1889 Minutes
li":!il~<;;:l:m~~:!l1W@la ~:<i' T~:m
JANUAlRny S~~~UON\) J8~i);>
Tuesday, 22nd day of Janm'try;. 1889;'
The Council electof ther>.lunicipal Corporation of the County of Elgin,
day at the Court House, St Thomas, at 2 o'~lock in theaftel'noon.
The following Reeves and Deputy Reeves filed certificate:,! and took,their seat's.
at the Council Board :
1st-Deputy Reeve,
2nd Deputy,Reeve,
1st Deputy Reeve;
2nd Deputy Reeve,
1st Deputy Reeve,
1st-Deputy Reeve,
2~d Deputy Reeve,
3rd Depnty. Reeve,
1st De)?uty Reeve,
2nd Deputy Reeve,
1St Deputy Reeve,
2nd D~puty Reeve,
1st Deputy Reeve,
Deputy Reeve,
That this ,Council do now adjourn until 19 o'clock to-morrow morning'
allow commIttee appointed to strike standing committees to meet.~Carrie<l,
K. \V, McKAY,
Co. Clerk.
The nieinbcrs werecallec1to order, the clerk in the chair.
The.follo,;;ing gentlemen were nlO~ed and seconded for the office.of Warden :-
.,Messrs. Stalker, Jackson, Pollock, Backhollse, Leitch, DanGey, Turner,Teal,_ Payne,
Cline', Godwin, Richardson, McGregor and Lyon, all of whom. resigned except
Mes~rs.Pollock, Godwin and Stalker.
Messrs;' Lyon and Backhouse were appointed scrutineers, and, on the fifth ballot
Mr; H. T. Godwin having received a majority of the votes of the whole Coundlwas
declar~d d~lly elected Warden for the year 1889.
Mr. Godwin made the statutory declaration of office before John McCausland,
J. P., took the chair and addressed. the Council.
.,The proceedings of the last day of the predon!> session were read and confirmed;
. '
Moved by B. E.Dancey, seconded by John Richardson,
Thatthe Reev'es of each'Muricipality, with B. F. Hathaway, Thomas Jackson,
'/y.Ba.ckhollse and D.McGregor, be a committee to strike standing committees for
the' year I889..,-Carried.
Wednesday, 23rd day of January, 1889.
The Municipal Council ofthe COlll1ty of Elgin met this day accorclilig toadjourri-
1\,11 tI;w members present.
The Warden addressed the Council.
The proceedings of the previous' day were read and confirmed.
The report of cOlnmittee appointed to 'strike standing committees was read and
The followbig communications were read
From Prisoners Aid Association requesting grant. Referred t6 Finance Com-
Sf. Thomas Board of Education re deputation from School Board.
~her~ff Browl1,with account for office rent. Referred to Finance 'Committee.
W. Atkin, Public School Inspector, repromotion examinations. Referred to
Edilcational Committee.
County Engineer, ":lith report on County bridges, etc.
County of Waterloo, re pedlers licenses.
Legislation. "
City, of Ottawa, re tax exemptions.
V~~jsla'tion. '
Referred toPnblic
Referred to Committee on Petitions
Referred to Committee on Petitions and
Froin'County of Bruce, re tax sales. Referred to Committee on Petili()nsancl
From County of ,Oxford, re,County Officials and sale' of 'intoxicating liquor.,
Referred to Committee on Petitions and Legislation.
From Chas.Roe, making application for position'of Allditor;filed.
Moved by M. Payne, seconded hy D. McGregor,
That this Council hear the Cominittee from the St. Thomas Board of Eclucatii>ri.'
to.day at 2 p.m.-,-Carried.
Moved by J. L. Lambert, seconded by W. O. Pollock,
That thisCotincil receive a deputation from the Aylmer High School ~oard';a't
the same'hollr appointed for the St. Thomas deptitation.-Carried.
Mr. Stalker presented petition from E. McVicar and others rechange.of sire of
Wardsville Bridge. Referred to Public Improvement Committee.
The Clerk read petition from W; T. Nugent and others, requesting, freep~d\ers
li<;ense for Roswell ,Tomlinson. Referred to Committee' on Petidons and Legislation.
Moved by M. E.Lyondecon~ed by J. Richardscin,
Thatthe Warden, Payne, Clin~, Turner and Dancey be a committei'to U1eetthe
. I .....
committee appointed by the City of St. Thcimas re Admi~istration oLJustice
In amendment.
Moved by R. R. Cranston, seconded by W. O. Pollock,
That the Warden name a committee of seveii' to meet' a. 'U,ke committe,e frorn' the
City of St. Thomas to settle amount the City is to pay for Administration. cif Justice
and' other expenses.
Main motion lost, amendment carried;
Moved by Thos. Jackson, seconded by D. McGregor,
That:I'. W.Kirkpatrick and B. E. Dancey be appointed auditors toaildit th~'
Admiriistration of ]usticeaccounts for' the current ye'ar.-Carried.
Movedby W.:Backhouse, seconded by]. Teal,
ThatJam~s H. Stewart beappointed,?satiditor to audit the Treasurer'.~ ~cqollnts
for the 'year .1888;
R. Cranston, seconded by Thos. ,Jackson,
That EwcnCameron be appointed toauclit the COllnty Treasllrer's accounts for
'Moved by ,A. J. Leitch, secol1:cled by I-I. Garbutt,
'r~:at John D.,Graham bc appointedt'o audit the County Treasurer'saccountsfor
and second amendment lo:,t. First amendment caniedotl the
'YI';As.-McCredic, ,Turner, "Jackson, Cranston, Lambert, Pollock, Hathaway,
J3row'er,"Baile)', Leit'9h, Garbutt. Hine and Payne.--I3'
NAYs.~9irie, Stalker, McDougall, McGregor, Kirkley, Backhouse, 13est, Teal,
1.:yo~,Richardsol1 and Dancey.-II.
The Warden, appointed M,r. R. L. McCully as the other auditor.
Moved byW. McCredie, secoridedby A.N..Cline,
That this Council do now adjourn to meet at two ,dclock, to allow committees
The' Council resumed.
,The \'Varden appointed Messrs. Leitch, Pollock, Tnmer, Cline, Dancey, Payne,
allc1 Godwin a's the special committee to meet committee from the City orSt. ,Thomas
repaymen,tof Aclministrationof Justiceand other expenses.
Th~depllt:ttion from the: St. Thotnas, Aylmer, and Viel)na HighSchO'o~ Boards
the a~11llal' reports of their respective Schools.
~?.ve(}by J. J. Stalker, seconded by A. McDougall,
TI1at the reports of the several High School.Boarc1sJust received, ,be referred to
th,eCommittee on Education.,~Car'ried.
Qn motion'ofW. 'Baekhollse,, secon.dccl,by J. Teal,
The COlll1cil 'Nent i,I1~O commilJeeohhewhole to. re-consider, the, report of the
SpeCial,C~lnl:l1ittee appointed to str'ike Standing Committees. Mr. Cline intp.eehair.
,Afte,rrn~lencl~ng the Report tbe' Commhtee rose ,and the,: Chainll,an" reported on
motiol~ of Mr:Pollock, secondedbyMr, Lambert; the repo~t was adop~ed.
That this Council petition the Legislative Assemblj',tc;, amend the MunicipbJAct
so as to, make it compulsory on candidates accepting a nomination' to either go the
polls orresigll on nomination day.-Carried.
Moved by 'vV. Backhousc, seconded by G. Vol. Best,
That the Clerk get two hundred cards printed with names of
CO\lnty Officials, and Stan_ding Committees for I889.-Carriecl.
I\Joved bYHenry Garbutt, seconded by Robert r-line,
That a free Hawkers and Pedlars License be granted to Archibald M
vVailacetown, for the year I 889.,--Carriec1.
;Vrovec1 by W. Backho,use,secdnc1ed by John Teal,
That the salary of the Auditors of the County Treasurei"s accounts
fifty dollars.
In ameilclment.
Moved by J. J. Stalker, seconc1edby Alex. McDougall,
That the salary of the County Audit~rs be Jorty dollars each.
Main motionlost;amendl11ent carried.
Moved byW. McCredie; seconded by D. ' Turner,
That a free Hawker's and Pedler's License be granted to, James
Moved by J olm H. Teal, seconded by M. E.' Lyon,
That the Clerk be instl"Uctedto purchase the fifth or latest edition of Harrison.'s"
Municipal Manua1.-Carried.
The report of the Public Improvement Corrilnittee was pniserited and adopted on
( motion of Mr. J acksoll, secondecl'hy Mr; Pollock.
Moved byE. Dancey, seconded hy J. Richardson,
That this ' COllncil do:r.lOwadjonrn to meet at ten" o'dock to-morrow morning.'+
K. W. McKAY,
Co. qerlc
H. T. G"oDWIN,
Thursday; 24th day.of).ul1uary, 1889.
The Councilmct thhnlay according to adjourJ1mCnL
ThcWarclen in the chair.
'Alltheincmbers present.
Theproceeclings of the previous cl.ay were reacLand confirmed.
McDougallg~ve notice :hat he wOl1ldapply for a grant of Two Hundred
a,ssist in building a lockl~P in RocIney.
The:i'epor't ()f Committee on Petitions, and Legislation \vaspresented, arid on
111oti()n of 1\1 r; Payne, seconded by Mr. Teal, was referred to a committee of the
V.fhole. W. O~ Pollock in the chair.
After discussing the Report the Committee rose and r<:ported progress.
Moved by R. I-line, seconded by H. Garbutt,
Th:;tl a deputation fro,m the Dutton High School13oarcl be heard at two o'clock.
!'-toved by C. A. Browerjsecondedby R F. Hathaway.
That this Conncil adjourn until two o'clock.--Carried.
The 'Council resumed.
l')1e: Clerk read a communication from the County of Peter borough .re taicsaJes
by, Loci1J Mllnicipalitiesj: referred to the,COln,mittee on Petitions and Legislation. and
fr~inCotl;rity Treasurer with report on Financial s\tanding of County, referred to
FJrptice .Committee.
the Council went into committee of the whole to .discllss Report of
Legislatiol"1' W. O. Pollock in the chair.
After amending the Report the Committee rose and the Chairman reported this
Report, which was adopted on motion of Mr. Pollock, seconded by IVIr.Backhouse.
Moved by A. McDougall, seconded by J. J. Stalker,
That the deputation from the Dutton High School be, now heard."":-:Carried.
Messrs. Stalker and Leitch then addressed the Council.
Moved by1J. Payne, ~econded by D. McGregor,
That this Council pay off the debt on the Dutton HighSchool,said to be about
Six Hundred Dollars.-Lost.
Moved by A~ N.' Cline, seconded by D. Turner,
That whereas smallpox is prevalent in Michigan and New York States,',and'
,...herea5 we should take precautions to prevent the introduction of this disease in the
Cotmty House of Industry.
This Council therefore advises those having authority to. send paupers tathe
HouseofIndustry, to become thoroughly acquainted with the history oft,hose apply~
ing for at least one month previous to commitment.-Carried,
Moved by D. Turner, seconded by A.J.'Leitch,
That the Equalization Committee be -asked to consider the advisability Qntp~
p(jiilting Valuators to value all the real property in the C(nmty. said Committee tq
report at'the June Session.--Carried. '
The Report of tbe Hous<;of Industry Committee was, presen,ted ahdadoptedon
motion of Mr. Hathaway, seconded by 11r. Backhouse
Moved by R. R. Cranston, seconded by J. J. Stalker,
That this Council petition the. Local Legislature to change the ending ,of the
financial year in Municipalitiesf~om the 31st to the 15th December, andha~e.the'
Auditors' Report made at that tinie instead of the statement now required,an,d,;that
the Local Members be asked to promote a Bill to,that effect.---'Carried.
Moved by D.E; Dancey, seconded by John,Richardsol1,
That 'Ai1drew'C. Laur be granted a free Hawkers and Pedlcrs Liceriseforthe
prese,nt year.-Carried.
Moved by W. Backhotlse,seconded by John H.Teal,.
~hatthis Council do' how adjourn until }iv,e o'clock, to ~now the"Comnlittee on
Education to rneet.~Carried;.
,The Council rCSttmecJ;
The Report of the Education Committee was presented and adopted on motion
'Cline, secorided by !vIr. Dancey.
