1887 Minutes . PROCEEDINGS OF THE ~gin County Council DURING THE' SESSIONS HELD IN THE ~OUl:t ~on~t,~t. 11ullua~ IN THE MONTHS OF ELGIN COUNTVLlBR.Jl.RV DARY, JUNE,ANDNOVEMBER i887. J. C. DANCE, W ARDE:N. ST. THOMAS, 'ONT.: THE DAILY TIMES STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTI:t{G HOUSE. 1887. PROCEEDINGS OF THE Elgil1 County Council JANUARY SESSION, 1887. FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY. Tuesday, ~he 25th day of January,' 1887. membel's elect of the County Council of the Municipal Corporation of of Elgin met this day in the Court House, at two o'clock, after. 'rhe following Reeves ,and Deputy Reeves filed certificates and took their 'E~ts at the Council Board; '! I '. B. MORRIS, .............. .:REEVE, ..., ,..,. ... .ALDllOROp'GH... .., IANIEL McLAREN, .,. ,....., . 1ST DEPUTY REEVE",., H 'U~dAN McGREGOR,.."... .2ND DEPUTY REEVE,... " G. RUTHVEN, M. D., ,. ,. .REEVE,... ...,......,. ,DUNWlClI.. ....,... -BUCHAN,,'\.N,., ,.. .1ST DEPUTY REEVE..., ,-, GARBUTT,......", .2ND DEPUTY REEVE.. .... '" 4 ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNaIL PROCE~;oINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOI~ PROCEEDINGS. .. , ~t,ThfLt Messrs. Ward, StJ;atton, Payne; Ruthven, Turner, Pollock, Sinclair, l;J:hna.ld,son, and Morris, be appointed a Committee' to ('trike the standing ~~mmittees-Carried. ' DONALD TURNER, ... ... '. .REEVE... ........ .",.. .SOUT:H\';'"OLil... lHOMAS JACKSON .,........ .1~T DEPUTY REEVE...... " ROBEI-tTR CRANSTON,.... ,2ND DEPUTY~EEVE., .'... " WILLIAM O. POLLOCK,. .... REEVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Yarmouth BENJ. F. HATHAWAy,..... . 1ST DEPUTY RE~E _..... ,{ CHAHLES A: BROWER,... ...2ND DEPuTrl;tEEvE ..... <i WILLIA M L BAILEY, .. ... .31m DEPUTY REEVE. . . . . . " SHELDON WARD,.....".. ..REEYE...,.. ......... ...MALAHIDE RICHARD .LOCKER,....... ..IST DEPtJ'1'yREEVE. (, MARLON, E. LyON,...... .. .2:NDDEPUTY,REEVE...... HENRY STRATTON,...... ...REEVE... ........... ...BAYHAM WM. BACKHOUSE,........, 1ST DEPUTY REEVE..".. H HENRY T..GODWIN, . .'.... .2NDD~piJTyREEVE...... H _JAME~~ a.DANCE,......... . ,REEVE. . .'... ......... ...South Dorchester.' WM. A., GUNN, . "_;" .... . .DEPUTy.RElwE,... .... ... " 'COLL SINCLAIR, M. D.,.. ....RXEVE. ............... ..4.ylmer '..... .. "I~' MOSESLEESON,......,......DEPUTYREEVE.,........." .., .', jOH~IL TEAL,..... .. ....REEVE'............... ...VIENNA'.... ... CHAS....:bONALDSON,...... . .REEVE.... ._;;........... .SPRINGI.'IELD.. MANU~L PAyNE,...... .., .REEVE... ......,.. ....'..PORT STANLEY Thci\~lembers were c~l1ed to ol'del: tho Clerk in the chair. The following. gentlemen. were then moved and seconded for the officeo! \Varden :,"'-H. T. Go~win, Sheldon Ward, Dr..Sinclair; Dr. Ruthvenj W',O: Pollock, Donald Turner, S. B. Morris, H.Stratton, M, Payne, J. C. Danc~; Chas. Donaldson, William Backhouse, D. McLaren, 0,\1 of whom resigned except Messrs. Ward, Ruthven, Turner, Morris and Dance. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by R. Locker, That we adjourn until to-mOl'roW morni?g at half pastnine~Carried~ ':K. W. McKAY, J. C. DANCE. 'County, 'Clerk. Warden' I Messrs. Pollock and Sinclair were appointed sctutineersjand on the twent~., sixth ballot Mr, James Charles Danca, R~eve of South Dorcheste~', havhgl r'eceived.a majority of the votes of the whole Council was declared drily elected Warden of the County of Elgin for the year 1887, Mr. Dance then made the Statlltorydeclaration of office before His'Honor.Judge Hughes; took the chait I1nd addressed the Council, The proceedings oithe last Session of the Council were re,ad and "Moved by B. F./Ha.thaway, 'seconded by '\iV. O. Pollock, That the reaclihg 'of the ,comrr.mnications be laiti over until to.morrowin ordei' to- allow the Committee to be appointed' to strike standing committees~ ineet~Carried. ~C?ved byW.,Backhou~e, seconded by H, T. Godwin, " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL pJ,WClmmNGS. FIRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. From the Ontario Rifle Association,re grant. Referred to tp.e Finance ~'Uonimitte'e; From K. W. McKay,- re office. Referred to Goal Committee. From the Elgin Teachers' Association"thanking the' Council for amount r,e Promotion Examinations, Accepted. From the ,gecretarySt. Thomas Board of Education, ",'ith' reference to appointed to address th~ Counci!. Moved by D)::rS~nclair, secondedbyW. D./Pollock, from,theiSt. Thomas Board of Education be heard at2 Wedllcsday,the 26th day of January. .The Elgin County CO!:lncil 'met this day according to adjo~rnment. J. C. Dance,'Esq'., Warden, in the chair. Members present :'-MessrS. Morris, Ruthveu, Turner :ollo~k; "BaileYI Lyon, Godwin, Sinclair, Donaldson, McLare'n, Buchanan,uackson,HathawaYI Ward, Stratton, Dance" Leeson, Payne, McGregOl', Garbutt, Cranston, Browor, Locker, Backhouse, Gunn, Teal. The proceedings of the previous day 'Wcreread and confirmed, The report of the Cominittee appointed to strike standing Committees then read and adopted on motion, of Mr. vVard,secqndeclby Mr. Pollock~ The follmdng communicationa were read :~ , . From Countyof Perth 1'e drainage Act of .1883. Referred t6Committee: on Petitiol1s and Legislation. ;From J. W. Rogers, revelltilatol'. Referred toGoalCommittce~ FrOlp Canada Land Law Amendment, re'-introduction'of the Torrenasysteni of Land Transfer. Referred to COJIlmittee on Petitions. and Legislation. I From tho Prisoners,' ,A.id Association. Referred to .Committee' on Petitions and Legislation. From County of HastihglS'; l~e accommodation for'insane people~ From William Watts, Tl'mitce of Vienna High SchOol,' resiknipg Referred to Education Committee. From \V~ AtTdn, Public School Inspeotor, re grant fou Pr-omotion Examiil. ations. Referred to Education Cominitte', From Aylmer High School Board, 'with Annual Report.. Referred to Educat~on Committee. From tho County Engineer, with report on COUllty bridges, etc. Refe;~ed to the Publlo Improvements Cominittee. From the Vienna High School, with Annual Report. Referred to the EducationCummittee. Mov~d by W, 6 "Pollock, seconded by C. IA. B!ow~r, Henry: Heyden be appointed Auditor of tht County: Accol.lnts for the ending 31st December; .1886, at ~ salary 'of fortyddll~,rs. ' ' Moved by W,. Backhouse,. secollded by H. Stratton, That GeorgeSuffel be appointed Auditor of the County Accopntsfor 1886 at a'salary of forty dollars. In amendment; 2nd; 1~oved by p. G. Ruthven;'seconded by D. Buchanau, That A. J. Leitch':be appointed ~Collnty Auditor for 1887. , Both ameridin,cnts and main motion lost, Moved by V..r',Ba?khoUf;le, seconded by H~ Stratton, That 'William McKenzie be appointed Auditor ata salary of forty dollars., In amendment, 1st, Moved by Dr. Sinclair: seconded, by M. Leeson, That Audrew Mnrray be appoii:ltedAuditor at.asalary of forty doUfl:rs. In amendment, 2nd, Moved by W. O. Pollock, secondedbyW. L. Bailey, That Frank Heddersonbe appointed Auditor at a salary of forty dollars the year 1887. In amendment.3rd, Moved py Thomas Jacksoll,. seconded by R. 'R.Cra,nstoD, , 7 for 8 :&1QIN QOUl'fTY COUNiJIt PROCEEDING!3; . . ,: '.' '. I Tha~Ewl\ln Cal1'!eron -be appointed Auditor for 18t;l7. Main motion and 2nd and 3rd amendments lost, 1st amendment ,carried. I'he ' Warden appointed T. W. Kirkpatrick as auditor. Moved'byR: R. Cranston, seconded by Dr; Sinclair,; That S. B. Morris ,be appointed Auditor o~ the Administration of ~ccounta fOl' 1887-Carried. J;uati~ Moved by D. Turner, seconded by Thomas Jackson, That D. McColl be appointed' :auditorof the' Administration of" Justice accounts for 1887~ In amendment. Moved byD. G.Ruthven, seconded by,W. Backhouse, That D. McLaws be appointed, Auditor of the. Administration of 'Justice accounts for 1887. Main motion carried. Amendment lost. Moved 9Y W. O. Pollock, secon~ed ,by D. Turner, That the. Warden appoint a Special Committee to petition the 'Ontario Legislature to make provision for the appointment of County officials by vote of the people, and that the petition be presented to this Council for consi4'era., tion during tpe presentsess~on-Carried. The 'Varden appointed Me,ssrs. Pollock, Turner, Sinclair, Payne, S. B, Morris as t4e Speoial Committee. Moved by W. Backhouee, seconded by H. Stratton, That this C?uncil do now adjourn until two 'o'clock to allow Committees to'., meet----Carried. The Council resumed at 2 o'olock. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. StrattonJ~ That the deputation from the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute be now he'ard -Carried. Messrs. McKenzie, Miller, Donahue, Midgley and Smith then addresse~ thiL Council arid presented annual report for 1886. . .. Moved by W.-Ba,ckhouse, seconded by JohnH. Teal, That the report of the Collegiate Institute, of-the ~ity ofi Jt. Thomas, just f.G} <i"r / ELGIN COUNrt COUROn. PROcEEDINGS.' 9 i!read, be referred to the Committee on Education and that- thisCOUllCil tender f;;'their thanks t~thedeputationw40'have presented the same-Carried; J.',: Moved by',D. G. -Ruthven; seconded by D. Buchanan; (-' I., I' '~:';_That the Deputation from the Dutton High School be now heard- ;,Ca-rried~ " Messrs. Jackson a.nd Leitch then addressed ~j'School. the . Council; 1"e Dutton High -Moved b;y Dr. G. Ruthveu,seconded by D. M0Gregor, That Dr. Leitch, of Dutton" and Peter Stalkerof Aldb'or~righ,be~ppoitited ,'XL'rustees of the Dutton High School for three yeats and Daniel MqLaren of lltodney for'two years.-'-'-Ca'rried. Moved byW. Backhouse,seconde-I by John H.Teal, ",. That George Thornton. be_ appointed Tru?tee for the. Vienna High Sehoul in ?place of William Watts.resigned.":":"'Carried. '";Moved by John H.-Teal, seconded by H. T. Godwin, i . That William Backhouse be appointed, .Trnstee for the Vienna High-Sc,hool. ?~Carried. Jr,'MovedbY M. Leeson, seconded by 'Dr. Sinclair, ; 'That J. C. Dance be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer HighSchobl for !~'~hree yeara-Carried. ' , ,t-Movedby JohnH. Teal, seconded" by W'. Backhouse, ,["_' I 'V 'That the report,of the Dutton High School be referred to the EducatiOn t90mmittee and that the Board be congratulated on the success of their school. ~tCarried. ~:f.Mr. H. T. Godwin gives notice that he would niake application to,morrow ~for a grant of $75 for the support of an idiot child of James Ribble. I;,., " ri',Movedby S.Ward, Secondeil by John H. Teal, )ba.t the delegation f~om the Scott Act Association regarding the appoint- (fuent of a Police Magistrate for the County of Elgin be now' heard.-Carried. ~"Messrs. Gundy, Ferguson and others addressed the Council requesting them 'b. recommend the appointment of a Police Magistrate. ~rMovedbY, M. E. Lyon, seconded by H. Garbutt, ,:....' \ i::,::,That after hearinp: the delegation-from the Scott Act Association regarding !~he'appoin:tmerit of . Pblille Magistrate we refer the' matter to the Committee ~il'Petitions arid Legislation. ~Carried. I' 'JI 10 ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS,., , Moved. by W. Backhouse, seconc1,ed by M. E.. Lyon, That the Clerk be instructed to purchase' ,three pahs of, handcuffs, tob presented to ehas. Chute, J. P., to qehy him loaned to th'e "Constablt;ls inhij locality.-Carried. ' Moved by W. O.Pollock, seconded by'C. A. Brower, That this Council petition the Ontario Legislature to amend the p1'8senl J_ury Law by doing away with' the second selection and making thefirstl selection by Township selectors sufficient.