1888 Minutes , . / " PROCEEDINGS OF THE ElgIn COlJrrtyCotJfleiJ ~. JlINUfI~f . ~E$$If)]\I, , }ggg, -', , FIRST SESSION-FIRST DAY. r TueM.lay, the 24th day of J anu~ry. Themenlbers elect of the Municipal-Corporatiollj ~fthe COImty of Elgin, met thi~ day)nthe Court Hbu?e, St. Thomas, at two o'clock, afternoon. Th'e following Reeves and Deputy Reeves filed, r.ertificates and took their seats at the Council Board. T. W. 'KIRK'PA'TRICK, DUNCAN McGRE'GOR JOHN J. S:rALKEIJ. A.Je. LEI1'CU, _,. ALEX. McKILLOP JUDSON ~{E:r~VE ALDBOROUGH Is'i: DgI;(rry REEVE- II' 21) DEPUTY REEVE '. " REEVE' . . . . DmfwlCH 1ST. PEl'UTY\REEV1.t~ " , 2]) DEPUTY ~ 4' DON:i\LD TURNER THOMAS TACKS ON JOHN. AND~~E\VS \'1, 0, POLLOCIC, I.' I .B, F.HATHAWAY, 'C; A,'~E1:Z0W.ER, \V;L.'BAILEY, SHELDON WARD, RICHARD"LOCKER; M,AHLON E. LYONS, H. T,'GODWIN, . ,V,~!'. BACKHOUSE, J~l\1:ESCDANCE, JinlNR. cfiARLTON, MOSES LEESON, GEORGE M. SMITH, M. PAYNE." J .', B.MILLS,M.' D., JOHN E. TE.~k' ,/"",., 'The melhb~rs\vJr'~ ELGIN C~UNTY COUNCIL l'ROCE'EDI~GS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,1'IWf;EEDlXGS. Mo\'cd by J, C.'Dance, seconded by Thom:ls Jackson, That the reading of communications be laid, over until 'to.morrow in order toal; IOW:the committee appolzl;ed' to sf.rike standing commitcys to'meet.~Carricd. Moved byW. Backhouse, secotlc!ed by H. T. Godwin, That thiS Council adjomn until to"morrow at half lJast nine a.m.--:Carried. Ie W. McKAY, D. TURNER. Co. Clerk. Warden; , Rln:Vg SOUTH"\YOI,D 1St DEPUTY REF,v)", ::m DEPUTY RERVE '-, RE\~VE 'YARMOUTH 1ST DI1I:UTY RrmVE - " 2D DEI'UTY RT<:K\'E " '. .\ 3D nEIlU'd'.REJ~VE ' " REEVE MALAHlJ)Jr. ISTDEPU;l'vRElWE , .....,..:':,.:',.,... I J 2n' DEFt/'lTRElivE. REEVE. ' BAY[:IAM AYLMER DEPUTY REEVg H:lmv.i<~ 'REEV.1~ " PT. STAN L1~:Y SJ'LUNGFlB'IlI Thefo1l9wing gentlemen were movedancl seconded for theofflce ofvVarden:"-- Messrs.-Tlirner, McGregor, Dance, Pollock, 'Anelrews, Kirkpatrick, "Vard,,-Leitch, +Iathaway, Locker and Godwin, all of whom resigned excepl Messrs. Turner and Godwi,n. Messrs. f'ayne and Kirkpatrick were uppointeclscrntineerli and on the G.rstballo't DC)Ilild 1\~n'l'er,"Es,(i.,-Reev~of'the,township of Sotlthwolc1, having received a ma- jori:ty~f~~le ,vo~es of the . whole Council, \~as duly, elect~d W~rclen of the 'Cou!1;ty of Elghr;Jof the' year 1888. . Mr'Tllrner ",' n:~:de the statlltorx. ~l~c1aration,of bi1lcebef()re qeo:$l\ffel, E::;"q;; lhsti.ce"of the 'Peace; took lthechair an'c1 a&l'rhs:,ecl the COUl~cil. "') . , The.p~oce~(~ing5 of the. last day of tl~e, p~e\'icii.ls session ,\~,ere,~e~?l.,at:d;'!Gp!lfirn~ed: 'Movecl byWm.Backl~ouse.,se~onded :by.J, Teal. That Messrs. Godwin, Teal,Warcl, Mills, 'Leitch, McGr'e'gbt','Hathaw~y(PblL' lock, LeesoB, Kii::kpatrick, Jacbon and' Daiice, ,be a comll1itteeto"~fril~'eYsla-ndirig' 'cOlllm.iteesfor the'ye~l'I88g...:.-C'ai1iNL ' '.: ! \ l"IRST SESSION-SECOND DAY. \Vednesday, the 25th day of Janm'iry, 1888. The Elgin County Conncil md this day according to ,adjournment. D. Turner,'- Esq" \Varden, in the chair, all.the members present; The proceedings of the previous day - were read und confirmed. , ( The following communications were read:- FrOln County Council orWelltuid re amendments to Jurors Act, referred to Com- 'mittcc on l'etitions and LegL:.latlon. Com~ty Conncil, of Kent, rc amendments to Assessment Act. Referred toPeti. tion &c., Legislation Committee. OI~tari6 RiOe Association requesting grnnL Referred to Finance Committee. ,A. McLachlin, enlargement of registry office, Referred to Gonl Committee. "T. ,M.Nairn, M.P.P., re amendments toimmicipal Acts. Cornmittee on Petitions and Legislation. \V.' At'kins, '1. P.' S., re grant for promotion exm'ninations. cation Committee. Referred to the Referred 'to Edu- 1Tt:. and Mrs. Honsbeq,~er, resigning posi60ns as keeperand matron of House of Jndustry. Referred to House'of ~ndustry Conlmittee. James A., Bell, County Engineer, with report on county bridges. Pilblic Improvcnlent Committee. Charles Roc, applying for'position as Auditor. Secretary St., Thomas Board of Education re deputation. Referred to Moved by J. C.Dance, seconded by'John Andrews, That the deputation from the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute Board be allow,td to'address this Council :to-inorrow aftern})on at 2 p,m.~Ca~ried. ELGIN COUNTY COU~CII.PRoctmDINGS. 7 The following applications for the posidcm of~iZeeper and 'Matron of,l{otlse of Industry were' then' read : FromJames'Adams and wife; -Yarmouth; From Adam Parker .and wife, Puslinch Lake, From ~T. R. Ander,'>,Oll and ",ife, ,qt. ,ThOlnas, From J? Forbes,and wife, ,St. Thomas, .From A. R. Mil'l and wife, St. Thomas, From J. W. La'wton and wife; St. Thorn:,is; From Iohn hOllock,andwife;' South wold, FromF. ElIs,vort,h'and wife;. I~'ayham,' FromWarren,Slnith ancl'wife. SOtlthwoldj' From A. McRae and wife; Dnnwich, FromM.. \McArthurariclwif~. Squthwold, From Wm. Aldritt and wife" South wold. Moyed by -W.. Backhonse~ syco~~ed by R. Locker, Th~tthe ''Yard;,ll nall1e .~. Sp<:;cial COlfmitt~e'::to take)nt9considerationthe re3i~na'tion of the b~el?er ~fHOl}SC::or;I;~71u~trr~. 19. .r~~eive the ,appIic~tions andrecom- mend !'>uitable p'ers~ns to flU' said nlcancr.~Carried. ' ." ''': ' 'I':"'; ;:',; The vVarden appointe~ Messrs. Teal, Ward, Dance, Leeson', Kirkpatrick;,jM:ills', Payne, Leitch,_ Browe,r and Jackson.tl1e:,spe.ciars?pll~~tt~e. Moved by, A. Leit~h, .s.eco~~ed~y:p',11~9~ego.r,; ThatSal~t1el:'11cColl. be a12pointed~u(litor of t?cCounty Accounts ending December 31st, 1887;"~Carr1ed. The Warden nominated' Mr.,..~., L. McCally"of Aylnler, ,as the .qther i\u~Vtor. Moved by,R. Locker, second~(l,l:lxS.,Warcl, That A. J. Leitch lJe .appoi/1tedA.udi,~or' to audi~ the ac'col'lnts in'conriection: with he Administnition of J n5tic,e.~Carried. " ,:, ."; ,'; ",."", ',": ':.,;' ,;' :0.ov~dqYJ'hol.lla~ Jac~(son;;;e~ond~(:l:l)y:D. McGregor, That ;Dugald McColl, ofSouthwoJd,be appointed ofJust~ce' Accounts. iii amendment. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by W. O. PolloCk, That.JoJ;mKing be appointed Atic1ftorofthe~dministratiori of Justice Aecount%. 8 \ ELGIN COUNTY ,COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Amendment lost ; main moti;n ,carried. Moved by John Andrews,. seconded by J. C. Danc,e, That the fixin:g of tbe salary of the keeper and matron of House ofIndustry be eft until tliecOlllmittee has an opportunity to investigate'the applicalions......,-Carried. The report of the special comnlittee appoitited to strikestandingc'ommi'ttees was pr:eseiltcc1 and. adopted on motion of Mr. Godwin, seconded by ~fr. Dance. MO\'ed by r., C., Dance, seconded by J o~i1 ~ndrews, That this Council adjourn until 2.30 p.m.; arid that-the committee appointed to investigate the u,Pplications re, appointment of keeper House of Industry meet and arrange_when they em,IId ineet the applicants, and to allow other committees to meet al1ci,'orgal1iic.---:,Carrietl. ,The' Council r~sumcd. The County. Treasurer's report wasreacl and referred to the finance Committee. , Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by J olm AndJews, , Thae the sun1 of thirteen dollars be refl1~de;d to the T'reasnrer of the Township ,of Southwold; fo'r: a' 'suit of clothes and ooots furnished, Wm. Cameron, an idiot, who 'escaped fr~m House,of Industry, said amount having bee~ Ipaid'by the-Township of Southwokt'...:.:..,Lbst. Moved by D. McGragor, secoi'lcled by Alex.M:cI~i1lop, That jthe Clerk get 150 cards -pri'nta,d with name and post office address 01 mem- bel-oS o(Co'unty Council, the various co~n1ittees and names of County Offi.ciak.-' Carried. Mr; 'D. McGregor gave notice that he wOltld apply fora grant of two hundred dollars to ,assist in building a lock~up in West Lome. Moved 'by H. Ji": Hathway,sec9ndedbyC.A. Brow~r, That this Council do 110W adjourn until ten' o'clock, to~rhorrow morning, and the Clerk procureconveyances'for in~mbers to viSit HouseM 'Industry at foilf o'dock'this afternoon.":':"'Carri~d. McKAY, Co. Clerk. D. TURNER, Warden., \ , FIEST "SESSIO~~THrRD DA\~; Thursday, 26lh January, 1888;:: , The Elgi;1COl;-~ty ,Councillfl-et this day acconling to adje)llrnment. D. Turner, Esg;, 'Varden, 'in! the chair. All thelllemherspresent. The proceedings ofthepreviollsday were read and confirmed.. MovedbyJ.C. Dance, secondecl by J. R. Charlton,' That a'comJ~ittee compos~d of Thomas Jackson. M. Payne,.\V.O.- .POllbct.i,T., W. Kirkpatrick and H.' 1':1 Godwin,. be appointed to ascertain th,'e .aJnolt:lJ.~ for which tl}e London and Port ,Stanley toll road can be l)lIrchasecl for, and to report at Session.~CarriecL '\ J.\-loveclby John Teal, secon,cledby \iIl. Backhollsc, That. Ceo ge Q'hornton be appointed Trustee of the ViennU' ,I-ligh ,School foi' term of three years.~Carded.' Moved byD.McGregor, seconded 'by M.Payne, That a grant of $2'00 be made towards building a lockcup in the village of -West Lorlie.~Carried. Moved}?y M. Leeso'n,sec,ondecl by G. M~ Si11ith, That-S. S~ Otttton be appointed Tn1~tcc of the',Aylmer of three years. -':"Carriccl. Moved 'by W. ,.Backhouse, .seccOl1ded by' I-I.. T. Godwit'l, That D. McGregor be appointec1.Truste,e of the Dutton High School years.-Carried. The Finance COluiuittec prcsenh~d their report. 10 l'a.GlN ~OUNTY COUNCIl. .I'ROCBEDlNG.'i. 1foved. by v\!', 'llackhouse, seconded by :B. T. Godwin, referred , back to them ,for a'mend. Tlmtthc report ,of thc.Finarice,Committee be 'l'ilenL:.~;.Carrj,cd. The Finance COnlllllttce's report as <,.mended was presented and adopted on in(jtio;l of Dr.l\Hlb, scc<i:lll(1ed by M. Payne. , The 'yeas arid naysllclng culled for were tak~n down as follows: Vl~AS._.-Godwill, Backllousc'(rcaJ,l\li1ls, Paym~, KirktJutrick, Locker, Milligan, Smith;',!\JcGrcgor, Leeson, Dance and Charlton.'-':I3. "NAYS.~..::Ward, Lyon, McKillop, Baiky, Bro\',,\::l', Hathaway, Pollock, AlHlrew', Jackson and Stalker...LlO. Moved by W. 0: 'Pollock, seconded byB. F. Hath",way, . , that thi.:; 'cc;ullcil ttcljourn aod vi.,;it the gaol and take into consideration Mr. McLa,chl.in\; CODlIiiulllcntion reRegistry,Office, to meet agaiJ-i. at 2 p. m.--Carried. The Cmincil resumed. IvIessrs. McKenzie, r.liller, McCrimmon and Midgley, ll1embcrs?~ depntation the,~:,~.Thomas School]~oard, then addressed the Ci)unciIand pre~entedAnJ1ual of SL Thomas Collcg;iate Institute. .",The <:.':lei-k read thc.Annnal Reports of the' Aylmer, Vienna and Duttori Hiiih Schooh, all of \\lhic11 were referred to'the EdUC3't-ion Committee. fl,'l,ov<,ld hy.JplllilI.,T<'al, seconded hyW. TIackhollse, That this Cou'ncil petitiOll the Ontario Legislature to so amend the AssessIT,lent Act't~S to p]f,~C',; all non-resident and arrears of tax~s ill"the hands of theJl,t!{dlicipalities t.o which the tax is, due, 0;0 that thepropertyibe soleI' by theTre~surer of the several i muilicipalilies anil notl)y the County Tl'ea~urer as at present.'-::Lost, MovSdbyD. McGr~gor, ~~condcd by A. ~IcKil1op, ~ That'Dr. Leitch bel appointed Trustee of the Dtittori High School Jar three years.~.-Ca~ricd. ' \ The Public Imp1"Ovement COlllrill.ttee; then presented their Report. J\iIovedhyTho~. Jackson, seconded llY J. C. Dance, , Thatthe. Public Improvement. Committee's 'Report l~c adopted. In amen<ll'nent, Leitch, seeoml,edby A. McKillop, .' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCILI'ROCEEI1mGS, II That. the adoption of the Public Improvement Committee's. Report be laid "over lmtil. to-morrow. and that the Cle;k ask the Connty Solicitor togive,his opinion on _the matter iil c1ispnte in reference to the Zavltts Bridge at IO,a.m.