1882 Minutes , """'.r'-~:~7" ,<:<,.,.,<",..' ",; ,.', , ".'--' ,'. " "".'.: :",F:' .'c' ..'~ ':<:~ ....," '.' , c",;' <,"",.".,', ,':/lcz':' r:,,<.'",:C,.i' ',>:,-,;," " ""'c,,, --, .:,' '1,<: /;.'/: ','': '," .::~ j ':.: .;' -. ,.'- t ',' '.:~: , ',,~. ,'.:'.;' --~~::'2~'.:-..:,.,.: _~.,:: :.,:'/. t~'-~ . "j " i:--,:'.>> ' lU ':, '.,T .1. V',, i~'.?:'__ ", ,',.: <- '. ,",__:' " ,,,,.,,:,,,, 'C ,',:.'" ,....." :-.,"'y':.L,,):;_,,',- ",' ,", . . ,.' . -'~::"':~>\';:~: ' i:'i;'.:~":"~~ ",:.., >;::<.... '<"', , . '."'~.,.:...~'-':~~' ..,.. "':;~' ", / " ': ' ,,' 'C' ,-f ,,:". ...." ~',',.' . ,.:~ r~laF.i~/~:" i .' "_. '.'" " '~! JS.. ,.',:; ':_<;:;>C; , ' . ' ',.::,: :..: '."'::;:. ',. ":.c.' ,',.: ;c""HEt1 :C:.::,_~~ ,;,,<-;,.,,' ":;"; : '. "~_.'<;~ ,.::,..." 'J, ',,; ,-{,-; i".(. "Je ': " .,:' <:,' , ;. ,~,-: < " ,'., ,,)<:,..,:;:: '; '..... .",,' " f :,," . · ,',' '''', ""., ',.:..' , ' ) l ,J I''\.. .,;~:lr". 1 :L I'M t S, .:, ,'>.i ".Y",,';.,' ~'3 ,.--,:i"'''-:',':', ',c-: ,L',':;.. 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" :(;:~o.~:l~;f:{ :;:~~. :}\:'.:;: '.~?~<:~~":~~.~~\~:.:~J('~"''::-:~";">'>;'..;-;~ >;; . ~/';: '::;:,:~ '; ", ',') >. ".., ~ :.:'. .',: " .i.> " , ".;,'1,) ~,', <:-::'..;;:"1.,,< '.'...) c;';:-";',', ", ;;.:,;"..':,'; :',;:'::,,;," ,/;<..';' ~~;>:\ . :;" '.;;E; (}:'i".;~;;::;~;;.; ~ ': '~,"','. ';'". ,,;. '; )', ',.;. ;;:';;:',,' . ;;,1'1,;..\1.,; ',>:,:.n.. '. ;,:,-:::;c;,' "..',,::., 'Y''C,J,::;';::,;':;-,:;,'o"",'' ',;, ,", '..; ,;,,). 0..:.".; ;'<l'" ':'~.;" ::,.;:;" "'; V:':":,' ..f";- , ',..' , ",.. ,'. .....:::.;: e.:":.", ;:" C,:,'..:": PROCEEDINGS -QF'l'lIE- ~ :B.JLG IN :i} ,.' COUNTY COUNCIl~ DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE COURT HOUSE, ST. THOMAS IN THE MONTHS OF JANUARY) JUNEj JULY AND NOVEMBER) 1882, WILLIAM McKAY, J R MILLS, Ole1'k. Warden. ... ST, THOMAS, ONT,. 'l'HE JOURXAL ,COMPA.NY, PRI1\TERS. 1882, ';'",,___,~:':::-:':,-, <, '_"O',:,<~~_,,- '. _," ',' ""0' '~':;'--'--":C_"'-C"', ___ 0""-~.322~';"::::='.-""c-~~_, ELGIN "~] COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . FIRST SESSION--FIRST DA y: TUESDAY, JANUA~Yi4T~, ,1882. The memberselecli of the Oounty Coup.ciLof the County of Elgin, met, at the 'Court _ Housa, St. Thomas, this. day _at twO' o'clock, afternoon. The followiIlg Jteeves and Deputy-Reeves filed certificates and ,took:their- seats'at, the Council Board as follows :- I I II I DUGALD McLEAN, DANIEL McLAREN, DANIEL LAING A, J, LEITCH, GEO" W, LING, JUDSON 'MILLIGAN, JOHN KING GEORGE LAWTON, DUGALD 'McCOLL, JAMES HEPBURN, JOHN A, MILLER, W,RCOLE, ANSEL.BRAY; , CH4JJ,LES CHUTE, ROBERT ABELL RICHARD LOCKEIt, ANDREW CLINE, JAMES"O. BENTLEY; HENRY STRATTON, W, S, WAGONER, HENRY T, GODWIN, SAMUELRRASHER, JOHN,WEISIlROD, J, R MILLS, JOHN ELLISON, Reeve, 1st Deputy. 2nd H Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd " Reeve, 1st Depilty, 2nd H Ree'Qe, 1st Deputy, 2nd " Brd Reeve, 1st Deputy, 2nd " Re('.ve, 'lstDepUty~ Reeve, 1st Dep7Jiy, 2nd " Reeve, Reeve, -Ree~, Reeve, ~ _ ALDBOROUGH. " : .DUN-WWH. " " SOUTHWOLD. " " YARMOUTH. " " .. MALAHIDE. -n " SOUTH DORCHESTER. " BAYRAM. " " -VIENNA; AYLMER. SPRI:SGFIELD. PORT 'STANLEY. ;::j: I":' ( /,<'1 b:1 I:,>: [, r;:J r::~i r~) ?~l' Vi r>", riel 'j '-,{ _j-P::::,;C,::C:'::i2;=-~:::::Z~'3:=2::-:s::~--:,Z.:;c~...,:}',-"=<,,::;::;,,---<-:,,,"=cc:::_~=--_=_e::';:-::::_:-'~~_ ""- -f l;' q f i:i i" c I' 4 ElGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PIWCEEDINGS. The Members were called to order. The Clerk in the chair. It was then J)1IC?v.ect~~_,A. ~L)~ei~eh, s~eoude~:~Y:!?r. Li~~"... , _.T~~ Jam,~~,'Hepbul"Ifbe ,Vlitr4eri-~~F;:~he year 1,882. Moved by J, A, Miller, seconded by H. Stratton That D. M~Laren be W;'l'~len-fol' the current year. lVIo;'edby,r,O,B~ntIey, secpndedhy\A Bray That A. N. Oline be Warden for the 'present year; "Moved by H'T, Qodwin;seconded by J, 0, Weisbrod !hat J,$, MillspeWarden of the C~unt.rfor the present Yt')ar. . ":'-':; , '~'-,. '" :/'_,c, ~ ...., ~ Mov{j4: .,by G-_{jorge ',La wt<?P, seqonded: by J ~4p jt!lisl?n That Johit,Kirrg:'be<Wardeu' forthe:'presetit,'year; _' lVloved by Oharles Chute, seconded by J. Hepburn That AiJ.',Lei-tch be,_'YardeIl for thecur~'~~Y:ye~r._ '_ ': Mr. Hepburn, with 'the consent of the- mover;)ip.<J s_ecqn(:t~r, declined the -homin'ation. Mr. .Toh~~ A. Miller"':~~d,Mr. .WagollE:,r ....w'~~~....,:,app.o~'IJ.ted SCl'utineers> ",;_, :: ~_,", ,'_'-': ''-::',__,_, The.yote having been t~kellQY ballot, anQ._:,D_:l'. ,M~II~ji~'v~g received the'gl"eatest number,-()f-"Votes was declared dtilyelected by the Olerk Ii ' < , ' ",/, , " Mr. Mills.'then made the. declaration 'of office'" ;h;f~te':L(His Honor Judge :;ailg'hes, too~ ,t_~e"chairand addr~ssea:-)_he<.Ck~*9B; ,--;.';".-.""" ''-'''--. '.,',,-".-.,', ".-""-'..\ ~o,~~~~Y:(Jh~des Ohtlte,_~~~?nded ~y H,:"'S~;ratto~ That' this' Council do ';~lO."r:.:.3.dJourn until- 9,' ~jri;_;'to;__morr()i.~';. Carried. I'~ !~ " ~Ji 'I; 1,.-' ii: F; i." "~ i'~', :<, t', Ll' b; i I.. !'i f~: Ii:' ,.;; '-"'" WILLIAM McKAY, Clerk, .;'" ,J. B, MILLS, < : .. W arde~; < <---'. '- ';C":_;-;';,n' ELGIN COUN';l'Y: C?"(J~9ILi PR9P~EI?IN~S. 5 FIRSTSESSION-,SECQNDDAY. VYEDN~~~+~" ~ fN.lJARY.. ~?TH,. ..'1882. _~'~tthis,day, ,ftcco:'diilg ,to \ C01in~il _of.. Elgin The Coun Iy adjournmellt~ ...., ..' The Warden in the Chair. M~rrtb:eis pi'oesent':- ~c Messrs;'ThtleLean, l\!lcLaren, ~aing, Leitch, Ling, l\1il1igan, King, - ,l\1eGon, :La ",,,ton; Ife'pbllrn, MiIle,r, Cole; .:,,< - '- : -'-'li';'l;i: a:'-of preViolissessi()ll':'ff,er~ The proceedmgs ?f t e bas '~~daftei":Whi~h thejn:oceed- then. rea.d.anda~lt~oTId_ze~ to '-r:a~J.garid'3;uthoriz~d to besigried. iuO's of' thepreVlous a,y.were ." . ,';'O'.lk " , ,,' .' , 'th " d by the er. '::'Thefollowing?omllluillcat~~ns:we~e ~~n rea:. 1 :,:~: >',>>':_', F' 't.h .'.St T,bomas and Aylmer Gr~velRoad,CoDlI\~ll.r, rom e... .... . :_ witb report for 18~1. ,_';;_';" ..,:,'<, :F~olll A:rlmer High Sch?ol,with yearlLrepQrt. From Y~enILaHigl:1,~<:ho~l,witl1!e~FlY'rep?r~<.. . " p. 1 t W, " rden . with-, 00mmun~catw:qs con- From Jh. '. ayne,?:_~ ~: .' .....' .... ..' cerningB~idge~~-' ,'-, '._ ...... ',...,-;;-, _ '_ ill:>x'-'. - -- ~r6iri ,OoLQtter, requ~stingg~ant_~o 9?!,~ri:o,R., e,!:,ss?-~::~ . tion:: < '. ._ _ "'ad' .... .'. t tion of: . . From Judge Hughes, .with,referenee~to:, mIlliS. ra_ "t-: JUBtice, Cline;: Bentley, Chl1te, - Ak_bel,., '~Loeker,_ Strat~pri, Wag()ner~ Brasher, EllisoJ.'l, -W_~~sbrod~' , Bentley, ' Bray, - -~~~-,,--~ --- ..,..-.....- 6 < ELGIN .'. :60UNTY- COUNCIL . PROCEEDiNGS. From Boara.of'E'd.~~~ti~ii,St.Thomas;-. From Arch: McFarlane, application for free Pedlar's License. ~ Froniflamilt6n' Bridge ,{hd Tooi _Compapy. lfrqlllA-lfred vvare,;ten4ering'~is resignatioIl of. the position of boui1ty'~o1neer. also with Report on Coyne- Roa~.Bridg~. From O. Allen. with Return ~f,P:risoners,S~riIigfield Lockup. From T. M.Nair~, With reference to administration of Justice. From J ames. A...' Bell, making applicati,on ,for the ,position of County En~eel'; . From Provincial Secretary, asking the,Oouncil to formulate the charges they brought against the Sherift .The -V; ardeA-then nominated Mr.SarriuelMcColl for one of the County Auditors, . Moved by W. B. Cole, seconded by J, . Hepburn, That Thmnas!>l:,Nairn be appointed,Auditorof the County Accounts for~ the:piesent year. Oarried. ' Moved by D;:,McLaren, seconded by H; Stratton, That the communic~tions be laid over uD;til two o'clock this afternooi1~ . Carried.' Moved b,; .J,A,'\'liI1e;,.seconded hy A, Bray" Thatth~:W,ar4en_appoint;:fiye~~nibers ~t tp.is Council a Spec~al COmmittee .to_. strike the Standing COlp.mittees for the current year. Oarried: . ." . , < Th~ Warden appo~n~ed the fol~o~ingDle~b~rsa Committee to strike the Standing_ Committees :~ M,e~8rs. IGrig"Leitc~','HepbU~; 'ClinEhmd~hute. Moved'by W~B~ ColE;;', seconded by Dr. Ling, . '. '.. -,- ~batA"-:.J~,:, Lei~ch, ..Jame8_Hepb~-rIl" Charl~s.Ch~te;John Id.tigartd'U.-McLaren 'he <iCommittee to formulate and ~ke legal advice on charges preferred against Sheriff Munro, and repod:to;tllis;_0ouncil at-:tbi8'Session. In amendment , I I T ELGIN- COUNTY CGUN<.JIL'PRQCEEDINGS._" 7 Moved. by --J ohn,Ellison,'secondedby' J;, C.W eisbrod, That the resolution toappo'iiit a:con'l1nitteein the Irlatter of charges against Sheriff Munro be lai~ over until to-morrow, and he be asked to be pres~nt. - Amendment lost, main motion ear:ri:~d: Moved by Il, \fcColl, seconded. by Johll King, ,_,T~a~~heriomination of Sarri~lel~IcOoll:b,<theWRrd~n as one of the ~udit-ors' be confirmed oytb,i,i:)' Oo~ncil.-C(lrriedi~ Moved by.~. lv.1:illigan,.~econd~;d-by:r~'B.'Col~" rhat"this Council adjourn till 'n~f-p.~~f elev~ri o;cl6'ck):1.M. Oarned. .... ." :'" '"C_"."-., --,,' The Counoilre~umed: The Wardelljll'~~;,_c~air.:,,_ ,_' '_:',,: >,:,,:;_'~ ~~,w:~~ben:moyed_ bYP.:Meq~ll, s~o~de~:by Geo..' Lav>~ton, That this.Counciladjollrn'~~tillitwo:()!dlock. 'O~l:.ded: '", At two o'clock the CounCiLreSl.lllled;c. The..)'\T a~~en'in ._bhe c~air"an, the ,Iliemhers,present.'; 'Moved by John King, s€'Conded'by A:' Bray; . That ~he ,repor~,of. the, qo~mitt~e app()~te(l i~strik~<'st,'~a~d:::--- mg CommIttees be received and read; 'Carried.- ,.- !"..'.:',. ....... The Clerk then re.dthe Report, " Moved by!). lYI~Laren, secoI1d~d byW,B6~le, .,." ," . That t~e Report. of the Special Com:mittee' appoiriied to strife Standmg Oommlttee~;.~e,',a~o~t;d,-", '.C~rl'led;~) :; COYIMITTE]jS'-,;I'INA.l'lCE King, Milligan, Qhllte, ,Go;::tofr eis?_~~()d, Ellison, .;L~.~ton, EDUCATION, Ling, McLean, MC,Ool,l, Lockel\ V\T ago:neJ:,.,~~hlg, ;;B~~s,b:er~ I'UBLIC IMPROVEMENT(3.,.< McLaren,. Leitch;, Cline,' Bl'ay,Abei, 'H~pbllr~:; 8' ELGIN -COUNTY"COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.~" .GOAL'AND.PRINTIN(l, . .Hepbut'n;King~ ,Cole;-., HOUSE OF lNDUSTRY. McColl, Miller, Bently, , Moved hy Jqhnl!jpispn,se,coIlded b~, .J.:H~p.bUl::p., : T4~t:the -resignation of A~fl'eCl,-W.a:e, b~;llcc~pt~d~ '3:Il4,th~t A. J. BeUheemployecl,as ConntyEllqilleer,at -tl1~:s~m.e{~al111Y a.q heretofore p~id to :~r~,.'W ar~:. _,' Ca~'~;l~d._:_ _ _, . . " , c l\1oY~d,_bY]).,~I~L~an, ~:e~onded~r.P' M:c~a,r::?-~., __' " "--".Th~~ T~ W.-Kit'kp~trick' be appointed one' of ~he A:Htt~Pl::~,::\ for the purpose of. .A~diti;igth.e accounts, ~n _c~~n~f;~~onWlt4..the administration of JustIce III thIS Coun~y. earned, ft1oY~d-b_!_~D_r:L~g,_secon~edhy- J.tid~o.ii~illlig~~;_ _",.e. __ _ . - Th'at;' A.: -J~' ,Leitch :he~ 'Auditor,-' fo~ a~di&ing tn~ accounts III oonnection':with,-tlie ad.thinistration pf_JustlCe; ,,~:Oarrled. '_ Moved by John King, seconded by D, McOoll" Tbat the Connty.Judge be olle of the Audit?rsto'auditthe accounts conI;lected ,,"'fith,the: a~wi~L,~~~'atiC1n. Qf.:Jlls_t~C~:,: fOT, _,the cOIpi~?year~,' (Jai;ri~a." ' . ,'_: ': ',_,.::_,: _'.,_' ~, M~v)~d by A, J"Leitch, seco"d~d biw,B. Co)o, That Judge 'Hughes' ac~qunt-_b~:_'re~~~re4::_~O;~11_~; .;Finance Committee. ?~lTi(3d.c::,__;.::/, .." ,_;: _.: ~ ~ved bYD';\iLcI,ean, seconded b! D. Me?oll, . ::; _Th;t the OI~rk:fu~nis~th~,': ~~~a('~\lpply,,:of ~~'s~?~.9;~ aJ}.~ Collector's Rolls,-andA~sessor:s_~~id~s ~or,t~e s~v:eral Dlulllclpah- ties of the Countv'foi' this year, Carrled;- "\l\f6V~d- bfRI Lock~r; -s~co~qed:, ?y'R; 'Ab~l1, That the communications be no:w taken up and disposed of. Carried. 1,i~ved~by::D:' :Mc,~?!l;'s~??nded by, Dr,"Li~g~:' That Archibaid'M(:Fad~e_,b.e g~anted a free Hawkers and Pedlar's License for the present': yeai'; Carried. ELGIN' COUNT-YCOUNOILPROCEEDINGS~ 9 I I Moved hy John King, seoo"ded hy D, McOoll, 'rhat-thecommunication ..from. the. Provmciaf.. Secretary. be referred to the Special Committee appointed fort.hat_, purpose; Carried, Moyed by J ohnKing, seconded by Geo. Lawton, Th9.t the commlll1ication from tLet[aniiltou"Briclge and. TOQI Company be referred to Committee onrublic Improvements, Oarried, MovedbyDMcLaren, seconded by'D. Laing, . That the Board of Education of the St. ThomasFIigh School be heard to-morrow at two o'clo'ck p. ID. - Carried.. . Moved by D. McOoll, seconded by D, McLaren, '. Tltat'the coml~unication with, reference to: the: Coyne, Road Brid~e .be referred.to ~ublic Improvements Committee. _ Carried. Moved by J, 0, Bentley, seconded by R. Locker, : That this Oouncildo not entertain the COIDll1umca.tion from Col. Otter, Oarried. M.oved by A. J. I,eitch, seconded by W.B, qqle, , That- -the, coillJ?unication froIfl,<the LocImp teeper',of ' Sp~gfield,asking for an increase insalary,be-not,entel'tained., ' ,. .--,' ,',-, .'" Oarried. Moved by John King, ,seconded by Geo; Lawtort,: That the communication~re~ati ve to theAylmei- an'cl' Vi~Ima High Schools be referred . to -the Committee ~n:.Education. OaIfied. Judge Hughes on behalf of the Alma ColIegeB~"rd invited the Council to visit that Institution. ' Moved hy John King, seconded by D;McColI, -Th/at this 'Council respond to the. invitatIon.. given'to :them by the Alma_pollege Board to visit that institution. Carri~d~, Ml'.HWt~berger, keeper of t4e . House of IIldtistty, b~ing present, asked leave to address the Council, i!t'='--'"~-~"--'-~"='-'-~"~'-="~'-'~----"-~~-" 10 EL!JI1[; -C()U.~,TY ~COl-"'NCIL ',PROCEEDINGS~ ELGIN 'COUNTYCOtJ'NCi't "PROCE~DINGS; it FIRST SESSION-THIRD1JU: ~ ." . ',.' '. , . ' Moved by:W.:.~: WagoI}er;:second~.d:py,.J"...o. -yveisbrod, .'l':fa~~ir~.. :'Irnlfsperger be.~.p,{)w heal~<.l,.in resp~c~,to.' the H<?~~:e.()f':rri~p-st~.y. ..,'S'ai'~e~:.' ..... - ,. . M r'- Hmisberger then addressed the Council. Moved h!A.r;qre~;:N~.O!ine" seconded: by .J.-f!.,.,B~n~le!; Ths.t the salary. qLthe'1\Iatl'on:'of .th~ Honse. of Industry be raised;0ne;h:llIidnla/dol)ars:perann~m. ' ' , In,amendriient; Moved by D., IvlcLeall, secondeJbyD. McLaren I That the .}lpp~ic?:1iion: ?fjhe~~eper::and'-Matron- of-'.the H<?,use. 9f~~clu~~~'~.,?e,. r~fer~~4 , to... :t~.~ .H?u~e.of Industl,'y ,qOffi-: mittee;-to-report'.inJ~g~l'.d to"' thB :~a~ter duri~1K'thJs ses'~i;opof the Council. '. ',,',. -- ...., '. " ;, .'. The lllaiIl ...~'~ti~n;:~a~.:'.. ,~~ri'ied'on-;~he "foiiowi1~g..(ii1~i6Il'_: " "..'Y~as-.-':':l\ie~srs~,:': W'agon.ei~, --Stratto~, '. ..WeiSbrQ:d" '.. Bl:as~er, Chute:,"AbeU; <Locke'i.," Bentley,' .Cline; Cole, .La~g, Ellison :~nd;'- Milligan,~]3,', .' :;: .1'f.ays~l\J:ef>Srs~,:,~iTI;g,; Law~op; . M:cOoll,;:MqLean,: JHcLaren, Leitch, Ling; Hepburn, Miller, Braj, Godwin~-,.,-:jL' Moved ~l"::EJ:.~tr~ttQIl; ~f!~?nq~q. ~YW.- S.,; \~::tgon~l~,. ". T~~~.~hi~'poll~cii gr~*t a fr~e ~a\\'~~rs'~nd: J?edl~~:'s JAc..~nse for';the':1Jr~s~~t:;Year 't?'I:~:':floahh;:of '.' t~e, ,t~w-n~qip . of"~ayh,aij:l, ~.l:te. beingfiii'iridig;mt'Ci~;cnIi1sbances; 'Carried. -- " Moved by nOhute, seconded by R, A bell! Thata. free 'Hawkers:. arid":eedlar~s':.LicEmse be 'gl;a~ted' to Andrew. Laur fo~the, year 1882. . ,Carried. :.........: .,..:....'..::",....'.-'....:..,.......'..'.:',...:..."..::.'.:i'.::""',:.::":' , W~v~4.by A.~' :N".:,~Qline,-~:~c~n.~~.~ bY:ft~:,?~Qkel~, That the vVarden furnish 'conveYarlc'es "to 'carrymember.s.;qf' this Collnc:i1 to,andfrom theH~use of Indus.try,~o~It1or~'qw.;to start ,:t'rorhthe. Hutchinson.House'at.. 'ten ::o'clock in: ,the'IDo-rlliJ?g. Carried, ' Moved by, J:/;A>'Miller:, seconded:hx:A,'Bray, ,'rhat .this \Oo.ilncil. adjollrn ,tilLto~ffiorrow at t!'(g;,:olc,Jock. Ca~ried:., " ;:.' W.ThfcMY, Clerk. Messrs;:.M,cLi3au; McLaren Laillg,. '" Leitoli" Ling, Milligan, King,- , .:L~wtop" M90011, :Hepburn,-,; Mi)J~I", Qple, THURSDAY, .JL"'iuili~26TH;":1882~~ . '. The .CouIlty.Co~ncil of :Elg~ met~:thi& .d?-y.a~cor~~' to ad- Journment~ . '. .'.'..'." ',;" ','. The W~r~en in tl:te phair~, ~embers .presellt: ~e~;~4~t:'f;~:~~ngS,(j.fthe, preyious_ gay;',w:~re. ~;~ad7~~(i.:~~th~~-:' h: :;:!h~..:~l,€d'k ~~ead~acoUlll1u~ic~tibf'fro'lli:~p:e C:b,hntfTiea.siii'er s owmg .stat~m~~~,~~.. .Sotu~tr.Fin:~hceg;)'.:<' . .'.:,::.~::.cc:':::': .:"'" d,':.;';,' ;',:,' addr~se~er;:~~:~crrom tb~ St: Tho~as,\~)1901Bo~r<l then . Whe~' it .~~~"moved:: hy:':~,;'.B. '.~~i,~j;:s~;~~~~di::bY' J;'A:'" MIller, -. , "" r~~t ~,e:'repo~'j~8t 'r,€ia~'.by::the.dep~ifutioh ffbltl"tne."St, Tnoma~ --HIgh"' School Board/ ; be ': referred~' .t'o~;:'the" ColIi:ihiftte'e" EducatlO? Carriecl, . ;'" ..... ". ",; '.. ,: .". ,;,:' .' .QP- ,.,~" "~.; P~~,ti<4?~, :l\f~ior'/:.'Yankli;$.~irk: lj~kg::\l.r~k,~1t' '~,sked leave to addl'esstheCouuoH. '. ,".;,," .' .' ','.'.",' . ':""',':"'-'.:':'-",':.'.." Mov~(~..:C: B.entley, see~~ded hy' A,' 'N-:' 'Cll~e>~~:,' '.' ~h~~,.S.::T'- Pettit.and Mayor Yanbuskirk;b~,\:~~ heard in reference to the London Junction Railway, Ca:i;i;lea.. i'. J. B, MILLS, Warden. ;Bray, C1iIie,' 'B~i1~]dy,.':;' q~_ute; Locker, Abell, Stra'tton;'; GOcl~iJ;i;;:: ,Wil,gQueJ;" vr,~isbrod-;; ,Ellis()!l",. ,:Brasher~ I 1 12 ELGIN COUNTY .coUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ~LGIN'"_COU~'TY: COUNCIL PROCE.EDINGS. 13 The Mayor of St; Thomas, and Mr. Pettit of Sonth Dor, chester, then addressed the Counqil, 'respecting-the London and Port Burw:ell Railway, Move~ by J~ o. Bentley, s~conded by R. Locker, That the WardEin be - now. heard in reference to the London and_,Port Burwell Rail way. Carried. . Moved by W. S. Wagoner ~ !3econded by H. Stratton, That this matter _ be laid over until to-morrow morning. Lost, Moved by Andrew Oline, seconded by A. 'Bray, That we, _ the County -Council oftha_ ,County of Elgin, petition -the Le~islature of Ontario, aIlllafilk that a charter be not granted to theL()udon and Port Burwell Railway. In amendment. Moved by John Ellison, seconded by J, Milligan, W"hereas,applica;tion is being made - tot~eLegislature of the Province of Ontari()'fora:c:harterto construct a line of Railway from the city of London tp the village of Port Burwell,in the County of Elgin, and; i~ is ..desirable in order to insure the con- struction of said Railway to PortBurwell~':that a clause should be insertedinthe act ofincol'p~ration, or chatter, compelling; thecempanyto commence the road. at the south-east end -of, the . line; Be i_ttlierefore resolve.~, that this qouncildopetitiqIlthe Legslative assemblj of the-said Province,to insert_a ,claut;e.in the _act. inc<;rpora#ng said~ company, compellingthe'm to commence the eon'stt'uctionof said Railway at fort-Burwell, and continue building from that part untilcompleted,andthei,;e~ by insure.the"completion ofthe,-whole line. Main Diotion lost, amendment carried. Moved by D.;lVIcLean, _s'econded by. Heo. Lawton, That ,the,melTlhers of ,this. Council visit the Alma College at four o'clock this afternoon~ Carried; ~r.oYecl b:r. Dr; Ling, secondedby':W.B. Cole, That this Council adjourn until Q o'clockto-IIlOl;row mOl'ning to allow councillors. to. meet. - Carried. W. McKAY, Clerk. Messrs:' McLean , . McLaren, Laing, Ling, Leitch, Milligan K" , lUg, Lawton McColl,' Hepburn, Miller, Oole, E'IB;Sl' SESSION.-'-FOURTH DAY. FRIDAy,JANlJARY 27TH, 1882, ~he Conncil of the County. of El .", h to adjournment. - - - .... . gm met t is day 'accor<ijng The tV arden in the chak -M~inlJ~rs'present: ~e proceed, inoO's of th . th -. . '. . e previous seSSlQn were. read. and au. pnzed to be ~igned. . WIt - was' then moved by Ansel Brav: seconded b W S ~goner, '. ~,.y .... alld'~:dat thceR~Pdo~t, of tlte Committee on ~ducationbe Tec~i~~d - .' arrIe. The OlerkreadReportof Oommittee on Education M . .' oved by C. Chute, seconded by H. Stratton ~hat the Report of the Education"C om':'" mlOtte'e be adopted. In amendment. . Moved by J,O. Bentley, secondedbyA:Bray, That the grants be th I ",. . RtTh ". $ , e same as ast year namely $1 600 ~ f..::_ oroas, , ~OO f~r Ay1mer,~80o forVien~. _" .1 or . Amendment' Lo~t; main motion' Carried. J. B. MI):,LS, Warden. Bray, Cline, Bentley, Chute. Abell, Lcicke~, Stratton, , 'Bentley, Wag()ner, ElIisPIT, Brasher, Weisbrod, 14 .ELGIN,' 'COi':JNTY': 'COUNCIIj' P'ROCEEDINGS. ._ ~~~IN '()()UNTY co'"(YN'oir;> PRbOEEDINGS.-'c 15; Moved bYJ:;O.Be)'ltljly;,sec6i;ded,~y'A.Rray" " ,;:' T'h,a.~)Ie_ss~:s~" lIe;pbllrll",~pller' and Cole be _ appointed to ccitif€ir With -a committee'of 'th-eOi-t;y of ~t. Thomas with reference ~o, ~het~rr~t~ry~ake~, f~onl ,t-A~ '_: ,09~1;)-~JT,by}~e, e~~~l1~io.n of the C0-rpo'rat\onof the City of St. "Thoma's. Carried~ Moved by C. Chute, seconded ,?r-~_' 8- ~~~t~~;Y~c, ,-, That this Council petition the Legislature,?f ()ntalio~~now in session; to pass an act abolishingmarketfees./~Carrie'd?-~<. ~Ioved- by J-ohli :K:.~gi seconded by:;G;~o~J{e_ J11;'fto;n:-, That th~ Report:.of'the li'inance Committ'ee be received and read. Carried~ The Clerk read Eep'of,~ of Finance O~fflw~~~e~. Moved by J. 4:;,.Mille,'r"seconded by_.!:aines Hepburn, That the Repdi'F;oft1:l,':', Finance Commi~t(;e be, a'~oDted, and that the W al'den be'<J:uth~r,ized to sign order'Jqrpaymentof the _accounts embracedth~~;~t~~~__ Carried.:;" _ . Moved by J oh~; ~ii1gfseconded hy J ~i:n.es; Hepburn, That whereas.i:ll:4S::Victoi"ia, chapter3-5'i,Statutes o'F the Province ~f ?ntario, itisalll~ngYthef tl:Lingse~~?ted ,~ha~, ,there shaH be;'added: tothe'-expense incurred iil:: c?nv:-~!a?-~e',.of, -:p,r_ison,~ ers liable to be l'emoveclto any asylum for-" the ',:-Insane-- iri', 'this- P1'9v:in,Cp,: to :tbp, ~;yfo:rD1~tpry If9-F-_Boy~s,;to-, :the ,Ap.ar,ew--:W-L~rcer R~fOl'mat()ry ~forFema,les and to the Industrial Refugef0r<Q~rls) Slx:ty, per C~~tUlJl t?Wttrdsthe 8alar!"or,o~hy;r r~~~p.er~t:ion9fthe Pro,iin'ciaI- ~ai1ifr:e'irlploY'ed';'by!tlie' Goverllm'entJb_r' ,'t:h_e' 'puipose of effecting such removal and conveyance frolll.-th~'. gaols."of 'the Province ql':-.o'the:r,;pl:ac,esoLc.ustody~' I.-And>whereas-;-Ythfs' Cdhncil consider such e~J?:~lt~,~.~,;,~X?~~s}ye::a:~~, ,_e?w}'l:>~y~~t, . ,'_'~') 'f~~!'~~ ~:~er,\{f?F.~"lie;Sp!V~4, -t}p1, t"t~isJ~J91iPc~L P\eti~io~-:_:the;:c;:9n. taTIo Legislature at Its present seSSIOn to amend- ,~ect]Dn five,of the above act by reducing the percentage requil;ed,;to~'-bei'::paid as afor esaid, frorp ,~i:t~Y ".P~:J:-'.:_'P~_ll~;::to,.t'Yyn.ty:-fi-ve, 01'_: to ,_sttQh ,-,other aI?~u~t:,a~,may '~e c0l1sidel~~d;j~st;aIl1 "fair"all~,~,hat,~e9Py,' of this:' ,resolution '-b'e:fo~'?{ft,l~d_y'd','to, t~~_', sev~~;at CO_~Il:ty .'~~qo~, ~'~'iX~,: ,_in the Province, requesthrg tHei'r i:O:mi~oiate co:operatib1i in' thej' matter, and that the r;ocaldYh:llnhers'_of:iBarliarmentHforj;~lgiri, be ~st~uct~d to aSk'-i~r'~~erSrins'a~<:{'I)~l);ei'gin:'6Td:~i;'-that ~:'f?' '-, .' m~r.for, the,futu_rehe:ascertained;'aridcfix dfi - ':bh., _,_ ,n~.late sard;::-.oarriedi'C : ','" ',' e ~l.., e:pllrpose'afore~ M~~e~ ~,~l ~'o~n Elliso~,'sk:&6nd~({bf:?~~ i);:-~Weish~~d;'-' Tbanhe sbenffbeubtifid"h "tlr" ,',." "," "", -, ing,the:'chal;ges":ii'O'&.ins.t-liini, e '11' at, ,~ com~In,ltte'e ~6~"fofmulat-- aud, tliat liisprese;cebesolid:~, ~eb~;;i:l2 ,0 clock', p,ni;':~'da!!, Moyed by 'Dr Y ino-'se6onded'b' "',n.-,..-1:.c'".,.--,.-,:, . " ' -: ,'_ " b" " Y u. LlaIner ,,''; , k.T?at the:Iiti~ber of ~hildreh:s~n~;: to'.thf ;;-b:-; ':'f-:''':~';d' .,'r/' maes_lt necessary- fo-- . -to f' " " .-, , ",' ~se 0 lil ustry ch'Jd "Ii--' -, rwan ,..o,mGTe,accomnrodatlOl1'.l,o':;p u t:''':'',t'b': I ran III t e sa b -d 'th }", - . "'~'" .-' e be the case, and a~ibe~' r::~j~ ):~:l~Ilm!lt~s'-'~fhic~~shbuh:Lnot: t~e young childi'eriand that 'the' >ittentt~~f': f~hhQy;l?--, b{'_ :US,j~,:.-:for directed, to ,that obJect. Garded; , on l?t e CommIttee be Moved by J, 0, W eisb~ba,sccbridedbYJ.' A '~nl' '" dijfer;:;'~~~c;h;l~;;Ii,Of thiK Cg;jhgil't~afthe~,:gs::{sohbe. value as the 'lawtdirec:s~ll tb~st;ounty'assess pr'operty-tb its!i'fhll seut toeac.1.as'essor, ,. o'a;~ed.~t~cOPY.,Of .thlsfesohltiou 7be' Moved b:f D. McColl, second~dbyj 6h~ Kill~ Y h,' ' e, Tllliat t eTrea~urer's boud ,be,.\',,~d tQ,tpis GoqtlCi,J., e 01 k. d' . " , "...'. . ,C'l','ried; ~ '} c, "_,,er,.?;ea _,' th,~ 9_o;uHFY: f\~;1it:;;p.piT:S'-"~()lld. Moved by W B OO.I"s'e 'd' d'b"D' ", ' . " _' ,-,., con e j Y-;' r, <L);ttg:~ That By-Law"No "3f'i6: to:' .,' -' "0'," , ,--" ", ' a :fir~~:till;1:e.:;:::.qarr~ed:,.' "" ,~~pum~'. Qunty Auditol's,:;;be;:i:et.d M . " "'.....". oved byJ. O. Bentley, seco~ded by R. Locker 1 That the .auditors'Tecelve:~:tlie; Sunt'of.f~"ellty:ldT] '- sa ary. Carrwd;_.-/_, ,_' 0, ars e;:'ch_iJas M : ~I<\ Tred by}Ir" Lain,.g,sec9qde~bY'IJr'I.:illg, :~1a~~ BY--!it,!,N o.,_~56.:,,?