1883 Minutes Ua W. D.l "'. ,." ~ PROcEEDI Gm~,!." . "".,....) y ,~ '~...:...~''".~~''''.,' \. OF THE ~c~ELGINc COUNTY COUNCIL) DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE I Sou~t gJ{OU;)0, St. t9,/?t,o~a;), ,. IN THE MONTHS OF DECE:M:EER~ J..882::1 AN..LJ JANUARY, JUNE AND NOVEMBER, -.1.aB8..-'---~. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. J. A. MILLER, Warden. ,883. ST. THOMAS, ONT. : THE TUfIriS STE A.:r.t nOOK AND ;ron PRINT. " ~ .""" '---' I , 'T~ELGIN.~ COl.lnty OounQil Proceedings. ~o~ SPECIAL Sji}SSJON, . Fi:':'lDAV, 15th DECEl\fBER', <i882. The 'Coun-tyCout1..~.n,m'ett1~is 'd<,tyat. the ca.ll ~f the;{Warde. n to con~ . '. ..... i.. .'.. '." ."',: ". ..... ..... /, .:,' ,....: ....... .::'. the applications: received for, the office. of Cl~~~6f the, County ',of Elgin, which was rendered vacant by the 'death of the lat_~ ,William ,M~~ Kay, Esquire. ~ . , ... " The :Warden.in tl1echair. '...... ''''I . "..., , "'J' Members present, Messrs. McLean;' 'McLaten,;i,ai~gj .Leitch~ Ijng, Milligan; L~w~oh,"McG911" Hep~llrn,.. Miller"Cole~ Brar,.." Chute,.,Locl~er, Stra~tOll,'Vagbner,Godwin',.'Weisbrod,Mills and~.lljsqn: " " The"\;Y ;rden 'addr'essed the CciUhcil,stating: thepurp?se. for W;hich ;: he had called the meeting, and acted as Clerk while th~ (olIow~'l}g, Tes()- lutions wel'epassed.' , . , '.143304 I' \; Xing, Cline , ----------~ == 4 ELGIN\. COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. EJ.GIN "COUNTY ,CQUNCIL.PIWCE-EIHNGS. 5 -----,._" Moved by John King, seconded by 'A. N.Clin~, That whereas it-hath pleased Almighty God toretpove froin us, by the hand of. death, the late Clerk of. this County Council, WilliaD') Me- ," JZay,Esq;,;Be it therefore resolved that this Council do, by this resolu~ \ion,:piaceuporir~coid the greatloss:that this ,County has sustained in I the death of "bne\vho for' thirty years honorably and faithfully discharg~ ed the important duties of Clerk of this Council; And be it also res'olv- . ed that the members of ,.this' Council, \vhile expressing their sorroW at I the loss of an h~nor~dservant, a trusted adviser, a worthy citizenanda: valued friehd, remember whose so'rrow an'd \vhoseJossis so mllch great.,- et, and, they do her~bY":most1."espectfully terider to the widow 'and family of. our late repected Clerk thishem:tfeltsympathy with them in'this the hour of thei~bereavernent; ~nd be it further Tcsolved and ordered' by this'Counejl that this resolution be suitably engros~e(l an.d;tra~s!,\i\t9(l to Mrs. Mc~ay,as a memento o~ the, very high esteem in which ,her, late lamented husband was heldl?y this .ConnciL--'Ca.lried. Moved"by A."'N. Cline, secbnded. by,R'.<Lotker, Thatthe:conllnuni~ations be laid over\mtil the J anuarysession...,...,-'- Carrie'd: Mpyed by John King, seconded by D: Mc'Coll,. That the.votdor Clerk .by:takenby ballQt;7'Carried. Moved by D.McLaren, seconded by D: l,alng, ThatMr. Hepburn \ancl D. McColl be appointed sC1:utineers.:..c.... Carried. Tliat the 1U0deofballbting'bethe.sameas that' adopted 'at the of Warden. that is by,' dropping the ]myest and fin~lly pit-. of the others separately. Main motion lost. Amendrr~ntcarried. The following applicatio~s w,ere'the~,rea4,byt.h;e 'Varden frOpl :_ J.D., Graham,........,... .......... .'.Dntton. Salul.lel 'McColl,.:..... ~ . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . Cowal. N. Dewar, oCo . . . . ... ...,.......... Lawrence. H. Kirkland,.............. " . . . . . St; Thomas. D. C. Clay, . ., . . . .. .'. . . . . , .. . .. . . . .. . Dntton. E.' Chandler, . . . . . . . . : . , . . . . . . ,. . . . SpringfIeld. , K.. W. McKay".................. St; Thomas. ThebalIot was-tak~n and K~'V. McKay' having received~._ majoL \ ity of .the votes was declared dnly~lected by the Warden. Moved by <;harles Chute, secqnded by A. Cline, . ,That Kenneth McKay be,appointed Clerk of this County at a sal- (i,ry of Six Hundred Dollars. perannum.;c--Carried. Moved by Chinle,s Chute, seconded by R. Locker, That BYeLaw 368, to appoi,nt a County CI,erk, be read a firstti\ne. '. ~Carried. ~n amendment. . ' ' ' . Mqvecl by A: J. Leitch, seconded by Dr. Ling, Moved by J. A. MiIler,seconded by A. Bray, j' , . q That By-La'ivNo. 3'68 be read a secsmdtime.-Carri.ed. M?ved by, J. A. Miller, seoonde,d by W. B. Cole, . That By..Law No. 368, to appoint a County Clerk, be read a third timeand.finall,'Y pas'~ed.--"'::Carried. M\,vedh): A. J. r;eitch, seconded by J. Hepburn, That the Clerk be appointed Inspector oUhe House of Industry ata saIaryor Eighty Dollars per anmlB1..,--Carried. , 'Moved by D. JIIlcColl, seconded by.J ohnKing, " ,,""""""C:":'_, '-:, c' ':'.. "",:' That the appliCant flrst'having a majority ()fthe 'votes ofthis"Coun~ cil be declar~cl'elected. . , " :'1,\ 6 ELGINCOUNTYCOU~CIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN-"'---'~ COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS , , ". .... '....... .. ..... "',- "",,' .. Moved by John King, secon'dedby}.,C Weisbrod, . . That the accmlritrendered.fdrtlle Law reports for . Cnrried.; . Moved by John King, seconded. byMeLaren, That this Council adjourn.--'-Carried. K. W. McKAY; Clerk. -0- Ji'IRSTSESSIo..N~Ji'jRST DAY;. .! ., . TUES~AY{ 23RD.''JANUARV; ;1883; The members~lecJ (orth~..C()p.nty Councilpfo,theGounty:of El- I met at t~e C our't,House, St:'.ThOll1~Sl this4~y, .~t.t\yo p~clo\k;': after- The followihg- Reeves and Deput)7-Reeves filed ce"rtificates'and seats'at,th,e-Council Boa:rd:'~ .. C. A;:O'MALLKY, , Ree~e; ALDBOROUGH. DANIEL'i\'l<;'l,ARE:N, , ,1St Deputy, , " DANIEL LAING, 2nd ..... ,,' " A. J. LEITCH,. Reeve, . . DUNWICH. . ARCHIBALDR.PA:rrERSONi"st Deputy, ,,,. DANIEL C McPHERSQN, . 2nd ," " JOHN-KING, ..,.. '.' Re~ve,." ~OUl'HWCn~D~ D1JGALD McCOLL, rst peputy, . " JOHN ANDRE",S,! 2nd, "q " " \ T9IIN ,A",MILLER;., R~eve"" ',' YARl\lOUtiI." 'bANIEVA LUT'()N, "St Deputy, . " 'JOHN SQUANCE, . 2nd" 'WILLIAM O.POLLOCK, 3rd " ':SHELDON.WAiRD,' , 'Reeve, ,ROBERT ABELL,', 1St. DepUty, ,RICHARD LOCKER, .2nd." )'E""IS\iIl\.ipSQN:, .R<:eye, 'WII,LIAl\.i LT}TQN, Deputy, 'HENRY STRA;rtON, Reeve, HENRY,T. GQDWIN, )st Deputy, (lEO. W.BEST," 2nd," J.B. MILLS, Reeve, , ;JOHN ELLISON; . . Reeve, )l., S. McCALLY,' "Reeve, JOHN C. WEISBROD, Reeve, , '. M1\LAkrQE; " " , ':'0"" ,Cdj! SOUTH I:)ORCHp:STER. . " ((c.''' , ,',.'"!",,,,"".' ':1 BAYH-AM. .. /. " d",i S'P:RINOinELI:l'; , :rbRT STANLEY. VIENN'.i\:~: AYL~1tR.' ii; 8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL }'ROCEEDlNGS. The Member& wete~alled 16 oi'det. The Glerldn tbe cbair. 1.1 was'tben Moved by D.. MGLatcn, seconde'4 by- D: Laing; : Thilt G. A. O'M,alley be Warden for the current year. Moved by William Luton, seconded by J obn King, That Lewi~ Simpsqn. be '\Varden for the~llrrent ,year~ Moved by R. Locker, seconMd by S. W.rd, 'That J ohn,W eisbrod bk.\Varden for the current year. Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded by). B. Mills, Tpat 1\.. J. ~eitch beWarden'fo~ the cudent year. Movepby G., \V. Best"second~d bv H. T. Gopwin, That Henry Stratton be \VardenJor thequrentyegr: Moved by A; J. LeitSh, seconded by Dc C. McPherson, That'},' R Mills be Warden for the current year. ' Mo'ved by John Andrews, s;ecqndedbyr'Villiam i...~t611, That Jol,ll1, King be \Varderi f9r the current year~ ;: Moved by John Ellison, seconded byD. A. Luton, That J. A; Miller be -'Varden for the-'current :year. Moved by John King, sec?nded by J. Andrews, That the electi.on of 'Warden be by ballot. . Moveo by J. B.Mills, se!;pnded-by A. R. ,Patterson, That the lJ.1ode of eler:,tjon be by allowing all the <;:andidates to, re- main in the field until one ,obtains a majority of' the Coun~llj who shall then be declared. elected, .! j M.essrs., M~Coll Hl1d McLaren' were appointed S<,;rutineel's. Messrs. Stratton; Siti.lpson and M.ills, with the consent of their niover and'secondel'"dec1inedthe nomination,' . ' , 'The'v6te was' taken by ballot as, per resolution'; ~nd John A: Miller, Reeve of Yarmouth,havi'n6" received thelarge,'it ~~,n1ger ofv9tes, Wj,S dedared duly elected by the <:Jerk. ' Mr., Miller then made the' declar'ation of' offite befoJ;'eHls' Honor Judg? l1ugre~, ,took the chiir qncfaddressed the Council.' The ,proGeedipgs of the.last day of the November sessiqn,and :,of th~, special ~~~sion \ in Decem:b~r,_ 1,882, ,were then read hythe (~lc:;rk, .and authorized: to,he,signed by the 'Varden. > ..' ")"'?0;-::':21f::;;r"'Je", "'- , , CLCIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 9 The followmg communH~atlOns were then read by the Clerk ;,_ From the Provmcral Secretary, rep:1yment of expenses in the in- vcstlgatlOl1' of charges agamst Sheriff Munro. From Colin ?vIcDougcl.ll, notJce of t.;lXatlon of bill of costs 111 n;:. Sheriff's mvestlg.1tlOn. From J ames Stanton, Clerk of the Peace, re salary. From James A. Bell, Count)' Engmeer, with report and Solicitor's OPll1lOn reo VIenna Bridge. From \V. D. Otter, Secretary of the Ontano Rifle AssociatlOn,. re- questmg grant. From County of Peel, with reference to pctJtlOns to Local Legls~ lature and H(lUSe of ,Commons. From County of Oxford, with refefence to Act respecting JOIl1t Stock Road Companies. From County of Grey, re distribution of 0lit-ario Statutes. From Pnsoners' Aid Association, rl'questl11g donation. From County of Huron) re Railway CommissIon. From County of S1111coe. re petitions to Local Legislature and House of Comm<ms. From Secretary of St. Thomas Sch001 Board, From A. F. Butler, Inspector of Public Schools, with statement of expenses. From i\ylrner High Schuol Trustees, with yearly statement. Moved by]. .\Veisbrod, seconded by John Ellison, ThaLthe communicatIOns just read he laid over till to-morrow._ Carried. i\Joved by John :Ellison, secondeclby]. c;. \Veisbrod, That the \Varden app0111t five members of lhis Council tv strike the Standing Cmnmlttees.-Carned. 'Moved by J. .B. Mills, seconded byR. Locker, That (~corge Sl1ffel, Esq., be .1ppomkd one of the Auditors of the .1x:COl1nts of the Adl11InlstratlOll of Justice, In amendment, .Moved by C. ..\. O'Malley, seconded by D. McColl, That Danwl .McNish) of Southwolc1, be one of the Auditors of the AdnllDlstratlOn of JUStlCC accounts. l\:bm motlOn lost. Amendment earned. , ~ 1,:1 ,. i.,r'" -"'.'1':' :1]:' ",1, ",'. ;,' ii,:I:'l ',I II" ,- "1I'j ,'; ".1\': , "II Hi 'f'! , Jtl~ , 11 ,', II'" i:1 :,I!! III - /II !!i,::',,':: ;,,~ "i ;1111 ~/ . ; i'liii:r '~{i' 'lfI!I!IIlIIIl!I""'~"",,"""""~II!III"Wnll!II'!III1III!1II11IIII"I~!111I n' "~In,," II" ",:;'jJ -.~ "'''<!3'lt-,'i;:,~~:';':",',.''~'F' ~~., \'~ 'ro ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded by J. B. Mills, ThatA. J. Leitch be one of the Auditors of accounts in. connec- 'don with the Ad~linistration of Justice,~Carried. \; The 'Varden then nominated George Suffel, Esq., as one of the- County Auditors for the present year.. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by J. B. Mills, That Thomas M. N aim be appointed Auditor of the County ac-: counts for the present year. /In amendment, Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That Samuel McColl, Esq., of Dumvich,. be Auditor of County accounts for the present year,and that tiie nomination of George Suffel he c'onfmned by this Council. Main motion lost. Amendment carried. The-:Wardenthen appointed the follow~ngmembers of the Coun- cIl a Special Committee to strike Standing Committees :- Messrs. Stratton, Mills, D. A. Luton, King and Leitch. Moved by J obn King, seconded by John Andrews, That By-law No. 369, ta appoint a Board of Audit for the year 1883, be received and read a fwst time.~Carried. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by John Andrews, That BYHlaw No. 369-be read a second time.-Carried. .Moved by D. McLaren, seconded by D. Laing, That By-law No. 369 be read a third thue ,and fmally passed.~ Carried. ' , Moved by R. Locker, seconded by R. Abel, That By-law NO.3 70, being a By~law to appoint County Auditors" be,received and read a first time.--:-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded byS. Ward, That BYHlaw No. 370 be read a second time..:.......Carried. Moved by R. Lacker, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That-this Council do noW adjourn until nine a. m. to-morrow. J. A. MILLER, WardeD. K. W. McKAY, Clerk. ELG1N COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FIRST SESSION-SECOj\l'D DAY, "VED~ESDAY, 24th. JANUARY, 1'883. The Municjp:j] Council of the County of Elgin, met this. day ac- 9Hrding to adjournment. . . The Warden in the chair. All the Members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorGed to be signed. The Warden llddressed the Council. Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by D. Laing, That the Treasurer's Bond be produced for the inspection of this Council.~Carried. ( The Treasurer's Bond was thien produced and read by the Clerk, Moved by C. A. O'Malley, second.ed by Lewis Simpson, That the Auditors he requested to make a quarterly inspection pi . the Trea~urer's books and accounts, and compare the Bank book with the account in-the Bank with which we may have dealings, and briefly report the result of their investigations to the Warden, who is to submit the same to 'this Council at its next ensuing session. The yeas ,and nays bejng called for,/were taken down as follows :_ YEAS-;-O'Malley, Simpson, Laing, McLaren and Luton) (Dor. chester),-s. NAys--:.Best, Stratton,' Ward, Abell, Locker, Patterson, Leitch, Mc'pherson, Pollock, Squan~e, Luton, (Yarmouth,) McColl, Andrews, King, Weisbrod, Ellison._I6. Motion . lost. Moved by R. Abell, ~econded by R., Locker, That By-law No. 370 be read a third time and finally passed._ Moved by.J ohn King, seconded by John Andrews, That the communications be now taken up and disposed of.- The Clerk then read letter. from Provincial Secretary, re expenses Sheriff's case, and notice of taxation from SoliCitor. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by A. R. Patterson, That the communication in reference to the expenses in the Sher- ,.. II J 2 ELGIN COUNty ,COUNCIL I PROCEEDINGS. iff's case be ref~rredto a ~0mn:~ittee,to .~e'"tI)l??~nted tq attend to that matter.-.-Cftl:ri.ed., . " ',-; ... "", ':' ," .' Moved by D. McPherson, -seconded by A. J. Leitch, , , That the Clerkfur11ish thetisual supply of Assessor's and Collec- tor's Rolls and Assessor's Guides for the several m.lll1icipalitiesof the Count yfottheyear r8SJ.----"',Carricd: , , . . A communicatiOn from the Clerk of the Peacc,-'rcclucsting tllat1)e be paid by salary, was' then read. Ivloved by A. R. Patterson, seconcled-by.:R: Lockel\;' i'hat'~he C'o.r~1l1,1tlrlication,-from _theC,lerk of the:PeaC'c,raskrngthat he be paid by salary instead ot fees, be not entertained bv this C6uiicil: , -.-Carried. Moved'by R..L. McCall)" seconded bylL.StratNli," . ;,.," .- ",...-,.-.', ..'..... .--- ...... ' " ., . 'rh,\-~ ~lre,spTs., L~itchp'~\cl.:Kir).g:1?e,a Comn,lit~eeJQ:li\ake'~a final set- tlement 'of 'the 'expenses in 'connectiOl'l with the charge,s,dlgalllst Sheriff. :rvfu.~lr<?,~n,cl)o :t11!1J?1~y~qY}-1,sel.ifl1~c,~?~arx,-"C<).rri,e.d'l;'>' ,.' " The'Cqt1)~r);',~ng~Deqr's r~'port "v,as ~h~n,:f~.ad.' ...', i' ", ..,' ", ',- , , :ry~Q.-y9cl,by, A:, J..J:.,eitch;seconded by_ R" Locke'];',:',;: ,: " :__~:, :'1~hat'rhe:_CQ1}11)IUnica~ion fr.olll the ConntyEnginet~r"ht:: fefeiT'c'd'tO th,e ,Comnuttce, on .J~ublic,Itnpr0vements. -2'---Ganied-: :Fhc, cowln~llnicati0ri froin 'Col:' 'Otfet: \y'~t's trre'n'ieb:d.! i Mo~ed by lZ', !Jo:Cl(.ef, :'secoh~cdb\',i\,.:J,R::p'dt'te'isQ~~"., ' . ..' ':Phat the cbhl.';nnnic:ittio'ri' 11.'0'111' Cbt CYttef' b~' ~l~ti entd~t~"i~~d,- Card,ed.' ;':; :h,' A memorial from the County of Peel~~fernng,to, the Ac;t,wasthenread: ":,,, :,): /I ...:"-':" ,'l\I16ve&by A, '1 teitch; :seUll1detlby A::lZ!!I;itt'~r;sb_t1,' That th,e communication from the Co'~~ty'~f' Peel."rl2~~~iv:'e, peals against the' V otersl L,ist be not ehtertainedbythis.Coimcil. ried, . ., " ",' AYti.cmorlal'froil1' 'the'County "bf Limitation Act, was then read. Moved by A:' r "That this CounCil' Peel, with regard to the'Land Limitation tion, butas,it is,similar-to a'petitic:in which is nm-v before the LcgifJlativ'e'Asgembly-bf any further actlOn 011 the p~rtof.,thisC.ouncil , . ~l"9,-rN CQU,r:-'TY COYNCq, PROCEEDINqS. J3 ~---'--~~'~--~'---'---"---"-"----'---~--"'-'-'~""---"""---"~"c-'7'"'-. Another memorial hom the COUilty of g~cl,,~~!it0:refyrenee\0 the -ciutyon Fine 'Vools, was then"re~d,~ . ',' . ,,:, ,P,":: ',' _ t. Moved by n :A. a'Mallei; see'onded b'y'Le,:\:js 'Sil~lpson, '.' ":--. .... ',' ,': .:,:. "', ........,..:.:.....: ','.'