1890 Minutes I " ii1 -, " k " -' " (~ ,,; ,,/, '.i:1 , I I I 'i'{ ii " ' 1 .f: to.. ;;J- J I , ,', 415014 i i i ,I' ~ , I I PROCEEDINGS OF THE.. ELGIN n~,UftJYGOUIOIL. / ; .' . :. .' ~, '. .' , .' . - '.. ".'. . ./ ,~ ~ J~ulu.a~yS~s~iQ~i' ~890. ~ , . '.'.' \ "i ' ..",..~.~ .~. 't = .'.~ 'TITr.. .t. ~, ,w,lr5 .CiS'tlllllll.,. ,12T,ltll ~a!!., " TU~SPAY, lhe 28th Jalluary, 1890. ,The C6~~n~i1 eie~t'or the MiJ ,jdP,ll Corporalion of the CQunty of E)tri,ij.,. ,~~llhi~da)' atl~c <;ourt. H.use, St.,. Thoma',al2 o'dock in the ~ft~rnoon: .'" ;!'i,.';", ;: ' .. .' , ."1;1 The following Reevt'f: 1nd Deputy-Reeves filed l'ertificates and- took thej~ seats_attl1e,Co.uncil)~ J:\rd: ,:1,'" " ,. , I ,.. .' I iJ JdH.~ ].STALKER, .'. .il.. t.'.. .Reeve: :.'. .:, ::..~... ....;:fi.ldb()Tough. ' NATHANIEL S. Lm. 'f. .........I!l D,pu1r Reeve...... " JOHN THOMSON.......,...,.......:1I1d ',.;. ....... " A. A. McKILLOP........,..:........ .R"eve.................... .Dunwich. HENRY GARBUTT ..,........,.......I>.tl>oplll)' Reeve....... " JOHN D. McDIARMID ............2"d " ...... .. JOHJ:< ,AJ:<DREWS.. .... I.'. ......... Re.tve.., , ...... .....".... .'1oulhwold. R. R. 'CRANSTON .....'..........'.....181 Deputy Reeve:.,.... ',. HENRY DAUGHERTY ............2nd " " ~i,li!~.I!I\Ilfi\.I'I_~WI1[~~\!llIll'l!il;i!I~"i~'ii:"1li\iJ!~4~'l'_f~" """",,~:,:l 6 ,ELGIN COUNTY \,:OUNCIL PROC~EDINGS. CHARLES A. BROWER ..,.......,Reeve.....................Yarmouth. JAMES H. YiI RW(,OD .....,......18' Deputy Reeve...... " WILLIA~1 F. LUTON...............2I1d " ...... " WILLJAM,;BLr;WLT:r.,;.....,... .....;3rd..,.. "." .. .,..., .,..h'j, ,47, ,lA_;V;:j"fl,F;J.' hl-:tfN"'" 'I";: "R' J',; ,i< '." ", j"lililli'i',j lrv,: ,~l, i;'!,"J::'~E. t~, 'f "';'(.~';}' u .~;\ ~ '.t':'";!',,' ,\ ee'y~( ~'~ '_" '/tr'" ~t.\./,. ~ ~~f,~,_~,",-' ~~'/i~ ~, Jei. ieHARDSON'..............ISt.Deputy Reeve...... " SAil1.'UEL LIDDLE...............:,...2nd " ...... " H. T. GODWIN....... ............ ..... .Reeve....... ... ......... ..Bayha'1? WILLIAM BACKHOUSE.......,....rst Deputy Reeve...... " DAVID STRATTON .................2nd " ...... ," ANI) R ~\~_,~,.{;~J;.IN.~,,~.,~,~>..:).;i~ ::~_;,:R~fve.. ;,(:,C.< ,:8';- Qorchester WILSON'McCREDIE ...............Deputy Reeve........... " GEORGE M. SMITH................Reeve.....................Aylmer JAMES L. LAM.BERT...............Deputy .................. " JOHN H. TEAL.......................Reeve,. ..,......'..,....Vienna. i " ~,,;., ',: ,',:' , ", -,"". .,'.' c' ,,;; CHAS. DONALDSON.'.........:...... " .......................Springfield. MANUEL PAYNE .................. " .....................port Stanley. The L1.1cmbers were called to order, ~he cler~ in th.e lfhair. . : ;M~'s,9rs,., ,Brower".:Cline)'Andrewsj McKillop; Lyon~ . Stalker~l1i'c1~~~i,: were liominatcd for the office of Warden all of whom declined except Me\s~rs' '" Stalker and Cline. ';'.,':; ~"f:f :' 'I'; , , , ' ",' ; J:'. MC'lsrs. McCredie and Cranston were appointed'scrutineers, ~nd on' the b:lllot h2ing taken Mr J T Stalker received a majority of the votes of the Coun,dl"and was declared duly,ckctcd Warden ,fur.thc' ;year ,:1890'. . ',' ;~';.., '\ ' ": I> '.r ' ' ; , "'<'" , ThcWardetl ele'ctmade 'the $ta~utOl:vdcclaration,:,orofficebefqre;:FIis HOllor JUdge Hughes, took the chair,ahd.addressed theCoup;cil.'; IV[oved by R. }C Cranston', seconded by] ohl1 ,1\n(ii'~ws; ,,). " '.Fh<lt": the ,Reeves .of the differen't'Municipalities strike stanq.ing committee's for thc'year..,..........Carried. bea"!:;oi~llni{t~~ t,o i I I ) a r I I , , I i I l , I I I '\ ~! I I ,( ELGI,N,'(i'.A:HJ.:NTVi COUNOIL>;I'ROOEEDINGS:; 7 Moved by A N Cli,ne,.~ecpn<;le4.,by"JQhll.~I!<j.~'(w~ ; \: ,." ,T,baf:!I)e CR.I!I!Hil,od jo,l!r.n 1 f9~. qne"bPI!!",t'li'\\\io!>Y:;.H~l!iah~O!!lmittee appointed to st:-ike standing committees to meef~,dG~~rie~~,:",( \,; ;;,'!(:'; J ~} , e .,r, ! ~'i\ ., p, ,,,I',; 'r.., ',\ The Council resumed at 4 o'clock. The report of thecornmittee appointed to strike standing committfes was presented and adopted 'onmotion of Mr Cline, seconded by Mr: Andrews. The following communications were read ; From Co. Brant re taxation of Farm Stock, etc., Municipal Convention l'e Amendments to MUl1icipal and Assessment Acts. L. McCollum~ re Drainage ,Bill referred to committee on Petitions and Legislation. Treasurer West Elgin Farmers' Institute with 'Financial Statement. Co. Treasurer with report on Co. Finances. Prisoners Relief Association, application for annual grant; referred to FinanceComrhitt,ee. Daniel Luton for Five hundred dollars damages caused by drainage House of Industry. Referred to House of Industry Committee, County Engineer w~th .report.i referred to Public Improvement Com. mittee. rII'Mi\lIi!.~~~ ". .. Y .,. .~;. il1!llllli!li~I~I~~IW" ~. ._ ~-_.-- ""-' --_.~~-~~--,,,,,,-..,,..,.,-..~,,,,,~- --~..- ---. . - . \ 8 ELGIN I.COUN'l'Y:"couNClL, PROCj;~ED tN,OS:, Moved by M; Paynei'Sec!ohdedl>f:'WS;Lusty, '!;',\l1;1(Fllat,"wei~djourn:uintil:2 6' clock ''tb.inorr'o\v: ia.ftdnb'oh toiaUcnY' ~om. mittees. to meet~':...:!..CarHed~)')~'( " K. W. McKAV, County Clerk, I: 'Ii,: " :',.i! ,J . ;}( <' ,'.., ".r;1 Ii "'I -"':i' ~' . 'I ,ie , , J. J. STALKER, Warden, li_'!; iI ., \ I I \ I I I l j I I I 1 I I i i ~l I , ,I' I." ,',J,' ,(1 ':i",I,' :Hi\'it~t $t~~hIA,-.$t~lll\~;'~ll!1.' ,.J WEDNE~DA y',:' k'9ih;Jaiillarh:II'8~~. 'theElgiri County' C~llll,dillllelthis ,dar."'~~didiin~,td~dio~r~"'~~t: The Warden in the chair. Ail the me,mbers present. The pr..ceedingsof the previous day w~r,eread,a,nd pi>rijirmel!' -, '",' . , , Tlj,~}o~IQ\v.ifJK con~Il1\l.ni~~~hm~ \Ye:.r~ ie~4~ :; From Ontario Rifle Association, application for gran't; :Reten~ed to l"inance COl11ll)i,W~~. J.' McLean .&;.Son, ~~ openingpa.t ~fi:'l'QIl''' !Sllll>\l~\we~o Yarmouth and SouthwQJd; referred..t",Fu\>!i1i 'lIlJP~Qy,.em~n.\ Oll!l\mlll~~. D. J. Hughe~, Esq, County J.dge, re office accQmmoqation; referred I'; j'ail'Cpmmitt.e, . . W,.P;O",is, resa)e: Of' hisboo~ On M;unidpaH .Fina!Jces>;, :r~f~nre<lt~ _Fin~>>~~ Committee. J I ~ ~~~lliill_ll~ltlI~i,llJ.~1Mf./ii!\~1&foJl1l'" ,",......... \0 ELGIN COUNTY COlTNCIL PROCEEDINGS From St Thomas Board qf Education; re Deputation. Moved by W Backhouse, seconded by M Payne; That the deputation from .the St Thomas Board of Education be he'ardat 2 o'clock to.morrow.-Carried. Petition from Hugh~':R.oss and others for Ii'ree Peddlers' License was pr~sented, am} referred to Committee on Petitions and Legislation. Petition from,Thos Dymock with subscription of himself ~nd others askin,g for a ner{;;1?~~'(:l:ge',1J?J)~"9J6il~,_~_cr-P~1thtv"tve'1:i:;rJw:nles near the town lipe ,betwe~n thetthv~sh'lpS'6r Dl1nwicl{a'ndAldbo)"ou"gh was presentedl and.. r~ferre,4, ~o\Public _lplproven'lcnt Committee. *' "i,i 'Jq,",:'\.\:, "",/('/,. L<': '..~ .~.: .':~' , L ':~ 'i~\1,t,:,q9<Wwjtt~~:fFHJ ;p~t,tg~;n~:; and, ~,' Legislatiol),pre,s~J.1 ~i~,q; t}1~ir ~report Whlc\1 was i"cterred to a CommIttee of the whole. . .'f A N Cline in the chair; ~~. ., 'i) After r.mending the report, the committee rose and 'the chairmaJl rep'orteq ,,~h~i;~~.V9~~,; ~s';:p,weIl9:~d!.. ''Y)lich w~s. ,qdo:p.t~q :P,l).woti.9nl of :Mr ellne, sec.onded by Mt Andrews. . Mr ,Godw1n presented likt~pbit~ l:~-?topor:tibli'pay'~bl~;i)yth'{~: ~ounty to the Bo\hwell bridge. . ,",' -:': ':, ,', ,!"I! ..:'< ,'.' ~ ',:, '; .-' .~ -' ;'1 Moved by M Payne, .seconded by M Lyell;' ;'~",,':>il'~!rha:t ,the.:,MTalllden; ,j's :hereby"authori,sed: to 'sign, the' agl'eem~nt.:between M-itldlesexl Keht:;')and':,Elgin;::re !Bothwell' Bridge; ;i11;accord,ance with, the report of ex-warden Godwin.-Carried. ":),i;/~r;t",,,':;n!.\)l ,i~ ';: ,;( n . ;,~:: '" 1 Moved by J D McDiarmid, secontledby'AA McKillop; <I' i'<Phat''JohnDGtah~m be:appoi.nted to :audi, t!1.eCounttl're,rsuier's ~CC.01.p1t~ for 1889' ' f \ ! , , , , , ! i ~\ I I I I , i I i I ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. II 1St am'en'dment ;, Moved by John Andrews; secqndeq.bY.C A~Brower.; .' . '.- '-,~_ ':' - _', ." __,' .,:" - ~" ;,,"',' ,',..c.,-- ",", '.-;......', .' ;'." ',',i ,,'-' . That J ;PM~rtyn be appointeq a~ditor qf ,the county a~co~nts for 1889. ' 2nd amendment; Moved by 4N"C1ine, secOnped,by..C Do~~lqso~: \'i That J B, Lucas. be.- a ppoin t~d __ audi t()rp( .c.o.unty a~colln ts. ,for 1889. Main motion carried : -amen9lTI.en.t.~ IO,st; The war~fen.appoint~4 .,R~ M~Cally}h,e O,~her audi,tor., }';lovedby J Ri~hardson, seconded M Lyon; That IFMcLa\vsaud W Backhousebe appoin:edauditors of Adminis- tration of Justice accounts for the present year. 1st amendment; Meved'byR R Cranston,secor-ded by GM Smith; Tnat S B Morris and J L Lambert be appoin ted audItors of Adminis- tration of Justice accounts for the present year. . 2nd amendment; Moved by IDMcDiarmjd, secondedbyH G~rbutt; That T W Kirkpatnck and W Backhouse be appointed auditors of Administration at Justice accounts for 1890.. Main motion and 1St amendment lost; 2nd amendment carried. I I ' I I I, '. '.1 I i ~""\"'~",...~~l!i<~_mJilit'l\lVi!llli~M'K~I>~t{~l!!~Wi!ilW",,, "' I 12 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS . TheannuaL!eports of the Vienna and :Aylmer High ,~dlO'ols were then presented, and referred to Education Committee. I.: ,"" ;', ' Moved by M. Payne; secbl1dedby S. ]";iddle; That the Cdtinty'A.ltditorsbe paid the 81t111 of Fifty bdllars,eich for auditing the Treasurer's accounts for 1889. ',t' " In amendment; Moved by H. Garbutt,' secbnded byA. A, McKillop; That the salaiy bf'tl1e'Cbltnty'Auditbrs be fixed at Forty Dollars. Amendment carried 00 -the following'division ~ Yeas"'-Doiialclson, -1~hom3on,:McKillop, 'darhutt, Stl~atton, Go'dwin, Blewett, Luton, Yarwood, Brower, Doherty, Cranston, Andrews, Cline, McCredie~I5. . Nays~Payne"Backhouse".Teal, "Lyon, Richardson, Li4dle, Lusty, Lambert,' Smith.---:9' Moved by M. PaYD'e, seconded '!vy W. Backhouse, That the Fii1ance Comrhittee report' on 'payment of-fee to County Attorney for attending before Justice of the Peace...:....-Carried. Moved by A N Cliue, seconded by John Andrews; , That this Council petition the cbunty COllncils of Onta'do with respect to Election,of county officers,ancl ask them to co-operate in bringing forward candidates at the coming' Ontario elections who will give such legislation as will allow either the electors' or their agents, the county ,council~ to elect them. In amendment: Moved by R.R. Cranston, seconded by M. Payne, ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS, r3 ",' "',' ".. ""'.'-" "',',:, "".., '.... .,:' ,," ' '" -"_:'" ",' " ' ","",:' ',',' ",,:' > .',,'~':::-- ',I,' " " That this Council petition the Ontario GovernlD,n(to amendt,helalV so as to give all counties the power of"electingall,c;ollpt-y officmls by popular 'Vote, and that the clerk ask other' counti~s,to,:co~operate in sead'ing similar petitions. , \ \ ) I I i \ I ~ Amendment to t3e amendment; Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by J. H.Te.l ; That the amendment to motion reappointment of county officials be- amended by adding,aft~r the;words,J'po}!ular, vqte,';" the-' 'Y9rdS,T'""'91',the: people's representative.s, the county council. ' Amendment carried; original motion and G!-mend:nent to th'e 'amend\,;- ment lost. Ii. deputation from the unincorporated village of Dutton being: present, it was Moved by A. A. McKillop, sccondeJ ur H. Garbutt, That the deputation from Dutton be now heard.-Carried. Messrs. Leitch, Black, Hollingshead, and 0thers the~ addressed the" council, presenting a petition praying for' incorporation of the village,of' Duttons> as provided in the Municipal Act. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by J. H. Teal, That the petition for incorporation of the village of Dutton be- referred to the PetitIOns and Legislation Committee to report to-morrow~ ~CarIled. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. F. Litton; That the council visit the Gaol to-morrow at 10 a.m.-Carried.. I I , . 1 I I _V"'~__~.Bf&tl!~~llllrj'~~~/'~".'""'9~---_. --- ~=-:--------;-------~--;;;;. . . \.' , j : ' ' ~ ", " ~4 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Notice~ohpplication for free Hawkers' and ,Peddlers' License for ,the following \:>'ersohs 'were' 'giveri : ' ''l'll&ji\as'Roach, , Hugh Ross;". , A.McFarlane, R. Tomlinson, A. Laur. Notice was also"gni'<tn. thathpplicationwould be made. for'a grant of :$25 to, East aud West Elgin Farmers' Institutes. ,Fri- lj ~( :." ;t,: ,MovedhyM',- Payne, seconded byW. Backhoiise; .' , ) ~ That t"is council do adjourn -Carded. until 10 o'clock to-mor,row morning. :K. W. McKAV, Connty Clerk, J. J. STALKER, ( W arde~ '. FUrst Sc~~iO"It.;"'" !;lII?Wirb)IDItl!"' c ,THURSDAY, .the 30th January, 1890. The Elgin CO]lnty Council met this day according to adjonrnment. .The Warden in the cl)air. All the members present. I;; 11'. i!! ':t -, 1!I. I" 1';1 fii, l!i, ii .;1 11'1 ii! jli II,! 1'1. I 'c,' I I 41 i 'II . ~ I I \1 i The proceedings of the previous day were reftd and confirmed. Moved by John H. Teal, seconded by J. D. McDiarmid; That the deputation from the Dutton High School Board be no\v heard.-Carried. Messrs Leitch, Black and others then addressed the COUFlcil -and pre- sented annual report of the Dutton High School. . ~~_1!fffill!ll!ill'!,'II(1!l!jllIWffll.<!!1lt~l\lIllll!1liiii!!'HirNA!il1>", 1 , i" ',I' ' . l i I I i ' j Iii Iii ~ ':11: 'H: lii,li, li',I' L 16 ELGIN COUNTY conNCIL PROCEEDINGS Moved by M. Lyon, seconded by Mr Liddle; That the deputation from the St Thomas Boar.d of Education ~e QOvr heard.-Carried. Messrs McKenzie, Midgely~ Millar and Doherty addressed- the coun- cil and presented annual report of the St Thomas Collegiate Institute. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by C. Donaldson; That the repo~ts of the .H:gh School Boards be referred to the Education Committ~e.