----:Carrie~,( . The HOllseof Industry Committee then presentecl'their:Report" which was llllopted on motion of B. F. Hathaway, sec<mcledbyW. Backhouse. The following ~otices of motion were given Dr. Mills for $25,fOl'CI:iair Springfield lockup. .i\L Leeson, Jt)rJ$JOO to-Jepaii. Aylm~r lockup. J. Teal, for' $25 to repair Vienna lockup. . ;\Joved by .W.. BackhOllse" seconded by J olm Teal. That this Council do nowadjoul'l1 to meet at 10 a.ni. to,morrow, to alIow,com_ mittee~ to meet.-Carrh~d. 'K. W.McKay, , LnuntyClerk. D. TUI{NER.' Wal''cleli, / \. FIRST SESSION~FOURT[-I DAY. Friday; the .z7thday of ]aOltary, ,i888. ;l1~E1g'in County Council met thi~day according to adjournment. TheWarchiri"'iIl the chair. All the.memhcrs' prescnt except\\'. L Dailey. Theproceedil1gs of the previous day were read anel COl1fin~lecl. Acommup.ication from the' Prboners' Aiel Association requesting, grant was then Moved by John Andtews,. seconded by Thos. Jackson, Tha~\agrimt Of$IO be made tothePriso~er's Aid Association.-Carried.' The Gaol C~Inmittee then presented their Report, wIli.chwas adopted on motion' ofMr~ Leitch, seconded by Mr. Locker . Moved by J. C. Dance, seconded by Thomas]acksQll, Thilt' the Gaol Committe with the Warden, confer wilh a committee fi'om the City'of St., Th6m~s in reference to enlargement of Registry Office and, to report at Tune S~ssion ihmtisfactory arrangements cannot be rnade. ~Catried ~ . , i , Moved.b.y W.O.. Pollock,' seconded by c.. A;. Brower, That the Warden, the House of Industry Committee and Messrs. Leitch, Locker, Lt~eson,..Backhouse and. Dance, be ,appointed ..to tender a testimonial and vote of- ,thanl{sto Mr. and, Mrs. Honsberger for their efficient past services.-Carried; ,The Committee on Petitions and Legislation, theri presented theii' Report which was:' 'a~l'Op'ted on motion of Dr. Mills, seconded by ,M. Pa)~ne. Mcrved by A; A~,/ McKillop, seconded' by r Mill'igan, , )'. Th8\u:free Hawker's and Pedla;ls ticens,ehe gr<}nted to Archibald McFatlane f6r the year r888.-Carried. )!;LG1.N COUNTY COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. Moved by H. T. Godwin,. seconded by S. Ward. That the arbitration hetween-this County arid the county Norfolk rc ~9wn line be proceeded with pr9vided- Mr. G. Best gives the cl~rk an agre~lilentt9 Arbitrators mid Witness,fees.-Canied. , Moved by Geo. M. Strlith seconded by W. O. Pollo~k,' That this Council do nowadjoul"ll until 2.3op. m.--,-.Carricd. The Couricil tesumed. Moved 1)y M. Payne, secoll(i~(I b)':p. McGregor, That'we dono\V adjourn for~n~~~#~'iri order to Jet special committ~e ,lneet the applicants for the posit,ioDof Keeper and Matron of the House of Industry+Carriecl., The Council resumed, Moyedby J. C. . Dance, secorided by 'rhomas Jackson, That a free Hawkers and Pedlars. Licence be granted to Lyons;'---'-Carried Moved by John Andrews,secQ~1ded by J. R. Charlton, That . t~is ICouncil Grant a ftee Hawkers and. Pedlars Licerise to I~oswell Tom- linson he being t1l1ab1e to earn a livelihood in any other way.~Carriec1. Movedl)y M. E. Lyon, second,ed by Richard 'Locker, That a free Hawkers and Pedlars Licensebe_granted to Andrew the present year.-Carried. Moved by D~ McGregor, seconded by T. ~W.Kirkpatrick, That a free Hawker's and Ped]a~s Licence be'granted toJamesGrafton-'Carri1d~ Moved by A T. Leitch, seconded by A. McKillop, That the granting of sums to repair the various Lockt~p Buildings in the be laid over until ~ext Session.-Carried. The special' com}nitteere appointment of Keeper and Matron House,qfIndustry then presented their report, which on motion of Mr. Ward, secorided by Mr. Loc}<er was' refer'redto acommihee of the who,Ie. ,The War'den apP9inted H.'T. Godwirito take the chair after amending the, report the committee rose and the chairman ,i-eported the adoption dfthe' Report a; amended. The appointment of a Keeperaitd , Matron for the House,of Industry was then proceeded with by. ballot, and on -',the Fourth Ballot Mr> \'-'illiam Aldrett of SO,uthwoldhavinga. majority of the,,'~hole,' ELGIN COOl)!TY. COU:"lCIl. PROCEEDI:-<GS. cOllncilwas declared duly appointed K_eeper'apd'hi's wife Matrbn of the~'H6use of IilClu'stry nnd I~eflllZe. -M6\'edhyW. Backhouse, seconded by'H. T. Godwin, That,', William Aldritt and wifehadng- lJeen unpainted Keeper and Matron 0 f the "House: ofIndllstry that a Ijy-Law be passed confirming their app'bintmetit.~Car- I ' , ried. The C(mnty Solicitor t~en gave his opinion re matte,!' in dispute conce':..ning BriclgesQl1 Town Line between Yarmouth and South wold. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by Geo'rge SmIth, ~r" ' 'I'h~t",t,heconlmjttec_ appointed to,tcndei a suitable te~timonial to ,Mr. and Mrs., Ilurisberg'er'be auth;)rized to purchase someappropl'iate pre:;ent.-Carried. Moved -l~y W; Backhouse, seconded by R. Loqker, That this Council adjourn until to-morrow at 10 a.' nl.' to allow the 'Edllcational Commit~ec:'to ,nll::et.,-Carri~d. k. w. D. TUR,NER, Warden. i\1cKA Y, Co. Clerk; , . , I FIHST SESSION-FIFTH DAY. Saturday, 28th January, 1888. Th~ Elgin CntllltyConncil met this' day according- to adjournment. 'fhe Warden In the chair; AU' the members present except yy. ~. Bailey. The procceding.s,of thepreVIollS_ day were read and confirmed. The' Edu'cational . Committee presented'- their motion ofMr, Leeson secondedby Mr. Payne. Moved by]. C. Dance, seconded by J. ].Stalkcr, Report which \ , That th~ Vv,~nlenbe au.tporized 'to issue hischeque:infavor of W.''R,.- Jackson for thirty-'three dollars, beingarnollnt ofaccount.'for pres,ents.. given'" to Keeper and Matron ?f.the Honse 'of Ind\lstry 011 theirreti.ri~g from the service of this Carried. Mr._. Glen 'con'clllAe'd':hisi,:oPinio~~efwr~~ing',ior',t'1 Line betwcfn' SOuthwold. ' Moved byW. BackhQllse, sec():nd~d by'H.. Locker, That the Clerk b~ .in~tni?ted to submit ~llthe.papcrs :bcaring on the' question of the disputed Town Linebet~eeri Yarmouth,~n(~ S?'uthw?ldto,~r. H.:~. Ellis and get his opinion and Rc})~i"t atll~xt sessiOri.-.Carried. . Moved by M. Payne;seconde4 by J. J. Stalker, ,:' " , \ --: ' "',,::.',, Tl~at the County SoIicitorbe requeste,d to:' give 11is opinion in\'lTiting'r~ Town Line between Townships'of Yarmouth and .~,outhwold.~Can:ies1. :\10ved by Thomas] ac\<.s()n, seconded by. J.' R. ,Charlton, ", "'" ' "''''.- ' , , TJlat. the counci1havinghe,~,~dtheopiniop.of,Mr. Glenn. re Yarll1()uth and Sdhthwold Town' Line and and as the adoption of the Public Improvement Commit~ '. I6 RLGINCOUNl'Y. COUNCIL PR.OCEEDIKGS. tee's Report was bid over uritil s~lChopinion couldl~e had that said .report be now aclopt,cc];:....:...Carricd. Mcwed by M. Payne, seconded by D. McGrego'r, That the following; grant!> he made to High Schools for the current year ,00 condition ;that all CouotyJ\lpils are [Lrlmitted free, Aylmer $1,500, Vienna $750, D~tt9n$I',500,St. Thomas Collegiate,I~stitute $1,400, that. the grant toSt. Thomas be on condition tha~ all County pupils arcadmittedfrec. In amen(hnent. MQvedby J. C. Darice, seconded by J.~ R. Charlton, - . That an amouotequal to the'Governrrient Grant be granted by thE Council to aid differcqt High Schools in this COUlhy~ Main motion carried and amendment lost on the following division. YJ.MS-Godwin, Backhouse, Teal, Milligan, McKillop, Leitch, ,Payne, Mc- Gregor, Kirkpatrick, 'Sta:Jker,Brower, I-Iatha\v~y,Pollock, Andrewsj a11d Jackson, " ,I .,...I5. . NAys.--Lockerj Ward, Lyon,'MiUs; Sinith, Leesoil,'Charlton, Dance.-8. , ,.NJ:ov~d hy,M. Payne, seconded by D. McGregor. :That't1;le Warden issllehischeqlle in favorofE; Holden'for$w for 5 cabs for .,co~~~yance of lUcmber~'to I-Iott~e: of Indiistry;c.-Carriecl.,' Moved by:ri. F;' I-Iatha'way, seconded by c: -X Browel', That'vV. L.Bap~y, Deputy Re~ve ofVarm~llth" having,l)ee~ ,preveIlted'throllgh HhleSS ftom'atfen'ding the 'last two days of the present session be allowed to,draw full , pay.-Carried. The Re\)Qrt of the commi'ttee onPetiHons arid Legislation was then :presented and ,adopted 'on ,motion of Dr. 'Mills, secorided by' G. l\>f.' Smith. Moved byB'. J<Hathaway, seconded hyJohn Andrews, , That Mr. Himsbel'gel' be r~lieved from further, -responsil)ility as Keeper- House 10', Indllstryon the eleventh day of February and that Mrs, Hunsberger resignation he,~cceptecl,totake' ~ffect on the first clay ofAiJrit-Cardect MQved,hy D. McGregor~ secoridedbyl f~ 'Stalker, J , " ,,;' ,':,,', ,', ,,", '-"''''- ",: That the Salary of the County Auditors be Forty ,Dollars each. --Carried; !If o~)Ved by J.' 'C.' Din'ce, '~ec9n;ded by J.:r S.talker, E1.GIN COU",TY COUNCIL l'ROr:EEIHNGS. '7 That the matter :of betteraccomodation for County Clerks, office be, left to Galll Committee to report at 'Ju,ile Session.--:':CairiecL: Moved by r c. Dance, seconded by Thbmas Jackson, That ,By law No; 44,J. j}eing a By-, Lu\\' to appoint Couilty-Aud.i!ors for: the' year 1888 be received and read a fir~t time;-Catried.l Moved byJ.'R. Charlto~, seconded by}. J: Stalker, I That By Law No. 443 ,be' rcad a'second thne..-Carried. 1\-1ol/;d by T. W. Kirkpiltrick, ,seconded hy D: 1fcGregor, That By La~v 443-bc read a third timeand:finallypassed,-Car~i~'c1. Moved by M. LeeSOl), ,seconded by G. M.' Smith, \ That By-law No. 444, being a By-law to "appoint a Board of Au~lit Qr Elgi.l1, far the year 1888, berecciyed and read a first time;~Carried. Moved, by M. Leeson;- seconded by G; M. Smith, That By. Law' No. 444'be read)o. secondtirne;....:.....Carried'. Move-cl by M. Lees'on,' se~ondec1 by ,F" M. Smit?, I That By'Law No 444:bc],'c'ad a 'thircltimeancl'finally l?assed.~Carried. Mo,rcdby A. McKillop, seconded byjl1dsan M,illigan1 1'hatBy' Law .No; .44-5 being a By Law to ap'point.tr'u,;tees of High S,chpols, make appropriaticilis for the maintemince of said Hi~hSch60ls and grant aid to Cci~~t);' Model Schools in the County of ~lgin for the year 1888bc received and read n first till1c.-.:....Carried. ,. J\'lbved by A. J. Leitch, secon(led by'A. McKillop, , That ByLaw No. 445 be read a second time."--:CarriecL Moved by J; Mil1igan,~ec~l1ded by A. J'-Leitch, That By Law No. 445 be read a third time and,finally p~ssed.-:-Carri,ed. I\'1oved by T. 'W. Kirkpatrick; secondedby J. J. Stalker, That By Law No. 446 being a ByLaw toauthdrizethe,Warden and Treasurer to borrow the Sllm of Twenty /fhQusanc1 Dollars be received and read ,a fii'st .. tirpe.....l- , Carried. Moved by. M. . Payne,' se.conded by R. .Locker: Th~t By -Law 446'be r~ad asec~;ll1d time.-Carried. Mov~d..by D. 6McGreg:of; second'cd.by J. Andrews, , IS ELGIN' COlJN'}'y COt1~CrL PR()CEl~m)iGs. That By Law No. 446 he read uthixdtiincand finally 'pa~scd.-:-,Cnrriec1. lIovcd\by W. .Backh<?~lse" s<;concl~(lbYJ~ :real, -That ,By-La:w NO.A47 bqh)g a py:I~aw t9 fix the salary of the treasurer of. the Count'y.of Elgin' and repeal By-Law No. 438 be, teceive~l fl.nd I~ead a firsttime.- C<1.1'ricll. . / I Mo\'c,dby R. Lock~r, secondedl?y W Ba(;J~house. , ...", That Ry-L:,lw 447 1~~ rcada secon~ltime.-"':Carried. Moved by J.Teall secondc';ll;y S.: Wutd,' '. __ :' . ',' .:,', ';,C._::.",': ...:. ':"',: . ,That By-t;w 447 be rc7da thhd {i'foe ,and finally:Pftssed..:.....-Ci'(ried. Moved byB. F. Hatha~ay, s~collded'C.' A, Hrower, I '.-' .:"',<: -: ,', :-,;:. <",',.. " :. ,..,'.... : ',-,' , ,+hatBy'-'~a~ No. 448bci;lg a By~l-<\lw to ~p'iJ(JfJ1t ~ I{.~eper~6X~jatronor the ~lgl~l House of Industry be 'rece,ivSd and'~e~d a first time.-Cai'riecl. " }loved by C" A. Bro~er, seconded b~ H. F.,I~at~l~w~y., That By~Law No. 448 be read, a secondtilne.-Carriec1. ,Mo~e(lby_ Yv., p. )'pllosk,:seconded IJY C..A. ~rower, That By-La:w No. 44~, be Fe!lclra thifd~'tinleal).d,finallY;H'i-ssec1'7Ca{rie~1. Move?: ~y John,A,nq:ews",s7collded,\^Y,JiR. ,Cha~~to.n" ,That this-conncil'donow :+dj,oumU1l_til the flrst'Tuesdl\yin'Jime.---"Carricc]; K. w. McKA~, County Clerk D. TURNrn{ Warden. . JUNE'SESSION. SECOND SESSION.-FIRSTDAY, ,Tue,sdaY,,~he5th,day,of Junt:. 