, 'and have examined the same, but believe the said stl'l1C- tnre and ]"'pan's as carried out by the County of Kent, to h~ only of a tempoJ'flry nat.nre. All of which is resppctfnlly snbmitted. Your obedient servant, ALl'lnD WAHE, County Engineer. '---:-----, ,/ '--(~ , ~'""".. ." ---1' ..---~-,,...,.-------/ --------- ,~_. ~ EDUCATION COMMITTEE'S REPORT. To the County Council 0/ the County 0/ Elgin: Your Committee on Education beg leaye to Re- port; That the Committee on Education after a good deal of consideration between themselves, beg to reComrnend that the grants to the ,High Schools be made as follows for the' current year: '. St. Thoma,s High School. .... $1,600 00 Aylmer do. do... ... 900 00 Vienna do. do ...... 800 00 Your Committee find- on making a calculation on the.average attendance at the several schools for 1880, that St. Thomas will get at the rate of $21.62 pet pupil, being on the average of 74 from County ; Aylmer average for 1880 being 48 will at the rate of $18.75 pel' pupil; Vienna average being 44 will get at the rate of$18.40 per pupil. Your Committee also find from iLn account they had before them, which was got ii'om theOounty , that the sum of $324.60 was paid by the for the examination of teachers during the IH80, which expense will now have to be by the severa.l schools, on aecount of a change law with refei'ence to the examination of furcertifica.tes to teach. All of which is respectfully submitted. GEORGE SUFF.EL, Committee Rooms, Jan. 27, '81. Chairman. PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT. .~ To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: GEN1'LEMEN,- In accordal}ce with a rcsolution pass- ed at a previous session, I beg leave to present the following report:- The uumber of schools anddepartmAuts of schools' is .as follows: . Aldborough, 14. South Dorchester, Dunwidl ] 7. Springfield, Southwohl, ]8. Port Stanley, Yarmonth, 19. 'Vienna, Malahido, ]8. Aylmer, Baylmlll, 18. Total, Tho t.otal number of school houses is 103. Three excellent new Rchool houses have been builtdurinl!; the year, and five others repaired al'd rel'nrnishcd. 'rho w'neral character of the school accomlllodation is good, although in a few sections new buildings are yet needed. A majority of the teachers of the county now hold second-class Provincial certificates permanently valid, and all who arc now te,whing haye passed a regular exami- nation by the Department or County BIard exami- ners, and have also had the benefit of a course of p1'ofe5sional training in the Provincial or County MOllel SchooJfl.' ii. 120. 5. ') ~. 2. 2. 8a ELGIN COUNTY {)OUNC\L PHclcElmINGS The standard of acquirements from purely text- bciokstnnd-point are now higher thnnever before, and much higher tlnl,n is required of public school teachers in t.he best St,ttei5ofthoAmerican Republic. This i, indicative of both nmbition and industry but thereis danger with it, tlmt the abijityto . pass a good written examination may be mist,nken by all that is valuable in Education. I wish hcre to bea,r testimony to the f,\ithful, earnest work doilC by teachers, and nt the same time t.ollrge the need of' thnt. deeper, inteIleetualandmoral training-t.hat de- velopes the pupil intu a noble anduHeful . manhood and woinanhood. I haveuot encourage<'J either pl'iz<.