~ rP:14al?eCSAfttil?E'.:_~ _Oarried oved by I. O. Bentley, se00lHied b; A. B; " . Tb t B] _", '.' ' ay, Car9~_d~_, y~ aw ~,o; ,35ft ~e:-read-a,.thh:d time:a~~-fi':ilffllypassed. I ]6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN CQ,uNTY C:;JW\CIL PR.OCEEDINGS. 17 Moved by Jobn King, seconded by D, McOoll, That Messrs. Leitch, ;Heplmrn, Chute, -.Ellison and McColl be appointed a special committee to inquire into. the responsibili- ty of the Treasur€r's8€curity~. Carried,. Moved by Samuel Brasl1er, secondedbyW.R Wagoner, That'William Watts be appointed Trustee,'for" the., Vieima High School lor threeyears,-to fill the.vacanc~ in~officeof John. Kingston, whose term of office has expIred. Uarrled. Movedby.J. C. Weisbrod, seconded by 0, Obute, That Samuel Clutten beappo.inted Trustee of ~ylmer 'High School for term of three years. Carried. Moved by John King, seconded by 'G. Lawton, . ThatBy~law No. '35;, to make grants to High Schools, ete;; be received and read a- first time. Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by J, 0, Bentley, That By-law No, 357 b..read a second time, Oarried, Moved by J. '0. Bentley, seconded by R.J..Iocker, . That By~l,w No. 35,7 be read a third time and finally passe ell. Carried. Moved by John Ellison, "ecGnded by W, R Oole, , That the Auditors' Shitement and Report for the year ] 881 be published in pamphlet',form. Carried. Moved byJ, O. Bentley, seconded byR. Locker, , That By-law No. 358, to appoint a J3oard: of Audit, here~ad.' a first tima. Carried~. Moved by D.. McOoll, seconded by G. Lawton, That By-law 358 beread,a second time.. Car~ed. Moved by J. .0,Bentl~y,seconded by It, J,ocker, Tbat By-law 35~ be read a tbird time aud finally pa"sed, Carried. Moved by D, McLean, seconded by D, Laing, . That By-law No. 359, to confirm By-law No. 389 of'the' TO~1fs_hip",~t!I1P~Ollt~~, b~, read.a first time. Carried. ;)Ioved by R. "Locker, ~econcledby J.- O. Bentley; That:By-hwN:o.35S be, r,ea:d,,~:.se~o7'-dtime. Carried. '.Jlilovedby W,B.Oole, seeondedby.J, A" Miller, That By-law No, 859. be read athirdtimeandfiually passed, C~rioo; , AIovedby J. 0, llentley, seconded by 0, Ohute, That-a.c()py"orthe'Ollt,~lio,S~_at~ltes .,fOl~.1~82 befurll_iShed to' the' Reeves arid:D,eputy .R~evesott,he, Couuty,to 'be:delivered over to theirsucces80rs in office. Carried. ' Moved by Dr.: Ling, fieconde~ bY'::/J.,A.. M~ller", " ~hat the-Inspector" of Schools. be 'req~lred to fllrr:ish ,a,n__ ac~ count of his .travelling expenses" postli,ge .and_s~ationer'y' and pre~ sent t,he same,atthe_J;anuarySession, for information of- the Education Committee. Oarried. MovedbiJol:li1~m.s(m',seConded, br J;-~Ii~l~gan,_ '_ ~ That a ~p~cialcommitteeheappointed~ 'to be composed of JohnKing.W.--B~ Cole andtlie mover, to enq-uireinto~,an<.l r~ port at thenex.t meeting 'of thisOouncil,_,_t11e best method of abolishing tolls in tb~ (Jounty., 'Oarried"" ,.' Moved by John K.ID:g, seCond~d by--G~b~'Y:toE' That'this OOlluciladjourri' till tW(lO_'elock:afternoo!l, to_ttlIow the Committee on Public Improvements to meet and' Report. Carrie~, ~h~, Council r€)sumed. '.AUthemem bexs present,. ~Iove-d by JohnKing, seconded by George,Law,tQJ.l" That By':'law'No;'360,-being, a By-Iaw tg :auth()r~~ th~ war- d~n and treasurel'tobolTow ,tue sum,of ten thousand dollars, be read a first time. Carried. ' -Mov,ed, by John King, seconded by~. Chute, . That By:"law-No. 360beread, a seconcl, time.' Carried. Moved by J. A" Miller, secoIlded by A: Bl''''l'1 - 18 ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS~ ELG:IN,COD:KTY cotrN.CIL PROCEEDINGS; 19 That By-law No, 360 he l'e~d a third tiirie and finally passed, Carried. Moved-hy V{.S~Wagorier, -secondetl'by J.-~C. 'WeiSbrod: That the Report of th~ - Cominitteeon Public- Il)iproveIii.ents be received 'and read. Carried. ' The Clerk read" Report of Public" Improve:ments Committee,. -.' Moved by SamuelBrasher;seconded-byJ-~- 0:" Weisbrod, tb~t tl:1is_Counci1go,infu-0olll'rriit~eeQfth~YVhole oll:J3;eport of Committee on-Public' ,Improvements and 'take it up. clause,: by clause. Carried. MovedhyDr. Ling, 'secol1dedbyJ; A:-Miller,'r _ That -theR~pqrt :of Committee'onPublic, Ilnp.royeI:Q~~t,'3 be laid over and the Oouncil ta~e np othe~,;_busin~~:--_: Ga:erie~l Moved hy W. B. Cole, secand4Cd hy J~A'~:!\1~ll:~J-~_"",_:",_, That the Repart of the- Sp~c~L COilllllit_tee ~?:-, f?~~~latf/ the charges ~.gainst Sher-iffld ll~ra be naw r~:ad. Carrie~. The Clerk read neport qftl1e Spec~rl__ pO[(i_'Fitt~e~; -Moved by Dr . Lmg, , secanded -by W~_ - B;"CoJe,: That the Sheriff be now heal'd:resp~c!1hgi'epoi,t (jfSpecial Cammittee. Carried; Mr. 'M~cdougallthenaddressed ,the'CaUl)'Qil :on.behalf:~oi', the Sherif!: , Moved by John Ellison, secanded~y'J.:C:.~~~is?ra~~:.':_ That Sheriff Munro. be furnished with a copy_ 6fthose_charges and that he be allowed until to_roarrawat:ten-_aJclocl(,in the marning ,to' reply. Uarried~ The Cauncil -thenwentinto.Comrpittee,of the :vVhole qll the Report6f1i!te Public Impravements- Committee. Mr. King in the chair. Mt.!~rbeingsome _time in sessIon, the UO~l_rUit.tee 'of the 'Whole rose, when the chairman reported the adopti6nof---tbe RepOJ"t without amendment. Maved brr:O. B~ntl~y,_secQ~ded-br-6. Chute, That the i'eport of t11e Comniitteeof the .whole be adapted. Carned. , ~oye~?y D.:McLeall' secondedh;r~. _Lawton, That N. VV. l\faore be -appointed 'care-takerof the Court Honse, at same salary as previolls gaoler; beingforty'dallars-per annum, and it sbaUbe his duty toattAnd-to. the,praperc1eanino' af, and lighting fires in, the Court Roam, and affices in the Court House; when necessdry and required to. Carried; -:.1aved by, ~~._N,Cline, seconded- by_J,_ 0., -B~ntley, That Dr,-VaIi"Buskirk and S. Pettl.tbe heard on the r resolu- tian cancerning "the Land(ln Junctian Railway. Carried. , Maved bYi\.nrlrew N. Cline, seconded by A. Bray, That this Qauncilin sessian prayiligthat the flpplicatian of tile Londan _~JUllctian~ailway Bill, forextensian of time, be. nat granted; and that the proposed acts- ,e~powering John McClary and others to. buildaRailraad from London to. Port Burwell and to. incarporate :aQompany to canstrncta_Railway fram the Oity of 1onda:t;l to. the village o~ Belmont, 'or to. a point within five miles 9f Bellllont,da not pass, and that T.M. Nairn, M. P. P., and Dr. Cascaden,- :.\11. p,P"berequested to oppose said Bills. Carried. - Maved by .J ohnKing, secoIl~~4_by_ ,A, J.. Leitcp" That'this Councilacceuttheinvitatian to visit the Alma 'Colleg~-at.h"al~-pa~t seven this ~-veniIlg... Carried.. _~'oved'b_:r .T~~n'IG~.~, seconded by_It McLa~en,'.' That t)lJsCol'lI?-Oil adjaurn -till tci:morraw 'morning at nine a' clock. Carried_ . WILLUM: McKAY, Clerk. .J. B, J\ULLS, Warden. . h",::?'""-~..:~-~:-:,~:~:i",<f~_j""\':':~~,:;~~,_,,,~'C6ih,,, ': =-=,'-"?,~",':c_,.,,;-~~>;;'c';:'2,,as:::-2.:'::O:'.'L-cC-e" ~,",-----,"O--L-~ -~.~--, ~- 20 ELGIN COUNTY. COUNCIL 'PROCEEDINGS. FIRST SESSION-FIFTH DAY. SA'l'URDAY, JAl\TUARY<_2~, 1882. _The C01ilntyC()u~9il of~igin met_this' day accoi;diD,~f to - ad- journ;.qent. _ '>The:'\\'ai'deu inthe.cbair. 1\1embersprpsent :~ Messrs. wlcLeau; _McLaren, ~aing, Leitch, Ling, :Milligan, KiI+g,' McColl, Lawton, B epburn, Miller, GliJ:!,e, Ben:tley, -Chute,. Abell; _Locker', Wagoner, Brasher, Ellison, vy eisbrod; Bra]' Godwin~ Oole, ' Th~pT6ceedings of the IH'eviousday. were re~4>t1id ~~~:iW#ed to be signed. Mr. Maddougall addtes'scd-the Co-unci!. 'Moved by ~ ohn ElliSon,8econde-~ b!_:J. ~'-YV,~iEbr91, That the Reporto'rthe SJ>eci~l.Commi~te~, appointe,d'to-.for- mul~te the' charges, against the -Sheriff of thJ-SCoJ:1,~ty,})~,~l'1fe:red :to the CTiminal Board of Au":\itpf "thi~Co~~~!",?th l~S~~uctlOns tore-audit the_ accounts therein mentioned onthe~heI'ifl,eonseut- ing that evidence he taken by tbe said Board~s to;t~e .-a:curacy of the 'said accounts, and if it be found ou'such,-A:.1.1;<ht bemg,had that he has been psid moneys to whic~ he w~s' nb', hy law entItled that the same he refunded to the Province or County, or both, whichever may be entitled thereto as may appear. First amendment, Moved by A. J, Leitch, seconded by J, Hepbur", That the Report of the Special Committee appointed til " ELGiN COUNTY COUf'fCILPROCEEDINGS. 21 fo~mulate ~he charges agaInst Sh~L'iff Munro.bead'6pted, and that ~hIS C?unCll-aflk the-- Gove.r.nlll~nt to appoint a Commission 1;0 lllvestlgate the charges in said rep'ott. Second aIl1endme'oi: Moved by A.N. Cline, seconded by J, O.Bentley. That ,tb,e, charges,as fo,rIIlul~teti 3:o-ainst Slteriff Munro 'be laid pver until the' June session. '., ". 0 " ' The ll.lairi mo.tion was]ost'onthe followiIJO' division':- ." ''', ,':',';:_',',','--'_:,' :,' ,:',,' _::', -', ':,~ Yeas,-Messrs. Weisbrod, Wagoner and Eilisoil~'3~ .' Nays,-Messrs: Chute, ~beII,~?cker, Bentley,C1in~~ Bray, MIller, Hepbu~n, Milligan, Lmg, LeItch, McLean,'McColl, Law. ton, King,::McLaren,Laillgand Cole~l8..- Thefu:st ,ame,ndment,.>yas ca,nied on the followingdi-rlsion:- Yeas,-Messrs.- .8.,8e11, Chli~e, Locker,J3raY ..: Miller }Iep- bLu:n, MidlliMgallL' Ling,Lei~-ch,;McI..ean, McColl, Lawton,' King, , amg an c aren-16. ' , , ~a.ys;'::""":Messrs. Ylellibr6d,cW agoner, . Bentley, {nine and .,Elliso,n---:-5; ':'. ... ,,_ _,,_ ,,' Thesecoml am.e1l4nient 'Y..~~losr,<?n ~he __follo~i11gdivision:- y eas,~ 1\1essrs;, 'Brasher, Chut~;,.-B~ntleY:'aIldClin~ 4. . "Nays;'~J\fessrs"Weisprod, ...:\~ell, .'Locker,~ag(mer, Bray, .l\1:1Her"_I-IeJ?burn,.S~ole_,,MiHiga.ll'_' .Ling, Leitch; McLean;- McColl, Lawton, Klllg,~a~ng al~~_'::&Xc~~_~~n-J7.',,-,. .., MOTed, bX yv.:.B.,..,(J'ole,'sec~nd~d by'D,.Laing, ~hat A; J. Leitch, James -Hephurn,- and John King be a ,.. commIttee, to.send':repor~ ..qf ~4eP'?mlIlitte~ap'poirlted to formulate . the:.charges_againstt~~;~h~ritf.to tlJ,e -Gov~rn)nent 'and 'attend to the~same ':~\I#l1 fulL p()wer, to a~~ in. the. rnaJ;ter;' Cai-ned. ,.J\~~ved_'~1A',,~,-.. Cline, .se,c()l1ded' hy ~Ir.,~09Ife~, That thepoUl~?,q,~dj?lll"~:~~l; ha,lt~past-one, Carried" --,TLe Council' resu~_ed. ~" " . TheWai"q.eu' in ,the 'Chair. All the members pl'e5~~t~e,*~~pt'-i\1,!~.~tr~_~,t,o~., ,of-:?E~~l;~')-;j;A-;:;:;~~~:~~ _.- -'-~ ,~-_:>'-',,,,, ,0,,"' ."-"_:_:'.,;;;"'..,;,_,~"'",,,,r-,:-:'::-=_ -,,---- -,-------',: -22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. -- - - ' '-", :\i[ovecl"by A. 1'Z. CIim\_Se,09tid~.d--~y'J:(j.-~_e.~tley, That the tre~surer be allowed to charg~ ,fOI.each ~e~r~h- 2o'cts exc~pt whenpartH>.s are making enquiry ab~n:it' their own lands. . :Lo~,t. ' '.,,,, . )love'd by.J. '-'. Beri.tiey,se~()ii.d~d1?Y~ R.-- 'Locker, . -That the r~I~prt ()fthespe-cial,co~inl"tt~eapp()intedtoellquire mto the 801vellcy of t4e Cminty Trea:;;~rer's sureties be read. Carl'1.ed. The: c~el:~ ,l'ead~he report~; ~(')ved by, J. O.Bentley, secoIlodedby R; Locker, 1'b~t_the Teport-ofth~ specIal committee !tppoitited to:examine t~~ trE:a~~r.er1s s~lTeties be ,adopt~d. 'Ca~ried, Moved by A N, Cline, seconded by J;O, Biiiitley, Th~t-this:Counci1;petition tb~Legisla,tiy~ .A,s~em~lY of' the Pro-nllce of Ol}tario for -the passftge of an Act, ameri,dingseqtion l:i~eh.apter-lp4,~.: S. 0: hy)n?re.asillg the, tax on ,bitches, from two dop~rs to_ six dollars ea?h, because'- bitches' aretbe main. ca~me of the,destniction of sheep. 'Carried. Mo~,ed'_-by fC:' T; -Godwip., seccnided by,.T. nw eisb,rod, , ,,,--_....-,. .-.. ; '" ,,,:,,:" . That the. illotion, in reference-,t()thegrant,J,6'th~ _~ast:erL County J..inelle receiv~Q.' by,~p-is. Council. '.iJo~t; Moverlby Dr. Ling, secon~~rlby Dougald McCon, , That, whereas an,i~";tation-wa" kiudlj extended to the -warden and members:. of, thiB "Coun ty Col1ncil by, t~e' Principal of A Ima Colleg~ to visit that institlition; resolv~d that,thiR'Council return its sincere-thanks for the very: kind and courle~)1;1.Smanner in 'which they .v;ere ,:rec.-t?ive4and:,elltertained,..aI!4: ,this, Council fully appreciate and acknowledge the great' benefit this county will receive by having so grl1ud an'institution,,-supplied with such an efficient staff of teachers; in ournliast",~rdere~. tJhat the clerkofthis.QP\lllCiJ, fmi:w.~r~t~"C?PY of thig resolution to tbe Principal of said Conege, ' Carried, ,- ,ELGIN COUNTY ~OUNC.(t I'ROCEEDINGS. 23 Moved by J. .A. Miller, sE;lconded by J. Hepburn, That this COllncilJo now .1dfo'u'll '.1 th ... ~Julle and that the ward .'. 'h un~l e nr3t Tuesda.y in ,"1.'rl"ed en sl~n c eq1les for members' --.. ~ ,wages. w, )!cl):AY; Clerk. .LB, MIM,S" "\-7 arden C}Ty/TlX~ 9fJJh0Y>c/~ 7fvJ9~ '"'~~?f~;" " ,g':o',-:'~'-jF.~.,,,,. "ReaFN -'cdrfu;TY jCOUNCIL '\pIt6CEED'INGS._ 25 ELGIN ,cOUNTY COUNCILpROCEEDINGS, From 1Nelscin;':tV: -Moore. requesting an, ihc:i:'eas~ of salary. From Jaq:ws G. Clayton: with report of Aylmer lock-up -'no use. __.~rom ,GoLOtter_requesting grliutmaid..of the Ontario Rifle 3. ssociation. - From County of Oxfor~ respecting Credit Valley -Riilway. From J()hn.McCausland, coutity'tl'e'asurer,"withihalf 'yearly statement and estimate. From Auditors, statement of ~ounty accounts. Moved by John ;King, seconded by ,D. ,McColl, That the commttiii&'c:ttions just reau'bejrroW' taken up anddis. pos6d of. Carried. . Moved by'J. Ellison, seconded by James---Hppburn, That the repoltofilie' Engineer qe a'dqpted. Carried. Moved by J. q~,Beritley, seconde'd~y,R;.~Locker, Th~t the commrlhica-tion from the,Ritle_<Nssociation be not entertained. CalJried~ Moved by Dr.~ILing,-se0onded by-fW-;':"B.'.-Gole, Th!'t the Auditors' 'Report be finally aU'dited and adopted, Carried. ' . .,Moved, QyA,N., Cline, secpnded ~y ~: (1 BentlyY, That tbe communication froIll_N" W.lVIoore, asking fo~ an iricrease^ofsa\lary,:be .not entertained 'by )this council. 'Carried. Moved by Jdhn King, seco!ldetl'by D,1l'fdCdll, q;hat :^th~ Jrej)ott- from ~the;com:ity'.tpeasurct, ..as i_to ,~estiti1ates for the year, be, referred to ,the nnance-eoinmittee. Canied, Moved' byJ ohn. King, seconded by 1), McColl, Thatitlie~comn:nUlicatiGn:rrdm ')j-amesStanton bel'e:ferred to a'" ~p€rcial. coriimittee cOlbp6setl of ~A; _iJ.':Leitch, James Hepburn, Mr.) Cline 'and,.the "plover,' sam 'committee. to 'report at,thiS session of the Council.-'Carried; . Movedl.?_y Dr. Ling, se~onded. by .J. H~pburn, rr.'bat this'Oouncil adjourn until to-morrow- tnorning at "nine o.'c1ock.-to-aJ10:w committees to ffitet. Carried, i I r I I fr, r ,II II' ,[,' ,ll SECOND SESSION-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY, / J "C'NE 6TH, 1882. The County Council of the 90unty of Elgin met this day according to adjournment at.two oc1ock, P.M. The 'WarJen in the chair. Members present: B.ray, Cline, Bentley, Chute, 'Locker, Abell, . Godwin, Wagoner, WeiBbrod, Ellison, Brasher. Messrs. McLean, McLaren, Laing, Leitch, Ling, Milligan, King, Lawton, McColl, Hepburn, Miller, Ool~, The Warden addressed the Council, after which the fol~ow- incr communications were read. " Report frnm County Engineer. From J ::mes Stanton, Clel'kof the Peace. r~'''''.l;:.:H'rom J. S. Kingston, respecting- ,sl!-nitary improvements ill the gaol. .WrI,LM>1YIMCKAY, Clerk. J, 'B, MILLS, Ward~n: 26 PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL SECOND SESSION.-SECONDDAY. . WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1882. met this day according The Council of the . County of Elgin to adjournment. The Warden in the chair, Members present: Bray, Clin~, Bentley, Chute, Abell, Locker, Godwin, Weisbro.d; Wag<mer, Ellison, Brasher. Messrs. McLean, McLaren, Laing, Ling, Leitoh, Milligan; King', -Lawton, McColl, Rep burn, :Millel', Cole, ious day were read and confirmed. The proceedings of the prey __ . ._ - df - om .the Town-:- IDunicatlOll receIve _ _ r _ _ '''' The Warden read comb 'don' Otter Qreek. ctl'ng- 1'1 0"6 _ _ _ _ h' f Bayham rcspe ." , te S IP 0 . _ f Public Improvemerlts CommIt e. The clerk read report 0 'd d by D McLean, AJ Leitch secone -' _ , Moved by .' , . -" _ _ P bliclmproyements ftb CommIttee on - U " -" "B'd That the, report 0 . . e.. ." h toth~ McIntosh . n ge, be amended inreferencetob:tbetaPoPt~~;rcas oftheexpe:nse, ~d'one- h C unty' ear w- t. so as to have t e. 0 .... h. _ In amendmen ,j third by the adjoining Towns IpS., . . . ' d d by Samuel Brasher, Moved by c. Oh~te, secon e '. .' __.-' ,'. . '. ne hdfof the expense ~f. c~tt~g That this Council assume BO .d- e and thelocal'm1,1.ll1Clpahty th hill at the McIntosh n g away. e . _ the other balf, ELGiN":COUNTlt_COUNCILPROCEEDINGS. 27 r The amendment wa-s-lostand the original motioncarHed. on the following division _:~ Yeas,-McLaren" King, Lawton, McLean, Leitch, !,ing, Laing, Ellison, (Jole, Godwin, Chute, Brasher, Wagoner, Weis- bro~ and .Milligan-15. _ Nays,-Abell,Loc'ker, Bentley, Oline"Mitler, Hepburn,_6._ Moved by A. J. J...eitch, seconded by Dr. Ling, Thatthe_teport .ofthe committee appointed to look after the investigation of the, charges against Sheriff Muriro be received and read.. Carned. .' Th.. clerk read thereport, M o-ved by John King, seconded -by. Gea.La wton, ~hat .the report just re-adbe adopted, Carried. Moved byA,N, Cline, secouded by .1'. A., .\filler, That this Coun.cil hereby express its 'willingness that the_ Court House Grounds in St. Thomas, be used for 'the reception of Sir John A, Macdonald ou S"turday the 10th of June instant.' Caxried. Moved by W, B, Cole, seconded by A. Bray, That the County Engllieer be instructed tp examine the bridge over the Otter Creek on the County Line between the Counties of Elgin and Norfolk, . and to r~build the ,same if deemedneces_ sary, providing Norfolk bear half the expense. In amendment, Moved by John King, seconded by D, McColl, That the communication from Bayham, with reference to the Otter Creek Bridge,be referred to the Public Improvements Oommittee to report to-molTOW morning. Amendment lost, main' motion carried. Movedby O. Chute, seconded by W. S. Wagoner-, That By-law No, 361, to confirm By-law No. 396 of the Township of :BRyham,be read a first time. Carried. Moved by J obn A. Miller, seconded by J. Hepburn, That By-law No. 361 beread a second time. Carried. .#~:d~~~4:~~iY;~~~~~;f:t~.:",:~",~ - '",,-"-,,"- -'5_7',"~.c:'_-";7':"'~'----""-- ,~ -'._~~ -'-'~=- 28\ $' CoONf!tri"-': pRaCE:&DJN,GE;.~. ELGIN'- COTIn, ' . ., nd"dsby R. kbel1;, , ' , " ' a by R: Locker; BeCO ,', d fihlJ;l1y passed; l.lJ._OVe " ' a thp.a tIme an _ " _ selberea a . . That By,la" No, ' '. , d ' , d' b Goo Lawton; Came_. ", " K" - seoonde Y ., '- - '. of'"'tlie Moved'byJohn mg, fi Bvelaw No. 395 1" 362, to con rID , ,~', "d--' Th t By-law 0_. " j 'fi't"time; Ela-rrue ~ a " ", 11' . be'read a rs -, Township of Bay am, ded bY. k.' Bray; J' k MiJ1er, secon ,,' ' '0 ., d' Movedby ~ '-' ",," &timff.>"aTne-. That By_lawNo'S621Jeread,:~~e~~nD: r~aijJg" Moved by D, McLaren, secodn third" time" a1\d1U!al1Yl\"S1ied. 362berea a_,,-,. ,', ,,' That By-law No. Carried.' ,', '''' "secorid~dby~R:I~ocker, ',' ",- dbyJ,O.1\entley, ',,' '1'" 'his a,fte,rnoon Move "', ,', ," til four -0 c oeli. oJ 'f' ' That this Co,:mdl a4j?~r~h:House'of'lDdtistlgr,and'_e;~:::~- t allow the members--to Vl~\ba.t~the. w;arden;,pro.c:urecQn..v_ < o. "roittees,to_.IDflet!an, ,_ _ . ,,'-' . talu-.Com 'ose'" 0arrled. J,' B--MliLLS,. for that purp '." " Warden; :1 I I EL~U:N"~ GO;U~"TY., COUN<?lL ,,!.'RQCEEDINGS,.' 29[ SEQQND SESsIQN-:-THIRD, DAY. THURSDkY,JUNE STH;"'1882. :rhe Municipal Council of the Oounty of Elgin m~t thia,day at nine dclock a.m. '. . The \\' arden in the_ chair; Me.nibe_rs,pr~se_nt.,:~ Messrs~ -McLe,an, l\fcLaren, Laing-, Leitch,. Ling, l\ifilligan, King, MoGol!, Lawton, Hepburn, ,Millet, 'Oole, Theproceedings of the p~evious day werer,ead,'and,authqclj;ed to be signed, M.oved,by ~J. Leitch,sec_Ollded hy,Dr. Lipg". - _l1hat:theocommitteeJappoint.e.dtto: examine~:ana :report inJ.~e~. ference to the communication from l\fr.Stanton Will not be'cIte-;;, q uiredJto report till ne~t:_-session- .of this,.. CounciL: Camed._ M.oyed, by_John King,_secondedby John Ellison, T4at,-this,COllllCil, ask-the. Sheriff JOr .a ,ret.ur.lL.otth.erIl;UUl.h.~~ .of ppisQners, cqmJUit~Bq 'to;'gaoLand sentence.dto_hard; lahol1,al.so, the ,llJlll1ber10fdays eachpris.oner relllained,in~ga()I;,:-said_: rettiolfn, to inc1ud~,the,m.onths of.Tanuary,:Eebrllary~.March, April a~d~ May,o~:t~e,present year.. Carned. - Moved by Jbhn Kiug; secondea'by' El.McOoll, That By-law -~ o. . 363. be'- read. a . first time, to provide fOr erection of. bridg~'acr:oss',0tter, Greek;, Carried;" Cline,. Bentley, Chute, Abell, Locker, Wagoner, Brasher, Eliisqn, Weisbrod, Bray, ' God'wi;D., .~,'- ,.?~ ~-".,-~;-'-' .4:."._.... --' . ;-:.,"..:::.:.:._,-.,::---,-" d 30 ELGIN CoUN'TY COUNClLPROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL- PIWCEEDINGS . 31 _ ' That the E .' , In this Call _ llollleer be mstruct-ed t . .. - them in a ;:r :~d see that the parties oo~~~":me the . toll roads neglectto m!J,e ~~te of repair,andin case ~~id the, roads keep the chairman of th ~ssa~y repairs he sbalI I' owne;s refuse or Moved by J ~ ;b~1C Improvements Cod::;t;::lr tlis,a] to .. elSbrod . secondd" ." .' ", ar-I'led~ That the petition f ~_ e by W,S. Wa on be placed on file In 0 the PrIsoners AidA ,_ g er,' M '. .' " amendment' - ssoQlatlOu-of:Toront loved b D ' . , 0 y . McLean, seconded -b That the corom .. . . y D.McLal'en .be referr.ed t th .unlCatlOll of tbe P . - , . 0 e Fman C . rIsoners Aid A 810n of this Oouncil ce ommittee to report t . '. ssociation . . ..... '.' a the next Main motion Lost . ses- ., ' amendmentC.... d Moved by JOB ame , . . entley, seconded b ' th That the Warden d '0] y KLocker, e monthlyst t '.' .... an .. erk everv th - Carried." a ements- of the ,treasuref' . .~~e months_compare M ' WI the bank books ovedbyDML .' , . c. aren, seconded h', .' That the report of th ,y D. McColl, read. Carrie'_; egaol committee' b .e now rec~ived and ~he clerk read' reort Moved by J h -~ of gaol committee. Ton mg, seconded b b hat this OOUll'I' , y, McOoll council to visit th Cl adjourn for twenty- '. .' ' .. _ '. '. .... ,e, gaol. Carried Ullnlltes to allow tbe J\Ioved by W B . . . Cole, seconded b That this 00 '[ y Dr. Liner M U unCI adJ' ",. . arried. ourn until half-pa t s one o'clock th' M:oved byA J L ' IS P. . . _ . eltch, seconded b . . That thereportof th . .'. .' y))r. Ling, thIS Oouncil would ' e gaol ciDmmitteebe make a thorou;h' lecommend that th adopted, and that view to ascert:in~~vestIgation of the esca;e I:;pector eff Prisons party may be br ; cause of such esca'" , prISoners with a SOinethingwron~ug t to Justice, as we P::~ a;d that the gliilty 0" 0 OpInIOn there is Moved by D., McColl, secoIided by Geo. . Lawton; That By,lawNo, 363 be read a second time, Carried, Moved by D. McI;ean; seconded by D._Laing, That By,law No, 363 be read a third time andiinallypassed. Oarried, Moved by D, McOoll, seoonded by George La,,-ton, That By-law No. 364 be read a fir-ot timetoappOlnt James Bell County Engineer. Carried. Moved by J, 0, 3entley, seconded byRLocker, That By-law No. 364 be read a second time. Carried, Moved by H. J. Godwin, ~econded by W. S, Wagoner, That By-law No, 364 be read a third time and finally passed, Carried. ~oved by J ohnKing, seconded by D. McOoll, That the report of the special committee appointed at the January session, to report on the best mode of getting rid of the tolls on the several gravel roads of this County, be noW' read. Oarried. ' . , Report read by clerk. Moved by J, 0, Bentley, seconded by 0, Chute" That this Council do not take allY action at. the present time in ,regard to:the purchase .of . the ,gravel roads. in . this Comity, Carried. Moved byA. J, Leitoh;seconded by Dr,Ling, Th~t the motion granting the use of, the Qourt House Grounds for the reception of Sir JohnA.Macdonaldbe.rescinded and'the foUoVJing, suhstitU:~ed therefor: That this Councilg-rarit the use of the Courl House Grouuds t6 either politicalparly, Reform or_Consel'vative,whenever required, provided that - the party so requiring the same give our. County Olerk' sufficient guarant.ee that nO damage will be. done to said grouuClS, fences, or~ anything ther~on" oranytbing beloflging thereto" Oarried, ' Moved by Dr. Ling,-seconded hy Judson Milligan; ~;?