-Carried. :Moved by M. Payne, seconded hy J. Thomson; I That the deputation from Dutton, re Incorporati;:m, Carried. \ be now heard:~ Messrs McIntyre, ...............".... and others addressed the council, and presented a petition of parties opposed to the Incorporation of the tlnincor\lorated.yi,ll~Wl'of M\'tt?u.. , Moved by WI McCredie, seconded by John Andrews; :\ " That the county, solicitor give his opinion with reference to petitions for a6dagiinst theIn-corporation "of the villi).ge of Dtitton...L;.cCarried. Mr Glenn gave his opinion, and the 'Warden':referre'd'the:!petition presented to the Committee on Petitions and Legislation. The House of Industry commi,ttee presentf'd their report, which was, adopted' ohrnotiori'of Mr Andrews, seconded by' H; Garbutt. The report: of the Gadl committee wasptesented; andreterred to a committee of the whole. :'1'" Mr Cline in the chair. iii .i ELGui COUNTY COUNCIL PROCE.EDINGS. r7 ;.'\i'.i:,j4'ff!' in i'\" ',.' '\ I '~\ 'I", After discllssing the report, the, committee: rose andpres~ntedthe r~port-a.') ame~ded; whichwas'adopted on motion of Mr Cline~sec()nded" ~X Mr ~n~rew~. ,. " "'~ ' . "', t" _. . I."'" I i::,_;-"',(;~: "';~,}--j';,)I,~1::,1_)"1/1'I? ,'",_ ",_' _ '>,' '/It,,;J':,',',',''''',h::'',,,,'):,'': ',j' l: - i.; .th~ 't~poh' b,l','the,' ,FY1~'~n~e: C 9,1# ~ltte~,~~s':'p~~~~n t~d '" ~,n;~,1 '~~o'i;tc~~.?R m~tH)~''Of ~~\~ac~hq,~:~e{"s~c,9;~~.~~pi.'"f\!i'~; 1<:i,c,h~,r#~9'~~""'j"~\,' ',; (,,:,',; u 1':1:':',;) The' Public I~PJqv~'T~fW ,'S?rty?i,tit~e;~}:l~J?W;~ ::;w,,\s "nrf,s~nt~d and referred-to a comrtuttee of the whole; "Mt tWbti iii,' the' ;cl1air' ;! ',~' i ' "1):.:: "!,i;"\j:' After discussing the report, the, committee rme, and reported progress. Moved byW Backhouse:, secorlded byM. Payne j . ,~', 1 : ' ;; That this council peti~i6n th(( Minister of MariIre' 'and F-ishe'ries: 'to estahlisha Hatchery for the Fropogation of Fish at either Port Burwell or Port Stanley,: in .the.cQunty,of...Elgin"fr,on:til1g:,0ll:1La,ke,Erie,i'~,n.d that the clerk forward said peti,tion.-Carried. iF Moved by W. MeCredie,secon4ed,by R. R.,Cranston,; That. this counciL 'petiition tHe,'- Local': Legislatute, to,:ame-tld the Municipal Act so that in tmynships divided into, three wards, and only hftving- tl1enulllber ofv9ters: p.el"Jessary to.s,end .oll.e dep~,:reeve"t9 th~Jcounty council-; '_ That the ,e.lection '9:f, the thre~memqcr,s:,9ftl}e townsh~p..coUIv~il shan be by wards, and the electlOn of reeve and deputy by vo\ecf the whole township.-C..,uried. Moved by R. R. Cranston seconded by J. L. Lambert; That this council petItiOn the Loea.! Leg,islature to provide forq1e payment of all county officials by salary instead of fees.-Carried. Moved by John Andrews, seconded,byR. R. Cranston; f That this c011ncil petition the Ontario Legislature to amend. the law so that stock trespassing on property may be taken up by the owner pf the \ ) , Ii, I' jl " Ii " I; j; IV 1.8 KLGlN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 'J"; pr?J?erty, and after twelve hours' notice, 5u<<::h stock,ifnot replevied,shall ~e.lrilpounqe<i' the, saIp~ as'~:f~the','c:ommon' pountl ; ,cthe,:al)l~.J1drn~nt-,being 'nece~sary, as ~anYl'eople are plan~i'nghe?ge~ anll, spadetrees")Vhjch,,re contInually bemg destroyeq. by stock runlllng atlarge.--Lost. Moved by J. R.ichards<in, seconded, by M; Lyon; \ ' ."0.'," II I , ;[: II; ::! 11' , II:. " I That this council grant the sum of $25 to Ihe East Elgin F"rmers' Institute.-Car>ied. Moved by R.R Cranston, seconded by H Daugherty: Thatthis council grant the sum of $25 to the West Elgi~ers' Institute.-Carried. ' Moved by T Richardson, second'ed by JL Lamhert ; That Richard Locker of, Malahide be appointed trustee of Aylmer high school'. for 'the ensuing,threeyears.-Carried. ,Moved by MPayne, seconded by N S Lusty;' ,That the clerk get 200 cards printed with name!?of the members Qf county council, county officials, and standing committees for 1890;- Carried. ' ii' Moved by Johu H. Teal, seconded by M. Lyon; That W. Backhomse be appointed Trustee for the Vienna high school for three years.----"Carrie4. A communication from D. J. Donahue, clerk of the peac~, ,was read, and referred 'to Finance committee. . Moved by H. Daugherty, seconded .by N.S. Lusty; That this conncll petition the Ontario Government to amend the Hi~h School Act so as to make it cOll~pulsory on all high schools and ELUIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. '9 collegiate institutes to charge a uniform fee ffom all pupils attending said schools, and that-our representatives in the Local Legislature be.asked to secure such legislation. In amendmt:nt; Moved by W McCredie, secondell by J. kndrews : That this council petition the Ontario Government to amend the High School Act, so that conntv conncils will be only re~.uited to supple- ment the governm~l1t grant t,C) high' schools; and that the ~xtra monies required to carry'(>n'~ucbscbobls be r"isedb)> taxon'th~pupils attending said schools.' " - ')', 'Main nlc~tibnarid:arti~hdment lost on the (ollowingdivision : Yeas---:Donaldson. Lusty, Lyons, Liddle, Yarwood, Brower, Cline, Daugherty;'Crans~bri;Andrews, and McCredie.~lI; Nays-Backhonse, Stratton, Teal, Richardson, McDiarriiid.'McKi1~ lop, Godwin, Thomson, :rayne, Blewitt, Luton, Smith, & Lambert.-I3.' Moved by J D McDiarmid, seconded by H Garbutt; i I i I I ! i r l I I That Dr Ling, Donald McWilliam, and Duncan Buchanan be appointed trustees o.fthe Dutton High School for three years.-Carried. Mr Lusty gave notice that he would apply for grant for lockup in Rodney. M,r Cline gave notice that he would apply for grant for lockup in 'South Dorchester. Moved by M. E. Lyon, seconded by J. H. Teal; That t~is council do adjourn until ,10, o'clock to-morrow morning. -Carried. K. W. McKAY, County Clerk. J. J. S"rALKER, Warden1 , _m'~~1~~,Jm'it'€ll~\.\i\!Mtlm~l!-~t\lP)"V~~i')l,~g\\;1'!~M<vmrtWl:I~~,j~i!l@'~r(H4~:ti~>>tfi*1WW~ ~""'~"'" ,I,,^ Ji"~1'l~~' ''''''''"M ~ """"""'- - - ._-~ -;=~ -jl ". '.',"I.!, I""! ":',') ..' If: .... ~,ii~t.$tm;iO'tL ,..; Jj5{:crurtlJ;@ltl!' .~ . l'RIJ?A)",the,3,st }aI)UaIY, ,3,,0. ..".; The El&inCounty Council,mdt-his day'accordingto;adjou:rp~eJ)t. The:Warden',irt the chair. All the members present. The yro~eedings of the previous ?a~ were read and confirmed. A 'COillrilhiiication fr'Om' thec:ounty" of Huton' :tequestiilK co~operation in petitioning for permanent Railway,commission was read and referred to'committee on' Petitions:and:Legislatioll.' The' Public'lmpmvement committee:presented their .report; Moved ,byM. Payne, seconded by J. Thomson; That fhe cotmtysolicitor give his"opinion on town line' dispute between Yarmouth;and Southwold-Carried. ~Ir Glenn' gaVe his opinion. , i I. [ ! . , i , I ! , I i j J ~~~W~ ,~?.v+fr\,: cqU;~S~1, ;P~9~E~DI ~esi'; 2, ',Moved bY4,~ r:J\ni'~seGOBded,br~,:;BaF~l)q!Jse~ ';'. "i' l; ".' !." .' ", , '. '.' <. < ".q,}." ':' '<',' i, "j','.. ." .. :~_,: ", .;;.' ; ..... ;'1...;.': ;"" :,,",: ,~,,:: : ",; '" ," :.~:.' .i:":"-:."j" ')":'.::'. '.,. ' That the report of ,the Public Imp'roveme"nt, committee be"flqq~te4:';';" carried. " " ,": :in:<~i~;:;"(., ~" ';",',t';\i;'ii ;:>::i,';';'" ~'. ,'" ,'j',' ',j":' [)"';',.';',' The report of the Finance'c'orrimittee',\vas':p'resentea a'od adopted on :,~q~1q~.)qf~r:,B~H~~1PPr~~jsei<;:?n.peql~Y' ~,r i $m:~~h.> [; ;i, .. i;'); . '!><:\:~;');"l;':';: ;,;: ',' "~\",'.:');':"_/:'<'::'f',':,:,"i;';"i""_,:,';,.".,:,,I:'; , '::":,i; The report of the Educali(n))committee ,was presented and" adopte'c1, on motion arMr L~rp;1;>~rt}s~,coq~~q hY:,Mt:,C;:Jine~:j:.~ .'"/,,, 'Ji : :The';repott:of committee; on ';Petj.tions ,and, \I,.~g~i,s:atiH9 "'..~~ p~~~ented. and :adQpt.ed.,/T ;lin\l~1 ';'11 ". ;(:( .. Moved by J. L. L~iI;lbelt\:s<;co~ld'clby J, R;.Ghi\rds9n,; ",-,,' " Tha1i ',the,resolut;.on appoipting,Richanl, ,Lockert{uste,~ o{ ~11e i:Aylmel' High :S~~lool!bejresqifld~.(;l.; carrieq..;, , ' Moved by J. L. Lamhert, seconded by J. H. Yarwood; , "'., '. '". That this council gran~ a 'sum not to exceed Fifty.Dollal's"'for the ~~peH~~es!,vf ~)~e ,CqU~l~~, .ppplir ~S~lOolprqmp;ti:?9 e~am~11~ti~n~ ,; ic~rried. , ,'iO', " Moved by A NCline, secoridedby'W>i1:cC'ie'die; " That J. c. Sherk b.e''lppoh),ted,trustee,of Ay)mer Iligh ?cJJOo.1 for a term ot three years ; carried. ' " , .' " , ,P'eti,(ioD,s-,for a{ld~gaiqs~ :prpceeding~beil1gtal~en. t,o.. in:c:6:rP9'~'lite the vill<l;ge 0.f:Dut~oq>>,qe presented, anflDu motion of Mr lVrcKill()p,~cconded b:v:Mr Gar;!)utt,. refr.::rre.d to ,committee, on Petitions and .LGgisla:tioi~:'; MOved by M;. Payne,' seconded byR. .R.. Cranston .i ThaJ the.council.'.adjotii'11' hntil 't\yo' o'clock,' p:m. ; carried. ' The council resumed. :1 I' I _"!il-","",l~=~_~_'li!lOl!,t!l!li\\JI~iOV",~~llli ==~"~ "". ~ I I. I 2'2 Et6iN-i c6fi~+Y':CaUNdiL: PROCttDiNGS~ The third rep6ifcii'ihbco;hm:iit(,e on Petitions '~n'd Legislation was presented and adopted on motion of Mr McCredie. seconded hy Mr llackhOtise/ ,.,.". '", '.,' : i l',1"Xe,d h N g Ll1sty, s~conded byJ Thomson; ',; . .. ',' , .' .... .., '" '.',' : ~ .,.. ,"", ,'.' .. ._:.. ,_ "0' " ,_:' : '.', ,. _. " .. .J,.. D .. .," ~ ,\.1 ,,'_;r '. ~ '.-', That this council gr~~'t$I5J.o8tl> '~ssfs't'ii1b\HldiJ\'g'a l~ckupintl\e "il\age of Ro.;lpe~, and that all former grants be rescinded: lost. I)'";"",, ':_!._:' ,(',;_,;' ,= ;'. ..:_::,',-( ':';j'.' i:,.:',;"),_', 't'.>...( ,-,;' Moved by A N Cline, ~ecobded byW'McCredie;' 'I Th':\t thiscOtiridl grant the! sum' 0[$250;00'(0 ~ssist inbUildin'g a lockup in the village of Lyons in the township of South Dorchesterl; lost" Moved hy M: Lyon, sec6\idedby J H Teal; Thanh" sum of' $Ioo:oobe!(ranted fOr building alocku~'in the village of Rodney, and a like amount for building;:' :::one in-South Dor- chest~r. ; lost. Moved byW. Backhouse, seconded by J. J{. Teal, that this counci~ petitioh' the Local Legislature to amehd the Municipal Actto allow each municipality to deal with_all lands in arrears for taxes; carried. ' Moved by M. Payne, seconded by W. Backhouse ; That this county council join ~he councils of London and St Thomas in calling the a~tetltion of the Dominion Government to the disgraceful and dilapid'ated state of tile-Poit Stanley _Harbor, caused by the neglect of the Gnitld Trunk Railway company' ,of Canada to keep it in proper repair, and that thjs council petition the Dominion Government w compel the said,railwaycompanyto keep the harbor in a proper state of repair, or take action- to cancel tlle lease of the harbor to the railway company, and that the,clerkJorward a copy of-thisresolutioJ;1 to each of the members from this county requesting their cO-0peration in the matter; carried. ii, II I! ! " ,1 '~' 1;1 'il i'il, ,I,\i', EL,<{I;1f, :~9l),N:r:Y.~OVN~J~!I:~p~E~~lN,q9' 23, Moved by M. .Payne, seconded by R. R Cranston, I I I That "this, conIity'c6uHcll' petiHdri:;the; -Domihi6n! Gd'\ietnmel1t' to amend the General Railway Act,sd as to make it ,compulsory upon'aU railwaysii~: the; -Domin,ion;'oCCail'ada ta"receive: ,,f~eight' from vess~lsj' pay 'vessel charges on the sa:ne, and" forward to destination:: collectin'gAhe.1 charges from the consil?;nee, and that, a .. copy 'of this resolution be for- warded to the v:trious_:,co~nty, city,<tqwnship,-ant1'v,i1hig'eC.01fncnsj.;:i~king their co~operation in obtaining such .legislation, and tathe members of th~, IiOP?_e. of ~O.I?tp,on,~ fre~ll t.4js,~,o~11~Y ; ~f\~Fie~'_:t ,/; Ii I,' .-".j' Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by John Andrews; ,": '", That the warden !Je instructed to settle the ~ccount,otthe sheriff for office rent, and.if:~ossible .make"a:,compromisc,,'of.the claim.' In amendment: ,Moved by W. McCredie, seconded, by, R. . R. Cranston; That A. N. Cline,;M;,;:,:Payn~,'and. :the :Warden, be" a committee to arrange te,rms of settlen;lent of account with the .sheriff. ,Arriendmebtlost) 'niaiilfuotiOncarried'. Moved by J: Thomson., se~onded I>y C. Donaldson; 'Jr,'" ., " -, That the Journal. Pril}til1g. ,COrnpanyhe te,nd,ered,:,the thanks;of)his council for supplying copies 'of the E'vening' Jou'mal to members of this board; carried. Moved by G ~ Sl\1ith~ 1e,~onded, by C A Br.ower i , '" --,' " That By:law No~ 464,bein~_a By~ta,~y,t~)apppint:~~oard,pf Alldit in the county of Elgm for' 189Q'be received, a,ird read a'first time; carried. Move, ~l>y C,. A.Bro'wer, seconded by J LLamhert,';' '" ,;--: ".;: ", ----', ;",; '''';,', ',', ,",'" ,'",' ;':",' Tqat By~law No. 464 be relld a second time.--Carried. "j. ~1lM~__li!\llIlI%m~lfl!l>w<<Itii~I,t4llillll<&_>fflW'''''' " ~. .,. ~4 ELGIN COUNTY COlrNtIL'PRhcEED'INGS Mqve4M lL.Lamb~rt, ~~coT14edby G. MSmith; ',..,ii, ,'(..;::iill)I," ;' <That By-law No.' '464 be read a' third time,and final,lY' passed: earned. : " ....,. '..'- " Moved by J. R.ichardson;seconded by M. Lyon; Th~; ;y-law No. 465; being a By:law t~~PPoint c6nntyandit~s-::or. th~ year 1890 be-rec~ived and read 'a first time; carried. " Moved oy J Richardson, seconded by S Liddle; That By-law No. 46: be read ,a second iime ; oarried. Moved by John H. Teal, seconded by M. Lyon; I:; That By-law No; 465 be read a third time and finally passed ; carried. Moved by D. Stratto~, seconded by W. Backhouse; That By-law No. 466, being a by-law to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrow ~he sum ofTwentv-FiveThotlsand Dollars be received \ ',.' '. '-'- "'.," .,,', '.'- '. .. .. .., and Iead a first time; carried. Moved by M Payne, seconded by J) Str~tt6n ; " ,That B~~l~w ,N,9.,~66~e read a secbn~ 'dine":, c<,LrTied. Moved by WBackhouse, seconded by M. Payne; That BYRlaw 46"6 be rea~ a third tirneahcifih:itly passed: cah'ied Mo~;edby r. Thomson.. seconded by N. S. Lusty; That By-law No 467, be.ing ,a by,-law to confirm By-law 525, of the townshIp of Aldboroughbe received and read a first time; carried. ELGIN 'COUNTYCOUNGIL-PROaEBnINGS~: 25 Moved by J Thomson; sec9nded. byN $ Lusty; That By"I.", NnA67 bereidisecoM time; carried. Moved by J Thomson1 seconded by N S Lnsty,; That By-law 467 be read a third time and finally passed; carried. Moved by J. L Lambert, secbnded by G. 111': Smith; ,", ',' ,::':r ,',: ',_"_' """ "",- That By-law No 468;' being 'a . hy-l~w to appoint 'Truslees of High Schools,make ,appropria~ions" ~or , the , ~ain tenan<:e of said schools, and grant aid;to;'modeVschool' in the' county of EJgin-,be'received and . read -a first time; carried. Moved by c;.. M: Smith.'se.coJlcie<ioy J.L Lambert; Thaf By-law ,No. 468 be read :a' second' time. jcarried. --.