.' ... :" That this COUl~'cil,can'ilOt ~,ndoi:s~' U).e'l>'re'awbl~:~o; th,e': 111el~1()ri<tl:9f the County Council 'of .'Peel in _'r~ferenc~ .'t~ policy' 'oX the]Joplinibn-, Governnlcnt'encoll1;agihg,agricultur:al'i)roc1ucts; 'arid' w~ a1'9 oftlle' opin-. ion that, the tariff policy of the qo'verntL1en~ on all \\'001.4 is,Ul1'SOUI1Cf- alld Y~ry unJ:lJ~t to.,'~l?{: -,vQ.oI,pro,dHcmginterests'of, this C-ountYi,4' '. , ""i'lll First ame-ndment. ) '.'.','''''':'';''. Movedby:D. ~lcCol1, :seconde~?YJo,hI1 King; That In.the opihiol1'.of ,this Coundl the lilcrrllorial ".rl'.ci;i~l ,ithe C~unty ofPe,eI isp1.uyh;: pqlitisal'<.lJld: ,a,S .slIGh cannot;bc: entertaIhecU'" , . Second amendment. "'!': Moveclyy R. L. McCally, secon,d~clyy G. W. Best, Thatso .to~g as Ilne wool canr~ot besuecessfully raiseo in Ontario it wowld lIellr\Y1se tb entertain the-views oI'the petitii'll. ... . <' . )'he yea~and nays being:alled for were takendowi'l a.~'JoNo,'I-\!~:_'.._ :',. !". . -'.' "'; '", ;."j ,J. Onseeonclamendrh.-el1t, ' 'y,~~AS-~B~st,. Str~n~?nl . ~{:Ct:~~:,,:rtll~s?n,J ,\y,ei~~)n?d1'; pli~g,>-_6. NAYSc.:..:....YVard, Abell, I,ockerl' Patt~rson;i Leltch,'McPherson,.God~' j .win, Lutonl...r'Dor(~hestel~) Lp,tpn" {X0-n1]Otlt~,.) Sjrnps9n,;fYIW;a.IkYl Mc- COlIi"A'ndtc).'i's, Klhg,' MeLaren.--I5. ' , OnIstap1:~,ndnle~t":,_.-_,,. "_' ',,:, <.,,:, YE}\S,~.;Bdst~ Str~tttO\1J I\~,?~~UYJ )..'J~;tPl1' ,(Xarmoqth,); GpGhyillj' Lu- tb'n, I (Dorch&s\tI~~'r,) "MeCo'll~, 1\!l<::lrq-i\'$,:_King,;""'c9' ' :<.....'.. ,f """"'1,.., '.'. ','.f- "".".'" 1\; ,'~:\Ys-.,\Vardl.'Ab~\lJl:'kJe~c!" ~,~ttprS9~.; .!-!~its:[,l;, ':Mc!?he(s,OH;i.Pol_ '<.lock, Sunpson, O'Malley, .Lang,-Y\Te1?bmd, El1!so.n.-:-:-;f2 ; .', ..',....:,;. ,':.:':j ";..,' .....;." ' I'" ')"",.-,<, .'{ On:,ol:lgl!ial: nl'?tJOll; "YB'As:',',, "V~'l;d,~A.beli, ,~:'..vt.;J,,~r, KatterSGI,1;' Leiti;h,' McPherson, .--Fol- lock,'Sllnpsonl O'MalleY'~79'" l' Nil. YS--J3:esi., . $tf:attpn,: )\1'c,CaU-y),,~cHl.anCe'i' LlitOl1~l!(YarmOl.ithl) '~Godwin, . Liitori,-( Do,rcht;s,ter'Yl\1cC;o)l".',,~l}.dl:CWSJ' J911g, "Me,La1'en, ~'Weisbrod;'Ellison,_'I3' r , All motions lost. _, . ',,' Movedby J. S(lUailc~; secori'ded by J)~,A.;'Ll~ton, . That this Council do now etdjournto,meet.at:hrdf'lustJwoO'c1ock.." -c,-Can.ied~ . . ELGUf COUNTY COUNCIL' PR:OCEEDINGS. '4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlNG5. IS Th~ Council resumed. Moved by J. C. Weisbrod, seconded by J obn Ellison, That this Council adjourn until the Committee'appointed'to Standing Committees are ready to report.-Carried. The Council resumed, when it was moved by John King, ed by D. McColl, Tbat tbe report of the Special Committee appointed.to strike Standing Committees be read.-Carried, The Clerk read report. Moved by D. C. McPherson, seconded by A. R. Patterson, That the report of the Special Committee appointed to strike the Standing Committees be adopted,-Carried.. COMMITTEES. FINANCE.,-Messrs. O'Malley, Best, Squance, Abell, Godw'in, Pat~ ,..terson,and"Mills. ' , . EDUCATION.-Messrs. Simpson, . McCally, Laing, McPherson, Andrews and Weisbrod. 'PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT.-Me'ssrs."McLaten, Stratton, Ellison ;Luton, (Dorcnester,) and Ward. HOUsE OF INDUSTRv.-Messss. McColl, Luton, (Yarmouth,) and Locker. GAOL AND PRINTING.-Messrsl Pollock, King and Leitch. The Clerk read a communic'ation from the County of Peel reference to the Act respecting Incorporated,Villages. Moved by John King, seconded hy S. Ward; . That this Council agree with the memorial from the Council- of Peel) referring to incorporated villages desiring to reunite with the mu- nicipality from which they were taken) and that a memorial to that ef~ feet be sent to the Local Legislature.-Carried. Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded by D. C. McPhers~n, That Archibald .McFarlane be granted a free hawker's and pedler's license for the present year...-.:-Carried. Moved~y } B. Mills, seconded by R. Locker, That Andrew C. Laur be granted a _ free hawker's and pedler's. license for the year I 883.---Carried. I' Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by G. W. Best, . That this" Council grant a freE: hawker's and pedler's license to Thomas Roach, he being unable to work.-Carried. ' ~;. C. A:01Malley gives notice-that he will apply for a grant towards ~/ increa~;ing the daily allowance to the non-commission officers "and men ~:i'()fthe 25th Battalion, active militia, County of Elgin, as is cllstomaryin ~!:'i.,other Counties of the Province. ~J(:: A commufllcation from the County of Grey in regard to supplying ,~'Reevesand CI~rks with Statutes, \vas read. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by R. Locker, That this County <;::ouncil concur in the memorial of the. County r';:,'6f 'Grey in regard to supplying the Reeves and Clerks of local munici , Wrpalitieswith aeopy of the Ontario Sta'tutes each year, and join that" if COllncil in its memorial in that behalf.~Carried. The Clerk then read a communication fram the Prisoners' Aid As- ~hiociation, Toronto, requesting-grant. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by] ohn Andrews, :::: - That the application for assistance from the Prisoners' Aid Asso-. (iciatiOD) Toronto, be not entertained.-Carried. A meIporial from the County of Simcoe, referring to railways, wa~ then read. Move\lby J. C. Weisbrod, seconded by D. McLaren, That this Gpuncil coincide with the views of the Council of the !r(:ounty~ of Simcoe regarding railways, and that a memo~ial to that effect 'be,forwarded to the Local Legislature and Dominion Gov~rnment._"~ tarried. ., The Clerk then read letter from S~ Thomas School Board. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by John Andre,vs, " That the St. Thomas High School Board be heard at two 'o'clock ~.to~morrow.-Carried. " A communication from the County Treasurer was then read. Moved by], C. Weisbrod, seconded by John Ellison, That the Treasurer's commuriication be referred - to the Finance '!Committee.-Carried; . The yearly report of the-Aylmer High Sohool was then read_ Moved by JohnKing, seconded hy D. McColl, That the report of the Aylmer High' Board School be referred' ~he t9 Committee on Education.-Carried. . J. A. 'MILLER, Warden: ,); ELGIN:":COUNTY'CqUNCIL PRoCiJ:,imINGS, ',7 ,6 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . , The Cle'rk then r.e:rd letter from the County. d( Oxford regarding Gravel Roads. ' . .' i'.. . . ..:,~-' '....' _. '. '.' _: :._ "," .' ,', r Moved by J. c. ' Weisbrod, seconded by D. McLaren, Thai 'ndactioll: be ta}{c:u ontht;communication from the County of Oxford ,regarding'Gra\;eIRq~ds.'~Carried., . Moved br~,; ,Locker,: seco'nde~ byA::'~',Battersqn,'>,' That this Cp!lncilvisitthe",HouseofIpdl.1s,t~Yft'o~,m?f!ow;:':to :'start frou:..t9:e ,:a~tylti~s~n "Hous~, a,t,ten,o'flocfa,. m.,:a,nq- t~.,~t,tl1,~"W,ar~en furmsh:conveyan'ces-for,the,same._Carried, " ,'." "', ", ":'"i:: Moved by J. G. Weisbr,od, secorided ,by ,Jqhl.l Ellison,. . ,-, That thi~:rCouncil; now adJourn.. ,until twoo'clo,ck , to~;morrow.- CarrIed."-""" . ." ',_',J ;'- -'"""j.~{.",:",. ';,1" .',', Ie:- W. McKAY, County Clerk. D. . A> Luton, i,sttJepUtY- Reeve of Yarn1011~h, gave no~ice.that the: Township of Yarmouth would' not'hold themselv'es responsible for any d~mages occuringon 'the' Kains or St George street Bridges, and \vill n,otjnthe fllture keeptbem:in repair, '.' as, they: are over:"Ol~e ,hundred feet iri length and on ,the' line between' the: City of St.Thomas'arid said TOWl1Ship, and therefore under theju'risdidiori 'of the County. Moved by J.e. Weisbrod, seeo.nded by J6hri Ellison, \ That the notice from the' Township ofYrixn:6ut1~ ',regardingbridges be referred to the Publici Improvement Committee...--'-Carrieq. ' The, yearly report of the Vienna High Sch06l was the~ reacL Moved by IJ, IHcColl,se,cond~d by -Tohti Andrc<vs;:' " 'T~at the rep6'rtof the ",Vienna' Higb School1be, referred to the C0l11l1llttee on EducatlOn.-Carried. H. T. Gochvin g'ave nbticeti1at ah. apil1~fati?n would ..be 1~1ade for a grant of fifty dollars ($50) on behalf of lames Ribble for the support of an 'idiot child. ' A comnllwication frolTi, Mr.' BJticr, Inspector of Schools, ~with, statement of expensesj was then read. . lVlo'ved by D.McC61l, seconded by\Vm. Luton, That the account renc\ered by NIr. Butler. be referred to the Ed\l- cation Committe'e:--'-Carried. .' . Mov~d by R.l>ocker, se_cond/clbY 1\: R. iJ.attei..~()!1, 'T~l~~a.c:opy,o~.t~'e ,'ontario 'Statutes .,be:. fl.lrnishccl to the Reeves -and Deputy-Reeves of the County.-~Carned.. Moved by J ohn K~l1g,seconded by:,Johri .Andrews, That the notice given by the Reeve of SoutrnvoJd last November session relative to the-Fingal Rpad Bridge bee referreJ to theP\lblic 1m-' provernent Con1l11ittee.-Car'ried. MO"c1by J.B.Mills,~~conded by. ~'>-. Locl~~r; That this, Cop1.1cil.co~operate with the ather count-ies of the :Pro-' .vince in petitioni~g. the Donl~nion I~E:gislature for .t!1e' fqllowmg. pm~, poses, viz' :__T\:5create a RaiHvayCOl11mission ,'lith po"~er to. se~t1e all disputes between individuals, . corporation,~ or compani~-s uncI all rail- ways,doing busiliess,onvh0111ay hereafter do'businbsin' the' .J)omin~ ion; also to compel such railway cornpa11les to so arrange their tariffs as to do justice to.al~,parties, ,and ,'abolish all, discriminations in favor of individuals, and to so arrange their trains as to give all possible accom. modation to the.public.~-Carried. \, ,''/ ELGINCOUWl'V COUNCIL' PROCElmINGS.: '9 ,8 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . PFRSP' SESSLO:N ";"THiIU!J]).!1}1';' ;~;<. '. Th~t,t,h~t~pqrt.J)f t~~ ,l?,ubli~ Iliiprp.\f~~~nts,.GOrhlllitt~e"?e adopt~ ,td. . , t;,:.;:. ::12h~"yeas, ~ndnay-s being ,called. for y,rere taken down-as .' foliows :\ ~:;> '.' .l'EAS--:-War'd, Abell, Mills; Patterson, ,Leitch, McPhe~son;',Pol- ~:lo:k, Squanc~,;'1 Sim'psO!l,:sut9n,,'lDorc:he,ste~y) .?:~alley,:. Andrews, ;:li-:J(mg, McLaren, Lamg, WeIsbrod,ancl Loc,ker.~~,7,.. '.' ' , NAYS;,--Best, Stratton~ MtCally,.God~yi~:~n~,~~I~~o;~:.~,S;' . i\1oYrd \>XA.r~eit~!), 7econ(ledqy'D.C.l)isPh\,r'On, . ?;;"'" . That. this Council adjouxn until nine o'Clock . to~morrq\l{ .l11qrnip,g" ~;i~'-c-Carri,ed. ,;, It,....:".".... ",'. ." . "". I ,... . .,". ',\.; 7K. w. McKAY, J. A. MIL~ER, . ,,' County Clerk. . _ ' VV' arderi. ,',., ),,1 T1;e Council met this daya:cco'i"&ing::'tdadjournment~. The Wardenil?Ah"e cHair. Jt\lU thS~'mett:lb~r~rpres~nt. 'niJ pl'odddiiigs of thesetbl)d ,be signed.. ,:,',:: ..' ',' ,'''',,:_1:,,'/ Mov~d bY}.. C.' W Jisbroh,seC6r\cIedb)'Jdhn~liisbn, "1'hakthe BoaWlof :Educaflon 0\' th'eCiiy of St:'ThOlI\as heard. Adep-utationfr.om the St. Th~mas School Board f!-l,a~e: ~t~te~l~ent: respecting Cbllegiate'}nstit~lte. ' . . Moved by John King, seconded hy John Andrews, That~the report j,Ist read by the deputation from the St; Thomas ,High School Board-,of Education be referred to the Committee on Education....----:.....Carried: 'Nfoved by J..Squance, seconded by D. A. Luton, That\his Council do now adjourn till half-past fouro'clock low committees tomcet.-Carried'. The Council resumed. Moved '.by. D~,Mc.Laren,' seconded by D. Laingl "That the' Public Improvements ,Committee,'s report< be now reo cei'veo.apd read.~Carried. The Clerk, read report. .Mo~ed byH. T/Godwin, seconded by G.:W. Best; That the Council. go into Cominittee o'f the. Whole 011 _ report .of Committee on Public Improvements, 'aad take,it lip clause ,by clause. Carried. , .' ' The Council went into Comw1ttee of 'the\Vhole.Mr.:,:J:<:ing in the chait. I , '~ " After taking 'up the report clause ,by_clause,' the' Co.mmittee roM aild the chairman ,reported the adoption ofthel'eport without amend- ment. Moved by A. J. Leitch; seconded by A. R. Patterson, "" . 20 21 ELGIN.'COUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDING~; ELGIN COUN1'YCOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; . . 'i..'--"----~_~__~.-'------..c , FERSIJ'SESSIOJY ~F()URIJ'HDJ1 T; :.,:::._,>.;' ","""',',:""','" '.,':_,;.....,.,',i '. , ""-'.: '. ~pyeMX ~,.,t,.M"Cal)yjjse~ondedby,H.Strattoh,/ . . .' I ,.$T ";i; .. . ,'T:hat"M;,G.,BurweU;he Je~appointed'-rrusteJ:,f{{r 'V~errn~ ,', n~g~ '. SchooJ.-Calried. " J .c, , , , Moved byK.L: )lfcCally,seconded'by'R',' Locker, "-:,::;: ."That: th~:J;um"of'orie himd;'ed'f!'ollars:'be'-' granted; ('as' i,t1 "fOl:iner yea,rs,,- tQ. A-,)F:; Butler, In'spector of~'Schools,-'.f6r' -travellirig-' tB{penses, statiCmeiy, etc.-Carried., , . , Moved by R. , L McCally, seconded by J. 'C.. Weisbrod; 'rh~twheteas. it is.customary'with many), mun'itipAhties': lthtough- out the Province to..recognize the. service and:patroitismtor :the:Volun~ teeis by making-appropriati6~s.to themJr()my~ar'tol'year,_, t4~1:efprebe "it resolved that this Council gran~, toihenon-c6~rni,ssion9ffi~~r!sand men Of the.. County-'.I{egiment,'~ho' -~~i'~_' ~'ol)~--, fid,e,residenh oPf ,the County, the sum of, twe'rity~five cents per dAy'over 'Go.veqinwnt idlow: ancewhile perfdrming,drill.-this',year/:: ,):_~ ;,:',__; ll-;),' , u\ "The yea,s,:andil1ay?:}),eing calledfor-.wete ,t~ken'down")aslf()llow~ : -', :XEAs~'McCaUy; Ellisort,-\i\'eisbr<?d,: Lang, McLaren, O"l\IaHey, and Pollock.~7. , NAYS-God win; 'Best,,' iStl'at1tohi'W ard;' ': '4bei 1;',fatters6tj~ 'Leitc~, McPh'ersol1",:~impsot1,'.,Lut0ni,,1..uton, .;vreColl, .Andre'-Ys,; ICing' and Locker,~I5. Motipn)p?~,."", '-'.' ,"., ; "':, ' M~vedb'y J~hn And~e,:"s, seconded by J obn King, . , _:. .:'fh~t tP~$ CpU~H;g Blake, ~,g:rant of'Sixty doll~rs.:onthe'Towli" Line between 'MiddlesGx... an,el; :Elgin,.9'n; the North. boundary ofthe:Tow'nship of Sotith'\\;old;, ,pr9~iding' ,that ;N! i<;lql~~ex,.gi ~es ;f1:' Vk,e: :~m0Ul1t.~ Lost. Moved bYlI' cj'.God",lp, -,econded);>y G. W'13est" 'That' the. YYa~d~'I~ !~e' authorizedtQ 'issue his' cheque Tor ',fifty idoli: Jars infa,vorof U. Strattonl to be expended for tr-e,relierof ,ap.;idiot" child of-lames R.ibh1c:, j,n,indigel1tcir~:uh1stan~es, ,in the, To.'Ynship of Bayham:,.-,,_~,,:_:': '" ' ' , , . 'In an1cficlmcnt.:' (i'i'" MovedbyJ.n: Weisbro\l,s""onded byD.McLaren, . : That':thi:, 'Coti'ncilgrAl1tJ'th~ ,~,um,,~f .'fif~y .doil,ars t6 ,~n 'in4igent: idioti<C' person.~n'tp~, To~n'sh~p of"BaY~1'aln,"p.rovid,ed.'the 'said, T.own~, shil:rgrtlnt,the's~~e'-~l~ount:'",>,:l: ';":,:,',;:".., ',.- A'mendinent lOst:" Mmri motion 'c~rded.' " Moved by J. C. vV~eisbrod, seconded 'b)" John,Ellis'on, j .The CoUnciL met this:day:ac'cording :to ad.journment; .- . I ,'. , . , , The Warderi in the chair; ~-All.thememl?ers pt~se~t: . The proc;eeding.s.of'.the prev'iotisday were tead to be' signed:-- .- Dr.,Luton then"by permission1uddressed theCoundl salary.""'" Moved by Jobn King, seconded by Jobn Ellison, Tbat By-law No. 276 be amended so as to. read two hundred stead'9.f one hU!ldred and ten dollar; for the'DocrOr's salary. fnamendment. ' MovedbyC. A.O'Malley, seconded by D. Laing, That Dr. Luton1s allowance as Surgeon to, the House of for attenc].ance and medicine, be' increased from one' hundred dollars -to on~hundred arid sixty~two dollars per annurri~ Amendment lO$t. Main motion carried. Moved by John King; seconded by J. Andrews, ~ That the report'of the Finance Committee be received and read. -Carried; The Clerk read report. Moved bY R. L. McCalIy, seconded by H.,Stratton, I . 'I That the report of-the Finance Committee be adopted.