-~-'-' ~~~~ __-,,---<";'-c d.OS->'"'~~"-' ,'~, '-'-c-"-,,-,,,,,,~ __,-:-:~~c \1; ;11'2 ELGIN idOtJ;&TY- ~OtJ,NCIL-'-~PRbCEEDntG-s. ELGIN COUNT ' Y COUNCIL PRQCEEDINGS. C~uncil,the fllllex en . saId report to be it:m.-l~ture conu(;}cted with th . M lZe, Carried, e prosecution of . T:~e:h bYTJ, ~ MiIi~r,sec;;D.dddhy A. Br ' luf' '~'" ' " e _ rea:::;urer' b ' ay; .next ,sessiOll with. ' ' ,e requested to furnish' ' th~twereEenteD.ced .: hep~rt snowing the I111 b tl1J~Council ~t prIsoner remained: ar lab )r, also, the" "ill b er of ,prisoners mont~o~j~y. rAr~seN~i y;I,S~~~ri:~:lrn, t:~:cl:,~eOj:h:a~:~~ , ", . ...L . ClIne --, d" ,- ',', , ,"" . That the Treas . , secon ed byC. Cli~t~ >: for:',.searcli"'e- - '," urel' he allowed toO ",' "'- . Lost" xceptto parties pa..;ua c~arge 10 cents on each iot . ' " ' ,,J~ b" 'axes attim f MJ'" , " ' ' e 0 search, o'i'edoyD M'L" , , " 0 aren-sec' 'd d' -' '-: That th T .' ,':, on e ,hy IJ'L ,', in hi e reasurer b " 11 -:,' .,,-.,' -', amg ,',' , soffice as the s ' e a owed to make---ii .,_0" MO'i'ed b ,tatute pro'i'ides. Lost." ~,~ges for se,arches y J. 0, Bent!e'i' That thO C' , ' ., seconded by'RE k'" in N 113 OUUCl! do " ,oc er, ovember > pow adJourn-tO' . i "Ule~tth~tl1i,~ Tuesday 33 :Am(m~ment, Moved by-D.' :McLaren,~ -seconded by D._.Laing, That'therel'ort of the gaol committee be adoptedand'tliit it .is:the' opin.ion of'this Council that 'there 'is something wrong'in them_a~gement afthe gaol. "AmendinentLostj: mainmotian ,Qarried. Moved by John King, seconded'by D. McOoll, That the '1'e-oort df the Finarice' Committee- he receiv'ed and read. ,J. . The"Clerk read Financi31'report. MO'i'ed by A. J, Leitch, seconded by D. Laiug, That the, report af, the Finance, Committee be" ad<?pted. Carried. . MO'i'edby J. King, scconded'by D.McCol!, That by-law No, 365 be read a first time, Carried. Moved byJ: :0, :Bentley, secondedbyK hocker, That,By,law :No, 3,65hereada~econa ,time, 'Carried, Maved by D. ]'I:cLaren, seconded by D. I~aing, That By-law No, 365 ,be read a third time and :fiD.'Uy passed. Carried~ ~ioved by Jahn K.ing,seconded _by'Geo.Lawton, That By.law No, 366 be read a first timetO'authorize'the Treasmer to borrow twelve thousaud dollars; Carried. Moved '~y J., A.Mille~, seconded hyJ' f:I~pburD;, That :By~law No. 366 Be read a second time. Carried; Moved py::R. Locker,seconde'dby:J.O. Bentley, That,By,ja,wN 0, 366,be read a third time and fin.Jlypassed. Carried, ' 'Mavedby A~N.Cline, seconCtea 'byJ. O. -Bentley, That the '-committee appointed to investigate the _charges preferred against the Sheriff report at the next' session'oLthis ' ~~ EL~~N-~':co-m.'l'l.)Y"'DOUNCIL_-PROOEEllINGS; ::: B5 E~G;:r~'~-l.. ..,.."..,.'.....:. G.OijN~Jt.;QOUijClb~~(3e~EIDJ~NfjS,' $T()N~ij!(S;T, THIRJ)S:l,l.,!? ..;e ," " ,,. .""';~-"-" - ~":,_,,,.-',j,'C,l: :,N,.,,6:~,'~~;~,;g1S?:i-,:U~.82. :0~ ~~,1:V:~_~D0:x'- _', " 7,"~"" " , f EIO'in, met ,tpis day '1 f t~e County;>, bj ~ The County~ ~ounc\ ~t t\:o ~o'cloc'('\',"F M. '0'( , according ~.? adjou~n~~n ~} ~ ~ , ('jr , ,,~, ','- fl'" <;";.,",'," -....~,...'j<.iri. the,chau'. ,:-,;_~, c' 'The Warue~ o'.r;,c_'., C " b s ~-.;rese1l.t:.,:,,:;- ;uem ~f.,:;;!:j',_,,-~ ..'-' v Mk:~~r~~~;'MbLk:dti, Clin~, ~,l\IcLaren, Bentley, , Laing, Ohute; Leitch, Locker, Ling, Abell, Milligan, Godwin, King, W ao'ouer, Lawton, Wei~brod, ,McColl, Ellison, Hepburn, Oble) "Miller Brasher. . . " .' wel'eTead , t day of previous seSSlOn d' s of the ,as ' " The 1)1'ocee mg .' d and auth~w,lizeddteOnbaeddSr,ge::~ the' CounciL Th ar as Reeve of Bayham, e ' d certificate Mr Strattrm presente k' l~~_ seat at the board. ~ andtoo llJ.l:i . . .. weretl en. read; , II wing commnnlCak' JUS The.o 0 'From N. T.D'Rielly,'Tnspect6r:~oLPrisons,jn;'refel;enceJfu the fj!,"8L,. ...,,:7 ..i'<:."'>"'7;<':",:"""",,: ,,.f,. ':,-'i' From B. Chamh~1;'1!lii11; Qlle:~g;s'''-prjn:ter;ir'esp~ct;;i-pg;DQiliinioll' Statnte., ,'ni.'nJ "f,," :,J:r,'y", ';<"'~ ,L ,(., "S'Yi.Ji: From Ohas. Draseke respecting ~ridge in Vienna.. .<_ ',.. ':-:c i-!:);:iD;',:'iO:) -'" :<,."_,:y,-':>:'::,',)- Dil:-_' "-:',";.)!r," _::''''',''~ ;~"r ,~C\-:jr.QIi1iMJ';FB:utlel\)-:_repor.t:"_of,_.sQhpOl$: _d-' -.. . '-- , "i.""'~ '''.. "Y:Ffoh, fi;hi! W~r{re'ii:6f biifad&,:r"sp~clingP1'6vilibi8il$~h:ihj1 tions. ;;-);<,'-i"',~ !,-'o '-" ,,- From James A.. 'Bell; Oounty "Engineei;i '-rfispecHng"\'oaas and briqg~l?;".c;,;-:.;"'t .J-I ",'; .;'),':r",' .\"/'." i;,!i~'-/ F.'f9Jll;OQy,:!l~_t;;;4l{ M,:~:_re.~p.\3Qti:gg,jcla~; tor:, q~mflg~~' sus- tained by Stalker "on Gi-aham ~qaq BJ,'L~ge,.:",j 'iF,iiT ",,' Communicatio:Q-J:!6fl:oW)t4~;:~_4.E:!~jff: :.an;d, J?,r~s,O_I:4\. J~sEItR~qr; re- specting PrisOD"Labo~.." '.. _" _ ~.jj-" }, --"'- "-:-' <-~, _:'-C"",-- ' ''_" ",,-', ,,'_ C',' ":c',,,! F'" .]Tom d:'I( E;_t~m'~~~n,~'~;~i~-'t~~t'Secr~tary, with copy 0 otll~r~ -in! Cbtincitj~bslfEic~g\tJ.ie_' 'chai'gesi akainst-,Slleriff _ffltlIlro. . i":':;"""M~i~~d'-;by:i~hd'-~~~~,'(S~~~~~l~~rb~,; 'rl~ M~d~i1,') '-< ~':)Jii',!: "" '--' ..(I;)f'"L'; That th.e-,~om"l':Qy.nJ~a;ti04:?r,4e1.~1,q~."t~~en:up:a;q.!! ~~~P?&ed of. Carried~ ~"~ ,'.." 'F"-',', '. -.' ".." ..,.'--',:'--'~.,'--',',",.: '~', ;,,'~ ,,', .,,_,;. .:'" ,-"> ',' t,_,,'..., ' JIY)!rMbf1!ci'-ib)PJ. :;b:);:B€lltl~".S ~~'6n:aea: l.by iA.:""N:;:blJil~, j, .-'J;)(Ti ;-, ....,;. ~.hatitlfi3 ,~ngineer be heard in regard to McKillop "Bl'id'g~: S~~~~<i" ,"^"" 'M~ved by John King, seconded by D. McOoll, That the Engineer's Report be referred to the Uommittee on 'Public Improvements, ,Carried~ Moved byJohn King, seconded by D, McColl, That the communications referring to prison labor he refer- red to the Goal Committe6. Carried. . .Movedby A.. J. Leitch, S'leco~lded by Dr. Ling. That all communications relating to the Sheriff's matter be laid OVer until the report of the investigation committee is receiv- ed, Carried. 36 ELGIN: COUNTY- '_COUNCIL.- :PROCEEDINGS: 'cMovedbyCDr. ,Lmg,.econded1>Y J . Milligan, , . That the commnnications regarding Public Warks b"" referi~d to:,the~c.bmIP-ittee'of-<Pllb1icW orks.' Ca.rried. - Movedby A" N. ()line,secOJlded~y RLocker~ .,cc ,,' That 'Coie; Kinga';d the mov": bea committee to try t{) make a settlement with Coyne-oi ,ManIl'Jor_damages::with'"rega-rd w;a,~:?rB~Anjurp.d: on.. :t?:~.. G,:]~abam.. :.;oa~ ~rid_g_~:.~-t{~av:?if1 J?:tig~tion. CalTied, .. In,A~e~dD1ent._ , . . Moved by W. .8. W agonel', seconded byE Stratton~ J." T-ha;t~the.. damagene" ~~f(to tliencou~tyEl1gin~-~r:tq, se~tl~_ w_~th tbe man deserving damage.' " IJost.- U".' ~ -''''' .. '-.A.meridmentio8t~ Main~'Motionf_:'Garrie(l;':: -.',.;,,:: ..,-.-.:.:,.,--. M:oved by J'fcffliller,secollded by W, ~:dq{)\e,' .,.:..:" ..... .,,__..c:_._.,,_,-'_ ,'_C-,.-'" ..-J :"-That theReeyes~()f; the -several ;M.:unic:llp:alit.i~s~p~,apP-9i.n:~rl:Jl committee. to equalise the assessment rolls. for .tlte cu!ren~ year. Carried. ' .,' ".". .,,; ;',",', Moved byJ. A.Miller, seco;'dedb{J.JIepbu';;',' 'That,t'bislJouncil adjOUrn' till,;n~e: o'clock .to-lUQJ1;Oyr :morn.,. Carned.' - ' - . ing. , J. B. MIIiLS; ~Na~a~n. i"" - . ,~' 'JI",', .':,', '_c"-- ~~'-::.- ~',: -:-.;sc~" .ELGIN: COUNTy. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;: 3,7: ~ TIDRDSESSION:--8EOOND DAY. , - ,~~p~r,l)A!,;'~OVE,,'~E~ 22ND 1 '--'" c,,:I'R~9011Ilcil,.o,fj;he Co "" : ,'.. ,882:' to adJournment ""t' _,<._,.,.,P?o/,ofEIgin ' Th' a nme o'clock, "':J\[. Illet tRisd~y affording ,e.Wa~4~:n,.-~-th~ ch,air.. :'Members,~presenk' - " ~~~~fS,. .ly,[c~efP1, l\1:cL'aren, ~ImI~e~t~~,:(., -Laingj:__5-;u ' LinO"Bentley, ":' '~: -Leit~h Chute ,,'- . Miltig,(n,Abell, , \.}U!lg~ ' ';L6cket Lawton God:wi~." McColl ','. ;W-~i?brdd; , H b Wago'n er' ep u;n ;";<rh~;:;';i:.80~::;:''''::;~h:':. ' ~ign"~.,r;'d" "'.U jP:r~9;~~~dings' 'ofprevi,'o' 'T"', "., '--,d.", ,':" ',Y' .", ",' e _ . ",' .'.0 ,y:.;,~< ,;;.u,~,a!-:w,~te r~d';-';:" ;,,:,,:;- .;:~,--;'.'.' __ .', ,::;,~~~~.a~,t~.9~~d, ~., cci~~Zi!t:aqd,f~s~ed,tl]ecSo"C'CiJ,.".."., ,.,' '. .E. F' g,oommunicationswer":.th ", ': . rom James Stanton. '. ,en read:i:~' '< ,'0'. Ii' serVICes in .exa'-"":'-": c,.' C?~ty Crown Atto ,\'olice Magillt ~nnng'W1t1fessesincriminil . rney, for speiJiiij :_\""'" J.!1'_ e",'~.r;/~,' ,oases'iat ':reqlJest of e" c"1:h""lJmctof~;'I' , "., i' . " ','.,., . tlIe'-\Joutrcil alia"" 0 c,.th~ S,outhertrCounties.'..... , ,L' stit1ition'-l:ina's6lid~eg" ...~~tadF~nto:respeciing.:'tla~:rp~arfedth,hef?re H' ' ana vance,>:," . i, .rso., "atru, ,ing, "V, o:rsIf,<)f,,:~,.,~s/,!~,,~Fe.iH,. "~~,g,h",.,.e"s.,:.,~,l"s,o, addre'ss~d -'~ . .. '., th~"o;'nc~;'espect: .e: 'M o"edby Dr ','Lhl .". ." ',' ,,' That th " g, seconded byJ;cMilligan' :M unro's ch e rePbOl~t of the comniiitte~'~)f . ",::> ,,;~:/-,; arges e received and d':' . lDvestlwtti6u ,()f~SlieHff rea. ,',0arried..'hoUi' <.......-...<L::L::-...:-.Lc-- ',',C - _;::r.--T;~"~T~> =-- ~=''''-';;~'''-''''''''~ S8: E-'L(UW,_CO,UNTY ,:(l_OU'NOI'L \'PRO.c.EEDINGS~ Thecl~Thtl~}ld~;tli.~}f-13p~'r.t--_o~C-iiiY~~~lga~Fl~TIof. the SherllPs charg~~~ .iJ/-:' > :.._\;:-".,.:.___~,,___,,-,~-i-';;:"-' ,- , . Moved by IrM:'~Oon, s~~onded by Geo, W, Ling, '-0,,; '__~'Y\" ,~-,':~' .:"f_i:>'~_ ,;:-~;--, ',-, , CT_CT>_"- ,C-"'-~ '~",r>_,,_ /,C\ ,': Tliaf, tnk"r{;'poh 'ofinveiitigdtiori_'co~init'te,e'-t>f'Bli.~r~gbh3:rges be adopted. Oarried. .--. ,,'. ,>,,;)..,,: ~:,,:..;, ,,'C .:,:1--,"- "i";,',"",,,. <':,' Movedoy JOM King, secondedh\:ii' G,']]~wli\ri:F' That the deputation irom the Southerul,0ountiew;:,Eaj.j.V.:Asso- ciation. be heard- Carried. . if'-::, ,,;., "C'\ '--':'," -,,:,'-;',f' ,~"~",,, r/ Moved oy Clias,pJ:l\lte, seconded P:1')\.:~. OnJio; . c,lL.''_-.': '" ,.."---' ","-,.~'".,;- That the case :of:"the~-So:uthern Co~nti~B:IJtair Association be laid ovel' untilto-~Qr:Vo:w: Oarried, Moved oy w, ]{Q~1~, seconded oy,r?h))';;ElJison, - ,'- ,", ,"" .. -- .,' -"~,,,, -'''', That the rep~:))0_?f,)t:!i~ commit~e. ~n 'the;)~pp1ication - of Mr. Stanton be receive'd"'andiead. Carried,. The report .W:k~;,~~~~~~:'~~ythe clerk,'" ,.~:; , Mov~d.by.A.J~);Deifiili, seconded b:y,iliiRLing, , r'~ _.< ,;,TA~t.,_t,hf:} L~~p'O;\.tl?f tge.9q!ll!p-i~t~~__t(), c,,6W~--r;~it4 ..t!1e ,};Jlerk 01 fne'P~ace;"ili"refeit;nc6' tb'<hti1ingCiiirn~p:aitl"By1i~s~i~Hhi1fstead of fees, be adopted. Carried. ," .1',''0'.0 Dr? Dr;. Ling gives notice[~}f~f?ife 8#1TPt&~ili~ifi!h*:) ~~ff<tbflllJ~uncil to make a grfJlit"of iliOd,jd0narset"wardsr:bufrdingri,JockUp>dl:E Dut- ;t;@~;qt~~;:si,:,..:n:;'L:\ .:-=-H'=-'~O ,,;:'::;5(,1) ,'i.~.';)j;-~~~,~(:: ,~9r[f1;(' i~.'i(tl'f1 ;e;, "c;M,;ved'J:>;y ol-ohu ~'g9~s:eCoi;,do.d'b~r.Ge9:,,1!\wttlJ!h f(' ",,;,'..-r:,', That Dr~.Ling, D.:_M.cCoU,_. 'W.B. C~le/}Mf~2i~191rh~~i:W:. ;Bli~eh11d::~pw,~Qn$,r':Cp~~0lWPQm~~~ . s,Beg~l:J~Dt!~tee to .rei~o~~nd;:so:ill:::'e:pl~ng~h.~-~t(l?Y( t:h~;L~~P~:gS~h;9ft . ~!\y';[~X}~j.?}lBe! the Voters' List may be lesSel;l~q;;~~_4(;y~pqRti:;,-Wr!~p-i~n<~9}P:~~~~~?? E',o.t~?,'f'lk,fl~Jsi~~',,:'oo3:n,jD' 0<2 ;,cle,Ti ,',,,,,:. "",,,S ,'l~ ' Moved oy'\', N. Oline, seconded ty J. 'Ll. ~~,"#e:i;1,(";0:;T 2": ~hat th!s,,,o#~,am~"~ ~iJl,t)1J'~e 8:,~j~,cl!::tp ~y,"9>e, ~everal' '_;GQm-:liQ.1t~!3s;j;~W,e:,~(\S!~._~ v~rr:l::~d., .." . .'-' "-. , ,,'-~"__'~--'''~__, __'~__ 'J'--"-">"';~jV-.'",,-,,,,,:-,, ,"" l')'J";j,, ",;~) ';;",. -;'/ ,;',,;}(" - The' Council!BeSu,ifl(ed. j_',i:'8'j hii,!; - -, I I, I) ~-'~~~"----~-"","""'~~ ELG'rN,~t;lJ.UNTYr . _ _ _n'_ C ..' "CGU'&CIIL PROCEEDINGa:: 3.1);, The Wa d .' -- --. M r en In the_-cnair,-~ -~;>---:";':::::';-, ,22", o.y~d,oJ,J{Jhn'K' ' '.. 'II"~ . Th-atili~ '~~;u~;_~~~nd-,~r:,:~~~Qgwtl?d by D, McOaH; o'()186k:;~:;'e~rrie(J. '~?,~l ,~~)ourn,' :~~l" to-m9r:'?o~"lli<?rnin2" ",;" ';' ,~tcnine ,):' B;mLL~f , ;~:J{~';iWa:iden "',,' >""n'^ -"'<, ~,~-; 1:: ";J(; i':;:" ~;:-C,,,C: ~::'_ -'-0;. , " Ii, Ii iF ;;1 :i' ~, r t ;{;! 1 J\II i-Hl :.;1' iH\ jlL 'h' iI" ,I" Ii '^:~ " .,~ d- 1\:' I"~. ") I....,l. ~.:'; :: ~,::J I" I) , .'~i \'! t, I, i kl r~ , I \c C',: \2'< ;/1 \.1' -.,:?:=_:::t5 -'''e.'J:....,,-<'''- ~'-"* "'..,'~--'--~ --",'.~~ 40 UN'lW @OUNCJL~)p_ROCElj:pIN_GS._;= ELGIN'_Co. -'-. - - . ." THIRD SESSION-THIRDDR:Y;, 'c ','TOV'I"'BER'23, ,1882. 'THURSDAY,-~~... _::'_. --[:111;e C~~~tYCoill-lci(~et t~~ d~y:'-'~6c~r(ii~~'to,. ~~j:gur1?-~t}~~:-. Th:~::\VardfSj;i.ii1 the chair. _"M'embers present ;- McLaren, Me-ssrs. McLean, . h LeIte, TJaing, Milligan, Ling, Lawton, lring, b . McColl, Hep urn, . Oole, }Iiller, Abell, Chute, Oline, Locker, Stratton, Bentley, i:iodwin, Wagoner, Weisbrod, Brasher, Ell' Ison. ..' ei'e read and. authoi'ized to The pr~ceedings ofprevlOus day w be signed. d tb council. The warden addresse e . d .~ . nications were t.hen rea. 1:hefollowrng commu .' c. d m esto ,a hors6:sustain- _ From Park & Purdom, -respe~trngf' Elg~ and Middlesex. 'd" b t' een the CountIes 0 h edona bn ge P. W ro'.' (Y. county loans from t e Fl'Om the county treasurer, rd~8pe'"'t~~n ioans 'will be 7 per B uk statin fT that the . lscoun.. . Molso11.s . . a, . :::. f 6 this year. cent. next year lO, place o. h .. the numbe{' of days hard . From the. county treasurer, S ewmg . labor of prisoners. '. J I itch ' 'L" seconded by A. . Je -' _ Old Moved by Dr. . mg, ." -df the.llUrpuse ofbUl _ d d d Bars be (Yrante or rrhat tWL_hllll. re .' 0 .' f Amendment. ina a lockcup house iu Ihtton.. dlld b"J 0, 8eutly, ~ ", ..... 'N Olsecon e ) . ." Moved by A. ..ome,_.. . .d to build a lock-up house ill That one hundred IJollal"s be pal Dutton, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDHfGS. > Second amendm!3nt, :v[o.ved by W. _S'; WagoIler, seconded -by Sal1luel Brasher, That this council grant the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars towards ~l~iIding aIock-uphou~e in Dutton. TRfrd _a~en.dn1ent,.' Moved hy W. B. Cole, seconded by J ohnA, Miller, T~at;_tl1is cqu,nqil,do':llot grant anything_towards building a Iock-up,h?use in.thevillag~ofDu,~ton as lh~y have one at Wal- Iaceto'wn. ,The.first.-amendment was.ca.rned and.the-m'ain motion and 13~C():nd;- an,d third amendments were . lost. ~Ioved by J. O. Bentley, seconded hy J, Hepburn, That t'h~scouIicil grant the: Sum of fifteen dollars to Mr. -Stalker's_-attorne~ :with' th_e costsincurrred . for damages done to ~'is~?rse breaking through, (lne of the_ county bridges: being for El- gin's share In the settlement of the same. Oarried, III ~,ITle:ndmen,t, Moved by J. McLean, s'C'conded by D. McLa.l'e-n, , :Th'at'the- clerk be instructed 'to notify the county COllll6il of ~iddl~sex.that .tbe:county . engineer has:made an investigation in r~ferm~ce_to, the damages. sustained. byJ..;p. Stalker's horse. wbile cr{)ss,ing .the_,'~'d,cKiIloP:Bridge and that_ they offered.to settle' for fifteen'dollars and costs from.ea?h county, which this council'. is willing to do, providing the county- of'MiddJesex pay the '-same amount. Lost., i:Amen'dmentJost; main-motion carried-, ;;'MovedbfA.' J:.--Leitch,_secOlided'by Dr. Lirig, That this council petition the. Local Legislature of Ontario to amend the Real Property Act,- chapter 108, Revised Statutes of Ontario, so that a ten years possession' shall givfJ title only in . cases where possession is inacco~d~ncewith some survey; and ~hat' the clerk forward a copy of this resolution to the' local members- for ~his coUnty and_ ask: tti('m-touse their: infiu~:qc~ to bring abou~ ~his chan~e~ : C~rri~q: ~~~~-"::::-'::''''~~ - 41 : i , i I , II III II 'II , II I ! " II Vln (11" ~?i'?c~i~-~~":~'=1!Y"~ ;--", ~"',', ~ .. .-~ .~.~""'" ."-'-~ ",,-_'<":~--"""'-""; ~~.",r,_"",_,;,_" - .,.,."....>-"-' ~ 4~ ELGIN COuNTY dOUNcIL p-sI>ciJtDtkGii:' ~10ve(ny A.. J. Leitch, seconded ~yBr:lillg,' That the 'l~eport of Pablie Imprc)"veulen.t'8 cOIDroi-t:te~;-b:~:l~eceiv- ed,and: read~ Carried: Moved by:_D~':'-Luig, s~~oIl(Tea by:JH€pbui~~;, That the ~'eport of the Public Impro-v~i#e~t~~' ~o'~'~lt~~e be ad0pted~-Cai~ried,' ,.,:0': ' Moved by J,0;WeiSbrod,seconde~bYE'.T,GOd~n, ,'..' " That this Council'petition the Provincial Legislature to,arP..eIl4 the Voters' A-ct as follows :-That when an objection israisid to any yater' votingl',the oath--oi'affirmation'whicli' h~' is ,to ,take- shall be as follows only, ex?eptin case of'a -bonus'or"boinl.isses,i "tnaf-'is to say, That.~:am.a British s.ubje~t_ ei~herby_1?iJ:th,ol' ll:at.u:ral~zation th~~.r ani;of_tbe full age.pf ~!V~nty~()neye0:rs, tha~_Jhave,~ot: :vot,. e(i at- t4isor. al1yotherpo~ling' division,: _at,., :~hi~:, :electiqn',;_c,-pe.for~; and that I have resi~ed in this polling~1~visiopJor{9Q) thirty daYl? previous to this date and am still a resident thereof and that:. I have not received any. remuneration or the proniiseofany for my vote. T~e yeaf?_~ndnays being calle9::J()'],'~~r~,tl'\;ken a,l'!JoH<?\~S :- y eas:,~Chi1te; Abell,Lockai.,;~()dwin:, Ellis.c)ll;'Weisbrodi.," K l"ays,-", ag(mer,Straiotori;~;'~~4~r; C1\Ile,.~~ntJ~y,'~ill~f;, Oole,IIepburn" I\1illigaIl,LiJ:lg, IceitC?,l)1cM~~Il,l)1cOoll, l;aw~w;, Rin,g, )\fcLarfn,:Lai(l?-~~17." MO~]PP:.J:.Cl~t:;, .. Moved by John King, seconded by George Lawtori, That the report of the_speci!i.l,:committe,6:-aPPointe'd:to"iecom- mend some imr;rOy,~m,E;:uts:in;:~ll~. -J;flo~~::,:()J:r~:~~~i?g:: the.. ,<V:?ters List be now read. Qarrie,d. Et~I:N' ,COD '. - . - . . " . .NTY('CO"!JNCIL PIWCEEDIN9s; MovedbyJ 0 B' t] Th '. , en ey, seconded bv J A M']1 at tl1e:report ofth. " ~.. "-' 1 erj' changeinth" _.. .'. ~.speciaI:commi.t" i!' t~ereonc be:'fd{.*,~~~rsd~is~ be :tdopted and _tt::~n re~:r.eilce,. to the to"the ,Le ,_,{_.,~l.._~:: t() T.:~~,Nairn:-M'J? . ..._pe1tl()u, f?unded c.,,",:": ,~,~tUle:_o~,9ntario."Oa' r' ""d"~. ,P."f.,?l'-:p,r.esen:tation , y w. '. ,',' ne , " Be~he;~'Mil'i~r:a~ol~er, Str~iton,-~r.ash~r, Chute" ". . ton Kin" hson, HepbnrnMT. ..---.'-' .1...ocker OIllie , N g-lll. .' ",,' ' c 1 ngan, Lmg, McOo]l, L.w.~ Leitch,~Y;:-?A-?~lI,.Vv ~lsb~~~~ ~0i::~r~~, ~f.jaing, "McLean M .' ;O::>le, oved by A. J L't Th' . ," e1 ch, .econded by D M T . at th ;-.''"-- . cuean "d;..,:...e repol't_ofthe:fi . -" :"'_,0:__.'.:. rea ,"'tJarr'ted. 'J._. _,;,;.i :",:..:n.l.'I:~~e::.comnnttee be received and Moved by John Kin ,,' Th ' g, seconded by D, McO II at the report f h (), that the W ',,' ,? .t e Finance 00' .., ' . " Oartied;. rarden'sig'; draft~foi.tb.e~~:}ii:f b.e adop~ed and '~(: . evela accounts therein lVIoved by D M ' . .JI cLean, seconded b D L'-'" and That the report of the E . . y ,aI~g, ~ead, Oarrie,d.. , quahzatlOn Oommittee be re~eived epprt w."" reaciby .the clerk, Moved b D M ' y ..l cLean secoilded b . --.:" That th:;'" ~ ;.' .,..,';" , y D.LaiilO" b ,d . _~reportof-the'C-':~ .,-::,.'_-~ 5' ,e'_~",PPte~:};JJa,:rried, ,':_: ommlttee on'Eq'ualizatl'o'11' " ',.-, _, ... .. :'_.-. ," ' 'as 'read, ~Tn ,a;mendm:ent;' , Moved by S B.' >: ," " . , .. ' rasher,- seconded: b- -H';, .'1' Thatthe'V" '... ..' y ,StJatton 12'00'0 -.,', lenna"assessme''t b'- . .', " . as'a'ssessed'b:-' ',."C.," n ,~equahzed-to67:000 ~--- 'J M . Y comlll1ttee,L6st" < "'., lllp ace of .l ar.~. ,m,otion carri d' . -. - y"___>::;. _._-- .' ..' ;:"e , amendment lost eas,-Ellisori:W' "'b' -- .;.:,,' . . "~ L '.cNh ay~,-King, I.a \\~:;n ro~ 8L' t1.'attoIl:~l,.>a~he,i~~Ch~ite;'AbeI'1,_6 elw L1nO" Milli' ., .l C aren I alilg-'M 0" . . ' , ----.:., ._' __g{t.n, ij;epburnM'ii -' .,): coll(--IVIb'Le3-n . _' "" 1. er, - Oole, Godwin,-Bentley; 43 fteport w~~ -l:~ad\jy~th~_cl'~~k:~i: In,amendmEmt; Moved by A, 'J, ,Leiteh, o:'licieRn,,', ", That ,the. report of :,the C6DiInittee':asking' fiJi' ,', dhange 'nt; the; voters lists 'be l~id ov~r until th-e January session;, : L(:)s~J. \< ~. 'J::-:>,:_:::~ ~_ "'"" _, '";;..~ ,~_O~~_'~ " -:__ 1:Or' I, \l ii Ii Ii ~\ "I 'I" iH "i ~;li: ni: ~n t\", j: ~ I JlI ;1'1 \'J]\ ~lli ~ln ;11\ '--'1 "1t [,\1\-i_ tl\l: Ct.' 'H' 0!'.;' 1,1 rl:::!\ \ r':,,;,,', [,"-',] " Po:' '! i', f", .": I'] 1',"1 r , [' \"c"", ):J /,", I,,' ':':.' L':; ';~~J ,,:, \ 44 E:LG-lN C.oUNTY -COUNCIL PR.oCEEDINGS: ELGIN..,:COU-NTY ,',' __, _ _ ,,~OUNCIL;~~OOEEDINn. , =- \"'5 That the application of ' ',"'. '" '"" ,,"'" '" s.outhern ca~nti~s fair bid.d t~e_dep~t~ti.on asking aid for th " ,,3.1 overuIlW :the J a.D.U-'-"" .; , e In alllendmep.t, 2nd,ary seSSIOn. Lost. . ~o~'-ed_ by .J. C: :Weisbrod; sec.onde ' ' , . . ' That this council grant $3()O ()' d byJ ohn ~lSon, Tsah'd amount being equal to am";'n~ tot?eJ~)lthern counties fair ama~. Lost, granttll by'the"cltf'o('St Main motion carried. Moved ~y D. Chute, seconded by S. B;"sber TChat ~hlS counc!l)tdj.ourn till '-'-':1";' ' -' ing. arrIed. ' ' " ,-' "nine' .0(: {)ckt6.:rii.orrow " ' m.orn- Cline, Locker, W ag.oner-;l7. M,oved by A, N, Cline, seconded by J,O. Bentley", ' That the motion referring to the fees U, connection withJ: StaIlton, Clerk of the Peace, be reconsidered, and that in.!ieu olf~~ he be paid a sa]alY in, compliance with a Provision of the SUttutes which .emp.owers caunty c.ouncils to pay a s3la;ryins:~ea9: ''of ~ees_! Lost. ,~ .'c'-',' Moved by C. Chute, secouded by R, Abe]], That the account .of Judge,Hughes as tendered far -p-@~~g~- be paid by vbis council. Carried~ M.oved ~y D. M:cLaren, sec.onded b~,D:",: L:~n~,' That this c.ouncil n.ow adjourn until. half-past .-()n~ .(/~ioc~;)P.- M. Carried. Council resumed~ Moved by D, M:cCol1, seconded by ~,IS""g, That the rep.ort .of cOlumittee:.of Hause of Industry be:recei~~' ed and read. Caxried. Report read by clerk. Moved by J. E11ison, seconded by J, Weisbrod; That the report .of committee :of the House of-:'Industr:y be adopted, Canied, Moved byA, l'[, Cline, seconded byW, B. Cole, That two hundred do]]ars be paid the directors 'of the sonthed! caunties fair far aid in relieving them'.of theD:deb~s~ . Caxri~d. The .yeas and nays.''Yere taken as_ follows. Yeas,~G.odwin, Stratton,:. ]3J:'Miher, . ,Abell, Locker, Cline, Bent]ey, Weisbrod, EUison, Miller, (Jo]e,aepburn, MeGa 'La",", ton, King-15. '".", >'. N ays,-Chute, McLaren,Leit,ch;, Ling, W agoll~~,]4illig~n-6. In amendment, 1st, :\ioved by D. Mc1Jean,s~conded b.f;r, ~lillig~b., ,;f,B,MILLS , Warden. ,'1"" ,_~___,_,~_-c-<___ d -~"'<..; .~~~""'-~ -;~-;;~ <'4'6 CO'>hN'T''-tf",''C'-' 'O"UNCiL' PR'oeEEptNG~, ,EtGI3 'U .I. , EliGINGCOUNTY -COUNCIL PROCEEDTNGS~' n 1'b~':C:~~~Gii:~~f"_t~~'-.P?11n~y_pf,;.~~~~ ,~~,?' ;, <--' "-':'.:' "'~'--'i"'.' ~'J"C\OCk AM to-',a"d,J'"ou-rnmeI;lt, .~, ,lfn.I,ge"'<?:,,-':::r,J,-,..' .;_._C ~ ", __ '"-,--;.',, ","',F -.,; "______"''';" ,;,,, 'Th:'W~rde~ in the chair. \ '.- : :'~:' ~ tlt.X~fi!,_,be;)'€ladft fP.1;t.t.~me., ~r.Garri~d~! ::j'i" ,_,~" Moved by-:AIJ;:Leit~h/-'~e6otLded'-\bi:t1;' McLai'ek~~' Th~t by~laV{;,365:be l'~ad:a;secohd_t;iinJ._ ;~arried; "~:r ,: ~Iov--6df by;-R;-: Locker, - ,secori.ded,:bY;'j!t..Aben,.,,-.~",. ','That'by-law No. '365 be 'read a third 'time and'Knally passed, ()~:djed:::""-"'-: ,"'"'' ,-',,-,' """""",,' '-""":'-.. --"-~i"~!';-''- ",", M,oyed: :by" Pr.: _Ling,.-se9on,cle4 1:y ,J.~.Ir:epJ,rilr-n, .. : 'Th~t :-~ udge,'~up1ies:b~ pai~';~~te~b _ ~:on~~s::'~:)'~#}or,f?'t~tiOri:~ art and',-postage-f6r county -cqrresporidence 'ins~eaiJ - of'~~.e "way:_' 'Of keePi1Jg',~n ~c~~l~'nt-_:alr:~t':PG~seli-t;;-. ,_-\;a'crieH;o:", ,~,', ,,' ':,' ::,' :-'_' ",:,_,:' '_" :Ye.a~;~~~;'t~~;' :~c09:iJ;:,']aiison".~~~;i~, :~Wg~",:gep1)d~~~, ~gler;_~~lltle7,: 9%e}:, ~_9C~e,1;,_:4~~~4- ~r~~h~~; ;W~g~)Uer.,:', i 3;:", ~ Nays,-King, Weisbrod, :\fcLaren,Leitch, lVIilligan, ~ble'.L::.i?,~ Moved,: in'.-amende-nt -i}y[A!;J; :Leit,ch,::seCoritied ,by:CD> McLean, That',this:'-coun.'cH',;disco'htinue''-the,t g-rant:f'fo-r ; ;.PQs:t!a:,ge- ,:'fo the judge of the COlInty.. ',~ ' ,-.-.'" y eas,~'King,:IVlc-,t~l:eri~,t~ei~bh'; _M:ii1iga~," Locker~7.::.;::; ..:,',~:; ",:-:1,,_:,:;,' ,~ ',', .,'~~Y~;'_;'-~~~'~Oli~:_':'i\1:riQ(;g,',Ei~is~#,":G'o~"~l~;,..'~ili~;,: !i.~phurn, ~nl)e'l',. 'Bentl~y;,Pl~~,.Abe,~(''1?r.<tsl,1'E}r,';_W~g,04e.l~~ 1_2.,';' ,. ;}, ji,"_' :",' '--',; -';>':--.'- ",..;'"",< '.-:-:" ',',;";,, ":''-'".,.'-;,.r_,,_',,,:. ,,-, _'--__>,",; .:",_,t" . ';; .Ameu<imerit lost, ,maiuimotion'. cq..l'ried: Moved by W. B. Cole; s~~onded'b~ 3':-A" ':i\fllle;!;: ,~ ',,_'-'-_:_-, i ._0;- ..:'_:: ;:,,',:_'~ -' ',' ,_' .: y,' ._"," That'ihereport' 'ilihe:'gabl' cOJnlliitte~"be:" ~ih)-\V "~~~b~i~e'd and read):':Oamed.. , ;,:~:;:c;,.(/~ ''''l!,:,~'i-/' l\foved by ~d~~Kill?; ;;~~?;{de1 ~tGeo~\'rf~'~:?~; ;'" . , -"'fi'~That,~~~'r~po~~,-'~f:the g~?'~:~~~rii.t~ee.'~~" '-..~dopt~~: } (Carried'.; . '''','' ~ ," '."':" ":""'" "",,:' -><-".";,'--':'~:', , '" ',:" i: "_'"'<,':'_.