The Report of the Finance Comrnittee \Va:,; presented and adopted on motion of
13ackhOl:se, seconded by Mr. Stalker.
Move,cl by D.. McGregor, s,cconded by R. Hine,
That.this Council appoint Samuel McCoH a Trustee of thc Dutton High School
f6rthl'ec 'years.-Carriecl.
r-.Ioved by W. 0, Pollock, second0d by B, F. Hathaway,
County,Treasl1l'er's bond be re<1.dfor the information of the COlltlcil.-
The'Clerk read. County Tl'easl11'cr's bond.
Move~l.by W. l3ackhouse, seconded byJohn H, Teal,
ThahhesCcL~reties .in the County Trmlsurer's bond just reacT be.conMdered
'satisfactory. for the'prescnt.-..:.Carried;
Moved by J. L, Lambert, seconded by VV. O. Pollock,
,T~1at Davicll'4arshall, of Aylmer, be "appointed Trustee for the Aylnier H!gh
,8cho'01 for thencxtthree years.~Carried. J
rvlovecI by John H. Teal, seconded by W. l~ackhot1.;;e,
That :[VIr.H. '1'; God\,'in be appointed Trustee of thc
Moved by R, R. Cram;ton, seconded by D. .Turner,
Vienna High School for
TI~at this Council petition the Local Legislature tapass 'an act making it com
'puisory on all High Schools t6chargc scholars in attendance a uniform fee....:....,Carri~c1.
Moved by A. N. Cline, seconded by W. McCredie,
That all monies necessary to carryon High Schools over and 'above the Connty
iindGovernmenl Grants, should be raised by rates imposed on pupils attending said
Moved by M.Payne, seconded by D. IvlcGregor,
.ThaVBy-IawNo. 452, being a Dy-lawt? q.ppoint County Auditors, be. received
reuclaJirst time.:-o-Cah:iecl.
That By-law No. 452 be i"ead a second time.-Carried.
Moved by A. McDougall, seconded by J. J. Stalker,
That By-law No. 452 be read a third time and finally passecl.-Carried.
Moved by R. Hine, seconded by H. Garbutt,
That By-law No. 453, being a By-Jaw to repeal By-law No 433, be receivedanj
read a first time.--Cirried.
lVlOved by I-I. Garbntt, seconded by ]{,l-Iine,
That By-law N(;. 453 be rcad a second time..,-Carried,
Moved by A. J; Leitch, sccondedby.H. Garbutt,
That By-law No_ 4~3 be read a third time and finally passecl.-Carried.
Moved by VV. O. Pollock, seconded bye. A,. Brower,
That By-Law No. 454,~eing a By-law to appoint a Board of Auc1itiJi the
Connty of Elgin, be received and read a first time.--Carried.
Moved by B. F. Hathaway, seconded by \V. 0, Pollock,
That By.law No, 454 be read a second time.-Carriect
Moved by C, A. Brower; seconded by B. F. Hathaway,
That 13y;law No. 454 be read a third time ai1d finally,passed.-Caniec1.
Moved hy D. McGregor, seconded by G. W.Best,
That we adjour'n until tcn o'clock to-morrow m01'11iilg.-Carried.
K. W. McKAY,
Co. Cleric
IT. T.
Friday, 25th day of January, 1889.
TheConl1cil met this day according to adjou~nment.
The Warden in.the chair.
All the members present.
The,procec(lings of the previolls day were read and confirmed.
J>vfoved hyJohn H. Teal, ficconded M. E,/,yon,
,That Mr. Ghmn\ report re Vienna Bridge he nowheard.-Carriecl.
Mr. Glenn then addressed the Copncil.
MovedhY A. N. Cline, seconded by D. Turner,
That after hea~ing the opinion of the County Solicitor, we,. as a Council ureor
the, opinion that the Reeve's application for the building or maintainirig of a bridge in
Vienna'shoul'rl not be entertained.
In' amendment.
Movt\d byW. Backbouse, ~econded by J. H., Teal,
I Th~t the County Engi.neer be instructed to examine and repair the Bridge on the
Creek Road, it being on a leading road through the County, situate in the Village of
Amendment lost, main motion carried.
MovedbyW. O. Pollock, seconded by n. F. Hathaway,
That..theAdto amend the General, Road COh,panies Act
this Council.......:..CarriCd.
MovedbyM~ Payne,'sectmded l)yD: Tllrner,
be now considered hy
has sold a Toll Road and the whole County has received the bcnetit of s'ueh saJe,:-n:;:at
the whole County shall be charged with the repurchase of the samemad.--,-'-Lost
Mr.'Teal,ofVienna, then presented. account. for repairs to Vienna Bridge hi
Moved by W. .:McCreclie, ~econckd by A. N. Cline,
That the,Account for repairs to the Vienna Bridges be lai~
Session, and that said accOtmt be placed in the hands of the
opinion as to County's liability'to pay the same.--:Carried.
MovedhyJ. J.Stalker,'sec~)Jlded by B-. E. Dancey,
-That' this Council-grant Two Hundred Dollars to assist in
the Village of Roclney.
In amendment.
Moved by J. L~Lambert, seconded by R. R. Cranston;
. ;\
That the recll1cst for grant of Two Hnndred Dollars towards building a lockup' iti
Rodney be laid o:~er until the J llne Session.
Main motion lost, amendment carried.
Moved by C. A. Bro''';;er,seconcled by B. F. Hathaway,
That this Council petition the Ontario Legislatlire to ali,en'd the law so Lhatthe
expense'of cOl1dl1ctingHigh SchOol entrance exaniinations and reading papers be Paid
by, the different High School Boards.-Carried.
Moved by"'. O. Pollock, seconded by B. F.lIathawaYi
That the County Solicitor give. his opinion as to when the Gillett Bridge
Yarmouth became a County Bridgeancl the liability of the. County to pay for
between that time and when it was assumed as a County Bridge. -Carried.
Moved by J. L. Lambert,secondedny-NI. E. Lyon,
That By-law No. 455, being a By-law to appoint Trustees of High Schools;
appropriations for the maintainanc'e of said Schools, and grand aid to ,County
Schools 'in the Count)' of Elgin, be received and read a' first time. -Carried.
Moved by 1L E. Lyo~, seconded by']; L. Lam,bert;
That By-law No: 455 be read a second time.-Carried.
Moved bv R F.Ha,thaway, seconded by C. A. Brower,
455 b~ rea~a. thir~.:t_~ll!e...:_an~_fi,1~(1,.I1y .1x).ssed. ~,--Carril'-fJ;
Moved by M. Payne, seconded by D. McGregor,
T'h~tBy.law No. 456, being a By-lrtw to fix the salary ,of the Inspector of the
nouse oflnclustry and amend By-law No. 380, be receivell and read a first time...,-.
Carl.ied. .
Movedby,A. McDougall, seconded by D. McGregor,
T~at By-lawNo.456 be read a second time.-~CaiTied.
Moved by G. W. Best, seconded by M. Payne,
:'1'l1at By"law No. 456 be read athird tinie and finally passec1.--:-Carried.
, .
IyIoved by" B. E. Dancey, secondecll:YJohn Richardson,
That By'-iaw No. 457, being a By-law toauthori"e the Warden anclTrea:.;LHer to
bolrow the sum of Twenty Five Thollsand Dollars, be received and read - a tit"st tim,e.
.l\Iov~d by~.E. Lyon, seconded by John Richardson,.
By~lawNo. 457 be read a second, timc.-Carried.
Moved byJ.Richardson, seconded by M. E. Lyon,
1'ha\ By"lu\y No. 457 be rend a third time and finally passed.--;-Carried.
110ved byW. _ Backhotlse, seconded by J. H. Teal,
That in the'event of any action being taken re accOtlntfor bridge repairs III the
the Council will not setup the Act of Statutes of !iimitations.-
'Moved by \V. McCredie, seconcbl by A. N. Cline,
That this Council do now adjourn until the first Tuesday in JUllc..-CarrIed.
County ClerI,. Warden.
Tuesday, 4th day of JUI1e, 1889:
The Elgll1 COllntyCouncil met this day at the Court I-Ioll~e, St. Thomas,attwo
o'clock in the afternoon.
The Warden in the ~hatr.
All the members present except Mr. Kirkley.
Mr. Geo. M. Smith, Reeve of Aylmer, filed certificate and took 'his seatrit the
Council Board.
~'he proceeding.')~of the last day of the pr'evious Sessi6nwel'e read andcon(Jrm'e'cI.
The followingcon~~l\nicati~ns were read:
From W. Atkin, Public School Inspector, with Annual Repol't. RefelTed to
Education Committee.
James A, Bell, County EI~gineel', with report on Connty bridges. Referred to
Public. Improvement Committee. '
The Mayor of Ottawa, re tax exemptions. Referred to Committee on Petitions'
uli'd Legislation
Provincial Association of Public Sc;hoolTrw;tees i,vith proceedings of. AlUlllal
1. Martin, L. Mack et al, appeal against adion oLthe Yarmouth ,Township
COllnciliu refusing to formtwo new School SeCtIons, and against the action of t~e:
SOllthwold Council in l'efllsin~ to!ppoint an arbitrator. 'Referred to Eclllcation
County Attditors,'with
'Treasllrer:s,a~COttnts'for'1888; ECferfedto
Fillunce Cdmmittee.
J. :McLean. & Son, with reference to, petition for opening Town Line between
yannouthand Southwold, oppC:site Lot I, Concession 4, Yarmouth.
~oved by D.McGregor, seconded by M. Payne,
Thilt Mi!ssrs. McLean &50n be heard re Town Line between Varmouthund
Southy;old at two p.m. to-morrow.-Carried.
Moved hyW. McCredie, seconded by A. N. Cline,
ThllUhis COl.wcil adjGur'n until half-past fouf to allow Committees to rneet.-
\:nrried" ,.I
TheCOtlllCil resumed.
The report of the Equalization Committee on appointment of County Vrluators
was, then presented.
Mr. Hathaway gave notice that' he would apply' for a grant of Twenty-five
Dollars ;for the East Elgin Farmers' Institute.
Mi-iBackhollse gave natice that he wauld apply for a free Hawker's and Pedlar's
far Thon'laf; Roach, .of Bayham.
Maved byM. Payne,secanded by G. W. Best,
That we do now UdjOllrll ta meet ta-morrow morning at ten .o'cl.ock.---,-Carried.
Ca. Clerk.
Wednesday, 5th day of June; 1889.
The Cauncil met this day accarding ta adjournment;
The'Warden in the chair.
, '
All the members present except Mr. Jackson;
The praceedings .of the previous day were read and canfirn"ied.
The Hause of Industry Cammittee pres~nte~ their Rep.ort.
Moved by J; J. Stalker, seconded hy B. E. Dancey,
That the repart be laid .over until the C.ouncil, visits the Institution -CarrIed;
" .1 .
Moved byM. Paynto;'s~conded by J. J. Stalkt\r,
That the Council-visit the I-louse .of Industry hnine o'clock to-marrawmarning;
-Carried. I
The Report .of the Special Committee app.ointed to effect set~lement with the
City .of St. Thomas was then presented anel adopted on motion .of Mr. Pollack, sec:~
onded by Mr. Payne.
The Report of Committee on appointment .of County V~luators was then dis-
M.oved by W. O. Pollock, seco~ded by B. F. Hathaway,
That thi,s Council do now fLdjourn untihwa o'c1ack to allow:
mittee to meet.-Carried.
TheCauncil resumed.
Mr. Payne presented peti,tionto have Town Linebetween :Varm.ollth and South~
wold, Qpposite Lot I, <l.oncessian 4, opened, to-travel. Mr.' Jahn McLean addressed
the ~ouncil-in suppart.ofpetition.
Moved by M.'Payne, seconded byJ; J. Stalker;
That thl~ petition of Coleman and others re Town Line between Yarmouth and
SOlltlnvold,be referred to Public Improvement Co'mmittee with power to act.
In ,am'endmcnt.
Moved by A.j. Leitch, seconded by H. Garbutt,
That the petition of Mr. Coleman and other~ asking to have a portion of the
Line between Yarmouth and Southwold opened, be laic10ver until the next
of this Council.
'1\trr~ D. Luton thenmac!e statement with reference to tile" drainage outlets'on
of Industry farm.