~Carried. Moved by A. } Leitch{seconded byD. C. McPherson, 'That the report of-the Con~l~nittee',on Education be received read;~.C:arrie(;L, ' ... The <;lerk read report. Moved by R.. Locker, seconded.byS.,Ward, . ., That the reportoLtheCommittee on Education be adopted;.,- Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded bYJ, C. Weisbrod, That T. M. Nairn be alJpointed Trustee of ' the Aylmer High School for the next three year.s,,~Carried. . . o .' 2Z. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. E,LGIN/COUNTY COUNCIL 'piWCEE:DINGS. Th~t' whereas, i~ the !year. .'188 I, t'Ne~ty ~ollars ,was, paid: )?y Village ,of ,Aylmer, 'as', iriterest-on';the unpaid' County, Rate ',' for:. 1879, ,awl- ',as "th,~,}a:w nowh,eI:~.provides for: the payment. of such, , that the be refuoded.--'-'-Lost. ' Moved byR, 1", McCally, se<;ondedbyH:Stratlon; . . That a grant of two.hundred dollars b, given toO\he of, Y~enr!a tp.fl,ssistin repairing,the Red Bridge across iLo'st. . Moved by 1). Laingj seconded by D., Me Lar.en,, That"thisCoun,cild'o now adjourn until'one o'clock.......;"CarHed. ..;/ ...,. . .. .. ~rlie.:CouncH 'resumed,: 'M6,v~d ~YJohhKingseton'dedhY~.W~rd, : That )~'.)\i.' 'Moor~,~beap'point'e;d c:ar~take~:of. the Court and that a By-law be passed fixingsalary.-Carried. Moved by John King, seconded by Lewis Simpson, That' By~la\f No. 37 r,being: a ,13y~law' to' appainta 'caret'ftkerof the CourtHause,andfixs~llarYi bere(:eiv~d, ,and' read;a . first time.~Car- ried'.' , "", ' " , ~ave,4b>,_,[): A\IAltan" SE;cancled byJ.Sqtiance; Tl;1at By-la~v:..Na,'37,I,: be re<!-d'asec6rid,time.~Carr'ied; Moved, byR. Lacker, secanded by,S, Ward, That By,law 1-10. 371, be read a third time and :fina.lly p~ssed.~ Carried: . , ' Acammuni<;:ation 'was, r~adfr(Jm 'Sheriff_MunrO' reqtles~ing'a, sup:- ply'ofhand-cuffs far the use of 'constables in, ~hi$ Cau~ty._ Moved by John Ellison, ",col)ded by J. C.Weisbrod, That1the' Shedff "be allthbrlz6d' to' purchas6'fifty'pair orhari!=i:c~ffs f()rthei,1.iseafccmstables~inthis County,as by hiinrequested. 'i,,~ "- ':1?lrst amendment. Moved by W.Q, POlloc)<,.secondedby J. Squance, That Mr.Staceybe'_fluthorized to buy hand cuffsme~:ti0l1~d~ : Secondamendl11ent. , " I "", , " ",' M.oved by.C, A.Q'Malley;.seconded byD.e, l'ylcPherson; ,Thatt~e Ward~n ,be,authorizeq,to purc,h~se faur,sett ,ofdirsb,' ,class hhl).d-:cuffs'f6r eac1f.!awnship, and, three :s~tts for- each,_ incorparated Village, to' 'be qistributed by the representatiyep, o,fsaiq, nwnidpalities in this Cauncil; also ten se~ts far: the specia;~,u$e of,theSheriff; Second amendment.carrie9: ",. - Moved tJYJphn}i;IIii~n, secopdedby J( G.'Wiilsbrpd, i,';, ."" :.' 'I'l:I,attplsC.oQnd1:4onow_a'd jdurn' uriti1the'firsf1'.~esday in';,] un~, "ao:di~at,th'e .W,ardep. sign,pheques f(;mme14bers wages;,:.......:C~rriel1' ,:" :', . K. w. McKAY, . .1'. A,11JI,LER:, Clel'k. 'Warden. ,I. I , . ., \ '\i:;" "~I' .\ ~,' , 23 ' , ,24 ,lq.,p',N, <;:Q.U~'l"{; ~,CQUNCIL 'iPR0CEEDING5, Moved'l)YiA;:J.,iLe'itcn,s.eb)nHed by kl'R)i1?att'et~oii; , , ,,:,,: Il.T4a~.iBy~~aw: N QI\J.7z, lbeing,La_uBY~,lawtocbrl'tlrm'.; Bh*Ws'_;rt?~pe.~? Jb3 anQ:305,of the .':Xo:wnship'of' <Dpnwichj1beireceived and~r'ead .Ia;' 'fIist time.~C~rrie~. .,' '. '" .' '.:. - :,- . Moved by D:C: 'McPherson, seconded by A.~:p;'tterson, "')!'''Th~(.By-law No,~ 372 be read a secondtime;-ca~ried. Moved by R. Abell, seconded by R. Locker. 'That By-law No. 372 be read a third time and" [,nally passed.~ Carried. Moyedby A. J. 'Leitch, seconded by A;R. Patterson, That By-law No. 373, being a'By-laW to appoint Trustees of Schools, make appropriations f~r ,mamtenance. of sai,d Schools, grant aid. to County.ModelSchoolsfor 1883, be receIved and flrsttime.---:-:-Carried. Moved by'R. Locker, seconded by S. Ward, That By-law No. 373 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by R. L. McCally,seconded by H. Stratton, Tbat By.law No. 373 be read a third time and' finally passed.-- Carried.' ' Moved by J. C, Weisbrod, seconde(!'by John Ellison, That By-law No. 374, being a By~law toauthodze the Warden Treasurer to borrow money, 'bereceived and tead a first Moved by D.: McLaren, seconded by D:'Lamgj That By~la\Y NO.374pe read asecond:timt;.'~Cartied. Moved by R. Locker. seco'uded by R_ Abell, "'.Th:;tt B)'c1aw' No. 374',be rc:\d a ,thi;d' time' ilhd fin~ny Carned. , Moved lly-John King, seconded by ].Andrcws, That By-law No. 375, being-a Ry~lawto fix the salary of the sician to the House of Indust!)l, be received-and read a first -Carried. Moved 'by' D. McColl, seconded by J. Andrews, That By-l;w No. 375'be read a second time.~Cai'ried~ Moved by b. ~fcCol1, seconded by J. Andrews, 'That By-law No. 375 be read a third time and rmally Carried. -~~~~-.,..-~'-'-:..._---- . ELGIN \. \.\ ': ,'\"'/ OJ:",'f",'.'--' ",'",; COUNTY,..COTJNCIL PROCEEDINGS. --,.0- [(,pr- ! f i ' )/' ~ 1-:': ) SECOND SESSI6:N~FillST DAY. Ji ":1.""" '.,-,," MONDAV, 5hfd~ JUNEi,883' r:Ji:, if,.. .(?, . . .:~h.~:C:?~ntyCo~hcilof'th~Coii#lY 6f'ElgI~'hJ,et,thiS:~:it tttc?rd! mg,to'adJourhrhelit~t 2oiclock'p..ni: ,."'. '-' ,d)': (,"(""'.""'-- ',' The Warden in the,chair. ,,(::.'.,";' .,;. :'-',:;.;' .. ;,;-;i. "'-,:,,," :.,'__',,. 'I' 'i,d) "[I Members prese.nt,.. i, .. .. .., _, .... __: ",' , , , .. ;,_ .:.;_": " :,' .:' '..,,',.. ; ,.', " i,_ c' ,," il F:'i."" ~ .... ..:Messrs. O;M:au.ey~: ~cL~ren,:" Leitc~, ,~cP~erson,'Kingr.' McColl, AnQrews, Miller;'LMon,-(Yarmouth:)Squance, Polld,,\<:; Waril;'Abell, 'Locker, Simpson,' Luton, (Dorchester,') ,', Godwin,:' Best,.' ..Mills; 'JEllison, McCally and Weisbrod."" f 'Xhe proceedings,of: the .pr,eviOli,S- sessJon.' werei,~eaq'I::md f a;pproved. The Warden addressed the. Council; llftenvhiehtne' fdllowillgcom, ml).uic,ations:were;,read; ;',)~! ['\Iii'" i,'" [,)<,,1'1 From the Village of Vienna, re bridge~ From M. G.' Burwell; Trustee. ,From Henry' Watson, 'rei:assessmi:mt on,'Cru..ikisHarik'D)lain,r' FromSt. Thomas andAylrrier Gravel RoadCompanY/l"ith'yea~ly report. I" \ ' d,r, ,A..I' , ; I .,: FrclIri: D.i MC'Laws':,with'Present'nl'eht()fGfanq;JtirY;:~'I.; _ ,,' From County Engmeer, report. -', ) i,il;': '):1 , ".",,',.',""',,' ,"'",,: ". ,,':,,''',', :i"" ",:;",,) "";"',!",,if ~,-, Frqrn J.,A,_ K,ams, wltl.1staternent ()f expensesm 're Sblrito~ and Board'of'-Atidit. \ '.1{ ('!' ,,' j;' FrornAttorne~ q-e~er~I,~e;prisol1~~b6r'.' ,;"" ',' ,"'u" 'j . Moved by C. A:6iMall~y, seconded by JoIlI1EUiscirl,' That this Council adjdurn untii 9)a~! m.,' to-morrow,:-to'eriable the members' Wh0;~ish to" attend- ;the, ; anniversary of:Gr~ngerism>a't Port Port,.Stanley;-..:,..:.Can:ied. ;):: , ; .' ."r K. vy. McKAY, Clerk. ;,1" A. MILLER, , Warden. J. 1;;','( ~ "', 11'-1'1';- 1'. ':\'!:t::;\ ! 26 ELGIN"COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ,-_.~------,~~~:=::;;:._----,,------ -.--- --~_.-.'---' SECOND SESSI(}N~SICOOJV'D DAY, i(""II~,;:;;:::"}C\ ,'~\-')_!/l'\ltr',: ;';, ,\/'1i:;: ,i " . I.. ...."" ,j ,. '\VEDNESDAV;6TH JUNE, '1883; 'The Council of the County of 'tlgin met this day acoording to ad- 'jourtiment ar 9o;cloc~a.m.!, ,,'-, '-" ' " ,J 'The W:a~-ci\eri.-'in fu(~,:th~j~\: . If '. '> ';', '- \ ),..\, .:.'~ ,Me~,b1\SfHrs~l}~ ,i!' \1 yf I M'essrs'. 0IMalle);, McLaren, Leitch, Pattetc;on, McPherson, King~ .NfS(:;91\! k\li\d~~)'iS) .hPlR!,)>:(Ytl\~m?,\\\hj), ~(jua?,cH', r?\locf, ,JYa,dlJ~bell, Locker; Simpson, Luton, (Dorchestex,)"G,o,~1Yml:,ue~t,.,:M~,\~,.i,~-,)hfiOX1.~ MoCally and Weisbrod, .' . ')" '(~" ,I' The 'proceed~ngs of the previous sessi6h' ~wd~~: i~aa'-~~d~ ~~~~J:med. " . '. ..... " . ',:' [1 '):'.::....'.\' ~<" -'.: ,! ",-~ .' "/Milive~"?,Y;)~h~;~\r\l?\~AC9,?~~~,by,,I?,~r:~pd;'~Y:S!i' ....,. . : :;(:'J:,h~Hll~: cq:r:,~W,W-Vc~PRn9.J~~. ~~~Hm.}lR,~9<;l,4~;'i;l??t'~q-; (?,ffC:<::a~,:tt~.4/ ,(t, I' The 9qUri.ty,:iEt1gil).ei::~;~:$,rePQ!,t:w:as,:r:e-,;td;; 1 ',dp" ' Moved by D. A. Luton, seconded by J. Squan"e,; ,I V)'.!tpmw the rep6t;ti6'f1 thef(yQurtty' Ertgirteer~( be'referted't0 the I-'\Public Imp~qY'~merit,s\ GD.tnmittee;+~Ca:niedl ',j The Clerk then read 'communicationreceived:frbni:' ,the' Tdwhship of. Orford. ;'~ ,f;<I' '1[1 ';'i!;' ,q; Moved'by J. C. Weisbrod, seconded,byJohn-;Ellison, . ,,;0- Thatt..tJ OlerR,.l:ieinstr,ucted,tomotify,the,Glerk of:,',lhe Township oCQ,r{9r,,l,, th~\Jlli~,(:;qjlp~j,l ,re\\\Setq,PaY: a?y Pa\\qf ,as~"s.sllwnt for the Cruikshank drain, as they never, agreed to do so.-Carried. , The. ~ler1\,trrI),r~~<IP?,I,llm-Y;lilii.sfl.l~9n {ljOm! J" It" :I)fl:~n,~,Ir~, ,~tanton and the Board of'Audi~.. .\1,,<:,,,.::"'):11,':,'1:'[ ...:::",,'i 'f (;U.i: %-~yti4i,;by)~~n,~~m;;', _~~e?~~f,~ ))); :Ji?~?J,f}?:1w:'~'l~',';', .l::, "I That the account of, J. A.Kains, in re' Stanton,be.,~efefn:~q("tp)j~lW FinanceCommittee.-Carrj,ed. \ ,. '" . ,'" , ".",."),.>,,.(1 ',; 1....",_..,_ 1(" The AU9tm{~;:,Ie{l?S:~1" q;~,: ~,~:~'0i ,~S&P~n};~;"'l:~s{t,h7n' rra,1:. Mi~Wj(U)Y,fJ., B"Mil\',,~~Fqn<;l.erJJ!Y j\.,),j:L,,,itch, ,.,' J That\",th~..\Aiuditors' -?report' ;be, finally) auditedr and!adbpte.d:;: ;and 'that this Council is of the opinibn that the varkllis,items,;-of..expendi.- ture sh?uld be more definitely c1assifled in futiue reports:~Carried~ 'l~hicl~i'ltl:theh '~ead communi2ation from' Attorney; Genet~l,'ih Prison Labor. . E.LGIN,--:GOU1';((Y"CQUNCIL,- P.ROCEEI,lINGS. Moved by J.])'., Mil.l~"$eG."nde<1.byA.J"L.eitch,, "",. That the commun~qation:frOf\1 ,tp;e::J\:ttQrQ!=y;;Gtne,r,al ;lnJxefe,l;ence to" Ij'ri~?n lAi;J\tj, be, ref~frr>rJ ,\0. th~ iGao,.l(:;Rmf)ljW~~'0:'~ar!,i\'r., .i"!. Thefollowihg notice was then' received.>, I I';:"~ ;.,,~\\ /}errpy,gAy" n?tjse !th,~\Jhe.i;ro~nsrjp~..9f.,y~I;"I9lJth.. and SouihlVo1Cl w)ll.notho.l<;lthemselve~. reSP9n~lbl~for' any d~mage$ ,occur- ring ~n" Seiooiirne 'Brldg~,' as'it 'is slt'~~ted o~ 'the' to~rili~ikild i~er,e~o~e: 3:,coun~yb~.I~ge. ' ,,"II Ii:',',', , i [' '1I!i, , ~ ,; r; 1 ',-'1I',.''''''i'' t.-/,- ( ;;li;l~ ,'SjgneG-" ,] (J' '.JQHNlrJ{,I~G""" Sign'ed, D.A ,T:.u1i'0NI MovedbYIWU:-0tiF9UQ'ek,i:'seconped byJ;Sq'liah'te; -'.! i i ,I;,.. : 'ifh,at !,th~,natice'j,u;st ~ giveh'.ibYI,;t:h;~' J'J~ownsliiI;sliof;,Y arrho.utn;' and SDuth w01cl.J be1;!refei-redl ,tQ' ; .the~ "Public,'fI:rr;rprovementsf i Committee:-,"",- O:.1;rr.ledJ!tu,r Or ~ :l--'ni',ii .1'li o') .,i: ',i:li' .' 'iliii:;''i,' r 'j:!!:,; 'The Clerk then read c,ommunication from Vienna with referebt'e to bridges. )",1(:' i";\~'iW' Moved',bytAif},' Leitch" seconded by, J.' R .Miils, . 'I' !! i. '~ri-hit~ tn:~c9Willil\ni<ati9d,~fi;6IH~ tp~ 'Cl~rk :O"ff'Ille' Yillagei6r:.;Vlen~,a, in referende" 'fo' a'cer1iirl :btidgef,:, be' teferrecl to fthe I 'PubliC"Jlinpr6vement C;:Pl:n,W~tt~~,~C<l-rri~qd",q ,hi::I'! ,'.,; 'I'i" ;,f 'i} :j,.; ,:.;,;'.' 1 i:i [" 'A''Jettei" fron:r:M. G.iBul1weh, tentiering:resigiHttioni as Tru:Stee,"was readbyt~e;Clerk-,:jl) . ".. ,!;.r;;' , ""':1;" ;[I'j',. nc, ):'i ,', I ','1/' ".~6-y~d'by l~;';'r::J 'McCally;lse,C6ii8./jd'by 'R!xt~btker,i:-I:\':/, "..1 "?'i ;:That'-'il" {es{-i'1\utC"'i{:o'f. "iii'. t_'i1:JG.' :.: :Btijw~i(: Ii~ 'T'iUst. e.'~f6t::Vig.H~.lt 'Hi~H~:'s'chJ~1'~be)a~c~t~d.{2(!aigcic(~",:~ "Ii,;' ",,>,:1:. ; "',P'iil.,I':!,-: (ilJ. ';'1. , ." . . . ","!I.:;,; _"','I!'!.," >;'/.1"1' :.1'>1 ) :',:":',' 'I' , ' A commnnicatlOl1;frpm."!if.,,:Wr,,:Mqqr.e,.., q~pl€!r,.requ~Pit~J.1.g, inc.. rease of salary, was tb,eri'read!'J.<' . -. JI' . -",,,,, "",;"" ,L ">"','-, <.':.' ('k! .c."" I 'M1ovedbY'W: :'6.1 'p~iW~~',~'s~~~ri'd'JdbYl.i. Squ1H~t;; I, ::j;,: L .:,r;,:~'.~; 1 . '1 Tchat ,Mdr.' M09ry' 9. Y- gr.9:l}-tyr~ ,~re, p,r,iy~~ep1~iPf! apc1.r:e~,~(ir.~.Jhi;~ :,Coun < 'CI.--:,: arrIe ". . . . < !~:Ji Ii' i I. C!j "I! ; ):~} i'; ,r;' , ':': .I):j:! Mr. Moore addressed theCoundL 1,,':i"'I~;:) A communication':ft.omiD;;;McLaw$,:wi,tl}.coPy,o,fj ft;~Sf;I;1tment t9 ~.t,h~J1r~J1,d. Jury. 'Y.as,then'!e~4,. . . _. , " , I .'r .f) I' ' ~ II j;-;:;iMo:v:ed,by 'DJA;'Luton,second,edby:] ~.,;SquaQ~e,:~ "f!"; '0'1 Thatthe communicatiou with Gralild J uryPresentnient'be referred to the Gaol,Committee.~Carried';'i" :IIL' (j: fl" t' ),; 27 -",,:;~, 2~ E1'..GIN : COUNTY.~' 'COUNCIl) 'PROOEEDlNGS. ~.--~~'-- The County Treasutel\ .Estiniat~'was/theni.:r:ead.i '. 'i, :)" :~J:oved! by J: .-K.ing;.seeohded-Hy jj !.Andrews,L Ii,!!.' H<.,~ j "~oj 'J 'i' j', That 1;l1e:cbll1n1\ii1lb~Htin frbm;'t11~1 Tte'as'ureF-bt!( ;r'~t~rrJd\{td i ~h~! Fimmce Cammittee.------'-Carfied;rl ;"-,'! :;,',;)(\(1. ~:f:l""'fii> -,,:1' .'. ,SiA'.O'Mi!ley give&' rliitl'ceithllt hJ ",111 iiskfbta;small' gra\\t iO\\'ar~s . pioperly~qlilppirii'th,;'c~ilrity :Regiment ai' Brig!lilel';ainpai 'London on the'2'2n~(tl'ns'e"";:\ ,,; ;;,! i",,", ',,' ._"i,I!',,,_ ; ,,"','; ::', ;,1; "[,. 'H)',' , D. McLaren'givesnbtice that he will to-morro", ask this Council for agrant~of~$IOO to aid:iin:-building a Lock~up in the village of Rodney. f 10 Mayed qy f<JJ,Weisbrod,:se<!o~ded:bytJ~~n\EUiso[l" , rI'hatthis:Cotlncil do'n0.w,adj,().urn:untillhree:o!clQck~p;'m;, Ctb' al- committees' to: meet;and ,p.rep,are thei:rTeports"ulld-that: the: C()_uncil_ex~ , amine the grounds where the Court House drainir> to be built;-,..;Car~, ried.., :.1',' The Council restlmed. Moved by A. R.i ,Patterson" seconded, by D.;, C,iMc.Pherson, 'i i Tl;1a~ (~h~:.c014'nj':1l?-ilZf+tiql1Jr:onl~~;; Mp()re"j :Gq.pleT ;Jequesting in- cr~a.".::: -Qf :~~\ar.y; f,t7R .flot ~ntert~itledJ:iy, t~~5, (~l?~n,.,ejLTT7'Ca9;ie,cl" ,.,' ,.. Sheldon Ward, Reeve of Malahide, givesnotioethat the ToWNshIp ohM.I.hide willrnodI01d,.themselves responsible for,.ny damage that may occur on the bridge across the Catfish Creek, on, ,the:' rf0'vt"nl: Line between Oxford ~ndl')gil1 Countif;s,; ,als~ i ,the. "priqg,$, 9nt,l)ij! /fown ~iqe:betw~ep, M~Ial1i4e:llnd Y;~r~outh .at Ja,!llesW'Yn;,.9~'Ye~l> "JZings- mill and 'p'ott 'B~ute j" alsO' tn'~ bridge'b~tw,een)vtlilallitle'JandJ:p~y}~a41, on the Otter Creek at Crook's Mills,.,'n:. , ' ,!/'"Hr'~I" ,j! "'-,;" I,' .:,' :Mbv~d'byJolinKirig,' sec8n~ed by}. 'Al'tllrews,"" That ~he repo,rt of;P,l,lblk Impro;ement:)'C6i~_riiitrd~~',;b'e' 'l:~gdv~d and read.;--Cm'rie'tL:i::'.. .i ,,' :,\111:;;)' ,<.',,;,,:': " ','(1 L\e):,.,,;,! M6{;ed'\Ji Jo1\h King,'ieddbd'ed hy'b.McColf,': ." ',' That the . report of the CommitteeonPubhc Improveriierits be a~lopted..:.-~arried. :;'-i!"r,' ,II: il_!;,;:-,',.:' :-::>~I;( ,if. Jj:-/: " "MovedJbf]':- C.:Weisbrod, ~ecOl'H1ed'hy.John'Ellis0n,"i'" That twenty dollars be refunded to thi?Village' MAyinier; 'tieiNg amount overpaid"on'countr,rate:inLI88I;,candJ th'at,the Treasurer. issue 'R_ Dhe.q.uefofithe:a1l1oui1t.~J~ost""i ',: i\ ~;,;; Moved hy R. L. McCally, seconded, hyG. Wi. 'Best, ,L . .. - ,~ ,,,., -, - .. =~ '-~"- -,~ --'-,--- ELGIN ;GOUNTY. COUNOIL ..PHOCElmlNGS. That the.R~d'B~ipge,\in V~enna lie \asSQQ-1ed bY:)b,e: 'G.:9;tlnty as a county bridge.-Lost. _.. :-The ;yeas;aJ;j,d,nays,being;ea:Iled for were taken down as follows: l Yeas...:..-Godwiu, Best, tYfcCalIy, \ Ward,- Mills, Locker" EIlis.on, O'Malley and Apell___9.. .," Nays-Leitch. Patterson; MCPherson, :Weisbtddi'McL~aren;'Ltlton (Varmouth), Luton, (Dorchester), Simpson, McC()Il,...,A~9r~'o/9"; ~~ing 3.n4,BquanCe~I2:.<,,, """'''!:', ',,':,:: ,; .'." '.. .A commupi:s:,aticHl,frol1;i ]aj11,e;s';A;',13eli,! qQUtltY:~ngin~m~j', l;~que$t- ing il1cr~as~, o,f. ,sala~Yj lV;asJ)1en ,re<il;q., .- Moved.by. John Ellison,. secortded,hyD. 'Mc:hare'n, That] ames A.BeWs salary as County,Engineerj' betliJreehutidred and'fifty. dqllars insteaq.Of..two hunored dollars;,saidamouut _to. include alI,:-tra,~~lliri~: e~pt;nses. 'hlam~nd~lent. ' Mpyed bYW,O.f,?llq~k,'~eY?llded bYJ.Sq.uan,e, That Mr. -Bell's saJa~y"J)einC:~~~~,e<1yliftyd?~I~~9. " Th.~al11endment~aS,CatTi~9 921 the (ollqwing ,division ,:' y'e~s-:':M~c~iiy, Ab~ll,' Wa;d,.MilJs Loclcer,Patterson, ',McPher~ i-' sem, 'Pollock, Squance, Lqton -(Dorchester); $irpPsQn" 4-n,4rews, 'King and Weisbrod~r.s._... ...." "";";:>f"'_,,,:__ -' ' ~ays~Best,"I-f<eitch, 'Elliso,n~~d'.:ryr,ctaren'~4. ",', '. !'.",":,,':i',I'" ;", _: ':"":','" "",' -' :,:",;..., 'd,,'_ ,',,','., ,'," 'II H', ','," "" ,Moved py R. L. M;cQally, second~d by y. .w, Best, ", J,:--:,,',.. -'c ',,'t"""'__','I: "''', '."':" ': , "",'" , That Geo~~e Downs, 6fI!aY]lmu, b.e. ~ppqillted1)'Ps\eMor N:ien~a High School, inpl~ce ?f,M..G.,~~rwell,r~~ig1'led~---:'~arrled. . MovedbYJohn.Ki~g,sec?nd~dbyrA~drews, .'