1886 Minutes PROOEEDINGS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, ,~ DURING THE SESSIONS, HELD IN THE .., (Sou~tQf{OU~0, St.\.9h01#(l,~, , ELGINC()UNTY LIBRARY ., IN THE MONTHS<?,F ."" January, Juneand~oveniberI1886. ";r ' , 1(. W. McKAY, , CLERK. JAMES HEPBURN, WARDEN. ST. THOMAS, ONT. THE 'TIMES STEAM ,BOOK A.ND JOB PRINT, AlC):~I!'Jr{~ .'4 ;,.-, ill I~,: t' ~ <:'"j PROCEEPING$,OF THE ElginCouniyCQllDcil. JANUARY SESSION, 1886.. j,., , FIRST. SESSION~FIRST DAY. ,Ty~;day,the26t4 J a~~ary,I886., ;--:"" ''',''','-" "",' "'''--',: <"...... <!,",,:.. -" .-",1',...." :', ,:,'" The members el~~t ~i th~"Cou~~i1 'of the'Mu'n'icip'al C'orppratio'I:1:,oJ , ,~h~;Gou~ty 9f E~gin"met.- tp.is, 4ay:.jt1 ~he ~ourt House, St. Tli9m'~s, at twoo'clock,t~ft~t,I?:~on,:<"'" '<',':,;, " ,"'. J e'i': '. ,,' : I ';'Thd611owing' Re~vi!s'aM Deputy'Reeves filed' certificates and took theIr seats at the Council Board. , \ ' , : -' ,::':': DANIEL ~AINg,.. :'..~ ....';,;. ',", :fit,~EYB".,.,.,.. ..~ ..~. ~.,..,.,ALDBOROUG~. .".... P4~~~L ~~L~i;N, "",' :,~.; ,':,.. '18T,p~p~~YREEVEJ,: :~. :,' :'< ' ~IICHAEL MILLER. .... .,!.'..'. 2ND-'Di;pm REB-VEJ,'.:. ~H J:),.,,~.RU~H:YE~,.. ,M.D., ";':.'" R~EVE~.. ",' . . . . ',',; :,. . :DU~WIcH 'DUNCAN McPHAIL;';.':. ;': .I~ 1sT DIlll>UTY' REEVE', ; .'l. ." ",H, '.'...'..... ZACHARIA McCALLUM, {i,-T.' .2N:[)DEPnTY HEEVE', :~':-. .'.i:>:' ,"; ~,I ".,'1 .!. . . . DUGAJ~D"MdCOLLy.;;. .::. .)~;: RBEV,E,~',.,~..,~;. "',' ..'.:... ',SOUTH:WPLI? JOHN 1\:NDR:E.WS,~.~ .(. "~':" lsr;'p:t,~RTYiREI~r,E._.:,.",,:, ." THOMAS JACKSON:J;:,.,.,,2~p;o,~pr~,:r-R~,Jl:VE.. ,",] ," JAMESHEPBUltN;::,"'r' . 'ItEE~~,",.... '. .... .:'. .Y:'A,RM?UTH........ ;\ ;', ';, J" ,,~:,;, L...,:, "',": , ;:' , -,II "" .p', PO~L<?CK,. .....:~ . ~: . . . l,~~" DEPlJTYREEV~__ . . . . . , i ;: :JAMES"H: YARWOOD;. ..-.'21'm!DJ:PUTY'REEVE;. ;:.' u" B. F. HATHAWAy,........ 3RDDEPUTVREEVE..,.... H, .'.~'... SHELDON,'WARD,:.'...'.'..;. ;:REEVEj';.;,.,'. .;'. .'.:;<.\.'MALAHIDE ..~...,. RICBARDLOCKER, ....,... 1ST DEPUTY ItEEVE...... II ;...'.. ROBERT ABELL,...... ...... 2ND DEPUTYRBEVE...,.. II -K 4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PRdCEEDlNGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. BAYlIAM Moved byC. Sinclair, seconded by J. C! Dance. That S. S. Clt)tton, Reeve of Aylmer, pe added to the Committee to strike Standin'g Committees~Carried. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton. That tp\S Council receive a Deputation from the Vienna High School afthree o'clock -to-marrow-Carried. Moved by J. H.,Har\V~od,secondedby ,B., F, Hathaway. ~~at J. C. Da~de' b'e' adci~d t6' :Co\ri~'ittie appointed to strike Stafrdlug' ;Gomrriitte6(s~Carrie<l. M.9,v~dbyJ. H3~r\Vood,~econded by W. O. PoHock. TiUlt the' cOl~niunicati,~~~':b'e 'laiq..',o~~~:u'ntil :tb-mofro'Y,;in" brder to . all?Y": the e9ll);m,itte~, appoU1t~d'" to': strik'e '~tanding "Cottnnittees ::f9 'ineet,and thatth'eCdLir1'cil',ctdjour'u' to meet 'at 9:r;a,mi tQ-n:lorr,o:vv~ Carried.' ,;f"(:'-' ""!:"':: ," :;;",i 'I': ,;~FI; ,'.:,',' "',',.-',' HENltY Sl'R,ATTON,.,.... .. Rlr.EVE... H. T. GODWIN,<. . . . , . , ' .. 1ST DEPUTY REEVE. WILLIAM BACKHODSE.... 2ND DEPUTY REENE, JAMAS C. DANCE,..,."".. REEVE..".." ,.." . ,SOUTH DORCHESTER WILSON McCREDIE,.... ". DE:PUTY I{,EEYE.,., SAMUEL S. CLUT'rON....,., REEVE.,.,..,. ...,., ,'.. AYLMER COLI.., SINCLAI,l}'7 ':"'>" :,. D~1;PY~Y",'B:'lllEVE:.;.:.,,: r'i'~: 'I .. R, L.McCALLY,. '.'.. '..,' ... REivE:..... ,'.. .~.' ......,.- VIENNA WILLIAM McINTOSH,.... ,. REEVE..,........,..,. ..SPRINGFIELD .,.... M.A.NUE,L PAYNE,... /:,>.,. REEVE....,....,. ,1;",;\,. . PORT STANLEY;\':;:\i'. """ ,....,,'" ", ,,; ", '" \ " :" " A,:t N. C;\ BL:A*lQ,.."., ;,'" .~.. REEVE",~.,', ~.," .,.... <:.. < Du~'rON~,.!, 1;,'-(-' \j ,;:',t,\,;';j \,-:ii"..,P,y\' l:.:;: ,;': \:~;/ t;,i,: to) ;,' ~1 The' members were called to 'brcler the Clerk'ifl the chaiR""';,. /', Messrs. McColl,~epburn, Lang,D~n~e, R.~, IVIcCaUy, 'Stratton, Black, Dr. Ruthven 'and ~S;,IS~Cltittonwen~ [/;theh nominated for ofiice of Warden, all of whom resigned except Messrs. McColl, Hep- burn, Dance and McCally,' --' ,. Messrs. Y arwood.'a'rid' 'Locker w'eri:.~:apl)oint.ed>scrutineets. '~'Jle,elt::c:,tionof'r~rdeT1bY,9~llo~ :was then proceeded with and,at the i=iixth bididtJ'aluesHepburh,'Weeve of Yarmouth, having received :'11~1ajClI'i.tyof t~~,yotes ,~J the.Council qeclared duly elected by 'th~:.:S:li~'~~::;" ',',' ""';;:':""; :', ,.1 ,,'/,' ',,:, ''';,:' ,,::, ".:",j,:);: i:', , .' i "c"':', !',~' '~,j'-' The Warden' elect made the'decla'ration or-office'befo're \His Honor ! ' ","" ,~ ::',":,:: ',', , ", " <,:' "I.! ' , Judge Hughes, took the chair and addressed the' Couricil;" " " , The minutes':of.:theJastd,ay', qf.. ,t,J;l,y,"'~Qye~~,e)': :,$e?,~\9,lf.!wer:,t;:l';read and confirmed. ' ',' " '\',;,1:' 'X n,; Th~;fl)llowin~ Communications:~ere read: Fr~m"Cou~ty of P,e, rth, re-a, 111, 'C,l1dn1c"n, Lta, 'MunidpaJ, ,'~tt, ~ I,~',', ,', ", .," , , ,': '/,' .- i ,',' ::',,', ,,' ',,:','- "'~,, ;, ", , .,\:" ,',',' ';' '.' , ," From Thomas 'Gordon,' Ow~~,' ,S~)U~q 'Farmers', ': <fn~'trtpte;,: ,~'e;S;~qck J.~ws: :<J""i1jn,:.. ',"",:,'.,' ':" ".,,'i',:, __ ij'i:,:"',,!,::~.~t':'i":;:':":,~i"'; , From D.1(', iv~d(evzie, ;c:n~'~J11,~~ ~t; 'r~?,~.a~,:~9,~~,(LRf[ ~~~:s~tf<?? From Prisoners' ,Aid Association;ToI-ont,Q.,'.' i,\.,t'i I.",b\l f.,::.i (11<>;' Fro1U'e'oi.uitY'Grey-re~amendmel1t;,t6 the Munidpal:1\tt. (',; j, From To;;nship"of 'I..ork :te~'a,me'n'-d~'~nt .to'Mtln-icrp~l' 'A~t;' , ~,;;((),::. . From.A'"Mplntyre,"I\Jsiddt)ttt;tonHigh'SchO~V:':""};' t, .' '"~I, ,;;)',1' Mo;ed'byM.Payne,secop<;l"a,"'ylt LOCKer. ," '."',','. ,,"..," -',' ..1,...-..:,,1(,...,(. __ i',;,(,'.,'....:q'j , .That the' W~rden, PJl111ejia ;,t:;pmlll,i~~ee. t?, sir'~~e, ,:, 9t'a~4i~g',: ;q,~pt~ mlttees-Carned. , ),~n... \ .,'; The\Varderi'uppointed Mes5rij,~ Stratton, ,Ward/,' ~:I?oI19Ck,: J,.f.~ng:,:apd McColl. 'ii: " k.W. 'MfK.AY, Gount1 Clerk. .'ir:, i); JAMES. HEPBUR,N,.." i Warden. "",1;' ',<;,; I:;;: i':: ",.,1 J;' J,",if. :'i t..{"i:' 'j .~ ,! 5 I, , \', '! ,ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , , FIRSTSESSION-cSECONDDA Y. Weduesd.y, the 27th Janua:ry, ,188,6<,,1 Moved by W. Bockhouse seconded hy H. Stratton. Th~,tth,is;~CollI~cil-aPP?iqt, G~orge Suffe,l~s, Auditor of the accounts 'ofAdministratio~of Justice'forthe:'yea'rISS6.,' ,,', ~ .:, :',' __ ",-,IKAME~D~EN'fFIRST Moved by, S. S. Clutton,secordeq by'Col. Sinclair; Tl1at Mr. M~La~s be' ~ppointed Auditor'" ~f the Amihistratioh '6:{ Justice accountsforthe present,year., i, , , . ," ; IN AMENDMENT, SECQNl), Moved by D.G. Ruthveri, secohdedby A.N'.C. Black, That Mr, Donald Call1Pbell. ofWallacetdwrii be appointed Ailditor of the Administriltioh ofJiIstieef:\-ccounts .foJ,"~l1~"pr~s~n~ y~ar., ' " !!..:Original:ID()tiQh a,ndsecond q.mendm.e1)t lost,. "First amendment carried~ - I ",' " "'!',",,""',',',I,',',":":::":'I.:'::,I;".;.," RepOrt of Special Committee appointed to strike Standing c:;om. rilitteeswas the?pres~nted aI1? adopted oh'ri16tion6f':Mr;"'Ward seconded by Mr." Andrews. r ,'; , i, , ! ':, 'Mov~dbY'JohnAndrews,s~conded byD.McCaUI That thedepui~tior .rr~mth"St. Thom.s' High' S2hool, Board he heard 'to~morrow ;~ornhlg,at;. ten' b'dock~Carri~d:; I' J' ':. [!,,~ I ,TffE,fq~L9\ViN.? ~()~,M,y~I'CATW~~,:~:EitE' ,fliE:N "~~'A~' 'By:i :THE,~iERK. ',:.,~;r~m ,~;il~iGI~pr~y>jr~~;~~~~ ,r~'~~~,e~4#ii~,t 'to )?it~hes', .~~~:. ,W ~ter Courses Act.' Refe,r~ed !,:t? ,C()l)11.)1Itt~,e "'on'Pe,tltl()?S,and 'LegIslation by motion of J.Ardrews, sec9~d~d!)yW.O: Pollock.' i "';, :Fr<?lp To\Vnship p(.y p~k:r~-ameridment,tO"Municipat,A~d 1: Referred 'to Committee otl' 'Petition arid''Legls1ation ,; onmotiori ofiMc€redie ,econded by J. Andrews. . " , i::, ",~9biil:r4Iqp1~~:q6rd()h~ecretary:' Owehl~dund jFarme'~s' " Institute. Referrec1'ib'Comtnfttee on 'Petition 'a'nd'Legislation'oh n1otion,of:,Mr. Dance seconded by Mr. Ward. .1,(!t I From Cotirit}/6r'~Gtey:'te~v~cati6n .in';Schools,-jn ,R qral',Districts. "~~feiredC:~Ci,',El;1ucati6~al:C6mn)ittee;on,moMon of J.G.I?1:lI1Sft s~cpnded 'oj"D;'McLe.tiJ;;:" ii, ' :,FromA.McIntyre, resigning position as Trustee of Dutt'on'High "Schob'l.""'Referted'to Edueatidrial Cotiimitte91Ullptiol1 ,0fR. ,Locker seconded by H.T. Godwin. ' , '" "". From Jairiesj;'Stant:pn,.:Ol-erk':oL .the,:Pe,~ce,' .~ith,extr<1ct:'.'lrom . presentiment~bf(GI'a,m:liJ,p:ry.;: q:g,~f~r~r4 tqp,o~l, ,Co:~~nitt~,~ ,o~, ,motion of M. Payne seconded by S. S. Clutton. ' , , , . From Prison.ers: lAid:, Assq<1latiQ,n', 'Tqrpnto" ,,'.' r~qlt~~,~ing ,', :d:p~';ti on. , " ." ',.','," .. ',"; ::' ,,' ,., ,i ,..,", .. The Elgin County, c:;qun~i1 p~ttl'is d~y ~<:c?rding ,to adjournment. J ames: Hepburn; ,~sq.",W ardenl It;l: the, ch3:Ir.,, :"" '," '-',' '. M'embers' present:~Messl:s; ,Lang, ,,- .', rv~~Leaq, ',', ,.~ill,er', Rut~v~'n, McPhail, McCallum, McColl, Andrews, Jackson, Pollock, Yarwo'od, Hath~w,aYl ,Ward, Locker, Abell, Stratton, Godwin, Backhouse, Df!.nce,McCredie, McCally, McIntosh, Payne) 13lack,): CluttoI1) Sinclair. . The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Moved by R. Rocker, seconded by Wm. McIntosh. That T. M. Nairn be appointed Auditor of the County accounts for the year 1886 at a salary of forty dollars-Carried The' Warden then nominated Mr. D. McNish as the other Auditor Moved by S. Ward, ,econded by H. T. Godwin. That S. S. Clutton be appointed Auditor for the Administratiou of Justice accounts for the present year-Carried. .. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by, Thomas Jackson. That John King be appointed Auditor of the Administration of Justice account for the ye'ar 1886. IN ANENDMENT, FIRST. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. O. Pollock. That J. P. Martyn be appointed Auditor of the Administration of Justice accounts for the present'year. IN AMENDMENT, SECOND. Moved by Samuel S. Clutton, seconded by Dr. Sinclair. That Mr. McLaws be appointed Auditor to audIt the Administration of Justice accounts for the present year. IN AMENDMENT, THIRD. Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by Daniel Lang. That J. W. Cook be appointed Auditor of the Administration of Justice accoJlnts. OlHr.TNALMOTION,AND A~f~NDMENTS LOST. 7 I, I'i 'I I ',,", 8 ELGIN COUNTY COtJNCIL'PROCEEDINGS; .,:()j,' .'V')'-' tj " Ii b, r' ~: ~i ~i II 'I l I' il II ~ II I, I , , :,r;; :" >i";;'ill.,'~: ,:'; i'~,""';":::':'" (" ' ,''''i "';"",,,,_,j'i' Referred to Goal Corrpllitt~.e ~mt;n(?:t,i,o~..pf~.: IyIcCally 's,,~.s9~<4~q ~y M, Payne. " ' , ,,' , .. "\ ""',,<,',",,,', , . Th~ Clerk th~~,:,r~~,d, CQml11~~i'<;fliipn.,'.f~~p,', r,cqu,Ilty, ~olki!i~~" re- ,lllega\ltyptfl~-I,a",stoLi~e~se\la",kers and Pedlars. '" ", _" .,.' __,' ,",,',",', ,.' ,,::'__";.',!i, : "',"J,',,,: ',1',' 1,"':'1 Moved by D. McColl, secondeilbY,W,' M,C<::redi". .', 'That a Special Comrrlittee;c'Oinposed'o:CJvIessrs. McCally, Payne and Black he appoiritedto'.draft a ~y,;La"'r,,~pl'\ti.ng th~ Jet? tp, b~<i)mged Hawkers anil,Pedlars Inlbe C,0unty.,-Camed.., . " ' .. .' ','" " " ",.' ..",':,' '. , !, ;', "": i ' ; "', ;' i "~" " 'i i:" ,: :,. :..' ,;, : Moved'by M:'PaytI~; secondedbyA:'N.iC Black.,,,: "'!'i' T'ha:t 'this t'd~i:nci(d.ci': now"a1djourritiUI21:gO' p.m.. lini:'or'der;! tor allow Committ~e to get to work-Carried. .':}:,:In: (:',", I" "'-"""',' "':',:-, " !",' i,t.heCoun,~jri'e,~~m~(la'~',;i'.~:3:? :'1 )'", ,'L!, Moved by H. T. Godwin, Seconded' by:H" Stratton.: That W. Moore' be howia\~owed ;!t,o~~address:<,this,'Goul1<::,il;; ,,~lw:ied. Mr.':Mo'oreithen;i'addressed the CQuncilrequesting refund of. ex* . ".; ,':,."..."';','..',. "",",,'1 ,;,'..,",:..',;':,'"';.,.-',:,',,:':,',.,j,,,:,'c penses Incurred m..cq,n'l~ctmg;P~,)3~ltJ~ri f9,~ }n:-rlll'~'!?1 ~,~~,A~\~?~.(:,; Moved by D. IJIi\c,C;o)I,,?ecpnd~d i?y,,'T!W,II)~s Jackson., ",)" "."..__":,'...," "',,:!;,',, ,),.\ .1/" ,(', '",)'" ',' ;', 1" ',:'That:t4,~' a.1?PF(>a,t~or tot~t:'i ,~oqreJoYf ,r7!?~,~er~~~~11' '\ ~~~. ti~,~', :~nd 'monel spent,,!\> \!~SI?;; 'i ~, ,tlk Pi\\11~~"\,,i?9,s11,'ii;e,!o, fils, ,?~t'hplltll~pS be referred to C9n.1m.l~t~~:~~! ~~r~W;f~iO,)S~~p,~1,.::,^,', :'~'::.' ,-':",10., Mo~ecl'b~Jpl1n#mlr~1Ys"is'i~BH\j~q,9,~ ir?ti,~f??l1., T J' , ''ThattheDep~tatIon f""m~,tl;1~),]j)ut\8!' f,\j'&i?J&~hRpl. ~~ii ,R?))',Ji~~rd as t.hey are Inwaltmg-Carned. ?'J/~)~i"Jj;,:\ ) v:: 'd;(... Messrsdacksonand,l)1cC;o.l1)tb,e!IJIIl'J.9I! ~tar!,~"pt~I,r~?p~9tin,& the 'I?utton:High School, and, ptep~/)twl i t[ePP!I, sP.9t\"il1l'i:,fir~r9,i~1 :fonS1i- tlon., , .J:n,;V/ "l'f:;;'";":,:~,:,:,,,,,\,;' "f;;Ji~ 'Mo~edby 'T~o~a:sJacks0!1,s~co!I4,d,byD.,M~C;?lk'(i . : That 'theripplication for'assistance :madeiby ;', the..:! :p,~p\l,~~ti9n;(f~9m Dutton High School Board be referred to the EducationalQOIrll1Ii,tt,ee ;'Gar~j'ed;;.<,f) ,:()'" ",',' .l!"';~"h;, ~l:", " '})""'''' ,J\ [-,',C,'I; - 'Mr. McColl'preserited 'Petition: with[refereuce,toJl;1,,',;Wen!1~,J'!.igh . School. .ili'i'::,;;::).' ! ':: :,"IvI6~~'d":bY)"V\fni. ,~aekh~use~ se~orided\ by! Jj'j, ,~~:rattqn.: 'f Ii:' ,'i" I ',' Th~t the depatittdf{fr6m the, i:Yt~ril}a 'Fighi Sthool-:be:n~vii.heardr-- Carri~sl.:",:<.", "",' J!;",i',,:J J', ,';]j;((;:)":,~ ";,T<L ,i/,,'lG Messrs; Mi1ler',-'Elnery;'Suffel, McBride 'and!Jd'tl1ers: : then addressed the Couneil urging them to re-consider t'he action taken at the January . -~ ~-~. ...,Q.R.,. ,'with _reference.to the,Yienna High School. Iii Ii' ii I' ri I , i" 'I , :,1 II !i 'i "i !j II il Ii 'I " 'ELiJIN' COUNTY' odu NOlL" PROOEEDlNGS. 9 Moved by J.'e Darice; secol1ded by D. Lang. That thec;lail1l'9f De~u~ati?n" from Vienna be referred' to' ;the Educational'Cumrnittee'--Carried;' , .lVloved by I-r[ T. Go'~win) setondedby W. Bhckhollse. _That the' Clerk prepare 'a'B:y-Iaw to 'confirm BiJaw No, 433 6f.'the To>>'n~l~.ip~f Bryy,h,~m, 1?