-,--Carried. Moved by D.' ~cGregor I secoll(led' by M. 'Payne, . That this Council adjourn until ten o'clock to.mol'l'owmorning.-:-Carried; K. W, McKAY, County Clerk. JAMES C, DANCE, I W arden~ , FIRST SESSION~THIHD DAY, Thursday, 27th January, 1887. The Elgin County': Council met this day according to' adjoul'n- i~ment. ,Tames C. Dance, Esq., wfl,I:den, in the chair. ~11 t~e members pr~sent. ',i', ~he proceediIigs,of the ,previou'sday were-read and confirmed. The Finance Commi,ttee, pres,ented their report which was adopted on motion '~,:o,f M.,Payne, seconded by Mr.' Morris. ",Moved by D. Turner, seconded, by Thomas Ja.ckson, r:"Tha~ t~~ fi~anc~Committ~e be instructed to conferwit~ mana~~rs of ,banks ~rjn thecity'a~d, if posr;sble, m~kearrangements for disco~nts at a lower rate' tof interest than 'We are paying no_w.--'-Carried. .,~'.The report of the Public tmpr~vements Committee wa':! then read arid,aaopi- 'cid on motio'n of Mr. McLaren, seconded by Mr. Stratton. T~c rep~rtof the Gaol Committee waS then presented. by ,Mr. Locker, seconded by Mr~,'McLaren~ That;the report of the Gaol Com,mittee be adopted. III amendment, ~'(, '.Moved by W.-O. PollQ"k, Seconded by Thomas Jackson, ~ ' ,~::' ~hat this Council go into commi '.tee of,the whole to consider-,the Goal' Com- ~\'lllittee'sReport'7""Main motion lost, amendment' carried. !J}Moved by ~'._Pa.yne, seconded by, R. B ~orriS, That we adjou~n until two o'clock: p. m.~Carried. 12 ELGIN) OOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNOI~ PROCEEDINGS. 13 The Council resumed at two o'clock and went into coinmittee of the wholi! to consider the report of Goal' Committee. \ The warden appointed H. T. Godwin -to take the -,chair. After thr leport clause by clause the committee rose; and. the chairman the report as amended. . Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by W. Back~puse, That the report of the Goal-Committee as amended inJ committee of' thel:, whole be adopted.-Carried. , Moved by W. O. Pollockj~econded by Dr. Sinclair, That the rules of-order be suspended and that the yeas and nays be given,ijJ vote on ventilator and purchase of Hag for Court House. -Carried. Report of Goal Committee, sec. 1, that James W. Rogerabe paid _ fifty dol: lars for, his ventilator put up in the Cou,rt Room. discussing; pr~sentOO' "Moved by 'w. O. 'Po~lock, seconded by Dr. Sinclair, 'lThat,this Council do now adjourn until ,to-morrow. morning a.t half 'past ~ioe.-Carried; K. W.McKAY, County Clerk. JAMES C. DANCE. Warden. " YEAS-Stratton, Teal, Ward, ,Godwin, Lyon, Locker, Payne, Morris, 1I:[c.I Gregor, 'McLaren, l?~ilaldsonj,Brower,Pollock, Hathaway,' SinclaiJ~,' Le~~onJ Cranston, Jackson, Turnerand Gunn-20. NAys-Backhouse, Garl;mtt,: Buchanan and Bailey--4. Report of Goal Committee, s~ction 3, that a flag be purchased for the COM -House.. I ~orris, 'Payo~' Jackson ari:l' YEAS,-Backhous~, Strat.ton, ~eal, Lyon, Godwin, Locker, McGregor, Bailey, Donaldson, McLaren, Leeson, Cranston, Turne~-16. NAYS--Ward, Garbutt, Buchanan, Brower, Hathaway, PqUockJ Sincla'it, Gunn--8. The Education Committee then presented their repqrt. Moved by D. McGregOl) seconded by H. Garbutt,: That the report of the Education Committee be adopted. In Amendment. Moved by Thomas Jackson Beconded by"W. 0, Pollock, That this council go into committee of the whole to.consider the the Education' Committee. ' Main motion lost, amendment carried. The Council then went into committee of the whole, Sheldon Ward chair. After discussing the report for some time the committee rose. ELGIN' COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGH. 'dj Moved by S. B. M!=.ll'l"i~, seconded by M. Payne, That :.ids Council do now adjourn to meet here again at "l p. ro.-Carried. The Council resumed at two p. m. Moved by H. T. 'Godwin, secon'dedby W. Backhouse, That the Warden issue his cl)eque in favor of Henry Stratton for seventy-five be by him expended for the maintenance of an idiotic child of James ble, an illdigent.-Carried. Moved'by H.E. Hathaway, seconded by \V. Q,Pollock, That the War(l.en name a committee'to take into consideration the subject exemption from taxationalld l:eport at the June session of ,this Coullcil.- a FIRST SESSION~FOURTH DAY, Friday, January 28th, 1887, The Elgi~ County' Council met this dlty. according to adjolltl mentl The Warden appointed the members of th~, Committee on Petitiolls and Legi~lation to consider above resolution. Moved by S. ,'Vard,secollded by M~ E; Lyon, That the W'arden nam:e a spec'al committee for tlu~ p:nrpose of Mrivip.g,at an basis whereby the appropriations for the difftlrent High ,Schools in county m~y be settled for a term of years.--Carried. The Ward€u appr,jnted Messrs. Backhouse, ~inclail',. .PoUock, 'rumer and The 'Varden in t,he chair; All the/members present. ~rhe proceedings of the previous day wer~ read aud confirmed. A communication. from Havelock Smith, 1'0 paymeu,t for m' while in goal was read,' also certificate from .Dr. Vanbuskirk,Gi Surgeon. Moved by R. R. Cmllston, seconded by Dr. Sinclair., 'rhat the request hf Havelock Smith 1'13' boat'd' ,be granted.-Carried. Moved by "v. Q. Pollock, seconded by ,B. F. Hathaway, That this Council go into committee bfthe whole on report of ,Educaf Commltte,e. .'---:Carried. The Council:went into committee of the \.vhole, Mr. ,Pollock in the chi After discussing the report' the commit~eerose and the chairr,nan reported II adoption of tho report without amendment. Moved by M. Leeson, seconded by ,"V. Backhduse, That the report of the committee of the whole be adopted.-Carried. Y cas and nays bein~ caned for were take'n down as follows: Yeas,.'B~ckhouse. Teal, Str'attoll, Ward,Lyon, G.lwbutt, Buchanan, vim, ':::'odwin, Morris, McGregor, Donaldson, McLaren. Locker, Leeson, Gunn..:......17. Nays, Payne, Bailey, B:ower, lIatha.way; :pollock, Cranston, rrurne~.-8. The Petitions and Legislatiol1:Committee then presented theil' report. Moved by \-V. Backhouse, seconded by Thomlts .Jackson, the report of the Committee on Petitions and Legislation he referred commit'tee.of the whole.-Carried. Council then went into committee of the whole, S. B. 'Morris in the' After considering the,report' the committee rose and the chairman reported that thereP9rt had been' amended py striking out. the clause the appoint~ent. of a police magistrate; Moved by S.B. Morris, seconded by W. Baclthouse, That the report of th~ Committee on Petitions and Legislation be lidopted as Yeas~Backhouse, Stratton;-Teal, Godwin, Payne, Bucho.nan, l{,uthV'en, McGregor, Donaldson, Morris; McLaren, Hathaway, Pollock,Crans:on, Turner,. Garbutt.-18. Brower, Sinclair, Leeson. .G,ul1n.-..,..7. _,_1.- 15 16 .,. . . ELOIN COUNTY COUNCIL TROCE'EDINGS. ELGIN ',COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 17 according ',to That By-Law No. 435 be read a second time.-Carried. lvIovedby S. Ward, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That;By-Law No. 435 bereacl a third time and finally passed.~Carried. Moved by Mr. Morris, secondeCl by Mr. Donaldson, TJiatthis Coullcil do now adjour,ll to meet at 9.30 a,m. to.morl'ow.-Carried. , K. W. McKAY, JAMES C. DANCE; Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by D.McLar8n, 'l'llat the County ~rl'easurer's bonds be produced for the Council. -Carried.' Moved by D. Tumor, secondedhy ThOlnas Jackson. '1'h~t the treasnre: be illstructell to classity the aCCll1ll1ts recominc:nda,tion of the auditors for 1884;c-Carriecl. Moved by"W.Backhonse, secunded by l{,. Locker, That Mr. McLaws he allowed to nddrcss the Council 1'e vault ill cOliuection ,with his officQ,-Carried. . . f tl,il mspectlOn 0' lIS) County Clerk. Warden. Mr. ,McLaws addressed the Council. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That thenpplicatiOll,of Mr. McLaws for extra,yault nccommodntioll he referred to the GaolCommittee:with po,ver to aC#-c~Carried. Moved by Mr. 11cLaren,seconded by Mr. Morris, rrhat tho resolution passed apIJointiligtrnst,~esfor the Dutton High School be resCinded so far as to apuointment of Dr.' Leitch and- that A. N, C. Black" be appointed. -Carried. Moved by D. Tnrner, seconded by Thomas JacksOllj That the clerk communicate with the different b!1uks and monetary tions in thE: city ,with the view of ?btainingloans at a lower rate of than is'at pl'escntpaid.-Ca'rried. Moved by Duncan Bucha,nan, seconded by Dr. Ruthven, That by"law 4-34, being a by-law to appoint' a BOlll'd of Audit in the ofEl'giu for 1887 bereGeived andread,1 first time.-Carricd;' Moved hy Duncan' Buchanan; seconded by Henry Garbutt, That By-Law No. 434'be rea,d '", !:Iecond time.-Carried. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by M.E. Lyon, 'That By'.Law No. 434"be read a third time and finally p!ls~ed-Carried. Moved by R. nocker', !:Iecondec1 by H. 1'. Godwin, That By-Law No. 431", being a by-law to o;ppoiut County Auditors he received and re~cl a first time.-Carded. Moved byM. E. Ly'on, seconded by'S. 'Yard; @ '. FIRST SESSION-FIFTH DAY. Fliday, 28th January, 1887; The Elgin County Council met this day according to ment. .Tames C. Dance, Esq., warden, in the chair; Members'present...;....Messrs. Morris, .'McLaren, McGregor, Buchanan ~urner, Cranston;~"Jackson. Pollock, Hathaway,Bailey,Brower, Ward, Lyon, Backhouse, Gunn, Godwin, Teal, 'Sinclair"Leeson,Pay~eJ The proceedillgs of the previous day were read and confirmed. MOVl;ld by Mr. Morris, seconded' by Mr. Payne, THat By-Law No. 436, being a by-law tciappoint trustees for High made appropriations for the maintenance of said High Schools and gra~~ to County Model Schbol be received and read a first time.--Carric.,id. Moved by S.B. Morris, seconded byD McLaren, That By-Law 'No. 436 be read a' second time.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Leeson, seconded by Mr. Donaldson, 1'hat By-Law No. 436 be read a third time and finally passed.-cCar-ried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded byM. Leeson, That By. Law No. 437. being:!1 by-law to authorize the 'Warden and Treasurer to borrow the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars be read a first time.-Carried. Moyed by W. O. Pollock, seconded byW. L. Bailie, That By-Law No. 437 be re'ada second time. -Carried. Moved by W.L. Bailie, seconded by W. O. Pollock, ThatBy-LawNo.4117 be read a third thrie and finally SESSION. 1-.:,', "ET.GD\ ,,-mU1'\'l'Y,COUNClr... ,PROCElmWG~; 21 -~,,-..~- I' 'JiUNE ,. That,theqcense il1Sreqtors,forViTe~t alld Ea'st mginbe, llotified',t~_ pre~e,llt detailed statem,ellt of,,thl'l, l'cceipts and: expeuditure1rof the License FUlIdup date,--'-.CalTled. ~~()~;?d by Pi'i,Sindair,-Secou~ed b~,M.' Leeson" .T~e~4Cl.Y; ,t1te7,th:day of.Jun~~ },887,.' That tbe County Solicitor be requested to give his opinion ~p this Council ill ,"~efe'l'ence todisPllte.lbetVi'ee!~-Yal'mouth aid 8outlnvo.ld, 1'(',) 'to:\vn, line..:-,~ Jparried; , , . " ' ~;-:Moved by D',Tnrner,seconded byR: R',Cmnsto'tl, \, '~','_Thai/the'I'reasnt'er be ri;ske'd foreX'planation as to th~ inu()un'i' 6f iiltGrest 1,<....,.'.. "," I !t~idOll ov~rdue :901l11tymte?y, the.several':,Munic,il,alitics,'ill' the eount.,)' :?~\rip~,th~ past year,;--C<tlTied. '",.,' " "",'"", , The Gounty,T reasure~'thel1, made-tbe,r-equired: 8xplan:ation. :f~:r~I(),v!3abY C.:A.BroW81',Seconded ,bJ:B,..F.Hathaway, r~ , ' \;j:/:,'r:h~t thisCOlmcil ,pet~ti~n tlle(}iJtaJ'ioV3gislatqre s;li its_:next se~~ioh~ t<J:pass ;linactt(i. pl'ovidefal' t~e.