-, Moved by J. L Lambert, seconded by G. ~1. Smith; Thit By-law 468 be read a third time and finally pass~d ; carried. Moved by A. A. McKillop, secojldeJ by H. Garb~tt, That By-law No. 469, being a by-law to appoint Malcolm Campbell to take the census of t)le unincorporated village of Dutton and its imme- diate neighborhood b~ ,received, and read a first time; carried. Moved by H. Garbl1tt, secbnded by J. Richardson; That By-law No. 469 be read a second time 'j carried. Moved by John H. Teal, seconded by D. Stratton; That By-law 469 be read a third time and finally passed; carried. r 1 1 I ~_J<<:llll1ilfMI.J!~_i\\'iI!&~~!mlflJifl!lii!w._llIilil' ....... - . 26 , ELGIN: G:OUNTY, COUNCIL 'PROCEEDINGS.' Moved by J. H. Teal,seconded.by,M,..E,Lyon;T That the .treasurer's bond: ,,;bf;-,~,\lomitted'Jo :this/cquncil; for- :their app~oval ; carried. , Moved by W. F. Luton, seconded by W. Backhouse ; ( That after hearing the name's of th~ bondsmen for county t~'ea~u~r, we consider .. the :s"W~i;s.at\sfact,ory: :.,car,ri~4~ "Moved.by M. Payne, seconded by J H Teal; " . ," ,: .,: ,-.,-',. : '..,' , " .'. ....' .' , ',C',_.,' .,....," That'0wing,to the)ateness6:f the ho~r of adjoUl:nmerit, theme~bers receive five days' pay:" carried. Moved by "C ABrower,seconded by J.H; Yarwood; = ;. = . '1721. t- .=tfn-llu.=tliliWll. --', ",xr~, ,.>i911l.!' K. W. McKAY, County Clerk, J. J. STALKER, Warden. TUESDAY, the,_I7th June, 1890. ?-'he ,Elgin County Council- met this day accordin.~ to .adjournment. The Warden iil the chair. That t'1is council do adjOurn until:the seco/ldTuesday in June. - -Carried. All the members present. \ The proceedings of the last day of the previolls session were read and .confirmed. The following communications were read; From W. Atkin. Publ~c ScJlOo1 Inspector, with Annual Report. Referred to Education committee. "'\ D. G. M<tKenzie, county clerk. Middlesex, If' Bridge on the cq\l11ty ;me. Referred to the Public Improvements committee. ~'MiW~_;'~}I.M~Z'iIj,\;~~~1tTjJRtlfi.'il~'%9]l(f;;'\f,\J:~>>@i~m~'t.mtilf~la:"~~~~~'jf _""_ _w,>-"~ ,""~!"'""'^,."~_",,'" -~....... .~~. 28 ELGIN COUNTY COTTNCIL PROCEEDINGS ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. zq County Auditors, with report on. county accounts for 1889. Referred to Finance committee. County Engineer, with report on county bridges. Referred to Public Improvement and Gaol committees. Petitions for a~ld against appeal, re decision of township cO~lk~1 of Aldborough, altering S. Sec. 3. Referred t~ the. Education committee. From D. J. Donahue, enclosing order of Sessions, re handcuffs~ Referred to Gaol committe~. Officers of 25th Battalion, vote of thanks for grant. Filed. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by H. T. Godwin, r $iWllb .sC%!itrm-.$"U1mb )'ii)llU. That the counc.ildo now adjourn to' meet to-morrow morning at Hine o'clock to allow committees to meet.-Carried,. VVE.'JNESDAY, the r8th June, 1890. K. W. McKAV, , County Clerk. J. J. STAL\ZER, Warden. The f.ilgin County Council met tn1S day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. All the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. Messrs John andD. McLean, a deputation from the tOWl1Shipof Aldborough addressed the council reflHesting the erection of a new bridge over th:". river Thames. " The report of Special committee appointed at January session to COl1- siGler ad;visabilityof erecting new bridge over the Thames river was presented and adpted on motion of Mr Godwin, secdnded by Mr Cline'. The County Treasurer's Report was read and referred to the Finance committee. 30 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROc:EEDINGS; ELGIN:iCbuN'l'.y'eou~t'iL <'pROCE~DINGS. 3r' The Report of the Public Improvemeuts committee waS read au.d adopted ou motiou of A N Cliue, secouded by A. A. McKillop. / . ' The report of the House of Iudustry committee 'Vas prese~ted aud referred to a committee.. of tre whole" : '-':Th~t, :the;. ~epdt~ -: ~li" ']Jhtt6ri' 'C'€:n,slls' Petitions'and Legislatiok-Carried;" _ r',1 ,....,:..'. -,':",,",' , :be referred' to. com~ittee,on .';j. .".., \' "'-,',''''''';...- .,",'.'" 'MrLyon in the chair; The report of FintiD!c! c.omrpi~te,e: ~as" read <.lflq ad,opteq. OJ,~ motion of Mr Backhouse, sed)llded"by Mr. RicHards'on." .. , ' l\1.~v~,di'RY,A..l':I.CIiue,. secou.ded by.}. Audrews':' .,........',.".' ,_1.':. , That the report ofthe special' committee Ie Bridge across the river Thames be re~considered, and referred back to the committee t,oreport at this se.s:si.on~~Ca~ried. .' ~ ': I, .' After discussing the report, the committee rose, and the report was ,adoptrdon motion of Mr Lyon, seconded by Mr Q-odwin. MrLusty g.ave notice that he would apply for a grant of$loo to .assist in building a lockup in Rodney. Moved by J. Thomson, seconded by C. Donaldsou : Moved by C Doualdson, seconded by A N Cliue; That.a Free Hawkers and Pedlars License be granted to Samuel Wilton of Springfield for 1890 ; carried. That the council adjourn until two o'clock, p.m. ; carried. Moved. by J D McDiarmid, seconded by H Garbutt: I That a Free Fhwkers and McGugan ,of Dunwlch 'for"I8'90 ; Pedlars License be granted to Angus carried. .. The coundl:resumed. Petition for Incorporation of Dutton was presented. Moved by A A. McKillop, secouded by HGarbutt ; l\1ovedby Jol111 Andrews,'-seconded by R. R. Cranston; That this council ,make an offer to purchase the .London and Port Stanley gravel road, and in the event of an agreqment being arrived at, the amount to be borne by 'each municipality to be settled by arbitration, the ~roitl'ators to be appointed by this council,~--Lost. l~' That petition from inhabitants of the unincorRora,ted viPage of Dutton praytng for incorporation be refe:red to committee 'on Petitions and. Legislation.-,Carried. Moved by A A McKillop, seconded by H Garbutt; Moved by M. Lyau, seconded by Jahu H. Teal; ThatM'ilcolm ,Campbell's report of the census of tlle unincorporated village of Dutton be received.,:..;..-Carried. That this council adjourn at 4 o'clock to give members an opportu.. nity of visiting the Honse of Industry: carded, :M,l' Campbell'sreport,was.laid before thecouucil. The second report of the House of Industry committee was presented and adopted 01)' motion of Mr Andrews, seconded by 1\11' .Luton. Moved !)y H. Garbntt, seconded by A A McKillop; '. .-.;. ."'._ . ..,it'""~"''''''"''~ . ! . lill~'2~........ r!IT.~,.. .......~L .. .lBIlI~Bl~~ .....~~ I ". '~I1"~M ~ll!fi~c................ '", H 32 ELGIN q>UNTY GQVlfPLYRO.€EEDlNGS ELGIN. COUNTY' COUNCIL'PROCEEDINGS'. 33 , The reliart of. Gaol com!"ittee :-yasjlrysented andadopf~d on report of the committee of the whole, on' motion. of M.,<.;odwit\ seconded hy Mr Teal. . I Moved by J. H. '1'eal, seconde(\by VV .' ),lackhouse ; That this council do now adiourn :tomeet.to:..:uorrow mQrriiue; at ten o'clock, and allow members to vfsit the House ofIndu~:ry; carried., , K. W. McKAY, CountyCierk. J. J. STALKER, Warden, I, Ii! $tClJI1~ .st~~ial1-j011:1~ir~ )IDa!!.. . ;{'! TI:IlrRSpAV, the 19t1fJune,I'890~ The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the chair. I> AU the members present. The proceedings of the previous day were read and con finned. The t:1ird report of the J-Jouse of Industry committee was presented, ai1d adopted on motion of J. Andrews secOi1ded by W;Backhouse. The second reptnot of the Finance committee was presented and referred to a committee of the whole; J Andrews in the chair. After amending the report the commidee r.ose, and the report was adopted on motion of J L Lambert seconded ~ RR Cranstolij,' H..~~" 39 ELGIN. CQU:~\fY 'CQUl'{qL 'PROCl!:EDI1:1GS.i ' ELOIN,COUNl'Y"COUNCIL PROCEEl)INGS. 3~ / / i The report of the committee onPetitiQus and Legislat~6n was pre- sented, and ad~pted on motion of W McCredie, seconded by S Liddle. Moved by N. S. Lusty, seconde!i by J. 1')1omson ; .', ",' ,,'" The report, of the Education committee was presented and ;referred to a committee of the whole," That the application of Henry Mitchell tor a free llawkers ttnd Pedlars License, be not entertained by this Council.-Carried;' \ ',i' Mr Teal in the chair; After discussing the report, the' committee rose, and the report \,.as ' .adoptE'd on motion 'of Mr Te~l" seconded by Mr Backhouse. Tp~.t ~liii:Co,':InciLtake su~h,st~J?sas"the COl;1nty Sol~citor may advise todo away with the Dntton Aigh Schoo\~-Lost." . Moved by W Blewett, seconded by J. W..Yarwood ; Moved by R. R. Cranston, seconded by N. S. Lnsty ; That the council adjourn until two o'clock, p.m. ; carried; That this Councilpetitidn tpe Legislative Assembly to amend the Municipal Act so ,as to make it compulsory on ovetseers of highways to repair all damage to roads or .brIdges in' .their'respective: sections wh(~reby the safety of the travelling public would !:Ie endangered, or notify the:wardl ,~ouncil10r of said damage.-Lost. The council re,s\1t:n,ed. . l~h~ ~epo.~t, 9.f.$p~ci,a;I ~wnD?-ittee re bridge over Thames W:lS presepted. and referred to a committee of the whole; The second report. of the Gaol Committee was preseQted' and referred' to committe'e of the whole. ' r Mr 'Payne in the chair; J. C. Lambe;t in the ch~ir. After discussing the report, the committee rose, and the report as amended was adopted on motion of MPayne, ,:se;conded by J 1-1 'teaL Yeas--.Cline,P~ynep Lusty, :,A,ndrews, Donald~on.. Lambert., Sn1ith, BrO\vcr, .Yarwood, Luton, Blewitt, Liddle, Richardson, Lyons, Teal, Stratton, Godwin, & McDiarmid.~.-I8. Nays..:.:.....McCredie, Cranston, Daugherty, Thomson, McKillop; Gar- butt, and.Backhouse.-7. An application from H Mitchell of Aylmer for a Free Hawkersand I)edlar's License was read. Moved by \V B::ckhouse; secorlded by M. E. Lyon j ., After discussing the report, it was adopted on motion of J. L. Lam-. bert, seconded byC. A. Brower. , Moved by A. A. McKillop,. seconded by H. Garbntt ;. That\V. J. Mitton be appointed returning officer to hold the .first. election in the village of Dutton.-Carried. Moved by M. Payne, seconded by N. S. Lusty; " That the House of Industry Committee is hereby requested to hav~' 'proper fire~escapes IJlaced on the Houseo'f Industry at once.-Carried. .... Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by M. E.Lyon ; 36 ELGIN COUNTY .COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ( l1:LGIN _COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEnINGS; 37 . \ That this council do now adjourn until half-past seven this evening. In amendment; Mov~d by C. A. Brower, seconded by J. H. Yarwood; That this council do now, adjourn until half':past seven o'clock, and' .hold an evening session without extra pay. < Am~ndment to' amendm~nt-; I I Moved by W.McCredie, seconded.by John Andrews; . That this council d9 nOw adjourn to meet' at ten 0' clock to' morrow lmorning. \. \Amendme:nt'to amendment carried.' .$hlJn~ .s(~5ilJl1- ~,lJl1rt~ :.IDlt!I. K. W. McKAY, J. J.STALKER, FRIDAY, the 20th June,- 1890. County Clerk. Warden. The Elgin County Council met this day according to adjournment. The Warden in the ohair. All thenlembers present. The prol'cedings of the previous day were read and confirmed. The - third rep0rt of the Finance Committee was preseo ted adopted on motion of W. Backhousc, seconded by J. Richardson. aud Moved by N. S. Lusty, .econded by C. Doualdsou ; .. That this councIl grant One Hundr("d Dollars to assist in building a lock-up in the village'of Rodne)', and th~t all former grants be rescinded. . --,Carried. ! ( ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 39 38 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEo'INGS. Moved by H. Garbutt, seconded by John Andrews; /That the War1en issue his che~ue in favor of E. Holden for $10.00 to pay for cabs for conveying members to t~e House of Industry.- Carried-. Moved by C. A; Brower,seconcied by W.. F.Luton ; That the council adjourn unt!! one o'clock 'and then visit the gaol-Lost. Moved byW. Backhouse, seconded by M. Payne; Moted by w~ Backbouse, secDudf:'dc' byD.Stratton; That By.lawNo. 470' being a by-law to raise -amounts for COUf1ty rates during the year r89o,be received and read a first time..,..-Carried. That the House of Industry committee's report be reconsidered.- Carried. Moved by D. S:ratwn, seconded by J, Richardson; Moved by W Backhouse, seconded by M Payne; That By~law No. 470 be l'ead a secohdtimE'.---'Carried. Moved.by N. S.Lusty, seconded by W. McCredie; That whereas this county is payjng ~ largt: amountitoward 'the<sup- port of High Schools, and we believe that a reduction in the number.of High Schools in this county would be beneficial to the higher education ot I-Ilgh School papils, as well as a step in the direction of econj)tr.y, Resolved 'that we pethi.on the 'Lieutenant' 'Governor through, the Minister of- Educatiqu, to abolish the Vi,ennaand Dutton- High Schools and districts and raise the st~ndard of common school educati0l1.-Lost. Move<;l by M. E. Lyon, secondtd by H. T.Godwin j . That By-law No. 470 be read a thin.l time and finally passed.-Carried,. Moved by 'V. McCredie, seconded by John Andrews; That By-hW No. 471 being a by~law to incorporate the village: (!)f Dutton be received and read a 'first tim~.-Carried. That the third report of the House of Industry Committee he referred back to them with instructions to communicate with the Department of the Attorney Gene!al apd ascertain' the conditions off grantingsuhsidy provided for in Section I, Chap. 78, 53 Vie.) and to report at November session...,.,-Catried. Moved by John Andrews, seconded by Henry Daugherty; That By.lm.v No. 471 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved byR. R. Cranston, seconded by W. McCredie; That B)--law No. 471 be read a third tIme and finally passed.