~ glvmg' 01' township competitive examinations, becanse I be, Jieve the best work a school can ']0 is not shown by tin examination, nud !lpcause too 'much high pres- sure and undigested book-work h"ve oftenseriClnsly impaired the health, and pel'lllHnt.ly inured the. nervous', system of the pupil. The County Teachers' Association is now one of' the chief sources of professiOlfal improvement, I am glad to 1)e able to report its continued eJfeeieney., This Association not only gives to each t.eacher the benefit of the experience of all, but it also reeeives the assistauce of'the best educators in the Province some of the neighboring States. The session week was both interesting and profitable and had for one of its lecturers Professor Bellows, ot'the Michigan State Normal School. 'rhe new regulations of' County Model Hchools make it necessary to hold each. year -two sessions of three monthseach,instead. of six weeks as before, 84 lU,GIN COUN'rY COUNCIL PltOCEEDINGS. The amount to be given by the Government is not less than $l~O,and an equal amount will be expeet- edfrom the County. Much has been said about mak. ing teaching a permanent profession and thus avoid- ing the cost of continnally educating young teach- ers, but I am satisfied that it is neither possible or wholly desirable. Young persons of both sexes are constantly coming upon the stage of aetion who can afford to teach at lower salaries than elder per- sons who are burdened with the care (jffamilies and who at the same time are able to command higher pecnniary rewllrds in other callings. ;N or is this to be regretted because many of these. yo\}ng people S(j full ofenthusiasim and z.ecIll1l'e the. best teachers of eliildren,amlthe work of teaehing exerts' upon themselves a eonstantly edueating'und improving infln~nee,fittiIlg them for the duties of eitizenship lIS Iloothc"l' discipline can, aDd thus the money given by the State yields II two-fold return. In eonelu- sion lbeg to say that legislation, both eentral and lc)c,~l, has done much for education. It only re- . mains for allc<1nccrned to nmkethe m<1st of thc oppur!unities. so liberally given. I have the honor to be, GenJlemen, your (jbeclient servant, A. F. Ilvl.'LElt.p St. Thi.llnas,Nov.l i, '81, 1. P. S, Co, ]j]gin, . HOU8EOF.INDUSTRY REPOIn'S. -----~"--"-~ Committee's Repor'C --~- To the COZIn!Y Council oj' theCo1i1zty ofE<ri,,: The Committee on. Honse of Industry beg leave to )'eport ; . . That the Honse of Industty bas been in opMation for six years, and 'they' have weat pleasUl'e is reeord; ing.their approval of itsefliciencyan(l of Lhe great lWlIelit the County de!'i,-es from the Institution, In looking over the amount of money paid for fal'I11 teaming in former years your Comniitt.ee deemed. it advisabl~to purchase a horse and wagon for use on the premises, which was done. early this yeal'. YOUl'Committee a1''' 01 opinion that the horse and wagon have already paid their costs in the following work, viz,: Plowing, harrowiIlg, cultivating, d!:awing manure, dmwing hay and Wood, collecting' all the crops mi.eel on the farm, and doing .a11 the team work; except cutting hay with the machine and plowing SO(!. The principal part of the fallentilllberhas been consumed as firewood, and there aJ'e ouly a few trees standing on the farm which the inwl\tes 11p as fast aspossibk part oj' the crops have been ho(~ C1'OPS, to the extremely dry spason and hl\rdUl'SS 86 ELGIN coUN1:Y COUNCIL ;PROCEEDINGS. EI,GIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 87 of t\:l8 soil thAY have been very light as compared with former ,j'ears. , " ,. '"".", Yom Committee fOlllld it neces"a~'Y to' expend It eonsiderable amount in the erection of new fences during the present, year, the field being very large and contained CI'OpS of di:fl'e~ent kincb, consequently pastUl't' was lost evt'I'Y yeal' owing to the way the fi"ld~ Wt'J'e laid out 'L'ht' plot