1883. The Elgili County ,Co~Ulcilmet this c1n,y according t6 'adJburmnent q'he Warden,in the Chair. '.All the members present except J. Milligan, A Bartlett filed certificate and took his seat as 2nd Deputy Reeve of Bayham, The proceedings of the-last day of the previous ses,sion were read and con6.nned,'. The Warden addressed the- Conncil. I The following communications were readj From _ D.McLaws with copy of Grand Jury Preselitlllent, referred t,o" Gaol Committee. D.McKellar, et al Dunwich"re appeahe action of Township Cotmcil,referred to Education Committee. R. A. K~nt, Secretary Toll R~acf. Committee Ontario Legislature, referred to Committee on Petitions arid Legis~ lature. , Provincial Association ,of School Tni,stees, referred to Education ~~mmittee~ Sheriff Brown, with ,acco~int for 'rent', and expenses of offiG:c. Referred tol'i- nance Cominittee. ) D. J. Donahue, County Attprney, re condition of office and for rent. to Finailce, Committee. 20 m.GIN COUNTY COUNCIL ,PROCEED1;>;GS. R. MUler, J\~aster Sltpre,me Conrt, with. account ~or office ren,t. Referred to Fillunce Committee. Inspector ofPii'sons, witlrreporUe smiitary condition of Co'urt House, office~ Ul'lctG.uoler's residence. Referred to Gaol Con~ri1ittee( 'J: A.B~l1i ,Co~nty Engineer, with report on bridges, etc. Rcfcl'red'totul;lic Ilnpl'Ovemcilt Commit,tee. County Treasurer,with rCpOl't and estimate, Referred to Finance'Committee; H.Ii', Ellis" S61idtbr,.opiriioriie'Yarmollth and Southwold Town Line." Re' (erred to Public Imprti\'ementCommith~e. County' Auditors, with report on Treasurer's Accounts fOf 1887. Referred to Finance Cotlllnittee. '" SECOND SESSION~SECOND DAY. ,K. "V" McI(A Yi COtlllty Clerk. >D; TUilNER:, . Warden, Wednesday, 6.th clay otJllne, 18880 The ~Jgin County, Council met this ,day at the ~ourtI-ro1,lse, l~ut wete unable to,' meet as His Honor]udge Hughes was h61ding Division Court'in the CourrR9om. Th7'Warderi arid all the members were,pre~ent exceP1Mr. 'Kirkpat~iCk. The variotis Committees met-during-the day and the CouncJl vi,site~t thc>Hol1se of Industry in't4e afternoon. ' . '.. ,'11ovcd ,hyvY. Bit~khouse, se~ondcd by John Teal, rh~t'thi:; CbUllCiI' (ioll~w adj911~l'ri until tb.rriotrow morning at 10 a.m.', touBol\' COltlmittces ~o ,meet. "c;:Carricd. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. D. TURNER, Warden. , "* SECOND. SESSION:--TfIIRDDAY. Thursday, 7th day of June, 1888. 'TheElgin COlln'ty;Collndlme't:t~{s day rirtbe C6i.l!t' :!-Iouse, St~'1~h,{:Ji'i.la~, at. 9 a~m. The Warden:in'the'blHLi'r; All theineinberspr'esent"except Mr. Kirkp'atrick: ",';' ;." . . . . . ' The proceedings, Of the first chty of the Sessioriwere reacl anc1'con6rmed~ Opinioiisreceived from James M. Glenn. L.L.B., County Solicitof"re'Yarrnciuth and Southwold Town Line and County Ti'easnrer's sureties, als6t.r'~po~t Ie,Campbell r. s. Elgin wer'e then read. A letter was also read from 1. Deye11, Ie ~afety ruunipg board for freight cars, arid referred ,to Committee on Petitions and Legislation: Moved by 1. B. Mills, seconded by M. E. Lyon, That the question of:aS,$llming,th~ Mill Bridge in the Village ..of Viei'ma he re- ferred'to the' Prihlic Improvement Committee, with power to proceed with. the ilegessary repairs, if they find it to be a COtll}ty bridfe.--,--Carried. . .L\1ovedby D. McGregor, seconded by J. J. Stalker, That the Warden grant his ,cheqne for Two Hundred Dollars for the Lockup in Wef;t Lome. .:.......Carried. Moved by :M. Leeson, seconded by G. 1\>L Sm'ith, That owing to the vacancy.in the Aylmer High School.B,oard, occu&i:?ned by the death ofT. ,M. Nairn,M.P.P., that David Marshall, of Aylmer, be appointed to fill said vacancy for tl~e 'une~pi,red portion of said term.':":-Carried. The Report of the Edll'cation 'Cqmmittee. was pres.ented and referred to committee ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 23 of the whole, ''\T. O. PolIo~k in the cl1air. ,After a,ulcudin'g 'the. mitteerose fLpd~'the, Chai~man pr.esentedth~ Repprr,as ame~cle(l~.. on motion of l\Jr: 'Pollock,seconded.b, y M. ,r.B;ckhouse: .'. . .,'. ....' . ...., The y~as; and nays :on the /doption~fth~.:,third chns~, granting' $200.tq the 'Aylmer High Schoo'l being called for ~er~"taj~en' do~n as fol1~ws ':' " YEAS~.,.c.:..McGfegor, LQck~r, Godwin, Bal'tlett, Leeson, Backhouse"Tea'l, Ward, Lyon, Mills, Smith; Dance and CharIton.-I3~ . ' . . I . NAYS.----.,.Milligan, McKillop, Bailey, Brower,' Hathaway, Pollock, ~ndrews,' Jackson and Stalker.-g. , The Report of the House of Industry' Committee was then read and adfipted'qn motion of Mr. Hathaway, seconded by !VIr. Andrews. The Report 'of Special Committee re Registry Offise' was presented and 9-dopted on motion of Mr. Locker, seconded by Mr. Jackson. The Gapl Surgeon's Report on sanitary condition of Gaol, etc., was then re~d and referred to Gaol Committee.: ~H.epOrt, the, C<~m. which Vf,<l.s,adopted Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by J. R. qlarlton, Thafthis Ccinl1cH adjourn)o meet again at 2 o'clock, p.m.-,-Carried. The Council resumed. Moved by W. Backhollsel s~~onded A. Bartlett, 'That the Clerk b,e instructed to procure the Ontario Statute for each mem- ber of the County Council.-Carried. 'Moved'by J. C. Dance, seconded by M. Leeson, That A. Bartlett, ,of ~ayham, be placed on, the Legislature.-Carried. ' The Public Improvement Committee's' Report waspresen~ted and referred to Committee of the whole; Mr. Payne in the chair.) After . amending. the ;Report the Committee rose and the Chairman presented the report, as amended, which was adopted on motion of Mr. Backhouse, seconded by Mr. Teal; The first Report of the Finance Committee. was presented and adopted on motion of Dr. Mills, seconded by M~ Le~son. . ;. . Notices of Motions for Grants :_ By B.. F;' IIathawa,y, for grant of:'$25 to ,East Elgin . Farmers' Institute. 21 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, By John Andrews~' for'grahfof$Z5 to West-Elgin Farmer's.Institi.lte; :Moved byM: ,Leeson, seconded John Andrews,' Th~t this'Conn'dl dQ now adjollrIi l1ntii to-mo~'r'ow lnorningat 9'a.m.~Carried; D. TURNER, \Varden. K"j'W/; McKAY,-:i,,: County Clerk. I. 'il. SECOND SESSION-FOURTH DAY. ,- . '," ",. ''OJ "T.'I;' 'd, :,1 "/~';Ff'iday;,'8tli, cbyo\']t)ne, The. Elgin Cot\ht{Co~;ricil met, tl;li~aiy~f~;tcg~clhig She-Wa~ae'n in thechriir. tciailj()Ul';lll~~'nt, .1; . 'All the members pre;sent eXCerltNi;',SUtlke~. . _'" I . ",' ": ". ''')'' t' The .ptoc,eec!ings,;r the' predot1~ day were. re,t;ld a;d ,~on'firmed. . "-:-. ....,,:..... ." ", ",",.': ,-,:'f', ."'.:"',) The Spe~ial COlllmittee r~ T~ll Road prcs'e~ted their r,epqrt whi~h~a~'~d'o~~t:ed on m~tion ofW~ -0. Po.llock; seca:l~led by,~h?~~s Jac:~s~;~~" ,'P , " ,..... .,'.'" .f..,._.".,',;;..,,; .:.....,.'.."..,'. ,," The'Gaaf Cammittee's R~port was read an(~ a~opted an 'mation of Mr. Leitch, seconded'l~:y M'r.Locker'; , . "'If '.'. ~\ Moveclby 4.J._~eitch;~ei::ondedby~. Locker, '.'.. .'.....':_ .1 ,....,:,., . "." _' ".\". That this Coi.mcil refuse to give any grant tpwnrds r~Fjairi.ilgl the variot1'~lcicbtip . - . h"', .'. '. .,: '.'.,;, ......,'.'. .' : '.;, '_.,':.' '_ '. ..', Houses ,in th~ County as ,the!",consWet,. it i~, the, cluty:,of the Co'tincil o.f Local Munici. paliti~s to. keep said hou~es id. 'repai;;'~C~rriecl: ',' ' . -....., /, YEAs-Ward, Lyon, :M"cqtegor,,'~~ocker, _ I~eit~h", MiUiga~, Brower,Ha(haw~~, P~llock, Jackso.n,; ,Ch~rl't'o~ and'Da;1'ce:,~,i4' ~AY~~Ba.rtfett, .Backhous~; Teal,' ,Mills~ 'G:~~lwin,; P~yne'; 'KirkpatriCk, Smith,. t~'e~dn and Aridre~s. _I 0." ,1, ,. . . . '"j lVio.vedby B., F. Hathaway, secon~le(f by W. O. <P'o1l6c~, ,.....-'......".,.. .',', ..-:.'H....',..._.', ',' That this Co.uncil m~kethe t~Sli~:1 grant of $25 for East" Elgin ,Farnicrs' Iqstilllte~, ",:'..- . '.' ..--,I'll ",.,. "..'. ., '.." 'It . .....:..CarneJ. 1 McI~illop, B<lil~y, ....:.. --".::c, '_'. ,,', ." .,-~. . .. ':. . ., M:o.ve~iRY:John,'Andrews?,~e(:oI)4e.cl ~y.;D;, 'N~G:rH~'or, Thlf the 'Warden sign,cheque.tothe'Secrctary.of t~e:Wcst 26 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL }'ROCEED1NGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL. PROCEEDING'S. 27 t\ltt~, as per notiCe given, for $25, beingDountygral1t to said Institute.-Carried. Moved by H. T. Go{h~in, seconded by A; Bartlett, Tllat afre~ Hawl{er~ and Peddlars License f6r 1888 be gnmted'to Thomas Roach, he being an inc1igent....:c.Carried. ' Moved by D. McGregor, seconded by A. Bartlett, That a free Hawkers andPecldbrs License to travel with onc horse he grarited to A. Campbell, of Aldb6;oll.gh,.for the, bil.lanceof-this year.~Carried., M'f. N. W. Moore, gaoler,. then mude'a statement to the Council re newspaper. ~epoj:t'of statementto the,~\~torneyGeD;eral. Moved by, ;T11QIP~S J<).c~sonJ:s1so~,c1e9by J .R,', Charlto,n, That'the statement of Mr. Moore', denying correctne:;s ,of ncwspdperarJ,kle be acccpt'ed by this (o~mciL.,.-Carricd. ' , / .L'....' ,.': ,I Moved hy M., E. Lyon,.s'econded by S. Ward. \ ., ..' ,.',., That the Gaol Committee,'be instructyd to make a test for water" onihe Court Hoi,lse GrouriJ's.--Carri'~cl. . , , "i.:::': ..,,: ,,-. ~oved by W. Backh,ouse, seconded by A. Bartlett:. :..: :....:.'.' ,',,'.'. " That the Gao) Committe~ b~ instructed to make any necc,ssar_y repai!s- to the heating apparatus that they deem nece,ssary.--:-Carried. Th~ second report,:of..theJ/inance.'coinmittee was:::l)r~~ented arid" a'd~)pted on IllOtion of 0.,1'. 'Mills;' se?o~~~e~' by ~. Leesori'. The thinlReport ~f theFi{{ance:_fon;_nlit~ee was then read (l.rid adopted on niotion.of~lr., ]~ackho~l:~erseconde~ by },t'r. ~ock~r.: .' , . 1\'loved by D'NI.cGr,~~,~!, :se~?n?ed PY.J?~n Ardrews~: That tpe9ierk is.'~,~~~bY: ~~,~tru~~ed t? :CO~lll!u.n~~a,t~. ,~,ith t~~ 1\t~on~ey General and ascertain why the three tdiots accepted by the authoritie:,; of_t~e, I~.oiot.A~ylllm at Orilliahaye notbeenac~~li.'t,ted.,.,.-C<l:!ie?, ,'"..' , "'" Movecl.by_B.F,::.~Iath<lway, se~onded'by'~. .~anl: .'. .::::: ,That this'Council desires to put on recorcl their cond~lUn\atio'n dthe,a~tiqn of the County Juclge in holding Division COl1l't in the Court Room during 'thi~ses~'ion ,of the Count.y Council, and 'tli~thi~ aCtion ilho' 'doing ha's~lJ'ItI:\k "ri.ppeii.rd~ceof a studied UIlc1 maHcious insult to,the memb~rs,of 'this Boar\d, '..and that:by interrupting worJ~ 'of tbe, Council an. additionale;cpense is put IIpO~ ,the, ratepayers of the f Cbun~y, thllssnowingin'the most unmistakable manner ,howcon!ple.t<;;lythe Judge of this County ignores the rightsof,the, CO~ll~tyC()l1ndla~1,dthe i~~teT~~ts'of ~.~e pe~flle, and furthenn~re ~hat. tIlis C?uncil, ,pet,ition " the.'Domifolio~l" Government. tb . :mp~r~nnuare His Houor J lIdge H\lghes, and that our 'meli~bers c{' P~rliament be l'e~ 'quested t~ bring ~he petition properly before the, Govenpnent.-Curl.'ied. Moved by J. C. Dance,seconcle:d byT.W,I~hkpatrick, , . . That wl;ereas this COtiridl having 'heard 'with i)rofouncl i-egret of the, death of Thomas M. Nairn, member ofthe'l!rovinbiaIPa1"lial11ent'forthe,Ele~toral District 'of East Elgin, desire to place ,upo.n,record the. grea,t ro~s thi~ Co~nty has ~lI~,tailled in the. death of one \"ll().fo'r.lna~y ~:ears,o~cupied .thepos,itioil0f 'Warden of the Count):, and whose cHarts while a me~berof this ConoGil were sllccessful in promoting the construction .of the Can'acla SOllthern and' AiiLil'le' Raihv'ays;- ,vhich . have clone s6, much towm'i:1s'hicrtiasing.the' happiness' and. prosperity. .of':th,e..people,and ..the.:genel'al 'wealth arid advancement "of the. Count)'; and while a memb.er of: the Pq)vIncial'Pai- liamenthe always considered the legislation brought before himin":acarefu11llan~er and to the best interests.of thi,s Countran,d Provin~~~ ,m.I~~ we, feel. that ,~y'his death, 'th~,Province of Oniar~? loses an upright and conslst~l1t)egislator and the P~vinCiat Go\:er~_lllent.an ~ble supportc~. l~e.it th,ererore resolved th~'t thisCouhcil ,,:hileexH pressing their sorrow at th~)oss of a trusted representative and valued friend, remem. ber those' whose sorrow is SQIlluch . greater 1'_ do hereby' tender to the widow-and ramily of the b.te 'phoJ.'lWs M:Nrdrn,.' their,h,ea,rtfelt. ,sYtl.lpathy. ~n their trial, and bereaxement, and th~t thisresol~t;ion'bc e~gr:?SSed:al1? transmittecl.t,oMrs'"Na,irn,',as a momenta of the very high esteem in which her late "la'mented hus'b~ncl was, held by this CaunCil.