1884 Minutes
J. t), k ,:!jd C,(~, a,,~ t:'i ,,(,2..'
., ,
/."" E 'L GIN /'--=-"='
~". ~~
. CS01~~t ~OU~0, St. t9f~o'JIvt~
'. January, June and November, 1884.
K. W. McKAY,
81'. THOMAS, ON1'.
, I
,The 'members, elect of the Council of', the MUllicipal Corporation of'
the County of Elgin, met in the Court House, Si. Jhomas, this day at
two.o'clock, afternoon. I
The following Reeves and Deputy'Reeves filed certificates and took'
their.seatsat the Council-Board:
DA,NIEL LAING,.. ......... :,:..., . .REE'VE,.. ,', ..ALDnO~OUGH.
WILLIAM BROCK,......" .;,',... ...1ST,DEPUTY.. If, ,...... ....
'\DANIEL-McLEAN,.~,............ ..2Nfl H "...........
At, J. ' LEITCH,. .... .,..;........ ..REEVE",. ....DUNWIOII... ...........,
A.R. PATTERSON, .:....",....-.", .'"lsTDEPllTY.. ,,,, ." .'..... .,....
~NGUS'MciWILLIAM, '," .-'.... ....2ND " .. If .'..... .,........
DUGALD McCOLL,. .. .;........ ~."REEVE,._..., .SOUTHWOL:Q~. ......... ...
JOHN ANDREWS,.,.,.:...........lSTDEPUTY:. 'U . ..........,..
JOHNPOLLOCK,.,.. ,. ...... .,..... ..2ND U .'. " .. ...... ."~'"
JAM.ESB;EPBt,TRN, .. .'.,... .-... ..::R:mEVE,..... .YARMOUTH, ..,.. .'......
W;'O.POLLOCK,............ 'H...ISTDEPUTY.. " ........,...
JAME,S.H. YARWOOD,.,. ..... ._.. ,.2ND' U ." t>" ,......,....
BENJAMIN R IiATHA WAY,. l\". .3RD" H'........ ,. .
ct,SHELDONWARD,............:.. .RE:,EVE;..... .MALAHIDE, .. .,'.. ;\.....,
t' ROBE,RTABELL,.. ..'.....,......... .1ST DEPUTY.. " ..........,.
1< RICHARD'~OCKER".....,..........2ND" " ........,...
Y:',HENR~STRATTON,......... ..... .]{EEVE;..... ..BAYHAM:' . ... .... ._.....
,HENRY T., GODWIN..... .,...... ..1sTDEPUTY.. " .....!.... .'.. L
GEORGE W. BEST",..... .... '...... .2ND 'f "..., ..'..........
LEWIS' SIMPSON, .."...,........ ,REEVE,. ,~,:. . SOUTH DORCHE~TER. ,..,
JA,MESC. DANCE,.,.,.,..... ,".. .1ST DEPUTY..
SAMUEL S; CLU'fTON, ...,.... .:REEVE,.... ..AYLMER.,............
RpBERT.L. McCALLY,,,.... .:-, d. " "... ;VmN-NA.. ...".......
JOHN ELLISON,................... " ..~.,.PORT,STA'NLEY. .n....
JOSHVASISLER, ,.,... "",,',. ',':', ".-.'... ,SPRINGFIELD,
The. members were called to order. The Clerk in the chair.
't~w:as then'moved ~yA.R.patte~.sbn,--sec~nded,bY R.'Locker~
That A. J. Leitch heW.rden for the ensuing year.
Moved by p. L.\ng, secpnded by J.. C. Dan,ce,
-That pugald'McColl, 'Reeve of Southw.old, be' Warden for th~ ensu-
ing year.
Moved by S. S. 'Clutton, seoonded by J. Ellison,.
ThatMr. Ward be Warden fOr tl)eensuing ,yeo".
,''',. _, ,L .."_" ;- <C. ,'," ,"'. " ,-
Moved by R: L. McC;allY, ,seconded byR. Stratton,
That S. S. Clutt~n,be WardenJor the ~urrentyeaL
Moved bYG: W. 'Best"secoi:Jdedby R. T. Godwin,'
Th~t R. L. McC~lly be Warden for the 'ensuing year;
'Moved byS. Ward"secondedhyR.Abell,.. ' .
That James Hepburn be '-IV arden for lhe ensuing'year:
Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. O. Pollock,
That'Lewis Simp~Qn,;R~eye~of pbrchesrer,'beWarden'fdr:the'
rent year. ~ .
. All the c~ndid~tysresignedw.iththe exception ofA. J.L~itch;
who Jas dec1aredHelectedJ:ly ~cclamation.. .' ·
,Mr. Lei,teh then made tge,statutory declaration of office_ber -
Mc'L.3:ws, ~s.q'j J.P.- took_ ~he., cp,air and a.ddressed -;the, Coundl.
The.proceedings of the fast!1aY:9fthe November -session of
were then read 'anci authorized' t(),pe signeq.
The.folloWmg communications were then ,read J;>y the Clerk;
From Hoard dfEducati,on,' 'St: "'Thomas':' '
FrOlll Jessie McEvlen,'President "Varnatl's
Toronto. . . "
From',(:ounty Clerk of :Simcoe, re petition to
Ifrolu, J~~es Stanton"Clerk of the-Peace, with
of Grand Jury.
From Canada Land Law Amendmerit Association.
From Colin Munro, Esq., Sheriff, with letter from Inspector of
Prisons.. ' ,
From '1 an1,es A:' Beil; County Enginee;, "'with report on County
irom Aylmer. High .:Schoolwith annualreport.
Moved bJ"R. L McCally,. seconded by A. McWilliam.
Th~t the communications just read be laid over until to-morrow.--,--:
Moved by Jall1esHel'biirn, seconded hyW'.O. Pollock,
That the Warden appointfiv~ members of this Council to strike the
standing Cb'~mitte'e~.~Carried.
. The,'\V arclenappointed Me~srs. Wardj Stratton,,' Lang, McColl "and
Hepburn, ,
Move,~by}~. ,Locker',seconded by S. Ward)
Tbai thorn", lVI, Nairn be appointed Auditor of .the Counly ac-
count.'b for the pre~ent year:
In alUendmel1t,
Moved by.'D. McColl, seconded by D.Laing,
That Donald M'cNisb.be appointed Auditor of the Connly accoUnts
Main motioulostJ_amendIfle~t carried.
Moved'byD. Laing, seconded by D. McColl,
King, of Southwold, be one of Ihe Auditors of the Ad-
J usfice accounts.
!vIovedby/\,.. McWilliam, seconded hy A.,R,. Patterson,
That George Suffel, Esq., be appointed 10 audit the Administra!ion
.of ]ustice,accouritsfor the present y~ar.
Amendm :cot lost, main motion carried;- '.
The Warden thennomin:ated ThomasM. Nairn to be one of the
Auditors~" ,
bJ' R. .L !vI cCally, ~eson<led byR. Locker,
S.' Clutton be appointed,Auditor of the accounts forthe Ad. ,
of lustice forthe<:un:cn~ year.~-,-,Carried. ' .
seconded bYJohll~Andrews" .... ,_
nQW fldjourn until 9 a. m: to-morrow.~Car-
lV. I\lcKAY,
Cou~ty Clerk,
A J. 'U':ITC]J,
, \Vatdeil.
'-' .-
, ,
The ,comm\luicatibn -fr6mjessie McEw~n, Presideht: of. the' "Vo-,
man'sStiffrage' Association, Toronto, Was then're~d.
~oved byA.'R. Patterson, seconded pyA. Mc:\iVilliam, ,
' That thecommunicatio'n from' Jessie 'McEwen, :President of the
Woma~'s ,Suffrage,> AssoCiation, asking for t11e'extensicin _of the frq.n-
chise to wom~n be note!ltert,aine'd by this Council.
~n amendment. '
Moved by S. S.Clutton,- s,conded by R. L. McCally,
~~.'.;'. That'the co.mm. u'nication. fro1:n, M. rs. MCEweh,. President of the W. ',_ o~
l((man's,Suffrage Association. be referred to aSpedal .~01nmittee cOIrl
W"posea of ,the fol~owing' me~bers, :-'-M essrs. Sisler,: Locker,: ,Simpso_n,
~;Dance an~ Brock,. to report to~morrow afternoon.
. Main~9tion lost, amendment errded.
i?i. The, Clerk then read 'cpmmunic"ation received from, James stanton,' .
Clerk o~ the Peace, enclosinfZ Cr~nd J lJr.y Presentment.
, Moved by D. McColl, sec?nded by J? jLang,
li;,~ That this COllndl,g~ into Committee of. the Whole to ,consider the
<}I-communication just -read:-Carried. ./
" i The Council weut into Comnjjttee of the Whole, SamuelS. Cluttn,
.}Esq.'; in the'c~air.
",,' l\.fter discussing the recommendations contained in the,Presentment
;: the COr(lmittee rose an~ the chairman reported., '
1;-. M~vedby S. Ward, seconded by R. Locker,
('.'- ',"..... ..', ,-
:r..That we do.;pow adjourn until 2 o'clock to iiive' the Cound~ allop~
It, P9r~unity to visit, the J ail.---,;.Carried.
It: The CQuncil resumed.
. Moved byD. M2Coll, seconded by John Andrews, .
That the deputation from the St. Thomas School Boat<! be now
\,'he.aid.-Carried; ,..',. . I.
~,',The deputation then'addressed the Council and presented, their,an.
~'" ., . . ' . . " .
~:nual report. ' "
~...'. Moved byS: S. Clutton, seconded by )dhn Ellison,
t:; That the report of the deputation from.the St. Thomas' Collegiate
Institute be received and referred to the Committee' (}u Education.-'-
{Carried. \. ,
.~ .... . . \
f .The Clerk then read reports frolIl the Vienna and Ayll1:ler High
iSchools. . ' '"
~, ,.
o Moved by John Ellison, seconded by D.McLean;
, " \
'The COllncil met' this day according to' a'djOllrn~e:n~.."
A.'j.Leitch,Esq" V{arden, in the chaiL
", . '. .1
Men1be1's present-':'M'essrs; Lang,. Brock, ^McLean, Patters,qnjMC-C (::~~j
William, 'N!cC;oll,Andrews, Pollock, (Southwold,) Hepburn, pollock, ,.1
(Yal'mouth,) Yarwoodi, l1athaway".. \Vard,' Abell" Locker, St\atton,
,God\vin, Best, Simpson, .Dance, McCally,Clutton, EJlison, a~d Sisler.
The proceedings of the previous day were read and authorized to be
SigtH:d,: '-'.' , '",~~~
. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by R. L. McCallY,"!
That fhereport at the SpeciallConl1uittee appointed to strike the -'
Standing Committees be nov,' read.~Carried.'
The Clerk lead leport. I ,
Moved. by W. O,Pollock, seconded by J. H. Yarwood,:~
That the report of the Committee appointed to strike Standing Com-'l
n\itt'ees,be, adopted.-Carried. ~'{~
Moved hy.R. L. ;,;cCally, seoondell by R.Locker, ..,
'fhdt the.commul1ications be.taken up a:t.id disposed of.-~Carried.
The Clerk then rea'Q commUllicati'on re'ceive"d from the, St. Thomas
School Board,' ,'" ,
Moved by S. S. Clutton, seconded by R. Locker,
That the Committee from St. Thomas School Board be heard to-day..
a" two o'clock p. m.--Carried. J
The communication received from the C,ountyof Sfm:coe- was then ,:;~
read. '~,A
Moved by R. Locker, see.oilded by S. Ward, ,"
"That. the e01T11TIunic-atlon', from the Cou?dl: of -the Go~nty of Si111coe
be referred to Messrs, ... Dance, Sisler, Cltltton, Pollock, (Y armouth,) ',~)
an~l \tc,C'ally as a Specin.l'Committee to repMt upon the satne .to-mor~
, 7
That the reports from the Vienna and Aylmer High Schools he re,
cei~d and referred,to. the: Committee 'on Education.~C~rric;;d.
Th~ C1etk then read t'ominunication':from John.A. Kerr.
',' '
Moved by A. McWilliam, secondecl'i)y A. R. Patterson,
!'hat the amj1icati6rt of John" A.Kerr ~sking t'obeaPl)ointed lri$pec~.
tOI'of the' pile driving 'at the Coy~eRoad Bridge' be . refc;Tr~~ ~to "tp~.,
Committee on Public ,Improvements. . .
Moved hy R. Locker, se'o~ded by S S. elutton,
Thartl~e com1l1uniQati6n from ,'John A. K~r,rbe no~ entert:a~lled:.
Malhmotio.n lost, amendment 'carried. .
Mov,d byR. J,.. McCaUy, seconded' by }-I. 'l', Godwin, .
T~at Re.v~,G. yYye, whose tim'eot,office lfa5 expired,,' be re~awoint.
.ed as Trustee for Vienna Higl1 Schoo1.-,Carried"
The Clerk then' read communication from ,the Canada Land
Amendment Association. "
Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by R.'L, McCally"
That the petition of the Canada Land Law' Amendment
spnt for our adoption,becompli~<l)Vith;"and t1)at ,tl1~ samE':, , be
out repr~s~\)taHvesto be presented by them to the Legisla,tlJ,re
coming sessiqn.-o-Carried. '
The Cbunty Eng'ineer's Report waS then read.
!vi oved by J. Pollock, seconded by J. 'Andrews,
, That the report of the County_Erig~neer be acl~pted.
In amendm.ent.
Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. D. Pollo.ck,
Tha't the County-Engineer's Report be referred ,to
on, Ppblic:Itl:lpr6vements. , , ..
Amendment lost, main rnotion carried.'
1'he 'Clerk then readletterfrom She,iff Munro enclosing
,cation from lrispectorof Prisons, re Mrs. Arnold, a lunatic.
\' '-'
Moved by w. a:Pollock,seoonded by J.. Hepbnrn,
That in the opinion of this Council 'the woman ,should go back
the H'lUse,of Ihdl1stry;~Carried. '
Moved by S. S. Clutton, seconded by R. Locker,
Tbat Sheldon Ward .beappointed Trustee. for' the
School in place of ]ohnHaggan, whose term: has
""~"';~~'" =- -""""",,,,~,=,~~~-,,":,~,,_,"",,,,,',C"-r '~-', \
---~~-~-- ,-..,.--
. '.
Moved by J. H. Yarwood, .econded by). t'ollock,. .
That a Special Comniittee composed of M essas McCally,. Clutton,
Laing, PoEock, (SouthwoId,) Hepburn and the Warden, .be appointecl
tO'confer ,viththe City, of St.Thomas" and decide how m1.lCh they,
shaBpaytowards the, Administration' of JU'st.iceand:Registt:y. 'Office,
ond that the Clerksend a uotice to 'the Mayor of the. City' of SI.
Thomas 'aski'11g him to have a 'cJ1m.mittee, 'appointe'CJ. in the interests ,'of
th~ City.~Ciirried. . ., ...... ....
H. T~.Godwin"of Bayham, gives,n(,tice that application will ,be
m~~~t()m9r~o'~ fora,grant. aEtifty ,dollars to ]ames Ribble for the
, support 'Of an idiot child,. .' '
Moved,by J?I)ui\.nd~ws~ secoMedbYJ~~",PolloSk, ". "
Th~t.this C()'uncil.adjourn .llntil 'one..o~clock.t.R-~9rro~v.__~o",aII?W:th,e
y~riol1$,G.ommitt~~s. tprne~t_"al1d t,~e,CC)~ncil' to,'y~sit th~ House of
'r'n~,l])it~y~ and that: the \Varden furnish cDnveya-nce's, for,me'mbers.~
"Garl'i70. ,":::' -- ' ,
K .y. McKAY"
County Clerk.
, . Warden.
, -
The Council met this day according to_adjournment~
T!le Wardell in theehair. . . .
. Memberspresent-Mes,srs. Lang, Brock, MtLe~h, Patterson, Mc-
William, McColl', Andrews, Pollock, (Yarmonth,) }lepburn, Yarwobd,
}lathaway, Pollock, (Southwold,) Ward, Abell,Locker,Stlatt6n,God-
win, Best, Simpson,Dance, McCally, Sisler, :Chitton. ..J
Tb e proceedings of - the previo.us dllY were. read - and authorized to
be signed. . .
Moved by J:R Yarwood, seconded byW. O. Pollock,
That B. F.. Hathaway be added to the ,committee appointed to in-
ye~tigate railway monopolies..-:.Carried; , - ,
Moved by R. I.ocker,'secondedby R. L. McCally,
Tllatthe report of the Public Improvement Committee
ceived and read.-Carried.
The Clerk then r.ad rep~rt.
Moved byR. L. McCaily, seconded by R. Locker,
That the repo'rt of the Rublic Impro~ement C~mmitteebe
1n amendment; .\
.Moved by J Ohll Andrews, seconded by D, McLean,
That1h~Public Improvements Committee's report be adopted
the exception of the dausefixing the salary of the Engineer,
it be raised to four hundred dollars. " ,
Amendment lost, main motion tarried.
The yeas aud nays on the amendmerilPeing'called ,u.. ,"-'- ,."
down'asfolloWS:- ___,,~B
Yeas_Best, Sisler, Patterson, McWilliam, . Yarwood, Andrews,M~;,!j
Coll,.Simpson, McLean, Brock 'and Lang~' 1. . "
I Nays-Stratton,. McCally, Ward,Abell, Locker, Clutton, Hathaway
Pollock, Hepburn; J:'lollock, Dance, Godwin~12. '
Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by D. McColl,
That the' W arde~ be authorized to sign an ,oraer, on the Treasurer
in; favor of B. Hatherly forthe. sum ,of six dollars for co'hveyance of
members tq ,House. of.' Industry.---:-Qarried
Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by S. W ~J<h .,
Th.at the report of the -Educational Cornmittee,b~.~,r~ceived' and
. '-', " ... " , "'1
" read.",",","?,Carried. ',<
The..Clerk read ~eport . ..
Moved byD. McColliseconded by), C,panc~,
Thatth~ report of the C6!lll)littee on Education beadopted."-'
Car'ried. '''. ". '<) h., "I
MovedbyW. O. Pollock, secondeg by B. F. Hathaway"
That this Council appoint ~ Committee (6mposed of'the Warden
and Mc<;;ally, Ward, Ellisol1, McGoll; Hepl).um. apd ~il>lp':llt to take
proceedings towards the purchase of the" Lond0nr-@.n4-..'p~r~;,~.tar11ey'
Gravel'Road _by this Cqunty, said ComU1itt~e to,..tepf)~h<l~' r~he ) une
session.'----'Carried. . . ~.;, .',
Moved by J. H. Yar;ood, seconded by W. O. Pollock, . ..
Tqat3 SO copies: of the'.Auditor'srel1ortsbe printed andl.circuhited,
among the members of~hisCoundL-':"Car~ied.
Moved by J. Pollock, seconded byR. Lo~ker,
That the-Treasurer's Bond he produce~ a~d 'iead_.~Ca.rried.
TbeBdnd was tl).en read. ' ,
Mov. e.d b.Y.John Pollock, se<:onded by R. Locker,
....... ..,.,. -.;...::..... ". '.',., ,'.' >.,
Thafhaying heard the Treasurer's, Bond' read -we consider it ,~atis-
factory.-Carried.,. ...,", J
~.. M:ov,dby p.M:cColl,$econded by J~hllAndie)Vs,. ..
ir. l'hatthe keeper of the HO\1seofllldustry be allowed to address the
€;_;Council..,..-Carri.ed., . ' ',' .'
r:.;__,_ Mr. Iiunsberger then addresse;~:ltbe Couqcil), as,kingJoraq ,inc,rease
,%,o[salary..' ...
~:i Moved by John FollbCk, seconded by J: Hepburn,
~t:),'Th3t Mr._H!-ll1sb~rg~r'sclaim for,ap. incr~ase ,of salary be '. no,~ enter~
M;tainedas he has not shown us that his duties have. been 'increasl::d\.,.-
Mo~eclbYfI.T Godwin, second~d b~ H. Stratton,
Thatthoin;i; Roach be granted a. fi~e Hawkers' . amI pedlers', Li-
cense for the year I 8$4~dttried; -, . -
Mo"ed,by H. T. Go!1wiiJ, .se~ondedby(L W.Best"
1'hat't~~Warden be authorized t?'issuehischeque forlifty dollars
in favor of H. Siratton for the support of an idiot child ofJames Ri1Jbl~
in,indigent, circumstances,:in the Tmvnship of,Bayham~carti'ed: '
Moved &y R.Locker, seconded by J'. Sisler. ' .'
'r',-,:',''',', ''-'', , -,',,:";':.-', , :"",,, ',,-, " " ","': -,:'--', 1"
Th'at AndrewC; Laur,be granted' a free Hawkers' and Pedlers LI-
cense for the year I884-carried.
'The' Clerk then' re'a,~ communication.'(rom ,Cot Otter, reque'sting
grant -to 'Ontario 'Rifle' Association. '
Movedby'A" R. Patterson; seconded by R. Locker,
, That the communioation of Col. Otter be n?t entertain.doy this
Council..:-carried." J" -', '
Moved by R. h Mc?ally.seconded. by H. Stratton,
~hat By~law N\,. 383, being a By-la\y to make appropri~tioitfor the
,maintenance of High Schools andappoint"rrusieesfcirthe same, arid
to grant aid to County Mddel Sthocils for 188:4', be received and read
anist time~carried. ' .'
Moved by IIaniel'Lang, 'seconded by John Pollock,
Th';t By:lawNo.183 kreada secolidJim~-carried; .
Moved by R.Locker, semndedbYS,S, Clutton;
That By-law NO.383 be read .third time an4finalIy passed-carried,
The Counw'Tj'easurer's repo~t wasthen'r'ead::' I~ ' . '
," " ,:',,'"
Moved by J., H. Xarwood,seconded byJ.Hel'b~rp,
T)1at tb~ report of the COllniyTreasurer ber~fened"io the Finance.l
Cbn;mittee~:c'atried.'" . , ~...'" ".,:,<']'
Moved by SamuelS. Clutton;sec?~~e~ by ,R.Loc~er,
'rhatBy-Law N~. 384, being-': By-iawto ,appoint C~unty Auditors
for'I'S84 pe received and read'a firsttime.cw:.carried. "
. M?vedby D., Mc;Col1,~econded byR, Locke~" ,?
'rhot the Auditors' of theCouni~ receive'twenly'.five dollars eac~ for~
their services in auditing the Cpunty Treasuret's~~count5! ,.,'
In amendment. . . '.-,
!v'[ovedbyA. R. I1atters~n, seco,nd, ,ed bv A.MC,W,ilIian.. .'