M;ovec1-by A. I. Leitch, seconded by R. I-line,
That the ma:tercomplained, of by Mr. Luton in reference to watcr from the
of Tncl,llstry farmbc referrecl to the Committee of the Honse Q~ Indnstry.-~
John, H. Teal, seconded by M. E. Lyon,
That Mr. Glenn, County Solicitor, be no\v heard in reference to the Claim 111ac1e
by'Viellnaformoncy spent on theCouoty bridges under protest, the same having
.beep,'laHovm: from last session.c........Cardect
Glenn then "addressed the Council.
,V. Backhollse, secorided by J.. H. Teal,
Warden sign a cheque in favor of the Treasurer of tIle Corporation of
of Vienna for Two Hundrei:l Dollars, said amount having been paid by
in repairing County bridges in said Village.
Fit;st amendment.
Moyed by W. McCredie, seconded by D. Tr(rner,
That,thisCouncil grant the Village of Vienna the srim of One Hundred Dollars
ill' settlement in full of their 'acco\;1nt for repairs on Connty bridges.
Second amendment.
~lQve(l by A.,J,.,.L~itch; seconded by H.. Hine,
Th~tt~e account .of the Vi~lage, of Vienna for repairing. bridge, be not entertained,
asOin thcopi~1iol1,'of the County Solicitor the County is not liable.
The second amendment was lost on the following divisioll
b '
NAYS.-Backhbuse, Teal, Lyon, Richardson, Best, McGregor, Bailey, Kid,de}';
McDougall, Bw\ver, Hathaway,. Pollock, Smith, . Turner, LambeH."an'J)'vlcCi.cc1ic;
YEAS. .~Hine, Leitch and Cline-3.
The first amendment was lostonthe following divisiOli
YEAs.-Garblltt, . McCredie, T~unel' and KirkleY-4.
NAy~.--'-":Payne, Back}lOtlse,Cliile, Cranston, Smith, Pollock, Hathaway,
Bailey, McDougall, McGregor, Leitch, I-iine,Richarclson, Dancey, Teal
The original motion was carried on the following division
YEAS.--Payne, Backhousc, Tcal, Lyon, Richard;;on, Dancey, Best,
St:ilker,Bailey, McDougall, Brower, Hathawav,Po'llock,Smith;Laulhert,
and Cranston......".r8.
NAys.-Garbntt, Leitch, ,McCredie and Hine--4.
.A communication fronY'Vi,!. D. Hilborn, with claim for care of
gent insane girl, was'read and Mr. HilborlTacl(]ressccl the Council.
Moved ,by W. Backhol1se, secon~led byM. E. Lyon,
That the application of MI'. Hilborn fol' a grant for board and care of an'indigent
b~ not entertained, as in the opiilion of this Council each local municipalityshonid be
responsible for such cases. '
:In amendmenL
Mov~d by W. '0. Pollock, seconded by C. A. Brower,
That thisCotlncil grant the sum of Fifty Dollars to W. D. Hilborn fo\: mainteh.
ance,'of Emma Edkins, indigent ir:sane girl.
Main inotion carried, amendment.lost.
The Education-Committee then presented their Report, which was adpptedon
motion of Ml'.Cline, seconded by Mr. Backhous,e. "
The I{epottof the COilllnittee'on Petitions and Legislation was pl'escnteclancl
adopted on motion of Mr. Dancey, seconded by Mr.' Garbutt.
Thnllhis COlmcilgrant
InstiU,lte, ....:,.Canied.
the sum of Twenty-five Dollars to tbe East Elgin
JI'Jove,(l by p. McGi'cgor', sccondedllY J. J.
Tha,t the E;ast and ,Vest Elgin Farmers' Institutes be required to give a detailed
s((ttem,cnt"o[ expenditure of monies ieceived fiom this CounciL-Carried.
11Qvedby W. Backhouse; seconded hy J. n. Teal,
il~hat afre,e HawkersandrcdltLr's LiCense be granted to Thomas Roach, of the
of Straffordvil1e,~,Carried.
1\Jov8(1 hyA. N. Cline, secondedby.J. J; Stalker,
That the Report of Committee on appointment of County Valuators be laid o\;e1'
for fiHtherconsideration at the November Session.--Carried.
M,L Ttlrner gave notice that he would apply for a grant of $1,000 to aid the
:rI'6\~'hshtp or'Southwold in defra.ying expenses of small-pox epidemic.
notice that he' would apply for a grant to West Elgin
~-ir. St,alb~r gave notice thitt he would apply for a gradt of $500 to defray ex-
sll1aJ~-po}( epidemic in ";ldhorough.
On motion of l\;lr.Cline, lieconded by i\fr. McCredie,
ThiO):Conndl adjourned to.meet at half-pastJ.en o'clock.
y01.lnty Clerk.
The Elgin County County COtll1cil met this' day at the 'Court
o~clock in the afternoon:-
The \Varden in the chair.
All .the me~:l)ers present except Mr.. Jackson.
The proceedings' of the' prevIOus day were reaCl and confinnecl.
lV[ov~d by G. 1\1. Smith, seconded by J. L. Lambert,
Tllat this Council receive. the opinion of County Solicitor with referencG
Ily-lawtolicense hawk~rs and pedlers.;.....:Carried.
Mr; Glenn theng8;ve his opinion.
Moved by W. McCredie, lieconded by]. L. Lambert,
That the question of ntising the fee for hawkers and pedlers license~ be laid
until the November Session.
Ih aniendment 1st.
:Moved byW. Backhouse, seconded by J. H. Teal,
That after hearing the opinion of the County Solicitor the Clerk draft a By-law
f,xing'!:hl:: Hawkers and Pedlers Licenses for 1'\VO ho~ses $1)0, one horse ,$125, and
on foot $25.
In amendment second.
MOved by n. E. Dancey ,'secoridedby J. Richardson,
That$20obethe fee for allhawb:~rs and pedlers of clrygoocls,jewelIery,
other wares.
Original. motion and: second amendment lost; first amendmen't, carrter!.
Moved by W. I~irkley, seconded 1:y A. N: Cline,
That Samuel Wilton, of Springfield,' be granted a free Hawker~ andPccllers
,licer\sc'for,the balance of the year.-Carriccl.
ri10vedby M. Payne, seconded by D. 'McGregor,
That the COtll1ty Solicitor is hereby instructed to prosecLlte any p~rwn or1'er$On5
'violating tl1e' coriditioll of the Pecller's License By-law, and all mnnicipalofllcers and
members of the various municipal Councils are h~rebyrequested to lay information
againstpermos fonnel'violating said By~law........:.Caniecl.
Moved by W. O. Pollock, seconded by C. A. Brower,
'fhat the Clerk inform the COlll1citas to how many auctioneers have licenses fOl'
Connty,andalso who they are.-Carrie(L
The Report of the Public Improvement Committee was then presented~ancl
adopteclonmoti,on of14r. Cline, seconded by M;. Dancey
The Report of the Finance Committee was presented <Wd refer,red to a Com-
m:tttee 6f the \vh01e, Mr. McCredie in the chair. After arnending the Report the
, Co~nmittee rose and the Chairman reported the report as ,amended, which was
adopted on motion of Mr. Mr. McCredie, seconded by Mr. EackhollsC.
'The Report of the, I-louse of Industry ,Committee was referred to a Committee'of
the, \vhole, Mr. Pollock in the chair. After amending the Report the C;ommittee
rose and 'the Chairman reported the Report as afloptecl in Committee of the whole.
This Report was adopted on motion of Mr. Pollock, seconded by Mr. Lambert.
"\\Tith the pei"mission ofthe CounCil the Warden 'retired from the chair and :LvIr.
Payne was appointed Chairman, pro tem.
Moved by W. MCcredie, seconded by D, Turner,
That the County Solicitor be and is hereby' iilstructec1 to proseclIte all persons
liable, uncler the p~ovisions of the ~uction:eers License By-Iaw.--Carried.
Moved by A. J, Leitch" secoi1decl hy R. R. Cni.nstonj
.,That a grant of $25 be mack hythis COllnciltothe West Elgin .Farmers'
It being six o'c1ock the Chairman adjom'ned the Council until until ten ~'cloi;k
to-morrow ITIorning.
Friday, 7th day' of June, 1889~
'ayat the. CourtHouse, St.Thbm<15,
The Elgin County Council met this
according to adj~~l1'nment.
The vVarden in the chair.
~\.ll the members present:except Messrs. Ba' ey and Jackson.
The proceedings of the previous day were rear nel confirmed,
A communication fron'} the Bureau of Industries .especting .appointment
County Student for the <;~gricllrtural College w~s read.
Moved by W. Baekhouse, seconded by B. E; Dancey,
That the Clerk be'insttucted to insert a notice in two ,,;I the 'Connty' ne\~spnp~l's
that he witrreceive applications from parties desiring to' J;>enominated for. free ad,
mission to and tuition at the Agricultural College, and that the Warden and Clerk
make such appointment subject to the approval of tbis Council at its nextSession.~1
The Report of the Gaol Committee waspresentecl and i'eferrecltoa Coniri.littec'
of the whole, Mr. Cline in the chair.
After discussing the Repor~ the C0l11lidUee rose.
motion ofMr. Cline, seconded j)y Mr. McCredie,
Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by J. Richardson.
That B. E. Dancey be now heard respecting road running across
,and 83, Malahide,and lot 34, Town of Aylmer.-:....Carried;
Moved by T, J. Stalker, seconded bi]. H. Teal~
That the matter, complained df.hy, Mr. Dancey be, referred' to ,the' O?unt'y
this.. aJternoon~:-:::-Garriell...
The Report was. ad()pteilon
~loved by M.Paync; secondec11)y D. McGregor,
That the opinion pf the Solicitor be obtained as .to the . legality of this Council
gra'ntin'ga sum of money to any municipality for the purpose of defraying the expense
~fthe smallpo'x epidemic and that said opinion be given this afternoon.~Carried.
,Movedhy J. L. Lahlbert, seconded b,Geo. M. Smith,
'rhat thi's Conncil reconsider the question or Mr. Hilborn's claim fOf maintenance
o(E;nma E(lkiris..;..~Cf1.rried. '
Movecll)y M.Payne, seconded by Ge'o. W, Best,
Tbat' By-law No. 458, being:it By-law to amend By-law No. 368, be received
r:ead'alirst time~ -Carried.
by w. Backhol~se, seconded py J. H. Teal,
By-law No. 4581)C~ read a second time.-Carried.
lV[:oved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by J., Richardson,
T'hat" By.law No. 458 he rea,c1 a third time and Gually passed.-Cul'ried.
Moved by R. R. Cranston, seconded by J. L.. Lambert;
;J /that' By-faw No. 459, being a By-law to amend By.law' No. 419 arid fix the.
amonutto be paid for licenses by hawkers and pecllel's, be rec~ived and read a first
Moved hyJ. L.Lambert,seconded by R; R.Cranston,
r That.'ny-law No. 459 be read a second time.,...-Carried.
"!I.{oved 'by W. Kirkley, seconded by D. Turner,
ThaLBy-Iaw No. 459 be read a' third time and finally passed.-C~rried.
MovedhyD. McGregor, seconded bvG. W. Best,
That By.law No. 460, being a By-law to raise COlmty Ratesfor 1889 be received
,'ai,drcad a.tirsttime.-Carried.
Movedhy M. Payne, seconded by D. McGregor,
'Th(1.tBy.law'No. 460 be reu(l a second tirre.~-Carried.
l\1oved by. D. McGregor" seconded by lvI' Payne,
That 'By.law -No. ,460 be'read a third time and finally passed.-::'""Carried;
by R. -R. Cranston, seconded by J.L. Lam bert,
Dollars,to pay ,for
of MeUlbersto Honse of Inclnstry.~Carried.
i\Joved by "v. Backhotlse, seconded by D. McGregor;
That the Clerl~ be authorized toprocllre 100 printed copies oLBy-law,4i9and
distribute them to. Members and] llstices of of the. Peace.-Carried.
Moved by W. McCredie, seconded by D. Turner.
That the Clerk be instructed toprocnre a copy of the I ProvincilJ.1. Statut,es, for
each member ohhe County Conncil.-Cal;ried.
Moved byW. 0; Pollock,seconded by.D. Turner,
, .. I
That this Council petition the Minister of Marine and Fisheries to orderaFish~
way placed ill'Turvill's mill dam.-Carried.