-(Jarried~ Moved uy C. A. Brower, seconded by J. H. Yarwood; Yeas-Cline, Md-::re~ie" Anjre\V~~ Cranston, Doherty, Brower, Yar~ wood, Luton, Blewett., Thompson, Lustv, Donaldson and St~lker.-I3. Nays---payne, Stratton, Backhouse, Teal, Lyon, -Rieha~dson)Liddlej McDiarmid, Garbutt, McKillop, Smith, Lflmbert and Godwin.-I3. That By-law No. 472 being a by-law to authorize the Warden and Treusurer to borrow the SlUm ot ten thousand dollars. be received and tead a first time.-Oarried. Moved by W. Blewett, seconded by W. F. Luton; ~ i 40 ELGIN ,COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ELGIN COUNTY 'COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 41 That By-Jaw No. 472 be read a second time.-Carried. Moved by C. A. Brower, seconded by J;.H Yarwood: That By-law No 472 be read a third time and.finally passen.-Carried. . Moved by H. T. Godwin, seconded by J. Thomson; That the clerk purchase a copy of 'the Ontario Statutes for each member of this council.-Carried. On motion ofJ. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. F. Luton, the council .adjourned to the second Tuesday in November. K. W. McKAV, J. J. S~ALK~R, County Clerk. Warden. J;!I"1.!rir~ .$c~~iO"n- Jj5Ur~t )q-)lt')". TUESDAY, the r8th day :November, r8go. The Elgin county council 'met this day at thf>:'court house,St. Thomas, at 2 p. m. The Warden in the ohair. All the membors present. , The proc.eeditlgs 0: last day of previous session were read and COI1- . firmed. ' The following communications were read: From county of Middlesex re petition for inspector of milk in cheese making distriCts; refe:-red to petitions and legislation comrnitt~e. " Froffi..county. engineer..-with..repor~. .Oll.collnty, ,bric1g~s.; ;reterred. to.. public improvement committee. \ !~:I II II: Iii ~~ i ill II' I 1'...1.',1,'. ~Il. J~ *,~ .I~ iil 011i 4 '1'.'1..1 i,ii ~ ~ ~ I" ~il rl~ 1"1.' ,II' I~ 1:)1 ~il ~~ ill I' Ill} . ~!~ ~ t~t: '.r. . I.~.i. I ! ~. . .~ / 4' ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , , "! From Dr. Luton, 'physician, Houseof Industry, with annual report; referedto House of Industry committee. Moved by W. Backhouse, seconded by D. Stratton; " !! I' ii I i' iii, III li, tl iI!' t' ;'q ':11 :1' That ~his council do now adjourn until -to~morrow <J'c1ock to allO\v committees to meet.--Carried. morning at ten J. J. STALKER, JC W. McKAY, County Clerk. Warden. ':i ,I ,'I !iiil , . '-- '.", ::".',,-!. ,'.' .,,' 1 'ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PRQCEEDINGS. 43 ]J~l~irb.sdshllt- .$!~jJirD)ID}\!t. , .. , "" ,', WEDNESDAY, the 19th day NOvember, 1890,. The Elgin Coun'ty Council met" this day according to adjournment.. "- , , TIle Warden in the~hair. All the mem~t'Tspresent'. The prot~ee"dingsof the previous day we"re read a'nd,tbnfirmed. The"report of Inspector, House of Industry was read and referred to' committee. l~he ,public improvements-committee presented their reponwbic~l' was, adopted Oll; mo.tion ,ofA. 'N. Cline, seconded ~y"Y. :Batkhollse. , Moved by M. E. Lyon. seconded by J. Richardson; I I j ~..'.' ~~~I\\I~~~lr~~~~I;<M~Im~_~. ~~~'....> ~ -~~1:lI!II'l;~--'U~~.. ",,<,,:!~...-;.~..,~.,g;~t_~~~~ .............. ... . . .... . .. _ lJ.... .......... ... ... . .. . 44 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDING,S. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 45 Whereas a report having bten circulated through the press and other- wise, placing the responsibility for detects in abutments at Bothwell bridge on the .county Engmeers for Elgl11 and Middlesex. The following communications ,were ,read: From A. N C. Black, revacancy oU Dutton High School Board; re- ferred to education committee. ' That the council take this opportunity of expressing their approval of cours..:: adopted by said,engineers in submitting aU plans, etc., with re- ference tu said bndg~ and abutments to the joint committees of Kent, Middlesex and Elgin, and county Engineer of Kent. That we 'believe said'Eqgineers of EIgi'l and Middlesex are in 'no way te~ponsible for defects that may appear in ab:Itments of said bridge.- Carried. From county treasurer wIth report'; referred to finance committee. From L. Campbell, bigJ. constabt'e with report re hand~cuffs; referred to gaol committee. Moved by J. L. Lambert, seconded by G. M. Smith; Th~reeve of Southwold made statement with ,reference to bridge on tovm-line between Elgin and Middlesex. That Arthur 'Wiggins of Aylmer be granted a free ,hawkers and pedlers license.-Carried. Moved lly W. B.ckhouse, seconded by M. E. Lyon; Moved bY' 'V. BackhCiusf', secondedby'J. H. Teal; Thttt the county.~olici'tors;opinion be obtained as tocertain clauses hi hawkers and pedlerslicenseby-law.-_Oarried. That the application ot thereev~ of Southwoldrequesting the assump- tion of a certain bridge on county 1i11e of Middlesex and Elgin be rdered;' to the public impron~ments committee.--Carried. Moved by J. Thompson, seconded by N. S. Lusty; Mayor Morse of St. Thomas being, present('- addressed the council Jwith reference to assum:ptionof a bridge on boundary line between city and county. That a free Hawkers and Pedlers License be granted to Wm:. H.Ash, of Alctborough.-Canied. Moved by J. H. Yarwood, seconded by W. F. Lutoa ; Moved- hy tV. Ba'ckhollse, secondt:d by D. Stra,tton ; That theapplic<l;tion of the Mayor of the city (;f St. Thomas re bridge " on,boundary linebetwt'tl1. the cit)' al d tGW! ~hip Of YHlUouth be referred to the public improvement cO;llmit~ee.-Carried. That a free Hawkers and Pedlers License be granted to James Payne ,of Pt. Stanley.--Carried. Moved by R. R. Cranston, seconded by H. Daugherty; Mr. Gienn presented his opinion re hawkers and pedlers by-law. The finance committee presented their report which was adopted' on motion;of Mr. Backhouse, seconded by Mr. Teal. The .commi ttee,o.n..,pet.itions:.and.JegiSVt.tio 0,. I:'resen led. . their )vhich was adopted on motion of W. .McCredie, seconded by Cranston. r~port R...R. :!, i: i: il I 'II '\:1 ii' llii 'I ~\\ That an order be'granted- on the Treasurer in favor of the Treasurer .of the township of Aldborough Jor one hundred dollars being in full of grant for lockup built at Rodney.-Garried. ~~-- ( ) "il ';,11 :'ii II ,',\, ',i',1 46 lvIovedl?Y W.Backhquse, seconded bY11.P~yne; E~CIN -' C9:PN'l'Y. _ ~OUNCILPn.OClmnINGS. ELGIN,'COUNTY: COuNCIL'PRbCEEDINGS. The report ofcommitt~e on:House of Industrywfls ,_.'pre~ented, and a. d,9:p1,~4 ,qnWv,9Rn ,pfi J. A:[l(ir~!ls,;_secpnded by, H.' 'Ga.r~utt. .'-,- - - ", - -, The report of- the education committee was presented and ad.opted on m0,t~?n o~,J.. L.,,~a,mb~r.t~~e~ond~d- by]. Andrews. ' , " '" -" ~ 'That-the m<mJbt;I's::ol--the cQuI)dl--r~ceiV~qne ~xtra':-da}:spay owing"to late hour of adjournment. . , ,That,the"Vardenbe:gJantedfiftY'dollars for eXt~a services during the year, and that the council adjourn sine q.i~. Moved. by N. S. Lusty,,epqllded by J. .Thompson; . -" ,- ':--' K..W. McKAY, That the clerk proclire the usual supply of assessors collectors rolls and election blan~s_J.or I?9I.-:-:.yaqied. County Clerk. J. J. STALKER, Warden~ The report of gaol committee was pre~ented and adopte,d :on m<?tion of ,~. faynedireco,n-ded, by: R; R. Oranston;,' - - The second repQrt pfthepubHc ,i,Wl?royerh~nt cOffil)11ttee 'was read and adopted on motion of Mr. Cline seconded by Mr. !-yons. MovedhyC. A. Bro\ver,seeonded 'by W.F. Luton; That th,is council petition the gqvernment to enact legislation that will ma~e it corripul~oty for all persons who s,t,1c corporations for damages sustained by alleged defective"roads and sidewalks to deposit a sum-of :money in court equal. to costs Defore enttring an actioIl.-Carried. / Moved by A.A. McKillop, se~onded by H. Ga,rbu:t ; ,T~at the applkatipnfo,r appointment of trustees on the 'Dutton fIigh School Board to fill vacancy be laid over until the - }anuarysession.-- Car'ried. MOVed by' M. Payne, seconded hy N. S, Lusty; That the thanks of tlliscounciLLe anrlare hereby tendered 'to the Warden, Treasurer; Clerk, Engineer and Janitor ;ortheirefficient services during tile year, also to ~here~rese~~:atives of the press, fo! .th~"courtesy sho'wnrnembers of .the co'uucil.-Carried. -'-';' 47 48\ ELGIN, COUNTY ,COUNCIL PH.0CEEDINGS. l\Eponrs orCommITIEES. .$tallbittg @))!\\t\tittu'rJ Jll"trj!))r!. To,theWardcn and Elgin Coun'ty Council: -The 'special committE'e appohi.ted to strike standii1g committees, peg Jeav:~ to report for th~ HOUSE OF IND.USTRY. Yarwood, AnJtt,\,rs, ,_Garbutt.', PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Godwin', Lyo~-j" Luton, Cli'ne, McKillop, and \Varqen. GAOL AND PRINTING. Cranston, }>ayne "'-nd Brower. . FINANCE. . Sinith,Back'house, Doherty, Lus~y and' RichardSon. EDUCATIONAL. McDiarmid, Larnl~,ert", Teal; _Cline, Backhouse, Lyon, Thomson, Andrews, Donaldson, Yarwood, amI P.lyne. PETITIONS AND LEGISLATION. Mc'Cridie, Strauur'1, Little, Godwin, Lusty, _;Cranst~n and Blewett. All of which is n;spcctfully submitted. January 28th, 1890. A;NDREW' N; CLINE" 'Chairman. \ EtGIN-'C()U~:ry cduNCIL PR6CEEDI~lGS. 49 ;~itlll\lrf (ID'Dl\nlliltce'~:'Eafj!ait. JANUARY SESSIQN.-FIRST. REPORT'. T'o','nie Elgil:_:Cpunty~ouncil-): GENTLE~IEN,':""""The Fil1ance C6m,111itteebeg leave to report ,,:' J 4. That tbe qnesticn, of pr6Viding"fol:T)'ayment of CR-nada Southern Railway Debentures be laid oVt:r until }up-e sesslO~. - 5.' That the Treiisurerue anthorized to pay~alJ . ~CCollnts yresl~nted by License Comrnissiqners,properLY,ecrtified asheing':,. ,f'll', Ganad,{ . ,'{em';. pe~ancc Act e)(;pcnses, and that the~ccou1}ts for these expenses;already paid be allbwed. ' 6, ThattheTililesai'coUllt Jor aci vt'rtising, am6unthig'td'$I'3.'40'h~ paid. ., That-Treasurer oti\Jdboro~gh be:p~id the sum ':of' tweflty-f6n'r'doUars refund expenses, sending Mary, Jane Knight, arrindigent, to Lunatic Asylum.; That Treasurer of Malahidebe paid lhe and ,sixty-five cents refun'd expensess;ending lunatic, to asylum. sum of: tweilty,five dollars Sarah Brigs, .. an ,indigent ," " ii . ' . I. Thatthensualg;rant'of,ten,dollarsbe madG:'tOtliePri~6ners" Aid Association" ano-that. the Te([I1~est for a1)pointment 0'[ d)mrnlttee 'and for petition ito :Local Leglslat\lre'lje not'entertail~ed. ' . .,,' , " ' ',:",-':-- ',' 2. That .the .repnrt of the West Elgin Farmers' lnstltute;- be' con'sid.. . ered'as satisfactory. ' 3. Yrhat'aj3y--Ia'\/~e'passe'cl authorizing tl~e Warden an'9,,;I~re}).s\lr~r, . taborrow'the sum of t~v:e,nty-five thous~nddonars as may be req:UiredtO' meet ct1rrentexpemes. , I I I , I I Ad'. .. . fJ' .$ OTfrc/ ~ ,'. dtUlUlstrat:l0n 0 mtlCe................."...,....,.,......,...... 3090 00.-.4 ( I C?unJy Lin~s and Bridgesl"............~....:~....,......... ~40Q po_~,,~ H?use of Industry..............., ............................. 4383 QO, 't..:m HIgh SellOols...............,......,............................. 5350 00. ;I Model School..............,.................................... '50,00 /$-(1 ()fficers' Salaries....,........,...,............~~~~~.~.....~,....... .2800 90- :z ~ School Inspector..............................................., 780 00 ., 7~ PaYly,ent of Jul'ors.........,',...,..................,....,.,.l.....,.,. 2QOO 00. g_QvQ Crown .'-vYitnesse.~........... ................................ .... 500 ?O'~' 41'tYO I~terest on Bills Payable........:......................,............ .60000' '1VV Mei11bers' Fees,Cornmittees,&c".,_.,:..............:....... TOOO 00. /' / It:' Bills Payable................................................... ,I0600 00'/0 ~.' ( -, ", '......:..;.-,,-..-'-'---'-..:...--' 1/:'-- , $39563 00 J7iP fJII Common Schools, equivalent to Legislative.grant.. ..~j2'~5 'o~~ /' f-":;' (':! .~"/" 5,0 ELGIN: ,COU,NTY COU,NCILP~OCE:EDINCS. ~!:'~PN", ~PY:~f:ry:G9P.~9IL"I;',~q~E,ET)Il:l.qS. 7. That the account for lock on outside dOOf of Aylmer lockup amounting to six dollars be paid. JUNE SESSIO\"~~):"I~ST REPORT. 8.. That the application of OntarioRifleAssoca~ion for gr.ant be not en tettained. ' To the Warden and Council of the County of Elgin ,~ :'l'h:e Coin,h1itt~e (jnFihhirde 'b-e'g leave to report tl;ia'dia'~liig l~xaminecj in_to ,the_finailc~'s'~'tiI1e:tou~ t)', ~.nd th,~, estim,atesprepa,redpy 11).~,CQ1111 ty Treasurer, tHey here'with -subrnit a statenlent- of d1e expenditme 'required fort~'~lawful purposef 9fthe C~upty during thexear 189?1, bhow'ing t,l)~' am'ounts -require~to be raised ~o~o fhe llnd~~rij~iition~~ I)~~i)~?i:s. 9,; That no actIOn be" taken in r~felence to ,puit:hjs~ of bonk on Municipal Finances. etc.. by \Vm; Powis. . 10. Thatthey have examined the reports [rom the Treasurersof.thf': diffexentcotmties:md -wouhi recomme'nd th<=ltno action be taken re.pay- me!lt offce to COUtfty Crown. attorney for attending_before'Justices of the Peace and'PoliceMagistratesasthe s:tatutes and regulations of the Attorney Generalsdepartment make provisions tor payment of the fee when services . . , are n~cess1.ry. ' \ AII,of \"hich is respectfully submitted. Jah,itarYj'I:890. \V BACKHOTTSE,' Chairman, SJ):CON:D REPORT. To ~he Elgin County Oouncil : . ,- "fj 'fhe Finance,C;ommittee beg leave "to ,present theirsecon~ report: ;rh~t in'considerin& the communication .from tlJe clerk of the peaC;;l to,bepaid by sala;ry.instead of fees were recommended that it be laid over 1,111 til';,.the}UIlesessiO,nin ,order tog~ve your committee time; toinv~sbgate. the'matter. . $42848 00 Your committee would recommell'd".that.:the:,.sum,0}r.tbirtyij1ine' thousanCl fiVe hUl'idredandsixty-three daUars C$39rS63,QO) be, raised on all therfL~e;:b.lt: pj'op~rty ,in. the': sevctraL municilJalities .io).the. coun:t)' of': Elgin'duril~g the year 1890 for county purpc:sesasper schti,(tule'!j}rertw.ith submitted, and that re'l.uisiteby-Jaws be pass~cltolevyar:Jtcof,two ~nd tbr~e-fifths }piJl.s._PD,the:dqlJar:'onl. the, ratea~le:, property'jl1::,1'J.ie fieveral municipalities in the COUD;~Y lasequ~li'zec1, for, the .