~ssed August3rd, J 885, beiry.g a: By~law)o re- ,:cpena road through lots No. 17,18 and 19)pp~e' loth Goncession of Bayham-Carried; ,', ", The Clerk then read Communication from the Canada Land Law Amendment Assodation,-'Toronto. , Moved hy J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. O. Pollock. That th.e Communication from the Land Law Amendrnent Association 'bereferred to Committee on Petition and Legis'lation- Carried. ' Moved by W. McIntosh, seconded by J. C. Dance. That a petition be presented by this Coimty Council to the Local Legislature at itsnext.session praying that such Amendments be made to the Municipal, Act as will tend to reduce the size of County Councils and thereby lessen the great and unnecessary expenditure now incurred in' the Government of Counties and that this Council suggests in said petition that in its opinion 'such desired effec~ can be best secured 9Y one Representative only from each Municipality, being a member of the County 'Y,ouncil' such representative being endowed with voting power in proportion to the population of his Municipality. AMENDMENT, Moved by J. H. Yarwood, Secended by D. McColl. Thatthe resolution moved by Mr. McIntosh 'with regard to petitioning the Legislature to reduce the number of County Councillors be referred to a Special Committee to beappoirited by the Warden to report tu-morrow~Carried. The Warden appointed Messrs. McIntosh, Barkhouse, c..,utton, Hathwayaud McColl. The Clerk read a report from the Gounty Treasurer. Referred to Finance Committee on motion of Mr. Back,house seconded by' Mr. Miller. Messrs. Backhouseand God", in gave notiCe that they would to- 'morrow apply for a grant of sixt.y dollars in favor afV\'illiam Moore, of Bayham. Mr. McCally presented petition sighed by a large number of rate- payers in the CountYTequesting the Council' to recommend the ap~ pointll1ent of ~ County Police Magistrate referred to Committee on xo ELGlNCOUNTY COUN,CIL PROCEEDINGS, :d ili:1 ,,!! Iii "I :1:1 ;111 Petitions and Legis1ationon motion afMr., .Backhouse, se:yon~~d, by Mr. Locker. Moved by J. H. Yaxwood, seconded by B,F.;Hathaw~y, That the. Council adjourn to meet at ten. ,o'clock to~morro\V, morn~ ing ,ino.r4er to' giye Com.mittec::s an opportunity t? 1p-e~.---:-Carrjed. I: , I '! Ii , :! ii " !: I: K. W. McKAY, County Clexk. "JAI 'ESlIEPBURN, 'Warden. , , I il I i I " i.:'; "i ;i!i 'HI iii iil :,:1 :;: ii I 'I!i :! I: , FIRST SESSIQN--THIRD DAY. ,I" , ,Thursday" 28th JaquarYd886. ", .. ,"' ", " ,', ,,,...<,, : ,',' ,"-':: ':',," 'The County Council ofthe County of Elgin me,\this,day' accol(iing to adjournment. 'James, Hepburn,. Esq .,' Warden,; in: ;the :c~a~r; Members' present:.,l.;.. Messrs':, Lang;' ,McLean", ,Miller,:" ,R}lth:Vl.::n, McPhaillMcCal1um. McColl, Andrews, J ackso,u.., Pol~o.ck, Xaryvood. Hathaway, Ward; Lpc\q~r;. Abell,~~rattonl(}od,~~n, Ba(:1}119use'iD-~nce, McCredie, : McCally, Mclnto~h'PJaY,ne; Black,,:, 'C~u~to~\':~ax~4' pin~lair. The proceeding~::of,the",previbus,:day:\ve,re read"apd ~o.nflr!-TIe~.' ' , Moved by S. Ward; seconded by 1<. Locke\', l , Th'.tthe Deputation fr6mthe St""ThQmas, ~ollegi.te Institute Board be now ,heard~Car'ried. ' , M~ssnL';, 'M,cKenzie" Miller j "and: Midgley ,tl:1en:' )lddressed',' the Council, respecting:th~:grant to the St.', Thomas, ,Gollegiate" In~titu~e and presented their annu8:t report, which was, on m,9tion,of Mr. Pollock, seconded by,'M.r;,;Locker,ref~rred to,the"Edll(:,at,icmal Com- mittee. ", , '"I;".',.. The Clerk read ,communicati()n.,frotp, .Dominion G?vern'ine'nt ;re~ Indian and Cplo~i~l Expi])itio,l1,,\yhich was,'o~'motioh of,Mr~ Back- hOUSe; s~coqc1ed'qy :rYli.:,:f'~ll9C~l 'r~f~rred tp a'Special Committee to be appomted bythe\<Varqen. ".' .' , ..., The Ward~q appbinted Mess\'s.'Backhouseandl'ollbck a.Special Committee. " . The report"bfthe'Public ImI?rovements Committee " was then ':' pre~ s'ented and 'ad ;-.pted' on motion' oLMr.: Dance, se<;:ond~d by Mr. God~ win. T~e 96'i11'rriittee o~Petiti?ns','and;" Legisla~ion pres~nted their" first report,: and 'onmdtion of Mr, McCally,se.conded by ,iMr. Andr,ews" it, was adopted. Mr. Godwin, of Bayham, gave notice,that,he,wop14 'alwly for a grant of fifty dollars fox the support of an idiot child of one James Ribble. Moved by R, Locker, seconded byW.t<i[clntush. That'wedonowadjournuntil,twpo'clock to ,give th,e coiincilan opportunity of:visiting the go.al~carried. ' , The Council visited the,goal qndre~u))1ed business at tw~ o'clod~. 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Mr~ Payne, Reeve of Port Stanley, presented petition sigl1C:.d by ratepayers of Port Stanley andvicin:itypraying that the Council petition the Dominion Government t'J remedy grievances respecting harbor tolls, etc, C:lpt. Pollock addressed the Co'ul1cII in support of the petition. ' .- i ',' ,"" , , " ,",', ", ,'..'".-.'.l Moved by M. Pay.ne, seconded by Thomas Jackson. ''fhatthe'prayefofthe'petitl'on from the inhabitants of, Port Stanley begra~te'd, andthatthisCouncil request the sitting membG:fs to lay the matt~r l'>ef?re' t11e:.- Domininioll;:Goverrimenf and,:__iurg~-",tl)a~;' ;the prayer: ',of the, I)etitioll, ,be granted~~ar,ried., ; .-,' I,') i '(': The:re'portof ~he Educa1ibn Committee was thenread,and.", fyferred to'C?o:mitte~\)?E:the ,whole>" \ ':the :Yla~4~b,app~in,te:d; ShefdoJ:l,Wflrd dhairlp~n~' , .Aftevdiscussi~' g the report, Claus'e'lbY, J<;:raus~, 'the committ,~e : rose , and', th'e 'chairman reported' the' report' as' presented wi thout arr;t'endrhentl, : 'J JYI?ved b~':\V.Ba,ckh6(iS~e';<seconde-cfby'Dr.~.Sipdair:., " r~;" That the report"of theCommitteeoLthewhole" be ,a<:lopt,e}l- C~rri~d. "" , '; , ",' ;' 'Yeas~;.=;.1~ackhdps~, ,'Mc(]a'lly, 'Stratton;Ward,',Mc:Tntos)1,,;A,qeU, M~Callul~,,',~1 McPhail;, :,:Rl~thvehj 'L0cker,J;'aynej' ,Blaqki: Godw~n, Clutt6,n'; Sincla;r, McCredie; "nani:'.e~ 1:7. :f.ia'ys.--'Hathd{\.lty,'Larig, McUean/"Yarwdocl,' iPollock; Jackson, p:.n41~e:ws-l. :v1e~oll~8,'",,;, , -1\~?VeAiby:I-L!:.'qb~.,yrri"seco'~~ed:hf::fr::sg~tt6n; Tha..t ,l:;y,-l~w N,O~:A:~obe,ing ,a ,byJ!lWJ9~C()#firtn, ,~;y:la}V ,N().' {33,'Or the Township of Bayham be received an~, r~~4,~ .fi,r~t,fi:me~Garded. j, :Mqy.e,d 9yJL f:ltmt.~on'ls~~?l;I;?ed:?~}:I: 't'"H?~\Vl~'." , ' , '! That By~law NO..420 be read a second time~C~rriecL" 'Moved J)y H., T;:Godwin, ,s~qonded,t'YJ Vy"J;l,afkh9~,~e. ThifBy-b wNo',')420be, read,' a.,thii'd, tim,e['; ~n~'J,;,~,n,ai.iy, ;p'q~s~;c,lT Carried. The ,Coininitte~ 'o~" '. 'Mr;"Mt:ln~osh's",re,soll1tiiJI1': :r:,~-reduct..ion of nurnber ofrriembers of County. e0undils, then"Pt~s~n,tE:d th~,i.r;~~p,ort.,< Move:4 by B.F.I-lathaway, seconded by John Andre\vs;; 1'bat the report be adopted., . .' " . IN ,AME~~ME#T~ 1;lovecI by Z. McCiIllum,seedndedDy R. AbelL That' the resolution ofMr: M.cIntosWs' 're:..reduction of, members of Couuty Councils be referred,' to- Committe of the whole. AMENDMENT LOST; , ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 13 Main motion. carried on the following division: Yeas.~McCally, Backhouse, Stratton, Ward, Payne, Locker, Black, Ruthven, H atha,vay, Yarwood, Pollock, Sinclair, Andrews, McColl, CluttOtl, ,~cCredie" M,~~~an~,I?-,,:, @ Nays.~McInt~sh, 'Abell, McCallum, McPhai'I' Godwin, Lang, Dance--,----,--.7. J i ':,J Moved by H. T, Godwin, seconded by H. Stratton. That 350: c{hjiesiOf', the Auditorsl '~eporfsbe ,printed: tl;nq ,circu~ated among the memberslofthisCouncil~Carried" ,'. l\1:?Ved byR. Lscker, seconded byR.Abi':ll. : That.Andr~w,,;C., La~r b:~: gr~nte:d: a-- free" Hawkers;; and11edlars' li~~n~er()rth,yyear I;~86+Sfrn~d,', "" "'; " ,'" ~loved byp. Q. Ruthvep, ~ec?~deil, by D: McPhail.' " . " Tbat-At;c;:,hiba}q...M~l!~r,lt?e,'e:~'\Y~l1acet,own,I, be",:?rarited: al free Ha\yk~:~f,an,,4'J?,~dl~rs'hcense,for, th~ year 18,86~C~rnl;',d~ , Moved b~ s. S. Clutton;' sec~ride<:l byW"McCreoie. ,I That J oseph H;~, ~r9'fn, bei gr~nt~'~',~, free Haw~~rs' arid Pedlars' J)censefor the year I 8~,6~C~iried: ' ',", ,'," , I Moved by H. T. Godwin, sec6ndeaby H. Stratton. That Thomas " ~oach~e granted' a free Hawkers' and pedlars License, fo~,th~ :yearI'8B'6~Carried. 'The ,report" of (the Special, Eomi:nittee re~ColQQi~l, ftnd", ~.n~dian Exhibition was'then 'preserrted,anJ adopted onmoti.on of MJ:~,~~Gk- h'ouse; seconde9.-byMr.. ,Pollock. Moved by W. O. .Pollock, seconded by Dr. Sinclair. That this Council'a'djourn:until'nineo.'clock to~nwrrow; tl}o~n~qg~ Carried. ,,\ ':'i' K. W. M,cKA):", COllnty Clerk. JAMES H.EPBURM. , 'j Warden. . ,"" ' FIRST SESSION-FOURTH DAY. }<'riday 2\t\ January, 1886. The County Cbuncil of the County OJ Elgin m~t this day at the Court House, St. T'hom~s"accdrdi'ng to adjourpTI.1ent. James",Hep- burn, Esq., Warden, it). :t)1echair. Melubers present:..,.Messrs. Lang, McLe;n, Ruthven, McPhail, McCallum, McColl, Andrews, Jackson, Pollock, Y:mvood? Hathaway, Ward, Ahell, L()~ker,,?trtltt()n, -,Godwin" Ba~khouse,'Dance,McCredie, :!v1cCally, ,McIntosh,Clutton, SinclaIr; Payne 'and Black. , , """.-.-" ';',", ',:c, "'"'' '..", ..,' ,'....:' The proceedings, of the preyiouf day were read andcon,fi.rmed. The Clerk read communIcation from CoL Ott,er reqtlesting grant qf$,IP: to "Q-ntario:lZifle ~,ssociation., ,',' Moved by J. C. Ilance, ieconded by J.c:r;ocker. That Col.' Otter's request be,~ot entertain~d: IN ,AM~NIJM.ENT. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by WIl). a.. Pollock. 'rhat ,this Council grant the sum of ten, dollars ,to\he Ontario Rifle A'ssociation'._MainmotlOncarried. ,Amendment lo?t;,,' , The Special (~ommittee appointed:to"'considerBy~Law licen,$ing . Hawkers and Pedlars then,presented,their,report. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by A. N. C. Black. That the report be adopted. IN AMENDMENT. 'Mbved by. W. O. Pollock, seconded by H. T. Godwin. That we go in~o Committee of the whole on report of Special Com- mittee-:-Amendment carried. The'Council went into Committee of the whole'and -the Warden appoi1}ted D. McColl, Esq., to take the chair. After amending the report the COmmittee rose and the chairman reported the report as amended in Committee of the whole. Moved by D. McColl, seconded by W. O. Pollock. That the report of the Committee of the whqle be adopted- Carried. The Commilteeon Finance then presented their report. ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 15 Mov,q by M. Payne, seconded by S. S. Clutton. That,the Finance'Committee r~port bead,qpted;, INA;MENDMENT. , 'Moved byJ, H. Yarwood, S,econded by B., F,. HatllOway. That the Council go int9 Committee. of the whole on report of Finance Committee-Amend.n;ten,t, carried. '," " The Council went into Comtnittee of the' wh.ole,Mr.: Backhohse in the chair. " ,'i ' After am~nciing"th,e report ,thet'mn-mitteeirosei,I'~m4 the chainnan 'r~ported,thereportas,amend'ed. "'" ,'",,,, "',' ,,' Mo~e(l by 'w. Backh~use, second,edbyJohn Andrews,' ",' ,,' ",;;",'.'.,' .-, That the roport of Committee ?fthe whole be ,adop\c;d-..-Lost: Nays:-r:-M~Cttlly, 131ack) ~tratton ,Godwin,'Payne, ,:'Lo'clf-:er",Back ,hause, ':McLeanj" Lang" :[)ans:e" McCredi~,' Cluttop"Sintlair- 13,' ,Yeas:-,,^Tard, McIntosh, Abell, McCallum, McPhail, R\1'thven, Hathaway, Yarwodd"P,ollo.qk, T:ackson Andrews, ~ndM~C~11~I2. Moved by D. McColl, se<;onded by John Andrews. That this Council,a,djqurn,til\ half p~,st one--:-Carried. The,Councilresu,11,1ed:ath~lfpast,one. "";' ,',,' Moved bX H. T. Godwin, seconded by W. Backhouse.,' That the War.den'heauthbrized to issu,e his cheque for fifty dollars : ,in favor,QfH.:Stratton" for~he ,support, of an, i1iot, child of James Ribble in indjgent; circ;:umst,ances, in the T9~nship, ,of Bay~am- Carried;,,; , " ,:,':" ,,: ,: ,,' ' The sec<?nd-~~por,~,?,f the Comrnitt~e 6nP~titionsand ~egislation was then presentedand3:doptet;l {)n motion of Dr. Rlithve-n, seconded hy W. Backhouse,. ' The'Goal Comrriittee'theh presented their' .r,erort, which was, on motion of D. l\IcColl seconded by W. Backhouse, referred: to a COffiM mittee of the' whole'. ' ' ' T~'eCoun'cil'went:into'C6mmittee' ofthe'w.hol~. ::w..i~~on ,MGCredie, E~q.;jn,the~chaki' " " ,,,;,', ' ",' ," : ,:' : 'Afteridiscussing the reporttheC'ommittee .rose';',aucl'the chairman reported the' adoption cifthereportwithoue,l1tn~ndrnellt. Moved by W.McCredie, sedonded byW. Backhouse. Th~tthe r~port of the, Commit!"" of the"whole 'ble a,d6pted-Car- tied." ,', "",' ",''',:' '..'<:,,;,' :"," .'"", ,""", '; Y eas:-McCal1'y, ,Backhouse,'Strahdn, 'W:ard,"'Locker;" Abell,' God. win; Lang, McLean, Black, follockj' elutton, Sinclair, M'cCredie, Dance-'-I5; " , \ ' 16 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Nays:-Mclntosh",r4cC~ll~m~McPhail) Ruthven, Hathaway, Yar- wood, ] ackspn, McColl; Pflyne~9. Moved ,by:M. 'Payne" seconde'd'by'W. Backhouse. That the report or the Finance Committee be adopted'- ,IN AMENDMENt:, I>Jov<;d by J. H. Yar.vood,secohdedbyB. F., Hathaway. 'The tbe report of th~ Finance Com'mittee be, referred to ,Com:mittee oCth~,whole~Mai\1motion,carried.Amendmentlpst. :,:'< ,', . The Warden appointed M~ssrs. Glutt()~~:Mst?ll"Ya~woo~;<';Lang, and Dance~ ,Special, C?mmittee to arrang~ J?r l11aki~g grants't6 High Schools on a permanent' basis 'to' report at the] une session. I' : ' :,.- ' " .-',' '-' ,.. ~ ' . MOved by M. Payne, sec~nCled byH. T. Godwin. That )3y-,Law No. 4~2, being a By-Laiv to appoint aBoard of Au~i~ in .the County of Elgin, be received.anq read, a first "time- 'Carri~d." """ , , ,,',,' ~:-:' MoveClby R. Locker, 'seconded byS. Ward. That By..:Lavv'~b~:42&: bere~d a sec6ndtime~Carri~d: Moved by D. McLean,secondeCl by 0. 