" '" ,,--,',", '" """,,," ',,' ',,'" "',',, ",'
That the salary of the COUDty Auditors fdt i884-be twenty
F-~.1DAY, ~STH rANUARY, '1,884:
The,Council met'this daY' according to adj,ournrpent.,
The Warden in the chair. " '
Members present~Messrs. Lang,Brock, McLean, Patterson; Mc-
Willi.m, McColl, ADdrews, Pollock, (Southwold), Hepburn, Pollock,
(Yarmouth,) Yarwood, Batbaway,. Ward, Locker, Str,atton, Godwin,
Best, Simpson, Dance, Sisler, McQany, Clutton; "
The proceedings of tbe previous day were read and autborized.to be
signe~;'. ' . ,"
Mbvedby D. McColl, seconded by W. Brook, '
That the report of the Committee appointed to report on petition of
] esse McEwen, President of tbe Woman's Suffrage Association be re'
ceived ,and read.,-carried'
Tbe Clerk read report.
Mpved by B. F,' Hathaway, seconded by R. Locker,
That\he report of tbe Committee on Woman's Suffrage be adopted.
Inamend~ent; flISt, "
Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded. by A. McWilliam, } '
That the repott of the Commihee appointed to repo~ton the
luunication from J e'sse McEwen, be not adopted by this Council.
In amendment, -second. '
,Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by)3. S. Clutton,
'l'hatthe question of Woman's:Suffrage bel:iidover until next
sionaftbis COUDCi! to, give us an opportunity to consult, witb
wiveS on the subject. ;' .-
The original~otion was carried on the following division.
Yeas-Stratton, Ward, Sisler, Andrews, Hathaway, i Yarwood,
lock, (Yarmouth,) Locker; Godwin, Hepburn, Dance-, Simpson,
Cally, Clutton, Lang,Brock and McLean-I7,.
Nays-Best, Patterson, McWilliam, Pollo~k, (Soutbwold,) and Mc,
Colh--s: .
Moved by ^c. McWilliam, secondedpy A. R. Patter,o!), ... '.'M
. Th~t the repdrt of the Finance CO,mm;ttee be received and' 're:1'd..-
carried, '
The Clerk read. report .
, ,
~oved by D McColl. seconded by J . Pollock, ... .
That the report of tbe Fillance. Committee be'adopted-carried.
, Mov,ed by J. H. Y",wood, secohded by ]. Andrews,
. That tbe account presented by Mr. Butler 'for inspecting Model,
Schoolsbe:laid ovenintil}une session in-order,tohave Mr. Butler. give
an explanation~carried.
Moved by John' Andrews, se.conded 9Y J' Sisler,
That the.W arden tellder the 'than~s or this. Couneilto.tne Times and
, companies for copies o.fpapers.furnlshed.this Cou~cil
Moved by 1- Pollock, seconded by S.,S. CIUttOD,
That we would recomhlehd the Gaol Committee to take into consid-:-
e~ation s'?mebetter'm'eansof,heatingthe CdurtHou~e"'--,ocarrie5t,
Moved by]ohn Pollock, seconded by Daniel Laiug,
T'hat tn,e Clerk be'instruct~d to pro~ure. a' cppy.. of' the Municipa
Counc;illor'sHand BOOK for the use of each'mem,berofth.is,Cotllldl-
'carried.- :.( u\.-'",' '. ':"", " /
Mov,ed by'W. Q.Pollock; seconded by J~s.Hepbllrn;"::.";.
Th~t Mr. Mbore"the Jailer, be'~\g~an~dl.th€"'Prhril~e iof."adclressing
this Council-carried. '
Mr.'.lv.[oore then" addr~sseci .tl1e..'Council, aski~g for an' increase 'of
salflry. . ."
Moved by J. Sisler,seconded9Y A.R. Patterson:
That Mr. Moort::'s claim-for an increase of salary be not entertai~ed
this Council ~carried.
by]. Sisler, seconded by R, Locker,
.That Byla\'l.N o. 385., being a By-law to fix tbe salary of tbe County
Engineer, and t()repeal~By~law N'O.379i-: be ,received and read a first
W:; time~carried;', _' .' . , "-
Moved byD. McColl, seconded by J.Andr.ws,
That By-law No. 38'5: be readasecond,time-'-carried.
Moved by A. McWilliam, selOonded:by A; R. Patterson,
--..;,....--. .
That By-I~"N", 385 be read a third time and finally passed"-car.
ried. ' . "
Moved by R. L. McCally. seconded by S.S. Cli>tton"
That By'la", No. 386, being a By-l.w to .ppoip.t " Board ,of Audit'
for the current ye.r, be received andiread a first'time-carried. .
Moved by D. Lang, seconded by S. S qutton,
Th.t By-law J'l0386,be read a secondtimecc.rried,
Moved by D.:JvIcCoil, secortded by John Pollock,
1'hatBy-law No. 386 be reild,' third time and finilllypassed-car'
-ried. 1 .
Movedby!\. R,Patter~on\ secondedbyA. :JvIcVo.:iHiam, " ,'"
That By-law No. 387, being a By,l.w toautl1orize 'the, Warden~nd
Treasurer, to borrow the sum' of twenty thou:::;a!1d dollars for County
purposes, be recelved an,d read a, ilrst time~c'arried.
Moved by 1!' T. Godwin, seconded by G 'iV' Best,
That fly,la,>\, No. 381 be read. secon<l time..c.c.rri-ed.
. Move<l by J. Sislet, secortde<l by SWard,
..' That By-law No. 387 be read a third time and finally passecl:-t.r.
ried. ,,: ..
Moved by D. Lang; secon!ie<l'PY D. ,:M,cLean(, '
, ',Th ,athe report of the -COffill1itte'e; ~n. petitio~Jrql:Il-OOlmtY9f ,Sim~
,coe with reg"d to ,a Railway ,Commission be received and read-car- i
ried. '
, '1'heCierki~ad report.' ," ,'." " ,,"
Moved by Lewis 'simpson, seconded by John Andrews;
That the report of Comlnittee on Railway COn>mission, just read, De
, adopted-carried. .' , ", '
Moved by J; H. Y arwoo!i,sec9~,ded byW. 0., ,Pollock, '
That the Committee appointed tei confeT with, St. Thomas, as to ,'~
.mounnheyshallp.y to",arqs AdlTIiniw~tion.?f .Justice ~!,d, ).Ze!listrYA~
Office be allowed to report' at June seSSIOn IUst.ad Of the presept___.;!;
carried.'",,"'" I ~;1,~
, ' ,..,:,' ".: '""". ".,s
Moved by A:R: Patteison,;secondedbyS; Ward; ", ' ,<<;,
'I'M! the wholemattet iu reference to the Sheriff's case be left rnthe,l
hands of the County Solicitor and that this. Council request., fipdb~
oo'itlement as soon as possible_carried, " ,:-,t!
M,ov<c\'!;>y, D. Lang, seconded .PyW. j3rork, ,,' ,..,., .,C'.' "'., "~I
That this Coul}cilthipk itnec~ssaiy t() h~ve 'saine changeil},t.l1~nr:;~.
sept mode of represepting murikipalities in the County CO\lpcil, ..n4)~
that they beheve the inte,ests of municipalities wouldhebelterrepi.,.ll
sented'by one ,member and by givihg fl1at member a mimber ,,(votes':
accord~l)g to~ t~e population of the municipality.' I
In amendment.
Moved by W. O. 'Pollock, ieconded hy J. H. Yarwood,
That e~chmembertake into consideratidn and give the'ir . 'opinion at
the] une session 'in regard to reducing the:'numbe'r- ofmeni.b~rs in
CQunty Councils.
Amendment carried.
Moved by Jobn Andrews, seconded by Sheldon Ward,
That' whereas it hath pleased Alrriighty.."God to ,remove from ,'?ur ,
midst by'th,e hand of death '.our 'late Jriend andl 'colleague, William
Luton, Esq., Deputy Ree\;eof ,South DO'rchester, be it therefore. re-
solved;thal this:"Cduncil express, its hearefelt sympathy with' the widow'
and .family at their sad bereavement,. and that tIte Clerk hay~ this reso-.
lutionengrossed' and forwarded to IvI~s. Lutoit--'carried. ' ...
Moved hy J. Hepburn, seconded hy D. .j.,ang, .
Tha(Mr. Stanton's a~count. for nineteen,. dollarsforattending as wit~
ness in Sheriff's case be paid c:t.t once~carried.
Moved hy .l.H.Yarwood, seconded'by J. Hepburn,
'That the halanceof'Mi.' Stanton's account, be. not entertained-
Moved by R. Locker,seconded by G W.'Best,
That this Countildonow adjourn until the :first Monday in June) at
2.p. .m.) and,that .the V{ arden.. sign'. :chequ€,-for'.members'.wages........;.,car-
.ried. I ' ,
County Clerk.
A. J. LEttCH,
1i'.r,NT1>1 (umwl'vr!flTiNCIL PROCEEDING-S.
The County Council of the' County of' Elgin met this. day ~~t
Court. House,:St. Thomas, according to adj9\irnment. ' .
A; J.Leitch, E'sq." Warden, in the chair.
. Memb'er~ "present::-"\! essrs. Laing, l1rock,
,s01?,'.'-l\;lcWilliam.,; McColl, Andr~ws. pollock
'PollQck (Yarmouth), Yarwood,
win,. Be1t?,Simpson, Dance" Clhtton; ---
Theproceedings of the last day of the pr~v1nus session
. and conllrmed. '
The VI! arden addre~sed the Council, after which it waS moved
McColl, seconded by J.Ahdrews, . ,
That the cOJ~nnunications be n0W read~-cartied.'
1'he'following co'mmunkations w~re then r,ead.
From R. oW, Phipps, Clerk of Forest Reservation, Ont;.t~io.
From N. M: Campbell, making application for vacant position
County Boa~d of Exa~iners.,
~FromClerkof. Legislative Assembly,rereductionof
members of' County CO}lncils. .
From County Council of Pee1, re amendment to SGhOol'Law.
From .J q,mes Stfl-nton, Clerk of 'the Peace.
FromH. Caughel1, offering to sell 'the London and Port
gravel road,. '
frOln,the 'following with application for tbe
School Inspector:-W 'M. Nichols, BlenheIm; D.
, '
w ~rden.
. .
WE1JNESDAY,' JUNE :41'~,.I_884.'
The Council-met this ,day according, to adjournment;
A~..:] .:Leitch,'Esq'i,yVarden, in th,c,cqair.
_Memb~rs present-Messrs. Lang,Brock,McL~al1,Patters.o~, Me-
-rvVilliain,lVIcColl,_ Andrews, Pollock, Yarwood, Hathavv.ay,_ ,-Ward,; Abell,
LockerjEl1i~o~, Gpdwin, Best, Simp~oIl' Dance"elutton, Sisler1V,l:c~
Cally. ' '
IThe;proceedi,ngs,of theprev:iou~ day wer~ refl.,~ ap_d confIrmed.
lylove<l by D. McColl, seco.nde(l by J.Andrews,' ,
That the communications.be .-now',takeu,up:o,nd dispo~_ed,s)f--:,:"carrj~d
The Clerk then read communication fron~ R,'W. Phil)PS, re ]'orest
preservation. f
Moved by p. McC~ll,. second~d by D. Laing,' ,
'Thatthe.;communicatioll of R. ,W.-Phipps be consider~d ,this
six months-carried. \
N~ ":M. Canlpbell's cornmunicati9n was then I'eacl.
MO,ved by D. McColl, se~onded by J. C: Dance"
That the applioation of Mr. Campbell be referred to the
ComIuittee..-,.-carried. , I
A 'communication r'e reduction of number of members of
Cofmcils w'as then read.
Moved hy J. C. Dance, seconded by D. McColl, .
That the communiCation respecting the number of me~bel's of Co.
'Councils b,e referred to a Special Committee comp'osedofMc.Cally;
He(>burnj elutton,Andrews, and Leitch to'ieport to-morrow-~~arried
Moved by J~hn Andr'ews,'seconded by'D. McColl,
That the comrnunicati'ons be laid over until after the appointment
Moved. by J. Sisler, seconded by J. Hepburn,
the;mqtion fo~ the m'ode ofele,cting Inspector: be r,ec:il\d;~,dj and
thell10de of election be by' allowi~1gall the.tandidates'to,rem~in
th,eneld until:on~p1:?~~ins a majority of the C01,1nciI~ who shalltllen"
declared eleeted...;.:.....carried. ' , ' .
Moved by D~<M'cCollj,$eC6nded byLewi~_.SiIllpson,
'That Messrs: MCCally ~rid An'drews be appointedscl'liti'neers:..........
carried. .. " '. \,
Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded byS: Ward,
, . That thi~Gbuncil r~;~~l~e itself into- '1 Comhii'ttee of tile '~hole - and
:,'l'etire 'to' t'he Jury 'Romll to discuss the:question of. the Inspe'ctorship~-
lost .. . ,
Moved by J.C. parice,secondedI:ly D.Laing,
Th~t theClerkhe:appointed to act with,thescrutibeers~...:carried. \
~ ,", . .,,' ".-" '" <, .. -- ,~:' '-,' ,-"," ",..', '" ':, , " "", ","
, The election of the Inspector of Puplic-Schools wasthen'pfoceeded
with and on .the fourteenth ballot- Mr: Wi.Jbern A'tkin re'ceiveda major.'
ity of the whole COllncil andwas,dedared duly elected by.theWarde~.
Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by R. A.bell,
. That By-law No. 388, being a By-lawto appolnt a'n InspectorofPtib-
lie Schools for the. County of EIgin>.be l'eceivedand1'read afirst,tlme--
carried. , .
; ',oqec1 byR. Locker,.sec"nd.~ byS"Ward.
',That. By~law N 0; <~88'be read a second .t,ime~carried.
Moved by R. _<\.bell, seconeedby G. W.Best,
That By-law No. 388 be read a third time' and finally passec1'+car
ri~iJ. , '. "
MovedbyA, R..patterson,seconded byA.IylcWilIiam,,, ..
'Thatthe deputatIOn from Dutton iri,connectiol) with .the. High
School be ht;:ard 'achalfLpast ,one o'clock this afternoon-carried." -
Moved byD. McColl, seconded byJ. CDa~ce, .
. -'Tli-at'thisCouncl1 'adjourn till half-past one to 8JloVIJ,' 'Cqml11itte~s to
Th~. Council res~Hi1ed. '
The deputation fromDuttoll requeslillg Il,ata HighSohool be'estab.
lis~e<:i'at that place was then .heard., . .. . ,) .
. Moved by J. C, Dance, seconded by W. Brock, .
That. the application.':. of thedePl1tation"from putton resp~,ct\ng '3-
High-Schoo1b.e referrep..to.the Eq.ucation Committee-carried, '
Moved by'Samuel S.Clutton, seconded by S.Ward,
:mtdHr dOtJ'STYt!OtJ1fdIL'!'ltOOrp!lnINaS.
, ,That the balance of -the c<l111munications be-now taken ,up
posed of":'-'carried,
'_,:'. .>1, ,
The p'et)tion'frc>ltl JAwe.' StanWl1, .Esq"C1eik of !he'Peace
read-. ' '
Moved by J Qhn A.lJcll'ew's, sehoncllid hy. Leviis Si.opson,.'
'ThafMr. Stantt)TI-be heardillly~gard to Bis,petition:'~
. Mr: ~lalJlon lhen'ad(lressed lhe' Conn,i]' .
Movedby J. Hepbu',n,. gecDrlded byW, B;roc~ .
. Th,llhe :;pplic~tiot;(jfMr. Stanlon 10 he p~id by .5aI~ry
fees be not 'entertained~carried. ..," '
Thg Clerkthen read comm\1ni'cationfrorn' th~ County of 'feel. ..
'Moved by J.. Hepburn, seco)'d,d by, W. o. Poll?c\(,
That'the cpml1}unication from the County of' Peel. be: n;f~n;t;:dto
'E~ucation. C()mmitte~,
1n amendment" , . " '
Moved,by J..Andrew&;'seconded,by j, C. Dance,',
Thanhe"'Considetation of the corn~unication:' from
Peel be~l(tid ove}: until' tIle N ovemlDe,r _s.t;~sion. '
Amendment ,carried: .
Moved by W; a.pollock, seco.,nded by}. Hepburp"
,That the ~e'port of -the' SpedalGommfttee o.n the :Londot)
Stanley Gravel Road. be now read---carrieo.,'-"
, The Cler),read r~port, '
Moved by J. H. Yarwood, jeconded by B. F. Hatliaway,
'.rhatthe report oftheSpedalCommittee appointed to
advisability ofpur.chasing:the London andPortStanley,
be adopted'~'~carn"d, .
, Moved by Daniel Laing, ,secoridedby Lewis Simps61i9
tfhat thc{11cl'1tha:V0 290 copies of the ,public morals
nnd distributed .in, different parts of the .County-C:lrried.
1'he, County Engineer's report was' then read.
Moved by r ohnEllison seconded by S. S. elutlon"
'that the' CQuntyE'ngineer1s repo~tbe ~dopted;
I,n. amencl~nent.
Moved.by'R. L. McCally, .econded by R. Locker,' '
rrhat thereportof-the Erigineefbl:-referrelito the Public
ment Comr::.:tt~:e.
Moved by J. K Yarwood, secondeel byB.F..Halhaway,
That the report of, the Gaol. Cqlproitte;ebe re~eived and read--
C,apied., \ .
The Clerkread reporL "
Moved bY':,Lev(i~ Sjmpsdu,secQt).ded byj,C;.DanceJ
r~port of the G,aol ~ommittee be laid Qver l~ntil to~rnorrow
Moyedl;>yD. J'i,lc\C,oll, seconded by D. McLe.n,
ThafMr. Hunsberger, keeper of the House ofUndustry, be alloweq
to address 'the Councilc-,carried. "
Mr. Hunsberger then addressed the Coundl and ~sked fot' an in-
crease of . salary~ ,"
Mpvedby,J.C; Dance; seco)lded'by Lew~s Simpson,'
That Mr. 'I-Iu~sperger's. claimin reference to an: increase of salary
referred to the House of :.Industry' Committee..:-earried. .
, The County Auditor's report an the 188J accounts was then f,ead.
, Moved.byD.McColl, s.co~ded by.l. ,\ndre"S,
Thatthe Auditor's report be,-adapted...:.-carried,
Moved by R. Locker, secorlded' by R. L. M cCally,
:rhat. ,the Auditors be paid $40 each foraudilin~ lhe Treasuter',
'bouks, for r883..........'carried,
Tl~e 'Prea~~rer's estimate of amounts requited:to be raised during
188+ w~s,then read. ..'. '
MoVed by R. L. M<;,Cally, seconded by G, W. Best, ,
Thatthe Treasurer's estimate'bere[erred;to the. Finance Committee
~,-"tarried~ '
Moved py,S. Ward,' seconded by J. Ellison,'
That,Thomas Backhouse be heard in connection with :,thetaking of
.Alinin Ackworth frOrri!he H'otlse of Industry III X.877:e--carried.' I'
Mr. Backhouse't4en addressed the Council.
Moyed by J. SIsler, seconded by'A. McWilliam,
That the members'of the CauJ?,cil ,visit the ~House(jr Industl'Y to,:
morrow inorning,.anct:"that the Warden proturecanveyance f?r.. the
'same, to start from the Hutchmson House at nine o'clock in the,mom-'
..ing;.....lQst. " . I
, -The yeas ai).d nays being called for were taken down as follows':, ,
Yeas~Sisler, McWilliam" Patterson; Pollock (Southwold), Hath-
,vay, Hep~urn, Ap.der~on, Y arwaqd, McLean~9.
',',.,.,. ""'.,,,'.,' ,.'
"'" '." ,.,..,...-,,' -. .,
.~ ,G
Nays~Best, McCalll', Ward, Abell, Locker"Clutton;
lock (Xarm01;tp~),,l)~nce_,Si~npson-:-Io.: ..,..,','
, 1>fr,1;lcCillygivesno!i<'e. that he that on Thursday~ he will ,move
that the bridge over the,Otter Cre~k in the village of 'Vienna; kriown as--
the County bridge, be assumed as a Cbu-o-ty bridgej bsing over '1'(5)0
feet-lona" and on a leading road through the County.
Moved, by W. O. Pollock, seconded by John Andrews,
Th:ltthis:'Council ,adjourn, until 9, o'clockto:.ni6rr6w
allow the Committee on Education to meet--carried.
K.W. McKAY, A J.
County Clerk,
." u.,
'~ '1 id
,: ~(
11'_ 'i, iUI
,{O;} W
.t:1 ~ j
ni, ,~,' ~/!.~ 1
')( ,}\.,..'i
"l:(1 "c
"i'.,'j..; 1..\1" I',',l!
. , ,sEelY}.; 'j)(sEs'i;'ioN:":' 'lW lzi1JJtJAYI. i,". I,
',;'/;.'.:-/"' _I~:''''. .... .... ".\1')", ','_,' :,c. "'f'. ."
" ". ,.' ; THtri<.~~"i;Jy~'E(5T\j', I~84.
'The County C6hhcil rilct thii'd'y'acc01,dingtaadj6ornll).ent,,, 'I( ",.
'A.J.;:~'~'1tch,l?,sq,) W~;d'~nr{n'the c?air,_".. . ":'rLI _'l. ,.,
f;,:.. Me~b.~rs~~~sent~1vre~sr~. (La.hg,.t~1'82k;i;McLean, Palter's'6rl/1\lIc';.
I,Wfl1iam, McColl, Andrews,' pb\]ock,d'(:i;biJlh,"~ld,<) Hepburn, Pollodi,
~'('(ar.m?uth,) Yarwood, Hathaway" Ward, A.Bell,dcQCker, Best; God.
wJ.'t'J.;;.Snb:pson, Dance, M:,cCally, Slsler),qLI,1~ton,:;EIAI~9n.; ';l
, . '1'" e proc,,"diITgs.lIf'the iprevk'''s~day woue,rea,dratlf! ,~P.n6m!~q.
M:oved'by. J. Sisla,"'secon~~d by" A.' R. 'Patterson, " :,' '{:j(,{; ,:t b
That the report of t1\e'GacH Comlliittee,beadGpted.....'ca,ried. ',',
'" ,... .' 'd'\ ." I
:M_oved.b1 J. Sisle!)'~_ecoh\d"ea:by}R~Ab~l~':' ;-;:,tr,:.. . . ,."cr'
ii. (rlWt tl1emotion: t~ adopt' tl{e En'gine~r's'igpbrt,P"SS"d yeliterd'l"be,
! rescinded, and thaCtne report be <e\erred to the ptl\)li~ 'Impravemerits. )
C . ..... d' . ,u'."" J,,' (' ,....; ", '(" 't. ,.
onmnttee-:-carne. .'.'~""''',_r' ",,' .. _', ,.....;'"
.Mov~il by, S, War4~'secqndt:ii.b>lR;'I~::Mc,C"tl:y,:;. .:' I:, (,i,.