-Carried by a stancli,ng ,vate. Moved by H. T. Goclwi,n, s~Gordecl by R. Locker, That the W~rden issue his ch~que ]n favo~of E. HolQen for' $8, (01 .~aRs con- v,eying members to House ofIndustl'y.-Ca1"ried~ . ""\. Moved by D. McGr~gor, sec()~cled by ,M.'Pa;ne, That this Council do no now, adjourn tq meet at 1.30 p.m..;......Carried. I ,. " . "', ~1oved.by.T. \V. Kirkpatr~ck'"seconded ~y J.A~drews-, That By-Law' No. 449Ihei~g-a,By.Lawto"appoip.t,a Trustee: for theAyhner . High School be receiyed a1'f~ rea(~ a fi1:st ,tin,re.-;-:-Car,rie9/ ; .' , ,.~~ved by C,. ~.~. Bro\V~r".second,ed ..9Y T;,W;I~ir~{p,<I;t~lpl~) Th8;t,By-.;Law'No. 449 bereacla secondtime.~Carried. 28 ELGIN COUKTY COUNCn:. l'RO(:EEDINGS. i\JGved by T. J acksol1, secor\.decl'1)y D., _M cGregor, r~hatB~'~Law'No.- 449 he"read a'thitdtimc'aild:finally. pas~ed.-'--Carried. l\f.oved'1:>y'R. Locker,' ~ehondc~ll-;fiVi, t<::'Lyon, r , . " . . , . ~' ' ,'...".' .", ,Rates for; the yc~r},888, That13x'.,Law:N9.,,4501)e~ng,a By-L~nv to l'ajse,;Co~mty hu, reccivc'ci 'ulld;- rp,id a firs\, time.--C~\'ried. ' l>lbved by S. Ward! seGondcp:br.'~' -Locker. ;lhfl.tBr~ja'1 ~o. 45? be rcael.a sey~r:cl;tiriw.-Carri~ct Moved byI-I,'T.:Godw:in;js~tonded, byJQh'n Teal, "~h~t'B_~-I,aw~,?-" ;50,be'read athird til~;c-and,finallY passcrl.'-~Cap'iecl; 1\1'r. :p.,'J: l?oll'~hue; County ..A~torney! ruade' st'ate:l~elit 're offi~eaccOl~modati'on. M\;v,xl by.T;"W:__~{irkpatric,k," ~ec()nder~qy PJ .,MtGr,~gor,: ,That,the,:rcsolllti.on-or,the Council, 'censnringiHis" IIbn'or J lIdge ytr lIghes' fOr hohl'- ing- DivisioO Con it in th,e County 'li1.1ildings" du ling session ,of'County ,Couhcilbe, roconsider,ed.-Lost. Y'E'~-S. ~Ki'rl~ptLtri?l~, M:~?r~g6r ;'Dr,' M.i,1l~)J3ackh'611SC ':and-t~rower'-5: .. :.,:..1.-.:., " .. ,".'.' ,-.....'. ..... ."'" ,NAY!~'7!~_anlet:~) . ~~rd)I'r(w"":iI'ii1,1~~q.n,.,,McKj\1~l\ r~yne, ,Leit,c1r, .~)~,iley. . G?~l~il~,:,I-IathfLway, Polloc~{? Sl~)itl}:'i,Le~s?n1' Apclrews) Jackf,on~ndqharlt~1::-16.. ." l\'IQvcd, jjy' J.' Andrews;, seeondecL 9Y' n.. 1" .-Hatha way, Tbat '9-'n' offei:'of:$,I6;boo lie' maile"by this 'Cbllllcil'to -.t'iib ~'I~essees ofthc' Lonclo,n ,"'& 'P_1~tSf~{~ley:Gr~;v~l'1{~a~1,(cX tl~;;'l?t,l~chiise ofsal~c1. this';6flo(t'd"'156 \vitl1oiit:-p'reju- dice. : ' ' ," ' In auiendment, '.- " ' Moved ,by,:M.'Leeson, ,seco;~~l:~~l by i \V'. " '.... ' "",',\ . T _ Thhtthc considerationoC the pu~~!-]ase' Roacll?e lnid over until theNo,:,emb~-r Se~sibn. Miin. moHol:,lost, amenefln~ilt~_~;:~ied. : . .'. , ",'.",' .: .'>','0(,.; ".'" ..:.....,,: -'-'.: ;,"'"",' , ' Moved by. John A~dre\,,-s, ~econdc~l,b)' C A. ,BrO\\\erj ". , ,,-,. " '.' I,. .:'" , 'o' ,,': That ~r.Kirkpatrick he allowed ,his ,pay for tife first 'clay of 'thi" session, he , being delay'eel in gettiilg'l~eh': ~ber()re,the,G::()Llljc',il-adj6(uiled.-Ca:rried r:'\ .' .', ".':,'.; 'C.':'". '.'", .'.'."_: Moved_by John AndreW~,'SeCOn~e'db)" . w-: i(irlipatrici~;:.f i<irkp[ttr'iCI~, I;..ondon fF, Par! Stanl~y'Gravel . -',', '.-" ",' , - Tha,t this Counci(a~i(H'6'dzc'the cl"e'tlt'Jo'llroci;ie Ilodt,e 'ljbarcls .te] ELGIN COUNTY COU.KCIL PROCElnDINGS. 29 not to drive' or \valk on the grass in the Park adjoining the COtIJ;t Hotlsc. ......,Carr,ied. Moved by R. Locker, seconded by-'M; Payne, That this, Council do now ajcljourn until. the.thirdTttesday in Noven1bcrat2 p.m. -Carried. . )(. W. McKAY,' Connty Clerk. D. TURNER,- 'V\'arclen I ,/.'r,':' d(, , ,." NOV:EIMJ3:FJESEESION^ I.' " ' THIRD SESSION-FIRST DAY, Tuesday,.2oth day of N,ovember, 1888. \ , The Elgin County Council met thi:; day according to"' acljounnnent in the Court I-Touse, St. Thomas. TheWarclcn in the chaJr. AU the members present except Messrs. Kirkpatrick and Back,house. 'The Warden' addressed t1~ Council. The proceedings ,of the last day of the previous :session were read and confirmed. The follpwing ..communications w'ere read: From James A.Bell,-County Engineer, 'with report on County bridges, etc. tzefe~red to Ihlblic Irnproven~ent Committee. From D.Lutou, physician House of Indu~try, with annual report. Referred to l-louseoflndus,try Commi~tee. I \ . ii'romK. W.McI(ay. Inspector Honse of Indm;try" with annual-report. Re- fl'ii:'redto I-~ouse of Industry Committee. From W.'T: O'Reilly, Inspector of ,Prisons, readmission 'of idiots to Asylum. ,Referred 'to I-louse of Industry Committee., From'D. Brown, Sheriff;' with..account for office rent, etc. Referred to 1"inan-ce Committe,e. 1"ro111 Henry'Matthews, -.yith claim for damages,sustainedl)yclosingroad during conj:itnlctionof Phillimore,bridge., Referred to Ptllllic Improve1!1ent Committee. ELGIN COUN'TY'Cous(::rr, PROCEEDINGS. 3' That the House of Industry Committee bereqllcstedtoreport on sending _Rebecca Gilbert, an inmate ofthil HOLise of Industry, to treatment.,-Carried. ' advisability of a 'hospi~nl for Moved by B. F., Hathaway, seconded by S. \Vard, That the Warden appoil1~ a,'Special Committe_e,to formulate charges and draft pi;tltion to the DOlllinionGovernmenti to stlperanntiatethe .Jt!dgel of this County in ll.ccQrdance with,a'resolution passed at the June'SessiOi1 of this Council andieport'.at th.i's Session. ..,-Carried. The, Warden appointed 1'1'1~ssrs, Leitch; Payne,. HathaV{uy,.-Godwinand Ward, as the Special Committee. ' "'1, Mov"edby ThOlimsja'ckson, seconded bY.l.R. .Charlton, . . That 'O\ving tothela'rge eXl)ense incurred forpaym;ent Of constabies 'in 'attend. ance ilt the different Courts, that the Sheriff bei"eqllested toeconoll1ize,il'Uhis matter, as the Council is of the ,opinio!lthata sn~allel~ 11l1111ber, jn attendaIic~ woi.lld be sufficient, and,tha,t thematterhe referred to the Gaol Com;nitte~....;....,Carried. Moved 'by' n rvfcGregot, seconded by M. Payne, Thatwedo now adjourn until ten 6'c.]o~k tQ.l-riorrow morning mittees to.meet.-'-Carried. K. W. McKAY" 'County Clerk. D. TURNER, Walden. \ ,'l L ,THIRD"SESSION~SECOl'~D DAY, ; \Ve,dncsday,zrstday_ of No:vet,nber,. ISS8. 'The,Elgiri ,County Council,rilet this. d,ay,accOl,dingto adjou'r;nmehJ; :The\Varden in the chair; All tl1e:,It1e'nlbers'pr~'sent'ex~~p'tMr. Backhollse. ,', Th: Proceedin,gs of th~ previous &1.y were read an~l confii'med. . A~Om\1HlIlicatl(!n:, from th~!nspect~rof Prisons re'rcport to LielltenahtGovel;n- or o,n,water supply for' the g8:ol \vas read ;:u~cl referred to thc~a~l C~nlmittee': Mr',Goc1win presen'tccl-rletition fr9n1 vi. Phillmorc and othcrS'fe claim for use of right 0(\V8o'1 (hIring cOllbttllction or hridge rererr~d to Public Improvemeiit Comiuittee. Moved by,D.McG-regor, seconded by M.Payne, / Thilt ,this c'ouncil do now adjourn until 2 o'Clock.~Carriec1. The Coundl resumed. A commlmicationwa~; read from John McCau..Jari'd, ,Coumy Tre~slll:er, and re, fer red to-'FinanceCommitit:e. . A letter from D, J. Donahlle, County Attorney, with list of County" Judge's ap~ poinl1m:n~s for COiulsi'etc., (hlring'the';,'ear 1889"was read andorde~ed ~d },e'-filecl. The report of the Fiilll.llCe COI1)I'nit,tcewas presented and adol'lted on motion of Dr. Mills amI M. E. Lyon. ThePttblic Improvement Committee presented their reporlwhich was ad9pted on motion of Mr. Jackson ,;;eeonded by T. c. Dance. The yeas ,anc1na'ys,heh'1g called for \~'ere take;l.fts follows: \i,}i:As~GodwillJ.\Vanl, Teal, t)lOn, Mills,'Milligan,.McKillop, " ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDlKGS: "Bl'Owe.r, Pollock, Smith, Leeson, Jackson, Cnlrlton, Dante, Payne, Loeke~, Stalker, ancl Kirkpatdck.~20. -, NAYS:~B;lftlett, with'refere.ricc to last Clallse pf report only~ I-lighConstable Laughlin Camphell. then addressed the COllncil . r~~lse of City tockup by County Constables. Moved hyM.' Leeson, seconded by John Andrews, That afler hearing the statep1cnt-of Mr. L.Camp}lell re 10ckup,that,theWardeli arid Chairmiuf of the Gaol Commit.te be appointed to wait on. the City Council arid make arrangements for llse of their locln}p whennee~lecl. ---,Carried, Moved by Thomas hckson, seconded by J. C. Dance, That ,the Gaol Committee be instrllcted to consult with the'Sheriff,to(asecl'taip if it 'is necessary to' have two Turnkeys regularly_employed,. as this Conpcil is of the opinion that one should be sufficient unless'thennmberof pdsoners gi"eatly i;ldrcase. ~ .' " -Carried, " Moved by j. R.. Charlton, secon,d~~l by M~ Leeson; That this Council auth9rize the Public Improvcrnent Conmiittee to act in.-ton- nection with the Committee of the Middlesex Council and ac1\.'ertise for lenders for buiIdingthe Wardsville Bridge.~Carried~ The repor.t of L. Pierce 1'e conditron of Aylmer', Lockup ,w~s then l'ead and referred to Gaol Committee; Moved by B.P. Hathaway, secondeclby [VI. Leeson, That the Clerk communicate with the City Council. ,in regard to the _William Stree,t crossing of the Michigan Cent[ul Raihvay, wl)ich onaccountoft\1'e hirgc amount of traffic, is at present Vel? dangerous, there; being no flagman kept there.-- Carrled~ ,l\1r, Teal gave, notice that he wOlild ask for a gran,l of $50. to repair Vienna lockup,' Moved.by.l\1.' Leeson, seconded by J: Andrews, 33 . , ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I'ROf;E,ImlNG$. That this CottncH-do now adjourn until 9.30 to.m,orrow, liwrning,to' give tIi l:;;qnalji:flt~on, C,ommittee ail opportnnity'tq meet.-Carr1cd.. ( I .' .. . Ie vV.~~cK",\.Y, County Clerk. D. TlJRNEIZ, . Warden. , ',--If)] 1.,,_,;,:, . ';f .'HJ THIRD SESSION-THIRD DAY. ,Thursday,2znd, clay ofNovemher; T1;e Elgin c9uhty-~otln,~~lmet5his,day~cc.orclillg to adjournment,' The : Warden in the chair. 1\~1 tl'l'l-n1emR,~~~;pre~~.nt"e~s~pt ~~r. )3,ft~k,hQuse., , 'the~roGe~dirg'S.'O!_t~~ :1)~eviolls-da~:?ere_,-read'fu~9, confirmed;" Th~- r~i)or,t'o.f _ (he\lcloliie,: 8r hU{lstVy, 'wa,~ : presented find ~doi)ted', on'luotioi?- 'of ivIr. Hath:1.way,secopdeq b3;)l\4'r/:.Ja~kspn> ' iMovcd'.Jjy j?li9'r[~~,~:eal":s:e9:ond~(~'by.f-j, 'Ward,' That this, Gopncild9 'noW' idjouril toiueet at' 2 o'clock.-Carricci, :, ::,...-,.".,.). ".t . ..... .It The. C01,1ncilresumed.. The secondJ:epOl:tofdhe FinanceCominittee. waspresentec1 and adopted 011 moti?n of11r;..f1a:yne; ser;on(jecl,byMr.Leeson.-- The.reportofthe'Gaol' :Con1mittee 'was read. :rl-fovcd :by -A.' J .leltch,,-secortded by R. '~ockerJ That the 're'port -of'the:Gaol c;olllnlittec be 'adopted. , In amendment, ~lovedby jOh1l Al~dre~s,~econde(lby~. Lccs?nJ That ,the Cot{l~cil go i~t~ committce' :of the whole Committe.c. , to consider ':'. """:""".'-- .'...' Main motiol1, lost, .amel1(hn~nt ca~ricd~ " 36 ]~LGlN EOUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. IThe Connotl went into committee ofthe:whole,T. -'Y,)qrkpatrick, Esq., in the chair. After considering the-report theGommiH~e,rose amt""thc Chairman rej'iorted the report as amended, w4ich w~s adopted on motion of. :Mr,,-,Khkpattick; seconded hy-Mr.