of ground usec1,,, a bui'yiI,lg ground was formerly expost'd and is now enclosed by It gooc1, plnin board fence. v . YonrOommittee hnve mueh pleaR1lI'e in st.nting t,hat smni.month~y l'eligiollR spt'v,ice8 hnve been. rel'. formed d11l'ing the yellr by the minist3rs .of the City and neighborhood, at an ontlny o~ pnyment for neon- vevmwe to and from the I nst.itute. YonI' Committet' have found mueh diffien'lty in pushing ~n the w(wk of the farm wit.h the class orin. mates whwhare sent thel'e; many of those incn,'eer- atedlook strong and healthy, bnt'on examination are fonnd to he deseased, so that it is impos"ihle for them to do much more t.han walk about the yard nne] take theil' food. , yonI' Committee wonl,] reeolTImend tliat a elose watch be kept by the )Vlatl'on over the female inmates, and .thatthey be not aHowe,d to go furt.her thann certain distnwe fr9m the house, without consent of t.he Matron.. , , : -,', ."'',..' "-'...'1' "..-.. , Your COlnnlitte, hl1~ye plea~lll'e in statinO' that henl;h of t he inmates confined in the In~titlite been as good as can be el'pected, consic1erinO' class of persons they are com\Josed of. ,0 Your Committee would also state that they have endeavoured to carryon the Institntiol1 as economical as practicable, with a view to efficiency. and are glad to find that it is still conducted much cheaper than "ther Institntions of the kind in other ( 'onnties. We wOlllef recommend that a fence of some kind be erected on the north-east sid", of the House, so ~s to enable a better arrangement to be made for sepa. ration of the sexes. Your Committee ha'te also 'much gratification in to the efficiency of the Keeper aud Matron, inmates under their care are well at. to and have no complain t to make, except they are not; allowed to absent themselves from the premises when they' think proper. . All of whichi,'ll'espectfnlly snbmitted. JOHN KING, St. Thomas, Nov, 16, ]881. Chairman. HOUSE OF.INDUSTTlW REPORTS. ~ To ti,e Warden and Coun/if of tlte County of Efg'in GENTLEMEN,- I take pleaslue in presenting this sixth annnal report of the Elgin House of During the year ending on the twenty-first October, 1881, I have paid sixty-seven: official Ilnd have to report one bIrt.h and nine deaths. 'flw following tabular statement gives full tion in reg..rd to tho~e who have died. ' NAME. Robm't, Ooghill William Belchel' Patl'ick POWl'l'S \Villium Pel'l'V Sylvia l\htlld \Vinters, Henl'ctta \Vestover Donald i\lc.Kwtln Oornelius W ulters rrhomra" Camel'<ln Surgeon's Report. Ago 76 49 50 70 71llol:l 4 mos. 80 76 J9 Whell Died. Cause of Death. Feb,6t,b Feb. 10th iVJ.ul'ch 13th July 22nd Aug. 9th Aug. 10th Aug.,,231'd Beflt.12eh Oct. 5th Seniledp.cay.. Oonvulsions. D'blePnenmonia. Inanition", Cholera Infantile Dial'rhrea. Pyemia. rryphoid fever. The only case of typhoid fever reported was a young man in a very low state when to this institution, living only thirty-six hours adrnjssion. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROClnmINGS 89 'fhree inmates have been sent to the London Asylum, and application hils been made to the Orillia Asylum in behalf of two inbecilies now with The year has been singularly free from Epidemic which in my opinionis largely due to re- habits, good wholesome food properly prepar- and a strict enforcement of good sanitary regu- We have only had to deal with two fractures of one of tile leg and the other the arm. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, your obedient Thomas, Nov. 14,1881. L. LmoN, M. D. ----~- HOUSE OF INDU~TRY REPORTS. Inspector's Report - To the Elgin County ('Ozweil:- fhe Inspector of House of Irdustry to Teportas follows :- Number of Inmates in the House at last Report do do Deaths........................... ........ Number Born in the House...... ...... .......... .. N umber of children out on trial during the year Numb81' of inmates absconded... ... ......... ... .... Number of children bound out.......... ..... . .... Number discharged. . . . ............ . . . . . . ......... Number out at service............. ...... ........... Number now in the House...................... Number of inmates. admitted from the Municipal!ties during the year :- Aldborough.............................. 4 Dunwich .......... ................ .... 1. Southwold..... ...... ......... .............. 5 Yarmouth... ......... ......... .............'.. 1.5 South Dorchester.... ....... .......... .... 2 Malahide............ .......... .... .......... 5 Bayham.... . ...... .......... . ...... ......... 2 Vienna...... .. .............. .. . -..... .... 0 Springfield...... . .... ............ ....... ..... 2 Aylmer....... ................ ............. 3 Port Stanley................................. O. Vagrant. ...... ...... ......... ....... ....... 1 Total. . ... 40 J// \/ ELGIN COUN'L'Y' COUNCIL l'ltOCEEDINGS; [\eceipt~ al)d ~xpe:qditute, ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY, 1881. DR. Interest on cost of buildings aud land, ($14j400 @ 6% .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . .. . Intel'eston cost of fUl'l1ishicgs, i$t,500@ ()%.. Provisions bought this year. . . . . . , . .",. -. . . . . . Conveyance @f inmates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . :_Sallll:Y of Keepel'and l\'latl'lm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :SltrgeOl1 . . . . .. ...... ....... .... .... .... Inspector. ,', "'" . .. . . , . . .. . . . . ... . . . -, .. Female service. . . . . ... . .. ......., . . . . . ... Farm Teaming........ ..... ,-':...,..:.. .i.. Committees. . . '." ................... .... Incidentals. . . . . . . , .. ......, '. . . . . . . .. ... Farm stock. .-, . . . . ... . , . . . . . . . . . , .. . , . .. . Clothing and furnishings. . , . . . . . . . .. . $864 00 90 00 1,196 84 65 90 400 00 110 00 80 00 90 00 53 25 41 80 133 58 90 00 483 30 --*~3,698 67 OR_ Groceries and wood on hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farm and-garden pJ'oduce on hand. . . . . . . . . Farmstock on hUhd........ ...... ......... Farm produce ,sold. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .., Furnishings on hand. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." 2,762 weeks' lloard of inml\tes, Keepel"s family, &0., @ 77~ cents pel' week.... .... ....2,144. 89 55 686 70 290 00 194 08 29:1 75 59 $3,698 67 ---~~ -.....----.-------.- ~ All of which is respectfully submitted; W. McKAY. Inspector. \ 10;1 OOU:r:q-TY OF ELGI:r:q- HOUSE OF INDUSTB,Y REPORTS_ Inmates in the House on the First day of November, 1881. Nu. NAME. Cause of PauperisUi. Nationality. Remarks. Age. ' Municipality sent frOll. I Sarah Disher........ 52 Yarwol..lth... .,.. Idiotic.... '... ~. County of Elgin. ... 2 Ann Rose ...... .... 60 S()!lth wold ... .... ,Weak miild . . . . . . England .......... 3 Matthew Peer.. . . . . . . 82 }lalabide. . . . . . .. De;;titute cripple... United States .. .. . . 4 A. V. Doolittle ...... 46 do.".. .... Weak mind...... do. 58. J. DO\.llittle........ _7 do......... Dei:ltitute.... .... Oounty of 1l.ilgin.... 6 William Growden .... 83 Y Gl.nuouth '" .... Drink . . .. ...... England.. ..;. ..... 7. Thomas Doherty... ~., 81 Aylmer ... ...... Snn'8tl'oke ._. .... It'elanrl.. .. .... . . ... S [saac Caswell ........ 