-p10e-eed ing;;,ilitl': td -,raise'l said amount exclusive ot School grants, and tha~ the sum dFthree tbou~and. two hYI1dred, and eighty-five dOll~I:~ ($3~,~5',~?) q~':~ftj~~d..':.iI1:,'~he;" $E:.yeral townsl.:~~p ~1~u'ii.idpalities only fo'r com'mo'n~~l~~ol?~qu.ivf1'~f>,flt.tQ;!:ht>g,~\:'ern_' ment, ?r~lh and'a:s proportfonea. au'd', ie9.ui~ed .q'Yj~hei,~c1U<<'U~9,l1'q'ep~rt(l~ent and' ento~reJ i'ri 'th'e of61lowii-iii 'schedtiie' 1.uldef'. :the, :h;~a~of CQmln,Qn'S9~qols.. "",-';".0.. "0' ....,......,.....,,'.,..,_..';,.' "",'. ,J.."""" , " " ',_AlLof w~ic.h i~ re?peqfully;suhrpitted~ 'iV. BACKH(f)USE, (;hairman. January", 1890.,,! 5' I' I I :1 I I . 52 ELGIN :"CotTNTY"Co'UN'ciL "-pR:ol:~jn)iNC:S: :M UNICIP ALITY. '__~__R_ A/dbbr()Ugh' ............,...... Dunwich .......... ..............:... South wold .......... ...... ................ 'r:J~~~~~..:.::.:.:.:::.:.:..:.:':.:.:.:':::::: :::::::::: .. Sbthh "Dorchester-..;.-........ ;;, _,.. ...: ;','A.ylnler ,.'...., .<, ... ",. ...',. '.~'. ;';.... ;','...:: Vienna, .. .,.:.';,; ,';,... ,.;.-.;; ...... ~ ;.. ..;"; ~ ;.,: ". :..Springfield ..............................:. ,_.~ot't Stanley,;,:'..',.. .'..';,.... ",".'. ,...'.'.. ,',. ,,,\,H Total........................... .. .:i' SCHEDtJLE~.' ,~ , I: t q-E~, I~A1'E, I G.oMMp~, I TOTAL. , SCHOOLS' $ 49'7 5447 7450 8021 5983 2'882' 34,8' 939 '48 180 178' .. $39563 "'.-:-Corhmitte~.r'oomJ i: 8th June,'r 890. .. -',....., ,-' ..'( ~" >.:, ',"> ,>. <- ': -.. .. ",' .. ',',.. .. Allof whi.ch is respectfully submitted. SECOND REPORT. $ 3285 $569 466 553, 600' +70 444 i8j --,...:-:-:-~ $ 5486 59'3 8003, 86.21 .6453 3326 3:~'OI .939 148 180 .'178 $ 42848 '\: W BACKHOTTSE, Ch~irman;. L.,W.:Pie'rce; Arliner'..'... i.... ....... ... ....~'.<._.'..,~ .$15 A'.'M:cRae!, ,putton: ,~.'... ,'.~..:. ,','.... "..::. .,...., ......... ~...: ....'.,. 10 0.. S. Milne,' Pt.' Stanley..:...:.:..'........,:....:.............."". '5 Isaac McTaggaIt,'Springf1eld:.'.':...." ..':..: .:. ....:::;...: ..... 10 00 00 00 00 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 53 John McFa,lane.'Wal)acetown.'...."............................ ,I~ 00 joseph,BaIsden, .Shedden,...~~..~;.;;;...~.................;...... J~! 00 :D:.Purdy,Vienna.....;.'....~.'..~..: .:....... ..::..........,. .......~ 10 00 . D. A. Kirkpatrick, West Lorn~............".......,.A:,:...-...... 10 00 2, That A. McLaughlins accbuhtfor' stationery for county clerks office, amounting to $29.57; be paid. 3. That the county auditors' report be ad~pted. Q * 4. We would recoll1mend tlytt the county auditors be paid th~ sum of fifty doearsf'ach tor their serVIces instead of forty dollars' as provided in the by-law pass-=dat the Jilouary session. 5. That a by-law be passed to authorize the Warden and Treasurer to borrcwthesumoi $10,000 in addltionto the $25.000j autlwri,zed,' at January -session'. ' . '0... 6;. That the clerk be a:tthorized, to procure the filesn,ecess;ary to complete system offiling- the papers in :his office. All of which is'respec~fullysubmitte~. " Jane, '1890. 4 W. BAr.KH@usE;Ohairman. >{: Referred to. CommIttee of whole, 'and amended by striking out "4" clause. ' THIRD. REPORT. \ Your Committee_beg leave to. report: .'\ That ,whereas the county haslJai'd' for attendance 0'[ the County Attorney. at:magistrates,couitsof:eriminal.justice .for thepa.st six. years.en~ ding December'I889.,asper resolution oENovember 1880.,' and whereas said accounts have not been audited in the administration of just~ce 54 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. .\i ac'c6'unts,and rio poiti'ou of 'this amount has been.. <;.611ected _ f:bm ,_the Onta~i_R ~?ver~~e~~~ ,'Y.~ ~<?~l~. r.e~~U1~end that. ',3:'. c.ommittee: ", compbsed of th~.,Y~!.l~U~~~,.of t~~ ,~ou~.~y !3-_I?d .p. ..M<;La.ws",Es,q~~.,!be .t~que~sted. to wa~t on th~, :A~:tornf'Y General w~~n ~he '.'~~~9f re.co.upmg the lcburitYI theIr share bf the e'krJeriditure; ,'- .'- - -," All of which is hum1J1y.submitted. June, 1890. W.,'BACKHOUSE, Chairman; NOVEMBER SESSION. \ To the Elgin Oouhty Council: GENTLEMEN,- The Finance Committee'beg leavt': to report,: Thatthey'haveexamined the f6i16~ing accounts, arid recom'ITu::nd that they be paid. L.:W. 'Pieree,' keeper AY~rrler lockup. ','" ~.......... ",_;" .~....SI5 00 Daniel McKee, keeper Dutto'n lockup;....................~.. 1'0 QO O. S. Milne, keeper Pt. Stanley lockup................,...... r5 00 LMcTaggart,keeper Springfield lo'ckup...................:. ro 00 I. McFarlane, keeper Wallace town lockup................... 10 00 ,J',Balsden, ~eeperSh~dden lockup............................. 1000 D. Purdy, keeper VienneI9ckup................................ 10 00 D.A; Kirkpatrick, keeperWest'Lorne lockup......;'....... 1'000', ,. ..' ' Victorifl:'IndustrbISchoal far maintenance: ' Ohas. Marshall..,..........,.................................... .$66 00 R. McLachlin,'Stationery.......'....:.....................u.. T6 35 D,' ]\.{cLaws, expenses Toronto.'..;.;.','.;..................... IA- 00 'J. J. McCausland, expenses Toronto"......................... 14 00 J. 'McCausland, expenses Dutton.,......,.....;.:.........;..;.. 1':50 All of wni,c~ is respect[ully,submitted. I," ,.',_ i N~venlber '19t,h;. r8'9p. w; BACKHOU$Ej. ,Chahman'~: ELGIN iC()F~fTX CClU~CIL:~RoC;EEmNq$; ~ 111lutU )iBJlj)iilttr'" )ja tiUl1rfS. JANUARY' SESSION". - '. . County:EnglOeer's,Office, St...Thomas,.fahiidrf,z8th, ',18'90; To the_Wardenand,.Cauncilof the County of E~gint GEN~:LEl\~EN,"-1geg to'submifYDu the'follo\\'itlg r'epart:_ The ir0nworkof th~ lVardsvillebridgehas been"completed; except the iJaintingwhich:is not satisfactory. . , The approach'esare n9~yet comple"tedc111 accOl1nt'brthe:\Vet',',we~th~,'r' lithaspeerlfou'nd impossible to'get this 'Ynrk-a?,~e irlacc'ofdance, ,\v,ith,: t,l1e.. contrads, butenoughpasbeen.4one. to In,~l(e: it 'safe for'pUbl~~,tl:~veL ,',As', soon as the weather permits , t3ey: will betOrtjplcted iti,a pr6pe(ri1anner; t ., ,,' A .joiht'rneeting,9 r,the',public" i111Prqvements, tomrnitte'~s"qfElgin IVfiddlesex and K.ent ",asl1e,lq -in Londp~or,I"the 9t1lanq '.' Ioth:ins.t.,:()f. tpiSin'()llt}l,"for tr.e"purpdse ,Of rec6psided~g...t~e"pIan ror .propos,eq. Hqth.: ':wel1' hridge.. A minute9f)he proceedings is attac4edtp this report;; All of ,,,hiGh is respectfullysubtriitt~d. j1\.8. A.,BEL~,C9,uhty,'t~'9hle~r'., . JUNE SESSION. To 'the Warden BndMunicipal Oou'ncil orib,; Oouniyof Elgin: GEwr~EME~;-'-.;I ~.e71,e~;~e :t:9, "s~~l1}jt :y'?uilje. foPP~i~,g,'rep,o!t~ , , , ' . ,. .' . . .t\s',allth6rized: by yourh'ono'r~bl"eb'o'dy, at. your last', meeting, )our, J>ubl:iclm?rovem~nts' Committee.. have in' .'conjunction,:with,similar, coW:"' mitt.e~sfrom:,Mid~lese*-;ahd! Kent awarded t~~ .'.cont!~cts"for rebuilding the: Bath\VeIl bddge wit,hstone abutm~nts !lnd Iron superstructure! , . EL(}IN :COUNTY COU~CIL PROCEEDINGS. , The to\'(11 of Bothwdl has made a::rangements so thattrafficove'r the bridge has r10t been' delayed and wm. "not be during the construction of the'south ab4tment. Lregret to say that the iron: w0rk 6ftheWardsvillehridge is not yet _Coll1pletedina, ~atis.factorymannerJ,and I have refused to -accept it off the ,contractorSha)l.ds. 'l'belower chords on the west side of the bridge do' not assumethe strain:cakula~e-d,to be~upon them in an equal manner. This iscausedby the eye beams not-being 0; eq~allength or the pin -connections'not being at l',ight angle to the chords, It is a difficult matter to m~ke good now after erection and, may necesitate the taking ont'of -part ,of the chordaltogether;:-on ac.sountofthe high water the approaches are not:com111eted,'but w'ork is now iO'l)rogress, and I hope to have them, com..,' pleted,soon;: Traffic overthe bridge is Tlot interfered with on account of the:above.' Tben';cent freshet caused some slight danl?ge to the James, town and' 'Gillett bridges;'under your juriSdiction over the Catfish . Creek. At'janlestowb briage.a very large ,amount of driftwood collected nearly \carryingoff the structure. \..1 have llOW the damages repaired and made .safe for>public.travel. . At your,last meeting I was ins~ructed to prepare ,plane andspecifica:- 'iions}ortne -h?il~ing.or co~ri:~Y'o,ffi,ces. r ,b~g to s n bmit you :with thi!if the p1'ans <)-udspecificatibns which I have prepared for that pUl'pose.wnichI trust will meet with )'Ollf approvaL. .1 ,estimate, the, cost of t~le building .complete assho\vn,nt>t including fur:llture or heating, at $'10,800. All of which is respectfully submitted. ]As.A. ,BELL, CO!lntyE~gineer. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. NOVEMBE~ 'SESSION. I 51; Thomas,'Novemberixth, 1890 Tothe Warden andC.ouncil of the County of :EIgin : GENTLEMEN,-I beg to snbmit,you the following reportj L Mr. Talbot, Engineer for the countyofMiddlefex,andmyselt .ma,dea..careful examination, lately .of the' woo:~el~ subsf'tucture oLthe irOli b.ridge known as tbe McIntosh bridge crossing the Thames river between th~ co~ofMlddlesex a.nd t:lis county, and we, are .of the opin10n that steps should 'be taken at once by the two cOl,lnties t.o have the substructure rene\v.., ed,orTepiaced bystone'~ The ppper struc:ture _ of this brid~eis.ofjron and was builtinr878 <'.nd, the\voodenstructure shows such evidence 'of decay, that in our qpinionitmay endanger the.iron work to leaveitml;lch longer in 'its-present position., even if, action is taken at once it will take nearlya~,.year to kwe a stone foundation \juilt. 2. A; few weeks ago a chord of the Bort Stanley bridge gave way 'evidently caused byJast driving, I had' the break repaired'withas, little delay as possible and the bridge is 'no.w in good conditio!]. ' , 3. A break also occurred a few weeks ago ontLe-~{ains bridge-h'e- 'ween the CIty of So!. Thomas and your county, this was caused by a large drove of cattle running on the bridge, the bl:eak was immediately repaired. 4. The repahs on'the county bridges as a wholehgvebeen very llght.Juriog the year. 5., The contractor for f>othwell br.'wasonry completf'd h}s conti'ac:t i{l accordance with plans and'" s})ecificatlOns as reported, by the, Ti1spcctor about the IotholSeptember wh~n they had the east approach filledup'3 i courses or about' 6 feet from the ground line, ,the abutment ,on the 'nortl). side of the river shows signs' of fracture, this, fracture wh~ch i,s)n thecentie oCthe face of the wall increased in a few days until itwas'one inch' wide at the top :and vanished :tbout 20 fef;:t down the wall, since that time it has"rel11ained about the sam'e,' there is not the slightest' sign, of ,any' dis.:.: placement of-the masonry; fjj\~ 57 . ~, 58 ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL I)RQCEEDINGS. Th'ere are two causes assigned f~rt~isbreak, ,one' is -that th~earth filling behind caused it, and the other ,is,tha\ a slight settlement ,qf the concrete bed has' taken place;': '\. . ,~.cc'9rding :'~omy b~st judgment, ,guided by ,the evidence of parties ;who-saw t!1e foundatiollf\ud statl:), that the earth under the'wings wa~ not 9,uite sO',hard as Ul1~~T:th~ (~ce .wall, 1 am led to believe that it.is a'slight settlement in the wings. A half"an.inch settlernent, under the wings wouldaccountfor.s,uchaf ract~re.lf ~t was caus~d .Qy~:h~-pre$sure of the earth, I would 'expect" to see different results, such as the' sheving out or displacement of tl1e 111asonry: It isa difficug m~tt.el' tq say what willpe the result ofthefraC7 ttlre.;, Ih' m(,opinIon, if"it dO,es not get much worse it will 'do no i~j~lr.y tothestru,<;~ure ;,Dut if it contin'-;les,to getworse,something will h,lV~to be done' to ~ollnteractit. I adYi3ed,as~did also the engineel' :tl:?in,Middlesex~, that the ir~,m sJ1perstructure be erected as soon ,as po'ssible, an. clt~1C:;:f11atter left" until' next spring. ",," , ',You(publicimprovement committe::: 'have examined the abutment and;heard the statement of the Inspectors and others and are fully conver- sant ,with. the"matter. All ()fwhich is respectfully submitted. JAS. A,BELL, County Engineer. ~ ELq~N, COUNTY' COUNCILPROCEEnINGS. I 59 X-@llhlic')FtUl1f.oDtnmltfl @'.otUtUittH'fi :&cl1odn. T;" ,,' ":,:....', t JANUf'-RYSES$~ON. County' Buildings.,S~.' ,Thorpas; Jary.. '3P,~.h, I8'90. '~, To the "\-Varden ,and Council of theCourily of Elgin. GENTLEMEN,~YOur Public In1prove~ellts Oommittee heg leayeto. submit the following report;,: I. That the tepo'rt'of the 'county engineer be adopted. ....., 2~ That Messrs. Cline, God\vip and the V{arden be a committee to' meet a shnilar committee from' the county of Mi(;ldlesex to take into con~' sideration"the., apj)lication/or a new bridge to ,be constructep,oyer the' River ,Thames at or riear the ,town li'ne 1;)et\ve~ri.the townships..of AJd>>o-. rough and Dunwich.,. 3. ,That we ,have exa~inedthe'pla.ns ,and '~pec,ific<ltions prepar'e.c;i,by' the engineers for the proposed new Bothwell bridge, and wouldTecom~ mend thMr adoption: and .that :the engiileersat once advertise, for teriders. for the construction of said bridge: ,an~,als?t~at yourPll~.lic: improveM, rnentcommittee, in conjunction. with sImilar cOlllmittees from Middle~ex' and Kent, have ,power to receive ,tenders and award the contract for the constfuCti~pof f$a~d .bridge.; and' that the wa'rden be instructed to sign the contract on behalf of this county. 4. We.hdveagaiil takenir;to c6n:;ideration the petition of J. Goie-c' man and 'others asking .t~at .som,e action be taken by your honorable body to 'ha,ve.a, portion of the town line hetween the .town~hips ,of Yannollth: and, Southwol? opened up for public travel, and also the cQmn~l1nication ot.J.McLean & Sop: with r~fel'enl'e ,to the sarrie,and'w()uld,'recomrrHmd that no adion be taken in the matter. All of';'hich is respectfully. submitted. ANDREW N. CLINE, Ch~irman.. -~""~:=' ", .