-:;1 "''- ':M:Q'v,edbg'04~~{OJ:i~t.e, i~e~o1id,~a hy' J;.,_1fi~pbJ.p:'~-;: - ~:-l.. "" '."',: '",,' "" "',," "-','" '--.' ',--: ,c'.,' : '__' ','., '.C,' '-,,:..": ,'""-,,, ;,c.'-,';,",,,--:,, __';, :'",;, <.', ~'__ " "-" Triit :,this-::O~uricil ,r>etiiioI;l,.'the -- D:i~~isla>eub3;: of:;{}[{Gm'i~,:for:;Ml{ amelld-il)ent 't"q'the 'M unidpa,l JAet,per.rn:.ttting>:-townshipi_l:oll.hcys; to; pass: by~la",s_to:encourage-, "aiL[llcreased width,of-:ti~es'_ <in: waggons 1lSea:~OA ;the',,:))ublic' 1'(')?--ds-".'or'~hw3YS">tu4;::tQ';_;3:-q.thorge::'1;l~i(;l ~:'j: -, ';,'\, THiIiDO,SESSI{)N<,~FOURTH DAY, -' FRIDAY NbVEMB-EE--"24TB:;'l882. , -, .-'.- "'. <l~ y ~~cording Members p~~~~~::.~f.~ ~. n'" _C._" :'-1.-' . J\1essrs., l\IPM~''l(~';G;:; "'/"';-;'}!:~"';"LaiIi.g, " Ling, .(~ .Leitch, M:ilIigan, Ring, Lawton, McColl, Hepburn, :.1illel', Cole, iId .".!M~W~~,.,,;: .~ , Bentley; Chute, Abell, Locker, God",in, Weisbrod, Wagoner, Ellison, Brasp.er,' St,ratiton. '," read and authorized to The proceedings of pre"','ious day were be signed. , The Warden addressed the CouncIl. , made between the Township of The clerk. read ~he rfePsortTh as respecting 340 acres of land Y 'h d the City 0 t, om , armou\.l . an b d dd d to 'the city corporatIOn. taken from Yarmcut an a e .. v . . Moved by Mr.W eisbrod, seconded by John EllIson, .<. . .tt. . to adjust the amount the Thatthe report. of the c~m~~ efuw~ship of Yarmouth for city of St. Thomas ?S tOf pay. ?d.t :.uship be adopted and read. htnd taken by the CIty rom sal 0 Carried. Moved by. John King, seconded by G. Lawt~n, That by~l~w 365, extending the time "for selling of lands- for ;Jilt,,::.::,::.:.- 'if~'-ri.:~~~~'~~-~ -~. -~~~. " 'i! I) n 'i'i \~ .i' Ii' iLl ~ i ~,;.: , f; H:< 1,1: il:;l ,p ki,:. nIl pil ~ m\\ ,f:l: ;lll':: 1\'" M\ ,11r ~i:: it,,: ~rt\:, 11,1\ rW/:t ;~:~,;:1( \Y;Jii, U' ~:-' .,Ii r,'; ;! r"c \:, :':: " ' (1:,' f li~ (., l Fi!~ :,-" })4 ',~i ';!~ - " o 48 ELGIN- COUNT'Y .GOUNCIL -PROCEEDINGS.: counciIs to grant a remission;'iILwhole or in part',-ot, Statlitelabor to parties using_ .tires qf,-a sp~cifi~wid~h. CaITi~d. Moved, by,A.J. Leitch, seconded by John ,King, , That in viewofth~;great;diffi.oulty .and-expensefiricurred un- der,,~l1e prese:Ilt ~yste~pfcollve:ying pr~oIfers ,to t~~peRit€l:p.tiaries and seeing the benefi.ts"accrri.ing from having a pi'ovincial,J~~iljfJ; to convey prisoners to, ~he ~iffer~nt places of:c?Jlfin~Ul~Ilt., ~nder the jurisdiction ,of -the'Local Legislatu:reof:-'Ontario:"this "~council theref()rememoralize tl;1~ _Dom~oIL'" G-ove~1?~:m~:;PC?,-:-appointa DOD).~ion_bailiffor b~iliffs; t9:coAveypriso-ne~ to;,t~~pe~tE?n~tt.l~~~__ !Lud that this conncil ask pth~r counti~s.,'to,co--ope:rat~).~jh~ 'W~_k ter, ,that the clerk forw(trd a copy of th~s ,,' ~'esolut~()njj() t~(,mem- berS 'of the, :EI:()us~_ of (J?mmons _for Elgi!l a:p.-a ,t}{a:t' they ~e;ask~dc ~o give,-.:their-inftuence-'and- support 'to '-having' thls~ become law:- Carried.~' ' " -, ,,' ,";" ,Moved by ,A. J:.Leifoch, .seconded oy D.McLaren,'"., Thatthe-clerk'b:o,autho#zed,to,,fJl:rnish::.the :,sheriff, . pl." his counsel, with t.he account of the costsincurred-l>y:,the "county, in t~e}~y~~tiia~on oft~~~~ar~~~~gainst.hiJ!1'", C~l~ried. Moved by Dr, Ling, seconded by J. A'-Mill~r, . ,".: That" the ~()Dlmit~eap:poin~ed,topr()s~?ute9le, ~he~8, qbarges b'e Impow-ered: to, settle,~heh~siD_~ss rela.ti-v"e t():-:,e~pehs:e~,:": inc,~rred, by investigation, and would' suggegt .tbat they' should:' send' the account for payment to-the'goverri.ment~and.1et '- the :go:vet'Iiment look 1;0 the sl)eriJIfor,th~money, q~rried. ,";: ',: M()vedbY _ J()hnKing, seppp,deq py, ~J~:D:1~s: .-:S;ep~lll'U",. Whereas the To;n~hipofSouth;;'~id ~a~stoth~;D6nJlty;:of Elgin on aJl,eq1J,aliz~d,yalue of ;$.3,~3;7 .i>62, ,>y:~.~?r- ,~~~~5~. ,J~: pro- duced by multiplying the are age 'of 73,071 by' $42 arid adding th' .reto--$168,580 of personal property, and'.whel1eas'; the.:: "_'correct areeage of Southwold is 71,380 which multiplie!'lby $4fpe~ acre, would give $2,997,960 and adding thereto $168,580 'of pel's01.al property'_ will give $3,166,540 . of: equalized v.alue;:_:'being _$7J,022 of equalizedvaluele8g,than,Southw:o~d,' now, <pays "upon;"and' which at 21 mills ~mouri.ts to,say- $160,-ge . ,it;" resolved:'.that",:to i~_medrthis injustice t~~ countttreasurer 'l?~ ins~tq((ted :,to :rec~iy~': _, ",.'""-;,C'-c,~w""",.,,,,-,--,- ,-,.."",-",_.-,~-,,-----"~- -.~;;:I=-_ ~ ~ ,;; ELGIN qOUNTY COUN~IL PROCEEDINGS. froiii.ther6~~hipois~u--"-' ... ,......'.:" - ..~ co~ntJrclaimsforcurrthwol? thesum>of $7747 notified to-said ~td~sh?-tyear;'lliste~d of,th-t}' s~or ~ full of than notified amo)lnt" '~:ri~~e county clerk, being' $i~007!e: Moved by i OW . " ' T' ", ".eLSbrod,<secondedby JoluiEllis .qat. the treasurer of -his " ',' , on,' eO. to eli". ,-. - . .v county be . d .-, .- .. for the n:.r~~c~;z:~s~~e;:.~. fO~:Je~~arch:: h.( m~it["eat~t~:::.; Moved by R L k . DC er, seconded by JOB' -r . . en" ey That the minutes and.. . . . . ' reports.of committees be p~~~c~e~mgs of the council'and also the years, and thalj th. b - e ill pamDhletform. .0 the 15_th f D ey e got ready for distr'b-t". as In former member, 0 Oa:~:~ber, ana that thteler~:'~~tan~~p;t:~ ;::~ MovedoyJ 0 B 'I .", ..>> '. '. ent eY,,'s.~c~ti~_~(rbyMr. Miller Thatthe Sum ofs' t. ---' . . ' extra services perforine~Lj~~~~ be granted to the .warden .tor' as granted to other wardens in :D e present 'year, being the sa~e ormer years. Ca.i:'ri d Moved by Oh Oh e . - as. ute, seconded by .T. 0 Bentle That theeIerk be author' . y, road lists the Canada Thistle ~~~ ~~ ~art printed on the book of more fully understand their duties. ~arri:~- that overseers may Moved by J K' ' . . lng, seconded by J. He b T' . _' . p urn, - nat It lS the opiui f th' o~cers .should _be electedO~yOthe ~Soun~il that all county and O'aol sa ary In place orfess. Oarri.ed.DIce o. the people and paid' by John King O'i ves not' h ?: SOllt~wold will not tak~c:h~r~~f~~~h th;, date the municipality cit;r~r~~g;h stream of over 100 Ofeet an~ o~nf:ll~oadb.bridge as. it , . o~as and said municipality. - e me etween the MovedbyJ 0 W' , ' . elSbrod, .econded by John Ellison, 49 " -j: I ,<~ ."T,.i\",-~.-,~~"" 'f ;;' i' d t" if ~.\ ; , i.; ~"" r iLj !j; !h,' +.! In,: it" lr:}~ H\" ~, il'!' I ;i~ i,'>1 '1"1' LIi; ~~\\\\;: ,:\\\ I') fl\\~ . fii, ~);j It:\t Ii'" ,';'1' f;,;'-~ ., ;) ~~ I ! fj \; I ( Ii! \", h F -.~ i i~ I " ,i,~"':-:-\~"C';,.,,,,,_~~,,'"ec-'-' ~"~".,-,-,,,,...;:.--~; 50 ELGIN coUNTY CO~~~ILJ>~~~~~~~_~~~ , .- '--. -~--.--' '.',.',-. -'- . ilar~-~h~l:~bytend~~~~_ to.t~e That the thanks of thIs, c~::~ ve ' ',o'entlemaDlya~a.~fficI~~~ warden ,cletk and, treasurer_fOl, '.r 'm7db their-' res-pec~lve'._d~ti" e,~' ---' -".''-'Whl'chthey,;~haYe_pel1or - '_ _.,~""_". '" manU(~r,:-m,'., ,,'. , Carried>. __ . :,~' 'J L 'itch - -Moved by Dr. ,Ling, seconded,b~" ',,-' ,: ", ' -- ':' d' "w-'die 'CarrIed. That thiS ()ounClLa Journ8t ' J;iB:'McILLS,c WMcKAY.' "'Warden, ,,' 'County Clerk. ._"~~"",~~,".',,,,_:,,c-~,,-~_,,""'O- __--e'~~--;--,e~=~~-~-~,c- 1 ~~~-=-~, - ,'-->!:!'-"""'-~~-=~~e=:'!!?.--"--.."T"~c:"~~::=':~--=--,~~,:~c, ELGIN COUNTY cotmcn.' PROCEEDINGS. 5i FINANCE REPORT, 1882. To the Warden?7Ifl Q'Fndl_~f tk~,aountll of. Elgin:_ The Committee on '" FinaJ1ce beg le~v_d' to. report that, having eX,amine4iI;1tot~e sta~~ of the nnances _of. the County; and. t1e est_ii?ates' preparSltl_ by_the Coull',y TreaSllrel',they ..herewith su bmit a 8ta~ement of tbe expe:nditu~e requiredfC?rthe}awfuLpurposei;lOf the Sounty~uring the year1882, showing the amounts requir!3d to l?~.:r_fised f<?l' th~u~derment~~nedpurp?ses~ - . Canada.Southercli' 'Debentures...... ;{ ~-.:,..:$lOO()O 00;- Coupons;". .;"c". C" ... .... ,'c,; ...5400 00 Admintstrationof Justic'e.... . ......:,;:.. .35QO.OO CountyI,inesc'md Bridges.,.,... ..'..,., ,1500 00 . High Schools,.., .".<.."" ",.., ;" ,",340000 ModeISchools".'....".., . ,;".,,____,10(100 Inspector of Schools.',.. , ,.., .,. ,...700,00 Officers' Salaries, &c. .::.>. .. .. ::.. . ...-'. . ..2500. 00 Paymen~,of Jur()rR,; . '....::.' .; . ;..... __. ~ ~2000 00 <:PaymentofOrown.'''Vit~esses......., '.. ..1100 00 Honse ofIndustry, ,. . , , ,.., . . , '". , . . ",3'000 00 Bills Payable,... . , . ;", "c, , '.., , ...,282300 , " ", ',' , $36023 00 . .-(jom~on schools, equival~nt;-to Legislative . grant.. __.....,. .... ,355200 TOTA~ $39575 00 Your Committee would recommend that the sum of tbirty- six thousand and twenty-three dollars be raised arid levied on the rateaLle property in t~e several Afuuicipalities in thd Coun~y of ._~-~--~"~,-----_.- i8~""Yi'"~:-<'" _,c,,"~',,_~~_, ,:',"'"'''''''' -.~ r-~~' ------,-'---'-'~- t:( t!.t r\f t"l:;, ~'l ' ,I"" ~\n f' 1'\ t1j ~1;> ~\!: f\\\1 ll\i~ [!,IH m\t "'\' r;i\ t\i; ~'i,', )_'J.l.I\ \'1,'," I:::i\ ~ ',", <' r;,: F ~<:-~ t~J-:'}~ . i'~;,1 I;' '; I" I ~: hi 11', b, [Ai I! I ',~ ['(1 If I' t-. !-~ 1}'j: -~,----,~-----,-,,---'~ .. ",- -...... ..-- 52 ELGIN coUNTY COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS: Elgin during the year 1882 for Oounty purposes as per schedule herewith submitted, and that the requisite By-Laws be passed to levy a rate of Two and One-quarter Mills' in the Dollar on the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the" Oounty of Elgin, as equalized for the preceding year, to raise said amounts exclusive of school grants, aud that the sum of Tl1ree Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Two Dollars be raised' in the several Towuship-"l\'I;unicipalitie~, onty-for ,~_OmIT!-Olf'sbhr:?ls~:,/equal to the Goverm;nen,t'Grant, and as _'proportioned-,and required-by the Edu- cationalDepartment, and ent~r~d}rl,_ the following Schedule under the head of Common Schools. SCE:ElDULEl 6]1;' RATEliiL -_ ,'"", EQUALIZED-'VALlfEj'GENERAL'1 RAiLWAY MUNICIPAL:T~ES, ", INI88L ,,':RATE.','; ~ONUS; COMMON' SCHOOLS.' [TOTAL.' , Aldhorough.... 1&05447, 2325 1737 Dun:wich:;'. 'I 2134402, 2749 2053 Southwold.. .... \ 3237E 62, 4171 ' 3114 yarm<:uth......l 3295597. 424'; , 317.0. Malahlde.. . . 2428892, 3129 2336 Bayham;.., , .: 1205,710.. 1553 lloO l S.Dorchester ., 1350726, 1740 1299 Vienna,...~. .. 7"00.0. 93 69 Aylmer.';" " 31500.0. 406 ,303 Pt. Stanley. ..';, 8400.0. 108 81 \ Springfield,., " 8700.0., 104 78 Tota.!s.,',... 160103t6, 20623 15400 599 5ll 622 503 541 536 240 35,52 Allof$hich is re'spectful1y. submitted,' 4661 5313 790.7 '7918 60.06 3249 3279 162 709 189 182 3957500 A. J. LEITCH. Oommittee Room, ,8th"June,J88f}. Vliidrman. " ""~,,,~,--=-,,-~.-,,~--,-,-,-<,--~,~-~","'~'_~' r--' ~~, ~, .'>. EQVALIZ.A.TTONRIJjjPOB T~"i882. , <., ',. ...., , '<> .. :.:....... '.: The Committee on 'Equalization 9f vhe"as~:~ssinenW ~f .the:'Cotuiiy ';heg leave to' report the following Schedule o(~qualizati(m for the corisiueratiou.of the Council. ' . ASSESSED PER~ONAL :.':. .:;:' ("UEAL ~NDPER_~ EQ!.fALIZED1 :PERSONAL RRAL REAL &. PER- lI-lUNICIPALITIES, ACRES VALUlii; :pROl'ERTY 'REAL'.',R 0",,' T,."Y I',ON:AC,", RO,',l,'E~TY' :VAL,U",E PER :PIW, 'ERTY AS',1",R,., OI'E,RTY AS SO NAL, 'PRO.," ASSESSED PUR ACRE AND INCOME' AS ASSESSED; ...AS ASSESSED.' .,ACRE, EQUALIZlJ:D. 'lCQVALIZ~D. ERTY AS EQ:n m_____ $ c $ '. i-::;--:--'$- m'$~ -:-r ~'-_$-'--'-- AldbOroUgh," 75,539 17 40 70,08,0 I, ',31, 7,78(i", '/,..1,387,866, ' 2,.3, ,(i',7,521 1,,737,397 1;8,04,918 Dlluwich....., '69,551 2550 108,805 1,776,940 '1,917,045 2,9' 11:7,605 2,016,9792,134,584 SOuthwold.... 71,380 3520 117,850 2,512,891, 2,635,446 42 168,580 2;997,9603,166,540 yarmouth.... 69,575 37,70 178,5762,624,6752;80,3,251 46 176,553 3;20C ,4503,377,093 Malahide....,62,611 3020 112,9501,894,3012,007,251 37 nl,I~5 2,316,7182,427,893 S. Dorchester 30,482 3550 8,000 1,0,84,715 '1,093,,715' 13 40,000 1,310,7~6 1,350,726 Rayh.m.....55,759 2100 10,261 1,172,743 1,185,353, 20 125,930 1,1I5,1801,24l,110 Vienn...,.,. ",,;.., ".:" 73,69576,793 92,4es .",. .",'..,., . 72,000 72,000 Aylmer... .. '''...( ,., i... :59,875 371,958 ,431,833.. ',.' .. . . , , ,,315,000 ' 315,000 Port Stanley, ....,.. ,..",.. 5,450 105,410110,860",..,.. ........, 84,000 84,000 Springfield.. ..... ',' ., ...., 2,800 82,280 '85,080". ,;..;', ..' ..", 81,000 81,OQO -- _~'m I 13,750,188 ,------:-1807;364 1524741016054774 Allot' which is 1:eipeetf~ll.ysuhm\\te4. Oommittee Room, ,,' :-' . ..<"" "0.' , - St, Thomas, 22i,d Nove'1'ber, 1882, J. 13'. MILLS Chairmal1. I 54 . - ,-. .- ,.', -UNCIt PROUkEDlifGs. E:1G;?'::pt;)u"NTY p.o_.,. _~ _ ~ _ REPORT QLPUBLIG IMPROVEMENTS,OOMMITTEE. JANUARY-SESSION. -:(~>ike 'County of Elgin: .'"" ":' To the aou1ityO~unc~, oJ:. _ _ '", _,-:',' 'ts be:~leaV"e 'to repo~t: : - ;. ,,:. ,- -Pliblichn:prov:emen _ ____~, The comnlltt~e ~n: -,' "_. d b<the TO'Wnships~6f .....:. d l;o th esolutlons-passe: - y . ',' ':' G - t TbatirLregar .~ _ - e~.. --the t:hen ,,'lard-ell of}he: _ ?Ur;\ y .Jl alahide an~' BaYQ<~~,l ?~-9~1f~-~A~i~ ~hridges. ~h{d:~lso In.reg~rd .jJ() of E!gin,oft~e c?ndltlOn o~ o:x_Wai'det; in' ieferel1ceto_thesam~ the cOIli-mu~c~t_lol!:fr~~ t: e.h-, a:~ihc:r'-:i06kedinto;:_:~hematte~ an_ b' t::'-e'youI' com.illlttee...._:.., ;'.~': 'h--- '8 have come to the su 3ec j,W '-., - - .-'fj:e'rice tot eease,. . . ;-d ;.. examined. th~.:s~_tute~ m ~e fsnot ;espon~ih]f), for thepl'1., _ge~,; c~m,. conclusidll_that t~e};Q~lll y-\;, . ~~:: '_~> ~::'- ~-',_ "_'-:( _ ~-"i' ,_:~:: plained,of.< -' "'I'd' ,.--'" .m....e'~(f,..'th'ci't::l\'ressl's;'. :-~epbul'llb'; (::.., '. . 'tt . wou . .:.reCOIll.,_. ""," ..-ted a su- l Yourcpm_ll'!-l ,6':_-:._----, -;.~ -,: ?'E"'- "'nlier b~tappo~~ ". .:'. . L itch" :A1cLarell and"tbe.goun~:VR:J?-fb-l'idge s:aid bl'ldge havlfl_g e.,:. 'to e:b:uuin~the__Qo~~e_:.o.~"_"~;-"f~' :': y.:_ : ~;';_ cOIf,mltt_~e :; ': -::';uanO"e:rous~:C911~lt~9Y_.-:~, ~,: ", :: ";" ._ beAU reR2r~ed 111~~ ';, ":0,:__,': ,":- ,',' ,>. ,", 'th :;so1ithSll:l'e of tl:J.6, '6~ ' " ,-~-:' '-,-- ,'th- .app' roach, to, .fl ..:., '_'_'. ' th :"", AIfa,~I;so.to:_ex:t~J~~ fu~itte~--to-1i:ive pm\~.er-- to "ac_t m ;"_,~ M~_cIntosh'~Jn4geJ ~al. c~__:-:,: ":::_:. :,:-':.: ';:~_ , ab:Qv~~matt~rs.;-;, .: ~"-:::~ ;::'-"b'>i~f.~d - 2~ A.11 oflivhi~li is respecif.'t\YcS~. ;,_: ,; . ' . ., "h-1882 Cq~~~ttee\:golfrg, ;Jan. :2?:~..- . _. ,. , -, ~ .. -L,i ,,'t " ;- ELGP(; (J.oP_~1;!- c.9'{U:1fqILPROC~~_~IN~S.- _, 5.0.' REPORT OF PUBLIO IMPROVEMENTSaOMJYIIT1'EB. JUNE ~~~~I~:k-:J- 6th Jiine, '1882. -" <. . '~(JJ1~liEN, , OhallJllan._... ~+)~~f<-* , --, 66 " ELGUr' COUNTY:'<50UNCIL PROCEEDINGs:-" -. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. . -. ... "". '. JUNE SESSION. '\";--" ", St., :~olIlas;?une 6th, 1,882, To the Warden a;nd Gentlemen altke-Elgin CoUnty Oouncil:" . GENTLEMEN: '{ '_ :,' "',', " ,Since my appoiIltp:tent:~s ;your ~n~~f3t:;l~, I h=:,y~,.yisit- ed ~~lthe, lJ,ria?es under; ~he cont~bl ofth~~Sj~~n~y:t~ice,' an~~some, . of :thefl?._ thl'eeti~es. , :All.~he ~:ep_~ir8 f~e~mlllen9e,Q.- aty6~r ras~: me'eting ~ ~a~e colllpleted, -e:x:cept th-e ~l~tting~ownof t,he,hill_at'y../ the :.vIcIntosh bridge. I ha:re~,made,~, ~u~ve:r :aud esthna:te of :the,co~(:_-:;' of doing, this ~ ork and ~nd that, the, cost eXfeeds, m:rexpectati()llS" at that -time,- I tperefore;th~:mg~t it:best -0'lay- ,thematter_~~~Q~e ~QU againforyour!considera~i~n. , __,' _ '", ."," . ",.:", :'-' The 'hilf i's in;,~;}r~ry-'})ftd,-st~t~;:_t~e ,~pl"O~eqti~n"',that.-.y'a~ pl~~e(l,j,"; on t,h~west ~ide has~givenawaiand, ca-qs.ed the earth' t?<_sllp" down, 'and it, is now encroacping onth~ tr~vel.l~d_":po~t~o.~'!'of'~' ~he" -:' road, the hill i~also vel'ysteep; t~e'slope bei~g i~;~h~<cen.tre,lfbot-"' 8 inches in."lO: feet; in 'wetwea.thtr'the,whole'of :the-'-water" that. ' flows down the hill goes on to the 1st span of the 'brfdge:'ana'lelives" -,(' on it a large deposit of ear:th; .the:rEl,lsno:Wj-onth,at'f'lP~.frQm~:to 6 inches-9f i;lartJb"dep.osited in that manner, The cost of making this ?ill'ii:i-a'gbod~state will be about ,$300, this w01l1d:, ,iD;c~u,~e,f.~~~ gravelling-after the grading was completed, . - .'J; "-~" Your Public Improvements Committee and myself visited the Coyne Road bridge on Febr.uary 9th,when we met a similar com- mittee from the county of Middlesex. A certain number of improve-- ments was decided on by thejbint ~_o?1mitte'e, which haye since been contracted for and c01I!R~~t~d ,~~',a,~a,E~sf~~?ry manner, at a cost of $100, being $50 for each County, " The Graham Road bridge is in a good state of repair, with the exception of needing a few :nore plank for the floor to take the place of som~ that are giying away. The Wa.rdsville bridge ".-ill require to be re-planked this year. In company with theengineel' of Middlesex I exaridned- it " ~k~;~lf,8~~~rx 90,U,~CIL "-,-",,,-, .,,;," ,-". l?~9-9~~D~~f?~~c 57 sbome time ago.._and estim'at----'d' 't'h--- -- -tho. ,- ...... '---.-..' .:_' . - <,-: eabout""lO'!-'~{-"'^"=:;-' ,_y><__",a,t.,_,8_cost fO.. . ~ O.-Lhaa hv-elve'::j.a:h-l" "~'f; "'-' :,:-' .9, ;l:l~p~,<?;yements would proach at a cost of $8, which.--roaks -0 . ~avel pu-t"On,\.the south a - Th' . -,_~_._es:,J.t":tn a good state of r ., p e.Bothwell BridO'e.isin :. _ . . . epau. n~trequlre anything thfs\y~~~,.:aj$RB~::,.s,Yf~e. of repair and will T~e Port Stanlei-:B'i-Ido>--''-'';''-'''1 ..',.'. "" \'";,, ,', , . . ~he spnng the earth approa~~ ~na~sorn a~g~od"state orrep'J.ir..' In "l}t,i'!i,,'l;ed',~t a,c?s\p!' ~7,57. I"',, WO,1d,e e,ast SIde gave,:wayand-Ihad Wl . . the bndg' e'th' 't' 't1:.o:n.;. ',c/.>: ~,~,:u" ;r.ecomm end In . . , lIi ~.J;a;~;~-; _]':-C:I ."[,._.-~.,,,}lEl-guard-rail"wb";h'';:;': ';:i~'--; ;...connectIOn e Sl. ewa k be<:pl'L'raown'oU:- ih;;: if"-"~ ~c,:,Ef.,PQ)Y)~Jaced,on top: of ma~e .lt~llcp. better for foot a@s{.~q,~,,:8r_,t~~, 'hp~~g,~_';W,\V6Um mt, W;19.e@n;Ouo:b;-:-to,aU' p nners, as -the preseii:t"w"'Hi/::::O:-:' hYTe ---_ .: ~.o. -"-). ow, ~W-0.-persons"t6' . lk . a ,IS " ,~; rpOY.l::ugJJiJ,t _WQtdd-,,riQt,::- ,.' .' <>'.,Wil--,;sIde-:;QY;S~Cl~" and Wia~':~-S5'k,('jlf,<';_/<>'/~r!:"~ ..lu.}ll1Y-;w:~:p,;I:nterfeJ:~ 'Yi~h, :-;the,-~oad- .'~'~;,,:c~.i,~~#a~riri!rl#jr~~X"atiiinatiD"'; ;::"L2~;;': :i, ,_" .,,:' 'C <. :i i'<':i';~". '-' - " r.,t,_OUiYd_:lt was,a:':ver'y'-''''c''o'''''m'-' ,.,_,., ;,~.s.?ft~eJ~rrag',es', 'along''-' :th'e;'';';-'''''', :;"'r'. ',-_'.. .'-. mon--tnm":D' ">-'-,- .....' nvel' t~o~:'Jh\r?b~~~d'~)~a-~~(erT:fte ,"#ian';-a, i\VaHi~,tgh~'e-PI';e1h,PY;~~d,pl:,t?-;:~,ri~e;~ter .:them,' ~ ....e'1'tge-.Ttli".'i!-'.--:... '.'., ,," OIng,:""'t''''j'''''.-,c,' t"He~JH-' . ;',., ,;' ~, , ,_,.e"1'e1.ore' call~a ith'e'att'" """, ,0:: ''': :~!~_, erl~, d3plage E"",?,,~;~ ?~_.-\U;bl~cl:1ID:prdve' j~, , .; ;'.:' ,~~,~~~~;,o~_th~.chaIrmanr:.'!bf ' S~~?t,lOns ~aU gfi&iliF"Y'. 'H;'-'~. I~le:~t~.~o_:~b,e-_mat;te'r;!,.and--:,tiiili.;.," st~:i1ti:~F:Diafin;~frt~' p ~?~'. ?P..~Hj.BrtUS;,of'i:lacH jlh~idg'~e;'~'. ;-,-~:;~~. trri:ri-X.-u'u"t 're,';;, ,: ?, :p:r;~v:ent:::sucb!dnvmg" J.'.'JO'n' 'c'-'o:-,-,( "_.<,<', .,,1f1.:',asub..- vU c)".ofMidd!" 'Ih """ ,'mmunrcat"'tli t~~','~~~~~se., ,J ~lf{fh~k~' -;te{,-~~~~e~~,-~~e~t':ti!lingfle8f1'Jto p~;'1! l~'; $17.."~'J"0L;-:; .;:;:i[,,;~ ,'j 9"I':e. ou:g.ty'for'nlte'ha1f~trr~-" ,..,-..-a;, ~;:~'~~~~~hi9h .i~' I'e,~~cpX~jji"~;~~Jitt~i'If: ;,~';:: .",;~ge~se 'l~ ,e,the.hQnor'to h~,"(YtJ', "">'" ,"cc,'~ .<"'<)1.-,:.;.)(,:;-.: 'I'i"'-"-,. ,: ',~: en e~en,ZyourJ_dbedient_s ' . t < ,), ,-, >0. _,h'i: 'ii:"!r;:,j!'~;';:-":O'i~~~:"A;:'~';:~~:'."~';::' /q~NA~y:Eil;~i~eer d,""''- ,',;', ,,:," ~>~i''--'C' .-,,' i: "'- ;'j~i!' ,;;. ;':j'; ~"~.~."." k ;'i t.... fi ~il t 'H, ihW ;Illi~ ,.t) tlH. n1f ~\ 1\;1 IJ 1\\\: 1\1 g';" ~':l It::~ J< tr]i~: h'" k:~:i ~"..< f.1'>{' IL f'l \7i. i+ I 1'1 ! t \ I ~,,\ f};'... ~1 fj' 'j ',j'; , ,;.=.-...--~. --=~~>-:.._,,--.~. ~':'=", 58 ",--",".-. ..." . ELGIN -. 'coUNTY' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.' OOuNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. . NOVE:MBRR' SE'SSIOi. To the'. Watden and OQ'I)/I~cil of tfte 90'lj,'fpty of El1f,7!': GENTi.E~EN,~.,_ ..........' ,':::-' ",:.;'._ --/-: .. :_<'_: I beg to submit the following report' on the, ,~ork done on the county bridges since your last meeting, and also as to tl1eit: condition at thepl'eseJ:l.t,}~~e. . " .'." J' ...---....... - The Otter (JreekBridge.-~t,YOUllast meeting the I warden and,;myself were instruct~d',to as:t iu conjunct~onwith:,the'-County of Norfolk in building a bridge over the Otter Creek, betwaen:tb;e townships of Bayh;tm and :'di<ldleton,Th",P9Utltyyf'tjPf!9Ikou bewgcOlD.lD.~ptcate'dwith in:_tl:t~;llla~~!, !~~~st34_.'~6,,9:?." ~nYf~~gi: but the T9"nshipof Mid<llet9n agreed ,to, act j,rltheir,stea<l:, I was , then, instructed by the warden ,to proceed]i'itl1the wq"k,proyi<ling, the cost should not exceed $400: r then P!ePi'r!)d, plans andspepi, fi~ations 9f a, q-q.een t:r~s.s -.l;ni~g;e, ~~tj J;p~n;-:?ei~g :,6:9 t~~~:w~tl:1 :pne_ approa()h16 feet. longandthe,othe!,~2. .feet.,; 'l'li~8eplans" \>eing satisfactory tq .tl,1ecollllllittee,apP?inted\>ytheto;wpship .qf,!di~-, dleton we ,asked for. ten.dersand ,accepted. the, lowest, wb.icJ;1,iWa,S for the sum of $395, ou~ share being $197, In doing th~worliwec took advantage ofa$ much ofthe ol~ material as was,in.good C0l1- dition, some of- the old' piles'being.penectly"sound.- Jrhe'_-:work was ,completed abo"tthe,.15th"of..0ol",\>eri' satisfactorYI to,Jnyself and .th~'?5~D1~it~;~e,from Middletoll, and is_a.very good job. . 'rhe Mcfntosh Bridge,-This bridge is in good condition, My e'stimate' submitted to you at YOUl' last meetingfol'cutting-down and gravelling the hill at this bridge was $3QO, tbe county to pay $200 and each of the Townships adjoining $50, I advertised the work and succeeded in getting a goodjob done for $310, being $10 in excesS of my estimate. This work will be a great,benefit,to the bridge as the water off the hill was doing it a serious damage. The Coyne.Ro~d Bridge.-There has nothing lJeen-'doIie 'to this bridge since your last meeting:- I visited it last Oll. the 13th of ~his Illonth, This i$ theworstbrid~ on the river and requu-es a " ~'~O",'-'=-'-"-'=.,_~"'~ 59 good deal of attention Th " " abou~2oo feetloi1g~U atet~pproach on the Elgin side wh;ch . :e spring and wili very likelye fart~e"t all have to be l:ebuiit i~ me. . reqUIre some repairs before that The Graham Road B 'd Engineer of Middlesex IhrId~~~In connection with the C ty that I recommended at val .,repairs made in the pIa o~~ some bracing done to h" our ast meeting, There will h n rug ~made ~sketch ofwh~teIs::~\:~uJs,as it is getting out a:; ~~n~e p,,:;,;;ort , Reeve ofM6,a, as hestaJ:~ andsellt it to i\1r, Wa; no an:':.: ~~::, aJ:ce for doing the wor~,~:t h:syCZ~'~ hget' 80hme . ave ad The Ward-sville B"['" ""..,':' ~~~;e~crl?,t~on, OF3:,1ittler~~:ingT~l~hbrldge is.in good r~pair with swaymg_ . \" v, "".' .. n' _> e south span to P" v t'. ., ..e en Its , The BothwelJ Brid~'l'h' ,'..' . ",. thIS bridge will have togb'- eapproachon theso-uth'end fh~tlonganawilLcost alJ~u~e~~a6~et ~s ,:~n ,as possible, it is :<50: 's month and with this excepti~';' fi;::'it in': and iIi,spected it ::;,;:The P'Ol"tStanlEl ,B"d ' . '_ . " .:.ooodrepalr." .rall.n'10Yed:f~qD1,theJ60tr~a1~_:to~~t~1~d~ridge. I had the ,guard :::~r~ollyement for passengers, ;'h:' g~;::c~makes ,it much _ , 0 .If! now, ill ,good ,Thovef) d" ,..,.' this' onn veryo'grcaLdifticttlt, , 'a ",' ' wor,z::"Jas ;:en are exceedingly sQa~::'gdt~lllg an;rrepairs:done ;_. '_, <, :,;:~:en U'}.ey,dotake a 't" ; '. usywIththeir.,o:wn ~~tAt<l?neill tlieti';'esfiPit'l:lt~~'!t~pt,~ ,s!,lmo~t" imJ>os~ible to __ ": ",:ugus,t,: that ,a horse_ haa-:' ,}".,;'- w,~s t;Lotl;~e:d, Jnthe ; earl' ' t~e;(l-rnhamR9.<l Bridi"g?f,h's fO,9Hh,onghthe ' I&n'k.,ypart I fOl;n~that oile 'o{tht't~ ':nme~tely,,:ellt to~!ethemfof TheJOlllts in the h 'd ,P a~. S, In the north:sp-an: had' . . ",.,' pac~. th I n ge.are'pla d""" . gIven awav . e,p~l:!-ksget a littl .' ' ce so.-Vel'yfal'_'_" apart, thO t . h" mg'a.way' ; '.'::, e worn or rotten there is do . '. a .'w ell ,:"1;< ,:;./_.; . -. . anger of them givw Allqt' which is respectfully snbmitted St,Tllomas 20th N , , . ovembet, 1882. ELG~~,COU~:TY. .cOUNCIL PRO " . _, ..' __" .' ___; .\._ ;:_:,_<; .,C;EEDINGS. JAs, A. BEL~ County Engin~er. .,-," ~ ""~ ii , ~ \ ii 1:\ :j ~!i [\; ','i' 60 ~j"y~;(;', '/:t~,U':\, ELGIN CbUNT~: COU'N:Clt C PROCEEDINGS. '.,}., ii; ,i., L,,:;; ",' J~ .U.i:cr) 'i' i' i'; t.! 2~J L? h: Jl: \111 ~ l\\, jjli )r~l ::f\ 'I'~" ill, (1-, :': r!',' >t ~r df ~~I lli'l ;'.0): ;;':::!:-:" ,-.' I);; ,'J;; 'to :';i.:j'i!,;:u:)-r .:j';!