1885 Minutes PROCEEDINGS OF THE . -ELG-IN- COUNrry COUNCIL, DURING THE SESSIONS HELD IN THE '~Dud ~OU~tt ~t. . ihO'ma~t IN THE MONTHS OF JANUARY, JUNE AND NOVEMBER, --1885.- K, W. McKAY, County Clerk, SAMUEL S. CLU1'TON, Warden. ~tt~03++------- ST. THOMAS, ONT." TIlI-IES STEAl\t BOOK AND JOB PRINT. 1885 {.,., {). ~'''', -ELGIN---.:. COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, . -,,-C-!!~ FIRST SESSION-FIRST ,DAY. , . TUESDAY, JANUARY 27TH, 1885: The members' elect of the Gouncil' of the MunicipalCorporFLtion of the County of Elgin fuet in the Court House" St. Thomas, this d " " "', ' ay at.-two o'clock, afternoon. ' The fO,Jlowing Reeves and Deputy Reeves filed certificates and took their seats at the Collncil Boar4, as follmvs: , ' DANIEL LAING,..,..',...:... "REEVE,.....,.. ,.. ,. ,ALDBOROUGH.,..... WILLIAM BROCK,..,.......';..lsT.DEP~TYJ ........ ,,' , DANIEL McLEAN,.,..--........2im" ......'.. " A.J.LEITCH, ~....,-,. .,.....'. .REEVE,............. ,DUNWICl1. DUNCAN McINTYRE., . ~'. .....,ISTDEPUTy, ",'" ... ". ANGUS McWILLIAMS,.......;2ND' H........ " DUGALL Mc90LL, .......,.., .REEVE,;...... ".., .SOUTIIWOLD, JO:E{NANDREWS, . .;, ...... .,;lST DEPUTY, .. ." '. ~' " JOHN POLLOCK,;........,.-....2im " ......., " JAMES HEPBURN, .' ;:-,.,..... . REEVE, ........ .~".... yARMOUTH,,'........ W~b; POLLOCK,....."....,... .IST DEPUTY, ..... ... " ........ J,':H. YARWOO:O, ,,,.'..'..,....2ND H.......,' " ....,1,.. RF. HATHAWAy,.......,. .'3RD " ........ " .... ,... SHELDONvVARD, .... .'....,. .REEVE,..., ....,... .,MALAHIlm..... .... ROBERT ABELL, ...,......... .IST DEPu<:rY,...;.... " RICHARD LOCKER, ..'.; ,...2ND " ........ 'I HENRY STRATTON, ... .,...,. .REEVE,.,. ~","""" ,BAYHAM,~..... .... H.F. GODWIN. <" ... ,. ..... .IsTDEPUTY; ,.... ','" " ','" ..., ,. ,'M.G. ,BURWELL,.., '," .'..... .2ND H..,. .... " .; ."..... ,'~ J,AMES C. DANCE, . ,.......:. ,REEVE,...... ~...,.I.. .SOUTH DORCHESTER WILSON McC;READY, . . . . . . . . . ,1ST DEPU',l'Y, ....,... " R,:L. MoCALLY, ............ .,.RimVE,........ ,i..." ,VIENNA,....... ,.. JOSHUA SISLER, ,..,.... ...., H .....:..-'.....:SPRINGEIELD.:.... SAMUEL. S.' CLUT'fON, ,,',.. ..." . ..'., .........AyLMER, "".:... JOHN ELLISON,.. ..,', .>,..... : " ,"'"'''''' ..PORT STANLEY.. ... ~,.~~,." " '1111: .C"".O<" "," l~'~ ,- 1,1,,' 1'11,) II: I'.\:" l~~\! ) ,11)'!" 'II 1\\\\ . 'if 4 ,,>,,;", J.;:iGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PRQCEEDI.NGS. E'IGiNCbUNTY COUNCIL PIW€EEDINGS. The proceedings of the last day of the November Session, r884. were, then road' and authorized to,b.ej;igred. " '. ,,';, ,_ The following communications were theu read, by. the Cler\< 'cer. From John Millet, Principal of St.Thomas CollegiatCo Institute" with invitations to vh~it.the institutiop, ' From ,BQard of Edu,catibn, St. Thol11as, re deputation appointed, to . present Annual Report. ' From the County of Y ark, reappointtlle~t o( Coun,tyand Sun:ogate Registrars by County Council. ' From the COl,lQty ofWella~d,re Railway,ni.o~op()lie~. From the CpuntyofWellington, re Pr~;inci~l Aid to Courityln" stitutions. " .Fronr ,th~ County of Watedoo, re' legislation regarding width of wag(j~ H:~s. " ' ' From the County of OxfQ.rd, Ie de,putation'to request recoupment of Railway bonuses 'by Dominion Gdvernment. Fro~ the County, of Lincoln, Tax exemptions. From ,the County. of Carleton, readditional Idiotic 'A:rylums. From the Canadian 'Land Law Amendment Association. From His Honor Judge Hughes, re members of Board of Audit. From, His Honor Judge Hughes, re administration of Justice by Magi~trates. '\ Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by 'W. ,0. Pollock, 'That the, C~mmunications be laid over tillto~JI1orrow;'-Carried. Moved by John Ellison; seconded by R. Locker, That, the 'Warden appoirit1iven:J,embers' of this Council to strike Standing Committees.-Carried. TheWarden then appointed Messrs. Stratton, Ward, Hepburn, Lang and McColl. ' Moved by D. McColl, seconded by R. Locker, , That T. M. Nairn be appointed to audit the accounts of the COUl?ty for the" yearI88s.-Carried. The Warden then nominatedMr; D. McNish as the other auditor. Moved by J. Sisler, seconde~ by Major Ellison, That the Educational Deputation from the St. Thomas School Board ,be heard before this Council at 2 p.m, to-morrow.~Carried. 5 ' i Tpe U1etn:t>e,~;s ~er,e called to. .order. ~ The Clerkblthechair. Moved by John Ellis~n, seconded by JalnesHepWrn, That S. S. Clutton be Warden fOr, the ensuing year. Moved by John'Aridt"ws;~econdedl)yW. Brock, ThatJ:lugald McColl be:'Varden for the current year. Mo~ed by J. Sisler,secbnaea by R. Abell, Th~t A.j. Leitcli'be Wardenfqrthe ensuing year. Mo~ed bY D. 'McCon; sec@dedby D.McLe~n;' Tjlat J>~l1ie} ~ang be Warden for theenSliitlgyear. '"..'','.: "".-'.-.-". ,,',".,..,,;,--, ,,''':..,,'','' Moved by John Pollock, secbp&dby D. Langi ThatR. L.McCally be Warden.i6r the ensiling year., Mqved by A. J. Leitch,~econded bXA. McWilliatnS; That Sheldon Ward, Reeve of Malahide, beW~;aen for theensu- iug year.' L ' .. - ' \ 1>I'ove.d by R. L; McCally,sec'onded by R. Locker, , Th'~~H.?tr~tton, Reeve of Bayham;be Warden for the ensuing yea" Moved by W. J3rock,sec~ndedbYJohnAndrev:,s, Tha~'Majo"John 'Ellison be Ward'en for the:ensuing'Ye~r- Moved by S. Ward, seconded by H. Stratton, , That james Hepburn, Reeve of Yarmouth, be Warden for suing year. ' ' All of the candidates then declined the npmination with the excep.", tion of D. MeColland S. S. Clutton.oJ Moved by J obnPollock,' seconded by John Andrews, '~ .That theyote for Warden be talien by hallot.-Carried. ,t Moved by A. J. Leitch, secondedby R. Locket" . . ,j ThatSheldou Ward and J. H. Yarwood 'be appointedScrntineers,! _Carried. Jl The ballpt was then proceeded with, and Samuel S. Clutten, Reevil of Aylmer; having received t):1e largest number of votes, wasdeclar~\(i .duly,elected.,Warden for theyear rSS5. . ',,'" '," ,.1 The Warden then ;nade tQe Statutory Dechiration of ()fficebMoJ, His Honor Judge Hughes, ~ook the chair andad'dressed'theCotinci!t . .1 ~' .,' . '6 ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by R. L. McCally, . That Mr. GeorgeSuffeI be ,appointed an, auditor for the Administra- tion of Justice :Accountsfor the present year. , In amendment, Movcd by J ohn'Pollock, seconJed by John Andrews, That John Kingbe Auditor of the Administration of Justice, Ac. countS for the present year. Main motion lost, amendinent-carried: " Moved by McColl, seconded by D. Lang, That this Council adjQurn tilli) o'clock to~morro~ morning, to allow Committee appointed to sttike Standing Committees ;0 1jleet.-Car- ried. K. W. McKAY, Co. Clerk. SAM'L S. CLUTTON, ~ V\T arden. 'I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 7 FIRSTSESSIOl'j''-'SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28TH) 1885'. The .Elgin County Council met this da;y, according to adjournment. S. $. 'elutton, Esq.,Warden,-in the Chair. All the members present except McWIlliams; The proceedings of the previous'driy were' read and autho:dzedtO be signed., I'" , The following Communications were reh:d : ,From, Education Departfilent, re' Petition to do away with the ,vienna High School. , Fro~'R.,'Miller, Master in Chancery, re Office'AcGommddation: From the, County Engineer,' wit~ ~ep~rt on County Bridges. ' From W.,D. Otter, askingforgrarit to'Ontario Rifle ,Associatiqn. From the CountySolicitor,withopinionre London and Port Stanley , Gravel Road. FromJnspector'of Prisons with reference to requiredalterationsin' .Gaol. ~" ,From M. Honsberger, keeper of House of Industry, 'yvithretur~ ordered at November session re inmates admitted having money in their possession. .From S. Gibb, with account for overseeing work on Coyne Road Bridge. ' Moved hy'D. McColl; seconded by John Andrews, That the report of the Special Committee appointed to strike Stand- ing Committees be received and read.-Carried. The Clerk read report. Moved by John Pollock, secondedbyJ. H. Yarwood, That,the report of the Special Committee appointed to strike Stand- ing,tommittees be" a4opted.~Carried. ' Moved by D. McColl, seconded by) . C. Dance, That th~ communications be' taken' up andconsidered.~earried.' The Clerk theri read invitation from Jol;ri "Millar, Principal of the Colle'giate Institute,~t. Thornas,tovisittpe Institute. 8 ELGIN' COUNTV'COUNCILPROCEEDINQS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL:' PROCEEDING~. Moved by D.McColl, seconded by J. C. Dance, That the invitatiou extended to this Council by the Principal of the Collegiate 'Instit\1te,be '.ccepted;o.-Carried, . M,ovedby J. C. D~nce, seconde,fby D. McLean, 'That' this Co~rii::il'adjourh:'at~"i'l 'o'clock, in order to, visit the Col~ legiate',In$~itute. In amendment, ,Movea by J. Sisler, secol)ded ,by J. Ellison, . That this Councilhe~r the,Deputa\io;'from theSt, rho!,,~s Sfl)ool Board before visiting theColh:igiatelnstitute'. ," - .' '," Main motion lost, amelJ,dI1le~F can;j~'ci" .. Tl1eCle,rkthert,read Co, m,m, t1ni,cati~n5"fr, O,m .8. Gibb,' with A, ',cc,o,unt , ' ' ",.-'..:" ""-,' ,::', . ":'''' ..',.".... ',:',..,' for overgeemgwork on 'Coyne 'Road 'Bddge. ,;,'" . 'I. Moved byB. ,F' Bathaw~y"seco(lded.bY John Andrews, , .,",.. ".--",,""'-- ',,','.-','j.'" That theCommunicatiou from,S. Gibbbe referred to ,the I'~blic Improvements Comm'itte,e:-,-~ar~i~'d., ' :,' ,',,,' ' ,.. :',\ ,MovedbyW. O.Pollock,secp;'d~d,6YR. Locker, That a. Committee, consisting of Major Eliis'bn:"Sheldon.~~q.~pd 'latl1,c.s Hep1:mrnl ,be ,appointed by t~is CpJ.1tlcil, _~,o ,act ~'ltl}' a "sil}1ilar, Committee from the County 'Of Middlesex, "to.. 'tty'ahd"arf'ange,'an ~9.l}itabl,e ,l1;te.thpd of apportioning ,thee~penses of ,keeping up the'jap~ pr9a<;:h~ t6th~:,riverbti~ges'between thIS' 'County:and-\Middlesexlandi 'that'theClerk notify the' County of Middlesex to the 'above ,effect; In ~mendment, , ' , ,',' . Moved by D~ McColl, seconded by D. McLean, That the ;;u-rangcment of.,anequita\?le method of apPOltiotting the. e;.;pcnse, or 'keepJIl;~ HI) the approaches to the river bridges between this CO,pnty and 'J\rliddlc:,icx ,be kIt "to the Public ImI).r0yr::fficnb Corn"~ mlttee. Main motio,~:<lost, amendme~t carried. Mo~~'iby ] o.hn~l)dre~s, ~ec6i1il~d1iy B.Stratton; That a Com'ili.i'ttee," to - be 'k~dw'ria'sth~, ~~~t~id"n{intC~mtriittee, fonned and added to the listofS'fii;jding Comfuiftees,and thai it be comp,os~4 of, tl~e"foIl6Wi,ng~ri1erribets'rlM.essrs::Brock, '\Burwel1,:;Mc. cally;Y~rwooa'aha'Leitch."",0a.ried. ' r 'The '~Cle'r1~ th~ri,(t~a:4 ~'ciin nJ~1i:iication:si froin ,:the,C~mnty,)[~>f?p!<f6rd requesting Coun'c-i,l:, to"app(')in:tc~elegatiDn-, to- ,'go" to Qtta)YA:,-r~. r..~~,~ym~nt of moneys granted by. way of bonus to Railways d~dared to be in the in the interest of the pominiongeneralIy. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by R. Locker, That the Warden and Mr. McCltlly be appointed' by this Council a deputation to go to Otta.wa in accordance with ,the communicatio,n received from the County pfOxford. In amendment. . Moved by D. \1cColl, seconded W. O. Pollock, That the communication f~om the County'bf Oxford bejreferred to -the Petitioning Committee. Main motion lost, amendment carried. Moved by R. L. MGCally, seconded by R., Locker, That the communication from the County of York, re appointIpent of County and Surrogate 'Registrars, be readl and that Mr.' McLaws be heard upon the s:ime,~Carried. i The communication was read, and Mr. :McLaws address~d the Council. Moved by JI Sisler, eecon<;led by, D. Lang, That the communications from the County of York be entertained by this Council, and that the matter be referred to the Petitionin'g Committee. ' In amendment (,it), Moved by B. F. Bathaway, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That the' communication from the,' County, of York, in regard to appointment of' ':3urrogate and County 'Registrsrs, be' referred to' a Committee, to be composed of Messrs; Hepburn, Leitch and the \Var~ den, report at this session of the Conn:cil. Iu amendment (2nd), Moved hy John Andrews, seconded by R. L. McCally, , That this,Councildq not entertain 'thecommunication from the County of York. Second amendment carried. .' The Clerk' then read communic~tion from County of Waterloo, re width ofwagon,tires.~ Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by D. Lang, That the Petition from Berlin be referred to the Committee on. Petitions. J 9 10 ELO:'tN COUNTY COUNCIL PRQC:BEDINGS. .In amendmemt) ,Moved by R. Locker, seconded by S. WaId, That thepetitidn from the County 6fvVatcrloo'be not entertained. Amendment carried. Moved, by J. C. Dance, seconded by W.McCredie" That the petition from the COlU1ty of 'Wellington, rc Gov.::rmnent granting aid to f(ousesoflridustry and other similar institutions; be, referred' tothe,Corrimittee on House of Industry. I st amendment, Moved by R. l'.!cCally, seconded by" G. Burwell, That the ,petition from the County of \VeUington be not ent~r- tained. 2nd amen'dment, , Moved by) ohn Pollock, secunded by D. McLean, That the communica!ion from the County of VI'telli11gton, be' enter~ tained, and that the matter be referred to the Petitioning Committee. Sec'onc1 amend,l1cnt co,rried. ' The Clerk then read cO,mn1Uu'lcations from the County ofWeWmd ,in regard to railway monopolies. Moved/'Y D, McColl, seconded by W. O. .Pollock, That tr.e petition from the County of \Yellandin .regard t9 railways b~ l'efeued to the Committee on PetitiQns.--Carried. , The communication from the County of' Carlton, fe 'additional I.J~otic Asylums) was lhen read. ' ~Ioved by W. O. Pollock, seqonded by Dr. Brock, That tbecomnmnicatiol). from: the County of ~~arleton, re'ldiotic "Asylums,be referred tQ C6mmittet.~ on I:louse of I-ndustry.-Carried. Moved by J . Sisler, seconded by J. Ellison, That this COllnGil adjourn until 2 p.n).-Carried. The Couilc.il resumed. Moved by J. Pollock, seconded by J. Sisler, That the,res~lutlOn to not, elltertain the-communi~atiOll'received ii'om the Comity of York, Je appointment of Coun_tyandSurrogate Registrars by County Councils, pflssed thislDorning) be resciilaed, and that thisCouncildo entertain said petition, and that the ,matter be referred to the Petitioning Committee, to draw up a petition tolay the matter bdore~the Legislature.,--Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. II Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by D. Lang, That the deputition ftom the St: Thomas, Collegiate Institute be n?w heard;-Carri~d.,,, \. Messrs. McKenzie anc1 Millar then addressed the Council-and presented Annual RepOl;t. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by J. ,C. Dance, 1'hatthe Report of the St.ThomasColIegiate Institute be received and referred to the Committee on Education.-Carried. .',' ", ' " Moved b~ J. H. Yarwood, see'bndec1 by W. O. Pollock, 'That this Council visi,t the Collegiate Institute to-morrow at II o'clock, a.lll.~Carried. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. Brock, That thepetitio'n of the' Trustees of School Section No; 12, :inthe ~' Township bf Southwald, be received and re\td.-Carried., ," I The Clerk then read peHtion. Moved by D. > McColl, seconded by John Andrews, That a Committee to be composed of the County Judge, County Inspector, the',Wardenan~ Messrs. McCally and Stratton be appoint- ed to decide the mat~er' compl~ined of by School Section No. 12, Southwold.-Carried. The Clerk then read communication ftom R. Miller, Master in Chancery, re office accommodation. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That Mr. !vIilier be allowed to address the Council.