78 Bayham........ Ddnk & Paralysi1'J United States... .. . 9:\:lary NewhllJ(I...~... 26 Y>>.I'llIouth.. .... \sthUla .... ......:0ounty of Elgin.... 1.0.John Victol.... . ..... 3 ....... . .. .. . ." ................ Born in the House.. 11 Alice NeWland.... .... 7~ Bayham........ Destitute.... .... Quebec... .. . .. .... 12 Henry Kinlloll. ...... 88 Y l'u'mouth .. .... do.. .. . . . .. At Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Charles BI'OWIl.... ... . 91 South wold .. .... Cripple.. ........ tGngland.. .., ...... 14 C. R. Bianchtill ...... 4 Bayham......., De:-;titute ........ i Jaunty of' Elgin. . . . 15 Lama Bowel'l-: ...... 16 :'vlalahide. . .. " .. ................ do. 16 Jacob Vanwicklin .... 78 do..... .... DeHtitute ... .. . I rTllited States 17 Fl'ed Burwell........ 4 Bayham .... .... do. .... .:.: ~Ollllt.y of Elgi~:::: 18 Joseph Se,;oJ'd........ 74 Yarlllouth... .... duo ........ OIJtil-lio.;...... ,... 19 Damel McEachrifl .... 66 :-:ont,hw(,ld...... Cripple.. ...... .. :3cot.lanl1... ~'.' ....1 20Ch.~.1"lotte Kin~ "..... 54 Ba}ham........ Del-:titnte ........ England.... 2] ':;a.fU'h H::ll'tOIl ........ 61 :--;ont.hwoltl.... .... Cripple...... ... . dn. 22 Ha.nna.h Hllnt.... .... 85 Ba-;/nrlm........ Dest,itLlte .... .. Nova B~(ltiH .. 23Ed"in\ValkeJ' ....... 6 ~Vbhdlide.......... do. ....... CotlUl,y of Elgi;l:.::: 24 :\1artha Little.... '" 67 ,SOnthwo!.l....... W{>ak U1111d...... II'l-,hnd .. ',.. ... 25 Oynthia Dmke ....... Rl ,Y:ttRlouth.... ... D.~Rt,itlite .... .. Uniterl St-at-ps ....... 26 Ma.ryM.ttthewH ,..... 31 lBay'hHtn.. ....... Un~unndniind....Ontal'io...... ....~ 27ThomasHall.... .... G'~~ IAidhol"o... ...... \Val1totsight.... [ng-bn.L.. .... .... ~8 P~[er Door.: .. ...... ~g is,onth ~ .oJ"chest\ r... D;stitut~ .......... Unite~l St.notes .... . .' 29 Hll'am Doolittle...... (0. i\lah-lhHlf' '" .... Wea.k ll11lid ... .. OutarlO... .. I . . . . . . . - 30 rholllasFox .... ... 8;; iYal-lllonth.. .... Drink. .. """ Ireland...... ..... .. 31'TheodOJp. ~I~tnn ...... :;5 j:-:lontll\,,'old.. .... [diotic... ...... County of Elgin.... ~2MalyAnn :Vilaren... :1~ I Y,t1lIlfJutn ." ..... l>..stitute........ Euglaud.. .,.:.. " 311 Rf)stlllel \Vllllren... ... 0, do..... . ." do..... . .' Connty of ElgIn...... 34 Alexandf'r \Vihhen.... 8 mOf'!. !I do..... . .' . do.... . " _. London.... .... " :35 Robert Millard ...... 61 Routbwold...... Weak mind.. .. .. County of Elgin.. . . 36 F.lizabeth Darch ...... 4 iYsrmouth ." .... Destitute ....... do. ''''. 37 John McDonald...... 35 jAldborollgh...... \Veak llJind ....... SCrltland... .... ..... 38 ';isl'ia Arnold........ 74 tBayham.......... Dp~titlltf'........ New Brunswick.... 39 Hanli>_t '\Vhit(,-lng .... 42 \Yilrmnuth........ do..... .... Ontai.jo". ..... .... now <oug in the County. NtllnOS1' of Davs' Boord. Religion. Protestant .. .... I do. ........ do. ............ do. ............ ,do. ......... do. ......... ROUlctn Catholic.. Protestant... ... ... do. ........ do. ........ ROClan Catholic ... 'Protestant... ..-. ... do. ......... do. ........ I 'do. ............ lokeptic........ ... I Protestant... ... ... okeptic......... ...... Protestant... ... ... -do. ............ do. ...... " do. .......... do. ............ do. ... ....... fIn. ............ do. ..... ...... do. .........n no. ............ (10. ............ i Rom:tn Catho1i..::... Pl'Otesta..t.... ... :..'; do. ........ do. ............ 110. ... ....... do. ............ do. ....,....... do. ............ do. ........,. do. ............ 