(-, ,-,,:;-.;- REPORT OFPUBLro IMP:?qYE:M:ENT~,' 9P~!~~: - '\' ,', .., ~ "'I " _r,.::.::.:::. 'w, NQ~:E:}J~~~:_8ES,~~?:~~, _ '_ "'. ""'; C_,..:_ . ',-:C',. ,:._,":: . , ,"._"'_, i StTIl6mak No~ej,{b'er 2S';d;'1882: . " " '.., ,", ' -~L'>"I" County.ofElgz,,!: (, ;'_.'::.'/;:_";-1'(' To t'!-e 'Warde~an;~pou~~il ,,(T' " . -GENTLEME~'T ,,-,:..., --" '. ',,' "'I'" ).,-.t"C'- . L ',. ~ . ;" ,,", ',' . .. ,~ 'i'P'tibli6,~ImproveDlents'beg~,eavt:F 0 >'l:..".Yoln~'OOmml1}tee:o~. ,;:;-,~ ',,~iF'W submit the, folldwiqg~Teportn " '.U. -" ; ,', ,:" 'W . , ,', - : 'E "neer':jbe~inst:ructed,,-;to:' 'exa~~ne 'J.s~;; ';Ih~t ~h~:cFo~n~~_fO~d\td'be!Undir"~he:,jj~riSdi?t:i:o~:,of _ the;rVleJ?ll3i,br.1d?eJ~~?d'~bl ::'" t te,,1o-jhave the sarrn:3-,reparr.e,d,'\,o"r the:iCounty,uas prov:~de y"sta. u ,~, . ":!H;\fn rebuilt as the case may demand..., ", """ ,.' y ,. c." '. .: ';0' ';':mstructed:;to jhave :JilI,r:rep3;IT8 :);:I-,L21id'.':')"'That~he:el!gr~eer': eo, ;, ii:n.,i;:z'j ;YH~::;;(~l::')\ E;Hl., .adethat-areimentionedln::hls-repo.r.t.,... ~. "~..",o ':""";''? \Y"""il'I0';r in, "~ '_"'_'__:~ <'.:;''':'':.''c<) J~ ~):-!.b";' 'a-"~GEforge.Week~ - .",~~~~.:.,; 1:,~ha~-'t~:~Iol,116~gi~~.q~?Hi~$'~ir!9b ~:1j,.)~).<,j' J\itbt~tQ~E~, '~~ f";' "airs'toGTI.tham.Eo.a~"pnQ.g~".,.:" i~r:;; )!;<;:,j,,; 'f,.;.a:' u'6b;-;~,JSam;_ 9r.r~:r?~., ",,;.: ~':h' ;"'i'MclritosJ{:e1,'idg~'.w~~~g~aVi~;h'.1~\~":i:g~:" ~\;'. i filliILg tiJ~ ~;r~~:~ .~:\s,~:". ." j,i.: >;::tf;.' ':"1 . "'Pritt Starileyopdge, $R,.~5,. iI~1.}'i9~911! f?YCJ!~))gIl1fle~~I'~~~~~~e~:,,,,',.':i;' ,i, '~;"i:)' '~;" ,All,ofwhwh IS resp y . '.. ,0< , I.,..,' ,"'.'<' "fl, " .'. ." "(1 in,:::'iT .'I':"'J ,b,'"Mc't~.4ii~?<1i:i: _ _ . .d~~irman. e.: f.!:);ibr 19' .iLe., ~}^;J ,! t:j':\ lit ~\ f, I: ; [, I :;'t: I f: I -';,"""1 ..' ,T. tP,-B~:roJ1T (':s-;_::;::;"~;<"",,,,,.;;,:,~~'~.~,;;--=~~c.:.,,.~'ff',~~_",,;:~ ,~.;,;:;;.,~.".,.;;;:-.:::;., ~':~_.--__.oo> T CO; ~, 3:1?:::[(:,<:'T'.)O~.~[{ ,rn;:u,:)G' 'J:..'%.UV). :':iU.I.~ ~_~ 'E1~.~_~.?UNT~_2()!T~C}~,..!'~<?Q:,E~]:)!~9~~.. 'ili lt~F,OAT"6F:"~~~~~~;~~i~iI1fs~.JH~~~~~~~?:~~~~ "--~--~---"- } 62 ELGIN. C()y~ .COUN~lL>.~R()CEED~~~. . I and the conditions of voters) apart frolll c~anges'll1 ,th~ p~rs~~e: th . -. ud - ein his,discreticm, -or .the'Coun~ township'mun~c~p~ ~tles, ._:l? J g t'th~s stem of an annual print- ~il of the ;~::p:l~7 ili~~~ta~~_~ d?~~Yat _ th~ present, or .adort mg and pUI IDgI ntiry. system as proVIded for To" nship the aDIi.ua supp eIDe Municip~lities. _:' ,~, . " ',' .. -"-, "A ' I 'rintincr circulation, -pubhcat!O_l;l"T?yJ1:l10n and ~:;1ction ~~n~;av;ters' li~~:mgh6~~~i~~'i:ret:ey~~:~e~}t:~~ ant GOY, ernorat ~~, y tllne,I>r,ecel~?'___"Y'third Y, ~r-'af,tera "eneraror-",munl~lpa], asse~m~J?t, o~ .ever,. . ,,'_ """'_ ,"" gen:eral electimi-to.:the:ProY,lD.clal LegISl~tll~e:.:,. ._:_:'_, g " .. Th~ listauemed andl)()lTected or certified by the .' .' (9th). . eto time With its supplement,orS\lpp!e!ll",,:ts,~hou1d Judge froID ~. 'Th'. Voters'. List for each mummpahty, from be as ,an entire~y: ' e, auld makeonttl1elist _ofvote~;'to be wW9h.; ~he lllup1clpalcl~r~shffi' - "'t _ every' 'electio~as ,at_ present. f1i.rnished tothere~gocers- a, '. .' . _ _ . _: . , , , ' .,'" . ndthat the voters ',,-,,'(1Qth) La~tly,yo~r COD1mltteer~~Onll~le .... .... t-rr"Otle -~t- ~lg)Uld ~ot~e ~onsid~redashfi~a~l:C::S1,s~~ th~ce~rese:~ ~9~~ sitting oftheUo~-_untitanot e"n-are f~ulld omitted:,or mls-' of closing the revlSlon manypersoh... ~. . ""'d'" bted :rig-ht:' 'of,f,r,..a.n ,-: ..'--:,. ..... '0 'n-e6ted where t e un ou , '_ "_'.".. . ;ta;kes_rema~ll': une..".,. .... d~ d'-teo.on shouldn(tt,he,:~ll~n ,chi~eexists:;))ut a ~St39~Qe agu,lca:: . ,__ ~ ()r-recons:i~e~~,~, ..' , GEOBGE \V.,:L~;~;i Committee Room, St.. Thomas, Chairman. ~3rd No...emher, 1882. ~d X'l ...., ','..~",',.,. ".~"<. ,';.:r: "j'-' . :) ) -... "." , ,- ELGIN . COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 63 PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S$EPORT FOR THEnAR :J882. 'l'o:the. Wardina_'W10o'uncil oftlJ,e Oountf! QIElgin.: ~ENTLEMEN,_ -In acc~rdancewith 'aresolution'passedat a:previQlls session; T begJ~~vet?pres~nt.the',fo1I6wingre~ort: '. ..... , ,!he . ;number .of schools and depart.ments ,_ of sehools)s as, fol~ ~~: ~, . Aldborough, 14. DUD.wich, U, Southwold, 18, Yarmouth, 19. Malahide, 18. l3ayham, 18. South Dorchester, 5.' Springfield, 2, Port Stanley, 2. Vienna, 2. Aylmer, 5, Total, 120, ThetotaIIlumber,_of schoOlh()usesis 103. ]'o;ty or th~m are'bri(}k"andsixty~three frame. ~i~ety-o_~e are in ,gopd ,repair, and well furnished, ninear,{t mid,dling, and only' t~:r~~~l'epositive]y bad. ' , The-m'linber,oftea<::hers 'hal.ding second-class Provincial cer: tificates' is-: forty;.'holdingT~ird~class' County Boar4, - -sixty-nine, hold~ng- extended:tl;lil'd-classgranted by the miIii~ter of:Education, eleven. ' Total 120, ; c Thit:ty ofthe sixty-ni)1e t.e"cbers reported as,hplding ,third- classcertifica.tes~havere,ally passe~the,nC!n~professiml<tI-_ex~,m}na~~?~ fo): s~con~~~lSs, . making a ~otal of seventy:professional. ~nd non~ prqf~ssional se~olld~ela1Jg ooachers.: TLe1.tbsence"orp~cher~, :holcl~ ing. _first-cl~s. certilicates. ma_v b~_ac~()l1ntedf<?r' by, tI:l('la?:t~p:a~ np.t :Inore-thaIlone per:-,p_e.Ilt.gf ,the ~e.ac,l1e~ in the.. pr?vinc€lreacr. thj::;staIldar4,and the:,cos~:ofits. ~tta~Ulent ris ~_~olIy oll:t_of.pr()~ p()i'tj.Qn,to,the~alaries paid.in ..the. .ru~'al. scho;olB. It, is. als,o:t~e' th~t ~~ring,the;pastt:wopr ~hreeye~rs theine~eas~,in.. the cost of{tcqniri!lg _all,profes~io,n,alcertifi~tes' has been far: ,in'e~~B;s: pf the :incre~se in, the ~huies of teachers; ind~d' ope of 'the ~ieatest ,Ii " "I '.1 I, I' ;',,1 '.1' ijl "J'I 11',1 'II I I,II!I ; ~'.; J)J -~-'---'--~-'-'----'-"-'-'~-.'_..__._."__.3J .~ II Ii L I'! d I' ,[ iil ~) j" ~,H ;ji 1>"' ji 1 ~i' ' ~n tlr~ 1~j ~~1 (tH~ ~" ill: ij! ',Ii I rlij ~1:11 ~h! iiI II'} ['JJl bJ I'!:i\ rl:,:: (1;-;' rtJl ~I 11'1 , I [ I ii I ,I: I PI fi:':1 i:I:) ~1' I; , 'il;':'-:.-;.;C~i,~'-=-.q;~,,?:;;' 64-, "V E~~H;r.'__E?E~X~ -?PR~glt, p"-J~P0~~:';I~~~:,cr obstacles a~:;pRr~:jeJ.;Lt" +'"1. tw:,;}VajhTg~- ed,~ci't.tipJ;l~l:::p~pgl;-~~s is the unwillingU:e~sbf:iilihf sch66t-tnl.fifeel'i- to :r~cbgri1Ze-th.is'-;fa:ct.,aIld that knowiedge and skill musJ;;:,;6n4::rI,?,rg.u}'-':@:t;a~~I{.!?- or seek it outsideof the teachers'rilllks. .--"~-- ....,~"- ~,-, '-~~'-,- I will here-ventureth~-~piir;;~-that the 'present methocl-of grading is open'to objebtiou' ih,"its__':)wai1f"of'(;'adap;tationTto_,,~,th'a wants of the primary departments in our graded sc~oQl~,~n,4jE-.t,he great hardship it . entails upon female teachers wli<:/-"hK,:rg 'f:fp'~Cial t~~~I\t~,\'for,-; i;Q,s_t'rg.gtip.g:LJ1.t5irjHH~YGl1it:l.$e.s,-_,,#};l.c;lLW:1;iQ,; ggsil'e to. devote themselves for ~\fro€l'>:y:e~r~:,tQ itl1i-s~WPl!k'>D4\B,~i~ !~,j;g:p.19l1jQ.:b.Q]t,jHl~ hrtJ;idreds, o,fdQlla:rs, ~~~t, be_-,e~p~~l~ed:,af~er- ~the.. ~llird ~cla~rs, cer- tlfi~ate Ras-"expil~e(F-iri:lcirdef'~t'd\)bt'aiJi a'se6-(iiid~class/oFia TI'gh~ to, teachpermanentlYJ and this experrse is mainly for a kind of linO'wL~ ledge. ;v.'ery different frQIiL,;that~ l'E;quired \p.]the' instfPp.tiQIhCif y,oung childr~h~ ,0> ri.'\c;7 .;~;~-. Lf1i.iE; y,r . .,I'I;:-{',-;;:::; . ,J:..f. .,:_l_r_;_;:{j<~J[ 'l;';!le remedy fo!>,~4~s~W~~JI he a cla~~ of~E?+;t~:fi;Sa,tJ~;tlft}::\Jq;uire-:- ments.?for which . inig4~(!9;~:~:ftnextens.tve ~kno'Y.~Ej~g~:2ptL9pject teachi.~g,kindergart~n w<?r~,_l?locution,m~Jltal arithinet~S,_:_:l?PJ,ell~p., ot common t.hings laws .ot he~l~h:an~ :lifl?, es,pecially;'tb_e ria,tur~l aptne~s, anjl fi~,~ess,,>f:oi-'Jh~'::y~i'y .,:imVdi~t$ut-~(w:?rIi:!~f~~~rl#sing Y~ling';:-6fi{lal'e;Jt_:,:;~rr~,e"s'~', ~'eq'u:t?rte\~:; ',S1r~td4'."of ~~ul;,s'e;,lie c :posse~s~4; W: ',a:aditibD." t'({'tl1tfc'oll1mon Ell-glfsU'; rmiii:d~e~s~ al;'d-'i:t~_e<s;aT~ie:s :6f: such taachers should be as high as any given'IDtll~Cpll.bilh~~'chool~."i The, ch.apge.s./~ ri:le:o,t.i~tn~ql,,,,la,~t),,y.~a;-t,-{in,:x!:3-g~s:l:':l-,~o,,.qQP-P!ty,j;-rQ"odel sch-o.bls,J+aye,)J,(rw-::-tak.-flJ;l,efec~~.~:i::!1;.':4~-~~~n$h~ b~egsi9A,;1.a.,st.:i:ng,,~ll.!le,~j n)pnlb~') ;wilhpei ,JikeJy,- tQ.:-j r,e,swk iJ;l,'~':):U.gT;E,l,;.J4i:rr91!,gl1P;gl?~:>;,-f~~;'1 ]~~( candidates and.a . more - extended knowledge of t~-e;~~rt;;9b'}eaq.4j;llgf',~ -_:_,c::Ilj ~~..'_h~ppy'_tp!h~',:a1:)Ie ,t8-'r.~pJ)tt '"UJ:tJ;1;e.]6'6fnfdlY .'~~le'~gktihued s{lc6es~' ana;~~'~q1eI('cf-or'-_:tHe'! ~lgin::~~a:cliej--~:'~:Associ,~ei9iW.!'-;Eve'ry-:~ seB~idn 'is'_' l~rg~If<a~teh~'ed': ~'p-,4 . -'th{tijripi.:essi(jn"i~, 'strorfgff~m:~ri~~: th;~'t~'adi,~rs'"Fha,~{niuJ~H\:pi:act~b3J, be#~,fit-'is- tIi~:r~'~~lt~;~'Inj~tlilF~oi>li:~ ot'tire ':~~s<?~ciatidn'. tnel:e'i,s:-'t:h~'-'m6st. p:Barty' and'iftienalY"~c0f:?pet~U atiob?':betweeri,'; tne_; ,t~ache~_s' :'?f ,tli~}'.dd~ty;~}I~l;ieZ(bit,:r;-',:; ~'JieJ:fjjigh!j s6~oWd:' ~tiQ t:~e-' S~_ ,'Tj_6ma's_;,C611eO"iate:~ i~~stittlte~. ,-'- [H?_w"-~_o_;ilia~ei~- te.~bhiIiif'-t4~ ,iiL?~_t:i!_p'rB#taHle"~t6-,~liy::'p~iril:.. .ll~~':~IW:~ys ~ee1!>the,(; gf~a:t' questiQD:~,:~d' olJJe~~, ;a~'~_::it i~' (;oD,fi~ep:t~~~<lSem~vea'_~'~H:8;'t,tli~~J a+aU;lible:_'h:i~~h~ng'pdwEir:,'d( '~mahy;;te'~?hei.~jWs;:qJe~,JJip.Cre:its(ki'?by? ;;<",~)JJ;;,}"D:; Gf:;J-':l'-, ::'i\(') '~;:/:;',",; '-,,~;~;,;;,}~' _W .,::,:,_<:}.~u.,;:: ,;.;,;:1 on; :)?:;~t~~(.'cU:~;i'i ,,;'~';.;o,.,+-"-;C:;:;'0C:~: ;,,,,-..~.',,__.",",-._ ~ -~_~:__o;:"""'-",,,^,,'_:... '..::..""_,"<.C I , " . ~..., . ELGIN ".COUNTY 'COUNCIL PROCEEDI~GS. "65 the work of the association. The first session of 1882 was wholly carried on by home~ talent, and at the second, lately held, the principal lecturer was W. H. Payne, M. A., professor of the service and art of teaching of the. ){ichigan University at Ann Arbor,_ in the state of Michi- gan. The labors of this gifted and devoted educator were higWy acceptable to themelllbers of the association. All except three of the schools of the County have been kept open during the whole year; one of these was kept open nine months, and the remaining two six months each, the cause of clos- ing being, in. each case, tho!;' building or repairing-of the. school- house. In nearly an the schoolsgoodorderis'kept without re- sort to,_corporal punishment,. and a consderable degree of educa- tional spirit is shown by the young people. lnconclusiop, I beg to thank the Council for,continu~d .courtesy and 'confidence. With. congratJ].lationsthat the year soon to close has been one of general har:nony and prosperity, . I remain, Your Obedient Servant, A F. BuTLER, 1. P. S, Elgin. f j'; Ii f I, 1:1 P' H. ~H Ii; jll ~'I ~Jj ';l ':i :!~ ,j 1q I J~ ~~l iW t',' 'hi; 'J' Mi: "JI 1ii' ill r.'", ~;i:i 'j ql '1'\ :'i; "~' .""" il11 'I" ~jl;, l'~ ~n!l \\'!: roo- 0:<~ nJ " tj:'}" [;:"1 i1,;:!_ Ii f'l H: I, I tl i}i ;:,F_'.:I [i'1 \:j,i' ',' il!,~~!:::: .- . 66 .~_t:gL'*tbo-trNTY. bOUNCIL,BROCEEDINGS, EB,'P, OR, T" ,.orEtJ.trcATIONCOMMrTTEK " .' ,_ '. ,,_,',_ d. .. .'... .... _ .. _ .. ,'_ ',. __, .. ,," JANUARY 'SESSI6~;-' , , ,--' -, , - -....... '.u' _ u' -To tlie'OQi/nty Ooitnhil-Q/'tMCOU'idfJ,of1JJlgin: ":- -, 1;h~': d6ri1lli itt~( ()Il-]~4~~~tioHh~g~~!10e,:_t~: r~pbr,f . ~t~at YC)1,.U pommitt~e-9n :E_dl~~ation,.'~fteruiscllsSing the quest- 5on'~'ullder :co~sid~!!d~o~' ~airJy;-Leg Je,ave" to~~'~~rn_me'n~~lia~_ _~~e . gran'ts t?"it~;~,-:~J~~s~~o_o~_$}}~;~~de as follows for t?eC1~rrent'y,~ar-: St, Tholl1asHighS~ho.o1.. ' ",$1,700 00, Aylp:ler,': ,', ;,,' .-............'.....90000. ;--'Vienna;';; "." , . . . . ..' . . . . ". . 800 00; ::'Y6-il.li~Coinmittee :find on making a calculation on the average attendance at the. several schools f-or1881, that St. Thomas ,will get at the ra.te of $l9.,77 pel' pupil, being on the average <..f68 from the (Jaunty'; A1ymer, avei>ageror 1881 being 47!-, wiIlget at the rate of $18.95 per pupil; Vienna, average for 1881 (based on :first half-year on account of diptheria epidemic in the last half- year in said school, rendering t4e",:~t~endence Sillctll) being 42, will get at the rate of $19,00 pe"pJipiL '"" "-'.'i~"":, ','0"'/ ',- All of which is respectfiilly'slfliIlIitt~d, DUGALD McLEANf Committee Rooms, January 26th, 1882. Chairman. ..,.--,."""-""","~'j-~~~-~""" "'<"..',,-<-' -. ELGIN", ,COUNTY, -CO:UNci:t'j,P'ROcEEj)tNG~.,,, 67", COMMITTEE ON SALARY OF JAMES S'l'ANTON, ESQ. OLER:K_O:J,<'_.T:f!:E_rE~CE 4-.ND COUNTY A.TTORNEY. ;".::,:" , .........-:.-.. .:..'- " To the Warden and Council qf the' Co'~hiil' 6!1i;igin : GENTLEMEN :- _ . , 4. ' '. ; ~e C.omITlit,t"e:~;_'._apPol~ted-":it; '-i:h~\ l~&t/ :~essidH "(if th'iS:'~ ObuncII to repdrt'upon'acommunica~ion ~sent'tCi'-said' ::Council' bv James Stanton, Esq., clerk of the peace, rela:ive to an increase: ::Q[,", salary, ~:beg' J~av,e,to;repQrt,:, _, P'll: ~x,an1iuatj9P:,.-otth~-t1.ndi_tors'-, 1'e-- ports,:Qf:tbjs c?untyJor~ ~Ol!li,yea~s.-:b~ck, .tlW'_Go1fLm'F~tee_,"fhi~r the. clerk of the peace .- has .received-the followip.o-amounts: v,'iZ; :'~~ ' , . .. .' '''' ........ '_'.,'. _-,,__.0_ ,',-,'__'.,', ,l '. CLERK OF' PEACE; LOUNTY: AriO.~N'EY. TOTAL. 1878:, 1879 1880 1881 $773 35. ." ,,' ,', $53500 ".' ..$1308 39 760 73" __ __ .. __ 808 10.." 1M3 87 716,00..".""",.., 718.W., ,..,,1434 80 6(j398,..,..,:..,...... :840')3:, .i'<.,'1504i'{i ,>0, """-""".".' ""'-:''"':'''''..cC<'c fourtee~.; l1uD.;dI;'!3G. a1;1d,fi,'f~YA911g~s, '. nra~~ng-"an ;average ; of _'.over, per -annuin.:, : ;;-! -,~ ',~:T~~"':.:. :~()~ri1i#,~e;,:.in_k,t: "J)ifi.. ~:"I3ta11;tbn-:'bri" ''t4e ,'::]3tlf: dnd' found::' th.~t!~~~ r;equir~~;~~:;~4~~nce O(~bC)l~,t t~o'>~~~~i:frea "a,i1d':'~:se;y'~ri~y:; dqf~~l~ oI~r t~e_~wolInt.-.,:~e ,r~eeelYt3,~h! -'fe~s~'-'~il&as'Mr;.c Slattwn has ofiiee fuel ,and "light frt3e~"'the(Jorriinittee' bOllIa 'not' ;thit~rt~iil"; his request. ' - ",.' :~n'~f:~bi~h ~~,re'sp~afl:i~ly' 'sub~itt'~c1. .,:;') };;"<O'!;.:.,,- ;~:>);'-"':",: " ,.:.:':~. OommIttee R.oom, '21st November, IB8~2.~' ',c',': .-,;;. 'L~;;::L; ,'~';, ~)~~(+* -===-"'-"=-='-==~ #; II ii, (,- q, Ir,t, ii:! it- I:' ill': All: wi: !! I ,hi ~'~I L :nl !1~~ ;l~j . ': \!H' ~~i[ ibt il', ji\ lr( iW lll1.".. l' , . ,lI, 41t 'd ~{ ;!l gri' il:~\ n:\i {-t,'t1 r)..ti i-\.~ n:i ul. ',"\ fi'fl II [ r}. rj<ll fL'] f' ,I I: i U~'i' '';'.1 f>:1 :1 j c' , '."! ':(c\6. 68 ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL ,PROCEEDINGS. .p~ EL,GHf,COVNTY: CO:UNCIL:: PROCEEDIl"GS. 69 ' REPORT OF GAOJ, OOMMITTEE. REPORT OF GAOL OOMMI'l'TEE. JUNE SESSION. NOVEMBER ~EBSION~ To tht Wa.rden and Oouncil oj tM Oounty of Elgin: The Goal 00mmittee beg leave to submit the following re- port :- ' ' That theiratt.ention was directed. to the account of ,an escape from the gaol'on or about -the 5th June,',which'appea1'ed,inthe "Journal"ofThursday,the 6th mst,', such . account stating that the gaoler, -Mr. Moore," said, "1 have time and again; tried to in- duce the, officials to-get a more secure one," meaning one of -the locks, ' Your committee, onasking Mr. Moore' whom. he;,~ad -reference to when he said "officials," 'he stated distinctly-that- b.e did not bave reference to the gaol committee, and hadf;!entcf9rareporter:. to put it right, and in an item of the same paper, of ,the 7th" inst., it states that it should have read,"gaol?olXlmi~te€:,"your:com- mitt~e most distinctly say, that no such cqnversavoIltookpl~ce, - and that ,~e" Mr. Moore" never"made, an application fora Illore seoure look, or; even, called the _ attentionofth~ committee to, the insecure state of the gaol in any shape or'form. Your committee on, further inquiry find . that }dr~, 8tac~y, an expert locksmith, had a few days, previous - examined all the locks and left,them in good condition. All ofwhich[is respectfuly sub. mitted, ' . ' ' .TAMES HEPBURN, Chairman. To': tk:,TVardenand: CiJurwil o/theOounl3/ of ~gin: GENTLEMEN :--' , The (j-aol_C9mmittee beg leave to re art th e~_~tla.stmeeting of Council the ,P _ at, as recommeIld- eer to examine the grounds for trerequested the_ Countf _:En~in.:.~::; er from tbe water closets a~d aol /u~ose o.f constructmg a sew,,: side of the COu_Jl:typrQpelji . bn aot re r~V1ne a few rod~ out- the purpose of availlloo th:nlsetv~~ - FP~G3-tIon, to__~he Sheriff for tlOn of the works th h iff 0 pns~n labor ill the construc- tor of pris~)llS respe~tinooe_:~\. . comIllull1c~ted:with the. Inspec- This wasobie'cted"tobyP:tli<ePI,oymetut o:UytsIde... the ..p~son"'"Vf,ftl.l.,':_',- d I J . nspec or. our' Co . 'tt ---d' .' "':d';.< e to et the matter lie over till.this_,m . . Jllllil ee .eCl' fore J?roce~ding with the work. Your ceetlll~ of the Council be- the tIle have been procnred.:e;':th.. . ..,:. om~~t~ee ~ay state t4at 01 .. e'constructionof the"sewer'.'. ,,:' :Ydut--Committee- . oldtt--h- .... ,,'.. -' ..-' ?esire.. of ~l;1e)(j;ovetnm;t~.o ~t~~ett~t "hh~~~onsidered ... it~was:the oedone, to. the. advantage ofthe:Cou:ty,ar abor, when lkcould - All' of which is -respectfu-llysubmittec 'i<;"',':':",:,,', JAHES HEPBU,It~, C)i~rrman.:; , C~E~~~~,~:~oom:, '22ud November, 1882. St, Thomas, June, 8th, 1882. 7'<,L I, II h Ii lii I'" Ii; ;) ~). ' l' ",' i 'j' t :!;; JJ PV 'I, ~if ,.;I ~iL ~' ~l,:i 'r ',1 1~}"" !ll ii, !H{ itt ,IIi :hi: i!l HID., ~HI """;! ?!':~ ' ~(J ' [f'j tf:'1 ; Ii: I'. I ~ ~ r' F 1',;1 ,:-1 f: C lr i' ,." "" h"! ;; i,l: i~(~~: 10 ELGh~. COUNTY,: COUNCIL' PRoCEE'r)INGS.' REPORT OF CO MITTEE ON PURCHASE OF' TOLL ROADS _I To the Elgin Gounty Oouncil: The committee ofyauI' conncil, appointed to report on the purchase of the gr~~el~To~d:~'i?":t.l1i~,.cou;nty,'b,eg,: leave to report that your committee"'call~d -Upon' the owners of the Port Stanley gravel road, and ~scerta~~Alr-plD, )tJl~!:fl, c,tgat their road could be purchased for twenty thousand itolla.rs. ~ --....~~.~_..~--_:. Your committee alsOEXamined into. the cost, of purchasing the Talbot road gravel ,xo.a~l,~aIl,d:,,~~~ .-in+l?rll!~d ,tha;t,.,,:~he :,.st.',;~ Thomas and Aylmer road could be bought for. ~~e,~os~_;~h,~r13of with fifteen per cent. added thereto. " ,,' St. ,'II!Hithas;" 6th, 'June; 1882, JOHN'K:tNG' " .Chaii~Inan.." REl'ORTO;FQOll1M:ITT.EE ONTREAStJ'R.EES' SURETIES. . <,(, ,'" " ,-- -", ::. !,~ '~' ,:,- '''''__,:-: :,i" " ,--, '" ,",<', ':.' ,: ": ',-c __',,', ,,: ': _ _ ,_ T~ 't~e:'-9:qu~tY OO1fTl;cH,if,~he:a..-otf11:.ty:OJ::Etg,i[t: , c" ~~~.,qo~m~~~r_~;()~~J;e~sy,r~r's :_~:re~ie?,~,eg Je~\7e,t():r~PQ~t:___ :That ~we: eXaJ;nined~the: :regist~y! 'offiCe' and fOllfd thti' _'stalldi~g of the trea.surer and hIS SUl'eties;all:tb:at'could be:'-'desired;- ~t'here':-" fore we have no hesitatioH:,~r,r~[>wtiP:K::t,~" t~.i.s f;crilllQi,l '~~at; we consider the se<?urity satisfactory. . , Da:t~<J','"' .," ,'l Sf i St{rTliJ~s: Jan. 28, '82.:~;8;,:; : :.A,l_J.+.~;q:glI' <_'_,' .--.,", ,'.', Oh~~D.: .' l ELGIN: :COUNTY ,X~OUNmL ;'PROCEEDINGS;- :101 REPORT? (COMPARED): .1' '::);:,/. .i?cr,- "r;',;,j J....::.,~; -,::--,.>.:.. HOUSE, OF INDUSTRY COllniITTEi::' . ,- -' - ~ ;;: {-. -,'~"::-,.:.-_I:, ,',:""__' 'Po t~e~~arden:ana.'OQUnCil'~fthe (Jou~ty'~;_lff;ifld :.~) - _~E~T~E'M::EN,~ ' luit. th". "The: OJ' ommittee 'orr 'R?us,e '~f''I,nd, ustty: hp.gJ ];~:i:,'~;o" suhi- ell" annua Teport-as-follows:~i:-/:",::, ' >.'.,.-: "_~. OU'r ~~~ t~e Ins~itution.11~s ?e~n, ?~nedf9I: seven y~~~s;..- ;a~~ kr.. --', -,. .~~ttee:~ave-.m uch~at~ficati?~ iIl"testi~yhid.. '_to')its nse- 06:~;... au ,:~re~t" betie~~'" :~o' '-i.mfott~~:,~te':';,1~~iv~\.ials('iIix,th$ :;~-r'- _Your Com~ittee are much satisfied with "::ih:~:':;:i!"}h -(i'-:~f;"'; Uye~f~: 0] ~a:dh~.~se':~'~d. ~~g?h:i'-:Whiyh:tbe: keeper3::fihd0~toC ..:.~:~/ v,::yt sen,ln. olUO'wol'k'abo'utth'f:' ""'h. 'h"."--' , :. , t01e'doIle b~ th---- - ';.' .... ~ _:.ari!l/'vv lC-'ln 'for~er:;'years~iia:a.:' yo er'peoplean& paid for; '_-" ,:\; ::'.. _ : _, ..__", '_""':' . . ! Our C:ommittee Tegr?~ that s() clllauy of the" inmat~s<':;iirq IdlOtlC and mcapaLle of:dorrrg'-'alni'ost:!'ahy'':'k. 'd 'fbtr, ' " "k'" T' 6 numbe:rof,suchindiv.d ,I ' U:' ,',wor. ne . """,.'c" ,,' ." 1 na s seems to be on the lllcrease_ Although ypq!.,c()wmIttee have made.application t -th h'..' .. the'y 'repo'rb a want of ...', ""'J'J ,_, 0, ;.,~.'ap~ ,R~+~le~,~~" pp11!,a, k' d th h' ' accommodatIOn for -more pa:twntS:'6t,:i:fi''t" In, an t 6Y have. " a the n~~~1'r C~:i~~teae woulddfrahw th.e attention of the, C onncil to , means Oc anO'mg the Ceat f th H oflndustandmaki 0'. .'",,"':' ~__'" ,,11, urea e _onse than a ho~e of refuO'enfo~\~9"9fa~~~J~~.~ for insane and idiots County. 'or_ e €l_caYe>. 'al1i:.Lreduced. peop)e)f the y 0";-1' Co,mm~ttee notice that,the expenditure is :he p:eVl~?-? year III consequence of an increase of the Inma es, emg nearly one-third more than last year. T~e farm is now getting in better, condition b QenefiCl~l cll1tivation., under the care of the k y , --,-_eerer. larger than number of careful and "',>-" \i "I, ':j' I ~l1 ! \. .Hi ',' ~lj 1~ ,1,\ ,),)" ~~p ~1. : Z!: ~ 'tit 11\ !~ . t " ,'~ ,! ":j 'If I!~ il'ln, ~'~; .,':. "'J in lH: R~ If'" iiI 1 ~:1 In ~I rl';~: 1'1. [/';1:1 l' ! I .1 ,r::'; \~: ;; I' .: ~\::i! l ;:r\:\ -;o:'! \:~~\J ,7"}, ELGIN-' cotJNTY-'Co.UNCIL~;PROCEEDINGS. ljlLG:lt'l,,-}JgUNTY :OOUNOIL - ~RQPEEDJ:N:GS~ 73 Y QUI' Committee have ordered some new tile draining to be constructed, whichwill:~e:,foU1l~of good~seryic_euext season. Your Committee-have" much gratification in stating" that divine service is regularly attended and performed at the institu- tion 'by th~ s(}yei"al, den~milJll.~io:t1s, of,the-co11llty, and city, the only expense:.incurred_being:thec.ost_ofa' conveyanG6 to and from the house, atone dollar_pel'~ay,~urIlished by Mr. Drake. Your Committee would also state-that several of the inmates haveheen 'permitted (after:heing. .curedhyDr, Luton, ,Surgeon, of their infirmities,) to return to country labor,buti:q. Ill_os:t~l:)taIl:ces, after several month's trial they have returned to Mr. HU:Iisberg!3r's care,,:and- "ate, satisfied: that the: b,ouse of, refuge- 'is. the best place for them, and that their friendsdl:rnbt _want to be troubled with them, A:notheryear,.ifthe ..numher of inmate_sincr~ases).a--furtp-,er provision .,will--reql~ire, tO,he ,made ~.Xor~heiraccorrnnodation. in; the way of an additional sick cottage in the yard, and also ,a small adli.ition to t.he bapt. '_ ......:.....,.....: ,;Yo_ur Committee have mnch_..:satisfactioti. in'the,managem,epl! -of.th~ .prem4;es _by tpe,,Ireeper, and, .Dl~t~n, :l1nd.are9ttb,e :Qpilliljn_ that they endeavor to do the pest f()l' t~e iIlDlates that c::Lll-:be,eJ;:~ pe?ted, ' , , Allofwl:6.ch isresp~~tfullysubmittecl, . To_ t~e "If ar,d~n '(f11,fi,l(fe'fnbers of llllgin County Go 'I, ,_ .___. uncz . GENTLEMEN :- In presentiilo-this my 7th 1 . House oflndustr -r be 01 ' ., annua report of the Elgin th b y, . p; eave to say that r have visit d ffi.-] e a ove namedmstitution sixt t. . d. e 0 cud y deaths and Oile birth have occurrel Imes urmg, the year. Six rhe followiLg tabular statement o-lves concernmg those who have died : b~ ample information Name. Age. Cause of Death. William Baxter 58 John Smith Dropsy. Eliza Saddler 7 ~ Typho-Malarial fevel', Hannah HUIit 86 Pul.IDonary congestion. William Gordon Senile de3ay; Edward KiIleaIi ;4 Cholera morbus. 36 Consumption . ~ e have only had two cases of t h - l' . of bIlIOUS remitt~ng; the child that d{Pd 0 ma an~l fever and one contracted the dise"'se on boa'd e ~f the fhst-named fever . .... . I an ocean t h. . .. and intermittinO" fever did not t. seams Ip. Erysipelas have h<:td twoeabse3 of seconda/u m.3;ppearance this year. We Olie of pneumonia D. h Y Syphlhs,. two of consumption and I . . Iat'f cea asthma indolent I . d' ongmg to detention paralvsi~h .'. .. u cers, lSeases be. are nearly always p:esent. ~ , r euma.tlsm, excema and epilepsy Laura 80 IVers and Mary Matth . . - committed to o-aol and from th ews, two msane females, were f h b €once to an asylum All th h'ld ren 0 .::;c ooLage attend the bI'. h '. Eo C 1- which the institution is loca~~~ 1O';~ 001 of tf-e sch~ol section in the greatest number of occupants at t: w~n:enfs shl~eplDg room has e a e 0 t IS report of any Committee Room, 23rd November,' 1882, 'J. A, MILLER, , Chiiirniall. ..