-Carxied. Mr. Miller then addressed the Council. Moved by Major Ellison, seconded by J. Sisler., That the'~pplication of'Mr. Miller be not entertained hy this ,Council. In amendment. Moved by J, C. Dance, seconded by D. Laing, That the communication from Mr. Miller in regard to office be re- ferred to'Gaol Committee. Amendment carried. Mov,edhy J. C. Dance, seconded by W. McCready, That the name'of theStanding Committee known as the PetitionN ing Committee he changed to that of the Committee on Petitions, and \ 12 ELGIN COUl'l'1'Y .COUNCiLPROCEEDINCS. Legislation, and that the names of Messrs Locker and Andrews he added t9 tl..e present Committee.-Carried. The Clerk then read communication fromW; D. Otter. Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by J ~hn Andrews, That 'this Council do not entertain petition of the Ontario Rifle As~ glaciation, re Grant.-Carried. The Clerk then :read communication -from Minister of Education and Report of Vienna High School. Moved by John PQllock, seconded'hy J. Sisler, Th'atthisCouncil petition the Minister of Education to do ~way with the Vienna High School, as we consider it an unnecessary School. In amendmend, Moved by S. Ward, seconded by A. T. Godwin, That the matter of the Vienna High School he referred to' the Edu. cational' Committee -Carried. The Clerk 'then read communicatinn from the Canada Land Law Amendment Association. Moved by \Y. O. Pollock, seconded by B. F. Hathaway, That'the com,mnnication ~froin Mr. Beverley' J ones, Secretary Can~ ada Land Law Amendment Association be referred to the Committee 011 Petitions and'Leglslations.-Carried The Clerk then read' communication from the' Inspector of Prisonsj ,l'e Gaol accommodation. ' Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by Major Ellisou, That Messrs. ,Hepburn, W. O. Pollock, Locker, and theWarden, be a Special Committee to meet the Inspector of Prisons in regard to matters complained- of in communication respecting Gaolacc0l11mo~ dation.-:-Carried. ' The communication from County of Welland,re' tax exemptionsj was then read. Moved by JQhn Pollock, seconded by Major Ellison, That the petition from the County of Well and be referred to the Committee on Petitions and Legislation.-Carried. The Clerk then read, County Solicitor's opinion, re London and POTt Stanley Gravel Road. Moved by J. Hepburn, seconded by J.H. Yarwood. That the Report of the County Solicitor, coqcerning the LOj:ldon ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '3 and Port Stanley Gravel Road, be,]:'eferred to the Public Improvements' Committee.~Carried. Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by A.Stratton, That Thomas'Roach ,be granted a free Haw,kers' and 'Pcdlars{ License for the year 188s:-Carried. , MO,v'ed by R L. McCally, seconded by H. Stratton, That vVillianlWatts be reappointed Tnrstee' -for the Vienna High School, his time baving expired.-Carried. Moved by S. Ward, seconded by R. Locker, That Andrew C. Lam be grant~dafreehawkerJs and pedlar's license for the year r88s.-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by D. McIntyre, That Archibald McF&rlane be granted a free hawker's and pedlar's' lIcense for the year r88s.-Carried. Moved by J . H. Yarwopd, seconded hy B. F. Hathaway". That the matter of County line between Bayhamand Middleton be laid,' o,veruntil Mr Best has an opportunity of addressing ,the Council. Moved by S, Ward, seconded by R. Locker, That Moses Leeson be appointed Trustee for the Aylmer High School.~Carried. ' ' Mr. Godwin gave notice that'to-morrow he would apply fora grant of fifty dollars to James Ribble for the support of an idiot child. Moved by John Pollock, seconded by J. C. Dance, That this Council do now adjourn to meet tO~lilor~ow 'at 10 o'clock sharp. In amendment. Moved byR. L.McCally,seconded by H. Stratton, -That thisCouncil.adjourn until 9.3P a. tn. sharp to.morrow. 'Amendment carried. IC W. McKAY, , County Clerk. , SAMUEL S. CLUTTON, Warden. " '4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. FIRST SESSION~THIRD DAY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29TH, 1835 The :Elgin County Council met this day,accor.dil1g to adj(JUrnment. S. S. Clutton,Esq" Warden, in the Chair. All the members present except Major Ellison. The proceedings ofthe prev10usday were' read and confirmed. Mpved by W. McCredie, secondcd by J. C. Dance, r~hatMr~Eest be now ,heard in reference .to proposed By~law for chang'ing road allQwance ill the,Township Qf Bayham.-'---'Garried. Mr: Best and others the11 addressed the Council. Moved by W. 0, Pollock, seconded J. H. Yanvood, , That the matter of change dfTown Line between Bayham and,'Mid- metOD be referred to a Special Committee, composed of Messrs, He15- burn, 'Wartl, Dance, Stratton. and Andrews.-Carried. Moved by l.Sisler"seconded by D,McLean, That this CouDciladjourn,' to visit the Collegiate Institute, and to meet again at 2 o'clock, p.m.'"--Carried. ' The Council resumed. Moved by a A, J. Leitch, secouded by A. McWilliam, That the petiti.)n of A. N. C. Black and ,one hundred and one others, freeholders and householders of the Vilhge of Dutton, praying .for'ineorpomtion, be l1Q;W received and read. ,_q'arried. The Clerk read petjtion. Moved by A J. Leitch, seconded by A. McIntyre, That the deputation from Dutton, asking for incorporatio-n, be HOW given an oppor~unity~f addressin~ the Council.-,.,-Carried. A. N ,C. Blo,ck and othel's then addressed the Oouncil. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by R. Locker, That'this Council entertain the petition from Dutton, asking.for in~ corporation,and that John Mitton be appointed Census Commissioner, and that a by-law be drawn up for that purpose.~Carried. Moved by R. L.McCally, seconded by M. G.Burwell, That the Censds taken by Mr. Mitton for the proposed incorporation of the Vil~,age of Dutton, as sworn' to byh:im, be accepted as correct by this Coundl.-Carried. ' .. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Clerk then read Report of County Erigineer. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by J. Pollock, That the Report of the County Engineer be referred toth~ Corri- mittce on Public Improvenicnts.-:Carfied.' Moved by J. Sisler, se!,ondedby John Pollock, That thisCoundl instructtl1e Clerk not to procure conveyance for the Grand ]lUY to visit the House of Industry, as \'\ edo notc,onsidet . ,it ~ecessa,ry.~Car,ried~ Moved by H, Stratton. ,seconded by R.L. McCully, That the Report of the Special Committee', re proposed By~law, ue read~---,-Carried.. ' The 'Clerk read: Report , ]V[ oved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by J. H . Yarwood, . That the Report of Special COlllmittcc on proposed By-law, re, alter- ation of Town Line between Bayhamand Middleton, be adopted.---,- ~arried. lvlovedby IV. O. Pollock, seconded by B. F. Hathaway, That the Report of the Keeper of the House of Industry (M. Huns- burger), cO,ncerning:moneysJound on inmates; ber~ferred to Commit- tee on House of Industry. In amendment, , Moved by D. McColl. seconoed by W. McCredie, That the Report of the Keeper of the :Hous'e of Industry, as to moneys received by him from inmates, he considered satisfactory. by this Council. Amtndl11ent carried. Yeas---;-Btirwell, Stratton., !vlcCally,Abell, ,McIntyre, Lockcl\ Andrews, McLean,..Varwood,McColl,McCredle, Dance-'Iz. Nays--Goodwin, Ward, Sisler", Lang" ~c\Villiam, ,Leitch,Hath~ 4way, Brock, Pollock (Yarmouth), Pollock (Southwolq), and Hepburn -II; Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by D. McLean, That all moneys found qn parties c.oinmitted to' the House of Indus- try be l).anded over to,the Inspector,as there have, heen cases where small amounts have aided persons in abscondil1g,from that Instituti,on. ~ Carried; Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by R. L. McCally, !5 " , ,6 ,ELOlN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That tHe Warden be authorized to issue his cheque for Fifty Dollars in favorof'H'. Stratton, for the ~upportof an idiot child of James Ribbl~, In. 'indigent circumstatices, in the Township of Bayham.~ Uarried;":- Moved by H. F. Godwin, sec~mded by H. Stratton, That 350 copies of the Auditors' Reports be printed 'and circulated Rlpong the 'members' of this CounCiL-Carned. \ Moved byJ. H.Yarwood, seconded by B. F. Hathaway, That the County Engineer be not !,mployed by the year, and that the Public Improvement:;> Committee he allowed ..t,o employ an '~rigin- eer to furnish plans and 'specifications ",then they think proper to' do so. lnainendrnent Moved by D. McColl, seconded hy W. McCready; That the Public Improvement Committee report to~morrow as to whether, i.n their opinion, it will be economical fotthe County to eh- gageanEngineet by'theyear' or not~ Amendment' carried. The Clerk then read a commuI)lcation from 'J ohnMcCausland, County Treasur.er. Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by D. McLean, That the :report of the County Treasurer be referred to the Finan'ce Committee.-Carried. Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by W. McCready, . Tbat the 'account received from I); McLawsbe referred to Firiance. c'olllmitte:~Carried. ' The Cler,k then read annual report from the Aylmer HighScbool. )v1oved by J. C. Dance, seconded by D. McColl, ~l'hatthe report of the Aylmer High School be referred to the Ed- \lcationalICommittee..~Carried. . Moved by W. O. Pollock, secondedhy James,Hepburn, That the ,report of the Gaol Committee of ,88+ be now read :ind disposed of.-Carried. ,/ Clerk read report, Moved by J. H. Yarwo\,d, seconded by B. F. Hathaway, That the report ,of the Gaol Committee bereceived.-Carried. Moved by John Andrew9' seconded by J. Sisler, / ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '7 '"----.--,. That the Gaol :Committee!s report be considered clause by clause.--,--- Carried~ Aftel' considerable 'discusSJah with reference to Court House im- provements)twas ' Moved by R.L. McCally, seconded byS. W.td, That the clause of the Gaol ~pmmittee's report referring to the impr~)Vements jn,tl1e Court" House be. adopted!, and that th~ presen~ Committee be emp6~vered, to carfY out the same. In amendment.. . Moved by D.,McColl, seconded by W. McCready, That this Council bo not authorize any further expenditure on the Court House than tl~at recomlllended la,st year. Amendment lostjrriain motion carried. Moved by n McColl, seconded by W. McCready, That th'e petitions of the Trustees of School Section No. 13, in the' Township of South.wold, be received and read:':'-Carried. 'Phc c::lerk read petition. Moyed py J. C. Dance, seconded 1?y D. McLean, 'that a Committee he composed of th~County Judge, the Public School Inspector, the \Varden,and Messrs. Stratton and ;M-<;Cally be 'appointedto examine into the'grevience complained of by the Trustees oLSchool Section NO.J3, SQuthwold..,......;Carrie<;l. Moved by W. 0, Pollock, secouded by J. H. Yarwood, That the Council do 'now adjourn until 10 dcJockto-morrow to al- 10w Committees to meet.-Ca.rried. ' , K. W. McKAY, County Cjerk. SAMUELS. CLUTTON, ~arden. 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUN_eIL PROCEEDINGS, FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY. FRIDAY, JANUARY"I3TH, ,188~, Th~Elgin CountyConncil met this day" according to adjo~rnm.ert. The :Warden in the Chair. All t~)e member~ present except Iv1<ljor Ellison. ' The proq:edings of the previous day were read and confumed. Moved by John pollock, seconded by J. Sisler, ' That thIs CounCil has heard with regret of the sad bereavement'that has befallen our colleague, Major Ellisol1, inthe death of his wife, and tpat we take this ,opportunity of expre~sing oursymp~thy' \vithhim in this his hour of affliction, and that the'Cl'erk be instructed tb send him a copy ofthis resoll1tion-'---'Carried.'~ M?ved by J.c. Dance" seconded by W. McCredie, That the Report Of the Public Inlprovements COlllmittee be llm" read:.:...-.Carried. The Clerk read' RC}J()rt M,oved by W, O. Pbllock, seconded by Ja,mesHepbuf11, That the Reportofthe publicImprovements,Conimittee be adopted,.' ~Car'ried> ' ", ,', '. ,\ , Moved by,]), McIntyre, seconded byA McWilliam" ' That the Report orth~'tommitt'eeon the HOt!s~'of Ind~lstry be re ,ceived and read.-Carded. " ' The Clerk r,ead Report , Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by ) . Andre",s, That the Report of the Committee of the Honse of Industry be adopted.~Carried. " , Moved by H. T.Goc\wln, secouded by H. Stratton" That the Report of the Finance Comt11itfe~ be received and r~ad.,"-:: earried. The Clerk read Report. Moved by W, O. poilock, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That thc Report of the Finance Committee he adopted.~Carried. , Moved by Sheldon Ward, seconded by John Pollock, ThatJames Hepburn be appointed' JO accompany 'the public'Im~ provements Committee tQLondon, in ;settlehlentof matters~ regarding ELGIN, COUN1'V COUNCIL PROCEEDING'S. '9 approache~to, ,bridges between'Elgin, anp- Middlesex, as one of the Committee is absent.-Carried.; Moved byR. L. McCally, seconded by R. L~ckeri , That the 'Report oftb,eColumit,tec pn Education.be'received and read.-----:-Carried. , The Clerk then read Report. , Moved hy James Hephurn,seconded hy W. O. Pollock, That the Council do now adjourn, to meet at 2 o'clock, p.m., sharp. - -Carried; The Council.resumed at2 p.m. Moved by D, Lang, seconded by D.McLea~, That the Clerk be ihstructeq. to prepare'aBy~lawto amend 13y-law No. 259, by d€taching,the Township of Aldborough from the WaJlace~ town High School District, and pl.cing it in tbe St. Thomas High S(:;hooIDistrict:~Garfied. , ,Moved by f Si~ler, s'ec@ndedby D. Lang, That,theR~port of the Education Committee be' no~taken up,:and considered.-Carrh!d. , ,", '., , Moved hy Jobn Pollock, seconded by), H. Yarwopd, That the clause NO.1 .in the'Report of the Committee on'Educa- tion, referring to the Vienn,a,High: School, bestrqck out, :,and thaf,the Mh;is~er of Education, be petitioned to do away with said schooL In' amendment, Moved by W. T. Goqwin, seconded by H. Stratton', That clause No.))n the ,R~portofthe Committee 'on ~ducation, referring,to the Vienna, High School, 'be adopt~J. Amendment lost. main motioll carried, on the followilJg division: Yeas"-,McIntyre, McLean, Sisler, Andrews, Lang, Brock, ~ath- away, Yarwood, Pollock (Yarmouth), Pollock (Somhwold), Hepburn, McCredie and Dance,~ r 3. Nays-G6d:win, Stratton, McCally,Ward, Locker, AbeUj McWil- liams, Leitch, McColl; Burw,ell-'-Io. Moved by J. Sisler,secomledby W. Brock, Tha, clause No, 2 of the Education CommjtteeReport be adopted. ,First amendt11en~, , \ Moved by D. McCpll, seconded by John Poll?ck, ELGIN COUN~Y. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '0 ~~hat clauseNoi2of theReportot theCOlUmittee on Educat~on be alnended ~o read, st. Thomas $1,606, Aylmer ,$900, ~ an'd Vienna $600." , Second a'mendment, ,Movedby J. U. Dance, seconc\e(\ hy ,R.Locke\'. That clause No.2 in the Report of the Committee on Education he amended to read as follows: That the grants for the support of the dilTerent}Iigh ~chools in the County be, St. Thomas $1,200, Aylmer $1,200, vienna$()oo. ,), Third amendment; Moved by W. Brock, seconded by D. McLean, " , ,_" ' , ' " ' I That the grants to HIgh Schools be as follows: St. ThOmas $r,600" Aylmer$r, TOO, and Vienna $600, Fourth amendment, Movedhy M. G. Burwell, seconded by H, T. Godwin, That fheAylmerHigh School receive $,1,200, St; Thomas $I,?90, q,udViehna $I,lOO. ., , !fifth amendment. Moved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by J. Hepburn, That the grants to the High Schools be the same as in',884. Sixth amendment. Moved by S. Ward, secou,ied by R. Abell, That clause No.2 be amended 50 as to read1 St. Th9mas $1,500, Aylrnet $, ,200, Yieuua $700. , Seventh amendinent, i Moved by A. McWillam" seconded by D. McIntyre, ThaNh" grants to the High Schools be as follows: St. ThGmas, $ r ,500, Aylmer $1,000, Vienna $5oo~ Eighth'amendment, Moved by D. McLeati, seconded by D. McIutyre, That the High School ~rants be as follows ,St. Thomas $1,'600 Aylmer $ T ,100, Vienna! $700, Ninth' amendment, Moved by A. J. Leitch, secouded by R. Locker, that clause NO,'2in theReportqf.the Co~mitteeon Education, be amendec\ SQ that the Rrants be as follows fur the year, I 885 : St. Thom:ls'$r',5ooJAylmer$T,ooo, and Vienna $70'0; E'lGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . , -,---~~~------~--- Amendments, lost. Main.nlO!ion' carried on the Joll~wing,' division:, ,Yeas-McCally, God\v-in, Stratton, 'Yard. Abell; .,Locker, Burwell, Sisler; Lang, McLean, Brock, Hathaway, Y..arwood, Pollock (Yar- mouth), Hepburu, Andrews----'-I6. Nays-McI~tyre, McWilli,ams, Leitch, Pollock (Southwold), Me ColI, MtCredie; Dance-7. . Moved py John Pollock, seconded by, J alnes Hepburn, that this Coundf adjourn, td 'meet' at half.past ten tO~ri10rrOW,' tp allow all comrnittees'to meet:-.