~PP?hltmentbyColl~ty Couw::ps .of G,a~le1'8,:,'~olic'e ~la~i~tl'~te:8:and,all officers-':,hos? salaries,are'pai~ iby" th~, :90tll~~yC;ot~I1~H$ ~#d tOPYQvlde, fQr the apliointment byvQteof the' peopl'~ of S!~eriff~'1 lleg~str~r~ ~}ld-all QfHcers'wllO are paid by fees or in part by: feesand',pah'hysal~l:'Y~)p,id ~r.Governmellt.-_ That QUI' representatives in _the ,,' Legid~ti\'e' ilsf38mbly" be ij\\s~r\lctedto 1,1rgethe prayer .of the petitiona,nd tbatthe' cl'el'k~el1da "copy:of ~r~~__resolution,to,kach C01~nty _C~l~l.lcil i11,~,h~ }'l'?Vill,C,e 'u.n~l, r~q-uest!, tl,ll')l1,l to f:~:~~er~te,,~Y se~ding Silllil~l"p~t~tion~-Carried. ~(NP~~e~SOf:motiQl1,9y,.s...B.: ~IOIri~-fr:ll'.grantof.$200 ,to b,uild 19C1mp at ",~odney. ~~L~y,D~I\fCGt'egor fOl' $100 to b~il(rloekttpinW-est'LQl'lle~ ~::pYH:'~"T. Godwinfol',$200 tQ,buildlo~ki.lp in StraffQrrl\'il~e;' 'e',,',,' %,,~rove~ by 'M., Payne, seconded ,by' M; McGl'ego11, 0::~4atwedollowadjoUl"nhntillO o'clQckt:o.mQrrow 'l~o,wcQmmittees ,to meef.,......Carried- mQrning' in-' 'orUel':' to ,1, S~]CONDSESSIOn-FIRST DAY.. 'fh;' 'Elgih C~l~ty Coi.men' met this d~y, aec'mding to 'Cl,djom:'nment. ,41 '.'" . "" ',' '0 ' " '," -- ' ,,' c. -'-',' ,..,,' ,', ." /',',? J~ C.Dallee, Esq.,>.\Val'den1,in the-chair. J':: ",',,~felnb€\rs pl'ese~} t,~Me$st.s~ Mortis; McL~re,n; McGregor, Bllcltamtn,Garh~it,~ ,. '.\nrner ,"Jackson,Cranston, Polloek,Hath3.way, Browee, ,Bailey,.Wlt~d,' LOCk~t;11. ~...yon, ,Stratton, Ba'ekholisc) Gqdwin,_ ,(}n!fp.,,~incla~l" ,T~qeso!l, Teal, ,:ponalds2~; a~ld':Payne. """ ,,:' '",' , ,,',,' ,,','-~"~ " . The :ptToc,e~dipg8 of the last day ;t~e- previous sees-ion. were read and'G~~~ nrn1:ed.,;,'~: '/&; 1he f6iio',vhlgc6~)~nunic'atiQ1l5Were ,i'e~d ;(' ',!!.-r'o.'u.... .th.' CO.."'.'t..J.'E.~l1...g.,i r;e.,r,:Wl..t.h." : rep. ,o..rt'~m.c"'. mty._ hrjelg e .'..:- ,h~,eferY~d.'-/)I. J:ublic Improvements Cpmmittee. . . .. - ...' ",j- . "" ",;", " ""'":''' ,"':"," '"""";',,j',) '-', :b'"'l'OIl'lW, Atkil1i T'n})lic .SchQol,InspectOl',. with ,n.nll~l:1l report., -::-Refcrre(l ' ]6dt;Cil.ti~n"C6iiilriitt~e~" ,. ','. ,'" ., ,"" ", ,'> "; . ' . " Fr,oni the COlmty' Tl'e~,sl1rlO:r,w~t~1 half-year1:y, Statcllientan,d ,'I~ro?-lthe. J"'8~idon '.Gll~ra~ltee C~.\vith prpp9,sedendor~Hm~~t of J~ond._l-{eflirt'cd to Finan'ce bOlll,mittee. , ,','" ' l?rom:Charles It. S~eyeils"onw'ith application to be Student'to':Modcl:F'arni. Moved by It, It. Cranston', secondcclby:Thomas JacksQn, . " . .. .. ... . i ,'llb'at Mr.' Chal'les R~ SteV'eneoll benominated. aea student to this 'county to the Agricultural College at: Gu'elph:--,-:Carrieu. ! ...., , A lietition from pr.,',Sandel'son 1'0 grant to Mrs. D:edon \vas refer,!.'('ld tq Com,mit~ee on- Petitions ahdLegislatioll. 'Moved by Dr'. .8in,clail','sec\?'nded . by W. Q,PpIl6ck, McKAY, COLlutyQIe('l{, ,T; C"DANC~, :' -'War,den', ../:,j");;" -- -_._-_.~ , 22 , ELGIN . COUNTY SECONDSESSION._SECOND DAY. Wednesday,.tl1e 8th day The Elgin 'County Council met'this day accor&iiw to adj<llirnment. ,'l'he''Yarden in the cha~r. 'r ' All the members present. rhe proc.eeditlg:;;,of,the.previous day were react a.nd confirmed. The Gaol Committee presented their report which~vaB adopted of Mr. Lockel',' seconded by Mr. Pollock; The House,ofIndustl'y,CommittE}epreli€!nted their report. -Moyed by It' F. -Hathaway,se'conded by C._A. Brow.er, That the Council visit theJ-Iouse of l~<:lustry tMsafternoon at-2 ~nd "that the clerk, procure conveyances to leave ,the Hutchinson u,~,1.30'p:m:,-Carl'iE:d. ~j r. Glenn,' Couilty Solicitor, gave his opinion 1'e town" line mQu~h alidSouthwold', '8outk o~ St;'Thoma8. 1\;1oved:by'Mr;Jack80n, 'seconded hy D.Turne,r. ?',~atacoJll~ittee composed olan the members ofthePublic' Committee ,,,ith the,Reeves of Yarmouth ~ndSollthwo14 to' examin'e the' Roads travelled in lieu of the town lin,e andSouthwold and report at {'resent session. In_ amendmeilt, ~ovedhy'D.' McGregor, "'cconned'by C.':Donaldson, That',~he-Co\lncil gO'tt8 a ,committee. of the whole, and examine used in lieu of the Town Line hetween Yarmouth an'd-Southw61d. 'MairimQtion ,o,tldamendment lost. M,ovedby W. Backhouae) seconded :by IL,strattoD., That this Council do now adjourn untiLthree o'clock to visit t~e,Jfouse of .1ndustry;~Carrie(l; The Cciuncilre15um'ei:L RLdllS'coYNTi'.cOUNCIL PRO(lE~D~GS. ~>:' 1f1';_ ~rmstroilg made application' for a hawkers and: pedlars'. ,licens'e ~,reduce~:rate. ~;~,,'MovedbyCo1. Sinclair,secon'd_cd hy M. Payne, ~~'('''TflatMr; Ai'ms~rong of Lyons be gr'anted'a free hawkers f!-ud pedlarslicens6, &i'for:thjs yeal'.-Carried.' ' ~\:::: .:.......' -.... . - '. ' , ' ' ~~:" :Moved, by D.. G. Ruth,.en, sec,ol1ded by;Dullcan Buchanan, 'r-::, That a free hawkers and pedlars license be grant-ed ~to Archibald t~?f .W a~lacetown for tht'! yeali 1'887. ---:-Carried. Moved' by Henry Stratton, secbnd~d by H. 'r, God win, i'I" .: '{,,:thatWalter Sllmmers be granted a free hawkers and pedlars ),~h.e:year'lt?87 . ~~"MovedlbyD McGregor.' seconded by;S. B. 'Morris;' t:."" ..-' ~ii.,:.:;'Tha,ta. fr.ee lia..w. kel'.s and pedlars license be granted to Erastus k'. .... ." .'.: . ~"i~e_ year 1887.'-'C~rrie,d. t,,- '..C" ~5::M.oved' by'.RichardL.ocker,"second~d ,byK V\Tard;' ~,\:r:hatAndrew c. ,~aurbegranted a free hawkers an4 pedlMs licenae,'forthe ,lfYeal,'1887.--:-Carl'ied. ~_:,c :Y:','}'lbved :by C,'A.Browel',seconded by B.'F. Hathaway) ~,-:'h" :,' ,. " .. , 7f,-,T.hat:this Couticil reduce 'the . County Treasul:er~s' salary 'from, .twelv~ ~lhundreddollars to .one thousand dollars" the same as paid.in,former .yel1rs..-,- f..-'-....... . .... . ,.'. '~Ca;ri'ied; \ ",,"o;"'::'",.~:,;C:O;;C:;'.',~:':::- ,z~~ ELGIN. d()U,N1'YCblJNCm. :PROCEE:biRGS,' ',j! Thu.tthc'Warden be authol'iz8c1'toissu8 his clie(gw'iiLf~VCif'd, H~iir';;~ ~trat!bn for the sum of two hUlldi'ed d.ollars for thc purpose of b:uili:lii;g;,~fi 'lockup in Sti'affordville.--Carried; " Moved 'byD~McGregor, ,secolldeclby C. Donaldsoil;: That ,thevVal'den issue his check far .oDe hillldred dallars '{o 'assfst building'a 10ckupoin\Vest Lorne.....;"JCarried,. Moved by S. <B.Mal'ris,seconde~l by' D.' McLaren, Thatthe'suin ofo~ehulldn:d d~liar~':he gmnted tovl'al'ds . ",'. ....' I, I 'oia lockup in the village of'RodllCY in ,the Township 6arr~e,d~, , -. , Maved by R, It'-Cranston, seconded ,byM. L~eson, .Th~tthis Council do now. adjourn tQ meet to-morrow at, 9, .o'clock a. 'Carried. " . K. W. McKAY, 'J A~~ES:'~{' ~ANbEl 'Wardel,l. County 'Clerk. "--~" u'h." f 1 . 'l~LGIN.COUNTY COUNCIL l~ROCEEDINGS, ?;5' SECOND SESSION~THIRD ])AY. ',fhnrsday; the ninth day .of J UI1P" 1887. 1:11e Eliin 'CO'ltilty'Conl1cilmetthis day aCCOJ.'CHllg t.o adjaurnm-ent. ....,... .-,..':,.> ''','-- .":, , 1'he,\V.ardenin,thechair. ~i,Melll..~crs pre~ellt:~Messrs. M~Later-:. ~cGr~gal"Ruthyell, ~~uch~.nanl G~t'~ ,i,1wtt~Trirn,er,. J'<tcksol1, Pallack" Oranstonj' Hatha\yay, Bra\ver: l?ailie;':Lo~k,erj 1},~YOll, Stl~att9n, Godwin, Gpj1l1,'l'eal, .DanaldsonjSillch~it~, Leeson a~d paY'le. 'The proceediugsof the pr,evious day were i'ead and confirmed; '..':'-:,'.-" .... ......'.H, ,.' , .' '/ " )i' On motion .of Mt.' Mc,Gi,'egor, ,secandedby Mr" Garbutt,' ~,,!l'l~e'Council went,inta cOll)mittee'af :thewholc to.. considel'..the .report ".of J;theiHause .ofllndustl.'Y 'cammittee. ' ,"';' ,:::~I'hewf1J:den appalnted -o/Il'~ 'Leesan:to.tu.ke'the ,,'chair;"':'. After--. considering- ~~,~~.rep?r-t.~he ~Qmmittee rose ,a,lld thech~,il'r~all,.- repartedt~e yepaft as[1mEl~d" W{l~~l~~ch l'epql'~ was act,optcc} .-o.nrrwtian aiMr. ...LEles?Il,: secondcd' by. Mr. ,!Jac1~soll,.' .J ., h..jvloved,by:D.' GiR lith VCl1,secandedby D;,McQr,egor, ~' r~lj,:_ihatth~{decreasein.thjeCom~ty Ti'easurei';ss'alarY'db not,take f,J,nuary 1888.-,-CaJ,Tied. ,j',,-' . :_'- ..' .' ::', ;Nloved_ by D. Turner, secolld13il by.' M. LYCHI, ({.;;o"," .,> . .'>'. :-- "', . .'". ,",'" ' ......,. '.. .- ..', .: ~f/l'hatthe'BY-L<1\v,regal'dingthe Treas~lre:r'~'~alitl'y ~e' aIllended: $0 to "'5'''''-:'' . ',-,...,......".:.. . "..-' "....'.... .' .'.',""'-.' '.,' '. ..:....:.. '....,....' \ rr~4,: "!I~atthe,?a}l!:Lty.T~~a~l].l~er's. s~larY', be On,eThonsand'Dallars from andr ;~lil:t~rthEdst day'.of January, 1888~"---.,.Carried, ".- ' I,>~ . .,,:: ..... '.' - ' . . , . I ~,}:r-.-Iav~d by R"R.,Cranston;secanded by Iy.L Payne. ",..;.,.-..... ";...-," .....'...:.."..., ,.-' ,~:f:~~atthis c.onn~il"do na~,,<\dj~Ul'n ,ta meet, again a~ tw.oo'clock,~~ "Carded. ~/ The GauncilreslUn~d. ~f1::~heEdiwat.iOl. iCon.l.bitee pres€n~iiedtheit'~r i.;eport 'which w~s :ado~~ei;lbi1 ,t..:--... " '. .". . '. IJp~ti~n,of.M'r:-::Cranston, seconded by Mr.~ceson, ,,<, '~\:\The;GitoIOommittee presentedtheirseponcl repoet which was,'iod_opted on :~{()tionof:Mr.Dackel.',seconded by Mr. Pallack. \;'N',',". .'.,. .....' ~)~he,Conricir,then went itlto committee. of 'tho whole to ,cansider repart. pre,- ~l~\i.t~dby the:Pltblic,}mprovemontpammi,ttee. Dr, Sinc~ttirin.i the,chair. " 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNOILl'ROCJmDINljs, the ,chail'lH' n'1-'epOl'ted~~f' Afte'rdiscllssiui; t.he report the ?omtnittee 1'o.,c and progt:ess~ M'oved by D. McGregor" seconded by D.Tunier, ,I '1 That ,,\;,'hereas the Ontario, Governmcllthas l~ppointed a Police Magistl'ate1 a~d whcl'easthisCOlfllCirconsi4ersuch an officer unnecessary as 'there"h~J ,b~en~o mis~a.rriage of Justice Oll the~al't of ~nyof the Justices .of. ~he, Pe~:ce,~1 wht),have trIed cMes under the authonty of the Canada Te'mpe,rancc,Act"'"':i1 ":.,,,,:,>.:>,1 l?eitt4'er'efore re,solved that, "This Council petition the ontari6GOV,~rl\;:I:' .,me~ttocancelsaidappointm<antuntil snch time as it can 'beshown, by -tt!~'} :,Council that such an officer is necessary."----'-Cu.rried'; , , ',':)":~1 y~'l1s----'-Goc1win" Teal, Garbutt" 1luclui.nan, ~a,yne, 'BJ.ile,)ii -'McGregoi~/~ Pollock,' Hath~way, Cranston, Jackson, ,Gunn'and ,"rnvner.,~ltl . , " , ,-, ,':;)j Nays""":"Lncker, Lyon, Morris, McLar~fl, Donaldson, Brower,Sinclair-, ~lllU1 Leeson..-8,. ';:11 Movedby ;H.T. Godwin, seeonded ,by John Teal, '", ,~ 'That'A., 'V.-Campbellbeappoint!-"d an arbitru.tor 'to act ,vith an arbitrator; to'be ~ppointedbY the' County of Norfolk to 'de'cide the dlityandliabilitYol,~ each Municipality in respect to the townliue:between Bayham andMiddletQI};~ a8c~a.nged. by b~,;law No 409 passed by 'his councilori the ,fifth day of ,JU{le;~ 'A.,'D. ':1885, and that, a. by-law be ,pl\~sed c,onfirmillg',the;appointtnen,t,+.:~ C~'rried. "':':1 .Moved)yS. B. 'M6rris;,'secoildedby)'1. Payne, \!~ " ',',' "",,,' ",' , "rill That this Council hereby aU~~9rize~ thePubliclmprovements ComIl1ittee'r(~ 1 this:Connc~ltotake's~chjointp.c:tion with the County ofMid(U~sex"a~ tllef:1 may think neces~ary towards the erection 'of a bridge over t4~ T.p.amesd\"e.~.' ,', "'" ' " , ,,'.' , ",<:'ih' at the Graham Road.-CarriecL . .~ , .. '....,' " . ... ;.': " '~1) cTh~Clerk theureacl communicationfromMr.'McLaws~re offiee. .. .--i~ Mr. Leeson gave notice of motion to grant,$50 to repair Aylmer1o~li-up., ,;~J ... . '11 M.oved by S. B. "Morris; seconded by M._: Payne, ' That..this Council do now adjouru,until to-morro,,; at9 a.,}n. K. W. McKAY, COUllty Clerk J. C. DANCE, Warden :ELGIN COUNTY C.oUNCIL PROCreEDINGS. SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY. Friday, tJ:letenth day of JU-llfl, 1887 The Elgin County Council met ihis day according to, adjournment,. The W~rden in the,chair. ':. Members present:-Messrs. McGregor, ,McLaren. Ruthven, Garbu~t, ~)\Buclian~il, Tur~er, Jackson, Pollock, Hathaway, Brower, Bame, 'Va.rd, \>,Locker, Lyon,'Godwin, Gunn, Leeson, Sinclair, Teal, Donaldsoll, nnll Payne. 