Moved by D McGregor, scconded byW. Backhome,
That the telegrau'I receiVed from the County of Kent re appointment'ofa Com.
mitt~e to meet at Bothwell B!idge, be ,referred to Public Improvement Conm,itfee'
with power~-Carried.
Moved by J. H.. Teal,__ secorided by D. McGregor,
That the:Jlistic~sof the Peace in the County 'be supplied with batt'onsfor(listd'~
bution among the different County Constables.~Lost.
YEA::..~Payne, McGregor, Teal, Lyon, Richardson, Stalker, McDpugall,
Kirkley and Pollock-9.
NAys.-::'""Backhouse, Dancey, Garbutt, Leitch, Best, Hathaway,Smith:,
Cran~ton, Turner, Cline and l\1cCredie.-::'""I2.
Moved 'by W. O. Pollock, seconded by A. J. Leitch,
That tl:isCouncil agree to raise the salary orN. W. Moore,ga'oler, tO~706-at
next Session, provided in the meantime he employ only one Turnkey and make
arrangements whereby the services of an extra Turnkey do not exceed $150 .peryear,
thereby saving $200. in totalexpenditure .forgaol salaries.---":Carried.
Moved by W.. O. Pollock, seconded by C. A. Brower,
ThatthisCouncilgran~ thesulnof$5o to W. D. .Hilborn for maintenance
Mis~, Edkins.~Lost.
NAys:--Backhouse,McGregor, Stalker, Best, McDougall, Leitch, Garbtltt,
Hine, 'Dancey, Richardson, Lyon and McCredie.~12.
MQyecl by J. J. Stalker, seconcledby B. E. Dancey,
That the matter cq.mplainecl of by Mr. Daticey be laid over until November.~
The Warden appointed A. N. Cline arbitrator on appeal of Levi Mack et aI, and
Duncan McGregor arbilrator on appeal I. Martin et a1.
M9ved by M. Payne, seconded by]. Teal,
That,on accOunt of the lateness of the hour of ,adjournment and trains having
left, member:::. are .forced to remaill over night in St. Thomas, that theY,receive pay
for'five days.~Carried.
TheWarden then laid before the COl)ncil a letter from an inmate of the House
orIndustry containing cOmplaints against the management of that Institution~
Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconiJedby M. Payne,
That inasmuch as there has been complaints laid before this Council 'by irimate~
of the House ofInc1ustry, that the \-Varden appoint a Committee of two with the
Home of Industry Committee to visit the_ I-louse and report to this Council this
The Warden appointed Mes~;n,. Turner an~l Dancey to go to I-louse of Industry.
Moved b'yD. McGregor, secondeclby J. I-I. Teal, !
ThatthisCotindldo now adjourn to meet at seven 6'clockthis,evening.-:--
The Council reslimed.
'The Report of the Special Committee appointed to visit the House of Industry,
was presentc'a,and adopted on motien of Mr. Dancey, seconded by Mr. Turner.
Moved by M. E. Lyon, . seconded by J. RiChardson,
That this 'Ccmncil after hearing the report bf the Special Committee appointed by
the Warden to investigate the charges laid before them by the inmates ofthe>Hotise
Of Industry, wish toexpress their thanks to the Inspector, Keeper ;nd Matron and
I:IouseofIridustryCommittee, for the able manner in which they are carrying on said
Institutiot)..~Carried. I
Moved by W.McCredie, seconded_by A. N. Cline,
COltnc11 do now adjourn to meet' the third Tuesday in November at two
Tuesd~y, 19th day of November;, .1889.
The Elgin COllnty Councillilet this day at the Court. !Iouse;. St. Thornas",ac_
cording to adjournment.
The Warden in 'tbe chair.
Allthe'members present.
TheVVarden adc1n:ssed the CounciL
The minutes of the last clay of the previous session \vere read and,conf1rnied.
The_ following communications were read:
From Sheriff.Brown, with accot1ntfor office rent.
Referred' to Finance C61i)~
From D., MeGregor, with resignation as Tr,usteeDutton High School.'
to Education Committee.
,Frbm County Council of Simcoe re independent ~body
public and the Railway' Companies. Referred to Petitions
to stand, between the
and Legishition Com.
From C.Chamberlain, Leamingtoh, re licensing s.tanc1ard stallions. Referred
Petitions arid Legislation Committee.
From D. McLaws, with Gi"andJury Presentment. ReferredtoGaolCOmu1ittee.
F~om County Council of Welland re taxation of re~l aildpersonalproperty. R.e'
ferred to PetitioQs and Legislation COrilmittee. t'"
From Dt. Luton,physician'H()use.of Industry,. ;wi'thAnnual Report.
t9,'House 'of Industry Committee.
Fro~nIn"pectorHouse of Industry, with Annual Report. Referred to House of
Industry Committee.
; FromJ. H. Coyne, Registrar, enc1o<;ing letter from Inspector of Registry Offices.
Referred'to Gaol' COll1mittee.
F~omJ. McCausland, County Treasurer. Referred to Fi;ance Committee.
FromJamesA. Bell, report as County Engineer. Referred to Public Improve-
From Comity Council of Euronre width of sleigh runners. Referred to Com-
mittee on Petitions and Legisl,atio,n.
Moved by M. E.Lyon, ,seconded by J. H. Teal,
l'hat t~isCounci1 do now adjourn until to-morrow morning at 10 a. m. to allow
Comniitte'es, to meet.-Carried;
S;ounty Clerk.
H. T. GQDWI1'f,
Weduesday, 20th day of November, ,r~89.
The''Elgin County Council mettl,1is day according to accorclingto adjourflrnent.
The Warden in the chair.
All the merribers present except Mr. I-line. 0
The proceedings of the previous day were readflnd confirmed.
A commllnicationfrom Adjutant J ones of the 25th Battalion was.read.
Moved byR. R. Cranston, seconded by J. L. Lan':tuert,
That the deputation of officers ofthez5th Battalion ,be heard this afternoon,~ t
two o'c1ock.-Carried.
l\iIr. Dancey presented two petitions with reference ;to a road ,betwe~n, Malahide
and Aylmer, which were. referred to,theCommittee.ol1 Petitions and Legisbti6:tl;
Mr; Dancey having made enquiry concerning certain fees received by theC?u~ty
Attorney for attending cases before Justices of the Peace, 1ft. Pollock moved;se~~
ouded by'Mr. Hathaway, ' "
That D. r Donahue,' COllnty Attomey, be heard in reference to the'rriatter.~:
Mr. Donahue addressed the Council.
The petition of J. Coleman and others for' opening of town lirie
mouth'and Southwold,',laid over from last sessiori, was brougl~t l:iefore
and referred toth~ Public Improve'ment Committee.
Moved by B. E. Dancey, secon~ed by J~ Richardson;
That this Couudladjonrn until two olclock p~m.; to', allow Co~mittees to meet.
The:I-IOtlse<.f Indllstry Committee presented their report, which was adopted on
ofMr.,'Hathaway"secondedby Mr. ~JcGregor.
ThePill~l!cImprovement Committee presented their report, which was adopted
onmoti()u'of My. Jackson, seconded hy Mr. Dancey.
Moved hy 1?: McGregor, seconded by M. Payne,
That the depl1tatiol1'ofofficers from the 25th Batt. be now heard.-Carriec1.
C0L.'w. H. lrindsay then flddressed the Council, making application for a grant
to assist in purchasIng helmets for the volunteers.
by D.MeGregor, seconded by M. Payne,
That,thisCol1ncil grantthe'stlm of $lOO to the 25th Battalion to aid the non-
"columission: officers and men in pnrchasing: helmets, said amount to be paid to the
o'l'der'ofCo1.W. H. Lindsay.-Canjed.
The Gaol Committee presented their report, which, was adopted on motion of
Ml'.,Pollock,seeonded by Ivlr. Payne.
The Finance Committee -presented their report; which was adopted on motion of
B~ckllOUSC;, seconded by ~.,.1 r. Lyon.
The)eas aIjd nays being called for were take~ down as follows:-
Y1!:,As.-'-Backhouse, ,Teal; I,yon, Richa-rclson, Bailey, Brower"Hatha;.vay,Pollock,
Smith; Lanibert"Cranston, Turner, Paync, McDougall and Stalker-IS.
NAYs.~Dancey, Garbllt, Leitch, McGregor" Kirkley, McCredie and Jackson.
byW. ~~ackhouf;e, seconded by M. E. Lyon,
the dep\.1tationfrolU the' "button High School Board be now heard.-
Messrs. Stal!{er and Black addressed the 'Conncil.
" Moved 'by W. Back~ouse, seconded by J. H. Teal,
That 'thi~ Council get the County Solicitor's opinion re County"s responsibility
,.Jqrestablishing Dutt()n High School Distriet,for appointing Trustees and for debts
-'~n~i.med by,saidTnistees.~Carriecl.
Movec1by, A. J. ,Leitch,' seconded by ,H. .Garhutt;
ThaUhe ConntySolicitor's opinion be obtained in reference to the legal~ty' df
the.f()rmationof.theTownships of Dt1nwich and Aldborollghinto' a' I-Ii~h$l:hool Dis-
.\loved by M.Payne, seconded by G. Best,
That we do now adjoul'l1 until ten o'clock to-morrow morning, to allow':'Co,in-
mittees to meet.--CarriecL
County Clerk;
Thursc1aY;2Ist day of November; 1889.
The-Elgin County Council met tqis day n,ccording to adjournment.
}~he. Warden iri the chair.
Alltne; meinhers present.
proceedings of the previous day were read and conllrmed./
A communication from J oho Wyatt, caretaker of the Court HQtlse, asking for
increase of salary, wusreacl and referred to the GaolCommitteer
The Committee on Petitions and Legislation presented their report, which was
adopted orimotion of Mr. Dancy, seconded by Mr. Garbutt.
The report of the Equalization Committee was presented and adopted on motion
of Mi. Backhonse, seconded by Mr. Pollock.
']:'heyeas 'and nays being called for were taken down as follows :~
",YEA~.-Backhollse, Lyon, Richardson, Garbutt, Leitch, Bailey, Brower, IIath-
a'Yay,polloc,k, Smith, Lambert, lackson, Turner, l\'lcCredie, Cline, Kirkley, Best'
'NAys.-Teal, pancey, McGregor, Stalker and McDougall.-c-S.
MOi.:~d by W. . Backhouse, seconded by J. I-I. Teal,
TlJat- the Wnrd@nnamea committee 'of fise to draft a scale
Connty ~\tt(Jrney for conduc,ting. criminal prosecutions in the
report at..this.Session....:......Carried
. TheWardenapPo,inted Messrs. Dancey, Leitch, Payne, Turner and Pollock
Moved by M., Payne, seco~ded .by D.McGregor,
of fees to be paid,. the
County of Elgin to
That the,Coullty Engineer proceed as soon as possible to'have constructed on\tijc
COllrt HOllse Grounds proper closet::; for the tlseoC ladies.-Carried.
Mr. Glenn,County Solicitor,ac1clressed the 'COuncil;, giving opinion'te
in c1isputein Dutton IJigh School District.
M o\'ed by Vl. Backhollse, seconded by]. 1-1.. Teal,
That the Cnunty Solicitor beauthorizedto ~llhmit u case to the court, for<opinkill
to. determine 'the following questions; provided all parties ,illtere~ted,'. namely,. t l~e \
Townships of AId borough, Dunwich, Southwold, Yarmouth,' Port StanleY,f!:nd he
Dutton High School Boardconse'nt that stich CUf;e be presented by the said SoUdi or
fur a;lparties.
lr.(I) Whrit Municipalities constitute the PlItton lEg1) School District
By-Laws No. 240, 259, 407, and 408.
(2) In any case IS the Township of Ald borotlgh liable lo' the1said Board
amount cl<:mancled by it fortbe present year.
Moved by\V. McCredie, seconded by Thomas Tach:son,
That -the matter in dispute re DilttonHigh School he laid 0\"(,;[. until the.lanllary
Session. . \
Main motion and amendment lost.
Moved by M. K Lyon, seconded by J. H.;Teal,
That the matler in dispute re Dutton High School he laid over lln'til 'to-liiorr6w
morning to give pal:ties interested time for furtl;ler consideration.-.-Lost.
Moved by D. Turner, seconded by Thomas Jackson,
That the Clerk ne instructed to procure four pair of handcuffs ,to be givellto
cdn'ita'bles Oil an order from the Reeve of any Municipality in the Conn!y..~l,ost.