'Lang. That J3y-L~w,No. 4Z,2 b~read thitdtilrre and finally passed~ Carried. ' ,I, I Mov~dby B. F. Hathaway,'secdnded byJ.H.. YarwOod. That 13y~~~w':N o. '4 19,~ being: a', By-L~W" to' lic;ense ,a,nd ,regulate HawkerS and'Pedlars, be received'ahCl'read:a iirsttHue~Carried'. Movedby J.ILYarwood, seconded by B. F, Hathaway. ThatBy~Law No. 4Igbe:read a seco.nd ,time.~Carried,\' Moved by M. Payne, seconded by R. tocke;. " . ThatBy-Law:No. 41gbereada thir\l.ti,!,e,andfi~aUy passed- ,,, Carried. '. I: ' Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded H. Stratton. 'TharfiV~;liuncited'topies 'Of,the .TaTiff'ofiFees,:for- Hawkers and ,Pedlers:Liqense w~thanot~~xplaining that any "persQrt,! l11ay.:deJuand 'anysuch'pe'dler,orhavvker,to,produce, his ',license,.:be::'"pri,nted 'and' distribute'd.' ,an1~r1~rth~',me~.bers~Carri~di :1" "":" M"oved"byM: fayne, secoitded by A. N. C;Hlacli. ,',. i 'Thht By-Law. No:' 423; bEdngl~.. :S'i-LaW 'to! 'appornf:Trust~es and' make appr()pI;iations,fqr tqe B,igh fll],~M.9d,e~ Schools,be recei,ved and ,reada first ti"me-, , Carried.", ,;, " ' " ' '," .. ' , , .." '.','''''(''..' ,',;',,:"i, (,,,,, , Moved by R. Locker, se~onded by H.T: Godwin. That By-Law No. 423 be read a seoond time-Carried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I:" .1",",',,,- """" ,,! !".-'-,'..."" "r' "', "':''- ", .. "'.._ Move4 by l{.L,McCaUy,secoridedbyW;Baclthou'se;, :/ rha;,HycLa\VNo; '42,3,beluiiendi:jHy, app~iiiHng Mri :G~orge Do\vns in: pl'ace"of: W,. ' Hackb'Ouse;'~as:' Trustee"6f' the Vienna :High School-Carried.!"":'" ..M~vedbY~." T.GodWiri;,,iecdfided'by<Wm.' \3~bkhouse, , T'h'at iiy_La~Nb~ 423oe;read.athird time aridlin.illy'pas.sed- Carried'>":: ,',: "':,{;,,,;,,':\) j:.; ;',', -:: :",'>'l!::,<" Moved b~ R,t. iVIkriilri:s~tbiidedWW.'gackhouse: That By,tliw No> 421';' being iaBy'Lawt6 appoil1tCoimty Auditors for-the,'; yeat, :1:886, :'be.! 'recei-ved'i:and:'..read"ja'(,iir'sti'.time- Carried.' { :. .'" c ~ Moved by R, Ahell, seconded by R. Locker, ; 'That By-Law ,NO~i4'2'I"bejreaa'~:'secQ.nd-,.tilU~""T""C.arrit(.<1::~ ,( M'oved'by'H.Strattoh,'secoridM,by,R L;!M!:CaUy, ,,; :,,' , ':. That' ByeEa,.' No; ',\i. 1 be read ,a" thirdtllne, arid .,linaliy,passed:.... earrU~d: ;, "lji ,;'[:'i", ::L :'::,i::': ,.:!'.",1' '''jiL' -;, . Moved by Dr. Sinclair" ~e90\ld~ hy, Thomas J':cks'9h,'. . 'i,~ha,t ~y,-I;,Srw.,~.q. '~~51';,~,~}R.g ')~' 'd~X1ti~f;';F6'~;~~,~Q~"~y,~L~~: No. 4I8, b~xe~~rv,ed~qsi{eg.d,.fl:firM~lm~NGa~q~sl.'l(::l ,)h~'; ;':,: . Moved by Dr; SinClair, .,seconded,by,'ThOl1li\S, Ja~kson; That By,Liiw'.N6:'425 be'read a second tUile. ' Mbvgij B~'ti1rohiHs"J~dtsok~ se~o'i1'd~dby Dr. :sfri'~lajrr. i""')lT":, ",' "',''jr\,:''" ThatBy,Law No. 4.~5 be ,read a thi1'd time an,dfinallypass~d:':'" C~f!i~d' '. '".' .,., .' ","". ":' '. , M~;';'d by S. S. Clutton, ~econded by w: 6: Pdilcit(i, , That By. Law No. 4'4, being a By-Law to authorize the Warden and, Treasurer to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars, be received ~nd read, a first time-Carried Moved by S. S. Clutton, seconded by W. O. Pollock, :That By-Law No. 4,24 be read a seco~d time-Carried. Moved by S. S., Clutton, seconde<l by B.F. Hathway, That By, Law 424 be read a third time and finally passed .,.~Carried. The Clerk then read letter from A.McLachlin, Registrar, respect. ing necessary enlargements to the Registry Office: Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by B. F. Hathway, That the matter of enlarging the Registry Office be laid over until the June sessiou. r7 18 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. IN 'AMENDM'ENT. Moved by,,;>:, McC;~\lu!1', ,secqIl<1,d ty q'1;lSf;:hail" ,: . ii! 'J: ,.!f,hal ,h~! COPl1cildo apjourIl,andexaI~1in,th\,;Regi*y:Pffipr ,and r~pqrt:!'~9-:lJl,orrqw, J:rlqr,nipg; a~:, ,-~~n,q~.9.10~C'F~A,mendm.e!W ]ps~,,'~'!J1~P? niotion carried.. - ' , Movedpy, R,j L. M;cC,ally,;seson<!e<!, dy,}V. BackhoIlse" 1 1:4et,;S.H,aw 'No'4~,9) b.ejIlg ,.a,By,L""lO,fix:th.eJ~lafY.9f; the Comity freasurer, be received and re1\d a firsttime-Garned.:" ,; - '.~ Movedpy;W. J;l~cltho.us~, seSOIl<le<l~y 1;l..I,',aYIle, ,: " '" ,,, ""That lly"J;.,aw No, 426, be ',rea"d a, . ,second time",Car,ied..:" .. ' ",,' " -,.,', ' ", '''( ',Movediby M'.: 'Payrie;secoudedby,:R. L. , McCa1,ly, , , t, ' T~at By, Law No. 426, be read a third time and finally. passed~ Carned. J,,"':;':iT~::~:-': .)' ';n Jlioved by S, Ward,.seconded',byWm"Mclntosll,.",; , That the thanksofllhis Co~ridl. be,' tendered :by. the' Warden, to the Joprl1ahPril!tingOomp~ny, fo,lheir, Jib,rah,y,infurri,shiug copies?f their ~ very excellent paper to the different memb~r~,q~,:,t~js Councll-<;f!.r,rled. :",..,,',i', " :'",::", ;-,'.:,:,:::;',i''',;:':' ,;", !'\":I(lj Move<! py S, Ward, seconded by H,Stratt6n; " d'" .,'" " 'I'hit the Clerk he',[uihoriied to procure a ;.copY'bf theoiitario Statutes of 1886 for'dch 'member of'thii'CduncilLCarried, Moved byoWi'l3ackhous'er'seconded by;H.'Strattclri, ;." 'I<: That we do now adjoutn, ,until., the" fin;t,::1)~eS:9,ay:...jlf:,Jll:r:C::'~jaftwo o'clock p,~:','a.~qe;tJ:1a,t: the ,W,a:t:den !?jg~,r_~hequ~sJ9~",t,~,e :,MeWgers) waes:-Carrh~d..' " i'" ." ,', ,," ,h ,;, ,., L --", ,',< .,,9,.-,',,: ;, "')':'('.;,,'.. ":"," :"'''', "'''', ',:/ " ,': ..'\ ,:""," K. W.McKAY, JAMES HEPBURN, CquutY,Cie,k. Warden. ,.'i',y; >I;; (,: .: ",,'- i,)I):IO:,').:,; ,'i) ~iLH' >\,.. ':,:~,\:i'i!J'jl:ji(,~) ',::'iYj!: " !i,' i(;",'! Jl~" ,Zj .. ~;, i !' ',' ,-; i;' i: ; .. .~; " 0>': "',i,:U'Ui' -,'u 'y,Jj;",- "'C',' SESS':ON, '1886,' ):',',:""ii):',"I' '"J;U i ,-. ,r :':()'!'j "~.U.\: '!:T':ii;'i'W/) i;~~ !:!', 'it;!;.!".. k'l') "\ ; I ,,' , s)!;i:;"/SN'r)"S"E'S'SroN""'FY'RS'rI(DAY: ';~:",:;f:<;:'; :,i;, .i;':,H::d'!"c'~:/J (''-:;:;,,::;,,;<'':,1 ;':,(y:: t!'),:;i':}~',!i.'((ri , Tuesday, thenISt',:r4l1,en~86, . ~1;h~:Jb;A~~C~uhlyd)Uh~i,j 'in~t'tg,i~ I tla,~, 'h,tth,e'CdiJr, i::H,,', ',ou,,'s,'b, PSt,' Th'omas;' at''twol:-o)21ock'iri-th~':~it~Vhd0i1/;'1'' i,', , . ",n;: ~:! 'rI':u:,<,< ,-, ;,-,'['; 1':.;,:;""'r 'I'" ' ., .(1,:J~rq~~,:ff~J?l]pmr~~;;;q';I: W~Wt~~,,'-,i~,:~,~~;,~h~r~'i!';'" :'~;'i '1:::,1; j',; "\ '~~ 1";' . ,', Membe(s ,pre~,~llt..:,M!'t!,'S.:,!I;!~I;,,,an,, '1>f,j)er,. R~th)\"~", !\f.<il,'hal,l, McCallum, McColl, Angrews) Jackson,' Pollock, Yarwood,(,:s:atr~\xa~l .W,~,d",A,beIl, ,Lo,cker, ,S.tratt9n, GOd"ip", Dan"ce, ,Mc, Cre, di~: !'Irc,t.,;'a,lly, M,c1'ritosh'.Cl' "tto'"JSinci1ttl aiitrPa;'~n:e'.':";'::~: I ,I( '0;1..';:::, ~",;I"-"!'; . :'i'; .. ','"" ,'''''',''''''',,, " ,,'." H ",<, ~,!-",'ii:'lr<l"->>::' ..",.-Y:",:""" ,'f, "",:,(" """'~'.,: :' """::- ".-' , ; ":', c,..-:",..:','..'. Th'e proceedings of 'the "iast'day of previqus',se:~sioi-i,;weie "r~~l:latj.d co' firmed.< ,,' ...''''':'' "."",.," '" J'/],L,,"""" __ " -',.. :'1 :..,. "'1'11...'", ,', "" " ,'", I"' ":~ I''''.' ,., ..,,'.., "-JFhei~:ardep,:ad4~~~'s,~4-th~.~~oq~~il~!!,;;':"::::"" :; ')';'~;J; '}' ,.' if:!!')' The foUGwing communications were :tnen ,):~a<l~,'"d( :,!":'i','" l,<';, From W. ,Tl"i'JJapsc0tt" Aylti1'er;,,<e, DfP<!talion,f fml'fl.Cmmty SCQtt)Ace_JCQl\v:entjq~,.: 'i/; J1i;,r:,,--;!.'\i' ,', ",', " ":' . ;"; \;'1 fReferretl td' Corritiiittee,dri,:Petitions -and-: Legislati.9n9.1il :~,9.tiqn::9f Mr. Pollock, seconded by,Mr, Ancl,e,,,,,;, , , "U I" "l\1bVOd. by J':1'[, 'Yar'wobd;,secofid'ed hI' ,S.amuel, S" Qutto\1, " 1\ '. "I'hatth~ CQn\riiitt~e' on' JPelitiblis'l~"d J'I..eg'islatio'a, beilillowed to retire and'consitler't'h~ rrtkiter1'Of"i'8ceivi,ng Deputation:from:ScottAct Conven,tio~nnd report,,fPithwith;<jy-arf;i-:ed~,:L (" ,,-,;;:'}) , Cominunh~-a.tiori'frorii; 'iA'-:'M cLa'"chW\; Esq~~', Registrarj:re~ ':el)larged 'tttcoinmodation'; -in:, 'Registry ,OffiCe,I!Was! yread: EiJl,d, Jefer:~e4,,-, t9;rllplic IMmprLovekme~ts Committee, on mptt8~' J2( ~,;'; ~cS:;pp,(;:~~fo,~q~i,~9r r. oc ,er. . 0 . ' Letter from D, McLaws, Esq" with copy of Grand Jury presenti. ':.",,-;:':1 i\l; ~-c: ," i:J>;w ."{"r ". 20 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ment ,referred to Gaol Committee, on motion ofW. McCredie, seconded by J. Andrews. Communica~ion framF.S. Dobson, Harriston P.O., re amend.. ments to Drainage Act and Warden's Convention referred to Com~ mittee on Petitions and Legfslation. Communication from Clerk of the Legislative Assembly re amendments to Municipal Act referred to Public Improvements Committee, on motion of Mr. Andrews, seconded by Mr,; Miller. Communication from' Trustees of" Sc;hool Section No. 17, Yar- mouth referred JD Education Committee, art motion of Mr. Locker, seconded by Mr. Ward. Com~unication from Wm. Haines and others, of Aldboro1Jgh,r~ formation bfDew schoolsecti"on:'reJerred to'Committee ,on Educa~ tion", pn, rn,o~ipn" ofiM;r~Y'i a~d, :S~C?C?I},qe9 .:I~y;~r. ~ar:Vi~9.9' 'i G9~mu~ication from Educatio"n Department, re establishing the Vienna Hi'gll'Schooll ,., ~Thf.: ,Chairman "pf Comrnittee on :Pe~iti(ms, and f:Le~i~lationthen presented:thelr'repo'rt, vJhi(;h; on '.~,'dtibil':'o(:M~~"~uthyen:t','s~cpnH~4 by Mr. Yarwood, wasad?p~e,1<:"',' ":!I!":~'..".':':'l'_'"I':"',u'i J :', :':;:,;0'''''' ,T~eC(mnty :Engin~~\r's',Repori>v,a~ t~.~ii read "'and'Teterred, to~Pub- H~ 'ttirpf9y'ehientl~J ~dmmittee;'bn 'motior(df'-IMr.. ,: Payne, seconded by iv.lf .'~?,cket;)"'~:' ",/:1 ", ",) ';","",' ,::"",):-:. ;,,:",',",n:',:::,",': ,~~L) ',' ,,; ii.;,:.:::::.'.,'; i 'fh~ 'pliblic 'School' I';;pector's .~e!,or\ ,'Y~s '.read~'1d. referr~dtp Committee on Ed?caticJU, asYiasal~ :'coh1n11inlcatibil. fr'om'Inspector 'te'P~6mbii6il"'E*ari:1inatibris/:' \",,"'. " "':; ~":';";'-'!"'--'" .j,:, A circular from A. Blue, 'As~i~tan~, C()ml!lissi(~mer of, A&ricriltl1re, requesting ,Council to appoint! 'st:tid~rit~fdt freetuiti'on, in'Agricult.ura1 College was then read. "" , " '" , ''Mbved'by D:McCbll, seconded, by/Thomas Jackson, ' ThatM~s:;rs. .St~,tto!l' : Ward, Yarwood, 'Mc:te~ri':'and' '~he\mtwer be' ~'Cortlmittee-to recommendl f ai }suit'ablecandidate:: as~ tbe, "c9Jlnty student at the.l1.gricultural C011eg~Carrie<!:: A commilnicatiori from' N~' W:'Moore,- Gaoler,"requesqngil1cr:e,as'e of ,'Gaol'Officers~,salari$s Iw~s::th~n"r;e~d' :al'!q)rF:.f~JA~.~ :#>; YFl;ol;,qpl:ll- mittee,'on,motion;of::ty[r.: p;'ayne"secqnqe(i ,py M,x:,. IllP~f?R~~:'",',; Mr. Ward, Reeve of Mala.hide,;presented'j)etiti9n from,: ratepay~rs r~."lmprovements,: on::T,o,w:n.r ~iI).~i b;e~~e,n.M~!J~,h,i,d~i~~'~! :~~r~~m. ; < Ref6-red10 Pl!blic bnprovernents'Coll)mittee, ,on .molion.of1\1~' poilock,siconded by J\irf. Andrews!' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 2f Moved by M. Payne, seconded by 1\1. Miller, That this' Council do, now adjourn until nine o'clock to-morrow morning to allow Committees to, meet--.-:.Carried. K. W. McKAY, JAMES HEPBURN, County Clerk, Warden. ,,1\:>1;1; ;'-1 " i/;' "~I , ";;'1 ,I :./,', '/,i i/i ;;i "'(,i') ,-;; ,\f i\>i ). :,;,.' ':iVi~'" :I SECOND SESSION~SECOND DAY. Wednes.day, 2nd June, ,886. The Elgin ,Couuty Council met this day accordiug to adjournment. James Hepburn, Esq., Warden, in the chair. Members present-Messrs. McLean, Miller, Ruthven, McCallum, McPhail" McColl, Andrews, Jackson, Pollock, Yarwood, Hathaway, Ward, Abell, Locker, Stratton, Godwin, Dance, McCredie, ,McCally, Mclntosh and Payne. The' proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The following notices 'of motion were read: By Mr. Dance- That he would to-morrow apply for a Pedlar's License to James Armstrong at a reduced rate. By Mr. Godwin- That he would apply for, a free Pedlar's License for Walter Summers. By Mr. McColl- That he would apply for a free Pedlar's Liceuse for AdalIl Burwell. Moved by W. McIntosh, seconded by S. Ward, That this Council petition' the Local Legislature that all traction engines be, required to have a man walking or riding at least ten rods ahead oCsuch elIgines while , travelling ou the highway, for the pro, tection of the travelling public_Lost. The Committee on Petitious and Legislation presented their second report, which was, on motion of Dr. Ruthven, seconded by Mr., McCally, adopted. Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by H. Stratton, That By-Law No. 427, heing a By-Law to amend By-Law No. 4'9, be received and, read a first time--:-Carried. Moved by R., Locker, seconded by S. Ward, 'That By-Law No. 427 be read a second time-Carried. B. F. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. . That By-Law No. 427 he read a third time and finally passed- Carried. Moved hy M. Miller, seconded hy]). McPhail, ThatR.t. McCally, D. McColl, S.'S. Clutton and J. C. DalIce be appointed a Committee to inquire into the Treasurer's bonds and report at thissessio:h~CiitI'ied,,"'~'i"l ':;f.(.J 1;loved ?y,I,l.McC,oll, se~,onded by R. Locker, Th~t F~thisl t'o~hd(:';;:djourn until nine o'clock to~morrow- C.arried.H)ihr:;,;L,;~.i'):;"i; ,'[!i).'l',', ':'i i :,,<['i' K. W. McKAY, , }<\!'<\'E,S)i'E"p')3,'Q.RIj',!1 County Clerk. ' , ,Waidfm. ,..",..,1!"I\, '~,;>;,";,'; i,-,,'~';:~i;I il:'~ 'l i)i;:, ;';j ;'.IiI (,'i()ll !l ;i " ,; ) ~i 'i ' Fl;i;d'\' ;--l ...,.-:' ,:n ",,1 ,(Ii;i";;)l! '(Ii .1;\;' "T..~'(i::)i<;l ;'o"!clxr :j.J j ~ ;;,/,) }r.',;;:) "i;~i ,\ r 'd 'J' ;L 23 :J[l!' '~ ( . d,':"I' SECOND SESSION""':THIRD DAY. , '.' '; ,.-, ;:~!, :. ',' .- i : .I; " c .- :: , ' ,i',.i T~tirs?ay,3r:dJu~r' !8$~. " I..,'"'''.',''' .-,';" ,,",'-' The Elgin County C01111cil met this day according to adjournment. ",,- .- ,.- '," 'J .