-Carried. 1(, W. McKAY, Co. Clerk. , SAWL S. CLUTTQN, Walden. 21 \ I , ~ELGINCOUN'l'Y COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 23 22 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. i'tRs'r SESSION~Fr.FTH DAY. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded hy D.McIntyr~, That the Clerk prepare <J. By-law to a,tpen4;Sy~la~No.,~S?, respect~ ing, High School Districts, so, tpN the name vV::iUacetown fligh School District be'changedto Dutton High' School District, and, that, the following 'fru.stees be appointe'd,viz.: VI/. S,jackson ~nd Angus McPherson, for a term of one year, D. C. L,eitch andA.J;.f.,C. :;BJack, fora tenn,of two, years,' and A. M.'McIntyre ahd A. J. Leitch for a term of threeyears.--Carried. ' Moved by J. H.Yanyood, seconded B. F.Hathaway, That the l11att~r of a~cepting the heating- app,aratus ip Cburt House and Gaol, and relieving Mr.BIackrr~ore from contract for tHe same be left to the Engineer imd Gaol 'Committee~ < , In,ame'ndment, Moved bX R. L. McCally; secondedhy D. McLean, That, in' tre, opinion, of this (:ouncil the ,q:aol CO~P1ittee should accept the c~ntract mape with Mr. Blackmore when the necessary work stillun!inished is completed. ~ain motion lOst" amendment carried. Moved by M. G. Burwell, seconded by H.T. Godwin, ThatBy-law 1'0. 402, being a By-law to appoint a Bo~rd of Audit in the County of Elgin for the year 1885, be received and read a first ~ime;-Carried. Mov,d by M. G. Burwell, seconded by H. T. God,,,in, That By-law No. 402 be read a second t'ime.--Carried. Move~ by H. T: Godwin, ~econded byM.'G. Burwell, That By~la'v N:o. 402 be reacla third tfme and ,finally passed;- ~Carried. ' Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. Brock; , That By-l~w 403,' being a By-law to appoint Trustees of High Schools, make appropriati'ons for mairitenance of said Schools, and gr~nt ,aie!: toCoqnty M;()d~l School for the year 188s"be received and read a first time.--Ca~rieq. Moved by D. McColl, ,seconded by D. Lang, That By-law No. 403 be read a second and third time and finally passed -Carried., " ' - N[oved by W. O. Ppllock, seconded by B. F, Hathaway, That .By~law No. 404, being a.By-Iaw to authorize the,'Vardenand , . SATtTRDAY, JANUARY 31ST, 1885~ ,T~<eC:01,mcil of the County of Elgin mett~lis day, according to ad~ journment; SamuelS;, c:lutt~m',','Esq., Warden, in the~h,air. All the members pres,el1t, except" Messr's.. Ellison ,al),d Sisler. The proceedings of theprevi~olls day were rea.d,a,ndconfirmed. , " ' '" Moy~dby D. MoColl, seconded bYJohn,Andrew~, 'l~hat'the Report of the Public, Improvements CQrnmitte'e, in'/egard to settlement of the proportions each ,County sho111dpay towards keeping the approaches to County Bri9-ges in, repair, be received and read.-Carried. The Clerk road Report , Moved by S. Ward, seconded by John Pollock, . That t~e Report of the, Committee appointed toc()nfer with1:tid dlesex with reference to keeping up the approaches to the rivet bridges,- be adopted.-Carried. 'Moved by John Ai1drews, seconded by vV. Brock, that the Report of the Committee orl..Petitiorls 'andL~gislatioi1 be, received, and read.-:-Carried. The Clerk read Report Moved by W. Brock, seconded by John Andrews, That the Report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation b.e , adopted. In 'amendment, Moved by.J ohn' Pollock, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That 'the Report of the Committee on Petitions and Leglsl'ation be considered chtuse by clause. Main motion carried and amendment lost onthe following division: Yeas-...:.Burwell, Godwin,: Stratton, Abell, Locker, McCally, Leitch; McLean, Lang, Brock, Andrews, M.cCredie and Dance-'-I3. Nays-:-...McIntyre, McWilliam, Hflthaway, Yarwood,. Pollock (Yar~ mouth), Hepburn, Pollock (Southwold), McColl~8. Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by D.' McLean, Thatagrant ofO~e Hundred and Fifty'r)ollarsbe given to ,the Model S\,11001 of this County.-Carried. -. 24 m~G1N COUNTY ,COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . Treasurer to ,borrow, the sum of Twenty~Five Thousand, Dollars, be received ' and read afirst,time.-Carried. Moved by J.Hepb~rn, seconded by ),H. Yarwood, That By~law N~. 404 be: read 'a second time......,-Carried.. Moved t>y J . Fiepburn, seconded by W. O.Pollock, That By-law No. 404 be read a thIrd time' and finally passcd.-, Carried. ' '" ,'.';' ',,', ',11--, ," , Moved by JphnPollock, se~onded by R. L. McCally, That 13y.,law No. :405, being aBy~lawto appoint Auditors for 1885, be received, and read,~ first time.:-Carried. Moved by] ohn Pollock, seconded by R. Locker, That the County Auditors be paid the sum of Thirty-Five Dolhrs each for their serv.ices~-Carried. Moved by \V. p" Pollock, seconded hy James Hepburn, That By-law No. '405 be reaq a s..econdtime:-Carried; Moved hy J. H.Yarwood, seconded by W. O. POllock, ThatBy-la.v No. 405 be read a third time and finally passee!.~ Carried. Moved by A.]. Leitch, seconded'by fl.. McWilliam" ThafBy-lawNo~ 406; ,being a By-law to,)n'cOrporatethe V~lIage of Duttdn,in the County'of Elgiu"be receivedandr~ad ,a. first' time.- Carried. ' Moved by R Locker, seconcied,by R.Ahell, That By-law N o~ 406 be read, asecondtill)e~ .....:-Carried. .' ' ,/ Moved by R. L. McCally,secondedby R. Locker, That By-law No. 406 be read a third time and finally passed.- Carried. Moved by A.. J.Leitch,seconded by D. McIntyre, That By"law No. 407" being a By-law to Amend By"law No. 259, re IJptton School, .be received and read a first time.-Carried. ",',. t.'{ovedby A.]. Leitch, seconded ,by A. McMillau, That By.Jaw,No. 407 be read 'a second time.~Carned. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by S. Ward, That By-law No. 407 be read a third time an~ finally passed._ ,. Carried. ' ELGIN"'CbtJNTY, 'COUNCIL PROCEEDlNGS. / Moved by W. Brock, seconded by D.Lang; That Byelaw No. 408, being a By-law to Amend BflawNo'259 by detaching. the Towuship of Aldboroughfrom the DuttqnHigh School, District arId placing it in the St.., Thomas, High, School District, _ be received and r~ad' a first time.-C~rried., ,,' Mo,.ed by J ohu Andrews,secondedby D. McColl, That By-law No. 408 be read a se~ond time.-Carried. 1>foved by W.Brock, seconded by D. McLean. That By-law No., 408 be read a third, time and finally passed.- Carried. , , " Moved by A. J.,Leitch, seconded by], Hepburn, That the Clerk read the Treasurer's Bonds to this Council.- \ 'Carried. Moved by John Pollock, secoud~d by D.McLean, , That the thanks of this Council are hereby te>>dered to the Journal Co.forcopies,()fpapers .fllrnished ,1,1S durin,gth~ present,~essi()n" and al~:()<t'o, th~ proprletorof the Times, for his nine particula'r, copi'e;.- Carried.' Moved by R. L. McCally, secoudedby ,M. G; Burwell, That we get the ,opiniqn,(jf ,\4eCRur\ySolicitor,~s to whether the' late'Sheriff;Mun'r;J's set:uijtyas bondslitan"f6r the'CountyTreasur~ris, still valie!, aud that the, matter be left iu the hands of the Warden. i~a~end~~~t, ' ! \ Move<Ih~p'N'~~e~u,s~c9n(je~ by J. PolldC~, " That this C011l\dIappbitl~a Committee, composedoftheWarden and A.J. ,Leitch.",to 'inquire>in:to'the Tre'asurer's,;Bonds; aildrepott at 'he,jc:t session; ,and, -if they,d.ee'm:,it'necessary ,.to' get, other, bb,nds. ' , '..,C,", ,,,..,'--' ", "__' i- ""', ',,-,':, .. f Main, motiottlost," ai'ri~-pd,I)~en1t :c~rrled.' Moved by John Andrc,W's, seconded' by]. C. Dauce, +hitthkC6uncildouowaajou~11 uhtilthefirst 'fuesday In June next.-,--C<lr~ied. ' K. W. MCKAY,. CO. Clerk. SAMUEL S. CLUTTQN, Ware!en. 25 10 ELGIN COUNTY COUNcIL PROCEEDINGS, j" ,.;J,f-.l 1 Hi ',U I,~ELGIN~ C'OUNTY"COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS: :l:----------"-" :.I"'),id- SECONDSEESION-FIRST DAY. TUESDA'!; JUNE 2ND, 1885. ",',',; The Couuty Council of the County 6f Elgin met this day at the CourtHouse, St. Thomas, at two o'clock in the- afternoon. -' ' SamlielS. Cluttoni Esq;, 'Varden, in the chair.. ]v1emb,ers present.:-Messrs. Leitch, Andrews, ,Hepburn, Pollock, (Yarmouth,) Yar,wQod, Hathaway, Ward" Locker, D~p'ce,Mc<;;redie, Stratton, Godwin, Sisler Ellison and McCally. " ,-' " ;.-r, The proceedings of the las't day of the previo,ysjs;e,ssion were ,~'ead and cpnfirmed. " Yloved by John Ellison, seconded by John Andrews,' That thisCotrncil do now adjourn until nine o'clock to~rnorro.w morning.c.:......Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. SAMUEL S. CLUTTON, Warden. ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL 'PROCEEDINGS. 27 SECOND SESSION~SECOND DAY. ,I' .- -"" ,-,;j)..,/i , WEDNESDAY, Jl1NE,"RT1/' .r&~5. '"IIIJ.Hi~:n',rl, flf . The County'Council,met thi's'day accordfdg!,to adjouNllJirJrl,tJ-;(' i,I The Warden in the chair. 1.i;')-:':1 .-:;j ','::,.-j' :ir; Present-Iviessrs.McLean, Le'itch, McIhi{fr-e;' McWiiliim/ '~8C61H Andrews, Pollock, Hepburn, Pollock, (Y armontli,') ;'Yar\v-00d~ ,(IJ1ath~ away, Ward, Locker, lJance, McCready, StrattMrii ,Go4win,:,Burw.ell, McCally, Sjsl~);, f!l-nd,Elbson. ,"",', urif:I,,;I, :~J' The' proceedings of the previous day were read andip.onfixmed. :li~J:rI, The Warden addressed the~Council. p :~: lei iY:/./. if The following-communications were read:.:...- , :Jr:J i I,i! FromCourit)Vof, Middlesex, re change ofpre~ent judieial1systanr. ')1 From A; M. Ross, COl1lm~ssioner of -Agriculture, r~ ,FatH{er'S;).~H.' stitutes., iVdlfi , ' I , From Coun~y -Engll1eer, with report on state of County Bridge.~{ From InspeCtor'o~Ptiblicschools,' with,annual repor~. ' r,ft r, From D. 'Mc~a.-~v's, with Grand !U!y presentment. FroIl1County'Audi~,()rs,,~ith r~port. Moved hyJ. Sisler,;eco~ded byJ~h:n,Ellison, "That the c6mmun'icationsbe nowdisposed:of.--;-Carried. Moved hy R,Je" )y[~Cally, seconded; ,~,yJj. :'It,attq'n, 'That' the Auditor,'s report' be referred to the Finance Commitfe,e.+t- Carried. '",~" ,,):,'fi (,! , Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by W. )y[GCrediJ;"" :,1[, That the report'6f the SdlOO) InspectorJ],e referr"o to thei"liclucu. 'tional'Committee.-Carned. IF-.l!';'I,':' Moved by Rc Lbcker, secbnded byD. McIntyre, That the report of the Enginee, ,be adopted, In amendment, ,I:: I. Moved byD. McColl, seconded byVV.O. Pollock, That the report of the County Eng.in.eer be ,referred to, the Public Improvements Committee. Amendment carried. . Moyed by J. Sisler, seconded by J. Elli,on, ) r:. C',"'i. '"!Cl(i ';'i ,; 28 ELG-lliCOVNTY CQUN'CILPROCIj:E,Dl:N'GS. Thafthe con'iin.upiC~ti()Jl froIll A,; MRoss) Commissioner ofAgr~:' cult,ure, b~n~t entertained by'this Council. l~ ati1endtutm'ti, , Moved by W, ~cCredie, ,econde4 by J., <,;. Dance, That the'commu'nication of A. M. Ross be,referreq to the Gqmmit- 'te~8n:,Petiti()~s'an4" Legisl~tio.~,.' I ,.' , ,1\'~~rid~t;e~t'2a~r1e.d'" , ., Mpved by J.O. Dance, seconded by W. McCredie, 'That,the comIlll.lricatio~f~om [};McLaws with GrandJury P~~sent~ ment ,be 'referred! to the 'c;aql, Committee. '--'-Carried. Moved by S. Ward, seconded',byR:Locker. That the communicatioh froD1,'the,Countyof-Middl~s,ex inrefeJen~e" to the Administretionof J U$tice pe referred to th,e CO!Ilmiltee on Pe. t~tiqn~ ~nq:'~egi~~~\~i?n-"-~y,~rr~~cl~ . Moved ,by J. Sisler, seconded by J. Ellison, Thet R. ?icCally, S. Ward. J. A~dre)Vs, >>,.~I~Credie,tpeW,\rfIen and mover be~, G-9tnrnitte,e t(J amen~' the Sta~din~ R\lles:and" R~gu- lations of thfs C'ouncil.~Carried.:' ,'. .' 'i" , Moved by W. M6c;.edie;s~c6I1ded by, l, c.l)ance, <That this Council do n9wadjour~ 'id meet ag~rh at '1.30 to anow Committees to meet.~Cattie&'" ' TheCouriCil'resuhled;' , The report ofSpechilCommitteere Gaol:Improvements'was theri read. ,,'- Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by W.1;lcCredie. That this Councilvisitthe Ga.oHll6rder that they m~y decide in- telLig'ently,on," the-- ,: irnprovement~,suggested':"in.' S.pecial_C.o~mlt~ee'~ Report.-Carried.' " Moved by J. H.Y~rwood,$eC9nded by B. F. :Hathaway, That the C(juncil adjourI} unti!2.30\O,vi,it tile Gao!.-,.-:<,;arr1e[l. The CouncHresumed. Moved by Jam~s,Hepbum;secouded byW.O.Polloc!<, Th.nhe report of the Special Committee reGaol}!Ilpro:ve,ments he adopted.-C~rried. The Gaol Committee's 'report vias then read.' Moved by J. Pollockisecorided,hyJ.Ellison, ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That the Gaol Committee's,report be 'considered ,clau~e' by clause., Carried. ' '! Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded hy :H. Strattpu, That the fust clause,in the report of the Gaol~o:m,m'ittee be struck out. Ca,ried on following dlyisipn. Yeas~Burwell, G.odwin, StrattonJMcCredie, ,Locker,'Mciiltyre, McWilliam, McLain"~l}dtews,.Da~~,e,1V1sG<l.llY.-:-JI.,, ':" ,,",' Nay,~Ward., Ellison, LeitCl1, Sisler,:Hath~\Vay, Y~r)Vo(jd, I'911ock (Yarmouth),Hepbum,).'oIlO~k: (Spulhwpld), M~G911,--,Io., ' Moved by). e. Dance, seconded by W. McCredie, ",. " That clause number two pf <:;aol, CO!Iln)i\tee:s ,ep(jrt be ad9Pted.~ Carried. '. , Moved by W.McCredie, secondedhY John Andre)V" Thatclause number three,of Gaol CO!Ilm1ttee's report b,egd9pted. Canied. ' ' Moyedby D.McColl, secondedbyD. McLeau, , T4atc~au~e!lqmber ~61Jr~of the GaolCommitt~e's_"r~p~{)~t?e_,~dol?t.. ed.-'-'Carried. ' , " . , The'report of Committ~eonPetitions and Legislation Was, tl;ien read. ,Moved by R. L. McCilly, seconded by A. J. Leitch, Thatthereport,of the Committee on, Petitions, and Legisla;ionbe adopted..:.c.Carried. ' TlIe report of the EducationConl!Ilittee was,then reaJ. Moved by B. F. Hathaway, ~econded'byA. J. Leitcll, That the report of the EducatibnalCommitteebetakerl. up and dis' cussed clause byclause.-Carried. ,,: " 1ofoved.by'D, McColl, secondedbyW. McCredie, That dause number one of the report of the Committee on Edu- cation b. adopted.-Carried., ' Moved by J.e. Dance, seconded by W. McCredie. That the, second clause of the Report oftheCommitteeonEduca' .\ion beadopted.-Carri~d. ' Moved by R. L.McCally, ,seconded by R Stratton, Thl't clause nU,mber three be adopted.-Carried' 29 ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SECOND SEgSION~THIRD DAY. Moved by W. McCredie, seconded by D. McLeanj That clalise four of the Educationftl Committee's report be adopted. Carried. Moved by J. Pollock, seconded by W. McCredie, That'clause nlimber five of 'the E,ducational Committee's report be adopted.-Cavried; Moved by J. Sisler, seconded hy J. Ellison, Thatthepetition in 'regard to closing' certain roads 'in BayhalIi be takenup at 19 a. m. to~morrow'and disposed of -----'"Carried. The Finance report was then read. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by Ai McWilliam; That the report of the Committee ,on _,Gaol I,mproveme,~ts be re- 1 considered by this Council.