Moved by D. Turner,seconded by A. N; Cline,
That whereas the e~yens.~of procuring handcuffs for.. County copstables is lar~~
and whereas we be.lieve there,areat present a stlfficie~t number in lhe, COtlIHy,: but
owing to the lack of sOllle organization of the County Constable force nO one is
atithorized to see that hanclcufts are properly distributed or handed over wh,en a con-
l;:table resi&u.~ or cases to act; That we reco\umend the Justices of the Peace at their
pext. meeting to' consider )md' adopt some system of orgatdzatiou of the COLlnty
'Constables and rep?tt to this CO,lIucH at the 'fan nary Session.-Cal'tied.
Mo~'ed by TholU:s Jackson, seconded by D. Turner,
. That whereas by award of arbitrators appointed in 1870 to determine prpportion
payable by the CollU~iesof Elgin~ Kent and Middlesex towards the constrtlction of
~h~firfjt Hothv.'ell bridge. This COUllty waS required to contribi.tte three-tenths of
the~,xpenlie. , The arbitrators arriving at that conClusion in consequence of their being
no railway south of the bridge and a very large amount of tra\'el to Bothwell Station
'from Elgin, and whereas this Council now consider this' proportion is exce,'sive.
That th'eClerk notify the Counties of Kent and Middlesex that the County of Elgin
is: willing to~ contribute one-quarter of future expenses connected with said bridge, and
ifsaidCciluities do not agree to said proportion that the Warden be authorized to ap-
,point nnarbitrator to act on behalf of this County. -Carried.
M6\;ed by A. J. Leitch, seconded by G~ W. Best,
That this Cbuncilauthorizethe County Solicitor to submit to the court the diffi..
'c'ulty'between the Dutton .-High School Board and the Township of Aldborough,
~IS6'to ascertain what Municipalities cooptitllte said High School District.-Carried.
" YEAs.~Lyon, Richardson,Dancer, Hine, Garblltt,tcitch, Best, Bailey,
Br~,wer, Hathaway, Pollock; Smith, Lambert; Cranston, Jackson, Turner, Cline and
NAys.---'-Backhouse, Teal, McDoligall, Stalker, McGregor, Kirkley and Mc-
Crt::die. -7.
Moved byW< Backhouse, seconded by J. H. Teal,
That the Eqnalization Report be referred back to the Commi,ttee for amendment.
The Warden informed the Council that 'Sheriff Brown had sued the Cotmty to
recover ainoll~t paid for office reot, &c.
Moved by A. N. Cline, seconded by D. McGregor,
That Sheriff,Brown's account be'paid.
In amendment.
Moved by \V. Backhouse, ,seconded hy J. H. Teal,
That the Warden be instructed to take legal advice as to the 9ounty'sliability' fo
pay the Sheriff's account.
Original motion and amendment lost.
Moved by D; McGregor, seconded by A. McDougall,
That this Conncil actjollrl) to meet at too'cIock to-morrow morning.~Carried.
County Clerk. )Varden.
Friday, 22nd day of.Noveinber. 1889.
Th1Elgin County Council met this,~day according to adjournment.
'The Warden in the chair.
All,.,the1l!embers present.
The'proceedings of the previous-day were read and confirmed.
, The second report of the 'Gaol Committee was presented and adopted oil motion
'p~'Mr. Pollock,' seconded by'Mr. Hathaway.
'The~econd report of the Finance Committee was presented and adopted on
ii16tion afMt-. Backhouse, seconded by Mr. Teal.
The' Equalization CQmmittee presented their report as amended, whiCh was
~dopte(t: on motion of Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Pollock,
Moved by]. J. Stalker, seconded ~y A. McDougall.
That this Council pay all liabilities of the Dutton' High School Board and close
the. School.--Lost;
Moved by B.. E. Dancey, seconded by M. Payne,
That, the County Clerk communicate with the Treasurers of other. Counties to
asceHa'in the all1Qunt each County Crown Attorney receives for attending County and
I.lo:lice.Magistrate's Criminal Courts.-Carried.
Moved by B.E. Dancey,. seconded by C. A. Brower,
That the account of L. Pierce for $2.5o(or two trips to convey Joseph Eaton to
Hoilseof Jndustry, be pilid.-Carried.
The County Solicitor then gave his opinion with reference to road between
,Malahideand Ayll~ler.
,vW~Backho~lse, .sec.~nded by J:H.Teal,
That after hearing opinion of County .solicitor wc take no action in'th~ mattt;r._
Moved by VV. Backhollse,secondcd by G. W. Be!':t,
That the Sheriffs claim for office rent be hitnded to the County
!':tructions to defend the same.-Carried.
Moved by']\L Payne, seconded by A. :McDougali,
That D. McGregor be allowed to withdraw hisresign'alion as Ti.ll:~tce, pC [he
Dutton I-ligh School.-Carriec1.
Move,d by D. Turner; seconded by W. McCredie,
Thaqhe resollltionpassed on 25th November, 1880, with reference to
Co~nt}' Attorneys attending 1~agistrate's Courts, be rescindcd.-Carried. '
Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded hy J. L. Lambert,
That By-lay.' No., 4~r, being a By-Law to grant the slim of one hundred dollars
to the 25th Bliltlali~n be received and read a first time.-Carried.
Moved by W. Kirkley, seconded by G. M. Smith,
. I
'That By-Law No. 461 be read a second timc.-Carried.
Moved by). L. Lambert. seconded by Thomas Jackson,
T~at By-Law No. 461: be read a third time and finallypassed.-Carried.
Moved by Thomas lad.:son, seconded by D. Turner;
Thllt By"Law No; 462, being a By. Law to allth()rize the Warden to appllint
arbitrator to settle proportion payable by County of Elgin to Bothwell bridge, ,be
ceived and read.it first time.-Carried.
Moved by Thomas Jackson, seconded by D. Turn~r.,
That By-Law No. 462 be read a second time._Carried.
Moved by J. L. Lambert, seconded by Thomas Jackson,
That By-Law No. 462 be read a third time and fin'ally passed.~Carried.
Moveclby M. E. Lyon, seconded by John Teal;
That Br-Law No. 463, being a By-Law to cohtlrm theEqua.li~ati~n. o'fthe
A-~sessment Rolls of the Cmmtyfor IS89, be received imd read a first'tim~;:-Carried;
Moved by A;.J. Leitch, seconded by- H. Garbutt,
That. By- L.'l W N 0'463b~. rea<l~ seS'<?llglirpe_;-::-,ntrrie'rl..
rvrovedby r. Richardson, seconcled by R. Binc,
\':",,:,', ' '---
ThatBy-Law No. 46Jbe read a third time and finally p.l.ssed.~Carrie(L
i\1<Jv'!fcl byB. KDancey,,,seconc1ed by R. Hine,
this Conl1ciladjonrn to meet at 2 p.m.~Carried.
";The,CounCil resnmed.
Moved by]. L .Lambert seconded ,by G. M. Smith;
,That the County SoliCitor be authorized to submit a case to the Court for opinion
(letermine,the following questions, provided all paitiessllppo3ec1 to he intere:;;ted,
(';onsentth_at suchco.se be.presented'bY,thesaidsoJiCitor for'ull the parties.
What municipalities constitute the Dlltton High School District under By-
240, 259, 407 and 4b8?
In, any case is the To\vnship of Aldborough liable to th,e said board for the
amo:unl demanded by it for the present year?
ITI. !s the Dutto'n I-ligh School legally constitu~ed.-":'Carried.
M;ovedby W. McCredie seconded by ThomasJus:bon,
'~'hnt:theClerk be authorized to procure the usual supply of Assessment and Col-
lectq!:'s'lrolls and EleGtion' Blanks for use oEthe different Municipalities in the County.
Moved by Thomas Jackson seconded by D. McGreg,or,
That the Clerk get the minutes of the Council and reports of Committees printed
distributed by'pecember I'Sth..c-Carried.
i\.fovcdby R. ,R. Cranston, secoi1dedby Thomas Jackson,
ThatthisCoun~il grant the Warden the sum of fifty dollars for extra servicesdu.
ring the year.-....:Carried.
Moved:~yM.' Payne seconded by J; Stalker,
That the thanks of this' Cou.l1cil be arid are hereby tendered tathe Warden,
Clerk;.Treasurer, Solicitor.; Eng,ineer and other County' Official:;; for their- efficient ser"
during'the:' Dast year..~Cal'ried.
Dancey seconded, by J. Richardson,
That this COlmcil adj,ourn sinedie.-Carrie~t
K. W. McKAY,
County Clerk.
H. T.
@F \U@)ln~lI[][1'rTEESiJ
:'.}~epOrt of Cotnmittee'appointed to strike standing Commi'ttees for 1889.
Cran'ston amI McGregor.
JUc1i.:sori, Cline, Bailey,,, Dancey and McDougall.
and Payne.
Backho\lse"Tllrner, Stalker, Hine and Lyon.
Teal Lambert, Pollock, LeiteE, Richardsoil,McGregor,
'Garbutt, Browerj' Best, Kirkley and McCredie.
To the Warden and CouncH of the 'County of Elgin :
The Committee on Financeheg leave to report, that having exami'n:.ed,intojhe
financeS of the' Conoty, arid .the estimates prepared by the Comity Treasurer, they
herewith submit a statement of the expenditure required fOf the lawful purpos,es ofXhe
County-during the year 1889, showing the amounts required to be raised fortheull~
Canada' Southern Railway Debentures.. l.. ......... .$IOiOOO o~
" ". Coupons.................. 1,20000;
Administration of Justice ......................... 3,000 00
County Lines andB~idges.................. . >...... 8;000 00
House or Industry ................... .......... 4,000 00
High,Schools.,... .,. . '," .... ....... ... ........ .... 5,350'00
Model Scho61 .... ...... .............. ........ .... (So 00
School Inspector.......... ................. .'..... 78000
Officers' Salaries..,.. .'......... ....,............. 2;506,00
Payment of Jurors................. ... .... ........ 2,000 00
Crown 'v\'itnessess. .',..'........................... , 400 00'..
Interest on Bills Payable, . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 300 00
Members' Wages and Conllnittees. ........ .... ...... 1,00000
BillsPayable....,... .... .... ...... .'.... ... ... ""', 320,00
Common Schools equivalent to the Legislative Grant.; 3,376 00
Your Committee would recommend that the sumo(Thirty' Nine
lars .be raise~ ~n all the r~teable property in the several
of Elgin buring. the year 1889 for,.County purposes'as per
and that requisite By~Laws be passed to 'levy a rate of T\vo
Mills on the Dollat on the rateable property in th~ sever~l, Municipa1itie~
tyofElgin as _.equalized for the preceding year, to raise said amounts
School Grants, and ,that the Slnn of Three Thousand, Three Hundred
Six ,Dollars, be iaisecl in', the several Township' Municipalities only for COlumon
equi~alent,to the'l,ov'ernm~llt Grant and as'ljroportioned 'and',r,equired by the
tional,Depart,ment and entered in,the'following Schedule underthe heado'f
Railway ICom monl Totals.
Rate. Schools,
Al(lbm'o'ugh ............................ $3,162
,.I)lin,I:'>'ich.. ........................ ..... 3.857
'Southw,old .... ........................ 5,.541
':.ya'rrnouth~'......,. ..... ..,. ........ 5,689
Ma'lahide ..... .,...,.,...... ........ 4,170
;;'.Ba}'h~n1. .:~... .,............ .'.........". 2,036
'Scmth: D,orchcstcr .. .'. .... ........ ..... .... 2,380
'Y~1~~d~~:' .,.: ::..'~ :~.. :::::..:::::: :::::.. ~~:
Port St,lnley. ......... ......... ......, 125
SprmgfH(l ., .'~...... .........,.......... 127
ofwhichisre"pectfully sulnn;tted.
S:omulitteeRc;om, St. Thomas,junc, 1889,
W. BACKHOUSE, Chairman.
1'0 'the Itl,gin COllntyColmc~l:
G(omtie:men-The'Finan'ce ,Committee beg leave to Report:
j;hatSheriif Brown's account for office r,ent .be not paid:
2., _,That we recol1uncnc1the County to pay the TownshijJ of Yarmollth interest
'~tthc'rnteofsix pcrc.ent. per annum fro'mNovember 6th to DeCdllber 51st on FQur
Th9'11sailCl Dollar~a'dvanced on County Rate.