'l'he proceedings of the previous day v,-eretead and confirmed. Moved by H. Garbutt, seconded by D. Buchanan, That'the House of Industry Committee and the inspector be instructed to ~:i~end David Little to the Toronto General Hospital if on inquiry:, they deem-it ,@'/R~vieable to do $o.-Carried. " ' :Ib'The County SolicitOl then gave his opinion U;s to the, liability of,' the ,county Milor certain repb.irs to, Fulton bridge in Southwold and on. motion, the 09uncil ~~,went into committee of the -whole to'con,sider report "of Public, Improvements :t ~omlnitte_e; Dr;.Sinclair.intllCch,ai~ After dec]'ding .:to strike ,a,ut .the last ";::#aue,e in,thereportthecommittee ros~ fl,ud th~chai:rman reported ,the report ':_lLlIamend.ed'?n motion of Sincla,ir s,econdedby -LQ(;~k,e~',')9.e. t:epopt. o~ ,the COnt- ;,:(inittee of. the ,whole .was adopted... Mr. Morris gave ,notice that at . the next'session of the council he, would f;;;~~lng up the luatter of the advisability of extending. the 'Land Tit,les Act to ;:::theCOlmtyofElgin. ~i., ,The counl,:11 then went into.committee of the whole to consider commullica~ ~;;tions received froin Mr. McLaws re offices. After discussin~ the matter'the (j:'committee rose and the chairman reported: ' ~t ' f:, That inasmuch as notice of motion ,is'givent() introduce the TOl'reus'System k-'..: _:...:.i....orLand.Tr.an.sfer forth~s county ~.he matter of enlarg~ng the-Regia.tryO~ceb~ >:::)ald over u!ltll tbeNovember,seSSlOn. ,That the services of a samtarymspec-' ", t~:'::tor be procured ,t(),examine in,tothe ?ause'of thellnSa,I;litarycondition of . the ~Loffices' in the c'ourt house and that if it can be arranged sa.tisfactorytha~ the Ujail committee be instructed to ha,ve Mr. McLaws' o'ffice remodelled so as to '-;i:provide ~he necessa,r,y accQm_modation. That'the gaol committee be insttucted,to have the Treasnrer's office 'fitted ,., ',!7 28 COUNCIL PUOCEEDI:t\GS. . ELGIN hp for the Clerk of the Surrogate Court if no other 0011.1'88 seems that the Treasurer be provided for elsewhere.. That .the matter of use of. :police Magistrate be left hdhe hands Of the gaol committee. On motion pf Mr. McGregor seconded by Mr. Leeson the report of the ndttee of the whole was adopted. Moved by .n." 'l'.Godwin, seconded. by John Teal, That the engineer be instructed to examine the bridge on the East, Lin,e over O~tercreek on the road u8cd in lieu githe county line all inecessr-rY,~ep~jrs ~,o same'~Qarried. Moved"by W. O.Po,llock,secondedby B.Hathaway, That all bridges thirtyfeet10ng and over Oll county lines be built in. repairpy the county.--'<Lost. . Moved .byM. J..ceson, seconded hyW. A. Gunu, That',the SUp1 of-fifty:dollars:begranted.to,repair the:Aylmer that the warden sign a cheq~e in fav6r of William ,Warnock, l\ylmer, when said repuirs are completed and certi~cate caretaker of ~a~cllock~p.-::""J..oIOf:t. Moved by ,D. McLaren, seconded byD.' McGregor, 'l'hat if, the gaol' con:irriittee are unable to have the ,offices occupied, by McLaws put,in'asatisfactory conditiollas ordered qy committee of the that they be iJistructed:to'go on 'with,the proposed newbui~di'lg theplanspr~pared by the' engineer and'laid beforethisconncil.....".Lost. The clerk-then'read In'spectol's' statement of expenditures of East Lic,ense, Fund. Moved by D.'t'urner, sec-onded by "T. A. QUiUI. 'l'hat 600 copies of the reports of the License Insp~ctors be printed in fOl' the nse,of ratepaycl's.-Carrie4: ' The finance Gommittee then pNsentod their report which was l~qtionof).\fr.,E,aYtle, s~c:()wle~l ~y ~1r.M?I',ri,S. Mov~d by S. Ward,se,conded byH. G!Ld:ri1~t, ~ 'J,:hl1t,~his council do now adjomn'tmtilseveno'c1ockp. In.-Carried. 'The Council resumed. Moved by B-; ]}'. Ha~ha'Ya)', seconded by C. A. Brvwer, ELGIN ~"O:U.Nrl'Y COU'KOlL l?ltOCJmDING~. ."~hatBy La.wNo. 438, being a by-law to 'fix ,the sarlal'y of tlw county "tl'easurer be receiv~d and read a firsttime,-Cal'l'ied. 'Moved hy C. A, Brower, secQ.uded byE. F. Hathaway, 'l'hatBy" Law No. 438 be read a second time,.-~'Carriild. Moved" by W,. O. Pollock,seconded,by W. ~ Bailey, ~l'h~t By. Law No. 43~be reaqa third time o.nd finally passe:cl.-Co.~ried. i.;,.:Moved by H. T. Godwiu, seconded by R. Locker, ~::"Tbat By,Lu."... No. 439 beill~ a by.law,toappoint an arbitrator, be 'Ncciyed \and l'efLlla first time.-Carded, ~Moved by S. Ward, seconded by R. Locker, , That By Law No: ,439 be read a. second time.-Carl'ied; Moved by R..Lockel'; seconded by H.'T. Godwin, That.By Law No. 439 be rea,d 'athir,d time o,ud fillally passed....,..Carried., ",:Moved by C.Dollaldson, seconded by D. McLaren, ih' TbatBy.Law-No. 440,beil1ga.by~lawto'. raise amounts for cou.nty rates ~"during tl~e year 1887 be received and read a first time. '-:'Cal'l'ied. ,Moved bY D; McLaren, seconded br M. p,ayne, 'That By-Law No. 440 be read a second time.-Carried. J10ved by~. pa:yne" seconded' br,D, McLaren) ,T~~fBy~'L'aw,No~ 440:be rea~ a thi!-,d time and:fi~ally pas~ed.~Carricd. Moved by D. 'l'urrter, seconded by W. O. Pollock, Thatthe:dispute between the TowIlships "Of Yarmouth and Soutnwold 'as to ::'themahitenance of road used in lieu of Town Line be laid over, until th'e ~:rNlivember sessions. . Carried. ~~": Mo,reo. by R. ,Locker, secf>nded by M. E. Lyon,. >:.'-'."""'.\,,, ' "., -', ," -'. ,,' That this council do nowadjourll. until the third Tuesday in NQvem~er o.t p~ m.--::Carried. K. \V.McKAY, County Clerk. 'JAMES C. D.<\.NQE. Vi' arden. I 29 ELGIN' COUNTIl COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 31 From'S. R Morris, Reeve of' Aldborough, re Torrens system. of "land ~'transfer. Referred to'CommIttee on'Petitions and Legislation. ',' Thomas Jackson, Esq., presented petition fi'om ratepaYl;ll'S of Yarmouth and ~:',Southwdld re opening up of original Town Line. \ ;<; NOVEMBER SES The W ardenmade statement re ~Dorchester; , Moved by H. Stratton. secondedhy .W. Backhouse, That the application of the Warden for a. grant to maintain a' former .in- of-the House ofIndustry be, referred to the House of Industry Com- ~ , THIRD SESSION.~F1RST DAY. D. 'Turner, Esq., .Reeve of Southwold, gives notice that' he will apply for a one hundred dollars towards erecting a lockup in 'the village of TtJe!.lday, th€!15th day of November; 'The Elgin County Cortncil,met this day accordingt(]adjouTl~mept. 1'he 'Varden in the ch~lr. Membera present,~~et;8ra. McLaren, McGregor;. RJ1tQ.v~n, Garbutt, Turner, Jackson, Cranstim, Pollock, Hathaway,Bailey, Locke'!" Lyon, Stratton, BaclIhouse, Godwin, QUDn, Dance, Sinclair, J)imaldson nnd Payne. , Theminuceaof the last day of the'previouseeseion .Hrmed. ~jhe followillg communications were read:- I!'rom- II, r...uton! M., D., with annual report as surgeon House' iHefcrved 'to Housc -Of JndnstryCoinmittee. FI'Qn~ .James A.' Bell, County Engineer" with report H:eferred to Public In:t:provements Committee. }I"from. D, McLaws, Clerk of Assize Court,' with grand jury Hefci'red to Gi.ol Committ~e, From Ins'pector, House of Induatry, with an,liilal r-epott. House of Industry Committee. Mo....ed by'Dr. Sinclair, secon~ed by M. Leeson, That this council do now adjourn to allow committees to. meet. Carried. . K. W. McKAY, County Clerk J. C. DANCE,. W fn-den EWINCOUNTY' couNciL PROCimDINGS:. ELGIN COU.N~Y COU,NCIL 1>ROCEEDlNP-}1., THIItD SESSION.-SECOND DAY. , .Moved by D. Turner, s,econded by' C. Donaldson, C,.,' That, whereas, His HOl)Ol' Judge H nghesin his ad,dl.'ess to the grand' jliry ~,(lidfalsely and in Olll: opinion maliciously acctlso the members of this ~:,~iillncil'- ofbiiirig i~fli.lelJ:ced _ by the hoteikeOl)CrS to opp,;se the appointmont <<:Ofa :Poljc~ Magistrate fOt, this county. " 'Vedn~sdaYi tlieiath day of Novomber, 18S7: T.he Elgin Collnty Councill!let this day at 10 a. m.;. J, GlDanoej Esq;, ,Wardell;'in the ohair. . Members Present:- Measrs. McLah311, 'McGregor; Rtithveiij Blichananj Garhhtt, Turner, son, Cranston, Pollock, Hathaway, Brower,'- Bailey, Wald, ,Locker; s.tratton, Godwin, Backhouse; Gunn, ,Donaldso~', Sinclair, Le~son and The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. ~rhe,GadiCdlilmittee pi;esen,tbd the~r repdi't which was adopted ~fM.r. Looker, secbnded by Mr. . Turner. Moved UyMl;. Ph.yne; secb'iWedby J\1b ]'IcGregol\ That the salary of j~,bn' \"'~iyattas oaretaker of 'tile cohrt 'hous{ aiid increased to two hundred aud fifty dollars per year, in consideration taking charge of Mr. McLaws'oillce ritid thatHy Law No 431 be amendod acoo'l."cla1l'ce with this motitJn, Carried; Ma'V:.ridbyW. Backhouse, 'saconded by H. Stratton, That tile lease of the office far Mr. D.. M~Law8 be placed in the ;hands ,County Treasurer with instrdctions to' pay the rents as they become due the ,expiration of said lease unless sooner cancelled.--Carried. Th(e Houseo~ Ind'Ustry Committee presented their r'epOl't which was onmo~ian of Mr. Hathaway, seconded by. Mr. Garbutt. ; The Caminittee an Petitians and Legislation presented, their was adopted on motion of Dr. Ruthven, seconded by M. Leeson. The Equalizatian Committee presented their report _,,,hich was motion of Mr. Backhause, seconded by Mr. Leeson. ThefillanceCommittee presented their report which was adopt'ed on of Mr. Paynej seconded byMt. Lyon.. 'Moved hyD. Turner, seconded by Tho:inasJackson, 'l'hatone huhdred'doilars be granted to ,aid in building a lockup village of Sheddenl the m6'llcy ti)'b~ paid O'n the conipletioh of the "Lost, Beitthin'cfore resO'lved ,:hat His IlOllOl' he uskell to give proaf of .said R:aSSel;tiall at hi.s"earliest'oan\'ellience ar apologize.-Cari'iecl. t:; Moved-by RLocket', secO'lldocl uy S. 'V'al'd. ,,:.... . . .' *,-, 'That By La\\' No. 438; being,ahy-law to .Qonfil'mthe Equalizatiotl af,the ~;'Af.lsessl1lentRoljs for the yeaI' 1887 be received and read,,~ fil'st.tiine.-Ct~r.ricd; l\'lovoclby S.... Wal'd,secolided by M. ,Lyan., That B~.Law No. 448 be read a secoud time.- -Carded; 1I1oved ?yW; Bl1cl{hol1se, seconded uy H. Stt'atton,. That By~taw No. 438 'be read athit;d time and fInally passed.~Caii~ied. / ' /:'.)'hl:lClcrkreaclcanllnunim~tion from, the COul1ty"ofWellalld .('e aocamada fi::i.ion fO'r insane persons refened' to' committee on Petitions and Legisla.tion.! Moved by M. Payne,. secandocl h.y D. .McGI'egor, That By-Law' No, 439 boing a by h~w to l"cgulatethe salary of the care_ "taker of the' coilrt house be'teceiveil" and read u firsttime.-,-Carrietl. ~;:;Movedby D. McG-regOl', secanded by M. Payne, Th'tl.t l.ly.Law'NO'. 439 be i.;e~da seco/lel tiii:ie,--CiH'iEicl; ".-M:O'ved by D, McL~~ren, seconded by Cims Donaldson, THat By~La'\TNo~ 439, be read a third time 1tnd frllI'L11y llassed. ..-Carrieu. .'MO've~l by D. Mc91'egO'l'~ .secO'ncled b,Y M. Payno, That this council do now adjourn unt.iltwo u'lock, p. 111. ...;.....Ciit'riW. "rhe cO'uncil resumed at 2. p,' In. \"'",The COInmitteeon petHi6i:is liil,d legislatioii.pl'esentml their secOtid. repor.t k:which was adopted OIl motion of,Dr.Rllthveu secanded hy H. Gadmtt. )(,:.,.. . . ...... .,.,' it,MO'ved by Dr. Sinclair, seconded by iL" T~ Godwin, W:, . '12:,rf:lta,t wher~~s.. the, total. . expe(iclit~l'efo,i' .l-!i.gli S~h(i6ls aid Coiieglato tl~li~it\ltes.tJll'?ughollt',th~s' provi;nce has illCl'~ased fi'olll' . $2M;215, in.. 1873.. to t.