. .. ... (. ' Thit,a ~'~ pple,nle__nt~ry_ r~poit o(th~' Fjn~n~e,Gqtp-I~1i;Hee;,b,~','r.ec~i V~ ' ed' and read~"-Cai'r~ed: , if '_" .- The Clerk read report. \ '. '. - M;oved 8Y~: Lp~~fr,second,db~ $. Wa,d, T:h~t tne'repo'rt,pf ,the:~jnance,Gommitt,ee be,: adQPted.~€arried. Moved by John ElIis6n, seconded byJ.O. Weishrod,' :That!pis'eOi1'nciJ do' 'no\v adjpurt.i' ll'ntil riiile~ o'clock 'to~mc)'ri;ow morning. -Carried." K. W. Md1\.Y, Cle,k. A. MILLER,. .. WaI:'den. II '9 30 ELGIN', COUNTY.,' COUNCIL PROCEEDlNG5. SECOND. S]iJSSIO:N'-.-'-TI-IIRDD.fl Y'. THtrRSDA Y, 7TH ,JUNE, 1883. The Council met this day according to adjournment" , ,The ,-Warden ip,the:, chair,: Members present: Messrs. O'M~ll,ey, Mc;Lar~n, -L,aing, Leitch,p~tterson,McPhersOll, l<:ing, McColl,.. AndJcws, Miller, ,Luton'(Yarmouth)',' Squan~e,' ~ollock, :Ward,Abell, Locker, Simpson, Luton (Dorchester), Godwin, Besf, Mills, Ellison,. McCally and Weisbrod. ' The proceedings of the previous scssionwere read and confir~ed. Moved by'D; McColl, seconded by R. Locke.r, That the report of the House of Indust~y'Committ~e be received and read.--Carried. The Clerk readretJor't, which wa$laiqo.yeruntil the afternoon. Moved by John King, seconded by n. McColl, That the report' of the Gaol Comm:it~ee: be reteived:tirtd read.--'- ,Carried, The Clerk. tead-report. Moved by John Andrews, seoondedby)ollli King, That the reporidf tlie Gao\' Committee be adopted.-Carried. ... '." '.', ":.:. ...... . -: .:' '. ." '.' ..... Mr. J.A,'Kains,J~arrister,etc., addressed the_ Co.uncil, re 'bi}lof co~ts inre ?tan~o,n,_:and t~e,'J:l?a~?,~f:,1udi~. ,"<_' .:'..' . Moved by R. L. Mcqalley, sec~n~ed by 0)V. ~est, '~'bat',~~.:&.ai~s be paid9ne hundred,'4011arso~ ,N~co,u~t, <l.nd-that the chairman o( the Finance Committee be inshu'cted to have his ac- count taxed.-.Carried. " Moved by] ohn Ellison, seconded by R.LMoCally, That the Treasurer pay' tq ,the'btder-. oLCaptain~oo,re,. paymaster 25th. battalion, tl,1e .sum 'ofseventy:five . dallars to.' 'pracure . Havelocks, andatherwiseassistwequ,jp' the 'nan~cah1issionedofficers"and ,men of the ,said, r~gimen,t,,for b,liga<ie ramp at Londql1; an 22t1dinst.c.--Carried. Moved by D. McLar,en" ~econded by ]ohnEllisonj Tl}~tthis,Cour~citgrant.one hundred' dollars to aid" the .vi,llage af Radrleyin builcling.'a loc:~~up,said amount to,be paid to the Aldborough Treasurer upon the ,completion af said lack~up.~Carried. ELGIN 'CDUN:J'Y COUNCIJ~ I>ROCREDlNGS. , 3 I , ' -_._-~--_._--_._-,- Moved by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by 'Daniel Lang, That the Clerk communicafe with the Provincial Secretary and enquire. if the state ofthe,Hi-gh Schoal:Fund will warrant this,CQuncil to establish another High SChODI ~nthe ~ountY.-Carried~ Mov~d byA, R. Patterson, seconded by D.C.McPherson, That .the'repairing.of..the CourtHouse beJeft under control -of the Gaol:CDmmittee. / 'I, In amendment. Moved by D.A. Luton, seconded by J. Squance! That the proposed improvements to. Gaol-and Court House be_un~'-, der the 'supervisian of the Public -Improvements Cammittee. Amendment last; :main 'motion carried. Moved byR~ 'Locker,seconcled byS:' \-Vard, That'the'Councila~journuntiI three o'clock this afternoon to. at.:. low the, members to. visit the House o,f. Industry, to see what' imprqye~ ments are required. ana'that the.'Warden.p,~ocure conveyanc~s for that The Council resumed. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded.by A. R. Patterson, ''r'~at the report ofJhe:F,inanceCommittee be re,ceived ~nd read. -Carried; The Clerk read report. Moved by](jhn King, seconded by] ohn Andrews, 'fhatthe report ohhe Fmance Committee be adopted;~ClU'fied. Moved by]ohn King,se~ondedb~ John ,\ndrews, .... That:the-deputatiorl' from 'the Southern 'Counties" Fair Association- be now heard.-Carried: ' . _ , Messrs: 'McDougall, McCausland and Ferguspn then addre~6ed the Council. . - . . , ' Nrovedl)Y W. O.Pollock, secqnded by W.Ltiton,. . \ That the Council grant the sum of twohu,ndred 'dollars to the Counties' Fair; amendment. . by C. A. O'Malley, seconded by Daniel Lang, That the consideration,bf the'application'fot a grant'to the Sout~- Counties' Fair be laid'overuntil;the November session, of thiS 32. i<:J~G.LN .cOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDIN.GS. The amendment. was carried on.thef611owing;division : , ,Yeas....,.,...c,Godwini,Best,,'W,ard, Abell,'"Leitch,. Patterson', ,'McPhersbn, LGckerj ,Laing, McLar.en/ Simpson :'tnd o:M~ney~I2. Nays+-McCally; Mills,<EUison; 'Weisot6d, :Pollocki SquancejLu- ton (Yarmouth);, Luton (Dorchester), McCall,Andre;vs and K\ng~1I The Clerk thenread:commnnication'from Dr. VanBuskirk; Gaol Surgeon, re increase of salary. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That Dr. .VanBuskirk 'b~ h~ard inreference;t6 his applicatio~l.for an inc;reas,e ofsalary."'-:-Ca{ri,ed. The Dr. then addressed the Council. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by W. O. Pollock, 'Thatiq addition to his salary oLone hundred dollars the.:,Gao1 Surgeon be 'allowed fifty,dollars per year as paYl11entfor medicines. . InamE;ndn1'ent. ' Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded.byj).,C,. McPMrsQn, That Dr.VanBuskirkls applicati~n be laid over for:fu,rther consi~h erat-ioD; and'that he, as 'GaqlSurgeoll, make a . Y(::,po.rt-td tIli;; .,~0u~cil at next session, setting fo~th the _l1umb~r:of patj~ntst~ea;tedbY:,l1.iml:the nature of, th~ diseaS~S,<1nd 's~icn ot:r.er'information,. ashe, may ,d~e~n of intere~t to,this Council,sothat'this'Coun'cit will'be in-a'positiori w'ju,dge whether the increase of salary asked for be granted or not,' therepott to be forthe cilrrent year. Amendil1ent 1ost,;main,motioD carried on,~he "f011~wing division:; y ~as for: the, <+mel1dmen,t~;l3est,Wllrid,:: 1\pell,., Leit~11, ,1J;atterson,. Sihipson. MC,Phe,'rs,.on, ;'_i,~u",tO[l(D,___:or,..chts;te,.~)" ,1y[, ([,7'9,1~ a,_r~4P, ,',YialleY7Io; .0' . . .... ..' ,,' .. ." ...... ..... . , "NaY~--r:Gpdwin,,1Yl~~all~y,..M.ins, :Lqck~r1,E.l_U~op,.y~~eisbrocll' jMc- L:a~en,Lain:g, Pollock, 'Squance,. r;utOn (V irmO\lth),.AnOre'iVs_an.q' I.q~g --"I,~'",' . "":" ,:'; :'_ ' .. : . i<'orthe 'odginal n1ot16n. Yeas-Godwinj ~cCally, MiP,s" .I-!(lcker,,_~lliso,n, vVeisbl~9~l,:,Mc: I.:.tr;en, I..aing~ PoIXoSk":Squ'anc'e,,, ttlt?'r/'_(V~~'~1()ut~)l,_ A-ndr~\\;s,. }Zing -'--'1;3;' ' ',' , ''''. Nays--Best, Ward,.Abell, Leitch, Patterscin,1r161?h~rs,Q\~, (Dorchester), SimpsonjOiMaUey, McCOI1'::',-;--.I.o. ,- .L... ,.".,...... .', :C' .. ........" .,;.,.'. ' i )v},ovedby D. McC;().ll,se<;ond~d by} ohIl1\ndrews, ;,~,:':r::hatthe' report of .-Committee 'of House: of Industry he now con- s,idered.~.-Carric(L ="",.~~~.~= ELGIN 'COUN''t'V": COUNCJL'PHOiSEEDINGS, --',.--- Moved bYR.L.~fcL:ally,'sec()nCled by'H, T. Godwinl\ ' . "Thut the report of_the, Committee of the House of Industry be adopted, 'arid, thanhey:'proceed with the bui1ding 0[. a cottage as sug- gested.c--Carried. "Mbvedby A.' J. f.eitdl1j secon'ded by,n. C,'McPherson,' That this Council grant. a,free'hawker,'s and pedlar's"licen,i;ei: f61', balance of this year, to Josiah' BellwoOd"of:Dunwic1l;heb,eing,unable ' to 'perform hard labor.--Carried. C..: A.., O!lV!aJley i' gives ,not,ice:. tha,t t.l:1~; ; Tpvmsl1ip, qf A.l.qborougl~ does.llOt .hold,:i-Itself respqnsible:;". tor; , ;thc" ibddge,s,apF;l. culyerts,on!tl~e western :town.line,between; thIs ,<2Ollnty, ~nd, th.e c.<?unty,of't~et:lt;,a~,~'hQ' Township, Cougcil of Aldborough ar,e of the opinio~ that the:~aid bridg~?: ,and;culv;ertp sJ10~llcl;~~e, ._~naint~i~,~d'; l?y. :,th,e Counties. of. _Elgih and Kent. ',' " ?vI essrs.'. .INtb~';arid.'Simi:)spn'give'noti~~ th~t'h1e' T'6wrrship of Soutp.poi'Ghester will n?t?erespon~ible {~tany damage that ;mayhap~ pen on'-'th'e. briqgc"af Belm?nt,'on~heC?u~ty line' :be~ween Elgin.' :and Mi4tllese:xj',a~d the' ~Jji-idge'east. of' Belmont,' on the (Jounty "line ',be-, twe~nNbrth~nd:So'ut~'D?rc:?ester;:"';,:, ,'-"; ,'. ' . ]M9y~d,py,p.::ryJ cLflren;:sec'or'ded' by p. IJai~g,'~ That.'this Councilnow,adjourn,tp:mgetaf.l7-iIlc_: o'clock' t9:'morro\v l~on'1ing~-Carried. ' K. W;,McKAY;' . County Cle'rk. J. A. MIljLER, Wanden. ." " " , , ..-"..~~.'te::~~~~ 33 ~~:~'; I ,/ :14 ELGIN.:- COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SBCOND jjESSION-cPOURTH DAY. ERIDAV,:'S'fII" JUNE,_ 1883. 'The Council of the Cotmty of Elgin In,et this dayaGcordihg to adjournment. , The\Varden,inthe chair. Memt5~rs,present : '. ,Me'ssrs',O',rvrilleYiLaing,': Mcl~aren.' Leitch,',Patters()l1,,-McPherson King~, Mcc.oll,Andrews, :Miller;' Luton,', Squance; 'Pollock,' Ward"A-bell, 'l:,bcker~' Si'nipson,' lil)tol1,: Godwit;, Best, McCally, ; Mills, -Weisbrod, al1d Ellison,' . - ,- ",' 'The proceedings of the previous session wei~e read andc()nfirmed' Moyedby n. ~\. Lut,op;, secqpded byJ . Squance, ;; Tl~atthe tr,eas~~r,er, be,lnstr~~ted'to collect, :tl1i!ty~~ved?llars' ,an~ Dually frbm. the"city of )St/fh9mas ;~ntil the, Cap~Fla. ~,outhyrnRait way bO:nusis paidoff, said,am,ount hayir;tKl?e,GJ1 ,de~id~don by,~hejoint 'c,ommittees ,ofthecityancl thisCounty."asA~le ~0,theTownship,6fYar, mouth, as assessment: for, t?? sai(~ honus, ,on. the territory. taken f~",om the t()wns~iphy tl19: extensioJ1,of th'e corp,oratioil,said amount to"bededuct- _edJrom th,eamount 'annually required-from.Yarmollth,-,-Carrie(l. " ~l oyed by J. B. Mills, seconded by R. Locker, :rhat1t~eGacil Committee he authorized to procure :anew flag for the:Court HousG, as the ,oldorie is worn out."---:'-Ca)jf:ie,d; Moved by- D. McLaren, seconded by .J, C, Weisbrod, That MessrS. Mills,-M<:CaUy and Leitch, be appointed a: commit- tecto enquire i~to the meaning ,of the Act concerning bridges.; that they obtain legal advice as to what bridges the C,ounty would beheld, liahkfor, and torep,or:t at the November session. In amendment; i'vIoved by John Ellison, seconded by R. Locker, 'l;hat:this Coul"l(iJ assume'the Vienna Red 'Bridge bridge. ' Amendment carriedon the followi~g'division : Yeas':"'.,..Godwin; Best, McCally, Abcn,\,yard~ Mills, Locker, .f~lli- son, Pollock, Sq':1ancc, Luton (Yarmouth),'O'Malley,..McC()1\:-I3' .' ,Nays--,.'--Leitch, Patterson,M_cPhersoil,.vveisbrod, McLaren, Laing L\lton (Dorchestcl\' Simpson, Andrews;.King-Io. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILPROCIj:EDlNGS. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by]. King, That,this.Counci1.adjourn untiL one o'clbck.~Car'ried. . .. '. ., The ,CounCil resumed, Moved by J. C. Weisbrod, seconded by John Ellison, '. That the hridge in the village of Aylmer, on the, Port Bruce. ~nd Dorchester gravel road, be ass\lmed by the County~ it being over one' hundred feet in'length, and on a leading road through-the .County.~ Lost. Moved by W. O. Pollock, secondeq byJ ohn A~drews, '.I'hat, the' Selb,ourne Bridge be assumed_as.a.County bridge.~Car~ ried.' . Mclved by D. McLaren, s,condeq by John Ellison" .,That the Warden isslle his cheque for twelve dollars, to pay for conveying meil1berstoHQuseo,f lndustry.,::-:-Carried. Mpved hy). B. Mills, secondeq by A. J. Leitch, , . ,That'By':'law nutnber376; to ,rajqeamqunts for C_ounty Rates dl!-t~ ing thesear I883r9~rete1Ve~ andr~ad. afirsttime.,--c-:oCarried. Moved by A. J,Leitch,.sec4dned byS. Ward, That By~law ,nurh~er 376 be read,a sec~:)fid ti1l1ej--.,--Ci1.rried; Moved :byR. Locket,se"conded by R. Abell, That B'y~law No. 376 bCTead a third time and fhlally passed,- Carried. IyIoved by],Z.L. MoCally,iecondedby S. Ward, ThatBy-law nmuber 377. being a by-law toappojnt. Mr. George D,owns of Bayham, Trustee of Vienna High'School, in place ,ofM.'G. . Burwell, n~s~gr1Cd,bereceived and read a first time.:-Carried. .\1oi-e'dhy R. L. McCally, seoonded by G. W. Best, That By-law N,o. 377, be read a,second' time.~Cai'ried. Moved by R.'L. MoCmly, seconded by R. Locker, 'j'hat By-la\Y No. 377' be read rt third time and finally passed.- Carried: Moved by Co O'Malley, seconded by D. Laing, That this! Council dEl, pow consider the constructiofl of the sewer, which Was referred to them by th~Jail C,ommittee.-.,..-Carrie"d. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by R. Abell, ThaJ the matter ofc<;mstructing the jail sewer qe laid'over. untiLthe N,ovembersession of this CounciL.-----'-Carried. ! ~ - 35 36 ELGIN'. COUNTY C0U.NCTL PROCJ1.:EDINGS. --~----- Moved by. S: "\Vard;'secnnde<;!by:R. l.;ock~r, That the"Gounty-Eng.ineer.:be'. insttllctea;-to examine:the bridge across the head .of Catfish creek, on the COul1ty,.ljn~qetw;een ,Qxfor;d and Elgin, it beinga ,CQuntyhridge;"and in);.t bad: state ofrepair.":--- Carried. ,,' ' Y Movecl,,'py ,D. "M~'~~re~",seconded' 'b,y 'D. ~aing, That BY71aw ,n:umber 378, being- a by-law to fix the saJ,ary of the Gaol S~1rgeon, be received and read a first time.~Carried. Moved ISy R; Lo~ker;,:secoh'ded;lby:.'S,.::'Vard, i That' By~law niln'1ber- j 7 8. he' ,read; a, se;c()nid_tili1e;~Garried~ Moved by R. Locker, seconded by R. Abell, That By-law' l nurhber; 3 78~ ',he':ioe'ada 'thlrd tiine'and fhuU1y'p'assed. -'-Carried," ' Moved by J C'Veisbrod,secdnded\by Jdh,ti Ellison, That By-Iaw'number '~79,beihg [}-'by~law to fi'xsalarydf C6.u,nty En'gineer;)be read a first time:.:-..iGarried. < Moved by J: Ellison,setdniled by}. c: Weisbrod, Th~.tBy~law nurhbet 379 be'read'asecondlime,,~Carrred. Moved-by, John' King, seconded ,by, J ahn' Aridre\vs', , That By-la", No. 379 be read athird tiIne and finally'pas;ed.- CarHed," ' " ' Moved by R. Locker, seconded by G. W. Best, That this Couiid{ do'rtbw'adjouru;'fomeet the ,third Tu'esd'ay in November;.' att:wo'o'clock p, m,; arid that.the'\Varden sign th.cheque for members'-wages:.-,-,-Carried; , -',' ',-,,;,; K. W. McKAY, . J. A. MILLER, County}~~lerk. "Varden, ELGIN / COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS -0- , THIRD 81\'8SIO.N-FIRST DAY. TU~SDAYl 201'HOF NOVEMBER, 1883. .1 THe ,_Coun~y' Council of the County of Elgin, met this. day at the Court' House, St; Thomas, according to adjour(1ment; , 10hn A.Miller,Esq'l \\1 arden in the chair. Menlbers present: Messrs~_ O'M~l!ey", McLaren, Lang,Leitch, Patterson, McPher- son, McColl, Andrews, Lutc)fi (Yarmoutll,) Pollock, ,Squance, -vVard, Auell, Locker, Simpson, - Stratton, Godwin, Best, McCally, Mills, Ellison, Mr,Saniuel S, ChItton, 'ReE;ve of Aylmer,having been' elected to fill the position which was rendered vaCant by the death of J, C. Weisbr0d, Esq" deceased, took: his ,seat at the Council Board, The proceedings of the last day of the previous session w~re read and confirmed. The Warden n.gdressed theCo:unciL The following communications were ,then' read by the~lerk.' Fromtheacting Secretary of~he Education Dypartment re estab" lishment'ofanQther f-ligh School in the County, . From tbe' Elgin Division Grange, with petition requesting the .Coullcil to take some action towards purchasing the London an'd'J'ort Stanley Graver,Road. From]: A~KaillS, Secretary of So lith ern Counties-Fair Associatioll, 'FroIl1 A.F. Butler, Iuspectorof Schoo~s, with annual rep€lrt, 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. From James A.Bell,County Engineer;with report oncon.dition of County bridges, etc. ' FromJ ames Stanton, Esq'., Clerk of the Peace; requesting to be paid by salary. ' From Trustees of School Section llUmber 14, Southwold, re amount paid for educatIOn of children from House of Industry . From D. .Luton, Surgeon - of the' Hduse of 'Industry, with annual report. Moved by C. A.'O'Malley, seconded ,by:}'ohn' Andrews, , That a committee be appointed, consistin'g of A, J,Leitch, ]). . Mills, Major Ellison, S. Clutton and Mr. McCally, to draw up and sub' mit .to this Council to.morrow morning, a: suitable mqtion of condolence tothe famFY of our late colleagne Capt~in J. _<:~_ W~isbro~.-Carried. Moved by John A:ndrews, seconded byD. McColl, Thafthedeputation from th~ Southern Countie~ Fair Association be ,heard at two o'doc~ to-morrow,..--'-Carried. Moved by J. B. Mills, seconded by A R Patterson,. .' That theTeportoftlle S~rgeon ofthe House, oflnd~strybeplaced on. file to be printed with. the minutes of the Council.