-~',', ,',' . " ' , ,," " TqeWij:rdehinlheChair. " , 1:;,,';1'); ','--:,'::1 'All tn" m~mbe's present except Mr. Backn6use. ' The proceedings of the previous day were read and' confirmed. A communication from, his honor, J udgeHughes, re Vienna lock-up. Moved by J. H. Yarwood;seconded byB. F. Hathaway, That in the opinion of this Council lock-ups should be repaired and maintained by the municipalities in which they areJocated-Carried., IN AMENDMENT.. Moved by R. L, McCally, seconded by H. T, Godwin, That the sum of Twenty Dollars be granted toward repairing the lockMup at Vienna, said repairs b~ing deemed necessary by the County Judge. Amendment lost, main motion carried. The County Treasurer's estimate was then read, and referred to Finance Committee, on motion of Mr. Godwin, seconded by Mr. McColl. -, Mr. Audrews gave notice that he would apply for a Peddler's License for Richard Anderson at a 'reduced rate, as he is not capable of , performing manual labor. The House of Industry Committee then ,presented their report, which was adopted on motion of Mr. Andrews, seconded by J. H. Yarwood. The Gaol Committee presented the,r report. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. McColl, That the Gaol Committee's report be adopted. IN AMENDMENT. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by B.'F. Hathawax, That the Council go into Co'mmittee of the Whole to consider report of Gaol Committee clause by clause. Main motion lost, amendment c~rried. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The Warden then~ppbint"d Dr. Sinclair to take the chair. After discussing the report the Committee arose and the ,ChaIrman reported the report as all).emjed in C?llllllitte~ ?f;he Whole. ,1'he report Of COl)1mi\tee ?fth.e W~olewasadopted, ,on motion of : Dr. $j,~da,iJ;f,S~~onded.bYJ9hn Andrews:, ,/.',; ~:,",,".:,"':": ,,"',: . <,: ,fhe ,CounCiVthen w~n t :Into,' CQt1l'lllitee: 9[., the, w:holl: t(),' c()rlsiH~r circular received from the Minto Farmers' Drainage AssociatiorL:" ' . ~.L. McCally, Esq., in the chair. ' ," '. ..' .' ", After discU:ssing the' matter, theComplit,tee:arose,~,n,d, :the, G~.ai~man reported that the Committee had decided to favorably'en,terta,in, the "report of the,Minto, Farn~~r'sp~ail1ag~Asspciation.:" rhis,' '~eljbi~ I was adopted on motion of JV[['lVIc911y, se\:ori1edby Mr. payne. Moved by R. L. McCally, seconded by W:McIntbsh,' " ' , T,hat this council do'riow,'consider, th~,question' 'of ;purc~asing the i'vehtilat?r:,~rected.-by~vlf:. ~Rpg~rs,..,.Garrie4." ,::-, ,'" ,.-"". ' . Moved by W. O. Pollock; secondedby.J. B:.Varwood, That the parties who put up the ventilator be,heard as,toits,merits. -:-Carried.'" 'i,;" ,.",' ,':;, ", ,,: . " ':MovedbyD, McColl,secol)dedhyW.ll).'M'cC,r~4ie, "',,.,', , That this Council:.adjqurn ,tq insp~ct,tl1e vel1mator to m,~et aga,inal one o'c1ock-Carried~:" ~,' "" ',J, '::' , ,,' ,:' I , MovedbyR., L.1I1cC:ally,~econded by S..Ward, That th~ dep~t~tion ~ep~e~~n'tirig t'~e :t)gi~ Law L,lbf~rY'A~sdti~tion be now heard. :,,",,' '" ,:,"\'" "',,', ,.' ,,' :__''11 'i ' Messr~.~. *Dou~all, Q.C;',lIis ~lol)orJudg~ Hughes arid C. O. Ermatinger, Q. C., then addressed the council with reference to County Library,. , , "'" ',."1--,'..':"'....':', "'"'';'-''''''-''''' ..',"" Moved by J. C: Darice, seconded hy J' :Andrews, T~aU~e ,eqneit' ,,{the deputationrepresentin'g the Elgin Law Libr~ry Association be granted, 'and:fhat the locatipn, o[!he, .Library be left to the GaolCommittee.;-C~rried " ,,' , ' A -,~eptita:ti6n :~r6m,the:tQw~sh~p-pf Sout~)Volci, 9,~~i1g ,,~B ~y~d~lng,it was,._', :r",,' ,,:"','- ""'--''','',::''''", ,:c.,:.',',.-, .-".-~ , Moved by Joh)1 Al'dre;.ys, seconded by D.McC:oll, That the Council j,~Nine deput~tidn from Southwold in regard to theSelh?~rn~13!idge-Carried: ',.,'.....,: " ' " ", ;. "Messrs. Me~k, Pdudck: 'Ferguson; Cameron;,:Hunter, Steele and Wilson then addressed ,the Council for and against;iremo'Va19fSel~ bourne Bridge:'fromlit5'pte~ent sit,~. - 25 ELGIN,: COUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGS. , ,.' ,,:' -".", ;,..', ';;,' '.,., 26 "___.1 Moved bj"C.piilctaif,ie~d~d~cl bYD.McLe~ri, That the quesiio~ presented by ~he deputation re"the' Selbourne ,,~.ri~gt:;, b~ !efegedto, the Pub1i'c,lm'pfbveinents 'Commltte'e; with .' po'w'er','t() "act,]n' the' 'matt~r,1 after' ,having.: 9btaimid:;:th~,/$o1icitl?r's opiniori~Carri'ed;: .';1;",' , '",:'':'" ,I", " Moved b~ H. T. Godwin, seconded by R. L. McCal)y, :''Thatthedepl1tation from the Scott' ,^"ct ConventIon be nOW heard. '-:-~'~r,fi~:~:.'::'" ",::;,,-,',,:, ;::;;< ,': --:' ,,' ,,.',,, ,,' , His Hq~pr Ju~ge!1ugh~s a~dll1r. '01' E.:y6umansthen addressed the CouncIl, requestBW ,}liern 'to'recommetld ,the"appdtntment,oLa County Police Magistrate. . . MovedbyJ;CDimce, seconded.byW. McCreqie,' : ;",:1' That'the q,llestion, ofreC"oinrii~nding the .appointment ,of"a,,{i:PPQ.ty PpliceMagistrate': be'referred' to,:the,Committe.~;: ,(1) ;~,e~~~iptl~; and : Legislatio'n;..;..,-€arried. , -," :,;, 0:\,);'(: _,i Moved by J.I.J'. :Yarwo~d, seconded by BF. Hathaway,; T?at ,thi,sC;ou~8ir visit th,e; :fIo~se"df/ ~n'd~stry,to-riJOrrow morningrl to leave th~ Hu'tch1nson H'ouse' ~d:9 'o'c16ck~Carried. Moved by M. Payne:;seconded b~ D.Lang;' " T.patth,~ ,Rog~~~ ~enti1ator:be;:laidi"?V~F till the iN o'Vember sessiOD11 whh~the consent ofMt;'Roge'is~Carried;'" '" Mqxed.b~ 1'[' Payne,secopded,byD, L~ng, That theW~rdenatte~d ih,:meeting nf theWa~deris,atSbafte: bury Hall, Toronto, on the r6th d;j'of'Ji1l1e,' f6i}he'phrpose 01 discussing the Minto:'Fatnlers':ProvinGial Dra!nage'Scheme~Cari'iel " " ,," ' '," _, ",' , < , . :., " ..-: '~:; i"" ",' lI:iOfed l\Yll:;rLocker, seconded by II ,St~~ttR!h ", ,.,. . Thatlhe' Atiditbrs' Keporfbefinallyau<;lited ~ncl~drP,tr.d\"'9~rrie lVloved bYI.C. pance, 'secbildedbyRLang,; " ' 'that MI" Armsti6ii~'beaH6viecl to'addressthis .C6unc,1l in Supp01 of his ,claims for,'a,.reddle!'f1-Lict:;I7-~e, ,'at a,reduced rate:-Carried~ , ..' ,,,. ", ',,' ,!,-,'-,.-',,',,:' '-'--'-,,''-'"'' I ' ' Mr.Armstron&thel1~d<;lressedthe c;otinClJ." ' , ,,':'" "",<, J',' -":'-,:' '-'-,:'>"i',; ;:-'(,:' Moved by M. Payne, seconded'b~l);,Lang,,,,:, '.,. ,,' ThiitMr: ,Armstrong),e granted. free:Hawke~'~ arid Peddle, 'iiceris'eWlCar'ried.O::; \ ' .,.", ".: /:>' '. "".' ,:' Moved by D. McColl, seconded by'J6hn Andrews, ' That Adam Burwell be granted a free Peddler's License-Carril Moved by H, T. Godwin, seconded by S. Ward, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. That'\iValterSummers. be granted a free Hawker's and Peddler's License for the year 1886, Moved by}:' fl. 'Yrtr\Vo'od'; seconded by; W,Q:, 'l)q)~pck, :That,th~:~9H,Ilty, ,~ql,kitorsopinionbe asked concerning the matter of repealing By-La,,, No: 426-Carried. "'Yeas""-'McIrltosh, Ward,L)cker"Mcc;~llJ1rnj J\{cf'hail,,'f{atqay,'ay. Yarwood, Pollock,.. C.l,\l,~tQ1?':i: S~1..1cla,i,~, ,- :rv1cC911',. J a~k'sdri,:' ,Antlr~ws, D~nceancll\1cc;redie:-715':, .', ',,', ",,' ",,' '," ' Nay~s--':Stratton,' Mcc'ally; :Payne, :i\bel1; rGo'({\H'n, Miller,- ,'McL~an :':an,d~,~~Q-g7c?",""'-;':':': I':' i':cj:I"': ,,' "," ,.",:,:".! Moved,by U.McGpJl, ~ecpnded by.D. 1;l,Leari, "....' .."....;',"',,',,',.,', :,.,( .,"',', I That! th~,~ SO~1!lcil,adj9ur}}:~~~il'.r' 3~;~:m~.~ariied, The Council'rbu,l1'led at half past. ;~even,., ,,,!'1,,?ye4:,l:)y' 'Dr:. Siric:lalr:,' seconaed by "V."M,c.Gre,(Ji~, ;~. i )~,;'r') \\,': ,'; 1)1".-'....,..,',--, ,.-,,' ..,' ',.-', '" ' , TH~,t :tillS' ,'Co'uncil,' do now :adjourn until;, t~n.,,(lc1ock ~07l}1qrrow mornihg. i j' J i:~' I'- 'un ,,;, '0',',' - , K. W, McKAY;' JAMES ;gEl!,~PI;.~, ,I, ' County Clerk: ,n~tden. ,-j j ~ ' ! .- "1l) 27 -"-"-'~~-~",~-'''-~.";,---'--''', SECOND' SESSION~FOURTH DAY. " , ;' ,," "',', . Frida1'4thJ~n", 1886. The Elgin countyGouncilmetthis day accordingtoadjournJIlent. James H~pburn, Esq.,.Watden,in the chair. All the ,members, presente~pept William' :I?ackhou~eDJputyReefe of Bayham, " , ' The report of theI'u1:!li" Iml'IOyements Committee Was tead..nd adopted on motion,ofM:rl Jac~son,-;seconded bY,I)r.Sinchdr. The Education Committee' presented' their'" report'<whlch:'was adopted on motion of Mr,' Andrews, secondedpy Mr. Milhor, Moved by J6hn'Andtews; secbndedby Thomas Japks?n, Thab Free Hawker's andPediilersLicense, be granted, to,:Richard Anderson as he is not able to Perform manual Labor-Carried.' ' "',;:',: ',"''-' ""',,, ,,' '''.",'' Moved by Dr. Sindair, seconded by Thomas Jackson" '. "~'I 'Tha.t the physician in attendance ,be itistruct~4~Jq ;~xdu'de such persons from the House of Industry as in his opinion should be sent to an asylum for the insane. IN AMENDMENT. Moved by W. McCredie, seco.' ded by M. Miller, That this Council iustruct the Keeper of the Elgin House of Industry to refuse admittance to all insane persons into that institu- tion, the Doctor to decide' when persons are insane and that all magistrates be notified to that effect. Main motion carried, amendment lost. Moved by D. McLean, seconded by M. Payne, That this Council adjourn' until half past one-Carried. The Council resumed at half past one. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by J. H. Yarwood, That this Council memoralize the' Ontario Government to take into their consideration'the advisability of holding biennial sessions of the Provincial Legislature as the cost of legislation in this country is becoming very large, in the opinion of this Council, the business of this country would thereby be quite as well served, and that tbe Clerk ',;; i PROCEEDINGS. 29 (;:';' '1.'" " '-.. , ' , .,' ' , .' ' , , kenda.'cppy'ofthis'resolutionto,other' CountY.1Coun'dls asking their ';co~operation~L9st.:" i '",~, ",,',':", , ' ' "tI1:ovedbYj). Mf'Phail, s~f'ondedbYD.,q, RWhyen, ;,', That.t~i!i COl,mcil,petition;"the.Minister oLE:.dp:catiol1 to::'q.i,s- K' continue the Dutton High School at the end of .the. l'resen{ pivil year . if the Dutton High SchooiBoarddoes,not fulfil agr~ell1ent ,entered, 'into with the Education Dep.rhnent by !1avingHighSf'h061 ,building pompkted on firstof September next__Carried. " "., ii 'M,'oved by James H., Yarwood, seconded by William (l. Pollo~k, . 1)~t theClerkbeanthori~ed to senda circular toaliihe Magistrat"~ ':: in ,the County directitlg their, aitentiontot:h'e 'fact, t~atllo "lunati.cs, [l;, sho\lldb~ ~ent to ,thel-lous~ofInd~stry-Carried. Mqv"4 by w. :vi clntosh,iecqnded by R. Abell, ,Tb~t By,Law NO'428"being a By-Law W . fix. ,the Salaries of ,the Turnkeys of the CouutyJail and amend By-Law 4'0, be received and, re~d, afir.st tim,e~Carri~d., " ,,' '. ' 1>foved by .Dr,Siuc1air, seconded by Vj.Q. Pollock, l'hat By-'LawNo. 42.8 be;read'as~con~time.;.....Carried. Mov~d by D. G. Ruthven;secondedby'D.McPhail, , That BY',Law No. 4.8 be read a third time and finally passed:-" Carried. , Movecl by FI. T. GodWin, seconcledbyH. Stratton, That Wjlliam Backh,6use be apppointedaTrustee .\0, the V"ienna. High School, i9 place of tbe Rev. G.Wye, who has left tbe'couuty. '-'---.Carried. Mo~edby H.T. Godwin, ,seconded by D. Lang, That By"Law, No, 429, being a By-Law to appoint.. Trustee for the Vienna High School, te,read a first time,-Carried. Moved by R.Locker,sec0nd~d by D. ,Lang, ~h~tIBy-La", Np. 4~9be read" s!,cond time~Carried. 1>fovedby D. Lang, secouded byR.Locke~, " That By-Law No. 429 be read a .third' time and finally passe,il~- 'Carried., , 1, ,Th~specialComrnittee appointed to consider gpl'ointment ofa " pupil to attend theAgricult~ral College, thenpreseuted their, repo.t. , 'Moved by, D. MC,Coll,secondedb, y J ohu AndreVl~, t" ,,' ',' " " " ' , ' ", . That the specia] , Committ!'e's report be adopted. it, I'"~ ,~ 'i 'i ;','!\ ','< '('" 30 . ELGINC~mNTY, couNcIL PROCEE'DHWS, , IN~MENDMENT, Mov~d by J. H. Yarwood, secouded by B. F. Hathaway, Tha~ the Council go , into Committee .oLthe, Whole, to con'Si~er report re appointme~t of pupil to attend the Agricultural Colle!;e. '~ain motion lost, amendment carried., ' '" , , ,',' ",' '.: ,The Council wentirit6 Committee of the-Whole, Mr. ,McIntosh in the chair. After discussing the Report ,the Committee arose aU(l the, Chairn:wn reported that the Committee had decided to, appoint J. W. Davidson in, place' .of C. R.Stephensoll,and, on motion, .of Mr. McIntosh, seconded' by James. C. Dance, their report was 'adopted. Moved by J. C. Dance, secouded by John Andrews, T~at the Warden' isslie his cheque in favor .of B. Haverctbft, for 'the sutno'f Twelve Dollars, being in full far conveyance' .of Grand: Jury and County Council to House .of Industry---,--Carried. Moved by J. H. Y arwood, seconded by W. a.pollock; , That the Treasurer pay the following Lock.upkeepers their 'salaries. for6 months:~L. Pierce,$f5; W. Smith, $IO; James Trigger, $1'0;' J . Burgess, $10; ,and S; Eveland; $15-..,..C,arried. The COUt:lty Solicitor's account, for services from November, 1,883, to J lIne, ! 886, was, then presented. Moved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by SamueLS. Clutton, , That the County Solicitor be paid Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, in full of account rendered, being in full for services since'November: r 883-Carried. " ' The Public ! mprovement' Committee then presented ..their report, with reference to iinprovements to' Registry Office. 'Report adopted, on' illation. of Mr. Dance, seconded by Mr. , Yarwood. , The Finance Committee presented their report,which, wasFldopted, un motion ofMr; Payne, seconded by ,Mr.. McCredie. The ReporLofspeciaICommittee;-.te Treasurer's Bond, was then, read, and adopted" on motion' of Mr. McCally,seconded by Mr., SinClair. . . The Committee on Petitions and Legislation then presented their report,re appointment of County 'PoliceMagisttate, which was adopted, on motion of Dr. Ruthven, seconded by Thomas,] ackson. Movedhy R. L. McCally, secouded by S. Ward, That By,Law No; 436, being a By-Law to raise c:ounty ELGIN COUNTY' COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. the year J 886, be received a~d read a. first time- Moved by S. Ward, secbnded by R. L. McCally, That By-LawNo. +30 be read a second time. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by W. McIntosh, , That By-Law No. 430 be read a third time and finally passed'- Carried. Moved by W.. Q. Pollock, seconded by S. S. Clutton, That this Council do now adjourn tn meet the third Tuesday ju November, at 2 p.m.-Carried. ' K. W. McKAY, €ounty Clerk, JAMES HEPBURN, Warden. . 3r C()U~GIL PRdt:~EDINGS" Moved by J.C ". Dance; seconded by W. 'McCredie, Thaf thlS, Council adjo~rn until nine o'clock to~morrow rri~rni;lg to allow Committees to meet."'-.Carried., " . K.W. McKAY, County Clerk. <NOVEMBER SE$SIQN, ~a~6. THIRD SESSION-,-FIRST DAY. Tuesday, November ,6th, ,886: , The Elgin County Council met this day a~cording ,Qlent. . James Hepburn"Esq., Ylarden, in' the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the last day of the previous session ;and confirmed. ,The following communications were read: From Stapleton Salt Works re weight ofa standard barrel Referred to Committee, on Petitions and Legislation. From the Provincial Secretary and License' J COlJlm~ssioners of East a:I1d West Elgin with requisition~\ for funds required to enforce the Scott Act. Referred to FmanceCommitte~. ' Frqrn the County, of Norfolk,. requesting the Council, to co~operate by petitioning for the repeal of the Canada Temperance Act. Referreq to Committee on 'Petitions and Legislation. " From James A. Bell, County Engineer, with teport on County Bridges, Referred to Public Improvement Committee. From .Dr. L. Luton, Surgeon of Elgin House of Indnstry, Annual Report. Referred to House of Industry Committee. I, " " ' Inspector ofHoiIseof Industry, withAnnu~1 Report. Hou,se of IlldustryCommittee. ' ' I-'-',,",~ ('" THIRD SESSION-SECOND DAY. Wednesday, 17th November, 1886. The Elgin Couuty Council met this day according tb adjournment. Ja,mesHepbllfn, Esq., Warden, in the ,chair. AUthe members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The 'report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislaiionwas read , and adopted, on motion of Dr. Ruthven; seconded by, M. Payne. The report of Public Improvements Committee was then read and a9:opted, on motion of. J. C. Dance, seconded by Thomas Jackson., Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by D. McColl, That six pair of handcuffs be purchased and distributed when necessary to County Constables---:...Carried. Mbved by Dauiel Lang, seconded hy D, McLean, , That the, Reeves of the several muniCipalities be appointed-an Equalization Committee-Carried. Moved. by D. G. Ruthven, seconded by Z. McCallum, , That John D. Graham be appointed a Trustee for the Duttou High School; in place of the late Angus McPherson, deceased-Carried. Moved by H. T Godwin, seconded by R. L. McCally, That H. T. Godwin he appointed a Trustee for the Vienna High School in place of George C. 'Downs, resigned, he having removed from the County-Carried. The report of the Gaol Committee was then presented. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by D. McColl, That the Gaol Committee's report be &dopted. IN AMENDMENT. Moved by W., O. Pollock, seconded by Dr. Sinclair, That this Council go into Committee of the Whole tu cousider report of Gaol Committee. 'Main motion lost. amendm:e~t carri~d; The Council then went into Committee of the Whole, pr; in the chair. I I ELGIN COUNTY' COU'NCIL 'PROCEEDINGS; After considering the report' the Committee ro~e and the'chairmart reported the 'adoption of the report without amendment. Moved py R. L. McCally, seconded by H. Stratton, That "this Counc-il,do n()\v'adjourn,until2;3o p;,m.,'to give',metnbers an opportunity to inspect the Gaolj and to allow the Equalization , Committee to meet and prepare their report-Carried. The Co~ncilre~urp~dat2.3o',P',p:1; , M9ved, P'y J. H,. Yarwood, secdnde'<iby Il';F? H, ath, ,away. , , "...." ' ",' '" .- ' ::', ',-: i, ': " ",: :' ,: ,', ;',-~, ',' , , That an, effort be"rpade to recover: 'from. M r.'M,i:horiJh4e,a~rlOunt ,of, c?s~.spajd,by thecou,ntyJor:qu,a~hing :,.the By~Law ,i~Jpprp,~~atin:g<n~e Ylllage~,ofDut on, ,he, having ma~e 9atp,that the censH~ Jqkep py 'hIm- self; was correct":"'- Lost. ' . , ", TheCommittee'on ,House of Industry presented ,their,reportwhicl1 was adopted; on motIOn :o(John Andrews, seconded ,by W. Back~, house. The Finance Committee presented their repl?rt,' ",hich was adopted on motion ofM. Payne; seconded by B. F. Hathaway. The, Equahzation Committee presented, their report, wl;tich, wa~ adopted ,on motiGmofS; Ward, seconded by,DL",Sinclair~ Moved by R. Locker, seconded by H. T. Gbdwin, That By-Law No. 43" being a By-Law to appoint a Janitor to take care of Court Hous'e and-aIr rooms al.ldoffices connectedtherewithi'be received and read a first time~Car'ried. ' Moved by M. Payne, ,seconded hy M, Miller, That By-Law No. 43' be read a second time~Carried. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton, That By-Law No. 43' be read a third time and finally passed"-'- Carried; , Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D. Lang, That By. Law ,No. 432, being aBy~Lawto confirm'the Equalization, of the, Assessment Rolls for. the year 1886, be reGeived and read a first time---.-Carried. Moyed byM. Payne, secouded by D.McLean, ThatBy-~aw No. 432 be 'read a second time~Carried. Move4 by R. Lbcker, seconded by H, Stra;tou, That By-Law No. 4-32 he read a' third time arid finally passed~ Carried. < Moved by D. ,McColl, seconded by Thomas Jackson. 3S 36 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEiDINGS.; E~GrN' COUN,TY"COtJNCIL, PROG:EEDI~'GS., ,That the Clerk have the proceedings and reports of Committees ,printed and distribut~d as usual-Carri,ed. Moved by M,Payne, ,ecoudedbyM. Miller, ",!,hatthe Clerk procure the usual supply.' of Muni~ipal Election -'13hmks, and, As~essweht and, Collector's, Rolls-:--<=;arried. Moved by J. :H. Yarwood, seconded by B. F. Hathaway, That, as recommended by t4e~pecial Committee appointed to considerTreasllr~r's sureties, this "Council ,',' ~ccept the ,bond, for, Ten Thousand Dollars from'the Londou Gmiranteeand Accideut Com- ip~nYi as, ac1dition~l security fro~ the Treasurer, Mr. Joh.n'McCauslan.d, and that the appointmellt by the Warden of the Clerk, Mr, K. W. M'c~ay, tocoul1tersign all cheques, as required by the said Co~pany, be~oufirmed, but that the authority of the Clerk to countersign such etiequesisnot to release in any. way the liabilityoftry,eCompany u'pon such Bond, and that a ByeLaw he preparediu accordance with the. ahoye resolution-Carried. Moved by W.' Backhouse, seconded by H. Stratton, That: theCou'nty l!:n-gineer'be instructed to e}{amine the bridge over ,th~: Otter Creek, knownas the Philmore,Bridge,onthe road ~sed in lieu of the Towu Line between Bayham and Malahide, ancj make all necessary repairs tothesame-Carried. Moved by J, C. Dance, .ec.ended by D. Lang, "\ ThattheClerknotify N. W. Moore,.caretaker of the Court House, thathis services will rlotbe required after the expiration of the present year-Carried. , Moved by S. S. Clutton, seconded hy John Andre",s" Th~t By-Law No. 433, to require the County Clerk to count~rsign all, ch~ques, is~ued, by the County Treasurer, be received and read a first time-Carried. I' MWedby J. H. Yarwood, secondedbyB. F, Hathaway, That By-):,aw No., 433 be read a second time~Carried. Moved by R. Locker, secondedhy R. Abell, , That By-Law No. 433 be read a third time and finally passed- Carried. ,Moved by D. McColl, seconded byR. Locker, T~'\tthis Council tencler their,thanksto,the__:~arcletl" Cler~,'T;~as-: 'ur~~, ,apd E~giqeer fqr thev~r'~ 'a1Jh~3:nd, effiCi~nt ipanner, il"!,which they'have performed their several duties during the year, knd fo, the courtesy shown the members of the County Council by them__ 'Ca~ried.' '. ,,'.,' ',' I Moved by D. McCan, seconded by Thomas J ~ckson, Tllat this Cou"lcil, adjourn slue die.-c-- Carried. K W, McKAY", . JAMES HEPBURN, Cb11nty Clerk. ' Warden,. I .lIlkJ fill N fJ fJ f!I N' F (/JfJf!I NfCillk " 0--- STANDING COMMITTEES. --0 To T,HE WARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Gentlemen-The Committee appointed to strike Standing ~om~ mi,ttees begs leave to present the following report '~\ Fi'hance-McLean, McIntosh, elutton, Payne, McCredie; Hatha- way. al1d Godwin. Public Improvements-'-Lang, Ward, D~nce, Stratton' and J atkson. Gaol and Printing-McColl, Pollock and Locker. Petitions ~ndLegislation-Payne, Clutton, McCallyarid Ruthven. Educational-Black;' Sinclair,' McCally, Miller, 'McPhail, Andrews and Abell. Equalization-The Reeve of each Municipality. House' of Indl1s,try-Andrews, Yarwood and, McCallum. All of which is respectfully submitted. SHELDON 'VV ARB, Chairman Committee Room, St, Thomas, 27th January, ,886. ELGINCOUNTYCCUNCI~ PROCEEDINGS. FINANCE REPORT, 1886. To THE COUNTY COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. The Committee on, Finance beg leave to report as follows; That a by-law be passed to authorize the Warden add Treasurerto borrow $30,000 to meet the current expenditure of the County during the 'year 1886. That they haveexamihe~ an account from A. McLa~hlanl for blanks for Municipal ElectIOns, and Stationery for County Clerk's ejffice, ac.d would recommend that it be paid. Amount, $79.17. That the following salaries of Lock-up Keepers be paid :_ Daniel Purdy, Vienna ." '. ' , . . . . . . . . .. .. ,.. , . . $10 00 'Lewis Pierce, Aylmer .......,................ 15 00 R,: H. Lindsay, Springfield ...... .......... .'...... 10 00 Samuel Eveland, Port'Stanley . , . " . .... . . ., .... 15 00 ]amesTrigger, Bismarck...... ............ ,..,. ,,10 00 vVilliam Smith, Dutton.., . ... .,', . . . .......~, .. . ',' 10 00 Williairl Thomas ,Wallacetown.:...",........ ....,..~'., 10 '00 That the County Solicitor has been consulted with reference to Mr. Moore's appliCation, and ":ve have to report t4at the Council has no authority t,O pay Mr. Moore's ac;count. ,~re have ~been discussing an application made by the Cou~ty Treasurer for 'an increase of salary, and would recommend an'incre~s~ . of $200 per"anmim, he having assured us that he will not ask for ' another-increaseduring his term of office. J MANUEL PAYNE, Chairman. Ad~pfed January, 1886. Yeas, 13; naysl I I. To 'THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. The Committee on Finance begleave to report that having exam.:.. ined into the finances of the county and the estimates prepared by the Cout1ty Treasurer, they herewith submit a statement of theexpendi- ture required for the lawful purposes of the County during the year, J8.86"showing the amounts required to be rais'€jd_ for the undermenM ti~:med 'pu,rposes. CD O'J O'J ~j b2 o ~ 0.; g IJ.:J g iXi'u z o ~ t-< <G N 1--' ,....::j <G Pl "' o ~ a~ ~ ., "s ~ ~ 'n .8 " ~ -" OJ) " ~ h " ~ o U " .r1 ~ ~ o ~ " " 8 ~ ~ " ~ .;z ,. H '" " o U '" ~ ~ " {3 '0 " .9 " N ~,13 ='c '"~ ~ 0 u ] v ~.c ~ ,,~ Q 0 " " .2L8 .-;:tj S EJ 8'0 O'w U" o " u .c b" I~ 2c2 8 bn " " -:;::; .~ " 0 v'....... 0~ " oS " ~ H " o A '" ~ '" "' A '" "' f$ " " H o b ~p.,'.I,('\l tr},Q t-<'l 0\0 00 00' I ,,'M 1lI~'g, '0 Lf),"<t'.~ "" ,'<',' ('1,0,00 0 \ ,- , Q., ~.~ O~,'-O.. U;:~'N~U:: '-';0,., 0..; O~ 0.., ," ':'In 'd 0'; 1'- ..".. 0'\.... !"') M 0 \0 1r) \"'1'- 0 g~g.c2 2;: ~'--~ 'e'~\O r-- ~ r-- ~ ~~\:il I ...... e>t to,~N"";""'''';' , I Lr. ~.."" (;Ft" .... j::q ~ ~ ",' , '.fA- -j:.-;-- t'l 00 + N 0 '-00 ,0 ci-O~]--7 t:: . \.Q lrl\O"" U")\O ('l 0 0 0 0 r-- K"i o..o...'~t-;:<'!u:?J:-;:O..O..O_O.. ~ 01',~ r--l_t-v.... t0Q\O tr}1r)t- If) ,,~~? t000 0\ l'- 00...\0 t- M t- \0 ""'::; t-;:O..~O.:~......~ M ...... '@ 0' _ 0< N M ('l H ..., I 1.(") !l "' I <fT I ,A. -";;;-:--1 oV;-6-;;;-'OO~----"--'I-OO .... VJ'O 0 000 \r) 0 0 0 t<') g~,~ O..\O..10U::O..()_O~ It-;" '" w';3 lor-- CIJ \0 N 0 0 I ~ ~>l->:l r--....'O'l'-...\O Jr, lr) '"', PO'''' .... ... .... I '" ""'A;Ji1 '<A- ~ ~.rf~-~~-~~-'---- -'~-<il ff) 0 N "I- r-- 0 M , st"" (\) M..q."';j-mN -+ ' ro-~'S~' '<A- / I--.~-----~-,,- ,-' I~'g"~ 10 2 ~~ ~+~~~~ ~_.- ,g Q(l <ll <1) I N -q-\Q ... CO Q'I.... 0 ,0\ "* .... I 5:> bE ~ I .....:: 0 V-; 0" r5. U) If) N- 00" 0\ ('I': ~o.."'g'" t"l,O'\Lr')+ 0\ O\C/J,CQ J:--NQ .'8&R~ I '-? 0,:-1..0.. 00_ o..~:.~, tt').... ~,'~':"' ~ +.A- H ~ N ~ >- .... '" h 1 0 0 .q: (") tr) 0 ~ l'l 0 r."l U)" t: . t-~-.:t(")~'~oo (")(")0 0 a 'g O_....~ C? 0,':\.0_ ~ ~\.O_ 0,': J:-;: ~ o .1 ,<:!,", -. (") 0\00 \0 (") "'1:" Lr) U) ~I--< ~ gj In'.:l 0 '-J;) ("i") .... t- t- t- o.;j- 0\ i-"'! [j 700 Ln'D 0\.... 0 -.:t ~ <I ....~--ri't'1-,.,~~.tH ' o "" '" ", o'..'I-""--....----..,-..,-'~--~~-..- 2 a,-d 0 0 (V) l.l) 0 LrJ, Oll") 0 LrJ 0 ~ g ~ 0\00 (") 0\ 0 ~ 'f') (") !Y'llD 0 .::~, .... 0\ f'j .... t-\O H + 0 t- "<t ';J~;;'~ tAuS ~\.O- 0; ~cxfoo~ -oJ: tA'-O- g..-.,..-q t-~ LrJt-LrJt- ",t' ,.... 1-1........ fill--<", W- ~,&<\l :g~ I ~;:?c2~'g,.':?.~ t ~ i ~ u;: ~oo_ H_ ...._ 't .,r;~ I ~g~0'~::g~ ---T--~-~~~-----..I- I I I 2l I , . U) , I " I I ..c h ';:.0 "0 . 8 :"0,.2 1$ I ~ ,-.,.....,..c: ([). 0 'V . g crj IOU 0 1:1"0 d Q !.L:i l-< ...., -0 I ~.r-<::;o':.E;' '" b.O([)UJ 'I~ ~~-B8crj,.J:::Bg.cS.:..1 '"'Cl S::i !::::rcl ~::i(1J i:: -;::':' o~ ..... .... O'~ ,'w 0.... p.....-~ <eQoo:>i;.Ep:J;rn?-oo<!lCl.l ~ " ~ " ~ eI ,; " of! p::; .