-Carried. Moved byW.O. Pollock, seconded by J.Hephurn, That this Council adjourn 'until to-morrow morning at nine o'dock sharp.-Carried. T:apRSDAV,' JUNE 4TH, ,"1885, The Elgin County Co'uncilmet this day ,?-ccording to adjournment , Samuel S; Clutton" Warden, lnthechair. M€il1bers present~Messfs. Lang"McLean,' Leitch, McIntyre, ,Mc~ Williams, McColl, Andrews, Pollock (Southwold), Hepburn, Pollock (Y annouth). Y B.rwood. Hathaway, Ward, LocI~er, Dance, "McCredie, Stratton, Godwinj:;Burwe~l,McCally" Sisler, Ellisol1: The proceedings of, the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by A. J. Leitch,secondedby R. L. McCdlly, T~at the report of theSpecialCotnmittee all Gaol Improvements be adopted, excepting thebuildingofa Gaol kitchen, and that, the build- ing,of' sllch,kitchen be, deferred un,tilthe Government is heard ,frol[l and this Council ascertains whether the improvements proposed in'thy said Committee's report 'will,be;satisfactory to the Government;or 'not. CarrIed. . .Mo~~d hy A. J. L,eitch, seconded by ,B, .;F. Hathaway" """." ,..'lh' ,,;",','1,:;,' !: (." '^ That the.report of ,the Finance 9?P1m!~s~erl?:~,,~q~pt~4'~y,~~~~i:1~' Moved by John,Andrel,Vs,:S{rR,?,n4~d}JY~j'YV'(!'i,~9r~q.i~'rlJ j"(, '1':1' That .this Council visit th,~ H9u~,e i9ilI'I~B1t,:y ,bl1fo)'~N;\\S\ofl' of ,the seSSlOn, and t~~t~9~, 'Y~-r?:ni np.~~j~f)i~:, JI~~~i~-:-~a~~11(l':,1 "">rl'J' The Clerk then read apphcatlOn for a By-law to be, passed to amend By-law 174. ,', Mov~d hy W. McCredie, seconded by John Andrews, ,,",',', :,.." ....':'.. ,71, ~ That this Co'uncil now hear thedeputati,on from BayhaU1.~Carried Moved by K L. McCally, seconded by S. Ward, " . , """''''''''\ \,1 L,,\/Olfl That Hy~l~w NO'409,b, einga BY-I~"J~o,,~lter}?~l~~it;,if }5~'.tEe~~ l3ay~ ham and MIddleton, and f:lIIl,~I)d I3y-law -1.74, be rec~lVed and'redd a first time.,--Carried. " ,;'1 J,}~:,I H',..',~;:' j," {>,,-'I,~ r h t \elL;:,;. uU: Moved by:J.H. Yorwd6tl;Jsecb'nlle&'hjiB. F.'H"f}{'n~.y,(H'ud I That the seconq clause o( 409 be amend~d QY irys,rting tjj!~"\\i6;ds "nort,h limit '~JinplIacW'oV-the W6ra~jjie:ehfre}:f,J:6f.::tfr1e, tib8idi ni:ll~-wnnGe , between' ItbtJf~iId LI'ttlf)cdHtes5ions"oflBa:yham~' andJ,hY'striking ontaIl the ,words after the firstsentence.-Carried. ,,"..:il.l''-,:IJJJ ,..),'/, 1"1,' ,,; Moved byJ"'C!ba't\e~:lsetbhd~(j'f)y'W:'M~Cfedib; I J,,]i, That the consideratiouof B'yClaw'!j.61)'lYe'HHtl ov~r'ludtililihisl ,~ftel_ K. W. McKAY, Couuty Clerk. SAMUEL S, CLUTTON, I Warden. i' ~ (j ~ [y; ::..i' j,; (.-', "'('JgJ'~ ",(:.:D[)j~, ,:)ri!"z.; ,,-) ":'1< 'I ;~H'1i . :!:,'I1''<):i,: ,'li~); j{' 10 'j5UGit, Vi . "i.;~' 3J ):11(, ~)ff:r ~ ,"(: LIt' 3' 32 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,PROCEEDINGS. , n09~' a~9- that ,Messr5.~~~tton, McCally, Stratton and L~itch be,a Co'rririlittee toco'nsult the' County Solicitor, and that he be, requested tQ,:give his opil1ion,beforethis'Councilattwo:p. rn. regarding the le~ galityof the By-Iaw.~Carded.. Moved by p. McColl, .econd,ed by B:F. HathiW"y, That thisCoundr adjourn uutil j .30;'. tn.::.....Carried. The Council,'resum'ed. Moved by J. C. Dartte, secbndedby W. McCredIe, ,hat theClerkbea\1thorized to proc\1~e it copy of the . Ontario Statutes of 188'5' for each membp.r ofthisCouncil.---,-.Carried. , M~ved by I,)' McCdll, seconded by J. Sisler, , ' r ,,'T,hat,the" W ard'en officially ,'cotlgr~tulat~' 'M:r.,' D. ,rvki.ean, Depllty' R,eev,e ,of AldbOl;ough; he havin~, 'bee'n married since last- session.-'-- C'arHed. J Mbv~d byR. !:ocker,secQudedbyb. Mdntyre, That By-l"r No. 410, beingaI)y.law tb,fix the .alaries of the Coun ty S~~ol, b~,r~~elv,ed:'and r~~'da,Jhst'ii~e.~C'a~'ried. Mo\i~dbYD,M~Lean,secondedby lob". p'bllock, Th~t?y--l~~' ,~6~ 4) (o'be'fead a,s:~Co'nd,Yfue,.~C'arried. \ ~1o',ved 'oj> s.W~rdi sec6h, dell by 'R. Lock" e" 'r,' I'" ''',:-:';: ' ' ":,,, : ',.., ,',',,;'..,',':' ' Th.at By.lawNo. ;"0 be read a third time andfiri~iiy passed.-'-Car ridf Moved byJ. Sisler,secOl)dedb~D.M~Lea.n, t~at By,~~w:'N,? '4,~ i"b~irlg:a'13y;l~\v'to' r~is~ C()llnty";at~s fo'i'i'88S, be 'received:and 'read a' fifsftime;:-,-Carrfed. .. Moved by John Andf~"'s, s'ecOIldo'<ibyJ,C.bimce, ThatBy'1~",No.411l>e te"d it s~coIld'hrAe,~Car~ied. ... ,',:..",...'.', ,'",,'; ""( "."'...'.-,,' ,\ :..-li':'; :',:', i::,;':':'-:"";'--.i''',' Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by B. F. H~tbaw~y, That By-law No. fI I be read a third lime and finally passed.--' C~rried. ",..,' ,:, .., ,,", ';":' ',..,The XeP9ftof '9pe~~afC9m~it.teJ:;, :011 ,1're.~s':l,~e'!~~', ~ur,~~y!_,~ ,!~<~,;..t~en 'ref1d,and:on,mqt~ol1of,A. J. LeItch, seconcico.'byjamesHepourn, the i reporfwas adopted. , Moved by J olm An<Jrews, seconde<l by W. McCr,\li", ..,. "., !l'Q,atthec;9W1,ty ;I).e.~stl,~erl:>.e :requirecl:to ft~rni~4,a,J).otherbondsman in place of 'the late Colin Monroe, deceased>..:"'-Carrie'd~' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 33 Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. O. Pollock, That the Warden, and '1'vfr.Leitchbe, a 'toll1n~ittee "anthor1zed to ac: cept secuntiesfl'om the'County. Treasurer.--:Carried., .. , Moved by R. L. McCally,seconded hy R..Locker, That the ..Conncil adjourn for one, 119ur to, allow the Comm.itte~s that have not report.ed,to prep'are reports.....--Carried. The, Council'resumed. The,r'eport of Committee on Standing Rules and Regulations was. read. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, secondedby W. b. Pollock, That the clause requiring yeas and nays to be' cailed for befo're. a Juotion is voted. on to be str,uck , out and that-a clause', be inserted' pro- viding thatt,heymay be called for after the voteis taken.-Carrled. Moved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by J.' H. Yarwood, Thatthe report oftheCommittee appointed to revise the Rules and' Regulations of 'the Council be adopted as,amended.-Carried. Moved by W. McCredie, seconded by D. Lang,: That the:Clerkprocurethe printing of' 1\vo' hundred and fifty'coIJies of the rules and regulations as adopted 'by the Council, and that, he mail one to each member ,prior to the November session.-Carried. . , 'The public Il11provelllentC()mlTdtt~e'sTeportwa~'read, and,6n mo. tion of ,Mr.W ard,seconded byMr.Dance~ wa's adopted. Moved by James Hepburn, seconded by W.O. Pollock, That the report ofthe CountyAuditors be finally audited and adopt" edlexcc:::ptthe clause ieferringt~ ctassification of- accounts;"which has already been dealt with.-,-Carried; , I , Moved by B. F. Hathaway, seconded by}. H,Yaflvood, That th'e'Counciladjournuntil n'ine o'clock 'to~lll,6rrb\V'iliorning._ Carried. K. W. McKAY, COUl)ty, Clerk. SAMUELS. CLT]TTON, Wm:den. II 3+ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCI~ PROCEEDINGS. SECOND,SESSION~FIFTH DAY. ~R1DAY; JUNE ,5TH, 1885. The Elgin C9untyCQuncil met this day according to a,djournm~nt. The "vVarden in toe chair. \. Members present-,.-Messrs. Lang, McLefin, L~itch" M~Intyre; Mc~ William, McColl,Andrews, Pollock (Sol\lhwold), Hepburn" PollocI"" (Yarmbuth), Yarwood:' fI'atn.away, Ward,' Locker, Dan<;:c; :McCredie,) Stratton, Goq.win, Bqrwell, Sisler, M'cCally, Ellison. Tht3proeeedings of the pr~vious, 5cssicm- were read and con'l1rmed. , Moved by]. C. Dance, ~econdedby'W.McCredi", " That the CbuntySolicitor benow'heard)n'refe'rence toBy-law No."i 409.~Carried. ' ' Mr'"Glenn",th~ Gou~ty.: So:icito~, tl~en a,~~reps~dt~,e ,council. 'Mdved by]amcsHepburn, ~cc!,mded qyJ.Fl.'Yarwobd, That By~law,Nb.'409 be read:asecol).d tin?e.~Car!ied. JYIovcd by W. McCredy"seconcled by J. C. Dance, 1'hat thc Bayh~l1)By~law petition be refern,dtotl)ePu\]lic Improv~': ments Coi~.mittee......'.-.-.Carded. " ' Mo~cd by J olw Al'lf!r~'Y?' sc?oudedby J. C. Dance, " ' rrhatthe:'Co~11mi~teefrQll~, the City b~ allo\ve~ ],?'address, this'Coun~j cil \Vit~, reJerGn<;;e to, 1,mpr?ving the Court ,:,H6use" Grounds;~Carried~ Mr, D.}ilcLaws ~nd tap;. McBride 0'; hehalfof it deputation oj of citizens of St., Thomas' req{i~sh~d,:'the CbuI?dl,'to'allow.the~ to i~j prove the,Court House pr~~n,ds and fit them:'upfof' a pubhe,park. ~oyed by ].roll?ck, se~onded by ].Sisler,. ,I" 'fhat the matter 'of improving the Court House ,Gro~lpd~ be lefti( the hands of .the Gaol Committee to make any arrangern:~nts theyma' :,; dee'~:pr6'per)VitlrthE;J~;~ty Committee.-Carried. Moyed by D'. Lang, seconded by H. T.Gpdwiu, ThatBy~law NO.4IZI being a By~law to'regulate the proceedings'~ the County Council and Committeesl be received and read a firsttilll'~ Carried, Moved by, R. L. McCally, secondcd by M.G. BurNell; That:By~law NO.4 1,2 be read a sec~nd ti~ne, and that~he reading:;:.- disp,ensed with.,-,-Carrkd. ' i . , ',:,~ ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Moved by H. T, Godwin, seeondedby R, L. McCally, . That By-law No.. 41', be read a third time ,and finally passed.~ Carried. Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by R. L.McCally; That By-law No. 413;,heing a By-law to, regulate the. size of the .countY,Bridges,: be, receiye~, and read, a 'fHstti~e',~,-Carr~ed. Mpveil by H. T. Godwin, seconded byR. L. McCally, Th~t By':law\No. 4'I3btrread a second tiri1e,~Carried: Moved hy H. T. Godwin, seconded by R. L. McC.lly, " That By-jaw No. 4;3, be read a third tilne and finally' passe<l.- Carl'je:4., \, .' ,"':"" ':, ,",' '.",".. ,'" \ Moved by J: H: Yii\vood, seconded by B. F. HathaAlay, That the Gaoler beit1vit~dto aq~re~s.the Cou~~il-,Carried:', j:i:N[r., M9.Ol:e i then" pd4x:essed' ,the' Council \\;i~ll referen'ce To' Mrs, Moore's salary as Matron. . Mo~ed by McColl, seconded by D. Ling, That the' application of N;, 'W.' Moore, for an incre~se <,of ",salary for the'Matron be referred to the Gaol Committee to report' during' this session.-Carried. Moved by James Hepburn ,seconded by J. H. Yarwood,' That/the report of the Public Improvements Con:imittee concerning theBayham and ,Middleton town line be received and readi-Carried. !,hereport was then read and adopted. Moved by S. Ward, seconded hy H.,Stratton, :rhat By~law 409 be read a third time as' amended and fil)ally pass~ ed.-Carried. Moved by A. J. Leitch, seconded by A'. McWilliam, That the County Treasurer be authorized to pay the following lock~ tip keeper their salaries fOr six monthsl ending 3othJune, 1885,J.Bur~ gese, Vienna, $10; Lewis Price, Aylmerj $15; ,R. H. Lindsay,' Spring.... fieJ.d,.$lo; Samuel Eveland, Port Stanley, $l~ ; James Trigger} Bis~ n1arck,$ro; William Smith,Dutto~l '$:w~-Carried. Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by D. McIntyre,,' - That By~law ,No. 414, being a By-law ~o fixthesalary of the, matron of, the' Elgin County Gaol, be received and read a fust time.-Carried Moved by H. 'T. Godwin, seconded by H. ?tratton, 35 ':~ 36 ELGIN COUN1'Y COUNCIL PROCEEDI,NGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , , 37 '" That By..law, No. 4I4'be read a second,time.-Carried. Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by H. T. Godwin, , That By.law No. 4'4 he read 'a thitd time and finally pasoed.":-' Carried. Moved by John Pollock, secouded hy D. McLean, 'That this Council tender their thanks to the gentlemen who conduct the J ournaluewspaper for the great p'ains' they take, to keep the rpembers of the Council posted in all m'atters oJ public interest.- Carried. ' ' r I Moved by J. C, Dance, second by W. McCredie, That the County Clerk notify the County Council of the County of Norfolk of the ,action taken by this Council in reference to By~law 409. Caaried~ Moved by R. Locl<er, seconded by A. J. Leitch, That this Council do nm\. adjourn to meet the third:ruesdsY!ll' November, at two p, m.---,-Carried. -ELGIN- COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. t THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY. TUESDAY"NOVEMBER '17TH, 1885. The Elgin County' Coundlmet this day accotding to adjoy,rnment, at the, Court ,Ijouse, si. Thomas. \ ' . Samuel S. Clutton, Esq., Warden in the chair. tyfembers present-Messrs. Brock, McLean, Leitcb, McIntyre, Mc- Williams" McColl, Andrews, Pollock, Hel?burni Pollock, Yatwood, Hathaway, w-ard, Abell, Locker, Stratton, Godwin, BurwGll,Dance, McCready, McCally, Sisler and Ellison. . The proceedings of '~he last\day (j)f the June ,sess'ion were 'read and confinn,ed, The Warden addressed the Council. The following communiCations were, read :- From W. Atken,Inspector of Public School, re amendments in Public School Act, Referred to Education Committee. From J, A: Bell, County Engineer, with'report- on cond,itionof-Coun~ ,ty'bridges. Referred to Public Improvements Committee. From Dr. Luton, ,Surgeon House 'of Iudustry, with 'annual report. Referred to Hou'se of Indt]stry Committee. From D. Mc'Laws, Clerk of Assize, with copyof'i.~xtractfrom Grand Jury Presentment. Re~erred to G:aol Committee. : Mr. McCally presented a petition signed by W. Farthings et al re- questing certainameridments to By-law imposing a 'duty on Hawkers and Pedlars. ()n motion of 'Mr. Sisler, seconded' by Dr. Brock, K. W.McKAY, County Clerk. SAMUEL S. CLUTTON, Wardeh. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. THIRD SESSION~SECOND DAY. Thepetition was referred to the,Committee on Petitions and Legis- lation. Moved by J ohnAndrews, seconded by John Andrews, That this, Council adjourn until ten' o'clock, to-morrow morning, to allow Committees to r'neet.~Cartied. ' ,1 K. W.McRAY, SAMUEIc S. CLUTT(JN, County Clerk. Warden. VVEDNESDAY,' NOVEMBER 18iTH, 1885~ The Elgin County CQundlmetthis day according to adjotrrn'ment. Samtlel S.,'Clutton, Esq;,Warden, inthec}1air. . ,Men:ibers'presel1t~Ntess~s. Lang;, McLean, Leitch;, J\1cIntYJ:e, , Mc- William,' .McColl, Andrews, ,Polloek,'Hepburn, PQllock, Yal~wqod, Hatha~ay"Ward,: Abell, Locker, Mc~rea~y, Stratton,' Godwin,. Bur" well, McCilly,Sisler; EWs,O\1and J)ahc,e. The proceedings of the previous daywer'e r'eadand',-eonfitmed. The Clerk fead report of Inspect~r of the Hoiise, <if, Industry which'wason motion, of.'Mr",I\rIcCally,'sec~rtded'"by'Mr-, ,L,Ocker, re- ferred to Committee' on House of'Industry. Thereport'ofCori1m.ittee on 'IJouse "of,Industry 'was"then' read, :and:,o'nmPtionqf,:rvlr~Yarwood, second~d by';B., ,F,' ,Hathaway, was 'adopted.' ,'" "';,'. ,;' I, ' j~ , The report of the EducationC;ommi'ttee'was thel) rea?, and 011 mo- tion of John Andrews, seconded byW. O. Poliock.was adopted., Th~ Gaol C;oIl11~ittee, then,p~esehted' their'reporti' which was ,atlopt- ed on motion of Mr. Pollpck, ,seconded ,by- M'f.":Andrews. :' Mr.W.Mc'crediethen gave ' i1oti'ce that on T,hurs1ay, the 19t11 No~ vember, he would apply to the Council for a' grant "of money ,to pur-, chase hand-cuffs for, the use,of constables in. 'the 'County. " ' , Moved by B. F. Hathaway, seconded by J. H. Yarwood. That this COJ.mciladjourn at ha~.f~past eleven to visit the 'Gaol,lto meetagai~ at half. past one.-Carried. The Council adjourned at Il-.30 and resumed at I-.30. The Clerk read communication from County officers fe heating' ap- 'paratus, which.was, on motion of John And'rews,seconde4 by W. O~ Pollock, referred toa Committe of the Whole. , Th~Wardeh appointed'Mr. A; J.Leitch chairmanjufter discussing the c9mmunication the Committee rose a~d asked leave to sit, again. .The Vlerk read a communication from the Inspector of the Ho.use ofIndustry re Mary Co Hyde, adopted by John Watson; of Dunwlch, whicH :Was, . on motion, referredtoa Committ~e ofthe Whole. The 'Warden appointed"Mt. John Andrews chairman. The Committee then"discussed,the matter referred 'to, and on motion th~t the'Com- mittee rise an!irepOl:t b~ing carried ,the, Warden took the chair and 39. 40 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS>. ELGIN COUNTY- cr'UNc;IL l'ROCEEDINGS. 