,,' ,'.,J d.C, ,1 " ".'_ :;. , . '..' :.:" . ." .' '.,'
,trhQ,ttQ.e;q:;is,eqf,',f~dm,~~.Backhouse be referred to the Committee
of theHo~geof Il1d~lstry. "J;;};;..... '~L',
'.I!:iiamend~~n~{~ ,,",,:-t"""":.:J ,,~'! .~':l ;}.:t t',;';e. f.I., II'-H"'1 n
'. :Move!! by B" Et Hathawal(, S~c9;ng~~py 1, lj:. 'Ya~"igocl, j , i'
That the appliGation made by ThoniasBackhotis.elbe not e.nttlrtained
The amendmeiifwa. >carried; ori'theffoHawirrg (cl:I'vrsiQ}n\:'< ,;(1 I:' V(:I('
i..... -Ye'asr"', ~isler,. Me W-ilUamj~) (Patter,son,~ "H6pbi;'lrn,rM(lT,:Jea~.J' M~koll,
~"., D~nce'Y'a!wood, Simpson;- Hathaway.~at'1~l.the\\r'ardel<1~.ljI;^:" '."-'
Nay~0'Goif*,i'n;'Best;'McC.lly Ward/Abell, Ldtke,\! Ellison, : POl" ,
lock (Yarmouth), Pollock (S1:lutj1woldl, An(j,ews~\'o.) < .!. , i." '.'
Movedby lohnAhdreWs, setOl!ded bYD: 'McUbti,i' <1 . . :.1
Th~t' Ih'e r.!p&fi df'tlle l';ornrilittdi on.HQl\se o~, I;idus~rybe tec'ei~"a
andread---------ccarried. ,h~".t~,c :.,'\ ,\ l\,~')'; T
TheClerkieaa;,~ ,'1 ','."f <<~: .~,~ :,.,;.;.; ':T
. ,
EUl-'1't!1' co1Y:t{'r~. OO:tJ~CtL PltOCi<J:rebINGS.
--~--'_.-- ~-------
M~ved by ]ohnAndrew" seconded by B. F.Hathaway, .
That theril.9tion for the'CoUllcil to visit the I-louse of In<;lustry, lost
, yesterday; be reconsidered, as' some_ of the meni.bers have never visited
said Institution-carried.
M9ved by,B. F. Hathaway; seconded by A, R; Patterson,.
That.the men1b.ers of ,the Ccunty Council meet 'at tile Hutchinson
House at qal~-past one to-day'to visit the House of Industry, and that
~he Warden procure conveyances for members~carried,
",Moved by John'Audrews, se.conded\;yW. O. Pollock"
That :Messrs. Drink','{atef' and McCorkell be heard' in regard:to
,building bridge, on line: between St. Thomas and the County--carr,ied.
Mi\ Drinkwater then addressed the Cou'nci.J.
Moved by J, H. Yarwood, seconded by W.O. Pollock,
Thhttheapplication of Messrs; Drinkwater and othersforbridge on
to,,\;n line between Yannoth and Southwold, near" St. .Thomas, be re~
felTed to the Public Improvernents COll1ll1ittee--~arried. ~ ..
Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by J. Hepburn,
Thnt,Constables in the employ of i~a'ilwayCompanies and rec'eiving
sala~'ie~,or fees from th~ same,. be allowed no fees or pay from 'th~
County for arr~.sting pnsoners an~llodging them in Gaol for' offences
c;olumitted on railway premise~,-carried.
Ii" tvIoved b'y D.McCol1lseconded by JOh1: Ellison, .,'
That. Mr; N. )doore,-Gaoler" he 'request~cLto gi've an; explanation' r~~
spectingreports circulat~d 'abouthim'bycerta.in parties residing in' St;
,Thomas~carried.' . . . '
\ I\'Ir.:V1 ofJre then addressed theCouncilrespecth1g - the report '''that
he_:had requested the Police Magistrnte ofSt.Thoniasto sendpiisoners
to: gao1fo.rhard.labor." ,.
,Moved by John Pollock, seconded by John Andrews,
Tha~ thi's C(fundl does; notapp~ove bf the ~cti9n t,aken by.the 'In~
spector of Prisons in moving prisonersto the '\\'oqdst.xk' gaol, as on
sevc;:ral 'occasionsa.larger number olf prisoners hsv,e been accommoc1ak
eclto ,the satisfaction of- all:parties---'--carried,.
Moved byJ.Pollock, sec~nded b)'1, 11~pbum,
,'r.h~Lt we acljovrn,tome'et ag'ain this"afternoon at 4,Q'clock-,.carried.
The Conndlresumed.
'The Clerk read the County Treasurer's half-year1yrevort.
l\loved by John Andrews, secoricled'by D. McLean,
That q1e County Tfeasurer's report' &e refexted to the Fimi.nce.co~
lnittee~carried. .
, '.' , ,
Moved hy 1, Pollock, seconded' by W.Brock, . ,q"
That *e bri,dgekno w n asthe. F -lr'an\Si~CO. Bridge be re".err. ed .to..... the....:i:.,>..t~. ..'.ll'~
l;'ubll,C ImprovementCommlttee-Carrled. l~'l ." ". .f:!;' ~i~'. '~.
. .M~ved by J. Sisler, seconded by R. Abell;. J"~'^",I.lI"(!;l";~.:'5"'~",,<, 1~':'{Ai~r~,
,That t~isCouncil aQ.-journ til1 Ioa.-m. to,~morrow to allow Co,l11l11it~ ~~ \
tees to meet-carried. .
K. W" McKAY,
County Clerk.
A. J.
\ i~
L'l'. ,JTJ ~,. l' ';i' i ~.I}i
'" >i ()I'j(:,(" t '; i "~, \'(;
~'.! : ,,\ ';,!
;:-':~-\j (: ~"', '; 1';'
. ( :.:~
-,'(V ,iff'), 'it
" "r I i:',. "::'_:C' , _.C_';(
''SE(JC/JVJ'J''iSE SS 1 OJ./-;'"F@UR1':}I"IJIlY:,
','" """":',,)""'11'."
,.,.. d j" :hf~If'A 'l':' 'J~hiE
The County CounCil ntet this day according to adjournment.
A, J, Leitch, Esq., Warden, in the cMir.
Members pre;;ent--:---.Messrs. 'Lang, 'Me-Lean, Brock,
Vjilliam, McColl, Andrews, Pollock, (Southwold), Hepburn,
(Varmouth,) Yal'\v~od, Hathaway,Ward, Abell; Locker, Best,
'winl Simpson, Dance, sisle~, McCany, Clutton1 Ellison.
The proceedings or the previous .day were read and confirmed,.
Moved hy R, Locker, seconded by R. L. McCally,
Ifhatthe' report of the Final1ceComrrllttee be received and
The Clerk read report.
Moved by G. W. Best, ,econded by R, Locker,
Thett the. reparto[ the Finance Committee be adopted.-carr,ie,L
MoVed by J: Sisler, seconded by A. McWilliam, . . '
Th.t the report of the Committee on Edncation be received
, The Clerk read report.
Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded by A. Me William,
That the r:eport of the Education' Committee be adopted.
Xn ,amendmentj /
Mbv~d by D. Laing, seconded by, D. McLean,
That the report -of the Educational C.ommittee be referred to ?
mhtee of the whole to meet this afterno'1U.
Amendment carried.
Mo'led by R. Locker, seconded bY R. Abell,
'that the report of the Public Enprovements Comu1.ittee be
TheC'e\:l~ ~':'::-'.'\ r~:y)',"'L
~/, )
ELGIN' 'UOUN~,y 'bOUNClt :I>ROCll<:En:iNGS."
(};: 29
. ,'_., ,-'<'<:>:';', :i ': : . . "'" ,",
jI1qvedbytJ<., Abell,cseSBqpe~ by R,:Locket, . ,,'
That therepo~t of theP.ubiic irnprov~me~is 'C0~mitte:e be adolj~ted >
---:-~arried;' < ~-'" ..., .' .~, . . 'I
. '. ,'.~- . ...l .:-, J, n. ' > _' '..i' -' .' . ' ( i..' 1-' ..< j. .'"'' ".. -:: ., ".' . ,,' "
':~1o.ved.byR.Ld"[cC,\I)y, ,,,conged,b~:1'.,Locke)',,, ,I, ,.'" . :
That the rsport of the Committee,'Qf the House of In"du~~:~ be
,. {l.d~pte~,_ . ..'~ I .,'.,,:~ n::
Ina~~~dment.. "f';;l
.J:IVIoved~y;J00}i'P?hoc~,:s&corido,cihyJ,~i~pbur.n,.. .'
That the rep.ort of the ,~ouse o{Industry' CO)l1mitteebe,adopte~: eX~
cept'the clause recolnmendingan-in_crease.ofsal,aryto the keeper. 1
The'originalulOtiun wasc~rritd'DJl thef~llowing,'divis5p:'1: "',
Yeas'~McOdly,':,-Codwin,-; vV~rd'/ A..\]ell,' ~Locker, .Elli'$qn,( 'Clutton,
Patterson, .ya~~'~6d,I;?11?ck) .(Y;:j.rm(mt'h,~)' McColl,',Andrews, Dan~t',
Simp$qq :-+-aingcI'S ':, __' ,~: ('.. " '_" ..'.r,; "'-.: ~
N~~~~Bes'( Sisler~:;M>c\Villja~,'.. 'Hat~away, H:epbu"fri,tPollock,
(~outhwoldJ) Brock and McLeaH.J..:8', j:; ~X,.i , ,~ 't..; : 1\
, Moved by J Qhn:_;Eiis.on,. (ec;.ol)desl:,by, ?<l:\-p,ueLS. Cluttoll',,;Ji. " i; ':,
Thht:Mr. ,M;cLaw's be/allowed to; actdress;theCouncil re condldonof.'
offi<;:e~chJlrieCi1'. 't I,: ~.f";j. . '
Mr. McLa\vs then'~d(ke5sed the Cbuucil,',statingthat; he' 'r~~lJired
more ,and better, office accommodation. I' ,
.}\Ioved by J. P6Ilotk;seSd,;dedb'yJ iA,illire>vs, e.
, ,.'. .-..,', '.''>:'',.'-' ''-; '..... ....,L;'I".... '.- '. :....,' ,
'-.,.:~-ha~,\ve 'adjourn.to.m~~~<)t >h,'t'f~pasfo?e~ -'[and that .the~ ~?U~,:~l ex-
'amme mtothe matter com~hqned of ~,by}JJ; -,McLaws-,-catr!ed.', '.
, . The"c:'Ouncil resume,d.and immediateJY,\y~Pt i~to Comn~tteelof. the
-WhcilEtbn,t-he report of the' Educatj'Qn .-Comm,itte~,.Mr~~ McCaHY: in
the chair. After c.onsidering. the diff,er<:mt 'F!~pses in "the,.i:cpOl't' the
'C()mmitte~ rose and the' chairman reported therqpo!~':~)s,8Jne'n4eJ; ~. '
_ Moved,.}j:'v'y.i'6. Dance, seconded' hyT)ewis\Sinlpsorrj" -',.f:'
r .--- ':"'.' '. ~. ". '.:'.: ~'., ,_" . ..' . '. -: .' ; . ': I' ,,-:,' "". .:.
That therepodot the ColTImittee on Itdiicati6n .. as am":rided by the
'Cortllnittee:o'fthe'~h6Ie be adopted. . U, ),:1 .d ;" ;,,' '. en
M_otion '<(a~ried o~ the following division,:-. . "),""(f~r ,;', ,,"1 /' ~
,,_Ye~s.-. Ward" Abel1,'Sisl'.el1,. :-El1ison; Ha.tl1aMay,Yjan.y .... 9~d., ~,.a,;epburn:~
Pollock (Yarmouth),.. Andrew,:;,,' Dance, Simpson; .,M.c~ea;n;': Bro,ck,
Laing, Godwin--'-I,S. ' ,- ,; - . ,.' ," N'
. ' .. ,
N ays- Best,McCally,CI utton,' M c\tVilliamjPatterson;' ond)?Qllock
(Sollthwo]d)~6.:, / " ,
Moved by' R. lcocker, seconded by J. Sisler, .i
30 ELGtN' ao-dN'1f,~'COUNCJL' l'RO~;;:l"ijIHNGg~
,-,~.,....-_."..".' -~- -~~-~....,-~~...........,
'That the ,Warden, sign cheques? to the orderofB. Ha-vercI'oft $6',and
. 'D.-M, Ba~nes $rz.SP, fot':conveyanceof. member.sD ,House of -Indus..:
try--carriedl 1 . .' I
'.I'he' Cl,erk then read'tcmmunicatioLl from the, City of St. Thomas
St<,ttil1gamoun,t they'wou..1d pay towards the adn:n,nhitratkm ofju5tice)t
~,~. ,," , .
, Movedby D;)VlcCo]~gecondedby-y. Aildrews1
That the cCirnmunic[~tion "from _the City 'Council respectrog-the
. amoul1t the}' shall pay tn:the County fOJr'theAdmil1istration of} tlstice,
etG"" 'be referred to the ,Speda,l Committee appointed to effect a 5et~1~~
lwent;-.they to have'-powertoa:ct~carried. 'I
lVIoved,byD. l:aing, secOllded hy J. Ellison" ' ' "
That the offer made by theCo,mmittee on behalf of the City or St.
,Tbomag,1with re;fen;nce to Adroini.;)tration'of Justice~ ~e nota~ceptec1
-.....:carried.' " ,
. ' I "
)\'loved by r ohn Pollock, second,cd by J, H. Y<trwod,
1l'hat.s.amuel'I?rice be;:tppotnted Arbitra~or for this County
Admr.nistration of Justi(~e q,uestion. '
In amendIlJi,en:t,
MoveCl by J. Andrew",~econded by J C. Dance,
~E'ba1l'Jame~ An:nstrong,'M. P., of South ,~1iddles:ex, b~
lj.y thi~I'CollncI1 as Arbitrator between, the County,and City
to the Administration 0-(' Crita.inal JU9tice-.
Amendment carried. '
Move,d by John AndrewS, seconct:ed by Samuel ::;;.
'1'hauhe Warden tender thHhanks of this;Cmmcil
'Journal :FJdnt:ng COlup;nies forfumishingG,)pie& of
,Moved by D. \lcCall, seconded by I. Andrews.
11i1t. th,:~ GaOl Committee report at the~ovemrber.
'b1.ble c~)f5tof putting in the necessary- machinet')~ {O~-
llou~,e and (;aol with hot air.
In ,a'rnendrnent
Moved b); J.f! Y.rwood, sec.ondei!
That this C01..1-l1dl arithOrlze,the
mean5of' heating the' Court
Amendment:' carried.
, Moved by RLoeker, seconded by Sisler, '
That theT'eport qfSpec~a] ComrJ1\!ttreeappointed to'
mean~raf redtJ)crng the Dumber of melltbers ofl Cotmty
receivej' and. read-carr5ed~'
Tb~ Clerk reacl report. , ", "
j\/[o'vedh:lS'~':);r:cI :3. C!~.1tt:)-:.\, 's-:~o:11:::'~I b'; 'f o.hn Ellison,
. ' ' ,J' "
':ELGn.;", {)G1!N"1'lCOU~C:!L l'ROCE~DiNGS;
;That the repoit,v[ the Special ,Committee ,appoirlte.d, to. take ii1tO
consideration'certaiu questio.nsreceived fr,bm the Clerk of the Legisla.
tive Assembly b,eadopted-'""":"car'ried. ,', , ,,' .
. 1\1 ovedby J. '~isler" s~coL"!ded by JohnPoHockj, " , '
Tbat'wherecls.lt hath pleased Almighty God to remove (rom us by the
,hand of, dea~h the late School' Inspe'ctor pf this County,.A.-. F~ B\.ltl~t,
Esq."1 Beit tb:ereforeresolved, that this Council' do this reSl)]lltion place
tll}on 'record tb€;-grea~l loss that this,t:ounty has sustained ill ,the death'
of one w'ho hcmorab,ya.ud faithfully discharged the important duties of
,Irispe~tor of Schools: fClrthis: County~ and, be it als,o ,resolved, that the .'
,lnembersofthis CounciI"whi1t::expre:ssi{lgthei'r sorrow at th.(t !osSiofan,
honored'servant, a worthy citizenaud,a valued frieh~ remember
_'wh()se sorrQw and wl10se 'lo$sissomuch greater~ a'nd'th,ey d~hereby
tllost respectfully-tender to the widow of our ,late r.espected'lns[)ector
their heartfelt sympathy with her, in this, the hour of her I ber'eaVClnent"
:and be it f~lrther resolved 'and ordered b~this Council thattbis 'resolu.
b,esUl~~bl.yel1grossedand transmitte'dto Mrs,'ButJ.er as a monJ,en-
to Qfthe.1Very highesteemJn which her late lamcntf1d husb~\(ld ~as
held by,th~s C9,uncil~alTied,
,Moved hy"'H;-,!:"Godwin,secondedhy-C. \V.'Best,
;.' That'.Hy-law 1"[ O"389~bei.ng a By~raw, to fix the/salary of.l~e I keeper
{,Qfth,e -Elgin House'of .Industry,- a,ud amend By.'law No; 276~ be'xU'-
'h ceh'ed and read a 'first time--.ccar~:ied~, i
~oyedby R. -Locker, sccond't:d byJrV.O.PoIloc1{,
, Tha1: By-law No. 38.)'be read a second timec...;-carried:
t;-1\{ovedbY"I-L T: God~iNin se<:()ude? b,~ G\IIl.. Be;st" I
~'That By-Jaw No, 389 be read_a third tIme and 'iinaJly p>lssed----,.car~
~~ ,'", -", "
!~\M()vedby"D.:l1cCdl, seconded by J, Andrews,
f:,'Th.at By-huI N:o. 390, being a BY41avvJo authorizethe9 v\1a,rden tl
ltex.ecute conveyances necessary-tO' C:~)I'npleteanll'.xchang~ of certy.iu1an~s
R'berecelved and 'read 'a firsttime---'carried",
; M?ve'dby~jojlrfA.rid'tewsl-seconded hYf? lVIcCol\
f':That By~lawN o. ,390 be read aseconq., tllne-:o-carned.
k jIlovedby,D, McCull, secouded by J. Pollock,
~;:Tha~ -BY3aw NO..39Q he recld a third time and 'finally r"assed~car~'
'j:lied;" '. "
\'Moved by J.B. Yarwood, seconded by J. Pollock, ,
~''fhat By-law No. J9I,bejng a 'BY-faw" to ~aise l11:nounts [oreomity
jl:ates bel'eceived and read a first' time.........cal'ned. I
\~::,Moved byj.'Hepbl4fU1stCiJ1.1ded,by \1\"',0, Pollock;
k<That By~iaw N~. 39tbe re~da secllnd pme--.:carried.
Mov<d byW. O. PoIlook, s<x:onded by J. Hepburn,
() ': ',_' "i, "; ::',' '," -! ' ~" ',1,
. ,1ihatBy'law N;O. 391,p.e',~J'd," ihi:d tim,e and fmallypassed-car-
nedl" ; "I' J..(,~ ~ ,< ,. <-,;.. I..v
Moved by A..R:l'atterson; sgcondeiib{A.M.cWilliam, "', . ')
That By-law No. 39', 10, fix the salaries '6f the 1'umkey' of.tte,Elgin' J
Cqunty(,qail\i'Bd,amend J;ll',taw)48; lie, tfad a'first'time~C:lrried,
Moved by A. !i1.c'0',\ll\ai>>.secondeil' h'y\\.R~ 'Pattetsbn, 1 ""
J,h" ,~~ ~Yi~~_'V ~o,' 3',~ ,,2.,' b,'''' e, read a'~ec6',;a', :ti\:n,' 'e,'c.:carried'" ,j L, ,
Moved by S'I W\,rl'",econ,le<l py R. Abell,' ". ,. . "
'iI:4a.tpy.law i$'i;. 39 ;beT~.da 'third time ' aM flnilly"passed=.ro' J
riee\" " ,." ',,,," ,." ,,'...., ",., ,'".'
ctVIoee<l,):Jy. 'H, T. G9d",i~;'s,ccind~ej'l5Y G: W'. B'est, "",' , ; '.
Ihl\\,!?y:law No, 393, bein,{ By-law tocohfiim By.Yaw' Nd, 4"9 of.tbe
T".,.r)~ip d Ya)p,gq\p, '.p"'r,e,ei~e<:l'aridtead'a 'fiiit'time~caHied.
,Moved by S.W ard, seconded by R.. i\ bell,' " .,', ", ,., "
:rb'l! By.la"lN9n393"/,e "eo<l, ~,s~~O;i1Cl,~imef-'cai~ie~:':i ,.' ,"
~~qyea by.R.. Ab,ll, sec9ndcd by R. Locker; ,', , .'
, T4i\tBy.la"l No. 393,be reed at~ird,)i,me and fntilly' passecJLc'car-
Tle1;l. ,.,:" " ' " .' ",e, . ,,,.,'.' . ". ,"
,Mbv'ed by'Samuel s. 'c:lutton,'secohoed by ] bhriEllison. .
That By:law ,No., 394." being a I1y,.law.to appoint an'Arbitrator, to de,
te,ini"e tbe amonnttobepaiii'bith'e:(c'it\"of 'St', cfhomas.to ~he' ,Cilun-
ty Jor the Aministration, of, Justice, use of Court ROllse, .Ga"l, etc., b~,
recJe\veii and read" fltst time~carried. ",. ..:, ,c. '
, ,',' " 1 ' J
Movedby,Ri I-,ock.er",secondeclbYJ:'~lHsdn" , ';.'j
That By.law Np. 30451' read ,"seccind tin\e-carried.
Moved bY,S,S:'Clutton, sedritled\'>y J Ell.iS0n, ,',,, "
ri~a~at,By-law No. 394"b~!~~dithitd ti;::e...Wd finall:; ~ia.,s~~,,:,cat
Moved by R.J.Qcker, sec.ondecl by S. S. Clutton,
'~hat<this.Council do'uow adjonrn to 'meet tbe thircl Tuesday in
ven,ber, attwo o'clock p: m:"ndthat thc' Warden sign
nl%h\bers' wag;es-carried; ,,"~>' l'''~: ~..(~) -tf,', "(1-\-:
: ' I \: .'"
K.W. McKAY, "
County Clerk, ,'. \, '(,.
,,~ _ .._ I. l .
, ,:\ '~\
>~J ,i
":,,-",,,,.-,,.,.':".-" __ ,,:,".,:'1,','"
"TUES~1?-YJ' r8THNovEMIlER, 18:84"
Ti,e County Council ofthe .Connty'ofElgin "net this day at tho
Court !louse, St. Thomas, according to adjournment.