-Carried. M9ved by D. McColl, seconded by J. Andrews, . Th~t the Trustees of ,School Section number 14, Southwold, be nowheard.~Carried. Messrs, Phillips 'and Law.tonthen addressed'the'Council. Moved by R. L. McC.l1y, seoonded by. R: Locker, . 1'hat :the petition of the Trustees '6fSchool Section NO'. , 14;"'S'outh~ ~ol<i', with regard to the education: of the' children of the Poor House, be referred to the-Education Committee to' report at,this session of the Council,'-Carried. Moved by J. Squance, seconded by W. 0, Pollo"k, That thiS 'Couucil app.oint ,3. comri1ittee:to, 'be' 'composed of. the Warden. Messrs. King, Leitch, ,Ellison and -W'ard t6take "pro,ceedings' towards the purchase of the' I:,ondonand Port Stanley Gravel Roao. by this County, . .Tn. ,amendment'. Moved by A.J. Leitch, seconded by R. Locker,. . That commtmication referring to the,; GravelRoad beiaid over until the J,amiary s~ssionjin order that a ,more direct expression frqm the people may be obtained,' ELGIN ; COUNTY, COUNCIL P~OCEEDINGS. , 39 AmendmeJ.1t'carried. ' Moved by R. Locker, .seeonded by R. L. McC.lly; That this Council adjourn,until'g' o'clock to-morrow morning, K. W.. McKAY, County Clerk. . J. A.MILLER, . 'Warden. ., :"c' .'~..-- ---, C'n ,,'-"'~""'" - - 40' ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; I1f.I1W SJiJSSION--SECONJ) D./I.Y. WEDN~SDAy,2;IST ;NQVEMl3ER; 1883. Tne.COl\hdl of the County of Elgin met thi.s day, according to adjournment. . The Warden in the chair. Member~ present: Messrs. O'Malley, McLaren, Lang, Leitch, :phtterson, McPherson; McColl,'Andre\vs, I~uton, (Yarmouth,) Pollock, Squancc,vVard, Locker, Abell, Simpson, Stratton, Godwin; Best, McCally; Clutton an~ Ellison. The 'proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by John Ellison, secondect\lY R.. Locker, l ThatNlr. Clutton be appointed OJi.'" a1\ committees of which Mr. vVeisbrod was a inember.--Carried. . I Moved by R. L. McCally seconded by H. T. G,odwin, That the communications not already disposed of be noW taken up and consldered.~-Carrted. The County Engirieer'i;), report was then read. Moved by,A. J. Leitch, se<:onded b{D. {:.McPherson, ~ 'I'bat the report of the County Engineer be referred to the Cbm~ mittee on Publlc' Impr9Yetnents.-----~;ar~ied. 'The,Clerk then read commulllcatIOn from Mr. Stanton, Clerk or < the Peace, requestingtobe paid by salary. i'vlove~l by,'D. McLaren, s~concled by D. Lang, That M r. Stanton's apiJlication be laid over untij this afternoon, C arriecl. Mov~cl by-John FJilson,seconcled.by R~ L. '?v:ltCally, ,That this Council petition the Local Legislatllfeto amend the quahlications ofR.eeves anc1Voters in Incorporated Villages, so as to make the qualificat,ions the same as those for Reeves and'V oters -in Townships--that is Reeve's freehold $400 and leasehold $800; for Voters $iOO, freeh91d or housqhcld,and that the petition be placed in the hands of otn:.loca1 memhers, 'V1,essrs Ermatinger and and Cascad- (1cn.--' 'arricd. . , Mbve(lby A. J. Leitch, seconded byA. R. Patterson, That the report of Committee on Education, in expense of educatIng tbe c:hildren ofthe House of Industry, and read.---Carricd. ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCILPROCEEDIN,GS., The ClerK read report. I Moved by A.' J. Leitch, secondedby'A. R.Patterson, That: the report. ,of the Committee,on'-Educa.tionbe,adopted.~ Carried. ' Movedby S. S. Clutton, seconded by R. L. MbCally", " That thisCounciL'<luthoriz~ .11 gran~:to. schbol,,',~ectionil,1p.Ip.ber,''r4, Southwold, to the am()~nt-Ofgne d?llarper monthfo(eacrpupil attend~ ing 'said school from the HO~lse of Industry: ., ,', ',' : In amendment. Moved by A. J: Leitch, secbn}ledbyA. R Patterson, That this Councilpiy 'to'SChoblisedion'humber fourteen-;" Sduth", wqld, for, the educa.ti<,:m of the c~ildren of the,.-t:J ouse,:, of Ttidustry,: the same rate as taxed for school purposes on o,therproperty,in-said school sectior).,; the property,' being valued "at-a fair valu~tiqn. The yeas a~dnays on the above motions being '-criJledfor,,_ were takene.s ,follows. On-amendment. _ ';" . ',;' ;, ',' Yeas:-Best,' Patterson, Leitch, Mc:Pherson~"Ward,"M'cI;aren'and Simpson :and Lang; '18. Nays~Godwii1, Stratton, McCally, Abell" Clutton, LOc'ker', Squanee, 0' Malley, Andrews und McColl, 10. i On-'-main motion. Y eas~Godwin,l :''Sttutton'; <, Me(; ally, Sqmince, Andrews, 'McColl. ' 9. r Nay?~Best, "Wa~d,,' P,atterson, Leitch, Mdjhers'oh," Sirrtps'ori, O'Malley,' McLaren, Lang. '9: Main motion declared carried. Moved hyD'l\1cColl, sesonded byD. McLa,eri, ;thatther~ports:of the,tol~initt'ee,: an'#, , Thspedoro(the'House of I~dus,try b~ :~ow ,re~eived,~tld read.~Cairied. ',. , ~! The' Clerk then 'retia reports. .,,:' Moved'by John-Andrews, seconded by D..McLarep,'; : ' . ,_,-Tl?a,f,the.reP0rt of:th~,90ll1mittee on,Ho~se or Ipd,~s,try, 'be ;ad~pt- ed.-Carned. . lI1:oye.dl;>y ~. 1.,. ~cC;ally, se50nd'7~ byS; \yard, That the Gounc:i;~ "d,o ,TIoW:adjou,rn ,J<;>i e;<all1in~ F~e, improY~men~s repairs.that.havebeen made'about the Gaol and Court'House~'to meet again at half past one o'clock"-.Carried':-' ' -The Council resumed. Abel~, ChittOh; 'Locker, 4:1 42 EJ..,GlN COUNTY COUNCILI'ROCEEDING~. Moved byC.A. O'Malley, seconded byD;-McSoll, That this Council 'exceedingly regret the absence of: twoDf our members, through severe illn:ess,' , ,and we hereby express oursillcere sympathy for Mcssrs. King and Luton, and hope that they maybe speedily restored to perfect health.'--'( :arfled. Moved byJ. SqU~nce, seconded hy\^(. O.Pollock, That the' deputiation frem the, Southern Co~nties Fair Association be now hear~L.-Carried. The deputatiol).;then, addressed;the,t:ouncil. Moved by \V. O. Pollock, secon<ied by R. L. Mcyally, That this Council grant the sum or t!uee hundred,dqlbrs, to, the Southern Counties 'Fair Association,:..-Carned.' I The yeas and nays an -thismotion'- being called for; wer'e taken down as folJows: -' " J Yyas~-'-Godwin, Besti Stratton, McCally, \Var,d"Abell,Loclzer; CI~tton,Pollock, Sq~ance,^qclrews, ~C;C911~I1dLuton., 13,' N ays-c-:-patterson,' Lei~ch, McPherson, M c Laren,L[l.ngj, ,Simpson, O'MalkY.7.' . Moved byA. J. Leitch, sconded by A.R,Patterson, That the resolution grantIng the Trustees of school section No; 14, S~mthwold, one doUar per: mon.t,hiror each,pupil ,attendi1}g' their s,chool froll1 the House of Industry, be reconsidered,_ as, a mistake WRljj m~cl.e.in: cPul]tillKthe yeas'and qays.~(.arried. the:yeas and nays on the motion' above r~ferre~lto,'iVeretaken , down as follows:., Originalmotion._:, ,:. ,. ,,',,_., ' . ,:':':- , Yeas-::God:win,:,Stratton,'McCally,. Abell, qlutton,L?.cker,-go)lock, Squa~ce,-tuton, Andrews,and,McCpIL I~~ ...... .... ,,' ",'!, Nays--':"'Best, Ward, Patterson, Lei~ch,Mc:Phe~sol1"Sil'npson, O'Malley, McLa~en; 8. 1-" .' . ' Amendment.'" .' ,Yeas~Be's~t,\ 'Patter;;~h" Leitth):rvrcPherson,'vVardIMcLaren, Simpsqn. 7. , . . ., , " "'",,;,,, ,,', , ,',', i;' , Nays~Godwi~, Stratton;- ,McCally, Abell, ,Clutto,n,' Locker, Pol~ ,l,o'~ik,_ S-quan~e','Luton) OIMalley,'::Andrews, . McColl;,' ":12'. OriginaL-motion c~rried~ ' Moved by R. Looker, seconded by R. L. McCally; ~ ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEPINGS. 43 ---------~-- That ,the, Reeves .andih-.the absence:of Reeves, the fir5t.J)ep~lty- Reeves of the several lllunicipalities;- be appointed a cOllunittee_to eq_uallze the assessment ro'lIs for the current y~ar.~Carried. Moved by A J. Leitcl:1,seconded by D., ;McLare,Il' . That this Coun"i! grant one hundred and fifty dollars to the West Elgin Branch Agricultural Sbdety.---,-Lost.' The ye'as and nays being called for, were tuken do<<;ri'asfollows': Yeas-Patterson, Leit~h, McPher:'5on) Laing, McLaren. 5. Nays-'--God\vin) Best, Stratton,' McCally, Ward, Abell, Locker, i Glutton, Pollock, Squance, Luton, Simpson;' O'Malley, Andrews and McColl. rs. Moved by D. McLaren, seconded by S. S. Clutton. .. That A.. J. Leitch be Placed on the Public Improvements Com- mittee in place- of Mr. Luton, of South' Dorchester, who is not able to attend.----'.Carried. . Mr", Simpson gave notice that he will apply for~ grant of$42.00. tqpay for-~,~pairing Kettle -Creek-bridge, near B\elmont, and on the Coun,ty line' between Elgin and Middlesex. !doved by 'Ft. Locker, s'econded. byS. W.ard, That By-faw n_umbeI:380, being a By-law to confirm the appoint- ment of'Kenneth\V.McKay, as Inspector of the House of Industry' J}ereceived and read a'first time.--'-Carried. Moved by. R. L. McCally, seconded by H. Stratton, That By- Law number 380 be redd a second time.-Carried. Moved bySa,muel S. Clutton, seconded by R. Locker, ThqfBy-lawnumber38obe read a third time -and finally passed -'-Carried. ~ Moved by Daniel A. Luton, seco"ded by W. O. Pollock. That the Cle~k'be authorized to procure a supply of Assessment and Collector's Rulls and Blanks, for use at Municipal Electious by the different Munidpalitiesin the County during I884.~Carried. Moved byC. A. O'Malley, leconded by John AUdrews,. This Goundl'gointo committee of the whole on the question of passing a By~law to do away with the Dog Tax or application Of the same.~Carried. .. .I The -Coundl went iIito committee of the whole, Mr: McCallyin the chair. I After ,considering the matterreferred to them, the committee rose 44 , ",,'J'ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. and the chal1'rnan ,reported thatthe"decision,was to,take,no action m 0 the matter:: Moved'-by'Mr/~cLaren; seconded by Mr. Locker; rh~t this Council do' now'adjourn until 'nine 'o'dock'\to~morrow mo'triing-.' Ki W.. )YlcjZi\.Y;, .Clerk. . J, Ai MILLE])., '\Varden. :' /~ . " "~'ie, (', ..i I ELGJN: CQUN'l'Y'CQUNCIL'PROCmmINGS. 45 . TH TED SESSI().N~THTRD D,;ZY, THURSDAy,:"2ZND:NOVEMBE1~J' :r883_ The Council of the Connt'yof ,Elgin met thjs day ac;corcIing to ~djournmen,L,,_, " "" "_ "'. 'The \Vardeniri the chair. Present: Messrs. OJMbJley,Mc Laren;,'J.ai~g':L~it~h, l~atterson,McPh~rson McColhAn,drews, Luto:n", P()llqc]c" ,SQl1ance,V!IVd,. ,AlJ~ll, Locker, , Simpson, Stratton, Godwin, Best"McCally, 11ifIs,(~lllt~?n. .,,1. ".:: ' The pro~eedings qf~h~'B,reviq}l?:,s~ssion:'1e~~'re~p; andcopfirm~d: Mpvecj by A. J. Leitch,second~d by S. Ward, , 'Thatthe report ofth~ Ptiblic Imp~qvement,Committeeb~,reGeived and read.--:-Carried. '. , The Cl~Fk,reaclxeport. . ,'", . Moved.~xD. Mcr;:oll,;ec~llclecjbyc. A, O'Malley, That the report of the Public ImprovementsConlluittee beac1opted. ....----:-Carried.., .....' , ",: ,....", '" .. '. '. 'i\1oved byJ ohn"1\~dre~s>,secori~ed by D~ . M~Laren, '~n{at Nfl'., Stantonl;eI-leard pefore this:<=:ouncilin refer'ence,tb the ':l"pplication~sent inby'him..:........Carried. " " " Mr. Stanto'n then addressed the. Cou'ncil. 1Yfovedby R.' Locker, seconded by A. R., Patt,ersop., :I'hat t.h,e,,, Cler~ oftl1e Peac~. ,be. pai,cl,~.. salarY:' of , six hundred and fiftydqHarsper.'apnuI?' ip.stead~f fees.-Carrie,d.,.,:. ., ' \1"oved ,by,'D.I\1 cC~fl, seccnlded' by J ohn,Andrews, That the" Public Improvements' Commit.tee,be: appointed.to,IT)eet .with a.committee from Middlesex, to repairpr:Ee~b~ildthe,Coyne;RQad Bridge. Said committee~o have ~o~er t()act',---:-Carried~ Mov~dbyC.A. Oj~aIley,. ~e~pnded'byL~wis ,~imps'o~" Thatthe Keep~r9i: 'the Jrouse, of Illdustrybe required to keepa .regis~erqf th~,chlldren,,'Y"l19. attend '~~hool'.an,d..ihai Jh~,.Il1speptotelU- body asum'maryofthe same'in his alinualreport~,~,Garried. . . Moved 9Y A. J.. ,Leit.ch., seco.pded, byA., R,.' P~tterson, That this' Council al)point jam~s . ,'M. Gi,enn, Esq;" as County. Solicitor. ' 46 ELGIN,COUNTY COUNCILPROCEEDlNGS, In amendment. Moved by/John Andrews, seconded oyD. A. Luton, Thafthis Cotintyat>point Mr.C~ 0., Ennatinger as their Solicitor. Main ,l)1otion carried. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by John A'11drews, That the Council "adjourn till two o'clock to allow Equalization Com~ittee to meet.-Catried, The Councilresu~ed at two q'clock. Moved by' ~).McLaren, se<6ridedbyD. Laiiig,' ,0 , That the Warded defe-ndjhe a?tion taken byOrforcUn connection with the Cruickshankdrain.~Carried; .. Moved'by D':'McColl"se~:onciedbi}. Andrews, That the report '()f Equalization Committee be received arid read. :...-Catried. J ' ~ The Clerk read report. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D.C. McPherson, Thatthereport of the Equalization C:ommittee'be adopted. In 'amel1.dYnent\ >0 " Moved by J. B.. Mi~, seconded by R. L.. Me,Cally, That the, As~essfnept" ofSpringfle'ld be reduced: from.$8I,oOO to $7~i,ooo, in consequence of the destruction of property:bysev~ral'recent fires. Amendment lost. Main motion carried. M()\.edbyJD.C.McPhetson, seconded by W.O. .Pollock, That the report ofthcCo:lmnittee,app.ointedto,dl'afta reso- lution of condolence t? the. family of J. C. \Veisbrod, deceased, be receiv'~~l an~' rcad.-,,'t;arried. . The Clerk read report. ..' . Moved by]). McColl, seconded.by J. A.ndrews, That, the ,report, of the"spec'ial"committec, appointed _to draft a resolu'tipll ofcotldolenc~ ~o the fam:ilyc)fthe- late Reeve of Aylmer, he adopted and suitably engrossed, - before transmission to~rs.vV eisbrod'. -Carried; unanimously. . , . , " ' ' :f.\1:ovedby C. A.:O'MaJl,e)'i seconded by John,Andrews. . ;rhatth~ tl1anks of this Council be tendered by the VV ardento the ~'-'- " , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGS. J oUrnaIPrinting '~Compahy, for copies of. the; Daily Journal presented . to ,members.-Carried. Moved by A;. J. Leitch, seconded by A. R; Patterson, That' the report of the, J riB Comm'ittee be ,received ~nd read.--'::'" Carried. The. Clerk: read' report. l\1oved by]. Squance,seconded byD. A~Lutop, That th€ report of the GaoI'Comiliittee be"a,.dopted as read.-- Carrird. Moved"by D. lvIcLal'en,'seconded by D. McColl. That the CountY,Engineer examine'the Robin's bridge 'On, town line between Yarmouth and Southwolct, and--have the same repaired if needeq.-'-----Carried. Moved by R. L. McCally, soconded by H.Strattoh, That the bridge overOtterCreek, in Vienna, known as the White Bridgel.just east of the Francisco House, bhthe late Iriger~olland Port, BurweU Plank Road"jsa County bridge and should, be p~lt in a proper sta.teof repair.-Last: Yeas---,----Godwin,t,Bestl.McCallY"StrattOD; 4. Nays"'":-:vVard, Abell,' Mills, LocJ;:er, Patterson, Leitch,McPher~ sO,n,Squance,,: ,C~utton" Pollock" Luton, Simpson"OIMalley" 'Andrews; .McColl;'Laing arid McLaren. 17. . Moved by D..Vlc('ojl seconded by R. LOcker, That the' Inspector ofthe'lIouse 'of Industry be requested tO,'add to his: report for-the present year a. statementshowirig the expense in.. curred for, the maintenance and. support of the inmates of the Hottseof Industry,-from the year,I$77'to;I883, inclusive.-.:......Carried. ?v1oved b)7 D.' McLaren, sec6ndedby'D; Laing; / That the Clerk get the proceedings and.reports .of com'mittees of thisiCouncilprinted in pamphlet form to be ready for distribution' not l!lter. than the 15th day of December, and t.hat a copy be mailed to each member.~Carried. Mavedby ~ewis Sihlpsan,seconded by C. A.,O'Malley, -That this Council grant, the sum of fifty 'dollars, ~o ,pay for h~lfp['repairsto :.K'.ettle Creek Bridge" on Caunty line between and Middlesex.-Carried. Moved by S.Ward, seoonded by W. O. Pollock, 47 48 ELGIN ,COUNTY' COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS. ,'Phat the County Engineer be instructed to make. all neccessary . repairs to the }amestownbridge, on town line, between Yarmouth and M~alahide.,-----Carrjed. \ I Moved by lqhn Andre~';~s, s~conded by D.,Mel :a'ren, That Hy.-Iaw ,nu1l1ber 38I,bei~g a By.law to appoint a Count)'" I Solicitor, be received and read a firsttlme.-Carri~d. Moved by D, McLaren seconded by D.Laing, That 'By-la~v' numner 381 ,be rca,d ,a second tiine,~Carriecl. Moved bY'D.McLaren, seconded by John Andrews, That By-law number 381 hereadnthird time and fmally-passed. ':-::Carried. Moved by,A.J..Leitch, second.ed by A~R. Patterson, That the CO!1nty Engineer, be instructed to look after ,a:ll the bridges on the town line_between Southwoldand Dunwich, and have all repairs that' are necessary attended to.