~ 60 .ELGIN'COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. I' JUN"E SESSION. St Thomas, }uneI8th, '1890. To the ,Warden and Council of the Counly of Elgin. GENTLEMENJ-Your PublIc Improvement Oommittee beg lfave to report. ( In refe'rence to the communication from the clerk of the county oC Middlesex reg~rding the bridge' Dn the townline between Delawate arid Southwold;; YOUI.COl1lO1i~tee arc of the opinion that this Is not a county bridge under the act. Y O'lr committee are also informed that the council bfthetownship' of Southwol~ have expressed their willingness to pay one half the expenst;;of rebuilding this bridge. Therefore your committee would recommend that no action be taken in ,thismatterJ and that the de.rk notify the county o( Mtddlesex to this effect. Your,committee would recommend the ad()ption at 'the county En- gineers report as far I as it I relates to the COUIlty bridges, and that, the En'gineer be instructed topay no more on account of contract of fhe sup.., .erstructure of theWardsville bridge until said contractis , completed 'en- tirelytohis satisfaction and in strict accordance with the specifications "repared therefor. A II of which is respectfully suhmitted. A.NDREW N. 'CLiNEjChafrman. . ! , '\, NOVEMBER SESSION. St. Thonias, Nov. 181i890~ .To the Warden and members of the County CQuncil : .G,~NTLEMEN ,-Your 'Public . Improyemen-t'" Committee "beg;,-.-leave'to . sub'!"t the following report: _"",,';"'_-"'~,_~~,~'_~"";"h~" ..,~."", '. ,"_ ,-,-,I /. ~LGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 61 I. In refere:qc~to clause ':No. ,I-ofth:e,.englneers!~ep9rtregarding the necessity of rebuilding the substructure of the Mclntosh bridge. Your committee_ ,,\ould recommeQd, tha/ they in ,c~njunctio,n with a ~imilarcom~ mittee from: the 'coupty of Middlesex- meet. and -inspect the- bridge -arid' if in their opinion they th:nk it advisable to have full power to have' plans prep'lred and -contractsawal'ded. fot - therecon'structio'n of. the,substruc-,- ture; 2. In reference t6cIauseNo. sof the engineers rep'ort re not~h abutments of Bothwell bridge, youtcommitteeag'ree- "',7ith the opinion of' the engineer as to the cause of the fracture in the masonry, and h~s aCtion in recommending the construction,of .theiron ,work as soon aspossibJe. Your committee, met and inspected the work and heard thepa.rtie,s and the- inspectors opil1ionasto, tbe cause of the fracture and believe that unIesp it getsqJ.uch 'worse it wiH not injure the work. 3. Yourcommitteewouldrecomntend the adbptionof the ,Engineers report. , 'All of which is respedfullysubmitted. . .A. N. CLINE, Chairman. SEC;:ON.D REPORT. St. Thotilas" Nov'r. 19,.1890. The Public Improvement Comrnittce report: ,'i .. . . . . . . . / I. _ ~rhat we woufd re,comm~l1cithfltth~application,of '~he ,'reeveof Sonthwold'fot the rebuilding Qf th~ bridg" on .theJownline hellyeen Dela. ware and'SouthwoId, be not entertained. 2. We recorn:nend that nOacti6nbe taken as" regard I the applicaw tionofthemayorof the .city of St. Thomas: for a<;summ~,a }:>artof the_ LYl1hurst~bridge: as ,we, havenolj urisdi.ctio.lli'DVer :tbec,matter. ' <ANDRE\V, N~, CLINE,Ohairman. 6.2 ELGIN COUNTy'COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ';:u; ~\\v.liF ~!~!J~J 3IS,h$~itf~.i:' $, ~q~(fXf. !"'",,,', .:... >" .. 'J' .. ,;': .. ',',.' , .. / 'T,qthe W~"len ~n(ll)JembersoftheElgin County Council: GENTLE.iYlEN ,--'-1.' have .the nonol1 'of submitting':for yom"consideratio'n my :report on the Elgin Public Schools, for- ~he year r889": ',' , _i\$itlfonI).Yf repor.t,s*e sta,tistic~ are:taken from my,surnmary report' to th~ ;Eqqt;ario11: Departm~n t. FINANCIAV STA'(EMENT. Recefpts: -'-: Bal~n~_efror(l:I~:8,8;...;...... ..:.~., .....,............ .,',.. .".$~ q05 49 'Gover'nm\entgr~Ilt.'.'. .... ,', ... ,_. '"............:......... 60r 7- 33 Municipal 'grants.... ......... .,................. ....... .... 3758' 03 Trustees Tax............ ~.... ':......... ...,~",... .._.......' 44372 52 Clergy, Reserve....,....... ......... .,.. ..........:. :...... 3941 I~ --- Total.....................$6979453 Receipts for 1888.......................,................ 73316 39 --- Decrease.,;......... .,.... $3521 86 ...,........................... 'Expehditure :-- ...A4195638 5457 9.7 .405 03' 9601 65 Amoun~ paid Teache'rs:....:;.............. Amount paid forouildings.....;. ............"..... Ampuntpaid.'f6r apparatus.::;;..'. ....:',....0:...:. :'Am(mIlt) p:li'\l, fdrfuel,etc~J!.. .'.;; '.'.'. :':.. ;-'.';. ;~'.':.... Tot'll Expendlture.........$5742I 03 ToW Expemliture" 1888........61554 '3 ", " Decrease. i.,,,.. , ' J ~~- ,..........................."..... $413.3 10 .,;J3ala;nce in,Tl1uste:e:s'hands"December 31st I889~ $1-2,373.50. , =~+;, /~--'---------' ELGIN ,9,()_Y;t!,~x _g)JJNCJl~"~:P.RocEEmNOs.,, 63 .,,""; .' ~.-\ i" <:";:;;'1 :"i_,,;, "i:', _ ,S,CHooLPqPgLA:rrON,~T:rEN:DANCE~ &c~ . _;>1":"0 \ I' 't, ),.::,.,,;'~'(~--r >, . ~", :-';'<:':',,1 "(J~",,,i)j'~,: .' .. . . The. rei;orte'd school population. that.is Of"persons 'between"'tlie"~gJs :%9fS' ,1~hs!'? I .'y,e~r~',' ~~69~{_!i,(~'he't6~~1' I),~~?~t'I,~:~g~~.t~re~:,1Vas "~;4T~~;;'(,(,;JR,is ;~hf'l':s. than.~Jo w:re n?t:at pubhc schdol'durm~ r~89.. Wo.~.oJ;lb,tm~.~y :.:!?~J9,est:.'attende.4 h]g~i13c,hool~'i"::' ,~~~e. aV;~tag~ .~~al"l y .~~t~~.~an,cW;~~~:iJ3,~,2.1 $; Qr .aboul 44. per ..cent. .qf:-the num.er. ~~glsteted:.l The attenaance was :i~'.re~ily]decreased,in.the first half cf the year on account of small' ,pox i'n .Southwold. :(Pt<' , ;'/ t,~!'.f >;":,(,::./,'; Th~averagecost pe;' pupil 'was$9.63'as ag'.{nst$?:06[or,;88:~. ',~."~' ':"_' ",.: 1'1.: ':~'('_,'.. .';':,(':'~','<.' \ : ':"," ,\'" ;"i",':.' '~.,. ..,:.'):: ,c. :,', ~}: '."(~~~:~~~'iw.et~,i'~~ RP;J~t~h:.:?i~~~,,~\~_:.t1}~ ;ag~~.;,~r',7,1:~rl,d"'~~i: ,;~,ql :,~'id':~:,lJPt allenge ~~Y'~Sg<!olll~nn!,)lw. ~~'W i. .1,6,79 ,PBPll~l:>etiw,c~n,t\)e,!~geiqf7 and ,.'13 ',ar~'reBQrteq' ~.~~. ~9r 'BavIl}8';~tt~~4~~ :.,~<:,hq91; lRP';'_,;~flYS.4up\lg,: ,t1.Hh'ye~t, itliiS'fs'n-of telial)re_:~ as: a: ::ilupU' m'ig,ht' 'tt~ehd, 991:daY{ii,4,Ol)e. $~ij()pl'.-,an4' i 99 ~days i1,1 another-.and- be reported from e'ach school?s having'attended-lesi than IOO days. The No. OfpHpils in part lfirst~ook..........r558 ,:'r:~ .' '" ;,' ',',;; ',' ,'-:Xf..\'I;:~~ I\_~~:i~i;. ";''-': :;~ ;>:,~\.,:.':.9:~,I . secolld OO()~............l6H - 4' . 'h;""d"--'b"" """'k" "'!" ,'",..-;,1.:.1,_ .. .. . tIt, . on, ....:..........14~I "I. <'it, :'lourth .ihbok'.:.:..'....:....I5~6, H "fifth class..............,. '288 By referdlyg~li!oL'tBe!-;repdilirfdf's~\i:eHl~y~IJH. ~l::~1irfj~'J'J'~en t~ata large; number- of pupils Df::Ver reach the ,second""classal!d,that those,of~~e ,~:ec;onQ ( ,f\,a~~::g~l!~!.#U y. .Jea~h' lhe, :4th: dass., ': GeneraU r (t.b,~~ ~i.1 ~r~~f.s fi:'.r,'tb'~.:~'~~h fq,l;pt:: c.1asse~a:re: wM(ltaugbt.).,:Tempe-ra'dcefan'd H yklene:'re'cell,e 'mor~ ,attentIOn thfuleverhef~re ,; music, the 'universal language of man~ind,is -w~lr'i~\)glit: inonly a 'few Ofopr schools, itshould be,ta,ugh~ in ,every-primary school. ~}R?,t.1Y~ ,MV&hk,) };;s~e?l\eh~.p,si;,!,:att,~nti()n, .<md } p}"lser;y.~tion.:":~n.cliitraihs the: setlSe 'ot nearIng; It ctIlfIvates t~e memory, thelmaglI?-atJOn and the judgment;' it secures ,precisi.on_3:n~J:prq_~_ptness and. promotes cheerful~', ness. ' , .- ' , , , While w~(~try'to'make the'PUblhYScb6tH.~f~~'f~b-:~11t'Sdy,:~tactical, we. ~hould notfii9get that boys .and girls are sdcial Doings, 'capable of culture; 'and refinement. ' ' I I ~4 ELGIN coUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Since July of last year there has been but one text !Jook in each subject in tbeuublic sch~ols. ,Ther~adersc(mtaipchoice selecti0ns in poetry,his.torYl~nd .bi6gr,~phy-;,well"'calclilat~d .to'develqp a taste, for reading~hdse departments of literatme. Unfortunately, there?-re few .l~~s9Ps, oLa _sr~~pti ~c:c h<trapter,:espedall y. in:t~e: i. f~Ul}h' ,:,reader . ',:.l\nd.. .-as :~n6:t' ~~l}:~, ,piipps i,n',:r.1ll'al.~ecti.o~1s_ gq Xu~ther'than:the fourth CI3:S~,-", th~y leave, ,~c,1?,opl, ;Nltholl',t,:lia:V1,ng: dev~10ped"ln them \ a: tas,te'for, "the,'" s~in,plest sdentipc ~e,adjl~",g~ ,,~f ~,,' '1eWiand'"revised editiol} c)f :thefourth,teader " ')vere,iss~e.d:c'ohtail1ing.re~djrig lessonf,on elementJ.ry'agricultu~al scien<:e. .' ,mech~nl~al, sc;=ie'h,ce" b{)~a,ny,' 'c.Qmrpetce; &c.so as' to- develop ,a: "tastefor this"ki'nd'o'f litei"ature, tIle book would be better adapted to pupils -in the I rural, parts of the Province. By this me,ansplpils would have a wider range lor, re~ding>ttnd, t,h~ ,llumbe:,of subjects,onthe;programme,!and the 'number bftext.:b06ks'would not' be',increased; , The subject'of providing a more suit<:ble cour~e of stti,dy for far~1ers' son~than, th~t set, fqrth,'in the programme i()r,the'fifthcla!':s.in ,the, pub~ic __ schools, andihe __ fir?t form fn '-the high schools was discus;sed ,at a, ll1eeting of i~spect~rs ,held ,at,Tor'Qnto ,:~nFebr~ary hst., ',The ma~ter was laJdbef0re, the Minister of Education, ;whoprom~sed tci'give it h,is',considetation. , ' ,", ,'," SCHOOL HOUSES, &c. There wer'e _ j()4'school hous~s:inthe 'c'ount'ycontaining I 23 depart~ ments_j 5lho~ses :we're 'bric~8;nc;l 53, frame. With few exceptions the houses are comfortable." ',T~echa~a~ter of the houses ~and grounds is con;. ,standy improying. On A.r~~)Qr Day' 347 trees were planted in and about ;schbOI grounds. TE~7~E~~J- TH;EIR r CERTIFIC;ATES ,AND SALARIES. 'Thbr~' werbI:Z3', t~~chers :en;ployed in"the schools ;: ,63 ~ladies and 60 ,ge~tlell1en. Of th~se42 held second cJass certificates~nd 'Sr Ithird class " .cert,ificates. . ' the ,average salaryfo~ a male teacher was $393 and forafemale $296. MAPS,' GLOBl\;S, '&c. . Number of maps.."..;.. ,....,...... ....... ......... ..869 Number.of globe~'............;.........,......... ,... .roo. " -,-~----~ "~"."";,, "<C',".'- ''''''l " ELGIN COUNTY :COUNCIL-'PROCEEDINGS'. 65 . i c." There is adeficiencyof go~ddic!ionaries and gaze~teersjn the-schools'. EXAMINATIONS, PR,IZES,&:C. There were, onl;,"'3':3' publ-icexamina;t-ions.held duri~g the year. One un,iformptomotion was,hel~. .:r'here w~rerI88visits made by trustees, '41 by clergymen and 401 by other persons. I visited ,each school twice during the year. ,I, There were two meeting?, of the Teaeners'association :held during the y~ar. Importallt.additiops .have,been..made..to;the,teachers',library. which, now contains about 5oo,volumes. If there is any other information re,.. garding the ,schools, tbe m,embers;(Jf the:-Gouncil, would Uke, to:haveJI shall 'be glad to furnish It ~f),cando,so. !h~111dn~XOll for. your,~onti~qedass~stance apd. interest in tpe schools of the county. 1 i1avethe honor to be, '< . , yentIernet1,;your,;q,bedient servaJ;1t. , . W".ATKIN, l'ublic School Inspector. I St. Thomas, JlIne 16th" 1890. , ': ;,'""-,.';,-,, ','j"',",:, ',I ',', ,,; i: iiiiii'i'-;!"'i>ii,",i;:C,;~ 66 ELGIW'.:ciltiNTV'-'CcJUNCIL' ',:-Pk6t:EEOtNGS. ,i/,,': I, :. ,{,;, 1:', :, '/,_'1 ';':;,'.1 (I,..:. {:, i :-.;' ;~~~~,\ . ~.blttlttiO"lt.@f crmm\tiCt' ~ :mfu~rt. .. 'JANljARyi~~~SION:. To the Warden and members of the. County Conncil : ;\':\.1\11.) ))1,",;/ :i{),) . U;,''-:, , .~~ ,,' ,:,,~1': !n ',;; 1 The Education Committee report as foll~ws : "J' ,1(; I';': ",h.. :" \" ,'r" Vol ~;-tet'6'irini~bd: 'iHat;theaccouhtS'.'re:eritt~rl<ie'exkibih'a:tit)Us:-for ~ilfgh Schools, viz.: Dutton, Aylmer, and Vie'nha;' bel'paid; I " , ' I ,. ',"' '.That!the "iiccoiiriti";oI:'the~ :c:ohri'ty liolrd'- 'ofLexaminer'3,:atrldUri'ting to $64',20 he paid. We redo'minend th~t the \l\'antslo the h'igli'~ch"6ti;he the'';~i\'1e!.~s in 1889, viz.; Aylmer, $l70o; Dutton, $I~OO; Vienna, .750; St,Thomas, $'I:;.t.OO,;,:'o,llcondition:,that aU 'county pupils are admitted to said schools free of charge. _".,;', ">,!:':, ,'(',:,,;" ,:,": ~'i,-,",T!"',:'~:> , That we petition the Minislerof Educati6n 'to 'raise' tHe'standard 'of- public schools. All.of which is respectfnlly suhmltted. J.' L. LAMBERT ,Chairman~. JUNE SESSION. To the>Wardenf+nd members or'theElginCounty Oouncil: Your Education Committee beg leave 'to report as follows: That the report of the Puhlic School Iuspectorbe adopted and that wemernori~lize the Minister of Education to so revise the fourth ,reader that it may,contain lessons calculated to develop a taste for" reading s4ch scientific subjects 115 are beneficial to farmers'sons,and that the, course of " y --'~ ;~". ~~'''''- '~:~~ .~-: ~::;:;~:~=~===~~ , :':',':,",'::' ,'!'i:'" "",' :::'i,:'" '/' f'f , "':' ELGiN c<)u:tf1'v: COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. study for the fifth form in the public scho;']s and the lower forms in the high schools he amended so as to be hetter adapted for the education of farmers' sons. That A. N. Cline, FH, y""woo.d! a.hd iR. k", .cranstOl1 he appointed arbitrators in conjunc:tion with the county Judge and public school inspector to adjm~t:the Il1~tt~r ..i:p., cq-qne~tiQn,. with,.. sc.h.o91..!i~ction-No~, 3 Aldhorongh. '.. . . . '. .. . .....,.. . . ...... Tq~t.applicalio'l' q~yi'lg b~en 'l1~cj~ tp'Y"'qrcR\Ut11itte~ b)'tq~ lR,I\\Pr sqip pfAldbR,ougp to detacP, th~l,tOWp?piP.fro'l' tp~ Duttmr hig!] e9PPRI d,~s~Ji~t, :....'Y~.,Q~g( to., r~c9mmen~, ,aft~r, ~eflr!ngi.th~" qpi~~qn" ,qf ..",M;r.-;\ ..G~~~N;, that this council take no. action, on the ground that they, have ,no jurisp.ic,. tion. ' All of which is respecttully suhmitted. J. L. LAMBERT,Cbairmanv ... COlUt}1~ttee rooins, St. Thomas, June 18th, 1890 NOVEMBER SES~19N. St. Thqr-nas,N9V. I9, ~890., To the W~,cjenqndCO\l1lciloflhe COUl1ty ofElgiq, ,I G,entlemen, Yoqr;c,ommitte~:'on ..Edqcati()ll.,,~eg,; le,'tY~ to_;r~PQrt- the- ~ollowingaccounts. forentranceexaminations~and would respectfully recommend, thatth~~<ftU~ ,be paid. Aylmer.High,Sc;'ool .......................:......$84.00 Dutton" ........,:......'..'....'.'........ 70 60 v." '. . 8 lenna ................... 24 55c-.17.55. '., , , ,'''':' -,,), " All of which is respectfully .submitted. J. L.' LAMBERT~ Ch~irrnan" '\ .67 ELGIN, COUNTYCOUNCIL'I:PROCEEDINGS. .