~ <<:"' ,0 ,.,. - , , ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIL PRgCEEDINGS. REPORT 01<' THE COUNTY ENGINEER. z o p "' ~ ~ "if) THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL Oll' THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. ," Gentlemen,-Since your last meeting I have prepare~i plans and/ f specrfications for rebuilding the Port Bruce bridge ,and the-Talbot Creek bridge, on the Town Line between the Township:; of Dunwicb and South wold. Your Public Improvements Committee 111et and awarded the' contracts for the abuve bridges to' the lowest tenders, I was instructed also to prepare plans and specifications fo~ the r!;:~buil<;iing of the Selbourne bridge inPort_Stan'leybut on account of a protest from the Township of South wold against changing the site of ';::>, the bridge I ~a..'e been unable to do anything in, thi5 matter l.m,til;~, get further Instructions from you. I have attended to the repairs of " the Beaver' Creek bridge and also some repairs to 6tber bridges in the " County, 'I have been notified by the Clerk of the Township of Bayhamthat their Council consider the bridges on: the road used in lieu bfthe Town , Line between, Bayham and Malahide are County bridges and ,should ~::, be assumed by the County. All of which is respectfully subrriitted, JAMES A. BELLl County Engineer. Referredto Public Imprdve'ments Committee;. St. Thomas, Jan. 26, ,886. -0 " '" 'S ~ ~ 00 """ :g u " p. ~ " ~ ~ To THE 'WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY 01" ELGIN. G,entl~men,----'I beg to submit you the following report: Ii',': ,Tf1e bridges thrDughout the County are in a very ,good state ,of f,'repairwifh -the exception of those under,contrtict and the BeltY}lmt ~':,:bridge. This bridge will require to be re-built this year and when ,':,l'e~built will require to be enlarged as there is not-now sufficient water~ i{;:way. i,'The Port Bruce bridge is nearly completed and has been open, for ~:'-,~rafficfor some time. 'The'Talbot:Creek bridge hetween Southwold ~;Jlnd. Dunwich is well under way apo: will be completed in ahout two ):''iV,eeks~' The Selbourri bridge contract was let sh?rtly after your last !{i)ne,etingandshouldhave beenGompletedbyJune 1St, but! may say ~:,t,here'hasheel1 verylittle eione to thebridge,as YE1t, with .the exception ~Qfgetting the timber on ,the ground. ' , [K:t,"'" "." . ;1it,::~; . .", fi ~ ~ o ::r: 43 .) 44 " ELt:-IN COUNTY.COUNCIL,PROCEEDlNGS. ~-------'"-'--~ I have had 'considerable repairs made to the Jamestti-wnBridgeon account of one of the abutments suddenly giving away. The spring freshets did very little damage to the bridges on the River Thames and consequently the repairs to them have been" very, light. I dO-not-anticipate any large expenditure on any of the county pridges for repairs during the balance of the year. ' '!Since yo~r last, meeting I ,have prepared, plansandspecific~tioris, ',for the new jail kitchen which were approved of by the Il1:sr.ector and 't~le contract awarded by your Jail Committee. 1~he building is noW well under way and I think will he completed by the first of July. All of which is respectfully submitted. J AS. A. BELL, Courtty Engineer. Engineer's office, 1St.) unel, J 886, TOTHE\VARDEN AND. COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. Geotlemen,- I beg to report as f~l1ows: qince your last meeting,the bridge over Talbot Creek between- the Townships ,of Dunwich and South wold and the Selborne bridge in Port Stanley have beer. completed. ' ,Small repairs have been made to a large number of the other bridges, thr~ughout the County and I am now having some repairs made t9 the Graham Road and vVardsville bridges on the River Thames. , When, those are completed the bridges will be in a fair condjtion for the winter. Considerable 'repairs will be necessary to all the ,BrIdges onthe River Thames as soon as the ice forms in the way of planking up th~ piers where the plank were torn off by last spripg's freshets. All of which is respectfully submitted. JAMES A. BELL, County Engineer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,PROCEEDINGS. 45 IMPROVEMENTS OOMMI'l'TEE. To THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL Oll; THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. ,,' "i,; Gentlemetl,-'----'-:Your Public Improvements Cort)miuee beg leave to report as, follows : I st. The the bridge at Cooks Mill over the Otter Creek; between the Townships of ' Bay ham and Malahide, should, be assumed as a c;ouuty bridge and that the Couuty Engineer have the same placed in a proper state of repair at once. 2nd. Your Committee would recommend that the Chairman ' ,and County. Engineer inspect the locality of the Richmond bridge whiCh is claimed by the TO)Vl1ship of Bayham to be a Countyhridge and report to this Committee, and if they consider that the bridge 'should be,assumed by the County' to have the power to rebuild the same, as bridge is in a'dangero~s condition. ' 3rd. That as the Township of Southwold refuses to secure ,the land and build-thei'oad to the proposednew site of theSelbourne:bridge Committee would recommend that the Engineer 'prepare plan~ specific~tions to rebuild the bridge at the present site and ha~e the ract let as soon as possible. The bndgeto 'consist of one span" of hundred and twenty feet..in the clear of a Howe truss with an at the West end. , . All of whiGh is resPGctfully submitted. Adopted 28th January, r886. J. C. DANCE, Chairman. To THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Centlemen,- The Public Improvements Committee beg leave to report that: r. The Couniy Engmeer communicate with the County of Middle- sex and take action with them to have the,Belmonfbridge rebui1t'and en~arged to suit the 'volume of water at that point. 2. They agree with the acti~n takeu by the County Engineer in regi!-rdtoCountyBddges since your last session and recomme, dthe adoption of his report. " ,,', ( 46 47 ELGIN'- COUNTY COUNCILP:ROCEEDINGS. ELGIN,' COUNTY COUNCIL, PROCEEDINGS. 3.;After consulting with the CountySo,licitor we'would recommend that no change of site be made ,to the SelbourQe bridge in Port Stauley. 4., No action be taken on the petition of Amos Rogers and other residents of Bayham and Malahide with reJerence 'to 'building a new bridge on the Town Line between the Townships of Bayham and Malahide over the Big Otter Creek until we see what. action the Local Legislature takes at next session in regar<;l to counties assuming, all bridgeso:ver one hundred feet in length and lying within Townships. 5' The communication from the Clerk of the House of Assembly. in . reference to amendments to the Municipal Act be left over for 'con- sider~tion until the November session ofthe CounciL All of Which is respectfully submitted. of the improvements made by him on thepub1ic works'sincc, lastsessiqnand WQ'Ulcl recommend the adoption of his reportandthat he be instructed to carry out the repairs mentioned by him about the River briq.ges. We would also recommend that the 'account of Major Ellison of $'19 for inspecting pile driving at the Selbourne bridg,e be .paid, , All of which is respectfully submitted. J. C. DANCE, Chairman Committee Rooms, St.Thomas, 16th Nov., 1886. ' ", J. C. DANCE, Chairman. Committee Rooms,St Thomas, 3rdJune, 1886. TOTHE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Gentlemen, the Public Improvements Com'mittee beg leave to report. " That in reference to the communication, from' A. McLachlan, Esq.., Registrar, asking for an enlargement of the Registry office, in view of the large expenditure on' other works throughout the ,county this year, they do not see that they can reco)llmend an extension, or enlargement of the Registry Office, but would recommend that the p~esent office be papered- All of which is respectfully submitted. ' Committee Room, St. Thomas, June 4, J. C. DANCE, Chairman. I~86. To THE WARDEN AND COUNCIL OF THE COUNTVOF ELGIN., ,Gerttlem,en,- Your Public Improvements Committee beg report ,as follows; \rVehavecopsideredtheEngirteer'sreport and heard his . 48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING-S. i ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROGEEDIN~S. REPORT 0:1" COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, the city of St. Thomas" and for those outside said city, $3 per day atld'mileage. I All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN ANDREWS, Cha,irm~n. Adopted without amendmel}t, 28th Jtnuary,' I 886; yeas 17, nays 8. To THEW ARDEN AND MEMBERS 01" THE COUNTVCOUNCIL. gehm~U1en,--------:-Your Comnlittee have taken into consIderation the various matters referred tathem, and, beg leave to report as follows :...,....,. 1. 'That the account of the Board of Examiners for conducting Teachers' Examinations for 3rd class certificates, amounting to $13'6, i", be paid. 2. Thilt the account for conducting Entrance Examinations to J;Iigh Schools, amounting to $37,60, be paid. 3:!hat the resignation of "Mr. Mclntyre as Trustee for Dutton High School be accepted, and that Mr. F. A, Humpidge be appointed ,to fill; the vacancy, and that Mr.W. S. Jackson .the retiring Trustee of .the same be ap1fOloted. That Mr. T. M. Nairn, the retiring Truste~,' for: Aylmer High School, be re-appointed, and ,William Backhous~~ Esq., be appointelil.as Trustee for the Vienna High School. 4. That your Committee would ,recommend that a petition in accord with that of the petition from the County of Grey be sent to ~he Minister of Education, requesting that the summer vacation be shortened to four weeks. 5. (,) Werecommeud that the p~titi6n,ofthe Vienna High School District he granted. (2) That the 'following grants be made to High Schools: ..... ,$'700,00 1700.00 700.00 1000.00 COUNTY COU~CIL OF THE COUNl'YOFELGlN:. Gentlemen,- The Committee on Education beg' 'leave to report that: I. The reque,,?t of the Public School Inspector for an approprjation to c'onduct the Promotion Examinations of the ,Public be granted and that tbe sun1 to be so applied should not exceeed fifty dollars. 2. That Dugald McColl be appointed to act as arbitrator with' His' Judge Hughes and Mr. Atkin Public School Inspectors in the' matter of School Sections Nos. 9 and I7in Yarmouth. ' That. Dr.' Ruthven be appointed to 'act as arbitrator with'His Hughes aud Mr. Atkm Publk School Inspector with formation of a SchocH Section in Aldborongh asked for and others. 4, That the report of the Publk School Inspector be adopted and that an abstract of the same be printed in' the minutes.' . 5. Your Co~mittee do not concur, in the views expres,sedby'the Grand Jury in their presentment at the last as~ize, viz.,~hat there)s a growing tendency in our educational system to neglect in our, public ?chools t~e branches requisite for the fitting of the ma~ses of the rising generations for the duties-of citizenship. 6: That inasmuch as the departmeutal regulations respecting Public proVIde that the fifth form must be taught in our public schools required no alteration can be suggested.' All of which is, respectfully sU,blUitted.' JOHN ANDREWS, Chairman. St. Thomas, June 4th, 1886. St. Thomas Collegiate Institute~,. . . . . . . . Aylmer High School. .... '................. ,Vienna do .... .............. .....'.. Duttou do ...... ......... ...... .. .. 6. That the sum of $ r 50 be paid the County Model School. 7. We recommend that the Warden name a committee to draft By~ Law, establishing, upon a permanent and equitable basis a scheme; for the distribution of the annual Grants ,for High Schools, said Cqmmittee to report atjune sec;sion. ,,' ,8, That By-Law 418 be amended'so as to be in accordwith'th~ resolution ,pa5lsed, 2othNov~mber, 1884, fixing salary ofExamin~rs. at, :E~tr~nce 3:ndDepartnien~al Examinations at $2 per day for: th~s~ in:: 49 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. 1st, Repol't, ofComluittee on Petitions and Leg'islationq To 'FH~ WARD iN AND COUNCIL 'OF THE C'OUNTY 'OF PERTH. Gentlemen,-I. Your Committee have taken into consideration the communication from the County'of Perth referring to width or sleighs, and the, width of the tires on waggons, carrying 2,000 pounds ~nd over" and would recommend that that portion referring to sleighs be not entertained, but that the portion' referring to width of waggon tires be adopted. 2. That the ,petition from the County of York re opening of streets and other local improvements, the compounding Of' commmutingof Statute labor, and the building of sewers, be not entertained" as the acts already in force 'are suffident for such purposes. 3. That the petition from the County of Perth, that Railways should come under the provisions of the Ditches and Water Courses Act be adopted. Adopted] anuary, 1886. D. G. RUTHVEN, Chairman. 2nd Report of Comm~ttee on Petitions .and' Legislation,: TO,1?HEWARDEN AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL. Gentlemen,- Your committee have considered .the petItIOn from' several municipalities of the. Cc,mnty, asking for the appointment of ~ County Police Magistrate, and would recommend' that the' considera~': tion of. the same be laid ,over until the J unesession. Thatthe petition from the Canada Land Law ,Association with ~egardt~ the extendingpf the Torrens system of land transfer tq the, whole province,be not entertained, as the system' is now under trial in the city of Toronto and County of Y ork,and it would be better to' c waif until we learn the results~of such trial. We would recommend that the Ontario Government be t.) pass a general Stock law for the Province, as the ,eaves the matter in the hands of each m\lnicIpality, ,All of which we respectfully submIt. " D G. RUTHNEN,Chairman. Adopted January, ,886, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; 5' WARDEN-<\.NDCOUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. Gentlemen,-::-- The Committee on Petitions ,ond LegislatIOn beg leave, report. , That having had under consideration a commllrtication ,from, the farmers with reference to a Provincial Drainage Schem:econ~ as none of your Committee are practical farmers,' they are advise this Council as to what action should be taken in this The que,stion involves matt~rs of notonlr ,an;agrjcultu~~l nature but also of a financial beanng affecting the Province and DomInion' at large and would recommend that'the Question be c!isc:ussed in a Committee, of the whole Cou'lcil. All of which is respectfully submitted, D. G. RUTHVEN, Chairman;" , Committee Rooms, St. Thomas, 2nd June, 1886. " THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. Gentlemen,- The Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg, leave to re'port, , That; after considering the lengthy petition from the rate~payers of the county and the arguments offered by the deputation, they- would recommend the matter to be laid over until theN ovember Session as, \ve, wish the matter to be discussed by the whole Council. All of which is respectfully suhmitted. D. G. RU"HVEN, Chairman, , !