~.~ .(f~; it: 'I'; 1! 'I,' ~H }I [! H h ;1 !j :'i I I jH f; /1 ill: ,~t ~ ~, ~ ti Uj: Ii! j~ u~" ill il~ Pi ry~! ' V, ::1 n U'f [1\ tl, f:t:'l' i:i:,j 1'1 h:i:l f : I:' Ii;-'I!' ~!j?il 1: iI ( {~th: n ELG-!i"{':'dOUNTY'COUNCIL -PROCEEDINGS; . room in.t1~e..~~g~jEg~.. ___,_'I'1l,e_,~.9_~p_ ~sc ~2,51, ~_21.!,:yv~t~ 11 feet ceiling and 8Wl!1(:lO~s,l:l,lld'lsoccup1ed:)~y'_J~. pers()ns,lO_;wQplen and 8 children, tInts gIving 4 ~8 cu))ic fe~t to~ach individual. The cot- tage is 14x24,alld is ocel1pied bS?six persons.,--:--4 adults and 2 child- ren. There,are inal162 Wllla,te~:::-:~~~,:_food';:clothing and general ccareof the inmat-es has been satisfactory. ' I have th~ honor to he, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, L, LUTON; M.D, ' I ~_.,~~~_.__,__,.-_~_____~,,^_,~~____,~~_'.-----.--_'~_"~~'~-"'__"'__~_~~~__''-'~'_''---'--'''~''C-'''U '),-: r .ELGIN, _C9PNT! ',90~~P-!,lt:}~R09~~R~N;gS:_;--, /7q, ,HOUSE OF .lNDUSTRYREPORTS, INSPECTOR'S REPORT. The Insp'ectol' of the House,of Indll'stl'Y' oj;' ',~- '1 " asfollows-:-;-. . _, ' -e~f? (;)~~eto; r~po~t Number of'in;~:~~es in the'_ House at last rep t ',', --':" Number of.d~~~~s dl~ring t.he year......'. .~r~_:,... .. .', Number bornlU the HOlls'e" ' _ ~. '" ,-_,'" ':1 ~-,'_.-! Numberof,cllild,ren bocirid 'o~t~'." .,~'~r;'c'_~'_~-";' ,,,.-/..1 Number ofin~ates absconded-"': ," ... ',,"';' .,.,:~,.".,. .'-~'-;,::8 Numbersent,P9asylum..~'. .::... ":,,'. . .;~.;.;.-'.5 N urn ber q.~~charged. . . .'. . .- ... .:.' ... ., . . . :~,r''''':',' :'.:~'~~'~'1' ;". . . .::; .2 Number ilowjn the House. ~ . . ',',: ~'.' "', .....,.,.,.-".". ~:~,:.:~..;.-.;2,~ '", ..', ",' , . " ,..".,.. , ,',. .,... .".,.".".62 . N urrW~r'()rinmates admitted- from ~th' . . , " -. 1.' . .. ',. . '. ,:, ::,-~,;,:}::;- dur1l1g the)Te:a~,':~ esevera mU}:,~9TP~~t:t~~~ Aldborough.,., , . , ,..:' . "" ' ~;::~{:::,:::. : :: ::::':':': '::~:::'~,':': :: ::::: :::':::':: :': :.: :: : : ~ South DotJhe~t~;." : '. . ..... . .. : .. '. - ~' , ~~:~..~c................"......... . Pt, Stanl~y, , " .. . 'J> Tolal. , , . . . . . . . . ~ . . .... 1:0 ., ,59 ffi~' .':" :{ \i' :I cI ~f1 L 88 ELGni'cOUNTY'COU:NCIL PROCEEDIN<is: '. :U i' HECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE, :-. . . . ... \i ELGIN ROUSE OF INDUSTRY, 1882. , , ~> I ;{ 1,f 'rF "1 II ~L ~\ !" 1) ;u; j1r ii 'i ~! ~M ji j!~ :! " if'ii ~::l E~ "1 I';\! !l lij rj [\11) j:'::Ii; f'[ I'il .n:!l 1~>1\ fl-.!'I ~ 'I il'l' ",j +>~, Interest on cost of buildings _~1l4J?,nd,$14,OOO @6%,...........,.... "..,......... $864 00 J!,l.t~!,est_-,on,cos::'offurnishings'.;. ~;..-;..;-. .': 50,:00 Beefpurchas~d ,during the year......... ...... 516,58 Bread " """ ............ 535:59 G-~ocelies " ,",'" .. :'" . .. ,,?7!': 29 Qonveyance of inmates; .. . . . . ; . . . ; . . )9'0 ..od ~alary-ofkeeper and matron:... . . .. '_.. ',. :~~~ '.~~.?':,O().:, "," ,_c. surgeon......-..;.,.,..,..~.'::;.'~; ._:IJ~"'O{r. " ,". ;inspector. . ;'. .;... . . .,....'~ ','.. . ---"',?o'"OO' ." .".fe.male'service...;........;..;. ,~9,::OP- ,F:~rm ~eamrng. ...'..... ;-;;. '" .~...'.".. :._~::~:.~;' - 2:4},(( CommIttees.''- i.' ~..:: .'. .. .\- .";.'. .,..;:. .', -. -~'~. 45 10 :TI:~tterlt;,i,;,'.', '.',' '.:'..,....., .:',::...::......:,:: ........, 'i;~s~ " Clothing and fnrnishings.., "...'..... ..... 425 00" ",' '" :"$403766 ,,'-,,-,,;1 CR. :Groceries 'on hand'. . . .- .. .. ~.;' . : .:.. ..- .'.-.. ,Bedding,eto.;: , , .. . ,.: .:. . .. .. .. :,.. ..:. , ~Farm 'stock RIidimph~ments, . . ~ : .: ~ ,~: '.. : )~~ul'nishings'on 'hand':. .. . .. . ..: ~ :. : . : ~ . :: 'Farm'arrdgardenproduce;: . : : '. :: . : ~ . . .. ~ . Clothing.', , ,'.:., ,. , ".... , , ,....:., .. . ,." Produoe' sold:':.:.:.,::.. ..:. :':..,,:.:.. '3,191' weeks board of'iillnates, k~epi;lr's family, etc., at 6,? cents per week.... .::. ".: 7700, 14Qqp 544 00 100'00 .' 857 00 , 180 00 65' li0 ' 2,074 26 ',20-;--$4,037.56 :>',;., 'AIi' ~f whi~h 'is r~speotfully s~bmitted. . WILLIAM McKAY, Inspector. INMATES IN THE HOUSE ON THE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1882. ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY RhPORT COUNTY OF I C.~USE OF P,IL'I'EI{[SlIl I , [ IIdiotic.... .. . .'1:County of Elgin.. .... f ,. Weak Mmd. ..... England.......".. I .. Disti~llt~ Cripple" l'Unit~~ States. ,.'. : i ... v'\ eak Mmd '" .... Ontauo,... .' .." .. ! . '" 9-0 ...... iUm~ed States..... :...i . . Destl:ute, .. . " . iCounty of Elgm . 'IStm~troke. ...... '.I'Ireland. .,.,.... ,.... 'IDrillkand Paralysis Unitc:d Stat,es;." . Asthma." . .. ." ICoun~y of Elgm I B,;ml m Home. " . Desti,tute, ."IQuebec. .. .' do ' At Sea" . ~ . . do . "" IC~)~llty of Elgin do .' .fUmted States.. do ICounty of Elgin. do ,,[Ontario...... ". . . . Cripple. Mcotland. . .' ". Affliction, ; :"!IEngland,, . . . . Cripple .. do ........, Destitute ICorrnty of Elgin '\Veak Mind Ireland. . ' Destitute, .... United States.... ,Want of SIght England... __ 'IDestItrrte. United State's.. Drmk . Irebnd" . . .. . IIdlOtlC . Conntyof Elgin Weak Mmd do De""htllte do do. New Brrrnswick. Pi'egnancy. Ontario .. Destitute. do do do . . . Cripple. . . England Destitute... Ireland No.1 NAIIIE AGE. IN T~~THoUSE I :\Lt;xICIPALITY SE",T Fno:\l. I I, LAST REPORT l!SarahDisbel'.,........... 53 years liInhouseatlastRep'tYarmouth, ....... . 2IAnnRose.......... .... 61 " do Southwcld. 31~r tth p 83 . i do Malahide "1'H~ame;ooIT:ti~' ,~~:.::;.: 71 ! do do 5A" V. Doolittle,.... .... 47 do do ~IS. J. Doolittle.... 8 do do 'IThornas Doberty 82 do Aylmer. 8!Isaac Caswell.. 79 do Bayharn. 91'IMary Ne\vland 27 do Y~,rmonlh. 10 Alice Newland. 4 do I 11 John Victor... 74 do IBayham.., 121'Henrv Kinnon.. . 89" do IYarl1louth, 13 . fil - " d IE h IC, R. Blanch 1.... <J . 0 ~ ayam. . . . 14iJacob VanWicklin.,. 79 do Mal!l.hide.... 15'IFred. Burwell".,.. 5 ,40 Bayham...... 16 Joseph Secord..... 75 do Yarmouth ..., 17 Daniel McEachren .67 .do SJuthwold lSICharlotte King. . t5 ..... do Bayham . . 1915xwh Horton,.. ... 62 do Soutbwold 20 Edv;..inWalkcr..... .... 7 do Malahide. 21 Martha Little..~ . . . . . . . 68 do I'Southwold 2-l Cynthia Drake. 82 do Yal'ffiouth 23 Thomas HalL . 64 do IAldbOrOUgh ... 24 Peter Dorr...... 80 do South Dorche~ter 25IThomasFox......, 86 do Yarmouth. .. . 16 Theaelore Mann... 36, do Southwold. 27 RobertA. Millard.. 62 do do 281Elizabeth Darch.;. 5 do Yai'mouth. 29 Maria Arnold.... ... 75 do Bayham..... ?O Hardet; "\Vhiteing... 43 do Yarmouth.. B 1 lIaud A. Whiteing.. . 4 do do 32 William Thomas... 9 do Springfield 33,Thomas Brann.. 7::) do Southwold 34'IJane Ray;............ 70 dn \yarmouth When Received. 3D, Duncan Duncanson. 76 December 22, 1881 Dun" lOh . . ' .. Drink and Blind. IScotland, 361WilliamoDartwith 81 January 20, 1882 Southwold.... Destitute... 'IEngland. 371LillY Westover _... 22 February 1 IAylmp.r.. Helplf'ss.... County of Elginc. 38 Nancy Doan.. ... . 24 "21 IYarmouth Deserted byHusband Engla'no... 3D George A. Doan, , 2 21 I do Deserted by Father County of EIgm 40 Wm. H. Doan. ,1 21 i do do do do 41 Adelia Hart 25 1Ial'ch 14- IBiyham. "\Veak Mind., . do 42Ameli;l.,Hart....... G 14 do ,.t.. Blind do 43 Thomas McKinney", 60 April 7 II do , vV3.nt of'Sight . Ontario.. 44IMartha~Butcher". ",' 52 ," 28 do Idiotic,Cripple,.. England.... ..... 45 Willin,m Acke",. .. 8 ]day 2 , do Father in Asylum . County of Elgin, 46 Mal~ha Acker. . . . . . 6 :?__ I do do do 47iGeorge 'Vhi~eing~--=----:.____~l:nonths:..._~~~__~____~_"___~_._-"-__,____ Born in Honse. NATIONALITY. I "I ':! How LOM; NV:.IBER IN THE 0' CO(;}!TY DAYS BOARD. 53 ye~:s 365 26 365 55 365 9 365 '25 365 8 365 26 365 65 305 27 365 4 365 41 365 18 365 5 i 365 25 i 365 5 365 67 I 365 10 f 365 50 I 365 9 I 365 7 I 365 7 365 37 I 365 4 I 365 62 I 365 48 365 36 3G5 62 365 5 365 57 365 4 365 4 365 13 months 365 14 " 365 2 years 36.5 46 314 41 285 22 2i3 11 253 2 253 1 253 25 232 6 232 30 208 30 187 8 183 6 183, 6 months 177 i i I Protestant. t do " i do I' do .'" --" do ..' .-. . I do " ",,' Roman Catholic", . Protestant.. . I do ",q IRom~~ Cat'h~li~':.' Protestant". . I do Iseept;c" -- , Protestant _ 8J::eptic. .,' IProtestant r do do do do do I do IRom~~_Cl1t'h~li~ IIProtestant. . . '." do ..... do ...... do I do I do I do do do RELIGION. do do do do do do do do do do do do do ,:1 I '! ..I ',11 .". I ",I .., I .., ,,~. \1 ~I i.! , 1;1' ;~ iii ," i1 ;, ,i , P .I;: IV: \ l"t ~}J ~H rl ~It: ~, n ~~j ., ill i)' t\' 1\ jll ) ;,~',.; ',f J\i 'I~ ll.,' 'I'" ;,:,; iii' lill; lM\' !;~!" ~:+r [(! iJ'~' ";.", 1':1 ,Fi! !:I 1'1 Iii II [:1 ~ '\i: ~;!:' l " ~, ji I!, i' \1,;:,] ,4,,: ~~;'\\~ COUNTY OF ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REPORT.-OUNTINUE]), INMATES IN THE HOUSE ON TIiEFIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1882. / , I ! i 'I __I ..1 ! i I How LONG NVMBER tN THE 0' RELlGt?N COUNTY D,\ys BOARD. 10 years 163 iProtestant.. . ........ 3 " 163 ! do 6 months 163 do 6 163 do 10 years 160 do 30 144 do 35 134 I do ~5 l:H IRoman Catholic, , 15 S, iProtestant.... . 32 76 I do ......... ," 6 76 ! do 4 76 do 2 months 76 I do ,... .... 18 54 do 40 years 42 I do ............ ---------..--- \ How LO~G Nti:>,1BER I I NO'\ NAME, \ AGIi:. i j)fl::>:lCIPALlTY CAUSE O~ ! NATlq:>:ALlTY. I~ THE OF RELIGioN, REMARKS. SENT FlwM. PAl,;PERISM. i COUNTY. D,\ys BOARD. 1_ _____o_~ '\protestant . I 1 John McDonald. I 35 i!Aldborongh : \"ilet"k Mind.. IScotland". \ ;) years 88 2 James WalterS... , 62 IM",lahil1e . . . . . . . . :Destitnte. . Enf"la:ld... ;) " 113 do :J \Henry Near,,, I 76 (onth Dorch"tm' \ do"" lon~ano" . . 12 137 \ do I 4 C. H. Hart. ..... . \ 36 Bavham.n " . ' '," Weak 1Jind. Gonnty of Elgin \ 3(-i 36 do 5 ,Charles Brown. . . . . 801ithwold . . .' . . .. Cripple.. _ .. . England.. 20 202 do I No.1 NAl\{E. 4slEleanor Altemo,n 49!Peter Alteman.... 50~Matthew Alttlman" . 5] lea-roEne A1ternau 52l Duncan Connell . 53,Luman Long ..' 541Lllcy Bagnall.. . 551Saphrona Korander 56 Alexander McKenzIe 57\ Elizabeth Smith" . . . ~SIGeorge Sm~th.. . . . .o9!Dugald SmIth,. .'" 60lDaniel Smith 61 Nettie Hyde. 62,John Wailace.. \, 23 year' " 6 " I :3 I 2 I 66 '; " .[ Mu,,,n'AW' SEXT FROM \ CAU" 0' PAe'm,,,,\ N.moNWT'- .lDeserted byRusband County of El~ . ~,Deserted by Father,Countyof Elgm . .: do !Stratford. . .l' do IOut-ario.. . ilWeak :Mind. .iScotland. . IDestitnte" . . . . . . . iOn~ario. .ildiotic iEnglan~l; .:Old Age.... .... 'IBohemm... . ,Dropsy. ...... ... .iScotla:ud.. ...... . 'DesertedbyHllsbandiCountyof Elgin. 'Deserted by :Father\ do do i do I do "I ' do . . [Ontano. .. ....1 AGE. \I.'HEN RECEIVED : Bayham I do' ! d'O j do lYarIDouth. . !S,outh D?fChester . [1 armouth, , .. " IBayham. . :Dunwich !Alc1bol'0l;gh do do " do iMnlahide 'B,:yham. . do .. Destitnte ~ ; . . . :ParalJ'sis.. :May 22 ., 22 " 22 " 22 " 2G Jun\) 10 " 27 " <)'" -, AU~~lSt , ! .j 77 36 83 79 32 6 4 " ~ months 1 S months 74 years 9 17 17 17, " 17 Se-pte,;" ber S '.20 Absconded, C~omn"li'ttecl to .Jnil flS Th1..ngerollS Ln;l1.atics; and f':eom there sent to A,sylum. , .~- \LUll1~a BOW~-~-\'-~'; IM~::;:- - .. '-IEP'le~'," auc;;diotiC r:'mty of ;lg,~'- \ "_1-4',,, ye~~'s \,' .. i; _I~_r.odteosta_nt~,",., .'.. ,,' ,,',' .I,_HLo"n":]ioltnOll.^,' ,,~Y"l~'mfr~m the.re to Orillia 2 ,Mary 11athcws 32 JBa}]'am___,___:'-'lJ""'-nndMmd,.:~~.:..~"'-''' _:"_~,__,_', __v. - ,",",--' ~o ,,' , I \EliZabe th Darch" . 2 'William Thomas, 3 Catharine Smith. . 4 Michael Smith ;'i Owen Smith. () Elizabeth Darch. . 7 Dorchester ,"Vaif S Southwold \Vaif.. Ohildren Sent Out on :Trial Before Being Bound. I Returned i Returned I Taken on trial by:F. Casey Taken on trial by J. Coleman Taken on trial by T. Kilday 'Returned . Taken by G. E. Coots. I Taken by Geo. I.J. 'Wilson GO {)O 60 Iprotestant . do ' iRoman Catholic. Roman Catholic Roman Catholic. ' Protestant. .,\ ,: ,I , , I I " 5 [Yarmouth. 9 ]Springfield.., 11 iPort Stanley 13, 00 9 I . do ;i ]Yannonth...... . 1 mlSol1th TIQl'chester. 1 w!~ot;tll\y()ld. . t'estitute.. do hnmigl'ant do .' do '\'Destitut.e. Foundling . Foundling. .1C'ountY'o}'Elgl~-','\ 5 years IOntano... 1 " II eland . 5 d~:ys I do :1 5 i do .. ....... .......1 5 lCOl1nty of "Elgin ' I Ii " IUnknown .:. .. .. ..iUIlkno\\'u". .... ~----~ Sl S -,._,~.~,--~.__._-_. ~.~ 11\ ; II' Iti u fll p r \fi :~ in 'ii o!" I ~: I .., P,i !!}i '~(( 1'1 ,(j), ~I! 11[ ~: '1 ~)' :~ rtIl: ,I: jL iI' II fl' lil' , i!,fi;' 1ti\ ,I" " fill h~ ~JI ' [l'l ro: \U it~ 1"1 il\' 'f" ",:.,,' I;j' , I:~ '. ....! lei I f! i l; ! :,1,1 ''\'1:.-1; ~ :'. : r :: "~I , ~:, : ji ' 1')' I l\"! ;-J' j '{;::,j~o';::_ COUNTY OF ELGIN ,HOUSE OF -INDUSTRY REPORT.-COl<~INUED, Deaths During the Year, / F I I [ I [ I I I I I I , [, I I I I I N I NAME ! Ae<E. \ MU!>iIc;IPALITY CAUSE OF 'N I , 0 , 'I I SEX' FROM, PAc,ER"", i__~.:^.::'^'~ - ' i-iWilli3ffi Baxter.. ........ .1~\Malabile .,... Dropsy...... .., ...iontal'lo. '\' 2 IJohn Smith......-..... 6 It;.ort Stanley. .. ..:. Typhoi~Fevel',. ." 'II;eland~.... . 3 IEliza ~addler...... '".": .",,1 75 \yanuoutb ..' ,,' COn$estlOn of Lungs:England. ,.... . 4- rHannah Hunt...,...... "'11 86 Bayham.,...-".... Sen lIe Decay.... . :Nova Scotia......, \ .5 IWIlliam G~owden ....... 84 Yarmouth Cholera M9rbus.. . :Englanf!.... . 6 ;Edward KIllt'Rll. .........1 36 South-uold..... .. IGons_umption.. .:... .!Que~ec.. How LONG IN THE Cor;XTY. NU~JaER " I DAYS -BOARD. \ RELIGlON. \ IpI'Ote,tanL, "' ...' IRoman Catholic .. . Prot~~ant. ':.":::::: IRom~~ cath~ii~'.-~ .~.:: \ REMARKS. 35 years ;) days 40 years 22 " 31 " 20 18 33 166 221 246 80 i I "\' .. ""1 "I .,,1 Number Di-seharg'edDuring the Yea.I'. M IYarmouth. .~.... Destitute.... ...iCo-untyofmgiD:....J 1, do" ,I do ~ "1 do .... 1 37 i do . ;Sick. . . . . "IEngland . .:...." ' 5 do . ..1Dt:stitute... .ICOllllty of Elgin." 1 8ml do II...."'" ,I do.. ,.,..1 I London , II" II II ",'\ 54 iAldborough...... 'IWal1t of Sight. ,IIreland.,.. - 37 ,Port Stanley. . . . !Immigrant. . ,!Ireland ... . , i~ 1 ~~ ......1 ~~ ::::\ 9 do do I ';' do do . [Ireland 3 do i do " do 2, do ,[ do '\ do 30 IYal'moll.th . "Cripple... .., Ontario 30 ;Yarmonth~. . .\Destitnte... .' . ..\8cotland 10 1 do .. vVeakMind .1 do 8 i do .. Destitute.. \ do 6 1 do I do .1 do 60 iPort Stanley ... .IDrink Ireland., 47 I do IDIink. . _ " Ireland . . . . 15: do [IDestitute.. . ... - London.... ..- 11' do Destitut~..... . London..:....... I 77 :Soutl11'lOld.1 III-ijured Leg. ,. . .. .. United States.. ..... 29 I Yarmouth , Paralysis..., ..... Ireland,... . ..... .1 ~~ iBaYI~a~n.. I~;:~~~~~nd......:. ::'.. ~~~r:~{i~""" ", :\ 76 iYarmouth ....,Negilence alid Drink Ireland. ".""" ..' I 17 i do ....iW.ea!>:Min~..d ;..... 8cot~and......:.. .....1 34 do . :DestItnte... " ".' County of ElgIn . . \ I' I d~ .1 _ do . , . do . - . i 56 Malaludc.... .. 'Unsound :Mind.,.... New Brunswick.. ... ..1 'IRe-committt:'d . iRe-committed I i 34 ~.'ears 6 r Protestant.. .. 1 " 32 do :n ! 42 do 5 \ 42 do 7 months 42 do 20 yeal s 71 :Roman Catholic. .... 5 days .... 60 IRoman Catbolic. lSent out on trialisubject to be Sent out 011 triahubject to be Sent out on trial!subjectto bf' 5 days I 60!Roman Catholic. . 5 days I 6600 ! ddoo ' " 5 days , 5 years I 130 Protestant 7 months \ 56 do do fi6 d'o do 56 do do 56. .'. do . . . . . . . . '-.' ,i 6 days 22 [Roman Catholic., . 'I! 13 days 17 i do ......., 13 days 17 do "'1 13 days 17,. do "1 40 years 62 jPl'otestaut..... ......1' 9 months 1-1. Roman Catholic...... 30 years 171 Protestant." . .. - . . IRe. committed 20" 113 do ...".....' 46 116 do 10 17 do 34" 77 do 1" 96 do 30 250 do .1Taken out by Husband :Claimed by Father I do I do . ..]Takenout by -Father . i do. i~ do ...! .11' """I ::'::1 l'IEllen peer.,....... .."... '''1 2AlbertE. Peel',.. .. ",. 3jMary A. vY.ildren........, 1 4\ROSabell 'V Ildren.. .... . ..! 5 Alexander WHdren "..'" "-I' 61James Murphy...... ...' 71catharine t'mith.. ......".1 Michael Smith. ... ". ." [' )Catharine Smith..." ..-. ,Owen ~mith..- .. S!James Smith...".. 9iPatrickSmith. . Wb.largaret Smith" 11]Henry Brandaw.. 12iMary Wu.tson....,. ., 131Petf'r"\V \Vatson..... 141George R. Watson. 15iJane W,Vlatson. 16iIsaac Mills. -. . . 17iSarah Mills.... -.... 18IMary.T. Mills"" 19iAlice-Mills... . 20:Williarn White.. .' 21'lv.,Filliam O'Brine.... . i 22 Luman Long. . . . ... .... . . [' 23i.John Honor.. .,......... 2~IWilliam Montgomery.. . ." I 2DiDuncan Connell ... .....1 2GEUellPeel'.... '. I 27, Albert E. Peer, , .1 2slLncinda. ,Rain ... 20,877 1,4GO NlUllber of days board for inmates, Number of day!'; board ft)!' hired help and keeper's family, Total1l1111lber (la!'s board, 22,337 'do.ys, equal to 3,191 weeks. / -_._-----,_.-----~._--'-_._- --------._.-- ,':';'1 IIi; I' ~ j i f!'i '1i" r j r ~~~-1 ~tj 'j I Jill ~1.1 N : '~!,;:I' W" l~ )1 Ii J~ 11 ,I' ll: I,n i!f',j '1 I Ii~_ ~J ! Ii. ~. ~,l Iii tl}1 ~!I 1:1" [,'!:. t ~d ,_ "I li'!I, ~:';,ji! ! Ittl ( \fJiL " ELGIN- COUNTY:COUNCILPROCEEDIFGS; 89 D I 1 i i I REP'ORTOF COMMITl'E"F. .AJ>POll\TED TO ]~:'ORMUt,ATEC.HARGES -'AGAiNST THE- SHERIFF; TiJ:ihe. 'W~rden'arid ~e~ber8:of thedoun-ty,:ao~~Ca?f ~he, Ofunfiyol ~iii7' _.: ::,' W:e,the~ommittee: _appoillted . .to Jormulate--c:harg~s ag~~t_ the: shel+ff,_ -of ,', the county of Elgin: for~ilfuJ/aIl~ neg~~ct.~ ful.PJ:isyonduct, iU,.,the d.ischarge, of the -Unties.., ~f -his_,_ offl-ce)''beg ~- le>tve to report as follows:' --::. ' -- J:-We have examined the vaI'ionsac~ounts prefer~edby the sh~ci:ffagainst the county, foy_services re:rider~d in bisc~pacit'y,of sheriff,-from -1868 'to th,epresent-time ;3.ud we _fiIld that in sev- e~aFins~~uce!'dhe "accounts have b~en,falsified, and over Charg;8S ~ave'beenmade- bythesh~riff; and :by, that means' he'hasheen }Jaidlarge amounts by. the comity, to which he was not lawfully entitled. , " -, ''' ," , " " 2_2 We find tha~-',the sum of$81-_, was paid ,'to the sheriff, _~o cover expenses- incnrredin ,c~nve!ing one "Fredrick Day'from the gaol at St. Thomas'to the--reformatory :at 'Penetanguisbene, abqu,t;i!be)l'lonth_ of .,April,.181:4,:wherea$_9uly $35.2S ought to have ,been.-paid,-for- the ,Jollowing;:-re,asons- :.In' this-, account,;the sherift :makes 'charges-fat: _ moneys, alleged:, to have beeJ;t, paid for, three: persons,; that is, "two per&ons _ :besid!3s;,t.he ;prisoner;. asif two pe~'sons,hadgonewith_the; ptison81' to tbe _'reformatory, while, ,as' '3, matter ,of fact;, onJy:one' went; . The sheriff also,'charges,$-6:a.day fo;L'~ 4:,daysJ ina1l,$24,for'sp.lf; and $4 for-4- days ofassist[illt"con- 'yeying the ,prisonE,wto"tbe'- reformatory"tllough_.the Ja_ct-istbat ,the',sheriff. did'liot go with ,the_prisoJ1er~ at all,.having: sent: Mr. 'Kingalo!ieiwith him"and;.t~"w;bmn_h~claimsto have:'_paidJM. There a.1;'e:other items in ,the acc.ount"of.moneys"allege(Lto~have be.eIldisburse_d forC2.h'~hire; _&c."y;rhe:re,no :cabs were, bired"a_rld such moneys were not paid. The':fil'st column in tbe,copy.:,ofthe . ~~co:~n~ her~to ',_a,nIlexe~'))1l}r~e~'1\',s4o;v~t~~,-~J:t1cH:Dt8 _~~arged, _aFid p~~d~tJ~he: s~~riff", an4:the _se,qoIld CQl;q-rp-p; sh9:V:s; t?e __}Jrqfl~r a.llowances_which shov:l~~~;vebee~'.)na<ie,.' . ,,',,',' ",',,:,~ ',: ,_; " 3,"--In ,another" account_ for conveying,' ~lle,:,panieJ.:frqns .fr9~ ,~9-<3:.:?t.rhomas ga?l to, the refo~matory a.~ :1?enet_anguishen~;_~b~~t th~I4onth"ofJ a'lluary,}873,.,v;re: find, .that: t~eshed~, w~~,paid ,by ,th~.qou~ty ", th~ :suU?-",of,$96.~O, :>vl1er_ea:s "he,_~wa_s ,entit!e:~,:.Jo?nly ,.~t~it~~,Jor;Fe~spl}I3' th,~_8al:!leasjRJ;J;t;e;c~stJ-of,}l)..e.dr;~qk: :R~y,a1:lPiVe mentioned, that is, there are in the account charges for moneys I 90 E..r,.GIN. :CO-p:N_'l'Y CQUN9~L PR9C]<;:EDlPq.s,. ~lleg.ed~to",ha ve_ bee}),,; p,ujd _ t9 two___~nep- ~ cOon veyiIig- th6 prison~r _ tQ the reformatory, though only-one persoil, Mr. King, went with hi.I)),' ;fl,ls?,ach~Tg.e of $?.Q, lor: self (per Aep~lty },t_ho_1tgh}hed~pu~y ~i~'not g?_~itn tl1,e priso~er"a~ al1,'and?11aI'ge's_f~r'_'cab hire where no cabs -w~rehired. _ "'Th~:'-p.rst'coh~mii-o~:thecoprof thE}_' u,cc~unt ~el'et:o'_aIille~ea,'ma~~ecl~,- 'B',8h,ows-~e~it~ms _'_cha1>ge4 >_b!, :~-I;l~ t?e amnunts'-paid to/ thesberiff) and theite:msiIl-_~he second- column- show th~,p,~o~eL all.oyY~nces. ". __,_co, _:: ", , ,':" _ :47"i~_--,lJl1~ ac~ou~~'JdJ:/con,vf3ying , G'E?9fge _J3aiil _a~Q ~ :E[~llrY McLeod &g~ ,t,?e"gaol,', at:S~._ 'fhonl~s t6}~e,ProyinciatgepeteJ?:, Vary, ~boHt, th~_ll1_(}l1tl1:,pf ;J:~llle, ,187G, w~,,:ijnd ~parges~,~d:e:fOl' JXlf)~eys "a_lleged,tp h_a-ve, b~,~npa~cl _f'orstree~:c::ar~' a,t J;IamJltc)ll"al/_cl ca'b,far~s_atTo.r,ont?, t~ougll,:no l?lo!l,eY~'_:'w~!e;'p~ld~<);r ~~ucl:l_Ptlr- poses. There is also in the accohnt an item' of $24 charg~4_-J()~,:~ _(lays ofs"elfat:$tL,a;~day"thougl;t; ~4~,s4~1:'ifr_di.C,l-w?~ g07wi1)h the prisonei~ l;L~Il1~elf;,: but_ ~mploye~: t,wo.: persq~13. Wb~,,.~e~t,,, and,~,() .W,h()W:-not:, n:i9r,e)h,an $,1:g-:}ra,s:,p'ai4,,~~togetl1_~_L'._";' " _5~ We' .firi.~ -th~t in-_or'_aboub_~th~'"nfoIlth: of:~ :1\PI;il~-'-1877 ;:' ~ 'ldrgp.sum was ;paid,,_to' the ,"s~eri:ff by ,the 'county,'for~'col1veying'- t~o ,prisoners",Mahlon '_ Buckl~y- and :,~j~lial1l'H':'.Ba~~ins;to '~he :Pr6- vineiaI' _':penetel-itia,ry;' in,' this:'case'the:'pl'iso?:e~'s. were.take~' Dyer"to Toledo, 'and, thence' -to, ,the:' Prov~cial,'Pene'tentiary,at-'K.ingst_on,'iT) -~'-;certain -boat,' 'calle,~ the' .'_'.AJma' )i[unr~.':' -' '_'y!.,e ,_:su?mit__,t~~t,the -prisoners~~~:tbis ?a~e were takell.~nrert~i,s'eircuito~s'JourIl~Y,.,a:~d -beyondJ :OiinadiuJl ::terdtor!i' instead:' ,ofthatsh:ort','au4 :u~qal ,__y{a~:,_~f conv'eymg,prison~rs,to' th~' ':Pe_netentiar.v' ,fro~.~t ,',r~homa~~' be.call_~:e the ;sheJ'iff .was_at,.:the: tim'e ownel"of.'.or- 'at ,al1-'events'largely mter- est~~:in",the"saidJ\AIDla"MtiilTot' 'aild :~#:e',s1ibmit:~}jat -t~~ _'sheriff .. in:conveying. these _prisoners' 'by, ~.,~Y of:-Toledo was .guil ty:' of gross Iuiscon'du0k: -'-._:' ""_' .",:; .,,_.:,__C,' ",:,,:' '-or'''' '_>. 6' ::: .Yv' ~ai~d fHi~,that'~li;'::s~~'~Hf h-~sh~'e~',,~Jriiis(s:'f6fso~~,'-tl~,~ p'is't in 'not: ~umnioning -~'_l?t9P~rJi~wb,-h,i?f,:,~k)b/.~a-b~(~it:y>-c'~11- sta?l~s to a_~tend_ t~e ass:iZesand,g'e~e~:al,ses~ions,~na :_,v~t~e he has : b'e,e~ .t~u; n~gl~ctfill; __ht}'H~: never'~~,eless'-,'a~~vays-e~ar'ge~Jor}l1~- - nloiiin_C;,-,~;tch: 'c-onstaoles:~ndr: fOI' '~i1e~ge'- in' 'h~s~C9olt~~S,-'N h~C?~ }iav~:--:b1~*: :paid-_'br'- the' c6~~~Y ( t9.2u~J;L:'r;t? 'se~~ic.'~~,'i~~::_ !~;~~~ec~ :}~f sticl1-!c~a~~es'" wel;e:' _e:~~~-pe'rfor~:'d;:' '_\Ye-ha"V~',~'e~soll:' to '-pe17eye "'th~tr{o-;b;nstiible~' W'ere'siiri1iUC1ne"d t(f attend e~thei~th~' las!>,~a1,itumn :_,,":::,' ',(oj;';- " J,:(;--- .- .")',;; -::', ,i.'; "~I':"~; -,<'.1';,;, (::'.-_' ,,~.-;; ','U-'-',"')'; ELGiN':-CC.lUN'TY 'COTfNG'ILPROCEEDINGS; 91 o ~ssizes;' 6rthelast'gep:eralsessions;hut' we thId' th~tthe;sheriir'.in ~~~..accollnts ~g~~~st t~,e ~c01~hty;-has '?l:tal'ged' f~r 'summbhing qOll'- ~~a?les. tothi3 B!-t1d aSSIzes. and -general"sessions'and.... uh~t :such"ac~ counts have. been-paid, the board of audit belie;in';"no ,doubt.... that such services were perf()rmed~, - b, , " .?_~vVe:~lso:fi'lld ?'ttach~d::,~: each of the,'accounts for expen- ses mcnrred'm CODveyrng,thepnsoners, Qay aIi.~Irons, above,meIl. tioned~'fu thereformatory, affidavits Uladebyc the'sheriff in the words following:' :;.,Qanada, ..,-,.:J,,;; ,.-I,"C?lm-,'~1:&}~r<?~,oftIi_e T~~n- .o{$~: PrOrll?r~; . Of.Op:~l'lO .~'T,ho~s _' :i11; ,t~?,,',_countyof, ,~lgi~;:~he~~, County-: oJ Elgpl- c- [, Wakf:_. oat~, all:d" s'_~y , tl1at,""the8eve.~al To wit. ' J a,;TIpu~,ts:-'c4al'g~djl( 'ttI,e ,w~*it~ac~onri~ w~r,e 1111 pat~ol~t;,by_, IJl~," andforth(3 sev~ eral purposes therein 'niention~a. _ .a~d ^~h~t, the whole w~re . necessary , expe~s~s> incui'- -, red~in conveying the within.named::prison- ers to the provincial reformatoryat_: Pene- tanguishene. ' '., . ~{h~ii;'~r8;\~f;;~if~i~J~~~l~~~j } si?'d COLIN)l UNRO And wesubl~it th~t'the,-sheriff in,,- IllakinO"::these,,',a,fiidavit~ p~rjul:ed hilllself, as: we ,hav-e -reason . tobeliev~ that a l'~r~f- :mim- ber ~~,the,:ain~unts ,s(). 'chatgeq iJlite' sa~~ ,acc?n~ts :-wer~ ~ot pa_iq outfor~h'ep~r~pses melltl?