,3. \Ve r~commend the' Council to pass a By-Law' al1t,borizing the Warden and
. ,,,T;'easllre'rt~b:)l'row thc SlUn of Five Thousand Dollars as required, until the County
: Rates~re paid in.
:','\":,":'4'~' That th~ action of the Warden and Ti.easlll'9; in decidingnot to have a sale
of:la~d..ror 'taxesthisyenr be confirmed.
5. Tl;1ut th\e'account of ].alnes B~in& Co., for books for Local ['-'later's office,
umolinting to ,$4 be paid.
Al~ cif which is respectfully 'submitted.
W. BACKHOUSE, Chail'p1un.
I<~LGl:\' COO,NT\' COUNCIL PROCrr,El)l1,\GS,
To the Elgin CODl1ty Council:
Gentlemeri,~The Gaol Coflimitteeh,~g leave to j'eiJort:
That the Artesian wel! has been pllt do\vo .to a depth of two hundred
feet, ,c8sedwith fiw lnchstccl casing throughout: I
That at 8 depth q( 2<j.ofeet a bed of gravel \Va;; ~tl'l1ck that proved, to
feddeep and so full of w"lter that when the c<lsing was put down; the
\v,ithin a few'reetor the surface.
This well imures n supply of pUl'e W<lter for the-County bllildings,..and
believe, be(:'nthe means '')[infol'll1ing the City Council that a. lal'gebcd of
clerlies the, city.' They al'c.0-t present. boring a wel! with the intention of improving
their water works sy~tem,ifthe supplyi.'; foundsllfficient.
The cost of the wel1, with pump complete, is .$882 50.
The contractor, .\Ir. Savilge, owing to the unlDoked for difficulties
hns llallded'us 11 statell"ip,;t;, shQwing that' his expenses unci :foul'ty'foi.lt <laysthne:
amoullted to $i,006 rS",not .including price of pump; $69')0, 'und that- he
to the extent ()($r93 I13. \Ve leave it la/the C(lUncii to decide how
titiec1to, over amLabove theall10unt already paid.
V\;e have ll1uch plep.slire in testifying to thesatbifactory manner in wh'ch
vage carried out his contract. . I
\Ve have received an application from N; \V. Moore, Gaoler, fo.r' an
salary and refer 1he matter to the dOLlncil 'for their cOl1sideni.tion.
All ofwhid-l is_ respectfuIly submitted.
W. 0; POLLOCK, Chairman:
Report adoiJted in. Comlllitt7e of the..Whole, _ with decision notto:i)ay any{urt'her
aniounfto Mr, Savage. . ,
To th~ Elgin' 'to'unty Conncil ;
Gentlemen,-TheGaol Coml\littee beg lea\:e to report:
That 'a desk be procured for the County' Registrar, by the Cle,rk, subjeCt
approval Of the Regi.~trar.
'fha't the 'balance of the communicationre-;:eived from the Inspector of Reg-
be refe'rred, to the January session.
":', ., I',
Tha~ W~th'reference to' the Grand Jury presentlnentl:eferred to us, we believe
ofthewateriri the artesian well is improving,arid that iron'rlld, frtHll the
the cause of the complaint, is disappearing: We have ascer.
it .would cost Twenty-Fiye Dollars to have this water analized,- but did
the Circuill~tances warranted the expenditure.
is respectfully submitted.
I 889.-Adoptec).;
w. O. POLLOCK,Ch'airman.
To the Elgln,CountyCollricih
Qentlerren-The Gaol Commit~ee beg leave to report: I
.. . " .
Th~'tthe:application of John Wyatt, caretaker of Court House and Offices" for an
increas,e of salary;, be la"id,over until the January session.
,All of which is respect/uHy s.ibmitted.
W. O. POLLOCK, Chairmari.
To the Warden arid Members of the Elg"in County Council:
Gentlemen,-:-The Committee on Petitions and L,?gishi.tion beg/leave
r. That no action be ta,ken with;reference to comluunication from
Waterloo, asking far petition fat' Amendments to the Act \
Pedler~' Licenses.
2. "Ve have considered the communication from the COlmty of 13ruce
recommend that this Council petition the OntarioLegislaturc to amend the
meilt Ad, so as to allow' Township and Village Corporations to, den I . with
' delit.lan~ls, and conduct"tlleir sales of land for taxes in the same manrier'as
cities and" fowns at, present.
3. That no action be taken in reference to petition from the
ameI;1dment of l'vIunicipal Act, by r:irovicling for construction of roads
local' improvements.
4. "That we have con~idereclthe request or ,the City of Ottawa for Ollr
~ion, in a petition, to' do away with lax exemptions, ancl/would recom"mend
action be taken in the matter. '
5. Tha.t'Roswell Tomlinson be granted a free Hawker ,and .Pedlers
reqnested by petition referred to liS.
6. That'as requested by theCollnty of Oxford, We petition the House
mons to pass an Act to prohibit the importation, nlanllfac~tll'e and sare of
liquors asa be\'erage in this Dominion.
7. That the second communication from the County bf Oxfotd,benot
in, but that OUr Representative in. the Legislative Assembly be.iequested, to
any legislation that will cprUiil and lim~t the powers bf County
police magistrates and other officials of the cOtinty, w9ose'duty bringsthelt).
connection with the COllntyCo~tncil, and the duties and expenditures
their offices. And 'that this Council petition the~egislative Asse~ply to
I. F~rthe election of all cO.~lIltro'fficia]s paid by:fees. '.
H,' For tbe.appoiritment byCdunty Councils of all officials.pairc1 pa.~.tl'y
and 'partly salary ,received fro'lltl~e'Governmentand\ou~ty,. said ,appOi\ltment
?<.\Pl)roved l)ythc GovernmciH before,being confirmect
by the County C(~l1ndl o(all officials whose salaries 'are
of.which is respectfully submitted.
18819. \ B. E; DANCEV, Chairman.
abov~ report was- referred ,to a Committee of the Whole, and the first clause
ancLpctition ordered as requested by County \V<lterloo,
5. vVith l'eference to the two petitions received
and Town of Aylmer, we rec<mlll1ellll the Coullcil to
Solicitor for his opinion.
All of which is respectfully ,:ubmittt"l
November 21st, J8t~9.
}J., E. DANCJ~Y;:
Legistation beg leave to report:
h'aw considered the communication receji,'ed from the r>.fayor ofo.Hawa
co-operation hy appointment of a representath'e to attend general
held 'to disCllSS xemiAioris and otherl~eeessary
'law, ,~nd would recon1meNl this Council to take no action in the mat-
June, 1889.
B. E. DANCEY, Chairman.
TO:lhe Elg;n CountyCOllllCil:
(l,entlemell,c-TheCo'mmittec on Petitions and Legislation beg leave to report:
TI~atthe.;petitionfrom County of I-Imon, re width of sleighs, be not eu'ter.-
That the communication from Charlers Chamberhi.in, of Leamington, re !icen-
stallions be not entertained.
3- That the Coundlpetition the qritario Legislature, asreqllested by the
COI,lllt.yofWellancl to amend the Asses.':iment Act in such a manner as to enahlethe
<real property of Railways to beassessedattlre actual cashvuli.le which it has rea\,:hed
l:Y..l'cason.o'ftheuse to which it h; put
That this. Council. petition tIle Honse of COl'n.mons to appoint ariindependent
to stand be~ween the public and the Railways, for hearing and determining ap
~O!u,pl~hlts relati;lg to,discriminations etc., a~ l'eq~ested by the County 6f'Simcoe.'
Ell:!"!" COll:'<TY COOS"CIL I'ROn:EDI:-<GS.
, To t!teWarden nn;J Mernhers ()f the Elgin County Council
,Gentlemen,~I have the honor of submitting for your consideration my report all
the,PublkSchodsfor the year 1888~
Thotigh nothing of an lInusual nature has occurred in the Schoolwork, yet'thele
"'ii~,~loretrogmdc moveln'ent;;lo he reported. There is about the same clas~ of teach-
,e{:~in ?h~rge of the Schools alHlthe trustees are nmch the same from year to year;
'p('la~ly two-Ih'irel>: of the teachers are young men and women yet in their teem;.
~itheu~ exception' I believe the teachers of Elgin arecollscientious, industrim1s
'Ytork'ers.' TheTru~tees are generi'll1y in accord with me with respect to the necessity
(lfprov-iding warm and 'healthy school houses, properly' furnished and supplied with
, s~i~rihle apparatus.' M i1<':h more could bp'dolle by both teachers and trustees in sttpplyirig the
,',schbOls \vit~'objects to be used in illustrative teaching. l'or instance, simple obj~cts
',' and pkturcs' are a great advantage in teaching beginners to read ancI to take the first
, Neps,~~'ex'pressing their thbughts in lanzuage,6rst orally then in writing. Again,:a
, ~child,"v~uj<11~arn fa,r more intelligently the weights and measures, their values and
'r~l~tions,byactt1allY seeing and handling these weights and measures than lJY com-
mitti~g tables 10 memoq. A5 in former years I have taken the ~tatistics from my
:~ulIlIn~ryreport to the l~onomble the Minister of Edu'cation.
Receipt".- 1
Balance fromI887....,.. .,. ... ..,.... ........ .,;.$11,39058
A1{lountfrOl'n grant.s and taxe~ raised for Trustees..... 61,925 81
TotaL,..,..........., .$73,3J6 39
1887.... ............... ....... .. 69,445 74
................ ...............$ 3,87065
Total Receipts
T()tal Expendi,turefor J888.. . - . . .. . . . .
Total Expenditure for 1887."" .,....
.......;... .$61,554 13
......... .",.58,24050
Increase;..... ..... ~..;$ 3.31363
" Balance in Trusteeshands $II',762.26~ The averagecost p~rpllpil for the whole
'Co,tnity,inchidinipeaehing,'btiilding"repairing,fumisbing,. etc., wa::;'$8~bO. Taking
the average attendance the cost was$I7.6o. Two. schools received
from their Municipal Council and alsnrecch.ed aid from theP'()(lr School
There were one hundred rural an? threeVil1ageSections in the
New Sections are being [mined where it is deemed exped~ent, and
19, Malahicle, has been done awa~with.
There were 104 School Houses, containin& 123 depflrtnients, 49
brick and 5S'framc bllildings,all with twq exceptions'ousites belonging
CnArboi'Day, the first Friday in May; there were ,367ttees
about the School yards. In a few years when the many trees that
ha\;e grown toa sufficient size.to afford a protection. from
and shelter from the hot summer snn, the School premises will present Cl
appearance from what' some of them do now.
There were 123 teachers in the Schools last year, S6 gentlemen and 67
of these held third class certificates,.4J held second, class certificales,and
first.class certificate~ The total anunal salary paid to male teachers w~s
being an average of nearly $401. The total salary paiclfenple teachers was
being an 'aver~ge of slightly more than $284.
The reported School population of the County was 8,692. In 1887 it
The totaluumher who attended Schooldllring 1888 was.7,666.
1,026. children of school- age in the County were not at school last year.
afboy::; waS4,OII, and of girls 3,655. The average attendance was 3,497,
over 45% per 'cent.
Compul.sory altendancewas not enforced as you will see,fl'Omthe
There were seventy-four cl1ildren between.theages of7 ,and.. 13 who,
scboollast year" rind r ,691 who did not attend the lOo'days as
, ",' , '. .
The number of pupils in part first class.......
" " " secon(lclass.
", iieconddass'. . . . . . . ..
"thitdclasss... .;;.
fourth class. \......
, fifth class:.. .....,.
~ealth and intelligence for the rising generation, and thanking all for
,me, I have the honor to be, gentlemen,
Yom- obedient servant',
Numher of Maps....., " ,.., .,......... .894
<l' 0Iobes............... .......\00
II Hlackboards......... ........ .302
are stin deficient in good Dictiona:ies, Gazetteers, &c., many were
amI I have hopes that many more will be added this year.
St. Thomas,May 31st, 1889.
only 56 publie Examinations held last year,while there shll\.tld h,we'"
held each half year.
prize$ were given.