--,--:"Carrie~. Mov~dby D. McColl, seconded by J. Andrews, That this, Council adjourn fot IS minutes toallow.the Finahce Committee to prepare their report.,-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. McPherson, That' John., McLean, Esq., School Ins?ector "of the ,city, of St. Thomas, be,andishercby required tofl1rnish;. this Council at this ses- sion, with a full bill of particulars of the expense incurred.t the ias~ intermediate 'examinations, on acco.unt of 'candidatesfrgrrithe COl,lDty who attended said examinat~ons, as we consider tl~e amount" ($44.00) this yearagain,st ($1S.QO) last year, being so much larger requires some explanation.~Carried~, ' ' On moti,on of Mr. An:dyew~"secondedbyMr. McLaren, the Council adjourned unti~ nine o'dock. _to-morrow ...:...-Carricd. Js:. W.McKAY, Clerk. J. A. M~LLER, \Varden: ELGIN" CCrd#Ty:idoUNCIL' ;PR6(h~EDING:S. TH'l'.RPJ'jSjJ;SSliJJvLPOVRTH'lJ'J1 'Y'/,..;i (~J r Li j (....,' i : ,. !.,d i ~'i(Fk'iD..(y,':h'3~D': N6~~MhE~I' I8S3~ "'I,,:,;,i J I',' I',', /;1]":-;",'-,1'1;"'11,>,1 .- The Councillll,~~, ~his ,qa:( ;ap~o~di~g;, t().~~j(pJW~~~~'1 The-Warderi,i'ri"ihe:dlair.', ,,1)1\1:1,'" "",1" '"l.t .~i4:~~f~,p't~MnF; '~");";<;'JJ, .,1, I':'" Ifll',i},:I_/}':l"r':;:;;::J':"f Ii;;') ~:,di if Messrs; O'Malley; McLaren, Laing, Leitch, Patterson, McCaU, Andrews, Luton (Y: arl.':lout\1),),'?,llo~,k! ,~g'1'mSf>\\yar(ii,,'\q~jl,o ,L.ocker, S!~p,sqn,,, Strattqnl, ,.9-o,4'''fi~~ "'~~?!~.,,M~l~s,. .~ ~~a,Ivan~,-S~lmt?,.P"i ,;,' ",.I'i",'1'/1 r,' ,"'" 'd ,,))j"~':":,:,..1 ",-..,III,g" ';,-,I.,'\(/DI.",,,.1,,',, ,,~>n, , ,;I'he. prQse.ecli!1g$~,qtth,e-,p'r,ev':~Qg~/~~,ss:i.Qn"'~~~:elrlff1dl'1~Jtd ,cpnJb!lpl;d'. Moved by A. J.. LeitcHrsec0rldedlbYIA;IR<PalitetiJdn'l' " ,.,:!j" u.! ....: :n,lat the" reportl' bf,:theFinhhc~_'(I({}tnmlltee:)l?:e,Mcei\re<ilva:na read. ~,(Gart;~eQ.." iY;'~ d'l )J ~Y!J,: rJ-Ju.!)o:),i:iid'! }u!'i' ,', ";1!l1efCJerk:'te~direp'o/t.'t.'L _~!;"Tni~ :::::.u:; t'.f'J: i /.'~:'-;:JL':~I;~)' '.1' "!lUMd+~d'liy R.'Lddltef; 'se2d\\M~'hy'Ri A'i:iell;' '''", i 1'hat. thT}TP8n,?f\h~.Fjn~~i;9 .~( R!11yiS\r,r. r b". aI!Of\eJ~:voy,~.. rried. ~ oved by D;. n~~~r~n,. ~TP?~~~~ Sf; ,B'I) MfS!9!J]') . ;~j, 1_: 1 i; j I'; T?at ML tvJcLean be now heard.~~Carri~d. Mr. M~LearLthen atidiessed the lCouncil; referring to expen'se in~ curred:'aflastdntermediate examination.. , Moved by D, IV! cLaren, seconded by].); Laing, That the"County' Epgineer be instru,cted to look after and rep~ir aJlbridges on''Township boundary lines when requested to do soby, resolution of Township Council. . The,Public Improvements Commit~ te~ to decide what bridges'should coine wIthin the meaning of the Act ~'~ County Bridges.,-:--Carried. Moved by is. Ward, soconded ~y R.L09ker, That By-lawnumber382, heing a By~lawto confirmth~ EqualizaH tion of-the Assessment Rolli> for the year 1883, be received and read a . first, time.---..,Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by H. Stratton, ThatBy~la\\';'nunibe!38'2be read a secondtime.-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by Jl., Abell, That By-law number 382 be read a third time and finally passed. ---',Carried. l I I 49 " = (.) .- :-? '::-- ,. . ~:cr' (')If-~ q- '[ riI 0... - o~,- Cii:--< ::; 0-:8 Eflt1l ~ o~ o..M- .....nr--C!7 r"On.? -' S-~'---J ~,\-'~i-3 ~["t:i":~;L~ ~ !7' e;, (1) ,...., ~ ~ (1l ar ;f """ ,:.-- "....,:::r 0 - . _ ~:,<:+ ~ ~ ~ """:l~>-l~w::r''0 >-!'!l';l):::O I-<~~ <: 'Jl~o_...... <'t> ::r 0 (D...... (t\ ~ '< ~-O:.-T:::.~ _ ?J ...... (tIl"il_:_~ P-'/o... ~ <: 0.. S ~.-+ n>' -<:; t1l --0. ~ g. g:. 0.. ~_g:. (tl '~& <+ &. Ee ~ 5"--" e ~ ~::r'" -00- :::.. "" (tl 0", cr'.!Jl@_,-< ::r' '.... "'- ........... _ \; <<:'. '<:...,;... 1lJ' " ..... c).,c ::3 8 '< (tl !:j r.J> -'-< -'--: 0 (~') - _: r-t- ,.';:l '"'!".::'::> VI ~ 0.....;. :::; ~c-d ::80 -d,-<,;:;"c-+(t . (')- >-!("p~--Sjl;n-(tl-S::"..c...:.~ti.". (tl:~.'"I,.~ .....-= .....?J p,'_ \....0.. B.q ~:-, -3 _ '_'_. . [._'~~,..';"'.~.=.[.- .~. ~. tt ~ .~ g. ;"~" ~ g f'.: b'..~ ~:?i :=-l-::::r >-1'0 n 1-1, ::;!.;;;t~2. ~~j"p c-'P';--: c....... _ -;:;"0 ._- ~ ~_. ~ -...... 0 S.:=:t, C-+'-;'r-t:~' 0 @: -a:_8- ?S-B- ~..'.:.~~.-~-.st.~., --g..:::; -S- F _.rE: ~ '<:.::c8-~:--:-' v;:l;:l '<c- n ":' - - --,.- ..... 0.. ......,. .-';:r' 0...,.:"....,;;. ("!: 0 - 2. ]-,o!':?J 0_00 :::g-7j' ::r' -' Ul _ rr. '<: Of 0 .'-~ p;;-""'" r.J> < ~~:::l g ,~_g '"1.--(1)'' ::<tl t:r:l (') g; '~-~(_ ~~:::lD_'''': :=:........ ~',_ ;:j "0........ 0 ~ ;:j~(to ''><:=''O-O'""'l'''1:::)'""'l-;~0 ........::r"o=- ~.oUJ? 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E' Co (!q._,O: ""'I ~-()o' - p ('D M' (t) ,'.,..........., "''"1''"1'' .......,.Cl'-< >-:to 'p..-...:_ re, p ",_'~ ,...., ~ p.. ..... i'" ~.". "x~ "" '1"0 .... p <:' .... .-to:- ? n '"1" " (5;::1 ~ (t) ,'"1 '( .....,.:.. ?>,o..'i p..p .;. :.;: ()~ c EQUALIZATION REPORT, 18830, '.:':v-. o ." .,.. " ;z o o " :z >-J ~:< '_n ;'-0 " --2: o. eo "00 :;> o r. " :~ ::~ .", '!' '. 1;heCoIlin'iitieeo!iEqualization of the. A~sessmentofth.e Copn\ybeg leavetosiibl.hit:the following report for.thecom~ideiatlOlLofthe Council. . '..: . ... .' " . c. ,', ' c' ;.... '. _. . , -~< 0 C C :: -. -:'" :::: .." ' '- IAssessed Personal , , . .Real and Per- EClllahz. Per"omll ...:: Real ',Real &; Perso. MUNIC-I:E~.AL.ITI:E~~) Acres Value Property & Real ProperlY sonal Propertye dValne Property as Property as na JPl'operJ;y ...,.. ". - ,- -,. Assessed/per Acre Income as AsseBsed. aBAssessed. per ACre! ASSe-BBed. :EqiIa}ized. i~s ];quaUzefl- . .. '.' .'. ... ilc~ '/ $1 >$. .. $ . " $. i $ 1 - $ . $ $ A..I~:bOr..oy..g!i._. :,.-".,:..;.,2,::1::75. :.'.:..:394 1$ 00'. '9.'O..,.20q! !,370,950. .1,4.6 .~,I5~ !. 23 i ~:.1.9' .0.0.0 T,734,OI2 I;t:04,o6,2 DUl)WICh. ": ;~. .. ~95'3 26 001 '74,_6401 ',794,950',9'9,'95! 29 r 'I1 605,2,OI;7,6r71 2,135,222 Spulhwold,:. .....17\380 31. 50! '=9:8951 2,5'0,046 2,639,94' I 42 1.'68. 58oj?,997,960! 3;,66,549 yarI\l.o....u.,th... ~.......::.::.::......f6..9~._:..8 ~1 37" 80! ~).'., S-}~51 ?j-Q4i,'598 2._:,8,16'9.~3 I 46 I 176553i..P,2I~;52?13~391307._-9 Malahide ....... ,..62-196 30 60: H5 3001 1,906,407.: 2,021,7-07 I, 37 H2 o'ooi ~,30,,252 2,'P3,z5"' s. Dc?IC?eiite;. ~<I~o .,-48,2 35 30j -:T7 9501 ~,~7~~96o' :'1,084'9;10: I: 43 ...~~. 900::'_I,3I~O;.726J 1,36o,7,16 B,a.~b., _~..-m..::........ '.:~.. .:-......1.5. 5~~I78 22 201 I;P2 3271 I,Z:29io76 i .I,33r'4.:;,~3;;-...,! 20 O."O~I'! !,I03,560 '1jT63,5Q9 VIenna ;" :-'-= ~~,.:. j _:, ~ ,!-3 3751 .:74:;'645 1'88,cnq':j TZjooo 72,00_'0 Aylmer ..:-, ,,".J :Z2 885 389;333': 462,2"~8'_,] 325,000 325,06b PortStal)ley ,c: "'1 I ~ 6 35"'1 r.clI;350c: :07,703'11 :1 84,00084,000 Sprmg'fieId,,,: "1,2 850I18,575i81'420~ i ~.. _ Cj 8.I,0001~:'00o -: I. './ ') . I <:::: i::f .. .;. [_ '.. .'.. . i;' - 1; '"' '..>- ,'! .~ \~~. )1 t~4~ j382I'5~2{~,703115,996,441 "~ :... C. .i\.lIbftwkith is~espectfully submitted. 5 , "- "--.-- ',-. Co&rcitte ;RQoip,$t'-~Thomas, 22nd Nov., 1883. ; C 'Ci\.]:TEI'FCH, Chairmau. 52 ELGIN:':CQUNTY, :C6tJNGILPROCEEDV~:ds; FINANCE REPORT, ;,883' ~ ).,-.,.-' .'..- '.-.' . '. " To the WardenandCtiu'1ci) qftl1e.County of Elgin: . ." The Comlllitteeb,n' Finance beg leave to repoit that, haying ex~' aminedinto th~:.stateof t~e F~nance~::o.fthe County, _~nd,the e'~timat~s prepa.red by the County Treasi.lfer,they her~with S\1QIIlit:l statemen~ pf the expenditurE1.x~quired for t~e\ lawful pUl~poses of!thci County, during the year 188'3, showing theamounts,required' to berajs.~d:for the: und~_'r- mentioned purposes'. CanadD:SouthernDebentures ..... . "',',', . .$\?OOO o~' Coupons...,............. .. ','" .1,..... ,,~~oo o~ Administratic.W~,of.J\t1~'<;:e, ":" ,. .... ~(35oo o<?: County Lines:<1-,n?;I?r~dgesi ':. 1'500 00.: High Schools . .3400 00 Model Scho'ols'::,,-.;:; ,,' _~"i50 00;, Inspectorof Schools'. /'; ~'; ." ":;:\:.700 oi?: Officers' Salarie~;&c, ,," . . ,:'~,3600 00' , PaymentofJ4r8r~'-; ,~,.'.,." <~,'::~", '_.' .\.~2JOO oq,! Payment of ~rowJ:l ~W,itn~ssg.s~..-~..:,:. .':' ~~ ::':,1900 00, ~-I6useoflndustry>:~; <'~:'!'\; :-. ."_~ ;-':_' .,""', ".3$00 oq Bills Payable..,....... . .',.:, ... ..',".... .":: 3~00 00'.. Sundry Accounts ~ ._,. ,.,..,;,;, 'r' .,-,., .:.'. ,., '1580,00 " .. ,,'V ,..J~~~a; .:,.,.:I:.;$~3~bo 00 .Common Schools': eqUJ,valent-,'.tQ:,' I;eglslauve"::,':,: -':, t :: ,;; Grant.... ..... ,:;".." '0."" '"J1~ro~ :Fotal,.' .c. .$:",,*61 " o~ ';" Y our Committee would rbcomme,r4thM the sU1l'ohhirty Eigh1 'thousand;': One Hund!ed and, Thirty D61~ars be )...ajsed 'and'.1eviedon the rateableproper~y ,in ,the' s~veral'MU:nlCipali~i~s:"in the_~qunty ,of ~Jgin durf,n:g the, year r88.3,Jor County purposes, ~s p~r S;Che,dule here~ w5th submitted, and that the said:Jequisite, By-La"{s be passe(i tqlevy a r'ate of T";'() andThre,e~~,ights Mil(s in the_pol,lar€>n':the'tateab~e property ;i1'l" the sev~Fal M uni~~p~Ities:o(theR.oun_ti;orElgin,as.-equaliz~4for ,the preceding..,,:year tor<:tis~,s~i4~ aihO'unts,:: iIicl\ls~ye of S(:f.1001 Gnuits, anel that the sum of Three Thbusa~d;-_Six;::fIundi~d and Thirty ,One Dol~ brs be raised in the sev,~ral Town,ship:,Munlcipalities,only fo{Common , EIA1,ml~,QQUN{IlY ICO:Qf;lGI-Li-I~~WaEEnINGs. IS3 ---~._-,._- -_.."._~. Schools;~ eqilaJ-.to ..tILe lGo:vernmeiiti li:rantj":at\d' hg) p'~o'P6rt'idrled and re- . quiredby the Educational Department, and entered in the following: Schedule under, the head of Common Schools. SCHEDULE OF RATES. ,-<,',', -"i." 1;.1.' ',i,Hi ~'" EQUALIzED General Railway COMMON I ' MUNW'P~LC"'" S , V'F'!.E: 18'2'1'I"'''li.tff."1''\~li,,,s~'('m,~,) ~qH;US.. Aldborough.. ., ,", , $r80.49)8, ". $pIjP3" $.'16~4 .j,$(i.9.9 '. 1,,$4896 DU,nwkh." 21345,84. 3I?2 ,19q~" 5,08, '5578 $o~'tJ:iwo14'.,: ",' 1'66: -,46:'" ',"6b2':-'~,';JI..dJ'_','622:', H:,d SI Yarmouth:.,. "". ".~3H;'6;3 ':9oi5jM' \":61'9'1 '$61'~: Malahide.. :';,';." ' "242]893' 3527'2'2'3'9". "562" ".'6328. Bayha~~,~d," ': .'I'ir',' " 1241 HO },~Pff.;,!i',~~,~4W("i:!A~P)' . (~ 3428 S., Docs~~stHr . . . . . 1350726 '96,3" 12452.31"['(/1 3439 Vlenn?-<l:,.,.;:........ 72000.105.i 66 i:Jlli'lil 17I Ayliner..... . .. .. 315006 4-58 290 748 .P:t.'!St~anl~y~).:.~.,.r.'. i;:ri'j {~4P,9Pj; ;;; P,-2,:2jiiwl.'17,7 1:;: irion', iI99 Springfield.... ... 8'000, lI8 74 , r92 T:o\~l.:.... . $!?054i174" iJ;k:lE6$I4S6'61$jgji :i~_~76r iltn' ',(',j All of which is refrpectfullx"silbmitted~;-i;~nrr., i .dn:" , I~: ')'"tjirlliil',)' Committee' Room, 7th June, 1883. J. B. MILLS, Chairman. .r'O -;:. -,..~,_.- . _._--=~ 54 EI~GIN ;:COUNTY, 'conNelL ";PROCEEl)INGS; ~- I'REFQJl.'J7'iQF\)COMM1']jiI'EE'IQN~'Ef)U<DA:n0N':' 'LH'L :-,:,'" .;i\ r It!' . '~- Ii ' "\L.)~ JAN'UARY SESSroN. ;.' ;', J,'.i ..,..... ,,': ':'.-:" "i\'>....',; j :-;.~ .', 'I'd the Cou)rtyc'CounciloftheCountyof Elgiri:' '\":I'heCo@iliittee<i>tl'~<1lu~a.tibtibeg:]~livetd'report: 'II." "," That yo),!i: com1l)ittee on E4ucation\ ,after discu'ssing th'(,ql!e,tipI)s uhtlei cODsi4e,ation fairly, beg . leave t,o'rcco\ilmend that 11ij;graritd to. t1\'el....J;..igh Sc1;l9ols be tn. ade as'KdllOws. fatthe'current year:"" ."j:, ".,,:;""" ','":'," . {\.,.. ";"- ,'.' . ".., ,,' $' '1'" '1, St. 11iomas. HIgh Sohool':.. . . . . . . .'- 1,700'.00 Ayln:l'er H. ",,'''',. _. .0< . -' "900'.6(>"- Vienna .1"" , . . .' ......... ..' ''800:0'0 '1')) ',' '1" . ,,,"'! '!',' . Vou[,committee,clid not.feel j,tstm'ed:,n changingthe'~r{(ritJdf.l\\st yea.r: I, ; ,c'. . J.iJ"'l>,,;ii\!/ . AI) bf whi'(l1,is respectfully submitted. <J ~~' ;, ~~ ,.<-/> (I"~", I:"')":' i,: ..,~: _,,_:~::.-: ,\):-' Committee, Rooms,.J anuaryJi!;sth:fJI\883{\! I :-i'; (J\il:\:-.: . "Ji;;;oT -:R~---bc.:McCALLY;'c..,..._- Chairman. l.'Jl\il_ , /:;':::i :'::_.1,1:;:: .; ;,~ \ !\!\ ,:[(1');1 ELGIN;: G0UNTY'_;COUNClU:- PROCEEDINGS. . 'CQUNTV'<ENrjNIIE'ElRi'S,iREP01';' jt; rq', ;",i;:~ ';';1 JANUARY SESSION. St. Thomas, January "3rd, 1883. To. the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin: GE:N~I.E~EN: At the meeting of the County Council in November last,Mr,' Hepburn, Reeve ofYar_mouth, and myself, were appointeda-committee to inspect the br,hlgesacrossthe Big Otter, in the Village of Vieqna, in order to ,ascertain ifsaid bridges were of such a nature as to compel the County to keep them in repair, . and if so, 'to take such steps as we" tho~ght nec:essa,ry in the matter. After ''inspecting. the bridges, "ang tJe 'creek in the vicinity, and .taking the, necessary measurements, we did, not feel competent to "decide the matter, as to whether they should come l.mder the jurisdic- tion of the County or not. I W ether~fore took the advice of Messrs.. Coyne & Mann which is .hereto attached, and it is to the effect that the County is not, COlU-' pelled to'~eep.saidbridges-in repair. "On the 2.7thofDecem'bei,I met my appointment; a committee of the County Council of Kent, in 'regar'dto building a new' approach t~ the Bothwell bridge, and after inspecting the place we decided that instead of re~buildinga new wooden approach, that it 'would be much better to fill in the approach with e,arth- and have it gravelledj this would . 'costa trifle moreatpresent, but will be better and cheaper in the end. Arrangements have been therefore made to have this q.one as soon, as the wehtlHif permits. J I visited and inspe,cted the Coyne read bt:idge lately, in conipany with'Mr. Leitch Reeve ofDunwich,_ and we fouud ,that it was necessary, ti:<', at,once,to makearrangeme,nt~ tohave,- the approach to this btidge on the, south side re-built, anethe n.ain, bridge re~planked. 1 have . therefore prep:::tred'plansand specifications, and advert~sed for ten. ders for the said work, to he in by ,\he 5th of February. The length of I 55 ;56 ': E1-,GIl"liC0U:N1W' iCOUNCIL >PRGCEEDINGS. --------.-------- this approach i~:~24 "fe.~t, ::;tt}(l'M'il.l'.<}Q?ra\;>out:$sop:,):~ndre-pla.nking the bridge will cost about $80. All of whioh is respectfully submitted. ~~-; (' , '" JAS. A. BELL,. County Engi~eer. ;-'[J('"'I .' '.lli-;,,, .H[j' , )j(,' 'II; ,),) lHI.I~ ),<J ( :l ,'1'/,',':'1 EI;.(}~R. COUNTY .COl!N,CIL PROCEEDING3. 57 . GOUl'-HY . ENGINj;;ER'" .REPqR T. JUNE ','SESSION; St. Thomas,' June. 4th,;r883; To the Wardenad.d:Councilof,the County,qf Elgin: GEN11LEMEN: . '. I beg to report on the state of the Public Works in the County, 3,sfo1.lows:' .' ; " . ..; Sin:a~'~out' last 'session I l1aveattended to all. the :~mproYements -on the' County:Jbridges: :that",'were recommended, byyourhonorable. hody,' Th~ l!uilding ofthe appioachto the Coyne road bridge was a\Vard- e<jtb C:'].'Campbe]J ofEkfrid;.for $S44,.being the 10)Vest,tender; but owing to defective' workmansllip: ~l1d 'l11~.~erial;. the work has not been c9mpleted according to contract.' 'I have therefore' kepi:back $144 till such ~,ill1e,.asjt.i?:'completeds<ttisfact6rily" .This..9ridg~, has also been re-'plal~:kedthis s~ring. ' . , the Grahilnl' road btiQ.ge has had some new plank. put on, a~d the truss ~tayed, and is now in good condition. ... , The earth approach to the 'Bothwell bridge is not quite . complet~d. but will be in a few d.ys. The high water has washed away the earth' ,from one tier of piles in the south abutment of this br~dge, "A,new ~ier of. piles wnl haveto be driven in their place. With. this exception? and -' the breaking of a few 'plank on the piers and abutments of the bridges, the spring freshets have done no material damage. All the other bridges _are in good condition. Asyo,u arerio doubt aware, a fire occurred in the Courtnouse'6~n the eyening of tp,e, 20th of March,. caused by 'a . defective' pipe in ori,e ol the, hot air furnaces. On examination I found that. the sh"eet iron around the furmice room was in a'Very rotten conditiou. With the consent of the chairman/of the Gaol Committee, I.had the" rotten ma terial,torn dmyn,andreplaced:with tin around the furnac,e, from'which the fire escaped. This will also have to be done around the other. fur~ nace, before there is anx more fire put in it, as it -is' not in' a safe con- dition" ,0 / niTii~~;""'-"';;:oC';i"iL'tIIi~;i"- '"";'''7''''~~1.''