~29;761 hi 1885; being . all iticreaseof $195;546; '\vhile theLegislativegn~lIt 33 -j<ce;;_ I 34 ELGIK CO'UNTY COUji;cn~ I'RO()EEDlNGS. for the same period has increased'from $77,126 in 1873 to $86,169'1.1885i:~i' being ~u increase of only $9;043, u.n(l that the nn~ber of masters ha3<;:" increased from 252 to 365,. the l!umber of pnpils from8,~37 to 14,250, arid) their, efllcienl'Y has, g,ea'tly incrcaBed in the same period and that the}" Legislative aid, to common schoo12.,is only abollt, 6 per ceDt. of' the total.;r cost~ Resolved that this. conncil petition the Ontario Legislature for inereas~d;,l ':,1 Government aill to the Collegiate Institul'es,High ~ri.d Common Schools Ofi\ this-Province, and' that a copy of this resolution be sent to each, COUqt,.: Council in the Province requesting them to. co-operate in. this matter-i'" Carried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded byC. Donaldson, Th,at all the members who have. attended this seesiol) receive full pay for,; uvery ctayin attendance.-'-Carried. ' /The Special Committee appointed' to report upon a basis for the dis,~ tribution of ll,igh school grants" then presented' their report which ''''I\al< li:dopt81:l on motion of Mr. Ba.chhouse, 'seconded by Mr. Garbutt. 'Moved by \V. O. ~ol~ock, seconded by Dr. Sinclair, That the Ontario Legifdatllre be asked, to amend the High School Act . that it shall be compulsory upon q,ll high schools andc611egiate institutes to,'" impose a minimum fee upon atlldentll} and that other'counties. be asked to co.ol?erate.~--Carried. Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by Dona.ld Turner, / '.' Thatthe dispute between the Townships of. Yarmouth in regard to. 'roadl~ '~lsed in lien of tho Town Line be left to the decision of the Cou~ty Solioiuii:, to <l,pportion the amount each Township should pay towards maintaid~ said' roads. In amendment, Moved by Dr. Sinclair, seconded hy H. T. Godwin, That this Conncil take no action in the dispute between Southwold. Main motion lost, amendment carried. Moved by D. McGregor, seconded by W. Backhouse, I ", That th~ Clerk be fnstructcd to draft a:by.law to ',be presented atn~ ncssion fixing the distribution of county gra.nt~to high schools in confo~ ClI ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. M~y'withthereport of the committee ,appointed for. that purpose.-Carried. ii:,:;,~'roved,b.Y ,R. Locker, seconded by Chas. Donaldson, i~:::::~Tha,t, th,il;l CO,uncil, 'tender their thanks to the Warden, Glerk",Tr~asurer, Engineer. and ,Janitor for the yeryable and efficient f:;m'anner in which, they have performed their several duties. during. the' year (~?~,f~.r;,th~ courtesy shown to the members of the Council.-Carried. (,:.Moved by W. Backhouse, seco~ded by H. Garbutt, l'" ;,:;'l'~atothe Council, present fifty dollars to the Warden for extra ~e~vicesas ~:jva;rl1enand that the melllbers. receive one' day's extra pa.y, owing tothe.late :jl;:hour,.?f this session, aad tha,', this Council \'10 now adjourn sn.::E DIE....,.... :i,pan\ed. )i:.W. McKAY, County Clerk. J.e. DANYE]. Warden, <'" < ,,,-", 35 '"' s ~ <.;S ~ ~ '2, ~ ~ ~ ...:.... .e-: "-<i c a t:-::S ~ ~F III ::~ @ oo,~ 'g ?it-, & ~- 8 !!' '< . " '" S ~ o p rn ~ "" t-< t;j o oZ ~~ ::;.~ =:t::o .t;j ?, <n t:J is: OJ rn <n ~ c <; 0 ~. ~ . " p. , " 3- ~ ~ ~{ ~. 0 " "" >-3 0 " < .?" 0 !!' F 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 'OJ l' .~ l' "" is: 0 /.., t-< <.; ~ t-< 0 0 '"' 0 C ". 0 . " 0 <n ~ ~ ~ 0 "" ". "" ~ @ 0 0 0 ~ . 0 .1<: . " " ., 0 . . ~ l' '" 0 "" ,0 . . ~ ." S p. I<: '< t;j '" rn " OJ .' 0 >-3 S' S. '" >-3 0 OJ . . "" " t-< C p. ~ . 0 a . " <.; . ,., s: "" [ >E~ ,0 ,. " '" 0 . 0 ~ 0 t-< ? c 0 0 ," ~ "" '" " t-< l' ~ rn l' Z >-3 "" .;r D " :[j '"' ;; "" c . ,. ~ OJ a t;j . '" Z . ~ 0 '" OJ ~ C ,. ~ a I<: ? 0 "" t-< . Z t;j '" . .,.:; OJ '"' " . ,. .. 0 e:i ,. p. OJ g ~ ~ " ,.., z Z g 0 ~ ~ '" p. 0 ~ ~ ~ '"' ~ <i t;j p. 0 $ 0 ~ 0 '" Z OJ "" C ~ Z !>I' 0 ? '" ~. ~ rn rn Z 0- 0 '"' ~ t:J " " Z ':' "" ::t ,. . p Z ;< . Z . . ,.., t;j ~ rn 0 l' t-< OJ t:9 " <n "- ~ rn ~. '"' . ,. !l ,.., ~ 0 !>I , ~ >-3 .1:0:> 0 " ':3 0 C> ~- ?:1 ."a; "" 0 '"' OJ tr1 0 ,S ~ f-cJ E. S' W ~ '"' ;.j 0 ~ 0 0 0 " ~ . . ~ .g .:r Z ~ 'cI 0 ~ 0 g ~ 'E" 0 [JJ 11 ~ . 0 ~ l"< 0 P. Z 0 1i "f 0 ~ . Q ~ " ~ ~ " ":rj Pi' 0 0 0 0 " 0 ,~ ~ ~ . (1 0 . ~ " p. S' 0 " ., ~ "~ 0 ~ " 0 0 ~ S l"< ~ 8. ;.j ~ s " ;.j '~ Q c ~ f!' 0 tIJ . ~ '" 0 tIJ " 0- W M " < 0 M ~ 0 " [j) >.1 0 '" ~~-- ,. . "~ ,'.,..i'".,..." "...e 1:<.. ~. .. ,. c-'_ .. ";'.,...<,.'_'<0 ..... ->', .._'.'.... -'.- '-'. ...-............ ....<.....-....,. .... .. .... -'... - EQUAL1ZATION REPORT, 1887. To the -""arden _and:1vfe-mb~rs "of the Elgin ,~011ntyCouncil. GENTLEMEN, - The Comn:iitte~'on the Eq,u:ahzation of the Assessment oftl1e County beg leave to present the repQrt for theconsiderati?n o(the Coun~ll I 1 f01iowing! " " - ~ Acres~l"ppers~ral& I Real.. ,'IRenl and p~r~'Eqnaliz-i - pel'sO~al'!Real pl'opertyiReal and Person- '2; MUNICIPALITY. .issessedI~lc,%las I PAX'opertydas- ~~;tthPc~~~lZ-ed value:Propel~ty flS, as Equalized '1 al property as - g Assessed. I ssesse. '. assessed.. . per acre.' Equa Ized . . Eqtlalized~ .~ . ~-~$:-r-$~~~$--$-I-$--~:-! $ ~ Aldborough.... 75 394 60 605i' 4'" 3ID , 472 9'5 23 I 70 boo , 737 0621 ,807 062 * Dunwich ..;. .169573 126 6zojl' 860 445 1987065 '30 117605-2087050 2204 655 ~ S.y~U,r:;:::t~: "-':::II~~~~~ :~; ~.~~:n~,~~b~ ~ ~;~;~11 ~l "'I :~~ ~~~i ~ ;i~ i~~1 ~ ~~; ~;~ ~ 1Ialahlde...._. 62196 I5I 140iI 914040 2069 5ro 37. II2 ~O~12 301 252 24132529 ,Bayham ........155 '78 60 0701 936 765,' 996 835 20 I 60 000, 1 103 5(0 163 5601 ~ S. Dorchester.. 30 482- 10 900;1 08_I 0251 1 091 925 43 I 500001 I 310 7~6 360 726 ~ Vienna.......1 7 8501 72 0551 79905 I I' 63 000 63 000 ~ Spnngfield ....1 2780, 76579' '79359.! 75000 75000 Aylmer. ",' . ;.' 'rl 90 zoo! 469oe3 559 223) ! I 335 000 335 000 Port Stanley. "~ 10 3o.oj 98" 450 1.68 7501 i i / 7.7 0001__ . 77 000 Tota]s....l i 754738:15,623741 'S 9'7 II21 AU of which. is respeGtfully. submitted. I 'Committee Room,St.Thomas, ,6th November, ,887. J. C. DANCE, Chairman., ::; 1887. J<,LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL rROCEEDINGS. 89 , 38 EI.GI:t';COUJ:.;TY coUNCIL' I'RO"CElmnWS. ___~--c-~_ ,', .. FINANCE REPORT. f M-.':NICIPALI~__I<:,~ral R~~\RailWaYS.telcom. School, Tot.l'_ ::Aldborough ...... .... $3,110 $1407 $624 $5141 ~'Dunwich ..,......... 3;794 1717 ,520 6031 LSouthwold. ._......... 5,455 2468 554 8477 Fal'm~uth ...... .... 5,596 2532 613 8741 i;Mala.hlde...... ...... 4,152 \ 1880, 522 6554, )-Bayham .... ......, .,. ,2,002 906 448 3356 t:SOllth. Dorchester. . . . .'. 2,341 1000 202 3603 &Vie'nna ...... ........ 113 51 164 ~;:Aylmer...... ...... 576 .261 . 837 (iPorilStanley :....... . 132 -60 \ l 192 !,Spdngl1e1d. ..... ..... -$2i~OC- --;;124::- $3483- --$43::: ,', AU-oi-which is respectfully submitted, M,PAYNE;'Cha.irman. 1'0 the "\V<irdcn and Council of phcCoi.llltyof Elgin: , . . The committee onJlnance beg leave t.o repod, ,that having exalll,ined the finances of the county a.nd, the estimates prepared by the County met;, they, herewith 'subrhit a st[l"ternent oithe expendittll'e, required for lawful pmposes: of the, county during the year 1887, showing the l'equirec1 to beraised'for th(~ lindermentl'oneclpurposes::- Cn:llada Southe.rn 'Rail\~'ayDebenture8-;. . . .,' . $10,000 00 " " ., Coupons ........... 2,40000 Administration of'Justice ...... ...... ...... .... 5,000 00 County Lines and "Bridges. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ., 3,000 00 Honse of- Industry' .......,.... .....,......,.. 4,000 '00 Higp. Schools...... .... .'. ....... .... ..... 5,10000 Model School ..............................,. 150 00 School Inspector............ ...... ............ 700 00 Officers' Sal'lries .,.... . '. . .. ............ .... 2,500 00 Payment of .Jurors....... ..........,. _......... 2,00000 Crowl!. Witnesses. . . . . . . _ . . . . .. .... - . -. . .. . 1,000 00 Interest, on Bills PltyuNe .,...,. _ ." _ . . . .. , . . - . . 600 00 Members' 'Wages and Committees. _.... .... .'... 1,000 00 Hills Payable . .j.......... "~," _...... ... '," .. 2,350 00 Committee Room, St. Thomas,' June; 1887. ' , . $39,800 00 Common Schools equivalent to Legisla;tive Grant 3,,48300 $43,283 00 Your Gommittile would recommend~bat the sum of thirty.-nine 'thousand" cir.-ht hundred dollars be raised 011 ri11 the rateable property in. theseveraf m~ni,cipltlitics in the County of Elgin during the year 1887 f~r county purpOs~ es ,\'s per schedulo herewith submitted; and that requisite by-laws be passcd~ levy f~ rate of 2~ mills on the doUar on'the rateable, property in the, seve\'llt municipalities in the County of Elgin 'as equalized. for the preceeding 'year,'~~ raise said amounts exclu'livc of schoolgra-nts jtnd that the sum of three.thOlll;~ u,ndfOli.r'hundred ltnd eighty tllrcedollars be raise'd in the seveml township'~ , ' \ ,-' j m\miuipalities onlyforcommon, schools 3quivalent to the Govei:nme~t. gra~' and as proportionedanil,l'eClUired hythe,educationa.l'department and enter'ild] 1) the following schedul,e under the head of Common Schools: 40 ELGIN. COUNTY COUNCH, }'RQCEEDIlS"GS. ELGIN. COUNTY . COUNCILPRCiClmDING~. 41 EDUCATION COMMITTEE. $PECIAL COMMITTEE RE CRANTS TO HICH SCHOOLS. JANUARY SESSION; County Cou:ncil : '1'0 the. Elgin County Council: The Committeo on. Educatidli beg leave to report ': (I), That an appropriation of ($50)Fifty Dollars he lnide for the of defrtLying theexpeusc of conducting the promotion cxamiilations. (2) That the'CountyHigh' Schools receive the following gmn:ts,vi'z.: Sk'fhomas Collegiate Institute...... . '.,.. .........., .$1200 Dutton Hie;hSchool..:........... .......... .......,..." 1450 Aylmer HlghSchool...."f .....'. ..... ,...... .......".... 1700 Vienna High SchooL........... ,.. .'.......... ......... 750 \ - Total..........,. ........ ,', ,....-'.,. ....... ..... $5100 All of which iarespectfully submitted, The Special Committee appointedto.report upon a basis for the of High SchoOl Grants beg leave'to report thefollowillg. reaolu~ of the joint'comniittee ot the High Sohool' Boards for the adoptionofthe ,That each ,of the County High S~ho6ls receive an amount equivalenh to as provided by law. (2) Ihata- supplementary grant which together with the statutory , amollnt not excced$5,100the amount now granted, be subdivipl\d amongst the and the St. 'l'homasCollegiatelnstitute in proportion to a'verageattenclance of COl1utyPupils educated at said schools. ,Allof which is respectfully submitted, R. R;CRANS~fON, Committee Room, . St. Thomas, January. 27th, .1887. W. BACKHOUSE, Chairman. Room, 16th November, 1887. JUNE SESSION. To tl'ieCounty Council of the Coulltyof Elgin: The Committee on Education beg leave to report : (1) That the report of the' Public School Inspector be .printed in .the minutes. (2) We approve of the recommendation of the Inspector in reference the disproportion in size of school s,ections and urge upon the Councils,the necessity of trying to effect a're-arrangement. All of which is respectfully submitted, It. R..CRANSTON, Committee Rooms, St. ,1'homas,Julle, 1,887. 42 ELGIKCf)UNTY COUNCIL PROCE1~DINGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. SCHOOL SECTIONS, SITES AND BUILDINGS: PUBUC SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REPORT. 'l'henumber of 801ioo18 remained unchanged durhlg 1886. . . . Number of Rural ,Sections .... .... ...... ...... ...... ......99 Number of-Villages'....., .,.... ... ,_... ..' .. ........ ,...4 To the Warden and members of the Elgin"County Council ;" \ Gentlerilen : I have the honor of submitting for your consideration my for the,year ending Deceinber '3tat, 1886. . The statistical part of this l~eport is an~bsl,ract of my summary the Hon. the Mini.