A,'_J. ;'eitchj'E:sg.., \Ya~den,in the chair.
'All the Memhers present., ,", '
,,:,:.'fh~ proceeqings, of the last day of the pr,evious, session Wete read
::\'3.tid c_on1itJi1ed.
, ,The Warden addressed the Coun~il after w~ich, the .following com..1
mqnicati6hsw~rer.ead., , " '" ,', " " ,,', -'
FrOm the'CbUnty Council of Kent Wilh 1'efe1'encetodcigtax,
ot From the-County Council of Victoria asking the cO~Clperation ,of t~e
1L,~o]lncilJn,pt;:tittoniug the Minister of Railways torelieYeFh~,m of the
r:,burdep. of Taxation 'Caused by bon'uses gt~nted to certain railMa;j's.
' Erom D.McLaws, Clerk of Assizes" with copy of Presentment"of
~\,::" From Inspector of Public Schdols,~with annual report.
[ From County Engineer, WIth report on condition of County bridges,
" Moved by D. McColl, ,seconded by John And1'ews,
Thatlhe communications be now disposed of~cat1'ied~
Moved byR, Locke1', seconded by R. A,bell, '
~., That By.lawNO"395, being a Bt1aw to' aulhodze the Warde~ to
iiiborrow the sum of $15,0.00, ,be receIVed and read a first tIme~-.cal'rled.
M Moved by J. Ellison, seconded by S. S. Clutton,
That By-l9.w No. 395 be read a second time-,carried.
Moved by S. Ward, seconded by R; Lockor,
1~J:.G:lN' CDirNTY CQtfNCIL' PIW(1.EED1~GS_ ,
That By-law No. 395 be read a third time and fj,nally passed-car..
- The County Engineer's Yeport was then .reacl.
,Moved by, s. S. Clqtton,seconded by,R. Locker,
That the report of the County Engineer be referred to the Fublip
Improvements Committee--carried.
The communication fromthe County of Kent, redog-tax, was-then
read, ",'
Move,d by John Andrews, seconded by J. C, Dance,
That this Council co-operate with the Council of the County of Kent
in referel1c~ to clealin:gwith the dog nuis~nce~C'arried.
The' Public S~hool Inspector-)s report was then tead.
Moved by R, L. McCally, seconded by S. Ward,
That th~ report of 'the:Inspector of Public ~chool$ be ,received and
printed in'the proceedings of this CounciL. '
F .;rst'amendment.
Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by B. F. Hatl]away,
That the Inspectorls report be adopted with the exception of the
clriiJ13e referring to the low, salaries. of te;lchers~
Se'~ond amendment. \.
Moved by J. C. D.nce, seconded by.). Andrews,
That there-port of the Public S:chool, Inspectorbe:'la:id over to give
him an oppmtupity to addres9'the CO,uncil.
Original motion and second amendmt;;ntlost; first amendment car-'
ried. '
M o,ed by J. Follock, seconded hy l Andrews,
Th;lt we adjourn to meet'to-moi:WW at9 o'c19ck-~arried.
!(, W. McKAY, A. J. LEITCH,
County Cl~rk. Warde~,
' I.. ' ., "
The Council m~t this" day according ,to adjou'rmnent.
A. J.:Leitch; Esq., ViT(lrden, in the'chair.
All t.he memberspres~nt.
The proceedings of thy previous ,day. were read and ~onfirnied.
The' Clerk then, read annual report of the Inspector Of the, ~lgil1
HQuse6f Industry., "
Moved by J. Shler;second~d by R. .Locker, , ,
That the report of the Inspector of the House of Industry qe adopted
Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by R, Locker, "
That,a,deputation from:the S-outhern Counties' ',Fair Association ,be
heard this afternoonapwo p. lU.-:-carried. .
. The repolt of the Surgeon of the House of Industry was the'll read,
Moved byD. McColl, seconded,byJ. Hepburn,
That the report' of the Surgeon of the House of Industry be adopted
~carried. '., " "
Th~ Clerk then read communication from - the County of Victoria,
re bonusesgrantedto certain raIlways.
Moved by R. .Locker. seconded P'Y H. Stratton, ,
,That the Warden, S. S. Clutton and R. L. McCallybe a Committee
to tak~into consIderation the Il.1atter referred to in a- communication
from the County of Victoria, ~nc.i report upon the same at thi~ ses'sion.
Inamendment. .
Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. p. Pollock,
Thatt~,epetitionofthe County of Tictoria be entertained, a'nd that
th,is Council appoint a Corn'rnitteeto reportonsaid petition, said Com"
mittee to consist oL~essrs. Brock, McCally, Clutton,. Hepbutn" and"
Ward; , ,
AniendIlle_nt lost ont,he followi'ngdivision-:
Yeas-Hathaway McCally, Laing, McLean; Andrews, McColl and
Pollock (Yannouth)-7.
Nays-Stratton, :Ward,'Sisler, Abell" Locker, Patterson"EIlisoo,:
Bro,ck,Mq'Villiam, Yarwood, Hepbutn~II. I
" ~ !
Main motion carried'
Moved by D, McCol~,seconded hy w: b. Pollock,
Thattherepoit of the'Grand Jury'in regard to iron bedsteads for \
~heGaol be not entertained-,carried.
TheClerk then read communication from the County of Peel with
referenceto'proposed change in Schbol,La,w;
MovedbyJ). McCoU,seconded by W. 0,. Pollock, ,
Th~t the ,mernorial from the County of Peel in,referen~e to thepro.
pOsed cl:bnge-intlie School Law be referred to the C~mmlttee on Ed-
ueation-carri,ed. '
A communication fromR. W:. Phipps, re F01:est Preservation was,
t)1en read. "
Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded' by R: Locker,
That thecbl11m,unicatio~from R.vV. Phipps be "referred to aC.om-
:mittee composed of Messrs. Ward, Andrews, Stratton -and Hepbuyn,
and that theyr~portupqn the same a~ thissessi.on~cartied.
Moved by A. R. Patterson, seconded'by R. Locker, " . .
That tl1eClause in the report of the Committee on Education laId
'Qver from last session, be adopted.
Moved hy W. Brock, ,ec",nded by W. (), Pol)ock, " '.
That the matter of the HighScllOol question.inWest Elgm be laid
Over till this alter'noon, until all tbelnembers~'arepr~sent.
.A111.endment'1~st'rnairi:n1bti"pn carYied;, ,_', .
)The Clerk then read Gommunication from S~ S. McColl, :Esq., WIth
accounlfor,scry.lces agPu~lic SC~?ol, Inspector. '".,
Moved by J. Sisler. seconded py $, Ward,
Tha.t :vfr. McCo1l's account be.referr~cltothe finance Cornmittee.
,Eirst amendment ' ' " '
Moved by W. Brock, seconded by D..M;cLean, " ,"
That,the 'ac~ount ,6f.$_aI1luel~.McConfol services as Scpoo111:1-
spector for three months'be~'l~cepte(i' anct' ordered to ,be j;miq. ~ "
Second 'amendmen.t;
Moved by J. fL Yarwood, seconqeq by B. F'. 'Hathaway, "
That M-r._McCo],'s:accr);untb,e .referre(l to,,~duc;atiol1, CO:q1mlt~e~_
Original.motion::c<1tried. Aweti4mentsJ(l$t.
Moved by K L. McCaUy, seconded by ,J ohn, Ellison,
Tha,t this, Coup,dl petition the LocalLegisrature'Jo_a,l1'l~n,<l ~he~Jliali.
ficationsof Reevesami,Voter$, inIn<::orporated':Vill<1gefL~o'as.to.rpake
thc'qualifications'the same as th05'e ~or Reeves ahd:yot'ersiri ':To,'~n~:
ships;'that is Reeves, free.hold $400, and ,leasehold J~.oo ; for , V,oters\l
$ I 00, freehold or leasehold, and -that the ,petitio.n' ',be placed Tn the
hands of onr local mernbers Messrs. Ermatinger and Casca~eu-c~r;
fled., " ., 'i __, ,,'
MovedbyA. McvVilliam; seconded byA. R;Patter,son, I
That this Coun~i:l' adjourn untiItwo o'cloc~ andthit ':in t?e' .ffieanw,
tiIp,e" all the Comini ttees meet and prepare, their rep'orfs~carri~d.'
The' Colinc'il<res,cinred athvo?'doc~.
Moved by A; R. Patterson, s~conqed by R. Locker,
That th9c1epgtition_fron:t theS?uther~ Couhties" Fa'ir Association
be now heard-carried. ' ' '" ! _,
Mr, Brown and' others then acldtes~ed the CounCil.
.l\1?veg bYf\~ MC,Wi'Wtlm, second~d 9Y A. R;r,::tters.op,
That the request- from the deputation from the SCHJ:tl1ern Coqntjes'
fairAs~ociatiDI?: 'be not entertained by this Council., ,
;First amendmen t
Moved hy W. o. Pollock, seconded hI' J. Ellisou, y'
Thatthis Council'grant the Southern Counties' Fa'ir Association-the
SUn) of $400, proViding the City grants the sum of $600.
Moved by] ohn Pollock, secolrded by ] ohu Andrelvs"
That ,this Council having heard the financial standing of the South-
ernCount,ies' Fair Association deem it advisable to grant them the,sum
$6qb.' . '. .
Aniendments lost. Or~ginal motion carried on'the followihg'divi-
~M:' , .
Yens, :l'Best, Stratton, Ward, Abell,' Sisler, Patterson, -Locker, - ,Mc-
Clutton,Brock; ',Hathaway, Yarwood; McColll Dance, Simpw
and McLean:-I 7.
Ellison, Pollock (Yarn.'outh), Andrews arid Pollock
'Moved'bYH. T: GOdwin, seconded byR. Locker"
That tqeReeves of the several rnul1icipalitiesbe appointed aCorn-,
eqllalize theasse'ssmentrolls for the present year~carried;
Moved 'by W.O. Pollock, seconded by J. II. :Yarwood,
That the report of the Gaol Committee be now read-=--carried; ,
Clerk'read report.
Moved bYJoh~ Ellison, seconded by Samnel S. Clutton,
'That the report df the Gabl Committee be adopted-carried.
, '
Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by R. Locker,
,That ther~port'of the Public Improvements COffiluitteebereceived
and read-carried. " .
Moved by John Andrews, seconded by D. McLean,
Thatthis'Co~ncil authorize, the Gaol ComlTIittee to emploY a Janitor
alid that they have power to regulate,hfs duties~carried
Moved by'J. C. Dance, seconded by Lewis Simpson,
"Thafthe account of Mr. McLa,ws for office.-rent be r.eferred to, the
F'inance Committee-carried. r
Moved by J. Sisler, .econded by A. R. Patterson,
'That this Council do now ;adjour~ until nine, dclock to-morrQ""
morning_carried. '
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
, Warden'l
'The County Council met this ,day according to adjournment.
A~' ].'Leitth,'Esq., Warden, in the chair.
All the~einbers pre~erit. '
The proceedings of the previous day~ere read and confirmed.
Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by R. Abell,
'Tha-tthe report of the Public Improvements' Conlmittee, be' ~doptd:l
-":carried~" ,
',:" '.', '" ,'" - I
'Moved by J. C.Danee, seconded by J. Aridrews;
, ' ", ' , .
That 'the: report of the EducationalCommittee be received an<:i read
1;he Clerk read report.
Moved by John Ellison, seconded by G. W. Best:
of the Committee 'on Educ'ation 'be adopted-cm:-
~~ovedpy John Pollck, seconded by Samuel S: Clutton,
~;,,,,-That whereas a large amount Of money is' expend~d annually it}
~:,~maintaining the po,?rof-ollrG_ounty, and'therefore we ,deem it advis~
Ii' able to visit tl)-e House of :Industry, it, being under the direct cotrol, of
this Council.-.....Jost.
,Moved by John Pollock, s~conded by J Sisler,
,,"That this' Co.u'ucit :,petiti()ll the Ministe:r ,of Education ,to do , away
~, with -the Vienna High School, as yve consider it an unnecessary institll-
Carri.ed on 't4e following' division:
Yeas-Bes,t, Abell, Sisler,-~llis9n, Me "Villiam,McI.i~an, Yarwoodl, '0" ,-'
Pollo ~k" (Yarmouth), Hepb,ur,n, ,PO,IlOCl<(SouthWOld), Andrews, Danco, "I,","~,"
andSH~pson-B" . ' :', " , , . , '" ' !.
Nays~Sfratton, Godwin, McCally and Clulton~4,' ,
1!1LGIN dOUNil>)" COU:Not:Ll'n.09EEDINGS,
Moved by R. Locker, secouded by R. L. McCally,
That tne By-law passed, someti'meago:- appointing a County ,Board
of,E;xaJ:Xlinershas at diff~re;nt ti~es:, beel) alt~red _by reso1utiqf1jand
.that:a By.,law be now passed conflrming;,said altera~i.9ns llnd irepea1i~g
the old lly-law~carried. ',', . " - , '
M,oveo.'by :H,:ptratt?U, "seo.'o~d~d, by ,H.,,1\ qCldwi~,,:.:,_:
..That,By~law,No. 396"b'ein'g,!Ia riy~la~to',,~0n,firin ,c~rtain:nappoint~
~,~;nts-, tQ'tDeCou~ty,Boar4'0f-,;Ex~m'~nersand :TepealBy.la,v,N 0,211,
be received and relld a: first tim#--"-,'c;arriecL-'
M(jv~d'QY ,R,. Me p;lly, ,~<;(jI)Qed. bY:H' ~r,. GOQwi~;
J'hatBy-law No. 396 be r~.~d a s~c,o[1d tim~zc~rried.
Movi"d by H. T. Godwiri, ,seconded by R.L;,,lYIcC;ally,
That By-law No. 396 be read a tGird time' and finally passed~car-
,rvlovedby, A;. R;Patterson, seconded by D.. Mccoll,
Th;t the r~p~rt' of the 'iip~~~ of iridustry 'C61l1U1ittee be, receHi'ed
p,nq. read";:'-carried.
The Clerk.read rel"(jrt. " . " ..,',".'
.\Movedby I,Andrewsis'eoonded bY' J ' C. Dauc~,
That the report of the 'Committee on' House of Industry bead6'pt-:
.Mo~edbYJ...c.D~"ce,s~<oond~d'b~JohhAndrews,., " ,,'
, " Tnat th~ Couritiheq\iest~Jie 'keeper 'of tne . House of Iudustry to
tl,1ake out a sta~ement ~o be preseJ,lted,to the CourtcilatnextsessiO~{bf,:;
how many pe:rsons'li'ave ,been:':ad,mitted:to,.the ",House," ha:ving"mon'ey, "
and the: amonnt'ahd'l1Qw, ~'dispose~b.of,:',:,a;t1(l-. tha,L_hereafter: ;~l1llWI?-ies.l
z, foupd I on ;anY"1gersl;:>Ufl,dm-itted: tot,h~,' House,: 0f,I[t<;lus~7y.",pe" h~p,q.,e(l,
6ver,-tothe'.Inspector,-.,and thathe in,~lpd~:~"f5ta~emehtHhereofin h~ir,
annu'al report-carried.
, Moved by Poll9,c:k,~~~pI)dedjpy.J;l.,Ji'.JJ.~tJil~\"~Y, ,;., ,>J,
. .,~;i:rhat,.stl\e iJ7b,ypshil". pf. YarII\outhpays ,0'''': On~,ti.rtl1of .'j theyoun,
ly' r.ate"theyshQUldpe ,,~preseI),tedby,. t)VP II\e!l1bets;pI)t1\e,]i:lluajizalion
Committee, and that ],J1. X~rwoodhe addt;d WthesaI(\e~lost.,
"i'!MoyeQby'J. C,pance,secon.de.d pyJ"El1i,son,o . ..' .' '
,:', :c':Wpat}~is, 9,91l~~~,~ adjqurn,till ,~W? ': .o:ifl()ck, 't9::,give::~~.e ,llleluber,'s,:
oppprtp.nlty, '0.( "wsltmg:,Pw" Qt;lolGcarneg;
, :17he ,Couptil-:resuulCd"'J;t: 2 ',p.,'rP.. -
Moved by J, Sisler,s~eol\ded by' John Pollock, , ", ,., "., ,',".
That the resolutiq;t authqrizing' tl:1yGpp1- Comrriittee to hire a Janitor,
for the Court ,.-.aQus.e:pe':~teGonsjd~red" andth~t'the Council 'go" into'
Commfttee oc' 'the Wb'q,lc1 on,the m~~ter--s-(:arrie,cl.:". ,.!
The Council then:wentinto C~mmittee of the Whole, Sheldon
W~r(lEsq,Wtpr2bair/", j' ,'.'.'..." ,"
Afte,r,consi4e'rin,$',the appointmentof a janitor the ",Con~mit.tee,,!r~se
~~q theChairtnan reported that the fi ripg up of the ,heating: ~pparatl1s
j' be left to the Ga?I c:omm~ttee with'instructions. to make' 'ap enternce
to the furnace wIthOl.1t gomg-throl1gh,the Ga.OIIf they consider such a
plan the1ll0.st feasible~~arried.
Moved hy R.L. ;VIcC.lly, seconded by S. Ward,
That, the motion <authorizing the G~wl Committee to employiL
ja,nitor to attend to the heating apparatus be rescinded and that the'
RepQrt of the Con1mittee'o(theWhole be adopted-carri~d<
Moved hy R. Locker, seconded by R. Abell.
That the Report of the Equalization Committee be recieved and
The <:lcrk readrepoxt'
Moved by D. Laing, seconded by D. McLeau.
That the-Report of the Equalization Committee be adopted
Moved by J. C. Dance, 'secondedbYl Sisler" , '
That the By.law 'regula,ting the formation' of the Aylmer HIgh
SchfJol,District be, I amended py detaching South porchester and
Spflngiield therefrom,
First' amendment.
Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by S, S. Clutton,
Thattheque.,tic1n oCchanging the Aylmer High ,school 'District b'l
laid over until the Januarysession. ,
Second amendment.
Moved by H. T. GOdwin:seconded Qy G. W. Best, ,,"
That the High School Districts as now constituted be abolished and
thar .the whole County he coristituted one High School District.
Originalmotion'Iost qn the followingdivision:,
Nays.-,Godw,in,Best, Stratton, ,McColl,Ward, Abel1"Locke~J\
Cluttou, ,Ellison, Hepburn, Pollock (Sollthwold), AnQrews" Brock,
McLean, Laing, Pollock (Yarmouth),and McColl~I7. '
Patterson,,' Simpsqn, Danc~,.Ya.rwood. ' Hathaw:ay
First amendment carried,secondamendment lost.
Moved by, JamesHepburn,: seconded by John Pollock,
That the ,County Treasurer refund to the Township of Yarmouth the
amount paidJor building the Gilbert Bridge-lost,
r, 'Mo'~ed by'J. Sisler,'E;'econdeclby'A. R~ Patt~;r~?ri;." ,', " ',:, '" '
That' this CpuncH adjourn until 9 a. m. tO~rridrrow'.llYOrhing:"-carried,
K: W.Mc,!<AY, .' " . A,]: LEITCH,
County Cjerk., Warden
TJiiRDSEssioN_ Ji'dr/Rx1tVAt.
FRIDAY NdvEMBER-'- 21ST, 1884.
1 ' , r
The County ,Couucilmet this day according to adjournment.
. '
A.]. Leitch, E~q;,Wardetlj inth'e chaIr; I
Members present---;-Messrs. ,Laing, ',Brock, McTve~n" ~attersolJ"
Me Williall1, -McColl, Andre\vs, Pollock"" Hepburn, ,Pollock, Yarwood,
~athaway,_ Ward,. AbeIJ,Locker,_ Simpson; Dance, Stratton, Godwin.
'Best, SIsler, Clutton; McCal!Y. '
The proceedi!1gs of the previ6us.day' were read an~'confirmed.
Moved by R. L. M"Cally, seconded by J'Sisler, ,," . .,
That a ~pecial.CoI?1plitte,e' co?sistipg,.of Messrs:~Clutton, ,Slsler,
Andrews" Pollock (South wold), 'and the W arde,nbe appointed to ,meet
aCommittee from the ,qity'to, decide~ what improvements the ,City
S~6uld'beallowedto make to the Court House Qr.ounds., \
' Am'endment.
, '" , -, ,
. Meved by J. fI:YarVtoop, seeondeclby B.F,Hatbawal',
\ ,'Tl1at ,the ~~ol Comm'ittee\ be 'authodzed to "confer" with; the ,City
COlIn'cinn regard to removingthe-fence' fromfl,rouhd the Court House
Groun~s -~md cOllveitingthesame into a,-public Park.
' Main motion,lost; ani-endmentc~rried.,
Moved hy J. Sisler, seconded by G. W. Best, .
That t:he1.reportofthe Special Committee on the Petition from the
C..ottnty ofVictor~a be received and read-carried.,
, The Clerk read report.
Moved by], H. Yarwood; seconded by], Hepburn,
"That tti'ereportofthe Special Committee appointed to consider the
communication from the County of Victoria be adopted-carried.
Moved by John Andrews, seconded by p, Laing,
That Mr. Hunsberger be'heard before this Council7'""carried.
':':', ,Mr;Hunspergerthen',Addressed the Council ask.ing for instructions
" 'as to whatactio.nJhe should take when inmates abscond from the
Honse of Industry. . .
Moved by J; C.Dance, seconded by D. -McCoU,
That the matter'Yeferred, t6 us by Mr. Hunsberger re~petting
leaving th~Hduse GfIndusty, b,eleft to the'nianagement
Keeper, and I nspeetor' of that Institution--,-carried,.
Mpved b~? M cColl, ~econded f. Pollock,
Tbatthere.port of the Special _Committee'.: ij)pointedtoreport ,on
th~ Communic~ttion' from :R; W; PHipps:"m:.:,regard ,:,to '-:th'ebetter
preservation of Forests b~ received ahd re~d'----carried;
The Clerkreadreport.
l\1Qvedby D. IylcColl, sec~tld.dby D McLean,
That the rep.br't"6fthe,SpeciafCOllnul'tt!ee,_:'appoirifed, to reporf'ol1
. communication from R.,W; Phipps.-be':,a.doptea-,--carried.'
Moved, 'by"D,-'Lairig" se:cqrided'by.n.McLe'auj
That,J3y-1aw, No;" 39J;:,rbeirig,~:,:By~laWlO'c6il:flri0i the :H:C!u,al~~~ti~n()f:
the ,A.ssessment Rolls.for_to,e,year :J884;betece.1ved'~nCl read aJ:}rst ti'rny'
---'-carried. i; ':i ,'"
M0ved~bYA~,.M.c~i~~ii~" s~conq~dby A.,_~., I?~ttep';on:; .