=omrriittee Room, St. Thom<i.s, 4th June", I 886. To ~HE ELGIN COUNTVCOUNQ1.. Gentlemei1,- The Committee on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to report as follows: . Committee have' ta~en into' their serious consideration the from the CountyCoun5il of the Cbunty of Noifolk,re' 5,2,' ELGIN COUNTY ,,'COUNOlL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN' COUNTY COUN:CILPROCEEDINGS;' '53 repeal of Canada, Temperance Act and would recommend that- the' fjame' be. not entertained; ~;Your Committee have fllso considered the Petitions ,from the' various. Municipalities of the County asking the Coul.lcil to recommend; the appointment ofa County F9lice Magistrate and would recommend' that,no action be taken by this Council "(ith a view to procuring such ,an appointment. 3., That the Communication from the Stapleton Salt Works asking the Council to petition the Dominion Parliament to adopt a Stlmdard .weight for harrels of salt be entertained and that a Petition he for- , warded from this County for that purpose. All of which is respectfully submittoo. D. G. RUTHVEN, Chairman. Committee Room, St. Thomas,- 17th Nov., 1886. \ i REPORT OF, GAOL COMMITTEE. To THE W ARDEN-AND COUNCIL OF, THE COUNTY OF ELGIN. , , ", i Gentlemen,- The Gaol COffimitteebeg leave to report :- , ,,' I. That the request of the Prisoners' Aid Associationbe not eriter~ tained. 2'With reference to presentment of Gr;;1.nd Jury referred to us we would recommend (I) That no actIon be taken toward,s, purchasing iron, bedsteads. (2) 'That the ventilation of the wards 'he improved,~ That a drain be constructed from sewer to cellar, 'to carry. off" (4)<rhat a Gaol Kitchen, including a Laundry and room be erected as soon as possible, and thaftheother enlargements of gaol accommodation be laid over until next year., All of which is respectfully suhmitted. }{ICHARD LOCKER, 'Chairrpan; Adopted without amendment, Januarj\ ,886. 'Yeas,ISi THE, ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL. Gaol Committee begleave to report: the Contract for Gaol Improvements was awarded to Ellison for $3,433, ,that ,is, a ,larger amount than the plans prepared by the Engineer called for. The Government made a few alterations in the plans when' sent to him fur which caused the extra expense. 2. ',We have considered the communiCation from, N; W.Mo()re, Gaoler, and would recommend that th~,.head Turnkey's salary be raised to One Dollar,.and ~\venty~Five Cents per:day,' and, that no change be made in the' ~alaries of other Gao~ officials., , \i\re would recommend the Council to petition the ,Local'Gov': to provide incre'l:se'd accommodatlOn for insane people, as, has for some time past hfld charge of no lesstha~ four at one time. The Asylums to which they should have been were all full. ; 34 05 the <;ollntyStudc:nt atthe J:\gricnltural College beg, leave ELGI,N COUNTY, 'COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, 55 ELGIN COUNTY COUNciL PROCEEDINGS, 4:. In reference to Grand Jury 'Prescntl11cnt' 'referred to llS, \VeCODc cur in the suggestions that prisoners awa'itingtrial should have ,different fare from those under sentence, and that hard labor should bc'provided for,thbse sen,tencecLto the same, even thonghtheremight. be no profitable return' therefrom. Vi e wouldreco'mmend the Council to petition the~,cgislature to amend the Law in accordance with the above suggestions, and tlmt:otherC()unties be asked to 'con- sidcrthemater'and send similar petitions., \Ve ;alsoapprove of the clause referring to our Common SchoolB, but as we think this matter." should be referred to the Education Committee we decline to recom~ mend<anyaction. 5~Werecommendthat a flag 'be purchased for theCoutt House. All {)fwhich is respectfully sub~itted. I~ICHARD" LOCKERl Ch,ainnan. .ColllmitteeRootns, St. Thomas, J tine 2, I 886~ Amended in Committee of the 'Whole by striking out clauses. they would recommend Charles R. 8teph?nson as a suit,able as the County Student at the Agricultural College. D. MCCOLL, Chairman. 'Committee ROQms"S,t. Th.u,ri1as, 2nd ]-une,.J886. Amended in Committee of the ';Yhol~ by inf,ertitig thentlme of J. ""V. Davidson. \ To l'HE ELGIN COUN'TY COUNCIL. Gentlerncn,-TheGaol COlTIm{ttce beg leave to report: 1. That the Gaol IGtchen has been. compJetedandseeins to give all the necessary accommodation required. 2. }'hat we would recommend the appointment of J aIm \Vyatt ,," as Janjt,ar :(jf the CqlirtHouse ata salary o,f $ZO() per ,annumandtbat a By~Law be passeddefininghi-s duties~ ,3.' That the'yentilator'put in by Rogers Bros be 'taken out as we believe it is of no practical benefit. All of which is respectfully ~ubrhitted. :,.' , ,'", ,", ",: ,R;LOCK.ER;Chairman. Conimittee ROOm, 81. Thomas, ,17th,Nov., 1886. To 'THE ELGIN COUNTY: COUNCIL Gentlemen,' ~- The COB']'mittee, appointed to' recommend a 56 57 ELGIN COpNTY COU~C;IL PROOEEDIN'OS., ELGIN COUNTY Co'UNCIL PROCEEDINGS. " ,'" ,,'..- ' llEPOll'l' OF HOUSE OF INDUSTllY COMMITTEE. 1. That the $urgeon:s report be adopted and printed with the minutes. That the Ir.:;pector's report be adopted and printed with the Tq THE, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL, pel1tlemen,-'- The House of Industry Committee ,beg leave to 'report: I. That they have visited the House of Industry once since last session. ',Accounts to the amount of $567;,04 were passed. Everything, was fOUIld in good order. 2, The blind girl Amelia Hart is making good progress at the Brantford Institute. In accordance with a request of 'Mr. Dymond, Principal of the Institute, your Committee have thought it advisable to "procnrea ,suitable home, for herdl.lring holidays as the' influence of the inmates, of the House of Industry with whom she would be :brought in contact is such as tends tlJ destroy the good effect of her training at the Institute. 3. ,W ewould -recommend that the system of Til~ Dramage 'be eonti,l1ued until the whole farni is thoroughly drained, 4. We would recommend the Council to'take such ,proceedhigsas they may find, necessary to prevent Insane people from being~ com- mitted to the House. The Keeper in not able to look after and coritrol them without neglecting hisother duties. , 5'. \'ionr Committee desire to urge upon the Council the advisability of visiting the House of Industry during the pres'ent session as we "think all the members should he thoroughly conversaut witl1 the manner in which it is conducted and thereby be able to contradict statements,concerning mis-management al'ld ill-treatment of inmates which are often circulated indifferent parts of the County, All of whicb is respectfully submitted. J ORN ANDREWS, Chairman. Committee Rooms, St: Thomas,'June 3rd, 1886. 3; That we are well satisfied with thl2 way the ,Hou~eof In,dustry been conducted during the year by Mr. and Mrs. Hunsberger. lo-,y rate of one dollar and three cents per week is, we; think, sufficient.evideu('e to show that everything has beeh mlJ,naged, in ,the inost economical rnannerconsistent with the health and comfort of the inmates. 4. That as recommended in previous years we have putin! 50 rods of tile drains at a cost of $3466. " the potato crop w.as a partial{ailure as'the seed 'when first did not grow. 6. That, your Committee have met only- three times since January, total pay list amou~ting to $28.70. ' '7. 'That the Resolution passed at the last session with referenc~' to committing 'insane persons to the House has been well observed. , r 8. That the general health ofthe inmates,sho-ws that in Dr. Luton vve have ,a ,very efficient and painstaking officer. All of which is respectfullysubmitted. .1 OHN ANDREWS, Chairman; Committee Room, St. Thomas, November 1'7th, 188(j. To THE ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. the House of Industry Committee beg s$ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. .' ""I ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL ,PROCEEDINGS. SUHGEON'S UEPOR'l'. To TIlE WARDEN AND'MEMBERS'OF'THE ELGIN GOUNTY COUNCIL. Gentlemen,-The Inspector of the Elgin House of Industry begS the following as his annual report for ,t:le year ending, October, I 886. Gentlemen-In preseriting. i11Y Eleventh Annual Report of:.the Elgin House of Industry, I take pleasure in saying that I have during ,:1 theyear ending 31S,t Octoberpaidthis Institution ,fifty~nine, official visits, put up two hundred andt.wenty~eigbt prescriptIons, opened four ,abscesses, extracted nine .teeth and removed one cystic tumor. We have had entire freedom from quinsy, ,pneumonia, diphthena, rneasIes, scarlatina, mumps, 'chicken-pox, whooping 'cough, ,intermit. ting; remitting and typhoid fevers, and only one case of veneral' disease, andone'of Erysipelas. The following tabular statement wiTT give ample information in regard to the mortality: 3. 4. '5. 6. 7. 8, Number of inmates in the HouseofIndostry at last report,. . " admitted during'the year........ ,.,.;'........... ~... " born in House of Industry,..,........,... . . . .; . ...... II bfdeaths,... '...,..: '....,... ....u..'. ....'................ H of children sent out on triitl; . . . . . . , ; . . , , . . ." . . . 4 " takenol1tbyfriends,...n .......,.... ............. 9 " senttojail,.,.....",...,.. .~."....., .... t.. .,.'. . .",'.,',. 1; H taken outtor service,....... ,....._. ,.........." H discharged;.... ". ,. ..' ."....,...,'.,..,. " ....._ ",' .'. , . . .'. " abscoQded, o. '.'.. ............ .'. . ~.. """'0 '.. 'h' " Now inHouse of Indusrry,. '.....'.. '," ,. ,.,..... NAME. 12. The nunlber of inmates admitted from theseveral ,municipal- within the County during the year is as follows: AGE. CAUSE OF nEATH; Wm. Glover.,. .. . , . . . . . . . . .~63' . ,'. . . . . 0 . . . . ..'Kidney dis~ase. Maria Arnold... ... .. . .. . . ":-.78... .. ' . . . ',' , .. . ','" ,,' Insanity Henry 'Kinnan.. . .. , .. .. . . :'\.92, .. . . . ... . .... \. . . .. .. Senility. Frank Bennett.... ..,.... ...20 mos...;. .,....... ;Comrulsions Ellen'Foster .'.....,.... ....':'80........... ...~....... Semlity. 'Christopher Bratt. . . . . . . . , ,. ~83 . . . , . . ... . . ..\ Gener~l Debility. :B,'S. Tait .. . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . >62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . :". . . . .. Paralysis Thos. McConnell. , . . , . ... . ."96. . .. . . . . .. , . . .'\. , .. , . ,SeniEty. , Bella Connell ..............32 .............' \.. . Consumption'. Maud Aylmer........ ,. . ,.. 5, mos. . . . . . .,. .CholeralmJantu'm There are nm~ in the institution ten idiots and imbeciles, three J?lind .and three' insane. , I Ten deaths and one birth have occurred. The e>>emplarymanage, ment by the Keeper and Matron tends much to the well~being of the inmates. Aldborough, .....,...................,...... 6 Dun\vich" ...... ......'........,'............. South wold, . . . .. ............,.....,........, 4 Yai'ITIouth, ..,. ,... ,.., .. .'... .... .... .... ...... 8 South Dorchester, .... .;".;.. ...." .'. ....,.. '.... z Malabide, :..",........"., ,'..,....,...... 5, Bayham, . . . . . . '. . .. ',' . . . . , . . .. ..,. ......... 5 Vienna, " """,0 ........ ,... ...... ...,.. ...' .... 0 i\yli11er, ...... ,. .'. . . ..,. . .. .'. . . . . . .'. ',' . .. . ; . 2 Port Btal;11ey, .... .......... ,...... ... ....:',.... 0 Springfield,.... ......,'........ .."...". ...' .,.. I 13: ,Nativity of the,inmates,committed,during the year:--'--- Numper born intheC)\.mty, .........,.. .......13 " Canada, . . . . . ,. " . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. 8 " Scotland, ...... ....... ........6 " ,Ireland",~....... ','" .,. .',... .,.. 4 " ~pgnlnd, ... '," ........"........ 2 " United States, .... ............ I '.1 UnknQ\vn,..'.".,..,... .,...,......,."... I I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your obedieI1t servant, L. LUTON,M.D: November, 1886. causes of pauperism, of the inmates now. in, the, Houseisas follows:-,- .19 72 34 T,_ 10 - 5 II 8 58 ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL ~ROCEEDINGS. I 6,0 ELGIN 'COUNT'Y COUNCIL PR6CEEDINGS~ 61 Sic'-kness,.... ....',.. ..,...........'..,'.....-,.. .-... -5 'Destitution, ,... ........,...'..' ~ . , . . . . . .. 8 Intemperance, .... .....................,'...,... 8 Lame,.. .\. .... ...... ..... .'....... ,".....' ...... 2 Old Age,.... ............'.... .... ...' .... ...... 1 Blin4, '.,:, ........:.,.......................,. 4 Idiotic and insane, . . . . . . . . . .' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ~ll other causes)... .....u ...' ............... ......17 Average number of inmates during the year,... ..... Keeper's family anJ hired help added, ,.., ...... Nt;lmber of weeks board for inmates, . . .. .. .. . . .. Number of weeks board for inmates) keepers' family, etc.,'..,...... ...... ,.'...,.... .--... ..... 38'15 Total expenditure during the year, ........ .. . . . . $4,336.30 Deduct permanent improvementEi,... .. ...$197.24 " produc~sold, .................'