<'t~'~'i7'' - .-..~-~~- 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING'S; ..._----~---~ I beg also to'statelthat:':t 'hav~ma:de an"exam'inatlonrof the Court House, and beg to call your attention to to,the state 'the building' is in, so that yon can take suth action in the matter as you think proper; Through neglect of proper drainage 'and ventilation, the joists of the whole building under the Hrst ~oor are'N~ry much decayed, and a.re not in a proper state to bear the weight they are supp()sedto carry. This has'teen caused,'I;have. stated, by imperfect drainage and a lacko. ventilatiOI" There has been no provision made in erecting the buildingf for a circulation of air un&~ttl~e' 'first floor; . This",,:together with the 'water lying onthe ground, for which there is no escape, has caused. all the timber to decay, until a large portion of it IS completely rotteD.' . 1 would also ~all;our ":'it\e'ntiorC to! the fi'ct;:ihat s6'me gratings have been placed III the corridors; which in my opinion, are'very ob- jectionable,',," they allow the foul air, caused by decaying. tin\.ber, and a . large amount of sweepings which have been depositedthro\lgh: th,ese gratings"t9.e~capeinto the cor.~idots andoffice~ of the buil~ing'i The roof of theb\1ilding also requires repairing in some places. ,ill.ofwhicb is respec\fullysubmitte\L . "-I have 'the ho~ort~1bel Gentlemen, youtobedierit'.s~r\,'antl Jj\S.. A.: BET,L. , EL(},I~-' .co'(J~'J;'.y.; COUN.qJ~ Pl,<99~~IVNGS,. C.QPNTX .EN~TNE;l);R:S,.REPQRT. t" 'Nq'VF.;MBER kESS ION) St.-- Thomas,- Nov., -' I'9th;, 1883. To the W ard~n and Co~ncil,of the County .of Elgin: GEN:T:LEMEN: , . I begt6 submifmy'tisualr~pbl't, dr:l,thestate ofthepublic'works of:the 'c~~ritt i:" c"""'" ,;,,:,::' "',,:,, " ': The bridges throughout ihe County are in a sufficiently good state ofrep'air to'last until spring: : ',:1,<';.; ;:<'~'-".,: " i :, . ".'.','; '.',"', .:, ", , -' Sjn<;e.Y()].Ir; la$t.me~ting,t~o,'He~.Rridges':h~Y,E!:9~en;1:ni~~t'I:;~?i: \:,i;,he;V~'enBa:'b'd4g~,::~Jtd tl1e'''o,~'~' i6t~r, the' iOt,ti:+Cieek, 'on the c:o~ntyline betweenO~ford"rid l);lgi~.~' , ., '.'.... .:;1,...... .:'...... .." "",:'" -' .,;.... ...."'.-'.'. '.' Immediately-after' you assumed,those'bridges. atyollr ,last meeting I,made:an,:ex'ainiuation .Df ,thein,':' and,,: found the VIenna' : bridge. in fl da~gerous5tate, a~d the .otter; creek bridge'>gohe. . I 'wrote the chair~ man of the 'public':improvementto.',that'effectjand.' heicalled.;the"com~ . mitteet,ogetherin my oftice. . In,themeantime Thad prepared. plans 'fnd '. asked . for, tenders for,. the .,buildi9g;} Of ::a. "Ho~e,T:~us~ ,: Bridge, . at VienI).a, of roo feet span, bes'ides 'the' approach.' ,The committee awarded the contract to Messrs. Forsythe, and': J aneroux of Vienna" for the sum of$1 600, "not ,induding :approaches,which were subseci'lently let't9.the same contractors; for the sum of $110. This bridge has been completed in a good and substantial manner, an'd is now one of the.,pest bridgesintheCounty. At the ~ame meeting of the. committee, Mr. 1Vard and myself were appointed to let the contract for the Catfish creek bridge, in conjunction with the commissioner from Oxford. vVe advertised for tenders, and awarded the contrac,t toMr,.Bo:ughnerof Brownsville, forthe sum of $300, and'subsequently the approaches for $83.56. This bridge is now also completed, but the approaches are not 'yet quite finished; This' bridge is a Queen Truss structure of30 feet -span.' . There has been some repairs made to some of the other' bridges, notablYl a new abutment.to the Bothwell bridge; new planking to the 59 '60 ELGlt.t" c;Cl1JN'IV' cotr'NCn~ . PI{OCEElnNGS'. ELGIN.> POU.~7;~;;CqVr.lqL"P~9~?t:~IJ~"NO:S; 61 REl'QR:l',QF~V:Br.,r9WP,RO~Jj:M)lfI"TS;C0I1l\1m;EE. appt9ach oftheWatdsville;bMgejriew' plank artdremoviDg timher from the Graham road'bridge; removing timber and a new bent to the Coyne road bridge, and a new nose put on the ice break of the Kains bridge. Ipthe month of July, I; in company with Mr. Talbot,engineer ofthe County of M iddle~e)l:, W3:9.e,a,~h,9~Otlgh examination oftheCoyne road bridge, and concluded that it would have to be rebuilt this winter. Jhd~e;d;:~itwas'givingiwaY'so,rriuch that we had to get a bent put in to assist in' supporting it.Thi~ bent 'Y~11 n()t withstand the ac~ion,ofthe ice in the spring. . \, The.stl"uct\1re' should,:('ifllpossible be, rejJlae::ed' this winter. " The Shelborntdbridge will also require considerable' repairs' hi the spring', as ..thei~pproaoh. is:giving ,W:;t Yj, al1d ~ th,e. Kains ,bridger will require to be re_pIAnked.Allthe otherbridges are 'in a good state of repair, al).d I dq not ~nticipate any exteI1~ive repairs rO,them neJ;'t year, .' :J ." )'" ';'.' ". ,f. ". Since your' last meeting, ~onsiderable',":;if\lpr()yeJl1,ents,: have"peen made. to th~ . (ourt ,f1 ?useand, Jail, ,by order?f. the:committee. The first floor'rn' ilie'Court': H<:)Use nas'beeriiall'ieplaced, and" the:furnaces ~nd furNaCe TQolll \n the Jail ha~e b~el} repaired 5.0, as t9 'Irl~ke ,the room al~ost fire proof. 'N othiIl;~' hp:y~~er ;,< r8:s, ~een, ?,ope' h~, t~r :~~t~~r, ',~f constructing a sewer. It ls\verymuch needed, and 1 hope'your honor~ hble,J:)Qdy'will see'your:'~:ay ,dearl' '.W' have,this::ma~ter; attended to in spring~ The water closets'alsD, 'will have 'to be, te-built'.or repaired, 'us they are nbwin', a bad c~ditionj:,:'-but -if you d~cide, en c'onstructing, a sewer ih 'the 'spring; I: would recommend that they' 't>e'built at: the,same time. ',;,' ;,I~; .. .' " " '. ; , . " .' '.' ~ ..,." Au o(';'hich 'is respectfUlly subn>itted. . ...c...., ", '. ,..,..e".,..... ':" (Signoo.') s~",;r:~qn1a~'iJ,anp~r:t ,~5~h, t8;83' , , To tl)ny~rde~an~C.o~!wihpqlw! ,<;:;9U,?,\~qf l);1gi~; '." i;GEr;TTDEMEN,:":J':. , . 'j ".'~j,i ^,'" ",' ',' !'/j..~ (;,rybilt~'C{jnlfh'1tteepri: PuJ~1ic'Ih1P!bveh1en~~)begileave,:to repo~t 'a:s follows:, '," :,,1,,1:,:;\, :..: "i,. (tot) . '''That 'youYCdmiriittee:isudflt!{e, opi~i6n.'that (the .Kains b~idge,arid,' SbGeprg'e-sl:bridge, between'. the City'of.St; ,Thoniasand 'the' Township''ofYarnibiith, ',and'iY!~o tlii! 'FalhQt:stlibridge; hetween. tpe PlY,'or' S,i. Tho.lVas'~nd the:'l'b'Yes;lii~"'ofSout~'VQld;: .are . ,County Bndg'eS,'by'SectlOn49S 0ftheMu?1~'pa:l fAct.,., . ',' i ,,'{');~A)' ':Dha;:th~ B;idg' es,o;;e~ th~ ,~jg,:Q' iieiCre~'kl irl' lb,e Vil,la,g','e, ," .,,\J,.'l'~' ,'....., ,.- "'.'. '''.'',,; ,'...'; ,-,',".', "'.'.' ::';....> ......",' :..")1;:".,.,'! ".f.:'.....".;.:',.:..... .j(;yi;~l}~~t :l!tr~lnpt,GQHnrY i.13r~~ge,~~)I.:s ~ l~ip''' J~?YV~\ in:: jW~f[M;HniClpal '" ;9t.'(L~'H:.: i: ", '(3rd) That the Countv.Enginoer,'obtain',adegaLdpinion;to de- ,t)..If~,#)E;, WQr9-_ "approa~~,~'3,S,.~pplkQi~t4e Mu,tLicipal;A.ct to B.ridges. \.'."j,.,. _A'J. "',.',..- ;....... "/' ' c.,..', ',.J, ;.: .,". .:",', "i,' ; ..:", ~,.,.t ".: ':'. .' :., .1'.': ~ .: ( :', .' . .." "i(4th)! Th~ttheaccountofJJ~hn,Sl)a~on"ro;' g~(l,~el t9. ,the)yards-' ville '-Bridge, ,;lof $2ioo;.be I paid, ,and I ,also! the; '3,ceq,Qnt.-,.of Coyn,e1;{l,qd 0 ..; Mann,rfQr~ $5.00 i(or legal . advice' in connection, with the Vienna Brid~ei/,...,J; , , i ':' i i ~ ,g-" : I (5th) That the Chairman and Engineer have power to let, the contrad fo~ huildingthe approach to the Coyne Road Bridge. All of which is respectfully, submitted. D. McLAR.EN, Cqairman." JANUARY. SESSION; ".,. - '1/" 'J AS. 1).. BELL, COrnrl1ittee Rooms,. 25th January, ,1883. , ii, 6'2 m.,dN' \,:btrf.N~" cdbN'dt .'pIi6Gl~;EblN'GS: I;: -------'~..-:..---- R'EilQR1' '6'F'JPt.iE'tiCf tMPftClvEMEN<fS' !c(!JMM:IitilEFJ. :"'ilUNi~' 'SESStON/ \ '!'6\l1iC6uiliy' 'c?hn'dfHf'ii{edounty of Elgin, Of: ';:"', _ -, , , " " The Cortn\littg/,'bI; pu1:ific'rclpldveWenHi'1i.!gleaveto' re'port;: c! (1st) i That all the c1ausesin the Engineer's report,.,referring"to)the <:;ounIY' bridges lq.e4dopted,a11f.\JhatllheCollnty:\1,nglney, ,\11' {instruct- edto have the same atten.ded to.. ' II j"A( 2nd!)i "'l'he!,dou"ty.E"gi,,e~rlw,s ,lnfgrmec)JW I th~ltfte C;purtypf ! Middlesex Irefuse ,to(.'1:iear ',oneilw\fpf,;t~~lgxpeI)se,pf)k~ep\ng, U,).',.t)W . approaches tothe,hridgesion the! Rlver,,:ThameJj.;,tl)at,th,eY;9l)ly:wW)1 to keep. up.theJapptoacheson,th~noltl;r s,iile oH)1eJil'.\'f-i" p;stlW 1'I09t expensIve approaches are,911 i\h~,jj:)gm!SI(h;, ,arA.s .the,ActAefines)\l\at tlle, Coullties are joint\yJiable fOF t)1e k~eping. of the whole stnitt\ire, iipclHi=1\~g'~\\~i'.9i~~i'A;',w~; )\i?\1l~'t~AOi~IAe~~' tha~ 'i~J',0.1e,i:k h," \~~~fl\ct- eil to communicate wIth tile Cdu!lc!l of Mldlllesex,'staUtig that'IIIS.t\\e opinion ofthis Council, that they should contribute one-half the 'cbst .ofkeeping,thewholeimrepair.,..x, .. .'.... .... . ,in , .,!, \3rc\\' hat\~i~?m~tie~l[d(thj~elborri~ br;dge:.~athe:V'ieiiita '.'bridges;'your cottimiltee 'beg!" referlthe matter' to ,you .for your ,,~onsidr . 'e'tatioW,' a~ they havefaikd to 1Oonle.to any ,decision dh the ,mattei. i i i iv _~::jJ:.;! I '...r; :)'l!'" \l(',,':,:il,I(!i, :.1 ,,'I' 1':."'! "':D.:'M;cLA!R~EN'iLtI~ Chaltilihh c,'i'l I 'j')'.'ilY -/1.L r:F.' .j:jtJII'iQ"') ,-'I] i'ljltH !~I, ii , ,:nr:lH!J::I <~,J~' 01.,,11. ',; '-<:;jJ;i!i'" '''-1 ", I .1 ELqn{.: ~9P;f'i.T~j' ,c<?P~:CI1t):r~,qSE~J?~Ne~'" i '"i _.~--~- REPORT OfF iRUJ;lJ-,m ,IM,P;IJ.,QSEME~rS, f:q,MMITTEE. 63 ~QY1E;M~l1~ ;S,Jt:!?SION: I; St: -'J;'h8:l}1~~~!; _I;{8_f,';j;2A,:),~$~,~' To the Warden and COllM!\ l1f,the, !Copry,tYlofrElg.1n:,D'" .!' ,; ,I ,', '}."~EN1iLEMEN.?1'h 'i,j!{~;."'. i,. ~_:,ii':JY9uriJ>;ublic _ Improvemep.t Committ~idi))dg.ie;rve(le8.lrepld':~)as'f61~ I?,WH:' ',") "-',': , "j"~~~"J,,:{:;-:,'::," '~\:_)' ,"jf,'I: i~," ~fi':";:: "t,'.: ,j I (\,:,I[Y:;'-) , ,,1 ,r:;:I', :/!.' 'J;\:~'r'(ii' I ,'," ."'(..st):. TII~t as,tH~,c;ountyEngiri.e\,r>h~srrepqrted;.th~t t1i~,(;,o'yJ)e 'rbad~H#~g~'will' requit~ t<?b(tjt~l!Jtiiltithisi\Vintex,;lw~ _WPqL~ 'ir~G.9:~W~~~ th'a:;f,,(y?p~)li~~o.~a.b1'e'bbdy_\appqinti.a ':€op:lmi~tee !tP ,m~et !qnd)~~~ Ih?-!',};QI1- juriction>whh ,a! similar: lcomfuitteeiJrofficther(2,Qunty i:Qf.. iMid9-1~sf~?',to ,MJce:'iJ,1to,c9l,1~j<ileratj\1n t.h~,~e-bpilSFrgp( t~is s.t.ructure, with po\ver to act, should theyd~eln' iUiecessary: '.','" .;0.'. :-:',';!)" ; ',_:;,H} ,n:: i ! ,f' 1) " " , ' _,oj"",. J!)W~'.!;" :)!'1,.:)),(, h:Y/I'!ljrri' ,.: ,L,!!.; Trflt tl;1~,C()U.t1ty_En~ine,er;ge'..<lutqori,zed t() attenq., ,to any neces.. saryrepairs on the County bri4g~~;~ ~il:.'~~qer:t'6"I~~:e-p tn~'m in(a sa~~ con~ ditionforpublidtravel.. ,'., ",' ,1"'_,,1, I-I (II" ,," ,f).'} ';, '1';', '11'( 1"X.Xl!J~f~hish':Wr~,~,p,ec'tf#lW!s~_~4;~~~~.~:;:;Jn ':',J:;'( .. , j , . "_'>'~ ,',' i, -,. .,', , .:" , ' ", j" , ' , " , ': """,..,. ~ ,,',,', ',,', ',-- -, ''',' , ' " ' , , :,' , ,; , ,\1 " '", "/,,.). J:,ft,ff, ')':11 I,), .';!-Y' ,.1 i:n::"" Dj:)M~l.;.A,:R.:E,N', i'~""'P . . '.' Chairman. u/;~;,:,).,;,:nr,'lii: "J '0 '/ ( '" 64 I, "..,'..'! -;"'-,' ,"'," .,.......,-',. ". .' ',' ELGIN .COUN1'Y COUNCIL'PROCEEDINGS; ---'<-.----,---~-. -'-"--"-_._---~ 'I' :iJiEPd'R'li'6'F'dA6r)'C0N1rVrltf11EEi. ) ~--. ,il, j J ""JtiNE~::SEss'I6N~ 1'ci:ine'WardeKand''d6hbcil'ofthe Cou\lty of Elgin: ~l'he.' Gaol, Comlh'it~e'ii)b-Bg")Ie'<ive' t6 -;rep;6tti;; j.') 1St. Th'at the construction of the ,sewer from tht;~\; g~o~, !p~,~;D,1~ses .\\a,5 ,Jjl,o;ilJ~eI! P8oc,.e,~e,q)Vitl);.,.". ' " .. ". ..' " , " 2nd. '.' Your)' 'committee 'were -of the~ : bpiniorl , that:: pfis'dil"i'labor c,,:ulq be. empl?yed and thereby save a large expense to the county, 'ol\t\1hder ex..t\ngjregul\ation~;tlie811eriffi!W6Uldlrota)loW t\1" p,rison- : ei~ ld'do 'tll,worki; utiless iherei:eived,iJnstr,uctio.\ISii(r9mit\1e" :rn9l'~ctor, t6wlid~n:he jmrAediatelYJ",roteii and,recei~ed "n, "risW4r,tW\11Ch,is ,iuac- :coidahte"'iththe(.R'egUlatii>tJs;iarid'nr~Y,belexpress,.d,it'l tlW Jollo\ving;: ,j; ,_ :'....,...,'1 ,'..i:~Hi'::<-::':~ i:I(",' t,.:) ',.,,;:'.,;'H<..'.,O .,...., i' r" .:; '':.''1' (':: ..to,,,.' ". :,.., ::" .. .'! (,1) . That"pnsoners not'_ltabl~:J9,..~~tX~1.-i4ti~~v,raD,<?t1'C~~rd'--riot be e\11pl,,:yed outsi~~ theg.ol~al1s.. '.'" ," .,>"", ';'e~~;V~~ ~~~f~~~f~;~~~r~~~~~~\~iRl~;.:rMst:.ehtT~,ce; :c~?,?nly , "."";.)",l.lr"I'(<""."""":,,,; . (3) With referenc~i.W'il,~ml'I9y<i'W,Yri~0~e!s )U')'Of\f iaol k!tchen,)presu\11e the ordmary ru!t;s'f!iust app\)llp it. I 'h.linotsee l~rl\r;;,;~r!b'gMhg'lyoul authority to relax the gaol rules in that respect. 3rd. Your committee not being satisfied with this, wr9te to the Attorney.Generaland received an answer to the same effest,:,:and' dir- ecting their attention,to the Statutes under whicl1 the rules are based. Rule number 84, with reference to extra mural labor, reads_as follows: "No prisoner sentenced to confinement in any common ,"the' Province, shall be assigned for:, the performance of extra "labor, unless he is then under ,sentenc~, to hard labor,- and "have undergone a prior sentence in the gaol in which he is confined; l'lnot until he shall he certifIed by the Gaol Surge,on to be physically-fit '.'to perform. the class of . hard labor at which it 15 proposed to employ "him," As very few prisoners are sentenced a 'second time to the Central Prison or Penitentiar9, it will be necessary to labor, if tl1e sewer is constructed, ' 4th. As the pnson labor cannot be employed, your committee ELGIN COUNTY COUNC;ILPRQCEE;DINGS. 6S decline to take any 0 ;lction' ,in" conpectiql). with\t~ese\veri . and recom- mend that your honorable body consider the matter and decide what is, best to' be done, 5th. Your co mmittee would recommend that the Engineer be instructed to make all nece,s,s;lryrepairs to,. the lower floor of the' Court Hou,se, as will tender it safe to bear the weight it is supposed to carry, also that he make what improvements are:necess"ary to ,'secure,'proper: rentilation and drainage under the said floor. 6th. That the roof of the Court House and Gaol. be repaired" where necessary. '7t4.. ,.That. the gaol fuwa_ce(aBsirfurl}~fe rpop\, be made.. secure, I ~o,as' t.o,prevent.any, dangeI>?fa,~r~;occurrl,~gll1 tre fLJture,and that the.fl9.orl~~ the,gaol berepl;l~I;~dwheren~s~,ssar~, ' '(Sthr 'Yourcomniittee would tc~binmend thatthe Clevk be In- . str'ucted ':,to :p*ocu~e ~ ,suitable ,b~ok,-' forjthe:pu~pose) of entering; a, list of alrart'ic~~s'~required' for g~?l"use'as';,they'are' 'purcnased",and that.; tHe g:a~ler':,~'e-:'re:q\jired . t() procure' ;fram',the Clerk an, 0rder:for 'any articleq he,'~~Y'feq~lt~'r6r ,g~ol LtlS'e;" before.'p~rchasing them. All of Which is respeotfully subIfiitted. JOHN KING, Chait-man. ,', .. '. , Li; 'ii' ". ;-'1;"" , /',' " 66d lL:LGi:N-''' COl.JN+V . Co'U~'C'lL PRdcEEDINGS; ELGIN COUN1;'Y ,COUNCIL PROCEEPINGS. 67 J(EPO]{TClF 'GAOL' COMMITTEE. h),!"I;:>".'" ... .... . .".- , Y our:eommittee)V0uh;lalso recommcfld:- that: the. board: fe~ce on the west side of the gaol be re'moved ab~ut two rods' f~rther west, in order to enclose the space now occupied by the wood yard. All of which is respectfully submitted. W,"O..POLLOGK, ,; ,: Chairmaq" pro tel11! :' ri..,! . '" I)~ ",-;( ;/' NOVF:'lVrin<~R' iSE~S'ION; ,!I Td'the jyV'ardeI1"and:Cotthdlof the"C01:mty ;,_of;Elgin:" ,(;':r;~TLlj;tm~: )(;1 ":,.; I The GaolCom,mittce beg leave to report: " ;~;h~t' :,~s '~11i:h?h'ze,d',at'ti1e" l~i;t';s~'ssidri; 'Of 'the CO\1n~il;. your;CoU1~ ri1ittee have haq a nc\\')f~~l~ p;ut'i~',the,?