41 the Chairman reported: Wfhat tl;t,e c(llumu,nicationbe referred to the ,H'ouse of Industry Cornmitiee for investigatlOn," This was, on motion, adopted. ' Moved by M: G. Burwell, seconded by H. T. Godwin, ~,,' T'1-ia'tthe 'R~eves of ' the several 'Municipalities be appointed an .Equalization Committee.-Carried. Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by H. Stratton, That this Council' adjou!n for ,half an houri-Carried. the Council resumed., ' , The Committee on fetit,i'ons and Legislation tht:npresented t~leir 'Report,whichwas adopted",on motion of Mr. McCally, seconded by :,Mr. Andre\vs. MovedbyJ. H. Yarwood, seco\lded by B. F. Hathaway, That this Council vis'it the I-Iouse' 6flndustry to~rr16rrOW morning ,:' a:). '9' o'clock, and that, the 'Varden procure conveyance, to meet-at the 'Hutchinson House at the ,time specified.-Carried. Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by ,R. Locker, That we do now adjourn until ha'f-pa?t one't~-morrow."-Carrisd~ SAMuEL S. CUJTTON, , ""Warden, THIRD SESSION~THIRD DAY. THURSDAV,Nov. 19TH, 1885. , . The Elgin Couhty Councihnet this day a~cording to adjournmen,~, S. S.,Clutton, Esq., \\~arden, in the chaiL , ' Memb(rs present: Messrs, Lang, McLean; Leitch, McIntyre, Mc- Williams, McColl, Andrews, Pollock, Hepburn, Pollock, Yarwoqd;' Hathaway, Ward, Abell, Lock:er, Stratton, Godwin, Bu~'wen, Darice,' M,cC:re~HeJ McCa)ly, 8is~er and Ellison. The' proc.eedings of the previous day were read and 'confirmed. The Clerk read, a communication fr9m the Secretary of the Educa- \ tioQ Departmeat,enclosing Order in Council, doing away with the, r Vienna High SGhoolafter thejlstDeceinber, 1885. Moved by R.,L. M cCally, seconded by R Stratton, That this Cotmcil having heard thecomnlunication from the Ron. the 'Minist~r of Education, disco}1tinuing the Vienna High 8ch001, from andaf~er' the 31st of December next, and whereas, the Vienna High School ,Board and district are prepa{edto properly eq'uip and contribute towards the 1l18.~ntaining of ,an ef-ficient two.rn,aster school, that this Council reconsider the action taken by ~hem at the J anuar)' session, and authorize the Clerk~to communicate with the Hon. the' Minister of Education; reqiiesting him' to withdraw the said Order in Council, discontinuing said High 'School'. 'In amendment, Moved by John Andrews, 'seconded by r (:. Dance, Thatthe comn~unication from the 'Honorable the Minister of Edu~ cation be referredt~ Committee or'the Whole. Amendment lost: Original motion lost on the f~llowing division: Yeas~Burwell, Stritton, Godwin, McCally, Ellison, Lang; McColl, and ,Pollock, of Southwold~8. Nays-Ward, Abell, Locker, Leitch, McWilliam, McIntyre, Sisler, Yarwood, Hathaway, ,Pollock, of Yarniouth,' ,Hepburn, Andrews, Dance, McCredie, and::McLean-I5.~ , . The Clerk.then read a communication fr'om J. McCausland, County Treasurer, which was on motion of Mr. Hepburn, seconded by Mr. 'Locker,xeferred to the Finance Committee, i,K. W. McKAY, County clerk. 'UJ f~ ('," ", {. " 4' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILPROCEEDlNGS. "i The Reporf'of tli.c Public Improvements Committee was then r~ad and 'adopted 011 ni.otiori of Mr. vVard; seconded by Mr. Dance. The Report qf the Finance Committee was then read and abopted on motion of Mr. J.. Sislet, seconded by Mr. H. T. Godwin. Moveciby W': McCredie; seconded J;ly John Andrews) , That, the Clerk pnrch,ase' -I wo ,pairs' ofB.and-cuffs for- the use of consl:ablesin this County.----=Carnecl.' ,Moved hy J ohn ~ollock, secondeJ !)y J. Sisler, That this Councilllaving :vi,sited the Hou,sc' of Industry and heard the complaints made by certain inmates, do hereby express their ap- proval'0fthecoursc, adopteclby those havillg control of the ,rnanage* ment ,orthe institutlOll, and that we believe, after investigation, that the iprn8teshave always been treated in a .proper manner, and .that no caus~' whatever fot'complaint exi'sts.-Carried. ,Moved by M. G, Burwell, seconded by R. L. McCally, Tha,( the grounds surrounding the Cou'nty BUIldings be hereby named 'The Court House Pal'lL" , In amendment, Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. McCredie, That th'e Court I;Io;use ,grOtlnds be named "Elgin Park." Mttin motion lost, amendment cartied. MoVed by J. H. Yarwood; secondedbiJ. Hepbnrn, That the Warden issue his cheque for the sum of Eight Dollars, to PC1.Y' utbmen for conveying memoers, to the House of Industry.- Carried, Moved by J,' C.Dance, seconded byD, McLean, . That- this Council do now conside't the account ,presented by the' Sheriff fbl',expenses incurred in recapturing a prisoner who e,scaped ~ver tHe gaol'walL---'--Carried. Moved by J. H:Yarwood, secon,led by J. Hephurn, That theaccollnt 'of Sheriff Brown for recapturing: McCann; an es- capcel prisoner, be not entertained,a's ithas been-refused by the Board oLA,udit.----'--,C<1rried. ' , ,Moyed by R. L. McCall)', seconded by R. Locker. . That leave be granted to introduce, a by-law to repeal By~law No, 69 and q,mend Ey-law No, 35; referring to Hawkers;'Pedlars, and others. '--Canied, ' , SAMUEL S. CtUTTON, Warden. Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by H. T. Cod win, That By-law No, 41'Si' being a By~law to 'amend By~law No. 35, be' received and read a- first time.-Carried. Moved by R, Locker, seconded by R'.Abel1, Tl1at By~lawNo. 415 be read a second time,-Carried, Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by R" McCally, ' , ~, "" That By-law No. 4f5 be read a thud tllne,and ,finally passed,-- CaHied. - \ Moved, byVv:,McCredie,' seconded by J, C. 'Oance, That during the absence of A, J, LeItch, 'Mr, McI~tyre act' on the EqualizatioriColTImittee in his place;;--Carried. 'I'he Clerk then read a communication. from ,D. J. Hughes, County Judge. M,oved by W, McCredie, se,conded by D. Lang: That the communication "fronl D. J, Hughes beteferredto the Gaol Committee. In atnendment, IVloved by. W,O. Pollock, seconded by l.9hI?- Andrews. T~at Mess~s.Lang,Major Ellison and S~tatton be appoirited a SpecIal Committee to consider communicatIOll from .D, J. Hughes, County Judge, andreport,tcHllorrow. .Main motion lost, amendment carried, ' , Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by Major Ellison, That-we adjourn until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning, to allowEqual~ . iiadon Committee to lueet.------'Carried. K. W. McKAY, Co. Clerk. 43' ,44 ELGTN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. THIRD SESSION~FOURTH DAY. }'RIDAV, NOVEMBER 20TH, 1885-. Th\e Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment. S S.Clutton, Esq., Warden, in the chair Members preserit'--:"'Messrs. Lang, M.cLean, Leitch, McIntyre, Mc- :William. McColl" Andrews, ,Poliock, Hepburn, Pollockl Yarwood,' \ Hathaway, Ward, Abell, Locket, SlTatton,Godwin, BurweD, Dance, McCredie, McCally, Sisler and Ellision. Th~ proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. . . The Equaliiation Committee presented their 'R,eport, which was adopted on motion of Me Sisler, 'seconded by Mr. God\vi,n. M'ovedby John Andrews, seconded hy B. F. Hathaway, That this, Council memorialize the Ontario Legislature to pass an Act to, compel corporations ownihg or lessees of all gravel roads to go into arbitration in regard to 'their clai,1l1s when r~quired to do so.~ Carried. Moved by McIntyre, seconded by R. Locker, ~rhat tl'e' Clerk be authorized toprocUle the llsual supply of blanks for use at municipa] electio.nsand assessment and collector's rolls.- Carried. Moved, by J. Sisler, seconded by J. Hepburn, That, this Council 'petition the Local Legislature to so'amehdthe law that all county of-ficersshall hereafter be appointed bytheelectpfs of the County and that the matter be placed in the hands of our local ,'members.-Carried. ' MovedbyM. G. Burwell, seconded by R. L- McCally, That the Clerk have.: theproceedin2:s and reports of this Councll printed in pamphlet form for distribution not later than the 15th of December, and that two copies be mailed to each member.-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by S. Ward, That'By-law N~. 416. being a By.law tt( conDnn the equalization of the assessment rollsJ be received andread a first time.-Carried. Moved by II. T. Godwin; seconded by R. Abell, ThaLB-law No. 416 be read,a secondtime.-Carried. Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by H. T. Godwin, I '. ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS. 4.\ Tbat By-law No. ,416 be read a tl;ird time and finally p~ssed.- Carned. Moved byR. Locker, seconded. by 'R. 'T. Godwin, That By-law No. 4I7,'being a,..By-Iaw to extend the time for the en- forced collection by sale of non~residE;nt taxes in'the County of Elgin, be received ,and read a first time.-Carried. Moved by D. Lang, seconded hy D. McLean, That By-law No~ 417 be r~ad a fjecon'q. time.-Carriecl. Moved by J. Ellison, seconded by Majo; Ellison, That By-law Ne. 417 be read athil,d time and finall~ passed.'- Carried. i, Moved by W. McCredie, seconded by, John Andrews, ::rhat-By-law No. 418" being'a By-law to appoint a ,Board"of Exam- iners' for the purpose of granting third class certificates, ofqualificaH tion to candidates as teachers of public schools, 'be received and read a first time......,...Carried. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. McCredie, That By-law No. 418 he readasecondtime.--'--Carried. Moved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by). II.Yarwood. That the name of John Miller, B. ./I.., be inserted in the By-law in place of W. W. Rutherford, B. A. ' In amendment. '.. . , , Moved by S. Ward; seconded by R. Abell, That John Miller, B. A. be appoi~ted on, the Board of Examiners in place of Samuel McColl. ' , Both amendment and original motion were 'lost. Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by D. Lang, That By.law No. 418 be read a third time and finally passed,- Carried. Moved by John Pollock; seconded by J. Sisler, That the thanks of this Council be tendered to the gentl,emen who took upon themselves the responsibility of beautifying the ElginPtJ,rk, especially Mr. D.'McLaws,' and that the Clerk tender the same to those gentlemen.-Carried, 'TheSpecial Committee appointed to conskler communication from His Honor Judge Hughes presented their report. I 46 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL P:ROCEEDINGS. ~- Moved by H. Stratton, seconded by ,D. Lang, \ That the report be adopted..,-Lost. . Yeas-:-Stratton, Ellison) Lang and Andrews.-LJ., Nays-BUl'\vell,McCal1y, Godwin, Abell, vVard, Leitch,' 1,1cvVil- liam, MtIntyre,T,ocker, Sisler,' McLean, I-Iatha,vuy, Yarwood, Pol- lock, Hepburn" Pollock, McColl. IVlcCre9.-ie, Dar:-ce-I9. Moved by J. R Yarwood, seconded by'B. F.Hathm'(ay, That this Council offer a standing ,i'eward 'of $'50 for the arrest auQ. conviction of'persons who S?t fire to buildings with malicious intent. .-Lost. lb Moved by J. Sisler, seconded by D; Lang, That the consideration of the, Gaol heating apparatus be left with the'Gaol Committee, so as notio detain this CouncIl.-Carried. Moved by) ohn Pollock, seconded by D. McColl, Q'hat theClerk.be instructed to calrthe attention of the City' COU1i.~ cil to theverybad con1ition of the roadlJ,ray im:mediately east of the Fingal bridge and \iuder the C. S. R.bridge.-Carried.' Moved by J. H. Yarwood, s,econded byYV, O. Pollock, That'the thanks, of this Council'al'e herebytendered'totheWarden, Clerk, 'Treashrcr ahd~ngiheer' for the very gentlenlanly' and Gffitient manner.in which they have performed their respective duties during the present year.--Carried. . , , Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. McColl, "That$6o'be:granted to the "\Vardenfor extra services during the year, being the ,same as granted to oth~rWardensin fC;)l'mer'years, and that clause 24 of the rules and regulations-be, suspended for thatpl.lr- pose.--Carried, Moved by J ohn ~ollock, seconded by D., McColl, That 'this Council adjourn sine die.-Cfi,rried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. SAMUEL S. CLUTTQN, Warden, ' , . , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 47 80t-l,/J1;oi/C. ~e9ti~, <BOtMl4t~J STANDING COMMITTEES. t~ TIle Speci~l Committeeapi)Qinted 'to strike Standing Committees, beg, leave to rep9rtas follows :~ Finance.:...-Godwin, Lang, Sisler, Hathaway, Brock, McCredie,- Leitch, Education':""'" McCally, Abell, Burwell, :McLean" Andrews; "Mc~ Williams. " , 'Public Improvement-Strattcm", Ellison, 'Ward, Dance, Pollock (South wold). .. , \ Gaol and Printing;-iHepburn, Locker, Pol!ock(Yarmouth). House of Industry..,-McColl, Yarwood, Mo~ntyre; DUGALD MCCOLL, Chairma~. . Committee Room; St. Thomas, 27th January, 1885, FINANCE REPORT, 1885; TOTHE 'WARDEN ,ANn COUNCIL OF ~HE COUN'l'YOFELGIN. The COlIlmitt~e'on Finance beg leave to report that having examin~ ed into th~ finances of the'County, and the estimates prepar,ed-by the County Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement .'of the'expendi- ture required for the lawful purposes of theC.ounty during the year 48 E,LGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 1885, showing the'amounts requimd to be raised for the undermen- tioned purposes. Canada Southern Railway Debentures. . . . , . . .. . . . . . . .' " " "Coupons, . . . . . . .. ." . . . . . . . Administratjon of Justice,...... .......... . . .. .. . . . ' . . . County Lines and Bridges.... . . . . . . , , . . . . .. . , . .. .... High Schools,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .,. , . , Model School, ,.. . , . ... ... .. i..,.,........ .... Inspector of School~,. . . . . , . . . . . . .. . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . Officers' Salaries, .'.....................'... '. .... .'. Papment of Jurors,,,..... ~ ..'...... ............. Payment of Crown \Vitnesses,.... . . . . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . House, or \IndustJ;y,.....:... . . . . '1' .; . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Interest On Billq Payable,.....".. i. . ... . . . . . . .,. . . . . Contingencies ................................. ~ . M;embers' Wages, .... " . '. . . ... . . . . . ... . .. . . . .. '-,,' .'. BIlls Payable,. . , . . . :. . . . , . ' , . . , . . . . . . . ' . . . . . , ,. . . . $10,000.00 3,600.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 150.00 709.00 ;2,500.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 4,000;001: 800.00 1,500.00 847,00 3;457.00 Total,......... .'$42,797.00 Gammon Schools equivalent to legislative grant, '. .. .. . 3,000.00 'J Total,. ' . ... , . .. $46,254;00 Your' Committee would recommend that the sum of Forty-Two Thousand Seven Hundred and' Ninety-Seven pollars be r~ised and levied on the rateable property- in the several municipalities in the County of Elgin durin,g,the year 1885 for County. purposes as per, schedule herewithsubni.itted, and that the requisite By-laws be passed to levy a rate of 2 and 7-Ioths mills on the dollar on the rateable pro- perty ,in, the several municipalities in, the County of 'Elgin, as eq'ualized for the preceeding year to ra.ise said amounts exclusive of sch,ool grants, and that the sum of $3,457 be raised.in the several township- municipalities, ,only for. Common Schools equal to the' Government grant, and' as proportioned and ,required by the Ed,ucationalDepart- ment, and 'entered in the following schedule under the' head of Com. mon Schools. ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. lliunicipalities.' E,qnalizcd'Value IGenera 11 Railway!Commo in 181'34 ,Hate. ,Hate, Schools. Aldborough, ..'.. '$T,S04,062 Dunwich" .,.... 2,135,082 Southwo}d, . .. , f . \ 3, I 69, 540 , . Yarmouth, ...... 3,2511317 Malahide, ." ,., 2.413,252 Bayham, .'... .,.. 1,163,560 S.Dorchester,.. . . 1,360,726 Vienna, ,.....