224 visits mn:cle 'by Tm;tees, 33 by Clergymen and 489 by other
the Association last year in April. . r-..Ir. Houston,
Assembly, who is an eminent Eriglish scholar, discussed
Public Schools. The meeting was considered a great
School is ~tiU held in the Central School, St, Thomas; with Mr.
last year~ There were 28 Teachers in training, of \vh011125 reo
class certifioates.
training pursued at the' Model School is of great value to young
result the presentation and'teachingoi the different subjects of the
improving. While the Model .School is so valltable in,'.
teachers in training with good methods of teachingj it - iste be regretted
does not afford better faciliti~s for acq~tiring a pni.~tical
and management of ach'aracter similar to thaln,-
TheE~lucalion Committee beg leave to report
That the snm cif $50 he granted to defray' expenses of (1i~tribntingPublic
promotic>ll examination papers and printing.
Thu,ttheactollnt of the C0l1l1ty Board of Examiners amounting to $59.65 be
4. That the communication from J. 13. Dow, Secretary Provincial
Tiustees Association be laid over until the No\'ember Session.
AlJ.of which is respecth~lly sul)miUed.
Council Chamber, June 1889.
That the following accounts for -High School Entrance Examinations be
To the Elgin CalHllY Cciuncil :
Gentlemen,~ The Education Coullnittee beg 'h:uve to report
J.' That the communicfltion from the Pl'ovincial Trust'ees
Vienna High SchooL..;.... ..... . $32 76
Aylmer High School.... ...... .... .... 20 50
Dutton High SchooL.................. 40 8~
That the grants to High Schools be the same as r888, vir. :--
Aylmer....... ... .......... .$1,700
Dlitton.".. .'... ............ 1,500
S,L.. Thomas ...... ......,. 1,400
\'lenna.......,.... ......... 750
Oi'i cdnditioll,that all County pupils are admitted to said Schools free of charge.
2. That the accounts for conducting High School Entrance Examinations
paid as foIlows':~Vienna'$28; Aylmer $7l.76; Dutton $59:55.'
3.~That theresignationofD. '.J)1cGregor, Trusteeo.f the ,Dutton ~-ligh School
be laid over ~lJltil the, January Sessioll,as all appointments are made at that time.
All of:ivhich iS1resp.ectfully submitted.
November21, 1889.
ANDREWN. CLINE; Ch~irmrtn.
All of whiCh is respectfully submitted.
ANDRE\\r N. CLINE, Chairman.
Committee'Room"Janllary 24. 1889.
To the, E1gin'Collnty Council:
Geiltlemen,--ThcEducationCommittee beg leave to report :-
1. That the report of'lV. Atkin, Public School Inspector, beadopte.c1 andprint,-
edwith the minutes.
2. That thenppeal of Levi l\Iack and five others from Yarmouth asking for the
formation'ofanew School Section be entertained, and that the Warden name one
'a'rbitrator to aCt with the Judge apd Inspector to settle the matter.
3. ,.That the appeal of]. Martinanc1 five others asking for a new School Section
il1.Yarmouth beeritertained,and thatthe Warclcn appoint an arbitratoras required by
Pitl)lic:Sch<)o! Aqt.
St. 'rIw,mu:j, JuntlarY2znd, 1889.
Council of iheCOllllty of Elgin:
beg leave to submit the foHb\ving l'eport :
Hlee'ting of the Pttblic Improvement COmmittee of this County and Mid.
'll1et,at the COllIltybuilding~, London, on Decelilber6th, to open tenders for
re-h:uildi,ng ()fthe,Warcls~'ille Bl'idgl:.
following terid(~l's were received f~r stone work and conc,rete:..,.-
Concrete per cut yd. Stone Work per cut yd.'
,GeotHeard,&Co,.. ,......."......:..$750 $II5o
John, Elliot..... ...,............ ......... 5.75 1400
E.&C' Farquhar.,................... 500 1400
FJpc1c& Batc()ck,... "...... ............. 450 13 25
English & Crotlse...;........ .......... 47$ II 75
Essen&'Fallows...,.,....,. .........600 1525
TheteiHler or ,English & Crouse being the lowest was acceI)ted by 'theCoD1c
. " ' ,
"Ti1etenc1er fOr the irod f;t1perKtrllcture anel iron abutment 'were as 'follows ::-
CentrulBridge \Yorks....... .,............. ... ... .$5,670- 00
Qomin'ionBridge Co'.,... ...... ...,....'... .,. 7,00000'
Kincardine Bridge Co.,...... ........ ....,....:... 5,74000,
Hamilto~iBridgc' Co.. ..........,.................. 6,401 75
vVecldell,}3ridge Co............. ............. . .... 6,84600
The tender of the Centntl Bridge WorkB, of Peterborough was accepted bytbe
~ an ~greemellt 'has been entered into by themfo\' the completion of the
of the Counties were instructed to sell the old brhlge bypublic
the highest bidder.
of McGillivraYl was appointed inspector of masoneryat $2.50
with instructiollsfrom the Gaol Committee I advertised for tenders
anartesia'n'wcll at.,the C0U11tyBuilding hereJor,the purpose of getting a
ofgoocLwater for the Gaol and Court 'House. The' CCH:omittee rt,et
Rl.GI:-l'COUl\'l'Y COUNCIL_I'Rocr~lmINGS.
and opened the tenders and awa,rded the contract to John Savage, qf
$~.,25 per leriialfoot of depth bored, his being thelowet tender. The well
bore'd to the,rock unless a f;ufficient,snpply is f;trllck sooner, the hole
ihches in diame'te'r and to be cased with six inch casing.
All of which is' respectfully submitted.
JUNI-: slCssroN;.\
To the Warden and Men-ibers of the Elgin County Council:
, "
Gent,!cn-icn,-,-_ r beg leave to report to yobr honorable body as f\)110\vf;.:
011 accoullt of there being no freshets during the ,f;pring, thert;: his
no damage done to brielge-s thrpughout the county, and, consl;quently
le'ss 1\~pairs n,eces;myto fit\helllUp for the summer travel.
The contractors for the stone work of tlie "Vard~ville' bridge hiwl'1'
work ftnd have a large amOlint oflimterialon hanel. The recent freshet
the'msome ill sinking the pits for the foundation of the sh?ne \\'o~k;
Itl accOl'clance with the wishescif the -petitioners,the commissioner for- th'e
of Middlesex and myself h~ve located the site (lfthe newstructUl"se,so that
enclwill be a littlefill'ther up stream than the old site~ This\~il1: nmke,
when built,,in a: sti'aigl)t line with the road running_north throllghMosa.
Th~,bridge' on the county line between Bayharri unr.l Middleton,
brapch of the Otter creek will require to be rebnilt this year. This bridge is
about amile and a half east of Eden, in the township of Buyham.
I would I'ecommend. that the ,Fillmore' bridgc,which was rebuilt last year', be
\vithoxide of iron and"linseed o'iJ:
I am hri.vingr,epairs Inade at present to several bridges,
briclg: over the'Cat(ishCH-;Clc' and the St. George .~trcet bridge over
All qf which is r~spectful1y subinitted.
C '
JAS..A. ',nELL"County
To, the Warderi .nnd. M embers of the Elgin COllrity'Council .: ,\
Gentlelllen~--;Ibeg to slibl~\t you the . fo1l9wingrepOl:t oil'the wqr~done
Ollt'tl:e' C?lll)ty ~ince your, last. nle~ting;
,Thehticlgc ovcr a branch of the Otter cre,:k, between the town .hips of Bay-
\'Iidclletorl,for which I prepared plans and Spt~cificationslha:; been completed:
The,Phillmore bl'~4ge,over.thc Otter creekl between the townships of Bay-
has heenpainted.
was necessary t(l' take clown thewholt: of the superstructure Qf'the
on the road leading to Fingal,betweell the city of St. Thp-
and put in new chcirds'ancl' other material in',thesamc and also
of the ablitlllents.' This has, now been completed.
I ~t]~(JfQund it necc!isary"to pnt almost a new >mperstrtlcture in one of the
th~Zavftz bridge, which is between Yarmouth and ~outhwo]d antI over Ket-
creek~ This has also been (01)lpletecl in a satisfactory manner,
The stone vi'ork tor tM-:Warcl~ville bridge is complet~,d and the erection of
superstrt1ctt1~eis progressing rapidly. The old wooden structnre has been
contract fOr the approaches' let. The township of Aldborough is making
job of grading the hil~ to approach this brk!gc,
your Public ImpmvementComhllttce met a-similar comnlittee from the
:Co\tnties of Kent.ancl'Middlesex, at the tQwn of Bothwell, on the 25th clay of Jline
.:l~,st:.t~ exanl1ne :and take. intoi::onsideration the advisabilit)'C{f rebuilding the_Bothwell
)~ri'(lge, , After examining the present !itrtlcture, thejointcomm'ittce met and passed
th,e fo11Q'Ying resolntions:
. I~, Thatinthe'cipinionofthi<: comnliuee it is necessary to build a new bridge to
~~keth;cplaceofthe present structure, and that'wetecommend to our severalconn~
'fyCOtlD9ils tnat 'the new bridge be built of stone and iron, and that it be built next
~~ar,ancl th~l-th(l pre:;ent bridge be repaired so as to keep it passable until the erec-
,tiollpf the new structure. '
That the matter, relating to the style and construction of the ne\v bridge be
ieftorr,er~rred 'by this committee to the engineersofthe three counties, and if umllli-
I;liom:;int~eir opinion, this committee adopt their report, ani:lif not unanimous, that
this60mn1ittee be ~ecaned to considerthe"matter in accordance with the above. reso-
lutj'Qrl5:; l"metthe engineer!i of Kent and Middlesex at the Bothwell brir1ge, 'on the
, ;''.istoingt',',and:'after,nla.kinga survey ot,the site, the engineer~ . unanimously ,concluded
,I.t(l,recoin,luend ,t6theirseveral. Councils the bllilding of an iron bridge, consisting 'of
\twospa\lsjeach'of-bi).feet, res't,h)g on a stone abutment atthe south end, astone pier
. Thenpproximate cost of which
will beabout$23,OOO. This co'l1l1ty \vill have to pay three~tblthsof the cost of this.
R I(your hcinontblcbody decide to proceed with the erectirm of this
will be necessary to empower your Public ImprovcmcntConllllittee to
and award the contract for rebuilding the same, in conjunction with the
9. I have had all the repairs made that I deem necessary to
throughout the county.
All of which. is respectfully s1.Ibmitte(t
J.~S. A.
2. That while we admit there is a grievance as complained (if by the petition of
J. Coleman and others, we would recommend that the consideration of saidpetiH,ol1
be left over until the J anuar)' session of this Council, and that in the:. meantime .we'
would advise the townships of Yarmouth and SOllthwold to come to some 'amicable
settlement in the matte\".
3. That the Public Improvements Committee meet and inspect the \Vardsville
briclgewhenit is completed.
All of which h; j'espectflllly sllbri1itted.
Warden and COl1ncil.ofthe County. of Elgin:
leave to submit the fol
regard to the petition of .I-I.McVicar and others asking for a change hi
of theWaldsville bridge, your committee would recommend that the
mu"tter' l?e, left 'in the hands of the engineers of tbe two counties" with power :0 make
thedetired change, if they think it is in the interest of the county to do s(;, and that
theClerk.at once notify the Comity of )'1irldlesexof the action of this Conncil.
All ofwhlch is respectfully submitld.
Tl-I01VJAS JACKSON, C~airmaIl.
St. Thomas. N(Jv. 20, 1889
To-the Warden arid Council of the Connty of E'\giti
Gentlemcn,--YourPnblic Improvcment Committee beg leaye to report as f91-
J. We would recommend that the Engineer be instructed to act with the Connty
in rebuilding a bridge O\"cr a branch of the Otter creek, be'tween the to'wn-
and. Middleton.
2. We ;woilld also recommend that the Phillmore bridge be painted with-two
of oxide of iron and linseed oil.
All o~'which i's. respectfully submitted.
Chairman pro tern.
To the Warden and.Conncil of the 'Cbunty of Elgin:
Gentlemen,""""':'Your Public Improvements Committee beg leave to report:
1; That the report of the COllnty Engineer be adopted, and that the j'ublic 1m-
Cm'nmittee_be empowered to receive tenders, and award the contract for
the Both.well bridg.e in conjullctitm with the other counties interested.
Under the new flg,reement the County will receive $756 more per
All of which i~ respectfully submitted;
H. T.
Council Chamber, June I889.-Repo'rt adoptt'1d:
.rUSTlC!!:, Kl'C.