-Go~win. . The report of the Equalization Coinmittce was prc3cntc;d and adopted on motion of Mi': Tollock, seconded by Mr. Stalker. The report of the Special Committee I"C superannuation of His IIonor"Judge Hughes, was then presented. Moved by M~. Pollock, seconded by Mr. Hathaway, Tbatthe report of the Special Cummitteebe adopted. In'arnendm~nt, Moved by'T. W,'Kirkpatrick, seconded by Dr..Mills', ';That the report of the Committee'upi)ointecl to- formulate Hllghes, Esquire, be not entertained:: In amendhlent, charges against D. J. i ~'~ .. , ' Mov'ed by J. B.' Mills, seconded by M. Lee~on, ';ciJ That' action on, the CommitH,es' "irei)oh "'b~ cUfe-rrediT6i:.J"tl1e'Tite'se-hf drifl, that I-lis , Honoi' Judge I'lughes he respeqtfl.1lly- inviteq;::lo;Q.d:dresF ,tlie.cOllrd1.il").,Q1:(fer 'thaL he may, tHtve an. oppo.rtuni~y. t~ make e~pl~!W,ti?p~~jf: hrl\~i~}}B~,}P,~?~~?'T(;gl,,\~r!~d~ Moved by M. Leeson, seconded by. Th9ll}l:1,G;JqGl{,~Ot'; '"h'!r) n" That this' Council' adjourn to-ll1C~t ,ag~il1ja,t' ~1.-~~J:rwViJli.11~~Jqll~.<itl:r:w.)nprning. ri_''tfTultNrrk, i;AlI;,,':VVarden. W. McKAY, County Clerk. .:11:-',' ;dJ-'\G !r,,'p1 iJJi('" !I ";'.-: ;)')!iTw:;:):~ ,oJ'!" '~' J, '::,l/) F",~j xLI '!. ,f, '{'; ;J~ k-,<J ~,; !r>, !"')j' I\!;')! , ' , ' "'':1 ,)'];ir:;n'," , 'r)d'l '(!;: .-'i t. ii" SES!3lON-FOURTH DA V.' Frid,ay, .23rd day of November, 'liheE~girJ County Council met thi~ day according to adjomnqlent. The y'lti'i:deii in the chair. ,All the:mein-hqrs present except Mr~ Backhollsc. . The Proceedings of the preyiousday were read and cordlr\1,ed. M~~ed by-M.'Payne, seconded by Do' McGregor, 'That the:,r~port of the SiJecial'Committee re charges aga.inst and_ Snperal1l111ati()n of His I-Iono~ ]t;dge Hughesi,berefer.reclback to~the Committee.c-Carried. ~' .. M~:ve~ll by)f~h\1,!Ari(,l~~Ws,-seconded by Thomas J a~,ksoll, ~Th':ltlJhe)so,l1'~cl~rati0nofthepurch[lse of the London & .fort stanley:Gi'uvel Road be_laid oyer until the January Session.-Carried. "ri:::,~J'Mev~~.:b,yJ:}f.rIy1~G'regQr, seconded .by John Andrew.s, That t~is COtlllCil, petition the Legislative As~embly t9, amend, the M,unicipal Ad .'.03.5 to mal(~ it cQmlnlJsory Oll candidates accepting a nominatton-t() go to the , , ,,:',",,'L_',.. i",. ", ' '" p9I!,orre;ign on nomil}atiop: 'day.----T.ost. !:,'i~)J: ';::':'i(J ,;i!:l ''',;:[1:,',(1<'1 D_: ,'n"::"", 'J:rd ,:;.-;JYfP')::T51!R)f-i.P',r:~rc.q~e~.gr,;,,?:e,conded .by M. Payne, , " ,"-"', ',. Thatthe :9Ierk Hroc~.);e the_l1ecessary supply of ASSessment'an~l Collc9tor',sJ.{olls . ~ndB1al'lks for,~I unl,ci pal Elections. -Carried. Mpvec!:by T. W. Kirkpatrick,. seconded by -J. J. Stalker, ':i;i'j~i;'7'-bN'~N!;;qte~~f:geUi,!,ei Mirlute~ and Repol.ts of th~ Committees tribntec!:. by,tl?y,~~ghiPfpq<;~w~.~r "".....Ca~ried~ Moved l;y J.B. Mills, seconded' I~y M. E.'Lyollj 38 ELGlN COUNTY COUNCIL I'ROCEEDlNGS.. That this COuricil hereby ipstruct the Coimty . Treasurer t()he~eaftcr,refllse to 'pay, any account for the Law fournal or other bookli for the Lfbrar~ without' instruc- tions'CraIn'this Council to do so.-Carried. Moved '~y R. Locker, seconded by M. E. LYlln, Thattheresolutiol1 asking for Legislation' to, amend the Muni~ipa] Act as to nomination of candidates"for Municipal Elections be recollsitlered.-Carried. , " . ..... '., Moved by D. McGregor, seconded by J. 'Aridrews, That this Council petition the Local Legislature to amel1d the MuniCipal Act so llS t;tri.ake it compulsory on candidates accepting.u nomination to resign Ol~ n~lllina. tion'day"ol' go to the polls.-Loi;t." t'", J'hJ.Spe~jal Committeeappointed to arrange for me' of city \~C1n1p for County pIiso~en;,repoIted in favorofriaying 50 cents per d1Y for each ptisoner confined [herein, ~hiCh'report was adopted. Moved byM. Payne, seconded by D. !\lcGregor, .:)' "~I i:',:r' , That By:Law No. 451, being a By-Law to confirm the eqtlalizitiod!oL:t~>;sess. ment l~olls for 1888 be received~nd Ieud a first tinie,-Carriclt, , " " ',';':., Moved H; T. Godwin, seconded by A.Bartlett, !hat :(3y.La;,v No. 451 b~ read"i second time. 'Moved :byThos~. Ja:ckso~,s~o.smded by J.. R.CharIton.;.,.j' That'B-Law,No. 451 be read a third time'and finally'pas'scd.i"-0C.ah:16d., ,~ The SpeCial'Com'mit'tee re superannuation of ,'His Hi:)J'lOI;::~:ci'dge ,,-'IrIughes then presented their report as amended. "<" i i ::1, 'j:;'JO A Ietter was read fron"l the J,mlge in reply 'tathe resoJdtibn ,(rla'iseddogive ,him oI>portunity'of address,ing,the Council. ,,:,,; j;;ri'J ~Io~eci\yThOlr;as Jadl:son-, secoll(l~d ~y J. R,:Cl)~rWjn-;',1, "~J , ,'.r; ();~ ,J,J/ " 1>. , " ;,"':: ,..,:',',r;:I,:::g! :;:,- iF'}!>':j; '!I),;Jo.:: That th~ report of thc Special, Committee ,a~)~?int~cl,to fonl~ulate c1farges~gainst Hisl-Ionor Judge Hughes be laid o'ver'unt'n'the_: Jal)r(ai.'y>Sds)s'ron:(:ftb.'~tJibw Jiembers wll'owish the orhJOrtun~ty~f irlterviewing the Judge.th do"so. 'i ;;';:.:.;J)'cdU ,1,' ;j:l: Istnmenclment, J'Jl;;;:,:;!'l !HI; , "", "j ,,-, ,r ,;MovedM. Leeson, seconded bye. A. 'Brower, " .. '\( Thatha~'ing.r,eceived, a_commil icat~o; ~Iomt~Ii~,~,~:o'ntH ,ot~:~'::Jtill;g&; in'~/Sl;ccial. COn1tn!ttee clonow go and llave an nterview with:him'h-ihis' ofl1'be: c ELGIN COUNT\' COUNClL l'ROCEEDINGS. 3 2nd,'amendment, Moved by 1'.\V. Kirl~patiick, seco~decl by J. J. Stalker, That the report of Special CO,mJUittee reJ~~lgt Htlghes~~not entertained; 2nd amendment lost on 'the, following division: , YEAs.--.:..Bartlett, Teal, Mills,:McKilIop, McGregor, Stalker, J~irkpatriqk and Brower;-8. NAYS-Payne, Godwin, Ward, Lyon, Milligan, Leitch, Lodcer,'Hathaway, Bailey,Pollock, Leeson, Jackson, Cp,adton and.Andrews.:-----I4~' 1st-amendment lost 011 the following division , YEAS~1v.[jlls, Brower, ,Pollock, Smith and Leeson.:....5. NAYS--I:>ayne, Godwhi-, Bartlett, Teal, 'Yard, Lyon, ~1'illigan, McKillc?p,; Leitch, Bailey,' Locker, McGregor, Kirkp~trick,- Stalker, Hathaway, Andrews, Jackson and Charlton.-r8. The 'original motion was carried on the folIowitig dhdsion : YEAs-Bartlett, Teal,Warcl, Lyon, Mills, Locker, Milligan; Leitch, Hatha:-vayvi Pollock, Andrews..]ackson, BaHeyand Cliarlton-14' ' NAYS-Payne, Godwin, IVIcKillop, Hrower, McGregor, Kii'kpatrick, Stalker', Smith and Leeson-g. 2.1:oved by J.B. Mills; seconded by M. E. Lyon', That whereas the Warden anB, Treasurer have found it nec,essary to horrOW from th~'Molson's Bank'$2,oOO in excess of the UJ;nount authorized by By-La,w ; this Council hereby sanction tHeir action in so doing;-Carried. ' Moved by J; B. Mills, seconded by M.'E. Lyon, , , That as there are but few lots liable to,be sold for taxes in 1888, andasfhere are a large number to .be sold in 1889. this Council hereby instntcts the T,reasurertb dispense with a tax sale until 1889.-Carr~ed. I Moved by John An'dreW"s,S:.#conded-])y M. Leeson, That this CoucH petition,th~ Local tegislature of Ontario to'soamend,thelaw that all County officers now appointed by the Legislature be elected .by the people and that thederk forward a copy of this resolution to the varions Counties in the Pro~ince requestiilg their (;o-operation.~Carried. . . Moved 'by, Thomas J ~cl~son,'seconded by J.,R. Charlton, \'i?LGIN CO,UNTY COUXCILrn.OCltlWlNGS. :ELGIN COUNTY, COUNCIl.' I'ROI~E1')nHWS, 'fh.at.this9bnncil,ma\{c u, gran~or$5oto the Wanbil fM' extra s~rvkes during the' prist year .-Carried.:' , Movecl'by'A.J. Leitch;" secondeclby,R. Locker, ;I'hat lhiJi Council tender their' thanks to theWard~n, Clerk, Treasurer, Engi. ;,ri~;er~h(lfa'ni't6r" for' the-very able'and, eHicient manner',in which they:h~Ye' pcr'rorm- :e~l their se:~eral.dutics during the year and for the- cOUl'tesy ,<;hOW1110 the lllembers of ,the:Council:7Canied. I Moved l~yD~ McGl'egor,secclnded by J. J. Stalker; That,this Crl1ncil do now ac1jowrnsINp.' DI.e.~CaiTied. litE PORTS OF C@MMITTEES" SIT' ANDI:t'fG OO'NI:'NI:I!J:'T:;EiES i '" ' ",. I-IQV$E qF }ND)J$TRY , Hatha.way, ~c.c;l.egorand4ndi'e\ys. . PVBLIC IMPROYEMENT$ , J~?kson, Darice, Bai~ey, Wp.rd, Stalker and Godwin, McKAY, , t':" ~Otlrity:Clerk, D, TUl~NER" \Varden. GAOL AND PRINTING, Leitch, Pollock and ,,Locker. FINANCE l Mills, Kirkpatrick, Parne, Backhotlsc a~d '~yon. EDUCATIQN , ;Leeson, Teal,McKillop, ;BackllOus~, Brower, Mcc:;.~'egor; PETI1'I~NS AN? LEGISLATION, . ,!'i1ills, Payne, Charlton,L.eit~h, ~mithl ~(irkpa~risk,~f1.rt1etl flnd . . . 'ullUilreq:) '-U3Nanr 'a 'S881-_'J:2lquid~.,qN: pu~~ 'SWOo-~{ 'P;:}Hpi'iqt1S i.ilnJP~dsal_~! IP!l{Nl.JO-tIv ~1I~z6 51 ~n061 51,066 1St ,.., .-. SI't':lO;L ooo~t 000 ~t Sgto6 t9S -IS oog g . ;.. "A:2lIU1nS_llO([ "000 oSS 000 OSt _ ttt tSg tL5 8g5 oo65"1I ...... J:2lillIAV 000 _Sl 000 fl 000 6l 5lS gl. 5zt. ~ . .. . . 'pra9~u!lds 000 og 000 09 l.SS 5t l8869 ooS S .........~"Uuua!A gZl. ogf I gzL OlS I 00005 . SV 55~ UOI Sol OlOl 055 "9 Sf z8v Ot . .l:2l1saq:llOQ l{lUOS- 095-fgl I og5 SOl I" 000 09 o~ So5gglls"S"g oolloSg 59 61 gll $S" .....'.Ulm{Allg ~S~S8S ~ 000 t6z: z: zSz 68 lS 566 fSoz S08 8061061 !itl of 000 zg .,..... 'ap!qll!l>~\f liS ISZ f v9l. tLo f SSS9l.1 tv 8~9 9tgzSSL 5Lgz568 aLl gf iS869 ...... 'qlnOlUJeX ov5-991 S 096 l.66 z 085 891 zt 690 889z tgt 6fSz 58S gVI Sf ogtll. 'P[OMqlTIOS 55g to~ z oSo Lgo z Sag In oS 091 6oo~ 51l 9181 S'M> :c:fl 9z SLS 69 ... .. "tp!A\Una Z90 log I Z90 lfL I 000 ol fz tSt> 6191 695 feSl 588 56 lZ t6f 5t "q~nO.1OqpIV ------.!---~__-Y_~~_I_~~__________ 'paz! 'paSS:2lSSB 'pa 'pa '<l1;)U 'pazHt:nb:.;r'p<lzH"llnb:.;r -lllub:q su <;I1:lU su Apad I-ssassu S"C1-SS<I:--Sll Sll _ lad passaSS'v Sll Al1ad01d [ll sn Alla. dOld Al1ad01d pd dTI[UA ~01dlnuOSA]l<'Jd01d lalUO::)UI~ aJllApa S<'Jl:lV kTXIVdI::HNm\1 ;uos1adpunrB<I(( 1m'll IllUOS1;:)d p,Z!Illl1ba -.la"a: PUll11 llla:'ll ,(!Jodo.ld -ssdSSVI J _l~"tl . ,111yoSJ;:),;~_ al{ll;_lUqns 01 aAnaI ~aq U:~I3 )0 :. lwdaJ ~Up\OnO) AlunO;) aql)O luaUlssdssy d.gl JO uOj1BzHunba uo OJdH;UlUlOJ aq;L : N:EUlia'1.T.N':1IQ ": H::IUtlO:) AlimoJ u!2l3: pun u"p.m.\\ ;:lql 0-1 "SSSJ'JLB:Od3:B: ~OIJrc"VZl'lV1l03 ~:I:;:r:()~r.ir.i &Ot:i'~ g abb ;:s::r'~ s:.~,....~K f.n'-<:8.~ ~ Wg.a.r<q[fJr.J; g'O,.H=r~g:g -g.~s.~ ~'&;' . .- ;;:;fj""~~ ~c.Q..::;I ~ td._~~ . ~e.~~ ~ g-~~ Cltf 00 .g'.ir 0" ~~ ~ ....'":,j .2 e. ::;ro :;0' 0..., .., ~-$ [ ;r ~S:-::r' o 0 ;. o::i. 000 " " iq ~ E. .., a , ., o " " 0 " c- ~ 5' ~~" '0 >-l o s- o " s o " " '" , o .D ~. o c- o' cr- o , "" p " S;''; 0. g sf] '"l S. g- ~ '< "'''' g ro ~ ~ l.l ~" S g ;- ~ ~ 0 (i ;:J-. 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(!;' a "C (J) ~ e. 8.. ~ g hE.. o' 0..::: Q ~ (t E- " 'n " (3 ~ " " S ro Cl o ~ 5 [ >-q f19 ::i- 5' g S; ~ ;;; So '" 0 '" '" i-< " . r o 0 ~" -Q.. ~- ~ ;: ~ 00 " " S- g N" 5' '" o ~ tr1 "d o ~ ,.., (fl "Ij - ~ b Z 0- o q z .; ~ n o " z z > Z n tr1 n o ;s: ;s: - ,.., ,.., tr1 tr1 " S ~ " z " ~LG!:-;',C011;\'T\' COuNCIL l'ROI:rmn!:lGs. .................... ...........,...... ................ 70000 2,500.00 1,500 00 1,000 00 300 00 1,000 00 2,013.00 .-......................'................. .......... .,.............. $35,8'1300 3,P~ 00 ~3Q,4i3 ,00 i'cconm\cnd that the $liril ofThirty~FiveTho\1sa,nd.Eig]:lt Dollars be mised Oil all the rateable prop(~rtyit} tllese\'e:ml the Cotlnty o{Elgil1duringtht~year 1888 for CotlntYPllrposes as sllbrn:tted, and tha:t' reqL'iisite: 'By,.Laws be pas~ed to levy 0- on the dollar on the rateable property 'in tbeseyero,l,municipalHies of " Elg~o as equalized for. the precedi.ng year, tq, raise said exClusive of Scho()~ Gn\nls and ~hat the snmoLThr,ee Ih?us~nd ~ix raheclin the several To>>,n,hil) Munjcipalities:~nly [,01' Common to the Go\'erninent' Gmnt and '. as :pr~l)Q~~'ione(l_ ~~ld'require. d.. ,by ~ '. : " '. J ".. .;.. '..., .c.., .' . and cntered in the' followi'ng' Schcdiile "tmder tne' heitd SO:E::EJDVLE "MUNICIPALITIES. General.\ Railway Ilcom111011 Ratc' Rate Schools. .---- 'Totals. .;.....,.......;.,.. ,'...".. $ 0311$ ,4Q 562 ,74" 507- 399 ;24 ....................,.......,..,... ..........................,......., 4696 ,5500 7693 8057 5931 3016 3285 J41 753 175 166 0,., ltW iNe6UN'I\" COUNctL. ,llROCltltbt:-JG$; 'to the Elgiri County Council: f Gentlemen.