~e,d,~)Ut; that t~es~id 'aecoul1~s wei~e falsi,tied b~t1:Le ~s,h~r~~_~h~t~'e, ~~g~t r~c~iye largeranl'?unts; ft~~; theeounty )__tLIld,.. by"_ tha~meaIlB' he, has-'.: .been, paid Iaro-'e-',sums:.to w~t?:h'Ii~:;v:as_ ~ot_,,~~~tl,~_~~,,_:: ;':'_:'::': ,',:,;.": _',_, . :.":<; :,~ ',', ,8~ W e,-h~ve ,b~e~)~f~;~:U1_e~ fUl'th,e~:phat.', 'tl1er~ are. :o:th~x:' :~c~ c_;_unts. ,preferr-~d_:})y; t,h,~' sl;rerift',aga!lls,t 'th,e_?OUll,ty 'al1(liP~~d,to ,?:i~- flQI?- tiIQ.e_,to .tuu,e?!lnce,the, year 1~6,8,w4~:::h'4Ppear tohave.b'{:en falsifie~, bl,lt we are.:op~.~b~e)(),sp~,qify .Fl1:e:-pal'ti~ula1'- '-'C3:~~s,.,be-:: cause,. ,t~e, l?~rsons ,haXi,u,g_,a; p,1':rso,:g~1.kp.9wledgepf ,.them. are.not ,~,~,: pr,esent,avadable, ,p_p,t J1el)~;Iieve:~hat t11ese,per~CJu?, ca,n be, prOCll.r7- ed,wb,enrequil.:ed. "'. ,-'.,. ",'.' \l.2.W~]i1ive' also b0eli"'fuforllieCl, and have; i:easonto:beJieve , ~ I 'f;' ~! ';1 ;Iii i!!j ':1 illl !ii :'1' ''-: 1.1 "I Ii " "I' [. ;'1 I ri !ti! 1i ~ ;'\ 1'1 ~": .,-.' ':1 {,,:] 'l{l:i 1';11 ~': l;" . ~.{ l1 ill 1 ~'.i".i "I :t:" 'I ~ll ~\:j') "ii',! If'li II"" d!1:( .lih~ ~1:~Hi: 1"',, l'~:'i ,l\: i:i: \';;1: ,III l~! i :\11 ;nu .'L:~I~. I,L, '"il." 92 ELGL.~.OOUl'IT;Y ,Q().U.N{~I~ J'!l9QE:EiDI:NQS; that .the:sheritf~as'or!- several qccasions '. :a,PP~l?it~hed_cel'tain other pubh~,'qmcerS;' ~amely, ",tp.epresent ,p1erk:p! . the,_ .(Jou~ty.: Court an~ hlspredece.sso~,:~nd~.nde~vored~_tQ pro.cure....f~1Ele', l'e#ewals ,of w1J-ts._,Qf-~XeClJ~lOnfr()Ill theIll J9l'_the, pnrpose: or giving llnj~t pnorlty to. One creditor over another. '-- C _ "The_foregoing cbargesare based::upoU': carefuL ,investigation o.r-thRac~ounts preferr(;ld\by.i hesheriir against-the .',County': from tlln~totl~e, ,.a.ndfl'om enq?-inesas:to hi~;conductin thedis,cJ1arge ofhmdutlesln other respects; and -upon information' _obtained f~.o~,:pe~~ons ~~?~, ~ehelieve to be reliable andwbD~av;eaper- s.o~~lkp-(;nYledge~fthes<_qha~~es,~n4;>ve sub4titt~at ,it if? in t~~_pub-_ . 1~~ I~~treS~ :that the (}?~erllIllent_he ask:ed-to- app?int,_ ~~bn~unis~ slOll~r._t,o; m~ke all_ p~oper:'~n~ :n~ces_sary. enquiries', in '. refeI:ehce.'to th~_,s~Id, llhar~e~ to.uching:the c?ndllct:Of the sheriff' iTlthe dis- c~~rg~.arthl1, dut~es .of;hi~office,fr6m;~Il~.year 1868 down to. the prese:ntti,rne. . - ". .... ~ ' ,-!~lrofwhich_::is re8pectfully submitted. -- Dated January 27th, A, D. 1882, A.. .T. LEITCH, Chairman; , ..' - . Th~fol]owing a~~6 the:: a.dditionai;:e~arg~s-1)i"~ferr~4",iig~ins~:-.. the sherIff of the Couhty o~ ;I!1lgi~pUl'suanttoleave giveu'ov' the Co~miss~()Iler~ppoirited t9' i~vestigate such ::di~rges": ',' _ ,..;". :_,> ~ : "', :;~--!" ',; ,The:,.. COIlllni~,tee ~ppoi,J;lte~, tl),'p~ef~~',t~e,sa~4_:~h~rgei,;~~! thtt~,m,t~ea<;coulf~;preferr~4 by~h~~:sli,~r-ifI [tg~,t;l~,t. tpe~, Op\l~tyof ~Jgln. fo~,collyeyiIlg: on~. T,homas Spe~~,I?aIl_fr~pi', tbe,_q~mf;ltr,~~?:l at :S~.T~oITlas_: to. :t~e ~rOVil~?i:~I,Peuit~n~~ar::y.':l1t :,TGngsto~_,',,,~:n }ge ~onth of October? 18'5, the, expenses of _t,,,p, "cqns,~t'tble:s,/f?i',' ?c~h~ hlr,e, ~?~,el and .raIlway.. fares, .froIp. St. . 'r.~o~a_s to' ~ingstori , arid" re~\~rn;_ar~ chargedbrthe sher4f,. th~~gh/ a~IY'Olle' cOl)'stable;:' Mr. I\lllg, .~enJwith, the pri,son~~;.:and.t.he' funamount"oft~e~~count': prefer~'ed was paid by the C~1U1tyto_the'Sh~~;ffi'and:th~ s'llmew-as~' wl'ongfully received by Mm_. ",The :copy of thC'acdoll11t~t'~et?;~nii~x;,;' €~, rn~:rked"C" sho\V~lin .t~'~' first: ?OIU~111: th~l;eo~:the'-p,r<?:per~llow:.-'-- ;;mces, and the second colunm tbeamountscharued''by::alid'paid"to- "the sheriff In this case the sheriff charged to and receiveUfr6m:the OOUl\ty $8.7,00" whereas only $;l9,6;l"s;I1P\lldAl~'% h,e,eJ11PJ'W_ful',the , 1, - I -I' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. 93 following reasons: The sheriff charged the County $~-{L, for alleged disbursement, whereas $33.65 was the actual ~um(~isburs- ed, he also charged $24,00 for 4 days of self and $6.00 fo" 4 days o~ assistant, ~hil~ t.hefacts are that the sheriff did not go at all, bu:tthe_,assistant wentalane with the' prisoner. -no The,saia'Oomniittee say, t'ha..t,inthe':acoount prefel;red ,by the,:s~~i:ffagains~ the, County for conveying one Thomas, Bar- rett,_in:themonth<?f()c;tober, .1877,from~he.St. ThoID:as Ga?l.ta th,e:R,eformatoryat l?enetanguishene,t~e railway, hotel, cab ,wid travelling expenses af two constables arc charged 'by the shenff, whereasanlyone constable went, and the full amount of' the ac~ cO~Ii~:preferred:was paid by the County to the sheriff and, the same,-:was wrongfully received by him.. In this case the ,sheriff chargedto,and receivedfrem t:p.eCounty $82.53, whereas' ,only $38.~2:was.properly chargeable and r~ceiv.eable,' far tb,e following reasons: rhe sheriff charged $24,00 for 4 days of self, .and $6,00 for 4: days-()f assistant, when only -- the ~sistant went"with_the prisoner. Thes~eI+ffalsocharged$53.?2-for disburseD;lents; when theamo.unt:actually disbursedwas,$32.12. The first column of the copy. af the account hereto ,annexed ,marked (D) shows the propel' allowances, . ,anu_ the fiecand :column._ the:amount actua\ly_ .o,harged by 1!heshel'iffal\d paid to him 1ythe Comity. ' III. The said committee say, that the sum ()f $84 waspaid to thesheriff;by ,the county,~to cover:6xpenses incnrTe_d in con- v~!ing; o.:neJ ohn North'. from the gaol at St. Thomas to the peni- tentiarYa,tKingston, . aooutthe' month. oflVIay,18S0, whereas only$37,35'aughtto have been paid,for,the fpllow:ing reasons :in this-c~~e the sheri:trmakeschar,ges for moneys alIeged.to hav~ been ,;disbursed for three;-pel'sons,. that is, . two besides,the . prisoner, as if ,two persons ,had 'gone with the . prisaner, whereas' only one went. The sheriff also charges $24 ,.for ,4 days ,of self ,. (per deputy)aud $6 for 4 days of constable, though the fact is, the sheriff did not 'go .,at all"nor 4tdhis deputy; only on~ person having gone withtbe ',prisoner, and to. .whom h~,' claims to, have paid $6;'... There.are _, otherite-ms~:the aCcOlIDt_.<;[ 'moneys' alleged to. have beeIt.0.isbur- _se~f()rrailway?,hoteland cab fares" for t'yopersons,as if two persons'went.wit~ the prisoner, whereas only one went, and no s~c~ moneys were paid. The first COhIll of the copy af the ac- :eaunt hereto annexed marked; (E), showstheproperaUo.wances (/ \ ""iF 'p. 'f,! I!, I 1l!! i'i 'Pi :;11 H :;1 1:1 111 iH ;:1 ~ ., I 'j ;1 It: I','," 'li-,._J {) ji ~ ! " I!;I ,I:.' ~! ~Ii ~,..:: ":J I'i .:;.] llj 11,,1 :11 'ill ;1] I" ~:q -'l ;(~:r: Iii 'l'" ~t:.i "i'" 'f'I'" 1"1':: ~I " -~il\ luf' ~:1 \Ii lii'!1:: 'i"'I,\I: :"! I 11 :;ull: "'I' tj~ t it\ 1:, I j:L i 'II' ~:~ l U \: ~_:ll \ d', t{,t., 94 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL- fROCEEDINGS; '~~i~ged:-:b;~~t~,__t~~i~~~e 'arid thesec9ud' column the" 'an:t()lllit sheriff by the 'county: ",:_" :.,_::',':'. _,_,__::~:::,:--:, IV. The sai(lcoIlllllittee .~E.o say,' _~h~~)n:_:~h.~,-;:,~RH~~Et:'H'[e- ferred ,by., the. _shepff agairls~ ..t~e ..:c0)11itr,J9r,__:co_n:V~J:mg,_::Albert Calem'an.and- John ~,a_rhi)bel1nJro-p~ 't4e ~$ftOl~-atSt.:-;~ho~IlliS,~o t~e penitentiary .-~t Ki11~~t01l-1n- the. ill?~rh., ,?fl~ly;:.1879rtbe:Et:Dl 'of $!'8:.90,:beiuff, the, r\~il ?m()un~-o;f_ tlt_eac9blillt" i2'~eferr_ea;"W~,~~':grtld~ by the,Colmtv to the sheriff, ,and' the same w~s -wro,:rlgfuny'x~'ce~ved by?:im. ,)n, thi& case' the ,sherift'c,ha.i'ged,~_24Jor,'~ -d8:Ys "of'_s~~f:(~er depu~J,)though,.his deputy did not go'_at al1,and:'~.l~~:~.6,f?r ,4'd~'ys of assistant, though theassist3p,t r~ceived only~5,'<1iv~d?'1~rs). ,',T~~re is also a eharueof $32 for tic~~tsby 'poat. fr?ill- ",I)?rt, Stanler to Kinuston' but,.'thefact: i~-"thav no sum, whatev~i~'w3~'pai~',by_'~he sheriff in 'respect (}~saidtic~ets , ?r.bo~t~-, -'J:'here, 'ar~,: other .ite~s in- this ',a'ccount for-11l?neysa.neg~~ t()_-ha:e,been:_di~[)u:'s~a- -.J~r.~, c.~b hire, &c.", when}1o such JIl~o):tey~_'w~re pa,i(l. _'-:,In;tA1S~-?ase~boat fare for 4, persons is,_charged,tba~'~~'f()~ .t.'r() I}~'rs:o~s ,~.~si~es_'~he twoprisonel's; such personsb~inf th,e~oJ1s~~l.bl~ -an~-on~ a~slst,a.~t ; but, thefact is tha}j: t~eassistaIl~ ;pa.id ."bi~ 'o':VnJa~~e an~ t~e,6;rdy moneys paid to him 'or on acc~unt 'of ~is ',ex:re~se_s:'by.,t~e~~bertff,w~s the sum?f ,$5. ,Thefirstebhl~lJi of th~ copy oftbe ,account,hereto allDexedJmarked'(F), ~h6wsthe.'prop~~allowances,: ail~ tne'~s~cond column the amount8 charged 'by and,p.ald, tothe:s,he:n:lfb-y-tbe _county. Y. The said c.6mmitte~: also: sayth~t tn, th~ ~c(':9upt'Pt,~fi;!~t~ed by-the sberiffagainst ,thec9l~'nty, f()r ,expenses.-m91!r:-r~,d ,i.ri;gO~yyYR ing Thomas Daugherty,:' Alhert 'Wo:oley ,-,and; Ow@--:qw._e\;n~y, ;t"rmn the St. Thomas-gaoL::to .the- proyjp.ciaL,peni,tenti::t;rY'll.t,$J;ngstpp.,- in. the month: of October_,1880,~the' slJ,m:9"f$l30, .015- ;:w.:as:;9p::!ge1;l,r,l:>Y and paid to the ,sheriff;: by the COlUlty ,.and..tl;1~:8'ame-,)yas~' ~;I;'q12gful- lyreceive~bYhi~.,,_ , _ :""',,c,_:' '_:_, ","> _;', : In this account :~~esheriff, c~~rges; $~4~ f~r (d~t:):.~t~~Jf:(p~r ~eputy), but bis deputy diP. ,ngt. go;vit.lt~J:e "p~-i~oE-~i:~~~t ~n!:,}~e also, charO'es $12", f~r .4(:laysof)w9',.-~S~}stanfs.,_,belI;Ig,.$:~,}:a9li, );tp-t the fact ~ t,hatnosum, -whate\'er_wa~;p~i,d,':toeit1;ler';: oftb~ ~SSlS- tants. ' , ' , . -'"",, , "",","',' There' is also d.n item of $1 '.-for.. :cab: fromngaoL-to;; railwa.y st~tion at St,Thomas1 whereas no cab waS hired?hut theprisollerq ~ \ / / ,:.,./ --_.,-------'-~ , ELGIN COUNTY coti:~wlt PROCEEDINGS. /' 95 '-', '"" -"" '-, ' an~ ~hos~- in ,c~aj'g.e---?t them walked; there. are-'also' charges fOI' allegedcahhITe -atK~gston',' bOGeL })i1lsatHamilton' .'. Toronto- an,j b~n~on;w.hen:.no_ ,sueh.,expeIlses: were incurred. . ._Th~. firstcoluul~~ oftb:~ -c~IPyof th~'accollnth~reto ,annexed, mal'l.\;ed "G;"-sbb'V3- the pr?~er.a owan,ces;- .and_the second:_colurnn ,the amountschal"ded .Lv a~~;1?al~to '~~~_sberiff,by. the_ county. 0 " , "-'c::,~i. The; ~aid 09,wmit~ee;aiso-saYAh~t'-iJ;I. the -acconnt Dref~r- redo.b-y_, the.:s4e~iff agamsttl1e:,county for,e!penses 'incUl~red -fn eo"n- ve.v~~g Shank, Qhtl'k, :AkH~\1h~.oliv~:, and ..:E{,O bert. :~-mi_th ,fi~om tlte ~~~ ::rhR~as,,g~o~, ~o_~rJ~ro~~nci~~ pel1ite~tiaryat: ~{ing8ton, in the I?:~n~~,.9f ,8cto!?,e~'<; 8 /~,,:the_ s~er~- ?haI'g-ed ,$24J~i' 4 -days 'of :self, (~~~ a.~:P?'>~!J7g~~1: _h~~, ~~lJuty dl,d ~otg?',a~, all,,' 'alSo,_- $] 2 for 4, d~!t;:o~_~:wo ftSSl~_~a,!1ts~ bu.t'~he~f~pt:.is,:th~t .~o_'. moneys' what(3wii. W:El~,e;;J~a.~,~;, t~, ,th~_ as~~~ctantsoll"t,hls'_occa,~ioh:1!13- also cha.r\'lEd $~.p~, ~O.r:c~1X' ll1e~I~, at "H~TI:1ilt()l1,Jb:Qugh()nly $1 :50:was 'aid.; $~,H9/?r:__~~b ~~r.~,'~~,_,'Ri~gs~o~, }.ut'oillY,'$1~50~as-pa.id'; ~so i h?~(1~tl~'.of:~3'RP ai~:~orO~}t();,whe~: o~JY$] ~25- ~as,::p'aid~, a:llda 4()re},.~!M.o!, $,~:~_~_ _~~_13:am~~o~, ~hell . PI? siicJ:t;:.biU '.was'-'incurre<L The she~',chaTg~d. tl~ Oounty'thesuui'of $124AO'in this-':.c'ase, all.,.of ~hl~~ was paid hml by the, County, and he wrongfully .rel cerved",the:,~ame. ".,The:,first:qolulXlU o:f~the:fLccQnnt .here'c_o anfi:~xed ~I'ked '.-'~'Lshq!vs"thepr"?per:aHbwanc_es, _<).lld.. th,e .'-sf'cond'c~l umn the;~ou;ntsch;rge~by~nd, paidtqthe sheriff by the Oonnty,., ' . ;~:;~:::ytJ;~;:; I th;y:' s-~~4 'q?~~~'{~te,e'~l~o~~ y)ha,t;tp.e" ~um ,pf ~i;"g 6. .~O: wa,.?:'P~~~t:,!:>Y~';~Jl~;P01J:~ty~o tli~:s,he6ff f~r .y){p~n,~es ineun'ecl iI?-' -C011- v~Y~?K~,,-::~org~; J~~lq~-:,~n;4;ilurie:. %<l,,~.sop; frqp,' the: :gaol,a;t.:'-St. 'I.'h2ll)a~\~0 W;e :-p'e!l,l1te,nt.la~'Y-,: at,:;I{lngston,. iu}he, m,on,th'-of .Tune: ~&J[~ ,_~ ~:ud: ,~~eA~,I?;e/ ,y~~- w,r?l:lgf'ully .r~?~i.ye~" by: (11~,rnyt1i~,811_~I:iti, r~~""~~f,~:~.a,~~ _~~~~ ~2,~~~2- s~,ou_~;d,.ha:~?,e,~n paiq., Jor tl1e f611.o.win,i r~,~\~~~,~~ 1;0. t~lS; ,a.??o~n?, ~~~}'th~,~.ifl?~~rg~(~' ,$?~.~ 00 for .4.. days 'Of_self. (PSI' ~~p~trll:~lty t~~~;1?t,~~t~~~e~Jl~.y'?ld-l~()~-'g'o~talJ; he c'l1:aI'g~: ~~. ~6:2P /?f ~,~~~~: 9~_ a~sls~~~t,--b1\t~no' sum whatever was' 'paid:to' th,~~~~~~~~~~t'~:",~:e;n:.~~so, e~a~~e4'::,$4?~?'O:'for ,4 . tickets, fron;"Poi:t ~~~DA~y;.to _~.l:X~~P?n,. p~~ ."Al))1a-:M unro/'::'whei'eas"b:epaid 'i1othi'n O' ~~:.~ll fpy ;~<}~~e-p~~'o,t~<:rw~s~"ol(,said~;boS1t.:',:-The.. fi_l'st-:cdluffill:df th~ ?irJ:..,~~; J.~,e ~~?~u~~:~-er:~l:fa~ln:x~'i;l'_mal'k~d "l"'-shows,the '-pi.biH~t. a' owances,. and tne'second column the si.:lmchariied~'b-y anI'.' d to the sheriff by the County, b ,,e;., c P,t1 -Jil;JI,).~Y).G .tir .uI ,:u:.rli ',;)rJd;d.t 7,:,'~ , ~,~ ,I, !f1i I: ~! ; i ~ I: i Ii!) ;,1 1'1' " F iil iJl ,'I ,'I ~l\' Ii f'; ~rLl ti (' ,I:i li ,11 ( ~-: "::, 96 ELGIN CoUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. VIII. The said, Committee further sa; -that i~~ account for $86.40, preferred by ,the sheriff against the County, .for>ex~: penses in conveying one Ninham,in t!le yeal'.1878, from the gaol" at St. Thomas to the ProvincmlPeliitentiary at Kingston,-anitem of $6.00 is charged as havi.ng beenpaid,_hy"the<,sneriff;to'-ari,as~ist~:~ ant~ but the" fact is thatthe assistant who went an ,this. ()c~asion was not paid any sum. whateYer,andth~whole account'of$86.40 (including the said item of $6,00) wasp"idoythe County to the sheriff and the sam~._waswrongfullyreeei:,ed:by him. ,:.' ,"" <' IX. The saidOoIDDlittee alSo. ~nd th~tinan:,accou~t, pt~:-, ferred 1:>Y t.he sheriff agains~ the .County foi expenses... incp,rr,ed. i~, conveying. one, Emily Brown,. from the gaol; at S~._,Th()riHis, to,' t:!lE3' ProvincialPenitentiary,atKings~on, 'iIlMay,18!8,an. item ,of $24.00 is charged,-, as. alleged:t(},:.-bave beelt_pai4 by: the sher~ff;"for fare on the boat called "AlmaMunro/~utthe fact i~ tl1at.:o,o ~,uch_, money was paid at all, and the whol~ or..-the'ac:co~nt,a,Dl<?pnF-:ng to $57,40 (incl)1diJ:lg the said item of $24000), was paid byth~ County to the ~he~ifI, and the. sa~e; was wrongfully__rec~iye9-J?Y, him. . X; The'said qommittee a]so_'sl1ythatthesherilf.,has:fre--, quently sent".prisoners .to the penitentiary at ,lGngstori.-,in .charge, of young boys who were willing to go on'payment of~their,expen:": ses,and, while he has thus obtained their,service~without. t:~rp.un- era.tioll, h~. always charged the -_ County as 'if, they_ had be~l'::pa~d, , thereby obtaining large sumste whi~h he. :was, not" ~ntiUed,:,-~nd we hereby submit. that_ the sheriff in thus :'.entrusting boys'-'with the charge of criminals fromthegaolat~ St.-ThoIlla~ t(}," the '~r9- vincial Penitential'! at Kingston was guilty of-g~oss' 'rniscon~uc\ 'XI. '.' The said Committee say also that in,an acc()untpr~fen:~~ bytb.e. sheriff against the County for expe~ses. incurred in}::Q~vey~ ing Henry. Fitzsimmons, ..J oJmN ortll, ,and _J ohn,..HaJ;lley frolll,:,:th~ gaol at St.. Thomas to- thepenitentiarya~Kingsto~, ~)~~IU:~?f $12;00 appears as havil':g been paid by the sheriff to t~o\lssisj;,~~, butthe,assi~tants in this case gotn?"sum,whatevElr, '3.R-dfJll.~ amount of the account, including thesaidjtem of$l~.O{}"w~~ paid by the County.to the sheriff and the. same was wrongfully received by him, ". .' " XII, The said Committee say .nrther that'in an .account ] 'V:l I~ 1 !, '\.! u I n:~ ,Ii 111 il', J ,i 11'1 t":_ ~'~-J hLII i}{._ ~~,) Ill: ,11", I!'I:': ~\':"i I;: r~~ ii; ['"" ~iiji. j]i t:lll' ~ t I : ;11: ~'~ P' l:;,f111 .,frd ~ 1\['" 'I' n.ji d.1 ''l,L ",- - ELGINCOiJ1.riY COUNciL PROCEED.~1.. 9F \,Y preferred,?Y t~e sheriff 'tgainst the County for expenses incurred ill c~nveymg ;:Samuel Haw~in~"Jo.~u;,H:ughston and' Lydia Ann . COlll?-S from the gaol at St.- Thomas to the penitentiary' at King:.. ston'lD.~ecember, 187!,an,itelll of $18.00 was charged by the s~erift',aslt11eged t~, have been: paid three a~sistants ,fortheir ser- V-IC~~, but"the~act.lS.;that_,no sum.whatever"was .paid,..by..-,the sheriff, ,or o.n hlSb~ha1f,.to the assistants who-went wit.Q.the,:prls":"' ()p.er.~_?!} th~S,qCC~l?n._: r:t;he whole .amount of _the acc?unt _ prefer":" r~~,J)~~,~g .$~6L:95~mcludmg the saId item of $18.00,' was. charge4 hy the sheriJf and the samewas~aid to him b.r ,the County, ' , All of whicl1is respectfully su,bmittod, "" " " , ' (sig'd) UClm~ittee RooD,1,.;MaYi 1&82. A;,..J..LEITCH, Ohairman. '--' :..:i: -'<' (if ); ,.(, 'hi 'fH. Iii ,j:! lij :111 h"1 Ii II '! i1i ql ,11 ijl' I il f;! lL: "1 h ill i 'l j f'!' 'j H:,\ i I , , J .':$ :ii ,I ~l ~l al ~l! }lPi iij: lilli, ~F r:lt i'l!!; ;];1; 1Jli: !,~Il ;11~ hi \iL 9&i! E~~!'~_H99Y~tl ~~xq~SR;) PL~o,.q~~~?~~ft~t:t ,;,1'- - \ '-"j'" ELGIN~ 'b6 t;'Ni;Y-b6u~d:T? ~ROCEEBINGs. ;-c:'E:xp_~~s~s .~inC:lti~d by: the,'sh~ijff:;of)t~e'~o:m~y~;~~~:El~;_j~,-, c<d#vefi~K;~\edetlCk:I?ay' ifrOffi';ithe, rcom:~y,;"ga~l, ~t..Sk Th0-ID?>SJ;b/ the'lirovinci~l ,p'~ni~entiary'.-at~;Penetangu:~_~,hene~': ,~, ~:~~~:;_ ~,F~~ ~~~t ,~:~p.:~~d~d:;. ~ - :, _~;';:~~a~i~~~h%~~,: I !.t:~~~t~t;,~ ;l_ ",,'~_<, '___'_,' ~She~~r::i ;":i;)owa<:tces., Team' sf. T~o~~s_.:.g;~~~,~p '~'''''' "~"_:"{ W~'-'R~'station';' "".C"/_ \,.,. ,- :'~3t:?ckets S(/lliidmas to Toronto' 10 50 ,,~,',':' ,'.i Cab to police-'st~tion 2: ~;,,. .7, -'( J~::;}' 10 Prisoner's fare atpolioe station 1 . 50 Ho~el bill at Toronto over.night 5 ,00 3' tickets Toronto to '.Barrie, 6 00 -Dinners at Barrie, 1 50 Stage fare Barrie ,to Penetan- guishene, Suppers on the way Team Penetanguishene: to Reformatory and "})ack 11 Hotel at Penetanguishene Stage Penetanguishene to Barrie Meals at Hillsdak :Barrie to Toronto Dinners at Toronto Toronto to St. Thomas (2) l:luppers at London Expenses in~~red' by\tlw j~,ll~ri#,,8f:rh~,So,u_n~y ;QfElgf'P:, :in d,Quveying DilPiel Iruns fromthe"cQ~l~i.Y.':$a:p,I '~r St:Thomas;~'t6 the ~,~o:iIlCial r?:orInatqry; p'l~~p:g. ~.~t)~~e,n;~!~~,W~~A~F]~:__ . I?~te ,-, For whit e;q,ended, Signature of paiiy' ' ~.Amourit,.:.c;l.larg~ C:' receiving ffi:>ney _, ",F!~',~r,~;~aid 0:; r; D B, ';;r'j" March 450 1 00 2 00 2 50 3 00 1 00 4 00 1 00 7 00 1 00 4 days of self 4 days assistant $53 00 24 00 4 00 $81 00 ------ -_.- n ------.7~ "'\ ,:":-...," .~ : ... ~ :,i. ,'~i:'Dec. 24-For'team Sti.:T4.Qr;n;tLs,~gaol;t9 i)(~ tbe static)n .__'.",'""",.-".:~.:.,:,,,50 -3,.'ti6kets London to TClr()~0-,$:5(r')Q~p'O Supper at Harnilto,n,:,::~: ", "',y"pO I,,)ab Ry. station, to police:, J'ei<' '-:station,'Jor~;)J;i~o~ f:... .',..,' ,'-','1:'66 25 Hotel bill at Toronto OY~11:~'~jg~~. "~.,)",:,b9 Pti.soner's fare. at P91i_C:!{';f?;~at~on'"i,_ ';~l:::;~p 3(tlCkets:TQr,Qnpo~to-AIJandale ~ .;~B.,'OD Cab;Allandale,to:,Bari:ip. ..--. .,' 715 n----26_HBtel, bill at B~rrie' " 3 00 Prisoners at gaol 1 00 Team, BarrietoPenetanguisbene 10 00 Expenseson road ditto ';.:,~:' "1::75 ditto at Penetanguigherie',i,,;.>.:c::;i I; 00 -'!:; -- ~27-'HotelbillatHiIlscialeover nigbt 2 00 Expenses on road to Barrie 75 Supper ':tt ,.Barr~~ fOLt,~{) 75 2 tickets' Bil.;l{'to-- A.Il1iilaaJe and Allandale t.o Toronto 28 Hutel bill at Toronth over night 2ticke:ts,:roronto to St. ThonlHS 2':'(lHrli~h's~li"t' -London -:!~,i ~;;.: 7 00 ',i'.' uc 2 50 4 00 I 00 '-'r', ~' i. 3 00 1 00 200 1 25 " ~ ,; 1 [0 50 2 00 50 3 50 50 4 50 4 00 7 00 1 00 $31 25 4 00 :-;1-' t: Ii'r,: .~'/' _C :n" ":'6J; 50 ';' '39,,12! .30.0.0 ',' 5,:00 5 00 '-."" $35 25 5, :d;I~ of self (per deptttyf$6, 5':)l1'fty~assistant $1 ,-';' - - ;",. . [','. Ci: :...-r,,- ,~,,------ 44 12! " ':;,1 ",(; ,-" '<c'-<";,;'.IJ;;., 0: 99 Amount of plOper:>1- lowances. 7 00 1 50 1 50 4 00 50 1 50 1 00 10 00 I 00 1 00 1 00 50 37t 2 25 2 00 3M 50 <r II' 'll! 'Id ;(1 [Ii 1]1' !':'i ;.\ n Il, lil !Il "I 'i "'( !:\ i: I,:.'. )i ;"; H ;1 "i "j ,'I ~" ') ,j .,'.\ ~:! .;1 !t 1 ',:; ~it ;~ i , "I , :1 , :1t ~: ;", 1!1 :11 '~i1' IF "1':1: i,;j 111: ,!;,:, t!~,,: lid" 'I" 1~1!\i ;:1 t~ ~jf: :;~!" ~m lil'l illJ'll f;]f :;.~! ~tl t Date' 100 ;1l:LGIN COYNTf. - COP,NClL ,1'!tqCE~DI~GS. o Date For-what,Expended 4da ys of self 4 'I,' of assistant .. . I. .' D Amounts of proper allow- ances I 30 ~,' 5 ]0 25 2 40 , 10';75 1 00 L50 00 36 50 ;75 55 '1 20 3363 Amo=ts charg- ed and paid ""45 765 2,00 75 3 60 ,1608 ] 50 225 2 00 50 10 72 1 00 ] 50 5 ]0 2 40 Date--- 1880 MaJ:' 13 57 50 24 00 6 00 87 50 "AmountS of' ( Amounts charged ;~:~pe:r.:aUo.w~ce' arid paid 1871, Oct' - 4 Two_ tickets to Toronto and return Orie" ~.,ticket' to' Toronto. 3 dinners at Toronto -.- -3-':fickets to collingwood 3 Teas at Allandale 3 beds and thr~e bre;;kfasts ~t Go!- // ~~ ------- 5 80 175, ,,5 00 5 00 1 00 ;; 11 60 ] 75 7 50 7 50 1 59 "" / ELGIN'-:COUNTY~:COUNCIL;'PROCEED1NGS; :MIlgwO?~";.,, i :'5,-2 !i tickets,CoIlingwood to Barrie 3 dinners at Barrie Stag~,: Barrie ~0,1?,enetnhg'uis~~he';-~" 3 teas at,Penetanguis,heIia:.-'--..- ;:6 2 beds' and' breakfast-' 2 dinners at Barna'; 2 tickets Barrie to Toronto 10 meals and 4 beds 4 days of self (perdeptl(y) .( ", ',"~ constable" ;:: 1875. Oct. 11 Cab St.Th6masg~ol to C, . S. R StatioIl, ' 3 ti~ketsSt.'Thomasto Hamilton 12 Hotel bill at Hami]ton 'PriSoners in gaoi 3 tickets Hamilton to Toronto 3 _ " Toronto 'to' KingStori Breakfast at Goburg . Oabto Penitentiary 13 Hotel bill at Kingston Oab to statron -- 2 -tickets _ Kip.gstoll to T6to~fo Dinner at-Toronto Hotel bill at Hamilton ] 4 2, tickets Hamilton to St. Thomas 2' 2 " Toronto toHa~ilton: E .J,.. 1 50 ] 60 1 00 6; 60 ':]'00" i.;; 75" .5& 2"00 ,2;'62' 32 12" __, ;,,/1' .:J,- ~:1 'I'.'i; _ ,~ 101 2 25, 2 67 1(;501 :jO\OO'. 2 50 1 50 1 00 4 00 5 25 53 52 24 00 6 00 83 52 Amounts of Amounts charged proper allowances and paid "Oab_:tP,~ilway statiMl 2'retUi'n~ and 1 single, fare ticket St. Thomas to Toronto Meals at Hamilton d~' d.e'Toront"o"';';< '" _-. 2 return 'anc;1. 1 s~gle _tic1:e't;;~~~.' ronto ~ Kirigston<-' ;', "" Melils::?-t ,Oobourg P{)l.~ce"::station,: a:b,,~tngsto~ Oa,b~,,'hi;reatKiri:gston' " , -"-~\.'-" Hotel bill at do """. Me#ls ~at Cobourg d<j' at Toronto- Hotel bill at Hamilton ,..,! 4 day.;Bf self, per d~p~t,Y, 4 " "constable', " i)!j '-j',} ':;1 '::'0 1340 l' 60 75 ",1 '50 2 25 50 . .0 1 50" ",,'. ,~'.'- :;,,; ;'" 31 35 PQ 11325) , '15-' 1 00 21 50 1 50 75 2 25 4, 50 ] 00 ] 00 3 00 04 00) 2t 00 6 00 84 00 j Date'. 1880 qct. 20 102 ~ Da:~e F ELGIN: COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , AmountS of Anlounts charged J,roper allowance - . and paid 1879 July'22 Cab to station frPIIlgaol 60 4 tickets"to Pt, Stanley from St.Thomas, 75 4 "-: Port Stanley to Kings.tqn Cab hire at Kingston, .to anqJrqm peititentiary , Hotel ,biUat Kingston Ticket, ~asto.n to Toronto, HoteI_hilla't Toronto Ticket, ,Toronto to St.-_Th.omas"" Dinner at London ' { days of self, per deputy, 4 " assistant G I 50 rOO { 80 2 00 4 00 50 15 15 60 I 00 32 00 2 00 2 00 4 80 2 00 4 00 50 48 90 24 00 6 00 - AUlOuntsof Amounts charged- p~ope,r a!lpwance; and paia, 78 90 Cab to station 6 tickets to Toronto (3 retuIn} Meals at Hamilton"" ..,' ,. 6 ticJrets Toronoo"'..;to Kirigs~(m; " .r.,et~rn,- Meals Cobourg _';'__': ,,;',-' Prisoners in lock-uj;i at-K:_~ngst'o,ri. CaL :it Kingston \< Hotel bill at Kingston Meaisat Oobourg Ho:elbi1I at Toronto ~e,als'at - London ' . 4 days of !elf, per dep';'ty, 4: " .2. asrnsta.nts 30 15 41 40 2 50 1 50 1 50 5, 00 I 50 I 00 30 15 2 00 41 40 2 50 I 50 3 00 5 00 1 50 4 50 I 50 83M ---- - 94 05 24 00 12 00 1300(i I "'r~ I I i ! Date. 1879 Oct" 28, Date. 1819 June 20 H ELGIN'COUNTY,' COUNCIL- PROCEEDINGS, '. For what Expended.- Street car fare at ,St. - T.Gomas Railway fare, ~t~ :Thoraas to' King- stonftnd return-, Six ,meals,atHamiIton Street' railway fare, Hamilton" Six meals dt' Cobourg Qab hire at Kingston Prisoner's expe~ses "Kingston lock-up Street railway at Kingston Hotel bi!) at Kingston 3 _meals at Cobourg Hotel bill at Toronto Hotel bill at Hamilton ,4 days ofseW,:p'~r uepll:ty, 4: " 2assistaiits I Fo/~hat Erye'~deJ.':.' Proper Sums charged allowances. and paid. 68,00 I 50 {5 300 I 50, I 5.0 45 3 50 I 50 1.25 '---'-"--- 32 90 Proper: --aIlowimce. Cab Si" Thorna'ga6ItoRy.Stati6n.,50' 4 tickets,St _rh.om~s to Port Stiu~lt:~1;.I., OQ 4: '" Port Stanley to Ki~gstq.l:l.:: . Oab at Kingston ' 2 00 Hotel bill at Kingston 2.50, 2~tickets~KiIigston,to Toronto~' 9".60 -Suppers. at -Cobourg Hotel bill at Toronto overnight ~..ti0kets, Toronto_to -:a:a~il~on,. ;:i," ,2 " Hamilton toSt;Thomas (days self, per,deputy ~'.'1' .-4: ,.'" af!S~s~~t;". . 2,10 2 4.0 5'10 25, 6800 2,25, 45 300 300 I 50 45 3 50 I 50 3tl0 1 50 88{0 2{ 00 12 00 J24 40 S~;Dls:~aiged ,: and'paid. 1 00 , I 00 :10'00 , . 200 2 50 9 60 60 10 2 40 5 10 25 80' - " .,,",.',',--,- " ----- -~~_._-,-~. 66 30 24 00 '6 '00 ,ir'--._.:;",-- 96 30 103 25 II Ii II Ii II II j",.,I.,. I , j rn. 