~ter of EdUClttion. Tot",l...... 103 These 103 schools contain 127 different departments,not counting the second provided by the TrusteBs('>f No. 3,Southwold during part of the year of their section liv-ing, at a gl'e~t distance from their regular , , FINANCIAL STATEMENT. The followingis a list of the schools with rQ.ore than one departmerit. The following sums were expended during the yetLl' 1886. . , Fa!' Teachers' Salaries............ ...... ......... ..$44,167.77 For School Sites and Buildhi.gs.................. .... 3,086.91 j)'ol'Libmries, Maps, Globt's, &c .. ................. , 378.43 For He~ting, Cleaning, and all qther expenses... ',"" 1l,40~,66' ,No,lO Aldbo'rough. ......2 Rodney....',....,..., .'""...2 West Lorne.,..,........,..3 , Dutton .-.,...'....,...','. ~2 Shedden, , . . .. ., , .., . . . . . . ; 2 Yarmouth Centre..-.... . : . .2 Or",,:ell. ,....., \""" ,.;.,. ,2 CorInth....... . .'....... .,.,2 Total ex,pcllse....... ... .... .,..... For 1885 total expense ~as., .. .. .,. . Decrease in total expense.. . . . . . . . . . . $5Q,035'77 $59,Q26.80 Aylmer ...... ......,.. ...7 Springfi~ld........u..... .3 Vienna .'..... ...,........,2 PortiStanley............. .2 'Yallacetown..... ........2 Fh-igal ................2 NewSarum .............. ,2 Sparta.......,. ...... .. .'..2 Pt. Burwell. . . . . . . . . . . . ',' .2 Hel.'E;ttfter the number of departments will be 120 as Aylmer having become own Inspector who wili report tojihe Public School'Board RECEIPTS. In some some parts oithe country the , sections are badly laid out. 'l'here to be no uniformity hi size or shape. In some cases children have to to '4 miles to reach a school house. The ,result is that some of these gr:Qw up tomanhoocl without being able to r'Emd or write. ,The, only remedy is that,Township,Councils should rearrange the-sections, that 'f~wnship Boards of Tl'ustees'be<establishe~., GenerallY-the schoolhouses are comfortable. There ar~ only two or where trustees have not made provision, for suitableaccommod:ition needed. "Arbor Day," the first Friday in-May, wasge~erally observed'; houses and 740, shade tre!2!s, flowerin~ plants and shrubs Balance ,from 1885 ...... ,.. .....,... ,........ ... ...$1'1,241.3] Legislative Grant. .. . . .. ',' . . -. .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . . . .. 3.849.53 Mnnicipal Grant."............ ;................. 7,372.54 Trustees Dir~ctTax ......1 ...... ............ ......42,532.53 From l'lergyReserve alld all other sources.. .'... ..... 5,962,43, -- T.otalReceipts ..................... .$70,958.34 Total Receip~s, for 1885. ...... ...... .$69,599.30 ----1-.~. Increase in total receipts:. . . . . . . . . .. This sho,,,s a balance of$1l,922.57 in the'h?nclsofthe trustees at the of the year, compared with a.balance of $1l,241.31-in their hands at ginniug. $~astyear 'the reports showed only $9,682.60; but in some increased to$Il.24L31. TEACHERS-'-'-l'HEIR CERTIFICATES AND SALARIBE;. Of tl1e127teachersthe~o were '56males,a.nd71 females. One held, a first. 43 4~ ELGIN COUNTYCOUNOIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN -COUN'L'Y, COUNCU.. 'PROOEEDINGS. class certificate, 45 second-class, 8Qthird-class, and one an Old CountryBOard~ second.class. The total annual salary of male tml.clwrs was $23,075', - being all average..'fl salary of $4~2, an incl'j3ase of $8 over last year's report. ,The_ highest8alarr:;~ , paid a male teacher was $600; and the lowest $250. The 'total salary of female} , teacherswas $22,535, being an average for each of - rather more than $317;:;1 being an increase of $5 over last year'a,report. The highest salarypaid8'j~ female 'teacher was $400, and the lowest $180. ~f:'Severi1,lilch.)ollibrades have heen:est1tblishocl since my last report. ~ . ;: 'Ateacher can UD his pupils or cummunity no greater good than to' de. !~~:elop'in them,at:1ste,a li)vefor good reading. A good 'school library is of. ,\,:jncalculable value to him in domg this. ' ';" Of the 127teachers 4,1 have attended a N ot.thal School. This ntuhber"wiU; . be largely illCreased in the next report as many of the 'Elgin teachers 'were:_ at:\ a ,normal school last session and.. some are attending now.' ThIS' indicates) . ,I more ~ermu.liency in the profession Of teaching, and in the future 'a, moreext perienced class of teachers. I :J .~ EXAMINATIONS, PRiZES, VISITS, ETC. Tllere were 75 public examiJlations held during 1886. The regulations ~:required that there :;;hould have been 254. :'. We ,held twopronlOtion examinatiollSduring the year. The ,first in M~y \;a1id'the-second-in November. These examinations are uniform througliou~ !;':thtLCounty, all schools holding them at the same time. We hope' that both ~~pupils -and teachers will derive assistance from ;them., ]?tlpilswill Hot be pro~ ~{Iuoted too soori nor waste their time by not being, promoted. Teachers willbo l'gnidect in promoting, and. influenced perhaps in their te.ching by the papers ttset at the examinations. They will act as a healthy stimulus to both pupil 'f~J;ld ~eacher. ,'"P,ri~es' were g~ven i~.'2(j 'sc~lOols. ~~'tThere v.;er~ 313 visits' made. by trustees and 786 other visits. INSPECTION; ,;: During-the year I.made '271 visits~, this b~illg 17 lllQl;e ,than two to eaoh '~9h60l rootit}n the county. SCHOOL PO PULA nON, ATTENIiANCE,. CLN-iSIFICA'tION,. ETC; The total number of persons between the ages of lSarld 21 reported as":\i resic],ing in th~ County Deceniber 31st, 1886' \vas' 9, 120.' The'total nUIilbe\',j whose na.mes ,were entered on the registers was 8,2.4-9. Of these there ,went 4,368 boy~ and 3,881 girls. The total average a ttendance was 3,828 or some';'" what llJ.ore than 46 per cen,t;, snowlnga slight improvement 'over the 1alitll l'eport. rl'he nUniber of children between the ages of 7 and 13 iucltlsive who did attend any school during 1886 waS 49. " ~',While rn.~.school.roorh! ~pend 'my time in hearing i"teaching classes myself and examining into progress id. ividually. 'i . ,,::'TheElgin Te<\.che~s' Associ,~tioll held two meetings,dUri,lIg, they~ar. OUr ,!~si!ociations are alwaysweU attended. Teachers, without exception, appear ~::~ioustoaYail themselves ,of every opportnnityof betterfittirig tbeinselves ifor the clll;ties of tile schoolroom; RlIfin this' reportIhave'omitted anything you may wish to have 'laid before \y,9u I shaU' be glad to furnish it if in my power. ':>_:10 conclusion Iwish ~oexpress my thankstothe tru'stees and t~achers and :friends.of Educu.tion generally for their kind cq operation with 'me in the "'p~b]icschool',V'ork of this county. 1 have the honor to be Gentl~meu , Your Obedient Servant . W. ATKIN, Public School Inspecto~; and' seeil!g made ,by teaching' pupils hi' ~y'report of last year showed th1at.thel'e were 97 of this class. 'il'he number of~his age who attended less than 100 days as required school law ,was 180,L My last report gave 1705 in this class 'for 1885. The- ll).unher Ofp\lpils in the first class part one was. . . " ... '.1669 " ., "." part two was... ..... 1144 H second," ..,........ ........1759 " third " .1.....,...... .._.. 1720 " fourth " ........... .........1759 " fifth ' <I' .................. ,198 " MAPS, GLOBES, BLACKBOAR'ti,S, ETC. Number of Maps...... ...;.....;.... ........ '.' ...... ,.. ~_.'. 'H Globes... .... ..... '.:... ..... ...:.. ;..... ... ...... " Blackboards ,.... ~ . . . . .'. . . . . . . . Jo. . .. . . .. . . . . . . Gradually, public schools are beconiingbetter equipped. with the app,aratus requited by the regulations. 45 46 fELOIN COUN'I'Y COUNCILPROCEEDIliiGS. -:}j EJ"am COUN'l~Y COUNCIL l'IWCEJWINGS. 47 PETITIONS AND LEGISLA'I'ION COMMIHEK NOVEMBER SESSION. JANUARY SESSIOI't. FIRST- REPOR'l'. Warden and Elgin County Council:- To the lmgiD County Council:- The Cummitteeon PetiMons and Lbgishttion:;beg leave to report:~ 1 That they would recommend the signing 91 the petition-for the extensiol1,ol;~' the TOrrel1BLalld Transfer system, by adding - thereto, "And that - registi;yj~ offices _ for the cOllvenience of the public, be' established as at present." 2 That we recommend the granting often ($lO.OO) dollars to the Prisoners} Aid Association, Toronto. -, . . \ - - ,! 3 That the request of the County of Perth as to the appointing of a dele~ate:.\ to attend a meeting at Toronto inconneotiollwith the Ditches and WttC:t){ courses Act be not entertained. " Your'committee beg leavtl to report as follows:- acdon be takmiat this session in the mattGr ot the Torrens System Tr.ailsfer. D. G. RUTHVl~1S", Chairman. 8'h. Thomlbs;.Nove'mber_15~h, 1887. NOVEMBER SESSION. 4, That we cannotrect;HTlmend the signing of a memorial from the County o~:'_ Hastings but would recommend that this council petition the Ontario LE:gia;~ 1ature to provide more asylum accomodation so thereWolild be 'no llecessMj, for committing 1untLtics to the county gaols. SECOND REPORT. and Elgin CO,unty Cou:qcil, committee towllOlU the resol1itioidroin th,e County of-Wcllalldl'c accommodation was referred, beg leave to report. \~e concur in the res-olution' passed by the CountyCouncii of 'vVelland that the Wai'den and Clerk be instructed to prepare and forwiJ.,r'd a in terms of the resolution to the Ontario Legislature. of which is respectfully submitted, 5 'l'hat we recommend the a.ppointment county. All ofwhJ.ch isre,-pcctfully submittedt of.,a police magistrate for D. G. RUTHVEN, Chairman;! !, , Committee Room,St. 'Thomas, 28th January, 1887. D. G. RUTHVEN,Cha.irman Room, St. Thomas, November 16th, 1887. [Amended in comniittee o,f the wbole by 'str!kiFg out Sec, 5.] JUNE SESSION. To the County CouDcil" of the Coun.tyof Elgin:- '1'he Committee on Petitionsalld Legislation beg leave to report: That they bave consideredacommunicattori from R. L. Sanderson, M.-..p~ with reference to granLingassist'auce to Mrs'. Iredon,auiudigent, andeann~~ recommend the council to gl'ant her asSistance and that the ma.tter be referre4i to the, CounciL of Yarmouth. Allo! which is respectfully submitted, Committee Room"St. Thomasl June 8th, 1887. :~ ,48 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PHOCEEDINGS, , ELGIN, COUN'X'Y COU:NCIL' I'RpCEEDINGH, ,COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT, ):,' ','~reascthe numberofhridges to be assumed by this county. 