~The Fin(lnCe Committec',beg.leave .to report.: (I) That" they ha.vaeitanlined the f6110wing aCCounts 'and paid: A.:McLachlinl Collectorls Rolls <lndStationcl'Y. 1... Pierce, Ay1i1'ld, . lockup keeper. . . .. AMcRue,Dutton,." '" ',"',''' S. ~velalld,J)t.Stanley, 'f: H... J. McTaggart, Springfield, <l .... A.McFarlane, vVallacetown, " .........~......;...,'. b. Purdy, Vlenna " .,...... ',' ","": '1'1" oC li armollth, expenses 1 e LOldsa Paddon, a lunatic. Ie W.- McKay,' expenses reW.-Bumsjft lunatic'. , .... ',.' (2)' Thfinhe,Trcl\surer,'sllcw bond be accepted, and that e6qui ies u;" to fndividuai sureties whenever he thinks advisable. (3) That we haveexainined the Treastirer's:Bari.l~ aCcotlnt compnred it with the Treasurer,hook~ we find.it correct. (4) . That t~e aCCollnt of D. J. Donalme, County nridRobt. stiller, Mllst~r Supreme Court, for office rent and tained as the CotlIlcil did 110t auth~rize them to rent ofhces,'imcl hyno mean:; satisfledthat..!he Qffices at the Collrt Hotl$e are fro!ri view unfit for occllpation as the former tenants of the, offices thi)t~gh for many years, never complained that their health suf'fe'red,'! by so the opinion that before taking suchan Unlt,;aual' step' as vacating should have'brough't thi2: mattel~ in the regula~ way'befote 'session; aIid would recommend that in thepllblic'intere,-;t Attorney and Ma~t.er of Supreme Co~\rl he notified by the their' offices at: the Court. House. All of whichjs . respectfully su bmitted. Committee Roqm, June,S, I88? J. B. ELGINCbUNTY CQUXCIL PRoc~EJ)INGs. NOVJi;MBER County.Com1cil, Finance Committee beg leave to report - ....... .... ........ ...:.. .$885< ','" ..... ','" ..~... ,"...'. ..... 2' .,50 to Mrs. Nairn.. .<:.. ":..... ;?6S of condolence to Mrs. Nairn, etc. ~.. '1,6, ()Q Canada Law Journal supplied for the Law Libriry forI8S&;-,,, laid -before us, ~n(l we ,would ask theC'oLlncil.lo'give the to payment of this anchimilar accounts in theflitlire. action be takenre Sheriff .f3rownls aCCQunt for office . J. B.. MILLS, .-Chairman. - keepers be paid : .. ............ ..,$:10 00 ....... ..; 1500 .......... 10 '00 ..... ...... ;. ...... ,....... .... "',"" ". ~"',"'" 10 00 1000 ...... ...... 10 00 ........................ .', ......_. .'..... .-.... ..... ......, ;1:0 '00 ................................ . .... . . . . ',~ . . . . . . .' . . '. .' . , . . . . . .: . ;.............;................,...... ..... ..'............::... .............,... ......... the County Treasurer's -rep~rt referred tel us,"'Yedo not think it a By-Law to harrow money as the Reeve of.Varm'outh has of the County Ratlt"for his Mtlriicipalit~,~fr~9:lI,j.~d,be. 1888. , J. B.MILLS,-Chairman.' ELGIN .COUNTYCOUNCll, l'ROCEEDING,S. COUNTY ENGINEER'S REPORT. 'JANUARY SESSION. St. Thomas, January 24th, To ihe~arden,a~J'Council of thcCoun,tyof Elgin, qeritlerilen:"";";I beg:tosuhri1it you the-following report: '(1) So'me timeag~yoll gave meinstn;ctio'n;to have Kettle Creek rebuilt, hut on account of a clisagreement Wes:tmi'nsterancl- the' Coinityof Middlesex as' to which of them fQJone-hillfthecost, 'the ma~tt:'r was 'delayed l\~til )~telyt' dlesex a'ssmiled one half the Bridge,' I prepared plans a:l1Cl' specificatioris and junction with the Commissioners of lI.liddlesexadvertised fdr-tenders' the'.contnict to'Henry Garnett, of ..Byron, .for-$643. The bridgeis.tp-be trus~, 45 feet spap, with cedar pileabutmerits and wings. The -trusses to be )n at1d roofe<t, with gl,llvanized),ron, andall t~ b~ painted; (:2) _T~e r~p\,-irs..that thePl\I)licII~provement,Gommittee ordered to be the' Wardsville Bridge aret:!ow cornpletedand .the bridge is nOw in fair but there is,dangeror'it being taken out bya hewy freshet, with ice. ' (3) 'Theconlmctors have stopped workh)g on the Graham w~r~ thus 'far has been carried on satisfactory, the Bouth pier has fe~tand tlte North pier ,.22 feet, and mqst ,of' the piJi~g fCl~ the: driven. (4) The McIntosh Bridge over the Rh'er Thames will haYe: thespring, andthis;winter will require some,;repairs to the piers. '(5) My attention has been called to the state of. the bank of the Zavits;Bridge, the old..hreastworkhas rolled away and. the freshet is encroaching on the road allowance,should,the washing away continue it will endanger the safety of the Bridge. I would" like Wp.ataction, ifnny, I amiD take in this matter. I have thehorior- to be, gentlemen, your obedientservailtj J AS. A. BELL,' ,0 idLcH NC6UN'l'ycOt: ~cILI'lwCXt~nl N(~g, 'JU,Nt<: Sg:';SION. St. Thoma~'l ,lt1l1c5thl 188Sj Bridge hnsbe@li completed in' j, :.'icttlsfrtctory nial1WU sinde In'uccorddnce With Y()lirin~tfl\ctlol1.> 1 advertise~l' and let'-the ddnti'ti.C:t f6r' . at"the 2avlts 'Bridgef'otthestll,11o{$3'94," 'bf this paid.lYdc1.;; to'," the Cottntyas being the !;9stof the:-exp"inditur6 . Fi1lri.l0re Bridge OIl ther'o::td.tlscd,inlicl1 of the TowuLinch,etv.'cen Brtyl1am~hotlldbe reln(i\t this year, am havilig.:reiiairg n'lade to a monbcl' of'the bther'''Courity Bridges ahd have them in a good state for'public {ravei. 'JAS. -A. 'nELL, ,'C()llii~'Y ~;)giri~-er. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL l'RQr:EJmlNGS. 'N.'ovmM:BElf SESSION. St., Thomas, To t~le Warden and Council oC the Connt}'of Elgin, Gentlemen.....:...I beg to submit you thc'fqllowing report; On the 16th of October, your Public Improvement Committee , , -similar Committee from the County,of Middlesex met and examined Bridge and decided thatthebridge ought to be rebuilt as soori as pos~ible., recommeridthat the new bridge should be of stone and iton, consisting pier arid a stone abutment on the north side of the river, \Vithan iron the south side ; the super;strltcture to beof iron one span of 18ofe,etand 50 teet with a 16' foot ,broadway. I have nowplan-sl'eady to Committee and if theyare satisfactory the work should be advertised at A great many coni plaints ~ere made to me during the: summer driving fast over the Port Stanley Bridge. On one ,oceas,ionit:catjsed of t\\;O, of the ,overhead braces. It is a1Jsolutely'necessary tl:mt fast bridge particuhtrly_shouldbe stopped. After consulti).lg' with yo~1' chairman of the Public Improvement Committee: I offered ate'ward conviction of any person driving over this bridge ata faster rate had the effect of considerably abating the nuisance bllt still tam' :infornied completely stopped. The Fillimore Bridge on .the road used ill lieu of the Town ham and Malahide is now completed, ,the "chor,ds"" floor' heams this br~dge are cov-eredwith galvanized iron audit is one of the best iri the._Comity. The addition t,O the Registry Office isnow complete; and affords amj)le modation for persons doing business there and for the storage of papers. The water closets have ,been taken fromhelow'the Collrt House to for the pU,rpose in the yard between the Gaol and the'Registry Office. I.have had some slight. repair:. made to the furnace in.thc , IDLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL !'R0CEEDlNGS, E).GIN COUNI'y'COUNCIL I'ROCEEDINGS; easily. cleaning out all parts of it and thereby getting a 'larger amOllnt of fuel.conslimed. REPORT,! PURL-IC IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE" J AS. A. BELL, County' Engineer. JAN,UARY Sl<lSSION. St. Thomas, Januarl26; To the'vVarden,and Council oftbe Com1ty of Elgin, (;entlerilcn--" Your Pllplic'Imprb,'eluentComi'nittee beg (I) T-hat'clausesi,:z,,'3 U11d 4 ,in.th~,Sounty En*ineer's the recommendations conta,ined therein'be carried Ol1t by the (2) That in theopini~n of this Comnlittee it would be advisable :Engineer to make the necessary repairs [oappr,oaches' of il~e the expcI~ses of sa~drepair~ be recouped to theCountYllY mouth and S~uth,wold" if it be shown :by arbitratiqn orothe:~ not a Cot)nty bridge, and that the, said two Towl1ships. haY!3 mediately, ,'. : (3) ..' '1'h8,t ares,~lution passed Jun-e 6th, I8g4, assuming Beaver'Crkck Bridge a County bridge be recinded and this County De not h~reafter held responsible keeping up the same, All Of which is respectfully submittecl; THOMAS JACKSON, JUNE SESSlOl\'. To the Warden::nd Council of the County 'of Elgin: Gentlemen- Y our Public Improvement Committee beg leave (I) .1'hat th~~n~i?eer'1)einstnlcted to have the approaches Bridgewide~ed in conjunction wirh, the County of Midcllesex for IOcdeet the bridge" ,(2) . Thatthe C()untyTreasurer,be inst}"ucted.to, collect the. sum eachofthe Townships of Southwoldanc1 Yarmouth, being County 'rot w7rl~ db,~ebeyon~ the, J~O feet limit of the Za vits;Sridg~. That the Engine~Tbeinstructed',t~rebuild the Fillmore in Jieuofthe Town Li~~between Barh~m aTld Malahide. ELGIN COUKTV COUSC1L l'ROCEEn1NGs~ ttLGtN COUNTY COUNCIL l'ROr:ElmlNGS. (4) Tbat the,CoimtyClerk 'notify the Municipality'of the Village of'Yilmna ,tha{'all;w~~e~ ,~?w diver~ed out (~f its ,~atl1r~l course alan!?, the ',_ Vf?.,~ ,.sid~:ofFr?nt streettowa'rc1swhat is known as tl~e Red Bridge in said Village, mtlst be cut off at once; part paYI31ent far putting in, a culvert ~Gross Front' stFeet, but' feet of the County _bridge. (z) That the cOlumunication from Henry Matthews re entertained. (5) That the matter or the rcspon:iibility of the County to assume the Mill Bridge hi the Village of Vienna' lie Yeft 'to 'll1eCounty Solicitor to give awritte~ Opill'ibb~sfo:thelihbiHty of the County. said opinion to be given so that Coinmitlee report at this session comtrJ.cricillg at't~1'efoot o(tJlef<rtm's):Iill in i~,~erse?ts th~ originid T?",qI:i~e be:ween south lle'ar said l'o\vn Line 'undl wc~i 'of the roa,l '-from, 'th'e '6'r;g!iD'ul '~rownbn:~ ,~~'~t oft"~;e 'to what iskrr(hvn as'theSti11 I-Ioltse r-ii11 in the Town. 1.Is'ed" in lienor "the' 'Towl1 '-Line, 'and' wnereas :the ~?,d, S,~\l't~\vold ,rcspe'cti:ve1y c~nnot Ih~t~l~l1yagiee'ori keel). \ve" ~o\.\ld recdnhiwnd 'this Council to or'cler'each Municipality tho:AI1-1its' 6f 'its bWnT6'wn~hipj. 'AI! ~f wh~ch i~ re~pectftll1y submitted. (3) That the reward of $5 offered by the Engineer for fast Port Stanley Bridge be continucd. (4) Your Committee be1iev~ that itis~ecessary at once to the Wardsville Bridge, we ,would th;erefOl'e ask your power to advertise and, a ward the contract in conriection with, the' sex for re-',building thestructllre asset forth in the Engineer'sreport. (5) That'Wm. Phillimore be paid the sum of $5 for uscof road place while the Phillimore'Bridge'wasbeing constructed. AU of which is respectfully submitted. T}~Ol1~~",li\CI(~C)~~ q-l'a1tm,a~. The above report was amended in Committce of the wholc by 'striking out Se,cti<j'n and substituting the following therefor. '(61. That yO'nr Committee being umible to satifactorily. conclude which Road is lIsec1in lien of the Town Line between the Township of Southwold and Yar. m'outh \,Vo\lld recommend that the TO\i/n:'shil:.' 'of, Yarmouth ll,nd Southwold keepllp thc"!:,artS: Q'r' the 'roads irii>aid Townships, said to have been used in lieu of Town Line' NO,f"EMBER'SESS'ION. ~;t. ,r~6'ma~" iist, 188'$. . . ,,',' :P'I1'blicI'~~lp'r6';e,'nlc'n!tC6111'n)'i;tt~e IJeg le~ve to submit thefollow~ i' :"i",',', 'c';; ""',,<,;_:,:,;,,:,,: ;'c '.":';.-' '-':,;' ",'., ':, BLGIN COUNTY COUNCIL\~'ROCEEI)JNGS.' I GAOL COMMITTEE REPORT. '< '< JANUARY SltSSION. ELGIWCqUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. be removed from under the_Court House and that the closets be put in a hui,lding to be erected on' East side: ofeomt House. (6) That the 'Council take into consideration the or making some change in, hot water heating boiler. (7) That the Gaoler be requested to appear before the Council, alid remarks made by him'to the Attorney Cenel'alin Toronto and papers. (8) that the repairs asked for by ,the various lockripsin tI-ieCounty D~ with 'by the whole Council as the Committee does not feel like taking re~ponsibility of recommending that such repairs be made at "the County~ All of which- is respectfully submitted. A. J. LEITCH, June, 1888, NOVEMBER SESSION. To tMWarden and Council of the County of Elgin, Qeiltle::nen.