\. 70,000 Aylmer,.... . . , ~ 325,000 PorLStanley, .,.. 80,000 Springfield, . . . . . . ~boo Total,. . . . $I5,850,539 All of which i, respetfully slIbmitted. Committee Rooms, 4th,June, 1885, ,$3,325 $',546 . 3,935 1,830 5,860 2,697 5,992 2,787 4,448, 2,068 2, '44 997 2,508 1,166 129 '60 598 279 .148, '69 I24 87 ---- -~- $292II $I3~86 $'93 428 572 595 537 526 ?o6 $34'57 49. ';['otn-L $5,464 6,I93 9,129. 9,374' 7,Q53 3,667 3,880 I89 877 , 2I7 21I $46254 J. SISLER, Chairman. . (fl ,'rt" >-l '" gn p.o "3 ~Ul '~8 21-. , ~ ~ 0" < ',(p ,,' S !>;J' ,"0 " 0 o~ .P 00 co '!>' "+'cV- (fl H (fl, Ot" ,",I'j ~"~ 3 ' " ii' ~ o .., ~ -'C=;' '" , I ~~~~,YJ~"~~'~'~'~I ~ ~'I ,:+'[::i" ~t:ls. ~S'~ '~,cr ~ 1J I ~ (!) CTq 2 Q ~g:o .::;l ....,S; I H ti' e~~.g.p!?-g.og..g, ~ . - -" ,. - - -I . .......' 0..' fR' ...p..qQ ~ .::! .;;;: ..: ~ 1 ~ ,"," .:' . :: ~ t/-),t.ryQ'\,)2"-4 '="-.:( II> ".o:sn ..l>):P i..H ':9 r...!'- g; ~ ~:i -0 '~~~,~ ~'~ ~ 00 Q'\'H 0 W +, P- I ~~;1~ :~.'''~~ ," ;",.'."',, I', ,p. ."<' :~'i-I' H :... '~-!;f7:I"'~~:;'t oo~'O':O\-ttJt N --4 ~~ g 0 ~ :f>':-;-t ~ ':9::4'~..N':9.~ f-:;n',:*,S~~ ,l\),W \Q .f:..(;,)(J..l ,t.) ~,O \Q ..,. 'I ~ ('Il...~ '0 0 Ov.l 0' '0:0..<' 'O':---l pI NP.~''<l ~ o 0 Ol.:n' 'OOlUlO4>-<,O ,0 '.~,,,, fil>, . '<f>1 .... ..., ~ l\l, N, HH '.~, '"d +- "0 ...... iD 0.-;:" Oo'~', '" "I ooN,oo--4 OONC,;.)tJtV10Ul ~~OP::: \0 0:0 tJt tJl '-0 \D 0 H \Q -.:r ,'" ""15 ~ ::j,..'(ou,............ooooc.::p.!.:'n.w I'~ ~,... + ....'(/J.\Q~'O N,....;,....UlQ ", '-<I" Ul l'.>l tJt *'" 0 0 0 C,NQOUlO ' <f> 1m" .... .... to) N N ........ li-- o~ tn '0 N ...... 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'-<l ~I ., <f>1'~~1:' sn-" ','..........I-l...~~~'~~,~, 'to![e COI" tN" W .....j:>.,~ H.... 001'" '" ,00 t\.l, -..:t-..:tQ\ Q\I-l Ol. 0\, W a'",~~ o at.h 000' aWWH\.OOl..j:>.,eOc. tn,o"'a"oo~0.~W0.:O"'o' ~~l-d \J.) 0 0' 0' 0' ,t-:I O\Ul..... + 00 Q\ I p;>1.('t> \.0" 0 0' 0' 0' Q\ a t\,l -..:t 0' ~ ~,~ '{ ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ~. >-l ~ 0 g.Q "' 01 " " '" ~ 0' q:. .;8 -" 03 0- ~ rn " ~.~ tJ ':;:'[ '" ,Z 0'-3 0- ~'" Z " &h tJ " 0 ~ 'l?::I "3 '" !J @S ~ ~ -. '". q 0.;::+ ,'" " D> ~ g; ~ '~o '" ./:"i 0..::1 '" H ;::l,:t*1 'l t:'I 0,0 01 D> ..,,, '" '~~ t:rJ ..] (p N r-- H ~ ,'C"l 0 no' Z 0'::1 ' Z So () (j -. 0 ..... e :-"s- z ~ "' " << l?:l > 0 t-cJ ~ 0 ~ 0 " " ~ z ~ ~ 3 " " ;: .>:3 a 0 .., ,.... &,'. co ." co Q 9J 0 " ~ ~ '<:' '" " (JQ " ~ r:i ~ 0 ~ " 'T COUNTY ENGINEER\S REPORTS. ,~"" JANUARY SESSION. St. Thomas, january 26th, '885: To THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY' OF ELGIN: Gentlemen,~Sil1ce your last meeting I have:,been' notified' by the Township, of Yarmouththat they cons~der:the'.f911O\ying to be County.Bridges .in accordanoewith theH4~t/',viz. : The Bridge over Kettle Creek, between YArmouth, and:,Westmins'tel'; the Bridge over, .CatfishCreek, north of.Kingsm~l1,,:,between Y~rrpouth and Malahide, and ,the Bridge over Catfish Creek at OrwelJ,he- tween Yarmotith and.Malahide. Two of the above Bridges are in g09'~,;condition., The third, ,between Yarmouth andW estminister,' will have, to be rebuilt in. the spring; it is 37 feet span, a ~ing truss. pbced on: bents. There is another Br.idge over Kettle Creek, between;,North "and South DGr~ chester, that will require some repairsas,":so~m" as spring opens; the abutment, on the east'end:,.is','b.eingforced'into'the creek by the em; bankment:" I have no-notice as yet frotutjheTownship of South DorR chester that they consider this a County BridRe, although the County of Middlesex have' assumed, it as such;)t"is a queen tr:uss, '32 feet , long and 12, feet wide;',the,upper structure"'Qe~ng in good condition. r recently, in company with Mr. John:Pollock and Mr. Andrew Hepburn; made a careful exalflip.atJOliof:tlie":Selbourne Bridge, and .,found that in' some parts it iscO'.qsigerablfde~ayed, the south ,chord paiti,c1!latly is so far gone, thatjt:,~~,U;,;~ay.e,~?::;:~,e replaced. , Your Public Improvement Com,1JIitt~~~rd.myself visited 'the Port. Bruce. Bridge since your las.t,meeting,",ah~:'l1ft~r carefully 'examining'the same are of the opinion that if, thebridge:'/~Hl;,stand the Spring fresh:. etsitcan be rrt~de,to Jast another,yearwit~':a:'~ri1all ex.pense~ ,..',,' ." . .. ..', All pf, which'is respectfully ~1,l1:miitied. J AS. A: Bitl-L, County:Engineer. 5' -' ~ ~ " ~ '0 " " ~ [: q ~ " cr' ~. ~ ;;; p. ELGIN COUNTY -COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 53 52 ELGIN COUNTY CpUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. JUNE SEsSiON, I I. ,The Francisco Bridge Vienna, the l{..obbins' Bridge over Kettle Creek and the Coyne Road Bridge over the River Thames hav:e been tightened up ana 'painted. with two coats.of oxide of iron and linseed of oil. .,' St.. Thomas, June 2nd,. 1885. :1'0 'l'ImW AIWEN 'AND COUNCJ,TJ "()l<' THE COUNTY 'OF ELGIN. I n. Small repairs have been m,ade to a: 'large number ,of the Bridges and approaches in the County IV. On two, occasions I had repairq made to the Port Bruce Bridge, caused b.ythe old timbers givingway~ I,t willn'Ot besafeto delay the , rebuilding of this Bridgeany.longer. The timbers in the Bridge are large, and I find on close examination that ala~ge portion of them' are effected by dry rot in the centre. I would recomrri.end,thattenders,be asl~ed for" rebllilding this Bridge as soon as winter sets 'in, so that,the work can be proceeded with while the creek is. frozen ove~ when a good roadway ,can be, made on the;ice. There is, quite a large ,traffic over this bridge,'and it woulQ be; a great inconvenience to the travelling public to have traffic stopped at~~is point. v. 1. have had a new chord and bntce plac~d in the\\Twdsville I Bri9g~;'in the'S,outh span, and 'also a new pier composed of three pile,; placed beside the s0uth pier. A coutile of months ago, incdmpany with the Engine'er of Middlesex, I made a thorough examination of this Bridge, and fO\lnd that although the 'Sl)perstructure is'intolerable g()od' condition, the piers and north' abutment are fast 'giving 'Yay. \ I found the south pier to, be in a very unsafe state, and, had it at once repaired as above r~l'atedby a new pier. This mal~es ,the' Bridge quite safe at present,btit the fact of having ,two, piers together offers a great obstruc~ tion ,to the ice in the spring. ,If the ic~ esq.pes without injury to the Bridge, it will stand' another year; but' cannot be depended upon to last much longer. ,As near as I can find out part of the' structure Was built in 1868. VI. ,On' the 8th of October in companY'w~t~l a committee and Engin~ eers from he gounties of Kent ,and Middlesex, I made and,exanlination 'of the Bothwell bridge. The conclusion arrived at was that with, some repairs this bridge could'be made'to last sometime yet. We ordered a certain amount of the timbGr in the bridge to be replaced"ahd anew;" ice~breaker built on the south pier. This County contributes ' three~', tenths of- the expenses qLmaintaining this bridge. ' ' VII. The bridge over Talbot.Creekon 'the town line between South", woldancl Dunwich will have to be rebuilt next'year. I Gentleu1en,-'-I beg tQ, report as follows:.-On account of the absence of,high.water during the Spring the County Bridges have suffered very little dam'age from ice or driftvwod which usually does a farge amount of damage at ,that time of the year. The Kains bndge and St-. George street bridge het\veen tl)e City anci County'have been repIanked siqce your la:t meeting. The,Graham bi'idge, Bothwell bridge, and bridge over Kettle Creek between North and South Dorchester have been repai:ed. The 'W ardsvilleancl Shelboyne bridges are now undergoing repairs. I haveprepaired plans and specifications and advert~sed for tenders' for a new.bridge over Kettle Cr.eek, hetweenYarmotJth and We~tmin~ ster, in connection with the Engineei's fr.om,Middles'ex, The te~~ders a~e n<;n\' ready to be', opened by your Public Iniprovement Committee. .I woiJl4 recommend that the V\'hite bridge 111 V~enna, the Robbins bridge over Kcftle Creel~, and the Coyne Road b-ridge,,\yhich were all .' re~built last year, be painted with two coats of oxicle of. iron and iin~ seed oiL " , .~11 the bridges are ina fair state of' repair. Some/of them are get- tingold arid require constant attention and repairs. _ All of which is respectfully subrl1itted. J AS. A. BELL, County Engineer~ NOVEMBER' SESSION. rr~' 'i'HE '-VAItJ)~~N AND GOU~CIL 011 'rHE COUN;Y bF ELGIN. . I beg to report on the pn blic works of tbe County as t911ows:~ I '. The bridge on the COUl1ty line bet\veen Yarmouth and vVestniinr ster hasbeen rebuilt since your 'last meeting. 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. VIII. I have been notified by the Cou'ncil of the Township of.South- wold that they consider the bridge on the town line between, therp' and Dunwic~, south .of Talbot road, east, tl?, be a County bridge.:,} ,have 'made an examination" of the 'bridge and if accepted as~.;)County- bridge it w,ill be necessary to build a new structure as' the old,btidge is bey?nd repair. ' " IX. Thetimbers of ,t0e Selbourn Bridge ,in 'PortStanley"are'sO'de~ cay~d.t.hatI do notthilik it would -be advisa,})Je to trY"a!-:ldrepairit. A~i$ Brigg~js:subject togreatstrain,?n'accou.n:~ of,it~,: p~)sjtion; It was :, ~buil~ ':aq~ytsix,' ~eet.J66' 10w,and,the~e ,is' a: s~eep-inclin~<at the north en~\V~ich,Js' ~h()ving'the bridge.s6uth~ ,The'earth an~:,\y',hter from,th~ ~n,c.li~~, ;~re,'~ontihuaUY,being' beB:051~ed,on the,~ri<1gej ~pd.this has tO'1 sq~e~xJel1tbe~n thecause,pf:partbfthe,decaY,ofthet?tnber. In my' opinio'nit' w?u~d~e;~dyisable.to replace this Bridge n~*t yeaI:'. x,: The Bea ver Creek Bridge; "between the Town'ships o(X armouth and Southwold, win require"considerable repairs., "This' isa Trestle Bridge~' 'and the sl1per~tructl1re is so'ctecayed that iV5vill, have to be',re- placed. ,', , c' , AJl'ofwhich is \'espe,tfully submitted, J AS. A. BELL, County Engineer. Nov'I7th, i885. , ELGIN, COUNTY, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 55 PUBLIC IMPROVEME1{TS COMMITTEE. -""'Meeting of JointCommittee from Elgin al1d Middlesex in rega~dto I equalizing, th~, cost of kee~i~t u p: the';.appro,a..~h~s,to the ~.i~er' Bridges. \, , iMr.S~S. ,Clutton,-W arden'of Elgin,: was a'pp'ointedChairman. . , Moved h.y.Mr.Watersville, second~d by Mr. l'olloc!<,'J'hatthe c;ou~- tres'<?f'EIginand'M:iddlesex:rn'lintaino1J.~',?u'ndred feet of approach On ' ~~c;hsideofthe River Bridges, and'keep. the ,saIU,e,in,'r~p,airafan' eqpa e,xperiseto each,County,;',excep~the Bo~hw.~U Bridge approaches"which ' will be'kept ,in repair in the same,prOPQrtion'as,ded4~d;by ,the Arbitr:a~ tors legardirig th~Bridge~~C!lrried; " S:;"S;~:tltf'io#j{~hainltarL Lo~don, Jan., 30th, r885. To' Ti!:R::WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF TIlE' COUN1'Y ,00,',ELGIN; 'Gentl~men.~Your Public Imp~ovemeritsCommittee beg leave to repd\:t asJollows :- (.: '" ".'""", -,'.-, " ,'" ", "',"'; : I. That the County Engineer's 'teportbeadopted, 'and, that ~e ,is herrbr in~tmct~d tocarrY9~t!h~rec9!l1mendationscoutained therein. '2;' Th~t:'no bridge' 6h ,Cdunty'~r;t()-kl1sh{p bOUl1dary'tine~ I~e accept- ed hy this .,County as County bridges miless the span of said bridge is at.Jeast 30 feet, and that a By-law be prepared and passed to' that effect.;_ '\' 3. Thatthe Chairman and Engineer ha;ep()werto :a'wardthe 't9n iract for buildinf.: the bridge over Kettle Creek, between the Town_ shivoL Yarmouth and Westminster. " AlIof \\Chich is,tespectfully submitted. ,',,', ',','; ',": ',"", ,'; , . , ,', " ",",.-",':'- "To 'THB,W ARDEN ,AND'OOUNCIL oi,"Tii~:'Co-<<~~'y' OF:,ELGIN. SHELDON WARD, Chriinnan. "Gentlemen,~Y otirPubtic Improvenierit~ "~eport as follows ::....- , ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. .g 56 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . '1.' EDUCA'fIQN COMMITTEE I; That they approve of the repairs made to the Wardsville and other County Bric;1ges by the Engi.neer since last session. I 'Committee.Room, St.Thomas, 30th Jiul11ary, 1885. 2. That the Engineer: be instructed to prepare phhS and advertise for tender;5,aS soon as possibl.e for rebuilding the Port EtiuceBridge, aUel thatthenewBridge consist of two spans of a,QueenTruss, seventy- flYe .feet each in the dear, with an approach at the 'north' end. 3; That the ~ngineer be instructed to prepare plans and let the contract for rebuildiJ?g the Bridge over TalQot Creek between Soutb- \vold and Dunwich. ' 4. Your Committee do not think the Bridge on theTown Line, be~ tween South wold and' Dunwich, south of Talbot Road East, should be assumed as a County Bridge. 5. That the Engineer be instructed 'to prepare pLmp,and advertise for tenders for rebl1i1dingthe Shelbourne bridge in Port' Stanley, anq that the new bridge be locat.ed at a point up the stream from the' pre~ sent:one"where there is a crossing 'over the' rail,way, on the farm of M.r.B'egg.,Your Committee yest8rday visited and inspected the 10- caUty and are of, the opinion that the 'change of sit\;': is desirable, it~e- ing a bet~er place to b~ild and maintain a hridg~.~~ , 6. -That the Engineer be ~instructed to have the ne~~ssary repairs made to theJ3eaver Creek bridge, and any repairs to other bridges until the next session of this Council. 7. That no actIOn be tal.enin regardtochilngingth.e < site of the Shelbourne bridge until a conveyaf!ce of the,new site is made to the Township of SOllthwold, ' All of whi<;his respectfully submitted. To THE Wii.RDEN AND,CciulfOiL OF THE ,COUNTY 'OF ELGIN. The Committee on Educ~tionbeg Ieave,to r~p.o~t,asfol1owS-: 1. That in the opinion of your Committee it is not advisable to peti~ tion the Lieut,~G6vernor to db away with' the Vjenn~High' Scho"ol, as' it is domg good and useful work in theJocality; 2. Afterconsideripg the v~rious report$on :High Schools,and Col~, legiateln~tit~te, ~e'begleaye to recommend. the following grants for the currentyear'::-- ,'/ FOI St. Thomas Collegiate Institute,...:.,... .$',7&.'00 ForAylmer High Sch061,~. .'.. '," .'........... '1,100.00 For Vienna High Scbo~l,.... ,.... .... .~.. .... 700.00 All of ,vhich is lespectfullysubmiIte(i. J OHM ANDR~WS, Chairman. ."'; ~rO 'THE ELGIN COUNTY CQUNCIL. ~ent~emen~The'Education'Committee beg leave torepor~,'. I" iii" r.Thatwhereas the lawofcomp~lsoryaducaHQn',as~t present 'a9-~ ministered proves to be inefficient fr.om'the .<fact. tbat trustees, d.9' ,pot wish to take 'upon themsel~s the responsibility' of becoming,;:pub~ic prosecutors in' this, matter" ,we; woulJ ;recommend that the ,Council pe- titionthe H'on. the Mi:n:iste~of E4ucation to so aInen~ section ':zro, with its sub.section that it would become th~ duty .6fthe PublIc School Inspector, upon the rep()rt:of.he Tru~tees, to report the l)am.es of the delinquents, to the local magistrate, and that he' be required to inv,esti- gate the casein the way provided by law. ' , 2. That we notice with pleasu~ethe good work that ~h~s 1?een ao: complished about the schools, houses:(lnd grounds" throughout the County on Arbor Day, and tbat this, work. should he continued and , encouraged hy members of the Council and, Trustees generally. SHELDON vV ARD Chairm'an . 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 59 . PUBLIC 'SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT. To THEW ARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE, COUNTY OF ELGIN. JOHN ANDREWS" Chairman. Gentlemen,-lnaccordance with,a recommendation of the Educa- tional "Coml11itte,e, I have the honor of presenting my report on Pub- lic School Education for the year 1884 at this your. J une session;,in~ stead ,ofw-aiting unliltheNovember session. Sothe of 'what is contained in the report Will 'be found in that made last November. The nu~ber of 'schools and teachers remains,unchang,ed. I T~e following statistics are taken from my annual 'report to the Ed- ucation D,epartment :......;... . The'total num ber ofchildren of 5chool age reported as resident in the Countywas................