'l'his act came il1~oforee 011 March 25, 1887; and it was understood- at your lflst meetingthav ;~',#.the act was not repealed I was toattenc1 to all, bridges incJuded in it. ;__;'l'n'~ Yrilton bri,9-~e over, Kettle Creek in the 'fpwnship of SouthwoJd was' 'i<.';:?H~ o~ t,hpse b~idgesl and aft0r being notified that this bridge was, dama,g~~ }Y:, t~_e freshet ~ had th.e pl,an~ prepared aj]d th~contract let f~r its repair ;::~n the understanding that if the act was repealed that tl).e county was not to ;_~be ll.eld liable. Theclanse in the act, making this,a county bridge ~'ias repealed o,'whenthe contract was almost completed and I await your, instructions what '~1iti,on I am to take in the mattei', ~J" 'A joint meeting' of' the Public Improvements Committee of' your eo'unty t:"and M:iddlesex met to examine_the Graham ro~d, amd Wardsville bridges on' g,::the 3~'d. i,nst.;,I herewith submit a copy of the minutes of that meeti~g; , I woul~ re~ollllnend that, th~ Port Bruce, bridg~, theShelborne bridge in ~;!P~rtS,~aI1.1e)\tl;1e'Talbotyreek bridg,e on the To'v~, Line be~"~e,enDl~nwich %yaild Southwold be painted with two' coats opi,nseed oi~ and _o::ride ofJron, AU, o,~ whichis.respectful~~ s:ubm~~~e~" J,AM'ES A. BELL, C(?:tl,nW ~ng~I.leer:. JANUARY SES$lON. To the Elgin County Council: 1:11 " ,," ,;:} In accordance, with instrl1ct~ons passi:ld at,your)ast.session I examined'W~,~ Richmond bridge in the Township of Bayham and had such repairs 1mid~Jdj\ it as was possible at that season of tIle year. The rlilpairsare not yet," plated but will be as' soon as, the weathBl permits; The bridge is a structure and will have to bel'cbuiU soon. The Port Stanley bridge will have to be alnlOl'!t entirely replanked' spring. TheZavitz bridge' ovei,'Kettlecreek will also have to be replanked spring. All of w hi~h is respectfully ';:>ubmittea." J'AM~S A, J?ELI~, y.ol,mty St. Thomas, January 25th, 1887 J '::'St. ThomasjJ une 7th, 1887. (I ri~ NOVEMBER SESSION. JUNE SESSION. ij"./To th'e W ~rc1en and COlmcil of the COUllty of .Elgin, 1'0 the' County Cou~cn,of the 'County of EI,gin:, I ~l;g tQ'report that.the bridges und_'~r your jurisdiction thi'oughout ih:i county '7iththe exceptions Me in ,11 fair state of repair, I have attended taaH work recommended by you:r honorable body at yom J auuary session.' The_bridge over Kettle creek on the Talb.ot road between the, Citya~~ county 'require!'.! anew 'abutment at the 'west end. I haveordered'cedar',:pili fot same and as soon as they arrive will have the w?rk done, ' I was'notified by the Township of Sputh Dorchester that the bridge',~V:I, Catfish creek on the Town Line between that ,townsh'ip 'and Malahide:h.~ fallen down. {rhe Public Improvements Committee met o,ndafter_consid'~ ing the matter instructed me to prepare/plans and let the work for a 1l~ structure 'whichha:; been done. ' As you are aware ~he Legislature passed an ae,t iIi 1886 which would Gentlemen, ' Ibeg'to submit the following report: 1 Sincey~:ur last session the Port 'Brnce, Shelborne~ and Talbot Crcl::k have been painted as ordered, by you. The c?unty bridges are now nearly ,all in a gOQd state,- of repair for the 3 Ill_the early part of September I met the Warden and Ellghieer of :K.ent and the Commissioner of' MIddlesex at the Bothwell bl idge ,rl;:;andafter thoroughly exami~ing; it, we concIuded-thatnew top chords and ~:;maiIi braces were -necessary ,for the south span, that nearly all the flooring ~;woul;d have:~o be taken up in order to put_in ,new joists, and ,that ,a large ~;'portio-n o,f the plank would have to be repl~ced. 1')1is work .i,s ,now nearly a!;:?ompleted and will make this bridge last 3 or four years longer., ~\~,; 40n the 28th June ~hc joint public improvements .committee of your, 49 50 ELGIN COm'I'~! COUNCILPROCEEDlNGS. "i' county,ancl Middle~ex met -in' London to, open tenders for the rcbuilding of th~-:~- tiraham Road bridge accQrding to plans pl'epn,l'ed by me. The cOlmnittee after: considering the 'tenders thonght that they were too bigh, and concluded to"(i advertise again; and met according to adjournment in London on the, 25th of '1' July when they awarded the stonework and concrete to E. & C. Farquhar,:;:; of l'oronto, at $14.50 pet cubic yard for stone and $5.00 per cubicyardfoii" concrete. All of whichif:l rcspectfully -submitted, JAMES A. BELL"Colinty Engineer::l ;St. Thomas, Nov. 15th, 1887. '_~1 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.- I'UBLIC IMPROV:EMENT'S' cm1MITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. ~rrotheElgin Cunnty Council:- ',~.:i:-The Publie Improvements Committee beg leave to report: l 'fha't,we agree 'with the Engineer in 'the rep:otirs he is having made' to the ,i,Richmilnd bridge. t, , " ' {:,;'2We WOlllcl recommend that the Port Stanley and 8e1borne, bridges be iG;rBplankecland the r~ngineer beinstructed to J;1a~e the same done as soori as' Ji,tllBspring opens. ,t::,.3That the Engineer be instructed ,to have a short feneeplaeed at' each end ~:':ufthe Selbor~e bridge in ,order to prevent accidents 9Y people drivillg into the ~rcreek; and also that a slnice box be placed on the north side of the W'3st ~;(\'pproach'to carl:Y off the water from the roadway, All of which is respectfully s-tlblnitted; D. McLAREN, Chairman. r<Committee Room, St. Thomas, J'anuary 26th; 1887. r!" JUNE SESSION. ';Y~o,the,County COlll)_ci'l of the Con~ty of Elgin:- . Your Public Impro'rements Committee beg leave toreport:- ::i': That they have considered the report, of' the CourityEngineer and the l;,minutes of, the joint committee of Elgin and Mid~nesex and would recommend: j~'.That the County Engineer have the repl'Oirs macle to the Talbot roa~ bridge kan4 the Port Bruce, Selbourne and Talbot creek bridges painted. f That we concur in the recommendations of the, joint -committee of ',this ~,conllty'and MiddlelSe~ regarding',the Graham Road and Wardsville brid~es.' "..We wou1drec"ommendthatthe action of'this committee hlassnming the, f-ibridge,ovfJr Catfish creek between South Dorchester and Malahidebeconfir~- I,;:;ed by this Counei'\. ' In regard totheFltltori:bridgewe,:fin~ t4atifthe act-had not heenrepealed 51 ~(I 52 .,..". .,.j,.",:.',' ~W:i:N OOUNTY OOUi-.'OIL 'PItOCEEDINGIl. 53 ELGIN' COUNTY - COUNCIL' PROCEEDINGS. that the '1mJ.pty's: ;ah~re ~f the-~?sl,of .t4,~:,~~ntracpwoul4- The whole amount oithe cost of the work was $6is.oo. We beg to matter to your honorable bod'y ~?r c.?!l:s~deration. ....,'..,,'..,,' All of, which is respectfully submitted, GAOL COMMITTEE. " JANUARY SE'SSION. Committee Room, St. Thomas, 9th June', '1S87. the Elgin CoiJ.'nty Council : :rh~ 'G~o1'''c~mniittee beg leav~, to rejort: &, r That the question of accepting the Roger's ventilator be referred to a ~-com~ittee of the ,whole council. ,. That an additionalmipboard b{l put in library or third'i;.,storyfor use of f'gOunty clerk. That a flag be purchased for court house. All of which is respectfullysubinitted, RICHARDfoCKER, 'Chairman. ~;tommittee Room, St. Thomas, Janl1ary,'-1887. " . .' . ;;~/'Cons~d~re4 l?Y com~itteeofthe whole who reported r~Bogers.$50for his vimtilator. \<./ .. R.epoit adopted. , in favor of paying JUNE SESSiON. ~.,' ;... ,.,:.. .':: ',--. .' '. ,.:: .:r ":.,.::.'. . ," ',..".- '.- J "~C' . i'.' 'I"~ To tlle,Couuty ConniJil of the County'of Elgin: ( h" The Gaol Committee beg leave to report: ,""Th~t, ias :in~tr'u~c'~~~ ~iFhe- Co'un~irat' its'lti.st '~e~sion 'theyh1Lve.' had ' plans ' ,lorco~nty offices:'prepU:re'dby 'the engineer 'whieh they 'submit' herewith fOr ~the consideration of the Council. Th.e. esti.rnated cost; .of,t~e whole work, :~cl,Mi~g ,va1l;~t Aoo~~ .a~dho.t .~ir ~e~ti~.gf\P~arat,~~~, '.i~" $7,827.00. "This 'does :"n~tinclude,any furnit~reor fittin~,up Council chamber. ;":::''-''''-' .:.' ". .... ,'.......' '. ", -All of which is resp~ctfully_ submitted, R; LOCKER, Chairml!tn~ ::Comnii~tee:aoom, St. Thomas, 8th J1.iiie, 1'8'87. " 4 ]~LGIN COUNrrY coU~CIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGI;:'; COUNTY COUNCIL 1'1WCEEDINGS. JUNE SESSION. "SPEpAL COM~ITTEE RE APPOINTMENT COUNTY OFFICIALS. SJ~COND REPOR'f. , To the Coul!-ty Council of the County of Elgin: The Gaol Committee beg leave to report: That they have considered. a report of the Inspector of Prisons, them and wonJd recommend the Council to take no action in reference All of -",hi,eh is respectfu,l~y submitted, ViTa the Elghi COllnty Council: ~,~'l'he special committee re appointment of County Officers beg lerwe to report [asfo,llows:"~ t; ; f:\Thatthe Council petition the'OutflJrio Legislature ~o pass an act to pl'ovi(~e: ';-.,., \. \;)For~ppo.intn1ent by vote of the people of the fol1owing.9ffi.oers:...:..:....~hel'iifs;' ;~gistrto,l'" Clel'll:s' of the Peace, County.' Crown 'Attorneys, . County. Court )cGlel'ks and Registrars of the Surrogate Courts a:ndall other Officials pl\id by fr!ees; or part by feesaridpa.rt by salary received, from the Looal Government. J~"2The County CowlOils have authority to, appoint, Gaqlers, Treasurers, &,dountyClerlts and all other officials whose salaries they oontrol in, whole or \;'inpart. ' An of whichis respectfully submitted, R. LOCl):ERJ Committee Rooms,Sit: Thomas",JUlle, '1887. NOVEMBER SESSION. Toth\ Elgin Cou~.~:y ,Cpuncil:- Gentlemen, , -1'11,13 Gaol C(lmmittee beg leave to report.: 1 That we procured an opinion from,ThomasH. Trf\oey, civil London, with referenoe to sanitary ~ondition of co~i't house and we hand you horewith for consideration. Your oonuilitte'e did not feel hl making, improvements in accorda11Ce \vith his report and in, their tb,cywill cost"ne~rly as much as a neW building. ' We havc rented an office withvatiltaccommodation for D. McLaws, . for one year with pl'ivilegl'l of five, and would ask the Council to confirm action. 3 We have furnished tho office forml;lrly useel by the Mq,:irter for the County, Police magistrate and he f\ppea_rs well :satisfied. 4 With reference to Grand Jury presentment werecommend no action. ,15. During the past summer the dro ught has affected the wells court house and gaol. 'Ve cannot recommend a IJlan to do away ,with d,fficulty, e.nd have instructcdthe olcrk to procure a sl.)-pplyof . required. All of which is respectfully s~lbmitted, W. O. POLLOCK, Chairmau'. t:po.,nmittee.Room, St.l'homas, January 28th 1887. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY REP'JRTS. COMMITTEE JU.,~E SESSION;. '0;:o'th6Count~Council ofthQ a,ounty of Elg1l1: h,: T1i~ Rouse' of Iudustl'y Committee biJg Jeave to report: I"~ ~1,>: 1., That they have visited the House once since last session' when e,very'thinz ~... . .' '-' ;;was found in gQod o'rder. n' rt;,,2.y,o)lr oommittee have had unElerconsideration the' best means of :prev~nt ~'!?ginmates of unsoundzuindfrom running away from the, institution ltl1d 'ij~_ould recommend that anicketfence 1,0 feet high,be built around . two yardw :tin which they could be kept at the discretion of the keeper and inspector. ,,{ lr,-Wewonld ~,lso recommend that better'stable accommodation' be provid'ed ~MorBtock. That an add~tio~, of 18 feet be built on the end of th~ barn and ~)that,a root house be const~ucted outside for the storage of vegetables. RICHARD LOCKER, 55 - ',., 56 J' I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL..PROCEEDINGl:l. :l<:ILGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ntOCEEDINGS. " 4. Your committee would request the council to visit the House before th.if, adoption of this report. . . All of which is respectfully submitted, it [tQtheLondon Asylum,"as provided in 45', 'Vie. cha:p. 3;2, and if not successful ftbat he be returned to the House of Industry until the January session. ( ~t::'8;W e have much plE~a'mre in testifying to the efficiency of the management ~~f the-House of Industry durin~ thepal5t year. " All of which is respectfully submitted. B. ,F.' HATIPAWA;Y, Chairman;!' , COlllmitte.e Room. June 9th, 18~7. ik ll. F. HATHAWAY. Chairman of c'ommiite6' NOVEMBER SESSION. :'1'0 the Elgin County CounciL G~ntlemen: The House of.Industry Committee beg leave to report: 1. That your committee ,has ,'met three timessiuce last session. , ,2~, That tenders were rece,ived for ,e" cottage root house and addition 'to:thec~ barn. Your Committee decided not to go on with the 'erection of a bwno:;~ root house, asto h~lihl these separate, would cost more than a stone foundM tion uuder tIre barn, whIch, in their opinion,is the,best andcheapesf ~ayt~J provide the necessary additional accommodation. We would recommend thai tb,e matter be discllssed at the January session, with a, view to having~h~\J stone foundation put under the barn duying the spring of 1888. An ,additi()~~ c.ottage has been erected in"Yard e;nclosed l,vith a high fence, ,at a cost of $37~.l! 3. Your Committee have, had the outside woodwork on the House of Ind,u's,1 trY-painted since your last meeting; t,his improv~t3'the appearance of thelnsti~ tutionand was llecessary topre's-erve the wO()dwork,,/fl ',,' ....,,;j 4. Since last meeting we ~ave procured three ladders to be used as,: firjj escapes, and a hose attachment for the force pump. '1.'his "was considered Iie4 I. :.,~ ,cessu.rYl as fop.ner~y there were no fire escapes or means of conveying water.