-lhe Ga~,~ Committeee,begleave to report: (I) 'l'hat the local municipalities be reqtiiredto keep their pair. (2) That we have been informed by the Sheriff that he requires const~bles in attendance during Sessions of the Assize 'Courts, etc. (3) That in reference to the employment of two Turnkeys inquired of the Sheriff and examined theCao! regulations and of two turnkeys is considered necessary~ (4) That your Committee have made.tests which satisfied them in ~ufficient quantity could beprocnred in the CourtHol1segi'ounds atl a depth,' and we would ask your honorable body to give us further matter is now before the Lieutenant Governor and weare of the thingshould,be done at once to procure a permanent supply. All ofwhi<;:h,is respectfullysubmittecl. G0111mitteeRo~ms,November 22, 1888. tttGJ.N COtTK'!'\" COl1:-;-Cl,L i>ROCli:l~DINGS. above report was referred to a Committee of the whole and the firstseclion by providing that one.half of aU necessary repairs, t61ockups,throllghout' be paid for by the County. Ser:tion 4.was amended and t,he GaolCol1l- instructed to bore for water on the Court House Grounds to a in their opinion the indications will warrant. R~port adopted. ! ~.:::' ELGIN COUNcr;y COUNCIL PROCElmr:\GS, REPORTS OF COMMITTEE ON PETITIONS'AND JANUARY SESSION. To the Warden and Council otthc County of Elgin, Gentlemen,--:-The.Comluittee on.Pet~tions and r,egislation (I) That we recominend the CO,nncii t;, petition the 'Local fonnof 'By-Law to be u3ed.by Municipalities in -raising monies for ments,be inserted in the Munic:ipal Act. (z) That this Council petition the Legislature to so amend the sale of lands for arrears of taxes in.To"f'ns and Villages be conducted by Treasurer instead of by the County. Treasurer as at present. (3) That the law in regard to line,fences be so amended t11at,where\thci points of original lines between adj'acent farms are knowh; th~ fences in may be' straightened; notwithstanding the fact that for ten years they ma/have ated in either direction from said originalliries. All of which i,s respectfully submitted. , ' January ,I 88~. JUNE SESSION., To the Warden and Council or the, County of Elgin; Gentlem~n.- The Committee on. Petitions and- Legislation. beg That the consideration of the Toll Road Acts and the Deyell.re brakeman's safety' running, board' be laid over 'until' the All of whicr is respectfully submitted. J. CO~nmittee Room, June;8, J8~8. ~" / ELGIN' COUNTY COU",CILPROCEEDINGS. ]i;i,GIN -COUNTY COUNCIL }'ROr.EEIHNGS. PUBLtC sci!(j6Lr NSPECTOR'S REPORT. SCHOOL SECTIONS, SITES AND HUILIHNG:" this report is an abstract of my Miriister of Education. Sl1lumary report to the In 1887 _ there "were ~oo Rural Sections and oJ Village' Sections besides of Aylmer., _ These ,103 Sch~ols contain 121~epartments and not counting th.eSqcond School \vhich the Trustees ofS. S.Na. vide for six months in the yeartoaccorriu1oclate the pupils living in:arcmote ,their Section. The following is alisl.of the, Schools with more than one del)'artment. , 1"::\ and CounCil of the ~Olmty,of Elgin: have thc"qonor of ~lIbi'nittil1g for yom consideration myannual Dec~mber 3,151, 1887. " Springfield. . . . . . ' . . . .. 3 Vienna..-... .... .....2 PortStanley......,.... Z Vfal1acetown.......... 2 l'\ngal',.,...... .'.' .... 2 New Saunl.... ..... .i Sparta, ...'. . . . . . . . . ... 2 Port-Burwell.......... 2 NO,IQAldborongh..:....'.,.2 Rodney........ ........ . .,.; 2 West Lome........., Dutton." .......~.;. .., . ... Sheddep:., ",","'" .;",.... '\:'armduth Centre.... /". ... Orwell' .... ..,...,.,.. ,. Corinth...........;. .... :... FINANCI~L STATEMENT. :-fhefollo\vhig tables sho~vs the Receii}ts and Expenditures: Rl~cEIPTs.. ]J~'lan6ci' fr8illI8So,................. .', liegi~ladve'Grant...;...; .;;..., ........,...... ... Mupicipal Grant.", .,....., .... ._. "',,'" .,..,....... Trllstt~e's Tax.... ....,.,... ','" .'..,.. .......,........ Frain, _Clergy Reserve and other soiirces ..... ....... ,......:. .$I{,235,4~ 3,603 98 5,923 1,2 45,6o~ 34 3,081 84 Herep.fter my report willinclnde Belmont School, the built a magnificent house on the Elgin side of'1heir Section. The character of the Sch~oi' B~lilcling is slo~ly iniproving, being extensively rej)aired or replaced by new ,oiies. In four cases; viz 12 Aldboroligh,Eagle and:-Rodney there is not sufficient accommodation tor i)upils in the Sections. Rodney at present is using the Town I-Ian as a ArborDay, the first Friclay I'n MaYi was not so generally obset:ved hoped itWOllld' be" only -52 5 trees' were planted. Total Receipts:..... ::........ . ...$69,445 74 Total.Receipts for 1886 .,.... ... ...$70,958 34 --- Decrease in Receipts.............,$ 1,51-260 \ a Town rep()rts (Hrecily to, the Educational Department, so knot an actual decrease iri the amount of llioney coming ini6Trllstees' EXPENDITURES. ForTea.chet's:Salaries,.::,,;.;. ...... ..;... .i.;. ;.. :$41,70396 For School Sites and Buildings. ."... ',~""'" ~...,.. 6,94I}5 For, Libraries, Maps) Glohes, etC-'.. ..';.;.. ,';'" /48443 For heating, cleaning and rtll',other expenses. . . . . . . . .. . 9,210 96 ------ Total Expense. ....... ;;.... .';,;. :$58,24050 Total Expense for 1886.......... 59,035 77 ----- Decrease in Expense;........ ',_'" ..$ 79527 is' true regarding th~ Expenditure ,as I stated about, the Receipts in / TEACHERS; TI-iEIR CERTJFJCA~;F.: AND SALARIES; Of the IZIteachers thete were S8niale,s and 63 females; 43 held certificates; and 78 third .clas~. Thet()ta~ annual sal~ry,. of male t,eachers was$z3,29Z; So, being salary 'of $401.60. The total annual salaryoffema'le teachers was $'18,671.72) a~ a!~r~g~of $~26.37. The highest salary paid a male, teacher was $5z5 lowest $~50. J)imds of Tnistees'at the SCHOOL POPULATION, ATTENDANCE, CLASSIFICATION; The total number of persons between ;theagesof 5 al1dZI ~the,~ounty Decemb~r Jlst, _was 8,849' The t~tal l11:lmber whose, entered on the.registerswas7,765,or-these3-,31l: were boys total 'averageattendrmce 'was'3,609 'or\abolit 46~' per ,cent: ELG1N COUNTY COUNCIL. PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUN~Y COUNCIL Pl1:0CEEDINGS. The oumbe'r of children between the ages of 7 and 13 inclusive. .who did not School\\'as 73. 1;he nttm'her of pupils in thelirst class, part I was.... . . .. . . " " " part 2 was......;.. 'f ~'second class........ ... ......... f< f< third class.... ............. fl 'I fourth class...........,. " II fifth class.". '......... 1503 u5a 1646 1620 1591 255 r shall be, glad to ~tirnish the COlll1cilwith any information I session if it is desired, Thanking the friends of Education for their many kindnesses, I have the honor to ,be, gentl.emen, Your obedient sen;unt,' 100 day.:; was 1;416. little 5; 1888. w. MAPS, GLOBES, BLACKBOAl(DS, ETC. , Ni.1lnber of Maps.. ".. . ................. " Globes..... ...................... f< Blackboards. .... ."...... ..... ........... 9'9 86 270 ,. The5i!iiplcapparatmi required by the .regt1lations has improved .in quantity and my last report was made, much more could h,e done in the EXAMINATIONS, PRIZES, vrSITS,ET.C. , r,egulations. required that. there.shotild ~vere tw'o half yearly promotions held during qle year in April and INSPECTION. year I: made 245 visits besides my work in the Aylmer Schools. The:~ have in view while ata School is 'to improve the 'character of the Teachers ,Association which1l1eets twi.ce a yearis wellattended,The a lively, interest and seem anxious 'to' become more familiar' with of education. Elgin Model School 'ct;)lltinues to hold a high placearilongst the',Modell Pl'o\'inqe. Lastycitr~here \vere abotltforty candidates far third class ELGIN. COUNTY Co.UNCIL_PRo.CEEDINGS. ELGIN Co.UNTY Co.UNCIL l'ROf;EEDlNGS: 63 .EDutA:TION COMMITTEE REPORTS, J~NUARY SESS,IO,N. laid over for six months. (J) That a speCial giant of $200 asked for by the Aylmer 'I-'Iigh Sch701 be granted. (4) That the report of W. Atkin, ,Public SchOol Inspector; printeq. with the minut,eo;. All of whichisrespectfl111ysl1bn~hted. County Coun,'cil, Committee on Education beg leave to report :-:- ,That a grant not to exceed $50 be made for expenses of the Pub~ic School Examinations in the'County. failed to agree on any division of the County Grant would refer the matter to the whole Council for their considera. M. LEESON, Committee Rboin,june7; ,1888: Section one of the'ttbove report was amended in committee of the adding the Warden and D. McGregor,l)el~uty Reeve 'of _Aldbofougli as NOVEMBER .SESSION. To the Elgin County CounciJ, Gentlemen.-The Education Committee beg leave to recommend the following accounts forexpemes Entm,nceExaininations: Dutton High 'School :- J miles Short, assistant. . . .. . . . . $30.00 \V.RothwelL.....,~,.......'". 2878 Mr. McIntyre..... .......... 200 $60 78 Aylmer High ,School':-:- ~ W. W.Rutherfol"d...... .,;. .$32 70. J. L. Crawford.... ..........10. 00 V\r. Atkin.,.................,. 220.0 $64 70 Vienna High School :- David I-licks.... ........." ,'$24 26 V\T,Atkin......,;,,,..,.....',.12 bo $36 26 AU oJ which is respectfnlly submitted. M. LEESON, Committee 'Room,: N ovem her 21 )1888. m.GlN COUNTY COUNCrl:. PROCEEDINGS. HOUSE OF INDUSTRY COMMITTEE. JANUARY SESSION. and CounciL of the County of Elgin, COrrimittee appointed to corisidcl' the apl)licaticm'.3 for and Matron for, HOllseof .Industry, wOlllcLrepon:.,-- Thit-they took into consideration all the application~,incrdecic1ed,that applicants should visit the Institlltion and nleet theCornmittee. (2,) That the Committee deckled_to ballot for one Applicant to be recommended thcappoirittn<;nf; and Mr. Aldrittt,ofSollrhwold, having obtained amajcidty of ,tl~e,Comtni'~t(~C, we woulet recommend that the ballot be taken in the Council in applications seleCted. "(':3.)' ,'Ve would recomrncnd thal the salary of Keepe'l' and Matron'remain as at he,;ent,- $550 per year. Allo,f. which is re~:pcctfully'suhmitted, A. J. LEITCH, ChainlHll1' ',,- T6'the'~arden and Council [if 0e County of Elgin: Gentlemen....;..The House of Industry Committee beg-leave to report:- (L) ,Thattheresignatio~ of Mr. and Mrs. Hllnsherger,Kceper a~\dMatron, 6fInuustry, be 'accepted, and thit the'Coullcilfix the date when they shall be their duties. 'J;'hat a special Committee be appointed to tender to Mr. and Mrs. Huns- of this. Council for their very efficient services during the past That assu'g-~ested bythc'COll1111ittee of last ycar, your Committee 'would that a stpne basement be,putunder'the prese,iltbarn during the Spring, provide the necessary accommodation for Stock: Thalthe p,-:esent washhouse berePrtired and improved so' ilSto fac:ilitate largeamolmlofw~rl<'carr'i~(i on there. 'All of which is i'es'l~~ctfully submItted. B. 'F.'HATHA WAY, Chairman. ELGIN COUNTY couxcn. PROCEEDINGS. JUNE SESSION. To the Warden and Councilor the County of Elgin, Gentlemen--..The House of Indu~try Committee beg leave to report:-":' (I.) That the Contract for Foundation unclerBarn has Ponsford, Jr:, for $35 L, The work v;iillbecOmi)leted by loth Jimc. (2:) That 'the 1risljector, with tbeassistance oftne late T.M,'Nai'rri~.1vl. succeeded in securing the admission of three idiots to the .?rilliaAsylum. tions Were made for the adiriissiciri of three inoreatthesame tilue. and Government i:egll1ations Were complied with. The Medical writes that he is ready to ,lecelve them, hlt is instructe~l not, tod~ Insrectcir ofPrisons'hashcid an ofiportiinit)i to see them. Your Committee consider that the delay caused' by tile' Inspedtor of A .. ~_. this case is entirely unnecessary; aildtliatthe Idiots should be~dmitted,at sufficient reason given why admittance is delayed. All bt.lWhiChiS'respectfuUy submitted. ~ ' 'Cdmiriittee Rci()~sj June 8th,1888. B, F. HATHAWAY, / To the Elgin County Council. Gl;:ntJemen:-The llo~lse of Indu~try Committee beg leave to report,:- (1;) That the iepo'xt, of Dr. Li.ltoni'Physidan, and K. W. McKay; be adopted and printed with t.he minutes. (2;) Thit we:donot consider it advisable to send Rebecca Gilbertt6 a for treatment, as we believe her to be incurable. (3';) That the C()ljndl pe'titidn me bntaii6 Legislature proceedings necessary to procure adniission of Idiots to~ile tutory regulations.not bE:ing sufficient. (4.) That the LOCllSt Hedge be introdttced on the farm; provided arrangemerits can be made with the Dayton Hedge Company', All of which is respecttully.submiUed. Committee Room, November 22, 1888. I B. F. HATHAWAY, Chairman. 