...... 9.79 " increase of inventory, valuation over r885, ....... ..............,.. 104.84 " received from inmates, .......... 86.52 408.39 Paid for Permanent improvements, and re" pairs, .'..; "'; ............. " H Incidental~xpenses,: . . . .' ; .:. ... . ., Conveyance of int,nates to House, $191'24 '469'41 lOPS ,-- $4,3:36':30 -Dtiiing,the year 10 children have's.ttended school'1 l~i i days.or 56 months wh~ch at}'5 'cents' per'rrwrith makes the 'amount ,due School >Sectibn 14 South- wold for the' past year, ....,. .... .............. ..$42.00 Ap:lOunt of pr9duce raised on Farm during the year:- 25. 69 73 3606 15. 16. 17. 18. 26. r9. 14 tOils Hay, valued at .::;.....,.... .....".$ lsJoadscorn stalks, ..'.. . . .. . . ;,; .. ...-;. . 40pbtishelscorn, ..... .... ;........ ;<;l. iOq "oats,.............;;..;.'.';......' 500 "tnangold wurtzel;"-'.>.;. .;;.~.;.'.:;,':..'. g'o "seed turnips, .,'.....'... .,'~ ." ., , is: "beets,. '. . . .;'......; . .., . ~'~r~ ~'..;, ~ 12' H table carrots, ....... ..,;...... 1,5,(),"" "potatoes, ....,...,.....;.... (5~ ,U parsnips,-,..;'. ,.';.';, .." ...... JZ' "bnions,";....... ',' ..... ',~,' .... 9 U beans, ......... .';-.'. ;.'... .'..'.~';.';. 600' heads bfcabbage,... ... .. . .... . ... . .. 1600 pounds of butter,.:.. ... ......... .. .... I9'~,qM,arts:c~~,n~?frui~,: '::' '~","','" ','," ... ' 15 barrels soap, .,:,.J.'.;~'.' ... . ~. .-. ...:..' 8 fafpigs, . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .., , . "'.- ,'; ,"..',',.- , ., J-t2.00' 4500 100.00 ,,'I 50.0,0 75:00 26~oo :3-75 3.0'0 60.00 3.75 9.60 18;60 18~00 ' ,32.0.00 24.00 45'.00. 60.00 20~ Leaving amount actually expended. for support of i" mates",.,... ....."..... .'., .,......,.;.. .., ,$3;92'7.97 Average expenses per week for each person, .... ...$ 1.03 " I "year, " . .. ... 53.56 , The amount expended for the House and Farm is as' follows:.:...,- l'aidfor hired labor, ....,. ..............$ "Farm implements arid expenses, .... " Farm stock, . .'., ...... ..'..... ...... I, Stationery,....., p. . . . .,' . . . . . . . " Physician's salary; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " Drugs, surgical appliance, etc., ...... " Keeper and Matron salary, ...... . . " Provisions, .,.. . ., ...' ....' .. .. ,........ " Meat,... ... ... ..... ..,..,... ..'.. .'.. " Bread, . '. ',' '......... ... ...." .'.. .'... " Groceries"..., ,.' .'... ..., . ;",. .'... '. .'.. " Dry goods,. .. . . . . . .... ...... ,. . ... " Boots and shoes, ......:.'.,. ,. . . . " Hardware and'ftj,rnishings, ,....... " Wood, ,............, .......... " Furn~tute and" coffins, . . . . ,;.' . 21. 22.' 23. 24. 124,50 60.83 32.00 14.70 200.00 22.75 550.00 151.48 734.85 459.15 251.58, 186'.75 125.65 72.20 508;00 68.00 ~...... $~58.1 0 ';.: 27., )f 11lnb~r qfarti*s of clothing andb~ddingmade tip , ,clll'rjngtp.~x~l~r,,1?tthe'~~t~9n-,,~;.. ...\,'.'.'.',.,.;\2...,.... 5.07 28. The furniture"prf;>visioIls,'" etc~,," <>p',>hand';"IS:t valued as' follows,: ,,:, : ' Groc'eries, woo,da.tldph,~.~.~, ...... ',"::",~ . ~',~':' $ Farm and'garden produc~, ..:. ........:....:. Farm,stockand impleme.nts, " .... ..,. ..... ',," Dry gbods, .... ..:....:...,.... ....... :'. November are ~54'9~ ,37.S2 849.:35 47}4, ELGIN :COUN,TY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Clothing....... .'. ....,...... .....,.... 'Stoyes,'etc.,......... ',',' '," ...,... ...;.". .,...... B~ds an'dbeddiug, .......,.... ..,............ 'C-:<?ckery,,,. ....,.,~. "........ .' ',' ... '~....... . ,,' . . . TInware, .. ........ ........, ... .,.. .'... .,..... B,arrels, ~tc.". .'.... .... .'.".. ......"..... ... Sboemakerskit, ............ ............ Books and statiqnery, .. C" ,......:;'........ ',' "', Dental.fo~ceps"etc., ','" ",:,'" ..,.... .,.... Medicine case and secretary,.. . . ., ','" .. . . ~oo.oo 238.00 300.95 80.50 10.53 3850 6,00 10'-00 II.OO' 20.00 Total, ... .......,'... .$2770.72 ELGIN" COUNTY COUNCIL,PROCEEDINGS; PUBLIC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S 'REPORT. To THEWAR.DEN AND COUNCIL OF, THE COUNTY, OF "ELGIN. Gentlemen,-l have the honor of-sub.initt1ng for your' ,consideration ' my annual report for the year ending Dece~ber 318t,1885.- ,As" fat asconven ient I have followed\the same order as theh~<J.dings appear'in my official report to the Ron. the M,inisterof Education: . '" " " " I , Thefollowiug statistics will enable you as well as the people of the Cou~titoforman estim'ate of the extent and>cost of-our, Public' ,Schools. . I regret to have to say that in many cases Trustees' Reports tome inaccurate;, For example the balance reported as 'in .the atlheen!i of 1884 was $8695'57, thIS, of ,course,' be the amount in their'hand~ at the' beginning'of, 18SS,," but reports for 1885 say that the Trustees had in their hands January 1885 $10172.70. " , " Again,Malahide reported a,~chool population of '1280, wqi1e,the numberof.reglst~red'pupils is teported ~as 1,502. ,,'Suchinaccur~cies Il1ake us, SUSpiCIOUS, ~L-th~,reliability of other parts ofth~ reports; AS,a new daily regis,ter has beenprep'ared f(lfOur schools,i?,which' are blanks for ' repor'ts 'we hope the. necessity for returning registers' ,for ~orrect~on will be lessened. 29. The total amount expended by Connty up to 1St November House ,of Industry, e,tc., is as follows ~ Farm 50 acres, cos~,.. . ... .,. . . ".'.d . .".$ House of Industry, .~.. .'..:.... ..;.. ~ ',' ,Cottages" ...._..,.,','..~~,..,:.. ...',... "",'" Barns, wopdsheds, et~., co~t,;,..~ '," ';' ," ... Tile drains 766,rods,.... '.. .... ',':"~"'" "Ftrncing 560 rods". ,'~ .. .,.,....~ . . . . . .."..,. . "' Orchard, ...... ~... ~~:. ',~' ..,...,.,~'.... 3000.00 6958:90 8I7.00 700,.60 336~oo 612.00 82.,00 St; Thomas, I6th Nov., 1886. Total,... .... ." ,.. .$12487,.00 , , 1(. W: i.ylCKA Y, Inspector. FINANCE STATEMENT. To T,HE WARDEN A~DMEMBERS OF THR'COUNTY Co.U'NctL,; . '" ' ',' " Gentlemen,'-,...-The Special ,Committee appointed"to' report on the resolu'tion:as~ing thisCpunc:;il to petition the.Legislature to amend ,Municipal Act in regard to ,the number of County Councillors ',)eqve,to repOl:t :" ' " ',:',',: ,i:: " ,That while, they are in favor o(redncing the number of tives in the different County Councils' they c'annot approve "proposeci.in,saidrefiQlutlon., ',,'," ' , All of which is respectfully submitted. , " ,B.F. HATlIAWAY, Chairman" Ad9pted January, 1886. Yeas [7"c'nays 7' The following sul11s were e~pended during the year I8~5 : F6rteach~'rs' salaries, " '. ;"~"""'.'~" '. '...:.:$ 43117K34: For school sites and buildiug" .. .,... . ..,,' ,4,935.90 Forlibtaries,maps, globes, etc., ....; :.. 396.61 For heating,c1eanil,1g,.~tc~"..,. .d. '~'," ',' 11.,005.95 --- total, ..................$ 59.420.80 Total for,1884, .......,.. 5',964'49 Increase,c,;..":'-~'"", .. ",' ',' RECEIPTS. fr)lloWlng'~~ms,wereretelved for public ~chool purposes,: ?4 ELGIN COUNTY COlJNCIL' PROCEEDINGS. , B.lauce f,omIS84, \.........,... ..,.,..., $ Legislative grant, ................ '.. . .' Munidpalgrant, ... ..... .... .,....... Trustees' levy, ..... ...... ...... Clergy Reserve Fund, ,....... ,., ..,... ,1'Pi:!'7f!;'70 3,877-83 3,713.99 34,6q.65 8,2Q.23 Total, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $ 69,599.:\6 TotaHor 1884, .......... 60,560.06 Increase,.. .. ....... .... .'. 9,039.24 'Thisleaves" balance 'of $9,682.60 in the hands of Trusteos December 3,st, 1885. SCHOQL,SIT-ES AND ;BUILDINGS. ELGIN,'COUNTY COUNCIL'PROCEE~INGS. The average, atteudance was 372' or 46 pe,' cent, ofregiste,e<:i number.' The cost per registered pupil was .........,..$ '7.44 The cost per average pupil was~. ~,~.. ..:.,.,:.... 6.10/ Thisniellns that the County had 37" pupils receiving bellelit from durschoolsfot, the::same ,expenc1it~rethat805~ J;"equired"or;th.e' County received only 46 per cent',6fwhat it ~hould ,hayerec~iyed .i9- return-for $591426.80 expended.", Therewas, howeverj mon~ regularity in attendance than in 1884. This was partly due to, the interest, creat- i,i' ~d,by':~he,syst~p:1;of unifornlC~unty pr'omotionexaminationsJ. piO\ve " i~troduced',i'-,1t,o.,the. County... . '" " " ',' , The uumber of children beh"een the agesof7and r3 ",ho !iid not attend any school was 97 and the number between the same ages who did not attend the 100 days reqQired ~y law was '705. 0;, There were' r03 schoolsites-99 r11raland4 village, and 104scb091 houses. <,These,schoo1s contain 122 different departmen,ts. ,Of the f03' sites ,100' were freeholds and, 3,rented;' Ofthe,I:2te~chers 56 'fier7 mal"apd 99 female, +7 hel<:i Second', Class, CertIficates and 75 ThIrd Class 'CertIficates,39 had atterided th,," NormalSi;hooL .The higbest sala,y paid a male teacher was $600.00 and the lowest $300.00 the, average being $404.00, a decrease of $12,00 from 1884' . Thebighest salary paid a femaleteacher Was $400 and the lowest' $"5,\he,a"er~gebeing,$3I2, an increase of $38.00 over r884. . " SClIOO'L' POP,ULATION ,ATTENDANCE, ';'CLASSIFICATION, ETC. 'theWtal reported school population was ......... .8,'32 Total'number ofregisteredp.upils was.. .'.......... .8,052 " girls, " ,:'.'~ ;~..,';'.; ~':. .. . . .: . . . .; . .. . .3,830 " boy~,' ,'" .-... .........; ....... ','::; ..4',22~ TEACHERS' SALA~,IES AND 9,E,RTIFICATES. The,:numberiof pupils in the first class" part,r, " " " 2 was .140,4 ....1023 .... '795 .,. .175" ....1698 .... i8o; 1(;. " " s,econd " " thi,d " ,. fourth' " " fifth Of the 104 sc\wo1 houses 4' are brick and 6. frame. With but few 'exceptions t~e ,houses arecomfoJ~~~.Ie.Since;,(I.J\rbor Dar.',' ,:Was i,nstituted more schqo' yar<;lsare losing tqeir b~re~ppeara,nce and ; ~te 'lnade,t;r1ore attra~tive. . On' "Arbor pay!'in May, 1,885, QVerI2oo:lt trees,'were plant~d, in the schciolyarqs of ,EIgGi,'besides,numerous "1, ,flowering plants and shrubs. .' w;. . <IYlAPS; GLQBES"BLACKBQARDS",ETC. '\ T;"o years ago I found the schools .poorly provided with Maps and rr.'ptP,er,.nece(~s,ary~qtl~p~e.nts. It\vas' an exceptional case to find ,a ~'lJl~P 'If Can.ai:la or Qpta,io. , l\10r~ sch901s had maps of the United {\i:'__St~t~s,;or,of:Eurc'P.e, 'than,'of our' 'own country; few children ,knew "', anyihing aboQtloe~I.C;;eography. , ' "".. l!I~xt year I h,!pe to report that eyery school isprovided with a map ~anada"Qrie 'o(Q~tario,:aIld o.~e:ofElgin County.,' Last.year there wer~ in all 775 maps, 71 globes and.8'" blackh~drds in ~eschbols of the county. ' , EXAMINATIONS, PRIZES, VISITS, ETC. :,'} , ,,:Ti?:~r,e.,were,only ~8pu,blice,,~in'in'a~jor$, or slightlymore t?:anone. ~:,;:~alftheteachers h~,ldone:during-th'e'year., ,The r~gulati~ns ,wisely \ ~j.'providedthatthere"shall be two public,~xatninati'ons in ',each', ,school "t{~during<th~year, 50 tl1at,dwpare~ts an,d ra~eIJa,~er5 .m~y ~ecome 5 ELGIWcOUN,TY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS;. 61 '66 ELGIN I COUNTY CO.uNCILPROCEEDINGS; acquaiuted with the style of teaching and note the progress'of.th,e', school. Trust!2:es should ,see, that the law is cqrnplied,with in t~is respect. Pri~eswere given in 20 schools. Thereare but two or three sch()ol libraries in, the" cp:tJnty. :Ver'j , ,little 'c~n ,be done to' encourage' ptip~ls tQ read go.od literatur~ou~s~d~<; th~ir text books' without the aid of school ,libraties, as, ,manY,',llouses " are without suitable ,books for children and i,n thecoul1try the~~are", no public libraries to which children may have access,. T~~re were 274'visits,made'by Trustees al1d791 other visits ma~inlf: a total of 1:06 5 vi,sits.Some reports show that Trustees did not visit, the schoo)duri'ng the year. They serve as a guard against promoting pupils too rapidly and as$ist to increasethe r~gularity of attendance. They have infused,new life into teachers and pupils and parents take more interest in the work, of the school. If I have omitted any information that you may require I will gladly furnish it. In conclusion I take the opportunity of thanking' the friends of education throughout the county' for the m~:7 kindnesses shown me 'and the Teachers and:Trustees particularly for their cooperation with me in 'this great work of educating the,children of this county, the - of which you have intrusted to me. I have the honor to be gentlemen your obedient servant, W. ATKIN, Pu)Jlic School Inspector. INSPECTION. ] une, 1886. During 18851 made 24.5 half-dayvisitsbesidessomeshortcalls" or on an, average rather more than two huJf-days ViSIt to each school. , ,My nNcle of inspection consists in 'obser'ving methods of teaching, one or more lessons myself f~r the benefit of the ~eacher when I think 'it necessary, and in examining into the, progress made ,by the different' classes. The method I have adopted of noting the progress made by individual pupils has had considerable influence in increasing the reg,'ularitybf attendance. Since my ,last report, I: havesen t to every' School'13oard of' Trustees a copy of the School Law aud Regulations of the year.1885. , I have' ,also pl~cedj.n every school room acopyofthe Authorized Scrip,ture': Readings prepared by the Education Department. ' ,,' . Elgin Teachers' Assod'ltionheld twomeeti,g;~;-:during the''year'in Mayand.octoher. There are about 175 members. Dr. 'McL~llan, Director of T.eachers' Institutes, wns present at theOctober",rneeting' and gave valuable assistance by way of lectures on 'Methods"aims ; in teaching, etc. In the' ev(;ning he gave a publiclecture on our ','Schoo!' System." ' ltladdition to the County. Assoc;iation I. have , oTganized ,s.everal,; ,Townsl:1ip Institutes with,! beHeve,rriuch profit toth~ teachers 'and through them to the schools., , ' , ' ' ,,',',',' examinations Introduced',by me ,a~e",s~illj\ I MUf::h, go~d,I:) resultil1g ,fro~ them:~j I