$l}HiaI ~(}"mmi!ttf'~ :Rl.Cl}ll"rt~ RE OOUNTY BRIDGES. To the Warden and Council of the Coun ty of Elgin GENTLEMEN,~~t thf;'last session of the Coun~il, a resolut:onwas :passed withrefercl1C'e tothe proportion thiscourity' was required-'to pay ~6wardt~emaintenapceofthe Bothwell bridge, 'and as Warden,Iwas authorized to 'appointari arbitrator in case the counties' interested failed to agree. Under the .old award this county contributed three-tenths of expense, 6fthis bridge, the county of Middlesex two~tenths and the county of Kent five"tent~s. ' i\.ta me,eting of the committee appointed by the counties of Kent :andM~ddlese4,whichlattended with some- 'members of the ,Public Im~ ':prO\'e~ents committee to discuss this matter, a resolution was }lassed ; ~~That Keht should pay half, Elgin 27 Yz per cent, and Middlesex' ~2?4 'per cent, of expenses of Bothwell bridge'." , " This'reClU:ced Elgin's share one,-fol"Lteth, and I, with the advice of "the'9ther mem~ers' present, consented to anagre~mentbeing prepared to,~x, thepr()portions,' payable as provided in tre resolution. 'Hopin'gthat the 'council may confirm'my astian, .,' '. " " I am, Gentlemen, Your' obedient servant, H. T. G0DWIN; Chairman. St Thmnas,.. Tan. 29.1890. ELsiN' 'C6U~T:Y eOO'NeIL . PR6CEE'DI~GS;" .- St. T~omas, June ,r,8th, r890' Tothe. rarden andCouncilgfth, Ooun;y (JtElgm.: ........ ... . G~NT~EMt'N,~ Your 'Spe.clal, Coilimittee:'ar)pdint~Cl.' to :e~~~ini'and report on the, petition fromratepaye,rs inthe, t,ownship of Ald.borpugh,and Dunwicb, "asking that a new o'iidlte 5ebuilt"over the river Thames, on or near the' townline between the said townships, beg leave to report ,: /1 That in cCH~junctioh WIth a similar cOD.1l11ittee from the county of Middlesex,:weexa~irfedthedocality of the proposed. site -of b.ridge.land we find that there area number of residents, particularly in the: township-ot Aldborough, ,,';-ho are very greatly, inconvenienced by not having a cross. ing overtheri,<:,eratthis point. . . 'While wecaline>tbut admit that these . parties have,a, , g1;ie,val1,c<;:" W'~,; cannot see our ,way c1e'ar to recommend the construction of <\ new' bridge att4e; pr~se~t tim~, on'a~c:?~n~.9f the. \Te~y ..1a.re;ea'lUountthe.."cpu~~r is now expendlllg on the bridges over thIS flver'between the two COllntl'es. All of which is respectfully submitt,d. H. T. GODWI'N', Chair~an: comm'itte'e..... to,.re~consider .thei/ foll.owillg report' ,va~'presente?';, ... ''i' The. special,'cOlwu,it tee' ha vi ng.re~consid~red' t~~'- '. (-luestiQp. ,of the proposed erection of a. new, bridge over the Thames on the .towll:)ine betw:een Dunwich and Aldborough would rc-commendthat a wooden, bridge b,e buiItol1 theproposed.site,providing ~\ guarant~e,b,e given for the paywent of the $1600 ;prov)ded tbat the co. of Middlesex concur in.thebuilding of said bridge, 3;nd.are. willing .to l;Jeilr.'one,; half of the.cost~'.or'samej and that the .malter .' be Tefel:~e'd to'the Public I~nprovements committees' of Elgin and 'Middlesex; w:th"power' to act; . All of whiCh is respectfully submitted. A motion rep?rt requ~stin'g 'the special havii1gbeen.passed,: the The adopt~d. above. report 'was: Tefe~red Yeas, 18,;' Nays,? 'H.T.,'Go~\lq~.: dhaitn}an~i committee of . the, whole, anq to a '"'~~, 69 70, EL,?H'r ~8,~.a~:p:~c;.9y,~mL, P.~Qc:~~Wl1H?' :r~M}j.i01W nll~Ji.&I~lJ~~bittoil<~~lt}~lfff.kej~" ~t~~d~,. JANUARY,S;ESSION. ;')' To the Warden and Members of the Elgin County Council: GENTL-EMEN,:---.The' Committee on ~etitions aod Legislation beg' Ie'ave>; to' report: l '.. .' : I Tha: th~yhave considered memorial'frommunicipal convention, "a.ndr~ctJml11endthe?9Uncilto con~ur '0 the following amendments to :M:uniciparand Assessment Ads';; ,< ,.,", .,',. ',"" ."t'.'" ,"j',',' ,. I'hllt seCt.io,n34~f a.ssess~n~nt: a~~'qe, .all).~nded to read:as'follow~: 2. AlIgas companies, planlt or gr~vel! foad ~ompallies, and street raHway co~paniesshallbe a'isessable upon and in respect of altpersonal, pro.p~rty OW~~di,l;ly;:tl1e,m situate within said municipalitYj and all the mains, pipes, posts, lamps, and other fixtures of every sUGh gas company, ~h~ugh w~()llyorpartly laiq ,it;lorunder tnestreets, higl:1ways or other public P~a.Gepofthe f!1pniclpality" al~d alL railway tracks,:al1d'superstructure of such street railway company, although wholly or partly'laid upon or along streets,' av~rlues, parks, ,or oth~r pup~ic, places, ar~,h~reby ,declared, tobe the ,per':lonal 'property of the said campanies,and' to he' liable't? asse~sme~t as such. ' ': " ".i ,,: 3~ ,The~vires, pole,S; ins~I3;.tors" an?' oth~r pr9perti~s. c{,telegraph,.- :t~lephq~e" a,nd, ,~lectric light".cmnpanit;s" or (jther, p,rpperties,;thougl:1 wr,qlly'.orp3.~'qy'phnted, ,or plac:ed~: ,ereoted,or ;fixGd, upon, an'y s~~e~,t.t, hi~l],'yaYi: ;pEl;rk, ,.or ~ry other,:puq1iS place".~~~,hereby., declH~d to ~e:w person"Il.l property of the company, or propnetor; and shall beliabl~,to assessment as such. That clause,'3",Y~)j;~e~io?>7.ofa?se~smel1t ,;;Lot be re~ peale4" e~ceE): i? so far as r~lates to burying' gro:mds; clause 25 of section 7"."r~"exeml)tiOlrof':Minfster5' salaries, ctc., from taxation be repealed. The municipal act be amended. by maki11g,',it.cdmpuls6ry dri >i.lt counties 'to estabJishHouses of lndnstry. The municipal ,act rehawkers and pedlars should, be amended 50 that bylaws passed in accordance:here- . ~~~~'M ~:,,,,;';';;.~ir. -~, ELG'I N"; 'Co"UNTY COUNCIr; PRd'GEEDINGS., 7' with will be effective. The muriicipi'I'aet".,h'ould be amended, by making limitations to the time allowed for making claims against municipat cor- porations for -damage to property by public dmp!overnents'j:l1am'ely,' six I months after the damage. or in case of continuation at damage, then one year, from the original :cause,.qf action arising~ II. That the..communication frorn the county of Brant ,to h~ve ,per- sonal propert-yof:farnlers.and others assessed as formerly be not ente;r- , tained. That request of Mr. McCallum re amendment respecting drainage to ,rinlway' act be entertaine'd. All of which is .submilled. W.. MCCREDIE"Chainnan. " SECOND REPQ RT. To the Elgin County Couocil : GEN-TLEMEN,..--- The Petitions and :Legislation, Conmmlttee 'beg leave, to present their Seeo 11 d report; I. That free Ha:wkers and Pedlars Licepsesto trayel on foot ,or ,with ol1~hors'j;during the presetJtyear be granted to ]as.Armstrqng,_ ,LYQl1s, Thonias;Roach,11ugh: Ross, A. MClI'arlane, ,R. Tomlinson" and, 4. c. Laur. '-n.,;th~f\-vithreferrerice to petition for incorporation of Dutton,and. the petition III opposition thereto, we have to recornmenp that n(i) action be taken. III. That we co~operate with county permanent railway commission. , ,.J ~ j' c, ','" ':,: ' ,:' , ,"" "i < ';" , " ' , ",<All. of,which:is'-ire~pectfuilYSu~,nji~~e(L (I of'Huron in ;,p~t,Hioping; for January, 1890t w. MCCREDIE, Chairman. 72 ELGlNCO,UNTYCOUNCIL PRo.C)!:EDlNGS. ' :rHlRDREPOR'1~: To the Elgin' Coun ty' CounciL: GENTLEMENj- The Committee on Petitions"ahd Legislation beg:leave to report : I. That they',have con:s:id~red the petitions :for 'z.nd against ihcor.,. porationortheunincorpor3.ted'vill~,ge of Dutton; and,-firid 'onenundre"tl and Jour names,df which sixty-one are freeholders, on petition in favor. of incorporation., We recommend: I. That a By-law be passed to appoint Malcolm.QampheJlof the ...township of South wold to take the census of the said unincorporated village 9fD~tton andits immediate neighborj,Qod,which comprises the following lands; the south east three quarters of lot No. 12 and 1'3, and the south east half of 10,t No. 14 in c0llcession A, and the north west th:.-ee quarters of the 'north west half of lots No. ,12 and 13 in the fifth conces- sion, south of concession A, in the township of Dunwich, and more 'par:- Hcularly described in the plan and ,paper writing hereunto annexed. , 'J:'hat the said By-law sh~ll nbt go into'Jorce or takeeffett untila bond is execut~J. to tIie ,satisfaction of the Warden' and County Solicitor to in- demnify thecoullty agai\lst paymeL1t~of any expenses t~ey may be put to Gither directly or indirectly by reason of such -By~law, as well as alL ex- penses of ta,king the census. That the said MakoUn Campbell be paid the sum of three doJlarsper dilyfor each day he is actually engaged h~taking, the c- 'census, preparing his report, and submitting to the county council, which he is required ,to do at the June session of this council. All of wnich is respecUully submitted. W,;'MGCREQIE" Chairman.' JUNE SESSION. .To the Elgin .County,Conncil., TheCommittee on Petitious and Legislation beg leave to report: That they have considered ,the petition for incorporation'" and, censuS of the unincofpor'ted village of Dutton, and consulted with the county o;1tr'7~o:m:1"; ",,;,);:;~f.~~~<;-- .;~\i:ft,.'11 '.~- --~-~ ~---'_".~,~=-~!~~':':",::: ,~"..,-,.","",.....,.~""",- """ ~~~ \ / /J ELGIN .--80UNl'Y, CQUWCI-L', llROCE:E.DINGS. \. 73, 'i' - .. ''solicitor in reference thereto, anclhave t0recommen~d . that said petition be granted, and a by~law passed incorporatmg the unincorporated village of Dutton & its immediate ,neighborhood as providedinthe'n1unicipal act. I:::"!',';",'! " "''-''''''',n ;', i ,"', -,.- " '" All of which is respectfull~}ubmitted. June,189o. ,W'c,M,cCREDIE, Ch~irn~an. ,;' ! ii'" ,Ii,i),-':! I', To the Elgin County Council; , "'" >)"j 1']. GENTLEMEI'{,-The Committee on, Petitions and report." "'-" I,,!) :iij"'" ,-,. ,," I;!: ,," ,Legislation beg to .-;.-il' Tha~ 'they .rec9mIIlen4the,'cou~ldl. to. co.oper~te... with Middlese* 'inpeti tioDIng ,'fbl1 ,'<ippdi 11 tnierltl6f j nspectots" 'of making districts. the county of n'lilk'iii . cheese Ah'o(whi~ll' isr'espectrully .stibinit'te'd'. Nevel11ber,.,'r.890' w. MCCREDlIF, C~yairman.' I' I' ,I " II I' ,! I, ')~ Ii , Ii I ,Ii I:: f' r; . r I i,l 74i" EI.lGi:N1CdUNrJ::Y'COUNCIf; PROCEEDINGS; 't , ,Ii 1),"'1 if ".'j .,. :J)(lll: i;'j" JANUARY SESSION. \ .',I(!'i!,(;:':<.J .:.JIO"li',i,:}!!:. ,il To the Elgin County Council : GENTLEMEN,-The Gaol Committee beg leave to report-: <ell';--" "~!"I:-rh ,i1\)Y L That having considered the comm'unic~tion from the Inspector Qf registry off},ces referred to Ul> froml~st session, we would recommend ~ , _," ',: ::.,.,' , i:':,.!.'", :'t', 1. The introduction of a -new system of heating for registryofflce; ;('i::,;,I?-,\!'.1 '~:;,':,> i'.:':';',;:>u-,;,< )-.:.:.',:' iT',:1;1 2. That a wooden floor be put- in new addItion _andjil 'registrar',~ private officej j , ., 1<) .." , ,_} i'., " 'r ",',' r I. ,'-~ " :: ,;::'.. ',~, .. i r, r't ~',Jq f;" '. ',', .'f. ,: " " ':" J.n: 'I;h~t :afireplace. be cons~ructed in ,regis~'far's, "private o'f6ce .for ventilation' ; - , , < 4. That we he empowered tbma.ket4ese:: imp~oy~meI1ts as soon as practicabl~~ -" , . . /" 'J,i'!, ':'i )!; . ,II.' Witll,l:efef(~n~e to,appliclltion from John Wyatt'(f~,n1ta~eF-',; fC:H~;.' an increase of salary referred to us from November ,ses,sion;we reconmiehd . 110 action be taken. * 'III;, We havecon:::.derecl:,communicationfrom his' honor Judge Jlughes for additional 'office ~aceommodation, ,and also the condition' and security of the papers in the county clerk's and otber offices, and would recommend the erection of a ~uitable~uilding for offices and a room for' holding sessions of county counciL All of wJlich 'is respectfully submitted. M~ P,AYN;,E,Chairmon~ * '3rd;,da:l~e'arn:end~dincomm,ittee of the ",hole,- by recommending plans and specifications for county offices to be prepared and laid before the council at June session. ~~"- ,__~~7' T' -',-.- ._'==,~ " .ELGIN ::COUNT'y ~ COUNCIL~, PRQC:EEDIN,GS. 75 " . ro:1,'l'E SE9SI,ON, To the Elgin 'County Conncil: , GENTLEMENj~The Gaol Committee beg leave t~' report :', \. I 1. That a n)wsystem'~f heating 'has been intr~dnced in the registry 9ffice at a cost '01$380, withtne understapdi,ng that!no,,'paxm~nts were to be made' for the work untiL 1st February; _ I89'~ ; 'and thtn' only on' .'condi~ ti()uthat. the system works satisfactorily:~ , "" '" "" / II~, That a "wooden floQr has been put in new\addition, and in ~,e~i~trar's privatebffice'. IlL , Wes,u?mit',h~rewith fortheapprovalof t~erd)~,ridl" pJan~,and -,specifications of building forcouhtY offices as requested at the January ~ession of this counciL All ot ',:hicbj.;'respectfullY subll1itted~ June, _1890. \ M. PAVNE'J'Chai-rman., SECOND"REPQR'l'. To.theElgin County Coul1c~l: GFN}'LEMEN,-The Gaol Comnii tte'e ' beg Jeave..,to report: / . (vVithtefereirce to orde; of sessi~nre hand-cuffsjtbat the l1igh.~' constable be paid twenty-fiye doll<lj'sio:r.seJvice~ neces$a:ry""ilT, ]f).ok~i.ng: gp! thehand~cu[fs and seeingthat they ,are properly distributed and that, he report at the l'Jovember session as to how mal1Y additional pairs of hand~ cuffs are required, and'the treasurer be :authorized to pay for repairs to, handcuffs when certified; by high constable. II. We believe 'that additional;office accommodation fort3e county Judge will be requirc:dand would recommend 'that we be authoriz~dt6, provide the same when required to do so. , \ 76 ELGI'N;' GOBNrFY' C0UNfCIL iPRQ:C~ED.,lN~:3:. i \ All of which is respectfullY"submittedi' I. IM:.;PAVNE,Ohairman. ) urle session" ',I NOVEMBER SESSION. , ' To'the Elgi/l C?tinty Council' " ~ GEN'l'LEMEN,-The Gaol Comrhittee'b~g leave,f~ 'report a~'fol16ws: l; We have fitted up the' junior 'j~lc1,ge"s"roor:n,tRi,his,sat\p~actjQ'l1"and; he expresseshimsdf well satisfied wit;1 his office, the cost 'of'which was $,u4A7:" W~ 4av.e~lso Ip}a<;:ed_,~ cUttboar~ and, pig,eon ,h,olesin,the;senio: JUclge's,yffl,ce (or fylq1g, Ql~papers~:bool~s",&;~.,. ~t ,a., cost,of$'25:oe. .' ..' . ......... .' ." \. . ,', .:.... ..': ' 2; The hose now in the 'gaol is rotten and unfit for use, and we would recommend. that 100 feet of new hose be. ~':l:rch~sed:. 3, .1jh~.rf,are, nO,oibles'in the county jaol, and we recommend the pui'(~hase' of 20 bibles,' to be kept in the gaol, for the use of the prisoners and dther,parties visiting the in~titution. ' \ I 4., 'ThatM. Campbell,higf1con~:t.