ThatBy~law;No. $9'tberead n::setdrid:tiiile~,t'arried;'
, Moved, b'Y"A. 'R:,P~tterson;: 5ec-o,hdec1' br ,::~~;.>-:~C\YNr~,n1,,'
ThatIly-law , No. 397' be ,read 'iI/third tini'e ,'n'd finall~pa$sedc..c~r.
ried. " ' ' ,,' ,,', ;" ,..'-.---'
Moved by R. L. McCally; seconded hy G. W. most,
ThatBy-IawN 0.399,.being<a.By-law tbconfilmBy-la\Vs No, 420
and, 42 4'of:th~,' Tq!yllship,of ~~-yhap1; .be'.receiyed~and"r~aill',<:l:"fir5t tiln,c'
~:.;,...carrie-d:~, ,-:/' '
.,' ~1oved:by G. VV. Best, secotlded by.R. 1,.: McOa)ly,
That By-law'No; 399 be read:,a,second-tirhe.:2-.carrie4>
:M:oyed by,,~;Lqcker, ,sec'on~~d bY',G. ','W," 'Best,.
'rh"t By;\~w'NO:"399' beread' 'thli'dtimea.na fwally
--,-carried. ' , .
Moved:by;if'bjtke~, 'secondedbyG:-W';'B~:st;, ',,',' /:_';
"T,hat,B-y-law"No; +9pbei~gaBy-l~w tofi~ ,t11c,am.ount. ,to ,be,'p~i.d
toScho'91-I'Sec~ionN(>-", 14 S",uth~v91d,'for. ': E.1ucat.io'~,Of childt\'n'
House",o'(Indust'rybe,recei~ed 3.n(l'read a'first,tiine~carried.I.,:.
M?ved by S. S, Clutton,secOfided hy!<.: Locke;,: , ' "
,That:B~-l~w N O;','4?obe"te~9 a.,setond,.tim~:~carrjed< "
Movedby G",'VV.,Be;t,"secortded ,by ~.- Lqck~r,
Th,t by-law number40o.beread a:thitd tim~
..M:oved,bY'Saln{J,el"S,;-:~IU.ttori~,:secon-ded.:by~;.LoGkerj" ,.'"" "
Th~t,~l1e;p,lerlc"ge;ttl?:e ,pr9c~edingsandre'pbf:t'()f:,th.i~::c,o~nc~l, pr~llted
!in pamphJ_et f9l:r:n,.t.Q,be'r~~d Y .Jor:',distrib.~ltibl1),_-n.ot ,lat~r., than,_:the,: I;?"tl1;
day of Decernber:[Uld, ,that ,a .<(oPY.:hemailed..to:.:ellch:..m~Xl?-p~r""7
. '::",-;, , ',..", ...',: . ":',,.':',: '
Move9 by'Y, ().f''?HQ~k,se,oi1dedbYJ~l1,)es.f!.,Var'YP()(I"
Tpat a, By:.J.aw be::Passed 'authodzing ,the /frea~.ute;r :to ':pay , Tumkey~s
salarYlrionthly~,atrii:;Q. ' ,", ' '
Mo~edby W. O. P01l6ck,seconded'by ]amesHepbutn, , ,.,'."
,- That,' By~l~w "num.bel? ':4~1"geingh:,13y~hi~,t?>regl1lat~, the 'P~~1P:~ ~(
,Tunlk~ysJ,'sa:larj~s, ;and;~mend>By-law ,number "39.2:' ;be recelved ~'and
read a 'first: ti~le':'''''fGarried.;.'(, 'I.' ,,;:____ _":: ,
. Moved by r PoHock, s~conde9bJiJ; R.Yarwood,
That By. law ,No. 401 beiread>a,s_ecol1d time~c~rried:,
Mov~d pyJohn fol!ock,seconde'dby J. H: Yarw06~;
,Th:;it-,By-law. number 40 roere?td a' third time and,finidl~i'-p:asse'd'::":
carried. , , '
Moved by R. L: McCallyy, seconded by 8.S.elutton;
That the report of the Finance Committee be received' aridtead
--';:~arfi.~d. .
:rhe Cle,k ,ead repo't.
Mo<iedby R. Locker, seco;;'ded by S. S. Clutton,
That thereport Qfthe:Finance Comrp:itt,el;lqea,dC?Pted:""'~arried.
MovedbyS, Ward, secondedbyJ ,Hepburn, .
'ThaLthe Clark notify the County of 1\'liddlesel\,that ,\hisco6nt~
willl"~fuse to pay any account presented by Mr. Gi~bs for 'inspecting
[1 pile ,driving at Coyne Road 'Bridge, a$ in, their' opmion- he'did, not
'. attend to the work---,.,-carri,ed. . ., ,
. .Mov~dhy S.Ward, seconded by KAbel!, ,'",." , .
T4anheqlerk~e authorIzed to protute a supply. o(Assessrneilt and
Col1ector'S"Rolls ahd blanks, for use, at Municipal ,e'lections",bythe
',;' different 1v.(unicipalities, in the.,:County 'during the; yeqr, 188S:--c,cur,lie?",
, MovedbyR:L, McCally"seconded byS.S.Clutton,' , ,\
"~' That'the claIm made-upon the Treasurer for. thirty~five dolIars;,fo,r
Provincial' Statutesiand 'paid by him, be: approved by: thi~L Cou:llcil--:-..,
carried_ ,
The Clerk then read County Treasurer's sta.temept ,of the ',finances
County. '
Ivloved by S. W. Ward, seconded by R. Abell,
That thenmort of the Treasurer as read be adopted-carried, '
"I'~' -
iiilf' ::.) 'i'~I,
( , i i : ' i ! i ~ i ;; ,
'1\/' '(F;'
;:1\, 1;I}::ii
I~ :': H:t"
, \"';
Moved byS. Ward, seconded by ,,4rtluelg.GlqttoUi' .
That the thanks of thisc:ouncil be tenikrf;:J, by the Warden, to the
Journal Printing Company"fQr copies of tbe Daily J ol)rnal presented to '
Moved by S.Ward, seconded by K L; McCall], , '" . '
That'thesum t)f gi)(tydQllars begtajlted;to the Warden'for ex~r"
services \performed,c1uring the pr~~ent year1 being the same as, granted
to other'wardens'in'former ye.:'1rs.,.-carried.
Moved by R.I".McCally,seconded byS,Ward, " '
That the thanks' of, this'CouncU' are' -hereby:tendered,to "the,Ward~nt!
Clerk"Treasurer, and 'Engmeer, for the 'very gentlemanlyand"efficient
mann~r in which.they have performed their respective ,duties~canie&' '
Moved by R. L. McCally, secd;ded'by S. S. Clutton,
Thdt this~duncil ~djourn 'sine die--cap-ied.
K W. McKAY, ,
,C01>ll1!j1 Clerk,
To the Warden ~nd Council of the County of 'ElgiR"
The:committee _appoin,ted"to__'strike "stan\=lip.g':cOIlJ,mitteesbeg- 'to
. report as follo'Ys,; ,
A j,
I' , ',',__ "'":','_''' ''-',',-, ,':: :',": '
God~in,-'~aj~g, Sisl~r; :Hathawa,y, Br~ck,'Simps()n-ari&'Abell\
McCally, C,lutton, 'McLean,-Aridrews,,~B_est,-:M:~tvIii1iam;
Str,atton, Ellison, Ward, Dimce, Pollock (Southwold,)
. '-,
Hepburn, Locker and Pollock, (Yarmouth.)
All of which is' respe'ctively submitted,
. Janu~rYiI884.
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EL'GIN dotrN'i"Y'C(;iU:NOlt PROCEED1NG-S;.
- --,._---~""'".~-~
-';'.., --,,',,' ",-,' , -'
To the Warden and Council of tne County ,of Elgin ;'
The Committee on Finance beg, leave to report that having exalliined
intq'j~hest,at~,,~fthe~fHl,n(;e,$"oftht1,CQu,nty, ~p:d t!le, estim8:te.s,pr~p{ll",(::,4'
i, : by:, th~; Countytrefl~Yf~J;; t~~y..: h~rt:wjth,':,~yb1]lit a .-state~nt",()r ,tIle
'. expeoditure ,l'(,CJuired for'the lhw,(ul purposes ot:tl1e' County, during the
' yt;:ar,,},884; showin'E\:)he' an~ot.int to' be ~fli~ed'for the:t,1nderlne~tir:)I,leq
", " '.
'" " . ", ,,' ,
.' \ " -_ ":: ,," f":.'- i::.':, '__~ '"
S~na(!a~putber!ipehentnr~s.".. "",;.' ' . ,.$:0,\>90.99
.~Oupons", '. '~'".:. ':',"':", ,', .....'., .". "J:f:,2()0.9Q
Adminis~~~tI9,n 8rJusti~e,:,:,:-.' ..'.".,. ." '" .. 'h990',()Q
'County,~iheS,~lJ.d:' J3ri;q.ges". . .'.', ..: 3,949,09
HighSohools,..,." ..,.,.. ,.. .. .,.,.' ."..... '3,400.00
Mo~elS<:hools,.. '.'......... , ... [5.0.00
Inspect6t:~:qfS'choob.,:.. ',"'; ",~,' . ~ , . . ,'" 700'.06 '\
',Officers):.$al~ries,.~tc:.j, ,. .._...., .. u. ,2)50,0\OQ 1
Gaol 'Se<<;erj". .<'_:.,'. ,,: . '.. .-." ; ':-'-:.'. ',;"2,o'OO:'bo'
)?;;lYwe.n~:qf J~ror~".,~,o' '" ~. . ",,' . "./, '. .. " '2,500,00
:Pay,merit'ofCt9wiiWitnesses, , ',' . ~",'''''' '_'!'{)9o,o0
'aous~ of,Industry.",....- ..:. .-.:,.... 4;'60<<6'8
B. '~'
", Ills Pa,ya':i'I€. "',;-'" ;',' .. .. . .' .,' . ':,' ,', ,_. . '.., 3;000.00
.,.Sundy"AcCd'urits, . ,. .... ,. .' .. .. ....... '. . . . [,590:06
"TotaL......., ,.."...,.. ..., "...$41,990.op'
Common School equiy~lent toL~gis]ativeGrant 3,'647.00
Total",. ,
, '" . . $34,637.00
Y ciGr, ' CO-lTI'ii1ittee:' woulct:' tecQrn'l11,end :-th~t:,the ,sum, ot:\,li' orty::()ne
Thousand Nine Hundred and :t{iilety !)oUa,s ,ber~isedan(! Ieviedpn
the "rataable 'pmperty j~",~,h~"~ev'~r~I"~U:l1f~ip~liJie!)' in",th~::Count~" of
Elgin during.',the yeaI' ~ 88:4; for::99ul1tY'Pl1:r.pos~s,'_as~I'p~r ~c~,edule\~l:1re-
with, submitted, and th4t th~yequisi~'e:By~la,ws be _passe4Jo levy a "tate
of.Two and,Five'eightJr. Mills ,Q!i the d?llar, on the rate~b]e property
in the,several'municip<lU~'ies_in.the, ColintY,9(;EI~ip) asequalized"for
the ,preceding, year;: to :',r~is.e :,;3~Jd_a~9unt e:;<cJ~~,lV~, 6.f ,SCh901 Gn((1ts,
and that thestlm of.Three Th9tiSand Four Hundred arid Forty-seven
Dollars 'be raise(! in the several, Townshipmonicipalitie}; ouIy' for
ELGIN ,'cou:Niry cotrNai:tPRodEEDiN~S.
ELG;rN-' ~OU.N'l':Y ,,(JOu~cn:. -fRQO'EJJ)D~J'fGS.1
Common .Scl\oQls;egual tothe;::;6v~rnJne\'l; Ox.nt,andas pr6pbr.
tioned and required by th~; Educational J;l~partment, and entered in
th,e following schedule under the head, of Common Schools.
Aldbo:ou~h.. ,.., \ $',80+,052 ~3,',,',.'.,,3',,4.,,\$I","",..6,O,'.,"'.'
DunWICh.,..,... 2,135,:221. '3l71Q'1,897
Soilthwold.,. .. 3,,66,540 5,5'90 ,.,3i,1
~ Y:-armouth, ,. ' 3,391,079 5,-8'91' '3,010'
Malahide.. .....' 2,413,252 4l193'-,~;[-4:J
Bayha:ro ' , . .. . ., . 1,163,560 2,0-29 1,032
S,"'"'",D"",o"",r""c"",,,h ".'e." ',S",',t.e ,',r,' ,'," ,',,', ,'.,' " ,.,'"1,..".","..,, "'""",3""6.,.0""""7"',,,6,,,,,,., ",.'.,", ".,'.'.,.",3,,6,.'4,..,.' .', .',2.,0"3,
VIenna...'...... 72,000,\ '26 63
Aylmer",,","""'" '3'5,000",5,6< ",~39
~6rt,St~nley.. ..,..C,,',, ",,3;,000,146,,74
Spriiigfield ." .. .' 3',000W ",141 ,,,7~
,:ro\~L...,.. ,.$':5,99(;,~4'1 ,j~ ~
,A)lpf w~ich, is:resp~ctfully,subn:>it\~<.l.
, 586
. 6,3 ~
'6,873 '
3, 61~~
. 3,798
,,89' )
.:~ 213,
,To the Warden and:Co~ncil of the County of Elgiu:
Equalized :value',:'
1383;' '
G"enera','IR ailWaY\C,o,roUlon IT
',,' ..,",' , ",OT,\-
"Rijt(j'.'-" Eat(f,', ScbOols.-':
- ~- ,-_.._~-------------
-.Y()li~: c~mIriittee a,ppoIntedtorepqrt,oq ihe~dvis~~~htY '.oL:purch~~~,
in!; th~t portion: of the London andP~rtStatil!,y G,a.vel Roa<.l ",ithin.
the c;p\mty begleav~to,repo~tas fOllo>rs:"'7 . " "
r; That you, coljiri)itteehave gp~e oyer'the to.d,and find the's.me:
in~:apr~nsatisfactorilx :state, of' repair,': niO're par~icula.rlythe'bridges I and
culverts: ", .,' ,,,,'
"n:. That the pres,ent leas.esof lheioadshduldbecalledupdnto'
pu{~~id,rRadin a proper sta_te of Idpair~,iri',accordance',with,orig~riaI"
ag'te~h1~nt with tQ.is'MupJc:ip~,G~~~~il,~;,r'::".:c:",.,"::;_:_., ",,"':..'.""
, III, , That the otfermade'1:>ys~idlease'e~.jo.thi~CoQ~cilhe not
IV. That the County EnbheeieXantitie'saidRoadarid 13tidges,
and detenninC_iwhat repairs arenecessarYl and directthe ~asees to,have
.the s~me},;'a~ied'out. _ " _,,<',,' ,,"
, AlIo(whiChis respectfully~iJbini!'tef': :,:'
Cominittee Rooms, 6th j1ine!'383,'
, " Chalrn>,an,
9<inunitteeRoorir,AthJune, 188~: "
" 52'
ELGI:N' "'COUl'lTY 'CouNCt~ :ifRodEED~N'as.
To the Coimty ,Councilor the.,County ;Elgin:
, ',' " ,,~" -- , ,,';, ':' ," ,'" ,,::: ,.'.' ", :',","", ".' ..:' ", ' , .- "', ", ,..-
TheCoinmftteeop, ,E.ducati9.n~1J~g,leaV'e,' to;:'report 'as_ 'follaws' ,:~:
~rFer cori$i~eriJ;1g the various r~ports' on-JlighS(;hools,~,:begle~ve,to'
recqm11le~d the follqwing grauts for the current y,ar, '
For qt. Thomas Collegiate Insti\ut~ : . ... . . , . . . . . $',700.00
'For Aylmer, High School. . :'. " .....,.,.",' 900.00.
:For Vienpa High School ... ..",.,.. . .. ..',.... 800.00
"y g~fQO'lnm'it~~~ 4i,~, p'o~fe,e1-:jpstiRed}ri_ r~,conl~e~gin~~~y' i~cr~ase
in 'the grants otJast'year, ' ' ,,' .," ' ''',,,
All of which is respectfully submitted.
, "-,.,1,:"...,,," ,..' 't.:.,," ..'.. _,', .-"," .' ',::,,':" ,.-,".-,J,:,'-':'" 1.--' ,;,:::",,--~,
Goi]1mi'tlee R06Il}, i3r~~ J~Il'l1~t1;' BB4.
. ' J ,'" :~}1',alrni,~1);
", , ,-,'..),::!/" ,:,'",',;:,',.-: ';" ,::
1''1 !h,~,~8!mt~ ~~O'jl1,Cj) oft))e (:qmW !,:1~i11i
The Comnti~tee-onEducrtti()n 1:J~g;~~~Y~~9:,~~~?'!r;~,>,:"" ":
, .. ,'rJI,: ,,'t ~h~ r~q\l~st qf 'ihedeplliitlo'r;;' \Oonsisting'ol' Mr, :
JacE!9n19Hd o~hers, from Dutton, j3y-lavr Nq, 2'19)Jf so an;ten1e,d,a9
..to "UDshtule' the name of tbe village of Duttou'for, thatof Wallace,
tottl'fl, and:that the school be known as the'Dutton High School,ahd
that aboard of tru8teesbeorg~nized:far the same.
,. That R. H. Riltherford, High School Master ofthe Aylmer'
High School be ,appointed to f1I1 the present vacancy upon the County
Board of Examiners. ' ,.,-,
\ 3. That yotlr Committee would recommend that at the Novembe<
ses'sion, some permanent af!angement should be made-with 8.S. No.
,'4, for educating the children,atth'e House of +pdustry.
AU of ,which.is resIJectfully submitted.
Junc, 1B83. . Chairman.
Clause No. I was referred to a cOlumittee of, the whole and laid over
until Novenihcl" 'Session" when it was idopt~d by resolu'tion'-of
COUI1cl, '
E-LGI~ COUI'1XY:-COUf'fOIL- ,:r1tOC~EDJi:',Gji;.
T~the Warden aMCotmoH ,,[;be Cqppty.'ofE!gill: "
, " , ,- ", '" ", ',', '" .. ' ".- "
The Committee on' Education beg-leave' to rep'6it as, fo~lows :---!
Withrcfcrchce to the educatioh' of ':Chi1dren from, the_-l:Iouse, of
Indurtry,your qOrn~itteewol1,~4:x~c?I?rUeild t4at_t?is Fo'up;~il I?ar:t~
School Section No, '4" SiJ11th\vold,'SeVehtfin~e' Centsper,'lnonth,roi
eachpupj~ :,att~n4ing~ai4: ~c~oql,rr9~ the House of ,It;l411stpY~'fls::p,e;r
rep?r~ ,of the keep~r ?fsai~ ',H,?\U,se;"M:,r.'M-:',~'Ullsb,~rgei'~," ',_:/',,' ,: I' "::,'
:t~ ~,tespectipg tp~, CO~1Jl~P~S~~i0.l1,'Ji<:)~'-:~p,e..-F9up,~Y,FQhn:?,i1 :?fg,ee!'"'I
referring, to a menndml.1' {rom said.CouncIl," to, t11~' HOi)orabl,e1tpe " :
Min.ister~of Education for 'the "Pr'ovince of Dnlario,:respedingsome
'-".-' '",',",,":,:i: ,,' :':" ,,:,..' -:" ","':".:..:'_ '," '.-:" :.-',.-,'.'\-....',:,, "",,,,,,,:,-.',,,,' :",'
amendments, to the:Public Scho'ol-, Act; y'o~'r,', to'rrlnIlttee"i'arel~~:: to .
believe' the ..mpre important da,uses - in the melnorial'~]:~now.u~de~ <con~
sideratipn,:by: the ,FI:onora;ble,,:,the','Mini,ster of :Education/',ap'd do
not consider it- nece~sary ,for.the' Council to' take-, ,any,attion:Jn,..tr,e
ma~t~r. ,', " ,"',t--:,-,: ,:".-,:"~ ,::,:;".-,,:.',"
Y())Jt'{;)om,il1itte:e-- would '~lso-recoiI1meri,d- that' the ~nnualReport
of ',~hfPllblic,- School ,Inspector; now presel]~,edt(), thi,~" Cq~ilci)J, at. its
Novembe(session, in future)at~4'e r~qlJ:~*t,~qf,th~, ~t1,~'p~~t9.~~}j~.~~,qe
at its June session. .
All .of, which isrespe~tfully submitted.
Committee" R(jom~' 19th' N civeinber;
" -' .'., ',".- "', ,",,',.-.".. ,
,,' ',Chamriim.'
Members pf the ElgillCounty coundl::
To the W~rden and
I ha~e th~ ,hon9r ,of ,presenting,,the.f6Uowiftg ,statenl'entj;:r'el~tive to
the 'Public Schqqls of.this County." .. ' , ,,',., " . .
The number of ,Schools and, Departl)lents, of School..is as follows:
. InAJ!?OroughWown;'hip..c,., ,.,:..,.. ,. .:, , "
In: Dunwkl1 , I' ".' 15
In~Southw0hl:,'" H; " , ' ;19-
"',' InYa,rll1outh' , H.,...,.'. ....... ...,..2-1
I;: ':'Tn:--Ma:lahide ".;. .-. .. ... , ... . .. ... . .,..,j.c1.
"i,Iiil?aYl1a~ ' J,l " .', .', . ,.- ,. . , .-: '. : . '; _,.',. ;:'.,~' .... - :f(i"
, " In. S'ihl)orchester' ". . . . . ,., u. . . ., . . . . .' . " ,. 'S
" ,
III Aylmer Villag~.... ....... ............... .... .6
.,,'.C In ,Port Stanley, Village;"... .. . '," . . .., ... ,.. .. . . .C. ·
.' :In:Ylenl1a,Vjllage,;"....,u....;,..,..:. ...'.;.' 2
;.i Il1SWillgfieldVillage..'.... .....,.......,....,...
en ""-',''-'' \ ,---'"
'Total. . , .. '" ., ;, .. . . .' . . . ..' . .. . ..' .,. " ; 'l20
"The,nmrtberofSchooLHousesin;he County iS1?3.'
'Yrhe','Sc~o?l":"aCcbmtrt()d~don throughput,th~; County is,_gene,rally ',':~
good:_ ": 'Tri::a fe'Y' se9tions'riew,. houses,are,I1eeded,- but ,the rate-payers "
iti.~rl1ralsection 'are 'feelinM the 'effects of the 10wprice_sTor"their pro~ .
duce, so that any extI'a'l~xp'el1se-:w6uld '-b~ar,'heayiltllpon'-'sotneof
them.' "'", :..,. '
-:]:n"sollle:settious,n.ew:'desks ,ap:d' seats ',are needed" but g€merallYt"the:,,-:,:,~
,. 'C 'bl ". " , ,"i'
Seablng'Js:co.~~~rt~; e:_',"_" " '~~ ,,:" ',,' "_,,,'y-: ,',' ,', <::~,:,t
~-,Sol1601,'.\J'-a-N9::t'rituS .'!and' a).?pliances'fqr-' ,mu~,trative " te~'ching-', ',are -:::';~
poor: '"..,'.'",....,',-, '1-'.':",..,;...,.., ," ,..Y',','..' '-" ':-- ,..,..,",---',.",..,...