52 yrs. 365 25 365 54 365 24 365 7 365 30 365 25 365 65 365 26 365 3 365 40 365 17 365 20 365 4 365 16 365 24 365 4 365 66 365 9 365 49 365 9 :J65 22 365 6 365 6 36" 36 36.1 4 ;Hi!) ;3 365 61 356 g 270 47 254 35 210 31 207 5 207 8 months. 207 61 YiR. 176 4 17l 5 121 56 117 3 85 I I OOU:r:q-TY OF ELGI:r:q- HOUSE OF INDUSTB!Y REPORTS_ No. NAME. 40 A. M. Wbitelllg...... 41 William 1'homas . . . . . . 42 Thomas Bnnm . . . . . . . . 43 Ja.nel Ray... .. . . . . .. . 44Jarues y\Tatters. 45 Etiza, SadlUer ........ 46 James l\'iul'phy ...... 47 Hpnry Bl'audow ...... 48 WilJi~m Baxter.. .... Inmates in the House on the First day of November, 1881.-0o'ftinued. Age. Municipality sent from. Cause of PauperisTh. Nationality. 3 8 72 69 ,,62 74 54 30 58 Yarlllouth _, '" Destitute. .. ..... Ontal'io... "',.. Springfield... ..... do.... . . . .. do. Southwold.... .. Or'ipple .._ ... .' . England.... .... Yal'lllonth ".. .... De~titHte ........ It'ehllld.. ..; Malahide :....,. do. _ . . . . . _ . England ". ........ Yarlllonth .... .. (10.. . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . Aldb(ll'ongh.. .... Want of sigh.... heland .. .. _,' ... Yaitnonth .. .... U,'ipple ...:....... OntaJ'io MalahiJe . . . . . . " D,'oJl:-;Y .... .... do. 1 Mary McPhail .,. ~..... 58 Y:-tt'lllontll.. l!Chas. Emery Cat:::on ... 2 Wm.. MOlltgollleIY... ... 3 Dunc,m Tho\l11l~on...... 41William Alwlil.il......... l 1 Ida DUl'yee- ............. 2 \,villiam Herrick ... ... ~-t M\-l.l"Y C. Hide.......... 4 Mar~ Mav \Valkel'...... 5 fl~ntnk RaBin.... n.... 6 Obarles Thomas ... .. ... Chai. Durye............. Satie Springstead ... ... I (" 'i~ l ----- 13 75 66 8 ~lala.hi(h~ ........ Yarmol,th . .... Aldborongh . . . . . . Bayham.. ... Out at Service. Criplile,.. ... ... Scotland ".. HowlOug- in the County. -'_.~ Remarks. 3 VI'S. 3 w~eks. 2 lunll ths. 1 yl" 5' 40 2) 5 :~;) 29 45 14 8 Numb~r of Days' Board. , Children sent out on trial before being bound. Religion 85 fi2 48 46 40 18 11 10 7 p!'otpstant .' .". do "........,. 110. ........,. do' 110. ............ do. ... ,.. .....' Ronwll C<1-tholic... Pl'OtP~tHllt... ... d,o ......... 11 8 5 3 12 14 )~lal.abit~e ...... ~. . . jlSpllIlgfidd... ...... Bavham .... .... '1alahide.... .... do. ........ SJ'rillgfit.jd... ....,.. :"'ent out on trial do. Absconded. 88 P'ote~,ta"t... ....../ E"ilq)~y . .. ..."... OOUOtiy of' Elgin.... Drink .... ...... Ireland..... .. ..... De,:.;titute .... . '" Scntlanu... .... Ofl'l,an............... County of Elgin... 65 40 8:3 5 Pmtestant... ... ... d~. ............ ................... .. OqJhaq............... County of Elgin...... e~tilute .... . . do. do. ........ do. do. . " . . . . . . .- do. 110. ........ do. do. ........ Ont,u'io... previons to lllst I'Pp01.t...... ...... ..... do ........................... II I 2!\ 8 86 5 lOll ;J 170 12 210 3 week~. 28 ProtestiCi,;:... ... ... Taken by George Hilbol'n. do~ ........ BOUflll to Peter Olark. do; ............ T1-th'n hv John ~"'atson. do: .......... Bound t.~ M rR. D. vV' alkeJ'. do. ............ Taken hy E McCaffery, do; ............ TakAn hy James ~{organ. .. . ..... .. ... .. .. Bound to \Vm. Davis. . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . .. Bound to Lewis W colley. ~ , ; , - T--T " o ,. OOU:r:q-TY OF ELGI:r:q-'.HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORTS_ Deaths during the year. How lung in the County. Remarks. No. NAlIIE. Age. Municipality s\:Jnt from. ValIse of Pauperis H,. Nationality. 1 Robel t Ooghill ... 2 William Belciler......... 3 I-atrick PUWl-'J"s... .. 4 \Villiam FelTY... ... ... 5 Sylva IVla'ud Willtet>. .. . 7 U Henrietta \,\ t'stove!" ... 4 7 DOlluJcll\IcEwan........ --S Cornelius 'Valt,PI's... 9 rbornas Oamel'Ull ... ... 76 BOllth :..~orchestAr... DesTitute,......... It'dand.. ,.. ..0.. .. 49 :Vlalahide. " . . ,. .. Drink.... ...... ti;ngland.. ... ...... 50 Yal'lllolltl! ... .... do. .... .... [I'Poland ,_ .... .... 70 ~\..JI1l]er... ...... Dfiq'sy...............Olltario._ ........ mos. dc), ...._... \Vaif................. Unknown... ...... ... mos. ,....................... .." .... .... .... Born in the House.. 80 Aldhoro......... P,tralvsis ............~cotland ...... ..... ... f6 Bayham...... . .. Df'~titutP . . . . . ... Bay of Quinte ... ... 19 Ylu,rtl1luth"... ... Typhoid Fever'..,... Unknown.... .... 7 13 4 days. 27 yrs. ~5 10 5 Number Discharged During the Year. l;Mary H. Woods......... 23 Yarmouth ... .... Pl"~gnant ........... COhCllH'g ...... .. "..... 3 Yl'li. 2!NeUie \Voods ....... ... 1 do......... De;;timte ........ Oounty of Elgin. . 1 . Sil.Vlary St.ewart............ 24 Aylmer...... .......Uu.soundmind.... Ontario..." ..... .....:,.... 4iThomas Swaney.......... 46 Yarmouth."., ...D!'lnk... ......"... heland ...'... .... n 5iJohn 'fho,nps'ln ". ...". 60 DUllWidl ............ Bt'oken leg ... ...:" Englanrl... .... .... 30 ~iRuth "Lon~.... ......... 1 Sprin~fil'Jd......... Destitute..,..... County of Elgin.... 1 71John Dineen... ...... ... 57 Sonthwold.. .... do.. . . . . ... Ileland..... ,. .... ... 6 months. 8'Ohristian l'eckleton...... 28 do......... Insane ............... Genuany. ............ ........... 9 Kate Hide... ...... ...... 45 Bayham .... .... Unsound mind"....Oukuio .... ... ,... 26 IGThom:ts Canty....... ... <<4 lVhd~\hidf' .........,,,.. Dl'ink,,~. .... ... Ireland.................. 10 11 Joseph Cass...... ......... :n S"llthDorcbestpr... FeIGn... ... ... ...... Connt.v of Elvin. ... 31 12 Lilly WestovO;!].... ...... 20 Aylmer............... Pregnancy... ...... ~ do. ,..,.. ... 20 13 Mary E; H~lTick ...." 3 Rpnngfield......... Destitute.... .... do. ...... :~ 14II)Ullcan CutTie ... ... ... 42 Dnnwich... ......... Broken arm......... Scotland .. ... .... 2;:) "'5 Walter A.OhuLe......... 5 Ya.rmouth... .... Destitute.... .... Oonnty of Elgin..... 5 16 Henry John \\-1tW;;. . . . 15 S:,. Thomal'l ....... . Vagrant... ... .. ... England ...:...... ..... ......... 17I'homas HopklllS ..... 57 Yarmoutn... ."...Cl'ipple.. ......." do. .... 19 lS1B;llen Peel... ... .. ...... 33 uo......... Pregnallcy ...... ... County of Elgin.... 33 19A. E. Peel.... .... ......19 ]uos. ..:..................... ........................ BOI'n in the Honse... .... ....... ...V'l(/lJvler of days' boa1'd for Inmates".. ......... ......... '" ... ...... ,..... ... lVumber of daYIi' board .for IHred Help and Keeper's Family............ T01al number of days' board...... .................. ...... ... ! I ! I I [ ~ .Number 'of Days' Boaru. 98 i i5 1 i2 190 132 71 316 2 16 16 25 144 111 16i 95 .5 22G 150 104 259 30i 310 352 20 301 351 351 17,876 1,4.60 Religion. Protestant . do. ............ Roman Catholic... Pl'ote::-;tant..~ ... ... do. ............ do" 00. do. P]'otestant ...... ..' !.do. .... ...... 00. ...........SenttoAsylnm. ROllI an Catholic.. ProtestaHt... ... ... :do. ........ ... l'aken out by her father. J{oda.n Catholic ... . . . I . . . . . . . . . . .. Sent to Asylum. Protestant ...... Roman Catholic. . PI'otpstant ... .... I do. ............ ,do. ......... Taken out by her fat~1flr. do. ........ rlo. . . . . . . .. Taken out hy his father. do. ........ do. .........8enttoJail. do. ........ ~el1t to Jail. <10. ............ Sent to Jail with mother. 19,336 days, equal to 2,762 weeks. Ii /