<lple;:',be refl.uested to continue' his .efforts to obtain replie:; {roll) all c'ounty cOllstable~and report again at the Jariuary,session. ' All .of w.hich is respectfnHy;snbmitted. " ~ U, >Jil;AXl'fE,' GhairInan. (x,mmttteeRoom~'Nov. 19th, r8go; , JJ:") ~ ""'-'-~"-">~---'----'--"- '''''''''':'~"''''''.,c;-,''ft__,~.,,_, EL~I.N:~?UNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. ~ !,,; th,. ,: :)O;i{"/;)'f' "1;,' :i(r}~,: 1:\ ,/" ",'j;, I "i,.: ~a1t!if. (If ~t\bt\~tra @(lmmittte' s ~ft!(lrt~. j Ii ; .',' .' : ; j: ',.': i : ',:' '," ? ; '-'" / __ i ~; ;, 'i" ; ',:; i ; ) , ' JANUARY SESSIOk To the Elgih County Council":' \ , GENTLEMEN,-The House .of Industry Committe,e begs leave to r~eport . , That,in rtference'to Mr. Luton'sclail11"for:'daniages'capse4"by, ,tile drallls,they cannot tell what action to.take "witho'1t 'seeing- MI~:I~uton and would, !c,ql1est p~rrr~ission ftci:1) , the, council t() s,ctge 't~e 'matter as th~y, ltia-y,- deem best. ' ' ,)"" , , ',., ~. ',; ! All of ""hicb is submitted. I " " ;,~ ' rOHN' -f\:NDRE\V$;Cha:ltrialh .. " ,',,'.,: "-' --.';'"''':J:\,,t- JUNE' SESSION. T 0; the'$lg;in'ic;OHntx:qoun~il. GENTLEMEN,--':'The House "of In4u~'tr;}I<.Col11mittee, beg 'le'a~:e: to. report: .' \' I 1. . That they have, agreed with Mr; Luton withreferenceto.iile'dr~iJ 'ou~Letsf~9m H.o~st;.oflndustry farm as folIows: " "'.,,-,1,...,1',,,, ,,""'" ,,"., I. The county: will draw the tile; ~2. TIre CdS't;'of\:til'e;,:and p'Ut'tingth~tlit"in,'an'd,:mainite:nan:<.;e,Cirdt.aint to be done one-half by county, and olle half by M:r".1;. 'ulon, , . !, . I ''3' Tliat'tl\e, cou"ly'sQlieitor,p~epan~;anla!l<~~~m~l\\ t":h~ s!gne~' by all 'partie...ab"llrl!gi.~tM tQ'p'e,ve.n1id\Wth~"<liil1rm\t~.,,, " . !<O!;'.: '!i,A' ,I;~ );'1',;, 'Tn;,:,; <::'j 5\'::,~:; i:("U," .'--!;':." 77 .1 ., i 'Ii . ' II I' Ii 'ili , , ) ELGlNCOUNTY CQUNCIL ,p,ROCEEDl,NG? I 79 ';'1',' 78 ',ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. 1;:,1, :',:,: ,',','-- - '-, "'_ \ "- IlL As many of the membel'shave never visited the Institution, recommend~the council to gO.HPAy.ring)hif,present session. we , , III..Thatfire escapes ar.e beingerected on northi.nd,eastside6f hou'se_of industry, on approve4plans,-'to c05t$350, ; they will be cornplet~ ed,and tested at next meeting: 6fyout:'!l30;mmittee', " IV.: Witht:efer,ence to,gran~_:m:lo.~,1l};_go\:,~wn1entto t'.?un~ie~ .l,i.aving houses of industry ,vewOT:lld rec()mmend thai the clerk make application f0f the, grant at once. ' 1~hat, the inspector be 'requested. t9, ,,,:isit.theiristjtutiontl~at: h;isr~~5)1~:~ .~'elldations be embodied in plans for rearrangemeM'&J1dcopstruct:iqn, of a''Ying on w~st side,of -tLe:institQ,tioll, t()',~~)a,i4!(bef9r~ t11eco,u,ncILat its January session, ,when' ,~lW-,pl}ysicia.n:',s, (~,e~~Hnnle\1(:Iati()l~ ,Joi O'thyf ,2.9,cQ11)'; mo'dationfor. children, a'nd tbe -complet~; separadori of '" th'e. sexes '\~ad" be, consideted.' , II. Since 'last session the plastering has been rtpaired and the house kals6mined thro~gl:Q,m., All of which is respecttully submitt,ed. }@HNANDREWS, Chairman. ,ri SECOND REPORT. . T~,'Hi,eEigili '(~oim'tf.c~uncil:" (GENTLEMEN,~The House of ,Industry Co'mniitke,' beg Je"aveto present their second report, as follows j L That two accounts amounting to $4i:.35 have' been:' pr'esented for damagesca"Jse~bt:tlle tealY1 from the house oiindustry running away on Talbot street inlhe city 6f St Thomas and would recommend that they be paid. All of which is respectfully suomitted. The'fuUgdverpmeIlt .grant'of' $fl-po(j"cannqt 'be ,~ecur~~d' 'yit,1wut ,ai~ additiona-Jexpenditu'redf $'2'oOO'j thiS s~lmwould covercosto.f -in)prO~,e- "x:nentnecessary. ,\ , , ' , , ", ,': --- ,'--- '",', ',: ,,',"" -'," V. We have, much. -pleasure intestifyingto'\t~le, ,succkss or..the i;n.-~titu- tion,a,nd would recommend that all counties to adopt a' simIlar' sys'iem ofcar'lngforthepoor'a,I1,d infirm\ ' J 6rIN' A,NDREWS}' Chairman. vi. > DUrlng:tlv~,year,the.keeper <iud matron,:have.di$charged' tl1~ir:' dlltiesinthe be!;.tinter~st of the COt1pty, and,to them,we ghre)he credit. for the successful. 'Yorkingofthe institution. " NOVE~nmR SESSION. ,! All of whicb is respectfully submitted. ~o.the,Elgin.qoun,ty Council: ',; , ;_,,"",!__".-' ".,1' :<,,1',,; ,j GENTLEMEN,~The Honse ('If report: , "j',,':;i,;', "'-",' 1',,;1 ',\''''':''-'-':'','' .-' :': ,---,.-:, ,': Il1dustl~Y Com'mittee be'gs leave .to' JOHN' AN1)llEWS,Cha:n~1an.: That!the,;:l~ep'orts:IQf, ;P,hy!;,1;9i;:tn;;fl:11,1:! IH,~-,P~s,t,(?r:; printed with theimimitesU ,f:,:'",' "J' -' :Y{ \ i,'-''':'; ""'-",,, ',," "," ' It ! .:Tl:1afL'the outLet:'for:til'e drainil-ge';thrQugh,: Mr.-.,~Luiton;::;;'farn~; has been 'completed at acosf-;61'$6o,;7:d:tO<lthe:.county,\ ! "We~_\~QulQ._,rpc,Q111n1,~'14_:'; that the warden be:: authorized to sign agreement with Mr: Luton for maintenance of same, ' ~ y""" ~ ;,...,'<io,:,~~~~ " br, ~d,9p,ted;al1d ,,'>:L '~.:1~!f~;;m;::i~nt';,iii~li~" '...-.....,. -, -'" EL6IN', CO~NTY COUN"CIL, PROCEEDINGS. 8J. 80 ELGIN 'COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. , ~ iJl!~ician'~:m fl)OCt. Ti?the Wardep and In,e~bers of the Elgin' Cou'nty Council: , GENTLENLEN,-.,--Inprf>senting this the fifteenth 'annual report of the Elgin House of Industry, I have to state that the year has been charact- eri.zed by a large 9.l1\ount 0f sitkpe.ss and deaths, ~Aside 'frori:1 ,the chronic diseasesq,lways 'present, fottymmates suffered more or less from La Grippe, eight children had chicken pox, one adult pneumopia, and MiFf Aldrit'; the keepers daughter was confi,ned to her bed for amontl). with Typhoid Fever. Miss Emily Pitt gave birth to twin girls in October. You willnQticethat alLw!1o-:died;exCel)t-nv6,were men in, advanced years; . The children of this" Instit:Ition in fny opirilOlf should be kept In s~p.arate apar~ments, and, not be'allm"ed as l10wwith the vicious, insane, and'idiotic. I have theh6nor to be"gentlelrte~,yo'ur' obe,d'ierlt'servant, L. 'L;UTON,"M.D. .1 St. Thom,as,.:Novembel' 17,1890 1 made one pvst mortem examination, and.,' Dr. Dui1combe one on body of-Fio,rence Pitt at the instance of Dr;W .E. Smith, coroner~ The mortality, toge~her with its causep, are fully set-forth in the fol- lowing ;tabularstatement-: NAl\'IE~ TpomasDougherty Thomas Fox Peter Cline- John McPherson George Hill Robert Montgomery Samuel Carruth Geo. Bain Huldah Loomis' Thoma'i McKinney 'William Paris John Hartsill, Florence Pltt AGE. 90 92 82 63 78 93 56 76 55 67 47 82 28 days CAUSE OF DEATH. 01d age: Old "ge. Bronchltis~ A!vcesses; Congo of Lnngs Old age. Consumption. Dropsy. Consumption. 'Liver Complaint. Epilepsy. .Cancer. Congo of Lungs ..:. I made eighty-nine visits to this institution during the year, pnt up 282 prescriptions; extracted teeth, lanced' abcesses, . asperated . a tU,mor, attended to two frac:nres-one of the neck of right scapula,' and the other \ lJothbones of the right leg In an aged person. ' \ ' ' ' . 82 "'.. ;',",_'.' A..I.- ':'.(1' >:.i," .. ,._'1..::,1('.. ,-"'.'H ~",' :j:.). .. ',:,". ,'';..''. ," ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEnIN"GS; 3Ell~tl"tdj)r'~ Jl&tllJJXt. To the County Council of the County of Elgin. , 6 .. ' H. .. 0~N.I}IfAIIfNI.T7~ltl'fpll,oWillg is my Rl'port onHo~se of.Indus~ry a~d ;,efug,t1:for,y'_~ar endlpg 31St OJ::~~be~,,,I890., ' .. Numbecoflnmates in ,House at last reporL..64 a a~,l}1i~.t-~d, ~ll~ipKtl?e year.............36J " born In house.....:.....;..".............. 2 " deaths.............. .................. .........'13 " bound.out.........................,...... 3 H dis~harged..... ....,. ..fI.....' ....., .....,'.. 9,1 " ~.bscQnded. ...'.... ........... ..'.............. ...13 H at Blind,-Institute..........,............ 2 " now in House.........................:.63 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. " ofjnmates 'sent'from the several muni~ cipaliti~s in 'the county tJuring the year: Aldborough..................4 Dunwich.................... .1 Southwold......... .......'7 Y J.nno.uth................. ....5 Malahide.....................7 Bayham..... ............ .,. ....3 South'Dorchester;..........3 . Vienna...,............... ,..niL SpringfIeld.... ............... I A,yln1er...;..... .'. ......... ".,.;;2 Port Stanley.... .'...... .'... nil The various calises of pauperism of inmates in House during t.he year may be c1assifiedas follows: Sickness...... ;'........ ...... 12 Destitution. ............. ....25 Intempei'ance.. ........... 6' Cripple.. ....................10 Old Age....:................. 8. Blind...................;.... 6 Insane" Idiotic, etc.~.;...I9 All other causes............I6 ( II'. \ l~~"""-"..,.O- ""~~""..";;;fi'~....""'''<'''~'-''Y" ~ "~-.,.~~"'.,.""=...:.~4" - ~,~-:' -,-,-,,-, ..~, .,-',,-.01'.__'c.-'~,,'-_'~_~ '1 ,ELGIN_, C0UNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS; 12. 13. 14 rs. r6. J7. A~erage number of inmates during the year..66 " with keppers family, etc., added......69 Number'of.weeks board ofinmates....;,...347I " keepers family, etc., added. .3639 Total expenditure during the, year.. .$4'; 449.84 Dednct permanentimprovements.$269 60 " receiv,edfrom, inmates.. ..,. .74'79 " ,. for stock sold...... 160 00 H " for wheat............ 1-34'n for sundries....... 58' 80 $697 96 18. Leaving amount actually Expended [\)1' support of illmates................................$3,866 88 19. 20. 21. ~~r<ige expenses per week for each 'perSOtf':r 0674'. "." --, ' , ""', year " '55 25 " ,,";( " with ,interest on 'total amount expended by i2.ounty'for _House of Industry', added.; .$67 08. 22. A ver8ge c'cst per !week per ,inmate during last ten Jear~..t,....~.................. ............$1 oS%' 23. Dietary: Meat 6 2. 5 ~z. daily Bread 11.7,10 " ave:r<l,ge per inmate.. ..... . "" '4. :lhe 3mount. expendedJor -l)ouse and farm'dur~ ing tht; )t:~'l.I:js divided_as,tql1ows: HlredLabor.....,.....:.,......,......$ 85 00 Farm ,imp1'etnentsan_Cie,~penses ' 23.~ 58 Farm sto(;k............'.'..,.;:~..,...... 233 00 Sratl,dnerYli ..... ...'....; .:,.'.,.:.'...;..... ,S, '85' Physician~;-salary;... ,.; ..,~-,;". ~ ._;_...., .' ..-.29.9,,00 -lnspe_cto.r~, {salary-... .....'.;,.,.,.,'. ...;. ..::,')\ ;rs~ .'00 "'1 Prugs)m.rgical applianq~~",et~..:b~'di56 ;05 Ke;t';pe,~,~,11~k~at:rons s:t~ai:Y";\"":T 550 po J Provisions""......;............~..... 249' 68 Mea!.................'................. 465 34 ~~~~~I ~~iIilj! ". .' _r<_' . ... rerr, .r r ,,, ~""""-""-""-"" .. .... .. ..... ... ...... ....- -....... -'----...,',"--."..,..... ,I" , -- ,.- .. -c';':';; 84 El.GIN. cou~i1:'y CODNer'L PROCEEDlNCS. I Bre::tdi....,:;...>...'...;....;'..;. Groceries.'.. '!""~ ..,.. ','...;., Dry goods.......,.........;.-..."... Boofs: arid shoes.~ ,...... ......-,. ..:, H~rd ware and : fur'lishings... ;->. W(lod;;............,........\';.';....~.-;.......... Fmnitu're: and. coffins:.;'.......... Pe'nnar.ent.. improvements..... ... Incidental expense::............... Conveyance of inmates....."..... Tot,J..................'.4.4.49. ,84 421 67 270 63 3'2 73 ;107 13 69 72 383 30 72 00 269 60 3'4 H IT 7 25 Dllring the year seven children have atterlded 5choo1:870 d~t\'s :()r 4,3l !TIon~h~ '."nich, ~t 75 c~. per D1onthmakesamount due school'section 14, Sonthwold....,. :.." '.' ...,'... ......... .$32.62_ ~ - ...' The followillg.' produce was r~ised:. ,~h,'falm durtng the year: 25. 26. l . . . . I5'i~011S 'hay ,vaJued',a'fS7 .00':"'1'''1 1..1 Loads straw ,," 2.00......... I 30 Bushel oats " 25.. I.5,J,pads'cornstalk~ l' 2.00.....,;..., 800 Bushels; M8ngolds" 10......... 300 ,; Turnips ,. I'O;,..~..... SO " Beets ." 15......... 1100" Field: carrots 15'.;..;.'.:. 150 ,. 'I'ablecarrots; 1'5....;..'.:: 3'0. it P<lrsnips at 2'0.!..,.... ISO H Potatoes" JO.~.'..,..~.. 40 H Onions .", 60;;........ .14,9 "Wheat '.'. 90,.i.....:, 70'd,"Heads cabl:>age f" '03.,;,',:,,, Sls:'pounds buttl!r, H,,', 20.':.i;.iH. 1:~f:l3arrels soap' i". '3.'00......."...; Jars of frtiit ',H io,.;'. $105. 2'8 32 30 ,80 00 00 00 06 00 30 :>0 ]2 00 16~ 00 22 50' 6 00 75 00 24 00 '34 77 21 00 '175 00 36 00 12 ~o , ." .'.4 t ,.-r., .1 I , ,..,.;,...."..' ....'."(..',. .'.:', ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCE,EDINGS. 85 I B~rrel. ,Pickles....... ....... .... ....:. ~... I 2 I~Jat. pIgs.. .'. ,............................ .. 3 00 100 00 Total... ...........$II61 47 27. i Number of a"rticIes of beqding, clothiqg,etc., lUa,de up duri'ng the year oy matron and in- 111ates...'.......................................... "385- 28. TI1e furniture, provlslODS, etc., on hand November, are valued as follows: Wood......... ................ ....... ..... ..$ 105 Groceries..,............ ....:~........ ..-;'...... 40 Fann;wdgarden !Jroduee............ 526 'Farrll tJtock.......... ....'. .'.... .......... ..... 532 Farm implements.;...................... 340 Dry gOOds................................. 64 Clothing......... :.~........ .;....... ..... 150 Stoves,' ta,bles, e:c..:................ ...".. 200 Bedsandbe'ddilig.~........:... ......." 420 Crockery..... .... ....... ,.. ..... ...... ... ..'... 70 Tin\vare.......... '.' .............. ........... 15 Barrds,tubs, etc........................ 44 Books and stationerv.......'...;.:......... 6 Dental forceps; and" svr'ing-es......... 10 Medicine case and secretary.......... 20 ISt 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $2542 00' 29, The total amnnnt expf'rded 'hv Coun'ty' for House of Indnstry, etc., is as follows : , . . .' $ , Farrn of 511,arr0s. cnst................ 3000 00 Houseot Industry..................... .7336 .,6 Cottages....~.....;...;................... 1269 83 Ra:rns~'wood'shed;.etc;;.;;.;...'.'..... 1350 84 I'. , . ._. Tlle drains' 92I rods................,., 403 92 r I:; I ,c. 86 I '<. ELGIN COUNTY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tile drains outlet Jb5~S rods....:;2 Fencing' 560 rods... ,"'.. .~............ " ()rchard.., ~... ",...'........ ..';., ;c;';....... ;:.- All of"whichis re"spectfully submitted. 60 70 612 00 85 84 $I4II9 69 ('" K.)V. 'McKAY, Inspector. November ,17,'ISQO. J " ~ /" "" / /"'1 '.,~i i I I f. , 'f