;;I[::Jlu(l:the-itru(5te,es',very ',:,willing' to.- {uaintain.
;~])'tiritilf,;~he .,:,:p~es~,n~,' ')~'~ar' the,':- p,resent' :acc'6htd~atl(:)ri, , 'ar-"13is.fu~rk-"
h~:si,:bt%el'l' lIinc1i. 'iniproye:d. ',:'::; T~_ete' ,'~t:~>;W?W" ," three,:good I?'0fCiS-",'w{;:1l
selited'~\lPj)1j<\dwlth&li1Ok-boards and other n~ce"#Iy appliances. .". "
i;Sirtc~lll} appointment, (I have maderubout' el~hty'fi"e visit., In
SdlneSchobl. I have Had to stay a whole day instead of a half day., ,.,..
"A~ 'tb"tertlflcates,.theTeachers! in.the)'OouhW n1~y be classed as
(ollows:~- ,:,';:!i::,:;,'~:};"::"LH::;".';i",,,: "ic'i,d,! ':"::'(::iG," ,:;,;,:d:' ;,_,>e._, '."1
,.N",o;,h91ding tJf~rd~c::las~ Ger:'~c::a.tes, .;:.)'t \,\":,-'.~\ ,~,' .
" "-, second~class 'II'" Provincial. , .; '" ....
"H Il 'I.~ Ola Co.__Board.. . . , . .
[, " firstcclass " "(l H. '" . . .
" ",', T h' '0 t'fi t 't" i", ,_,','
. -';-~'~l'Orary.' er 1, Cfle$,',o~perIl11 S':"';',V"",~.';,,:,
Total. . . . .. :,' ,.. . , . . . .. , . . ;. . . .
Number of, MaJG ,Teachers. . .'.. ..... .:. ...... . . . ... 58
Number of Feinale Teachers. '".;'. ......... "" 6~.
T()tal~... H. . -, ',~' .'. ~~',''''~ ,"" '\"",' ,;, .. .:.. ',', _,,',.12,0 ~,
Man.y,:'of: thg, <;ertificate~ "clas~ed, ,a,s, .thirqs'a.re- temp9r:ary; IP~.ing
extended'till Jh~' next,exanl_il)ation. ,I, ,cannot tellexactly,btlJ what- I
ma,keout f~p.rri:rep.orts, _etc.J'J b~lieve, ther~are a/)out4o,irregular
t;:ertificates,use;din, t~e ,C<;>UJ;1tX.,_ ,A, fi1aj9tity of the teae4~rs:,~r~ yqung
; _girls, or:: young :men, wh..o ,intenq ~o ", te9.-pl1 for> two or three, yeilr~, ~ntil
I~.-theyare able to; enter ,a~oth~~~ pr9fessi.o.n,.U nW teachcX:~,a!ejn9.tlced
,; 'i:to'ma~,l7a pr9fessio,n.of :.their wo~k"our public'schooIs:wiH faIl(aJ.;'$hort
' 9faccomplishing .all t~.t they !')ight: ,'..
",We :have. two ,provincial ,Normal SchObls:(ot: the~,professiOIl'aU-ttain~
I:,;'.',., iug 0,_ (Je, aCh,' ers; bnt I am s,arry, , to ,say: tllat., -few ,tea, ch~'z:s ;,:-in:'E~gjn, (C"O,
i.havehad ~that<training. ,.There ,seem.s ta"be adispositiqn ;to< .try~ to
i,c(>ntinee::,.keeping' school ,without,' obtainiJ,1gpermanen,~ certificates in
. the reguI~r way. , ,.", '., " " r, " ,. .
'., , The County, Model School is..veryefficient"one,:~ndll.oe~cmiiEh
1: g~~'-q.;:,;,,-,;;~t Ptes~Ilt-th~re. ;~re:"thirt})'.sj,x: t~,.ach~r~, :i:R' tr:?:injng;-.::,,:.-:,:}:pey,:are,
\:instn19Keq.,}I?: 'IU~thpc;ls.9f'..,t~a~h~p!g, :!i.c499I, 1V:~P3:m:~m:~,qt ~~,qd:I,SIi.$cipU~'~:~i:.::
.1; fi\ld th~t.toolJ1any of ,the, teagher~ l~~ving t~~M9deJ::;<;~Rol,nGglech
~to,p~t:iPto-:pract~~e',1VJlatthey ~1r.~p:}'la\lg4!:_,~l:1.e~'@iJ:'>': h:,,_t': IJ- "\.b
; The Elgin Teachers' AssQciation is in afl09rishing condition."We'?
: ~ndeayored.. tp':IJ1)lke,. the, last,-:llieetiilg, 'N'oyember-:7.th'and:;.8tb,uas
'l'i,'pr,O,fi" tab" l,e,'" an, ,d", of as"pra, C,ti,c, ~l, a c,h,',a,r~"c t, er',as P"OSSibl,'e~l'(,",':"A", '"n",'",i.nl,'~q,rt,a,'" -t:Jj.-'
rfe.ture )VasJ!>e agtualteachUWofc!\l.ltirep,. h~f9.re ,tIiG,Assoclat.IOl1' <iT
pelieve it an illlportant factor in our educational system. ',' " "
It. ,The E4uca~ionaI ,Departmeri.tjs glvinJJ:m0;~'ra-ttentfon;~,to;the;.work
~:_4Q~~:at Jp'e(~ te9.-che_rs~;insti~,ut~~:.:: -':';",:1::>r.:,A:fc:r.,.,~llan,'~:.JQ,rme!h'J il".l~p'~q~Qr
k,o(C;pIlegiate ~nsti\Ules,an4:High,sc1ioo.ls,has ,\>~en. appoi!:\te,!.Di,~gtq,,: '
I..d, managG,.ofl\Ie., teaghers",rneetings" ",RewilI,,: :I,.;He1ieve"eqde,:,"
tIl)M_eri~I' :}.:ssi~ta~c_e ;t~p.'" Il1akiQg::t,h~'11l,:sJill ,_' rqqr~: ,__"efflGie~lt :j,~jls'sjsting
1;.leach.r'mth~Ir.\\;qrl<, ,'.," T,~e ."CQl)eglate,~qstl;qte 'an4RJgb!5clio.q.l~"
i9H~e,,!.;~uqtY,'l,e ~til,!"e.ll<lerini: vajqab.le aS~I't'lqce' inl?iiVini: Jhe '
!future t'lachers ofth,e' County their non-professional training. ;':':\:','"::,ji',--')
l,iJ EOJlN CQU~,T-Y :C01JNC~t.,i>'ft()CEEDrNGS.
. - , : ''.' ,.. '..',-" '..", ~ ,
It must be gratifying to,));o,uas", a (::~~ildl; '"and theCoun,ty-'geh'e~aiiYl
to know that we now have 9he of the best High Schools in the pro,
vince. The Aylmer High School has had remarkable s'ucc~~s.'d1iring ..
toe present year.
The high :school 'entrand{,exa~inations serve as' a test' for pro-
motion, from the fourth to the fifth forms, in, the Public. Schools; But
the ,h~p hazard way , ,that promotions are-, made in other 'cla~s~s is very
unsatisfacto~~ly., One o( thegreate'St obs~acle,~in' ,t~e way of gaocl aI).d'
efficient work' in' the SGhools is the lack of judicious classification.
M,!ch of niyti1X\ethatsh6ul\lpeen.WlOye\l,il1 obsej'Vingthe m'ithods .
of teaching, illustrating methods. by teacbil1g, advising with teachers, ::j
and so on; is' 'taken,examiningfor classification; ,T,?.':,all~via~e this. /~
difficulty we propose. to il1troduce a system of uniform promotion'
, " Th~, readerquestioll has, at last, been settled. ,:'Thetw,o_series;,"'Th:e
',Royal/' ",,'au:9.: ',: ,'\:Tbe C:.~,~a_d,ian ~',:\v:~re, ,_}3.uthorized{or:~.wo:y,:eps~,,: /fhe
piesentMinister, of Edut:atign;;".fl', beli,€(v~~\.iri;,:.one - te~t,pook 6n:~~~h:
sllbj~ct,"" is hayh1g c a uewseries Of readers prepared. .', .'The ,";"irst/'
"Sec9p4~; ,~q<;l:,",F~91,uth,:' ,?~ the 'seiies,T?elieve,'will be 'ready by the
, \~ry~:':?,r!,g,eft~:~r::'>t~~,'~::'~~i!di":vill; be ready~~!lX,J~e'~t:year,; ,I
",Ip.""tb~cs!Lm~y(aY-i.:M_:t:.~~)Ss_,lJ)~e~4s, to, )lav~_,bn~, o~e, te}l._~,'.?o~k _on
eaqhpf the othersubjeqts o\1thePpniieSehoo\piograp,m,e"Jm
'1.'h~ Mi~igt~~jJ;opo~e~ at th~ he~tsessi~n of the Legisla;ur~.tolli~e '
a:,,:,:',I,"e',bnsol~datiqpY ,.o(~' Sch601 ,Acts, fOJ; :thQS~, ,?9' qften-, ne~.di.n~t;'tp,
iefer"otbem.J/,,','. " ' " , '." '
, rCh1s,' tmx, ,first :',:R~prort is \ n,e,ces$ati~y, far, ft:qm'beifig.:a, ,'.f~ll: ()ye,::
as'I]jave not repoits from w\>icb to tabllla\e statistics fori.s! year, all~
asyoti kuq;.v theyare'I)otyet,'made ou\,fonhe, present year. , ','
, ,,' '.-' '.-,.", ';"
, W. A'I'j{IN, T. P. s.
\88'4. "
""-",', ,', '
To theWar<;1ella.tidMelnqerSof ,CoullcHdthe County of Elgin.,.
GEtH~~EN :..
The ~(]pjoined repOrt of ihoPublic Schools of the comity ofE,lgin
I have the honor tosuhinit., "
':"',"',,'_, ',:'-.'"",:1
i~he _follcm:ing' -table gives' thetotat' amoimt 'contributed,-' an(J.t~e
ash<:Lg~,per pupiUn each Townshipfor,.-x88J. \,
.-,','"'..,',,"...'.'.-',,,,..,,,;,: ,',,',',',',',',,"'.." ,', ' .."..,"',..,"""-"'l
,St:: 'Thorn"" ,!$;hl'l9~~lriber;
I.' " "" ".
. , ,Total Contl'iblltE1d A:vera'ge
'l'OWNSIIIPS. , for all ,',' ""gu it:
" , SChOOlplll'~O$ea., Gonti'i8uted
-~~~-~~ '-----:--c------,,-- _______~
Alderhorough ... .,. ,.... . ':;, ......' $6,907.ro' ${.56'
I Bayham,... '.' ..... ...., . . '.' . 9,9q.~01. 6:54'
Dunwich. . . ... " 7,64..49 .. 6.9'4
,Malahide.... .......,...........,........ ...... 13,052,70 n~,
t;, 'SputkDorcheste:r..,~\.. '-,' ::.-, ,',.-,. 2,('70.1 [ 8.57
' .Southwold............. . , .,'. ... ... . 8,748.38 7.53
Y~tm9~~h..", .'.. "",;, "~'l "...,;. 2~~7j~1" ,-",&~~g_,.."
Total. . . "q .,.. ... .. .. . ... .... $60,05..8'5 ' $7.07,
-----------, ,,-; ',,0 ':-, ,""'," _"" ,
" ..' ' , ,(-'.-', ',:''';, '. ' "'- '," ,'", '.' " '-,' ,-- ~ .-," ,: ..., '.- "--,,' '",,:,...' , "'.- , :.'" .
~,.'"Of: :the,,,:bove,~l!1ount$,5o~6 7 I';:7~,::was"paid for' aU, -sfh~ol 'purposes,
'<' \1"'/1':: }~~Vil1!5 a':9alanc~}nthe '4a~C1s ~f.'the '::;,Tre:asuter;.of'$9.j4;(['.;~I',3.; " _,:'~
':':1 :" ,;,,;T,h ~av:,eT.a'ge',~ :.5..~ ~llr,.pe, l\:1p ';er:--pupi~,;,l'n ',t'~ e ;C' 911nty.i~'$5';'94',an d,tlle
,':~,; ,ave(ag~Pi11q!::p,E;rP1J.QI.}rentere<l on pj.~reglster IS $6.15. '" ,
,} ,\ '-:-..J:he 9.-iffe,relfGe,; ~etw.een J~eco~t'-iper"l?upll, in the' Coup,tf,'and per'
~k pupIl ,entered'on ,the'School Regls~er, 'anse~ Jrom.-:theJa'I:~t that over
'._ \',,}~_ve:n PT(,c,enf9f,~he,p~pils ,,?f~d:109I,,~~e~,.,hav~, not- attended, a~y
\1 school. " ' " , ,
..:-\, "'i' '::.'~:.-bf.---the tea<;hers\<engaged', ,in,te~,ch-itlg' lflf.lt:Yl~.ar,,)I,l~li~ C,9pntY;:Jwo
.-;;' i;,;,held:::6rs-t.-t:;-Jass;,Pr9yipGitil c:~rt,i~cat~s~Jl1ir,ty,~fiy~ ,s,e~o.n..d;cl~ss" P~ovj'I:1:~jal
:f.~,Certificates"si~ty-five ;,tbird~class, an~ five Jntermediate' Certificates
~'from the Inspector. '
A..J~", "
Average annual salary,p:aidto,
..-,~.,......~....,..,..,... ~"-"~............:...-;.."",,-..;..,;'~:""'....,.;;,,....;:,,,..;~.-._~~
~""-:~'_..-""~ " ' -- -~ .. ' , -- ~-~
" " ' ",' " ", .I!',emale
'ro\VN,S.!U;g, ' "::\"i\Ii\lo,rrel\l:\1161'B,,,,%'eaChel'S-;
Ald~oro~gh..c:-:-::~.,.;,',~:-::~:~~'~' .""'399.09- :I88'3~
B.y~am'..."......",,;,... ,." "" \ 462.22;61.56
j)~,nwich",,".""''''':' ~,.:.:.',!:,,;..... .... ;' 4,()3",,75, 3Q4'oO,
Malahide ..",;.,... ,......",.,... '\' 362.50' 309.0<::
c' .. ' ','",', ,'" -----"" .---' ,,, ,,- ','
~outhDorGhester.., . ' '..' , ,', . ... ,. ' ' ,405,.00 ' 300;00
l39uth)Yold,., "'," ",., .. .4' 5.0?, ",'99.00
.Yartl)outh.,.,.. "'\ 443,56' ,\,. ,,293.90
Co, Average", ,.. " ..' ". .,'" " ..,.. '. "4'3,Q() "..,,293,68
_~__._---._-- ---- '-7--~~----______--~
The hi.ghest: salary, paW apy male teach~r was:$9'OO; and' :thelo.west ;1~
$2i5>Thea~et"~:.ntirrihor of days thesch06lswerekep(,Ol'en w~!
\ INnmb'",'" . \ . \.
NU\l11JCl'be---tween:,&16 NUUlberof
"/",TOw':NS:U;X:P8. . tween b & 16\ entered on aU 3ge5.en~ Nil ber Number
m the !lady tmcd on \0 ,so)'&, of Guls, "
Townslup, Reg1Rtel'. B.egls.ter. 1
Aldborough !', 1,5u, - ',3'5 1,;56~' ~9;\-~';
Bayham ,. , ., 1,521 1,156 1,229 619 610,
Dunwi:h,. ,.,,'i'" d" 1,100" 1,063 ,1,118,: .,611 507, j
,Malall1de.. .,...' 1;787, ,,1,686 1,752", 90,4 ,848 ~
South Dorc]1e&ter... " ,'52 235, 250 141.. 109'"
So"thwold.,.,...,." 1,,61 1.09' \ 1,137 637, 50Di
Yarmouth,." . ..... ',446 I 1,358 i,438 745 693
, '
:rotal.., ,,'" . 8,505 I ~,90~-,S:-280 1:35;-1-;:;;,
.--.- ---~,"'---.--" . , --~-_.~~~~.._- .~~.._-:-: ~
. Th~ whole total of pupils of school age in the County is 8,506:qfj
whieh 601 did- ,not attend any schoolt being "seven peT:"_cent.oVmg
': ';~,;I ::.", ':', :',..' ,,' __ '," ,,',,',' , ,_ ' "_ .__ ,_ ' ", , " - ,: ' :' ,,' 'Ii
whole. ,The tot~l number enrolled'was' 8,,80, of'these therewel'
422 Diore boys,than girls. ' " ",
-~.- ~~.:!~.." ---,-- --
iJJ'litei'ed on Average :Pereentage
Register Attendance I ofll.veyage
" '" 'jAttendance'
-;:~;~, .' 'C~~;]>1J-
I;IT8 '445 40
1;75' ", 7934$,
250,+ 214 85
"""37'1.,5.73 ,50
, ',438 "" 665 ' 46.,
-8,280 - ~,89t.3L
AldborQugh.. .. .. ..'.... .........
~:!n~~;'"."'" c. .':.:''...., ......
Malahide, "''' , ................;, ......
SouihiDorcbester'::/,' . ",' '" . :.. '. .'
South wold . '. . . . 'I,. . ,
Yari:rio,~ti1 ".., ..;.;.'..~.. '_','" '"
,'1'ot.ls "'" , ,. , , .. .... .. ..
it'w,ilI-be noticed fr()m,th'eabove tablethatthe'percentage_oraYer~ge
,att~nclanceJrom the Township of ''South' :Dorchest~r is~ the, largest of
'any-J\iIli,nic~pality in the"County, SQuth~old:,a~so,i$ a,bov~,the,_G9unty
,average. ,Aldborough is just that average and, the remaining Jour
~unidp'aHtiesjfallL;belowit~. .
, OWI,ng tq,"rhost:?f ,the time,sinrce m_Yq;ppm~tnl~l1t)'p'~iJ1g:tak~n,up
with' 'office work, that p'art of 'll1yieport which f,lhould ..'b~".,rnp$.t
interesting must be, meagre. I visited but "about, one"fifth "()f tHe
County, ,sollIe of- which are very prosperous: Sqme ,of Schocil Rooms
::. are ill ~entilated. This evil demandsprorilpt correction. The health
;-!:-6f, both:'t~?-Ghersandpu pils IT.l~y:-be, irreparably ':.ruined. by~,cinh~ling.the
\:vitiated ~'ir, in ,a S:h(lOl ,:g:ousewhere,there js not the proper means, to"
~:':,'ven,tilate~jt. "In a:n_~nventiled'-roo~ w,llere_ the,chi,ldren', '-. are':cro,wded
;i,,-th_e _airsoonbecomescontarninated with Carbonic Acid "Gas and other.
~\':'pOl~onous'yapor" ,'produced'by , respiratio'n ',and" perspiration. ':,PoIson,
If:,a~~inisfered, ihthis wa~ is~"'.sure to ..wound, .pr~babl~ slay the,victjn1
!,Oflt. "". , " '", " . '
I{:.,,'& g,f:a<;1l}~} a~d c9,nstant's~pl?ly 'o~ fr~s~, air -in every Schq?I..:R'o?~n
~:.s~ould,--Qe,: :mslst~cl . upon" and none'" should ever, }Je 'i.oc"cupwd.-by
I~\~\a~her-pr'pupilswj~hout:it:" " Tnc',expense of, 'erecting.:a,:,~c:ho()l
~:Ho_use:witb p~op61~mean5bf ve~tqatit~g:-it! w(.luld add'litl!e ornothin,g
~:;toth_ecostof th~ ,~,uitdin~. ,',__, '" ,", ", , '
r(;Tlie: S,c1lO'i)l- 'shp'uld' be, re~d~red.atl.:,attractive spot by?e_ing bor.
~!:dered w,ith_ ,ornat'nentaltrees, 'hu.vi_ng 'tl1,(~j~round, smooth,., _arid';~l1:l_ple
~Ji1~ drain~ng ~hGre ,ne?cssary, th~ walks gra"c1led, and ,by having a
\0small, ,selecfpiece,cptaccording".to some mathematical: de~ig!1: for ;1,
!'flowerbed.' ,. ,
~1r-',Atthe -Te'acher's_ ASSbciation"helrl, on"the,;",8t~,and'9-tlr' of )'fay,
"....'.." '.. -- , .. ..--- -- " ,'..-.., ,,,. .....,.-, '";,...',.'..",,..'.. ,\",,:..
~;.here was a large attendance, showing that ~~eTearJlqs,?(t~1,S.9out1,ty
~~~'IN> ci1t1N'rY cbl1~CJlt, ~*O~#_:t;l.DtNJ1g,
";::,":,' ,,',' .:-....':','..,'"",..,,.-,:',",..:" ,_..,.-,,",',-:.-...,.,,"
. are 'inter~sted ,i~, their-'work~ "'The:govet11~eritgtat1ted.JUftY,I)qlla~9
t(),~ards'defrayi~g t~e exp~~s~s.'bf 'th.~ Association'- ~y a regulation of,
th'eil~p6rtment;holders. Of '):'hird-Class Certifioates," who desire a
rep,~wal,()f 's,~,c~'<:e,hif1cates,';are r~questedto pres~nt.themselvesatth~
J-6iy,examiil'ations; " Thereiult of this regulation will be tha~ 1~e~cl~:er~
who :,' intend to', "c;9,?,tinue',_in, theI!,,_profession ;vvi'l-e~deavor-.to ;''Obtairl.
pro~incial 'cerHfibates,.-'" I'have" the liQnot'to:'be~Gentlemen,
1t9\lt obedient servant;
(Signefi), SAMUEl} McCA1,L: .
.:'-..:',',....,.." ';'-',","--",,, ,'" ".
.--,,' - , """. r
','," '.",,' , ....'----..'.-"'..........
ST. ,THO'''''; 3" JANUARY" 1'884..
, .." '-" "',' '..'.
"", "',
" ".