~l~s add: 9ftice's,-~fJtpe'Court House, at' the ,expense of '$28'2;0'5.' -The'dffice's \vete(also"paintep.!'ahd' kalso~in~d', and!thereby"xendered mor,e, ~h~~rfl1~,ft!).d,; 4,ealt~y[\fot the "occup"ant$';, "While; the,f\()Drs,were,:being put~ j}l,Jl; pe,!it,ipp, ,&~gned:by;; Jh~ (~ountyofficials,' settingi rfqrth th~t! th~", tlOq,rs, w:~re.Jh~).l;:p~in.g ,,relJ.,eW,e4, but ,that, the ;drainage','of'"th~, uDder)yiug,,)Vj\t~f ,)Va., .pgt,,1;>eing, ,prg, vided' for, was forwarded to:'the:IJ;l,~p'eQt{)J:"of.r~isQPSnYf;h9: ;~wme4ia~e1Y sent a copy to the Clerk, requesting 'him to lay. it before the b-a9l Com- mittee. ' ' ,,"j,~;J{'-':,:': ,:i'!:"J ,~,; ,:.' ;:,;:,' "', >-11 ill "r<Yo\l;I,committee, after considering theniatter, decided that as ob. jection has been raised to allowing the sewer to be put through the property, as at first proposed, and asthe only other outlet is the public sewer, whichis'now'under course of construction, would recommend that the communication be laid before the County' Council at the November session, as the main sewer will not be ready for public use before that time. This was 'forwarded to the Inspector:. . Your committee would strongly urge that fherria,tter discussed atthis session of the,Council,as better facilities for the Gaol and CourtHouse premisesarereql.lired. ;!f. \_i. \";i';!, I , ',;", , Your' committee in$tructed the Engineer to have the gaol furnaces put in a first-class condition I and believe that they are now in sucha condition as to render any danger.from fire out oftl1e question. ,;' Your committee have also ordered new floors to be put in wards" numbers one and two in gaol', which will be attended to as s06n as the material can be procured. ""l ;''l!, .,' , 68 ElDIN C6UN1~Y COUNCIL riItQCEEDIi:ws. ~~----- PUBLIC SCHOOI.;'INSPECTOR'S \. h. _,,' ".,', '_' ,.,.." " .~.",: !. AN:\"UAI.; RBPORT.' ".., ,n ,\ To t.he Warden aridCou1\dlfor, the County of Elgin ; GEWliE~iEN':" In accordaI?ce with a resolution passed at a previous session of your Council, I beg leave to present the following report: The number of schools and departments of schools, allnow III actualop~ration in the County of Elgin is <;l.S follows: In the Township of Aldborough. . .. .... . ~.... 14 . " ,,' Dunwich .... .... .... ..".;..17' " " Southwold ~;,.'. ." ..~.-...18 H " Yarmouth ....' ,. . . ." .,. . 19, " " Ma1cihide.....: .,. . ,..18 " " 'Bayham ,. . ..,. .;'-.. .1:7 " " S. Dorchester . . . . . 5 " Village" Springli.eld.. .'...' . . ;_'" ;.. 3 " " Port Stanley ............... 2 " " Vienna ." . , . ., .' . . . . ., 2 " "Aylmer. .. .. ,...... 5 .. 120" Total.. .. , .. .. . .. 'l~he tQtaLnumber of school-houses is 104, .The general:charatterofthe, . school accommodation is now good. A large proportion of the buildings and premises may be classed as,ex~ cellent,'tQ?ugh there are still a few sections where new school-hous,es are needed; ''', 'There;is a very. encouraging w:il1ingnesson .the part of trustees to provide good accommodationj <;l.nd to supply' the school~roon:i with maps and apparatus. /' A, mal,1ual of school laws isat present much needed. The Compendium of 1878 i~ the latest in use, and this does not contain the legislation of the past five years. This want be 'remedied at the ne'xt session of the Ontario Parliamehtjand , prob~ble that a complete consolidation of the school law will be tbQa~h ~choolsection early in '1884. I!:LGIN;,COU-N:'l"Y - :GOUNC1L .'1-':ROG,H;EDINGS. . "-During"the.,last :few'yenrs ,~the,:standardJ .of.acqiiirements: for.. .teach~ ~rs h~sbeen,graduallyralsed. . -- -' . : ',' .' ,.":' : -' ~' .,." : ,. . .' . '. ' Besides a very, cons{~enlbie'~nowledge: of literary and'sCientific' subjects a candidate for ., tbird-dass certificate must now spend th,ree months,time"in professlOnaLstudies and practice in'aCounty m()del school, and then after one year's experience;in-tea€hing ;a' session 'oHive' months in -the Normal SchOOl, before securinga'penhanent .,second ' class certificate. ' Then,umber now teaching on second class certificates is 42; third class. 60; special by Inspector 3; assistants by Inspector 4; extensions by the Minister of Education II. ' AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. I am glad to be able to announce in this report that' the Council of Agricultural and Arts Association of Ontario have decided to insti- tLlte ascheme of annual examiriations,il1 subjects bearingdirectIy upon the work of the farm. The consent of the Minister of Education has . been obtained, and these examinations will.nowb~held at tbe same ti~e and places, and uuder the same supervision as those for public school teachers, and will therefore entail no additional' expense on the' counties. . It is expected that many senior pupilsinthe public schools will read for these. agricultural examinatioDS. Second and third class certificates of merit 'fill be given to successful candic\ates; and money in value, from $15 tCi$30, to those who obtain the highest.num_ in their respective classes. An educational circular has month mailed to, each public school, explaining fully~' t~e objects of the scheme;and giving,directions for thecoursesof for the prizes. and certificates. TEXTBOOKS. Since-my last repOrt two new series of school readers have been fOi'usein thesfhools. .'rheuld series has qeen in use for sixteen years and,the_ authoriz~ "tion of the new is only a response to the general call for something better. A change is al10wapJe nowjbut wilJ not be compulsory until ,-August 1885. The Elgin. Teachers Association is stiII' an important factpr in work of improvement 'in the 'art of ,teaching. _ " The sessions of twq are held twice ay~ar;the attendance is aI'ways large and. the are-'practical and interesting. 69 70, ELGIN"COUNTY COt,JNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Inidosing,this necessarily brief report, ,allow m'eto bear testiomtmy to the zeal and ability ofthegreat majo~ity of our public schooheachers;' and tothe liberality of the people in fre ,~aus~ of ed?cation. A. F. BUTLER, In,pectqr of )"ublicSchoo1,. St. ;lihoP-1as,2bth-~ov. '(B~3.' '(' l;i;'/ 'il :1'" ELGIN 'COUNTY COUIIlCILPRO<?EEDINGS. HOl.JSEQF INDUSTRY REPORTS,' " .\ 'COMII1'ITTEE'S 'ANNUA'L REPORT. Tb tlle' Warden. and CcJlmcilofthe Count! of Elgin: (}E,N'.r;LE~Er;f:; ;The Conunittee,on House,ofIndustry beg.leave to submit their arllli1al report, as follows:,~ , I. "Thdi th~ institutiori'ha~ n6w'been In operation '(6r.~b~Uti~igiW, years, and" th~y hav~ much pleasure in e:J:'pressing their approval' ,of its ' efficiency a'nd,the g:reat benefit det'~ved ;from',it, by the poor u~foltunates oftheCoU1;tr . .'. . . .., .'.'. . .' . ",2. ,~~;a(las: au~~ori~~((a:t "tl1~, I,~~t':'s~~sio~})~tl1is_C,O{lIl.~i:I,:,we, ad\,ertis~(L .for, .te'nders for;~the:erespqn of a c9f~age, btlt., a~ we ': only, received one tender, which was not satisfactory,: the ,matter wa,s 1~i4 qve~, until September, when the.tenejer of Mr. D. McCa}lum, amounting to si:xhundred dollars, was accepfed. ;', Youridorr{inittee'-regret'that the contractor has not been able ~o :c()mplete th~ work as soon as ~xpected, owing to the difficulty he had in procuring material, and are of the opinion, that when comple~ed,it will be of great benefit; as the Very old and infirm andthbse suffering from <;-ontagious dise;:1ses, can then be separated (rom 'the rest of the in~ mates. 3.. Your conllJ1ittee instructed the Inspector t~ communicate with the.. authonties of the Blind, Institqte, at.. Brantford, and a~certa'in the . probable cost of 'ending the little blind girl, Almeda, Hart; Ihere to be educatetl,',and thereby maintain herself, and not remaina'bur.den,o}l the County. The cost, as -ascertained,. would be about. ten dol- lars per: year, in' addition. to which it will be necessary ,to remove her from the institution at vacati~n~(Three . mouths - in summer.) Your -committee would recommend that she be ,sent there as soon a~ possible. 4: Your committee, believing that it is more pr()fitabl~' to ke~p milchTows than to raise young stock; purchased two cows, which with / 7" , ,72 ElPI,t'" c;qt;rNTY ~O;l!~S},-r,. P-~'pj:?t~J]I1'i,G,S. f~ those already onth!',W!1l, Jwve,sNPp)i\'Ii"Vjlicjyj1t,,,,ilj<, 1\1~t the matron' with -the help of the inmates has been able to make all tbe butterrequired for the institutiot;l,and thereby effected_ quite a saving, to the County. 5. ,Asthe supply of sqft water wcsnot sufficient, a large cistern has been put'down at ~.,<;Q;'it,.QfJ:\~;:trty;qt1G"h\lP.A~~p,:d91_1arsl which they think will meet the requih:~ments of the institution for some, time to come. '-'6. Your committee have completed the tile draining commenced last'year, and consider: ;1t)1:. gr<~aUmpI;oyel11entl' a;ml, b)~H~v;~., .i,t :wqut~\P!:1' 5 to the ,interest of the farm to still, farther continue the ~ork. . 7; Y our<;:ommitt~e have endeayored to conduct the'lIlstitution iu'as__econoirticataJmatmer: as possible, ,butvwing,to;itpe:inereased cost ,of aU kinds of-provisions, the smaU amount of ct9ps::raised,on tp,e' fa.rm\.L andthelarge numb~r of inmates"the expense to, the Cquntyis larger th.d't.~t~9~< d'" ".".' ' ,.....,., .'" .,'. .'J< >, > ;,8. Y ou~ eorrpnittee, desire to: ,expr.ess :the~x.,app~eS:l<jlt,iPll:9l th.~'; very, efficient.manner in ,vhieh the keeper and matron atte'nd- t9.iflUm,atte:rs. uncler :th~ir,~on~rql, ,and als() .t~at the, s8:nit~ry regul~tions'oCthe, insti~ tulion arid 'ge~?nil healtH' bfihe'iuinatesshcii~ th~tthese m~tters are. in tl1e ,~aQ.d'sdf'one wh'a' taRes grea~: 'ip.ter'est in: tne, successful' \Vorking6(,' theillsti't\.itio~'. ' '; ":",,,,1-,,-,_1'''' " "", '. "'il - .' "',:il\,1- '" ,. . A1\ of which is respectfu1\y submitted. DUG;ALD"lI:!,cc:Q:LL, Chairman;r' ( ELGIN COtrNTY COUNCrL PROCEEDINGS; SURGEON'S REPORT. ~ ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY. --~- .To 'the Wardenllhd Council ofthe County.of Elgin:. ;GENTLE1\:fEN: . .' '",' In pr~sentingthis the'eighthannual' report of the'House of Iu'dustry, Ihaveto say that I have visiteq officially- this instit,utionfifty-, eight times,-, during the y~ar endingthe3,Ist Odober, ',18,83,' and,. put up w'o',hundrect_.and sixty~one prescriptions; ..~~tracted" twenty~five.teethj tapped"for Hydrocele sixtimes, and attended three cas~sOf:confinement. .'c.-,' ". ' , .' '" ,",' ,,' John Victor, aged. 7{xears,d~ed of consumption;, Michael Killean, 'aged 66;' died-i:ofAsfhn13,) George Mustard/aged 42, died qfc;pronic lbronchitis; one ,child Was still'born;'Thomas',Bran,ag~d 74, rqie,d, .of dropsy, a!ld Thad;deus Mitchell, died of spinal meningitis. We havehad_uo_ typhoid; remitti,ng or interrriitti~g fevers, ~rysip~_ nor .pn~umonia, and but little diarrhooa and diphtheria. ( ',' ' 'Much ~fthe immunity from acute diseases is attribLJtable)~ __ the regulations in force.' . . In 'March we hadanepidemis of influenza; this. time .there are 3 cases. of syphilis, 4 of asthma, 4 ofulc~rs, or r~pture,. ~ of paralysis, 3 of spinal curvature,' ? ofrheu~ 2 epilepsy, 2 blind and 7 idiots and imbeciles, all ofachronic the institution. newcot~age;,now' n~'arly completed, .wiIl afford~additi6nal th~ pl'oper care ancl/ma,uagement of th,eAnmates.,_" " insane person w,as'sen~ to the County gaol and from thence ,to Thel'e is muc~ necessity for a smalld~ad-~()use,where- the remains that die may be kept during the interval of death and burial. .. c. ..,' ~, . .. ... I I h~ve ~he honor to' be, Gentlenien,. your obedient servant, (Signed.) L. LUTON,M. D. ' Ist,I883. 73 \ 74 ELGl:t>i qOUN'fV, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. INSPF;CTOR'$R.EPOR.T To the Warden and Cmlpcil for th~ Cquntyof Elgin: The'Inspector of the House of Industry begs leave to report as follows: I 1. No. of inmates in'thefHouse,oflndl,lstry'utlast 2. , No. admitted dluing thelast year. . 3; No. of vagrants . .,:....., 4.' ',' No, born in HOl.1se of Industry,. . 5. . No. of de~.t.hs..., .:, ...... .......... 6", Nb'.,c:hil<i~~n' sent,qut, Qntrial 7.' ,No.abscondep. :fror~l_house' 8. . No. disohargecl duringtli,ey~ar 9. No nOW in house report ;..'. ,....,.-..62 . _. . .., .., ' .. ,32 '."; ..<No'rie " ,.."".......3 5., ..'4" 10. ,.-",,,,:.', ':,',: -.;.;.'....: 'j.'IW'uumber of inmates admitted froUl the';eyerai:mutli.c;ipalities within tbeCounty during the Year l* asfollo'Ys,: . . Aldborough Dlihwich Southwold . . Yarmouth':.':':"" S.Dorchester..,. . Malahide Hayhaln. . .Vitmna Springfield. port Stanley J\yl\1:1er .......... ,r.............' if" ,....... ........:. .,. ': " ~ ' ~ . .': . .', . .. . -'; .~ " . ............ !.' .. . ~. . .,. ; .,', ~ . "'; " '. .. . . ............. :TotaL .' . : ~I:. II. Number of above who have not ~es;ded o~hacitbeir :the cou,nty;Jdrpyo: years'-previousto admission. . No,of,weeksoo'ardforsuch:',' . ."" .... ,,,. '., .'.' ,'-, -..... 12. The, yariou.~ c~use~ of pauperi~!" of the inmates relieve,d ,duhn,gthe , ,year, are .~s follO\ys: . . ," 13. ."'............. Sickness .... ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. {j .'Destitution ..,. ......... ....... ,.,.. ..... ,.., ....... .........,............ :22 IIltempe~ance ....., ........................-........ '... ......',.:.:.....;;.4 Lame:, ,>:, .......... .......-.................. .................... ...,.....,.. 7 Oldage .......:: ....,.... .....,....."!,:,.:... .......':,........5 Vagrancy .... .~..n. .. ; '; . . .:;. .:. ';..;.....o!.:-;~;, ','. ";',~ . ">H;',"~:' . ...'. ,1 Parents absconded ..............;. ......... .....~"....:.. ...'.;,... .... ..,.....11, Parents in' <:Lsylum ..... ~ ~ '. .. '. ;... ... ',"'"'''''' i............. ..;.1 ~l\6~c':. : ::;:, ", ... :.... .. . . ..:... "":.' '.:: ;.:......:: : '.:' ::.:::::::;~ Andal('other c~u$es.... .,.. .,._':'. ~:...,...:;.. .15 II! '4. '5. r6.. '7. 18. r9. 20. 97 Average ml111b~rof inl1lates -du'ring the yea~.. ...... . ..; .. ... 63 Keeper's fmuily and hired help added,.....:. ..., ......... . .67 Whole numberofweek'(ooard for inmates.,::" . .....3259 whole number do. ",ith keeper'damily and hired help added 3467 Totalexpen4itureduringtheye~ .. ......; .c.... .:...$4242.56 Ded uctpermanent .impnrve~en ts. i:\n4'r~pairs':~',. ,$235.66, Products sold ..; ..............,..... .....,..86.83 $32?49 Leaving;a.m(i~\ht'actual1y-experided for,the,'stipport of 'the inmate~ Ofthe,)louse .....: . ",', ': .. . . ..' ...> .. . . .."....".$3920 07 ~aking,~v~r~ge'expenses p'er'week for each-person. )1, 1-3 Average 'expense for each person durin'g the year, . . 58' 79 The amount expended .for the house and.'farin,~is as;.f611ows:~ ,.-1.. Paid f~r"hired' labbt\- ....... .:-:'r!'.~'!:-')!''-; ^:',:"';;" J!':r"~",,,,',$ C( farm expenses and Implements ........... . '. ' ., stock' "'~'" ..." ..' .... . . '.".. .... ..... . " statit?nery ..--............<....'. ......,.. " physicians salary, drugs, surgical appliances, &c'... " keeper's-andmatrons ,salaries... ;..,.... ... ..,....... ,( provi.sions, clothing, fuel;;..., . .:" ......... H' Meat,..,.. .... .......... .. ........... Bread. ........., groceries .... . . dry goods ......... boots and shoes......, 22; 23. '52 38. 57 02 100 00' 5 99 202 37 500 00 " 739 83 607 2,1 432 36 212 31 5$ 34 .'" " " 75 .'Ii'l ',:)" ".;;.1' 76 ELGIN COUNTY "CO;UNCIL PROCEEDINGS. " 474 ~4"." " , -------2521;99 bedding;wd furniture,.... .... .... ...... ......... 87,87 permanent improv.ements and, ,.repairs .... . . . . ... 2-3'5 66 incidental expens,e. ',',.'. ~.." .. ~ L....~.,.'...',.. .. ",~?o '18, wood .........".......,... " " " Totai.........:....$4242 5.6 th~ 'exPt::use. per ",e~~' fOI: each inimi.te is as Sq9yvp~yt,h,~foll(),4irig statementj below ,the av~rage amount paid- during the last 's.even year's. J;j ~ ID fl' ..'6' ~ a)'~ Ci ~ v ~ \ ID..c:: qJ ::l!n.~' l::l,~>'a<.H. ::l;S......fJl~ v ~ .s..;>' g 'O'k.gp:....c!'"C5 Ok'-:V 5v. :::..-d... "S:l k. ,'.0 S, o.~p.. ~"v.....-< S,o.{j p..,k 4-<.. ....::l '::I c<;l<.H S e;' 0 t1$'<.,;;o '. ~o ~~ &o.<"g.~ ..'1j'.....,'g.v'fIl. ,:'P;C;, (\):~ ',(\) 0 ~' ' :..., ..., ....,V ..... (.) v _ ,v..., V tlJ . I 'A IX! ot)'::;::':rl ~ (.)_'d,'l=l_~v,'::l '-r-l"C' "-<. .~'v d ,,(Jl " "".:;:l Q v,...., "-<.... .'C\l'Q' O.fJl .,,, 0 ~ '!S 'E ~ s ~ l'd;'~ "...s:::.~'dO.1 i'.B;~!:~~, I \l ',~ ~ <l) l:;:l 0.1-<'" V 1ll_t<:lV' - ()''''''''p;....;.t<:l ';:..-""v ~ Z f-<"s8-B iO l1ssaa, ~ l1 filS ~&'" 1.877 2346 I 4072 04 I 68, 42 '3390 62 \, 40 1.878 246,6 3.24,,3 481 '3' 99 I 3.",,', 49 I' 26 ,879 '386 297' 67 367 9' 2603 75 ' 09 ,880 2887,' '2829,25 1.68 9'76,60 33 9' ,88, 2]62 3207 5' 355 8278,5.1,69 I' 03 ,.882, 3'9.' I 393444 .,.99,.97 3?34,',47, I' 20 1883.' 3467 4242,56 3',2 49 .I 392007 I '3 Av~r:age ,expenses per week for each person during the past seven y,ear~ $r:r5. All of which is respectfully submitted. ~__:.", Lit .'; ,.-> ".,.' ", ,,' i . vk;'-.~ McRAY, ':Inspector. d