~................. 8160 The number reported as xegistered' in the schools of the County was as follows:--Number,u'nder 5 years 'of age,.. ...... 17 Numbe'rbetween 5 and 16 years of age,....... '. .......... 7826 " "17and'-2I" "..........,...... '310 Andover 21" '.... ...'...-.. .... .'... ..'..... ..'.... .......' 9 Ma~ing a total number registered in -the County of. . . ". . . 8 I 62, Numher of boys, ...... ... i, ,... ... .. ...... .. ., .,. .., 4263 N umher of girls, .. . . . . . . . .. . .. , . .. .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . , . 3899 Ther€ported numberbetweenthe ages of1and 13 was,..;. 68 The reported number between, the ages of 7 and 13i1otat~ . tending any'schoollIo days,duringt~e year ,was. .- ... 1439 Generally Trustees do not attend to the carrying out of the law re- garding compulsory education; I often .haveheard Trusteas state thattheyfe<lr the displeasure of those not sending their children to school if they proceed as th~ law directs. I believe that if. Insp~ctors . were'reqUlred to hand the ,names of defaulters, to Justices of the 'Peace orto the County Judge the law would be enforced mo~e s~tisfactorlly. The total ,average daiiyattendance reported was 3554, out oCa to~ tal avelage registered number of 8162, or not quite 44 pef dmt. ,This as you,see, isa very low' average', ",nd indicates very irregular ,atten.. ~n~' , ' ' The total evpenditure for public schools in, the County was $51,- June, 1885. '1'0 THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL' OF TK.E COUNTY OF ELG;IN. ' The Committee on Education beg leave .,to report that they have taken into ,their consideration the matters referred to' them 'in the com~ mim1cation from the Public SchoolJnspect6r,andwould recommend that the following gentlemen be placed upon the Boarc;l of Examiuers for the County, ,in accordance with, clause 169' of the revised Act, namely, W. W.Rutherford, B. A., of Aylmer High School, and Sam. uel McCaU, Esq., of Dunwich., And also that the Council, authorize tneTreasureato . pay to the order of the President of the County Teachers' Institute the sum,'Of$z5 in accordance with clause I7S 'of. the same' Act. We would also recommend th,at the, sum of $41.70 amount due the Examiners for Entrance Exammation at Aylmer High School, arid $2+.75 for a like purpose at Vienna High School be paid. All of which is respeqfully submitted. November, 1885_ 60 ELGI,N 'COUNTy"c'Ot.J'NCIL PROCEEDINGS. . ',- 964.49. ['his makes the annual cost per' registered, pupil $6.36, or $14.62 per pupil on,the average~ttendance. :T The highest salary, paid to, amale teacher w~s"$600,.<Uld"tl;le..~,ow:est $225.' The average salary paid a male t~acher was $4J,6.4'S:J'~'1'nr ,average salary paid-a.female teacher was $274-21. I":.",,(.il-S.iq"~fi ~t '",~'1. Of.tHe r25 teachers engaged in the County durirtg4h~ly~nr',the fo1.- 'lowing shows th~ different classes of certificateSc held:----:- , ",.' '1_" d 1h'l ,{i( Number holding second slass certificates was..., . . .,~.,;,~{(.,~..,-,., "I.BE? " "third " < '" ........... ...... 51: " '" old,fi!st, " " "~,I"~ ",,1)00;::'. }'" ~,~".'I.. .'-'.. ,'.i;~ J: Number:of tempprary.,certific,ates,.......... .,. ',,' ".--.'. .,'.'...: .'.. ,43 " ' ",', ~"~,,')f'~l!:I:':~"~lr:!:: ;f<'.,' ..<y,' This lastdass I hope tol?e ablet.) show mucored\feed iI11rnY:lAe:j{t report. ' An~,xtr~'effo~"t ~s being, made >(0, tm'prtr~~:,l\h~ ',~.olil:1i~iJn:'bf~H~ condition of rhe scHool house\,ir\\~t1I)r~wifes. ,', 'M'dllr, ,,>,(,tll,'e. ho\]s'l$ pI a good class now, while,,9;~er~:tW,\';Ul~~~ r~pHiceclbx ,ne~v:q?di!~ Some n~w 4ous~seare ~obe erected dunng 'toe presen~l(YEf~r;,.th.~m 8; ,$. 'N9. 7, D1.,1l1wicl?- ; at~hits's" on ~P3'tO'ty.nline' petween ''Y;:armouth and Malahide, and in S. S. No. '3, Yarm\\uth. The villa&f' 9,f Ayl. mer is ~~,s9. t,a~~~g 'steps to. prw~ide, mor~i at~?,"9~tt~t ~:~~.t6trH-H~d~~i?)1 for,pubhcandhlgh.schools. ., ",\, r\ Ih1 'lmH,f~, . ", . "<,.,." ,.." ,:".'Odl''':'':'-I' (wrl ,the 'Hop. the Minister, of, ,Education proclaimed Friday, May,~th~ ci' Schoo,l Arbor' Day' fd~ dfe \P!ovince." The:lresults-,inrIE,1gin,,ffre, very gratifying., There Wljje~a1lr9u~illoO shade andjo(QJlm~~h)l, tl\!ep):mt- ed in the school grifilfiYils, l1\uI~erobsflo\verbe"""J.jd,,!,ut,'@.ltnu~1 and (p,~renfii<ll," ,s,~eds'i~nd, r"oPt,s pl~~te,'Al f\nd t,he WOIf,n~s lev~l~ed and clear;. . edof rubbIsh, slJ~t,lI6:lth~apb~.falice ofshool"\,ri!thls~s, tlreoughollt the:CbPrt~~~;nl.lf~tp'itl1Wr,dv~d:!J l) __ 'u;)!-),r:r).l;I, j'f'i': \ \!I" ,,)ft< ,Il.1U.l/if~H.".l(' ~i?(l "';'''':f~'~J(1'''iJ:'t'~\f:) (J,'f.'l''lfl['''",''; - " I hope iu a fUltUOOi''lpqrt,1(lj'~)i1SSifY ,th~1 ~,. e,o,,~$,o~fc9,rJ,in~ l?:,i:fIi, . c~e~cy al'1dand accomm0~atlOn; Last yearf\ ',I th';[1 ~'G,h-R!;.~P'I :Wt;:t5'iHot v.IsIted.regularly as, reqUlred:byInsp~ctors.; "J iha:V~:';'lslf,~~ (~,v~ry s~hoql in the County; ~nd by the, end of June the present month shall ~ave visited'evety school since' January last; In some 'cases it:,has'lieen necessary fot me to visit the same school two or three- times sinc.e'Tan- . uary. I generally spend from three-and.a'half to four hours with each teacher,,;and -in some cases a whole day. Whi1ein,a,s~hool lI,lY time is spent in noticing the teacher's rpethods of teaching, management EL,GlN COUNT,Y ,COVNCIL PROCEED.INGS. pI ~\\~J<ili.sqiplip.e"ill,l1';t,atifW sugg'lste4,m"tl)ods '~y,,~~tll,!ll,y.te,!~l)ing my, self and examining the pupils to ass:ertain the progress made. ' , ,We have had o~'e :In'ifoi~~'~',p~~)1~6no~' e;Srn!iriitibn. relerred to in J1~)' ,reportmf Novetnbe"laste "1 WIi' hcipe, for re,,,lOs', IQ;the.,tf<!llowing di,'ec. tisns:- - ~',li l-.rJTlie'yrWi1i)diltett''tV~,ttia~,het'i,h:'hi,s,w,6'j'J(~' i H J:,l " ',": 1);1. " 2., The)' will, act as a healthstim"Q-1u~'to' hOtll teacher ,a11d'lmpili.' ; ',' ,{3:" ,;I'hl1~,~il1 ~S~iq~,\t;~ltea5?trt.in,$s~~1i'l,~ ~t(s<;:)~o~~(,~~tlll~t it l~lay' derive the,~reat,es~:,po;w.i~ore J~~~~~1~frprn,j.h.1S ,1'~Rpr'"T ') i,; , ' , . ' ,)j;JiM$.CouQty; Mpd,~l ;~Scl19",I.f()i'~he l'rofe1signaL,traiqjngpf thi~d ,class; teachers ,IS (~o lon~r an eXPfnm~l)t,",put;has 14e~0ll1e t!-lfixtWe; 111 ,Qurpr\WriQ0i~15y.91~m of ,Wblic scljq~l h)uIiM[on,.' a"" County Model School,.\p, ,vrhkh yquWy ,~nu\1411y,1iI50,j I ,p~li~Ne ,\0 Qellone",pf;he best in the province. Last year there were'37 ep,r611ed as, teachers in ':fhdnin~t1!}f whom" 313 abtained',.Qertificates i.aS teacbers.;a I believe, hOWeVel\' tlttn'1hhe,Model ~ro@ol C0\11d bUI mJllch:.impro,vedd,bo/l ,Ja~vittg qhe teu'ihers.pvactice teaohingin .l'lllixe&,ola:ffiesi~mG:h, as they; l,wiU"ihave inru~'alschools instead of in'gradcd scho?ls of the city. )11', II, ".",The,J;eacher's AS~Qciation, of whkl1,there an~ two meetings"annual~ :t~I;),s,jJ (';"ff9\~Jildh'ing c6ndiHgrl~,j'. 11:J is ~n: 'Uiip'ortarft, factor ili. assisti~g ,'yo~l1g,rea(::hers ill theiJ:' w()!k~ a1d:~f {tie,sWln~~tings methQ(~,s~d(1 i~$~"ru~- 'It' :('O"""';,!]"k' rid b' '-"'t'"'" (" ,'$1 'e'd.t!(,dn" Ird '>,' il! ",11:1, ' ~,lon,ant,a lUy.re su Jec S"a t: 1 cuss .' '" ,," J'-::' ,:' ,!J' J'" , '~), Rf\f '-;:" 'J ,';J: .h r: ,i:O'{i'_lHfifJ',t! :: :,)~i ',,'Illie ,necessary.,e*penditttre f<il)licQnduc.ting, exa-n1~11,athmsqfo~l: g~ant- ing teachers' certificates has, become ,a large hem, in tq.S:ii eli9.~,Jll-pes', pf Coutlty and Province., To. reduce.this the Education D~partri1ent has ~liri1tJ6se,d,a fee ,of. $z'0!l,<::ach'candidate fbr'artea~her~$1 ncrtiflt:ibe,.,Qne halft~6es' to the Eliutatibu department ta,defr,!t)'the,eocpen,o 'Iqi:<reacl- ~jng t1ie'answers,' and the otheir;half goes to,the'Treasurlen <(;)filthel~hIigh School or Collegia,teinstltute to pay for conducting- the "e:x:am~natiJ;)l1. -1 present herewith a c:opyof a circul~r, addressed to me by the mfn~ isters respecting amendments to the Public' Schools Act. Some pf these amendulents willrequirj:: your attentio~ during-your present ses- sion. Any other' information you may reqUIre regarding the;; Public Schools of the County, ~ot contained in this r.eport, I will glad~y furnish. . . . , , 1 have the honor to bel Gentlemen, 'Your QQediept servan~, W. .ATKINl l. P, S. St. Thomas, June 2nd, 1885_ 62 ELGIN,''cOUNTY,COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 63 ll])POR'l' OF THE COMMITTEE 0:1. pETITIONS AND LEG~SLA'rION. \ To 'i'HE,WARDEN AND COUNCIL, OF THE COUNTY, OF ELGIN. The Coinmitteeon Petitions and Legislatlon beg to report as follows: J. Thal this COllncil,take no action' in reference to County Councils appointinKRegistrars and Clerks of the Court. 2. Your.Cornmittee are strongly.of the opinion that. some ~hange ought to he mode by -.yhich rates Of,.;(reight charged by railway com. panies would be adopted, as the rate's now charged for local p;';lssengers ,and'freightcomparedto through rates are in our opinion a gross in.. j\lstice, and would, recommend that we send to the' Govenment at Ottawa a similar petition to that sent by ~he County of Wellilnd. 3.' Your Committee,would recommend that.a similar"petition to tha'~ sent by the Canada Land Law Amendment Association relaJing to 'the Torrens Land Transfer System be sent to the Local Legislature in Toronto. . ' Con1missioner of Agriculturel YO~r'Comn1itteeare'of the opinion that the organization of a,Farmers' ;lnstitute,'in 'each EledoralDistrict of this COUt1tywould prove tQ be'ofgreat benefit to the farming comrriu- nity,-.and would recommend that this 'Council 'granttheyearly'amounts mentioned in the Hon. Commissioners communication, vix:.$z5 to' each Institute. 2. 'While your Committee \Vouldbe in 'f~vorof $omescheni.ebeing 'devised, by which our syst,em of admit}istration, of justice c?uld ,be' simplifIedl yet your Committee cannot recommend to' this Council the' adoptiqn 'of t;he plan proposed in the communication frol'!l, W.. W. Fitz. gerald, Reeve of London West, as in our opi'nion' such ,a scheme would be placing too much power in ;he h,ndsof the County) udges. An of which is respectful' y subh1itted. R. L.' MCCALL Y, Chairm'an; /,',\ JUl)e 3rd, 1885. 4. ,Your Committee would pGt recommend the appointment of del~ egates togo to Ottawa in r~ference ,to the Government re~ouping Counties for Railway bonuses granted to railways' in the' interest of the Dominion of Canada as the matter has been dealt with at last session and placed in the hands of our representatives for,the Reuse of Commons. . ' '-1'0 'THE' WARDEN' AND::ME;\lBERS' OF 'l'UE ,COUN'I-'Y COUN()IL OF'THE, COUNTY OF ELGIN: , R. L. MCCA.LLV, 'Chairman. Gentlemen,------.-YourCommittee',on Petitions and'Lagislation 'beg to report'es follows :--'-,. \, YourCommitteewouldrecommendfirstthatBy~law No: 69 be re~ pealed, and that this Council pass a By-lawameudmg By,law NQ. '35 relative to. the arnounts to be paid by hawkerslpedlars and oth.ers trad- ing in .theCouqty of 'Elgin. - Your C01nmittee, would, recommend that the following sums be charged asa license fee, viz :-,-$iofor one person travelling, ,on fO'?t j $50 by one horse or other animal j, $7Sby two horsesdr otheranimals.' All of which is respectfully submitted. 1 . . ' , $, Your Committee are .of opinion that some change in the ~aws of exemption frem taxatIOn J:?ow in, force should be madejand -that a pe-, tition similar to the one sent by the County of -Lincoln be forwarded by this Cou,ncil to the Local Legislature. 31st January, r885. To THt~ 'WARDEN AND MEMBERS OFTH'E ,COUNTY CbUNCIL. Gentlemen.-'l'he Comm'ittee' on Petitions and Legislation beg to reportas follows: . t. In reference to the communication from, the Hon; A; 'M. Ross, , R. I... MCCALLV, Chairman. N oveniber,' I 885. \ (\ 64 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. GAOL COMMITTEE. '1'6; 'l'JmW ARDli;N AND ME~]t\'tRS OF 1'HE ELGIN COUN'rY CCU]'~rcIL,:' '!I,'", '/cient1emen~The Gaol Committee otI884 beg leave to presen,t,the f<}Uowing report for information of the Council :':.,......" i I: That since fhe No,veinber session they consulted with special Com- mittee'fromthe City of St.' Thomas re improvements toCol,ut,Ho'\lse ,yq.rd; '.~,nd decided' that tbe fence around' th~ Court Hquse yatd 'be.' dd- xertised and sold by County. That a fence be extended e~stfrom'the carner of the. Gaol wall to the Registry ,Office the f~nceJ~ereatpresent to be utilized for that purpose. That Ihe City be allowed to cut dow;n shade trees subject ,to approval of the Gaol Committ~e. \Vith regatd to removal of'benches in court room, ordered at last sessfon,. the Com- mittee decic1,ed to refer the matter back to the Council'to be considered at the] anua-~y session, as they considered the whole of the Court HOUSll inside required painting and remodelling and that to fix' up part would make the remainder look much worse. All of which is respectfully submitted. 1rY.O. POLLOCK, Chairman. To THE.' EI;GIN COUNTY COUNCIL. . Gentlel1!en~ The Gaol Committee be& leave to report:.-. , I' That in their opinion the Clerk S;hould provide the foreman of every Grand Jury with a printed form ot presentment, which"shall in- clude the regular recommendation for iron bedsteads, , ",hich your Com- niittee d? not' consider n,ecess'aryatpresent.' 2,\tVith reference to .th~ ,recomiuendation of the Grand' Jury ,re- , specting. court and jury r1?oms, we would 'ask permission :from the Council'to"kalsomine the\\'alls of the jury room, and make such other, im'iJrovements as'maybe necessary whenre~modemngt11e Court Room. '3. The City Committee\ver.e desirous of improving the Co'urt House yai'q, and we had decided on,what improvements they should make, but judgingfrom the action taken at the 'last meeting of.'the City Council no improvernentsVt:ill be made this year. E)'~GIN <;OUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 6., 4, We would\recommend that the head Turnkey's salary be reduced to $1.10 per day; commencing 1St-JUry; and tht( ,payment of$roo to Mrs. N; \V; Moore) Matron, for superintenG!ance tooking for prisoners be discontinued. j, All of which is respectfully sU,brrntted. \Y. O. POLI.OCK~ Chairman. Committee Room; June; .1885. , To 'rHE \-V ARDE~ AND MEMBERS, OF 'nIl!:' ELGIN COUN'l'Y COUNOJl.: Geritlemen-----,------The Gaol Com~nittee beg leave.to report)--:,...., I. ,That immediately after the June session an4as authorized by resolution of the Council,weenteredintoan arrangenlent with a C,OtIl~ rnittee of citizens for makinghnprovements to the COtut House, p~rk I, since named Victoria Park by the CityC:ouricil)., The cc,mn1ittee'of icitizens is' allowed to, make all improvements desired subjeCt, to appro~ val of Gaol Committee. 'The, Gaoler taking-, advantage of an'Act passed:,'at,)astsession of Ontario Legishiture, is now able ,tb e'niploy tirsttoillfuitl'nent prisonersouside b(the Gaql walls., This enables him to '-do most of the wO'rkrequired to keep':the grounds'in order. '\Ve have also hadal-l. ,the fences art;.Hwd the,Ga,Oler's"gard~n, wood yard, etc.;' placed in good order. ' I , '2. The improvements to Court House; etc.,: ljave, beyn completed at a cost of $641:40. ' 3. ,YourCornmittee woul.d'rec?.lumend that the extract froin the pre-', sentment ofGrand)ury referred to them be ,laid over until theJanuary session,' as the improvements recommended therein could not be ad- vantageouslyproceeded w,ith at,this season of,the, year. -AUof which is r.espectfully submitted. ~ W, 0; POJ~LOCK) Chairman. , Committee ROOlll, November, 1885. 