Td'the'V{ard~wand:'cout;1~il of't.he_ CQtjl)tyot ;l$igip,::::"
" G;~rfTL.EM:!t:R, :
,J beg;~~~rve to 'submit the foll,Owipg:repofc :~Atthe, last l;neetlng of
your l1cn<?~~ble bOdy,you,:;apPQin,ted, a cQIl1,m}~tee't?,;<:'l.qt, -in .cop jupe,tj2n
with "a'conl'mittee ;fr~)lll. the'{~otl.n:tY:0r.,Middles,ex( }9,,',~~~mi~~.'- t;hg
<;:~YI1e ]Z'oad-Bridge, .and,-i.f they)l)ou:ght'it- -ne~~ssat;y t9'.~_a'lteSl,l<;;:I}
aqti.onasl~ight' De" required tor~placeit "y,ir-ha,rJ.e.~;, s~m~turG",T0/t ,-
Joint ,cothini:ttee-\~met:'at the: Bridge;,', '9n:':OeceP1P~r,~he 1}~~:~" .qfl,d ,after
having ~xa])lined: the:old'struGtl.l-re,"decicie,d.-:'t,haJ:' it,Wa.s neces,sa~Y"t9
replace_ it.: '1,\yal?,therefore"}:Il,s;~~u<;:t~.4,t.oi, ,pf€;p~xeJ?la~SA~d, ,specifi~
c~ti~ns 'for. a flow<e.'Tru~~.~r!;dg.e,-,9r.} q/?'i ~e~r ~p,ap:','Witl1,n~}R.p.r\ qfj>eep
Tru?s' sP~',,?:'at ea~,~.,enp,; apg,:~4xerV?e f<?r t~I1der~;", ,',", ,.,'" '
The committ~e then 'adjotirn-edto m~'etin-Lotrdon 'on jatlu'i:nY',r1'th.
1.'~eC~mmi,ttee met',in'-London. 'as agreed", the' pIins'and specifi'- '
catiortswei..e' iex3.mihed".:ir'id: a_dopted;: , " '\
<The tenders, 13i_11 nU!11ber;'weretheu,opehed, and .vari:edi.na}liolll1t"
-fro,~$4j200,:to' $0;79 $. ,.,~~,~,cornr,nis5ibn,~rJr9~,:I\tJiPt~lts~1<,,~nd'
t1;i1S~lf. were Instructed to accept' the lowest t~~_9;~f 1(~4:~-run11sN~d.th~
,-neces~ary ,s,~curity)~nd' if h,e J~iledj., ~?:a~~~pt t~~., next)?:-v~,st""and ~9 on
untilwe fo;~nd a-contractcir tBai"wouUlrutnis,4:,t~e', ,n,e~e~~~y::~'~:ec:t~r,i~~'
and enter into ?onds to complete t~~,\VorkJ it~"ad~ertised.';'_""~'"me,tin
London again on, the I 6,t:p. J anuary/anClfdti'rfO that:the'ltnv,est'tenderer
who would furnish the .necessarrs~~ijtity- "was,: I:s:a.a~,C~o!1'$,e, :9(.~911~1on,
the amount bfhis tencle~ w~~; -,$+'_I?:?-:" Th:~;~()~~r~ct)V~s)~~n, ~~~rped
to, him,;at the above a~ount,' t?,_be ~oritpletedbyl,he 1St dayof
August, ,884. , , . ,. ,"' ", , .
T11e committee appointed.Mr.c S;Gibos;:of:'Gashlpere", inSP~Btbrof
piledriving;at$2Cooperd~y, ",.,'"", " " , '"
I haYe..,e~~mine9,-,tbe_ J,a!ll~~.t()Wf!.' and, R()bi~sBvidges; _ &I)d_ finq,that
hath will hav~,_~.<?"q~,r,~p~!r~4: ~t,O~c~, the ,ice, ,breaker()tl bo,~~}, ~~idg~s
havingoeen sviep(aw'ay: TheM'tretwoo( th.e"Btidges Y'otiassume<;l
~,tyout-last:mee~ing:1 , '" "',, '0"
"Allof\vhich 'isre,pectfully submitted, ,
',C()l,l[1t,v H'.nX1.nppr.
'62, .
8T;' THOMAS, '3~;o J ANUNAY, 1'884i
'Tb~the \\'ard~n and Council'of theCb\l~tyof Elgin:
l~'eg to sub~it the following,repo.r~-showing improvem~nt:; made to
publlc 'works SInce your last meeting. , ~,
'" A1Jouflhe 2o't~'Febrl1aty, th~ Robbins Hridge'betweenYarmo'uth
~,ndS~ii,~hwol~ '~as 'c~rried aw,ay b-ythe' high;, w~ter\ 3nd: ice.' ,- ,;-,~,
ll~,l~n~dlat,;~ly'prepared, l?lans; and asked fOTtender~, for 'a new stru_cturc1
luivil1*,the'ce~tn): sp.an 75 feet longi",insteadof .-so,',as,:inth"eoldpI;1c,
thll's--a;fforain~, better- facilitiesf~:n'-:tri,e':escapeof water arid ice ,,_in
~-fresh~t,s;,: : ~rhe coritractwas awarded M-r., Alex;M cGuga~i ' for :$920,
(not, including' earth, ,'approache,s,) h_is" tender' being' the lowest.' The-
Bridge 'isn?w very' ,~:arlyc.oIUpleted,al1(li:s a i1~st;class jo,p,'
:'1 ,~~bllir~i~~ of theCbyne,Road-Bridge i$ progre'ssing!the timbcLis
aJlo'n-)he,ground, the ,.contractorbdng engaged in driving piles.
"~' ,4,8:,v< ,h~~,': ,t,h:Jollowi,hg, repairs, made ',bnCounty', 'B ridges"sinGe,
yo,i.\r'fast'meetin'g;:' ,', ,- " ' .
',,' The r~mqsto\yp"Bri(1g~/,a..; new' ,ic~;~~e;;a~~r, built -ard ,the,,Pi-n.
planked, '
Tbe Port Bn.lC~ Bri9.-ge, new caps and 'p~ks ion,; pie!s al1d'R large
pqrti':ln, of 'it.re~phlU'Ked; , .
q.ilh~~fs(:J?i:ldg~,',:~ n'cw,tl'pprOach ',of '20' feL',ti~,lebgthonc.S()!1.th '!Side
dud rIlnn~f in earth.work.' . ,
Z;~yit'i',s "B,riq~~l'vvi'ng,::~~plartke4;
,,~~in,;s,~i'1,4g~,":'r_epairsto, plariki?g~
,,:1"a1 bdt':"R,bad~.riqge;_:i,~pairs. t~tru.ssa'~'(i .'~ogr.
,Wardsvillc' Bridge, repairs t() -chord.
'Graham' l{oad ',~ridge" rep.air,s: tp',:~,Q_bf;
,~~'~ ~tr~lr'B~id9~} -pl?an~n'g ,'o,ff '-e~rth:and:repair~' to:'flobJ.
P.o,r(~tau.l~~ Bridge,"deahin~' off 0'(~arth,~n~:r~p,air~,t?;~6.rb,~ls. '
",',J ,;.yq,1Jl.~ ~re,co~1mencl ~hat the ,f(?~~owing" irn:pr()Y~~~r'ts:,_p,:~ lUp.~e op
bndg~s,: thIS year ;-,-" ' , .)' ,,' ',,' , .".' , ,
I~ That a ~ew app~oach 6( ,'2.0: .fe~t:,in: leng;t}1c' b~.lj)~lVt' a,t'~o,r:th
end of Zavitl'Eridge: ' "",
I " ,,'
"2}:':'~h'at.a- nG,~v pile: wing,; he: dd yen at SCll.J~hen(jl-.of ~,Gillytt)s-Bridge,
thewater.havingundermined-t11c:oldan~. "~j'-,
ELGIN-,cO~N'l'Y'901!NdIL l'ROCEEj)Ipq:S.
", ' , -,
J '-, '
3. Thatthe approac:h \QtheSt. G~orge Street Bridgehe impro,ved
'by filling in with earth at the North end, ' ,
A; ThafdYe Vienn",'Bridge 'b~" painted -w.itti:Qri.~,~oatof,Min~,r~l
Pamt. . ,
5. 'That the 1vlcIntoshBridge (iron) berepaitlted.", "
," ' ',' , '1",
TI1E'.G;'\ot ',SEWER::
'A~:-y6'U will see, theGaol;'Sewer<i.s;no)V'~alrl,1()st e~nppleted:tq, Jhe
:wallsDf tpe-,GaoLyard. " Th_e Cqinmj,tte:emade"arra-ngern~l)t~,'Yi~,hth~
~ity :(;ouncil.,t~ tap,:the City ,Sew~r" -pr,ovide4,tl1c:,Ccmntyputjn a.l~
Inch ljipe,[rom .Elgin Street.we?.tto, .~oJeet west qf)\1etcalf Str~et,
\vitha~ln,ete~sary connec.tiQns, to, the sati~'f~c.:tiolLof ,t~e,Gity ,(:Ol:InCP.
The contract wi1saward~d-.to Mr. \iVilliam Gleggj,his ,being ihe,lo;,vest
All o'fwhl'ch 'is respectfully submitted.
County Engineq.
ST. ,THOMAS,- 18TH Nov,~M:Bl):~, 1.88+:
','", " "
T b"t h e,,:\V arden- aqd Council of the ;Co"un ty, o( .,EIgin :;" ': ',ji'" "',:, ," ,
'_',1" -- \ ' :"',:
" " ,," ,,' ~"" ~''l'' ,
,G'<>'NTLE.MEN' ""'0iI"if","~9,'~'"-',,,,:''''~'<-'-''...-_J)''' .-'-, '",',''' ,"
,\ ',' c. '~ . ""~"" ,@/" >t"'>l'
: ,-I_beg-,t'o subrriiUhe,f()llowingrep0J;t,cm th~ impr(}yemen,ts,lu<}-de nn
Bridges,'under the jurj~dictlOnof-the, COltntY"since YO,ur last"meet~pg,
T.l~e question of' assuming the White Bridge in'V,leryna,was,_atyour
1~5t'me'~ting,-left to .,the ,County' So1icitor,to:'cl~cid,~:wh~ther. th~ C9,llnty
wasbound,to assUl;ne thesaI~e ,or not~ ,'The,Solidto'rd,edcle?thatit
was'a'C,.:unty Bridge, and that the Coun'tywa'~'bo11Ild to keep it in
repair,' /
A~the Bridge ~as in ,a dangerous- state, Tirnmediately- on-receipt of
the,opinion:of theSolicitor"prepared'pl(':ul~ aIi,dspedfications: for' the
eredioll'of ",~ new,,Bridge mld,advertisedfQr,' ten'Q.~rs. At ~1l117eHng of
'the publicimproveluents committee,heJd in.illY office, the contractJor
building,the Bridge was: awarded to :\ViHiams & Emery, of Port
13urwell,their_, tenper of $1,570 b~ing' the lowest~ The)3ridge_ha's ';
been completed and,-theapproaches "m'ade: good,. to': ,my entire
'The 'Coyne Road Bridge has ,also~een compleied by, the,cOnt1:aGtor,
Mr. Isaac Crouse. Your "pllblic-\:il'npro:vem,ents 'committee and
myself,' together w'ith\he'co~mitte~'and.-Ertgineel' ':fr6tn:,the' 'Cduri.'iy6f
Mlddlesex"visite& ari4.inspected :itqp,jts _~-Qmpl~tism~ and::were,
,;atisfied with the waytbecontractor had fuMilled his contract.
Rep'airs'have' Jjeen,m,~de-;'to,a,',Jf!.rgtf})~)lliber" o( ithe 'q?unty: BrLdge's
since your' last meeti~g,.consisti.ngmostly of planking for'the floors,
They are all now-in;good-,condition,::f9rJhe;~inter. __ I ", \
""The,Bridg_e a,tPort Br~ce is nbtvery strone, and itis very doubtful
if: -it: wil1jtand'th'e :fresh~ts~nd ice of_ anotberwil.)t~p,,: ,atthe-:J.onge, t .
I ;:it ~nl., h,~ve,,~?,:p,eL're'pl~~~q.' ~ext year. If thejte.gets,stronKenO!l~"
"it co~l~l ,be 'built' 'durinf?', :the. winter with,:tnuchless;trott'Rle.'8,n,d'lb
i~cpnven}enceto~'the tnveUing public ,than in;'~u-mmer. '" , ': " ",:
"~~, Re~':Btidge': at Y.ien'na'~ncl:,tl~e McIntosh: :Br~clge _oYl::r the: rivel
~thanies,'have: .been ,painted: ,since", your, ,lfl~t m~e~ingiin,/::accqr4arice
wi~h your .-recommendations. Tl~;e )~ains Bridge and the -$t. .Geor~e
Stre~.t ,Bri.dg~,s",b~tw~e,n ,tbe .,City a-ud,.Qour;.tYj' ~jn ,require,.8;,oQ,? fe~tof
plank,_ ~';wo.'ul(l::as.l(,,:y6ur..?0,n.orable hotly to give me~ow_~r"to pur-
ch_~~~<,4;906::,;f~yt" ';Q'~iQ.g" 9ue.half: the amount required'and have it
delivereddurihg'tl1ewin:er~.':' ",:...,' "",' ,'..",,'
," ';A:tYOllI:'.Jp.n7" ~e,s~ioi1 IWRs.instJucJed to make a,_thoroughexalIi~n.
':ltiQti,:()Cthe_::~oqd()n"and P?~~t' Stanley'Gravel Road" througlithe
;.\=ounty of E.lgi~, ~niLthat theleasees be called ~P!))1 to,phicnaid.
,;~{)a4',)u"a 'prQper, state' of repair, in accordance- with the originar
agre~m,enL .',' ,_,.,' '". " '", ,,'
r'~~~~de,an e~~n~i~ati6n of said. ,R~a(\and on JulYJ~th, I' sc;nt:' a
~lwrho,r~~9:~Itl3:9rrepai"rs't.o_' be:-rn~q:e ,.t;tT': th~',l~as~es;:.,but':':as) yet orily_ a
s~:alL:i)?{tion.,6f.'the,:repqir,s',I rec?mmencled has' been' ,~made.
Jt'-h'~ ,q~?l..C9~tUittee' wiilTeporttoyour:hon?ra~le'bo(jyon the'.'
i]lh):rbv~q\~h'ts:"~~n~,',~epai~~ 'made',to., the-Gaol'~nd Court, Housesince
yoi1t, last: meeting: 1
All of which is respectfullj'submi\ted.
-County 'Engineer.
.' ," '''..',.',,,<,-- ,..;,.;-', "..,",.'.'..,,"...',"'>'.'.,\..
" ,y OUT: p~hlic
follows:- " , ,
,\,..,.. ',',I, '!,
<_i-:'The' c:O'u[ity Engineer ha{)' received notke ~ftol)1 the County' of
M ahihide th4t. the Port Bruce and Gillett's Bridges ar~ considered, by
th,9,~f,T__~)~,t1;,s,hiP:$:~'S.--q9u~ty'-~rid~~~,.;;" .' ,_', "',' ,,:';':':': _ :,:L)'-:,, ' ",'r:;
Ygur c6,null ittee ,:h~~{t lO?k,e(l }~tp Jltemattei:'-~l1d -::belieYe,tha~bdfh '
~:B.r~i~g~s, ~~pul(j:c.ome ~,?d,:r'~lie:j~rlscli~{~?,11,6.('t~is 'C~un~y:,,~ :' :,.',\,,',',i~,:.i::
Your cOtl}rn ittee' _~6'uldi-,Hk.e.tbJlh~e;:~J;,J:I.~P?M~~,::?('Ya;~~6,~t~,
__;~cl4eg ~,~:~~~e:p:ubliS, j~,wQ:Y~m~n~s :C9111~~ttee; ':,', ',i' ':., ;.,', , '., :_'" __,: ,/,,:, ,r~,,-:).':
_i':':_yo~r__Coyqty...'Engi~~~r:))a;s:~.~;~e~:f~r'}in'''>qcr~~~'~~ ;?,f\':$~~~r'y; ;~} ,\ ',1\,~,..th:e
(a;nO!Jilt :of_wo~k; ri:quire4 :of- h;i~~,l~as'~ve~y.l~rg:el>>..\~tt~_~,~fq;-":t~'e,r~,;bein:g
'~'!1.()w:")kBx~'dge~ -:uuQer,',;.th~".:"j:uris_4iS~iQn,' (}f":.~h,~,, ~9,?U~'t:y~' "irhile .,(o~_~~~~y
': tne're'were' only;6..' :)V e;wo'uld'th~,r~:f.6.rere(;qln:~lien:d\f}{~lt, 11}s'_,-:sal~tY:'he
;-'$?99per~~nnlll)1'. fr()l1}',th~;,I$t:::Qt;c'JfW~~f;Zl, t~sh~$i~~>.n:e~peps~s:~',:::'~ .
, ,~lr of which'is respect[ully,sqh'mitted: ' ' "., " " , :
""",""",,-,: , ""..,: .':" ',...,..:, ',"",if':-:,'
;b~g ),e,!y~;;,:'.t(), report!, ,f\S
" -', ",' ,^ "', ':..,.".....:',\" '"
'To the Warden,alld,Co~ncU of
,,' "';:,....' .' ",',<, ,.,',
TI;~ "puhiic'"h-nprdv'e-ment(: committee " beg',;J~~ve ,to:re,.p;ort 'as
follo.ws:-"'-_ " ,_' ,.", "," ""....,.'... -'1/
l< .ThattheCounty Eugineer'Hepor! beadopte4, an.d.that the
reco~~end~tionsthereinbecarried out.ass6,on as .possible, ",'
, 2. That the D~dds and Beaver Cieek BridgesareC.b~ntY;.I)ridges,
and should be assumed by the, County, they being on roads use'd in lieu
of the Townlinebetwee.n So~thwold and Yarmouth.
3.' That no acti(1)pe.,lalf",r?t; i\"al'\'1.isat}on of th~'Township
of South~vold to assume t\1e Fulton BndgeuutlHheuext meetmg of thlS
Council, but that this Committee examine the' site of the Bridge and,
report' at the November session.
, 4. ,That i1O"attiOIl; be,take)1.,o!"tq~ .,appl)catipn of Me,sr"
MoCorkell &'Drinkwaterfor.a ~raf\t tobuilfl,' bridgeaCr0ss Kettle
"ero~kbetwee.nt\1e'fownshiPs Sfsoutlt\v61dandYarmo~tlt.' .
"g,'Thatthe.!6mlnrttee ',~reri)1able ,todedde whether thi; Fral\sisco
~~idge, i)1theViliageof.v:ientla,is a Cb\lIlty Ilridgeornot ,vyewould
tHrrefore' 'recommend < tj1att\1e,1Dattetbe referred to'the County
S,'~,FcitQ~,: td r:~part,attb~- N ovemb,eF session'."
'-0','.-", ",;l',"':'J"""':''':':'. ,.."..',', ",.."" ':",:,::
,All of ,which is respectfully submitted.
',,',', ." " ' ,"..: "', ',\:,C":,,:,, :'__,~':':" " ,'" d
"':"',"',j':, ': "."-,,,
---, , Chairman;
, ,'To tlter,;?ri!}ttc,"~nC'ildfth,,-CollntyofEhlin'
'H~,!i/':."":::",:":..,,,::,,,; :,",' -""'"",-',,, ,; ,- ',' ',:"
ie,: "D" :i:heciifu;UiM'ioirpublic improveme)1tslteg leave 'td ""ISort ';,
'..,:,,","',:, ,__.":,,," :':,^"r'",',',"":,:,:.. ,-';,...,.,." ..,:.:,"',:,... ,'-,"":-':"...',':,,' ,",',..,',... ,'"
<:";....frlr.ti,qi;,r"l'?rtpf.;h,,.,c;brnly~ngirieerheadoPtef!..," ",'
2." That the, P?rt Bruce Bridge ,be" examiuedby the ,public im-
''l>tovetaentslc?JUWittee"anf! if they think, it neceSSary" to, hav"the
'power to:Jl;::t,-a""contracf(ot'tebuildingit,this,;winteri,' , '
"'",",....,.-',"-"'_",,,,-',i,I',;;':__:,""',.,;.,"':",',:' ,',':',':,; ',- : ,-' , <-'
,3, That the" COlmty Engineer purchase' 4,000 feet of oak plank; to
'bedehveref!,,,this,w\nter,p,,,,ihg,Olle:half the amount required'for use
'Of .thecBridgespehl'een the Cityanf! County inthe'spring. . , '
"':"" ,_ ")"": ':1,' "":::-, _," ",; '" ", ,-, ",", <'
. 4.' Thatthe Chair;'la)1o,f;\M 9o\riti)ittee andlhe Connty Engineer
" W'~,the advice of the CO~n\y?pli,c~t?~ atldas~ettainw\1at authority
tllll.Count.y;haetp\J;ompeJ the'l~asees(')ftM;:LoadollalldPprl Stanley
I;,; 'GtliveVRoad, through the County of EIRin, to place said Road in a
proper state of Repair, and report ,t6 the, Coun,j:l<at:,\l)e, jalluary
session. '
5. That your cOlUmittee are of opinion that the F,ulton brif!geovei ,,',
Kettle Creek, in the Township of Southwold, does not come under T"
thejurisdiction of the County.
All of which is ~e,pectiully submitted." '
19th November, t884. Chairman.
,,'to the' -w arde.na,n4::t'9~qdl~t',tIi~'_qb'li'~ty
-:rbeG~oICorPil{itt-~~ :beg.-l~~Ye:t(i:t~~ortas,-f~lJpW~i~''- ":'>" ,:' "
, L Thatthe0'aoISewer'Villp'" "oniplete~verysool)., ,,' ,".'"
" "Z'~ ',';Thatthe,- I,~,s-P~ytor- 0(: prjS?~"~ '.'~ri .. h~s"l'asf;'vlsit-..:state.d;Qffl'phat~
icallYi\'that--the Gaol.woqldh~ v~' Y~'"he, enla:tg~d;:_- "';Y01,l:l;,lP:w-rnitteje 'are
'-' ;:well, ~w~reJh:<1~t. th~::G.~91 i,~; ,.;hot; htr*e-',en8ugh,:<,and.:if;~p~!: SJ:typ!; ,St.