To the Elgin County Council:
Gentle'meri,-,--The Special Committee appointed to make arrangement>j with the
Thomas, fo\' payment of adnlini,;tration of Justice and_ other expenses, beg
Thatpnthe 24thJailllal'Y they met a committee from the CityC0l111Cil anddecid-
edthat the City should pay oll(~-fifth of admini~tration of J u.;;tice and alIother accounts
Which the City isreql1ired to contrihute, but not including Gaol expenditure, which
dividccUn proportion of City to County prisoners.
The actual average cxpendittu.c (luring the last five years to be taken as a basis.
On the 24th of April another l'neeting of the Joint Committees was helel when
stitelllcntfJshowing the Rctuul average expencliture for five years previous to Jariuary.
1st, 1889, were presented unci examined, and the amountto be paid by the City of
St..Thon~as, for fiveyear<;, commencing on January 1St, 1889, was fixed at $2,830 70
" divi(H~da" follows:
Achnininhtration of lu~tice ..............$
l'aymentof J tirol'S. . . .. ...,.......... .
Division Court Jurors' Fund .............
Gas ...... ............... .... ............
\Vater ..... .......,...... ~'.,. ....... ....
Sundries'. '... .. '.' .... ...... .... . ......,..
County Building:; Repairs. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regi:;try Of!1ce Expenses .. .. . . . . .' .'.
Salary of Caretaker County Buildings. . . . . .
Rent County COllrt Clerk'?IOffice'~" . . . . . . ,
Gaol Expenses . '. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . , . . . ..
845 00
553 76
6 04-
47 79
6 80
2 53
403 IO
75 43
Total........$ 2,830'70
The agreel11cntthat expired on the JIsI December la:it, 6xedthe amount pay~ble
'l)r..~heCi.ty at$2,iI7 -70, incluclin'g$491)alancedue.on share 9f; ;aol Impr'ovemeilt.
T9:}hec'ElginCoun~y Cmi'ncil :
Gent1emen,~The 'House of Ii1dll"try Committee begs leave to report:
That t~ey have had under consideration an 'application from the Inspector of the
Honse of, Indtlstry for. an increaseofsaJary, and'wou]d recommend that a By-
rjas~ed fixing his sala~y at $150 per annum,
B, F, HATHAWAY, 'Chairman.
~~.theE]gin County Council:
Gen'tlemen,-The I-Iot~se 'of Indt1stry Committee beg leave to report:
, .
That ,they met three times since last session and found everything in,good or-
.,:', , ,2. :'flUlt, on 'the recommendation of Dr. Ryerson, Etlgene Spellmim'has been
;sen'ttotheToront6 General Hospita], to have his eyes operated upon. The cost to
,t~e 'Cci~mty ~m be small,
3. That they have extended the sY$tem of tile drainage on the farm, at an ex-
ofThirty-Five Dollars and Sixty.Four Cents,
4. That Jhc number of inmates during the winter reached Eighty-Five, and had
the'~~1Ull-pox not intel:fered with ,the admission of inmates from part\of the county,the
'hlurlber would have been much larger. That the number of male inmates :was '61,an<1
f~.rhal.e. 24. The 'accommodation pr'~vided for the male inmates was crowded to its
'..1" .
. f,ullest extent,andalllhe cottage accommod,ation avai]ablewas occupied.
5; Vourcommittee recommend the erection of a new wing on the west side of
I,thepresen~ building, Estimated cost. $2,000. If,this is done there will be accom-
"'trlbd~tionfor about 120 inll:l.~tesJ withomcrowding. Suitable bathrooms.can be pro-
:v,idedanda separate ward for inmates confined to their 'bed::;,
, ; .~'rov.isions can also be made for the cOlnplete se'paration of the sexes, a matter
,that:w~u;, ovel:lo,o!<ed, in. 'the conStruction J)f the. present building;
6. Y oml Committee would recommend the Council to visit the Institiltlon
the pre::;ent session, and ex,amine th01.oughly into the question oJ addhionnl
modation required,
7. Your Committee arc of opinion t~lata visit of its members, and such'otper::;as
the Council may appoint, to the Institutions recently erected in other cOl1ntie{w~tlld
beadvi,snble, before plam; for a new wing are clecic1edon and would ask 'tile Collllcil
forinstmctibns in this matter.
8: :Your Commjttee would also recommend that a differentsr~tem of
introduced in the Housebf Industry.
All of which is respectfully sllhmitte(1.
Council. Chamber, June, r889,
13. F. HATHAWA"i, Chairln'lll,
To the E]gin County Cou'ncil :
Cen tlemen,---.cThe House of Industry Committee beg leave (o~ep()rt :
J.. Thatsince~yollrlastsessi()n we have ordered the floors and woodwork in,thG
g~cater part of.the main huilding to be repainted, and have had constructed aproper
drain t6 c~rry off ~:".t0r'and slops, that were formerly thrown in the rear' of the builcl~
ing and aUov.ed to soak away.
2. Th nt the reports of the Physician
and printeclin 'the minutes.
,All of which is respectfully submitted;
Noverilber 20, 1889.
and . Inspector referred tous be adOpted
", ,,,,.....
B. .F. HATI-IAWAY, Chainnan,
To the Elgin COllnty' County CounCil:
GenLlemen'c.The Inspector/of'the:ElginHollse of IndLlstrypcg~ leave to
for the year ending 31st October, 1889 :
Nu'mber of inmates in Honse at last report ,... .67
admitted dliring the year ,I,...... "".: ,34
ofdeaths..,....~:,...."...';.\.."..,. 7
of children sent;oul on trial... ...;,...." 3
discharged..... .,~............. ,...... .','9
absconde~I'... ;". .., ..._.....i..,..... . .15
atElind Institute.............:..... .'" -2'
now in liollse.. ,',.,.........;.,.. '.... .64
ofinUH!.tes'ac1mitted from the several Muni-
cipalities during the year :
Aldborough...:...~.......... '9
South wold .,.;,.,..., ~ ' , , . .. 4
Yarnlouth ..............;....;.2
Malahide. ...,.......... .....' 7
'Bayham ........ ....... .'. ,.... .10
Aylmer...,.... .'....,. ..... 1
. I
Nativl.ty of ioni::i.tes committed duringit'be year:
County of Elgin._.,.......... .,'.,2 ,
'Canada ..... ;'. . . . . . . . . . .... . . . 14
Scotland ...........,..... .. 4
England .....~........,...... 7
'Ireland ...., . ; . . . . . . . .. .. . .. 4
United States.... . ..... ...... l'
Germany,.......'.~........... 2
The various canses of pauperism of all inrriates ip ,the
~-fouse during the year: "
~ick~es~ ........ ';"'\" .'... ,15
DestItutIon .......... ... .. .13
Intemperance..,..... . .. 8
Crippled ..;..... ........; ..14
Old Age,....... ...... ......',...... '.' 8
Blind .... .... ,I.., ..'....'...... 6
Insane, Idiotic', etc.;;.:.... .. ..:21
All Qther' causes.".. ......... .J6
Average~liri1ber of-inmates during the yea~. .~_,;. ~73
II with'Keeperls family and hired helpaddeq.,76 ,
Numher weeks board of Inmates, ,". . .... ~ ;...3,933
and Members of-the Elgin Coq'nty Council :
the hOl'lOr'ofslll1mitting this the fOllrteenth annual Medical
I-louse of Industry for consideration by your hono'rable body:
one exception: of an acnte nature,d:equiring :my services
and diarrhoeas. No births to report: Made one postinorten'ex-
causes stated.
Emnla Bennett 23 Peritoriitis
Jane' Ireland 45 . Pyemia.
William Wilson 74' 'Paralysis.,
Georgc. Irvin 8~ " Old Age
DavidNichol . n, Cancer.
,Joseph 'Fletcher 88, 'OIc1Age.
Johl~DlInn 46 , Consumption.
'Of'the 64'pe~oris now in tbe Institution 20. are either weak minded or insane.
,'Thc 'hygicnic precautions and dietetic rule,; observed have had a' salutary effect
,upop:thc health and comfort of all conc,crned.
Ihave thc honor to be, gentlemen, your obedient servant,
with )<ceper's family and,
hired help added ...... , .. . . . . . . . .. ..4090
Total expen~es during the year. . . . '" . . . . $4,863 49
,Deduct perlll\lnent improvements $86 64
" received from inmates,.... .81 84
" Cowssold................70 00
$238 48
Leaving amount actually expen~led for support of
Inmates. . ... ....'... .. ..... $4,625 01
Average expenses per week for each person I 10
" year " '57 20
With -interest on total amount expended by County
for House of Industry, etc., addecL... .... $69 16
The amouotexpencled fot I-louse and
duri~gthe year is divided as follows:.
Hired labor. . . , . . . .. . . . . .. . . , . $
Farm implements and expenses. ...
Farm. stock. ..........,.......
Stationery...... .........
Physician's salary. . .. ...........
Inspector's salary.. . . . . . . ; . . . . . . .
,Drugs,surgkal appliances, etc,. . . . .
Keeper's and matrori's salary....;.
Provisions........ ..............
Meat .... .... ..... .......'........
Bread..... ......... ....... .... .".
Groceries........... .
Dry goods.......... .... .
Boots and shoes..........
Harclware and f111'nishings
Wood............ .
Farnitureand coffins... .........
Permanent improvements....:....
Incidental expenses.......... . . . .
Con veyance of inmates. .
1.11 16
140 18
80 cio
10 23
200 00
125 82
65 85
349 59
638 55
497 50
487 63
327 53
104 16
'58 32
72 00
86 64
383 03
$4,863 49 .
During the year 8 children ,ha've attended School
1027 days or 51 7-20lh months, which at 75 cents pl;r
month makes amount due:School Section'14, South-
W91c1" $38.51.
An-iount of.pr<;>du,ceraised on farm during the year:
I5 Tons Hay, valued at $7. ..........,.. .$105 00
1.0 Loads Straw.....; .;.',.. .... ".' ..:. ;', 2000
i60 Bushels Oats.. ...,. ... ........ ... .... 4000
(5 Loads Corn Stalks,., ".' .,.;....,....... 30.09
800 Bushels 1hngolds.
20 " Turnips....
IOO " Beets......
200 " Field Carrots.... .
60 " Tahle Carrots. . . .
IO " Parsnips.
75 " Potatoes.. .'.....
25 " Oilions...
800 HeadsCabba~e
50 Bu hel Apples... .
65 Bnshe! Peas.
HJ; Fat Pigs.
674 Pounds Hutter..
10 BaiTels Soap. ........
135 Cans Fruit.
I Barrel Pickles.
80 00
2 00
IS 00
'5 00
:24 09
12 50
168 bo
13 50,
3 00
TotaL..... .
.. $836 50
Num!)er of articles' or bedding) clothing, etc., mad~
up during the year by Matron and inmates, 4-00. ,
The Furniture, Provisions, etc., on hand 1st -Novem~
ber are valued as follows
Groceries........ . .... ......
Farm and Garden Produce . .. ....
Farm Stock ....,.. .,.....
Farm Implements .....................
Dry Goods................ ......... ...
Clothirig.............. ..... ...........
Stoves, Tables, etc.
Bed~ and Bedding.
Crockery................. .........
Tinware.......... ..........
Barrels, Tubs, etc...........
Books and Stationery. ...........
Dental Forceps and Syringes.,
Medicine Ca~e and Secretary. . ..'.
..$175 00
56 25
36'1 70
358 75
175' 00
218 20
428 50
15 70
44 75
10 00
$2,574 85
. The total amount expe'1ded l?y County . tip ,to 1st
November for House orlndl1stry,etc., is as follows:
Farm,50 acres, cost........ .. .:'. ...... .$3)000 00
House of Industry,....'. ...;.~........ ...7,14594
Cottages... .'. ............ ..... .,.. ..;... 1,269 83
'Barns, ;Woodshed, etc........ ;,"'" ..... ..1,35084
r '" T2)Q '11
.0 ,.1"..lt,.)1 l){~1
/:':1') %_" . -
"". EJ.(;JN COU
Tile Dra,ins 892 rond~. . . . . . . .t. . . . . . . . ,. , .
Fence, soo rods: ...:........ ,"........
Orchard ,'........ .,............. ......... .
385 64
, 6i200
85 84
$13,850 09
'Altof which is, respectfully slll1l11itwL
November Ig, 'i88g.
K. \Y. McKAY, Inspectpr.