'ii! "1. -\Ii 'Hi I!I PI ;i- f'l !il !II :ji I n u I" !.'; ! Ii ;11 d IJ "(1 d :'1! I , ;1 ii: ':" I ~ jl 1ft ll" ~lit!: r: ~il I',i :ili :;'fit, \~ ii: ':1', iW:: l*li'l 1;li (iil" \~ n , '~ ~ 1'04 ELGIN:-'COUNTY ,COUNCIL-PROCEEDmGS~ REPQR:P. ' ..",.J t~~ Copy of an~ order in _ _C1o~nCirappri:r~ed;'-by-:;-H~.~:_'-I~ono:r, the Lieutenant-Governor, -tp.e' -thirteenth day- of- ~ovember., A. .D. 18&2.:'-;' The .OOIlllIlittee-of ,Council ,h~ve,'had-un,der: .co,t;l,Slderatl.on the~annexed ref{ort of the HOIl?J?a~le,the;.. -~tt,?J;n:~y-(}en~ral Wlth reference ,to the-inquiry' which: has-takenplac~'mtot~e char~es m~de [against ~olii1 Munro, Esquire;_,sher~::,?f'the:9ou~~y of EIgm, and; advise the :said report be acte9:--:U~~~;-,:,- , 'j' ,_' ,.;i.;.:, . C~rtin~d;J.~.Sqoh, ".. Cler~ ;Executive Council, ~ .. i. '.',:' Ontario. /The undersigned has had under consideration :therep?rt of Mr. eriemare who was appointed a.commissiQner::,to-,examine into and~report' on--chargesagainst Oolin Munro, Esq., Sheriff, County of<Elgi'n. c; " , ". c, .' ,>, )~'h~ :undersigned sees no sufficient', r~so_ri _ ?n' t.!le' .'eyidence - to as;~ii~e' any of the facts to be other than as'~found by Mr. Crick- more';)vho, had the advantage of seeing ther witnesses ~d of ~ear- big the~ counsel who algued the case. -?)eP!9Sec1f~g parties w~r~_-:'~~~!1l!~~~_~ appoi~ted for.~ piirposeby the. County CouncIl oftbe County of Elgm, '" .~he commis~ion,eJ:Fd,s .;tl1at_:_te;n_. 9( _~li~:,_grollIJ,?~:- .pf cQ~pl,a:~:~ h~ye;~in who~~,'-or:i~_,p~ff,;be~n'e~~~?li~~~~~~, .:rfes.~:'~_~e~~te chiefly t6:,ov_~!_charges"in - res~~:~,_.gr, -~(3:c~~:wya,nc.e of pl1soJ?:.ers to the ~fo~atory \~~d:~PenltentIary. . ;::_>:~~:;,. i,ia:'to the othetirregularities charged,-.'the)Ti_do fiQt_'seem to re- quire: any _special n;e~tion,:in::- the -ipresep.t:-:re.p~rt-bey:?nd '. a re~ ferencetothC.1ppmmlSSloner s report;of., the. facts_~an~,hls observa ti()~~~pon th~~.--',___.,_:_: ,'".' _,:':,: :'::The o.....~rcH~rges were-~on~ai~~d iII_stat~ments.;-'eacp of~hich w~s ferified by the affidavit of the' S~erifl;caud they were paId ?y tlie, 'colirity in.tel~ance on such affidavIts. Each of the . affidavIts ~as h:f, a; prmted'form"and it ~a~. ~~e~.~~y.\: ,s~~.~,~, :~sfo~lows:c- '~The,several. amounts charged J.ll the ~I~~~"'accH~ut ,we:e. all p.ai~ 'out.by me,' ..nd for the several purposes' thoreill mentlOned, 0::: i)f; T I ELGIN: COUNTY .COUNCIL -PROCEEDINGS; ~Q5 / ahd::th~t,the ,whole ~~werelfecessary expenses, incurred' in,-c0.avey~ ingthe.with~ ':named-pri~oners ;to: .theProvincial Refo}>matioryu~t Penetanguis~ene-; or t~eJ?e~itentiary ',at-._:Kiligston, ,{as the_:cas6_ might be. yr, It appears now by, 'evidence that: in- ,the':cases::speJiifi";- e9-)n.~he,;rel:lp~tt the ,aDl()llnt~<9harged,;<~acl ~ot. .b.e~~ _ p~,Ld, RY -the She:riffj a?4 'Y:erGU?:~,,~e9~s~~a1;y_ expel1's~s :_~cHrre4' :_~~.~~at~~,~_;::1:~~, qQm~~lon~r:%HS; ~~~~,th~,~.h~~ (~,:,~he)~l1~~~g~:c)r t4q,r~',,; por~) " :,~"c~~~ge,4,:; }05; ~!lcl, "Was: p~~d;, ,'~!3ye~al"'S1;1mS,?f mqne;y :fRl':d'i( Imrsements that were uot' ip.Pll};re~,,Ql',p~ia,lJY ',f,irri;<~,1:~4_~~. ~,e t?erein a~so ~harge~,,~or,; ~n~' was paid ,fees: for IDIllSlel! .ana his assistants 'tci'wh~ch,he'F'as>not' entitled."" . , ~~. As;t'o<~he ivay in 'Which'" the:'lhc~lTect ',~a~-VitS:-, cl1nie;'t(/?~- made by the Sheriff, the Commissioner's :frrldingisthis:~"That~ t,he::.persQns ,--whCi'"had,charge of 'prisoners;: or.: -their .'r._emo.vaI,wouI.)', bef"ore:st!'i_t_tllJ.g on their-, journeywithi thir prisonersl'reCei:ve_ from the ,.8herijf;a',_suJ.ll:9f;morieYito; cover,their.expenses;:and on<their retl.lrn:,;wQuI9-rellq~rto<t~e,~D_eputy ,.sh~ri:ty,:,~'either ,;verbaIly or, in wriWig;;ij.. stateme).Jt .'. of the_ exp~nses' mCllrred lli the:removal;: that the Deputy Sheriff thereby':hefO:re:the'~audit,: :w:ith,:~.the,assistance< orJ4~se,stat~mep._t~,; lJ1a.4~-. {)l}.ttl),e aC'JollD.ts,',_o(t4e. d.is~ursemellts ~n,~~d),:up,;p~e' lifl?"divi-ts ~-~~jf'ying', t4~rJi;_ -~~~4 gQ(~ht:Sl1Elr.Hf~9 ':~WEl'~ 0, ,thyl!J:, :.Jr~,ich; ~he E;h~~~_-a.PP'e,ar!3, .:-:in""all. :.c.ases,to: :~!1y~_/4pn~.,' :w:i.~h()~~_,r:~~c1,iIlg ?J{er,[; tJ,1~. ~(~cPl1}1~,,'pr f~yr~mti-;~~t~gu~)l1-ve~t~~ .g~~g.; t~~m,;!e.lyplg i9p.,N~ejpyp~ty:84e:riff;aE-.~ :be4El~ng-;t~~m:0:' hecor~~g~._l:~. ,_,_:_"" .",,,.,,~'___,,,,-:,,: ~,':t~~ :-~~~p~~si()~~~)??~~ _~9~ .~e~,~re,,~~~t~ t.~e ah,~F#)yq~~d,have ~~W;~)l'?-t.Q ~p.Y_.<Jrtl:i.er;;e" :~d~~l:tS,~~. ,a,pm~~rs.:,to',h~v.e S_Yf:9rn)6 .if ~~,-:ha4:k~'o~n;'tha'~':it'~as',~()_t"t~'~~ei"-, -': ':<':,'~:,. ,,' ,- ,"':'.: ;'_-:' .- ':_";':",'_ '__';~.-':_:: ,-- ,,:'TIie:'?o'~#t-1~~~Q~'~i :f~~1fer' ~~?,~r~ed; "No; ,~:bl;~1':t~~)6:nati_;N :~f 'the- SJ{el'~ m 'swe'ariilg' 't.o 'thos'e'.affid~t#~:;}5~l?~~~'j:s~tj~fY;i_*:g:,~im~ ~el~ of;1ihelrCOl~l;eSJt~e~s,yvas ~~tre1ll~IJ,_ ~ong ,~n,d rept~heilsfble. :-'rhe_,;oePtl~y'-:S~eriff.sai~ I he;~i~' rio{gll~sti6~ -:,: 't_~~-' :d~putie.s:". as_- to ~~Iiy:, of, the' ite'i:iis ,'tli~y: retUrri~'~1 ,~s,'~xtien~ed;, r~~hat' _-1{~ --'t8~k :th~' ..:sta~~itre.~ts: ~~,ey:',;ga~~~ w~~~~~~( 't~e;y i?i#~_~: ~~; s():'t~at. it,~~ppe~r~ ,ot~at. the', DeputY:'She~'lfI.re?elv.e~, _tlre..ret:urIlS.'ina4~"'tohi,])j:witHou~ veiificatiol1r'tha,~' h}3 ,tliell''- Il;1~~e' o~t ~lie~~ ~coUn~s 'i:;r:_the ~~bllr~~,;. ments froni .thes8,:cret'urns, 'and..'th'at; the Sheriff" swore'lo' th'em' wi~hp:u,t-:iny.estjgation, ;qecaus_e ~ ,he ,haa~,..fait-h,jri:' the:c_orrectnesS:' of ,hif;<leputy,; ca1\d;the"Ooa1\ty paid~the1lli;beOaUse tthey,)V,efe, v.erjfied I ,I 'j :1 il II ,J. -.~~--'--'--"__'._ __,._U --..---'_.._._-----~- ~ 106 ELGIN'-'COUNTY ,COUNClL .PROCEEDINGS~ ELGIN-COUNTY. COUNCIL: PROCEEDINGS. 107 by-' the 'Sheriff's.., oath;;. ..-Since_so :":ma1?-y?f :.the' it~ms:. ~ave:.b,een pro"\;en ,'not.:: to have: -. beenactuallrexpeIfded or mcurr~d"gre:at neo'lilYence- and carelessness DJ.ust':be unputed to theSheriff;Jor he is- ies~o:nsible'fol'-' the condu<;t-of _his.. Bailiff andas_sistants. The uriderSlQ"IJ.ed-_js or-opinioIl'th~tuIlcler.. the~ecir~llrristaii~es the' Sl1eri~tbei~g:a pUl?lic'?fD.cerl_ the appl~cation .'~f _the _Co-un~y CO,uncil.f?f an enquirywasa ,reas?llabl~ Ol~e, <Iud thatt~e -Shel'lft' sh~uld_parall-the costs;cha~ges'~nd expe~~s, .inclll~g .the .com- ~s~~l1efs~e~~,~i?,iIl?)lr.red ~h.erei:?" ',,;_ _ __ .... _' ':..... The Sheriff- shouldalso,repay-to tl1eCountyjilie,sums pI'Ovf1n tohaveb~en_:jmpr()perlYJec_eived by ,~i,:rn~: They appear to ~IIlop.nt in, ,the_,ag~reg~te :00$91.25. : '-'From,'th~se-sunis willbe,:deduct~a the ':-sum'of$3'~-payable'to the 8heriffin respect 'of the three -prisbners~Olarke,Oliver. and Sinith., _ If'there,had:,})een 'any'grountL~f6r ,a-pprehendiftg'a'l'ecur.; rence 'of the' errOi;, the:' enquiry--under:t-he Obnim~8si:01iera~dthe expense-to-which~t, would,have:put_-the. _Sherify,... will no>:doubt be 'amply' suftici~~t . ~O" prevent" such re~urrence. But it':li~s ~,een _~rged oir th~, part Q~ tl1ecounty thaf_tKe,'~4~rW shouJdbe' ~eld 'to",have : forfeited-his. '-office.': "T?:this,_ 'deniand the, undersignecl ,lias> gi~en careful ':co_ns.iderat~on~_, _:_~~ is,-, ?~yio,u,s '~hJi~ so_ severe __a:~e:qtence-wourdcinly be jus~ifiableoIi'thegro,l1nd, t_~~t facts have' been "clearly' :proved which rend~r,.tbat-'the,col1r's~_ Pr:o~ p~r o~som~j~stp~?iple ,~ppli~dor app~i~abl~.~,~a~l.case~._: .'.' ' : the ~dersigned: is',~ot aware 'ofanY<Pfece4el1t for~th~ clis~i,g,s_al Of a Sheriff, either for 'such careles'sn~~,s:_a~jrithe vie;W,?fthf-, (Jo~:' missionf3r, ,co~,sti~lltE:s,,~tP. tt~,~~Wen~~} "Bl1etiff .,~ 1in,t()'s, '.9h~ef of- fence ":ii1-.-~th~ 'p~',~~eILt. '9as~;,or'fqF,' th~: :6tber: ir!egyl~rapt~. which ar~'_ Illen~io}ie4' i1+: ,~h~: _ltepprt._:o' : ,," _,,- ,__' ,:;" .' ' If. t'he, :Com~sionH4ad,.#)~ncf ,that _th~reh~d,bee,n:ol1 :~h~ pa~t Qf the ,Sheriff a ;,'ii1fWper~i~t,eIl,t disr:egft~'d ofi~po~'t,ant ~uty,:.his di~rgissal :n1ig~t_,be,a.- proP13!' ap.4n~ce8s3,:rY, ~9'!lSequence~ . ..But:}he (Jommissiol1er.h,a~ ,'f3xpressly' and. dis.tinctly'negative4 any}de,~;of wilfu,ltqiscondu~t, and :fin4stl1at in,,:-~~earing.: tp,ith:~_:, ~l!()J1~olls a:tTiAa.y.its_ the Sh"erifliis .Gharge.~ble' wlth carelessrw~s.o~y~ The' ordinary and: well-understood consequence'(),f:;~y:w'rbng:?l! the'part of, a ,sheriff to the 'damage , of individuals''ls''the' 'SMriff's liability to au action for' the' darriages. action has never been deemed- :Sufficient Sheriff's dismissal., - '_The. cateless- swearing_- to affidavits_ by a plibliri officerverifyinlY wron? cha1?ges against.. the~01int.v is -po doubt IIlost~r~prehensib-le; as the Commissioner points out, andis' but pal'tially'excusedby theexplanation given of it, On the other hand :the sUmS'in-'each cas~wereso'small that they..do_,not.suggest_;;intentipnal_misstate- ment. - , Co~~i,~ering;the Jo~g pei'iod cQveredby,.,he enquiry, 'the'nuiI1be~ .orcases'ln. Whl~h.the ,qounty,h,as .succe"ed~d. in estab1ishin~. wrong- charges of even smaJl sums are not numerous nor is' the.alYg' :regate' I h ..' ., b amount arge. T e absence of available proof. as 't()-o'ther'like' overcharges. may not, satisfy; theOouncilthatthere are :notothers.' But"haVing.reference. .:to .the evidence "aird.tIle' .Oommissioner's Re.., port,it,may:-fairly_ beassumed'that.no others are know:uto th~_ SherifI', and at aHevents sentence 'must.bepronounced :on:wh~tis actually, pr'oved,- , . . ' I~ is further .to .be observe.d.t~at in experience of judges an~ pr6'; fesslOn~1 IDl;ln, It IS. :unfortunately e()t .:infrequent.in,practice, for affidaVIts to ..be honestly .made in reliance on, ,the. sQlicitor :or agent. by_~hom they were: prepared,and,witho.ut ;that in.dependent-a:1;ld cautIOUS per~onaL examination of. the statements in'the: affidavit on the part o~thedeponent which no doubt is a depon_ent's duty ,b~-~ fore:sweanng. .' ';. ' - I~ ~iew ,of_:~ll: these::considera~io13s,' it. d()~13., ~otft:pp~,it~;that th~ Sheriff~ error Invo~v~sfurther _actlO~ ;onthe part . of. the:,Goyer:ri- ment, beyond. req~n'lllg the re.paymentof all ,proved' over':charges, and ~he payment by the Sheriff of. all expenses incurred.in the_ enquuy.- The success of such ari by itself to demand the T~ronto, 'N oveniher (Signed) 10tb, 1882. '0, MOWAT, -'---._~-~- :1 I, II J I III 1\ l ;'1 ,I l ,I 1 , !', Ii 1:} ';, i" ,\-,,, ~, ; ~q ~ 'I ~~ ,'Ii il~', li: Illi, ~lil ~!i! I~~ n: 1 ",1,1' iU"::. !]1!:;, .1'1'1 1111 '11 r::il='" ']il,', ttt,) ~_\\~,....,-~._- ..... I "',' 'Ia i ;1:1 I 1,1, I oj, I ;;11 , 'I), '1:1 "d 1'1 Pj :11 11) IH :11 " rii ~ 1f :1 n it "'! I 0" ri I ~ ro8 ELGIN :corm, TOUNOlIi;"PROC:!irEDINGS. R,EPORT. " _," '~;' ", _. H" _.,_ ,'_, .. ,1,,_ T~ the' 'Wa;den'ami Oo'Unaioj tiwGo1hnty' of Elgin : ..' ,.- C_',' '" _ ,',: -,"Yqur,: Q()111n4~e:e, appoin~~d'l>y:~~e,,9op,~~y:, (~?;u~QiJ}Q__. !tl:v:es- tig3;~~(~_4e ;'?1l~r~~~jn~4~ .~gai?s~t Q91i~; ;j)iJl~tq?;~~CJ,:, ~liJ.~::pf,s~~4( Cpu/nty,: tqucbp;tK ~;~d '?RpceI;n;IT,lg ~R:e, ,3;~~m-st~aMoJ!: ?L~,~~/~ffl.c~",: r~por~.~sJono'Y~~_:-;-;::' .. .. .. r~ "'h;E." ;; : That -noti~e:-"Oftheltppointment :'of-a~ coinniissionel'.::by:.tli-e-On~) tario Government to investiga.te the charges made, as aforesaid;,~ was,reCeiv:e~ _by;ypur 9om,mitte,e.o~_~ ]'ri4ay.,thl1-t%th.Afty-olr.Apr:il froW, )\)~n~ Criclpl;1()~~,' 'E_sq~'; _.t~e;cppimiss~oIl~r", ;apBq~~t.ed, ': sta~~; tha~'r'Oe$d"y, the. .18th,' day o(Apnl,., '~aii:aPJ'9i,],t~d R~hi,n.;~R,~ C9_J;U.ri1~,ce_ tp.ecase..', ' . _ ~_ ,. ' ' " Y our COIhmittee found.itcnecessary; ., owing;:to'-, the:'shortnessn of ~he' i1.6ti6e;Jt6 :ask :for'an: adjournm:ent,:' which:" was': granted', ~:and the-: 9t~ d~y' of-May"wa::v then; fixed for:the; in-vestigatio.n;; ana~ ,; -in<! trie:, : meantime'-' ;your! ,c-ommittee ';formulated,_' twelve-; additionaL charges, which, with the,nineorginal, made twentyc-one,charges:in.; a!k. ,Y6ur.'CoiIlniittee fourid'great'aifficulty.in'prcieu:rin:g_witnesses~' oWing- principall"..to :the fact :that no -record:,-iS'.kept- by: whicb;:tlie nlim'~s;ofthe :constables,employed ~o 'convey" the:pris.onersto.:..the p-enitentiary"reformatory o:r ,elsewhere" as the cas~ might: he, ,and also ydurcommittee found:anapparent~reluctauqe;on"thepart of. some to give evidence of what they did know in jhe 'matter.:. y ollr,pqm~~tt:ee a,re of ,~pinioIl' ~hat)l~?, ,s;uch::~, ,reco~d.o(the.cop.- Si,~9~~s,<e~pioy~,d,a.s"abpye ;stat~'4,~~el1-, lr~p:t,anA ~V.,'ca,~e~','~p.o,rp~g'J;1b~:", e;aminea,~! p1~l.ch Jarge,r ~mo,u,~t,' .;wp-~1d. ,have, :' P~WL'; (w.4~w;d; t?,p~; paid'~~c1f.tq :P~y~ Clo:u.~ty th~~that :: s~()lY:n)~ t4e 'i~()~.' ;4:t~l?:rp.~y,,,:: General's report' " Yp:Ll;r"CoID1D.itteewere, an~,are.,still, of opini?n that the sher- iffis not entitle'a to the fee of$;?6.q p.E:r.;day;:fpr,~yery ~~y,)t,- re- quired to convey prisoners, unless 'he, the' shei-m; 01.. his legally appointed deputy, actua.llyaccompany such prisoners ; see R. S. 0., cap. 84, sec. 2. Your Oommittee seeing the great saving resulting from hav- ~_a Provi.qci~l B~iliff t1o' (:onvey prisoners to the (:entral, prison, 7- ~. . ' \ -po , ELGIN: COuNTY' COUNCIL 'I'ROCEEDINGS. 1O~ Pen:tahduishene- Mercer-Refo1:II1atory~ncidifferet1i;asyluIDB would' therefo;e recom:nend that this Council pass a resolution memori- lizinO' the DominioIL, Go:rerl:lluent, to, appoint a D(,uuj,JJ.ion Bailiff ~? . con1'"~Y prisop.~rs t.o .t~e Peniteritiari~s. . . //' Y oUl'Oommitteeconsidet' that so far as . they are concerned 'no apology'is requlredforthe length ortime thism:atter-'ha~been pending, as~hey di~.e:"~rything in t~eir _power,. to' prosecute the investigi..tion as expedltlo,!!sly as posslble. . ' _ _" , . Your Committee ha~eh~ret() aillLexed' youchers._showiIig: the expenses incurred ill: the investigation, an epitome .of~~cb is as follows :~ - ~ Paid for Committees.. ,...... ... .'....... ...$122 90 " Witnesses. , 'T' ~,~... .:.', .~.~.... ~...~ .... '80 00 " Senior'C'ounseL.-... .... ............ 220 00 Solicitor's fees, not yet paid" ....,.. ..'.. ... 374 71 Mr. Stanton's bill'aswitness~;..'~~.~. .:;... ..... 19 00 Total...;.. "';'. '.;..", .....,.. ;'.. .,$816 61 All of which is respedftillysubmitted. (signed) A:,LLEITCH, . Chairman. 4' iil Ii, .ii ~ ,I iiJ :i:I \In lJ.i Nl Iii! ! iL q! "~'I 'J i[ '.ij <j II :l 1 I, I' I " 1l0,'0; ELGnr;~_CbUN_T,y:c, COUNCIl; :cP.ROCEEDlNGS~; IN T~;NAm~ ,Qr. TIrE __CO,U:N.TY COUNCIL OF ELGIN AGAINST THE SHERIFF 188J":~~"!!;,;.,-,~:-:_'~-):X: ,'_',';,' -~~~r~:-q6t.~~!::'.:~~'~~~~:. .;:!:~'- ':1__':_ : ,,:_,:,:,;-'::;; '_;'~f;J~:' 1'"~' Janj; 'i 25;Cf:th~:ttkttibh:sfrBihi~~h~_~#;~f't~~'~pe:;:'-:, cial Committee;''':''''''-''''';''"'-;-' :':" ;':" "4"-00"' . ~I;.--,','.' 2_6 .. .-attelldiI1g;cwi,tl;L ,;.eQ~~_itt~~-:-;_th~:-:;b.oi~~ .:,--:." _i , ,.:of,Jjhe,aft\7:tnP9tl,;ii1ye's~ti:g~tiI}g" Y()y,Ch~:r8 -JO, PO, __ 27, Atte1,lding tQ-.d~Yl1g~i1,l" " ;;,.."""""", '10 '00, Drawi;ng Reportc:li5:fols a,.I,1,d'_~ngr0ssi})K', 'i ~9: 2&; .,;Ar!~I~d,iI,':~ 8~_,~?~p:\i:~~~~; ~]l~_slt,~~~t~,ip:g; r ~ "!"~Pq1;t-.t9,_,,~~~W, ~nep:,c~:lllge~,-suQ:gested-:;_ 5'00.' New'bi'aftiuidCo~yRepor1f'\l.i,d'En.- ., grossing", ", ,"" .. .. "..", "" " 4 50-' April 14r; Attending _' C.oromittee, when; it. 3was:a€7 'J'--' bided ,~< communicate. wjth ,Mr. ,Blake". '2-~ 00;; ",,' Att'g, to telegraph,M.r, Blakea1,ldpaid:> 50 : 50 Telegraw f1;Qm,~lr, ~Iak~"ahd'paid" ",' /50>".'30 .( >Attending committee_,with,1tllsw-er.:,.,,:;;'", -'::'.,5,0:,:; . -, ',-Telegramfrom Mr. ,Blake to answer paid 50 -At~nding .Oomrp:i,t:tee jO.l'edec.i$~op.; ~~ t9~i; Blake",.,.., .',_, ':'" ::",":" Tel~gram tohitO:~'~iid paid'>' ,~;:":!".;-:.,,i,.:,i ' ":'In:structi6i1sifor,Brief for 8;.. c~i.". ...:. :.: , ,.-J?,rief for Senior Oaui:tsel. . . . . . ,. .,. .:.. Attending with caunsel at London,and gi vinghim instructians, and paid expen-:- ses...,. ."..... ',. ._.... .... ..,' ','.' . ,... Instructions'fer Brief far Sr. CeL. . .... ~Brief far J unier Oel....... . . . . . . .... 18 Counsel fee on opening of case when ad- j.ourne<:l,and liberty given ta pnt in ad-:- ditional charges and attending with Committee. . . . . . . . . . " . . . .. . . . . . .... 20 00 A.ttending withOommittee._..;...... ... 5 00 Letters te Rack and chairman .of Com- mittee.. .... ....,_... .-..... ..... ..'..... Letters from Rock and p'ge...;. . . .. . . Attending all day to examine vouchers Letter to chairman .of cemmlttee. . . . . . ~5 ,A-tte1,ldmg to searoh vQuchers, &0",.. ",,: :'" ~E 50 ';)0 2 00 10 20 25 5 00 2 GO 7 90 1 00 19 21 22 24 1 00 50 LO 00 50 {) 00 06 03 03 I tf,' ~'., n) ,s '/ , i ~'.j ! ;!!';'~){; 'ELGIN/ couNTrCOUNCIL"/PRODE-EDIN,GS; 26 A.ttending_ t~"se~~:ebhas_ to, eviden_?e Attending. on Mic~ael:.;Ba.t'l'e"tt'.,~"-;- :)-i~,':). At-te~illg.for, co~Irii~t'ee;-": '.:' t :.,,-,_j. -~ '.'\::/.. Writ of Subpoena',: .-_,~::, :':",'._:,~~.:< ':~.-:~.'... Attending'to~A.; ..J;<Alhv~~h,>,:,":' ",;,-_~_,:,:; Copy .of Subp?el1a fotAfIw6~th",,<, Copy 'of -Subp6enat(Y'set'V>e-,Coyue:--':~(';:'~..~ "- Attending to serve Ooyrie-f~'~')::;, ;:-;-~~ .;,(: Copy' to. serv:~"~:q.. 9;eorge-Sissoo'S-'L ,Attending~ to' 's,~l'v~ .him~:,.:-~ Attendin~(-fol' _ ~c-~minitte'e.',,--_.:::):.: ::i/,;:;~,.L Attendin-g'a~ I>;~~',t St,anle~-t(i,~~~ C~pta~ Pallock, and:opald fa.:re:'.; >'.'. :.--,:;< :;; -, ,\;;..~; ~:..-; Atten~~n~_'to:e~~gfa~_h-it~ck'if ;.a~_:~~~e a1,ld paid",:, .' .-" ii"', ,.,':,:c:"", ,c" Telegram. ftomi~i;n- 'a~d:paid(", <':';;({_: Copy'e(~ubpoena, -for; '; MO,wat'_~~nd,:le.tw ter;with::pt'g:~:"~ ;~:~ /~.>; ,~,,:,~:" ~):':,..:;,;:'/.:~. A:ttending''to.. tele.gl;ap-h ,.TotoJ?-'t.o:, netAo serve- him" .'.'.. ,:.'.'::i'>:" )~.:. .<~; ,~;:>;-.: ~~,;.'.. A.ttendiii~f'6n::c5bmT?issi6nei':f(jr:Su bpeena D, T,:""""",::;',,; _ Letter'with,,'ritiaJ:'p',g'f. ~ttend~9' _~: ,~?~lIit:, .~~"Ouse ~'3}l'~ ~seat.bh.- In gpape-rs:-' '.: -'.'.~V ,~\:; ~.L ;-; ;:;"D< ~: i.: ~ .-:-~; :"",';<:.:-i'.. ~ 0epy,81!?p,oe,na.. for_:Fewings',.:;,: ;i:;;;::>f;~/ . 4-tt~pq:in&'to'serv:ei him\I~fj..[ ~~%~:~~~~~~,::~::~t:~~l:";';'t;;~~:j.t~~~~~~'.;'~;.c: Attendhi't(at(L'otld(jil':oh~<MrJ ::Rac~<:.a:ii-a p'd,. '.. ........-.' ' '" .....~ ..<.;;~:J, r:-[::;:..".-,J-~-' Copy. of Suhp'6ei1a'-fa:l':0apt:S~~~t~:~--:~-:)::; . Attending,. at . St)':Catha:rin~s;-;a;~d<B:t: ~~lho.ll,si~;;to\'ser~~:\IiiJ11;:an~lip::ti'd)e'~peil~ .Mg':O( ;~,'-').:.:;;. .- ,:',',~ ;:':;',\;_:. Attending. at. ,~~.~~; ,~1 ?use':fol1' e.Qmm~t- tee, ,;'.'.' ',. ,.;,;<~--,- ,: ,-';:':': ..-;' '~-';~'":::":'--;!~,;':;':r.'j;): " Attending., B~~s:le;r!OllGhpr;s~jJo)It$.iP.n to 'see, Isaac cH"1ght'aIld[to,iPtiSta1,li~J'j;o 0, 'n"n~'''' ' ,,", . .', -sp,e~, 'aptall-n"r-.v.u.uuA>{'an-d'~Iri:~'f~'$'lij.~ " 27 i~> C<, \f ";.i :,. 1;,-' , ':29 ,,;".' ,L , ': rIll 100 1 1I() 5 00 1 00,"" 50 100, 1 00 50 1 00 50 5 00 3 00 40 50 25 50 25 1 50, 06 50 28 1 00 50 09 2 00 1 00 50 1 00 50 2 00 95 1 00 " 10 00 8 20 5 00 2 00 2 14 Copy of Subpoena for S.Sheppard., . ... . Attending toseryehim. ..,.;., ., .,." 1 Attending all day at Court House for com"...",..... ..."..:........ ..,.,..", 10 00 Atoonding, with .conrmittee., ..,......, 10 00 Draft additional charges,36 fols and eng 10 80 .001. fee reyising. ; . .. .,. ., . 01' .c,' ..,. 5 00 Copy, for ser,.;.ce.. . , .. . .. ... . .., . ,'. 3 60 Attending tosarve McDougall." ',.,. 50 Attending to ,see N. S, McColl alld John Pollock as to evidenc~e... .....;. Copy of subpoe;'a for King, ". . . Attending to serv.him.,. ....0' .,.. .. Attending Campbell as to evidence.:.? Copy subpcena for Cawpbell,. ., ,. ,";' Attending to serve,hi!ll..;' ~",: ;.,.....,;~ _Attending Thompson as :toeyi~ence...._~. Copy subpoena for Thompson". .,. . . . 1 Attending to,serVehim..,..., ..' ",... Copy subpoenato,serye,M~rtin_.. 'i~ -',' .'. Attending tos.rve him,.,. ,;..",,;. '," Copy of subpoena fo,. McColl", d' .. C Attending:to serve him. ~... .' ,< ..~ Copy of suhpoenaJor Alexander ','~' Attending toserv.him.,....".:.. ".. Attending _ McLaws_ for-instructil?nJ~~.,~ ,.'. 1 Attending at pt. Stanley to see ,I'ollock , and, paid. .., ,0 ....oI..'.....,....~". CopY'.ofallchargesfor, oommiSsioller;:. Attending with. , ,. . ... . ',' .,. ,. .. .copy of subpoena for Wyatt. . , . ,'. .. Attending to serve-him; ..';. ':"-;' ':.',': Copy of subpoena for, Travers., .". , , 1 Attending to serve him at Talbotville, and paid:...ex.~ ... '.'~',r-.:'.'.. '. .:':'._~.., . "~'.""'..'" Copy subpoena for Bowles, ... ....... .... Attending to,serve him.,....... ,....., Copy ofs11bpoenaforKain&", .c......, 1 A:ttaDding ,to aerv.ehim,.o:.. '..:0:"', ,(',_" ~ ,n:_ 112 , ELGIN :COUNTY- COUNCIL' 'PROCEEDINGS. May Mav 2 3 5 ,',....' I 00 50 100 1 00 50 50 1 00 50 50 00 50 100 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 00 2 00 5 60 50 1 00 50 00 2,00 1 o~ 50 00 50 ~!" '1 I i i c: ' ~ i ,''''" I I ~::;. '1 1 I I 40 I ) 1 07 ..';', ELGIN:, COUN'fY: 'COUNCIL _'_PROCE~nIN;Gs. 6 Attendingtotelegraph ;\I[r.Rock:andaid ' Telegram from him and paid P (lopy o~ subpoena for l\:lcLa';~::::. ::~ 1 Attending to ,serve him..., - Oopy o~ subpoena for McCa~~j..;;d".:::: Attending to se~ve hiDi Copy of subpOena fo~S.iir~i.' . . , . ~., " Atte?ding to s~ry;e)iin.. .... .....:...-.::.;: CoW o~ snbpoenaforDr:. Wilson...... Atte:ndmg to serve ~'h1m _- _; ; ';. Copy of subpoena for S. 'P;i~~ : : ::: : ::: Attend,;"g at Pt. Starll.y, to,~erve and paId expenses . ' ., ' . 2 00 Attenqing telegraph' ik,;,j.' .r~' M:;~:'" ,Thompson..,......;".;' 50 .Tel.egr~ph :b.ack~ltat-si.ck.and ~ann6t COUl~ ,:5.0 Copy of subpoena Dan Irons, ,. ... ,.. 1 00 .Atteu,dingto S~fV~ .b,i~.... '.".. ','_~ .','_" i..__ 50 .copy o~subp?ena f?rM""T~()mps?lL" i 00 Attendmg tb'serveat Loridon:-an&Paid"; expnses.and.other:fees.,~ .'~ -~~:,;,...r-' 2;;:00 5 00 ,:,,~tteD,~ing tot~l~graph there and paid... 50 35 opy ,:,bpoena forStanton... .,. ,.:. 1.00 Attending to serve him' 50 ~~ d~bpoenaforR Ail~~:",: :',:: ::.. 1 00 COpynO~b~O::~v~:~~~rli:".:..:.'"'',''' 1 gg '1\.ttendm~to~ervehim. '_~' ... . d 0.0.... 50 1~r!nt:;~~~rfv~o~~arIatt.."" 1 ~g' Copyofsubpoenaf6r B.'S~ott: ::.:.;;:'::' 100 Atoondlllg to serve him 50.', ~oitnsel.fefe_:advising on~~;i4~k~~:~,::.;::~:,,-; 5 .9!f '_',8 egl'~m' rom:Rpck 'to::m,~_etat'hotel~.;,',.,-_<', _ 50 Attendlllg, to consult with'"him, at hot~(, 2 00 Oounsel fee 5 days " ., ',I' 00 00 p 'd' ' ...... . 01 ,. ..... , al WItneSses.. .....,.. ':"','" ,,",'i';'-_4-'U~":'" 69 10 '113 50, 56 00 50 1 00 50 LOO "50 1 00 50 1 00 25 25 40 25 25 25 ~.._.- 362 10' 92 6.1 ae2.1O ~ 41."" <(~-- il :1:! 'I" '." "-', iii! !t:l i/ ~ "'1 ~jl H Iii: "I' :1 ::1 '-:1 q 1:i :,1 11-- :' ,:\ i .. _ i ;,,> ~ ;:' ~.f; i~ ~ ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PR00EEDIFGS. .'114 .'~;-iE.t{iiN::'C0tJ'1\"l'Y:1':COUNC1:L;':PROCEEDINGS. 115 iX, ~f SUMS PAID BY COUNTY TREASURER IN SUIT COUNTY V8 SHERIFF MUls""RO " c- J882 April 18 May 2 13 15 June III 'J' Paid spe?ial committee appoi~ted to in- vestIgate charges..._.... ....... .......$ Order ,ofA.J.Leitch, Esq.,to pay witnesses' Committee' . . . Order of A.',J. .L;it~h't~'A.'M~C;i~~~~ Warren Rock as per order of C ommitLee 31.60 30,00 81.80 50.00 2~0.00 I"~ . .;. ~ '0 ,.. ~ 'GOUNTYCOUNCIL OF ELGIN _: _-~_,~,:,,:'<.~': ::/!:::ys,;:'~':.'~,.. _::,'~:_'~~:_~',~::,'::~ ". SHERJFF"MUN~Rb.' ,:i; .. ":"j i I I I --.;Cd "1 I Ii lj l~ r, , I] 't "~,I L I I 413.40 ,:___,,;:,i"_: _, .,.{\-l" ". . .R]JCAPITULATIV:N;" Solici.t_or's b~l . ';', .;~~:_;::.ir..:.V~ .362;10 '..;': ."~~:~'. .d~~:~'_~~:~~~~~~,:.' <:' {,.~_::_~;;~'.i:~<~;,,:.;_; ;::;:.'-. . . . ... 23.51 - Pa,d,w,t!lesses. . .', ... ,'. ".'\ . . ," . :. ... 69.10 454.71 ,j'. '-'.i.i,-;"!\" ____ County Treasurers Office St. Thomas, 18th N ovemher 1882. (sg'd).r. McCAUSLAND, Co. Treasure!'" 454.71 j~ i', '11 !:~ i"j .'/',. O~; ',1 1 '-"] (3(: I .'::riI~::",:CkRi}ES AGAINs.L .;:~."~.' ~iIF,~Gi.i.';.1~~.ft~c~ " ~'" ,', '. _-- , - ,,' ';..:, L~_':';-",'f: _:~ IN 'THE 1\IA~. OF'~-THE I I . .CHA~q~,,~F,; Ji\~S.:~_T~:t'.to~i::f!-.~~~:?F:j!,H~:(!tACE 1882"". "'0<" ',.", ., ',_, MaY';~'~'For:'-5-d-ays~att~hdance'()n:!ll,:'subpoina;;::dueestecum to :";~::,'~'<~',_prooti6~~ofl'i~e'~'~bO~Sj &c:,.,'-;at':$lf;nO,p~~::a~y..; ....20.00 . '~~:_:l:"':D-edu.-ct':l'ecei\7:'ed)with-subpaena-.:~",..;..:';,.-.'.::",\... ...... 1.00 ""'.\' ".'".v.". ,'-'. .LeiS.......,. J9.00 (signed) lAS. STANTON Clerk of the Peace. Bal~nce,due'i';;~:--~-:' '~."'.'" .-~ ~~1~~ .1~~'i~.1~~4<