Thomas and govern~,eI:1t',:'\~?ll ,V~y,',,~or:':,'~nY>,:alFera,t~Qn:s.. tha,~';.:m~Y, b:
necessary, y?ur,'commlttee, YV~llhay~ 'no -he'sltatlon-,'.~1Xl:, r.~C9m,rrHt\~~:bng,
thqt- ..,:they- Q,~:'-])~()c~'~d,CJd with"'a1-.:, bncefas..::.,th~y".i,<?o,?;sj4~r 'W~'present
,tacsol}}ll1:od,ation insuffici~nt for all County pUTPose's', and' 'ih~ft 'a'~l over
Ftowding'is due to,thelar~e number of prisoners sent from. tht::,f:ity,
which is greatly incre:xsed 'at times' by the commit~et:lt of Tramps,
arr_e'sted for beirig:inbdrid~:d"e~~soR,t~e cS.,:~_;:_.~,;~~I,~~y,;, ': _, , ",,' , ' ,-'
3;,. Y~?UI:,~ol1J,mittee '~as. de,icd~d' ~nr~c6n:li-h~ridYrlg\he 'erection of
a Gaol Kilche.n' 't~'is'surn~mel1J,'vfhen..::they:g9ns,i(tYI}h,~.,~.~12en~l;:,of,t,he
Sewe:,-and,,' unfa vorable::,pr,o&pe'cts,f(H~,:" a',&~9d.:c!8t5:' th'isJe'ii\, would
"teca,tl;1illend' that the',hi~~erbe: laidover u6til ,'the }im'uary'Jsessian, and
thentakewup, , ";":" ' ' , " ".' ,
4., ,,' Your ~<;nnIllittee "wP111cl-_~e~?,~4,1'~,nd,)q~'t':,~h~ <?hief!:1\:UJ;~key's
salary. he raisecl: fr.om$ I .1 9 _, s~ntsj:ler day' to"$I' ;'2 9 per ,day.; "GQll1 rnenc;,
, ing !st'Jllnej:"I 8?4'_ " ",I: '<, ',_, _',::,:', '-,' ,,:',,' "",':t,:, :_, "" ~ "_,,
' , You,r ':~bmrrijttee:wollld::,~~so-:';:~~Gqinni_~+ld',:~h'at-'an:,'itfe~s';,.ip" the'
rowcfroU1.the,p:a;tl:1I,~re1,l':rt~,tl\e.,';C?ii~.t H;o1iseche;~ cut'down;'::~,$ t~ey
arei:atprese~t,.a4~m~g~t?'~,~:~,.'l),~il~,:i~,W'",", ,";;i' ,_' ,,',
A,llofw hichd, resPe"tf~ll,i', ~!Jl:)!nitt"d,. " , ." "','>,
"'. '..' " ",' " ,', " ,,' i "W,'Q.,P,OJ;,LO<fK,
June"I8-8'4';;:': ,,-/ ;i'~:'i Gh-(l;J(tnan.
To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County C6undl
, ,I" "
TbeGaol Committee beg leave to. report at fo1\ows:.,-.
L ,'That'the Gaol' 'Sewer has been cotnpleted, andis-\vorking ina
y~ry sati,t'ifact?rY',ma.uUltr,T', , ,'_' ',:,; ,::" " '
. " _,,?.. ",':",Th'atJhew,w~tei 'dose,ts'in Cbnl}~c;tia~~_:\V'ith:-_~hssewer,ha v~.beel1
p\a,cecl in thebas~nient.'of,the',CpJrtH()us~; ~~,d:'ih:,tht~ Gaol' _~nd, Yar~.
T?is-' r:bureal;l~llni'ttee:,'~<?rt,si.ge( wilt be, a ,sa,ving;",,,,,heri' t~e" ,~xpense01:'
ke~~it1p .:'t~~s~ f~rIllerl y':~sed,;,',~n.a Bt()pef" Fondi~io?(iS",'co~7i'de~ed._;,
."$..,, 'CiAs,::i1)'stillGte~ "at' .t):le" Jhl1e-: sessJon" ,you~:,~o~mit~ee"made'
ihq uir,~e~s',l:?p:c~rnihg~;the best "mode\of'ire,~~i,~g tge- ,Sbu'rt-H:o,use, flnd '
J4'il;' ,'p'rd' aft~r,'cate~ul"'c,onside~~tion "de!=id,ed,', ,J~:!l h?t:/w,ate~. - ,',T}:1e
, C;9i1_tra~t',w,as:a'iVa~dedt0; J.J ;'Brac~mtlre ~::C9",.:<:!:t$,I9aa,~:'~~:ag.reed to
p~t;' it\,p:Q;'~ppanitw{':: s,ti~l1 as w()u~d::')Je, s_\lffic~e~,t,'t9'hea~' the, c;aor an4
Courtlfo.us;e.!, ~:YQur '~dtnrriitte,~,hav~ w.!~hr:J1dd'5o"I?er~:ent; ofth~,con~
tractp~~c~'," t'o be l)aid, on'the'; first- of" If~br~i:l,~Y;, -, ~,8~5,oif s,at!f?factory, ,as
t~eYS?Bsiderby that thnetbe,system '\:P\b~thOr?ugh\y t~sted. , ·
'~, . 4,:::';(:Ycjuf ~(~'Q'l~ln~tt,~e:: ,re~omm~~g;~t.h.~r,;th~:, G6~rfCij,:~at 'At~~pies,e~t, .
s~sslo.n,ta-ke,1?t9 ,cqn$l9-erlltlOn',the apJ?olntr'ne~raf: a care-taker for,the:;
COurtH:6use; , " : , . ',' . . , >
',- .. -.. ,', ,,:\",' .-, '''', ',,-.-'..,"-','" ;-",-''-
~.., '" :ltsyou':are,_~o-d.ouht, aware Mr_" McLaws, Clerk.of:t~e:,SOUrity
C:'o'tltt"'W'~b'e' rerere~ce to',:tris"o,fficea~COD;l,11)d,d~ti9H~",N pt\1ipg was ,'~done
in: the,jnattef'arid: Mr;',McLaW8 relJl-qvedhis,~ffice~tq, ,~"0,ore ,:~',~l;litable
',place in the,'city",,: We would re~amq1el).,4 il:t~t: :,t~e.tOqtIl,;}1t,~lJi~:d" as , a
librai"y-;and:,by:, the:,,<:;o:up.ty.,.J .lH~lge," W?:' ~,n, ()ftic~~"'_be~', 'cdJ:J,ri'~cf~'d: with
McEa,ws, old:"office,' ,w:'ith 'au;arch"::,this.', w_o~I~',m~~(i( suf1?cient:::acs;omo
dation. His ,H anor the J ud,gc;, ,has cpn~~nted i.~, O,cctlr>y}he_' office ~e
form~rly-'us~d up~tair,s. "":' '-" ,,:', ,', \, "_ ,":'_'- ',..,,';:'..,:',::,' :':"'"
',6.,,:,'we"W'o.uld';--also recommend '.thai the eau~t'Ro'ori1 ,He::,changed,
by:reI>lac-ingthe'benches-wi~h,chairs, and that the heat~~g ra(h~torfJ- be
placed against the walls, ' , '.,' , '
7. We wotlldalsodraw the a,ttention,of the councilto theunsaJe
conditip?o(pap;~t:,s in the Cou,~ty Clerk's Office.
All ~(whichjs ,cspectfully S)lbniitted. ' .
, . , ,,' W. O. POLLOCK,
i8th, N.ovem,b,er, ,J884.-. Chairman.
I '
the,Warden, and: M~mbers of the,
of Elgin:
. -' ';', ,~
County Council,of"the, County
The inspector of the House' of ,Industry begs ieave 'hi report as
follows:~, . ',. '. ,
.. '; No;,ofinmat~s-in,~nuse' pf,I'udust'i-y,,~t, ia,~t,:~eport~":-" .66
2.. No, admitted during ,the year ...:..... ,,".... ........ ..4+ '..,
- 3, ,J:'.io.~of .Vagrants:.::. ,:""'-'~" ~_.',,: " . . .. . .'.. ,," -. ",~ " ," \[
4; -No. born irr,House of Industry...... .. .. ..:.. +
5. 'No. of deaths,. . /". . ,'.. . . . . . . , . . . . . . '. '3
6'. No~-,of;:children:~eI'lt.'Oh,triat>~'; .';'.... .',:;.-. "....,'" II
j: N();,ap~co~d~~'.frQmi"B:ou~e. , ........,.. 5
"8.: N'd.discharged,_,Au.ririg,t4e ye~r. , ' , ;;' :', ":'_:,,:24"
"9" N.9,'no'Y:_i~_ H.o~_se ,.,~... "':~ -,_,,' _".'.':,..,' ~',:' . ";".-/ ~"".S4
'::' [a, __~he-hUlnber ,'Q~iri-l11ates/ JOldmittedfr_om,' the severalm uriicP'
PilHties, wit,~,~p~qff',c.::0}lIlty, dU,ring ,t?,~,ye~~is,a~'Jbll.ow~:':" "
AJdborough,... .'..,. ., ... .,.,". ...; ;.;,...'.\ ';~'....'. .'.. "."",.,.".,:.'., .;'.....',.'.'..~". 2
'D,ullwich".,.,.._.. . ..':"" -,'...'........'..,. ,'........',.,~':.-:.-~.,. 3
Southwoia,...-., ..>~:...,.'>. "P". ,>\. I
,y'arrilO:uth,'. "'_'" ...,;-....,.. ;,;.....'. ;'.; 12
,', '",..' ," ' "",
Malahide............ ... .. ... ...."... 5
South.,:Dorcl1este,r...... ,'''',' '\':'-':":" :-. ;.~. q
~i;;:~~:::'::::: '......:.:..:.. ::".:'. '..... ':' :.:.:::::: :: :.: ;
Springfield.:......'.......... .....'. "...'.... '
, Port Stanley.. . . ' ... .. .. . ... .....'
Aylmer.. r'" ':'.. .';:,; .:;;;:'-.
County]aiL......... ....
,Born in the House, , . ' . . . . . .. .. .
Total. . .,... . .....f.. ,~. .../.;. ..~.... .:,~+
II'..' Number of the',.~bov,e'who..l1a'{e1l6t r?~idec:1:"--orhad" ,
. theit~~~d, ~h9qeiritheCoimtyfort"'oyears pre;
.. vious,to 'ad,,~ission "",',' ""';":1 ':, ~ "',:: '.,': '_,,',_>:' ',-,' "..~
12'. Number .of Weeks 6.oar,d,:.oLsuc~~;,':"\",:,,'i-,.I';"c""':92!:
IJ~ The various causes of p~uperism - of the inmates relieved
, durin~ the year are as' follows':-
-- _..--~-
Sickness: . . .... .. ,. .. .... ' " . . . . . .., ..' ..... .. ., 9
'DestitutiQlJ,. ..".,..,;:.. .. . . ," .., . . . . . ,"'. ..:'.." '1'7
Inte",p~rence,:...:':" "......... ',' .16,
~l~re:~~;..~,::,::::/~..~.'.:.,. ...:::..,,':.:::I
l'arentsapsconded, ete ..... . . , ,1. ,. 1 I
Bli1id..:.. ..,,':..: .,..... .,' ,2
~\~J~h6:~~;:'S:~ ~ '.'; ~ :.;. :'.' ~ :,::. ~ : ,: '. '. ... "',,': : ....i,~...::..:'.::~~ '
'4.' Av~rage number of inmates duriJ)gtl1e year.. ,.,..:66 '
15., Keeper's family and hired.help ad,ded.. '. "';,70
16,. Number.of weeks board for.mmates, .., .::,'""",;>,4.2,9
q. Number.of weeks board forkeeper's~~JI1i\yalId'.
",', ,hitedhelpadded,.,... ...' ...".",;..,:;,s;65S
}8. ' Tota\expenditure during theyear..,.,...., ,~~,I05.03
,,' '9' ' 'Deduct'permanent ,improvements, products ',', ,,'
sold an!i ,rece1ved from inmates..". ' ,....: ':'.< "9"1;69
20; ", Leaving amount actually e<,pended .lor "
portof.irmates~ ,. ,.......1,.......;;. '
:H:.M,~~ing' ayera:ge-' expensc5perweek,
'inmate,....,\,.,.""..,'" ,.. - '
22'. '-Averagee)~.p~nse
year".,....... .,.', ',',. :',. '..' . '.",.":~"",' ~ .. ;','--"
~3', 'Tl1e amount expended, for the. 119use
p~id for hired labor.,.... ,,'" ....."..". ,,:. . ,.:
",Farm implem~nts and ,expen___se~ <~::-'
.. Stock..;'.'.".,>.',,-. .'...', "...,;,..,.',.:.,:.,,';,.:'. ',,"':'
II 'Stationary, ,.",'.. .,.".. "',' . '" .-,.., '.:..' ,::~ ...,
H' Physician's salary appliances,-'etc~,.,.;. ;" . .:
" Keeper's andrpatron's salary", ._".'.'.,:",,':'
Provisi~ns and~l()thing. , . . . . . '., .. . . .~. ,
Meat.'. ; '. . ,..' ,', , ,:.... '.'-.,.',... ,.'-., ,',-" ~ !,,:,~',;
"Br.ead......,."...:,.:::.'.'.<'~';,~',. .. .'...,'. ..-"...,',.,.,'.,'~
II Groceries.... ".,...,....-'...,....'.':.:.'..
" DryG,oods....... .,".. ,,-"'..: ;,.',',':r,t:.
II, Boots and Shoes.... .,..... ., .... ....,
Ii ..Wood.,..... .... ,.,..-.....,.....~'.'.....'.
" Bedding'!,nd furniture and coffins. .., .,...
" Permanent improvements and tepairs~. .-"
" Incidental' 'expenses...'. .. .. . ".~~. ..-;..,.'
,.._, '" I
424.50 '
, .,,",'\
2:4~ ' As '-fG:quested"by ~ r,~solu~iorl_q,f the'C6uncil,',pa~'sed lastyear,I
have to,report, .that ,during; {he" year; ,fifteen :child~en'-,froll1, tlie,"House
of Industry attended schoqI in'sectiou' 'IlumbeT"4,"Southwold"fo.r an
ayerage " period of, fO,ur" anq _'pin~-tenth~" montJ1s, 'each',\::makingin all
~eventy-three, and,three-qJlarters ,~on, 't,hs" '. ;"",_ '"
, ' ,',', ' - ',.. ' , , - , ' , .. ' :', ,- ':.-'..,..: ': '- :' , '.-', :' ,,' ~ '
. 7;5' "Amouu:ofprodu,ce raised, on f~r.m duririg the yea~:,,:-~', :,',:
, Potatoes;'.", .';""'" ......,.. ,: ....::;; 4oo'bush. '
~rangold:Vurtzel,.. . _. " : .',. -. '.: . '... .,', . .- ',' ;'ib09' "
"Oats'. . .~.-,,>';'~ ;:,,:'; ;':.., " "'ISO'"
~~~~ips\'.'.'.'.'.'.".:. :> '. ..,.:;. ',' 186::
Oth'er"~0ot::;-: ~..... ;.,. .,;. '. -,,',,:,,~i. ,.~,":,ot,;:' ";~ ',',~, ;"... :.. 4;$,"
CothStalks. . ..'. , . . . . . , .. , . , . , . ... 20 loads,
f[dy.;",.",c,.....'... '"..,',.',.,......,.,. ,.,.......:".,.., I,',5 tonS.
" ,..""..'.',..,, ' ' ,''', " '--','.., ..' "'.. '
. z6, i,Number of~rtidei. of dothing,aud,heddingII1ade~uringthe
year'by"'mat,r;op ~jtpthe':assiSitance ~finmMe~"$~.3;",.,;,, '
,,2,7o.,.-:':Tllc f~rniture, provisions,'etc.;--:on,! ,band~" pn;"I.st_N o~e~nber, are
valued,a~follQ~Y~.-:-~ "_':-":"" " , ' , , '
9roce~i~5,an4 \Vo:ded ..:, ," .',... . .. .. ,,:.-.. .~'... o:.:;.$~N7'44
Farm.-'al'l.d .-g'}rdenpr()qupe,.~;"'.: :....,' ""p" ,~,~:.:: ',673.50
FatmStock'a)ld Implements..'. ..,.. .,.~!5-40
pry goods . : . ' . , ,.. '" ..c'. . ....'... . ....'... 60.76
qibthing . .. .. " , ,. " >'. '95.60
Stoves, Tables-, ~tc'-"",;" . . H..., , '0', .,..,,;.,..',,'- ,'.." , ''<':_ ',~_:26,7 5 I
Beds and bedding' ."., .,:.",.', ' ,','... :." ;>56,85
'CIO,k~ry.:. ;,,,,,.. .... ....,.. .."......., ;'. 74.6~'
Tin warei," ...',. ...........,.,....."..:.:.. 1'8.53
,.';,'J3~rr~17"'T-ub,~;'etc ',' ,."-'.,,.._. ',{;'..,.;, ':':":"" : ,:;.;." ... " 3 I.3a:.
Sundnes .'.\i; ;.."... . ".',.,..",. '-.,.:..'(.... 6o.Qo
" Tota\', .'...",........, ; ,'," ,... .... .,,$2;5,6.24
AI(of Which is iespectfully.submitted.:' , ..
" ' " ': w,. McKAY;
I~th November,' r 88+, Inspector.
Total. . ., .,...... ......."... .$S, 105,03'
To the v..l arden and- Council-of the County. Elgin:
, ....';'.
v'The'J,louse of" Industry Cqmmittee berG, l~'av!~",to p'res_ent their
ninth a~~ualreport asfollo.ws:-~ ' ; ,"
1':' Th~t in 'the~ropinion ,the- rate~pq.y.ers of the 5::0~11:~y~as ,~ell- as
~h,e ,u,: n, ,Do"tt.u"n.a te,.p ,0,0 r,""__ -a.,r,e, tab e,c,ongra,t ulated,0, n : po, ~:se,:S_,S,in, 'g' ',n" iU,sti. ",;:,:1';,',:\,.
tutiori, capable of doing so much good at sO "iuall an expense.;." i
"..' TheYl:egretthatthe corn,which:is generally thepripcipal crop ',j i.
of.':the' farm, was' thiS_y'ear.'a,.failtire;:.owing:,pa,1,'tl-ally, to. ;,~h,e,:C\ifficu~ty in
,proC11finggood seed; ,bntmdre p'l.l,ticularly ,to ,the ,\nab\lity,of the,
rkeeper,to get'as5isianca'to:cultivate"theground:~'t,:tl1e.,Pr.RP,~r- time., '10-'
order to prevent this occurring in the future,,', they,wol}l,d.}y~()Ill:_~~l1d
thatthe:-farm,:be _provided with,t~o hQIses, in~te?d;qf~he I_()~l~~;,in useJ -"n
as tlle,/' tllink that the ,keep~r ,would then;;~vi~l1 ;,tlle:helppf, tlt~i,rmates:,
dp ~llthe work~required" and the;,ga~ing';."affes\e(~:,::,the,~eb)';with the
inctea:~e' that ,would Jollow, the better ,cultivation of,ihe, ,farm;' would,
mor~ ~h.n pay the County for the outlay. ,', ',,' ,}'I
3,'The blind girl, Alunda Hart, ism.ki[)g goo~ progre~s' at the ,l
Brantfqr'.l Institute, and will) after a tiine,',:be, ,able ,_to provide for}
1).erse1f.'\ ' " '!' " , ,,'" '-,' ",__,:'~",_,,\8\
4, .. The permane[)ti;"provements made this year cQnsislof eigbtYl
ro~::"of : fencing, 'and,the laYlngof '2)400 tile. ,',,\Ve"Ca'un9:ttqQ :stronglY"f~
recomm€7n'd future' c::ommittees to continue to completiOtl).'th;~, sy's,teIl1;;~
Of;"tlUng',alfe~~reommenc~d. ,.",." " -;:,...~
~5. , We de;sue-to specwllY':n:I9ntlonthe actIon of-Mr. 'A M\::;~
, H;1Jt9hinsq~) <,tla~,er, who' has',sinee'-the firstdayi oLJI\1ly,r~dup~d Jhe;~
pr~feqf:'bread below the coutract price.
Allof which is r~5pectfully submitted.
ioth November) 1'884.
To ,~he War4en ~n;l M e~bers of th~ Cou~cil of th~ Cou~ty oi Elgin:
Duri[)g th"yearending 31st OctolJe,,188.j, IpaidslxtY'sev'm
official visits, to the.-,Oinstitution" pu,tup" ,three, "hU'ndJ1ed 'and ", three, pre-
scriptions"extr~cted:~8",teeth) opened'2_abs.,ce~~e:s"and' tapp,ed'a. double
hydrpceletyvke. '
The subject of. tbishYdrocele is a mall eighty,oneyeats of agej and
' ihM.rch last, I successfulIy'performed tberadic.l CUWon one side,.
but ,he objects being operated upon fOrthecureof tbe other side. .', 1,
if" ,'or.acute diseases we hMpnly'one case iJfpnuemonia, ando'ne "
Irof iufantileremitting f"vet. . . " , '.' , '. ..,." " , ','
The, instit~tion, .h~s, bet=n' singularly free,. fr9mi ,(Hpht.h~ria~ ,mal,~ri!ll
and tynhoidfevers., .'. '.., , ,':, ".,., .',. ,
Fourbirths and eighteen deaths h,ave t~~en place.. The deatb rate
is large~ bnt whep analyzed, you will ?bserv~ that ,vit~?ne , "xyel'tionj
Adalil)e Hart,tbey have' all died of chronic' and incurahledi.eases
and most of them at an advanced age. The following tabrlar list will ,
give ample informatiol] regardin~ those \tho have. died, " ".',., " ,
M~rtin ,Bcl11glner,. ..,.. '" ,.. ,~l,.. ."./~. ..::SemileDecay.
Charles HilL.....,.. . .'.. , : ,66 ' ".', ,. Hea!t Disease.
,i o:~pb S,ecord " ..... ,. '" ;,. Con~umpiiou.
,,. Mathew PeeL.. ...,.. . , .. , . . ... , . ,., ..,.: .,SenilePec'ay.
pemeris, Wooley.:.., ',' " .~,.'. .. ,:.,-,,:~onsumption;
William Hart. . '" .. ..... . . . ',' ,..,..., "', " P~ralysis,
'I" .."',,..,' JOiep,h,' QUI,'nn ..,........,... ", ,...:,.:.Chr,o, n,,' ie, E, r"y, s,l'Pil~s,
J , WIIhaln.DartWlth...,.....".. ...82.. .. .... ,... ..l'aralYSls.
,I ; PhcebeWiddifield. ........ . .... 87.. .. , ..". Seuile Decay.
. AdalineHart.: ~",!,; '.. ."'-.;...27,:..., '" ,CongestonofLul1gs~
JacoOVan WickIin. '" ..:' ,'., ..81... '" ','" '" . KidneyDisease.
Henry Koichell.. . . . . '" . . '.. . , .68. ....... ,...... ., ....... ....Drop.y.
[":Alexander- Precu_re. ............ .2,.8'.,... ;. ..'. .',"...., .'C, onsumption.
' '..., '\ ", " '"
. There are in the Instituton at the present time eight imbeciles and
Idiots) three insane andTourbIind. Mrs. Arnold an insane woman nas
_________ __~_ "____c'..,--_..,..--_
given a great deal of trouble, beside exerting a baneful intlu,nce upno
the other inmates :and therefore it is desirable that msanepersons
should be sent to asylums rather thanhere.'
The good judgment and care .xercised by the keeper and matron in
,c~ses of sickness arid iu sanitary m.tteis are quite satisfactory. '
I have the honor to ,be, gentlemen,
Your obedient servant,
18th November, ,884.