66 ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS. REFOR'P OF SFECIAL COMMITTEE RE GAOL IMPROVF.MENTS. rl'OTH1C, "V ARDF,N AND MEl\UnmS o:~, ~rHE ELGIN COUNTY CO'l'NCIL Ge'ntlemen,-,-The Special. Committee appointed to confer with the Ipspector of Prisons re Goal Ir:nprovement beg leave to reporL I. That on the 28th of February your Committee had a meeting at which Dr. q'Rielly, Inspector of Prisons, was prese:nt, we-were unable to agree as. to what additional accommodation was required. The Engineer was instructed to prepare plans and estirnates:of the improve.. ments insisted upon by the Inspector,viz: To ooublc the present gaol accommodation by utilizing 'the present, Gaoler's resi,dence and putting an additional storey on the Gaol" to', erect a gaol kitchen, laundry, Turnkey's room, bath' rooms, Gaoler's office and residence; also of the improvements your Committee considered necessary, 'viz : to increase the gao1,accmmnodation one half, to erect' a Gaol and Goaler's kitchen and laundry,; arid Turnkey's room. After these had beenperparedyour Committee waited on the Attorney General at Toronto on the 28th of April and submitted both plans. The Com- mittee: have not heard from the Government, although they promised to send up their decision in the,matter in afewday's~:::,:;Your Commit- tee would recommend that as the Government has'forwarded their de- cision in the matter that the, increased ac'commoda.tion be not con- structed this year, but that kitchens for use of Gaol and Gaoler, with Turnkey's sleeping room and laundry overhead be constructed as. soon aspossible. Estimated Cost $2.500. All of '\vhich i;' respestfully ~umbitted. ]une3rd,1885 ,SAMUEL S. CLUTTON) Chairman. ELGIN com-rT'y COUNCILPROCEEDlNGS" 67 HOUSE OF INDUSTRY' EEPORT, :i'o 'l'IlE '\V ARDEN' AND Ml~Ml~ERS 01" 'l'l-iE ELGIN CciUN'l'Y 'COUNCIl.. Gentle!llen,-----"-The House of Industi'y Comhlittee heg leave to sub~ mit their Tenth Annual Report as follow.s :~- ' ' Y. That in their upiniori the Ratepayers and thc.' unfortunate ~o:o'r~f the County are greatly indebted to the ex~members of this Council, ~ whose efforts were sluecessful in establishing the Elgin House oflndus~ try and Refuge" which has now for ten ,years prote~ted ,and provided for such a large nUITlber of indigent persons,.at so small an exp,el1;~e. 2 Weregrethaving to report that the potato crop, which promised wellj is almobt an entire failure, owing- to the r'ot,r which destroyed, about, 2 50 bushels, and ,that consequently we will require to ,purchase the q~antity required for ,~se during the coming tvinter and spring. ' , '3. We also have to repoit th~t a large nUnlberof apple tree.:; in ~heyoung orchard have borne fI'Ult during the present year of a very lllferior qU;;Llity,and not such as it was represerited theywoul.d bear when the'trees wexe purchased. The gentlemen who furnished -the trees has' agreed to engraft' as required by your Comrlliw.::e, .free ,of charge. . ," 4.' As recommended by your'Committee last year, wc,have' dispos6cl of. the one horse and purchaseda team instead. ,This,. we tindl, isa great ,advantage to the institution, and p,lthough it rendered necessflty an additional expend!ture for wagon', mowing machine and ra~,es, \\ie consider that the better cultiva6ion of the'farm in tUtureiwill ml're than repaytheoutb,y , I ' . I! 5.\Ve have, since th,e June session 'erected an iimplenlent sh~d cost'~ ingabout$loo. This' was rendered necessary for i ;the protection of, wagons and implements belonging to the ihstitution~ Vv'e' have alsop'tuchasedsufficient :lumber and posts for':bU1icIWlg 130' rods of board fence on' the east side of the farm. 6. 'Th~ blind girl, Almeda Hart, is prog~essing favor?tb1y. at thd:' Blind Institute in Brantford,and is able to read well from raised letters. 7- We' wJuld rec)m'.n'~n.i'th~adopti'oncif' the report of the Sur 'geon of the House of lndustry arid that t.he'er~ction of 'a small dead house, mentioned therein, be proceeded~vith at once. 68 ELGIN, COUNTY COUNCIL PR,OCEEDINGS; ItI;GIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , ( --------~-.,- 8. That the report of the)nspector of the House of Industry adopted. be Malahide, ...........,......,......, . . . . . . . '" 8 Bayham",'.,..,.. .,.. .,.... .'.. ". ':' .'..'.-.'.. .'.'........ 6 South' Dorchester, ........ u" ....... .~..: .. '," 9' Vi,~nna, ................" ,', . .',. : ': . .' . '. . . ..' .'. 0, ,Sprhlgfield,. :...' .:. .', .,..,... .,..... .'. '::~:"'"'''' 2 Port 'Stanley" ...'. .,...,. ,. . ...... ... .... .... I Ayltu'er, ,...-....,.......... ~ .. . '. ,'.. .'",.'. . .. .,. 3 County Gaol",. '. . . " --, '. 0,' . . " . .... ..' . . . . 0, . . .. , . . . . . -' 1- Born in House, ..'.,.,..'.. ...,. .,'...'..... ..'.. ...'... I r 9. Thatthern:te per week. is 9.% cents lower than 1st year, ,and that 'we believe that the success (.If Institution i,s in a great measure attribc- utable to the efforts of the keeper and matronJ and the gObd hea1th of the inmates is suffcientproof that Dv. Lutol1'isnot neglecting h.is part in the management of' the institution. 10. That }'ourC6mmittE'ewould like the Council tovisit:the House of Industry duri,ng the present session. The number of inmates is now ver'y large, and ifth/ey increas~ in the future, as in the past, an ad- ditional wing will ha've to be constructed for their better accommoda- ' tion, within afew years. All of which is resjl<;ctfully submitted. ~rotal, ',' .,....... .'....... ~ .'.. .,'.62 u. Nativity of the inmates comrriitte,d, during the year :~_ Number'born ip the,Coun'ty,..., . .,........., .,.,~.2~ " . Canada", ,,',... .'....... ~'""... .:.19 " England,.... .,.'.'. . .. ..,. :',~~' ~ ~. 'J " Stotland,. '.. . . , . . . . ... .'. , . . ....~ 6 " Ireland,.- ,. .'. . . . . . .... .. .. . " . ,'. . . .' .'. 4 " Unif2dState~,....."......,~~...", 4- " of Inmates'eomri:itt~dd.uring 'the year " : ~v4o had not resided or had their fixed abode in the County for two years previous to." ad: mIssion,.......... ......'.:'..,:. ....... ,. 'IJ. " of weeks' b~~rd ofsucn,..... ".';' :' .;.234 14. Th~,variotis causes of pauperismoCthe inmates 'relieved during the yeari~,as (ollo<Vs,:~ " Sickne'ss, ," i....;.. ..,....... ..................13 D~stitutionl. .. . ; . . .... .. .. . .... . . ..'. ..';. ~. " . . .-25 Intemperance, . ... ~..: "'~l'" ~. ..'. . q. . ~', . .... 15 Lame, ....... .',..... .-~..'...... .'.. .,~'. .'.'.... .,.'. 2 Qldage"... .. . . .'.. .... .. ;,'" .., . .... ., ... ..... 5 P€lrents 'absconded, .....;..:...... ........... 5 Blind, .. . . H.. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .., . .., . . . . . , . .. 3 Idiot"ic and insane, .... .. . " . . . ~ . . . :' . . ~ ... '. ". .. 20 ' All other 'causes, :. . ' .. .. . . .: ',' . . d;,'~ .. .:. ;' .25, I", Average number of ,inmates dtlrin~ tl!e year,. ~ . . .. . . .. '. 66 r6. Keeper's family and hired help added, :............ .,.. 7,6 17. Number of weeks' board for inmates,.' ',' ... . .'.... ... .. ,.343'9 18. " weeks':'boardfor inmates, keep~rs' family,'hired help,.. .... .. ... ...... .... .. '. . " . . .. .. 3645 J. H. YAR.WOOD, Chairman. '1'\J ?1:IJ~ W'AmmN AND COUNG'lL"OF THE COUN'l'Y OF" ELGIN: Gentlemen;~The Inspector of, the Elgin House of Industry begs leave to present,the following as his anmJaI report fort1:J.e year ending' Jrst October"t88S; :_ , , I. Numbel' of inmates in, th~House of Il),dustrx at last report;.. 54 2," ., admitted during the year,... ... ... ~' ,. . . . .' ~".. 61 ,3. I" born in J:louse of Industry"..... . . . . ",' . ," . . . . . 1 4., ", Qfdeaths,,:..........'.,.......,......,~'...'.'.... 6 5. '~ ofchil~l'eli,sentout on trial,..........,.....,.. 5 6.' ,~ absconded from House, ..,. .... ... .. . ..... .... 6 7. .~ dischargedduringtheyear,~..,.. .......;...". 14- 8, H taken oULbyfriends, .'.... """ "............, 16 9. " now inHouse of Industry,....,; '," ',' ....,.. ,....\ 72 ~ TO. The number of inmates admitted fronl , the severalluunicipa1- ities 'withil1th~ County duringthe year is as follows:- Aldborough, .,...........:...,,... '. . , . . .. . ... 6 Dunwich, ..,...,....,.,....,.."........... 5 South wold, ,,:',. ,"'. . . . . . . . .'. .'.. ;__. '. . ,';. .'.,. .... . . . .10 Yarmouth, . .,.'. "\'" ....,. .'.. .'. .'....... .,'. ...'.. .10 12. r3. 69 / 7Cy, ELG1:N COU~TY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 7' ' Oats, 15obushels,..~... ......~.... ",~' .... Potatoes, '30.0 bushels,.. ..... . . " :. . ";\;. . '... ..' Mangold wurtzel, 800 bush~ls, ........... Sweec;l. turnips, IS .bushels,',. .i. .' . , .. . '.,~ .. . . . Beets, 18, bushels, .'. . . . . . . .' .:,; . .'. .1. '.I. ~i>. .'~ . Carrbts, 15 btishels,..,.....;~>...'.....'. ~",' Parsnips,lzbushels,.. :,: >,..":. ... ., ., . . ., '. .. !.: Onions,al)d b~aris, i6 bushels',. '. . . .. .. . '. .. .. 'Cabbage;' 22,5 "heaqs" ',' . . .,,: .. ., ..' ,", . ., . . .. . : Corn, 30.0 bushels;.: .'. . . . . . . . . . ~ . .. . .: . ... 45.00 19; Total expenditure during theyeat;.. '........... .$4,7Io.q. 2.0. ])~duct permanent 'improvements,...... ..$727.98 ' ," products sold, etc.,.............. 95.59 " received from inmates,.........-... "7'.0.19 89376 (, . -<----~- 21. L~aving, amount actually expended for support ofiri- mates,................. .,:...,............ ..$3,8,6.36 $ I.04Yz 5+34 , The' amonnt expended for the House and Farm is as f.o.llows:- Paid for hired' Mhor,.,.'.........,..... ._$ 123' 00 I' farm implements and expen,ses,.., 33 55 H stock,.....,...... _ _ '; . . .'. . . . . . . . 2,2 5.0 'I stationery,....... '. '. .,...........' 8, 99 H Physician's salary; drugs, surgical ap~ pliances, etc.,....~,....,.:........ " Keepers' and Matron's salary, . , . . . . " provif:;ions and' clothing, . . . . . . . . " .meat,............ '".t... ........ " bread, . .l,..,. ,..... .... ','" '.', '. .'... " ' , . , . grocerIes, .. '.. ... ',' . ,.' . ,,' . . . . . . . . . " dry ,goods," ... '.. .'... ....,.... .. " boets and \ sho'es, ..."........" " \vood, .... .,...,. .... .,... .... ... " furniture, coffins, etc., ............ H perm~ment 'improvements and repairs, " Incidental exp~?s,es,;'''''''' . .. . . "'" " conveyance of mmates to House;... Total, ...,. :,....,.: .:..,..$47<'0 'Ii 25. ])tiring\he year 9 children have attended school '755"(jiy's, pr 37~ months which at 75 cents penhohth makes tlje amQlmtdl,le school:section 14, South wold; for the pa:st year, . . . . .. ..' . . . . . " .' 7' ..' " .:. . . ... . . . ,',' . ,... .,:. ~28.3I 26, Amount of, produ'ce raised on farm during the year :- Hay, I7 tons, valued at". . .. .. .". .... .... $'36.00 Cornstalks, ...;,.,......1................ 35.0.0 -22. A ver~ge expenses per week for each person, 23. " " year I' " ~4. 120.00 '3,g' '4,5" 2'.50 3:50 16.00 6.75 50.00 'I I) ,Ii Butter made during the )'ear, $422.50 I,8ooclbs, at 'let. ;,3;6,C?,'oo" ,"',I \ $782.50 236 9i 550 '00 74'40 ,702, Qg 549 94 227 45 ~92 25 '1'20 78 4?4 25 30 75 727 98 '42,2" 48 , iZ2" ~e. 27. Numher of articles of clothing and bedding made up dnr. ing the yearby matron) .'. .... ~...,. .'. . ... .,. . ~ .',... 50S " ) 28. The furniture; provisions, etc'j on hand 1st November" are ;val:u~ ed asfollows:- Ii. 1'1] I G . d d$ ," " rocenes an ,WOO ,............ - . . . .. . . 294.04 II; Farm and garden produce,. ."...:...;. ';'.'.. 5:35.75 ,'" Farm stock andi~plements,. . . . . . . . . ~ ..: . 8I~.6o Dry goods, ... .. "'.. .. .. . . .. .. . '. .. .. . . . . 43.49 Clothing, ........,.......... ."......,.. 205.00 Stoves, tables, etc~,........... .\'~......... 224.00 Beds and beddmg,..........".......'... 368:55 Crockery, ... , . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . " . . . . 8~:45 ,. Tin\vare, .,....,..........,...' .'.,.,........ 1.9'.00 '! ',Barrels, tubs, etc.,......;............... 27.00 Shoemakersl Kif,..............;. .... .,.., 8.00 Books apd ,stationery,. . . . . . . . . \.'. .. . .. .'. . . 10.00 Dental forceps, etc,........ .'.. ... . .1. ...: .1,2.00, ',' Medicine case, ,and secretary; . .. , . . . . . '. . . ': r 20".00' I , , " , Total. .' .. ., . . , . . $2665.88 All of which is 'respectfully submitted. 1(. W : McKAY, Inspector. November '3th, 1885. 72 , ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SURGEON'S REPORT. < '1'0 TJlE WARDEN AND' COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY ,OF .EJ.GIN. Ge~tle111en,~In, presenting, this the, Ten~h A.nnual, Report of the Elgin 'House of Industry, I have, to state that I 'have paid, 63 profes- sionaLvisits,put up '361 pre:scriptions, extracted ,2' r teeth, vaccinated 65 p~~sons, opened one abscess; operated up~na leg ,[or removal; of " dead bone, attencledto fracrured skull, dressed a wound of the throat made bya knife in anatternPt made at suicide"rem()v~d a portio,n'of the ultiernerve, and ~dministeredchlproform twi~e. ' We4avehad one, birth andsix deaths duril1:g the year. The, following, is a list of those who have died, with their ages ,and Gtuses,ofq~atp.. Atldeaths have been properly register~dwlth the Regist~ar ofSouth\vold. , , I _ NAME. ~ AGE, CAUSE OB' DEAt'Ii IsaaeCasweIL..,... ...... ,.. .,..S!'........ .. '," .'..... .ParalyslS ",Cynthia Drake... .............. ,84..,............ . Senile Decay M-aryMaria, Colby. . . .. . . '.. . . . . ..27'. ....1. . . ..: c. . . . . . . '.1vletritis John S.McKenny... .,.... .... ".71... ....:.... .Chrouic, Diarrhaoa Mary Garner. ....... . ',' .1....... .65. ...., 'OJ'" ..:.;...... Dropsy D1?-ncan Duncanson. .'.. ...... "'79.,." ...~, "',"" . .Seni:e Decay ) ," '.': " " Five of:above: die~ in mid-winter~ In '76 J dieci,0'7,J, I'() died, ',78, 6 ,,,',,died,'7,91Idied,, '80 qdi~d, '819:di~d, '826 died, 'S:3 5,died, '84J3 ;",died,aQ.d'8s 6 died I making the average mor~ali'ty,for the past decade, " "", ",' ,',,(1,',.." '.- \ IO,7B per year. " ie' . OCaeute disease we have had but little save cbldsj np quinsy, diph- ttheria, p~e"pmqi1ia" ery~ipelas,'nor fever 6fauy''kind. This freedom ,.from aC,ut,e diseases is largely'due to regular habits'andgo'odsanitary :'JegulaHpi1s and 'mi:mag~me~t. Thereare atthisdatc 13 idiots and imbeciles, 3 insane,,' and 3 blind, ,jnthis :Ins'titution. The'number of inmates is gradually increasing from year to year, :aridthe necessity of e~ectinga smalIDead'H0use becomes greater. , , rhave,the honor to'be, Gentlemen, Ybur.obedient servant, .,'.. . ',' .. " ',', .- L. L{jToi",M. D. ELGIN' COUNTYCOUNC[L ,PROCEEDINGS. 73\ COUNTY SOLICITOR'S OPINION HE LONDON AND POWI' S'1'kNLBlY GRAVEL l\OAD. ' , / To 'l'HE Cou~'rY COU~,()lL O~' ELGIN, Gentlemen,;;'---J\rlr. McKay handed me a resolution passed ,at the last meeting of the Council for thepurpase of ascertaining \"hat authority the County hastotompel' the lesses of the Loridon and Port Stanley gravel road to putthe road.in a proper state of Tepairun- der the lease' m,ade between the County and the late Robert Hepburn; if the road is at ;1ny time out of reasonable repair for the space of', one month, the Council may,' at its' option;, declare the lease void andrre. sume posession of the road. Abreach by the lessees of the covenant to,repair op~rates as a forfeiture of the lease at the option of the Coun- cil, ~nd subjects, the lessee to, damages, but I am of the opinion that the> Council has no power to compel them to, repair the road: The Council may also avail itself of the pr~)Visions of the' Joint Stock Road Companies' Act, Chapter 152 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, upon the requisition., of twelve Freeholders residing in the County to the County Judge, Section 127 of that Act inakes the provisions of- See~ tionsg8 tp I 26'indusive, applicable tothe l'Oadin question. The,lat~ ter would be an indirect course.' of procedure, but it may be more satis~ factory than the' other. i i January ',6th, 1885. JAMES 1"-1. G r..ENN, County Solicitor \