6\; m.GlN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCItED1'NGS. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I'ROr:EEmNGS. RI-IYSICIAN'S ANNUAL REPORT. INSPECTOR'S REPORT, ELGIN I-IOUSEOFINDUSTRY. NAME. AGE. CAUSE OF ,DEATH To the Elgin County Council, Gentlemen..-The Inspector of'the Elginn6~se of-Industry the following as hisanl1ual report [or the year ending 31st October, I. No. of inmates i.n HOllse ofIndustry at last report,. ..... .'.,'69 2. Ntl,:~l?er admitted during the year.. .,',..... \' ;'. ,.',:.. .,'.. ..,3~ 3. of deaths. . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . ".' . . ,.. . . . . .'" . . ; . . . . . 10 "" 4. "of.children sent ont outrial. .,; .J;.'........ ....: .'" 2 5. I' taken out by friend,s ...............,.. ..... ... 7 61 "sent to Asylum. ", ..................,.... ... 3' 7. "discha,rged.... "........ ............... .'.,.12 8. ., abscoliderl........... ... ...,. ........... ....., "6 9. H afBlindInstitutiol1............ .............,.'., 2 10. .. nowinHot1se,......'... ......,....:....:.:..,'.64 I I.." of il1matesadmiUed from the'several municipalities within the' county _during the year is as follows: AldboJ'ough ..... ......... ._.....,... .................,. ........ ..:~..... ...4 Dunwich.;.. ......;.." '," ........, ..~.. ...... ..... .....-.... ....,. .\.4 ~~~~;~~1.:.........::...:.'.:....:,.:,'.:". ::':::::: :':::::: :,:'::>:::: ::::':'03' South Dorchester:.. . .......... ,...... ......... ....... ........... ....:.'0 :--1-alabide,.. .-......., ....... ..'... ,'. ...., .......... ........ .'. ,--.';6 .~il~~~::::'.:::. ::::.:.::::: :'::: ::: :,:.; .;'::::::::~ :::':::::: ~::~ Springfield'.. '.'. ";.' ...... '.' ._........ '.. ....... .'-.'... "~ ,:..:... ';2 ~~~~lS~~~iey','::..:: '.......,...:....:.......~........: '.;:"::: : : : ~ : : : ::: :: :'.::~ 12 Na\ivityofthe inmates cOlumitled duringthe year: Number born in County.,..;,.,....... ...r"..,.....;. ...12, " "C:anac1a............-..;...;.. ,.-.,....,...;:,. ..,9' '" Scotland... ........ ............. .....,;... ...;;. ','.. 3 Ireland".,.. ........." ...,.... ...., ..... .... 2 " Englanc1,......~................................;. 8 " UnitedStates......... ..........-"... ...2' ., "Other places.'......:.,........ ,,";H' .,,,.1 13 The ~arious:~auses of pauperism' 6f the inmates' returned and now in the House, is as follows: ~~~it~li~~~'. '; :: :: ::'. '. ': "'~ :".,:.: :',: '. : '.:: . : : ::: ::: : ,: ~ ::: ::::: Ii Inte.mperance...,.. ',' .... ..... ._.... ........ ..... ,......'... ........ ;'.. .......19 ~f~~~:~,: ::':',: : ,:',::' , . :,:'.:',:,:~::"::' :',::;: ~ : : ::-':~ : ,:':::'::: : ~: '::,:: " I~ Idiotic and insane,..., .... ..,... ... ..... ....." .....;'. ,.22 AILothercauses,. ...'...., ...............'....;....'... '.27 /:ro'the'Wa~den' arid. Council- of the County of Elgin, Gent]emel1~Ih\lv:elhe honor ofpl'esenting this the 13th Annnal Report of the of Industry, to yom' honorable body foryourinformalion and considera. Ih1ring the y~ar, en~ih1g 31st October, I8~8" I have paid 70 . offiCial visits, pU,t up J<)3'presq:il~ti.ons,i.extrq.cted IS teeth, and performed quitea'nllmber of operations in mino.r surgery. , ":,,',,Five:'l1irtbs'"have taken pln,ce-oneprematurely, the"child'onJy living three hours -'-~I1(railcitber at: full ternl stil1~ bol'll. -, :.-....,. :_:. I "r,hc foJlo~'ing tabi.llar stalement ,will give you ample, information. in regard to mor~aJity:- ~>-\iex.:-,1f;kenzie.... . ':'," ..... .,.84........ ..~..,..,.... ,'.. .':--. ....-Senile Decay ;,'Ial:)~__sc:obourn.,.'..,... ~"......., .50 ... ..'................ ,,~..... ......Dropsy -"r;,holTIq.sI-ial1..:..,. _..., .. .... ;65........., ..... ........~ . Congestion ofLimgs :lol~,Q:,H.-Martin.'... ,..... .... .'.. ~38". ......,......... ...\..,., . Consumption '.Pet,ei"Dore,...'.... ..... ..'...... ...86':'0.. ... ..'..........., ,...\... . Senile Decay I,~obt~McBride;.. .......,.... .76:-.;....... ................ ::"-. ,Empyclllia ',:E:llnnaTabor. H....' ~.......... ...30....,......... . ...,.'. ...) ..C~:Hisumption >Nei,LBrown.. . "~,:,,........ .' .."..91.... ..., ..... ....... ....:";. Cancer of T,hroat pa,~id~;:.ogenL... ...... .., .... ... 79..... ...... ... ..,...... .'1. ...SenileDecay The Institttlion,has'beencntirely free, from fe\'ers,:acute imi1amation, diphthe'ria, <;tysi-j1ela~iand contagions diseases of,all kinds. '\;:,',i"::::~1'here',liye at.'tre close df this. year five insane and 'six weak~'minded inmates,. and 'tl,;e,:proper care of these, especiallysolllc of insane, ,with the limited:facpiticsJor '~h~i,r proteeticlll,is a qU,cstion requiring further attention than;hitherto given it. :":';::',,"?'IJe,',sa~litary regulatiqns haveprovcd satisfactory, and.. the. protection against "fir~ hall that prudence would dictate. ,.1 hav'ethe honor' lobe,.gentlemcn"your obedient servant, L.LUTON, M.b. 1'888. ELGIN COUNTY COU:-'CIL PROCElmI~GS. ~+p;:yeraKT, n~II1).b,cf' ofjn!1.)~tes duripjp.he yea~.... ... ....~.... 7J I,.; keeper s famIly andhlred help a(lded.. . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 77 16.Nl1mb~r of weeks board for inmates.......... ,............ 385Q 11. Keel)er's family and hired help added.... .... .......... .. 4b47 18. Total expens?sdurLng t~e->yeal'_~ ._,...... '.... .. ..... ;.. .$5!!55 ,$5, 19. Deduct pcni)anentilnpr?vements.... ...... .. .. ....., .,. 84$ I~ Received from inmates: . :..,.'.;;......... .;;;. 8229 927 41 4328 14. I 07 65 00 ,20.t~aving amQdntacttially exj)endedf6'r sui1pqrt ofhll~ates.... 21.'A.verage expenses per w~ek for eaeh per~oh. ........... '," '2:2.'" ... "year" "~""""":"":':""" 23. ,," " H , H ll, ", _, ",with )n~erest on ' total amount expended by county for House of Industi'y, etc., at,6percehL.;~......... " ... :,'....,:'".,.:.,. ,... 6604 24; The fI:mount eXljended fur the House and Farm this year is'divided as follows: Pai,~l for Keeper f1.QdMa,tro!)... . . . . . . . . . . ; . , . .; . . , ; ; ,. . '. , . .$534 42 :jJ> Fann1mplementsandExpenses.;:.,.... .......:.. 1I875 " ~tatiollery" ........... .... ..,.,.... .. .... 3 55 " Dl'lIgs and Surgical Appliances....,............... 49 73 " Provisions..,....,...,.....,'.'..'."...'. .....;'.,..--: 20180 !' Gi.occrie!;:,..,........ ""'" .'....... .,.-.-. ..... 449' 79 l< .Dry Goods. ... ".'."'" .... ......." ... ,'.., ..;'.~; 3b439 Boots and Shoes..............,.. ..,.. ""'..-. ..:; ~o8 09 Hardware and Fu nishings........,... . ~; ~.;.;;; 124' 41 \\lond """"'" '...',;........ ..,........ '... 390.' 00. Furniture arid Coffins. ., ..'.... .,...,.....:.. ,....; 5_800 Permanent Improvements. ...".,....'. ..,... ~. ... 845 12 Hire~l Labor;........ .'......,.,.........~ ..;. 21,533 Farn),,'Stock.'~...,',.'...... ..;;... ..:.;......;'.26-00. Physician\; sa~arY:j""""""", ;:,...,.. :.; .;; ;200 00 H Inspector's"s~laI'Y ...,.,......,.............,.,...... ..89.00. H Meat.. .'".., . ......,.".. ",'" ...... ...... > 6t6 ,51 H Bread:...,....:'.......;...;;...;;;;:;;..;;.;;;..;; 4i9 07 Conveyance ofinmates.-..,...., ...;;;; ,.. ./;,.,... 12990. {l Incidental. ..... ....... .... ... ..;;;;;;;..,....... 3~6 69 " $5255 55 25 DuriIlg the ye'ar twei~,e c~i.ldreQ have attencied school 891 days or 44 months, ~y~jc?:at (5 cents pel' mon~h ll'l~ke~amottnt due SchooJ S~ctiol1 14, 'Sol\~hwold, $36:00. 'Alnount of Produce raised on fafm during the year :~ .' IO loads Straw, valued. at. .....;...,....;;.;;;::;; ;;:.$20 db '.100. bushels Oats.. ~;;.;;...;. ....., .; ......;;; ;;':":';;i 9~ qo ,7 tons of Hay..'. . ...... .., :;;;;. ;::_;;;;. ',' ;:;;;;; ;';;"gi,do 5 tons.of Hungarian: . : , ; ; ;; . ~ . ; ; ; .'. . .; . ; . ; . .. 33;1)0. j"r3'~0~dsCornsta~,ks,;.,'H....""... ','; ", ....:. ~~,?D 20Dbllshels Corn.:..;. ..;, ..~. ..... ......:., 40.,00. ~ ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PRo.CEEDINGS. 906 Bushels Mangold Wortzels..,..,.,. .............. .... 90.,0.0. 50. "Turnips,......,...,..,.-..'......"...... ......., 10. 0.0. 250. "Field Carrots....,......"""""""""" 3750 12 "Table"Carrots.,... .....,. .... ...., .'.... .'.. 300. 35 "Beets..'..'.:..:;'.'...... ...."... .....,..... '875 10. l' Parsnips.... .',....,......, .,...... . '-' .'.... i' 50 159 :: .Pot.at~es:.........H.:......,......".....'.. 3750. 25 Onlons.'....,.,..'. ..'..,..'.,.__,...............18,,75 80.0. Heads Cabbage.,........... ,.."'.' . ,....... ,.'....... 240.0 15b Quarts Carined Fruit .....".....,............'..., 1875 10 Bartels Soft 'Soap.: ;;.. ."... ..... ... ..., ..".... 4? 00 1267 Pounds Butter@ 25c..., ...... .............;.~., ,'3I6'Z5 Total... .., "',' .... ',' .....,.., ..$9I5'59 clothing and: bedding made up d.uring the 27 Number of articles of Matron, 503. 28 The furniture, provisions, etc., on hand 1st Noveinber are valued as \:vood................... .'.. ............. ........$16225 Groceries.. ..... ............ .... ... .. .... ... .., .'..". 3080. Farm and Garden Produce. ... ......,.... ....' .",..... 513,00 Farm Stock....,. . '. . . , . . . . . . . .-, . . . . . . . . . . . . , '_' . . . .. 657 ',00 Farm Implements. , . . , . . . , . . , . . . . . , , . . . .. .. . . . , .. ... 403 65 Dry Goods...,... ',' .'. .'...... . ...,\....,. ..."...,....., 38:0$, Clothing."...'...... .,...... ....,...,......,........170. 00' Slaves, Tables, etc...,.,.............. ......... .....,,' 22650 Beds and Bedding.'.-..~,..... .,. .... ... .... .... ""," 440,,90 Crockery...........,. ," .'.',.................,.'... 74,35 Tin'ware..... ,.. ... ',"~"'" .'.',.. ....' ,.... .., .;. "," 1345 Barrels, Tubs, etc.... ;/........ ............. .... ...; 447t Books and Stalioncry.............. ,...............,. 5 00.' Dental Forceps and Syringes....... ,.,.. ...,.. '," .... ,10'00. Medicine Case and Secretary........ ,.;..... ...... .. 21 00. Total... ....... ..'.. .............,. ..,.. ..$2?IO:,70 .29 Totalainountexpended by County urto 1st November for HOtlse'Oflndustry is as follows: Farm, 50 acres, cost. .... .., ,'.. .." ... ..... .....,., ...$3000:00., House of Industry. .,....... ",,"'" ..... ......,... .... 714$ 94 Cottages. .,..,.... ',' . ',"" ","" ..... ".....,. .,.... 1250. '08- Barns, Wood Shed, etc.... '..,....,...... ." ....,. , .. 135084 Tile Drains, 766,rods......~....".......'........,...:'. 33850. Fei:lce, 560.ro\'ls..:.',. ',,"" ......,... ...'...,...,. .- 612"00' Orcha'rd.........,' .'.. n,"'.' .,........ .:...... .'...'.. ',':',' 85 '84 -- "..........~13783 20 K. W. McI,AY, Total..., "',' ... .'..," ...-.. All of whiCp isrespecttully submitted; 5t; 'ThoMas; November' I9th,'1888. 6'1 ELGIN;"COUNTY ,Co.UN:CIL .PROCEEDINGS. SpECIAL. COMMITTEE. RE. REGI$TRY OFF.ICE. and',Council of the, County .ofElgiJ:l; Special Committee re erection of additionJo Registry Office ,heg: leav~',to report:-' (l),-:Tha~,we,'have,met"with. the, Committee appp,intetl, bY',the_City of 51. Thomas and ~dop:t,ed"p'lan f6r'the necessrp'Y' addition; (2) 'Thattenders.for -the'work;have ,been opened, and ,contract -awarded to Geo. P'qnsford.j'r,:: .for: $1997. of, which is 'respectfully submitted. '0; 'TURNER,. Chairman.