~ different parts of the building in case of fire. 9. An inmate named 'John Wilkie h[t,sbeen sent to the ,BH:p.d Institution'~~! Brfmtford. ,The expens~ to the county while he remains there will. beah o':18-fifth of thecost of his maintenance with Hous~ of iridustry; and he receive a course ofinstructioIlthat will after a time enabl~ him to himself. . 6. Vfe wquld.reCOln!llend that the report of the~urgeon an.d ferred to us be adopted and printed in the minutes. 7.' We would recommend that application be made to admit Duncan J 57 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCE:ifDINGS. SURGEON'S REPORT. To the Warden and Mernbcrs of the Elgin County Council. , Gentl~mcn, In presenting this, my 12th annual report of the EIgi,n House,oLlndus.f; try, 'I have to state that I have 'auring the past year pai<Lsixty official viaitst~,,,: this.i~stitution, put-up 358 prescriptions. extracted 19 teeth and performe<dl several minor surgical operations. There have been but few, cases ofiwute disease, Ol~e of pneumonia, a nnm:' bel' of ohicken pox, and three cases of erysipelas. W e hav~ had' no , measlesi~ whooping cough, quinsy, diphtheria, cholera hifantum,soadet or other fevers.:~ , ~ The following deaths have taken place from the:ilause specified: NAME. AGE. CAUSE OF ,DEATH'; , , Thomas Johnson: ............., .... .60".,........ .... ..~.....,ConsumptiO!L Elle,n Cook .. ... .';.. .... ..,...... .47..... ....... ............ Anaemiad Sophrona Korander .... ........:. .88......... ... ....'..,.'... ....'... Senility;] Thomas Eckerlin . '..,.............. .62....... ......,... ;~'.,....,. .Paralysis~< Mary Caswell...........,...., ,'. ..,89"'..... ...... .:..~........ .Paralysia~ AnriieMurphy...... ..... .........20 ... ........~.TubercularDisease:?: ])uncall McPhaiL..... ..... < ... ,.. .74'.... .........\ . General Debi1ity1~ Ninety-nine deaths have taken place since the open\ng of ,the Institution;'?' We have at present 69 inmates, 11 ohvhicli are idiots and invalids, 4 blind, and,': 2'insanc, ,No .births hav~ ocoUl'red.during the year. The moral;. discipli1iary~ lbnd hygienic care of the in~at0s has been highly slbtisfactory.,:l I have 'the honor to be~ gentlemen, Your ohdt; servant, L. LU:roN, M. D. l~LGIN COUNTY COUNOIL PROCKBDINGS. -~----_._----~---'~-~----_.,-" INSPECTOR'S REPORT. <"!.T~ the Elgin County Council ;- 0'" . ,,' , Gentlemen,- The Inspector of the Elgin House of Industry begs leave to present thc [Lshis anllualrepoit foi the year ending 31st October, .1887: 1. No of inmates in House of Indl~stry at last report., ..,..... .58 2 Number admitted during ~he yeJlr . . .. ............ . . . ." .43 3. t< of deaths . . . . . . . . , . . .'.,. . . . . . . . ,. ..... , . .. 7 4. ". of children sent out on triaL..... .... .. . '.. .., 6 5. If taken out by friends ".......,............. .... .. 4 6. "seutto Asylum...... ................., ........... 1 7. .. dischargca.-" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 8. "absconded. '. . . . . . . .. ..................... _ . . . .. 6 ",i 9. "at Blind Institution ........ ..... .. ..........,.... 1 10; "now inHouse ...... .............,..........,....69 :;.. II.. " of inmat<'s adn).itted from the ,several municipalities within fthecollnty during the year is as follmvg: kt" AIQborou~h' ..................... 0'... .........."...... 6 Dunwich .......... .... ...... ............'....._........... .2 Southwold,. ... ......... '," . "," .........,. ...,........ ....'.7 Yarmouth ........................ .......... ....... ...-.. ;/.'.,..4 ~I~l~~i~~~~~~s.t~~.:: ':'::::::::: ::_::::.... '::::: I.::: '.: .::'::::: :'::: j ~i~;~~~.::::::...::'.::':::::::: '.::::::: ::_~::::: '.::::~::'" .: ::i ~~~~~el~.::::::..::::::::.:::::::: :'::::::::::: :'::::::.::: ;:::'~ Port Stanley ...,........... .',,. ...... ...... ....., ...... ......; ~ 1 Municipality not given,. ........ ",,'''' ..,.. ......" ..............2 l~ N~tivity of the inmates committed during the year: County. . . . . ., ., '. . . . . . . . ..., . . . .. ...........: lS Canada,...... ',' ,..... .. ,'........ .'............. .10 Scotland' .....,...... ....... ,..'.... ,.'.-.. ...,..' 5 Ireland.... ....',.... ..,_.........."... ..... 4 "England "............... ". .'........,.J ..., 5 United States;~.... ............ ...... ......,. 3 Other places ............ ... . . . .. !. , . . . . . . . .. 1 Number born in l< " " << " " ,<< " " " ;,::,13; The variom; causes of pttrnperism of,tl;le inmates returned during ,the year 'hndnow in the Housl'l, is as follows; f Sickness. .,..... ... ..' .',','" ....,..,.'...,....... ...'.~.... ... ...5 Destitution.... ...'. ,.... ","" ... ...... ,.. .... .............. .,...-.7 59 60 IDT"GIN COUN'I'Y COUNCIL PROCEEDING-S. IntClnperancEr .. ..... '" ....... ... ......;. ".'... ........ .... .,',.. ...17- ,',' t~dn~g~' ::..'::::': :::: :::::..: ::: :::" :::~: :::::.: :'::,':::: :::: :<~ -~ 'Blind.... ......... ,,'. ,.. .... ..........',... ...... ......... ..... 5 Idioticftmlinsane ...... ...., ..,',.. ...... ..... ...... ....... .,;21 All other caus'es " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ',' . . ; . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.J8 14. 15. 16. ]7. 18. 19. Avel'<lgennmber of irimates durhig the year.". ..... .. .',.. ., Keeper's family and hired help added........... .,......... Number. of week's boal'd for inmates .. '. .. . . . . . . . . '. .. . . . . . . Keeper's 'family and hired help added . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total expenses:during. tHo year. . . . . ;' . . . . ' . . .. ...... .,.. Deduct permaneot improvemerits. . . . . . . . . . .. . " . . . ,$433C Produce, sold, etc. . . .. ................,. 43 25 Inc\'~ase of invento'ryvaluatipn over' 1886. .' 5111_ l~ecelved from inmates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 12 582 ,Leaving amount actually expended for suppurt-of inmates.. 3590 Aver~~e expe?,Sei; per week for each peraon ................ , ] year for eaen. person ................ 55 H " " with interest, on total amount expend'ed by county for HQuse of Industry, etc., at 6 per cent ....... .'.. ...... .. ~... ... . \....... 24. The amount expended for thO' House and Farm this followa,: 20. 21. 22. 23. P\!\id';for Keeper and Matron;........... ... ... ...... .... .$55000 ., Farm Implements and expenses. .... ..... ..... 84 41 " Stationery... ........' ...... ..... ... .'... ....,.. 6'70 " Drugs and Surgical Appliances ....,.............. 4980 " Provisions...... ..... ...... .'........... '... . 146 '78 " Groceries. . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. 359 10 " Dry Goods ................,...,............... 312 83 " Boots and Shoes............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 10686 Hardware and 'Furnishings.... ......,:........ ,"'_ 90 -16 Wood .'...,.............'..... ""'," .......34126 ',H'urnitllre and Coffins. ........ ... ........'...,. 5550 P~rmanellt Improveme-';lts, ...................... 43;3,08 Hued Labor...... ... ... ..,..... ................ 12000 Fa.rm Stock..................,............,.... ' 28' 00 P~lysiciaJ).sl salary....... ....................... 200 " . Inspector's salary ....,........................... So " Meat........ '," ... ... .... ...'............... .. 483 Bread ......., ....,. P..- " .-.,..............., .'. 366 Conveyance of inmates......',..... , . . . . . . . . . . . .. 126 Incidental......... ...n..... ......... ...., .... 231 " " " " " " " " $4J73 25. During the year twelveehildrell ha.ve attended school 118,3 day,s.or months which at 75 cents per month makes amount due school Section Southwold. $44.35. " EU-iIN COUNTY COUNCIL' PROCEEDING~. 26. Amount of produce raised on farm during the year: 12 tons of Hay; valued at. .....' '.................. ..... .$120,00 20 loads of Corn Stalks ...... .... .........'........ ..... \ 60,00 300 bushels of Corn.. ....... .... ........ .._......,.... .. 75.00 270 " of Oats . . . . . . . . .. ...." ...,...........,.. 81.00 600 " of lVhngolds Wortzels............ ...... ....".. 99.00 75 " of Turnips. .................................. 18;75 12 " of Reets.. ...... ..,.....;........,........... 3,00 12,H of Table Carrots ..... .'....................... 3.00 14," of Parsnips ..................... .., ..... ...., 3.50 120 " of.Potatoes~................................... 48.00 6 " of Onions ...... ......... ,"n............... 4.80 7 ,', of Beans....... ........ ... .......:..... .... .,.. 7.00 200 Heads of Cabb.age!...... . ;..... .... .................. ~.00 1475 Pounds of Butter at 2~ ctB. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. 324.50 ., 10 Barrels of Apples' .. .. ..................... .~. .'. . .. . . . 6.60 200'Qllartsof Caul1edFruit'.,. ... ...... ............. ..... 25.00 10 Barr~18 Soft Soap.... ..... .-. "..... .....'. ........ 50.00 5,Fat Pig~ ...... .'..,...............'.. ... ..... .,.....'.. 65.00 '-r-"..- Total. .'........... ...... ... .'............ ..-$971,15 W,< 27.' Nuinber of ai'ticles of clothing an(l bedding made up duri.ng the y~aJ; by <jManol1; 416. . 28. Thefurpiture, provisions, etc. oli h~nd 1st November are valued as' f{-,follows: ... ...$347 37 560 85 895 35 5276 198 00 231 25 355 00. 8445 16 95 34 85 5 00 lO 00 lO 00 2000 Groceries and Wood..,'.. ,.......r...'........ Farm Stock and Garden Produce..................... l!~arm ~tock and Implements. < . .'. . . . .. ............. Dry ,Goods.. .'......... ....."...... ..... .~..., ...... ...... Clothing,... ...-......,., .,..... .,.',. ........ .'.. .,.,.... ...., Stoves, Tables, ete ....... .. ........................ ~:~~k:~ .~~~~~~~:::..::::...':::~: ..'~::::,,::::::: :-::..... Tinware......... .'. .'.'....... ......... .-....,... .'.....' Barrels" Tubs, etc............. .'........... ..';........ .... ShoemakerJs"Kit ......... ';',' ...... .,..... .,............... Bpok!}andStationery.. .... ........... ... ... ._.,..... ,Dental Forceps and Syringes.......... ,.. ... .. <" ... 'Medicine Case and Sem;etary..,. .<. .'. .... '. ,...,...... . To,it... . .:.......... ..... ..,........ $2821 83 f_\,,:2~. Total amount expended by County up to 1st 8.idudustry isas follows: J Farm,' 50 acres, cost. ...... .......... House of Illdu,stry:. '. . . . . . . ... . Novem:ber for House of . .. .$3,000.00 6,958.00 61 I ~. I 62 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL'PROCE~DINGS; Cottages.... .'. _'..... :;-... _..... ._.........;.. .'. Barns1 Wood' Shed,etc. _ _. ~'" . ....... '..... Tile Drains; 766 rods' . _ _..... ........,. ..... .... ~.. ..'. Fence, 560 rods /... "........... ................ Orchard ... ....... ............ ........ 1,250,,08 700.00 336.00 612.00 8200 .T.ota~.;.. _ ;.. all of which is respectfully submitt~d, .$12,938.08 St:Thomas, 15th November, 18,87. K. W. ~IcKA~, Inspect{ / ) . . I>g (f.' If:)~ U G ., {~,.f -; €i1i'i /t4 ~ .~/ ~ //?It) Ir~ .,-_ j?, /~., //w'";, /( . l~ . , .1 , I I